The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 13, 1866, Image 1

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Y. 13 PENN A v .
ObnitisLL ZHU ""C"M
PUBLISHED Br Tint 0 AIBSTE 48800/A 7101 f,
No. ga . Prggir STIZILIT.. Pittsburgh.
haususims Norm., by mail, per year
EgiariNG Zomba. do. , oe,
gerve4 by Carriers, MOuNixo or RV - Mod, per
the Ptsbittgit tbauttr.
iromeolfmthie medicine.
At Fulton's Drug Store, Non. r. 7 and Cu Fifth et s.
The Sphinx.
An Egyptian Marvel, a human head °Mehl
eft from stone, changed to actual living mat
ter, and made to speak, sing. Irina, smoke,
and deliver its oracles, as to the time of tto
drat weird and utystical conception, nearly
four thousand years ago—quicker than the
lightrtinatenash crumples to dust, tearing the
tinitedy crowded auditory spell-bound, trans-
Sled. wonder-stricken, at the marvelous sight
whinh has so thrilled and startled the mil
lktfill who have been fortbnate enough to aft
ties, the greatest sensalson which has
lasdigetPartal since the creation of the world.
.fadlpirtteulars hi to-morrow's paper.
Dry Goods,
New and dearable stylee opening every day,
on thenOrtheast corner of Fourth anal Mar
ket street. C. liplitos Love d 800
See The
Female litnetrelm, led by Helen Western, t
Alpaca.. and °burg a
All Use desirable colors at Sea York prices, or
&b. northeast corner of Fourth and Market
streigt.s. C. 11,010, LOS,. & Bro
, Rave Ton Skeen
The advertlyturnemt of linntpr not
look for it, nod rto it.
There le none about, sawyer'• Berhex', soap.
Tritt and be convlneed.
At imultern or taetory ottee., on the northeast
corner of Fourth and 'Market streets.
Leads the Female Fort; Thieve., tit for ta
ere muse, t ht.
And ot her beet brand, new otyleo,"sew open
ing on the northeast corner of Fourth and
Market street.. C. Hawses: Loved Itwo.
Ilelen Western
ttlunitrelit, at the I)pt•rn littuso, to-night
Wholesale and Retail Hot House
Wu Invite the attention of the piddle to the
extensive stock or new goods Just received lit
Won. Fletning's: cenststlng In part of Men',.
and Boys' fine Felt, liesofte, Derby, Saratoga,
Dasher and Dexter Hats. Men't and Iloys
Cape and straw goods, also a large stock of
Ladles' Flats of nit the latest styles. We do
not hesitate to say that the goods offered for
sale at this establishment, for quality and
price 111.1.13 not bUrput set'. We ..pedal IN
matte wholesale ertnomora to examine tair
stork, as we are now prepared to sell by tlir
dozen or eases an low as any jobbing lice•r a.
the country. Remember the place. W.. 1
Every Seen.
at the Opera Hoare, for the Female I oily
We elpeet this expres.ton will i.e Ihe oiler
thee of every one'reailing
of Barker 3. Co.
Forty theacallnl
YOang Wile.. 10 the %lAreh.
ierrolfeksv ('omtl t•
We call the attention of our reader:. to tin ,
article at -Vertalfuge COMISts." mit crt Iced in
another part of our paper, by Joseph Fleming,
Draggle!, No. C. 4 Market !street. These Comfit,
are a specific for worms. The fact that the)
are manufactured hp Brown, of "Bronchial
Troche" notoriety, it a hilfnCie-Int guarante.
that they are on erthle rio,•rit
II en.. Tbr
liiiesotiful songs in the Minstrel "rt... at 111.
Oyern Bones.
Carpets, Olt Cloths. tre
The largest and moat complete a ort.,eet
01Carpets, Oil Clots, huge, Door Mitt, &r.
one offered In the city, et very low prace,, en
Dunlap, Luker At ••, 136 Fed, el street .\
Grand March
Of the Female Fla ty Ibte-ep, by Helen It tet
ern and forty ladle,
Uarguln•, Bar`alu•, 6aradn•
In wet goods, at Dunlap, Laker a Co 'II, I,
Yecleml street, Allegheny .
Helen Western
In the celebrated Minstrel Seena, at the Opera
Tbe sale of wet goods of Dunlap, Luke.,
Co.'s, 136 Federal ma -eel., Allegheny-.
Wei tioodri, Wet Woods
A lot of wet goods such as calicos, tickluga.
checks, de lathes, and a great many orbet
kinds of goods, which acre damaged by water.
Call early for bargains, at Dunlap, Luker
Cogs, 136 Federal street, Allegheny.
Fermate Forty Thieves, at the Opera House
Helen tl'enteraz
Ileasexae, in the Female Forty Thieves, CL
the Opera House.
The Sphysts—A !Mystery
Unless you would be asionisbed. We mono
Barker &Ga.'s advertisement. Sec the price..
at wh ich they are selling Dry Goods
Carpenter Jabbing Shop
flaying returned after an absence of three
years In the army, I base reopened my shAp
for all serfs of jebbmg In the carpenter line.
at the cud stand. Virgin Alley, between $12111.11.
Geld street and llierry Ailey. Ord.,ra solicited
end promptly attended to.
WIL4.IAI YO111110,?.
Practical Slate Roofers, and Dealer., to mert
can Clete of varimm color'. Wilco at Allorun
der Laughlirea near the Water Works Pitt.
tough, Pa. Beeldenec, lio. le Pike ktreet. Or.
dors promptly attended to. All work warm:a
nd water proof. Repairing done at rho short.
eat notice. - So charge forrepans, provided Lite
roof is not slanged afte. It la put On.
Fall and Winger Goods
/t la with great pleasure we call the eaten.
tan of our readerslo the inibperb stock of Fall
and Winter Goodell oat received by Mr. John
scaler, Merchant Tailor, No. IM Federal street,
Allegheny. Lila stock embraces some of the
cost beautiful Cloths, Casaimeres, Overcoat
tugs and Testing, ever brought to the western
Marta.. ills assorttngat of Tarnishing Goals,
comprising ghirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Tlest
dliandloarchiefa. Ate., cannot be surpassed east
or west. A large stock of ready mad Pants.
Coats, Voata and Overcoats, will also be found
an k a e eflgolo.o moot. Persona In wont of Any
Lbws to the a thing Me should not fall to
love Mr. Water a call.
The P4phyux—A Alvotery
A Broken Dowel System. : by a banquet at the Matson Dar, e In into
There ti a disease to which the doctor. {;ire . square. another Meeting of the 11-1•111 ,q,e11.-
, (1,9 of Brooklyn was held yesterday, at which
many nam e ; JUL which few of them unde.r.. it • ti
ii ie upp , angements for Ilic anniceniury pr.
stand. It le all•Dly weakness—a breaking, ...The Herald's Wtothington special ea) .4 Th,•.alon In that city were completed.
down of the 'Mal folic. Whatert , er Its ceases j reported return to the ltlehmonsi bangs of the
(and they ar e t e , aawer aWob its symptoms are i nee hundred thousand dollars in gold, claim
..n the main the same. Amon: the most prom- i 0.1 as theirs, but indeed and brought here b y
neat are extreme lassitude, loit4 of appetite, I 1L"'„,,,,11,,." of 'b e i r r.' d mol.'' i5.rev ,,,, ,., ,, . ,, , ,
our of flesh, and great mental depress:nu. ln- I wt lid In thiVeasl' a l tu r gre a , t e r m' . Its i ret e n r - n n 1 - ::
digestion an a Siowmot, 0, 7 ,,,h aro .1. 0 frO. : the bunks la an undecided ()meatier,.
quently 00....1, imam ar this distressing Stat.° lLion. Ottani . was before the Reeo»struetioa
ommittee on Saturday, and teatitied that we
of body anti mind, The common remark In I f feeling,'
rt Texas among the people waStoner.
relation to percent% in such a cowlick.' is, that ally o loyal, although he anticipated no out
they are consumptlec. Now, what these un- I break.
fortunates really REM, ugor—runt strength, (301 Right. llllll—Nnilosual Insurance
and as certainly ae dawn succeeds darkness ! Bureau.
they can recuperate their systems and regain New Yome, March In.—The Tr"blow's Wll_4ll
- health by resorting to lioatecter'e Cel- ledtto a ti t geAstal ,.. e . ar : The
Judiciary ComnJt
eerated Stomach Bitters. It Is as clear that a re i ' Mrt again to th . trt i al.V ' ge t "Xi I itighid Lill,
1110-reviving Tonto Li required to such eases, I wth, an Initial Munse providing that nothing
as that the dying flame of no empty lamp re- I mutely:l In 1.17i on li o ll; lei underetond
finiree to be revived with in new supply of oil. 'r e,..e " ,,, l ife ' ri. q. ;:ttieg mode to ug 7urganize tU rotigh
Perfectly pure and tertoiclous, containing u COngresstonat eumetment. n Netionel in.iir
"a"g but a" m ost vegetable c ie ' t n ' e nr d e' l L .4%ll . l l llU - I r l ' I . I . :. 1 1. ZI .I.I"TUY of ti lure
tracts, and combin ing the 'twee gin r`hr - In the coon trl., LI It IA . tiered that A 011111.•
mentor of a stomachic, an alterative, and age- thugmay De arranged rough the Internal
slat tnvlgorant. Baura are em nuc ", r rrnner2 a soiree
able hat
to all constitutions, and are as applies torn, whereby Insurance eompanles m a y have
ale to the diseased and disabilities of the fee- their securities in goverattomt stocks, and
eta as to those of men, deposited here In noel Li manner that., he Itu
ant veSetions State lawn for guarding th e Ire
• nestettees Bitters .ta ut ioss rit i, be repealed.
ILO 16,14 wholuideandretallapvery low rates Oen. eloin elates that there are to het
'A t ritAnin g' spr ' llr ` ad PAWAtlttdi A / A° D eP At ' lio" . " ° ‘ hte ? i g rmsn ih a r b rll=2;TlTsl m n"'r
2 i o ieo tarket Itn ' l4.°° '" r Of th e DUirocatt to the tiovertiment, instead of Seventy Mug
glad street. • I Bons, as believed by the Comptroller's Clerks.
Itt•patrh to the I'llt,htr,h
HA.ICIPHr6 , , Match 12, 1466
The Governitr.ii Message, vetoing the Viiii..-
delphia and Erie Railroad hill, Was prt.,.1,...1
To the house.
Mr. Glass offered a resolution to Ourn 1111
t.ll the 12th of April.
Meseta. Slack . and Hermit pre.enu•a A r .
monetrance ainel the paseag ehi the he..
BILL, in e—Mr. Buyin, in ,Int,n io
, upervlsors In Fayette vounty.
Mr. Glass offered a m I to inela p••r. t• t 1,.
Germania Grocer y and llrtatur,.
Mr. Me , ` ,, ,to fucorpornt, Rur Val Vt Il• I oar
Mr. Eldred. a ,applenronl I, the Vt.:la.,:
phla and Erie Railroad Nil, and toed 11,a r
Ihe 1)111 had 1,(30 prepared to ao•et the •
liana of the Govarhor. The toll on, rt•to•r, 1
to Mr. ktud.ltrnan
The I,n,tl.lntilemr omm It Lev 1015.,11..1
lizlng 11,. time ("r Hold iu 4 . tL. A..
I:nnyt• In All..gltenv oonntv
The Bonne then K.i.1011r14.1
I ETO OF 11401 . IL 011 1111 T I
int Itin ltn lr It io the inti.hurgh
IlAnictsnuito, Mtkreh 1.14
her.urnor Curtin promiesr. •Int
t (.t or the Philacielph 4111114 Elt h t
tlllgi vert+ally 1t.,i., it
ripal reason,, therefore, the rtote4L
1 , 011 . nt - Oelegat Inn.
No 01 eel %cl of the Fenian: to he
Lord's Banking House !tubber y
1111 \‘ i
• leetal -ay- Itte e.t.lent told a t
• 1 Saturday, that de regard. •I 1,1.1-.3,, a
I•,11 loyal atm . than old•oK. eta, .•••
The ",
st ,nin 1.•,•y• 3
t. ern, 1., rq, I Of I• 111. :ttoi
II • I. t atl , Inewoo, 1.•11.1.1 , I.••
:1;:!!;/.4 . r •
I t 111-11101'41,.,1 W.—ill .I.IN ht,,,el
LI, • .olug ket.•1,1,11
, • • LtA. ,
. I st
••• ...1 :!I mad., ar: II • I,•
it ti • r, 1.1 exattnnatl..” 1• ,
• -0 , 11., buslny.,
,I , l,,turitta base Iwell Si. •
•,,t 11,,y itro ready 1' •
Brat 1/111, IV' preferred a,raln, •
Cl - 4111,1,n t that they 41.1
~r tieer, of the Ina', that h., tr.t.hl
part, has been attempts,! /111,10 , 1
wan that they have always nwele ,I
t.trns with legal regelartt,, and I'. ,
their hooka open at /Intim., I, I !,••
t OttiCerl. The solz or. of .t 111 , 1 s,
n Imo confined to this. cltyi
p ocured of extensive franam I
500:ye.1 rnanufecturer,
. -
a , e on the other 13 - 1,1 , . or 1.1.. at
- t be nett health cell:l'mi
eration,and I. 1•11 t ••rtnK
111111unttles und uut.. A
botcher. red hide , 1t.R11 . 1. v
with them this morning, atl referent, to t
rem... al of slaughter-house-. hone
ouls'anOes, etc. rml at he city.
Enropean flies give additional part leolsr•
The Linnhori Grone, of Feirroors vtt
hare authority to state that Ito re is ion •.-
il.vtion of any sort for the rumor that Earl Ito
-41111 liud begged permission from Her Map -1,
to resurti, and recommended the Duke of son.
erset I.llls sitegroirror. The whole -tor, irrep
heginning to end is a pore net...
A meeting wag held in Liv erpool this nio. n
lug, Wednesday. There sits tl iP. nits of eigoo
I honsand pOUntix Stlbseribeol iti the room. to
the parpoite of afford :Ile aid Ito the Fenisi.-
now in penal werritude In tork.
The Reporter of March lit %ay.: Erulgrat ion
to the I . llltrel States ha, already commenced on
a large seule. It lit not the poori•r 1 . 110.4.1 , the:
are departing, lout those s
home. If they 130a141 only Iw ought to t•o•
tent with their lot.
l'pwardet of .Ixteed oto—.ento r..t• •
wtating 10 queonolOn n. Ole] thr etettlro•r
taken a toll load.
A Pftrl4 eOrre.fflllaent rile• II app., r •
that all attempts at ltrittglag the Pt taeo
la Aeon dart to
of the great Exhibition have falle.i, and tlnil
he alotolutuly refumett to he recOncll,..l 11 It
the Emperor, matt] the latter makes wc/tile
al public aekormletlgnient The Prole , I 3 la . ”-
tains that as he ol a Ihataparte aiel he ot t
not, that he ha, therefore, the right j.lue
wllethel tile nelltlatelll. lie Oils-reit at t
VI ere Bonapartetri or not, and flu 111.., „tlto
niant he is witting to•diol or 1011. T , ... ho
p. riot Commission of France will, thereto.,
presided over by the er of Agrleel
t ore, Cron there° and Pahl it St or Ics, iI.
Ino.t competent aunt popuht r
The folioW leg it the rtmend turnt 10 the
i•e to the Emperor, nritml try oppocit eel II
the France corps legislatiff, upon n Melt tin.
• great speech or Mr. Titters was delivered lie
eiinde.rnneil the Maximo) expedition At its
, ginning in calling attention to toe inutiorrivis
w mita and ancrlficeit srineh It would Minns,
7011 France. /mat year at the return of out
sold lore was aolemly promised, IF I! regret 110 , 1
it has nnilergOne a rottindallon which the n
, to rents of France do not pastlfy. Our eetinir
has mot forgotten the original ilecistriction
n - ado by the GOVerafeet regottllng the
of the expedition, and It ta witontslieot
Our army now no devoted to the /1 . 11 • 1101. 01 a
n throne.
At, .eettutz to Madrid Intel), gevnrtkl
ell •DI of mll Iran . reputation soltilil*• , •te.l to
1111 coo on the Pacific, in any event of then -er.
V ben toeing needed.
Potoleration of ill. Patrick's Day -.The
Richmond Specie-4 n. Custom's Tee
?inn Tone, March tt—};xteo.t.e prepart
,ns are being maile by the Irl.h cat zch. , kr
II a Metropolis for the eelehratio, of dl. •
_k's hay. Col. o.3lribony han IPVIJed nn 01.11
r the parade on that ,g.,a,tion c.l the lOiI,
It oriment of the National "nlal,h , The
IC lights of et. Patrick will eel ehrate tl.O dnt
• ' "
Ear- c 4.3F3t. vi Tc>Lll tool-kffil.
OFFIIII 111. ,111.1TA111 ORDER
Maganne, and Irsenak tiller Guard,
lilt 04: 1 ,11 MARTIAI lAW
I 4 . N 14,, - Tio• :1111
• I
ti. ~.1.1•1,
ill• i•lt, Ist Nitl,
I - t II
(i ' ..~.i
th ONCRES—i'I UST SEs!•,lO5
~( ~,n
' ‘lr .t 1
. 141411 / )4 • 141 . 1111.11 It Itlllll V.I.- • ,
nn, thnn ,„ , , , , th „ .. i n
thinth,n 11/ 44311/L. k .t/ mkt gain mg
Ihe ute.•l tug Lc trIAII,II 11111111 . 1311 . 11 f u, 1. , aid II&
et '• ...v. eons nu.l eulatt • •ent..1. , 1
1..• u....11111•111#31 34 ILttlr. , ll.l- t., the •
..t ttu.u- 111.—pee• he. were aittutate.l
••:‘l,lltl. ou Publle
mit iif
iii ott ,, h l and ‘,11111,...t. , weetty
t.' H. Ihe ...last 11(3.10/1111 11/11 Istiti•ins
Nev,ho nlieN 14L1Irott“1. t. U„t1:•e- 1wl"'" "I
ni - tlg tho iti car, emit, 11.111010. 11. et 1 . 1,11-
•3.•1 11.11 tll 134 1 iiitintlictio on Pantile Ituilrinsil. '
..' It..
11 t 1114 11, I . 11• ed, N1211.1 id/11 . 1 1 11 It rowlulann, v(1114•11tins
•''••• 1"' E i l In I111••t`In
1111 rotary of lPnr to W' sna”lnnt lon of Is 1,4•11. he m,.1-4erpr.
" eon
" , 111' I/111111k 1'0 1 1331'1,1 It ' ss ' ilrnZS ' il (hi, !lA/CI - 1 , 1(11.1 1 , Nl:och ;: l'he t . ,11111J11111011
4/,,,4,413,/ 3,4" pr/ ,ty/d 110,1 11. 11 . . 1 / 1 .1.11, cllxtg.l 1111. 11101.1,
~k “,„„, 111. It W 1 1 . 1. ,.. W 1,6 4 . illlCiti.l,l ,n • I 1..•
.1 I he the., ueut tt.t.. the I ornmtttes.,o I Ile ,h • letolo ....1•InIslecl,
Ilr I nßerter,ll In the t.hatt, mut re. ah • l I• •• ”"I . i Hut I••
..1.1..e.1 the rot. , . t,:hmol the hill ',gut/ding "‘'•''' I. ' t 1 4,. .t‘e , „ \',r,
h. Iturged in 1111111.,
51.13 . 1111, nl ‘1 . 1 . 131• 1 113 / •1 i r}31 . 11.1 to co. Ilue Mut 11/ 1311 . l'ruride.nee In
••I Ilit• 1...1.011 that it it 111111
• •111 of this 1./11 , 1, 10 1111,11 111 much .hape its
loky tato, ,t t•.ttl.ll pot ,nsil rut make tt :1 practical 1111.1141 r Th.•( win. The Pi oof the I . l.llndelithin ((yid Erie
%V W: , 11/1111 '11(.311 . 1.4 31111/ I , ndelLvt,rud
•,i• 11.,kea hill that Wllllllll4 l fnir and pri(per It 1 1 u11 11 14.1 . 111.1 Ara!, It --The et., .4 the
.”.11 et I:. ext.) 41„11 ' , mat rue:v.llle. He utterly ....tutted unit utt , l Erie hisiltimil ss ill r k,
1 .114 .11/W111v:tot legt.littltig behmlf of xis- t” the 11/111 , 1 1 11r tie1.1 . 1.411114111t
114.1341 14 II Itl he 1..1 t . u
II tUkus the netnd that the tutu liege
-.11.1,1 14 II ~)r.1ete.1.11.. i. 4.. 1, u,.,t,,111,,,, lt,. hell ' ••• tottrtuttl Ix thtt trltt tn. ....... ttit ,tt I•,-
li .tut
Ir .\.i
I 1 tr t
1 tr 1 r r
10,1 :el pie...e1•~.1 , tetel ,i% 00 - 1.081.0 1.) ._,- --- , ;,-; .... .. ..., ~ . ~ _ • ^-: - -
NI,. sonortlo.e. ot 11..., tor F 4..110 1111 "
I.! 0 J. , 101 0 1,...,1014.010, ..ittretgetl th e . .'~'•Arun ' ,At e , Manner. , is I rem. no•, ,i, d tool no it.lll4llllllleen
F t ....11.11 le.le 111 1 , let el., en, the l a tato,. or I ol- l i, 11011,...te1t, .1/..1110 , 01.4 I.eursiteenee on raw motto- to 1101110 t" NW , lb , ' "toot I,l t to "i ' oo ' I 'vont , .
I, I-, ate. rode- mo i .. JIM, :11. • ..( 10 , 16.,.e...t. ~,,,,. It ~., 01111.,, hat•,lly Wort h w him h e . t h e , fortrl In 10, evil, int lle. ,Inooelts Ins e•ted. .111'•
to ee It, the ... , •,,,, L i to men 'I fn. )..101 ri,t.lee- I , 001.111 Ive tell IV oy, 0,11 , 1 Menne to lrtcoggle lice+ brier Unit NelSoll 11 tswentrol Mr Field
II "I'"" "" ' ''' ''''''' ' WO' "... a ''' ” 1 3 0 ". ce Oro, the roomiest delerlldnirtion of the d"1 "t" '' l I " II " . """
et ~ ,1, shall not he eo 4Oloso rno.l ne 1., ..t- Ile•te.. n.renul• ()Meer" lit Itetetallie !there lee.
for from 1., al 01.. nrolim norm. rind all lle.or- M....1e ,. .01^ rite•. .poke III:01 11 '. 1 . 11. and re
" l oll ' i ..""'" ":"'" "1. ,1.•11,,'.'1,1.•. e 'l•' . ' 111 .•• Le l e l l - e 1. ., „•.I the Itloll.ol to .1,1,0 oat tor• .''acrid • 6' New 101111, Worth VI —A lVashisigtoo epecuLl
.1. hte , locee ot, Jaaro c r no, ~..,
elnoo. Tier' 'et ton wan token Iry letters 101 , 1 nays it hill in 111 pi yl.OllOlOO let lee offereet in
rill je.11.1 r,e„1,l let, 1... t. rent tr , ~ .. there w ere, 0 , as oe, nays ft;., 0., 111.• °nutting Corlitroee, enstrosv,..; the seeretare of the
,Ir. soatrallog moved lo refer It to ' • l on.- elan., wow 1111 , 11 ell oul Treareory to derperree wit html ILI Milt:rye In the
Or Ile , oil ti of'. ond WfOrlle, te. ill . 101...• 1., ~.. 'rho L,,,,,,,,,111, 5 toss.. 011t1 t epterle.,l the ~,1100 . 10,1..110e 0 01 ., 1. 0. , 01 11 1/Tetettl 101i111•, If nor del
ll' I t ''
' " ill
' '"• 1 0 of tholivr an non nays in the /loose till 1114.1eUre. rlttivill al 1,1 he prthlle ioler.•.le, Most of thee,
N ! eti.., qt,....11,1, v. 1114 I, te 00 eeeorimel to, In too oetton of the , mintrlttme, nod reeUl- °dicers are Mere sinecure,.
dr. 11 . ..010 eke Ile, ..1 11110 e., "hoe led to the oe t tont ., 7t, nays :eh -
la I.•, 1 00 " " 1 'lv ""° 0 ". [I, fog ; ell' I" II- Si, ,•Iteoek ,o.lrod rrns.•nl Lee liiirnaltree a Ano ‘h er if eory flank Robbery Rep...rte.!
p. L , el en,' Mot' Ile .•. rite Ino 10..,,,, rat too re erl or ion, Inetruct log the committee t - to . .. . .. , ~
le ew• I not, matt lc,- •It In reported tor Wall
1'11,• sake•.. II I ' . ""' I ''''' I ' ''''''' ' ' , lit' l'i rot mg to Inquire Into the propriety of Fro) ,
It ~,,,,,. h f ,1".11••po.41 I ...• rfilli /I . .110, reel... 1.1111.1 ettettl her •a[ rolrhe • elf .0,011-
lite g 3coon extra toples of the rept/rt.& und tcoo ~
~,...„, , , , ..i. , i lf,
..__ el
Il t • 'let .0. I hoot' Ib• r , .00 roof , ett I i Intorry token before the Solent Committee on 1 ,';',7,::,`",", „,,, the ~„„,,.417, , "" "" I"'"l''''''`'''
111 tit. It Ft r. 00.101,0 of ere,,,, , .M. Is half It tollhon
1400 ns!, Ltto. • 0oilnr•:.
re. ' , tooth., • 1 Iterv.".. ro• mei rot. 10.0.. Fl. 11.. 1 : dill', "
11 ef. , 11.1 n•s"lot,o.e. It 1.. elropb, to P., eel. I. Mr se•llcitelf. intiVe.4l 4° 41101,011,1 the rttleet the
.I It, 11...1.6,tetett 111 e.. -re li wt .e eo.I M, we., e tie., 'A .L., , 1110pelteletl, and the 10.1401111.1011 Ira,. Ilossormbly Disc Mimed.
tic W.,' co
•rr tl, I w on. . el. t v, 1 le. r. t, r ...., - r m ,.,,,,,,,1 wa d w graed br. dew 1 iIIIN. Nlarelt 111 - Lot her n. Law rence,
l ' i Ili r' """' """" II" ,1.0,0"1,1,.,.
' M'.. P."" Th.. thol.. then trent Into l onmottlet of the i , ro. L , ..• ' l ' l '.. • I.lllle 0101. 1 ,, t en . the
le nor, 'rut lelerrt, 11,ot« 04..1 pr.. ...., hot to the COnelderatlon of ehorge 111 Irm mg live hundred dollar., stolen
dr, Cook ling N' lit o 1... or •• 10, for no. 1.1 the 101 l 1 ,,, Li". ~", • tion, pre.arratlon nod I mted elates bombe, In lice poeerreslon. wrp,
a-. the aro , . rof IV, . -,,, tie , or o r •erc r .1, 'Tsui.... of tort Oil atom, The first Rent in the lornmalrly dbotrargetl rtl-4111N.
eieroo 'to iftetle. il ~....
'. . I. .. 11 .. 1, l e.' 1.1.1 N. 4•31,4 Fort M' ayne, near lietrort, Illly.thou-
te• lost hereof', t sand dollwre
:'lle ''''''"k"." 't , °ll'''. n+ ',lv', 1,,. 1 , 1.• 1 , , Mr. M oshlort tie, of !Moots, soultireted that, • The Itiphing.—The myst cry, shout Ly bleb
ut 3.11110.0.1.4 eminent ' ewell Item In the 1,111 le• redrafted fifty pe went.: 0 " 10 . 101 . ettf . t"" ll ) lots Oven -rotted
throng), one alit eat rerun .011011,i, is Ile 1110.1:0
'llr. "Jpaohlfrig--I ~ I till ion .1" , that I want mr traits ell, of California., had no ottletnton i , i , .
~ e ie
to lax the erre:M.lre Ife the ,i, t le, 1, ,„ ~.. ,„ ~,,. ~,0 , „.„,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,s i , i ,
~,,e , , n0 ,,,,, m i r , ret . ..Lpptura c . our tit). CIO Fright) 4,1.11-
104, 111 1011Tert.11.11 Nall Fithian A ilroce's et
''',l' "°' ".' ett" 10 f" vIII I I "Ite tntvresf beol • to wools' to the Patine coast,
tn. , rearde 11 ith lax:Limn 11 Houma°, of Slielligum, showed the Po-
11 1
bon. ~. 1 1 Ourth'elarl Of the ttwOrldro -
Ar. Morrlll—W 111 nett the lip is. 1 ,, ,4. ranee Uf inalutnto leg Fort Wayne In g,ood t , iii be girett le our t'oltime.! 10-morrow,
r, .oltrtion Of inquiry i tomtit lon, It being within half a mile -of the ,
.tr njuriding— it poe,, te , Iath1:1. Um. that canacilan border, and our rehillons with Emir- !filethodlot Conference.- We bring the
II w 111 he rarbrolf tett bt rho , "airlifting.. Ways I s hri not heitig very satisfactory, , prooeedinga of tills body down to ant ill day
awl M.. 00 s bit' /'hone/ milled attention to the feet that night. The Conference probably adjourned
Mr. I.l' orrh Fr - roved 1., trw•orreoler th e cote on ill. I. telltrnittee ..coed determined to SO It , yesterday; It so, we Shell announce the op
ordering the tooth question. , 1n. , .d. There was no more reason why the ea- i puintments to-morrow. •
lir Isl
th. rt. sviro
, ,rrr
H. 1 , 1 11Iki
IT r
~~ t(. .~'.l'. 1.. iil
iii ii' 1 .~ ~~~~i~
.I,t• i•l'. ,11111 I Nlll - 1•
I. I I
,ce‘ 11,,ng to
•- I 1•'11 t In •
11,1,t- a 1 enn..t)3
. • •t
I ”pi The „•.t„•„
•• 1,1•11 r 11 1 •1111• 1. 84 MI
..i„ ~
te • t
"'' • t ~ leI•I. 01 . 1 "' 1.
I .:. it.l 11/0 Serl.M•l ,ti il. Ita,
.11 1.. 11/ 11.1o•Ign colltaritr , 5 - batwing thy I'ru, Nem
•L. ' 55 ' 4 dbrottfi, • ~e SL--.1.05,5 1 M, , nrf
'' I i.•• merit (tint it, on mail.. „
5 5„. s,, ~, ii twat.
''" '''•• • "'I hi ,5 ,n5i, 11, the wit, :fructified by luta, „s f ., 5. ,1 ",,„„„, I
h lie , -tont'. -anti -t'it' 5..5 ~ np,,511,11A. rtilm, or tilt' 1..11
.'• " 1 ...•1 ,515 , :•11.1 1 /11. lit .r. 5t 11e.... 31..
•.. ." . oldr .
'.ll-1.... ,, u'0••• 7,1 , 1
I. in ir50,5,1 1. , ritocnfl ~ y int,k Is, I hi. 15,.. T ,
*5,2 ,
111.• Li I 1,111 mrlev 511.. 55, , r 15 , ,..11c1
•••, •I 5 1.. t0..111.... Ih. .111l'.
•I ,•.•alz If, one-halt pri round,
1 , ...,55.1 to 11,.1 .t. 555,1 ~I the . 1 .11,./1 4 1111,11,•
. i , • P , P. ”"•• ,,I 1:P , I'. 11 lutA ,155.; the
-r -•.. • ilot,•••• took ;vv. , -• t'l
r . z I I.
Mr. ,1,/,./1 -I Wan ( 1 to lay the rewolnt ion on tonal.] tthould 1 - 111 /1. 1 14 . 11 fifty pet r the table; it la rank repudiation. than thete a, to t•ut then,dow n e
Tbe rote ftrtlering the main quest ion wu, r. • Ole per rent
ettnMattlern.l. t The hill A” . Lttt
r. Steven, withdrew loa motto , rEepartraynt, and Ii /L . 1 1111, / 1 ,1
Mr Unger. re neared It. and eat .1 I, the , practlee eeononty on nor tot title:oone- et •it
yea,. and•
tinte,tyben we Out not k 11.. W hut a s eat mine
Tte• vena nod nay. Itelog ordered. the . 1 1. 1 brmg Earth in nor r. Ina ion. sett': Ittet t iet. ( . 1,111-
r.. ." .••1 tin -el, nay- the 1 ries. and totttteulari wit h ttinghloor- It
n,lll n., laid upon the table. ; not very , datewitsanitke eel of Lees , tot .E.,
Mr. NEaubllng then ateentled fi _mason ,
to take tip t hlo Entgroprlatlolll , lllllllll .11111 11
is, At ril,lng out Ihe st orEln t• E • ertlEbote in. I .Itovn tO 'ten,' teethe. and Fifty pt- , • tote
The t Xttnntittel• then rEwte 10/ . 111 , 1.111 , 1.... of
•-f•vettil toetubet. otoeeted tr. Ito., ot the' :axing the u,, n, tut debate no the Jowl
takat ob . ,' In favor of ft. - Oen attar rose ate repot te. t le , ono: 11111:
1 ,11 the tEturgestion of Mr liootter , • Ito- lloribe. nr, tore!, j•./.1 k. .1 1 1-
,1 1 , 1.V/1,111. , R l /4111.10,1 1 0/11.0 fart her 1 11 11111/`ll.
./1 ter ,1111 11131 the ion of the .lot !I 1/1 June. I
nlitill not be no er 1 111. 1 1.1 . 11( 1 11 us to e/11 . 111pt . t latiettingent by Lite Nol(renie
trt. Ir.:allot. by or under State or municipal - Nmall - Pnc in Sent), Carnlinn—Order
let horti y, any 111111111111 of United elates Note? I issued by Gen. Grant.
vot braritor inlorest, held by any per.on na , .intidther v, Marehl2.—The eille 11111 /
of the 1: n 14.1, d/dr...rt.. 1111,11 1 the follEortng
The itrevtoto‘ ottewliOn wont then twain ion . - I 31111 . 11111.111. :I,nl fie./ 11////-
grllllll of the tut, of 1111- Court to . atett.•
The main otte , Olon woo, then ordered, litt.l ed so a,. to 'cad a- E • •111 all
I he
; hunt re-olatunn rttferred to the Con , canes brought here to, apoeal, wrlt ert
mote, on /V.V. and Mean, I„• er
othnige. 11,• ( n roc,. o !odor,'
.hens to uttered Et rewolttl w hien , 1/ , /01M 1 ' 1, 1 WllllOlll re. rd to he moot., of
i a- agreed I. .11ret • ting the .Inollelars Coto- the read the dot - to - 1, it it,
and roport tat the 1t0r,,, nn ; Shier( elicit Moro, ;or •1111111” t .111111 1 Lill-
C l /1 1 / 1 1“11111/1121111 , y 1111 d propriety or pro, in the fleet +Ult.' day , of tilt-11,111 0 1 / 1 11 11/ y
Eng to law that no perwon who in Ell-loyal to , r t, Pte tt or the thrortte
Ito. Bolter ~otent of the United State+, who or eotErnte•itor-. Cll //•11 - 1 111 1 1, is,- tint
AN ,oltuntarity engaged in rebellion agatnet Mod ,.
governrnent, ent ti hot In t ~x_ ' The Seeretot •Lrol
el, Ile of 311 1 1 11,1i/r 111 11111 y Slate, or hold of- j I t edhet Of the t ro-1111/ 11'.11.11,1111 I.a, a ritten
• to fle• rbief toed. at "thee, of the Freedmen':
. providlto • alert by law for pt•rson4 Burr .. for or 4 ny. ,
„ ussemgngeti ,
the grnitil ir Oh ettiodilt•ralee
admitted It , eseo•ire -nett elective franelose rarldtty 'out, pot t ton, of 11,1,1 Who,.
of 'oof ,if All/ /111 /Iv w I VeNITI I / 1 111, I .lelitenato Ironorol nod dodted gr
Mt w Sr donok otter...l a 1 . 1 ,1 1/111:11111 111 11,111( 11 , 111 enter reqult Is,g tounnuttelera of notte.,,, ,
„frepurtx , the ,fmrtmeril, 1111/111/V as to waohle. to 11.1...,
.1 . //I. l li 1111 1 Ifeeon.“ t action cot, all rented loot.' to,- 15, he evacuated, and the
'toots gad 0n0 . .., tentathing 11l flour eo ,ry
', and the hour I 111111111 s to hr. 1 . 1 11,/e/rI/ eel; alas
over Hotel. as properly of the rotted state.,
next Stood., The allowtoteen of barracks, ottartyo, and to•
NI, Intone, of yin OW, Ett.t....1 I` to Intro- , area, are tO - .11 telly 'Outten to 1111 1 .4110611th/
411, 1 /11.1 nlol4llll panted apt, of ahoy regu t at ton-.
12, „,,,„r; it,.,, in giving len, o r rri iii,. stir . and - A honevor Quarter Mtvrter. return Ir;rod
. tar the orteortnotion of a ern...11.01m to ; they w repoid to the t t iter I PIM,-
..suitt.nt.... a Irian for tho Mexican Repaid' e, ~ , nwitL e r or ills Depart mem, t heir 01.5, 11,1
it(111••• sloe+ 11/11 Ihorohe In any Oily rip - • e' en( e't th n tel" , Ito•pnetor dwirorad• n
it , n iihy etre thelr.wpevial attention to I Iti- .111/jl l l 1,
11,„1,; thi.l ;;iitent- • and eiitra! • I Iry I' , l lair a: I. robot bit all
' „ u- ta.el mu to a 01111111111, i• of the NI e lean ' llllllll . lll l l / 1 C 11 1/11 1 1,1 1 11 11• intisolitt 111 1 .1 1 ,11 1 .
1:/ / ,•111.110 14.111. urns I, - 10111 Lt.a.,20v.11..1it for ocOnottly. ;•Inherrrn• rt. thoh
Mr. •nrith rthirreted Ilona rotsort I. their r..pordive fleabite. ter.
Mt. Blame w irOted 111 111011' //, cslaprn.l the
rifle, 1 .111 !ni r Morrell ha, lug the poor, de- 1 • ,,,nt 1,, Central
:nee et tlv; 1 (11r the nrott (( n . •ea War better,, Sports, and Ecuador
Ste ',Vold, ot Nl • tweroto-itt, pre•outted a boot Nrw 1011 K, 31sel-ls T ,, .• .nin.l
II,• tn.• of IV
•, 111 c 11:„ 1 1 , 11 1 111 C 11111/
4111 14 11 1`1 1,11, 11/11 1 11 1111.• legklat lon of ' Ilan four bnittlt 1 , 1 ,11i n e thotewind
st. ptoodog he t't • eroltotoc. 1111,11,1 /1/.11/11. or cleat, IA •••I tdor o'floyk.
e tug reprowentation (coo, the j „Asa, r, si c
1,11-1.. 1 / 1 /11,11.11 1111 1.11s.l• :tt er.•1131. 1/51,1
Mr •-tet . to..tot Pato,- an La. °tiered a re . ” , tart too d toned onto oo• -5. bt ha,
Abt. w to. adopted. broo el,ng for a ro- WWI/ RYI /11d:1111/1/1i. Alt.: 3 i.ll /11St• ‘.Li 11.1
• 111.1,11 '11.. 11 1 4,1 ./.1117.e(00pt •rntrorrott, front . !nal hr . I' atilt n • in no n.r,
+y'' 11l . 1 1/ I/. 111. 1 1 . 1 /1,14 red .11, • • •II 7.111.
••:i 1 1 110111,1111111 /1, 11/ 1 . 1 . /./ . 11111 to It, en- The et to., E., A..., ~,
itatrolett-, Ne• , I *lee, met t ht . !)
E. Nor, d t Ile t mu:to:tee on Patent.. ; At. arrival bosom 'moo.. report-, ;not inns
Mr l'aEn. tot robteed It hilt to nut Itorlue th e gold' E t', ~ 51.
NI.; w asol atrie Ito Itailoot .1 Att Et ~
onipatt ectod I led benign 111,11-// 1111 1 /• hill tir, r
I,I::.• 1o•.;1,1 ...late,
11, I ..ferT! ElicE I . •
ItEtrE•EItiELEEEI A 1311.1, En:
1, I Irwelll.l 0f111.11.18 Th , t .
1 , . r
MI:1 , 1111,1
I n iE A.l ENE I. it,
1:1I1(1 /114 nett 11,1,11!,,. ♦e, et
ie eel lite• 11 1 F 1 . 1 111 1 11.11 1, f ll,ll l l. 1.11 1. 1
11, R. Anwrieito 111. ..I et le te1e.:. , e1.11 'eel ill' .... ..•i.el 'eve
I 11111,11
01 I i..•
I ti
'1 " 1., l., : "t".,.".'",.....‘10'.1 Ihr PrinOrle sghtn, nod !ha nperat ton .ul.l le. eon
“I n,n there wae .Intllli.lnl. fostering of nkont.le.ilex Ineteed
oe, .1 ler ...eking in exeoese ?e, 0110, . of the preniolne.
11st , 11111, 1,. 4.4(lotalen rue the year
” 3' " ' had Mr. '" Coiled Staler. hupr , e.s.e /'out/ i
11'4". NV Ail se „, Mkt. h -111„ Unt/ed ,alen
;n1 t 1,1, .1111 i • 0 ..,. 11111,11 . 1:1 nut mnnx ti.t.
11 I I
A nNI,
)1 t
1••••1.•.1 :put% :t)
)1 .
tlootr estate ms Whet
•wett.-; The let .Imll. Innot 1.,. ill°,
11. 11..1 w•w - t• tltstt tort, dwot het e°ltor,
I.qlt• a writ rtgittn.t (Ito parttes who 101,0 not
paid asstssntent to the 'rrottsitrer of Is
ottotv, 111 l tr. sltull Mr.,-
to I to• .rders to°Trost 1114`
3,1 1 . 11111111V111,11 In Jail until the
nssessittl paid
ss•ttpt, 1,/, Tilelnottr)
o ollortott-11u11 n 1
1,1,1 Ic. 1 ito. Fro,-.111 . 1.1 ..r uotinty, to
?; 1..t0 on tit- ord., 1,l the proper
sot I,to t.i if•V.,ll, ', toot the
tiontsst.-tt t • .tiotty,copies tor Jitti
Itt,tl.-lotrt t l
'I'II, ,(.'.lto. -11.11.11. x I. 1 ~/t1 \... 1.14
113.• illll‘
lir •icl.llli. I,OIOV lot \,•w
I , lk 'lli- nlng
l'esslnn Nlnellug
nurt: . lt3-41?!, In t . h..111.,1.1.f Ih. Ilmok
rt: .;.1 lo• t: Chmt . ll.ltot .Itl. ' l ' 2..n t . " l.neee the effeenee P' eJ" her
" ♦„ Ix tlll.latnalma: the inoleto- '" • ""..e'nee•
" ' Insinettlloolttly t Of lo• 31in- ta11.... I. thy, I Ownt:
14• tlllll.,nory on he tn 111., . 1 ' ••
I”,`l.liinflict I 11. rvrt,rlt..l Iliat 111.• clutrag• 'tn.! E.., r. -
: • ?II - • 9:relticall,:ns were nol .tn.! III:Mb , .
1 lY l: i:l Itti• ::pen :•111',.tt:••• '''' 11‘,.
4.•• 0 , 1 1,.1
/101111,,i 11'• , I•••1/11,. 111• • %1.TV,.. 1,1..11, 1,11,1 ,• .• I,
1. 3 \V :11,..4r,. .1 It W
h., IX, adapted
./n1l11•111,,i N ;I
Reed. 11(11.1 11 I,r
lb ' ' 11111 " " 1 ' 1 " 1 ' 11,1,, 1., 1 .- 11 . hen, s I hat it is he ;en-, of hl. et -
. 0
10,1 1/1 11 1' eta:mitt:et• appotot t ei at the la, eite that lite rwitottat7 ‘ ‘ie ' t !, 111 . 1
[nevi tng fratue ta•rtatot lan. to I.e ttiv.l 1,1 0, 1 03001101 11111 ill make te, of t O.O
he L'onferene• Itev L it. itni.ler
1. , mit* ,,lloll v.•• 1/1 Harrt-ioirg reint •"r 1011 1, ,111 . ,1 1. tar Ills Leit sl., .tion preached at or, terlait t hnteh at
In the ippon' Irani, ounntea pre- "I ‘ rii ' sr t e . n '' .ll "H", ul the rtntrntag lona, and In I" e. riling Kl's
.101111 1 111001 Pig 0 . 1,1' 11011 Se, Itl.lll "001 101'. 011 1111 1 Coliterellee, but tit..o IV, A. Wet., gat, nay Ks, Mon.
•fnit,nl to •ten.,•i,t• ol,ecte to .vlll,-1: the lora' i,..rtv4pontlittg, , 1 the NI. K
Prot W. I itel•-•on then pre:nailed Ihe .11 att inn , - ' ll . ll nti t•rt 111 ref t,0 --octet y, to preaelt Rev. It
11l i,,11 h trh I‘.l pret.,..l. and of 4 ." 11111 i 11 ' gtotteiera te , tiFiti- IVail.ot. 1.11111 tied at the NI I'. thutrll.
hie!! we 4•1 ill only LON, a Itriet aynnp,-.
H i Th 1•041 11 11' 1 111. 1111 1 111 111 1.14.1 , Tl'l'lll 111 10h1/ . 10
Soc',cor/ II( 1• 1 1,0 1111' price of Ileetk,.. 4 - ' 1. " "" 111".•11 the F rtv e n - (lint } , rmit•ll...l tn. ",1.1,ty 111,11 ,, 5. UHker
eat ing 01111 1 11V01 114 where /111001'1a 1010 '••••• to ear hod tit ihe NI • hill rit ot the ntornlnit,
I t -1 1110 sNeo it,* i n the etty , ttitno 111 the tin ri"'er i‘rei after Ite tittits...l tort. vollllo mint.
run 00:11 31111 11' 1 1 1 0 . 1 . 1 111111 0110 here 11t s r ,"' 1111 ' 11 ' 11S 1. ” ter , to Ihe Ite, 1 . 1 1 111X1Iger,
.n c•ertiflente to tit , ' lel ::in toPI 11 ;:. „ 111 1 M„, \ a t ght. Rev. Dr
t welt •• ptit.lll, ho .11101 110 (1 , 4'41014- hating ''" lnn
Preeident Atiegtti) hat ;toren or eat In g 111/11.10 10141 I'l'l,oll 1') " 1 ' c 0 , 00 , 1 1,0101 lidt 11 I'l 1 )11'111
10 or
1.. I • 0 :' 1 I . ot 1 111'1. the Into "L 11011
Pr " . 'l. " lint the great alel emit rilitg rer% to, of the
t 'none it , 001ot, in 1114001 to ' l ' l ' ll 1/11 1, 11 11 nori- , „.„11.11„„, F.
tht: ovtltiollurle,
Ilse lniitr 1.10 to,l'h , •
. 1,1, 1 11• 1111111111 • .1K1111/ to• 1 11 . 4 MIT,. the 1,.1 , 1 tl, an° a '''•
L. not 11,1.1 ,11111 W. I, ll°llller lit 1111111111111 , 0 , .
or .1 ri , .ia,1,1 ~1 111 , - 11,•• 1.. gl.lnlure
1..•11.i.ty t tise , hall 10111 1 h•—• han I t S• ul,- •
111.1. 1 11. n :oot lotto tsototion tor
I lull. 11, 1• 1 ,1111, tore. month- and that. de ••.,
tng ,!... pa; otlotolo, I, 1 , 1 , tog t•••,,,, prior-I a g ain, ti''' hill a" .• l' e n•hiag it
tt 1 ,1 . 1111, 11,1. the Lego.latar. • ot 1 , 13.114 , 1, 1 1/
e 1.1,•• 1 ,, 1 ••• nprnotrrtaKe. Onpn.Ong an.l no•nt
111 , 111 1 1 411 11111 11111, 1111111 .11, 1.1 1 /1111111. awl for- al".n fir ma rt - Y..1 , taitt^r`. 1.411
v to. . •,: net, mini through them the libertino of t toot
p•opte. anti that a e tocomtni•u.lin It.. •11 1 .1.,
the pa,Aag . t. of a 1a,n.0 • Thnitar Lhat i ~,
Oho. an.lottw, ,lato,, a !mill ot a Lich t• tin
111 ..11.1.1 111114 t.-firi• too 1.1 - ,ielott,ttro
ot 11 1 1011 11 11 1111 . / 11 '1 1 011 11.1 1111• , tat.• tit, o.
I otintry Ink en lip. and •tft, oatrn,..t. „„,,
' t . t7:;;;: " a n c 7 :, h t:l:, i t ' n " ; • :l ' ..l " g '' the '' " IL .• c' , ont y
Pre.ltlent .loloo,ott lot ill , h on thc t hurl(:. llll,lgtok
FolYruary. While 11111,11:11,111 of 1 Ile uil „,,
ence. Wlll l l that WY, 1111 nnforitomto open, • „ •
vet it was thought heo. not to adopt the ro.o.
1111th-, loot it might tend to tnerettse the cost. , .
plelootnt ttorling no,rile In the Itohlic• mind ,„,.,.„,
1 1- a .h• tlVa e' t o t '.. t t o .' :r g :4 l in . ..e '" lt -I i I lof 111 IT ~11, 11 :" , 111, : A
11A 1111.11V1 . 1111,11 ., 41111111111.1, 11.01 1 1 1 W, .•1 / 1 1011, - .11.1 V,. 11...11,
11 , 10t1,/, I 11 11
1,11 t• 11 1 1 . 4ttlge Ihl L 11.1141 111 ~.„
u,i,• , 1 II
- 4 .1 111.
II I^l
nl Ihn
.1 I1111! 1 ; '1,6, 1111 g. i+ !non, In
111141E1., 11. I
Ott 1.1,1 10/Vb . ill' 1114 11 14' p-nsgen
tnln and.l
111,11nlont. awl -hall 1., held re
-pon,ble 1,. is.ll avtlllll h , r itny darnago,
`w ,
A re;snn.43 an , n .34ne01 It nia•
ll,' ••1 n r , f an, et Ht.l, I.lrtu,ll
, 11.galtINI ginitlir,g a 1, ,
0101. 11111,,
1,1 VIA i /11,Z non, tn . la . , nrn In .aid tl,
Mitt narlt eating
ruin ITO 111'011 , 0 innll he
granted. 11
NII VII.. •114:1 1.,• 1. , :te.1 to se .1
1,11:01 Nell , Wm.. aro I • !II . 1 ,- 11 VelUllt
I ,
I \ ~.
14 :r I 'r
• • ,
I • I
i~ „ v
Zit, .11:A1,0 1,
, I.
, r , LP
Tf, tneci Ilto• first
Moo I,l.lnloliATV t,e.illlltte
11.1 of otand To 11,-
%111 i• !•••4,r
kilog!"•tty v2l, Awl r•.
1/.1 , 1,
~ . .,..‘.ll
•-•!RT. Ntl
tl.• I .1 11,11w1,. .hail :141 , ...•r•
1,..• 11, %M th eaCil 1!11,1.' ,11 11!11,1.'alaki •la.kl)
a a t., ~.taat..•tattnf t that h
I;a., t• till' lat`
lull 0111.•1•••1 . .ptal 11.r1,..1 pr., 1.1.•.1 , 1111
parla..9. 'll MO 11 , 114 llr a jl,iatlll.lll. in
mum Iml i'”onty t‘gmln.t •111' . a 111.1•,a,
\.x 1 ~~, 1. lip, is
hh. tee,
han I Inc -hurt(' to Ivvelve
It.e. tto other t nit of hick tiro 10
In bo, y Ilteilefen.larit The cottlitett: talon
to Ito. t omit, T. eti•-lire( to Ito the ttucto. now tit
hove,: hat tallieet tot t vt.olvitit,7 and linytng out
Sn . l; No horn... num 1..ur.1 I".
apt, ,h.• i4t ,i ..f January, In.:, and
punt•lt[nrol In ra, virda-
bovine. imeitt
NI. F....U.1 iMereil Knottier, I.v tt Hither
nt 11. t were tii Itc nlluwtvl , giving there not
whit tevet. mailer Ilia 101.311
0110 hein 3 0. k It, ;tarty comet itt
the murder lie elem. 110
could pro% that :lie lean w 110 1111.1 1110111
111/ 3011110 111111.eir, lilt (:ailed or lilt tiro( her,
soy liquor tint...nage tit thin lito. Il
110', 101011.100 n the tient.
° , ll Mild, 11 ill 11101 lifitl, LIN 111 give even It
.tvuttp,s no of ( 11 1 1 ,, V wllh h ensued in
ri•g,til Its the kg, 111 Ul,. Ilh t••• hill , offer
~1 II ntit., hone , Itt, ttryt 2111u1 ‘ , 1 . /11
o. -.111.% I t I I•11,t, wkwetsten tool Wllll . ll
li" 111 Val ILI Wilt irk At m late
hour, the ,In too ',mt. lake. ttpttti the lOU
In' null In''ht. I ntotntitee. 14111411 H
10,1111,1 t104•1•11.1.g • oln, vnt'vpl
that tti Mt. Ftwntet , .Ito ttatick It , fir. It] mei
'gt, /Wit na, 61110/ . 1111111,1
t1t0.,. 111 thud 1,0110.111i/11. inecttog then
1,111, '
,t 1/Cl{l.alet/ 0 11 hr Rev tttylNl,ll.l
•1'1,.• itombitransol I.nwreltepviilt. hay, -
.318,1 th, f.ll,rw mg t 111,1, to I„• ~,I.•,1 for ori
/ilarol) 13t11
II li.•11.•r.
-Ftr,l Ward, II R. %V a1.,011
%V rk I, Arith•rson.
r,-,I W .1 II ,lewurl.
. .
Jodue K//e/0r..-I.'wet Won', Y. is t
',Cr.,' Want, James T. Met lor
First Hard, It. Beatty:
` , 4otel Ward, 7...
He urn 1 ixpec tor e— F.'1,1 Wart, Jame- It
kll% St-filed Wonl l .laukr. H. tnlrit, 1 11•
.1 l'iret ord, Jaileey; hecond
Word. harleri North.
. I ...toot .1.4...p0r- Fitt Want, Capt. F. .
Jo h.
1 . 111"“
I —NI . M. Bisswort h
Tile 1,11.1 NS in g . 114,411111L1N1.
zt•lr.ilt (41 :
U,soirefl, Thal I Isl. ;11., heurttly elndorse
11, re•mi 11130114 HMI TioulttlYet, of 1.110 recent
IteptOrlienn (.:;ml,llt 1011; unit Ow. nurnt
tivirol Of he I{orflUgh Offices ; 111 their Mein,-
&Or, of Ow nom Hut lons of this met:11.111g, en
dor-e thr
The I or,perlools Um Pt rst 'Ward, and the
011111,MILIIM heeond Ward, hove 011110- ,
nit.loll I lek MX In the
Rebuilt.—The hridge over the tilietninge
neer Wheatland, oil the Erie .t Pitt,
rtth Itallrond, has Peen rebuilt, and the ears
now p 104,1 over IL The mutat:en , of " , :tt
thorongltrary nave been very expeditions In
pulling up the structure In so short n time.
ig it I e wr aro d ' Ilingazine, for rolo totrs.
',run of 1.. tlstotl Co., Nes lor It, lots Just boon
try W. %. lllltionfonny ro. No 0
Fifth rrt:l. It rt
colttl sow Its 11,11 ,
t•outot ion
Nome of thenapltall4. of Bellefonte, arc
about to erect a rolling will for the MaWIN°.
Lure ~f Russia Nheet. Iron, on Spring Creel,.
The Ccairr. Pron. Mir. that all the arrange
' went:, for thr works burr been wade, and that
they eIB be In operation in • very abort time.
31 eo lug of Ihe Temperan ,, .. LeNime- ollieroncv ai.aenililed at the
e.!!•.a:e the 4 , Bishop Raker in the Chair. }Celle ion+
Oh ram,. 1, 41 , 1 ••otelorted by the v, rally liwr 'l. M. 11,1
hat: -hall goo 1,, the
11011I.ti lII' f not
=1 titt• t ttitrt tti
" I ` ,i '
t.. Kt
%% 111. 11 " P.; Mal ilttli
:11,1,• I rh,
-i I II Iv
• I \I
1.11 II( ho
i•rl lb. emu w;,.1 .
trf I - .• 111111110 11,110 t 111
we. I," In,. Ilia 11,-1 Not,
y for u„•
upon I!, I,
,1 lot ~ prtt lion to 11,11 rt.-
11,4,1 zt,,,,nettl
oolah of I.norrenceillle
Plttgbwirgh M. E. Conferral.,
1 , ,e1 . 11 nsr
e; nal ee, in I heoveriiiing /etr • t ,
deAtlnes 1/1 tlll. 1 ::1/11 1 11 i:. 1,11, C,ll- W e" 1 r 1 " 11 1111 , g.r.‘ ll :‘ , " , 1 : 1,11.1 ‘. 11
011 1 1, I ill., :11.1 11, 11111111 Aseribe I tie 1...! battery, 1111 _.a.llllJ , /f /lentil,/ hew!,
g return ing to / k.)etr
'ln gh y evi 11/1 un,/I..the wrnth 1111111 elm let e.t, 11 . 1,1111111 . 1111eil t,, the
1111,1.11 1111, dhi,wn forth llts jetwio nterey of Illy 1,111
• I‘ , I , of rolr k, 1 , - it !OH. 0, Che •ent
Eh al, reg L aidn,r three, Who haN e .be, AI; Mg for
I he- Irsernle•t, a, on: fellOu and 1., eu,l( .
not , "grliz lug a. We .1011, babe phut ;.•• u ill, Her
.4 ten! 10 Lipiteeraue.. rolll . lolLbrz It, them .Loin,./•1 qt. Io !lie 1:011rt
the ob,Lbel ,•I 1114.11(11i IK , TO`I , I, which though 1,, hr , la', ill 1.3 . (he
.1111au11 . % s el.. es.. • : 1.. I n,j, exerei, are lea- I, , i ii` .,. . . cl.l k ~f
Ilrall3 ao • abd Uging the Int 1./ler IR,. I but ulle Karl been
I 111e111 ,, t,111g 1. .10 their .14,0t:0n (. 1, 111111 ..k1111• k de•t1111, IIII•
I fill, P1i. , 114 IT/ I ill• C 11,41• I.! the I Mon niul lib- 0( Ou:11111.: bey , Lion ,
et 1) , claim:vb.! for Liaeln not onI; •
I • ; :Cr ;;L ; mko•
;.t . ;;;;.; ;11111 f . r.ln ;;;;itleA - Oi 1,” A
. : '1 11: r • 2,1 .14t; ;;
1., II i.J 1 , ;n1A1 1:z111A. arld A„ : ... II. , ; ..,;; ,
fort , Int. 1,1,k.
1. Tha, • ' • •ii 1;11;....111,:. ~.• ;;;;. 11LAI.
1 , iii.. 111 t
,t,vli lo pusil ton, r! .11
t' 1..•11 ' ;,t
. Thal •• cr IA .1
10111 1.4 1011"11 11/. :
P.r . °III' t illl; 101.11
1,11.1 •11311 . •- .1 Vent
la." 1,I.• t 1 I 4 . t0, 1 . 4.1..
.ot o‘g t , .
0.1 r 1 .1., 1111,1 t. , late+, twlie, in g °nit!
111 if•W 111 :111,1 itilineuct•
ko• ru-it !I I/1 . 1 i;, 1!”."
lie ..el•tlied hut .he ,‘ , !.•ti ru1:11,•.1 wt •pult
un.r”, ti....1:t11.,113 wonl.l tevil
nal.•rtnil .• • ru•tuVhen th , vr, and t hat II“ (11-
the I ‘ 1 :.• `ta , •-• ~• rill I hint th, Mr.
tne.l3s 1 / 1 the 1 . 1 , 1,- ss, L.• pAy
IN111.1 , I. , "11 . .1 trill
‘11.• e•totell.t, g.f I 1, , 1
ler. tli.• :tr.• v+llnezit.
9.: , 2.-41 .1
1.1r1,1. . 1,17 r.
t.,nagt•iii,ll ,7 the itilt•re,l
1 ,, 11..1,
1,1,1 Prf . •: ...I - .
, th.o •,.
• .1111 ••I :11' 1111:11111C.•. 1 1 . 11Ne . d. Itllo _11.1,'.,1 I:1. In, P. ,
7111111 y s f
• ..• .0i. , 1)1 1.1.11, nt 11 .. 1, 1.31115,
. f!Prn.'..!
11..20 1 , 0 1)..• !Al • .ra
Tle report on 1.,,,t111/.,. 111,1141. ...nee liva• ae
the , treet. 'to t re ital. been ,•••111N . Me.' a. 11111 per.
(viheir 111101,ter., ,11110 y hymn ft. er (101 n, , t iel altos nothl
al letvt Ith y furniture ha , e tlutie ro lett for Ito e. ',tote, of live lea,
The Tract I nava'ln eon nlen.l e.l, altil the,. are per+tite. 0 ill .1. , s. the lan'
Olt" ge to the frertel , (0 lift . 1e1...41'4/ for a yinve l'Ile) bad the -tame rho
colleetlon Ms behall.
,Ire as the itermt- a It. , now a ant the lax - re.
Rev 11. A. Niel rently, tr,ln,ferreil to the )liar eent,r„,„
rl Lunference, vointneudetl to the (Teel go. it, a ere not fternt tril .1 net reqllll.l,
. 111 ". Ile I live hal Is mails
lIIIn +llllll Itli.pletl field of 1:0.1.. Title 11.11,1 otio otjnet tee), granting
A t esolut ton of thank. Ithhelil, lit WI., rea ,hat a holt Itie. tieett heretofore
.lottat lag a copy
Propprtionate 4 ,1,,,,,Je t , to I,e,hvf inn for ~,•
tag" to eiveli o 1 the t_onterence het 0111 of Is a ilangertni- pi in
The tollowlng pain, an. , telt/plc& I,eottr.xint.e, anel if the people give their
%V if There are val v fv r vi te ,vegfv,nlzat
..ent to the pt . :newt, it a 111 111:1111 , councils
Cl Ile ilitTerencey lit doctrlne, lett a hod,. ‘,l .4,1. el Ile, ehle.i• le met for the
ee t f ,e,n of gto erntionit that need keep thc lt tSi-hhi“ of itel•11,11011.. 11 ho 011,1 vnvek
....Iterate. and 111 , 1111.411t0n etveh if, aveittnil ...line private
/‘ "I
• hundredth)ear of, )othoonant. en ‘ d
a It homo nrit lt, Inte e r ep a e
t branch' , vlottit be re-unite.' In the tle tage t4 o ftv ot the r t a
l is,
„,„ e. i ,, fnr
I 1.•, `.el Let rIIIN itoor leile honk a
Flial wlll reevanni to all prole,. an Ihe a )(I 611eW lel , .IeCIVII . SII. No
.11 lor -nett to-totion a+ veil! not Invo elllll./1 'kill he at, tooliell as to 1 , 1111011 tram.,
itepat I are Irony out 11 0 ett otal litteßrllY itottive at. the in e•ent priees ntaterfalti
, riellt..ll eh/Inv:0. In 11110 economy
mei labor. If IDV AVIIII, the eap.
lire In'l”try hl thera,e " 1 Mi i l 1.4, or the sta tier. tit litrge eetatf,t, for tlin
.7 1„ revtottn. eharge.l v. lit Itnniorality, ehar g e, l olrpre.l iti a 'no, then l. evelvt, of thin
iviv.l that lir Li. therefore expelled
.pee In
front Ilte molt-It) and nielolier.ltiii of the )1. „,„,. noa 1,01, nil. Nor
1 , . 1 11 111,11 wnen the In lees for .•., t . ,own et It
.4 ' olo ' ll ' likely. that Ile poor iont t.itilil
1,1 ate, - ..' , halve awl .7. 1. tritely. syn .. if a frau. Ili
In lb.. ef t • The myth, von
dietl fluting the fatal (oar.
...lerat rat. v.
o loch n 111.110 the. ee.fllll e l.ll.itA
A11)0111 . 1,1 , 1 011 1..0,1 let ton by Ile., \V. 1
Smith Ot INlitel Ileht••1. 1..1 pe,el/I\l 111 . 011 t—U Ito 110 to-enaetutelvt.
" " '
H . , l• 111. if g 111 then 1., -al.!. "1 ne itt••-tong demarni for
The f lessons met at three houses Ito loneei es Isis i • eiiis al . ..down-more
Rev .1 LI. 'ha , • . the i . hair. .1. Ilor frame Iguidings nil ilaticei iind he own.
tier, socretat y. After the usual devotional ers of the flame building- will ant the I3W
exercises, lie , •I. N. 11111101, I I lit appoint- re-enacted to pre, Ohl further competilloti in
1110111 111 11111 11.1 Of 111 ,1 C01111 . 1 . 1•11Ce, 1 . ..1.1i1111.1 the 1111.0,10.11. tllh.ler toad, Ulueh they
livered the annual Nlbeinniiirt sermon, iisnet a 111 have er gaged if the lux Is noir ' , pealed.
the following rird• n Vt. toinol Arts It is -.aid that 111.. We, to: and against the
I Rut vi• shall receive power aft., that the repeat will he ti .33 111.3 I, Or present
Rol) I,llllst is 1 . 1.111.• 111.111 yllll, 81.1 31' shall he interest, rather [tom if . good if the pub
witnessre, unto me both Jerusali . to not in tt coml is of eonsplied, Ili..him will eel . -
all Judea and . ...trim, 1111,1 unto the utter - talnli not Is. repe.ilisl If all who, ale perenn.
most parts the cal •• The siti.ii•et discus- idly iliteresti . ii F„ to iie polls, a certainly
l,y the Doctor ns , 1 he t onttlet ant t i , Cl\llllOll.O reoetie.l Mi . mer I, I hat those,
of the 1:11111 , 11,. • Tibet he presented in wino are interest,' in having it .11,0,1, that
beau( language and chaste. awl In std lo they :mat inahe more an thereby, a
that gave great satisfaction 1.1 • the large 1111.1 - vote iind ork.m hilt• other. neglect their du-
It el/Ili:11111.i 111./IlgiltS of great value to It. L:very 111411 11 /10 11.1. 3 , 11111 1111, and 8110
hose engaged Ili petition 'it): the missionary it onlil not like to hat, its by
sattise, and the graphii . deweription of Ise shanty or 11 Silk 1.1.1 .0101/11111, 1111, every one
.1 of the horeli an, peculiarly inrest. 11:1" rit•iii w . lkol nart Wm,
lug. We present Ihe following brief synopsis not wand her risk and 111,1 tam, tagge t te,..
of this s ome ...noon ed. mud every one tvtr, .Itte. not tytt h.
After some remartis lii an exegetical charae- A-, till. .1111. % .- 11.1111 . prom•rry. and the
ter these ills ligons ore 4tated ;funeral dositablenees of !lei:bony 11... a home,
I. The Church of l'hrt,g, organized Ms all ought to go to ;In tell I- ati.l vote against the
evangelist li • ae. ). was first to /1 . 1 t hat 1. 11 1.11101 1111,111 111 11 , above to Infer
labors upon the home tlel.l. that many of to 313i1L1 1111, .111 hate frame
11. Th.• In her unite aggressive pole ;at net nres on them ;1,1 If the law is re-
Q Piliftera gist „lilt the duty of slits. I do inn believe 1 here will he
11.1.1., thy world lw nom) lett noumn knot- 1 hal me the few
rittil near the eitise of the nest halt of the will not is . phi itiong sig.. „I hi, 01, 11 first i - entory the Apostles 'atm: ell almost ex. he, are tat pit % n do Not rot own
r•litsively tor the conversion of the Jett s real ....tali . . a hi. .1 iatete-ted in lids guess
hrist confintsl personal iiiittirdry to the t 14.3 /11.• of 1 Item to WO oil Aututtlay he
"lost sheep of the hott+e of Israel." The .1 .011 lot. against the iiipiail i g - tierainse, ' said
1•1111,1 Were Si first speeifliatily reste ntiled from he "I Ins ,- to pal It lila rent../ oil It is better
t he y ther people "beginning at Jerusie to hut room in a go.el leak tnAn grfre the
loin" gradually it the sphere d erv''
a a trod,. Lotise and get Mina
thigi lalitirs. The licit third of it eentory on like the people Lin hoteliers rl/11.11.11 11 over
. gilt' 11r.1, 11/ lilt' The seeintil third mi st reel ' 'The •der Lucas it
ends a Ith Ihe Berl ruction 01 .lertmalern anti of Int It Mho RI, 111.11, ifi 1.1111.1 It row of
the Jewish troll,. 'rho last third opened all h ' t .„„ t t t „ A eel., and that
but one or the
.1111 closed with it Ill' pat I sgtet than ant tiring else be can
Ills death. The early eiturch 110 W 3pre3114 With pot 111,. 11111111• 111111 he ha , now as much
unexampled rapid 11,. ...lir,' 11,1 11.• 110,1 let him build a
Perseeut 331 411135 1 - 1 . t0.r.1, lint eon not destroy bri row,:,others 11,./ . 1/1,11 erlillilelll . 4l 10
the evert here ietoricius faith; and In h i ss 11 1011 ..1 1 11 sing Teen 1011, - pay the 'Mid
i han liter .iliort cent uries, we truce the 1 1 11”,11 1 lords half their age - 11, lel I
11em hove
of the I ruelltral from the manger lit Retitle- sate conitorl.ii.le am... , hil t their
hem to the thrOtio id Ci . sars. Thu tweak er mousy.. There , 1.114 11. In . .nlll on this
IteSt tl,Leetl that t liner Ist, tit her riet.rlol.ll 1101, hill l 111,10 taken .• 71. J'lo% 4.r on +ill.,
to Ward quivers:011011111111M. At 1.111
14 111111 - rear,
Wiltilil l ll it, the State, her din . trlnes are Corrupt
1. tier eeeleslatrit.l at roeture conform...ll to lum ft - ettrent,
Ito analogy of the atilte. Henceforth a • e see 1 1„,1
a struggle for civil emptre, and thus, through
of darkness, 1 trough nearly two eel, a 1/1.4 . 111" 11125111 In 0111,1 ..1 . 111.1,11111, !tiny I. llLltied
totes Of ertisfnies, reach the revival of 11 is - Pill's awhile . . Ft, tidelity
' slonary love and zeal In the Reformation. The
to m,laitre, a hi , MI ~.ves lii this
'hurch wits then Intend the then newly dire
covered continent of Amortea, where it au, , Were 113. inereitsial hi- popular:lt , the thing
shown it nertulred a purity I power-sepits „.,„ 11 11,1
: natal from alliance wiih State(s-,,,,,;h:,,1ic1n1,i;
it had never attained la the °ill World. lir, n Ilk 1.11110111 1 , 1111 . 11.14 , I Jilt . Touch
M Sol are.
„1 titles
rLion it once t i
wont ‘i,l,re tram 1110 g j o . sli e rlof
W ,0 1 , 11:1 1
Impetus , h n i , l , t u t ll t tis, to 1e
relln f,l. of:;;,*1
kind than any other nation on tan . eti 11141•11 t, 1111 . ' . pet ..1 1 Ili. reitleoafq,..
At the assn of Um sermon, Ulu SLerutitry
.111 , 1 will
_ as_
at the tun owl report, fr om we WC Wl\ rll
that leavoinsout ems) the eoiarmation s to whleli tAlftle w II! I , V. 41 erne. •Ilsitrav of tiro
the mieehm ,,, yr of 1331 elturelie. the works.
Con firregtee, which fall short ugliest yhui only
lalr tar, way
feet stated the itunitmt does t Ise
not quite reash 'V . • w 111 Ove
last yea, The whole sum its Wr.3oh,Er2. to-night ut Moseniii - ali.• I hi . ) '41111.1./il.lll
FliN urn and instructive addresses were
thole pnli
11 ,
livered hv Rev. lir. Nesbit, editor Of the Pias. •••
that liiir
lllall will he
ro/i r • hrislion Admetac ; ittiV . R. syer, "'"• I""
pastor of Chtist Church ; Ron - . Lir, Pershing ern
. a" "'
f i resitient of Female College, and Rev. Dr. L.
A. Holmes, pastor of Smithfield Street Church. Eirh,, religious es,nement at Williamsport,
The following nilleers were elected for the Up - rimi n g gr 1,41 Arabi.
ensuing tear President, Rev, Dr. Drummond: Its, four "r. ,. k ,! ', four use
hlmdranl parsons t 1"o.
Vice Presidents, Rev, J. W. Stiriver, Whim Ohm 'asve
Rickey, Earl., Rev. Dallas ; lieeretary,
J. Hornet; Treasurer, Rev. J. L. Read. ' lii 15.50, 1.11f1e5.1er comity pritijuired Mere
LiCll7ltlt AT TB! 001105 UOIINL I wheat than any other euntily in the flitted
Rev. W. B. Werklesoor Pittsbnrgli, by ins'i;tntl_w. tihc raised 3.1•24,7•-V2
Don of the citizens Of W.Saltlngthu, delivered.'
tun popular lecture Ott the "Use, Abuse end, For AddlNottut Local itrtor, oir - Fburf.h Rape.
.4. r ~..,
Tn. edition I. forwsalled wttlett win re....b Lb* e v 4 errlt.r. nooti,e, Y the wall et,
!n t •,f Ire
.• •tu.anh 1.11.11g11.1,(r• MO
, nluq. The httil.llll4 it ill.
k tt Jlll a 111011, intolltgegit.
‘‘.,•l•f• reeelyril alth
4,..r.,, '131'131 It, Dr. Nt,,alt, by . 1 ,-
I :„. „, ! „ear two. a D rt:nulled 3 Nerninn
•a„ln •• I • ••: na: •:a Nletl.•••on. In the ann.
• • • •• • :11•••ng "r
~,„•,- nolerenve It w one
r.,•:•1••••• • !Tor', ••1 tla• Doetor'l. lilt an.'
•••• ,••• :ea.! •If, tl etwltalutel
eatilletl to
I , "tiered an
I meagre
linntelar or
1,1,11 ,tit
rine • rinu.u.l iourn.
A Nilll, 12
'IF itq; t Issrge
...11tluz Ithotit 1,,•1ne.11.1,..
,,•Ine.11.1 , .. t .41i, 11i.... men sr..rt3
, ,
71 , 1;. 1.4%n in Ilo,tses.y
•Lette rrp,
• nd 1:114 , ,,
o.ittonel.enli h.
.),.- .11...111:1 W I Ig
no•I sli
41 i % I
Ilt 1 I
h• tor,
I. • 'be
IL tVell, 'Jo
meet neol, her e/L.e
'lleourt Ohl
11, rlll.l yet It