-,Pittribitrqh . THI-: kTE l• IV I— 0% EIR Tli \, PNr.l,% %NI F.AI Litt) Ir. I 1., 01 , mi. , of al.. vLur .11 that 11.14 , ...t1 ‘‘ " l‘y mn,ont, “11.1 ng 111 Ow ~ 1 111111. to of 14., ."1.1 FRIDAY, MARCH 186t1. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERPO -_• • . Notice Is hereby riven that bereaftei ell sae, tug optnionn and f,ll oto. on sa , lial, 14.- Th. ''''' '' ' '' th, 1.-. ''' ‘," .. it .• t • I 11... .: ..". • a? ' 1 inizxv edvertieementa received at this omen must be air or correla 1,1 91,501. pit.. tin 11,. ~, ~. I.• Xlll •' l '•' L' 1 ' , ~•• •i,• • I . ; • Plll '1,.• I.; ~;‘, 1,... lot '•',:".„;',::.';',.'''' paid for when headed la. except In the ea.,. of trod idea they were 111 I/III,:11. 0/1 , 1110.01 • •11- I'll' '' I.' ' r"hl . •"" 17.1.-. ‘ ~•-,, Ilii-11,i, .'•''''.' yearlY atlesetlsen, whose bill, will be rendered • nut, rnattors 1b.,. seer, ditterents, tpt t.• L l "' ''''"l'''''' .." .4sitra: et ttitit„., 1,.„, : . ,,, - , t r ,...',7,i ',„. es asuaL advertlecre 'ell' picaec matte • adjusted and repulsions i t , l„. r „„„„„ ; 1 ,..i . 1.-'s. l I" h lit •eses. awl' the Is:I extetet- o ;`, ll '?'''' p,' gearterly, note or this, as the Mlle or cash payments for ad d These Jliffereetuva urn-not edu ti t ,...t t „ i„,_ ~,-: Iht• ''hat let to t I t . t ..,,„„. 11 , ‘ .. :..,., ~.: ::,, , y , " `::: vertiormenta of the character etated, will be Ina., Ilintoruil points, IV concettted mat U•rs 44, ' :' " ' h "' n I '''',., Ila , , ~, I P o ,n.l, ~,,,1 ~, :,...,. ~,,,, s.. a'. , I 1. , a.rions VoliVortilllotli, ,L t ninVery, inl.•mia I l'"" er 1 " '''''''' l , I''' ~,,,,i in vu t't ttt „ll,_ ~, ~...- t 1 , 4 : ,„..„ anti external PON rune, the t he of % il h' I' I'ILI , I-aln:11 has 1t:6,-d tht Id P ”....• ' l . l '.'.' I. •1 ,, ' the Ntonnte tlksSritte, and lie ret.irrtalty "' ll ' ih " '''''''',''' s , sl ,, ,Plittp, th a t tt .., , t i t : : t' tt '., ' ,.t, : iptts. the S,llllt, 1.1% ...• liti., Thly entoroal The price of our Moralug and Evening editions is TUBES CENTS at the counter or from oemmbom Banes! Ga carriers at FiTTEKti CENTS per week WILT N If any man imagines the collision lye tween the Prtstident anti Congress to In• ac cidental and temis.rarv, he enutpr•heods inadequately what Teditical combinations have been formed during the last sit mouths, what potential forces ties,. combi nations have control over, and the ultimate direction those forces will take. The Pres ident made an early seleetton of the pee- Lion he would occupy, Ile hits fortified himself by abundant negotiations, mid by all the appliances ever within tte• reach If the bead of a great nation. II is whole cii• reer has been signalized 14 wuch belndom itable Will as by any other quality. That attribute not :nnfrequently, and eapes'iatly in revolutionary ONC/IS, V.WV1 4 . 4 1t 110.4.. better than the highest intellectual gifts. He has no Intention either of receding or of aocommaiating differences. This may la. regarded by timid people a 4 a hard saying, but time will prove it to be a true one. His plan Involves the breaking up of the Union party. and the organir.ation of a new one, to be compounded mainly of the r•ls4 meat at the South, awl the coml.-thew! and conservative elements at the north. In moth an B-SAIISIIatirIII !herr Is uo nsnu for ails' of the distinctive principles and sentiments of the party that stood by the government through all the num.-mons events of the Alen May :tII,I reinstate ua moil, BA they will lit this conslusion, hint di the end they will find this diagnosis of the case to be the true unr, All the iinlisatiom point this way; Mr. JouNsts's abandon ment of the ideas he carried with Mtn through the rehollion, and with which he entered ,in the Presidency: his aoilinli , at Pith rebels and crypt , lllolliis; the withdraw al of his confidence 1111,1 sympathy from the men by whom he was e•lgn•i.vl; ahoy I, rcpt. ance by Ins Primo Minister of a Itaminet from the most influential 1 . .,p1.4.rb0ad s.K•i ety in New York., his attempted dsfeat of the Unionist. , of N. w 1 ork last fall, through the agensy of AI r. VitANCts BLAIR. who one Jlxwis.ed fruit Mr. Li, CoLN . I4 'nihilist in ,daadiett, to the demand of the Republican National Convention: the intimations that this very man is of the number from whom Mr. JuLf! ,,,, N is to se- Iset a new 8011.1 . . i nil l'onstituttonal vi- Sere; the manner in ,111011 his 11,V: tIon•- 14111e1,1 and Mett.Sll.lf.sii.rt• . 1V121e01111,1 I , y 1)1. - enemies of g overnment amt of iilwrty evarywhere; all 111.111,am the mains lesson. 'rhry all concur in his explicit declaration. made four months ago, to the He, .tin IF, .r)VOLF:, that "fans' urt., ~,,, h, I: nett , and e a u ler ref .v If to new polities! parties still I.e W Nll en. What then, must 171,1111 , or Ili, vari.,ll, projects for amending the Constitution" Such amendments do not, indeed, require the f.s...ent of the President: Lot II • tin there is little hope of earrying them in spite or the hot and persist..nt they are sure to encounter from the Presi dent, and from all persons under his direct and indirect inthienve. Nor is tins all. The President is as little likely to appro... of Pantti utory pros. iSiOIIR, einissi.ing guar antees for the future, as to sanction l'.4oni tunonal antendrut•nts to that 011 ti. .k II these projeets are manifestly under ',lips,. Most of sham lifh.ored under disittivanta,- ..S1 tit the beginning, from inherent difficul ty in overcoming various repelling cattens. and bringing loyal men iota suit agnvtnent an to niake their v.-operation prifeticable• These difficulties are heightened and I.y 11:11. ELIA% Ityh I wen found to ••,•rt ni,norn or at It-11.1 a soporific itiduence over coin• mercial politicians who 11111)1..11 o. alg, Ti. Congress, If the President tool been viii tent to l.•l the Houses prosecute that series of inquiries,up on which it entered at the earliest possible moment, relative to the actual ismilit ion of Southern feeling and C0114111..1. .111 order to intelligent and proper legislation, it 11,111- ising opportunity would have offered, wit only of tuijitsting We organic law to the al tered condition of the country, but of con forming it in all particular, to the i 11111 la tile principles of individual right and of public equity: In this a ay, latent causes of future trouble in onl.l hat.• twen rethoveil, and a basis would have been hod for a sta ble and enduring hart•. That opportuniti has teen destroyed, and will not be reel, - ered. It is barely caeisibleM r. th atNE'sahtrLd ment to the Constitutmn, whicir has passed the House of Representatives, ran be pass ed through the Senate. At all event , an effort ought to be maul,, t., pass at. If Pres idential intluene4. shall be brought 1., twat ha defeat it in that chamber, aL ,Ce dal I.( not it will: and, failing 11.-re, to defeat it is the State Legislature,: the resisuisilpil it) will then rest where it actually bolongs. While we shall regret to see i'ongreas 11 , r get Its dignity, ..r enter ups/ any Me... re in a spirit of retalinnon, far allvinpied in vasions by the Executive, of its rights and function., we hold itto le, of the highest mi. portance, hat. only to a aa.a...rui mace from the preEent peril, I . ...al as a irri•- redent for routing ages, that a (inn and manly resistance be made to Presidential dictation. If the 'bulges stand firm, ref 11, ing to be Intimiclatorl, or cajoled, they wili nave not only the individual honor at the members, but the respectability of rep, tientative governinenL If they conclude to abdicate, It would Is. au Hal iu,r,tmistenr t with such baseneiei to first initiate a repeal of so much of the Constitutional provides for a Congress, and prescribes its duties. No FRI.:NIDE:VI was more freely crilieize.l by his enemies than Mr. 1.1N , `01.2' , WILY by his friends, In Congress and out. Ills pion of reconstruction was twice rejected b 3 congress, and was censured by member.. of lath I.lmitibers as freely as the same 1161- CLEM.ari 11l commend, Ins treatment o: Famttor , r, his arbitrary arrests, and inva -141010 of the liberty of the preps, were strongly and constantly disapproved 'iv many leading republican journal, A vast republican opposition wits arrayed against his renomination, and utter he h a d been made the standard bearer, it was ton some weeks doubtful whether the republl• cans who were openly opposed to many acts of his admLnistration would support him. All these facts are MY notorious MI any others to the history of the politics of this country. That flunkiee objected to theta. criticisms in true enough; but their pro testations vvere of no avail. NOT CHAMIZILL—Tbe Copperheads of Memphis refused to pass a resolution, at their late meeting in favor of the President, endorsing the course of AaDasw Jon Naos, when he was Governor of Ttumessee. He was onquastionsably loyal then, and hence their refusal. resty._ as the war drew near iw" tie, 1, ~„ la like Instiller, and it heearne neeemutry to deter _ l`"'"/ I . 'ssession ~11,11 mine the precise ...mentions on which r e , radroi.l I elv lieges \\-t„ th construction should proceed, in order that eai 1./11.hts, IL, 11l and ••••••11111, each State might take its old plane in the " , t ha . d mitio•.t.• ~r ot the thromeh trani.• not. I.P VI*.WR xml plans were foUIIIII, 0. , ...NAKt among one v. 111 , 11 it eau keep •-•• men It hose I,.valty W:LS not open I,r inr • peachniont. 'rliis contrariet-y corresponds , " ••o. to the diversity of ideas soul :4.'136110.1ns 'or v""' I " • h " l "'" w - hicli originally prevaileei among the slip- if the peopl.• an. ll , ' I. ' s " ' I " ." "'" !sorters of the government. to prevent it is•opie true oh,ss neither understand nor care for the 1111i111 ..111 . 1.•,, • hi••••••• t•• e:1 so. lei the palpable or recondite principles in noised in the great . are rather annoyed and surprised that peach eal trout should tind anything worth coll. troversy in what they ...twelve to I, un meaning abstractions or glittering isenei rilitiea, Ro thin the Prior iv preserved formidable and twee-iuspiritig nationali• ,ontinutat —they are little solieitoun the oontlitions of the settlemf•nt. A seoonol clans are business men and ' nothing else. They look itpun the national l-oundaries as circumscribing an ample tor. ritt•ry, specially devoted to their pursuit of Inside of these hound cries, they Lure peculiar Modifies. t tutaitle, they have to mke their ohanees with 110,111M1,1114 and kiss foreign I,lllll , Kitorti. TO let ptlft of this territory go, would la- to diminish their market and restrict their gains. They sup- pnrted the war ank a sharp expedient I•or r.•- ' mining 111,44 , 111e11i. As stall) 11, the .111111011 , 1"1.1)0 , 1 firing, they stipp.sed the whnle matter settled, and started afresh alter prntidahlo • A third elus.4. ?tctuated U Intrunniturmn ,msinienitiuns merely, perceive tutu( in the provress ,if the NN ar, and in I,half of the putru.te• great change Inns been rough( in the whole structure uf South ern soVirt c. Follr millions liondmen Im e .4.11 raised from the of nl.l persmtal unto all the attribute,tof tud Itllti ci lizenship. Tli, change, the ;realest of earthly lusins, is 1A1,11114,1 a ith iialiiiity to poeuliar hardships, and hen,. there is need of special proteiliOn. eiiitrielida. blacks 1,1111., ”1.1.1%pe front tam Irpration of that law which proclaims all men are made perfect through suffering, but this humanitarian class think the ea- •apt. not only poataible jut defiirahn A fourth rims take a more 4.4lllll.relienaiv xurvey i and recognize the fart that iiertain mnlinal principles necessarily iiontrol the current of the life of a nation. ita the destiny of its population; that !lune, what is good for rank of seeiety gia.al fur all ranks, and what is harmful ler one !termini for all. ppm., ill [la. ISS ht . hits I/II C 01114 1 ,,, \inn fio.v Inint thi• hits' phial. en h1 ,• 11 they 111 1 1.0 . 1 1 ,.. 1111.1 lllett.ll, Vt' ail Cain.] pr. pose,l arovollp1;411 by , 11)11, , fillig n.b.•111,,11. not sct• that anything fartio r is itcct,,trt. So lung aa iii. actual fight ing I.lllitri, 11/1 , 1 no overt, oppUglotill author ts' confront. the general fvf ortnnent, the). aa• nu corn-ion fur apprOlervii, , ii pre, Thix übli.rilty, 'r 01 and 1 . 1 , 11,0"itit • i1. , ". TiA:it .•111101l - ••11 ,a,lizaleht. less this shall he lh.• 1 - ni..11 rttiih ewasiliclabed rs-t•nhinssl: 1:111mas I'"IIgIVSS shall be sastailh',l eoalstitull-nal filhelhals, half the w hi.. 11 i. 1,114..• t••ll.l4.red th, nist,tt 14)r tlik• bon :ni UM= .1 huge P Ell prohilAts the use r.t hr 1111111 e by the I wernoeratie ronvention iu 4 , .11• With tile litilwrnatorial r. (I..rm }TR i, ahead o ft %eh. l en. iu appit rent strength; but it is possible s rinpr, ininf• candidate mav In. startrd. OIL . r .iAIII . OWAN ', I friends hal, Ifo•en figuring fn hia behalf: but, as yet, without ffrodu- lunette., nark niacc cc tic ring an impression. This NVolll,l stla Ille 111111 t. A plu t . Alal , holorruing to administration at Washington exactly. "att. , a nd x it Pul t 4hb ''' 1101., ' , II •'' tit 1 lit, K l• HIA NI final! Ir Itre now 110.1 , nearly I.ittalleed . ..slued thirty 114,1111115, 4 41 , 141.1 lit 111 /1'• eight r 4 1 .111111 1 4• the Aral, hors , rractod probable a few days ago. the 1411141 11. t having Ira , ri red It„• !ditch interest is el : wiled as to the :lotion rlktanerr tit ninety 111114 . 4 ii, ho .r ttln 'il l the Union Convention up.in the i.lefertiou '"'"u"'"• lhlrtt "'"."""• con..pelitor brut, down nottri, ••',ld , ••n - ~ f the Prosident. from the „damn', port. I:dimmer'. Thermo. , et t i r 4 r marked 311.101.7 m, v. till Hlll,ll tv,h.11.1/rx. Nual HAMMON Atli , LEHlliil. The Representative Delegates fruw Northlill/fl . I THY PHS.p.I ter, I' 4 II "lAN, r -1111 1111111 It, Inn, thqugh not instructed, are for UNARY. They {Vert" ele.et. , l try Imllr it, al a titooting • Th,,,,thq _toe l.lure? Where live hundred vot ware two It tt~nl 1111 thlrehr of them for the tioneral. Tir• iietta• „heftier the vtieu ie,' ••• am? :it Forth! ".I'l4Ut.' front ” i and fir /Ile 5. itoprirsontatlvo , ,thythe 4 . 11111/111 10y11.11.i•r loly anees the Deli - gates from Loltigh is for IIF.A Y ; the ..thee for K rest -,-t cannot but Id 11141 1 XH.1 . 1 111111114.110 BEA V Eft COI . OT Y.- M ova lay 'mend • I awls and if EN KY lln ii, dance In his run+c„H het etnfr de. Rol rr' leglrl „ ororducted Ihrioraturt to tote State Control • - lion, • lite for trier Senatorial :mil the linter as this speech exhibit. - Na t l . ” . • ' "'"‘" l ''' ibipresentative . , and instructed to support tsr nor lest H. Amirt W. W. KliTt•il ANt for f inventor. The loitn nn,t teat men XI«11 to Ili, front iron " , the c u tin r s ' titut con 11,1'l silt f solve; to xun,ul 1. t hurt 1e...- majority in favor of K ricit AM was large. ik g . "" 11 " t ie writer of the 1411C/Vi• 1/1 /11• stint , gent le- I • Mari: 'Ol - STY. -- The Union pule man who stepped to the front when the rebel limited al Mauch Chunk, hue a powerful 1111• bon . axeksott 11 rat marched tn Hnrpr r'. 11 ry, etnd wrote him prniwnil , g t o " n l + p l y ;;;;,; Food in behalf of the nomination of Mr. with maps of Maryland and Southern Penn- Nirroltil EA Ir. trriVnala to amide the traitors to oar homer lie learned In Fort hriltinry that all laws dis tasteful to renelii are unconotit tit lona!, and he hum found an !attain het ration to slllt Maly. UlllOll moo will please entail airtrie, timt let the Mad "stop to the front.--Ciumareeiburg Republican. . . . THE !STATE CON V ENTIO N The Ilarristburg relegmph of yesterday nit - gains a list of all the delegaleft so far ap pointed, to the State Convention, and claims at Italia eighty -one votes on the first forfore titernl HEART. The list con tains the untie, of the delegateli in all the districts except half a Boson. Moat of the districts left vaertnt have chosen. We no nce several mistakes In the names given: but ouch discrepancies are cointlion, if not inevitable. TLI E Chicago I? p. Kays "There wan a time when Andrew John- VIII%MX honored and rempecled by all loyal nen. That respeet reoulved u very rude stock on ho 4Qt of March, when Mr. John ,on'a speech, though leas indecent and loss -intent than him speech or Thursday, was essentially a similar character. It re scivol another shock when Ito authorized JO reorganization of the rebel foreett in ; another when he wits reported iy Democrats as intriguing for the success o f the Democratic party, in New York ; arootitzt when (I tVOI MI m Iraa/thegton wax foil - 17714 g /,e xelling !'reeulrnetal purdon. to rebel..., President's xignature not yet dry: another when he vetoed the Freed men's Bureau hip, upon grounds of sophis try and misrepresentation ; and finally his speeelt of Thursday converted distrust into • certainty, and anxiety into despair. This article was doubtless written Mr. IMF. DANA, late Aasietant Secretary of War. now editor or the Republican. T I :NNFVIr.) , .. We hope that the effort to make an exception of Tennessee and re admit her to cougrew will not RUCMed. I lurtm . F. Marmite!, 01 1( 1 one or two (ahem of the present delegation may be unmis takably loyal ; hut if the State is once more ; re-admitted not one of these men will he re-elected. The returned rebels now have I control of Tennessee they have in Ken ! tueky; and at the first opportunity will send a full rebel delegration to Congress. Remember what the Tennessee rulOnifits themselves say—that they are hut 20,000, against 90,000 rebels. w } I A . , h.. 1; I s t , , A , 11.11 , 11 . , tj 'r 1111• \V"`h'" , 4 l.. " " 1- ih'• \ I I .:',"!:: !!•!" tr.: awizumt t.. 111,. I It. I . F . t • ;1•11. ii. ,,, .‘ itE. prtio4rt.,l th, I'rt.t.ltti..ll. i ,„„, ~, II „ . 1 „ 2 ,„„ „, NI , h .,,,. , ~,„„,, fi„ IIu• (~ h. ,,,, 1 81/r . 1 . 111/ 1 , 111: Iltxt It, stit,ttittl.,l it 0 , Pr„ 1::', ' , ' ;',„,, T „ ' . " ;,,,7,, ' ::. 1 , - ;:, ' :. ''' .: ' , ' ,r ' :::,,:1,.. ' ,, 1 r ' j " :, ' , ' , 1 ; ' :, I,'OR SALE Thret• geo(1 ',re oisit - . [Ili( .h. 1 1,,, ,, ciN~ , /•pl , rdrt~ „ Mllr.,ll , .” Ion”. 111 v ,t1.„ , r1 \lt. ~, Of „1,,,,,..1 the I '';‘,” i ,",",',' ",''' ' . ' 4" .b. ', " ‘r„ . ,„ 4 ;• '. ...:,,: ' ,: ' , , .su It. h-toilsh, I Illst II , • ',mid Is, g,ll e•,,illt lo{ ..,,,,,::: ,; : ,I I; ,:” 1 ,: ,: : : : : , : . : ... 2 ,;,., m , 3 , : ‘ ,:h ” , 1,....,,,•,.::, it: si 1 , ,p011‘14 . 11t 111 the lhotholl /,./,/,/ .4.h • pt , •111..11 11l nium•l,,tn It 1 '1 the I'rrrdlurn . •. ISlireHm $n .0 1 .. g . n. art . !. h. 1.1 110.1.111 v. fr\c that ht.. r:.p•q; wits presetti tvh.•n I h4 l loll) re:it 11.1 11114 I lull. 111 , 11 .1 , - , 1010 It (.1 1 111, .a S.. ICI , -1 • uwl If ,Slt I. tl., ‘1,11.1.,.1 ti,th ,k 1 111 i~ 4tltt.•lll.•nt. I.' ll - I .• t` LIrIAII I [I,. PUBLIC NOTICES. 11,t , ' ' , int.. 1.. s C. 1.. A. Folitl It H ard, 4111 - 1, , 1 in 111.• ~ 1 1%1.•11, . 11 hal OW ..! thk• 1.11-11Iiil In X, ,t %, .1- , S01.1)1F.11 . .. f.. t1:1. E. I iter.- p 1ed z .411 . ., r041 , 1111.10.1i I 11, 1,11 1,..111 ; =1 =ME= t 1„. „„, „.,, 'l'o OH. 11F.N. 'lit( 11111111,•i1:111.41 'rut: N.,. “1.1,•,•1:1,11! •• ct,k pri,..llUtil,• Illlthing . 0) ith ih• rts t•S.,•I, t• N. 111,11, .1:1 N.C,rl:, • paiwrv. an 1 a) , l !.tsk tit.. 1 11.,.1 OEM MEE 6.., IMIEE MEER 11 , 111•• , •11. :Ll,l ~ 111•• r 1..•.•••• th.• rt au F it. I iit, (V. NU III!'Ii U I=l A 11—kest HA , I, IA 111 .7. Ire eu l - ,111 A Paula paper ,loseriben a singular Incident that marked the second lull at the Tuileries. The wife of aavfet Pasha, the Ambassador of the Porte, appeared in it European roato me, with her face uncovered. Site Is perhaps the first Tnrktah lady that has thus openly carded the national prejudices of her country women. She wore an elegant Parisian toilet, and danced several Mazurkas with perfect grace and distinction. W AHD ra's chervil hair, by a large majority, laid on the table the proposi tion to engage an assistant Mr the paatOral work. One member said lie thought the oh urok Saw little enough of Mr. Beecher is It was; Ii the proposed orange !Mould tie adopted. they would Roe loss Or hits. The proposition was made withont the knowledge or consent of Mr. Beecher. Is a recent speell at Al ban y, John l an Duren nominated Andrew Johnson (orphan next Pre... dency. As John hasn't supported candidate In a good teen!.ream, the soquel his speech, In which he endeavors to veils !dr. Johnson Into accepting the nomination, would seem to be superfluous.—('pertly, R..pa/dinaa IN Charleston, .5.1., a tow days ago, Jo•lip• Aldrich sentenced a whit e Ulan, convicted of robbery, to receive thirteen I.hes MI the bare ' back, In accordance with the elate law. to,. Bennett interfered and prevented the inflic tion of the punishment, declaring that "it was against the spirit of the Civilixatien that pervades society at the present clay. To et Boston herald gives the farmers of New England the excellent advice that they should invest their surplus means in their own Imo of business, and says that 'tile farmer would do better to let stocks alone and spend his • looney for stock.. ' Tuxes is great excitement in the Enniskll - oilregion, Canada West, Just now. The Ilendnek well, In Dawn Towtokiiiii, owned by the Seneca Faleuompany, has been struck within • week pant, ane is flowing at tile re- I Markable rate of 7u barrels per hour. TUN Richmond eareevondelt of the World reports that "it is Impossible ti, describe the u nbotmded enthusiasm ereated In that city by the President's tnessitipivetolng the Freed- men's Bureau bill. It tills everybcaly, physi cally and mentally, will, a sense of hopeful. neat that only convalescence can experience." Taw New York Tribune Assoetation sued coop UM of the enim. dead and burled at Anderson ville, Georgia, designating toe plans of burial of each soldier by number, the names, aompanies and regiments , to which they belonged- Price M cents. I Wa have heard of Satan rebuking ala. To , see Fernando Wood teaching Henry A. Wise loyalty is about an edifying a spectacle, if, ni -1 deed, P.M not the same. I(Llacturr L. STARXIVIATIEMIL, the Manchester murderer, was sentenced at Hartford, et., to be hanged on Friday, August 17. n!. .I , IC • ,;•I , 11;t1. 1 1.'1.1 Or; t , ; . * .. F:7:!1 r 1 • 1 . .• A4 - I'l'll--EMPLOV MEN 'l' B 4 •!.; , o‘nt h., ,•,,•••i .1,•••• ,„ •.1 10: .;!..1 ,1111 •1;;I•.; ; ; 1 ,, gt•l FOR SALE. I, /1.10, • t /0•IPIIIit.-010fl I: 1 00 F()it 5.41.1;—.4 11015 k: a nd 1449 11, 1.1,01 . .. ••••• 17 1,1111,14, 111•0.• T;t• 1 11,. 1.• ••••••1 11;;•1 1,1 1111 n 1 1 .1;1/11 !4.41.1-: 011 4 1440 a • ,•. ••• 11•• ti... • ,I 1,•• • 1 =ME MOE 1:111.1 .1 laughed ,tt 111. .11.1,C11111111. I 111111`, ~1.11,111 I , llll t t I ra,t. , i imr 11 11;.. ttitd 11.11 yt•l 1,1•11' g Er=l L 1 1 ,1 : Ml 4• ‘.l I hem I POLITICAL FOR RECORDER. = NOTICES NwricE. Tllll'll'll 011. COll - "II ..,11,\) •• 1. I • S ) NI : •:. " 1 N! • - I, \ 011( TO rl'Elt% 111 I..tr 11 111,11 • lIIE TO %TO( h1101.1)- : 1 l‘lllll‘ll. .t.; ME N . , 0 . 114 ETO ou Eli% OF 1K mimma MEETINGS. 1 /1111411 114:11. IT: % VE AND ME NI11:. II III" 1, 1)1`5,,,N. retn ELECTION NOTICES 4t 111 111••. •' Et Et TlioN F 0 ' l2 PIit'SIDIVNT ,N 1•:, ,N.'114 11 •,. s \ll'l:l , \T r'. • .1, rn : .)KO( 1..C111.1T10N--(11'V 01' Al.- 1.)1,11r.).-. , agAsr,, ..f • Ai 1.1v4.” r st,l awl 1.. t ...qv: • .Itoll, NIA), I,'ILECI'IOII Ali Election 6,1r0t. 4.,ffir t . T . of 'ri,. Company for ert osvr th. A.l4.ghtliy In the , ountv All. - t 7 .11 • of Mac. h lovaa al 2 Wll. 1 , .....,11.111:1;(1. 'Fro:lgor, • NAI 11011, \ e:II Itehl tr ottlt.•e ,•l) I. A. the Ith 11”.11 hex, itl , l A. It. t Al AHEM. heerelltry. PROPOSALS F I, • ‘.l . 1,1 INK 1131.11, BE ..1 551,14.1•1A.1.,..1 1,1111 NION • DAY a EV F:N I NI.. Mar.ll re,r itt,ordlng ito.gulator prop..•nl- .lil ot re Ivra 1,,1 i the tool . r ft.! IVO 1,, 11,. SNI I I 11. cital ruin , •4 lII , ' I I I FA: II SN%, r 11. II Fl:.\ S TO ENGINE BI ILDERS AND BOILER \t .t. l l -..r lr In I=l 11l T ' II rAt The L. r... riglo ans or ail TOt' ONTIZA CTO ItS. It A lICIVA V LETTINt.. Aliegiony VAlley ;!!' [l` • f:`,7l ,rnoon or their rood. elonaing front City nontio.-nr:i tel .•n nvetlons. extending from NLOwning I n.rthwnrd to the trinity , 4 lirady'• Fiend Iron Work. Each nention OW ITO about one mlie length. Ylni... proldr, plan, and .In...tat:allot. of the work mill aanlinatiOn at the Eng nrt.r'‘ottlrr, 4.ti struel, In tau City of Pitt, buret, on On tot nr Ntarrh to at. and proposals will t o . ee1v...1 n' +• On' '" I•ht , Up to 6 W osa elock, r . r r of 11l I.: Itllo AV, the t IF If Alb 'H. Tin latt. will tar no out and oinked as. lann prantrable. but VW) rAC turn Tan at anj tinny ..btaln al tlo: Engltna.r•."lll ,-, In 1' t. 1.'1,1,0, all tha n ,. 11 „„ to anabl them to .121/lint and bid for ttn. work undrtatandlngly. Ana rurthrr Information dualre.l an b. had by atpi fratloti in riot, or bv letter to it.. bacrl her. ft.2l:lda F. W ( . 111rf 4:nel neer. FOR RENT TO LET—The store Ruom bilhl sterl on We cornet of Se. Clair end Liberty stn..e st present occupied by F. bruin. Esq., Dragslst. Possessiondlr. , April Itt Eit.intre of li n p. HUSH Fenn street. 1.1 \N t ‘ . t h I'IT it . Out . • ; FS I 1“..1 , th. •., A'•!. 0 — W.TEI)--J%NITQI{ .4"/I'II I nt „, . r -.iv; II 1 . 1(F•l:V1F111 I, k• !MEM " ""A EI 1 1 VNTD--To borrow. tor the tern, I. I I. It I i;I Y. h. WAN'I'I:I) A Atuati iiii a. Tra%- MEM I. tl I. tia :LW • i I , kick• f•t '"• ' 11 " 1 ' ca. " 1.'012 %.41,E—Eiglit or Nine I I • " ":" 1 I 1',11,1,111.. . nr. Ay, I/rtmemt i...n 11. i• 11,4 an.] out I.III,IinV II. frw , Ir.. r,. . I x.\11.. , I's ~• tr - lit it.:tt -I I:. 11. I. L,111.-.11,: lITII ' 1 ; 01It VALE 4 I'lle.tinitt Vurrrt "" ''" I NI. I: ...t: I:- o: L. 111M=i FOR SALE- OAK LAND PROP- 1..011 SALE: V 41.1 . 4111. E Pitoll.- . • .•• FOIL !"I.k: l lIEAr EM=E • iI.E Properly in !I. 11,- I kik I FOR S (11.4: %taper!) Ilirea-.10 1 NE %.„;,,T01.11: 1 . Tl 4 1N l'lac tollor“ %11-$.l , 1 , 11 1,,, r1 • • / I 111 tl 1 . • • =LE • It l 11.1 11. %I . 1= I=l WANTS • ,re furthe ,•rmn EXZZ 1/11.1 , r1)..1 =I =EI I= .1. Ell SI ! I ~ Nll. l F ♦ 1. , I. I I .I I ~l~i ME y i ~ r EH IMMEI STOLEN CLOAKS, &c I Q • ;.1 to Z E = = •••• (1) bcg .= 0 = =t ;.4 cl; 711 = Ei 4 u. = --= R 's= fa 4 2 .= ;7, " - w ••-• = " '4.• • 11, = .2. = .2 n —37 - 'i3 Wectv. lil ;1.1. .1 OS. HORNE N. (.0 Are Offering their Entire Line of Goods 1= Sets, Collars, Sleeves, AT DECIDED BARGAINS POINTE LACE GOODS Ce• 11 ,ex rka.lll MEI JOSEPH HOILVE :f CO.'S =l4ll RI k RIO A I II 5 =II =I 812 II KL 4.1 1 . . 1. ;. , r t ti(m , lkS IKESI KRA', ~ LoVE.S. 11 SIC ICItAJ wt . ". t!tiIICTN 11001' SKIIVINCuItSETS, Ac., At., at CARR., McCANULESS II Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, ST Ii iii•DERRY I'I.NNTs, • • Evergreens, Shrubbery, R oses, AUCTION SALES. oßNAmi:vr.ilL ( ANS' lOU ItT S.tLE-11R1(:Ii cry , ,„, . 11 ,, 1•.A. AN! , Lt.T. 1,11"1."1'11 lA' AII 1/. Al I.K- a 1 , 1,11 can,. 1:111. In.- ri A\ FIVE \ [NG. stoma •nni, at 7. o. Oa ,sllll , a ...Id u, satatncl floor of T. L. SHIELDS &CO., , dnn.aralal 1:oon.a. 1•.11,1:d1,41. .•rdaa t r., .Ir,lrattle ;Idol lof trt Fourth AN an e d I' l ,1, altnate- 1, Nat , Tlea la 101 , 4.1. (root HORTICULTURAL. too, or .•uKoot •1.1..nr Walnut wort. and • ‘" rUtt '"A 1"-"”"'"" 't.t."" " "'Y 6. ' " ' I ) 1 /TTSE:I foroar dl lot, ladn,t part, of lota and la% In Warn., tit iii.k 6 , 1 tot .Id.rdon rt rtad .ta lid/4. ',walling. No. AND OAKLAND GREENHOUSES. T. ..•1. 1.1,23 , v1 , 1 a. 1, 1 , 11. W AIN E. Aunt. 1 11 110. h. A A n11111.1...,L1, .11-rurde,a, Jr., I.IIIZST AIII)„4.I.LEGIIENI In. ii.,t I, 1 1 .'1U:1+F:111 A 11,7. A 1 , 1 . 1:T n.11.E. EnII AN IVK ' t " ttlcH "' nut 't " t ".“ 7 4. nnlbenla , a. S gr.ipa /11111greleu e !loon., No, Or , ~.., 1 1111, 1 .1 hy ' l " . ' T lllll,l - , l'ittaeurgil we..., ',dn. af II..• • a ...ol ar 41. ha, - 541,110 n 111, na••• 31,11 11.'• frolic .1. and ratvitd. demlere In FI , ISKI..N ASI, DOME:7 , I'IC 1.1 , Y N.•. '.4 IV o". 1 third Itousetsho , e I .immond alley l'lll•buriih 1.. J U.B. . Ineurauce ' °'""g "'" "" '" • PORK PACKERS. 1, I, 1 , 11 •,11 'llO L.l , XI I Wlivreon • r.. ttal tA.•-at.,, • .aind r•I WAA "r 1. 0,7 V ,tri . 1.1311. t i 1.11'19 Nil 01'1'. t t,,t P-At ri mit ••A Hot, y•on ,•• o feet In dr,dh. lu rya. recl,ll, tAro-et•Fry Term. ,Alo• „n .third and At. .e:.. Ith fIA l' I.a. A. )1,11. \V A LN . A,t14..,..er. u:6 Irl 1.. 4mEA.E, 1)01)104 AT AUCTION."-- On ;now. T, Al ,'"'" • 1 ' ) r N „ . 3 , 7 • 11 No. • • aold. Nla.”Alt, Flail Au, ' quaAtlty 01' ~i .1 roaASr.'l. A. .44A:LII.LA Al,, A Act. CO-PARTNERSHIP. , O-PART 71i ERSIIIP.- Raving` ;s - - 1. with nv. • I.RLA Nl, n . , :4.441'A51' op, It: 4 1 1 's the .Ivlr ferne 6. .1. 11. a • . 1411U1..% I. Th.. chi olit /.. ()TICE.- (20-1" A RTIVERSUIP.-- otth.tss l'av• 13ualuri, Altrli Ulf IletliSON, r n .,„ .lallurkq ocinon tm.ler n,,n, ' , Lyle Alcl N•ryta.. o M n r:\ AlAillEtt A CV. 1 . 011 1[13.1 roulu t altityo LL.It •,rnri ==l UlKk‘4, eiF Blair Coil% r le Is CLOSINC OUT AT I=l =llElll=l 13 11.,5%.1) T_J E - 52 - 'EA 11.1. 1%1 Llt 4.001)s 11UHL M S 1 1111.1s1.1.:, =I PRINTS, DELAINES GME3 11 &lA.:SALE IND RET ill.. kla% ; VERY LOW PRICES. HANDIKERCIIIEFS, I. (T 111 _ 1' 77 and 79 Market Street, W. W. MOORHEAD'S, Et 1 Mwrizot St I= I=l . . JOHN Niel NTYICE. Jot:KPH .11.:NAIJOHEH. NAIHHEL. hfr.NALAIIIKH \lll‘ , i t 11 I 1\ 1, 1111 {II. MILK} I\ TRANsPhRENT WINDOW SHADES, 'l' ...A_ C E Ft IE6 It archouse. 9 °oil scree[ I= NN . n I), • I I)" • Pat, cam• • fl ,t •,1 lus 101 11nrLrt tits rot, SEWiNG I it NO ,I*3l/At. 11 it 111 =I WHEELER WILSON, =IMO =MBE Ml= I=l rn t: , e ~c MEM= I=l FULL INSTRUCTION GIVEN At SI 11 %Ell •S. CO., I. er G 'Col Vlr's SEWING MACHINES =1 I. MEE 121 El =MEI f'l,t Vri-mium i • •=1 ,lf(,Ik( 11 ' , 1 1 , A. F. CHATONEY, SFirtl aClAnh'S SEWING MACHINES. SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are. rtmntit'at x,,lrnschla ' ; i ; Mt. J. ur ,t,11,1E1,, z. , ity. are 0t..1t r.,.r of o Nl,it Ines trr. W A N'l 1 , 11). It. Al;, 11, ~rm,“troo, \h. A. Atli) U.NA B')s I , l*, TIIF I I 10..11 IN , . NI ACIII.N PHI , F. 4,N ' I II F.A 1' SI ACIIIN IMF. I ,CIA.I , I I 1., I.no WlLreler A A,n, are rlear 1 . 1./t mt“ tit. rlghti I, A ge n ZE!M=I WATCHES, JEWELRY, &e. Ot) mu h . 0 :O 1-7 ”7,i r . SOW.. (Slug . atlrelY J. R. KENNEDY & CO., lIIMMI=ME=IIIIIII l••• 1.1 /ill I It', I'S • , A 1fr..01r., I a, 51'1t1e,., Arl.l „ SIC. lit 1 0 4, 1.1F.1f ; , .%1 .If,ll CI AWI I , 1.111-. t:. , g.lift I'NK I II vf.l. Alt =I an Vlft 1•10:11 AGRICULTURAL. scwit aix,i .71 it.4l3ltEs. al Caro rak to W. ZP . oz--lz X. rac. RE-FLATING. J A GI ES, 5.41 , II.; Ot R MON EY L) haring yuur lil.f "Itsl. l, Warn 10:A4.AT Ell 11'1'1'11 K 1: ASIl11L'• A sr:l's W A.,ITNAnn, I ICI NNIV El „ NN, ANN. HASH l, I , JO ntl tle re- PIA. , An.l . ataat: LI:N IN AN KOH /11. TO N EV. NT A SMALL I ONT. JOHN Al. Vt neK A ILL, g• N MAD Mr... BROOIMES I 1 ft O W 16 - 11 - "S lUNIV ILI Wilk.L BROOM. ri t ?7n .„ 11!:17! ! 111 It tnU tic teat nr time. nailing '. ;4 l "L'S I • • Nis/elan upperinultles for sking money ynt, Iy te we: 1/11. No pnlehi , right to Itny, an/il/0/ Territory wit Ilion Cbagge haul gen. weir.. 10 eV.", CoUlllj In Peinn ay It eta. Seeid for t ArculAr. it./1/Ire/n/ J. It li/OWn CI.PFT A. , of J.,. 71,,Lniatt eh CO. Chi, cle net!, 01,10. ll= 111=1 HIM =IIMM =MI MCIME .