121 lii=M ES „.”- i _ , 4) 1.1 VIALS' ci 4 4001114 k it)gritit iS .P.ZULZLLI as ......-- - * - C -. . nrAYER'S PILLS-Are you Slc t ik ol _--....-___ • feeble and conaßletnitli e A a r e o r t aa aa e l l a , TUESDA I ` 1 ,Di a 20, 1886, tohegleith your system amauger an a y ha, , a r„.... r ' l Th " Perlli " uf t stekt eas Is Inds lo eeriest* ilness. M Tun pirtent 'tikes mezETT I° gg' remedy. mcf -p ty e . _._ .zi k-- -_I 7OE N--,. .r m -. stray ziet , lay rri To a. and oho ol d el a be ha. a a ve re rtf . d . ~, , th er lit sla n it ahe i pleats,. out t e dlsordere mood. and Ire da. "a 'si d ' ' 1:17 t ‘ l . , n t. ;e 7b lVaTs "e f d ttre 1 heall it 111.4. T o e t er a A,: r gy, purity the e system " from the Oi l li%Vitetro ' s ' which mete diseas e A coht pot- R. I ties somewhere an the body, anal deranges its natur -1 tunctionc. Thesoo,if not eel ewed. react npon thetateives and the faro., lbw organs, prodneing M. value, 4.l..lertn g end derangement. tl7ll ".. to . this coedit/ma. tyke Ayer ride. midst, how dirt I:,'ir,ql;7.lboe r. n .T74. ° ll ' . `u''' '?f% ~, r ,,,,„-• What In tru a std so apparcut In t h is trial aa o o,mlllo/1 complaitat Is nieo true In many of the seated •D 4/ dengeronit distemper. The ume ~,atti e egret txpels them. Cae natural ath ohilriletlatil• and derangetnent of tin, inac tion. of the hod?, they are rawly and many of theta surety' .ore& by the elan, bean.. Roue who gunw the virtue of the ft Pills will neglect to employ them when suffering nom the disorders they race. such. Headache, Foul Stomach, Dysentery, Iln- Itzer,ome.a.tats, ,In..tlgett,!eniipliergemeat of tbe / Rheumatism. rttnropiy. Wo.rmaln:. Builp'preZlort',., when taken In large dotes. I➢hey are Boger ( totted , o that the most , 1 a can take them easily. and . they are surely MT' t ' w " Ct purgatire medicine re; discovered. ATElvt{ AGUE CLIIE, For the soeedy core of intermittent Fever, ne Fe,r ot.o4l4tteett s =. l .kaar m ettli Fever, Durnd.lgnr, how M e e.. isolsolft;r ". hte A:fa et4:7;ht1.1.-',...L'011e.t. ( gloating in binary thoungenteur rowed tdilhe lie. tarns of entetemette m e .. Tata remedy /tea rattly Paled to cure the 5c.,.•.t meeker Olthie and Fever. and it has tide gnat ad ...stale Orel' other Ague medicines, that it subdues the compliant without Inint7 to the patient. It , °att./Ms no quinine *rather deleterlOPewthatallm•4 nor 4 001 11 Prehene qulrdsto or any tuntriou• ede e t I whatever Shaking brothers of the army .4.1.1 tar 'l4' r. ' g 173 ! o' . w A H l l 4fl d .;TlO t . h :t . 0. ‘ .17,7 1 4t ' it ' ;:. , and 5 0111 by .A. f AHIVESTOOK` o SON &. 0 , st. by all Druggists. lobo zeta 2 n /.. r4rIOXTDJOEVic. WS TURKISH JANDOLENIAN MAIR TUNIC.. THE DICIOMMNI3 AND RESTORER OF THE ACE TURKISH BANDoLENIA . firTnorYlT's Tuntogit Ranton.g.lAj. Whet ran be more seteptabie that anything that will beautify e that will restore tulture's decay by stoop' erg the hair from haling oat, restoring Its astral color, making Itit to grow In lesurtanceand tweet , assist In putting up Weordlnir to the present Itty e and &shim, and trey It in place? Th is Berme:wit • Tartish Ilandok. 94,176 Rear ranee w t ell an it.or proof we ref, you to any person who h a.. eg It Is acknowledged to be the teantleer of the age • the only Pair Tonic rand ISt store, worthi. of the mune. In Turkel'. in hTsi' gl2igi:"sll'k=l!'ll-Ts'lP-o".nobri-ree7l '; a ec pito ul t ra Hair Preparatiot.. Rentembsr It I. Dee fro all ot rertaide nobens that are rontalned In most Hair Colors .11 I sings. It Is the 1 ~e many gown.% and IverZ get put 'l' nyi7 a 7, orlo:tient to the toilet- For tale by ail DruititrapatnnTholeaale. )3 L. FAHNESTUCK & CO. Prtnetpa Depot tar OnitetlitsititriT! a& 6. we, ____Phll4 ph li._ . No. CS Market CU ., w ' Aele.,tnieod&irT I From the Country Gentleman. I 1 igr - PITTSIIIIRGH 8.4.1 FF WOHAtili stem' wool-tame - toe be A b its the Northern Annie.? HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. TAI.. It e pertinent question at the present ; KANtreACrelitlark or time, oral „,,, that our t.arna Government ' PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, eon hn aster. It remit Ina to be aeon st Nether e arl ka.T y. SJ , /i.2. , 1_,.. ,5.,/ W,Liii.ogf.ezpAetca,; the pr•sent 1 nal /' to but one the settled poi- ' vari;..tles. Icy of the cue itry, ruhmus and destruotive an Its try kcee. g , : i f "...1 1gr: ° 1 1 ,1 1 :,,1 N E . ! , , ,,,1V A ° 1 1 „ 13 1 I tills 1” the wool growing Interest, though high IteiVlNil lINIYkS, &. protect' vt4ond remunerative to most other W- Warehouse. and Works, corner Wayne and Interests which need the fostering care of 1.4. Snorer Smarts. Pittsburgh. Lionel Legislation It la to be hOpod, or shOuld / ~P d . .1. ,1 . P., sliention esia tore-toothy eg. keetMing it d -ra.ghtenlng areeler haws; also, 0.n. 0 . of ao be by every true and Icei al patriOt m thew, • In a Punching and Drilling done at reasonable by national Indebtedness and high tare- , ;,,,, so= 1 y Lion, that the question Of n protective tariff . ' - Lolitwill not unix, peCome a party question in LAKE SUPERIOR iert The question of o srotection to home , er i r ea ol' e tTe de d m ay- e , oer Pro d ucts. m ug in ast trn te al ' COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS taxation cannot be borne. The Makin o f woolen goods is sufficiently protected b g ut not , PITTTSBU ROIL so with the growing Of the raw material. CO. .it wills andobtedly the design In giving this ' PARR , BIeCIFILDY 8c governmental aid to the manufacturer, to en- id anufwturers of SILEATHING, BRAM 6 ItS• AND able DIM to work Ainerican wool at retnune, Lit BOLT eoPP, Pggs.smi coppgit ingrron t ,, alive prices to the producer. But thus far RAISED STILL 130 TDJ6123, SFELTER SuLD ell al dealers In METAL., TIN 11120113 not the effect When gold went up to Nlt i ..l„ M t'ilrA. tr Wiper cent. and over, he wan compelled by elan ' d, Tits NERS' 4112till.VISES ltd`,lila'VTT.! the rare oiencbange to purchase home growing house. N., 146 Fier, and 12u secovo tirnscrs, pi ... - wool itt barely living prices to the grower, burgh. lipecial orders of Copper cut to any .41,1r0l tkougt at no time within the last tiro years eerier. n , : - .lydapT _ has thefarmer realized so much for Ms wool an a golf basks as be did previous to that time, ' 12r . WM. RAHN I/ILL At CO., end now since gold has fallen below taper cent., (staying down with it foreign exchange, ' Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers. the man tracturer bag sought and found other gelds from which to soppily _his wants, at ,: Noe. 20. 22. 24 and 20 Penn street. va stly lespOstslbly, s writes than the American grower , DlVllif secured a large Mot, and furnished It wile 9 supply then,. This is the lan of the !nest appeared Machinery, we are pce , itarad to tDide, just that might be expekted from all ' mu.. .nut.. every deeeri P e lea et B°l ' . I. th e and every one-to buy in the cheapest I W"or,.,,."ZraretrgYinfteVMVlrgraW market turd tell in the dcareat. Government % " 11Alll . PIP .r . I,oth/dolly BolLltes, e 0. 5 .,: has furnished him the bee mortar in the world ; LighSEILP, BALT PA-P.S, liN Ks, ull., STILLS, right et his Oast 4100 r, ft Aome market to sell ht. At.ITATOIbi, SETTLIAt s PANS, BOILER IRON. Of Chia we do ant complain ; it Is es tt, should Illti DU ES,SeIiAJI PAN B and sole manntasturers be; but us doe omplain that while tae matt. done a ß a t a llb th n a l a l./ caa,, O3 P t a it.T at E k o a T BOLL_ HilLS_. iteeiltirtort Ufacturer Is that. protected from all foreign competlttra in the kinds of goods ho makes, i far-JOHN COCHRAN & ORO that the w 00l grower should he left to COM. , ins with a lorelgn paluction, wherq lande VAULT DS, Tell IZI,U VAULT) iiiV and labor aro beyond all comparison lets titan i etillrrEitS, Wt. Doty . (WARDS, sc. Nos. al here, where winter forage for sheep If not I SEPUND 1141 d MI THIRD STREET. between W,C WeritlirMi, ant, where n shepherd and his dog . acid Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, Can protect Qui care for flecks of thOusands ; Wiry I.n a d r &le ata , r in saultaabuleat.orair all d i ta nier a g , r ia s.. taa th.are in number, hewing fleeces as fine If not liner ,%r -in quality- at any we producat at lititue, and i ' ^ " . Ju-bbth ii ' la " `" l '_ . _ ur _ t u e u "' sod at prieeS meek/iron:ilk to t{ cents per pound t--„lrr HOBRITSON. REA & CO., (Stec- And why eholld lc e not cornplanal T he, the ---- C 911.01. to ftesursox. Alone a Ati traits, wool growers, see large consumers of Ameri- vo d WAsH itg ` P t i,Y4OMP,• ! ,„ b. can woolen gorge; we are the customers erthe ' manufacturer, laid while we porob ooo and matteiZtoTe ' r; & of RI AT " AN/1 1 oT ./ I. ITi. tee wear his cloth nade from this foreign wool , STEAM ENUIN CS, BLAST Eh i. EN k-o MILL hiA our own cfpB art laying on oar hoods. sad CHI VERY ", tiltAlutiii..SHAFTl.Nts, kASTINI•O of West Mt . hero Ibleae we gutonit to sales et 'MI dearrip/101, OIL T 4.NRS and OT/LIo. Stull.k.o rtil.tops micas, µintruded by these lowitriced AND SilEhr /MIN WORK. foreign %male, ley:tame, Nets, Neetirat, CapeCDFAktuta fortilEFAltli'd PATENT 11,J Err..lt, or reta in buil.r. and Anstrul tan wools. --,-- These wools It quality as line as our old Sax- aar TO ItiERVOUS SEFFEHEIRS, ony mill Tull halted Merino, colt on anavorage ; OF Mint SEXIO - A relented rtntlenlllll. about 21 Lea. pd' pOOOll at the part of expo, baying beeu reatoo .1 to beolth In a few days, ILIU.g tattoo, atte,y L duty of three canto per pound undergoing the usual routine mad II regular expenah WRtin Loa g" got over 12 cents, arid 6 Conte ' mule of treatment. olthout !Melt.. co:odder« It hi. when coati/stirs& 12 to St rents per pound; •ulu ' o ,.. d r d:t io r U",, o 'u o ul oo . . u o u r ku o ,,, w ro .'iL d o ",: . 4l :",74. t re a i t ',.. , ,7, - , JD cents, WM tett per cunt. ad valorntn, when f o . oo 0 00 ro , o ,„1 ~„,„_;„,„,.. a, will g o o,L n . f ra , a aaaa 006111tR 21 rC 22 • Par per pound; and over 62 of the prescription used. cents, it ocits per pound, end ten per cent. Direct to lir. JOHN M. Dm, NA 1 0 Ist Fulton advalorum. ilut little of the two latter sorts street, N Y mhlthrd&orT la Imported, aline enormous quantities of the two fanner ate constantly landing in our SENT FUE.E.-A Patelphlet immense Er o f to the old and cities, as - Is slava by our custom house entries .. 1 led - 00 0 ,00010, o f bath. tta , a „, at At onesingis part durhtg the last half of DrA r es tTree ' by dllacgsing, with stamp enc/cated, Me there average IMeled Over 1000,000pOun&S, pay- Agents, A. 11E11DRICh & (JO„ Box 72, Boston leg en fluty of land SU* cents per Posit/2e, mrahlydgew pound , and the eztruordinary conount of 60 poendsthat paid 10 cents per ponnd duty. In IRI"' THE B RID eit, cittintßEH; . AY OF WARNE'. 0 AND IN- lIIE addittot to all this, ther6 ofas during the „., ,uorvitl FOR YOUNG IIEN. Also, ne and whole Vox IND, ROW 6000,000 pounds Or wool e,,: i tab, ,t,,,i, f lo s pri ary and tleguall4steln from Ca tithallaha, ried Hit° UNA 001 / 1 111 7 1 4 free kddress Dr. .1. LIKIJ.LEN "HOUGHTON, linear from air dot.) wrintever, under the so-called Aseociation. Plitiadeloblw Pa an lily reclprocty treaty; a , OCIPrOCitr all on one side ___ _ _ _ _ and seens o bone to be abrogated and forever , - simian urn•inrii. etsdiShed ......".' NOW, In II candor and sincerity, we ask of 1 - our tioVeitment, are these things right 7 If pITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS home laborleservel any protection inndjust- k ing a tarillef dirties we ask that farming la bor sielliki e put upon an equality with man nfactUrteg bor. theorists as umen,l t set mere, Vrepoow a ti tnel yg r o. "3 l .ll :: i t' o t i r jr , au ra : l. :l , 030ketthb01111 TO JONES. BOYD A eti..) ehotid n u ot Leon e bor°u the other ? Tit there jognooorro la g= dd le_ I alarinbeturen of Lb hest relined east Steil, litquvs, iris too evidtt, toneed demonstration. The Plat aim tzistl 3 a, of all suss, Saw Plata, doe, For t Cwt kneel for UMO inter Will Ot far back, that the price of . ''''' Sheet '" ".4. two and a Wined pounds of wool would pur- .„„,.. - chase otthe miler one yard of good =all- , neat-INV AND MOWING MACIIINES; mere or doesktteloth; now It requires flee pounds tom allet° same purthatte. Stich are ~,,,___ the workings of le present tariff, which offru- Idly working tlurnin and annihilation all northern flocks. It/mullet be deled that we wool-growers are tiger Onnelilly tyl a y a l a taxa . ararat „ do. scriptten -- town. egnty, est ate and National, on our stheep, on lads that iced these sheep, and ou the .thq../110 ikenever we sell wool or atteeP. even low as to prlcete now are-more per proud Oatur col than the foreign wool pays under to preset tariff arrangem eat. the blighting', witherint influence of whlah its WI- Um' so t bard oldOpO.Northern Industry. We ...metre ia s ratuire but , a few years to prodnee of and ever'.Und of wool needed by the .machinery of le c o mittrY, (except the very cOarae. reng fairya Mode for carpets and other coarse if a permanent, re liable /Ltd encouragi rang would be given us, so rapid is the in tor sheep; but while we see all a round use °oleo mills working ferelga, other s half tohree fourths, . we are disheartened, knowing as we do that these wools; are owed for the cto and o a,„ ~,,..___ that they are bought fa a ataa h. t ato - 7Q. than we can 1101101bly Dodoes like gnaaties, and are compelled to abandon dout that we must the business utqsa reli e f , c 9 b . ... tended. • •• We are not a clime continnity.but scattered and Isolated, of oomptrarvely limited Means; though large In numbenteet small in influ ence; net acting in Cancel, or combination, we bat limited opertrusity 14 grace tor Ir protection with L. 9 more combined and powerful influences wsided by the man ufacturers:Yet, we believe irmakeing Our con dition known to the GoVerlitnt, wren_ in our own ramble . and unpreten g mem o, that We shall gain a bearing, arid attain that Jan thee and equity to which we lao7ll we sic so justly entitled, We ask of grub no more than no eynai protection with the man ufacturer. This we have never had except to two instance, In the old tarp of Ifetii, which five years later was absorbeatry tne slidhm scale compromise, anal the freetratie revenue tariff of 1810, both of which give us by far better preteens:re from forelui competition than the present or any Interposing tariff. We do not know what the trot ers of the country, In the aggregal, woul d ask could they all be Illea_rd by nitro( memorial and petition to the uovernment hat we nt the North, I think,Would be [eternity satin - fled try revlstng the present rats confining . the 3 woo l s!r pound duty to the 'dna, coarse, ndirw and to none others; ,nolisisine In to tile 6 cent fluty, Placing LU mots , dt 1,,,, at the port of exportation not &tete 24 cents per pound, at. /0 cents per Po n i t and leper • cent. ad Doevm, all costing able Is non " per pound b port, at 12 cents per pound and 12 der cent. ad valorem. rhea* WO I reward 99 LI% extravagant rates even ou a i d basis, end Oa lbw as mtn sustain growing interest of the contry In a the wool I pespero nn , I condition. it is apparent to every obsereng and reflecting mind that all our surrouniings are entirely different from what they m e have been with In the history of this coultry pre vletta to D 22. Though th e pnces of every ne cessity of life are not quite as high as two and three years ago yet they .ate far ainve Use range of years before the war, except the one article of wool, which is at the preterit time only four fifths of Its value of those soar. gold, while most other conamodin es a re Lproportionally very much higher, will fitin air doubled and taxes more than oundrn. pled. Wool at this time is the lowest In price, 1 and the most unremmtertive of all asiricul- twat or olu ts, andA so e he reason i s ob , ~,,,, we have no foreign maikket, as there Is for our wheat, corn, dairy, lam etc., and by thy) worg. mg of the tariff we are driven out of our own markets, tualess we submit to ruluoue siert- I flees by the influx et /OW juiced forei gn owl .. it woo fornierly,Vely untenable with the freetradern to preach against protection, be. cause it would oppress the labor and deprive him of the comforts of life. But kow, futile would such an argument be at the present time with gmeernmental bounty open to him o fferhur hints _ farm'of Ito"sores by paying the struel pittanoe of ten dollars for the surveying. Gan any man of common sense holleTC that the laborer wllletandl elimination and Icor Vil" gas sadexthisalinuesmetanceei There na- titre upon earth -no land that the.s ince un ever shown npon-where labor Is so well paid as here, as ever Will be so lone as wo peewees this :nan public domain., , it 4 4 ,, jur i nsupto labor that, treiddl'altrayerecelve a generous tiom, Xprotectles tear eon pro i'e''.7l=aaa welt as the. molest... Mat employs It 4,.: w• Compete. 81,4,0"; re.,.peo. ..... R. M. ALLEN, New (:11.4/... Pa. MC. lisLer. Penna. Railroad. • Ma. RILIYT, Pltrgh. Columbus & Cbtrintl4lll. K. GLANDANNiN.S. Steubent the, Ohio. F. P. ST. CLAIM, Wallahllrgh, West. V. THOa, R/PPTIOA.N. 1.11 City. Pa. J.elt‘ LINVENHRINE., Rochester, l'a. In nut r. & Piny, Well., liteourilt CLtt Aa, Ferry. " W. SMTI7.IIA, Allegheny Valley itallrnati. W. W AYn , hionongabela Gioua..„ Plll•barga. H. littacltsraV. WAAbington. Pa. IKA Ar TREArterY, Salem. 0510. T. C. ALLEN, Colunthlatta, Ohio. I). H. 111E/tTLV, Milan..., (min. If. HEINEMAN, Rutter, Pa. R. J. Ptrilch, Darner, Pa. JOHN AIITETtu, Greensburg. P. PreSTRARTRit, Ka L et pab. a tt ne . Obto. J. alita/e. Freepart, Pa. Jas. Alleghre, City. It. M. ALLEN, Sharon, Pa. • H. 111 'W1t.t.faxis, illehteralv. Pa. ...Intranet.. k Sistutertis. Drowneville. Pa. . 1 . H. Kr AN F. Bre Pa. C. I pW LueLinA, P . F . .A t. lialiroad. P. Lotoitis, Cleveland k Plitaburgh Taloa. L.Pra.ita..., , . ' , Troia , Pa. J. FaTI - iNtign. Altoona. Pa. Thu, TAATE Johnxbrun t . P.. H. Itaarltri, Sbarribura., Pa. M. A. TOWNAYND, New Brighton, P. IV. Ugall,Cannellarille. Pa. , Miter. SHIPMAN, WOeda Ran. Pa. Cur,. SOWL-Ell, Blairsville, Pa. 150. AYE'S:SON, Irwin Steal.. I. lint. sAtun Hoax. Tantalum, S. 6/1"41.021. Soiritkley, Pa, Sonetana YnT, t'Alifornia., PA P. licTrittaos. Kittanning, Pa. Sr. G. 1:4011Ab, Nianarleld, Pa Ilecnit HALL. Indiana, Pt. A. Sr. Toasts, Port Perry. ISt. J. C. STEN'AItb, Verner Station. Pa. CitAseruan, Darlington, in, Capt. JOHN 11AN. ilayavllle. P.. D. W. Satrill, I.arlmer Slatlon. Pa. B. Sr. Baggage Matter, Pa. N. It. ants. RETNOLba. ' , awl . ..nets-file. Pa. H. lIICAKI.n, Bag. Malt. Walli/111e A CCAnn J.O. T. WILAON, Torrence Station. Pa. J. E. STICILLEIL Jarolre l'reek, Pa. Ran, Lockport, Pa. B. (lantana. Knott Taller. Pa. B. hfin'rtat.t., White Ash. Pa. • L 1 ANL/OEI4ON, COON At CO., HEAVY ORDNANCE, . SWEET PLOW „mos Neknius LEs, ' a:,iw1,14 KITDa Or HICAVY OA3l7Nun. I Nl . uou n l i klimll . LL Wukta • CULCULAfin, ea.. “L ' X ' Ni. ' A ST .42711Ve . REPAIRS attended to promPtlY• ../ . 11 1 , e t rilofit , mAlte . he ; tooserials will always e CO.; and Combo]] Plough and taprlng Stool, Attention a n d calla to our NEW FLY WHEEI PATTERN lucreasod facilities for fitting up IR titilce—Gorner of Pint and Rose streetsh too Worts above the Monongshela Hon __ . _ . oat:lyd _ . w it. si'liZE .. ..... JOIINIAI.I..iN VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ffma BLACK DLCISIOND etwizrzsma vvrcomcilEs, PI7T36IITIGH, PA PARK, RROTIIER dr Co., blanuracturers of klatittfactures a great ritriety of COOK. PARLOR. : thi HEATING STOVES, among which are the eel. BEST QUALITY REPINED CART STEEL. :tirated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking 4, v.; al.. the Autocrat and Sentinel, for coal or Square, Plat nog Octagon, of all aleed. Warrantee , 8 ' . ... .... ~ _ . , equal to any Imported or manufactured In this noun- e "..u.... l". ...v."" ~,.. . rh o E mpire, ... try. , Wood; also. Arches. Grates, Fenders, Sugar Kettles. 2,,igr,. " d „r=ro,lt 2:rd 151r E gtt,4” ' I tog Irons and liollow Ware generally. mhB . . __ _ _ OW. nr.n.xa_ _..... ow.. D. iiii.iw - .1 7.11011.111111 . A ' '"'W.AT.. • —.W. V.WWWWW 4 ' 8. 6WADLWT l i t BELLE .STEIn. VVOIIILS. , NTNA STOVE WORr. ' 713113-EmalL at CIC:P. A. BRADLEY & CO, Ranufacturers of CANT STEEL; SPRING, PLOW .1 Barn STEEL; SPRINCIts, AXLES, CROW Manufectere every ninety of H mrlyt - e. No NI WATER STREET (pp ital 4. ' Pluaburgt, P. . , n 2 , COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES 6. A.mougwh_ .Ich are th e celebrated EUREKA.. TROPIC and TALMMAN Wool ritornsl POSIANA, VET ERAN and LRO.NbLDES (Wood Cook stores.) Also manufacture [ - MATES, GRATE [MONTS, Am. Office and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second Street. _ a4flyM I - • _ pENN PAINTERS annul, r. otro.i sows L• 211 L LONG &t. -SIGN ARTISTS AND 1101.1 SE PAINT/RS. 80 SAIITIDTBI.D Bt., PITTSBURGH. Lettering of all [lnds agonised promptly and in unsurpassed elegance. Butitlful Show - Cards on enameled raper ol alt colors,' and Gilt Signs on AWN mods to order and ..1 to parts or the =nary. Pictorial Designs situated In • highly antstis manner. House Painting done with a regitrd to durability harmony of color, and neatness of anish. Q All work at reasonable rates. Inksity WILLIAM 11. (Late of the Sim of Stings t Morrow, 110DBIC AND SION.PAINTZII, North Mut ember of Third and Market Streets I= F:t=n-wT:I HATS! HAM! SPRING STYLES. . Me.ACC0.14.13 131 WOOD STREET, li MLttertra"D D lVAY•Bilalf3llTONS, ISAltekawAH, DEIWYIi. DASHERS. RE80417.. , Rii.M.etastaaarhapTr. AsIitONABIAL All the Latest Styles to Great Variety F_MU_K _p.ME:miumbm3. fain3LA — t'iL , Hereon band a Larce Assertmasit of agownio WACMR/SA HORAS STRAW OUTTARA NO 4NDZS AND ie., *mighty • ABIDIOnnorTs. pITTSBURGH THEATRE. L 1.6151“ AND M.I.NAGESt _WU HEN DERSON ti Leon, nt,lll Otl w Alsncel•lo-I Tragic Actretn. 3ECherzur...9. Who will appear In Ir,r(Xtrlillog peenonatlon Tiff tructdayi, E%EI INbo, nhakapesre's great ragody, fiTO ants, of , O 'JD M La ; Or. The Moor of Venice. Ingo nom* 'Waller. With n complete clog. To other play Ills evenlng. • Matinee Saturant- A nernoon . OPERA 'MOUSE. • Liome ANL MA N1.0.L1( ..r4 Entrda:. Fon ni•ent h olghl and tmmen ih •tccese of THE MAGNIFICENT HELEN WESTERN. Who will appear In Seven Characters. Songs and TUESAY EVEIVIIVtI March 20th L. will be pre geb D tell the 14 . 2.4(1(01 ploy of the SPY OF ST. MARC; Or, The Actress of Padua. .. ........ . . Hit I. RN WF-STI:Mg To coneltok with I he Romantic Drama of Sa,t4tii ill 1--"Euriesi. HFLEN NV FT, , I ERN 1N SI CHA RA CTERS In Itelimarmal. OLI T'ER TWIST AT MASONIC Pr" "VW X FABIAN & BRUCE'S O.IOOIL.LOS‘EA.EL.X. CNI-IN.T, Nenantlon E.ntertalument, Nenantion Entertainment Fenton n , e.l by null and the public, — the Great I.egftlmate 21110 3 genuine Girt Organisation that ha_ evil appeared In tin. United States. f'rowded and dpilited rilidlegees Lace nightly greeted tlhoe e y traord nary tart E ntertatnnienta'• In the prinni. Dal Otte.. Cr the 1.7 tilUla for the plot three years. N'ALIELT...BI%7 sib $3.171.17,1:721. The GIFT GEltttE,, THE do norheal t at e to GgAttAtryEk the most torfett and eotttplete I lentetlon to all thelr_patrona. ‘4 The l • hleago Dan:, Tribune aaya or 11. that `Ore keen all tin• promises node to the public, and to-011 to the letter neery portlOn of oar hill. •• The manure, of thin rentarktably 4 ticeessfill and popular I.l't trstanlot lon take pleasure In annonne lfitil.ntitc'An,±l.it T;tr.7...rztia,,,engagemetzt with the . 11— ALIEtIA,N, Ti.. °.•k"°'o%,-.",'„°,11.,1?:,17-00,1,r w°°4"- ENCHANTROMUN D 1 ;:f..`„ he -.i.'", .',2l.;Tr'',.auTiaNK't,r3ij'l',l7PV/111""h With I THE SPHYNX ! , AJRGE SALE OF LIQUORS, ORO , --i CEIL/ES4NI?„IVARICHIME,.IN ibI.A.BICINI/, THE SPHYN X 1 ii i t t i litit.u:trt 'e nt.2 - at st 4 t ° s It e rt h ' l 4 l4k W-E tv, ill l IL IDA II . I the Warehome and entire stock of LLquo , irO ' C ' . Ai, Nin sic , ii i, e , Eu st i 1 i rise, kr., of /Athens. Danner it Co., NO . . ° 24 Dis k a , 14 4ni x omprtsInE 15 tit . ojit:7l4 o linty, 1 bbl,,. Pii•lttat.ly for right days only, con-met/atria ~.f,k , i) . 7„,„:,111:. ,Thicb., Inc, w Atj'golls.°ol7l,rv? Friday Everting, 'larch Itl, 1566. Inc, . 1.1.0 galls. prune brandy. 500 galls. therry and Modeira wat, AO galls. tweet Molaga wino IS bra nd .1.040 3.14C1 , ketv • champagne, 5 tubs ,an wine, 15 standing Useful and Elaborate Presents GIVEN casks, I *et rectifying I large copper pomp, AWAY Every Night without R. ev e , . . large lo""e p om p Mtn , =WO clitors of various I hau 37 boxes orioles Limburg cheese, 10 bogs E'ABIAN AND BRUCE, ; prim es , itt/ coffee IA bble. choice Mar, SOO lbs. choler green anti black Leo 5 PHs. sorghum. 100 Able. alder 11 , 6111 Antorrata of the World. perform all they ti !prime article, I Tho blue. It. 9 dor. brooms, to. ads mil*, and parr away rsery evening thd whole 01 , gether ffith a torte lot of liquors In bp. tics fruits the to' preterits advcrlientl on their tillia. and chid- I mol spires, with many articles belonging . to the d o Out one for 0401 to prat, that rarrything is not Illuo i r:liii.gTocc2 , buslnem ho, the building of done to the letter. TM li 1-.:1, liNi 1.1" ..::: CESTb-Itescried went,, . =n ' t, I:Beg:mous:Ad eFinlog co rtrt hi n g00:44 .4=l: c• It So half tole,. I storeroom, AIM several met ar second steer, with I Poor. open 31'7 o'cloet -to rottirnence at 11 o'clock 1 hot land cold water bath-room. &c. Thp buildlug prralselr. . bag a front of A. 4 feet on Dlatnood, ivlining bock DO ;noble Matinee W EliN FS MA 'V and WATI'II.- ' Itrk t .!" . I FTEItNiN)NS at a „ 'cl ' iiet. when ' children ' fret, 4"h fleas,, 44" April lot, 01" ghalir'Pd rebt t9a a year. Also, in tear of Hahn A die s, a ill he 9111,121H1 for 1: CV nt, and a stable. cartuage home, harness noun. &C.; lease EN - Cry Child W ill Deceive a Pleesioult. el years: annual ground rent, An, This la the most IletnendoT hott the Managers and latrectorsof Fs. desirable business stand in Allegheny. Terms on bla it a itruee• a I,l ga/ill,. 4,10 airaniation Entertain- 1 property, oue.thlrd cash: golancs In land 2 'earl. Inv... offer a I 4.1 n stock or goods, all rums undo:11100, cash: over REWARD OF 16:400 lin, four mouths, wi th nP_Att"cd_P_tPot, Th any iirraon who will toting thr slightest part tele ', mho T. A. MCCLELLAND, Mitt, or proof that ~,dry an lele I. not sit en away a. ad- i ---,--------------------- ------ .S T CH ARLES FTEINITIUME. EAR. 11,1.41. Tleket, 4111 he for wale at Ho ff man. Hoene i ..o.•• , L PETS, BEDDIN_ ,t 1 &c., AT AUCTIO-Coln- Siege ..,..r... and .fnlin P. Hunt .1; I ..... hook gore. I menclng on WEDNS.:SDAVIILIRNIND, Much :Ist, A.. early to 44... re• .-at .. ~4.1 to, tickets It, el. 'at TO n • clock and st 7 r. 0.. at., el antillattlg every IM-le n., :11.1 UM, LI t. 1.1 thy ro.ll at,l trio. d at Ito. day at some hours, 44,11 be odd, without reserve, the t otkee In Ibe even lot. entire f1ua:11 , 9122011t of the St. Charles Hotel. corner *APIA 5 1 .14 P.RUI F.. of Third acid Wood street, embrwlng all suits of Ortitiokt on mot Pn•orletor.. Parlor, Iteavrln_g Boom, Mouption,_ _and Chamber El, of ~ t ...:o ,t. \11 „ !41 It I: l". 1.: ,It II& i 11••••• At,o u t. . i t: zi , tlt N „ Hosewood. Walnut. 5.1/4=411,;4,14.41., ENING ENTLDTAINMENT ; srardrt%, I°l44;niinli=.hrtnrbrlables. hair, abd ea ,:r 1 variety of Enraltare; magnificent Into BY THE 'alto, venetla blinds, shades. ne a r carpets of urcrY I quality, from Ingrain to the richest quality els - civet • l'opils of the Sib II and School, No. 2, t ,. ": 147 7 7 .1;=„1,1 b .t,',1!,`70%,",;. Tgi. %ILI t,..1 • Moo beds and mattruses. spring beds. bolsters aud pillows, Woos, blankets. quilt, comfort*, 'rzr,;;;,,gmtr z .'„,-.. , &- r, 1 ::=: " ., - .:17, - !;I: , lery , queonswara table ones, c. Liquors. ~ • wit I be included In the ode and 6011011119 Ni thrOagh inT,..r..,,,nr",e.';',.:•rit'r.:,.„'Z'.,'LyiliC.'l,....rto.,'Ltt.ks,,,, ~,,,,,,Irlit.• the dolly liapera: 190, c.rocerles. pr. - serves, itc.: It LY. 5.. 111. ' , TRICK I. A A LI .4 id msest in the ar- which cost Zrz .'f r ' ... w : ' ,. " % g VI 4'WLIETY;t7,4) Anglo rangetnotit of Tableau 4.. sod Prof. WM. SLACK t .______ "'"' ':__ A. IL ' ...--- "1 14 , , '"°"" D'' 6,46,1 V,.. ~ 700 GALLONS FINE DOMESTIC A „' ,„?„„ " V0T,7 4 , " „;,,„:.. ,:, - ,, , , , r, c ,„ L y, , ,. 2 r commence c , #-.8, r,, ENU UTENSILS, FUJIN I. ' . , TL BE, PIANO , &c. AT AUCTION.-On TUkB to to. had at the door. re t.11:3041 II .1. 1 1 1101' D FOOT. Pei/loins . . "r;sB., 4,41,bp,,g4.th,.4°1:41.405,:g '1.41,4? MrCa=7.- ••••••• ' residence anti vineyards of Col. Leopold SOIL) on . 1V44. Mag n i:M e 4 nallearhomwfrlt.tVirgh, wit a l i b c s sol i d o tii Corral:l V1117 . e.7. * 0f th ' e vintage 441 4 1114 4 -1., go - Also, Household Furniture:plum, centre and din. Ing tables • bedsteads, chalre, stoves, le. .150. I two- horse wagon, 1 eovered spring wagon, t barge bar..., garden implement... hot bed sash, glom press, wine press, LS cords of wood, and a number of article; to nunwrous t i, o Emotion. Ett../ritc°rVhstree:°eat "I°;44"ittrati;ll7,ilithhegelthtp° the Squirrel LIM road. Terms at tale. . u 11414 T. A. .115cCLELLAND„ Anct`i. CEIErn AT AUCTIOLt TUFSDIYEASAIENZI6Ir, Starch Rah, at 214 4 o'clock, will be sold, at Masonlc Hall Auction Booms, 55 and 57 Filth strut., the eligible lot, Immediately as/podia the Car Station, 1 fronting :A feet 10baches on Centre Avenue, and 1 extending hack 166 feet,on which is a Modern ttyle two.a tory Brick Dwelling, of seven room, and I bath-room, built in • superiorinanner; hot and cold t water throw bout; gas pipes in bowie, marble Man tle. Ln porton. cash;be In thorough WPM. Taunt, oneolialf balance In one lot,. minaT. A. MCCLELLAND, Anti, ON TUENDAV, MAUCH 240hl At Lce.rei.sec.tte 3ElCst.l_l. FO UNDR.IES FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES ENAP NEPHEWS =I ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., °Mee and Ware hotue 301 Liberty Street opposite Smithfield, .Iflachine Works and foundry S 2 E. l anabitzsauwas, ENGINE BUIL Federal . DER ANTI 4 11 fACMNIST A . u . Laga n t i ll FE r . l bs t. L i n„ . No SAM Shaftlog, Pulleys., al.c. Repairing of all kind• attended to FURNITUB.E. FURNITURE, AND CANE AND WOOD CRAM, 111.nfortoredauct for We. Wholesale or Retail. JANIES W. WOODWELL, • NOS. P 7 t 99 THUM 471/BKT. Uppostta H. Edmondson • Co.'., and tent NO. ill •YOULLTEI STEM dT. Jaril atsYltn ••• ...... .•••-.111021T 1111111111.. OSEPH NEVEM & SOF MUM.* heturers and Wholesale and lies+eyes IURNITURILYIII2 OHMS% Ne i 411 Bin T. sense the unftWlll:l and Mahon% el tende a r i i so nisn u ntrt nre, mid ed In Ihtity. eirri t hael' at eisaminsl4 Deices. DRAIIMMKTG: - - GENEtuu. DBAUGHTIAG OFFICE .IPartoixt .A.fgezimoy 15 . 10. 12 ettlt. 117121 r IR,. Ariz SupeatEtou muse H. P. RENUMLBELL , Phil Cliental de: to J!.11,1411111111141110.. rOTTOII=-87...1ia1es and. -,-2 , bap IkzthceiGa. Cotton, jerie-lanillpy - seeem er Le operator sale br - pa.U. II enuawir a co VoTTOIV-18 bales on 'fealties rang to $1,27T0 forga i puma a CO. .._ ._` , , FIRST CLASS Country Residence and Grounds AT .113Cria.t. • MOn TUESDAY. Hayek 20th, at 2 o'clock. C. W.. at a...0n1y Hall Auction Ron and 57 Fifth stmet. will be ..old the desirable an d s OorePient ground" Statiin Wilkinstumg. within lee manatee walk of thr Station. fronting on the Henreid MO fey. on eirerl on. from Railroad 576 feet. and on the Turnpike 276 mt, eon Ra ilroad three, on ' , litchis • Dwelling that has been thtirelyventodelled. additions made, and firdthedin modern style with special regard to comfort. The Ong floor has parlor, IS feet 8 herb, 'Zdtr7ettgriak= U‘gAb cal . V 4'" Ots h isi d lle Ind Inside, arranged for win ter andfsumme7ventllation. Opening from the hell are the Library. liittlnglthom or Summer railer, and Dining UoOrn ; the latter Oth bare steed doors which open on a large Di a lo gVernd tit,verlookinf Ur a l:lea by One view. - The ng slid I ets ls d U oor ' s e can be eTtenydEl t r oiliertt d %Mgt! K11,7:',143e.n11 1 . "'"teg the beet thu grars h het and said Water barrel tooth in the roof supplten nvm either a cis 4tern oe welk . w a hich ever isedeestraul. adjoinlng la e 'ol..P=i4,4oh:l'lthcbt..ggizfe'Y'lir,,`A to owiTegurgrCoish'V; B12"1FaZ" ended De ,:ttt" stationary Marble Wash Steno: hot and cold ' water convenienceo Adjoining is large room with Zee for Yore, intended for ailing clothes when weather not admitting outelde. The ,attic by I Stashed Lab and closet, Tne rooms Grates line Slate Mal hie Mantles and fell Slabbed with bum mer fronts. The bane. parlor andlibrery ere warm bd eery u niti with a well sed Ihrneee. The House has e conticeall around, In which are gutters made negalennized iron, the Water being conveyed from these In terracotta pipe., under gthund, 110 barrel ctn. en, lined With hydranlin eminentto a. The Water arrangements throughout am Of the most complete eharsoter. end emit upwards of ithOo3. There Is also • well to meelve all the waste and dirty water from the house and wash house, which Is cmt aide and apart from the dwelling. The house has been finely papered. Wood-work oak greined.th a superior manner; Gia.s doable strength, white se lected, and the miter details one In keeping. Thereto also &emelt Erick House en the premises, suited for the gardener. The Grounds are planted with Fruit Trees, IMO Eitorau=e glints, de.. and very little attention ' This property Ali e lzari, l feoorm.meA itsektfkom its many advantages, desirable ituation, and Is an in •estatent. to men It in a ram chance; Its close proximity and easy access to the city At an ith iTe.MglaJr4r 7 th d ratt'.... los e 64,000, 10 one rear. with Interest. Thla IMMO le widow I; dower% matins/ to the p of *Heller Annaba define her lifetime; Co dem ent eet tO ho bald in fonr annual inataliments oft 01400 each. with simple in terest. Further yarn/mime et 55 anti 67 risth at. tithiS ___ T. A. McCLELLAND Auct. TASTES S. EARLE & SONS' FIFTH GREAT SALE OF VALUABLE FOREIGN & AMERICAN OIL PAINTINGS. The entire Inti.rtation of JAMES S. EARLE ft 6UNS, eelecicd in the studios of the best European Artists, by MAL JAIIIOS S. EARLE, in the fall of 166 a. will be sold at Auction In the Eastern Galleries of Pennsylvania Acadernr of Pine Arts, 'Philadel phia, on TUESDAY, March fah and WZDNES DAY, March Vith. Paintings on Free Exhibition on and after/MON DAY. March Catalogues now ,ready and sewt by wall on appil erdion. n.hl4'etwitol R. tit 'OTl'. Jr., Auctioneer. • LIVERY STABLE AT . AUCTION.-- On WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 21st, at 10 o'clock. will be sold. lathe stable of B. PATTER ! goN A CO., wt. arolutiring from towlines., First street, above Smithfield, the entire stock, compris log Horses. Carrlsges, Boggles, Sleighs, double sod single Harness, Bo x es, B, Robes, Horse Covers, Bells, Cutting ORlcuPurniture...fie. Special attention oiled to this sale, the stock be ing neatly new and One toualtion. sad WU' be sold without reserve. Terms at sale. mbla T. A. McCLELLAND, Antra QIXTH WARD LOTS AT Atlbitoll 1 •.• ,, —0n TUESDAY AFTERNOON, March bkii, st 2!.. o'clock, at Masonic Hall Auction Booms, M and 67 Fifth street, wUI be sold two rots, Nos. 74 and 76 on Congress sixeet, being Nos. 71 and XI in plan of Black's heirs, having each • front of 27 feet, ex tending bock 00 feet 5 Riches. These are very desir side Building Lots, and in one of the e'best and most convenient places In the city. Terms, one-half cash; balance in one year. mbll T. A. McCLELLAIrtI, Auct•r. INSURANCE STOCR.—TIIESDAir AFTERNOON, at . .B4 o'clock, will be sold at 56 and 57 Mb street. 4 shares Pennsylvsnla Insurance Stock, Mlll7 • T. A. MCCLELLAND. Anti. IFDUE►TBjAy wonas. • HrOS M. DOLS EIMER OWL HUCH M. BOLE & CO., FOUNDERS. ENGINE BUILDERS AND MA CHIN/BTS; Matottactorers of Lead Jtod Marine fv N eet.' E MlMl7l l , 3 e i7 l° I.lgr 9 fliVt:lnc O nt mnde to order. ALl'lwort ° warranted. °ANTLERS q eyery demiptlon made to order. Repalrlos 51ZArligir C S tragl i* V d to. - BANE OF ALLEGHENY - RIVER, Dear rittabarerk Pe. fe=oltedx 4 A RIMMILL GLASS WOBILS. MODES, RYRIE & CO., Manufactnum of BLAME; andIGREEN GLACE LT. rWall, Dart?: Weak Bouttle*AlMofttCat.. el4e;-.litalthilal=l &ant streets, PlttsburVA Pentrn. We warrtnt our Wares to be superior 10 any Dna. ufactured west of the himustains. Always on band. Glassware or the &bull description. All order* promptly attended to, Particular attention paid le private moulds. anaily SEVEBAN . 6E No. 418 WATIF.II enuerl. ritubmr.lt, manufacturer ofBOILICS RI VETS, WROUGHT SPIKES, commas. and rallrosd. of every descriPtlou. Particular eked or shaped Spikes and Rivets, lugs or small, made to order at short notice. A semi U. sortineot constantly cm laud. TU3B. T. COLLINS Oillua Waren? lOLLEIS & INTLIGHT, Brittanla Brass and Sheet Metal Workers, Rattan[. CU tors, Carbon ind Lard Oil Flutters, and all differea style's of Brlttauis used -b Glass lifunheturery ortte rtt `sto LISSECOND ST RILE 1., PLUM. •. 0c7.2, CM MEDICAL. GyresFORTY YEARS PRACTICE LN NEXUAL DIBEABEN vie • knowledge ealdnm bY PhYst• clans. lity long residence In Obi city, and tkne amount of patients tfeatect annually by ma, are sukkedent P ZISMPAWRILItEA, of Being Weekneu. and an diseases ellsZ tbendkann are cored In a Inueb ABLE time than oretofons by nay NW TENET , ABLE HEMEL . Medicine. ma to any pain al the Union. All Daum coast contain &MUM to PAY return poeenge- _g l eelkeDMdenee bed mired. - t.N. Ace 0.3.,8k1TM/UTD.w.BriamTtirm lastotnt bendy Non PitUborsh. 0371E2 EON PENN MAIM neat Hand. Par the wry-of all diseculs of &private main, In =frOns isoLbsAllar mateyo7, end ashgib ell of UM organseinniretryreigintioner flan warranted or none! refondeck A rmen anno—Y to 10 to; and Itoll gb be gegreircallidi Penn Aron n l. olm . _ POIM lw. JAMES LIPPINCOTT, aGals. Z=,,,,waer, Iriter Ist .11. NANO. BACON. - SARRRL_TVIR ituttrr., ARD.. LARD r GREAST. , ,, tbotrado, No. 61#1,0111 aTatrit.cAtubruzb: Klux =22MEM WOOD pumps; RAILROADS. - • FOB SALE.--.A Farm of 14 M. J ^'''..,, SPIIING a - Raga ..,.....! thirty-six perch., altuatella Elisabeth ,W J. STE ORO.. late Flew - 186 township. Allen/way COEIDGy Pettbi. The improve I • i‘o g .g. rL , p i , w) ,.., (, . • d...RAANIS3LENT, B.._zi.zvicy menu are a hewed log dwell/H.og and frome t kitehen' 151 F. 12( 11A NTS. rem 1, ..1 iso pi, ('arm Glob) 2 I'EN Mil 1.2 ANU GENTRAL R. bang barn and other out buthiftutst a good orthardi Gals sod 2 MIL 1 1 ' 'le. 1 • , oe Lard riot,,.'. r U i'!u'' .1,„i,Lic,72,R111,8,,DAy If it WM, train. min apple and pe ich trees us the Opt satiety. The I Eggs, Pok, (meta ami 11ry 5 ruly, 1.,.,,,,,,, 017,.• i, , u N - 17: t p: i r Dopot, swirlier of Warm. farre is underlaid with coal and limestone of the best t and Grain bred, Feat ha n. ; elt barren, ji, j , j. , ..7.o.aalltyriL„.a Lag . .sion th s , q m oit o r ., l g aa,.. r i i.. o e uglity t. ...zy t • te:r.,,whelort..Z;:ig ~,L'aeti..le,itr,,atit .Aio , n ,/ a , l'el:Jt.o .'l);A:':ll,,ti.l.lL;E,lEttp:ll:::::::P2ustblAbirrlir4l, s.trju.ok-tg: Perri. T d hla small farm /am authorized to ell I Tilled street, Pittsborgh, Pa. re, and at ems e. as.; Trope, ern Se at. j IllethellaPli..l7l3 Zo r' .. r a feTt ' oTl' about N'al .sera, Mated In West , /.1111A111,E8 C. B ALS LE V* P F 04117 C e t 1• 'LA lal l lLL4 ll e' S ' !3 l* T r'9 ll .. .: l" , P nr i4 .Mo b.' nil t SOO- Wheatfield Township, Indiana comity U , Peoria. The I g,_,/ aoo c„..,,, joo ,f er ,..1,,,,, L. gi „,,i„„, L , ~,,, .3,i WWII to ' . r at. • PhiladelpolZi woo P. X.. and Now p r r m ro ,ll ll .7 ,,, nts , ;p a : r g oo taid ,.. : rnit i.,... ilta r,.... hle. b. V . r.n .7 " - :tt ., 0 7 . ' LIBERTy byTty,,g ' ' T, pit tsburgh. Pa. 25 1,11 e,, 1 ors, pa Phila . ephia. at 10tr st. dealer notter Cheese. Lard, rp, • I . /IA len e., el's( Ls. N ATI ...e it . - .1 . 4-4.eavne Pittsburgh Me Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, 11.1::',.rzi,r-1 eon:ter-I a ..a. born, bwse oven Heaps, {Tallow, l ' Feathers. Ilroorte . s. Potato., lio, G5O • la e upping at nearly all stalleum. Alt./ma.' c i, .„.„.,, ,n,, ,rtimstrir,7,rrgobr,.e, t.b1,%.:5= Iny. Dried Fruits, Omni Fruits. Onions. le'imer p h !. r st.. liarrlsburg,Z 800 . a.. arriettur al Bpar'dmen'aCiyinroriiirt7.'PTarti9eUthiarY 17 ttlio n n s. .1 ‘ iSi;:l:,?". • ,11.r.‘'..e14.11i'rul'iPr,h'I‘x.‘;:.' '''Csst.°.‘'l'Mbf',,PY'l'ibM'erick‘7lllrk.l7reelnarlFe apple ptaeli ...oar sea untime t.. The fencing Is t generally good The land !sof b lo od o emolity. &ban e dance of limestone.. and but a short distance from n ''..L e ''''' gn"'"' there at a',Ta r. sir. Sala r * r' ° peel This property will be terY oh 0. ALEX. 11-BAXE n altars P/ILLADEI.PHIA EXPRIIISSI-Lesve•Ftteslanith Also, • Farm of about 240 "? adlcdnier'llt ~ itn0r,,,,,,,j00tt.t areal mid a mete Pante barn il'S acres teary and fire 11 LERSTHANTS end dealers In FLOUR GRA Lla Hutt erne., -. ..' 2 '' , " 8 .% r. . 1te.,,, ,4( 56 .';' r ',„, •• • ,.. - • a good state of miltivallon. a 'moo apple orchard e 1,,,'", ,r, e 1 „4 °,, P Ur i C0 5 E''.,, , 8"„..1, "1 ''' •...t ' ''`''''''.. I' '''' d and york.'7lfra..-- rr- i l'Blirtr".'' l: .'..' A. 'r" • '...- ;arto 4.l.b ateen milt -hot ., These Mel:trans united ---- ...--' "T --. "' nom ) . . . .. 4 N .,, y .fi lL , 1 .03 A.. al.! bilsdeithie. • 7:;° . atarbllaclelphla. ot Urn r It. would make cant-rate Stook F41.4/1.. or will be.sold Twos rorrrgu ....SON, At ita's s. A. atIESTARD F i lep b . ing Can run ' tbrooseh en this Date nom Pitts. separately. jorimEn, ArKEN Av. s nEpARD rua vi t: A miarre and e Philltelpha, and to New Also. the best tam In Palm eo tecephip West •Tio„;.l4 . t. 7 p A p S I T E, liINE-Leives Pittslmegti a t IOC) r n.,, morL i.,,,, ~.,,,,,,,,,,. 1% ~.,,,,„,',,,,,,, ..,.. a. ,„; . yb . s ,,, - 1 .. -d C5in0mm..1.:141.115.811,03,reFh,..0nt5: a n n . d ih el ,r e . al e rret h,, te . l F builles south of tbo Ps Railroad. The tmorove. IY I at plripal statilis. Anives at Al. meats art two large hewed log hoe.. pp. of th e I Otatoes and produce generally. o. 'OA LIBERVI, tans F A ST largest and br at frame hares In th e, t,,,,,, 0 ' od o , two STREET, opposite Passenger_ De t. Pittsburgh. , t ,„,,,,V ~j 0 pt'sti'N e 'r cl*„';.r . - f •,,: 2 ' 1 " . • t o " ~8 ' " , 4. • s apPle o r r=l , ..1zi,... The .1,7: ~..elinter a high w. elite.. - seri, / altars,. F. M. Ptilladelrlt 7 I 10 le. IL. and A NCW ' York, Via lari Lt eri r s ' of the :ery bent tilmArsfolue aieiu N t Mt: .1" Cul-P e- sEtEPARD d , C mu/18'4°n ria"delPh"' ' 14 i'. ". cie,,Lp,,d, the bgignLL Iv gavel thaw, p.,,„,„. rg Mercbauta and delden, hi c out (train and Pro- 7gBAU/YrsfioNgeria= gsn ' tdogs egg. 's Xr . the first day of April, P..s. This property will t w . dom. No. A 47 Literty reset . Plinsb erne cargo's great bargain. Thu owner ebb. to e.,,,,,, (;boles brands of Flour for Bake , and Faintly use JUtiIiSTOWN ACCO ILSIODATION-Dally 1, Arcot in other liminess. constantly on band. Portiont. Mallon paid to Sunda Ise sen •• Also, several other Farms ranging from 15.13 to gan Miler order •for Merchandise gtne 115 mai 1 --"''-'•- ''''''' ' • ". ' " " 4"a " r"." " "'"'"'. _ _T. V between Plttablirgh and Cortelnaugn, mid c 0... ng per arni. Also, a Farm of ISO acres, situate le idecmdb, L. 1 IT TE.E, Immo a, pA ,ir,r, 0 Ar. 1 i t.t.... ll tatrsv/l i / v lnteiration With tras on the Indiana township, Allegheny county, Pa, isi.nt 0 miles rr". u- 4 Whole sole Grocers lumintssloa. NI I t , I I A Cetti.TNA ACCYI'III.VII VII/ON-Dally rwarthe ow cll . . The Im o. p o ro g voerteh.rdtits oafre.papieL.oggcohus.neLda ( di . ..! es in..rroduce, leinur. Hetet,. - e. li rr eese.. ""' ' 41711 . , Oun.laysiat 11:40A is..stOpPlltg .1 3 1 ' I Mirolar liii/ ('‘ l ' iTs . I will sell thbi valuable property very cheap faro io , : n . , ii i .itel .. l . oli. Iron, Nails, Gi ~,,,, cotto n 1 between Pittsburgh and Alto on. and Maitltur close and on easy terms. ~,•;,,,, me,...c.V....,0w.g.b.im,,unuct0r, ggru rg u y ri....;,./ unesr,til,o.lririth Tans on p. ts; jVana Itraneh, West 222 . I_ rl i . ttsburgh .t. fee Rat, For farther portloulars, Inquire of w 5. p ~5 , ,,.. . - . r . „. ~ r, ~ 1 road, sod Hollidaysburg Brauen. g ta,, IL TOW el; Real Estate Agent., .1. That Accommodation • Tn. u for II all's Station .= No. 134 Fourth street. WM. P. BECK &r. CO N _ _ ~,__ ._ _ .. , .. O . ISS I Leaves dallY fea cent !tondo,/ a I .... 50 A. 51. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS . ...,c, 7 7A , e , ,,,. ., .b.,.., , r.., 11. helices. / !ocond Amami:l:iodation Train me N'ail's Station 1/27P.Z.,„W.:1.i.,V.. ~ s can IT' d e' l I n ' ",',.'". 1 "i';' ,d glo=fr.'fg."." 'V ° t "II!' - c eese, }lan, dm, Fromm,. tclullr meter, •.',, ,: t 'ol' d dolly (xcel. finnday :de r '1, .. ''''"• Green and Dried Frill.. ite...Salt and I.lll ' e u. -,,.. 4 ' ' Fourth Aceommodatlou 1 ra t, h foe II all I litallon r• " 1, ... aa• ba'rMart ar . 0 „...,. Leaves Jail,. (except Mundaysi at G or, isi AG , lieymer .t Anderson.) ICliolreale )ealt,. le an•r tween rittedergbPMll4o h.ll°. ' "Invionen 8. nuos., (socce...r. to, .. I .`:ll',4 ° .`l'.l'el?"l",' l'.'"rt,r L .l":l, 4 ;''l ( :.'"" 1,. Lign Fruits, Nut-sand/apices, Confection e ry, sse r i - The Church Train leavea u WoU btatiOn every 900- flair f4ft,..t r .., ,, ,1 . / . os. ... and Co Wood Stret t, ' s,. day at 9-05 A. at . and arrives In l'lttaburgh at 1.35 Irz: le A. at, llcturnalox, leaves Pittsburgh at 12.U1 P. 0. 7101.. 1040 X sanne. ate x sod and, es at wall's Station at 2.00 r. al. 113 KNOX & SON, Comtnission ~.. I T It• ME RCILANTSandiDea/ers In FLUIDL GRAIN 51f 1 a% " na rulu. u"lv° lu Pk""rgh "1V.:7;,. MILL FEV.II and Prifil)UCE ge nerally. No 'it Fain[ Lln Diamond. opposite ( • Hall, Allegheny City, - • Virn Wall I• Station Accommodation itri 2.. Y. Joni Lyn Penn A ccommodation No. I 7:511 A. M - Second at all's btatlou Accommodation . . /LAO A. M. JOHN B. CAA-FIELD, Commission ft°,h,,....5.,A«.....d.e.. lo.to .. s d Forwarding Merchant and whole .le deal, r ,ii,,, - ,,'..1 -1072.2 I4or M. Iv Western Reserve Cheese. Butter. Lard. Puck, ri„ - r ,i - a..", v o.modatitin atel Lniteraut 10.50 P. M Bacon, Flour, VIM, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Solemn. pi,Aii.d, .1::':::a.::::::::::::::::::.... ....„,,i• Linseed and Lard Cill, Dried Frol and Prodi4 w,,67''''P‘'.....Plc. 2.05 generally. Nos. 144 and 140 Front Greet. l'lttabura.. ...x.a c eontunelation, No 4. .- .. 6,05 p ea ss _______ _____ D. iterrati .1 A. 011AFV. DMA: tip-nr.cough each train twfo. reaching the Eyepo o (.111E ( ' ;: jr abli r aelo a ll and Ircl,lrEalllfllgiclßerbh OD ., C . C a E n g t . g . ell). '6 in k .1,:, Vo d . Zni.`."..".Z.g.t" '.'perrerttud purchasing agents for all Pittsburgh Manufactona. R ., " .15 ! " .rjt r g1ti0 . w 1f, 4 %..,,Hr , 1 . e0 . rerw ., 1t eit,Pree Wareho.e. ao. 215 Llits.ny street, F ltiallorgh. Va. Baltimore .apress will arrlve ° gill I r bila?l iphl JOHN?;bull L. 11011.16 • •• =MAIM 1.10C131L, WE, IL note.. EApresa. al. R.ta P. Ss on Aloneleim e l . MOUSE & BROS., Succes. b ‘ora..-th ........ 0ft..., the Company wall bolo .. t ,, edmGelVes fecpouclble for van... A t n,,,,,,, oplr, SOMA TO Jon, I. Bonus & Co., Wholesale Gro cers and Commission Merchants, corner of Smith- u f or au ''''''"""°‘,l-,.7,,,. ~,^4.31%•,,T, , Agent. lield and Water streets, Pittsburgh. fel l, lAt tbe Pennsylvania l'eni,t al Railroad Ixtut i sen rr Ms non. on Liberty and Watlalectoe atraeta. x` JAMES DALZELL & soy, Manu- , ~,....,,, , n ,,„.. - ' ..„.., 2. , facturers of Lard Oil, and Commission Merchants p....5inu......., .- .. • far the purchase and sale of Crude and Refined Pe- WAYNE & I'IIICAGG IREARNIFI trolettm, Nos. GB and 20 Water street., Pittsburgh. I RAILWAY, A_ND CLEVEJ.,AN ll A PlTTMStrlitirl Advances made on Consignments. 11.1 I LRUAD. ~,,'CHOMAKER & LANG,Wholesale , vitl;nd aft re i' vem .. btrt.M2l,,T el. r will s rtil! 's, 12 - I dealers In Grceries, Flour, Gralm Produce, Pro follows, Gs: vlelotts, Irish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon OIL Nos. 172 and Leavy, For Fbr , Fur 174 Wood Street, you Liberty Street, Plttsbur&h, Pa. ael9: Ea PittetourgA. Oaf{ o. ' ilembssed. Whoaftast Express .... ... IC r D. 2:30 P. W. , .? 3) P. sous: a Peon UTLCIIIt/6 Id/CTIC., It. . E. re. ..45 r n. 6.tet r. a ii - EAD & METZGAII, Grocers and , yinF: -00 A. M. G.OO A. M. SAO 4.. is ..--4. COMMI4IIIO4I Merchants, and dealers in all kin is For New, astle and Erie ti 401. kl, of Country Produce and Pittsburgh 51tnufactun s, Returning, arrive sel Pittsburgh. No 249 Liberty Street, oppoilte head of Wood street, P., Ft. It &C. R. W.-1.110 a a., 5.10 P. 114., Pittsburgh. alp D r. it. i 0 , 001 a. PETZER & ARMSTRONG, For- L. 1 . ..a t.-. 1 1 1.14/ A liZT . lll?! ' r flrtakr .... wanting and COmMlaslon Merchants, for the . ale Lear' Allegheny fur 01 Flour, Onto, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Set ds, Dried I, sw IintOIITON-3.00 A. M., 11.50 A. 5.. 4'2 1 /r Fruits, and Produce generally, No. it Market Street., and 5 40P at. corner of First, Pittsburgh, In. 1,•:5 :15' Rociregvult-2tC5 P. at. 1--.A RIDDLE, No. 153 'Liberty St., ' filf:ge.:;`,'-'-!irEi.et'li.' • Pittsburgh. Pa., Commission Alerehant, and 14 Xl.l.ca 11.1.0-3.11 P. M. gttstlt JIMA Deo. rI u Country Produce, Brewe and it , I/fruit/it, arrive at All ny airgh mom:Tarte rea. Cash advane oef ono( 01.- I , Ft • 15 Jr l'. R. 11 -7 .30 A • stave/lents, nod pnl.l for Pro , /nce generalit . ae2l A. Ai "::x I. n.. 4:]l Y. M. nll.l 11 A. _ ei. L . It it -th•al Longer Paimed.r.. A. F DM-FELL. t . • A. '• , 1 11.1.14D4F: DA It KI %, Ticket A grip PORT. DALZELL & CO., Whole- L nl . '" e l • 'r:i4;_filiVE-Viii' A t rlf ` t u` g b' .. ' , , , , , , , " ..' 1 ` .../ sale Gromenr, Connolaalon and Forwertllng Mer chan tea nd dealers In Produe te and Pittsburgh Man. factures, No. =I Liberty stn.,. Pittsburgh no, - I. It MI EH. tier, tot Ticket. Aped. _ R . 11. JACK, PitTt;llP'ltr•V,Enctit)--atiliglailli Nail 11211. • ... ' ' THE G= ,- . 1 . SHORT LINE ROUTE I. arLULIENTILLE. e PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATERICLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH STAIVDS, Ydraulie Rains, tßraas Won, -or all kinds; Mock Tlo Pim forlfar o:7ra; r tl yods . of kt 1 1 . 1 , 1 . ..Z , .; aesTrituChr 2:111:14 at Addy, Willhams.6:, Bartley's CORNER SIXTH AND sAIITDPIZI.D STY PITTSBURGH, PA. BEA VER STREET, MANCHESTER 1501.77Ankinds ofrepalring&mepmmMI r Atala=gmmedbitelyatteimbWW PLUMBING , DAS AND STEAM - FirlING, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ZrangulgatierattLtrlzameneed and practical GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. SHOWER BATHS, WATER CLOSETS. Uonetantly on hand nod made to ordee } ! Y "A N'l'T TATE & SEVILLE, No. " IZE l ANNT E IT' •M! ,7, 2'4.° S. 11l burgh. mhll ntandly T. T. ItTrixll Losani.tt STEAM FITTING, Plumbing and Gas Pining. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORK, 01 ALL DILSOMPTIONS. 3101;0172azirSEIeb CAD,. to AddV eßions•,) 165 Wood BL . Pittabargell. Pa T. T. SW LONOttt.. pLuniniNG, GAS AND IliOTlElLeuut HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. EREET LEAD. SHEET ZIN( WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDO (Stleccaaors to Addy a Ewdm., ) ~1:17 T. T X NT+ GAS . IFITTUIG, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. &MOKE BELLY, Portable and Cigar Lighters, (S.:mason to Addy I.:weed To. 183 Niroil4 •1.. P 11131,1 - - - BOOTS, SHOES, Rze A''. GEN7"F CIMC3ZL.oiD3FI-1111V°19 BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, B_ALIVIORALS, t 9l lroz3e3-is. ecC., T. A. M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 a,ud 57 m-sirtia !Street, Private Sales Day and Evening. WOO OUR ENTIRE tiITOUR BOOTS& SHOES, SELLING OFF AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. J. A. ROBINSON & CO., 474:5:- Mlireoricet iStroot. man S . : ""ER ut )( " BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, For lio:tordsihr, L A rettl i dab i l l lZ:t ..Litt will be " J. B. 8i W. C. BORLAND, toll? No, 98 Market otrect, 2d door from Sth GRAND CLOSESR OUT SALE. BOOTS & SHOES. Goods at Less than Cost Al 92 FEDERAL. STREET, To MARE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. Remember, 92 Federal Street W. K. IIIeCLINTOCK. 'plat J . W. CARNAHAN & Ladies' Mansurals and Polish Boots. • tea I,l, arket ntrect. J . 111 r. Ladies , Gaiters. 1n117 ,. • . 83 Market street. J . W. CARNAHAN & CO., Gentle Pine Calf Boots. No. 8:1 Market street LA.DIESP, GUMP, ISTSSES , AND CIIILDRENTI Boots, Shoes and . Gaiters, At COYLE'S, coma Htth and WYO. •treeLL lidst lomat avandqdr. REMOVAL. • IPPERIOTED-4 ftiVtilifreMOYed'olli TANX rAcTonar from No. Lamont MrOoto-oornot of to e l:mlAt i zm Lod .true Took. irjrtip Ott 1014 g loYsterPTlng of all sixes constantly 00 kook. Particular • [mutton glv en to /101ng 0940 Iltdmirriel. P. 0. address Bow, ramp? City, Pa a. T. PAZOT CO, AWL KI.ND or 33[ "1 ,- riFi.d!k..wm . =I NIT TOTOSIT,. LEAD 1 . 11 . F.11, SINKS, BASINS RW . EA'S S CO., No. 165 Wooilat.. Pittstoirgh. Pa. WIC 1...4,10110N Q Co. den No. 144 Yoorth 21.. Pittsburgh,__ Pa. ____ • lion SALE.-- A desireable Dwell-' Leaves Arrives Int Moose and Lot for sale in Allegheny City, • filtebursish. Pliteb . g• Nu. 55 - Vocally street. near lo ...genet street: house Mall to and balm Uniontown . 7 oss A. lt. 6.0 D r. M. bud , In ode...Lk 11 4 11 .l ' Ial1 "I'IIR 7 r...5-h.lit CI - I ICK ERING PIAN OS i'''''"r• - parlor, dsoing room and klteuen on let floor; hals OS, .V.. At -owlet. Accoutoonation gi. I/ p. x •otsti A. ar. an.l two largo. alerplug apartinoriug In 2d nory, with 1 sr•S 51eRes.sport Accons l o II sou A. n. 6:14/ A. M. .. • attic divioed Into two neatly finished rooms, and I Select.% PereM s .ll7 bY the sub.:Taber, Stenos • becurld " MAXI P. Y. Zass 0. a hurl: cellar and wash•hoose In lv.enseut, aupplled Cent ylent to the Easton. Braddock'. ' " 4:10 V. 11. 6:45 r.. 14. with water pipes: doe bake.oer rope,, opening into liters- i Sunday Church Traits sts ...I en. hydrant water to the yard. The I,st Is well filled from West Newless . 1 with grams slues and front tree, Possession April • For Tickets apply i Ist. Price isel,ffal. 11, MeLAIN st CO., • I . C. ODA L1.1.:1‘ I , Rltt: ER, Agent. P.M. IM Fourth mreeL I SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS ~....7-1, ' R. S t 011 I , Supt._ 1 1201 R SAI.E--A Farm, containing' i . - A LLEGHENE alltaiigig -... about SO acres, situate In Je ff erson township, are o ;:b f ilt s . ,fl e i tyr e yg n ,U ff itrsito b l e a l.. stssil tn . ask VALLEY RA/ LROAD e y °nosy Pa.. on the NonongehoLa river CHANGE OF THEE. • ti!!fitle ' fr ' om the ' llornagh of West Elf . ..then, The am.mmurrE, Fon ~.,,, Un utd after HUN DA Nov. Rah, Passenger losprOseuseuts me a two story Brick House with al, ' " trains war be arranged to run as follw.: rooms, Frattio noose. two atones, wi th la rooms : MAIL TRAIN-Leaves Pittsburgh a: 6:44 A. Lt., and • gerod e el.l2s cribs. witif o o :heat and Other 1 CHARLES C. MELLOR, arriving at Kittanning at 9:IA A. st. Leases KIM. outbuildings; about 50 acres ortne very best Other, gu at 3:10 P. at.: arrives at I . loaburgh al 6:10 P. Ai bottom. Thitg property Is well located for gardening . g t , e , . 'LI....XTMESM TRAIN-Leaves Iflttamaing as vira4;: k rnd li . ll e b u e r solA at t . jar t ed n t:gd price, , 7______ _ __ el Wood - _ iiiii,„Arrlolog a t ti .i l o 'Btsburgh al 1.1:00 , Aft Y. Leuven a,2 ' g i rt: IHE HILADEUHZ NEW YOREI, /010 o.bi/r! hat - z • 5 .. ".r. hitt...log at Itonongabela Mock U. 11 ' . TOWEIL Agent. No. 154 Fourth street. 1•1633 -.. . ACCOMMODATION TR 11N-Lseaemi Soda Work. AND 'at n.su A. 31., ail - lying at Pittsburgh at 9,3) A. in. DWELLING HOUSE ON WYLIE ~ L. 14.6 Pittsburgh at 1:40 r. at., arriving at Klatt -3- , /STREET FUR SALE.-That large and Well fin- , SEhellnaCker 11. htladelphta, ', 1 , 3 "1u" "314 P. m• C0.,g l F. IV BIGHT, Buperi nteudent. tithed three story Brick Dwelling on WYlle atreet 1 . near PIM, Onlshed In modern style, containing 1 rooms, klichip, range, bath room, hot mid o n ea ma I A. Iv 4 0 1 ter and as turouglumt the Ivailding. This Is o : Ihe most desirable properties for dwelliag ur boat I bYoess VlTunies now offered for sale. Posesalon Aprl , The Estey it Co.'s Cottage Organ, tirmr" T. PA b i e iNiT!.?".. l lo2, rows weet. I LOU SALE—OneLot 20 feet front 1 AND AMERICAN ORCAN. A.. on Penna. AVVI3OO by 110 feet to Watson street; Acknowledged by the best musleal talent In the moo-story Brick Dwelling on rear of lot, . Drifted Maims to be as to to all others in power , Also, onolol 91 feet front on Sonsdaser stress 4 Pitt purity and quality of tone. and thorough work ' township. by 100 deep, on which Is erected a two- ; ...pad ' , story Promo Dwelling. These - Instruments have for years .ken the first Also. eleven 1016 an pining the above, 23 by 80 to 1 premiu over MI all competitors, at the Tartst& 100 feet. btate an on, Unty Salts. In prices they art , lower , than any othera All warranted for Live Yea.. ALT. 1:, OR SALE—lntruedlate. Posses- -, stow.-Tbat desirable property known as the - No. 12 St, Clalr Street, Pittabargh. Pa. •.A s try Mansion. on Washington street, Fourth , Jr, Ward. Allegheny City, The lot le about Xs/ feat ! . deep, and the purchaser can haven, 80 or lin feet front• mussy be desired. Also A:Milne the above ber of bwautlful Building Lo ts, on one of 'which Is a Frame Cottage oft moms. JOHN' D. LEY, Stock mid Real Estate BAl Broker, ii.hrWilkins ifall, Fourth street. . _ 4,.:EWICKLEV DWELLING FOR k 'SALE. -In the Borough of MoicklerVille, a I double two.story /trick House, with aback building. i 1 00i/twining in rooms sod a bath-room, with hand -1 moor marole mantles In parlor mod library;a goon ! ansortment tannic. and well selected fruits. Lot 188 by 2.51; are minable' walk from station. An son- 1 pie supply of cistern water, Apply to 4. S. BRYAN, ; Broker in Stocks and Real Bas te, ; 14011NT1E5...-All Discharged Sol, Faoho CZ Fourth street. Burka's Building. _ 1 mg_ diets, or the Melts Of DeCeased Soldiers, srb• f ) , R d S . A t i , L , E— , . 160acresof nra-rate I "ilued e la litr . m c . c ,.. , , ted In 'alas county, iiihisoarl. This And soldie wbo tram was located In 188 4 0, ande selected with great i r - --_,.....1. 5 dlubargcti frem . a ny own c ar_ cart out ...me • 11.1b t e..r It i orerrim i emr care for a friend. WM sell the whole forgual. Ap- I ply soon. dret to° ' n" ''''''' ii ' {t' or scud their T A R DAY ad Sago, Mat neat Country Peat, three acres, hill of , nem,. 'mu, ird Loose, barn. itc.; 3 miles from the Solicitor for Bo nil T. Pensions and Pa . y, ! No. 103 FIFTiI tiTitEitT a thn door below the us. 1 city. Price 00, B. Mei, AIN A CU., i th e m. m.. • /ale . Ja3l I eal Estate Broker, 102 Fourth street. : - - --- ---,--- 1 w. a. Parra/18On Notary Public rioNlc PAY /RENT, but call and , H I V Parra/mow A•tornew at Law A. , purcliiih gavery chmtp lot in that/Hereof-Moun ' • J. & HALL PATTEItSION, 144 woshington, build yourself a house, become eland- . • gtIDRTA STREET. Pmertimmon, Pa . At. turn. sore your money, and Invest In those Mwallta- ton4y. o ll et i ng Club. mratnst .the pud e •nd Mr lots which 1 ism anthorinol to sell en rem -, nanY United S t a t e s Governmet2 for BIJUNTYBACh ter ma Fur lartib l ayr o art_lcMarsenuoße o _ AND EXTRA PAY PE24 Ole. OFFICER:" Alla ""‘Bll.{/ IVPIAttiVh. ! A sip.giatisTradrit. piI I o S c IeaFICATES 0/ $4 ,o w mix PURCHASE THAT i P - i - ---- ---- ---- - • - DESIRARLE COUNTIIT SEAT, Mtn- L BOEING TOOLS. red 15 minute.' walk from Ferry Landing. Tba Immo Is large and neatly finished, with an oaten- 1 - ----"----- --" ' - ---- -- - sire Mew of the river and raliroadt nith. l 3( notes of pEITIIOLIA DUCHENE. WOHREI. 17. ` gra i i,:e rn :J. 11.7e2rtalri: al aikteU r oot ,` Pt- MC. i5.13013."2", sta " ble and suntans house. Apply noon to JaM B. McLAIN dt CO. .__ No. MI Ohio Street, Allegfteoky, L'olt BALE --155 acres or Coal, , situate In Smith township, Windilogton county, ._ IttiqMfaotm'er of Perms., near the line of the Mettbenvilic Railroad, sl,WifesirrltilloTlEOALLA-NDTFIWUREt at Midway Station, abootA.itslit t s . f i rtu r bt4p. I . sor g m I Particular attention invited to his Patentet lia.ruTw'rlingintrie=al,,m, ~,,,.warAm oprovetnents in Jars and Joints, made of Juulatta, C. CABIAIELL, on the prembles. mahm. U. S., and Low. Moor iron. In standard slam, and FOR_______--- -.--- - --, -- , numbered, no taut parts can be Ordered by mail . RENT.—That neat Cottage tetirph, aod r.s.d .9errrat. at wi ti..., House, with 8 sexes Of ground, situated lollies , A 3O :dada , felms, belting, small tool*, Ea, t• from the city , fronting the ri per andraillmat near , . '`sa ys :o h c ' gret Y Wllgat bf "i mairormo ." ti m4e att bTh o " W" .l tw k Arthur's Station. Does/ Garden Fruit al? /I ell of 1 1 ..,, pi ,,,, p .,,'„ grt ip. e - i i - u.wf o lc t il.-l i n t NV ate, /tont lips per yea, jr.FITIIIV ° O S . , torero for theise ImprOregienta On liberal :ma 3103 mlt2 174151 M8 • . .. .5.. H. tsestr. pon BALE —dir two-story Brick A. Dwelling of 7 rooms, hallt and vestibule, three j ... years built, with lot C by ISO feet, Situate. on Ewalt . street, Lawrenceville, all to complete order. For i tiste—flait TIN , • G further information, terms, de., apply at the Beal : ----- ---,-----,________!____. Estate and insurance OM. of D. S. BAT nib: Better eteee. ,. ~..e . e re. e ee„ e. i ADM ?tiplllVE YOUR BIONEE E l ' ATT. WASHINGTON PROPERTY ' s t4rißszaitr4M moue ware AT roR BALE.-A Colima noose, with large - Lot, t, Lot Grolmd, for Or. 0 0 0. Ai ouse old rooms ana ludo , . . VS , PIALTWAD OTH BILVEIL • Lot for roe ' - 1.: Lot of Ground cm VirstrilooWeet.l3 •. • , c... , .. - e. ::1• - 4 , : 1 , ' ' feet front by 1,13 deep, for VD, For sate by labia n. CUTtMEII.T.4IBONIS, Si:Market .. .s. OAST° , . 4 ,IRMAIZINRV o I i kran, IGI, 32();terclm,„ , 5 ,25,,,„ 1- 4, A 1 N . D .„:4 1 „ / p o ,,,_ ln n oo ~..-;', - &..litie n 0... ifiNeirfili a lma4 " e tot4QILAND WEAR sore. .1 . 01 7 to . (...ilap - It".:26.LSIVi - t - 1r . % ' ZWILL TOIIKw ArA 0.1.1. MM. il -WEAp P YRIPERTIG--4 - loutes - I "'"` Julitt N. GIaiNW&LL, No. 7 RLlCNolrlitrows de Re for a 2:l l 3 "'' ' Etal'iniosi It 841° be ____O: 61 itarketst. ':. """.''..- ix nIIU,IIII LOTS INSIIARPB• Ne_E ,AGENTS: RUED roiThArA. Price 1450 an rush. , ha 3 VRITIIISILKT aoliSou Market at I Two LOTti,-------------corner-13ank Lane audit ahem street, Allegheny City for sale • ra Merkel, street. mlh atOttAlLDW.lloanlira.. ... Rotuma FOURTII.STRItheT IJPHOMTEINIT Ho. IS aaaahecttbenFMß= STREET, imam woon.—The manufacture and keep constantly on. hands.. article In their th in mat °dente., Or nament; Curtain Good; Comfort; Feather liedst Km raise, of mod; also, rho celebrated pa ir Pprang Bed. All kinds of Shand; Blinds and Piz fares Prompt attention Is glean to all ordure fo attar g laying dawn 011pe.a, UYIXXVIVIICIottki. 11,1 W iLL Pu r i:x.6lSE A Lot in Pitt Township ENQUIRE OP MCMASTER, GAZZAM & CO.. 1 fe9/ Attorneys at Law. US Gran t street. 1 —` AHANDSOME COUNTRY HONE FOR SALE, situate ^,4 miles fro the city, and within um Minutes' walk of the P i tt sburgh and vi e c on nellaville Itailrosal , rommandlng a beautiful w of the city river and aurroonning et 7 nntrf. II comprises about n Acres or ground. highly ca] Ova -1 c o arid laid out In mt approved style of mod . ern Landscape gardening: Is studded with shrub bery, and a great varlets of the rhoieest Omits end , vines in Atli hearing. There Is also ou It never falling spring of water, and abont one acre in wood. The improvements consist In part of a neat }Lick (~ • atage with 7 rooms and waah-house, a large and handsomely built Stable, an out room for mAn, /re.; ess a One large cistern and splendid pomp are within a f toe( of the kitchen door, and all Is under e-acei. lent Gore. For partlcalar,s, price, terms, AC., en noire nf (felt) li. Mel. A IN A ('li. (101 l AND LIME PROPERTY seven FO miles from the R SAL E:oar/a city. the Steubenville Railroad, CONTAIN/NG ON E HUNDRED AIID EIGHT Ifs SIE ACRES, Steam and Water Flouring and laaw Mill, and other tine Improvements. Also, about Eighty Acres of COAL, without the Surface, &Wg tne above. !M A I I ZIA: . 01. " contain ingat r.ttn'swe'gtilXiati.,....z...e"erai Forifurther particulars,,Merlfm ,;.ARD. (Opposite the Cathellyal,) fell No. GO Grant street. von SALE—A Farm of about 3S -a. ogres, situate in lallaarictli township, Allegheny county, Pa about mile and a half from the Borough ofM cKeesport, ' half inlle of the llonotign. Thbola river dhe same from the Youghlusheriy. e improvements or, drat, a Frame Cottage Muse, with 6 root., and asood well of water at the dear: am Lual, a two story Frahm House, with four ruorns, with two good springs of water; tided, a Log Rouse, with two rooms, a frame batik harn, with , b 11 1y , ' , 7 Li , I atabling,corn crib, carriage house and toner nut-building, The tract Is all underlaid with a rein of No. I limes [ one. This stmt.:tot limestone I, worth all that Is asked for theproperty. For (Sr. i Own partinulars, inquire of G. IL TtrlVElt, Ilya] Estate Agent. No. MI Feu rth Street. feittf FEDERAL STREET PROPERTY ! FOR 611..fi.Lau. Two Find (Dona 'testae,. Houses, No,. 51 and Oh I , leral Street. Allegheny. Fire-Proof I emits In each, and lit complete order. For part teeters, enquire of JAMES T. SAMPLE, Real s:state Itrokee and Insornece Agent. 1112 _lgo. 5.5 Federal street. Allegheny. I_l OTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE AND 160 ACIt E r n OF LAND.—That nearly [WSW twessalory Brick Hotel contattOngtO rooms. at lIIIINT,LN•N oTATION. on thetreorta. It. It., at the Junction a Ilk the Pittsburgh sk•Cfe nellsellle U. it., 11 tolks from the city. There are abont 180 acres of laud connected with the Hotel. of which 70 acres are tllthble and 60 acres :lather. bare Is a coo youth, orehard or apple, peach and pear trees: two ever-ram n ng soft Kit e Springs of 11111i,lent elevation to carry he +at, to lt height of 100 fret. the property Is capable of motteellelslou to to lute for country reildertees•B.AXlAAll„, 11.1115 57 ni=trlii:t.r'e"e'f.k7lL'Air:llol'lllln.g.t le OR SALE.. VALUAgLE COAL LAND be sold TO-DAY It reduced pole., This tr. Is situate In Westmoreland county, Penna., on the North-Wes.r a l'ennsyl can.. ttallroad, about owe lane. east of Apt... and cancans two •ory larde vela, of (A.A... LI III:STONE and YULE CLAY and Tory mpleur , ATY.II For they par.seutars Inquire at the Law and Claim OD. of W. J. & HALL PATTERSU/si JOHN D. BAILEY Stock and Real Estate Broker' , ll'lll.ln, Hall. rourttutreet. I t , npmEtssio*mt tjEu i; rs. GROCER, Not. I and 2 DIAMOND zon:ly PITTSBITRGH. FA. CIIAILLF.9 L. CALDWELL (Swe ar to Jam. Holmes &C. Pork hacker and dealer In Prnrlsiona, corner of Mnrket and k'ront . TO COM. MOO=4, str..ets, Plttaburgli. .1011:1TRTAIT JoIIN wIL,Ott. WATT ‘k WILSON, Wholesale V Y Urtmere COMM US. l :otillerchants, and dealers In Produce and 'Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. Las Lib. ' My . street, Pittsburgh. iir"Z.S "11/5.1115 LettatlatT.../0/11V SIIIIITON .A. L'.cVAL.LACi AILBERT, SIIIP'rON Se CO., Wholesal e Grocers and Produce Dealers No. 3. And all therl „ ll , llp j zi N iC i l , ll;t uTti Iv . 3...,.. Muth street. Pittsburgh. 'MS on and after -•-- , - • ISAIAH DICKEY &CO., Wholesale ttIONDA Ir, 11AIRCTI 12th, Ifilltl, Orocce s Conimulsalon Merchants. asii deities, It. ii i ai i , s 111 lelVe and arrly at tit, UNION Ii Praline, No. SO Water street and GS Frs... b. - ell. A . wt . i„.,„, . Pittsburgh. _ ___ Depart,. derlaw. mons. allure L. c. 0.:, r. `iii Line • Ilan a. ai. i:Ou a. si. I A. VOIGHT N . Co., (Sue. , ~,0,, 1:!,:,"".. r. A-..tit,!4.iytzfri1zrze•,,,,.....1- < -,- mmx..... NT.' - b,II in: n eine Aceinmund•n...l7o '. .. "- 1:,;:,1'," ::. t . ittaburgh. 8. F. SCULL, * * WiLIFiXIS ILEIHAnTs "'.} Tisql/A. §ll'il'RlVAllift.'4 (Successor to Itnckeown ..t Llntiart) Ticket Agent. thilon lievol, Pittsburgh. Dealerlu Flour and Grain, Produce nod Commission Herchasits No. 351 LIIIEETY STREET. Phial/or li, I ) ITTSBUILGit AND - -. - ..._ ___........,127_, .1. CONNELL', VILLE It. IL Spring Arrangement. On and after Till [LSI/ AY. 111AI:ill 15-rii. 1.1., The trains will leave the Depot, corner of Ros %Valor streeta, as follows: s and PIANOS,_ ORGANS, NOW !BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STOCK OP WADIELINE & BARRY l ift79, --- f, .t.cidtc"RsT P I -41. N C) Eit - _ o T r itpee Instruments Jurring been before the public loath thlrtufars, tines.,.. p . nn . n their excel- PREEBILiNte the: " Quelaw. Voruleby pronounces them u " - . CHARLOTTE; BLUME, a Fifth etnert. Sole Agent CLAD AGE '3 J e GARIDEIItER COFFIN, Agent f or to • the Franklin, Philadelphls and Baltimore Dr same, Companies, Northeast earner WOOD atm I:lard streets. w JONES, Agent for the North • America, &ate of reanaylvanla, and Hart ford Insurance Compudes. , 9 aWATER STREET siAintt 14v :441 JOSEPH I.I3ASES, Dentist, Con.. Astir' BAUdins canter of DIAMOND And GRANT streMA. PlDiburgh. DlirmaaNami. Dr. A. It Mink. Dr.MAllwricilloodom BObbtlia. Wine arms. Ci NC! N 44 I LOCJISVII,I.III INDIANAPOLIM, L4)11IS MEDICAL iiyatranErs HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have yroved, from the most ample expenence an en tire memos., simple, efficient and reliable. They are the only medtclu es perfectly adapted to popular tae --no simple that nilstakes cannot be made in using them: so ❑armless Ai to be free front danger, and so efficient 114 to be always reliable. No. 1 cores FEVERS. Congeal.lone, Inflamma tion 2 " 26 WORMS, Worm Fever, C01ic , ..,,... 2 CRYING ( . 1.11.1C, or Teething of In fants . 26 ' DIARRHEAor children or adults. 21. 6 • DYSENTERY, (Dining and Balm Colic 22. 6 " CHOLERA SIORBUS. tinowai 7 • 'Cold, Bronchitis— ••• • 'M 6 • • NEURALGIA, l'oothache, Fare -0 eel. / ••1 HEADACHE. Sick Headache P 0 " DYSPEPSIA , 111111orrs 'Stomas. 5 11 0 SUPPRESSED, scanty and p palund eriods AS 2 " LE UCtIitItHIEA, or Whites 13 " Cltl47l'. hearse cough 26 14 " SALT 1411241131, Erysipelas. Erup llama '• lIIIEL'6I2 yin'oudie pains 25 10 "VEll A At. co, ('hil('hill,u,, and Fever 17 " PILES, internal or 111.111. mi. ........ 10 •• OPTHALAII. sort, Inflamed os.. is •• CATARRH. acute or clironle, Ma ea mo - 20 " WH nv OOPINU (TWIG it, ei,e5.0,11, 20 roh 60 21 '• ASTITSIA. oppreseed ......... ..... IU •• EAR 1)101:11 AHU FN, Impaired bear ' 60 'l4 Ii D E Itr iN ' E S II S IL e' ETtfiI " . I A I TT L I', " .... . . 4 2 ° 17611 f 1 9 =i1 Scant` s •• SEA SICKNESS o . vicknearrro. rtding 27 " KIDNEY DIREASE. Gravel' s so 00 " NERVOUS DEBILITY, Usolum ..s.gialkle23niirroolrurndiseharges Lo 111J04/7. 14,11U1d4.",'N.r? . Splems with 32 • 14 1 0EltIlitiS al Change or 1011 " EPILEPSY,Spassme, SL Vitus' Dan -100 " DIATIEINA, ulcuatell eore throat 1110 FAM OASES. Lases of 30 FIA le. 111 to rvc lLY cocau and book um pletc $lO 40 nilr6l. or :Marge visit., in mOn.co and hook 6 ix Cue or IS large `lsis, plain eau and book 500 Cue of 10 hosts (No. I to 15) andbook 3 cs.i ON, COTO.' of Fourth not MBlLEarket atre CE ets. WholesaleAgent,lltteborgb, For eale IGNEJLEthinithlield street); AM. FLESILNG..I 7. Lyn - et street.orner of the Diamond Pittaburgl. J. EAST, No. 1164 Federal street. Alleghetir 1, . .AN d afc/LENNAN, corner of Dlainou.c 4, a h . slit a/rect. Pittsburgh. 1111. SIMJCILLAND, 8 Mellifluous cuuon HALSA3i Is warranted to be It. 064' -e3. , •; . ff rattOla , 1, , E d 1011•1 10 to cure 0U f 1 I.9 Whtimlng Cupgb; Chronic COugns, Consomp NEI 800, Bronchitis and Croup. - ' • Being prepared (rota Honey and Herbs, it Is healing'. soft- ", ORE . ',°24llt==ll'bra''M'A ..111131.• of the I)roggiete everywhere. Threat and Lungs Far ssie by 12:Iyd 13. EthdELLEICS 8, CI) IWlloLawai - • ..._., • - .. ...............A...y_ _ Tin. Iruichx...Aii - -6 1 4 —PILE RE M. s- , EDT has CURED thou sands • - — 77 , " ---.- .., f the wont cases of . , . ti. " 71,----- '' - ‘"1 4 i., , it.ll : i AND lILNEDIDID ! ;i.. -,' t W , 7 - . 4 r relief, and effects a,pe t4LF~. It greet Immc rms- ,rc-,:,- , b. i:i ? coot cure. Try It. atrocily. , 4 ....,, r . It Is warrented tonne. p or yi e by di DrUggi".. " .. FILES 50cents per bottfc. ~, o a ct . IL 15 Aroclicu.s easzlis. I:MM IIITSPEPSIA - .7: Strick/andli a" TONIC, a. a L oortcen- Er Br r::: 6 1L Z t! 0;114 straggai n g the riona.t? Q. •A• near gttara., Of= 24,,a dUT cji 1m i ." 4 1721} 4 ik , "'"*. lietite, • .. Fl 2l=tgi.fc; therefOre, F.,44 - mud7drearorvaga„, v,„l.°lA.leT T e fatal: gl.sta averineway at Natl. N. z. nar.a.zsis a co. 1417.1.41,14ZZ,A0i1cT/4. 032113 ("MLEESE-26 - 41) boxes prime 80.- ‘i hen CINCit. for malobr _ 1:00 P. M. 10:00 A.