the Wittoburgit gazette. SAIPTHIIAY, MARCH 3, 114 OBINSOIt, McCLEAN & CO. Bankers and Brokers, Np. 75 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh, Dealers In all kinds of Government Satnritlcs, Gold and rarer, Unenrrent Hank Notes, Foreign • and Domestic Exchange, me, etc., ste p...poets remised In em Fends and Currency. In terest alloyed on time dep osits. Collections mad, In all pans of the United Mitten on most favorable isms. • • Orders executed with !thatch for eyerythlng the !loathes* &Vibe Banos. New York. lladelplits, sed.Plttaburgh Brokers , tsaardsatrletlf on commis sloth. Draw on H. MAWS & CO., New York. J. COOKE • CO., PtillsWWl; Messrs. C. D. & T. H. PER KINS. Bosteon. FINANCE AND TRADE. Pamir, Mareb 2, les& There Is nothing doing In our local stock Market worthy of special notice. Bank shares ere In fair demand and steady, but without quotable change. Oil stocks excessively dull, and with the exception of Columbia, are rarely Mentioned. Insurance stocks dull with more sellers than blayerseand, in some eases,we have no doubt, coneessitma would be made in order to effect sales. Government bonds arm, with a continued good detnand to this market, es peeially for Seven Thirties. Gold opened in New Tory today at 13534, and closed at LE. Railway stocks reported dull and lower-sales of Pittsburgh, Fort Watme Chicago at 91% and Cleveland It Pittsburgh at 77%. -The Comptroller of the Currehey has re ceived a number ofapplications from banks asking to be converted into national banks. He is reported to have replied to the effect that the number authorized by Congress having been sanctioned by the office, he has no au thority to establish new ones, and that in the event of the enactment of s now law upon this subject teethe that have filed their appllea- Mons shall have the preference. It is a mis take, however, to suppose that the "number" of the national banks Is limited by Mar. There 111 no limit either to the number or to tha tgrgate capital of these institutioes. Wha Is limited is their circulation. They are not Id lo wed to issue more than three hundred mil lions, and no efforts of the inflationist - a, It is hoped, will Induce Congreffs to inflate the erf... reney further by authorizing any larger ag gregate ofnational bank notes.-N. Y. Post. -The Cincinnati Commercial, of March 1, re ports money matters lu that city as follows Exchangeeemainn heavy under the contin ued good dbmand for currency. Dealers in tome cases sold to one another at par, and the ruling connter-selling figure was reduced to 750 per IL premium. The calls for currency, both on checks and discounts, were ve.-y large. A great part of the demand limf been occasioned by the fact that It Is necessary to remove from bond all the whisky now in Government warehouse, It theme an order has been Issued from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, because of the dinovery of a suspicion of frauds, requir ing that the excise tax shall he paid up on all stock held on the first of March. We learn that one dealer alone was compelled to raise $140,000 to meet this emergency. Such a sod dun pressure is well calculated to make a tem porary stringency in the market. Tide close ness of course makes a pretext for higher rates of interest. -The New York Tedone, of March 1, says ; The disposition to avoid long engagements fur moues continues, and, until Congresedia poses of the loan bill, call loans at moderete mites end long paper at exorbitant interest Will be the rule. Without additional legisla tion the Secretary has ample power to free the country from the flood of circulating mosey wLich dmanges all balances. All that is need ed Is the exchange of compound notes for gel by tandem. The latter re v a short time, by the accumulation of Interest, would pass from circulation,and produce .healthy contraction among speculators, whether in lands, iner ehandiee, or stocks. The substitution of com pound notes for legs) tender notes would soon oblige the Banks to contract, and redeem a portion of their etreulatioh, a process which would uOt alarm the public, however unprofit able it might be to the owners of the banks. Some of them would probably liquidate, for there is no lack of speouhilave beneath, the system, which could be well spared. One ar gument In favor of the system was, that it was a financial necessity growing out of the war. They were, placed upon the footing of iron-clads and large armies, and upon that argument were established. The war being ended, there Is no reason. why speculative banks should not, like the iron-elade and the armies, be reduced to a peace footing. The national system will be much improved by liquidation at the North to an extent sufficient to, supply the South with the banking facili ties It needs. The present law Ls comprehen sive enough for the entire nation and Con gress Oltenia proceed with caution in the way of enlarging it. -We understand (says the Philadelphia Ledger) that there is, since the great Railroad trial In this city between the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia and Erie on one side, and the Catawissa and Great Western on the other, a more pacific relation between the 'R ivet parties, and some probability exists that an arrangement will be made by the Great Western Cotopaxi with the Philadel phia and Erie . Railroad Company that will give to the former the right of way over the Utters road-either by transhipment at Corry Or by the substitution of a third mil on the Philadelphia and Erie road. -The Cincinnati Gaulle, of Thursday, has an article on "cheap railroad rates," which we copy entire ; The railroad companies are now doing a losing basin/me on their east bound freights- that's certtain. The warmevocate of low rates,and the strongest opponenstadt of monopo- MARKITS BY TELEGRAPH. lies, fast freight Ithes sad an that sort of thing, arestruck dumb by the figures that are made. On Monday the Penasylvanta Central Finance and Trade in New Tork • took fourth-class freight,all rail, to New York, at twenty-five cents per MI pounds, and the wrocaa. same Cass of freight was shipped tobs. Charles- Nrw e wax, March 2.-Rall way speculation ton, S. C. at seventy cents per lee l Tester / day freight agents put their heads together, opened firmly on Erie this morabig, and the and talked about an advance, Ind nothing de- I stock sold up to 13)4 -at open hoard, but at finite was done, except to suspend, for the Stock Exchange Erie fell off to 1ege18654, and present, business at the ruinously low rates we have named. But then= be It is low rates the whole list Was a fraction lower, and quite or UMW'''. As we said heretofore, there is dull. It was at the second and last board that very Mitt° stuff in the west at present for the stock market was farm, and 'fluctuations shipment east, holders have more confidence in home and Southern markets than in east- eery The following were the closing ern marketx Westward, business on the prices at CIO p. m, trunk linen is also light, and notwithstanding New York Central; 91%, Erie, "SW Hudson this fact empty cars are taken back. A logic River, 10 , 4; Reed,. i Michigan gcmthern. proportion of the rolling stock of the roads s 70; Madden Cep uel; 1011 Cleveland fend Pitts. now idle, and much of that in use is being burgh 77%; Rock Island 10617; North Western, worked at a loss. The prospect 19 certainly a is lit h e g r d eg , Govern poor one for stockholders, but there must manta, but the market Is firm. some time be a change for the better. As an indication of the falling off in earnings,ll. may 11011111 . ILZILST. be mentioned that the decresse on Fort *Money remains steady,at 7 par seat., with Wayne road for February is estimated at VIA- some few dealings ate per cent. Gold became ma. This ia a representative line, and from heavy towards the close of the oay. The chief its operations a reliable estimate may be demand is for Customs, and there Is little made of-the earnings of other companies. speculative feeling at present; elated at 3 5 %; ,thamship atocke are stronger but the balance of the miseellaneouallst is quiet. --atearrawr MATTlatli. • The Gentraercial says: Monetary affairs are steady, though dull, There are none of the symptoms of the severing business which u. nally appears at the opening of March. On the contrary the tone of affairs le hesitating and weak. The applications for money ere moderate. Banks are not free lenders, and usually ask T,per oent. on call loans, while their discounting operations are strictly mod erate at 7 per cent. The discount houses are well supplied with paper, for which buyers I are not abundant The bulk of prime paper passes at Them per cent. There is no especial pressure for call loans, and the rates are rather easleron Government collateraM. The rate is most generally a per cent... and on other securities 7 per cent. The nook market continues heavy. The chief in terest centres in Erle,..upOn whieh a cash cor ner is being developed. Thodeuumid for cash I stock at. the-board Was quite astive. An the ' mediate calling In of the Man stock is ant ici pated. The price closed at the latest figure of yesterday. The western list averages about per cent. lower. The market has much lam I outside support than was expected for toe be ginning of Atarch. Meichante axe generally too much absorbed with the unsatisfactory as pect of their own businees to admit of their Making Riess in Wall st. , Governments are firm but quiet, and Saes —see- were better; 7ao's advanced 14, probably a re. Philadelphia Cattle Market. ' motion from sales made yesterday below the Pnu.anetrnia. March 1.-The arrive*" and market for the purpose of attracting busmen. sales of beef cattle are light this 'meg, only I It will be observed troll:alba statement Of the retching shout 1000 head;the demand is fair, public debt, given elsewhere, that the 1401 of hit prices rather lower. Extra Pennsylvania IMe hare Mellialled about eleven millions, and Western selling at LOOI6 cents for fair, to While the amount Of 7.30's Outitandlng has good at 14114% cent., and commou at 10@1re been reduced to a similar extent. There are cents per, as to qualit. reaaohs for aug that tbe torteer seenn- Cows-Are dull and lower; Se head sold at ide ties have been soldnd the latter purelmeed CGS for swingers, and OM HO per head tot by the Treasury as e.funding operation. =itch cows. Gold continues weak under the Sales of par- Sheep--Are in fair demand at about former ties indisposed to have their geld longer car rates; WOO head arrived and sold at from efaßle ried. and Ideal Dona the partial supply from cents per lb green. as to quality disbursements of 10.1* coupons. The price has Hogs-Are rather lower; 1,00 bead sold at the ranged at 111514 and 116% ' different yards at from $1•{50®11 the no lbs, The Chmmerciat hays tie delineator business nett, as to quality. has told severely open the dry geode trade Thursday will hereafter be the market day during the week. Yesterday there was a gea rs oral break down In prices ands state of affairs New 'York Seed Market. borderline on a semi-penis. Pruitiug cloths, !t by d goods e t_50 .,... 1d down to e , lie, and other cotton New YORK, Feb. IX-Clover remains plenty y. dull; OD bags have been taken at hpAte 1214 e, the latter rate for prime State. Timothy , Day 0000 S. 1. without movement-10.600 4 , 12 4 Is the nom- I The following are the quotations from the inal flume. Rdugh Flax sell. only in a small Dry Goods Exchange: Dry Goods Market very way at 10,130617.,90. Linseed tends downward, I unsettled and unsatisfactory fOr both polders the demand being very light-the tales are and =ye= of gootheandulwproxelnent buy s/SD bag! Calcutta, In Boston, at a1,f(TheR" , 2 , .40, ere main:id-that prises KO much lower golkeash-the cargo of the °Longwood is yet and cLealine purchasing o tze i . than those unsold. goods that they are eotapilled to have to keep car up their stocks and sumey present and Imam- Clellelttud Market- , &atm demand. Brown isheetings-Stark, M. Claret/inn, March 1.-Wheat-Firm and In ' " e l Shetn Cket. A, De. Bleached glinting, better demand. Bales IRO bu No. 1 Spring at , 11 " .4 Bartletts .linch, 13 Mc. ?Ante -01,57; 400 On dodo at $ 1,6011 care No. red Shel- e; iffooll.cmilte; Lamas w r Ilk. Glng. by at,g1,75. Corn-Kira and steady', wi th fair . h Moinextroei. re. Cambria.- demand. Sales DOD Mt from store at 55c,• beans r.T"... 209 1_ , =meal:oc. do at same figure. COLfo-Dnli and nominal at ~.a...„uok . t001../faslitta, 51C93110 train attire. Rye-Dull and nom lnal. ; Mc; lefueseville, Cc; No sales. •,,,Ics-Quiet. Dan Mc . p skirts-Bradley". Duplex r'tIAW: Hoots. elleellate; Ethpress _ _ _ Movement of P.roduee at Now York The mccrenients of produce at this port con tinue on a very contracted scale, as compared with former years. Cotton, naval stares, and rteam show a large increase upon 1864 and out breadtsuffs and provisions enibli a very important failing oft The 1000 of productive labor during the war Is now Isro 'during its results in a diminithed surplus of products for exportation. The deeneasein the export movement will be still more apparent ceasesh 17th inst., when the Canadian treaty to be in operation, as the large imports of breadstaffs from the British provinces has enabled us to Increase our shipments to Eu rope to a corresponding extent. The receipts of flour and meal, and of grain, for the last two months compare thus with those of We corresponding periods of 1864 and 1865 11164. 11365. 16W. Flour, bble 606.7 V 398,405 549,956 Grain, bush 955,711 804,878 '0111,374 The exports of produce show a still larger ratio of decrease than the receipts. • For the first two months of 1541, we exported nearly 8,050,000 bushels of wheat; this year, only 67,700 bushels; and 56,000,000 pounds of tut meats, against this year, 5,460,196 pounds. During the same period, the shipments of lard were near ly ten dines the amount for the last two months; tallow four times; butter ten times the amount, and cheese more than double.-:- Cbsesnercial. Philadelphia Need Market. PliMarnamma, March L-There 15 rather Hew 'lark Market. m ere inquiry for olcrverseed. and we notice. and better. at s.Ccrrrox-More ative, sales of Of bust. good and choke at 164:6,6 0 and lc better. at 640 for Middlimg Juni by sue. Prices of timothy_ are unetuurged. Small Wee Mon, on Govertunent anOtamt, hap mu m . of flaxseed at.P, OO to ASO. isp ni t rid rOdobiloandßavanashoit MX; Mid ----new-- -- fairady.M4MilltrietNifld , Aims. ; ! Low lddhng 09%, and Low Ordinary, 190: 5 ;: p Heir 'fork Stock and Xll9neyßiarket. i Ftorts-Iftre ' to tm, cents better, at Nay Yoll6Martil S. -3 /sN II.--firrn a at 7 .,U, r I 7,90 for Extra State; #95600,fa for es. E. . o.; cent on can loans. Sterling at I limber. for trade brandtb - intrket dos. Gold unsettled and lower, opening at liai, act .mastlndrise 10,96 for cun t i t sad closing nt ink%" E . 4. *ilILT-ret and firm, at asomp2,9o. neocze--Govertnnent e ks.cipx . te : 0444is_w eat, ..4430 bet , , With a tor an. e c , Liverpool 4131_,ede S t ~,,„„, „nr.„,,n, t art: '. Mita, - AMMIitiSorUMAY-tise2l/iMullOr lilt. States 66 1 111 Selidldst n.rsi_ ......--- „„„ ~ ,wa ee hub , e 1 ;70, and I,7sroinew No. 1 MB y_2(4 4 1 0!u, Se , to.se__, 0012 1 3 1 .75; , wankee. Barley, rather euler. Bye more Tr .,.... 3 , Nate% 73 1 - wand Sm. ea *bm n Yea c .r : active. Barley Malt, is without decided: c0ri , e44 , 44 ,r 0r terre C . olutage. Corp,rather morel tek1y,a97844781.0 MN; Missouri es, 76_ i Cnraberlint mu . for mamma nixed Westerir,_An store en a 'CM. 4 r 4g 4 tla ti l l t i tle and limbigan I Pittsburgh, i ron , cg-' gar; to,n, for round Wentarn, In :NM WWI Southern, 10; Northireatinpa_VS olo M *l ., , I my pan sontifil, -„,- , :c0v14,4-1,7, 54; Toledo,loBll9.oek Island, 100gl Western un. 1 . -.l3lllloUnd Weitern 1614.0465016 • • le - ion Telegraph, ea. ~,,z 4 .... , ; ..., , 4 .., ...,_ . sap, oat. , _ . , .Gaocaerss-Colhe, dull. Sugar, steady, at Philadelphia Stock Maskyit. ' ' 1 1.2 1 ,40 for Porto Bloat 10 3 / 4 41.9%e for for Cuba Pamansbrats , March r,-Toga oohs were I Muscovado,„., l l44 1 0 for Havana. Molasses, irregular. Pimnsykunia 6 , 5, 87. orris Canal, i dtdit oelf.ori .: 01 F% - .. I'' N: -.- - 1 77, Madillir OM; Penurylvania a% i ‘ReTifOLMAIC., OI2II , :at.' Mr`Crudb, and American bold, MOS. St aseliange on 1 for Battled. Nem 'fora at par. "frotillkonl-Parler haiwy, at Me,004911,75 for ...„.., ... , PITTSBURGH MARKETS OrFzel or two Wrrawcraaa Gas:rya, VUIDAT. March 2. MG. 1 The produce markets continue quiet and dull, the demand for all of the leading tem modities being restricted entirely to supply ing the wants of the retail trade, while prices have undergone no material change. GRAIN—Wheal in aullorith a supply con tdderablk in avenge of the demand; sale of 1 car Milwaukee Club at 61,68. Barley is In ra ther better demand but unchanged—files dur ing the, week of 4500 hush Spring, part to MT" rive , at 75. Oats dull and lower; sale of 1 Car, on track, at 40; 700 bush, from store, at Id, and small sales from store at the usual advance . Corn in dull and entirely nomial at 00 to O. for Shelled and Far, on track. n Rye Is Still quoted at 7. GROCERIES—Sugars are quiet, and un changed; sales at 13 - to 13% for Cubsll4 to 15 for Porto Wool 18%4118% forflrnabed,_and 17 to 17% for "II" and "M. Coffee. Porto Rico Molasses, PI to 85; New Orleans ditto, *LW to talk llud Sorghum, 70 to 75. Rice, 10%011. RIO Coffee Is quoted at 28 to So for fair to strictly prime. FLOUR-1s steady, with &moderate local de mand, while prices are nominally unchanged. We continue to quote at /W6%for Sp ring y Wheatt VRff9% tor half 4 pr xnh Winter. and - $10%@1055 for all Winter. Rye Flour Is iltgAltzut fn M small wAy at a 51,40.5, per bbl and Buckwheat is still quoted at $9. at pliOVlSlONS—lltac i o du n er,, te dull but unch g Sides, Sugar • 17M7 1 117r Ei La bb e'l e rd d is firm at 18%819 for, prime kettle rendered. Steen Pork la selling Ina jobbing way at , ffs so . sEEDS—Cloverseed is we dull—small sales at sB%@7. Timothy also, is dull but an. thiztt t e t t i l e a , t , v et Flasneect is in demand, and ff ring. BUTTER—Is coming in pretty freely, and the market la dull, a with a d roopinflendency. Sales of prime Roll reported at 350 EGGS—DuII, and fresh packed cannot be quoted above 30. CREESE—SaIes of common Ohio at 90W1, and prime Goshen at 244511 R —stock light. POTATOES—Steady, with a fair demand, and we can report sales from store at 41,18 e I.2oper beat. and .359py, per bid. HAT—la dull but unchanged may be quoted at to CM per ton, the latter figure only for prime Timothy. BEANS-1n fair demand, with sales at OM@ per bush—prime Marrow Fats .2%. DRIED FRUIT—Sales of Apples at 14@l0. Peaches may be quoted at 15 t.. 0 18 for quarters, and 19 to 91 for halves. HOMINY—SaIee to the trade at :lc, and 407 P 4 In a small way. • PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. Olrinea or reil l 4C : rear non LierrrTs Famsr, Starch 1., lane. CRl'LiE—The market for Crude continues : dull and unsettled, buyers and sellers Still being apart In their views and feelings. Our refiners are still holding oil, under the impression that prices will go lower, while, as yet., holders appear unwilling lo make any material conceasiOn In order to egret sales. We have but one sale to report, WO bbis at 17, bbls returned—be bbis (35 gravity) changed hands, on Thursday evening, at 22, bbls re ' turned- For good Mercgantable oil, on the slot, 17 told, bbls returned. and e4o93,l3arrels Included, seem to be regarded as the prevail ing rates, although there is hardly enough do tag to establish quotations. One of oar deal' era bought 500 bids at Oa City ter-day at $3 Per barrel. REFINED—There was again a brisk demand for bonded oil to-day, principally for future delivery, but refiners are obstinate , and as a general thing, refuse to sell at figures of fered, and, consequently, we have no sales to report. On the spot, here, quotations may be fairly given at 95423., or 42443, delivered In Philadelphia—for Slay delivery, we hear of 40c here offered and refused, free on board canand 47134.8, delivered in Philadel phia. Ther F e eo improvement to note in the demand for Oll, and we continue to quote nominally at 57958. NAPTRA AND REBIDUIIII—There is no improvement to note in the demand for either one of these articles, and in the absence of , .ales we omit quotations. 1 ARRIVALS—The Peerless arrived from 011 ) City today, with 543 barrels Crude-50Dfor (Pm. lialdenlan4 and 45 for Brewer, Burke A Co. REPORT OF THE REVENUE COMMIS SION ON PETROLEUM. The United States Revenue Commission has presented to the Secretary of the Treasury a report olz Petroleum, as a source of revenue. It embruEes a comprehensive view of Petro leum, with statistics of Its production in this end other countries, and Its prices and sal nes. A repeal of the duty on crude petroleum is recommended, when the duty of twenty cents per gallon on refined oils may be expected to realise 117,00 0 , 000 a year. The form of a bill to this etlect is appended to-this report. PETROLEUM STOCK!' IN NEW TORK Special Dispatch to the Western Frets. New Tows, March 0, 1566. The Petroleum stocks were generally heavy and lower to-day. The only activity was in Rennenoff Runtand Pit Hole Creek. Gold shares were lower on Smith and Parmlee, but Orm on the balance of the list. Sales were at the following rates: Bennehoff Rum 15,45; Palmer,4,Di ; Pith Ole, Creek, 7,75; Excelsior, ;As; United States, 16,8 e; National, 4,10; Be chanan, 70; First National, 30. Xis tifiG-UfeTZld-alol-Flis- Flalt4T-SnWPS:446 % 1 ,110,4 for Old do; if.59,500.7...75=55f5,:i 161S1S _w- WO Dbls New Mess t r A pril , 4 0 z3,s msrpig2t.i. Bea. steady, at is.gsDe for Now Plain Mese. and F 20.50 for Extra Mesa; Beef 1866 . 1866. Hams qOlOl, at 40041 e. Cut Meets, steady, Cum&e ye. Bacon, quiet, at 15%01514c for SPRING ARRANGEMENT. berland Cut, and 16,40116 1 .5 c for Short Alt. bed. Dressed Hogs, heavy, at 1251,013 c -for sr,atern. Lard, heavy and lower. at 17019 c. B s r, In better demand, at °SO.l5c for Oino, ss ' Oleesic for State. Cheese, steady, at 160"'Br. Philadelphia Markets. 1 MONONGAHELA RIVER ; PHILADALO. II A, March 2.-Petroleum-quiet; V‘i for crude; rented in bond at=44; do. Pittsburgh, Brownsville for May delivery, 47; refined free, and Geneva, PUOVISIONA-1 lour firm; superfine, 416,50; ex tra, 040001',75. Geoff -Prime Wheat, k 1,1002,23. `Ora firm; Fellow at 75c afloat; 77e In store. Oats-- firmer, 484040. Comer-dull. Wavier-dull at 40-,30. ' win roe three dally .id e sas ee. between Mining Stocks. l'lstatmegh, M o nongahela etty. IlrovrosTllle, 0110" New lose, March 2.-The following were the 1 . 40010 6. 4660 .. b "., '"^`,', sod the Dunk. , " On Fiegtone. 'nigh lin. Is eontytoared of the followieg prises of mining stocks bid In Roston to.lay_ . ~.,....,,,, , Ml;ya Fe i l , ls iti 'll • idinnerO kli t.Z! F;liurcY ' , °'s2k l ' Bo l T ' iNfilt Ala State, 8 1 -a; Ro s ton Water 'over,2..s. 4, FAYF:TTE. CAPT. S. C. SISERS . IMPORTS Ut RAILR OAD. TELKUItaI'H cAPT . D. BtiGFIER. P. , IIATTROH, FORT WAlret• d. Curcaoo. K. 11. FRA N KL I N . .. . Ct A PT ri.. 2 I. II, c CAt i m L AI March 9.- 4. cars trucks, Reason a co; 60 bbls A oil, 3 Wilkins; 2 ears Staves, J. 4 Ralya; AO bble These packets will lest e Plttaburgh daily at Bs. flour, Culp a Shepard; 1 ear corn I do oats, 11_ 11 ,s4d.r; 'l l - o SALs k s . olls . 0 oodor• ' , the. Ow d P .r. Heil & /Hobart; LSO bgs wheat Jls Llggettr w 1" I .' The through packe t . for the 011 Region. .111 Ware htlde thharleo. k I 1 ey1;15 dor tube, 25 do wrw - Pittsburgh dallv At 6 p. ro. : Brownsville daft, es boards, E Ileaselton;o.4 eke rags, Mc( enough, s.. „,. Smith a, co; 25 doz buckets, sEn art a co; 15 : Itert ',lvo-Leaves Brow - tn. - 111e for inttaburgh lilf cos brooms, Kell & Itichart;2 9 green hides , daily at 7 a. m, and 5 . J H Ralston ;DO bbl. flour, Sbomaker A Lan Leave. Greensboro sod fienera at 12 _O'cleek . 8 bbis sorgb um, T C Jenkins; 17 the lard ,F Bel- 1 R u. : . 1 1 .a m n 0 d . in 0 t .. 52 . 3. 1 m e .. y . ,doek. lets A so; 30 twits spokes, / 1 ... 1 mAn A Keifer; ' The line is composed of 81s t-class ales - , St eel lso pigs lead. J B Canfield; 15 sirs flaxseed, s reamers bo th expreuly for t truic. They will Kirkpatrick it Berzon; ?A ear; Metal Nimiek a i be commanded by °Meets of long experience. who Co; 49 kegs epikes, Jones A Laughlin; tal bbhr 1 wilt pay °onkel. attettlon to tho wants and corn flour, I Gardiner; 25 tibia grease, I , ' Sellers Aco ' fort or paasengers. rhe boats will Isere pew:anti, 3 bbls dry apples, T Clank-Ma. , at the hour advertised CLresxasn & Prrrsermon FLAIL ROAD: March 2.-4 ears lumber, Frazier A Bro; 1 car 1 Freights Received al all flours, potatoes, P W Tuttle; 2 do do, Potter, Aiken & Shepard; 1 car lumber, John Murray; Ido do, 1 For farther pertleolars, enquire of Kelly, Ulnas A co; 1 do do, 1 do lath bleclue- i WILLIAM llicaLßOY__, Agent, wan a Douala.; 6 bales bops, Volgt a co; I ilI. I At the WberPlittat, foot of Grant st., rittourge. tinware, .1 Knox; 1 do do,H Rigby ,• 7 tubs but- L. COLVIN, Arse, ter, T C Janklns,• 4 bdls tnge, Ail Childs A co, , 0'0;s0.0.1 Brown...file s. 6 cease tobacco, John °restart 18 tibia sand, S , ,„ 66. B Floyd a. co; 5 seclot rags, E lienzlaton ; 1 bbl La, Walt /866. eggs, Kell .2. Ititchart; I bbl liquor, .1 S Dil. i worth; 13 kegs lard, F Sellers S. co; lot lumber, J C Bidwell; I lsil paper, Jenkins, Smith .t. SPEED, SAFETY AND COMM' cowly; 1 bid eggs, Graff a Reiter; pc iron, na me a co; 7 sacks nags, C P Idarkle; 24 bdls • chair, Hamr A. Darner; 2 bbis ggs, 4 gecko COMBINED. I bbl butter, l barrel lard, Campbetl ft ra g a, 1 PITTSBURGH, WHEELING, Ilkitlint & PAIKIISIIIIII6 Brown. DAILY PACKET LINE. • " ALLZGISZNY STATION, Mal - 012.-1 Car wheat, Kennedy & Brol pkg _ eggs, John Herbert;s pkgs flaxseed, * 13 Moore; I ear lumber, C C Boyle; Ido do, F Beekert; 12 doxjpails, do Lobs, Jas. O'llanlonr3S OOS. brooms, A Laird; Is sacks rags, C Ruggles; 5 cars wheat, I;thoore, Simpson & co; 3 bbls dry apples, T 1, Jenkins; pkgs cheese, C Berry; 100 bblo floor, J Mc- Kinney:3 bbls turnips, Sam Dyer; TS boxes Hahn A Biddle; 48 bundles brooms, W LoVe;alo sacks barley,: li.kelmau ca staves, J M Hemphill. IMPORTS BY RIVER. PA 136BILSOCSM—r.11 FOLMAT CITV.-70 empty pkgs, E Sellers & oo; oil bble, Huff um, He lics & co; SO pkgs furniture, Lemon & Weise; 16 00000 fruit, 3 Rhodes; 4Ws egg - so 85 , Beck & 00;2 bbls eggs 1 do butter, Fleming A Steele; 150 Ws 01l 11 do war Clark & co; nbls bag: H Collins; ?lido do, 1. Ramsey & co; 308 bags corn, Mcßane A Alijetri 100 01l tibia, Hutchinson Refining Ca; 1 bbls eggs, 1 bu butter, Fetzer A. Armstrong; lot suntirles, owner. RIVER NEWS The Peerless, from Oil City, is the only arri val we have to record. The Julia trom Lanes . ville and,,the Forest City, from Parkersburg got In Thorsday night, and the Belle and Echo, from Oil City, were due last night, and will boubtless be found at the wharf this morn ing. The riverconthmes to recede slowly at this point, with seven feet in the chaunel by the pier marks last evening—private telegrams reported six feet at 011 City. The weather yesterday was sulky and cloudy with every appearance of rain last night. The Edenburg,from Cincinnati, was due here last night, and will doubtless be found In port this morning. She emoted Wheeling on Thur. day. Capt. Wash. Kerr, late of the Golden Era,has purchased the Interest of Capt. Wm. Irwin in the Revenue, at the value of twenty-Six thous and dollars for the entire boat. The Bayard received her new shaft yester day, and Capt. Moore is pretty certain he will be able to take his place in the Parkersburg trade by Monday, me regular day for leaving here. It Is not settled certainly as yet in re gard to the Brownsville riacket Fayette, tak- I mg the place of the 111-fated Winchester in the I Pittsburgh and Parkersburg trade. The Robt. Moore, In command of Capt. Dan. Marratta, Ls filling up steadily for Cincinnati , and Louisville, and will probably be ready to leave this evening, Else has excellent accom modations for passengers. The Yorktown, Capt. G. W. Ebbert, will get off this exerting for Nashville, and passengers and atuppers should bear this fact In mind. The new and pretty steamer Emma No. Capt. Jas. Mareatte. is tilling up rapidly for St. Louis, and will 'probably get off this eve. fling. The Emma has spire - um aceommad, timis for passengers ant' in charge of exper ienced anti gentlemanly officers. The high-headed, Armenia, Capt. A. C. Mc- Callum, is tilling up steadily for New Orleans, and takes her departure this evening. Pestle.. gr7in and nd ppern would do well to boar this The Peerless left for Oil City last evening, with a very good trip, including quite a num ber of passenger. The St. Louis Repubnam, of Thursday, I. re sponsible for the tollowing . We were shown last evening a statement of the last trip of the Huth, bound from Louis ville to Yew Orleans. It Is as follows tO,OOO sacks corn, toe. SOO head moles,all. FAO passengers, Ho Other freight Expollooo, 10 day.. Nett profit We always knew the Ruth was a grea er t bOat. but this far exceeds our estimate of h °opa city. 0.100 sacks of corn will welgri 2L13 tons. 000 bead of mules, 240 tons. 4113,t00 of other freight Is equal to WO tons, making a total of .= tone. This does not Include her up trip s . The Roth is oarned by the Atlantic and ut Steamship Company, and if she b continues such trips, she will go far to censole the stockholders for the late heavy tones. TR A VELEltfi' GUIDE). rrival and Departure or Trains. Pomona''' . vault!' Onatral Railroad. I Departs 4lrrieds. Jay isrpreas.. .. . Ides M' , Plall., 144a10 \Moons Accoss's 7:10 • m' P. 4 1..1ps SplOsto Cloclasatt Zap'. 010 :0 ;Ist Wall Atemmln •:n • 010 Ilan WOO whit Penn are m.. 7560 • m 1 P 131 1 .• itspre“... 210)0124 Wall /Wpm. - Baas m i /old•Lown Le's. CM pm Juts4.ll Argo/A.105% • m ran Lane IS.I/0b3011•111.11Eri• 1111•11-12,8 pla We Let t Aim.. vn Is e lintimpre tsp.. OP psn t 4 • • 10:41.•..ran W• 11 Acurm... lab pp N to 1 •• •• SO p golPtsll 'E 1 Express.. LDS p m PO. P.. ACOOIO'OI O M/p na , 24 P'spa Acura.. 11,25 pm .1 •• •• Lai pm *ltops• Assam. , • •tesd r i i t Tsai 0...01.60 p m TlMMardi trails. cm , . W s. Slaslos every yanggy MIMS& m ; 01000 110[, TIMIOOMOII al LW p. ea. Pillaborkb, tbduisbas amol efinellenlngel• • Defen•••• AM-MM. 1.1 1.10. SAO •ta Taal 1..t0a.••...... :MAL m Mall .......... ..... 0:900 m Pall ,XI p ts I 11.spreu . ,". . .... ..10 9 m tip 55........,. -SIPA m I SL/0111•SVULT An. Web-MPS* Ace ememegham .. pm commodallots ..09110 a m , I.IITAIMIIIIIM, FL Wayne mad Chicago. -TAImleM. AMMM. Lspress •In tp l eaM 11/3 •in "Awe. All p m • pm. ........ - 9:13 p m Virr" .- ; .--.. "111:: —::"............ rat: wt,:tuLffigea=tstation lemen Allegheny f•pst id 9 to, WM Lin., ign p. 01., and SAP p.m.. ielt•ter. SOS p. fa.; Neve Cull, LW p. co.. Lem - my, IMIII p. M.; Wellsvill•, 2-6:1 p. m. Pittsburgh. Cleveland wad Wheeling. Aryan. l km-ism itsFs • • tai 0 m ptv. SC 9:13p In A) m Lt s ... ..... .. MO p minions* ' lit I - lIM • ini Es pr./ . .... ~... 3:211 • m Iltelbstal/ Ills Atersomadallon Mrs. Allegheny Id r 09. la. Pittsburgh and Cousidlevillo. Dwane. - 7a6 . m)1011 Arrlvo. n t: se stO9p millpegog ...... ..... • r•T.Tge HarilpOn.... ILI : mss WOWS 11.1r.1rt. : 1 0 .2 1 : le Allerthen7 Watley Railroad. Dopurte. .0711144. ri cd •in Esprit.* 11 0 LI a4taiii;;;:t2c: Vg...dmw. 6.. Pittsburgh 11111 d Eris BilinfOlid. HP Oil (1)47 and Franklin anion. o V n= l . 11611 I. m ' t e ll ° AitrAis7l4.9nuks.• au:361040: awl ' Beaver iney. ilrOWlUiVille Best....thraut and Wang, Sin Anna. AMMO. • M.... MOOperilegn•ln 0:001 10 nianticres Ole, dl. Clair gm 9 11. Arri . — mu. aMf..: Bondy linadlo- , no. • It. Male Ihreet. /riven. boron. Slailifrinegion nunly...inbAbligind AFTON". sparts. 2% 9. 11 , I Cops. m ---- 7.41 Excusios OMNIBUS a. LIVERY 40 PSNLI errativr JAMES DAM MOM, IProprfelore. oat KIBUBSES AND OARRLAGEStrindtbed for All galti k _ A i t Ali c r slriro. c `ir, m r 4 =t11,7,11217 4 141 ° . SILL wrin AN. lOnT. uoltird NAVY SURGEONS itztiIINA.TION Ur v yt.yr i p u tgrAtM Urne...pdlA N e,tl cal Odle:7 willgiritt! ;ASV !,::; 1 1..6,174 1 31% , „ V,Thlopuot - datitttliieV(Z h aPttionnte the )ladles/ erret th e Naar. Pe m fo l re Cientletnen dea.sous of ..rafearinff or at e Board, moat snake . spot 0 . deraigned, Mat. ~,,..86"Amamoriallrev&t71:: the soa . before 4 74k - ii - tioathey desire itiplarocia the Ap• ' ocatton. lobe accompanied by responabie maws ofgaoralctutrsetm than on son • Onfildatisa intuit not be teren naaenea tbn a l ea Wr gilliffereTl the eta of llo l rernomt to can. ,the 01011110 , 1, II of the Board, aa a ••• "`" — taitaii=ation le tegal pre for int tni nt to the Nan. - goRm.TZ, Chief of Bureau. pmpERs—IMIN fiIOODS W m akrimo—t- dwarf...WAlT.= v.-- .du atammu4 , 4 si W O9 . 4 Itrt4f I= STEAMBOATS. UNION LINE, I.'AIL.C:)3RE3EIT CJAC=OrMM"irr Comprising the rollovelog diet-e 1... Passenger Steamer*: Steamer II AP ARIL Deo. I). Moore. Master. Meunier LEN I LICOTI: .IHamilton, blaster. Pteainer FOREST CITY: JrJ 0 (Jordon. blaster. DOWN' TRIP—MYRA:HRH BAYARD, Leaves Pittsburgh every Monday and Thursday, at 11 o'clock, . :n. Leaves Whoellog every Monday an , ..bursday, at 9:30 p. m. === • - Leaves Pittsburgh every Tue.,lay iota Friday, at m. Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday and Yriday, at 9'3°P. m. nTEA/4 kt _ry m T . CITY Leaves Pittsburgh E every im B nesday anaSaturdar. at II a. m. Leaves Wheeling every Wednesday and Haterday, 'd 9:3) P tif ' • ; rai —STY.AM FIR FOREST CITY '1 e 7 r•rkoirsbUrg every Motiday.sind Thursday at p. m. Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday and Friday, at 7 7:TEARER BAYARD . Les,. Parkersburg every Tiaeaday and Pridsq, at 2 .esiVe• Wheeling every Wei'Weeds) and Svarday. at 7 a. tn. TEA IiKR LEN I Lit.oll, Leaves Partersburgb every Wedueaday and dater d LcaveaWieling every Thursday and heads!, at 7 a. in• weionnections going down are ®Ode at Wheeling and Senate with the Cleveland and PittsbUrirb train, which leaves Pittuburgh at 6:05 p. m., and Cleveland at 215 a. al. Ala. with trains or Pittsburgh, kor Wayne and Chicago hallway, which leaves Chicago at 10 p. and at Marietta with Marietta and Cin cinnati itailmad. and with steamers to all points on the Man River: and 'at Parkersburg wit early train ou the Baltimore and Ohio Bullroad, and with Daily Line Steamers to Pomeroy; °millivolts, Ironton, Portsmouth, Maysville and Cincinnati._ ABP - On up trip, connections are made at Belisle with Cleveland and Pitteburgh Railroad, COO a , B. rain, 11l which pas/whalers arrive al Cleveland at as p..., nod at Chicago at LCO a. In, neat morning. J AS. COLLINS & CO,, Agent., At Wharf-Boat, root of Worki n irk.virrsiti ec!,:L freight will be received each day, up t 3, 2 .00 1. 4 '0H MEMPHIS & NEW Ediat A ORLEANS. —The line passenger te.SID, AMERICA. .Capt. T. H. GOLDING, Will leave for the above and . Intermediate porta, on SATMRDAT, lOth, At 4 p.' po o r reel' hi r tr A paar ; wriumwboydcd.r at CIIiCUEVANI Allllotdr ua t LOIIISVILLE.—The splendid pu- IWISKCI ateatner HOBT. 5100ItE Capt. Das MARATTA, Will lease for the snore 6.34 all Intermediate ports on et.S.TURDAY, sd Inst., at a 9. to. Futig"lllbtFoureratig.w.o..... POR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS- The aplendld steamer WIUMA No. 3 Capt. J. 11. Itattarra, W 111 leave as above on S,ATURDAY, Sd. at 4 p. m. trl fr6g4 I4fIUrECIEI!IrOV 4 / 3 , 1 t A a g ls. "POOR NASSIVU.LE.-Theagis i t a- dna passenger steamer YORKTOWN Capt. Zama Leaves as above THIS DAY I 4 o i r t , s r a. or to """igbt FrA P NTAYEZIrOWOOb, A te2l c0p i 4 i 14.144pi 5 i,77;-_1 . . ARMENIA R O. Itceal.hule.llaater, Wlll leave for the above and all taterniedlate ports on Till& DAY. at 3p. m. for freight or st o snefrvir board to feVo J. D. COLLINeWOOD. }Age"' tz),eoo 9,600 . W,OOO 9,090 REGULAR PACKET &Mi . POR AND ZANRSVILLE.—Tbe tine Kanner AVINA 011111A1t. Capt. C. R. BMA., will leave for the above and all intermediate porta every TURSD_AXi at D. m. Returning, leaves Zanesville every nu- DAT. at 7 am. J.D. COLLINGWOOD, Agent* 11.r2,00 , 1 LO,IM QTEAM TO ANTI FROM LIVER- Po. ND YUILICSSTOWN tlasi....xo) twice • eek., , ' b e INMAN LLVE, EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CARRYINti U. S. PAILS. Ticheu sold to sad from Ireland, England, Scot tasnellermatey ase. the C rod omp P ea le re Mies, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N.V. • GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ea 'WE OFFER FOR SALE Our Entire Stock of Groceries and -Liquors AT CICOST. WI Invite the attention of dealers to our lame and rented smock which ere ere desires. of dollop out before the first of April next. We hate on hand a lame lat'of Imported andThl• mestle im Mars: Mu lads. pure Old file Whlektyy Doe Imported Dandy and Gin; Do Gordon , * best aberryi'lnet Po various afalses, Spar In and Stifle.- lbs Ines , o brands: Jamaica .. 4 X. E. Rum; ehop , s Imported Irish Whisky: !nonfatal! a nd plimusell Blurry; Peppe rm int. In facterm• ants balm:Igloo to the liquor business: a en. lot of Tees, selected with 0500 Windt the best retail tradel Cofer. Ungar. elropsCish, Phalan! barrels and half barrels: c., which WI! will dlirpomwl. lo LARDY. OR MA L LOTII at Um LOVIIST HATtli ?Olt CASH.. TIERXWE I GETTY'. tiri Ohio St., opposite the illorket 1.0 •LLtuntNY - 1 - oYibtki Tar; SALT SWIIIPACTIIIIING COPAN WU.I. BUY Sulphuret, of Iron Pimusylvsals eat Miszonisturhis waving.. Center Pitt Street and Duquesne Way. :11i 101 ZATCji COTTON -121 bales in store and for OM. bi tfael 1811AHDICIMY *CO. EGGS -41 barrel. Fresh Eggs Piet ""4"a' cad f ""i7rYi b ia e...eaurrßoxo, tarcorner lir Ores and lint stress. STABLE, • COTTON -16 bales pow land/n6 f hrom steamer A rAnntle oKtY 4 SWEET CIDER-12: Choice,l 15 et clam In st7r_eA joy k xv. idatiTRONG, Irert corner *et and rind area. ()RANGES AND LEMONS. ice tx,t”s mars Lemonei Jost recelvedlud and Os fed Nos. MI and UM Was=iet. : I ' ' :IN i•— JUN rlyired fresh cuPplyot chbleu •• ~_ Buckwheat lour, pat up lukutall auks tor family use, and tor We►at - the rry Groan MP. • feyb Corner Llbirty Aid ktrtina. MEANS,. HOMINY. • io do .P ebot eeCS'S Beani; go 76 Towlel2 1:12W . " 1 813 " AMIC tit LAND, / 'lrg sod .174.Wp0il street. iffointeiewk i , eino.,. ma/par. °PlLBaszkr.i.r"' - - filtAc eak tlirrie4l W ton. 10 Wei 150011 di 100,bnab.11.01"adm, - POLL BETTIEM • —4l ba - rmr.g.flpitsTippA.' z .. ,a. 1.4 , 011 SALSA" ' 'arta of 44 ..,e, ..eer-..., AND Rammia MEDICAL. . 1 . Wetted thlay-dr.pereletkaituatelifgalzabett, 20•3?/..•S,.2._. .1..inm5....-- i 0 . 31 •SII. diltigh=Y COUnni• The .k TWEE— menh are shewedlog dw _pad frame.k cen . n-a•Eillirli"if's . / "INSURE YOUR LIFE INVIIK bank bare and otherprit si- &geed °fag' Ii - rts apple and each , rees oitteS bat variety. • - FOVRTII NATIONAL BANK, HD MOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. farm is nod:ld witheozi art4Umertone of the best I qnsittp a fleg stone 'ma • No. I qualltylffgeT , Have yvoved. Ilkoro the most ample experunree.,,,,,. '"l t ) lrt..... " 7 "l :drriirtn C rfe h atb ri i: 4l.ll°T2r i tr. S.Government it-allay., simple, efllMent and reliable_ They art n. perfoclly adapmd to p00D0.,,, n"'" V ./ s'a ofrnrea Depository ' the only mistakes cannot Is , reale In ca n n a i tHARTEIt OAli LIFE B 7sirs .co rt, ,,,,i. ..., - ormartrord, " . ..0.. farm of about 320 ma. situated In West I Mem: co lurmiess as to be free from danger, and so ~ Wheateeld Tonai lanais cout?, PO lOO . Th. , 55 MARKET STREET, ~twl.nt as to be always reliable. .o...see, i THF. ONLY LI FEIN Htlik , CY. .A NY • Improvements are a good, cmrtable, two-awry , , Frame Home, with. romns,atarge frame barn. car- , "'" S'''''''''''‘.."*.".h- hoagie, bus a. " I 3Pittliti:VelL.Vra' a, X.c.23.7a es. N° ' ''''' rFreens. Congestions , l''''''''- 23 hal-F.RIcA that no mate.. and Par. *.i . . 11051300, l i tre two-Actry stone spring home; Abe.. • 5.... 2 CASH DIVIDEPI/ o w n the Mat and each subbetment Cleared and In timotlii and Mover: a goad orchard Of 2 ".' (71 12 t.. 4 . 2 11 g/LlC,Ft•gte.l.‘rt'i Of in: Payment of premi im, Its.o ASH CAPITALQma ILO. se to i 011 Tr rAw lie groo,ooo. .ge i r . e.r . r e y a rym.... ,Q.41r„r?,,„Tb7,,,f.„.9,,,-in_.W.ThAPISITIGVIIT. TO I NCIIWin T 0........... 601, OW. . 70 n p.r.te7 : 61 a : 0 : 1 " nk 1 ri..:.. e .r0 a:::::::.,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, t.. „.... ~...g . .: , ,,r,.... , y,,,: i...1::: ! :be:r.:14. :. _f.,,A:itidaitiotieel:n.g. twom:bitteerionsw.obiv!f,,o.r.lrgtfet:snportthne:d:ric.on,:c,‘,ol 1 10 ....'.... vituti.,ll!:°:,,Etipii;Ris;:il.i:(l,:k:AlcAßAmoiloi.,a.,::!Bll:ixituipl,...;l:73:oNns:::o,i.r;L:l:.l:ll:ll:l2ios:„.,..i. .15 .. a.! ,: ' 5'"'i,,,,,,,5,r"7:7.:,:en.':,,,11.1::!:::::!1::,i:11:::_i:N‘......):1,..1::::&'1:7‘,[9:7z::::,,,,i;t7A.0,1,,,:m5ti0f.1:1;;::::::,...,:1.F:r::::Amti11runit,i,:::E5tdia::....110:T.,,tr.A0 :::::thr44::::::tmtitu:::::y.Lbiii:::. Elbe improvements are a large two from . 1..0g Boum and sedge frame berm ITS acres skated and Innier , 7 , 13 . 3.430 w e:r o ofs , s• • to:trrtAl.ol A, Toothache. I. see- that liberality and MD dealing Is a Spethatr.. lo, good state of cultivation: • same wile orchard( a au/ e zs this company. large two - store milt -b orne, These SWlallarrna united . . 9•• 11F.AD AC 11 E, Sick ileudache " Wise, toe nest fa In Fal hi W• t- ..."' s. ft P' n ' h" ..f er' l Del''l" "'etre . "• ' 'r p r e i ri 'B o ' .l. BSK ' '''''' '' P ' 2,, Paltdea continue good tb ‘ rough 111 e. rnmo town. P. to , terwo, allowed by 5p...._.a. agreement. nunelant" county, Pa. containing MO times; about . IMIURCTOMD • 3 • • 1-5.1;C0K1111LE.5, or Whites...". .. -n sere .1. 3 mile. south of the Pa Railroad. 'fbe amorove- Thom " L , ON NT.Li,y, tt. ii, NA No 13 • ' 0111111 0. boom. cough . . . 35 J. C. NV ALI( LI . President+ merits are two large hewed log holism.: one of the ID. M. S3l ITU, N. J. Elat-03..r. II - . '. ALT RI/KIIM, Kryslot•la•• f•roi, b. s. r A I.ll.Kic, me President. largest and beat Same burns tn the township: two JAK , Fs 4 ,. ~,,,,,gy, JOHN F. IVERnON, lions Si b. H. te HITE, Secretary. . Branch (Mice for Western Penns Darda, where apple orchards, The whole Ism is under 0 IMMO TR(AI AS SMITH, J. )c. mistr.rATltlutt. Is .• 11.1tEU MA l'ittsl. 01 rheumatic twins -5 ei,vui.,„,.,,, Mani App00.,.., wilt b. ~ , ..5.a.0,0, stale of cultivation. Thn fencing Ls all No. i. Tne THOILAS NINNELLY, President. hi • • ii. I 11151111 AND MICE. ''hills and land Is of the very best iftnestou .e• about bal scans, EETLEE w A B E ° g oo., seigArataaw If , we re t. d. , l 4 h4br i s A n w ee il l• g i rl . t T 1r0 bi. ber i ..F . 417 3 ,.. i.. 1 71 %I 1 Fcter 3vl Wood 'Avert. Plltsborelt. --_ -- 17 • • LILY:I3 Internal or eaterna 50 ' A:rent' wanted throughout the State. Apply to sold at a great bargain. The owner whines to en gme F. E. GoOIiFLL, etate Agent. DOLLAR RAVINGS lIA - NK, No. 59 is - orra I %sir. , ere, Inflamed eyes. ro oo3Mrly FOURTH STREET. PI •• C. APAR/DI, acute or chroule,..hinn t other business. CHAIITEurm Ilir UM. 1 enta ao , onARTER 1829 . PERPETUAL Al ' so, several other Farms ranging from $3O to $3:O ' ~, d a lly from o , o , olorA. olio ,. on w r doceday , :0 •• IV 1-11K)FINA , COVUM, snawnodD °•-•" _ou h 5.0 per acre. rant. of LSD seem situate In McCandless - • • - Novem ber tat to Ri ' • ASTItS.A. osresoed 10 . 'FR ANIiLIN Mt from 7to 9 n'elnini. and from, r. .. amt Lot: Mrs impaired b,..... I ...flilturdo7 evenings item May Ist to November township, Allegheny coon'''. Pl 4. about Smiles from , ~., ~,, 0r ,,,.. , to , „ or,oo. the elty. The Improvement. me . Log House,. . 1 .." , •53 • ''. ''' Depollute received of all Jima of not less titan pea 1 gong . l. c o a di, t o.r . : 2 1 ...t..y .r . :111 .0 k1 "21 1 this r . : 4lo .:al vpa latt qwm p a ro 2 le:r2tte.y.tevl:ery:::,,h'enabd i s n y ° ea " ;,. Jr d .Fu n n d e 'v e " l.) , !• r eAn h t ell!.r°ll:teigrhalatbeel I ti BI .III' ' N'I 6E R YIL " ili r rilL d A l M a , ' '''''''''''''''' ' 9) . FIRE INSURANCECOMPAIFf ' declared semi-annually In. ane an December since weakness i 5.) 2 • • DROPSY and Scanty Secretions the list* was organlred, at the rate of ate percent, .. .. BRA syegagEss. or o i r g oorr no, Or , , . yem. N° ' "4 Fourth "'et- I Interest, If not drawn out, is placed to the credit tidlna_ S PHI LA DELPHIA. ,f. . of the depositor as ar Kln d. el y to . hl ,i , t a . mbe ar.lidttioemin./.‘0,-. 75 31 ' . 9 , S N ini v g. s ous Dlli D E E ASA l H ry ravel . . ,..l.., to eompatindlng twice a year without trinibling this da- • embsionaluvoluntary discharges 50 Assets on Jon. 1. 16411, - - 82,437. 842 In mentor to call, or even to prearrut hie p.s boot. At bil " SOBS niOUTIL or Canker NI I *Atm. th no. hs ra k te „ %or a tty nt wl .g ll i dan c l. i, ile . „lnLe . s n s r thjr .. = . el u v.o yeea r .sd. 01 u :: F A R Aji( ut l: r ifia to N m Tl,Nß. ov N o (o o .E.... ll . l; So r A ,, , ,, ,1t0e , 41...„..,.... 1071,00. Regulations, furnished gratis. on application at She S .. forested Premiums 1,0013.121. Ofbee. 22 •• 9117 FEW.9I3 it Change of Li 1e... lUU Unsettled Claims 0,410. passrDiveT - 11Ellit0F. ALBItER. 13 '•"' EP LEPICT llama, St. Vitus' Dan- ineotne for 1951....- ... • 304006 Vice. iiiineillinaTe. 100 I,o+nee Paid sincelßM . 3,003,0 M, William .1. Antirrann, I A. M. lia.lanir, at. 0., al ',. DIPTIIERM Ulcerated sore throat ICO 1 perinea! and Temporary Policies on liberal term.. John 0. Backofen, Robert Robb, TAllll.lf,Olgza. Benj. L. Fahnestock, John 11. Shoenberger, Case. of 30 this, In mortamOcase and book tom-4/ James lierdman, Jame. Shide, plete ................ ........... . 0) James McAuley, Alemmder Speer, Ruse of RI large Asia, in Marcnatnand b00k...,.. 6 le Lam AL Pennock. Christian Yeager. C.e. ores' 1 , 518, pule, Mae, ntid Nog— J.. aCo vurarltbar Csse of 10 boxes' (No. 1 to 13) stabocat 3 ug , He J. Lynch, _ A. TONIIIENCE. 1 Peter A. Madeira, Corner of Fourth *Mb Market streets. John Marshall, W holeaale Agent-JP/0.1.Mb, re. Walter . P. Raj:shall, er - Nt l .,, bi. r0111 11 .''! 4 ' 4 9 8 2 . _° 4 . 4 . 4 qt !......f,'.; Jim, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS I= Lot in Pitt Township McMASTER, &tram a CO., fe33 Attorneys At Lan. %Grant street._ A HANDSOME COIINTIIY HOME FOR PA LTC, steatite 211 toll. from the city, and within ten minutes . walk of the Pittshergli and Coonellevllle Railroad, commmding beautiful Hen of the city, river and ...cottoning country. It comprises about acres art ground. highly cultiva ted and laid out In the most approved style of mod ern landscape garden:Ling; is studded with shrob ticr7, ami.. great varlet y of the choicest trolls and vines 10 full hearing. . There Is also on It go: ver• failing spring of water, sod about one acre In wcaid. The Improvements consist In port of e neat Brick Cottage with 7 rooms and wash-boson, a large and handsomely built Statile. an out toom for team he.: I One large cistern and splended pump ore within a few tent of the kitchen door, and ell Is under exert lent fetter. For particulars. prier, terms, Jte• • en quire of Lfet2i It. AIeLAIN it CO. liNan BALE—A Farm of about 5S acres,_eltuate in Elisabeth townsh_ ,16 Allegheny county, Pa, about ono tulle and a half (Toni the Borough of MrKrespurL.lialf mile of the Ilononga liebs river and the some Po et the You The Improvements are, ant, a FlVart Cottage House, with 6 rooms, antler:ad well of water at the door; second, a two story Femur House, with four rooms. with two good spriogiof,witter; third. a Log House, with two rooms, a frame bank barn, with the very beat stabling, corn crib, carriage house sod other out-buildings. The tract Is all underlaid with vein I limestone. This stintwatof limestone is worth all that is asked for the propcfr. For for- Iticr ... taftlslilaw inquire of Li. 11. - T WY.lit „z ß , c r: al Fourth street. to t. Eitatn Agent. No. tN Pi pou SALE. VALUABLE COAL LARD Will be mid TO-LAY st reduced prices. This tree, Is situate th Westmoreland county, Penn., on Mt Notth-Westero Deonaylvanl. Railroad. about tarn %Rea rant of Apollo. Rod contains two seri " ife yens of P 7 . —..., A S IN E I SI T A.UIi c s it d FIRS CLAY IroT.7r7rer paress t" ;ars Inquire at the Law and Claim °Mee of W. J A HALL PATTERSON, No. VII Fourth St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. }`Olt SALE.—A destreable DvveU -14..1VV! eTry? LoLVI'L Alleghenyr. ; L built to Modern style and containing 7 root/is—hail, puler, dining roomy and kitchen on Ist door; hall and two to tg a tcoping apnrtmeata to 7d :.0000", with ed attic hall; cellar and base laed Into two V h ni d ent, Xp s 'pli n ed with water pipes; gee bake.oven opening into kitch en; hydrant water the yard. The lot Is well Bled it vines and fruit trees. Possession April let. Pries IV= B. kleLAllk & te2o 107 Portntreer. pxeouriria. RESIDEAVE AT SE -ICISLETVILLE FORSALE.—Forty minutes' ride from the city, bl to SO trains panning daily; acres of choice laud (routing on the railroad and Hoer; modern built dwelling bongo, well orranged and in good order; ball, E. rooms and cellar , out house s, etc.: garden, good deep soll, young hull tree! and nhrObbery; situate between Sewickley villa and Osbnut dtatlOnn, In a very destrabl• lons• Wm and excellent nelghborlkopd. Possessiou Orel ApriL S. CUTHBERT & SONS, • re= __No. St Unreel. street. rt 1123 COAL AND Linn: PROPERTY FOR SALE.—On We Stenbenrllle C'erliTmAnlVlNTOVEditTilliparim AND EIGHTY. SIX AMES, Stearn and Water Flooring and saw KM, and other fine 1.91100.1166111.41. Alio, shoot Eighty cres GI COAL, without the altiolotrig th e shore, mbos. Also, two Farms at Steerarvs Station, on Central Railroad, containing 140 acres And Mures. folliltrther gardenia., %an wAnn. (Oppooltethe Cathedra l, 13 No. 110 Grant street. - - VOU BALE--A Farm, containing about HO acres,_ sitaste In Jeffers= township, Itrgheng county , Pa., on theMonona hela itate front the Borough of West Elliabetb. The improweasents mew two story Brick Home with six rooms, Frame Home, two stbries, with six rooms o7ultitirdit_ga"-TiOrr crib , :f . ge " reg .. ." o g e e; bottom. •rnx's property is well located for gardening tgesnarir ' ul ' leg 410 ei l o; ire 7 d t= EiVte fieTtnhoe.iiiti river, a s irelle.t. TOW ER *ea t I aria*V" DESIRABLE DWELLING AND LUT.—I hare at private sale a g story thick Dwelling)",loose and Lot, sitathe at No. M. Waynestreet, street, nearPennstreet, with Doable Pathos. Din ing, Room and Kitchen on first floor; 4 Chambers Ol& Second, and on third door, wi th IA inevery room; New Shingle and Nate Rooth, main good condition throughout. Lot Rah) . SO Met. Also, win be sold with the lions% If desired, the Furniture, which is eemparatively new. Posses sion given April 'MONO, or ear li er It necessary. Woe . thriller putt/Wars inquire at NI and Ft Fifth street, yl T. A. IenC,LELLAND. Anetlr. AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE FOR BALE.—A double two-etoly Brlckilouse, with back building, containbag if room, and a tishen at tic, bath-room, water closet, (mome heisting the whole house, marble mantles, MI ln fresh repair, octopi - log • 10575 by 2.40 feet feet Bidwell street, near Western avenue, on the line at the bone mall way. In Allegheny City. budge and carriage house on the lot. Apply to -- B. BRYAM, Broker to Stockman Real Ditate, fell 57 Fourth street. BurkeM Building. 110 USES, ETC.,FOR RENT.—A Brick House of fourrooms, yard and collar. nese Smithgeld street, on Virgin Mier Na. 79 Chatham street, two-story Prime House, of hall and lire rooms, eensir atayard_ Dwelling House on corner of Reed an Crwtbrd streets; throttle Ma .me sada acre. of Mad near Manchestertk rooms at comer of Ursa end Diamond its., suitable for °Mow large Cellar on Weser *meet, near Ferry street; two-Mori Frame House, with large 10t... Mount Wuttingion. Apply to ref' N. CUTHBERT * BOMB, 5 1 Market st. Von HALE—lmmediate Posses.: stow.—That desirable property knownmt the ••Avery Plansion..‘ on Washington einem Fourth Ward, Allegheny My, The lot l arena ILO feet deep, and the purehruer ran harels, fo or 100 feet front, as may be desired. Also adJoining the above number of beautiful Building Lote, on our of which (SrFrame cottage JOH of IS rN D. D. BAILEY, • Vie HALE. — o . C.lreg 0 eheapett Coal Ladd Alec heyiyumuly; A very degtruble properly en rowan samet; Two . elegint 111eildenees In Allegheny City r•r11,011 • • Dwellings In bulb MD.. MAIN Ll. BAILEY, Stock and Real Aerate Broker, fee NVllklns liall., Fourth street. DWELLING ROUSE ON WYLIE tintr,zi FOR ISALF._, —That large and well Un tatted Mime story Dwelling oh 'Wylie street near gi rth, ileilsktd to modern style, conrining . l.2 r4r:a WC range ; tthbatnth.-Trl. mid ofn' Die mask dcsitilleAreperties for dweilltig or 1.11.1- SI arid ter sale Posesslon April yen Ll ' %Wm reas o eTuib e, App yl . jalOttl It. Ilel.AlN ACM. 102 remit. Street. V VALUA lILE ibOAL LAND FOR 'HALM AT A HAROALN—DS rages with surface 6 Pet veln of excellent ./al, situate 20 rod. from Steubenville Railroad, with Hatt of way to the road: Stga'7l l Zit t stir,%.%.l `. :Zitri:4 l l 4, ; ''"''' CIffMBkRT , W. 61 Market street. raiiirr LloltfilAULE AC L situated In /*Mt, Wail; s l 4enurt Thin tracts ate aucated In EWA _nod qtl.s "At care toe • DIMS: Will W.. the *lupe e miti. Ap ply sooq. Al . that neatCoontryfleat, three eons, toll of rtalt,Fcsi bonne, barn, ge.l miles f rom the city. rice OM. R. McI,A.LN CO., a3l eel Estate Broker, le! Fourth street. 117k0IPT PAY RENT but call and , A.,nneogaso yery eboaP lo o n tbe ellingeof Mutt at tynalngton, bnihi yeursolfisbouse, - . Detente►Lod stbiggiVllrtrattgliteltdivt;t At b rag= umed,, Woe tortherwartitfeara entinneet 11. T0W.1216.1211 Ita_tate Agent, . las Fourth Street. PQM S4,SOODVIS 11 113111. A UN fiffEAT; ated IS adulates` walk m i' Veri T y Neadini. ' Tn. heel. Is large and bratty 'Minted, w Ste an este. letrei oftbe KOSr and railroad, with IN acres or ground, arranged with garden and fruit II great atm:dance, well watered - knell° geddriebrlilsorbood; - stable and carriage? bonze. Apply soca Co ; a. AtcLAllt 4 Cu. VOR skup—liza acres ,of sitoMe In Sowsuillp. liYasPipkton mnly, ZjilitiMlit h ig =it% MTV " li e i r r lr d ' n. o et t L r on li t the premises. • Jaal:tr s4 . ooolo 3"ital it ri n_r erimanfejla orillOraoute strau 'Oh wide hieparlors,'dintErroouvan r -Itteken r and [VinPl ao Sl ' tr" W A f iiiii tt lFB Eni rO d " -LEll. ` - " Tha* TrAnitiov4;:4 l l pint trri tt reilfit i l Tigt 4 , sYrt'Y lirotorirrlittAkra i tylitesititnie, • Me 67 lautthstreeti (Durkee Bulldthit.) RTAWAatctithl'rla"ALiT.SOlulE r" ' tt' v el a tul r mbVrs , oltna re ) 7 Wiftesalred to boIVAO A M s w al d i ttini, e Tzaoet nrmx 117(71°seems orol0nigAiragio: ler Ofthe te,oratioeft ,IndliticOnlilt rot 1101ding11: Vgli* d Wo. 10=44SUERN14 1 rlP T AMP umb LlVo7llnittitar' rut,.. ;. A.; Law &gusty, 24 9 1 , rtitowil, ratigulers = 16 4% z 7. 14 !.14,1.iwa1yzi nt , - Ty4r 14 114 . pur • •,11, 71 IllsigtOSUAlanitlll4 IMENE=III2 ~~"~~=;~.4~:~~~:mot•=~'t;~.~e~.<:;z~:~t~y- .~.-- Y- ENQUIRE-OF Stock end WA' Estate Wlter, Wlltt. Hall. north street ItTO OM 6'01;1AI Calvin Adams, olotm o.rge ulack, • Alorttote. Carrier, James B. D. !deed, Challes A. I . allon, John B. cFadden, W. Dough., Jahn “rr, John Beans. lenr - LI.. Itlnner:tit, John J. 14111exple, Behmhit. WlOtam B. Haven, Area ander Peter H. Hunker, William Vanklrk, Richard Hays... nz Wm. P. W hittler eyman, Jamee D. Be, ISA. TazAsumon - 4 IIA 1[1.1! A. CVLT W ON. iimatrraue — JAß. B. 11. MELDS. 1a.31 . ...1Aw1r BANK ING 1101.INE. N. HOLES & SONS mtetru.s.. erkt, N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. Deposits received In Par Funds and Currency. Collections made on all Che principal points of We United State. and Canada.. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. rartioulet attention paid to the porches. Rod gale of • UNITED STATES SECURITIES. Gaited Orates bit o er of 1881: 5-20 e, • Do. If Ites of 10-M A Do. Scree-Thirties •, Do. Coradcates of Indotd.oimeor. Orders nod Voile/len bought or collected. Jal.Bl T nE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANS, OS Pittail=raarsh. CAPITAL PAID IN wvra PI - urn-Um or B.klng house CORNER BIPPIT AND WD BTBRETB. This Book, organized Coder the National Batik ingi Is now prepared to transact tattiness at Ito ZPk''lo:lner of W o'd :Tl rtr't'eets oteLoraon otepotteoutie' =AP. fur weeß a of the eft Agents for JAT U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES SAMUEL RILA., Pm;ldeal. F. M. GORDON Cashier. qa9ard J. C. Me.PMERBON, Teller COMECESSION NERCHANTS J. 8. AO./011 WHAINE $ ANJEB , COMMISSION MERMAN - TS and' dealers to HIM& GRAIN and PM/DU Second street, between Wood and Smithrteld, PI s , burgb. PO T TTER, . A .../ REN& SH E , B ARD Coinsisalon Merchants, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Flour, Butter, Checac,_Egga, Potatoes and produce generally. No. RN LLBERTY STREET, opposite Passenger Depot. Pittsburgh. CHARLES C. HAMLET, Produce and Commission Merchant, Warehouse No. PM LIBERTY STREET, Pittabugh, Pa, Wbolcule denier In Butter, Cheese., Lard. Eggs, Rork, 8.013, Beam, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, hom iny, Dried Fruits, (hula Fruit., Onions, Floor, Grain, Closer Seeds Timothy Seeds, Flax Seeds, Garne and Poultry. 'Particular attention given to Produce Comic:moots. Ruh IGNOX 1,413116 W !MON RKNOX 6t, SON, Commission ELERCRANTS anal:leaks, FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FRED and PRODUCE" generally. No. 7S , Diamond. opposite City Hail, Allegheny City Jalhiylt . IN - ILEUMS LINELART, (Roccossiir to.binekeovin .t la:Tart) Deader in tour and Grain, Produce and Commission Illinschants No. TB LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa, fehly R . R. JACK, GROCER, Nos. 1 sod i DIAMOND. pjievvft-1 Ong (115 LP & SHEPARD, Commission Merchants and dealers in Flour Grata and Pro dUen, N. art Liberty street, Pittatnirgh. Choice brands of Flourikk cep Bakrs and Fily use constantly on hand. Pirtiular attentio eld to Illingorder afar blercharollse genersily. oda) LITTLE, HAIR'S & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, and dealers to Produce, Flour, Damn, Cheese. Fish, Carbon and Lord Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh manufactures guneralir umd street, Pittsburgh. U1tt31322 r. Duch THOS. nrreultiL. Wlll. P. BECK & CO" No. ISA Llberay street, Pittsburgh. Pa., Wholesale Grocers, commission Merchants and dealers la Coun try Produce. Provisions, Bacon,Ltru., Butter, Bags, Cheese, Ileh, &a., Produce, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Green and Dried Fralts. dm Salt and Lime. )yid Joll2 o i B. CANFIELD, Commission o and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer to Western Heaven) Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork, Itecoo, Floor, Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Salerstas Llnsord and Lard 011 a, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, Nos. 141 and 148 Front stria{. Plttsburga O.IIEITSZ .1. A. & RIEITVR, rnonuCE, Control.. and "Forwarding Merchants, and purctmaing agents for di Pitssburet Manufactures. Warehouse, No. AS Libery strect,PlMsburgh, Pa. Jong 1. nocrew•••FX,WAUD MUM JOILN I. 1101 USE & BROS, Succes xo,o Ty .30110 1. noose it CO., WhOleBo.lls Ore core and Commission Merchants, core. of Notlth geld and Water streets. Plttaburgh. iretue JAMES DALZELL & SON, Moo facturers of Lard 011, and Commission Merchants for the pnrchme and sate of Crude and Refined Pe tmlettm, Nos. OS and 70 Water street. Pittsburgh. kdraners made on Cousigunscurs. s.ICIIO/I,IIA KER. & LANG,Wholesale ...- , ltealera Wan: Karim Flour, Ora Prcalo,a, pro yielottA, Pish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon 011, 1.0. 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Pitt Pa. lady KCMG* 0, OKAO tiloslll atiTZGau. 11.1EAD & DELVZGAR, Grocers and AA. Commtalon Merchants, nod dealer. In all Muds of Co erVretro l i ,p, r =ltrart l ttsreet, Pittlbarial. • aptay 14 — 'EIMER & ARMISTRON6, wardlqi ondeoudnilsidon Iderebanto, tor the sale Floor, rain, Bir-00, Lard, Bottor,Eiceds,Drted Vrolb, of Produce generally, No. ICltarketidtreet, corner ot FLret, Pa. to2tdly ri WALLACE, Cottattittibit t.fa thane and Whales/I,la Dealer In Vionrand Gra fo No: 353 I,lbertr street, opposite E. It Pepol, Pittsburgh, P. thump Warehouse, come. Warne and Pants *treats. no17:1 RIDDLE,No. IS3 Liberty St., JAL. pitt a hnrah,Commlaston - Merchant, and Wholesale Dealer to Countri_Produce, limeades and Pittsburgh tnanothxdorta. Cash advanced on Con. a i g ameats, and paid for Prod., annually. a= troisum - s, P.-DALziaz PORT. DALZELL & CO.,Drbole- AA, eaie Grocer., Commission and Torwaxiilluglifer eVl4 and dealers In Produce , anil elltobargn Man tiniog,lsio:. 231 Litiertf stmt. - CHARLES L. CALEIWIELI, (Sue ,l-417iV ttt i gtl2;l'" .1' eel Pork c rud rack inner of arkeLstad Flout streets. Pittsburgh. JOHN WATT • annir lethsCaZ WATT & WU.SON, Wholesale .1 Grocers, Cumnritstnniterchants, and dealers In Prcritico and 'Pittsburgh blanuthetures, ISEI Lib erty B i * mot. Pittsburgh. has . • 11=la LAIIDENT..JWIN PIMITON.-at. C. WALLACS IWILBERT% tiIIEPTON & - CO, .4wholoale rpeers and Produce Dezdera , No. .P.ilitti street. Manure!). isJA lAU DICKEY &CO.,Wholesale tirocers_, Comm lsslaa Alarrtuats , and dealers Produce,te Water Meet nod AS Trout 'tree, Plttebarg4, DAIIIKL [MUM L. YOIGTIT, VOIGHT & co., oinctessors XI e t a Lla i r r ii Pr i v:4"P trab¢(4ll'rd"i" P. 111.1MLPIL J. B. XULTAISII lIXTILIEL. REl9lllEllak, RHOS" (Successors to &eraser & Andersm)WboleCtlepealenTllNY or W e t M i lo t rritl Y' Me Yucu..Ylustrarim, " nrAILI CLAI . hI 8V15711119.--.&11 lirllsoltors.ed Sol len, or, thellard of Remand SooUrn, obo enui " d • • 8 1r05ia"..0"1" 471 ., rind soldiers...llo Irons o .. meltarirod.lkort. soy °Met service witttout rOCelVinit then' 00 "r"""'" Le cal Bounties. orO'requestotto coal or scud thelr sO dititi to . T. _rm.:rata IF, /toy ma prat irT i Ma n al e h Atgrat.V ••a-13. 4 i.rATIE"°N=,:::::::::::::•••:./tu -N =4.7a , lAr J. &KILL PAILVEBSON 149 I mo • YOU A. BTREft - Prminlaan. A., At- Ir " p 6"igati:S; VA T 4'l9oye ...1 CCO IS /.101-A iiiiire7;l7,7conieTß rise BUM - Oa - Pittsburgh, and .1. J. EAST, No: ISt retreat street, 1 Allegheny; MetILARAN Diamond and Market street, Pittalinfgß. _ 1I R. STRICKLANIPS:MARIIIoous I • CUTIGII BALSAM la _ 'Warranted to be the ouly pre rVg`t.7 .;V:, CO Asthma, Whooping Cough, • • I Chronic Coughs. ConsmnPa tl) i Lion Bronchitis and Croup. . I • Sel prepared from Roney . • i anti n Herts, It is healing, .ft,- MORE. miles and expectorsting, and , particulariy suitable for all • s Lions of the Throat and Lungs por Cale by Druggists the R. E.NELLERS .0 Cl),. IS:Iyil !WHOLESALE A.LltratT STRICKLAND'S PILE - A , EDP hoe CUBED thou sands of the worst easesof BLIND AND BLHEDINII TIM PILES. It glees inuumitate ' . relief, and effeeds a penile. • -•,•• It cure. Try it dfrectly. FO• R • ; , it Is warranted to cure. . I I Fur sale by all Druggisto, at 50 cents per bottle. ILES". It r.Z.S. cU..i Ot11:17d LIOLV.SAIS AnaierS. DYSPEPSIA. Dr. StricKlaKiPell TONIC! • a : t o 01 _ .n..,rdiqz-Ert= oviii v,d:gte, • ,c•-• nrvonsaystem. his Sett• •-• • c.." Mtn remedy for Dr repro, . 1 0 ~ or In riorverot. Acidity Loss of Appetite. Acidity of the Stomuh, Flatulency and debility. It ' In not alchoholic; there.tkrA •.0 to particalarlymitedllar weak; nervous and dyspeptic per was. For axle by all dreg gists everTwbere at SI per. bottli. R. R. SELLERS & CO oenlyd WHOLIVIALZ FORTY YEARS PRACTICE LE SEXUAL DISEASES! Gives me a knowledge seldom acquired by Physi cians. My lung residence lu this city, add sufficient of patients treated annually by me, see proof of mEsueseess. SPERIATORRIDEA., or •Sexual Weakness, and all diseases arising therefrom, are cured in a much shorter time than heretofore by my NEW VEDET i ABLY , REMEDIES. Medicines tent to any met al . Use Onion. All letters must confab a stamp to pay oreturn poster., Cortespo_uomme held taared. Or r Ike, PA SMIUIVIELD STREET need Diamond Address, Bncur. IL IL. jalaSy Bo b ). PRtabergb,Pa. PLUMBING, &e WOOD PUMPS; =1 IRON F'umr,S; wrst -- Jam.L.A.Tamus, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, laydra,ulie Rants, Bram Work t l all kinds; Bloek Tin pipe, fornods Fountains; at' kinds of Gum and Leather Hose• Hose Pipe, Cmuplings; Gaa Plpe and Fixtures, okall descriptions' kept cowl/mils , on band Si Addy, Willliams & Bartley's CORN ZR SIXTH AND SMITIIFIXLD STi PITTSBURGH, PA MEI BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER NEXT TO POST OFTICE.. All Lf2:lllZl,lr - LTIVI!' I . el:eodsnikemenrdm - prprsEEDED LEAD PIPE _ AND SHE= LEAD WORKS. %v... now manufectertng a styytEktou ankle of LEAD PIPE. AND SHEEP LEAD. We keeki tea head - sked .rnalre: tO order stry eugh, else or thicketes equired, et the • Lowest Market Males. Orders by molt promptly filled. BAILEY, FARRELL Ai CO - fed 187 Smithfield Street, Pittliherib Pa, PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM VITEING; IN ALL ITS BRANCILES. I=ll2lgatt i ftle . d a t:Ww . lzezlenceil and practical GAS FIXTURES; SINKS, BATH TUBS. v, , ATEJ,, CLOSETS, Common,' 0. ho,ltd sad mate to crater ' ? "8"144 ' • TATE & SEVILLE, No. NI FEDERALSTREET. AlleFhecLl, And 217 LIBERTY IiTRLET, Blitsburgb mho rßordly T. T. '' . • STEAM FITS IN(i~ Piumbisg and pas FORCE F O R ENIIOIOI3. IRON PIPE It-BRASS WORN, or ALL DESCI4MOIC". iEriNTIEMTS I eel CJCP.. estemsor to Attav e 5W.480 • igs Wood inusburo. T. T. r.WILUS ••••••- WU. CONGDON'. pLIUMBING, GAS AND • ervitutaur. ' HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. • sH}trr LYAD.ttla k s zmnics, WATERACLOSEIVANTIVISHSTAIIDS. IMAM CO . 1 F 0 114 1 6) Pairneol, wirom „ t tough, r 111WMNb....•• •••.. ... GAS FITTING • )cv••••••.,11!-ANciDoX PLUMBING AND STEAM ffMNO. &IfIVANCE,IIELLS,' Portable and-Cigar Lighters, EIFIrEms I C 0.,, (BtcetWatto,&ddy ditwen,) ..1 1444 4t0c. i s So. urF.Wootto.. - knuargusti; rik Dhaa. N. Nanette. lease Lee, Tobias, Wagner, . Edward C.. Dale, liamnel Grant, ! George Pales, .)nr.tti It. Smith, ! Altrearltler. Denris W. ILl,barte grx`o W. Lewts, /11. D C 111111, 1 ,,, 1. DANCKEII., President. E. ' , ADD C. 1/10,1i., VlteXreeldent. M.. I.IeTVAL gartfg pro tea.. .1. G. 1 l N, Agent— tnllZ Woeil and Third streets. F - - - IR E AND madame MEI INSO RANCE CC OF NORTH A MEM. PIIII,IIIELPHIA I= Hartford Fire Insurance. Cokipany, 13=1 tar I'roteetloll can be secured in the above named flee reliable Companies. I=l fe27:19 . 94 Water arrest. (a! States .9 ._ .. . 'WESTERN INSUIAANICE CO., OF CITTSBUN.I4 11, AI.V.ICA 1407. R NIIIICII. Presiden WM. C. 11 47.111tEUT,rieeretary. CAI . I'. GEOMIE NEF.I.I/, Geoentt AKent. opOdic°, r: W Mkt street, spAng fl, CO. 'II Ware U... 901 stairs, lentsbergb. • ' Will Insure against ell kinds or Fire andldartne !Make. A home Institution mahaged by Directors 'who ire well known to the community and who its determined by promptness and' liberality,. to Main fold the character which they bare 'assumed, Si o 6 4oring the beat protection to dime who destre to be unwed. 1=3313 Met. Nimick, Andrew Ackley, • Ds, Miller, Jr. David M. Long, Stunts McAuley, , Dees J , Thomas, Alexander Sheer, 1 Ch.. J. Clark, Herron. B. erron. i John R. McCune, C. V, . Hick cyan, James P. Hanna. 311.00 WM. V. HERBEICT, CITIZENS , INSURANCE COMM NY CP VaTSBUIDAL — Croce, comer ILerket and Water streets, second dr. WAL oo Preakdelat. WM, .A. SITEVA RD, liceratary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against loss and damn In the navigniton of. the Southern and Western- It ge teesro, Lakes, and Bayous, and the navigation of the liens. Encores Ogoluet. lons and Manage hydro. Outset . Ons: WM.Rngsley, S. M. Kier. aml Ben, John Strinon, Jas. Park, Jr., Junes M:.o.xmor, - W. U. Johnston, K. Ilarbsonb, B. F. JOnes,/ J. eanwen. Jr., Joshua Rhodes., John 9. Dilworth, Barclay Preston. i Wm. A. Rodgers:. George( Biagi - va, , delaq ' PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. • . - OFFICE, N. E. CONNER WOOD AND FUTTIBTEI Wm. PIPLUpo. • 1 Capt. John•L:Rboads. John Watts. , Samuel F. PhiWM'. John .E.• Parke, : Charlen.Arbuckle„. Capt. Jas. iltile... ! Joba.F. E.lthpatrtok, I Print s. - Illosell, , . 15."'''''. 'YD.': Kll.4rmk,' W3l. FITITIAIt_r.r . l iZtra • JOIIN WATT, vial rznoldent . • .W. F. 0 ARDNF.It, Secretary. JoUpy Capt. HADIF.S 001160 N, Gang Apt. -A LLEGIIEN It INSURANCE CO. OF FITTSRUINiII.—OnIeo, No. 371111.Nstreet. Bank Block- Insures:eiglinat. all kinds of Fire and ltarinoriakeri JOHN HIWLN, JIL, PrOligent. JOHN D. hicCORD, Vice Pseetdent. C. U. DONNELL, Secretary. Diogeroigi John D. tleCore. George &Head, (Itwales Hamll Capt.. Wm. ene. Geo. o..ll.etireer, Robert B. Davie, IMM m..rvey CM di, T. Hue Mused, John 117.111, 13. L. Tahnestuck OIL WORKS. • WiiougunGE OIL nEivitive OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. WORKS IN TEXPERANCEVILLE Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Near Saapeuslon Bridge.) MANITYACTUILY2.9 OY PURE WHTIT. IBUIRINTING- Brand—"Lucifer2' ., This 011 cannot be excelled fbr barnlngproiertlesi • color or dre teat, And Dion n In well= rr ed r e/ r .41'hi;g1111!' 13gE..r . 'l' TOBT. 108+'. .'ll!'grrArt,.°.bi".G::lTrie n tlo, b re. Aftorge, Porter, Dobt. wallace. D. W. C. Carroll. jar:lend _ t. J. wwll.l3fo WAKING & tea, CORIMISSION . MERCHAITO,' ANN NNOICEIIN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS And Dealers it, Retlnivig oc21:17 No. as mAraacr.wr. yistinctigh. WINDED WAREROIISE PHENH( WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Foot of IlekkW and Itarrimmai aurae, -Breakllya, N. Ir., Storage for 4Ftelinos Z i oti.vafig. la Uptown:l Burble. See Circulars: ore- Mee, NO. Of. ulfalVElc STANNI, Nr!: York. 0e.11.17 . - • .. .. . . w.c.ix,iateioLivi." - 14...adizi , ;(5* - 5".; 1 . ~ i Eta 4It'SUMPIIR. , •.- - ,. :-. WArks..4o;l'.4ster , .. , ,voilisis-Toseiaidits erne! nr-reithoiiiiiikiiv wrazkr:< , 4: These works hero the latitiskOpaelty luttweeali,. try. The brand stands the 'highest in thls n ena, and In Enrol*, for qualitytlll4 are tea& andt a la put In well seasoned bomb, preparede A ll=urers of SOILF.,II9i tintLiti. ikNKS .finproved.ltoring Tools for 0 !Wens. • . , deidtll' .. 81UPEIIIOR OIL -ENGINES: ~ • .• • • . . • :.,-. • Ant. covaysac We - anr ecinetnxtt!lig, sttfl wit 'keep oit parlor style ot • • . Cidia IEBTCI- . 11=ir348 111111,1i111113 A: COME 0t.101011 . •.11011111; we Write parties, needing enenri far ifilipmds., to can and: araLtbem, earner .115"/ su4 STREETS. near CltylVarer arta: • • • leZt • MAO azuruus. a COMMERCIAL OIL MORI. PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Constantly on band nnillor Sala AT TIM LOWEST MAlikeTi •lAA*AI.";' MI jAMEM 'WHAMS, - • • awn= 'ma., CRUDE AND REFINED . 1111.4 , -i;. Btoek airiipecla siteition stria. 1:0 4.11 e ebb matt . or. Petroleum and Ito producm. comusim„.. respeettally solYelied. PosollSlvol &Ix 141, MUM j Atiplet, • •• • Nori S 1 VLAIR pittatruret... .ro r w . ardtr4 "az!d Comniti,sloictimmlis4li Ana .yager 01.1.. Illgolinatles; , .:Lnbileattiti 'CruftPetroletun One, fte‘, - commintl on band for OLLOASILO.IO , retr 3 sctltetpdee4;. Ynd ardVa 0 )4044! - pea . ;, , . VritirONAND:LIPPILIMEL :avanarit i.i. Irr 442,1,11Dlealiet 1 • • El 8 II 81.'750,000. ICIM=23 narrus 21,16110; ME . at J. 111:11AT/W4 NM 47 WOOD mitt.