The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 01, 1866, Image 4

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    7Nittsburgit 6autte.
The bolt Against the Erie and Pitts.
burgh Railroad Company,
The equity proceedings against the Erie and
Pittaintrgh Railroad Company, at the instance
of the Buffalo and State Line Railroad Coin
pany, filed by lion. A. W. Loomiaa,in the United
States Circuit Court, are referred to at consid
erable length In the cOluirms of the Erie
pufeA. The bill of the complaints sets forth
that the Buffaloand State Line Company owns
1400,000 worth of the capital stock of the Pitts
burgh and Erie Company, which amount was
paid under the agreement that the stock
should be burned in time to allow the com
plainants to take part m the election of Presi
dent, line Board of Directors for the year leas.
This agreement., It Is Maimed, war. not fulfilled,
the istock not being Issued to complainants
until April, Ise`, while the election was held
in January. It la further claimed that the
respondents procured an act of Assembly au
thorizing the Board of Directors to sell 7,460
shares of the capital stock, then remaining un
sold; that the sale Wei, made without giving
due notice, and the stook purchased by the
parties stated In order to secure the entire
control of the road in detriment to the Inter
net of the complainants and other atockhold
era. The suit Is brought for the purpose of
setting aside the proceedings, and to recover
the legal rights of the complainants in tne
lattaburgh and Erie Railroad.
The paper above quoted Rata
"It lagerident thatlthefooject of thin suit Is to
enable Dmu Richmond and the Buffalo and
State Line railroad to get control over the
Erie and Pittsburgh railroad, and to use the
same as a feeder to the former road, as will
be semi by the following Meta The Buffalo
and State Line railroad, now bold, in violation
the lases of this State, and of New York State,
easonosor the stock of the Erie and Pittsburgh
railroad, Illegally transferred to them by the
Erie and Northeast railroad, which Is princi
pally owned uy the Renato and State Line
compamy. Of course the control of the Erie
and Pittsburgh road by the Buffalo and State
Line company, resulted In great loss and
Wary to the minority of the stockholders
of the Erie and Pittsburgh railroad stock, be
cause they had no control of, the management
or the assets Of the corporation so long as it
was_run to compllauce with the wish Of the
Bu to and State Line railroad and for Its
convenience and profit alone. This arrange
ment originated from the fact that the securi
ties Of the Erie and Pittsburgh railroad were
endorsed by the Buffalo and State Line Corn
may, for its own purposes of course, and con
tinued from MSS, to January, )sae, at which
time it marred into the bands of the parties
who now have the management of it, who are
Erie men and whose entire in tere....s are iden
tified with the commerce andprosperity of the
coal and iron and shipping interests of Erie
and Northwestern Pennsylvania or the State
at large.
"We ask the business men of Erie, and par
ticularly the few who are aiding and abetting
the Buffalo and State Line r ai lroad in this
suit, if they think the Interests of our State
and city can in any measure be advanced by
allowing the Erie and Pittsburgh railroad to
pass into the hands of Dean Richmond. It is
well known that a portion of the stockholders
of the Buffalo and State Line corporation do
not direetly favor the measure, because they
know that the assets through mulch posses
sion is claimed, are held unjustly, and they
have been clamorous for a proper and equita
ble division of them, and we believe that this
point alone will defeat the measure, when a
full legal investigation takes place.
"Important sults have been commenced
here and In Buffalo, ley - parties who now con
trol the Erie and Pittsburgh, and who are
.rate stockholders In the Erie and North East
and the Buffalo and State Line railroads to
test the right of the President of the latter
road to hold and use the assets of the two
former roads. These assets now amount to
an enormous sum The courts will be asked
to make a proper division of them, and to an
nul a certain contract entered into between
the Buffalo and Eric and the Erie and N. E
railroads, Nov. 17, 1553, for the running of the
two roads jointly. It seems that most of these
ransactions were Illegally entered into, and
when exposed to a test brought to bear by
parties who are dissatisfied with them will not
bear a critical examination.
"There is a great deal more of this subject
which will not yet bear discussion, but so soon
as the Interests of Erie and the State seem to
demand It we will give It further attention.'
Ron at a Mall—Man Knocked Down nod
Robbed of et Watch.
un Mondav night n Ore fight was kicked up
at a German ball given at Sweitrer flail, on
Penn street. During the melee, limnaa neck
was knocked -down, and when he reed, erect
himself he found that his watch was missing
"Runty" Udiespie, -lames Dunn and Joseph
Kirkpatrick were engaged In the row, and are
supposed to have been concerned in the rob
s hery. Kirkpatrick is new under arrest on a
charge of stealing tile watch. and has been
locked an for a hearing before Mayor MeCar
thy. lames Dunn has also been taken int..
custody, On a charge of Dreamt and battery
preferred by August Nasser, anal held for a
heartng. ..Bunty" Oiliest/le wanalso before
the Mayor to-day, on a charge of disorderly
conduct, and was fined VS, which he paid .
Re was about leaving, when ho was informed
that there was a charge of malicious mischief
against him, for breaking dishes, etc., at the
WI, and be wan likewise locked up for a bear
ing. This man was sentenced to the peniten
tlacy, during Mayor Sawyer's term, for lar
ceny, for the period of five years and sin
months. He was pardoned by the Governor,
and it In alleged that he began his old tricks
an soon as he was restored to liberty. Should
the charges now preferred against him not be
made out, he will probably he committed to
Jail an a "professional thief." lite unteredentn
are bad, and his conduct 01 late aclicatee that
his imprisonment hen not worked any refor
Another Rebel. l'orprot CARP
Judge Stowe was engaged thin forenoon in
hearing the proceedings under a writ of ha
betan coi - pus, awarded at the instance of Ar
tem tiallagber, against Thomas and Rachel
Hutchinson. The petitioner, Halhigher,
was formerly the hamper] of Mrs. Hutchin
son, who in the ntotherof twoohlldren, Bridget
Jane. aged five years, and James, aged three
years. On the 36th of September last hire.
Gallagher was divorced from her husband,
and subsequently marrie.i Thomas Hutch
inson, the co-respondent In this ease. The chil
dren remained in the custody of their mother,
after her divorce, and since her Second mar
riage they have still remained under. her
charge, and that of her present husband.
4allagher, being desirous of obtaining the
custody of the childrbn, instituted these pro
ceedings. The testimony was clear that he
was not a fit person to take charge of the
ehildren, by reason of dissipation, and the
case was submitted to the court without
argument. Judge Stowe ordered the children
to remain in the custody of their mother.
The Pithole Record of Monday says. It was
discovered on Saturday last that a well put
down last fall on Lease C,Blacknur farm, and
which had been drilled some eight hundred
feet deep and then abandoned without tubing
and testing, was flowing oil over the top of
the driving pipe. It has drawn large crowds
of curious spectators to witness the novelty,
and the excitement to regard to It is Quito In
tense. Two other wells on the same lease are
reported flowing.
Petroleum still continues to pour into the
New York market, and the supply appears to
be constantly on the Increase. Last week the
receipts were 12,70 D packages, making since
January let, 154000 packages, against 4h , 0 for
the same time last year.
Th Late Gam Snabentlon In Allegheny
The reader will remember that some two or
three weeks since mention was made In the
Gaulle of the narrow escape from death,
through the leakage of gas, of the McGraw
family—mother, three daughters and a little
non We understand that snit has been insti
tuted against the Gas Company for damages,
but for what amount we are not advised.
Mrs. McGraw waited upon the President of
the company and stated her case with a view
to an amicable settlement, but her proposi
tion was not acceded to, she being Informed
that the companv was not responsible. Hence
the suit for damages. The case is one of more
than ordinary imporUnace to all gas consum
ers in the two eitles and Its decision, by the
propor tribunals, will be looked for with deep
The Allegheny Valley Itaallrosd.—The
Coiled Presbyterian has a good word for the
President and Superintendent of this road,
whiele we can cordially endorse. It my.: "Sir.
Wright., as Superintendent, devotes all bls en
ergies to further the interests of the corpora
tion. lie Is one of the mildest and most snob.
triune of gentlemen, and possosseet at the
name time administrotivo abilities of a high
order. It Is a great advantage to the Comm-
P 3, that they have secured the services of Col.
im. Phillips, as President- There is no more
thorough business man in this community
than Col. Phillips."
The County Asl,l.—This institution now
contains one hundred and fifty-eight inmates
—one hundred and eight being committed for
offenses triable in the Oyer and Tertubler and
Quarter ...tenons, while fifty are held as dinar
derly, drunken and vagrant cases. The Jell is
now fuller than It has been for two or three
year. past. Tho March term of the Criminal
Court begin. On Monday next, when a "general
Jail deliverg - will follow. The Institution,
although densely crowded, Is in a healthy con
dition, and the inmates aro quite as comforta
ble as they deserve to be.
The Liquor License Boainesa—About
forty applicants for tavern license were before
the Coml. of Common Pleas today. Each ap
plicant Is ready with his certiecate. to "good
moral character," and that "said tavern hl ne
cmsary for the accommodation of strangers
and travelers." flow many remonstrances
will be urged against these parties, and with
what degree of success we have no means of
knowing at present. it is safe to say, howev.
Cr. that they will not MI succeed in getung u.
Very Disorderly.—Tero men, who gave
their names as Frank Peterson arid Jeremiah
Kneeler, were arrested by Chief Elkin and
officers Scott and Campbell, of the Allegheny
day police, on Tumiday evening, while acting
in a disorderly manner in the vfeinity of
West street, Third wan'. They were held for
a hearing, and subsequently tined two donors
each and costa, by the Mayor.
Frank Ladle's Lady". Magmal/le.—The
March number of this popular monthly has
Just been received by 7. W. Fitted:, Fifth
street, opposite the PostoMce. It la fall of M.
wresting matter for the ladies, containing
elaborate embellishmtuns, patterns, etc., of
the spring fashions.
Sodden Dearth.—Dr. D. Demos, on, of the
oldest and most widely known citizens of
Crawford county, died on Sunday Morning . , at
the residence of /Thrace Lin. 11, ha/
been In town the day before transacting some
business and went to Mr. C.'s for dinner, be
ing taken 11l a few minutes after the meat wa..
over. and lingered In a semi-conscious state
about twelve hours. The Doctor had reached
the ripe old age of four score years and five.
Court Ilooffe In Mercer Burned.—The
Erte Di.routch, on the authority of a letter from
West tireenville, says that the court house at
Mercer was burned to the ground on Sunday
night. There was not a fire proof vault or safe
In the building, but np the papers were saved.
It was a dilapidated, narrow, contracted struc
ture, and not touch loss to the county.
on Ilnnd Agalet.—"Freddr , Diehl, who Is
known amongst policeman as an "old head.”
was the only occupant or the Allegheny tombs
this morning. lie remains in the lock-up un
til such time as the Mayor deems him coin
clently sober to attend to business about the
Allegheny drove-yards.
Meadville expects to have a good public
hall. A project Le on Panto form ajoint stock
company with a capital of 00,000, to shares of
l,eoo each, to put up a suitable hall at a con
venient point In that city. Already several
thousand dollars have been subscribed.
Assault and Matte., —Morris Carlisle was
committed to Jail ttatla , by Mayor McCarthy,
to answer two cbarges of assault and battery
—one preferred by August Nasaer and the
other by C. Millen
During the baptism by immersion of t wola
st New Castle, Pa., recently, the ice of
the creek, where the ceremony was being per
formed gave way, and a numberef spectators
were also Immersed.
The Huntingdon Journal says that. Bum
',noel, one of the boys JAI ured at the fecent
railroad accident near McTeytown, Is dead.
The other boy will recover.
Bankers and Brokers,
No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,
ilealers In all kinds of Government Securities. Gold
and Sliver, Uneurreat Bank Notes. Foreign
and Domestic Exchange., etc., etc., etc.
Deposits received In Par 'Nods ad Currency. In
terest x11°1,4100 time deksosits. C o llections made
In all parts of the United States on most ikvorable
(Seders executed with ispntch for everything In
the business Mahe Boston. New York, Philadelphia
owl Pittsburgh Broken' Hoards strictly on commie
Oros un H. CLEWS & CO., Ness York, J. COOKE
CO., Philadelphia; Messrs. C. D. T. R. PER
KINS. Hos tears.
Waw.nev, 18(16.
Gold remains about stationary, fluctuating
between 1.364(3/137—New York quotation to
•lay 137. Government bonds steady but with .
out quotable change. Railway stocks higher
--wait, of Cleveland & Pittsburgh at 75 , ..„ and
Pittsburgh, Port Wayne & Chicago at WIS.
Western Union Telegraph lower, quoted at
In our market, there Is but veryilatioloing
in stocks of any kind. Bank shares are firm
and In demand, but the extreme views of
holders has a tendency to retard operations.
The all Bank of Pittsburgh stock sold at Mc-
Iltrain's auction sale, on Tuesday evening, at
which is an advance of KO per share.
Western dry goods merchants are purchas
ing for the spring trade, very soaringly. La
ir-erne caution to the rule, and is stocks in
he West are light, we may expect an active
market if nothing occurs to disturb financial
matters seriously. But the policy adopted in
A gOO,l one. Better not 11.'11 goals enough
than to have too many.
No new organizations have bees made nailer
the national banking system daring the past
week. The whole number now stands at 1,630.
with an aggregate capital of iti1e7,549, , X11. The
amount of circulation lame. the above banks
daring the week reachns 1r2,172.6.15; previousi3
1i55ued,ip.51,902,273; total, V 57,072,910. The fol
swing banks have been designated as midi-
I halal depositories of the public money First
National Ihmk, Charleston, Ili ,first National
Bank, Ilannibal, Mo.; National Hank of New.
I.ern, N. C.
—The New l ork Fitton...l , ronicle id Feb
24, low it long and very interesting article on
the recent "flurry - In the New York money
market, front which we take the two conel
Ina paragraph,
"It is no wonder therefore, that for a short
time on Tnesday, the money market was in a
condition verging on pant, The next day,
bon ever, It watt discovered that by the exttel.
lont arrangement made by 21_r. Van Dyck, the
.stoilPttint Treasurer, all the payments on
of tine negotiation of gold were made
i.romptly, and nith apparent ease, not it sin
gle bank made application for an extension;
and what was satin more satisfactory and on;
tittleant proof of the strength of the banks,
there were no withdrawals of their temporary
leposits from the Bub-Treasury.
".1 more gratifying ctrentiiStance still. in
many points of view, is tile rapid recovery of
the market from so severe a blow. The recuper
ativepowers of this conntry. an I the hopeful,
sesistless energy of our people. substantial
tability of our financial machinery. were
never more conspicuously ri 1...p1ay ea than In
this elastic rebound, which has never yet fail
ed to succeed, and swiftly to obliterate the
traces of every temporary panic. if Congress
and the Secretary of the 'Treasury continue to
adopt the Name unswerving conservative pol
icy which has enabled es during the past year
to borrow over lice millions of dollars, and at
the name time, to contract the currency to the
extent of um, millions, without impairing the
lasuci tv or the strength of our financial sys
tem, and without producing a single spasm
whirl. was not Of a transient, limited and fugi
tive character, we may still believe, notwith
standing the forebodings of the croak
ers, that we shall get gradually bank to specie
payments without more severe disasters than
we have had heretofore, and that the long pre
dicted - crash" may be deferred to the Greek
—The follow lug eom parat IVP statement
shows the average condition of the leading
Items of the Philadelphia Banks for the paet
and previous week :
Last Week, This week.
Capital.... 414,842,160 514,642,13 e
Loans 40,941,337 46,363.392 Dec.a116,745
Specie 903,977 1,025006 Inc . 71;M
Legal-bend's 16,777,175 1,,V2,91.11 Inc. 915,730
Deposits. 33,328,512 33,052,25'2 Dec. 04,50
Circulation . 7,043,002 7.732,070 Dec. 70,93 M
, —The substitute (offered ni the Rouse of Re
presentative., by 31. r. Stevens,) to the loan
bill limits the sale of new horde to par, In ex
change for lawful money, treasury notes, cer
tificates of deposits, certificates of indebte.l
- or other representative. of value. which
have been or may be Issued under any mete(
Congress; and stipulates that the proceeds
therefore shall be used only for retiring Treas
ury notes and other interest bearing oblige
bons. It gives no authority to fund green
, backs, or to Increase the public debt in any
way. Eight hundred and thirty millions of
dollars in the Seven Thirty bonds, are Inclu
ded In the Treasury notes referred to above.
Of this amount two hundred and thirty-five
smillions will be due on the 30th of June, 1867;
ixty-five millions on the 3d of March, INS,
and 6330,060,103 also, on the 3d of March, 1868,
making in all eig ht hundred and thirty mil
lions. These bonds are payable when due in
lawful [currency, and the holder. have the
Privilege of converting them at par into five
, twenty gold-bearing bonds. The three year
compound-interest notes amount to one hun
dred and eighty millions the temporary loan
is one hundred and fifteen millions; the certi
ficates of indebtedness amount to sixty-one
millions; and sundries to fourteen millions—
making the total indebtedness, bearing inter
est In currency, twelve hundred millions of
dollars, which will corns under the operation
of the new loan bill, D it shall be enacted by
Congress. The remainder of the National
debt is already banded in gold bearing bonds,
with the exception of the greenback legal ten
ders, and the fractional currency.
WILDIUSAtur, Feb. VI, IM6. f
CRUDE—The Mahlon id Crude was again
light to-day, and the prospects are not very
encon raging for any immediate improvement.
Boyers and sellers are still apart in their
views, the former asking for concession, to
which, as yet, the latter are unwilling to ac
cede, and the market is very unsettled, and
quotations most be regarded as entirely nom
inal. tin the spot, Ili, bble returned, and 23,
bbis included, seem to be regarded as the pre
vailing rates—vale of IW bbla at 111. We can
else report n transaction which was made an
der rather peculiar eircumetances-1000 bbls to
be delivered any time daring the year 1936,sel
ler's option, at le. Although to all intents and
purposes, this was a bona Ada operation, yet
the party who made the offer to sell hod no
Idea of being "picked -up" the Intention, it la
antd, being to beer the market, by having It ro.
ported that oil had been offered at lb cents
without finding buyers. It may tonal II cont.,
and possibly go heww even that dgere,bvit It is
not the feeling of the trade at present.
REFINED—There la still some Inquiry for
bonded oil, pricipally for future delivery, but
our refiners seem determined to keep their oil
until they can realize better flip:arcs than thane
now being offered. We are cognizant of 36
cents, having been offered for 6M bile to-day,
on theapot, and refused, and we presume
there would be no difficulty in Fretting 4204 a,
co. Immediate delivery niFbilarielphia. Yor
made Atl e n d ta M 71 d e 21 i v
e v el es,
contractsil d ep 17fei'r b e
ti e
01111 dull auk entirely nominal at 575186, for
good standard brands.
ap ls no parently, Residuum,
ran but
quote at
_per bbl. Naptha very
dull—small Wm. of (tee at &WM No move
ment in Lnorlcating oils or Gainleoline.
Flour and Wroth to More.
The following shows the amount of flour and
grain t o 'tore In Chicago, en Saturday, Feb. U,
as compared with the amount In store at the
corresponding time last year, as reported by
Secretary of the Bearttof Trade
I _
'~ p 7 y B { u 6 l OW ISed
7),909. MAX)
79' 60,900
272,958 214670
L =3:l=!
OVflei Or Two PITTIMUItiIa Bennis,
\r r.oN rant, rob, 2,.,„
The produce markets continue dull and
neglected, the volume of business being very•
small, and while there is a moderate business
doing in a Jobbing way, round lot operations
are of rare occurrence. The arrivals of Grain
and Flour, and produce generally, are on the
Increase. and now that navigation is fully re
sumed, and when financial matters Immune
more settled, and confidence morn fully re
stored, we may look for an improvement in
trade generally.
.1611'En—The stocks of both common and
Reaned Soda Ash are very much reduced, in
fact, almost wholly exhausted. hales of Bt*
Common Soda Ash at 10c, and 6 tons Pearls
at 12c.
GIRAIN—Wheat in dull but unchanged, sale
of ZO hush at *1,90 for prime Red, and $2,00 for
White. Oats very dull, with a supply consid
erably In excess of the demand; we continue
to quote at 40@4!, on track, and 45046 for
small lots from store. Corn may be quoted At
60 to 65 for prime Shelled and Ear, on track.
Barley nominal at 75 to 90 for Spring ../111 Fall.
Rye Is in demand at 75, but little offering.
FLOUR—Is steady with a fair local de
mand, and the market Is quiet, at
p 64 for d Sgin , : te h r e s. a .. t d Irrl io f , T - rnr hall
ai l
Alter Wheat brands. Rye Fl our is doll at
115'in, Sales of Buck wheat at per bbl.
P 0 TSIONS--Bacon is quiet but stea;dy at
149214% for Shoulder: I , :: u il r l7 .r for d R il h a .bg a d .
reSmildenr:edsteLir'eluold:risse:Prrno4'rk',la—le6lPart prime kettle
. . .
SEEDS—Cloverseed is selling at and
Timothy Seed is quoted at 10.44. Flaxseed
to In demand and is taken readily at r23.,-but
little offering.
CHEESE—Prime liosilen is firm ama-m e have
sales repor ted at 24015. Common Ohio la quo
ted at -1.
BUTTE —ls coming In pretty freely though,
as yet, the demand seems to keep pace with
the supply. Sales of prime to choice Roll at
EiGn;S—Dull and a shade lower—sales report
edpvlifA O
ES—Steady with regular 'miss from
store at $1,1501,40 per bush, and $3,50 to $3,75
per Ltd.
A PPLES—Green Apples may be quoted at
$7 to $8 per bbl as to quality.
DRIED FRUIT—Sales of Apples inn small
way at 14Q16. Peaches qnoted at 15$1118 for
quarters, and Warn for halves, and 80083 for
HAT—la selling from city settles at $l6 to $'
per ton; sale on wharf of ht hales, at 116.
DEARS—SaIes of imall lots from store at
klNikft, per [mall, the latter Ilgure for prime
Harrow' FELLS.
HOMINY—DuII and unchanged.
LEAD—SaIe of 250 pigs at 11 Ma.
LlME—Sales at $145 per bbl.
OlL—Sales of No. o.
Lard at kt ..tet—Cinruin at I
make held higher.
ONIONS—DuII hut unchanged—small rake ,
at klPii/3 per
C HIC AGO, February 2e . ,
F, or a—Firm at IL brit7',.
I.; RAIN —Wheat, steady at 211,23% for No. I
Corn nrm at r•-• for rejected. oat, firm at
21% for No. '2, and for No. I Rye, 50 to-211.
Parr Isloa.-7llean Pork trio at ga1; j 212.6%
Bulk Shoulder+, Shoulderk, 10%. Lard, firm
at Ira..
IV .11411 T at 89++ , 0,
Prr Rot cc —WWI.
Hine..-Bt., for green.
sp,rllo Dispatch to the Western Press.
New Tone, February IS,
Tile Petroleum stock niarket watt 'snore ac
tive to-lay, and there was a heal y
41011 e 111 Pithole Creek, and totteeks rose to
Palmer waa strong aud advanced to cla, with
more doing. I nited States and BenneholT Ron
were ,I4•111i) . clot. stucks w ere dull. and sale.
mostly at bower prices. Bennehoft Nun, 1:,10.
Buchanan Farm, 711, B rs , i iniy . al ; E rnp ",.,
litiecelitior, I , wi, Hans McClintock, e i On. Nation
al. 4,1 0 ; slitcle River, .2,40: United .late..
Special DispaLeti to the Western Pre...
Nan - Inas. liebruarc Piss
The Petroleum market continues doll and
depressed Ultima] at the close there a little
hatter tone; ( rode to
in itond at 14(;16...
Phillwdelphin Market
Putts net. ruin, get, 27.—The downward
movement In einem - I:mei still (son t tunes, and
we again red lire our quotations ON' per bush
sales of WU hush prime at in,and Amor
n( rom
tonquality'at S. Timothy ranges fr,on .40
$1,25, and flaxseed is unsettled, aunt remgee
at .2.7 5 e2,9 0 .
There it very little movemetit in wheat, and
nu change from yesterda3 'a quotation+. small
sties for (air end strleti y prime red at 6 . 241 - 2. M
We quote white 42,.1.54.2,35. Rye vommatnis Win.
torn is In better demand, anal has ruivanee+l
re per hush sale, of MAC hush yellow at 7ee
1-icluding one lotat a higher rate:and 10.00uhu
In the elevator VII seeret terms. rats are
slnady at 47r.
Pr lit, or rtrtrley lord midi are unchanged
Whisky Ir firmer and ktow ink
—t2,26an,oihm A mole ”f .I rod
at 1r2.,.141,2..!iii At nit. hit iif rn4llc.l .01,1
clevelnod Mnrkea
I [Vr.)../0111, Foh. 27.—Whont—Itoceipt4 light
and mai ket quiet Pind iodulnally unchanged
We hear of no salon to-clay liorn—No receipt,
and market firm sales 4 cars from xt.,r,• at
:itic for ion shelled. Onta— tower. tile, lea
No I from +tore at 34c. Rye—bull and nom
inal . Burloy—Qulid No italas.
MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. trrlval and Departure of Trains.
Finance and Trade in New York, pennsylvsola Central Railroad.
ZAP,. ,,,
shootk P A r :Oill'n 11: tn. V. 01.1.10 a la
• . 710 am
Now Soak, Feb. 9!.—Railway •mexulatlon , a nelonatl rap, 8:60 ani fat Wall Arcton'ti 11,7 Z •In
aanumed a (Inner tone this morning, and oft- 7 . 16
5 a ru t.
C. acre generally better. Erie and Rock l•- Johnstown AC . D. 4:18 pm Jthrist•ti Aztom.lo•RS m
hand Were the features of the lint, and the ad - t..11,•, ,L jr A0 .,....11,r:r,, i i,TAt m r4l o 4
cane,. on these shares woo most marked. Af- •• •• lo:IS •tn ad Wall Atoms— luleptla
ter the regular board, the 'nark et was a little LI, .r,hg l
n it ir- 4 • • ::2 6 , P
stiffer, lint rinite strong at the Li tIOULLIOn, The 1.1 • • • 3:00 pal A Ittuaa
market at the second regular board and last
The thumb train' eat! Eralls7rV2"2-?4:9-P
open board was heavy and lower, especially , triVilaySiiiliii • m.
on New York Central, Pittsburgh, and Rock , I "' 0 * M '
Island At the H Pittobtargh, Columbus and Cincinnatiose, the market was a little Osporta. Arrlsos
more steoly. , rat L 1...—. ..... 2.60 • in ran Line.......
Thefollowing were the chasing prices at 4:90 , Mtn „ii,oria in Bo'
P. M:—New lock Central. 47%; F.ria,ll.%i Hurl- ~I L V,,L.n . v.; i i i;;•l;; W V w tit1i i 11,..4%,,iii.;• ...
son River, 163, Reading, Ilk; Michigan South. : — ,c,, ‘ ,7,",,ii. i ,j 0i ,
... ~ si commo d ii "... ~ .
ern, 70%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 772 i i; Rock :
Pittsburgh, Pl. lea Chicago.
1e1e0d,105%; N o rth western, 1.7i..4, Northwest- !
Odom*• Arrow..
ern, preferred, 54%; Fort Wayne, 91%. t '
1 tit porn a sa &sprain ...... .... Hama to
-Government. were a trifle firmer, but the , g,,,,.
~„„ „ . ~,,,, , m K. 1iri ,............ i,,i, pm
market was rather quiet. •!
express iii•Se p to Express. ..... ..•• tiisl
UPSET MARBLY , pall 7:18. 131 MEI. ..... ....... . 0.13 p to
Wseeilrig Rs pa'. 5:18 p m
The money market is Meetly for mill loan. at i
, :rem Brighton Arrommodallcal !rare. All.- ben
7 per Cent., but the !supply of cap] tal 1. !norm.. I frgart o s am., ii .50 4-. PI p. tn. •11.1 5.40 g p. P Y ,
lag. The gold market was steady and quiet llochreler, 2:16p. rn. • New calls. 3110 In. , Econ.
to-tray, and closed at 136%. State bonds Warr Imp, 10,30 p. tn.; Wells..lle. 3:50 p. ni.
quiet and firm. The miscellaneous list was Pittsburgh. Cleveland and Wheeli e g.
ennead better in some respect. b este. Depart/. Arrive..
Union Telegraph, eFtliktl%. . '
Leper.. .... 2:= • 11:1 Erring. 1 So Do ,
L I pre.. ...... .... 2:50 p m Expren.. .. . .. V 13 p In
DAY 00000. 51411.. 1:23 m Expres.. . .. . 2.'11• m
The following are the quotation s from tne Atrubenrille AccomModollon 1 /kne11...1%y st
Dry Goods Exchange. Brown Shirting.— At- I tsp. to.
'antic A, 5P3c; an L/, 225 p; Bedford. Ole. Bleach.] Pittsborith and Connellsville.
Shirting—Wainsutta, 35 Inch, Ser•ri do 40i., inch, • Departs. A rrires.
2.4.4 e; Merrimac W, 14c, Hamilton, =fie; Amer. *L.... ....... .. 7:16 • alkali 6;05 p m
lean, mic; Allen, tic . DrialTlON—flamll ton '*, rm..? ••••• •••• kap F m E.. pre. ........... 10,M • m
14t , :s•!,?port....l:ni a . m32d, mc A ensporl . ... .. a.. • XII
M; Fimile, 23c. ratabrl.--MOnv ME., ..ipe; vi e _ ,
2315 p m
tory, Mc. Brown Drills—Starkett, 27e; Win
throp, We, Corset Jeans-,,i r tiaumkeag, 314 c, , &Reuben/ Valley Railroad.
Naumkeag, latter, 36e; Laconia F, Mc. Ticks— ' Dej.rts. I Arrive..
Amonkeog AC A, sky rlo A, fa, Stripes-. tv, 6:45 it 0 r.lp reit% .... . ~1 7,. ta
6:10 pla .U.ll
19laittendon A, 31e; do B B, giii, Denim.— i te ' o r m e. m . odatlun. 1:40 pin Acconinnunition kr% 1.
Haymaker, t7c; Boston Mannfacturing Com- 1
-- '
pony, 370. Hoop Skirts—Bradley Duplex Ellin- I Pittsburgh and Erie net.
tie, 531 to 30 Hoops, 071 c to 21.05; Empress ; ttlee- -
Trail, 01,13.
New York Market.
Naw YOKE, Feb. al.—Co•rroa—A shade lower
at 48e144e,
?Lace-Common to middling grades De bet
ter, with a fair demand In port for toe British
Provinces at $71507,75 for Extra State, ri,1 0 6
s, a 5 for Extra RHO, and aft7ettlo,76 for Trade
Brands the marketeloslng firm.
Winner—Steady at 42,'L9 for State, and g 2,30
for Western.
limn—Wheat 2c better, with a fair demand
chiefly for home, at $1,61 I
y 21,71 for Now No.
Milwaukee Spnng-51,72 was refused for very
choice do. Eye without decided change. Bar
ley quiet Barley Malt in moderate request at
a 1,301111,15. Corn quiet and very firm at 7 5 67 9 c
for unsound mixed Western in store and de
livered, NeW...iefor sound mixed in store, and
tic for Yellow Southern afloat. Oats quiet and
steady at 39014.1 e for unsound, and 54478:c for
sound Wisconsin.
Gsmosatas—Coffee dull. Sugar more active; , 051E111118SM AND CAltillAGESfeillisbed for all
Cuba Muanovado, 11641;1,c. Molasses dull; New , ; rains. Also, Carriages for Vinland. Weddings and
Orleans, 51,0401,10. parties, at short notice Lod reasonable rates. STA.
4 „ ; ,.; 44 , SLE OPEN DAY AND NIO FIT.
PrrnoLserm—Dull at 280% for Crude, 007.1 rd
ektli for Reflood In bond. r . Paovisioss—Porir heavy at t-V3,27(g/it,irri ; ;
new mess clo ,y sirg at $28,27!.‘, cash $2.8450A.72'6; SKATES.
old mess $2O 75, , prime; also 3, 6 50 barrels , ------ • - - ----- .--.--
now moss for arch, April and May, sellere • SKATES I
option, .28,621,WM. hoof unchanged; beet It—
humb quiet at gi1.41..50; cut meats strawy at
11%012V fair demandA for shoulder at s, andls94 17#18 r Cu .,..‘,e for ha mberlandms. I RIIMICALTMIES I ESEE.ALT3EIIS I
Bacon In c M
cut, and 16 , e for short ribbed. Dressed flows
gulet at 1221.9,1ie for western, In)iGita city.
Lard in femand at 170)193,1e; also 1,506 bar
rels for March and April, sellers option, 194 e.
Butter quiet at 28042 c lor Ohio, and 364350 c for
State. Cheese steady at 143firVe.
ClnciniustißlArket. 1 Ladles, Gents and Chlldrens
etaCISNATI, Fob. o.—Ftorn—tlnlet, without
change In prices. ela
Uat—Wheat, dull at $1,70 for No. I. New , EMre,...A.IPMEA,/,
Rod. Cor In good demnd, at 63c for NN..
shelled. Oats, armor, closing at 313350 for No. '
1, and 3 7(337te,e for No. 1. Rye, dull, and prices 1
nolnleal, at 33(370e tor No. I. ,
In Every Variety for Sale Low
Poolroom, —DWI, but without material ,
change In prince; Mena Pork is held at $28,69 J
for city, bet there are no buyers at over $28,0u. I .
There la a good demand for Belk tildes, for the , BY
En market, at 14c Bacon la dull, at 14„I
16 13!,4p for hhoulders, Bidet., and Clear 1 (F.A.IIsTEII3 NEIOI7I7IV.
si es. Lard, la In good demand, at Plt4e (or '
prime city, but holden sulk tlic. ' 001:4 1 nd ' no. DO WOOD trIMMET.
Gaocentra—Dull. . . . _
COTTON—DuII, ut 114;t1c for Al nld ling : BROOMS.
w.I.KT—la held firmly at tam, duty instil. ' _ '---
Gold, 137. _ .
Philadelphia !Market i a , TIM , Is the most perfect lIDOOM ever Inented,
Puma DZLPISIA, Fob. 28.—BrOrma—Ftrin, Perth . ' awl the only oar whiet i rbi , stand the test of time.
=anis 5 6 t o vEltip; Morris Can al 73; IteadLng . I f tgllemte . ..l.l ,, V , V r E . 4 l .. o .;tl.. • 'rx e rt w tgpezerll t tgt
c ma t' al i es72 ' l7ralestf ' to. ° , d ,l,l 7 ',,.. , right ' to buy, as we erritory wlrliont eEarge
tl5 Good a. , • agents wanted la eveueountyln Penns
elBlio per baJe,eash. I, ,„ . 1 . ". 5 ‘ e d for Circular Aildrou J. IT. MW
PIVIIIOLSIIII—Dat and unehanjted . t r ltol4 ‘ .t. 01 " ., care of 4•0.. L. NAVES, 6 e
FLona—Active at 58(18,23 for Extra, and 55,..1 ~,,,,,,,,,. 01,,,,. Co., pm:Stew
Sap for Western.
littarn—Wheat; Choice In demand, with tittle
offering; Red, 92,1412,7'. Cara firm at 73c for
Yellow. Oats advanced MI Penneylve.
nla, 480.
PHOVialoSa—alert pork steady at 3 0 .
saleslrsiaatgllT —All quellties ',lightly advanced;
0,7702 AZ.
New 'fork Stock and Money Market.
N nw Yong, Fel.. 27.-111oaev—tinater at fitt7
per '•eh,L Gobi, a I,linde easier; opening at
136,...; advancing to 1:17, and closing at 1.16%.
Sterling wax , Inlet and firm.
Freights to Liverpool, doll; opening lower
for wrath.
Stocks, heavy. I S. fr , i. eontions, 1047 , 4;
10-40 Couns, 92; Tres.inry Notes, 7,10'5, Ist
series, 99h po ; 24.1 series, 99'.;; his and id issimalppi
Certificates, 25.),“ Westeril Union Telegraph.
60; New Tork Central. Hudson,
Reading, Sontbern, 711i.,i Illi
nois Central. 11.I',; North Western, tit,, 1)0.
preferred, Toledo, 100.; ROck Island, 1099 , i,;
Alton preferred, I Is.
N sn' (thm: sr's, Fief.!;.—The sales of eotton
to-tiny was 3,...5Z0 bales, and the sales of three
days S,OOO. Low middling, 42; three mid
dirng, 45646.
Grtocsnt es—sugar, 14176154.,;y. Molasses, 92'4-
Got n--36; freights to New York, %; to Liver
pool, M3I 1-IF4.
Pi ere er eo fl. FORT W Arita 14 CHICAGO. IL IL
Feb 2 , 4-1 bill peaches, Cook, Bro d co. I lib&
tobacco, .1 IV Taylor; 7 do do, John Greer; 14
do do, 1d 11ey132.55 pig. lead, .7 13 Cantkiid;
wheat, o Liggett a CM 6 ke IaTIL 14
bugs 4eed, pkg 4 sndries, El Bea Jr ; r bags
serape, Seibert d co u ;
100 bb's flour, Patterson
d Ammon; 17 mks rags, Markle k co; 200 ibis
dour, IV Linhart ; k ills butter, Coblen z; 6
bbls dry apples, Cis-mallard Fleming; 450
MU, potatoes, K Fleas leton; 1 car mill feed Jas
limn; 1 car oats doh n Marshall; 12 bills mdse,
leveler; I cur barley, WIT Garrard; WO bids
flour, 14 wallaee; 30L , 7). glassware, C
17; dozen blooms, Knox .t Orr; 45 do do W It
Kirkpatrick; 4 cars metal, dlinfick d co; 6 hials
tobacco, .1 W Taylor; 5 ibis butter, 1 bbl eggs,
Graff & Reiter, 5 pkga ~ohlse, Meek A. Arm
strong; 7 bills apples, Cook, Bro st co.
CLaystions d Pivrannaan Itszt ROAM:
Feb. 211-10 care pig Metal, Nimick & co; 1 box
hardware, McWhlnney A Harm 1 circular saw,
Hubbard Bro /t co: 2 box tinware, W NV Brad
shaw; 1 oar laths, Buntin, Mellor ,t co; KlOO foot
lumber, McQuewan d Douglas; 3 cars wheat, .1
A Liggett d co; O sks cloverseed Arbuckle It
co: 25 bbl: 011, J Lippincott; 2 bb's molasses, B
S Marvin• S bills whisky, Al McCullough
co; 215 Nils rakes, J Woodwell d no; An sirs
malt, NV H Garrard .1 Son; 1 ear brick, Lucca.
01i Work.; 1 ear fire clay,.l Mar.shall; 3 bbls
butter, McCullough,Smith A en;) bbla flaxseed
4.1,g8 lard, 3 bids eggs. C
Feb. 39.-1 car corn, Dorrington; 35 akm rags, C
I' Markle; '..3) pkgs seed, 90 do butter, 9 Able
eggs, I. ll Volgt lt co; 40 4144 barley, Sturgeon
R Bro; pea babon 120 pkgs nett, Cook Ilro
co: 17 bcils paper, PI ts l'aper Co; 30 bbls flour,
160 sks do, Stewart & co; au (lo do, lieppel
Vickers; 10 pkg. T I Jenkins: 8 kgs
lard, Head /h. Metzgar; 13 Ars oats, 1 bbl butter
W I' Reck & Co: "Al pkgs fish, Wntt /t Wilson; 1
MO ink, Myers, Sehoyer lt co
ALL...mar STATION. February 24.-4 Blida
tobacco, R t 1 Jen kinson ; 2 Can. shingles, Wil
liams A Bro' ; 1 ear staves, C stroup; abs flax
a .
seed, Eet Ilion 12 oil blrfs, U racks
witebbowls, A Kirk a co; 2ears mlll feed, R
Knox -X Son; 19 hdl9 chair .t tiff, Froebrwom 2
pkgs tobacco, R A II Elton, I ear lumber, C C
Boyle; I do wheat, Kennedy R Bro; 1 do lum
ber, Frazier it Bro; 9 dor brooms, e Row ling;
I. rolls leather, P Klarkey.
Pe R riononrao—Pon Lon LEO7I balsa
tiny, Fetzer it Armstrong, 57 de ilo, ir it IV
Fnlrlep; SP do do, Wni Lil nitham, 44 do do,John
Herbert tki oko onto, Meek a A rmstrong:s3 oil
Win Oliver:l3 bill+ eggs, @ Honer.
li' I,hlailry apples, T Jenlclno.
RIVER NEWS I,ot i....tlatnilt,n
F 0r..4 r “0n10n...
.Il 1l nltn
I Ally
I •n
tt diu
I Intr.•
.Devlnney .• Clorinnatl
Hamilton.. Parkermburg.
l'he a rather edntinutiminilil and spring -111 m,
and all that ennui possibly he ilestred for the
transartion of ent-door 1s 6trsa. oar ri vers
are still falling 'deathly. although there Is an
abundance of water for all itanigalile ttur.
poses Private telegram.. from MI City re
port the Allegheny ideal rlf at tad point
and railing.
The Lent I.cott, (rot. l'arkenttortr, is the
link arrival we hair to 'sport, and the
rens, for al. Lotto., att. the only departure
The Pine I,rore, front ( tortnnath was di,
here hog Anil will doubt leg, N. found
in port thig morning
The lint, Lent! on her recent op trip wiss
oblige.' to Ile up nt steulrenv ills for ennatiler
•hle length of lime, In consequence of the
heavy floating lee
Th. , folloft - tng fllopettrlftft mere recetreit at
tho Board of Trude to -fifty
UINo 11,1#1 . 1. Pei,.21 4 -• River has rtmen live (Nil
.luring the laird I went -boar hour, and nn
rising slowly with It feel tn 1,1111,1'1e, Mid 13
feet on the Lila. pt Wray liarton rtrrt‘ ed,
cnd return. In Pltt.tturzh In-day. Weather
lear and spring like-Ise reury 41) .legrenz
at., 0 rtuat
1.0,,,11.1.1E, Felt lie --River rlignir meth) with
II feet water in the canal, anti II fee titt`lMl
lanit aial or nn full. WVeather elohily tend
warm. Financier arriveil (rein Flt.ialturgli.
l'olombin from t-it ixtulit departed irir Pirtle
u last evening
The Nora. Cant It. II lievinner, 1.. fllllng itp
illy ter i inelnnati and Lout-elite mei
al!) leave to-tiny a Miceli r
. CVlllisnl et tie , ttnerien, has
Tlif. Armenia. I upt f St, allutn, for New
an.l the 1 orkt...n. Curt Wugh FA,
hurt, fur Nnwhyslle, Sr, filling lap .lowly, but
w !II get off with In a tluy nr two.
Thy 11., Monmer EinmiL No.l,txpl J. 11.
Mitrratlno 11 unnoonord (or I,ulo, lour log
on , aturday !lost
bast Pittsburg h :
Pittsburgh ana Eris Railroad. to Oil
City and Franklin.
Arrta.a. Depart.
Co. E Empress. 1:0 p mIN, 71 Vapress.. 6:63 am
Via. PlitabargL, Part '•yue m.l.llMlcapio, and
eater Valley.
iktOrrnsvillii Rost--Grant itud Water Sta.
Arriera. Dolmen,
la P.all pm 15:0010 6 . 00 p m
Darn:tour Nis, Si. Clair St.
6 h p.m. A Kiln
~ Darras.
Sailer Stag... No. 3 Mt. (lair Street.
WartfinriOn Stager —llaro dl sllOtol
Ed s. sl. I
JANES DAIS & SON, Proprietors.
2,500 PAIRS OF
• • - -
TO LET—The Store Room elht
&lea nu the comer of fn. Clair and Liberty ILI,
at present occupied O 7 P. BroRP, lap., 11)*Mifl".
Posaession'then April lat. roquiro of 3/It: 'no um moat. AMY
Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva,
Will run three chilly side-wheel steamers hetween
rittsborgh, Monongolielneltv. Brownsville. Kiee's
Landing. 4 . 1 1,e126b01 - 0. sod the non Lard 0111
Regions. Title tine compo.ted •of the following
lad lag
. . .CAPT.. D. RUGHER.
FRANKLIN........ ' CAPT. Z. W. CA RMA .
These packete will leave Pittsburgh dally at S a.
and p. ru except Sunday, witcn thr departure.
win be at o'clock. n.
The through packet for the .11*Iteglons will leave
Pittsburgh dally at a p. w.. Itrowneiville daily at
5 .. m.
ItrryliWlVll—Leaves Brownsville for Pittsburgh
daily at 7a, m, anti p. tn.
Leaves Mreenshoro and Geneva at P.:
(tier •. Landing at 2p. m.
Leaves Monongahela' Illy at o•cloelt.
The line is composedof first-dugs awe-wbeel
steamers, built expressly for the trade. They will
be commanded by officers or long experience, who
wlll par particular attention to the wants and com
fort or paasengera. The boats well leave promptly
et the boor advertised
Freights Received at all Hohrs.
F"`"rtther parts Y, Arn,.
Al the Wharr.Bost. root ~.rant st , Pitts iiirgh
I. etil.riN. Agent.
Brownsville. a
sigrat - 1866.
l'ompriqing the following, first-class fiaasenger
Strarne.r. ,
stramyr ItA YA Hai: Geo. U. /door, Muter.
Steanirr LF.NI LEOTI; Jae. Hamilton, outer.
meant, EiIiREST CITY • Je a tiordon, Master.
Leaves l'ittaburgh every _Monday and Thursday, at
11 o clock, a. to.
j.r.reo IT lienling every _Monday Ind .1:k tire ds y, Si
Leaves Pittsburgh every Tuesday and P rlday, at
Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday and Prlday, at
Learea Plttaborgh «very Wednesday and Saturday.
at II a. tn.
1.C1C;19 Wheeling ,ery Wedoomtay god Mstorday
St 9:30 p. m.
. 3 p as..ea Parkersburg every klonday.and Thursday
1.-as es Wheeling every 'ramie' , and Friday, at 7
Leaves l'artersburK every Tuesday and Friday, at
2 p.
Leases Wheeling every Wednesday and !Saturday.
la 7 a. IT.
t nrker.burg
I'n rkt.rsburg
Testes Parkormburgh every Wranextlay and
'"?...ntelliTlee.ling every Tboradley and Ynnaer, at
, I,lln
CM, it,
1171 ( II
/art 'onneetiona going down are made.. Whehllng
and Itellair with the Cleveland and Pittsburgh train.
which Blanes Pittsbnrgh at rim p. rn. anal Cleveland
at 0.2, in. Also. with trains or Plttanarrh. For
Way lie and Chinaau Railway, whist. leaves Chic.,
at p. nd at Marietta with Marietta utd
eini Rail r oad. .d with ateamera to all points on
the Mnskitirrum Hiner, and` Parkersburg Parkersburg wit
erly train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and
with liallr Line r. to Pomeroy. Gallipoli.,
Ironton, Bort...nth, Marsville and Cincinnati.
Sirr ( n op trip. ontineericas ars,made at Bellair
with Cis, eland and Pittsburgh Rail m road, 6:00
rain. hr aldrb passengers arriry at Cleveland at
p. . and at Unica..., at 7,1 a. a. nu. next morning.
JAM. I'OLLINS .5‘ to,, Agenu,
At Wharf.iloat, loot of Wood Si.
m - rtniutclik
Where Ir. Ight *PI be recelecal each day, up to 14 :00
Lion AIRO 4.1%D
t ti is Th. •plcndld 1,4 en.,
FNMA N, opt .1 11. Mance,
WIII Ir., a. &bole on .14 1 LI It II At, at. at 1 p nu
(.1,01 o• pa..,,, apple on hoard or to
01111 ilmhtloi I I \6, AA 11. D. nt.
senger at 4 molar
apt 11 Dr),
IN 111 haa, for the t a.," and all Int.rme mat , port.
on Tin," DA I' -Nth Inat p
For freight 611 pa. ..c• app ~ard or to
1,4 FI.A6 K 6 14.1 /rauta
I t 'Oß 1% A SUVILLE.--The
out pa ng• r atom., r
.......\ apt ES4EIIT
Loar.. ',hove I.TI >lb Inst., at 4 p in
F. or (r. 111 tir A p , a7 s aafe , asti, i , \ •sivrct. or 10
fell 6 /op. Agent,
IVOR MED PIIIS & IVEW . gair a t
ORLF A Ns- The ey,l6ndld stammer
ArtAfF.A. I A It (At t MARI,
Wlll Iv.. for the shove and all In terntedllt. port.
0 rill. lIA Y 111, at I p. rn
For freight 1
. I” i sne i . 3 ,17 iion hoard or to
1 6 01.L1%41,V.01, rAgen“
PEGULAR PACKET s li gr in g
AND ZANERV/LLE...—Tbe fine steamer EJtM A
GRAHAM. Capt. C. H. .111 leave for the
above and a, Intermediate port. THEN DAY •
at I_ll. in. Returning leave. Zanesville every FRI
DAY. at am. J. D. COLLINOWOOD. Agent.
1 . 011. AND IS I'EENSTI/WN (llt[targi:o Iwlce •
,el. The INMA ., LINE. sellltti
(' A Itlt Y I NU U. S. it-4.11... S
Tlckr.ta sold toand from I relotncl,
land, itt•rtusOT sod P 0.. .,
A p the Cotomuy•• (nice,
JOHN G, DALE, Agent,
Itt Broadway, N. Y
31-55 a to
Our Entire Stock of
Groceries and Liquors
AT 410C:O*3T.
lied Invite the Went!. of dealrs to or tarif
va 11001 which we are
dealt.. of u
Gonna/a and
beton. the limit of April neat. out
We hake on hand a. large lot lot Imported and 11,..
mastic (Agars: NV tibia. pore Old Rye Whiskey; tine
Imported Brandy and tile; Dull Wordon's best
sherry Wine; Port. Malaga, Sparkling and Still Ca
tawba Wines of various larandin Jamaica and N. E.
hum. Mintanis Imported (Malt Whisky; Stone/ton
and Stomach Haters: Peppermint. In fact every
thing belonglna to the buelnem: a One lot DI
Teas, warted with can: to thit the twat retail trade;
Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Flab. Pickles in barrels and
half barrels, Synrea, Ar., which we will dlapotie of lu
T1ER.E.4.1" 45" GETT
55 Ohio St., opposite the Mark et
re12.1.r.1 ALLE.I.IIIENY CITY.
3 F 1 Y.F1..1 - '1 11 33:1F3,
Stilphuret of Iron
l'oonsyli,ola Malt Manufacturing Co'. Oeloo,
Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne Way
I'‘ . OTTON-121 bales in stare and
V for sale by (fell) ISAIAH DIUKES & co.
VGGS-1 barrels FreSh Eggs Just
rertim ed. and for male by
i s m o roer Market and VIM Wean.
COTTON -16 bales now landing
from steamer Hoist. Moore, for salt by
. .
QWEET CIDER—I 2 bbls. Choice
slrees Elder, In start, and ror .1/ by
teD corner Market and First streets.
10 , boxes Messina Lemons;
do Oranes,
Just received and and mr salt CA E
foe Nos. &sod 1l W a clo ß P•treet.
received n resh supply of choice Eatra
Buckwheat Flour, po t up In small seeks tor Bunny
use, and for sale at the Family Oroeen , Store of
ran Comer Liberty and Hand streets.
10 bile. eholee Bees:
V) do Bpla Feast
do Hotutny;
ya do and 711kep Barley.
For sale by 811031AKER I LANG,
fv24 102 and 114 Wood street.
.F W: 431 /D
100 Golden Fit.oo;".
100 • ' City billis.BPrlnifielti
50 " prime Mich4so Beane
850 bittli. Nrd Whi at ;
. .
10 tone bireonds:
kw bad, Ear Cony,
Par sale by R. SNOB ea BON,
fed n Diamond, Allegheny ,
rims Dried Pared Peaches;
Prime Dried Wee, and q.uarter Peaches;
prie; pried Apples and Cherries;
Green Apples argeacli .r t: potatoes;
EeP, Dotter, -
("ensued Peaches and Tomatoes, chimp;
Corn heal and Pearl /Wiwi
Diana Onions and Seeds,
All of which wflaredfor sale fbi !cash ai lowest
rates, by ORAN!? it if2l=ll,
Set 116 Liberty street.
Morning Editiox
Delivered (o Subscribers
Leading News Centres
D'ith Foreign and Domestic
I)Ism/sing the IreMnilO i rino t r i ar day — ortnie4 on
The Cheapest and Best
In Western Pennsvirania.
Otherwise Improved
The Afternoon Edition
L , m ,,_,,,, m
Has been Elllarged to the Extent
Will be Furnished to Carriers at
Liberal arreagemeote bays been made for
oeft 1 'INT eNV OA
) I'TnR.I AI,Fil
lit MPH RErs
11 avn vented. from the most unpin et twriiinee an en
eltnipl, einelent and reltald•
me.llclat, p..rfretlr atlapt , d
stmple that ull-tat. , ,.eannot ruad• .11 on,
bannle.•• Ire Cre , feArtn and
LCll,,nt le b• L. always renal'',
1 mre, EF,Rs. I,ltrestlons. Inalmma-
Worm levrr. Cone.
• • t ISI or Tel:thing of In
fants 75
4 • DIARRHEA of elnl,lrvo or adult. 23
111 sEN EERY. C:rlplug and Bilious
6 •• .iit . ...BBES. Nausea
.“:1111S, 1 - odds, Brout•littls
• • N EERAL,44I A. TuoLli.u.l..,
9 I ' S k 1..1 1 11E, sl..
It ;;SPI.PsI 111111.... sionywn
sUPPRES , ED..canIy nod painful
• •' I •
..... 25
' • Sl‘l.l ..
.mn' . ... ''" 2 2
I , • • u mat ..•
•s 15
•• FE \ F it AND Air( E. 4'11,1.k' and
17 • • 1.1 r.z: -••• . •• . •• ......... •••• •
r .
,„ •. A •
Iv • • t A rA
•• 111•“11 .
uF f.
• • EAR I HA , ES.ln,pn:• ••I
DR. 4',1 • • nterp .1 's ,1•
24 • (if:NEM!. 9.11111. .
2• DO
RP, nnil
2/3 •••SEA SI( Ess. ..r
•• SORE 311 1 1"r11. or Tank t.r... .
M'l" I • IItART I N( . .,NTi . N
91 " PA 12 RIODs, e, nith
Sp mit PE
32 • • SUPFERINCIS Change of 1.116 . 11JU
Se • • EPILEPSY,Spanuas, SI. Vitus' Dan
•• 1/11411 FA/ lA. ulcer:sl,l ,urn 1 1uT
Oases of elals, Itt morocco ea. And book rotn..
...,.... . . .. . . . .
of 311arge ,- We, ID morocco 00.1 h. , ..1. N ill
( . ft./. of Wl...rye rMI A. plain ca. and book
Case of IU boxes (So. I to lh, and h00k... 3 1/11
.of k'..urth nn.l Market. tre..t...
11014' ga.
For sale tyr E. Elt.n
Markt.t r,.rner of [lir blamnll.l
l'itteburgli. mud .1. .1. F.A,V, 1,4 Federal ..trt.t.t,
M.-CLARA S Mcki ?.; A N. cornet of
1 , 1,En0n.1 and Market .1001. l'ltteburFlL
- - -
I W. STRICKLAND'S :11ellinuous
warrant...l to 10. I only pre
. tturat lonknown to rum.
oughs, 1 old.. iltoururne,
plilMlll., opl t,
4 Chronic CooFtle. Cosump
tion, 1 , 0..1111.k 'tut! C-ottp.
triler r ait7:ll r e r t:l%, "'"" .
tt; et,l o•ttp....torstlng, eel •
‘‘ p ' . ' .ll, 4 lte.rl) for MI
uf the Tl.ront nu.l I,unit, For 43it by
Druggist, a tell when.
13iIyil E lt F lt i ,2lo,l. AGENT
EDI' ha. CURED thou- ,
1i1L.E.15. It gives liatrieillate. i•
nod rilirroly p.m.,
It Jib
riir, Try It directly. ,
It lb /.0
all th
50 ee uta Nei Cottle.
prlsts, at •PI LES
H. E. ii.Y.l,ltL r a...e1 - T_
oniSilyd t'IIIII.BSALS A , ,,, S.
: 1 )YSPEPSIA.— Dr. Strickland's
' .. 1, iNlf•
rt ate° raisonpriipa of
and H..tot, with anti-
S kg°ll . 4 . . .
arid, and carminative to
ntrengthen tin. iitinnaria and ~,..'
nerviimi ~ item. It is a rot-- ...- a . t:::)
talc riiinctly for Di.p..pla,
or I ridige.tion. Nervous-
Loin. or Appetit.. '
! A rally of the •
Stionaeb. ' a l,.
Plaittlency and dentlitv. It .
is not 31Chisholini titeri'rore. . N..
part iettlarly aulted for weak, ai,, O rik, '
• IiCrTOCIP and dyspeptir per
! .oni.. For sale by all drug_ -
yrita everriebere at $1 per ivnp.l ,
K. F.,bEI.I.ERS & CO
. . . •
ocl3:lyd Holonse Ls AOC+
(Dyes mea knowb..tge
elan.. My baigre-.14.-nre In OH. dlir. and Hie amount
of patlenta treat-t 1 atini.aily by ine. ar, suglicient
prt.of of my surcesa.
SPEEMA fORR/EA, nr Sexual Wi-akm-iia, any
all diseases arising then-from, arcr. , l In a much
shorter time titan lien-toiori- by ra yN en EW VEOET.
A lII.K ...tit to any part oj
the Union. All tr D.-,enlist ronialn .nuip lo pay
1,141 SAM, d. Of.
11 en, 05 SMITHFIELD -TREE''.m-ar LHamonil
Addreen, J, W. BItANSTICI"P. NI. It..
JaMity Box NM, Pittaburgh. in.
w °of) PUMPS;
--if):N 1111:111"..61.1-,
Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,
Brass Wort ;of all lintts, Mort Tla for Soda
Fountains: all Linda of .1111 and Leath, 'lose;
Hoar I . lp, nolta.lliags• lima Pips , nod Flap/re, uf
desertptions• te l , okeonataoll, ou Land at
Addy, Willliams & Bartley's
N. H.—All tlod. of rrpalrlog dyne prnlDprly
Jai eodpa.te
Wv are now mnouracturing a ,I'INERIOIC article of
We keep on hand and will make to order an , /
eller, sip, or thiekneek required. at the
Lowest .711arleef Bates
(order, ,y mall promptly ailed
167 Smlthtleld S.treet, Plttsbargb Pa
FITTINu, 1.51 ALL ITS BRA !it'll F:ti,
Carefully attended to by experienced and practical
kmen. A nue ausortinenl of
cooltantly on hand and made to order.
At p ?I ' 2't rglk
Plumbing and Gaa Fitting.
03 dls C7C10..
Boemeor 63 drLay & Eeperu,)
166 Wood St., Pittaburigt, Pa.
errlo..a..wr xi.x.r.rucza4Gl-,
E 111^.E.ArS „Jr 0.,
(Successors to• Addy &
No. 165 Woal st., Plttiburgli, Po
T. T7iWiNs
'Portable and Cigar Lighters,
EWE." S CO.,
(Successor. to Addy .t Ewen...)
ligilUod O. 1S Wood at, raUb=ab. P. I
Pectoral Syrup
Ciarep 1-3r0114-hitis,
All Diseases of the Lungs.
/Kiriln,t, •tre.:
Pectoral Syrup.
'I her are at Itort, • 101 an% nne I, her nu{ aott EI
can In , , Illy pet ,“ns to Inktt naen cored b 7
Attend to Your Colds.
A live seritrs stand. argil by Du. air
SYR, l'Et 1011 AI. -1 HUI'
rier•ortu.sineusry isee.
Dn. 1461rFert•-,ly %11-.• mnie/el,las
bAti rorßell end .ilin , elty ni breathing fur tire or elk
years. whirl, for st erel ears hark, had goad Ally
Increased trience. TL's row Oslo t has born her
edttarl, tool she beet, t rested by sorer - al physi
cians willow' ant I. In L 1.13111010 of her ease I
1 .roeu red sne ..(you r PECTOIS 1115 Y IL LT P.
bought. the first time,tiny cent bottle, which re
lir, od her eery n then I thrn called and got a dollar
outfit, which cored her entire'''. and site has now o•
truer of the former disease. excellt *caches..
would also stale. that I used the medne Myself to •
cold and cough. The rued trace cured use by taking
our dose. I express tor eeLl re satisfutlou with LA e
medicine, and you are at Ilbvrty to pUbline this
you desire td do so. . WM. WILSON,
Alderman, Fifth Ward
Itgll - A F T , IIC April h
daughter Who ham cat,
~ ra! me.lielheaf ray haa
lon, wlthdet benefit, an, ~ , at hen, Ayer'. Cherry
~r 3.1. I In.r , litt-, .1 fr•ge a betue et nate.*
Sr rep. 0,1 te , lhad4 •he had In•lod half a Crof
t, ,n..yea; IVP.I. T ' , cooed lentle eared her
eutlrei of her .1 , ,11N DARIN,
ll... Wagon street., Allegheny.
Ina - rnisiattitt, I l errnatier.ll, 1833.
A 1t it 11:A'r 1 I , 'lt/t 11 111 It. KEYSER'S PECTOItAI.,
S) e In Peebles township, Alieghrt,
uuty. I hada rough and spltitng, cati.-
no.ste, , l al,out La. ~ 1 Fehrway hoot, and eatit:ln•
ned t.lglit manilla. I • guployoil the beat pinsleuaa
In thr country, unit thy Cot/tame., tumbase4
until early r ho 1100. I wan adt . lex,
to trt Lour Pe, oral Coughyrun, v , 1,11,11 I did, as
ail,' I hail tat n one 1,.1111,. I wasentlrely Irv., trot
I I". coughing , •,.I ejn It I ris. I had , 14 , ..j.a1ret1 Of eva
gettlng thlnk It 0..1111 shown In.
calaahle renwl, %till do far others what It Its
dont , in my enw•. .11/11N
Wltni,s: b. 31. Kann. towpatilp.
l'artos Too: n , 1111 . . Aprll 14, IA&
A w. , xlprity --..a10e Hann
u g el
.100, V dram a hal o . l ug ! tbe cu H
relatlee• t”11 my t
that lie had tale,. every remedli
they heard of waltout brollter cattle to
ber him , Ile, and all u ere vofilirmed la the bullet that
e roald not line. I hail slut the third ur• bottle
or ) our rector.' eyrup, ark leo
.1 pare and It en.
[belt eured him. to the astoulahnient or all. What
make. the Ca,. more remarkable. IT toe extreme age
orue um, tu.lug about el,llly ear-a old. I bays
.aced doubt the l'ectosal ~ed hie 111,..
VI.M..E.—I'Iesse send me soothe r play of your val.
Liable Pectoral:7l,lp. Almot,l everybody tarountl sA
has the cold, and ynquirtntr D.r • • tr.
Pectoral Syrup." tt e hat n foottles the
11 week, no h d are now , nt.ret, .tut. Mr. A. Altar
awl ,l
Mr. P. Maer. 11.,th ~f ttlair,ille. Pa., told us
they would out he With..l/1 it to their famines. ta
fart, all lel, use It want ilagatu.
1 Lan, Jest..l,o:lly
January dd, INS].
I'tTTspl row. November IS, ISM
lin. Krlllgani—Ailholliril nutau iwleocate or Patent
.Nlealrinev. In general, It atiord. me pleasure Ind
scribable to ri3Ol1.11.:Itoi you r EY MAL SYRU P.
A. a mudirtna, It In well worthy the attention of art
person &alio may In any maner he afflicted wit
,•onglis. colds anl hoarseness of t any klnd.and for the
pri'uilnr qualifications for removimt all that dila^
eeatila sensation attending a se/ ere cold.
I have been. inure or less in my life.laffeettl edit/
the severe.[ oi v. 1,11. and !hoarseness. At times my
throat mould Kieran* au closed as to prevent my
&hot e a whas nod by takingly few apse
s of the above syrup it could relieve me °rarely.
In recommending thin nietiltsine, I must unhesitas
tingly say that It is best retnedy I ever found,
'h , °"l4 ;ri s f:VV
Tours, LOON) respe.glully
E , ' ll . P JOX
Cashier nitizel A.:posit Bank.
STECur.Nviht.t, Ohio, March 11. IMJ4
have ueed ,l/r. K her •• ( . 01101 Syrup fora bad
cough of oeveral year, lg./coding. and call cheerfully
say It la the best year/
fur Iliel,duue that I Lava
ever Lae, J. W..PRICE.
PYRUP.—Dit. Ktasst— Pear hire Excuse the delay
of :ay acknowledging the exc.:Renee of your Peetural
Cough Syron sooner. I take gnat pleasure In say
ing than it I's all you say it Is. it kmerknd the ants*
out of my rough, and the worst one I WWI ever Inlet eel Slue. I have out used more than ons-half of thole
bottle, and I can and do wish that ail who are a/Mak
rd would glee it at fair a trial or I hate done. and
then be proud to soy, • •It'lc no quack medicine.
would not suffer another such an pttiliCk for MY
ostslderation, or at ain rost. lam co:indent / can
restbt mon freely Cm . . I r err diet. I shall always
acknowledge a debt or, gratitude her Inventing eta
ex rent nyle remedy.. 'foe are at liberty to wee my
name lee Cal regard as you think vore . PRAM
Messenger Comim.e CounelL . Plitsburgh, Pa. k,e
N. R. -- I am uo rtrattorr to my 4110 w-citizens. and
all who catenate doubt. can consult me personally.
WEIt'W PECTQUAL HUP.—I Lad been troubled
with n coUgh and cold for sereerat weeu—so bad vra.
t that I could not •Itett I had the advice and pre
celptlons from three or be beet phentelans to the
eat, whom I could name, Out do not do to. I finally
procured a bottle or your Pectoral Syrup, which
cored me entirely.
eMer'u lo. :al. Liberty
January Oth,
tiTUP TIIATCOITO HIAO. • 'How can I do t?" i
Go to eyser•s; on Wood street, and got a bottle of
his Cough Pennant, and if that don't cure you your
toter must tie desperate liiileeT• mt. La it sheCimen
of the col Whi tote hear. every day in cold•Catenotif
periods of th e y ear. And we ran. from actual esp.,.
rlment. cheerfully concur In the adviser's admoni
tion as strove, for we have trued the • •Peatoral"
a most stubborn case, with entire ascetic. 'Near
two weoks ago we went to Plltslitargh, with one of
the moskdistressing. contrary, molten, aitstllidnahle
soughs we cver eigertenred slum our Wenn& tigers
this mundane sphere. Wr coughed steadily And la
boriosy for one whole eek, In hopes ofkleing It
out but It Iv. no go. In fact, it
kSr LO
have Improved by pearlier , and to hare acquired
streuFtb, potency and distreagibility by the opera
this singe of the Oleg, WiCeungmat way
to Keyser's, No. 140 Wood bisect, procured fifty
cent tnittle of the "reetortd,•' took it avocorillng
directions, and In forty-eight hours we wore mutes
of the field, the enemy havibg uncondttiOnall sur
rendered, after a brief, but - coequal conflict with SO
formidable ad adversary as iiryser'• famous Cerniili
j'eetoral.—Nrounirellis Clipper. Dee, 14, Keg,
4.X.1t-tesitsurgla. Paaaa•o.
110:Woodlitreet, Pittsbunb, r
Pries. 20 CM S&
I. prepwr arta sow try
Prepared and sold by