The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 17, 1866, Image 1

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'FIit:aBQBGH Ps.
paccsw~rlatitc. BCBrSsit -gpiNOZI LKA.Aa
210. rrrrn STIMilt. rittatrartb.
Otoasuro Somas, by au.S. Per Teo, ..........p 0O
lirdstOrr. - t m
Sollwra Carders, Menial)ro or immix°, Pe'r
the views contained la that letter in a private Borough and Township Election*•
conversation, so that ex the advocacy of negro •
nes local elections In flirminghare. greet glt
entire e made a Man tt radical and a jade ..
WasniNOTOn s March le, leerl. and
a l - k
SENATE. Monongahela and Tempetanceville Boroughs,
th at: . i„ratiemedhee.weent
t rad he ir aro al untr3 to no n ni Ingham. South Pittsburgh, Welt Pittsburgh,
lir. Wade presented a petition for equal The resolution wits ordered to be printed and in ill the townships in the comity, were
right. 4 and the abolition of all distluctions onheld yeeterday. tint little interest was man'-
and referred to the Committee on Reconstri.
account of color by the eanstthational amend- The Deficiency BilWrhleh true under con- tested, and party lines were not strictly ad
meet, which was refereed to the Committee on cideratlon yesterdayrwas taken rip at One tiered to. eacept in a few Instances We have
Recanatieletien. • a few districts
as yet receive
, gr. gritt„ moved ttt, amendment e e k e received returns frondistricts
Mr. Satan. presented the petition of the was 17ptal, appropriating el7Seee to supply Only, whirl, re, give below.
dressmakers of NeW York and Brooxlyn coin- the de etenethe In the last appropriation for et aunt,. aA tr senovon.
planing Of the injustice of the toe neon their thee mort of the - Navel Academy. The hid in lid., district Repulses,. anti Democratic
then passed. It goes back to the Routh. for tickets x ere nouanated, and the latter was
business, which Wean:tarred to the Committee concurrence ua certain emendtheite. 'The elected. Tim result is Hs follows
on renance. . Naval Appropriation Mil am t ip • 'Op. First Prectnet.
Mr. Sumne r. also presented two other_poth Mr, Grimes, of the Naval Cenueseistrebred
Lions, one for equal rights anst one for A pre- is number of amendMentes =hog thelneteir the
vision for the election of the President of the purchase of UM °Orernar's resldenceed An-
United States by the popular vote. nations, WO 000; for the erection of a balding
Mr. Norton presented a memorial for a mod- for the third and;fougth classes at the. Naval
Mention of the tax on railroad hoe, which was Academy, $lO,OOO. kraal wore adopted. Also
referred to the Committee on Commerce. an amendment retsealiug all acts authorizing
Mr. Guthrie presented edam for services the appointment,of navy agents, which was
rendered by live regiments of Kentucky home adopted for the theetlort of Is foundry at the
=s, calledinto service on the occasion of nai-al academy aneepropriatien of fleeter; for
rat Morgan's retreat from Cumberland continuing the week on the boner - thee in the
Gap, which was referred to the Military COM- New York nal/tett, 1110.000• .
mime. Mr. Sumner offered an amendment as an ad-
On motion of Mr. Chandler, Thursday next ditional section -that the examination of con
was set apart for the consideration of the bills didn'tes for the Mesa' Academy shall be held
from the Committee on Commerce. at such time an the Seeretacy of the - NAVY may
Mr. Wilson Introduced a joint resolution direct. The bill was read three times and fur
providing that the act entitled an set supple- User co...atto° postponed for theepresent.
• mentary to several acts relating to pensions, On motion of Mr. Grimes It was ordered that
unproved March i1d,113,13,5ha1l not hereafter be when the Senite adjourned to-day it ad
so constructed as to deprive invalid pension- journed to meet on Monday next.
on or the widows and heirs of any person who On motion of Mr. Doolittle a bill providing
hes served m the army or navy staring the. for the annual inspection of the Indlau affairs
late war of the pensions which they are en- was token up and read. Pending its thndisi
titled by reasoner holding aity Mince under the eratiott the senate
went into executie a ace-
Government, provided that he compensation don, and soon after adjeurneil till Mondale
received from the United St tae as pay or sal- ROUSE.
ary does not exceed POO per annum, Referred' Mr. Price, of lowa, asked leave to offer the
to the Committee on Pension, following resolutions
Mr. Wilson introduced a Joint resolution ap- Wnesites, A. difference of opinion and con
preprinting $511,000 for the publication of the filet of yieweeilets betweeno Secretary of
medical and surgical history of the war of the the Treasurerand the Comptroller of the Cur
rebellion. Referred to the Committee on relieve winclattee aSSUmed it ehape calculated
Printing. to In)nre thethinnelat interests of the roue-
Mr. Ilarris, from the Committee on Jude. try • therefore - be it
Mary, reported buck with amendments the
bill to reorganize the indicuiry of the United el. - raved, Tait s cettemittee of three mem
:thaw. been of this //awe be appointed to Int-mitigate
the carom Of the difficulties and report to the
A number of the amendments are tune farm Meuse.
of edditional sections, incorporated in the
body of the bill. r. BouteeMi Objected unless the resolution
ist a as aana re
. 1
i errae=t C a. oi t ipn' y
w ltAe dr on a N ii n . y . .s . s an t.
section Six provides that executions may be
twined out of any District Court, to collect any Hen and thheetifilution was again " read. j").
judgment or decree in the Circuit Court for
such Dbitriebwith the same effect an such ex- Mr. Kelsey e of Missouri, Introduce. a bill to
etherize the establishment of ocean meal
ceutlonsexayibe honed out of the Cuent Court. *etherize a
service between the of - -
ports ,
Suction twelve provides that to render an
Charleston South Carolina, and liver 01. by Mejorlty against - SS
appeal from the District Court to the Circuit ~,,.. _—
court °freed ,. we any pittpoee, a wee shall 5e,, , , , : i
, tmCorm s town Ores . t Bri s titte, Whin! wviii I startling Facts About Counterfeits.
SegrarilatlELA 11011011011.
be executed, on behalf of appellant, to the et- rend `s. ice non referred to vut, 4...mnitice on
Bor.. 1 The National Bank Note Reporter, just lia-
Post Offices.. g 1 there were two tickets , each
feet that the
M a y will pay all coats and sued for March 15th,.by'llessrs. ,I. F. Bernard
drummers which May be awarded against him /dr. Taylor, of Now York, inteodneed f a reit- 1 under the name of "Clttigens.o fee following
elution, whteli wasadopted, dineyttitg the [me• is the result-those marked With a • being it Co., of this city, contains the folios - nig
an the appeal, not exceeding two hundred
and fifty dollars. If the appeal be from a rethry of War to report the facia in relation elected : which is of interest to every mart handling
judgment or decree directing payment of the to the purchase of the atom:Wile, Itimoie, al
so, the names of the appraisers appointed byo.. ( " 4. much money:
money, it shall not May the execuio unless ßurgess-i. Content 23 "Ed Barrett Si
a bond is given that it the appeal Ls dismissed theuarterrnaster-General and tee secretary .haare-• B. W. 'darer . e 7 Geo Coutant... 31, "During a recent visit to Washington WC
Of {Sur, I P.m -Wm Sanders SI Wm Rebore . 38 called at the Office of Chief Detectlre Wood,
the amount of the judgment shall be paid.
each bonds sball be of no effect unless the Mr. novelle a Pennsylvania, !Asked le. e: ' ' I ste m pt eet ,,. : Ti •L oo t s D o l s Sl,l rgt of the Secret Service 1/apartment, and el
ureties make a m ou nt that they ate t o introduce a resolution lestreeting the font. 1 !Jas. Lally 84 Anton Buddy. II emineel the various leans or counterfeit green
double the amount speed, over an lath oriels.. to biquite what disposition el Creag an, sr 4.5 I. Weixell 51 becks and postal corrency. •We were no little
above all labilitles • In other worde, a stay ;it ' *Bonne be made of the pnblication ealled the earprised when shown the vitrious deem....
execution may be dented upon such tonne as Annals of Congress, Ilepostled by Gales and *nice, Etter tie John Ward.... Si
l'gr4 l l Inr-T. Itossiter, IS3 11 Ldohn Keil e 71 Lichee and te' perfecilon• in which they are
any judge of court may rescribe. Seaton, under an alleged contract with the
Section Thirteenth provides that cases penal. House, and to determine whether the Same or i Lass or-•J. Creewsui.. 70 Thee. assailer 3:1 we will mention that we were shown fire *HI-
D Morgan.. al •li. W. Staffer . 70 1 exeeutede. For the information of our reader ,
in it in any Circuit Court on the said first day il' 1 I '
cAnny part of them, shall be retained, en it Judge- '•l .Creegan Sr. tai IL Ross 3 1 , tercet counterfeits of sepetate plates of the
at ~rim the shell be eau] for • e .J. e „,„,._•p. e i „i e, ,ea M. Harrison . . . 7 fifty dollar greenbacks; four' of the twentlete
of September, upon an appeal or writ of or-' ~,_ 5 „... , .- • •
cur, shall be transferred to the proper Court I ett• Ie ii.. 0 Jected• •Jus. shears 70 A. Robins,. .. s I one each of the denominetldn of one hundred
DiMee presented the papers in tbu con- 1 cest.tubtr-e.s. Robbins.' 75 "It W. Starer.. II t i en an s ..„.. _, ,
al live [lettere. a Nip dollar note uttered
of Appeal., and shall be heard and determine 1 tested election case of Fuller againstalaween, from a two-the words "x M t., ' itetween the
ed by such Court, eccording to the provisions which was „ ,to the t ... moo
on moo _ I sin, en lir Trait r aii ri .
dies on lower right end being
of with
of this act. In the oriental Bill Jell In striek- e„te .. "" re • erre '
reen ink; a twenty dollar note of the Nation.
en oat wherever II occurs and September lie ..-gi.'tit,t34,,, of Ohio, intend , i i ; ough, and the Republican candidates for tier
, imid aje id reso n- ill curreney;fitc different counterfeits of the•
sorted. ges, Justice of the Peace and Connell leave
1 In seetion nine the following word,. are ite 1
' Lion constructing the ith section et the army- flay cent notes of the °red back" species.; fi re
, elected. Ti e following is the result ne fur .
. ropriotion bill, for the •cio. enclitic June I of the nee or long Issue of the fifty cent Soles,
! sorted : ••Tbe amount claimed . the value of jig i ,,,,, , • • T . known at eleven o'clock :
the property In controversy extends { Da), and ' ~,t ,for
, so as to entitle to three moot is pay 1 r „.
' , W. IL Barker .110 51 P4Walsh. lei • also twenty-flee, ten and five seat postal cer
n a.maiii re, Si a. II la- Baron It /molten, 11n other ea.., the District Judge shall Certlf V I FON , oi therein, all °Myers of volunteers , ',,',„'f,,,,°_•W H . Barker...lo9 it r. Walsh.lSt ' ree ' y ' '
It A stated that the lastelseue of fifty
Elven of the k ing of Belgium, delivered Si' I that the Mileidication levels-ea a question of I °Mow the ranker Brigadier General, who were ",-,,".„t n toes eMs the portrait of Treasurel
• W W. Denny... 1123 .1. S. Murraylit 14.1
In the &Mice at least three years, and Nt hose I `I'LIII''- Spinner Ilea ulna been linitated.
1 . ~,,,1 0„ ,
.;„ 1 ,„.,,,„ ,_,p, the ~1 /1, ,,,5 „ o f 3 general importance. Such appeal shall he 1 •ii. Kr.ster ..1 or II Lankamp. till ,
, taken within ninety days after the envy Of , resignations were presented and acceptant af I • The higher tlenornln at lons of greenbactmtu e
t, r deal aof Leopold rirsl• and iito IWC I .O . ‘“ II. the judge:neater deereenought to 1,0 reversed." I 111 1%1, w ell • excellently wall done and it is not safe to re
ter the eurrender of Lee, In A p , Id ; „„ ,s
was read twice and referred to the Committee Dr. hortiner.-ei oMI lie the attention of , eel% e the La unties, fifties or one hundred dol
t. els con, Leopold Sri-unit He dwelt noon i A great number of verbal and minor amend-l on
I e interest wd h which this country had Igen I moots were alsorzyrted. how; An. i our friends to the
•on 7 are aclvertisement, under City tar notes un l es s satisfied they are gentaue, or
The Speaker proceeded to tall the Commit- I horns, of this celebrated orcullet and wired., the party offering them being respon,ilcle
a ~i,.1,,,,1 1,, p e i g clu t u, an d h o p ei l fo r th e en , 1 Mr. Poland int reed a bill to fix the sale- tees for reports ef a privet , . tharecter. whose testimonials as a aklliful operator are T. couuterfelt five and ten dollar note» nit,
n (Intuitive et friendly relations. vies of the District Judges of the United of the moat convincing charaaaer. He will . , poorly executed, and may be easily detected.'
.4 1 wee referred to the Committee
The Pi °olden( replied in terms erne pitmen- I Suites, w--e-1 Mr Thayer, from the Committee on Private I
Lund Claims, repotted Intel: an act nether's- found at parlor H, Motoingehela House, where -.....
t ry to Belgium. De said we endeavm - to It- •
. ou Juoiciary. It gives flee thousand dollars •
• leg documentary evidence of titles to be (n,' wo advise all anlicted by defective sight and .
retgn States , to be ex• per annum to Yorke. of Massachusetts. The Deltrich - Case -An Outrageous As.
'm ect the righ" °I. -"ve e uthern New Maryland, Eastern Penn- I fleshed to the owners of Certain lands in the , hearing to call and consult with him. The scull.
n lot from foreign Intervention Or dictation , • 0„, I city of St. louts. The bill was passed. 1 Doctor will remain until Wednesday, March'
Me meek to illustrate bow a people can bc free, 1 sylt-nnia, Eastern Loulstana, Northern Oa I or- I At the expiration of the morning hoe,, there I Vt•h, after that time he will visa t Pittsburgh The Grand Jery, a few Ilays ago, rotorned
l ai d yet, tit their own strength maintain their nisi, Oregon and Nevada, and to these ot. all , being no burstuews on the private calendar, an monthly, of which due notes will he given. true bills of Indictment against Mrs, Margaret
indepentleuee; hoe they extend commerce, other Districts, four thousand dollara eae . .un recedented circumstance the Melee re- J. Deitrieh, for adultery, and one Henry Funk
a, d yet bow they alestale from at/grandee: Mr. Stewart ' Introduced the following jotot . P ,
_. .
, Ile „ , „i t e„,,, f or , e i a , ex i sua iy a e ab ieces , a resolution, wench was referred to the ]sla t, f le 1 t M
or rn en ion. re. Unities, as our reailere
sir. Pike said he it wed offer an amendment the eof the colored child found on Tees
:ir s: peOple ran co-operate with natiorm in ad- ("ommittee on geeonetoictiou r it , on i to the bill, providing that any lends hailed day last on Crawford Street, near Pennsylvae ' will doubtless ratueinber, lied from her bus
,• t nelitiente great interests of ertiliestion, and Wiss a nzek, In the preseZt netedracon,dr
and ,
hereafter, except those Issued In .conlanth net avenu, mot I.:. night, and found a ver- band, who resided at Peoria, Illinois, In erne-
Mee Malone front Lime to time heseme w pc i r; , l'at a, t aa a
allle lii
port and Lgati i iiittonal ; w l t h the existing oblientiods, should be aid,- diet that ishe AMA child scuttle tO Rs death pony wtth Poole, and the pair took op their
''''' I ' '4l'dl.°
hn ee in fiti w a i rt l ratlo ' n h e'Vt=tir;tite: ' means should be employed for the quieting of I jest s to the stun: State and equal mention as from neglect and expo.; re.” Who the Teeth. residence at Elttamihig, Armetroug county,
just amt pea I ant tho remotal of un- I r4 h • r PrheertY f Ilk lee. er is has urn . yet bite definitely ascertained. where, for a Oren, they 1I 'heel In becluslon on a
t I 11 otherwise moat necessarily be referred to • the P.P./. exedeut Mr. Wastsbarne, form the Committee on
Le obliteration of all
1 reeeenable prejedice, , . considerable 41101 of money which Deitriell al
t. etdnk Itliill
ir ./ by e aten. Id s win ' out of the late en- , h u hn e rre s Y I C I lg. nes his personal proert. After long
t appears trot. documents transmitted to hostile fee/ g gro g • making an appropriation for the Custom 1 a arria.--Dr. Ga rdner, the eelebteted ape- ~ , , the _
111 war; and nof New ',cork for the treatment ' ear.° t. " ° w"ere°".." O f "iiin' s n 3 a " 1 . 11
, n , the *.:ante, toslay. and from a letter written i hart e•e' _• t the moat , a 0„,.,..„,„ j louse and WarehOtwe ill Jerre city, and a I 1 1 .11 ,' ° _,..P t°1° , ee .., ~,„ ‘ ,„'„„„„ e „, e en „.„, dieceyereo, and they is me In ought to All.-
-- le fl, ts oral Canty), thatiliree entered Cll-11.1ani N illtliZAll, lfoo 0 0 Meat 0
• " II ' --- 1 bill la, provide for the construction of a L.- tr n .. ' . l. e . °""' " .11 ".• --""""-- --- ee' glieny and held to ball by Aide
'"- NA re abducted trom ?Lew Orleans und carried lof hnfrieridiY sentiment in the confilet of Perior ~, erst floor rile mode ~f treatment noon Robin.
tom louse, PostOalco and COurftlouse, alai° „.„, son, ion answer the eliarge laid against them
to Unseen, or some other pert of Cedie, where , °platen extnting on the subject of negre en(-
city of Cairo, Illinole, which was laid Co the r'n. tea core M ..t.r " ''' t ' y the '''''. " .. 1 " - iin Tuesday last, 111 liettrich pneeetled, to
it was sup ,else 1 LteN a ere. . [rage , and i table and the re its ordered to he printst "''' - ' 4 "'" ' n1 ""fif" • •
Wo lianas, It is now most evident that there i • K Ittannln for the Pte two of rocorin eel , • .2 • •
= -:l r. Hall Conant st lilantanco In a loner I , Mr. Garfield a dressed the Mouse in adyoca- g, I I .1 .1 g No. 1 tot . C lair !street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
, F o e. 1 .. ~,,, ~,r,,,,,,,, ,h, state T eo ,. •is no probability.whatevor that the Senatortam ,`, Stn.., and a hit° wonting leisurely 1 ~,,
Y of theloan bill -
Culled Staten Treasury Notes-Import. •Is.ted •"' .• e . awl Representatives in Congress from timee 'c- vex Iron Werne.-A nein. non works is along one of ten street., was necosted In an -
in ot that niter aliment Investigation, tints i •
nut Deet effort. shout lo be erected end pot in operation by tasu iti ng mane , by a ...umber
.. h. , ~,,,
~., ,h, „,,,„ m , „r 0t .,....„„,, l ik e ly to 1 states whose people were lately in insurrec- of rowdies, I 'WM. ICCAIIE St CO. FLIIIIT
Meesrs Davenport, rids bairn ,t Co., at Erie. a lio referred in very al - KAMM:Ifni termi to i i
New Tone, Marra, id-An Important deer =- i ,,,, ih ,,,,e , 1 ,,, he ., not 1,,,,„ n ee, to I, t , I hat will he allowed to ocremy the Feats to PREMIUM GoLl, BtEDAL
101 l on the subject of the i slue oft rated :talesl 11 l' ti soiltlielal infor-1 it Welt they have teen elected until such Suttee , CITY AND SUBURBAN .
, that there is nor tril A the - for the purpose of manufacturing car a hei•e, his difficulties. Deitrieli replied. that they I
anti mil road rigs upon 9.0 eXte0.515 . 0 acme. hail better attend -o their Own
_bsiness, E 3I I AIL, Zig - 1011 ,e, .
Treasury Notes, making them equal tn cure I nu m,. i n ,e g eed to the etunappine „r „.... , then Lave Complied with certain dame,.-'an ......-..—_
respect in legal' oontemplatiegsletaeeinillre, -. tat conditions, a portem of which are herein- ' whereupon one of tile p o ly
hurled a brick •
denceanatlon In gold, has eiteWboratiMlietalleffle•"s•
, s.-ite stletalffn la rra Whittemore ar- after recited; and - Disloyalty In Texas. Beadle.. ytoutsb.-Bendie , o is the i n,. o f at him, wideli stnick bilked the forehead, in- ; These Instruments haring bemi before t. pubes,
ny tbe General Term c a w th Suerior: ffour i l;• ‘ rtvetl lit hayeeta from mew he bringlag ewereenese It is r p reesetiamt,AQ e
r ere,,teee at:earn ',matted to make the folleveing ex.
usuall.lle i t i , t i a a le a s ,a r i tt a
t itt , r ai Zr i l a l ia, IL
fi a llt i s a ti . • Meting seglinstly wound,,and 'felling hen ID t I. °' .b. 1 , .. , , birty year, Mee. epee their tenet-
The agreement In this Wasth pay He
' teeth her a colored girl aim. twelve year , or re-e-steblistrtnent Latino thel it Oil feel - tract from a letter wrltem bye by thegrefund, HeereausstMed to the oat. of a l ' ue " •"•"", .''''' ee ' t e° Itt “ RCEt'"Tgp
rummy th gold or Meyer,. the delivery of otml .„.„.„. h o d . ~,, o ,d,, e , wen sir y e ft th e e Lt r er log as long as eleven Vs:emote States, whose Pilb.herger to I e e e n le !t en t& sl oe ea s senie Dab Fifth e t,. - pysleini; near' by; whorli his wounds were ,PIIEEm NE N c E that prolusion., them UN
enege in New Tort, Tlae_plalirtiffs, Jebn 81441,1 - l
pine, Mr, Wyatt representing teat she non hi th.r al •it IN S i
Id peOplo were recently In insutheetion,are pro- .me ', , who rsa , es , in l e - I, t l , ward, , - "It reame4ssassfe-Ins , pormitted to Doman until 1
; For tale by
son d Co„ owners of the British-ship Atilmite ,
remain on the island a few tt e,•ks only, when rented from resuming their ancient. reintiene The letter 15 dated Austin, Texas, March Ist, Thursday, wLICII he returned to Ida tioanlin -I areal it Flan •Weet. Sete Agent.
hi January, Dila, chartered the vessel to Od- ..,,,,, w „,,,,, ~,,,,, i „.„. north. v ,„p,,,,,, m uy the, tO this government ; therefere be it and shows that that State fa not reed) for re. , 3. City.
FROM YESTERDAY E iENING'S OAZETTE. hens. in Alleghen • ' g •
leader. Arbuthnot it Co. i, of Calcutta, end the •
gni n
,i,„ i,iiinii, to mani.,ieee mud et ed. A arsolval, la, That each of add etatere whose _ _ ... _ The outrage was cowardly - and uncalled for, i _ .
1 construction yet. It May tie proper to gin,.
e° '' .l° ' tt."°°°.°°4 to Edwin P. 51"gaa aid ' AMA:MI.IW' We, 11111/le (0 the authorities, from 1 people were lately in ineerreetion, cie afore- Oil Item, .t It Ie tots reely proliable teat the giddy par- ' SKatTS.
others of this city . The ressel arrived here wi 1,-1/ I I in seen Lied the sire had been :Welded su,d, shall he recognised Mt haying fully and ilmt the author
of the Intl " . '" o rem ''''' sears tics
11., no nee. se) , 1 , at the woi I. on tbe ,1 •
(ICS Vo 111
in thin punishment they so justir
in June, and the freight money, emeenting (0 ~. fr..". b‘ bawl , ".I b' Vigt", .o,llauc.l at VRIIIIII reemned ite former relations with thie ;in the Potomac army, and aasli e a rube, esers e, Sir. Pet. Is unable to Wenn];
to aer,eco.eo, was tendered In Treasury ~
I f 1 ton Into The Gov- got ernment, and its chosen Representatives ,„ n . fitty ni•W a. 'Ls t martini, ~ foe In the Reno them.
the seepoett et, 0t le se ~ oo eieryatle. , • •
note. The offer was refused and payment In et .„ er of ti m ; • •re, .. , hi• girl to =reale shall be admitted into OM too Houses ot thee p err bane, Is pushed ,nt • lgorously One well ' BRADLEY'S DITIEX ELLIPTIC
,so ale was demanded. T.e was refrieed. and ie ,e,„ e „, , o r , , . •:• . J., ante an spier - National Legislature whenever mid State ! "I agree with father in every word he says tt I
~, Tao Curse ol Whisky.
. , I Bled 0110 00001,11 feet, and the raid are
th i eentrovertry carried to We Superim-Court, tit stie shall , tit t. 3: . , . •••tern to her ne- than have one amended ita Cenetltution its to 1 m ?agent to the folly of klr. Johnson's reran- A Woman appeared before the Mayor to-day. ' (Olt Le i e LE)
and the decision written by Judge Moron lays ii , o r eed de away with ail distinetione as to civil rights I po o getting on a s M e l .... posnible.
1 etruetion ti 3. lf he were Isere and sew the and preferred a charee of drunkenness rt sl ay. '
down the law to he that all debts ran be 40(i1.- ~ it ,4I vvti It i epre , fin tally° Nas- among the various clam. of its population, Bei oti Seem,. es :e'er one rem e_we • - g 1 i m p EiNG sKipli
fie Iby a tender of payment in Un Atm! stet. " llll '''' I "' " ' I b reuse* either of sties er calor.. prevtous working of tide policy. he would he ten UMW, tenni from Mr H n Lee ranee, is ent ,,,,, l e . her steer , elleging that she had been drunk, I eaw
"el, to-day, and referred te, the termenitece On 5 P
Treasury notes. Former alljedleations lothe 1 . 1.1 n. end colunge e mintemplatine the coinage . condition of servitude Mete DORM' than he la I diiii'l twin• how lei ohm tof the Jemmy %Viet OLI ompany, that day and night, deco Tuesday lest. Both par
merely es eddished that con ( rects unnie befoth ~, e „, ere,. Pieces , „,„ tee .,,,,,i o r corr ,e, ..., necorl-To repudiate all Pecuniary 'nada- , man)" faehralle reehria General Greet '" any their new welt at A nustrong's tOrdittg i On . lies are earned, en d res id e t oge th er i n th e I ihoutartatel ertluicely by the sole oilers of Pant
the pemage of the act of it...., and providing iitekel, after a design h•
•• the Director of lb,' • mine. which the said Stales May haveltere- °time General may make in regard to the el tpperyrock creek, in elite county, wee sue- •
to pamnent in the legal currency of the eon. Stint, to take tee p,^ 'e ,4 ' the 11 , e emit {mar ; tofore contracted, incurred or assumed, Nati, South being anriona to return t 0 1, anegi- ceentelly tubed on the lat inst. Shortly elver e house The co pl leant alleged that
on Tuesda - last the I u m sb a alf th a ' WESTS BRADLEY it. CRY
try, t•onld be satisfied by reaymerd In I tided ‘ ,.._,,,,,, y the late unnatural and treasonable par. ; ance to the tisiv e arein a e t nb ar, th ‘ es
0 17
r s . t . a . 1 r; , •• ; cote men ring , the that began to flow, and 111
went to wor L oua boa, l s'l srin ' g her t:O u dO1- '
Slates Treasury notes. tiding Loin tubssioner alit' mt. re the Inter- Third-To yield all claim to compensation Tbe people of tit No h m b
I li ¢y now alternately pumping and flowing. 9
----..--- gluon 1 , a1„,,„ for the liberation of Its Mae. % and to provide • and bitter tostay than they 0 ere one:rear amt. gf hours It proiluccil over two hundred
In tars to buy provisions Ever> f this
- cent o s 1
nil lien eons , bureau, hite
Castes of All Disloyalty Before the wus regard tss the eollection of the tee dm. for the extansien of the elective rracehise to , I'll toll you why , Whore they were thoroughly end am bar vie of oil by °inserted actual mess- money was spent for w bisky, and last eight 07 Chambers, and 70 &al Ronde its.,
'lt bi d all Perna. , ha , . the intene term. end Condi- I whipped, they were mattsfled to have peace on urement In the tank, with every prospect of
U. EL Supreme Court-The Bonded from elision:, Benke They ure ne,un er , the defendant fell upon and beat her child, a
Warehouse LIDI Approved. sic ells terms and did not *sisal au thin mild-,
the decision. to a monthly tar of one twenty . • hots, to lug no criMitiationen notelet. of any , y g cominning. Mr. Lawrence thinks that the flow little boy flee years old, In a most shameful IVNTIVI7 YORE.
• een moneys re- rue" 0010 r Or prerVIOUS condition et wet - 010d; ,er than the entire confiscation of all their •at the end of twenty-four hours was stronger Tlchild 1, hMa
mariner. The was Mpg t to too y- .
WeanISOSION, &Sarni In.-The United emus I tourth of cin per rent upo or's office by the soot, and the mother ' n hoop Is composed or TWO finely terepered
I CA by them. provident that those who werequalifled to rote , property, and were perieetie mitieflml to than when It commenced. Depth of well two
Supremo Court now have
it for ergo-, eclreil, investedwas brought in b - an cancer. 1 steel springs, bralclAd tightly and Molly teseth
extract a .„, te e, ' f rom i. ' lii the year ISM, by the laws of mi-respectie ,be let off with thee. sd e ,,, ; re,,, t e e , we re the bemired and tweety-earen feet.-Loterthee After e 1 edge to art •, forming , th e terltstediEsT a 't.
meet, the ease s of Dr. Cruurnings, a Roman , The followlite
the ea. Charleston • States, slum not tot diefrenehised by reason of • most humble and ememinelve people you et er jo„,„a. hearing, the Mayor suspended judgment, , FLKXHILE 'Hoop made. They 'writ not'e moo
Catholic priest., who was convicted by the Cie- re , Oct of LI. I rots rin it•s
/ oh , , an new conditions which have been or may • NM, became they knew that they Lail Redly I and Informod the amused that if she got I break like the single springs, but will eiteeir ' reV4i,
ettlt COUrt of Pike county', latesoure for per- I Pireitere are toning ‘ l"n "d"
th"PP nt ' be' pr
mired, Since that year. , mented any punishment the Government AN OIL grata*-WO learn that the company drank 'wain he would certainly send her their gracefulness of shape whore three or four ' or
orating the duties of his calling without tk- , dl- cover} that there ore not negroes
j p
',mired, That
aferesaid conditions I might see proper to inflict on them; but now taring for oil on the Jacob thine. Farm.. tojall. The complainant was very ranch die- (Unary skirtt will have beim thrown away as Useless.
,ex the Oath pregeribed by tbe accond article . Imo to cult! , ett• one-half the land ; a d f
c tent none but negro. liat e been complied with, and the same sball , how obariged through the imbecile and "eau° near Pleasant Unity, %y e ome-01.nd county, Rationed With the decision and alleged that s I • het, Mr the promenade or the house eke
'Or the new constitution of the State, end fined tb •rtnore, they
' llt I vte the h. gelds have been retitled by a majealty of the present 1 policy of the Government ' Theee - people sire re. , shtick a Veil lof 01l last week, a 6101 c h e .h ss in b rat „ a• „.,,,,,„h5 a k,, so s dwel, th
lio . seed latent twe tv gallons ot ve • Illie ole- InI"mIII er Inist4r --- ---- - ----.; ''" eater or car, they arc superior 1 •
to al otti
en° with im&risonment until patdi and of Mr. en 1 nr will ever e 1
ODs. ,„, en. combining emstroar. DelianlLlTT and Zees,
Voting population of the Male s including at • tea to behove that the united States vin. , p. - r b i , t h e h ouse ii, ... o ld ne t, e i , l one until the woniu I my. with that r amous one snarl. ehich hoe Made
letelllll ll' la wyer, who was e'r " e'l°4l f "'" Pniv ` deii '" is `` . `" -kiri f ttr eted [he ~.,t I those qualified to veto under the laws thereof ment cannot exist without them, and tie coo. • agenOuit fluid -3 ononeehela Repo lean. be drunk and abesing her child again. The s, the ocri.E.X.E.m..irric THE
the practice of his profession by the Supreme
Cmm"l"i"unr " r' l
u Soathent I as they existed in 1g
and Mail in is that they are new as defiant and In Armstrong county the well at Parker's effects of Intemperance are tern I
b e enough ;
Court of the State, because he would not take lc Lois of internal revenue it the
be proclaimed in regard to ell Persona in such
as ever ienton men bore rave
I Landing continues to yield, by- pumping, from when they fall only upon those who make !
the oath. , St at. to collect the tax on all taxable proper- ,
etss and in ca. the . State who were in ariv way Connected with rue that the feeling of bitterness against the te eutv to thirty barrels per day of heavy lu- dninkards of themselree, but they become a , STANDARD SKIRT
'Cho judgment in the Dr. Cummings ease •in In their resin:CDS - 0 diitri ,
nicies yr bleh y . armed opposition to the Government of the Govermnent and the Yankees is a great deal oricatthe oil It is reported that all the land double ennie when the Mumma and uneffenci
heving been affirmed try the Supreme come of alley on cotton otheran b il
, r' a , MU (I d . United States, wholly extionerottrig them from ; torso than ItWas daring the war. In feet then , in that vicinity is under lease, and that enlarge lag are nee.sarlly made to suffer. For sack
the e- ;
Id wourt, both mums Were brought up oft tv n rit
le"' I•II'e
e • re
dto collect I all pains, penalties or diesibilittes to whtch they is no safety bore for life or property, outside number of wells will ne pitt down the coming eaees as this wretched woman-and there aro
of error to the Supremo Court of the United , to did being made, they w 1 pr
et t t oe; , may have become liable by reason of cennee. ; tho Immediate vicintly of the Iron., and it is season. It is nog reliably seated that oil has hundreds such in the county-the work house
St ,tea tit • sante by dist rase and mac of prope y 01
r Weld a• Fro- ' Lion with tbe rebellion. I getting worse every day. be. found at Brady's Bend, at a depth of • will he Mond a blessing.
The President has approved of the act eon- the artbdes aro removed undo ,
Resolved, That in view of the thorough ate I The Convention has been in session now tor ' one thousand feet, in what amount Is not re- sm.
ceniteg the withdrawal of sends from bonded vided by the rgulations, of Octobe 9 , rie
It It. been decided that so far aa inland nay ..
i• i einulallou of the haste of [suffrage in the earl- , nearly a month uud bre, not done any thing. ported. - A Domestic Difficulty.
wilreheneele one States of the Luto, ail other States not It has net everth - epealed the ordinance , of se. tt Denis'
h a ft i s
to the want of barrels
.lon le eoneerned it requires the teenage to John Bumbaker, a German, to erly owned
1 cesnion. Some of the metnbers openly say that and tankag, it Le reported hint the yield et 1
f"one , nit re the renewal of the papers at -the almem specified shall berespeettully requested .
Hatters in Canada - Lem Fenian Barite. n• , to lam pont*, an anaendreent in their State I Texas can maintain het on n independence. 1i 01 end op t s
e I tth wells bag been teemed Into the I &house on East Lan Third ward, Allegheny,
ment-Tbe Confederation Question. Ct,tom it 011 be. _ - Cololll.oool.ll . olVeCtfilll7 responding with the thls state et things is permitted to go on, 1,, sa, In fierier that the wells might not be stop- 1 and tool: to himself a wife, With w hom he
New Tone, March 16.-The troriers special , one ispeetlied. • I fore four years we will hunt another eat ' le .1 New tanks are going op with great
from Montreal " aye . There!" leas excitement LETTER FROM- SYLVESTER MORRIS. . Resolved, That la the adoption Of the afore- ; We are sorry we have not room to Mt e .1,11- rupleilty, however. The No I well yields da ,
g . lived fora time In peace and contentment.
Mortal preparations to resist an attack are so- -.. said resolutions It is not intended to assort a ; Donal extinct.. Crum this interesting lettei atm. fortyr barrels; the Combs well about Hite- I Dtifieulties, however, arose between Dicta
te-My proceeding. A cabinet council was held, coercive power on the part of Congress bi re- is the . Puritan, a new well, about ten, and ins masse, as he alleges, by the interference of
and presided over by the Governor General, 11 tart • the Pit im
NI If Orleans ll'ithoul a May or. gard to the regnlatiert Of the right of suffrage ' Soldiers Browne- F.ndoroemen iof Sono. ''' • '''''' 'h. Shaw No. Y ' la • relatives in his domesile concerns-and a sop
&ming which telegrams were received from in the.different States of the Union but only I Geary an d Seeley thil t) nom lichee' No. I recommenced pump
tne Govern Ora of New Brunswick and Nova --- ... __ to make a respectful and earnest ' appeal to
,Ins, last yielded only water; Barker thrty-six; &ration was mutually agreed upon. The house
1 At a regular meeting 1 1 e 1 • • •
0 t ,a, 01, e rn• I eague, Glbeen end Neystone , thirty-live barrels nos; was dittposed of for some eight hundred del
rent iti. The first announced that a reselution,
et% their own good some and love Of country withllan, and the money equally
we between
.. ndors Mg Confederation, had passed the Upper a view to the PrerniniOn Of the eerie. evils t held fu the Firctuen's A.ssoclat ion Rooms hod , Alclicsil N 0.9., forty rs; Buckeye. netubed
liou as or the LegiSlititre urinal mealy, and a , ... now threatened, and te the peaeetut permitua- I nlght,lhe following preamble and reeol utimm e ba
rr e lb M.herf, thirty -ale
and dotne„ tweet_ John and kb wife. The latter went to board
similar remelt Dealers ' 4 in th. Lower 11°° '‘ .. I ~ I se y (inn of the kappmesa and true gluey 0 the 1 sere adopted the for g
e eine wells being on the lands of the leg, and Sehn left for Gorman -
3 •
At ether dimpatcb exp. -•sed the belle: that the Colebration of St. Patrica a lin .; whole American people. Tidiest. vied Warrtm Oil Company. 1 Harrisburg, he took up his abode there, and,
k like tile Prodigal son, "wasted his substunce
mg amine Is mire of soccess in Nova Scotia, 1 51r. Stewart, In offering the (Mae, matte a I Magness, It Is our ditty, in time of peace in Net surface walla continue to be stkpc on
_ -
Powder In private rengazines had been or- brief explanation. He cat ti he had been a care- I eommon with our fellow, dizens, LO preserve lee billeide aboVO Pithole etty, or rather In and returned a few days tem to his old hour.
l llls ''bettor half" would not reeelve him, flow
eret° ed
d tied to I/0 removed to St Bele.. Island. 5;.,, , Y rmit, March IS --Sylt csiter Morrie, elm ful observer of te current or events since inviolate the rights and lithiettes n Mel, we the City. Ir i ti . . ri tai ri n s til i t y arti, i !:e . in , i d aaa A t
which Is strongly fortified and commandiug ~ 1 4 instrumental in negotiate,. by e xilic I, Congreks assembled, and Iteluid creme to the • contended for In the field in dine of war, to and new a 1 n , ever, and he determined to force an entrance
wilicheentlii . t la to the apartments occupied by her in their
the city. Citizena are rapidly enthiling them- 1 ''' ~ . . , 1 • ii d • corteluelen , that the proposition be had sub. ; promote and eherieh national limier between first discoveredtolls tp: 1 tA i le , ono
'wires horn and other prieelpel hued rot 1 ti . elite. territory wee ee , see to the t . . I rattled corresponds with the previtiline seam.. i the States; to . preserve arid maintain coimti. tlg r'i ty P a ge h., 2l h dt h w II: k g e o the a S n P fl BlOi Ur.
old home, by ascending to the roof, and try-
I rug to force open an attic window. For this
gland duty, intheeventa troops being needed ;st arab writes ienetuble let t er . belatif cif the 1 meats tit the publics press. He offered thin thane. low rorder, and to foster
surlngshaye ceased te be was cOreedained against, end officer Kline
e ntler YesterdaT a ,isse Enfield rill.. •
at the .co . Id .eftnittlen government, depne•atiug a war I without eipreesing all opinion am to the pro. kindness towardmai other t yield for the want Of I
were sent to Ye
Canada. . priety of negro Auffrage,e atu - ; •
etcha h bad di AMU Wllittatla, It ass been permitted us to proper meet:liner, With whieh to work them. conducted hi
before Mayor Morrison, who
a er t h Frame . He avert that tbe ele hot. who , on . ,
se) avoided on all °ate. 4 slats berm see sad feel that republies an, not ungndeful coneleded it best to commit him to jail fgr a
I Petroleum has begun to gush 1,1 LOnialalla. 1 dod triton -
' The Spanish Authorities Hoaxed. ov nt to Europe to Invite Ma ximillien, peeve- I Air. Pomeroy naked Mr. Stewart If had not fly the public care taken of the soldiers wid. ,An on ner of land near Now Iberia was offered Gays, Wldelt he did-the ehinge
et eh arranged with rsur govethment for the li aid eilidren by Meter/lee to office these' by some explorer Sale m° fora locality weer- I rrt ' ing simply fee disorderly duct.
New Teak, March 14-An ' amusing amount reesi _ once said something ateut Its being a white ow • - e •
I - d geld - c I tun his f
les ablistoneut of a Mexican ruler, butwho gave tea If and best evidence of their Leine to 5, ,e tru e . ere used, but
of a hoax practiced upon the Spanish anttiori- 1 - ..„ . i , .1 Incarry out the pro- man's governmentl
ois a few days tame. with the connivanoe of I 4 " . " .I .III ",% ;Ift " r '' I ''''' " WWI fa • WO for one lrithe eof
air. Stewart replied that he had only stated loyalt3 . and put
Ii by the repealed and , nee,r; , year's i g
the Callan envoy In this ray, is published. A 1 g,' '''''''.. ". erediets anarchy, rut and unit the (set of tits being it elt i te Teen ,. go , reiterated reeol alone diet to the worthy sot. I working h s petroleum hem !vote, with an in.
letter pu rting tab(' attended for of
Chill., 1"' "eee'tneot to eteete° it Juarez le " placed, ernment was net to be scoffed at or disregard- slier of the Union is due the boding grathude I tel , k , ill Pie r dots . Thu Planters' Benner,
d 'reliably war with France also. Cd and he still Raid so. ofth . enoples, and the higladd honors of the too, not ted the illemivery of an abundance of
!sinister at Buenos Ayr is, and bearing the to , 1 ...Is a the President gave •i petroleum about. twelve. miles from lake
imitation of Senor B. Vienna Staekennas , Big
‘,..--gtorgror a 7.14.,-ity_w telegraph ; Mr. Steuart continued his remarks on tUe Ilep Dil i..
~,,, _.
enure, was dropped in the street at a o.t. . I s 1,'''..(1;,1 a ...rho had for welded orders resolution& Lie [aid he del not pretend to be
_,a_a p h ro h in a t. ... t a t t p ri ca hr;e tt r ‘ t . e . aelee faith 1 ,
~, I Charles in Calcasieu parish.
Another Dig strike" ocourriel en the skin
wdere two Spanish spies were passing. c.e,,,, 1 to • tw . rco iee ,, ,,
no , io
,suoie menet ,. the wedded to the particular provision. of what L OO
phoktilliup the letter concerning the movf;- in ‘'°‘ e r r. ' "`" Orleans , tole' 1 it innumbent upon its pledges
aid a made 7 and ' e nor form, n et
Oil the head of Bid! and Cher
he bed aubmittee, hutite, °adopted Inc peels. . _; an tut et .1 pre „ ,
' n, aly elected Mavor of Slewtt - salons. He wentah the lihn.t,, U 1 here au Op- I Inning Id shies gilt 1/ Or y Cello, :wild Mrs; ry Rims, mar Oil Creek, a Yell dayS ago. The
m onto of Imsginary Chilton privateers solves , i lute his out.„..
the mystery of the sudden departure of the : " °e
' omelet returns from the internal Revenue ,
. portunity to vote upon it, ben they refuse therefore welt will prove Over r.O barrels..
tr 0 Spanish ear retools, the Carmen and the , , Mat, it will be time enough tO aneeer oilier Reseired, That we hall with jot the itinnlia- Oil Magnre, DingleY and Parshall Rum,
Is thefla la Catholics, from this pen. The ex- Rclreau show c. a n
/t II CI 111 Et Co.. to be the i tt Of M al.Be Jh W G ftl re is great activity• wells goln doe . der.
• propositions; but until they do refuse, he on n. oii . cary or t he °Mee , le • , n,
, la _rest show
housee in the country. They.
~... 'tit thought it unjust to take from thbm the right, of Governer; that eta he has proven daunt- I ricks • going up, and leases sa balms rapidly
pt nee to Use pan s
S 1 h Government of the fade'
errand upon which these vessels were el e . pt Id It to. on sales of I . lt Y -tw° I°ll "' °°* ."-- decide for themselves. Be would state, Fite loss, loyal and true in the field, HO will he taken.
patched, owing to the ruse played by the • Pute. , Li been ad ,,,,, , ,,,,,, I thermore, in presenting this proposition, that prove wise, Jest and Vitriolic In the Chair;,
Chill. Levey, la estimated at thirty thousand • •n unite' sumo +nee us hashe found it to be in accordance with letters that in his nomination we gratefully earns-,
to take place at Clinton Hall this evening. written on tke lath of August las, by the else the faithful performance of the promises
denims. -....----._ . • P maths ',tweed announce in discussion. The I pro . toent to Got. Sharkey
which be was au- made and redemption of the pledges given,
pi lire are on bend to suppress any Iltstr4rh: I therlzed to state was genuine, published i n Resolved, That In furtherance of the popli
n/11M libel Fralliellieo.
Oa CR. , the newspapers, glia he bail no roabon to be- tar nal, eonslstent with Vito public good, we
h.h FR"a"Br°4 *(arch 15•-The steamer he Ilerold's special Toronto dispatch of tile have that the Presided, eke changed his heartily and cheerfully counnend to the vo-
America, of the hie...liege line, sated to-day ; ie . h; ,aye . The anuouncement that Secretary ' views, sine the letter wan presented to the tars of the 72tt Congressional district, the
with a tante number of passengera Two reward penalties to permit norlolation of the Mississippi Convention, foe the reason that name of Mu?. Goo. James S. NeideY rut a C....-
Steen:era sailed to-day for Portland, Oregon • moneallty laws, causes rejoicing, as also the •at refused to- receive communications from ammo for LOOO-ass, Like Oen. /Mere, he Was
earrylitt a largo number of passeng e rs e stationing of troops on the American trontior.. Gov. Sharkey, so that the question never was among the exist to take rally° pal, in the late
freight, estlned for the Montauu and Idaho •t. Patriek's misty will pared° te-teetrOw, . preieette e ic,,bo ur ,„,„„ that, „„ I „ , one bloody struggle, and lite lelm, he obtained
Mine& 1 ueartn rd other State. The resident dill not feel himself hls nil-Darr tellitinfetithePlalne_pf gene°.
The [remains of a man have been found cm Volunteering goes on • with epirit There • authorleed to a in t the fkueamei to tilePeo . Ch h hhhhh g ra s tl P l°hhhhhl g h and "etch Gap
the mountains of Otikland. They aro aupposost here been large s e e ° poti on . o f 0,-.3.001C0 I re. He thought the President did net reel an- gave evidence o his skill, daring and valor ill
obe those of Plat T. G. Pattery, of Penneye e.„ m the hack eonntry , mood
way t. A cd.
horizeil to demend it as a rood itlon.beeause It the Rola, as did Nekhalle of ale judgment,
b h been mimed from this eh
vases, w o as 3 rtsc Wideman announces the Intention of w. net. One 0f t he issues of the wen It WASS prudence and executive talent'. the council,
ranee Septet:loer Butt- from I 3 l/nvernMnt to aUppresli the Irish Cana- fib lion outside, upon . bldg the people, Of of ids patriotism, loyalty and adherence to
The strainer SlerraNaY4da ham arrived Alen papers for Illsloyal sentiments. tho South had no opportunity Otpassink , the best interests of the peotilo. Let the past
Portland. °Mon, I
brine iniesteoo In treasure. , me. wuji .,, o i 0 ng „,,,, ..„,, d a d l e s ea epeak, and if the public verdict be in accent-
Miele g claque are Irregular. ' Colored Troops to be Blustered Out-The 1 such a proposlden coming irOm Me. Stewart, I items therewith, we have no fear of the De
;.• Comm of Alleged Fronds by Whielil awl he would inquire of Dlr. Stewart whether tum
lieeolistlODAlTOUSDreslll. illotillers.
I If Me Committee of Fifteen reported a plan of
Nis' Year, Nara:if&
-The EftraltPm /farina can' Yeas, Morph 10.--The C ommercial's ape- , reconstruction embodying that proposition,
letter reports a revolutionary outbreak by e t d .sits : Prealdmit Johnson has determined ' V
saneirateat, wimld vote for keeping the
a en renresentetives det of Congrcks at
twenty4 hree yang' men, at. Ina VI/la Warn, to have 40,000 colored troops, now atattneed t ,
ivi . mlo i no,l. . .
near Saqtta. Twelve of them were captured 11.0 south, mastered Oct wltbin the coining hi that
by the GOvernreent troops; cloven are still at u , ,fltb. Ilelit P owTxt 51.1 be Wald vote for the pro
large, a te was expected they would ahem pt • , Phe calf. of alleged frauds by the whisky , positlun LP had offered, If repotted by the
to Mate their companions In larger force. ds ,titian watt called up this niorning, bot on Laprejttees
es re luest Of the defendant* IL was agreed to I 4 /Y . h fflehh r- 1 fa. P 4 we i 1.,,,v,, gem°
pestpone the cases to Friday the 2Sd inst. tor Limn pmvada, wr. Stew t; a new ethyart
Terellle Boller Amtploalon. Ito the neementy for 0o Ore enaage on this
YartAtet„ Yarch l 6 -Tie baler attathed to , fluor. I have maintained thateoloredsuffrage
althea's paling 44.W,i7lodedthismoynIng, Fenian ileetings to be Meld .
1 woe the only guarantee for future peace
alt h e a' s
Men name& tbley, from t,anstla paitanitertta, March It -Idstriet Conte , , secunty in this country. I have insisted that
Weettl and lieriotil h litlng Itlfne °the". Andrew Wainne has ordered a series of public lit was a necessity and that without it your
istlgreeten. e 1/1 -was caimplately meetings to be held each evening during ,Y. I National debt hi imperilled, your freedom will
doi rUone Of tho boiler were. thrownl next WNAL, in all parts of the city of all in in• . be in constant Peril, and this Republic cannot
A d d/Wird% et' two amyl*, " • ' vor of aloe netesuallty, and et supporting , enjoy permanent peed); and, sir, I welcome
- Stephens and Onislabony, The whole to con- • w 3,11 open arms the Senator from Nevada.
rand doMonstratton on the "Za , te rce t Laughter.)
Thaillklell W. Farr, a Ca. '7 ,- '••."- Rohrer,' bry an Insurance agent • r , ‘“lo with a g . I (
J-4.. The most prominent Fenian
m t . IT lison-d desire simplf to say that I
lenictla s a hisis/twier". and Des ' b " In "2"t i i , ll.ssivsoan Cr 'matea la -4 4 147 C • Ward s au ••• expecteerin aildetrt• the incellhe thank the ettnatOr From Nevada for offering
eta MOO
_Ol Yana= °OWL Office at 4 . l _ozso. recently appointed a travT.L.
tinswiseat,_of the , • PO IIIIIIIISIIIIIII:. ' I illiratle 4ohne/hvtl) re
.theriaashurkia row Um Water Works Pitta . Ifortborn American Piro Insurittioi=f 4.l23 % / ... vatic of the Fenian,. as BiOUltro6l For. oeire the fainflinieertuaiderlitlen of the Goln.
- boon arrested In Cleveland on a charge of 1 w . .._ Madam.. matee to whim' It his been referred, as well
burgbara. Reeidtnimainaß Plkaitre" Or" 7 " - Conxltted in laill. The co ,sa y
Orgnry, pony , -- -5 16.-The authorities 'MS of the Senate and of Congress. lam in fa-
O ra Prran/ a7allinal l ea _ . r .' ,4 4 ,ll Wo rk a llxrant- bave revok ha ChTthh• Ho /8 said t° , Bentteoree, V.e., M.,- e - „ Le o, tee vor, for one, and / belittle tbecountry bi in fa.
wil waterlo ool r• Itaplunag donator gta short. have forfeited his bon ti: a to have loft for of Montreal halm forbidden tee ~ A.-, i ger of settling this whole questions= the ba
nartssiuknOvrn. n t city, In celebration ot St. ea.-, •• .taitlysrsallibrty, tmtversal Justice. id
e/tricots*. soenargeraerepurs,peoviditathe - 1 pril:T r iy i . ti" - , ,I= i er r ,47 . •.!nd.,e.Wyerattlamneaty.
rootisilotsbussit Ana 4 imout.ou. . ..
' ocasereor 01 Idaho appobased, i air. Ilenderson said be Ifili Illider-some-ob.
I • - ea. dhe
r .•',-- • ''" ,'-',,, - 11*Ille ,
.. *IIISIbm '• , Nam/ •: Toika.lblareli letb.-A Waohthatoro , / I We' "'et 1 lientd l;3ll° "ttrl t l i r t ge lli.ftnrerlflittlnthat
- : '.'" ' ' '' ay sureitti , mid: skrgeoup pri special saw xr./10Coentiot,_of Arizona, ham - 1 Rem fee t !tiara' 16-Wm.lLSCCltt,:tAtulieM I
*DOM* after 3.lit 'HWY or nuotatut of- Sew.
- ,, , • ; -4, 1( _ .
__.S taak ...,,, m. .- ---•- • bIeaIIPPOW " " rIPL°I. °I *l l' h Pl vi°6 Cal6b 1 r ..--u , el ected .,-, - - - onto baziesii - tate prosidsoi usd inkolood
'ill/FM' . v g l ig ' '''''" , "' ' .'' '.
',, .•.. ',..c.. ' lgoa. ' • - - . Ory7.
the Wittolnugh-tagettr.
At Ingtont6Drug Store,Mos. 67 and 69 Finn Inc
eke Baueun
Of prides byßszkor 3. C 0...
'. • gates at Belt
Bee Bulletin
'Of Barker 1 Co.
Theme 1$ none, about SawYer'n Barninva Soap,
Try Unser:be convinced. .
See Bulletin
X5.,1;+4 mats goad Prints, Fast Colors at IPN
Ausdaeceata, and all the Igutt retake And new.
iot swim!, at 14t:terea a Cws, 59 Marketistxeet.
See Bulletin
Otliriees by Berker & Co.
••• Frabh Goodip—lir Bieck.
'Oat now tinittrittnei)t. Onprints, Gingtuuxuu
'"*e I.,lnes Mtudifin, and ylannelz, Ilates;&
aTi alterma at the S'er . lowest mice.
Kee Bulletin
prices by Barker & Co.
Silks & Dress Goods
immense Steck, and hinny kinds at ono
halt the former prices. Dclaine. at IS3i cent.
at Esirker'sib Co's., SO Market street.
• nee Bulletin
Of prices by Barker a Co.
At 12% cente r aud Good Undressed Mashes at
cents, and . Extra Wido Musa Ins at .SS rents.
at Barker's EB,Martet'street.
lapsing and Sassunei Goods.
We wish to inform the nubile that William
'Fleming, No. ISU Wood street, is prepared to
supply his many patrons with Spring and Sum
mer Bats, Caps and Straw Goods in all the late
aqtes, both. wholesale and retail. The stock
sin ads establishment is complete, consisting
of-all the late styles at, Men, and Boys Bats,
Caps and Straw. /anti; a large stock Ladies
Rata trlmtatid and untrimmed.
Dr. Gardner, of New York, who is now nt
Parlor ROM's% floor, at the Monongahela nonce,
treats Catarrh by the use of warm Medicated
litharatipn. The afflicted should go and con.
snit htib,
Bates & Bell.
For Shirt Fronts, L.Men Handkerchiefs,
Linen Damask Doylies, Napkins and Towels
Due goods are all fresh and are offered at the
!my lowest prices.
11WhaelOs Stammers Bitten/.
This very exoelleent medicine has become
widely known as ono of the best remedies far
Dyspepsia and other stomach diseases that has
everbeen offered to the public.—dustos,
Ar p w.
Offer for sale an. cat re new stock or Lace
Curtains, Vestibule Lace, Lancaster Colored
and White Quilts, Maras illes Toilet Covens,
Efainscooks, Lawns, Chintzes, De Leine', with
all the latest styles of materials for Dress
Goods, at 21 Fifth street.
Of alI the Medicines
That slier aim under our notice, there h none
that Mao university successful in instantly re•
tiering Dyspepena as Coe'. Dyspenias Cure. It
never fails. 'Sole agent for Pittsburgh, Jo
seph Ple„uung, No. Si, Market street.
The World crags,
The Fenian, talk' war against Englund, the
President. makes war on the radicals ; Canada
%Sin a state of excitement; Spain makes war
--- 11111nst Chit, ...gam has fallea, and Pittock
.fells album* (laid Pens, Diaries, Pocket
~.130olta,liC., at panic prices. Call and see.
Litdief Friend for April.
A favorite with the ladles, bed come, and 1.4 to
be had et Pittock's.
Carpenter Jobbing Shop
flaying returned after an absence of three
yrArs In the army, I Dave re-opened my shop
• forall tarts Of Jobbing In the carpenter line
at the old stand. Virgin Alley. between Smith .
field street and Cherry Alley. Orders solicited
end . promptly attended to.
Wiuman rouse?.
Of Ada Monk, Minnie Monk, Helen Western,
COuldcialee, Lott's, Emily Melville, Rophin
Halm, Carrie Moore, Julia Daly. Pnotogratdm
of these, and 5,U others, at Plitook,a.
Fall awl Winter titoode
It is with greet "pleasure we call the anen
t On of our readers to the subperb stock of Fall
dad Winter Goods Just received by Mr. John
,Seior, Merchant Tailor, No. larederal street,
'allegbeny. His stook embraces some of the
moat beautiful Cloths, Caseameres, Overcoat.
tags and Vesting. ever brought to the western
Market, Hie assortment of Varnishing Goods,
en:prising Rata, Drawers, Collars Neck Ties.
tlandkerelnefs, ae, Cannot be surpassed east
ar west, A• Argo stock of ready mad Pante,
Coats, Vests and Overcoats, will alsVssafoune
A n , bin agablisniuent. Persons went of any
. thing in thee thing the should not fall to
give Mx. Wider a call.
. I
- Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Catarrh. .Pr
Gardner, Ocalist and Aurist, of Now York, re
ispeetfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh
that babas taken rooms at the Monongahela
Mouse, where he will remain rintli Wecinesa
day, 'literal 18th; after thatitlme be will visit
Pittabutgn monthly, of which. duo uotme will
be given, and otters Aids professional services
to such as aro afflicted with diseases of the
Eye, Ear and Catarrh. Dr. Gardner treats Ca
tarrh by the USW of anima Medicated inhala
tion. ayes inserted without pain,
and perfectly resembling the naturaleye.
Operations for Cdtaract, Strabismus or Cross
-:Eke.'Artifletal Pupil, eta., skillfully perform
- ied. Deafness, Noise in the Head, Discharges
trOm the Ear,: Obstrucitions of the Eustachian
Viabri, and all - Acute or Chronic Diseases of the
Ear and .tar. passages successfully treated.
For references, testiest:Dials etc., send for a
circular. °nice hours from 9 s. a. toe r.
patio, Parlor 11, first door. Principal office
175 West Forty-third Street, New York.
Bargalnsi Bargains It
la Ladles rum at William Fielnlait'S, NO. 139
Wood street-
A Broken Down system.
There is a disease to,which the doctors give
tuanYnames, but which few of them under.
toad. It is simply Welikitell breaking
- -down otthe vital forces. Whatever Its causes
dead they are innumerable), its symptoms are the main the same. among the west prom
meet are mamma lassitude,. loss of appetite,
4. , •:60111 Or deab, and greatmental depiesafan. In.
• .filgiation an aliromach Cbigh are also fre
quently concau Mints of tills distressing state
of body and mind. The . common remark In
relation to persona In such a condition is, that
they are conanniptive. Now, what these un
fortunatesiwally want, is vigor—vital strength,
and es certainly as dawn succeeds darkmass
rthey can recuperate their systems and regain
Perfect health by resorting to flostetter's Cel
' oebrated Stomach . Bitters. It is as clear that
11ta.renPifig Tonle is required in such cases,
dia that the dying dame of an empty lamp re.
La be revived with a new supply of oil
Perfectly pure and Mao:lout, containing
nothing but the most genial vegetable ex.
• Macts,and combining the three gra ale
' meats of a stomachic, afn Alterative, and a ge
nial hivigorient. Bostetter's Bitters .ItEl
able to aUcemstibatiom, and are as applies
xle to the !Inmates amaisabillties of the rep
tiler sex as to those of men.
Egoatetterla Eiders .
',are sob. TholesplOEnd retell at very tow raw
Dleordiat'a Dnig and Pattoit Medicine Depot, Market street, corner of the Disseood
and Youttli atreat.
.t, ;:i's,iz,.-,.;:?,z,,.-.,,zai.ia'o..k&.v%llJig.W.A2g,,g.g:;.lm.§2::eci.B,;i:og;,2,Ait:ffi',i:a:grqEi:7.3f4.'zg:aAgt"22i\A4-'+e.'iW•fig2;i':4:ZZSg
$4, , 5 , e-o :-. . - .
Disease of the Eye, Ear and Catarrh. i - ---
Dr. Gardner, of Neer Torte, 111 d
Armlet, operator on the liye and Ear, whO Wu;
been meeting With great stuMM'ai In the prlnCi
pal eines of the Ignited States, rerpeethally In- PENNS YLVAMA LEGISLATURE.
fenns the citizens of Plttsbtugh that he hes
taken ooms stthe MOneationiela House, Room ,
H, first ' door, and wituipp i .e geve d he reserve , Special Gt•psteti to the Pittsherali (layette.
patients daily until Hsieh %thin& after that ft t =sue an, March in 1111:3.
tbzienrlMlllint-Pittliburgh monthly, of which SENATE.
„bd.. !! !i. dieoisih e given, and can be
„ manned I Mr. Blgham read In place, an act fixing the i
eii 441444' ' yew. i n the head, eatavv „ d ,,,_ , alloweruNkof patients supported at public es- ! '
eil a t i vn i ii . the
aeea. ! toner at thNiveitate Lunatic Asylum. /
Mr. Brown re:idea act regulating marriages,
illidatletit Of Mil In the ear, obstructton of the '
thus autliorieffiAthe leaning of licensee; Ale
niititilithttler tubs anil acute or chronic dl- !
a laiea a r ih e iiftean d air p
es. aiiidei „ similar to the. Ohio State law on that subject.
Mr. Lowry rend an act allowing the people
cues Inserted Winn:WA pain, and perfectly re
lit/0141ns the natural Dye. Operations for fiat- at the next cle'citon, to vote for or against a
"Clett Strabbinluil'Or Grass Eye; Artificial Pu„ general railroad lair.
POI &en! sidlidiullY performed, and all illatignie. The supplement to the election law ;metall
ing deserters, passed finally, by party vote;
of' the eye and ear treated, and every opera
the Democrats placing on record their reas
tkm in aural and optalmie surgery performed
by De:haidtitir. Dr. Gardnerbas been induced ens for voting against the bill. •
to vlitit some of the principal, cities of the fir. Nichol, introduced a joint
_resolution In
tnitdJl States, thereby to bring his skill within strutting our Senators and requesting our •
the reach Of the apposed who could not avail representatives in Congress, to originate and '
Omni:mescal' of it In New York, and offers his
rofes Slonal vi :to alludedted
ses of ser
the eye and ear. 'l such as are
aving had urge the passage of a bill giving full protection
prole dot
American labor as against ramous comPe•
with disea
titian front the factories and workshops of
seventeen years , practical ac.untaintance with Enrol> , Referred to the Commune on Feder
elute and chronic diseases ' be Is prepared to a t ! Relations. I
I receria patients for treatment, to diagnose I Adjourned till Monday evening next.
' their diseases withaecuraer, and to treat their I 1( SE.
I morbid and functions& derangements patio, Mr. Shotreroffereil a petition of nine theo
logically. He does not propose to cure every- sand citizens nod voters in favor of the new
i t
thing, but from his long.and auccoffsful pros- 1 " -wh.n law. I
[lce Is able to promise cures In all chronic ' Mr. Glass offered a petition relative to !Ugh-
cases. lie particularly Itivitestilose who have : It nil Avenue, to Collins township Alto, a pa- 1
long been suffering from deafness, sore and di-! t!tion relative to a road in Chortler. town-
scased eyes, to give him a call, as he has rt... '^' , ir ,
Stored to sight and bearing many who have Bit.. ix Pt...CC—By Mr. Glass—Au ant rein- I
been blind for years. ' ti ve to the Cleveland and Mohoning Railroad.
For further particulars, TVA:trance., testltno.. fly Mr. Herron—An art relative to t hell:lloo3s
tials, etc., send for a circular. - ' n ant of property for the purpose of the im-
hours from t , A. X. loft v. w. 1 ii ovement of Anderson street, Allegheny;'
Principal office 11: West Forty-third street, it o, to motherly , ' the school Directors of the
New York. I F myth ward, Pittsburgh, to use certain money
fi r building purposes.
A Joint resolution in reference to the tax on
I p•itroleittn passed tinnily.
I The orphans of soldiers and sailors , United
it e bonne to-tiny at 1 o'clock, and entertained
I tie members, the Governor .. I citizens of
It trt isburg, in speaking, deela ng and sing
ing. Governor Curtain address, the House
in tot elo q uent tnanner In favor et the datums
of the orphans to the state.
Adjourn en
Ent liberty Lo+r os 13olltaas' Perk
The remaining 13 h.f-aere lots at Collie.'
Pt, k, to be sold on ~ :ty afternoon nett,
Ile handsomely 'and in the !inert Ritnedon
about East Liberty.
25 Cents per Yard
One case Black /drmas opened this morn
log, which we will sell at 23 cents per yard.
Remember we are now on the north-east ror
tier of Fourth and Market streets.
C. llassosi Loves Rae.
- -
Ono Gale opened this morning on the north
east corner of Fourth anti Market streets.
C. RANSON Lose a lino.
Nowlin Print* and tillinghea.
A good assortment now opening and a
be sold at popular prices, on the north-ens
earner of Fourth and Market street.
C. Ilassos Love a
For March, at Fittock's.
la the name of a new monthly tar rhthite
just reeetved at rittock's
200 !Mew Cazds
Received the lewd week at Pittoeice
Buy nu Album
To keep your Photographs fa: nothing batte
Get them at Pittock's.
•The Tertian° Seeker,
Lucy Arlyn, Letters of Life, and °ldler ne
Woks at Pittoek's.
Beadle•+ Monthly tor April
Thls Interesting magasine
_ls again lwfo
UR, and Is as usual full up to the dlark.
toot has It.
---NO. 64.
Presitleul JOhuson Officially Notified.
City Marinilty.
Dr. (two. L. kfedook!Zkysioism to the Board
of ilealth, makes the following report of the
interments In the city of rittsbargh, from
March 4th, to March 11th, ka.'4l.;
cotkanmption, A ; doftening mucous coat of
stomach;l; ennutnonla,,l; prepay, IL4benssea
and'Consilloption, 1; tlemorrage of 'Rowels, 1;
Convulsions, 31 Catarrh - Fever, I; 81411 Dorn, 2;
Rupture, I; Typhoid Fever, 1; Weakness, 1;
Atrophia, 2; Larrmlsmus Strblnlods, 1; Empy
erns; Fistula Thoracto, 1,
Of the above there were Under 1 year, 8;
from Ito 2, 1; from sto dO, 1; from 33 to 50, 2
from 30 to 40, 1; from 40 to 50, 3; from 60 th 70, 3; ;
Ireol - 70 to 80 L Males, 11; Females, 9;
18; Colored ,.. Total, 55.
The Roll of Roszer.—lVe are indebted to
titq quarlerereter General, Gun. Reiss, for
coy ig" vne 'AtollIlonor," containing the
names of soldiers hurled Ln.Lha National Cam.
Mary at Alemindna, Ytt., and another entitled
the martyrs who, for our country gave up
their lives In the prison Deco in Anders.on.
villa, Geo." It is a melancholy, this lest, and
contains the names of nearly .13,030 etymon
who perished at that infamous Thule. The
boats carube seen at thiaoffiee. • -
liestater panel" tor dprfl can bettad at
GibtaLtannySzlioAllth tietrileat,"loo4.
S r .: ~ti ' ' ~L"::
Ron „e
12 .
. T. Dnff.... 161 Salisbury.— 127
J. P. Pears... 105 R. Wallace— 11l
S. Strunz 101 F. A. 113
-BB Carnahan 111 D Cunningham 113
C. Sehwarm.. 111 L. liuchnoiser. 113
.rudge-31. Hartzell. 100 P. Bundler- ... 114
inspector —A Hammett 103 .1. Seibert lls
Res, rep.--. 1. Gallagher 107 V. Segner 114
Asses sor McCully- 41 Henry Grants. 37
Assessor—A. McLean.. hN C. Mall tea
&Coed Precinct,
Burgess-1 T. 96 J. Salisbury ... 902
(70110eit—L. Bentz 151 S. Mellwefne... 155
LS'. Dir-11. B. Carnahan 140 D Cunningham 157
C. Schwarm.... 12.1 L. Kuchneiser. 130
Knowles-. . 124 .1. W. McKee— 191
Imp Aughenbangh 105 D. D0r5m.,.... 171)
Rel..lnap.—lP. Howard. 121 John Ward.... 149
Castes.—Wm. McCully.. 23 Henry Grants 36
Assessor—A. McLean... 133 C. Hall ISO
zsler meat:son AL.
In fhis dlstriet a Repubtican and Citizens.
ticket was nominated, and the former was
elected throughout. Below are the tlgures.
itep. Cit.
-David Ches.., .201 N. 11. Snyder...2ll
.N. Jones, 2y ..2T7 -1. P. Eleisel,2 p. 193
J.Beck, 2 T Campbell, 23 - .192
.1 Atkinson, 2y ' J Ftsher, OlllBy,
C P Shultz,' y.OO .1 Atkinson, Ip, ISO
&It Dir—J. Gee Geyer 203
Jacob Gut....-. 8 J P Hogan 197
A.cressor—J. J. Jarrett.. 272 A. J. Rapp 210
Judge—D. Sheering-- 279 P. Sett/ire. 191
horpector—D. Baldwin.. 277 .1. 15.9
Set. Inv. -1.. Shaler.... 212 J. Dressell 157
urizior.--Chus. Buhl.. 271 11. A. Lepake.. 192
Jag. Beck—. 272 S. Hillig 191
Jarret...... 249 1. Sattssrs 235
1 vote for and against the now Market
110. e project result.' In the defeat of the
measure ' LS follows:
A istlact Market (louse 153
Sch Dar-7
Burg so—
Rook o !cell
oi.arrsus or Lute. lly Mrs. L. 11. Sigourney. I
New York D. Appleton ft Co."
Mrs Slgourney. In these letters, plainly and
without affectation, tells Diestorysst-InWere
lite. It is, in all respects,,' as tintehlog.raphy,
and some kind hand lies added Lk concluding
chapter glOng the story of her death. Mrs.
klgdurney was not, in our view, a very great
poetess, but she wee a charming versifier, and
retained the affectien of the American pubis::
during her long and useful life. in this ale..
gent volume wo get a clear insight Into hat
character, and learn .to reverence - her, as
well as admire. A very good portrait of
her, as she appeared in her declining years,
j prefadbs the book.
For sale by Davis . , Clarke 6 Co, Mbar et.
"Tax Outeis or TRY LATE WAR. Dv GOOTre
Lunt. New York: D. Appleton & Co."'
Any one who WRIIVEI to gratify ft gratige at
the Abolitionists can iiidu fge fill@ taste by read
ing Will work - . Mr. Lunt ilia ready writer,and
puts 'MI views with Much form:, but - be Is one
of those fossil politicians who ' became petrh
tied About ISV., and bas remainedin.the stony
condition ever sine°. Ills theory illthat the
Abolitionists oersted tine war, and thatthounti
slavery movement seas a fa ctions ono, got up.:
for political purposes, ands Vita not 'inspired
by merciful an philanthropic motives. On
these texts he preaches, the sermons that have
delighted old fogies and hunkers ter the past
generation, and has out, to the full, his spite
against the anti.elavery men oPthe ermtry.
Mist object is to be gained by the publics
• tion of such a book, now, we cannot see. It
an old ad hothat it does not mend the pitch
, er to tail lt was ' brolcen, Suppose Mr.
LuntAo allegations:l to be * trues what theft
iiii•Vnt'Y is abolished,. and tbo motives which
led to the antiolaveryfigitation cannot change
thatTaet nor in any way alter oar duties as a
nett= to the 'freedman. kill, we suppose,
your old fogy must be showed to growl and
grumble, and. Mr. Lunt is the very embodl.
meat of old fonism.
' For sale by 'ftvis,Clarke & to„ Wood meet.
Edward eini f r Ron.
Born Ti . liq Vtooth--• , . o ..
m, Cukm 4le., of tinitnitawitinip.l.4l,lllooo
oonttty, ar two Vargowoe burnolno Onta;
On teal nth lAA, TY7,ol*OlOttuso *no3/01411!
whOnt bin mother ins ant Ot tato zoom••
_ _,,i,f, . ~ +`-‘,..'-'•,.... 1. 4 "....4
The Crainllowl Court
The Jury in the case of Met all. ritewart and
ETlgen, tried forburciary in entering and rntl
bing the Jewelry store of Messrs Johnston ~
Scott., retired this Morning: rimier charge ct
Judge Stowe, and after a short absence they
returned a verdict of guilty, in manner and
form an fn.lieted. The principal evidence
against them was that of Peter Roger, an a,
compiles and brother of one of the defend
ants. The parties were remanded for sentence.
.1 motion was subsequently made for a nteT
Wm. Williams was arraigned on a charge of
entering toe barbershop of Mr. Price, under
the Girard House, and stealing therefrom a
shirt and three razors belonging to Wm, Cesar'
and Wm. Johnston. The stolen property was
found in the possession of the defendant, but
mthiaaadat.,,luisetitbonentuhlet.tjeuaduaneevertheless, the Court intl.
Trevor Richmond thO , u f t i t ad th w a h f o el has onio bee ' n ta ln k t i h neg
habit of pilfering around the Diamond Market,
was put on trial for the larcenyOf a handful of
postage currency from the' stall of Austin
Front. no was convicted, had ordered to be
placed in the House of Refuge until twenty
one years of age.
Noah Ilea plead guilty of burglary, In enter.
lug the tavern of Thomas Thornton, in the
Diamond. The same defendant was put on
trial for felonious assault; in firing a revolver
at Mr. Thornton, when discovered In the act
of pillaging the - premises. The Jury found a
verdict of guilty, and the prisoner was rxi
inarated for itentenco.
Morris Carlisle was convicted of an assault
and battery upon Charles Miller, and sentenced
Impaprisonmey a fine
nt of
in sz
the co o anduntyp undergo three months
W. B. Hemmen, the 1. Mental who was
traced to Chichi.. t I bv octet, Long, and ar
rested oil a chars. .g borglariously en
tered the hat stor.• •.. ‘• Douglas, on Wood
• street., put in a plea of guilty and was remand
ed for sentence, It will Is, r&nembered that
Bernman had shipped a box of furs, which
were stolen from Mr. Douglas, to Cincinnati,
and was arrested when about to take posses
; sten of the property. Be is no doubt an ex
perienced thief, but he will be put of the way
• of doing harm tor some time to come.
Jacob and Catharine Iterrtnger worn Con
' victed of an assault and battery upon Hannah
Boles, and Jacob was sentenced to pay a fine
of OM and costs.
Court adjourned the jury trials over until
I Monday next, when a new panel of inrors will
be In attendance.
Tae Stationing lta lroad.—The proposed
route for this road Is from Youngstown, (0.1
to New Castle, (Pa.) thence down to Conno
quonessing creek, up the creek, to Zellenople,
Boller county thence up Breakneck creek to
Ebensburg, with a brooch to Butler,eizte en
miles distant. Leaving Ebensburg, the cowl
will follow fine creek to Etna, thence across
to East liberty, and connect with the Von
nellsville rand at Four Mlle run. a prelimi
nary survey of the routels now being made.
alight Flre.—The alarm of fire this morn
ing, between . four -and Ike o'clock, was on
andoned by the - burninifof some: rubbish In
the cellar of **theory store located on the
- corner of Nltfilmil Webster Streets. The Ner.
tan: stliamerwas
labed t r . Ar i Tta
fo r e the gro mata ug
Marriage I= been clone. There was a barrel
tfiVitalfTo w al ' p a ggs f ex ce tr.lolt i the Ar .%. ", , d _
quences might bare been serious.
Mischievous Erchiris.—John 'Marker, a
tailor, doing business on East Lane in the
Fourth ward,
_Allegheny, made Info r mation
before Mayor Morrupri, on Thursday evening,
charging live hem named John Dariley, Chris
tian Schaub, Christian Bach, Daniel Mattis
and Daniel Donnelly, with throwing stones
through the windows of his shop, - while ho
was at work. The Mayor tuwa the parties ono
dollar each and ccOis, and upon their agreeing
to repair damages and behave batter in the
future, discharged the case.
Accident on tie 'Sceneryrennin
road.—Tho Penn Acoonunodatlon
which althea hare at 6 d
m u rr d yrj un 4
11 employee of tho road,. a a
coat of Torrensi Station, and
nously—it may be fatailli• WilrieV,477„; ructc ',71
the engine, and toe p
to boon the head and aide.. T e c L , livr
S ca ta T io n n.
b yh tlw train' and,earned was 'rendered lila.
w ere pro pe r assistanc e
[Rename was not ascertained.
The Alletheay.—The V„ego Times of Thurs
day says: The mar has , been rifting. rapidly
.lace yemer4sy. Ind to at freshet height this.
ma ruing. There is little damage ieft whlehtt
c lie as the work was thoroughly - 11one at
all vulnerable points by the recent Ice gorge.
Several steamboats - went up yesterday, but
business has not fairly commented ori the
The Common, Pleac—A4e toryjp,
of Porter •Ce. the pitteburgli,:k art - Wavle kind
Chleeffo, sal/ Clotelavid And pittetittrgh Rail
rout vanaulies;p4nd Aveidiet ptir Uto
Ilia' egad cif ippts va n the IlklintockviUcq't,
Mien= ConivAY; 4 lllltAlk on Mal;
. .
'' . Wc roi Ste:Co Wa4 340 tue. wadi
-491."4".6"..edire50 are that
.~ f .... ~'. ~2.r...r ..:3~ia r -x.~.i- } - ~u;a.~.n->~sß:;>'i .f.. e.y
Wedassds► sad tke ether ea indarday
The edition &retarded It ttleh will resell tie sub
see lbers soonest as the mall rm.
In Mato of Ilya
In Club. Of ton and upwards
Th. Frult.—The la hnottgahela Reptibikean
""Y' the trait trcet in that region have :won
aralued and that till, except peaches,
n ex al of huth., arid prop,:ne an abundant yield,
AO. and etuuultat are pat t loularly prOMIt4
Ing of It gootl crop.
1 1 ) ,, n07 . 1 t , 1 7 , 1 4 1 o r t t t ‘ l o
Mr( artny. for %oiling liquor on '01,1.3.3'.
6 THE P-111::SS.
IT 111-PRE-OFF' K N WI.F. I •H7—t•Ttr.,,t.s
say' , that the I.A lit; 1.1,1 .11.1 11Kra asrortment of
DY-M AD lc,
xl' .4.7EZEILCITTI2"
N 0. 60 Fifth St.,
Where Goody are Warranted, Re-
paired Free and gold Cheaper
than any other EttlabliSh-
men( In the City
I 133=
dejected personaliy by the subscriber, rturina .
cent Visit to the r.ton..
are note ones, end ready for enwmluatlon. and Ina
pulille ore Invited to con and pee them,
. W ood Stre , q
Schamacker 11 Co.. Philadelphia,
I I .121. TNT C> lat.
The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ,
Acknowledged by the Itmst musical talent In the
United States to be [tope rlor to to 1111.AI/ors lu nowt..
poetr s y and quality of hole, mod thorough work
Tlo•ne Instruments hare for year. &ken the nr.t
prem./Ina. over all all votopetttor, at the earloon
elate eon Cowin. Pairs. In !wive., they are lower
than our other.. All weal - at:tort for the. year..
ofthe fashionab world.
Ilerrhanta will ,
be sopplled%trove and 07 flits
bip-gb Jobbers and ladles in all the drat-class rattail
stores in this for
Braelle)'s Duplex Elliptic t 4 kirt.
lArtV EST UFA A IL 1 . 11.1C1N.
riuppl led tor the Julio at lowest rates.
MaClittralf a C✓IRLISLE,
18 birth Ert-reot.
°Mee and Warehouse 801 Liberty Street
opposite Smithfield,
Manufactures a areat variety of CiAllK, l'Altl.olt
cad Ilk:ATI/40 STOVP,O, o.ntoug which aro the eel
brated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cool:lux
Stove.; Moo, the A utoenti and nentitrel,for coal or
'r00d.... ad the unrivalled Star of the E mpire, for
one. also, Arches Orates, Fender., Sugar Kettles.,
'Mg 1 :dila and liolluiv . tyaregoaerally. fatal
'ran! It. brif.tcl.
CHINISTS; 3fatinfoetnrent of Land and Idarino
WELL ENGINES, and even kind of Diashinerf,
made to orderi All work warranted. CASTINGS 6
of erufy destription 'undo ,trder. !Repairing
Sisehinery_praimptly attonds4 to.
.10/1 - S-1101'. CORNED Or POINT ALLEY'AND
krittsburak. Fa. fe=atto
_du ,
alanufactortirs Of BLACK and WOCKAI
WAILK,Fens' Ware,,Bottles, Detatohns, Car
=qt. &c. &rehouse—No. IN WATZB ISTREKT
between timlthtleld and Grant strata, Pleisburan
We warrant our Wares w. he superior to any man
ufactured west of tholfountaine. Always 0. hynd.
Glassware of tke above 4/ascription. AU order*
w en ded so, Particular attention:aid t•
ingt.BET. Pittsborah, manufacturer of BOILKit
RIVETS, WROUGHT BPIKES, co:minon and railroad
of r very delealption.
ratlc9lllX siredor shaped eplkeii and Rivet Wee
arsenal, made to order at short notice. A Pad
ear:Meet etillatatitiT on hand. -
10/...LENS & WRIGHT '
I:lrTittan .---- iii
limas and Sheet Metal Worker*,
torr, Carbon and Lard On liarnva,n i d ri lU) " rtar .C e'
'Y. of Brittonla used by Masa Ildanntiet n ur ry
unT,trn r a p ry4Lod. tio. LDSLLIND
~o ,n.•
-40) b'Oio
JOSEPH MEYER :& SOlim,lllartU.
then:trots and 35" t. llotaht and ItotanClNlonnt In
above tne Canut, no on hands a tary.o stiortment
and Mahogany, of znotrotru rtumufsou4o, and Nan
matej„,typyl to quality and. Myla to any utanniaotnr..
atilt,' tor atty. and wIl IsoPy.naaonsblo I:0nm
ti . "iliiNlTUittE, ! •
, •
I *
1 •OM AND*0011;OILUIS • .
Manntactakittatiw ,
oale.'!' ... -
Wholesale or Reta ► at •
Res. Bt`a lADMEMOS*
Oplostte L IkOziandion & awl
• . .
I tb