The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 19, 1866, Image 1

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SPainsopatate: liediethes
At Fao o
.ailDrait Stor, Nos. 07 iuid Fifth sta.
Dr. Guiltier, of New Tots)r,:weo . ia now at
:ParrorMitinttlecor, attleMonongahelaltous e ,
.I:;tMiitta Piton* br the use of warm Medicated
, ' Inha4tion. The eglieted attonld go and eon-
...• - alifiltase er the Eye, ,Ear and Catarrh.
'" • DG Gardner the wlebrated Oculist and
• -4/40,,,c, of New- . Tork, Mao* at the Idonon/le?
• House . Parlor lf, • drat floor,,imd can be
isturtilted hpy on all rib:easels of,',"the Eye, Ear.
aidCksaiTAL Esitd the folloiring mg:Dons-or
the preey
• .
1 The Doutiyhtsiienimof sayer .41ns tuatlinc_r
Mal* which Dr. Gardner pretentil Ai" duiPubllo
hale beenobtain s clitteslitby the
displiy:iittrieat skill and. learuhst
la'ble pro.
:One espailally,:rinnzinsiidable
. hithistiCator'S Practice hi, -that bors
-th e i ootea:Ptatlncurablea oate of a foe, foe, bet Daiikly;*ells tbe regent whether bu
11,0'.*Urter not. -We cheerfully 2000113-
i :zdand Dr: paritntsr t o _theitttnitlozi of all our
frlecids Who be sari/J.4c Dindrtheases of I
•- -
Jot:rant . says: '"Wo have
ktelt Salon In Saylnit that Dr..Gistduar is the
a nd - suceessful eye and. etr
4Dr:Gardider!ihreatment of the eye and ear
AGMs:tuba Doily Vara.
;f eed , fustillett in: recoundlngr Dr.
1"--Gardsicir tri'shrose tittering fromtme diseases of
ear."--Whealinir Dirstlicwecer.
1 3 We - .cin safely "and ecordtaity recommend
010 :Van . ..WM WW 1)41114r he undertakes
pertbrin.n—illaithaiirt piriscr,
The-Indlanapolls Dads,. f gars "We
safely recommend Dr: Gardner as a sue
:-;•essathr onerater sin the eye and ear. He will
mot tindirtake to Mesta ease :inlets a cure can
be effected."'
Morp e
of hs:cling DeCncer saps ',Dr. Gardner
- on the mostrmientlf id Oculists and au
msts at, co
theuntry. - ire advise those sneer
con - t
Ingrown " diseases of the ore ettil ear to
'rho, Vti!zid- March
the- Pemale'reytr, - and the *instrel seem.
ken Es;attili firstent-
There tan dlidese to which the doctors giro
stasaynattnisi betlfhteh few of b reak ing
the under-
, tand, It a -- simply wealmesa—e, b
dow oats vilatl forges. liliaterrer Ita causes
Load they arc innumerable), its symptoms ere
Sn theimme. Among the most. prom
netfa are- extrema basalt-ode, loss of appetite,
'lath and groat mental deprmalon. in
„ _digestion an a 'Stomach Cbsph are also fre
'„ 4tterdlyMincon [twits Of this distressing state
body, and mind. Tho common remark In
relatiente persons In suoh a condition Ls, that
they anietiosnesptive. 'Now, what theao
ftwttinataa really Sant. 43 tigco'--titra nrmoA,
anklas aerhilely as 'lawn succeeds datknesa
aheicitnrensuperate their'irystenin and regain
perefoot health by-resorting toiloatetter's CM
,It is
clear that a
/11 0 - nrirointr,Toide Is repaired In such cases,
gin the dying flame of an empty lamP re.
pares talki revit'ed it'd' a new supply-of oil
Perfectly pure nail linnOalOos, containing
- titithing but the most genial sugetabie cir-
L ,, tracts” and combining the three gra elo-.
iite - or a stomachic, an alteratlre, and a ge-
Invigeratit. HOStelter's little/a are au.
'inblerto Ail oonatitntlonS, and are aa applies
ole to the diseases and disabilities, of the fee
bler siir as Ato those of men.
Atia tetiei . alESltters
Are sold iv tkoleiale and retail at very low rates
FleentorilDrege and Patent Medicine Depot,
el Market street, Come!. Of the Diamond
' lestlicatorn
Sithis,four Song's, dances A clog dance, and
; fightsiaconthat, to-night.
Winter Goode.
call .the eaten
of ourreaderstO ' li v e d stock of Fail
4 0. 1 1 , 4nterGoods Just - received by Mr. John
,'Weler,:lileirmant Tailor, No. 'MS Federal street.
Ailnatomy. ills -stock embraces some of the
gloattetaland• tiloths, Cassimeres, Overcoat.
t9JKamt V eetm gs ever brought to the western
.'nFamtet.,`.. assartmont of FurnlshlngCloodi;
- •: - ..somyrlsIng
'l,"-' Shirt
4t s, Drawers, Collars Neck Ties.
1- Esuattkerentalb"e., cannot be surpassed 'cast
or west. :.A: assn'stock o f ready triad Pants
• COhlavVeste and grercoats, Alen be mom
g„„ hi s embusu meat. Persons In want of any
thhig in the 0 thing Me should not fall to
• glee Mr. Wafer a call.
aim) ber beet DU io-6111be• Secure
- 4eate 'without extra Charge.
' Aileargifur"e YresPeeeT.Orleolos!Roass
, twOwtory brick dwelling, No. SS Walnut
oboes, in the Fourth weed, Allegbee7 Citin
Also; the' two-Astor? ,briCk ee the
t corner of XebecOa- end Walker
, .'sisweta; sad-n: two-story imam. - dwelling on
- thi m 1011414. of Robinson street,
,ninetv feet
west or Ratiy,'-isise of tote described in ad
..{..404..Thm5), will be Sold tarriorrowe
on tbe'listifind (floor of . Mcflwatae. s Aoctjoa
- _Rooms, 1 Smithfield street,
, J
• • ' . ..Sis;enets sp7," .zar t )
he hist o. thh "Devilish flood Joke," kir
thehailt ..reinale,lroity." for the last
thee. Taisight. Opera. icons.: •
• •
Pro? 11Licoommon to Col;bata. Pork, .lEset
mu attainixi irsircordatat► iipeolal tram
leave- the , rocinvbrium Bollroad 4efoot
' ' '' 'd ttbilbooreolle2eyiltoe of WWI* mid gentle..
_CM 0 : 4 1 3 1a from the' mitt frr Lalfsore iot's
Cfdlitui.Pirk,,Eaat Liberty. 'Tlio beauty -+ of
.welt edrustion,
R. d deetrableneeNpf these lots are
. , Opera
Third suO lan week cif !lean; tee elegute
. • cxit. Three:Vey&
kO4id oefees, and Deidere In Asneet.
• -
at Aitken.,
, Aar zieegkiwit keaF.tho Water 'Woike Pitts:
'bast, Ps4 'Aeddclencii, 78 pike et:reee: Or.
dam promptii etteeded fa, All werk warrant.
ekinza r proof. angsdring 40 40*c:tit° abort..
patiotlpe.. tio aharge toseeapetre4Pflided the
eealleeptletineket at ,
him; cm.
- 'Llteleirilumgarageg
new thirteenth Melt With three play-1 and
' 4 4°Ten QuirsaterL • •
. ,
%Carpenter iiebbing Mop;
s Urriep.rettelleatlatter an abscace nt three
relitsti.ttikarniZ i att
nP oP
„Await Norte nijObbn*,inr the carpenter line
a k ti g i . 4 4 l mPad. Yin= +Wen between Smith.
,ailltalAietuataberrylllay: Ocilarssollitted.
itrinuptkrAttenadodtp. t ' '
. .
yOretto greatest Pertomosnoa of the seOaon
Briefsea .Veirsafratet:Caint a,
Ux Worm Lozenge,, c ontain form of- /nor
pug 'JO' which many :worm remedies owe
eillosey: The ihieredlitats are weir calms.
jetted for_ the AinnWeies they are intended to cc
cobeillshi having keen need with mimosa by
enitnenc , mediesline n In Europe,
-Uwe, Play. To-htlight" • .
At the operi House. Ateisycia eimi on cu m :
with toagAriAthuiCe. '• • - L
no.ii 6 • 4 bottlinirrres Barbera Boaii
Try.lteuul bo.4 , onylluxid.. •
etniVaaneethr_the last time In the “Dera.
hdi Ckentj4e.” • • .
geoletor Sept Lever Neale,
Leave =dea at-Ato.).v . a Bc.sona street.
Liarmairrox:Temsa, — March /3.—Mdialge,Taia
pica Miriam rh
to o man say a battle
roright between trio French sad:L4baral gap,
atlas iracraMthe ;Branch ware, defamed. Jai*-
, Luc. LI asZsone4 mi t ,
vorfol , bot - town o :off from tile
:ootuatti.ond baaLlScc PrOarraral,. •• i • •
;. •
Arbil levy OrleeliXbuyealey.
• Mew.olt,xesii. March 17 The tftee 3:41a.=
iv y*,
aorta: tbileXayor _htobree wiLL be leo
X 0 ;.ainbeestif to,
. ` eZreVelue • l e
sk L0Xt!ooillTeol.
_ -:P4 ' 1,7, ;?.. ,..>.--l i:Vl , Mt.Ti.s'll,",„-,„,,--'4l. , •
c00 1..4..t.--.1.
'....4.1 . 7- 7.a ., ..,,,-.. .. • i
• 712','
nEk G
ADIACcr. , litytjne a . *ca.
4 Azsrrirairsocaar ro4
• - „ 0 - 41..gc rims grassr. nu:burgh.
urea Oattte.
1% ew I one, March 18, —The steanualp Ger
mania, from S outhampton on the 7th, arrival
this evening. She bee sevetny-five passengVls.
The steamers St. George, Tripolles and Pales
. tine arrived out .
In the lionse of Lords,lon Monday. Starch
ittn, the standing orders were suspended to
New To March l7.—The •
Tibrid,s special allow the c attle Plague hi/
1 to pasa through
Mentreal dispatch saya the government hie al in stages.
dust received a letter from an official in Wind: The Lord Chaim/Bees bill to make parties
Sor, C. it , stating that the Slayer of Detroit they
a Strz, suit, capable, but not ere;
bad tafermed him that he had caused an Irk they have ol l'e h r a u v u e Y cot committal query to be made into the extent of the Fent. was vetoed.
an mote:Manta In that city. and discovered C"mmettlferen 7.--M-r. ( " de nims acid the
that Ural° wae. a likelihood of an attack from Le o ft4fna ti:adie wind , be . react oti the_ nth. It
that politt. The government have eh* been impel iheik,'W.leiSte thne'SXttitrilC'ttiktetn'tig` a°
notified bat the American Government ere M ni ben t ten d-
se . ~g troops . ~,,,,, 0 ~) prey, „,t, ~.• .nI re million three hundred and sixty-two
task front that. quarter.
thousand Dames were voted for the army.
Alfred's Comte also proJama.
The eitNatiou ladians, winch Drequerts cot. Princess Helena's. annuity bill passed Prince
united on the Attain' river cinder a descen
dant, of the celebrated Brunt, last evening Prieeese ""
Jul e with Princ e
tendered the cervices of 1,500 of their braves Christian takes piece July 7th andt Wbrdsor.
to the resentment.
The s uer seye the carnage decision ex-
An o ff ice ,. of the Rey, taatoee, e t ate .i that alined by Presuleut Johnson In refusing. his
order. were sent to England five week,. ante ;resent to the freedmen's bureau question. con
fer ten thousand soldiers, to be landed at He.c. r , the rape= In which tie policy has been
!far, who will march fron t them e . t o s ew held le anthem, end wilt enttle him to aced-
Brunswick, where the
scare point Is it
one of tbe lateen statesman who have
faired to These tram expected in ever coed easel a great nation succeesfully
ten day*, end on their males.' at N'ew Bruns. througn a periloue oriels by enemas, modem
wick, it la coluddered all will be safe. Tee tine and witenni•
ships of war Arladne and Pelades are even Fusses —The debate on the amendmoot re,
now In eh o Bay of Fundy. -
letting to Algeria week rammed In tee Corps
e Sir P redereek Bruce has ordered the West Leaflet& Mr. Rouber pointed out the (.'dun-
In d ,
equedrOn to sail immallatay for Ran. ger emending the creation
an Arabian E us
fa, with au the thapeneat,lo troops
In th e Aire. 31r. Realer said It wee intended to end
West all
the netted exisileg becween Thu nationadltles
The extitereent here nas rem- much abated ni Aigerie l'im eneentiment e es, withdrwn.
The Montrealers gencrully behove that the The Pon, Iniperial. B Leal th procreate. fa
laberts and Sweeny faction meat give their se re W S .
Two regiments In Rome will return NS I
scleeortere „Something for their money, bet .
that the attaCk trill be on the upper pro% ince i ' nn me M A p ril.
end in New Drumstick, but not here or at (4 0 e. A harm t.--5 Immo telegrams announce that
bee. They deem it sitter madness to attehmt rumor, et a warlike character continuo. It Is
rumored that Prince Canza has addressed the
the capture of ell bet Cr these cities. 'They
maiare,however, adieely arming, so that they dignitaries and powem of Inc Parts treaty pro
guard the clti n in the event of the troops 'Vitt n e e t t t e t sl e nis forted abd ication, end sp
an volemteers be g needed elsewhere. sistemeo to obtain reinstate
alto% •March /7.—lt Is reported that a ""L' I
United States B.eveno e Cutter Is k% suchleg the ._Citnuswi.--Greaf uneaskinese prevails at
numbing In consequence of rumors of aprote
rennin off Cigdensetztq. • Large reinforce- ,Ufarr:lune between Austria and Prussia on
Manta Van angland areeexpected shortly-
there are alum regiments of cavalry among . 1 th e "hi" gnesti"''
there. At present there are about ten thous. ,e,„,",,T,17.1,,1t0„,,1e ru,„,1,nr,"1,..,,,,,th0t,,ttin,,Ft,dtt,,dr,,tn...a,,.
and regulate la Canada, besides eleven time,. t, - ;,.'17,;57, - a - e i -- --'' • - —"--, -- - ----
and volunteers, on duty. There are at least tte rt ur te at s diti I
fifteen thousand fully armed militia ready to ~„,,,,,.„1 reat meo c ,,,, „ ° ,',.,, a ,, r . t A-1 ,,,,4 ere "T°rten'
move at a moment% notece, untl eighty thous. , ~,,,,h , b - f -- 1 ; ---- , i
and more mind soon be made available. The . .4. hem ''''' "' d ° "‘ i gar i '" entr.
Government has ao be
se number of rec. I ""mn " .'"'""li "Idle "' wh° "" tab oo
erne ofileers. well drilled, to lead the militia ' orr!`;',Sr, in I.""trai renttnel bre/Mice to
There le a large number of volunteers at 8t I it,T,5;,,,,.
_ n i •
.. r ,
Johns, and tbey• are daily Mereaeleg. There ~,,,11 1. , ~ of t h e "r‘ra rirri4 r ye tli t !
was some little emeitement. on the kyoatern h it' et ttbTet. n a t pre% ot";noefisroek " o e f e th re em P" . '
frontier last night, °com a / a nal by a nolc3 dem
on/kin-anon in honor or a. Patrick'. day. The. ALerepe.roste ministry to,- lituigar) cannot be
troopa were under arms all night, bat all Is ent i u ti
11M1-lorte. darns authority to Interl in
quiet to-day.
the pricipalitle, on account of the disunion
Hoarsest, March 17. Ten was a great da3- between the poetical parties.
In , Montreal. The limb fats
[name our The tunnels of the moot,. are being emcee
llil?en mane; filling et. James street for several [rated et 11, Jane, Itesteiteek and Sliestna.
Retires eastigg i l ,,, w it ? .7i t
t. af
,SLti. tiurrenete.of.l.till; I ;arl i s 11 seleotod for the eenierenee on the
Ixeellency. Bete ral P nat t ion i al and lo ' ynt I 17,n' I : . : . ,,t " e ' rits of Cossacks reinforced the
tunas were played when Ills Excellency up- I corp ' s of observation on the Mani, %eschew
peered at one of the windows of the bone. , frostier. lteinforeements PI Or diS tched
pear was the signal for tremendous cheer. , Iro.n aueliarto to JoSy. A tultitaryP:ortiOn
B ide ECeliCtley spoke as follow,: As the rep- . on.. been atabliebed along the frontier Line
resentative of year sovereign, / thank you for 1 of earth.
this exhibition of loyalty pal to me. 1 have f iliendeteds—iloei dull and nominal Wheat
every reason to bellevechat the sentiMents of 1 eit..t. and steady. Core % cry (Jutland declined
my fellow earritrymen Ili Canada towards me I set per Runnel, mixed, lee Ur . Peal/On-s—
-ere of a kindly description. [Cheets.] Int. , Bet f split° env lint, Pork ilrm. Beconieln.
geetlemen, Ido not - treat this weencent , pater quiet 1...,rd quiet.. Tallow Ann tas
demonstration 4.9 any mark of pereonal re- t0.,,,1te s ed. P roduce—Aehes bus e au - up ard
eyed to myself. I incept this demonstration 1 tendency Groceries btlgill nem. Coffee
as an evidence on your part of loyalty to sour smutty. Eire Waal ache.
lim dull. Sotrlts
enemy:lTV:Ai° titsegseliriLleoteolieeMilel;°el ' . t r t o n e c - I O: ' Te"reid''"i" qui'''.
Patro nlen't gag
1 at
Olf°: iZtl y fn u e r F Mts e 4g 4 1 1 1 . 1 1 5 .1 is the
P t e lr ht e erturil'beee fa i ll d n e t e —( u te " t I' s ' ' e . M l es,ee'ink4R 47".ta" i Y l re at
or Irishmen, ICl:eers,l o and de e tile hay tr:,17.7s eiLePTA. Z ra r a .,, 4 ' l ' i °le .
of her patron Saint by a wanton ttack on,, Leterial, ..eierch :' - 4merlean Cotton sales
peacocks!, proscrerees and happy eon try. The for tile lan t riey • re Mnee iftles, ineleid-
ProceSekm then leered to the 111 h Market og ,toe bele7to ale
too and exporter..
where the vast assemblage was sti 'cased try ' market.% line . t Mel llel tor middling uplaride.
inn. Thomas &Army 31eGee, -Major Starnes The Trak. Rep ' ”r r bet) s • The Manchester mar
aud the President of the eeveral Irish some. f set t. atna a with au upward teurlency if
ties. The speeches were national and loyal. um goods and Ye r.e,
&ha from the manner In which the speakers
were received there is no doubt a, to lee 10 3 .
co nsreeselossai.
sit - of the Irishmen or Montreal, or that t hey ,
„rat be foremost to the rook , to re . iet on 3
„., tt, Lt •10‘ or PAU," 0 nurse PItOCIMOISGII.,
Vildor., come from whenever querter they well. .
WASHINGTON, 31areh 16, Ma
br. JOHN, X. 13., Starch 17.—Gov. Gordon. 1 I t he read add wrens
the flouts in advocacy'
yesterday amts uessege to the Now Brume of the leen bill.
wick Legislature, In which yie said th a t 81_1 Afteteopaderable debate the previous ,
Zho r e esiMerialst Governmana en Cott was Ohneed °nine lean bill. Str.ersvens• )
eahteaneeethat,th, age ntswool,' substitute therent ware lust, 21 to 72.
Permit no ridding Parties to Cr .. , in t° the Mr. Morrni's amedment striking out the
provinces, yet their vigilance might. be elu- I re ' n 'inn 'damns, was adePred-
ded. therefore, some portion of tee provincial Mr mavens , second am endment, authortaing
militia should bo called out to protect the the Secretary us exchange all indebtednem tor
province Cloth insult. Money would be repot s _ the purpose of returning Treasury notes, erm,
C1..,,12C[Cd; ye,. 64 nays 73.
al to support the necessary fora, And the ,
1 the 1 3121.101.1 then re.curred on the passage
Florae of .U....entbly passed unanimously a res
olution In reply to t hemessage, Placing the , of the oll), which, as amended, Is as fellows.
whore revenue Of the province at the disposal 1, it In tn. , the set ot, Ma Tan 3 dt MS, she/
of the Goeet.aor for the purl.., of ha b e t - eoee, be lute:We and construed to autnerite the
All tae military stations, warehonses,,,,he. i n I earetary or f the Treassey, et bes discretion,
St. Jobe are guarded as th e re,„t ai . - t io,. doe
t itr , r , eceere an TV,OttITS I.oltPti OVOLher OtOligam
and volunteers.
Tamara; C. We March 17,—St., Patrick ' . Day
Reseed adhere without any dlsturbanee. The LS 16.11111 Ulmer utly SAIL Of 120171V38,
'`..lether bearing Illir•reht or not, In exchange,
; for any description enemas authorized by the
_, net to which the., Is on amendment, and else to
mthernians e niknd in P rec ession and made dispose oany description of bonds autborited
some attempts to cheer &Mahoney, but little attention was paid to them. by nayrai , either in the United States or else.
New Toes:, March 18 . — Thesteamers St. John at such rates
may think advieleble for
and Main Pallunend, commence their traps to , lawful money of the tinned States, or
Albany to-morrow. •
, Treaeury' none, certificates of indebtednees
A apected Ottawa dispatch, of the 17th, says: certificates of deposit, or other represents:
Allis quiet: Xo procession; the the din Irlith- tires of value which have been, or welch may
men having dadd to subaUtute a banquet. , be, issued under act, of Congress. the proceeds
Much Stiths .faXcion is expressed In high gear- . thereof only to healed for retiring Treasury
tees at the good faith of the Belted atates GOP- notes or other obligation's Issued under any
set of Congress; but netting herein contained
atAlCsingaitti. Thel.°Mnprtiiiira:grol'utlierwatlAulli V il tlie t ? e . e e ls? tle tet dl{ l 3, to anth
.5 1 1 :
p do_ e_haail4iieuscrtleye
t r
tem ts au amendment shall continue in
2ifr gl o gal.Tiva:trz:,P:Arati. 741:1. 11. n nlvi Rion a except as modified by
till the Ca n naMara, and net, then to meet t this act. The question was taken amid great
for the despatch of business. lnterest, with a majority of two amibut the
Uhl reported at Toronto, that heavy cannon- I bill. The friend. of the measure vainly en
adingand small arms were heard at Sarnia, on , deavored to effect a change. The vote stood
Saturday morniu . Probably peecadelees to ; fe to et; so the bill was reject e
alarm the 8. Coreildelable anxiety -
Mr. Garfield moved tarots:milder the lamed
's nianifeeted to hear tram frontlet points. A ing motion, and the Rouse eiljpsoned at /Ida
battery wasloadedon a train, OnFridayntebt, ' IVaenueorele. marCh Jl, WM
ready to MU to the frontier.
II". Trill". March lar-The nine° Mnutre" Tifebree house
fi e e e t t liV4T:gtetng gtheitenird:
correspondent yety,in-qltiated riamlnpozz.thiser)v
, I bate on the Prodder/Ps Mearege, there were
hots un-setty pines from Montreal, few members present. No interest was taln
Lava been arriving ot
during tba i in the Proceedings. wi den W ere an Ttninll but
teat four days , to securetheir little all from , enincening
the goehtna, The japans° of the volunteer 1, Mr. Still, of Indiana. addressed Um Hoene,
force to twenty-five thalami- Men is highly ! at length, on tbo question of "Beconetrue-
Probable. atid in addition to this, the Immo- Mai," and ou genera/
taming of a home guard of ten thous- Sir. Dumont, of Inna, next. spoke. In
and e: The volunteers now organised I Mud. ae to lite Pr pongee
anent's. policy, lie deemed
cost Arty thousand dollars perday. The out- i it unwise, ruinous and disastrous. Lie pre.
di attach num, exclusive of arena and ammo - i M eted that he enter tained nn &e llen: er re•
inUen supplied try the BMWS
Government, l Veers against the South 101 l would einet
may be fairly estitnated em twenty dollars. f nothing with a view toles humiliation, but be
we haea theraore, stheaThetaday t ea t, wh en ; fore the Et t o h th couldwinonto Congrees byr a tigi
tee mem came Under D'ey. a alion T e nnendt- consent, cy must rm to ail
turßud-a of Inehandred dully theussad dollars , reqUireMetall, and send Itepresentatlee:whe
were lope!, and Who could take the ironeslad
' oath.
Tosouro, March 18 .—Iteports from all the sir. Anderso n of hie was the next to igne„
Princi p a l towns in thePravineee recei ved Met ; Ile also took ;Tround " egainst the Preside - Os
!night, shopthat no Ontbreak has occurred ~ reconstruction rainy In regard to the statue
anywnLoyal speecees were made, and of the freedmen. Lie declared that he never
a general Mann* manifested to nip any ' would yield to the doctrine teat they were
Ferniest d emonstration In the bul, in the short- not. enttUed to tee best protection of the Gor
en possible time. Appreheosions of any WIC- , ernment. The great, thEligiVil/g, the vital
Coastal raid or invasion have subsided, but ' question of the lour Wee, the extension of
i preparations are natio be relaxed. it is re: ; . superego to the negro in the Southern States,
Por ted
that an attentetWee threatened she" With a view to the own e re teetien and
[be Md, nua., but the Orangemen of the ,to the Stddetenance of the/oval sunremacre of
PrnrineerareMad-re'trnmhentre warnh 'S• • : the Vino.. he declared himself le feast Of
Manes' in the Batted States! Treasury. 1 S u ts ures tee tr . i'lcd
the Southern Wasenrartes,/efarehl7.—The following was The Secretary Prevented a letter trom the
to-day laid before the House of Represent's- I Se cretary of the Tr easure, giving attainmen t
five/Strom the Treasury Department:
ry e
roomprof a
Rep :of Marva I 7 1 tbe amount
w. now 11 l the United States
- Stre—l have the honor to =knowledge the I o a.loart.
resentatives under date of inst., requestiug , From Tinvarm--700 CaPernred Xfsienna
the Sacreteri Of the Treasury to prepa - a es i teeth — Tale Cable's—Spurious, Cl. statement shelving the iniumnt of money now ' gr elan si facto res.
In the Dated Slane Treasury, Including all , Sew Tone. March Later Havana will
sums in the handier the Avsistant Tritasurara, ' ea state that the republican demonstration
National Banks, and all other depositories, 1 proves it movement of little ooneequance po
designatusir the amount In each separately, , Iltleally.
; and report Mie same to this Boum I trans- 1 Of rho 1,500 captured Africans, seven bun
mit herewith
Lei communication from the deed had been landed at San Antonio and sold
Treasurer nited States, together with ito a prominent planter at the rate of MS
the statements prepered by him, furnishing , each.
the information caned for by the reef:elution ' In fro
by with tee privi3ege recently
from which it will appear tbat the available I granted the state of Plexida to an emai
balance in the Treasury secordbe t to she re- . can company to land and extend telegraphic
turns received to the 10th lnes . ,t. is tWsetle, i cables from the
_Florida ooast to Cuba, KM
oonsicting or wine illVid,'?,-LX, derreneY, e Meted that tee exclusive right to land tole-
L00n 62 3,934,31, Of which sum exi,7100,30,38 was on de- . Eranhie cables on the Cuban coast was came
in War-tonal Banks designated as deposi- iedto a Saurian Compaq. by a decree Issued
Madrid In June, Jew.
ber of llavanu cigar manufacturers.
The New Origins auyerally Question-- hat r n ntly held a meeting to devise means
Iffeugh et the Itilasissippi Sliver. , e on prevent frauds committal In Germany and
Xweellemeaers, .lifssech 17.—fievernor Wells 1 he by spurious manufactre:4M
O neth :-
havin g persistently refused to give a cemp. portation of cigars
raimportation. ne of
eate to the newly sleeted Mayorand other city . the remedies proposed was the estublishment
oisk,,,m, ci,ineral cant. waa slim pypis c o sc, by of a newspaper, exclusively In favor of their
their Attorney. Gen- Cana" talk the allele! 1 Interests.
returns, and. promised the agent he would Is
iime an order, either tonight or Monday,
Louisiana paned* series of resOlutions in
viting the to-operation of the Senators and
R epresentatives of the varies. sections bor
dering on thsiMiteissippt and ita tributaries
with the Senators and Sepreeentatiree of idd•
WWII to, urge upon congress the importance
and necessity' Or adopting some practleal Plan
lo W d AllinClent. water at the =south of the X
a ppl„ fir. Wells was rTelltod Wenn
o=`,..:lll4octiMf!t% - wire tret t e e isi r.
tO COrretßond With the Chambers of Com
mew of memplits, Lossieyille, R. 14u15,-Pitto•
b i ziriVa Find St. Paul.
. ..
iiklrettolliieol74 the alloulders.
At.t.saur,le 17.—TIm. Rath:mei Coiven
lion Mature/rounders • adopted
she hillowlnx resolution's • •
'Resolved; That we will' proceed at mew to
C into Our shops Aka the apprentioes
or helpers we seem advisable, and- mat wq.
Wal norwilow Potr , Mir& in oar Mime,
Stud llset•are will, in every - Ivey. possible, free
our liss of el/ -dictation:or interference on
tbe put of mar employees. • ' - .
- Thu resolution was in iir the Pron.
dries In . Troy litre Y. ,ind Wised
muoirexotteruennalnen the' ye moulders;
Lasvbreßlzur the: Iroix • and-Stowe
' liouperss -4-214 0/d Aln ;tar- ivin;
.iga tr insY;f t er a ld iwu raftwo to '
j i 4 . 67 ,2, 4r..
-0, roaromplosoastemattitisahlth -mom
7 -.. ' - ..'". • ".- - - - • 1 ' 7..- t ' ''•
VO LUME . L.XXX - .-- . - -NO 65.--
The GreatFenian,Scare.
TAPS 0111h316101* ENGLAND.
The ificiteinent
C , ~1
Tho Fcrre.l4L
ICerement= of Ocean !Steamers,.
hoo r0an...707,4a., steamer Nova
thin ,_ Capt. II rho, salted at 9;9C1 this morn
ing _forsLaverpoof.
The steamship tit:Andrew, Capt. Scott, from
Glasgow, klatch Ist, via Lontiondery, arrived
here at 7 o'clock last evening..
ehe reporta that on the fah she., passed the
attemshiri Mot avian in latitude 63 deg. 40 min.
iongitude W deg. 16 mi. On the 14th,,passed
a stesthstap with a white flag, in /Unlade 43
deg. 46 mtn., longitude 56 dog.
The tit. Andrews will soli for Sow York
about Wednesday,
I -- -. 0-- ----
The Flee In Budado.
Borvauk. March 17,—A fire broke out this
'Morning in the frehtht depot of the Now York
Pcntra/ Rai, tamed by the watchman
Resetting a Ca nnf keniseno oil War the stove.
firs sprodrapidly and ci 3 ixuntmicated to
th Th e splendid levtor. belonging. tothe same
company, and both were tawny doirtroyed,:to.
gather with a large number ofloaded eats and.
freight, also four hundred. thousand bushels ,
tit - grain In the cdevator. The grain - wee In. '
fared,. but the loss ou the rest ,lti 'toted at
about one - million : dollars. Tho New.Yom.
Central do their °Wu Insuring.
. ,
calUbratalllinuok lifikrket; -
~.te. ./ silsozsco, March 17 . — Thiimiatas Mai*
4s-irltbOut d eclded'enaage:., Same.
W . `Betuttitoti , lcouldati4 Cuzzr4ok
um-44kt% r 'imolUer LIA)
6'lo- Bale otarapie
U 0551.4144 4 thf'.
CODITION or TI ?ifflol% MUM I
Daily Issue of Fractional Carnmay
elteck.; idtro.
New Yoe', Maich 17.,..The Ty,,,,es igiewal
sa esteys : Out of SW applicatiees, tbwprogiwit
yrday appointed ten West Pelotas lets in
. .
accordance with the law a nspostering thW Ex.
email% to appoint annually ten cadate Born
the country at large,
Gen. Spinner IT S. 2 `reeisnror, has prepared z
statement of t h e toruntion of the natiomil
illte. , tl. ea' H w e tt rie&w,Plir zrtat° c°121:11
thepurdie debt will bep...wtmandpriblamed
by General/31111111er ittaccordanen with sing
genital front the Beeretary of the , _,
The Deane says:testitatm7 of. '
E. E. Lee, Speakerßarbour, and other :amod
Virginians, Weaned the return of ..Eleastrtr
/toward before being *Brea to the public., ,
An agent of th6L-BassleartlevernMeal.nda
:been In Wi'nashington emdaring:th ay
iWianiblie lantiswit amini n iZiew to elm_ prove..
mentor tbe.tylirenli COW. - in . use. by WI ..
The publishibll report that I.lnictimuil6R
reny s h e the amount. of 11300: is .rastted . ,
by Treasury .limerit, t o in
.61, 41risto% ill:
tlOll/11 =Tenor.
The aerntirs WsahnigkeiiiraW.lll . aWysl r A
(CO days sine° a Young • Van nallled .111MtliOn
deellned to pay an neeessinent-nn his ealpri
for election ptlipOses in Neer Ilankreitlzo,. Jur
requested per cheater cif BiOn.r. H. aousori or
that State, and attain:4i *ere therefore,mae
to have him rentovixt. The President was in
formed of the rams, and exclaiming . chap
clerk was et a trunor althOngli Ail bonclrik,
also soldie, hat' strong testi a
nials as to personal character -and eletbD*l
abilities, directed the Paymaster Generally
retain lam and give him the earnest passitil
promotion for his independemee.
St. Patric/vs Del-21he Pesilaas. 4 ..
Boars's, Starch 17.—The numerous Irtsh
wetles ofthla city arc. on parade today,.: ,
honor of St. Patrick. The weather Is pulse. '
and the Drocesaion Is large andiraposing. ; ~
Pun.nzt.PlllA, Marsh 17.--There wile ii grand:
Fenian demonstratiOn here last ,eveulne
honor of General D. Mullen. older or the
tars. and naval affairs of the Fenian Brother .
New Your, March 17.—The precession °IMMO
Irish militia and /nth someties, Illas
very Imposing. It paraded th_ti pritZ
Erects and
wee, received at City MAR by .
Mayor and Coiamon Connell. Selman -
Was enlabrninel at fit. ratrink'a Cathedral is/ -
Archbishop MlX:leaky, and atattenne Oil irt ,
Patrick w eave:menaced by Moo Lynch, o f
Charleston, aouth Carolina.
Trresvure, Ps., Zdarob 17.—St. Patrick% deli
was celebrated in splendid . style in this plains: *
; The procession was theiargest ever ' , din •
here, and the numbers Were swelled by de '
r mittens from nal/Abating towns. Apo .
of the tire department. and a number ttf el •
societies also participated In the demon 1
Mem The Proceesion wile fifteen mint
Passing the office of the Morning Zferakt •
ronte to the Whelks Cathedral, where high mass was solemnised. A lecture was
in the Cathedral by Rev. Father delivered'
Ireland and the Irish. The celebration e bces. en
ntveludes to-nlght with a grand banquet, hi Cur.:.
itehlan d Half, to which the city • authorttlea arft
horror March /7.—Tbe celebratlon Or Ilk
Jgrri4 lP l42:l grig i ma a r i ae!V v r;
nurser milt ry. companies and the vasione
Irish htmovolent sesociationa and Haight& Of'
ISt. Patrick. The latter were innate, The
Fenian. did not turn one tria body. The Pa.
titans and Sons of Erin, with delegationefrom
the neighboring Macs, paraded throe the
Ifk r,l4 Ttli r t i ni g g i re s I):
i t
hi! 7 n gun ts everl:4!
The proceseion was large and tremens. ...
The collector has seized seVerM - barrels Of
whisky because of the counterfeit rotate.,
, menttrauda thereon.
• r•
' Ws/inmates, March 11 .—There has been rm
ti,,,,tedatoiday itt s benc; Of.
Drente to the occasion were nem in all are new
man Cathode churches. Tbo day has been:
I clear and cold.
PultanztenlA, March:/7.—The re bas no general donsonairation by the Peniatte. to:
• day. Great enthusiasm prevails. 4 0011.- Mt+
liettwas eercuadert at the ti lrartillonler. • .4,
, Way. Pam,. liut" March 17 - -qt, Patrialtri
y as o cel bre a V h ot Ta g i: i . , V: r iacunttreu
wade. speeches, strongly dem:rendez the.7Y0....
Wane, and warning the Irish people spume
Almwsears, Wes., Merck .17.-13 t. 45trieles.,
Day Ira n not endebrated born on encounter thd
state of Minns in Luling. - ..,.._
8.143 Faaantaco,Marehll.-4'Pat*C47
was otdebratortbYe. %CP
prooalaion and an oration. •
Mexican ALtrides—Atroelons Cr l amities
Tone, Starch It—Late lterlean corres
pondence states that the French troops re-oc
cupied Chilittahuiton this OM of December.
Two days previoms, Juarez who wm ntified
of their coming, made a reread loan o r to thonaand mo o i n g , on the population of that Ul3-
baPP7 is town, and accompanied by his cabinet
and h
road army of twanty-dve men he took the
MEI Paso, whereto arrived on the . ISth.
Brulf! twenty _days that Chihuahua was oo
s.ntWolecal:rat the mluhl::tiorillilthe rad"term,
Paid over fifteen thousand doll a
althoush the road from t 3 afacamequi to Tela
are nuarded by fon rteen tum4red Menai dims
not Insure the security of person, or.propertY.
The man -at crimes are '
committed: In a few lemmas on the Banta
Barbara road a
bodies hung traveler (*tutted fourteen-
to tree%
illee4r° :eitreteir,....o.-tri.' 4ra=tA
family, Inaludinga child notfactr Themf age;
Lyet tho o culprits are still at large. Isnot
a r tigi village inhabir now oh tlgottuta
dyed by fire. Chats was Mimed re the hurt
boom, because three hundred of the dissideMa
could rot sub duathhlrsevan French soldier&
fouNo person is Benue t ere,
redo great many
r ving, and yet there ae not wore
hundred or five hundred dissidents in
that vicutitY.
. .
Interesting train Weettisnrsont:
Wasinworow, March lA — Major A. If. An.
drews, United States Army, has beenassigued
to the command of the military , dbrtrlet of
Ouachita, department of Arldthsas.
Lieut. Gen. Grant has Instructed the com
manders ot military departments to redeem
' the number
thT of volunteeaeir respechve commandsr orgnizations in. - • _
here are now one thousand ale hundred
and forty-three national banks. with &circu
lation amounting to $2131,...,
ca v ital of stlofar and a total
1 , ?he third, flit . , sixth, tenth,-thirteenth,
eighteenth and aecond regular cavalry. meats have
have been sussigned - to duty. In the di:.
partment of Idissonri. The Wilitary. districts
in the department of klissouri. Gispt, the die
that of NOW MeX/CO, LIM:1106n wsoontinued.
The Department G ear:elm:taster: of theDe
thpanatela at Washinyt. on la rapidly reducing
eumber of We t th. messengers and tam.
,rs. The total ninnbw. of emPieVesa under
quartermaster General Rucker et *one time
1 during tho war, emanated to nearly twenty
thousand persons' now the number la less
then thirteen hundred. The highest number
of hones foraged In Min de partment - is Bel'
onty-flve thousand; ft le now In.. - hie dye
Rev. It. W. Sloan , of hew Toth, preached In
the hall of the Douse' f P.epresentatives this
morning. A large number of Congressmen
•were present
Decision Ooneernis=svenne Tastes on
Marinas ins. • •
I • ICsw Ranh - 17.:—Tho - Satires:le Court
of the United States recently decided. In the
eerie of the internal Ravenna against°, Savings
Bank In t hin cit y . that savings titagnits are
equally liable with ordinary bank deposits to
the tax of 0110 halt per cent. per annum. The
banks affected are, betrayer, reluctant toper
the taxes, and have made representations to
members of Congress wi lane. 'law of obtain
ing Co amendment of th which will ex
empt savings ltuttitntions frolit its operations.
Orders have been issued, for the disoontinti,
aura of the Military Dep artment °trait Ten.
o t f e m the e ! o
r a t n s d com nthie d Clis n mantllng of &
ington. sesorwah-
4 11‘ahatai end liee
Wasszeoron, March 1.7. eetes
A eorreg ese nn enee o tion.
Is published - to-day between Hen.' ,
bun, U. S. Senator elect from North Carolina,
and Mr. Fessenaen, of the Reeronstramion
Committee, In Which Mr. Graham oaks, la be
half of the North Caroline delegation -the
privilege of appearing before the eotonitttee
and erote.ex.eaming wltnisma from . that
—lTlV:Fesseaden replies that it Is not custom
ary to allow each cross examinations before
committees ■ to report an • suldects
not involving indirldnals thIS Mr.
ham replies that his solo purpose In
the request was to guard against, frpoirollg
deuce from m4:flown or Irrespansiole wgreeer f" .
Head Ventre gteldrairrTesselked.
New Toast, March 17.—DubiluPaPerses7Ve
police have reliable Information as to the
whereaboate of Stephens. Two of the montn
onsuodY Ara said to have become Informers,
and,we are assured pat the Head Centro has
been tracked from mace to place, and that his
escape has been reduced almoettO adimposst•
Kitty. That he is In Ireland the cannot be
the slightest ddnbt, and that he Is, Or unlit
very lately woes, in the Imighabrhood of the
tal Is generally belleVed.
large Fenian Contstentstena—dlistl4eall•
malt &airs. , •
Rim Toss, Mania 17 .-4mong the -
tlions received at COhlahozlrs 'Xresanry,yes_tee•
oClay, as one of ip {rein the circles.= lft4l-
tonnwa. •- - “ ..' •
- i1...,_..111Y-Ayesisliii g_ldlos .'were YeinclrosTlio•
illrw - P4 at tea len'a FDA= szlnorles In thls ,
an 4 -4enionstratie Ant4eniall
meeting ants haltilsat evening, at Clinton iinii/
In Ms ally. --
AshellEaetaigattohterch...,,il4ll/17.-11.43i " a lbedir thea%jet eree nide .
Till eelnell - hz, 1.5. blink " " 444,3 /lie.
JAW the 'vault , but
the sae. Thee
,utaaire7Trai u ..7. l ?„,, oo tqat„„ptii_Sp_est an Bit.
Tff e y rziaar
airaYin -00-424111,
a Tel ma a /1100 it Of.
Our Securities in Europe.
Now Yens,
Mirth 17.—A letter received at I Electiou Return..
the Treasury Department, to-day, from Frank, The following addittonal election returns
fort, states that when the news New them i h ay. been received ,
The Itegrltesn4n"tlueSTLetl;a4":arrim7aL In tha
that gold hoitfallen to 137 In New York, Um- i
tat S Mtearise-Twentles went up to 74, and it 1
IsprOtiable, they„will -meant' St as soon as it is , ..,_
known_ sothat lifbas gone down to 115. The I " ustr iet•
at oms , Currency Uttered, the are well received ht the Germa letter , -
n max ,
kets, now that gold Is declining.
American and Mirth& i ven'al ado.
Naar Yeti, Nara lA—Piles by the Africa
give an Intereating.debate in theEngitsh Par
/lament on the Navy, - In which ISle Merton
Pato and others caned attention to the excel
lence of mirth:ape-lad for coast defenife. Capt.
Horton delivered a lee tore on the 'same. sub--
icet, whereby it would be seen that most of ,
the English tron.ciads are a:comparative j
failure. .
I Conswidation.
Aramsor.are 27—,1018titge Lines,Epresa
and Despatch Companies operating wen of
the Missouri river. have% been eonsolidatO,
under tho.namo-or. nos. Oberland Mail
and Express Company, and redpee4 au! - tare
25 per cent. trdru April
lise Mayor lEroffmott mid Mae rental's.
, Itrw Your, March 1 8.—Mayor Hoffman arcwc
. from a bed of aleknega to review tho column
,Of:,-„lfordane yesterday, and remained at Ida
post in trout of the Ilan only half an hour,
r.When the =misty° fatigue compelled- him - to
. .
Charterinaction in Titusille.
Tivesvitts; Pa., March 17.—Thefinst election
-muter ouretWelisitet. pruned otryeeterday
the most 1n
-hetet/sad orderly manor. J. "at.
..align:a. was elected Mayor, together with the
Whole Peoples' ticket.
, ,0 01 . - - ,Destestelhe Fire.
MinasAnita, Minn., March 17.—A. ate Unto
In• last night destroyed twenty bundi#l3l,` fitntE
grinlit to Mild Stradts. -Los
: czTiAnD,4lllll:ThpAli,
.2111: PITTSIllaim 0 AZEMC 2613222.
-‘ "-1 , ,..--...,„
e• R. Bt. Au.ex. Barre/wale, Pa.
Mk. Rirxr. Parma. Railroad. •
;Ma. itnicr, Piwgb. Coliunboarl Cincinnati R. R.
I. etteeeipv,r_ses, a trubetifilia,bldo. , 4 --
' F. P, ST.Ketver,W.ellakurgh, %eat-• Va.
Tan: Rittiso;lolLetty. Ps.
- •
JuitriAalmpiatir. otict. Pa:
Imams itiptio„ Welliellik,"01110. '
tillonnirCtaort, Illatirtila falrr3; Ps.
W. Birfins. Allegheai Valk,' Daltreati.
W. Wksti, ktorankihnlillettae, I.llol,arke.
• B. gl ummer, Waablogion. N.
L.114g Teritteakr, Salem, Ohio.
r. C. ArraN, Columbiana; Ohio.
' D. G. ilkarta, Alliawee,•Ohlor t : -
H. LIEThla, Bauer, Pa. .
B. J. Ptzacz, Mercer, Pa. .
JOaw Amine, tireeriburg,i/ta=,.-
10t .:.
I ' P6o7 hrrik. Bair Paleatluii:likhet4 ...-
J. /Moor, Frevitert, Pc. :-..,Z.;...":::'''
Jan. Tel:fait/la. * Begin' , /,' eft/ :''. 4
YR. IL Ata.ww. Sharon, Pa.'
U. 311PILLIama, awlaavale, PL,.
..Bilowana & 81 MONT0a, BrorailllP. Pa.
.1, it. Zwari sairEeelpert, p . p .
C. LOOMS, P. F. ir.,49141,8r0att.
C. LiroXIS, Cleveland .fiVittaburen Railroad.
Ttioaj.uvsnendas, Latrobe; Po.
J. Frtgiwarn, Altoona, Pa.
Twos. Tarr; Johnstown. Pa.
B. 81111511 T, BbMirjHbarg, Pa.
M. A. Terwitssaw, New B right..., Pr.
IV. Bain, Courielhelne, Pa,
I/0111". SIIIMAN, Words Rua, pa.
CHAN. 81:rirmt. Blalrarlile. Pa.
.I,lo.4Fitalregat, Irwirriltatioa, Pa.
A 1,,,,. &kiwi Rage. Tarentuni, Pa.
8. Ws-row. Sewickley, Pa.
Saki:maw PM California. Pa.
P. rturcrirsoir. Mttanning, Pa.
W.::ll.llttinax, Mansfield, Pa
I/EMIT 11-11. i., Indlama, Pa.
A. W. rocno, Port Perry. Pa.
J. C. orx4cuu)...Vernerfitatlon, Pa.
_ A. /I, C.leirryoßO, Darilizelan, Pa.
Capt. Joißy !UT. Mrs - dile. Pa.
..7 D. W. 100:ilt, Lrigier Station, Pa.
B. W. 2.4115111M.L. l i Mmgeralaste7,. Pik. U. R.
3:60. Ertwotrwr I,,wr eacerille,"Da: - .
Hi hilg.tata,Jtag. Alan. rgiallarlhe Art:mm.l,
J.N - o. T. kilzkage, T erregestitallon, N.
J.:2. EITICSirIi, Jaddhcs . Creek, Pa.
J. M. ager 4 ionkiml• Pa.
a. nAmaccr., halm Tangy, pa. ,
B. InTeitsza., India Xah, r.....
The Ste--
Flitton;lttied Ittetiet.
lOn Bunday:mOridneabiittittir &cloak, fire ,
was diattovergl'irVtiteCilutaieiyiard-wia, es
tahl teirdent of sre4tarti..bwiiizieii'a crartflia,
I . located oath e Weetillai oloa:iiiilisetbethieeir
1 Stith and Virg alliii:' - The dances continad
to make progress for some time, but atter tiny.
1 firemen got faliditO Work, the lire soon began
~ to ditainfah. •T tin ' tirning Was very cold--the ,
IWeter congealing` on the walls and roofa or the 1
iorma.7end the firemen labored under
disadimitagt;. The loss, however, was QOM: i
partitively light, and leas follows : •
, Obrimusen Crawford, Nos, /OS' MULL% have
, not yet estimated their less on
crock, b
is ate supposed' to be Daly covered by immune%
t holding policies to the amount of ge,ooll. The .
buitaingit are of brick', three storleohigh_ bee
obi - fashioned and not of mach v,allie. Thor
' were insured for t 2,000, but theloss will ex
teed th is gem cons derably flin t ' entire up
per storyond the rear ol and second
stories were destroyed. ears is supposed'
• to have caught from a cluircoal furnace m the
, third story.
nr. J. Barndollar, tin and sheet: Iron work
er, occupied No. 14 the roof and upper story
of which were destroyed In part, an d the stock 1
considerably-thin/egad by fire and water. Loss i
not ascertained.
Mtwara. tr. D. h D. RincharOtobto menu
tacturers, Nos. Mond DI, were 'damaged b
' to
y ,
water orrtheir stock, to the of e amount about i
grain Mee er.,srs.
N 0.159, Dawes .t Ilanalln,, Painters and
were 'on stk
! andMtilshed work to the damag a ed mount th of etr also aoo ut
$1,300. Their roof wattharththrburnt.
The drinking saloon ot Mr. Buehler,
l was slightly damaged No MI,
, but beyond what we
bare noted no damage was sustained.
The firemen worked with their usual energy :
' and skill, end the owners of the property In
the block are largely indebted to them.
A Foundling%
On Tbaralay night last: about nine o'clock,
a basket was found on - the slope in front of the
residence of Mr. James McCabe, on Was street,
it was taken inside, and found to contain a
little babe, alive and kicking.. The little waif
baud been laid on an old 'Mow, and was cow
, ered with n newspaper, over width a shawl
had been placed. The newspaper was no doubt
~. „ —,..._,,...„„,,,,___a_
ended to keep the child warm, as Menora
hs Nisomeaaa.... - Wear and the Late itettlition. , 12 g t
to D . Mil prevents the heat enerated
in the year /EA s rho government of the . ,by the body Ir on, espeplng. throughgthe Other
r.,,,„,3 tH,40,410 . , 'wilt .itneal anon to take comring. Inithe
ali t lies a n o te. the words
th ,.. ittlinuttaataftkogin.jApt44,4lf,4loA - 10%.14x...=0....±,r, "ottictitrallt2V lo 9A l l - ,t.tko )
rto vindieate Vs honor and enrolee Its 1 ..Capaihls ob i
d 0
for the
itis a t, l' of ga r or get
Mat rights. When President Pots announced . sorn gad pinion to take tit for / ant destine of
up..ia,a h.,
~,,y i mons to keels Itt gut itt Baptise for lit is not
.tp the nation that a war with
: , ,..,t_boo , iii
ina.g... ted;
of , fLoaclluy,tiad red.ciLvil reward you for I am
thn/ade of brvehearts offered thiir servi- i
Fraseray morning the babe was taken to a
and christened
~14:,Iftotteh name
Lo to the government, nAd the President
found et. grektest difticul In selecting from
~ Or ilia
'a,,,ett,LPat, .7,,',.: a sr e f .f:mi
gm Of the nomber the /Muted force deemed • having tints kindly attended a to the equest of '
n.mary to vindicate our honor and enforce to o tooth , j o regood torte a w r i tia l ooking
our rights. To Pennsylvania, was. assigned bnt not wishing to
burthened wallith looking
two,Veonentasnilthe angel Pittsburgh, ever after its temporal wants, conveyed It to the
foremost when the county Is in denger,—was otne e Board of Guardians of the roor.
the trat to announce that elm had two
11l and gave l it into the keeping of Mr George
companies ready to be muttered into the ear- , - ga r t,„, sa h a h ad i t eo nvesod to. the City
"lee, viz: the “Dttquesue Greys. and the ! pane, and placed In proper keeping. .
.Jaeltattn independent Blues,. the former
raised by Captain John Herron, san:tithe late',
Lamented Rev. Dr.fierrtut, D. D. - and the itit. •
ter by Captain .dierander Day. !In those two
oom es Were to be found Wen from all the
of lifee-the eloquent and suecessfril ad
vocate—theeorrect business man—thekilled
inechanio—the sturdy farmer—the correct
actrountant, and the beardless boy; all of venom
.-bad thrown ade their busineo. and boom
co ndone a t
eth Sole Purpose feturing the
flagitof ttusirimuntry to the • of the Mon
tezumase and keeping it tbereut4ll.l au inso.
' lent anti imserapulone need t Janice to
our Government. We n not
to say
now bdw ttra_keiy they'llafilledthe task set be
fore them. 'That Is now scuistter of history.
wars arthat the etrierience gained In th was tif vast draportanee to the Union at
a eet patentis to all. Bemeely a single officer—
regular or volunteer—who rose to eminence
during the late struggle, but had served la
that war. Men ad . who during two years service
in - Mexico. h served hi the ranks, scarce
reaching the position ot second. joiner Limb
Lenient, turned their =patience to to
count that they rose from the ranks to be Col
onels. Brigadier Generals and even Major Gen
erals. We need not take up space in naming
. &Hitt° contributed to qlling the rebellion
and gaining promotion , in the Dnionarmy.
ISuffice It to mention the names of James il.
1%,..,/745.eir.Ffitp7kSanje? atiln"Plfga, Samuel
S. a Vor,::
by..... Wallace, .letkon McGinn:4Al= Gutt
er, and others whose names dO not occur to
us, who filled with credit to themselves and
honor to, their country, au positions from
Captain, op to.Plajor %morals, and should' a
a war with Any foreign nation bo in store for
tut what a host of brave and experienced °M
eets anti - privates would roan to the rescue,
and by' the =Vulvae° gained • in - the - four
years okrebellion aid. in marshaling our ar
mieStoretOry. Suet are some.of the rises of
. .
. .
For the'rittaburgh Gazette. '
Whet avowal.. anti 'Wool Atenuillsetnrers.
, , .
,llostAirowtri Atagaitmer Co., PA., /
. •.. ' blarchl7 PAC. {
If we have a correct - understanding , of Ate
unit-tr; the petition to the Congresiof Me,
Milted Skittle,. as imbllehal in. Yalu' . keno of
the IZtb, preying for en inerease of, tarliT cm
wool to in conformity with an 'zitreallent be.
tivert-theiWational Committee of Wool Grow
er's azi_ll- . Wool Elanufactairem If. thin be - so
how rellsoicta is It to user any other petitio n.
if we use others, have not the Wool rabillifao. ,
t Taut ure4lstallerrtittigathriltfig' la
*r .
gn ban in hand 111 the matter of protection.
i f th°;4,l ingari z im i gituthiTtir e trY b :
hspirit and words, we will 'then present such a
ea d front o that but few if any Represents-
tire igress will .reihiseeto gram- us :"ottr
just rights, and them enable us to help to hay
our National debt, and help to make our can
meg °chatty in part. at least independent, of!
other countries tor our -mothing, and,' la the
event of war place the. United Mates• in the
position of not having to surrender ,
want of wool or Woo/ens. It, is self evi d ent
thatif we had not received wool and woolens
from.other countries during_thotwodiut years
of ' our_ late
been um Onion army
would lave : been defeated for the want of
'wallet/Army-clothing. In time of_peace is
the nroper AIM° topreparefor.war. wen years
proper protection on - wootwill• ins our in
dopendemee for woolens in any m o rn
gecy.Gtztex ehtenornzn.
Graves of Auwigh ----- , y I'-------tCo Soleil
at Fred ericksburg...4dr. G. C. Caruthers, of
Allegheny ei tYerucellGY dlecov a ereci n r the vas
of the follennag 214131e12 soldiers_,- bur, ed in
the vicinity of Fredericksbrg: William Cald
. well, c0..4, lod .11e_ gt.t .J. C_lllender, 'R .. , 1.%d;
g.„-Fergeson.. E.:l'qel,; .... - -Illit_kuitrti ,:/ 1 „,,
_islet F.
rigidwort tr,elllll i .. IA zdwarci s il, 4 Amu; Bam
u rrli'. E:, MCI i D. D. Carpenter
ly - John .s., n' wart. 1), /54E43 ,Thoulal
Rees, PL 35314 ; John '
Cope. Ir, /lldh ; Will.
Vain 711 Betzoil, t's 311t h; 4, Iv: Stringiellow,
U ilidthi MOZTOW uendenon, A, eZel. Any per.
son lashing further information in regard to
the graves of the above named saldiere can
call upon or address ltr. Carothers.
. .
• •
tonweilosa—ln our notice of the deaLliWf
. gig Hies H
amamond, , of. Allegheny, it , was stated
bed Inert so Informedl , Hutt she had
g - ; but ttub" Vi:el °n'..,geeliriellitrt
been to sehpel for. el g ht daysprextolls th her
almegila.. She' had been-lin delhAte health for
some thne,And- her death, 'although sudden,
Wien .. t allugether unexpected t 7 her friends.
, - -•
Tin' wampum," Conn.—The ft 'leen b i niift _
tclinen trtuisseted Or,
4u4EO age senianaiiti „ patrih.
lim of
ate larceny-of :a Docket
money from alierinan in
the Stith ward, to ono rearin the penitent/AM
. The defendant has been In this ecruntry a
fe ',eke,. end' eannot vinik ot Elintnv:-
teal Vaptuee __ht.:, n Dr. Gettemer the' celebrated spe
"Parlor .
alley SoVekaar the treatment.
or eaten* nilyr• Monongahela. Home,
Arst444--.4lts . I:Two:uni t
lorthe ems ereatatth irry the had at - -etteee l ,
1 q 1101111,1 !'f l .4 0 k. 44 P.: •
. _
Burgess. Rutuswin.
Junte--A, L. Jones
Omni.ll---D. arnahaU.
: I ° . Ire grbbeVi
i1.07:e.V 1 Wet . ... .....'
SCA't Dirli. Ballaattne mi W. M. 8 151 max 1 / 6
J. Itelmula.. J. licßeia - a "
1. 111cDowell ma P. Kennel- 1-1".
Arte•tror,,T, :teeth:Ware 118 J
2 uelnelor—J
Critchlow in J. ikfaxtin. .• • •,. 98
• ow' - • D arnarri... 78'
P 81 2 , 1r.2.2 TO w2r2rim.
imige—.T.' kfcNibben.. SO No Oppositi
impeder—Vag.- Reales 22 Wm. Wylec en 6
C. I).•Eddy. Littl e •-' ''' 1, -
Sch. Dir—* Thos:Reilleir' 651 T. D. PalnM7 31
, s ltrin.Wl.l4s6r:! . 62
4,..,,,,m•...e1trm, Wiley. 62 A. Whittaker. 34
Autiiicr--*J. D • Scully, 61 Dill A. Smith.. 18
,e,,,,,,r,..-A. Iret.:Utlin :•78 C.D. Eddy-- 21
eJno. lactiwain la
Clerk—•JohnEl.inilm. St
Corist.-LoT. J. Ara:lrene :ffe... - •
Th I. ts ccutsweivid a eit; tnumplt by the
staunch 'Republicans: of'the :bOrotigh, SAP the
unterrifled were o tit'lliltill:'force, with the
support of:quite a atiniberet the weak-kneed
positions gained by the intluenee of the Rs- party,
31101.1711riTOWN8LIIP. . •
The tel citizens' ticket was elected in
this township ...
J Mho of Election—H. S. Fleming. „. Inspeo.
Fetors f Election—James McAllister, B. B.
n m dfto obel m.-. 1 n='. i r reart ' t .2
4° IlaVot
Allister, 3 s'cars. Supervisor—Chas. 11." Har
tman. Alianasor—n. H. KOrr. BOhool Direttors
, -,Win. F. Riclirdson,'Wnt.Gloe.k. Cterok
~Cyrtts Hutchinson. Constable—JOsoph .Clul
lins. Justice of the Peaco—it I.l..Karr,
PITT Towsrazip. ~.
' •Thollepublican
distrfct, aittollows ticket was elected in this
• .
; ... Auditor—Wm. tianison. Judge Of Election
. €.lsase Jones. ' T reastirer—Jsmee M. Hunter.
ASsOsSor—Mattb ow . Andersbn.. - Supervisor--
Joseph Crawford. Inspectors—Wm. Barrhson,
Thomas .11; Young, ' 'Rettitit,lnspecton-,Jobn,
Aldenion,'D. , P., Eettop. -School. nireators--W..
M. Gozinly, James Cassiday. '. Township Clerk
.-,l3,..y...gett3p..,Conetable.—.Ciaorge straton., :T
1 Tnwarak—Mr. and Miss Couldoek having
closed an eminently successful engagement
1 on Friday night, a now star Comes on tho.
boards this week. Emma Waller has been en:.
ff CT It ' !r :ICl:tn.:4 liitf C z rg l l„ l nhi h are 77_,y e l l a °.
brinedy dionnering. TonkorrOw zughtsbe .....
appear as lago, in Skskspeares tragedy' of
Omuta Ileass.—Hel en Western la still the
reigning star at the Opera House, and tonight
commences her aunt week. The pieces Saco.
ted for the occasion are the French Spy, the
Female Forty Thieves, and Devilab good Joke-
The operatic travesty of Po-ca.hon-tas to in
rehearsal, and will shortly be proinced.
idasonzo HALL.—The wonderhil Sphynz Is
still drawing crowds at Ititusonto .11.1/1, and will
continue during the week. Prior to"the'ap
peatance of the Snbynx, liens. Fabian aston.
hes and amuses the audience With a nmnber
of his wonderful tricks. after. the. Spbynx:
comes the d ruwlng„whieli. is amusing not ottlY
to the fortunate holder; of numbers, but to
the spectators. :One hundred.and phut
are drawn each night, the prizes being °revery
conceivable variety. , . . . -
.. . .
Moen Ado-About-llotbitag.—atayor Ma
Cartby had before him on liaturdava number
of eroas.enits, growing oat of l a family ammo.
ty, lll AU parties entering Into A
compromise: Jo hanna. tobonhalmer and Phil
!mons Backman were charlonl with. assault
1 and battery on oath 'of :.adani Robenhlmer,
the husband, of Johanna. Adam was in torn
chargedwith, assaulaand 'battery and surety
of thepeaoe on oath"or Johatma. After an ln
toresting pow-wow tho'easeroanaettled: Peter
Beekman, husband of Phibtpantti . was charged
with abandonment, and - attar being- hold to
ball the salt was Withdrawn and the' ease set
tled. th e
parties reside in Loner St.. Clair
Continues Eie aii4Earlotaemiseie.—Dr:' Gardner still
to treat those afflicted with tits.,
cases of the: ev,e and ear, at his. rooms in the
Monongahela Mouse, where he will remain mu
tit the wth inst. .The Doctor is also ver7, atm.
ecssnii in the treatment of catarrh. hy inhata.,
tion, and thostmho are afflicted With is dis
ease should- call' awl' tobsialt him. fie. ope
rates for catareat and cross-ye, mut
artificial . eyes:\ without pain. - all andAet
cronle_discases of the ear are treated ha The
most sloaliftal mother, Office hours. from nine
in the nunningantil six In the evening. lie i
win be found in Parlor If; first floor
. ~
To..tritee.—On Saturday moms,-,yotuta
?dr:Bulger. arrived iron:111e cast,-lrim er or
had been to_purehase tee cane seat Clutha for
City Hall. - , He made hm- yi_urchases in Boston
Hand did not leave Now York .till.,they wen;
y de on the ears for this place.' so that they
be "expected here 10414: There are
eighty seven and a half.dozenorone thousand
and any of them altogether, The remainder'
of the Hal/ wilt be aired with settee_ ,a which
are now on hand. By Wedzeuiday the . Ball will
be in complete order.
Eighth WagliehootEsittertithnein.—
Tbopuplii of tbe Eighth Ward Sebool No. 2,
I will give an entertaitutumt.tcomorrow night
at Lafayette Ball: The performance Wall con.
stet of /wheel readings, Impromptu oratlon..
sleging;tableattx,min otherinterestlng mat
ter. The singing will be under tbe direction
or Professor Black, And the nnumpespent of
the tableaux will' be OonttuetedbP- Rev . ..E. M.
Strlekliand. The whole entertainment will be
principal et the schoo
under the supervision l flf ofr. M. J. Prondroot. I
. .
r' atoll:allow—Mr. George Fortune, Heal th
a c rt e l r 'entitl tr. twitift4 aWd b rt i° t l tit t . :4°,
oFourth street , -above Owen. on TueNlazr er
rateeek, at 'two o'clock in the a ft ernoon,
e of vueeinatlu' the poor oftke.
lty 2 P kis ur ra very wleeamraroperaaultm
meneare, and If the partles. in -tereited• .
only attend te.the matter much loaftekinie ;
ele .ea knase may be avoided and reatlY valuable
1 neword tor a Deoerter Thomonoss
Irilllamit, United. States "Ile
areas a rral. arra far tail Tlrir l y Is; ot-ROtM.
Vont, a , (mortar rara Abe
.76th.. *cu r
Santry. Ro liaa-b 0
~.r/iliill thla ettriaira.
, blower by tratle; eageted- AV,Ha,rdsburr, last
opoomber; tlelOrtOel ot litoblltt a-. tear -Ittle!cir,
go, aOtrIA al4Ppoleitta' b,0_431 - this , oft • i•' .. • I
_ . ,
A., Neon ThJer.--Sointir, on War.
day, Hone a an% of clothes :2'natry a tower In
the Western PeanavlvalqaltOndfld (So/ Men'
Homi_bßthO bilatbrWr; mid "eafoaefLwitb
met -dafoczadr T a *Mt '.oaaststed of a
Oaf fl tgloPi, otrat and, blouse. Any can who
wally'. folfardhub/671 soldtar lirateeux'anough
. .
.. .
. . -. .
by rlak angle 4 ,,r e N ti l w rAY . 111 9nr , g• a .little girl
.bla /II Um /Ma W e arri n ell. w ft c 4 e al a r of .11 " ; at
I:rat eri'allich bar er naa pliral au ta
g _oonallatt had lett are few znotneata, Maul 8 '
.the'n a rced A. phyaloa Waliti4e4.ftiliald
, .
zeuezerDixiticalt ;. Liar ;Atte
Insane con as s r4<ennt 11o.p 4i4 ital
thlog Lai!.
• - '.• • < •
Another Outrage 0111 the Street Cara
= Two men named Fred Goldman and William
Earlea, took passage In . this city on Friday
eight /art, on one of the Manchester strut
cars. On the route, they acted In a vary un
becoming manner, and being expostulated
With by the driver, Mr. Wm. Hartley, the first s
named defendant struck him with his fist and
delivered him a blow with a slung-shot upon
the hand. Warrants were placed !litho hands
of <mem
Elkin and Scott - and the parties
were arrested in Mancheratr, here - they re
side. Goldman was held to ball for Ids appear
anceat- Omit% Upon a charge of assault and
battery. and Rules wnallned Bye dollars and
colds fordiaorderiveondnet.
coarftty a week passes that tne
,T,)ztfatil'=n44:en;egli'llt" rcTt rowdyismNalltrs
rather handto compel offlcera l to 'pay ear fare,
when attending - to the interests of the Corn
rotecting. passaams mom insult
o mittry.
J 0 n 7=12.
lrt j 4
T,. , 86
i LZTO I n I Z: 1126
Elation for a•Prellastraary Lly In the District Court, on Saturday morning,
a motion for a prellndnarY - in i u eetd, eu Was
he ard hY Judges Jialtilltan B.nd Williams, sit
ting in omits% -The complainant, Mr. Peter
Dud; sots forth in his petnion rou
nd is the
owner and occupier of a lot of ground in 'PM
township, and thatlicans.Charlesand George
1 Jerey, butchers, have purchas , e i ti a lot lul
c4ngtnA,..4phottti r *Vt t4te4 irbirtiag rcpt a
:that the ranee matter and Ora frOth the WWI
_premises will create such noisome effluvia ea
- wilt render Ws residence Unhealthy and un
comfortable, and Drays far an injunctio n --to
restrain the parties' Inn, . PrOatedtttg With
the erection of said slaughterhouse. Amu:o
ber of witnesses were examined. as to the in- -
Jury which would litrlv resell It the
slaughter house, after ,:h lab the coon took
the matter. underadvisernent. afeasrslianip..
ton and Moreland appeared for tha.complain-,
ant, and F. EL Collier, Red., for the respond-4
. _
The Case of Jacob Wehrle.
It will be x emembered that a- young man
noosed Wehr/e, was reeently.tried for assault
aid battery, aconitted by 'reason of Insanity.
* and ordered to be placed In thelnaane hospi
. .. . .
taL . The father of the boy la n- dalrytuart. re
Buisan adjoining township,and theiones
:Lion ot liability to maintain the bey at the
'hospital, was brought before-Judge Stowe, of
the Contmon,Sj*4r flotttnty.t. ow as ex
andnel by the andatated. that .he had
property worth abaci-V*lNa, bur that, being'
crippled in one handibe Was enableto (Want
thing- more than earn a, ilving_ for his own
r mhy.;andtthitt of it:Widowed daughter., who,
with two children. bad been east upon hies for
suppert.tThe question WILS Whether, under the
law. ho should be conspelled,lo parr th
portion °rids property In Order to pay for the
support of his son; -or whether. toe .expenso
should be:pad out of the public:, treastrry. The
point seemed to be linyolyed t in-some toe'
certatntyjand the Case was not definitely dia.
posed Of.
.• S .' • .-, ,• . •
Arrest of atealytiarettiVmale.Plekpoor
et.--While the _wife lof 31. r. Samuel Young, of
•Alfeithene, warnidW. ng pare - baser in market.
ea Saturday night, a purse; 'contaitning some
fife - Clefiato to Mau% .wa s dexterously ab
stftleted from her. Pocket. So sPiehal' b y
itself to a young married woman . by the
name of Mien Phoenix, recently from New
York, who was .., la close Proxklat.Y to Mrs.
Young, When .tho money was takory and .whe
had,been otsterred aettughs'a ansplelotts man
ner. .21,.trariant' wcabgaced ht . t.1.62 haida of
officer fleas, who arr Tito muMoeted party.
and coluldetetl her fore the he ac
cused denied her guilt: add father than have
any trouble about "it, ororwwed to hand over
the amotud. loot, Illaidanor, the Mayor, would
not permit thin tO bo done, and she was hell
to answer the charge:at etart.
John EL Hongh.—The Fenng ?down r
, caatUe Library Aasociatlon are fortunate M a
securing the /services of the celebrated teeth
„John B. Gough, and , ho will appear on
IYed nesday, - Thriradar and Friday nights of
[diffthis week. at City Hail. Heretofore. the great
iculty has been tO Procure a Uon of seal
.tdent magnitude tuirald the crowds who eager
•lyrueh to hear Air. Gough. but we' think that
the diniculty has been obylated bythoproenr-
Mg of the spareons Hall ravaged. Ma sub.
„Vet for Wednesday will be Franaliar FeoPlet
Thureday. Temperance.ll to vain which]
Mils 'eminently qualbled to 4:mak, and on Fri
day his subject will be Habit. • Scats can he
Procured at City Mtn Cut the day of each lec
. --
I Female. Coliege.—This popular institution
' of learning will open Its regular sesaion on
ance are verv,natPterlng, Bevr..l.4..Peralfing,
the Indefatigable'President. has labored hard,
and tolled Incessantly to bring the glttistrargli
Female Coile gato.-Ita Vivian 110nutatting COll.
elitlon, and - now it ocenpiesaponttlon. seeonn
to no other institution ofa drellar band in tbe. I
linkm„,44W.tsamlam plabataissiaSndta ng]
to thoio*LlO have Mame °fits intermit.
A Prominent-Hetet Closeot—on Satur
day afternoon, after his guest, bad partaken
of -their dinner, err. Rini, the Proprietor,
closed the St. Charles Hot el, and this week the
furniture will be sold at ' private sale and at
ti:3g-R-. ialLe=nnetfrca&:felf: f g ' u r r it d Al
,43;11uir:114,}inesot.g;r1.1°g at=
rendered himself' very Popular an a landlord,
and-we hope soon to see him again at the head
eithcr of the St.
.Charles or a similar estab
tllert..lm.:,3attullay nat
was drawn by Willle Glenn who lives at fh,'
Morgan street. Allegheny. Master Glenn, who
is not more than twelve years 'angel ' made a
Judicious Investment otnis quarter and has
a handsome presentto give to hitt parents.
2 hallttle fellow was "somewhat takenrittutek
it so stupendous a - present, and scarcely knew
what to d_o, until Str. Somerbytedd /um to send
tor ft on-lionday morning.
unknown num, with
twenty.dv dollars in his pockets, became
beastly drunk yeaterdaY rilternoorl, and hud
non _East Common,. Allegheny. Re was
oouned to the tombs oh a wheelbarrow, by
Orneent NIXon and Bess, where - he will beper
toltted -to
was a night, Mitt he nominal
wherebe was much longer, -he Wolild, In all
Probability. have frozen to death.
• Temieirimnie Leceure:•—es hope our mod
beat ha mbi,d that, the our
Leagne•Mbourned on Monday evening Met, to
meet ao-afght at WlLtina Liquor
willegala ben p for d iacomani-.' To- moo..
row night them will be a tonimerauce meeting
in the lecture roma of- tho rim Progriterbo
Chnrch,_to ,wnich the are cormany in
wited; tanne uttormadng addreasea.may beer
8 .1
' 'lsaac Melt .
er otraly... . meant .
fo rtnerlY a ember'. of the Ninth Pei:moire
nia Reserves Is yig daogeromdc ill at the
residence Of hlstather, id Robinscnitownship.
The Sergeant's wound had healed ten, and he
enjoyed excellenthealth' until' a short time
a lneoLothen'it broke out arresh. and It savered
that the efforts of tnanhysltlans tolns.
lire' nou'proveinnag.
Twaeenr.l3(eiry:Pagel =de infOrmatiow
yeaterday before, Alderman . Taider, against
Nicholas richt and Henryirbiteman Cliarghnt.
them with havihir stolen from the Steel works
°Massey Ilrells A ,Co.. a Jot ot she:vela, oast
steel, pieces of ' belt and other articles. ~. The
parties' Were, drleited; 'lila after Aearig
were held to_lball for their appeaice ut
'lAttotber ident.- - ;:e. man
nainaft S elerbdt. while walking along Um track,
of Um Parmaylvarda
near Greene=
burg, on Yrldayatight, waa run over by an
mour bound &eight tram, and bad both /ems -
[ levered Om lita nods. Efe probnb/Y nOt
Ra/Woad Ateldent.-4 • gee trat. cor m i at.
Ing cr.& kwontottre as kw oars, Ina cur the
track or the -Pittsburgh, NortPrarne sad Chi
cago Itailroad, Itithe rourtkirad.Allgheny,
on Friday night"TWO or theaaia were badly wreaked, and - their contents etreintaptatt the
Present fa
is—James neon
111, the obsunplon eareamn, vas rrulayereubig
presented with a beautiful gold ring, repre
sell tinge I bn, onutneented witlxdumb
bells, eta, by 'blen Lu Bmore,- aomas
V. lime. Tha a
riur cos d t aboutalti
Weatheilftoderallaw.—The weather yes
terday' WILS Much more moderato then forsov
eral days precedn_g, andit bad commenced to
thaw last night; utile Intliereaslan.larevad
ao.the moon Is '.-conaet, we 'alma retVe Wet
weather for the next four weeks: ' j
and: Dlotrlob
elleyraeyer, convicted , of_mrceay,.. anti. serc
tenced to theptouteterv-the former farono
Year andslx months, and: the latter for One
ear—were conveyed to their now quartet. on
! F lre.Ttio dely,,ii i - ----- -- 1 .. .----oltre n gattudaY
night: teat nintatoned by the accidental& born
, I n a of a wateltmaxpa box, :during libe a
on lin boati'llie d amage 'was .triaina• L.. no 0.;,
~-ntritee -Conlin-lanai=
teigraw,, of any, like bad acute twenty
Arcratrien, ame d ; . during' tbe 'nest . _ . week,
scraping end cleaning. the: tborougntaree or 1
Pubush.l l ll,. PPl "dlor liunet oitt.
m_ or
Joa De . ”qa d'PeLerion, rlll.Lsdel
cr ny Glldentenny, No. 44 Ruth
Cluti•,o_lrool4.2owers of ..11zoig . tidos, inty
rormaa _a - COritit Aos oclolZ a ii—jotu,
sty, .raci, Pesident. "' '
..,nt...c),11 kith of Mara,
oi.riaiattlaT Veaario Co. ° Pa I;
NAMNIE morix.o“...awri.n. co., ..Pa,
. ~
_ _
TllCkirmx—thi gaturdar morning, at 10 o'cloel4
Jaw( THOMPSON, La the 60 tli Year °ILIA aire.
Rh funeral will take place oa .11:0abax atortrimr.
aura uttii froka the r etkleuce of Tholau almari.
in. Cotllias teiraahip. 41Iegher4.- eaartrif, a4JO/1/I°X
1 / 1 321 ,Thirk- The
qua* aaiimad his Itlads orthe ': 2 eceased are re-
Apiaral. •
' -ooNwAri r
maranu ntio4u... tek CaltAindi.
Vaiquil coma" .r.% , kn. MOdt ccuorAz
Arlor comv er..5.174 ram -,
ity. the uttiTarrligdg..._AlTAU,
war iistez of Job A. —.......„,„. • fUI "7;-.
o, lllEsirvit MB ON :
The edltteaLls tortrAtdedlrbletiwill rasa them b
sarliSers sommeirias the Ellin rittl:
h,VI. or Five .st 30.
IaMI DX of ten. qua= pwards.
rr Lumesszb torowtaixlz, trca-parsats
RE syys
Uwe, LAROFST sad worms:it of
.1:2%7 .I.233lu4OXlM'fir
No. 80 Fifth
Where Goode are Warrant, no"
paired Free and sold Cheaper
than any other Establish-
the • City
. .
. .
,pituild. critlffßodstklzeos of P/TreBURGH AND
4tencnitragogirr, haring unbounded ud
our Peebldent, ' i ''''
U al e
opre e n or, v t o z f ns ePe pc. b respec tnstale M
sr cOr
ON illaty-EPFI36, WI 204. 166.
1 1.4irg. Inadi:
d`eiooniki„: ri r t.,l , :? tisrtieh measurea
taget WlFnelgtVggseeti'ff::t4 4744‘dn'IMII
•1:MI •146a.T111.4,,
'Alfred G. movo
William Re. ' . !1..y Simi, & Co.,
James a CaasidnY
!Meng) A. Weav er,
,11..epal.V. alirer, Jr.. '',.. laf-:h.
Wm. Sluseklett, .1). A. Courtney.
: Ar T r e:r i turahert.
John Amity,
George-Fey., Itar 6 ls F. Humbert,ei
.1. A. Carillon,
,I,2;ne ya.kozbrunn,
'total Seett,-Jr..
1i..1, Wat n.
tati: I l y . ' L
1 8 ; 1 1 %3 9 6..
• I?...'l:Pa*ti'
* .
, Robert C. sclunerts,
Jame. sJonzyth... A. Gun e l tenhelitler, .
.IJoahns Rhoden'''. ;:riaryin.a_lZ,ltetiill,
161*Itt=1.7. • at Varulemift,
i'Wm.,ll; 'Brown.
John Palsely . 6.
Jesse H. Lippeneolt.
John Paul, . ;Wm. N. Burcnaeld,
,inn, Frazier.'
l ' irn - lPht o lB rid ' : 1.1;41 Woodward, • •
mo re,
.. . C, T. Dungen dt goon ,
47 , °,!°A!' , A,'I f ' r 1 1 . R.h.,,,
N. McKee & Y Co• • Jl ° , :V t e ., / ceitYr -
( 1 , ', , , , p. A, , Howley, V.I. iiii"l On a- boo.
''ll' ir"?` 4l4 -• -.-
.1. A. Ilenid, ,
6 1,i 4t, L :. 1, i,,,,, Y ,1t i 1i".art. be r g e r ,
it.:6lEf'l7Cirii.Z. • * .
tlsll/0.;;64 c'ind manj,Otpb. 6‘4766. 7"*
• `.l ,
N. 11011111,1 gONS
.lE3istriax ea*.
No. 57 IlLithEr HTLINET,
PS.l4:l:"l".°.l4,ll7iZ*n°' and Cnrrenq,
00. ta uld Catedief..
• Bought and Sold OA femnsslon.
we cdar. *Daniel' mist te - lbe plrebase
thawdbime. sMt.'Mtte° •
Do. pill. 0 r ;
Do. Seven-Thirties; •
• Do. Certificate s of Andebtomiaes.
Orders surd Vouchers bought or collected. JaLtit
nr; . in,axiozo. •
B.lwmci•Rivzitas. .. 2.,000.033.
.14.zufnig house
,CultX/Flt WIOOD
This Una, orgintsed trader Cul National Rualclosi
tooli tTit s ratalet
• C olleertons'insde on all sneesulble - points okshe
smostrorablo toms: ;hoeFlul!Alrealell'at osVi"
QO. , for Mottle or !n o . =
}4DCIN Costae,
d. • J. C; MertatlLSON , Teller •
ve havi nosy re
4111,. • Tsvo-plq
'ParchaWil glace tAeitleelthe in i 1•111. wEaCh derer .
at r utir/ :! n T •
.D &H MoCkliLl4t;
No. 'IS Fourth Street '-
• , Lace and Pantaski Curtains':
. . •
..Irtr v at Zet el iwZikl.o l o s 2 j ur . W 5414:
m i t • L l ad 111 11:, and,' banintV the monerrtan..
• I,LllO_Ollll-1104e tike thaf t :e bare il4.47indd tdatelt
" 04W4lueAglit°1171=2-rtliiid al
p r lr r y s adm , 4llte ere 'enabled: la.orcr the- BRIIN .
OIAT.OI/ i'L'Bo.ll4sll,Trki-VAMI/WV"
rAitl/ Shen twice/ olLutseadon. • . t. "
• 1
Z 1 73 FM Se , , d floor ,
s..upaldaisum.e. crutoai non 4 Pii•e-olca
Tor l lair ol'.94 -6 . 1 ., -Mt
- - 6 . - -I.4urzosi:
v.rfeiyazdstore;*o. 701 Yar#et [treat;
bores.lfesstrui Oraagna:, -
.'if t auggegLle im IV.T!=
AOO.l doze n saaeru d.r-amuest_ Wlta v tl4
2, ,
Par by er.r= Bath, t.
Tbird dires
. . .
We are tat*
fics o L tett+POTATOkil_ ta.&
lOW Thy_ torn
° YAP' /barn , 741".,...111
40 bats."Pilrßa 8.214,1 a, .
:a tekgt(th4Bl
N. U •
. 17 ,D7 1 7.4! ... 4 1t;
CO, S alarli. aIIIMO Di"fr
14:12" "daannVallarainTheny -
a.~ - i~.