The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 20, 1866, Image 1

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    'TF4 .ekiliißlTEGE GAZETTE
cvsloatmakk,. 'Attars. •
VII.COSTAMAGNA. itnaLiseas Easager.
POBLiSENDI?? ,AlsirlsrassoarAZlOß,
No. BB rims, drozsr.
O. sear, bar man
Sieved by ciarrista..per week.. . ., ' ' --"‘"
we publish halow two letters to Dr. George
if. Keyserof No. 110 Wood street, In this city,
Showing cures of two cane of cancer away off
In England. The Doctor him the original let
tonsin his pdatession, which we have seen.
andirill be shown to any person wishing to
Satisfy themselves of their ifennthenesa—
Paseaumh Gasette.
.Fbelfeular attention will beiefeee, So 00 dbeese.
• •of Oukkin and hair, scrofula, ulcerated sore legs, ;
• "ac, 0041 pm:we Vice, No. 120 Penn exec 1
Goalies, AIIigaGAYZNY, ilorzoirrainatie,
April nth, 5
Daft Stn. I have received the box with the
n y,.., sent me in due time. • • • •
I Ilona You will consign this box as directed,
— ,d - nlease 4 to mention In the directions of the
AA= that the box contains glass, with a charge
• pat Core. lam eXededingly obliged to
you for paying the charges of, the last, and for
. your khuiness in sending h to Me at the first
tilnkirtunity. 1 have reason to believe that
. the medicine has 'dens Me good already. I
• have the pleasure to enclose the =want due
- 4bribiasst pareel;ikid for the same number
Of battles again, se • eoOntis .yon can possibly
then), sad will remit to
you the carriage
charge, 'flan,' With-your fernier kindness,
• wardens() add another. bottle, and I shall be
Winkle' for all tgl4. - - lify. co andel= Is pro.
nuanced byiwirinedical men to be "running
cancer." I hope you will please send the next
4, pared b apOlx:as ;yen. can: Direct to ' , John
Morgan, Chariton, near Abergaveny, England."
A. Your last letter was delayed, because
• '
the direction was wanting, not having Govilon
on It Wlkl you please 'give the amount Orr"
carting° Mae In..teglish Money.
• rEOure,reapeetfully, - Jona Iformas.
.11..a.'Revisza, Ascetics..
tiovizoN Assaasorsirr, July 47, 1965.
DIAlt S4l:—Tour' medicine, ae:, is' safe to
.h . Lud t 4ltd in 'reply I.beg to state that I have
received much benefit from yOur treatment,
but - la lam afraid the medicine on • haud.will
sot b e s ufficient, 1 wish Yen to send me per
first opportunity, four bottles more, and for
that purees', 1 in . closo two pounde, Which
please credit me a ,th, end pay freight as be
fore. When you write again please send state-
- meat of my. sec-cue ...nd place the same in
English money, as It is troublesome here to
got any one that has mastered your coinage.
It will gratify you to know that Ann Morgan,
from llatenavan, who has been treated by you
after being given up by all the medical men of
•• the district, Is now quite recovered, and doing
','-'wall, She tiit be happy, fiber testimony will
` be of easy avail to you, to allow you to make It
penile in any way you please. Awaiting an
I m 4 4111, dear sir, very gratefully yours,
Cffirrivicave.—Dr. Keyser. I take pleasure
Di making this voluntary statement In favor
of your treatment and medicine. I suffered ,
for three years with Cancer, which broke out
°Amy floe. I tried several selliful physicians,
but they did me no good. I was in three hos-
Odds and was sent out or incurable. By that
tinielt And eaten my nose entirety off my face;
fhttripleese Of pone tank 4,,..! of my forehead. It
• had also.clen Magma off my cheek sort neck.
had gfVen Up all hopes of ever getting cured.
My daughter sent me a few bottles of your
medicine, I was very weak when I common.
cea taking your medicine, but I gained
strength daily, so I continued to take It.
Dave taken in on twen ty.flve bottles of your
medicine, and I am happy to say I um perfect.
ly =red. RD a year since I am cured, and I
have bean healthier since than Jams for years.
I take the greateat pleasure in recommending
your treatment to those who may be atilleted
as I havebeen. • • • • •
I feel it myduty to neon:it...end It Well who
suffer teem Cancer. Ags Monoax,
Wife of Thothis Morgan,
Llllntiatan, Monmouthshire, England.
Dec. 9,
Sopa for the Afflicted.
Consumption is a disease which has long .
been considered as one of those which defies
GM skill of Man to curs and consequently the
IXerr consuruptive patient Is allowed to suffer
On fordaysandniatim, witboutrevene hope of !
- rare or relief. Tits mistaken notion ban ai
' length been ,ilispelied, and It Is now certain
that COnsumptimi, when properly treated, is
as ettrable ins any other disease. This import
. ant ismatunt;ement has been proven in very
many instances, by a gentletnen,in this city,
Who: has cured a great many eases of every
Scuttitif lorigdisease, even atter the lungs have
been tdoerated and partly destroyed. The
person to whom, we allude is Dr. Geo. H. Key.
soy, of lie Wood street, where he hmi been lo
cated for the past eighteen years, and within
the past year has had a private office at IM
Penn street. Dr. Keyser Is the proprietor of
the Peetoral eyrup'bearing his name, and ad
'Ditieed to another part of this &mail. There
will be found certificates in his column *Spar.
tlearnent of We ll iiihowu and respectable.. Ott
zone Who have been cured by the medittine
alone. Indeed, If persons afflicted with a com
mon cough or cold were to resort to this rem
edy at the onset of the disease, there would be
very few of those cases that vould end in put
. tummy consumption. Ho* often have Ike
beard in;large congregations of people, nearly
=abaft vette= coughing themselves Into au
Ineerable disease, when we knew that a seven
iy;eve cent bottle Of Dr. Keyser's Pectoral i
amp would have Mimi In mu than two days
nearly every cougher present.
Vegetable Juices
'The medicinal properties of plants depend
more on a proper care of the juices than any
rang else. A ratan in Bitgland, some year,
age tirades great reputation in caring rhea
utlittin, by extracting the Virtues from tho
plaits while in a green elate, width he used In
that ellseassiwith_ perfect success, while the
drieffplant would notproduce the same effect
to the lame extent. It blot thle reason that
Dr. Eergers 81904 Elearcher has such wonder.
BA effect In coring all diseases having their
origin _ln a niattndionditionofthe blood, or In
depraved and hachetic status of the system.
The roetstuullierbs used in the manufacture
of Iffielliood Beatilieri are all preserved In
such a way auto prevent deterioration of their
medicinal proPertles,hence its wonderful cu.
~ .d..restOratioatohealth Is aura
to follow the nee of this sublime remedy.
The mires perforated by It ore numerous, sad
Aif . slltrof them are here in this city where the
Peribrie Arid call be consulted as to their
-*crus t pr.-Keyser% Blood Searcher,
• saltake no ather.:Price lux per bottle.
. .
What does rt: nnetut 1 it means a medicine
lienue4o the entunctorlea and
Ling - organs of the human body, min'
WbSgand stimulating them to eliminate all
the viscid and - Word-out matter, as well aa to
Oteengthie thijaiger4ht innetriem of life, and
inahno them yrititnew energy. letter, crysi
lAW4thi,rWs* shin diseases, and Oven can.
.ear, luus beau Mired by ft. Ills the very prince
tigiatedieliteitii, help the languid • listnessums
of a departing winter Into the buoyancy of
spring. Prepared at Dr. Keyser's, No. 110
;Wood street. Trlee, alp per bottle.'
11-Land !Slater goods.
'it IS With terest;pliondire. Wo Call the atten
ton of oar readers to thiisttliperb stock of Fall
Intl Winter Goods just received by Mr. John
Vitelar..xecchAnt Minor, ifo;l2SVederal street,
Allegheny: Ms stock 13111111940. 60910 of the
most bonatiltd Cloths, Cassunerea, Overcoat.
imulyesunits over brought to the western
Market. Ms assortmtnt Of Furnishing (kiwis,
comprthin.)3litrta;Drawers, Collars Neck Tina
ilatis444ll.lofis, do., cannot be stonassed east
or ink. A arse stock Of ready nod Pants
-Cage, Yeats and Oyereoata, will also I,e mind
in Ids establiall matt. Perinea in want of any
thing the a thing the should not fall to
give Mt. Weler a call. •
Thomas W. Name at Reg.
Plimettina SPEW/tooter', and Dealers In Amen.
mil Mate qv:Mous *Nom &Moe at teleran.
der Raughliten near the Water Works Pitts.
b u rgh. Pe. )7Asiden* No. 78 Pike street. Or.
den promptly attendeati . to. AU work warrant.
werwater proof. Repeating done at the short:
ma seam Re charge torrepairs,Rraliaeo the
roods net abuseaalta. it la pat on.
ithulmiter Jobb ' Shay
flaring rimmed after an ' of three
Mil in tbe sini - y,/ barb re4Pated my pop
tat ell ante or Jobbing in the caucpentar Una,
oF the old stand, VtArra Alley. between anutto.
Sold atinat andCharry Altro.. ' Orders mounted
snainolgorreventlect to.
'Star In Mud
, t • .
Thaa you wish te saunas liquor of asix kind
itot r iiisdlopsl.9hlPOss4 Uwe Is Jest we ts*•
tablfeimeht ht the met Thus raliabla, guar.
littetid 111310161 That ,
14SPOSSI2Siiiarlakai Si Market
OOHS. -'24actisseer
homeopathic tnee THE LA TEST NEWS
At Fut tocM Drug !Mira Noa.e7 and 89 Fifth eta
Sew Dry ,Gools,
op en ovary day and selling lowertlutu you can '
btlf thorn elsewhere. Remember we are now ' OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES.
on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market
________......._C.RaNSON Lore & Sacra.
Wholesale and Helton
Buyers of Dry Goodrwfll find our new str , c;. :
now opening cheaper than you have seen Dry -
-1,,, 1." Irlapatch to the Plttabutitt! Gazette.
G°o4l for a long time. Remember we are now
on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market . Rsitrusnono, March 19, 1886,
streets. C. Ilzanos Lovn B. Bac,
_, .. SENATE.
i Mr. Bigham presented the remonstrance of
New Chiapas, certain citizens of Allegheny county against
Now forming at - Prof. .Cowper's fashionable , the bill relating to McGee's Ferry. Also, the
dancing academy, Wilkins Hall, Fourtn street . petition ofJaules Wood, of Alio?. hen y county,
Dap, of tuition: Tneaday, Thursday and Sat- : on the same subjnct,
!tirdaY. Ladies, masters and misses, I o'clock j Mr. Graham presented fourteen petitions of
ID. md - gentlettien, Bln the evening. Wilkins I the citizens of Allegheny- and Pittsburgh,
!Hall to rent when disengaged by classes. A ii- i lag for the passage of chili enabling the Cleve..
'ply to Prof. Cowper, at the Hall. ' ! land and Afaboning Railroad Company to ex
tend their road to Pittsburgh. Also, a ! rose-
A Clean Deck hewn. , I colon of the Councils of the city of Pittsburgh,
Jack Dickson challenged two of Logao' In favor of the same, and recommending a
coopers that him and one of his men could 1
beat the best two of Logan ' s for WS Lo- I general railroad law.
.1111.1.3 Bash IN eLAct.
gun's men wen; to him and nresented the Sir. 1,14.1„, an net
of J.
! Foss, of Allegheny county; also an not author
money, and offered to go In any shop in the
St. Johns Church of Lawrenceville to
city, when said Dickson backed out and would ~,,g
not stand his own challenge. .
increaae the nupiber of vestry; also an act to
• -... . A. B. Josza.
J. H . pgi a , agm. I increase the rates ~i• township end plank
roads In Allegheny comity - ; also a supplement
F. Marian Love, of the Arm- of C. Hanson
to an act incorporating the National Railroad slid Transportation Company.
Loxe &Ern., north-cast corner of Fourth and !
, Mr. Hoge, an act relative to tubing and phia
-1 Market streets, has Just returned from the gi ng oil we
easterm cities, where he line b 'en for several i Mr. Grahm, an act rotating to the °paining
days attending the large emotion sales, where lof streets, roads and alleys In the borough of
he sneovultitt in getting noise ; good -bargains, Al legheny.
which we' ill sell on teary small advance on I ,
, Mr. ....noon, an act authOrizing Courts to
salters Oast for Cash. Remember eve are °°°. receive certified copies .. r military records in
On the north-east corner of Fourth and Mar- ! evider „,,..
ket streets C.BA Coos LOOS. & Bao. .
ficisteitter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters
April it, 1913. i
MESSES HOSTETTER . 4.S EITE-Gentten.cra r It
gives me pleasUre tn add my testimonial to
these of others In far/ it of pith ekeellent pro
paration. Several rears of residence on the
banks of a Souther's/river, and of close eupil
cation to literary work, ha&no thoroughly ex
hausted my nervous system, and undermine/I
uty health, that I bud become a martyr to dYs
pepsin and nervous headache, recurring at
short intervals, and defying all 'known reme
dies in the Helena Alediett. I had come to the
conclusion that nothing but a total change of 111 Li, II ARR.CI3.
y Au act retell,. to the opening of Courts
residence and pursuits 'would restore rn
health, when a friend recommended Hostel - in Ll revue county. An act to Incorporate the
ter's Bitters. I prrieured a bottle as an caper(- Peoples' Line of Steamers on the Illononga
menti It required but one bottle to convince bent river. To extend the net of April . 22d,
is..t, relative to , cliool Mroctorn In Allegheny
Inc that I had found at last the right combine-
tlon of remedies. The relief it afforded me e°n.t Y.
has been complete. It is now some yearn since'
i By Mr..llOrrUß-A Wit relative to the %eigh
t drat tried llostetter's Bitters, and it is .
but Just to say that I have found the prepare- "F,,,0r
Roo to n'er''''''',''''
Lion all that it claims to he. It is a Standu:,l ~:- , .a r' '''
-.'3'""te l."' """""le Ili "'
Faintly DOrdial witl. us, and even as a stint, ...,%'. •M s , '"P' : ," 3.
lent we like It better titan anything else; out , -Y--r ,., ' :''';' -A " a"
U"' license
We use It In all nervous, bilious, and dynpep- o'
in '''''''''''''. r' ' ' '''Y'
liy Mr, sla. k-An act to authorize differen t
tic en.aes, from fever down to toothnche. If
;,, ards. borougk", Ac., in Allegheny count..., to
what I have now said will lead any dyspeptic
vy a. tax for bounty purposes.
or nervous Invalid to a sure remedy, I shall .
hates done some good. By Mr. Nogley-An act to change the time of
I rernahr, gentlemen, respectfully yours,
holding Court in the Seventeenth / 1 udicial 1
HClllltetter's Bittern
. I dJoßno.4l.
! AM sold wholesale and retail at very low rates
at Fletninies Drug and Patent afedicine Depot,
N 0.61 Market street, corner of the Diamond
sod Fourth street. -
Internal Revenue Taxes—Pittishurror
Compared With Other Prineipei Cities
-A. Gratifying. exhibit.
l'wesTr - SSCONDCOLLItermit Dia ratcr,P a
PITIRBUROII, March 17, 186 d. ---
The hew orients* asayognlsy and the
Messrs. Held., -I band yea, herewith. a
detailed statement of the amount of Intermit President.
Revenue Taxes, paid during the rear eoni- -
mencing June 30th, 1864, and ending .June:,,l'. i ' one, 5 1 4, '• ii , -Tl. 7 , 11 , ,, , ,,,. ,% u-11-
1%5, compiled from the Report of the Commi.. .i.:ton special , ai , A large ntanber of the
stoner of Internal Revenue. Thl% statement <1 tlarac a.. the .N orthera Ter 1 - ItOries met u. . 41,0,8••
I. Wrimitegtron on WoettrOtil for the mortiose of
First-The amount of Tares paid In the most expressing (herr views as to the pract leahilltT
imiXrrtant DiStriets la the Delon. Of toeproil north ern route of the Pacific
Districts (In their order,) n Melt hatiroad committee of RTC waos appoLnted
have paid over 82,000,000 during the year .
Third-The amount, of Taxes paid on Mans- to prepare en address urging Congress to
„..a..,„,an,, p rodnnin ,,,,, in an, most Important grant the alit es...lied for, after 'Ault)) [tie Meet
ni.Flrantaffietarth-Th e prnacip tiring diatric
al ts
ines, classified in the r ug was addreeved by several gentlemen pres
order in which they Stand as manufacturers Thu Herold , special says President John
and producers. ...en 3, esla•rday reTeired a dispatch trOm rt_ J
A great deal might be said In explanation of Hamilton, Pros Ismtml Governor of Te.lllB,
these figures, that for the present, I will merely giving a more hopeful account of the doinga of
submit the statements, the State Lenerentlon than any that base found
Very - Respectfully, their way into to 'et covernor Hamilton
WY. Lerrce, Collector sum, up by fa,, 1 sat m hough 61,0 Conven.
thin . had been to e• *.10., one month without
List of the taxes paid by the most Important
districts in the United States, from June Both,
~,a , t , e „ ,": ' ,,F" th' ''', ' n .r il '''' ' h3t°r 'a' , ... .r 9 a
to those adopted by Alabama were
1884, to J 121115 /10, 1885. , ,
I t y to prevail, that there wlll he no trouble
State. District_ Principal cities. Ain't '''
whatevet Collet•lTltrlg tt repeidlatton of the
Maine ISt. -Potties:id- 4-, 1 14_,n1M .-.4 ret,el wet debt, and that the freedmen will be
ma. New
. o, ll sm o :rim:si
Bor, Con t. .3ord .... / 030 , 7 1, , ag ti treated more eitt.......factoril; e tha ti by most of
~. List. other States . The principal difference of
idassachnsetta .4th. Boston 24473- 04 f•rslnion was e bother the ordina
Mansachasetts. Oth -Haverhill . 2,784,0 6 6 11 ~f - „ 5h ,,,,,,, ~,, m . CO n ni . sec.. -
erely epealed, or declared
Massachusetts-7th. . Lowell 4 387,221 74 ab " soltitelv null from the hswinnin
Massachusetts Bth . Worcester.., 2,469,2d2 m • , i ., „.. w w
..,___- - .4
Rhode Island... Ist- • .Prreidence 2,782,62/ 61 1.44,1 ° V.,. ° ; `"...,‘" 5.... ..., P. ._, o3 i.or,_in.tolie
Bhode Idand....El Warwick .... 1,161,415 07
Connecticut lit... -Hartford.... 9 IFO Tat ,h Agent '
o-- o- -- P.,e, a d enclosing the.: eau with the' ao
Connecticut 24... ..hew Haven. 1,729,329 47 hoe and Cheyenne India r ns, Las been re A ms r ls . : - .1 I Prom Illavana and Meglee-ilebooner
New York 2d Brooklyn 2,100,258 80 at the Indisse /tercets. The treat Ls signed
New York 3d Brooklyn.., S P / AV "on Bluff Creek , Little Arkansas rPTer, Kansas 1 2 " ww ..... 2 .. i 22 "nn CwP42‘29w2-22.062.22222.
Now York 4th.. N. Y. City .. 2,865,120 10 March Ist, 19e, and bears the signatures of - -hot.
New York sth. .N. Y. City 1,4R,792. 3.
:few York . ..ath..N. Y tw elve Chief*. Among the number is the no. Now Tons, March M-Theategmer Mantua-
New York th. ..N. Y. City I City.. 8.000,743 2"i' tOriOus George Bentz, Rowels-Ha-Ern He has tan, from Vera Cruz on the 9th, visa Havana on
- • 298 •188 -... lone been a terror to the frontier, tad the fact i the 13th , hoe arrived.
New York ilth.. .N Y. City . 5,047,948 01 f ins signing the treaty lane assurance of the , The schooner Matilda, with three hundred
New York 9th..-.N. C City- 1 ,471,093 61 future peace aim safety Of the Outer settle- 1 and seventy - fives cur board, Mu been
New York 14th .. Albany-- 2,3910244 97 meet Major Wynkosm complains of the sys- . captured no brought Into Havana. They
New York 15th ..Troy 1,196,107 li how of fr ee trade carried on by irresponsible I had bea themape San Antonia, and One bun-
New York Md.•• • 237w enne• • i s ni no 2.72 ". pert ie. and 'attributes ell Lb dill' MI 4 toll I deed of litifT been sold tut sla v e , Some
New York 21Ith -Rochester 1,01.451 Cu . e c u e
- , ..„, ,„„.,-, , the introduction of central:sed articles, mud , twelve buddrod have been landed there. The
New York 35th •Buffalo .''''....r's ."' the admisston of unprincipled men . mortality. saucing them 43 tinfte heavy and ft
New York.... .i W. Y. City . 8,084,870 90 The expedition brought in a young girl 111 , ,b• reported that owe eightytKidioliWeiblyin
New Jersey sth Newark ... 3,992,4 , - 47 teen year* of nge, named Amami 1 Fletcher, ,at the C ape , 900 S ibi ttallikin erOWIS, g
Pennsylvania Ist Ph iladelphs 3,931,5 R 07 ea 'tuns] f
u nd ugust last, near Fortila deck. ' , Ceti Dolce lute sent, in Ids real
gtiatlim as
Pennsylvania ..2d ... Phlladelp'a 11,192,544 66 'l'he Rerl• Ws.hingten s sal gives the : Governor General to the /Some finternseent.
Pennsylvania- 3d . Philatielpli. 2XM.16.14,71 (Mina Inc as facts re ardin Pm g the reportc,l I A renter deer . ee to that requiring the esco.
Pennsylvania ith.. West Philo- 2,481,114 711 p „,., de ,,-.„ iiw I. kr
Pennsylvanla....2oth. 011 Regions. I.on.ral 44 ,r,:,,lto.ofaNe:
i t s r. th l is eu nt n onlede h a o i I Lured slaves to be Sent. U. P 0911111410 has been
Pennsylvania. ..22.d. .Pittsburgh.. 3,184,046 ?If p '. r.sent Mayer of the city, telegraphed le the i T
he °f Hetine dates are of the /et
Pennsylvania. ..Rd... .Allegbeny . 1,091,744 IS Pre,ident on the lath lost , °Rol - easing death, The Belgian Mlatater sent to orient' Maxi
-911 ....BalUmore &LOST 79 oinio te fl an tro d erssi ot fol:, k w ue h ce t ti . or elect, Mr.i
onruanof the on gz.v.: of , Leopold was shot
3 I Lag La n a :II
lid ....Baltimore . 3607,556 op
West Virginia lat.-Wheeling 487,475 It M on r oe ,
h•su Id yield
ion. ' 17e o icess n' nen? , A French bark bar* hks g arrh:ed at Havana with
Kentucky Od .. Louisville 1,942,0 R 19 n
replied tlll folio we by telegraph I nave no in- 1.10 Coolies from sLacco.
Kentucky Eh- e o TingtOn• 1,263,630 57 formation t•• give in regard to •Airrentlerlng
Tennessee Ist. Nrisnvule .. 979,700 96
the usnyouly of Now Orleans to the person . g.,,....8r. Answer n , p ro d,. vn.„.
Ohio' It. Cinchmati 3,R:ism 47 elected to A.ll the position I nave no nfer
s:mho Id ....Cinetheati '1,108,561 as minion shou•Mg that the election wee not re 24 mw Y e", M arch 22 . - The 21161 wiea Paris
Ohio 3d .'. •Dayton 1 . 322,420 74 alit, or that the Individual who Misr bee n 1 c°Tn. l .... lents °I . the 2,1 16 ' 8, 4 WriteS of no
Ohio .... ... .701.. .Columbus - 1,025,192 Z 7 el/octal cannot qualify. In the absence of Important fact not yet made pabbely known
Ohio 18th . Cleveland TOM '571 4',
.„. .-,,,„,-,...,... -,; toiril prool the inTstimptiOn is that the elm, l in " d n. 222 . Sew er" "Area 10 M . DeanYn
Illinois Jet • • • C h i cwof- 05,e . w . „., , -0.,, L r., t5...0 s.ris actordint to is , and that the porsOn bollumor diepatch of January lithium arrived.
..',. of allegi ... B .., , Aithough the French Government has net yet
Illinois .sth.. Peoria
elected can take tle.
Michigan 15t.... Detroit-- 1,r12,97 .''. 1 .20: lot 'say required. 2,1 r Monroe seems to lIIMS ' EM""CC4 •" ° lllelai Ml 4l °l l ' , Man Its the
'abbot of the Turneries was ve l, 7 Intact pleas-
W iseonsin Ist. • • • 5111 waniree- 1i 075 : 37 ; ... known out .gone were being made to keep ' eso with Its contents. - While r terating and
Missonri Ist.. .st. Louis-- Lasl,lo2 17 illm out of office and 1 elegrephial to the Pres
ell that the United/Mates Govern-
Calitornln ... Ist. ..San Fron'eco 2.687,67 i 155
ex re ss 'm nt• t has ureig ev g er said upon the Mealean onee"
Claaaitled lion of those District' which ha , e e l' i l e 7 c n t i eTl e il7lV;Yof '' 3s h olk t h i e rlea h'd na. b' a= tri?ftuter l fs;
r . s , l junatuel rerteon:Fluentifoe.sizet!r n,ooo,ootr, ~,,, 103 . 1 n , a ., u„,„ n I ~in y a n t . u ndl, „ in 1 Lion, ho bas e it i AL , :lll 6 v n e l ommig i flot ilen lath gnage to
emsribe aka
°Dna will
fits tsar of the reconstrnetion policy of the I .
No. DIM. State. Principal City. Amount p re .,, d ,,,,,,, . 8 Any ,A.,, loing no p re8 1, 1 . 3 .,, ' not budge an inch, in terms wig" Ilan oe will
1.32d -. New •New York N. Y. City .414,064.672 72 " 8 , 118 . w, this , 6, ~,t 6, ,L h0i, „„g m. ..,„i probably Mato up its mind ts) guler as not
2 t ton • New Y0rk....,. N. Y. CR Y . 2 • Sr4 • S ••M . to to Mr. Knnt;di • fl ' ul9 leaving the mutter incompatible with its own rologell DR th e me
t toth..NewYork H. Y. City .. 5,017,904 01 ,hero - ~, nf ~;.„. 1 must. The undoubted iniprelilen of the
4 3 d-Massachusetts. Boston .. .. 1,507,19; 1 . 7 i " ...." civil . „ - T i k - --" ---- . 11 erush Mu:dotty indlVidually Lithe; Mr. Sew
-s.lst .2dissouri St. Louie.... 1,047,102 1 - (n " n "' nnn the , nn ni nn2 inwa Unit ' at,l's latest corrumunleatiCur rdieves them
6.5 th. . Now Jersey Newark.-... 3,092,479 411'4°' ern such eas• ••
from a load of anxiety,
and that the Irelaticons
of FrunmS and the IrniUsoi States In regard to
' 7 Ist ...Pennsylvania.. Philadel .1u 3 ,961.1 M 1 1 7
8-lit ..1111nrdir _y r ...., OAderego„.. 3,gcoqc.e In
DIIIIOLESOME IiEtTS SEIZED I) IEII lORK. Mexico now stand upon a very good rooting.
9.lst-Clb id .ionediusatt., 4,2E1,865 17
10 24 •Pennsylvaida . 3J92,546 szo
11. 22 -Pennsylvania • Pittsburgh.. 3,141644 21,--
13 2(1 -New York Brooklyn.,, 1001677 IL 12. Sd - 3
Maryland Baltimore-.. 3, 000
14 sith..New York N. Y. City .. 8,000, , 7d 27
15 Ist...Rhode Island. Provldence.,X792,62l 61
16 . 6 thrndassechnsettei. Neer Boston 2,744,091 71 GOLD DisseoVt.RlS I N NEW JERSEY.
17. lon....Callfonda S. 'Francisco 2,437,613 GO
18.8 th -Massachusetts Worcester..- 2,409,2(12 29
19.4th...Peunirylvania. W. Philos:ls 2,461,a1,4 is --
91 7th-.M.stasachusetts . Lowell 2,387,84 71 THE VALUE OF GOLD AND SILVER ASSAYED.
21.4tti-liassactiusetts. Boston 2,117,106 ni
22.14 th New York Albany 2,301,091 67
23 . 341 .-PenneYiannn , • P Minn. ' ' in 2 = .622 -'1 __
Retrousse stewarths Amnesty Resolutions.
24.2d....0b10 Cincinnati . . 2.164,911 sti
25.2 d -..New York Brooklyn.... 2,100,956 313
26 Ist...Connecticut. . Hartford... 2,034743 50
27.18triOhlo Cleveland... 2.063.771 45 Nov long., March to - Tae Sanitary Police
continue; to make seizures of the armhole.
The foll Owing table shows the amount of
taxes paid on manufactures and productlchis
in the districts designated some veal In the city market.
No. Disler. State. Principal City, Amount. Ihe sale of Fenian hondscontlnuee unabated
I . gth..."New York .
.N. 1 . City 81,441,835 00 a t tem a n onn ,,,,, i nnictnnrier ..
2 ..bth...NewJersey Newark._ .. 2,626,011 02 The house painters of this city anti Brooks
3 . 32d...New York...N. Y. City- 2,566,777 07 II si me on a strike for an increa*es of wages.
4 Int...Pennia Phil% 2,377,138 In They receive three dollars per day, and de
-5 6 th...3laelach'tte.Malrerbill de. 2,212,557 66 eland three dollars and fifty cents.
6 11....Massgehittlf.BostOn 2,175,M8 50 A natural deposit of gold has been discover
-78.....Viti. i ...Penn'a
~t.i pteburgh. 1,14 . 1a3 2 . eat inoresnosa.ivuelir.ll(l.SylZi2.fCtowllonnt/n..N.
r e tt,io
Lit.....ldissotdi 'St. LOnts....r. 3,048,093 ao I ,,,,"yr't on ,
10.. Ist. .ohio CincinnatL. 1,101,950 56 A barites been Introduced into the Legula
-1- Ist . ithole Islarid.Providsmoe.,l.77B,o76 11 tare at Albany to establish a board of Railroad
12... 2 d....kfassachrtta-lioStOn '1,532,630 Bo ' Commissioners to secure the safe construction
0.. .Ist. Illinois Chicago 1,523.038 47 and management of railroads In New lank
14. Ist ..Conneetleut.Hartford..... 1,465,456 74 State. It provides for an examination of
15.. Id....Conneeticut.New Haven.. 3,282,128 15 track structure, switches • engines, and cars.
16-18th.. Ohio
17.. 1d...:0h10
18_,. .24....17. Haup.,..:4:144,4 et.... 1438,549 70 It licenses enghreers and brakcsmen, and pro-
Cincinnati.- 1,233,381 kl 9 , video, for the prosecution and general regula
-1,110,0B) 75 tion of companies and employers.
Tee following table show. the order in which The value of gold and silver bullion assayed
e principal znanufactiotring conies stand in , by public and private assayers doming thells
respect to materfacturai, without regard to 1 cal year 1 51 1, amounted to $ 83 ,Z3,000, ot which
population! , s ou 056,097,W0 was the value of built , assay
lio. 1.... Ne w York .-.. Seve n districts. esl in the Pacific States. Estimating the as.
No. 2 ....Pialladelphili Fear districts.
No. 3....805t0n
No. 4.... Newark, Two districts.
No. 3 ....Cinebinati.. . Two districts. ; eased gold and silver in the Pacific States at
abbot 85,000 000, , the production of gold and
, silver in DM would amount to $ 6 1,000,000. The
, estimated production in 1663 was mt. 0291
No. 6 ....Plttaburgh Rot ineltiarg Allegtyy. oohing an inereeso In two years et clOoler
No. 7....13t. Louie
No. B ....Pnrvidence.
No. 9.... Chicago.
NO. 10.... Hartford,
No: 11... -New Haven.
No. 13....rnerveland. .
No. 13....C0n00rd.
• Washington despatches state that
, goal au th ority for saying that the resolortions
I Introduced by Senator Stewart, of Nevada, on
n I Friday last, proposing general amnesty in ex
, change Air universal suffrage, was suggested
1 and premixed by lion .Henry S. Foote, father
' in-law of Mr. Stewmt, and formerly United
The distric t in which are WOthellter, Low. I States Senator from Diasluippl, Mr. Foote, Be
ell, Fell Rover, and other Eastern Mannfactnr. is well known, has recently advocated Iridium.
ge t cities and towns, Ye set eatirolated in the sal DMZ
IMMO*. 44 they eatorfoßa• a Idttribar °Pagan It la sal that the rejection of the biLl rega
-1 villages and towns, and cannot be Proper ly lathig e with th e #ritish Provinoes by no
means flitpOSee of the antdon. It .IA thought
8 ,__i 220211, -, The lib:Ma_ 111 _ for publics- that arunlier effort will be made to pus an
..4.46AnM rl WoFtwat.. tO an I other lessobjectinnable meesnro,or refer the
a _to WO. uta yeater. subject to a Jeint committee ' tO Matta° a buts
of reciprOdi.7.. •
The act relating to goods, wares and mar
e:tar/1.4e in store and in tenant, and to make
rceitints and hills of lading thereof negOtla
ble. AT, act anthordzlng the int:total, ritaite,
Connty and Borough Officers to i.e voted Ittr
00 separate hilp, Adjourned.
- .
Petitions were presented by Mr. Glass, of
the citizens of _Allegheny, relative to the Ma
i boning rt Cleveland nallrnad; also, a remon
. btranec againFt a hill relative to Mckee's Fer
ry. Mr. Jtcrron, an net In favor of a law rein
tir.• Ico tile weighing of heavy merchandise.
Mr. Slack , M•I in favor and against the new
Proceedings of the Texas Convention.
Abolition of thumb Rates Discussed.
AU/tit:to col' itla.ei ' Mar]cotel•
Pawn-sin, March 19.—The steamer Peruvian
from Liverpool and ,Londonderry on the 9th,
arrived here this evening.
In the House of Commons an the 7th, the an
nual bill for the abeillion of church rates was
debated. Messrs. Gladstone and Bright spoke
In favor of the question-being compromised
ome way or other. The bill was !mood to a
second reading by a vote of 2 295 to M. The
samouncement of the vote was received with
loud cheerier. It is timorht that the vote in
dicates an earo . saint! of th e question, al •
though the presen. ill doubtless be rejec.
tdd by the House of r......rds as usual.
The Owl says Ade, teen Government
has mated that ix is po fell
information as to the motement oFenian;
la the United Stater, and will not pct iu it any
sets obnoxious to the British governmeoi of
which its laws can take cognizance.
Fenian affairs are unchanged. Unimportant
th wal Vs Circular of the evening of the
7th, says: Dealings in American securities
have been on a somewhat Hinted mile. To
wards the close of last week. there seas a
strong disposition to buy Five-Twenty bonds,
and on Saturday, prior to the Australsalan's
news, they were bought up to 71, but have
since reacted7o3,4 on sales to realize praflut, elan.
lag at
in the d Railroad shares have sympathised
clothe di movement, Illinois Central ,
g at 7 7X4R78g and Erie at 2.31402.24%.
The London Owl nays a German cries is Cm
minent. The Prussian Government bail dis
patched to Vienna a summons in respect to
Holstein, which is as peremptory n its "me
as its demands. Bo:march is ready to face
a war and its rionsequenee. Austria must at
once take up the gauntlet or yield to Prussia
la a ennewhatignorninians Manner.
The dloei:ar says that a majority of the
plenipotentiaries have alasadyleem invested
w ith the necessary powers torittcmd the Con-
Kress, relating to the prlncipalitlep, about to
he held at Paris.
The Turkish eery* of observation on the
Danube is stated stover twenty-two thousand
man a reserve corps of eighteen thous
an is te be s e
ta e at Schema
it is stated that Honed
will probably take
vania and Beltowisa. milit
s ary measures in Transyl-
I London ..ifoney Merket.—CousOls are steady.
bat rather . firmer. DizoOlnit is unchanged.
J The bank rate remains at /per cen i t
' ity
Lierierr—By telegmpb to London —Lir
erten, March 9.—Tne London Pest la that
public feeling is dead about reform.
The total number of persons arrested under
the sespensson of the habe,as corpus act up to
Tuesday night Is 175, of whom 42 are Irish
Americans. Wear have been discharged.
Usrus.r—Lirerpoot Cotton Markel, .Ifards
The sales or Cotton for the week were 94,900
bales. Including e,ioo hales to speculators and
13,000 to exporters. The market Is firm, but
enchangeri fpr American ; sales teeny of Mt
n., bales, ineindinctSlo speculators end ex
parte.. market' drill and unchanged.
the :tabor/sod - quo one are: (Micelle lair'
10 , 4 U; middling 114,Ki1; Mobile MI fair len
middling, uplands end (air 19, 18 and led; mid
ding 18.74 d. Stock nport 327,0001 bales, blend-
lng =AOC bales of American.
The Mun cheater market is activerrith an ad.
enticing tendency.
Trio breadstud's market was very dull ex
lept fur corn, which was advancing. Previa
ons--the market is fine. Lard has an 12p-
ward tendency. Console Closed at 8119 , 20di
for money.
The weekly return of the Bank or England
shows an increase on bullion of 959,005. Amer
ican Se curities—United States Five-Twenties,
re 901781,4; Ilentrel,.M4; Erie. 6.1%0 s(
as, LATEST NIEWS-.-/PEdOll, MiErS/0.-71111.11
Atlantic Telegraph meeting nruintmensly ap
provoil the arrangementa of the Directors for
laving the cable this year.
Property of Neutrals as Am—The ateall•
ran gammon.
New Toms, March 19 .—European [lles bring
en important speech of Attorney-General Pah
mer, In Parluiumut, on the petition of Mr.
Gregory to the Queen, to use • her inn rienoe to
make P r ftale.PrePerty_ of neutrals at sea eas
mein f rom seizute. Ile contended it would,
not be for the Interest of Maitland to rebel'
anish her supremacy on the, ocean, and the
would ho better able to mee t the dangers of
mario.l time capture than ally other power lie
oppp ed the petition.
The limes Paris correspoadatat writes. 'The
French is said, IMP xemnrctl
dispatches from Wislizilison - Whieb putan end
_bribe if exineaLitheseletw---Tnev-tiirr;olies..
ba those of' one Government, ustlon
within a year an driCireintereetittond g the
evacuation. The "Emperor Was heard to say,
lately, that eta ono people and the Amerman I
people v. ere againsim in this aff The
two people did not comprehend it as be CSOM- that It would be foolish on
his perttop hia polloy whsza encountered by
so touch hostility, and that it Ives his duty,
muter the eiretunnunces,s to_ code. So long,
however, as he rediatned In idexieo, be woald
not auffnr himself Or Maxitnillan b tacked
without resenting)t, much as hewould regret
to go towar with the ptanble of the United
States, om he liked and respected. With
such dispositions on both sides, It Is easy to
see that en underatandhog was to have been
• looked for, and was, In mot, the only 'Pineal
solution to the Question.
The debates in the Chamber are still very
hot, and the conduct of the Minister towards
the flouts has been ell along most imbecone
lug, so much so, that • grmt. many members
have kept aloof from the late baba given by i
the Minister of State and home Minister.
The notulnatlon of young Prince Imperi .
child of ten years of age as Presi dent ,
of the :great international exhiblnon In
place of Yrince Napoleon, moreover, has cans- ,
ed universal d e N ap
The Recent Revolt An /sinslos.
New Toss, March M.—Fourteen days later
news from Jamaica has reached tto by the ar
rival of the steamer Montezuma at this port
Yesterday, from Kingston, On the 7th inst.
The Royal Commission of Inquiry Into the
muses and suppression or the resent revolt
ear still progressing. Mrs. Gorden, wile of
thong° W.
of there
who was exatinted on the
ringleader of the revolt., was emuntried on the
9th inst. The examination bad now lasted
thirty days. •
The trial of Ramsey, Provost Marshal af Ito.
rant Ray. for atrocities committed in the dis
charge of the duties of his post, was proceed
ing before the civil magistrates, bat the pro
ceedings wore conducted to private. The ao.
cused had boss admittoa to Dail. In the As
ide, Courts, thirty-seven of the prisoners
charged with participation in the rebellion,
were on trial. Ali was quiet.
ReiffWink= at NilehillUe.—Fire et. Hat
ton'. Mitatten—The Fenian. Demonstra
Neeuvitior., March WOlf we
brutally wutaulted, on daturdl. ad.
Church street, and nerlouely, then It la b
!Weed not fatally, In Awed. The t
not been identified.
A large fire occurred at Huttopie -Station.
No oarfloulars.
The celebration on the 17th wet - fliall. The
Feniams say that all their obis W&Actroops
were sent to the frontier over k ago.
There le to be a grand Fenian bell. at Must°
Hall to-night.
Letter Thief Arrsited—Blegllealateer
New Yeas, March /9.--tan offiritteddpand of
letter thieves hoe been recce yAlsottiered
the post Grace detectives in thtt caw,' And on
Saturday last en Important errata 'erns made..
it Ls expected. the stew treat
trOhn and
Erman, Corning will go up Meditation river
A new vessel has been built tdr the Peoples
Line, and named after Daniel Drew. It win be
launched In a trig days.
Steamer U. a arsdaCaintsk.
urn. March In—The atesmOr tf. EL Grant,
from tit. Loafs for upper • Mlasdark'sunk Man
too gorge, near the mouth of On Elatte, yes
terday. The loss Is eatlmitelrat a hundred
and any thousand dollars. ' Thetnumenters
and crew were all saved.
Leas BLU Iteeesielifeeeet
Wiselawros, Mend Noun b 7•
vole of 81, yeas. evilest ea illnelqAtete monad
ered the MI by which the leim tell • was pe,
3•9ced en "Marc
to Insist that no such acts shall, under any
circumstances, be repented•
eir. Tramline inquired whether the Exec..
t ive . t epartment bad exhausted all its power
before applying to Congress for redress. He
themitht the Executiee Department ought not
to apply to Congress until it had done so He
hi. 114.1,1 that nothing more would be neces
earl than for the State Department to Inform
the aut lionties, and that such acts should not
I be repeated
... a ....._ , Mr.'senator thought the nonage of the reso
a." ' wa uenTea. Maisch 19.--On Monday es en. I let lon wanel be mor e ereateima than any.
of the i thing else that eould he done In preventing
d to
t ile , would
...---"; ... 5° lkst ,
nra arrived at at the
eis Secretary
y e
from :e7.= 1 ,,;,,%; , ' i t o n fl to rnfro
the department, ble door bell rung and the passage of the resolution
s resolution a .9
YQRnif Mae was admitted, who said he hail Ze h r e emi thionn we th en,
o Pas 7t e d o t 05,„,,,„
been a Sadler in the Union army and had one 01 thrw trot gth,:;,,,,r',:oekt,,i' Increase.(
e° ffte ire the Secretary on Multiuse which he duties-
felthe could no Wager neglect lieule ln the A resoltillen was adopted calling fo rare. p from the Naval observatory of the dee
serviee be had, through the mistake of some ttl r esan t i the levels of the lemposed i r ,
dietalreang officer, been Overpaid 4 0193, Al- Interment:de canals and railroads betw l ern tl?,,
though be had used this money, yet laic con- A tlantic and Pacific °refine, especially as re
neielica wOald no longer permit him to con- fates to the merits of the Honduran, Tehuans
cast thereat, and be bad ditectly approached tepee, Nicaragua and dlaratte lines
tire Secretary to Unburden bis mind. "Here," flu ' h ' hulte 'l3°Urned
said he, addressing the Secretary, , "are 3200 HOUSE.
which ;Wish to return now. I have 'Meted hlt Hooper of fdassachusetts, introduced a
irate Vhdettaill be returned to me moon, and now ton t , ern,.
then I Will Day you the balance."
Mr Hooper stated that the bill for the lik e
he - United States Consul Sc la Rochelle,
e F ,P uloe r la hm ffirl6lfes to the D____OPenwent, C nn a l l i n 'arP°ge e h d t g i n g Il en e - III: 4 AV Laic it
State. dated ebruary
that reed quarantine be enloreetichnit Tee
'-lltbr",..,,,ornieude referre a d It embodlea What seamed to ham,
t the Macungie lost week, the wishes of '
es"nil 11,%,,,,,,,theP°fUtinflaCy7113.eeethalenirret. Seile Jarga t ruajority of n the House. The 11111 was
to bo illOring along tee-wearer= Vermeer' dead no And referred to the Committee on
rr'eee '
in ”C'rehtlainearD'lLW W-L' Vim , 1 4 a. !VIVIOt Introlltleed a bit/ for the settle
,Pirong tho a o l Vt, r roro uces ug h li e 4 h ,Rom m u s ink "" n li mui pl i e
_Anent of the mammas of certain pribieolleara,
Ro t unities seat, , . ~.,- y,
~ , w was read twice and referred to the Lin
ea leleirreat Carrera Life on - ' rilehrr; Committee
Lad cOnslderable experience in• ,etentreetiOn
IL ' Mr. arisen introdueed a bill to amend than
act ofJtity tat, Wee, for the construction of a
A lih " h°/ b r al ff ire g 1° the_ luau Mffe* railroad and talem-a a line from the Bilimonri
oral suggest eirsitir , thir., • tra on_
~,_t tif' river to the Paelde P oe - Donna, which was read
Elearailllne. HO sereernmemesidlat attaliahl MAW tw/erit and referred to the Committee on the
_on boars}, [the port of Separtme, , h-- r eees•oi iim-^se pada° Railroad -- can enorgby, and res penellgtethontritithree, ' me_ Dan son of Pennsylvania lamb:ma 1 Congteof quarter Piens/01m.
Mies, and'ObOilen With 1.110-apartiteallaaranat ilefollowleg reselutlonn an I demanded the
e°°n Oillitel port Of dclatarDirl i tspirrhOseres.
plevraus question : . . Moaner, March le -Befony Jude. Mellen
pert the
e llYallitOM br inter le 14 Mani- nese/fed That the United statesl "town and Drown.
11.1141au1l bean/ dewing the item% .the ~,,,,,e,' th e boo& of rho Mexican cannot
j Dr LUNATIC.° INQ utaaNDo
mfget - be admitted to preteens, the time tizt r bov„entuent without irl or
of in the Voyage to be counted as part creel. , nlint nalta own I A jury was munanneled to peas upon tee
n i nipositt ti. e, now hardens on tin I
of quarantine
(sanity of Cornelius McCelfahrty, or the Fifth
Our Colitialatt Amsterdam writhe hi the De- Repaired, That the sacred faith of the , leer I Ward, who had been adjudged guilty of surety
Parereateer State, under date of Fe hi e . i i
,11,-,..ti Peno!tiO ie.l.t!e.d ,, geti ... tje the payment ofeer of the peace, a week or two ago, and eenteme
that the Cattle plague to Mill spread Inv',
It Is fear ertest will Info. the whele en s , „„ a ,; ‘ ,l a , 0a.,,,a,,n1;3-. unwise to
,:?,,ITLlM,„,,,Pioll.ago°ol,!: deferred until the qnestion of his tuud I .
try. Tire are en oppottal to killing In- scathes of other Cella tries . I should lie determined. The lees found that
footed matte, that In some Instances t Ire m ill- R „,.
*aired, 1 net the true polity of the United 1 .
tarp lam been emplo.ved to enforce obe.llette. I mat le, In the language ofJeffereon ' ho was not mimeo, and . he was required to give
to the iff,W_
commerce and honest friendship alt„ all na j I lewd In $3OO to keep the peace.
Arnottecteenl a
Gone and entertaining alliances with none." IterattuaTlNO CoNTWAtler CANE
XXXVIIth COaGIIESS--FIRST SESSION The llouse rernsed to accord the •previoue The next c.O called was that of Robert Poi- Time rar. -Mrs Waller math bet appear
q question.
~,,_ since last night a•• the Phil nergh Tneetre In
--- Mr Ashley, of Ohtn, Mtn ed t° refer the rate i lo " k ` r '''''' ' Indicted for ilderfering with I I
11 /. 1 hanoner of Meg Merrill••. , et i•pa
19 Admen - thy, elateir Is, tete ,of to the Committee nn Foreign Affairs Obetructing the administration of public jet, 't ' the It tt or
el ta Mn uttering', mid lolly sustained her
,I Mr a nelthunie, of 1 111nole, rose to debate 1 thee. The ranee( this came ate already known .
Mr. SUuttleretresented them-aloe of the 011.1- I thtithree'r"e‘ollrftle ,to the public, and are In enastance thee. I Iteei tons chat-at ter a, one et the b.., .ring
s, Imam the rule. emate or 1 During the bearing 0f....11 case before Aix], or I repreeentatlvee of Giese) Mee laantgla ehe
sails of Newalfeek, earnestly asking that no for the present
Mclartei the lefendantares preeent, and the apeman. as laero in Shakespeare's trneed i of
State tha="ted, shall be mlnalue e g o,. Air. Peruse orth, of Illinois, introdueed e 31avor (licam *Wont to se ear a witness) Ila "Othello "
State- Sato the I nem win d. t ae, joint ratolution appropriating g 20,000 for the quieted those pr....emit to take off their hut., 1„ .
qrtate ateudtylete the num, keto ree d t o t h e ear% ey of ItoeleJth or, in Illinois, and was, snit, iir Pollock did trot retries e Ide baton,' a it. - ' 'l n's. - Hake Si
in elMeets to-
Committee on Mammal uecion.
night at the Opera Ifnuee in 11. Van cbarnete,,
reference to the Water cOmmarticatiOn Ito- , eon,' rehttnet..hinicinhgalindaktl.eptiO
1 ~,,,,a , a „,, ,1„,„ ec .., li t ~, , ro rtmtnee 1 ,, 111 nen ,.
Mr. Sumner aser presented the petition of I ". - tv the Missleelpiti elver
the czens Of Jafferann wan ty Penns . ask
or the Ater... of Patinae' corn hiding with the
leers, rend twice ice Line retorted to the Commit- , presence of better nem " The Mayor then Ita ' me"" 'it. ' ih " Ph " "I "The 'PS.llnrh.
erg for an amendment to the COnstitution tae r". Commerce ,
marked that "If the gentleman did not wash 10
prohibiting any' Oath from amain, any din- Mr .. i field's vote, by which tile loan bill ir Ith the rules of the Mace he roma , ''',',",:‘,..",:eh.drirati,:lef . B h r . i i" e n e ", l . n ~I , .,o ro t o teroaa, la
tire er a,,ood.. t i
i lei lasetat. Han. Notht
tinctlens In Oleg eights among the natural'. aas reject( n, came up. /he motion to ins the co mply tire " The hat. wne remOved after tile tter- I
sett citizens a r , the United Staten , or amens metion to reconeider on the table . tee lost la ond request had Meat made by tile Mayor vla I aft, night It Is erou dere ana people „ei es. ay
verso. born OneAtne.l.ll mullion account of 7 ° t° P" voila .
of ,
I. O i l in :l i tl „ t l i ., ..rt „ s t ettte tin emelt night a beeu-•
ter the Cll4O had been heard thiough, Ca et• fo nd ,
thee Or color. ;Refereed to the emtaittee eta 31r. Braila , intreilimed a retadtltlOn, which Pollock was entered into cnstody, and I rerun
.as ado lad direetlng the Committee on Pen.
dint , hum it eet et drau a width c nth. It total
1100 011S[P00[100;t
s Mr. Stormer =anted two petitions iii Mem taults to botaire Into
law, Ina
and jure el Swartz, alder, Esq. appeared on
the of pi es Ming by law, rot the eases of 0111- the prosecution, and Met ' esre. ha kpatriek, 4 01- I A PA, Lore MAI L. -.VI V 110 M. our reader: well
Itenr in mind that to-n Lad the pupas rd the
of an Internet I copy nutlet, law, it 'deb were
referred to the OCirantitiee On Fortagtunel, ono' nod ooLtiiirn who hove Alenppeared LI.IIIII her, Miller and C Mein for the defembe t
"i,tri ate suppose,( to but " h ts n made' ed Ity After the case had been callml, a motion was Eighth it m a ''' i ' I \ ' -"' li las'. an "Wel
te mei, et et lardy tt :, II el Tne pregranetito
Mr.. Wade pretreated a pet dem from the Ohio , rebels,
made by defendant's counsel to 1/11,1s1, Lite ,t- i ,
wool graven', asking for an Mei ense Of duty I at A ueona introduced the following cotter,: diet ment, and alter argument the potion r '"'" .° "' .l ' . " l ° , °- re "'"...i" ''"l rooiPto d 0...
engine, tale, ens, e lit.•itt rho:el:101d of he
on wool, whinkwas referred to the Committee rent resolution, and mo, ell tale prey hem cities aam overruled .
I on Finanee. tam
Mr ewart7 welder open mi the elm,. ha the I t 4"ii"3 will t ”
imm r " '-°"r‘ Icon of
Jar, wition pram:dad a petit Ine to inerense neteleed, (The Senate coucurringo That the pro imitation, terrierke e t het It I. a tut first j " I. 111,..tri' hunt, n and the .th a in g
. mei ert. • ti , Pref el sek. TllO/1/ • wh e t attend
the pay of army o.llleera, which ees aaferriel to eresulmrt of the Senate and the tspeaker of the GU/11 of the kind which ..... oec la rred le 111 ll 3
the COMMlttee Mt Military A nat. Honey of Rept . errantly es, adjourn their re- yeani It was not a prre I matter . bet. le n i '' ' ` 1 ""` ' tie ..0,-‘' ' • '''''' n In a .. ''''''' ' t "' re •
Air. Wilson prosentedtbepotition of several epeetive ite“9 m for the present session, on the Mayor and Capt. Polio., and the jury I"" ' '
colored men, who represent that they time fii erud .s'. the - dav of May, at 12 o'clock, should view ft as a ease brought in behalf .: '
alien,ritessed election.
I once the slarea of George 1. a Custia whom li n o.
the representatis es of the people of Plus-
Me will, fineilthens and provided for theta sup The previous finest/on was ecconded burgh If contempt and eontumely eould be nit dere me tor .. .Oleo] Dia eat! eln the
port from the property hat ey him They ' a „ k Mr washburne naked whether It nos in east ttrant t.he Mayor, in the dembarge et les Itoe.egh er Titerenees etc bas t • n coa
hate portion of the Arlingeon estate Ise net
apart tor their benefit. The petition RN, r,-
Sorted tuella thimmittee on the eudielare o li r;,i xt er as te 011 the bleak with the last Thursday duties, or insult heaped upon him while arts ... a . a -- -
Mg In las ollticial capaelty he should le 1111. A Ilt. elniollrlnt, a ere Wrn M Ans
el, spcaker-e ot unless tmanimouscoment tected-not on his personal account, btu ~,, i co m a ames Manias. and P Kennedy on ono
. s Mr. Wilson, hem the efilitury Colututttec, Is en
the sake of the people, whom be retires.. tleket, and James el Donee. John D Richards
reported the tau to earotatab . „ 1 / 0, 2 , f or t o t.u. Ur JOneLel, of Rhode island, objected.
lydlsabled Sadler* and salibra of the Pelted Mr. Morrill If a pereou can cast contempt Olson u minister
tem:lrked that sari a resoletion of pieties; to that extent It is an obstru, ,
i and v. Italian tine on the other . The three
States a l t o a thn otathn , thation that nnntaln ir,,,, Premature unlit the arOnriatlOn bills Oen, and the coon, upon a verdict of the jure, 1 last named Potimi Die bigheet rota and of
artielhilioCtita or the House lie concurred ,t, were passed, and be retire (or the yeas and cell punish tbe.11(011.8e. course Cllll7ll /1"/ be elected There Is a provie
Tao amendments strike set the proliferate, oars upon , t.The Ode woe en, and re- pejo, Rivers was the first wane. canoe i stun in the taboo! lee, /JOWL, ..r, which lice
le r,ata t o .iem en o n e ma k e th em oe t at te .., malted au follows Yeas hi, roe, stn so the con- He stated that a general request had iron dares that th, number nee earl. for whirl. each
Moto aoldlersionly. The Home amed& hent , t , reed resolutitin ii as mar. ie., made by the Mayor at first, and that Pollock caadhlate shall eerve, must be net forth on too
ot here Ice the Inver to. ere author-
Were coneutred in, and the bill now go,, to Mr. CeirrOttt, of Pe...Alvah/a, In trod ticeil a did nnt remove the n Dann
111101 twice requested to i
the 1 1.141 t o tbrou nal the teal ea. In the case of
the Presldentler be. signature reselution, which ir as dopted, Instructing do tee. After the case had been heeril,
the rarer mted caudate, 1, the ballots seem
Mr. Feeleaff rose ton Personal explana • th, Cnuanattee on Mllitary Madre to rera", Mayor stated to Mr. Pollock that If he simile I
Mom ellefeee a the 50a0,,,z, j0i 0 ni g ,,,,,,, of 01 an early day, ~ bill to ajnelfee use bountha e a pologiae ho . mild not heel bin to linen. r I Prepared r el ine. flee ta t lii , e tele the ballots
S et
w oo 1 , 11,, I for the other 5ane...e..., , el not specify the
, a , , Winn and an t lit • . tt r. "' tuts el to be illegal On
. tholathen e a . t v . f rom g ro.. , G a m. , o et all teethe/ s and sailors who were musterstil The witness did not hear the reply
into the 51 , 11-VICC of the I lilted :states
Malreart fOrliat hi the Senate, frozn North
defendant made His manner, hoe ei er,
, th.• epee, at len ef ten . . i la Its of the
Carellnaticia by tO his (Mr , e,,,,,,,, n 0 0 „.„ Mr, An Ilene of Slisseurt, luta ml ticcel a bill that of A man an anger
1 .
Tam a r d o ., eta, eee e „,,,,,,, the , s. ter the relief of toy al settlers on the public do- Mr N icitolson,
turo let the freteetigation men lett 011 he the M ny Mee elere, Emmet:muted I th. 1 t Irtof t on, 11011 Ia 1, I. :authorized to
in .... ts i, ite, we,. teed i ems. HMI referred to the above a itnem, 01111 stated that the condett a 'amt.. , fivetits' nt et 1 `at•d Pere.. le mecum
Cettanittas of fiffeen this latter of Mt tea. 1i, , 1 emnathe en Pleat, Lands of MI st im s "atilt/air t. au . I tie ballets, throu thew u Illeh are mega.
ma 1, 1/01 lin tes te ef LIM-, I, all elected,
h am wag intended to r„„„ „, the Imp, ~,,„-..1 t Kell, ', of faros) scamp hitt tat Uelltl Si 101 l Mas or sale. t ae u semi to rete', e t h ou rli t
mow eh e heresy...tie,s were not i0 ,,,, a ,„ r, ~, It to tar eerraiey of the , I neva elates, le ea glen, a emetanece• l'otioek reeled, I 11,, 0 ,,,, ,..1 I .14,, have ali etely been instituted,
a 11.11 was rued twice, and referred to the tite-and I have kept my hat on In the preeeure i an I A M . 4.- ""n• ' - stIL • ha" b een nm plofed on
akits, Dentinal had sertilen to hint tMI e 1...111-
4 e,1212 . , 21 .6, In_ ;37 GICV.I., One that 0 Itneee. I.•nislittee Ito Waco and Mean. of bettor men than you are, or ever will 111 I b e" . lr Ur 01 ° root. etattle
ase topestie h jele, Sturm., sho tt nt ix, Mr Itnuilithl, of Pennsylvania, introdueell a elr. Coillertenjoresstr-exanthuitinu, asked the
41M ... c . d . , and an tier that the Repri-renta. rtv , alarlea IlooloHaysboc, in the auntie°, of 4 tripmatesthether 'Mr. Philo& was,_ not bah/-
trivet, and iitnetattr from the Southern States tb” Mina: of Represeutmb, es, the Represent,- headed, end he replied that Wee. Mr
etiould be alitsived to be p r0,,, 0 t to , ~,,,,,_, .. tattles from tile rebel mates, who can take e wartzwelder then asked if Mr. Pollock used
ammo wane/ems. the n glared oath, are, under the existing any of Sanders' Hair Restorative, hut the wit_ The last request was net es - queried with, be- taus, entitled to their start and slurred be ad- tress replied that he did not know.
cause it re. not customer, In cases of tart,- mated
tigations by as committee, and bemuse thy The Sneaker stated that under the order of statement was substantially the
as tiro
proceedings of the committee were not in the • the lir use, tho resointron streuld he referred , above, acetic that the remark, "I. have kept
nature of a crimrnal Investigation, where in rile Reconstruction Cousmittee me at the prmence beter men, •
cress-examtnatlons were necessary. He, Mr, •Ir. Randall hot deeirlng the reference, etc awnsmade e lole the oath Hest being ad-
Fessentien, did not reward the lately rebellion, e u ' d •"" the re'.ini'inn ministered . The manner of the defenditut
States in the light of criminals on trial no t Mr.Mute/lour; h. of Maryland, Introd need a was lASOlting
WAS he acting In any capacity of t-0,0,5t,, resolute. roaring the Secretary of War to Mr. Nicholson ems reeelied by the defe .
The position of Mr. dream was his ',chef that l i t 0 'l, the; 1P. .0 e atr a non of °0n..., vol- nntl stated that tbe case on trial before t et
the tiettlinouy had closer', became" It had been tete. r una rt gniar r niployed In the Demeter- Mayor, when the alleged offense was commit
ordered to be printed. It bad not closed ex- 'mama ,D. pa roaeut, , and aby ( meoran's tell, was a disorderly conduct case-or, in oth
cept in the ca. of rnneeeee In the ease of el 1 Bell itne le still used by that department er words, a enrolee! proceeding.
North Carelina no ( testimony halt eet Imen LH octant twine made, the r.olution west The Commonwealth here rested their ease
printed, ItAll being an the hands of Mr. Host. teeter the rule.
of r est eel. welder then called the at tent lee
sot, of mimeetan, non ascent on account of Me i tier a speech from Mr. Conkling, the pm- of the Conn to the fact that the Indictment
callemeans aelietfon. , 101111,1111,1.1.011 Cos seconded , and the hill was ' charged that the oll'ense was commuted 411.1-
, Davis, In reply to Mr . ree, e ,,,,,,,, ma.e. recommitted withont instructions, to the ring the hatiririg of a case in which the eldny -
r a
the right of the claimants for seats es I ott liiittee on Ways Slat Alma.. ur, Alderman and citizens" were plait - inns,
Souther,, Senators and Representatives, to be Ilse fel-lesion r on-stirutional amendment I with° it appeared, from the testimony of the
present and ercets-ezamlne Witnesses. 1.,01 rutroducee by Mr Cullom, or Illinois last wrtness, that the Plaintiff woe the "Com
tir. Wilson Introduced a bin to provide for "No Pennon, except a citizen of the Crated alopwealth." This, he contended , wan not
the equitHeation of bounties to soldiers In the 'Estes, who has at all times borne true elle- I meaerial and could be corrected ut any time
late war of the rebellion, ft enema, . fe11..., glum. thereto , shall ei er hold any office un- Mr Coiller denied that any correction could
SECTION I.That to each end every 11101111, , .0 r the roturd 'tat., and Congress shall pass be made. He coutended that the indictment,
who served in the late war of the rebellims tee neca-are lawn to present a i !elation of 1 being at common law-, could not be amen
sad Who has been honorably discharged tam, this a carte '
from, hereafter specified, is want, of ~,,,,, a r tetrad.] e motion to 1 ecOnaldor the loon Mr Swartz welder read from the Penal Code,
and One third dollars per r end ref each el Tell ene taken up. A rote to lay It
on the tea In support of Ms I lee, and the Court elle, i
and area month of service rendered '"" ele 1.,1111,1 1 eu..., le, nays. at , the correction to be made Defendant's COllll
- 2 thri2 In mi./M.llo, tam 0rr,,,,, 31 I ilteXnuall en trtated the COnatattree on i sal flied exceptions to the reline of the
bounty due, and I'- be mita to, each sold!, I ii as s and Means to consent to a recommittal I aourt.
under the pree mran 01 this net, deduction }Jr.Rout well keine ml in the same stialu, Mr. Childs opened for the defence, and
that law made for any end all paeotan, of .3 Mg that such a vat power would he a as geed that no law bad been violated, the ad
bounty mode, or agreed t o Is.. made , ~, , 0 ,, standing MIIIE/lOW the b1111111e99 interests of ministration of justice had not been impeded,
U otted States, so that In no ease
or Its authority defied, but the pride of a meet
soldier receive a greater sum in Iwo my than
wail "'" 3- l btrlreetreLnr.Tei.l defended the bill, Insisting that I had simply been toweled After alluding he
eight and one-third dollars for each or /11133• tie power of the Secretary would not he lased • the high charioter of the defendent, he stated
month Of sen - ter, and no bounty whale, er ugelest producers:hid manufacturers, but that they would be able to shoe that Mr. Pol-
shall be paid to any soldier who has deserted eaamet gold gamblers Gold was already fall- leek did note:mar the first request, and, hat the
flertu tine Sere Ice, nor to any soldier who ii as n Mg . rapelty as he desired to ate It lie had second was made le an Moulting aud angry
.preypmer of war at the time of enlistment, nor ne
l otion of con teeming the Stirlen-, stet- manner-the May or pointing his ringer at the
soldier who t h e time enlistment,
at his na,",') desendent, with ee es. flashing Are, and in a
own request., who
far thopnrpose of accept- lair- Geri:Mal declined to agree to recommit loud voice exclaiming, " 1 email you, sir. t ,
ing a promotion or appointment In th e „ area , the bill, and It was brought top vote on a ne. That the defendant did take his bat off, and
or navy, Or who has been discharged at the re- Um' 10 len tn.ftb'r. . 1 eon - .1. Nil s- li. that it w. then that the Mayor said, In an it,- I
quest of parents, guardians, orotbin persons, Ile (on kling, In moving to recommit, said suiting
manner, "You take it off' ver y relct
or On the ground of minority , th taper...eon wee ',nitro that sue nuance, antly, sirat They would also prove that the the
Site. 3. Teel any soldier who Ines bartered, e ere m a brut way. Gold and sneer were the Mayor bad been advised not to bring this suit,
sold, assigned, transferred looted, exitim ee „, , net, - permanent etantlards of seduce We us IL was Illegal, when he replied, "111 be d-al
lair given away e hes ann.! discharge papers,
~,, , ,rt,,at 1,111. 0111 of the paper money expediency If I don't, if It costs me a thousand dollars."
any Interest In any bOurity pro, feed for ,a, a e could not reach specie' paymen ta at a 1/11.- T/114, the counsel remarked, would Int offered
this or any other am of Conglease, shall not be gI. snit All meant to resume as soon as ,as tending to show the anon. of the Mayor
entitled Yo receive any howdy etbaterer ) 4 ''' 01 when can we
' Noah W. Shafer, Eeta, ass then called, and
under this act, and before payment Is ferule to nii.. as not a party questi on.
any asked as to a coersation e Idea he heard ba
y soldier be shall be required to mak, oath Mr.ta
Conins: moved to recommit the hill j tweed the Mayor and John W Riddell, Kw,"
or aairmatiOn that neither his diachat ge pa- ft. a practuest purpose 80 es to make it ac.. in which the Mayor was advised not to thee
pens nor any inverted as afuresuild, in any " • ,p, i ' ib , l " 1" the I 'l ' m "art) ; the ease to Court, and the reply that he would
bounty has been no bartered, sold or ...tune, ee tall .. recommitted without teatime- I dos o. If It cost him a thousand dollare
tMnsferresl or exchanged, loaned or „ yea tine.. I ens 'ea ,era not counted • Mr Swart...raider objected, and the offer
away. 'flue Hume. then stunt lute Committee of the ' /41421 overruled
Sec. I. That In the payment of the bounty 11 hale, lead took up the 1,111 to make appruprl- ' John IV. Riddell, Esq., was called, anti askcel
herein prOyided for, it shell be the tint, o f te a aliens ter leglidatli e, exttentis e and judicial t
he the coat. . was as to Leering Ines en in
Paymaster General, under such tut. and reg ex re n sex of Ibt I...treatment for the year end- . the Mae or's te a t Objected to Objection
Watkins Hs may be preecribud be the Secretary tit.' dtote at. lea , not sustainert
Of War, toesamthe the neetinet of cad, and Alter e 11111V119111011 MI. the expens. of the Mr . Riddell tetille I het, aa a general thing,
every soldier now ils leg, En %Man the said Agricultut le '<street+, end other Matters, the . parties Immediately a.. ad the Mayor's de..1.,
bounty Is Dayable, and upon ascertaining the ( onimittee rose and reported tau bill with I both Inside and outset( the bar, take their
amount. Afue, to cause the name to be trans- 'imend " s "'"' i hats off, while those farther away generully
(erred to an Assistant Treasurer of the o - Mr. Bidwell, of California, presented a letter pt their hats on.
Menitißetik, United States P ayrnaster,nr other In roger,' to the cattle distr.°, and hod it re- I ke
Gen. Pearson, also a member of the bar, lc.'
paattiapdto be designated by the keetterary t. rred to the Committee on Agriculture . I tided that it seas usual, in bearings before Mc
Of W station.. In Or near to e ' , moo 'lr Weseberne, of Illinois, introdured a bill Slayer, for parties interested le the hearth ~,s, •
' coon district with the Claimant, who shall to amend the act to encourage Immigration, to remove their hate, while outsidersgemmed
pay theasid bounty to the soldier ithasee and au Inu aLL far the safety of poseenDeue on ly kept them On On eroestexaintrtatlol, 1 e
,so no other perstM, and wheeld/ ['ermine the .0., am glee sexed twice and referred to the otated that be ulway e removed his hat warn
identifleatiOn of said smaller oy th e a tee e ,,, Committee on Commerve. oa eas being ad red
of two respectable persone, resulents of Said Mr Weeitburne offered a resolution, whlch an John NalieClowrey,minut E.g., to testified that the
county or disitriet,and ender neciremustances tr ue adopted, tllreeting the Secretary of War . custom generaiij. was torpors°. having Mai
wbatever shall any agent, attortrey or third to tanunennbette the report of Ma j. Gen. Pope j ne. with the Mayor to uncover their howls,
In realise] to the condition end uecaseities of I
person be allowed to act for, er tisk° part ta *tele others kept their huts on
therosecution, ColleetlO ,r 1 remittance, or lb ,' , 1 ,',;',P',,„ rt ,,,, m , of ri John S. Cosgrove teetifled that he was pre.
payment of elahns (breech bounty, except the ' a'"'" -- ' , ant when the difficulty occurred. The Mayor,
rsou or persons designated for that purpose --."-.----------
I when about to swear the witness, made a very
u of Munlelpel Ofithers et , polite request that all person. should rem.
by the Sean:day of War. Nor Ethan any poeer
of attorney, trtuaffer or aselmitnent be reeng- eel. Orleana-elayor rod ooe Aide, , their hate All did no exeept one The Mayor
tithed er entertained by any aveountiag oda ....n Suspended - hr. J Stonier Mayor I then very emphatically reqn.ted the gentle
tier or disbutelag agent of the government In -Pro Tem-Cotton and Money Market. ' man to remove his hat, saying, "I mean
settlement At fen .. Mesabi Comity and the • kW' OHM:AraI, March 10.-,ell newly elected I . e'' Then Mr. Pollock made the remark
all the wanes 'ts attribute to him. On
said bountysnail be paid to the oMeere Were duly enstelled except Mon- I cresseixamtatio chat•
item. stated that Mr.
ceased sot ten , whose °Laßue shall be 1 tete, ed , roe, Mayor, anal Nixon, Alderman, whose
Pollock aid nut nay he had not heard the
and settled by the Second Auditor of the functions had been temporarily suspended as first regneet of the Mayor, and did not neer
Treasuretle now provided by law , corning within the exceptions to then.orio
Sac. 41. That the proceeds of he tax now laid, , nimbi by the Preeident's proclamation Ile Wets '''' "0050,
and of any tat which may hereafter be he J It.ier h. been Metalled Mayor pto tem b . The testimony year closed on both sitics
cotton, shall beset apart.. a fund fin the onler of General Canby. Y The ease
cgs a
argued on behalf of tee
payment of the bounties heroin provided for Lott., d epr0 ,,. 0 a e ...,..,,, of 3, .,. 00 b olos
ot foe arosecution by Mr be anze • elder, and lor the
lick.° by Mr Loafer, after whicb Judge
the extinguishment of any debt 'fettered 42. In sugar and tuolasees there is nothin Mellon delivered n very fair and Impartial
in theimytnent of Said bounties, r doing . Gold vr;‘,l, New York °Locks tg diti g .
Mr. Conners thought the above ought to no coon[, bterling %OW. charge, when the jury retired to dolitenra•e
to the Committee on Finance, as it Involved a !upon their verdict. An the hour of adjonr 1-
greater eleMtullture than any bill before toe Fenian Excitement to Lialifsm. i meat had alreoly arrived. the jun:" was. le.
structed to seal their verdict as Isom as they
Mr. Wilson said that eeveral petitions on the listiesz, March 19.-There is great excite- agreed. They will probably retinae their van
game subject bad been introduced, e tt e ~,, b oa moat here. Startling rumors are afloat, The diet this morning ,
been referred to the Military Committee lie
bad no objection of the reference of the bill to the ' forte . dPr A ec p .t r n oc el llm gr a d t i l ci lery n b o a r : been ina issu a ml ll , '
the Finance Committee , calling out the militia. Area,, sad ammuna
Mr. Sprague itarottuced a resolution for the Lion are being distributes' to them. The en
printing 5,000 copies of eertaln branehe. of [(lnfer" have been very busy Once Friday, day
the late report ot the Revenue Commission- and night,
en not heretofore printed. Referred to the et. Patrick 'a day s was celebrated with the
Committee on Printing. usual ceremoni. No dientrbance °everted.
The House concurrent resolution for ad-
journment cm Thimulay, the -day of May, From Sim Francisco,
was read and referred to the Committee on ~ AN FRANCISCO, March 15.-The steamer I
, aoltlen Aged nailed, taking 1P173,2103
Air. Trenahnll of Illinois, stated that he had . in treasure, of which 5710,723 goes to New York:
Intended to call up the ease of Mr. Stockton , The steamer /doses Taylor, from Nicaragua,
Of New Jersey, to-day, but several Senators , .Ith ' , essence. from New York on Febrility
who 'sighed to be present when It was Intros I WU., leas arrived,
duced, were absent. The matter WWI eset for The funeral of Hon. /. H. Parket was yester
iVedneeday next
dna attended by several thoturand
Hr. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, called op the p entane.
Senate bill to provide for an bonnet teepee*/ on From St. Lents.
Of Indian Affairs.
wr Lennie, March 1.9.--Gen. Conner arrived at
The bill gave ram tO some dismission, and Rana. City from the Plana today;en rOute
was rastrierty a Beta of 19 yeas against 16 nays. for hington.
St ill
called up the following joint The 3lissouri Legislature adjourn,. rine die
resoltalau. e lithereas ft appears from °Metal toelny
correspondence that the authorities of Battle'. trims. Breslin and Wade reached Cairo and, tk center -in litiatteerlatid, have recently terday, on route to their
in dr.
elldertithen to Darden a person convicted of kensas.
zeurderelencOn Glen that he would Immigrate .
•to the united State% and there Is reason to be- I
HeViltilitt elnlilurPardo4llolpersoneconvicted
of leraliMette °gentle*, Iran been granted in
off,ottetriMl 19:OW tberefore
otil, That tee congeal Otte United
States pretests egunat such tuna unfriend
ly and ineonatsutitt With the lamp nations,
AM hereby reguarda Ilia Fierideen of the Uni
ted Btatecto mule I eqpy of Ws protest te be
oommaaleated to tbe• s aptemtattreset the
Vatted noes la tOrelga Anuittles, is fa.
acaciaato UrftscA-S0 the gromente
l otorolbar on jeRIGINK vey, eat{
Progress or the Cholera in Europe.
'forcer Countr o . l 4.—lllacan, Ps., March,
17.—Editore Gaze.: The Union TiartY stan ds in Mercer. We elected our Judaea E't."
lions yesterday, by a majority of attach, with
thirty-floe known votes not polled. Tho Dena
*natio party. had amp mu out, and were con
fident of Mavens, but, as tmnsi, failed. AB far
aa heard
in frothem, the Union majorities have in
ereased, county.
Lady's Book, for April, Can be
bid at GlDlentanay's, NO. 45711 th street., floor
The Gazette.
Thrtfie ol our subscribers Intending to more A boat the middle of September last, we
on the Ist of April are requested to Inform oar noticed the larceny of 25,00 ) i n ',... 7.
cartiera Or leave their address -at our
of and about 0,000 In bonds, from. safe h i the
and their orders will be promptly attendd to' eirth ,d.r,.,,,
ante. of tho
The Pittsburgh Gazes-re is at present the lax- Wayne and '.:lllcage Railway Company. The
goat paper for its price ; and the cheapest paper ' .noney had been taken out of talon
by a Pa
for its size in Pittsburgh—being served at the master and his assistant. fer the per eof
subscribers. reSldence by our carriers tan, ,en paying “hands" on the following da), and a:-
cents per week. It contains all the latest It vs ter they had counted lt, ;eaced it In . h ot . t .l
by mall and telegriiPb. The commercial • '- locked In the safe, they left the orace.
p m , s a r e the most reliable in the city, and , Tills was about half past live o , eloek ~, t o.
particular carols taken to give the most acre- evening. On their return, at seven o'clock
rate account of river news. The local depart- , the nam e eeont eg,. t h ey ,i thoot
0 ,, ,,...d
meet vaill be a prominent feature, and while a ! Los an d .1. , , ,,, , , ! oza s . to n i o,, en. e t t ; ,,,.. :O T t;
full report of the news and accidents during
~:;:r I d :q r .,' to "' too ' t i ,, : n. _k ti_...b
the day will be given, we will be careful not to ; twit perso n w, , co n td.. oot 'o o .. .l tt,
offend the taste of our readers with reports of tolly.tustle_rtbt_eli._ t!iio.lir gitgertti4ellsisk:
eases unfit for publication. The tone of the r ow ' i ",: s t",,,W oo r t a L72 t , , ,l'r•Y
ituough elrennistarices
Gsaerr e is no welt known that further reinark pointed with some degree of directness to
would he useless. Orders for the ra Y.:Mg ... ...a Willi." Manure.. thee.
0 o rln th en,
employ of the court et it
may be given the carrier's or left at the count-. ' t-' d „ oo to ti , ' yo
, buns
deceit. ai v ale not arms lat I.en,
log room, at Fifth street, insuring the regular , t place him under surveillanee for a tline.
delivery of the paper every morning in toe two 1 Ono Of Allen Pinkerton 's Chienge detectives
I as ' , bane." to the yOung mac, followed
ititlcs, and all surrounding uoroughs.
Min In his tr.vels, noted his operatkins, and
The circulation of the GAzer - re, since the , newly gait, . noel, information as led to the
rimidnation of the morning and ev.,11.g Ito- ! yonngiluir• r• ,in Philadelphia on Wed*
pars In One morning edlttou I. perhaps the ',','11f",,:,'" L' '''J. h . is %""'",, I,l;:teocay neib'sthollg
lamest In the city : mid we expect to increase ! til a te ' 'epee .:0 :Ousel. It was eoeretert
largely our lists; and It wsll be, ash le now, am' 'in a box •.. the cellar of his mother's
Of the best mediums for ativertistes. , , r.....ideue. , 2 er 01 Wylie etreet and Union
i bv. Tr. tn.: was deg up, and found to
Our citizens who contemplate inoveing .111 : 1 .
, roman' 5.... a' , .?Isa.eo In money and the ate
please to leave their addreas with the care:ors ~ stracted 1 ,, ,t1,1. Ile had been living in the
or at the counting room, and the paper will lee I 50 ` .1... lrarKnnnt 'tanner, and WO spent his
f money very ....- tidily, 0.1101111104, AOlOO .01,000 LIA
deliverer' necordin_*, I , e 1 without fall.
less than six months. Ainorik. the article,-
inch be purchased Ours a a lemond Pin worth
?kill, Is icateh worth 41n,i, a chain valued at 01.50,
ring worth 00, and other rosily articles, all
01 which he has given up. 110 states that he
Planar , / the rob ' try himself, balling procured '
a filen
fro ,: in this Mt, to make a ••bit" for the
m a which e feria de, him
(having obtained apattern
',it" fromh M '
the °ee long
en ongli for that pnrp,,,,,,, and when the-J,ropet
time came in, .mnimitteit the taint. Re was
brottVit to till. city on ' , nudity tight mete on
Monday 11011.1111111, atter a 11 01,1116' before Al
dermen Itutmr, was eliminated to Jail In de
fault of }lame ball. Ile will he tried at tae
present teim of the court.
The Temperanceville Election.
The returns df the election in Temperance
• vile, an published in our paper yesterday
wore followea by a note of explanation, in
whielfthe political Integrity of native
+getout Republicans was. questioned. Bad we
Been the note it should not have appeared.
Ono of the gentlemen alluded to (than whom
there is no more ardent Republican ha the
boroutto Salida da a sharp cemruttnication on I
the sn °arida which he states that the contest
was simply a focal one- that it wail not linen
ded toleSt the political strength of the two
paTtleir and that at least- _ of the men
elected voted for McClellan, and do not now I
Claim to be Republicans. see then makes an
allusion. of a personal nature+ to certain par
ties m
the borough, but we deem it beat to
au unpleasant controversy
betweenoidf possible,e ltisenand neighbors, and especially
between political friends, and hence we have
ostV.APannth:ogt",tepoofinhtlln ecOnarrounr:rs;l"
Omaha and AarMIL-14. Gardner, the
the well known and able oculist , and varied, is
now at the Monongahela nouse, where be will
be happy to apply his still In the cure of per
sons sufferingfrom defective bearing or night.
Dr. Gardner is without a peer In the special
ties to which he has devoted himself, and May
be relied upon aa equal to tho claims made for
him by hisfriends, that he ranks antong the
best °enlists and turista of our del%
District youtri.-2 , 7 • roses were ready for
trial trt ttds Court yesterday, and it adJonru
ett over $lll tills moraine.
tonr.raled which ertil mach the sub
..'rlal. the mall ruu.
.. .Tn. and Chi.
The Meeting to Stastaln the President
i .A mass meeting to Mustafa the President Mita
an non need to take biro, at City Hall this eve-.
t in The Market Con tn tt cc COunclia, who
ihare control of the buil, regret to announce
that It cannot be at their disposal at theillme
They state that the hail has been
rented to the Young Men's Mercantile 'Library
1.. e,iatinn
nLectured Committee for -three
ights, and that they have entered in' o a con
, •
rn. , to have It supplied with seats for an an-
C enee I , ) to-morrow evening Mr. }Miser,
ho has fatten the eontreet or seating the hall
I• Ores,. to cumply ~• :et Las if he cannot
tar, inneression t • ; usury and evening.
I deuce, if the me • o - to sustain the
Pt eeident he het I •._ , t Ile hall cannot be
seated in trine Prrthe le ',le [...morrow oro
sing nod as it is reutr.l for that porno., the
result might he d
a cult fordamages by
CmomMtee agates: the city
Lead In Mercer County.
Thu Mercer Dispoica says that several gen
; tielllol.l of Greenville. asaocinted with some
f rom mow, 0v.., hail 'cloud Lewis Lindsey , ,
.arm, and several °then, adjoining it, for cord
nu:pears: In process of Invetithpltioh they
discovereds pin or cannel coal three feet in
thickness, o•. •• ore endeavoring to discover,
what earn qua!ttleal to judge. allege
exists, a re' ~,t tIMIIIOII,I coal. Instead of
:be desire ' oat the; found that which
will moo • irtivo of much gi eater
will • annut ten feet from the
oirface : •"v cal remarkably tine
crystals • • . ilar appearance and
In • . 1: •to that found at Galena, Mi.
30.5. ThC , out at that point about Man
ly pontala--.311C 0 h i n t one nnunn
-neVen ounces. Arrangements are Malang to
develop this show of lead more fully.
Railroad illviderid.—The Directors of the
ettlaburgh t Fort Wayne uJ Chicago road, in
oesslnn at New Tor:, Friday last, declared
the usual quarterly . 1 , , 1••;‘,1 of 2 , 5 per cent.
(equal to 10 our cont. I , l'l :Inn am, the settled
policy of t Ln I;,.,•mny Nlnet tl.e spring of ROO
out of the net ear( ,:,• first quarter of
the calendar and tiscal year laic., The .trinital
Report of the Pr , ooent and Directors to the
Stock hOlderN of the company, to assemble to
interns, ; I.i. city, he in
print in a short inn,
Catotrrb. lir. Gardner, the celebrated
Mpemal pllyblelib of New York, i nOW 11.11110
onongahela Paid" H, Unit floor. Jibs
mode of li..stmeal Ibl• eure of catgut-it IS
conceded to be moat sr
and, wherever
he baa visite. lie has he ye m, siatkim of In the flattering terenm by Some Of
liar Most. extraorolnar-y cares on reoorti have
!Well accomplished I, film, '4) that thoie nut
fermg iron, any 000p101111 ..( I I.IU ,fit,i6e, Could
do well to soil him.
I(lllcd.—A Wad euiployeutoe Tyrone
fool Clearfield railroad, unknoh WP.S
1:111,1 on datdrdity, Muro 10, about n mile bc
yond 00 'llO track,
and olonowtngnn apprOld.111111; pain t Stepped
,tsidas, but having lef t some On the truck,
lie attempted to renaos the., when Ik,, en
gibe coming rollstrevk him on the
uelal slid hushed hi, 1,r.0t0,
--a— -
Death Witerainta afunir,rl.--4.itiv. Curtin,
.on Saturday, 11,111 etiiyarrant.1 tar the execu
tion of Doubt, and lion3er, the murderers of
Mts. Polly Paul, of catehi is county, and
Christian berger, the murderer of Miss Mary
Watt., of Gerruanto is. The warrants fix the
execution of the two II rst on Friday, April
And the hater Friday, April rah.
A Sitirlko..—The LadnOria comp
ow a ny's rail
mill at Johnstn, has Imon forced to suspend
hearations (or the present, owing to a strike
among the" heaters ls
" occasioned by the e
coargc of one Of their number. Al the "heat
ers ...Press their determination to hold out
so long, as the discharged man remains unem
ployed, there la no telling how the matter will
City Llall.ln view of the fact toot a lannte
her of rcligicant denominations are without a
ittitable /tense of worship, we would Suggest
that as City Ball has how heeil Boated, it
would make a very appropriate place of wor
ship. Wu understand taut the Market Com
mittee wonld he wililpg to runt it for that par.
John B. Gough's Lecture—Till:ma who
contemplate attending John B. tioughs leo.
w in do scall to be In attendance at Ci
may to-morroe . morning la order that they
secure their ,eat.v. The nests fo 'each of
t h electure. ran be secured On the earning of
ea= lecture.
Temperanee Meering.--Tbere will be a
mooting of the Pit tnintrgly Temperance
League to-night, in the lecture room of the
Firm Presbyterian Clitirdh. The liquor bill
will he ender cOnsiderstion, and am:lather of
Interesting addresses may he expected.
- _
liardocr, the celebrkted ape
out physician OF New York, for the treatment
of catarrh. la nOw at the Monongahela Rouse
Parlor that door. His mode of treatment
for the cure of Catarrh, la by the use of warm
medicated lobillatgon...
nigttept Ist Corly writ Mat
A ht h m elit to bail by .11Ayor McCarthy, to the
sem of 111400, for attempting to res cue Ma
brother Pat Coriy from tim hands of- pOlfca
mao Thomas Adicy.
The Eye .d Ear _We would advise all
who art ntllloted with diseases of these dell_
ate organs to 'go and consult Dr. Gardner.
_Moe, Par/or H, .Monongahela House.
usual rich
ear be ha.
the Posto,.
n loati's Book. for apri/, with, It 3
as Ot illustration and contra:lU,
opt X!ittOck, Firth street, opposite
Addittonal Loc:3/....Vm7;0rt- Fourth Live.
... I Its,