The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 03, 1866, Image 1

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I. s. rrarsusA.N
=ram Karr-7 4 .
TIL COIITAILLI324.A. Bo6tinc6s
PCISLISERDB 171:8 04111171114.88001AT10N
!MU PIT= Stamm PRlM:mid
Yobiucia inr riox. by limn. Par jebr• ... •.. •—•110 00
Emus& tbrrlON, do. • • .aio
Nerved by Carders. Mondlira or Isrydiiibil, pe — r
ghe Wittsburgit Curfte.
tin; , r a ,r i , i , , ,, ,,, i ‘ ,. l.hil,eelie,..t.itiaci•ofr%l
°a rt h ( o o r ,; l g ni e i., I ;7 ° ,.. 1.
~1, LATER FRONI HAVANA' ' , D"'" l ' "'`„ W m, • „ A . ll '''. '"a"-
~ things necessary for tie completion if fee en
Landing of Slaves in Cuba. '
. li, esfeereree, marten e,-Wm. A. Browning
, these conditions remain unfulfilled fon roe , died here this Morning. after eeveral week.
year. 1 sickness. lie wite Secretary tO Andrew John.
Section ten-All ineiple of the United etre',
, ASSASSINATION OF THE MAYOR OF MAN/AWL/4 i son bedbre, anti whtle the latter was Coverme
, deal have the right to subecribe to the seek
, midi all the ropleel shall be taken. S o e f er r e aUn tary saa t ee e • the Al P te re rW si an dera l t, h a e ild wa' alio l u 'r t h t ' w “ o '
' Section eleveee-Congress may regulate es ' weeks afro he was appointed Secretary Of FA , -
- . 10113 and compensation as a pastel or in tlit ai y j gatiOn tO the Republic Of Mexico.
route. i . .
AN INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW. seetion twelve-Ateeptence et these eon,' tt- - _ I Important to Internal Revenue Repetit
ions ehall be aignilled in writing within two
e I lona
I days. , Tering
,a k 4 'alit. ice% .Eporapeu• W Asntsorter, March e.' -All parties reeking
Section thirteen require , the direr tors to
The Contested Election Cases , niake and publish an menial report. and des-
I„,„.ireri ' del - melte tO the Credit Of tbe Treasury of the
1 tenet e their pesters. i United etatee, On aellennt Of the Internal Rev
' "y eve 1 one Slue. 11 . 1 -A letter trent Havana , enue, from whatever source, are notified that
, dee". Section fourteen relate, to duties ot ol her ' '
, I °eke., and require, every airecior to be a -a r'' The landing el ..4„,. 5 „ . „, Inn Cabo from Af , the correctness of thedr atmoants depend upon
their transmitting the Original certificate of
— i, stockholder. • ries, still continue. A tot df I rieposltS to the Secretary of the Treasury, and
Nsw Tong, March 2.-A Washington clutpatch ~ tS,%.,eteio,','ontrtteoetoh-T,i,.. "„ ii _ reete e. r o ' ra h o h i on e / n e. frlr . i wert• receetly et. ter • to, i y I heee,,,,d doe ; the duplicate to the COmMilnioner of Internal
t di g oo yt eey eon
hue rammer that Go, Andrews, Of Maa•tehu. , Mitntett a quorum. : larti to a planter, eh°, IL Is Said, is olio Of those 1 ftey°""°• '
. ,
setts, la to be Secretary of the Interior. ' Sect len eixteen-All paynientO after tbe tire( I we. wkene iloie ago, entered int° a covenant '
' upon subscriptions may - be designitted by the I , o t Lo I e t , , Attempt to Burn Ilenitiee Cleetipled by
A great Mass Meeting will tie held in Jones' 11 irectette, tina ell shar ' es unpaid shall be fors t '-
' " " hut"'
Wood on Sunday. feltee. , The Mn ' Y'r of -ManzA°lll° was recent ly nE.- . New lone, Mareh 1.-The IrorLd eaya that.
The memorial presented to the Senate to- I 0 Section sieventeen authorizes theeet , eptrinee seestielled, !keenest , it Ithe understood that he
1 f erie greet. Or donate°. from Congress i•oidd‘tot he ...duces! nto the schemes of the
i , , ' nc c : . fl en nag .,, °4d i. t l i i e gun i-m 3 , 1 „ l i os ,, P ssch. l ee t o , :: : " 1 0T : : : :: :: 1 - ,1 . 1 ::: io, ": ,,, e etiv.: 143 . 4..t o ,r, L M L:fit. h a iii Ii o nn l h g oi ct :. hliati f s b I nOnl :i87 1 ° .: I nt .
0c :1 111 1 d : 1: : !
day and referred tO the SOMMitteeen Foreign 1
p p oo led pi l e ry . e r om h : fe h rt ,, T d rLr h ll , ft ‘ y e t r a t m fi ll r i:. d e e tw f eie: 6,, 10 , fe n : i t
State Legislatutes, ot Indian tribe's, and pre:
itelations, asking ' Mr legislation lb Secure an vides that grain. front Indians shall be •{1.11,44 , ' cl o t ' . troder ,
international copyright law, es the I ject to the approval of the President of the The. hat elf e been a large numner of I
names Of tWO Or three hundred a ors, edit- , Cnited States
• fireti 111 Matamoras.
ors and inablishe including II t, Long- i Section eighteen mullion., the Southern I "'Pr''''' ' 'd 1° X.... '" ha _ _ .._,...„._ _
fellow, Holmes, Mayo Sparks, Well, and i Pacific Railroad, of California, to re,,,,,„ Tem, of el, To tug. collet.. have Sues ;
I with the Atiatitie and Piteltie Railroad near eeeded te ea ,
v p . in s it p,, f n rit is n t : t. , l::::::: r d m in am eti m i te o p ,,, e:
1 , 1 intalli7c.rdht'lle°7the'l'lniatiril'e.:ht::tt-ati"::::lme'f ::::t. n o P ia nt' i i: I° l
i " ie ' ,
other prOminent writers.
boat feel reaching the (Mime cross(
United States On the Ist of February , A olio I
The negnMeht in the Massachellette liquor 1 the boundary of California.
eiteee, befOre the united States Supremetiourt , fleetfon nineteen fin then zee the Nerthern „ er e e„,,,,, , '
port.g. The ba jE le :,. ne g e la be nd i . n . it At it I
as I.erry . Adeee timi S. 1111.01 , , Lbetigh one ere. I antra half million bitten. This Ineltelen ' Ttle,til
le concluded, and thaEontitittow I:leathern un- I Central Railroad, of Neva , le, to rendre.. a all. , tekeri . 1111. 4 71{{1114 They gat - e their names '
der advisement. On Idendav that tribunal , branch rOacl to coeneel with the Atlantic' and
will take Up the case of iiindkligan and , Pulite 'lathe:el.
r : r l s ‘ ; ' , t ir'l e ' ;:ili ' e .''' l, '; :f: S b r i . ::!!l !' ” l b7, iee ' um! from tile Tr.. - , 3. 1: 5' t7e l b :ne e :ilk i r " or N i e r: ' te l e ' l:int ' ls "d elf 6' :: M .: ' a 6 l it: 1
Bowles, of Indiana, winch love/Vett the eon- i Section tee. v pi ov tile...that mike- the .% t- '
Ntltutionality of milit_emy eoarteetiniTcommie . liiiitic and Pmeie ititilroixd sktyll obtain beat, „,', ' • I 'l ek • l •' • l e e e•• a n d ing•eil 'tkeei The ' , taro' • cede. and river
alone to try etYlliana maim Outwear Benj. F. , fide suttee:lotions to Ile seek to the amount of
1 Butler mut Mr. SteeMberree of Olitteta sestet , a mien. dollars, fencer rent.. lie paid,wllli- , n i„.1,.:: ' ,„ , ' . ' ' ' e ",, ‘3't"
hi'm b p het..." leen I turers. -
the Attorney General, and Judge k and I in two years, tins art than be null and void. ..,,
~, i • i t e • i .i ti a giy flattering, while it is eta- ;
gliee me will et.l:7l . :L ' t re fi e' itit t i h el a i t g a re aw at t er ma r:• ‘, tte '' s I ftm , ' , F o e , " . i" m n o i"l 7 4l : "l* . y i !. ‘
others will appear for the ioetitiontrs. The I Section twentyone autherizre tine repeal , ot ,
, GemeZ case wee before the Extort 144ey. It ; amendment of thin art l•y Congress •tt. ell,
, involve" the title to valuable . and eistenalve ! time.
' Mr. Summer p remitted the petit ion et John t lon. re i -.- I, s entail ells 1.,
r .1:.:::::o';'::::1...:1.;linfl‘l:r';''':
"if-1.:.,,d'iL.":11,"--dn 17...r:,:i ' l ' l T b ,: ° '',,t, l ",,rr g . h in" ? .,g" t . ... : ;, n „P-17: 1 , : ti, n :C l ' O rO° 1 :"1" :11 ' C gj f ; s :'U' o " 1 41) :11 i :? r n u n1 ; : 1"1 1 '''''ln i:) :
mines in California. .
In the molested election come of Mee. Dodge A. Andrew and ['there, belting for a change it,
against Repreeeetetive Reieem te e a e getee ,,t the in.. of .1,0 eg the Pres ince lel tine i' tie ;, 1 , ' , 5 ,, ' , ' ,.. ‘ ,!, ' , ". .1 "1 e nbh . t i'' I ''
h' el' endred ' e rev"' B ,, , , , ,t , t:' , ,, e ,c a i i ,e tt r a ,, utt• r e o t t i t n , : r g ,
h a . re ve l: n in n e rv h ,n eLl ,, , , 7 . ,: . , .
berm.... COntinittee Oti Olaection. thec been led S".tee, '''. aa te the eleetortal , •01- : li . /4 III.; 1311 ‘ 0•14%• '4 41: l ' i ' i ii ii i e .. 4l . 4:l l l7o.•ra r4 fl7lll.7 -- tu r it l' Tt ' I ' I.
. '
I concluded, but the Committee brut Mot yet I lege ayetem end e 1 . ,. by the popti ler y "tie i ~,,,,
._ „ • . • , ~ •I . I
~ t o n rimaten 1..1-FIP rat s terve will elm 1, , • re- •
given its deension ill L6O case. Two other i The 'louse n 40110111•111.111 r444101a {lOll r 1•1114411114 10 .i,„,„ 4 ,„ . h .,,, T , . T • • '
d foot mg. .novl In Richmond. ,
twines will Seen be teken up, Vie., kir!, .kullur , fuludt to fonts Senators tied Rept 4,1111 tat tves ' 1
teeniest Mr. DawSon, ef PeUnsylVanie, and from the souther's States 11 11 11 1 Congres. shall ~, -sale- ' , If trilernel., Match e..-A rentwntre leek elam•
Mr. Pallet against Mr. Dela.), of 013104 to the ! clie•lare /4411•11 Staten eel i t lest t.,1 4 1411,,.•11tal i.,n, 1 F rem New o r l etms --•y eags C oe , ee tt oe __ • h e i e „„ e . et it ei ,„,, „ e„,,, e e ~ „,. o f t i„. ee„„, ,
canes ef Mr. Boed against Mr. Kelle, s of Mt. - I we. titt's ism , . mi. I.ooluiniis Legislature. A:, ! 0144/4, and R. li Ogden, Manager ~f the t heat i 0,
, mnri, and Mr. hoemtzagellutt Mr. Ciefenrlti, of , Mr. Coe an teme the eon, sig.iinst lite pi ~ pee t Nit% 11ST IOAIs s. MAI ell 2 -The Tex. con VI-T, ' I. '' . " .. ' .lfleneT ' rTIT . c erd lieldi • died le Ile' eh'
I Pennsylvania, the Secretaries alp engliged In 'ellen and epoke at 001104 11411OL11. 1 111111 1 I.leried to Ile, Finenvial t °telltale. , the ""e " er he Lhe hlMer. ' ever. ' ' 4 ""''' wele 11 hed •
I taking evidenmi under a speeial r -.elation of tile- ei'lleun false to address Ihe `elite ,. but e hot, seep.. et the pule.. debt. 'rite eme . i I•ut effect.
1 the House. . l ..1.... interrupted by• el r. tee an, who gabf tlee cenenittee on beetle affiere, retorted In, ra- : --.
Seine dere ago the Honse passed a. 'resoles i eccording to tierorreng , mese, ei I the lentil. ,
i y ~ ,, , r n e , : n i r f ittl t : 1: :g o ::
, I v r i t ., : i ti n ty . 2: , :i t tl i i n tl p te ,, ( . 7 .n re i e n k , n g e n e o l t d - I Ra A, 1 , 1 , 7 , F ,i 7 r, a 1 I . . „ , ,: il l a '::: „ e v in t, g . 1 17...
.14 " 7 . ti n s , : ,
lion calling upora the bead. of depart...bate to tee, Lmae till MY Wel, 1, OM. 114 1/11 111,11„14•11 by • ch le hi.. vr, perei Ittltie theist to hunt 0/1 the Bridge.
I ferniett a statement ahowing the emeriti of i the opiatsitlol.
I Malley expended for paper and printihg, out - i Af t e r some rental k. he me s s., , I h,‘ 1, Oh 11- i tie. nlllll 114110 LILT Indian, al,. u, sene 4 401X1.. ~,,,IL L, Li LL 4 LLL :„ I LL , L i m r r , , L T L ' I ' L , L T L T.T. L ,,. ~,,- T, T.
I side of the heavier atnoent used try is Gov- i stilt, L'owtin lied eaulaleirv. Me It teen a se. ot 1,110111.1 , 111 5‘ tirollllll.ctoll to lay 'the condi- it r e e - . lle
ee ' ' ' ; '''' -o
, erntnent printing office. The attar°
tt .
Gen- ! requested In proceed Ind declined. iir I hi , ls lion of Ihe !outlier betere the i•OVPrnitient. erefieer New 1 ore and ...toe trains wel
:win e lit and ,lepart front tile ileliet 111 Oils
i erol reroutly reported that no printi , oth. ' then I. atk the floor in opicedlion 111 111.4 mite ; rho I. ,an um tee el the leliele, adopted the •
er than that exeented by the Governelegit of- I COI - tent ...sOlut ion dens lug it- ...este et ema 1- . consttlutional . tense rm.. lug any member Y.
1 fiere, Wan executed for len DepartMent. The ay. A..• , fiegerting that It sy ae i rm....SIN 111 Of the legislature le , last , reeided in ,
•serwetary or the Tro.nry report., the OCest of its rhaelleler, 4011V0,1% 0 4.1 Ihe lon et 11110.11 1., ,t he st a t e
, 1 tr. r i , f , e ,o r a t. r h i, at
6 11 , 4 pa y r tt l t o n . e . n ... t 3u
d ri o n i tf am th . e
„ Mt;
, a u dte u s , ,, , , t le , ti a ri a ti t i / i t a t a lt , •; , t ,
k t;i ... ,: , 1, ,,, t , i , y ., i
I t; ~ • , .,,i ., , , , , h ,
~.. j . Li ~,,,,, , i . , ... ~ . ..e„ . , ,, : i i , e ‘ L, .
~,,,A , ,' ,, ,l 7 :, ,f i.„ t in t :: :i ‘ t , '. 7 l 7 , i t e ,
, : l' i a l . :: . i i n l: a„ L ' in aa l fa t e " i l o t . . i iti ' :_ . "
3„ 11 ,, e , L :e rd 0 , ;:,..:i1 m 7i . e. r7Y:1: 1,: e a 1 . 1 7: 1 1 n be l A: l, l l:l l i i i ' p l a t , s ,,, , K , M . lea:s i fili d t e t l e i I , :
j e , t ,
e t 4 ,i
I mei printing ten remeteed donee., t ote edver. ern senators thee those Ohl, 44«, for ker..: .% ei cat majority ef ',erosion:et. in Lhe Ie ' ere.. her I °°° E. ' 4 " 111 irmn thti refl.:tail
tieing seventy-few thnueend donate. Beatles them 01,1 i Con, entail/ 1 oted lot 1 lie sections that grant- [reek while a train OTIT{O ednineing, mid both
i that no pripting Oise been ordered et private 0 1 0 lite/little rola .I lb. re we- one .....1'..; ...a ',II right, te 11. eegro, ena to sue en 1 mother mid chll,l were Itietantly killed. she I
I parties, exceSt when the exigeuelro of public , inure celltilit I Illin another. II aas that otich , he seed, to to. if:, 111 1 .i/rt.i, contract aro] , .."` s s ' dos nod l etkl t ic e ight o rtn relm il :e n . nd
1 1
service required It. Of thin. five thottrond
Leo leindre.l feel eighty-four wa. for wirer- nt a ta " ;•: . i t t i g '",,ll :;: g t . :it ' •:i l li ' ...•• ' . '" / " -. ' • ,',•l: : a l ' i l t:t ' i ' g 'a e l l 's'h i . t a t -' I t ' t . i , fi n: : ,,,, i ' i t i r' ; ',‘ t i f ," l ' l t ..lrf: Li i ' ll I t i . l ' i " 14 ‘ { ' 144 1' 1 ' 4144 '" 1 .' 11. 1 4 '", 1 1 11 d 111 ' 4• " 1 ‘ 1:41
" F r Oa r"T r i a k OOT3 o" :l l oO P° ll: pt r :l7‘ i th e : l: . : rg'.• i T-T he Norfolk
tieing in the Secretary effiee, Of which. nearly deli...fleet of Ihe ei her. Independent or the 1 e let ie, etel ts• getei.,•l le 111•101.] lee s lewd 011
Ole WllOlO 11{111.aai alio °°r°l4O l 4l i 0 I{lll/Tani... 1.: X. 4 4 4 1111{ e TIOTI 111114114.10 h id es the selectee I Itimeetlity or dolleeteei
menet of cOnverelenef I need State . . Seeltrities I t oilet Can 11. iloilse send a Sequent) t..i I teorge Are°. Ilelt. a prom i nent Englieln anti P ' ' • "
, and proposals for loan. No lint of paper. , is Arne lomat any otte ern 1411, TITO) 1111040111 tette' I c'ele,;,etii,,,a,,,,,e,,a,,,taleid„),4ll:lTt,,knlg.k ;: t , ' „ a ' ,',l:,l i a i ' S, h ;,';'.:P rr; . e r ly , : t ro lioi, l - , 1 , 1 0 :::: ‘, . '" : 11 1 ;: i g of 7:: , n , ::::::: o 0 :: " : h : n b 7 ,3 7 r :: " :: I
, geren. +Metro' t an tee Supreme i milt send Its Nine I
slant te etit imy tine In le tate,. Silly 111114 .1111 lli le, rine propet ty sett! l,y• 11,•• sheriff to tete
FENIAN EXCITERIENT INCREASIGN. , tl;',',"'''''' Ne'""" '''''. ''''' , '"• , ' , .:' ,1 . 1 ".""•• "- run ari.rni..( l valid . 81•dt sn act roles... , rim' or tw o y .t . ,
,t t: t , 'Oh these Intl. for n lie
te ot t 1,•• I. 10 , 1 11 1- Iss.mise I bellioe Ihe ltu., Iron, payment of 13.1••, pariah, or mine.- ,
:senate I edepeteletit a. , hoe, , eed mr I true 1 eil tette fer ten, letel, lee. and lees nn reel ee
, ___ _
' , 11 , t , t r i r t , , , , ,, L , 11 ,, et .„a 1 , , i , , i , , , p0 ,, e u e t i t: t i g ...
, t , , , . , a, r f . ifi: i n t n in- L
n ili , , , i ,, ,;r, „ ... t i liff•
i i ( n , . 1 1 , 4 ,... 11 1 ,,
0f1 i ., ,, , , ,, ,;,. ; ,,, , , ,:5t . t , :nrri t , ,, trz ,., tiz , ,, ,, , , , , , , ,,, , , ,,, , , , , ,, ,. , ,
}..„, lll ,.., ln m n , e 2. 7lla nun Le eo g , 1 2 1:_la T tl i. 7 3 . h n
Tile Slsterlsoo4l to Hold a tair. ;
.. . ~.,',,`',-,1 : ::'4,' {:P n. g 'O'I"IIII . I'EUP I I':%:”.",." I I I ",i f I r ' t 4AI. '1."...."‘,1: , ',::,?,':;',::.:,";::.';', ~ if ‘ n :le ' I, " ;, ‘ t ‘ t ' i r l ' e ' r a t. o y t l' h e t-h i:X.; t a t ti h t ' s '
no . ' : fit ,e .. d !!'; . m p: : 3 , i t' . l .: ; ,.l ' ::• . : ..A f i l on s s, a , i:::e , j t ' ii
. : " . 37 , 11g . I ..o l. l l i n t ' ;: t i , l ,i , • ' ii;o r t . ,
, ! .. , i 0 1 , ..t i 7, I ,,.. ' , ' e t r i e:e:,..: .
. p M cill i e n t e lli aa st " t
i r ' , ' •ll .' l ' f ' tl r l ' t ' it ' ..s . n n' s ' l ' it a, ; ' i l ltl 'n e . ii t i r, : ‘,. i t r - g: ',',' i i , ' ; ' • I " N " te l i 'l", ::: 1 1 " ; ' ,. I S . s el Ae e i . 1 - .. i. ot ien line . 2,.p.
ANOTHER STEPRENE ARRESTRIL Oistriet. could the cap, to ed d1•I 1 let eleet a Ino•-• uilild 1 111 a ~ ..1.1 tit lae The week'g sal, -.1.-
- ' inemle•r ot the liolloe . let 1 It• Illy eet t °tad entente lel le 17,est hale.; receipt., Mete bale,
; the ether four lligtt lets , I ,•retiel v. etippose e.g.'. export, le,cesi +took on hentl, leeteb. ~ , The , lone 111 11
II ithuratict• Ile cell er l'ined, the British °epee, ft inalore set 1 tie 1 eeelit- :sue.. 11 , 111 . her, Ito ese elelueses, prime to , ee' ' '' ' ,' ea., Mareli e- - The Pee n B O ash in •tou
tee alktrlets of that e late. 'eel et. i, et I lie • holt ..... , 9‘ . 3 . 0..... Ste, ling. 1 - , Freights to '"i'''' ... ' o v` not, II I ' I. ' 4e r:do. Ilea il '. the
elect.. of a isegmbe ere sumac., a 4 1111101 /11 . N.. lel le ',. I.IN 1.1t...0. 111, I•Ohl. M.-. lean bill tulle in t feign..., e , e . reters Aft i 01-
• • of th,• leglghil ere, 1.11,11,1 10 1 to , .11, i I. 1,. tee loch 0 ill lueniellately exei I len power to re
- APPEAL OF COL.. ROBERTS • ''','°`''''''''''''"'""' "r"'''' , 'en' '" ' l - 1 " Fetilso Meeting In Wnsbinitton City- !Ince the eh reentry.
that Ite • , s'ettetor, would it not be ref the ,roate e , .1,..- Itednellott of tile l'ilillic Debt, tke.
_____ , ! eels , on tine legality of tine fleet 111, Wisconsin Legislature.
Mr. +therms. ,lene lel le in.k NI, 1,,,,,,,,,, k 1 {.IIIILITITITO T 1111{1,11 . 1.4 A large meeting Wee ~
.. ..-'ll, Femme exeilie whether the reer °leveed le ikeigress or tie 1,1 1,1 liee ie. 1,, heti , -"teething el•oet the Ft- , ee a ,,.!, e t e.r • tV ' e •• , M areit ' 2 - The kV ieeensitt
,e,.„‘ ,„ ,he ~,,y re ., u ‘e nee , reee ,„,,, b y ..e s ' ... . , : i tt , -e t. sietiltl la• ,feclilt ,I ehee,... et ie e y i n i;,:t a, f . t , t , , , , , v ,, , , ..7 . ; , .. , , tt m t.
I., T r li t er ic eif. ,, , , , , , ,, ,il;y: , eral ...,,i, s i p t c , , , ,i b t.
a ir•M? ,.. ,-, l • n ii , i ( 7 o , ; , e g e r e „ l a t a •r , O nt a y
i i i ,:t o sT r i on f' , l7 ,, e „ l , , , ,ti ß e . n r s e - L . e:
y esterday 's. steamer is leer... g There ei Mt Do. it tie role teal mien Ile.. ,1.. i (.4•1 1 a • eitild ell I ifil inemeneer from fiend centc,, ; I toestlon bY it vote el .:2 ayee te,:le ~,,ye.
Intiell activity at the Heobetarters of the would , letermitie the mot. , The thee , ete l d '' ln `' I " the rel.., 1 " Attlevi e e- Ile gavel _. . .__ _
lit. tierhool. „.„, elorems lieelllllll, Or 11114 Feititisi ros ,eete
e•mbi d'eteem tee to• le e e e h ‘ ' e 'e r ' ' le • T - P l i
. Dint... end the Senate ae to t ach State he I 41111111111 were requested to convene II ete .
The Fenian Sisterhood will kohl it flair. roue yi r lir., n ~,, . enk ;e'er...tee,. ~,,,i m ei , ~ eme tiouneil, idiot the meeting. to hear im
k reeti T li b ir e r:e7s i t -d in i e :r, :f a— tl l ie sol " ,l c ie - Ce leeteue
A Th,
~.,,,,,,,,,t 0. 1.1,..,,,i, Of Altill and 4411(11{{i; Moot he wit s eorrict, the tsollloll of el, limed., tee toe stuteret•nts Ilint toted net he made
the eith, Mr the purpose of Increasing tlie wa. diacrent dos . front B,l,iii it sit- ~in• ~ a r 1. ildic '
rana .
0 , tio .
org . o , zoii „,, , ~ u . O , ( , 0 „ 00 ,,,,,, , ar „ He ~,,.,, ~,,,,,,, ,„ en , 1 .,„,. ,„,.,, ~.,,,,.. , it is computed from oftieue data that ghee, ,
the 1.,4 an until t itperl of the etweatary ot the
o u n a: n i i i n e g . I T 11 1 : , 11 1• 1 1 , 0 r, 1 , 1 i a ,t 1 , 1
n l , ll
h t e h i e na iii , :i l :l: o o: , l l . , l, l. lt e l7 l t .
A esembly rooms. , [rein the /Acetone Coliege,
A. 1.. Pearson yrim appointed to the Chair.
late Dublin newspapers nay another double , Mr. Dool lel le *aid he woe.
4 11ni , t ,n yi , f. n i i„ i n t i t : ::
. T n i;:t. i s , i n i t r , i i •. ,, ii , i , :: l l... 3 i - e: : •;; , 1 , - . l n its i t i , n eLla n na r
e r n e rr dieese nney L.: n ye :,
.r Stephens' Ims turned lip In the county or . dor 1 ,- ir the perpee , ef hey leg the .1 ..,,,,,,/ .4 imblie debt tectilVd. 1 lie millions er dolerefie
K 'Menne . . Ste carried a wallet stneeid with , Mee Yeee referred i" lem tie
irettat 10111 thirty I.lll , ine et coin interest. 10 lot niotioi_j, ,:.,, ,i ..., ere ,, e , r i n
t lt h l o see co o: - .. L.17 i te0 L,,, .. , w 0 at i e
t a i t, , -
hay, and his address sena aingtilarly prilished , Voted tor tile reeetet len fettered In
and gentlentan -like. Me tomplezien, hie i Mr. firown-.0 Ind the 1 ocelot lon. t0.,,,,p, addition to . this 110 Inas paid, tlin, ee.,4„,,,,,,,.......
beard, large mei.. seilleoaelf the chin, laud beerfj l that, these Stetro -hall euti. thee- P ,.. .... , ' , ~,,yen" . ......,M P1 4 a Inrird amonet ef ,n,i•-- . ,
slightly &Wert with gray i d, fe„, „, m 4 n •ti, e n ne rtt t y,'„ me au' 1, 0 1 1,,,,,i h, de sty by On t , ' ‘ ' ‘ ' , ..lUt t l: lll .o u tte l, ll , e f , , , i , t h i , , ..
I kV ,‘ , l t , o ll, ti: l l ! ,, N , i t i , i aa - y
, lizl a t n er r, t: lig
, t ~,,. re of t tie ",l e t ece ." 7li . t i l ' o l l l l l 3;t nl o a r?l, l c ' ' f ' o bt' le L lV- n
. Minds and "Met were reenerktibly small, his eel of Coe grero
, tl ir prrigrese In the mutter, es the Asere
OUR HARRISBURG LETTER, heighth five feet seven melte.. his eyes bro k en' 14r 1 ''''' th"" ' at° t hat .. . It bee, twee ie.° te enty -nine in ,iteitin, e hile_ there are elation h. ef lit. tient...el to [eke any ae
hi4 llgUre sleet, ere, over his foremeel 4.11, 1 /et and pt ots•r a 1 the t,ul.• zn the T0....11t7 .o el forty-St:Veil mei a half , eon in the melee,
beta. everetithig seemed to ifetheite that be .Ir. Sileentan said eillppOse the lions , an, 1. 1 "OD , ot 1' .1,1 X" l e reeeey . 0,, Lion , DI On motion et .„ ~,pt. 11,1 , ,t . p o lt oe e , 4, ,,,,,,,,.
. --
Carrel4 P Orldence of Lim Pittelmreh teizikte•. - ' wee heed centre See:phew. himeelf, elm 11/11{{ , eroniderlite tie te the n•Premittet ion ef eel . . tie 111 -I named date. Thts rmthetion of the . solved that a eommittee ,•
n,, 1... tit. the roentry . dingiest, • lain al,ereen, end the °C14137.10 TO 1,141 e 111110114414111, pee.' debt ts ernterely et short date oblige- I meetings, In other p . t e "P"'I"L"
" h'"
Il ' aß""enc ' F"''' -- '' - INEYLEDIATE ACTION URGED, ne ra. been rentenile.l for eight tiers, .to certain etutes,Oo,llll {tiere he sort it in t , that. and leitel lender not. art. of the county, nen, if
During tbe last too days a most exciting ‘l,- ' .1 I eCeSSZI .• , Or unize sulfordli i ,• •
It) the Supreme tourt, to-d.r. mr• L A . wrong . . ent erieg Int. , joint Invent Wade. Ih• 1 ell diret tine the eetiretary of tile Navy , to eiiligilong ''"
et,,,,„bery, Reee,eer of the si,,,ris sire and ' Mr. thole tle-lal y trice. free, ,et 1 ,, Is putting 1 ' d eb .. , e "teethe , te eereettliette t il e a n t e d , . other aulner "L b h ,,e h in d e l e ' , ch y ' e ' se rge t ' i l e T s ' e d e t t ' e r e ' „le er
bate has been going ue In the Nene. upon t he
eeyeented by a very ditrtrt•nt etteent. This reeeletim, To lee nipl, Eipmlition has ing even signed be ' which the meeting oljotertird. '
tell alio. leg the Philadelphia find F.rle 11:1.11- FENIAN SENATE BITTERLY DENOUNCED. , ^ 1 .. ,1 1.. , .run ,,, , i nmP...‘Y.
ind ,,- miii ,, of syha,,y, was need I,y .i,,,tg,, speaks , 4 the Mehl of the niatter The eel.- the Pri 'sleet , t, eiel Is nee fi lusi •
r,1841 Company te bid. brunches, TOOL lIIN ling !laniard one thousand dollars. Mr etannbury tor from 01,e, algae-is to:twilit.: els , . Ibe . ,
it the title to tine inf. tor fi, e yetire-ot roll r.n. Was to an U) jail till the fine was pa.. The nropriety efin eertaln nu 11... ,
lifter tue territory to to rot-el - ilea L. leild let 305 1 " 50 ''''''' ' et
be n'l a ''
"1 th' ' rea l' en. flee Wan imposed fro. an alleged contempt of llr 11001111144 111,11 r0411114,01, L L L I L , „,,,,,,
1.111 of the Itaheas eorme eet find ten 'inlet Sir Stansbury in refusing to deliver to Jelin tie , etiprente t "en, me the Preset/ St, 11111 ill.
MO 111 gitnin and Sit C.rallant ln,th eiberee 5
.„. li. lieekete the Receiver appninted by Judge House of I:Owe-entail t ..- .•oithl der'.,l4. a 10,
Avalcansl3 to defeat the bill but it finally pan-ed et hne l ' nn.ll ' d ''''''' r'''''‘°' I. I . IIIILha • e • - perneed, the eeeete of the comp.., e i•re ill I.e ment Ire do ul the 5,....i.
Mr. (imitate read it bill 0 Melt propene , . t" aled ee ' eedete'' ' e Il '''''' ' ''' l I n ''' n - " lna"' lel Roberta, ono of the Presidente of the ' Me lie: Is - It'll tee 'senator yl.el e, fue a.
authorize the Court •1 QUarter Sesslon• 111 "
' r.
' ""
. I T"
5 ""
la g 01
I F : en T' ', O7 1 1 t . 0 "1 (71O r i l e '''W r. .11774175 4 : n 1 4 ',11 " „P '1 ,1 1 1 n i " :•...eT, - - "' W a r " l a t ' o;il 1I t lo•-tert aln Iv, s „.. '
t entire e ~, at efl , . time nee imperial - It mean
. yOUr ...inn tr. upon the applieetion of no e las' leg in crush eel a rebellion eerier It I. Feell MI Do' l' .-l olltlw.e t In' - .male W. le ~it eled
al , le citizen. et any war•l, borough, or toe. tees tub , . ter , eel , e e te l e m eeiletei v l, Breen, by tilling her jails with pelsiele, and Mt.. , . 0 1 . 01 Ills. 00 . 1 I n ot cI I PO I . , M.' Pres. -
ship, to uppoint three competent pergees a- netki trio, h....ll:tree+ millieg en the vitriol. esky if Irishmen iti %mere. sell %tune Idly deet of tto• t tined , i ate. ha- th.• right to re, -
Auditor,. to antilt an,' examine tile bounty e,,,,,,, 1, 1 ne s e one teke eet toe on ite• import- by , c,,,,,,. fors", re, f bra, to figbt tee eoueene ngnixe ail ,ell Is the eettate I
,nceoutits of the sell.") direetOrtl. 1S Itn pot/ el sot nea . lust revel N 1.11 II ITT in. , ried , bat foe, lit the Mtly way In which tannery aid Call Mt • Imo. Ile -I I e teit The
I to eXatiline witrieseiro end enloret e attendenee tlie l.etter or ef leen. is fa...par , dto recog- rest., them. Nei a moment is to be lost. ea.. that the et eater, would re., , ti re
of pentotte and papers ; enfl the report nete leeleiel .. a tell Igeren t power the mo- Your prompt ...distance will e•neble n. to I.4LITIT n ...beton be anon:lied, II
.of the Auditors shall be Alden. In any ~,,,,, ..„ ~,,,,,t, l e ., , toe t .. „ ~,,,,, ,„.1,,,,.. the field within - days. Let men elle will NI Alr envie-Bet 41101 OltMe° hare nog - towed 'l.
i eollrt. Whenever any snared. feet., tinning The ir•dt enelr. t tie erean el the Brittle . , tight report to lien. Sweeny, end those elle ^tete Legisluturce.
; from bounty subseriptiOns or astaromment ehall hood, ieneed ite extra, giving all tht , latent cell contribute seed %emir money at mere to Mr 'Moth tie role ft the 'gen., n. 1111104.1
11{4 In the custody or the Auditern. the Sante news r.-celred at Union square 1 fauna tile these imedquerters, for which they will re- etmeto. teem I anemia. the lieu, , ewe net
A Letter Frani so Old Trims e'er. I
. Alan be paid eyer to the Treaeurer of tile tin:miss, published wa. the folloe leg I ceive Irish National Bond, interfere te put there out
Mesa.. Parsee, W keens .e. CO•-tleriffentrn. 10.6001 Mod for said district for sehool purpo- 1i.1 4 14 T 0L0 Lite %Hewes, Cti ii. Al, AIM., t - -.sits- lir Feesenden mile, to ad St li 11{ POT '4•10.1 or.
AS yOU are aware, I hare 114,11 engaged up to , SOS. March Ist, Inel s from earl, guile, would not te. :my werye then
elr. Bighteues bill reit:it...ft . coke, ...ate Reeteers The Italie. t cep. net is °le XXXIXIII fONGRESS--FIRST SESSION. i'' , , , , e •••••'' 0 .r' ""m ( elm. ,
n short time past as trevelleg agent for J. (
that the atandant meneure of coke, meliorate eroded In I mien a Our competnote are tima yt. . I melitt, ,tel tee tidtiet telt Ihe eteeite
Ayer A Co. I tured from bituminone coal, when sold by the thrown lion, the eels', nod are doubtless light- w
aamao,.oa, 1frmm,, , , , , taw, con , . rightfully admit Semi tors trete Caine.
I wits takee very stet vs Ith a bilious attne li 1 bnettel. Shell be e.gae eutec inehro, end the Illg 0T44 (41 4 141 gess, these etrength et Lb. tree it tied he i 1,4 d teem:try
standing weight per b.bel, thirty-three ment. etc. [lenient., your proteitie and SENATE.. 8 lettethy debate tole, ed. pole 101{11411 11l
while traveling In the state of Indiana. I bad , pounds. be prompt In your ...tenet' Tbe Military s.
... .
~, .
~... by Messre. eguistniry, slieetnan, J. eitmon, / 1144-
taken Ayer's pills before for tbe same ci iffietil - ' .8 bin has been read by owe of the Phila. 1. f itipertnient ef the Itrotherimod will eike ;a0 :I " "nue '''''' eaaee ' • a l a '''''` e '''''. " erode. i 'ea kV in kle I{ll4l 01111414,11.11111• 4 000.104
try, but with 110 gn.).l effcnt• A traveling friend plan Senators, which authorize. the Weetern eimrge of Your milli-see emittileitleit • end entrees of the leirine el...tree „king for an , 41011 01 e ...le the ...melee on the ra-mtt,, of
enesylvanie Railroad Company to improve inebtllze them The financial ieereese of pay Referred to the Ns. al (Ulm. the regeletiort wes enil.l ton
who happened to be stopping at the eau, ' e
1 their bridge Over the Allegheny, at Freeport, will street es cry nert e 1., supply the brave t, several ettempts to timetel I, 111 1114I•114, but
hOtel reeoMinatelle , l me to try iteme Rebeek's ; and the npproaebes thereto, as may be le•st nee, if, the gap. Ot1141•VO11 deprunis upon Im. ' L. LeIL all fells° feel the" pi .....d 1 ...•, e...
Pins. I canteen frankly that I had 110 C 4 ,111114 arilaPied to aceommodate persons desiring to modiste action Ise es rry iron undefetten•l Oil motion. of Me (.. I, smiler leaye et ...enc. , ney s, re ei,„,,,,t, s
c ..r rees ., s the name, and ee etelect from I§{{C .. ll per- . be dli 1 y i Signed]
dence in threat at the time, but through the
s the retee of teal allowed to ue rot trot°. 1 . k r ni. it J Doe eine, wee granted to :kir ifeward for twe week. tlie e ett".' " ' {{.{ '"l• • 114 0°° 1114.1 1 mite
kir Surneet presented the petttion el lead'
importunitl. of my friend I was pereteided by the :shag...3l,llre Bridge Compeer. ee, retary Cis si Brtairs . lit,t "h..
•trt take them, and with astonishirur °fleet. the) ' Tltrisville and Memiville, baring liscoom it I. stAted that Mal.> leading Feels., hove lag mutton slot publohers of the ceitut ry ask - The o iicas er ism hcf,,,-.. the thee, ~ ~,,e.
el tittf, Corry laas atso metle application Mr a K 14111,11 in the city . leeted me t•en ' , weeny, I „,, a ir „.„ I,,t e re,,9e,,eieopy.eht. t ee e e t e „,, in it E/ inition from the cr• I • ter, et tti V t., as 3
entirely removed the bee, and operateal on
similar promotion, senator Lowry having ehe w 111 take counest ~ ith fleet c e her to to e Ith the °nixie, Ar . 141 10, , lespltelis .I he
the liver no effectually 'het In a liar I et. es read a bill to that effect this merning• ' abet is best tole e ,ne is Ine pers...nt errtleal the I nited States and Cireat 13ritale, e Melt e eot Aieo, a ~,,,,,,, ~,,,,, , b , er ,,,„„ m m
fee i t e e , „ f ~e,,,r , ~,,, eee . , ~,, st es referrel to the t'eramittee on Foreign Iles the Treasury AS 10 111. T 4T4, of tettee, pet II 1 nig
well as usual. There Were about one lot mired linden) . bills
the Ileum pr..... calendar yesterday Ines of till tee Circles last evening , , arid name - letting fol that Lie partnneett 1.. thr
I untiroltatingly recommend tbern to be t he
, tU a orning, Blelen_g the. DO less than thirty-four The ifrrald 9tIV llt I, tee. gent,rally 114•11eVetl lalr Lane offerea a reeolution Instr....tint toe 8 ear iste,
'oast pilln in the market, tecorporeting Alining Cornium ie.. tiorr many by the leotherieeel cif thin elty , that thee i °lt ichYr Y C° '` .."l°. t° enc l . '' '. into i .°4 r° ' MI II liti.B presented a mem. iel le., the
item tbe expediency of paultig a law
yee ere et liberty en, publish Lb., as I deem of the latter were aenume. mid bow mane be - I fiends in It eltoel ere elf eml y habitue. thil 1. 1 ' . .., r t t ,,,: o ; ;o „,, aatioa to
aornauter um
ammat. Leg edatere ef i :LW.), 1111, •40114 4411110, 14 / 4 4 , S , L
probably some of your citizen. will owe r• bitter are the denu nelat leen of the se este by , ` e. e
assent fe the leOnstitetien, wtileit Ira, 01 dere,' I '''
"I'd Sh the ""ha".""j"" ''' a" "yerh'"d ' """
It a duty I ewe to the 'erotic Co give my these- ' 2 , t' , e '•
1 in ftt a future day. The bill enabling the the adht•rents of • tee:then} end eve phens. In , toed and telegraph line to I.UII IfOrn IA
tielled) testimony In their favor. I county of Allegli en Y to Pay to Inches' ink - fasit.lthe• feeling egallist them new runs au It e t i" , e eer la tre:: • . . , Mr egelestott tetreetteet e bill tte th, , tk ,
e t a Ali E. t ~a rrita Bug, teettelb Lehmen and Samuel Bekten, ot high that it le frond that should it he efeeite. •
..,,,,,i Tdottnitraeeiz.t.ohugetrosenurf..if!re.x.pLa,noailtrit. provide tor the safety .01 the liv re ••I pt....••tr.
Company L, eith Pennsylvania Reglment,whe ['ghee beytind a ,lotilft. on the Seely Al of the n I gee" OTT tone! gleam vessels, e Itieh we. 1 e
-este meriting a dine eh thst Mr Doi ilt I
lied re-enilsted, but were not creditee, and nee t mall, that the Fen fens are flglit toe In Ire- • -'
t e aaa ferre , l to the 1 "Montt tee Ott 1 • 114141114414••••
M o d , ~,t rq4 m , .. 1 , Lll 1,, L.L051 ,4 I LL M.,. LILLL ! L ,L o heisted at e ne•elluat:lti New Haven for dispense- ~,, ~,,,,,,,„ 1 , 1 et, te e ~,,„,. th e I „,,,,,,,,,,.
A Remarkable lisle thenthire received no beetnty, POO each, uao
ing Mr simmer. Mr. lioolittle said that he did
. on Al Wine) Allah:. a ere dig eeted 1....n.t.0re
Of dry geode e ill ecenmenee on Monday beet. I objected to, and laid osier. ftmong them teat or I mtenee eon:melee
, ~ ,..p , ,,,e , ~,,,,, ye,,, ~,..,..r . ye e , e ,•b ese tte ite S t i jtereltlLM o reiter e e . =i .e. ./ wee mkt blete, e t e t , IWO the propriety te pr. ellng by lee t het
at the establishment of Mee., Barker .1. et, , I PMeted , were tlie rollowleg
Authorizing the uorotigh of le cieeti vele TO O.{ O 1 h.. reit ems of Iliassach use. is. are on the
. e .
_li t m l . h .t o kwe a t r ,7,ll, •° ` . . ) 7 . I t ho s i rr„ . 4.,.. ~ ,,nO 7l . soldier. , e lie enlist.. ail lee and Psi.% eat
re Market street Thle sale to called remark- levy an anneal tee of le - 0 per rent. on ell ta x- ii i•• 11, the ne sr. I,) the se earner, last erelong, " "
Springfield, ..Missouri, te the Pacific, whiell """'"i"""."
0 '''''' hnd
d'""bn ' rg'l'l
abk Mr the reason that there wlll be offered . nele property, tile amount tAI be applieti to th , L ,
"'"‘" ,. "" t "l M T e he Xe al t:fi ' n:l . l7e tr' bee. d wre. Wr• It eedea'a the Athmtlie aed Pa- Ti ' e. ' • "‘"' .;l7e a ll . : Y er , , l • l lY n '? " t . .ii l ;7• , , ,-- ,L t i l C t i: " l 1 li, " 11'"
payment ot the betels heretofore ironed li l y IA ; kiessechusitTr, ,1 )1V elite treed Co. with the earontled function! , e ,,,e, ~,,e . e „,,,t ~,,„ ,„ , „ ~,,,,,,„,1 ' 7 ,.,• , !?,,,;. , ., ' ,
the largest stnek ever ex hihited In any one I I 1 th ilt t
borough, tO tile I . ltUifilirgh and F.rle Hal road 1 , 44,11,41 ft ea Ito the r. 4 ter RM. Ilt e..a e.
nf a 1.111) corporate and mettle. and atitho-
. .. sr ," i . s ., ~...,s
sutre in Pittsburgh, and also the greateet VO• Comp., 10 Or 1,114 { tor Inntuedlste settee
razes It to uoustruct a Railroad aud Telegreph ,t,. t ~,, ,f,„. 0, a ~.„ 1a , . „ a. ,,,,,,
riety, and the price fixed upon them bethe Repealing that portion of the art. el May line from Sprineteld, elo , six the Colorado ' „,,,,,,„ ,„, te ee e, ~,,,, e„,,,,,,, , „ 1 „„ „,, ,:r . ' ' '
. IMO relating to the of taxie in AIT
made for the express pe nose of converting
OLIARANTINE WAREHOUSES tOR NEW YORK ri v e r, at a 1.1 " " twee ' . the ht ' th and tadh dr- eontartict It %hip' rl{lll{l ar,,,,,,,1 tee Fp
' legheny city, welkin provide, the!. the aggre- ' ere , . mereditin, the head watt•re or the leo I'm 4, i. g ,. , I , h i, h „., „. 0 ,1 1 „ „... .„, I
the goods Into cash at once regardless of meat, eate Am „,,, a , to Inc iertod
ou the
_ _ eos, near Matte Chico, to the town of Albeit. „,,,,,,
Will, we are 211 re, meet esti eeably surprise till , rutivitlual or Jinn Shall not 4. Xeetal SOO. ensue, on tile leal :Sento, and thence via A, 1
ng the Artisan's Ineursinee Cote- kir Route ell 1.1 . .... en led a petition
who visit the sale. It does not need us to are '
In'.° t P7ta t' bergh, web Thomas Moore, iseuel PI:OPOSLD GkIIN,F. , kfROSS TOI lIISSINNITI quiet Frio, or other •tiltable Wares I o e„ e e r ,„, e „,, ~ „ it , ~,r , „ , ~,„„,,, , „ ere
, pan yr o
sure our readers that this arm always reile lichee, F. 11. liutellinecei,JecobEeller,Joshne the hem! eaters of the Colorado 1211, ,„ rif m , „ lo ,h „ . 4 . ~,,,,I. „ ,„ ~,L i„ „ , , T ,4
qt.°, and thenee nitinfr the 33Cli nem
. hel . timiereigned, yoke,. telleens of t te. s
Mee to their enetoniers the provisions nand° ithceles, Charles B. Leech, (kiwi, A ( ens, 'or 1nt1.., of the Colonel - it river; thence laione tirombe respectfully retire... i t hie.
Wee Bennett, W li. Mellets.J P, Verner, et-
TEI L FRIEI:DrItIF:N'S 1111I'REALI. the 3:th ranotel of Ineitude to the Coleratiot , i 0 ,,.„0 . ,e,,,,,, e b e , e Ieo „ ~,y ei , ao , em .
in their Mir ertleeMente, and we recommend
f mon Johnnon and James H. Parker, es Meer
thmme br the moet Primit ioshio en d e l e ffi l do i Meal, and in order to Mahe nto lot all '
all to vielt the Rale at on.. , ponders, -- - route to the "Mettle. A branch from the jun, , „0„,,,,, t„ t h„ e „ l ee „r ,4,,, ,„ „ „,....,,,,„
1 Ineorpomtang the Pltteburgb Life I.urance
Ns . Ides, star , h t - 8 TION14•1041 ill 11ir L1T.44//i, 411011 with the leanadrn, the boundery line or , bundler petition ,Lei be nitoe ea to e Ism c
i and Truitt Company, Wlth Wm. Briria, 'gym. I .
Pail and Whaler Goods.
,' Phillips, Robt. W. Mackey, Alex. Bradley, Jen. : from W mly Mete., dated Mere!, 1, says Ihe Arisanseu, near Van ere., leauthorMed. The „t e a, * o f , m ff mgc. l.
sPerled stook of am ooll_sPlui__ ,
~,0 0, Io ., k_sle o f o , p Vlr Elantwell also preen:lle,' a niemon
It le With great pleasure we call the atten- I McCargo, Jno. Torrenee and a number of otb- . senate I olitlillt tee on I oinnlerCe. 1011 P 001 VOL t allith, eMeres of Onts untinist•U uottare IliVin
. . I t6O Sr . hite eitlsons of A Stemma, rottll4e
ton of our readers to the eutrperb Sneed Of IND I °r , s _ to _____L °°° ,.. r P ° t. . r i 7 t-°" '
in tbe thmtral Park Skating i come to any actin Ite enrwlliFlon •In the pi op- The first tneetiug or the board Of .7.IIIIMMOIIe that they are Ina depterableceneltien, -
facie Winter (foods just received by Mr. John (..,,,;T:'-'fi".' ~,. ~, ~,,....„. , , .
~ „
us Si V, sr.••••• if,• 7 - ,• - , ----- ,, ,5u ,, ,, „ - -- arm., 4.1111111 herrn,. 1 bent t.• app. op. late ase thril'il I r::: . 7h." b ; l ll24 LL O T lT " a r t r ira ' ll:{ i ttl l l . l: " Witlia r frl b % 'A
'"'"" :I ' "4
feeler, Merchant Tailor, No. 120 Feder.' moset, ;h. c. p eieue a Y ille, e• e • efteee, _o• i . emeriti, Jo.. 44111. of money to roust: net IL qua:lolth.. II .I ' nnnLr . . ....: -- - ‘1.. , ,, ,, ,,u , 5 e e, 1 1 wetly pet.. lon the Preside:it tett to
I lt 11. Is re- 111012th. Inerull.44, KO Pala. 110 ". he n etion el t, tams frfnii that earl of tI,
John li. Shinn, W. C. Moonand end ss ' " III." ' Inr n ' 11l Y°l h'" 'La. by the Commholotter, details being published t ,„ mi i •
Allegheny. Hi. stock embraces testae Of tbe I 11. iinapp,
e i Jonn Burgess,. incorporators. The perk Is • garded as I.l.s.,lntcly nettessary, not only to
in I lie nation, in Boston New York Cineinenti ' ' ley ano proleet aguinet Ihe el ' FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAZETTE.
Mee t he tUttlfel Ctethe, ett"hreeree ' 4llverc°' to be.. 1 haye_prev iously lurermedyoe in tb., guard tigfillest the appeonell or eitulera, but IL I --..-
et. ' loires' , /Memphis and Nashville ' roue week; ; n u e ` n ,'" rn .' n f I,'„,'' 1 ,',.',',;,?,;". ' o .';',)::si, l ß ~I.Ir: ~,,,",...,":.',,
hags anti Veettaige ever bruegbt to the wentern Ninth ward of Pittsburgh and Pitt townehlp. will art the a pre, STII 11.4 e it Is not linowis ex. Cutler the hill.
devious to the opening of the eubacription I ti,„„„,,,,„ia ~t ~,,,,I;te th eiebeeet 1,. ~,
Market- HIS assortment of leurnlablng Omen, I IneerPorating the Monongahela Valley Rale like, whet tenon nt. el oteney It e ill require.
Tiry. ' War C .1. P ..V, wiebyo ,,,, r ," I T .II.I ,..” T g hT.T°. /13 40011 11.1 L 1114. I onectitt,.. , get the neceesaty [woke In the varione eltie. of the United • m t b,, „ tem , „,,,,,,,„„,,,,„
Sta.( st if rt nuked Withm two month. rifler I Ina
comPriaing Si;dri s, Dro a re eti •C enttea Neck - ---.• I double track reed ire. a lona et or emir npon the subject definite action e • ' • • n The petitions were ...eel 14111,1 . 4
the Inuettge, ten per rent. of the otish atnentat • o „. ~,, p ~,,,,,,,10,,. . wh leh a l present prevalls, in company watt, a
•thendkerehlefe•a h e ...het bo nb.4..oe d ...8. • 1 Pittsburgh, along the MonOngehela to the 'Ft ill he reached thereon. intent be made theront at the Onus of side Mr. lial . Scr wilted leave le etlet tie ii :l a te.: r •
' ''', .... e'. 1 . 1 r : ..
et. r:,'"ri'7,:de.'")::::r.:,:„."l:,...,,:::tk::::',;;h:rri,:°,orill'il:n.3l,':i'th:ee'7"di-::::;n:;:":1,1.e:;;;:::'"
me ad p e ete. wee{ Virginia State line. witb the right to m t. 1....t0m,... Committee, et their meet Itte
or west. A large stock of 'ready te-dey, le. 10, 1 11, meisider,,the, toe 0r „,,,,e_ Nal Iptiori. The first, tneetlhg of stockholders i 'tient to the Const it into., et, tinting fi .
I construct branch re.. to thee°. field. of Al
tie„e the eiiseirolepl rivet. me' at leß e l'hhb' '
i s t p , : n a r h a enno l:e l h u ' n ' ;u7 r ti t e r r ,p i r i t : d ie ,r. tl i. t• m b i aing,
titenelliel Mitres tire . •
note lei cell. , when ion 1 resin, 'lcy, \ ten eregelem , y, Cringe ,
iinate, Vas. rmd OTereeatte will aleo be found
leghen ye Waehirtglon, leefitinereteml, Feyette tnte to meow tile of two bridge,.
l arr ra t, ° in a lide la t aa'e litee h e B d M e t k ?.. 1 t a e rta eltitt a t ' t ‘ :• l fe a it a ll ' i . i a b a tni t t l i ' s .. i . •I y .',', ; l t l l ' ;:t a li 'l rli ' y 't ti l l ' i.
ye ble establiehment. Pereons In grant . Ithe ,ind tert,ene counties.
whO may elect lev I ',hellion by taking hurt In the t eled 1.1% „di. Central linllreall, On 1.11/erty et rem., and from
thing 111 the clothing line libeled not fail le ; Enlarging the limits of the torough of !leaver, „el enfet., se e leeher ,„„„, „,, th e r e.„,
ea- thence walked along the new track out as far
so sa to embrace the territory within the fol. f‘n rmilroa , s purpose.. The Unit ter Wils Il 111417 thirteen directent, each , t ,„ y or „ eye , see ,. h e
give 21r. Viseer n call.
I lowing boundaries • Beginning lit the southern referre.ll . r i . , arl the corner ttf !birdmen told gnarly streets.
. Sir. Chanter objected.
Themes W. Parry to Co, et low . Ized te, elli ' lit S le " ,.. a l t ;:to t n ir, ' •Tlrjes. ' 7 1 b a. " nel I" riTic ' ! ' rt ha ti;
. Ih. a a r t : r t, l , e ,:, h , 'r e e r =l,, i' ,., " ? l ' o r l m a:
el r. Schrock, from t 1,•• Mill., , 1 malt " e When in the vlelntly of Asbury Chapel we
1 1'' : ;"I '. I'li . ,s1 I : O L. : : , r i r ' 1 11 1 :: :! :t t :;:":r t :r' s ". '3:
ed° 0 :1 11 . rdu :
; d a l' urte ti gi r iP °' e t. tl ::: el f : e ll: e l lei
h t l r:l .
rt.: :
e : ' h e '''''s i e6 : : ,, por!: n r.t. I :: t .' :1 1 :1 a n: :: c tr: ti 'err t .
line of the hororigh of Bridgewater, t, ! o e o2 .
..1 i , ,, ,.., , , 0 r e . r. ,.
, ..„ wr meek oe Big Denver Creek, thane...loa It the I.limm I Lien at the lir Xi 11114411,1111/4
' made n report In anew, tr, the rrocille
~.....te u e t tilli„.r‘ok:ungl6ll 0 0 0 : 1 1 ;: n a l n o r) . , , , ,I le nnn ty rn rcm o ty,: if fe riro e u t .p,,r w ine u r i t e r, , t i e : E ,
Preetical Slate Reefer., and Dealers In Anieri- . %ball art ae inepectern at nieetlesse
e. e o r r .
a fee c t o l , il::: a n
i n n ti rn i , .. 4 u n :e nn ti k
,t it l y e, t . he d
, the Creek lti the Ohl°, thence down the Oh 10 l'ite flow, Pecefir eaten,. lonian 1t14.14 heti
cen Siete of eerie. colon,. °Mee at Alexa-- , by lots eater wor e to tee eel e h, O f floo, 111 111144410 g 10 .1,0 for the perpose of eoutdd i e li d-
ih T . l . ::: l ;r . L. ,7::: L is r,a l o h l. g .T. L : LL. w l. t h h e i l,g , ,: a ri o o f hi wl t Y . , l ; 1,•,,,,I0,011.::::;,0,
, t , 0 51 , , ,, i , ,, , r 0 5 0 . 0. 0f i ontito.c.iduci-,
_ der Laughlin's neer the Wet , Work. Pitt.- ' dary street., then. , by noel •• reet and .11111 Int:Ph" d neanee "f
gls '"
t ' her
- " take ttnther from the adeieent lentil. nu . tee . t f„., „„„,,, e m„,,,,, r t,,„,' ~„,„, ,„ n r
Br' hton townehip line, tnettee Ncyrthern Peeile• Item,. The matter wen , •
li'.9lld • 'ace. . ho• ''''
rlk- .ar--. ,L"Aartnlva."¢rd'llv." along Mlle lirlifllt.ol , LOWllial 1 p discussed at length. hut. .1 1 114,1,1 etult Ing tn OX , II DIMII , n , loi.lllilin..ll,,,lr,t4l....o,..t,;Tuhtoiwzdilotrrbto?:,, 1 „,,.i,d,,,,.,i - ,, 1 511 ., ,„„„ n4 I I „..„.„.„, , ,
-lent promittly attendee to. Ali work wernuit
line, ineledlikg the "W rin g let'. r ' t heaver h e r - an ' , smelts:owe fife°. mei the ti iffee ;,,,e.i.dieitat. .I ' llo n paille therm., tn ' eincli g ng ground° fteeeri- ' : ' ,., e i i i i , ' ,. '" c . , ' , 1 ,, t i 1 ,:, " it i t, " ,. ‘ ,‘ " , ' , ' ; ' { i e 1 , ' ,;• ‘ ,.:, ' , " ,:,; ' ; ' 1 ' ,.. ‘ „,,,,. 1 , 1"
nary for elation building. Mr workshops, tie - To-nnot row e. get apse t lei li gee, i
re water proof. Repairing don, at the short. oegia to tin alley dtviding reit lot. numbered id., 110.1/ meet mu The fonitne tee .
ma notice. Recharge for retinae., previded ttie nand 33, fro. lois I ' S , tu oi a'l • thence aten g reel weed ts, tweed. . t li, tie TWO proteeel in the
1100., switche., nide tracks, turn fables. and bate ott the le•rottlefithi mennage, mg It le
A water state:nee An extinetiOnOf Indian titles te its utmost capacity. AnOther vunit rnns
:reef is Out !element ate. it le put on. I alley to tbe iieethwest line of Ilridgewater bile ', parallel . with this, hut is not so clean, in which
i bt f reegh, end thence to the Inge. of beetheing. I Tee lkeee ee ' • It . 1 : teethe 'eine. el.' s ' . ~,,ty ~e fmee tbi o. „h a m b e ~,,,n , p , ,,,,,i mitt* , of ili e %, 11 , Ind Mt • el" , cos
c gs
, tied that Oa Mont DV le a °UM 1110 , 113 01
- 1 Authorizing the Connellsville and southern , -mentor elect , fr0tiu....mi,,0%(,•
r ,0 11 , • , , 1 e t " tel
Illyasplonse of Werm• In Children . totillnueb litnds, es wellies under grant, out , ~,,,,,,,,,,e for bieifiteae
, Penn/wive...fa Italieeted Celtelea e 7 te helid a S tele ' '' . le .'," " ' cr . '. „. . re „,„,,,,,,, not without llie eminent.' the Indians hold- " flr. Ilinclikhts Introtiticed it MI Ito enco, ,n- , frfth ale Is stored. Ale "laid npo In these
! VELUILS it la claimed tvill keep batter than iti
nro often overlooked. kk , °ruin te the elem. 1 rennet. front Cennelleeille to .1 ittaberatil, fo toe, Ise-de), eel-nett' I thel. tit .
e t
u . eta thee ,.
I teltiention, tateriettiture lied methanical 1 1,,, • et- , coinrnon cellars. Ite that as it tany a Malt to
eel. with other rallrOads, and to cons rurt , Mayan mignt be conthiums in his tate, al 1
The third Beeline gran alternately Oa, i
A ittr an d tr u lhr , l i e r c r, ,nd referred to t lin I. ont ut Ili,. l, ry, i the Eagle Brewery and a ntmble under the
etch sod hew.. rause Irritants , . e Melt can he ; e tione ef land, net nun' °rat ° , 40 the amOunt of t to . hill, whilst. it may not be us exciting as a vlsit
i u n ra n n n ottes to each points , aii the Diroutoratnay said that if the me VT nine. desired le prett•et
removed only by tee Übe of a sere remedy. 1 twenty per mile on each aide throtigh the ;he ' to 11 - e ! Mammoth. --Cace In Kentucky, u - ill
deem advisable. They are Mee to have the end fretted the Myra /sentiment In the emith, It
lirowlt'S - Venni/nee Ceennte, e. or M ern, los. • right to connect with roads In Virginia and anyst send it Meting it , Jittery foree Om.. trilmtaties, and ten alternate seet/One of emelt I • mot amply repay the pedutitan for hls trouble
I Vieeet Virginia, arid to commence titeir line • aide in Ito moulage throtigh the State., lint 1 her . anti prove to him that u some things.can be
ellgEet, are Ilitilple and offoetnal.•
I within three. year. from the paskalle oF Intl Rankers. and ficobero . Yleetiolf - Uolnc. I where any tenet ittede heyeeeen ewe, greeted Befell' al Trat'elere ono Trainti Cr . ' done as well as others.° ~
• i set. 'pit o ns Coneernleg the PDbil , ' Mb *. ' reserved, or preempted, other lands m alter: , the Plaine. % 111 1
2.'' t,
The Great Clearance Sale , the qualified rotor. of Robin- ,
New eons, ?dame 2.-The follewine net°. nate sectleite shall be eettlad, but coal and I nr. fowls, Starch 1.-tiencrai Popo t. ''''' t A Bank to the Firth Ward. .
titr- ,
uit Winter Goods, el the Boot and Isboe , ;seta township to elect a townahlit treasnre o r.. ,
Mons were ntiopted at a meeting ei the mem. irelli landll aliall nOt be regarded as Inineral. 1 4 leaner. order, tietniling a plan he ti_b.., The hotlines& men of the Fifth Want have for
T. Y ila. I seine time past been discusaing the subject of
1 aml four instead oL two supervifiern. T
elation of Banker. and BrOltent, yestordayi No money elute be taken from the tratieury to I ty of truvelors anti tr.iins (enrolee I s
House Oe South d Rees, No. tz market 'street
WllLitilAS, Mt.eure• are under eterolderti- , build the road. i plelne. Forts Ilidgely . and Abertle, 4,
' ' ' 1 superrittOre Ve Mt divide the townellip Into
whaelk luta been In progrees for the last week four separate diettripts, each supervisor to
, , Win if, Congress for Ihe vonsolidation of the Section four Provides tor inning patenitifor , designated as posts OS remiesiotf•-, •ir, , establishing a bank in that vicinity, runt on
ued one week longer. Now to i have eupereleion Of his fespectime diat.r.u..
MI 1 nit having also In view, en tbe elle- these lands, at each two bundreti comment -lye ; [mitts from Minnesota for Upper MIS.,
phunn.ii,ni...L l) ,. " T no h o n se rs i da tm y ite ev d e t n o in th g a boo t
umo ks
. we t, re tl e
I scriptions to the stock. It ta pro P e p e :Se n : r d e f' t:O b llart i u : s
will be eoliths
-"P'atecolb:jee't, the reeterallen of the currency mile. The work ithallheCtunpleted in a gObil, Yellen . or Bleck/1111s, end POWder left .
the time teeecure bargaine n
/ Boots anti Shoes. ' After April let next,
townetep are to be peid an te l l iZ a til l Or ta ct e eld o T r ret e to traata ,
ape° subatantial, and workmanllge manner, I reg 10118; Fort liertriky es the rendeevoti. for
en a capital Of alefl,ooo, and the sh e o u rt bsej m l
Every one ehould avail thembeives of this 0E44 ,mrer. a do:Meth:et Pe lie Made for prowl)
- t t'Yliteiolutel That this Assoclatlou deem ell Seetion floe requires tile retail te ga bo ug lenill of trains to Denver City, or Fbrt, Laramie yin "... rd ..
r _ - Great. excitement fifty dollars each. In a Vet'y
portnnity. floulember the plane, South A . payMent. these delliefratione to be timi•ly end appro. Amerhein iron, equal in ell respects to roll- I Platte Itiver route, and Port Riley for trate. EXClte
s olty, whole amount was 'abaci - Shed for, and.
-or .....- te and to be iletntinded by the best Intel, , road iron of the first class and the oto tie ito New Mexico or Colored° by Sznoky 11111, or PitteenCLPIIIA Mereh r• -
n le n el n :a n d i . to_ D m ist: r r rn ict ,v e n 'te i ;t h e:: I ,7 ‘ , .h .n e ::: : : :sl o i rrn ed lnt tO ki,
p take rnzo g e : t
i :; : w honw ere : u g i a n t b e le dn t e. : a 7 ble. t
Eloss, GS Market street, near Fourth street. et ' T .
n Vote ore the Concurrent Reaolutlon•. E:1:,/ p i 0 eoeetry. ' . unifOrtri and robstantial. A telegrap line is I Arkanoutatlver routes , prevails in all tine /Annan Circles of Oil
and enterprising eitisene of the ward, awl
e a uh `d it APCCIeII meeting any. The gentlemen WhO are moving in this
steed That see :keen it to be on indisomb. . required which. may not charge the Govern. , At these ponds alttrairs, will bo orgattistni over the nowt,
e fre .,
to rn
to tiny° to come
Carpenter Jabbing ShoP .Z e ' .- pr — ere . ittlfilte of lilW A inmmores, that says - Ment more than indlvtd tulle . for /dipper scr- ! and eelnliiped for defenst., and no train Of less ; Ati g d mn rew il W: ma b uweting
0 hwing
.tome . 01 tar ,, , ,,,, i i t i li e ll as too l' u n ' e n e ta: . rre . : . : t t ... ‘' re ' th ' eci ' e lu ) , l r t n'th io no w •L as -T tut he fve°lloawasa• ' ' then twenty wagon,. and•thirty arthed Men, or ant.h..uire l e luill
the mid tut er a properly appoldted Captain, Will lie I
i ii -
S tr ' fit e nt ai r ,m ran nirteto ' r n a l . ' sy s l it . t Pe h' Siti n e M itee Pu' fi l ; C' lrtnand is .emitemplated eerie
aroadtidwitne;fitmie';:.....rdiTeur,l,,nal lirtieve;rymethneteofutvh.elltniiftenht
',finking beflinee ' ti 'd , arto7i trie w y n a ' r ' e so d U'rn eter a m a' in t ed tha to ir
ceare tr, the army, I have 1 - o-opened MY slloP i Clarke, Conneks, llry . A , B o i r * e.,,, l.n nieli C , b l i' oss udi el. r' , d " r a mp ti ti c oYl l t,; ‘ N t al: ' f i tn lait o t k r' N ' ole -h' e, ft lrrfn i O lar /O re: ' " Fle% tier/ MILL allows the eyen acetipn, both by the Secretary Of the Treamury I
... see p ti wd en
, 1 10 .04 1g . g . r h tgr o v ir e . d r.i lay ror thi ..i s a o ot it to be ho p p ri r .. e . i . abltler.•%-duirto.paro.ciptittlh.. and all carol - able to the nide
,ll der:$(10,11 0 .' 0 ,
for all sorts of jobbing in the carpenter line ! den, Mostar, Grim....
Isle he Rued at t 5 , ...N9 per tt%e, I military postatire required to Inepeetalltenine lteet week, to devise mtnisnres imitable le the
at the old stand, Virgin Alley. between Smith. I Mt l lW l „ .. oeal om i o La ro tt y e . , Ro ef Lillie , eth e ll rua Or4lle !tr . % F u cie o, • al
ju iti
.tallai..,Cci,MThotrato.lliothr o o f ut th . e.C . r . rettcy pi.. .
wyni a i n a , winey, dee operation any niOrtnuent tOward the cur - tietnien seven r gmates e purchase of such I and compel compliance with the orders of the timergen,,y,
pplied to for a charter of
field street andel:llMT AlleY• Orderss°Lteated Sunther, TrUnibull, Wita;,
Wileoia and t a lnass --20 . Nart -- Measra. Bucks - i (ailment of the Legal Tender issues will inev- i mdalitloPla 15 nda As InltY De reqUielto for con- , military. Eatsorts will be htnllshed whett ' - -...--
.sed promptly atter tdad 43. I ttecenary, and iii ease of attack prompt as- i Nes Trial Grunted.
the.exist- ' Section els .. u t requiren i the eamineurtel I, eieranee ei t di o
e h; finis h ?. I No travelers . New Vette, March 'I.-The applleatton for a Legitiature will be 11,
organize ti `Motile" institution. The preeete
lew Bewail. vla• Di . geli• DOelletlef Guthrie, ' itablv reault in the subratution of a currency I Arts:ding the read.
WaLLI M irealSlT. Her;dricke, Johnson, Lanc e r' ,.t. , , f ,,,4 l,Gansits, abiDou - ' miry lated tO protract, tridetlettolr,
aau, idorean, Nesmith, N RIO4IIe, &mule- ' ing financial dialettities_andate ncrease till of th i e
t reat f et . i t eits w a thin Igo ye t r i a .. s, th . 1 1 pe t p ttnii except in accord- , new t.riel for the prlsenere tiOneales and Pel- • t heer t aar a t ien, and the bank will g 0 llito riper-
Ith this I
E,..' Stewart, StOekten, VIM inkle - le. Ake embarrassments, both or tbe °cerement en, ee m p . , o n e a sa . au " y m 6 ,,,, mica , i 4 p pp. T e details etre fully neer, alias ealeederi wee tn - claYliratited ln the Alton . mon as the necessary Leglalatien ill
Si,ra ' roots, Mowexd.Wrkeh t . I We People, .. year, rad the cougtruotton and equipment of . set forth lit the Order, ' SoPrelrie lerturt, . obtained.
• •
Homeopathic Ntetlicloes
At Fulton',. Drug St ore, Nov. n; and 69 I' IMI St 6_
The President is sustained. sawyer's
Barbers' Soap, the bent washing and sharing
compound known.
C 0.., noOlon•
And Diseased Nails Instantaneously cured
without path or bleeding. Dr. Kendall has re•
visited this clty, and can ne eonsulted, ns here
tofore, at No. t(I, Fifth street. Mlles hours,
from 12 tot p. to. lie can be consulted during
this week. idarhat.
Genial Hareratne
CommencLng on Wednesday next at KLellaby
Will be Opening,
New spring goods all nest week, at Shellaby
3. Barclays.
Brirgatzt In Print*
We can , give y-ou some great bargains In
prints, and mwline. Remember, we are still
in the original Bee Rive stand, 71 and 76 Mar
ket street.
- Bbellahy & Barclay
Wabe opening new good,. all next week.
Tble Ptork bat been purchased' at reduced
prices. Call and see onr stork.
1t?.., I etzt•
For a gOO4l artlele al check; name youlit. ~1114.1
everywhere at 31 rent, Call ..In at , hellaby
a Rami.v,
12‘..., feu**
A yard will buy 11 Rnasla crane, all linen, at
Sheßaby a Barclays Bee Hire stand, near tlar
SA Cent.
A ynul fur f•nnl nll U . 0 4 ,1 red :flume!, at ' , bells
by a liarebßy`e, 74 and 7G Mtt ket.tract.
I =l2lO
To 33e3- Judith Of gene- . a, to-night, also, the
great drama of Lost 3n l'lttsbnrgh. at the
Opera Rouse.
Judtth of tieneva, or the Countess Conv ict,
and Lost In Pittaborg IL at the ”pern HOuso
ee In 1111, afternoon
al the Opera Hon-0 only , pdmis.lon
Don•t Forget
)0r cent- you oun hart• at splen..ll.l ,elte ut
t.nal Mine, Pitt,.hurgh Ninon kght t m,l
the St. Clair Strom Hr hip r. at thr (pore Hon..,
this afternoon
Lost in Pittebergh , 11 lea, go to IhP Uye ln
Rouse this afternoon. "uly •:5 route aarn,-
Judged by It. tierltt.-
Sawyer'. , Rarher's t . s.etp i=t
tos admittea
he the best et - hot...mod hnown for slott - tog ho.l
Buying Dry ,04(i, MONt unurnxl
OPpOrIIIIIHY or 1.1,111 ehehp. by vi+ltiog tht
great , ale of Itorl,ert'o, Y. Harl ot
They will unit toll Hoe. sheetings aid
Shietlngs, Prints. all.l tptliel . qtanduro
Ilelrn W.,iern, Mont posters, Emene Mely 1110
Carrie Moore, Sophie Glmber, Jean Itonmer,
photos of them kngt others at Fbtlook , .. Cord
rent by mall fore of poMage.
heveral Sew Rook.
Received this acct.. at Plticocks
ninnies. Atrnastnestnntl Serpents
A dIPIIIeAI Miracle.
The transformatton Palm pallid sickness to
rosy health, from torpor and ileblllt.) Isgtl
ity and N Igor, are the sere results of that
Most wonderful of all remedies, prepared
from the 4,Lrneted tutees of noise •I
our most. valuable Mitigations plants and
herbs. There Is health and strength to the
sick., by taking Ile. ileymit's Blood Searcher as
surely es the earth sends forth Its plants and
Sowers by the opening spring and moisten
ing rain•. It is MA Its name Invite. a perfect
cleaner nod ...troller of the blood. and In,
parts Is newness 4,1 energy unknown to ett,
Other medical prescription. Prire, slso pet
single bottle, Prepared and sold st lee W.. 1
Itorels Bessastries
And the late papers st Ply.tock's.
W V Ire__VAPLAtz
The Sunday Illegsstne.
An excellent monthly, at Plttoek.,
All the New DlmelNosel+
nag bnoka, dc., at PlttOek'a.
Mae Orilla
me cane plat opened, . on the northeam. corner
1r Fourth and idarket s atreets.
• C. Ilaaeow Love &
While Flannels,
All grades, now opening on the northeast cor
It, of Fourth and Market streets.
C. Hasson Lour. R BR".
../ClEstra Sold Of tbe Literary Albums.
This week, and whys Beesinme ?Mock gives
a beautiful engraving, ("The Jealon% liaby".)
with it gratis.
Kentucky 'Jeans
Cheaper than any other house in the city, on
the northeast corner of Fourth and Market
streets. C. Ilansoa Lova d Ban.
Prints, Gingham, Cheek., Tickinge, dc.•
opening every day on the.hortheset corner Of
Fourth and Market atreetx.
'lf Dress Goods, that ever took place in our
eity, will come off thls week at Barker tt Cove.
Ml" Market street.
Country Merebsots
W 331 find tole a gond time to buy, as Barker
are o ff ering extra inducements thin week
In Dress (nude, and all 'Linda of Staple tiood,
Walthainwatches end Ayer . , Pills are Sala
to be the highest specimena of American art,
each of their kind; one in mechanics and the
other in medicine. With a Waltham watch in
one pocket and a boa of Ayer'e Pills in the
other, you shonld be at your work in season
with-health to pursue it.— Adrerd‘er, NOl,Ol,
Pearl• and Rubies
White eeth cropping - from out of ridges of
ruby, a breath spicy as the airs frose Araby
the Blest. Who can resist such
To realise them, to perpetuate them, to make
the mouth a casket of pearls used ruhies, and
/very sigh a gush of fragrance, all you have
to du, lair ladles, is to use that matchless vege
table production, Fragrant Sosodoni.
A Timely Warning , to the Sick
It is especially important at this time, a hen
the markets of the United Mates ere tim"led
with the direst poisons, antler the name of
Imported Minor", and when dOlateStie
pounds purporting to-be medicinal, but not a
whit leas pernicious, are heralded to the world
tts4olerelgn remedies," that the pubic.
should fully nmierntand the ratite. lie It
known, then, that while all Ihe d IlTutdve at oil
ttlant. called bums, are Impure. and all the
TI/111, c-On btin lntt alewhol are mann Meth red
with a fiery article (motel:ling amyl or , r,cri
coil,Toorl4.l jwirOn, lin I etter's Celebrated
atomach Bitters contain none of these think.,
nut a entublnatlon of pore lucent, of Rye
the pure juices nf the moat %Mumble 'tom:wh
ir, ituti-billo , m, and aperient herbs and plants.
and that as a safe and rap kl renteil for ay,
pepsin and call nn klud red complaints, 111(1
preparation atainlit belore the world v !UMW
a rival or competitor. 114 sales to-day
dual to tile eombined "ales of all the Mint,
tonics advertised in the Untied Stales. and
the cell Bice*. It Mel: authenticate Its u"efal.
ness are alfgmed Individuals of the highest
-.Matting in ere,}' professional eallottr and
van; in life. Beware Ot lactation. and int
A re sold wholesale and retail at rerLkow
At Fl eming , s Drug and Patent Modiclne Depot,
\o. of Market street, corner of the Diamond
♦nd Fourth street.
Sp«, ai 11.-pv.-It 1., t Pitt•burglt
li•anisnraa, Mach 2, 196 , 4.
Ur.lbgtiatu read in place an act axing the
ruts of illtere,..t by hanks, and relieving them
of pefotltle, on condition of their payment of
stale 'ASPS. This bill fixes the rate at six
per cent. where no express contract has been
made. and provides that where one has been
made for not exceeding nine par cent., the
parties shall be legally liable; the Connell act,
requiring allrallroads canal and transporta
tion companies to make an annual report to
the Auditor General for publication; the Gra
ham supplement to Incorporate the Union
Turnpike Company; also incorporating a gen
eral Board of Directors of the Orphan's Home
of the Reformed Church; also regulating the
serving of summons on jurors in Allegheny
Mr. Browne offered the tot lowing :
IiZAKAft, Hon. Edgar Cowan, Senator of
the United States, from Pennsylvania, has not
represented truly the masorite of the peo•
pie of the patriotic State that elected hlm, in
the permanent is-ner growing nut of the re
hellion, therefore,
Reso/ved, That lion. Edgar Cowan. Senator
of the rnltml Staten, from renokylvaula, he
and he hereby in, requested to resign.
Passed finally. Tea• 19. Nays, I . )—perty
rote. Mr. Nichols, Republican, absent. and
Mr. Connell, Republican, refusing ti rote.
Adjourned until Tuesday next.
Pirririon•.—Mr. Herron, from the citizens of
tiwhland to, whip, the flow lice nse law, also asking for an appropriation for
a colored school. Mr. Olson, from the Turner
Association, to relieve their property from
tat. lile,Fee, from the eft Izena of North Fay
ette township. a-it:Me for additionat officers
and to change the 111.1lIer of tailleeting taxes.
Mr. trunks, six remonstrances from the rill
,: of Allegheny ,I•llntry againal tile new
1101, eoilut ions of the Unlin
ed of Pittalfurgh inr a general z - ultroad law.
Mr Stock, from Iloe citizen:- of Birmingham,
against any change In the echo. law. Mr.
B"haitn, from the rdlizilho of Pennsylvania,
for the protection for owners of oil wells. Mr.
Boyle. front the rltirrns 1.11 `-northwestern
Pennsylvania, to repeal t lie act I epealing the
con nellsvillo rashnail Ad Kw rued until Tire , -
day at ih roe rdeldelt
A tII%H na. Nittrtilt Quay, flvnn the
ott roll tee of Wart nutl Mono., roporte.l the
general noprofirtatlnn hill The folk,. ing are
the prittetple items Western Prout:lv:loth
llo.pithl fifteen tltouttntol itnlloMl for Ottivers,
y-ses rn thotootnt I sic hundred tlollar,
14, ot I.tllclillg an.l 41 thou ,
anti d..lhirs for de11,14.1.-1,, g lea
11,•11 lVestern 1 . ,•11 11.41 I lay% •Ixl...•11 thou'
1001 nine dniolred dolddr , fan, Ilion,
laud d•Olat for ,et:n.r., ;It t• I hotootind
fur lire .oldter, deittetery nl liettyuntirK, ttrn
honsand fair the education ,if
•lu•re,tryhao. Ist.. I.nndttnt and fin
.1011111,. 11111,1,101 l lin e liantletldelit ntllllMt
t•,111 linnttrrd Ill,: 1010 1 t holnottnl
I undred dollar. ltn• 1.01 re., loll— 11131 1411
011111 5113 . 11 10` 111101 0 11 lea,' one of It. orti.
,•, In (hi •SpOll.P. 01 eat 11 and
1•1, /, , tll,l .11. 1 e,elVlllg Qupivort !nun the
'qui.. They.. apt, uitnv , 111 the 1.111.
Habeas forpie•Suspended in Ireland
Important Circulars Issued
Governor Andrews Rumored to be Sec
retary of the Interior.
Important Meeting hy Canada. Amnytements.
fa nyrim.—Sse itysies Hes mr.—sum 't ' • U• W • )lamb. connection with MIAs lialy, has Just close
,dinars ih."" • '' ' "n be"
one of the most successful engagement.; that
td the . ern 'tient last night, speeehes sx ere r
nt r oie I;n11. 11 ,, e land and Machos-'' el er cattle oti at the old Theatre, will take a
!tenol this evening, on w te h treerslon will
eo I.ll.dtten tin ork, Referring be presented "Glance at New York In I,M.°
to tire militia ht. -Aid that Canada ha I now In tirirt play Mr. Ryan has no rival, and will be
inn tlerLe•and tr Meer , to lead supported by the entire strength et the eon,
tI. citi, pany. A hill boom awaits Mr. nyau, who ha-
t alludole to the recent ',env rainy , become an immense favorite with our thett
ins, dented the charge of laving tr.. goers.
made iegl.htt lon In l Imola mbortilliate to the ' WoOtel. MINgTFLEL.P.—This lambus troupe,
late, end elaimetl that tire Ills•ral terms
from wood, Minotrei mi arena tiny,
1., 1111. Anwrlcnitis had created a nubile , New York, tinder the Management of the poi,
....nriment in the I' sited Slates favoring uiar Cool White, will give three of their en
r, new al of reelinnenr • lie "net we mu'' , no" tertaltiment.s in this city ou March 13th, 141.11,
ettrt tr ate voinnotreialmlatioimwir the Lower and 15th, in Mason le 11411. The Wood's are
l'cos Inc e, South America and Europe and now in Cincinnati, where their superior ter
leglwinte to attract capital and emigration to formanees lair/Mt crowded audiences. The
Canada. .dtellid postpone, for the present, eernmerrioi of that idly say,, “,1 is by far the
ire cebtractnent of our eanal, and miltivate ! best Minstrel organization that ever Vi`litetl
friendly retaining with the United States, ex
peeling the reelpromitton. He concluded by
ytlvocat log send ellanett 011 UM part of Can.
ad Luis
Judas 11111weabere.-Tt, musical pill/lie will
I/43 pleased to learn that the Pateburgh Choral
Union w ill repeat flannel's e orator., ".I nuns
Repair of War Vrssrls- Solo Of Govf , f. Macabsee'•, at Masonic Thursday eve•
rr' Cotton--Minister Appointed. thug next. At the lisle concert, many were
New I "nit, March 2.-The I' sited :States tlisitppOtnteel tint getting mule and in coin.
-mop of war, Korrugatisett, is is the nay dock pliance with numeroua
a t, nests . , the society
at Moo - ohm nese). yarn, ref,. t ee : 11 lira coat have,
I n to repeat it.. The different
of engm /rders liaise been used to push solos art In the Minns of amatuers who will do
forward :es rapidly nil mselltle the neve:teary credit to the society and themselves. The
upon the Narragansett, IS, Coto, Ire' choruses have been carefully and thoroughly
miles :ten Lackawanna and to nullity them. rehearsed, the orchestra enlarged, min llyery-
TI/O. tilolllll gunboat, tomoeltang 115 being thing la being done to make the emmert
:spiny pushed to enittpletl,ll3,lsllll als expee- worthy the patronage
Imi list she a ill be ready Or Menteliing. uppreriot ire amieettee. By advertisement
/r 111 l bonts W 1130.41 and Motown: are still elsewhere. it will lie seen the sale of tick
et the navy veted, The I, sneer 1..1141W ready its alit rota vises at Kieuer's 1,1.13r1. nn
for her I reel t rap. She has reeve, el her coin. Tuesday morning at nine o'clock . Pees°.
Moment of marines, fitly in number, and is desirous of procuring good seats should go
peeled to sail shortly earl,.
Thre• Gime:tenni hales tef Livers Illentoot ton,
laver v all front hioleilt., wet e mold to-day at tally
suete e m. The prices brooglei err nbmit Ilr. bee. 1.. McCook, Physician to the hoard
1 " - v he 11111 lead of ilealth, stakes the following re e_ptrt of the
ma eltae the pre..s of six weak, ;100, when
I /1.• pre, loon stile was made. Interments In the City of Pet tslitergh, I retie -
I tee /[.Are 11 toilelogton *lnstil:l says Gest the Felenntry ISth, to February %nth
1•,, , ...1.•,,t has none [nines teen. Ashen h 6,1 Mill.
1,1 \ liesessee.-Typitokl fever, 5, disease of the
stomach, I ; old eke, I : recelveti, I ;
itelatitlye tumor, I; altnimenaria, I; peationo-
Sanitary Reipulnilsitim Ma, 2; meningitis, 2; mongestion or lungs, 2;
New tin, March 2. ler. Sayre, a lesident , erysipelas, I ; Lnutlienits, I capillary
pbvsternn 'hi,. • • re• - sweret•b•sl c ift he • bronehlt is, I; esengenital wetakitess, ;
.1110,1 lii//1114, I.
Ilf the et Wye here were, ler l year, I .
! front 1 year to 2, I; frotn to 5; 2; from ale 111,
I. trout 10 to Li, .1; 11 . 0111 15 to tai, 1; from tal .ie,
r., 11 . 01t1 31.1 111, trout 40 St, I; from 50 to ai,
'tea from CO Gehl, 9; front 01 to See, 1. Mutes, II;
ity, telltales, 10; a bite, 20; eolored, I. Total, 21.
Mir -see
'l,lo Judaism and riurfittismiloi.-The last of
''"; the course of Lecture. On this se Weet, by7te v.
'"" ter Jacobus, Will be delivered in the Central
Presbyterian Church, Smithfield street. tot
Tile morrow afternoon at three o'clock. Ills theme
"°- we understand to be the relationship width
. 01- , the stews bold to the great consummation
.ert which many think is not far off. The Lecture
will nonc:let be a very interesting one, Imth
bit- I to Jewels:lld Gentiles. All who attend will be
.'cg • welcomed by tile officers of the Central
tire clnreb. •
Vne en Wednesday and !At otAer ow Satierday
She edition U forwarded which will re►e► the re►
scrliaira 000neot u the mail MD.
In thuds of ten and ntmartlz
The • \
Ile Iltisesee In MontsuMeri
The ie,te t y ralsed ny the eottltattaleallOn 01
far. Cnr-on in the slate senate, that the exttle
plague et latial to Sit nlannln z extent la Mont
gomery emmtv, seem+ in hare heels v. need
leas 'care. The tattle Phlgne doe+ not exist
In that et:utty. The Norristown and
Pree:• •
In tho u Iferald 01 In-cella., w g ;
Item On the Cattle Itttenlie tectating'itra:nto
; parts of AlOntgnlttety etalut y. we then .died
the following opinion concernin g it •
1. That If wa+ not the E 111{0VV3/1 •• 1.100 6,-
It That it heir tlhtetate, had teen ntate,, l e ,
known in this county for several yearn.
3. That it did not prevail US any alarming
extent and end not appear to he increashig.
These statements we now desire tore-afflrm.
The second Is true to our own personal know
ledge. .The hest and third we confidently
make- at correct. The disease, moreover, is
not ral not w ide spread, nor has It., es the it
!wadi,. outside Of oar county liner come to be.
Ileve, dovastated and destoyed thecattle here.:l
Though eases have its almost - every
section, tat some lime or other within stir
years, sonic of the meat serious having it
red In Chester eottnt v, there Is probably not a
single animal suffering from the diseaSe•in
wino-tenths of the townships of Montgomery
eonnty at the presenel
This disease here bt the ' , flour° Peon-
tuonln," or something very KOLB., and has
always been known by that mime, and "Ileum
Pneumonia' . no more resembles the Cattle 4 l
Magni , than Typhiod Fever resembles the Ti
Opening . of (be Reno and Pith°le Roll
Tho Mat crossing of the till Creek bridge, ;„
at NCI with a train, was made on
Sloodny lost. locoutotive .and passenger
ear, the latter filled with officers of the .road
and others, started (lon, the went and puMied
'lowly neer tin,•lwllg,. told trestle work, and
thence to ltifte.emlle. 'rile. Rano Vimer Pays: . ;
(trot regular lane-tat:lc will go into effect
n MiMilay mixt. Tut. 1 rains per day will be 'r
run each way. The 11 rot trait: don n will con- ,
fleet with the tot., from :ill I fy nt a:44 a..
leavlne I:r., for Boa., ill, upon the arrival
of the down train from till (;11.y . nt 9:40 A. M. 3 . 1
The `llOlll4l I ntl, will art ire lit Moto to con- 45
neet with the c‘entau train for toil Illy lit 4:49
xi., Ica% lea anon Ito retort, to ..R.OLAOV the
ipso 1110 rival of the down train at 5:40.
con By this vemlent lime table, moisfutu,. from
either Meadville, Franklin or 4111 City ran iso
to Roy., thi• morning, retne .
uing In the r" 4
ill tho 4,• from the it regions can rf.
leave !looser tile in the morning, IgiVelld Mover- 0 :
al hours in Reno. Oil 1:0 V, I . ',midi. of Mead-
Mlle and retort: 10 ill , In ' , the evening. 't
The opening of the romi ll:remelt to Pithole,,,i
w 111 lot he long ile`lyeil. It lien that I, com-,,
Mete, turn clay. of Munglou through ins. 04 1 14.
mod, or being Jolted Into nill) I.y the lawrible r j
wagon will lc u nnnir•rell." 4,
Another Accident on the Ntenbenrillo;
The express train on the Stenben elite
rani!, which left thin city at three reelnekj;
Thursday morning, eneountered a muss of?;
earth and rink an the road, -.tone three stiles :.
east of Steubenville. The engine, exprens find%
baggage cur }Visaed over the obstreetton
out deusuge, init the Iltilttlita: 01 tile train, eon-,i
Hinting of three invert ger ,• re war throw.p..,
elf. The tart ear tell over on he Ode, bet slit
gularly enough no one Ivan info red. The
Wan jats enterlilg it lorldgr at the time the tte-f.,
01 , 1081 happened. A number of the erontentles , t
were torep eausleg a delay to the train,.
throughoutthe day Tile linsataiger eare were ,
nOniewlirit InJltrel 1, bill the Pill ire dnintige
lot bat trilling.
Lovers ni Iwouverhend
11:1‘.• 1.0. Ireut. Holslten
nd wive, 1,1 Inv slleglteny night
watch, %Net, proetostlng along Moo reel., In
th e roo t , laward, 11.., 'at ten l ~, aa+ Mtn,- o,
1,1 I, a rant, d 1111 1 - 11 . 4.4 . 1,1111, ascertatra - t.
1110 0.114 e, they found N sing Mall nrantal Ara.;
rrw Foust engaged is a altereation
another youngnom named Henry Dtrabar.r ,
Both parties were placard under arrest, anat..
1.0.1 noted bet, e the MltYor, aho nimmi k'oustj. , .
three dollar+, and (rant, two 110/hLiR. /t ttp-7
pears that the. uarrel arose out. or a love titratr(l'
In which Dunbar succeeded In gal ntn,g the ador.':
vantage. In the melee, the latter did not re-7.i
slot the onslaught of his opponent, mitt carats:,
out second best. t.:
Aissinult upon an Oflieer.—There was ti.F4 :
free light at Fisher', ,itiooti, tii
On Tuesday slight, in which .1. A. fluahley r t..,
Eratine, J liii
ulio sei•eler, elm Ittiettnel„*.
Philip Ilippy, Romney Wallace and dame's ,
Rotes were the partielparits. llosen
creatable of Ih, 1,.:.0gi. I,llml In, meal'
inoteavoreit In stop n , iodetaee, whew th.f .
whole gen, .01 "lion and houtilllys,
heat hint. Ile went lieloni duo,
Ilex omit:dewy, of that 'a euali , oral diedlt
formatlens maithot them. il
They were all /ll'S . '
rriled. and het. in three hundred dollars re.;
mails/oleos oath to appear Tor trial at the:::
next term of the Court of Quarter Seasi ens. 5
Growth of Itlrmlntamufs,—Two hundred).
and twenty-live new hutidings . have been ureefi!
eel In Mirm Ingham during the past year, flunk.
contracts for the erection Or :leen t one hu b=s
d red more have atroutly Lkeeu Lnetie this sprineir
The greater number of these Imildmo are bt..
frame, but Many substantial Wicks have be
put up. The number of houses erected 1 b.,'
veer in Dime Ili gimin aloto• almolt equals th
built in the cities of Pittsburg). and Allegifd-il
y during tee same period. The growth gf.'
Manchester, when.the yr don of frame bin ltd.::
lugs Is permitted, eannot he much I whind than .
of Birmingham, loft we have not gut the exacti:
Fist Hundred Dollars aloodug.—Mr.;'
lice. Young, who was lied hy the horning of
the Winchester, on Friday, morning of last.
week, lefiers in Itoche,tter, en the pro
clone :do ny , taking with him u htuldreitl,
dollar gr shack. As the lute wits not. tomtit.:
On his body, his friends think that lie nitay4i
have left it In thl, city, or deposited It in owls
of our bunks. It any person can give informat::
tion concerning the inoney,ti.y scald toilet;
a favor npon Mr. 1' nape's family by eallingd
anon Mr. .t.ndrutt Ackley, an Water street.
. ,
Another lharglory.—At an early lionr yee: ,
terilay niOrning the venetian bllitil factory or
NI, John. . Brun n, on Smithfield o ,
pealie the Clintonu Itonae, aNS iturglariOwiln ,
entered. and a larite alligaait of blinds nn4e
trimmings eareleslii way. flu' thleveteffeeteT
an entrant, window In the rear of:.,
1 he and emithieleil their imperation4
so quietly aa lint in all reel nue attention 00
the night Wadeli. infot ination of the robberlf'..
'yam, made at the Mayor'. Mtn, but:
no arresiii tin', yet Keen Miele.
Impros Inc.-111e et,tl4l.Lion ul Italfortr:i
who w inj 0,0 1,0 tie rallnettl mew Nand
olLeAter, Weitnestlay WOW. wlts
yestertlay. lri4l leipes that;
ley taireftil etteettaene het ai, i.meallay reeve•l'l
Ile et u. yet unable to gine any :seaman,. oil
himself, 1,,0t a, lintlerstmal he rettitlen 1W -
the vietotte „I West Alanehot.ter, where 1,4'
a wile teatt bun Wv, noel not to AlleghenS
Its I neuter ly Htated.
(0111•11.11.—Thilewla.) ulterhoon the tithatii
lug tletantler l'holubern collided with Ohe
the ferry broth. 1 bat - - pl) eels] the Point awl;
*llll 11 1I 1 him. 'rho u 11001 of the Chh111110 1 4 :
01 riiet. the lad her ehhl 11 of the lorry 110.1
r 4.1 01 1 demo! 15114.11 0111!Mille•Or A IthoUght
there were oelerul 1011 1 10-- In the cabin lit thr,l.
time of I lie arenlent, no 111Ie burl. Pbnt.
damage thine Ili very Alght foul can be rephlr
etl at little it-ot.
The Birmingham Water Works ant be
ing wishes! rapid]) forsuril in completinirq,
lul II iv espes.lei: in' flii• close titmilker ot::
during Ibiji.ll, the issnl.e stitmlitst4
hydrant sal., ihr tiii•iiis• ise
he li
r, n,. I::•,.: .110 1 4 beiNn
The forcing insebinery Isv
/./14. 111:111i c011110111.1114 , .'
wiih ars
Piuppotool to be n Pit t.basegtter.--0.0
of the !Jodie. , rot act ; 1...1 flout the wreck of thkl.
Nllllll In 115 7 erc hcs hcen icc tootht to cinelnotaVii
anti trool per, tcolol :wool perko(d
he le qopitosed to t, 110 ,borgher, a tknoeil
or currier hy knot, The I.elv WiLs, ist toot fl@
ant,, IR) I n t the toolcrtak tog 14...M6 Of
Igaraft, No. 17r, West ec ii etrcel,
Gan and Waler for Lou reorevllle.—..o
Joint Moe]: company has been formed for tbfi. ,
porVros.• of crectmg gat anti enter corks OS,
thettnrongh of lain feet., tile, noel the ordstrlG
Legislatme will be apple,: to for n.uhpprter or;
Incorpontt lon. It in 1/1 . 11,4,11,i to Solid the.
Works together, fled icy the gat and *Mr*
pipet site by nun the , atne excavation.
lonKolltintion.— A propm. , ltion Is now ott:
loot for the ronsolida.tion or the boroughs ork
the mouth of the river—flirminfthaxr44
Enot Birmingham, South rittglinrgh, Morton:.
gahela %Vogt Piti, , hargh and TompkrunetA3
Ville. It Wheht he an peight.rh4 4
I,trith, het the irrradi wonkrnt do to brag coif:
There will be a total eollpne of t h e MOOD
tile eveallig of alarell The [lnto will in
• ery - favorehte for Observation, fis It begins ar t ,
;Lye nliuutna paxa mine o'eloek, Lv Itt. It ltn 10,
Lei at 10,110 lihnotes pant tee, and te,i;he, tG
dnotppoar at lift}} - one mining:n past eleven.
is vLYIble IlicoughneL Lite I:/liteit ht.itteK, i.
s o ld MVO ouse.—There nr
now about forty mutates m the Soldiers' Or?!
Phan! , Home, In the Eighth ward. The Goma:
Is under the immedhtte Raper - vision Of MIRA
Mary Stafford, and the little Inutattnt are of
happy and contented ax It la po,talble to taakk.
them. 11;
- -
A Net. Pitientuer at the Airseiesa,—rbis
- ban furbished n splendtil, nee.
steam lire engine for We use oi the, tbiateir .
States Antenal in Laisrenreville. In ease of
lire in the borough the apptirstim"still
Ibuml lit great value..
Metre Pentnted.—Werkmen are engag ed (ft.
painting the wood-work of the Afteffhengf
Market linage. The centimetord are Kesarth
lidlennuoi Orr.
110tithl/thi—On 7ltraday morning.. Itt Inet.ty
Mr. 3. W. lattLy,mg...N. (or the.!ftm
the . 4oth lilt
Tubers! on lirsoey, .I2h Inst.. al: o'cloe.h, t. M.
froth Ma late restdence. corner !Mtge and llelghont?.
street, nest Ward. Allegheny (Ur.
rat and most {determine ;dean a alipaltere, lt
onto on the urt immediately north Or Aneigher:
ei tol l eirt th lial e reatPt b itretpTy_ 4d 4 S u r_ par*Trelmt.
enc.& o ' fa tne Cemetery. l wataraltatm retnittos
and an other busing's will be attended to at the aanykt
Warehoum of the otterst r ned, «owe. edmeal
ate! hassock Meet.. dlirrk .ELL i . ' i -
Secretazi and Treestirer.iZ
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