--ghtifflObutiette; ~~v ~: ~; BEI WEDFFBDAS M .VRCH 7, INA. un 'take lisi A A,A1A.... ALA liettoOtOliirMitertifi , thit tie - Metter &a TRAN. rum adtektiliniente metro! at this aloe meths pod tor "end" It Ift; stOOK In the ease et yearly , mhertiorre. 'IMO* Ids *l3l be nuldgrlA aurterkeiii 'lliteertteiekolg puma mite lrataarlabcal ail rile - of cub eiiti payment& Pay id rerstenmsb, theebenper Ailed; millts-inlexA, g u i co l if Pf.r,Win , enalgeefiten ettlltten it d is die ommter or trisa ritirsteMe; !erred btozatere et IPIPTIMP 0211T5 Perigee/C.. 1 / . 1 ;g 1 .-R cLYmEn, This gentlemen was on last Monday gie , --keeteckby thyDemoofatte Stile Conventlon 4 asititabledatHertistsargi as tho nominee o f 9Alt PaSy far the omceof Governor& P4lllUltylve**_ . His family have for several generatioair been settled in thin Commonwealth; and. EMll6ll3ol2:theiteeflui'vlist Idiom borni 'rani; 'victims parts in public affairs. Die ft them was a signer of the Declaration of In deirMatiOtioNztaditr the articles federation served ass member of COO* Mr. C1.71(311 was originally a whig. • The 4*ll,lelaMa°lTherr BeO , P SountY. li 4W x .ta i thEnspiiitt!* 'ambitious thief? dethhl.' perivael on. He beciind democrat; and, as is common with perverts, an extremest„ No man . has gone Sitther than 6s; laileotiiirsagtvisst fall he wins' elected to a scat in the State Senate,- and has since been twice re-elected, his last .:qterpts=l;646g with EA& tkriet ii:tetudoi; Bois tiegepsited_ ef wealth,and enjoys high'idcial position. An active busi nes s . man, he has participated wisely aiid libett 0,01U.9.44Ja4n3/ elghltirfhlei — foilthe de 1 f.04)7! _ mad and prosperity of that portion of the Mate in which be reaideis. Though a' lead sumtdan tibpltie.S are not estiritordlnary. ° has; howev er, it pleas ing presence and address; and a reputation that does not connect him with unclear 'All through the war his principles and PNbie# WM: B 4 o l:9ll l TFlrtthiirebel aide. Ye rutpftsrisisteritly and radically _ agalust -Srveipistuasuroluit proudried to pat down the hetittigettli and' _preserve the Union. 4 Mit is pakthareatat of inference and eon, lecture. He bite been in Pribiltilire during the wholermlirse of the war, and has a re cord_behind him, revealing facts that can not be ignored - or expLained away. In mit ttng him itflOotilnation, under suc4 cnmstancee, t3te Conven Lion evinced 'a com mendable degree of frankness. The candi date, Mmontial particular, at least, represecte his party. GOV. DIIIIV644AIV ON PRESIDENT = The GOverntit, in a leader' in the Knox ville *Wig, says a good many people are anxious to.know he supporta the Presi dent andidireconatinction policy, and, in his peculiar vein, ho proceeds to enlighten them,. thin: "We indorse all the orders, proclarna-• ions and-speeches of the President as re l'irt!td-rgubrusr-ilsltstTerk....ilef-,-he was hint .:!rf- _ - Throughont iiiir re ole. -.- -beountended that tteason should bentianfred with infamy; that lead. Intalllgant, eonscious traitors should-be tried and punished; that treason should be made odious, undb•the demands of Justice sallified by punishing its guilty authors, that all the guarantees of the Government, In fact as well as forra„ .. be placod - beyond the danger of recall; and that if there were but five - thousand loyal men in Tennessee; they should control the State; and further, that rebels should occupy the back setae. We are on this platform; and If the "President - is still on this platforrn,• we ere -with him.' If his reconstruction policy Proposes to reviser-this policy and to • abandon this ghttform we are not rah. hint, nor are the loyal and true men of • Tennessee. If he tn . tends to pardon and turn louse upou the country nit the bad mentbat led ofrin this ithellion. : or if, ho Intends_ tti reconstruct the late' rotten - Democrldle• - garty and to force upon Congress the rebel delegates, talking treason, and boasting of what they did to destroy the Government,-wo are not witlibira, nor arothe true men of the nn • thin: if'heholds - 10 the- principles of the `Baltimore platform, upon which himself and Mr..l..thcoln were 'laminated, we are with him. If he has. crawled off of that platform, we will not go with him, nor will the loyal men of the country.' Atter narrating that the revolted States had elected Men to servo as Senators and Beprewentatives who filled the same offices its the Confederacy, or were in command of armed regiments or, brigades lighting to destroilh'e Goieritirient, the parson adds: " Our mind is made up-we are with the Union, parry in Cowen, and with them me (tiered to. sink Or*lrin , -" There axefew loyal ,men at. the South. , . who rite 1:10t: of that nand. IN A lasziorr iaterYlew with a Congress= ; dim#,Nic denounced Con . ; itresiilN a violent Miaow.; aiserted.thatle . invented. what is luiesizt ea ;the .revaident's: "Polleyi that ittere was not a rebel to-day in the Whole fttiiebt We) tbi word, :4141ie *arid of the ad. gdiudort_ of., the enilie' sited). at douthea mentlxmlysuld of the repeal of the test oath; 4j Joint • Sitztottfßorre, on the other tuout in a lettsr,,dstclaring that there *La -wile-spread cOnspiptcy among the Kite 'tali:Weis to involve the country hi ?*foieiiiii - and will, it opportunity -- We do not affirm lir. Bcrriva dolorous prognosticationi are correct; but we :dpir Any;:it ateM a plot SaistilKr.--EtuvrAni. Is Waxing Into the hands of.thesonspirators,: .both in , his illifotbsil'poll4, and his; tolerstioß of FAnytzt -violation - of fiLte Arid net4z . saiw. • CONSIDER. ' PON.IisYO CiVil LAW: anditepieserita tiviithivenimint4een achieved - in ustym'iii. nr# 0 0,7:4 11NearySii.: - `BY rneatuitud and somothnes stolid; Inittievii effeCtlve—on Wekreio anima alba Executive, ' - ' How have Liberty: and Xtepresenia nye bienlosttn`nallcins whfah have possessed thew The process has al; ways been the same. By adhering to Rat' /.twileg Qt the Camay, instead of She roli 2 • diorthi, Refakientailvele 'aariating man wiser and more patriotic than all other MOM 1 Now: ice lee; no present danger of the ex tinedorr of Civil Liberty and the farnis promotive this country. It LA note' difi lea* slaty to actEnti the a pracuokoi airpollticii, denim always pram, if, comes 6t `nli. }budded it often happerni3 thitidivirtibeitic wci:thed dime& vast egctillejuivriniedieri In. A flaY. M awwas it 'when 19.r0x.r.0w lIL ascended the throne' iof riiiireet -The cloy before, the mane of di- PcSnatioillino:hlen..of,the mtlivcrjdon AticindOWn It sloe:0 ap domplete an& olld. ° Via" mom -AM bild uItOFIT disaPP4IM4 'One night r had winnow' to dest r oy le; and who= etoo4 '::thobhintbar ;of Dispute, stood only tho Preoident's - PollOy--the 'Axone. wts.-The Copperhead organin :sTo.sh , instep s glee, Conasuutioug frnon„ iSided-br B, announced. ori,l 4(oildsky, Wit derteialksizta luidsrranged PreiddentsJoirxicciN to Zia tkist etiotlegniate for biovernor .ot Pertnayl. COWAN was lotorvy limed ciikticinte for Parr. ; laircsrlaln of Presidential support fni • firlatisded man question, un-.1 •. ; f:o;tlioji:edrei:iii'iitiiiixiiitistlior the Presil ktiktillkTO6r/V3*bliatfi die patty' dial eleStad.tdni, to ',41e514.11! trfriatlier - kiiitatnol.lohg-iiiiilk*t.h*Dtirflenit/t‘ sayiil-csalteeP ELOo"n•; tad Oto4l !.=,oll4:b4liinoortata, thliatit .411p,zr ''''.belionga** oll - 16 ' ME ; Mr. - 3; - 73: - lilMlc - br - Kli3g - Wrik; Malt , man of the Conuitti rT Z . 7 ,at.._4 - Democratic Stat ' - i *l.lOlll. - day made repo at il ri l f A p waiI:HEAR, Ilan - en-u -verde; in conVe ': 3 .riaet, resimniring - ir exists in the affairs of the republic, and es- : :teeming the immediate restoration of the Union paramount to alt other lssues, do iv- 1 101i , i1% '.u_t-ii i • - s 'cii_n . . i ' -Rtiolved,'i. Thai the States whereof the , people were lately in rebellion, are integral I parts-of the, Union , .artfLare.actitled ta- rep- : :recantation in:Congress by turn duly eke , led., who bear tract fidth to lhe:Constitation and laws, _--iind in' order: td .triodieide the. 1 Mainithat ta'itlto' ttleitrt..repre3enta thin:, ifthafe : le any .melt :representatives,: I .They about& be7fortherith adited; -• 1 :Z.:That tbe-Ittliha thereptihric is.p.lodged•. :to the payment of the wattroial• debt, ; arid :that Congresti 'should liars, all artwa.necos. 1 tory'frif that purpose. - 8. Thatrwoorwly obedieuce to the Consti tution of-the - United States; -- tificiudizig: the atacatinient prohibiting elatreq, and ror-, :iittrltit_proataloMiWill :04:cord thoMtlinen-;' cited :all their rights of persowand 'proi -1 " t d ! '' - _...... :' ! !'': '. : -" ' T •% 4. That: r.,...! State , has*. t he! exelnalvw right to MgetatO the Stfolifieeti* of its own 5. That the white race alone is wifftled to . i .thecontral-of•tha --Gollwariftesit of the Re -1 -pnlillei, : azid :-4 , rt lire — 'eitiirillDii. , .ba• grantre !!"I!lmir ThiartiktitAtCAY.44::;..t,,oit .-: Itt I. . . 4 a mann litthe prin. elpies of the: Oinatibstionlittukthe policy of 1 Restorati o n contained itillte ‘rialilit annual aner6agebfl'iOsiden444moisda'Salltle.llim to the eonfidenoe'afid 'iratitairi of all who. reepect :the - poiiid.44tiet ? and. 3 love : - their ttriyy S . ' ' -th midi - . - 'ertf . :' :. :" 1 ~.4i' a on ew o the brave men at wcrarmterrand::Witn:l4 debt of lasting gmatvattd , *e.'thoir her* sett:lees Itt de . 7etti,eltif tkiLotl.‘tglithidt l.i 3itt e.r .t. 5 tita Dillon; eridflalki iyhtiONts..ilierist, .s. kpp tender afraid:km the memories of i he:id:Len, we pledge-to their - own and. orphans the -1 taallon l irearairtie'ptotieetia*•; . ':• 'B4 - Tlaritirge •upoli:":Cortg rtits the duty ..-ar_ . „,___;,44s . - — the:bountisi. of oar soldiers. moweautast. -.: : . 1 ItThe resolutions,-as - they were read, were tretwently: ;greeted . With ripplabse. Thq., were tinzattoFtialy _ - adopted. .Frum unmwr JoKIVISON Intimated to SI Paiittsylia4i'ileregatiaM ricently,, that the .114ect, of •pritecciOn'ts American Tabor might be adirentakeatudy deferred until the •reoonstrnetion of the States • was actioin pliihed.''Conalilerft* What sort of men they are with which the President 'trope toreeortatruet the Southern sides of the wo ; Rouses of Congress, It Is wife to'lnfer that. the sort orprotectioh they writtid go for world be the sort arolveit give to lambs. LAWRENCE. COUNTY.—At a republican nveriti au gulled to appoint delegates to lho Stato Convention, the following reeolu t ion was. adopted:good t "Regoteed, That , jnitice .honor, good fith, as well as a proper re4ard for thepnb lic safety, demand;i that in the District of - Coltimbla and In trat.porUoit of the Bonn try lately,in.rebellbnOtheelective franchise , should by guarsuitaal to Loyal citizens sionevirreepective of Tare or 'color." FORM= purpose of instructing English men into a knowledge of America, liar- Yard University (near Boston) has proposed to establish inCumbridge Univeritity, (Eng tand,) a - couneuf lectures on this country, and-die-offeiltarbetursecepted. The WM rer will - he an American'. Arraiss tx Wasttimirosi.—Polltical af fairs at the Capital are getting no worse if not very must, Yet, with anencouraging de' grey of. rapidity. ' ; • , 'Will,any adept in the Choctaw language interpret that sentence to the public? Ltrn FROM LONDON. tweasionai corresooridente of Pittsburgh ametti . Lemma, Feb. 16, issa, I fear I have almost allowed my claim to the vary modest name, and to the exercise of the not very arduous duties, of your 'men dorsal correspondent' In the inetropetla of "Gree - TBritain, to lapse throngh default. Still, though I will not deny that I 5....,-!-t to make humble confession of having let undone those things which I ought to have done, in this matter of correspondence, I am stead fastly determined to deny that 'occasional' is a word implying other than very lax relations and ohligationst—spite of the fad, that a cer tain well known paper in Philadelphia has a most able and versatile correspondent, of in slartigable, diurnal regularity, who never thelees calls himself roccariermi f • (Paren thetically I may remark, that if lir. Forney did not adopt the signature on the 'a non prin ciple,' as the rhetorician say, lmt 'yro main modestfay - he must indeed be a very modest tort of a man—almost as hysterically modest, one might say, ea the celebrated M. Pipekei himself.) lint without further preliminaries, apolegetic or other, I will begin my letter. During full alt months of the past year, I read almost every letter, And editorial orb ' Me, on American affairs, which appeared in the Vlnier and Pegg Teleirreipa, and the sum and Substance of my "hi:wrest/one I will now :give youth a few words. Item= clear to me that under the ruisleadlngs" of such ,:xtrztti• pendent. as write trolip2few 'fork, Philadel phia, Wasnixrgtrapanfl'estretral other points In the United States, to these, two Journals, and from tbo "hardly less audlicioulindilloltillnilsof the edltidialessitantot both, whatever portion et the Zngliab peopleelepends- exerasicely on either the Tbrewer 'the '2ldeprapa to supply theirrarlth an account of ' , Awe:dean effaire,. Itie7bo regarded , as the most .dabideil victims of Wispily:eel' 'confidence now extent among Maxikitut "They do indeed it an quieottot. of - aloolnoan again, pouted up =with - allthe ap - Ileekeithertithe most unimoisptienable formai stnregularity, and puncaity * th ree Or four theca a week, according as - the Mall steamers arriveltmeltil, nrill'opnly Zig in, mercantile phisibe la liermeel.A„Ves ' iftantit. , But though the - two journals/ base named claim lobe called the leaders of their respective classol—the Mew°, the old WO-pricedewe, papers, and.the.TehmityA of theyounger n elm of , Pitntem(twts Mint) . papers., 1, have Muth reason to think that the effect -Of 'their per- Terse •;.1144 - .rnlaSnletrOWl , 0 0 1 1 Miratuttg the Slitreighdett7 rehdlianehu been to engender a greats:Miss/of thedritatautente and teach iinelglsanne=of theteMroumbr lc P 7 ijd"lll. ota= aremOlr trolOrdantl among` all but the Ion& lumina aiiii liesotted ,OT.their - readers.- , Basides lho Times and the ',AleffraidielheiPlerwierd and some other ga -4,00 that only, a limited .'elreadation— , ...whatinedihies , eaned , a Mud eiretalattan—still moranylase, the trail, of he serpent, wbiefki, Indeed faescaofeneosegly 'over them altelstrbestiestirohliterated:Pakyon Willask, What ard ilatti„thetataleadinge,„ perversity/ea, andAilidigngs generialT,nribellefdil_ 1/owlish allies'ef-lhe_defailet , ConfederscrigT-samee-fl .r xt re s_,. ?Za ' l " . r i f i nt o /T i t it tri t erir la strAis ‘ b i i , ' entdr.6ia..ingt elaMgrbith'irld-slireW the .4gword'i hal itfelt Iry Abe sword", All `ettaiiandve:lthe'paitrand w h a t au, tertundlitOciatif what :au, of , us witnessed, nwra been, wil i er, $llO.llO. Amp. wftneas,.beffbre Um wilt A. as istro. , And ; tter the:Witr..at.tosehlieg relations I o=iondlitultioiliGOl , A , Sartain_ class of abdPoliilellaaethroughont the North : , .erne:StaWfatfllirT. and its' in - next, - t. - /U. On and - ititer and, saUy s .to whee the warts"' ft or both Reborn= Alfa: filavely, _ - VW:. it 4XI. Ageiliable,the - AoeMo 1 MallOrft • .. "lalls ketUittad, SIMI ,the :Odd i.e" , remind . . inois mo,,boio:fumgyaloic.oU ;brOtlelf, . 4; PA I.,,,Aliftwmas I, re remind I% the lAR,4o.votildpettaliaeff, painely, that 'Aa r ] almost all thejournals of the Sdasklllail i ta, lulled -4;0 - r , whettieverz.theg =mama:. the , 'rev e — r..ol. MO uncosanctok_nyot frightened i OT •• , - , APf`9IIPRPj:"..." .11.1MILIt, - . bnek 1 and - 7 IMF, lithert7l4:-. ritipuear ~- st ones , insatiable lowsiswillWofbb;" labri . 60 their Angtish confretxre, _Spi l ex oiptlini_i7l beihrsegravitated , the, seine - point, dcseribinigthe curse, ,sigsag, or what erser pcielioSeu Sayre of:transition might be, with tbabost , grace they found possible ' -the eircuasstanees.Andnow / Tad elythblM l l e tug 'word about Ifresejao:Tpers:ar I Wieh to' lefiefsbbligl PiP. Cie -to nd,. I hopty - Wino: /WA • le: ect—tbat. / . would JUR/ Allsift - SACO, LOPS Of ..taaelpiie.,4_l4ooranias e dOn noes , Sin 031itre 'rin'k' or ' • if Prim, WILY, not the /*titres of the fii , 4 retinal froa u wp r rzt it , 4 eg t . es; 4.4 - t b r o o f alLnee-ItgaxAr- Mt Xarble 4 ara " Ur, • wood OM farbildits Strange that meirartr writing intithinepapers In gew'forksnd Lonw pop, Abow vocation woulitho mucb more ate E. robrOd,OY ,eivercisor livq, that ' Abyssinia' of elanz.VzAg-kw w er- lit veni t ..., hee g pitth that end y T , ..„, r g 2 ,., Slaiatteli:3 41404 not fo , pa; to anothor e on ,4lwtosr, mitchava ,markingthat ply _or .xoenant Danz and s iVal l. .71 , ,utt pentot:s.nbbler aml_musr lone, not °My in regard to Americus questutna,but all Comsat° ta estions, alt the present 4-zati n k himself, questiOn, than any of the newspe gars I have named, . of this More worthwand on., mileyl w ill now " name ma occupier . noni Traa ..,, ,schar, the DadlA .IRApi, Um ' .Esessing ,E2prug, **Wig ' Ihermlner, to.- , I: • t /wapiti now Inettleat • Tpitaitivelltentlen,:." 7ol. ; bomb" pp. Ar t I,lazill Um other. elift , *ow,. •_l,t , •wlti , Wet a ..zoileionattliaoonnon , =willtr. by" the ArnisellefTeli teloiln int, ainh ' I hail either sizintitenoo ,Or alternating Wan, [ tiOnilfrouL - ,...11," Ins: , ta,e,... i . S-1:. IM:the o Fr i =4l7oll OWL suer eattlemalssue; ' 1 mesi • thatr - vey.dato tließtilpfbk 'law., =leo bad been rso:sponsblotto „ . 3 -,... 4 Onlli.. , l t lf=roi , bee r r it i . St Watt lb Taitl ; 'ill Oriel ' IS , W• • •01 , •Platlei, 131 , *iqueen I i sisuliob ,, T.._• .historse,parimmeot too 4. done matter ail Ws cattlifell soon lee dowe. 41 " 1141 .4.v 3 V -th e A kmern. 4mentLaa beef that c.T ß ,.. bto r thatirdead:. Wibti . or ISealithinW. Chistinaretig( 4- 'Avrp - gpsolgluktorr:Pece - For:!AtigouTii r.,xzy. , ..4x.,.*: - ... ,--, ..-:.--4.,•.... , „,.. k‘bas been tread a d second time , and win ' probably ng-,Ptrahr,..rd. pose g, whence will b Lw ..4 an t o the:34rd., and hurrisd-through - "." -- "threis reeding. there,.safter I;Vaosstes di trill make itlaw. 'had. Why of 0 . 1 4'5.-, then r o r forth to rifront Bisidensest I . And d ' tint MO ,PWCIAL" the en t BOt CO de ova ere?' what AU= , to re ally a scrims matter, Aberdeenshire in s co u=d, and perhaps one or two other dui ; trans, have shown a much better way than the wisdom of Parliament can show—to those whtr wooed on Parliament to help them, and would not, e di rro d r n o o f t li b e el f p thems a rmers elves, in feet, jl i le t : I g rea tmy waited ..for Pwsilament,4olto sconthlng, and.did nothingthemselves. Hadthe farmers ; OfeVery_connty4idistrlct, like the Intelligent I IsrmersidAbyrdeeniddve,fprznolassoetatfons, Ird SciAial atone. awrtsbmid.altoCked hp the osswe mill raise a fond,: on the prinCiple of =time, to otalaentiate. the owners of the anit tnaljr PlavVl i iiiti" *43 tgelt ren ago ° f . th i e ns i = 1, 0 .9=4 3 0 dt, iisisirer th e =ors have been Isal It "Ton- /1 1 4 1 nellt.; And Parliament, alter an the daisy, Ran do no more than pre sarlbOtha fioyythtngtbey might have done for theirlielves,tuad done betuir for themselves, not only„ln the Meaner but above all In the time of doitt~of.:lL - ;.AY no t rentedies. the tawit learned matwritufthana are; fofeed to confess their sci. haswinatlell Wattling. The resources of ktnchs orpractltioners, the homceopathlc as well se the allopathic have been brought to beam yon theplague, but have hitherto tailed thonayaootnatlon and some other modes of lieernmittluid at drat excited some degree of *km thaitthey would prove efficacious. Just IltrwAheeer are some favorable reports of Mr. Worms' mode of treatment; and tt in to be hoped these have • better foundation than the 'Steeles of remarkable cures which-preceded .jheireettul Which -proved no better than Illu sions. extee eCil te " l ej e l . " rja C l elPin l ei l ittlreft r h a e=ea a re citt r i; don ha held everywhere tiering the pest two or three months, and • though I followed the current of the clay, andfirifted on the more local question of the cattle plague, I must not pass'oyer the more generally interesting one first named, without another word upon it- You will be quite prepared to hear that almost without en exception the newspapers, the nubile men of this country range themselves to teleran:et° Jamatim just as they did in ref excuice to Rebellion of the Southern States. 'Tory editors and tory orators brandish their Demo and tongues against all the world In be. hair of Ex-Governer Eyre and the planters of , Jamatert,just es daring the Rebellion they did in.behalf of-Mr. Jefferson Davis and the Plan tore of the Southern States, while with just as striking en itniutimity the editors of liberal newspapersand the great epokeermen of the people denounce the atrocious proceedings of the late . Governor and the human bloat : IXmndstri British uniform that were his agents I in the horrible Work of mock ecmrts.reartitil I and hangings, worse than Tartar savagery of Mounted soldiers hunting the poor fugitive migrant, men and women, and shooting them down as sportsmen do their game—in fact themselves testifying . in their reports with an aimtet incredible effrontery and insensibility to shame; that they , hugely enjoyed tee apart' Besides. this curious feature of Interest which already has presented itself, there no doubt . are and will be many others well worth studying by Americans as well as Englishmen in this sante tragic. Jamaica business. I shall lakwititgreat interest to the formal introd thou of this important and exciting subject in Parliament. Aaset it has only been incidental ly and ephicidically brought np, as one may my, buteeenthus it drew forth from Mr. Bright - the best - speech made this session—short, in .deed, butlibrilliant and nobly elevated in its tone, beyond most instances I can remember 'of impromptu speeches called out In debate. We owe this ringing speech toe solemn digni fied Tory baronet, Sir John Pacircogton, who had thetemerity to attack Mr. Bright for "pre judging the case of Mr. Eyre in animadvert ing on that ofilehtei own reports of his pro ceedings In a speech Mr. Bright made to his constituents Stew weeks ago. lam sorry that I did not think sooner of giving, you some account of great meeting held in Exeter Rail, on Thar iday evening, the 15th test., under the auspices of the Freed menet Aid Society, to celebrate the passing of the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery in the United States. Bnt even if I had begun my letter with this meeting before my rcund as lice one set subject of It, I could hardly - in as many pages as I have written give such a report of the speeches et that meeting, and of the manner in which their capital points were received by the great au dience assembled, as would convey any ap proximately adequate transcript of the some to yotir minds. As it is, however, all I will say is, that appropriate resolutions were pro , seconded and supported by Mr. Loss rsr, of Bristol, one of the delegation of Eng llsh who recently visited the Uni ted States, by the Bev. Bowman Hall, by Mr. Proltryn, by Prof. Leone Le - vi, by Dr. El ugh Al len by D . . Brock, (who has also visited the United Staten,) uy Dr. Sandwith, of Ears, and others. Nothing could be even imagined by an American more remarkable than the vivid impression which his visit h. Teed° on Mr. Cosshanns mind; not only has he been struck, as many travellers have been, by the vest prospective development of material wealth and prosperity In the United Staten, but be has been struck by what by saw of the actual development of the resources of the coun try—end net only ladeed of its material re. sources, but also, and if possible, still more effective, by the evidences he saw and noted of the advanced development of the better than material wealth and power, the highest wealth and power of the rapidly tick:ping resources of humanity itself in our lei sod political system. I could see all this very manifest both in nis public address and in the private conversation I was favored with the opportunity of having with him. I ...mall interested when he spoke to me of the "mag nificent progress , ' of the iron manufacture in Pennsylvania. Butt must not begin to she you anything so seductive to danger—thellan ger of beettg indiscreet and violating confi dence, and the horrible danger of being ted ious and a born -= s merely personal matter. like impreaslons of the people I meet, and the private conversation sunless table pl cher , =ten. Tn., indeed, done with great I consideration, must 'be generally held as a thing tabooed. POSTeCtll27.—Yetlentato, Febnsary 17,—Eled I not so nearly finished my letter yesterday . , the sensation excited by the statement made by the Government test night in Parliament, that they proposed to introduce a bill to ', day, and ask. the suspension of the rules in both. Souses to have it passed forthwith, tak ing away the privilege of the habeas corpus act to Ireland, in consequence of the den gerons 'aspect of the Fenian conspireey,—l say if this sudden and entirely unexpected phase of the 'realm movement had pre.inted itself twen ty-four hours sooner, I might have oonsidered whether the late state trials in Ireland. and Fenianiemi,enerally had not rendered the 01d,.01d h question . sufficiently prom i . neat of late en utle It to be added to the three had enumerated as leclug a matter of almost daily controversy and interest. But no; up to this morning since the opening of the Sipe eial Commission in Dublin, except when the escape of the Read Centre, Stephens, caused re ge n t to wonder wha s t e w ve o r ul a d eo ea m m. e d ne . f i t i.. t . lit s e erionghto cause any conside rable sensation, But Fenianisna may have reserved its sensa tion till now. We shall see. J. M. M. OUR HARTURTIMIG LETTER. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Mallosers*, March 5, MO. Mr. Graham has offered a bill which pro. poses to allow the Oakland Hallway Company, after the lsth of March next, to sell at their office in Pittsburgh, awl Oakland passage tickets for the Sum of one dollar, es follows: -For passage between Market street and Soho bridge, twenty tickets; between Market street and Oakland Station, fourteen tickets; be tweenliarket street and - the Iwo of the City District, ten tickets; between Market street and East Liberty, seven tickets; and that chil- dren under fourteen years of age shall travel at half rates—provided that persona wiper. tided with tickets shall pay the rates now authorized by law. After the 15th of March, the distance between Market street and Oakland Station shall be traversed by the cars within thirty minutes, and the fired car shall be started daily ( g% except Sundayal St six o'clock rgh ta the morninto Pitts • and soar shall be f sta rom rted ar ( wantty bumin , utes.or oftener hereafter, until 6 P. M. atter *hick time they peed not run more that% once In every thirty minutes, and so run the ears that the • last shall leave Market street in Piitetnirgh at II P. IL; and it elle be tb edtitY of the Ccrtapany to run a ear from Oak. laid to Eget Liberty, and from East Liberty to Oakland, so as to connect with every alter nate oar to and from Pittsburgh. .• Mr. Ingham hes 'a bill - In charge' to hicer =int the : , Dttl x ze en n: , - Joint k tioggr u taf . Charles' Peyton, Alfred Hamilton, Isaac C. - Alexander, Benfamlir L. Eilforplibn, Thomas William, thumps Honesty and Benj. 4 SzettarlsmiMal as ineorpOratarkgetrwith thd -modest amital of One thintiand • dollars they. are to exercise certain edrpOrste rights which • arenottnentloned (l o cated ill. The eoffice or storeroomnis Who arDrowterville or :Bridgeport. Mr. Hopkins, of Washington; has read one aritealrigthe LIPID for the ponipletion' of the Ch me ilatiroad to January 1, line It is alsoprovided in the bhat if the road thOuld notbe sold and the work not begun by the perchater before the first day of August p tented thereafter - with reasons greftjiligence, the etutotmentisto be void. Mr:Danks bat read a bill in likk 3 e width , vtdeir that the Court -of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county shall upon the application ,tifilvetaxable °Weans of any ward, borers& Or ter 4 rl3lo, appoint three eenspetent pergenif Pseud Guidelinebounty am:Opts of the WI three *with power td examine Drop the attendance of par -sons gun tears, and fhb report 4f ` he anal ton shall be evidence in any legal proceed. legs In any. court In the connty. Whenever them are any surplus funds 3n the hands Of the -echool-directors they are to be used for school Rumens. ;;. Ml p A ri Aiispit YOtilf the snaut INGO iNfiTITpTION, 87 Itiriirth Street, "arly Opportte the 11,W1k0frIttabitegli.) Ifi gfML l Vß4 4 ll. 9ik agrArr l l7 Ist tb lioltatber Ist, 7to o'eloak, said trota Nov. - "1".41143:432!'k.ferfq.Pq U. V"r' Zatultatlon es °llan to those srtios4l "e l imitad. spportanll7 to socamalate deptoll.. asall7 saved. • Cum which will be tasonrcerwhan neadlal and bleastoS Wen.° 1b- "OW rentiantas nagoiduattaa, 1441ti rsnfil lda 01111:1:1210/11 Mataur4rjr NUT tgrAttimerit. U. Taus; ,Amv..B PARK, x Tllfftrwr,llllD 71.7,111:111Z11, s .I.+ ovz., ` 7 .lt e ligrA I fto V NOTICES MCLVONGAIIELA Bu DUE CO.. March 34; ROL Tyr Ayrrtn. TifF:7-PRESIDENT AND ANA, y) ..wo ut t 7p - l'en . (10, • Carpenters o . sn•or th i ar ,b" B' r ,ldri tuat ;B`r. d r.liV7 Good tb..01:4 on,eghopy vp .• thi s a., !Lcl.3.,hi ,,..rnteorment gir en. Shov : Virgin Gad nal 11 -floret 7 strest. WV. FOHN.F.ST. which win be VW 10 pm Stor.kholOttts or t 1 lipk tw D—TO nENT—Stable for rook,iol'ao end after the Truen last. rre• II and .horse. and one wagon. ,mewbere ro, e• • elend stroOL by H VOLGT. 0,57 !Abell? .t. mlwr THE ST OCKHOLD. Ito A z r It E an*. butulif7g., ALLEY ry:kiaLp: p_rosed the eth of Fehrusxy; BP& the alleiheny alley Railroad Company is authorised to Is seutee per cent- Preferred /Rock to, uko anmunt of - One Million Of Dollars; 'Which raid Stock is to be of fend to the present stockholders. Subscription Bo 1.1 to .04d stockare opened at_the OfileeOf the Ronipany, and Trill remain open for Stockholders eaxinsleely, until the 10th day of March next. felSitdm WILLIAM PM.LLIPS. Pri sident. NOTICE.—The undersigned, in retiring from the Wholesale Drug begat., would respectfully Inform their friends and the sub tle put they have disposed ottbeir entire stock and daturas, at No. A Rood street, Pittsbargb, to GEORGE. A. KELL'S, who will continue the bust nen in elites branches at our present stand, end we take pl re in recommending . Mnt to Our old cus tomers andothers as a compelent druggist and a business man, and worthy of their confidence and patronage. Mr. KELLY takes one place with a large stock of good. watch we know to he one of the best selected la the city, andwe would Follett for Um a call and e xamination of hts store from per sons wanttng anything in Ills line of booboos before purchasing elsewhe re. WOODSIDE d WALLACE. Prresatuan, March ad, ii6s.—mheowd NOTICE TO OWIIIIEOS OF DELAYS, HACKS, A.—Notice Is hereby given to all 'swum of Drays, Wiz, Carriages, Boggles, Ace,, whether realdeut or non-resident In - 1130 City or Pltlsbergh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's oMee of the City or Pittsburgh, FORTIIWITH, accordance lto an Act of Assembly, approved March X, WOO, and au Ordinance of the Councils of the City 01 .. . Pittsburgh. passed Apill 18, ISMI, sad all . will be million to • , wmalty, to be recovered bolbre the Mayor, double the amount of the License. The old metal platesof presto. years must be re fereed at the time Licenses are taken out, or pay 23 Cent/ therefor. - WASS Or I..l=nsis: Etch Oise Hone Vehicle 1760 ' • Each Two Horse Vehicle IS GO Each E h Two Four Horse Hack Horse Vehicle 15 00 0:1 ac Omnibuses and Timbar Wheels drawn by two al 00 each. Boren ch additional bone used in of the _ dfilalSOlty Treaserer. PlTT:l=mm. YeDnillry 6th `pit a.yMl~`ttf:~ PITTSBURGH, FT: WAYNE AND A. CHICAGO RAILWAY COM.PA.N Y. Omer, or TllittErIITTARf. Prrrs.ortom, PA.. February kith, then. The Annual Meeting of the Stoat and Bondhold. en at this Company. for the Election of Directors and such other business as may come before it, wil l Lc hMd et tile °Mee of said Company, in the Clly of Platabargh, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY 1211 OF MARCH. A. D., DM, at 10 o'clock., A. is. The Stook and Bond Trawls: Books of the Compane, Its their °Mee lh the City of Vittiburgh, and at the Transfer Agency.lo the City of New York. will ha doled on the oth day of Meech, at 2 o'clock. r. ti.. and remelts closed until TM day of March thereafter. N 2744 F. DL BUTURINSON. Secretary. ELECTION NOTICES. MANeIIYSTER SAVINGS BANS. - 11 IV MST MANCU.TISS. March Ist, MI. A N ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT AND SIX DIRECTORS of the MANCEI EST ER SAVINGS RAW(will be held at their Rani:lnt Mime, on SATURDAY, the gist day of March. be tween the hours 011 and 4 o'clock. krthaßd TINTS. B. UPDIKE. Cash•r. PROCLAMATION --CITY OF AL LEGLIENY. M.—WOODEN BUILDIti Q1.714::-! heretry tome my proclamation as ordered hy the following resolution passed by the Select and Common ; Councils, at their meeting on Thursday Wt, =I inat. : Reeoired, By the Select and Common Counell of the City of Allegheny, that the Mayor be Instructed to Issue hie proclamation palling a epeeist election to take the sense of the Mittens In regard to the frame law—sold election tote held on the second Tuesday of March next; and that It be heldat the usual elec tion Maces, oh the usual hours and by the usual nice. lion Onagers. In Obedience to the requirements of th.s resolu tion, the eiticeus of Allegheny ore retloeated meet at the u sual place of holding elections, en the second Tnesetay of March next, being sod th day of the month, between the hours or blue ...vt of that day. there. nd then "to take the sense or the ettiseens In regard 10 the Prame Law, by Toting fur or against the repeal of said law. Olsen under my hand and the seal of said city, the 'Nab day of February. A. D., 1956. JOIIN MORRISON, Mayor. AUCTION SALES. IMMENSE •AIICTION SALE OF DRY GOODS IN PHILADELPHIA. JOHN B. MYERS & CO.. Auct•rx, Nos. 232 and 234 Ilarket Philadelphl.., Will sell on TIIURSDAI and FRIDAY, March BM maA eth, PAS, commencing eat*. day at 10 o'clock, bi C ATALOGUE FOR the very large Flock of DRY cIOoDS of Ream', JAMES BENI, SAYITEE a 0., partially damaged at the late fire. A large portion of the stock lout little If any Injured. The attention of the trade Is aolicim4 as beta; well wor thy of their attention. mils atm EDGE SAL OF SUPERIORI FURNITURE, CARPETS, REDDING. etIL VEILPLATED 'WARR. An.—TIIURSUA y ING. Marais Sib, at lits H o'clock prectsely wilt he hold at kfasonie all Auction Hotta., 10 and Si 01fib n r g, t ll= qU' init 7 ggi f n g ra d rPers!tv ' t id r Pli7e il ti Ware, Bedding. Feather, km. comprislug In part superior marble-top inahognay'side-boards, elcgaut mahogany carved back sprlag sem mfa, mahogany and .loot divan, marble top enclosed wash stands, natant hat rook, Mahogaur spring seat pm , lur chairs and rocker, wanirotw. walnut whatwiots, walnut and mahogany dressing and plain bureau.. aunt enclosed wash-stands, marble ton table, 'wilting table and secretary, walnut Sewing stand, large bedclothm bureau, book Gar. pie,. talk, Ma hogany lete-a-tete. olde ratters,nd table, eau. a: and wood chairs and arm 00100 halo lounge chair, cherry lounge, cribs, tett. es Mac walnut bedsteads, tarn-post and cottage bedsteads, husk, cotton and Gran utattraems, feather beds. 103 Rea. newpritneßmatocky :nixed frathera In Mts. bedding. CAPPNrs--Abtart 3pU yard. ilrus -els Carpets, and ScOyartimenttrely new all- , rand lugraln Carpets - hemp and stair earyiets, rugs, matting. be Oliver plateacastors, cake haslet, tea, Lanir and deurt Spoons and torts, Al day .locks; new Yrm. Olin blinds, fancy shades. cutlery, queenswere, all paintings. engraving . , Be. rah!' T. 'f. IIeCLELLAND. tuet. WEDNESDAY MOR br NING SALE OF OFN w reset's, to makc canc. at Masonic; 110 soldl Auction ithou t thous, 6/ and 01 Ylfth On WRIENESIJA V, /larch 7th. at 10 o'clock grecidv, 60 caddies and butts Tobacco. assorted brands; tomall chests Black Tea; 10 half bbl.. PM: lot of Indigo; I Platform Beale.. one good C r/. 6 1raY.c.1. 4 1.11P, obetn. i\' ' ;N ' CARPETS, Lace and Damask Curtains. We are now receiving ccc BFRINO STOCK, In cluding cholce lines of ENGLISH CARPETS of our own Impartation. and comprising the mon vittes'• dye and complete assortment of t very deserlptlo of goods In our line that we have ever had the pleas. are of offering to ono customers. One purchases baying been made with IioLD at lowest rates. we are enabled to offer the HEST STILES IN THE &EMMET AT A REDUCTION OF FROM TEN TO TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Pitt TARD {turn prieva of Last ninon. MoYA.B.LAND & COLLINS, . 71 and 7S Fifth 8t„ 2d floor, Nexttett bonding to U. L. Custom Mom sod l'ost-once PROPO. TOCOAL DEALERS AND IRON POUNDERS,—Projxmala will be received at the OMee of the Witer Works, np to NOON on TUES. DAY, - 111atch Roth . WM, to PURNI9II (NULL at the PZ UPR AND LOWER WORKS, or either one of them, for ONE. YEAR FROM THY: FiltST DAY OP Arlen., LIM Also. to InlttNltill WATER PIPE and mlacellancone Casting.. far the aance time. mhacltd ' JOSEPH' /REHM' Sort. COAT tuit.i.sn's (writ:Z. I Girt or At.t.tothexT, Fob. 14th, itat. REAMED PROPOELI.LB WILL HE menisci hy either or thepntlershlped 01110 MON DAY .•I{h, for et-grading and re-ttarlng ltobthson ewes !tux. u•rragli to Cratir street. A Coo of the l *III ygs snipe oan be seen In the of genlod l. 111 ftritrgre . etived at ill woe Unto for thentone, limb., and iron' contalned e ln the brld iSVEN't Tdr"'l37l l lPannigTh ER. O. D. OMIT Chalnnan of Committee on Streets; T. JUN/RAW, treat Comml.loner ; 11. 11. FRAN CIS, City Controller. (.27 At T4Tkiifi r AWiriiiiiiiitki AND 13 4 031CAEVIL iIittALIMICIFILES. Proimw, will be racal•ed stt the °Mee of the Water Works, up to noon on NATWUDAY. ;QUI. 1913 a fur e set .of Boilers, Cytt i nder i ang Pomp, areort . I "6 l . ri glAlsad . .pe.,.., on, n t h e buds -" Co will be reclaim, for the entire work or Repe nt° 6(4 for the boiler,. The Weter Committee reeerves the right to reject ally or WI bile. tfeellti .1084111. t h ti.-4111 IL : . Vi n - Pri4tl i tarti4lik l ite n ottien rf nflftle?g, s :t r at e ti r fl [I 9 4We:A I ot n lx=?l i g ' Mut Metionlng ()reek northward to the vicinity Of 11egag , t4 t V i zrk, Each section talll as taffraaliVAdtg oral I l linitret t ritt 1071! heer'anetne. 011 .trect. In the City of MI Ls rgh, on the tat °Lateral' next. and propoaals will be to at the same blacc tip to 0 o'clock, r. 11•. orTIAUR:II.I.4Y, the 11211.,0F 2,TAItCII. The line will be run 001ned staled - as antra at practicable, hot contractor. can at any time obtain at the Entrlncer'• office. In Pittsburgh, all the lttfor- Within necessary to canal., them to examine nod hid forjhe WorkWederstandlngly. An =ether Infortnation_ taittel can be ivol Valtar " 1"r11 h tfittelArtllZlPl7. 00VELEMEEINT SALES Q.ALE OF NEW _HOSPITAL cLoTM2dO, ktnewee Punrwrolve Ornn.r.,_ Weenteoros. U. C„ February 13, letla 3 •'A it extentivo eUle of Hospital Ctothinx, Bedding, to., oV i r t elngi d eini t p . thl °Heals] hears sad Darby Waebeeles. 31rtli n e nii T h tlit• j , " taln i r Utte.tisu t on THURSDAY. the eth day of brars4 bu r e d eo3loek e. et. The Iblloming artlel es will 1 'bill Offee for nab. ris. - libteU 6).°s° r • scfIOONBLAKER S. SON, Drawers 2n, OM . t il Meets. Psi. 3.1 000 i • /M. Pn••• NOW ' Pittsburgh Wkpo 1400 Works, 6.0,0 !' , ' . pinZ Wail, ..6 LEAD, _ el 1 80 . TWOW-larli ".'""- - SA* i gliTt li enti t briPle trade end th trotbnelarta e I BIATY:IZ 'Aii .a tehru nil• V" ri/ 14 T/ 24 is call to t hig f •••P the Venn. All be Wein& r , . ...,.. - . / 14 5. - 4R" $ b U b tiftllVittP a rpoorilltre 1 ' %Vete: litti a latrCeelleei. 815•00 t lin o ' lot rife tr. n Pre 3) ays tram I saw . , , .. .... 4 ;. , . le tio.or H ere **Clan, to Uneeremenefirnft ' N MR/V - 6 , OOOICLE OF _ „ us, e8r r ,..,u,,- r ,M t. i ..u... co uxas MOLAIRSB, it'eents persalloni at .. . e C. W,;BOTTX;l347.r n itnctietteu. -.7 tinletanare ; , .. .. k,- , . „,.. Oa , Etax%7X,.., t . . WANTS. . . - - • W.7A.NTED---.IA_NITOR-AT THE , PRESBYTERPAN CHURCH. r at Yo. Cenre avenue. or 71 Logan street. f efIS. If . • WANTED—A Partner with One TFIOOSAND DOLLAIni CAPITAL to Invest , Ina business that will pay SEVEN PRE "VENT. PER WEEK on the investment. A -dress Y. ; Qaazrrx. IITPICE. tish:;3l.gl WAFTED—To borrow, for the . torn of two years, ONE THOUSAND I WI.- LAtts. (or which good seeurity will he given. ply at Title area. where fu rt her Information can tangiest], te'Abir , l WANTED--CLERKSHIP--A Mid tile aged Man, of eaelana , and aana l .lodc l' wants altuatlou as A CCO pe lINTA NT or CASIIIER.: Beat reference. Address "MAX," at tlnaarra' Ornme. tell -tt WANTED--EMPLOYMENT—By a Young Man., In a Store. Warehouse or Mann- Antony.~ we wadi onglit 1p on a farm, has it fair educafilm, and will try to make himself useful. Ad „,lresa "J. at (ismerra ntiabtf ;WANTED—Active Agents e ver, - IN T 4' E1.41,` to l¢trodace ; TWO • N r E y aT. E ,: s ;: s l r l.% ” , sight. Prollts 500 per neut.. ttizonstani demand. Agents, male and female. now 0 rating, err 1, dai ly. O per day, by working only few nears PREV1.4.713 EXPERIENCE on- t en-vt'. UNSEEPARALLY. A eistOple Of each worth 93, with ! tonna to agents, sent nee, by mail, on reoript 0(00 I ""'to PAT Postage. SirSATIEEACTION a It- ASTRED. Andress is. W. JACKSON CO., P. O. Hot 134E1, Baltimore, hid. mhs.-iv P;77W:M FOR SAL VA Trading Boat, ; feet long; g 1, ku good order; haring n , dld cabin; llne Inside. hlw would make good ' Dwelling as well sa a good Trading Boat. Ewa, at Berne Inland, where the le lying at percent. or of R. WINTERnUILL,'saIne glare. whetutr FOIL SALE—IOWA LAND—ItI,6OO —ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES OF LAND, attoaterl near Wetener (its, i IFAMiIOn ." 001 (on the line of , Pecle BellrOad,) Is offered for sale for slat - gnat lh ,hrwth d l, lant.l.uang, each. Address “OWNElt,".rfararrn . Or - Imm. ja,s3:tr ; FORFBALE—Three good sec:owl band BOILERS, 40 Inches diameter. IS feet long. two Minch dues In each; made of 6-15111 slot burgh Stamped Iron, Price. 4 each. Enquire of IL NI. BOLE & at the Industrial Works. corner of Point alley and Mullen. Way, Pl•Oburttb, Pa. VOR SALE-92 Toed of Land al Remington Station. fronting on P.. Ft. W. E. It. It.. suitable for I,ttrden log or Eta:Menet The Improvements roost. ..ft a sr”..cory Frame Hon, containing five room, and Frame Stable. There h. Fiorchard of fine fruit. Enquire of N. NELSON. nn street. Pittsburgh, or of ALEX. PATTER SON. Nlancheater. stg 1.4 - `Oll SA LE OR RENT--A t aco ti.',<• 4 ll'o..`c?„fagf'n"rl;..ll'— " ,ll,l o o ' 7'.. ^ ."L rfllage of lotthen tail large dry roiled: Stable and other out nuildingb a large Lot. well ailed with chalet. ft, It.. both large mud email. This hence and lot for a. It will rent for S3 , XI. Also, a email Cottage Ilona, whieh will i.e sold at a toat-gain. Nnquire of 11. ITAIIII. Nae 18 klnyville, Pa. re:St:Arend FOR SALE—Eight or Nine Acres of LAND in Ohio Township, on Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, near litaroont Sta- Don. There is a Dwelling Douse and out buildings, and an assortment of frail trees, shrubbery, se., on the land. Inquire of JAMRS OILLF.i. A ND, near the property, or of It. IL DAVIS, Allegheny. fe2L.Steod MARTHA tItS3D, Sewlealey. FOR SALE—A Valuable Country Residence at Edgewood Station. Pennsylvania Railroad, one d • bait miles from Wliklusburgr Eleren acres ISOperches of Land: a One new Dwell ing containing room, and cellar underneath: Fruit and other conveniences on the premises. For further information, call at No. 106 Fifth street, l'ittaburgli, or on the premises. no7.dt.f J. S. KIND. part SALE—A desirable Dwell tt..tatiHp,m'„?.,"rd.....`=`",r,,'",'lllf_!;Blterortll7ll/UoNet built Itwelliug HOW, two-story, with four roono, kitchen and a good pdtar. and a never-ratline well of water, all the desirable out buildings. There is a variety of fruit trees and grape mine, on thi• let. Posession April let. Term. rettionattle. For fur ther particulars. annuli, of GEOUGE tslT on the premiere. mils - von SALE—OAKLAND PROP- EtlTl'—lo Oakland. near Linden Grove. • two story Frame limas, containing sin rooms, hail sod collar, with • lot of ground adjoining. 1= feet front by 263 back. The house Is nearly new, well finished and in good repair. The lot is well improved. hav ing'good garden, fruit trees. choice shrubbery, ot water, cistern, grape arbor, 'le., while Its !goad.] being on a slight elevation and adjoining the Urove makes it most dwsirable as • tare of et it donee. For Icnns and particulars apply to Silos M. 11.Mtlill .IAL . Fenn streets fet.33. ron, SALE—. 4 valuable Farm of UM AFFIES. In IN. un township, Westmoreland coanty. stwoui three mules front the Fa. It, it., ..r which thereat,. 75 acresclesfed and In good state of cultivation; halanc, well Motored: a good apple orchard bearing fruit of first eptitt•. The troth,. e 'omits are a good house. a good well of 'water at tile door, Rune. ,roar, granery. corn crib and sheep tows,. Tit, whole farm well watcre,l. Splrtolld prospeets for oil tint mile from the y fan, 1,1,4,01 Murray. Ille about the, miles ow a. For further particulars. total re at rite odic. of AV Al. It. li AT'S, 351 Liberty Avant. Upstairs. tnlvitltnn OR SALE—VALUABLE PROP EETY AT IIAUVILLIE STATION, on the line of the F. F. W. C. It. ii. A large substantial Frame Dwelling. of modern style, containing Id room, bath-room and wasb-Douse; hot and roil wa ter: a spleudlal never-falling Spring, sapplylng argent water fur house and stable_purposest an or , saf shard of 1,11 . 101111 mot sc. The atove proper ty fronts the Ohlo river, and consists of about N , acres, whirl, tan be divlded into lots to suit pur chasers. Any Information desired can be oht slued from , apt. JAG, lIA 1, on the premises, or to T. W ALTER DAT. No. hrt Fifth street. feltAllollll FOR MILE CHEAP. In= OF FIVE ACMES. In McClure totrurntp, adjoining the premises ST Jam es Old and J. S. Liggett. The Improvements are a plain Frame Dwelling, Frame Barn, de.: a Vineyard of one acre, (six years old. balance of ground filled with choice Fruit Tres, In full bearing. A delightful building site on the place eau be easily gut to by the Deaver road or Woods • Ran Street Can. A it i sell , y to JAMES ,id T. S eros APL(RAIALASSiirkeNtIer.a,I o. Ml 'OR SALE—FAKlR—Situated In Patton township, miles How I itistiurgli, one tulle from Monroeville. live miles from Turtle t reek Station ou the Pa.. Central Railroad, containing ' about 114 ACRES, wore or lose, of which Sti are cleared: the balance well limbered. There a ereeled thereon a two-star} Hewed Log liouse•and re Kitchen, frame barn, %by SA with stabling under neath, with other out buildings: a splendid Spring of Water at the house: hem well watered. !let 'wain i has 40 apple orchards oust bank open, with about Si acres of good coal: convenient to churches and schools. The. above will be sold op reasonable terms. Title good. For further Information, en quire or S . It. W. DILL, No. SR Fifth street, or AMIJEL GILL. on the premises , near Monroeville, Allegheny county. Pa. Tahailwd6tviT FOR SALE—Property In Mans rtZtl).--1 will offer at Public Sale. on the Dem lays. 013 MONDAY, the 1.21il DAY OF MAUCH. iron. at to o•elock,a. a.. a VALUABLE PI EcE PROPERTY In and anjululug the vill a ge of Mans field, on the Plltaburgh. Columbus awl Cincinnati Railroad, levee miles from the rite. The no rty conflate of shout SEVEN ACRES OF 'LAND, on . which are erected a LAROE TWO -STORY BRICE HOUSE And FRAME err :Lace. About two bun ; dad TOO NR FRUIT TREES are set out awlgrow : log fleet, and the place la admirably titled for a Counter Seat for , any Orte alalilluTrainp a . cOnn , trY I Cont and Hartione Of be best tinalitv. After the sale of the aboVe property, the PERSONAL ES TATE OF DAVID HILL, deceaaed, trill also he of fered at Public Sale, by the undentigned, so attmln i istrator of the said decenstuL Terms at sale. feV3.rodtd WILLIA• HILL. ~R„_~~N`~ - - 1 1 0 LET—Elestory 'trick Dwelling eontelutno oloroll roams, Situated on East Lane. F:nnulre of No. 0$ gest Lone, Allegheny. mhe:lld Volt RENT-orhe Lot on the col , - ner of gutter sad Allegheny etreets, Ninth Ward. together withltut old Brick 41e,h0l Bending thereon. The lot hoe 141 feet Watt . liy fent deep to an all° •. Will lenai. It Int floc , or too, rm a _Np psy to IM. lA. DARLINGTON. at No. Fifth strtut, a coo fl uor. 1111,:yt REll4'.—That neat Cottage Iloaao..ie , a neree of grontid, eltnate4 234 mlleu frono the City. frentkng the liege ...nil Isprosol . , ut•ar Arthur o SlatVIA. (4404 [Orden, Fruit and N 1 ell of %Voter. Mat 41:.1 per ycor. sulte i DRUGS AND CHEMICALS GEORGE A. KELLY, WHOLESALE DREtiOIST, .ro. 8 7 treed ,StiVei, iIt , VOLHTZ THE T. CHARLES HOTEL Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, WVEMEamr , c73amin.rair„ PALSTS, OILS, VARNISHES. L , YE.STUFF, sr. The 11..1 busloou will be contlubell. b.. at O. 63 Tad.el stn.., sod cont. of Ohio and F. du el Alleghoni. mylbly d SIMON JOHNSTON, Taiti7imrimissw, Corner of ns, C Fou Ic rt A h L S a , nd Smithfield S R t T s ,. , p o SCI o PI3, BUNIES 11ANDLC,WI10 4, do.,tatorted d irect horn London, Parts and Conn., Inl7 prtikr LADIES OF AMERICA F muusors GOLDEN DEWDROP And Victoria iteigia,. TIE GEM OF TUE. WOULD. TOILET, VARIAN ati WRITE. It eats • warm delicate tint to the complexion and rich tone, lite. the Parton Marble Carnation i/longai. • beluDful tint of the rose. Manufaotured by A. W. HAERIBON, roseate by Dn. GEO. It. KEYSER. sad all Druggists of liittaburgh. DZ. O • W. H. REED. fel:Wind Gummi Agent. HALM B VEGETABLE SICILIAN NEVER Is wl l Ma it edilirt re l itore;tte TAILS. 41V E .1 Rate to Ka alitura color. 544 7111.1. iiN.Vill :',.. tafle:orAnnlttilLtgra FAI LS. y i Ez zu f d tlnmv v gdhv hair to a Dm WAILS. Tot Waal the CENTILII7I3III74 EITO ..carne. of Ohio and Fellers* streets, An.lheol , js.% Or(). A. KELLY ...._2_ CITY ACCOU-NTS. lEP , r4..r OP THE WA: 0031 1, t - rr yr. - pwa t , r , , Conaloatre pre R . eent.the otk* w folto I %Alb, II ll* K nt nar3. I .41f; II• re % •Lues uhr tne II o: • nu' tlrra e :1...v.,. thlrly.on.. ,r..i Water ren, ,r1...‘......:,0+11.513 n,nts Addy iler reel' ...1S WU. r red.:or N 0..., pttrpo.o... Wilt, Iwo; nu armr.x,n, rrr.uu•, Hutto% and ann. I runt a: ' , aura Lo. Ferrules as r drnline.. , Old mural and Flre ling box , . Bala: ce con Ingent Fobont-T $111...kel Ihe topepd tures fir thell6l, inceneleg btu, laid °Tee Cbr wect of fund, P , OM , ' of whlell Pe"C eel, batons tO Us° ipeniltt ores of ,Ite• • pr., lon re+ • approcrlation Cc the yell' 1.17 , was not adecaato to etc neeeaaary es pen, of treeing the trot kr 111 ope ation. rail and the on of a st,eo hundred and Llgh d •, ollars .l tweet) rents lent traeciere . e.l from ale, No. ft to ?Co 5, try order of Coleco,. 0 tedlc held .2 the VI dell' Dereehbre. 1861 h`rr le partet the expeuttliAren (or the year 165 nil he paid ;noon the anCetKla ,lo . lot 1,06 . The earn lel.t OT,. added to the witched paid 1., a de. Band mares 1..tal strdy-nro tboutand ve tro• red 00,0 lwenty one dollars and thlrly•da cent, ea helle• • • Kir , ..nd...tre, At l• .ork, ....... Ri F. T.4.1d..41444 ..pp, work.. 10 v.r...1 E.‘penalit qrrai J.`, l / 1 went C51..41104.1%4 P111..141.1 I, I) 1 2 4 . 5 . 107 " VA'SD % For n •retement Aro reeve/11"U: Tele' r , d to the tee rt. •4 perloteedett of the Weer te,l,, 4.,eeeer .4 Wat.. Rents. herewith enhumred. ty. H. .w,z. THOS. C. DICKSON, O. W. COFFIN. JOHN :.LIPTON, cH•S. 11. ARSISTP,oN, , , JA HES etnelay 46th.15466 RKl`oitT OF 111 KIN•KRIN TENDERT AND K KINEKR TUE WATE.I. WORKS. Tn the Warr nom, - (lax - rum., Ihe follow nu ol onurattons of the Wo , er Works for the yeur unAJug January 31. t. 1566.1 s fully .nbint,ted ()wine to lii eapsety and condleon of the Lower Water Work.. the 14.1ng time required to tbrnlob toe (peat.' of w noceeaory to meet the de made upon them. van ten thmmond ono hundred end twenty•th-ee ',ra f O.,th tetr.n.m, which la ta I hat.. a“ Im e mtrml opd eleven utore ttl. than Is In the another of wo.tlng dare In the year. thirty., hundr, Ott •tal'-three hours rot re drain lhan IF. Tim tnr., ho,tred and ,17 , 7-ti da) , That holet theca, rnittoo Ore now math., mra^ollF-tsta -.• muro,e th.. c•psr.ity on to Work., on e. on ./n.,•1...1 , outom - , .pasta. The rpu - ‘‘ •,• en , a•ni.i, .1 Me Maher p,rtmna ot the rita, with a Fun:it:l2l4,es, ren,intt rims tier the t • Vii,lll, Owing to :no denetenev or n ropp , y r m the r.,ghin ward. I ineronniend the teinoval ..f .).d t00 ,,, c; low ,u Priiiy!‘anin rnl , e, from Steven. ‘ to Diniort.l.l e ntr ;at. and replace It nn• Igta inn, pipe. az Iwe cunrerttons to make it wire-.tier. oh.rli Wank! require n rdr,o el ht In-he. In Mame!, o tL I lower end ofo reet. to LOI Nei, and along Co melt atreet to Prlde et rec . and (WWII Pride street ro Penbayrr ant t nvenue. . . I alt recoitonend the el tension or a six-Inch pipe on Sireltanle street, trom Penn Street to the bridge. Tne running time of the Lower Work* ie an average of aistern and teventreo ene.hundredtha hours bir tech engine. or together thirtyitaro and illirty•four onettiandreritlit boon per day. Average daily con tort-01ml of Coal 340 hula els for one engine. or 1.,- me , ber hoods. Average daily supply of water, I 014 07 7 noble Piet. Tb • running Rope.. r• ported by tea Engineer of the Upper Werke. la an average of tont - teen boon per day. Average dedly notimunptlon of coal, 1 II busb• els. A rerag • daby 'apply of water, 211.097 noble feet. Respectfully anlultted. .11)0. eItENCEI, bnpennLendent. February 2.ltb. 18116. I=l To la , Wafer Com no i The under. ached repo t• that the earbenheetcet Path halti to the ( tty Tre.ert, fal the veer 1565, smomats to the von of Miet , ,ln bundred and exty.three donare Rod :lOrtv•eve e•htm f .Iloarr. : IVatrt rent, tor bantling purp....nrs Wet, g streellt ==Z=EM! sl,Flia The tenter rents eases/not on the various establish , menu. In the city and Pltt townehlp tieing the hydrant water. for the yeeir ending on the 31. dav of Niarrh, ISM'. amounts to :Or stun of one hundred and seven ttiortast rl roar hundred and sirty-two dollar's and turtrelght Cents dye per neut. on arreara remaining unpaid on Inn Let day of October, 11363, euvounttna In thirteen hundredand elghtiofour dollars and sic. teem ceuto d water reni• for building purposes, four eenhundred and ton- dollara and atmcents; and water ten. for sprint:lloz streets, one hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty rents; and honer ard gnd ni at hallo Lot. one hundred and rorty.four dollars ru and n I neti -eta cents; ferrules and di Ming, two hooded sod ionr.str dollars; uUetal and lire plug b dee hundted and twelve dollars tad eta cents. Holunee In the hand.ol the Sup' rinleadent on the lot reittenrf ISlls.two hundred and sixty. term do.latu ennui , added to the asses. m makes a loth' rtIWILIFI of one hundred and el o,eh then and ern houdn,d and lhlrty•nlne dollarsand hoe only ,IVe ,-.eta. I rer.,..urvot for your mmsl.l,att..a th• to mtplyl , Le ~trt.. to the tip, PIT the supply of large of ..m,rdally the Ystalutohlue:fts tAa[ ere p,tty pplte.l from sonreel other than %h., Water Works. ttio preayttt systeny the .4usn• tity of 10.1 rant yet, tt,drattoOt De rottenly Decer• reate., ReeDer.:llll) sub {SOB F. RT file. A anecwor of r R. 1211 ebrulr) 21 th , 1 SU& I$llCl.OO I)Et'ORT 4/F DAVID SIMS. Fuperiu. tentt..ll4 of Nt.trkett. staling the amount (.1 St 3 tl Kent. rtbel era rteb tbe ye, 'Sus. 1 .srl% Kent cot, lea Ca Ithaller dn,..rew 70131l1:. AdAllllierkenin h. I Adam Sender . 3 I:e.q,:re St.lnhan.N. 6 Jot n 11ot-frusta I , arr Trot, Grump Morse IJ Zn;ler 12 Wetwo 13 Flamvel Aolosor, It (1 , ..1 - 1, I . - It FM. Heddlua; Ad tm Holtman. b. 14444444.44 )144•4444.41 4 44 t44t. ,441.14444444 at 14. 44•1 4,14 4 .4.1.. y W,14_2 . '2! • J.Jhn I+, man Mlttern. John P...rtar evt.t r 17 Wilhnm Hoffman IN (30011tH, Fried 10 John .0 N. • 01tIon. . 37 Fred. 01 Stewart 7.1 .1100, }lnto . . • l o olea Womb., .. Hsitrean a F' ,4 .s.L. rt: Jewell F. Thompsnit 01 borriza Him.. 30 John Roi net .... 00 MM.. d Young., . 4 0 Andrea , Calthaller • endlh 70 Hoch hiehatileon... Learners 81•111ne... Charlea Molts_ C DLlenhach. . . 11.8 Annley... m•cksl;Lcli in Andrew Ackley... F0..1 aster. 1i0n;........ el John Minter • Theodore. 8.1 113.014 Kelther si John Set:leer. neon Hog N 1 Wlflioni 1111niCk • Joisepli HFornoBarrison se 10 . NI ibex...as Klulherno 10 George Kim' cello . 91 Henry Ackley...... Ol Jnoii p b CTris lenill Dram.. .. 04 Charlea liteherdeon . 93 .1. n. . to; corded Itletyloh 97 Elizabeth Bmeeder. fre Kilns,, It siinan . WI Frier 103 William Peters. . 101 011111,,, lleCer 101Ilonek 103 lloberz ..... 14; Shalom Brake..... 101 J. F. liellstelu • lag Adorn Ravers. 101 John Brown lilt John en ....... 109 ?billy 1 Ong , 110 John isornbach... . Lt( AJAm Eckert IF I Fred. 113 J. T. Eckert 114 Samuel Yonnc.. . 113 Henry Loftier . . Ili Ernest Ramer........ - 4: • • 111 Clark. B. Weizz..... 130 Genre° Brien 121 Martin W. Feely.... 123 William Cox ICI James S. sayers, „ 1r124 'I Ikoms. 11. 0g1e5.... . air .. .... I Stands 120 00 120 CO 1".0 00 1:000 14000 SCO COI 200 OD '2O 00 so au loo m DO! 1.911 401 two gal 1Z I:PORT OF THE ALLEGHENY w II Ala' ALASTIO.II fur the year 11403. erlid 0 Lill, 411,L70 bbis . sa,mt *.. • Plat Goats with Oil, 1,010 2.4011 47 G'hartage, °Vet . time.. 8,241 49 -.Flat Boatsovlth no OIL Tit 't 00 Peel hoots. 31......... .............. Mu Ou Steamboats, 0 • 1,784 00 Tow Boats &Steamers finishing. 34 975 ni Pig Metal. 8.534 esti .. ISO h 3 Lumber. 1,678,930 feet 357 to Shingles, 3.000 IP &I Gathering Oi l l on Wharf . P 5 00 =9 = AMF.I3 L PATTERZOWS.N, 16 Wharf Master. To Mn. Jon!: 111 . C.annO. Controller, IlOn. February MI, ma. MO t IiONGAIIICLA WHARF BIAS TER'S IMPORT for Ten Montt.. and Fourteen Day., for tiot year I NULL Amount rocelreA from Full Priced Steam. $8,3.1e 40 Amount received from Fractional Steam. Amount received from Brownsville Steam. C." Amount received from Pint and Canal 1..30 08 neat. 1,085 00 Amount r iVc ' tqv ' e d inr ' Ons"Tolirtit i •l Wharf " Heats al 00 Amount received from "Tile Jones rerry Co.•s" Boats 680 03 Amount reentood from Itailroad Iron 3,900 03 Amount received from WI 110 BO Amount recelecti from use of Wharf 401 33 nrrimmon. February 161, 1966. I:9 tiafbi Ali :4 go) :41 oil S. BRY4N, Iltoker in Stocks, • TIONTm_AILD REAL EsTATT, 57 FoLTUTO ornrc.r, Bußdini,) hay. and Cornetist lee BAN It, RATLEDAD. OIL AND oTTIIIR STOCKS, sad GOVgILNXENT. 311717101 PAL, RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. Orden executed bv telefeebb et BOARDSW ORE And PULL ...DELHI' IA fiTOCE at th en COMlllitfohila charged In theao Utica respect' vete. mb.2 Pi: i t 4 10 pil 01 pIIITATE DISEASES. OPPICE Mats PENN sTurr, near Hand. mini the cu. of all ateemea or • private natant. in mini two to fen! nays, by an entirely new and mita treatment. , BenitaM 'Weakness, and' 'Umber 4 C."" t ' s of L "Einittiiinrintne and their prevention warranted or money refandeit. Onion bonra-7 to 10 A. )11-.tSd w a, atinVeVi.P. Andreae letters 7.tr..EsY4 Penn street no TAIIERS--NEW 4:100D11 WI A ll xuti r llM—LAndlottli , tha Housekeeper* Itishi.l-....11.r0naw Lhelt-WALL PAZZItti- AE.I4 WM twris cgtoe os itAakiailaft a Wood istr•Ai. SOAPS, EXT'IULOTS Ssc, DRY GOCHA.WENGS. GOOIiS TOOTH BRUSB.I.I, I=l I=l 1.1:11lN ., EXTRA(' PS URA I'S EXTRACTS, PINAVIrs EXTRACTIi, I= =I 1:04.:11:7 F. BY tiIaNIQU 6.0 APi I= I= I=l I=l 13=1 I= I= MIZEI SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist, Corner Smithfield lea Pnerth Street • rlavigaewiff: m:rso THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS that have been.alleed to the WHEELER & WILSON -4-.* ni litre greatly lio . rvased Its value. ttill the Woe the tame. and but little to advance of other andcomparatively Inferior maehinen. Many have imr.na-ed other machines .Imply because they conld be obtained at a little lent price. When they nould accompliah hot half the amount of work. and hare Invariant,' regretted afterwards that they did not obtain Tilt Kt:ST. Since the modern improvements bare been added In thir machine, it lia. become urine...sat y pre pare the - work at all by basting. so that the entire sewing at au ordinary garment Is performed without t.aallog. whirl) Ina very great additional saving of labor. Below we glue a table made up truce actual caper tilOWlnd the relative time ordapied In tuak• led garments hr thin machine and also. by habil. tArlilar.. BY 11.15 m. hi•nire. Mtn. Holm, Mtn 14 . 2 211 . 1 7 0 fi at 49 „ la , 10 1 • ; 50 12 5 27 4 S 27 57 6 27 1 10 Si 15 7 25 7 1 29 4 6 7 0 15 4 10 I al Genthwieti'., Shirts Frock C05t5......... Satin Vests. Linen Vests ..... , Cloth Pante_ ...... Summer Pants...... Silk Drell. Morino Dre 55....... Caller Dress_..... Chemise Moreen - Skirt Muslin Skirt Drawers Night ..... Silk Apron l'lsin Apr0n........ Call and see these Superior Machines in operation and judge for your selves. ..1.40.4 00 114 10 14.1 WM. SUMNER & CO., 27 Filth Street, Pittsburgh 11,21.1 m GROWER & BAKER'S iziti4lll3/41140:1 J:iNl dove twee awarded the FIRST PREMIUMS at th following Fairs for tht year IMS: E'M2MEMEI= ESSSIE=EZI iTl]Jil] EMiE3=;E==l - • -•- . J inn premigm Par best Manufacturing Machine Michigan State Pair. First Premium fur best Manufacturing Machine Wtmatudis State Pair. is out t Am •c Paid Du .•. . First Premium for best Manufacturing Machine _Lawrence County Pale Pa. First um for best Machine for gen*" al par P7V=ranee County_ air, et, Premium for beat FacullygLachlne at Boot County Fair, Pa. Pint Premium for best MantifaCturing Machine Bunke County Fair, P. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Rama Machine at Sprlnglield Fair, Ohio. First Premium for beat blunnlbeturing and Famll hiachine at Palmyra Fair. N. I'. Flat Premium for best MannActurlng and Family Machine at Suffolk _County Fair, N. Y. First Premium fOr best - Manufacturing and Family Machine et Schuyler County Fair, N. Y: First Premium Tor best hisictUne for nil purposes, at Allegbeny County Fair, Ps. First premium for best Manufacturing Machine, Allegheny County Fair, Pa. First Premium for best Machine 'work at glieghen County Falr, P. And sr6erever exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY, no27:80.1182 N.. 18 I.lflh otreet, MUNI rgtt SHAW & SEWING MACHINES. AO AMetalaisLes SOLD IN TWO DAYS. ! Are manufactured without enycomplleated macitin en! and therefore are not liable to getout of repair, , Pamire perfectly adapted for every den:lotion of I y Sowing nod Tailoring. We do not class out ILschinve with cheap trtacbinea, as we have taken og , Patentee prices. XV! e refer to the following person its reference: 31r. A. AIKEN, No. lei Fourth street; Mr. VAN DER NAILLEN, J No. =I Webster treet: Mr.• J. DOLAN, No. Colwell street. Mr. J. SCOFIELD, No. 19 Second street, AllegbenkClty. Webave en that - Ono we tan refer 10. II of our Machines are warranteethre years. AGENTS WANTED. IL 11. LONG, Agent., 111 Grant Street, near Flttb, nolo:Emeod PITTSBURGH. PA. , 825 _IianTLETT SEWING MA DUCE VAITECAYITO W ANTEDir TaaiEnt. TRICE ONLY &IL THEON - LY CHEAT' MACHIN - I , IN THE UNITED STATES Hennaed to use the Wheeler & Wllson or underfeed. Agentsareeleer to from to rd PIM MONTH. COutity rights H' 11 'talon:As. 'laciest etainp andAddrese PAOE ISUOTHERS. la IlVedutnerr Oen. Asente.Toledo. OW. BOOKS. STATIONpIY, &n. DIARIES FOR 1866, FANCY INK STANDS, I= BLOTTING PADS MEET! ' - --- 13119 BO OM 00 =I I= BLANK BOOKS or every description In store and made to order FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STATIONERY MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., .11/b7:Nd T NO. 29 FriPTI3 STREET. , 5 1 / 3 . 6 , - 74 75 513 MEM LIPPLNCOIMPS • TRONOUNCING GAZETEER AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICIIONART oar wx3 - 331 ovo ElXarl. JUIFY PUJ4BFIDD, YOR MALE HY JOHN P, ICONT & CO ado Winfrat, !Masonic Ham tub: 1311 CLERGYMEN'S BLANK 6 Sermon 800k5... J. L. READ, 78 Foarth st. :t :it 4 t7.1‘4:11:11 brellZ I B" It°,l7R M OBB2 WC * l4 l ,34 P ketB, - 47.0kawg - Owl** obcr. 8.7 C• ?c; figl i c i l", 11167'5",11C,Cit »ert -acv AT W. W. MOORTIMUYS, New Style frizzed Nets, Halr Coils, Fuel' Buttons, New Empress Hoop Skirts, ' Embroideries, Laces, • Woolen Goods, AT GREATLY REDUVED PRICES: AT No. Si Market Street. 7Dre►l4 Gfoodia JUST °PEA ED AND PuR TALE trf WHITE. ORR & CO., CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, Arc receiving NEW AND DESIRAIII.S. GOODS by Expresd daily from New York. NEW STYLES OF HAIRNETS; COILs, ROLLS ASV TWISTS: REACH SPOTTED SILE'RETS.: LO II SPOTTED LACE VEILS: LADIES . ENAMELED PAPER COLLARS LADIES . ENAMELED_PAPER CUFFS: A?i CY 001IRS—NEW STYLE; ALEX AS LYRE'S KID OLOVES; HEST'S SHIRTS. COLLARS, TUN. .1133R136-13a..a3Er1r111 Dttplea Elliptic Skirts Tu Dealers at Manufacterers• Price L• it. ALL KINDS OF PAPER CALLAN =IQ =! Merchants and Dealers supplied at lowest prices. . NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! RECEIVED PER EXPRESS TO-DAY. Yew Style “Frizn Head Nets, flair Coils and Rolls, a.xo3c), epls Bradley's Celebrated Duplex Eliptie HOOP SKIRTS. New Goods Arriving Pally WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Will find our stock Complete and Prices as low as any otherb °Else. MACRO', CLYDE Nos. 7s and SO Market Street; COTTON GOODS BATES . 4 .4. BELL'S.' AT EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street. ARRIVING DAILY DY'EXPIE SS. •: . llatr Rout Fair COUS -4 eursea GOLD AND !ALVES CORP, TASSELS REAL POINT LACE roLLARS. POINT APLIOLTE COLLARS. REAL POINT ',A, I nOGING. POINT APLIQC LAO). Nlf EIIGINC, REAL POINT ABU POINT APLIWDRE'S, LADIES , AND GENT'S LINEN In great rewlety. wrorrnit. GOODS cLositah - out GREATLY REDUCER ~ .PRICES. ia.ll..wemakT, , (SUCCESSOR TO XATON. 3 rACISUM A P o .o' • Jlb. 17 Fifth Streit. = / mei I= JOS. ROME & Haying . Imbibed With/ , Are Offering their Entire Line et Seely AT _ VERY ILO! PRIM - • sa.taX4o-33TFAle Ie4CAICFPF9 IWIDIEERCHiEM Sets, Collkite; wirc: t c.x. AT DECIDED DAIRCAMS. POINTE LACE ,GOODS CnE300.60P. - ' svaii sad Ei.0413112• .TOSEPII 61). , 13, 77 and 79 Market Striet CAIIII, DicCANDLESS & aamiwujewr. - ciaat &004 Whokrale}}7esieri itoronzunr AND DoWlerrlO Dicr (100E18. SH Waal Itre64,third tweiNg alma Dimond 'Bev • " • VMSP ENW _SXLVANIA. 8.114 T S l"Pftik — ' 6 V 44- fz Iran r!i..*Th'a , diuwsl'ni't*Cl?-1°•• Cin!naMBtnet ThittdßlVsky, Nwtlvwvli:m)l 1 - SPRING ST'Y'LES. • ,_ 1vioC0361;11. -. At: 4 v° • . 9 181 * R'OdllsßTltlQT I . I.IA 80=1411r fiiii-tho,4lo4Bo4l7lfiiiitty N.L.thai, latremet. ALL WINTER GOODS MACRE,' & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street DURING THE SEASON; A GENERAL ItEDIWTION M:MM=3I