The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 07, 1866, Image 1

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    --•- - •
: t . 4:11/4,
VeAvatiNl:"lfmaarzu maxis
tintraSsiwar nut churarnuasol7l4l7oll.
'X rirtu aysiore..Putatnalti.
br th ur,
%77.!'„ cra141.2 oirarnra Der °
ire fittoturft (gazette.
-- Hawasopa tide grid Lanes
Al hatol:l4lDrag Stan., NO, 67 and fn Filth eta
• ,
.- 1 - '' iliVby He Biqa It. 1 Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh:Gazette.
" biy it beca I Like It," raid the country_
-Van, awls rained to get Wake of Salryer.e i Hasarsarrao. March 6,lads.
Barbera. soap. SENATE 4
- : The Senate adjourned until Thursday, with
out transaerting any bnainees.l
Dtils Purred.—An—An act to incorporate the city
Corry, in the county of Erie. TO prevent
the said of liquor in Ohio township, Beaver
county. To build abridge at Oil City.
Adjourned until Thursday.
- . -
• Table Linksas,
On the northeast con:lora Fourth and Market
C. Hanson. Lori &
Bleak- and Colored Alpsuseas,
Very cheap, on the northeast corner of Fourth
and-Market streets.
Dry 00043 A.
•n A No. 1 smortment, or ttie ncrettmaat corner
otaNkirth and Market streets.
0 . . Itaxaoa Lovr. h Mao..
/*satin lia Baatbita• Ittaelallues.
.Ctewlirat-clais Sewing Ataohines at neatly
Some or the& being in use but a
short limo, a 1 the omco of
Wm. Soxsaa A Co..
Fin - h'strtet, Pittaburgh.
Cotton Comfit. Iteecteed.
We are now receiving new and desirable
ickYleeordotztastle anditapleM4 Goods, which
wevill len cheaper than you can buy them
elsewhere. Remember, we are now on the
no rtheasteonterotTourth and Market etreete.
C. 'issues Lora S 800.
Coma, 813 1310 DP,
Disesaki Nails instantaneously cared
Without pain or bleeding. Dr. Randall has re.
0f 11510 4 ,1 h1n atty. and can be consulted. HS here.
VOlCgif,' at No. 20, Fifth street. Office hours,
itoni 12 to sp. m. Ile can be consulted Qurlng
' .Orgasis„ llelodeo ~
..11trgest collection and lowest prices ,
Charlotte Elginc, ar Fifth street..
:Wm. limbo dz Co's.
First Premium Gold Medal Pianos. These in
strutdontsi bitidisi- been hefore'94Jo pubLto for
the past th.irty4e.are, hare, upon their excel
lence aleuHier, attained au - Impure-hosed premi
vmseethat.ironoursees them unaglaallad: For
sale onlk by Charlotte Blume, 13,Firth street.
Automatic Organs surpass anything In this
P branalf.
ttg air ;
oat. Onlflor,salo -by Charlotte, Mame, 43
. • Don't spend Your InoneY
end endanger the Sees of your children by
using the carious worm remedies, but ask
fpe.tho Proem's
. I'er/tit/age (tough ,,'. whtell cares ell 'cents, and the youngest bob
oentakkeiliemnith Safety. Sold in pi Lis b nigh
44 .1it(fledaiig'i'Prug Store, Se. Si blur.
kid street.
VatiY C 6.•
POOMaI elate Respite, and Dealers in amerl
can Slate Olvarietus colors. Office at alarm
- der Zamadlive near the - Water Works Pitts.
hargh Pi: Residence, re. 78 Pike street. Or
ders promptly attended to. .aliwork warrant.
ad water proof. ..Repairing' done at the abort
en notice. Ho charge for repairs, provided the
roof Is not abused afte- it is put on.
thiirisesiter Jobbing shop
/Laving returned after an absence at thrte
years /A the array, t have to-opened my Shop
for all aerie of übbing in the uarpenter line
at the old stand, Virgin Alley, between Smith
field atreetand Cber3yAlley. Orders solicited
and promptly attended to.
• .111. - 0.141 Winter deeds.
Ms with h-reat pleasure we call the siren.
tan of oar readers to the subperb stock organ
sad Winter Goods Jun received by Mr. John
Weier, Merchant Tailor, No. =Federal street,
Allegheny, lily stock embraces some of the
add beatatfrul
_CM:tbs. Caseammish Overcoat,
!age end • Vedmp ever brought to theweatorn
Mailist,„tita adorinkeifei.guralsistilg Moods,
coinpriaing Shirt% Drawers, Callan get:Ostia%
giaredkerchieri: dm, cannot, be surpassed east
at wed. Aline stock of ready mad rants.
Cada, Vests andOverenats, will else harmed
Mills establish Merit. Petunia In wanted any
thingia then.tithing line shotdd cot ' , dal to
give/dr. Water a call.
A Molten Desna System.
Therela a disease to which the doctors give
many tannea latte - hielz few of them under-
Stand.' It .1s simply weakness—a breaking
down of the vital forces. Whatever Its causes
. (Ind they are Its symptoms are
is the main the same.- Among the most prom
inent are extreme Isasitude, lots of appetite,
• toes of flesh, and great Mental depret4sion. In
digestion_ and a Stomach Cbugh are also fro
saantly concomitants of this distressing state
of body and mind. The common remark In
rehttionto perform hi snail condition Is, that
Hay are cOnsumPtlve. Now, what these on.
funtimateS, really want , is vigor-ring eireoga,
aeceliainly as dawn succeeds darkness
they can rectmerate their systems and regain
perfect health Ay resorting to Hostetter's Cob.
etwatedAtometli Bitters, It is us clear that a•
life-rwilving Tonle is requirett'in itch emus,
as that the as - instal:no of at iempty lamp re
quires to be rewired with a new supply of 011.
. perfectly pme and tanotieus, containing
nothing hut:then - M.7C genial. vegetable ex
- tonne, and combining the ttiree grand ale-
SteataAf statnachic, an attentive, and a go
fatal Hostetter's , Bitters are salt
ibis Co all constitiittons and are as applica
ble to the dlia ai.s,Ml and disabilities of the tee
nier sax as to those fir tam •
Alostetierri Bitters ,
Aro sold wholloileand - ndall atvery low rates
at Pleminieirl?iligand Patent Medicine Herat,
0.4, Haricot street., porner of the Diamond
"a -1 4 1 7 grerebalasa
playtas WY Geckle, irilt got a most. unusual
'oppeatiaitty of baying 'cheep, by visiting the
great gate of. Barker d Co.,AD Market street,
- • - They 5tai1.,1416 1411,1112 es of B heettags and
Shirtinincrifisti, and Other stiadaiil goods.
. .
; ; Pearls mad Rubles.
eetb crtamtagalton a:mot:tides of
abieath spier as ' the. atm fern Araby
toperpotuato them, to make
Attit*lffditialfet dtimaiii and iublacilitid'
avatyaigha gnela of fragrance, all you have
bo do, fair tidies, tato use that uuttchleas 'ago.
~ ialkdat*ttuctlan, iffiagrankint. • "
111ripietdr ..tairrinapt of. Court—Prises .
Xenitt, led—Cotton Condemned.
Usirelt 6.--Judge Barnard Of the
Seprente Court s to-day - impOsed a ano of ono
-1210nand didlire upo n onvoraj inetobers of the
Common ...Coulon for ;contempt:of court in
not repirdinse tbe:nnuidataus honed by Judge
sometime since. The Committee of
awards lOr tbe Awl:ablution or prl;os\ - for left
Sultufpantainaltv,by sOldlers , or sallora wbo
bites lcast. Mitt Agin Amos in war, announced
the , awards lo . daPlrat aria@ t.oy 'sou, to
franklin 11..Darrah, of 'Philadelphia ; second
01.w0.V50 leanings, port: rectile;
Ittew,Tork; third prize roc aloe to Capt. eo. Q.
W. Mohammad as
faarth at WO to
Win. „ Warshan, Washington D. o.rand twenty
of M. each for penmaatmp,and literary merit J
were also awarded aa complimentarY lamas in
addition to the °filarial 0 , 001111.
/st Um United -Statism District. Court to-day,
inrylnongato verdict. in favor of the gov
t,lit the ame - of the United States
exo usqmare_ and Afons, dcferidants,,who; •
nandea cargo of • mereamdze
. owe Me rebels at Brom:ursine, Teresaor one
tionSbeit and serentdoix Wes of cotton, and
,•=tlisis t intr to this city, where the an
_cotton, and bytha decision
• ---
T 6 4 , smathoweed
lei 41=73,1ta71.17,
Nest leW Weed, thg Jnar today" de.
,Trom in .f mug;
11. aoc.11; ,lakti Ade dollars costs.
ann. xtmg - - ewe thez the members el
— , .-ehlsgesseinttee Gcniuniesion of uds Isom hate
agtoptila 1444 tor 'the , 0 0natzuctlan at
muumgall Qinumatina bnilditim his et
—lt4l4lwardihutir!leberi"rter(i:Mi- mi.enner're.ouutba,
Part.Tompliazuwil imaged Masao* west
stainer -Je plan enthre/d.,d4Te
' I=4=l. the One approred
,33z the st e w,
of Vtentaledonerlef Stidth,L and
:'-reaanuntpdad te GPVernx4C l 3l it WWI"
0 1111 4 1 S S of .61114OrniAnt;-Xiszleo:lanue;
Nair T0z,a01.%-The Baird of 13op •
- ..vtayAul t ol a r i Wola K Racket Es rem"
tO Ctonorrotat e ra der :
= r ai rala re lf.; ra.zurl , klttlkort - Dole
4a 7
tioat:tig .
. t . • Up: Will UfrrjO-VP .
_ Jr, ca rs tifroa
, set - ,
se- vinamigsn,,„o `um"
v ' EDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1866.
------- _ _ ___ _--- ---
___ __________
_ _
_ _
Mabel:ma, what would be the suit to the Eris'. fa Mexican Affairs on the Pacille i Marriage Under Diftlenities.-A woman,
• ; who haat been living with a man named James
u pr on swer e. - . lle said ho
,did nottbelleve that Naw 1 oak, March 6.-The World's San Fran: lalrawley for a period of three years as hits
atil or freedmen could pare Justice Cisco speelal says that a ern. in Mexican af f a awar esarlieared ben. ablYnr McCarty, yea
done them.
, i,jartj . :7,-11 ,1 ow„ would. it be ; fairs en the Pacific coast is in:Uncut. a The test aliF - andpreferted a Marry of font cation
. the Men, French troops In the northern land western eettfbialtardy against hint Brnarley was are
TnAlTrisani:mere-3'ulessthe.the.; ,titt.,l7. Alexi.. metes hay e been driven ten:main- rea teatnedeleter a g,ood deal Of engineering
::: 1 7 .0. ° p ly :: ' l i ouely to the:meet, and me hemmed in a few ; fro
h. coneittfied that heamuld relieve himself
1 ort towns, from which they are liable to be
~ ea difiettlty by marr3lng , the proenutor,
mal friends they could not live the State
g i t i e i re hi was no clanger from the ...
I'Vesniamens, March R-A large maas of net in farther testiMony, General tom. mid driLvronon board their resents of war lorgnette-. : n a nach h ae o d o l o rt
oi T i lie woman is the mother of
[felony was repotted to-day from the Corn- owe . t e
o tl iiii
f le o beveged. lai d etreeta are barrlea. L.7.1._. , ,L pa
poi : oho d o le o pp u mi g g gat she rece o t t ieg
mittee on Reconstruction. Gen. R. H. Grier- think that Georgia differed m any
bites treated them badly- • e did not el ' h L 'arras en er Coorona pressing al‘watte .
fro. ,
~ am mon It in the rear Fighting Las ne. , `mat. rt her. and hence the areseention.
laieb the Liberals, :tided lir Amerl- , -- - --.......L______. ' _-
sou testified in reference to Alabama, liissis- AitabliMat nem was much pe n t .. al hatred , . nrr ,,, e a l ee l aaaa
i t i t i V o t f li t e h tt o ettTo rex. relatio . a freed d la Jetted, heve limn victor - lore Off for liarri•Ma Wouldn't Settle -Archibald Stouffer and
Tim antipatity tn ; l ta the French and Impend ration. et Mittens I nIr"- or' ather I b rg° de a l :
Mimi and Tennessee Persons with whom he
had conversed diti not appear to think they through the Pr ec an drepn4 n trureaV . Tour° . lie Mexicans to the A niericana Is ineretaing, and night to be present at: 3 4 1 ;101W tam f l the t rested last night by officer lifeCheruiey, on a
Jabob Stauffer, Miele and nephew. were ar
ta feel: there are Instances:Of American. having heen ' ream candidate for . e na
h ° k charge of meting in a disOriterly manner at
mote w felt ttil e-9
had done anything wrong; their only regret big continues to Improve in a , the Stat.. throe n Into prison, and all nra ei le d' 1 to-d - a
Connolly's tavern, en Federal street, Alle• ;
boomed to be that they had not means to mrry The people of MissLesipla ap - r to lie theillt. Threats of the intliserfratilat e e cte ensl l a? ' Pa"
a " heny. It appearing that Connolly was in.. i
mare impreseive, and they eland t p for end re, : t
. elited to nee of the defendants, and that a
out their designs.
(insert their opluione. /t is a d nit matter ' mi; ao o Americans are aelely made by the , Per sonal.-/lii,Hoilor elayor Sleaerthy I
Question-ls the feeling of hostility to the to describe the difference betwe - the peer le w ee n ie; n Imperial. nuthmities in certain , left for Harriednt 'last ni' h t ' dispnte arose in consequence of his demand- '
be Staten yet tkere is a e It la time, and it is actually ucceesary, ,1 t ti nt - flit gt, o witness the Mg the liquldatten of hie claim, tee parties
Government one which control* a great ma- g f pi e ,f. idjasis.ippi do n Its • ti ne°. he
that tear reesels be • dispatched here by the , tia
n n
~,m,:i. of nominating a midi- a ern ataei tarare d . ,
Jonty. or only a minority of people in the re- Monts and electemion with as °t m . o t i 3 ere h ' ;o e; ,
ii./rniTilo Slate. government at once, to prevent ' onithi f te r i , r, , liLe.,..o.:,Altierman Owston will ; , --t----...- ---
glens of which you have spoken I as the people of Alabatna. He received t Un n i n tett Snd deumact a decent reepect -- for I , a ,______-....________ Meetings are to bo held,overy evening this
tat. citizens and the American . taagele fe' - '
a mar, In Dr. Prestiey's (Second/a. P.) Church,
Answer-It is the feellng of the majority. At warning. of hostile oecret o • leations It i
Si rth street. Services were cOndneted on
the time of the appointment of Ilne oMeerl He dld not know to what extent, ' wait tak- ;
in ntg l e i l i en now be toe late, but longer tarry- 1 Fl4llll YESTERDAY EVENING% GAZETTE alooday create gby Rer. Joseph 11. Kerr HOS
a greAt many of th.e alio had serven in the ing Measuree tO entertain. Ith k there IS g ce g grin ''' .
I (Tuesday.) evening, Rev. C. A. Mole!? will
army during the rebellion were repentant, no real danger to be apprehended, cause the , The Re %alai - eita -- - ; eintiator Substitute for the Lleense Law re el • )
There erns hardly a I oval man appoin t ed to a military authority and power of • e Govern- P can te contention. a .;p a t, ter. John B.Cltuer, h. D., Is annouttedd
civil effiee tlnder the State Government moot ta
ample to pnt n own
any a
on. nom,. Hanaisnetto, Marva 5.-There Is great ex- At 'the meeting of the Temperance League, f
or Thursday t.. °Meg, Rev. W. J. Reld for
Qacetion-So far as you know, how do Ala- onstration. The object Is te e r.s the eltement here. Thea friends "of the al fferunt lead hist evening, the following conornutarn_ I Torrid:a. evening, end Hey. Joim Douglas, a D.,
barna and Minsiesippi eompere with Georgia
,G h overmnent, In the proper adm tratlbn of emnildatea are sanguine. Geary ' t t
-• f ate. , lion .. reed from John W. Riddell, Esq., Satan:lay evening.
and Tennessee.
eaffairs of the country, by exer and mak- count seventy votes, and claim that they. e ill
Answer-I think ther e ie n o t me t a, dite er . lag strong efforts to gain very im i t a con_ ha, , yea Jt ...eta ty on nrst ballot They has .. w hoee e aPerieeme tie Aka/Mani District Attor- 1 U. P. Theological st.nunary,_7l 3 ,, an _
once; if any, it is in favor of Tennessee, 1 cessions te the South, and potato , , i f t el nem iquarterelitalone's Hail hitorlicatia ma given him emple knoe ledge of the work- j nuai examination of the students of the U. ,
Iti i ii o n g k o Te f r h in o rs o 7 t e o ta rather n more loyal State. 1 . : Ti Inktlati , a the Nettie:hal IDebt, or f o ra: i els io n i . o re ni V i . t o la r e o a i l , ,thir . , , Ilzilioa,
3ailiheliititsiti,i^ll:: Ines of the present Ina, and enables him to i r'' The°"g" e nt a n ae o rn aa hM q, in Allegheny will '
y, he lath inst. n - ,
have been ley al, art I . l. r t c h n a e t U tTey ° t ie h ould .' hav id e ae tO pre n ve n t n it e prov a llen forlts eas -C p ' l , lw e t a. ,;'. i 'frienn., with a h et.. .... t ied ios et no t form tt coneeL Judgment .to the - remedy to ; n c' ea 'nn l diTe nn ours n eto the n stUdents will begiellvcered
_ , accepted the sit tuition etneerely, hut lam eat- Congress; also In case the Catlin to-night. who male a short speech of ;he applied. His bill e ill be fooad quite stein- ,On the Preeedieg eaeelng by Rev. John vm•
Question. 1 tellea they del not. I believe there is now az should become metered In n Forel war, to t.titnaceumattai ord er . aeerea, :rice. folio:, eeet enough to m ,,, t the , te . a .,, oa the in .., Eaton. Student': of the third year will deliver
'' discoursee on Tuesday and Wednesday even- 0
, Where she-is net_ bilged to fay the
.existing throughout ttie South itiVoloohe_ioreeeo:trari.lteir strike fqr the lade- ' '
i . . !m e i!: ,
i ana i l y on ;i t i li i aee . ila
i n o :
o t o cat l o ni m bot e e l
o w o t; .i r i c
, ultra
- In .
~ extra' charge,
arnyoe,r,etulem,,Ltinno,f,the,thrrelLlogn. There are P 1 a tee et t 1 teat' in re , Mon, but ; nal__ e! t a
. 1 .a. a , 3 1 6 _ ; ! Mt
a t nia 1. alumina speech. era lead- , nevi; Is ot , Atts NT ,NT /719.3.1CT,TTOLLIsscr, -----0..--___
MI s which have ne said he knew of men berets:do engaged a a " . • ' "
mil tone The en I husilean and t•omitionen ca
A "tont at FlatienON.-Renjantin Cmier ' ;
Nizlr Toes, elareb 8.-The Tribune's Wash- rorr.l slues the surrender to make me be. ie. .a eh n.iliMt w ho had he etwae g Oita...a aearya frientla have not flagged f .M e i e ff '''''''ltn
o r h en g and I v
t aia tt i4 e i ffa t t attt e e= , I u ill send hallothies to inorroitn r a"". m sg . :ra t s with sitilaraittro
o A r i s ifi reattest o mi pp lu o o o ti i I fo he t z ; t h t i i i i r d o • oo oh o n o eiv o rs ii ;t ro tters7 , 7 , Ft.v ir lnt, fl i ght at l i t I i , „e a t; .a , ,
Ington special say. ; Chas. .U. Russell and e1.,./InCesttinte-els there at y CI tw li
Moses Taylor, of New York, have been added to a foreign teat 1 Tbelre Tenem m o c to n be ß mani- 10 the Sout.
. existing license lawn, wh l l l el7, In my Judgment, 1 nighb and were arrested b 7 y 7 r2flieers ° A r a tr I NET GETS' rErwarren
-----__ a ill efftmtually eradicate the evil of tippling and eChenney In the melee, Benjamin re. i
, to , a : eef
to the Comnalsaion to select and report nron a fasted a desire to have the emmtry Involved -----....----
-- in a war with Prance, in miation lo Mexico.
, Stntistic. of the Nen 'York HallrOada- note carried on under the delusive guise of 1 ceived a severe cut on the lip, but declined to
new postgaillee ette in that City.
XXXIXth CONGREIS--FIItaIIESSION , Consolidation or Telcinraph Line.. , "Inns anti Taverna" If it bottom. a law, It prosecute. Both peril. were fated one dol
-1 think, in such an event, they would seize the
win close ei ery tioggery in the country, while 1 lar and costs, and were discharged. HALF THE" - PRICE
The statement Is In general circulation and Vportunity to turn !molest the Government.
. Ine 1 Ong, March G.-Deliety State Engineer it will not Interfere, with the hotels neeess: ry '
publisbed In the evening papers. that the ' his Ls the sentiment of leading men In the
Wsentrearox, Remit C, isec,2l ;
.;Sloiewratan pub/ishes very full statistvca of the to the itecemetmlation of the public. Of ?lie - - --1111-
Forentallinge-all ha I MI , b Mher do- '
President has ordered the discharge
tha zoutl: , . ro F ß io t t i n o a r l i i .
t i ,,, tug le:rn the spirit of re-
SENATE. • leek railroads. Len el ii of the roads faate fifteen hundred tippli.nte for license, bet a ing bus (nese In this clfty,cwas clisl l rg l t'd In- In '
rt I us strong as ever,
, tulles; engine, Met Mlpital , tock • SIG tee a .
pirate Semmes. Counter to this the Near and In the event of the country being engnged iclr• Mummy, of Minnesota, introlueed aJoiet , cost of construetioa und °qui to4tingd e ital . ' g " "' Mg Wgli'M ""h "" v " g ' Per ""t. eer Irw in, Market 'Constable of Alleghe ° y s „ l
a of their rectl pts, it um bona Ilde gine. staoure- with a hog during market lieri n rs. ' Asked b ' • . ' "'' a
Department, by who m auth or i ty he tata , eaa in a foreign unr. the enem lea of the Govern- resolution for the establishment orquaran tine ; a -la; coo el mannenotee and n re I d ri
laa m u rig , ing at their houses, "sitlee of liquor." ronetti- to th p • f Ohm 1 e other denier s for tee .clinie aittle o ,
rested and is held, have no information on the a rn o n n n td t n h o r tn u en, IP" s " th In'lniiint°
regulations to prevent ,the spread of the I ,ttgr. l '" t Year' 1 ,10 ,521.:,24. total cal ning5,(09,612,- tilting almost their entire revenue. . ' r c nrin''' '7
l ngn n lin
wn ' ' ' '
a hearing hy Mayer lOrrison.
plko the opportunity to
, average ex ponm• ot all •ill nine "W 59 Per The ftectlen for staling withgen license adds t tbr
. ,
subject beyend the general rumor, end ells- attempt nanin ite destruction. Thin is a cot- Ashitie cholera, wbich iv. referred to the cent. Tend number ot pere ' ele: I' ' .
la led, J- 1 ; in- lin priSOnment to U. money penalty in et ery
credit Ha truth. It is certain that a strong r obor...° of tamer. Thom.' testimony, Committee on Commerve Jutted, :72.
,Lbe of conviction. Fin. rnay to Berne eetent Alumni Meeting.-The thini anniversary • Itarg-ains All 'llkis , 4 1011111
pre.seure fuss been brought to bear upon the n' t t i ° 2. l n i e l alr o a aea tea Mr. Morrill. frotn the Committee on Coin- ; The Comni toe,. of the I ea:eters of the Weet- 't 1 111 111 'II • of the Alumni Aesociation of the 1.1. O. Theca h
. rem ra n ega glior .1 ug, but tile Super- ~,,,,e . se ~ . ~,,, , , es 6
tilled that in Ithe ofla
ern Caine and lititted 9 411.19 T sing-rapt CO
President, and that he has not declined to in- eiel eoltaelt3" he visited ' all the MU. ano pri n . Mere°, reportml a bill to esttablish telegraphic ; panies are non In 9 ..lou lit Po ' clt •I t ; M .
In T rinlmlnant nin
"lltl i . ye i ' ;1' 'l9 I
tensosohis executive authority. Mimi Lewes. end every county- in South Caro- communication between New York and the i ter upon the terms: l 'd eon ail itl . l: titt:l ' a e ntl l'ettnent- more potent in MA) ug thee poeullar crime aaattatega,taeoreatarattata.:l;.q.a3aenclaufread. area.
, knout It le the true specific for tho treatment
ClainialThata, , •
The asami committe e hag o rernie e d a cern- line. On being mkgel by the 'Committee what •
Ira the Pro Position betore tle itt .
-- „
IA est ladies. ;
" '
of this els. of criminals, elm have so long
mtutheation from Admiral Porter tnelstlng nail the feeling towanl the govettimene
tool ao successfuly braved the lair and defied Rt.% E. E. Swift, of the First Presbyterian
that our iron Mad vessels should be taken out a hothet It was friendly or unfriendly, rept' Mr ' C°nne ' S ' " r (2"1". "`" J " , m^v. " l °' t ' Ire "P I
the hill to extent! the line for withdrawing i Deela/0131 Agalriall lieu. Huller ' its ministers. Very respectfully, ; Church, Allegheny- City, luta been provided by ;• 4'
0(14 - Ater while not In use, for the purpose of he thought the feenng of tbe Majority of the
-- . -
goods from public stores.
, New I Oise, /claret: (1.-Tho Now (Olen., j. , , c0 . J ea , r W . Rtaae, ' the congregation, with a comfortable lionee,
preservation. This necessity wag urged hy people of South Carolina Ls not kind and can
aJtan THoUSAND DULLesita '
Mr. Brown, of kils9ollM, deals -0d tO can up puss Or a •
n lin rum lof nnother of Gen. Mit- .F r tO be abed as a arsona e
Deputy District Atterney,AlleghenyCon n
.. P itt .
i f t.:Xl t ic i lisl oi lmard as early an 1862, and in of hi. , hardly Le called friendly. lie did, however' the bill for the mimitureement of the State of ler's seir c nr:
AN ACT relative to Inns and Taverns in Al
ttllng the vexed question as to tho , meet with old genalemen who seemed to show
4 while in vOintiland at New Or
relative merits of Balt or fresh water In which I a proper spirit ana an undoubted dieposition ittlar i uri, for the
o eagens. In equipping and leans, which has reeently been In litigation legheny County. :
1 --.
to lay up iron elad vessels. to be faithful to their duties . citizens nem., Py r ~,t ' h e nattiti ___. t ' l ! at S a tate c: and been derided twat 11,1 no Goma el short- , accents I. Re it enactea by the Senate anti '
mites. oPoseueo to Art armee to teethe ie before the oecuputio n of th e city t o Fl a , tat , HOLUM of Representatives of the Gammon- I
„. Ca alailELL-In Bethel.), West Oireints, son- WORTH
The third Auditor of the Treasury has Is- I after, hot h e met with a emu ey e ., oeraena
bill .
_ r named oy lum lie called up, Lionel troop:, cite mune:lp. in:there", matte Wealth of Pennitylvmda in General Assembly "ae. March ,Ith. hen, flight Lter. Rishop ALEXAN- WORT.EI
sum a circular concerning extra dety and alto exhibited 111 feeling and a dispenition to
Li R CAMI BELL, In the 7Stb year of his age. -
pay to non-commissioned oaken. and soldle. get around In any way tbe • could • sr . Brown said he would do no if It would j Mr. Pille the en - .burl evor i pre iof el ote met, and It is hereby enacted tem anthorltv 1 a ''
of the army, in which he says that a Mama I meats of the government ' • oe l i la t
i l . t i ean
oize.. not lead to a discussion. I winch that taeteial °mama ' the r n . c .:4 l j ee a to of the same, That no Licenses 8.11 hereon. H i` maa °°... "b. thnt P.n. fro. Male. residence
prebenelon exists relative to the legality. of I erenee to the negro. The'faPelifig 3-exhibited Mr. Sprague, of Shale Island, sahl he Inlet:. / restore to th e e t , y Te en: , i n a e ' ra e i t „f ,'' g.T'antecl for keeping au inn or tavern with- ; til.timert on Tetritmar, March 8., at riteel oc k, a.
paying. the per diem authorized by the army ; towards Uniounienahene who have been hayed de'l t° Meg " the Mil gamed bY Ur. C00n.19. , Which, he eeed ena ,,,, l him t a a orto „ a aam Ili the county of Allegheny, where It shall ap. , The fiends of the deceased rt.
a t remeettelly invited
Segulatlons of 186 L The Auditor therefore from the beginning, was un istako The bill named by Mr Brown wea teken up i ball and ehain In lieu ~..1. this, . 11 . I I III" , add Peer upon the hearing of the application , t o attend.
decides that extra duty pay cannot be allowed I bly bitter. If the military force r : wera . a ro Paeftd • - the itibucy. Mr. Palle ban lately stimi the et •
3 thetef,,,, 11101 the annual sales of liquors will
The bill to ertend the time for withdrawing for the amount, uml the 'let -Doan of the Judea exceed the annual receipts at Mich Inn er tar. ''''"...."''''...........................„........„. „Trni.„...,,,Trirn.........„.
except to enlisted men employed an clerk, In , e Ithtiren n from eouth .Carolina It would
the military °faces in Washington, at the sev- fbe a sour, of great Minty to the freedmen goods from public stores, eras taken up, the was that it altemid be returned to hen " Inn ft om thc hoarding and lodging of perma- '
eral geographical divislcem, department head- i hrotighout the Mate, told no Northern rest- t c
a n h .ittrotion being to reConsider the vote ,
______„,ea_. :. ___ Tont end [no. lent guests and sojourners. '_ _ . a . _ a'ar-atalera'a•Canali-Eita•
3 hi hlt was passed.
rv. 2 net It sball be the duty of the prop. 1 .. . ve --- - an....... -- amen. - ---- -
quarters, and in the West Point Military : dent could then remain there enter. he court- At the expiration of the morning hour Die Continned Fenian Excitement. er court bating jurisdiction thereof, to amer. H....1LDA.... C.A.........V......A ru- ,
Academy, to whom such payment Is not pro- jel the favor of the induential. The retain is
ral and most picturesque Ma. of Sepulture, sit- t
Whited. With the exceptio. entioned, no more intenee autone tl f / , a g Joint resolettlon to amend the Constitutiou on New inns, March 0 - TtAaniaii exelt -ni • t toll,. I.Stlruato and determine by the evidence mt. ou the uetands, Immediately north of Alleghera 1
soldier will hereafter receive ra duty pa a ;
s, 1 he a o.. .t e e oi ta t tla 0 i m g o o t a ll ogte a the subject of representation was taken up. still continues 011 : thonsandldollarb%w t'r'e of dislittereeted 0 itheeses as's. ell as Die Oath
audpoyments Made by distill ng oftleem la ez a 11.1m 1 . "liti e ceediti on o f a n e a,% a an a at, I a Mat , a ettleantla of D.lo wore. addnoted the yesterday nuttecrita ' aa by a mespath er mati,,,,, ef the applletrit, the ernes. t and eheraete r o f
; Pla,a,a . a t taT ri vr o trign p . .
4. ;, ti::773*n.errnanY
In violation of this decision, 11, not be allow. leta was mime the same tie that tie:teeth Caro- ao e ' r r ha ' c'll''''ltl°rl to IL Society alone mill the contributions Pt:nam e • etteh annual sales mot receipts ne near as tnay env. once. at the Cemetery. P Title Dreg, Pentue
erman from Lee ao eesta
ed to their credit on the se ment of their lime end there e . Meath tyt egain a t oni on y ••aha I I, 1 -- - -, --•-tee es t orainary sources are dully more than doubled, he. - oed 01l ether Wallies win be atmed e d t o e t th a n, I .
accounts at the Treasure.. men and late bentigennte from the North. .I:Z7 i r o e f ig:r r tj on a m trl,::
ni , t1 t i1 . , , L t d:e r g5.,41, ,. ... ~,,,,tir,,,,,,, dentonsuntlon wao held at Tlteamany I , q ,n 3. ‘r,
o i r hat w an ? person retailig vinous, Writtousts tlillto.t.ouLleirsitcri:d. corner pf Fedmsa . cLoTHINO HOUSE
he Tribtote's Washington lel al e say" .• ' Them are some ta It r • I ' ei end
tsithlt:,estoling,oitowli. Ichananumber et the i
ni t l 111 -!I • n ' t l
n"r l ' i r'' nltin i n li (""). n III& cIarEELLY. . CLOTHING HOUSE
Gen. Asboth, who eume to th On as the Florida w Liu have b l eei ' l nl nl ve L a n n tlerlr a
a came act, approved June 3n, Pen. and Car other I Heti Ik, d f Aoa re , ao ,,,, aers o. ca lane wit tont C...C, SIR . upon con-
,ve no; but tbe pre- purpose.. The bill watt intended th'preeltie dtliv . I I I ' 11 1 't
'‘' '''
t „, a , ;;„ a , t eater, the i t ,,, ; ea. s talon thereof, he sou tsneed to pay aMe not _ secretary and Treasalr or .
adjutant of Kossuth, has been a o Led min- : raillept sentiment, which la bound to control,
that the WOrda, °all dividend', In scrip or , Shepherd ami 3lr. D. lil/Itart In tut tor e cti on , ea ~. edlett t ht, e butelnel dollars, and to 1.11- 42 the Argentine Repot, le, instead of ; Is similar to that in South Carolina.
to Venzuelao as infest reporte.L I Chas. 11. Lewis, Secretary of the Commen- money thereafter duel/tree] due, and whenever ereet ecceeston s ate being mede to len h the dram an Imprisonment not exceeding Or TERRITORY FOR SALE Mi. 03210 :1 - 1[ 1 .1121[ sib 47411:31....
the some shall be payable to atockboldere, ranks toot fittaneen moot!. and ial Ine s Inconsistent bere sr it li
Tile Herald's Washington special says : e ealth under Governor Pierpont ; mai hie d,
Mt. ei0.2.2"1".113 Alb /00Z).
holders or dep.iterea. should meth
be untl tile , all.le are hereby repealed.
DirectiOna have been given Dartment Com- , tided impression in regard to att . :Ors in that r il°3 '
--....- —IP
all divldenta whererer payable, whether to
menders tO vaeate all rent belldings as : State, is, the mass. of ttie people, and by '
The Spanish-c miler, Difficult.,
rapidly. the ategencies of the service will I thh, he did not cuoy mean Ga , iabortha
ciaoo, I non-restdents, citizens or aliens.- The ainenia aya l , m '
The Criminni Cenri.
meet In to tenrect an e.seential error, the wOrd , • an, ". Oh ',..--/ he Prralant, of . sea ;
83 Yarn/ STREET,
permit, and to collect tbe troops remaining but al/ those mireens who are not poiltielane
tlement et the ispenishe lillian dtflietati is not etert inet itt tile unnal hour thja morning, a „,..
"wheeerer herine been printed for the wont
ta their commands an the regular military were very favorably disposed toward the Gov'
83 Pleat/ tiTitERT, .
i n ,:ry ,,, : , t r o lli b l , fr
, I ;1 , 1 c rt . :..., It,. There le teat y
ti a hen the Claim Jury .1. 'worn and received
parts of the United States- Two regiments of f ernment at thy_t_line of Lee's surrender. He “‘ ae her ir ° L t ' a aa t h
. 400 TO SBOO EiCil.
colored eltrlary and one battery a heavy ' bellevee very deMded efforts had been made 'r. oo rom t e Committee on Indian ,em ~; ; a I. a r at". etta a ngle. , v'd the charge of the tourtfrom his Honor, Judge
0 ,/sporlie the opera //auto&
smc, , , 1 Affairs, reported a bin to provide for an an- ra . a 7 ..1. ,,, ",. ~),... I nit , ' , l -1 . 1 .- 0,, 1 ,, g ~ . at I t
artillery are to be mustered out . City Point , by politicians to change that reeling
or Lin. anwcl, ~1 eopper That, a likely • `a.e. . • edge, In aticlition to the usual i We are nee prenerea to sell in fee ample for
this week.
tGat thne, end he was aFraid they had a great 1 a c ,„tr i n„, "l r e cil , ° :,',-; " Imil" Aircir ''' 'Mel' ''''" I. ' '
FT t. Nli RED TO Patella le iLL ARs LAC 1.1, an, -_ - ___.
oghr an Ito pet. to teettee e..terpt t9r, and 111 qt ructions, relied the at tent ion of the Grand ,
The Secretary of the Treasury has been deal of success. Ile believed a majority of i ---- -- b - "W a d * m so ' l a b or ,. a eel , stooks dining tbe grow ing 4/11.1 storittiel
it int ble alt. LO IH. situate on Wsit Illokory '''''•
''.; ..s. 2-''''A
I•.ty to the ist act. ice of ignoring bills in easei . eitio. tali a mile of Denuis iim, (eh! a a oee ne eueman .FACTURERs.
rokigoviribicolfhigftlytlsporrhees,,gilLeoldhi uncle, e , the people of Vtrginla souk( Still ilia 10} R .1 if I
I 311 .' . i b tb liril e rC1 7 T0 1 90 1 % el I. . , ni r ti th2t he al.tred tti a t :tooth.. toe , ...le us ~ slit It lerettly •
le •
a the hest MI dlanters. in th r. it y " ritese pots
8 ages and it were not for publishers of pupere anti pal. tad .a tho erne on that s a ne rot aet 'an:ie.:at /I c.tit I.
ar •Le .üblect, bat wa I . e hare t lit p; , ace, t nrs t 1 Id not appear a mut ren tMu frotn f hrm-foit ohs ' of m an tr as!
r, to one riiiii.l79lWeiii: lifti---"--
am e L - - RHS. ~ .: i •
other causes, are, If marchaSed by a citizen of ' Riot:ins. who, to n certain extent coutrolled 1
' '
not prepared to do so now. Ile mosed the
el Ilea !Iv ‘,.t...4 t Id- belief that this euatom. ta. 'etas le tee bele a . the mly chance where
the United States, entitled toregistry. public opinion. Ile belies . . that many or ; pOrrnernetit of further comildranott of the The Steam er Locus t - ra m isi aaa ter se prat alai t aemnit Gram! Jul les ; frequently . ...Tr/ neat Deaaia' lion ct. be ; perehined In "COD If. DOLE ................. „ ... ,gns s i t . ~,,, ea r ,
The Nereld's taulada correspondent of ties the old politicLans am engaged In promotimj
tepaed to 'defeat the . int. ef justice, and im ; m a . at a a " a t ''` . .a iew fi e." , a . Maar them
- •
lid inetant, writes that the Canadian Part.- 41 1vantlfactIOn a ith the Government He ha ' ,p.„..T,. „e lata a, P „ ae a P t " e „,„ a t a l° ,„ t aa t aa a l a, l ; °ea ° °oak t ' inat- Nnw - Yens - . March ..-The outs told aton a l
.„ 9no sent to peahen. to ten at nu LIBERTY HUCH M. BOLE &CO
ment 18 to...table ln Ottawa'on the Mth in- no remain To believe tbee there is milt : '' a a ' aa a " a aa - saaa a `a noo
.. „
~,,,,i I
„, , . o ,
~...„,„,,,,d .strrielecl tin , Jure not tti ignore billa ehargine , STREET Plush rt t ,i
an exam. ° a map of the
• li
A very lengtay message from the President ta eoe .,,,a nea af, " t a, ' ' l '
a _ Miens, nf a serious grede, amply because. tots f oat len '''. .
: i / . a o n o t, i r f el ia ttle h e;ftvhßominefir Lej r tela n turr . li n t suu,reluut anri,%,rrta,Al,l,Bnatoltre:ol.nrth.7.ttbSeteinte.,.thout from j
t . k. JR reaponse to mr, Sumner's resell:Mon et on- a ha , a - t at ea ja a .e ." d ' rt net Mee 'P--1 Me penealtar tio- ht oot alma er alien mailed. b.. ° ' nc. nrTF,k7l".Vt"AVfnit,r),7„Prri- Pot:NDßits, ENGINa: all, - '
at the simmer lcl, sr up rine n,,,,,,„,„ h , ; -
quiry an rega_rd - to the organization of
~. tit mild be better to let such mh7.2t Tideoute. ii srate Comity p a e a n ollINISTS; Manufacturer ' s ' of Land and; Mmine
both bodies &Confederation question Ls to en seetemionlete of lien State, be wart - in
was burned on the n i tit of the nt it
. -°- eNGINES. LoCOMOTIVF,S for Coal Verbs, OIL
governments iu the lately rebellious atates,
natee remain CIS et until the en9ning term. He
be introduced, and every effort will be mode I clined to think that a great many of them
about eighteen niece Low I lust f C ' ," ' 4l: . r" ' 11.1.‘s Itlll-.1,11 to tin practice among some '''''''..a'a'aammaseettst............a.,....,,,,a,,,,asa, .
VELL E.NaleLe, and es ery land ofallachinery,
wus read and ordered to be Prieudil aio, 0 the ; were twenty killed anti teems-ate inltint r d c
to carry the leberne three h witbent further ; would be very glad to fiee the emote). involved
made to order. All work warrantee. CAeTINae
report or tbe operations of the Freeumen's et a , aaa eat e . „, o ,
r a t ; , thooaar e,
;;;aht, a .
~,,„ 1,11,1• I r:11,.., of nettling er compromising a LEGAL.
delay, The name de ned on for the con- in a foreign war, In the hope that they could
of re em deeeriptlen made to order. Repairing
Baireen, both of which were referred to the
; r , ettinit, easen end itat meted the Jury to find - .
.- - -
!Inchinery promptly attend e d to. a- •
federation, Is said to tie the United Provinces :team bet up It ateesoon party la the Soutb; 1
not, insured The nate es uf the k :Ilea eed
of British North America, and it lt, thought len he Mel no Inlfß thut the majority or an -
a leautentee on Reeonstruenon. . ' wounded ma not knout,
, Mr. Cleric, of New litoup•thire, caloal tip a ~ 1. a ,. ino .1 , , y mug 'stiai es erten. thee . 1 ~,‘L.LE NV COUNT!: se. --In the reepotlGF. CtotNER OF POINT ALLICY /tall
et tell, k no° , , cl their ou tt k now a leage, to ne _m a ... a hat , ~,0 , ,,,,, ,, h u , lace t Rot . , BANK Mc ALLEGIIEN Y fuvEit„ matx the POI.,
that the Gorernor General of Canada, lord i tan g like a majority. of tbe people' of Via
rattsbureh. Pa.
joint resolution to gat. the co:mental( Con- I
g e tit ) of sueh au Wiener
one of the e ministrators of WILLIAM BELL. de
e/neck. will be the first miler.
emits, untertein arty such .19/I or .lesire at I
1.. f 1
After the arand Jury had retired, the case ceased. And now. labrima tab, .1. D. Hee, ea A - itsENAL --;
- - '
The nm. , Washington special my-a. Intel- thin tune He bellevea the feeling was coe. t P .C. " tv the hhhe.hLicci .cd . h.rh .9' e ivl 'I j"' ''' "'''''''"'s ecilcic ‘ R '''' .l "
ligence has been received herd bi i the, govern- tined to the most u llauseceitslenists. Be be- 1 so a rk r !JeloVig ar to p t , t ‘ n . t re ate of ain
, Inoved at to amend serene,: to tiCr w 43444..1.1ft 1 , . „.1„„ t s o iv, tar nil: s oi l l!Orl . o , y, ebarged with abandonment, 1 mailroom open court. SAMUEL PA LittEß:P.sq
1 ft• Tberena, was'called up. Mrs a pointed Auditor to audit the account and "k
la .ti.
n=t e t i =l3 effect tbiA3Thereets tanartallra- . I tiered tem tee-wejeerme m01d...t00. '
a c ------ wh " t he Iby adding a ' proviso that the question be de- j poecies of ;in ins c u i rts 'e n ee et• Y to e l7/ e t d bl e I."'" l ' n eM o d ; 71 . 0To e y! wan ton e ttnnti the 4tard, and tentilleti , attribution of the balmee due ae Id Ina
SR GoveriarAfrli ro; ; Is t re i :sl SCR.p .,h i t i ? br i im bo d e t st f it i ch a state of termined by. vote of the people of the came- I the Metropolitan Fir" De p art meut m Zel, " l:ol- .that her bueband had :the:Monett Imr and re- l ea ., , BY P ; l t ' lr calif - IP:7' n . I
f ana l rerrircr,has a issned a roel
at reault, but , Ga „
I fused to nethe provision for her support and ' ' ''''° ' aa ''''''''' a , e
Eeld at VI rd . b " 'I 1 c th tfr ace
tams for One year, and seem es one Llama
&rat: ftr a rgeg a , tO te. fegl ' a State uorr,r.! I i7rg"rni."l..'v,,i'loc. a mnot= c 'egi , 7l.°`tev:rf I Mr. Cloak wild th h e •teeple of those memo. 1 l ati cY tt dollars to the remit} in atee or aea h elale that of her child. Retharti, who hi a bop of ". ' " ERR " N ' Ch ''' li'l'lllii, Ji7Jl'7l4L'Bittrrijioltre-431.1Tra1l elig,l''Cs",',7
rof the annexation ' on du
about nineteen yeat sof age, end still tit hie The umierviened wilt attend to the dunes of his lacp, &a._ at ambeeme-ho. to IYATER IiTHEET
, go out totem if they atm belp it Tb.e poll- ' h lll l : l itrit v.ord„ dth.tror, 0, ...e.. hundreti dinabiln d n''''
°°"""Pcr n'' ' '''
' ' ca ''''
"• t rude, was called 0 r ,,,„ t o r„ok, 0et0tc„,,,,,t „,„, , appointment to the eueve ease, at Ids °Mee, N 0 .. 7 1,-, -,,,, en anutheettl and Grant Sneers, lateaturgh
. atalt a ne " w a rm ' their Ic Y cli F t° th e rel .., vomits in one of the counties, only thirty - 3. ac''''')''''L
le 14 by he heti abettoon al hie :rif e H e at d rat Flft It street. Pittsburgh, ou TPF-bli AY. March 27th, Tti e g t a ,,, ..
NEW I'ESSY TO RE TRIED. r ,,,,, , ,1 1 , ,! . ,... *. ,:,.7 - . .... ,
v t., ,, , ; , , , ,„i:ut t . .t h u . At lie distrusteu tattell. There Were thirteen the.and cetera L ; ; G - ,
In the county now:and out ot these are thou. ' refused to rime: er. lint on the court Instating r
els en. teront-s. 1., Dny con Hee.. , n ,„„ a , ~,,,,,,. , r he 1,,, any tO a t ee; h e , interested .a 3 c'ts cld.
NY, at :o'clock, r is . velum aol where al/ pardo n br a F -
0 a our ti Ares to be superior many man-
Gio Laje "Jaw li t e ,o l , r tear Int. Always r ....d,
! Miss Clara Barton, of lilieskisinpl, who has d t hd d 1 nr; . . '
ii,,t.•,1 that h• left her because, on going home ' eth"waw a t a aai trEta r A 1 .." 1 EIL. A.M., . potaiptly attended to, ;artVglait'UaTteuttisu Alta
bee . er , ‘ „,,, ,, „,„,,, w ~,e , ,,,,,,,g reo .,,, Amwg ~,,,,,,,
of . Sala wo un re on, 3 were lo fat or of j
. 1
0. m
~t, , 1 ,
the proposition which he (Mr toddle) had
ii,iii, h a,
h . ar .-at u t aen aeon otet night, be found her in bed with bra ,IN THE HATTER OF THE AP- P'!""!.....".- eintilY
; the Callon armlets, tmtified before tne Com
t rem thlt, city last e Ight, en ....,..1.• father 'on butane thls, Mrs Boley rushed at Pair ATitio oF - THE GREAT WEeTF.its W. 31. notexs, — ,..„ - ,
~,.. . -----
. team
Important. from Mexico..
, a rnittee, timt sale thought the people of the Prenentett
South had no respect fur tbe Govermn t and Mr. Clark mad it ald not appear that there F ar., W e.l Polta I;; e n lit e a tigrea9, collared him, and while de- RA eli, "of pi itsbergli. for Charter of IlleOrpOt a- JADIES latiVily . & ......... -,
- 4"
Were any %lane ad h opted to p i revent n full Ro n:r io t :Tv , .1 0 1 ( ll , ti i l. o .o , :i s , abe it fie shot ty In ittetneinga t im loudly . u liar, undertook LO "Tnd in.-.4'o'n'it/',7'.'itelrt;sit'flrelir
l i less friendehip for the negroes than when'they
eery, art the
--- , owned them. They say the people would I
, Ws!: who were n allse t e n t . 1 . 1:: trie he re n be t l a n'an yt t enta k at lat ., ' b elie , . w e len ovi.,ooltiti.totieof,tiveiriii:rig.,,ofilititi ; ii t i l , tr i. 7..; : :: „ :
I . B i ti o, l In p ut an i I here The tipstares
pet titonfor charter of I , i t •
I roteeted the youn man w, ~,, . , , i tin tweet or, of The Great
, again reduce them to slavery, but she would ; not to a are op n o w t , to ~.o te ta,a; having loon abort:feed.
' from the a. , e maga ~f ' hi , '' . 1 ...T0ne.m " .taird in itt.'c',,,,rl. an n AV,T,, li ,; N I 9 " g li g a be. ' "
r .- OIL OF V
AFFAIRS iN A DEPLORABLE CONDITION. I"' ' raw ''' . m ihk"he chime° °I. h. ' i "B e el a", I air. Itiddie n s n aid a great many who went into
Th., tau Tit.. t ourt *tittered the d efenden tto t. same, and being of the ' opine r to M y a t t th ' e s a t,. pe
t find be In their power. The Freedmen hare ~,„ -,„„, from these companies were
e 25 r e t 1
et:ye:eta ot te- pe eek ,ton la lawful. /Idolater that notlee. of the twain,- CZ/f1142.23 ° MO na - o , x-3.T......t alt.,
--- the best ee feeling 'towards the Government , laa r a t al a aa ar.'" Colone/ Bower, taemeral Grant's Atilt,- f,,',.‘ ',";',;';'" i' '''' ib "
.... ‘00 , 0 ,,, ai, ,__,,,,__,,_ ~,, ~,
__,. 1 7 , sn pport of h.
l a if° and child. •
itileiniotooroeyhaorftviitgublished In Mel/ALLA OA rx2 - 1 - a.,
1 and people of the Nertb.
Mr Clarke suld, if that was to. he w. a a
, t , ura,;oa
~., r
Ato . r 7 ii ''' ,. "" i at ' .. , : . 1 ea 0 e . le follnwing iwnt ses, being eonvictmi of ,r i
sald charier win o •"''''''' I'm ' thr " . "' cc " . ec d the , s:
Theranadlan Confederation Banquet. 1 l.tertenant Colonel Dexter H. Liapp, on duty , anit o ti f o i s hi le i put them into u f bLate ill welch the); `
, surety of the peace, were sentenced 11.9 fol- „ ram if
aoesolti;afiritaittoe.itilovittinfoc,ieriti t?rtu oftles - - -
' for the Freedmen% Bureau in Norte Caro Lina, ;
AdJ ataut 6 .;e'r,,Ll .. ck , nert.lT:= sea 1.1.'
p,s, - TII.M. Ir. COLLIMS. ..... _ ..... ........... 021-k"-Waloll
- apl .h to li l t; i oreett h into a retie
~, Instantly killed by falling 1 9.tneen the .rlar: 4.-171.' oball e (7o 'e a l ts Tt ' oirtn g • S t 3 3 ; % Fl t ,l7 4 H te SinC' t ' "'err. BY THE &item'. COLLINS St IWW n 7
GEM, Itritlania
' tenifies theehe haa a knotriedge of twenty I s ''' ,.' ~ 1 7 ta r;
‘ o 3'. - 0 , Atteme Joon il Wale:En, reetbat. fe•Waird
,' counties, and the seeessionists had no incline- 1 aa t e - aa o al h to e taa, ~e e r a tt La t e ,a t ia te t e t° heatha-a
under the a lino attempting to get on Plat MS th 6 train pay cost.; Moiler) eletnarren bond a in elea - ' '-
Brass and Sheet Metal Werke Eli
New nag, March 6.-The new steam frigate I lion t: r os : u t t il l ?&T o ernme t u b t,tr i, onest wa ri r ,4. ; G,,,,,,,,,,, erd anK ant ~,,,,,n ntina. to „ nun' 3 , ir. storting from tba station Gmiend Grant Bat ney Metileneen, pay colt. ' 'TN TIEE DISTRICT COURT, No. S 4 '''''',. ch " l "'"d " I ' d " B " r " '' '.4.. d ' a t. "'"" ''''''
styles of Bri, anis used by Gat smetnitc4n7tree",,
Madawaska sad the steam sloop Idaho will be ' a m n o r re r 1 77 ove n fOr the govegm n ent a now e rhan y ttey ' lir. Pomeroy asked Idr. Biddle If he would o rs e leretl i tir u t: l t o u r tl i t t , be sent to We9t. Point. ,
_a.-- - . ialcitoaatai;tlotateitagatrgra.elkoGrelnieT is• Oothorie. orders promOy elle& No, tee SECOND STRIErT
subleeted-to a ninety-six hour test 1n a few bad at My time durum therebelllon. and only brranutralftttendt7 g r reo t pTeVlFi r io n7 nl nn dl's n t7U t ' l "
The other Nide.
;. To Ann Mecionkeya one of the defendants tome P-ill'atta".-lha--aa-a-rtaa--- ----- aa oelny.
days. The engines of the Idaho were builtpy submit to it as a ueeessity. The most sensible I Don of color.
i ••," I aye he e mare mn 1 e tt fa anima The Brew ci. P IN I'
r.. 0,.. 1ik..,..,,„0.,,,,, 0 „ h„ 7 , l,G adelphia. , 1 .r t etondle c et that
sol one emend° itt the 8
above ease having been returned with the property SEVERANCE, No. .58 VV.ATER
f them intend to make the most ot it. He I Hr. Riddle said be wouhl uot. e a , a aaa ,, a , a; n arth. ,
-The F .,..„ . .,, dom. ; adi ffleulty bad arisen on last Sunday between , &aerated therein, rattled at the sum of IMO on md in antfrorTi!ts,toot.,, manufacturer of 11014.1rnt
Mr. Forbes, cm the Dickerson plan, and the w ° as satisfied that it was their intention when
Ir. Riddle's proviso was not adopted. o
i r:ne [ration in Dont of Indt penden, , liall In. the drivors On the Pittsburgh and Manches- I mit!, y&n o .s o n i on , h o tl i lng been conlinned, yon are herr. l of e , ,Th UP; Inj 0"”' "'LrE'd.
terms Of tbe eontritet call for a speed of elle. they got back, to unite with what °o'er parties 'llie joint reolution uas then passed by
o tem Court ou the 2.3-1, DAY or . earth..1.,,,,,,-,. d ,„,-",,,,..„,,. o
Milt was Immense. nol titaltual Jam, ter Ritile ay ana the stockholders In t lie Cmr.- I Vallee' next, to accept or rent. the sald property l or , eat aFF, - - ad --'-' - --- ' °---- " P-Th ' n ' i hive"'• Ore,
knOts an, hour. It la eald that the Idaho will at the north they ten so as to repudiate the vote of 31: yeas against 5 nays.
istepbens to be the head tit all Fenians Nit re t
toorder at short notice. Aimed..
could not say that there was a
At four o'cloer the benate, on th e motion or I,or,
r, - ,:It , pany . that en last euutlay no .rs were run, ,at the said 1 aluation, In penman. of the order of la, t m c
prore a greater fallure than the Algonquin. relTptileoty.
fo ß r e the pu e, but there was a i
; Court. jAcoa u
a,,LTaa, rem. consontiy. hand.
Itir. Grimes, went into eeecutive SeB.lloll and , The fir.t hi". al ../. hen, t Of F.ll ,1„1,,f 'T„n g : 1 iota ou Mentlay morning the places of the old I feiciewattwe
/t ill reported tbat the narigation of the common underatanding and an expected j men after adjourned.
' land to be humbled ; !reined rettogia,,,i, el, , I drivers stele silpp lied by nee ones The lea
Hudson river to Albany, will beopen in a few thing. that the freedmen and thstOn men do
_e a , LETTERS - or Ai -- ; ------- 1 , , Ts - •nin IrnAkTioN , PL/M-513, ORGANS-Ste.
not Martel much Mame for justice in the State , IDJUSE.
9 n coined to have gitineti ground rave having been wed tth untie Ign n the , --_______-_-_-_-_______e____ . _
courts. fie thought the secessionists of North I ern motion of Mr. Loan the !Senate bib, grant- An'entl".l t It/ charter Of Richmond lll r e c l . t l l c' hil: blame Wa9 attaebed to the driven; estate of --JOHN GLYII.E . , de c ceamP, ali rd p:m on - WM. *MARE . & CO.,S FIROY
D.Arey McGee writes to the Herefd that Hie Carolina would agloot any course giving them ing land to aid in the construction of it mil- Adopted.
-is ho, le the war, we are obliged to sav, and , k nearing themeaves Indebted to the same wlll mak: PREMIC3I GOLD MELD&
letter to B. te. Killian concerning the Irish im- tiny renaonable Imp. of obtaining their inde- read arid tolegrePh Ile. from the Ste.. of Iticiteee ta t, , :de a th a -a, , , ; „ ;enae ,, e n ) 1 ary confident the - Ind rot. of the read will bear I Immediate panne., anti all persons having claims
endence but he tbonglit they had no idea of 1
; . ; Missouri and Axkanna. t. the /amide coast, , charter tenst mulu d i tiled to the (Imitated x mere tie ont, hate the reputation of heing sober, amino tbe said estate, will present tbem, duly.- ' 3E :SI X eate.l ll4 llT IC) IS e
MiltratiOn ill a YargerY3, NO such a letter SCRS l ig
httng. He belle: ed a great many of theM , was taken from the Speaker's table, mad j toeinv mei i, as mi. tat ii y , nee, , tuous and obit/dim The charm neatest I theatteata a , att. mttl emetta to Them I.trummus having been before the public
written ay him.
s mild Intik the common enemy if they thought ' twice, and referred to the Committee on the 'Tt Id n ' ' '''''''" ' wc • - •'' ; ennr - -e' a '
l ay or lan itemnftet . elected for Me r , them tbey intlignauth deny. unit amert that M.. ANNIE aLYDE. , for th past thitt - 1
Admlnistratrix of Jens titnne deteared, I . e yyeare Ittre,_Len their excel
fft letter from Mazatalan says that the coed,- there me any reasonable proapect of enemies, pasta. Railroad.
l; . ";r e t r eVOrv, and ' Beer action laet Sunday was In aceOrdanco
oiree a
, r, tutees
a gamined. m UNPRECEDENTED
Ida of affairs In the immediate eeighborhood but be watt clear in the Met thett they would : Mr. Bo:dwell, from tile Joint Committee 0 n ?lose "'0t h ",,',1',' ,. °,`, ,,, " c ' :. " , "' ,., "' :1, 7::. I•I I s the , o ID' 1 1 'int tbeY und,o.ff to be the desires, : Nos. 78 mid M Market street, Pittsburgh. '
, flivitsdia. ...i.aot.;.aoLitoh4. proinentem them UNE
la depiorable. T.he French occupy Maxatalen, not fight the North env more, as the,y are now I Reconstruction, reported It us part of the eve eat t ne,l
I wisb. and td..kirdthon, of Colonel Kountz. ' leleilawdew
therebyretataing a port, but I believe the settee:l with the experiment 1 lence relating to the States of Arkansas, Mts. I
1 They further ellege that they all appeared "on LETT , ~
ERS TESTAMENTARY on 1 _.'" 43 Fn. (Street, Bole Agent
whole State of lelnalea outside is in passes- Acting Prot ost Marshal, Gera Brooke, of I emsippi, georgla and Alabama, aud aeked that I
Reciprocity Trent) Hill tint e." On Monday merrdng, reedy to take out
lon •of the Liberal forces. Corona is in Alebanta sale they menied to be fretting It be printeal. it was se Ordered.
rs bra fintime the dinmoity htui as- I the mtate of RICI.AIII3 C. GLYDE, deceased. TILE RIDLICIBURV,NE-N-V VORA,
chief command, and is hovering near the get:entity under military mile; tbe result w. fir. Kelley ; of Penneyirailia, barmier:ea a aee 1 tote, Maieh ti.-The fen's Washington I ,ttlo'sgtiteetim%
1, 'Muth: proportions they handed or r . baying been tinned te the undersigned, all peraons I
ta , haring drams against said estate will present them, t
city, With a force of One or two thcolsand men, that one heard much disloyalty. . b I allowingeompentation to maimed soldiers • aP ea a al ' at a a ' The Wt a a and ' D al , ' " t at:air - tl •.1r a I tl - I- n esstion / 1
a l , m („e i n te r i gi . .. , t. lt rest pled t duly authenticated, to me for settlement. and all
among whom are several Americans ana au.tion-lf the people of Alabama were a d nations wee are enititied by law to :tette- , ;".„., e a L e e a .,. ooratageot to - tiee ai ti art.-sing . Ma r e i ii, ..joitiett. ei: u s . ,
o eon ent te i tovai t a return ot I permns knowing themeelves ludelned will Make
other iorolgrters, recently enlisted. He hatl left to themselym weititi trey prefer ea remain cell limbs, in lien of sect: artificial limbe. Read . a'," dt a atat . to tit.' the Plod' nf lin' i ,'MPro
the East to set eintnediate payment to um.
made a demlinstration outside the fortifies- cinder the present Government or see the CCM- bete° and referred to the Committee on Mill- ea, treaty Aneffort e ill be male to procure I n ,,a I
lye ; ta t e " n t hd i a 1111
t tem M a IL t n ti return e tames w
Bons, witillathelast fortnight, whit% resulted fedem e y estelaiehe t a t
taryAlTairs. Its Immediate oneneleration I.N Ulf non-,.
Call upon him In a hely, awl feel confident , Executor of IL C. Mane, deceased.
In unimportant seri
Answer-I think the maJority of them wolltd The House reconeidered Its order in refer
that he will do tbem ample J esti.. The steel" , fel3•lawdew "III': e lroMilltritflA C el ' n i e reeL .
The bitterest: feelling,hlbetween the two prefer to see it established.
, enc., to the Military Academy bill, no that Mr. i May - es 0 Elected. , but ado. that the old chive. land placed ola , ~a ;_ '
parties, particularly among the elexatane W. A. P. Birmingham, of Maine; testified ; Schenck might again _offer las atnendruent, Ber ea r.,„ efe re b a_at ; ;h.,. , tli tl t k with a view a 01,- , ---:-
, ~,dk,u g e _ ,I RC OUR upon le YIIR
themselves, and haaging, Wben prieoners are thathe has had a sbo rteolumerelalintercourse I which he did, as followia.
ve , ..te ; i Dur o , „t noeb,,,, tot, hi r. slni et In . irj IT Tra g r iirg o ly
e a n b t sgr e t i l fe s , c , l , lleli no
taken, Is not mre. NO merchandise or pre- with the insurrectionary districts in Missis- prooided, further, That no part of the money ; q7Aizr.,,....
vislotui are permitted to leave the eity ler the alppi. HO thought, in March, before Ime's suo appropriated by this or any other aet shnl lbe , -°"' ' 9 '" ''',"''' " a " . ''''''''' d 11- “ V " r ''' M ' a r r gg M '
, , 0 tbovego, and Csd II weed e l mon a dr. eiee-
Interior, and hones trade Ls quite reined- render, the general , fecling within the Federal applied to the pay Or subsisten. of any MS- tad mayor e j utica ' ' - - ------..---
A Novel Book of Original Entries.
Heavy iruporters ha tho coast cities. who. hare /Ines, of all classes, was one of entire mamas. I det from any of the States declared to .in - '
......................... 1
recently refteived large cargoeS from Barone, mon to the Federal anthorities. There was a • rebellion against the Govenunent of the Uni-
I I mige Sterrett ; of the Common Pleas, was
and upon wbleh them are obliged to ImY disposition to accept, readily,any pnblie office ! ted Mate ,tt appointed after the dist day ot ; CITY AND SIIIIIIRBA,N. ' engaged yeeterday in the trhil of the case of
enermous fleties, suffer very heavily. the Government might send them, ha etcher a I January, nee, until such State shall have been
John It. Remaley ra George -Romaley's ad.
At a recent Csmullan confederation halliqnet dirtier military capacity. There was a feel- I returned to its original relations to the Union, ..
at COrnwall n.J.lLette.Donald,of the Mims- ing that they had no rights, and that these ; under or by vintio of an mit or Joint Ramie. I The Frame in Alleghen7 telnistrater, being an action for labor done.
txy, said: eve that ere many week/Jean,/ had been forfeited by-rebellion. Subsequently, ; Don of Cengreso, for tit. cetie Mane and pro- t Our friends ecross Lim river eh . '
onld i mar t o The prosecutor worked for his uncle, George
perhaps ere dri d you will see that the this feeling seamed to disappear, after the Added.
f „
mind the important election which has been I enmeleY, doeeamd, bat beteg unable to read
lower Provinces, ch at firstneyouliatol the policy of President Johnson was thoroughly 1 Mr. Blaine, of Alamo, opposed the =end
or write, and 'teeing no other account than
cOnduct of theiroet tes to the Quebec cora Inaugurated ; and the old bitterness Seemed to men!, and sent it up to the Clerk's Mum and axed for Tuelday next, the lath intent, to de- that kept be notching two little pUle
Terence, Will, upon anti cool reflection develope. They desired to have the manage- I had rewl a sastitute wldelt he propmed to termini, wh tne lb ' ,
e r o permit sioul have the j sticks, the a d t altdotiatuf refused t u e lulY
upon the whole embject, a who have au a ment end control of their own State in their offer Toth!, amendment, SS fOi/OWA I " That no privilege to erect wool. Int Ild ings, or confine ; him. The sticks wore admitte , O la ay tde co by
desire loyally to respond e strongly ex- own hetpds. Mississippi would prefer the re. I part of the money hereby appropriated shall
Judge Sterrett, as the only boqk of original
pretested wishes ofiler Majesty overnment ettablishment of tlio Confederacy, or at least Ibe applied te the enipport and pay of any ca. themselves, as beretofore, to buntlines of entritee h which the n .p o laintiff had, atla the
DI - intenniUll gtnt up her Mad rejudiees threetourths of the people would. ; dets hereafter appointed, no; in conformity brick. We do not propose te offer any advice nc'tc i n rill °lnn
nw ii ° l r b lb " ea
IT ct ' a d m ml t t li in
Ana aaiings, and eventually, ere , lOW 9 .- , 3 no' .9.9".' -.' Little Rock, Arkanette, I with the the ex - pre. provisions of the law • eg- In the premises, believing that the voters am ,ont ii tya on it e e wor win me 0
with Canada in. forming one aL
no trouble Of tuty kind ' elating the appointment of cadets at that
feted for tt e i h ilai o ntl i ir a verdict ftf el f le.
confederation. Mr: Cage said, referring to
i lived. Some of the I Academy. AR. Blaine stated that this often- competent to settle the tinestion for them- I J Ur f
late visit - to . Wiltildnattin, on the reciprocity
tut he braiered that . lute waa rerbetire a Meant. taken from the solve., but we may state u bat we knot. to be i ta r vern e Il ite l e r inie r r wholtiou n riahea : WIT to
° a
ere Many years
measures, that all we ask hem the Men at
were In the rebel anny j West Point appropriation bill, approved April a fact, that, should the law le: ri•pealmi, at I ago, and who, having toted a enotomer tor a
Washington, 81r, all I hope we obeli
i present indleatiOna. I 300,,1804, designed to cure the evil of foisting
bill was required by tlie-Matiee of thc
even. ask from them, was fele Pier.
lonia to bogoed,loyal j upon the Southern districts boya from the tenet one !tenured comfortable dwellings (not t g rO g '
i peace to produce his °book of original en-
Wo asked " them for no Odirantage I
lent mern baveobtain- 'Seethe..
buts) eall . erected and reittly for occupancy , tries.. no dram eoller went home and Mon
in their market, which we-were not pre. '
orthernmen as part- Mr. Conkling - Inquired whether the amend- hnja,..,, the tad of July. The number niuy I after returned with a relndous•clikager, upon
pared togivethem. We asked them to take I
tam:. is Reproving. mein or substitute euggested would disturb aa' -
the more had been chalked down. The
naprecantion on then - side which we were not
lition to take op for the boys whom the o,,,,anntn f rom thd ne greatly e.leeMl thin,. an ha, e the names of , which
I a indow-shuttar w. admltt ed, and the de
willing tO take on ours. We asked them to
tomplleated with the ; described as haring been colonized. tee parties who prtemee to erect sixty build
fondant had to pay for his papa
take no further steps agaireit the Penton"!
the members elect ; Hr. Illaine-No sir. Neither amendment Ingo - one te entv and the other forty. I
now tlilut we took against the midst, year ago,
' affects them. My substitute merely prevent. There are dot/titles., many others who
and lam bound teeny that in the interviews
elect, Wm. D. Shaw, any farther colonization froin the South, and a. 11.1s:sing to build Miler for rent
we hod with these tlemen at Washington,
..okanoao, testified that leaves the queBtiOn Putt where the law leaves ingolar for t heir own otempaney, ue soon .
greszaacarga ToPtilOtel liatheir vo nntrY at, ue, .., m t were with es ;he took no it today. the way Is clear. Now, it is for the people to
la, and elated, as I mayi t ti i : Ti. they are, with the oartgn the war against.; did all he could in ' Mr. Schenck replied that, as to the charge of determine whether the addition of one or two
terminatim of their el war, they met rut I j
avor of the Union.
thls being a narrow-minded and Illiberal hundred frame bundle. timid bean mivan
arm/ all' the eons - Warn on that could have E. Illendadt testified regarding affair, in 1 proposition, lie could Hot stop to bandy tage or an 111/Ury to that city. It 1n notora
heels Shown to the emissaries 01 a country j Louisiana. Re Imard many persons say they j epithets. ously true that scores of families are being
V e US I LIAk e S t
i t p o et re 1 i n
.piesipilrtittelOn_ti*Vheetatradyg: 1
o b sat 11 .
c o regr h ts ey fa i t tr n li c r su h rr ilt ed did
eil [ I I nTt I a rtl ft S e t r ev n ga t e n , ' the e b „Tags we s, ,e . n 14 .eir; Lial.pre v
drg . erLo . u n t , of thhaerthwooroc loaiLniffeitirnivononotoo, file:toe:o4
taltipeattlen et our people, and they held '
say n y thaf mob is thp general feeling miens j hehenelas amendment Mr. Blaineet enlist'. them room aaldany are liviug in dark eourts,
anOtber j Whieh,ive thonghl a mistaken meter those lately In hostility agalutt Abe Govern- I tote not being able lobe offered, Mr. Behenek's 1 and in undersdound tenement., aim teotild
tholes, D'a we Parted with mutual reePel meta, but Wt. certain Ft Wt. the feeling of , Wag adOpred, yeas-E3, ,4y.—..3i, Th e bill gladly change alien quurtem. If it were pee
ned I hOpe t - with mutual kindly feelings; an many. He was also certain there was a deep ; was then PaSaid. stide Would not Die addition of one or two
In this wo done ono linty to the people ei this feeling among a Oritalk Mesa or persons t The House considered the District of coital, 1 needred a ooden buildings . a great relief
conntrnioWards whom =irritation has exio against the payment of the national debt, as I Ma business until the expiration of the I not only td the poorer, but to the
. „u m, b me d Fiore apart intagination than I well as against the laws of the Government. J morning hour, when the ia
The TraMe-work of ISeeletr
C.HLasow Loy,. & BR°
WILLX4 /cutzar.
. ,
From. New Orlesuar,Tke Markees—pure.
' , Merida . .Dernlnnititratlialla—,'lNW.Ateettner
lltettry Main' Marued,Command of the
low Grande Idimmiet—ciersenas above
, Matiamorsa—Goadik Of. a LlhCral railer,
. ..
ssw thu,asg March B.—Cotton is very na,
sOttlad,. and n o tettene nom inal . The saes
to4a mr, y
1 were
4Gib . m ola s s es , bl and lbw recitipts 1,972.
dueoßegefid„.. . Gold, Mi Sten.
tag 41Of. • , FrelghtS,New ', York; M; Liver
The remen't deinonstintion yesterday was
one tulle linen everin this MO% The engines
wore I:leant/te a / 7 and . tastelltily decorated.
- The hay passed off plea/natty, with the excel>.
Um of a tetnisotnry atiesst by the =Gam of
a bend of thirtaine for, playine - G oll tild . Blue
?and other Southern airs. 0
steamer h(ty Ilein. which left Shreve
rrfor liew,Qrl ii,..was burned on the Iddh,
IBee liver, •ItiCh 14X huntired balm of cotton.
One Feearel soldier was lost.
The solletwer laraallw.end,• from Havana for
Prw. Orleane; put :Into Leder Says leaking
mmif 'Witt( her alio "spilt and spews carried
Away : , The ;cage, 1 was condemned.
iary..neeni 4,„_318 Of :}lie petit nate that
guoilla 'Re lizialhad Moinnatui of the .
/31 toranaa a nee o:4,•Grourty• • • - '
Military =Mete 6iVit - . .
Cortenna isitirkingobms wet:Tinting above
Mammonism the'NeXlean side.
The death of the Liberal chief Harder., from
wennde received In Wan the althoho de'
441 OD I C . deeree is Pails/aid, .wrife'l
.0421.1 p
,impaldth , th a t . Thkai made Rio l
Grande' ... Timr. try duties baths pia&
au,wcuelk goodawent. Elio
interior. - N.
*alga 444 SSW intatinue.'
~.~ .. ~
Discharge of Semmes Ordered
British- Province Conferation
Testimony Before the Committee on
turbid' condition; ,„ in many t
pa ne
rte of many of
the States life and property were very Mae
Evidence of others bearing on the same
and to those/nu ellen, was given.
of affairs
Maj. Gen. Thomas testifies to the condition
in Geergia, Alabaunt and Masts
slept Ile aye that the people of niabr t ma
are anxious to have that State In its regular
position in the Vision, but they are not yet
pereonally friendly to the•• Nairn* men in the
South, bnt hare had four trials In their at-
tempts to gain their independence and have
failed completely: They now profess to have
given up the contest and entrees theuuselves
as desirous of resuming their relations with
the GOverament. Alabama was taken 412 t, of
the Union by a political tricking majority;
bat however an order to preserve their prop
erty, scollisced in seeming to ipso up
the Union Sad advocate secession; Some of
the original Malt= /40/3 thus converted, have
remained rebels, and era _now,strang sympa
thizers with the enemies of the Governinent.
Others have expressed gladness that the re
bellion has been closed, but their interests
and sympathies had such a bold upon them up
to that.Unie thane is is very diMcult to ob
tain cleat expression of sentiment on any
etoject. /a parts of -Northern Alabama the
putao sentiment lit decidedly in nomr of the
Government, bin in
other peas of the Stare be
'thought sesitimilut of 1 heletMpleilnight be
egprmsed this' infirdier,...nainely.l uthey
thought , trio) , Wald ellablis4 a Borabern Con.
reaararY that voulfixtror It, but goose up
hope Or tow - they (roam to /ltd. poster rtid
Vaned btateraeonstitution.' Thervilit
inmost moluoriootthient, thoughts thought
, Abe tratort , ssattroei rpA srstot:
gaesUon—Lf ,ther.'ostrow' troops Or ibt
• Irreittioa's -Bureau ararf "irlthdraira trout
- - -
_ kiea - k - er presented
a report frot h the President p
In relation to the
distribution of rewards offered for the arrest
of the assassins of the late President Lincoln,
which was laid on the table and ordered to Do
printed. Also, a letter Iron; the President
transmitting a report from the Secretary of
Stale in answer to a resolution of the Rouseta ,
rchition to the Provisional Governors of
States. Also, a reprirt from tho State DOPert-
Metitna tmthe cost ol printing and advents-
Infir that Department for /Md.
. orrill moved to postpone the Special
o ars in order to take up the Rouse Bill 04-
u Ling trade with the British North American
Provinces. The motion was agreed to.
The House then Went hito Committee of
the Whole, Mr. Raymond in the chair, and
proceeded to the consideration of the bill
regulating trade with the British North
American posaciellons.
Mr. Morrill addressed the Committee in port o
Mr. Pike h ided with the general object of
the bill.
kir, Washburn°, of Illinois, approved the
partleularly that section AN:dishing' firh
lug bounties. •
debate ensued, participated in by
Mesars.Washburne, Winn* Elliott, Main,
Bank., and Kelley, alter which Mr. Trumbull
addressed the Comudtteein a short speech,
anti gave notice ttutthe Would, at the proper
time, offer the following amendment 011
wool, ten meta per pound and ten
,Per ex
ml valorem ; cleaned woolt twenty-UV" ODA%
per posse , and oil 004 Sty Beata •pol ,
BIFIEFYI Thomas addressed theEtgotilittiie,
011404BVAtif 14argraAratia bill a
Mit g tRz- is rtunus..'s 'warty
cants Rer_tou,'
Kr. „matury obtained LIU Boor, and the /lope
Manes Would the danger from tiro, the In
ereasen rate of Iftsurunce, and -other alleged
disadvantages, overhalan i•t, the good resulting
from petting several hundred new tenements
In the market t These are practical nugget,
dons, thrown, out to aid the voters of our
slater city In coming to a right conclusion on
Tuesday nom• its all means, do not let the
question he Ignored, but turn out and rote.
The 'lra; Presbyterian Church—lnstal.
lotion Ezewebles."
Rev. Sylvester F. Scovel was duly Installed
as pastor of the First Preibyterion Church, of
this City, on Tuesday evening, in the pros
enco of a Irittte audience. Rev. W. W. Eel's,
Moderator of the Presbytery of Ohio, presi
ded, And conducted the Introductory servi
ces. Rev., Dr. W. Jacobus, D. D., preached a
sermon appropriate] to the occasion, after
which Dr. "lodge delivered the charge to the
pastor, and Dr. Howard addressed the con-
ETattoo. After the services, a large TIMM. •
r n o wo congregation remained to groef
eir prstor, and exchange congratula-
Mims. Mr. Scovel has boon stationed at
Springfield. Ohio, for seven or eight
pastc and T,,,`"?. P.att-w••!9'. repeat tlon
pint anti zerian zeal. Re
successor of trdi e s ' tli ' l "rthY
guished p,r, razton.
water Elatsers.---ln the. of the
Wittet'AlisosSOr giv report cbeWhere,t is recom
da• We Mendeitthat Meters ho attach*" to the pipes,
t ruld g arthet hurttro rep ort was kaward tatripson.--col. Edward
r_lttalt, id
Committee and uperin- eAlivrom, an old and well known Citizen, died
~..__s ea wflajNiladaSSlded C o
- get eat% Meters, and Tesierday,wfter an illness or several months.
were we/Carnet them now ha t % day, which-(Me true a member of the Plthiburgh bar, arid
would have been.put in some time ago had the brother of Dr. Simpson, whose death we no.
weather permitted.
tired a few days ago.
A New Way to Collett Repass
Mary Rosenberg and Jane Woods were or
rested by officers McChesney and Rake, on
complaint of John Stewart, of the Third
Ward, Allegheny, who charged them with
keeping a disorderly_ Amuse. it appeared on
, the hearing, however ' that the women
, rented three rooms from Stewart, 'Slid that
they owed higt three weeks reht, which ho
, was afraid he would lose. On their promising
to pa; the - rent drie s they were discharged.
There is an act of Assembly making it a wilts
demeanor for any person to rent a house to
disreputable persons, and if these women
kept a "disorderly house," as Mr. Stewart
seems to think they do, ha had hotter get
them out us soon na posulble. Thiireltro Men
who make a practice of renting their houses
to women of lit repute, and when- they are
likely tobe cheated out of their rent they are
ready atlonce to make an inform:fatten against
them for keeping a-disorderly tiOnlig-r4t pro
reeding which leaves thy. way' !Open for n
charge against theMselves for tenting to Spel t
Fire In Findley ToWeisktlp.—Ort Sunday,
afternoon, , about tiro o'clock, tne reaklence of
Joelah W.Guy, ESQ., in Findley Township.'Was
totally destroyed byillre. neighbor We° Wilk'
passing the house saw the flames unning,f roni
the roof, whenlm alarmed the "necettnolon s
mates of the house. In •a tewullistnes Abe'
whole building was in a :Meet of flame, and.
everythma was deartroyed-arlththe eaate
of a small amount' or rutinttass wh ptiCtik
ich - .wa.
taken from the first 1 100 r, The
first to have caught from xrporpaa.
A Noble '
Roble Work--Tbo.ladloS of therizot
Baptist Church, of, MAI eitu ctaire been at work!"-7,..nintor bAlobnlf of tbo Freed,
inen. Thwresuitticri their labor, non vll ail
folidurte . Nina bundrod:Juni twentythree or- ,
tidos of wearlnt iltiw9l have been trans.:„
ported to tile Freedmen; of nbieb , four hum. I
tired and forty-eirceir were new, and four bun
and devontp-six In good order, buartly
en; :The Pinney \value of this contribution
was eight bundred dollars. - 1
IPittsburgh Euterprfee.—ilariee
sion today to itelt the extensive carrlag r' ''',, c, BOinffi.._______ SR-oEs.
tablishment of Mr. R. E. Shut'.
-Jr cern.. f -----
streets ea' found 11 ° D ' 0111 .54/FITEF qyft - S'llhihill - r1 forTne,
1 Diamond and Liberty
foreman, IF. H. Ferry, busily engaged in . map.. '
ping onto' a curious piece of wood work, which '• ear feet ;;:e2....7..., 4 ;_ '
upon inquiry proved to be the (mine work of The wan 'alto -c7,,ac.Tele-r sheet :1;;ts ibreed
a band wagon, ordered by Ben Trimble. of the ,
Tc ca s k,. "%la'
,t i, ......
"Varieties." The deatgn, material, andrwerk- :
reariabip are all Pittsburgh, and when finish. •
ed the .. wagon” will do credit to the artistic 1
skill of any home manufactures and skilled ,
---------------- - • -
' DI3IIEIO3 or 3inotcnin arm Suzann's, i
Nat'l' DEPAirrataxr. Washington. D. C. c
1 .N1 r e. ),1 .1 - IT , NAM'II:°II (IRE
DEON el. —Boards of Medical Onlcers will e eerie at
libreooar3.‘V.tajoinCeNtit AirkZVAlB._ .
..71 1 0.4. 4.
re, on MONDAY, March 12tb, for therssaains*
nation of Candidates foradmlssion to thane.464ll
Coelm of th e, Nal ,
Board, most de siro us
u:pnollirr.o ,:at.ilrigo.en:ilag
Ser.l . etat7 of the Navy, or to the undersigned. atat- •
Mg realdenee, date and place of birth, and before
pUhich Board they desire topreaent themselves. Ap•
cations to be accomtanied by responsible testi
maiilrdTarMattistbu'ort.'br less than twenty-one nor
mr than tweintylisdaeydearsigf an,,t„,,.
oid= 1 1.Molo" r 'Cr .a.,4. or thTlard, Tufo
success/kir a:emulation Is a legal prerequisite for
fora l'inth'"li.ll.lllllll'l`2., Chief of n...
,_________ _ .
o m i,e e t a tt t s tg or t a il t lieri t sythr tualz, l a
o tl i tn ala ta
Pen/82t4 ltaiNa T i•, ' XIIZAZ a ir:*
ailpritacir rollout's home towns QC' NiMeiteg
d iffe e 6 p2"44 atrty°`` j i..' wa Arrix
.deelnate. Bee, corand4se ate e•esere. rlt's'n.
kg i gggn i gl ani P atiglTlgri
nOd the r_vroa=lll-Temirrit, flan
nriZruttre committee-. on the 2)th
time ~omtcetiel day ofithi Le l ee x t
EIIIOVEII,-Itavgremoved our.
OIL TANK' BiteT0111"- - from 1.(16,185 +4saoCicir
strAet, to corner otCatrol wtreet anit . yanttire Laie'
gegynt ror Ttall
elms con 44;4 OWitatol.
a"stur.—_The Dim:tont pithr.iwor e
thrall P. 4.',ltelLaT_EP4.uader
Weimar pf,D. esidattlßE th. th is day
:11M Zrumbgy3:2o3ret The
4..31111, on atthtl) Castalalrenh rimer
neil_trxrlft e4'"ee94lll4t4.a.tyPe?Ma,'
alethatit areth,e'yrnan. ant) ' sear In _ -
ales, they are determined toeontlelsolOnnutal!Cßletl',
antleleor near stone la thenatallati theS
therefore mootretheetrally 'melt jggva
from al). andltartletilarlrthose-herdertta Pelee -
the) aFt)ele,..,r)4)3l,LlltY)
Firoinstir nth, idc,444.3x14..
thin). n atltnica:ltronl4 . ,._ , rethertfarlYiathorillr,
TS - 70U pAlmiteAlpin g I tiabUelliii:nerlatanaoelared
atone and for sale '
-°ll2-"d a'" T " .4ll'A ln.7 444W th di r' Llmself
IllTsf aA
tee," ••• irryggrrytuiahrmalwir 'llkeltrot 01 Oita.
• cOrnerritarker aartrittratathnokfacMnZaAltejarrcatatted
10,do do ' Lakeßnr Nrldto TRA.;
g- .do RWRBalmon••
6 do- do.a. rou H*o)" • t.-.'
J. or idle .• -
tent. --w CR EACHr .-11 40rdel/' 2 H,
plo 011111)0 7 1111 t, laidg dow 0011.
1/,‘ w,up oi. A A....RftENSHAWCo-
En ,Liberty and..wo 4wft,l4.
~ .
1. - iin ...-.7l a 7 :4l , 7errviilltbr.•O- . `. '.• -
------..irElro— S Arse.sdi-z - , *.,, ,, Lir . . . . ..... . • -..r u.. tramoN.....
1. -s r io' ii• P ig u/ S l y? firif , ' bi °4l-I # 'tr'
~- .
l'ath.c.l.E4,VA al4**erpitil F 44 1 4,Tr g , 01 ,: 1, .I- ..tritkioLsTEßY: -.,:•-,,'..2•:',7,45.:._,,--..-.,
"'"Fa!:"I,iFPF!'-1,!°10112; .4.. , 173uAw • I ''''''''""' nWritii-- ..... 0 iir,'-
Cantezotrdbraty via andirtreet; i4?OlUner ETUPUO
~ ,-
ALIPMESI Arnaelatt-irworavEn i .-'",. b.-*'<P,rbe,.i.itr. ..2,...bi1mx-rt.„....,=-4...,g,rjr4,,tg-R,---;:-.'
rgr i p . llllB 4o? - 4134 4 .in9 1 oTr id Autd VS . iiilln L u altta7v r t w airl i kair6i !, tif l ig o oe p tioas ste. t .. ;ti. , :: , ,i
~I kpr& For. Au.,kibrbi py -- ata...plx- ~ -
FISH! FlBlll.l—No. it Atackorelt t.r. 4 •''',,mig outivstroil. wouvrc,
h .Ald by kit or pound at J.Ni i . ir. OCIZZA: lat =. 4UI 413.8:117. ..raiTh3lzutir4,:,...,.
Two EnrnosoA.asritgerrzak
0 .4 OLI ir,"w Ain , as sztivisay.
WTaa W 1 will roach the sub-
Ier115!” - soomool as the suitrnakii n
f•,t Mite, COptia .........
"I. , :iokao. or aro .............. . ...• /
lIIIMIDS Or ten and. ow werds"..-7" ...
'Tao ha sent.'
Indeed. sho vas the irl,ir or
Sweet Nancy Ixabelle. 44
Nauey nowltuys her Shoes at
No ' 66 Fifth St
Inat 81allh61.
ISEN ti. 11,130103. martini*:
111A14714Alt•TI7ItE88: co
• k i aItRTUCIT , Co .
. _
, -
I 3E" X .11. -XsT 0. St.
The Easy &Co.'s Cottage Clrgaz,
.. .
i Acknowledged by - the beit nrusleal talent h. the
, Ern lied Stateato be imperlorto wail others hilaawer.
r par r iZ i and quality of time, and thorough , work
Thesetstrilinents ha're - for fisira aken ilia Ann
end , pima:dams overall all competitors, at the Venous
nate Couny Pairs. La price" they.are lower
'than aul Others. A ll Warranted fbritso Years.
7T24 No. 12 St, Clair Street, Ptttetttorgtt. Pa
NOwa.:ltE ,
"'"" 4 ""°.% 1 1 3 :113i to entrawg: ` t ut"' -
virsemaivrin rim *iyi„,
. . •
berctorotiotoon a
141.17...rtilittweitraintrvxmcvrtrio •••;::, •
•vrastilssohNed by inutnil consent= tan fastoi n dri r •
wiylS:.B....tamnlsicilt;,,=Lot= rxn tslUte sate •
Tunnel atreptAnd realm. -55!14-'of