THE PTITSBIJILGH GAZETTE V. R. rIf.NNIMAN ECTIZELL incros - r-t. - TH. COSTAMASNA. 140FIFILSB BIANAnan.. PUBLIEBBDB 1 THE GA ZETTI ABSOCIATIOP, No. BE Irirrit orstszT. NIA/bore, rE111123: MOIDIDIre EDITION, by matt, per yoor. ..... co EVENING EDITION. do. do. o sprpori b 7 eNTriera, MORNING or EVENING, per iitrVittsbuvOt 6a,4ettr. CITY ITEMS The Great P 4411101 he I Itttnut lnrtv vn k Plnno Illannfarle). •rr etnltent TO pill eh ME nth (Ter., plnn.i I”rti• rind ...minny. t. good i .1.1.1 rho • I 1,1.1 41 thl. ,liret-h,IIIIIC h.'hn poelnt :011 1%1 A el cOll/11J, •to • n gel 333 11.33. 1133111 IMEMIIM =OE g 4. Tn“.lltlo.nt , rrt.l.•, Umt 1111(14 t. urd T. I= it% then a thin,: nnli rOropettll , ..4 to he ttoe ply ron , of tin. n , len., nri ick• I= al: ,Ita•111. , • uutrl."l h. h.. he- =1 III!IE=11!! lIMIE plult, 1111 W .I,•ost I i =I ••( 1,111,.• iteaa uni = TI t pl t =IIIE I= I=l I=ll pi,..•lllminwily per weok, Lut to I= duthitiol 11= I=l=l II 111 =IE I= nmett get diraher,.-1 . 1- uwehaltt. , al ni.l% tii =1 ti,knr ati.l niiI•01.• =II hltill... ‘llll, pL..11 , .. Of hunt., A 31 • tI (1. I= MINH ME I= of noldg. •••11.1011, 1,1111,11 .11.1 I= =I =I I=ll IleN ••••,slaro— •• t••; •la I • ,•••114.11,••• ,111/111 I=l I=l avt , t .viniutlltelLt• :tltd •iillifit ittlt I\llii • , 1,111 hill.. it. , iilitti iii.ll WI/ IN . fn linh4ll and exteri the ,orl..inun•hh‘ I. perfect. 1 .1 3 1•11/1 1 / 1 ' 1.1311. 1 "Myr... tic p...zeser ont of thy rl.l The upright. are tile hr.l of the, 1:i the United .tales. 1 - he tone iee and Minery. rien and arm unen lot, and Inrl.e.l• wore power limn rookt he ex petted front o of thai •I. T1...y , tanti well tun, their .rnal;, , Outf•ael form hi I,ry .4.11 en lent, raw... ringatit, and they are [l . ll N• lay a nr11111ral.1.• to,trument Chnrlottr Mum, I? Fat 'trout. tile moll ,gvilt for the above. ,elelmkt.e.l Rupture or Brenr 'lllls I. a °emu . .. :011111.11: at nn. present .iay. Kiel Wally persons are In the habit of postloyn- Log any kin.l of treatment - Or relief. There ts great nangeiin ito loin i•ver, ila • ren ders It, inulati) incire .11rtienll of rare. To t locity anliciteil In I way, c . I t Ili In , tit Ittit medicine +lore, Ito Wood ...trent. or Ws private toile, Pro!, tr reel i n t, every it Ind of 1 . 11111.1 1t1.41 appliance. not foil% for the loft nil ion IL/1.1 111,11( !wrth, hot al-o for tif i er) 1111 , 4•1,1 V 14,1 w hlrli tnrehun ical toipport rei.ll.l -ic Ineficating runt the Indio ot inflaln , o lye '1,...,04111, Aline the part:, lain tent I onizrenn will ant 111 c , nllni ill,tl n 1 11 qkir AlleFy'A renent rnAolntion. and laLe •.• - 1.14.11111.11.MUr.,./ In ft, or of no. rii. 1 0.11 11, Loan Markel 14 quiet and W till catpitul,,reking Inve+lllll.lll artflll,l.l. 01 7 twr rent. AI,-!, tranFaction. /11 .:t rate.. RIC ported. i.n....rnmeol 'awe; pa...•- ful re o ne, with very little ffering ni Ilir ill c I=l It itupirtaDtnt ',ill market% c.f the. 1 nt10..1 ' , lnlet. arc f1.,.w1..l I= IMVOrt 1.040 j ., Mid V\ tit, ..111.1..t/ 1.1 ./ pr. 11,14 tittryetrt ttt I.e n. 1,110.1.11, lent not Uhl( left- iternletett., are heralded te the worlt et• --dvereignreinedic., - that the pill.le eimuld fully tiod, dand the tail,. kr , at known, then, that a tide the dittu-iie .t can Wants e.dled hyldl,3 are ...putt:, and all the Tonies•eohtidning alcohol ate manufactured wilha fiery art pule, ac ' alning lone/ /11.1•1 n runceet Celeidaltd , tuntacli Bitter. Of thnee thinge, out a combination of pure ~once of bye with the pore inlet. of the Moat vulnable iton-dinn lc, anteldikein, and aperient herbs and plant, , , and that no a cafe and rapid remedy (or Ity.- peteda 0.1 . 11 i all It' , kindred complaints, tide preparation pdatel• before the world without a rival or cOmpetitor. Its sales to-day ao• nrsVal.o, March the Alla.) . Leg tsltt equa, to the combined salts of all the caber titre inlay, Mr law offered the !taloa tug Lanais advertised In the Cultist States, and wanr ot,.,. re d the crirtilicatee phleh not heal Irate les useful- Cr,': I I the judgment of tit, tt• neas tare signed hy ot the highest ate d „,,, standing •in evory arid terminal Whelt In the n, and upon what conflltions, the walk in life Re ware 01 Imitations Hod int- rebel states shall resume their Monet cita tions with the Federal tiovern teen t :tad Is. Hostetter's Hitter. entitled to their representation In C.Ongrtots. Revolved, That the itntnellinte aml Len "Id w"le'""'" retail ver3" low rates Dons! .1,30...1g.') of the Senators and Repot at Fleming's Drug and Patent Aleolicifte isepOL, sontatives from the rebel Slates, with their at Market street, corner of tile DlattlOnal crtat-+e' l rePr.iiiintttkin Lit ConurgT"iCongress, and 'lit , and Fourth Street. nut other guarantee to liase the rights of . heed:nen and the loyal eitlatito of llniste state s at .11dd IN! 1111 . 111 , 1 t. to the people of the Itta,tl Pell and Winter Goons. stales, anti a Kretvous roue hose en 0,1 It is with great piti.ll re wx call the alien- to our protesitloti who have stylid by Ihe Mt • ernment Find Iron faithful to the th ough t:in 01 our reader" to the sublierb stock (.1 . Yell end Winter bloods Just recto vet by Mr. John ''' ;',.% h o e f e r ,v " f i llifrit . recognizing ' in longress Weler, Merchant Tailor, Federal stteet, la s ly of faithful and voting champions of tieglieny. ills stock embr eves some of the it at hotel liberty, truly r o oliec tr o tti , i ,, el:ld heautlfulsClothe, Cussimeres, Overcioals , ‘ Zri ' tire togs and Vesitngs es et brought to the wanton, lirea.tlent, to Initiate and perfect such meas- Mar ket: lilt, assortmoini of Fitrnistilite 11,1, . shall nestro the State/. la rebellion. comprising Shirts, Dalt Ctillars Neck Ties, t i A h .,, t u eT:=llte th iTh:tTo C M; !land Icerchkefs, dc., can ma be atirpnaaett east North", and protect rrOel wrong the loyal ", west. A large Sleek of ready mail Pant, lt.ltt of the SOutli, and us will secure to all mon t oats, Vests and Overcoats, will also lie trotlilt ryuul euJoy meat of 111 his establishment. Persons ill want ~r any nesolatiti. Th P lat. ill;Fiscolleney, the bovernor, thing In the chatting line 0110100 not tail 10 of Ll'sn give Mr. Weler u Call. . Introits tO the President, and to too senator. and representatives In Cougrens. 12=111 Pearls mad Rubies. Ela - ht Hour Movement Is. NPR York White cnth cropping from out ni rt.tge. nl Florneopattlic College eommeueemeut. raby, h hroath spicy at, the airs ilam arab? l Nru YORX, March I.—A large and enthusla , . 4.10 . Blest. Who can realm .uch huteination4 tn. meeting of lamella:atm and working TOPII r«.11.n them, perpetuate them ' m" " . dnterwfnrd lu work In lave r, and tr, mouth a Modred of pearls and ruldan, and support tly means, 'he eight hour Mt.,- ovary nigh n gunk. of flagrance, yoh, have tn , en: ,, to be Inaugurated on Monday next by t dO, late tons. that alaWhi." rags- Iti ill''',36lexEu: (;ttmmeneement of the l slue prothlettuu, Fragrant :Sonodont. Ildhueopmtltie College, took place last evenin ltd Ltd., city. The degree of Doctor of Dhall g Thomas W. Parry & Cm, tine was conferred on forty students of the graduating Muss. Practical State Hooters, and Dealers in Ameri. :an Slate of rations colons. Office At &Malin- Itallroad Bill signed dor Laughlin's 'Mar the Water Works Pitta- ' „, trurgh, Pa. Residence, Mo, 78 Piicii attest . Or- 1 sig - ;,Ar t i., ls ,' I, ' : ~,, J w .:, r i.t..-..?, d ' ";lt ' W .' , lneleY York railroad ten promptly attended to. All work warrant- Mil. cd water proof. Repairing done at'ttio abort- 1 There was a lengthy and animated dlarne eat natio°. No charge for repairs, provided tha Jerseyi;n3lThe'Le-dati''til' (.(it 61, oueaOnol proaßvTot root U Dot tanned ahem is put on iDe taken before Monday. VOITME LXXX.---NO. CITY ITEMS =I ME lE= I=l 111= =1 =ME =MIMI =I =MI lE= I=l g, . n rn =II (or p ce.l Inveryllnn. cm ui 1h nn.l Markt•l re. t• sti.e.4•rt I 1.1 =MEE 11 irf Itali i. , Itn ' hum I for ""I" MEE I= r F mot nr. „I Ir 1 ro •I• 101.1 31111 t Itlnnke“ and Flnnnrlw 1= nfld 114111111.1.1, MEE I nip4ort =llll El= Neutral Sulphite or I.lmo. •eerving elder. For snlo Icy I'Lxrn•a ntorlst, corner of Penn sod 1112311193 TIE 111=1 ME= A h t tl MEM MEM tI I I lIN l• ti I= 1.11-11 m. ;.t •1 .kr.,•:1,“ h A • I tt t if =II= =I 4. rent itstrioti.,••=2l:WiZlCK T 1,.• 4:r,•n 14..1 %al o• I= Si et. plcaum In 4 141141 r. MEM 1. 111.,..1..11i, 1.3 thir , ,„„":#' I= I-. .111.1% ii$•111• I= E'or pir.erVlng J. -.lper,DritgglsL, °um. , a•l1*.•1111 v,. Enrpenter Js.bblug %gulp II .v log returno.l tft. t irtr hl .vglt r,r MEM tlltl \ irgln , e ..• street and Cherry Alley. Ortlel I=l Irn I Solphlte of Lime c!:1 ipt•r. Druggi4t, t.i. = I:= 112!=== MEM= =I I= =I -teatner Ari3Onn .P: ala \ •Alird,tcr Inl !W.A. At u. of Ow 111-11:1‘ Litie M: z hr ., . a Ile,. allgi M1..1 M. W uL. RI eleet...l t• rant. Ilan writ.. a r 1,. I. 1.. . ul Botterti.ll.l.lll:inkt3,{l.lll ., /.ltrl. tl:•• tl.•ninli vi•tm th.11 . 0.k1 t•.•• put num Thy I . llll.f`.[S,llleY .teniu f ha L, completetl Rinittttt ly p: n 111 .tart on her I rntl I t nipfen , nna nn her rut nrn. .L:i to i..4110pe. ..111 J nn.try Ppixt's The • -t rent I mtl rt.) In Th.: SO, k Ikl:trket sytt N:1111, 11 , 11, 11‘11, :aft. rironct 1.. n. 1111,1 , 1 firm gar,, ye.tertlUN IM,I F15,TW1•11(1.... tll ~.m.P.,uenct• 1,1 1 1, In I,mult.n. F hr., , ,It It. 11 ,ri Manierr, 14,-.lny I'3ll'l 11111111 1113 11..1'. 3.1 menthe, 1. ti,, I 1111411111 1 ,01/11Y, The Itoar.l r.•.• F 111113.•10,114.1 Mr. Th0n”..... I Arti.ll V.ll, !, Viet . “lll Prt!Mitierlt, 3110 Mr M , ..{(1 . 11 %MAO. , treasnrrr. Lo place nt Ur. kir It . r.rui In aa expired. The Freneh ,rearher NOIIVI,II irtl ~,,, I,ltrk In lIHVIO III I tlnr 12111 met , hat iny;l•ui i 1.. t itx 3, Iser ±teertrig gearing. I. 1•• 111,;11.., 1, St... I ... Tig I 11.. In. I= THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. -.lNN 'Siert noax =EMI I= I=l IMEMZI MIII „ =Ell =IM =I I\ TEREctI \ l'ltom n %sHI o.o\ 1,1,..r.e5J111‘,2.2 I= rtihtins tip• C...• fro-Ili.ll 11. 11..11 I 111,4 ,11110 .1,-- lERI LITENT TELEGRIIIS. PENNSII,I I\l.l LEI:NATE RE. • CI I=l I= \ \ lloghet, I= ill= ~•1 11, tlt. Itfink if I'4l ~.,pplement 3. I =MEE =1 =El= `01.,:. The 111= 1= =II •••1 NI; 1.:31.1,“,;.1,1't 1•1•111 I=l 111111•.,1 :L11 1 11,1,1••1al1 11,1111111,0 t 011 1,1 O 11.11./LI, 111 lir •11104‘: 1141• , ,,,1 • • MEE =llll =ill 11•111 den( l'uni.beil MRS. JANE G SWISSHELM DISMISSED =lli ME • I'o iploinlll uOllOO PI approprlal 1.1w1.• AppHea i. 111:5,; at 1,1,1 ...elt.bor 'llllllt, ii••.tt•itil.- tit ti.l. •ttliiiitt•l a, ,i.tompt ..kt it 1%.• Ityltr.l :•ca. ,01 /1 , vrrf`t•ltit titi . .• tit 4,1 %. lot k. 1.1- Ell =EWE M: , 0.1') appr.:‘ I I.•• =II ME UR %I, or TRE AM% FRom RopE, FOUR DAYS LATER NEWS Habra. l orptis In Ireland. \\ LI) The Nest Steele Voir. Or .. 11701011 A.• . • e Tllll AlLLltagel , 1.1 I Ito st.o. A.l lea Our.] so '''' ' - , 'ail .1, eiv, , II- .oill.l -.a( 10 t. 111.11, llilti -....... iel( have la( 'fed 1 ,. I,u„-. I: our the Arie l., lA' "liPP" - "i'l .. • ''''' '''' ''' "''' "”, " • .. i.e. , ere here. rogitc , ..l In their object, sedonee to 0, ell r! nti, , rt., 11, i Im,, it i . I ''," ; , ' r • • sI, •111..111 , 11 . ' , W' , 111 Wlit 1 '1","""""*""". .. g0... f1 y count., A sir'•olit oral •, , onatiott, for the Plates xl.'" lave!. cm., ~,•,.• eat o tol to '''' "'''' " t " " r •pm e sr e I 0, 0 , i l, O C ,' •I at A inc.--Too.tcht lats keen set aptirt lot the ,ranse rights ~,, ti r e oilier st a t i ,., it,. „,.. t If , i`e , ' ' 'rill,' i i " ,, • , ,ii i ~,,, 1 ,, ~ t0 rr ,, ,, , . , 1 1 ,„„ ,„, e ,,,„, ; ,..„,, ,„ ~,.„..,„,,,, „..,„..., itkihting their to xi fitly irk till- ,ii and a enm- I . 1 "I. utlttee, con•ost mg or Al,•ssr, Parke, Cheos itnit gatsl Owl the einem Om ion gel ram eon', the ''''''''''.."." '' I ',', 1 1 ,.. 1 ,. „„',,' Li .•,..„, ',,.„ ought‘ right fur Cortgreso to intern`, e 111 `AI.tIO gII S . '''""",.• r''''''''''; ',,, •', " ; LI , ~,,,r , ""•;. "; St "I "PIO'. " 1 ih''• e' l l''"'"' ... . Th . ' l' l l T '''' " e " ' Jeening, have be eit aptiottotal by the County erromeat , Fi , dented that Ihe peal boil Plates l' I • 1 "; , 1 "" P r 7, • ,'..,"",,,,,,,.,",,,,,,.,,,,..„," ‘ "0 " ,;,:'',- . ,'," L t Pal isl lor the, occasion, tire 1.111. "Female Le-. SociPty to confer ell h it 'Pail,. rum crofter. 14,1, redlicsal by the 1 er , ellini, 1.1 W.' 14, all- - Ihe ••The p k i 3 O 11001,4 out 0,,, t i ,,1 LL .,.• 1 front 111 e State Sionety, 111 r1.1f0re1...• TO the lion , of lerritortes, het ((eta -.till In the samo• r.":•"" ---'. - , I !". . ' - • 9, . in:11 ter. 'rite gentle., a representing our lo rend 10,IS 1, 110(0, 1!0• t, ur Ile sr', rod In It, in. al of the writ, 1 , r. , , , .. , , , ,! , , , ,-, , • , ..5. , ,, , f the 1.0101- 011,1 "1:101 . 1,1) -, 1 .‘ll 1 101111 l A. •• Titonorrow al- ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,, „ 0 , ~,,,,,,,,,,, „_,,, ~, „,„. „ rot ., to , vor of the tidos 1 -..t..n ot seii i rtio., ~ 1 orti Ili , ' rl ', i I , I m II , II , ""kI i I i d I . ea set t a l ii,,lm o h ,-,..,t, " J '' ...,' let noon, there a ill he is grated Mitl Ince, upon secure to to then e NI `q.t.. I.‘ll 0111100, It. II Action oil, oit •at acts • lir me , . t•ril ' ' Ir"IIIII"r" 11111111111. 'IIIIII I"III on 111.11111 "I "II." l l, tOl l k . ' \ - PrO l i l,l itt, .rl.l -.hi , . whet, ii e look at wiled) occasion Ihe bWorkaten rif the World. - , i f l ,, T ii l 1 :::,. 1 ,.:',',1 - :,, , ,'„'"i i r ",,,";',",,, • „",:',.', ; ,: 5 „ . 2 0 , 1 0T, i 1 h', 1 ,1 3 ,, U1 ,,,,,, 1 ,.. GOVERNORS Of BRITISH PROVINCIS IN COUNCIL. 1" , .."` • It ‘.1.11,,, t 1,1311.1, 1 Al. lll....lstriffai motet, rod 11,...1,,,,,,,,,,i, ~.,..,,,•,, ~, I „,..,ii,,,,, ~, ~ ~,,.. i. ~,,,,, ;ba r ns, the 11,1 . oi •r I ts tr, 1,,1110.11A101, will he performed. "" 51..1'1Y, )t r. "". 1.1 . 11 'ty Nicoll' are si ell ealettliitel tor the purpose.. , t 11,0 1,01 t•rearen I. I rot t hereby ratio; ge the Inc, at ( 1,4.1.11,1. 11 .111 Ofo, at aro, ~ Mt Wade '' "- , . ~ ~ ~,,,,,,,., ~„•is ei d,,te , , ~,,II to" , hl" daughter ' 'II apt 1,i;• " ,• . . .we can .0.1. 101 1,41.1 11,0111 tt 11, 110 , itertessarY .tem.... Pt., t.:.m. -.tend y, event buccal arel 111..41.11•11, wherp I'o,ollllolls .1,1.1-1• 1 , 1,....0 tlo- " '''' .. 1 ~,,„ , inducement. 1.1101114 he :dn.:L.1,1 lo our mec h. id, both ea ,I. 1 %a advriner , Is repot,ed km ♦• .., A on., Niarelr 1.-The 11, , , , ,,,,p, Toronto „„„„,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,... ~ ,o , „ ,„„ ~,,,, „ a ~eI.I hay.• Ihe valet of pr i.ontrac- t sr . ..A 110v . .."--Thi. twenotrz. Ana" •-• ~,,,,t , , ~, , ~., . - t '''''''''"' . .1 11 .1 , worthi .1( I. all the pi - Reties' I •it . , • lake' I•'f • • ' •I . t • °tit I• • (eel ' "'" '" " ."""• '. ...In ..'. ~ 11 1.. el. aol . it..elnie k m Is km boron correspondent wrltem that the Pen tau all,lll A11.1.1.e.41.11 1111 , 1 .41110 I 41111.. M. 011,11, 0..101111 • ,•,,, ' ' • • '' " . -"" " " ' "'‘ "' ' ' n ' ' U "' ''''' eel.- • orrisi trent isintr. L et,,,,, rt itould s er •I tl it her %aro silartrers .111 regret ' t. ( ':phone root es er “.1111, 11. 1 ..1, ;..1 i. , r ri•P " -II ' I 1111 'II -, rind, t e , s ,, • , -'''` -'' --" ' ' ' Fire to Way bet .to the night of ..I hltd I "."° 1- ''' . .. 4 ' .. ..-• ''''...• . 4, "'''. , ..,111 v./Manned. awl bank robberies ert•re be- ~,,,, ,i , i , . ~, i ,, i , iii ,, , i , ii , , ~, , , ,, i , iii,,,,,ii , ~,, i. ao e It a . , , . ~,, . o rest that a, • r..tay to oir ~ I ntrt. The pier... for the i ,__ ~.,,i „ . ... ..,., i .. „ ,,, , ~,. A. ~ ~.„,..„,,,i g, Lii H.,,,,,,, , i 1., rot •tnroh I 411 OX. ti ada,to 1.1 go oat ron V• • moruland 00l Grower,. at Mount ••• .• •• ; “Ituntogn • Frevl- , iltlt ==l It- 1 0114/ (r 01. oarl iral Church • Railroad Com- I=l 111= phriy heard 11.1 ".tekqr I= winiz, 111.• ongregs ‘V. allli nigh =I trier the 3 1. war flied .311 It , t 111• report 1.. f tti wanner 114 . ant 6261 ee.tlee bereft, the e“ ttte. Why 114, , i.l re get. puper I flint the pruper • .1' .1 , 11,. et,llll.`l ,111 4,1 •• CClltiOng .N MI nnn,pc on, /1,1 at, Ewing, I=l =ZEE! I,mQe many I..tind by Mayne ••• j.,rt u , n 4,,C the or Jew .p„anrlr+, brueh t, ly gOOdti. :tr,t y deal nnlee, and =MSS =MN