The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 19, 1866, Image 4

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    SAIRDP•.II . . March 17, Dn.
Those who a week since predicted a steady
reaction In the premium on coin, until it
9 r. d
again tench 137, Perhaps , 140, have been
4 egi to grown - es disappointment. So far as
kn , the Government have been but spare
eel tide week, and yet, quotations have
i n
n t bemeaborve 132 for more than a few hours
• any time since Saturday a week, and the
• WTork market closes this evening at 14.1 j)
/ le": - Reasons hi plenty are given to ao.
c unt for the decline, such as a strong bear
°cement Di Wall street assisted by all who
w hto make ebeap spring purchasee in the
dry goals line-Mimi by Government brokers,
etc; but the real reason is withheld, namely,
that the credit Of the Government at home
and threader nom equal to a specie basis. The
Immense revenues pouring Into the Treasury
from every gide, serve daily to convince the
public of Zile face and were ceremonial and
atnnfeetnring interests but run usted to the
change, the Government might within twelve
months pay cola to all who desired to relieve
themselves of any of Uncle Sinner dim bills.
It is for merchants, Indere, bankers, and
manufacturers to ealetilate-nOt can the gov
ern , cat pay its bonds, and redeem its green
backs, bat can I so shape my Millman that a
diepreciellon of twenty-five or fifty per centnm
in nominal values will riot leave Me among
the list of bankrupt. tr sour . goods are paid
for, the question does not hit you, If they are
not, it does with tremendous significance; and !
errrsaußGll Pk7rl
BUid for Or not, lot us tall rau as open *cur'''. I -
thatthe cheapest article in the market to-day. !
andwill continue to be as we come don:[ step ! 4 .1710301/ ens lenersatraea Gar-arra i I
by Rep t 8 a spnle beats, 18 one of Uncle Sate`e I Servareer, March 17, lied.
1 CRCIJE-The Crude market remains about ARRIVALs.
The stock marks beam dull throughout ,im It has been during the past two days, on- L.!gny.d6y.,i;,-,,,•41,nre
li.v• room awarded the FIRST PREMIUMS at th
~,, y r F ,:r w ;,r o . C .
L ~.,„7,f.,,,ti,...,,iterN,,,kii1LLiri.1.,,,,,,,,, touter mg Palo for the rear fun:
the Week. Governments (gold-bearing) bare , settled sail somewhat excited, with but very Echo ~,,,• ....:Gordop....
at i I s. rn.
been steady without much inquiry. Seven I Ilttle doing, as buyers and seilers are still
' , cesarean.
Lcaves Wheeling evert Wednesday sod Nei onto% reed Premloto for taest Machine wort at Pen. 1 4C9151 1/94T4G4-3=9/TIZIE3
Thlrtie. are more actlve,and sell at Mee', a par, I epart in their views. Of course, we have the , Rae Grove Anaoalt 4. ineinnat i at s:9O p. m -
t lraportrilarn for best Marblre work at Neve Tor I wrra RITIIIR A ,OMION OR TUBUAI SOUR.
without trouble. There is nothing doing in i usual reports of offers raving been made to 1 Forest Crty ... Gordon part„,,,,,,,ri,
,n7,F.Ppatil.,/,..-:V'EAMEIS FOILF.I CITY .
9r9 ' v. " ' 9.9.49 7 ." " 9.4 " Fir ' st Vo r- ordnu r for lae.r Fatally liaeblee at ob
buy and set/ thousands of barrels, but those ;
,georiess ituresell Oil City .t .- / e et.
City and County bonda. A lot of County Fit sto
, rumors are origmated Tor effect, and cons, I overate Kerr
r.rkr , ....z ; ; , ,,, , ,,, , ,, 441 . x. , ;...,,
j., . .
, i . :LI. e:r. , ::::::0: , ant mama factilrlug Machine
Portsmouth LeArep it heeling every Tuesday 11.1 Yr' lay at 7 " 9 . 9 ' F.. •
' ;a l ztl E and
7 rre them, wrier o , f PIKE and ( PHA/id
I We inalte p.n.s r,t• ding engle. for this corp.
Were on the Market teeday at 73, but founa t.l quartile. we pass them by In silence, as they I Kate Putnam Clarke St. Louis .. no. '
see, Stair ratr.
trysts, Cannella - villa Size. Roll at Mei ilia •do not by any means Indicate the true condi. I Peter Bann Williams St. Lots.
s, et prernto Mr two . 1 1aLufaaturIng Machtle PM 7.8'
AlARTI AMI n titil'llll..L & CO.
tam of the trade. The only sales reported ;
imyard.s,u”u 141.4e'',Te"'." . "'" l ' 'a r r - keret. i 4 . .. ...
\ ' .e ' ast, Wha enne every W.damday .4 01..-r..-
gbeny Valley Railroad Sever. offered at 97-
u ere 150 bble at 13, and MO bbls at 13;4 anti we '
without sale.
are ell ]rant of 12% harneg been offered for America ..
Golding . ' New 4 rrieeet. st 7 . Ile t .r.t Premiere Cur ne..ll4l.le.eturins Mach I fie CO-MitilkalClAL OM W 011).
- •-r• Woom.ln atai. rata
Hallway shares Inactive-no mire reported, five bulk boats, to arrive, and refused. the rel- I
sTF: A 14Elt LENI LEriTI, First •r- Ism for loot Man ufartaritig Machine
Utterance stocks heavy, lots offering; buyers • ler asking 13. Buyers generally are offering HIV ell, U liATOrlit, In,
L Paratemburgb every Weeo.ll.l.lly and hat.- 1 -I.7 . :inf . . , f , •:r u ts , sy lf , alr. Pa
from 12 to 12 , e, In some can 13. while bolders, 1 The weather yrodertl e y e .a, rpm and el, dat ,at 2 p tn.
, 9 r . r '',.,;,',i',.%1,.''27.:"r " a. ' -'9 her PURE WHITE BURNING OIL
wary. Bank stocks continue to be firmly held,
generally, are asking from 1.11.4 to le Tele- end eee w llll fflY .ettled, while the neer el • L ' ..... '19..1 ' 99 .r.. 2 79..1. 2 . 9 * 9.9*. r. 9' "1•7174 41* *' .t r / . . '. f :. Intl 1 9 50 - ii; 51.1/ine •t Reck
though, in come instances, sellers lire Waning gems from 011 City quote Crude at et to 04,•11 ceding slowly, with eleven feet In the chit n a
!•41,1.41.isl.'"cTIth tbsClcveland.d Pt testrat . " , ‘ I, tra ' i n o7 r .,:.... " , . , r o :,: r : 1 ,7.:: j:,. ~or a. ..ia he llon.lanfily on hand and for axle
I.M/ setoff down arc Mao. al- ' 9ll - Fos? l•reMi unt . for brat nano: I 1g M I
to concede a little. The current hide are s end a eload an ti rmer•
REFINED-Thera is no falling off In the de- last evening ey the .eileghenv mark, Rue,
al ea Pittaborgb at 6:Co y.. and tieveland
nearly as follolrd 7 Bank of Pittahnigh, GS; EA- mand for banded oil, but there Is no Improve. uses ntinues eery dull. berth no the A 1... 5 1 •7 . , a , ' „. . ' .. , 0 , ,, , , ,
~,,,,,,,,s s , hp,,,,,,,,, a OO . , 1 00 0.
First Premium for beat Manufacturing and Damon
Minato:. National, ses; X .e M. National, Got meet to note In prices. April and May dela.-
g heny clod Ilionon gaLe In e harves, and anal I. .
(;canna National,
~r arii. s s sh i ? . Cr a (albite off, while Jane and July
,f ro : And .i Marietta with Ma. 14 a and 4 in- 0 r „,.. ”. ., * .‘„ Pr... .. aP,',...... 9 r .9 . .., 1 . 5 .9. 9 rac1n ring and i'mll
, ~...,,,1n1,412.„,..,...i. q1,..i,5;10.,,,,..5r5.e., , i r. „ 1.. ,. ...! b i rr,1,01,...iz0 -7....;',".......,.0.09,,1T.f0r‘r ~,,,,„......Ti/hoorroft,
no , ~..,,
Third National, 124;
s er e worse still, the ion Mar Irma tor any llnaz ed tate
..4111 J . M. SAWYER,
leglieny National, 37 0 67 'et Bethnal Berth of ; p.'rreit,Vvr:ll eusta a irel Y .. VII n ‘L' otiglioVa t' 40 for improvement, are by no means eeeoeregi'ie
.1 , .‘ 6r:lr 1.,',1".....:!:',..1,"h1. l urn•d• 1'.9,,* UrirsWe'r'o"oisiSrdifko<rts'llattn.lriket.N.urirns and FamilY
Commerce, 10S; Peoples' National, 10etes Citi- April delivery, In Philadelphia; 41 for 11lay•
•,,... es 1 .u. s e rY l ' -ri r • liachin at seta I. nt bap : V T 1---------------L4°BENN -----
4 There has not em. a oingle trannlent erre ~.,,, , 0 r.....
sects Nate:nal, 59Q545t.f. CPC for June, and 430,44 for July. Sale or
~.,„ ral ce urin e last repon The Importer tar- • . r . ' ','• ' 1 -9. '• - • Na w T 9r 4....... t •
April buvera option , et no
Oils have been lost sight of. The old [over I 'in", Roe, for .
1 1.,.. - or ir s - ro . roro - w or. --, rli,r-, s in eem SL Lott.. ens ' v rare Mg, ~... ~.1,, u 4,1.4,, r9 1.Tr...g r ... , .... 9 , 9 4 , t, 9 ,, , p.n.. ra V •elgh ' enynottl F b r itif S ' lss 'Ur sU
"riu'''' ' •-• • '
In, Columbire cannot stand up against the ! lit ered in Philmlerphia. The glans of'acon'sletc7 and the . I , 4tre,from Cmolnis,tt ]}landnot sni vest mat, is ' roach pato ¢ger. :rd. at t V ell ' Stl Ti
~,'...1,1Pr....._1999, ro t... b pil, r ii., our....wing. Machina.
pretient prices of crude. There are no en, she , cut during , the week have been larger than jt,t.5.uri,•;:r„.,0,'uniA.,,,,,,,i,,,,tu.:1:, ......;,- , ,, , ,i, , ,- E .T.I', ; r ' ' ' 9 ' 994 9 ' '29.9.9. ' '.19...1. 9.9i.995.99. --IfrAia uTTo; l . - Z4iiielsine te rk .1 AnegiPes NO. I ST. CL,UR ST., • nttaburgh,
hie rear, emountine
C mut, Fair. Pa_ i
for tbe stock just now, and scarcely will be ' tte rtu e g : uY t o u g e ri k ft. :„ , 04„.....0 thong Graham, from Zanesville, had not arrive.] tip ' .1 An. COLLINS di l 0., Agent.. and wherever ezbintied.
Forwarding and Commie aloe Mere bans
WWI t o
is a decided change In the oil mar- 'ru n nel ne.ariv all for Item-. delivery , '..... A to ere p. m., but they it teed doubt le.s get In
•sold -- 99 ' . during the night, and will he found in port
at 11 herr-boat POO( of 11 ...4 . -t.
ket, or Congress does ita duty tuel takes off theta , who early in the week, realized bet- 111, „0,00,
A. F. CHATONEY, And dealer in Oils. Illuminating, Lubricating,
, ter „.. prices o th 7
7 an ... thora who have sold withm the g.
PI Tierce Mil,
Crude Potraleum trils, tc., conatantly on hand and
the onerous tax. The sleet 1. offered for sale
The or
erove, capt Ansa - alt. left on eat- Wher. I4lt ll wth hr teethed sorb dal . . "P 1 . 9 .05
for wise tire lowmat market price. Conalgnmenta
at a% rather freely, and would not bfeeasy of 1 fact do
AND RESIDUUM-We can report urday ererang, with about 511 the fretght .1... P"'
I anr
CFNERAL AGE Nl. anel solicited.
old lake Rao quite a number of masongem .
sue at 91. Dane is steady le the pbg a d e , . a sale of 100 bbls Residuum at 14, free on daunt I ee T , •
c., L. Fon &tuts Pitts & NEW ~.,
to , ~..a s ~,,,,, ..i. made , he ate Putnam eared for ot ula, with
toil / 5.144-11 ms lendid t • ner ...In! vas IS Fidlt scent. Pitt...rt.: jTh4ji n' E L' Z iii ,". LA 6,
co„ - Tan 97t 7 n '6' sri .14
phla market at leefelee Doyen at the former i
l'ildritohgtll7entlre week. For Napiha, th „,,, •an excellent tree end the Pet er Rein, fur MI, ...,.. , ,
~....B • . 1 • een ee
j some neer alga got no. The intent Cal r. for • .". `• ' ' . ~ .et• es neat ~,
rate find It difficult to pick up the stock In , teems to be no demand quotations''d in the Pork er.burg, nild the Revenue. for Ports- 11 o n so- a. 'On, .. no ~, 1 I RDA I,at I , ~
either this market or hi Philadelphia. S almoner ot sales, we omit
s month. did rod eel Mr until talc. rant no Ins For f. t a et or pa. g •ist un homm
VICRIVALS-The arrivals of oil by river I h ,_,,,,,,, e bo n , „t ra p! 4 ,, v ent er , ont In run mhos - Fill irft -0 17.1N0 WO - 4017. " Zs. G.
We clip the following Paragraph from the S hs. • - ir been light for two or three daps, ow leg ...,,,, o ,,„„; or h , ~,,,... slain , ,h _ _ _
New York Tones. and add e few eomtnents t to the high water and stormy weather . It Is - .IL - O - g . ,a , ,;,_,,, ' 1 , 0 ; 1 g 0 ,.7,'„• o e o r , ,
.FOll CINCINNATI ANDt,,....rdu___t, a' - '•
The National Beakers - E Co. has -te emite eoneeded that the reoelPfa within I roe , „,„,.„.:' 101„-,4-1",;,.,1 ~r 1..,- , - ,. .e• V M,',..,,,r ‘i , ' , ," , ,, f ' ... - 1 111 ' ILLY .. 'rim ariloolld awa W' ..• '''' -
been absorbed In a general consolidation el the next ten days will be Inge.
Pittsburgh en Sate rm,y r wager [..vier
tot Ststati
4 apt. 1 tom esov „
the leading express companies , The National •
The summit and reliable America tnpl. is
is to cull up 1111 y percero. of their ten millions I PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW VoRK. ID. Goiania, did ant get off for New to'rleaus, : ,‘,",' f eels t i.' 17;r. t.h:-..;''.7: and .'n i ........' "e . tree*
of mock, nod then take the rank of oneelflb
, aneeenee r l on Sat erday, last she will heave to- aor UI or pal.. d
bitereat in the cousolldatton of tuterests. The ' "lereal DM Patch no the Western Presa.
a till ' F a i. p .st tle7, tsars
•cr , to
, day, without !aliened paseengers arid shippers
companies will thee tend in the folio...there- , Nee , latax, March 17, lan• ! ehoold bear the. fact ill Wild MI. JU. COLLIN!! Woo to, i Arcot.
• ,
Litton s
, The petroleum stock market • was generally ' Capt. T. S. Hampton retie.. the 4 sneinee ti 1 ,
. Olt CAlltO AND
Adams Express Co
6 9 MO e n , 4toudy but rether quiet. Palmer rose to 44. i tamenerecaf to on nroince that I. has ar /I h-
American Exercise Co
1 ,1 n „,„e l o „, enn The gold stocks were Linter and hatter In i drawn tram the Pittsburgh end Istu ley Ille PI. 1-° "`" -Tn . • e na d 6 ' , ae soaer
Coiled states Expreat Co ~ „.,,,„•".., =,,An me relpects; Be,nnehoff, 15,76; Fatted States 101.' Asumeiation No Me, assucoed ...I f. % 5./4 E. No. 4 ... .. .. C apt./ 1 ono,
N annual Express Co
. n e e ' eee I ~10; Encisior, 1,75; ReiltintOre 20; Downey ille: The irtaunch ma e ell-known Financier, 9 ''' 1.9 r. f ' . ' 9. 999 ' . ... 9. ....o.dl•t• lear 4. • os.
n :lII' ItollA Y, r.. 1 lust_ xt up. 0.1. .... ,.. ...7 . 4• !: ... 5 . V/ r /Frier .3 tee lel....fine ,rsoau.
-------- I 5: ..tinnelL 1,40; ParMiee, IrA).
Citpi. Ihtringlt, udi lie In time for 5 vas Or- '
. of Hartford, CO nn.
Total consolidatee capita1,.....4.03 000 ton j
leans Vier the A rmerir 1 , on/1 u ill be re.-1,11. to r ,;,'!..,!'`' 99 '. 9 r 1.9 " S y , .sizo, on b0. , =. 1 • n - =‘, 3ir. MALI tE, No. 101 - 51narte street: Mr VA , -
I. Lat h is IiNGAV..I/„trcest, ftEll I.EN, No. .5.41 Webster street' ' 3lr. - i. . ....
The hew arrangers:teen Wl/1 give the share- l, , -,,.. . --.49.---- • commence famine.. tomorrow
holders &the Aaama Co. 2 1 4 of new for each Nca York -Wein, Dry Goods and Meacy. , i...., g,,,,..„... g. cup, ab.„„„,„,, , ~, o ,„ , Vatgreeleeepeteg s o e Ely
~,...., ~,. 5...
~,0 ! !,• 0 •1ie.,,/ 1 . No., liji awed stn Mr. J. Worm , - '''-'
stare of their old stock, and Mare a
tr am of i
STOMA. turn (Or Lim 1nt1a•..71.1 1 , 111,111 e, anu u ill “t . ~n 1 OA Iss rh. tor ....eng.. .IMI-' -,-; I ...".. '- til - rir.l ." '"-•
property and cash to be divided in the tray of '
ones commence receiving eelght. i .t.2a13/1.1.
New Y hx. M h r -Stock- , re Crary firm
• extra dividend The sherehOlders of the Na- s•n' e .. nee . • -° 1 :
bias . , 1.,74. s k it,Y i E ., : k e . 7 l',! , .. A , r . '
Menai thnika veil' rectuve one share of new I n1 0 f ,' ,. °•1 1., 1 , 1r11. 4.t , V e ln „ ..., T h , ,, ,, g
o • Pe7 . 4 , 6 ,,,,. , h e
stock onpagrneel o .f.ffierPee en( On the or igi- 3',,, - 1 ,T,A 7 ;,,,, 0
or It roc , 00,0. en of son, York 1 prOmptly al /I a. ril. The Bay are Va c . /meld. 4 , 1 y„,. D.,.. '
nal stock. The Istugain and wale, It seems, has , c oorrol, 00 behalf o i 0 well 1,0, 0 ,,. 0 r 1 ono of the:intent steatners on chi. nd er i ise mei
been completed, and nothing remains for
' river, and usually - she make. her te Ire .eh
it the moment of the teansaction the antra eoutsideme (Weston shareholders) but marry , ;,,,,.., „ rough , i n of tee burning Of 60 B o ma ° great regularity . 1.,`0R I
ver, or sell aura
• ; Ceetral Railroad Depot and Gratin Elevator, j The Savanna, 1 aid. Jelly, Is filling up stead. I 9 - L/14: I
The National Beakers Express Co., was under which the price fell off X per cent. ThO ,dj for the Upper Mississi and will soon be IV F. Ni :1 1 , ', 9
started avemerfey for the purpose or compete I following were the elosingefficet at 4,10 P. M mull' to ten. Iter dePertun /fr. R. B. a ar- ;I n e,'„ 9
New ~ ,, „1, ~ 9 .,.,.. -. „ ty ~.. Log haa taken charge of the elan of the ea- , ,
Sion, lowering the rates on ono Of the great. 1 1,,;„, l -..** . .4 9 I "a, a
./.. I'm
ng, 10014;
southern, i ,sari ; alit-est monopolies in the ecrentry. National s note Con rat , 116 1 e; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, The Sever lean, Cram_ Taid, . now In turn
n a nd
banker% and mercbains in th. city, '
10 •ir, Cbleagliottml Northwesitern,27%; do. p r a g t , i1 i e,, r ni• ,60 . , 111 71 theeirirg
. 6, ye 6 1 I
and thron,ghout the West, subscribed to its t ; ' ?efe ns , lij..l 2 . oll s nsa,4 ll l l . 6 l l o . leiaed, ir/s; F a rt
day. She will twin:nod' n auttVedn i eVlV 7-3 -
8, Mi. U. S. 10-40 x, Wee; L%
Y .F °R
stock ruler the expren agreement that the a I_,M, - es.V.O ! Missouri enes, pea, ty h,,,,,,r, Thursday.
company . inertia be organised and put into , Union Telegraph, Ills; Mariposa, 104. s . 1 . 11: . 1 Camelia, Ca t , Lytle, will Le ready t , , ya,, . 0 ,
! len for Narthvilie to-morrow er next clay 4A ii Kit
work. Tree, some doubts were expressed la 005 000tril.
1 and passe and shippers should bear tbie • teal t as te
regard to the Syracuse gentlemen who were ' The following quotations rue from the New fact In mind ers .
For De
foremost in etarting the COMpany, doubts 1 L 9 :3 9 ,1 - t r r)
ti.ult("rawitth ele:afhliri Jobbers
li n e l n e e7 ' I wilammmaw , n/1.5
which weighed ao strongly wahono or more Brown Shootings -Augusta, 3C-bach 24c; do SD. TRAVELERS , GUIDE. , .I' ' ,l, l _„
of our baruce, that they refused to take any ln- I loc h , Mc; Lanark, We; Park, Ma ' Bleached '
I ALL it Al
1 1 1 1=lett , --111118 Sniper elem. 3reinch, 33e; do , irrival and Departure of Trains. , P ... " 9 11 1 '..
teresit in it, but astarance of their standing
; a, It B ne. Prin.-eprague
xa. is now
ability and good inteptions, wertfaso earner- et ; pae‘Out, 19e; American, itte; Allen, 17e,• Ar-
Far trade
oat, and the object to he btldnea, delayer !mitts, lee. Delaines- Arm Hamilton; Pennsylvania Central Railroad. ado
22 • • Gin h Dreamt. Amis.
carnage, was in itself so desirable, that a large --l e e ,., g a=B,tinerWel r ik n re : fi n Tk B i t Jay Empress-- 2.3 a MIAMI! 110 ato , I.? EiL) 111
, me, I , tiil7,77r.ti Exp lilltpls9: al Face... Line. .. ... ..:0 • As. op,
mount. of the stock was taken in this city. ' Brown Drille - Pepperrell, 24;
ou mils/ Wall Accom'a IS= •na Anil ZA.
The capital stock of the company was placed / Cor seteJeane-PepT u rell„ SO9 Bates, M. Can- Kali liral a 121 let Peen Acre. 2:55 .4. us tt RANSIL
erten millierkee Doe oar cent of this amount ' Iroon FlanreeleTtl,relL.;tr ,:tea /4 "huat 27 * . 1 s',V,"' zl , 1 , '".s,. _ • • • • 1 !.13 P'n ; V i lv nil Acce nt ,, tx , . above and
y ri,LX,.. L ., 1.k . ,.. , 11.11,0 n m.. 0 ti. 4. pla 40 nit 13 A ctors I a nt, , n . n „ .
wsta paiderp at the date ofintacription or soon Inch Tapes, • M to 10 beeps, 45 to 8 7&; ainch do. ' r.. V . h. woe pm I PIDALrte itan..l.iM pm ' b,1 4 . a . 7
I lit all deem.. ettel aro Baltimore Exp.. i m p
p m i
after, amt It wee agreed th at five per cent ta to $1,12.
Id •• e 10:45 •m id Wall Amon,- Im o pm I .9w9.9 ... 1 .2
The following despatches have been neon
Mum ' end "EY thug' .mmimif ' 88" M ruse of
col at we Dry Goods exchange: Boston No . I nsPeart ' ➢ Awe " la %Al" 41."."'P":4-. its
locals, making it neeessary, shottld over be , rooter-ha change in prices, and fair rate; - for ,' 2 1 •• •• rem Pm AIL= ; t i tTconf.
railed in. How stands the can I Five per I the week. Philadelphia-Trade slow with a I The numb trai ..,e, 'CIL , "A'LI - 4i,`,l'" ," (X
ices! n ext week . i l i c t :h. r., ,
centrum Ma been prdd ire the unsuspecting ereeiPeel=ggMrhalig
s stoutly ate:Cease rretu.rnlng, leas. Pltastmorn ' aT
I Were m.
ebartholder dreaming of lower tarifa on all • ,kit quiet and without any change. ' eittetreelle Columbus and Cincinnati .
means of arm, bank notes or dry gootin, and
1 L .1)...""‘. Linerrow. Queensware, Cutlery, Hardware, Tine
expecting to pay np his extra live irer cent
elo r se he , at gere n te k r 9 was
'#:3::4'll the e
r fait l'"
- - ....
r•t n a '' s
Palt . 4"
TI ware, Stoves, Ranges,
w called upon, finds to hi, dismay that it cent on call. The discount marker was easy. I
4 E.Rl7reas,ii;oz ; L.. 5 P M
i lia t. p . r4;l 7 : - . ........................ m Blankets, &c.
w hen ll a decant-the Syraeme gentlemen have
etnamodation .• 4:15P ta comsat:dation -10:10 a to
sold .nr.,, out, the m onopoly i t, end w i l l . The Gold market became quite heavy later 1 1
- -
In the day, and fell off to nae,emig.
:19.114.D.P.0....b7:1'11......•• Ft. . W . a x . pr... " a 7 l
... 7 . 1 . 4 1..7 . . i : .
1 ,
vcriti !Ls,oldatbAllectiloo..,,a.l,
be for years to come a "fixed tact... In ad.ll- i
time ter that, the !capital stock is reduced one
The Louisiana Sugar Crop.
Expel 7 p ,
pr. 0 2
..... _
.. :T r
pp o e k o
. 1' , ; r .per
In ,371 . r e
It . ' "l
n ° 4 'rr f g h 171 a ' 1
ACIP: u : s . • - - ..:.
5 11: :1.Pg .... ::: • ••••••• • • 9 .. e il,
half, he is inked or otderca. to pay up forty ' The Empire
is of the 24th alt., says that F IR r...
pe r omit (the par value of the nets stock; In. I auger grinding is over, and the product or the °
stead of ten, failure Ledo which, within a car - crop of 1865 is estimated at 6000 ithds of sugar New Brighton Acanemodattee !eaves Allegheny 24 ''. .4 ' 1 h ... Clocks,
• end 8000 bills of molessea. Tbe mune rimer menet a.m. 1510. m 4•M are nd 5.0 2.55. Diem.,
am , finer..
tam time, works a forfeiture of Diu stock. A dentate the correctness Of the figures el the Botanter :nip. re.; Nu; eastlO. are a:: L'A: .1 . " 1 . '".. h " . • ICU Pounter Scales,
nice amusement tauten, and plamantac New Orleans Prise Current, which puts the 1 9117.10:10 ' 15. ist.: Wellarille. ramp. M. .:...`”... . blankets.
..,55 C Pamlico. LEO Leather Rockets,
agreeable to the Weeping shareholder. Wise lather sugar prep at grzb h i td: The Empire Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Wheeling. we Sadiron.,
.540 Wash Tuba.
h I have [dread
heads now aver that the Company was gotten 11:eleskilteresid,g% wan r ° ,,,hin to the city, and !csp mu D'34" .... • I E a •
4"1"" '
05 . 1. s pm . 11.rti M!lr ' :: " ang Yo e, , a i. SW S " c 'en i . t.%" ..
.... MEI •us gore •
Op for the ptopose of sale. We float any roe there are over lele Itsbas still on Irene rn the ! !lemma- ...... 2 _, • „ 9 90 I , mlN.,aPrrs voa pwe 1.3:0 Carvers. we . r •• a gol na t al- S end no,
neither do 'teeny that certain gentlemen al- , sugar housea. With few exception., the freed-
,' Hall 6-..
vb1e,,%1111:4w,,-iiii g ut;:i . .koz , trzr,..
_ Gi . .... Scrub Anodic,
ready named mem them poe m * . i n the °per , I men have All contracted for another year j , ii ,......
Tex Cote, VUMbirrr, BOirl3 , Mag.. Cul.. 09, i ,
Cane planting draws to a close; rice planting Alxom
Pittsburgh and ConmollavUle. NUS, Woo,! SW., Cleltrertg, Candtesnicka, Cro
tian, at the expense of Western shareholders I commence in a felmks and be Apra Donna.
"a - M.,. Nobs, Broonse, lee Chests. W•ter Cooler..
-what our th e
n ce
are, 1.5 she
another i cotton plimting win Should the Nall yme a mjaau • rar'''' ' '.. cps ~ m , Staves, Rana., Cauidren nd rolarellancous fur.
quantal. We know that a number of oar I fe i r m O r tl t ti m ftaro;ll . /41" t h; s acs .
p . to or willbe I
, expresn ......., seep mExpress max a m nlabing artic1;e%7...d1714/tT FLETcIIEIL
p earn st McKeesport-11M a oast iselleessport. 0.543 •us
Colonel U. . Vols., -
I generally lire excellent. The parrsh levees 2 , •• ... MTh a to2d ..
... 248 pns othl s lnd Bt".
___ Ifemmi eel-rent- V S A.
"banks and bankete have disposed of their
stock without delay. are in good coadition, and the health of the • Allegheny Valley 5ta11.4.42. ' SALE Or
- 7 7 iorspsotes Bank Note Repartee says t people 1s good.
e----- era Deleon.. Arrlses•
:Ma 111 Eger.. ...... ...114/0 a rn
It is gone - evident that they who take good 1 Baltimore Reed 2Larket. Immo Lie p m Rat •m , GOVERNMENTSPROPERTY,
care of their money for a year or two, even at ;
il eo W
teconunalatlon. 1.40 pm Aocommadatlon . a m
lisv litOnz.
several been m Pittsburgh and e Railroad, to Oil
a low rate of interest, will Lie the beet drum- I ,„___- 2 d
Mere. Acting upon this Idea, tbe Hirst Ea- I Fae
, City .tad Franklin.
[tonal Rank of this city h., b owe d new by e 1 Dave.. r oon e ceded 10 the views seed buyer., resale'. 4,,,.... ,
legit' saleeof64oo3oo man Mir at $5,...0, 250 Du el. 40 Express., 7teS p , a
.I.e. a stem... 6.i.
realutlon of the board of directors not tO der- I
count paper, but to base all its loans on Uni- I good to prime, mostly in small lots at .603,25. I vts. Miaret, Part gyre and Chicago....
ter] bones and Now York State bonds and I TiMOLIIIF early to the w eek wmi held firm at li I e Ile BL" L ''' A l a . d Wetto Sta.
04 ➢
F.F with small sale. of prime at the latter rownsvl
Treanor) notes as security for their pntelept I t s
Area*. Departs. r
payment. HerICO this bank has always bloom but at the close Wes daU; large lots offered ai ,
snow.. ...... IMO p m ISA 4913 6:00 P m By direction of the Secretary of War, 111 the
able to make advances to ita corresporuletas 63,73 . and POO retailing at eL Flaxseed le Ma hinge, hit. Clair Bt.
and 0art0r..... Intimstm, neete e w ith , firm; early m the week tales were reported at
.arrhes _Wilding Material', Stellill En
this peculiar veteran of banbang, the Feat Ns- I 1a,90, but at the dose 02,1 M was paid.
I ~.. ...P.T.f t'irt. glues, Mcinry, Tools, Iron,
Lionel Rank edoptod the system of leaning De- ;
: sutler Siajre.-120. 2 Rt. same Street. I
posit Receipts to those not wising to open a , Cleveland Market. ,
Departs. '
, CO pper, Lumber, & Stores
permanent account. These receipts are pay.
Walfirnitt "S. on Stage' -/lisu•V:ii%.o , of Variolul Kinds,
- LaerveLarrn, March 1 7 ,- Whent-High grades I
able on demand, ana bear four Per ~sent De ; firm and In goOd deerand. Sales of I car old elem. Dejsarts. Which werentacred at Menu, tiso ht 0, Coated.
terest ‘ if pot drawn within seven dap, from No. I red winter at 112,13;2000 bash old Indiana
I tree? bovernment, Mr the erection sedi pernomunt
their Hate, thns carmine-Into Practice the , No, 9 red at 12,10. /31i0 bush old No. 1 red on I -A S. nu•
• S' s ' a
monspureetand convenient/laving Sank ever ' privat e te rm , L e
, pip...Q.ipt.
Bale. 2
_______„„ „
m; 7,4::11,10..f.a. large Armory, Laboratory. and Ant ,
Tools, Machinery and Materials,
otganized in thin coiascry.
, shelled nom store at Mc; I card at 52c. Data I EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS a. LIVERY STABLE,
-The Cincinnati aggro, or Saturday, says . , -tiolot but Ann at 37(611443 for No. 1 from store.
Too Government coolie:nee to draw money . B ye - No a alea Barton ,-
Dull and nominal. 410 PENN BTREICT.
from the National Bank depositories, ami to
. : mum "111 at , NON, „ pop net .... ,
,t • i ttiLe . c 1:iaz:. , , , 1 .t , lr.rd yore., nel m A b rusolien t in one
transfer It to the vattlt2provided by the Gov - I new Orleans Market.
iPubli ie ...A.netiOri .. 1
eminent, About one million was tWin_ •91erred New Outssee March 17,-Cotton ,n quiet; I offNIBIRIBEI ARRIAtiEsfurnisbed he all
s a thi s city to.flay, and adClitiOnas omits are toles, 2,000 baleer_Reeelpta,l3.63balee; /fiddling, mins. also, 0 for Yemenis Wedding. Mei
mtpected neat welk. Tills nlOrtunant are
Walla The Sugar crop is neatly all IN quo. ratites, at AlberßoZ7sta resemeble rates. STA.
tO render still closer the dlactOnnt market, and tattoos nominal. Gold, liSlyi. Sterling Ex. BLe OPEN
AND NIGHT. noitive _
it was fully Itildll,llMiltto borruwmoney cbange 137/efielle Freiginsto Liverpool, from .._.,.._________._-_____ ____ ___
____ Iltt;r , ux rho sjulq , es to li p T aold, arc
all at any previous time. Badness Jaen, how- 14 t o -0 46.
in,RitunsHips . - 0..000 lb,: col:TEß:rot:ld rods,
ever, Manage to get along With ihOderato az- ,
commodations, and there le tuA that pressure :
i rzem TO AND 011 1 - L - iED: ' '''''l23 hh''S.Bl:r4l-hi'''''.
for discount ttsually experienced under , a I •
act: Lbs... 1y118411,14jv /1441N -Dar tad ha,
Close money market. Neither del the bankers i •
SPOOL AND EVEENSTOWN Onseseeto twice •
week. The LEMAN LINE. sailing
show any eigns of emosiTassinet, as thor aro I
,t 2 ,7 6S fras LAST C11J54.- „halt;
not free sellers of either securities or or-
change. Bates of interest,betwoon Waken. I
I EVERY WEDEESDAY, 45,000 Mar TIN-b7ocrina sheet;
aceu ire. Cif AIN - cram and sable;
tan yerd.a.L.07•41,-;Loit,ltet, English Merge, OM
Mid their rustontem. remain Inlet/IS per cent
and In the open market /241819 charged on
CARRYING U. B. 3 1A11.3.
Tickets Mold to and from Ireland, England, Scot- • r- a
001 fee' 1H4u57"1:,T111b-Nhd--gutn.and /emitter, unsorted
fair paper.
/mai. Germany and France.
Ape the Comouty . • Oakes,
MI AlAelllslE7s-Drilia, Planer , i umt
JOHN G. DALE, Agent, . sercw-rotnexLlArm and Trip Illu ' e ll aterel
16 Broadway, N. W. , iiira'r.n' Itlit'P'll*"° Equ n"" n " , In .
Wagon •vr2 Acoeutrementi,
too. Toir_, IP a,iorTZL Tr:mcma,..ig:
! i.,.2lLiwrz;Nri:;.4.,:oksniuri 7n C:rris i te t
Btlitiati or RED, 2NE AND Bottom. 1 . . - . 1
Colt (11:74:LI, afauneoTaolreltittantlodr
NAVT DEPAUTISIM I, Wisahlamon. b. C. f
lklilk,"L n•oAs.tPs FoR Tim • .
.14161..eatist .0.22,ei, pu n ,
r"..l.7:mflen.ilidt.....l2::lt,r.ittAnharii,,.,:ft.,,..hava.dhi.: 1
l e i t r er t o
i übtatiard from the Chief of ordeance at
I sale
tlshleillll!ll,l:l"l!.*'4terl.‘.l.lfars:°:;4lll?"'Orntailii?tllf -7 m i ls l2rl 4ll t it:a l g 1 0;
COMM bribe Navy. 9 thn/Beekel 1 " v il;: 2l rill'N'Al,tral,l' ""rg'.
tielltletaen desirous' of apprarin bere
Board,. must make applicatioe to gibe li ne abl e I
14,5rSecretary of the ReTY, or to the u ntletstane4stat- Ilmednesday,vlpril 4th, 1.866,
maz,irzt=pitoace,,,,,a blab, and before ! ~,i eo. men, dy
plleadoes to be unmeant& by a nat ' s ' ,,:fari o tie 1 Trulle47Asll. Ll. /.
OWniallialtMOSlMChltiMeter. .
D. ' l 4 - . - TCAGLER, .
Candidates shoran be. him than t wenty-one nor I Capt. On. lire.. I.t. Cot,'
more than eronty-ahrYsie7a/a. taleetnibso s akta4 . .,. l te,tseelany leered.
Coln. Album. Arsenal,.
Nu expense is allowed by a ...MA
didaten attending Raw es or the Board, arali EAD-aeopipBOfiGalenaci-a
...c............s i. a tegal prerrauhita for +.4 for Ws h_F s Mini S
for appolututeurtls molten.
P. i. IRSOnn, Chitral' hereaa. . R,BIRGIIIOII--100 itiah4-71righieli-e.
. ...Pored tousle. sad for gals by L. 11 . YOlliT.
Prersanaan, Form Warne a Canso*. E. R.
March 17.-2 ale bbls, Jos Rhodes; 6 em_pty ale
bble. D Fawcett a co; 2 iiks wool, Goo W Tria
ble; 67 bbls apples, Prudden a ;Seafront 1 box
tools, 8 M Pennock; 43 sacks rags, Godfrey a
Clark; 1' car lumber, .6tnpey & Seibert] 5 bads
tobacco, Martin Bey/I 1 car staves, J ..1 Ralya;
i ni bias potatoes, Hanson a emetic ibis flour, T
•Italttasere Cattle Market. ) C Jenkins; / car coal, Wm Mullins; 4 eks k.
sodftey'a taark; 4 bra sundries, W a Conklin;
Havrtstoax, March I S,—llea( Cattle—The of. t 100 bele flour, J 0 Colo Jr; 10 emp ty bbl., , 4
twangs daring the past week were 010 head, i ball do, Joe Rhodes. ale
Lgaint head previous weak. The general
ai ty o r u„,,,,, r ,,,,, th . e4 ~,,.. better than CLNYILAT/D A PITTOOIIRON BAIL ROAD,.
fast, week. Of the:sales Wheat! were bought March 17.-115 bbls k potatoes, Graff a Reiter; 200
by Washington butchers, 77 were sent to the 4 , do, Llir V b o bv.hiski i 4 half do, I keg do, J
co; 1 po old iron Spans' It
catesh a Btle bdls
couutry for stock cattle, So left over unsold Cnalfant; 5
'..and" the. balance were taken try Baltimore' B °lf"thl arnelatones.
t. :b y t a iers . • razes today ringed iu, follows : I twine, A YOllll4/ car wheat. J B Li g gett a
Berton sans me . (satin cameo ~,,,,,..,„ 4 1,., °eta l übls knobs, Adams a McKee; do ao,
nrsattninty e riam, second do.7‘B,so;medinin .lmos, Kin:tick a co; 8 empty ale bbls, D Yaw
ls 6.5.2065,126 and ecias wags 1 con & . 0 0 blda tallow. L ki Volgt. a 00; 3 bbls
- - ntalag owg; I 'l 4 per no. ins, arm, ti p to 1 berms ) T u Jenklnsil bbl flour, wm Williams,.
. 5 doe MOWN, a L Blanchard; 13 ck 2 potash, 11
.Weduesday the run
of cattlolooked ON tither.
were going to ben sheet supply, and 'pile*, DaltelL
ruled Sonata per 10016shisher LOON /AIM WoOk ALINOTIZPIT STATION. /demob , 0.--030 barrels
with an . active market: - Today, - however. flour, it Knox a Sant bbl, thee, Jog Craig; I
there , Were MO anon . cattle le market Maui car whnt., 2do millfeed, Gilmore , Simpson a
were expected, caning. the market to open mill kegs ftaill, Stewart & LangolthelwatEisks
vela , dell, Willis deolineoftie per iii, although barley, Goo t.erst; tear staves, J M Untobbill;
the ogerlage were better than laittavook by % 'Cabbie flour, Steinxt & co; Sake aarecea; Si D.
per.oeut. ' There werolo headof very nue cat- Snlatan l l s do gag, Reel,tert M 00; a bbla Corn.
it from Olno aold a; Ei1,50, an d - eOf the vary Mon 8 Dyer; /7 un. 4 Greetaltiger a Boni 20
, -best quality at $lO
_per 100 lba. The supply bap grass ocedi. 0 1 11.BiONit. POI- bide; P
c'frOM benthirestern virglnta was only tar Annelle doz brolnalV.W &inland; / bbatal
. stook cattle. ... . - . , low, lappe.e Vella, 1. • : . - ,
.Sheep—The supply thLs week was Only falr, Pritipanam Ootionin Awn Coronriairit. R.
With Naos St 6 'og 7 a o per it, gross. " . Marchl7.-1 car .sdaresi' nob...Markle a cforl
nogg—Tim supply has been larger than the car barley,' 8 lierbeagh & 00 .1" 0 Pk*" nab, W M
demand this. week. Sales very elan at elle , tiormitgAdO 1 •610. a MOMS & eta Wel° do,
13,73, eli par KO lbs net, Little, jt-p stoci .
• <-
18gr s- ---------186ti.
i'lle Wittoburillt oSitutte.
op.. or rim PrmssrukauGararrk, / .
Chicago Market. EVA En.c•-............-
Sarrawar, Marsh 17 1846.
The produce market. have been doll and no- March 1;.- , ...:less Pork 111 held with . •
Sleeted throughout the week,the transactions m C or r e 'C fl ' rm 'e ness, an, e no t e sa es at from
$26,00e5 . 3.13 Mess Ordinary Pork is Inquired SPRING ARRANGEMENT. I
4::, czialhor......n..r.Trlr.,
-, in Flour, Grain, Groceries, Provisions, and for to some extent itt $...'3.50. Extra Prime '
produce ge , henmy, having. been very u:,e.g.r, , Pork is selling In small quantities at $19,00.
Cumberland Middle. are in fair reqnest and
a that 1,,, v hr., mbied w the ,
JOHN WATT r...i., ~...
and entirely of a local character, and while nriner, with sales of 210 bores at 13)44114e.
now and again, we bare a round lot operation Bulk Meets are riniet and without material ISIONONG.AI3:ELA RIVER ;
ti.ENRY M. 1,17, 13, bee T ao•iTreas•r.
[lon. A lot, of Shoulders
- '
to record, they are of very rare occurrent, : lrers h . fil ly ° Tired,
WORKS IN T E.111'C11.4 N 1E VI LLE
changed ands at 10 , /,c peeked. Gar is utet
active, and thedesales i
n prices, there have Imen Ito remarkable fin, but firm, at 18618te for steam ren q .
E re z,t li r. iqu_ n i .o %d a f t or s , is a ,oo nd we note ,
tations, though there is no disguising the . Pickled ' !tents me itOt Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, WHEELER & WILSON , Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way,
fact that the tendonm is downward. I to-day are trifing at In3ie for Hams. Bead • '
1 . ..RA1N-Ther e Is no demand for Wheat, and
the market is dull and prices nominally nn- : flog , are dull UNION LINE,
ffigel . rauspouslOrt Bridge i
changed; stale of 150 bush White at $2,02. Harley 4,102k4, 104 , 0 . ina mt ii,r:g igt a d SMoil way ^.l.
is quiet and dull -2 car /ends common western effect sales hohlersv WoUlll7arvelßto-Callithria'ntdioTt 1,....A.4:731EC.EPr. 10 0112..F."-42-, BLEALIIIOMEI.IIIIIM MANUFACTURERS or PURE WHITE
Spring sold at fo. Onto in rather butter de- decline on
and, mad the arrivals ttre failing ow ; we con. I. There is no ma
terial alteration to notice In the market for ' Will ran ilime Mail' kide - whrel Mearnr , ''.''`'" ' ,I talilk the amne mad Inn lit le 10 k . limnee or "lb. ,
are greatly' inererned Its cable ..111 the orb, re
tinae to quote at suß4i, on track, and 43, 4 43 . No. l Spring Wheat, but No. 2is quiet and Pl luOsirsh- M ‘m"sgslu is chi*. 8r0wn. ,,, 1.• I n.'. .na I'ool ISM/1;0V If -1 ' li ' 3t nt hare
from sto Sale of WO bush Rye a 73. Contis
Brand—" Lucifer."
dull atom . :changed.
and drooping. Cuba So- at sic , ixit4, n irl
easier, We note males of the former Landing. Groonsboro, tomeva am! the Dunkard (ill .
o „ ,
.h_S,_u , T n(!:. t .hT 6 i , (!.„
GROCERIES -Dull a in roZar hO at itg 1
i t !neat al a little leas price, wh, n t,
4142 , to pl i . ehy ,,,, h , I riegc r. s. , Thle Ithe la mak:posed or the halloo In , g 0.,,, ~,,, - 0 1 ,
.. m ~ -,,,,n .. ...fur scss
gar is quoted at 124E213; Porto a 2 ranges from ern., no
, would arraingllkh Inn hal r the nruount of work. and Thiel ranno be . lrrellei n i frr n bujrllngpro , Le d rl b le.
Crashed, 171.4. •i A ,, 'Coffee at 17;114°0 I C 4, oleo W eil, ?Ord gto location and date of receipts. Re
ji,s,. nn, '014 ; 1114.'1. 111: r ir . .4 u .' " 'n'''''''''' I"'‘ 'l ' 3 ' ''''' ' ' : " lx ° , r e fl o r : 1:1!1• 1' tr ''' Il 0 ' YIT‘PYR, or ' l..Alm . r. Art
p4. p ort° Imo m0w,,,,, , Bo ft; New 0 , ! acted hpring ls quiet at (B .3.X73. coat l e , liagitE
leans, ditto, 81,1061,15; falr to choice Rio Col- qui:t but stead_ y. We note sales of No, l nt to , T,CE,TIE .i. . ii
, , } .. T . , H portga. to thls maehla e , it ba n ileerr M e onnecomony to pre- MIMI T..r2..10hn Wa Roben Lam. Geo. Bise_lt.
RC t N 0.2 at 3734 C and Reloetsd a. , . ..L.'.
hie, 93830. Rangoon Rice,lo%, and Carolina la etara. oat. - ' - - -'. --''. '''' PILL "U." ill the modern Improvements have been ml.led 1.0.17.- , b• 'I I( IT} 1 , .
r r B. Herron I - . I- I alda.ll, !I. 11. 1 alans, .1. a .
are dull bet arts. No. i fresh GALLATIN
B. CARL . ' LB. • eogre sewing oran ordinary earn:eat is performed Porter, Root. Wanner., 11. B. I . .
FLOUII-lequiet but pretty Erm a espeolally recelpte is selling at.2sc, and the earn° gnule ! These Jowls its will lesre C ArsTabn A ritti . daily It sa. without boating. whist I* a very great additloo k l I in l2 :ffilld •
CA ( P A T P . T ZI {a ' , (' ' ' 'I ;: E SI R A B C . Pa work at 01l by hastlng. so :hot t b •
savin g or labor.
/mink o KIM,
good brands We continue to quote at winter "ceipta ' at 24C.
es% for Spring: oso . for half Spring and N 0.2 fresh is quiet at ' 1111. and 6p tn exe( rot Sunday uldo tha dens-Mae 1
, 2 4 1 , : i Thereto nO movement in Rye, and quo- 0
. 1 he at 11 0. lock. a m m.low ore girt. a table made op from actual ••a pi. r. '
. Ont. !SWUM be altogether nominal. Barley
half Winter, dad! 10 1 X t ior all Winter. Ryo " roe through `7. 1..,' i• ) ()) •), gill „. will leaTe ! Imrol. snowing the relative time orrnpled In mak- WARING &. I{ IN ce,
Plttsburgh dall; c at 6 p ' . r n ' ar Igo -e n:vale dolly at 1 Ihg garments hT this machine and also by hand. 1
Flour is doll at LS egleeted. and la the absence of sales we ~,
Dr PACRISIS. IsT assn. '
Web ..g . Corn- ' !s
quotations. Harley . libdt said to the ex- , — s "
, daily at 7a. in and 6p. ru. ' I
H oer , jfin. I/nut,' 3/1,1
meal at 72e per bush.
Itsrmtstrto-Learca Brownsville for Pittsburgh ,
PROVISIONS -,. Rama is dull but - tent 0(400 bushels at 41,e0 delivered. The mar-I
Vr"OrtleiPerrte' Shirts
MR- kot for Ilightelnes, In n wholesale wn • nes
_Leaves Greensboro and Geneva at I! o'clock: i ,, ti. v es ts . I to 14 no •
s 3.9 ir. as I
WIWI for Ribbed Sldesql44olo for Clear do,
changed; sma ll sales at liftil4 for Shoulders; mea t .....,- 3
1 11 7 11) I Alfir BROKERS IY.
pima—, anti there are nn trallsactiOns , a l i e , r o a ve llar o l n uLet g. , , ,t, . l
elnen %es
o 4.4 S II
upon which to base quotations.
and 23 Mr Sugar Cured name. Lard' le quiet
n al 6 10
but firm at 18•0113% for-prime kettle. Melte We. York Market.
; a Warners, built expressly for the trade. They will , ~l ik
Nieman, Pants
Pork le held at I,22Kfggyper bbl., , The hue is composed of Oral-churn side-wheel ' Ploth Panty
Naar Yong, March 17.--Cotton dull and droop- ,be Marn.uanded by officers of long experience, who „. . Ts'. I n a 27
SEEDS-BMaII Sales of Olororseeg at adget4 Mg at .10e41. Flour dull; common and mixed , pay particular attention to the n anis and corn- ' a , l oalto,Trelas 1
~, t s v oFNICE. NG. I Id."QI7ES.NE WAY,
I ress ...
,wil l Tort or tkengors. The boats will leak e promptly ' :n.,,,n;,,,,,,, ......... ••• ( i ' '1 l , IT
.i= ,,
per busbel--and yerydnll.: Salo of 40 bushels grades tend downward at $7_,300,70 for extr i a i
XPr/951113.171,Lerrg X-,
i It tits hoar advert] rd
Tilllo . ffili Seed at Mi. Flaxseed is in demand Skit° 4 10 ,a0 0 ,,X1i for ex tra R u 0 ; s y t .p,
Moreen Skirt o 35 fa , oen:1),1
for trade branusi market closing qn it .
Musiln skirt ~ s ~, 7 , -_____________
, thole. Ron
nmy git ii i
r t i l y C q M n an m l ea , ft:d prime Icy quiet; sales
. of wastern, ha rots, at 1ir2,.54- Freights Received at all [lours. t!''..". .................... ' I ' PONDER IVAILEIIOUSE tft''
t4O t,,,, 4,5 2,lsu i . Wheat dud with a downward tendency: , 11.Igh All
I 7 lb •• i )
-- 2 T.t . ,!, V„erYtnesgre. . - no sales of any magnitude torn less active For further particulars entalire or I 7,.. pron IS 41;
o 0 I 20
11-001310.1:14 mare Haire, Raul pffices, u bat steady; 70e5 for unsound and 74078 for I WILLIAM McFLlto 1 egret, I ' l ' un .0 ".."
MIMIC better, ranging from %nett per doeen. sound mixed western both In store and delta. Al the Wharf-Boot, to
of (0 rko i 4: Pittsburgh.
L. CGLY 1 'a „agent.
C HEESE-Is•quiet and tuticlurnged at 90 to 21 tired Oats dull at .3.4542 for unsound western , r „ ~.,„,,,
Prow:11,111r, I. 1 .
of Halt... and Karrlaon Street., ,
for eenunon Obio,'and.Wi for tßishen. and 53 for sound . Petroleum dull at 2.V.N1 for !
-- I (all and see these Superior Machines i prookiyo. 1%. Y.,
POTATORd-IngoOdsupp,and abttle dull Crude and 35040 for refined in bond. Pork , 1, ) 0 ,.
but unchanged, at sixsoix. per bushel, and heavy at 1255,31‘44•33,50 for new Mesa; closing I 1.10190, Bligraia 1866.1 In operation and judge for your- •
; Storage for Relined Petroleum.
IS,i4 per bbl.
at leM e ttit,' caelt; Me for old de and $21e2160
selves. .
DRIED FRUIT. -Sale of Apples at 13 to 15- for prime; also 3,25011 We new mesa for March, rn EEB, I
prime bright York State held alt. id. peaches April and klay, at s eller.' option. 1 2 0 30 0 . 3. or SAFETY AND COMFORT 1
dull and nominal at 1 for quarters anti Reef steady at about previous price. Beef
halves. Sale of 5 bbis Cherries at Lt, llama heavy et 27053, Cut Bean unchanged.
DIL-No. 1 Lard, city make,ls quoted at $1,75, Bacon In fair detuand ut, iSkiaLs; Cumbld
while Cincinnati brands arebeld at al Mei Lsti. Cute lbe‘tilft; Short nbbed dressed hogs er ror PITTSBURGH, WHEELLI6, LIAM( t PARE.SESBURO I .
MILL FEED-Is very dull; sale of S . ads at et 13 ,(0 12 Y5. Clif "rd firmer but less active; 1
el to alp Dom store, and Middlinge at 51,40 miles at 141101. t.
Fit. Louis Markel..
re.2.ll'lltla Street, Pi t tsburgh.
HAY -Sales from city scales at 415020 per
Sr. Loma, March I Z-Cotton quiet end an- '
ton, the outside figure for Timothy. Baled
Hay is dull at $l O 10 0 15 - changed Flour and wheat very drill and tin
ellalijori. Cen n less buoyant at arao,2 o • psi lon Comprolne the following Itrnt-claul I•aae• i.ii...
nu. 511121-11, Bening at 3e to the trade. and 680,,,e, th e i a „, e ~,,„L „ ,1 0 •
pricey. OIL/9 lillii '.....r..
4.4 PP ki in small lots.
I.IEANS-In good supply and dull but on- "" lower at 390 4 4 e. Boso n, 1. , N 0 for emintrY gi k ,Z,: r 4 .l 3 o4#ll l '. des. U. 1 " •id .''' ' •
shoulders; latiaLe city clears loes; Vs snap, ~,, ik,i- B/. las. llan•lann SI ea t ,
Changed; small sales. from store at 1i1X,02 par
earner , BVST tin : .1, t Gor,na, i.itt.
bushel. cured hams. Lard firmer at 1 7@let,c. W tied, ' tom N T I , UP - sTE.stiat Its 1.% tip, - - -
firm a
and unchanged.
LCAT., Pittsburgh every kimulay goil Thursday et ' GROVER & RAKERS
II o'clock, a ro
Leaves Wheeling evrry Monday au, ..barada, •
MONDAY, :k lAJ:t_ 11 19, 1864.
Bankers and Brokers,
No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,
Dealers In all kinds of Governmeni Securities, Gold
and WNW, Uneurrent Bank Series,' Foreign
and Domestic Exchange, etc.. etc., etc.
Deposits receired In Par Funds and Currency. In
terest allowed on time deposit. Collections made
In Sparta of the United States on most favorable
Gellert cremated with isipatch for 'eve
the business at the Boston. New York, Phi mitt
and Pittsburgh iirokers'.ltoams strictly on e.t.d.-
Draw.Onll. CLEWS& CO., Near York, J. COOKE
& CO-.PitiladelPhia; Messrs. C. D. &T. H. PEEL-
S:MS. Balm.
L mu a. tn eaves l'lliaburgh e‘ery Tueaday an""a".
Leaves Wheeling ever 7 Tue. , l4) awl Frntay. al
.I.arkeralnirg. P• .•
Unear 1111. _
1 111 Clara
0..0t vrt,
.th Zllll inApt rm..11.t. G ports. oil
nt or
..age appie on hoard nr
t It a ..1.1.1:5t,11,,•1t.
-- - -
E ki •
k. OUR- I+4
ft.\ t'S , AIINIF DA-
I Itt'Srtit!i".—rhe
ateng• r mile:tter NA VAN!. A, tap!. A.
it rearly reelthP freight tor the
is, aa will leave a. ata.ut the tsth
as s n therealter ett ntrigation on tiro
er o
AND N 21611 VILLE.
tllA passeogerseteatner
, Jul above . THIS HA ,s:avi%.iiz . ---
Eoic - EK, GALE . k .
I HEnt,r i P A LIL AN D
cattier et/LC/air CO7t. H. /
wadin g and will len. with . dl . 1. •'""-
',.7 . 7trf , VT On t..rd P'"'' .
• ._ CI LISIHWOOII, Agents.
klilt: C. . {; M t4:4l ' l %T r rri t
Items-W._ lesS e e ZaneWa T--44..1. '
.. • J. D.` OLLINGW ' ' re " . "I
HOD, Agent.
laiz.zt.c)caw, ck.a."
ACP Mi LEAR.4333..11.33.e1a 'al
: Isst - nr. TOt - It LIFE IN THE Art muenfactored without any complicated maenin .-
..c.. and thereto, are trot tattl e te get octet repute,
lns'i'. it7.terrins"gleTim-14.-;•;71Tt"'" 1 I CIIARTVR 0 IK .L !FE INSURANCE CO.(
>1.,.„1....,...1,1.c.....p Marl, lE., as we bare tales es
Patentee price.. We refer to the following persons
'' lV l Tliii.e.v N. m-r. nat roe.. mvk% ' .
fO(Ji iCell.l.Ek, No. :al Webs ter " ein42.; e lmr: . .1. '
DoLAN, No. tkietw e ll str ea t : m , J . m ,,,,,, Ki .„ . THE ONLY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Lci
No. t.Sccoml street. Allegheny Otty. We have otn
setsrs thalami we Oen refer to. Alt of onc kinenlne. ERICA . that now makes and pay. an Anneal
warran ,„ aro year,.
.a . me .inlar , w ra. ,,,, , , tit.4l 111% 1 iIE.F Don lie nrst and each suite...l[l,H
112 Oran, ~...e n, near a. n “,. • • . e.onlatlo n or kve•css. is securely 10 . vtitell In pulp
it. H. L Wit., Agent, * imvuteut of premium. Ds CASH CAPITAL. an ae•-
non/ - encod
P`cirsucnoti. Pa. th . •'.llll , A. . .••r I ..,,-. ~ 1 I.LAI. ksr Ai L. It la
nu. ••• it.. I sm)ear 4.r tmstness, and has bald to the
. 2,5 e . f kW, T - i i :,..7.,r; ,8,::CW11N44 /.114„";'F.:'".31..11.-‘l7l':PN"'l;l!i‘,..t..:% l'‘',..,l"li:,.gi:',l7t',:.lamell;?!
DUCE THr. liAiNarr litqfirigl' • Tiagg;4'4: e. rase or litigation has necorne. an evidence
PRICE ONLY fctS., THEoNLY CHEAPIRACRIsyr . Ht., Ille•railty and fair Ileallity la nape clalty .1 Ith
IN THE mil rr..Th STATEB licensed to use um 'tot^ .1'../.•
r. lhe poi ries of thla Com pwty are not forfeited by
eTheeler & Wilson. or Under feed. Agents &eeriest. .
tg front ASO to
it a. ran an.r.rnr- ceuuty nents sic-
,:p.t., 11,,,gr
r e ar., a t
a ."g"".
."MPALl'ilniltall ENS,Pend , COP t Inuit good d rough Rte.
Wiled Miller t3en. Asa nta. To, 4•013 . 11,1 0 ,
('. WALET7 ' l l‘ ; ‘' lde t.
N. S. PAL3ILIL Yle7Prelldent.
_AiTOILIVEys. i S. H. WHITE, Secretary.
• Branch Olhce fur Western Pennsylvania, where
-- - -•-•••---- -- -
Circulars and blank Appliestlons win ben rnished,
SS Wood street. Pittottnrg-h.'-
ATTORNEY AT LAW. ou boat the state 4 ly to
• tA..7.1'; tad
P. rE. iii.x.IDELI:, PP
state Agent.
U. M. LWenso4ll SoNiers. Chum Airenl
Pommies for Wounded Soldier. collected la tre
ten to tweetcfloarz.or.....„,
Cali wit is . Ea and two tilirlease u . "b. au *a
3 Pit - teallzru-r i mi x „ p er„
• 400.040
971 an..
Lat=omg,farriutgLbi&EßOVTlolB Or : lgge, , t p - ,.:Tgr„: .
I, nalt,Mi.
Titles examined and Collections made in Penntry.l. F1. " ,,T ° p ' 0 1 , 1 11,...' 4 ",., "" ''''''' • 5416.
Yenta. Ohio and West Virginia.
r. " L " 0a 4 2.0 Ptti.l slu'eet•ei
..u. oo
BOUNTIES, PACE PAY, .d Military Clall: : Perptital and Temporary Pullet. on liberal term..
a( eserr description, contested by the snlawriber at , ''''C"."'".
the toliowing rates, via: Pew:lms, cp. all u d,.,. ; ... N. bancker, , Isaac Len_,
claims, 61.:41. C. O. TAILOIL,
AllfOroey at Law, obi. Wagner,
Samuel Grunt, Edward u. Dale,
George Fel.,
Blumond 'tree!, enpostte the Court 11-0..,e. a'n ° , 2., li- w §'V f t,1„.., I F A1 ,..".V., 1 ,:mr, ; „, „, „
N. P.— No an, made If the Oahu do. not -- -- cilkfirt`,.T.i;. 8k!..-.T..ki11, f".„,--sid''Zi:
tient .. .en, il.l. • a IntbrmV•o 11Al_let_li MU. fielfiy
EDWARD C. DALE Vice Prexident ,
I P. kr.oxic
JAti. W. 31 CACLISTE/I, Seely DALE,
4 O. corilli, Agent.
111112. Comer *00,! and Tbird streets.
Cour • House ittaburab. Pa. 1.11.3 as as
AEx. -
V 1%77:>31712V1,...,
No nni Fourth alK,Plltaborh, Pa. CUPNd
all kind., CICAP fiLOVES and every description
r Funeral Funds ton Godll.ronnah.d. ROOM'
orE;•6" fgri l rOT a • 11Mil RaWrvltna, .1111,b31
J.oboa, MD.. Thom. Ening E.g...
111111 on Rao.
C ° F i riNs corn/vs:
knerALLlc t
61 A 1 100ANItt
terrhly to 4 Water street. far Matra ~) i
Uri DRUTAILINU I : - 11NE : LAIt itirr :: :14 1 % ''
ti p.p i pia c n 10.1311 CK, Previa.
“ onigin , wilitadmi, v na „, thk .,. i
001%.,C117..4.1EC1RWE .til e .ElZOeneral Agent.
et, Sparag R. Lo. 'a IV are rloctael
stair Pinar stre et,
()eke, No. 12 rOURiII STMLT. l UP '" ' r g •
.. .
lagniortsktrin In 111 Its brantb
nig out and fornublnir Dlatine"'"g
thiproprinte rnsnn lendld ft ti prom. t e - lair:many Iw
terms; an en
Hmea/AND nOwavn• ••• Azotauur
OWARD iPI warrie-, Wllll.l
17 izz.clemitals.aziar L.
Collin r,oom • atllianoester LlverAtable.
C Ameret SWUM and OkftrUcroutreets.
prola um.. fr.= An.o.ty EMT and vieltiltv
IIUT attend Qso. tretly.l
Salplluret, of Iron
Peautsylnuis nal& llaaa6aturiar 40 , 6
Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne
• ...
pr'—A'Asgrer thlng.,,i.f ilbrial;tgiggirglibntir.
.iA. Al.AitErSitbath At wtts resolved to holu.n. Annual
.flt il v g gg gliatrill'reiVia7itiZro'inplz., AND
• rot tteq to receive gi r ropoenls Bunt tir!neift
.• sioeteiloa
ay tun Ewe, offer inaninonente for inswing it at
th e different ft.ln s willeittr proftaintionswin
detionata. Said COMAIttIO O are 311 menu AMOAB.
KATI% I.lartbunthorlauili Wu. Bisset, Pittsburg/it
Jong'', 'Bunten, .Berrisburgi DANIEL- U. D FLIXF,
00th. instill Its_vens 4 aux ~11. , nclnxitir.our,;- Ihr,
rieling; A.,,Jl.ll..wasfitit, 11tvrotary, tarrietoftft,
:Ttli!'ne l'iraeltiree'sectwil it.r..bel:l'iMnicittal.
utive Bolninitten, on the loth .gar oylelarekNl.,
until which tttnesomfteUthen for Vocation ktel
eaistood ' A. 'BQYA HAMM
T Y LEA - A, VEJSRANsEtagenitimi,'ln pieta soul
pinta; also, Ruyan Prince of -Wale. ono emote,:
land Soma; CroluasEßtaolasrAll's Walnut, ask Atusk,
room asU"' rbrill'ig7.4.ll,lsF4*;'
odd Ellnair4Aln.etklali 45411M44L
tan Ice Anil Barron. Sre ClreoTars.
All - (Mice, No. a 5 LLEA YEN STREET, New York
r• o um
Work. end Oftlee, lidilln• TownntOr
Orrtex is SD - mit:mon-24 WOOD STREET.
tr ;r . bee f :or t lave the Lug., eapaelty 1N
•,,: brand errands the hlghrarlo thin rounrl7
anal th
In Europ, for quallty 4nrl tire test, and the o 0
a put well
for exix,rt. mammon] barrels, prepared especially : •
Manuta,trarere pf 11()ILEIW, BTILLB, TANKS
Ithyrrovell 11.!ring Tlbrls for WI \Vella.drlinly_
strPEnzon OIL ENGEVT.S7-
ISA NU Y T ratltz UP
0.1:11..oc., 3 3darls..c.t Eit, •
Aapteto, on Jan. 1, 1984,
IHartford 1 re Insurance. Company,
Vrotectloo can I. mecored to the %b., nulled
an.s reliable Coulpanle,
Will Insure against all kinds of Fire wad Marine
Blake. A home inetltotio ged Dire.
Who art well known to the c ' osnti u ttiity, b ind Wtiler are
determined by promptnesu hareraity, to tain the character which they misstated, asof
fering the best protection to those who desist to be
nau red,
Alex. Nimick, , Andrew Ackley,
It. Miller, Jr, David M. Long.
Jain. McAuley, llees J, Thomas,
Alexander Speer,
Clint. J._ Clark,
P " r rb ilicte&t r i7 ' ' 1 J:VPi..l=7:
salll.l'. DIZIERT• Secretary.
-o.vrizExti,llliSliliALNCE COINIPAI
- NY OP PITTSBURGH.—Ottice, corner Market
and Wate r treats, errand floor.
IVA:.vcrotary ilAtiA
.LRY, President.
!mina,. Steamboats and Ciargoesi.
In surer agaiust iris. and damage In the navigation
or Ihe Southern and I% estern River,, Lakes, and
Barest, auil the navigation or the Seas.
Dooms against lona and damage by are.
4 8 o11;8111 1 17o .
James 31. Cooper,
En g'. i Ml:er./ro
John 8. Dllrcortli,
&VV . 111.1r=1;, I Wm.
• pEefitkiifiligliiiiiivtE
dinar., N. S. ER WOOD AND V/PTI3BTB.
for.; 7.1.11 tr. , Capt. John L. Rhoads.
Soto oel P. tiittiver,
Copt. h' 1 .i . .. P° 12111' r (I.lrolqrlbfrokje.
Wm. VAl;lilsk, " ' Frank e. lilsseiret.
James D. '''"Arar ruhillirri,%%,
W. R.
imiunituJ,..)4Nr4l.4TT. . Vice President
Jnyilr_ ' (ley!,11.)1.11:3 tiORDON, Oen.' Airt.
A LLETMENT 101041 31411;CE CO.
OR 1.1111111U11011.-oMte, No. it? Ifilth street
Rant Block.
losureslagainst all ktnds of Plre and Marine Risks',
.101121111.W1N, Jn., President. I
JOHN 1). MCCORD. Vice Pessidtht.
C. ( . I ..DOXNELL. beaetur.
ro' ititili ... : : : . 13.. }lead '
- . rig.k CI. 0 . 14 .- • V o tTee days, '
Ji ttosktuson..- , , Wm i rk,
Jotinan, tr.. e.laNze evr.
_~: ~ . y.
Ina, and nil keen on band
P.rrrsiern Oil PA
82,467,849 96
$14750,c000, '
W. L. JONES. Agent,
Otherwise Improved.
Morning 'tuition
rIrrn1111•11113111, January 1, ISM
o. 'Layne .—aly wife h. been atilleted with •
clugh and difficulty of breathing for dryer alg
). e. lehlelt, for *metal years back,•hari gradually
tumor...A In violence. The complalnt.has Men her
t e • .1 Ibe had been treated !gametal phyal
' lll-X.lll " ,, Z": 47 y 7 lllkeTuitri:Nirei s ll4t i clA
, bnght... the 3Fryt tlrue, a Ilfty end. bottle,which re
Ileved her er• much; I then called and pet a dolls.
t ra ce,ol which lured her entirely. and abela4 marane
f the forr-Ar disease. egrappi Magnera. I
would also Oat. that I usmi the MedicluelnYllilif to 4
Cold and cough. The toeilteine cured ne by Won*
one dose. I cap] esa my entire sail:W.4on 'glib th
medicine, and y. di are at Ilbert4io. %Tabor
you desire to do td.
Alderman, 2= Wald
6 Prromottoil, Apllli, 1117.
, READ TUE 71:11n1.-1,11. KnYary:-/ haoe
dang er ter who has [hen several medicine , Para bay
1 Pectoral .
ralthoot ben• of, among them Ayes ChetTe
GREATLY REDUCED PRIM 1.,=:;:1-A,ralyrracab.ra'a:Iforrra,"%h argatl:4l:"raViz
tie she was relieved. The second botte Clued h et
entirely of her cough. JOHYIPARIN, •
Robloamt street,railhalny..
Pf TrimunClßeDercirae_ r'll /AA&
SVItUr.—I live In Peebles townslD. Alleghen
county. 1 Mid a cough and epittlar. Watch coo.
to eared about the 4th of February. - rag. cell anuln
ned eight months. I employed lira fed pLITIIC.IOa,
• In the country, and my vellgh Cmdinned =abided
until early In °etcher. Al that Dim 1 an.advise.
• a to try your Pectoral Cough ayruo. which 111.1. MI
Su bseriaers :. trzuhitin-,k.t.,,..,-F,14..t t: ,. /.e,=eit'T*
getting well, and a Ibiza It should dow n
gfiratt 1111 •
tide valuable remedy , will do for others 144 It . ha
done In my crae. JOHN' 11. lirr,La..
Witnesaf 11. Al. Kann.
.Pechlet iranehip.
PAOIVI,ITow-frfulrY. A141.11,f,./SIA.
A WONDERFUL CORR. - 44one t tin 01
,f111 . ,,,,r of faille Nriiy-r•eire
Will be Furnished to Carriers at ;
AND ,'
k ;rtii,ker/•Zni-Welt. ..
~/...- 'rs Wives tMtl_me kat he d takett mv7 ,. - vem.d)
be th : illi s Sg, ' L dAZ re b T In, i gt gegßeVlVit
Le could net Use. I had a lit the Voters bottle
FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEEK I ggfrgedtg.vioL 0utraz,g,•2444%
• makes the ease more•remantable. Lefta eS t reme on
; ‘ ," d h o 'ut illic h =ltleilig,lrrr old.
. ,
.B.FL C:b /12"
• Yrrrananon, *ember-M
-11 M
Dn. 11 erect" —Alt.booze not aeteroeneeof.Patent
• Medicine, In general. it of:online plesmcn ludo
scelliable to
II 3 our I, , LITOTIAT. eirEpjp,
ALA it medicine, is teed wortl33 ententlan Of .1.07.
person twitto not? In city mangy: NI 'al:dieted Wit •
i cough., colds untilmor.eiteai el - kind Adidinecno
Leading News Centres r4=l :t` `nu
, have been, more or len In n
e tt.inneeted Ylty
! the eererret of colds nod boarizts. times as)
• ! throat would occoone co Most Si to prevent my
of the chore
t.4l7.lZ7ll,l2lPtit i g:'"d':':•fi 0 . 10 " 'thhe"" '
best. ne yi ever found,
RELIABLE NAME' REPORTS, trz;:ecut=gwar
• Yours, recjikaA D J.
Cashier Clones' Detemg-Airlk.
STatinialrild. Ohio, Mirth 14,1 . 814.
have used Dr. KeyserCohlh STnt7l fnbee had
colt, ofr
:Ver *tree! but "
W. t t iat. "
COL. PaAfite AND D/ $1 Macau SYR/lg.—Dn. Kgreen-lear Mr, Macau the delay
army aeknowledging thekeellence of yourrectore
• Cough
Lke great gdeellOre dolt', tog th at It ta il you 004 1 Is. It knocked th
out of my temp; andtlisrorst one 1 wan near .midi
ed with. 1 have not ust mom than oue-balf of tin,
bottle, and teen awl Walsh that all who are
ed would give It ea fah/MD/ as I have dose, an
ii h ga .l7ll i i, o t terzllVXVL ', l2 n zi q z ' al u s...". e.
Onslderatlon or at I Mil confident a s
rem th e more }r e m:, up I ever
I shall alwaye
acknowledge a debt t gratitude for Intrentitill on
excellent• remedy. out are at liberty -10 to* Joy
name In this regard 6700 Dunk Toner.
r.. ,
Messenger Cowen Connell. rit PitiatT
tabasigiu Pa. '
N. B. —I am no stinger Wm/ fellow-etvaa
all who entensin dads coo r.
. .P. P.
AriOTEIKU NE', clarrincierE.—Dia
imrs pgerongSYßUP.—l had-bees mumbled
w i t h a cou g h .net gd tor several sreeas--e0 wit
thee 1 could uodeep. I had the advice end.yrts.
ciliation. from Dee of the but titivate/any* the
. city, whom I cow nate°, but do nOt do sO. Idaauy
moored hots of your Pectoral Syrup,-. and
cured me entire/.
thlgned) J. W.
s IS ,
020Uh1 'Foreign and Domestic I Jaitaar7 ad/. o.
gt• Liberty street Pittsburgh, p
NEARED filtbSll TOR ?111
]Local News,
°Lotman:kg the loading Copies ofte fty — printed o
The Ch*lapest and Best
irt•siern Pennaghiania.
' .A.divertiosing,
At it=ifiJlllV
, Pectoral Syrup
Cures 11-31-orachititig
1 Cll_l`ol6.A.atkuccuF6
All Diseases of the Lungs
Sierl I orlre attention to time of the most antra
dinary cores by my
IPectoral Syrup
Ic. r . h iez , nv:rbbtrAxot:t,„
Attend to Your Colds.
' dir 4, lViurrgylrelv° "" 4 "InL4RT
VlLLE.—Pleasu send me another suAl of TaturriM
, ;labia Pectoral timp. Almost erelaari around lax
b. the .1.1, and am enqulrlhe tol,'Dr• Mei7ses
• Pectoral hyrup.' I We have sold s/Man battles r
ast week, and are - uow cut/rale ors Mr. A.Alt.
anti Mr. P. Maher. both of Diathrue. Pa., told as
they would oat be without It In rlr
fact, all who on It ouce want It wits. families. Di
iespectfull_ ,v
January 30, 1360.
'S(S)C THACOUGUNG. "—Wow can 1 do lit „
Nato itcy.erbon Wood street, andda r e s bottle of
al Cough Peerral, andif that don't yOtl your
nom mast be aidwrate Indeed , Thiel. asneamen
tho eotloeo one hear. every di_• In cold-catenutg
I.e.rioda of Mercer. And en curi...ftozo aeptals,spe.
ebe„ofhly concur In the adviser's .atiMotil
t lon no above tie we been filed the Pectoral, to
, most 'fawn case, whh entire •ocefa. Near
Iwo weeks ear al went to Pittsburgh, , wi th one of
the most disausang, contrary, fussabdueble
ought, we seer tape:United duce our adverithoon
Its mandate shim.. We coughed steadily and
..rlootl Mr one Thole *sea, In hope. of/Airing is
WAIL vaanoie. in act, it seemed ratter to
rtrou.iemrseed nYMe r 6tgl iii tf rirt h a!nrilrell
t : . e . trlAlViteir Le slue. weiongtedeArray
I to Keyser% Su. tintlood ,tree[, prmtrad a Bay.
• cent battle of the "Amoral, l! took It accOrdlng tia
directiony nue In fudtolgpt bo 174, were inaste.r
~.° ", 4:4Y„d i jer itZtiM 4 1 11 1 Ac r l d I T
n ee
forlaHdable ad adveraid , a. Rhne'. fornon."ol:rthigy
retoraL—Brown,rinaiMpper, Doe, 14, Mg, •
I. 1... P. and ■ota bp.
No. 140 WWD EITIIgjET;
17Pilotiti‘lzaisirgea. Pausal'*.
Preparsd ,411,d
1411:W.9"*"Ial:!1.. L til'iigis4
Prigo i , 1111: 4 ' ..