ftazettew • . • • MONDO----msucli 10, 1866. • akstiimitsos , MAJ: GOMM Mi. GEARY, OR MMna:USD,FO. ;7141X4C1IiIr. ntIL 2'loooo lo2iarobr ittpok.atti bolting!' all Tril2l* , OtA'leroraiall ' areertro d i iistilsOfacermiabo. poi/ for Whori lisoil4Q4l6•llslNie ittsi'ot adverttoon, otiose Will will Do not . ai o nl noortorlyou Unerttiers WM SOW, tioro of tido. ea Mr rotoof:rostkplraraiti e . i%iitni . l4;gaiiiii: i dSrleit , *4l4 1 0 114 thILW aoforac. :Tr; . . . Tba prior of ono Oforobokiood Prollinf 4 4 1 i 10011- ,7 L lntigl CrLIM at the-coSiiier or teas.newb 7 ll.. beried by canters so rthIIFFICC4 kiPt 14'4404 To OUR EVENir SUBSCRIBERS. . The subscribers to our eveninA_Paßel . ‘ lll 4001/ad 4:4 1 ; 1 , hatteienrizar t i , th ourmorning edition, and we truh the' change will be satisfactory to them. -12iiingOogrogreterotthe war an even-, ing edition was a public neeesaltk; ins, the war being over, and with it the excitement. lbatec.rbmgkries4aftfteas it,cpuld bkiad, the 'ie.:malty tor keeping up two daily cal 2, tions of the paper has passed away. ) Ai• have%fiekOduad; therefore, to merge the two editions in one, and to concentrate all; . . our energies on 9str t morning paper.i yfer ai.rtcvoion • ms gpap& roi our reader;; and to issue it with more entisfactioulo ourselves. Our pair is now prin4C . a.l ,neatly as guy , Patairitt .theArest, andliAhr reporters being relieved from the hurry AelessatilytWundmit c nsr,t„ pripAiVa Say; ed to gdvemore ittuicareAndliltentionto their duties. .our moruipg edition, will be villa} to . - that ,iirb6th air ecliAlons, Iferetoforr. i is, ara. excellent medium for itarer think, •7. . , - . „ . Tuz propositionlOf Senator Stramsan, o;..1 Ohio, that the amount of greenbacks' non„, P.MATC9314911-I.' - e be' reduced below' 1020,000;000, meets with severe condemna tion at aU polnts. It is a project made in - the Itiferoat of those who wis' h . to keep the -currency inflated and put off thErreaumption Of speckpyments, as !crag es possible, so that ilie - splrit of speculation may have full /away and the downward tendency in ,pricer be Checked. = • Weitinceplly. trust:that such a proposition will meet: with no fetror in the Senate or *map. The great mass of the people are anxious to have the currency contracted as rapidly as it can be done safely, and a re turn to specie payMents made sure et an early, day. It t may be that this contraction pennotlM Carried on very rapidly,•end that theetMci Battles of the government; growing outtifilehtune.nse amount of its tetupomry obligations that will mature within the en suing tWo years, will compel,-It to abstain' from all measures that are likely to produce a tighammney market; but the public voice demanda : that no other obstacle than the ne cessities of the'government shall be thrown In the:way of the policy of restoring our palls[ Matey to the specie staadard. The proeetts of contraction may beelow, but let it he sure; and if It bemire:tee possible to re dace. # lO YOPSIZEIC of national currency, be low thepoint named by biregjamiteN, and neceSeartio - deso in onierVmake our pa per orpiaT to gold, no legislatlye.prohibitiot should be permitted to stand lathe way. . A NEW ..Tuasg.nr. RnooiErratrerton.— l a Two citizens o{ phio, Dmiazx and ER uttz, rented from the United ' S te: , Commissioner an abandoned plants ior in 103,iniann, oyrned, ,by ;one 11AIIRIE, ~ tilMl:lind after raising one crop from It turned it over to the Government _ - H.►ttnts, flaming been reconstructed, has re - tarried to> his home, and one or his first acts was toi have Dowassi and .Prtnnua. indletedforlareeny, In stealing the crop which they raised, valued at ‘,500,000; and on this indictment the Governor Of Louisi ana demanded their surrender of the gov- ernor of Ohio, as criminals: Strange to say, the Governor of :Ohio (Oox), issued his warrant for their extradition at once, „jr44o,tutt LOIttEIiIIILIS is in theNttion, and the' reqbisitions of her Governor must be. obeyed i If there is any other busbies, _that this Goa is good at, let him go to it at , once; evidentlyis not St for tkirernor.. • • We hive, in thls•case„ an illustratimi of . what "Reconstruction” will effect, as under : stood down South, to-wit : The indict— *, ,Inenhlralr.Northern men who oecniihNl Southern property, diving the war, an 1 . thelititinieSirient, if they are caught- ficir-: mutely; but few of the Northern Suite 4 liave GoVenuirslike Cox.' . ConnicricuT.=-The next State election, that hams place is that of CAmnectiOut. which votes early next month. The can- , vela isalready an exciting one, and grows intercia every day. Gen. NYE, of the United. States. Senate, has just - .closed a stumping tour through the State, and gives a glowint account of the prospects of the Reptddicana... Senator SzEntstss;rof Ohio, follows him, and °the': 'eminent speakers are daily engaged at meetings thniughout the State. Gen. HAWLEY?, the Republican candidatifer Goseitior, is exceedingly pop ati'd we do not believe he can be beat,' tbOiodin dOitterstil rally tinder the cry, of ".Jornssoni Joxursort Ttie`eleetlori' last year sisti 'held on the day that,news was .received of Lne2s stn , - render, and the TiemOcrati were so palsied by hatnowathat. they did not .go to the polls. Gov. BllcKnconsx's majority tins aamidinkly 41,000,1AncoS - 's majority -in 1864. was 2406, and that is about the tine Republican majority of the State. sis Tait "Loan licaniras titled the House .ou..rilday.,_after the foreign loan ciente ,wik , . , struck out, by 68 ,to 4; beta-motion r .e 4 4,frip a idai:vvaii made which will probe blyanne n i to.day. The opposition to this bill arises partly froMrihn - Conviction that the Secretary of the Treasury has 'power enough under ex isting Inynto fund the greenbacis am! all • Mauling indebtedness; and portly from an indbmoiltion to' entinst the SeCretasy with the ,unlintitesd- power confessed by • IL. Mani' no lackof c:onfldenceitrihe ciecre• ia[y, himself but,itzia unwise - tolungo any man toast aver theithiances of the country. Carrant— , :lt will be seen by our dispatell-. eathatther-Perdiiiininte tremendous dein °nitrations ;on. Saturday,- in:.the way of uttP 444. 100 at , *chdroh;:btd ati ntiank,wainuuln an Canada, as expected. )K l e ast, the Fenians..senni, disgifsp4 *Ctadtne,thelf Cfr6rtB . _ to raising rznone.f!,*tio locking AR," grand Sass, gen_ entlly;tieongh publi c and 'other wise; but airolikerippot warlike intention, on 60.014; seems wanting.' The Cana dians do riolitixiir i'ieru in any danger of imnsionnt pnb. ..yrbataver: . r_ognown. , men iia a carriedthe,initnatrynieetiniiiatr*ri; difaiii,%iin - dthereds now. eretyprospect,that. the gialint General will be - :-Inktlhatedifitlt most unanimously for GorerroSr by the 11 - .6: pablleans. Thtt.:Pnrneernte4ill hardly run. it eanklidate against him , MEE ME ME - MSNR-Nr4" . 2.1; ,. -h , . 'EI.. .Sit Steamer trio, which arrived on the Sat,, dee rk =day previous, had nearly as many pas- I a. J stingers. The large majority of these pail- i Fit. m sat 40 - omi 33 , p sensors wore able bodied 'lrishmen. This 1 does not beartent the statement that has - been made that the Irishmen were all stay- : -- Mg at home to help the Fenian movement. 1 eV THE Jackson (.Miss.) Clarion confesses I rte that the German immigrants engaged to lc- a t• 'ateln the southwest have not found their Jr , sipectations realized, and have become .11,- i .•-• hearteded and disthiutented, and it is fear , their influence will produce such a prejnd !- against the country, its products, cilmat. and people, as will make Germans and !other foreigners ovoid the South. The J. L. READ, 78 Fourth St. Richmond Timm reeontly nude a similar m ujom I scimowledgment respecting the Swedish 1 Colonists who settled In Virginia. GENERAL NEWS. agICITOR ' FOOT, OF V 6.ll3.loNT.—Much ansioty is felt as to the condition of this ; venerable patriot; but ho seems to be slow ly recovering. He takes great interest in public affairs, and is especially delighted at the victory in Now H a mpshire. It is re kited that when Secretary Station, who ening tai see him frequently, asked what he could do for him, he answered as follows: "Stay in the War Departmeht, and so strengthen the anxious hearts of our great people." Ar • Acapulco, the pretty peasant girls have an ingenious device for selling neck laces made of shells, principally on the days when the steamers arrive. Handing you a-necklace they say, "Me give you a present, senor," and then retire with alow courtesy. Returning, however, in a few momenta, they - say, sweetly, "Yon give me present, senor, ore quarter dollar,' which you do at once, unless you have a heart of stone. Tlrs whole Southern Press rings with de nunciations of Thad. Stevens and Charles Sumner as traitors, bemuse, it is alleged, they are trying ito break up the Govern ment. Will these indignant patriots pause in their fiery oaurse long enough to toll us what is the appropriate name of th.,,e who for four years tried to do the same thing?— an. ann. E. IL PAVNE, GI Cleveland, who com mitted suicide at Ravenna, last week, by taking laudanum, was laboring under the hallucination that the spirit of a young lady with whom he had been in love, and Who died some time since, was following him, and so put an end to his earthly ex istence In order to meet her In the here after. TAB (hilifornia Pock tells a story In the following lines: "Since then, dear maid, thou grant'st this I boon, Pray let us be united soon P' • Says she, "VII be delighted I " Then, with a twinkle in her eye, the always thought that you and I Bad better be Yonan'-Isted I" A TOtrAG tisono, while looking down in to one of the receivers of the Catoctin iron works to witness the operation of melting) , iron ore, was suffocated by an emission of I I gas, and fell headlong into the lake of tire and was consumed. Miss CortaT sister of Lord Lyndhurst, andel Mrs. Gardner Green who recently died In Boston, is now residing with Lady Lyndhurst, at the age of ninety-three, and in good health, with her mental faculties unimpaired. A Nuw Yonx merchant named Bern mann, while on Ws way cant In a Bleeping car on the Michigan Central Railroad, on the 14th, had his pocket picked of $6,000 in United States bonds, and $15,000 in green backs. War ought Andrew Johnson to be more grateful to the Democrats than to the Re publicans? Because the Democrats made hint President, while the Republicans only made him Vice-President. A Yorts Corturr Democratic sheet mils General Grant . a usurper and tyrant for suppressing rebel. papers, and Intimates that Jobnson must put a stop to such pro ceedings. MR& SICIOURNEY published fiftysix books - during her life, heaideei more than two thousand articles contributed to nearly three hundred different periodicals. Tits gold claimed by the Richmond banks remains in the vaults of the Treasu ry Department, and will, doubtlessbe con fiscated by the government. 'llli,Preisident has sent to the Senate the noadruttion of General Frank P. Blair as Collector.of Internal Revenue for the First pistrict of Missouri. Tim anthorlties of Cincinnati have adopt ed.. the . Nicholson pavement for all the streets hereafter to be paved and repaired iu that.elty'. POLITICAL. arTOll JOSEPH ROSS, •Of abefheoood , Wat4l, Plttabiggh, will be • esodl dela for Sheriff, •Object to the settee of the Chalon Iteontillcui County . Convection. . uttite:to IarCONGRESS.--The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY U,titulm"fo t hu =il:,,Magfg,VUT: gran Shad mist.nict. aitaldtwd _ Ltiapi [MI : 1 S:011 GENERAL JAR. S. HIGLEY Is A.III.NDIVAME IN TIM *An Disnuer inturama Azisitisrku?: MEIWASTILE II HART Lea Owl• T 7 lzt. El . JOHN B. GOUGH WILL LacrtrirE Ca r i ir t P WENINDAY. MARCH 210. Sub! ect—"PECIULIARPEOPLEP THERSDAT, MARCH 2241, spttlect 7 ,navirEmarcEr. FRIDAY,. MARCH 2841, Subject-9WM. ,9 'Doors_ tven - it 7 .oelock. Lecture commences at 'LIS eeM ningtellokets, M. Secerist-Seets.l 2 o extra. Seats - may he severed at City Hall, ou the day of each Lecture, commenclu at 9 o'clock, a. It. . , TILO B eir " • . • A L, -KgMNGEL pirrElinnaG_ Fr: WAYNE AND CHICAGO ICAIL.WAY CUMP.II..In. , ?Ili St tilemta vi ~x An a 1. 1 . 111 41; .d nevi NIMIT tromellelhre lt, will be held at thaelleemett thacity or tr m a, D l. s o44llli w l: et truxt And Rood eler.lieeka et llla 6072, 1M , „r, la the wan ce The civet Patentee:, and the Vedette lenter,'" la %Wharf IT N., -t or T, w i lthi , doled : ea e_ttlt day at . .hiareb, , at=oek r ic 0 ., cMll.9a-741411“ ""NOTICES." FROM Mr.l'Y'l=b l T. ift - ic , c, 8l1„130. 1102 W HOOKS. TRoWBRIDOR , S NEW BOOK, micrcrir .ameir J. BEORGB BANDS' KEW BOOK, arE3ALT-0301:T6nr. FALSE PRIDE, by the author of 'Family Pride.' LIPPINCOTT'S PROMFUNCI NG GAZETTBER AND DICTIONARY OF THE WOULD—new rerlsed edition. ECCENTRIC PERSONAGES, by W • Rd...IL • And all other clew Book., for tale by JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 Fifth St., Masonic HaU mhl4 NEW HOORN: ~ Spiritualism. BeDonal4 Sl.2i Rescued from Egypt, A. L. 4, E 1,30 Outlines of Theology 1,3 0 Canton.," .4 . All2PliCSn blethoillsm. Staten 1.60 Life and I -attempt E. W. lloberman, Q. S . 4.1 Here wards, Kingsley 1,73 Nours Among the Gospels. Burl 1 50 Wsr Lyrics. Brownell 1.70 .‘lfpwa Poetry Orient. ' I.e. The happy Islaods 1,00 Your Years In Old World 3.(0 intil4 J. L. BEAD. 7$ Fourth street. MRS. SOUTHWOHTEEN 1i ewe - Book, THE FORTUNE SEEKER,. MEE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. PURNETT 9 S STANDARD PRE PARATIONS.—COCAINE— A floropouud of Co coanut Oil. de.. (or the Hair. I'LORTHEL—A delightful Perinme for the Hand kerchief. KALLISTON—A Cosmetic (be removing Freckles. TOO, Sunburn. de. ORIENTAL TOOTTI-W ASH—An Eliza for Pre. sone lug and Beautifying the Teeth and Grans. IlilltnETT'S COLOGNE WATElLUnrivalled In itiohness and Delicacyof Perfume- JONAS WITITLVILIPS REMEDY—For Asthma. Rose Cold Hap Fever. de. BURNETT'S St ABOARD FLAVORING EX TRACTS—For Cooking pianos.. Any of the above named articlesMO Prescription Store. tie procured It the Central Tang sud rescription Store. corner of Ohio and Federal streets, !Ala Harlot House. Allegheny. GORGE A. WELLY, . . WHOLEIA LS DRU(KEIST, .7ro. 37 Mood Sired, OPP(I6IT2 THE BT. QUARLES HUM.. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Bled*lnes, I.II3PILMMIINCIZI7riVIT, p - NTS, OILS. V ARNIIIEd. DICE,STUFTS, !Rl:Mgr= VI al street..., Alleemal. mud _ gligeN JORNSTON, TOXIISCWCIXI39O, Corner of Fourth and Easithtleld Sts., D IEWM4Y6iEAWAYW r ' Ato.,leporlAd strum lande6 Pelsate n et. ter J . 84111100NMILINEB & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, *ME Warr: LEAD, BLUE LEAD GROUND LE OIL BELS, TOE PALIITLE 0/L BAR ZO - cp. GB Waa INtreret. mom TO TUE . LADIES of AMERICA: I= And Victoria Regia, THE GER OP THE WORLD. TOILET, PARLait and WHITE. It eves • warm delicate that to the complexies and GO tout, like the Pariah Marble Carnation Mops% beantifid Out of the moo. hienefaetared b A. W. HAREM/ Pb 11.1- pbla. Tot Lela by a. GEO. IL EILIELER. and all . Druggists bf Pittsburgh. Da. G. W. R. REED. 1013:1. d General A, of. AUCTION RAOUL. • RANH INSURANCE AND OTHER ••-• DT STOC. TUESDAY E EN1770, Starengst Ild °WOE wlllbe sold on second door a u % t i zrz ll l:: i tmlttitelif street, Er •• ' -Orthinsetanee Cotopstrit •, Blononeshels Wins r OD.; 7•• Blnatedbant 'Bridge Co. meld A. 11.c1LWALATE,Anet. • PURNITERE. CARPETS, BED. DINO. .00—MOROAN HODdE ALLINMEKT. On - WIDIVEVDAY MORNING, March ztat, as 0 coded,. wlllna sold at Om 31nrann House: earutrof rastara lane and Taylor &VIM ne, at tha Jima Tanta AllethetrY City; tie entire ttontahmeat,'eamprlsing carpets. all Goths. too:Weans. beds. badalng, - Vane- Mu bands. window. anadet, looking glass., plc tura: cbatra, [lanai,. table.,