H 11 EN f) II MONDAY EC H ' 4 ::0 ....AgoIfERTIAINCAATEs Ittsilibettshibt bfthitfressOf Pittsburgh STANDING BUTTER. °"° square ofte n Eight word. " ECM Me Vine rem thee Ceres thee. rear time. ..... ..... the .. ...... 1 I :4 e ilteZ ee week". F.l . sht times i l ertta fi rer 61heen Week ..... Twelve ttmes, 2 weeks Three 'ovate Thoo . ......... Twomurattur.. Three mouths ..... Mx-months Use rear ISIANGEABLE ONCE A WEEK tlae ukollth.. • TWe mouth. Three months 81. x ....... Oak year A Snawr. is coining from British India for the great exhibition, on which ten years of caref ul labor have been devoted. Lady readers may like to knots-the proportions of thiscdainty garment; its lehgth is about rive yards and a half, its width a yard and three quarters; the ground is red, and its arabesque designs are said to reach the extremest point of delicacy. It was or. Bored by the Queen of Bade before the re volt of the &pop+ and .the Beige of Luck now. JOSZPII SI AZZI xi has been elected einem ,. berOf.the Italian Parliament for - the City of Naples. He wee also voted for In his native town of Genoa, bat- was defeated there by email majority. He is, however, an exile from Italy, and cannot return to Jake the seat to whieb he line been chosen, 'Unless he should be ptirdoned and relies - el from his disabilities. Tits. New York Times looms that on the termiration of the reciprocity treaty, now close at hand, adcaforesi duties at twenty per cent, will be imposed by the Canadian authorities on dried fruits, furs, skinsand peltries, from the United States. There will be no other material change. Tusßhreveport , Sbatiztrestern says Mrs. Canoshas rented her magnificent. plad tenon on Red flyer, opposite that place, containing nyer ono thousand acres of cleared tat--,1, to N•s - thern men for three years, for the stun of .7 15- being—bOng at the rate of $14,000 a year. 'IES. (tBAST was invited after service In Grare Church, New York, on Sunday, to remain to hear the organ play'. "No,' re plied the General, "I don't knew one tune from another, mid would rather hear a • bawl drum:than au organ any day." 2 'sriVlttirleaton Charier says that bind pess.in .Charleaton Is stupidly dulL The psople . trlll not be in lands until the cotton 'Striae tocsins Into the market; and with ott money; or Its equivalent,. trade cannot - b conducted. fitness of things is hardly a ehartte- . terstic of Virginia chivalry. Tbe people '.• of lan's Bluff propose to have a grand ball (or itte phrpose of obtaining funds to irn prole limit - grave yard. Gasit:RAL SHERIDAN recently tinished taw of Tex= He wasaskedhow he liked 'tin State, awl said in reply, "If I owned . 11 -1 and Texan, I would rent Texas and Lirciat the other place." • 311,.. Tnomsa DABLLVGTON died at his .jettidtuce Birmingham township, Cites -ter mislay, Pa., on the 17th spot aged 82 •veltra He Hred and died on the spot where wmborm Ett: fist W great simpleton. who imagines bat , the chief power of wealth is to supply Tanta. In ninety-nine cases out of a bun ered it creates more wants than it . sup- Pitst. rRE Lawrence (Kansas) .75 - ibune says: "Te have•rellable information, from va rlets soarers, that tho wheat crop through. oaths State is looking remarkably well." "Itz University of Cambridge, (Eng.) by nee of 107 to 81, lots refused to allow lee , tare Upon American history to be dolly and° the students of its colleges. th Tat' syracnse (N. Y.) angrier mentions edtth of William OLey,, a pensioner of and s 18 /24 k the advanced age of one hundred t.years and seven days. AT Ist accounts, Professor .Agussis had collect! fa Brazil spechnens Of nine butt sidsoventy species of tish, of which itndred were new. - . ll itaatts Cotton commands a premium of fiVe oelig per pound, and this tact is pro .duc ing idecirled effect is the culture of the titordo lahat state. Sr:Eyes ago a gentleman in Worcester wrote to is brother in Mexico; the letter did not nth. its destination till the middle ''' 4 of iost'Dipanber. the;ekinni' ng of the war, there were I,2ol)ctifi4s of the regular army; of this 7 "'lumber 1? were killed in battle, and 500 wounded. licate,td Rome—la increasing in popu lation.al had 207,883 inhabitants at the close hulyear ; baring gained 3,442 in TEE Newyork Onus says , that dealers in beer clad In that eity predict a start .llWllgeeb. deelinen the- price or beet *lrbil' a • Tits ilal4 Times. describes Mr. Ban croft as the alhor of a history of the Ern - rted . Shibut mak to talk about than to read. .• • .:11..sins4st haling the euphonious name At Acta APost l 4 Yegden, recently died a I village in Rei,county, England. DOZEN coitis-martial in Ireland are Aryls% *Meer, ai men of the army who :arelltUVesed to I.Fetthum. • AB-editor aliefed with hand-orgarc, t iniceihe therinklarha cannot be compared with the grinderlet. p LETIEEEV LIST. Lin ar Irsciirsum LE-reles rep/Maths in th l eal o Olgat at AlleghenY Dr. Pa..BATUBDAY, lebta" Loin any orth se 17L ' 1"L tu t r -.Adtrottsol tee rWerglgt i t i lfir o ft 14. I tiiiirg - A7r=irit' aven ,n e mbe et to the Deed Lel/ r Ottlee.r ""' " '''' Pau Dextrine( letters, sponsor, et the reel_ deems Members. roar ins IL-tra following sumo r in by observing the - I. Meier mom Pitman the street antlutuntxt, 'Lowell as the Pot wake Altitud e . - ~ I, ESAU letters ootiwith the - emcee Aat Offlere and EWA street and wm ; el' th em grat e 4.. e i tht nth name. and reret that embrer be directed &mord riltetters Id amassers or seo th l. a t eirgto rt in , town oretty, whose speelolsehessineybe unenown. should be ma rkell, on the lowest(' hand earner, with the word '•Zessisient..• 4. 1 1 1A.cle the- stubton the SOWS' ri band eormr, an terreespace be, "be stamp Jp/a r‘d sundials for -lonises wittht luterteririg with ~ '4.tg Tit titTlMlPArrgriranftligelPteijyt wring, ag a rttund frith the weirs-nose, Post gr. `-'4Z' tldElispic'ear,"raide, ,f,• =171 ,4 1 1:1 4 all 11 0 ; teas.. vered.,7l...PgtiMoeilar teriti i : l f ' not ' Auxia 4 B ' Fa!? ter • •;., erg G in : 41 4a 0 111 0 , 0 , tilitt MU litaitisters A J I Armetrong G Gaw,glntra , issoffelvy S C Ansaldin hl GaykraAnean MeDowsid Bell _ B anon Bidto L. McCrory M Battik Ann Gralleisk ' bteClenneJ Barkley A Grovol)hn ZdeCallongn ft Barr Ada Greyar'jacob N -43arneal B llailather T Stills A Broodin 11 GutatinW Needy G Either B F Gall/Gar Wm Nesmith S Boerne Dant Mantic T 2 Newell ill Barr Ellen Gland VI. Nelson Wm Boyle Ellett J Gmbh Wm P Blackford, E E Peters Rate S Beck Ed Etookll 8, Parker E J Brown lk E Efasslr A Patterson I Brine Geo F' Ranntoi Ella !Patton J Burnes Geo F Ramat Ed !Zimmer J Bowman John HitelimE - rudder M -Bell John Hookko - , ! Patto n w n , Blackford JII Ball* Sarah !Patton W M 1 Buchanan J lantobiscm J 2 peppers II lialdlnger J Woolf IJ I Q Poetry Jas iliall IC Quinlan Ellen Bindles, J illinsts it Barclay •L. M Kart U B.ri Roland F Bowden Mary Flay Taker Redst. th y y Barr ry M J Hentos Wia Rem mu t t. Bradley marl. Ilinsey . Unlt Eichardson T Borne. Mary RUM Kent Ruddick W A Burk Wm Batter P Iron Jas Id Spragues A Bnaltlntrhain It Jou ; David Stephenson A Slurs A Duman Dr Jettins SI M Slums M D Calboun Bev Jos, Emma shitett D Ca Ina Ann Jots, Ada Smith Dld P Collins/3 IF ;Jellison 0 Southerland D Dollen C ; J Scott D Conner C iJom M Shuck /3 C Collins Coleinan gkellal C iJelhhe If .I . 3 • 811eleby Etty Sullivan E Calhoun J c Etter .7 Stevenson E Corey Jae A EPebtary A at, ow, m a , 2 Campbell J A , .1.. Shaffer Isaac Clifton J 8 Lidsay ACo skit,. J A Cole Michael Eger/ ti Mack Jno Colllns PIE Lowrey J R Smith Mary E Coldwell Mrs LthwitkJ seamy. Wm B Ooyie Magee, Utied A -r staff er w Christian h Lhortr Wm Shaffer WJ Crows/ Ella pirrvi a Smith It Culbertson F. Pnir re Shorter A Crow Rev N : M Caldwell jr F Mar aCo Thompson ' A Canning/rat It Whams C . Toner 4 Crmme Phillip loiter D C Crawford B taohostor D Dodds Sarah A tottrOo G N Dawson Alas BMW SJ 2 E Eller J Ea l ay . Christy Joo WM /116446 Mare, L . 4 Pettiir c ~: Prawn Jane rally Xari i ' M wlr be i t Whi4r. ' MILO .„41 77 -Ak11:0 - C icntr i tar iL tit =DU, . 4 . - - niftsburgh &ut D, 1866. 1bk4.18 k• f 2 _week week I week CO ea 10 00 1200 2200 XOO 250 176 ISO 210 160 100 760 600 960 6111 1667 11 OD 270 D 1600 In° 112 :rot 1 1 4, 2109 1800 1200 Sco COO U(N , 21 OD 140 C 7700 48 00 31100 uo GENERAL NEWS . otters, and thy 6; 7 0,6 , ENCHANTROMUND I PARK, McCUILIni & CO. . . • . . „".":.'l', MibVeillV.lr '"goi;•c"°' -'''' ilatty.oretif., Ik EAT ili -N S,.. 9 6ATTENI T =) ' '` ''' ''''' ' ' - ' - 11" ' RAISEIJ ISTILd.IIAssOMB. OPELTISR SOLDER. ttl/`r .rz VgrrET llN' t dCVB7r i t": . M.E .;.. A .: "'S' I! V'. 1 ! THE THE P H H E Y S N P X H ! Y N X ! band, N o bItS" MACHlN'and"TO(...t,o.!' , Ir * , • . house, No. DO Vottcr and IMSacmco STalexTa, Pitts pb.urfeh,s.:SpAclal orders of Copper .1 to any desired , i At I.l.nLonic Hull myMtlyd&wT ro „, , ~,, ~.., right d.,. ~,,,,,, .. r0man.,.... jar WM. EMILY' 1 ILL & CO. Friday Evening. March 16, 1866. Ebner Makers & Sheet iron Workers. ~. .,- 1, ..,4 3, 1:)., 31.130 1/510 Nos. 20. =.. 24 and 24 Penn at t. i 1 AW'AIL- Livent'dibilri=telth'eft:lltelleirlf.N. 11Hanng seenred • large yard, and Amtdalted It with • FABIAN AND BRUCE, ,',:.=.1t9A,"4-yd :rescripWiti I .' BOILEIV:77 4 tit: Tire Gift Autocrats of the World, perform all the, best ManntrfitnadsnisfmktittEeciiNtnntypeHiglie edre l t•tist. and 1011 away e . rery t tv e r i nft l f the whole of roust i • PLPkZ LO COMOTIVE isltiLlilti, CUP:- the I s e at'i t '':i' d ' t !` ; ` o " rB.= ` ; ' pro ' .l- '" e ' that everl; hiVit l ` s b n " t4 DENISERS SA(.T PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS. 1 do t e to eh, letter, i AOLTATOttS t SETTLING PANS, BOILER LEON, TICK ETS ONLY . 5.5 c ENTS—Remmed seats 50 11111,Utik...., ti GAR PANS,• and mle manufacturers ; r. mi ne. Nu malt ;mitt,. m BAJINRILL'S PACENT BOILERS. Repairing Doors oto-n at 7 o'clock—ln commence at I o'clock done on thostiortmt notice. delti•lf precisely. Prhmion able Matinee a t Vend ATUR -301121 & COCIIRAN Rao" DYitA AFTERNOONS at 2 o•clock DA S when chtldren • Manolmturers of IRON VAULTS AND will he admitted for U. rents. and VAULT DOOM, IRON RAILING WINDOW Every Child W di F......... o P.0.e... SHUTTERS, WlfilklW GitARDS, /i 0,,, Nos, et ' Remember that the Man attrrs and Directors of Fa- SECOND and Mt THIRD STREET, between Wood 11,1,0 A i i rit , c .- U lgtittiie GM **....t ~. Ebterialb and Market, hare on hand a rarter, of new pattern, 1000[. offer . fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. REWARD OF *MOO tffir Varlicolar attention paid to enclosing Grave I To any person who mill bring the slighted as Lots. Jobbing dune at short notice. our ,of pnwt that e,ry article Is hot given away as ed aritonulioN, REA h. CO.. (Sue- ! " R i i..V.;..111,... for sale at floffm n. Hoene R Co.'s CesSOra to UOISINSobt. ]bars i MILLP.Sta, Muslc Store. and John P. 11011‘ & '1. 0..it Bookstore. WASHINGTON' WORKS, to. cacti to wets, 'rat, Get your tickets to ad ! , v , a4z. „ a n td ,. : , 111 ,, , , t1: , , 11. , 1 . 1 , 17 rush' antl ..,,,...1 a, the Foandera d- itaelatntate, rAttaborh. ManstfactOrterS of' BOAT AND STATIONER T ' Y ' A ' i N 1 BRUCE. .i•TiIORY VIVI N A -7• Dif n if: A SlTA E Ngi c i E 7. , k "''' A . ASTIN (~, el orlNlnsior• and propMetOra tal descrlonono, OIL TANKS and STILLS, ;OM. Ett ''''''''' I. ."1,1". H L "'C . E —,.. Dn ".. n ___'' . A fr .. '• . AND SHEET mei, WORK. 'VENEVV: ENTERTAINMENT AfirAgents for GIFFARD*S l'A TENT' INJ ECTIAL L or Medina. boilers. ay — TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, OP BOTH SEX.—A reverend gentlems. basing been restored to health in a few days, after nridergolng the , anal routine and Imitator c speaks re mode of treatment without success, considers It his sacred dot} to communicate to his afflicted fellow. email:in. the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send, free, a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHNDMIN ALL, SN 'Fulton street. N. Y. mhil :led& ter Or SENT FREE.--A Pamphlet of Immense Importance to the old and young, married and single, of both nears, wlll be sent. tree by addsestalng,with stamp enclosed, the Agents, A. ICANDIIICH & CO.. Hos to, Bos.n Post OM.. mgaielstiter tar THE. mune". CAIPIBER; AIi — EPSAY OF WARNTIIIi AND STHUCTIGH FOR YOUNG MEN. Also,new lad tellable treatment of the Urinate and Sexual System Address Dr. d. B.KILLEN HODOHTON, flow n , Pbliadelftbis. P. anltty PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK di Co., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES. BOYD & C 0.,) MAntifutours of tt, ben trsned Cut Stet. Sonar°, iiTMedePatrl3ll:l,ti."l7:4;;;P"-• F") HEAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, num Purer MING SPRINGS, A.IEL EX. CIK&a. Cast and Common Plough and Spring Steel, Oftleo,Cotties of Pint andl o: a u.. above the ps ' t rce.! o se7:dy '"°nl.t_ BLACK DIAMOND . Bain QUALITY RAP/NED OAST STEEL. * M ll"7 4 . lttil d tttll g rtlal f == . ln7= " . 3 ? try. 4114Y . Ottleo and warehouse, No. NY and 1.51 Met, ao and in tieeond ttreeta Pittabaroh 411-ro DZO. AIITYA,r D. BXELXII P. UOLLaI Nr LA MLLE STEEL WORKS. efki CPO. .SharramEsal,StS . T437 l lV.L • SPRLNO PLOW Balm. gle. AAA, L 04, AXLES , . CROW 0 7 . 1, E. t0. PS WATER STREET (up 'POPO, Pittabur 17:7 74 I,I B PI Q CIANE. SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS. Lettering of all hinds executed promptly and in " B " eauttrl 4 4 1 .' 0 ' or ....led paper ot .13 wcolor., and tillt Ellgna on elms, made to order and ent to all parts of the country inPictr.orial • Designs executed . ILL • highly arusti: velth srexard to durability harmony Of color, gad neatness of lintsh. Sir Ali work at reasonable rate. WILLIAM H. BROWN, North East corner of Third and Market &roots, - - HAM HATS!! RATS!! SPRING STYLES. 311Ec()CO.ELID dSc 181 WOOD STREET, hit'prs• ' trUTHS.. l AID D JJO IC Y D AIIIGEITONS ARAYOUAtI, DERBY'S RESOWN mir,Eggictsta ASLI/ONAI3 the Lateit Styles in Giest-Variety FARM .131111annm& W ittaker Ci W Wh ood Saud Woods Jere; Warman Jas. Winslow Mary Wapner Mn ilitiltemid At N Wallace Wra & MACH, awns ea tuna a Large aaaartzaasill al COWING W.OIILNEB, • 41prOFithe2airt *sad oloseitt fLAY ILAKJIA, Aneatieu3 E2lll 4 "'ATER ss pguts_Ar ts Sick, OP ERA HOUSE. __.........a.5 ey :. feels/. and complaining/ Ara you out of Lrgess AND .52.1.YAGSREA6 A "ern Elleal.r.. order +with your erstern tiers ngcr and y our IgeHoft tmemnfortable T hese:ymptom. are often eh. pr.- lode to serious illnes home ickness le creeping upon you. and should he evert e d ht a [lcor- , ly use of Um rightremedy. Take Ayer's Ellis, no I , I IT P' .. e ar and t he fluid. ' tr e o t d e PoPtlnuPe7T,o ITgrie,Vg RE. ENHAISESIF.IgT OF - health .8.1.. r.ey .. r 1 . 0, .. t". r """ U " . ". "" THE MAGNIFICENT body Into vigOrona aellvity, purify the system from i the obstractions which make e &settee. A cold set ties somewhere m the body, sea deranges Its nacre of hnotaltutik These. If not relieved, react open thenvelree uid the entrounding ;gatte, producing c 'ir:l..ll7=l.4o'.'.fftlliTgAyae:!..°,`:tits=7,!.. HELEN WESTERN. 1 how directly they restore the natural action oft . eystem, and with It the buoyant feeling of Dealt . THREE GREIT PIECES TO-NIGHT. , in 1g bat Is true and so apparent In this tell Li I and common consplaint la also tree In Many of It e purgadeep seated and dangerous distemper, The mer e I HONDA] EVEN IN O. Ata•th le will be presented tive effect expels them. Canbed by similar the military Dram. of the bstructions and derangement of the` tural runt ' CP (Vat ' gre ylPeettPd•efilithtle_.'estnertellnYa.lNP'PYsr net V.1.1.11:,1:7%TC1E1 Si-nr. know the soiree of tnese Als will neseicek'tfreLpic'e . them whenguffering tru i ng the disorders they cure, i Wt:ltYtnitithseint7eetra.Par nT e e rn7tif I T: li Leetftlt="tro en la 7 . 7. (litrtliorlitn4 8 o ff p=s h e ' lo r e n. caltihtelltrZhSelanreftakteidu;dn ote g t ar! " sru c el7' 74 ' ' i.: ; - ptirgattse medicine yet discovered AVER'S AGUE CURE, I For the speedy cure of hatertafttent Freer, F. cc, I In:ClAzawreaAtteA; "seer ChM Freer. Pos en.lrec. lOW /hers. tadeedfoPrrfeLte firs,l7ftlasVesP.:;-7. ttrtriorteg_9. efiffirlt denan canted by Ow ,saf f'rearattall. c mom! A La- This remedy hie rarely failed to cure the sever,..[ eases of Chills and Fever. and It bas this gre .d. gryenta, e over other Ague medicines, that It su bdues dues ot.:rnr: VoTin7.lt". ° ,F t oilier oi- L . to the .P:.11,011—i! nor does It Produce quinisto or any InArions effect whatever Snaking brothers of th e ern, And the West, try It sad you will endorse these Wif ertlone Prepared IVA- C. A VER dLOMI ii, MaILI., and sold by R. A. fAHNEI3TOCh b.l-Ti1.t.c.0.i.,:r by all Dregittsu. ' ggrßETßOlTirk.us TURKISH JANDOLENIAN HAIR TONIC. ITiE DRIL.SSING AND RESTORER OF THE ACE TURKISH BANDOXENIAN. HaTnntrgint fauns!, RAPPOLOTIAN. What con be more acceptable than anything Mot will loautifY that All restore tutture's decay by stopping the hair from falling oat, restoring Its natural color, making :t to grown luxuriance and beauty, Jumbo In putting It op according to the present style and fashion and keep it In place? This Berroncey's Turetalt Bandoter e fan Ilnir Took will do, and for posof we refer you to any person who has tried It. It le acknowledged to be the beautifier of the sac, the only flair Tonic rrlrier,°.,c I:rrngrallegie'PPl:elliWLlTe'gksevkrein the oee, o riandtilenian" I a known—lt is ronouneed t zr.,l P he us plus lira of r Preparations. Remember, It 's free from all metallic Dotson. that are contained In most Rale Colon and ttrisslngs. It Is the extract of lowly flowers and herbs, beavtlfttlly put up, +.O ornament to the toilet. For Bale by all DruggßotTlifAlittgraezkoleeale. 8.11,. FAIINESTOCK ACC, Principe Depot l3t.A.thmlietilljazitrittm. gdas, ' delvdttneedavrT 1.4 e. 42' nttga:ielyltia. --_____._ PITTSBURGH SAW woRRO, HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. 111 AaOTACTOIlltall or PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST bTLEI. SAWS, °levet, descrip tion. Mill, Athley, I '1,...,111, Hang, and all other varieties. .All kinds Of K N I VES and SPRINGS, made from tivak.L%lttayie‘E.aza, Relined REAPER AX L. AR- WarehOuse and Works, corner W Attu and blither SrArttere, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to re-toothing. gumming and straightening Circular Saws, also, repairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at rt....enable flack sp=ay £ LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS PITTTSBIJRCIFI. STEM WORKS 1 157PMEECCa VITCPX.III3.I9I, PITTSBURG H. l'A PARK; lIRIYIPHER A: Co. klanolletstren of PAINTERS FIZZEI No. tiO ElmErrinnELD lit., FITTSBUR4i it Mate of the arm of BaoWI" & ILoanoa ftoIINE Alm 81f3N PAINTER. PITYBI3OBOII HAya CAPS. &c. gosam itasms. ernuiv atrrrizte, DOTTRILIS *MD fle m arl St. Alm , . hp 11:t1/11:1:07,U.11.1%7"'.. n"L" .. WEATELIN 13912/MI DEVELISH GOOD JOKE, To roll2l:lenct v‘lth the Burlesque et the FE-MILE 40 THIE "'ES. I= 0 0 C.,4 M0.1"7'.18. prrTsnun.Gn Tur.A.Trtx. Wll HENDERSON A Algzertient for six nitehte of the gre•t Tragic 1017 .. 5 LSAXAMM., MONDAY" ENEEING. Marell SHP, win be pre nested CUY MANN ERINC. Meg Marelnes.. ..... .............EmmaWaller. TO conclude Rlrh TILE TOODLES. • LA TG°.UESDA Y. DTA ELUL EUEA WALLER AS M. 113,: Salo r.lay Alternoon.• AT MASONIC HALL. THj: SYHI'NX. FABIAN & BRUCE'S 001_.-T,,CPEESEILB.L. 43-3CM2•P. Sensation Entertainment, Nensation Entertainment. Nc rh ' l7lll 4 " a ' t7 l a t n . ll o l t n . ; yPs"c"nutV b":gb=leor?rl't't has ever lohearml In the United States. Crowded deli.ghnt.edhzdlerhets harft,l4h4ly free h ted these 1%1 r :1 ' 1Te l : or the . l ' : ‘ l l llsln I l b r eThs poet I.h.rene 7eearV.UWl WAL33XAINT .13.PL1:740314 The l:/FT NEW 'ES OF THE WOULD, do not !mal t Le to GUS thetoost perfect and complete .atlsfactlots to oil theleptrons. The Chleasto Daily Tribune says of or that • `ty. to kee the letter p all the prorolseumade to the public, and to till every ponies of our MIL " The managers of this remarkably suet...Ohl and :popular Olft , Orgaulsat lon take pleasure In thnoune .,viratft.T.thG. fatitAtkauengagement with the F`A_ I 3IAINT, The arknovqd . z r, Loutif nod trout of World. MEM Pupils of the Sib Ward School, No. 2, O TUESDAY, MARCH 150th. .T...catini.3rattco The performances will consist al Select Headings, r..gt . ,17,1 4 f tt, T,a1 ; 1 ; 42:. and Prof. " Wlf. lot "' S I ,A.. - a. 1/oe.rs open si Smile erises ceeninexice at 4. A.tint...inn ernts' children 45 ce.nLa. Tickets 1.. had at the ,r 11 .1. r II(Mb FOOT. Princips'. , 5049 0 b :4 r oi.: I HE FORT P rrr FOUNDRY. CHARLES CUP NEPHEWS' MANOTACTI.I77I{ OP HEAVY ORDNANCE, - AND ALL Elitlki OP HEANICASTEISK/B. npziralAtAtiltisnal4lLTA, o N i t r b i lfEL . L REPAIRS attended to ilf•mil").._ As bereterbre. the best materials will atwar• • used at ibis Found", Attention is caller) too. NSW PLY WHIM PATTEILN and Increased facilities for fitting opal 6 . 311217 11.02:1711 WM. 51.7.72..........10071A ...... —JAC L. X . 772. VALLES' STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & 90., Of and Wierehonee 301 Liberty oppoelte Smithfield, Manufactures a great variety of COOK, PAIII,OII and HEATING STOVES., snipe whiel?...V., the cel rbraled Allegheny and Monitor COal Cookina StOWCA: lino. the Autocrat. and Sentinel, for coed or wood, and the outivalled 'Star of the Empire, for wood: also. Arches. Orate', (endent, Sugar Kettles, Dog Irons and Hollow Wan! generallY• molt 1)1ITT9IBUROR FOUNDRY. CT= JOII2f 11. lIICXZT6OX A. GARRISO* & CO. (Bowe. tsars to Bottoms., Garr-Lyon . Cro.,) FOUNDERS AND Munifacturent of Chilled lkloliers of Gold s, for Iron, Steel, Brass, Zinc, Copper, Silver,, litraw llosrds, raper and Indla-Rubber \Yorks; also, Roll. lalett"lll=l e " ntlr ."l 4rtrirtt ' a t ter n' ol . ;ttel_p. "" l. : '" terns, always on hand, sou Otteo to ' inter on Won t notice and fa ratite terms,' Grace and Warehouse, lia linntiblield reet, Pltreburati. Addy A. BRADLKT.. .W. Vansunis J. 3. BRAM= r AIWA 01PE WORKS. A. 3 RADLEY & CO, .11sstrit.nere every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Among which are the celebrated EITRE,KA TROPIC and TALISMAN (Coal Movem) PONIANA I VW' ERAS( and LILONSIDES (Wood Cook Mores.) Abe manufacture • GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, eke. 00lee and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets. Pittaborgb. Entrance on Second Meet. a 41170 Afachine !Works avid Foundry 1717 1402.t2a55aa., ENGINE BUILDER AND NIACIN/UST. Laeoct street, between Federal and Mandhsky Alleghenj Clayy Pg, Mono( t trey of WI kl; tar Shafting Pulleys, &a Repairing of WI kind. attended to • felay illigi:OVtli:11 _ FURNITURE, AND CANE AND WOOD CRAM, llsnotactured,and for sale, Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWELL, NOS. 97 & 09 TUIRDSTRZST, Opposite E. Edmondson & C 0.., and mid NO. 11l POUNT/I /ERNET. OS 11 INISTLIS _, • • , . ewroorr OSEPII - MEYER Bf,'SON Mum runners awl WhoWnte •324 Be ' ÜBNITUR.IL /MD .I.llliB, No. 4 4.ar2T.. bone the Oatual, hare on bands • is i • aurAnum • ANG•I' IdiD MAIN PCLUSIT '•• Wahl • adklahoww, ottoelr awn a:auntie WI w ni.,4 •4 - in owl ang ars kr litinetin • • ~ .. . . e Ve y ~,,. v ,~; FIRST CLASS Country Residence and Grounds .011` UCTROJA. liOsno TU E H S aI D IA Y c Ma nHo rd s h e. Metaoes7F k th tee " will be sold the desirable and convenient ground. fit Wlikinsbung, mink, are toltitts. wells of the I D . 310 .1 t r Y . Q.Var i Oil Lb. Ballenad liglfeet on street I 378 lefeT geofttinl4l.ll747,`Ottfetirl:`,T/Urfik:, that NU been entirely remodelled. additions male, and finished in modern s with specie! regard to Eby comfort. Tee drill Aoor h as p r i parlor, is feet 8 niches feet. withtwo large bawitidowa.• hall feet wide. .restlintle entrance. doub y le doors outside and Inalde, arranged for +la terandtsummer ventilation. Opening from the ball are the Library, Sluing Room or Sommer parlor, and Dining Boom • theletter two here sub doom which open on • fary b Veranda Moverlookhaf the tirden and line vied. e Dining I A r ee s " bathe" bY dr!d il t r olil L and bVeTririll! Co Is well throbbed, /Aria& the best Hama to be I had, date sink with list and cold water from a 75 barrel tank In the leo( supplien from either a els- ! tern or well, which ever is deatred. Adjoining Is a large Pantry-Am a place_ forpettLug an traits, &C. I The Meend story bee 7 ehamrs, welt lighted ell opening. from lulls. Wager Clue. and zsa Rome. with tinned coppe r limb Tub, eased with walnut: snuTai•PentranYcll:"ld_JCVelning"h S""lia%te and 'm ,Titre% lur store, littendeo tor atril l g a elomes When weather not admitting outside. The attic him 3 finished rooms and closet. To rooms have all tine Slate Mar hie Mantles, and full finished Grates with MUD mer fronts. ?he balls, parlor andlibraryare warm ed with a well arranged furnace. The House has bear? .:71'g i=77lT;;:.'a;ligia'ceditrieryttmert; made from these ilterra cotta ender /Mend tea 110 barrel else. mt. lined th ro ug hout draelk, centent. The Water arrangement are of the most complete chamfer, and cost upwards of 1P.,000. There Is also a well to receive all Ike waste and dirty water from the noose and wall, home, which le ant i alde and apart from the dwelling. Th e house has been thieli papered, wbod-work oak grained in a superior manner; Glue doable strength, Irene so. leafed, and the minor details chain keeping. There Is alet , asmall Brick House on the premises. SU i tad for the gardener. The Ground. are planted with Pratt Trees, lan Strawberry Plants, no. and very little attention would make It a lovely spot for a home This property will readily commend Itselffrom K. stomp asMantagea, desirable situation, and la an In va,tment. to de sirable as men it ht • rare chance: Ito close proximity and easy access to the clty at all hours, making it specially desirable. Tenat—One-half cash: the tudanee, leurptran, In one year, with interes t. This $1.0:0 la a widow's dower subject _payment of te per annum during her lifetime on her death to Paid In four Lomita I nstallments QOlll4OO each, with atropin In terest. parldebbnit at 55 and 57 se. Ohio T. A. McOLELLANIV'Auat. JANES S. EARLE as, SONS' FIFTH GREAT SALE VALUABLE FOREIGN & AMERICAN OIL PAINTINGS. The entire Importation of . JAMES B. EARLS SONS, selected In the studios of the beat European rile, by ME. JAMES S. EARLE, In the fall of MSS, will be sold At Auction In theEsatern Galleries of Pennsylvania Ar-adentv of Pine Art., 'Phlladel- Oda, on TUESDAY, Starch 27th and WEDNES DAY, Mare) nth. Paintings on Free EsnitiCtion on and after MON DAY. abash 19th. Catalogue. now froady and .cot by mail 013 mind CIO mlnnemodtd B. SCOTT. at., Auction:me I ARGE,SALIE OF Limurons„AßO.• CRUTES AND 'WARM:WI:IISE, LW ItIAMOND, ALLKtiFIEWT ClTY—Commencing tirEDNWIDdy MORA lASI. March 2lst, at 10 o•elcmk, Will be .old Me Warehotme and entlre stock of Liquors, siroce. rtes. de., of tichults, Danner • Co.. No. Diamond, comprAsing 10 Obis. old rya whirl% 10 hbls. black her s cherry brandln ILta thws brandy, get ta s. eaw ire g , o ldport wine, Ile gotta. prune broody. MO oils. she Sill Madeira wines, no galls. sweet Malaga wine. 11 bas kets champagne, 5 nuke Berman wine, ill 'Medina casks, a set roctliymg tubs, I large copper pomp, 1 large force pomp& alao, 26.1:0) elgan Or cartons broads, al boa ebotee Ltinbarg cheese. 10 bags prim. Rio coffee 25 bbls. choice dour. SCO lbs. choice fitg:e7;it= tlobtllbl'a."%a.l.4l2!drOi.n'grts4! nether with a ran. lot of liquors In bo•tlea fruits sod spires, with many articles belonging to the liquor and igrocery also. the bonding of hermits, Canna! & CO.. containing one Morroom, kitchen and dining room In centrew i th tack wareroom. also several room. In second Iltet7, with bathed cold water both-room. de. The building h. front of . 3) foe. on Diamond, running back I/D feet, Olin° I ea. from April let, of /1 Yeeral drohh rent aMI) year. Also. In rear of Rahn Riddle's! a stable. cares/to bouse, borne. mom, d e.: lease Cl rears; Inn al ground root. Thin to the most cleanable huallooks stand it Allegheny. Tennli On property. oar-third rash: galas:ire in I and 17 ears. On stock of goods, all soma undo WM cash; over llSS!‘"t!.. Vrt.hA•MElPL:'Llricll, Acct. ST. cn Cli 4.II:LES FeIRATTICIAUE. CAR . PETS BEDDID_ ,ti IC., AT AUCTION.-Cora menelng'on WEDNESDAYS/MINING, /iamb Det, at IC o'clock and at I r. at., and continuing every day at mime hours, will be sold, without. resort, the entire hirnishment of the et. Charlie. Hotel, corner rerTiob!"', DVail4PVtoo":l;:elte'rprnlM'a „font:eV:lel Furniture, in No d. Wenn, stabeiLany. and Imitation Woods. Elegant bedlleed, or Wans, wardrobes, dressing tones, marble tab ee. Maim and every variety of Pumper; ; reagolecent rot, guars T ° . Tr ` ti thed kt.il=7";:ithi a nn dding ent4abea tea b tter. " Ar.4t, "LIR, " tt ' utt moss beds and wellness, spring beds, bolsters, an and d pillow, sheets, blanket, coniforts, spreads, he i.c- fg a tg a" "om ."L re 1447 - wsre,'tird .01.11; " the /U de aano.oLittro.gi :to:a:1;Will be ra%rdgg in lir....craimed,y _'es7blttAmisi VMS Tenn cash. T. A. IietILEL•LAND, 7OO Anat. GALLO FINE DONIESITit vs./ WyDEd, UTENSILS, nursa- TURE, PIANO. IC., AT AUCTION.--tht TIDES DAY, March Mk, at / o'elock. a. H., at the Coon tryeyards of Edward Taylor, formerly lScat Vth of Le at low revidence and vineyards Col. opo .1 v. !Squirrel MU, amine from Pittsburgh, win be sold it,r0174.1 VET, Iff VN` , 711,1".7114%.'d 'ix' gal. Also, llmmehold Furniture:PU.4 man and din. log tables, bedsteads, chairs. stores, pew Also. I two-horse wagon, 1 Covered spring wagon, boggy harness, gerdertimplemouts., hot bed oath. cider preen, wine pren, IS cord• of wood, &MU gr tuber e of an irgin" to Igor roe• to tJ e gaTtake the alLiberty s strets ears to Shady Lane, thence up the equllrel - 11111 road. Torment sale. T. A. IffcCLELLAND. Ann', GiNvrTiverioN SALE OF HA - Li' ERTYC.-40IMISTASI9PLEMIXNAEZ., kdro ir ti Sr Dit l ik t r y ' rocket, will be sold, on th ß iare A mlaes, the trt w ia fronTColli r nelnrk line Course. Timm Lot; HeAbananteimidE pecAstirrirdot.,. Penna. Depot at I o'clock, for the cotiveywree of ladies and gentlemen to and from the mile. tatina-Ono•tbird nth; wax= In one and two years, with Interest, seeuredby bold and CDS cash to be paid on each lot arbannurehaseq7. -.- mho A. MeLLWALWE Ann. iIENTUE AvEMIDIE 11.01.11DENCE ATCTION TUESDAY APTEIO6O4I6. March M o a t 211, o'clock...lit be sold. Masonic Hall A Booms, 66 and 157 Mir street. o n eligible lot. incmedlately opposite the Car Statio, fronting :a feet 10 inches on Centre Arenne, and eXtending backlm6 fest, on whilib Is • modern style two-story Brick Dwelling of.seven rooms and bath-room, built In a surrior moaner; hot and cold tlater throughout: gas pp c In twain , marble man es In parlors,, and balm in thorough repair. Terms. bue-bait cash; balance in oriwyear. mhis T. A. MoOLELL.A.Mt. Auct . r. LrneiFir A-60n WEDNESDAY MOENIMO, Match. 21. skat to o'clock, will he sold, Utile stable ofB:YATT Is B. SON A Co., who are retiring from businesa, Plzst street, above Sailthdebi, the entirestoek. earned. lo[torreiz...Carriszsaanglimpetitus dorlble Special, Bella, &Wog Bointe, OtIM An be ttel lo ar Special attention is called to this sale. the stock be: .I ,,n w e lfa:t7,llV4.° IrTrZIIVIt ca d " a ' b e table T. A. kIeCLISLA.AED, Aunt. sZIXTEI WARD LOTS AYAVETIO.III in TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Earth 20t6. at o'elock, et Masonle Hall auction Roma. 56 ma O o rush street, will be sots. two Lots, Noe. 74 and7O on Congress street, being No.. It nada:lln Ann of Ulan's bars, having each front of 2:1 fleet, ex tending back 60 feet 5 - Incbes. Thesexeo veer dftir aide Building Lots, and.lnAsne of the bestArlif Most convenient planes in the "city. Terse, Onedlalf m cash; balance In one rem.. mhlt T. d. McOLILLAND. Awn% lABURAFCE STOCIII,--TITESDAY AFTERNOON, at kki o'c l ock, will be sold at as and 57 Fifth street. 51 shares Pennsylvania Ins - opal:me Stock. tahl7 T. A. MCOLP.LLAND. duet. PI 111 :4 al :1:4 #,., e!V4:111 :I1:1 LIIIGIII N. BOLL TIMM HUGH M. BOLE & trIM CO., koEEts, ENGINE BTIILDRIIS AND MA cline's's; Mantificenev en of Land and /111Zne EDIODLES, LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Works, IL WELL ESOINES, and every kliCofMachinery. made to order. All vOrk yarriated. CASTINGS BVof ar t ery description . inad d ir d to order. Repairing IW m e.lls TWINTALLET AND En. •OY A L LEGHENY RIVER, near thepotat, tit arch. Tx. -• • figillandmei ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. . MODES, KYRIE & CO., iluarsetoron of BLACK sadON n LAM. WARE, Drewrtsts* Work BOCLIV AT p 4.,.. rani..e t :B=l=d nod &eat streeta, Itr . ""rdiburg runs. Wo oursat our Wane to be medlar to &alma. ntactared West or tbe Mountains. Aloe,. on Mold. tilurwore of th e above description. All orders promptly aitooded to, rortleutu attootteus paid le private moulds. atially S. SEVERALNCE, No. OS WATER u-r• STREET_ , Pistaburror of 7= ILIVETB,WILOUtiIIT IiPm.ES, common and e,e,7 descrllrd.. Particular nixed or shaped Spliced and or mall, nude to order at' alum noCks, geed or aortsnont constantly on It.- Mlti TUB. r. cou.nze ......... ......... 0 100 ariarirta UIOLLIENS & Brithuila Bras. and Elheat Difetni.Wol&ort, Erltranl&Caa Lora, Carbon and Lard OU'llarners, and aU = asyles of Britian!, used by Clue Maankappr era. ary cram proinyUy en. .. No. UILUROWFD aryl= I W • (pe79r. I VHOIZZEERY stemma W. MMUIMis. =inn* P OIII I I TIEISTREET 7 a O IIIOIATIERT -L bro. in romit maw. woon.-The iubmalbers maaaticturo WI limit „4:43_~.1y ow =lra rtallkEi boUs,b6V4ZP="ke2_ mai mai... of all Maim .Lo, ma milabratimi ratear hprlag !W.' All nada pf Billmitaaii ortn Li all cedars mitaawatootlate. P JAMES LIPFINCOI(73 Zmeozi *lll4:44„ary . Dealt,.la fk.V. TWA BaSUIZIMA IMMO 'Da s' LAXD 1:3 1 . ALLOW tjte i l lriagr i l: k ."44 ~ E a: %Aim AUSN T. i COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ---------- -r,v i i: 5ALE......v....eam, Of 41 , 1T.11...3. .TL&t. ...... .._.. .................. an. T. arra r r ...,,,,,wei thirty-as percheit,slinetteittElliabeth ;XV . . 1 .. STEEL & into- late neat township. Allegheny connly.,..Pents. The improve - l S • • INC a STILEL. PRODUCE COM.II/88/UN merits area hewed log dwelling end. frame klichee.2l MERCIIARTScreceive and sell Floor. Corn Heal. bank barn and other out buildings; • good 'orchard! , this and Corn, Beans, Saco., Lard, Butter, Chem.., apple and peacb trees, or the best variety. The I Nggs. - Pork, Green and Dry Fruits, Potatoes. Flair farm Is nuderlaid with coal attellintest . 0110,of tbe best and Glass Seed; Feathers, 011 Barrels, Hoop Poles, quality; a nag steno nazi of a' No. 7S - quill s: lir, i Mac, Salt, &c., &c. Particular att./lon mild to , easy of access to the - Stonougabels- elver • I the sale of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, No. 138 Ferry. This wroul hum i am serlholized to Third street, Pittsburgh. Pa. '- fekanul eery ow figures. Also. a ram of about MO acres, situated In West 8 C. IRALSLE'lrodttee Ebe.aiddTolrnstop, Indiana county, Penna. The • 01141" and Commis Alerebant; "Warehouse No. MI 'r,..j...'7,77.1.:1;e4 good, 9MM:table. barn, LIBERTY STILKET. - .Plttsbutgb. Pa..- 'Wholesale .n.aslii.r.„.--io,:,re'orr:LlTAV:, „7.2".= I lester In itutter,...Cheess. Larq, ,Eggly Pork, Bacon, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, ~: , ,Ld . 71t7 „ . .. „. 0 4 ,. 7 , 4 , 13t 0 : ~,b,.. iaL. T. iirr, ligii.°A,frt,t 3 ,7„ . - 7,timP, . a t f t .7, s 4=!: slier, pes,th. ~,.. ~,„, quh .,, u .„:.! The 'kV= , firsdp, Clover Bemis, Timothy 'deeds, Flax to . I . r .' ,. :t l7, t=6, T , b ear b tf t 'f:„va , -1,Lt7,::b...- M7.:B6."`,.=.L`ru'ul,!'at'w'!'"° given it„.. -1-I....TIV4T,r.VPIiobe '''‘AtZ,thlt. . .. ~. h. u.p.---. . L. , ,, , 7 - t„„„.g•L K lire. . M'ILIINEii Al BATH TUBS SINKS, WA TERlCLOSETS ) . : " 4 : 4l Ze r f'of% b ''" 76 '''''''"'ed " 4 °"" : sad P I M CIIII ANT.nd seater , in FL°3l °BAIN r ~s .. t . r i .A.r . ntlrt a jtmatl_apple orobar; a ,th i T awd, prit r ac eg otid street, bete:Marl 00e1 - . tiel ,e 0 ~. _ . e . Bret n 0.... These swarms united .-_ .• ap11.19 !eep.=. -rate !hoes P.m. or will be.sold ------ i 4.;At aa_t , r e bes e _ _t7farm_e_in ralrarlo township. Weat :a.......:Z i .b :; e .. nata l WO siren: about ments tw large hotrod ll e ” Th ° r e -jo-- larg.tand best frame barna In the to %Ito • f the :Ert7orenitAticTn'. Th h e r' f ' "'M b *-* w .' o,:i. h T Z i e land Is of the very best lime ston e :ea...lailti.t I s balance In g ti er . ..... OSSES ,.. 0 e.. 10 4"4, 11 0: Brass Work 0,,f all klnda• Mock Tlll rip!. fornotla 1 the drat day of April, IWO. To e metre.... ... ...? Panttfranat • l l Mods of bum and Leath . 11 t 1 wild at - t bargain. Theme i- ' - 1.1, -- T -. 1, Hose Pipe, °emoting.; Goa Pipe and Fix Leath er ...a , other deseeptions. kept constantly oti hand at tar'' ' . * 1 in Ao several bual 'a rther Farms malting from sso to %go Pa A r l.t, r eFitrm Dr ISO acres, situate in McCandless Addy William s tt B ar d ' i g'rzi.P . Atrtaf , =e.rtr;.l-rorarutot , eY s tr. 7;-. 14 ,:x113,1=1-,,,i, ;.'„lrg, , ,,rboh-'sa and on easy terms. Vow Putherinniculant, inquire of 6.11. TOW nit, Beal Estate Agent, _ sett No. 184 Fourth street. ONE HUNDRED -DOLLARS WOOD PUMPS ; £LL KINDS 01 IRON PUMPS, 2 : l Clr3=bril-hb-.Nnr/3, LEAD PIPE, WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, HydrauliclEta,ms. DDESSII SIXTH AND SMITHFIELD STS. PITTSBURGH, PA BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER NEXT TO POST OPPIOE N. All ig;Anilo bintrizaregglig'iteraTal.r Jalmaimaemwein_ prkTutuncin LEAD PIPE SHEET LEAD WORKS, OFFER A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD To the Trnde, tande o tf a l r sl . s ti Ltdekeen • or length Lowest Jflarket Rates City ■nd Country orders promptly 1111 ml Alpo, 200 rigs OF SOFT LEAD FOR SALE. BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No, 167 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. mhl2 PI M I P i t? ALGINSTs ANOHUEA" =igatrfv u to ... t r z . c e .r jrc l eneed and practical OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. SHOWER BATHS, WATER CLOSETS. Constantly on hand and made to order 13YDn A 27 TN,. TATE & SEVILLE, No. 4° TT= LIBXIFRAIIM, Pltilbargh. mhtldawdli T. T. /CWEIW M -..----- STEAM FITTING, Pius/thing and Gas Pitting. , FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IKON PIPE & BRASS WORK, OP ALL DICACRUNnONS .IEIMMEDTII9I cis OC)., eseetirsor to Addy • Sloe., ) 165 Wood St. Pittsburgh, Po. F. T. NWLVS pumnum, GAS AND um. LOTODUTI , w•xwprre - cs., HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. SHEET LEAD. SHEET ZINC, LEAD Pim ., nAstr , s. WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. E WEAN II CO., mee...r. to Addy & Ewens.) „is347tood No. 14 33W00d5t., Pittsburgh, Po. p. WO. LANGLKEI GAS FITTING, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. S.WOHE DELLS, Portable and Cigar Llgldere, ErrEJCB CO., ctenoto to Addy & Ewen,) 10:17eod No. 765 Wood at., Plttaborgb. Pa BOOTS, SHOES, &C. SPIRE% GOODS. ♦ large stock of SPRING AND BUMMER GOODS ast received. Latest 13471“ or BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Ir ' . °7l r l7 ' fila ire l gr7k" ill b`Aki.e. l:1=. J. H. & W. C. BORLAND, El=!r=l=MlEM Wu:a >l4 qttf4usi ittiN :1 BOOTS & SHOES, SELLING OFF AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. J. A. ROBINSON St CO., Ig . .C.s. 02. Midiarls.c.t Mitrocet. tun Wt. Amp CLOBVIG OUT SALE BOOTS AD SHOES. Goods at Lese than Cost AT 92 FEDERAL. STREET, TO MAZE noon FOR FIPIUNG STOCK. Remember, 92 Federal Street. W. L IffeCIANTOCC mtel Jr . W. CARNAHAN & CO Ladle,' Biarnarate and IMESEI3 J. w. C UNAHU &ACID TOR Ladies' Gaiters No. 61 Mark! J . 111F.CAlir&HALN & CO., FOR Gen!, Fine Caif .8 No. Si Mar AMU` AND CHILDILEVEI Be . Opi o ErhOe. and Gaiters, ar Nima.mmiu, cas tl e futbetis MEDICAL !nt IMAM PRACTICE Glynn — 'a i nowleag .. - 511:217/11. DDIEMIES clans: lan g reald eneoCtatal a try, arid airmigtii of yai ate Muted sentaally by me, me andlelem P f IiteMPIMA, or BOXIlli Weak - nom, and mem. amenag thererrozn, are oared In a melon thm - Ill ffirogoldre rm, NEW VEUET tbafrillimMateeramtLeir.nr, V avcamvim-Fma t i. Ad J. W. BRA2inTw e a ;_..w lily . nom am, Putmaneh. a. FRIVATE DISEASES. onica 2§lX PSWId BTRZET, near Hand, of alt -diseduam Orskrataruidstre,ln trottiro l ler . ..../bar,=ftw on y new anem ttrreeaa ia lialWrgeni and ' ar t otatmedraartlett, • - Ma. I.lltaa,.and 6 Ind r. Wean %Mei rem SUMO MA* .f.~ .~ 7 V~~i'F'-v.tF:~..ui^r...'~~?t.l~::~. FC ~u~ :: :_ ✓NSK:I?;' FE:n CM Lot in Pitt Township A HANDsone cotrvrar Homy , = FOR SALE, situate 2,R miles (Tom the city, and within ten minutes' walk of the Plttstrorgh and Comm Neville Railroad, commanding a hcautifol C lew of the city, river and.rroonnlng country. It omprises about 5 - acres of ground, highly ealtlva ted and lahl nut In the most approved style of mod ern landscape gardening: Is studded with shrub bery. and • great varlety of the choicest traits and vines In Rill bearing. There LA 6i. 013 It a 'never- , falling spring orwater, and ahont one acre In wood. ' The improremoots consist In part or a neat /311Ick cottage with 7 MOM s and wash-house, a larg handsomely built Stable, an out room for man, Gaud a tine large kitchen nud uploaded p are within • f .w Sect of the kitchen door, and nills under excel lent fence- For partieniars, price, terms, de-, en . quire of (fe.% B. ..11eLA/N .t 1.10. (10AL AND UDE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—On the litenbenville Railroad, seven miles from the Oita. CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND El(iliT 8I ACRES, One Improvements. X Steam and Water Slowing and haw Mill, and other Also, about Eighty Act-es of COAL, without the surtace, att)olning the above. Also, two Parma at htuwart's Station, ou Central Railroad. containing 140 acres and 173 acres. YorMirther particulars, enquire of WILLIAM WARD. (Opposite the Cathedral.) No. I.loGmnt street. FOR SALE—A Farm or about 58 acressithuste In Elizabeth township AlleghenT ro u tru Y i I t o r t el b tle t p:rr half of 'ttlfhi fr oont' hula nrer and thn saute from Ine foughlopenr. The improvements are, first, a Frame totta House, with 8 rooms, and uA•ood well of water at the door; second, a two story Fratnelionse, with four rooms, with two good springs of water; third, alai; House, wlth.twO rooms, a frame hank barn, with the very her t stabling, corn crib carriage house and other out - bulltlitsgs. The tract Is all urplerlAbl with Ivein of No. 1 limestone. This stratum pf Limestone s worth all that Is asked for the proivrtr. For fur ther particulars, inquire of ti. TOWER, Real Estate Agent, Na. 181 Fourth street. fe.241.1 FEDERAL STREET PROPERTY r 3. coticinioo Two rtret Clue 11.Mem Ileum., Sod, 61 and 53 Federal Street, Allegheny. Flre-rroof 1 aolte In each, and In complete order. For partl.lara, enquire or JAMEs T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker and Inanrance Agent. mitla No. as Federal street. Aliegheny. 11 OTEL PROPERTY' FOR SALE . 6 -6- AND 160 ACRES OP LAND.—That nearly new two-story Brick Hotel Braiding, containing 1.0 1 , 10111, at Bill NTi iNIS eTATION, on the Penna. It. rt. at tioinuetion with the Pittaburgh a Con nell:v.4llle a ce. R, of mules from Cho city. There are abont IGO of laud connected with the Hotel. of winch Yu acres are tillable and 60 acres timber. 'ft.,. la a goo young tirehard of apple, peach and pear Erre, two uever-falling soft Bpringa of sufficient elevation to carry the water to r n height of MI feet. the prope rt y la capable of flub-divisions Into lots for coonie, reattlencea.s.Ag,pAijo Broker In Storks and neat t .tate, mhl: 57 Yourtb sired. (Burke's Builtilpg./ SALE. Will tro .Id TO-DAT at rodoced prices. This tree NoW:We In Westmoreland COnnty. Perms., on Oa rth-Western Ronneylvanla R4llroad, about twa miles ea. of and earth.. two very large vein* of EvlA:a... RISI - ESTO2iIC and FIRE CLAY and very nomptote WAIPIgit POWER. C For (hr. °, parwenian Inquire at the Law and lalm Ofnce of & ILtLL PATTERSON, dell No. ISO Fourth Pittsburgb,Ps. L'Olt SALE.—A desireable Dwell h,g House and Lot for sale In Al legheny City, No. 1549 Voegtly street, near to teellCOCk street; house built in modem style and containing 7 roe:es—hall, parlor, dining room and kitcuen on Ist floor; hail sod two largo sleeping aputteLe is In =I story, with attic divided lute two neatly neighed rooms, and hall: cellar and wash-house to basement, supplied with water pipes; nnebake-oven opening into latch. en; hydrant water in the yard. The lolls Well tilled i geth - grapc vines and fruit trees. Possession April rntell 4 ,2lo. it. McLAIN & CO., re= 103 Fourthatreet. 1. 4 `01t SALE—A. rim"). containing -I- about 300 sores, situate In Jefferson tinruithip, ettileV:fr= l ' l li eltitig% a WlTElgatm ei ttu dv iflio improvements area Iwo story Brick Holum with .lx rooms, Frame House, two.sturice, with six rooms and •ggopoodQ cellar, eethafldtn shoat 61. Celt t7firen,lh'l,lllll outerrl bottom. This property Is well located gardenlie; E l =l7a d et ' d i lswe be ure e' o ld ne at ot a thev"Ze farms n"d on the ri=":.grVtitlrii,TOnrithtitiTeriet.T°WEß, Heal late DWELLING STREET FOR SALE.—Tint large and well fin ished three story Brick Dwelling on Wylie street neaFifth, finished In modern style, containing I mon.. DMA range. bath room, hot and cold wit to nub gas tighoot the building. This is one o She most desirable properties for dwelling or but nets norposes now offered for sale. rosension Aprl Ist. Tema reasonable. Apply to Jitto;tf 11. hIcLAIN & CD...102 Fourth street. FOR SALE—One Lot 20 feet front on Penna. Avenue by HO tem to Watson street; t'Ziso,on:rotik2DDeZtUltrongn:Otrt7trinot2::.street, Pitt by ieo deep, on which to erected a taro slorT Fra l o bChlana. Also, el me even s adlolnlng the above, Why 80 to HO feet. on SALE Immediate Passes -. SioN.—Tbat .deslrabla property ,known as the `.avery Mansion, on Washington street, Fourth {yard, Allegheny City, The lot Is about gai n feet deep, .d be purchaser cal: haVeili, oeloo feet front, as of be dealred. Abso adjoining the above numbef a beautiful Building • Lots, on one of which Is o Frame Cottage oft room 6- 110liii 1). ATLEY. Block and held Estate limber. Hall, Fourth streal._ FOR 811.11 P-16 0 acres of first-rate Luid, rituated In Twos vientyi allesconri. Thl• trisot wa• located In letA and melected with great care for a frlend. Will sell the whole for SIM : e l.F.hat neat Country Seat, three corm, full of 4 3 1 . null., hood house., bark X.L3 A N t leit l&m ., the UZI . Cal Estnte Broker, ./0 Fourth .t rot. DON'T PAY Rpm, but call-and very ebeap lot Intherdllageotlfoonl WAs P bTaft s on, ebaeo 4 o4lld yoursel r hot.. became 10 m1- 16 , :tearltrittralrggn" ,g;nCIT; term/. -4-or fonter_partlenlars en": of U. 11. T0W.11.8, Real 10 AVM. pall3l' ' ourth Street. rWYmFWDE`J BLLE PITIRCIIAS-E-Y-f-LUT COIINTLIT ZAT, altn ated minutes' walk from Perry Landing. The 'wheels large and neatly finished, with o f view ofthe river end railroad, with ISacrea of ground, arranged with garden and halt t o great abundance, well watered and In g ood neighborhood; amble and carriage house. Apply soon to JaZI B. IdcLALN CO. aittiate limith townahlp. Washington count Penna., near the line of the Steubenville Balbroae, 'Aat Midway Station, about I i miles from the city. Per rtlatC. .....griTitnlanr.%sruir%Oaelf..NML" .20:tr 84 .1 000 J neat two : Pli frief Lretf on je er Avenue; lot Ti IPQ. house. arranged with wide hall, double parlors, dinttig room and kitchen and four bed rooms; yard neatly hneed and full of atirub hem'. Applytu Mal B, IIieLAINA CO. =I MIME VOll neat Cottage . 2 - Hoare, with 2 a t themen altoated 2 from the city. Ifroatlng river and nitro " t m"" Arthur , . Matkon. hood Gard a Pratt atiNV ne'r Water. Eteatlittiper year. Alta th f mh2 gr& Pco, 3=3 VOR SALE--A two-story Brick Dwelling of; rooms, ball, and ♦estibule. three years built. with lot 43 by l feet Ontulit... Ewalt freer, Lawrenceville, ail In enteptete order. Vor further Intormatlon, terms, de, apply at the Real Estate and lesorance tit:dean! U. DATEn, nth: - Butler Street, Lawrenceville. =22 DIT ,, s.t . trAtiWII,,,„PIo_F,RAM, T.! of Ground, for laoza. A a .• room * WM Imo Lot forF. FOO. A Lot of Ground on Vlrzlnik 34..70.13 feg h tio t 47 r o la ir t rAG. s Ar st t ie u L ,4 t • _%w i ACRES OF LAND IoDOIDik... =‘"ra.vtrY.llituo. -,(auc:aheataitlirr,` DitAIIGHTING GENERAL DRIUSETING OFFICE 4Lxi.4l. imalloixt .A.igeascria 80. Is es St. Ohara, etearitppeagon Midge - - . G6 RURMBRIPCI7IIIitztneor debts Jite..iiMaraus.t. ~,,~ • • itemt„„...oyNA--,lirrintriiiiiited T./tat , FAMTORT frootLlVo. Lemma •littoc 10 ooruer olearrolatmet azaParturitLatim tra are prepared to MI all orders_ promptly for Tank, of all_ Umeripumn. rOll tWator Tankat.et straa'cinCitautly and. ',Particular attealitotrzlet en to lilting up.oll .IMixerlet. P. Q.- . Ultras_ 114, Alleabeny city, PI. T. ITLICUt AV ; _~~~. .~sh~ 'a~ WILL PIIIICHASE A ENQUIRE OF MeMASTER, GAZZAM & CO.. A ttOrnere at Law. 93 Grant street FOR lELA-T-a331. VALUABLE COAL LAND stoct wi an ikt. j d ( lt aN c it l i E o , , lit . All 'e n ß u il:L \ rorrra•.....loNN A1tr.N....•8'. WYPPAIID aOL + Commission VOTTEJR, Me AIIMN & dealers SHEPARD rchants, wad hi Foreign mulflornestle Fruits, Mar, Mother, Chrhrilart Potatoes and phaduee generally. No. 3801. 1 STR.EIFY, opposite Passenger Depot. Plttsbargh. se„hrit:P: - - - _ oils gillrea z • . PULP & SHEPARD, Commission Huss sots and dealers GraLn and Pro- No. SO Llberte street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Floor fur Bakers and ?omit use e constantly on hand. Partienlar attention pa i d lltng order stordlerchandhe generally. octhly Ln-rr-E, ammo & PATTON, 4-Q.Z1.0,1...e.4443;rzerA Gomrnissir ilarehardst_ar LCarbon id Lard GIL trin ltlana7.Cotifoli art ...Pjttaburgb ma , nottetarra Lrenendll end u. newnd street, Pittsburgh. WE. A. &r..— ...................... 11.108: XITCLLItLE WM. P. DEER & Co., No. 185 r 1 Llbenty street, Plusbnrgb. Pa., Wbolemile Grocers, Counalsalon Merchants and dealers In Cou try Produce, Provisions,_llsounLam Notter Eyg.s, CL see, Flab Ac. Produce Ft ur, Grath ' Seeds. Green awl Urlediults. kc.,•Eialissid Lim, /7/5 P. s ----- a - , --- 7,. 8: - - ti:. . : - ..5,,. D. airman. pEENICER & BROS., (Sucessors to -aiiii Renner & Andemon, )Wh olesaieDealela In For. nday, Fruits, Nuta_andSplces, Confectionery, Sugars. f th ewilittc., pos. Maud IU Wood Stmt, • 1 . ....___ SORT. . IgNOl Co - I'l in ..z, s ; ibiiir. •pp MOOCLIANTS auit:mature in FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED. and PRODUCE generally. No. Vi. Diamond. opposite City V.,11, A ll egheny City. Jal7ilyat JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commission Weal.., FO.= r ne e g11t ., e , t .... ~..a tw boT l f t ial. e dg . g .r Illeonn'ioor, Fish, Pot and Pearl Arehelt. lilaifirll,... Linseed and Lard OM, Dried Fruit, and Prod... generally. Nos. 141 and 140 Brent street. Pittsburg,. 0. 11010011 J. A. GRASP. Gle:inaL., animorroce, PRODUCE. 4 ,. for ail Pittsburg h PRO DUCE. n Va r if&u n s g • 0 §0. ' ...., Liberty JOHN L UOPE L .•— IEDWARD'UOUEG...WIT. U. UOUBD. JOHN 1. HOUSE & BROlL Succes- SOUS TO Jost 1. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale Gro cers and,Commlsslon Merchants, corner of Sin Ith field and Water streets. Pittsburgh. fell JAMES DMXELL & SON, Manu.. fa he cture.. of Lard Oil, and tiotuinhision 'Merchants far t purchase and eof Crude and Pittsburgh. troleum, Nos. 83 and It Water street, Advance, made on Consignments. 8;k11051AliEll & LANG W holesale a- , dealers In 47ocerles, Pionr, Grain, trod,.,. Pro elatona, Flab, Cbenae, Ult., Carbon GIL Nos. 172 and Ps,Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, , 5e13:1 . 7 EQIIGE IHIAD °LARGE MISTZGA.II. I.IIEAD & IMETZGAR, Grocers and .s-s. Commission Merchants, and dealers kinds tioingry Produce and Pittsburgh snufactures, No. 249 Liberty Street, opmyof tu head or Wood street, ittsburgh. FETZER & AJZIPISTRONG, For .. Fl= Win " , (E'ZeTl VenNi'Vll,t!ii.f:S.`,'f4 ied Fruiter, end Produce generally, Nu. le market atrect, coror of VIM, Pittsbu rgh, iRIDDLE, No. ISB Liberty St., • Plttsbooth, Pa., Commission Merchant, and Wholesale Dealer lu Country Prollucc, G Irocericsand . Pittsburgh nasunfactureeL Cash advanced tici Con_ i . danents, and_ p2sl for Produce enerally.. affil A. 1. 613X15T DALZELL ..A. l. DALZEGL. POUT. DALZELL 44 CO., Wh01e .... bnla Grocers, Commission and Forsr.ding Aler- .. chants and dealers In Produce aud Pittsburgh Man ufactures, No. =.l Liberty street, Pittsburgh. R. H. JACK, GROCER, Nos. I and 2 DIAMOND. act6:l7 PITTSBURGH, PA. oLanai T. CALDWEI t I. (SUc dealvi;lr Pdtrol u .,"c h :g e . : , I '. lll;Z r et F ntrirZg street., Pittsburgh. Joins WATT WATT St. WILSON, Wholesale cers Commission Merchants, and dealers In Produce and 'Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. Lib erty strec,_pittsburgh. FYinT TATC. WALLACS LAUBER:I', SHIPTON & CO, Wholesome (hocen SITU, street. Fittabureb. d Ps'"" beaten No, S. .ald ISAIAH DICKEY is CO., Wholesale p 47 .e.. r . c . 7 0 ° V.1!" , •".i 3 4.'er..11Vvr0d.rr r ,.e: Pitteburgh. DA.NILL MIME L. Vi..llOllT. I H. VOIGHT & Co., (Successors to G. Grail. )Prothice and "Commisainn chants, 247 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. WII.IiILNS LIIIIRART, (Successor to Mackeown Linhart) Dealer In Plour and Drain, Produc and Commission Blerchantg aS/ LLBEIPTYSTRIET, Pittsburgh, hilt PIANOS, ORGANS &o . NOW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICKERING PIANOS, Selaztedl.r'cTgYvlll'irt tlrteenFacto,7: "r'ng SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS •re novoliirlmtloralela.a.Nlnatle. tall to. ABOABTED FOR FIEFS TEAMS CHARLES C. MELLOR. THE lIR&DBERY, NEW YORK, AND Schosnacker 8 Co y Philaddphia, II .A. at) The Estey •L!CO.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. Acknowledged by the beet mislead talent In the Pal dtatee to be euperlor to to all others In power, aunt t i and quality of tone, and thorough work setstruments hate for years skim the ern garZiglilinat l ligl l l4ll 4 te!). ° :rerfg4 than any others: All warranted I t, th e years. WAILELLIgIi & BARR, No. 12 St, Clair Street, 'Pittsburgh. Pa. ITU WM. SMARR CO.'S FIRST yaraptria (iota) mEDLL These Instruments hiving been before the public f:gIP.M"ItY,T:g` I / 2 PRISEAUNLECE that 'Renounces them UNE QUALED. Per sale by • CHARLOTTE BLUME, mht • 43 Blab street. Sole Agent. .CLAIM Ma=n ROIUNTIEB....dJI. Discharged Sot diem or the Heirs of Deceased Soldiers, clls collated in the pro And sertfct"Eirairalilachreerl C Z, owe, service eatbOut. °Zeeivingrbeirg G orrZloor or la flounces,cal flounes, are requestedso pallor send their dress to T. W.U.T.EIt DAY, No. lea Arlr IT C reetlin door VA ' Urea thedral. W. J. MITI/LOON Notary Plat ruSirarnetitoN Attornew at Law tovWomey.• jri.trtißAlLV:rrzlity‘irEA:Prrizeu":4lB7,7,rll.lll4;l AND ARA PAY PENEDONIi, ae. ormarda4 ACCUUN aNTTIALD AND OCIITIITIGATICS tit Nuti-ttaDLDTKUNANIVPSUCONSD BORING TOOLS. pETROLIAL MACHINE WORKS. lIMC. mancriar.-sr, NM as Oh i o Street..Al'outlaw, Mannianturer of ThititssyrJ). BORING TOOLS,lily ouzo Lli £IINE/NO OIL AND BALT WALLS: Particular attention invited to Ns proyementa In Jere and - Jints, made orianiatta, PatentCe U. 84 and Low Moor hoe, standard sizes, zhlil nuzatawed, so that parts can be ordered by mail in toss - mob and found a perfect nt alt rs. W 1& Mail tools, de., Sam ins those w may ,wish t. Engines Iliad machine wink toads to order. • ()Merl? man PMMtIY atUnded prepared to ipnnt - tenses to othertnanufsotu timers for tiler Lanirosamintsonlibibrat tenni. Hoz 1„7. . H. U. uury. 2 4E-PLATIATG TALUZEI, SAVE TOUR3IO3IEZ Br taninx your 010 T'abto visre ,BI,4I,ATED wrrit Hamra. cAgrans__,_TicA: 8 - arms, roux% Ica • Mumma, K2i eLPEXKia, RAKE . CW . atg., _ alibe re-I)ll'l.4Np] tO /AMIE AND WEAK • KciLTAG NEW *TA, SMALL CWT. .. •IC *Mali WELL r Ith./14,401a1ir &rm. iNSI7RA.NCE AGENTS; J. GARDINER COFFII Arent for • usePranktio, P6ll, , delyhti gad muthMon sura nlfst ce Comp:win, North-eawconmerlVWD ana ThU rew... TLY - L..W.NES, Arent . , fo vja n taAertosetat. 0rif... 3 ,, t ate North ' r4Pc.l Secretary or th. Otthear lutraziee 06_ ithista tontend - 1 T Rlrst AHD WAICK Stalt j O SEPIC . A.ODegiAIc o a. /v i altra Male% canter or.ur.a.. 1114 MIL 13372W , M 0Db‘ 144 . 11 1 144 . . 1866.I t .P A nlittt PENNSYLVANta (' CKNAZIL Its 8.-ELEVEN ttttTHA.Ns._ , .•• andafter MONDAY, MIA& IF 1351., train/ will leave thdiTtrion PastiengerDtpOt, rner of Wain. In.gton and L. Em 9ea ' DAY YKKPB, 1 878:1- Pitta OW tairtrit at /MA- W. g stoppinal principal stations. Arrives at AbloOno at 743 A. to. asst A. X; (Belleiltensa, Witt ‘..1:2r.1 Lock /Isamu 12d9 r. 31.13 Ihereitawnlai K.; Baltimore,: 6:30 P. AL; New York, via Allms. V.:4lk= r. m.: Ph liadelptila.: 3:60P. X.: and reenr WAIN.; rI h A I #I 6 EKPAIV2I- O LI P g . Pit ts burgh n o 9:60A. is., stopping at ticarty all statlOns; t 3:00 P. sr.; Harriabeirg.3 Sae P. K.: arriving at Philadelplda at 1,10 A. Y. By this line passengera are traneferred at Caton pot, Weat.Philadelphiti, dircetly to Express train lb r New York, reaching there at 3.:30 P, st. PHILADELPHIA KIPRESSI-Leaves plicate:iv eh at 4:10 P. is., stopping only at principal static us. Arrives at Latrobe: 811 V Alteffnia. P. 31 . 1 Harriet:auk, tap A. at; Baltiore,' 7illn A. U.; New York, via Allentown, 10: 0 0 A. AL: Phlladelphla,• 7410 A. X.• and New York, via Philadelphia. at MO/ r- V. Sleeping Cars run through on thia train from Plas- Yebnah to nallttliOte and Philadelphia and to Nov vb. Allentown. " FAST LIMB-Leave, fltlaburgh at 10400 P. stopping Only at principal *fatigue. Arrives at Al toona 1:10IA. Br. • Harrisburg. • 1:25 A. is.; Balti more.? /2:11) la, at.; New York.? via Allentown, 3:@ r. Philadelpittat 1:10 F. and New York, els atfelel r. a. W •B El k a l o tkr beaDmsimmers filtadags says JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION-Lally mace Pt Sundays) at •li= P. it, stopping at resnlar stations between riaNtaarth and Conemangn. sr d connect: no at Blairsville Intersection with trains an thy Indiana Branch :trot V • Pennsylvania Railroad. AL'! :11..' OILMODA 'PION -Daily (except Eitudaysis e.,Stoptotog at all regular atatlgae between •..ta and Altoo d making close connect( • wli trA/un no the I nd i an a Branch. Welt Pennsyl • ::• Fnepenerg A Crewon Ran road, and , ''..111 , 1,4..bm.g Branch. First Oc. onunegetion Train for Walt, - Leaves daily it-soros Sundaes) at 0:30 A. a. Second Aemiumumtation Train .or H'all's Statlonv Leave* daily , except Sundays) • t 10 :45 A. is. mint Accommodation Trail (or Wall's Station. loaab dally temp. Sundays) r 3:15 P. a. Fourth Aocommodation Fran. fey Wall's Station- Leaves daily (except Sundays) at LIZ r. a. Penn ACCOmmot la rrgg tlon, No. 1.-Leaves daily lokeept Sundays) at /04Fir. st., stopping at all stations tas tween Pittsbuh and Penn Station. The Church Train leaves Wall Station every Sun day at OA A. X.. and arrives In Plttsbandi at 10:01 A. M. Itetnettikg, !cares Pittsbergh at 12:30 r. and arrives at Wati•te StatiOn at 2:00 P.ll. Return:os Trains arrive In Pitteburgh as follows: Stall LEO A. a. kast I.lue 2:40 A. at. rind. Wall's Station Accommodation • 6:33 A. U. Penn Accommodation N.l Second Wall • s Station Accommodation.... 6:50 A. in .11,0:=0.7ngmtiodation .................I0:10 A. Y. 1)40 u. Altoona Accommodation and Etnierant..-10:60 r. u. Third Watl's Station Accommodation.— :30 P. le. CV A hl ti l In• A dt igAePct i h V h. rf E t ' h 9P e 4 E ll tC 4 ele N l n o r . Om ' c I lin s Corno : ll l 7Prw: 1471 ; pa. through each Dale before reaching the oepot, take up checks, and deliver bagsake to any penal the city. office, No. 110 Perin etreeL--open day and night-where ail orders for the movement of psasen gore and baggage will receive hroutut attention. Baltimore Express will arrive with PtilladelObill &apneas, at 2:416 P. la., cot Mondays. ncase of lose, the Company will held themselves responsible for perste/ baggage only, and for an amount not exceedlnp DO. IV. El. Ite • WITII, Agent. Al the Pennsylvania Central Trail roud Passenger OW _ &I on, on Liberty and Waehington streets. PrWTSßUßGll.o4Valgaimir a { yNrICIW°tALTV A .INI3ALA ND L PLITSIIIROII RAILROAD}. d. OWL Winter Arraug-ermemt. IMMS. • On and after November linh, lira, trains will run follows. vla: • Germ The • Enr Pitheuiroa. Chicago. (itreoload. • Wheeling, t ...Pre. • • 261) a. a. 2:60 A. K. Express ..... ••, 1:45 P. M. 2:33 F.M. 2:30 P. Express 2,46 P. if. , 5:05 P. x A. a. 5:00 A. 0. 11.00 A. Id ey ,t r No and Erle 6,0 A. a. 1 1. " it. air VF. 12 ::U r f. ' et., 3110 D. st., P. C W . VAL . R..-11• 15 A .' Leave Alletieny.b:r 31.1tPr 11320 112133-951) A. a., 11:50 A. X.. 4:20r and 5:10 P. M. ILOC/lESTZII-2:05 P. so. Nave CASTLE -3150 r. a. ErromT-104M P. U. Wxl co .E.SvlLLr--84.50r. a.• 1t.A1V.V:7131..t • • ' C I' . a 2 1' 3° . • GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket. Agent, ElluctFescs.",e‘A.A.2l3,txtlon, Plitabargh, Pa, KIERI. Ticket Agent, Allegheny city :3030 F. N. MIFIR, General Ticket Asent. pITI'BIBURGH CI3:CIN. THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE VIA STICUIINNVILL.S. TO COLUMBUS, CINCINNXI k And all theprtnelftal On and after WEIiT ANL SOUTUWIENT, MONDAY, 311ARCEI 12th, ISOO, Trains will leave and arrly at the UNION DEPOT as folltmc Dwarf.. Arr(au. Fast gene 01911 2 - 00, M. 9:00 v. r. F.: 11.91 •• I. v. pr.:99 " . 33 r. U. Ste° hen rile Arco:99oA 16 ...4: •• 1 . 10 v. U. 8. 13*. SCULL, Oen 'I Tlllit.ebA. ftt f ileltpt:trtte (4, Ticket Agent, Union Dcre. rlttsbtleih. prrrsounGTl ANY)ggigA N CoNNELLSVILIde R. R. Spring Arrtmgeirien On and after • THURSDAY, MARCH 15rS, The trains o , UI leave the Depot, corner of Rosa and Water otreets, Lasses Arrives Pittsburnti. Pitta),94t Mall Wand from Uniontown... p at e a. coo r.a. •4 2:00 U. 15:60.A. W E e P s n' tNe u' w ton ' Accommodation 6;15 P. Y. Y. First McKs-capon Actual' n .A. Y. 6:56 A. M. SCCOnd.• P. 111 L. SAM r. r Braddock's 4:10P. Y. 5146 P. Ye Sunday Chureti Tr,: o t,. ,end from West Ink/ P. Y. 1 0:00.i. X. Tor Tickets aprilt It. C. :Chi LI-EN BEl:lit:it, Agent. W SIVIPI , Supt. ALLEGHENY WALLY "...1,1.1t0A11." I'l SEGE OF TIME. On and . • MONDAY, Nov. „Wth, Passenger trains will ' 'red to run as 'follows: SLAM. L. :.,aves Pittagh at 45 A. arriving .•: , ...dng at 9:45 Aa. Leavia.M.lttali nianti Y Klttannlna at 7150 P. - .. array,» " at Pittsburgh at 1.1.110 A. M. Leas' Pittebtu•gh at 5:10 P. a., arriving' at hittannlng 8:10r. M. as ACCOMMODATION TlLAlN — Leages Soda Worts at6:33 A. m., arriving at Pittsburgh at sea A. M. Leavcs Pittsburgh at 1:40 P. a...arriving at Elski mlnetas at 3:55 P. Y. Ban P. WiIIIGHT; *peril:manta/U. Si Wood '8 =33 HIIIIPEUZEIPS HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have yroved, front the most ample en...lnit. en Il tire success, simple, eMelentand reliable. They aaro the only medielms. perfectly adapted to popular ime —so Mamie that mistakes cannot' be crude Musing .. , them; so harmless as to be free from danger, sad se edit led% oh to Cc teeny* reliable. No. 1 cares FEVERS. Congestions, Intlasnm niners. - non 3 " WORMS, Worm Fever, Colic •' ' 2 " CR Th YLN .„ I.I COLIC. or Tcething ofn- ' I ' DIARRELEA. of children or adults.. u 5 5 ' DYSENTERY, Griping and Bi li ousColles 6 " CHOLERA MORIII7B, Nausea, 5 7 " COUGHS, Colds, 8r0uch1U5..,..... , 5 II " NEURALGIA; Toottiatng I act. 5 9 " HEADACHE , Sick Headache .. ... ... 5 0 •• DYSPEPSIA.. Billions Stomach 25 LI " SUPPRESSED, scanty and painful ' " tatlaiti.A., or Whites . 5-:- LI " CROU P , hoarse congh 14 " SALT 21161100, Erysipe l as, Erup- RHEtons 5 16 " UMATISM. altrheninatlapshis Z PI " FEVER AND AGUE. Chills and Fever 17 " PILES, internal or esternal 50 10 " OPTHA.I.MY, sore, Inflamed eyes.. 6) It " CATARRH, state or chronic. bleu