THETITTSBITEGH GAZETTE K U rpm , '" lIIMLL Ek 10.1 I'. t 113.1 t. TH. COSTA.BLAONA., M.A.I.I,GXIt. PUBLINIISDEIT mut 04 NNTTE ABBOOl4 TION Nu. Nt YilTO Srusr, Mounts EDITION, by mall. Perrar. .... —....5e 00 vienTSO ILDITsO34. do. Isnrsd by Carrier., Komar.. or =lmam°. per LS the fittoburgh sgazdte. CITY ITEMS homeopathic iledleitter At Iv:ikon's Drug Store, N 05.67 itnd Fifth 5tA =I Of the great sale of Barker d Co New, Dry Goode Opening every day nn the nOrtheht.t eOrnol Of fourth 811.1 Market street.. = Tennessee. • • The =embers from tb la State are admitted awl to is Sawyer's Barber Soap, to be the besi artielefor Shaving and the Toilet. now to use Sr.e Adeerttsemeut Of the great solo of Barkor & Co. Trisoutinge and Embroldertea At Anctfon. The stock of trimming store, (Mrs. Witilabe'a) lE4:Federal street, Allegheny, will be sold by A. Leggate, Auctioneei, on Wediniedav afternoon at Y. o'clock. Pktetc,Aflvertlsentozat Of the grtint sale of thirlaer it Co ENminction in price Cotton gootts parelm.sed since the late .1e elltie in `price will he sole lower thxn you ran bap them elsewhere, nn the northeaAt corner of Fourth and. Market etreets. 131=1 Wholesale Boyers 01 dry goods will find It to their interest to call sod examine our Mock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember, we are on the north east Corner of Fourth anti Market streets. C. Iltocsns Love it Ruo. See Advertisement (of the greet eltle of Barker a co. Corn.. Ilvanion• Anti Dfaes..,l .Su Instantaneously eared without pain or bleeding. Dr. Hondall boa re visited this city, and eau DC consulted, as here totore at No. 20, Fifth street. °dice bones, Iron. lit to 6 r. m. Ho run he conallited during tMa week.-- Nee AUvertteemettt Of the great select Barker a Co. thspeisterioblotn,p Shop Illaspag returned niter an absence of three Yearaln the army, I hero, re.opened toy shot. for allaorta of jobbing tut O earpontcr at Ma Old nand, Virgin Alley. between Smith field areatandeberry Alley. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Wm.". u See Advertisement Of the great sale of Defter A Le El= Are govt children troubled with worms • ti so, pioctire a' bottle Of 'Brown's ermifuge ecru:ata, theg are Infallible for • expelling worms-end the youngest child can take them with perfect Lately. old in Pittsburgh, at Joseph Flemings Drug Store, No, Si Market street. . EditorN in the issue of some of yesterday - moinnag'n papers we notice an article headed, "Another strike among the driven." Tee article dons them a gruel wrong. Tit. , ~..3tiOn of the dri vers iketilcd a strike for higher wages, v. - hick is not the ease. The drivers struck Manfully for their own-rights and self-protection. They did not strike for higher wages nor the mis understanding of collecting money and put ttlig It In the box. The cause was simply this: The drivers, knowingithe feeling of a portion of the Company and the sentiment of the community oniSundars car running, thought that by running half of the ears on Sunday obey could accomoaate the church-going people and give same rest to themetives nod stock, taking a turn about every other Sun day, Vitts rriretingthe approbation of the iioliaintatititittiff4lnifdingr-thenteelves a litUc rest. Some Tis Peri assert that the drivers were rthreharged for negloeting their duties, or re belling against the rules of the tompany The patrons of the road can bear us witness thin maver were more attentive and dutiful drivers sin that road, and they left it for no other mo tive but because they wanted their rights re enacted. ALL THE E 1213=1 1 deaire the public to nntlerstland that I be ing the starter on the Pittsburgh and Alle gheny Railway Company, informed 'them sometime ago that 1 would not run on Sunday, and no arrangement having been made with me to this effect, I went to the office and in formed the clerk that I wanted to settle and Quit. This war done and I was nll4.:`dtaeharg ed,” as published. EMANUEL FIIEDEIIICE. Theme. W. Parry et PracticeLast* Roofers, and Dealers In Amed"l - Mate of various colors. Office at Mere.. der Lanigan% eons the Water Works Pitts burgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78 Pike street. Or ders pramptly attended to. All work warrant •ed water proof. Repairing done at Dm abort. .sat notice. No charge for repeal's, provided the roof is not abused ate - - it is put or. Pearls and Rubles White eetb eroppingTrOm out of Mires of ruby, a:breath spicy as the airs from Araby the Blest. Who can resist such faftcluatlona To realise them, to perpetuate them, to make the mouth a casket of pearls and rubles. and ,every sigh a gush of frost : fume, all yon have to do, fair ladles, is tonic that matchless vege table production, Fragraniaosodont. rail anti Iglater Goods It le with great pleasure .wo call the Wen. t au of our readers to the sabperb stack of Fall cad Winter Goode just received by Mr. John i Weler ‘ lifetamnt Tall.or, No. 1.1. Federal street, .Allegheny PM stock embraees some of the ,most boaatfral Clothe, Cassrmeres, Overceal• lams and Vestings ever brought to the western klarket. Illiassortmont of Furnishing Goode, etrupristok Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, £O., cannot be surpassed east • or west. A large stack of ready mad Pants. Coats, Yens and Overcoats., wIX also be found to his ottnitlistunent. Persona In want of an) thing in the clothing line should not Tall to •APre W. Weiera call. A Broken Bowe Arstem There istadiseass to which the doctors give man; namesoi..nt which few of them under stand. It Is simply weakness—a breaking down of the vital forces. Whatever its causes (and they are innumerable, its symptoms are in the main the same. Among the most prom inent are extreme lassitude, loss of appetite, loss of *flesh, end great mental depression. In digestion and .I.sYoinacX !high are also fee ..psently concOmf tante of this disuessing state of body and mind. The common remark in retaidon to peisons in such a condition is, that they are consumptive. Now, what these un fortunates really want, is vigor—vital strength, and as certainly as dawn. succeed. darkness they can recuperate thhirsystemit and regain perfect health tgfieetirtitig. to Hestetter's Cel etwated Stable& Bitters, It is is clear that a life-reviving Tonle is required in such cum, as that the dying flame of an 'ertiPty lamp to. quires to be revived with a new supply of oil. Perfectly pure andliriboxions. containing inothing but the most genial vegetable ex ;Una& and combining the three grand te mente of a stomachic, an alterative, and a go ale Hostetter's Bitters ore suit able to allsenetitutlinis, and are as applica ble to the diseases and disabilities of the fee bler sex as to those of men. nellfiettee• IatiPORA are sold wholesale - And retell at very foe rates FleminesDrug tuniratent Medicine Depot, No. fie Market. .etreet, corCer of the Diamond and Fourth s et:, ' 'Deans utast Old ,and Reapeetaioo .nur eltallt-71dir,Tnylle Seriously IS. riiitsnstrins, liftmen s.—Jam. Id.rt„ , formerly of the. firm of .Thowao & Martin, one Ot the OldeSt and most respected Philadelphia merehantsoiled on Saturday, aged sorcery °lent &vid . .layne, well known 03 the proprie tor of the many large .ipludte and marble ,bulldmirain this .1,, la lying at the point of death. Ho is *offering from pnetunoaim - • • - • The Trial of the Gebel EiglijOT Gee. NSW YORK, Marsh s.—Ttio Tribune'. special repo the trial of the rebel Idajor Gee, at h,.N. C., and says at the rate the ex amination fa going on a month or more must elapse before the trial .1s gm:Minded. The oouneal • for the defame hare notified tho - Judie Advocate to-issue abbot one bemiredalf sad twenty enbpronas for witnesses, in of thoprtifoner. - • • • • " ..Wire fa Cruiermo. , CitioaootNareticS.L.Ttili morning a Oro de.; Os spice mill of Packer 6 Jamas, No. us street. SAM about $1.0,O:O. Inanr -414 . . . . ~~' REES THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXX.---No. 54 . , VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS.., THE ADMISSION OF TENNESSEE. LAME SALE OF FEBIIikN BONDS.. f o e s t...t ili te se b n i lt .- or hkp ro b m e .li a l . repo„,, ,t ll .ll p . , Ar r t- . .S,spcnrydatt, brought 1 0 0 ~d =: t o It/ He hoped It . . —.._. ._ . Appeal of iliNdbop Lynch . : • • DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. ! Memorial of its Representatives Mr.Binague saist-he considered it his duty to i fight.thla un.ure step by steps, ender all en- . .. entnetallees and upon every ntension, and tO . ---- , . , orgattege It with any measure, that might be o before the Senate. Ile would take occasion to Clymer Nominated for Governor.. t. %. SUPREME COURT cAsEs. THE CATTLE PLAGUE IN EUROPE. ' Xpreetehis disapprobation Of it otten as It . wee presented to the senate. New reasons ote- I eUrresito hire every day for o sing it, and he did not mean that these reasons 'Mould be • • • forganen• He wortiteettlee up all the time he I had Ideas to express, or memory, at all times 1 sec ]'one, March 5.--One hundred and when - tide hill was whether it, Wit. ids , atteMp •Vrould cot be. made to twee, It to et twenty thousand dollen+ worth of bonds of the . mortal( or at any other time. Ile hoped an Irish Republic are said to Shave been sold at' -mole the five milieu. remaining of the morn- , the monster Fettle. meeting held here Tester- legis hour. ~ i ti s.- is 1 ...los , Marcel 5.-The report fuel (slot , day. Resolutions were passed ending open : Mr. Conn... said e was not ellen. the Sena- 4 the government to accord the Irish Whiter.: Merrell:7nis - 0e island, after lie bad occupied so ' resole' ion le tidal on to the admisid'. of ' not rights, and condemning the United States mech . Mine in die me M Oils bill 'hoist I t. ti g • ,IN t. try Tenneesee, font the Committee oil Reec, cone , ~,t . g neengaa .,, for t.O ra Vent 0 . Line Senate from cOmiug be a vote. not Interfering to He i de. astonished nt the position taken by " trart ""' '''''l",.., were a ''''"'P ee i ed 63. varie " . emelt e the release of Captain McCafferty. (t , ' him. fie (Sprague) ought not to be coneerned Total National Bank Currency p:.,,,.. 1,1,411,110 g ti memorial of the Represen- in the bill after he hail discletrged bls duty in most of the Catholic churches yesterday, the opposing It le severe spee c he s . He hop e d e ' a mimes elect, Crustier, Leftwich. stokes and Mortis,' ,of tie. state, addresistnl to the Semite • priests denounced 'the m3veinent as I rre . vote would now he talicii. lig ions. In St, Bridget's Church u voung man The taming beer expired, and. the Preel 1131ITARY AND NAVAL CLAD S• L , , , , , , ,. .1 I , l l Tis g e n t s t , it , •Ltit , t , n , tit , t , l , V ‘ e , s ,;,, ill e,, N4 , I ,, ii r e , fi v t . l:2 . . . • . dent pro, tem. said the semen' order, which In the congregation MSC and proteeted against , was Ihe prop.' t leit to emend the const demon , 1 enn In lore] es vet di• Inc spirit, end asks that the Artilibishopei letter, and was approved On theaUbJect ut represeetation. was before the mine In , reeegni se,' anti properly guaram . by the congregation, who refneed to eject the . athpMeeorial.o4C7ooni Bonn i e. ;t n . k r e e l nt,liite,,pri voteet 1i e t n . e b ni o e t n . t k o e f o t O h n e tee. es the I rue state of Tennessee, and; disturber. In another church the petted read: cut 'fled tat mieli immunities, f runcithive, the circular letter and remarked that In doing .the hill to extend the time for the withilrowal • end preroget iy,.. es , tat es implies' by art of . se he did his ditty, hut be believed the Fen l- , public stores mid bonded 1, eeere"., of les; ,nail her relittlil. u •ere do- uns wore a great order, and were engaged in .. V . o. g th etele b oos f e ,T e lice _____. - BUSINESS OF THE PERUVIAN BUREAU. They set forth the lulled Ey I r ,won irt portion of her citizens. ' st gmel c ause. Mrereseetelen tibjectd.. lie Was nitre It re for nib ermit.. Bishop . Lynch, at Charleston, Is making ap would lime to issue If the proposed The reimrt Sites tied Peony of Bread Bri 4 pride for aid to rebuild the destroyed church es I ' emend -_-- . diet- Geto•ral Hanle, Ile aye that le. cog at the Soule. He says we should forget the went to the Comeitutme was taken up, Mr ,.. . Pomeroy took -the Mier and Made a. act the eastern porno:, ie the State he shoot,' past anti endeavor to heal the sad wounds of i . lengthy actin..., on the question of alffrery; Discharge of Treasury Clerks. • I „,„, „ ..... 1,,,,,..i. ~pposed to the general the past four years of trial. • an" 'taint:Money elms, American InstitUthigese the Conatitutlonal amend- ' g"` ern vino l: Go. nave( is no good fueling to- A London correspondent of the lath , writes : --- es. . 4, e r.l the gm "in...L. acid intie gem% feeling Leet night'n the 110. 0 of Comilla., M r , ]fat-' Ile toelt the grouts.' in favor of qeirerttiletalf-• •settitt In East Teithemee. Pul,IM son- Inns. President a lb., Grano Trunk Railway ' fre g e l eee ' red b Y ANOTHER COUNTERFEI T COMPOUND INTEREST NOTE. 'T imeet le the letter In in male 01 Canada, gave nonce that on the Mth test:, r e T e i. t te 1114 f1 ii ,. 4 . r e , t ni lt , e , r i,i u t, t:l ,, i r iu niesze ber. ..ti t re ric eO p ti r i e d se l n le t -- 1,,yal lie eoneeleiv West Tonne.. as die-' he will put the following question, name' 4 loyal as Mesissipie. East Tennessee Is the Whether any representations had been made time. II e conquered In the late it - ate:Said 'AT i• . a...gallog fr... tit. ('send P ro " . ”' es on iy port ion ef the stele from which • t temps Pomerey, and we are entitled to the rigida of 4 on behalf of Her Metesty's government. to the ' an he w ' , 10th.... with enact MitieGen• ten. government of the t r elied States, le reference conquers. We ars e , entitled ton full seeurity I L. Thole. le-titled that he has studied the to the Fenian orgaulzation inn Miseries:, and iatlngtt , turr i ou W h r t n t igit not toheeltate about 'MINISTER TI) EQVADOR APPOINI'EII.: condition of Tenneesee carefully, nail It is Ida more especially as to the empluyinent of . ' tee " IT It . tint, r g dw Statesl o" 'as now If t , the hands where. It was before the 'war, Meet , . the , it Prene'ted end encouraged be United States, in the issue of Minds of the so- suffrage nt'ee In ' ' '-- ---l r placed a small tiniest force the ley. sentiment would t ailed Irish Republic, and the threats made to . ,that reason have we for believing there wall son eon, plete nerved:4.y Inn year or two , limy war ape n the dominions of Her Majesty New Yens, Mare ti 5.-The I leroirl's Wa_els precede, the . pixy rebel . .. s r iro nm.. not disfranchised, end - all • toy. ! fl .. dens me think it 44 , aid be .ale at this time ey that organization. not lien future weir if the leading and gOillit- I Menai special says 4 A strong effort is being in ret 1111 l e teepee or it illitirew snip 1 cal law. ce. A !mink debate In parliament lilue , tl . there. While the artily e-• .... on the . 4,0,07 over rebelliou. Cnn- made for the eetalillahment ed . Goventineut "''-`acre the privilege et the e rit of }latices suspension of the babe. eerpi, ht irelimil. e1111.1!..f.t.! this to Its me et Gat. East Tenneesee . Sir (ming° Grey made the motion In the Com pel shops and ntradnal at Harpers Ferry. greas will have Parretti cred Its fruits. lie It safe. Event's,. the Ihi ete sure t. u ',leis moos. John Bright pr against the see is estimated that two Million defiers or there- preened, etes in Middle Tennessee Is dlv- pi risilon and rebuked the government for Its had no fear in loyal blacks voting for slavery abouts, will replace the governtnent proper- thrbed by pe [-sena' enmities and hatred tench misnmengmeent of aliens in Ireland. Mr. . count three-flftl f the slaves, lett to anti detnoentey. It -it as Imil enougli to ; tere than le th e disloyalty of perste. egarnet J. s. Mill roneidered that the occasion was one is 9 iy at. that point destroyed. during the war, , count the whole needier now, elide deny- $ them the right to vote, would be t " he l'icit,.i ' , dates. Union men in Wiest Ten- for deep grief and humiliation, If Ireland in and the Shenandoah people are anxiode I hat levee a: .• di Ile- ininerity, but the Colon see- former years had been a %lento of ibis goe. 'Mg the mine should be appropriatml. Means Idle t linnet iy g lad 'telly eptiroaching a greet loynl e rem., tof late years, there:amid be no doubt worse, tie hesitated :dent giving Ins assent orders have been issued from the Ordnance , steed:4rd, and lie thinks this feeling a ill go on st n a Ish met Meilen upon Loth sides of the to the pending temente which use to make Department for the removal of the small ie• Ina pros isle. General Fisk teetines Dint he has Weise to treat her In a liberal spirit, led the government .. to . -rise r.uc thel o tileett e ri o e . n , sy n e . ret ‘ ote , talent but di. I a provision be a couttneency e hich might retailing portion of umellinery and other Min a melee, nt freedmen under his charge, e nestion was, whether the armory property at the Ferry to Springfield. idol lite gnat mass me is geed eontiltien and tentless were enough, mid what measures ! . Ma 1 .. 1 . 1 I .., Sir. PorneroY said I. intsserthusetts. int pro. ter, Ind need the protein ten Of the ought to be brought forward for removing the thoughto" that Perm.'" i. , Perm/tog ....lire The Tribuseq. special nay s tlmt the I ltin U. S. govern Meld, It. tilted , on ilnettent td the optaii arlevniices now complained of. . would receive the sanction of as many Stang Infantry, Col. Erustus IC Key, ceimmandlue. -item leen Ileeted agent t !het'. 1, lit just lee The United States Coneni at Liverpool In a • lta . I T ether proposition that cannel by Prtiseo menden° number tenni., II a part of the Cnn- have (teen ordered to report to Mae. Gent. Au- to the negro. Those ehe ei nee their lees , a dispetedi to the Stem Depertment, d a t e d ti-i , ut soPPose li was net adopted by the I gut, commanding the W.ltiuglon [Mean- Wiry to these person., tint' they should he February lath, says nbal vitecinatton for the ment. en t ugly 'lris en limn the ht Ain,nut' vett t e plague as It remedy. seems to he report- staid:ion, would there he not bin g left for Con- , The diebursements of the Treasecv Depart- opposed II e .ducat mote t lie nettle and hls oil Its in taller, and no preventative will be grrts to i du in tic Mere beet tie certainly went. lout month, amounted to eilegre!?...ll jests , .• bet I,e, he le w. Ali the theedlllon In clientele?, in the opinion of those who ate theme it Congress hail the rigid, under the During the clime period, redemptions cif 'lll iise•-see els tit c id.. iinttlieti,prec tire cm- v i e , e d , n li c e mater, exc ept to ,tamp I t. ou t, , seeend elteme of the COnst It utionni emeed m canto eel fractielnal currency were Made phi:, eel T 1,•• in 14ita se -le eihi not '..• i, tie- tell ich means to kill all eatt le taken with the Pro t t r ahe, , ,ia_hriT ,01.‘,,,,a-Y• to enfranidliso the amounti ng to SAMNA. The total amount. of , tire sD. Intl mat tint Mu , ,red.", the writ of 41 Ine.the Se its 0 ',pentane. , anti ennipenitate the , Piev,!• , !,' . '•',' , 1 1 ." I•t• .)•:!)l o ttal7 L 7 then an- Nance,. Bank currency issued lc - the Treat- habeas'., (..„ nt pies. et retort .1. .te 1,, 10:. - owintrn for their Use. The xtuntber attacked Prin... 't-i-''''.iimi• ion' iii re" -i lr no better i arc Department up to date, is t•las,43l.7tet, of oats, the majority or tie (movie to Tennessee since We commencement of the disease, is ieige, that Long t eve, us to what apPropriale I a mei, amount eIaS,MI was Issued tr,st week. ,mr lip le' ett to i et. Go. m nsucia. if ei ery men i.e.len • of wls Mil M i lne bane died or been ..,., --- •; The office of the Second Comptreller of the semaht vele as he pleitsetl, the feet weeld be k 111. d. ' further consideration of the pending prop-' Trees Department, which lets the settle- meeth sted Cid Wm ' , pence test ire, that I ieltebel Gen. Jos. Johnsen arrived here on was • on nee lion of Mt Feesei el et i '- Meet of ell ediftary and nanny claims against the poor.( el ac-r- in Tennessee were lord if tel., more log, to testify before the Committee ° P 7 eed eat ii list' o'yliii'll toderolirri:or. ' '' l C' the government, last month revised aceoutos t. roper info/ is were made to pi titeit th en, 11 ,1 iLl,olllltrDeti.D. Ole , VI leen cell. ,1 ses it Jona itemlittion tun Involving the sum of e.sljlM,ssit , Itit thin INt. the atilt.) al sante:neon , 1- Inttch The •thretary or the Suer ,in itsinwer ton 1 , ..xt.. "are Barton ' , Beim 'boomed del- The gas menOpolie of Weehingten having greater .11 Sc ...t thim in Ithinliv Ten me-- ce. re mien,.,, of tine house, r e port+ c o, e rpeed I- ...for eepets n y. Meese e.l it, Se:tteeing for test is a hill of six hundred antlers, for the awl that the :Mho-mist ~ I Stilettoes end Rep- tithe for inlvert 'sing Of $11,071 for the year ising smite s of our army. find fur the gas iced In the Postoftlee bell,ling during the rest idd lIN es 11,110 lids, n Mild bay in good la.; . farther prosecution ei the saute. toned for the month of February, When the Whsle building. ell , . I. as !los e ets El •ei teen hel, inciehinery hest Engineer IneLaileld In, Made an OM- • „ t t ir ~T o . '‘.l 7 li n c . r ,l it of "hoot, except the City Postoffice , is closed e t m et I c 4 ,,,„„ . „„ It.. „.„.1,. e .„, 44 .1 t ee m,. bet- Mel report as to the amen. of money required re he . i • :Pert ~-. , j . Die I...les:is ~ the espouses Meet - reel by Tales crelock, the Postmaster terneral ic as, ee t er tinting,' fer the Improvement of the. harbor. Among The re of the MM.., tononift. e was tent the gee be CM Off front the lei bbl nig end I n lard N't at, Sittititor elect, U. 1'mt,,,,,e, t 1,.. Miele are eteetie for the navigation of Hod- read , ah.wing petroleum used Instead. , t ~.. titie. I i 1,0 t the se et 1 Item tOf East Yen IneSsee me Rivet; Delaware Breakwater. licEeeet Benet, in the publ Mane,' rii. the aisle of the I elate. of missing soldiere and obtaining in- , The Ileralift special says A. mope-item is tee 1 Stirite legli 10)..11. Thin to are veil Missiedispi and tributaries, freVeooo, Butleem ~ , . Las been made to the Se.cretary of the ''tens- ten r. 1.. :- I, . and there eat limiting to H e n s , seteeter, I levelenti Ant.. The total ferma t e. in reg.. to the site-Se ery by a German named Stem., for the tsmie of heir le "114 11,1 DI 1110.11 4 ' 1 1 1, . ilk) )1 1 11/1)L, 1, ilDth. ~,limt fe etpred !or th e decal Tent ending several iii. „ , t h ic n t i t , h ,v . , :iti o l oi, :t . l rs itt: . 11.4 „. 11. 1 , ? . 1 ,1 1:La i t m z i e , 0 , 1 1 land bonde or lend scrip of the United e stet.- 4 . 4 - i i ce , ~ a r e me, thee t i the counties In East Jane anti, IV,. U.S.s.Y.Vitt. In Lampe, each bond to reereaenethe vain,. ef . 1.111.1...,,,t) ~ here puttee: vu e s. for Mice Th ninny appropriefion bill, u bleb passed her inentet In work, and • .. N I. tumble to pro m> many acres here, to he t e em, er , hy the well i c e -` l ceseet thenuseln es. The troubl e th Thors enwiny, amid to be acted lifelli hp the reed . further Inc her la elentigaivon Mail she bolder of the bond upon his arrival hit this is in M ii.lie soil Western Tennessee. Ile senate emit.. an Item of elteeneeio for the I'v!.e.i.ved money to pay lie . necessary clerk country. Mr. Stern states that the deattu Io tem. tle in is "c iledevelty Inn Western is, of the army, and for coIIIMUMISOn Of- hire . , h od possess a piece of land, however small, is mil- than inn NI nvint no Tenneesee. He .efts nth tinter- flees, sueslstenee, ISI,SOII,OM; for snlosistenee in ....r. G r i m es „, s a id,. „. a a examined this ease vernal miens the lower __,_=...,_:_ .t . the a ork.performed that the United Stales laud hoods ...1.1 he 4. eel., et 1• .1 ,1, 1 1 )1t I/1' Ihmight tin. yin rtermastet E. department about $10... ' e l'. .o ' W..... W ... ' " - M.., .. 1 i wheneeer eagerly bought up thrum: heut the s hole I'd in a „,,. ; a l nano be ad vs ate Litmus to the M 0,..... The tote' is:Mout .30,00.1,0 e0 the name of the missiug toldier was handed ' tiermany and that the :ode of land It.:•••is ~,,,,, ~.„, heist ~, Te nue .,.,, I n It ~,,,, ad , to het's. prosecuted a die teen t search for bile would miunruneasly Increase emetratem to tie, mit: rd tin' nearesenntne ton in t ...Won , . The , , Among releftnol Uulon prieomirs aud others- Menem . bra!ht . ln'''. ll,' ant's do , ta Fr i i . ' nit Mani' - X AXI.III CONGRESS--- FIRST SESSION. at Annapolis. Ilex means were exhausted in In river of the proUable Merest. of National Mt Lee, ie 1 . lee-felted n n1111411'11) . report n Olt Lets work, and it the nelvereal sentiment Ranks, a sumeet of lest do ions bane altd lio . • ll -'„hogs bens: „ of those Manlier with what she had done, the'. ' W...tilataTniit 'larch 1 , . i ' S '"'' the upprepriatlon .keil for was quite rea their epplications with the Comptrolier of the ei-st - That 'l,•ne..-si••• is now. and 11. bere Currency. at 411 t I ours .1111) , her ettelln•len t en., of the SENATE. seeable. The resort/Don was inianntionely The recommendation of the Internal Lev, r ude ,” . 4 ,,,.„ e i e me , out ,named: The Plevldeat Fr e e . '" laid seem the Senate ; Mr. Stewart. 61 . J:evade. Introduced n bill to nocComullssionee to redeem the tax nn a I.,ky •-,,,,,,..__Nn s tate can by 0 ,,,, „,.., ,„! i ts ~,,,,,,,,, the pet Won of a ettlzen Of Columbus, S. te -.--, ' amend the net to pomadee for the rteitOrl a for is not Ithely to be ad. led. From pt semi in-' pie i.e s 1(11.D-ewe !i sm Diet n tem a. afoot line dientione no Mistime w - 111 le• made it, the tax. eees , e o, 0 , 0 , ere o the r el a te the bi til , l i e o let . ry ,;f 1 1 t ho ca r t , e . 0 0 lt r s ,... tl i ne ,, setting forth that his entire property, valued the Supzetne Coert. ithieli was referred to the Deseret levant, eceompanied lip Colonel l .:i ird-1 he pews, et tee , feted: Theme:see, et !demi , . Was destroyed by the tiring of that : ti o e t e o V o te t e te i . l floe i•e. is im-route to Washina ten The in.,- ii' i in.' "t en ''''''"'.''' '" ''''' .. '" m " eie ' n e.." Idly, hist 'trotter, and that Ito. has alnraja been . ote e t tooteth e ,gr tc. „ 4 a ~, • - . oral i eke,: -nil in beiag taken to ti est P.m, , .•.i the li s ht inn an I lie na ni• Henn the I• n ion. an d . 4 5 - • - • terms that eth et eel di 51t 4... ~ riii i.. I.• s 1.5.1.,,, , i. ti,hi sin.- rii,ii, di. it 1.4 N al nein, end asking foes. indemnity truce il motion or An. 0,..0tn,., the m il to grant prow., a .er•• to i n June, utia it necounts for the n i.ll •mi 4 imi .•. her temp. 4s. et state ,tf t i n., r tee- con gees... Referred to the Committee on 4 .5p.,41,,, w....ricertaln lu.n . a i l o t . ,, .. p. the ft l , t ‘ r , t i n i l i t . cl ,, n , , , gt .i. • led tans le St-- The Werhe, special sayie Tie ens . - ..! 1 , .'. 44 ., 4 , 4 „: „ ; e lle, ee „, es t the • I oi,„,i steles, , ~i„,„. teethe L. C. Raker inns been set for trial in the n 'elle the lthverntnent of the I elred 'tales '-' I nln tIOn ni die,f - Brown, tee hill le reins. Criminal Court on Tuesday next. en ,,, e ,, , , 4 „. ~,et of th e p eo pi e to 0 obd ea .. a Mr. A side presented a petite.. fsolaMlu. cat, . . Stet, el etliteourl for expo eel he The monthly traHart•fic the Penahatt oftire for 'talc from rife Union, and to settle . the Wien- seas of Ohlo, .1..1eg for equal right., and the I Miffed in enrolllue, eettildelg. seise/ening and the Month just . •pamemeklitibits an addition to :lee, n port lon of the people of 1 enstennee, . paying nit the utilites of (het :Acute nince the rtholition of ail titstleetien o. cq t gist of August, Isol. Wan leseen . ie . It tippets the pension roll of 4,lret new tmme, fl( thorn wit In the aid M the sun-called enn federal e rotor Iteferreil to the Conlmittee on Rimon- relates six hundied and sixty-seven thousand 2Me were widows, mother, and Miners' ea-es • iiim cs, nem: , ang-ageni 1.1 ith the I', :tail slates ~t i. s mimii. • , , live In end cell ci .11 tars. and the I emninina 1,,07 Were invalids. Deritlit In s i t on ait t tit it rat- 'I het conduit •I , + ...tal ... al 'm eane r prenentati n pet Mon pita, in t , tom Hr. heed Helm mimes , et if them wits an the teem ismeni of time GO claims nein IN.- ''''" the, - , tot .,, g pte.. .„, (ter , the expooto.,, 01 m , e„ „ .l. „ a }.-Clods 1' bring '" . " ll ‘ l '' '" .l I" wld..e. ' - ''' ee l '''''''''''''' ''' lee • n '' " P e. I',T*TP,' - ',., r, -r - ~:t a full guarantee ter - the future. make it an exceptien to mem Set ton. mired. Pearly Salm circular° and let ter , : a .•th ti : r. es •.• •:. • •••• ••••••1•• ,se ••.I - - •"". ' • t."` - Mr. ill-Imes presented the memorial of lowa iel e ineeen Watt not neat, Of any Cunene dispatched Item tills mine., den., the 11 , 11 1 11. D nu: "'""' c''''''''''• n''' ':'"""'"""Y "'" ''''. 81301D11 1 Mr an erdle done °f bounties, which I : lion under whieh Domes from other mates We larger proportieis iming rel. , iv e I• . lel e- dr. :i.e. of the eimstli mese. relations of teo, e „.. 0 . 1 .," to , , muimry c omm i t , Were called fete sere see. In Mierourl the nes. wane I n d with the widow , ' Eraitel , • In Ten uessee ult.. 44 the I 11/11 was provennted Mr, Blown introduced it bill to make six 4 it Wan part of the United Slates troupe. response to inquiries mien. at the ode, In au nt nue -.nate nd• at inn the Union. , bourn a day's 1e1... in themes. of artizame anti tette „, toe enoo , „ Missouri were ins net, natinta, claimant s sold others. I; '"''' '' , Th ,'''', ' ''•' '''''''' ' b ' e e "'" " ' ;“" ' mecheisice ettiPloYed 1...1 the United S i e te ° , a i n nil thin the sons}' Wan natily needed, 'fine s ecr etary 1)f the Treasure I. 11 1,11 : nth- Inn., 'it !It, 1 D1)111101.1 rap...13145i,, g, the right of iii,. ._, ti , iiiii W . ,,,,,y C r,,, , ,,,,,, e . . ~ , . ~.. terrts, In order in keep the state GovernMent in paring notices of discharge fit nits ant sevenly- a . si ,; i ' "---"-' - , m i u !,'" i ".' . „ - ','„‘, l :'''',',.','„,,'''';', a t l i th „"',':',",'" Mr Ilene use to a peretinel explanallou.. „ o tot , five clerks. Ilmidrede of appinentlons for run- later ns'.• • a •••‘••••••"- '-•'- '-' '-'- "- - .""- 11,. Mai read from tee apvidel etirrtiPpOlitleaCe ' , lnt . r ~,,,,,o ei, ~i,lij Inc w' bill „ al siiy ~,,,, MIAOW are still being mantle, though the I. ni .. g n es- 11, 4 ortititt of ''''' is Inintth.' upon orinelli of 1114. New York Tit..., nn nelson lion that in , Wang tor Of ny,..aintit the bill noel , . hut fie Is being reduced. le el slate- the detente on F•ralai,l , s". 11[ 0 .0 ..."....- thought the honr of the day at which It was The Treasury Deportment Inns rune'' i veil iron/ tee he Tie, eent reset alien 110., not admit hired by tile eollennue, Mr. Doolittle. called up, was too late for the senate to pass Charleston, S. c., a new eeenter f, 4 lt on 1.114, fn. nn ends., tem% rl.llD(DiSee to tale 1.111 - 11" 1ie..1, 31, It trati eapliteni that the pimillon he oc- opn urine a bill involving an expenditure ty don. compoun d, ntermit note. 1 ''‘ illis in " l n i v U P"" t ''''''' '''" kj ''' in "' " "" t ' h at- curoat, was simply a clause in the Cmeatitn- et ,over peel':l,ooe. Ito then, morsel el:emelt, The Commtseloner of Cusitoins has theelVVl. 1`01 .1 1111...” .... . Lion Ulllch made the Senate the ledge of the Session, whieli tees held, and the Senate soon 'ate advice. from Montana TerldlOry, stint lag sixth-There ,no q uests. n in tau minds co . ~ iii , iiii , iiiimmi, oioeimn of , oom b i . mil of im after adjourned. lb. large quantities °floods ha tl l )r.),) and the imein i nee as to the loyalty of the items- men members, so that If Mr. Doolittle had de. --- are now dieing aning,gkod lulu tit, ',dolly of bers sleet fret. T 0111111.10,, and ther•nfora open , and islicd al, (News's) pes Pion, be to Ingellttle the mines from the eanadian troy loses. teos , 11 , ‘,.„, unite ,i„ „tat, „. , r . 0ne .„,,,, 1 4 ., now bud bk. - 111)1y dealpil,thed a elan. of the tleMsts have hutar antSed to the Mmount of thirty ea .. of I het eat MI Maths of An - melee. and u Itle 1 „ . „,, tie, c0 n e „,,,,. (Doolittle) In argetng on thousand dollare, and the collector ot rho die- in the U el's", her Representatives onght to tete, the b ert , mi g ht .li, in determining the tort reports that he is bentltyg every energY have the oath of oily iiiiiiiiiiket,•re.l to these . , election quelitleetlone and admission of Its to l e e breaking op of the sothmcling eel. est- et Once Imp the Speaker, and they be ad to ltd en ,„„ rtio n t b ots , had goat so far its teeny. that tied On n that wiener. us member- et this Dense; and thereto,. It is ..i.i.ii if two senators no m fiiiiii . i . werii , isiiit The Times' 'Teel. says: The President lees recommended,. D sea Witte, Mr the said s' to the, body, the Senate had the newer to nil appolntml T. Coggeall. of Ohio, Mlnieter to Jelinnem; ut ions and preemble, that the Douse , tett et. respect the .. tee (Rowel wanted to 'meatier, in place of F. Itaesurek, resigned • et mice Sill Opt the following reSoltstlut,, ur . • keen ' If two Senatorn with equal qualification. The appointment. la made upon the teem. „„ o a ~k „ ,e,„„.„. , ,e , to win e „„ ' and returns presented themselves, whether mend: Mien of Postmaster Dennlemi aud Gov. • Cox, of Ohio. Mr, Coggsall wu.s for a nine tie' other. that was all the demolishing there le l ,f t ri t ' ',V,S,„ l ,! e e t, l ,,t,,, i ,, l 7,e r .t e t f ,, i t. : 41' ,,47 ° ,,,, '" i r - w e j,; i the Senate could roepect the one end accept t melstant crier of the Cincinnati Gazette, aft Tonnes-, 41 be, and Du/• are hereby telt/lilted i ,r...s about it. teraards, librarian for the Ohio Legishiture to tithe t hide seats it, the Ilona( es members Ilia. Doolittle said that he hod simply stated toot n, now clerk OS the Ohio Senate. theme!, upon their taking the oat II presserlimil . that If the Senate should admit Santora from . • Upper Canaan what could the Homo dentin. 11, and what could the President do. Ho bad made that poi. In trying to show that the Senate, In determining epee the equal qualifications of Its own members, could not lend itself by the action of the blouse, nor by the it 11l of the Preaident. Mr. Morgan introduced a reeolution. which tens adopted, calling upon the President for to formation fit regent to the alleged kidnap pie g of colored persons on the Southern coant, aittl their sale. slaves In Cuba or °leacher°. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, offered the following, which Aran referred to the Commit tee on Reconstruction: A joint resolution to provide for the:opt - fete:station in Congress of the States lately in rebellion, and for the re sumption of the prectimi relations of the said States to the United States. lissoUsed, By the Senate and House of Rep resentutives of the United States of America, in Congress aasembled, that either of the states of Virginia., North Carolina, South Car olina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Loutslaaa, Missiseippi, Arkansas or Texas nimil be enti tled to representation In Congress, and to re. sumo complete practice' relations with the United States whenever the said States, by its legislation, shell formaityaeletet the following Dn.:Rotate° fnedamoutal eotelltlons, viz.' The , all laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations heretofore In forceor held invalid In the sold Staten whereby or wherein Ine quality of civil rights or inenunitlam anicmg the In barman is of the said State Is recognized, authorized pr established, or maintained by reason or mended upon any dlsinilHiugialtli or differences of color, race or de cente upon aprevious condition or status of et very or I servitude, be declared absolutely null and void, and that It shall be forever un lawful to Institute, Make or ordain, or metals. , fish le the maul State, any law, state act, ordit : ounce, rule or eemilethert, or in enferee, or to I at Dna pt to enforce the mime 1 that there shall , be no diseriminatimi whatever In civil rights or lumen:aim among the Inhabitant'. of the I salt' State on account of colon - Taco or descent I em a erevlowl condition of slavery or inyoluiss Lary not - vitt:Me, hitt ill Ilia inliabltante, with- eut regard ; to color, race at dencent, or a pre- violin condition of rtavery or ineoluntery sort vitude, shell halm the simie right tO ma anti • en tome contracts, to sue the p arties aud ke giro evidence in all courts and macs; to iniurfit purchases, lease, sell and convoy real and per- sonal property, and totarte, the full and equal I benefit or ell lime and proceeding, for the protection of person-and prpperiy, and shalt Le eubteot to the same purlistinsenta Anil pans Myles, anti none Other. Third, that the rig ht of voting for electors of President or Vies President of the United Staten, for represen tatives to Congress{ and for the Members of the Slide Legislature, shall bo granted by the said Stein IcTthe fellowitig Masson of persons of African decent, viz • eilmales of the age of .1 years and upwards who linen been duly en- rolled mid reentered into servicerin•thearmy or navy of the rnMed Stint:a, she pay a tax - on real gr personal prOpertYi sn4 511 slabs of l like age who are able to read tlitycOustillition of the United States and possesses theqUalifts cations required by the constitution of the said State not Inconsistent - herewith. Fourth, that no pnyment shall ever be demanded by the mid State of the United States, net made by the soar :State or by Uell t et States for or On account of any debt can cd - mr bk Incurred hi aid of the rebellion against the United Stags. Section addend-And be It ferffiet' seselC'g l , That the provision. of ibla platit'reStlillition ehall take effect no soon as oithOr of WO *Mid stat.hdu ut es,' feriji.:l o 3 . l . b. ; Witl& i lliti, b e l t fi t P.- a'lt, fundamental cendttrunsiore M . stale tu ~._ .......... altadtte Inifillt 4. preeeribed. which cones.-- . act declared for ever ft:repealable. Mr, Commie asked that the Senate preceed. to the eenelderation of the bill to extend the; limo for the viltbdrawat of &oda frail:, tbe. nubile storm and bonded warehouses:a - Mot, non to reconsider the vote in the - panne' ni, which was pending. • • Mr. Fessanden ea.; the-mCifitleig'• bOdir" lens about. to expire, and be wbeld feel nil% 1 40 Y. to call up the ColittitatiOnat.atriendriMq,Ort the subjeet of representation.. Orflhia t his : Senator from Delaware, Mr:. Satilatinrye nee the door, bat it to underetoOd that be did not wish tospeakuntilt4montrow;attOf iinyopift . &nutter wished Mt, speak', onAm . .. Inih•Pot . - lie' hoped be wOnldpiltie - taid now. ' "... C. -- ' "-_ - • Mr. Pomeroy 41X there were !Apar ,Selpitt Mrs Who destNntiepeskontbdralmject , J ,- '..: Mr. Clounesa to tbe ameadment . nduld not be balsa up foes abed gine, WWI qle : WV he had mentisidiedeins diaposed a ...• ;-, .e— -•.M.ti Fesitgalett timid bebattnooliteichions Oro.- vtded thine would berm tenatby.itebaW,.....:,,, , , "-. ?',:...-!77..:727!!..,:'1." :, .., -. .,,..;..,...4ig. , ..-? ..., -7,i'.,71.7,..?..X.:..:..vaL?.-24:, 'peCtili Dispatch to the Pittatnargh Gilzett e. liwitaisarao, March 5, Clymer has Just been nominated for Gover nor on the fourth ballot, receiving 72 votes nn,l cre General Cass 36. THE HARPER'S FERRY GOVERN MENT WORKS• kmerican Land Bonds for Europe. TEE SPANISH - OKELIAN WAR Ecuador Joined the Alliance DISASTER TO THE PERUVIAN NAVY. Spanish Fleet at Valparaiso Nan . l'ona, alarch S.— he nlonanslilp (..ta Rica, from Aspinwall on tho . ult., lnut or rice,. • Ecuador ban joined the alliance of Chill and Peru against the Spaniards, add there is a prospect that taller republics will follow their example. Disaster has befallen the Peruvian navy. The steam frigate Amazonas, of forty guns, and the Ironclad Lon, having been run on shore San proved is total loss. The American steamer Uncle Sam liasLicen seized at Panama on suspicion of being en gaged in loading supplies Intended for the squadron, and a guard of fifty Pana ma soldiers has been placed on hoard of her during the pendency , of an investigation of the matter. All the Spanish fleet remained at Valparaiso except two screw frigates—Villa de Madrid , and Blanco. There vessels are after the anise squadron. They looked into the Bay of Tel- Juanatia,ad were last seen off the island of Fernandes. • It is thought, that the Span iards may establish a depot of coal and pro vislofis at the latter point. Commodore Bo nes, commander of the Spanish squadron, bad declared that all Chilies" coal, no Matter where found, will be considered contraband or war, and Lae also notified the foreign consnl4 at Valparaiso that the blockade of Caldera has been raised. A serious fight had occurredt tee Ch Inaba Islands between Chinese coo lies mid their overseers. The military was Caned Out, and a large number of rioters were killed. The trial of Bradley and Joke at Panama for the robbery of Paymaster Rittenhouse Rita concluded, and both were found guilty' and sentenced to Imprisonment. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC HAII.RIAD. Steamer Lockwood Burned TWENTY4IYE LIVES REPORTED LOST. Locisvittx, Marchs,-4..E. Wasiroue, pram dent, and A. T. Smith, Secretary, of the Eauth ern Pacific Relined, are expected hero from Texas during the week. A general meeting of the stockholderp takes place here during the present month. Direct rallrosd Mout between hero and Memphis will be rapidly completed, the Louisville and Raab vUle Railroad having Matted the Memphis, Clarksville Awl pattiaville Railroad 6.U,000 for that purat, The Memphis Dlryateh says. The steamer Lockwood exploded her better rweray ogles from Memphis and was burned. Terept¢-five Reel are reported lost. Particulars hereafter. lee J0N6.4 466 lu P/664Ington—Semnies p.roked-I, l 6•ctslen 61:686111 6.1661/"" Company. Nair Yana . , March 5.—A eriNdig WOr r h in g t " deopntetrto the tkonmerekti ..atCrifllSer-hltyh , The es-General Joe Johnson Is hero to testlfr before the Committee on lieennetruction. . . . . . _ Tim parole of Copt. Sommrs boa been dee.- ded to be valid by high legal authorities, so ho will not probably be tried. Judge Daly decided, today . In the Court' of Common Pleas, In the muse of George W. Black against the Sixth Avenue itedlroad company. that the.present sate of faro is illegal. The ground of this decision wits that the company having its charter on condition that the rate of fare shall not exceed flee manta, 'clannotin crease the rate unless authcrrlzed to do so by ,some Paramount _authority, and. that tbe.ltn poeltion of tbe:ititernal revenue Da clone eighth of one cent,.Whtch - tax the company. may add to its fare If pOsitiblei'ermfers no right inuMnrertogaikeattlifotherone-eltti. Tr ratify with Indian Tribes EMI ri,e.(refe, Hp the Maw nf Reprerentaltres. That ; the itcprioetotatiL en chicle.i frono the elate of Teunessee, are hereby admit hid to take their vete in I his Hone its toleinhein thereof, upon their Inking I lie leo ti prescribed by 1104" . Sevelnal ot no 01:1/ 1111( . 11,4 were before the supreme t our I tosday, among them the ease of Ihgan, lice les and Horsey, tried be fore a Millar- tomimi.stioti in Indiana, on charge of a chispiraey to release the relic . pi 'soot, at Indian:tool Zet I upon by the [state go,-erninct. I, I qui, icted, and sentenced to be hue;; 'rite Preen lent commented their onintencii to imprisonment for hie, awl they now npidy for n adorer, on the toenail of nen. • jurisdiction. The argument of these Mans Wu ' ColLtunnentl McDonald, of Indiana. fir the petitione, who will be fol lowed by Judge Ithieli rs amoral liurtleid on • the auror old., and they will be followed by Attorney- tietiertil Stood, lieneral lintier, and IV. NV. !--tat hurt, for the government. povid • Field will close Hue argument for peton ers. Eli of the counsel is allowed three . hours for his arnillnent. The tour: 41 divereil Its oploMn on an rip- - peal tree. lowa, reaffirming one heretofore Pre noeneed, that comity or municiptil corpor- • ation hue no inherent power to subscribe for ',leek, they roll r :terrine DO power nnitna 1,11,, It US 1101 - 1 y tie given by the ore tor 11,01 purpos,•. Tice eases, one (em ti Michigan and the other front iiiiiiitanta acre decided, relating to In tercourse with lie lts a tribes, and Mr-Wring the legality of selling spit lions llii tiers to the I,,liLlOh. auto of Langres- el ,1-2 and 1€42, prohibiting such sitter:, Were for their better proteet 100 tooninerce Is traffic—it is inter- • coo.e and en'ainiige of commodities. Thin In , the essenor of 1,01311/ The Court ethrunsi that the laws Were war ranted by a clause In the Constitiition giving Congress the pow ow 10 rrgu late commerce with ' Indian tribes. Thn trintly With the 'reek Nation was signed On Saturday afternoon, at the of the Commissiotier of incliati Affairn• among other important Stllollatlonfl, sede the west 1.11 of their large domain to admit their emancipated negroen to equal and civil rights„ and to grunt the right of way for the construe tine of it railroad t)trollgil their coUntry,•and ak., agree to .ugh legislation on the pant of COpgrena as , 1114 be nnOnnaftry_ to establish Judicial system In 11,4811 Ttrrltorloa, and a General Connell, with definite' lOrislatiVe j powora, composed of two delegates from each nation. A new treaty WAS consult:Masted be tween the ("twined Swanee nations, of Kansas, their principal Charles and Blue Jacket. 'headed the delegation. Treaties are also beliie prepared, and will noon be coot. 0/Ct.:lt - 1 , 11)1 the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chicka saw., Seminoles and two hands tof tine Chip-, pewits, of Lake liaperlor, Balsroil band, and those of the Luc On Thatubean. The Cononisaloner cot the freedman'. Be rea Las issued a etrcular directing that each Assistant Comm le•Anner and Consul state the laws with regal,) to the marriage nod divorce of white persons, And embody them for the minefitof irceamen. He says it is desirable to frown dowdattell systems of marriage rule` world be approved by Statein therefore advisable no procure a formai ap proval of the Governors, to your circulars on thla subject. Tine Cinuinfssiener *mild elm. ply suggest several points that regiLL.g Immo dlate alteration- Yirat--Partles Migthlo - for marriage. Second—Who Hindi grant certifi cates Ot Marriage. Tit tril—Tiarties authorized to solemnize ruaniuge. Pourth,--Dwoution of marriages. Fifth—ReglaLry of lalarrrairon. Malit—ltegulations referred to perili=" Vito latve lived together with 'Marriage. The greatest earii. Mutt nil taken to Instrnet nil freed-people, as to what the low demands of them, in regard lo reartiuge, end all elergy- Men and magistrates, authorized to give cer tificates andsolemnize marriages, must be earnestly solicited to all Bureau officers in reettfyitm oshiting evils on this subject. Illaln*s•constlin2lonal 'Amendment. NV Ass mores, March s.—lt'ts generally con cededJlere that the Blaine amendment s to the Constitutiou will ne defeated in rho Senate. A fell senate contains fifty members, and seventeen votes will , kill the amendment, being more than one third. The eleven Dem ocratic, Senators will tmquesticumbly vote , against it, as will also, it la alleged, the fel low lag named denaters : Messrs Sumner,' of - MassachnsettsPixtni, of Condeethnit.Morgan, oc,,tiew York, Comm, of Pennsylvania; Wiley and Vats Winkle; of WeatTlreklula, 'Meader-ion, of Missouri, and etc wart,_or ;evade, making In all, nineteen. The reinaliting thirty-ono Fenatoil there is good reason to believe, all t of ".•-•+l` PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MARCH 6, 1866 cbo QM EEO The rpetter proceeded. it being the drat business in or order, to cull the States for bills anti 10111 t resolutions on leave. Mr. Woodbridge, of Vermont, tusked leave to Introduce the following Wetness Tho people ano government of the United States of America are not indiffe rent to the patriotic struggles of the people of Mexico to establish and perpetuate their republican forte of government, anti whereas, the 5.11111 republic of Nutlet), through Its duly authorized agents, is about to Issue &MX* bonds of qa,ouu each, dated April let, with Interest coupons attached, payable ai the city of New York In multi coin, the principal atter thirty years, and the interest sumi.annually, at the rata of seven per cent. per annum, each of which bonds Is to hear the signature of the registrar appointed by ills laxceilency, Mr. Romero, therefore, be it resolved, Ac., • the Berate concurring therewith, that pay ! mezt cl the aforestiltiOrme, fifty, million dol lars, with thelinterest the rtsm according to the tenor of the said bonds by the same hereby is guaranteed by the United States of America- Mr. Woodbridge asked that the resolution be read twice. Referred to the Committee on Forign Affatrs and printed. Mr. plaint—lottlect to its Introduction. The Speaker—The question is, shall leave be granted. Tellers were offered, and there were area 70; nays V, no quorum voting. • Mr. tichenek, of Ohio—l understand that all that the gentleman from Vermont, (Mr. Wood bridge,) asks, is that the reset ntions he intro duced, referredand printed. Mr. Illalne—l objem, to the first thing being done looking to that end. The Speaker—No debate is in order. air. Ashley, of ChM, called for the yeas and nays,' were ordered. The. v eta was Wien and resulted. yens, 1.4; nays, 64. ThAspeattar veiled In the isdirinative, so that lease CMS granted for the Introduction of the reSolntien, which was thereupon thrice read and referred to the Committee on Foreign At. fare. - D Dlr. Flanks, of Massachusetts, introduced on leave en sat to provide for the opilsolleation of the Pension With the present Marshal's Be. rean which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Military Affnirs. • Mr. Baldwin introduced on leave an. act to Incorporate the National Association to edu cate colored men for the Christiau intuistiy, which was rend twice and referred to the Committee for too District of Columbia. Mr. Miller, of Pennsylvania, asked leave to Introduce en net amendatory of the National Currency Act. Mr: Price, of lowa, objected. • Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, called for, the yeas and ittdys,.l%iiieli ring otlizreti and taken, resul ted: lipty l ,'o na lrlio l , introduced on leave a preamble and resolution directing an increase for one hundred and tifty days of fifty per cent: on the present import duties, which was read twice and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. Spaulding, ofOlGo, on Jeave beingg=t eil, introduced a joint resolution to Supprens certain freedom/A noted terming a,part of the paperautteney of the govermnent which Was • read twice and referred to the CoMmittee on • diking and Currency. The resolution re quires the Secretary of the Treasury to call in and suppress without unnecessary- delay, the recent issue of five cent notes on which the head of a private Individual appears, In ph;,,,, of thatrif ucerge Washington. Raise direets that henceforth tiolibrids or face of amp per. son shall bo placed on any perfloir of th e currency of the Untied Buttes, without the es- I rep designation of the Secretary of the lii• i ....t - Tiley, of Utile,' asked leave to bitrodifee a leant resolution as follows: Rejoiced, By the 'louse of Representatlies, , the Sonatnellacurrinti, that •the Conattnitioril I et the United States confers on Congress am pie power for the protection of the °maned- patent slaverr and friledriven le the States re cently In rebelllonl •Resotred,-That to behalf of the loyal Alfieri- eart petthoongress ' alum UnltSd States 0,,y g0 i and'mita ,proteettp.n:tiar to Ylli i men; irr beilYe 0 Mee' MIX color, caldpig,, in the 'States 1 • fly in 'rebellifini and es- WALT Sar,rial i i tal:er t l io l, i tilal S ea u :l4l,l T.CongreSs win - demand such guarantees as to ........“ :ball Win enflielent •before rote Wein l &Ds , ed the new Stare g0ve.............. .....--,-, I am Or whlch.hereatrer may• bo orgtreS: .mtier tinder the order and direction 01 the president, Or by en indopendentelit Incise . mantel' the people In sorb State*: •••• Resolved, That the Union party of the nation ten:Mental in Cwiertnia earnestly deinre that I all the Statessetently m rehollien shall at the . , wirileit moint 4 ionstakUtcwitii t e a saTelyt"Ofr, ,the - Natheml - ummr, teereetbitertteall theMll- . 1 'Megan, tighte and dignities Of tea t Statearlof • the Anterican Union which have no.beent•in retiellien, and that lerl.sillen ne coustitutioeM State Governments ;me :Ore& therein , Which shall tleeurely . chn tntienilllmrt stops, ttle rights of nll_l°3 , lll en, withOlit , re lgaritteracesiscokrtiand• when the peti~ - etmte -7 8tatee , shalt - have Mooted men of un .7llOublett htrOty; A s' - and IlePrtilaillne lithet.ou • = thli • XlititedrllStatea-will 'egeognird government en R thelcOnittite- . tinrisAiinTi er i n ilrt ,l 4 IRS!? ' . ..! 1 . T 1f, j.• - .o•-x-,;:•..'sj..: 6''":: - -.1,: , :i ,- .: , -'' , Cl. , :ivolir , W .- - '- ..,,!1R41,14,,,"4•,--.4.-iwaAaito-flik.4.P'-'-4 ---~ Mil trig, Congress will :Ilse detnand, as a condition to the complete restoration of any reorgan ized State t lie only exemption for ally citizen 1 from a liability to taxation for payment of the rebel debt, or reimbursement either of ex penditnre incurred by the Stem or loyal au thorn ies m aid of the rebellion, or for loss in eurred by the emancipation of slaves. The Speaker said that the morning boor having elapsed the resolutionS would lie over the two weeks from to-day. Mr. Bingham, from tit:34olot Cotmnittecen • Reconstruction, repot:tee the following Joint restitutions . Rcsotoed, By the Senate and lamas of Repre sentatives In Congress assembled, that Where ow, the peppla of Tennessee have made known to the Congfam of the UnAtal States their de sire that ma et:institutional relations herete fore existing _between them and the, United • Stnics may be re-established, and did, on the fad day of,lehtuary i 4 , Bo, by a large popu. lay vote, adopt,,a,tid rat constitution of. a government, republican n,foria, an of In. • consistent...4lth, the Coustantion and laws of the United. States- , A.S.titt.,e, atrferantent has been strganized uridei profit:ons there, of which said prOvialen and the .latre pasied in yinranunde thereof, proclaimed, denote loyalty to the Union ; and whereas the people, of Tentiessee are found to be in a cenditherttY, 'exercise the functions of a State within: thiei Unlon,-atid can only exercise the steno byeert..; senalaw making power or.the gaited: lita 4refore the State of 104nuessea Is hate hired to be one of the UnitedStatee • ofAM(Ylea, ea au eitual footing With the other Mates upon the express eml.lition that the InMple df TennesSee will maintain add ca rat-co in good faith their existing constitution and how, cart:Wing those who have been en gaged in rebellion against the United States ifrotn exercise of the elective franchise ter representative periods of time therein prey!. I ded for, and exclude the Bartle Item°. from the like respective pockets of time from eligibility to office; and the state of Tennessee shall never assume or pay any debt or obligation contracted or in ettermi in oil of the late rebellion. Nor shall sabi State ever, in any manner, claim from the United States,,or make any allowance or com pensation for shaven emancipated or liberated in any way whatever; which conditions shall be tat :sled by the Legislature of Tennessee, or the people thereof, as the Legislature natty di rerl, before this act shall take effect. The Joint Resolution was read the first a second times and on Motion of Mr. Bingham, was retort.; mitteirand ordered to he printed. inngham also presented the memorial and testimony in relation to Tennessee, with tan accompanying documents. arid moved that they be printed. Mr. lingers presented ft minority report of himself and Mr. (hinter, and asked that it be read. arugSworth objected to the reading of the report, which takes the ground that the Stateof Tennessee is already in the Union and bad never been opt, and ends with aresolu ion tothe Honsethat the Members elected be (VVIII - 1, in. It was colored lobe printed. M t welt of Illinois, staled that Mr. Bust well and himself dissented from the ma jority report, and that tney would Ole their views hereafter, which he asked leave to have printed. The grounds of their dissent are : that the joint resolution does tint afford suf ficient gettrunters of fidelity to the Union and Or prOleetion CO the fre.edmen. Mr. Conkling moved that any member of the Committee testy die his views hereafter and that they be printed. There being no ob. jtstlon, it Wad so ordered. . speaker presetued a report, from the Secretary of the Navy lisle the amount paid for, for Hal Referred to the cotton abet, 011 Printing. Viso a communication from of rotary the Interior tr.insufitting a report of that:Wet Le glover irr tidal eon iq bar bore on the imam.' . lake where public works are erected, Referred to commttee on Conuncree. Also letter in regard to the report of Col. Sawyers, ankliorinienolYiat of the wagon train from So- bras sa to Virginia City. Laid on the table. The-Teske,. also directed - the Clerk to read the following letter from the Governor of North Carolina • 01.170 or NOR, ft CA6omtt A, E.I.CCTIVL ImeeirraENT, N. C., February testli, Pled. .0-beef-s Cooper Speaker of the Hour of Acprtsoteorarer•—Slir I here's rill enclose to you the resolutions of the General Assembly of this State, acceptable lands, donated by the t ongrtt. of the United States, by aa. iassed Jly u ISO, entitled, ..Art net donat ng publielinds ta. several States and Terri torf,,, ',Lich may provide Colleges for the benefit of Cotonu-end and Mechanical Arta." Very respectfully, your Obedient Serektht, thignedo Jus Dillon iFolettl ' Loo .:race of North Carolina. Mr. Stet mt.-1 object to the reception of the ill:per of the speaker. 'The question is whelk-' the litlNe•ie VII rccelve it. lie, tiriv,ks. of Now York—on wind grounds done t he gentleman from Pennsylvania object to let roceptionl sir. rtlevens—l object because we all know perlectly well t hut w.• do not r,engn Ize at Ares nlll, 111.. 1;1,1'1111..111. of North Carolina, and I hope the Douse will be consistent. 7,1 r Amoks. I understand the gentleumn to ids Gunkling interrupting, asked wheths er the debate wtx in order. The Speaker—it to not. A majority can re cell e any paper. The question is In receiving the pap ,. /. Mr. kl,ll Wi t t, naked for tile ens and nays ou that que,tlon. The pats aid nays being Or- , rt.ll and tnkon, resulted,in avote of nays, 37; , pl., too. So the limose refused to receive the paper. Mr. htevens offered a resolution, which was adopted, retplesting the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare a statement showing the ; amount of. money now in the United States Treasury, Occluding all sums to the hands Of the Assistant Treasurers, National Banks and , nil oilier depositories, designating the amount in each separately, toll to report the same to the House. Mr. Stever/sale° offered a resolution, which !Wonted, requesting the President to eummunicate to the Hone, information on the following points: Tu lime many persons. ; north more than twenty thousand dol lar, onati, lie has issued slam's' -I pardons, mel what are their names. Clow much property,md, personal. and mixed, I seism] and forfeited as the enemy's prop erty, had been taken from °fledges of the Gov erument, nboclahn to be the original owners. B huller such persons ball been soldiers In the armies of tile so-coated Confederate States, or had been giving aid and comlort tothe cue my. How much abandoned properey, that had been taken possession of under acts of Congtais, and had been allowed to Freedmen and now occupied by them. had been ordered to be restored to returning rebels, anti the oc- mounts, Freedmen , displabed, stating the ear [tenter property thin' restored, and by whose order the same was dune. Mr. Eldred, Jr., presented the joint resolu tions of the Senate and Asseinbly of the State of Wisconsin for a grant of land to aid in the censtruction of Portage Lake and Luke Supe rior canal. It was referred to tile Committee on Putille Lands. Mr. Perham offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing the Committee on Invalid Pensions to enquire what further legislation lenecestary to prevent the transfer or assign- Mont orany pension to brokers or speculators, and 1p regard to other amendments of pm:Mien taws.. Mr."Priee, nu leave, introduced a bill for the organization of a company to constructs, railroad and telegraph from Puget Sound to Columbia 'hoer. It was read twice and.refer red to the Committee otttbe Motifs'ltallroad. The House then went Into Committee of the Whole en tile Rate ;of the Tilton, Mr. Bran:tepee in the chair, and proceeded to the consideration of the Military AppropriatiOn Bill. Several amendments were adopted, In. eluding one offered briar. Benjamin, to en.' force the proi-isions of the test oath, and ono offered by-ldr. Schelick,appropriating*S,OOD for continuing the ereetien of the - memorial tab let. and monuments to deceased officer. of the regular army and of volunteers, and for arranging and preserving trophies - fa' war,. and for marking, -with proper inscriptions,. S uns capture:l during the rebellion. The bill wee laid aside to be reported to the House, and the Committee next took up the army appropriation tolls. The bill appropri ntes.nmon g other smaller items, for the pay of the army, $10,700,0:0; fOr commutation of-bal een suhstatenee, 4,1050000 i for bubstatenee in fad of regulars and votuuteers,4s,lloo,ooe t for regular supplies of quartermasters ue parte'. eta, Si t 'Mpg:, Incideotal expenses of soma, el,Mie,aoo; transportation, O,OOVOO. Mr. Washburne, off Illinois ;moved the' fol lowing proviso: Provided, That IMPart of the: money hereby appropriated shalt be used for paying the Illinois Centel Fialittiatt COmpehy for transportation 'Of troops Or the- property of the United States, and the Atteriatyliener al of the tinned States Is hurebY" directed to 'esthete a suit 'Against 'the said COmpanYbi the Circuit Court of the United States, in the. Seventh Circuit, without delay, to recover from Raid Company any monies thathave been paid to said Company by any Department:of the Government for • the transportation .of troops or proPerty of the United': States, and that said Attorney General is hereby directed to appear.torshe United States In said Coen, and prosecute its inter:attain theimid suit. This amendment. =Lyn rise to a long. debate, Messrs. Washburnef of Illinois; Williams and Wilson of. lowa, SloareanilHardlrexoflllinois, and Steviets, of Pennsylvania, in: support. of it, and Mosers,..Davisi Cook., Farnsworth 'and WoOdbridge in opposition. Mr. Grinnell :moved to emend .by . striking oat all in reference to suite for • thercootrery of monies already paid. I ; ' • The CommitteareSe to elrea'S the debate, andr ineett.l the Military „Soudeoly Inallfll 3 Ph thd with itinendannetti which mere Otinearreu sehencls rucervi to amend by the ; followe ..tug: And provided MoreOver,thatuopartofthe monies hmeby appropriated, Shall .he Applied to the tayereabsWtettee of any cadeVappettits milieu , any State , latelyinrebuilionagainakthe; .':goiernment; Until such - State shall.havebeen, restored to •.relations,with: - nits. Union, and by virtue of Mat Pr Johitzeilo_. „ Bono( Congress for, that..esselttaqe . taint MO!, Mr:Eldridge called (firth the yeas, tin*AlkylL Al r. ostk desired tOrPOdlfYh.Y....lfiserijafC 1 - the word herearfer, but the preplan*, guo l littin*. havlng been seconded Air: Id( r4lgc ohjeetctiotadtheyeaa and pays, -mere. ordered to latt,takem.vsluelklettellPitLantt Sevelitklilno nnythaelhe , amendmeat riapeale4. on :unction-39-40, consider it,thawever,, the. tunendment was ai- 'loWal.OHlauflAntll:tp.ulormwx , „ .10igginteol , that thestintrapprO;: irietiria• morild . ht Cothildeitd as hiFitg t o m _,, ___ ..- i — - th — v -___.. as,bi% s -,,._ .... gotlon.- , -Nr. lexUtu, the , gentie-' CIL re 1, 0 4 1 4 - rSnA 1 - ' o WinittQc ;SC t , COM Ftlitrsen - - %t or , of , t h ..l t sh Whql.e. -,, t- - t . 2 - ~,,, P "--,44: -- ..',::**., Ansalyaunreascsetle .ProPT 2,. - 0 u The _flat. :olusition.'was..ork.• .X.i....,Ni•Luiell , / Atoosie.:oll LibeartrtreetinfinnA.W4,4oolPt fUtiOndltiAnt V. Allet.)WidendUlCllSOwlsic,b ,, Mr. r ...., frldlor carnet ti . 7 , 4.g .entgl .. W ititil"Tru rn ulock' ll in i rtbi t s . e .atdabellirdocfc"l..altex"'Wt,nby.ite: .. dritica ouut ,.hcwil li d ul v T a n = e** I ,Towitel -- ilg r lttt' ~hots watk,Efooleti, : Rejected . 'Ta!, ''' ' ' thir ' l. z • ••heassalacuo4.l.bassembetaat tlmoider.-.,The Nuys, stxty,s)ritl",i , '', - - -- - --__. ,__,..---,,,;__,''''''' .-.. ,„,,,,manork Speed' srusr-Xuadu. by 2(r elfin Quostiona. l l .id ma; :Nix. - w........`r.'"',7, li ii i.oind buppirrrearmatitil to by NI'S reelini . FarTir:Fernswo s r ame r. " im°34 ;'' - ' : -''' ''' '' " . --'''''" ''',issi 414 • scred . car' urbicb:AllOku. - •prossuc htd - •"DFJahy., . 7 " smui MO . Were ° Aer "'-as' rujuttV gold '''', ~--..- (J-17 - .' ..i. - .5-'• .-.-,. .• , °din you ~5,. awl revs. - N. ...Sliiis....---usuu-1, " ' ''" ' - 1 w" " n " l ' At ''' 'Orhe an " srP"IW•I4,4S-1"1- :,zakoi-.i.viz...r6t,•,a-aebr,„,,,,..i.:, Won passed. , • ..,',.--,=• '•-•' ' trolunt , ttata,WW l l wlTheistrt. , • ~.,11z,thaatanlyaf ranasltrautt‘imeicotack - . 14 thrall . peffaviiannett. , •-,. _ln.i.Huit ller'. l 2tltkni-orOrKeittladreej'" 4l4 net :ratilartringoti , 4 0.e'filit$ , T.: 0 0 0 1.' lu. Mauer couuM ,, usuulAusuilit' INST,U 2 N, . apdtsyuriblykkupi'; bkuunytm, ~ , • 14 7'T "" "st it r " arit=l- /(111; ~.1 , r P I I! ?4 1117 4- A l i: 111 ,. ! : F.LT- M 1 .1Y '--4.''fr'-:f":14,4-Aal.a"!, ,I;;;..f ~ - 1-•?,, ,,,-,. .: V / ,0' , ' , ‘ , .." ''' ,• L. -: , ' , `''''::-• ~ •:UK,W.14.9- f ii, : , - - _ a~ PRICE THREE CENTS son and protect loyalty, and do away ell istiact ion s, on account m race or color. .tlao a petition of one hnntired and sailers citizen , of the same place praying for a change to the Constitution, making the President eligible try a direct vote anti enabling Congress to tit the qualifications Of electors, It was referred to thtaudiollry Committee. , Mr. Broomall also presented a petition front eltizonS of the same ranee, praying for an ameratmentbf the tariff; so no to protect la bor to the extent of the difference between the cost of capital and labor. here and abroad. It was referred to the C.Ommitteh on Way. , and Means. Adjourned. From Jamoles—Mot—Salt—Cholera 2::w Tong, March 6.—ThenteamerCrosader. from Jamaica, Port at‘Prinee and "Park's Is latid, has arrived, bringing Jamaica papers to the Mb alt. A deputation of prominent men. waited on Gen. U. Connor and - expressed their thanks for his energetic measure in aid of Übe-govern ment Inemppressing the late rebellion. Ad miral WV* would remain. on Jamaica station at Long as the royal commission of investiga- Alen should sit. A riot occurred at Luoca on febrnary 7th, on the part of ROM, SOMICTS, one of whom had fieyetely flogged a female In the streets, anti .Iwa9 rescued frOm onstody by his comptmlons: .The soldiers wore finally overpowered by -- the police and citizens and Imprisoned, and RTC awaiting trial. Turk's Island papers of February till, stay: that salt Is in limited demand, nominally at eight cents, and that there is a good supply on b' t 11. steamer Talisman, from Now York, had arrived leaky, haring struck a sunken shoal and fractured ono of the elates. fiho has been repaired, and is now perfectly sea-worthy. A late Demerara paper reports the artival of the British North American Com mleaionere. They were kindly welcomed and entertained,' and left for Trinidad, The cholera Is disappearing from Gaudolope and has not broken out In any of the islands In the neighborhood. Express Robbers Arrested—Fenian En- Stu:minim In Ss. Louts. Sr. Lome, March s.—Edward Newmister and E. S. Johnson, two of the five timbres who rob bed the United States Express Messenger here two weeks ago, have been arrested; and $19,. 214 of the stolen money was recovered. The remainder of (140,001 stolen is supposed to be in I...came of the other three robbers, who are still at large. A very large and enthusiastic meeting of the Fenians was held lu Mozart Hail on Saturday night. General Sweenet's plans against Can ada worn loudly clicereil. An impromtn col lection of $1,500 was made, and quite a number ufirilles and revolvers wereeontributal, Fifty men enrolled themselves as soldiers Liberty. DIII Signed. Sr. Loom, Burch o,—Governor Fletcher hue signed the bill recently pasied by the Missouri Legislature providing for the consolidatiOn . and payment of the bonded debtof thet State. By the provisions of this hill all over doe in terest is to be funded and incorporated with the principal, and the new boron, and payment of interest Is to be resumed on the let of Jan uary ISSA.. The bonded debt of 3fistionri in cluding ginpaiti.tntorest, amounts to thirty millions—lt in rstimateabv members of the Committee by iiiitom this bill was repotted that under Ps operations the en Eire State debt will be lignMated in twenty years. New York and Erle.Ratleond Expenwes, Iledueed. YORK, March s.—The Om/mere:a/ gays that It-ie• reported that the New York and 'Erie' Railroad Company have recently reduced their exptmeec•hp-dteeharging one thousand dvn hundred employee. , along the ilbe of their road. Oat of MLA' camber three hundred are said to have been employed at the cork - shops and depots In Jorge) . City. This reelection hi maid to have been in con , mq uenee of a falling off of the western bound freight about one th trd. • • The New Jersey Railroad and transporta tion company, and the Jersey City Locomo tion Works Company, are said in hays been reducing their expense's from similar causes. The Fire in :Mew York—fAcneral Seatt L New• Yong, blarelt S.—Two thousand bales of cotton were harmed by the fire:this morn ing. Loss, (0606,000. The lire is supposed to balm been the work of Ineenda ries, It is said a discharged employee was bettre to utter threats to bum the Ituiltimg. Thu pollee tire in search of him. Gen. Scott wits somewhat "Injureil, thongh not seriously, by falling from ltia,berth on tile trip from Key . West. to New Orleans. lie re covered slowly and attended church on the 26th ult.. though still feeble. Span *Rh !killed—Flee in New Ei=3 Saw l tins,lar , ll s.—The steam frigate Car men one of the Spanish war ecrssela which have been lying in our port, has sailed from enarnotine. A lire broke out this morning In the cotton H storage establishment of . C. J ohnson, No. 4, bridge street, extending through to No. 5, Pearl' Street, whieli Is stilt horning, with every Ind hatton of the 0011 re destruct ion of the en tire building. The loss of 7i perry so far, is estimated at 11,100 hundred tilnll.l.l Tar. on Distilled Spirits {V ARIIINOT01; March s.—Therepornof the In ternal Revenue Conon Ission on distilled spirits is ready. They recommend a decreased tax from to ii per gallon. They advert at length to frandsnommit ted on the revenue by small manufacturers, and anticipate that they will be diminished by a reduction of duty. At one dollar fluty, they expect a revenue of fifty million dollars from this source. Gen. Meade and the Democratic State convention. Prtmansi.rnta, March s.—To-day General Meade says over his own signature. In a letter to the editor of the Erening Tetegroph, that there is no truth In the report circulated from Washington, that he has consented, atthhe re quest of the President, to allow Ids name to he presented to the Democratic State Conven tion as a candidate for Governor of Pennsyl vania. Steamboat Darned Co,eis 'March s.—The steamer Dhimoud, laden with clght hundred and twenty hales ofeotton, burned near Gars landing; on the. Tombigbee river, last Thursdays MC cotton was "'insured. The boat was Valued at twentythoirsaud dollars. :Co insurances Further Particulars of the Blowing Up of the Steamer Lockwood. Mittrins, March s.—Theateanter Leek - wood blew up end bpruod lastnight, eighteen miles below-here. Twenty ,arson were-killed, and twenty-flre Injured; She was valued at 460,00 e. Ito insurance. Then= es or the killed and wounded are not known yet. The Loan Bill Nxw You, rob. a.—The Conintecrica's Wash ington special sayi another effort will he mad o fauor of the loan bill. Mr. McCullocit's friends allege that the delay in passing It has arrested the downward tendency of gold-exalt the depreciation of the currency. Death of Bishop . Alexander 'Campbell. Witaziaso, W. V. Mar. s.—llLshop Alexander Campbell, generally kimonos Abe founder of thivllisoiple denomlnatios of Christmas, ant eminent as n theologian,. especially - 1' debater, died at Ids residence at lietbany, near this city, Sunday night, in the 78th year of his age. colopel Sireeney.'lLodorsect ItoosisTsa,N. 1%, March S.—The Rochester Circle otthe Fenian Brotherhood tonight on. dorsed Geo. Sweeliey and sentAllm 000. A large number of yohmteors offer their pervl cos at a moment's notice. =2= Poll'rLaae. March s.—At the charter eleotien to-day Augustus Stevens 1111.14 elected Mayor. The Vote was. Steven.s, Itepubllean, 4997. Sburtlttr, Demers; p 1 0. CITY AND g 1 IIITRBAN. The Orphans' of Slain Penneylh-ailia ' 4 Soldlola. It Is well known tsithepeople of Ponneylin. .nla; that 'through the iiti.tive agency of the Poi•ernor. provision 'hier been made for the education, of, the OrPludis of PennsylvaniaVolinateers, who fell while: battling for the Maintenance . of thp perpetuity of tho Govern* meat: Beyonal of thesolmols atones' in, sue :desShil operation. , it Is stated that the one g at I.lcallsterellle;Juniata county, and another at Meant •Joy, - Lariesteter -tounty, are the two %Opole most advanced. The schools located in:o'er, parts orthe State:Vieirtiftuthy being pushed to.perfeatiON and it.le oonfidentlY an ticipetbd - that ,hy the. drat of September...of , this. year. the full .number 01'1005e .siehoole 'will be. esteldtslied 'throughout - the :C omm on - .Wheapli t n h g,sa, b ndt t h h a e t t e a r M e i n n m or o p f a h ti ie , Mbra dep eltan r d in l he Caue* oftha ee tty; will b e r ibera Prorided withtho means otoduestion; and ; contfortabt,yeared fOrtuttil that Is comyeteth" Arellult She thief:reflects the tilgiliqt. one, not own ott , thi,vpoopinnt the Common "mirth', hut alefi_Ott•thosetto - tvininithed , have eonfided , And)rettinrot shoirguktnaftins. :vovernor tniitinbonnroposnt to iron: Vies, ILliarrowes, whohas therms of thesoreldiere' orphan schoole r to , take the'neholinr.of - tbe gaunt idef t lfd JVAUtgigirvAllo 4 ta l g i Vili4W iris llgg 4 Ob eriolowomo-, of the resulteof the .prortslomnalf= UilllnalLashArriTve''hittlnZarceite of bat— Ale3:ll l mlY 4 tolie.dinenedhXtW it X lllo ,l l lld .editCpiht treinsleedeSualismaree ttacte d ..liidnerbus,care fertiMzerpnetutat her offend. TEE W/MaY ekvarrE. • 1' IVO EDITIONS ANITOEEIDTE II 4 . fre4waiga7 oart,. Ogli,ooOr. SoOlartl• Tim ettlitonl•forvrartlei ..111 reach the sto - soonest .11.,:ucut ran. -,• k • • ' intinuk• Single