~ 1 _ - - wiitatur l ft 6aufte. 0 II THURSDAY. Jl.%nr . rt 15, Issll. ADV.ERTISINC RATES burgh .411 •••=;4 , STANDING MATTE , ore strip let Ten Lines, Melt o r d.,. e Jibe. or 8.4 Inch • • e. ■ I 1 , 41 ert . eiFLLl: Toro ..... 123 There slate. • 2122 Poor Ocoee—. ...... 2 20 /11111,10301 2 GO Ell Ilse., one week... 0% 2CO 150 103 &Ten 110300 4 4, ...... 40 11Ine"tbna 173 4 10 Ten thnes..• •.. ........ 1 50 Oleveo Ouse; 4 75 Lair! Woes, 2 weeks 00 20 42 I ' La weeks 700 406 50 220 8101112 005 403 160 800 er) 10 co 7 - 50 600 . ' 18.00 22 00 is a 151x12,0:0810 • so 00 22 00 16 BO 11 CO One year '54 0 0 II CO 000 18 CO C11.14N012/4.BLE ONCE A WIE•EE. - Ono ...... II 00 7el 510 4co Two lhootbs 17 o) Li RD 850 675 'Three eiolties ....... 24 22 8 *3 .. . ... 42a , 12; CO CO 14 00 One rear - 71 00 42 00 :a 00 24 0 Hr. Covede Gets Heard at Last When Ale President, in partial response to a resolution, transmitted to the Senate the report of Geri. Schurz, lie stated that no report bad been received from the Hon. Joint - Covotle. . in view of the testimony of kr , . Covode, which we published yes- terday, we think that the President's state ment will be deemed, to say the least, disingenuous. Mr. Covode testifies that be prepared a written report expressly for the President, entitled "Louisiana Politi cally Considered:"Jhat he took it to the Pres ident,l together with . doctunents belonging to it; that he read part Of it to the I _..ident; and that, at the. suggestion of the President, he filed that .report .with its ac companying papers in the War Office. Reportalld!papers have since disappeared nobody knows where or how. But inas much as the Senate resolution called by name for Mr. Covode's report, the Presi dent would have answered with more pre cision had he stated the facts as now given bb Mr. Cotode. To say briefly that "no report had beerf received," does seem a little inconsistent with the facts. Judging front the evidence of Mr. Covode before the Reconstruction Committee, we should say that his report, had it been duly given to the public when called for, should have materially affected public opinion of the President's restoration policy. Mr. Cue voile is well known; he went South charged with au official investigation into the stare of public feeling; he examined deliberately, and his conclusions are entitled to consiii eration. They are entirely opposed to Un mediste.readmission of the Rebel States • into the:Unieti, and they confirm previous testimony in a quite remarkable manner. IYia well known that Mr. Roger A. Pry or, ex-Rebeitieneral, has said that for some tinie after:the surrender of Lee the temper of the South-Was so submissive that they would hare accepted, without a murmur, Negro Suffrage, as a condition of readmis sionin tact, the Rebels did about that time realize that they hail been whipped, and expected 10 lake suet, term, as their conquerors chose to grant. That is what Pryor says, and he must lie deemed a emu putent nita , ereditile witnedi to the paint. 31s. Coyudcz so late as June and July, was in &mishit's. and saw Much of the army which Kirhy Smith had surrendered, con versing freely with both offitalrs anti taco of that force. "I was surprised," says Mr. Covode, "to find how aortic and . submissiTe they were"— "Ln no single instance either there or on the-steamboat where I traveled with them, did I hearsay bitter or unkind feeling expre..- ed toward the Government. The general ernreaaion among them was that they were whipped and well Whipped, that they were glad lbe war was over, and were readytocome baeir under Unsolddag, andsobmit to what was required of them. Many of the more in telligent men of the army said their leaders had made a great mistake in going into the Rebellion agalustthe Government; that they should have remained In the Union and en deavored to accomplish their purposes by political means, in which, they said, they eetild have been sure of the aid of the Northern Democrats that 'by precipitating the Rebellion they had tied the banns of their Northern Mends. To all appearance, the men 01 the army had ,dot the 1111110U.Ibt expect-silo e of being again Intrusted with poll thail poser and privileges, at least for some time.- .{W'beliere there is no doubt that suell was : . then tbo general teatime= of the South; they "bud not the remotest eXpecta don of being again int ruated with political power and privileg,es, at least for atone time." Certainly, they had no "expeent tion," nor the remotest dream, of dictating terms of readmission. They knew how they would have treated the worth i, sind lar circumstances; they looked for like treatment psis the North. What changed them? We all remember that the temper of the South did undergo about that time a great change. So far as Louisiana is con cerned, Mr. Covode's testimony supplies an - explanation. He went down to New Or leans, many of Kirby Smith's men going also. Gov. Wells of Louisiana had just re turned from Washington, and a public meeting was called to hear his report. He went to the meeting and made a speech, in which he stated "that be had seen the Pres ident, who was. a Southern man and a Democrat, and that Mr. Johnson would be a bulwark between the South and Northern Abolitionists and fanaticism. He made open issue against the former administra tion of Mr. Lincoln, charging it with the contraction of au enormous debt, &c..Tand claiming that the administration of Mr. Johnson would be of a very different char acter." Mr. Covode believed then that Gov. Wells misrepresented the purposes of President Johnson. Gov. Wells, however, freak from his consultations with Mr. John eon, abandoned the loyal party that elected him, removed from of the loyal appoin tees of Gov. Hahn, filled their places with the worst class of Rebels, and from that day to this has done his utmost to throw the political power of the State again into the hands of the men who itP.lB6O took it our of the Union, in defiance of a majority of the people. Mr. Covode stayed in Loui siana Jongg enouFla to observe the develop ment of this, pohey, came back to Washing ton,-and reported that Gov. Wells ought to be removed. The result was that the Pres ident suppressed his report, kept Gov. Wells in office, and to-day disloyalty rules ass preme In Louisiana. If there is any more instructive lesson in Reconstruction, we know, not where it is to be found.—N. F. ‘..8011,115/a TOOLS. pviltomAL auciamm wpm& MLIEICMECir, is,tontolitreet, Anteglienl. 'ilaissilbetarar of zif.ntovto 80k.44u. T00:44N W ELL S Udall IN nINKtriMUIL d,), Jr BALT WELLS. • ratitedlor•ittention invited to Ma Patented prorenterits In Jars and .JaineS, • made of Jootoiloi U. 8., and Low Moor Iron, in itandard .Ines, ens Maalsened., 00 um% parts can be ordered by maU or telwrapb, and round a perfect at at all times. We also (11113111 t ropes, belting. small tools, 30., is th madeose who may wish Itneldes and machine wort to order. Orders by mall proudl attemded to. lam prepared to grant licensee to o th e y r meneisete meets for these lmoroinmentson liberal terms. 1101 11Allegheny n deetilmistais PRODUCE CONSIGNMENTS. 1000 bbla. prime Peach Blow Yotztoev. CMhoop. tlerltannoek do 60 boon ambeo Cheese; .do new a 6 P ple bogor o Canned d Canne dl eacioel; .60 do do- Toniatum 00 do Alessius Orontes; .do LIBMODP; bAla, 75 toues Kahane 06 Wag, prime Dried Apple.; .61 do X and ){, Drled Teach.: pkpAle Matter; Clarice and Tlosotby Be. 4; '47050r and ors daily received by UR fearrxii, ma!1113 Liberty Wert.. pOTATOESI • 4 ` 304=0 1 r - • ...eOr4=OlOlEM We are now red icing large cousignmeats of those 'fine iIICPIGAN PIACI' SLOW POTATtIE.O, which we offer to the trade by the ear load, dray load or simile barrel. GUMMY BXll l3$, adillawd Lib Liberty suety SUNDRIES. , 160 lambda (nova Semi: 100 barrels Poach Blow Potatoes, 00 Bitted Coro Meal; 40 Hominy: Bzsra Venally Floor; ?Cl Butler Rye • 3: . , s,sonnamo „ 110 dOied Corn Brooms, 1' "6" .aod'(or AILIISTRUNO, mite Corner Maraca and First streets ST, Lou is movit—loo bbis. Em plte Mills la ataxy and for sale I_l7 kIeBANIC ANJE.II, Jahn ' • No. 12i Bedard! strect. A AMIE -LOT. 0F. , -AtINUILANIIIN 1.0). ,0 1. LliiB reoetned SCO T' n store at n an lI.S Liberty et ROSINDALE CEMENT-100 bbla v ilbewinKl4 "tfriiPit ..111M113M. COLLIN& T MID PLASTER-50111112. .aia sant MUM 11. COLLINS. I= AMUSEMENTS' TI 'Llsiscony ktalindra ===l Laat night butane of BIEL AND MISS COULDOCK. MIL eteraiacm wLI appear as tim. ADVOCATE and MILKY W 71118 (I hur•ll.1) EVEN Met. will be preeented the best:Mad Drams, written e preealy !dr Al, Couldoelt, entitled the ADVOCATE; iftE LIST CAUSE. overture. feleebd To conclude with the urn vrlo-comer drama of 116aCCLair:Ir I;7l73Erarpm. 31.4.11,:EE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at too o'Nort. nIPEELL 110IISE. rassx AND MAICAOICIICAS ANNIE EBERLE L.I night but two of THE MAGNIFICENT HELEN WESTERN. Third night of the Grand Burlesque of the FEMALE FORTY THIEVES. 1 1 111.,.. Leader of 40 thlevea Helen Wectel 11. Grand March or the 40 Thieves, by 40 Beautiful Young Ladies. THE fiBLEIDIATIMPENIALe MINSTREL 8 .% ic BY MISS WESTEILN AND ALI, THE ISON(in, DAMPEN. l'il- NUNDRUMS ABLT 41' AI. NT,. To conclude 'Within allegory of Washington and the Goddess of Liberty and a Terrific Dis play of Fireworks. Performance to commence with the Comedy of PET OF THE PETTICOATS. THEE FAVORITES OF THE ME TROPOLIS. IitEAUSCANICI POMTIVRty F6ll THREE 01.:F.V. 'Faraday, Wedneaday and Tlistraday Eye nine., March 13, 14 and 33, IF U. ' • TIM ORIGINAL AND PEERLESS Wood's: Prom Wood's Minstrel DOI, 514 it rnadaaY. N. 5. OrgauLud in talit. En route for the Metropolis from a cleft to Chica go. St. Louis Louisville, Cincinnati. gr., in e hiCil .Mew they received a patronage unparalleled In the annals of' public amusements. appear In Pitts burgh In three of their attractive entertainments. thee:Ml.l exoellancoof +Odell has. given this grand seuiralizatiou of talent the pre-eminence In 511 n. souls). Admission 50 cents. Doors open at 7: eon, melee al 8. Inshasso COOL WRITE.. Manager. AT MASONIC HALL. ST'TIVN X . FABIAN & BRUCE'S C 74 0 , 7-.3LeC)0319,9.1-. G7rxFT, Men."lion Entertainment Seoantion EnVertatutuent Pronounced by the pn.nii and the nubile •`t he I rea t i.rgitlinate and only genuine Gm iirgatilralli•ti that Tian eel.. appeared in the United Stan., I 'rem 'thee, awl delighted andiennes a nightly greeted the., extraordinary Gift Entertainment." the prin.,- eities of the Union fur the part three rear, N..41.1Z328M.S ct, BRUCE. Th,qitirr FIRROFF OF MIK nol lo•••• Imp lo I .llAnnnTila the unott perfecl and complete .all•rartl.ol to nll Ihrlr patronn. The t'lsleago Do:/g of a 111% ••ne kelo nil the pronilne4 11113 , 1 t. 10 nnt , 11... m0:ill 1.. I he letter ',erg portion of' our " Tlo•manager , 1.1" thim romart.ahly TuquilNr litn Organization tale pie.. lu nnou• Ihnt flu, love tlifn•tell engagonnoot o u ills W. ShILLFI . I. - A NI , I.I.F.AInINt: 1 - I`_A_ it I . Thu ael.novria.dgrd nnd front • W ,,, ter. , and tln: ra‘altilt ENCHANTROMUND ! Of thw api..ar 111 roupnel Inn wlth rtv. and ANTOI.;NIIIN,• (11, VERY THE SPHYNX ! THE SPHYNX! Ai. .1.11i.2.4cpet it. MAI Gbr right day. 01/ ..11111C114,..{ Friday Evening., Marc ia 16, 1866. 3.50 • LBO 7iai r P'l.47l:t",•ll:rjo%r ( J E FABIAN AND BRUCE, lane Auto...rat...yr eler. Id ad., .rear noel give away eve.ry valley Mr Ile , I, preLrast • n.le ertiv el ...e II„ er 311) 1.11,. !Ur diem to pr.ve. that ... r. thine 1 1,1 dear. Iv llte. let lour. TICKET, "NIX 1 END. - 1 SO half erlete. neve, opva al . eetvlncle- Iv evaLtpete.... •I • •, E.• L prvelav aLslet l etit S. ateter alatlieec W Est) A Y and Tl'lt. I,A V 1 FTEI,N , lON, at a 11,10.4., veleta a ill Iv. arlenelt.4l Gerlte 1 . 0.11, Mid Every Child Reeelve n Pre‘eall. thin the Way trlgareltr 1.111 51 . 11,-1/ "ffr , • REWARD OF RUM 1 mu) . lu.r%ou who rllll brlug the .11gble, of proof that every ar. 10. l• nut an.., ,w,1.,., 4 1 ve,:tleed. Tlekr. • 111 n• thantan. Hurtle A • klil.dc Store. and .lobo I% Hunt 11'0., +eat,.givt !our tl , ks.t. In 3.1- anal Il an. a void llue ru.b and cr,...1 3I th, otl3, In 111, c'entnE. FABIAN n r . Orislolootror and 1./ rolioli:roor Co. Alllllll BRUCE. kgent ODD.FELLOWS, MIND REGALIA BkLL. I=ll Monument Lodge, No. 421 I.4.afa y4-tte Friday- Evening, March 16th, et. At ITTII2 OF DONEOLICIT LODGE' JOHN BECK, Jo., WM. °CITY. CHAS. BECK. I WA!. F. THCHFSOA JOSEPH A. BUTLER. iffirTlabetn 111400: e•^ he obtained trim the Com mit me of the different Lodges, or of the &har• Com lalthee. tablikrtd PROF. COWPER'S CRAND SOIREE, AT WILKINS HALL. NEXT rICIDAY EVE , MARCH lent. con.quence of the antlclpato/ large attendance on that erenloa. It It deem• v t shable to leave a illsgrant of (be Hall at air. t•, (•, 1113.1.4111 . 8 Musk Store, 81 Wood street, where those tvlslOns tickets and secured 4eao nit tocao sPP; V. overture 03, orchestra at 7,bin'clock. Dancing to commence prealmels. t0h13:14 CARPETS OIL CLOTH tutpETll—We hate now in store large assortment of Veil et, Brusech, Three-ply and Two-ply C:I.E±L'Et.I=DM'X'ISI. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mattings, Purchased since the deehue to gold. which we utret at VISECY UAW RATES. W. D. & H. McCALLIIM., No. 78 Fourth Street. - CARPETS, Lace and Damask Curtains We are nqw receiving our SPRING STOCK, In 'eluding choice itnes of ENOLISD CARPETS of our own importation, and .cosuprlslng the moat erten • sive and complete assortment of t very deseoptto of goods incur line that we have ever had the pleas tire of offering LO oor cashmere. Our purchases hoeing been made with GOLD at owest rates, we are enabled tooffer the RENT' STILES , IN THE MARKET AT A REDUCTION OP PItOMTEN TO TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PEI: YARD from twices of last aeasou. McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Flab St., 2d floor, Next building to U. 13. Castor. Home nod roat-om en fon • • • MMH'ITRE Je9ll7lt XXXILELL. ..INTIIOI4 - 1 wire, OtiflPH. 'WEYER St. SON ftlarku ruttrPnrclalvvoAuTL,.{er, TAM.° 33.71,1;,t'A11tr01t graorM - rwrtvg .ila hishoSsay, intbel;awis tnavuhetvro, old '...- XledareludrAMl,lnvilgy=bilniniattur- FURNITURE, AND CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, • MaulitacturedODlll for Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWELL, NOS. 9 A NI THIRD STUMM, OppoellA K, Idlnandann & C 0.% and Lobl NO. 11l INJUNTIN BTRB6T. MaerilSTßY. _ . eivr P s ii m . ll o " 4 ll' thDft3,l4,an''d SPECIAL NOTiCES. 7- _ _ FOR SA T.P.:--FOR RENT. BOOTS,. SHOES, &c TER'S AGUE. CURE, for the &needy Care of hittowattenti Fence. or Fever Pert /I(=nZ .547 5i r ti Fhf gen,. tome Fkreeo. Indeed/9e fAs sc.= o Hr '.7,1- and torooe., ne igsmating sn &Moro deranmunent oiotrd eh. salagract le countries. lfe r ener and Arne le not Inc ‘fnly conneuur nee of the Miasmatic potbou. A great subtly of ‘titiordert arises from Its Irritatiu*ts nialsrious districts, • among which are Vette dam liont. 116.14w:be, 1111 d t. I n atess, Too ache. Finkel, a are 1. Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection ofthe Spleen, Ilyrterico, Vain In the Dowel, I' rangetnent of the Stomach, all of nub I. when oginating In tide cause pot on the Intermittent trio.. or become twriodleal. This • 'ef.'na'• expels betOOn from the blood. and thus rare, them all alike. It not only the most effectual remedy ever dlarorenNl for thin class of etimplatnts. bat It IS the otteatreatand moreover lo perfeetly oafe. No hand , can arise from It c. n.c, and the patient when cured to `tilt a+, healthy a* If he had curer had the disease'. an thin he said of any other for Chills and Ve tere It lo true or 1111.. and Its Importance to thane afflicted with the co midaltil cannot hr 'Tar estimat ed. ,co ' , arc 1.11 to cu 00 the Fever and Ague that it mar he ',Ott - nth raid to to. a certain re tardy. tine Dcalcr c•nopinlo• Nisi II not 3 good medicine to 34 Ii becatote one tool, nitre> It bole nelgtilmrtiood. Prepared he .1. 1 . 1 a I tl. Lowell and sold by R. A. FAUN tIiTOCK.'IISON & CO.. and I, oil D1'140133. J3lsl.ZlMat3i/F t . 4 .. 1 -11 1 7 ,T110 1 1191 . L. 1 't4 TURKISH IA Nln ILK!, N 9 AIR TUNIC. 'fill. itligtoolNl, AND RES . ..oit„Elt OP 'rEIK Atilt I:atT1: It BANDUk.RNIAN. tolukkk's r1lK1it&I RECDOLUNIAx. What can 1,, utore acceptable than anything that will beautify ? w Ili reot ore nature . . decay by atopping the hair fonn foilingoat. rr.torlnri Its natural rotor, making t are. in Insurlance and beauty, natal Inputting •it according to the pre gent style and fashion and keep It In place' This Hdroeseni•s Turkfsh Randofe -31.33 11,11, Tonic will do, anti for proof Ise refer you to itny peroon who has tried It. It is leknowlmld b , to. the beautifier of the ay, the only !lair Tun ge ic Ind Restorer worthy of the name. In Turkey. In j Pronto•. In England, In Amerlca-everywhere where i • the • • liandolenlair i* known-It In pronounced the 0, pins nth, of Halt Pretiaratlons. Remember, It io fie,- trout metallic polo.. that are contained In moot flair Color* anti &rosin 1. It is the egtraet of many dowels and herb, be rtlfully put up, no I of amoral to the toilet. For sale by all Druggist. and P rtumero wholesale. 1. E. &ELL & IDto. R. I. PA 'EST° K CO, l'rit.tpo Drool to, United Stab n and ( twins, JAYS PAL Elt A I No. blarket street delo,3tnend&wr , a. j Igg'"PITTSBURGH SAW-WORKS. HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. 131=Z3 1 1 / 4 , I,FACTCRICIII py PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS. " .. ' „ r . - VIII ' . ;I AST n..y s at. I le, All Limb:of ti NI V 1 , -, and SPRINt;,, ntadt. from ; Extra Relined REAPER A NI/ 11..N1 I\IIEN I V F.l, 114- Wartshouse anti Worla, cunt., WATIA and 6141.76, Pittsburgh. lartlrular Lc II I. pai to re-00l , frOnato I , tralglite a ning I tl huo•;t bin' rrt al,, of all Punching 11/(1 Drilling done :a re/U..110.1e ap2r,ly LAliti NIIPEILIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS I=l PARK, MeCURDY & CO. anurAetorers of FITEATHINti, BRA ZIER.S• AND cI)PPER n. rrroms, RAIFF! , tio•rmxrs. st•ELTER Alto. tu.norter• and t1e..1. r' In mrrAt.m. TIN I•LA I F :MEET IRON, WIRE, ac, ,• on.tantly on TIN S FRS' MACHINE:I and TIE , w nre- No. 110 Fla, and r..ln h.'oN D STII.TS. Pit IS rgli. Ni...t.l.lor•lrra of Copp,, cut In any dentryd tc,lvrn. nty.44:ly,lkarT WM. BARNIIILL & CO., Boiler Makers a. Sheet Iron Workers, 20, 24 and 20 Penn street. flaring secured a large Tarot, and furnl,hed It with zlu t.d machinery, up are rreparud In nelavtuappro,ro dea , ription In the tu t Inanner, and warranted ..,just t., gut% made In the r...ntry. lIININ EY:, BREECHING, ! - IRE BEDS. SU VA }I NA LT PANS, TANK:a, till. At VI .11 , 1 L ,, ,E"rri.l,l PA Si. lit , ll.KR itl 1 . . k hi.and manufacturers ni It .t RNEHILL'S I'AXENT Boal.Ktss. Re , airing ..• .11 the short not tee. efele•ll V - 4 - f — ROHINAOS. REA & CO, ( Nue cea,..orn In if...tH Nut., WASHINGTON WOS, Fontsclerla Machina..RK .lot, Plll•botrgh. Si. nnuteturers .1 In/AT A NI/ ST ATI.*. any it It LNIiIN BLAST INUINES, MILL MA , I IN ,IIA/TlNti, CASTIN ati of d-rlpt tons, TA s KS and STILL", ftluLru. A . I. e ,lIEET lUtrN if; h nt...1.,1•11 , 1 , A I'ATENT I,itr - J011". COCHRAN dz. RHO., Idatinfactomrs T IRAN VAULTS AND 1 I.T IxxrlCt, 11t.N lUD-IN:11, WINDOW ..111 rr E, l. 1n.%1 1•1' Ar.. No.. 91 ~ N I/ and A TIOICD STItLET. Nlarlct Oat. on hand • • Irlety of new patter', tat and Oat, lor nil purl...en. /04 - .101.411“ g Orate LI Jobbing done at short notice. an MEMO . - . . _ _ 1. L.P. . ..... w. D. J. Y. HO lA. 111 n n 161 — I.A ftIEI.LE S'IIKIE I. IV 011K!.1 RESTER db 00 *l,nLv-t % ~,r I nor xrp.Fa.: srßr'a. rLlllr ~~1 II .I%TFR I't_KL, I'ICISI..S, A\ I.!'_. ~3tl ~l\- Y. tnlnorgil. So t$ %V ATER 6.rtcEi• T N EIKV ~F 1.111 ::Exr., \r.err, ml you tl,toon n.lug noon nt.torett to health Ina row after iJ ti lornolng the usual root lA, and Irrrgunt.reltp..lllllTO m. qtr troatittent how .tootants, fen-Mora II his •fot to rotntoonloa to to to. mill , /-.1 I,llon lilt , • ilt , JtiHN A 1.1„ lett Fulton it. eh :t• r..ir NEW FREE.--A Pamphlet of ot.e lin pert twee to Um old end 'it tee, tharrieti ate! o°o, • v'M Iw t tree It, sihtlie•lste. elth •Camii reele,4l. the ert A. h CO_ Bel 73 , rah,. svelhletlim r:TT` Tlll . l flint ID AI. (11411111F:12; Al ),,AY t. 1% MtNlNtii ASH IS ,T1:1 - flit • Vtil: Mit Ah.e, hew stet it it th'e fee :Atte , . et the I riTIMI• Se.tteni A .1,•• 11,tr. • - •KII.I.KN 1101'011T , •\, Hw war A 1.1i11n..0151, Y BANKS AND BANKERS BANatam4 itui N. HOLMES & SONS Bar:ll3e Ins, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. la. l' w. - rf In l'ar Pnu.L. awl 'p per “lr.ap•n• alo tn , thal puinta the I! 1.“...1 plant, and I mule, STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. l'arttrolat attemilon paid to the purchase lad .air• of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. Thlrtll, 1 , 1 - 41rt,11.11;/ V010% . ::::0 " 60 ' 1 ' ,(q.l ° 014:1r:/,..d. ;ill, 0 1 ) t ll , . l %A ri ß ,, f!i n A k i It;I T NIFiS BASK, No. 59 LW 3131=131E2 Lc, o'clock. WI.. too Wednesday 111/ I.. 4 .starday evenings. from May tat to November 1.1. from 7 tr. 0 o'clock. ant! Rom November let to from . oo4co no, tool. I • rec Id o f all .1110 of not lee, tban roe ! . and ,11 blend ol tbe saulits declared twlee A In June And December. Interest has neen lare.l ...tot-m..1,1r in June nod December since ;la Rant was organised, at the rate of Aix pet cent- I .I, AT -1,4, If not drawn ant. Is plaeed to the credit otto. arposltor prlnclpal, and bears the anrne in ter at front we drat days of Jun. and 1,11i1p..11.1114/ lag talc. • year alltood troubling the de potun to ran, or even to present hl. pass boot. Al Oa* rate muotley donnlE In Iry than twelve years. 1:.rook• rontatnlng Charter, awls' turobdind gratl, on applleallou at Itie 1 . ,,,,,,,,,, I:E. t HUI.: A I.IIILE.K. • r 1. v. 1.L.1.V.,,, , k MOM J. Au.ler,“o, A. M. r0.10.A. M. 1)., J .htl I). Hirkoten, Hobert Holttx, 1. , u). I. Yalu...toe IL . John H. ethocuberger. .1 J.. , Henhusu, James Shlttle, I.llle. McAuley. A h le ri a a w tl der S e p ..r , el..ac 11. l'eono.-1, Can Yes. . I tttllkTlf.itti. .. . C alvm Adams, Henry J. Lynch, .1 L. IL Bindle, Peter A. Madeira, I eorae 131:Let. John Marshall, I ill Iturawln, Walter P. Marshall. / lonao,A. carrier. James H. P. feed., L ...Iles A. Citon, John 11. McFadden , Wm. Ponatu, Jahn Orr, .1 /1/n Evan. , Henry L. Ring/wait. hu .1•/ J. tillicelde, Wm. K. tkhuddX, Is lillain h. Haven, Alexander Tlndle, ' I%d, IL Honke r, . WHllam Vaal/ark, h ichard Ha_ys, .Ixtnee P. Kally j Wm. P. Wayman. I Isaac Whittler. l ThaoaLHLH-4,IIAHLECI A. COLTIJN. et.t....4 FIT —.I As. 11. 11. MILEDS. htaldl.ll-1 , PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANN, Or Pitt®bau•gh PrrAt..Y•it/ $l,OOO, MO. %. tin 1 . 11, Matta or I:.oo,cce. I a k4ri 1/01111, (A.ItNELt YI4LT AND WUOli 14'1'11 CC Hank, organised wit, the National Bathing Sy• to M, In toot' preliattil tu trait...x.l Wattle. at It. lia Acing House, corner uf WOOli sad First straela. ..11retlons matt on all accessible. points on the. favorable terms. bawds! 'tarots .lor JAY 1 , 'OK C fur the sale of the U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. AAR UEL RCA. Pl...lariat. F. M. HORI/Ori •p.rlarrl J. O. kIePHERZI.I)4, Teller • PAINTERS 4,41115 Pl. LUAU ONG LANE, AL, SION ARTISTS AND NOUSE PAINTERS =! Lettering of all Mode executed promptly and . to ‘urpained elegance. eauilful bnow Cards on enameled paper of all colors, and Lint Milos on glass, made to order and l allparta of the country. I Ictorinl L/ealgull Merited la a highly antlytla onsitner. I .ouse Pistoling done with • regnni to durability he.niony of color. reasonable. of &dab. AH work at rate.. 111:LLIMI 11. BROWN, (Late of the arm of Ruow no & MORROW =I North Magi corner of Third and Market Street., B EANS --25 bias. , eimice White Ream revolved and for sale by 31oBA.NE & Axe mhl3 NO. IX Secoge meat. FEDERAL STREET PROPERTF N . 4=OXl. EII.4fILXAiEI. TV., nest Flea. liusineas Houses. No:. 51 and a Federal atreet. Allegheny. Flre-Froei eel, In moon. and in roruplete order. For particular.. cola Ire of Beal Estate Broker and Insurance Agent, us hl3 No. a5•11 , 151..ral street. &Beg b ony. 11 Rau Farm of i„,4 stores ands hirty-sis perches. situate In Elisabeth townshipWlleghrm) county, Penna. The !mitre , e men. are a hewed log tivrelllng 50.1 Pante I. I usher bank barnlnd other out hOlidlogirt *good tireisor.tl apple - and peach trees, ot the best varlets. Ti., fans Is underlaid with coal and limestone of he beet quality; a Bag stone quay of a No. t goal-Its ry easy of access to the ilonongahela river al Taos,. Seery. Thia small farm ant authorised to sell very low BROM, A 1.... a farm of about 800 acres, situated in West Whostkeld Township, lmltans eounty. Peens.. The Improvements are a good, comfbruble, two-un a ry Frame House, with roomt s • large RBIs. barn, cr riage house, good cons crib( weals house , but. oven slot two-story. stone spring hawse; shout 3111”1 clear s ed and In timothy and clover; a good orchard of apple, peach, pear and quinine trees. he fencing is rareenscitlTlrm'Zioneh. eXdbll4"a.l= %Itggei:shootn'" cl. Mb property will be sold.fg cheap . • Also. a Fenn of about 240 acres a , y ore g the shove. tane Improvements are a large two Cory - Log Mouse d a large frame barn; 175 aetes gloated arid under a good state of cultivations a lama apple orchard: 3 large two-story milkshouse. These tikti farms united would make a hint-rate Stook Yam. or will be.sold separately. too best farm In Malcolm township. West- Morelane county, Pa" contag PlO morels; about 6 miles sonth of the Pa. Railroad. The improves . wents are two large hewed log houses: one of the largest and hest frame barns In the township: two apple orchards. The whole larm is a l l a The ' state of cultivation. The fencing brall No, 1. The land Is of the very best limestones about 20u acres ! orarred, the Wooer In good timber. Possession on the enst dav of April, MM. This property will he sold at a aveat bargain. The owner 'Mabee to engage In other business. Also, several other Forms ranging from f.lO to $2OO per ACM. A h a p , om h en acres, situate In 61cCandless torru Allegy county, Pa.. !thorn el 1,11,4 from the illy. The Improvements are a Log Houee n a good barn, a young orchard of applu, ;marls and pear. I mill sell Ibis valuable property very cheats and on easy terms. For further particulars, Inspire of G. H. TOW r Real Estate Agent. se'' No. 164 Fourth street. ( )NE 1111UNDRED DOLLARN Lot in Pitt Township McMASTER, GAZZAM S CO., Attorneys at Law. !KKUrsnl street. I 1 ViPlllO PROP E RTY / I F I TIN IE I; O T I tiol 8 A u e l a ' r E l nesr two-story i3rlek Hotel Building, containing 10 ITI rooms. at B %TON'S &FATION, on the l . l.lll/.1. R. It., ot the poet - ton with the Pittsburgh A. Con- It. It., II nailer from the city. There are Shout ISO acres of laud connected with the Hotel, of watch 70 acres are linable and 60 sorer timber. re Io a goo , young I irrhargl of apple, peach and pear trees: two never-failiog water Springs of •tt Melent elev•tlou to carry the water to a bright of 100 feet. the property is capable of sulegllvisiou Into lots for country re•idences. Apply ß to S. S. BYA-N, Broker In Stocks and Ileaill.statc, Dolt. - 67 Fourth Street, (Bitrkeits HANDSOME COUNTRY HOME ". FOR NATE, situate ois, milt, from the city, and ,thin too minutes' walk of the Pittsburgh and '..n orllsellle Railroad, commanding a beautiful view of lie oily, river and nurrotionlng coutitr). It eoto and abut" 8 ars of ground, highly eel:lro ned and laid out in the , most approved •tyle of mod ern landscape gardening: In studded with Mina, lwry, and a great varlet, of the choicest treits and vlnes In full hearing. There Is also on it • arCer. Hitting sort lug of water, and Shout our aer, tit wood. The linprom.mentt connist In part of oval Bele k 'ottage will, 7 rooms mad wash-Mnte, a !urge and handsomely Milli Stable, an out room for man, dr.: Otte large cistern and 'Wended pomp are wt thin a few 'eel of the kitchen door, and all Is under excel lent fetter. For pvticulars. pricy , terms, dc., Cu. nutre of (fe23) B. A 1' OR SALE—A Partin of about :A mires, situate to Elisabeth township. Allegheny count), Pa.. about one Mlle and a half front the itorootill WK....sport, half mile of the Nionottgr lo rit et. and the same from the Youghiogheny. Th. Improt emelt. arr. grst, a Frame ottegt, rooms, sod dooti won waier LI. d00r...44,11d, 1,1•o•tory Freon House, with four rooms. with two good upging• of oats,: third. n l.a.f 11. , .111. 0(01 toll rooto•, r frame bank barn, with the ery Intabllng, corn crib, earrlAgi. house and nth. out-hulidlngs. Th., tract Is all underlaid with t ein of No. I 11.M.0111, Tall .tritt Ma Or 11[4...ka11' I. 50 , 111 all that IA asked for theprone., For r particulars. Inquire of H. 11. TOW Eit Heal li.state agent, No. 16.1 Fourth ttreet. t'ilTf VAL AND LIME PROPERTY FOIL NA.1.1..—0n the Steubenville ItallFor..l, seven mile. from the city. CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED ANTI }Wan% SIX ACRES, MeSfri And Flouring arid Satyr Mtn. I{ll.i tluv Improtements. . . . M.o. snowl Eighty Acres of ri , A the trace, is bylining tbe abut, Al., the Vann. a1. 14) . 4)) . -11 1. • ,141.41.1011. 011 reliai Rallruad, ...A14,1,111)), 140 sett.) nod 111 Furtfurth,r p‘rtleulare.,rnly/1), .4 WILLIAM WARD. (4)14. 4 11.. Catdral.) ( rl l No. 110 .oraet etrr.). 1. 4 . 011 SALE VALUAHLF coAl. I.ANII %I 111 Or sold Tti.t/AT al rrdurrd privra. Top. Ira.. 1, , ituate In Westmoreland e...unty, Lt.. S , 4rtb-Wratern Permaylvtinla Railroad. atrout tr. ful , ••• east or Apt - 110 l'a„ and ront-alus I o u lnacie• of rftliir-STINF and 1 , 1 r. 4 LAY d nery etomplatr Flt.lr..r fortis, wan ...wars lu(tuir at tne i. w nod 101011 /111“. ut deli No. 144 Vourth NC. Vittabargh. l'a. 1 4 '011 MALE.— A desireable ell- Hotn.e and Lot for sale In A ileghent • 4 it). !so. AS Voeguy street, near to r, ark .dreet . 'milt in ...tern style and ennistning root., ha,. dining roan, stud kitenen lAt hall and two large ofeeping apartut. n In ',I story, wlth at. , divined Into taro neatly !Intoned rooms, and hall. cellar w...b-house In basement., supplied . tit. water pipes; due bake-Oren Optolng Into kitch en Li Ohi water In the yard. The lot la ell tilled rape vines and rrolt trees. Vo.sraatot. A pelt licLiklN . 1 Voorth street. 1:011 MALE--A Farm. contalnma •1.,01 30 ares, sttu•te Jeffers. township. AI ealteuy coun c ty. Pa., 013 the Monongahela sin et. on..h,h Yrott. the Borough of West El IStAwu, , The 1111,0,111e'. 5 are a two story Brielt House with sin ro. Prante Ho u se. tarn with sin monis and good evil.. cor cribs, vragon sheds and Other about 1 0 nerve of the very beat river la.: ~,,, . This property Is well located for gardening pt. and wilt he auld at a very redneed prier. • ... I -pack ly and secure one of tile beat farms on the 11...ntgaltria river. U. 11. TOWEL, !teal Estate ot. No. 11l Ventral street. Ista:it I.'oll SALE—One Lot '2O feel 'root 1•14 V. ona. Areuneby lit feet to IValson street: la.-story pried Dwelling on rear arias. lent 1..1 feet front Oh Sommer Atte,. Pitt loa it-hip. by It. deep, an a lila. In reeled a two. st.,rt Eratne eleven lota .. V aluing the abos.....si by S.; to tri IN All E 1 .,. TM'& SHEPARD, ..... 4444 rrhaut a, and deah In Flour. Gratin and lure, Is.. xl7 Lahertt %term. I•att,talargla. I iaole, hamlet, or , laaur ImLers and Flantiv alw a- ting am,tantly aan hand Partia ash. al. /Mob Laid avrala .an., raaaaltu. ',marmite a sear to ITTI.E, BAIRD & PATTON. hole., r., r Mera 1an..., Lot J 1 11124 It. BAILEY. da•alers In Proaltaer, Flour, 11 11 x. ~ n , chem.. Stock and Beal Estate Broker. , riv,n and lard oil, Iron • Att. it Cot t•el ta to Wilkins Hall. Fourth street. ' Tat 31., anal mt. latta•bur:ll 1;011.u..to. c 1 114 hea. so.. t Pitt tau I A N ELEGANT RESIDENCE FOR " - " • " rg'• SAL/L—A double two-story Brick House, with tas. L •rosataitalue 1: room. sod lastia-roont, water furnace heating the etude Imuse, marble mantles, all In fresh repair. ara.ropying s lot ;I by 210 feet feet on Bidwell .tr , r4. 10,1 it rstora avenue, ou the tine of the horse rail • .In Allegheuy 11,1. Nlalde and carnage I ~,,, oat 111. mt. Apply to S. S. lIRT AN, !Outer In Smelts and Brat 14•tate. f el: 57 Vottrtb street. Burke,. Imitating. L'OR ALIR,-Immedlhate POSSCS•• x -ion That alesimiala property known .4. 110 , •• A a err Mauston.. on Waaltingtam ttttt a, Fourth Hard. All,/teeny CIO. The fan triabout ''oool feel deep , . and the purebaser eon have 74, 40 or lea Feet front. as _mat be deLireal. Also adjoining the slant a number of treltitlf , ll Betiding Lots. on nit*, of ... Meta 1. a Ern... Cottage of moms. JOHN U. 11A I I. 14 I Streak and IceM Estate Broker. fr 7.4 Wilkins Hall, Voorth street. 11YELLING HOUSE ON WYLIE • STREET FOR SA L E.—Tiaat large and well Ittu laled threestory od Brick Dwelling on Wylie oreet near Fifth, entailed In mern style, containing I room., kiNrr'rtVdVdw“ rr' M agm stra;n;i V t ai i rT. sneo nem puat eeabie rpen. (or owelllngorbusll urpose. now offered Mr sale. Pearsall. Aprt Ist. Terms reasonable. Apply to .1•10ttf It. kIeLAIN A 110. Fourth street. von &ALE-160 acres offirst-rate Land, attested lulu. county, kLissourl. This Oriel was !seated (Will, and selected with great cam for • friend. sell the whole forsl6o. Ap pi, 033. that neat Country heat, three acres, fill of rater 11111, ‘, ood boner, ham go.; C mile. from the city. Price 1111. B. IlleL AIN a 0., lan best Pasta. Broker, RC Fourth street. DONPT PAY ItENT, but call and purchase • very cheap lot in the Tillage of Mount Wamblngton, build yourself a house, become a land lord• save)our money, and inveet jet those 14 ratea ble lots which I Am authorized to sell oneery easy term.. For further partlemlarl enquire of O. N. TOWEILAteaI Estate Agent, .IsXl tif No ISt Fourth Street. 84 ,500.1`!IMFgfiligf..E1r;"7. led Intimate walk from Perry Landing. 'The house Is large and neatly finished, with an exten sive rice of the river and railroad, with acres at ground, arranged with garden and fruit in great abundance, well watered ant/ In good neighborhood; stable and carriage boom. Apply noon to- Jaen B. IIcLAIN A CO. VOR SALE--135 acres of Coal, • satuale In Smith township, Wathlngton county. Penna., near the line of the Steubenville Railroad, at Midway Station, :Mont it Intlelfrom the cit.c. , For Nether particulars, campfire of O. If. TOW El Beal F..ate Agent, No. ISt Fourth street, or to Wn. 11A11 C. a •A hIPBELL, as, the premises. jaMtlf 1; OR BALE—A two-story Brick Itwelling of 7 rooms. hall, andveatibule three year. built, with lot iiiby43o feet. slinate oat Ewalt street. ',serene, a Ile. all ha ...ample.. order. For further la forms arm, len... :fool) at the Beal . o Estate end hmur.. .Intro 1.1 U. S. BATES, nit: Butler etreet., Lawrenceville. i m f . : 'I WILL PURCHASE THAT at two story Brick Dwelling on ni venue; 10Lt72 by DO; Nom arranged with wide hail, double parlors, dining room and kitchen arid four bed rooms; yard neatly Busted Imd run of girub trery. Apply to 'fell) B, IdcLAIN & CO. 1 4 'OR REST. , That neat Cottage C House. with Sor of ground. situated Sq milts from the ells.. fronting the riser and railroad, near Arthur , . Station. Food Garden, Trull and Well of 'Water. Neat $125 per year. A_pply quickly to 0,02 It. & CO. IT. WASHINGTON PROPERTY FOR HALE.—A Cottme Douse, wlin tarn' , Lot L('hound, for sl ,ooo. A fiduse of 3 rooms Ana lnrlrr ot for S7BI. A Lot of Orottod on Virginia strert 92 feet front by 165 deep, for MtS. For tale by 0,013 S. CUTHRERP to SONS, 61 Market et. HEAP PROPERTY.—Houses, Parma, Coal Lands,_&e„ for ale by mOl3 I,IIJVIBERT d - SON fa Market at. I=l SIX BUILDING LOTS IN SH A RPi4:. BURG FOR as.A I.E. Priee end, Inhe3 tl. OUTUBEICT A SOXS. 61 Markin - - 1")).ge L OTS, Corner Bank Lane liirk.=."""' Allegheny ("y. 'La "'" " vl nain 320 ACRES OF LANDIn Bollln s~cer county, Missouri, la ofered at $l,OO ta, .ex. APO/ to (atm) C. & CO. = C'IOTTOII-48 bales% on' steamer Havana to arrive for ttpaN mta Dimly bCO, JANIEs T. SAMPLE. =I =I I=l ESE CIE3XI-.TO R.MIMT 'EA BOOTS, NINES, BALMORALS, allDrberts. dec., ..gor T. A. M'CLET.T AND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, os. 55 and 57 3w' rtia. street, Private Sales Day and Evening. .uss. Wit ENTIRE STOCK BOOTS el SHOES, SEWING OFF AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICK J. A. ROBINSON & CO-, No. (31. ILLICaa. - I.x.c.tltreot. ml.lO BOOTS AND SDOE:S AT cic)isw e 1• 1"111, Ot .11/1 FALL & WINTER SHoLs.. All Ir re I NI , et yrr.O- BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER I) r,lu..crl ,Prlver.. rust, r ~,, n for spit's., “4”.1., truraleornanc.l NEXT TO POST orrius. nt rm. r J. 11. & W. C. BOR L AND, IIM=IIIE=Ill!IIIII (FR iND CLOSIAG OUT %ALI. BOOTS & SI 10 VS Goo4ls ai Less than Cost AT 92 FEDERAL STREET, 1. , \I .\ KF 11.0N1 FOR F l•Itl s Remember, 92 Federal Street W. K. McCLINTOCk. J. IV. IL ARNAHAN s CO Ludiev' Blamorats and PoUgh Boob, J W. t A0N.411.4.‘ h CO Ladies , Gaiters Vat4..t,t,.a. J. CARNAII AN tv.. CO., 16:etit's I' ,e Calf Booth I= LA DIES', Ai ES TS' I=l Boots. Shorn and Gaiter?", Al r 1 , 1111. 411.1 S% 111: .1 0,1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ..• J. ... XV J. 9TEF:I.A RHO- intr. **lent ,..• ^ - 1 . 1. , -1 1•1:"1.1' , .01111Z,9,1.1, • 111111 11 . r'1.....• 11 FI•.. r ..rtt 111..31, 1m... e.... , ht.!. 1e...•1 of F.,. Ign , No 1.1.• 11.1r.1 • t..,• ` IIAIII.ES . 111 ' . Prodnce and N... arl STiti•lrr. I. a.m.., Tali.... 11...0-h, h, 1,11,1 1,...,1 Prim, , 1., 1 Iks,INI V." St . ..li, , 1.1 .114 11 . 11.1, r M and l'It!!!!1' , E, ,!. ~,,, !or!, I. lo.too!..! Wood 41.4 SOllllOO.l. 1 . 11;41•11,4-1!. aoll•ly pOTTEIt, AIKEN ti MIIFYAIt IP Lonnol.aton Neuhant,nd !I..altora In rort•lgn t ..I trod.. k*.out a Itokt,r. fwg , !, Potato... and prod!!! e No. 11 E TY STREET. oploodlt• holoo 110%lottal!. MITCII 1.1 L. \VIII. P. nciret 1.44. (1).. No. 3.45 1'111.1.1N:h. 1 1 x.. t l rorers, l. 4lllstllllo.l.,ll Ilrtelmnt. and In 1 0.111 I• Ir, I.nr, !Wt. r. f'1 1,...,1 and I .rll,l A,. )) 16 J. ILNIAIKIL NV M. D. R 1.131,611. 1?E V ER to;. 111t4110S, (Sit c . C.4,SOrit to thi..l A A ...1er..., 111 For. ..of4n t woe,. ht,arn, A:v.. Son. and Wood • AN. s p KNOX Si. SON, ( 44444 lllabin.oll n• It. II AN ti, 1111 1 VELD sod PI,Ii tot r,llr No 'V 1,141,,,•11,1 ~ppo.lt, 1 Ball. A 1,1,, n ) ity 731: 100 I OD N IL CANFIELD, Com ni isgion 3, and Forwardin g Mo ri haul tod w holt sole do r in M e.t4rn it, rs, ' lrmo.llottc•r aro' Port ha. on }'lour iali, Pot 'tool Po ,r 1 A,oos Malt rutin I luso. I and ard ink I tried risiL I rodtio.: gent rally. Nos. 144 end 140 k runt taro Pittsbur g 0 'Mir XS & PRODIrt'E, oollOiNoi.lll orwar,Bit s Mr,. lo .no, and Vo'rs h rooli n t.f ' Ct "' 4s l l .l llle al r l tr i' 's% ' n ' o"t rg l ' 'ln,Vo'r r g li',"ra: I. 1101.31t.•-ltner Mtn 100X0...111. 1101,... , 01IN I. HOUSE & 111105., Surces t 4 01 th TO Jot, 1. Hut. u Isolesale tiro co rs •ntl unnetasion M. rename turner 00,1111 3, Id •nd Water streets Pitishur g l, lu . AMEN DAL L ZEL & SOS, Mann farLurern of Lard OIL mud onliultoston Ili reliant. Gar tho pun hose and salt or red, cud Refitted Pe treleurn. Nos. Or and Zl water street. Pittsburgh. Ail, lane., mad* On onsignno Il{l ti( 110MAKEIt & L N 14,14 licolesa le draters In (.ror, rio s 3 lour t sra i n r ru 11.100,, Viol,, hoes.., roll; arbon (111, Nn.. Maud 174 11 , 04 i Strei 1., ;tear 1 11,ert ) Str,et, Pittahurglt, Pa sell I ) 'MAP tintiloat /. 11 .:o A sn D lutetnn M ' e T rMs A n i n i ti ot a i l s r l ° ,. r e s e ra nt all I I : lin': and B EI-11U l a IKE11".4!" Moll olin I of Country Produce anti Pittsbur g h Manufactures, warranted bto be the only pre- No 2.0 Libel l) Street opposite head or M•Ood atr.•el, pa ou retic) known to cure U PittsburKoo/3 ( ghs, Colds, Iloareeneatl: C X pint C oug L'ETZER ARMSTRONG, For- I t I .. , t r h o ':l‘ c 4,11 ' 71m, Common - h, iv - rt .1 warding and (.111M11111,i011 31srchouts for the sale lion, Bronchltla and Crultp-, utldlaur, H rain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, &c.d. Dried 11,1 nK prepared [min Money. Fruit., %Int Produro• go to r. 111,, No, In Markt %tilts ot, I and rbs. 11. hea li ng, attn. , LORE: Hrof Ix,. Pittsbur g h. Pa rel3.ly I enter and ea pectorathi r g, , II RIDDLE:, No. 15.1 Liberty St., :T.; ii u ,roVVlr b 4 . llr:a r t. and I.un ge F ee We by 88 , rlttaburgt, 1%. , Merslisitt, Druggists t set. ) where. Wholesale In Alt•r ( °entry Product , tiruuerics and R. F A r rlttSburgh ntanufat lures. Lash advanced on 4 on- 13 1)0 —tlOLi - signs:ciente, snot paid fur Produce generally. ann STRICKLAND'S PILE nottnitt oat-nnt.t.. ; I,ll lti . DY In. CLIME() thou- POBT. DALZELL & CO, Whole- I the worat easea of 8.. sale Lme, f °methadon and ors. ardin g Met, 111.1 h N, BL 4.; -Tat E and do Mk re lit Produce ies l'lttborgh Man- PILES It ghee Intmneate ufacturt n, No. MI rty street. Pittehurgli rello f, and ,deals a perms. 11. JAt'li, tient Lure Try It directly. R . it Is warranted to case. I For sale try all Druggista, at I (IROCEIL, N.,,. I and 2 I/1A Mt 0411, 30 tents per bottle. Pi LES an& ly PITTSIIIoNgIi. Pi. IIAIRLES L. LAI.DIVELL, (Suc to June. 1101n.t& t C0.,)1 . 0rk Par Lt., end dealer In Provision& corner of tldarkol. and Front streets. Intlanorgh. • !t)/IN WATT J. IV WIL.hoN. WATT WILSON, Wholesale lirvvre, .011111111./011 Ail,l•ll.4liN. and flealvro 111 rm.ltiee null l'ltt.burgh Manufacture, N... Illy tat.- Italy area.l.ltl,l,llralt. 11,5 11.. A.I. WAAI It raBrAIRT. sitirToN di. CO, firocer. mitt PrOthlee Lhnill•tra No. a, Strati street. PUtelmrikh. ..111 Lill DICKEY 64. 114' holeside tirover, l'onunlnnloo Nl , rhantn.nd Orono'', lo 'lttetool .r. NI Water au - vet and it) Front pitrort, th DANtkt. enure i 1 11. VOIGIIT & Co" (Succeors .1-A•to It. (ttalT,)Pro.lut.t. and Coittmlexion chianti, ?X Lltterti stre•et., WILIELIEVS to Idatrkt.o,lS I.lnltttrt) Dealer In rlour tuttllintltt, Protlot, rmot emunaltotton Merchant. No. MI LIBERTY STREET, Intt.buri.l., Lela l EAR CORN-1000 31 11t zu firirge Rs by mta3 Ng. VA klecond atz.W. PLITIEBING. &c pITTSBURGH LEAD PIPE 3:0440A1:11:4:4:11 =9 CIITERS LEAD PIPE AND SHEEP LEAD •. the man,. any •Ile, thickness or length to al/411te Lowest Markel Rates Ity 1114 4 0001 r, ord,r, promptly .too 'OFT I.NAII FOIL SALK. BAILEY, FARRELL & No. 167 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ullll7 NVOOD.PUMPS; IRON I-"U NTYS. 33 -sr3apt_ziavwes, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, 1 BATH TUBS SINKS, WATERICLOSETIP WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, 113-klynAil lc! Rams. Bras. Work ;of all kinds: Block Tlu ripe, for Dods , Foutaxio'l thels of (in. and Leather Hone; pipe. Gas Plpg• and 711 c l -urea, ofoill deaerlprlons • I.t.ut constantly on hand at Addy, W illliams 6: Bartley's =I PlTTsnuntin, PA N. 11.— All kinds of INTAIrIng Anne promptly I ~,,, ~ , , ,, , ,, , , , ,, , ,, , , , , , , , I mmediately attended to. pLUMDING, GAS AND STEAM 4 FITTLNIi, IN ALL IT , BRANCHES. attrndt , tl In ...apertenced and practical two, I meld. A Cr,: at , t , trtutent of OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. H.oll Kit BATH:. V61:1 F. ft CIAls ETS HYDRANTS .t,•,nt ly on hand 3111 i ma,le to otder . FP' DS'lt Atirshen.i. ‘n LIIIEIITY WIRE ET, Pittsburgh .11y EV sT E. 4 NI FITTING, Plumbing and Gas Pitting. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORK, OP ♦LL DXSCRIPTIONS IEIN7I7IEIN9 da 00., =I HIS Wood Pittsburgh, Pa. wy. 1 1 1.1 . :1111ING, 4:5 ATID Jeri. mama. i - mr GI-, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. Dui rr i.r nrr E 11,4 DATER 1 LOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. E 11, - /:-Irli* 3' CO., =1 =I ;.t. ~I tTTI\I: PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING N.MOti BELLN. Portable and Cigar Lighters, I=l Ir=ENNEi!Mt=;MIUMEI MEDICAL. I ti'IIIPIEUEI'm HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS ...I. fr•an 111, most ample elln.riruce an en t r.. 11 MO Mol.-nt anal rellabb are ,rfoctly adapt.. to popular mi. t.ltzt cannot 14. mane II nein, a. 1.. fr.-, fr../..13u,r. and en /1.3 alwzo 81.11 a blo.. No. 1 eon., PF.Vongeatiou, Ll:Mamma t • • 11 OILMS, Worm Fever. Colic ,•RYIN4, COLD', or Teething of In- fants 25 4 DIARRHEA of children or adults.. 2% • DYSENTERY. I.; riping and 131110u.s Colle •• 41 ,, L ERA MORRI:S. Nausea .• 1.401)0140. Colds,. ... • • E URA 1.411 A. Toothache. .late aehe 2.5 s • • HE.% DACRE, Sick Headache o • • 1.5 SPEPNIA 1412 lon 4 Stomach 25 •1i a U I.I.ILkaiSEI o. wanty and painftd period,. 03 • • I. F.I ,, ORRIIIEik. or White. 25 I. • • 4I• ;.4.44,04 y t 14 •• a.I 4 LT ISII SCUM. Etrup- IS . ' • ISllEllATlill.allr;lE sr , t 4 su l,alllolx mum S'EVEIt Att d• I. e, 1: Inst. nisi or external so 41 . T11 Al.lll, more, lollattoril rs.. 60 Is • • 4 • T A Illtll, acute or Chronic, train- 74 " W 11041P1 NI: 120115411, spasmodic 50 21 •• AAWA. ppressed •• EAR DIS o CHANUES,lrupatrod bear- al ti 50 • • 1 / it111 . :1 i", enlarged glands-- .. .. 60 sis • ti KNEIDL EBDLAITY, physical ' eakneas 6 IlittiraN and Scanty Secretly/us 2.6 •• SEA SICKNESS, or sickness from riding 37 • • h I,IISEASE, Gravel 60 , •• NERVOUS DEBILITY, seminal ecalsslonAlnvoluntary discharges 50 • • SORE MOUTH. or Canker 60 x • • LIIIItk E even INCONTINENCE.— . 60 Si • • rwi UL PRIODS, een _ll_l aT •• BIWYEKINUS at Change of 100 Yl •• EPILEPSY,Bpasms, Bt. Vitus' Dan cesT 34 • " DIPHERIA, ulcerated *are throat 100 r. 111117, CARY. Cases of . vials. In morocco case and hook cora- Wet.. SIC OD abe of 20 lar Axle in itiorocesi and book 6 tt3 Case of iTI lar ger gelids, plain ease and book I, to Case et 10 bolus (No. Ito 151 and book • 300 A. TORRENCE, Corner of Fourth and Market streets. fY noiessie Agent. Pittsburgh, Pia. FUT atie by E. MIN endthaeld street.; JON. FLE3IING, bi 313rket street, corner of the DIAMOIId Pittsburgh, and J. J. EAST, Na. IM Federal street, Atitgbony; MeCLAItAN McKENNAN, corner of blantotel and Market street. Pittsburgh. MUM lit,gritirSlA.c:;,- SitickTsind's and carmin uJ hers,. ative to bleellethelt the . 81.111 eh Matt ~ /A‘ nervous system It is seer- Lath remedy for Llspepla, CZ) or lu g Ispolon, Nervona- •it. ^ nom. Lom of Appetite, Acidity of the Stomach • intolency - and debility it 1r,4 I. not elehnholle: therefore, 4 0b particularly suited forweak : 0 KN. „u. and dyspeptic per ons. For sale by all rug gists urerewhere at 111 Der bOttli 14. E. siml.alts co .:n:lyd WildidtgALE Augurs. FORTY TEARS PRACTICE Ri sissviLL -onocusxs Gives me a knowledge seldom acquired by Phyel clam. My long reeldence In th City. and Jim amount or patients treated annually by um, are surge-lent P roof of my 6.1,114. FIPERMATORRIMEA, or Bernal Weakness, and all distal:ea arising therefrom. are cored In • ranch shorter time than laeretotore by my NEW VIMET. ABLE REMEDIES. liedletuee sent tellgrparkeg the Union. All letters lintet bantain•lllamptOjite t7",1 held Zairese W BIiANSTUR 'M. •14,1214. sox - tek Pussicirit4k4 AAA. KINI , B Up LEM I Protection can be secured In the above named and reliable Companies. WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF PITTSBURGH, ALEXANDER NILMICIL Presides% WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD General Agent. Udlce, !R W.L , riarenieliii.it k thr. w.re Boom 1 cip stairs, Pittsburgh. Will Insure against al/ kinds of Fire sod Marine fists. A home Institution managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality, to main tain the character which they have Reamed, as of fering the best protection to those who dater to be neared. TATE ,Iz SEVILLE, Alex. Nimlet., Andrew Ackley, R. Miller. Jr, David M. Long, James McAuley. Roca J, Thoma.s. Alexander Speer, Chas. J. Clark,. Campbell R. Herron, John Ft. McCune, C. B. Ricketson, Jame. P. Hanna. m van WM. P. HRRBERT, Secretary. lITIZENS , INSURANCE COMPA— ,-/ YOF I'IDDSBUILDH. --Office, corner Market and Water sEree., second door. WM.. RAItALEY, President. WM. A. SHEPARD, Secretary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against los. and damage In the navigation Bf the Southern and Western Rivers, Lakes, and ayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Inanres against lons and damage by are. PEOPLES INSIURANCE CO OFFICE. N. K. CORA ER WOOD AND FIFTH STA. G 1 Cap t. Jac. hillier, John P. Kirkpatrick, W. Van Kirk, I Prank S. Klestil. itiii:ll7s:Pr r i Viteent .11 ifiN WATT, et trealdrot W. r.ltliN KR. Pecre,taiT. Juil.ly t'apt. hl LS ioiltDON, Agt. A L Li:GRUA Y INSURANCE CO. I'ITTSI3 K o. 37 rink atrect Bank Block. M=! Elf 'JEANx ('0 EMI CHARLES ' KNAP NEPHEWS AND ALL KIND) or HEAVY CASTINOS. Special attention yrid to ROLIANG MILL WORK ISLART MACHIN ART sod BACTORTS. . •. REPAIIIS attended to tromptly. As heretofore, the best motertaLs will always e used M. this Foundry. Attention Is called to our NEW . PLY WHILEI PATTKItIi and Inoressed Mellitles (or fittlug up th smite, no2ityd prrrstruniat FOUNDRY. FOUNDERS AND !diCHIIIIBTS4 Manufacturers of Chilled Boilers of all alms, rot Iron, Steel, Brass, Eine, Copper, Saver, Clold, Straw Board._, Paplter uud Indla-obber • Workaooo s dßoll. lug KM Comings of all descriptions, Bark 1/11114 Patent Double Grinder, with • variety of other pat. tern.; always on hand, and fitted to order on Mort notice and favorable terms. Office and Wart:haulm, LL/Smithfield at - rent. Plttebnrah. reply A. BILLOLIT... ...W. VANYIE.L. J. a. BILADLIT }ETNA STOVE WORKS. llanufactbre every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES! Among whim, are the celebrated EUREKA, TROPIC and TA 1.1 om• N l('onl Moves:) POMANA., VET ERAN and ULONbI.I)}.I3 (Wood Cook stove.) Alm manufacture GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, /Ice. Ocoee and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second street.. &LIM wmmummAmcirm INSURAN INSURE TOUR LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSTRAIICE CO., of Hartford. Conn TOE ONLY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICA that now Makes and pays at Annual CASH PIVIDEED nu the first and each tubscquent payment of premium. In CABII c A VITAL. an cumulation of $1.500,0011. Is setertily invested 1. pub lic stocks and mortgagee of AEA!. ESTATE. It is now In It. 111th year of banner,. and aan paid to the n rn t7l l" := the rr on UaLtaglL.T tenotin ease of litigation has occurred, an eV W.. , that liberality and fair dealing is a specialty with this Comp y. The policies or thin Company arc not forfeited by reason of too-payment of premium after the seetmd year. No payments required after tea yea., hut pollutes continue good through UR. CE=Mitia==l PADI/Ell;Tlc4 . l"EsiSent. S. H. WH/TE, Secretary. Branch (Mrs for Western Pennsyfranla. where Circular.. and bloat Applleatlon• Irtil be furnished, ad Wood street, Pkitsburgh. Agents want.4l throughout Ure.Stal.O. Apply to I. E. CrOODELL., Rate Agent.. CHARTER 18 29 . PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Alll.lll on Jan. I, 1864, . , 82457,849 95 Capital S 400.000 Invested P remi u ms 971,0eu. Unsettled Clanns 1. 0 %.Z.. Income for 1611-1 5,416. Losses Paid slnceltr.9 -. Perptnal ant! Tempora ry Policies on liberal te o rms. 1 , 1118,T01113. Chas.- N. Bancker, . Isaac L. Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Pales, Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Filler. George W. RlO:lards Era's W. .11.1) CHARLES R. RANCHER, President. EDWARI Vlre President. JAS, W. IdcALLI y pro ai.. COFFIN Agent nsitM Curner4 nod and Third streets. • - VIRE AND MARINE -`• INSURANCE CO, OF NORTH A MERICA, PHILADELPHIA 81,750,000. ME= Hartford Fire Insurance, Company, I=l 81,385,000. W. L. JONES. Agent. = I====lll DIMUCTORB, 8. M. Kier. John Shlpton, Jame. M. Cooper, S. linrtmogh, J. Oshilrell, Jr. John n. Dilworth, Wm. A. Rodgers. deM. ra elritj " Jas. reek, r., O. Johnston. B. 1. Joshua Rhodes, Barclay Presto., tieorge Bingham Km. 1111111 p., John Watt, .144 m F. Parke Cm, John L.tßhonds Snntoot P. Shriver. t 'Darien At-booth, inatireslaialnst all kinds of FlN:feud Marine Rlaksi JOll N IRWIN. JR., Presidcnt. JOHN D. Vice Pneoldent. C. b. DONN Secretary. . . I..se T. A n 4 ,411.111. B.lllk Irwi, Jr.. . L. Fabilestock, John D. McCord, Gear •e S. Head, Cbarres Hays, Capt. Wm. Mean, Geo. D. McGrew, Robert Darts, FOUNDRIES. FORT PITT FOUNDRY. HEAVY ORDNANCE, n♦ n ruson .... A. GARRISON & CO. (fittoresooro to Boltsnatt, Ortretros • Cb.,) A. BRADLEY & CO. pE.NN Jtrachine Works and Foundry', S. "EllirLigb.tancLa22, &NOISE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, Laeoeh .treat, between Federal and Bandesky, Allegharrl rigrar ir t ragirt i j umll o Wtsh i aVa ic r i aß i r " Repiltu r glntili -t hl . n. attended to rout COOKING STOVES Parlor and Stating Stows. Grates, Fronts, Fenders, &e, Also. all Slade of HOLLOWWARE MUMMA So. Mil Liberty Street. 4.1.1.Z27. Maims CO& FARM Din* is Have on band a Lards assartnaent at I====l sTiti.W ODTTICRA eurniza AND FLAT iL46.1[6. Wo. RH and 30 Ohio st. Allegrhelo RE-FLATMG: LADIES, SAVE IMITaItiONIEIG j{y your OM Titila Ware HT , TLATED W/TII umn i llik ai WlLD& a}n Ml/0 43 M ' YcA • aw Ostra nilliatedApdmadq iQD APV-g i A sti M g. .)nticau. d:'7Vfoist. I UUII/OADS. RING Mum" N 66. SP NIA EILIEN T. I,va CENTRAL R. IL — ELEVEN DALIN TnaINS. On and ar r Mrditt.a Y. March 11l UM, trains win o • • . Cantu Paaarnarr Depot., earater of Vase- InFtr, and I.intal7 strreta. as follow. • IA Y P151 , •.5 , --Leaves Pittstrurilk si &IDA. lg. • r . P . I- , '" a 5, ' sj .! .. b 4rit c " , it"o." al "10."2a1; A. 11. Lock ae, P. N. tarrhibteass? lair P. 11 0 ltnnrt S:3O r. hew York, vlo :35 P tilladedphia. 1 WC P. sii.•:" and Nem nri t i , !A. l , l fri l .2ll'4l%.4°'!".m. Learnt Pittsburgh ilk so A. a.. .mpping DWI" all statlentin Altoona.• .t An r. &N)r. ‘ arrivinit at Phila.lutrada at We A. x. By this. Ila ia em arc irs , oferred at Union Depot, West i l p belpitia7 directly 10 Express train for New York, mactilalt brrr at 6:3,11, N. PiIIi.ADELP.IIIA EXPRESSl—Leartarittabingb at CM r, N. , top{{ iug only at prindrall Arches at Latrobet 6:00 e. N.- Altoona, SAO Harrisburg. 2,83 A. Halttm ,•• 710 , N ew York, via Allentown, if& Yralideats," Tr PO A. • and New lock, rlartilladelutda M•M P. W. 1 Siortng Cara run aim:Linen this trait trona Pitts , burg to Baltimore and Plalladelplua, and to Now York via Allentown. FAST UNE—Leaves Pittsburgh at 0110 siopplag only at principal 'tattoos. AATITA• at Al ton°. al 911011. m. • Ilarrisbn 8:23 A. ..• Bahl. more.t 12.31) P. M. 'New York:rosin Allentown, in* P. a.; 1:10 P. sli; mid New York, 'els kol2. IDdify olio:Wier traits, Bandon. aseoptaf ". JOIINSTOWN ALIGOkiIIODAT/ON —Daily (imeept Sunday.) at 4l P. a., stopping at regular AtatArtts between Pittsburgh and Conomatign, and connecting at Blairsville Intersection with trainaonthalmilana Branch and West Pennsylvania Railroad. ALTOONA 'ACCOMMODATION—DaIIy (except Sunday - 11)&1,11AD A. s..atopinsig at allregalarstatkrim between Pittsburgh and Altoona• and making_gswe connection with trains on the Indiana Branch, Welt Pennsylvania Railroad, Ebensburg & Creston Rah- Va.rl "11=Poz wniv. Rattan.- Leaves daily (except Sundays) at SAU.A. N. Second Accommodation Train tor Wall'. Leaves daily texcein Srmdaysl Pt L 0,45 A. W. Accommodation ' Cra b for Wail's Statinn, leaven daily (.Ace Sundays) o: • Fourth Accommodation Train f 0 o : r 1 O W ?. a Statlour Leas. dally 11/treat Sundays) at teas x. Penn nerumarrodatlon. No. -Leaves daily ( except tl .c tin c, drA c all ,, o4 . llo st d . p . e s o lo n pUin o a n t . all stations tat. The Church Train leave! Wall Station emery Man day at Sna A. a., and arrives In Pittsburgh at Iladl :owlßotor -ulna. leaves Pittaburgh at 11:53 P. mo, serf yea at Woll's Station at 2:00 P. 0, itcturoltng Trains arrt•e In Pittsburgh as fbilowai Mali 1:50 A. R. Past Line 2.110 A. R. First Wail's Math.. Accommodation eao A. it. Penn Arrommortatlon No. I Tag A. X Second W all •• 51.3001. Arcoruntodatton.... OXI Johnstown Accommodation.... .....t.......1010 M. Baltimore Express I:40 Altoona. A.mmodatton Etragrant....lo:so Third Wall•tt Statists Acroznurodadon P. X. Philadelphia Exprette ILIM P. R. Actommodathot, No, I 6:06 P. An Agent of the Excentlor Omnibus itompany pass through each In before reaching the Llept take op cheek., and deliver baggage 1.0 any Me city. Dolls, Nu. 110 Peon atrost—open day •314 night—where all orders (or thu movement of paaaan gsrs and baggage will receive prompt attention. &afore., at fun P. Baltimore Express will luff% witif Philadelphl• P. If., on Mondayo. NO - Goa—ln CILIP of toes, the Company will bald themselves tesponstble for personal baggage 0011. and for an :meant nut exec...taloa h. H. BEttIi . WIYEI. At the PennsiloanialM W. otral Agent' nger Sta tion. on Liberty and Was/analog attests. prrrssouGH, At. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY AND CLEYE.LAND • PTITSISUBAJZI HAJLROAI.I. MO& Winter Arrangemasm. 1868. On and after November MM. name will g as follows, Leixoes /Ur • ibr Pix Pittsburgh. Chicago. Cleveland. I Whssbbsgl Express 12:60 A. a. 1 200 A. at, §spsusls ... 1:4,5 r. M. i 2:30 P. K. Magreas I 2:46 r. Is. 61611 ........ 726 A. w. , 6:66 A. N. , Puelliewesistle said Erie Itetarnine,' arrive IL Pittsburgh: P., rt. S . dt C. IL W.-1:50 A. At, 6/0 ri r. I. 9:00 P. C. 6 P. R. ~ an. emr At'C.OI6I.IduISATION Lvave Allegheny tor Nrw ligicherrort-0:00 A. M., 11:60 A. M.. 110! And 6:40 r. lf. VCIUSTICX-2,116 P. a. ,:41cvr CASTLE — a:SOr. Ecoxorr - 10:30 P. L. Wr.LLS4ILLZ-3:50 .tunting, F.. Ft. IF. & C. K. W.-7:30 • • A. a. r,. b., Rau r. r. and A C. it P. R. R-40.4:0 A. 111. ..• • . . GI:ORME PARKIN, Ticket .64Eati Union (,) 1 . rA742.111 ) .V.EY', Wetc s e b rAr h Ont, "ll' Mlegberii Ct./ nual H. 11 EH. General Ticket Agent, • ATTSE U RCM CO-atimmi LVAIRUS AN to cINCIN: NATI RAILROAD. TkE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE = To COLUMBUm, CINCINNAII, LOUISVILLE, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS And en the principal Oltlea. WEST AND SOUTHWEST, Or and MU, MONDAY, MARCIA 18th, 1988, Ttaine will leave and arm,. at the UNIDN DEPOT az follow,. I/twee. Arrti fast Line 2:E40 S. Y. 9tt , o A. N. Slnll R.% • ' 1:00 V. Y. Ex press " .. ,E1 P.M. 1:10 A. N. Steubenville Aceontintnt'n —4:15 `. 10:10 A. in. S. F. SCULL, lien' I Ticket Anent, Steubenville, 2.1. MOTNEKSPAUOR, Ticket. Agent, Union Depot, initaiburgb. I)lTTssunGu Awla:wpm CONNELLSVILLit H. U. Spring Arrangement. On and alter . TtIITICKDAY, teem, 151 . ,/, 14164 The Lralos twill leave the Depot, canter a IL.. and Water tareeta, as ("flows: L. 21,6 1, Pittetturplt. Mall to and Prom Uniontown... 7:00 A. N . Kansa., •• Wept Newton Acculnlllo.lltloll 603 P. L. First .llclieesport Accont•u 11:00 A. X. Second • • •, 1•t : 00 itratldont'a N. Sunday Church Tea . (hum Webl . For Ticketa app ly 0 11. C ..SII.A L L t•LN KR. Agent. Z,- * IT W 8 - Atour Soo L VALLI I Y RAIifLKOAIY 1:1:0 C. Y. 1010 A. Y. CHLANIGE Op TURF: ttu and after MONDAY,. Nov. IMO, Passenget iris , Al will he arranged to run ut follows. 31 AIL T I R Kilt. AlN—Leaves Pittsburgh at 4:43 A.. , It. 'th fr . V:eit . .sll:b . urgl e Tt e t 19 - 1.!1 . EAPRESS TeALN—L ' eaves nattanning at 7:611 P. arriving at Pittsburgh at MOO A. N. Lear. Pittsburgb It 1110 v. a.. arriving at' kittanntag si 6:to r. b. ACINALMODATION Viet :Lase., Sods. Warta at 6:31 A. iv., arrlviug at Pi burgh at 90XI A. N. Leave. Pittsburgh at 1:40 r..;31., arriving at Klski roluetas at WS P. at. TIP. ttILIGIIT. Superintendent. STEEL I:WEBS, - - PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (813CCE88ORB TO JONES. BOY!) I C 0.,) Maqufecturers of to best rwOntO Cast 8144,1 &imam riat.wfol Octag of :6ww •t, baw Plates, floe, for, and !Alert Cut Ste on. el, Cn.t tlirol fur GRIPING AND MOWING MACHINES, STEET PLOW WINCH, SPILINISI,AILLES, CIRCULARS, Am. Cast and Common Plougki and Spring Steel, OtMee—Conker of Firsl andlioasstreerts, tWoblOati above The Monongahela HOW. cza LACK DIAMOND ES . I . XLEMM N:rfraiNalVEl, PITT2111:11kiEl. PARK. BROTILER di hfanat.turers of BEST QUALITY REFINED CAST BTICS.L. Square, Plat and Octagon, la all Mee. Warranted equal to any lruportad or manatactured thiswan. try. agrOlnoo and warebouse.and =m am and 12/13ocond etrseta. Pltaatonrata 11•111 m/ OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, &a McCAL - 6:111111 CARPET •.TOR Mo. 87 Fourth Street. Mosaics and Aizminster Rugs VELVET RIMS. Embroidered Piano Covers, SHEEPSKINMATe Irj. k ark was oy SF =r_ w : ~ IV And davvry deserlptlo. of o.pats. DRAUGHTING. GEBaMkL DRAUGHTIEG OFFICE mad Pifttemit. ELizeksaop No. /3 By. SL Char Bt., near tßuiPez.lan Brides d. P. GENtirKll.ll3. CUP Snirtnsar .14 310. laitair O;Np vjlti.l:iti JAMES LITPINCOTIV Notiocals.e.r. Dealer IR S. LVILOIS BACON BARREL PORK) DRIED BEET; LsRll, L.ucf, um. ()PLEASE, TALLOW, de., erolrld respectfully solidi share cm tbs .fe trade; No.. , I4IILEVENTIL STREET. ratabargh. i-2eLms ‘!{ *Te_tal 111 GARDINtit coma Agentior u , the Irmyklin, tblladelp , ilatibioto companies, Worth -east cOrneTWOOD Thlril streets. • - w L., JONES, Agent 'bathe rfortb znithiti 2 '=" 6,B 4tZFMML' i t4TAA"" F ll . 4 . llll F , PAuto,retturyO LIL A ! ' 011 1 n s w l r T li nmee Caemy, iscmletet 13:12 6.0 b P. 41.C11.1. 11:40 Kt Arr., Pittao :00 T. r. :0:00 0. Ir. 8:X1 A. X. B:be K. 2:05 r. r 6.46 r. X