Zhe Vittolturqh 6itzette. El THURSDA Y, .I.ARCH 8, 1 f 6 ROBINSON, NeCLEAN & CO., Bankers and Brokers, No. Ili Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Dealers In all kinds Of Government &entitles, Gold sod Silver, Comtism% Bank Notes, !foreign and Domestic Exchange, etc., etc., etc. Deposits received to l'arrunds and Currency. In ternal allowed on time depcillts. Collections made to all parts of the United States on most Ihrorsble termß. ....rs executed with lotted for everything In the business at the 13011/011. New York, Philadelphia, awl Pittsburgh Ureters , rioards strictly on commis 'ton. • . Draw on EL CLZWEI & CO.. New York, J. COOKE & CO . , PhilwdelplOw; on , C. D. &T. H. FRB WM. Holtman. i*li WE.D7MBDAY, March 7, Int.S. There was but little done in our local stock market today, and except for Bunk shares and Government bonds. there seems to be no demand. The auction males were well atten ded on Tuesday afternoon and evening, anti the transactions in bank stooks were no tionally large. Citizens sold at Gte..;; Exchange, 663 ; Bank of Pittsburgh, C6!..4 to 66k; Bank of Commerce, LOS, and there was also a sale of National Refining & Storing Oil stock at 9. Gold is reported steady, and a fraction higher today—New York quotation at noon 131 k. Railway clocks firm—sales of Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago at soy, and Cleveland & Fittaburgh at 7674 —Great pains (says an exchange) are taken by parties at Washington to ventilate the opinions of the Controller of the currency upon the loan hill and the financial policy of the Government. The opinion of thin or that subordinate of Mr. McCulloch may be of im portance to the party holding it, but it has no effect here. It Is well understood to be part of the lobby game to defeat a return to specie payments, and its a gross discourtesy to the Secretary, whose opinion Is exactly the re verse of that of hie subordinate. -The following comparative statement shows the average condition of the leading items of the Philadelphia Banks for the past and previous week : Last Week. This week. Capital.... -514,642,150 $14,642,150 Loans • 411 , 8 " 65,792 46,601,752 Dec.V60,140 Specie 1 1 7 )85,409 1,041,492 Inc. 16,054 Legaltend's. ,211P-,905 17,447,635 Inc . 164.730 Deposits 32,0fd,223 32,835,094 Dec. 217,158 Citeulation- 7,732,070 8,161,019 Inc. 428,279 The most remarkable feature of the above statement of averages is the large increase of clrenlation, which now exceed eight millions of dollars. The legal tender notes increased $161,790, and specie $16,054. The loans decreased $260,910, and the deposits $217,158. This state ment points to rather more stringency in m r o e ney matters. The loans are decreasing, as a also the deposits, and-legal tenders show an increase. The prospect of the attempted funding of the currency is received with wen. eral apprehension. It is argued that if the movement should prove sticcesshal as a means of thoovering the specie basis, there must at least be serious derangements arislegirom the universal reduction of all prices, triis the banks will be imperilled through the loses of their customers. Thus,, the future is re garded as threatening, and worthy the most careful watching by the banks.-Ledger. Orme. no Tea Perrsacrarra Oceans, WeDNESDAY. March 7; 1865. i There Is no Improvement to note In the tone of the general markets, either as regards de mand or prices, and with a demand for the leading articles of trade restricted almost en tirely to supplying the Immediate wants of : Dar coons. , told and Dry Goods rallied a little tins the retail trade, we have but very few round • morning, but soon relapsed to their weakness lot operations to record. of yesterday, and the buyers in the market still contend for lower prices prices. Foreignay, d goods GRAlN—Wheat to rather more active but were offered at tod an Do rincharigedk.le of 1 car lifilwankto Club, at i ... tin .. abet, ~lower b ma a ard gbeatiao, hags • tia ir dull andan c Ynie r a l i n tiTal e IndianaSt tptilt, Red at tit! ?: : touched a lower figu re than they have for the eel and Ear on track, and the board advance ' I,',Tatly*irotot:,,nistrgam",.: has '' be en fou 4 d a , o 7,l: for email lots from store. Barley nominal at : 13 ,,,,,,,,. a "eeunge__,tuanuo,A.B3l4; Augusta 75 for Spring, and BO for fall. Rye is quiet and . A inch, 25; Augusta, 30 inch, 21; Great Falls, unchanged. Oats maybe quoted at 40 Mek on M, 23; Great Falls L, L. 7,2. Bleached Starting,— track. Ration & Son, 96 ' inch, 31. Prints—Pacific, 21; FLOUR—Ia steady with a fair local demand, Itiehmond 20. Amos 20 lii; Arnold, 18%. but unchanged. Sales from store In small p e t e m ee __i te M itbar, d in g iwe r,... _43leow. lots at 119%@8%, for Spring Wheat; ISNcigril% for ~, n artiorn ~., .C , 53; 15 . half Spring and half Winter; and 111010I.f, ii,„.,, DritteLataia H, 2 .... wi atta ,,, 15 we tland. 0 15 all Wlnter Wheat brands. Safe of 100 bbl, o M "fi ennete _ sau . , ,,,,, g : sf). iria',..i . ,,,,,,,,, - s Trogvl3l.4 . - 7.:con.`fig."ll Vnt':; , , , ltii,„ed ~ , ,, ,,, ; .'C„C„; ''',l' . C Tltt':,.;',g a, A. z, Stripes— ati,.. 142,i for Shouldersi 170173 tor Sides, i„1iii71„71,4,11'. - g.ii - t 7 - 452 - ' 2 ,,, io - , - ,;&, p ,,7 s tc,, and ....mumia for Sugar Cured itams. Lard is fi,o,tl,oS; Empress Trail, *1,25. dull with small sal. of prime kettle at 18t, Small sal. of Mess Pork to the trade at OS% New York Market. 4819. No movement in Balk Meats. New Toxic March - -Cotton rather more SEEDS—Clover Seed la dull and neglected, active at 434544. for middling. Flom 10c lower with a supply largely in excess of the demand. for common grades medium and good grades Small sales of Timothy Seed at 113;Xel. Flax . alai., and without deoldedchange, at $7,147,134 .• Bead Is in demand at ge75e2,80. ft, Extra State; 183,20e8,4 for Extra R. 11. 0., BUTTER—Is in fair demand and steady but arid .1+1,60431100 for Trade rad. The market , 8 ATrUDA Y. 51 A BCD kWh. WOK unchanged; sales of good to prime Roll re- closed quiet. Whiskey dull, at r„,286•2,30 for ported at 35638. prune. Wheat firmer; White, Common and Ef4GS—ln rather better demand but un- Inferior doll and droopiug, at .1,03 for old changed—fales of 12 bids at 28. ' (linage Spring; $1,6061,85 for Old Milwaukee CHEESE—Ls quiet and unchanged—sales of Club, and 411,70 foram.. New No I Amber 3111 prime Goshen at 24 23 , end common Ohio at anukee. Rye heavy, at 75 for Western. Bar ri• ley heavy. Barley Malt dell. Core rather °Real:Ai—Continues to come In pretty more steady; casound 47..144:%70; Sound Mixed freely, embracing several lota from Chicago. Western, 88 in store and delivered; 80 for West- We can report sales of 40 bids, to the trade, at ern VeLow, and fr, for Southern yellow. Oats 58a7kand email sales at 74173 , rather more active, at 1,5013 for Unsound MILL FEED—SaIe of 1 car heavy Shipaturfs Western, including Choice at 47, and Sound atomsat at; and smell sales of Middlings from Western at 51(355. Pork heavy arm lower, at 01,50. V26,51a4@26,90 tor New Mesa, and closing at HAT—Vary dull, 'ti th e suppiy considerably , szt., raw, g..y.,,75 for Old do, and $30,25 o,w In mime of the demand. Baled is selling at to Prime- ;ire° 5,500 bbl. New Mess for March, from ale to 616 per ton. A oril and stay sellers' option, at e 98,514027,25. ' OIL—No. 1 Lard Oil is steady, with a fair de- Beef steady, at 18020 for New Plain Mess, and mend at ip,11401,85. 201.24 for New Extra Mess. Cut Meats un- ONIONS—QuIet but steady at r„,50 to VI per hinged, .cat 1.1%@12% for Shoulders, anti 16e18% big i it r iE stg 7 ,I IL a t I N ._ A ie. setts ini.s, : for liamor . Bacon q i nle i l ih r f llitirtfoLl:trt,l - Peaches at 15altr for quart Us. a e ri t ti r , 2 it; l iTre rl as su e ( t i l I C l ' o u :'s C ' 4l l l, and IMillicaa for West ' ern, :, for hall.. . and 13%618 Inc City, Lard heavy, and more POTATOES--stiady,with regular sal. from . active, .464115%. - Butter quiet, at 32045 for More at 51,1581.:3) per bush, and *3.50403,01 pet Ohio, and 40@55 for State. Cheese Inlet, at harrel—Sale of fil bbls, to the trade, at 133,35. , 164 M. Money active and firm, at 60,7. Star- BEASS—Lems active but unchanged—small ling quiet, at 111,08%talagX. Gold without de- sales at 81.7502 per bosh. cited change; opening at 133;4, declining to HOMINY le selling at 9e to the trade, and I:Vii, and clot; at IM%. 25‘g23,i, in a small way Chicago Market. , CatcAoo March 7.—Flour Quiet. Wheat, firm! WM. KNABE 15. C FIRST PFITSBURGUI PETROLEUM MARKET.': sea adva nced 2c; sides D1,24 , 4gL2)%. Corn, PIIRDIDM oucti SIED AL quiet. Oats, doll. Highwines ‘ q Met. Proofs- i ..401, lg . cor ms . OPTICS Or ran PITTSNIMOH GAIIZTED WEDNESDAY. March 7, 1608. *31,7k for Extra; Prime sold to a limit e d ex- ! ° These lottrutnents licring been before the public CRUDE—The transactiOna In Crude were . tout at elpe..swßeV,ll.ineirl hams iirn lc i sxl : f ,n r Is f 0... .: thi mi. . ,. . r . ~t . ..v , ,,a c, 7 1, ; , 3 .2; 4.0. Hon to-day, and while the market us 1 ~,,,,s ' ' mu q a iry at 16c. Lard deal, at 14) . 173ic. flogs ric . F.F.AiNiNCE that yr...maces them lf NE- S and weak, there is no essential change In I dull ° , and declined 15( 0; sales at 09466934 c. for ' QUALitir. For sale hr CHARLOTTE BLUME. prices. Sales of 500 bbl. at 16, bids returned; I coed to choice. Dressed Hogs, quiet., at 11111.. , _„ - 43 Fifth street Sole Agent. : Receipts, Flour, 4,900 bbls. Wheat, 4.500 bush- ! _2°. BM at 16; and 250 and 350—0 n Tuesday evening ot ~ ,on, 1s 50 D beet " ( - mm, a,na o bi ome ,. ! 'l'llE 1111,LOBURY, NEW YORK, —at 17. Holders, generally are beginning to , ;logs, sm. Dressed liogo, 423. Shipments, . y. nnilfte - the fact that the market is Inn rather ! Flour, 3,..UX1 Ws. Wheat, 5,,510 bushels. Corn, precarious condition. and hence the majority I ',;30 bushels, of them are more anxious to sell, while at the , New York Stock and Money Markel tame time, they do not seem disposed to make New Torre, March 7.—The steamer Cuba from Liverpool carried out 5.141 C in epocie. any further concessions. Once our refiners Government smoke steady. Stocks strong ; become satisfied that the lowest point has , United States B's , s_, .1 rogistared,lo4%; do li.V.. been touched, they will buy pretty freely, but 'el. registered, /.. I; United States s's 19-10 co . upons 90; treasm7 notes 78-70, Ist aeries, until they become pretty well trattalled on 90,• do lid aeries, rs; Missouri We 77 Ohio this point, it la not likely that the trausac- and' Missisrdppl certificates SlX;Western lions will be very large, unless an active ship- Union Telegraph 67X; Pacific Mailliteamahip ping demand should spring up In the mean- Company 214; New York Central 01%; Erie 87; time. ! Reading V2X; Michigan Southern and North- REFINED—The market for bonded oil con- . ern Indiana PS; Pittsburgh 77%; North West. unties doll and weak the advice. from the era bait do preferred 5354; Fort Wayne 90 ; 1 , a. East Mill being turreted as unfavorable, and Dine - intuit! Market. even for future de leery, the offers are not as ! , March 7.—Flour le deli I good as they were a week or ten days since. • '-: , ae.aleeTt, In th e present unsettled and unsausfactory 1 tilare_. _ls no material eln, Inge In p ri nts .,, etit . condition of the trade , it Is impossible to give , m. "1 ...8 ° N eo, 1 1 . ....p..._e_c_5 d r7.1" ) .1..: . 1 •. , accurate figures. as there is not enough doing , for No . I. OW nee cora I,tin declined to establish quotations. Free Oil is dull and , le, clotting at 50e for No. I, sh e lled. Oats are , entirely nominal at 57058; It Is stated that . ;1011, at 37c for No. 1. Dye centimes dull, and , there was a sale of 230 bbls on Tuesday at lii, I Pe•tool are nominal , at M e fee No- 5 . erOvie - ! inns unsettled and drill. Mess Pork is held at trot we it! not prepared to vouch for the truth .0 I the rt. . tr.,00 for C . l . ty. Bulk Meats dull. at 1110 for ! Shoulders, ~ tame for Sides, and 16e for Clear NATT AND RESIDUUM—The demand for Residuum continues very much restricted, . a iiiaa All loose small s ' il at of Naxos are at an . 11 111 , 7 A for Shoulders, Sides and and In the absence of sales, $4 to &Di per bbl ' alor may be regarded as the nominal quotations. ' ' mu' mite. firmer, and in good de- ; Nothing doing in Naptha. arm at we for Prime Pity, Cottldere are 1, lee A.; eh roc es quiet. n dull, and &RBI VAL&—The .arrivale of crude by the I a • Allegheny, river since our last report, were ... , price. are nominal , at 194045 e for middling. follows: ; Wlsio , in moderate demand, at 112,25, duty Fisher & Bra 400 Jaa. WHIG= -go , paid. Gold 133%. Jos. Denney 434 W. P. Logan 85 St. Louie Market, Dumana Dunlap 55 Consignee unisn'fi 8 Sr. Loma, March 7.—Flour dull and drooping Total lat *3407.L 0 *3407.L 0 f0r Single Extra; $8,50 for Double 1888 • , Exir e akl.l4 for Fancy. Grain—Wheat heavy at 1.75 . for Good. Fall; 2.leet,a3 for Prime; . PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEST YORE. i al• for Choice. Corn 5t.5843630 for Whitey i 5.543825 e fOr - Yello Oats easier at 404}4be. Pro. Special Dispatch to the Western Press. ' visions—Bacon dull at 1.1 e; Shoulders at Me; New Ton, march 7, me, Cleartlideslatt; Plain Hansa 22%,c. lard languid Petroleum stooks have been Irregular. Ben- ' 185.4 c; Kegs V.O , Me. nehoff Run, 18,40; Central, 1,67; Pint National,l New Orleans Dolton Market. ! a , 45; Hamowook, 2,85; Excelsior, 1,40; Palmer, settl Nol e Oatztat March 6.—Cotton dull and un d. The - gales today-were 700 bales; du -00; Plthole Creek. 6,50. ring the last three days„ 3,100 bales. The re _ celpts to-day were 6,160 bales; receipts during Pritl32 or Leading staple. to stew York. the last A is. 440 , ..... Y. , g ' 6 Pn B d r molteses unc bslas j na. • it, ' in- S i . ' t It ' Ar • De t• ged. -- Gold 131%. Sterling 41. Cotton.Wd Vend. lb. 41 +I 7X4. it, Flour, ex. Suds ow-sa, is t 7. to MX. bbi Mining Stocks, Corn, W. M. be V 7 °. C Me ' be . New Yeas, March T.—Prices of mining ;Books Whs. , . 'C- S T ria lf.; ts • t i ' sn L la'" 4 •;. 4 ~l 1 hid la Boston today; Copper falls 26; nankiln• Sheetings. Y d 30, 'a . Print Cosh., r d 2; ii Se yd ! 59; Hancock IS, Royal 12%; Minnesota 6%; Commercial m i te .. . Quincy 52; Bay State eirlioston water power 24. This table explain§ why sells so high, and why preference is given by : owner' of mono tor:1011°8ns at legal interest, ; Chicago Market. or even less . T h e table Shows that those who I skald Dispatch to tee Pittsburgh Board of Trade, 60 days agO, put their money Into emote goods, Carcaoo, ',larch I—Flour—Steady and firm. or bought them on credit, have =Lae "no" Or. I —Wheatc.flrmer. Rejected Common, dm; losses. In matey °soul the loss Is so heavy as , Oats deli, at - 2 s lic ii, Lo: lo. 2, b m and to impair the capital of merchants so much as . n i t e l a rro , 2h ! i t t Oa . g o ..1. their notes dangerous to tench " ..Y Provisicioa—Mess iork, w e at kr. rata. Wpm the market - value of cotton, flour, ' firmer, at 17e. Cat Meats, unehang , corn, wheat, and other products, the solvency of =my traders depends, and the fluctua tions are naturally watched with great Inter- ' IMPORTS MT RAILROAD. est. That still lower prices =YAW be reached, . Trerearraol3, FORT WAYNE A CHICAGO. R. a. there is no reasonable doubt. There is no March 7.-5 bbls ba.tes, Schoonmaker & SOD; this b err & uck.' want of cereals or cotton, and a few months • 0 bbis dry apples, W J Sleek ; 5 do do, K will produce new crops of both, and force , Emary;3 do do, Cook, Biro A co; 9 [ M4ces still ingtheetowards natural balances. , wheat flour, T C Aenkirup; 4 pkgs produce, e total In the price of gold is steadily Mak. ' Kirkpatrick a Herron; 27 cars metal, Hamrick cereals and j3rovislons available as a re- i & aryl cat stave:kJ J a1dy,,,,1 ear wheat. fiance, and will leave a larger stock for , Liggett. a 430;4 Mira Metel, J Moorhead; 150 borne oomstimptlon to the damage of, prices.: bideflour, Watt & Wilson; VD do dO,Shousaker The future has little of enconragement to & Lang) 50 tea grease, F 'Sellers a co; 49 pkm, debtors. and the less people owe and the fewer ; rags, McCullough, Smith & co; 1 car corn; Kill engagements they make to pay money in to- A Bitchart; 200 bbls Serer, T C Jenkins. Pike, the better.—N. P. Tribune, Atrarcesereir STATION, ' March . 7.-1 Mid to traced. a & W Jenkinsona 1 ear shingles, WU • Alarms la 'Detroit about Trichina. limns a co; 10 bins dour, 0 Mayers; 10 bge gas„ metal, MD Suydara,_ . I Obi eggs, 11 Wall; I..sit,a [From the Detroit Advertiser.] wheat, Kennedy & gni; II belt apples, °Wens SF undintiand that 00 great has been the ! a Co; 13_,pkg0 ash, It a A Carsoni_ so dtVdo, panic in rerd to trichina in pork that the Hahn & Wilmette bbl . buckwheat flour, 5 bblt Dlitinett ol d our prldpal dealers has sugared beamq 2 bb met pickles, C Rotten; 2 cars lumber, iMuletteely. With the view of reassuring the , C C Boyle; 'dodo, F Atwater; Ido do, J Naas; Imbue, same of the leading packers have pro. i . ,22 eke - rags, Godfrey & Clark; 0 dos brooms, 0 red& thorough eXaMinetiOn Of a large glum' ! Beglarld; II doe pats, to bbls flour, Metter a city of Jerk by' & committee; consisting of .261t 4",. ...,, , , .. _ Lou i s . .4 417 ;P c gr e j an t, f ,-MLI nf h Tmd e 1 Curvizmp-& — Prrrastraotr -RAIL' Roan.-- thlrpector orpork, Da. J. .. I ~ 1 ' al"' a (I°"' B. - -4 .5. -- A - liTeßiOnan - dDr: v51111)221 t hat Ilarela7,-dhsks darer. seed, got& Daweentb bMaddlaneaL-301111. i .& Ilitushowt II bas Mclver . T. X. 12 Prauger 10 ° unite ' n fi„--.., 'OB4, Eetzer a ,Atiristrongt a bbls WhlskY. M all the • pork th ey ezajnines l . ADO d - ,„--g thali- .. kletalliOnghltibi boils -chairs, Denier, PlOsask OMNI and -salty et_ _ l2 clltmutlu)...,:ir. has nu , Co; 72 do do, Lemon & WeiseLla pkgs gsb, gs, oplnkm the II Wan , " u 'o rn 4s •r "`"' ,I I,ll4;itteetati ear lumber, John Heath; MI pkge yeautade Its appeantnoo Elias keglou. • ; flail, It Peet; 20 do do, It Pulpit it. co; /2 do do, _ .. ; Miner 2tahektiteon_ ikaddilo, - Atwell, Lim -.2. CO, 3,1 hulls cicks, A Milliken; ID bids 011, l Y DOT .I.auAblin; 3 earl. potatoes, E 11. Elevelarkli 3do do. Volgt it coil dh file,'GnifF& 'Reiter; Soars ImnaerrilinbrltherOMlOw & Peon • . ritrelltliOtt, COLtritstri 1.1114113 11.11; Gioia lffliGner-SeOeles. • Nsw Yons, March 7.—Tbe followloq are Gs prices of Gold MCA ut ellocks Old In hew York Prip te•ded/_di BW . 8 4 00 NOS4O)t, MO) Suilth ressoiceds,oo; Fluted tatty, 1 710. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Pork Pattathe at Chicago. Deducting the 'shipments from the receipt., • a balance shouldthdicarts about the number eft over for packing and butebering Receipts from Oct 1. to date 771.811 Shipments " ..... 240,535 Balance paa,cers and butVlars. : r u 1 ,: 2;15 „ „ " 854,466 Mr. Henri - Milward, In his weekly circular, published elsewhere, estimates the packing for the season at 44,623 head, Including thr hogs, Uve and dressed, In tee hands of the packers.—itribetne. Flour and Grain in Mani. The following shows the amount 01 dour and grain to store In Chicago, on Satarday,March 3, an compared with the nmonnt In atom at the corresponding time lest year, as reported by the focretary of the Board of Trade : DM. 1065. BWI 04,700 1 VC 1 438 OW . 3,7.7:10 3 . 174,647 1,992,290 . 107,620 112,700 • 4331 6 70 176,303 flour. Wheat horn.. (late .. Barley ===l! Cuir•no, March 6.—Tbecattle market to-day Is notice and buoyant, under a brisk shipping demand, with mins at from for first ewe, steers; and Wen% for tgr to good, and nt from g1aar16,73 for common to medium grollos of cow. and stock cattle. Live bogs are extremely dull and weak, with a decline of tS(l,lOe per 100 lbs. Sales range frem g 5,7509,9) for common to good bacon ho st . :;ep rule dull. We note small sales to-day at from #5,4145,80 for choice lota. Cincinnati Reed Market ciN a Ail, Mareh 6.—The receipts of clover aro etlil liberal. and, being inexerese of the do end, a farther decline was established, aud there is only a moderate !wintry now at 403,25. Small sales aro be , ganiade from store and orders filled at ig) ck 40. Timothy is In but llttoolted request. It can be bought at 4040. Flax meets with a good demand at V.,03. M A lrOn BY TELEGRAPH, Finance and Trade in Pew York. New You, March 7.—The stock market was firmer at the last boards, and there was a good demand, especially on clique stocks. The up ward movement on Erie and Michigan South ern Imparts more strength to the whole mar ket. The following were the closing prices at p. m.: New York Central, 1 , ,'; Erle, 81 , 34; Hudson Elver, 103; Reading 98%; Michigan southern, 115 , 1; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 77!,i; Kock Island, 107; North Western, WX; do pre, furred, SP,t; Fort Wayne, 91; Canton, 43 , *; O tilted States &DX, 104,5, ,• Culled States 10-40 110: Missouri 6s, 91; Toledo 107; Ohio and Mis sissippi Certificates, 24%; Illinois Central, Ill; Michigan Central, 14114. . . There Is rather more demand for money o dor, owing . to the increased speculation at the "Lock Exchange, bat It was freely offered at 7 per cent., and there were some exceptions at 6 per cent. Prime discounts are current at 708 per cent. 001.0. Gold closed quietly ut • ilubineas in provisions Is generally dull. The price of pork continues to decline, and there very little doing for to or consumption. Taere is some speculative feeling, but tho Dulls find It imp:mail:do to sustain the umrket. BOOTS ABD .80.. The boot and shoe trade Is dull and the too ,lency towards lower prices. The pulk of the business Is with the South. The stooks are -nd the large, and the spring trade is not up to the ex pectations of manufacturers. The New Tork exports, exr_luaive of speolie, for the week end ing March 6, are6,ww„4 , satiNe period bun year. t,919,574. Imports, 6,107,736; cold same period last year, .4531,237, principally to dry goods. The weakness and downward. tendency of gold continues to have a very depressing effect on t he market. March 7.-22 like 110.. J P Scott, 133 eke barloly, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. W H Gi L yggpi, 2 6 bbls lard, J. Lippincott; 13 bags facility'. Meaner Harper; 1137 do do, Spencer it Mcay:loo bbla flour, DAn Wallace; trrlval and Departure of Trains. Dm do do, JAR CalrlllriOr, I CIL! stn.., Thoma s Markle, 1 ear earn, SO 1:141., 40 sacks flour, T C Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Jenkins. 4 pkgs seed, 1 AVIV+ eggs, W P Seek & Depente Ou• 1 car bones, id AtlFtln; W. paper sacks, J A Jay Express . 2:20 • m ' .Matt Arrfeee. 1:50 am Sant. Altoona AcconVis 7:10 • m , Put Line 2:40 a m Cincinnati Exp's &Ma m;let Wall A.oren WA am gall 11:10a mlet Penh Acne.— I:SS 1 m PLI11•• Express.., 3:66pm 2.1 Wall Ae.m... 9:60 • ni Johnotowa Ae . n. 4:/5 pm,Johnern Accom.lo:os • me Put Line 10:00 pM , Pitt&Erie Ma11..12-M P . Ist W• 11 Accom.. 6:30 • mitlaithnore Kap'. ltM P m 14 / 0 ; 43 • vi r e/ Wall Acores... I:60P. sg •• •• 6:09 p ra;11:11 hi Express.. 2.125 p m tat Penn Accom•nlo:36p in Ild Penn Ace.... 6:25 p m ),, •• •• S. pm; Alt.. Accom• IS Tinto Truth. .ohao p M The church train , ease. Wane. st g tion every lu.d.s at 11 ; 06 • ..; ... 010 S, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:66p. m. Pittebargii, Columbus and Cincinnati. Departs. Antes.. 1'1.4 Line 2:60 a m Put Ltne M) a m Nall . . 3•Oua mFail AS p m re Expss ...... ».. ress...„. MM. m Steubenville Ao- tent:PU.lok Ac rOmmodation • • Pin commodation..lo•lo • m Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne and. Chicago. Departs. . Aroloei. itspreas • are &ter.. 2:03 ain Ex press : 60 P a 'xprees ..... .. . 14:13 pm Express 7:13 a m ........ 6;13 p ni Wheeling Eau , . 5:19 pm New Brighton Accommodation amuse Allegheny 51)pot at 9 Am., 11:60 a.... 4:31p. m,, and 6:40p.m.. Et.huter. 2:15 p. In.; Hew Curie, Mho p. m.: Len. - :my, 11230 p. tn.; Wallachia, 7:500. sa. Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Wheeling. Departs. Arrives. ) itxpresa 2:23 a m 'Express 3:68 p m rr. 2r50 p m,Expreu 6: - M ••m Express 9:13 p rn 2:M a 1:11 IMetit•enville Accommodation Wares Allegheny at i WTI. 131. RIVER NEWS. !Brest City ....Gordon Parkersburg. Belle ...... .... Longhrey Oil City. Ight:rilda Saint ...... ....Oil City. DEPARTREEL Robt. Moore ..Maratta Cincinnati. Forest City... Gordon Parkersburg. Echo Gordon Oil City. BOATS LEAVING To-DAT. Bayard ~ Moore Parkersburg. Emma. No. I...Maratta .St. Louis. HIRER, WEATHER, RTC. The river continues to recede stet/411Y at this point, with a fraction less than seven feet in the channel by the pier marks last evening. The weather yesterday was blustering and eoldocith an oeenaional spitting of snow. Tel, amine from Oil City reported the Aileghney falling with three feet six Inches of water at that point. There was apt a single arrival yesterday, aside front the regular packets, and the Robt. Moore, for Cincinnati, with an excellent trip, was the only transient departure. Busi ness at the landing continues rather dull, anti boats experience considerable difficulty In picking up a full cargo. The following dispatches were received at the Board of Trade to-dav: . . . Ctsctss Art. March 7.—flyer has fallen two feet during the last 24 hours. Nora, Captain Devinney, arrived yesterday. limines s very chill. Weather clear and pleasant. Lortsvltta, March 7.—ltiver falling with 8 feet In the canal by mark. Rocket passed up last evening, with two barges of sand in tow. Sr. Loris, March 7.—to a. tn.—River rising, with 15 feet hence to Cairn. Weather clear and pleasant. The Allegheny river packets appear to be doing a Lair business, having pretty good trips both up and down, including a goodly num ber of passengers. The lowing business, how ever, is said to be very dull, and with an un usually large number of boats in the trade, the rates for towing have been reduced con siderably. Passengers and shippers should hear In mind, that the llayard, t.apt. Geo. D. Moore, Is the regular packet (or Parkersburg to.day, leaving promptly at 11 a. m. The Emma No. 3 did not get off (or St. Louis last evening an expected, being unable to com plete her cargo, but she Srlll leave to-day about noon without tall. Capt. Jam. M. Mar ratta In command and Mr. John Eakin has charge of the office. The Kate Robinson,- Capt. Robt. Robinson, with John Wherry In the omee, Is filling up rapidly for Cincinnati and Louisville, and will sale be ready to take her departure. Capt. Wash. Kerr telegraphs that the Rev eine will be hero to-day or to-night, and will leive for Portsmouth on Friday. The Camelia. Capt. Lytle, is announced for Nashville, and all intermediate points forth with, and pro- - cud shippers should .• • 4.1 i, Mu -.. passengers an, bear thin fact in mind. The Brownsville packets are doing a very fair busineas, both the freight, train° and pas- 1866 senger trade being very good, and I.l3.oboatn in point or accommodations for passengers f speed and comfort, are unsurpassed by any On the western waters. The cancers are gentle men in every sense of the word, in addition to being experienced and prudent steamboat-. men, and we have no hesitation in saying that . both passengers and shippers having bust/tens with them will and what we have said to be no exaggeration. II DEI iviii:):111;t: SSTEAMTO AND FROM LITER- Pot IL AND EUEENBTVWN (110.ILLAND) twice • week. The INMAN LINE. sailing EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY 'WEDNESDAY, Will run three daily side-wheel steamers between CARRYING I'. h. MAILS. Eittentrgh, Monongahela Clty, Brownerille, tilee's ending. tireensbora liettees And the Dankard Tickets sold to and from Ireland, England. seot• land, liertnanY altd ficglooli. This line Is tompo•ed •Of the following steamers Ap o the Com°. y 's °Mee,. . _. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, ;gait 4114.11%f 15 Broadway, N. Y. RaTarii -' .. M c A rri'. s i ,C .s.c.r ß it . . . FRANKLIN •• . CAL'T. Z, W. C A R3IAC . . ... GALLATIN.. ... wi l l lea v e CAPT. A.S. CARLILF.. These packets will leave Pittsburgh daily M 9 a. .rn and it r . in except Sunday. when the departure COAL DEALERS .4 ND IRON The through packet for the 011 Regions will leave 'FOr COAL ouN....„—p ro p ow .w in b e ~,,.,eteed at ,b,. Pittsburgh dally at it p. m. , Browneville daily at . Odlce of the Water Works. op to NIXON on TOES 0 5 .• m• DA Y. March OAP, iota. to FL tiVISH COAL at the '` X•rr ßNct. — Le.vei Brnwnliville for NUMMI - I& UPPER AND LOWER WORKS. or Other one of dally at: am, end sp. rn. Horn, for ON F. YEAR FROM THE FIRST DAY OF Leers, Greensboro and Geneva st 11 o'rlock, APRIL, MOM. Also. to 3'l'l(Ni:ill It ATER rirl: Mee,' Landing at Yo. m. . and miscellaneous Castings for the some time, LCAVYS Monongahela Cloy at 3 n'clort. r0b3,30 JOSEPII FRES Cll. Cum, . i The l ltt . e b, i , a ,i, .. , i . rnpo .. ..e l d , c 0,1 :, tg:t- t c r l.m . iiik . ar y hu i t i d i . TO ENGINE BUILDERS AND he ' coutmanded by Nflcers of long experience. w 'r ttei will pay particular attention to t h e wants and coot . s . . fort of passengers. The boats will tear. prompt .7 1 .134= 0 17.181 . 1. 5141,54.113,..1111.1.113 at the hour advertised Proposals will be reecited at the otkce of d the ' Freights Received at all Heirs. Water Works, up to noon on ! For further particulars, endoire of WILLIAM NIcELROY, , Agen At the Wharf-Boat, foot attire:lt st. Pittsburiii. L. COLYIN. Agee I fur • set of Boilers, a Cylinder and Pump. scene..- ~,.,9.3,..,, „„,, f , a PO e, _. log to plans and tpectfl. anon, In the hands of the Ouperintendent. • Bids will lie received for the entire wort or seas.- 1866. Zifirwa 1866. rate lads for the holler.. Theo Water Committee reserves Hie right to reject , any or all MC .. ife:3l:eti JOsEPH FRENCH: . ''ILO CONTRACTORS. — RAILWAY LETTINii.--The Allegheny Talley Railroad Conpany Ini He proposals for the ai it Talley )N, 003111BlIZEIR !CASON RY. BALLAST'S,: A ND TIES required on ' ^^., '...*".n. or ''''''. '-'"' '''''''''." "°. " 11 • PITTSBURGH, HEELING. WHIM PARUBSEVRG l'lty soutnward. tool on fi ft eens ections. extending from MM. - ming Civet northward to the vicinity of ' ll ' r ' ' ''' di o .ll. ' B4 ;?l ' '' ' Lr7 ' 74l";: . rk. E'ch "'"*" win ''' DAILY PACKET LINE ' Maps, prodles. plans, and specifications of the work .111 be ready for examination al the Engl neer, °Mee, on Pike street. In time (Its of Pitts- Comprising the following first-class Pasaanger burgh, on the let of March next. And proposals will ' Steamers he received at the tame place onto 0 o'clock. r. a., Steamer BAYARD: Gen. 11. Moore, Master. ' of THTTICSDAY, the 521.1)F MARCH. Steamer LENI LEOTI: Jas. Hamilton. Master, The line will be run out and staked ILA soon as :Steamer FOREST CITY,. Jr i !Jordon. Master. practicable. but contractor s l'Alre at Ally Ono. obtain DOWN TRIP — STEAMER BAYARD: at the Engineer's other, In Pittsburgh, all the Info, . Leaves Pittsburgh every Monday and Thursd mutton necessary toeble them io enaLulne and II "'Hoek ay. at , a_ in. hid for the work undersnatandingly. Leaves Wheeling every Monda stir' Any further Information ileslreii rote be had by 3:31p. m. y ..ouratlaj, al a 'Titration In minion art by leore to the subacriber. STEAMER LENI LEOTI lialititat V. WRIGHT Chian:kJ/Inm. Leaves Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Friday, at liara. to. •-"..... Leaves. Wheeling every Tuesday and Friday. at PROPOS A T. 9 PIANOS, ORGANS, &o Mal Schoneacker If Co., Philadelphia, M :1° I.41.1V08. i The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. Acknowledged by the best musical talent In the United Statee to be superior to to all other. la power, p u nship. rity and quality of tone, and thorough wort I These Instruments have fur years aken the first prt Interne, over all all competitors, at the verb.. elate and County Fain. In prier. they are lower than any others. All werratated for dre years. WAMELINK 6, BARK, No. 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh. P. /YZ4 N . OW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STOCK OP CHICKERI,NGPIANOS, toe r btr t l o b , e .y r : d taring SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS are now opts, and ready forxamination , and too P.Mle are Invited to cal l and see them. AARAFTED FEB FIVE YEARN CHARLES C. MELLOR. DISSOLUTIONS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERo eo-partnerablp heretofore existins between the underslaned, under the name and style of r. A. 01113 TY CU., In the Framing businese. was dissolved by mutual consent on the drat of Jan rilaV. The A. t774".11 of eh.e,l3ids drm TM:LeI Meet and Penna. avenue. tand, corner of F. A. BiIUTY. mama BARNET BULK. MISOLUTION OF PARTNER IIP.--Tbdpartnership heretofore exiating be- Maim D. OiLWORE and W. J. AIcaIASTER. under the name off . (MIME& & CO., Is this day alt solved by Matsui! consent. The buene of the era g l !!lr i' gti r r= ° ;: tv ttlolubTlnaat.Za "Ih ' iliiindersUrned will continue the AtlihnrtA busi ness, nnder the nap. and •tyle of tiILEfORE, )IINPSON & CO., when , with their thereued Cacti- Melt, they are determined to coutioue to produce an uncle of Flour second to none In the market, they therefore most reepectfully request atboot a trial hem all, and partlimlarly those hardest to please In that article or prime necessity, Font. U. OrILMORK. J.A.. diAIPSUN. YlfhallANT eth, W. J. 11411A8Thit- Theunder•lgned would respectnally Inform the piddle that, having associated blniself with D. GIL NOW& and IV, .1. Mehl ANTIS, under the nem , nod style of GILIIIOEN, 811.111 , 0 N & CO.. the business ninnerty conducted by 81kInSON 4 KNUX.itt 170 Federal street, Allegheny, will be en I N IV the new arm, dated February Oth, MOM frailf .1. W. BIM t UN, kiJ;I:(00:9100i:V4 BUY TOUR NOTIONS, It - ililikiarw. s ----- ------ ------ - i: -- 801 - a - ZE - i I POURTII STREET ILTPROJI.STERT 1 Toys, Baskets, ... No. SS YOMITSINTRBETt sows Woop.--Tho subscribers atansfairEtre :ad keep ooustanUy oe , Ni r ..at...ii.3ZETTIZEIEI s ciSCS., ALT . bilitherfer7 anlele. In their tine els: Comters. Or netnews, transit. Goods, cosof;sl rsstber B e d s' Mat rooseo,o(oll ludo; also, the oelobrotad Patens J. G. L.el GEMS fiptleg Mettv. , ,,441 timbal fibula, Blinds and Pte. ' tes t s „ Wrap{ attention Is elven to All orders to Variety and Store, No. Mt Market street,. i1 , " 0, 4 0 0.4.1 1 N1 down Carpets. Moto., otos. , fon , Mob CUTS oft • HOZNIOX - nait i O_W ENra. . BROOMS . _____ , puovvivin I UNIVAIIIISAL 1111160111 watvt,ool . 4l6ouln,-Unkages ; '21.• II& , -, illte — "Lemon ; , ....., TWA Ii tlus roott'DorfoOt BROM& ever Invented :lobo& Oils Weill reacher; . , awl the only one we tell will 'moil the teal of time SO' 4o ' do:, diATomatuer, I Belllni the "IJNIV EILSAIo , prostate opportooltle IS boat.l.trtedrasettertiotr..; for mallet money rarely to beinet with. ' Tian aten 75 Dale. lowa Magna: . !Iglu-13W as vt i rlgt terrgory vtgotu i Gaper SOO' 40 .pylme Oreeti4opkil ohae nautrig4o%.., i. g _ull i . nu, 5. 1 111 r titti? A ric::. J11. 1 '4 e l 4 Twin , en 4 so k a l l el t ri ► apefilln, 1 ruler & tel, care Of dati.l. itxrcv or 00. C iLv Itutall.'Oblit. Ald Liti 4, Pittabtliegn And Cone,.Haynie. : Departs. Arrices. i pi 7:15 • 5521 .1! 6:C6 p . real . ..... .... 3:00 p to Express . .1010 • m 14 tst 01Leesport..11 :15 :00 • mis t McKeesport.. 6:50 • m •4 ... 0 • AllegbenY Valley Railroad. Dlp.r. I Arrive. /AU 4:4.5 •in Express 113 ' f ' E. it' • pr.'s 11:10 p m Mail kecommottattort. 1:40 p m Aaceunruaelstluu :us sta Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad, to 011 Olt? and Franklin. Arrtimm. Departs ';'/.14.*) Afg r tt74ll, 7 l• P rfi* N si . ,... 7 t.itrteigai g . :: l 3 :drn Bearer Vahey.. (IrOlronVino Boat—Grant and Water Ste. Arricar. Awns. m..—. ..... 4:10 p m15:0; a to 6:041 0 to Harmony Staj l e, St. Mar St. 8.% drrbei. D• ... is.tle , Stalre--No. 3 SI. Clair Street. armee. I Departs. W . ll .rZien Stare--.WaiVAIIOIaI Arrive, Vi P. M.- I eirl..ll:. EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS& LIVERY STABLE, JAMBS DAIS & SON, Pioprletors ua xinxissra ANT) CARRIAGES fumigatd for all Poath. Al., Carriages for irnnerals, Weddings and arties Moen notice and reasonable races. STA • tLE OPEN DAY AND NIUHT. SPRING ARRANGESZENT MONONGAHELA RIVER; 1 Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, .1P .11.0.1 Er-MIT Clfo7ltE.l.'"li r . STEAMER FORESCPP Leaves Pittsburgh e v cry . Wedn e sd ays nd Saturday at II m. Ltlirell 'Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday, at t;10 Of TRlP—ffTEAbllele YORE T CITY at p. Psrleniburg eve,7 3 . 7 4 : 1 : „. : 7 7 a. m. ` Wheeling ever, STEAMER DAYARI) Leave. Parkersburg every Tuesday and Friday, at teaire. Wheeling every Wodae.day and Saturday, at 7 A m. ;STR LENI Leaves Pereemb EA ur M g E h every Wedneaday and &tar day. m Ip. m. Leaves Wheeling every Thureday and &mdse. at 71. m. la - Connections going down are mgjeat Wheeling and Bengt,. with the Cleveland and Pittaborch train. which leaves Pittsburgh at 4:05p.m. and Cleveland n at :as a. tn. Also. with trains of Pittsburgh. DM, W ayne and Chicago hallway. which leaves Chicago at le p. in.: and at Marietta with Marietta and Cin cinnati liallmad, and with steamers to all point. on the Muskingum Hirer: and Ist Parkersburg wit early train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and with Daily Line Steamer. to Pomeroy, Gallipulla, irunton, Portsmouth, Maysville and Cincinnati. lir - On up trip, conneetions are made at Bellair with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, CM a. ni. rain, by which paßiengern arrive at Cleveland at :45 p. m.. and at Chicago at 7:00 a. in. next Morning. JAS. COLLINS Ai CO., Agents At 11 - hart-Boni, Foot of Wood ht. op Where freight will be received each day, op to 5:00 P• 1a23 LOU EVANSVILLE, CAI BO AND OT. 1.0118 — The splen• ti esritnA" Capt. M. A. Col. Will loner (or the ahose and nil Intermediate port. on SATURDAY, nt 10 n. m. Miser freight or pasear . e r ap A 00 0 board or to C AgeuL OR CINCINNATI ANDscizt LOI7IBViLLE.—TIie new and ele• Ltn•Etztinismi-- c„„i. ROBINN, Will le see for the abuse and nil ftiterinediate polo. 00 TIIL'INDA at p. m. in ? tr 7 freigh t h WAPA”.fmCin ly rOV'ITZ/117.4. la. LOU liEOli K, LINUTON, MUSCATINE. DA VEN Piller An D DITI I I.:QUIC. —The splendid pamenger steamer ISA VAN NA, Cgpt. A. 11. JoLLT, In now ready to receive freight for the above points. awl will trare ...those about :be loth instart tlp rto.asoerm thereafter as navigation on the P. freigh r t or pa sage apply on board or to miti FLACK 3 CULLUDIWOOD. Agents. SI Woodilitreet FOE CINCINNATI. LOR.m je st=o k IiiVILLE AND NASHVILLE. The splendid passengerstatuner , CAMELIA Capt. J. LTTLIC Will leave as above on THURsDAy, Bth tract., at 11 n•elock A. ot. O,ohrsh'illVl6rteciNelirotralbo,%<.,.. OH MEMPHIS & NEW OHLEANB.—The tine passenger steamer &Millie). Will leave for the abort and Fol i gin T edgre ° ;o i rr on SATMIDAT, Jetty at 4 p. m. it Yo h r 2 "gh r ' L or Arirr CriL P l l .lN o ti n ITV/0T s t it o gents. CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE.—The splendid nail 1710f. steamer Willleave (or the above and al ' i a ltte l gst:tirst: * p r olt: on TIM LAT, at 4p. m. /kir freight or passage apply on board or to oth2 FLACH & COLL/Xi/WOOD, Agents. . L POII CAIRO AND ST.r a d t at I.oM—ilia splendid steamer EMMA NO. .. .. ... , . -Capt. J. H. hiaitArra Will leave as above on T ylti DA YOH 4 p. M. For height Mtn VI Zent.. nEtR7"IIP - A C LET A i prUAW IIE N "'T AUB7 t A meGai&H,(I. C. , t. rillille hyvia., will leave for the above and nittnrmedlate purtg e'rery TIMIDAY every Flii• ribiWOOD, Agent. * *VI ;; 4-1 I= STEAMBOATS Iffig UNION LINE, Advertising, WITH TUN ADVAZTAGIZ 01 ALL ZDITIOIni 1866. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GREATLY ENLARGED ELX.J3 Otherwise Improved TWELVE COLUMNS IMITIONAL SPICI NO INCREASE IN PRICE The Afternoon Edition CON" TXXICI 7r. .A. Ws M IT 'T' El Has been thilarged to the Extent EEa TWELVE COLUPIINS, UNIY()Illd WITH THE MORNING EDITION, WITHOUT ANY INCREASE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. ~~~~~ Morning Editioi Will be. Furnished to Carriers at GREATLY REDUCED PRIM. Delivered to Subscribers MEI FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEEK. Liberal arrangement. bare ban made Ibr SPECIAL DISPATCHES I:I=EM Leading News Centres RELIABLE MARKET REPORTS, PREPARE) EIPRESSLT FOR THE GAZETTE! Local INTe-vvs, MISCELLANY, With lbretgn and Domoudic CORRESPONDENCE, axes IEI3 irrcorti AJL,S Discustna the it.tiatrinira. d./ — PH. lid os % WIT" NEW AND ELEGANT TYPE. THE GAZETTE NOW OLALUIi TO N The Cheapest and Best I Simeon to Dr. C. W, Robadi. NEWSPAPER I SOLE PROPRIETORS, In Western ' Pennsylvania. I To whom order. should . t.o. address's/L.! AT, REASONAILE FECES.: MEDICAL 1866 GREENBACKS ARE GOOD. CM 13U11 NTIN4C4 014 _J. itollAcklsi BITTER S Color or 31, tr.! 3.13 d l• ~3.33 up In ..33.11 Rl.lorlPli bar r• l•INr•11•016E. or vpolir. 10H .•••••1 i• 331. Robert }Slack, t 1.. • it33ur.i. It 11. 3 ..311n, J. W. W.‘.1..•. I , W. I ARE BETTER. Roback's Stomach Bitters "TrrgEl3l3-1:r-Ywr-lEr, pg Foot of Baltic and Barrloon Streets, After years of esperlenee and trial. bars proven to Brooklyn, N. Y., be the bent remelt es na ots`or all romplAlutt where& ' tonic and stlhmlant ary rMlnlred• TheV ...vet' r.l l Storage for Relined Petroleum, to strengthen the weal.. Impart vigor to the 'truing and in all respeets re•ore Matteren and broken- In Tanks and Barrels. See t'lrcul.srs. Intl t] constitutions. No rerne.) hap been ferelted air Office, No. 46 BEA WEE IiTRILIST, New Tort, With as much favor ns tttql.4l h b ii rum AI.FI BlT oclly • I.r ERS. ROBACK 7 S • BLOOD PILLS beet in qUoilty ano ' alu.he n oo Is put seaso ed bar - rely pne ed es eclair for xport. n Par P 10'i p a rT: .( t a d c lro r r ' l r u ' u n ' ' fa h. Al l io E r l' i -4 •ll 4 ale 'S . SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. r•iiill VII al e a trucling, aud all keep VII hand, ' t.orlor style of SICK NE A BACHE 1 I 02L MIVCS I ,II\IJEI/El WITH EITHER A COM og mug BOILER Ccoßtiveneigs, and .411 Diseases of the Bowels DR. ROBACH'S Blood Pills, ARORYA AND DIALLII IN CRUDE AND REFINED 011.8, Blood Pills, j Block, Duquesne Way, Plitab.rlith AND BLOODpuRim Forwarding and Commianion Merchant ARE UNEQUALED I=l ikrefida, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sick - kleadachd, Liver Complaint Rheumatism, FEVER AND HEE. St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE VOMPLAINTS. - GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, BUT It le admitted by our most learned ptiyetelane that DR. ROBACK'S HITTERS wiroblob the properties of •gentle le:alive, n efficient anti-bilious agent. sod tea best stomach ic. k tal.sl to the world. ROBACK'S Lill 'MRS should be used by convalescents to strengthen the prostration which always follow. acute diseases. .-• • . . In the bilious "districts of the West and Bouth there has, for a long time, been much needed, an an. bole of stomach Ritter., which, If t 'ken in proper quantities and la the proper limo, are a mire Pre ,Wire or Bilious reaer, Fe% er Loud Ague, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Jaundice, Kid- ney Complaints, and all Diseases of a elm- liar nature, and .ik.x•e M 3 otter pr•wantive fur hillotts derangement, gerund tug the system. sad girths tone to the digestive or wens, than any other known remedy. Now that the war he over, there will be thousands making homes in the !tenth. No person who values his life should there without having oogstantly •I nami the BITTNNS, m a safeguard against epidem and 11.11.41011 .1111[1.1111 . 04 by 111111S.M11 and Pointe. water. Travelers to and all residents of, the rank bottoms 'it the west and south, end the valley, ktimisolppi tine its tributaries, should providethm selves with the BITTERS. PRINCE, WILTON & CO., Nos. 56, 58, 60 and, 62 EAST THIRD SIVBEET, .. - .. v. L . c7Jlc/JrJr.dr a, OIL WORKS. WOOLDRIDGE - 04CREF - ENLITG 0cn5.x.r..436.2g-sr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA loll! , WATT. I'm64lent, HESIZI Zvc Trviucr WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE °Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, • par Suspenlion Bridge.) I= 14 - ARING & Iti (.UM 11s~IUN III: ('H.lY'l'. A NI, BROKERS IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS I.I , FICE, NO. 4 1.1 QUENNE W.ll ED WAREHOUSE 0, PHENNI WAREHOUSING COMPANY, STANDARD .IPet - x - cal.ousam RaBzlarp. CLARK & SUMNER. Work,. mud Omen. Collin■ Tosuenbip orricx I.v Prrrsuulloil—Zl WOOL) STREET We Invite parties needing engin...for thlii o ppli t tr A :.'—`4l... t r•qa"i'e''rr,Vor2, K : E "' MACKINTOSH CO. OBIMERCIAL OIL WORE PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Conotantly [lowland to. salt AT THE 1.1)11 . 1.T MARXEI RATES I= NO. 4'7 WOOD ,TREK'r IVIES WILHI 8, 461 - Specialattention given to tta pale and ship must of Petroleum and it. products. Consignment respectfully sollettal. Postoglee Hot N2. est2.lv J BEN No. I •NT. CLAIR MT., Pittsburgh, And dealer la 01le. Illumlnattne, Lnbrinatlna, Crude Petroleum o f an., constantly on hand and for eale at the lowest market prloes. Co.lansuenta and orders nollelted. aplgtm • • - - • MERCHANT TAILORS HENRY G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, NORTIREST CORNER OF PENN 9 ST. ELLIR FIRERIR =I area to return Ward, W my friends and the pub- Ite generally for their ((htmla patronage, and would edpeetfully Inform ttlem that he hat Just return front the KalLtern to3rketa with 3 inrge and well 4-eierted stock of Fine Woolen Goods, to.riv adapted to RENT L PRI Nt A ND tt.t.%(31.E1l \YEAR. tohl SPRLNG STOCK BOYS' CLOTHING NOW RECEIVING BV GRAY a LOGAN" 47 St, Clair Street ITNDE'RTAKING ALEx.-AIKEN, I:7N3DMIMILT No NM rotten street, Pittsburgh, Pa COFFINS all [lndia CRAPF-S, GLOVES, and eyel7 descrlptioa •of Funeral Flinntithing Goods 11.11131.4. AO.= open day and night, Hearse and Carriagetifunklabed IL PJIMINCYI4—Rev. David Kerr, DAL, key. NI W. Jacobus, 11.13„ Thomas Eyeing Esq..cot/ hi Miller, Eau. t ailed COFFIIVS I COFFLNS I I=l =MEM E=3ll I=l I=l ROBERT WILLLIMM, undertaker, Melee, No. 13:9 FOURTH STELERT Undertaking hi µI Its branches. Disinterriag 'tying Out and Iltredshln, everything cesessary fru thr l 4-7 ` l 7 ' t l7l ltag ° Ticre . nr " 4:::s%? . TV on - 4 al Om:tenable terms. del :is 11011VAIRI) & ViIIITE, lUngaLimi-tablz.axwai, lb Inn Rooms at hlnzmentor Live. 7 Seohlie. Owner °a Bliathala and Chortler. street.. Sir Orders from Allegheny City and vicinity promptly attended to. landed WALL PAPERS. &c Teo? s PALMEU, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALER IN WALT. PAPER TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES, IMII3 33 is NI 0 0 117 31EI ZIG fel Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, Necood door below Dbimund Alley, fe24,:emd PITTSBORGIER WALL PAPERS, In Xew Designs. PLAIN AND BRAITTIYOI. BRIURT COLORS, Novo' MIL 01:301.17-1.33.6 El= 107 Market Street, near Fifth 109. R. 111:31.1HES d BIM JEWELRY, &(. WATCHE fin 1 1011 EVERY a THING.- ! T ORS nex 1 J. R. KENNEDY & CO., irT a STREET, (opposite Masonic Hall, iv/ aell a Ovoid Renting °Mt Wale ,h Silver tenant Caae Watch, Bette Ladle.' Jewelry, oil Painting*, Album Silver Estessloa Can, And ONE HUNDRED OTHER NEII , AND USA. FUL ARTICLES, all at the Anwar) prlee or UNE DOLLAR EACH. Coma and eta the plan of axle. • J. R. IkENNXITI" d CO 0 rif Street, (two doors below Lewes. Office.) 100.7 BRICK RUM& TUE NA; BERTA MACHINE makes. with ono two W,030 splendid Brieks per de, with well trebled edgee•sadqaoLtorwl.lenetty, thelasebbledoeenotperrlowe what we elelem grt 'MUNE . 41 beck mad ,, nsrmullbereoper. A Ad. dams n u SEQUA, AgA r e i rriud. rerlh. AN 1)R. KEYSER'S ' Pectoral Syrup CURES CONSUMPTION Curets 13t-oncl.hitis CURES COLDS, Claire JS .Aisi-Mmiaa CURES All Diseases of the Lungs Siirl Ins It, CO.llllO/I sun.- ”rlhe most extra damr,y cures by my Pectoral Syrup. ca T n h l e ji :re a Of h t ' l ' lT e pe,% i o d u :Wl/ t n b e a :‘eht?o',!:2"ctil.rtg tl Attend to Your Colds A sass of Ave years' standln ured by DIL 111 bEtt'b PECTORAL .111tUP TITTSPCIIOII. January It, IMO. I tu. KRTSZe•-31v wife has been afflicted with • find cough and dldle . ulty of breathing for five or slx I‘,l Act er.al year, back, had gradually I ineresse,l I u 1,1 e nee. The cumplalel has been her editary, and ,he had Peen treated by several physl Clone without any relief. In this stain of her easel procured POlnt urf yeur PECTORAL COCTIIIISYMT. I bught. the not time, • fifty cent bottle, tablet re Ilee,d ter Ivry much: I then called and got a dolls puttl.., a hick cured her en web', and the MU sown, trace of the former dise.e, caffein weagness. I wuid situ stam that I used the medicine myself to a cold and cough. The medicine cured me by mama one 1 express cur entire aatisfactlon with th medicine, and you are at liberty topublish this you desire to do so. WM. WILSON, Alderman, Fifth Ward errrrenruon, April N s IW. READ THE THLTH.—On. lisTEEnt—l have daughter who haa taken several medicines the a has cough without benefit. among them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I purcha•ed from you a bottle of your Pectoral byrun. and Ito fore she had used half • bot tle she was reffeved. The second bottle eared het rottenly of her cough. JOHN DAN, Robinson Street, Allegheny. PrryssitntOß, December SI, 1851. A IiREAY 'Ultr. Y KEYSER'S PECTORAL ItUP. —I lire In Peebles township. Alleghert munity. I had a cough And &pitying. which cos. ellektl 01001 the 4th of Februittv last. and bentin Ile.] eight months. I employed c the best physic... In the Country, and my ugh contlnuou unabated tol! early In October. Al that time I was advise to try your Pecraral Cough Syrno. g yvhleh I did. as aner I had taken one bottle L was despairedee fro. the coughing And spitting. I had of net getting well, and think it should others snow - n thin valuable remedy 1011 do for others what It ha dune In my ease. JOHN C. LITTLE, Witness: E. hi. Knott. Peebles township. PATTON TOWNSMP, April 14, MS. A WON D'ERFUL. H EIKE. —home time ago an of neighbor of mine Was vo.y 11l with a bad cough which every une supposed to be consumption. HI relatives told tnethat he ball taken sorely remodi they hoard of without benefit; his brother came tt see him lie, end all were confirmed in the belief that he could not live. .1 had about the third of a bout, of your Pecttfral syrup, which.' gave him, and It eu [Hely cured him. to the tettotalshment of all. What or thn ease more remarkable, is toe extreme ago the man. he being about eighty yeau old. I have o. doubt the Ifectosal saved bit mite. JOILN MOAN bile. lilt. PECTORAL SYRUP IN BLA ma w ILLE.—Plestm send me another supply of your val uable Pectoral be rup. Almost everybody around us ban the cold, and arc Viltilthing for "Dr. Keyser 's Pt , Aural Syrup." We hare cold alAtewit bottles the ail week. aud are novo entirety out. Mr. A. Altar an I Mr. P. Maher. both of Blair•ville, Pa., told u• they would not be without it In their famines. la fact, all vb. M. it ouce want It agAin. Yours, sespactfulky, J. S. ATTERBON d SONS. January SO. fetal. : . 7, , erulter IS, MC ol . • ••',mile of Patent meet ift. rince, In gen, 101. IL pleaeure Indy erribable to recommend your PECTUBAT. SYRUP. Ae a medicate, It le well worthy the attention of env person awbo mar lu any manner be ailleted wit h. oughs, cold, ana ituareenees of any kind, and for toe peculate qualifications for removing all that di.- greennie sensation arteudlog a severe cold. I have been. more erica. In my Ilfe,faffected gel*. the neve rest of voids and hoarseness. At times my throat would ocerree no closed ea to prevent Inc of Ta k e ' ' etto:‘ ! 7,;; r a n It s tro ' l r titl L Te t ll ' tl . t V' e ta l e " -It :i o r w e r ' In recommendlo V g thb medicine, Must unhesita tingly say that It le the beet remedy I rear foeud, te "P aVo u ul t ill c it o r r e e m th e e drle74a r et * Vpr a e t i ' v y al r eTt t . ° Tours, moat reapMPA D J. joNE .. 3 Ctirthler Cabe. , Depoelt Batik. HTtenKNVII.I.E. Ohio, MarCh 14, Ma. 1 have eava tte. Key,r "s lboFh ,trap fora bad cough of several j g• • • . • .. i , l, _ and van ettnertall) say Vic beet On 104 . thelcanne that I have ever taken. J. W COL. PRATT AND D. KETSEIVB PECTORAL SYRUP.—Lin. Kresirai—Dear Slr Excuse the delay Cf my mMitowledging the excellent. 9 fToor Peet.. oul Syrup sooner. I take great pleasure In say. tort at It Is all you any It is. It Attacked Me noise out of my cough, end the worst one I was ever of I ed with. I have not used more than one-half of bottle, and I can and do wish that all who see *Met. ed would give It as fair a trial as I have jlotte an j they will be proud to say, r It is noquack median. wonld not suffer smothesuch an attack for any uicslderation, or at any cost. lam confident I can maths more 'freely than I ever did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventang : elcelleut a remedy. You are at liberty to tve my name In this regard as you think prover. E. P. PRATT kleaeugtr ,'• 1. 'quart', Pittgborgh, I t s. N. IL—I am no st.t.,;• rll , fellow-eltlsens, ana all who outmode doubt: can consult me personally. E.F.' P. . . ANOTFIER NEW CERTIFICATE.—DL KIT SLR'S PECTORAL SYRUP.—I had Dien troubled with a cough and-Cold for several weens—so toad , . t that I could not sleep. I bad the advice and pre criptions from three of the best phrsiclans the city, whom I could name, cut do not doss. Idually e ros ure d mu en ared • ti brelottle of your Pectoral Syrup, which cy. (5 . 1g"a llo. Se Llerty stiee ' r,./11=70a. January gth, ITEEIMED IMMTITI • uiTOP THATCOUOWINO."—"Sow eon I dont'' , Oo to Keyser's, on Wood street, and get a bottle of Ids Cough Pectoral.~ and it that don't cure you, your ease must be despOrate Indeed" This la • specimen of the colloquy one hears every day In cold-ea:came periods of the year. And we can. Prom mtnal expe riment. cheerfully concur in the adv . iser'e admoul don sa above, the we have tried the Pectoral to a moat tibbol7l CAM, wi th antioesa. Near two wat t s age.ifil went to Pittsburgh, with one of th e mmg maim...tug, coalmen 011/1.10, 1 . 1 .12116111Lb1e coughs dm ever experienced since oar advent upon tills mundane sebum We coughe d eteltdily and la boriously for one whole wren, tu hopes of tiring It built was no fro. In fact, It seemedrather to bare improved by practice, and I t y have acquired lion. gteength, potency and distresslbilly by the In, this Manual' the lAMB. we coaeled our way graa'Arlt. wA11•:=fr=41:1I and in forty-eight hours We were master h u of the geld, the enemy having uneendilkinallv rendered after a brief, but unequal couak,t memtdable ad lidvermlT as Keyer . . fun.. Cough Peaoral.—BrotrarottN Oifyver, 14 , ass. DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL. SYRIY ir Drop. ago 6014 b► DR. GEORGE H. KEYSER, No. ,140 WOOD STREET, IN . lttskrtargraa„ Elexisa,". TOOTHACHE REMEDY. A SURE UtTRE. PrePared, Ilb , *.ibld by, DR. GEORGE R KEiSER, 1 4SVeepit Street.' Piltid*rb, r • "411 1151 r OM