The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 16, 1866, Image 1

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    'TA i.: .: - , t .; , , rii,414017,iiii4101%
100 M Flamm
AWOL 7702.
No.'!. "mu b2IIIIirt• Pittsburgh.
hicnigrgivi fur od
*min= forms, • do. do._ .S 00
Served by tpantlirf, of 5111001161 .
week 11
gjtc 6azettt.
'briY, ITEMS
litamespatiole - itidtchier
At Ott IWO. Drag Store Mos, 67 alld GO Filth oto.
dt 14% cents, and.Gtal Undreased Aivalina at
ltd cents, and grim Wide Muslin at 25 cents.
at Barker's S to's.,l9lrdnxicet street.
Tittle Ltritdi - ,
MU Wu) at all prices, on the northeast cor
ner Fdtuthi and Market streets.
C.flassor Loos a arc
•• I ; aister,T.
There Is none &want Seoper , a Bather's Soap
TrZltratfi bt •F°lllTrd•
Dr's Goods
%wiry dap
on the northeast earner of
roma d Market streets.
Q. nano, Lore & Ban.
At 1131 mats-gaol Prints, Faat Colors at
and r oente. and an the heat make and net ,
at Parker 0111azketietzeet•
All Wool De'alma
odale sod stopile widths; all &lora at very
•ar priate, on the northeast corner of Fourth
&Market streets.
C. nAssolv Love I MM.
Maki & Dress Goodin.
'tan lionause stock, and man* kin ds at one
tialt the *miner prices. Delaines at iBX cents
at Barter's &Co , s., 59 Market street.
White Gamin
Sainsook, Mulls, Eiwlsses, Bishop
Lawns, , Brillinnta, 3C., .on the northeast ear
nbiot"Tclarth atul Market streets.
C. 'Limon Lora d. Bea.
' jilsessrOs Vermin:me Comfits
*V* tigt medicines in the world for es.
'Want StOttliefrom the human system. sold
Pittehnith,Arholesale and retail, at the
iinseisftate6;sit rierninrs Drug store. No. S 4
Market sixeet.
nail Acre Los,
CollinitrPselr, "pat Liberty, on Monday at
tekdooth, March 19th, the remaining 13 half
eutiedleided from the Colllos' Park
taerrioame, wlll-be Bold on the, premises, by
4 1 4,,14d1waAns. , Aueitormer. See advertise-
give or never
..C.Oriurinaditnntrins inattantaneously and et
go4n . dtnnidecit . ed' , itthout pain . Dr. Bendel]
Can be lerailla-WeduesdaYr (Inetustru,) at his
041 c ,1 street. Thousands of tea.
W1=21.13'11 ein.beseen t Oren pears after the
}Yam law.
-lawin Allegheny appears to be
among the people, if we are to
aceent'theieectit 4:luction as a test upon the
subject. Aiintio4iiqf ,'sifsw: houses will home.
61latelyhe'erectedalnd many of the landlords
who kkve beet .bbiillit tiler real estate at
fabulously high ' ` rents will suddenly realize
that the best way to make money is to Stip It,
and the best way to saveit Is to pexchailithelf
Boots, shoes and Guitars at Itobintion , s, N 0.61
Market street, near Fourth. At that store
will be found a large stock of pedal coverings'
for men, - woolen and children. As a heavy
Spring lot of, goods Is Shout being in, the
stock on hand must be 'disposed of at' low
pilaus to make ref= for new goods. if you
would secure *rest bargains call at No. GI
Market street.
Discasus . of the Eye, Ear, and Catarrh. Dr.
Gardner, Oculist and Anrlat,of New York, re:
spideaftilly,lnfertas the enigma of Plttabnrgb
that helms taken rooms at the Monongahela
Motelle:4lirolte will rematip until Wednes
day, March oath; after that time he will visit
Putsburgn mmably, of srlilch due notice will
be given, and offers his professional services
to Fuel, ae_ are nano-0d with diseases of the
Eye, Ear and Catarrh. Dr. Gardner treats Ca
tarrh py.the use of Aarm Merlleated
<tibhr"ATtllicilT'Eyew inisirted without pain;
and perfectly resembling the natural eye.
Operations • for Cataract, Strubisnius or Cross-
Eye. artificial Pupil, etc., skillfully perform
:ed. Deafness, Noise in the Dead, Discharges
from thei Ear, Obstruction of the Eustachian
'tube, and all,Acutc or Chronic Diseases of the
Ear and air passages succesafully treated.
rnfermxces, teetitonnials etc., send for a
Circular: Office hours from 9 s. a. to s r.
Offlao, Parlor 11, first floor. Principal &ilea,
1711 West Forty-third street, New York,
air=ler Jobbing bop
ret ed after an absence of three
yeate in the army, I bare reopened my chap
foriall ands ofjobbing In the carpenter Mac
e% thisolll etand. VA:yin Alley. between .Btottn.
610 milli% and Cherry Alley. Ostlers solicited
and promptly attended to.
-11N 4 Piiriair It Co.,
PriseUnal Mate Roofere, and . Dealers in Ameri
can State otintriona colors. Office at Moran
der efingblln , a near .the Water Works Pitts
t/t4rg4h'Pa.;: .Realdenee, WM is Pike meet On
dere promptly attended to. All work warrant
ed waterproof. Repairing done at tam short
est notice. No Charge torrepairs, provided the
matte not abnenitl sae- it Is pot on.
I - -'1
It is with great pleasure we call the mien.
t ton of our reader!, so the oubperb stock of Fall
Mut Winter Goods Just. received by Mr. John
Oleg, Merchant Tailor, No. Federal guest,
Alloghang: steels embraces some of the
,most holantithl Cloths, Cassimeres, Overcoat
tags and - Voisin:um ever brought to the western
Market. Els easertmeat of Furnishing Goods,
neesprifillor Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Ties.
altedkerchsaft, &a, cannot be surpassed east
nr wbat. A ergs stock of ready mad Pants,
Como, Vesta and Overcoats, will also be found
In hla estibllehment. ramekin want of any
thing In the e thing hse should not, fall to
give Kr. Wale; a call.
A liralien Down Srstem
Thereara diseaiie to which.the doetor9 give
Many names, but which few of them under
.rand. It is sfmply weakness-a breaking
dffirn Ot the-vital forces Whatever Its causes
(and they are lantimerable), its symptoms are
..n the male the eaMe. Among the meet prom
vent are extreme luslende,- kiss At appetite,
..oiss of flesh, and - grent mental depression. In.
digeittion an 'ls Snestaaa Celera, are also fro.
qbently ow*, !tante of this distressing state
Of bodytmd mind, Tho common remark in
`relation to Personi th snob a condition is, that
OW are atmsruxtptive. Now, what these un
fortunates really want, is vigor-silat strength,
and all eertaild3r as dawn succeeds darkness
they can recuperate their systems and regain
perfect health by resorting to liostettees Cet
*hinted htonitteh Sitters. It is as clear that
lifekrerwtng Tonle is required in tech masa
aa anal the dying flame of an empty lamp re•
quires to be retived with a new supply of oil
,Perfectly pure and iinnotions, containing
: !?!. ¢ctLing. but the Matt 'genial vegetable ex
: traete, mi 4 combining the three gra ale
_ meatier It stOteactrie, en alterative, and a go
,.alallnytgorant. .Hastettara Liman, are an. '
able to all OOMltinitiOnn, entire as applies
obi to the diseases vet disabilittes of the fee.
• blin ISM as to these Of enen„..: -
IlleatetterNs sitters
asy . *mad wholesale and retail at very low rates
at netalltra Drag and Patent Medicine Depot,
jitkei*Lettet-Otatiet, comae cl the Diattoaa
and Ibattliatreet;•,-;.
Tam.; kinreb -IL-drhe steamer lltoro
Castle brings Hataaa winces to the lOth.
N A, Spanish :war:: steamer Neptune had
atnUbt Ihe'noPturnd slave' sohooner
with. threw Irgradred and 'seventy-five
shiversotr board.' UK 'belong to rancho
rePottOd-thstAnore are on board
the 'Wailer; Loth., Walther of ',Ullman. •
Tat Lilted gtatottnnboat Chicon, law a{•
Ammeter imam /solute Burgled.
Niw your, March 15.—The steamer flan Ja
elute, of Ito Port:utak line, burned at her
dock tide
- morn ing. Eire hundred baler of
ootton *OI two twooWino barrels of floor worn
• dettroyed., ger holt, hying iron, was filled
:with water, but all the wood work was de.
Reports ream Torstrto;Ad.
Tosowme.. W; Match le.-.4he reports - of'
plcrts tO asitoselbete the Governor-General for
the arrest' of venom" charged with treasciu,
the report. that. there will be au 1- early
meeting of Yerpasz*at, are without [Quads
•lteerytaing is quiet.
_ .
4,4 0 Meet
tog of 12.1==air iIII - 01IIIICt, the far.
. , . ll:larement.,
; •
Special tnapeteit to the illtiburglAjuette.
limuttantruo:llfarr-h IS, 1866.
Mr. Mahlon, from fie Committee on Carper
premmted a ineerperratlng the City
Deposit Bank of Pltt...ollrgh.
Mr. Hoge presented a bill - to incorporate the
R nO Shipping Company-
Mr. Bighorn read in place, an net to incor
porate the Westinerrelnaut Railroad Company.
Also, an. act to Incorporate the Peoples , Trad
ing 'Company, of Birmingham. Allegheny
Mit Ridgeway read an Sat to incorporate the
Pith Ole and Erle Railroad Company.
An act to arnentl„the penal laws punishing
frauds upon the National currency, and an act
a:mantling the election laws, and one punish
lug ileSertera were passed finally.
Mr. Hopkins presented the resolution of t he
Pittsburgh et:lnherence of the Methodist Epit.-
ropal Church remonstrating against the pas
sage of the art imposing fines upon ministers
for marrying minors, and recommending in
stead a license law. • •
Mr. Lowry moved to take up the general
railroad law. Not agreed to. Yeas lt, nays 16.
• Mr. Connell called up the art to ineorprrate
the Manufacturers and Consumers Railroad
Company, authorizing a now road from the
coal regions In Schuylkill county to Philadel
phia_ After an exciting debate the bill passed
to the third reading, by yeas Is, nays and
was postponed until Tuesday.
Mr. Quay read In place an act to Incorporate
the Manufacturers' and Consumers' Ant.hiu
cite Railroad Company, giving the corpora
tors the power to build a road from the city
of Philadelphia to apy . point Pohnylslll
county the oorporators may determine. The
toll passed the . ifilijise 'under a suspension or
the rules, and without a division.
Buts Priam , —ill'aCt to regulate the rate
of Interest. An act relative to paying boun
ties to veteran volunteers. An act relative t,,
the tend of Jefferson Davis.
A Swiss Mutual to be Betureed.
A.IMINGTOSt, March la—The Committee on
lt_tronstruction have reported the testimony
of Guess! Custer, who states Dui( hr has
travelled all over Texas, and ho has found the
mass of the people exceedingly bitter against
the government, MOTO so than tier nr sic
tuontlift ago. lie mentione:among other facts,
that grand Juries have, during n tow months
lust, found five hundred indictments for
thereunder of Union men and others, pm not
use of toe guilty parties has been rout ,c t nel.
The Secretary of State, In u letter to senator
Sumner, details the facts in the case of the
murderer Martin Bader, recently - pardoned to
the Council of Beale, Switzerland, on condi
tion of his emigrating to this country. Ile
weal under sentence of condnement for twenty
four years in chains. The rolled Staten Con
ant at Beale, Mr. Witte, Informed the Council
of Basle that the United States was not a col
ony for convicts and criminals, and that the
person pardoned would not be permitted to
(rad in this country, but would be returned
to Steltzerland nt the expense of those send.
Inkshirn here.
Kr. G. G. Lynch, a postmaster in Forth f ar.
of Ins at .the commencement of the rebellion,
w lett communication between that State anal
Washington was first interrupted hail in his
possession between one and two hundred dol
lars in coin !interline to the government.
which be buried or safety. lleceeDY the
Sixth Auditor of the Tremscry tor the
Dace Department. was Informed In iii rt) of
this fact, and that the money was at itie order
or the proper officer. A draft has record finely
been drawn for the amount. •
Unto the introduction of a resolution In
B , nate, a shortirne ago, with the view of pro
v ding indemnity to all officers and seamen of
tholustry for pwreonal loss sustainnt Inlo In
active service, the Auditor has 11. m, the I , -
c:plent of many letters trot.those who eon
sitar themselves elected thereby. an orro
t,ous Impression is -now prevailing lIIPL the
n solution has passed,
new s has been roceived by senor Ro
mero, tram the E) Paso Government no o tho
President Juarez and pin govern tll rr
mainca In tredlapeted possa.aton of Nora fern
.1 French deserter the arrived at El Pa.°,
reports that all the F and:, farces hau al.,at
..,•neil the city of ChM ',hon.
On the fifth, the 1. declaring all person.
burn In this country t ettlxone, eteept Inc
Indians not taxed, and to secure to all pet•
sagn in the enjoyment of tive4c civil right - .
Its , finally panned both nous.% of (briar...,
and will coon be presented to the Pre.i.
Wallace Whittlose, convicted In the Crtnii
nal Court of the abstraction of government
bonds, has been sentenced to pay a toe of one
thousand dollars. The llghtnem of the penal
ty was In consequence of the recommendation
of the jury to merry, Ms good character pt
VOUS to the larceny, his long imprisonment
before lits trial, and los evidently decilon
or'"s Reoaiptr.
Nsw Yong, Marc Tribe isto h
says: The extraordinary letter of Cornett - Id.
ler Clark, has been the special sensatun, fe
d:ay at the Capital. It is understood that 5....-
rotary McCulloch takes the position that be
cannot, connietently with his self respect, in
dulge In public divination with his sabordi
nate., and that be will not submit any reply
to Mr. Clark's letter. On the other hand, It is
Malt:nod by a gentleman in high official prat
lion that the gravity of the none reined by
the COmptroller, and the effect it will is, like
ly to exert before tne country, demand an im
mediate and official refutation. The e xptamt
%fon given by the Treasury - accountant,. for
the large discrepanmea named by Mr. Clark,
is, that while the Treasury In New 'fork, for
Instance, may have 00,000,400 standing to the
credit of the Treasury here, the Department
may have, meantime, Milne requisition sloPil
each deposit for half or even all the funds,
and thus, while the bOoks here show no fends,
the books in New York show a large cretin,
.imply because the reinfaltlons may not have
been presented.
Again, many millions have been issued to,
and charged to diaburaing agents th different
part,. of the country. These mums are deposi
ted and many months may elapse before all
is paid out; yot, the Treasury honks show the
Money to have dm - a paid out.
The following are the receipts at the Trims
nry for the quarter ending December 31, 1363:
Customs, $3O 2,PhM. Lands, ariadui Internal
Revenue, f1.,M7.150. Direct Tea. $3 ,1 A.n.13.
Loan. and Treasury Notes, $130,678,510. Mis
cellaneous, $17,913,010h Total, $2ffi.374,143
The Post Office Department has cloned Its
Filln_g for mall route" in the far west Corn.
Litton was greater, and prices were reduced
from last year. The following are a few of the
more prominent ; From San Stanchion to Sao.
remento City wad lot at 1/3, 0 001 present se ,
vile, *WA& Prom San Frtrnetseo to Stockton,
sl3,o4tl;present service ro Prom Nan Ju
an to Los Angelina, m a
111 3 3,ffiet Present civic,,
WOFrom O. Clover ale to Arcata, *lnoue.
The great route from Lincoln, California, In
Portland Oregon, six hundred and twenty
four miles, Is let to Hoary W, Forbett at 1173,-
000; present pay, 1224,000.
St. Peterelnirgh letters say that the budget
of Russian finances show a deficit ofsl2,ooo,ime
roubles. There le considerable dboatisfaction
With the present. Emperor. administration
and economy.
N. ROOMY* and the Mexican Bond.—
Counterfeit WO Treasury Plat,
• _blew Yore, - March • 18.—Tho Evening Poo'.
spoelal says s Itomero, Mexican Cloister,
appeared Wore the House Committee on For
eign Relatikmeto•day to exPleln the Propos!.
Can for platanteeing the bonds of the Meal
-mu Elomillite. It, Is probable that no decision
wlll be madeSertide subject for some weeks
Iwo-dal to the Crosisnorciai Adverttter says :
TIO Detective Bureau of UM Treasury De ,
et has obtained pOsseSsion of a plate
from which counterfeit one hundred dollar
er.mpound Interestnotes have been printed.
Tneluipression was taken from a steel roller
ivthe Department on a ahem of lead, and a
plate was made from I.t.
Death otitis gas Francisco Postmaster
Deamitlar ' Territ or ial Miners-In
dust ZspeattiOn •
, •
. PaSnentco, March A.—Samuel IL Parker
formerly postmaster of thhi e eltyrdlegl sudden
ly to-day.
adviees from Idaho stabs that a blab °Metal
turned 'Mecum had been arrested on thecharge
of speculation. Another °Mend bad recently
atecondea; another died a defaulter, and still
aLother, Charles D. Vabghu, Treasurer of Bola
moldy, has been arrested on a charge of em
11 a meeting of the citizens of Oiryhee. reo
-01 ottani wore adopted to send out an Indian
hunting expedition, and offering bonntieS for
Mexican Cabinet . _ lt balloter Probably
New yenta, March 1/5.--The Maw Mexico
city correspondent writes that it is very gen
erally asserted that M:Lculglaydhltnister and
g u cretary of the Treaspry or Mexico) whose
sudden demise has 'been announced, was
Protest Against Baorroft's Oration.
The Flrhereabouta of Stephens
..F.c.x-c.1632. A2elialT.4otam, disc,.
if o Ntarch eteatnAbip Africa,
from Liverpool s.l, via queematown 4th, Itaii
nrri veil at this port. Her are two ilO3-0
The Liverpool cotton markt, is quiet but
steady; sales on the 3d, 10,000 of whieh
:lane wore to speculators and expo fireml
stuffs dull but steady. i t rovLstoits active,
with an. upward tendency. Consols formoney,
43007; United States Fivo-Twenties 70f51$
7.1 X; Illinois Central Shares, 71 tf44PHit Erie
Shares, Wifitti.s , „..
The political news is unimportant.
The London puhliSh a letter
almted by J. 11. liriagstone, in whic es h
the wri
ter asks leave, as an American, to protest em
hatically 1021111Nt the 01141011 delivered In
Washington In the LlllOOlll memorial, by Mr.
Ilancrott. Mr. Livingstone says he never telt
I lore ashamed than he did upon reading that
t ration. Re declared it was a disgrace to Mr.
janeroft, who desecrate, I the occasion by stielt
SpIY2CII,IIII,I 0 those Americans who became
neerun 'dices by lbdett ing to It.
The Dublin correspondent.° rd the news
p tys the search for Stephens has boron. very
I 0011 anti d "term I lied It is believed that he
•in Dublin. The pollee nee aUnosicertain of
te,temitly arrestmg him. It 1s unt,osed that
Ito has managed to escape thus far by it von
t:ailed change of residence.
In the Mouse of Commons on the •ral inst.,
r. Gregory moved an address to the lJneen
i•: favor of establishing the principle that
I...irtite property tit sun should he free from
e let are. Ile said It was 01001 suicidal for Eng
tid to allow things to remain as they ore, for
11 event of liar eLe might loose her carrying
t ode. The question was debated pro and
val by numerous speakers. The Lord AdVO
- .te surd it was Impossible for the govern
ti eat to assent to it. The effect, If carried
o It, wonill be to tie the hands of the govern
n.ent. when they ought to ~e as free as postal
l• e. The Attorney General also opposed the
tenure as most Impolitic anti difficult of
101111011. The motion was tinnily With
tl -awn.
LO/ieSi ymetistmen, London, tifacch 4.—The
.1 - natant I hp! ennall qur asserta that the reply
ti Mr. Seivard to the French dispateh of the
iLliof February is .;seep ad. Mr. rowan' states
t:•at the United-ntater trill remain neutral to
n Ant Mexioo, in view of the prominent entrus
t...3n of that country by the French troops.
Its French Corps Imgislat it voted toragrapl,
it g the address relative to Mexico without
ti coloring or reserving debate on It until the
late eon - espontlence In tegurti to that country
it published.
Liccrpoth—ltielutrdstitt, Spence a Co., and
Waled - cid, Nash d Co., reports flour dull anti
eatty. Wheat quiet but firtail,V inter Red, los
Yt on !kit Southern Red, DeWitt. 1,1. Corn steady
a. 64 16'=se 0.1 for mixed. Provisions active
not tending onward. Gordon, Bruce d.Co.,
att lieglami, Athin d Co.. report beef active
aml tending upward. Pork scarce, and fin
higher. limoo steady, with a alight advance
tottne qualities. 'Lard tmoyant and Ism
I: gilt,: American, Butter quiet and
st catty. llimot. active and kWh. higher.
It ot , , FoglOth tt report Petroleum still
dt Mining; salt, at 1...442, al tor relined
A ppoinimenti Awaiting Continnallon.
Soldiers for.ttle Freedmen's Burpau
N 1.. l o An eh I", -The Tetbeite'r yw al
a cabinet nen, In, ere twit' ye/net-dna- 3f-
I t alld it L. currently reported that the
rt tater:ll of Mr. Clark was the nn,Jeni ender
nettlerntatte Toe expreettittn• or regret
:t; ory getatru.l t radical tlifferenee.
niktnietn rorteeen the tun high flttanetal
ei leer. of the lie.e4,lltneizt.
lin. large u dm,to, oioppointrt. ra.
Ile. In the arm,. rn,ently nominated loon
II narlont+ ros.grt..tomai diA11,44. and ',a...
exam,. ora ...tit ntr. ii.e
nurr ye....ter , tub ..ut Wel, :11 , 1 nete..l nron
1.1 •1rt,..n•1
tn. ni.ip t 4 siottnen an 8.11 lisa
Connntrnlont, or earttnr+ yerttnctloy.
kl eltirtl Itnt 'tint,' the pm. IS.IOII or the ilk* .
g ant log twnrlott.l nun/then., wholly nr Intri
.1 - innnlnnt -tt nor), ti ct•t 'Kt
3111 lors. oot 104 r,ly
o•ort.clis zoat nrtza,ll, prlor t., th,
'.:oat:y.4lva moult, f, of the "owlet , . of
1. v ..1.1....tr0m It-axolotl - al county. North i.aro
-1..a. at rived :a tt .0.1.11,,t0u resl..rday,
r. ate 10 Italtaaa They asset thati, they were
meal to trot a their honer., to row. Ite
Ir• - -notion ot xo.ol.ltrrn of tale lialw.l army
.e) alatO that at oat. hoodroaf and 811 y
to no or 113.0 , per..tot, on, ....d for the tits
~ u ...11-1•. A •t.l
to • :1. . •• arf f oso. I,
e• mot' the \ t.tvrat. ...rim. to report
14 GenVral a 1,11.,.. slaty, 11. 1110 1 e,,,,teaeo..
It maul at the South, na. yeatentay leaned ID,
II e War I,eperttnent
ta E4.otottstikni 1,1,k1 Moit.u.l
rie. of tho report or it.. IZe,onotrtv•tir.ll
ittor .% mat I , +ll •n n.l I) 1.4 u- mg,l .lixagrer+l (~, an.l
The et , . 11 'luta, 4111 r. then token hp. Alt
1$ tele male some reusark• stgattett the hill,
ter (5 111(11 {lO. /M4l ateendruent of the H0n..%
uree...ll 1.0 rite htli It aw thwebe.l teeth
1,11%V.1in.l will ?kV preerettNl te the rte•hlent
f. r hie Rho-tete,
Mt. Trumbull g, 'oaten that. on Atom lay
oitt :in atnamid 1.. it,. Senate to ttake Tip the
or tite "...UMW front tt I' • .h.r.e, St t
, r\ ton n blob tont bnen roferren) on .I,r
front lit lenlelat osre of ntate to the t 4 .1 .-
Mir. on .1 on letan
VIT. Fearendan railed to the dr/tele:ley h, l.
dell contain... among other item, the tel.
tclad:,ll;e:,,tnt.r,,,ltteorr Mr
nenttita trinerat, 3l lf100: prttehtulng leading
A net - lean neu-npaper• for the 1110-ary of Con
g Atli, thotreand dollar.; to enable the
J. lot l 'orritulltee I.lhrar) to pay the Drat
Ir...tellreent dire on is COMI net snarl. alit, %t
tt P0n...11 for a toaval picture, to he placed 10
It I` I.ltpltAri, puretiance of a )Olnt reruTlistion
al prove.l March 2. Pre:, L•ount.T Ittm•ret dot.
Ito oupply delleleney In the for the
• Ilef of the and ttlnahlorl Reamen, One
11 ed and 0I,1•11, [bona-and .101 lan.; for the
• rebrooo of the pyoperty In Wanhinglon City
I, on at Fora. Theatre. for the deer/mite and
a: relearning of Jocutnentary paper* relating
the leoltllers of the arm) of the United
Al Aloe, and the entlarallta of the Medical and
rgtral Department of the arm), one
lo wired thoorand dollar,. Int playa,, engra,
le {, printing and paper for the national cur
, ~, t,-11111.111 red nth] fifty thOnailrld
th liar, •
The Finance Corritnitton reeounnertnl4nl tho
st [king opt Of the following proviso, Insurted
by the House In connortlon with the forego
in approprtat tons 4 1•rov141641 that hornafter
n. portrait 4.lnny living person shall int en
br, o,d or pince4l open any of the isnot., sr.
el cities or postal enrreney at the States.
T• e proviso oon stricken nut for tuellitating
nrottnieitllon tietwenn the Atlantic nod l'as
el It COW., ny telegraph, fort) 1.11011.6 , 1.1 (101.
In F.
Inctirm flee fttlf.horliON the Presitimit to
p. ,ksi flatlet:the Ilseal year, ending the 3tith
due of Jilne, Irr,, sts M.ell of the nivprOprilL
tl• n or Starch Ind, as he may deem co e
dit -11 t milil prope, not err. eding on the whole
It 1 thousand dollars, for enosponsation to the
I' 1111!,1 'de. Marshal, District AtDkrtkey and
ker persons eitiployed in enfOrOing the laws
ft the suppression of the African stave trade,
far soy sere Icon 11. n- may render,. and for
.11 , 1/ lin allowance was prOVilltl4l law,
eel also en much 01 said uproprlation as
m .y Im necessary to pay LIM salaries of the
lo igen
toolan arbitrators appointetl by hire, par
en tot all act of OntisTenS approved July
11 I. Inst 2, entitled an act to carry Into offset
LI, treaty between the United Staten and liar
lii 'Canto bialmity, for the auppreasion of the
African slave trade, and for the leapeasea of
tho 1111Xed marts Of Jnstlrr, provided for oy
Pending the cumahlerstion of file bill the
I• 14 bate ftcliourim.l.
to motion of Mr. Rigby, the Senate arts
granting aid In the erinntroction of a railroad
at a telegraph Ilne from the town of Folsom
to the town of Plari•rsville, In the State of Cal
ifornia, and also for a telegraph line from Pla
t, ravUle to the most feasible point of Inter
/Stollen with the Pacific Italtrcm(l, In the State
of Nerada, were taken from the Speaker's ta
b] I, rend t Witco and referred to the Committee
or the recline Railroad.
J4mlol obtained leave to make a personal
planation, and be sent up to be road en eru
ct, from the Pittebnrull gasilin in reference to
..e.eintjon offered by him In December Just
at-mitLing the privilege:a of the door to Cot.
J.lmson, of A ritsuLas. member elect from that
Idr. Stevens, of Pennrylvenia, remarked
that he did not nee that this was a personal
m planation, and be was not willing that the
mlrumg hour shotild be expended in defend
ing somebody eine.
.11r: Smith replied with much excitement In
111. manner, raping that he had no doubt that
gentlemantie i front Pennaylvania, Stevens,
ti 'tight that this was rather n cartoon quo.
but he (Smith) was determined to let
him understand that be stood here willing and
able and determined—a soldier of the Union,
let the attack come from whatever quarter it
?Sr. Mcvms—Then I object to any defense of
a ndMier of the Union by the gentleman, un
less It he a defense of himself. Ms remarks
arc not personal to himself.
The Speaker stated that the gout/en/an from
Kentucky had asked an unanimous consent to
Mr. Smith, again rming—l rise to a personal
Mr. Morrill called for regular order, but
entity the /louse agreed to give the gentle
man from Kentucky five minutes time.
Mr.bmith said ho understood It had been
observed by some member that a remark be
Mel made a moment ago Waa the rex..n why
he had beep refused leave to proceed. That
remark was Intended, lot the geode/min from
renneylvania. In reply to that gentleman's
language, that he had enough Of what. / was
st.yiug, I remarked, very wei4 it may be yon lint I will give you more of it., My ob-
Jert wan to tw persoual to him, tint to the
Hans, lie closed his remorke by a dmlara
(Jon of love far the Union and sworn hostility
le secession.
Mr. Stereos said he did not liar to answer
hat had been said personal to himself. lie
u mildsimply repeat what he had once be
,re said, that chat no gentleman would utter
no gentleman could Salter:
tfr. Stevens front the Committee on Appto.
on:limns, reported the Indian appropriat ion bill, which was read twice and referred to the
Committee of the Whole, and made the special
0, der for Thursday.
Mr. lic4.42llough, of Maryland, introdumni en
act to authorize the extension and construc
tion of a laterul branch of the Baltimore and
Polotoac Railroad into and within the District
01 Coluzuhls, which was read twice arid ro.
(erred to the Committee on the District of hm.
The Home resumed, during the morule
Lour. the conalderathru of the bill to *Mend
an rehttlug to the Fabeas corpus, and regm
Intrug Jrutlend proceedings In certain rankest
agitiroreallam), lop.
or Kentucky, consumed the les
rust rid or of hts hour, left from yesterday, when
the morning hour expired to seentng aged - net
the Count It nth/Unlit,. end principle ot
11 Crinkling .aid that the riocretiarr had boon
.topvll,4 ft, iltresot It to he door, and to do,
t!,,iar &Chi for which ponsloly be might not
h s r n, In all macs, that la.chnlcal warrant which
14 ould exempt Mtn from laligutton. Ile desired
Informed whether tta. lad/Glary CoMlllat,
:Psi wore prepare 4 txtnarir stet Ansetillmmu
to the bill as would ere full indemnity to the
seeretary of War.
Mr Wain:on, rd reptllnt thkt. Iho 'MIR=
0tt.31•410t1 yr. now earrisidering • hill look
ng to the Indedrintly, to which the gent/eosin
In reply to Mr. liebbont, Mt. ilooper, ot
Massaceesettes,tanki that the toms alleged it,
the t'omptrollor of Current,. 'to be tint:mated
itl, national banks, had berm accounted tor,
arol that the baloney, owe htmdred and sixteen
at Minns of dollar*, staled by the Secretary of
the Treasurl. aas correct as ascertained by
a ion-Courreittee of the Ways and Means.
Mr ilutdard, after stating the amount of We
present debt and the sturrent. Wet will berme*
doe to the next two years, swetileg np
to near 51,M0p04.00 said that pronettm
must to ramie, ether eY Mined/eta hear/
taxation iv by tending, for the present mask
mum at taxation had ProtteblY bee. reached ;
that it the system to ably recommended by
the It...remit Coutuaimion lea Ile honed) should
be adopted, for yearn it roakl he expected to
yield our a- merriment expenditure* and in
terest on lb, publie dabs only some traLfine,Cito
• an tt um, end rcefort. us , Ve had to funding.
Ile e %emitted al some th. Ina., arta Of
J tote, ter.t, anti .Mareta, tMB, nti contended
that they yet contained Onexbromted power
so recitni to enable the treasury to fund ail
outatmmilng erarest bearing nbligations.
This he thought Mtould be anMetent. tin
strenuously objected to greeting pOlrer In ad
dition to retire by paying or funding the non.
interest tearing legeldeutleri—o,
:to nem.y ft . ..spotter. popular and acceptable,
ftet ti th e abort ordigationa were prOT Med tor.
There could be stO realunlpilo4, tilt the chart
ohltautious are out Of the way, mad that re
sumption must be the elmullanome, act of the
Goverument and the hanks, preceded ter the
..n.trantloo of the paper climulittlon, ey
• r. nt-toutrtrra, and of comer by the
etportatine Of t • torrplueprealtiosimu. Then
there could It , mninvtloll. 804 It Maid be
Main salami. He retyr red to the fact that ai
m: July Ltd, attain hank notes would, by layo
ut., he drawn from elrertiatinn, and that
prixture Cllntrlts . tiOll,l*rtlarS. much as
the Nmretary or buidnees would care to set in
the country or on change. Ile objected that
the hill to:dinned In plate the raid war pater»
of Jo' neerrtary over the currency anti Mila
nese of the ouuntry. The ilecretary should give
pnbik note of the kind and amount, and the
priority of preecntatiOn of the liabilities to
act retired. Iltia done, the huttneas °Lithe
ettuutry runic end would acootamodate !fault
to 0 Ile spoke of the accumulation of money
In it,, temmory. 110 thought the temporary
In an stmuki he paid off and dlscOntluttod lie
mot the surplua gold eau pledged, after pas
te the intereet, to the creation of a singing
fund While that might have been itleXperitt
rot tit time of war, 11011, theta were noeX
r•ste, at least for its notbapproprlation to
tin- entailment of She national - Indebted
tem fie erns for huntlag Donde only e4 time'
'debts already earttracied. The
should stop and the groilmlullial afield pay'
as It want. Tbeakingat Ignetueuret the goy
er,.ment, except. the Interest Of tire public
debt, ntiould be paid tree Mtlell on imports. • the Interest ea the pyublic debt sheltie' be
peld trete the prOosAde Of lutiantat row.
atm tax , whiell, limier his_polio, would_
he annually redttOed, and dually abolished I n
t o cut y years. lie spoke of the Uoutreller of
Currency as being engaged thwarting the cf.
forte of thp administration to bring about al
the earliest practical:do day the return to
Xp..010 payment, and as desiring CO dilute Chet
re any.
AA 111T.11,,, 1 . .. 1.7,
r. Eamon, by permission of the gentleman '
(rum Illinois, read a letter from a plow Turk
merchant, in which It was stated that in the
porOineo and *We of teas, for Inetnnett, treat
netione wore carried on In gold. 110 read tins
for the purpose of showing that tho people
were already MOTIng, e'en In edentate of the
government, for the return to a specie trusts.
in their own transactions.
todianalDemoerstle Pilate .Ceneention,
nos ',roux, March 13.—The Domecrntire
Mate convention today nominated cash for secretary, Auditor, and Treasurer of
stew, end Superintendent of Public btatrue.
Con. The eon resolution denies the right o f
secession. The second approves of the recoil'
struetion policy avowed by Proddest John
son,' annual message, solemnly condemns the
Raton of the majority in Congress cord) ily
endorsed the veto, and pledgee the Prestdent
the earnest and disinterested summrt of the
Indiana Carnocriuut In all ins cemftlets with
that lanai
Congressional majority, The third believes that 'OW sole power
In Congress over tin atiu,ission of members
confined in their election returns. and etnallti.
ations, that It has usurped powers by exclu
ding the representation of eleven States, ao.
knowledge,' in the Union, by haring no voice
counted in favor of the Constitutional amend.
went, that an elected inentherofthelElouthern
States, constitutlawdly Otutlifiedi should be
Immediately admitted, and upon the retinal
of Congress in lte prertwative daty,the PreeZ
dent should defend and uphold themtegrity of
every State now in the Union, Ind take care
that the lowa are faithfully executed.
The Fourthindoxibly opposes tho - prohllntiOn
or protection tariff. The fifth declares that
taxation and representation should go to.
gather, and governMetti bonds sbollid tsi
taXed. The math reputtlateil the rebellion.
The seventh thanks the soldiers and demands
an ennalthatlon of bounties. The eighth
pledges support, regardless of party afillotinn
to any State or national °Metal, guided by the
vrinelpies this day avowed. The ninth de
nounces the confirming Of suffrage to the .
negroes In the District of Coltimbis,l'ho tenth
opposes the repeal of the Constitutional article
prohibiting negroes and mulattoes from set
tling In this eta*, The Eleventh encourages
emigration. The Twelfth, that eight hours
should be a legal darn labor. The Thirteenth
favors religions toleration. The Fourteenth.
sternly condemns the finances and other
frauds of abolition State and federal govern
manta The tiftemithpledgea theparty to op.
pose of all prohibitory liquor and Sunday litre.
The Sixteenth denotmeeethe'cutpulsion *bar:
Voontimes mat - 10 buitlail outrage of a pre
algae mid unscrupulous party.
make a personal explanation, and that the
Chair had twice asked whether there were
any objection a to coma* himself td a person
al explanatlma, and not open a wide range Of
debate In regari to other al:Ojeda and persons-
The article in g batfon WAS read by the Clerk.
Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, tafid4 the guretion
of order that there was nothing in that article
relating to the gentleman from Kentucky.
to T c he g_peak
try au that Itls In:ended to n reflecf e C r irl'
him forkaving offered a resolution to admit
a rebel repreteatative.- 13e detdres to 'vine&
cate himself, and the chair thinks that told,comes cieb.rly withln the provieo or a persW
d nal explanatien, and opens a pwide range "of
. -
Mr. Banks, in support or the chair, said- It
bad been understood that when the House
gave Its unanimous moment for a member to
snake a personal explanation it waived 'nil its
rules, ann the member Mimeo)/ was the og
lodge of what was neoeSnary to etplain .
personal position. That was the Mato -
,-ronnd taken and that was in order to warit
the House against giving a udardmons (*a
Mr. Washburne,.of Illinois, saki that haibni ,
nays been the understanding, and he nifty
•nnourrcd with what the gentleman frota
aninehueetts had said,
The Speaker stated that ho had alwayel
shoed since he had occupied the chair, that W
gentleman in making a personal explanatime
must state the grounds on which be is ag:
grieved, and must render hisierratirks in some
degree relevant to that subject. The chair
thinks there Is reason in that, and the gentle
man from Kentucky is Clearly in order while
Indicating himself, from what he deems all
nnj oat attack upon tilta for offering a resalu•
Lion giving the lirlfileges of the 'leer to a
member elect, who it is asserted In the article
had sharpened his tooth nick in the skulls Of
I 'Mon soldiers.
Mr. Smith, of Kentucky, Wont on to diseneft
the stellate,. of the late rebel States, dolman
clog the theory that they *ere out of the
Union, as a daumable heresy.
Hr. Broomall, of Pennsylvania, raised
the point of ordOr that the t z tt r tguage need by
the gentleman from Kontos , Was out of or.
Mr. Smith, of Kentucky saki: I mud that
t. ho opinion entertainer] bythe Rouse in con
n• Lion With damnable, and I repent that I
say further—
The Speaker of the Chair sustains the point
of order. The gentleman has no right to re.
peat, in such language, on the decision or dc-
Lion of the House.
Bunke—The question arises whether the
entienuut shun be allured to groceed In or 7
Mr. stestus-1. object ; we have got enough
or It.
Mr. Smith, excitedly—l sunier, you hare,'
but not so ranch aer you will have,
The Speaker—The gentleman Crum New
tark, under the demand that theyule shall be
enforced, meat take hie meet. The Chair wilt
Mice the rule road by the clerk.
Mr. Broomall—l demand now the enforce
ment of the rule.
The Speaker—The question le, shall the g en.
Unsuus from Kentucky be allowed to proceed
In order.
The question was then taken by tha ayes and
nnye and leave was refused by the HMSO
-55 to
Y, MARCH 16, 1866
I. FT"ets--Nlit*lshlrEtile—plaosisto'nr—Vl4—talrirofntrern. s n eenre .. tbthee.pricirpni.Oseitiooli',thi:aleb.iffix..latuo.nre
ownership, Osman:mix.
, of Lite lands througn which the canal was le
fi antivit Itc, March I.s.—The river Ito lite feet tended to pass, so far as these lands were tie
.au the shoals and rifting. There were henry signed be actually occupied' by the canal;
- rains nil Inst, night and today and a further , that tm i
t t kinds of occupancy were plainly In
rise May be expected. . viw. env , ccrinoncal and inagintring, and
Cotton dull. There were n o transactions id the other I empora ry, fatal a! might be re.
Importance. .
to red for the deposit oi materials or
At the lunatic asylinn seven miles from the neCommodation of th e workm en whil e the
city, to-day, &bomb-shell was being handled con.] was In proves, of construction, and that
. by some person connected with the establish- us to the former the act declares that "the
. went, nun to endeavoring to open it an e x pi o . St a te sb all he seized n 1 snob lands as Of an oh
; 'sion occerred, seriously injuring several of. solute estate to perpetuity," and then con,
the lunatics. We are as yet unable to learn . eludes that the appropriation of the land re
the Cameo or extent of the injuries. • . q aired for the permanent. use of the canal was
Major General 11, F. Ohentbam, Inte General 1 an appropriation in fee.
of the Confederate army, wan married to Miss , Again, the second section of the act of April
Annuli. Robertaon, of Davidson musty, this ,' 27th, 18114, already referred to, nutborixes the
`evening, at the
First United Presbyterian , company as purchaser of the canal, to lay a
Church. A large concourse of citizens were 1 single Or double truck of railroad, with all 1
- in attendance. Among the notabilities pros- 1 needful appurtenances,lon such Nitta of the
'cut were Major Generals S. It. linekner, flush- °amid as It may see flt, from a point at or near .
'rod Johason, W. B. Bale Jobe C. Brown, Lieu- 1 Freeport to such points In the cities of AIM- 1
_tenant General J. B. Hood, Brigadier General , gheny or Pittsburgh as it may elect—to take
{ George Idanney and S. It. Anderson. Bishop 1 and acquire anch real estate, build snob
.1/tiincard, of Tenn essee . performed the core. Ledges and do all other things needful for the
"'moor. construction, use and enjoyment ot Mid mil
1 road. It also authorizes the company to eon
'Fenton Excitement In Canada Mobs'. I nect with the Pittelittrgh, Fort Wayne and
ding—Arrests for Treason—Volunteer. Chicago Railroad, Or any other railroad enter
. *lugged. 1 tug ABegheuy county,. and declares that it
shall have all neeiMul authority for that par.
New Tong, March Li.— A special to the K,-rsi,t ' '
Although the right to cross the three
from Guelph, Canada West, lut4 the following: i i x.. ."
t'Fhe excitement hits nearly disappeared in the , street% above named is not given in express
titerier towns, but still rages on the frontier
terms tt is certainly given by necessary im
" i cation
-In all its force. Volunteers are still being or- pli -
gatil zed.
1 We have nothing to do with the oropriety
Reports are current of arrests being made In or of authorizing the construe
, Linn of a railroad Into or through a city with
ewer Canada for treason, and at all iml eta on
, out the consent of the corporate authorities.
e frontier there are skirmish lines extend - That consideration belongs entirely to the
pg many miles,
• The organ of the Illbernians Speaks of tint 1
1 1,
ifileulty of getting volunteer., Some were ' '
legislature.. The right of the sovereign power
a the Stoteexercised througtr,the rept-men
the i,,, y ,,,,,,, , , c ,, , t itti es of the people—to authorize the con-
In• rought up to the mark by
several Instances were dragged by the heels
from under their beds.
t Tne °tricorn of the regiment at Toronto hail
struction of railroads anti other 'highways
thrOugh public or private property, along or
Renee) streets, in towns or cities, has Peon too
themselves to perform (WV Lis selleriess, mi
and d often recoguired to admit of any doubt. in
last week three privates were dogged
Brooket vs. Tlke Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail- I
'pent to prison for expressing Fenian sentl. rend Cmnpany, '2 Herrin, 241, it was held that !
taunts. , Cie right given to the company to '1
'Reported Advance In Ten. • thereof tin may be necessary (or Its road, in-
Se chided the right to remove a dwelling bonne.
N Fltattcl6oo, March 14.-it has been stated In delivering the opinion of the court in that
that the nteamor Oritiamme, which arrived ; case Chief duntiee Dihnon sayer The 'ere on the oth ult., from China, brought ad- ; Don subjects all private property, without
*ices of an advance of from ten to fifteen distinction, to public une; and a dwelling
Cuts for pound on tea. Upou careful inquiry house may be taken for lt as legitimately as a
it is ascertained that no public avices of this forest or a ileld. Had not the Pea Patch island,
Stature have been received, tiif much :in the Delaware, been previously purchased by
fact it was known font.
to a few private the United Staten, it might have berm adverse
:parties and not to the general public. The ly taken for the site of the present fortress,
gles of papers brought by the Oritlamme do and the buildings on It might have been demol
not mention any particular change In the teas ished. Rouses are often taken down to make
taarket and the majority of the trade din- , way for streets; and in this city (Pittsburgh)
the -report • two thoroughfares have boon *paned through
- I biases of houses to a neighboring street. In
IFindast SiOrittelltita Endorsed by the Philadelphia' the Oecnrrenee of Such things to
New Nor* Mari! or Aldermen-Marl. frognent. What is more to the purpole,tho
mtlastree Agent. State railroad from that city to Columbia
_Raw Yong, March 13.-At the ineetam of the • twee. dlagomd/Y through blocks of -houses/A
Board of Aldermen, yesterday, resolutions the city of Lancaster."
endorsing the Fenian movement, and en-' in Commonwealth vs. The; Eric and North
'Joining upon the city officials generally the East 11. R. Co., 3 Casey, 351, Chief Justice Bleak
Observance of St. Patrickin Day, were alloptml. , "The right of the Supreme Legislative
The statentent that Col. Estynn has estate power to authorize the building of a rail.
-lashed bimetal in Weattingtorthe enntidentlid
,r w e a te y l i. o , i , l ot a no s w tret public . high.
,klikrit of tat
nted by L e ra t Dn b rr ' orn• ' 7l' n ' n r 7„?, i , settled not only in Englan. (7 Barn. and Ad.
30,) but in idennachusetts, pa Pick New
naked card this morning.
lark, if Barb. teed unit in Peunsylviatia, to •
%Chart, M.) If such conversion of a public 1
• Ohio State Fair. street to purposes for which St wee not origlit•
I/Arms, 0., March 16.-it has finally been tle- sally designed,leocs operate is
upon a
cited to hold the next Ohl
State Fair at this portion of the people, the Irdery must be
city, commencing on the 25th day of September borne for the mice .Of the far greeter gtod•
next.'v hick results to that nubile from the cheap,
easy and rapid conveyance of persons and
property by railway. the commerce-of u na
tion must not tot stopped or impeded for the
• convenient, Of a neighbOthooll. lint WO tan
aarty thin only fn case the authority has
•eve given IT the sovereign power of the
t en.. PanY we. Akirltat'ttY state. That any private individual orlncorpo-
Of Judge Sterrett. r ated nom "
, not. empowered to dO so by an
The followtng In the opinion of Judge Ste,. act of the ieta.hit ere can take pOssesslon of a
street and make a rualroad upon It, without
tart, of the Common Nem • to the matter Of the
li•ing guilty of a criminal offence is a pro/yeast
aPnlicatlon of the Western Penne Itoilrotoi iron which lam sure no lawyer would dream
Co., for a,petition in an injunetion to restrain of making. The right of a company, there.
the ~,, otthonUr,.• of An tore, to build a road on the street of a city,
peed, like the lawfulness of all Its other
feting with them to the prosecution of the neon the terme of its charter.
work of constructing then road through that of course when the power is
City. The points hived, ed e oCconsltieroltle r" In expre ssterms there ran he
no dispute about It.. It may also be given by nterest, and are fully set forth lu the optn- Implication, for instance, if a company be So
lon. than/ ed to make a railroad, bye straight llne
fo the(Merl M Cce,won PILO •0/ Albphrny beta-eon two designated points, tots implies,
To, fr,„,. er , p 0 0„,„,,,, the right to run neon, along, o: across all the
mato haiireent( nmpurie tu. the Me . ntreeta.or roads w hich huh, the course OlenCh
men cowl Citfector of .4tleo/uno. No -, iforeia line. no also when an actor incorporation dr,
rime„.tJ).„ inc re Egnrit y. recta a road to be made between certain ter.
*Sam... 0 ? " mint, by such room as the grantees of thetirm- '
. liege shall think best, It May be located on an
This noise was heard on it motion for n pre- tenening street or other common highway,
Itratnary inpoict lon to ....di stn the defendant+ It In the Judgment of the directors it may ble
from Interfering with the railroad conspany necessary or expedient to do so." It is urine-,
in the conStrnetten of its coal nn bed of censary to multiply words on this Mirka. If
the Pennsylvania Canal 111 , in ito ierpotate the authority to
• road on or across
Unlit. of Alleghenyeity. • .treetn In a city, Is given by the Legbdattire,
The Company, under Ito charter 51,11 no fur- either in rano... terms or by necessary MlMl
chaser of the MIMI, c t
aim. the right to ento ration, the city authorities have no right to
street and operate the road in nii.Lloll huh. Interrupt the right!ul prosecution of the work.
OM the Consent of the city authon It a; - The got ern lof the city-Ulu regulation of
pears from the test t mon yon the Warn-f.. that I:. +tree., do., 1, of rollmop confided to the city
the first location ,If the road--made v) the authorities. but this ran never be eonnidered
Dampaity- wa• In the bottom at the ranah on. a. ....tuning the authority of the ,Sovereign
tiz aj nty n tune .,L ea st . e m n
. .ti t e, c ll l l.n „, l . vorer m lol t i o elj u :4l ii ita ch l gra e rt %t i 114 . p o u r bl r, te p g . o b t -
Streets and ap pears as crossing for a railway.
tracks of tots Pittsburgh. wort Wayne and CM- • It follows from what has been hard, that the
retro !tail way errinfany at or neat Grantham Western Petinsydvaela Railroad Company,
xtreet, In the Fourth %V ord. In constructing nder the authority given icy the LeOftlatrtre,
the rood, se an d o afford ougletent room (Cu the b cra,nc the owner In fee, of all thelnml met:t
ears to peen er the tarldges a. found first h) the canal, within the city of Allegheny,
that It w o u ld neerso a ry ..f that boo been authorized to construct a road
them sirmt tn., fret and eve inches The upon the saute, anti that the defentlauts have
anent Commissions., nitil nig Regina- no right to interfere as long us the Company
tor Of Merit,
obp,ted to the eleVatiot, of continues rightfully to exercise the powers
these bridges for id• vet y gocul iessen float with shirt, it has been clothed.
it woui.l hreensardt otcreas.• the already if trth The pinitanS in entitled to the injunction
enure of titr." ...els On the mouth std. , oftlM prey,' for, and it ordered that the same be
xiitireated Met the oted should issued noon the plain nit's giving bond In
he located higher Lb. brides. irmoned and sN,Ani. with security, tri be approved by the
the streets ant downs, as to cross the railroad Conti
track at grade The Computy at length as•
tented to thin, and *greed to crude sad repave
the streets at these rrreoinga, but the eity an
hOrltles, in sontlection with thin, Insisted
that the Monroe.% Company should rOtestrliet
a newer in the Leh of thr canal front Moho.-
non to Federal street, or le lien thereof pay
thecity Wale enormity The Company
was willing to grant the tets of the canal bed
fora adrer-le be commitment ti by the city--
owl pay orhato,er might be asoessed against
property, for the rogrotrurtluo of the se. -
to, nod., tile torn. ant. Othitainerso telatlng
thereto. A large port km of loth Inanchos ~f
the City COnneil-in fineness] by the own ton of
Sir. /teeny., .city ...toilet tor, an to the powers
conferred oil the railrocol compan y by the leg..
inlet nun, 11.114 the right of tht- (ley to prevent
the Vortstruettott of the ra.La until her
formal assent wan given -net, in fame of an
amicablestly mtment of the matter on the
most Mermaids terms Doty meld autism for
the rug, and trine sec-ore icy compromise, ad
vantage,' which they meld In"( nril,Mntniir
4,11).114 An a matter of right. Rut the major
y of o , ,,neils enter taming a different flea of
their legal rights, In the pfelu I naii Insisted on
the terms •Inuot •tated slot the itegotiotton
ended in clew of this thee w•re tuti•t.ed by not leitor to prevent the further poetetenr ion
et the work by the Coutpan V at the street .
In also, note ttoned, a• Ole lona Way In
mg tar matter N , an boor. The Cumlany then
prOeursted toeollALrllct the read on the huatna,
suggested by the Street COmcillsolliner and. C ity
Itegulator, ; and wittle at work on egeurtiore
iorret-prisparitis to renews- the tillage and
cut down the street, so an to conform with the
grade of the road, Ito workmen were arrested
by the city antborllJes s and the wed, sto,p o e.
ThoreopOn the Company filed a hill and now
Inenkts Se Intutietitm restraining the defend
ants (rem outlier Interference with the
prosecution of the work
The right of the Company to on Injunction
must/ depend on the powers with which It has
boon clothed by the 1,70111.1m5 , , and the title
which IL has am - mired. by perehase under the
authority thee conferred.
lot us then bretfly tiOtico the imwceg It
have been granted to the Western Pennnyl
vaniallallroad Company, and therighte which
have been tlentilred by. it., under Its charter,
ao faros they relate to the question before en.
The CoMpany tens Incorporated try The net
of March ore. liy the first section of the
act of April:7ogal, it wan authorized to pur
chase the Western Division of the Penney!.
TIMM CrSinal, or any portion thereof. In ours
littanee Of L6lB authority the Pentitylrania,
g a tingid Company try deed, dated Nrniuniten
Pte, conveyed to the Company plaintiff, all
that portion Of the (kinal horn Ifreeport to Its
outlet en the Allegheny river, to the. city of
Allegheny, "together with the right Of way,
easements, property real and personal, iron
chins, rights and privileges In uny wayaprier.
mining" thereto. By this conveyance the
Company plaintiff enquired the Ramo title that
was conveyed by the Commonwealth to the
Pennayianla Railroad Company, under the
act of May it, 1017, authorizing tile sale of the
Canal, Le. In other nerd. the original title of
the Commonsettalth, In that portion of the
Canal, was thereby vestml In the plaintid.
What, then, was the title of the Common-
Wealth the land actually accepted by the
canna Was it a fee simple, or was it a mere
right in way which terminated as soon as the
canal ceased to be lined for the purpose origi
nally intentitall Thin must, of course, depend
on the intention of the Legislature as express
ed In the law under which the land was taken
and iippropriated to public use. The construction of the _canal was that nu
thorizixi by the act of February Mtli, ULM,
which was followed by the act of April tall,
tell. Them, acts appear to have receivetta con
struction which not only accords with our own
views, hut which we are bound to follow as
authority. In Cinnointuvetth ft McCalttes, et.
at. 5, Iroas LSO-before the Supremo Cinirt'in
11114, it was held, In au elaborate opitdeo_delivt
tired by Mr. Justin Kennedy, that thinglid up
on which the canal was located and COMltrUcts
ell was neettnearily wanted In perpetuity, and
Inasmuch as the Commonwealth acquired a
title in tee Stipple to the land the owner was
entitled to coltiponsaLion to AIM les.
III:Min the recent ease t.o, Th e
Pennsnirernin Railroad - r i-not yet re.
D art e d, the question le very fully and ably
allotment In
the opinion of the linenthe Court,
deliv erethane Justice Strong, in which It is
decided Commenwealth wu the abso
lute owner of thelluid moulded by the canal,
and that this title In fee simple passed to the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company by -Its puts
chase from the State. oln most cans In which
the Commonwealth has appropriated the hod
of a private owner fora public highway, it has
not attempted to take the fee simple. The
rase laws generally contemplate no more than
faatening a servitude npon the land and devo
ting lt to public Use as n highway. A right of
passage la all that Is taken, while the feels left
undisturbed in the private owner. Hence,
when the piddle right of passage Is given up,
the aervitutle of the land is
1101418 It dlatneumbered of the public right,' as
If the Commonwealth had never interfered
with his enjoyment Of It. IL Is not to
be overlooked, honorer, that this IS because
the Commonwealth made at non bet a part/at
appropriation. 1 4 1n any way, the Pao of the'
owner has been acquired by the public, -if the
Coonnonwealth haa purchased, the fee, or
taken It through the eternise of Its tight of
eminent dotuale, and Lb en, the land has been
devoted to entitle tint as a highway, a cease
tien Of that use cow fewest a re Le the fot ,
user owner. • Ws rlittita are gOneand he can
not resume possession.ii
ile - t.tlen , pile:SON to show that under the act
10Y 1 IMAM :111:
A nastAesnenLy.
TxAT at.—AA predicttni,, the inclemency.ol the a
weather last night, had but little effect
.pon the nmilettCl3 at the Theatre. The people
vtere determined to see Mr. Couldoek In the
.%.IVOCala. awl see him they did. To-zught. Is
wet spurt for the benefit, and teat appearance
of kir. and Miss Couldock. and a splendid bill
in offered. Tbe performance will commenoe
w ith the in.• utiful domestic gp num of "Dot, or
the t.rie ket on the Hearth," Old sill conelndo
nab that sterling eerie-comic drama of "Old
Phil's Birthday," To-morrow afternoon, a
inatieee wilt he riven, nt which "Little lltexty
Two Shoes' , will be presented. On Monday
evening, Emma Waller will make her bow toe
Pittsburgh audience.
Uraxw Faeces.—ltaro you neon /30len Wes
tern i That is the I itioution that nowcaper
sedes all others.. The Fenian question sinks
into inslgninconee when placed In juxtaposi
tion with thin momentous question. Not to
Imre seen her, argues you an old Plgy. There
lemon, bet two more night*, and to-might,
which is set apart for her benefit, la one of
there. The romantic three net drama of "Ltern
Cresar de Baran.. hes been selected as the
leading piece, after widely, the "remote Forty
Theses;' will again be performed. A grand
Ilelen Western matinee will be had to-morrow
afternoon, when the F. F. T.'s will be again bo
hiny Tned
r Sea% nt. —By an Inlvertisement in an
other column it will bo seen this Inexplicable
phenomenon will to rorraieddst Masonic Ball
to-night. The Spltynx Is the great mystery
concerning which ,all I.ondon Is set agog.
Everybsaly there has been or In going to see
the aphynx. Everybody talks about It. Tho
papers publish columns about IL The wise
heads are perplexed and the Ignonmt are
a wed by IL All pronounce It an inexplicable
pestle and the greatest mystery ever seen
there. It it to tact the greatest sensation of
the day, emit drew thousands at Egygtian 11.11,
where Items originally produeml. To-night we
shall all have MI. opportunity to ferret oat the
mystery, and it remains to be neon whether
Yankee Ingenuity anskcatencss will bOinOre
successful In unravelling the puzzle than has
proved the wisdom of-Johnny 8011.
on Wednesday, a man by the name of rred
crick Miller, who is employed • at the coal
works of Jones, Laughlin A Co, East !Arming.
ham, was mocked down by a tleacentl-
Ing car 111104 with coal, and falling across the
track, the car passed over Mtn, inflicting
frightful Mimics. Lie was taken to his real
donee in Josephine street, altlttrugh bet slight
hopes are entertained of Ms recovery.
On the same day, a man by the imam of
Brown, whets employed as a. driver by. John
a. subtitle, fell' from Ms aunt, as. he Was deli ,
mg a heavily _laden wagon, and before the
horses could be chocked, the wheels'. passes'
over big back, trnettuing the 'phial column
and leftleting other Injuries', winch will pleb , -
ably prove fatal. Thi. accident also Occurr ed
In Birmingham.
oot In; tit
Non LEF TOW X, Co., PA.. .‘tar. /3,1846..
goirons Ai/awry*: Vlore is n petition out
directed .to the emigres" or the United
State.," eating tan °cute per pound and tan
per cent. advalorem duty on foreign compat
lag wool. fore It Mops praying. if Its prayer
be answered we wUI not be benelltted over
existing tariff, We Must have double that
amount of protection on marked, and treble
on secured competing wool, or idt foreign pro
ducers have the dmerlaen. wool market Ito
barring to the peUtion published In your Jamie
of the 12th lust, as the one that should be Mr
ciliated, we are, with.mtich regard,
Teem go., Wks, it 800.
Grand Ibriralta
The Grand Regalia Ball of the Odd Feßowe
comes off at La Fayette no tine edening, and
pronitlibe to be one of tlui finest affairs oftho
season. The managers are gentlemen well'
known in our community, and the extensive
preparations which have been made,' will
guarantee the ghetto every comfortandoon.
vunlanee. The ball le for the benefit ot.the
&tenement Lodge N 0.421, and we can onlyvex
press the hope that It will be Morally iatitro;
razed. Arrangements have bean - made - tor
spectators who ne not •vriett to• participate:in
the dance.
Prof. Com ti
mies etreis.Z.Welottliatonr
friends will beat in mind tbat'tb•ti ht. is the
Wan alit apart by Prof. Cowper for- grand
soiree at Wilkins Hall. The patille were BO
Wen pleased with the last, thhas d at they demanded
another, and the Professordetermined to
gratify , their whibee. it•tr. well known that
obtainin g tris ° 47-'lLait, itkrlirtoPgyrtt:rall:
dltlieulty, a dlagnsm hail been loft at. the rat!-
ate store of Dlr. C. Steller, lio. Ed Wood sir"...
where those wistibig waned seats oat apply.
The dancing will eminence at o'oloeh. Pre.
- - -
nallati.—John Irceactlletsiwltale arrest for
the larceny or a watch have I:peroration.
dotted, was admitted to. ben . TeaterdaY,lde
Mother baring became bit Stounty '
Watts coraes,.., *
PRICE TIEREE CENTS. LtGl el a u ps t. * o f f an g7d...tapran2"..-..,-4.-.)÷-.....;
Cantu/ it Dawns—During the recent high Madders Death of 1 Towbar.
floods, the only high and dry piece of ground , Miss Rebecca llatednoild - a teacher in the
In the Allegheny City bottom belOw the An- ,
cher Tantory has been in (rent of, and around , "...tsar street fFOUrtli wit . • egbeity)
BissellstorefoundryOn RobiliSOn street. public senora, died suddenly on Nods
This is how being cut down; the railroad CM- eveni ag he mor , 0 .. 5r 1.01...
pony are turning thessewer, and the city l e pad been teaching allt r ay,as usual, and in
making the rale i and lilting the eanal. Th./ the evening, alter returning to her home, No.
Out), p
nne th e bottom, where•eattle ' JAI Robinson street, she wont up stairs. Her
could take refuge in hemf high
water e
mo th er , hmmin
Horse,a s If eomething
new Mils will be takenthem; as the Wens heavy bad falln ee the doer, ran up and
dry, and adjacent . ground will be etimpletelY ! found her in d r iesg conditio. She survived
imitated during the time of 'floods, brit a few minutes, as tarsal dewed freely trona
- her mouth when her mother reached her.
ThellEye and EarmsDr. Gardiner,•the °ides The deeellsed was a Van' estimable comic
orated Eve and Ear surgeon, of New York t pas lady, and was beloved by nu with whoa; she
taken rooms at the Monongahela Dente. he , tuisoelated. She had been In ill health for
Doctor comes to us highly t•ecotnended by the comb time.; but her condition was ant regard_
press of the different cities he has visited: rod ...critical.
therefore, those requiring medical or surgical
aid (or defective sight or hearing, should avail
themselves of the opportunity nowoffered for
obtaining relief, by consulting bins without
delay. Read his card ender the bead Of "City
A Lively Ylloneyvaoim.,—irt..d. Howell era,
before Mayor McCarthy yesterday charged by
his wife Fanny writh beating her. Thin is live
or six times he tuna been up for the Marne of
fense. The parties have only been married
alAnkt two month,., and Fred. • Its indulged in
amosemonl front the beginning. MLR
Honor, thinking that Fre,Po method of Rho,.
tug his attachment wan altogether too strik
ing, committed him to Jail.
Railroad Ace James W Ikon, n
brakesman on a freightlrain on the Pcnnnyl.
rani, Railroad, when about one mile east of
Illllside station on Wednesday, missed his
footing, and falling on the track, wits Instant
ly killed. Wilson lired Conemanglu
where he leaves a wife and four children. ile
will ho buried to-day from the residenoe of his
mother to the Fifth ears,.
1411111 Anothr, •' l, —Another mass of
earth fen upon t... of the Steubenville
Railroad loot evetnag, shortly after dark. The
afternoon Accommodation did not leave at
alt, and the Express, which should have left
at P. Y., did not — get oat until 7 r. a. la
consequence of the first slip, mentioned else
whored and when it reached the Clinton 31111
It was brought to a dead halt. ft was still
standing on the track ut 9 o'clock last night.
Prat:wt.—Thomas G. Smyth made, oath 3.-es
torday before Alderman Taylor that William]
Christyy had taken a lot of clothes from him to
a fraudulent scanner. Christy acs a boarder
of Smyth's, and becoming indebted for his
board, ho left his clothing In pawn. An oppor
tunity occurring, ho removed the same in a
clandestine manner, and hence the suit. The
matter was settled by the defendant paying
up all arrearagee.
Pollee Items.—The pollee aretg an
easy thnet present. That derider ;resort to
which reporters dy In case of a paucity of
locals. has about .. dried up." The city is ro
nutrkable quiet, and we only hope that It tray
remain so.
illespernte WeaChar.—Yesterday vas
miserable day for anything pertaining to out.
door business, and almost too dark for any
thlog In-doors.. The rain fell Incessantly, and
rend wan In the ascendant, There is a good
prospect of a hoary rise 1n the river.
Aminlt autl Bottery.—llariCain yestar
lay made oath before Alderman Taylor, that
Michael Fungon had asimulted him without
any caunkiind had streak elm iwthe Mouth,
am! inflicted other Injuries upon hie person.
A warrant was Issued for the pagnaolaus
!amendlartsm.—Yesterday morning about
one O'clook, night . watchman Stoebener
covered a email - nye burning in a yard in the
rear of a [bishop, corner of Water street and
Redoubt Alley. • The Ere was built among a
lot of oil barrels, and Cal without doubt the
work of an incendiary.
The Late Orphans' Fehe.-1). thmsen,
E 544., Treasurer of the late Orphan' , Fair held
at, City Hall, r3.sorts the receipts as having
amounted to $8 .46, end the expenditures to
4038.90, leaving the handsome balance on hand
of 43,C09.96.
“Frank Leslie's Children's Friend,- is
tho title of k new Monthly for the Yonne, the
first number of which is before us. It b+ very
neatly printed, handsoinly illustrated; and full
of r
gOOO rdrilid ostodl erlal. For sale at Plttoek's, oppo-
site the e
"The Sunday Irlingisabse,Vited by Dr.
Guthrie. The number or this ' collect Eng
-1.1611 magazine ( or March, can bad at Pit
tea% opposite the Pdstollice. This is one of
the Tory best of English serial publications.
A Ileimorilnl leerrnon.—Rev. Joeop. hMg,
A. M., mill deliver a discourse on the Life and
public Sefelcof of Alexander Campbell. de
ceased, in Execlelor Hall, Allegheny oily,
sonde.). morning, at 10k 5 o'clock.
The Criminal Court
John Robb, tried on an lndletmeut for
aaltntrateil assault and battery, was Convict-
of assault and battery. J.. Whit , "
faunal guilty of assault and battery.
Samuel White, James White and John Robb,
three young men belonging to Penn township,
got '•one opree,” on Christman last, and kick
ed up quite a row at the village of New Texas.
They were Indicted for riot, on information of
J. M. McClung, and the jury found a verdict of
entity. A motion was made for a new trial.
Frederick Kramer was.convieted of assault
nod battery, and sentenced to pay a fine of
ten dollars and costa.
Smith Miter Was convicted of the offense of
larceny and bailee, In appropriating a watch
and chain, the property of Conrad Effort. He
was recommended to the mercy of the court.
Sentence deterred.
Joseph McCall,Peter Emge, Christian Euige
andyer Peter Stewart are arraig ned charge, the
O and Tortoln a of
The defendants, o e night of the el of Feb
ruary, broke into and robbed the Jewelry es
tablishment ot Messrs Johnston A Scott, Lib
erty street, of a largo amount of Jewelry. A
hepees. was entered as to Peter Stage, and
he was sworn to take thentand as a witness,
or, la common phrase, turned State's evi
dence.. Ile stated, to substance, that the role
ben' had hewn planned on the Saturday even
ing Preceding, and that upon the night agreed
ureMithe patties met,
went to g stA r e . a v i i i d o e'i nt
midnight, pried open the front I door, en
tered the store, and carried off what
plunder tney a - tutted. He entered the store
with the other three and took a' number of
forks and spoons. McCall selected watched
and rings, white the other two got a variety
of articles. They remained In the storehliOnt
Macon minutes, the witness leaving nrst, as
he became . ekeered.. The goods were taken
to the house of Mrs. Etnge, mother of the'wit
nest and the other defendant of that name,
and were buried la the cellar. The witness,
after his arrest, told officer Hague where the
goonsillitd•been secreted. Ou crosoonamince
Hen MI
M,tated that he first proposed to toil all
about it, and that officer Hogue InTonned
him if he would do so he would get
clear. fleadmitted. that ho had boon twice
in Jail before, and ones in the penitentiary,
having been sentenced to the latter Matto-
Lieu for assaulting a pollee oftleer. • Before
going to the penitentiary he had been one
year in the army. After getangont of prison
De spent five weeks with an aunt In Mead
ville, Intending to quit lendcompany, but on
his return home he got in with bin old Com
panion's, and was led into the burglary. He
also admitted that there Was another charge
of burglary pending ngainstohim. He denied
that he hail turned Stato's evidence solely for
tho,purpose of escaping punishment, but ad
mitted that Hague had Informed hint that lie
would escape If be would ten all about the.
robbery. The case to still on trial.
The Advent of Mind Weather—thinclition
of the 'City—bury of the Mittens.
Pittsburgh has long maintained the reputa.
don of being the healthiest city in the Unionl
and while thli may be true, It is equally trim
that the cholera and other epidemic diseases
have at times made sad havoc among our peo
pie. Although the ratio of mortality may be
loss thettehatof any other aty, still duseaoo
might be very greatly rcdtmed 'by proper at
tension to sanitary immures—the most Im
portant of which is a thorough cleansing and
ritzily/Jag, maids and ounado, of all the d.wel
. shops, stores, factorlei, stables, etc.,
within the city limits. There are handrails of
filthy cellars, filthy kitchens, althy yards and
filthy stables, which no deanery. can
;roach. These—tukd more especially the back
yarils—should recotro a thorough cleaning be
fore the warm weather sots In. All cesspools
width require emptying should be attended to
before the Orator Stay, and plentifully impelled •
with lime or some other disinfectant.. It eaen
I and every promisee elling, shop or store,
would have histhoroughly renova
ted, between thopmeent time and the first of
May, there would be but little work for the
Board at Health or the Sanitary Committee,
andithe people would not feel that dread of
Thu cholera which is now experienced In view
of the filthy condition of the. city generally.
Let every faintly see that - the work of , mirth ,
cation is begun at onee, o andaarried on till
eelvuell7drgcbieen'leruti'rell.-.rnyMinj Mat
ans ta,
city tan be to renovated, in 'a few
weeks, and the expense' gill 'be mi. - trifling to
each that none, will feel it a intrthen. lflhe
people will onlyattend to their private prom ,
limy-the Beanie[ Health and the cite' author!,
tics .wild attend to nnisaneca of Public na
ture, and to keeping. the etioets,.lsies sad'
alleys latakeidthriondiikm-.
:A. l 4l , ll,ll34llNtirutlon
Ixien'Of Hopewell 'tProsbyterlan)
chu n - A i r . * nuttier,. teetrnShip, have collected
OT/AI andt.paid It over Gotha Freedmen's Ald
Boclety Of. thisorty . .. The Prestrytery had en
'joined a calleetiOn for this purpose in all the
churches on Thanksgiving day; and the pas
tor of this church In announcing the colloo- that occasion. statatthat he did so be.
-eanae ho wag enJelned by the Presbytery, leav
ing it to be inferred that If the injunction had
not been laid on him the collection would not
have been attended to: The loyal men of the
congregation,notllking tins method of putting
the case, didnot participate In the collection
(which amounted to. only g 3.00,) but took up a
colleetlonoutenle,amongthemselves, amount..
lug to 455.00, which has the merit of having
been glvmt with a willing
mind,atl not miller
constraint or grudgingly., ,•
A Pitched Battle.—Two yo • • 'to • ..• ;•re •
Biding 121 '0 Ur slater city, . Lad n. ,_.. : . ‘' o n
`North common, a night r' two. Tr atk:,0 , ,, • '. •
rounds were fought accortllng toy: e.. of
let i
when the backers of ' orator the - •
ties' ow op the sPhufte."' and the crow , •la
ataan CC 4pubtludla_p24o. w e ell 4 a,
20 . 4 % q'S* llB * or UM , aimeuurt .t -..
- -: •
• •
rwo anrtloae ARE ranntlak
l Use en Wewhisedoor mud MI other ea Dufwerde le
The edltioa 4 forwarded which 'MIMI& the tab
crEtwere toOrtedt %lithe moll nth.
Another Ride on the [Steubenville Rail
The wei r weather ly causing no little annoy
ante to the officers of the Steubenville Rail
road. Last evening', about eight o'clock,
anethor "slide" occurred, by:which a Mass of
earth and rock 'was deposited on the track
above lotira , ferry landing, la Wein Pitts
burgh. A freight Stahl, POMP Wegi eilOmm
tered the ebstrectlon; and the InehmOtiVe and
two of the cars were thrown off .the track.'
The iiassenger tntms,,east and west, bad 10
change ears at this point, bin the, obstruction
is pr obably removed ere this. it is impossible '
to guard eficetnally ugaintSt accidents of this
character, which are common to all new:linos •
of tall way. •
Cottri of Common Plena
In this Court, before Judge nterrett, the mile
of Porter rs. the Pittsburgh, Fort Wnyne and
titiengo, and the Cleveland nod PlLlehltrigh
ILAhowl Coininti, lee, went to the Jury, but
no Verdict had keen rendereil up to bait poet
two o'clock.
Joseph Le-fink v. inivid IL Mimi.' Admlu.
fstrator. Verdict for plaintiff for Itnnn.
The cluie of Met: v. the IleClintook,llla
Petroleum Coin puny Wlua next, taken up. The
pinintiff, ooet fc of LIM defendants, ebtims
$ll.OOO (or services in sollingatizaatOf valuable
01) territory. The territory sold for about one
11111 lion of tinilara, and hence the barge amount
claimed. tin trial.
--- •
&The New York Weelay illegisalne.—Thls
mublication is now thinly autabltsbed, and Ls
ainlyrowin In publit facer. it Is made up
mai of selections area EngiLsh eurrinit lit
erature lint has already 'published a very ably
wh Men American novelette—"llow I made a
foettine In Wall street-" It contatua 03 pages,
and is published weekly at the law price cd le
cards. Monthly parts are also Lsaued at Wets.
each. Published bri.). IL galley aniftio., No'
Beekman street, 1,. 1, and (or sale by new
dealers generally.
Ea.t Ittrmlnatiast. Ticket.—The follow
hn; is the regular Republican t r EUtst
itirtninglians, to be voted for on Friday Bur
g,ess--David Chess. Counell—James Rook, two
years; Nicholas Jones, two years; •Tateas 8.
Atkinson, two years. school Direetorst—jolin
Hughes, Jaeob Cue. Assessor—John N. Jar
rett. Inspector of ElectiOn—Lonis Shutidr.
Judge of Election—Das-id Sheering. Auditors
—Charles Rape, Juttlealleck. Consitatilo—anci.
N. Jarrett.
Fort Wayne StiguL-The trioneyartiele Of •
the New York Tribune notes a report tin the,
street that an extra dividend
and_ per Wayne
u, be made by tho Pittsburgh Fort .
Road. At the annual reputing it is stated that
a further issue of the stock, will be. proposed
and carried, as the bondholders can have no
reason:tide objection to the Joao of stock for
the purpose of improting the road and adding
to the value of the bonds.
!Special "Election In Allegbony.—Mayor
Morrison has issued a proclamation calling a
special election Loll in the First ward,
Allegheny, for the purpose of electing a mem
ber of Common Council to 1111 the vacancy
eaused by the resignation of Mr. George N.
Miller, who was chosen, at the last meeting of
Councils. as superintanvieut of the Water
Works The election will be hob! on Thursda
next., the 224.1 loot.
Bensfirmed.—The large batch Of brevet ap
pointments sent to the tienate.eome time ago,
has been confirmed. We gave . the names of
the Pernmylvanfauscontiumad in that list, at
the time. _Brigadier Generale Kiddoo, pave.
hart, and Hartratift are confirmed as Haler
Generals by ybrsret; and .Colonels. Barnes,
Rose, and many other Pennsylvanians are
confirmed as Brigadier Generkis by brevet.
Three Times Greensburg ite
putigaia atrites'that Doctor, alias °Gtita" Coch
ran, the eye doctor, was severely injured some
nigh DI ago, by being knocked off the railroad
traee bye passing train. Ills injuries were of
a very serious nature_ This is the third time
he bee met with a similar accident—once be
ing knocked off the hrlage at I-strobe,
In the water some treaty feet below.
Leased.—We orr inform.' that the First
Congregutiotuti Stsnety (Hand Street Ply
mouth Citureh,) bus scoured the lease of the
new Academy of Music on Liberty street (Or
81thday 'worship thiring stereo of yew%
Tl.o present Place of worship is too small for
tho atmommodatlon of the numbers Whtt. at*
now attending upon the ministrations of the
pastor, Rec. Henry D. Moore.
The Washington county papers note ttio
death of two old and honored citizens—Ron.
James Gordan, formerly A.m.late Judge of
that county, aged eighty-six, and Jas. Grown,
Eso., aged about seventy, who was elected
three times as Recorder of Washington coun
ty, and twice afterwards us Prothonotary, in
all Often year, of continuous piddle sernee.
Election of Otne ere,- 1t u mooting of the
lereetors of the ••• molted Coalmen's
Trust Company, 1, • sing officers were
elected for the President, A.J.
Baker; Trmisurer, Douglas; Secretary,
W. J. Patterson; bolleltor, J. H. Hopkins.
Correspondence of the PI itstat rgb Gortttte
14, 186 CL
A lengthy diraussion took' place to-day
morning and afternoon to the Senate—upon a
new bill allowing the plilladelphia end Erie
itallrotul Company to build !trenches. It will
be remembered that the Governor vetoed the
tlrat bill on account of the fourth aection which
gave them the e ,rlght to the territory In some
thirty countjaanuirely from baying the
Umbra -locaMW on a map to be deposited in
the Auditor Generates Mike. This new bill is
the same precisely as the trot, except that
the fourth section is omitted. Thodebate in the
morning assumed a personal charrater, which
tended to provoke excitement among:the ten-
Mors and spectators, sad did not reflect any
credit upon the °oily, Some Senators voted
against this as they dill the previous one.
After several hours discuralon the bill dual
ly'Hissed by vote of . 21 yeas to II nays.
Mr. Ghats Iles read :t trill in place which pro
poses to incorporate the Germania Grocery
and Produce ASSOeltaliet of Allegheny County.
John D. Dubbin, Joseph Weston, Churl. Wen
gel , Francis Felix, Unhurt Beck, Frederick E.
K retner and Joseph lioellngur are named as
incorporators, and they err to have thexight,
to bold for a term of years a lot or lobs or store
room or building, not exceeding in value 030 -
COX The capital is to be employed in poreha4
log goods, ware* and merchandise pertaining
to the grocery business and vending the same.
Mt. Graham has a bill In charge, which
ms kes it lawful for any Alderman, Justloe of
the Peace, clergymen or person licensed or
ordained by any religious society or denomtn
istlan us Minister of the Gospel, to administer
oaths or afilreintlons to any and all persons
Bucking to be milted in marriage, and If they
shell sw,xr that they are oflegal age, ((wenty-
One years),
d, and hays the eons of t heir pa
rents or guartludis, finch oath shall justify Um
aolemnltation en tin, marriage, anti be a com
plete defense toni I actions against the person
performing the 'ceremony. If either of the
parties swear falsely, bo or she Is to be deem
ed guilty of perjury.
Mr. McKee pea read a bill to incorporate the
Fayette Coal Railroad Company. The capital
stock is to be one hundred thousand dollars,
and Messrs. John Mathews, John IL. illeCtuae,
IFin. McKee, Wm . Hamilton, Wm. 11. Glass,
Vincent Miller and Joseph McConnell, are
named as incorporators) and they aro to have
the right to construct and oporrle railrOads
front any portion of their Linda to connect
.with the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Rail
road, or any railroad leading to the Ohio riser,
uL winitever points they maydesire, and as
1500 D as two miles are nnished 'the road shall
be dpened es a public highway, and the Com
pany shall terve the right to collect the same
tolls that the Little Sawmill Railroad Comps.
ny collect.
Considerable amusement has been Created
here at the abirM of many of.your citizens
lest a bill entirely prohibiting the sale of
liquor in Allegheny county should pass. It
was never Contemplated that the provisions
of the proposed enactment !thread extend to
Your county, and It was only inserted Lryeen
, ntor .Latto es a joke. It 14as subsequently
b re. mi d tled, and it is not In the bill as it, now
A number of hills of inteivat to your iortiny
passed the, Senate this morning, the titles of
Which you will andouldedly receive by tele•
graph, and a synopsis of the most fraporteut
of ',which I have given you In previous letters.
CAMPITRUL—On Zmewlay shornl mg . lath . Wit,
lar. BAUM& CA ALPDELL, aGed M yearn.
Yuncrat finuthis laze reshitnee. on Fsrcette street
TneakitrtY,lSte in 2 t:. at 2 0 '21(0, r. Ir.:,
Altautp..tred.neulay. teentss, ?derail 11th, at
al[paatthres -
o'clock, HAIWEI Bann, aged
The Intent] erlti take place from o
john Bell, No. 150 Thtel street, Ttlensaiiat'ariza
route,' stYo , e-toek. The ftleildsof the f1=1.17 . are
tespeethlly Invitee to attend, . ,.:
. ,
BIONVN"-;firi Thursday meriting. March'
, DASID .CLARk., fang sewerlansea,,aud
arlotte Brown, age la mon th s and IS days.
Thhfrieudaof the IMllrarturespectihlly.livited
tc.attend the funeral, from the - residence gthliPl.-
rentn, Carlisle alloy, betrremr:MorgarLand Grime
hen streets, Allegheny City, on
. FnlAar" ASTMS
hous, 60a o`eloe.l., la proceed roltriuni Union Cem
1-11 L LW/1E .
eLL ' E" ulcpn.tP, d ,rag=ratri ::fdlf ° 44 't-e t
r,err Atrlghtim
. Perrone iitthrd
irriAeer•turtal Lois will epplz at the sepm u tii - d - •
oor., as the Cemetery. rI Ue Deeds, remelt.'
sit other bother., will tre =ended. to Ar.therrro ■ the ungleaged, et,,eute of
dymaerrek wear, Atte ay. , er •
A., fara.t.
r 7 and Tresinner
- 11 -; il r, old re,S,l , Blow Pow . / 1"13