The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 16, 1866, Image 4

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ztianictirs- and Brokers,
Ard..75 Fourth 'Street. Pittsburgh,
balm In AR Nods ortiorermment Beet:titles,Cold
and stMmr• , Rneutrent Bank Notes, Foreign •
and Domestte Esehsage, et c .„ et c ., eft.
pewetts received la Punt:less:o Carney.- let
setest.lolowed on 1.1.16 deposits. Cotteettosi mule
twat Dula ot the 'United Mates on moss favorable
ettrt dam mueess at. t'd
w ja U r ch rc ' r ev iZi t l ia l 4
and ptmospo yOrte
y - on emends
:lton. -
Dravrort DO,'Neir C( W ,g
'-> '. re. D. D. aT. IL PER-
Tatman/a',, UM.
C.Old,Was again a little weak to-daV and
shade.threr, being quoted in Now, York at
MOW/ a 4, against 131% yesterday. .Stocks
operiedat-a slight advance but closed lower—
altitielpf Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago
RaXlionel Stock at 91%.
It is a note-worthy fact that in the general
deeline of maturities Government bonds alone
matittfilit their value. The Seven Thirties and
the comptrmad notesxneet with a constant tic
mend at irtemilly-imptoving - figures. There
• has also been of late a gcodthquiry, at ra
ttier higher rates, for the Ain , per cent ten- '
forty-year stock, which, It is believed •.v some,
may prove, in - a very short 1: the best
speculation on the Government 1.,. It is by
no manna certain that Congress. a L . . authorize
any further loans as high as six per cent in
gold, and It is even more probable that the
outstanding Mx per cent deposits On ten days'
notice will soon be reduced to five per cent
in currency, end the a3a,000,000 of legal-tender
notes deposited by the clearing-bouse banks
of New York and Boston on five pair cent in
terest (returnable on demand) reduced to
three or tour per cent, or paid Nye:together.
—The Supreme Court of tho United States has
given its decision regarding "the disputed
question of the liability of national bank to local . taxation agalnat the banks
White appealed from the decialon of the State
Gonna, it is feared that the liability of bank
stocks and the income therefrom to State
„taxation will prove very onerous—the tag
upon penional property in some placea being
tM•ft, Tar tent. National Banks, however,
have large privileges' without claiming the
exetaption of their 'stooks from local taxii
- tIOn. Their "'wreath are so large that they will
stiU continue, with perhaps a few. e.xeep.
items, tOznakenearly or quite thefr usual di,.
—The Boston Beentrig Traveler of March 12,
- ins financial and commercial, foreign news
la enconnwring. Ttukfurther advance of two
per - centaur:-- n- the gold price OP the "Me
twenty" bonds in London brings those United
B tates.seemzities nearly op to their market
Value in currency, on this side, at the present
ratootexchange; which is eatisfactory, setae
as It shows a continued huprovement, al
though seventy-one In sterling Is apparently
an unreasonably low price for those substan
tial gold-bearing "sixes" Before the war,.
even the "dve per cents" used to command a
premium in gold, instead of being at &large
d 4 ant from par. The money market to-day
is well supplied with loans on deniand at six
cent, and the best paper is wanted atilever4
and a bait and eight per cent The share mar
ket is without any essential alterations, either
a the volume of transactions or In price.
There seems to be about as maney orders to
purchase as to sell.
—A dispatch from Washington says
Quite a spirited contest occurial In the
/louse on Monday morning
_last, o upon a rese
sittini°triat"Alebig.f. B 'l ILlnensde 1.1".1.1=
SD, shen not be so enoetrued as to exempt_
from State and municipal taxation United
States notes not bearing Interest held by indi
viduals as money, or, in other words, th at le
gillttetideegreenbacks held as cash in Masada
or pOolteta of Indivhituds alto, or as a deposit
pal tax shalt
Af ubj a c truggl at , e
a an in
g nearly
half an boar, it was referred to the Committee
of Ways and Means.
—The question of reissuing to the owners
Treasury notes or government bonds irre
coverably lost by disaster at sea urnow en•
gaging the attention of both houses ef Con
gress. A number of important claims of tine
character are now awaiting action. The Sen
ate Committee on Claims have just made a
report In the ease of Coldsm Lai Brothers.
bs..ertcrof San
California, who ask
the the re-issne et tee thousand dollar., in
Seven Thirties, lost on board the Brother Jon
artharh.wrecked in the Pacific, to August last.
The edmrui tteesay that a principle of common
equity, not toy say cOmmon honesty, requires
thevovernotent to make good the lose, in case
the loss (lithe securities be proved beyond all
doubt:, and a requisite bond of indemnity be
gavel, by:the claimants. Another ease, in
volving the Bata of sixtythentand dollars in
coulpounflintereat notes, br the wreck of the
gear Orleans Moaner Republic, last fall, has
just emote the Meuse Committee on Cl:tie:op.
--Staater Sherman has introd eyed •an im
portant d.uancial hill Into. the Senate, •whleh
wen - ides that the aggregate amount of legal
tender notes shall not fait Woe glie,000,000;
atulthattal the atirplus In the Treasury over
SSYStIO,OOO m coin, and 10 0 . 00 4.00 S in currency
shall be used to satisfy the accruing indebted
ness for the purchase and retiring of bonds
and interest hearing_ legal tenders, It is fur
therprovided that the interest bearing legal
render notea shall -not be retired taster than
five million dollars a month.
- -
Carnes or eas PlTTeaeltaH Hareem,/
• Titmouse, March 15, lure t
CATTLE—The trarunactive to cattle at these
yards - balm ueen remarkably light this week,
the whole number that changed hands reach
ing in the aggregate but little over one hon
dierL_Aead, anal the market, us a matter of
coarse, was dull and neglected, with a drools
leg tendency. The arrivals were very tight, as
was also the demand, and with but very few
'buyers in attendance, holders had "to make
concessions in °Marto effect sales, and quiLi.
*number rather - than to sell at the figures of
lend here, shipped on further east. The un
parOrablechanteter ofthe advices from Now
aftic, had a tendency to retard operationu,
and besides, shippers, warned 'v :hr r cave.
ritoce of the past two or thee „i.e.:ha, are
operating, with great mutton, 1.5' tag very
sparingly, and only at low figures. x illbc
limn by reference to the annexed report of
sales, prices ranged front SiolKgross,thongla
extra cattle, of which there were but few of
acn sale, would doubtless have brought 1 , 4 '
There is a continued fair shipping
demand for Hogs, and with a falling off in the
arrivals,, prices, although unchanged, are
pretty well maintained, ranging from fia.i to
t e ti(gross—emo' extra bunch, averaging over
bs.hrought IW, Messrs. fledges, Holmes
Co. bciughtseven small droves of light Hoge
at - prices ranging from 914 to' OIL
to but as al
ready stated, good. averages sold at from lo
10 , 4.
SILEEr—The arrivals of Sheep were again
light this week, but with only a moderate de
mand, and unfaverable reports from the eadt.
thereols no essential change to note In prices,
.as compared with last week.
tatriziers of awes DIMIXO TUN wain Itantera
Itasca 13.1609.
1- 4 1
Plata" telphLal.
New York, ...
Way Points...
-• •
&der. Buyer. Arge. Price.
Trigtito lamb 185 M. 5 OD
11Ingerlt Imhoff to Keys.... 154 M 101
9 97
Randolph to Orr .... 97 180 950
Allerton to Gllahreist 98 230 10 30
McFadden to Gfichrelat.... 18 500 9 90
- Staler to Gllebrelet 173 310 10 75
Rule& to Gllebrelar 92 246 10 25
Wilson to tillehrelstloD 250 10 50 •
Alalorf to 31nger & Imhoff: 109 ' 2 . 35 9 .4 Z
mansers JO Mnaerit Intbad. 139 220 990
to Mager &Imhoff. 66 200 912
Mager & hobo& to Taber.. 127 349 995
sump • Aix..
andth •
• Ma r
wr. No. dot*, Price.
-to-th 145 94 487
aconnLtm toziedges ........ 72 025
°Trio nubhoneer 145 92 570
Abilort ....... 56 110 47 he ad
Malrd to Reeser . 159 100 66 la h ead
/alders= averag in ghser 19 head of
Mann Ohio gusts,MO, at 61 Ruff io Mann
90 head of Marla stftra,averaging lam, at ell',
Stiff tonctet 17 head, averaging IWO, at aaai
Mirk to Illetnent9 nead, averaging 1.103, at Bit
MitConnlelf to Masithonser 17 head common
steers at at Hat to Mabobia t Co. 17, araigtang
M„.IW at d• Bullock to Hedges 29, and iftr v h,
to:efialsaher, 15 beta.
t h , `
setter elf the New Turk itiroeery Market
Mora the COMO:erant List, March 14.)
otaw—The market to quite dell, and the
business unimportant. Prime , and choice
grades are still scarce and held nretty /batty.
spa iq ti7ranbcrmul absence
r Vr e e m ii i o n u isrlsrg :IV:. -
par Waverer, at Win ~old; 200 pockets Java,
and 111. bags MaricaTho, on terms not'mude
The stock of Rio the country is 41.-
100 bags here, lame in New Orleans , IMO In
Mobile,llWl in Savannah,tinG Baltlinore,and
4WD in - Philadelphia—total of an bags.
Sugar—The market for raw has remained
pretty steadyln the absence of arrivals 110,1
the moderato offerings, notwithstanding Cl..
further falling the mice of Ohl, and the.
tamelderuble receipts known to be near al"
hard, but rates of refining Cubs must be to.
litleenOnegdgla of a cent, and wo quote fair
11,101010, and goOd 10,0210%, 4 mos. Webers.
not varied our q natant:nut for the other grades,
but theynneratber nominal. • Itedned has re
mained and priOs are loweb—hard, 163.te;
lion *lace; ibeisS• a= 70110 w, wireuqemt..
.Mediars..Btosrt - yesierday.resineed _t bole prices
to 15,40 for the best crushed and granulated.
legrozir - groundjls3f.for' White A, And IS, cash,
for yelloirC." , The bake of 'raw are 1142 lib&
Cubit ari ; 034011,4c; ate
tfrench beat roOt, for rellningi /I gale. , 4;
eTas MaranflildlitilMit meetly st...the lower
primal and 500 bade Jailn,jo arc tre,ll,
usual terms. The - neck yeatenig'y Waaabout
1;573 hints 39,7%1 pixy, 102,22) bogy vaginal); lb
Molasses—Niece oar :fait tlig.:.bafdael4;boe
bean quite moderate, and the market is nat,
gr .. ..lews.fitToring buyers. .The . sales lnoltideBo
tie_ rota° Moo at.6siM; 312 S do and 80
na7dti Crodiatt 451L50 hWiut now Nireintas,:
4 , siMgi Old Deme 4o4l/ rara, 40t and 5- hhds and.") blas
new Cuba Malleorado, IN, 4 most - .lly.sectton,
50 hhila new Po rto Rico sold at me; and 47
do Demerara, . • ~cash. ,The stock rester
'dityWas about phad Porto Mice, MOO do CP ,
taoag, and 50 Rae Orleans,
. ,
lwfittoburgit Onette
pgrDAY, 16, 1866
M e. Hogs Sheep,
. 340 mo
. 181 190
S9BO 1;460
1100,8A.1.U. .
adealp) Maikai.'
Cuthaao, Malik L3,--twur ,qutot. Wheat
qimet at Si Corn nettetnit 4 1(4034.. Data
dull. If winos Inaottre. movie ons mode! ,
owl). act ie. Bake or Mesa pork-at liVi,7Bo2li
! Prime =let at Vi; 4noiten Moats quiet; Bulk
!dents selling ton limited oiumt at' 10 for
eboiddars-iacked. Lard quiet at 1 754018. hogs
.t ea dy at trz9d for medium to choice. Dreas-'
ed floga..iqn et and tmehaitged...Reeinte-4wo
barrels P/Ouri 20,0001 bushels inteag i ' loo ow b.h.
ela.VorefAsoo btuiheis ( hits If 706 si to
Dre l46 : 4 ; APlPAioutlirAace bartebe Flour,
", .: ..... 4%:11'. - ' .
_ ____ _ _
New York Stock and /gooey Market. AUCTION SALES.
New . Coax. March 15 -Money easy at 541 /per
Owlow ow VIM PrWriaeriMil/Bake I I cant. Sterling dun arid hoary at F IRST CLASS
TUC/WT.4T. March 15, 1893. 5 , (sold a shade firmer, opening at 41,31, a ranc- 1
The prodace parkas Continuo dull and ucg- big t°4 ' l r m N , tletlx""° ' m .1374' and closing Country Resigence and Ground.
...L.', Government mocks are out e
leelard, Og Pat itaily to tiro 'wet and.lncicm' ' mdpd cb,,,,,,,,Treigh is to Liverpool quiotand
end condltiOn of the weather, aid s as h. been unchanged.. Stocke l e learY; 17 5 - Styes nr 'al, wiT a 11C T10.4'.
the 'a" r°r Week, P utt s that7wt°l4 eD°°" 1 9 'n s r,e i l tst r ld-loni. "' net L W, ' T ' ea r ' lls ry Ia VOIL ( hi TUESDAY, Mareb Mil„ al 4 0'r.1.1., 1.. w, at
Of the leading COMmodities are entliely or a ".-
7.....51 let Series 100, Second Series, sl+4; Third Masonic Hell Anction Douse, LS and 67 Fifth street,
local eharacterWhlle prices have undergone Serb., &eh; Missouri 81 see, 71; Ohio and Mi.. will be sold the desirable and coins enlent grounds
1 lasipill Certifltilitee, 0,:,'. Clntn, 444%; Atlan tie in Wlliansburg. wition nye mres• wait
immaterial change.
?Ration, frontlotnn the Itallrna 700 reel. on street
at O 4l. ll.A re lli f. ;- r
1715.3 ea, Lia d drsll- . 45105 of wo b°shela g lt t ea e l m thlg h !ceo.% Cbm ; It 'enili g al.Ti' so lc btl;c4 c n e , n 7 B / 4. tr' i l' i:ittl , 12441 f,frecTlth="feNt+l.7.ttln*frwhri.lbrDTV
son.....ter n , that loth Um n entirely remodelled. fdtlitions ;ado!
DULtillehanged--einottri aT r 4o4,4l Wh i l o te n . trac Osta k, d u u n i d i ! ' v ' p% r f 0. h ip e 7 d 8 :7 14 ,1 'rt ,,,, 1 4, wwne w . 3 7 e + . 77 3 1 , 2 ‘ 4 . , Terre
„tooiot regain
111 04 1 Dom stOre. BarleY - ac Balm 'Po led i ii, chicago and Alton, 85; lillwankie and ppm_ eon:iron. •nie gest door has parlor. 13 feet A inch,
tiOtolvially at 75 for Spring, and Si for Pall Corn , rib. Ito Cheln Ist Scribe, preferred. 'yr by 33 fret, with two large hay. windows. falls feet
la dull and drooping --56 lo 62, for ear and
wide, vestibule entrance , doable doors medic and
NI. Louis AlArket. Inside. arranged for winter areitstuntner v. foliation
I shelled, on track. Nothing doing in 11.3 m
PLOUP.--Is amid., with a falr local demand, sr . LOtos March lii.--COMon Ws for Mid- 0P ,'; '"100 rr r j" h'l' md . ,l -I. ll "....3 • Sit ' in g Rll ''''
b e t unchan g ed ; ailes from /tore at tali for Ming. Plotr, dull; , V07t50 lor ' Slngle Satre, ?, ' ,,;: m r m e h r d 4 ; r p r',,l,T c b, ~,,,," „ t t o , ` ,"ri t ,'..'' I 'V e. t- p r m , t ' v q :
Spring Wheat; 44114? for heir bpping and , and 58,1268,124 for DOUDIe EXAM. Wheat, arlooktiag the •germ n and One view ' 'clif Dining
half Winter; and el .01144 fox all Winter f drooping; a 1 , 60 10/1,13 forest Fall, $1 asal,oo ' Lem 14 is teet 1, lashes lIV :0 feet. and by opening
Wheat. lire Flour la all at 4151.4053/per bbl- for Priam, arid 4r,03 for .ttra Ckalco . Corn • 114 1 4 M doors fstl be extended to da feet. Tim li itch
..eif sides of Corumeal at 75 per bushel.
onhitraenol4o.62.oefffoextr X e c h ll ee e g w e , ,L and m i3o4:4ls.2 ese
pfeorrk7eheltief: tO le well furnished. having the best Range ta t
pgcreLSIONS-Ilaeort is dull but unchanged
had, "late seal, with hot and cold water Cron , x7l
ft!. if for bLionlders; 161.M!7 ( or Ribbed Bides; a; s_„so Baco n, aaph m ,,,m . " c d, iirm.
~ =ce r caz i l t iv i h e e r r r ol e :upjl e r f s from . ffither els
7.1,164aM for Sur Cured 11 44, • Lord Le welting 178 / 1 6X• Whieky, Vl,' Uft2,25. ree whiliaaa 14 a
lax, Pantry :ales as tacf fort, utting tip Dolts, de.
ith 18 to 1111.4 for a prima kettle. Small sales 01 ,
rho wcend story he, 7 ehambers, well lighted. all
LIV. nOgO) qnoted at
open lug from halls. Water Closet and Ilia Booms
mess Pork at M+4+.1314.
r. 4.4, to aloy„ for felrto good averages.
with tinned cpper Bath Tub.
With walnut;
8 ,,,,,,,,, m 0 b ug s p r i me pea.. Clover PrrTalittgfin, Fear WAXWX M entes.on II It stationary M ar ble Wish Stand: hot allercold leans
Iced at a 5 per bush, and fair 01110 ht offered id Marsh 1 5.-111 washboards, J D Drat o; 17 , bails ton...Menem+ Adjolidas Is slat.. room with nito
t... 0. Timothy Seed Is selling at41314014.' Flax- ; dour, W Herron; 2 empty ale bids, J Rhodes, for store, intended for alrtog Mottos whe et cather
not admitting outside The attic has 3 finished
bred itt worth us much Hero ins It is In the cast, 7 lira. 8 marbla ;labs Island, I ethic, tato,/ e, I/
-40,7582,80 ' Obal74Thrits'S Cituipbell; 2 cars iron, W 3lul- hT,n,l W I Ve,,",ii,dll , =,,,,l b i;e,,ti!: " r e c u ll "
8.014411.U.11-is dull, with, a supply some. , lineLlai empty ale oblsC Spencer & McKay; 4do Itte; fr n ont? ' Th . e halls, part : h ead library it ' re l =-
~,,,, In ~..r , e , e , o f the deman d ; . we now quote, + do, J 11110110 s; II bails beans, Jlt Canfield, 2 DDIS xl trltit n well arranged llt ' rnare The Douse has
In iota to UK/trade, at 556 7 0- }tl wrily,a,.. wheat J 8 Smith; 2 bxe marble, 2do household 1 , 4 a, cornice all around, In which are gutters made
shade higher. . ' . + +l, . goods, Ido book*, 7 medicine case Dr B Drake, of galvanised Iron: the water being conveyed (roll.
111‘411521.1iN8-bale of 25 bids Westmoreland Ibx stove patters, 8 [Peter 26 his march, these In terra corm pipe.l,_ under ground, to Iti!
County High winos at VII per gallon, on which McKay & Bro; 15 do do, D A Hall & 00,166 els '
11 , 7 + 4. 1 r " .1re r' ' 11°,.%t "gr :='''' `';l-°' il t Ti 't
-uncle eant. realised ell in way of tax. Wheat, G W BenslntS4_ls6 do 40 , 1 5 Liggett & roluplete 4h:racier. and Cost 4:r r .:::41.1 : I f ' op, m o ' rel
POTATOES - Buie Of I car, On tirach, at $l,lO , co;121 bge barley, Graff It hotter; 55 eke rags, .1 here Mai. a well to reecho: all Ike sumo. and dirt*
per bush; and 5410 bush, In lota, from store, at i McCitliough,Smith & co: 100 Mils Sour, Short+. water Dom the noose and wash house, wiOch Is ~n,
61 h 1 . 16114111 . L ti t c=b s ittirilt *gi ll, e t Ste:day:l thl. l ;Nlgio t a'n ; '' ' ' illVlTin m' L IV ilintaln e ; o icT, t isd e ' r l'rti ‘ e ' ir Pe ri n i !' *ld, th w ' m> l7lo" r " li g ist. l . '" 1 ; 10, 11. 1 1 ' e '
with regular sales at J 8 to 42, for prime to I lthls dour, IShornakor A riings 11 bins Clover r Wer t .t ."l"S tu ' r .. cil o's d oily wqourtr white se
to cholco In Inallpaokages. - I geed, 3do flaxseed, .1 McMillin; II bbls sor- '4.1,",,',.e ~,T,Lro - , 1 71, T ,1pc . ,- ; ^,, ,, „7,:„,n.,,r,‘ , ;,%.,.,,
EGG 2 - 2.13411 and irregular-with sales re. ghuw, Lli Volgt a co; al bble tobacco, Little, ] suited for the gardener.
ported from 2A to 22e. Blunder Patton ; -1 bX. gleintWare, Pitts Glass The Grounds are (planted with Frail Tree, moo
CoCHEESE - Is quiet and unchanged. Sales Of I Werke; 4 bdbi old Iron, T Maloney. , Strawberry Planta Ae., and very little attention
Common 01110 at Pell, and Prime Grahen at 1 Cievatawn a Prrrenvuou ItAu. Seen.- would make a a lovely spot fora home
Maroliis..x_ ios airs
_ixotarr......, , Potter, Aiken ‘t I reL.lth'argriV,Zitr..l7„.4g,..„2,,Pfliff;=ilt
uo3riNY-La dull bat intehanged at .3c to the Shepard; I car do, T C jetuntra; 11 erindetones, i reefeacet - terfit,'pTc. ace , it tip ralfe ' ehancl ID
tilt" , and 254 a
b•-ittibu'ueintosarrlvwcar. fre Jones a Nlinlekrloo bb e ls r. flour, Ja W Fatrloy; close
proximity anfl.e% s ec t
to the city at Ail
and the market to dull but unchanged alljg e l: t ax l ll ... i.m er biz, 7 ,f t e n ge lllll r
f i ffr/d l e r
tlt biltn e liolf t a , O
ves , m ,... 1 . , akv .l i z . na : d e eaM . tle . ...
.„,, ot , ice s
GP in Small lOTA.
.0 ppinoott i Hakewell• I 10t hh goOds J a I ... Dar. ' , WI Interest. Thy, $l,OUu ils a widow 'a
Diii.ED FRUIT-Apples in fair demand at - panne; 40 bills brooms, eft Sown; I half , hot i d " we ' " t il"' '''' . I 'l ,4l3 ' o° w "t o 'P' r ..n..
14 to 18. - Peaches (s ail at 15 to SOO, for quarters runtish, Owen a co; 1 bid lord, It Riddle:l6 ske de e r= iler liginut t o r her seam to • elkid In four
arid halvea.
sepal, Pinger & (3.3;3 bile eggs, T C Jenkins; 5 I ;Treat. i l l P tlier7ar ‘ tierit's at . r3a h a2 pil l tVel. " 4".
hid/ ale bblit, - Yr Britten; S kgs lard, J "tertian; , sh/3 T. a. ' MCCLELLAND, Ana.
I bbla eggs, T C Jonlidne; 4 empty blobs, I) 'law- 1 •"---- - --'" ---- -- - - -4-
• orth; a nudes piotashl3 L Pahnestock; 1 car I
bones, A Heavier; Al bbhz floor, Fetzer & Arm
etrong,• 10) do do, Sbomaker a Lang; 0 Wads to
bacico, nbsa
lock H Megrim &co;1 /IX Medicine, i ;JAMES
Jos inextilli Sn; I bbd; tObcxi, Murphy; FIFTH GB,HAT SALE .
4 bgareahers,'J Connor; 1 bld tobacco, Y& D i
Iteinhart, 2 bxs wino, AlcCiarren a ittelbetinan; I
10 caddies tobacco, Itobtnson JEtio;2 bbis brie- ~ O
Bala, f
a, J krtierqSalres„& ma ,
rermrtivitn, CaLI73I7MI AND CrwrilliflLSTl 1L... , . fx
'March .G..-I6 boxes candles, .1 DDr avo; 1 Cal
corn. .11 Sao: A licmt2ol) bai ls llour,Jaa Gard'. OIL PAINTEIIGS.
her; 1 earertaves, Jelin Tireyrre; NO bblis flour,
Shotnaker a Lang; I keg soap, I% It Edwards,
2 kegs lard, I bbl dazseed, T C Jenkins; Z Nu.
paper, Pittsburgh Paper Co;; bbl eggs, 111 The entire Importation of SAMS'S 2 EARLE A
Voiat & co
- -
, . bones, A.-
OPPICZ OP TUX PireeltllSloll(aalrlTZ.,.. S I strong; SKI do us.,
~ , TIII/RBRATe March 15 , /nun. I bacco, Shan det E Mess. _
tIitUDELAt no Mints perhaps In tho history- Jeilillelillitie.,ktioni I blid_ to.
4 bgefeathers, J Ciontor.l Mid
or the trade in Pittsburgh, lota the came ores- I
I Reinhart; 2 bra wine, Alk/arrea tt rlti - ekes.-
&bre been brought to bear to break down the i ee
ls,ds tobetsco,
lb &Co; 2 this brie
value of Goode Petroleum, and it Is equally ; stel e, J tie. •
true that just se strong efforts have been made .....Prermnitunr, COLUMBUS AIM ClatotwAget R. R.
lips t he f a 4 ,3 5, bo. risaarehiilli.K.;-..l6bres
t ea so ndLes hir .l D
r Drivo,.• I Z . '
to keep a up. So strong
ettineithats•Po.and sUrnde7d - mihsitlir ( gr . ; eFirtiii Ater; Pornßorn ' l
earataves, Sohn Tileyerts; 10151rti6frour, OIL PALVitiv..-
buS, and Renners making Offers Inaell. th tdm tihornaker aJ. I keg atial le 0 Edwards;
by that mealts,hoping tocounteraCt the ostrah. kegs lard,l bhl flaxseed, T C Jenks.; B tells
egy" of the other, end, fiu ter, neither-have palter, Pittsburgh Paper Co; 1 bbl eggs, l li The entire ImPortatiOn Of SAIRF° 1 " "... ' ' tat05i,......
been triumpbant. It is true, the article has,...
Le•ves St ....
depreciated matartallyln value within the
3.1 p. ni.
past. ten days, but rely was generally ex. I
rented, In view of the fact''that' the river ' . ist
. .... Leaves Pittsburgh every Wm.-
again in good navigable einittftition, arid with ,
st It a. in , large arrivals, and very unfavorablo advises, 1 -- -.. - -
Loaves Wheeling every Wednesday and Sta.,
both from the east and Europe, and While re- 1
-...---- -
11.1 - 1 1 , as !general thingi , roluse to buy at, the , .
lemmParkembarg every Moslem and Tharsday b 'n'' '
present rat., bidders appear tothlnk that the s
- . - ..
• •
bottOm has bates tOUehed, and reftute lc/intake 1
Learea Wheeling every Toesday and Friday, to 7
r tr.. license m for oes, -
any further conc./done In order to: effect i
arias. Another point worthy of particular ,
IFP/AZMItAYAIID • Ohio State Falr.
aging prendum ror best Manufactua ...
mention, is In regard to gravities. Bet Ween ,
Leaves Parkersburg every Tuesday and Friday, at
' I ' Left:. Wheeting • every Weduemlay and baterilar. IlDenlarito State Fair.
4,,,,. ••.r. , 1 , t Piet:F.l , l%f, hest Maimfactorlng Machin e
4u and Band 45 and 48 gravities, tbents i a dif- ' Hoare hi•elito TO - DAs. ,
ft renee of frotn one CO two Cents per gal on, at I
I Lent leoll....Romilton .... l'arkerebur
at 7 a. m , osin sta. Fair.
il e present time, and buyers per
Pirat Premium IM: hnst Stanar.turlng Marldne
I Pine Grove Anawalt Cincinnati g '
paying 13 013% for the former, than 1 %414.2 ,
Leaves, Pa g a lg esburgl ' a4 g rigle L e
!l ' i t fe r s key and Smut- '''''' County P.l [l P .'
Ice &boleti:or. This is (twin to the fact that
si ,
ennui, we/sauna, arc.
Is le'atie Wl:T.4llns every Tlntrolay and Sunday. at Elrs Pryniun. for over Hardline for gene - 41 oat
P•-^a, at Leverenee County Fate, Pa. PURE WWI. ...
there Is a meth larger ProPortien Of Bell Vale The river has molergone hot little change
First Premium tor neat Family %Ischia/. at linct 3
to light than heavygravitles, and as vh..l. ---""‘- ' one WitrOr the Other Cloring the twenty-four ' I
First Preallitim‘flo,,r
ltanniacturtag Machine
County Fair, Pa.
a mod, .1' on nail I and to.
$ i 1 ill: Lou l ILST SIARnET II& T r...,
el:, et titepreSent, httltno DOZE 10 MOrthleas,tvs- •
A RGE SALE Or Ltquorts, in It 4).• ::214..„,abto(!nk„g„dion.n.nduar.edriiite,ba,,t,Nyotrterllinng
coo. ,
u tr' iaid at,
Ilaers as it tnatter of policy, want good gravity , hours ending teat evening tit which time the ' . 4 4 EKIES AND W A RSHOUsE, IN i ,tA AtoN D.
• A LLE(.IIIEN Y CITY-Consincucliag WEDNESDAY which lentos Pittsburgh at 63T p. m, and Cleveland First Proolum for bent Mannfacturlng mad amid'
and nOthing also. We make these low remarks Allegheny marks Indicate eleven feet. The
al ti.Z a. ohs Also. tato train or 1 Modna, For re.„.t i„„ s , 5„,..i„. ~,,, s . s
. Itti int:al. Marelt :Ist, at 10 o'clock, will ti e sold Wayne and Chicago Railway, whlett leaven Chicago
ae an act Of just i ce to OperntOre generally , but i weather eCilltinnett cloudy, foggy and unset- , the Warelsonee and entire eta. of Ligu,re liroce
c H 1
more particularly for runners at a distance, i
' Lieu, with st, drizzling rain falling at short In- I in., .te., of a:buitz Danner & Co. No '24 Ina
.cm d, comprbding IS 'PhD- old rye ..... ky; to Male. at 10 p. tn.; and at Marietta with Marietta a s Cm
ninnatilteliroad, and wt. steamers to all obis. on P E
-'';.a' ra l t 'a i al: o. '-u'i re il' ; a ut 4, r h b;: e ra s? !.: l ' i r ti n: ''''' ' ''''''' t
" ts r 1 ' 1 :, 'n
' 1 F"nn
rnld Ana cough.
one dote. leap.. m,
~ no are In tho habit of haying their Crude in
tendielne, and you are at iii.-
t 1 is market through brokers. Ti e salea to-dav terrain. Telegrams report seven feet in the taUktierry and the brandleit 10 l e ' l. co,„„L. ii. ...M.K.M HD's , : UM .t. Pkrltersbera wit ose l tdue ot moron s counc i l re ! ii i'V''N y rth °°° P ‘''''
is Al illustrate tits paint : asi Olds (( pip ft Allegheny at Franklin brandy, Dingell.. este Catawba seine. Memel.. old mon • • • • rI T t " - M• "n iim -Baltimore • 114 mble Railroad , aura First Premium fur host 31 & ' '
~.,. .I.lre . do so IV.-
A latent, an. Fa...
gt avity) at 13;4;500 do (40 to 41 graelty) Allegheny
I There has not been a Maxie transient serf- 1 61."4.1,T5igret.•,. prone brandy, em Bans, het . er,,,,,,d with 1.14 LI. Steamers to Pomeroy. Gallipolls, Mechlin. at Seimyse ', e 1 ' ,,, ' te r , ' ;' ' .. ri .., ''''"."'
_ .
2.0 gMla. tercet Malaga wine. 15 him- Ironton, rortammth, Mayan. mid Cincionott. se, 0r e „.... (~,. b e. „, L w o w wow, rib rwrp „. 3 , 3!
PM/ `gnat t" to arrive; at 1134; Midis 'Olight's at
.. girOtt up nip, connections are made at Sella. at Alleeheity ( minty FM, Ps.
sirretemoil, A Pril 2 4, iiinq
it ; Emil 300 as /7, paehager illeilleMt. Mogen- val or a eporture since our last report. The ea"; chain , .erun;te;,";44,o(a°7°'',°:;,,,,,'s,','.e„.„,d„l-1 with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Haliread, sac a. al
HEAD TIIE 7 !Wilt-1, Karitr WWl'
i .-' . force ree •..
daughter ,roil has takeu set real,..,„_ra. DIIP„..
ea al it
oft he market does not. Indicate any : Forest City, from Parkersburg, got In Wednes. may pomp , also, . of varietal .
hand!. Si box. choice I.llnburm cheese, 10 bags Allegheny Count% Fair, Pa,
.46 p. to.. and at Chicago at 7.10 a. m. nett morning. ir V i i e r , " ::::::: g 7 Z r e hb:: 111,7,7:1,:"1,.:C.7,7,jhe'e:',., •
improvement, either as regards demand or • „
anon. awn ne.....1 . cosen without benefit. so ma s them Aye., amsrinr..
prices, and the trade la still In doubt. and on- , otlY evening , and the Bayard, from the came prime Itio coffee 23 bbh, choice Ito., AW lbs. choice
C ,, unty Fmr, Ps. r
Pectoral. 1 pur. boost from you a bottio tif zone.,
grime and black tea. 5 bale. sorghum. 100
.his. older
Pectoral Syrup, ati I before sac led toed half - A O. P.- •
el. rtitinty, and especially Is this the case In re. {point, tirraVer.l yestenlay moruing, elsola eight
J As. COLLIN!: £ CO., &genre, And wherever ex r, 1 blted.
CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, ~,, die ten, .11,...,1. 'Die second bottle cured net, ~.
god to the future. o'clock, both boots having been delayed eon- i imrlme article,/ 130 ban, salt, hl doz. brornm to
.c I tot: of her con... Jottle DANIIir -
ItEriNED-The market for bonded oil con. - elJerably by fog. The Bayard wont out again f, ' , " d a`r ,r,",",' ` „re ua rt i `g i r gl u i e r,. i llie h ri l e u :' th i t t " At Wharf-Rum, Foot of Wood St. A, F. CRATOICEY,
Robinson street, Alleghtinv.,...l:l
ilauew dull and weak, though therelsetui con- I lute in tn. oxerne,,, kr w Jos un excellent trip, 1 tinue; - in ' d .., ;my b Ines.. Also Mar i anna. ' W , heie Do w L i r w iii b,. meek ell each u c i i ..z., i si
14111 . .. Block , lauquessoe Way, Pitt rib ursh
nc.rable Inquiry forrpreeent, but more par- but the Forest Cap will Ito over until Satur- i e.t.a.., Dah r ts ' ar A C.r, contsdning'ons large sto g 4f
ti Ft, ERA L AGE \'f, 4-oe. Prlt. l s.vt 3 l l ":. slam: to tbn sale and eh . , At;alt / s •1 Itll.llVT°Ent?t's'lloriflkilait (tire's(
[tented-1y for future dellyery, -but tele. la- . day, tering one trip.
i room. kitchen and dining room ha centre, with took ...'' a *
I." .1.1 Petroleum sud he pox:gt. .' , ..lanns., ,I Rl' l• - I Ile l In Peebles township /Wean( ,
'Lead Of improving use declining. The sales , The Julia, from Zuriest file, and the Legal re‘rernem• rim serorst roomv I° senund iderY. wig , FOR NIEMPIIIS & NEW r„, ~....,f. " ''''' 00 roc_ end Ns. ti /In a , :Is e ., mos s , e,i. r.5....5fu11) sollolowl. Posoaller hda to. mi tt v rd. tr. 1 hall a rough and spline:which cm.'
sofected yesterday could not have been dupll- i Issoli„ from Parkersburg, were due lan( night, Iset fend emit water bath-room Pc. The hu11... ORLEANb -The due paseengcr ,
to,nred nhont !Daum of Februaty lant. and Mantis .
refer' to-day unless at a redaction of from 14 1 tied ankle detained by fog, will doubtless be ha. a front of 70 feet can Diamond. running baet DO 3 ,,,,
2...... 2..ti0.1 employed the hest physic..
ti S.; of a cent per gallon, and this haa berm oe- i oon In port this morrilog. The Levi Lenti re ',', 3 ,,,....4 1 ,, u ',.,. 1i ,;1'... 'Xi:. A r n ,!,°:. I.' l ii n t ,S,,erwAr.4 Ali iiltICA (Iron. T.M. (e.t.d..,
1 u the country, and my cough continueo unabated
c sting daily almost for more titan a . week trill leave on ilin. return trip at. Il a. m. • Ts ' :tittle. mart., hoi ' Me, h r arne ' S ' s a , de., t i :. '•
WRI leave tor the aims, and interntedlet. ports, 031
until suety 111th:tuber . At il at time / was advise,,,
Tills DAY, turn
4 p. tn.
to try your Pectoral Cough hyena. which / dbl. all
p. st. SO tar Lila season the great proportion 'rho new Northern Line Packet, Minnesota., el year. :nun ust ground rent gli. This In the moat
So. I MT. t (AIR teT., PittsbUtrgit, et t,. r I ball taken one book 1 was entirety tree tie
os the ill sold and rantriabed for has gone or i, tarivml from Wlseenng Yeaterduv, where she deelta bit' loubllli,4 .41{Ild ill • Alleghrty. Tends on .1.r., r -, thk,..- . 4r7_ , .,..,.,.;. , -4,-1,, , ',7„-i,„,.. 7 ,, , -„, „, SEIV 171 G A/ A CIIINES
n.. roughing a ..1 1.1311.1.1 nm. I had despaired Of erg
I. ill go bit. the bands of spec for
who are iw. built. She Is a vm-y pretty side-wheeler, proo o .l. ..- lard rash : ,( glance m I and 2 ) ear, . .!!..
noose, all nuns 111/defeat% easli tot et - L . OR K uoii uK. Butt . 2. I's. is netting nod Comm I AUilia
haul reit.; well, an I think It shoold tie allow. Itu
i.lyillg In expectation of mitabllalang an ad- , and will commence loading for the Upper MI. I tos . ...a m
r',-", lse . .
Gds :minable remedy will do for °there wind It N g "
v tnee pant the time the export season opens, ' siselopl after the Savasant. •• , 113% four months. with soprovedpaper.
anlita T. A. MCCLELLAND, Auet. -1 LI lalTssa. MtlsCA•t IN 1-... DA•sur,....
Arm d•-•'.. 3 . 3. ......_ ladiricattog done In mr e 2 s••• JOHN' C. LITTLZ,
al 11, judging from the Indications ut. Dreamt, , Cant. Freak Maratta, late of the Kate Put-
VaI:PORT AND DIIIII'S/Uk:•- rho 1 211 c) - 21/zn,,,03,3di ae ,,,,... ( ~.,. ,-, tr.,' 411 i.l ~ 101.. naiit MI haud mill Witness: It. M. Rasa. Peebles terns ti ey will downtime maize a very Imodsoole I,,pstm, was In the eitv. Capt. Prank, we under. '
700 GALLONS FINE DOMESTIC plendid p.a.., memo, SA VAN NA, In pt. A •
•-•-• I. r 13, nt ts, 1.,' • t 1 , .;..1.. 3br ~ I 'onsaignemeta
/arms Tow s Sine, April 14, RM.
•a.turn. •Wo have but ono millet record to-day I !Lan , kreee ont us nflot one e Pine tiros°. WINEM, FARAIIMS UTENSILS. IBILN I- It. Jottr; I. now C. to rem ive Ingrid tor the
te , l ord.., soils,- o.
UPS Wile ' , Lucifer" brand, for Julie delivery in Tho Lamella, Capt LytlL. the only boat in TURK, I . IAN 0, .... AT A UCTION, -on Tti as asive points. and will Wave as above ahoo t the in. I SOLI) 11l TWO DAYS. A WONDEItEIst. I:UWE-Some time &goes el
.1,, ... ,I, WD' aelghbor ..f mane wan ve,y ail with a had meg;
Pellsolelphia, at 43, buyers option. Free' 011 is i port loading for Nashville. DAY. ash, at I . • cluck. A st., at the court- 1.1., or . noon thermoter se nn igation ou tie i
.i.,n and entirely ninninal, i rhe America, Capt. T. 11, Golding, Is filling try Scat Vineyards of Edward Taylor, (formerly 11/perltiver opens.
1 S 'MIES lItIV LN At. CO, 2. every one sopposed to ne.usumption. El
relmi VeA told me that be t o faxen every temedi
NA PTH A &IND BESIDULIBI-Tbere la no up steadily for New Orleans, Mot will takohers , ',,,,7, ° 2.%11 , , , ,v i ; - ;.,.=r,.. , : n , fl o"-,..(-T, L b t- , ,,o r tto„d ,ti,o-h,„."0 -n . r.,";rs'''''''l.-41`.,Z111.'",-=',7,"''''' Are manor:tete/1..1 without nut ~. , o plleste d machtn "
~,o ili , i 3 , 3 . 0 ,3 ei • and therefore an, not ,la 14,. to get nut of repair, 0 11, surA , 'll - n.r.u , rr . they hcani of slo g an Wool.; hls brother came la
d. months. hatevor for either of these articles. • departure tianaturday without fail. Tho Ed- 1 .4 „ ten .; or s.. rir-c.3-.T.,, to nj , ,r,,,, : .1.,,..,',Z told . ' t - • • •
av i ar. ' , courtly adapted .r every ;description M
no' him rile, and all w. condoned lal the, bellerthat
TlO latter ta quoted nominally at it to MA in burg, Capt.•Tbsatopeon, is the next butt In io es Current Wit ' , of the vlttnge r i /flittli , l. .. ' FOIR CINCINNATI. LOU.. pm n rrie .- ite 4 amlly tea Mg .1 Tellorln- We do net class unr nit sr ...
~ he coutil not live. I hail atantli n the third ore bottia
is hid, tool the lest sale of the former reported turn for Cinel total I otter the Pine Croce. ,Iso, lieucchold Furniture; piano, centre and din. ISVILLF. AND N &SHY ILLE F` -e ' , .'""r e '• I ' lotw. nt th ....... a s ,,,,ni n ,„ g , ~,. hne, mesa ,;,, COL Of VIIKIIII. ARO AQUA ANA 0111,.. of your Peetorat si nip, which I Fe. hied. malt en
v. as nt 140,1 n bond.
s The Savanna, Copt Jolly, will prOblibly gel 1E1,2 . tables, berimead., rimier, Stoves, Sc. The splendid AND
3 Patent... 2 mi 5... 11 .. refer in the foil,. om ',era.
tl rely cured bum to Cie .tionlehturrit of ell. What
..13 3 apt. J. Lavt.r.. ; . ten nonce. ;
4:210f1ac,,,,, a. rg ra - 4 ,3",.. 0 * „twit., itotkes the cane more renmrkanie. Is ttie tit tem:tali&
, off for the upper kihossalppi on Suter:lay. A Iso. 4 two-horn, wAgOll. I cot ered spring wagon I Ali 3.LIA
buss, ha..., garoeu Imidenamita. hut bed sale, ! IVID leave as abate on THI S DAS.. at II w lu. . Mr. A. AIKEN. No. 164 Fourth street; Air. VAN
of the cm. he tieing about eighty earn OM / ha.
New Work Iron Market. , rill.) ViOill bag Ulthdrawn from lb e Pitts
ei.,cr press. sr., p),3, )5 ,r,),, of ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,fi, porreoght or Dunnage apply oat board,. or to IIiFR N A 11.1.E.N. No. :Is Wehntor :arms . lir. J. .4 1..1 T rn, ii 17 Rri 11. PA, 1,1, doubt the 1.....1..1 ,s urn lila CM. .
burgh and WheelLoo trade and gone below .
tuba FLACK A - COLLINtiII WO. Ageels. D 01..% N. No. 4, ( Swell street: Ur. J. Nl' /FLELD , ~.......................__.........._................_________
JOHN eteCtlight.
F. :_ , c i rp . ent wielditg to attend the ea. will take the Nan' YOB., MarCh / 4 .-The PIS iron ludriali 11l sr drorming off will act be anv eerrous dam: "n r'' ' ''' "'lid " ''' u"''' '''''"` '°" "‘ 1 ""'
, Ne. l'a 8 1 n1.111,1 <teem., Allegheny (Hr. We l l
cor °GI- -------
N Inactive, bet we 'Settee softie WI tons Egli. are to tbe patrons of the trade, as there le
1 'FOR KEOKUK, GALE 2 ....,.../......"`"'' ..r um: that AC , 11l refer 10. All /ft nor Bleb..
. 1113 r Cy estfeet carpto
Lane i n sane ttp
, i.,k,,,,,, i 7 w . i ..! e. - 4 4 ! sr, awr ...Ll•itil.' t..J.J. ...tor. /ors tt" A N•l4 . li. UNDERTAKING.
~ o and Gartshorile, in bit, ex-shin, et. Pinfarg 'paw a daily line between here and parker. (fie sluirr r ei Hai nipt. Terms et sal. . I A. la if firMUE.
V ,1 Lt . ,. - L- 1 1 : 6 i
.. I ,s ' ,T. '' s.e r u . g s
!CLL .' I st i t i ;. ‘ i IL L e B r X r i tTit e P i e f l y {"t o or tha' s: a 1
no. env t. In rat:rather. more doing. and u e Isiste, and we 0 arc of the °pillion that the, u 11l e ,alt 'f A. Dec LELLAN D. Atiet• r . , ALI. WAY LAND...b.-The nue nis . 1.11 \ li, Agent,
,wale PeetorM :I,ml, Ajp,"•,, ~.,,,, d 3 .,,,,,,,,,,d ..
sloth...lSX° tous Enlsh, and au do old, on pri- le. able to do all the briefness thia offers al
11., so: -iris:. near ruin, A LEX. A11.4.EN, het the cold, and tare motel.. for ••Dr. g c yser.
v3..t0 terms.. Th e market for bur from Import- VI heel toff A L DMINJ STRATOIFS --- SA LE—ire r 7 .17,........ 1 . : -.17 - ..',1'..r,-.,ll‘l.LAS.a.C*l[l'; .l a. ic .' l * :: "' : 1,.. .....,
P. '4 '" Pi... M., 1 ., . “‘.
:actors! hymn. • ' W.. Imre eold Sateen battiest the
a. 2 .22,1., ants are now entiregt oat. Mr. A. Alter
o 8 Lunde, is dull and we Dave only to note a Tho Lorena was Masking al St. Lehi. for ' 11 ,, 1:14Pr. BUGUItS AND 4.1.E1t•1141.-on or fret paomee amity on bean' or to
Ind %Ir. r. Maher. Imth of Illaireville, Pa., told u•
- FICDAY 310111VING. Alan:l,lMb, tit in o . csock, by , taillf , I' I AC/t a ( 11 1.1.1INGAVuOD, grouts.
.., le of 40 tone English relined, on private p ttabargh nn Tuesday.
or ter of Adna In tstrator of Dr. .It. U. tit al PsoN, de- i i!
(........, oII.UN it Ails ..To WANTED To INTms. -CT l ' . 7.3 :DF.... l Eitel'...Eb_Ttst..3:l3EL, user would not to. srlthout It. la their (MU... lu
t rms. American refined Rohl at $105611x1
...i.e.:, will he soil the atablo on Fourth street, ZEGUIAII PACKET Duck. Tit ir. 1.1111.1.1 e SEW ism )1 \CIIIN li. fa-d. all who ate it once wnt.. again.
rook manufactUrerahands. From store them , --- -.- - Abs.- Baart leaf owl...item:sag besmear. Gho yon.„.W ItEELLSti, MAIMETT I lace u. s,V 31.3. TRW,. ta , CHEAP ALACiII SP •• 'N'''4l'-gDEarthse-rtrl P lC.ll'rl , Vs COOFIU° • Yon., sestanaftalv
•ssos been a generardeeilneed vert. recent- • TRAVELERS , GRIME. :' brawn mae, with ' , cott to 'the elffebreetelsome Afifilt.e..VNlMVlLLkl."Dbe ann it cati es E ; u r ft i'2N 'CHIC -I' N I i t , sTATits iscesseed to n., th e oh k hots. CRPS (I.:S V-n, an 'S
eve . r) de...out - um
1 y, Including bar before nOtleeiL
.........„.• one sorrel Mare; one two-horm U , RattAlle•Catitooo.ll..l.l32.T., vrlll..lesee Mr the ws,..i. ha A. W Unit, or under femi. Agent/terve-Icm id 1,. neral l'u en. di I rig tioo.l- lernisbed. ROOM/ sl assess rK. IsMi.
Tcp Beery, nearly new, of superior make; out DO D.0V1 , . and all IliterMedlate porta every 'rITESDAY' .6( from Fan to gles ran sown, COOlil) r,,,i, t., ~,.. . oliefi tht) am , night. le L ., - , n1.:‘ ,,,, Carriages lurid. si
lekien - ir" 6 - ereriket. irririL., paid._ Depiteture of Trains, top Blaggi, light and good; aplessdhl tatter Haigh; let 4:p. m. Itsturning, learns Zanetile every PRI- n •..Ato me. decloae stamp and iolitre.
1 ail:!. pied Ambnlauce, fOlis sets Rambo, fottr Sad. DAI.. 7 ma. J. IL COLLINGAVOOD. Agetit. PAGE BROTfiF.ILs. 1:61•11.1:,,,11.1.-{LeV. Daelli Kerr, ii.D., Rev. ' ll , rrmsarreon, 6Opetaber.
o . J4rotlilti, D. 11., 71.10111., Ewing gall , .'n roe 11 . Dn. K Steak:- Althouch voila ad... Atilt
• p,,,,,m,1,,...a. c . i .,.... 4 Riali,,,,,w. liVe iillfrAill /01.4 tillAgil Hen/. Bridles, MO- ............m.....
lair/wits/Sow e gen. even.. rou e 1.,. mato VH••••• l''"d• ',d e , Stemelnes, In pencent, 11. emu its the pleasure lade
part.a. Arr... tem, Cutting Box, Platfono Sales, °Mee (Rock, ..... w . cw ,..._______ - - e
mot other articles too unmerone te mention. ' GO v nacre reDEATT SALES. • -
ATTORNEYS. - -------- --- - -- - -et ril.nt.i, to reeoninosol 3 our I•ECISRIAIteItIYRUP.
( I ,IiFFINS ! cor FLNS I An a medicine, if In well worthy the almutten Of any
Jty E: rees 2520 •ra Mail Lao aet
te.r. oebo may tear lly ITILIMer be billieted.ltli
A too. Aemossas 7:10 aml East Ltee 1:40 a m 'sale
l' • 101-El.-INDENT SALE.
SIET A LLD:: . cc. ..she. colds and boarnettessofeny khadjanardctile
• incionaU Ezra Sae am ot Wall AccoM•la iI:M am (311 BEAT AUCTION SALE OF HALF
st rya Lbw. , peculiar qnstifie.,,,io,,,, tor mansions all Utet ohm-
IS i 11:40 a ta,lat i•enn Aceoni.. 7:115 a m
i.,,ii. w E nw , www... 3 ,, p ~,,,,,, {Pall ~,,,„„.... 8,, A CRF. I.OT° AT CDLLIN„S PARK, EAST LIM- !kx
H . C. MACKRELL, 3101101/ANY :
greeable etta.tiert attending a sere. cod: - - l '
1.1:5Y.-MONDAY AFTERNOON, March 10tH, at
11A/10DAN 1 ' I here been, more oriel's moo Ilfettaffected with
1. hostown Ac.n. 4:16 p na!JohnsCn Accom.lo:C6 a m
Y'-at Ldne 30:30pw,,,,,,„,,,, ,33,..i2.ii, pm 2,,, ''leek, will be sold, on theorem.. the remain- I .'
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ai Atiouwei, y . the Selflircut of cold:it nel hoarsen eas At Hums my .
Ist Wall Accom- 6310 a nt'llalurnore Exp.. 1:22 pm Inv 111 beautifully situated Hoff Acre tots. staleall- Queensware, Cutlery, Hardware, Tln- 1.1.1,1 Ah tglat thrum wolthl mew . clueed .to
~,, .. .. 1,,,,,,,,. y d pi., ~,,. is , p,p VI led from Coition Port Race Course. These)... 1
1.1 •• .• " BOBRMintIPB 8M W .. ." ''''''' Pm ' 'a.isbal.V.Emailirluqi2mr "ATlN'lL'AUll'lc.ave the I Arra 1 ,, t0 i 1 this,' speaking above awl mer, and bytakingSfew dome
,' .. De . Mr-AKIN. of the Vane Syrup it would relieve me entirely. ~
ware, Stoves. flanges,
110111.1 c s' U t., Cn tt erireit 0.% '
is: Penn Accest'ulesalpm 24 Penn Amon,. 6MS p m
I el. N. Licensed Soldiers , tauten niront. In recomuseudissa , this medicate, 1 'boat onbeeta.
ad • • " Salepla Slakes Aecom. P. non. Depot tit i oicimk, for the mnveyasee of i , .
It h.e r ., T...
. oi , t o p . 1.14... atyl o r.l.ll.Jen to end Rota the nele. Blankets, kr. .1 ligly say that It is the bent 1 . 61.13 edy barer found,
p 1 rportMg i n cure the a trove, ruLtr nhouhl any fatal.
be without this t enmity fur Itilosbasso, so revailed.
1 rhe mt .., h ...m i e .,,,.. „a r. . m e d.. m ...„ , rraltr—vne-adnt moth; belittle° In ono and two I
donut!. for Wouoded Soldie. collected In Re 4.01.,.. NO. ITY roc Iz.TIISTRKET.
Tours, most respectfully, • ' • ,
ermmy m mt ..... r .,..... ', ye . ptit t e. re t - a l 1 years with Interst eecuredby Modena mortgsgs. 1
ten to twenty days.
, 021 cash to be paid on eath lot when purchaaed. I
Mgroitilce, No. PP Gran, atreet, Pittsburgh, o
&HD J JOH 3/0111h
' P L4 8 5 th%12111 4 COMILIDOI.IIII SIMIS Cillarilll/11061 . I - 2:lthla ---.--- ---- -- ---, ' WIII be sold at Auction.. UM aledlcM Purveyor, ""
i'•"!6'"." '"!'"l.."''''''''''''.
' ° ` -'!.:•‘(%.•'- " L .L 7 ' I- 1`.;;•-• 'o:‘‘',;:,-.-7:7'.:‘%. '..!'••('l!Yrrilll cashier (attune' D e posit Bank.,
: -
... Departs. Arrives. OEN'TRE AVENUE — lIEBILIENeg I, Warehm e. Public Nina., Nashville. T no, OR al CPI A SlrE M, G AZZ AM 14 CO., 1 /op. rla ternient. promptly a, tea del to. STK.., VILLE.. Ohio, Mara ii. - int.
oali Lle ..... -... 2:soam sat Line... ...... Cala m I Sal AT AUPTICIN -On TUESDAY AFTERNOON,' I TIJESDA IitiIINLNO, gavels 27 . rn, at ti a oselook sm.
11 an a mku. ....... ......„.. as p m ki,ger, roi l , at stieocinds, syjil tm aphi, at Haspnts I a large stock
of the foregoing articles, In Original s a p odsnOld Hearst and Carr - lases always un I have need ,Dr. Keyser's Cough Synspar a. bad
bt reasonable terms. del. emighof several yea. atanding, and cut dntist!,
. ,4,31 t h, th e hest medal. for theism. dust liar*
K :press , is el Prem. , Lis ss •M I 11.41 Auction Booms, SS and 67 Fifth street., the i Packages. consisting In part of
is ...swine An- Dress .
At.- i eligible lot, Immedlagely oppottite the Car 141allon, i 3a,en Plater, ' sal clocks, ATTORNEYSAND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ""'"'"' """* ........,...AN D wale! OVJer tllllO9. .1. W. PRICK. -
rentatedatien .• lam motontsd•titinoilh.M•se , fhonting 2a feet 10 luellee on Centre AVenue, sad .6112 Dilates. Sin Rasura.
I pit.e.bursti, Ft. Wayne atm chicks.. ,ez tending baek lee feet, on which la a modern elide 1.020 Pitches, Ke Coanter Scalia.
- SYRUP.-Da-Essassa.ller Mrs Excuse the dells,
Depar tr. A rn im. I two Brick Dwtinlik. of seven rooms and * twfs Lamm... lm
Blankets. Fol.ttestalars,.B., P.n.
1:3-- axci.,ox-taralx.c..rsai, ,of my acknowledging the excellence of youpPectora
, 3 xi , z w3 , 33 ,,
....! gwi , w 3 ,, . bath-roorg beta In euperior manner; hot and mild 2.801 Chambers.
..1.3 , 0 Leather gimlets.
t e. 2 4: 9(4 4 1 1 :
:„., p
m e. yr .......
..... sub p . water throughout, gee topes IR Mose, marble roan- i
1 Cough Myrna Boone, / take great pleasure th try.
LOO Sadirons 500 Wash Tuba, Speetal attention elven to the EXF. 'IITION it' Lli 11
° . --.".....13/0.C.N1*.• Liver: Ntabl e. lag thst It Is all you e nv It Is. it knocked taus notes
and emote fa thorough repair. ' &SO Spittoons. SO) Sauce Pa.. DEEDS. LEASED:, 31ORTG At/ Es, ee. tr " '
I out of my Ollgh, and the worst one I Was •ver . Mid
E . .nress ...... .... MS pco Express .......... 3;,,a p m , rice in Fore.,
Rim i ,33. iw xdi.,......., ..... 6,13 pn i Terms. olie-balf cash; baleen lu one year. , 10,C00 Kale. and Fork., 1.(03 Hatchets. Tito, examined and Collectiotin made In Penneill- carrier cis She:Meld and 'llhartiers streets,
tehla T. A. MeCIELLAND, Alicia, ' 1 . 15,0 Cermstas.:&e.. 3.15,0 3V,10.1,..,....
ail - Diger+ from Allegheny City and Coin ltv ed with. I have not used More than 0.-01.0 f WS
or telleg &tyre &le It m
rani, tMlo and %Veal Vleglnla
dew Brighton Accommodation waves Allegheny ...............„,..„..................., 1 51,0 " 0 islasom, s I 2,000 Serim Bruit., _
•_____in-4 4 . . promptly attended to. Mailed MAID, and I
and do wish that all vritoantalleta
, ed would give It as hlr a trial es, 1 have MUM. ea
ispot at/ CM, I tn., 423.. re. and 5:10 a.m., ,
Roettenters :CAR/mil New C. 1144 Ban P. mil Fgoti- DRUGS AND CHEMICAtS. 1 .0. Louktng-Glassca, '
1 , r ig: . fv0,:,:4 A . Ar . s . ie t cr i. f: 4 , , L, lr ll as , locat , 7, J:41 ,... i l MILITARY ta,uers, PENSIONS,
wey will he proud to say, It la no quack medicine: -
BOUNTII, RACK PAY, and hilittary Claims : LEGAL. - vvoillit nut suffer ;mother slob an attack. ter any
nay, MAIO p. ta.. Welhottle. Me p. in.
nt 1, cry description, mill acted by the subscriber, at, or at any cos [. Ism cohAdent 4.451ta
i . " ---. --- •••••-r------- - ' arcs.. Slone Bosoms, Ice Chest., Water Coolers
, ;Sures, Hearne, Cauldrons, and miseclimmous nml ! th '' r " . '"'a '..e'• Si, • Pe.''...k.rthr% nil °.°T _ . . ....
Imre freely than I ever dld. I &hll always
Plttabtusb, 0/eveland and Wheeling. 6 EOIIGE A. KLLLV,
RoBERT FLETCUER 'NEC (TORS' NOTICE... -Whereas ' 1 010'
Is . <lag or erautede for Inventing. s o &WWII, ',lre. c. I'. T. Lolt,
Departs. Arrests.
; Wahine mtlelea.
, .
express ..... ..... tea m l rest 3:56 it ea 13-1101,ESALE DRUGGIST, Surgeon and B.- Colonel U.S.VoI.. Attorney 01 Lew, -t ' S Letters Testamentay on die .tate of David D. i excellent a remedy./ You are at IMerty to use my
expre ss 1 p m prep 0.1110 in
i whit:ate m e di eg i 3 ., 3333 , 73 ,,, 3. 1 . , •,!! Dlaramml Mrcet. opposite ti e Court Roos, olt onset-. late often llornitellot tdnecheider, Penna. name In this regard at you think jiroDer. • 'A.
llail ft= a m i &sprees 2178 a 41
..Rrto. 37 /I^Ood Street, _ N. 11.-No charges are made If the claim does DO{ , deeease4, hat lug Men grained to the undernlgned,
atenbenvlile Aceommodation leaves Allegheny at
ALE OF .. reed, one all lufersinu
----en given gratis
.er e cly ; .11 persona indebted to sald estate ere req. - este/I • Me.... Cum.°. Cormelk.iltiat'urgh..l4.::
r ; {pp, so.
P. STONE, ---- iio make l4 l ll.llCtittlte. payment, and those having 1 N. 11.-1 am no stranger toMl • fellOW-ettintlie, aud •
1 elem. amsnat said est at. will present them, duly ati- ant who entertain donuts ex° consult MO PeDlMMltlya
Pittsburgh and Younellsvlllo.
I thentlettetl. for eettlentmit.
- L.P. ,- P.
Departs. •
Mall 7(00 • mMatl 6210 p m '
ATTORNEY AT LAW, W g 'RAI SI ttLF, / e . „
IHA tii.Es clOtiiiise. f '-'"''''''" A MAI:MR NEW 4 .ERTIPICATE.--.l7fa. )tai:
express ....,..... aseep MET-gen P" '" . Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, , AT
to lam 6. 1'
' sKR•S PEC,TORAL ISICKUP.-1 had been trollidad
;s i t MeEeppOrt..ll.l,l7 a mkt cßet . morlo eye. tu
with a cough and cold tor sestinas wees-lOW wit ,
am.tem. , :SI( L TORS' NOTICF..- -Whereas i ttt.ii could not Weep. I had the seek. WON**
CBS • mad gro2 p M
..$ ounit itteluargh, rr. '°i l " th• Ir , • • • •
reileldielly `Valley italtroial i m mi.vaaptrisatztma.'sr, 112X.41.40+10ED.T. 113-..A.'
, , 2,2 mrs •Testamentary iipon the Estate or Dan- I captains from three of thelscet nlavatchauttalke
Departs. Arr...
let Soh.. late of Wilkins township, Allegheny city, whom I could name, but do not do ao., /
Asti emit •ts Esoreas air •us , PAINTS, 011.5. VAIIIPD3HEs, DTE,STUFFS, Se.
reesets, deceasd hat leg been granted to tile under- procured tattle of your Pectoral Syrupy' g
rapists 1:i0 ID
M •
........ ... aid m
, sgued. all persons knowing thernsele. indebted to cured TOO entirely.
s tecoMMOdatimi. MO P m Acesmamd•ihm :• . „i'lle Retail business will be continued u asset at Hf °"-°°"`!” of th ' a° " ° '''T of Woe. " II th° sald ...state are 1 , 111r>11,1 to make humedlate pay- . tSigne4/ J. W. SIVONTOrt t A
-I,°,;.ii 1 . ..
! a i r; Lli . ..g , 11 ,b a r s . log rr i.. ", la . O ,
roar ag . At h .. ,, t.. ; : ; s „n e t srAti F 0 5, ... I
m150,..m0240 Ulna/ Mmeti Pltt. o ttritsslh
IPlttsballall and Erie Rallromd, to tilt los. et Federal street, and corner of Ohio and Ir. der.
''. ? , :is r sie ' s. n ... " r ii:!IJN. igs'SKSitill.LlVOLgl/T. I .guu ' uta " . I
City and Franklin. alatimett, ABE! ilzl,ty. _ .710.1 y d Building lilnterials, Steam En -
Arant. • Drparte SIMON JOIINSTON,
Vo. isi Express., 7:48 p miff°. El Exprem.. SM. m
gines,./tlaeltinery, l'oolb, Iron,
vu. roubsto,tv erv ame y. sodiAlca t o, and
A 1.1.EG IDENY COUNTY., N 5.-111 the • hr. co.
_ .
eh Pectoral, and If that don't mire yoneyokr
3 1 :2 0 .1 7 1.17ca-ci 7.4.2°, - CoupOr, Imtuber, ic Stores
.. matter of the ilnal account of JOH N AIcOAK(I4I, j eme Whet be despentte indeed , ' Thiel/1a liDeellatal
4roerusrinitt goat-Airstsit and Water Att.
one of the mite In I. t ratan, of WILLIA3I ILELL, de- I of the contain) one Items every daNtreolibmitehmg
. ,tretets. Doane . i Corner of Fourth and Smithfield SO., of ViUIOUS hinds,
dim rthut lon of the balance due m per said account
CcAtc.,ll. Aud mos, Febravarr nth, A. 11 l ism, ~t, periods of the year. Andre° Ma, enn Lettlateiggi•
.. ,
CPO It M kgin a m.... ...... 03000 til
r tar alicnitromp Sole. Bt. co& ist. -
m 0,10.. In 0 1. 1. 11C011ti. SAMUEL PALMEII,' Esq.. is , r boon cheerfully concur in the Therm samost.
appointed Audi tor Wanda the account and make f lion eas More, rut we have tried the "Peeterak_v• in
W i t s Bfiya u tgal .k L% An
I P& %Riker ,
Si p, in. on.ri
• UT THE COURT. two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh, with easel
Funny F ilm. Illii. ail: atrima. sec/ form 'ialtln,
From the Record.
I thwart,. , ...._..--- • Parte and Comma. 1
O . A. HERRON. Clerk- ,
t he
we ever experienced elliet, (Mr asnieut tapas
the most distressing, Cent...7n . 0 . 11 . 0 .: .2 . l M . abi.
thla mnadane sphere . IVe cou g hed steamy:atm la.
, a most stubborn ease. 'with entire tneeees , ziatr
Watt • Viirialt letaire...4llo , ll a ilittel i 11A ' -
Th.. sad e signed will attend to the duties of We boriousty for one whole wets, in noPetersoma,,,_ 1,15
mt.:: n , e ,. t i. 1 1 , , 1 , „; , .. ,, b0 h r . s . e..,,,,i t p . t his ollee, aro , 1 1 17 out, but it was no g0., traver•zrrre
23‘ Ina at
Ire. at 7 o . cloel, e. IN.. w ' l t!' iel itti!,l tr i Or'e M en,...g.2 . ;. strength, It-. To, vator.r. disn'emillkr be die Oper.
luterested army amend.
- ' 111 "l'I Pli '' 11; i S' C4oAillni.:TL F`
---- 84‘ SALE — BRICKS it'keY7liutlll'h"fl'l'l4-4r4L°9:11:'":'".4:11741.4:147411.157
llOid-10,UNiFi1A125.1,241.9FL,D1T11? 11.1.2 v I rs ii t i nt: : ALL E- 1
r :d .... 11 :17; . , i ll r a
it art lt.
d i t : . l 3 , !Li k u r a 1t . : 61 ' t,
4 , ;:n r e l :lt I,al :ge l". ei
Lti l i e ;tr e r o l I E v i e 1
PRII, at e I ,3'elock, will lit aold on second floor of e1,. °1 .„,. e i -,yrownsvflls Clippie., Dee, If, keg
Commerial Sales Room., lea Smithfield street. be • ``---. . !
order sir Orphan,' Court, the desirable Ileums and
Lot in Fourth Ward, A Deglion3 etty elegant.. feet
Somas ofrloadh Canal %ZIT... 'I he toffs 16 feet front ; .2.-1
intare or less, on East Mile of Walnut ltreet. and-44 I
w ,.,,,. t i,.. a b. lrith ',LIN itNrll or 4 feet alley way (rem •
...a al I ° . w7 , 4 ` ,"ro'rer i n b il i cttrV n zil.% Vice. !, In erected a two.lory int. hactling, No.
eh t street. Tent. rash. ,
!•_:n-imwsd A. susTL'W AINE, Auct. ' 3
ga the /same or 11.1thit1111 C. 0 Lvisig„ dememied, ,
b.' lag been Issued to the undersigned, all persons .
having . lehris agal.l .1d rotate will present them,
Jul) authentl.l4,l, to me for settlement. and all
z r, l ., ,r . ,k , n i z s ir r i . n u Lth t e o tlis e ett es
ludetaml will make
srecba Dimateh to tee Plttabr.rgh Board of Trade.
March ateady. {{yet,
Ilrtrfer at *1,25 , 4. Corn, arm at 401-i (or No. I., quiet at 21 for \o. 2, und 24k" for No. I.
'tee, at. Whisky, 112,V... Kees Pork, armor,
111.1.1a1 Lard, Orator at 11. Cat bleats,
Wm,. Petroleum, re. bibles and Wool me
el zanged.
Finance and Trade in New York.
Nair Yong, March 15.—The mock market
stowed a slight depression at the close. New
:York Central, t2j4;rie Railway, thtty; Madame
River, 103%; Reading, 146 1 /; Michigan Central,
101; Michigan Southern and Northern
'TN; Illinois Central, lii; Cleveland and - Pitts
burgh, 77%; Chicago and Northwestern,
do preferred, 14%; CleVetand and T01ud0,107%;
C Meng° And Rock island, 104 ;PIttabtoub,•Fort
ayne and Chteago. 015 , ;„• Ohio and Allesissip
pt Certificates, 144; Five-Twentles, 103%; Ten.
Forties, Money is offering at 54E6 per
cent. very . freely, in consequence of-a discus
sten of the loan bill. The atock market is
feverish and unsettled with a dive:mitten to
realize. Cold closed at 151. Petroleum
stocks were generally steady. Benno.
buff, 1040; Rrevoort, 435; TygerVe, M 5; Palmer,
t 5; 590; UnitedBtates,l6,7sl Mold land
Mining, Excelsior, T WO .
The tbsemercial says; 'Theatockmarketcen.
Unties to exhibit considerable speculative
edrenglb. The clique operationa In Mich4an
- F•reutheni, Olive, Pittsburgh' and Reading are
strongly supported, and the whole market
naturally sympathizeS with "the majority of
monks, being higher. Government stocks are
moderately hut decidedly firm. Money
abundant, the banks are lending ate per cent,
on call, but private firms pad It diditeult ta ob.
tale) Over fe per cent. during an' eareePtioleit
• rate. Discount a shade easier. Prime paper
Is quoted at RETI4 per Cent. DIM there is s ten`
dency toward 834 -per eente Tor. very 'choice
names. Gold,Wrather MOM excited_ There
be a (air custo m "
areV some . untying to
cove Almeria. .oold is • lorkned at, 02 - per cent.
per day. Poreign•, the tread.
tog drawers ask 106% for 40 'days sterling but
RCD better at IMIK, btdng Ilea price of buyers .
NEW Yomic. March /a—Prices Math:ft Stocks
btd in-Boston todsg u irere as follows: Copper
falls Mg; Pranklln ;Tian/mak y. ; J. H. IN;
Alinnesora 7gt Quincy at; Illy State il.!‘'; Bolen
Water Power 25g.
The. Dry
..6mads market la 7a little more
sway today, but buyers legit thatsome goods
mast go lower, such.. se, torown and bleached
shlrrings and sheetings. Some pri nts will go
lower, and many forage 'goods Moat be: sttll
lower, owing Wile creeropply.. TbOtollon ,
Ins' the qnotationa d the
a nl 13Ooda
E"%r, 'Cilrit7nFellet3l,T73-1. c_2llAl""°
Bblranint—Jaes neh,_3ll3s.inen • 2st3Thed
22. Printa—iferrlmanic W, 2 1; do D;94.A=211:
can, 18; Allem 17; Victory, le. Balminess—Ham
ilton, 2.2%; Arm tires,. 25. Cambries—lfanville,
IC; VictOry,l9. 151.34; India&
Orebartl, 27%. Canton Flannels — 't emberton
A, F 2,• C, T i c k a—Eyerett, 3715; Franklin '
35. Deultaskiton Itanufaetnrifig &mumy,
35; Brown, 33. Hoop Skirts—S. 'F.& 4.. T. key
;lv I X L, in fair demand 'at' former prkee.
_ _
New Yee!' learket.
Sew Vona, March LS...Cotton quiet and
steady, at ile for Middling, and by auction for
government account 1,7D0 bales of Mobile eot
to.a, at 310 ,41112.16. for Ordinary to Strict Mid.
dling. Flour opened islet and Nosed dull
$ 7 247,70 for Sound Extra
for cre. R. 11. 0., and SASSO
11.00 lor taut, Brands. Whisky quiet, t
412,79,f0r Western. Wheat. opened a a sinni
firmer, and closed quiet and, steady, a t $4 . 4 6 ,
1,71 for. New No. I .Stilwaukeo in ,Indio
and , 1
oat, and 1100 for Old 1111 waukee Cl b. "
better, and closing quiet , 7107 A f Corn
so lae anti, awl 76078 for &mt Mixed Wea or
both in atom =4- deliverod. Oats ttealld
I,ary, at, Silolll64or Unsound Western, and
skpfe Ibt Mond do. Petrol/Mtn lower, at Ises I
Se. Three thonaand bids for Slay und Juno,
at .11421310 e. Refined in Bond Is gnOttad It 411d1
4214, gags; Spud bbis. Coffee sugar
easier. Molasses dull; Porto Rico 70(1,5e.
fort firmer; bat closes' nonvyfat
$3.,00(tar,31 for New Meta, closing at gig, s re
alt.r; 180,00816,10 for Old fin,. 'ands inl,oob
21,L0 for Prone. Also 3400 able ofllew Mesa
for April and May, sellern` Indian, at 120,000
, Beef unelnusged. Beer LSamsf heavy, at
MOM*. Cat Keats dull, at 1130/1110 for Shoul
ders, anti 10540USde for Hauls. Dressed Rota
lover, nt 12%0130 for City; tidally at ISlgfl.l4.
sitilet, at 14Igle110a- for-Cumberland, and
17e for Long'Cleitr. Latrildriner ut/630_ ,/lie•She
latter an entreat°. ltutterilrolob
Oblo Sild lOWA/ for Strife.. Clicoso.ltoady,
Baya rd.
Lent Leotl
...Moore Parkersburg.
..Hamilton ....Parkerslxtrg.
. Coulson Zanesv ille
. . Moore,
o va? 2.1 Zignid t litArn m onore thi EN .
-- fikr,4l ILVAw,`"l7,:entirii
igTZIVAMIIree: t j tf •
NO PENN STRET. NEVES. days fteitleliklly aptined. Al AI :
1 , 7 mile mar OENTuAL DEMI STUN conk,
iiutra DAvg et soli, proprletars. o a l'
umNiatrzeicelAßDCAlunmizan.g.t.trorSCHOONNA AEU & 80 N• •
erettu. Also, Oestrisreeffer "peri Waldisiles and
J .
itenvolasegimAtolui r" oar: Pittsburgh White Lead Works,
. i3TEMESIEas; PURE limn T;F:AD,
weer ° , PgeIin C EAVV.F aIIitLAND) fides •
. ._ " M A!
ar, , ,,,... BB "0174acmil iiiitroot o
Ticket, sold to and from Ireland, England, .3eot• gni
land, irn
h.tany and Prance,
Ann the Contnanra Wane.:
JOIE G. DALE, Agent, Aud Victoria Men,
° II) Broadway, N. V
-01WC*1:53NPSNR STILEET, scar !laud
. .
ttr lift - el*lll or 811 diseases Of A ppal.c nature, le SUNDRIES."
U ' ',ll ' , ;Tt • W s
A 1 :47 at r , r, z v. al g .
...k: ::: .2 4 ., 11_,.., ft
- • . , • -
sUNDltamila :
dkenasissof .he genital organs and
Orartlitiun '
pare iinxr. ,, ~. i or ..q. ,f,,,,d e d .
..... - , IX. Puehrls . ! lor . ot_ SPIA !.
~..2_Lej.f. . k .ja, vlg . tot, ar. Ti '''7l. kriV'ji V47Z11,?2,1?"''
..., , ~,„ ~.___
i lk, Qat:chli
eo Mitre Family rims.; .1
' ' .131)13-43LSTKRY • u , .• B.p, do ,
410 • • I I de
w . aLow , w. mThrwm; ---;--- -- - I:, • • Sergheru elelaase.: 1
MOVIRTII STREET 11PiloOMIt i 1., .d,5,0..t.1.R.111^.14,3"-^". 1
a:TUT:I di nfletliTildni el,
enbserinera rrienerarture slie r ' 'MAI'
Cornet Ilereet and First alrealla.
Lanai utkle In their lin 11 71:.`""""Y '''' 1 m "
.menu c (Anzio a 00d , ..c0nan.," g:tiV, '''. AIICHIG AN:SY , t‘OLii V (4 - -
a woo Hi':'ktdrnwndau..4e,o7pti,n°
silLib,da,:o:lOrLeri9ird(l4:4.o....dr.r.leiro-r' ;
ror i
c,,,,,, . prsrxquirma
: Witt, uuy
iz. com e .diVrc),23ll€s.
._ .: A1... „._„....„_,.,...........___. 7 . ... • 7. l tinak , r g , :r.:, , ,,,r i f.::; . U n i . t ET' Prr...:I'OISNI calied Ule 11l rh• 1
it .
- ' be ieeu At ..'
1441tialrlikETIVIVf." i
;BEtOOlll3. , R/1111ZW,}
~ . , ...,.
.......-.....-.....-.. ~....-... ; ----...--......---......__
_ . 1121 Liberty Street, ~.
,pRowNE?$.1TIIIIMIIIIIIIAL lIIROoIn I , ,LoUIR, GRAIN Asp pria — triticii 1 •.'
• .•-• '.
''''• ' jr°ll
,_ *iltaltilretr, of I:
;........47...,z,r,.4,whostirb.ylretirtirOatLevatiovrear..ted i -/L.'
iio,oo btle.u.Staidr;infritli.e.Z.Vest; . Penne/lama Milt 01!","r.Otonoile0,4 001 M
~4 0, ,,,,,,,, TzlivF io,:preferiteonpertunitle hai ••
:firmikumme er y rarely to be lotted pa. No tea I le • •
1 Corner I'm 81tpet and Auquesne • IVA)
Naha to buyi'asara'asslorlerrliOtTlellleallt eriarge' Ea ee a e. Iced Wheel - ...., •
°Eva' sell,. Vent* warded In evelletionntylia Penn le w e . &ro a d.. --''
gattlllS. - Mid far Circular: :Allelrese J. 11: nor- I aDObesh. Ear Cent, 1 ,d' lOTTON-417 bal p fond Ix., Pim,.
a ~ can Or JAL 1 .. RAVIN '&130.. 0 /or ealeby
U. KNOX 4! liplif. i A.. , s there tie COM. ....1..d , ...
Wilma Wale.' . Jallri: to 'ft inatailad. AllsEEsEYa ar 147tioia-tor i'allawrikaa4i.TAVE'ETru'i*V'
SONS. selected In the studios of the beet Enropeut
A rthni,•by Mn. JAMES B. EARLE, In the Ihn or
. .
phis. on TUESDAY, Ilarcla Tab and WEDISLIS-
DAY, March Zarb
Fainting. 11 n Free Exhibition on andafter MON
DAY. &larch Mb.
, 'lltsluirees no. ready and pert by mail
on uppll
caLl on.
tAmons the itrilplee tab.. sold, aro. .
.L.%0C1g.. c'Lp"grt---OMil rod.;
tb;: VVlTE•lt_b.‘:,h
Ode b.. viii . riftibZ4;
1e0,23110 . VI? Fall: litON—bar nod rod, ,
760 r . 0.17 lUok—uneervireabl..llol.;
:to ii:: 41. , ...%,mr. , „„ rhoot:
4,eto bs. e 1 4. 1 N - -cratur and cable,
• 16.063 Tonle ( 11 .tt0H—Cottou, English khoge, Olt
', nom lb.. 1 1 1 , V g in t ebleind ;
LOCO ten{ IiIRMINIZ—gurn .3.4 legality, ....fled
20) lUMIIIINF-11.4)Iiitn, P1ati0r1,..._.,/41111$1g
tiCrOW-Mlllarlf 01 '6M nod Telfal..oloo ,
ipso,laiisl Or l Vi d if lt o IVA 7:11:111411 liarilirner4.44llg.lage.
ins q. 3m tus•nr.locAll, e Connou—drou
n 4 brepso,6l(l, brokAßSltiu, pktrkoge.,
ph:rill:in.= 11:VerTitztl'arlgaleitlitt
Colt', Revolver.; suaLrein niliortment of
TIIRA,IyaI or THE IVottl.D, T(,)11..1NT MIRAN ' , M e d.lariltoin/ rtailla C:1.1.44.. ,
ant Will Td. It glee. a, Marna del tests L int IO tiot •
einerdeelee Mid eta 1000 1 Ilia the reetel, n alltkehle ' ' , lll. sitent i loo l ,d. Norther. boy., h ruled to thi.
(rta"ifse'ti films
u, i11'19.; 4 A l nl 4 . l6 l l ,:tlgtillr. lili.d.i. 'V . .) rnbriilll4 `... "M:.;:::,;,,YA:;lrr.Ziril'l.Vainik,
phis. '" Vor i nte by . Du.. 1100 /I ineyto-11,-.1.d all 4.,,0, be" abista.l " hum the Uhler of priumeo RI 1 . 1to•bo eR h. . . a
• ' lv.hiasum, U . 0.. and 11,. the trotntoototitip,p7..
h.: ii .W. R. 1110[1.,
.n", „r the Aogtouto A, tirorgiA.
fr 112,100
(1, .... , Agent • The role will roomette. no
ASE Yon !
Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, WHEELER & WILSOn
.t...26.1ar.,1w...iffrir. cicomitrx , ”"sr, ;
Will two three daily side-wheel ;tearoom !tenet...). ' liar ' ..r." ‘ "): hiern.n." il"'"nn. . till .I."
P.. ' " i.:
l'ittsbargh; 3l onotraahela City Brownsville. Wier..., ; n ''' .os tn. ' ' 1.3.1n t 51 . 1 n. “ " U. ' • in n ' h:n "' n ' ". " U " :.
Mantling. lireen.b ~,,, . tteners ' andtheunard ult ; " ..4 ".7. P nrnth...., inti ' n:l " .: n.nni'imiSi M°"'
i„.„, t „ t„ ,
Region, Title liar to comptrowl tor the following ' n " r '' ..4 " thnr nn". " .. ' '"nPj3 '
rosl.l he MA.1141,41,4 A Mlle 1...• rice. Is.s then
.1,04.4, .
' • Aa, HOlllll 2 C.C 11 .1111:11111111 Ira r tlp. a it.tint sr 0 ork . Ind
j.. ,..4" ..„ ,,..7 4 1 ,::: • , , ,: g -ilrlO g .rioti.,l nt.ronattli that they al., art r.
FAYETTE. , ...... , cam. a C. upp,pps. ' 010,... the t 0,14,11 improrentrnt • have to.en 0,1.1,01 I. tit
T EL.tiltaell... ....... .. ................ il. - BUG TIER. Ito 'hi. utaohlus. 11 ha , Isvost.• ti , Pr.- I "
. FRANKLIN - ...
BAIT. Z, W ( ) ARNIM.; : Pare thy trork At all by basting. so flint tbe . '
GALLATIN c.A.p.p. A . N:c. Ama,,E. • entire •..).- Ia c ...' .511..0 , 1100r, vartneut II perf,me.l . '
i —.....” r''. l,l will /VIM! Pittsburg)
at ti a. . .1111011( b.2(114, it high IA a very great a,
r n•• And 1 , 2 n, ..x.cept Panda,- when the I epartute 1 sa w n, ^, I .'l ,
will Lc at clock, I:, .. . . low we give a table blade up from artnAl I' X pC•
Intent, Otswilig til.• rrl "I: P flute scrajoh../ Is t.-
ea. ma TLeb . t h r r gr g rin ' Fl7 - tre f ; ' ,. ' t i n h . e ° 4 1 ,., 711 , ' ,: g A ' , " ,11,7 1 ar i A j . i t.. c gam en 1, br all. mach int and also by baud.
. Al CIIINE. kiV /1"1,
RZTUIMISG—Leaven Brownsville for Pittsburgh } "our, Mire. lftwrs. Bin.
"Liellar'e's744: re m tin ' s ' b d oto P. a ' ut i l Genera et 12 o'clock;' I:l''' ' '"7:"'4 ' .' " S ' l ' ' ' ' ' '"l ' ' " ' ' .... : i' ' r .. i.l ""..::'
R Ice 'a Landing at 2 p. to. ; Satin Vera:
Leaves lifonongshala, Oily ni. ft o'clock. ' Linen Vents a e.
The line 11l rampaged of nrst-class aide-wheel 1 (lo th Pant 5........... • ...... ••" ' .. i ' . ' in •
a testacy., built expressiv for the trade. They will S.l nin ) '' i'nni ' . 0 1.1 ..! . •
Yu connuantled by ogle& of long experience, who 1 P.M , lags. 1 It
wiliPaY Particular atventloa to the Wptltal nail eon,- : , 3i. ' r inn P e '''''
fort Of InontertgerS. Far boati. will leas, prOtopty 1 '.:"^). I ' rn "' ...... •• • - ..... • n 7 . 3 37
st tho hour arivertiseti Po. Ink... ......,. . .. . . . P. ~
• 1 11104 - ses rain' U :, 7 . 2 ,
' , Iluslin Skirt 0 a. I -
-- -
Treights.Received al all Hours, 1 1.,
,ra,r, ... ..... . . . Is 4
Igh t Dri.
....... ... I s 7
1.. 6 1
VOL further particulars eaunire of 1 Snit Apron 0 la I It;
w mu/ ni Mc EL ¢O Y. Agenl, t Pin. " "". •• '' ........ -• " .. . :3i
Al the Wharf-Boat, loot of Omni at., Pitteburgi.. ; PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY,
L. 00,14y aw iN niv A u g ie eet.
18 66. -. Call and see these Superior Machines root or mark., ...,1 Harrimon Ntrt.etw,
Rerklyu. N V.,
SaMIL-1, 1866. in operation and yudge for your- --
Comprising Um following Orst-elaes Passeng.
:Steamer BAYARD: Geo. D. Moore. Master.
SteamerLENl LEOTI; Jas. liatmituu. St.ter.
Steamer PUREST CITY: Jr L Gordon. Master.
Leaves Pisburgharp Ifutaday and Thursday. at
clock. ttm. :ea:t
Le vaes Wheeling ewers Stands, an p. an.furadal, 1i
H Le arns
Pltleburgh every- Tueadny and Friday, n
Leaves Wheeling every Tneedey and Friday, at
Leaves Pittsburgh every Wedneaday and Saturday,
at it A. In.
Leaves Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday,
at it:26 D. In.
guavas Parkersbarg every Monday and Thursday
at 2 in.
Le p ave, Wheeling every Tenuity and Friday, at 7
Leaven Parkersburg every Tuesday and Friday, at
taftes Wheeting every Wednesday and Saturday,
Leaves rar6;rereb urgE ' e4 E 4lT L e!lTe T sit'ay and
d tat t el WlT : eilne every Thursday and Sunday, at
7n tn.
1 1 ¢Cooneerlons going down are toadeat Wheeling
sot FROM,' with the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rain.
which leaves Pittsburgh at MOS p.m.. and Cleveland
at 2:.Z a. in s Also , wlfh_ train's pr rtt.t.bpn,4,
Wayne and Chicago Ratty - ay, whleh leaves Chicago
at le and andrietta with Marietta and Cm
eintiattltallroad, with mem:sera to all points on
the Muskingum River: and at Parkersburg wit
early train on the .11altImOre and Ohio Railroad, and '
with Daily Line Steamers to Pomeroy. (balilpolis,
Ironton, Portsmouth, hfaysellle nod Cincinnati. !
SirOn up trip, Connections are wadeal liviiatr
.Cleveland and Pittlburgh Haltroad, MCO a. to.
In; by whiten passengers 'arriVe at Cleveland at
p. M., and at Chicago at 7:02 a. m. next morning.
SCOTI,Jn., Auchoueer
Whlth were ecolveted at Alaeo m
nt Cia., by the Vonn.d
ere elineertirnent, tor the erection and permanent
oiloratid on of • tare° Armory, Laboratory: and Arta.-
; anal.o,
Nathinerg and M a leMtals,
ge/leered Non 11'09 Work. and. Armor/or In Use
tter of A TaLsma and ( , 17‘1111., will be sold ft •
Public Auction.
tiPtdneeday,tterit 4th, thhh,
D. W. Yl:Allt.Rit,
mbla.lnloo. "Pl.4llii,ll,l7iva.Attf.V.Wal,
s (;
1866. I
CIMELIP.A.T*3-1 , -.
tbnt Ltnr.• been A. 1 ,14,1 1. , LI,
27 Fifth street, Pitlbbtirgh
Have beenawarded the FIRST PREMTVIIII at th
1 1 following Faire for the year 1865
Piret Premium for best Machine work at Penne
State Pair.
First prstniuut fur hittettiw. work •t New Yor
blots Pule.
qe.Outri for hext Family Sisal. it Oh
ii7intitn for best manufacturing Machine
Ohio State Fair.
'First premium for best Manufacturing Machine
liMmilican State Fair.
st Maimfactorlng Machine
First Premium for hest Manufacturing Machine
Lawrence County Fair, Pa.
First Premium for best Machine for gene - ,41 pat, at Lawrence County Fair, Pa.
First Premium for hest Family ciershitrir at Buil
County Fair, Pa.
First Premium for belt Manufacturing Machine
Burke County Fair, Pa.
First Premium for bent Manufacturing son ...II
Machine at SpringAld Fair, Ohio.
First Premium f best Manutacturing and Paton
Machine at Palm Fair. N. Y.
First Premium for hest Manuticturtng and Family
Machine at Submit County Fair, N. Y.
First Premium fur hest Manufactu tin, and Pandit
Machine at liclinyitr County
lair, N.
eit m y (County P
Fele, for neat Machine for all purposes. Pa.
First premium for best Manufacturing Machine,
Allegheny Count). irate, Pa.
First Premium for hut Machine rk at A Ilektherr
County Fair, r
And wherever err of bite&
l it t .ult l ET / A t a ll eo . l4 4 3 Eii : LED VEG.
Goo dozen Fresh Tonneaus, 2 and polled,;
sno •• Pt•ahes, and a pounds;
• ' Pine Apple, 2 and pounds:
lon • • • • Whortlebearies;
it. •• • tilackbcrrle+;
t) •• • • Plums;
to • • • • Cherres,
La •• I.lton Ilene*:
to • • tireen Pena:
'• •• Coro
all Zerrauted choler, tio silty. We also otter.* large
il l of ut eri I.) Jellies • Preserves, Ketchups,
41noces. Plekles, le. RET34EIt BROS..
e 23 Nos. MI and 12 Wood Street.
40 bbls. peltale borneozen:
•• -"• Peek lea:
'' Pickles, in salt;
40 " ..eholee Nasy Ucans;
•• • Nfar Do'lcled•Posettes:
40 • • • " Apples.
20 • • (hie and Dry Tobacco;
100 . 444, cigars. all grader, • •
to neote and for sal, low to ebe trade by
101013 CHAS. C. IIALPLZY. Llberey at.
pig,....„. ,-_---._._._____
ii- 20 I , blz. No. 1 Mackerel;
is •. • • 1 do
gri"," 4 t -
(5 bhisk. " 3 ' •
; t:A.•
he hr. bb l.. • • _ 3
1., . ,. .1.r b .1141 , IsOnds euddsh.
mlll3 eItA34..C. 11...1.!!LET.
4 30 Ltherty street.
?IraitJai - 1.-- .
.0 bldg. R.l en Fordly Flour;
ed • • toys do
10 • , l'enst Hominy;
• . prillie yr kit.. ze.a3;
c., • • 0..0 . i mot ADP/e.,
• . ..,,..,,
,t,• , ..chh... ;!;:mr . •
~.-• - .2r7g"1,,,...; •
io • • • • Vouches t
A ' • ere.h F.ydys.
For ode by Flc rz Eats A/1.31.11110N a,
re 3 Corner of Market Sod First streets._
13itO, ... ._ . _ _ __-______
12, i bo4e. 31.Ta105...11.x.;
Joboaltels. - rnialrerel larTme Unions;
• barrel.e.; •
"Ii goor`;::.'t;%‘rri "`Ai:Ziit....`li Fa"..".".
MI do Peach 111.,e, rtptCatnor.
JeOr "hi by • W. J. STElel...t. 011.1.,
No. 139 Thlod Street.
. _
...i.,. boor. IdessensOrauges
71 do do Idolels
NO 0.... COI. Freali.Peseullo,
11..24 blloldi4ll4l4;ea elr n3- 41754'• •
71 tile. Onions; '•
4:' , 7 ,
( . 2on 1 . 0 pyltnu Orlon Apple..
Stahl Ig Pule.. ..•
Ty o lan•l re and ....tst e el MO Liberty Far get.
1 . 1 / TElt, AIKEN 4 I 01 SWAIM.
Vieth— .
'3lOOO half 1.1415. Now White F 1.0;
7.1 .1.. Solt ,
do do
Nol Lmotai.. 1 !leering:
2 to do Trost. . •
'For mutis by
„. awn J . 11.. .4).5NF1F:141)• _
AiTO!itEFFEllfinin.Fs .---14AUC.E.—
pInT.Af.R. iIL -1 ' ,.., %'•1'Pr7.A . . - 01 i y,n%lira g lb s T,Is e.„? . 4 tut
;nun usury . ; l•roto• es Illn ektrull•sWitsost .1111 slosh- I
noon Untony, floe 090. gb:pahtliligrVP.,Aw, .
hl Fors. of Whet ty r ifsud "tr.'''.
. . ... _ _. -,
LEAD -- 400 pigs Solt Gegicr.z. Lead 1
for solo by truh3 d.IIiI.I.A.NFIELD.
SlOnlUilinti-100 kW. flight COI"
... .-1142 ortn: anait . ff . , 911's 121_4
._yVOIOT. .
flOTTell---121 bales kg ztiolie — aiLsd
Mr axle hr atAa itisaitn of i.21 . 1. , r A co. ' 4
A-sada (11243.1 • itEMIN* W. COTS N¢ 4
‘rootinDGE 01i. REFINING DEL -11i7E-Y9E-1141-
JMIN WATT. Proshient.
11 FNI N M. and rr,•,.'r
Office, No, 2 Duques➢e Way,
31A\ I• I'VM , Wiir"
Bra nd---"Luci fer."
, 11l ;
. . .
1,11,11.0 .t . mt roll
twkimissioN mum( vrs,
-Arovintf,tsv i t,
441 , F14 E. 144. 4 MAO:ESSE:WAY
x =. x . in - rosmgia_lFLC3-Xi.
Storage for ltefined Petroletteaol
TAnkr Itarrol, Sr.e Clzett
vee. .
• , t11 , 4., No. NS RICA VEIZ STRICEI
~ /.a IV
t el-x.l3a PLett.....37.
CLARK & SUMNER. Pectoral Syrup,
horn% slid Wince. Collins Township
twrici tit Prrn BUNGS -21 WOOD STREW!'
has the tarp:. eal.rwtty the coon
Cr, The brand s t andst the h4rhest In this entlnt2J
11.4 In Europe. fgoslll, and nr.• te.l. and the 01/
I• pnt In a... 41 ~,,,oned I,, prePared eanentair
\I .uiufactu
I rf10.., Hod, fo.,;s for 01114 ell, dole. IT Attend to Your Colds.
IL" V' R 101 i OH. ENC;LNES.
Wi • construLtlng, in./ , rl, iteepon, hand,
pt.rlor 51, err
1, of
SE‘ltTi;:l'aZartil4lVl""d DJ
We Invite peril,' needing englnee v na thin rILLI p
t, eee then, earner of PI K): net en' II lee
' O i ll . 9 llER('l4l. 011. WORT
l'lrTriarnoil. Jaouary 1.1. ll= .II
1,11. liarran:—.sly wife has been &filleted ariLh •
Lad roogb and dlillculty of breathing Mr/Avant at•
1 - oArg. whir., for ~ ..veral years back, had graathall7 ,
kr r.,ase.l In rodruce. The complaint hllabeelk hal ,
PURE WHITE BURNINC OIL ...Mary. and 51..• had beelt treated by eetittal Wird
p6r'enct rwelhsTin"c'Ty7tilri'llk(4olVntliltaitt .
i.,o. ~ ,n nab.] and 1, ea Ir
i bought. tile that time s a tiny cent bottle:l4ooh re -
.ti TELL Lmi (;ST 1 /1.-I.ltiaLlT , /LAVES 11,',76.4:',7,a17,'114',..1.21Mff.1::4111,1Zinri1ail
trace of the former [liana., alert... arealtketta. /
t...ond al., [gale that I used the medlnThettlYata)•
c u rd and cough. Them ene cared me •
our dose. I cetera. Itty entire aatisfaetion. ' Oh INN S
ntrollrine, and you are at liberty to y r ibila - uni
, ~,..I...tire to do so. WI/. [MON.
Alderman. Fifth Ward
Nu. 47 I% 0014 BTI
F \l' rlli, DM. I .D. S.GLYN!, 4oMACRITM,
0e..0 . .1
I, I 3 lao,lr at Marrow. DR.lo 8 Co. N•,
Nos IN And N) Market •Irect.
HAN 1.,'• of Iltiaborph. (or CENrior of Incorolo- .•,-...-
Roo• No. 370 Niareti Ton.. tsl9l.__ _ •
; - Ano how. - eh; . ;:iic . .i.h.rl:y , Ti . Febroary. Link the
1 s oul s e ' :1 1 ::r " n I' l i t r at l s ' . l l7 .' or/ClisTul7i r t.l.7.. n ro i g ". t i ee e n U p r ;e ' :
s ed to the Coort. and the Loon naming exatr-utel.
th, .an,e, and eons, of the opltdon !hat the wtltt po
tion Is lawful, do otter that nOtice of -tint attpllcat.
t 100 for charter be tog Itllabcd In the DAILY GaketTL,
1 or the city of l'lttsbhret 'fur three. Weeks, and that
1 wstd eharter will be 'ranted at the next term of this
i t ..ort. If no moraleut reason le *buten to the con
. trorY • BY Tar coma.
i Attest: ...won U. tkakektt, Croat . .y. fo=t3wd '
I N rill: DISTRICT COURT, % o . Si '
• -e.
31c I Cow n P so orti and Ann bl ea., IP Closk ey.P'. polonoy i.e' Catharine ;
To Ann McCloskey. one of the defendant. Mauer' .. .
I p..,ie11: Tor lire, .1 , Partition.. raelepars In the . TOol.llAlung..Rearr ow.
i: ~,;.ove rase noting been returned with the ' • •,
h... ,, ribett therein, vetoed at the aunt 01'1000 ott'ana ;
1 ,1 ralttallontartne beea conArtned, yogurt, tter,s_
12. ttoelfW , l to room Into tours onth o 233 LAI or • .
, " Rt ai oc.t.. to accept or reftwe the said property
.. •
st the said valuation. In 9_11111111.0.111-11111 order of 1
- '
re ic Lowrey-la 4"°n
I PAIIiILV' - A ' suaa-:ouRE -
il 2 '
wsentrbecu.strantvl to the Alldthigtlell 04 the •
eatato of JOHN 1•11.1 DE ticceaft,.l. all pen It •
Ihnowing thenwelvee Indehiett to the annul willtott . '. . .
Immediate Day , tuent, rpt ail pemont having claims •
Wolrgt h e ' tno fur ' - "„ 01tL,•.7,A; E,'''"".,.bem-_aw r..q-
• A/ e.Y. ANNIE tiLYDE.,
AdtalnistratrLY.Of JOHN 1.11.37DP4 deeemed
at blatrum, tittle & Co.' " •
Nos. 73 "ntittiAtsztot onet, Plttabur%tt.
•. DX . . GEORC+E .•it . KE — VB4:I4 ,....
Ilttlitiattdcw - -
m. xGOVERNMENT...JAVA' CO/F I FEE 1 40 :W 464. li llitriiie : illteib i ;' 3: : ; '''' ' ' ' '' :- ..
f hirs , g t : g eligl a rg t z Km - ftreien4 *kid ; •'.•t .. ' •. ~- r. .......,-,-,-..7.- ~,i 't''...:.i1,...,:,1,'
, . ~.....
town ItENSIELLW ' . - 1
Poem& elLlborty aid Land onsio,
Pectoral pu p.
13- ronchitis
I fr.r Burr.: nF fr~ Mite's,
Curesa.Eliatlaim.' es
All Dise . ases of the Lungs
di AWL Invite attention to some of the most extra
nary cores hY m 7
cL b t e n y q'f:." , ;('ltT; , .N i otr , ib:%l7. h al”,;r4%,.l4
I. PeP.l sad .cad 01
E'lLitti eiltrearigh.,..lo4>aaaa,".
PrPiitre . ! 4 &VA
I P l %ftes• 1141:if;ant