1 U the igittsiburgh 6aatte. SA.I'URDA. V. MARCH 3, ism. ADVERTISING RATES Established by the Press of Pittsburgh STANDEIG MATTES, one Square of Ton Linemr.lght Worda to the Line, or 1114 bach-lipane. One ••......•••.•. Two Gimes Three times Fora times Vire time. St: times, one week... S E even [lmes. Moe lgin tildes times. Ten times Eleven 1.113345 r•reive time 2 weeks Three week G... One month Two months Three months Strmonths One year . MaiNEM One T wo e m mon h hs an months... RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE BlishopKiugeley, net tong store elected to fill the office of Bishop, and for, several years previous editor of the Weston) chris ten, Advocate, hits been writing a series of articles for the Chicago Methodist Advocate mainly of a doctrinal character. t In the lost lassie of that paper he gives some whole some views upon the great commission of our lead to "Preach the Gospel to every creature," which are worthy df considera tier* In the course of the article he argues that in order that the ministry shall preach this Gospel to every creature, it must go In to all the world. It must Do wherever hit- manhy has gone. It umat not wait to be called by sinners: it must cif/ sinners to re. pentanes,. He answers the question of "supply and demand, - that thecommission does not SO run. The commission requires the Church to crupply, with or without the demand, Speakingof the pleasure of being settled over a pleasant people, and good me. eiety and other soviet advent/twos, he ar pee., perhaps ell this might be pleasanter to such iireachers as could live ill it/St such an •lety as they might choose, and to such d relies as could pay high salaries. But the c dmitiasion does not say, "Go where it is most pleasant; Go where them arc the Welt schools; tan where yntir children will form the most agreeable friendship," but "Ito and preach the Gospel to every erea t There are plans-where they have no good schools -whore society is rude rind uncultivated, and always will be, until the gospel has accomplished its work. These places Must be supplied. And somebody must make vocevices In order to do it. Those who understand the gnat eommis sion of the Lord to be a permit to where they can get the most money and have the best society, or tho most comfortable know nothing of the genuine spirit of the t impel, They would never go to the weak and Ignorant and degraded parte of the country. They understand the commission to be a lieemes to them to have a good time. It is plain Sts the light of the sun that with such views the Goepel wrapover be preleihed to every creature. These preachers and peo ple de not slll to OlSig•rStulld that the whole amateur of salvation is one of extort- Me, If the vat eir or man had consulted Ms own ewe- and nut tort, what had become of poor humanity. If preachers or pm iple make their two ea.,e• and man fort the rule of duty, we WS) Weil tin hope of the world's conversion, --A meeting of clergymen and laymen of the evangelical ehurehes of New York leis just been held in that city to eonsider the propriety of organizing as American Branch of the Evungelical Ablates., add also takeseich ineaeurtm its might be deem ed proper in referenee to the next meeting of the Evaugelical Alliance, which is to lie held at . Amsterdam, Holland, in Septem ber of the present year. It was resolved to organise with it view to presenting a report on the stall. of religion in this country, and a large etunirdttee of intleential clergymen Was appointed to prepare and mulitnlt a re port on the Churches and Christian work of the TJnited Stan,. --A Baptist minister, visiting to a brother minister iu the oil regions, in Kentucky , insisemithat it was u Scripturial occupation, Job having been in the oil business. Some doubt being expressed at the novel state meat, he at (Met , got a Bible, and turning to Job 1.11:6, road ,"The rock poured me out rivers of oil.". "Now, says he, "what use do you suppose Job html for the three thous and camels, and live hundred oxen, unless it was to carry his nil to market? He cer tainly did not need that many for fanning. As they had no rallroada then, he needed thorn, if he had a flowing well of - Dr. Bushueles late work, "The Vioa rious Sacrifice," is exciting severe criticism from the religious Areas. In an exchange before us, It is shown that Dr. Bush! ell inm not only 111ISSCA the truth In regard to the great atonement offered by Christ for sinful roan, but he denies the historical truth of the narrative of the fall, and the personali ty of. Satan. 11 says art error never stands alone; it connects itself, by natural aglni ties, with others like unto itaelf, and is gradually built into a System of perrileiouti f alsehood. -Ala eimnplimentary dinner given at the Continental Rotel, Philadelphia, by James Long, to the Hon. W. J. Moor head, of the firm of Jay Cooke it Co., the sum of 1V.5,500 was contributed towards the erection of a Methodist House in Arch street, to be fitted up for the purposes of a book store, preachers' meeting room, and general Methodist headquarters. 'rho prop erty has been purchased, and it is expected the whole sum of 470,000 will soon be raised. --,Secretary Harlan, of the Interior De partment, is not only a professor of religion but practically demonstrates theftat, when ever the occasion offers, as in the case of his late reception at his residence in Washing ton City. The attendance was of the elite of the city, residents and strangers, and there was no wine offered or drank, and no dancing, and yet till a very late hour the ladies and gentlemen enjoyed themselves, end in a way that will long bo remembered Sty those who were present. • —Rev. Pr. Palmer, one of the "recon straewd" rebel preachers, recently preach ed a discourse In his church, in New Or leans, on the "Sinner's Excuses." In test ing sinners - excuses, he laiddown the prim- dote that no plea could be accepted which lacked either of these three qualities—first, it must be true;-secoild, it mast be firmly believed, and third, it must show evidence of an honest purpogeto perform duty. —According to of reports the stalls tire ofof the Congregational denomination in the United State areas follows: Churches, 2;723, 605 of which are without ministers ministers on the roll, 2,761, of whom 1,072 are settled pastors, 764 acting pastors, and 575 aro engaged in other labors riturrh mem bent, '-kt3Xo6. —The Dloceslan Episcopal Convention of South Carolina, Jost closed its session at Charleston, adopted a preamble and maoth clone, returning Into union with the Pro_ testant Episcopal Chard( of the United Stahel, all legislation inconsistent with that proceeding, henceforth of no dome. —lt la gloriotte to die like Dr. Elniendorf, of Brooklyn, New York, who, while dying, his wife said to him,"Pourage„ my dear, it will soon be over." He mtletly replied, "Courage is not the word now; thesigtory is won, and I lie waiting for the Crown. And so ho departed. =Rev. S. R. Brown, missionary from thla country to Japan, has tranalated the Gospel of Mathew into the dap mare Wl ipLage. Mr. Brown's mother the author of the favorite hymn "I lout to steal awlello away." —We learn that a griielvas.,_.2wrivajtis,fil = • • progress at the Elizabeth station, Pittsburgh _ SPECIAL Noncras. DlNtrirt of the Method ist PiTitcattnnt z 'bur,-h, rch , ...„,„..„-- - - -------------- 'SI AGUE ciunz, Tor tete and that between forty and lift', la, i e Les u 1-- 1 4 4. AjEJR,,,ay core of Infenntfeent Feve. or Frier emit ortol. and An. roar ren. chill Ater Diseihi,.. Frnintlimi llendarh, or At Flanda . ,l'a, of BB: -The evacuation of the Con% ell t 'lot l .tr- f"i. F•vvra Imbeiffor the minds etas. qt da . .......' finwaing Ix linfirry down camsd by the Ms- Mine at Naples ha. commenced. The lorto orminenurtie eon ' Monks not toeing milting to accept the resi- mlr . 1 1: d i ( l%`. 6 . An'"he i n l Y :l2ro t r n al:Ve h g, denees assigned them, prefer returning lo arises rrom Its Irritation In maize.. &striae , their families. rel'iTietrehfill'inrioNa"Tr'i.l '6'..h:.°=.,:t.14t. -A volume eontaining tbe authorized '4711.'4-J 1 :P1: lI,°A; Pit^gl:o"72.lQ_re:B....NM S rst h all ci . f whi.o ~hen psaintody of the Reformed Dutch Church, 14.1 t71=I ' l n i "' lll 'A llgr:..1; _p ' o. ' ;. the Intermittent is nom In Lounge of proparatron, together 17,k1;07Leeg,?„,%;,tTlrriStd°ga...C;calvth's-Pllll with a full collection of appropriate music, alike. It is not only . tlrmost effectual remedy ever • Copies will Soon be on sale. discovered for this el., of romplalnta, but it Is the , cheapest and moreover la perfirtly wk. No hula 1 can as tel It. unt, And the patient whe cured ts - The creel of the overlong Boards of left as . Its it If h. hael never had tit:dia.. the Presbyterian Church during the ,C., "' F, r. l l .h . b` ge 'l lrl c a t o b irii! rz ' A r an.. trili P°. iii month of January amount to nearly sc.,. afflict. d with the complaint caimot be over estimat ed so sure Is It . cure the Fever .d Ague, that it ern', thousand dollars. may bo truthfully said to he co t t remedy. One Dealer complint, mil e co r es lb no a good medicine to sell becaus e one bottle cores a whom neighborhood. GENERAL NEWS. Prepared hy .1 t Al ER & CO., Lowell, Kw., n nd .1u b, B. A. FAHNESTOCK.SSON & cll.. and so . . by an Druggists. Jalantinst&ivf ..., -.IL ...ANDEL COBaRAAN, a clever Englishman, Juan -- ,31, who was here last fail with Mr Horton pejo, r4r a RETROUVe.VIS TIM . In a recent speech before the Bristol Chamber JANDOLEMAN 4AIR TONIC. 00 Of Commerce, thus expressed his Idea resect- THE DltE.Vll.l;tyi AfillUtEts4,llL7t OF THE AtiE cm lug the relative commercial position of Eng- pg,,,,,,, •tgiLlau lie 00 What can land and the United States hr more mceptable than anything that will beautify? Amerlat had marvellons remit:truce In the that will restore nature's decay try stopping the hair co way of supplying food, and any gentleman fm falling out, lettering its natural color. making TI looking at the position of Engiiiiid would n a y ' late grow In lannelanectmd beauty, assist in ppltlng an that her fUture depended upon her commerce. It up aceordlng to the present style and fashion mici in We could mannfactum against America, and keep It In place? TM, &trustees Turkish Banda/. , Mon Hair Tonic win do, and for proof aro refer you 0 If the Americans would adopt our free trade Ito any person who has tried It. It Is uknowledged prillunplcui we could supply their wants with to be the beautifier of the age, the only Hair Tonle manufacturod goods and they could supply 1 st worthy of the mune. In Turkey, in our wants With food. (Bear, hear." I Franco,, in England, In Amerimi-everywhere where the ••liartiledenlan." is known-It Is pronounced die Ir to announced that Witrfall "Las mespoil iia ;qua uftra of Bair Preparations. Brineiaber, it front Texas." From whom or what he has no. Is her then ail metallic poisons that are mntatnoil waned does not clearly appear, but If any In most Hair Colors and dressings. It Is the extract body ta in ',mann of Mm we sincerely trust of many Sowers and herbs, be”ttfidly Put liP, no he will got off. Our only regret Is that he did ornament to the toilet het' escape" ten years ago. In fact, one groat For salt by all Drutrlts turdipoitgerajrholesale. source of emluuTassmont Just now ls, that AHEot:if a CO. those" escaper are not more frequent. Thore Princ i pe th.po, 1 0, Untied gum,' and canada s , are large mint... of gentlemen at the SouthJAMES PALMER a CO., who would do us a great service by giving us , the dip, and running off under our very noses No. Cs Market street lien. Magruder was, we believe, so frightened Philadelphia after the close of the war that ho did not rest till he had put the ocean between liiin and somebody, we before It was never cleutrly, nasertncln o d whom, but very few of Me coin panlons-inarms are equally nervous Ton Indianapolis herald says that Jacob Barth, of Taylorsville, Bartholomew count, Incl , blow h i s brains out on Monday morny ing. Ile was married on New 1 oars's tic . Ales nights after the wedding a young gen tleman called and took Sirs. B. to elturelt, without consulting the husband. The woman remained out until three o'clock in the morn ing, when she came home. To Mr. B 's Inquiry as to Where she had been, she curtly replied that it was none of Ms business• A separation ensued, ever since which Barth has been the prey ated of set tled melancholy, which culmi- nin tragedy on Monday. Is England the Shenandoah claims are be Ing discussed In a considerably altered since the publication of Eir. Seward 's lastdes patche on the question. il i.w iti, London Tones now speaks of British o era "winking at transparent frauds," and owing British Iliwn to be cheated In a manner'* an demands Inquiry." It alludes to the Aus autho rities permitting a grave breach f hospitali ty,.ti recommends that the foreign enlist ment act should be at once amended. ALT, Hart, CLtivOalsi a I-SACRAMENTO, ( AL., Feb. 28,-2o John li' Fbrlng California will sustain Conine.. In Its effort to preserve lib erty and to secure et - piano before the law to all men. F. 1 , Lows, Governor, Al ILEILT L. SernitEwc-Aertrzit, the Manchester murderer, was sentenced nt Bartforcl, L, to be hanged t. on Friday, August 17. _ . D. 117. 120 4675 220 203 300 3n 3n 410 460 176 500 7n Pco 1514) 13 00 33m 50 4 ED 2 4 50 5n 51 00 6 16 60 II 1..; OD 16 !MEM fell i 1?2:31 I: XOO 14 PITTSBURGH THEATRE. L MEN /I.BVMAR REND E HSU N MR. 88M1 , 1. 41. m- , And Last appearwice of MISS JULIA DALY. MATINEE IN TILE AFTERNOoN at : o'clock. Admission 2$ cents: Children teems. Afternoon perfdrmance, the thrilling play, WORICIEKS OF 'THE WORLD I Or, THE CURSE OF DRINK. Evening performance, •t7s o'clock, the FEMALE DETECTIVE; Or, A BOAT HOUSE ON THE LAKE. To conclude with GLANCE AT NEW TORE, Mose Mr. Sam Hyatt. MONDAY, MR. COOLDOCK A ND DA CU MYER. • OPERA HOUSE. LEsSESzati MANAGICRUS ANive Eatat.H. SA TURDAY AFTERNOON will pe presenteil the real drama or LOST LP PITTSBURGH. • br A i STURDAYdram EV ENING '.lll no Preitentol the bing a of JUDITH OF 6EITE VA;ttr. THE COUNTESS CONVICT. Favorite Song liDsv Vann) Pier.tou. Favorite Dance.— Loofas Nylveater. Song Lllle'Retet ett. Comic Son, D 1... S. 0. Merritt. To rot:chide with LOST IN PITTSBCRGIL On MONDAY, the Queen of Beauty. Mite HELEN WESTERN. priE PITTSBURGH CHORAL CHORAL •UNION WILT. Jr. HA Di• I)EL`S GRAND ORATORIO JUDAS MACCABEUS, AT masovvirc Thursday Evening. March sth, CONDUCTOR G. 11. ALEXANDER. 'LEADER. .......... . ..... . . JAMES GIL TICKET,. ...... . .• .... sloe liheDerred arm. eau bed at 11. IC LER ER 11110..5. Wood street. TUE:X secure l/AY MORNING at D o•eleek. wlthoot extra Dhuge. • mh.ll,ldd OPERA HOUSE. . I ErIV43I-.A.C3r3EHUMI.IVT Young, The Magnificen HELEN WESTERN. Monday, March sth, 1866 .hl:xaM i tTIO A rNyi sic A I T MASONIC Thursday Evening, March Ist„ MAC EVOYI3 GREAT PICTORIAL AND MUM CAL EXHIBITION, TX2I:3EI O. A TOUR IN IRELAND, " 7 " 'O . _g "'"! 'iltr e gEVlllll a n TIT; tin x._ l' rlss . .A.llNlE GOODALL and kilns CORA SRO N. Several favorite comic 'Songs. In addition to • GRAND 'FANTASIA on Irish alto on the VioLla, orBAILHEY, TIIE MIDS. Admission 50 eenta. Children ZS crotx.. 0n:11 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS TO THE LADIES OF ALIEHICA ABB FOR HARBISON'S BOLDEN DEWDROP TH FYI/ED OF THE WOMLO. TOILET, ['AIDA:: sod WHITE. It gives • warm dellesta Out to t he rompiesion mud rich tone, iike the Pariah 111rble Cl i rtnttigg/Arto * A be . vtitrUir n o t 4jl4e sox. phis. ihsr sale bylDt. GED. H. KEYSILIL VI AVVII Druggists of Pittsburgh. . fet2:laid WOODSIDE a WALLACE, Whckiemias.ze. Eirlassiait INN A.Nrr DEALERS IN Waite Lead, Red Lead s _Lltbarle Pilate Obs, wormnbee, Dyo Sturm, Window - 01m and Patty. 731.,""'A l gents raNtiater i *=l4lFrown Potato, HoralltoulttteLead, Mortar gob White Harm , Celebrate:lrate= Dryer la Lewd and ono and two potted cone .lb. SI Wood area, OPPOSITE THE BT, CHARLES HOTEL, M131):/yd J . SCHOONMAKEII & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, MEW tun; LEAD, in= LzAD 0118EITI MOIL 1011 PAlll7l.lg DITCO. 08 lOtrocra, lattFecot. 111-1 V KAM EGETABLE SICILIAN RR. NEVER It Irllllabbett EN litia ß llf WE restore the FAILS. tiftVElt Rate to:lts satbrat•. eolor, sand PAILS. h where It rAILS. P 3 l B g "‘" 4 ° &oat Tr ri r n t. iv 111 stop the FAILS. E 5.0 ft se fatlea h i t ,-- a - i r iirte Heim. k fie.-Iltarizarßli *.1.11.1; --...-rij...---0, ill ...Li. `l/0 I :1 7ZYZ1.17431-421-IJEVZ., 4: l ld sir, BMUS • - iLANDIZIS. W I NIZ te..LtoperMo • from London, Paris avd ort. WI? . .1 5411111alkillit: Iltu ,, ll7 l S:tortyi UMW 44 1 MI/4 a lane 01 mowure xacilp94s. Xe.,1113 And 30 OM 11" Aftegbetay rs p:ll644:tac , er4iiiizi CEMEMEZI MEM Gifted C3C:OZT And Victoria Begin, D. U. W. E. AXED, PITTSBIIBEIR, P HORAN, Baxia, irrzaw crorizas, gOrraga AND BAT KAKIta, demAtneto..twr MT' . PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARD. ORO. & CO. I=l PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL SAW'S, of every descrip tion. MIR, Riley. (.'rose-Cut, Gang, and all other varieties. Al kinds or KNIV EN and SPRINGS, made from I' l r i V i l i :rr, , t - ZlM6Rx & t c ra Relined REAYER AND Warehouse mad Works, corner WAVER sod 81101, Senttis. Pittmburgh. rartnnalar attention paid in re-toothlng, gumming and inralghterting ircular Sawa; also. or .11 kin.D. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable ap=.l7_ LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS PITTTSBURGLI PARK, McCURDY & CO. Mannfautorers Of 11111tATIIINti, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COI . I'LIt, I'ItArrIED (."SPAR BOTTOMS, RA ISEI n I ILL SPELTER SOLD/L kVIrEI; N.,. th IVII r eF., Tr' Mi qo A li t'' ' TIN hand, Tx 111A1'nf NES and — TOOLo. Nra! house, No. lao !'l lINT and rAI Stunts, Sifts burgh. bpeclal orders of Copper oat to any desired pattrrn. nlyadlycLfrarT laSr - WM. lI&ILNRILL & CO., , Boiler Makers .1. Sheet Iron Workers. NOn. 20, W.., 24 and ^A Penn street. Having secured a large yard, and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we are Dreher.] to manufactur e every description of 111.11LER in 1106 h. oil t oTty . ". nr.ftgidN'ENT"', lial.9i.4=7;FßVeßT.l)hS., :'TEA ft PIPES LOcOMOTIVE BOILERS, CON DENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PAKS;and sole manufacturers oi BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Rep:Wing done on the shortest notice. dela-tf Iag — JOHN COCHRAN k 11110., Manufacturers of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOOR?, 1 1 105 RAILING, ..WINDOW SHUTTERS, Nos, el SECOND 1 v THIRn STREET , between Wood old Starlet, have on hand a variety of new patterns, lt d rtc plain, tatr . a=fl"pn n g Grave Lots. Jobbing done at short notice. an; 11.1.1T1M. W. D. IMMLISI J. F. U Ergr ILA BELLE STEEL WORKS IFILITErrEINS. ab DO. Hannfrnctnren c t sTr d E KaSlEi:aiN, Ws L ItAIDi, ApHv ifflice, N. 06 WATER STREET ( op stain), Pittsburgh, Pa. ... ligr-ROBINSON C O .. REA & (Snit. ceabors an ROBINSON. Nina & RILLEIIC WASHINOTQN WOR Pounders assesixdsts, rim Kab l S Isinonfactarers of BOAT AND STATIO.M Y STEAK ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, 2dThl, MA, CITINERY. GF.ABING, SHAFTING, CASTINGS ot all descrtion, GIL TANKS and STLLLS, BOILER AND SH EET . or feed gII-Ag lle gents fo r 0 irrAzirs PATENT INJECTOR, in hors. tar — ERRORS OF VOUTH.—A. gen.. [lema ....ifered for ye. from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay. anti all tbe effects of vont Win! Indiscretion. will, for the sake of Miterin ‘nimmilty. send fr., to all who need .It, the ipe g and direction, Mr makin g tbe simple remedy hi hich he was cored. Su ff erers wishing to pru de by the advertiser's ezperience. can do so sif sddrSare. lag, in perfect conndence, JOHN BOG EN, fen:B.lll.er o. Chamber' st., No vr York. egr TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS / or BOTH SEXES.—A reverend gentleman baring been restored to health in a fear days, after ndergnin g the nsual routine and Irregular expensive node of treatment without success.. considers It hla esered duty to emnmenleste to his atilioted fellow create res the means of cure. Hence. on the receipt ef an add reseed envelope. he i.lll send. /ma a COPE of the prescrip r t!. used. Direct to Li. JOHN M. DLL. Fnlion street N. Y. =hit illydaveT SgEr SENT FREE.--A . Pamphlet of Immenss importance 10 the Id and ming, married ant sing. of both /mama will h e vent fret addretstng, with stamp enolostst, th tgents, A. KENDRICK & CO., Box 71, Boston Post OfCca. norlblyddm cEr THE BRIDAL t:RAMBEIp I AN ESSAY Or WARNING AND I , TELICTION Fon. YOUNG MEN. Also, new and I Address Dr. J. SEILh . iN Boone Association, Philadelphia. Pa aplily • GOVERNMENT :4,ZA LE OF NEW HOSPITAL cLoTaukas, MEL/DING, Ac. MEDICAL Dogyeron'e =TIC& WastiDtortig, D. C., February 11, th An extensive anir of Ilecipl tal Clothing, Badding, rte.. entirely new, and In the orig.nar boxes a nd hales, trill be held in thin clty at the Judiciary Mina. Warehouses. Fifth and k streets. back of CIO Hail, on fIUESDAT. the alb day of March next, at tetcclock a. a. The fullowingartlcles will lie offered for .1, Cl,. hhirts 40,0t0 D ra wers 20, MD hocks. pU . 23 WO .. 11ixe ,, ..rs, .... M.OOl . ac. , G;'d,laPillowcits 20, 10,MII Pillow rwo. s. firth. 4,1E0 Towela, Hand 1 0 , 00 The attention of the trade feed the public 11 is Is called to ads sale.. as the goods will be .11 In tots to sult Loth large and small purchase.. QUaatities 3.6 small at one been will he told. Goods will be delivered to purchase. within flee Id) days from f termination oaale. . Ttoorm—Css, In Government funds. C. SUTHERLAND, C. W. Itovr.Litn,2l.72t:Zoi:?-c7.'"i?ektilsAri ..ALE OF MEDICINES DELOND ING TO THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. WaSittx/rrori, U. D.C. February 9, 19110. An auction sale or Valuable Medicine* no longer required by the .Medical Liepartmena, U. S. Army. wirl he held In thia city on THU/UM/AY, the nest day of Ilarch next, and succeeding days, If neexasa z.,,Vo and ya . rehr t ztlzmd t tn e City The liedlcinesl use In the original package.. and the attention a( the trade Is Invited to this sale, which will cusbrace the following principal articles, Sulphuric Ether. UM Do.; Alsoltol, 603 bottle.; Compound Spirits of Ether, MO 1b..; Simple errata, LOCO lbs.; Chloroform. boo lbs.: Plold Extractof Do •Aut, 250 ihs.; Plaid Extract of llirtebons, bte lbs.; Fluid Extract of iperricuanha..roollat. Extract of Rhubarb, l Z 0 lbs.; Mass lirdraz, 9A D e n.; Lorr. Powder, 21.0 1b..; Cod Llver 011. ,Cal bottles; Cam phor, 1,010 dozen; Compound Cathartlo Pills, mno dozen; Opium Pill., .I,OuU donut; lodise of Po taaaltrco, ZCO lb . ; Rhubarb, tan lb s.; Powdered Pb.,. barb, 2.10 its.; Sirup of Squills, RIO lbs.; Compound A bits of loppss d. !; , :i; d 77rt T felel b gi ' lb b r2l= e Sdaig ' itl logs similar to ate aboye, wlll be OfftWed CO tale: Catalogues containing a routtilete ill, with toll pstrticulara will be rudy by the trig MU. germs—ush, In GoveruMeat rends, • Wive days will ho allowed to parebasari In remov ing their propert C. 11FTLIZIILAND, O. Borg. U. S. A. feliV eLryeLor. Ell= ~:I:~~;44~c~;~ !Arne N. Loan 40fLti AA; LONG & LANE, INON ARTISTS AND KOUSE PAINTERS. No. lOBAIITILYIELL/ OL. , PITTOBWRILI. Lettering or all kinds executed promptly and. In uniurpaseed elegance. Brautiful Mane Card* on enameled paper Of all color.. Id %it flic r mlass, made to order and :NcloillarDerans cancel:llln a highly artistie = Pileting done with a regerd to derabilltyl harmony of rotor, and imattiel• °MELIA. fp- au work at - reasototble entre,. _ WILLIAM M. MINOWN, (Late of the firm of IltiOwN etannolf, 1101:15E AND RUN PAINTER, North East corner of TWO end Market litres* . r BABB 08. BOBNG TO 11;1 pvntou.• MACHINE WORM, R. S. maucticir, NIL 120h10 atreol6.tht4eltibenir, BORIS l i " UP iD llt ECIMMINIM) BALT ti Mr Pa cular attention Inetted to kW Paccutted tt movement. tu Jan and Joints, made ot Juniatts, U. and Low Moor Iron, In standard Ores, ant nutularcd, to that Darts can be ordered by tcraph, and tonnda perfect nt Malt Mica . thl i aMitio ja Wigan pu m p ifiMill,ly l eeite . .oll man to order. Order° Of zo% DMA' trended ' 1 am prepared to mant I census to r .ct . tare= tor then° Intortremaantsou Ham 800 17,6 441 1 . 1 . 0!bany P. U. 11. H. LIMIT. 4, .0 13 Joutpur ADVIL'S, **midst, Ram. Wr • re X OututarAdimy . £*4 Asii xki -e es s.Aiaßs. - , county of Allegheny. SHERIFF'S SALES. , . . . .... - --------. -- - . .... Quguirrfg SALEL_By v i rtue o f', erty et 11eNsielr ..t. Atkinson at the suit of the erty of fteery Stotler,at the Suit of the Mull. , -'entudry executions issued outof the Court ty of Allegheny. of Comment Plato of Allegheny count ,Penn.a.. 1 - t• :. ALSO, A1....5C1, and to tbeaberiffof said county d , there . All the right, title, interest and claim of the All the r i g ht, Liu., ititerestend elatlXl of the will be exposed to Public Sale, at the COURT defendant, Jet,eph Ludwig, of. In and to seven defendant, Joseph Turk. Of, in and to ono fin 'LOUSE, In the City of Pittsburgh, in said . lots, Shatfer's plan, Nos. 11, 15, 16, 17, 19 and 12, tO by GO, Meadow and Jane streets,east side (5. county, on MONDAY, the Wtth day of March, in Pitt township. Meadow, and adjoining property Of C. Orme- A. D., 1818,1 W 10 o'clock, A. st., the following I Seized and terihri execution a's the prop- by. In East Birmingham. described Real Estate, to wit : - f erty of Joseph Thesis at the And of the eon it- Seized antl taken in execution as the prop- All the right, title, interest and claim of the ty of Allegheny. , erty of Joseph Turk, at the suit of the county defendant, Catharine Culp. admintatratrix of A.l..tii, of Allegheny. Samuel Culp, deceased, who survived John I All the right, title, interest and claim t I i ALS, Culp, et, In, and tO all that certain lot Of ground in the Borough of I teßeesport,baMag . two lots, Si tend 58' , In Re , .`" \v .,. - Oefenclant Petrick Tvrlll, of, In - and to, One defendant, sua ne ~,t, 1.,,,, „ t,. ~,,, I „ and i to r. 1 All the right, titleOnterest and claim of the .1 phut, i • ins tov. n- . t a front.Of Do feet on an alley, imd extending s hip. • lot, No. sit, In Cemetery Plan, Collins town of Susannah Llscomb tth f I 1 back tOfeet, bounded on the oast by lot No. M. , Seized and taken • 6 execution a- the 'roper- °-1111. and on the west by lot of M. Dravo, and being c salt et te counts - Seized and taken In execution as the Pm,- the south-east quarter of lot No. aln the plan of An . h - ' a eg eny. • .. rt vof Patrick Tyrill, at the snit of the coon . of said town, whereon is at:doted a frame ALSO, ty - of Allevieny. dwelling house. Seized and taken in executionas the peeper , ty of Catharine Culp, adminlatratrix of Sam uel Culp, deceased, who survived John cuiP, at the wait of William P. Rupp, administrator of 8. B. Pearson, deceased. Al SO. All the right, title, interest and claim of the do. fendants Lewis Duevey owner and .1 I) Darker contractor, to wit : AN that certain tbree'lit.o - brick dwelling house having a front of t. 4 feet on Penn street, In the 9th ward of the city of Pittsburgh, and a depth of about Si t feet, and Is numbered 931, and Is situate on a cer t.ain lot of ground having a front of 21 feet on Penn street and extending back 100 feet to an alley, and hounded by property of Eitel Mel' ardaon and Jacob Con-ode, Seized and taken In execution as the Prol. erty of Lewis Duevey owner, and J. D. darker contractor, at the snit of E. Barker and Wm. C. Cook, late partners. de., as Barker and Cook. I= All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant Mary Apt Daly, of, in and to, all that certain piece of greentLiptuated in Pee. bits township, Allegheny county, Wad bound , .ed and &earthed as follows: Beginning on the east sideof the Secdrrel 11111 Reuel at e tree near the school house, thence along the I line of MeCaslin's south 775( east 40 perch= and four hundredths of a porch to the centre I of a road 33 feet wide aa out in the subdt. vision of harry Woods' farm, thence alongsaid. read *oath 46 deg. west 24 perches to a pm, thence smith =deg. west perchea to a Pir4 • thence mouth .13% d e g. west to the corner • lot No. 11, in the subdivision aforesaid, thanes. along said lot north 44 deg. bi tan. west 24 perches and nine -tenths, tO the corner of lots Nos. 11-12, on tho outer line of the Harm - Woods farm, thence along the same north 5241 deg. east 40 perches to the place of beginning. Containing s acres and I=l6 perches, being lots Nos. 12-13 In the subdivision oforeseid. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Mary Ann Daly, at the Emit of John P. Perry for use of Thomas Finley. ows, to wit: Beginning on thenorthward sloe ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, William Rearnaden, of, in, and to, all that certain lot or piece .of ground, situate in the Borough of Birming ham, and Couaty of Allegheny, in the State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ ed as follows Beginning on the south east corner of Walnut alley, and a tan foot alley ; thence extending in front, or width, on Walnut alloy, eairterly, 30 feet, - end, In depth southerly, along said 10 foot a ll erli, reservlng the same width, 40 feet, being part of lotp Nos. 311 and 256 in lire 's Plan of Birmingham. On which Is erected a two story frame house. Seized and taken in °zonation as the prop erty of Wm. Reamsden, at the suit of Walton Phillips a Co. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest, and claim of the defendant, Daniel Scold°, of, ns, and to, the following described buthlingand lotof ground, situate in the Township ofildeClure County of Allegheny, and bounded and described as fol. of the Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Manchester Railway, at the distance of 79 feet, and 10 in ches, from corner of wild Road and Ohio Avenue, and at the corner of lot No. 97, own ed try "Unmet McMaster,; thence west wardly along said maul 24 feet, 7 inches, to Smith;th comer of lot N 0.33, owned by John G. thence nerthwardly along the line of said lot, 100 feet, to a Sixteen foot alleythence east wardly along said alley, 24 feet: inches, to the corner of lot No. 87, aforesaid ; thence south staidly along the line of the said lot, 100 feet, to the aforesaid Passenger Rsulway, Cie place of beginnin The same being lot No. 38, in a plan St lot4ga g. id out by Joseph P. Smithon said Township of McClure. Seized and taken in execution as the r arty of Daniel Scoble, at the suit of John Creighton. I= All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Chas. F.Bartberger, of, in, and to all those four certain lots of 'ground,situated to the Borong, hef Beat Birmingham , in the Coun ty aforesaid, and bounded as follows Begin ing on the westwardly side of Joseph street, at the corner lot lately geld Claggett Wayne, and at the distance of 40 fcetlxiortherly of Wharton street, thenee on said Joseph atreet northerly sto feet to a street 24 feet wide, (which street is midway between Wharton and Clifton streets, and runs from Joseph to Meadow street), and in depth westerly parallel with Wharton street, oreaerving the width of al feet, ID feet Co an alley 8 feet wide; the said lots ( bring part ore larger piece of ground whichinterallab became vested In stud Ollverretta Wharton by VirttiO of proceedings in Partition among the heirs and representatives of Oliver Ormsby, No. 02, October term, 1844, in the Orphans , Court of said County, and the Oilverretta Wharton conveyed the same to Charles y. Bartberger by deed dated 20th day of Decem ber, A. 0.. and recorded In deed book, vet WS, page 97. Seized and taken_into execution as the prop. arty of C.llarles Y. rtberger, at the suit of James K. Morange. ALSO, All the right, title interest and claim of Ar thur Ehrensbiarg, of, In and to, all that ed.- ode lot or Mee° of ground eituate in the bor ough or McKeesport, Allegheny ecnudy, Pa. Beginning at a2O foot alley, on the northern line of Wall= land;thence south MX deg. east all 8-10 perches to laspi of Oliver Evans, north 2% deg. west 10 440 perches to a post; thence north EN deg. 71 6 83 el-ioo porches to an alley; enne alon Id alley sOOtb 8 deg. east 10 11-102 perches to he place of togianhag—containing 2 acres and hi perches. ALSO, All that other lot or place 01 ground situate "Mahe borough aforesaid: Beginning at a post on Oliver Ficanalnmo and oorner ill ground owned by Frederick' Walker; thence north 44 deg. west 10 , 8-100 perches to a post to lino of land owned by Ilarrison'a halmtheara north 71114 deg. watt tO4Ol/parehea to a post; thence south se74 deg. west Lt tidtil porches to an i t i tilmth v enc: e. bl ). saill southtallately.rn rlirdoig4l.ll. Irk Walker'. lot; thence by said ll'alker.s line .oath ESN east to plum of Weinulng--iiontain log 2 ogres and 40 perches. ALSO, MI the right, tale Interest and Gann of the defendant, Valentine Jones, of, In and to one lot No. M, In flea A„Curling's plan In Mad. township. Seised and taken In execution as the proper ty ty of Aof Valentine Jones, at the suit of the Conn- , llegheny. EMI All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, David Jacob.' heirs of, Ln and to seven half lots on nth street, two story brick bowie, two vacant lots and one story tram house situatein the borough of Elisabeth! Seized and taken In execution as the pro erty of David Jacob& hetes, at the suit of th e County of Allegheny. All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, John Jones, of, In and to, one lot, No. 143, D. liassanes plan, to the OM ward, Pittsbrg Seize u d and taken In execution as the prop erty, of John Jones, at the salt of the County of Atleghenr _ _ LSO, All the right, title, A interest and claim of the defendant, Amelia E. Jackson, of, In and to, ono 10t.,110. 1, CuthberVa plan, Lower St. Clair townehlp. Seised and taken in execution na the proper ty of Amelia L. Jackson. at the mitt •Of th e Comity of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, Frederick Knoll„ of, in and' to lot Iwo, Gregg , . plan, in Borough of Ilirminghan3. Seized and taken ln execution as the prop city of Prederick Knoll at the atilt of the county of Allegheny . ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant,lJeorge Kennedy. of, in and to one. lot, hinter , ' second plan, 20 by HO, In the Sev enth ward, Pittsburgh. Belted and taken in exaantien atilte prop erty of Geonge Kennedy at the of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, All the eight, tittq Mideast and claim of the defendant, John KetinedY, Orrin and to ono lot, Cemetery plan, Collins township. Seized and taken in execration Settle prop- 'Grim Of John Kennedy, at the null of the noon. ty of Allegheny, _ _ All the right, title, interestALCO, and chin{ of the defendant; Jane IL hems' betel of, and to one lot, No. oS, Wri g ht's tuy• tre„ hunting Cope Aveptee, In the' vaunt ward, smeed and taken in execution as the oftop. arty of Soo E. Kerns" heirs, at the snit the county Of Allegheny, ALSO. dolthe right, title, *e n ter tat sad claim of the dant; JOseph Kennedy, Of, in and to ono lot, No. 5, iller% seoedplad, fronting Enoch streetOn the Seventh Ward. Pittabilrsb. Seized and taken in execution as Or prop. city lloilfegluir 0 7' 10 the ht the • ALSO, AU tbo right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, "TlionsiOre Homier, Of, In laid to, two lota,M and 13, O'Contiors plan,. in Lowerßt. St. Clair tawnstup. • Seized and taken in execration se the proper. ty of Theodore Nestner, at the snit of. the (Aunty Of Allegheny. A • - leg All tberight , lte hest and Onto, of the-. defendant, George Keine, of, In end to two and a quarter Strom land, O. Hanger/ pla n, to Lower St, Clair town ship, So 444 trtakirt Incaution, ae the pyrv. arty or Wage etas, at, the suitor the County of Allegheny. _ ALSO, AA WM, ietereatimenchgro of the iteteridailkitaaKa=anot,•ll. mid tii,oue lot, IS by Zaat überti, .reelSe• Seised au takes ti execution, as the pto_pj ) Wiley . 07g L eSta " ' " Ike "IV " All thi "gbtlreenterslit Afiet defoodaiik Jo enter ot, Lct AAA to,tourr 10; , t o, Cemetery, Colllnstownahip. Sa 'loth nd and aken In execution, aa the prop. e f xt of ra Sohn Elnitencitt the suit ot the County . , eerael Bo4 . "3l. KfiSeri 4l4s°'lll—" Ori treat P/imi AVMs toirnie Mie --- ed and omen 131 men r 6 ai proper. ty of Geo. tinier, at the atilt or the' Grimly ot All the right. tlta.lnte t, wid Claim, of the deton4ant, graham Kit - 0 4 111,104 lots,TOurole va.u nd% play genor Nreat, 0 . 5 $1,1:72a414,*, =vs* dui proper ty.ol incase; Katz, tamp :sitt, or:thei vgun t y vf4.4.•et4 , 7 - 0 . . **SAO Clt-tan,,, 4144401•41,2111,_,. ri giElp2 Wd *Sim in oToooliou ar Um prop, i ~.t;'i6 ':T a 33 ~"w` , !-tSF:Y^.re.Uh`~'~•' ,`^Yur~«ul?i!':• Ali the right, title, interest and claim of thr defendant, Elizabeth noon, of; in and to fif tee township.n acres of land, Ilisnopls estate, collins •Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Elizabeth Moore, at the Suit of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, All the rhbt, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Fanny hinstin, of, in and to lot, to by ftl, In Irwin's plan, fronting on Duncan street, In tho Seventh ward, :Pittsburgh. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Fanny Muslin, at the stilt of the coun ty of Allegheny. IZIE , • defendant, AU the right, title, interest Jno. Miller, anddeltonimitO,f3Otbe 40, on Greenough street, Eighthward, Pitti , bnrgh. Setrod and takn in exeouti aS t o arty of John 1.. Sillier, at the ° snit of l Alle D g r he b. ny County. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, James May, of, in and to four lots, Fos. 49,60, 130 and 149, in Mc Koe'spriginal plan of Meheesport each lot 00 try 140. Seined and taken In execution as the prop erty of Joules May. at the suit of the county of Allegheny. EMIR All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Jain. Miller, of, in unit to one lot, lifillerls id plan, numbered 4, to 173, In the Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh. Seined and taken In execntion fie the prop oelf.tlicliefg,lhaemnyes Miller, at the snit of the county EM4I All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, Alexander Miller, of, In and to eve lots, 106, 107, 168 and 109, Robert street, and le Miller street, 20 by 100, In the. Seventh ward, Plttaburgh. Seize Alex a nder In execution n.. 4 the prop erty ofMiller, at the suit of the county of Allegheny. All the right, title,interest and claim of the defendant, Robert bailer, of In and to three lots, 20 by 100, 71 72 and 73, ' Robert street, in Seventh ward, Pittsburgh. Seized and taken in ezeoutton no the prop erty of Robert Miller, at the PUiL oi the county of Allegheny. So, All the right, title, A l l nterest and elahnlof the defendant, S. C. Murdock, of, In and to two lots, in hillier's lid plan, 17 and IS, corner of Enoch and innwiddie streets, Seventh ward, Pittsburgh. tiefeed and taken In rxerntion os the Pro]. erty of S. C. Murdock, at the cult of the coun ty of Allegheny. A LSU, All the right, title, Interest and 'maim of the defendants, Mellon and Burke, of, In, and to, One lot, No. Si, Cemetery Plan, CoUlna Town shfp. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Mellon noel Burke, at the snit of the County of Allegheny. A 1 , 4 , , d clalnt of the efetidan t, Ed ward 11farntt a„ in niun t 0 013- by t, l"D, luder'a plan, Mote, 40 • 9 All the right, title, Int B erest o nr rr Sel.r.ca and taken In execution 11.. t the proper ty of Edward Maratta, at the .nit of the Coun ty of Allegheny. All the right. title, intere st and claim of the defendant, Samnel Alltehell, o(, to and td, one lot,'No. 24, Denny's Plan, in Pitt Township. Seined and taken in execution as the proper ty of Samuel Mitchell, at the suit of the Coun. ty of Allegheny. • A LSO, An tbo right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, Ann Eliza Marshall, of, in and to, Three lots, C. Plan 37, Is and 3a. fronting on Cliff Street, and house In Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh. Seized and taken In execution as the prop arty of Ann Eliza Marsh,dl, at the cult of the County of Allegheny. - ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defentlants, Alexander hilller's heirs, of, In and to, four lots, Pride's Plan, Pridestreet, In the Eighth ward. Pittsburgh, N.. 61 ' and 62; 24 by 103 each. Seid Alexander In execution as it proper ty of3lllllcr'e heirs, at the suit of the County of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right. title, nd claim of the defendant, B. llcElhetiv Swart, agent ot, in, and to lot., by 64 feet, corner of Lacock and Isabella •Court, with one-story frame house, shop and stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of R. hiCElheny Stewart, agent, 01 the atilt of the County of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, John IlleLaustilln, of, in and to, one lot, No. in, Bakerstown, adjoining Sarah Waddle and Nancy Burman, fronting on Plank Road, containing about one-fourth mire, fa Richland township. Seined and taken in execution as the prop erty of John- 2 1 1eLanglilln, at the null of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, • • AU the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, D. M. MeMellen, of, in, anal tO, one lot, No. 64, Itobb , s plan, Pitt township. Seised fin s McMullen cution as the prop erty of M. ,at the sell of the County of Allegheny. A 14 4 0, All the right, title, Interest am! claim of the efendant, Itobert aleAdatas, of, ln, and to, eli lots In Eels A Dlthrldge's plan In pits township. &fatal and taken In execution as the erty of Itobert McAdams, at the snit ofprop- the County of Allegheny. • All the right, title, intereat and claim of the defendeutt, Bernard McGrath,of, In, and to, one lot, Ito . 65 5401 ?Saner ntreet, Brosrate-Ille Pike, %llliam Philllps, South ritlaburgh. Belied Be rn a r d in elocution as the prop erty of McGrath, 'at the nun of the County of Allegheny All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, William Magee, of, in an,, to one let, Sr. Marrs Cemetery, Coulon towitahlp. Seized and taken In exte'ution te crop eel.* of Wni. bleßee, at the ' , oft 01 th e County of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Wm. W. hl nailer, of, In and to two Itinhaffees plan, "Nee. Cl and t.t, on nose street, In the Seventh Ward, Pitteburgh. Seised and taken In exec-anon no the prop erty of Wm. W. Neaper, at the suit of the county of Allegheny. • All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, [mac Nock, of in and to one lot, !towel a Ray'. plan, Igo. A fntmg on Web ster street, 21 by 127, 11l he mterenth ward, Pittabitrgh. Seized arid taken In exerattiOn as the prop erty of Isaac Nock, 'at the stilt of the county of Allegheny, LSO, All the right, title, A interest and claim of the defendant, Preabrterlext Church, of, In and to lot 93 by Ptit, C'tirson h. John streets, north able of Carson, running back to Wright alley, bounded east by Jo ,n street, nest by property of John O. Fisher, Ewa Birmingham. Seised, and taken In execution as the prop arty of Presbyterian church at the soft of t h e county of Allegheny. ALSO, Also, all the right, title, interest mut claim Of the debandant, Jaeob Roil, of in and to. lot in Porter'. p a, Tannehill etrcet, - Sixth weird, Pittsburgh. Seised and taken In execution OA the prop. J arty of acob Roll at the suit of the county of Alleesmiy. ALSO, All the right, tit/e, Interest end main, of the defendant, .lo a hg Atibittn , frluo'e plan, Eight h trard, ° Pittsburgh. ree Seized mod tak.en in the as the proper. ty of John libbbnis nt the suit of the County of Allegheny, MI the right, title, Internet and claim of the defendant. John ltlinmer, of, ln, and to lot cor ner of Bluff and - Yon Brawn' etreeti. xith one b two.story brick house, Illghth Ward, 'Pitts- Wed rutatakett to ezegotton ea the proper tA ofJohn Rtulnletitt the snit Or the County of Allegheny. SO, • All the right, title gc l AL itereet and claim of the defendant, Samuel oborg,'Of, la,- and to lot D10.'21, 'oolDy_ 140, in ' eilteufs original plan, Borough of MoKoosport. Seised and taken in execution m the prOpes ty of Samuel Roseburg at the milt of the C,oun ty of Allegheny. _ LSO, AU the right, title, A Interact end claim of tho defendant James Rcod, of, In, and to, one lot tilxloo, 13 Duncan atreet, and two lota iIeARXI, lexl7, comer& Centro and Overbi ll streets, IA the Sovontk YykrA, Pittsburgh.. Belted anQ Taxon In execution ns the proper. ty of Jam oe Reoo. at the Cult of the County of Allegheny. ALSO, All. the rlot Utle, intarOot and claim of the defendant, Lawroneratiokette, of, , In, and to, one lotint. - Marra VentOtery," Collins Town-. shlp. Seized and taken oXooutlon tboproi?.. erty Of LatrrOfteolitoketta, at tho taut of the COIUItY of A ll OOOll7, • .- ALSO, All the righ t, _ title, Interest and cleitn of the defendant, Western 86 1 / I biery, of In, 'and to, lot 97xISS a rt:.111dge • street, • with one large brick h ding called "Beatty lien? First war°, Al °pony. Lot 60110 Ridge street, with ono Shwas ' story , :hrick herme and hack buildings, Flret ward Allenher l 7. • ' Seized and taken in execution es the Prob. arty of Western einutriery, et the suit or the touchy 0 /Allegheny. ALSO All the right. titicintorastlind Mahn Of the defendant, John - Sh ore, of, and to two lots , uilinhersle And le, in Nets and Dunrldge's pion; Pitt Trnrnelll9. 1361014 0hn tahell in execution as the .prop. erti a r J Shore, at the anti gh eny . , of the County . oh All the right, title, Interest aricr.ollllll Of they defendant, Mr. fitephenSon, ofiln nod to one lot in C. ik• C i e . plini,. No; 82, 0.1. a irtroot, ear ,on_in wig Pittsburgh. OM taken in execution ,sur. the, prop arty Of: .18telpherseurr at.' , Sher suit of •,:ithe county" Allegheny. • ' • ' ' • Allthe right, title, inbareetina claim of the defendant, Johir Barrer; ,f antlto one lot,' No. /I, 0 1 0onnoes plan. and al,wA-atoryfnune - dwelling house Lower fit. ( la ir townsh ip. Neistaiand taken in executletl — W the Veer , erty of John Buyer, et the el* Of the_Caran flrl 44l 9,ol en .Yl dL3U . f , as 141 the dila; MI6, lateAni'irid ' aii - Ofibi defeadtinti t Ana ki - tryinie lot in Su' Marrs Cemetery, chibus toWnsolY. 86104 and tenon in execution Re tne prop- ' SHERIFF'S SALES ALSO, An 1,!,. right, title, interest and claim of the defendant Isaac G. Thomas, Of, In and to, one lot, ut/OVO Pine Creek Dock, between the river and canal, In Skater township. Seized and taken In 8.00,11100 W the proper ty of Laurie G. Thomas, at the suit of the coun ty of Allegheny. All the right,AL SO, title, interest and claim of the defendant,James td. TUSI.III, deeeaserl, of, In and to, live lota. in Tustin's Plan, Nos. ls, 14,15, 40 and 45, In Pltt township. Seized and taken In execution as the proper ty of James Id. Tustin, deceased, at the soft ofthe county of Allegheny. ALSO, 'All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, D. W. Tustin of, in and to, twelve lotl „ LlTgatinls 941.e i t 44, 45, ?I, 93, 31 lieltod and t d aken in execution ea the prop ertyW. Tustin, at the salt of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, MI the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Virginia Tustin, of, In and to, fire lots, in Tustinis Plan, No. 19, at, 21, 22 and hi, in Pitt township. Seized, and taken m execution as the prop erty of Virginia Tustin, at the suit of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defcatdant, Joan Thompson, of, in and to, ono lot, 14)-100, Coll well's Plan, No. 151, and one lot from Geo. Chester, No. 167, fronting Reed t. stree, In the Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of John Thompson, at the salt of the coun. ty of Allegheny. MEE All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant Sarah Margaret 'Tustin, of, in, and to, (our lots (part of R. Tuatia's land) Nos. 50, 51 52 and rz, In Pitt township. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty- of Sarah Margaret Tustin, at tie suit of the county of Allegheny. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant Renben Tnstjn, of, in, and to, six lots in Tustin's plum, Nos.M, SI, SS and 54, in Pitt totrnahlp. Seised and taken in execution as the prop erty of Reuben Tustin, at the snit of the coun ty of Allegheny. EEO All the right - title Interest and claim of the defendent Charles Wilkins, of, In, and to, fif teen lots, Nos. 37, 36, 36. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, al, 65, 16, 67, 6.6 and 69, In Pitttownehip.. Seised and taken In execution as the proper ty of Charles Wilkins, at the suit of the coun ty of Allegheny. . MI the right, title ALSO interest and claim of the defendant Samuel S i. Wickersham, of in and to. lot 140x318 Belmont street and Ohio River, adjoining Philip Cooper story and 11 1 . Day, one two story brick house, one rame shop and stable irPthe Bth ward, Pittsburgh. - Seized and taken in execul lon as the prop erty of Samuel M. Wickersham at the suit of the county of Allegheny. A All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant James Woods, ot, In and to, two lots N05..15-36, on south side of Bth street, near the Youghiogheny river, and near J. Bow man's lot with a two story frame shanty, In hleh cesport. Seised and Laken Lu execution - as the prop erty of James Woods, at the snit of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, Bamul Wilson, of, In audio three lousi Nos. 103, 104 and 103, In IllcKeo's original plus, with. log house and shop, to Meßeespert. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Samuel Wilson, at the suit of the coun ty of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, liancy ' Walker of in and to lot used us middle boat yard, an di improved lot on Second street, and none story frame house. one and a half lots on Second street, an d h a two story frame house, two lots up Jacob's Ens, with stable and four old houses; lot on Third street, and shanty; part of lot and a one story frame house on Second street, two acres of land as lower boat yard, lot on Second street, in the borough, of Elizabeth. Seised and taken in execution as the proper ty of Nancy Walker, at the suit of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, Hide, Interest and claim of the defendant, George Woods, of, in and to one lot, No. e, in D. GazzaWs plan, M Pitt town ship. Seized and taken in excecrtion as the prop erty of George'Woods, at the mutt of the coun ty of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, hi Welsenberger, of, in and to lot on Townsend etrent, with an old church in the Sloth ward, Pittsburgh. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of H. Welsenberger, at the suit of the County of Allegheny. , All the right, title, Al-SO Interest and claims of defendant., Watripler & Maine., Hunt's heirs, of, In and to four lots, No. It, St, IS2 and . 21E, In the turrough of McKeesport. Seized and taken In execution as the proper ty of Wamplerk Mains, Hunt's heirs, at the unit of the county of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Blurs , 'Nilson, of, In and to two lots. No.. 72 and 73, in trwin's !plan, in Pitt town ship. seieed Mary taken In execution, 0.9 the proper ty of Mary Wibion, at the suit of' the County of Allegheny. A 1..0, All the right, Idle, Int rest and claim of the defendant, Jonathan Watson, of, in and to, two lot., No.s Is and 17, In Passevant.s plan, and t lots, N 0.., 7 and S. In Killer's plan, In the Seventh ward, Pittsburgh. Set rod and taken In exeunt ion, as the Proper tyty of of Jounthan llegheny Watson, at the suit of the Coun- A. All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, James Watson, of, In and to, four lots and a two story frame bowie In Coulters- In Versailles township. Seised and taken In execution, as the prop erty of James Watson, at the Ault of the Coun ty of Allegheny. A T.SO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defendant, Edward Yard, of, In and to, two tote, No. 13 and 7, In Irwin's plan, to the Sev enth ward, Pittsburgh. Seizell and taken In execution, as the prop. arty of Edward Yard, at the atiltef the County of Allegheny. JOIIN 11. STEWART, Sheriff. Sus.lutes Oman, Pittsburgh, March 2d, A. D., ISMI. PrislllollZi s*.4 V IE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS • lil/INDIPACTUruesta OP HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND JeLL KINDS oy LEA:I , I 4 HLE. F r iedel attentio n tr to LOI.. WoYa B litglient l ared l tgrou rr . As heretofore, the r als will always . e used at title Foundry. our Attention 1. called. to our NE W FLY WHZEI PATTltitli and Increased facilitier for fittin g open moo. U as 116160211. JOHN W. HICIZTEON • A. • GARRISON & CO. idatiortort to Hollows, Garrity* a 00.0 FOUNDERS AND NAIIIINIErf Ilentilliettiters Or Chilled Boilers or all** ZZ,th I.lll4Paganatf{fiaFatabt./84,IMPLe,'"ffor gliaxelDFAMinitreVwthsergM 111114rUtive Wray. Ortrarsoo Lan . end 'feted to 91411. r on snort notloe A d edittget .' llft r altrA la . e 6 end 11' littabtXT w. rawriar. J. s. attaDiare lETPILL S'i'OYE ;WORKS. A. - BRADLEY & CO. l itiordsoture even varlet} or COOK, PARLOR - ANIVREATING OTOVEL . Arion i Matr i t the ornOnratod.ERMATROP/O, VANliort TBONEIEDVArcaLook stooss:l Aiw moon [gonna . intATES s GRATE ,FRONTS. &c. 0100 ondiVoroboase, oornerof Second 04 Was stmts. Pinsbnrot. Entranoo on thoOnd meet. stlyx ~~,~;a argichi,!, Works and Amman, 33-- Vnaday : - 1, axiiiliz strnama aamaiuiniiiiiiwici kstriatqlet:ne a g /ederal tti Aima i a l . it r .... ti.,&. idl6-74WANQW". -,,- ".6.4........ ~., relll , I coORINfi ,:Bninirxk PartPr ` 4l P l4: : l444l lisiii.•lfitipia• 14 *t e N-Vionti . faiidenhati Alw &ll.lSlnctiiil.Bo7.4oV/WA:*41146,•1.' -..46'14"'"1itr1&m.-Assorstr.acro: a Call'lL Imams • -•- • ' - caAs oonrse, joiN praagow a, co., STO*lloioFititanif* i. • • A tai-• AIHISTXEr • Imo or. ciahut. BERDICAL. GREENBACHs ARE GOOD., HIIT ROM'S MINS UM BETE Roback's Stomach Bitters After yearn or experience and trial. have proven to be the best remedy extant for an eme_plaints where a tonto and stimulant are required. T hey never ran to strengthen the meat, Impartvigor to the, strong and In all resteets restore abatterg be and Uth natieVfa:r aaltOßACVrg h gTehilC r A FEB& ROpJLCIPS BLOOD PILLS 41 01 SICK 11 - F. A DACIA' Costiveness, .einti .411 Diseases of the Dowels DR. ROBACR'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, AND BLOOD PURIFIER ARE UNEQUALED =1 Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, Salt Rheinn, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sink Headache, Liver Complaint. Rheumatism, FEVER 111 St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE CORLAINTS. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, BUT It Is admitted by. ow laoart - learaed physicians that DR. HDBACIVEI BITTERS sozabina the properclea andEitist it0=41.14, 1 74 111=413.""'" ROBACKS BITTEItd should be need by convalescents to etretengthen diselutea. lb* prostration which always follow. aest In the 1/1110aIrdistriCla the 'Vest and Beni theretax, for *low time. been much needed, ark ar ticle orator:each Bittern; which, If takeh to proper quantities and at the proper time, are a MIN pre tentire of Bilious FeVer. Fever and Ague, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigasticw,Saundlce,iiid nay oluldaitats,and all Diseases of: a situ- filar manta, and Are Metter • preventive for bitten! derangement, regniat In/ ergiment, and Vett tone tolbettigestlys of sillaw.atiralnar li,.l .4" Tttte_rn :it' be:tbauanae mittee th ine n0ute,......m0. imam mbigealwee ble botonere.itttnbut boning constantly at • tuba brrrs=4. ma blateguard agabst eptdelb and . er'sngthdared by Wu= Midpoint* . Tramelerax.... an•resiasnisw; the - rank i csrpisadltbtribbtadiusweal :.=ild the "Webb, webs • Jr- TAT. ,R iza ,PRICI;WILTO,IV &, CO., ta tr. t i. Wick omtk ittopsitzv)io, "W 11 . ) !a "thir. OM/d.b.liddretiV3.. Niitilk. - 45:40-Jiiiit't ~,..,.,.... ~....., ,.... ~ _ MEI Wz.s.fr_smfgli,:'!: awrionor o. Ui RAILROWIS. 1866 WINTER • A LLIZANOKUENT, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL E., DAILY :TRAINS. • Va and After MoNDAY, yibv. WM;l96s, ' traina niß W—t leave the Union Par t zmr a pemt trier of Wash.. ralll4les Pittaburgi at 219 A. SIL aßoQDing 2 !''P r t° o l. l . l l:lllme. Arrive. , at Alto011a• A- Tyree, St= A. al.„; (Bellefonte. 10:33 •. Lock Haven, P. /a, •) Harrisburg, 1140 P. sc.; naittruare.3 Sae P. sat Neer Porta vta 19:33 P, /4.; Thlladelphia.4 Ula a s k , A, P eilisdeapta titaaa. at lOS A, a . p . A.. 9, P. tr.; flitT?baurri7Vrr"ar" AP'". Pb aki adelnitta at sr. • e v es ....ltALN—v Pittsburgh at IMO A. tat stoPllnst nearly an tations,aupona,t cos r. obis ac 7.19. la, and rbiladid at NalA ltiPßSSEPlLearearittsbargin Arrives at • principal station& Harrisburg atas wf u t Attoons, 9:10 F. kat A. TM& ljentoWn, MM. it'llthrtltlitliAtlO • N ew TWA, els Philadlphia at s...salstllinu=larcsagh Pcm this trails mat Plitt. , 17via Allentown. an hliadelptun, and to New c7ir 841% Loll " a tab"lN „,r P. tonna at 3MU Y A. SIP. alairliba4nst, ratuP., LNSO P. rat New- Yoriatsihi Allea Y j~ra .r fixli i stAtntr i. l , ll) P. is.; and Nee York, nta tOrmate. trAiHy oil Who. train& Snentnyeag l sultr* JOHNSTOWN ACCIMUILODATION—HaIIy(exem na. Y . W i ta r r. h m..at o onldnar al regular illation* abrillaMV/Ilulat:rsectfcagltb gin/SVlllCtridistan B Ii.)VALW TCPLIMIIt4II(I.4N!r-rall. ter Sundays) at Ling. la anappmg stall nreaud. be tatrotween Pittsburgh and Allan.. and making No e - Coernectlon with trains on the Indiana B w Ebeniburs ranch, /I LB O road, and Hollidaysburg Branch. First Atoununodation Train Mr Trail's Btatloll— daily (except Sunday.) at Cad& SeCond Accommodation Train ,or Slardosi. Leaves daily (except Sundays) at 10:48 A. AC Penn Accommodation, No, I—Leaves daily (except BSfaiiigrent.ttion Dr.),for Wall'a atation— Leaves daily - Water:4 Sim dayaat Penn Accommodation, No. 2- Leaves dill! ( Unapt at 10:3Or. AS alt one taw often Pittaborglrand Penn Station. The Chinch Train leaves Wall Station every B. • day at 9:05 A. la. and arrlyes la Pittsburgh at Mall K. Returning. imtvar Pittsburgh HMO P. al. and arrive. at Ti all', Station at 2:01 P. M. lacmooing Trains arrive to Pittsburgh as &Holm Stall DSO X. biast Line 2:40 A. No First Wall.. Sintion Accommodation 0416 A. Penn Accommodistion 7:05.A. M r s Second Wall's Station Accommodation—. 8:50 A. Y. johnstown Accommodation 16.06 A. 14 Baltimore Express 113:1 Altoona Ageommodation and Emigrant. 117 . ..80 P. Xs Third Wail's Station Accommodation I:50 P.R. Philadelphia Exprem, 2.103 P. Y. SG Penn Accommodation, No. eaS P. Pittsburgh & Erie Mali 12:23 P. X. An Agent of the Excelsior ( ) melba. Company will pans through eachtrain bxfore reaching tneDepirk Lake op checks, and deliver baggage to Mt/ tied' the city. 0111ce, No. 410 Penn aDeet—open Ita pa34 night—where all orders for the movement of pitmen "rt rl v r`r l, l'alExpress, at RO P.l.l.,Onator 47 rt. llViD NOTICA.—In case of Itim, the Company wilt held tbetimelves respoindble Itrr perm:Mal nagogo only and for an amount not exceeding COO. At the Pennsylvania Contra/ W. 11. BECiI KWITH, Agent. Don, road Pass Raenger Etta on, on Liberty and Washington streets. PITTSBURGH, FT.agicipp wAYio: A CHICAGO RAILWAY", AND CLEVELAND & PE RAILROAD. 18415. Winger Argarygemeng. On and after November 19th. LIES, train. fothimm, Leaves The Fbr PIE4.PO I I. I MMus.. I eistakmd. Express v•SO A. M. iiin) A. M. Express .... 1:43 P. L. 2:53 P. m. I hi ... 7:1.70 X. I 6:03A. X. For Newcastle and Erie Returnl_gn , rrive at piLtsburglii P., Ft. W. A C. R. 11.-1:50 A. a., 3:10 P. st. FL . -11:13 A. a., 3;30 r. Y 9:30 P ACOLLIDIODATION TRAINS. Lure Allegheny for 2:5W BludlitON--9:03 A. a., 11:50A. Y., 413.0, and &APO P. Y. haw ItpCILUC&STLX—it -2:05 00 P. P. as X. ECONOMY-10:3OP. a. WXLMSVILLS-3:83 P. M. Returning, arrive at Allegheny P. Ft. W. &C. R. „ A. Y . 2:33P. al., 4:30P. Y. and L 2 A. C. & P. R. R-10:00 A. a. OF.OROF. PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Colon Paseeng. 'HMCo% Pittaburgh, A. Q. CASsELDERRI , Ticket Agent, Allegheny CIS, nom 1. R. MYER, General Tieket Agent. pITTSBURGH, CO-Worgism i L DAIREN AND CINCIN NATI RAILROAD. THE GiETBARIRIIRROUTE TO COLUMBUS, CINCINNAII, LOIIISVM , And all thenillpltA SOUTEIWX.I3:.ttas, tre and after MONDAY, NOVEMBEIt 20Iltt. 1860, Trains will leave and malt,: at the UNION DHI.O aa follows: Fast Line —.2l : =. SIXTr " . d Mall gtOU " LIE P. X Sum., .2:113 P. al. 1246 A. Steubenville Acconamed , n...4l.o •• 010 A. • S. r. SCULL, Gelel Tle p leb.!..fraavravietio. Ticket Agent, Union Depo4 Pittstrerib. ______ purrsmiiaGir AlliDamomm . coNNELLsviLLE H. R. Winter Arrangement. On and annr MONDAY. ocronErt aoth. Ise% The trains wilt leave the Depot, corner of Roe. Water anneta. oe Lerma dr:river Pittaburvil. Piltsb•pi Mall to arid Dom Unit:lpm° 7:L5 A. tt. etCO P.ll. Kl.prelts. .• • 3:03 P. U. 10:410 A. K. letrat McKee port Atcom'al 11:1D A. U. 6:541 A.. Y. Second •• 41:1.5 P. U. 2:05 P. Y. First Braddock'. • • 7:00 A. At. .6:3:1 U. Second " " 4:10 P. 00. 6:43 titmllay elmrelt Train to And Domilleiteesport 103 P. U. 10:00 0.161. for Tlektt• Apply to ' • .4. J. tiIIANIC, Axent. IT B. TOUT • 122111 A LLEGIMISTY am. VA.LLEY.KAILKOAI). CHANGE Or THEE. On and after MONDAY: Nov. 2:lth. Paaaenger trains will Da atrangod to not as follow: LIAM TRAM—Leaves Pittsburghm., arrivingat Kittanningat argi A. st. Lpaval . Hittart litattAlN,AlustiLlat Fr u t=lllZ: i 5 : 10 P, P. IC, arriving at Pittsburgh a vw t lino A. m. Leave. Pittsburgh at Sad r. Ai., arriving at Kittanning at . . ACCOMMODATION TRAlN—Learcs Soda Wm to at inal A. M., Arriving ett Pittsburgh at 9110 14. Learns Pittsburgh m at liio sr., arriving at gl ad Wort. at arts.,. N. lan P. WRIGHT. Superintendent, 1.4:1:1ra oit 411 CARPETS, Lace and Damask curtains. • .We are now receiving our SPRINti STOCE, our eholeclines of ENULISH CARPETS or our own lmportatlOn. gala Comprlaltl the most eaten sire arid eompleto stssortmeut o Every description orgoods In our line that we have ver had the Pleu urn *Coffering to onreustomers. Our porobases having been mide wRh GOLD at lowest rate. we arc enabled BRS ALIYT Fit aIvinEI7AIROMEIID TWENTV-FIVEdENTPet YARD from Delete (gloat season. We vranarrt all goods we sell to be tm represented. In any ease that wereaeall to mutely ur custo mers &stanch!. the sac the goods mid be taken bark, thomortiy refund edand all: expenses pahl. MeARTAIIND & qounis, 71 and 73 Fifth Stj 2d floor, . . Next bupdlagtoll. S. Custom Haim and Yost-office McCALLIIITS CARPET STORE JIM. 87 l'ourth 'Mosaic and Aixminster Ruga VELVET RUES, Embroidered Piano Covers, SHEEPSKIN. MATS. 1 17 3311a173EM MiXILI/EIWZNOMF,JUI Ap.d. gayerieniqutlan et .CarDeta •z.ras WORM. purTsnimptan -mem. WORKS ANDERSON, COOK & CO., ttillC4:tlSOlis TOIONK9. * BOYD 4 . 00..1 lianufacttliersof thq best raped Cast Steil Noun, ra i nirettWa n a r zt l aing,MPi el, nib REAM AND NOWINGILWIMES, sirEE'r i o Loirwormentani.suriam C = ast as 4 6aotion rioadot aad laming fAatels Oince—Oarper of First 1111(021, SiirlD 1 /414 , a/04 011 1 "en the eieneDireee:4Beae.` BLACK DIALXISOND , • ESTEmEIZa'Wify • - ,r4airt4 - , 1 . 41 . 47 °'.. , • • • • mut appsdr;sain : GHTLIPIGV-*' . • .; t Akhr , 943ll , NO. 33 .:114kitY Ajobberca n '. .1, 1:;:j*,Z444 3 -:URGI Vitus. will run 303 r ;nesting! 2•X P. 3:OS P.M iP.OO A. 13 .6:40 A. K. INDUNAPOIAB, ST. LO If I