The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 09, 1866, Image 2

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    Dr flittightlit 6autte.
FRIDAY, lit Alien 9, 1864.
ristide Is hereby Oven that hereafter all Timm
=Pr advertisements laceftsd at MU Mice must be
pate for When handed except to the MS. M
Yvette Mee:Masers; Whose bills be rendered
Qberteril, as usual. Advertisers will (deem make . .
notate thla, as the rule of cub payments lbr ad
veal/Climate Or the character stated. will be inflex
ibly euroreea.
The price of oar Morn Lag awl Everting editions le
THESE CENTS ►t the cornier or froih newel:Km.
Served by carriers as FITTEEN CENTS per week.
JOItIt W. GEARY witieborn in Westmore
land county, Pa., and although • now only
fortY•sdi years of ago, has already won a
lasting fame by hie adherence to the cause
of tight and duty, in the different parts of
our country in which he has been placed,
to civil, military, Judicial and executive
Havinglost his father very early In life,
he was throWn upon his own resources,'
and not only supported himself, but be
came the only etayofithi widoWednaciiher,
by teaching a village school; dining which
time be also, by . persevering Industry and
contmendable economy, acquired means to
procure a classical education, whieh he,
completed indeffentomOollege, Canonsburg,
Pa., creating friends among pro-
fessors and classmates, by the early exhi
bition of those same sterling qualities that
have since endeared him to so many others
in social and in public life.
Having finished his collegiate .education
he assumed the profession of a civil engi
neer, in the' practice of which he went to
Kentucky, partly in the employ of the
Commonwealth, and partly In that of the
Green River Railroad Company; and wax
engaged in the survey of several very im
portant branches of the public Improve
ments of that State. After au experience
with the Engineer Corps, in many of the
States, he aucceseively filled all the various
offices from a clerkship to the superinten
dency of the Allegheny Portage Railroad,
and during several years discharged the
duties of his responsible positions with
complete satisfaction.
At a very early date, actuated by his
mathematical abilities, he eihibited a fond
ness for military tactics, and labored stren
uously by the outlay of time and means to
perfect our volunteer system. From a pri
vate in the ranks, he rose rapidly through
all the grades to that of Brigadier-General,
to which he was elected by the brigade
comprising Cambria and Somerset coun
When thh war With Mexico was declared,
he was among the first who responded to
the call for volunteers, and was .accepted,
along with the "American Firighlanderti,".
of - Cambria county, which splendid compa
ny he then commanded. They were Incor
porated in the Second Pennsylvania Regi
ment, of which. upon its organization, he
was almost unanimously elected Lieuten
ant-Col one!.
His regiment joined the army of General
Snort - at Vera Cruz, and served In the ad
vance under the command, and on the line
of operations,'of that great chieftain through
his brilliant campaurn In Mexico. Graar
was attached to ion. Quern...tea division,
and distinguished himself in the battles of
"La Hoye," "Chapultepec," "Garin. de
Eiden," and the "City of Mexico." Upon
arriving nt the capital, his colonel having
died, he was elected Colonel by a vote of
more thnn two-thirds of the command.
This compliment was not the result of mere
friendship or political preference. It was
the reward for his own good conduct from
the hands of the gallant soldiers—the spon
taneous and grateful gift of associates in
arms—tbe brave men who had fought by
his side, shared his privations, suffering
and dangers, and who witnessed and knew
test how to approointo his merits.
The war having closed, Col. Ciasny re
turned with the remnant of his command
to his native State, and the people of Pitts
burgh will long remember the enthusiastic
welcome he received upon his arrival
among them. lion. WILLLADI WtL;INR,
in n public speech, complimented the ser
vices of the 'tall...tit, weather-beaten and
war-worn troops, and the excitement of the
universal jubilee ran to the highest pitch.
On the 2241 of January, 1849, in returnfor
his services in Mexico, President POLK ap
pointed ca. GSAUT postmaster at San
Francisco, which, in consequence of the
then recent discovery of gold in California,
bad become a- port of considerable impor
tance. He was also empowered to create
postelllces, appoint postmasters, establish
'mail routes, and make contracts for carry-
Mg the mails throughout California. He
was thus placed In the way of his subse
quent and almost unparallelea success and
popularity among the heterogeneous popu
lation of the Eureka State.
On the let of August, 1E49, the municipal
election of San Francisco took place, and
although ten different tickets were [raffled
for the various minor Offices, MS name ap
peased at the head of i pem all, and he re
ceived every vote cast that day for the office
of First Atecade, It being at that time the
most important, responsible and difficult
office in the State of California. It required
adinlnistrative and executive abilities of
the rarest quality, The population num
bered 07,c00, almost entirely adult males,
drawn together from every section of the
world, end possessed of every imaginable
variety of character.
To effect anything like n proper oripini
ration of the city, and establish an ordi
nary police force, from the chaotic mate
rial and rebellions spirits that then existed,
was of itself an herculean task, But add- .
ed to this the duties of Alcalde embraced
these of every one of the customary offices
of a city and county Jurisdiction. He was
a Mayor, Sheriff, Marshal, 'Probate Recur- 1 1
der, Register of Deeds, and even Notary
Public , and Coroner- dilly held an or
pollee of mayor's court; an alcalde's
court !Or the minor cases and general exec
sive matte= of 'the - city; A Won o f fi n d ,
stance with universal, civil and criminal
and a court of admiralty tor
muffins eases. Ina word, be Ins the cur
ator Of the public, doing everything that
was to be done, even to the. holding of in
quests and taking 'o4nOtiledgment of
deedx. And so well ' did be perform all
there varied, arduoul, complicated and dit
dealt duties, that at the expiration of hia
first term, ho was molected by an almost
unanlmoda vote, the city in the meantime,
having more than doubled Its population.
During the time of holding the office of .
Meade; Col. tie&ntr tried, as Judge, over
['study-five hundred civil and- criminal I
seta, and from his decision not over a
dozen =posh, wore made, and not one de
-44/110n liras ever reversed.
Vadat' the old Almldea
hodpooter togrant away ate pohlta lands
id twelve &Mari for Allfty rrrrir lots" (2l
yaoli foquare4 MI Anterlran Alt:aides,
provittos 1A DitAttr's thaw, had availed
tiunnxelven or thie prolleffe, And dial:cued
or an annumen amount. at -valuable prop
erty/400e9 thotOhOntlbta.rattle. A men.
Attar 105 - itfrefioni tlettitt:ol hy
tho Ayuntalzhiontd te , kohFil );ClMOlitrffiti.
Al made to make mak 04141,114
Olumt gitomit4P 1tt#214.0 4 ,
rather (bun make mu* oAnteksareigd in-
Unqu)et) onto, boelowo thittmadm pnd.
unexpected ristrer the value ot lanai'
would coublethe Alquido,'Ll.llo*ein:R4*
pored, to antlett himself awl abet& to the ,
public detritattut. At the rota droned the
lands belonging tp,theuilo. fi g ycoakeaj7_,veqipnii aci.miscAlling,people. thae ril
-1 8:13,00e. A small JactOolf , oetheltia land s nail; allured and eided.*others leashed&
war.) then sold bile illation, stud ! was foiled in an attempt to reemsaleatrhim
brought half a_nialion . .Of doltd.34' This stab ; maids departure froth the Legislative Ball,
was Placed intheaty"treasury. The tracts aid almost In sight of the members there
1 remaining unsold were proportionally : assembled
i worth severed mil/ion of dollars! Thus was To crown all, the pro-slavery men of ell
tide; immense; OM sated to the city. parties, the great majority, however, being
On May Ist, 1850, the first city charter ; ofd line Whigs, mostly from the Sonth,met
waa adopted, and Colonel GEARY was I together In convention at Lecompton, and
elected Mayor under Its provisions by a . organized the "NATIONAL DEBI9EILATIt
large and tattering vote.
_The manner in ; PARTY." There WAS Much discussion in
which he discharged the dirtiest of this pad- i regard to the adoption of this name, the
Dori can beat be understood ' hem Ms Mau- I loading men of the Convention declaring
gunal address to the city councils, and i they could not Swallow . the word "Demo
, noznerotta subsequent messages, all ofl crat," having been lifelongg "W'higa."
which are on file, and have been published, But this objection' 'lints overruled, by the
as well as from the tact, that at the expire- argunicidtbat *mime . would not change
[ion of his term of office n petition, tinnier- poSitloriti, Whilii it' would assure them the
' oualy signed by the moat prominent citi- rapportet"the Viishington Democracy."
zero, without distinction to party, was . The platform of the "National Democratic
presented, requesting. ilin to. be a cendi-•
,Itreety," thtut adopted, is clearly expressed
date for re-election, *hit he declined „ . - in die fallowing unanimous resolution of
The Legislature, however, having created its Legislateiret
a "Board of ConuniesthnerlB of rile funded .. ,"Wnstin, We believe that on the MC ,
debt of San Primates)," .CoL, HEART - war .roakrif our Pa,
the perpetuity of
appointed a. member,:tind4kthe 0 4p ir d.., ' thlUi t ilon; therefore, _
y the Douse of Rep 'i
mport of that body, Wail- Sleeted its' 2 : Yeiii- ' tativea, the & e , ( uncll concurring therein, that
arm- aere..,ttioi itii_laCilaiiiiiiiii known- PAR the duty of the pro-alavery party, the
edge and judicious ootinselsand advice, he , Union loving men of Kansas Territory to rend ere d , ,,, l 4-o,it e city. Be. 1
anyknow but one
_lea ,
ti r t ,
g t re d ake t
y akin u o u r S atter v np .
sides all thit - fintitighle!yetaidence in San ; other, Is, AN:SHOULD BE HELD, As AN
Franclico, he 44 Chairs. m. Of the Board 1 ALLY Or ADOLIT/ON AND orsrmos."
of Healthy, bad Mudded in,the organization ! in carrying out this doctrine, all the Free
eif israsic ,: luid Oti.ii Felinive Lodges, and State democrats were excluded from mem
was 'in Tat+ badnatinnitel" in establishing borship with the "National Democratic
comfortable hospitals for the Hick, and was Party," not one of them being received Into
VOMactial With every bentnolent and chart- fellowship or allowed to take part In Its
table institution of the place. He signal- proceedings. This platform was Indorsed
iz4d blamed' by hiii9etirage and intrephil- by the democrats at Washington at that
ty In arresting the progress of the great time, and was subsequently adopted and
fires, and by the promptness_lith which be carried out by the President to the fell
answered the callof the authorities of that measure of perfection. So far as he had
city, rendered efficient aid in suppressing the power he ostracised all Free State dem
the squatter riots at Stieraniento. aerate, no matter how long or how faithful-
In theyear bite, whin Col. Omani was a ly they had served the party.
resident of California, a Convention was The "National Democratic Party" being
formed to frame a State Constitution, and thus organized, the next movement was to
some of our reorient still remember the in- commit Governor GEARY to its policy. Ac
tense anxiety and excitement which pre- cordingly, the Chairman of the Central
wailed throughout the country regarding Committee called upon the Governor, with
the result of its proceedings. The pro: the assurance that if he would connect him
slavery democrats of that lime were deter- self with the party he should be one of the
mined that California should only be ad- two United States Senators soon to be
minted into the Union as a slave *State, and chosen. Tho chairman urged the matter
for the sole purpose of exerting their inilu- with such determined pertinacity that Gov
-1 ' , nee in that behalf, many removed from ernor GEARY ordered him out of his office,
the Southern States to that distant region. and declared that if he should dare again
The plan,waa well oanoeived, and Intended approach him with so vile an offer he would
at all hazards to be accomplished, to Insert toss him through the window.
the slavery clause latothe Constitution, and Soon after these proceedings a Constita
l ebrward it with hot haste to Watthington for don, known as the "teeompton Camden
adoption without presenting it to thepeople hen," was received In Kansas by the "Na
lin ratification. Col. GSAIIT was thorough- tional Democratic Party, " direct from
ly acquainted with the programme, and re- Washington, where it had been carefully
solved that the proposed measures should prepared; and agreeably to the directions
not be effected. He accordingly took strong accompanying it, an attempt was made to
grounds against them, and need all his in- have it adopted by an improvised con ven
tluenee, which was then equal, at least, to Lion and returned to Washington in the
that of any man in the territory, first to shortest possible time, regardless of the
have omitted the clause legalizing slavery, known wishes of the people. An act of the
and secondly to prevent the Constitution, Legislature to this effect BAH linmediately
when adopted by the Celmettion, from be. passed, which was vetoed by Governor
ing seat to Congress Mall - after it should be Gaunt, for several reasons, the most prom
submitted to avvite iir tliti;People '
and-had. !neat of which were, that no provision was
received their apprarith ...NO :Man mild made for submitting the Constitution to the
hay* labored Mem, nekti*Vsniti stexxse- people for ratification, and that he was eat
fully than he did to effect them two etijecte,_. jaded that a large , majority of the actual
I both of which, after iltan* terrible strug- residents of the territory were decidedly
tie,l4l3te accomplished, and California was and strongly opposed to the institution of
I received, free from the stain of slavery, into slavery, which the Constitution was inten
d* Union of State,., his not too numb to tied to force upon therr.
sattthet had itaitetiicen for the. Bettye Part '.
Thla having occurred after the election of
taken by CoL Hattetragainet the pro-alave- 13vmmarts-vi but before his inauguration,
Ay , party, thenja _ califorida„ this result' oeverekir Awry addreslied Adze letters,
might not hetet+ been accomplisli'ed, strain - the true condition of affairs; bid. re
Privatraffairs of great importance re- ceiVed no reply. He did, however, receive
'tuiring his presence In Pennsylvania, Col- positive evidence, from other sources, that
oriel GEARY left Sun Franciscoin February, the newly elected President had abandon-
Hid, and repaired to hie farm In West- ed thetrue Democratic principles and adopt
.noreland county, where he remained until ed the platform of the "National Dernocra-
-v„Min called Into active public life, through
ois appointment, by President PIERCE, as
tiovernor of Kansas Territory, which ap
p3intment, without the usual reference to
t committee, was confirmed by a unan
imous vote of the Senate.
He received notice of this appointment
in July, 1858 , andhavingdelayed only long
•sough to receive his instructions and
make the necessary arrangements, he pro
ovdoci to Kansas, reaching Fort Leaven-.
worth on thenth of September following.
No pen ran adequately describe the terri
ble condition of the territory at the time of
his arrival. The scenes he had witnessed
in Grdifornia were being re-enacted, with
horrors greatly intensified. Civil war was
raging with more than fiendish ferocity;
and all on acemod of slavery. Men were
docking from all
_parts of the South, of des
perate character, with passions inflamed
zo the pitch, and with the express
And avowed purpose of making Kansas a
.lave .Stall by, any means, however fair or
foul! And these again were resisted by.
Actual settlerarind now comets from the free
ritatea, equally us determined, though not
40 brutal and ferocious. The fiercest pas
ow: of human nature, with all their dread
rut consequence:3; were visible ou every
hand: The. smoke or burning buildings
blackened the air; fields of grain were laid
waste and desolate.; women and children
were driven starving and naked front their
hoines to perish ,on the desolate prairies;
and the dead bodies of murdered. men were
strewn along the wayside. Chaos reigned
supreme—pandemonium had poured forth
de' demons—and crime, In all its moat
hideous firms, ran rampart through the I
Such war the gloomy prospect that pre
sented itself to. the now Govenuir. A man
of less nerve would have looked upon it
with amazement, and 'with dismay tied
from the scene, as did two of his predeces
sors, and many othara But Gov. Weeny
was not the man hi toii Intipaidateo.
He had passed alrpadi through many a
fiery ordeal. He took In at a glande the
flatlet: edtuatiom From' this dismal chaos ;
frOM thla he LptdiactO;from all this ter
rific and miff:tied maw •of ottnir pea-
Avis, tt 9- .-**CfilT 4 o 4 4 to- - Prod* Ode;
peace and harmony. .lifelhltaredlnot, how
ever, but buckled' ou hla armor, and in
g c*(4 1 1 . 111191 # Wlled• hirnoalfP
teak- Xild'faearitia43 , atilairectitally
im davotiklilmselfM thoitorlt, that sta early
naB4MtarttlieilOtb, he - , was- anal* truth
fully to wilt* Mtheldeerataiy otState, say
ing : ''Pecise film; refoNt fit 'Kansas. 0 nit
ric-ace is grcutually ;being restored. iietagra
are returningto their 'claim,. Means are
resuming their erdinarypetraurre, and a gen
eral gladness pervades the ammanity." ,
hnd 'emoted 'etfuldrials, driven kalfaada
from the roads, disarmed NA Offload)
invading itrtaigis, and insured protietionto
an Peaceable citizansi . '
Bat Ude state of trasmullity, thus effect.
od,was meciiely
.the“reveirsc a( what the
pro-ebyrery party in -gamma and the ad•
taittlEfortionw.4ol,3o 4l . desh'ed. Ciov ,
editor GIZAILYPI cgotroo, liodoid Of receiving
their, opprciyal, Met Bud; datidrid
notion. It way interkitedthAt -the aidal/Boa
'nod excitement should 'corithuie.until the
Freo State men were either:annthtialeff or
- driorakom the. gerrian:y and the primula-
very Krt . , 0901 have every thing in - their
own: ham* Tfellee 'Qttyaritor's reports
Washington were gaol* reoelyn, and
if ainiwe'ead: at all, elf' colt* ansteoied.
TilOrOleakno oihOOdroi the tenor end Apir.
it of - ' In 010 mean.
time the fleadlur rAtriatie were becomtng
more SOill - nuiritixilboliiiiiiisilotia enconr
agent** pier ipplypd from the seat of the
gonad goihnuneM, the - Keen)fl4
Poston:L., the GoTerttor's - hstienotad . pa
pers, Loth Mintioand'OOreltif, were op ened
,theizoontetititt IVO -ftw
4 6 4 1 WnElmd geetafttjagt*Chis per ,
41140.ard'01441 d eem
. Wl*
whom 14,1*1 - #:tsettower e '
Mid rdbffd Ocithritittire -held ho'Whichhe
4 4 ,45 44.4*60. 41 -'
inifidlive, iisalauo n ,ImValislet f tricyl to
the rile plots Co force the Edikittition or sis
cy. - Hence, Governor GEARY resolved at
once not to hold an office ander his admin.
Lttration, and on the day he was install
ed In the Presidential chair, wrote and for
warded his resignation as Governor of Kan
stn. On the 10th of March, 1807, ho left
tic territory, and again returned to the
quietude of private 11th. Had Governor
GEARY been sustained in his honest and
manly course, In Kansas, by the adminis
tration at Washington, there is reason to
believe the destructive war through which
we have just passed, end was then for
shadowed, and even threatened, might
never have occurred, and the hundreds of
thousands of brave soldiers who now sleep
the sleep of death, would Ile liviai to bless
with their presence the homes made so
sadly desolate.
Although Governor GEARY thus refused
all 'cc:Macedon or fellowship with the "Na
tional Democratic Party," he persisted In
adhering to the doctrine! ho advocated In
California sixteen years ago, and still more
recently in Kansas, that the institution of
slavery should not be forced upon an an
t willing people, and never hesitated to ex
press his disapprobation of tho institution
In all its forms, sentiments which have
since formed the basis of the Union Repub
lican platform. Renee, after his return
from 'Kansas be associated himself with
the party thatenstained STEPHEN A. Dime-
Les, which Was greatly instrumental in
breaking up the pro-slavery faction, and
effecting the election of ABRAHAM lascocrr
to the Presidency, a result which ho fore
saw and was desirous of having accom
No sooner wits the result of that election
imam, than plans were being adopted by
the "National Democracy" to fulfil their
oft reiterated threat to destroy the Union.
Consequently,' when after the inauguration
of Mr. LINCOLN, a war againstrebeßion be
came inevitahle, Governor GEARY was
again among,the first to offer Ida. military
services to the government. fie raised and
equipped, at his own expense, the Twenty.
Eighth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volpe
tears, of•whleh he took the command. With 1
this Splendid, regiment, numbering over
sisdesei hundred sten, he entered the field in
.July, 1861, mod continued In active service
during the entire four years of the war,
with .the exception of twenty-eight days,
Aral when be was incapacitated for duty
by wounds received in battle.
For meritorious deeds he Was promoted
to the rank of Brigadier Genera/ on the
25th of April, 1862, and Breveted Major
General January 12th, 1865, "for fitness to
command and promptness to execute."
From reports 4194 In UP, °Tee of the
likeretary,of War, Ii appears that during
his term or service [timers! GEARY was
t ' ellined in over fifty hotly contested bet
•lttid important skirmishes, besides
tinuip:otliirri of lesser note. Among these
engagementa may be eoppolally named
that of "Bolivar Heights,'' "Ceder Motto.
rain," the three days' fight at Chancellors.
eine the straggle at Gettysburg, which
also lasted three days, and resulted in driv
lug back the enemy from the sold of Penn.
sylvan* "Wenhatcide,' 4 "Lookout Sham.
iiMieelqit nifige," "Tri
ino," 9401 Omit ntni Eht4o Grook• caps,"
''':Etetutco,'' (two dar,)"New Hope Church,"
(seven .daya,) "Muddy Creek," "Nose's
Creek," "Kolb's Farm," "Itenesaw,"
"Pine "Marietta," "Peach Tree
Croo#," singe and capture of Atlanta,
(LWOW dnyo,) edge of eivEtn, 3 4l l . ( Witt
&rid whi4 waiPipiniodby big diSision
tall hoer. boroTo hay other troops Teethed
that City, as was also Port Madmen, both
ar 2 . jilett placer ware sinrnalaitred to pplem
6 OnerelOaanr. In ibis capture three
linadrpti rad fifty Rrlisonora t ono - hundred
"4 1 .0 t i mlit r een pt or artillery, thirty
eight thousand 'Ace hundredbites of cot.
iii.ib.ttncytive'fteen mermen], Wrill alt tin.
'Penijo variety of hmatunition and other
atOteiS i felklithy.o.tfut bent% of thOitietons.
.4. , s.7PFkitail:4 l lleteie of Savannah Ponernl
okmitlfteirifioltgedj4.-pinjor Gene*
hi) ' 440 4, * *1 40 1, F ir 44 ;14 41 0,f
psi' the frinowiloytlrtwit-innettgiii In
4 tlftfrOr. attTaintla. fit the .1
bat-110ot ttollyar Tfeighte he received
aserere.wound in the right knee, and at ' - NoTiGrEs . , WANTS.
I T SIXTH PREFRYTERI AN Clit'ltt - 11. A pply
Cedar m o s.' he wasitlightly wounded . 1 --- 7 .---- .
. Ctrr SOLIbITdIt'S Orrice, i IVANTED - 3,INITOR—AT THE!
in the lett anltle, and seriously throughthe
..,.,.... „„,
;;.___' ' PIXTEBYRGHMarch 6th, ISSIL 1 ...
AVANTED—TO 1111 NT—Stable for
elbow joint of Th e le ft aim. He was also kiNi,yAlut: IS lIERERY GIVEN To st No...US Centre an one, or 14 Logan s• rdet. fetatttf •
struck in then ght breast and severely In - • gt . tHaetiVtd ' n ' tVet= d ;Vls h rttrda ' lef l gese r tri
o grad P
Jared by the fragment of a.shellat Chancel- .:Ua h' ooTill 's i it tb " " ""'
"'" ln Ila ' rul t a * „ " ec i t.l7y r .l. ' . '‘ ll.V;;l " ti l r. " • ' .7 L ',.. ...70 ! :t '' u " S. s a r
fr o h there o f , P. been 7110, PAT
. 1 . . :
loraville. Ills two sons acommanied him , I tTirri . 427 " i'cross
'turvizaiL'Ti,TaP,',ln= 1 . 1 - ANTEII - 4 Partner Willh One
to the field, the eldest of whom, a yOung : tt r .,',lTgr i t4ll,a r na mddldr a1.r..", rith inter., I I THIIV,A \I/ DUI Ili A purA L. to herr,
. accordlng to taw. Ina business that tetil l ay , E 11V PER CENT.
man of eighteen years,, who had advanced J. F. SLAULE, City Solicitor. PER WEEK 00 11., taw.tmcot. A drew. Y. I.
mhetalrd Nos. lOU Flfth street. - Gar.svrellwricr. tolt.,3t.iti
himself by sterling ability to the command -....
1 -- nce -- MTroantr...a.antriti. to.Pt —l. ad. I sau•
TITALYITEDTo borrow, for the
of a Milieu, with the rank of Captain, and THE PRESIDENT AD NANA.. Iv term of two rear, ONE THOUSAND DOL.
gave promise of the utmost capacity anti o t s At o n ne o f no tkvSe . r . sw roe eretlef l in t atiag" ~,u 'i • ror which goool securitt n 111 I. etre!, Ap
t. ply at TIIIN urrt_rt. where further Informatton can
usefulness, WWI killed at the battle-of Wan- : lo d it;Li d wAr r ge , C tl i tlicl i tenkf rha:lti: day dentaied be glees. • ft •,..t.tard
hatchie. "AL the dant' that lie fell," says what, win so p;to ' to use ai rr ociS,O. l o h o;: ' ,, s rtnelli .' e c ie k si NVANTED- - CI.EILKSHIP — A Mid
an eloquent writer, "he was acting as Lieu- ta , Le e ti:ats e tti e v e t r itil e smita Hot., of N. Hol • , 71 die aged mat, of To; or n.. • and ro is pry ney.
wants et situation as At 1 t L N T.l. NT or vAntil ER.
tenant of ono section of K_napp's Battery. ' __ mh S d°74 N. Ht.l4llM, Treason,. , a..e reference. Address • •SI AN.' • at ltzal•Tr. t
. . OPP! 1_ E. ror-or
As an artillerist he had no Rope- ' ls,
OTICE.—TO THE wroclikliOLD- ! ,
Igor in the army , ilia gun was i ROAD COMPANY;w•hy -as s et of Assembly, op. You? Ms. In a Store. Ware 11011.Y , 0r Isrsol
- pride. He was always beside ! V.,::;sys stn of r
i irst I !rte. f Company brn
.1- ...t,t,'Z,'.eg4,-:.:: , e r' Za r .7l;.n! a " n7l a' srlll - rrT to tr '' .ik . .e ' lt I ' m ( sT - I.l " e ' seg ... A s‘ d r - •
her, and his aim was unerring. At i zuLt.ta i e o r . c o et r al. i = . 7 . lnok h l l o . l2 , l , lo l ,lnns . ! „ o r i: ; dre, • .d. S.•! at O.A.tcYTROFpag.
this battle, about twelve hundred and tiny , f i l oo rca . ta ion Present Stockholders. Subscription WANTED—Ten 10; earpent erg.
.to said atonic are openedatt the Office of the I I None but good workmen need apply , . Air
men under command of General Grmay, • Company, sod sin remain opal for Stockholders one that iv comp.. t.•o. to 31• I M, ' , OREN? AS. „Vol)
wtteekw from sit
ernineti,„e, by fr... _ „cm's : dity, un!lnltc.lgth day_o_filytglin r e , :L ,
.14: , ‘,1 ea and s alwrittly t.mployment stl_ , :pn. s) - . .16,.1, , ,5rtn .
‘" l i. I!''''' each wrl--L •t a-n vnuad r .lastt. , 1 , , , :1 ,, .....4,N., 0 Smith tient street. W 3 , • .. , -'l. ~ r..' . •
thousand of the enemy, at twelve I I
~ o'c.oc e THE 14 ____ . _ ,
reiThlk—A MYSTERY. WANTED—AtiIt e AkgentuesArx,- ,
atnight, The unequal fight was gallantly i 1 rails:lf y
, I where to int ...lour TWlt NEW PATENTED :
_ _...
accepted, and though the command was at 1 NOTICE.—/the undersigned , / , INVENTIONs Intaloal.l.• 1.. teary family: sellsat '
. Ili . si ght. rrnilt. 500 per,.. nt...ll;.i.tarit tiemAnci.
first thrown into Rome disorder, theyspeed- I -..., retiring tram the Wholesale Drug business. Agents, male and (1.111,... PO tV otteratlng, aro snak
ily rallied, and not only repulsed, but drove 1 rtglittg.rff,graintilf,trh,,il,!%tln4A.La;xr.t. , 1 h . ,.;, r '.1 11 ,p,i t i",. 8 19,,r,,;',",.!' . 1 ',q,,...7,',1V,1 1 :,,
.':,`"Ta r.. fr.,.7,
from the field the vastly superior numbers ' I t ' arnak ' l. I ' AtTA P- 7,:Tt2silirtnriliinf,F l i:o:l! ' L. ‘ .-r - ,. ' E ' ' ' ... " : " t;. :.,:°:. l' ... ''' . 7. r t =i l l. w as `ri rce?o s i oVe%
of the enemy. In the hottest of the fight — i Llgi r ti=trargswt m at . sur t irewnt •tav r , o lz .u w.... e11 , ,.. i.. ... mg . ::::;/... „ Aricza . z z, t , r: t rtn . oli r t.g..
In the act of sighting his gun, his forehead tomtit and odt ' ara ` STa egliwila d t ' dg:iri.t and . 1t ; .!s. 13.104. Baltimore.; 11 d . . mid-Iva(
pierced with a bullet. youni• GEARY . fell, 1 b ita " l.l%U. " ikP d K w el.l l .7 l ' akt h s 'lr n;l " l277ltl "., ll WASiTED — AGENTS.-1 1 0 - sell a
and InatantlY exPired. Hlslatber willing ! ea ' s:l:Lein! ' l ' i, d' ali k w " o " ..Tor . '' . ' ,1 ` 1,71 . 2 ` , ' ; ~;011, A r(n.i . 01 ( l' i tli - :\ VT isl?) ). STl l a.lla, t T y
to the spot, clasped in an agonizing em- . a e tm s mason oxamtnation or 1,1,, stars rrots per- the world-renowned Historian. Hon. J.J. HE.AD
nung anything in SW Iliac of boldness before 1 LEY . lids work Is pit bllsbed In both English and
brace the lifeless form of his boy—then, pn=latt r emstatr i i German, and Is already meeting with a more e sten
'OODSIDE 8 WALLACE. rive sale than any similar hook ever written. It .
mounting his horse, dashed wildly into the Prrrstworm, March 3.1.1101.--mlittlwd a work that Intent,. et ery truly Loral Mao and
thickest ranks of the few, and redo like an - - 1 Woman ill country, 3tllll should land wail and a
I welcome In every hoos.-som rrorsooonal men.
avenging spirit over that bloody field until Vt i tle d t o er w s , lNl .. ,, t , l l l:4;: q sclik. r ing p e r i ollable e.t41 , p1A.. yln cot.
the enemy were utterly routed anti put to for term.. Alan.. :t. par ti cu l ars.
1,74* .. 1 , . L tan t., 1 ,1",'g
IT .trert, Pfttsthirgh. Pa. mita t2ter 4 F
flight" This General Norman pronounces
the most gallant and successful charge that
has come to his knowledge during the war.
In his official report of this battle General
Herman says: "During these operations a
heavy musketry fire, with rapid discharges
of artillery, continued to reach us from
Ci KAMM. It was evident that a formidable
adversary had gathered around him
and that; he was battering him with
all his might. For almost three hours,
without assistance, he repelled the repeated
attacks of vastly superior numbers, and,
in the end, drove them ingloriously from
the field. At one time they had enveloped
him on three sides, under circumstances
that would have dismayed any officer ex
cept one endowed with an iron will and the
most exalted courage." Sucre is THE CH AR-
Correspondence of tho Pittsbargh Gazette.
LlAsfusscrao, March:, I.
The Convention; after its temporary organi
ration, adjourned to 6 o'clock r. n. At that
hour on reassembling, the few contested seats
wore disposed of and the committee on per
manent organization reported a hat, headed
by lion. John Covode,of Westmoreland, for
President. The Oommlttee on resolutions
then presented their report, and Mr. Cochrane,
Its chairman, proceeded to read it amid the
profoundest silence, each one looking ser
iously to the platform with some shadow of a
fear that it would not come up to the mark.
The first three resolution, were rtmenved as
eminently lit and proper, but the Werth, which.
refers to the President, provoked considera
ble feeling, the large majority of the Convert
tion fearing It went too far. A few applauded
it, although very faintly; but when the fifth
and sixth resolutions were read, asserting the
power of Congress over the question of Re
construction and approving the action of the
Republican majority In that body, the ap
plause was deafening. The Rouse fairly shook
with the vehemence or the plaudits which
were again and again renewed.
indeed, there wets ten mistaking the temper
and saMeiment of the Convention. Evisry rad
ical utterance in the resolutions andepeeettee,
brought out cheers and clapping of hands and
stamping of feet, of the most hearty and de.
elded kind. There ores a deep mweest feeling
in, the heart of almost every man present,
which demonstrated that the masses of the
Republican party of Pennsylvania will not
be Imposed upon or misled In settling-the
grave issues growing out of the war.
A considerable amount of feeling was stfit
red up by the fourth solution, Mr
Mr. Marshall, Mr. Kirkpatrick, and severa l
other gentlemen, were of the opinion that
the Convention should ignore the Presidetit,
and make no mention of hire In the platform;
while Mr. Carnahan thought it did not go far
enough, and that the Convention should Ca
pra', confidence in the President, and he offer
ed an amendment to that effect. A rather
acrimonious debate followed, ending in the
withdrawal of Mr. Carnahan's amendment,
and In tbo adoption of the original resolution
by ono hundred and nine to twenty-one, a
bago atuaborrof the Radicals voting for It.,
as most likely to promote harmony and union
The Convention then proceeded to the bal
lot, and the result, foreshadowed by the count
of noses last night, followed, but by a much
more decisive vote than most parties expect
ed. The vote of eighty-one f6r Geary to nee ,
two for all others did much, by its overwhelm.
ing force, to reconcile the friends of the de
feated candidates for what they now saw could
not have been avoided, and there was conse
quently a very hearty acquiescence in the
The crowd in the galleries tali aisle. kept
tally of the votes, and when the sixty-soventh
vote for Geary was called, which secured his
nomination, broke forth with an enthurilastic
cheer, which was repeated with increased
toot when the ballotorr e a over.
After the confusion of - the excitement was
over Mr. Marshall, of our city, was enthusias
tically called for, and'gave one of the neat and
happy efforts for will& he is famous, eliciting
cheer upon cheer as 1w progressed. lie was
followed by Mr. Cessna who ve a very Rad
ical speech , In which his audie ga nce was fairly
up with him, and WOO
Id have gone with him
even further. As in the resolutions, so In the
speeches, the most o."11cal sentiment evoked
the moat thorough approval.
A Committee having been appointed by the
Convention to bring all the eandidetes before
It In parson, they all appeared and made Dap•
py epeenhea. Gen. Geary first appeared and
accepted thenomination in a very neat ad
dress. He Was followed by Mr. Retchiun, Gcn.
hloorkesuland Gen. White, all of whom made
excellent speeches, cordially acquiescing In
the nomination and promising to do all they
could ttisoo4t4 uledresses were
also made by air. Grow and air. Mann, of Phila
delphia, both of which were very decided and
satisfactory to the ontlinsinstio audience.
When the nomination was accomplished, all
trams coined feeling disappeared, and the Con
vention presented an anbroken array In
hearty wjp.p%*t of the PO Urea. 'To a Wolter
on, evert dolegate Mese seemed as ardent
as If he ad been a Geary an front the start;
and Reny one Lulagitted that 00 , 0 wonl4 be
any division or nearness amoog.the delegates
he was thoroughly disappointed.
The following 1s the reef:Malan offered by
kir. Carnahan, of Allegneny,..county, as a sub
stitute for the fourth reso/ullon of the plat
bmt httprwhpli withdrawn by Lite at the
earnest reeiteit trovelar gelitlemch in the
"That I;ditng on the well tried !evilly and
treiclinotniggvaleVirlysponf.t? the canes
hellion, remembering the patriotio ognanot,
services and sufferings which in LIM, past
has endeared. his name to the Union starts,
and now, reposLug fu ll trust in hie pa
tilottsm and integrity, wo express the costa
:gauge l' sif it s4tred P V:a • :InZtedd - z ' L ' n. 'a ir t e?re
the nation from the perils whelk still sur
round it." • •
A foolish report fain circulat ion, to-night,
and has been probably' telegraphed to. your
TY, ;bet ;emu want before-the prelltninary
o mmittee Which prepared the resolutions,
and demanded the adoptionof a resolution de
nouncing the President. I am assured that
there is no truth in it whatever, and that Mr.
Forney is perfectly satisfied witll the ',tailor=
as it stands.
The Convention has been a very exciting
ono, and the triausdar fight of the candidates
was married on with conaiderable tartness and
spirit, but all has ended harmoniously, and I
do not know of a contest for nomination In
the d ßeasm that has left 0 , 4 1140 had biouVe-
•tate Central Committee.
The following - gentlemen were appointed
the Republican State Central Committee, via:
Phitadef_ phla -Frank S. Johnson, Kennedy
McCaw, Wm. S. Stoltely,Kenry W.Gray . . Henry
Mahlon Dtolters,' Charles Thompson
Jones and John' Idolimeoug. Adema..Ron E.
McPherson. - Attepheap-(ion. James A. Eldn
and John B. Stewart. Armstrong-. Frank
'7deeliling, Berke- Isaac Eckert aad E. U.
D ana. grrasiford'-Wm. T. Daris.-likdr-
L o rzAL. Ir a. 4,azion a 4 6 23 . 4. 4gg l
1 P. 'intim . 0/a=l 4l . Add. *ilAultdd
-1 S. 11. - KoW. (711411111-Virdn. L. Hamilton. .vheder
-Rees Davie. Crawfor d-.E. E. dithlTt i . , ,, ri:
tepki........ 4Ln lt t o,kley. lgt en or .., . c. cc v .
, A.Lirt.,-..
Peter A. Johns. elta i.. e.
ilwedepden-Win, bowie . Indlannt__ . hat!,
u White. Lasegutep.-Petea. Martin, . I _,nnt. AL.
Figisband. Zeintioa-Ishee nightti ___ rw. "
Jehlt Wlillabill." Ziriand — nron. Henri Johnf
1011. Zuserne-:l4Whe Pugh . .
I= Ripize. lierthamber .
o at, ease lienanedy." MAO Mitt'
4 .. E. et. leflarent 01'
Wh e li n 214 3 :41.0. 2 -4cm, , VG. Willtkuts: ' Vt.:
110 1. Zoo* •8. en. Inman
Jo Ham i.-J ohn Dobrinh . .
"2." a .3. 4 4 g . .C.. . !rtug a 4 ._.., . . 1 4 It 9 .1 %Ea : Irofi
-A. U. PuroolL 4...siervioe-John ' W. Rhumb.
ard. Jifolgearl,;` P. Muliell: - Mvtoli-14
grat__,(PAzif 8- Altr wbi."`* - ip,,,a- ,
on; .Edtonse.'
tirtAbranam Unit:Um. Westmarstaad-jag..
A. thlntor. •Malrentee.Wereen Clotree. ' Meer
Peter A. Stebbins: Artativan--Ji . T. InchaasW,
nomititb. 4 l o 7sl..-P:m.. ospartata. Loot MO'
apf , • • • Astrectqfio*.pot, r, Jordon. .rocrct..i
Fan -, . 8 r ... 4 : l ,4 2 *firh, -.,.
STEELit-011e418,telpiem 6 ::
• ixtt Oficiel,, rupoppor4l;iontilWatf:
H i
n a
- ILEKOHASML-Melyiland4fU t ,,..130ri mdol,
Vass urdemh,Besalr, Usecielwalt.#l,Ftler,C!! . 62Ao
iwpc 5 atfpntiolk_pid .
I ng u ntnar,Vi l act u rt:ir "c
Di HACKS, *C.—Notice Is hereby given to all
whetherf Drays, Carts, Carrintres, Itugglec, de..
w resident or non-resident in the City of
Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Trelmarer'a
office of the City of Pittsburgh, PORTIIWITH. In
accordance with an Act of Assembly. approved
March 90. and an Ordinance of the Councils of
the City of Pittsburgh, passed April 10, tam, and oil
persorts who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses
will be subject to •tywnalty, to be recovered before
the Ma or, double the amount of the License.
The old metal plates of previous years out,
be re
turned at the time Licenses lire token out, or pay
2.5 cents therefor.
Eat& One Horse Vehicle $ 7 hIl
Each Two Nurse Vehicle I: Co
Each Four Horse Vehicle 15 00
Each Two Horse Bask 10 on
Omnibuses and Tlnaber Wheels drawn by two
horses: $l/1 00 each. For rock additional bores ucetl
In any of the above vehicles, $1 CO.
W. ISIONBAU3I. City Treasurer.
FITMDFROR. Febenzuw Sth 104.5.—foR.marld
WYST )lu.ircifugran, March Ist, 1665. I
SAVINGS IlAjilf krill be held et their Banking
House, on SATURDAY. the Mgt day of March. bi—
Dreen the hours oft and 4 o'clock.
natoriul 11105. H. UPDIKE. Comb",
TION.—I hereby Wee rey proclamation A% ordered
by the following resolution, passed by the Select and
Lotamon Councils, at their meeting Co Thursday
Dot, IU Inst.
- Rneteed, By the litilectand Common Connell of
the tilty of Allegheny that the Mayor he Instructed
to Witte his bromatuatitincalllng a special election 10
take the mete of the citLteps in regard to the frame
la ir—riald election to be held on the ermond Tnesday
of Mardi next: and that It bc itch* at the usual elec
tion places, ou the usual hours and by the usual elec.
tirin 011icers.
In obedience to the requirement. of the reld:l
itany the citizens of Allegheny are requested so
meet. at the tutal.placeof nothing tiCC/10111. un the
second Temday of.iforch next, being the MU,
.tr tiny
of the month. between the, hoof. Of nine and Leven
or that day. there roadltten,.o take the tense of the
citizen. In regard to the.Yrame Lan, by voting f, , r
or against the...epaulet astd lave.
elven under toy hand and tbo ern' of said city., the
28,1 .' 4 /x7 or PainnarY, A. IT, ben
. fe27.itti JOHN kitififfiSON. Mayer.
prinrsßunGu, FT : WAYnE AND
Orricx or Tat: tlECIIITAI: V,
l'A . February 24th 14th.
The Annual Meeting of the awes acid liondhoL
ero of this COMDAI37, for the Election of Director,
and such other latistneas as may come before it, will
be held at the office of utl , ll,hunpany,_in the City of
Pittsburgh. on tne.THlltlY. IV ADS ESDAT (210 T)
UY 32A111111. A D itS(l, at to o'clock, A. hi The
Stork and Bond Tr . inster Iloog of the Company, to
their °dice tti the City
of - Pi ttsburgh. and at the
Transfer Agency. in the City of Alen fork. wUt be
cloied on 11,060 day of March,at 2 o'clock, r.
and nenutin atutedtinUi2-$1 day of Starch thereafter.
teitttd • V. M. secretary,
I • ozikp :11% i','(•J 4
INSUItANCE 00. OP NI:WANK, N. J., desires
to .11 the attenUon of eltleene otrtttatorrgit to this
sable., through their Ueneral Age. for t❑o AMKS BURMA.), at 'Monongahela Hooee. Pitts
C. B.—One SZw feature In 144 Aasurants 14 that
ALL belt fOLICtis are 110%-forreftlag (or bistaore,
If the party baeotnes unable to meet his anneal pay
ments he will wolforfelt his policy. bdt the amount
or Insurance will be dlialpisluted by akam equiraleut
to the preasiom s 0 abflifd. thereby removing the
oNLY valid objection that eau be made agaiiwt Lire
Insurance. Ilooka„ysistpfilets. At., eau be had or
HU11132010, Oen.: sal
Waidtc.ofox, D. C. ‘ 2.larcli 11, toss..
cesied Proposals will be recciecd at the Office of
the aupervlsln_g Architect, Treasury Department,
Washington, D. C. until 13 IL, APRIL 5 ill, V.A.
tbr furnishing the B urglar Proof and Use Burglar
and lire Proof Safes required by the Treasury De
partment for one year from the acceptance of the
proposal of the successful bidder.
. . - •• • • .
Specideaslons and drawings for th e Bu rg lar Proof
Safes, showing the form of construction at present
used, via: alternate plate. of iron and hardened
coo nhnd uPoo applifttion at this De
Burglar and Fire Proof Safes will be conitructsd
In the same manner and cased with a suitable ere
Proof amain/. th. pions and specifications for
which must be mibmitted by the bidder.
Safes to be shipped In perfect condition within a
reationethlb Wo from date of order.
The LOcini wilt be furnished by thts Department,
but must bepnt In place by the contrector, and be In
perfect - working orderiithele the Safe is turned over
to the
prosepropr Officer of the Government.
The o be per thperticial foot, massured on
the outride, and to cover ell charges whatever, In
cluding painting and door natures, (except cost of
Proposals will also be recelsed for Burglar and
and Powder Proof Locks, to he accompanied with
samples, •
All bids must be kecompanlo4 by the guar...if of
two responalble person. to the anus of lILS.OOO, that
the bidder will accept and perform the contract If
awarded to him, the euntelener of the security to he
ecrUded to by the Vistrict Attorney of the district
where the dder rereservsides.
The Dep bidder
es the tight to reject any
or all bids, or to award the contract for Burglar
Proof Safes to one party, and the Burglar and tire
Pr.( Safes so another. if (toe deemed /aerial later
al of
Government to do so, and no bid will be
conshieretthat' does nor. conform to the require
ments of t adiertisement.
Propothls to be endorsed "Propossis for Sales and
Lock.," and addressed to A. B. MULLETT; Act
Supervising Architect, Treasury Department,
WWshington, C. A. 11. MULLETT.
mlniftsdrdtapt Actlngfitiperylstrot Architect.
$5OO TO(.;:00 BICH,
We aril now prepared bleed! to fee steeple for FIVE
desirable OIL 7.1Hf1, situate on West lilekory.
wßhin half a mile of Dennis Run, (which Is one of
the treat ell districts in Ummuntry. These pots
contain from three-fourths of an acre to one acre
each. Tills Is, we believe, the oely chance where
territory near Dennis , Run can to purchased In
small lote, and at such lownanrsa. We Invite those
wDo want. to purer to 'tall at 31 2 • LIBERTY
STREET, Elttshitr and examitie a reap of the
lota of the neighbor nilands, or address the subscri
131,7:41 ."'Mldeente, Warren County, Penna.
ATICTION.—On PRIDAP, March lath, at a
o'clock, P. k.,' on the premises - . lAA NS sold t he do.
Arable property rrontlnytel feet ort Neville street.
between tirocrenor Wad Argots, known as
lot No. Ohs Dr..lledtord's plg an which a erected
• two.storted Testae Thredl containing 7 room..
Th. property cantle abided nto two lota Nand to
feet, the latter harlot thereon tne house, do.
' Trnent—Otte-thlrd oath% bat - sacs In One and two
years, with interest: •
rana - • T. A. bIe.CLEILL AND, Abet.
rom 0:i s al
47.424DLMS rrNeti , o4 nod to ttore at
101d1 . JllO. H. BCOTT.S. 03 Ltberty 43.
likoDucie commarimEwrs. •
isxwbbu. 0.33-T P.o44dt Alor woo i •
Mmin. No 4110 be du
nd 003404004 .44 Cheese;
73 do new Maple Bogor;
SO do Cattned - rosubtit
CO do do. ..Totoaloos;
60 do Mealdas_Orunge4;
40 do Lexaoo4
b elall l ll ll 4 it
70 tea Holston
• 13434.14,93.0617 red Apple* ,
40 do 3 - 4 awl% Dried 74melues:
Z. pkgs. A pla3 flu 44177 . .
Cronsosll. l 44tertrrjh . ) 3071.33,._
flutter sad 4,da p2m4.7404
1 0 0 8 . • Vera 34441'44 447441.
w • :
TA . . . .
_ u_ ......., __ ..4 A8--s -.or MIX v innifantarers of .131 - .AOII 1114 QUEEN EILAIII.
ma" u rni ote Wm . , jlotuth Doogjohnhn i p
vousonoon ...............,m.. Fs, &c. • Vrarelionst—no. 144 wATBB lIT
..w.urstsosovbrunrosaronow toren Smindlold and Want streets, rittsbargat
Wa ars not jrretlared to take orders tor a nimble we w arrant oar woes Co e Deno ..,,...
article o 8EED1.1110.1.01 - .ATOBB caned the 111 e- nrneta w re.l west f the ° t 1.11 . : - 'th
- -----
/00 Bendllas, retied from the Bath 11101blea 04 ob i ., r .;.' ....- 4 2 : cri ' A 1 . .1 .110 / 11 W.A.
_bn ias sron aw at a > . OWL% ta ra itu b.t r i ts . ; . s. i. mudrifse% to. l . "' YartlerdarP M atuten . tlo All n pil d rte .
, 110 boxy*
. 1111TILTAtIknyes1 riums 111 WIN ii CO.,
lig bittiets Mame Onlot '
la rods hot turanhersteet
110 dosta assorted Mailed Feel's;
• 7h barrel...oriole :White reenat OIL OF VITRIOI. ANII-110A AMMONIA.
1 1 . ..t. tr.• ' " ti i .s:. R.° - ... .
tnithar - . s o . Lo tio l aj o ß otri . Ciditaer 3.12, -
lanriglre Eilt.r
pIITATOESI ',. , ~ T _,..F . P• r i iiiillfs ° l4 PA '
~..4. luiti.ii:Zirit...... ~...” ••• 7 • 01 4 71-1 41ati
" .4 ' - I: II I3AZULMINIDIMait VOLLINB & liJilGlit% Drltt,,anigi
%., Bravo and Street MotalWorters. Inittanta Cos
lie....artreawnt. Low_inAlliftwos l .4l ll llVll4 of those tors, Carpel. and Isard 01 Burners, and all dltroren
W .
...`r - . ^ , r,V .4.%-ok" / 11 4 , W BIrIABO, I Styles ut" 010404 need by li/ass 31/inuractqlvi
A 4 7. Th 5 i0. ..0.... b. ,.. t 0 tet . ttlitier i t glidlray rinlnrs prompUr Alltd. So. 1331,1114C88D BTBWICT
1 Ittsbursn. r Dd. 1 , early
1 3111- -.
": "'Via Liberty Meet. . 9
1id11... ,, k,!....,-; ~.
sout.ittßos t Alm , While Flak:
gall :;dot - - do , tUdtolter7lng;
.11....ty-• -#42 . 1451ar, ..,.: , •
For sate by f'sl) 1. B. CANPIELD.3
4'on SALE -A Trading Boat, 7 . 2
a feet long; gniup In gmel order: having a splen
.lbl cabin: lined inside she would make a good
Dwelltug as well se a g I Trading Boat. Emprire
' V r ii7' l k . :=4 . ll7l i n ' at o . i . l e ' i l o ' at l V. ng" P" ; . ;I I I1:1 . 11 r n of
ACRES OP LAND. Opiate , ' near Webster City,
Hamiltoncounty, lowa, on the line of the Paritic
itallrund,l D offered (or sale for TWO TllOl,OllO
Otaa. US, cash. Address *IOWNILit," D•garta.
FTICI6. fe2631
V O OR SALE—Three good seconl
.h.nd BOILERS, 40 Inches diameter. 71 feet long.
two In Inch flues In each; made of S-16th Pittsburgh
Stomped Iron, Price $51.01 each. Enquire of If. SI.
111/LE S . I'll., at toe Induntrial Works, eorner of
Point alley and Duquense Way, PC tsburgb, Pa.
felt bllcd3l
N - • -
on SALE-22 Acres of Land at
sts, , nglitnkStmolon, frOligibg on P.. Ft. W. &
C. It. R.. suitable for I iardentNe.r Ilesidenee. The
Improvements consist of a twiristory Frame House
eon lat eilng ale rooms. and Frame Stable. Therr Is
orchard of blue fruit. F.min Ire of N. NELSON,
Fifth Greet. Pittsburgh. or of ALEX. PATTER
.,'N. Mancheeter. nllo:2iwag.
A- story Frame ilebee. In the pleasant village of
Sowlck ley, containing hall and sin rooms, basement
kitchen and large dry cellar. Stable and other in 0-
belbllng o; a large Lot, well tilled with choice fruits,
le•tit large and Thla hotter and lot for g 1,300.
It al rent for OAR Alcoa Men Collage House,
-bleb will tie sold at a bargain. Enquire of G. H.
S AWL Sewickletville, Pa. fe2l:2sseml
Ijon SALLE -- Elglit or Niue Acres
of LA ND In Ohio Township, cm Pittsburgh, Ft.
Wayne and Chicago Railroad. near Dismount Sta
tion. There lea Dwelling House and nut buildings,
and no assortment of fruit trees, shrubbery, So .,
on the land. Inquire of JAMES GILLEL AND,
usair the Property. or of R. H. DAVIS, Allegheny.
feltSteoil MARTHA HOOD, Sewlealet.
VOR SALE--A valuable Country
A Residence at Edgewood Station, Pennsylvania
Railroad. one ranc h a half tulle, Dom Wlltlnsburgi
Eleven acres IRS perches of Land; a fine new Dwell
ing containing ten room. and cellar underneath;
Fruit and other epnvenleneeg on the firemisea. For
Airtime Inforrnatlon, mill at No. 151 FIRh street,
Pittsburgh, or on the premiges.
noialtf J. S. KING.
1;011 SALE—A desirable Dwell
. Ing House and 1,00 for sale in Sitelervllle, Unlon
township, near Teroperanee.llle: lot Yo. 33, modern
built los ening House. twn-stery , with four rooms
and kitchen and ti good col., and a never-falling
well of water: all the desirable out bldlding,. There
to a variety of (ruie trees and gram. vines on ills lot.
Posesidon April let Term.reasonable. For fur
ther particulars. em Lid re of GEORGE 01 TTIN
tn. thew-v:7lli°, n.hs:2[C
. O.llTh-la near Linden Gro•e. a two
Gory Frame Ilknot. containing sly rooms. hall nod
cellar, with a lot of ground adjoining, IFS feet front
by NM hart. The Louse Is nearly new, well nutshell
mod 10 good repair. The lot is well Improved. hav
ing a good garden, fruit trees.chub, Shrubbery,
well of watr, clstens. grape arbor, .tr., while Its
I ocation being on s. ellglit elevation and adining
the Grove usages It moot desirable as a lilac,. of resi
dence. For tears and particulars apply to Illss IL
Al %REM AM. 45 Penn street. fe=tlw
rOll SALE—A valuable Farm of
113 ACREo, In Pen township, Westmoreland
county, about throe mi l es
es Rom the R. it., of
I ere are 73 acre, cleared In good state
of milli Glen; balance well timbered: n good apple
orchard bearing fruit °Carat uuallty. The improve
ments G.. a g neil a good well of water at thsheepe
door: frame Gable. granery, vont crib a
hone The whole Mon watered. Splendid
gamic -'lire, ennui, at the nines. of WM. 11. II AYE,
lot itte•rty Greet. upstairs.
EI:TV AT 11.0 7,1'11.1.0 ST A
I ATION. on the lone
of On- F. W..t R. R. arge substantial
0; am, 1/xelllag, or modern style. mintainlng 13
menu, Milli-room and wash-honer; hod Arid told We
-1.1,1 splendid never-falling Spring. v ayf
lent water for house and etableyeirposes: au Or
cLard of varlet. fruit trees, &e. The Groveproper
ay A si gt a th o kohl° river, and ronaletS .4 about 70
1~ errs. hien eau tic divided Into 1016 lb pur
e Any information deeleed C4ii be 0b1...A
J. HAY, on the premises, or to T.
%I' ALTER DAY. Yo. 113 Fifth street. fell:imam
OF FIVE ACRES, In McClure township, adJelning
the premises of James Old and J,S. Liggett. The
Improvements are a plain Frame Dwelling. Frame
Barn. dn.: groundyar of oue acre, Dili years old);
balance of Oiled with choice Fruit Trees, in
full bearing. A. dellghtfbl building site on the place
Run a
easily get to by the Beaver road or Woods'
Run Street Cars.
APPIy to JAMES T.' SAIIPLE, No. 45 Federal St.,
Allegheny; or. address J. 1.. CAILVIARA3i, No. 24
Walnut street. Philadelphia- AVM!
1011 SALE—FA(IIPI--Situnted In
Patton township. 18 miles from Pittsburgh, one
mile from llonrneville, Ilve miles from Turtle Creek
Statlimon the I'4 Central Railroad, taming
re 114 ACRES, more or less, of which BO are
cleared: the balance well timbered. There •re
erected thereon a two-story unwed Log' Douse and
Illtchen, frame barn, cob, stabling under
neath. with othe out buildings; a splendid Spring
of 'Water at Um Ileuse: farm well watered, lies well;
has an apple otehltrd; coal bankopen, with about In
acres of good coal; convenient to churches and
Schools. The abort will be sold on 'reasonable
terms. Title good. For further information, en
quire of S. B. W. GILL, No. SD Fifth street, or
SABIUEL GILL, on the premises, near Monroeville,
_Allegheny, nty, Pa. mhatlerdoorT
mot cou
SALE--Property In Mans-
El —I will offer at Public Sale, on the peens
lies, on MONDAY, the 1210 DAY OF MAlttal,
lrela. at 10 o'clock, a. 11., • VALUABLE PIECE or
PROPERTY In and adjoining the village of Mans
acid, on the Pittsburgh Columbus and Cincinnati
Railroad, tern miles room the city. The property
consists of about SEVEN ACRES OF I.AN on
which are erected a LARGE TWO-STOIII CI(
iItrUSE and FRAME 15T4ULF. About two hun
dred YOUNG FRUIT TREES are orient and grow
ing finely: and the place la admirably lilted for a
Country Seat, Cu( 1m) One wishing a country red-
Elena , within reach of the city. Trains pass Cite ll
!age four times daily. The laud isunderlald with
Coal and Limestone of the heat quality. After the
sale of the above propert7, tho PERSONAL ES
TATE OF DAVID HILL, deceased, will also be of
fered at Public Sale, by the undenigned, as adialln-
Istrator of the said deceased. Terms St sale.
feni.eocitd W LLIASI ILL;
TO LET-3-itorrilliek Dwelling
.ntattang eleven roam, attested on East Lane.
Enquire al ho. to nett Lane. Allegheny. anhealtd
VOR RENT - 11. 1 115 Lot on the cor
ner of Butler and Alleghenystreeth Ninth
Ward, together w, me old Brick Depot Bonding
thereon. 'llte lot has 144 feet front by lUD feet deep
to an alley. Will lease it for live or ten rem, .Ap
ply to Ws!. 61. DARLINI:ITON. at We, _
Street, second flout. whaitf
t: neat Cotta Boon. with a oors. grii , ^nund, atumil.oll mime
from the CAlrVoiragia wetil.r,
• u ;: t a , lelittlC.4 per yeari A t eg e rkekly l fo c '
VALTikfloroVE wona3: —
°files load ltforehouse 301 Liberty s treet,
opposite iiralthliebi,
Dlsmatetures e great variety of CUoif., PARLOR
and 11E611:Al bTovs, amopg which are the cel
ebrated AlleglicY tiol Monitor Cool Oookluff
Stoves:4HO, I e Antoell3 and Sentinel, for orator
wood, noel the orlyalled titer of the Empire for
wood; Mao, Arebea, Orates, Fenders, Sugar Kettlea,
Dog Dona and Hollow Ware generally. mho
a ll u ag el / 4 M.
Manoteeturers of Land and Marina
WELL .E.NOLNE,S, and emery kind of 3toelzipery,
mode Fp tiedef. All work warranted .. CASTINGS
of ovary clteerlption ird d e od tc: oNer. leepolring
.1111 r ligt P ,l.xlll%.!ll. 141, POINT ALLEY AND
BANE 46.LLEGHENY RIVER, near the Point.
rlttsthirieN Ye. fe.Nnhndx
.k.r. STREET PUtstiash, iscsnolkettarrotEOMEß
of sTerEdsserat cI 4%
tt .ieil&
staou emas
4.. s
• = OS
. = 6l 46;
CY 6l L
DO aa
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• c..01t. 0 12C
.0 .0 1 .
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I. *a 0 16
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ca CS .0 Ge Ge
Ge Ei
p CD Ce
01 Ea
INfelp7 v ilite):l§4*,l
-a. that haat; been added to the
Have greatly Increased Its value. v till th e price re
mains the same, and but little In advance of other
and comparatively inferior machines. Many hare
purchased other machines affably because they
could be obtained at a little less price, when they
would accomplish but half the amount of work, and
bi t
ve Invariably reg.retted afterward. that they did
noo HEST.
Since the modern improvements have been added
te this machine. it has become unniecesaary to pre
p ire the work at all by basking. to that the
1.11 ti se ...wing of an ordinary varment topsrformed
without Gaining, which it s very great additional
saving of labor.
iow we give a table madh
timero actrial exper
iments ahowina Ina relative occupied In mak•
log gunmen's be this machine and also by hand.
DV Niacin s - E. BY MA
Hours. Hours. bin.
1 16 14 .76
7. 33 16
14 7 11
44 6 11
51 I 10
S 9 3 '5O
11 8 27
4 6 37
17 e V
1 10 31
30 7 7
- 595 • El
7 10 a
4 16
Gentlemen's Shirts
Satin Vesta
Linen Vesta -
Cloth Pants
Summer Panto
Silk Dress
Merino Dre 55.......
Callus Dress
hloen Skirt
knol re ls Skirt
Night Dress..
Silk Apron
Plain Apron
Call and see these Superior Machines
in operation and Judge for your
sett es.
27 Pilth street, Pittsburgh.
Have been awarded- the FIRST PUBWIDIIS at to
following Vain, for the gear Mg;
First. Premium for beet Machine work IA Penne
Stale Fair.
First premium itrr best manufacturing idachine
Ohio [State Fair.
First premium for best Manufacturing Machin e
Michigan State - Fair.
First Premium for best Manufacturing Machine
Wiscormin State Fair.
First Premium ter best Mauutacturingliachine
Lawrence County Fair, Fa: /-
First Prefigure for best Wadable tor general pus
PVlLt‘it.ntalturrilr b Co ena r tg r i•llichine it Bea
Coach Fair
for best Militutacturini Machina
E tlrst%WulLto . r best Manufacturing and Aaiun
Mach Pipit tipringthild Fair Chin.
First Premium for belt Manufacturing and rand/
Muoldne at P1110)19 Pair. N. Y.
First Premium &rhea. Manufacturing and Fary.ny
Machine at Suffolk COUDIT Fair, N. Y.
First Premium air best Manufacturing and Family
Machine ateicbuyler Countryair, N. 17
Ana Preininna lbr best Machina tor all parposes.
at Allegheny Count 7 Itair.„Pa.
First pramlion fur best Manufactiirtng 'Machine,
Allegheny County Fair, Pa:
Firstrruminin tor best Machirdrwork at Alleghte
County Fair. Pa..l
And wherever exhibited,
oc2l , :eodialli Na. HI Fifth Street, PlttsbUrgb,
SEWING .iticumEs.
" ••,, • , • • •
40. •ob •
Are manufactured without any complicated main
err, and therefore are not liable tO Cant Of repai r .
rear; p erfectly adapted 411To 4 riTg r . " 44 .r i s do ° t ` r 9 dasi t4
Machinee with cheap machines, as we have taken of
Pate reference: ntee prices. We refer to the following persons
Mr. A. AIKEN, No. 188 Fourth street: Mr. VAN
DEP. NAILLEN, No. "All Watster street: Mr. J.
DOLAN, No. C street; Mr. 4. rIOOPLELD,
No. atiecond steel.; Allegheny City: -We hive Ga.
era that that we can rear to. 7tll of our Machines
are warranted ere years. AGENTS WANTED. -
it. 11. LUNG, Agee
119 erantatreet;srear gllbp
notedisueo.i . PlTTintrantl. A.
?2 5
DUOS 9 1 1 11I B csiatia 3 . num ra oW
IN TUE UNITIM WrATF.S. avowed lo us 4 the .
Wheeler & Wilson, or wader fted. *pats areelco.r
from 650 to 'Mom SIONTII. Conlltyrebts tho.
. "Vm". 4"4"6"3 1= 1 1146E85i
!ion. Aeritnte.,Toleark. - 11 to.
I=O "E". I ERLIT'.II..9,„
Sulpituret of. Aron
p.....its4wAwtigiumactuzu m oi,„
Corßer PlttStreCt,apPuquanelVay._
AteCoool3o aie' CC )
11 0 - irt)94o -szigvEr,
G ARlcTutlaill, --11 NRBYS,DASICE113, RPM%
ilut Welt Stilerkkgreat
~..D ; f-~4Od
ISO and tsg Federakfteet,
,Al s,r, tst, eases DARK DELAINES.
r rtAxypas, SUmT
And a fell Ind eoropleto astoritical of all k Ind. of
Which swill ho sold at as low prices cc can ee found
soy where. al
Willitiiu temple's,
ISO and 182 Federal Street,
nah,et Abe, the Diamond, Allegheo
New Style Frizzed Nets,
Hair Coils,
Fancy anions,
New Empress Hoop Skirts,
Embroideries, Laces,
Woolen Goods,
No.Bl Market Street.
Dress Goods
13E1 Slftll2. !Street.
mscßum & CARLISLE,
19 Fifth Street,
by Express daily horn New Tort.
Duplex Elliptic Skirts
To Dealers atyanufacturers' erica pm,
; • Merehantsand Dealers soPP*I
at lowest prices. • _
19 Fifth fitreeil;
New Style “Frizurllend Nets,
Hair Coils and Rolls,
Bradley's Celebrated Duplex
New Goods Arriving Daily
Will find our stock Complete and
Prices as low as any.otherh ouse
Nos. IS and SO ?Market Street
1. AT
17 Fifth fgttreet,
Hair •
• . , A Cur/ad Alisfal
moili AND EILVER'COAD, • . ,
LADIES'. AND osbrrs lams molars toirru i
variety. ;
vtrtratmit -.GOODS
xx.` v.daorricome,
(913C0E51301t TO 311 /TON;,11A01211ht d CO.') 't
AU. 11 Fifth Street
nalug (Whaled talng .toot,
Are Offering their Entire Line of blood
• AT
iszAscamicrxixelr irscreir•
HANIIKERC.m am . „„ • tSI,
S"ets, Collars, Sleeves.l
xrcocomr•'gis ts
lastil stazcil. Thr."2 22123.4.
.irogepg zumgrz., II COOS.
77 aad 79 Market Street. v.*
7 .4
(ar. Wrzatxt, Oars a-. 00. ,)
TaiVattliMitrole firu=?
, f„, 1 4. 0; 0 1,04:=0ViVelta iittiL 11 414
, roconAVinw,foribb , 8.11ral""1"1 "b.