ii ,4 the. , ti - iloWt**Ot t MAY, MARCH 16, 1866. ADY_EIRSiItikIitATAIES.-.•: estaMfted 6 A elliisgitPlitiiinirgh wnutpuirG MATTER. Ono Square of Ton Linos, Eight Words to UM, Utley or ti-it Tim:. Doi,. 13 t. • crt. - all t. 5 week week week One ti=e 76 - -` Two times 1 Marra times Iva Four alums 7 33 rite gam.. ...... • 010 1353 dine* 0119";;;;Ii .. ... - ice 2co !m Ito put tuna. 240 4 thud. 3 75 thee.— m 4 ......... 44010 en the Lare tlmts 4 71 Tyrolv n atlmes,l weeks 603 175 a 66 1 75 Three e1ica11.............• 7SO 101 310 760 rola ' • euu eal 4 7103 WO = O6tH 15 Oa WOO 150 aCo es meet e 1/1 OD 11 CP 503 ICO MX OlOoths.— ....... .... • nee El 01 14 60 11 00 Übe rear MOO al CO 16/ CO 15 Ca —._._ 1011.1.1611E/LBLE ONCE A WEER, Ei r. l7lll,ll:a. O - 1310111.11M;.' ouths Blx m Chu wear smakiesit. SEWN Paosescrr or li.tnsmsr —We have the very best authority for stating that the firm determination of Congrees, and the unwevertrel support . given it . . the loyal. Oen, e o the country' in its effort toward restoring the Union and plac ing its destinies in loyal hands alone, have not been wtthont effect at the other end of the avenue; it begins to he unmistakiably discerned by the President and his Cabinet that the great masses of the people are against the policy of giving up the legisla tive control of the Government to unre- pentant rebel's; and in consequence thereof an honest idl'ort will be made to adjust and Akharmonize the discordant views whicb Co gravely excited the apprehensions of the sountry,—N. Y. Tribune. Iv Paris is still destined to give the law in matteninf female attire, says the Pall Mall Gazette, the days of crinoline are numbered. The doubting Farb:Jen:le Is gradually abandoning that much abused institution. For morning dresses the Iron. cage is still usable a necessary adjunct td the looped-up skirt, which it serves to keep high and dry out of the mud. But in the evening Rio the fashion to wear n long traillag dress imiled a queue fa comer. What Is lost in breadth is more than com pensated in length, end it is doubtful whether, as far as genera] convenience is concerned, the change is for the better. In Missouri the planters are exhibiting great fairness In their labor contracts. The St. Louie Repubhe.rn says that in the coun ties of Howard and Randolph, negro fac tory hands linen) are getting from $2O to $35 per month and board: small boys and girls (stemniersi are getting from 31 to 310 per month and boaldi field hands (men ) 520 to 825 per mboth and hoard. As a con sequence the blacks are well disposed, there-is lest poverty, and the profits on cap ital Invested largely inciessed. M. A, .Ltmorr, chief of the statistical de partment t& the Government of France, has pi Knelled some tables giving the statis tics of accidents in several countries. In deaths byya cident, England leads, Norway conies next, and the United States third, the ratio being respectively 870 and 575 to a Millionof inhabitants. In France the ratio is 407, lite - Rosain an, in Spain 202, in Belgium 218 too million. Atrantcart farmers may learn from Rog gen sank how to store their corn in safety. In Roasts a it is dug in the ground, in a well-drained place, and the.,aides hardened by long exposure to fire. Before the grain is introduced, straw is ignited In the pit to parity and dry tits air. It is said to have beenipreserved in this way for forty years, without deterlaranon. Tns Spiarrue Lisps. -51 r. So)liern, the actor,' has brought suit in Loudon for libel, against the writer of a letter in the Spirit,- nal hlttgagine. In his examination before the Magistrate, Afk,_ &Ahern made revela tions as to the wok In which, assisted by Judgetißilmonds and Talmadge, he hum • bugged a circle of sof ritualists of both sexes in Yew York. The - Abscraic• earl Ciampanion published under the authority of the "Society for the diffusion of Useful Ithowledge " In Egg land, gives its readers the folloiving useful rwe of knowledge. It says: "General Kerman marched without obstruction from Alabama, in Georgia, to Savannah, in North Carolina." Joins VAN Bunes is down in Conneett. cut canvassing for Mr. English, the Demo cratic candidate for Governor. It is a good oinenfor,lll4.,Republlcan side—the niece never yet supported a cause that was not rapidly going, donor bilL Like Falstaff, he has an alacrity for sinking. A-LOrriiiON Cabman said, "If you run over a youngster down here, the folks don't say nothin', kase they have got more chit _ • dreamed no sittles for 'em—but you Jim run qf er a godt or a kid, or a sow or a pig, and - Pm blest ifs mob ain't arter you in two minital" THE petroleum fe'ver is extending to Maine. • A Mr. John Garland writes to a local paper that in the great dxought of 1884 lire broke out spontatieonsly in Bev entydifferest places on his farm. His ex planation is that the soli must be saturated with oil. . AMONG the tenement house proprietorn whose property Ins ,been reportedbythe pohoe to be a nuisaniie to the neighbor hood, occurs the.-name of Mr. Shultz, the Presidentof,thelleard' of Health Commis sioners of New :York. . Tits.TitedoiC Traitacr ipt, usually fastidi onsly correct in its language,perpetrated a remarkable bull a few days since by.desori bit* the Fortnightly Review as "one of the most ambitious and ably edited British quarterlies." TAR Rev. Mr. Stebbins having been hissed at &public meeting in San Francis co, turned upon his assailants.ith, "I hear ahles;'did ever a word of tenth drop into the vortex of bell without sending up a bhtat Boni ladies ettrinkla their husbands with term in. eider. that they nay sweep the cash oat or -Their pockets-Dust as people usually eptintle the floor before sweeping , Tan ISSIV,LaIca Vedette says that Prig -ham Young juts given orders that every Mormon must lave a plurality of Wives or be . otett out tit the church. Tire citizen; 'or Buonwisn Co„ Missouri, have petitiotiect the Legislature to relieve f them of the Inns name, and permit them to call their unty Lyon. GEW; pat is heard from. In an address written in P rtagal ho exclaim': "Do I ac knowledge xnjaelf. vanquished? Not a thousand times nor , . TWOSOIIDg ltutialan women rite studying medicine nt the University of Zurich, and itleadid they show much aptitude for that profession. ,Ciux Of .ii3,BSO - children born in Paris du ring 1835, g 8,967 were legitimate, and 11,868 CARPETS, . OIL: • • ::' Bw.. CA.RPETS--4*e . htive-now-lak ore • largaiasortmant of Velvet, . Benue's, - Three-ply and Two-ply CIa:EVAPM"TfEB. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Muffins, &0., rur' l lB4ll l 7-I%, ,th s ,g igu!'" we o ff er W. D. & H. McOALLUM, Lace and Damask Curtains. We are now reoelvloe_ our SPRING STOCK, In. eluding eholue lines of IN GLUM CLUPETS of our own Inagortaittiletz l coxing:lnn the mostresteu• Ifitorde In r e line that we bag g r er had tree. urn of otfutu ` g to our customers. Our purelasee having hir d msde with UGLD at Frlt;Ritnelt we Lit a il AWL - 4j; . .4, 4 7IItDtICTON R hi TENTO - TAP CRWPI OTh OP D7rom prices of lut season. COLLINS, 71 and 78 Fifth Bt,, 2d floor, IWO bufldbu Lo 17d SONIA= llCASitind Post-oblee. fen pEntpLIA-BILICIFFE WORKS. 21. mancrArsr, So.'s' oaf. illtreogoineetwas. . . IigiffMLIMSOLL ji i . itibliaT WELI.M. Particular attention turned to his Patented verul.Mtle i lgy i s m r 1 4 , Ten i t Ara Algal ee l isicitered. Po tatrets as be ordered D7llOl l tearatrAl s petioci ft at all times. • forgt , batinf. email loopy Se.. ip_ 'Shoes who ipay , _wliA la , lltturines sad Etsomm_sworir aod• week. • af. owl pootutlyatotth I Too wows& to pans Umoa to other a 'Ws bosinfunlata on =oral tams. IT r. O. 'SOL LW. •,, 4 , o-, • prrmunuramiewngs. IRimsz Axo MANAcza....WIL ITCIDERSON. BIPIFEITPAND-LAST APPEARANCE OF MR. ADD. MIS S cotruocK, Who 4111 ptrobiatte (* characters. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING. HISS COULDOCI grill appear as GO li r • , IN THE DOMESTIC DRAMA OP ettossr OF THE HEARTH song.. ..... ...... To conclude with OW MU MG C. W.:Conidock. Madan Hardee. Mt.. .Cooldook. BIAI THEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, LITTLE GOODY TWO SHOLS. EMMA WALLER .111 appear on Monday next. Uri HOUSE. LEASE AIM *AA AGERVIS......ANNIEIaLir. Farewell Benefit and last ati pearane but one of THE ItIrAGNIFIC ENT HE WESTERN. UM _ ....I 11001 711 060 1.1": 1120° wioo 21 MI /72 00 40 Se 00 No. 78 Fourth Street. re):lll;(e_WiV IRE OLD PHIL'S BIRTHDAY tiItIDAY EVENING, March 16th, 1 , 111 0.33.3333133- ed the beautiful and romantic 3 aCt drama of DON CAESAR DE BAZAN. To ,onclude with the FEMALE FORTY THIEVES. Grand March by Helen Western and 40 Reantiibl lonng.Ladles. TUE DELEBILATEDITEALILI , MINSTREL HAND lIT MISS WESTEUS AND ALL THE LADIES, I NTIIHDUCINO SONGS, _ DANCES ,_ CH SUNDEDILS AND W &LK AEOMID, BEAUTIFUL AULEGOILICAL TABLEAUX OF WaNhington and the Goddeem of Liberty and a Terrific Dis play- of Fireworks. GRAND HELEN MiItSTILEttiIitATENEE SOT Admission t ogYTEIII4N, FE3to.LI 40 THIEVE , IS cents all parts of oh. Hoot, THE FAVORITES OF THE ME TUOPOLIS. MISIBI3OI . OrX.CI POSITIVELY FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY, Tut.liday, Wednesday and Thursday Eve nings. March 13. 14 and 13,1166. THE ORIGINAL AND PEERLESS WQod'g Mintirtrelsi, Prim Wood . . Minstrel Hall. 114 Broadway, N. Y. tyrannised In int, En route fur the Mess - 01.es, from a visit to Elstro ut, St. Loofa -lamb" ille s .l'itsettinatl, sic., ln w bleb cities they received a patronage unparalleled in the annals of public anumemente, will appear in Pitt.- burgh in three of their attractive entertainmentn. the exalted excellence of which has gls en thin grand sieuttusliestion of talent the in lllo etrelsy Admission 50 cents. Doorsopen at 7:com mence at st. (ml.ls:tw) COOL WHITE.. Manager. kT MASONIC BALL. THE ST- 1 9E31C - N X FABIAN & BRUCE'S oclor,x_.cossisALx, •:3-xlwr, Sensation Entertainment Sensation Entertainment Proldebeed by the ',revs and the ioublie • 't he 4.r...a Legitimate and only genuitte trams itallon I ha , has ever appeared to the United States. 'ready. and delighted abdiepces have tightly greeted then extraordinary Gilt Ebtertalstments" In the pilled pal titles Id the Unleda for the past three yearn. r . .Sek-13X-aIC left 3131.ia-T7Crn, The GIFT IiEItOES OF TIM WOULD,sIo not lava tate to fittattalrffajim Meet perfect fed M 3 .0" malefaction to all their patrons. The Chicago Daily Tribune says of es that ...we BANKS AND Ram -glum keep all the promises made to the publlc.end in MI to the letter every portion of our The managers of this remarkably mccessful and 13 ANKEVG HOIISE. vointlas Gift Orgattleation take pleasure in snnonne. Ing that th ey Maw effected an engagement with the SiaLLLFILTL AND PLEASING ATII N. HOLIES 8c SONS The acknowledged head and front of Wonder- Workers, and the favorite 313etzils..eriES. ENCHANTROMUND Izetigrr,vr:dtivailintrzgrrvilk,steo. wan N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. THE SPHYNX 4 Dermas recetved In Par Fonds and Currency. lierttotta made on all the prinelpal points of the THESPHYNX I nrtml State. and Cstaadas. Ai: Masonic Hall Positively for eight lops only, commencmg Friday Evening, March 16, 1E466. 1.1:30 3.1310 MOO , Veered and Elaborate Presents OWEN AWAY Every Night without R FABIAN AND BRUCE, The Girt Autocrats of the World, perform all Wet tulvertiso and give away every evening the whole id the lit presents advertised on their bills, and chal lenge any one forg3Coto prove that everything Is not done to the letter. TICITS ONLY In CZ NTS—ltesen IA mats it cents. No half price. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to Commence at o'clock precisely. Pasidottable Ustinee,WEDISESD AY and SATTIR DAY APTERIiOGNS at 3 o'clock, when children will be admitted for 13 cents, and Every Child Will Reeelve • Present. Remember that the Managem and Directors of 'Fa bian A Brvice . s Gigantic Gift Sensation Etaell.ThlO meats offer a REWARD OF 6000 o T i ta p an y i pltxu „ w e h rT o .11 , 1 , r:1.11g the 0.1 , 14 . h t . e w s particle vertleed. Tickets .111 be for sale at Hoffman, Hoene it Co. , Mode Store, and Jaba'. Hunt A Co. •a Bookstore. Go ad early to secure SCAM Get TOUT tickets In - vance. and thus avoid the nob and crowd at the ticket office to the evening & 1311110 E, Originators and Proprietors. kabittl. O. AIIORY BRUCE., Business Agent - ODD I'ELLOWS , GRAND REGALIA BALL. A Grand Regalia Ball will bn give. by Monument Lodge, No. Mil, AT Lafayette Hall, Friday Evening, Alarch COI...MT= lIONINCENT Lottc.T: JOHN BECKI WM. DIRTY, CRAB. BECK.. WM. P. THOMPSON JOSEPH A, BUTLER. AHrTlcketa 11,00; eau be °Matted from tha Com Mace of the atderont Cadges, or of the above Com mittee. • - sabrtdatd PROF. COWPER'S CRANE/ SOIREE,. AT NVELILLNS HALL, N KILT YRIDAY EVEN- ING, MAUCH 16TH. NOTIOY..—Iia consequence of the anticipated large attendance on that evening, It IA deemed ad visable to leave a Phigram of tha Hall at Mr. C, C. HELLOS'S Haste Store. 81 Wood street, whore those wishing tickets and secured scat. trill please onlill. Overture by Orchatra at 7% o'clock. Dancing to continence at a o'clock metatie. p:/.31.11:h0:4:1:1 jc)rilrert 40/M L. LANE. SION ARTISTS AND MOUSE PAINTERS. No.lo aMITLITIELD FlTTBllreti Getterlog of all sands aim:MA promptly and. to unsorpstased elegance. lteaullfol Stem Cards an enameled paper of an colon. , and fiat Signs on alms, made to order and seat to all parts of Um count. Pittorial Dodges executed Ina highly artist], manner. Ifonse• of dose with regard to dorabUttr barmonyof color, and neatness of r All works& reasonable rates. mrimunida. RUOWN, Rats orttie iTitl of Ilitowa a Kowtow BODED AND SIGN PAINTED. North Rest corner of Titlrd and Market Muria. DILAUGHTING. GENERAL DEAUGETIAG OFFICE 41.2349. 3Paktezat Aioaoy 210.12 St lt. CWrBL. • *au Suspension BrMiro 21. r. BLBRIIXIIIM 01.11 togismer old ..1t0..U11a., Anna PORT C PAM R 8 jeurnEs AleriNcarr, pork Wisiocas.ear, - • - Dealer In 8. C. HAM.BACON BARBAL POIOLA DUIXD BEM LARD. TALLOW. woad re oroeettmaysollOt• Owe 0. the trada.24o.BB SZTIIICTIB IsTBIZT. ratubiush• biozm:Lvt.):-O.Tetlito 4:4 4661111111VER10010 - 111, l a tent for u the•Trailklla; Philadelphia and timere ourtnee - Ooolpaalea, North - east corner OOD arta l ir. JONES, Afent torthe North .iadit=ti=je . WilaiMul VITM.4,I6 , 6HEPARD, Secretary Od. zabtowrArea tr ri r wny, cornerat -DENTISTRY. Dr. A. . 10114104rmisme ef .C.,017i ;Mali .21. - Pkihl r. 1,) SPECIAL NOTICII3B, FOR SALE FOB RENT igErRETROITYA.Y'S TURKISH FEDERAL STREET PROPERTY .IA_NDOLENTLAN KAM TONIC. THE DRESSING AND RESTORER OF ME AGE FOR 88T-1311. TURKISH BANDOLENLkiiI. Bhritontrat"s BlNDOLgetale. What can Two First Class Business lionsen, lkos. kl and St be more acceptable than anything test wilt beautify? Frdcrat street. All, g b eny• golt. to that trill restore natttre's decay by stopping the bail' from Billing out, reamingita natural toter; making each. and In complete order. It to grow lo hunrianceand bowl, assist in puttinis enquire of It up according to the present sty e and fashion an d keep It In place? This Beironorier r.rkoh 10 . 4 "" JAMES T. SAMPLE, nfan Hair Tonic will do, and for proof we refer you to any pence who has tried It, If. Is acknowledged to bethe beautifier of the age, the only Flair Tonic and Restorer worthy of the name. In Turkey, in Prance in England, in AMerlea—everrehere where the "Itandolenlan•• Is known—lt Is pronounced the ne pins ultra of Asti Preparations. Rember, It fa free from all metallic poisons that are contained In most Mil Colon. =ld dressings. It is the extract of many nonel s and herbs. beartifully put op. an onfament to the tenet. . Yor sale by all Druttste atid t, P i llee . rs„ , zr . holesale. It. L. FAHNESTUCK CO. Princhu Depot for United dukes and Canadas, JAY.= PALMER d CO., No. CZ, Itszket Street, Philadelphia. Iig"PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS, E=EM72 de 10,3c04ay T • HUBBARD. BRO. 8 CO. or PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS,stager) , descrip tion. DIM, Maley, Crooa-Cut, Gass, and all other varieties. All kinds of ISNICES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet fast-Steel; Extra Refined REAPER AND .110 W ING KNI VES, de. ia lOJI Warehouse and Works, corner WATltit and Sviterrs, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to re-toothing, domains; and straightening Circular Saws; also, rewrite of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. apifuly rigir LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTINIL WORKS =I! PARK, McCVBDY 4i CO. MattufactUrera of SIIRATHINti, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED I.N.IPPER BOTTOISS. RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPELTER BOLDER. Also,_ Importer+ and dealers In METALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, Sc. Constabtlyoa Land, TnTNERS' MACRIN ES and TOOLS. Witte house, No. IW Ft list Rod 111,:ilEcoND STRUTS. rata burgh. Sprrtal orders of Copper cot to any destrual pattern. loylS:lythlwT WM. BARNHILL & co., Boiler Makers & Sheet iron Workers. Nos. 20. W., 24 and 26 Penn street. Having secured a large yard, and Punished It with the hat approied machinery, we a prepseid to manu w facture every description of kit PI re LERS, In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the ountry. CHIMNEYS, BREECIIINII, MIRE STKAEI PIPES LOCIOSIIITIVF. 15011,ERS, CUB- IiF.NSKItS, PANS, TANEY. OIL 9xII.I4,SETTLJNO PANS BOILER IlioN, RltlllllE SCIGAIt PANS; and sole manufacturers ot II A ItNIIILL'S PREVENT BOILERS. Repairing done ou the shortest notice. deU•tf IigritOBLINON, REA da CO., (Stic mason; to ROBINSON. !lONS & WASHINGTON WORKS. Founders dr Risettlialsts, PittAborgh. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATION - EMT nTEA.II ENGINES. BLAST ENGINES,MILL MA CKIN &RV, GEARLSO, eat wrrLN G CASTINGS of all descriptions. Wt.:TANKS and STILLS, ROLLER AND SHEET MSS WORK. SEW-Agents for GIFIARIFS P A TENTINJECTOR, or feeding builers ilgrJOHN COCHRAN ts RHO" m s p e f ge turers or tWiN VAULTS AND V A lILT 100)115. 11105 RAILING, WINDOW Nil I:TILERS, WINDoW OVARIES, de., Nos. Si SEXOND auti as P 111111) STREET, between Wood .1111 Market. have on hand a variety of new patterns, fancyand plain, suitable for all puryrosei. de , Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots. Jobbing done at short notice. 1 . 46 TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, IF 110 Th SEX ES. —A reverend getalletnahl bas lag been restored to health In a few days, after II I tar rgolng the usual routine and irregular expensive mode of treatment without stucco., considers It his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow ereatu ret ihe means of cure. Hence, ou the receipt of • an address,' envelope, he will sed, fres, a nopy of the prescription used. Direct to lie. JOHN M. DAUS ALL, lie Fulton street. N. Y. usbiltleddwT It43i — SENT FREE.--A Pamphlet of Immense importance to the old and I ming. married and single, of both sexes, will be sent free byaddregaing, with stamp enclosed, e Agen ts ,A„ F.SIDRICK R. CU., Box s,Roston Pest my= ledaw THE BRIDAL CHAMBER; AN f,SSAY OF WARNING AND IN j SIMUCTION 11)11. YOUNG MEN. Also, new and reliable treatment of the Urinary and Se goal System A dolmas Dr: .1. SEILLEN HOUGHTON, Hower Association. Philadelphia. I . a. ap1:11 STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Bold on Commission. . Partleolot Attootlou paid to the poretthee 1.111 11,4: of UNTIED STATES SECURITIES. I United ..3 . t ales Sl d t o es Of I , BIL DO. Floes of 10-105; Do. SevereTblrtlee: Do. t 'en-Ideate. of ledebteeteess. (tette!, end Vouchere bougut or collected. Jalfel) 1101.1.A1f SA VINGS BANK, No. 59 A , FOURTH 'Nil/VI-I'. =I Open (tally from to also ou Weduesday and Saturday eveainge, Dom ust to November let. from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November let to Nay lot, from 440 9 o'clock. Deposits re ed of all sums of tot less than One Dollar, and a ivldend of the profda declare twice a year. In June and December. Interest has been declared MMI-MIIIII.IIIT In June 61341DeCeMber since the Rant was organized, at the rate of six per cent. interest, If not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same in terest from the first day. of Jute and December, compoundina twice • year without trotibling the de positor Co call, or even to present hLe peas book. At thlto Tate money will dimblela lees than twelve) . .. Books containing the Charter, Ety-Laws, Nules an Reaulations, furnished gratis, on application at the ulna, pnEswarr—OKOßGE ALMIEY— ,vacx rctrAtrverl: • Illaut J. Aliderson John li. Hankafen, Ban). Yahnenock, Jame. Ilerchnsn, Junes McAuley, Ina. M. rtnnock. . -._ THOSITIS: Calvin Adam., Jobsfe. Bindlee, . Henry J. Lynch, I Peter A. Madeira, George Black, ! Jobs Marshall, Hill Barairle, ; Walter P. Marshall, Alotaso;A. Carder, James B. Ikllleeds, Clisuies A. Colton.i John B. lleTadden, Win. Donal., 1 Jahn Orr, John Brans, Hoary L. Itingwast, John .1. Gillespie, CS m. E. Betnnids, William P. Eleven, Alexander Tlndle, Peter Hi Hunker, William Vanktrk, Filehardsßeys,s James 13. 'Kelly, Wm. P. Weenies. haat, Whittler. Tniesonts--CHARLEB A. COLTON. aarIIZTAIW--liliii. B. G. IitEEDS. P.M Aim li THE . rEOPLES' NATIONAL BAI/11, oz W.lttinikraargla. CAPITAL PAID Ilf $1,1100,103.. %Viva rain... or Y. 000.003? Bantling bon. CORNER 1 , 1112 T AND WUOD b'rtIKETK. Thle Bard, organtseli ardor the National Banking System, Is now prepared to transact business at 11. Hauling !loose. cora., of Wood and First at ttttt Collections made on all accessible points on the most favorable terms. bpeCial Agents kW JAY most for the solo of the U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. SAMUEL FLEA..President. F. M. W)UDUN Cashier. .00;114 .1. C. MePtiEllBolsl, Teller STrau.. WORKS. 171 VI'S U STEEL WORK A ANDERSON, COOK A CO" l8U0(68801t13 Tt) JON Ittl, BOY I) a C 0..) llanufsetnters of th brat refined Cast llOsafe, Plat and Oetagoa, of all *lse., haw Plates, Hoe, Fort and lillect Cast Steel, Cast thee far MEI HEAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, NTEET PLOW WIWON NPRIBION,AXLIFO CIRCULARS. *c. Cast man Common Plough . and Spring Steel, = UfDee—Coabo•e hreyer theilionougeh wed We el ts etree Hou sLs,e two block. a . MEI BLACK DIAMOND EivianEcL. vcricox=plcia, PIT7IBUROII. PA PARK., RROTHER As Co., =I aqua., flat and Octagon, of all alma. Warranted at to any Imported or manufactured in OW coun- try. airOlneeand warelionse, No. 10 and 151 first, an and I= Second streets. Pittsburgh. • tali 'ti OiD. RILITLII W. D. BLICLZII. UOLL.M.AII LA BELLE STEEL WO RKS . i7LIMMEICEt c KDCP. ManabonOoto of (UHT HTEXL; SPRING. * I'LOVir and BLASTED. STEKL;H) 111 NOS, AXIL% 0110 - HAM to. air bOice No. (b WATER. STEEET (op stain). ?Mobil Lim nonnakircEs LIFE Eisuu. A-NC - En-The NEW JERSEY MUTUAL LIVE INtURANCE co. or NEWARK, N. J. dukes to cell the attention of citizens of rooomrin toita. JAMBMgt! 7;1=1 burgh. P. 11..—One ALM feature Lu Life Assurance Its that ALL oua poxygite ate nox-forfeltlee; for baetAsee. If the party becamel unable to meet. Ids angina PeT meats As Trlll PAT forfeit his policy, but the Llama of insurance *lll be Mot tabbed Ay a sem eqatemeea to the nycmtaM So. SAWA, therdiy reelDelaj the ANA/ vatt4 Obidalert t ha t. eaa stuelbseetest tate 14turance. j ittiOrdileVilii, eau be bira- of 7544P44014 kgsgrAWorsh.. - Meal ILl:late Broker and Insurance Agent. nab/3 • No. NA Federal street. Allegheny SALE.--A earn' of 44 sores and thirty-sia perches, situate lo Elizabeth lownship, Allegheny county Penna. The Improve moots are a hewed log dwelling Miff harm kitchen. Dank Dam and older out buildings; a good orcliarea apple and peach, trees. of thy best variety. The bum to undertaidarithatosl andlimestone of the beat quality; a gag stone quay of • No, 1 quality' very easy or scatas to the Atonougabela river et 'tzgi Ferri. T /4=nall farm I am authorized to I 71.11:,1 farm of Meet 203 amts. Waisted in West Wheatileld Township, Indiana county. Penne, The improvements ate a good, comfortable, two-story Frame Roam, with I roomaas large frame barn, car riage house, pod corn critic wash house, tame oven and a two-story stone spriag house; about 1.50 acres cleared and in timothy and clover; a goal orchard of stglArch, pear T tinl . q . ti d lzejneea. Tt a !Melee e ls . Imre ot 7 i=tone, and bat s ' srirT IlistaTe o ft ! Oto coal. Tide property will be sold,vt7 chm. Also, a farm of Mont:4o.CM wi ng abOtql. Fite improVements are slams twolgory Zog Home and a large flo ra l barn; inures clewed and under lgood state of cultivation: a amass uppie orchard; • arge two-story milk-home. These CW6 farms united ould make • Lint-rate Block Yam. or will be sold separately. Also, tee best farm in Iralrtimo tmerushlp, West ; toorelanfi munty Pa., containing la) ares ; about I miles south of t he Pa. Railroad. The improve ments are two large hewed log hones.: one off - the largeat and best frame barns to the township: two &poi< orchards. The whole farm Is under s Inge Bigte of eultivatJon. The fencing Is all No. I. The land is of the very best limestone: shout SS acres cleared, the balance In good Umber. Possession oar the first day of April. UM This property will be sold at a prteat bargain. The owner wishes to engage in other business. Also, several other Farms ranging from po to tam per I Also, a nom of lay sexes, situate In lietlandless township, Allegheny county, Pa., about I miles true] Use city. The improvemeour are a Log Home, a good barn, a young orchard or apple , peach nod / sell this valuable property very cheap and on eery terms. For farther G ra i rnimi l ty= l oL . sag No. 164 Yourth street. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Lot in Pitt Township. A ttornays at Lasr, at Orson street. A HANDSOME COUNTRY HOME FOR MALE, °Matte 2,ta miles froth the city, and within tea minutes • wait or the Pittsburgh d coonellsvale ttatiroad. commanding a beautif an ul I Slew of the city. river and ourrontining couutry. It eornprees about a aes of ground. highly notify./ ta and n laid out In t he moct approved style of mad am landscape gardening. Is tudded with !throb bery, nd a treat variety of the choicest 1.11.11 and vines to full bearing. I ..c Is als also or. It never failing spring of water, mud boat one sere In woodyn The improvements consist in part of a neat Wirt Pottage with 7 rooms SIMI wal.ll-1100/Le. a large mud handsomely built Maid... ont room for man, dr., a tine la t e I) and spiended pump are within a / few tees of th e hitcher door, rind all in under excel- I lent fence. Fur particulars. prier, terms, die, ere quire of WM) ii. Slci.Al Ti .4 rw I. GOAL AND LIME PROJPIERTY TOR SALE.—Orb.. the Steal...ovals Railroad. seven wales from tha atty. CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AN I) EIGHTY SIX ACRES. Stearnand Water Flourtng sad Sate Mill, and otber Due Improvements. Abs.%boat Eighty Acres of COAL, It alio. the Surtax.e abloining the above. Also, 'two Panne at Stewart's Station, on Central Railroad, containing ND sores and 1M acres. Yorifttrther partiestiarth oonsire of WILLIAM WAltll. (Opposite the Cathedral.) tell No. 110 Grant street. 1.1 OTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE AND 160 Atlfllll OF LAND.—That nearly new two-story Brick Hotel Building. containing M It.it littlNTi.64.6 tiTATIoN, on the Penna. It. it., at thrJunciton with the Pittsburgh & con. n.•llsville It. 11., II miles from withy There are &hoot 180 acres of laud connected the Hotel. of w kWh 70 acres are tillable and W acres timber. 1 lore is a amyl young orchard of apMe, peach and pear trees; two never-falling sort water Sprin. of Mient elevation to carry Me water to a height or 100 feet. )'he properly Is capable of sub-division Into lots for country residences. Apply to 13. 13. BRyAN, Broker in ittockswind Zeal Estate, Iola:. 67 Fourth Oreott (Burke's But:ding.) I'OR SALE. Will be sold TO-DAY at reduced palees. Thl. trac I. situate In Wean:moreland county, Penna., on Oa North-Western Dennsylrania Rallroth, &boot t.. othe. east of Apogo PA,, and contains two very large rein. of CDPat.. IrtWISSTONE and MAE CLAY thd very complete ,11.1411tt POWER. For further pat - muter. Inquire at the Law and Claim Olhce of deli No. 144 Fourth Bt.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Von SALE—A Farm of about tiS urn, situate in Elisabeth townidelp, Allegheny county, Pa., about one mile and a half from the Borough of McKeesport, half mile of the Mononga hela river and the same froth the Youghiogheny. The Improvementsare, first, • Frame Cottage Nose with 0 rooms, and good well Of water at the door; second, • two story Fratae House, wills four rooms, with two good et:dingo crosier; Ha ted % House, with two rooms, a frame bank barn, with the very beet etabling, corn crib, carriage house and other cot-bonding. The ttsct Is all underlidd with iso I (fie. I limestone. This stratum of ihneetone s wor thall that Is eked for the property. For for. then outlet:LlAM inquire of G. H. TOWER, Heal Estate Agent, No. MI Fourth street. fettlf . IFOI2 SALE.—A desireable Dwell- Inc House tare s, t for sale in Allegheny City, No. 55 Voegtly st ea to twacock street; house built In modern style one containing 7 rooms—hail, parlor, dining room and kiteneo on Mtparlor, door; hall anA two large sleeping swim... fa 7fl story, with Attie dirlaed into two neatly finished room.. and ball, cellar and wash-house In basement, enrolled with water pipes; due bake-oven owntngltito kitch en; hydrant water in the yard. The lot is well fitted with grape vises and ft nit tes.EctrAprllV z ., n i r o WA/ 107 Fourth street. 1411'R SALE--A Farm, containing about Eal acres situate in Jefferson township, ith; P o . r . c:it o g n o ri e w m eirgega l iti. ds t r i . ; Imp one rovements area two story Brie* House with Its rooms, Frame Ilona°, two nom., with sit rooms arid • good cellar. core cribs, wagon sheds and other outbuilding.; shout to acres of tbe very best river bottom. Fhb property is well located fur gardening purpose., and will be imid St • eery reduced price. Cali quickly awl seam one of the best farm. on the llonongahela rlvey. G. H. TOWER, Real Estate Anent. No. 164Nottrth drool. *lad! A. )1. PoJoct, m. D., Hobert Robb, John H. Shoenborger James Shldle, Alexander Speer, Christian Yetis., I Z^M=l:l INSURANCE. • wn.L. PURCHASE A =I MeMASTER, GAZZAIII & VALUABLE COAL LAND I=l FORFOSALE—One Lot 20 feet front on Penna. Avenue by 110 feet to IV &two weer: two-story Drink threliing on rear or lot. Also, une lot WI feet fronton Summer street, Pitt lownehln, by 100 deep, on wbleh is erected a two story Frame Dwelling. Also, eleven lota wilolning the above, ^JI by BO to IP) feel JOAN D. BAILEY',' Clout and Real Estate Broker, Wilkins HMI, Fourth street. AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE FOR BALE.—A double t wo-altily Brink Hoar. with btsik building, containing =Mot. and 11 nailed at- Mr, bath-room, later uioset, furnace hating the whole house, marble mantles, all In fresh repair. arupylng a lot 74 by 210 feet:feet un Bidwell street, near Western avenue, on the line of the horse rail way. In Allegheny City. Stable and carriage hate on the lot. akpply B. B. BRYAN, Broker in t litoeks and Beal Estate. fev 47 Fourth street, Burke'. Building. SALE—lmmediate PORTSCS— slows—That desirable property known an the — Avery Mangan.' on Was hi ngton street, Fourth Ward, Allegheny City. The lot I. about Mn rem deep, and Rm purchaser can have7N SO or 101 fret I (root, aungs be desired. Alsoadjoining the shove , ' number of bautibil Bullding Lots, ou one ..1 which Is a Ernme Cottage of 1 rooms. 1). BAILEY, Stork and JOHN heal Mate Broker. I fe74 Wilkins HAIL Fourth street. ')WELLING HOUSE ON WYLIE sTREET FOI L ry BAl.E.—That large and well dn. Ished three stollried Dwellltni on Wylie street near rum, Subbed 10 modern style, containing rooms, alleles, range, bath room, but and coil wa. ter and gas USlOnghout the building. This I. nue The mon desirable propertko for dwelling or host eras purposes now offered tor sale. Caseation Apri ist. fermsreasopuble. Apply CO., Jeubtf B. IieLAIN d ICC Fourth street. BALE--160 acres or lirst-rate Land,vatuated In TAges county, Missouri. This tract was wasted in lbah, and selected with great care for a friend. WIII sell We whole for SIM. Al,. ply soon. Last, that neat Country Peat, three acres. full of realee Ithltiood house, barn. de.; Smiles from the ally. nice OM. V. McLean a CO., • Bat al Estate Umber, tql Fourth street. SALE.-ISS acres or Coal, s situate in timitb township, Washington county. Penna., near the Mien( the Bteubenville naliroad, , at Midway Station, sheet SI miles from the enc. For I further , tputieulars, enquire of ti. TOWEI Itcal No. het Fourth Street, or to WIL Adal Estate .( rent the premises. ~ ,01.235if VOll SALE—A two-story Brick - 1 - Dwelling 0(7 rooms hall. and veetlbute, three year. bunt, with lot b y' ISO feet, situate no Ewalt street, Lawrenceville, all In complete older. For further information, terms, de. apply at the Vaal Estate and insurance Vince of 'U. B. DATES, uthS nutter street. Lawrenceville. WILL PURCHASE THAT . 1 % 0 1 DO neat two shiry'Brick Dwellln on lin , A enne; lot 23 by Oa; Donee arranged with wide V v all,giouble parlor', dining room and kitchen and four bed rooms; yard neatly fenced and full of shrub bery. Apply to (feta) B. MeLAIN & CO. FOR HENT.—That neat Cottage House, with a scree of ground, iltasted miles from the City. [huffing the flyer and unread, near Arthur , dtation. Good Carden, Troll and Well of Wafer. Rent &CM per year. Apply quickly to mh2 ' . MeLAIN & CO. PArIIENT but call au I purchase a wort Mean lOL L n Ma v il lage of Mount Washington, build yourself& house, become a lend lord, saveyour mone y .. and invest to those 14 value, tile Sots which I am =Mottled to sell on vel7 easy terms. For further nartioularannoldro Of 0. H. TOWltH,.lleal Estate AIWA. No ISt Fourth Urea. Effil $4,500 WILE PERCHASE THAT DEBIII.4.ISLE COUNTRY SEAT, Ato ned le minutest walk from Ferry Landing, The 00900 Is largo and neatly &Welled, with an exten eive view of river and railroad, with Wee of abundancenged wit& garden and fruit In great wall watereand goodnelgtaborbood; inside and carriage house. Apply soon to 1a23 MeLAIN & CO. MT. WASHINGTON PROPERTY FOR BALE..-+A Cottage Horne, with Urdu Lot Lf Oround, for $2,000. A Moneta' a rooms and large ot for MCI. A Lot of Oiroond on Virginia /street S 3 feet Front by lea deep. torah. For sale by mbla 6. CUTMLEILT & BOMB, M Market st, CHM"PROPEATY.— Houses. Farms. Coal Land.. de„ for sale by m 1.13 CUTHBERT Z BONS. El hark" "• srx BUIL D ING LOTS IN SUARPS DURO FOR DALE. Price MO eckch. mhea B. CUTHBERT t HONK. Si Markin Si TWO LOTS, corner Bank Lane nada theses street, Allegheny City. for sale at Si Market street.mhlS „ , . 32 0 ACHES OF LAND in BoMu acre. =tr . (mtOr t. sicallecr VOTTON-18 bales oil steamer ,v ia rriso to wire far Ma u la w = co. BOOTS, SHOES, &c T AMES'. GENT'S EMM9 C:2l3ll_.l3M'aMlV - ' I E I HOOTS, SHOES. EIITERS, B.ALAIORA.LS, 11311r.rrero. ALT • T. A. M'CLELJAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, Now. 55 and 57 Fifth .streeot, Private Sales Day and Evening. OIIR Eh - THLE STOCK BOOTS & SHOES, SELLING OFF AT GREATLY REDOED PRICES. J. A. ROBINSON & CO., No. Ettracot mlllO B OOTS AND SHOES I"Zir=s:= I=ll FALL & WINTER 51101 , ..5. XLt I. ti3IS. nt great It rediwetl wive., to itral• room for SPILL t. IL til .1 /1".. Ail ROA Arc ilvterml to 1.11, - ...e of it .r% elwap rate,. J. H. & W. C. BORLAND, nt ror obolr frron :413 n 1 Gli ANIO !TAMING OUT SALE BOOTS tk," SF — IOI - I]S Goodn at Lens than Cost AT 9 2 FEDERAL STREET, 14, MT K E FOR Sl' 11.1 N STlt( • K Remember, 99 Federal street W. K. McCLINTOCK. J . W. CAW.NALWA.III & CO.. STEAM FITTING, Ladies' Shimorals and Polish Plumbing and Gas Fitting. Hoofs. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. LEON PIPE & MUSS WORN, Xo. 3131 - 1,1 street i . W. CARNAHAN it CO. Ladies' Gaffers n No. no Market qt met. , J . lI:CARNAHAN & CO., Ntseeeesor to Addy i FOR 1135 'Wood St.. Pittaburkh, [Wins x•x. LOKGDON Gent's Fine Calf Boots. pLIUMBING, GAS AND mh7 LADIES', GENTS', EsTELIIIIa M•MrIC"PX. .1% C3r, MISSES' AND HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, II I T 1 - SitEET ZIN. At COYLE'S, cprner rina. awl Wylie otseets. air Prices to Butt everybody, Buhl 13 MONS. CONCUSSION TILERCHANTS. WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, , Wei..ll ,.. fiTlT.l. . • W J. STEELS:. BRO., late lew dF Sigel.. I.ItO.IIUCE F E I,tcre,sors to Adds - & Ewen , . I M ERI HANTS. marl.', and sell Flour, Corn Steal. • ' Oat, and Corn. Beans. ltatou I.4rd, Battler. th.,.., _ ,„ ,„, „..,„ , ,„, ~ Eggs, Pork. Gm , . mid Dry 'Frints, Potatoes, Flax. • -!... 3 '''...':' .' • • - f_ 2 Li4lbra. Seed. Feathers, I /II Barre.. Hoop Poles. . T. T 0500,, me, Salt, &r., &e. eartiettis r mitrollon paid to ' I 'AS rirrisiti, • the tale of Foreign WILL Domestic Fruits, No. 1351 s y Tilled atrret. Pittsburgh, to. festant.l Ilk, i IHARLES C. BALSLEY, Protitice PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. ,-, and Commission Merchant. Warehouse No. al . LIBERTY STREET, Platsborghf Pa. Wholcsal l e t NJO - OKE BELLS, dealer in Butter,heee, Lard. E.ggs, Pork, 1134•1111. Beaus, Talton, Feathers, Bosuns, Potatoes, Hem- ' any, Dried Fruits, Greco Fruits. oion., Flour, Portable and Cigar Lighters, Grain, Clover Seeds, Timothy Seeds. Flay. Scods, •• Game and Poultry. Particular attention given to.; Produce f'ortisignmetits. ! tot 9 i E lt - E.VS & CO., ALDI• 111 . 1tANi COMMISSION. I : (Soccessors to Addy 1 Ewen.,) M 9 l l l 3 l7,l4(lll r4 AtTS A a lC ot d iL e . alers In FLOUR, GRA IN and I•RODIICX, Soccind street, between Wood . and ! .....! Smithfield, Ft .burgh, aftlEly 1 riest:. ieitirgit. .. . . 460:ti AIX.EN h. A. 611XITAIlD , REEIDICAI_ , IJOTTEB, AIKEN & SHEPARD . - . .. . _._ s CommliesiOn Merchants, and dealers. In Foreign : 11-1 LIMPIFIREY'S Potatoes Dommtic Errata, Flour, Butter. Cite. ,e. Egg Po ; 41 -. tatoes and produce generally . No. a/LIBERTY ! HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. STREET, opposite Passenger Mart- Pittsburgh. I erit.r. . .. crrti4 smarsno I Have yrove4l, Oran tete moat AllEpl. ea yerteiace SO en- 111141ILEs KNA p GULP & SHEPARD, COMIIILILISRiOII i LITT SLOTT'S, shople, eglclent and reliable. They i are V Merchant. and dealers In Flottr, Grain and Pro- 1 the . ° W riiiitilciiiiit ir it r,,t i y,„,, i t t n t ,h,"il,, to P d ° ,,h, ti n t j ei tt.i ng dome, tie, 047 Liberty .t,...t, Pittsbll rgh. . 1 -.0 elluple that m states as o lac free from danger, and so Choice brands of Flour for Bakers sod Family use i h r .! to harmless t ~., , Piling on hand. Particular attention paid to "li t ' i th t i it tit hr " A. M . itih °. eleverS. Piling order nfor Merchandise generally. .01:1y ' - -- - 1 No. 1 owes FEVERS, Congestions. Inflammac lean I ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, ' .., .. , r ,,n,m.., Norm Fever. c o lt, 2 Ai Wholeasie Grocers, Commission 31erehants, and • • CII Y IEII COl.lO, or Teething of In deafens lo Produce, Flour, Bacon, Choose, Fish, fonts M I orb. anal Lard Oil. Iron, Noll., Glues, Cotton 4 • DIARRHEA of children or adults.. 21 Yarns and all Pittsburgh manufnetures generally S • DYSENTERY, Griping and BMus. It and 111 throw% street, Pittsburgh. Colic wit. Y. hgel. ........... ............ T1101: - . 5.llTl'ItXl.l , '' ' ' '''''' El ' A uoaßus sau... 7 COUGHS, Colds, Bronchitis W MIL P. lIECR h. FO., No.. ISti s - NEURALGIA. Toothache, Furo r I Ilherty street. l'atsburgit. 1'.... W 10..1....Aie selle . .25 lt rocs-, i 'opimixelon Merchants TEO deitlerh I. I ..1111- a •• HEADACHE, Sick Ilvadartio M let Produce, Pros Woo , . Its• ..... ,loan , !Super, I egs. I• • DISI•EPSIA„ Blillous Storm...lt . ..0 Cron..., Fish, Ae., Prieto,. Flour brain, semi, 1 i • • SIII•I•RESSED, scanty and painful Or..en and Dried Fruits. Sr.. dull and Llme ys . lerlotio. . •-•5 . •• 1, EIICOILICIIIKA .or Whit., 25 t r., 111 1U V, hoarse cough 25 .1 1 %. 1 is M oo E r & IL A u ll' sler ß so li n ti Ml•l ( 4•W i a U le e lt e are 4 rs ° l it F nt or- [torn it •• SALT ItIiF.ITM. EirOpolxs, Erm I, UMW IS elms Fruits. Nuts Old Spices, Confeeti,.nory. Sugars, IS ' • EH E IIIIATISM„ all rheumatic pains vi Fireworks, &AL L Nos. PM and 170 Wood Strm t, above It. •• FEVER AND AGUE, Chills mud FORK int to,. rgls. IV=1:15 ReTer ...... ...... ROUT. KN.,. • am busw ,401. 17 • • PILES, internal or ea ternai... ...... 50 Is •• /PTIIALMY, BUTT, h arm eyes.. VI 1.? KNOX & SON, Commission o .• CATARRH. smite or chronic, hints ... MEECH A NTS tooliDealers lo F 1,01711. GRAIN, elan - 50 141,1.1. PEED and PRODUCE geuerallv. No. 71 20 `• WHOOPINO ( . 01.114 li, elpaxMalle 111p1Mon.d. opposite City Hall, Allegheny Ulty. 50 101711y0 21 - ArrIVA. oppressed 14 7: • • EAR DISCHAIRIES.Impaired bear _l. 01IN B. CANFIELD, Commission tog . fA) EI and Forwarding Merchant. and wholt•salu dexter 2 • • OROPSI, •obargeed glands 50 In Western Itescrut Chem., Butter. Lard. Port, 24 . to ENY.ItIL ' EIGILAITI", physical Bab., Flour VI., Pot mud Pearl A 1414.6, Soleratos, svatueos 5 Linseed Lardanti 1)114, Dried Fruit, and I•roduc e 2 •• DROPS] and Scanty Socreouns generally. Nos. 144 and 140 Fruntatreel- Pittaletraa 25 •• SEA SICKNESS. or sickness from - - ridlog 5 O. MM.. J A."hare, .27 • • KIDNEY DISEASE, Gravel--. .gualin 11tAFF & REITI3I, PIIIIINUCE. as •• NERVOUS DEBILITY, somltlnUE Vs Consinlaslnn and Forwarding Merchants, and emlesions,ln volt ntary discharges 50 purcluoing airenta for all Pittsburgh ntifartures. M•• SORE MOUTH. or Canker yo Warehouse, 'No. 215 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. 211 •• PRI.tRY INCONTINENCE fn 4011/1. lloogg••••inWann noose- 00111. It. 110 VAX. II '' I'A i W. L MMUS ' c' ' '. with ~,, JOHN I. HOUSE & BROS., Succes- 32 •• ItUFFEILINIIB at Change or Lt..- 100 SO. To Jolts I. Hots. & Co., Wholesale Oro- It •• EPILEPSY,Spasins, St. Mos . Dan cers nod Commiesion Merchants, curvier of amlth- 100 field sod Water streets. Plttaborieb. feu/ 31 .• I/lIIIIEILIA, ulcerated son: throat 1M - - - ',WILT CABX.S. JAMES DALZEI.L & SON, Matsu- Cooed of 20 vial. in moroceocase and book com futurors of Lard Oil, and Commission Merchants , 1 .4°.° ,.., nn , „,, n , ~, n ~,,nec nand bnn,, $lO 03 far the purchaae and sale of Crude antgielinod Pe- ~ !","; „, i t n i.;` ~10' ~- -i n - t i n i -" ,,,.. ~,, ,• • ••• • 2 trolettm, Nos. 63 and 70 WILT, Greet, eut.ourgh. CZ. of ir 10 Loi:s (Nu.. 110 151 na n d took. ..3 CO Advance. made on Consignments. 1. Tosiiiiiiilk, . S ( 'HOMAKER & 1.. A NG,Wholesa le corner of Fourth sod Market streets dealers In Groceries Floor, Grail., Produce, Pro W holesate Agent, Pittsburgh. Pas isions, Fish, cheese, 4a14, c a r,„,,, 0,1 . yin.. lie and For rai%b4 , E c.. M k t,, , Y . E t E.:O Smithfield .1.1,,u; alts 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Street. ['Menorah, FLEMIN . reel. currier of the Diamond Pa. ~,,,,.1,• ,i,rlctsburgh, and J. J. EAST, No. LSI 4 micral street, ' • Alics,fteny; MeCLARAN A Me K ENNAN, corner of X OUCE X. lIIAO .. , 1. 0 1 ...LT... , Dieturind and-Market ittreet, I • lttaborgh. BEAD & IFETZGAR, Grocers amid DR. STRICKLAND'S Mellifluous Commisalon 511r.lialits, and dealurs In all kids of Country Produce and Pittsburgh iinnitfacturoth COUGH BALSAM la .. Nn. US Liberty Strent, opposite heal o r W oo d street, narranted to be 1110 Wily pre- .'..."-• 0 U Ira , Plttsborgh. mratine airmen to cure • _ . . 'P!'"Y ' t'onghs, Colds, linaramliras. .r. ~ ..., 41 ... _ FETZER br., ARMSTRONG, For- , A.th.., whoopin k ,s s p,. .., • • wardlng and Comml.lon Merchants, for the sale Chrome °i e. Itr i.. 'W .. -I= NO -.7,-- . of Flour, Brain Bacon, Lard, Butler Seeds, Drlod I t .,"',.• •• r° °_,_.,,° . .. n th ,Pall• Volita. and Imbues generally, No 16 Market titroet., ....h.& P.Vuiv° Rom tlif • h ° Y, S . 'O RE.. coroar of ,Firtit. Pittsburgh, Pa. (~,,,,, . and nerds, It ;shoaling, soft. • mil. and expeetotatlng, and, II RIDDLE,'No. lea Liberty St., particularly sltltable for all A. I • lltsbnrgh. Pam Commitecit Merehaot, arid effections of the Throat and tAnga for ale by Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Orocerica end • DruggllO s vatTwittit't• Pittsburgh manufactures. Cash advancol ou Con- ' IL E, e .§ELLEIIM & CO., 12.1 yd t z, nourzaza scuts: slgneueuts, .and paid fur Produce generally. aO2l - • ___ __ .-.--- - ---- - -.. _ 0. IttniVer 00.1.0aLL A. r. naLvELL. , H. STRIVILLAIVIPS P A LE Runt -11.°2!I• D ora Cm E LL Oslou & antritiminJU l Zl le. ' tthcitE of rtlt"ir4rtt c ItED ues .. '`. -.,.' •-... -r-i hant. and 4ealers In l•roduee and I•lttsburgit MAIL- 1 ;!LIND AND BLEEDING . . kJ .1.1..6 ufacturea, No. MI Libor's. street, Pittsburgh. ._ : „. IrAt i, .... u l d t A r iv . 05 . 1.93.m . edleps ~.. _., . R . H. JACK, . neat mire. Try It rectiy. - 1. .r 0 R 1, Is warranted to cure. . .:, 0/100111, Is 1 and 2 DIAMOND,For sale by all Dreggist at' LpiLEs ' 51, cents Per bail°. - - 1 1 . : . PP b. a iv in • aridity PI TTSI3I7ROII, Pd. I IILkEtLES L. CALDWELIL t (Suc- ociLlyd a. EI NOIO-rgrit. ..., ceasor to James Holmes A Co, ) Pork 1 seises sod . 1 ITSPEPSLi..-- Dr. StriCkland% dealer in Provisions. corner of Market and Front streets, Pittsburgh. .., TG.fir, • a mincen- Jolts WATT .. 0 . ,,,, W.i.... I rarriAreertr 4:1117( (Roots -4 1 aiij , WATT & WILSON, Wholesale adds and carminative to ; C. _N ..4 , Grocers, Commission Merchants, and dealers to strengthen the stomach and /„. ..., ~.... Produce mod Pittsburgh Manufactures , No. 158 Lib- , ner ,oo s 'q.t..- Ma beer.. --- -e) arty street, Pittsborgh. 1,,,, tato remedy for I.lpPelilE. C=3 , lor Indigestion Nervous- ..,. lii.T.ll 1. A3rugiii J 0 ail - l iiniiii - oli. i. b. WALLACIT, AABB. Loss of ' Appetite, LAMBENT, SHIPTON A . co., Acidity of the hhotrmehi • I . Fietulency and debility. It 40 11 k Ilr„,) WhOlesale Grocers and Pm:lnce Dealers No. 3, dlitth street. Pittsburgh. e lis not alchohollo,• therefore, . °1- I particularly euttaalbrwea ' 0 TA\ T !LUAU DICKEY & CO., Wholesale I hereon. , au_ d dilpeP.Mo,,,Per. . Grocers, Comrabision Merchant. and dealers. Ir. ' "II". Fm. a •. "'""rn - PrOdUCA. NO. 80 Water street sad td Front street. I gists everywher at Wpm. bottle, . ' Pittsburgh. B. E. HEELERS A CO.. - --- - - ocalli d WHOLESALE Alantrre. DANIEL MUM L. v sl„, — . LT H. VOIEHT & Co., (Successors FORTY Immo PRACTI CE . to G. Gralf,)Pralect and Commimion Mee. IN Intrust. DISFABICB chant. 847 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • Oleos me a knowledge eclat= inumired by PhYsl clans. My long residence in this CITY, arid tho ..... °1 WILKINS.. LUSEURT, of pallenta treated annually by me, ere suldeleut m Bineceor to Matkeown a Linharti proof of mysucoese. Denier in flour and Grain Produce andLormnission SPER.MATORaIitEA. or 8e... , W•TrI•N ••?:, eferehmits No. lid LIBEETY STUEETlnshorgi,. all inseams seising thong... , ••' ••r• ° • II••• P. to.i i , shorter time thm neretedoro by my NEW VIAUETs • ABLE REMEDIES. Medicines sent to any part al --- - --- -- --- --- --- the Union. All letters must contain a starepla pa . Eth CORN—IOOO bus, for sale by ruul rattithriV r irrr a tML' e l"iir d IleBANI: a ANJILIL Address . - " a. W. IIii.ANBA ' OP. Y. Ir i mhU _ No. MI Second street. 1.18117 BOX SA Plitatougth Ps. PLITIEBING. &o lIITTSBURGH LEAD PIPE UM SHEET LEAD WOKS, I= LEAD PIPE AND SEM LEAD =I 11122Eri Lowest Jllarket Rates. sty Ittpl Conti, ry ortVrt promptly lllle4 =I BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., Tio. 167 Smithfield St., PittBburgh, Pa. WOOD PITMEN; IT= IRON 1-'IUI:PS-, SIZ - 7:11q-,A.MSTEs, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATERICLOSETS► WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, Hydraulic Hamer. Brads Wort -of all Units., Block Tin Me, nor sod• , Fountains: kind. of Qum mot Loather Ituari nooice; Gad Pipe and PA of.nil th.CriptlOlue k eptconstantly on hand at Addy, Williams & Bartley's =I PITTSBURGH, PA. LEM BEAVER STREET, MMJQiIESTEB = S. 11.—All kinds or repairing Mine promptly All omit., ny tuall iminetilately Attended to. Jal:etatitike:enortau 1)1.1 ID BING, 4: AN AND STEAM VITTINIL IN ALI. ITS BRANCH-RN, '"" OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. ntIOR Fit RATII,, =I ons,antly on hand und mad.• teo order TATE & SEVILLE, mhll laordl) E= E'lvimrs a CO., MMEMMEME=EtMI I . NE3IIItANCE INSURE YOUR LIFE LN TAE CHARTER 04K LIFE INSURANCE CU., of Hartford. Conn THE ONLY LIFE IN6URANuF. colti.ANY AMERICA that now makes and pays an Ann,,,, Cant IHVIDEFI" au the first and each 401 11,,160121. L, an payment of premium. Its CASH CAPITA SMI cumulation of V. 51030.10, Is securely Inserted in otoek• and mortgages of REAL ESTATE. It t. now In its Mali year 0.1 busineaa, and has, paid to the WIPOWS A-Nif 011CTIANB of Its members the furl, of ONE MILLION DOLLARS. To thin data not a aln g[lr C.AVof IttAgatlon has oceorred, an evidence that liberality and fair liMling la a SPeetaltT with 4111. Company. e of thin Company are not forfeited hy year. No paym .so o nre on non.payment of prerfllllXll after the second ent. requrred after ten years, but pelleleecontlnue good through life. orrlctu.s. .1. C. WALYSLY. President. N. S. PALBLER, Vice President. S. H. WHITE. Secretary. Branch Ortice for Western Peumtylcaula. where Circulars and blank Application. will be fUrniatied. ES Wood street, Pittsburgh- A,rent, wanted throngbent the State. Apply to ' Y. E. AR/ODELL, State Agent. CIIIARTER 1 829 . pERpETuAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Asftet• on Jan. 1, 1964, • • 82,45701 49 95 Capital Yp•an Aerrued I.remiums 971,00% Invested Pretelmps . Unrettled Clarm• 1.01.1,1. e.4ld. li:worn. , for le6l ............ ...... ..... Losses P.M alueele3i 5.000,00, perptual and Temporary I'ollele. 0111M,113 . 111.. Chu. N. Bander, Issas I.es, Tobias Wagner, ' Edwail(' Dale. Runnel Grata, Jacob R. &Ott. ! AlTr r eVlctl:: . lieorge W. Richards, 1 irriCe W. Lewis. 11.11 • CHARLES N. II A - NCKER, President. RDWARI , , 11 1 11. E, VIC,' Pl,llllOlll. J AS. W. kicAl.l.l.• 11.. j y or . ~,,,, .Agent. UAW Corner Wood and Third hireet... FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A MERICA. PHILA DELPHIA I=l Hartford Fire Insurance. Company. =I Nil Protection ran be secured In the above named and reliable C 011112.11,6. =1 WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF I'ITI',RII Itti R. ALKNANDF.It Pr,shlco WM. P. Il EItBMW. Secretary. I;APT. vino E General A grrit. Ogle, 9t Water street. Spazig It C . o.'s Warr [louse' up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home institution managed by Directors who are well known to the community, tad who are determined by promptness and liberality, to main tain the character which they have Assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be amused. I= Alen. Hlmlnk., Andrew Ackley, IL Miller. Jr. , DarMM. Long. lames McAuley, . Hens 3, Thomas, Al.. %ander Speer, . (lta. J. Clark. cantivnell R. Herron. John IL. McCune, C. B. Itlckotson, Jaws,. P. Hnna. myllo WM. P. I.IF.MitERT. Secretary TITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPA- N., NY OP riTI'SIICISGH.—OInee, corner Market sad Wata'"raata. tilt/LEI, President. WM. A. SHEPARD, Seeretary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against loss and damage In the navigation of the Soutbern and Western Iti,:ers, Lakes, and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Insures against loss and damage by nye. .•r., IV. G. Johnston, B. F. Jones,i Joshua Rhode, Barclay Preston, 1 George Bingham. 1 - NEopLiirB INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 2i . F.. CORN ER WOOD ANIJ F1FT211378. I - Wm. Phillips, caps. John L.' Rhoads. John Watts, Samuel P. Shrive, John E. Parke, Charles A.rbuckie, apt. Jae. Miller. John F. Kirkpatrick. Win. Van Kirk, Frank S. Blasell. JUM'S D. 'Verner ' Q. Hanson Loco, PHILLIPS, Prevident JOHN WATT, Vice President W. F. HARI/NEB, SeerniArT• luiLly Cap[. apt . IOORDON, Gent! A_ lit. AL L E OMEN V INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBUIIOII. — OIIiee, No. 37 Fifth etre. Bank Block. Insurealagainat all elude of Fircand Harlon /Bakal JOHN IHW IN, JR., President. JOHN lIRCORD, Vice Paesldent. C. U. DONNELL. :Secretive. Ds U.:TONS Isaac Jones, John AlcCord, C. G. Hussey. tieerge S. Head, Harvey Childs, ; Charles Hays, T. ./// Roskluson, ' Caps. Wm. Dean, Jubn (melts. Jr., • Hobert McGrew, B. Fahoesteek, I El. Davis. FOUNDRIES illElE FORT PITT FOUNDRY HEAVY ORDNANCE, M AND ALL KLN Uy OF HEAVY CASTIN4rin. tn Special attention paid to IiOLLINO MILL WORK BL ban" and illiTOttTe. - . IMPAIRS attended to promptly. As heretofore, the best materials will always used at this Foundry. Attention is called to our NEW FLY wurri PATTERN and Increased facilities for biting th 621., 1102:15,11 prrTSBURGH FOUNDRY A. GARRTSON & CO. lasuretuvra to BoMoan, Garrison al MO FOUNDERS AND MACHINIST& Manuthetarors of Chilled Hollers or s.ti sloes, fro Iron, Str,el, Brass, Zinc Conger, Sliver, Cold, Strew Boards, Paper aad India-itubber Works; also 11011 log 11.111 Cudgs -lo of all deseriptious Bark ' Mills. Patent f/onhio Grinder, with a variety ' of othor pat terns, always on baud, and filled to order on Olson uolle2 and favorshisserma. Orden and Waeobouse. 112 Stulthdold Street. Pittsburgh. fe2:l7 A; ..W. ...... .J. 0. va.Aut.rt 3ETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacture every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES!". Amon blob are the celebrated EVIUKA THOVIC .cl TALISMAN Waal Bravest) MAUNA, ERAN and IRONSIDES (Wood Cook atores.) A{so manufacture GRATES, GRNCE FRONTS, dm. °fr. and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo stramts, rlttsburgh. Eutrance on Second street. a4tlrm pEAN ataching! Works crud Foundry s. "017.11403:txrulazi, ENGINE BUILLEII AND MACIIIALST, Laeoel Weds, be t ween Federal and lianduelry, Allegheny Clty, Pa. blatuifacturer of d WI ghtman's PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAK ItlitllNV Shafting, Pulleys, de. PAW ring or .11 kinds attended to fel:l3 COOKING STOVES Parlor and Healing Moves. Grates, Fronts, Fenders, &c - . Alta all kludrel HOLLOWWASZ CASTINGS. Xs. 1101 Liberty Street: ALLEN..tIe/Sitk &GO FLEX' lIKESEENEEMTEL DIM; & SLACK, Haire on nand Lang. Almerimem 01 IiOnSZ Emma. No. IN and 30 Ohlo It., Allegboup LADIES; WE If 011711:1110NEY. H74Laving mu 'ma 'hide Warn RE-PLATED WITS ALLPER= cusT44ll_3,.llEA WETS: W.llTi FOHKIV CanallElTUbe =l.sl'ls°lita..LEl4 - 1g 9.F.4 '. O O U V A Idia ( A MW AW U. 10 4 1 7L - OUIEN 0411441140.1112rfa . . _ • 866. FENNSTL.N A 'AS I I I 2‘ I"N IT N. BAL T'I"IIIIIIIIIIII; 9.-5 ! "1'.—."11 -: DAILY TRAINS, .. tiiii . will On and after MONDAY, March . ____ of w .,, mare the Union FASSelipt . Ligtar n.. • o y en ns Lret FL_ ...... th , 6 l, T p l i :El.) t, =- op, P. t ri i . ri . tts A beilla ni 'Fit t, ' L le it at it la. , yrone, .:SLArat‘i Ln.e?,...i . ira i r 5. N.: Look its 11...19r.1..43 ....rrth . "` . Angig. it.; lialtimore.4 d:3O r. U.: Now York, , _ . N .. 7n, Mai r. U. t FitHadefitttet.Vli.T. i1t...... ' e'SIWIUVIVV4VII&S—Leaves PltteibrianZt 1,50 A. hi.. Atopring At nelitly A.ll 1141U013:91 . 4 1 44 0 st a:00 1 . . 31.; Harrisburg. &SO F. )i. ` I gen Pinliadelpnia al Lin A. V. Sty ail, line it! .. ...nn ~ 4 iranseerTed at C Ilion Hypo t, 11. est Fhtematit ea. lirertly Ito Klnreln. train for hew YOrt. 11.11Chtni On. at 5. r. M. V-1 1 ' ' PI II I.ADELFHIA EXPBEISI—Le 41•A.,Alti . 1 ' rr ' ge% P bt ' i..eet ` trtUt 'l ltlel. ' . 'l u. ' ; ` - 'Aled T. Y•. ... \ Harrisburg, ttld A. it.; Italtiew '4 4.11.1.' New Tin Allentown, iteol A. g 1 a...7 A. W.; and New York , viall'ilit.. r - ...A. . A. bleeping Cars run Pinwale this Main num FM, burgh to Baltimore and Iladelphea. and td Bel Fork via Allentown. FAST LlNE—Loaves ;burgh at Meal P. la.. Stopping 01117 at prft si stations. Arrives at Al toona al aaqm. .11.: arrtsb - nrg.• fora A. U.: litaii„, - ~,„,,,t ry;prer.- . U.; New Fort,' via Allentown. 1, ... r. la.; INelladelpilla,l.dito r. no.; axed liew Fork, Via PhiladelphlA at WC r. st. illnauleinat. Winner. .1/).tip ¢l4 one. Punts. Stewdaya etroe"="s JOHNSTOWN ACCOSIASODATION—DaiIitcreept su.u&sysi at tat p. stopping at regular statirna between Pittallntrab and Pone:numb, and chi:meeting t Blairsville intersection with trains on thelrialana Branch and West Pennsylvanlattallrossl. ALTOONA ACCOSLAWDATION—DaIIy (except Sundayatat 111401 M.. suopplug at all regnlarritatlOns between Pittsburgh and Altoona. and malti cloes connection with trains on the Indiana Branch, ng Welt Pentisylvanla Italiroad. Ebensburg it Cresson Rail. road. and Hollldaysbarg Braneh. First AcComipodstloll Train for Wall. Station— Ixavra daily (except Sundava) at WA) A. at. Secend Accommodation Train tor Wall . . Station Leaves daily (except Sundays i Pt 1014.3 A. a. third AtVinntriodAtion 'Nab for Walla station, mares daily (carer , Sunday.) c r. Fourth Accommodation Trait: tot W air a Station— Leaves daily tescidit similar.) at arm 1, 5. Penn Accommodation. Nu. t -I.Ahers daily (except Nundayw at 10:JA , P. v....stopping at all stations Me twevn riitelmrgh and Penn :Batavia. The Church Train leaves Wall :Batton every Bun day at SSE A. AL. sell arrives In Plitabnlyh at Itetnains, leaves Pltistatulli at WO P. , and arrives al it air • Station ni r• Iteterning Tralm arrive it Pittsburgh as foliates: Mall 1:50 A. Ili Past Line UM A. N. }Lest Nt ell's !Balton Aceinumodoiltin tt,ia Penn Aresennualatlon No. 1 's,i a• h.n.ond w siva ~ U 1411311 Aff111310.111:1110....1 11 5 0 •. M. Johnstown A Ce0tnt00dit1011.............-....111:117 A. M. Baltimore Express li4o P. X. Altoona Aertimmodellon and Mmlarant..-1.0:10 Third Well's Station Acoommodation 1410 P. M. Plilledelplite Express 246 P. U. Accoutt.ielatlem No. 4 0:05 E. Ms An Agent of the It 1.16101. than Ibue ComTr_j pals through is,' train before rexhlng the take np cheeks, deliver baggage to any part the cloy. .•nler. No. 410 Penn etreel—open day said night—where all orders for the movement. of parsen gins and begEogo will receive prompt' attention. I Baltimore Express will strive with Philadelphia Expreas, aristri r. is...on Mondays. • lvi.rrice. —ln case of lose, the Compnny wtil hold • themselves re.rsieslble for pens:m.l bnimage onlet and for an amount not exceeding laoo. , !slitITH, Agent. At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Plummer Bu tton. on Liberty and Washington $1,750,000 • $1,585.000 j3ITTSBIURGIFI, NA] NE a CRAuo RAILWAY A AEU CIC LEVELAND a krlrralltlltOn RAILROAD. • - - Winter Arranamusalial. 1866, On and alley November lath, 1455 tram will mu follows, vim Lenem lbr /43r lthe Piffsburp/s, , Oltlengo. Cleosiafd. ; Whealtugl Express • ^.60 A. N. • MAO P. W. Express ; 1:43 P. Y. 2:30 r. N. 12:00 P. Espress ...... 2:43 p. Y. Mtn 1,11 17:00 A. N. 8.00 A. Y. 16.t0 A. le For Newcastle and Erie 6.40 A.Y. flaunting,arrive at Pittsburgh: I'., Ft. H. .t C. K. W.-1.30 A. M., tIO P. m„, P. Y. MOO P. Y. • C. a 1%.14.-11:15 A. IL,IL ACCOALMUDATIO TRAINS. Leave Allegheny fur NKw linlallvoN-9:00 A. N.. 11.50 A. X, 4:MP . 14 and 6:40 P. Y. It.pcilastan - 2:06 P. Y. NEW CASTLE-3:60 P. M. FXONOWT—tO:9OI.. Y. WaLLavlLl.e-3160 Iteturniug, alve at Allegheny rr P., Ft. W. C. IL W.--7:30 A. ~ A. N. .. P. xi., 4:30 P. Y. and I 2 A. C. B. R-10:1:0 A. M. OF.OHOE PARKIN. Ticket Agent, Union Paastsbas Oltutlon, Pittaborgh, Pa. A. Q. CASSELREITILY, Ticket Agdat, Allegheny Clay n0.2l F. IL MYER, Ileneral Ticket Aseat. IIITI'SBIL 1 1146;11. 1.17511t1'Y AND CINCIN .NATI RAILROAD. I=l =1 TO COLUMBUS, DIIIICTORS .8.11. Kier. John Shlptain, James M. Cooper, 8. Ilarbaugh, J. Caldwell, Jr.. John 8. Dilworth, Wm. A. Rodgers. dela:7 And MI the_plinclpal (Wm. WEST AND SOUTHWEST On and after MONDAY. RA CU 12th, DM. Tralus wlll leave and arriv at the 'I - N(ON DEPOT toliowel. CHANGE OF TLIII3C. NEPHEWS Eil=l BTILLW CI:MX.IMB, kMIC.IMEOLISs l(e RATLRObpS. THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE ll= CENCINNAI I, LOUISVILLE, INDIANAPOLIS, Pas[ Mee WO A. K. J :00 0. K. Mall 8:91 l• 30U: r. Y. Ear,. F. 01. 1:10 L. K. 01.001wen01.110 Aceamitlllo.l . n •• 10:10A. MI K. F. IrICAILL, Gen I re..A . fira n Kranrilkee. • Tleker Arent, UnlooDeTKt., Pltubstrib pirmsniu RGH , CONNELLSVILLIC U. It. Spring Arrangement. On moll after THURSDAY, MARCH ❑ire, 19 3 3 c, The Maim will itX.Ve the Depot, corner of Rosa wan Water morel., m follows: Pittaettre... Intt•P'Pa . Mall to and from Uniontown... 7:W A. 11. 6:OD P. n. • • ... 1:111 M. 16:00 A. U. Ex./ 41 , West Newton Ae , ommodation 6;15 P. It. 6:20A. M. 1 , 11 - 4 t :McKeesport Aer.,:mf 11:10 A. M. 4:00 A. Y. Second WA/ P. M. 2:06 • 4:21P. M. 6:46 P.M. Sunlll9" r. U. vage.a. r. Rom west nee For TlcGate VPI T "' LI LA Itgglik.lt, Agent. 11. SIA . ji. aupt CEM I ln and after BIONDAY, Passel:oZ tr will be arranged to run as folloyril: 616.11. TitAlld—Leaves Pittsburgh at 0:45 A. Arriving at Kittanning at 9.:16 A. a. Lenves KtitAsi. :ling at I:10 r. sr. ,• arrives at Plttaborgh at 0110 ar:A.PRESS TRAlN—Leaveh Kittanning at - :50 P. st., arriving at Pittsburgh at 11:161 A. sr. Leavrig Pittsburgh at 6:10 e. ar., arriving at itittannlns ist 1:101•. r. nI6ISIODAT/ON TRAlN—Leaven ooila Works at ti:au A. 11., arrivingal9 , W Pittsburgh at A. LOWINI Pittaburgh at 11.10 P. ra., arriving at Kim ruinetas at a:66 r. 1.11 r. F. w Superintendent, CiItDiNAIICEB N 011DINANCE toatithorize the 11 (incline and Paving_ of.sendry streets and Avenues. Sec. 1. Be oretaineA sod ettneted!by the Sefeel tout Common Counetis the City of A 1 kghnny an 4 Lt Is herd, enacted by the ordhcrify of the Cantu, That. the Corumlfter on streets, he_ and they are hereby an t horical and Alnrlud to Invite and rocelve propo sals line the tiradiug nod Parlay , of Ridge street, old" Avenue- from the Railroad to the Manchester I toe Hamilton stn., farm Allegheny Avenue to Pdaneltester line ; Franklin street from Allegheny Avenue to sediewlek • reel y lttJncll street., from Ohio As num. to innlmy. ore, ; Allegheny Avenue front Western Avenue -to Franklin street, and to rout raet therefor th Ili., lorn•st and besi.idder or bidders.at Welt discretion. ter. 2. That for the my vie of ,defraylny the tent unandexpensc •of the ir trttprovernenten there be, and to hereoy 1. - • n to n be equally two. th• veal lots hounding and abutting' upt , the . .0, and avenues reepectively. In • pro, etion to it.. feet front In them resimettcelf comprised. stet hounding and abutting no aforesaid. sr, 3. as ...in the eost esid rapt:uses of said Improvements shall pe (idle amertnlned. Delta!! he the May of the St re," cvninisMoner to assess and an d the name anunnu the .....veral total:WM:l4llW and allotting npon said street. end avenues respect ively. according to the role atmve Indicated. avid thereupon 1, ens to make demand and totted the ,ante. aerorttliqt to the yr... Walls or the Art of.tho kletteral A.entids n of the Commonwealth of Pymn. ny Crania- entitled ••A Act losing the manner of euneeting the eXpI,3I,P of fradittn and pat ing of the streets 51111 of the I its of Allegheny, end fur other purposes. yasatal the Milt day of March, 11432. That w much of anYcriicmue eo.- filet with. or 1.• supprwl W the fota•golng, he and the same Is her , •ny p..aled. ordained and enacted Into a. low this. he Stli day of February, Anne, Domlul, one thow•und eight hun dred mud slsty -el x. President of : the M 21e ) e l lla i n E cti . . Attest: D. M.LeTKILELON.. Clerk of the Select Commit. 1111.A1tLES Mr. RENNET, President of the Common Council. Atte4l: FUNtr.ll . , IttLWOlCril, Clerk of the Common Council. mltlikitd AN ORDINANCE changing the 2. place of holdlng elections In the Second pc, chief of the Fourth waisti.,Ajleghtny, Searrioa I. ltd 11,211r.eif -mud rustelmi by the ge net and Common Co 'trite of ma co of A ll egheny. on.f U s hooky d the rteffitrritror the germ, after the pargr of this ordintaral nil elm-- lions In the Seco. precinct of the Fourth and shall he held at the tot. of Mrs. M. Gordon, rot ut erly Airs. r.k, at the corner of Chestnut and Main streets, Allegheny..., SECtiOn t. That allordinance.. or ports of ordi annexe In cOnfllct. thSectlontirst Of this ordinance, are hereby repenle . , Ordained and en eked hato a law, title the Bth day of March, A. tin ue thousand eight hundred and , •a JAS. Melt/DER. Presidight Of Select Connell, Attest: D. MacYrittittF. Clerk of Select Connell. - • C. W. Br.xwirr. President Common Connell. Attest: 11. DiLwownt, nanD, Clerk of Common Council. _ AN iTRIharfagDINANCE Relat, e. Ore. _tie it ordained audenocted hy theßelect and Condrson (Annette of the City of A lteghe tly, audit fe hereby onoeted by authority of the sow, Thar Three Ceuta Wiaufage be charged rod Collette , ' up on and every barrel or pee ago of Salt, unload ed It the Allegheny City Wharf.. Ordained and enacted Inds a law,. this 41'11%11day -of March, Anno Domini one th ousand olghthundred and aLuty-one. JAMES Metall - EH- President of *elect Council. Attest D. Ilaersmiox, - Clerk of !Select ConnelL (Alai& -W. BENNY, • :" 7 Pre., dent of Common Council. Attest t ItOngetT DILWORTH, Cferk of ,COmmon Connell, pim; 04111 ouchax - s — eitsta poinwrves. diem or th e of Deceased dontlen. erns caWted W the prat 8. m eat. damn And ackiters aim cresernmeat or La. ;service arithoat____li"r..e — en ti or send their ad !.."390.11e. to DAY. " res f g o m e..; twenties: zunonsand Pay . No. in TIPT#ISZEPLP. inird de , " trlaar the ....... JU20111714&:01 • Neukrrpublic, ....... ArriettsoN - •i 44 Clam!' against mem o tiaraa sews nrtr.stprso, trxe WAl.L:.l 4 7: trirt im: e T ru .” l.:l . AroVulig i tfirrri•Lil errui IR.EARS- 1 6' ' ?Arhus: "e"8 reeellP4 " -1-s" Mtrari z ilinra. mb.l3 80=124,060?"1"4" II ME E E ve to C=l