v v 0:11We): tetvA4 w THE PYRNLItAN ROM. museau %mart. COJTAYMIINA, Rasmus MANAGIM. PHILIEHHEBT THE GAZETTE 41180014 WON, AG POTH BTaarr. Pittsburgh. Timms: bloorrpre 115n10I, by mall, peq . ear ..... .......vb op ETIMING EDITION, do. lOD Obnovi by Darden, YOnyllyro or le/Inrixo, per • Zlic Wittoburgh 6azettr. a/ 4 kra VIII 'AAA Homeopathic Medlefne■ ♦t Faltch's Drag Store, N 05.67 and 89 Fifth stn. 85,00 Polish Boots selling for 13^ a pair, at 9! Federal .treet. Heavy Boots And shoes 'Alper cent. below oost, at w 2 Feder al Street. • Good News. Great bargain. In boots and aboes.at Fed eral street. Time ISM Vetoed, Thar anybody setts boots and shoes as cheap as McClintock, 92, Federal street. Jeer Davie Main tang. McClintock Is selling boots. and shoes at 92 Federal street, for leas Mein cost. All Ritat I The President Ia sustained. So Ia Sawyers tissues' Soap, the best washing and shaving compound iracneb. Neutral Sulphite of Limo, For preserving elder. For sale by Charles Sa yler, Druggist, corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh. Country Merchants Will and this a good time to buy, as Barker S. Co., are.offertng extra inducements this week Iy Dress Goods, and all kinds of Staple Goods, a All Wool Delolnoo Double width, all colon, as low as they ran he purchased In the East. on the north, ea+t cor ner of Fourth and Market streets. C. 11,itior LOVII a =I Of Dress tioods, that ever took place in onr will come off this week at Barker .t Co's., 59 Market street. The Great Clearance Male Of Winter Goods, at the Boot and Shoe House of South d Ross, No. 6 Market street, which has been to progress for the last week wlll be eontlimel one week longer. Now 14 the time tOseeure bargains In Boots and Shoes. Every-one should avail themselves of this op - portinitty. Remember the place, South .t Rose, 133 Market street, near Fourth street. •?t Brownloir A •wotlOtlon It Is with pleasure that we announce to stir readers that by the urgent request of many of our citizens the exhibition given by the Brown ing Association, on last Friday evening, will he repeated nt the Chapel of the Pittsburgh Female College, on Friday evening, March with the addition of several new and attrac tive scenes. The last exhibition was a deci ded success, and we know our renders will hall the announcement of its repetition with pleasure, and avail themselve a of this oppor tunity I. witness Um splendid tableaus, be sides aiding a wortLy Institution. Tickets for sale at C. C. Mellor's, Wood street, Table Linen A fall line, on the northeast coiner of Fourth and Market etreotc. L. ANBO9 Loved BRO A Timely Warning to the Sick It is especially important at this time, Si' hoe the markets of the United Slates tire flooded with the direst poison., under the name of imported liquors, and when domestic com pounds purporting to be medicinal, but not a whit Item pernicious, are heralded to the world en “soverelgn remedies," that the public should fully understand the facts, Re it knows, then, that while all the diffusive stim ulants called liquor. are impure, and all the Threes containing alcohol are manufactured with a fiery article captaining amyl or Joan oil, a merle/ poison, licu.etter's Celebrated Stomach Ilittets contain none of these things, but a combination of pore essence of Rye with the mare Juices of the most valuable stomach le,antl.billona, and aperient herbs and plants, and that as a safe and rapid remedy for Dys pepsia and all its kindred complaints, this preparation stands before the world without wriest or competitor. Its males today are equal to the combined sales of all the other tonics advertised In the United States, and the certificates which authenticate Its useful ness are signed by iron viduabi of the highest standing In every professional calling and walk to life. Rew - art. of Imitations and im postors. llostetter . • Bitters an/ gold wholesale and retail at very low rates at Fleming•s Drug mud Patent Medicine Depot, No. at Market street., corner of DA Dlamood and Fourth street. Neutral Sulphite of Lime. For preserving cider. For sales by Cherie super, Druggist, oOrner of Pens &DA St. Clair street., Pittsburgh. Fall mud Winter hoed■ It is with great pleasure we call the atten. tan of oar readers to the subperb stock of Fall and Winter Goods just received by Mr. John Weer, Merchant Tailor, No. 15..8 Federal street, Allegheny. His stock embraces some of the most beautiful Cloths, Cassuneres, Overcoat. 'togs and Vestunta aver brought to the western Market. HD assortment of Furnishing Goods, comprising Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Ties, flandkerctuelts, de., cannot be surpaseed east or west. X. large stock of ready mad Pants. Costa, Tests and Overcoats, will also be found to his establishment. Femme in want of any thing to the clothing tine should not fail to give Mr. Water a cafe. Pearls and Robles White teeth cropping from out of ridges of ruby, • breath spicy as the airs from Araby the Blest. Who can resist such fascinations To realize them, to perpetuate them, to make the mouth a casket of pearls and rubles, and every sigh a gush of fragrance, all you have to do, fair ladies, is to use that matchless vege table production, Fragrant Bosodont. I Practical Slate Roofers, and Dealers In Ameri can Slate of surto= colors. Office at Alexan der Langhlinis near the Wll2Ol . Works Plat,. burgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78 Pike street. Or. den promptly attended to. All work warrant ed water proof. Revering done at the short eat notice.' No charge forrepairs, provided the roof ts not abused alto. Is put on. Carpenter Jobbing Shop Having returned after an absence 01 Lb • • years In the army, I have re-opened my shop for all sorts of Jobbing in the carpenter line at the old stand. Virgin Alley, between Smith- field street and Cherry Alley. Orders solicited and litelliPtlY attended to. 11:1==1!= Neutral Sulphite or Lime, For preserving elder. Far sale by Charles super, Druggist, corner at Penn and St. Clair streets. Pittsburgh. 600 New Pholorrephe, Reeeived yesterday awl or.tu c, a Pittoc From Tense and Louisiana. NSW 0111.1“.11S Feb. hi. —Glotreetort—An arti cle in 055 constitution was ordered to be en gtassed involuntary servitode, ac cept for crime, protecting African descend ants in their right of props ty, and allowing them to testify in courts by a vote of 50 against 25. Interior berme agents report that armed bands are defying the United States soldiers, and maltreating laborers. Forces have been sent to their ret Crops work about to be abandoned, and the freedmen remoF4L to a plasm of safeti. many compound interest counterfeit notes are in circulation, dated February 15, lest Sev eral arrests wore made. The Arteriole Times, of January 27th, says Several ez-confederates have arrived at Cor dova to Bettis. The American polouy, near Martian is doing Weil knd are planting retten. A Portuguese colony 11 Settling at Eluachin ger. Treasury agents at Shreveport are taking measures to send all the cotton stored there, which has not pro permits, to New Orleans. The steamer Missouri, for Sew York, and Concord, for Boston, leave to-morrow. The steamers Gambia and Moravian leave on Bab day for Liverpool. Stove Founders • Meeting ILLSANY, feb. 88.—The Stove Founders of Albany, Troy and Buffalo, held & Meetir:E w a. Troy last evening, for the purpose of lait initiatory steps toward al national ergs a, tiou, for the purpose of resisting the demands of the Iron moulders, and Wring such steps as shall protect their mutual interests. The meeting was fully attended. auction Salo of Coal New Tome, Feb. 2S.—By order of the Delo.' ware, Lackawanna' and Western Railroad Company, SOAR tons of Scranton coal was sold• at auctiontaday. The auctioneer stated that. she commusi would °patinae these sales; tensing - their coal to market just as soon us is can be got from the rubes, VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 50 officraL MEXICAN NEWS xxxiik th CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION. VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. ‘VAARIXOTON CIT), FCtI . 2J . 1. 0 66. IiENATE. PRESIDENT AND THE TEST MATH. French to Evacuate Chihuahua. ! Sir. Wilson introduced a Joust resoiation, to fix the rate of mileage for Waters travelllng • public duty, which wan referred loth° Coln- EXTRA POLICE FORCE AT THE CAPITOL. THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. mitten on MLlttary Affairs,. • Ya .h t t r ent;: ro z 'laid before the Senate. . • es. presented a memorial of the IMPORTANT DISPATCHES FROM TEXAS /Atter ric to with the President.. California Legislature, asking for certain 1 . R( TUl„tn. , amendments .onaerrdto to b t e pri hePa u c te ifle railroad bill, which d. Mr. Stewart presented the memorial of the lINETM OF IRE IRON LSD STEEL ASSOCIATION' m N' ln v' erul d“ con ' en t rre th nt e L le so ° ln i APPOINTMENT OF VOLUNTEER NAVY OFFICE As THE TENNESSEE SENATORS THE ST. LOUIS POSTMASTER.. TIME A RI --- ti reo, the .at of the national government Mr. Conners called up the bill to grant public of Merico, has been received 'here up to the lands to aid In the Construction of a railroad 2,1 in, The French column which had start- from Ra and the Cabinet yto n Francisco Bay in Butler . ed from Chihualme to MI Paso returned to. California, which was ass Sa ed. Chill notion, untl It was understood that all the On motion of Mr. MTArti, the Senate took up the bill to grant nubile lands to aid in the ee , French troops et the city of Chihuahua were construction of a n dail to the Pacific, APPLICATIONS hR parup, kp,Ny wit - v.\ at.”. I Ica, in g that state, of which they hold through MlasOuri Arkansas, by the South old y Ihe rapital. ern route wnich bill incorporates the atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, and authorises The intimations are, from what h. molten it to contract a rtulrOad from Springfield, , New' 'V oah, Feb. tta—The Pribune's IS easing- . from menthe, of the Reconstruction Commit- AllaSOUri, to the Pacific Covet, by a Southern ton special says The President was called ter . I hat a bill will snow be reported from the route, and grants every alternate section of upon last night by a Congreasman and a Stole al ng tile route to aid in the wOrk. latter pi °riding for the recognition of the l' Tt i [tae conclosionof the reading of the bill Senator, both from New York. In th e course state of Tennessee, and the consequent ad. the Morning hour expired, and further con- of th e converimtion the President said flint m ,,,,,,,,,, ~i ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, I,,,p eenett m t i, es sideration of it was postponed untd tumor- the test oath wait n little too severe; that mans , row. to I ongress. ' Mr. Fessenden , from t. Finance Committee, I of those that had participatial in the rebellion v.,. p,. ,. po.,ment. ~ y I the House until the :reported the Naval appropriation 811 l for the were good men to represent the southern , ~. senond Tuesday tat April, of the proposed , ensuing year welts certain funendinents,which States in Congress, and that the test oat& ought not. to be applied to them. lie telde,t t olnitiLethirlitl if ruendinent, In relation to '''' Mr7 der Johnson bn be pre p e r ien inte ted d. the credentials Of_ the lirOteet lon of life, liberty and propertY, Wm. F. Perry, Senator elect from South Carcir that a mere oath to support the consti tannin was all the was necessary, for the man 'v regarded by man,' Members of Congress as Iltia, which were ordered to lie upon the table. t " . nt A eoncurrent resolution that no Senator or , a defeat of lee measure, tit least in the prase u.0pr, .., tative, from a lately seceded State, who world take that oath was a loyal man I o while the majority oilmit that the prin- «hall be admitted until Congress shall hove I As to the ConstiVtional Amendment, the ;Pau , iet , should be enforced. They are not all recognized such State entitled to represents-' President said that no constitutional amend- agreed its to the moans ',commended by the lion, tells taken up. meet aught to i n s passes mall the public mind comniittee on Ree - mat traction to that end. Mr. Nye, of Nevada, took the door. In the j shoold be quite free from excitement, and the This afternoon a cent in 'aloe of gentlemen present crisis be Said the best mode of action , f roze peiladelphin, With, the auspices of the tuns a firm adherence to simple principles. southern States represtufted to Congress. iorreell'age library t °meetly, salted 'pun the The first duty requires ns to act not for the In consequence of the turbulent dialmsltion President to present the resolutions of a indemnity for the past, but for security for , manifesty come portions of the people In meeting held nn the _inn a( February, neer.- the future. We ought not fall to examine ' W.hington it has Well nee.sury to pit( on ,ng the raeteratem polity of the admlnistra- what was the CILIUM of the conflict that has' an extra police force at toe Capitol during the clop, and the present position occupied by the tilled the hind with widow's and mph.. and ' hours Of session. . Pre,dent. is vast accumulation of debt that will ' hang Gen. Comstock, of Gen. Grant's stall, line ai- Al, Marshall, Chairman of the Committee, over us as as Incubus on the Wilmot industry rived at Washington from Tex. with Import- said the meeting which piorael r h o resolution,. of the 'country- It is no time to gloss over or 1 alit reports for the Lieutenant General. wits s Ithotit distinction of party , and In the attempt to palliate the motives in which the I re Thy Lieutenant General ached Washing -cone,' tat his speech remarked, “ie e will rebellion originated. It is necessary that we ' ton vesterday morning and at ortee erre , ..... 1.51 . tam., bv You, them rather as censerrative should take these motives trite strict account ! to his headquarters, where he in nos bed ly , •ingens - than as partizans, We will stand by in order fully to understand how to prevent a 1 engaged_ with military attains. sou ii... Peun+yiyannans—as Pennsyl v a n ia el- recurrence of Beebe rebellion. h Te Tribune's WaStangtoll special also sore: way's nino.l Inc Andrew larkson—never teeing Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, at the lose of i There was a prOtriteted 5e...10110t the ttilunet Mini In his honesty at purposeto do what was Mr. liye'a remarks, moved that the further s - esterilay, at which all the members were i ight. :ind his ties& bid° 11, and never to sub- consideration of the subject be postponed ill' present. Telt to abet vies a rung, and his ability to pre- to-morrow. Rumors are In circulation that a &ows, veto R." Mr. Fessenden tieprecated the slow manner difference of opinion exist, between the See- Ti.,' erestilent responded as iolloe c'l shall in which the debate progressed. Re asked rotary of the Treasury end the Con' roliet et lire, attempt, gentlemen, 10 make a forinol re- bow many speeches were yet to be made no the Currency, both in respect to the thitint.l pis-. I beg amt, e simply to t &ink you for the the other side. He gave notice that to-mon policy and new political phases. Liminess you lint e slit, n towerds me and the row he would ask the Senate to not until it had Thesstaternent which has gained enrrenc, , ne,,,,,,,genieto ,nu face given me by your are paused the resolution, no matter how late that the St. Louis postmaster was refused con- prim:limn or my 'node. policy as it has been that mat' he. hrmotion on account or an unfrien d ly feel leg presented to the ion- Moral 101 l of the country. Mr. Hendrick, of Indiana, said the propoti towards the President, and the( hi., r,,,,,,te5t, I can only .ray tent I i rusalreour confident,. line lice of Mr. Fessenden wad unfair Several was intended tui a rebuke to the President. is not "eta inlsrlie'ed: end tau but point you 'pooches were yet to be made on his (Mr.. untrue. It was ascertained th at the gentle- 1., [a) pus cause, an my patine prOteniga- Hendrick's, side of the House. 1 Man nominated for that office was personally non iii the talne,pl, by w !Itch lam guided as Mr. Johnson withdrew hismotion to post hostile to both of the Missouri S e nators, and it n , , men,. of s hat no future course will be pone, and Mr. Steward, of NeVada, spoke ' In accordance with it long established Usage Is ti.ia behooves every man to apply himself to on the pentlinsconeurrent resOletion. He did of mat holy lie was selected upoo that tat- the dilllcoll I•lnk tai linderstanaing the real not believe the resolution very important in ' eumstanet• and neon other, anti the President , mei anon et toe &met ry, and to apply the Itself or at /my other time, but in the present I was so informen. true remedy for id les ..1 hut *Min. by a faith- condition of the public, It was of vast tumor- bThu Ilaefd, Washington ..peeini so, 1 1 , 11 obsel , an, anal eilfo,eteent of the Con- tance, considering the breach between the ill prepared In accordance a Ith &are ~,,,,,,,,, , ittution, and the his • 1111A111. In palmate, President and CO ,nar ems This resolution was fthe secretary of the Navy to red nett c the th,,,,f, I, I, a . ,„..,,a„• ..or 0h . 1.-et to nod a like a rivulet trickling down the mountain appointment of certain volunteer offieera in ti, , i; ing pin-ter. cri-esteeldt, With thew ound side, capeble now Of being turned aside with a the navy, has been con,,id e red The Hon-, i hat a n. , Man-tea on the body politic. We spade, but it was possible to augment into a Naval Commit tee agreed to report It to the t lion gii tar had foiral 11. and, still thinking , current of discOrd, d.hing down into an ocean House. It provides that in tone of peace the .m we •Imil pursue and persist in our policy, of trouble. number of Rear Admirals of . th e active hoc 'i ''null the great result Is accomplished, or It Mr. Steward proceeded to LliSell.99 the Presi• the navy shall be redneed whenever any ellb ...II be defeated by a honor over ellieb we derive policy, reviewing it at length, and con e& of that grade shall be removed by death et .hall ini, e no eon t. 01. I thank vOu. gentle- /Analog lan remarks with the statement that resignation or otherwise, and attehrl . men, far in, ~,,,,,t,g t ion and enenurageutent since the dilatory resolutions hail been agreed moral shall not create a vacancy i l'' ~,„ h a a ~ ex iendxil to ate on thin OCettalan. and spot., speeches might as well be made upon be tilled SO long an pence continues I repeat. that I hole • and trust your confidence the pending resolution as upon any other. , That promotion to the grade of rear ntintirid ti.,- not been in ispineea. HO dialed that eleven States had been tie on the retired list nhull l'e sonde by the sett , - The yam!. menthe,. et the Comni I nee were dared in Insurrection. Mr. Lincoln's pro. lion, by n hoard of rear admiral& of thine then int rod te, ,I pet smially to the President, elainailon doolaredThe people tube in Maur- I eommoriorea from the retired list us most and 1,1 d v.l much pleased with their inter- rectioe, not the States. It was Mr. Lincoln , I n orthy in point of character. ability all.: hen- , ~,, . theory that the people might rebel, het the enable mervlce, one of whom shalt be ...ieetell The CT.. I nit' , if tile Treastlry . J ityt issileil States could not. In conformity wiz, thin Jiy the President and neat to the Seeute for Lie behoving ~ I rmilar to the Collectors ot Cus- theory, lie went BO for as to authorize one ' eradlrmation. That of the number of Ito, oat- t ono.. and When, In relation to the tenni.- tenth of the people of any rebel State to form core of the navy On the Retire list, nee lies Ima of the re, lil r, It "eat): it in% al Slate govermtlent. tenant comnitutders, twenty lieutenants, 1111> ro. knt.' in par AII.TI(UNT, i Thew ar, Mr. Steward saki, was prosecuted masters anal seventy-dye ensikens shall be Mt- At.i . r .,, Ist, I.lk-1 i for the mainteuanee of the laws, and the in in , t :: d s . o f r. " 1 . 2.,? ‘ .7. E'11 i 7 e r2 ,.. r i . :„," 7 0 h r u t s n .. e o -I . j . ' , . * ;,, d iO, ', ~• , .t . ', ~. Ten of orli ink ised Oita the tafr l l ,, t , y , , c . t . f m t p hz iir li e n , i t o l n n :n t i , :i t 1 the .,,, cannelti mett. i 1, , , , „ , A beard of ofTleurs in to ...mint' end . ...lerr !' r , ', i I ; i" . ',':,',. • t: „.,': ' ~.:,' . ..7. r 'h ,," i t r aai ' -,: a t s 'L",, l , operation in It and he did not propose to the candidates. Any ofneer who has ...reed r'' '''',' - "," 1. ,' i ' . i ' ,.t- I 'l ',l- 4 .' r n a ‘' l ' l ' l ' .. 'plrat chew whit worth:nos. lie dented the power of for two years has the right to appear before 'o' i ':'`` ,''• ; ' ... T', 1 , 1 , -- " ~', ~i',,'„„„,„ „', itiii any State to withdraw i t n be o l: e oarili reg. : l n .r d n las av e y xamlnel for appoth (Meet '',,','..,;,:,.,,,,..,°," ',,,',,„", :h ~ ,1,.,,,,,,,,„,„, t;, mr.l.OnlteSia [Mired Ar. Stetrart how Many , .. , n „ w,l, 1 ,1,,,..,. 0 .,,,,,1e r lorat men there worn li. South Carolina when After the Collatitut tonal Amend Intuit is .1 , -- u t :,';', '''' ,'" 1 ' .„,e' . ,,,,,, ~,,,,, .„ I .„.„. , ,„,, ...later Lvi, tired on, or how ninny when Sher. posed of to-day, the Blaine trill lake up, toe :l"" T" ..,... .„,,,., , „„,, ~,,,.,„„, ~e ,I s . man arched to the sea. Loam RIO. and will probably pass the +Med i. , a1e' . : „,, ' , 11 ,, , , i 5 • ~. „... ,;,,,,, ~,. , r ,,,,, 0 ,,,,, • ,,,,,, ~,,_ Ng, step nod said that lie hod led lulten it tete, Offered by Sir. Stevens, for the regular ::, ' ,l ie., ~',. tin ,- I . afte l the leth Ina , Into the vensu• of sooto carollmi. He sae disaissliig liltl, from thin Wars and Means L ommittu • t •,,,,,.,, ~,,,,,., ~,,m the ti r o ~i, pi.ome re s ot genera! pi ineiples. It there was ono loyal The substitute restricts the illseretion of the ..,, . , , lth o„, „,,,,,,,a,er, and man In the Stale, he had ii. right to the pretties Secretary of the Treasury. and omits the for- . ;,,,..,,,?T i, ,„ ~4,,,,,,,,,,,„) . 00 ,tpettistt, tie i 1011 of . the government ~. mo . , 1 ~ elfin loan clause. .1J °r and aetertnining the clivelifleation Al `,11.1p M tl I i 1. e o n, j , ei The riot& Washington slieffial ooy. oo , t ~, ga '„1„ , „ . ,,,, , 5,.. ~..., ~,,„ ,l a ,, o e eter s Mn, Fessenden demanded the jet. and oat, Sunnily' will complete one year xintk the Sri., Il t r ti%stele. The uttn.i.t care shinild 1,0 exec-' on this motion. Yeas, s nays LI. torn from Tennessee, messes rosier and Pet - .• J.,..1 In determie lug the, • aloe Ili tan } ,I t iotet e , A quorum not voting, 'Sir Clark nmved lb,. teroim were elected to their seats in the sar—., .tr., Imported from iter British Pr.- the Sergeant ut Arms request the attendance United states Senate. It Is hardly ra...--thi , ~,,, i, .i.. eanipetent for Ili.. ittliralSi, ot of aliwent mernher , that these gentlemen will 1-c permitted to j , ~,,,. ,„ ,,,,, ,,4 ~.. „,,,,,,,,,,,,. 1 ,,, ~.„ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,..,, m e. th „ mie , , L .,, le moved that the Senate &i -rate their Peat. before their first nynatorial : :s n ' txrket ,a,te In the In Inelpal of ether of t lie / 011 m, whirb 'slot &oiled year shall have expired. The indleatlons Si!' .......,....... ~, ~....„ ~, ~,,,, 1101 . 3 E. that about thren-fourths of the Seuotors s ili 1 " . ',',. , ' , ,. ” " H. Mei r 1 Luce, vote In favor of admitting the Tennetsee . 'I." • ' '1 'be Hoe. rutted the ronsidendion el the eeereterN Of the Trenton' members when the motion comes ll 11 pi II 1101iitii i onstitutionnl Amendment. Sit. The Heresid'a Washington special say. Too Thiel" being entitled to the floor, Mr. &eyens streets use full of rumors of Cabinet changes asked him to yield, In order that lie might General Butler's arrival tat thi, parneelar lin, an Important document read. juncture was aUrnliaeti by Some 1., have epee Mr. Rogers rose at the mine time ton per determined li' the late break between ll„' ao rtal explanation. He antri he was rep,- President and his Cabinet, and not It II”, lie- .Lerited lip the A.iwrnted Press as endorsing. Here he confidently experts a plow shoe& in his spedeh on timidity, the speech of Wm any vacrancl. occur. His real business here 11. Seward, in Now bur k. Ile did not endorse is to defend the Govern merit In one or more him or his speech, but Henry J. Raymond's sults brought up from Indiana tor doubtful No amine having been mentioned, the re or illegal exercise of authority and power. porter naturally fell into the mistake. the The Herald. Wanhingtini Special also sLiVn. had not yet forgotton the tiviklk - ~ Some time ago a board of officers was appoint ed to examine applicants for the vacancies among officers of the regular army as It now wrists. There were about four hundred sun fifty places-for which eight thousand applica tions were made. Something like 210 deserv ing soldiers, many of whom had served yearn In the army, passed the examinatiOu before this board. It is stated, however, that the real nominations for the places have been made from among the candidates presented by Congressmen, and who have not passed the board. These nominations were sent to the senate restyrday for (suet' rmatton. LATE FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. SHENANDUAR CLAIMS DISCUSSED The Speech of Marshal Fore). MATTERS ON THE RIO GRANDE New Pons, Feb. I.4.—DelaiN of the new,. in the foreign files, shows that In England the Shenondoah claims wero being discussed in a considerably altered tone since the publication of Mr. Soward's last published dispatch on the question. The London Timer now speaks of the Brit ish officers nothing at the transparent frauds. and allowing the British laws to he, cheated to a manner that demands inquiry. It alludes to the Australian authorities permitting a grave breach of hospitality, and recommends that the foreign enlistment ant should be at on, amended. The Paris corrospOndent of the London Times, w.uting on the 12th last treats St length the speech of Marshal Corey, and thinks the signs are not favorable to a speedy recall of the troops from Mexico. The corms. pondont expresses his belief that the senti ments which Marshal Foray uttered, are not very different from those of the Emperor, though he declared that ho merely spoke for himself. Letters from the East Indies, represent the cotton trade as greatly increased during the American war. The shipments for five months alone, during last year, over the Great Indian Peninsular Railway, amounted to two hun dred and ton thousand bales, three times the amount for the same period to the succeeding year. New Yonz, Feb. di—The Cornmerciat'i Wash ington correspondent states that pee of Gen. Grant's staff, who arrived there this morning from the RIO Grande, having visited the font= fications and garrisons, reports matters there as In a very distracted state, but is of the opin ion that the present arrangements of General Sheridan are such as will preserve peace. Maximilian's envoy is in Washington seek ing recognition, and endeavoring to concili ate oar Dublin men. He will be present at the reception Of the French Minister this morn ing. The Are In Messrs. Cummings & Lockwood's Chair Factory, No.'s 423 and 43.6 West Thirty. Second street. destroyed the factory, together with Its contents. Loss, 1130,000. Insured. The Newark and New. Jersey railroad bill, was passed one Its third reading in the Now Jersey Senate o4lay. La the case of Licore vs. Thurlow Weed, a matted was made In the SnpreineCotirt todnY, to set aside the !Wl:talon obtained against the derendanta to restrain them Reim assigning or parting with eattsiin interesta •th a New r ice°, end San Franelace. Telegraph Compapy. The Court reserved itil dekIXIDZI• Tax on Cation—lneomeo Miempted—The Coastnational AmenOment—qklezon- . . der 11. Stephens. Wiantaorms, February . .M.-"The Maya and "leans POMmittee bare agreed to report a bill providing fli ng y !. tamp( Co per pound on cotton, and allo "sdrisivinscir On manufactured goods wi . eils? a bilreTempting trim taxation lid incomes under el OW, and taxing en above that auto at a unlffsiM rate or 5 per cent. The Commercial's epeeist]. wipe: If Mr. Bing ham presses. the Constitutional Anaendinent pc a aoto It VIII ue defeated. Alec. 4. Stephens is expected at Washington this week. • rendezvous for our national vessels, and that negotiations with the Denial authorities have Win. LloYn Dnielliou'a address—The 1 resulted in securing us of the same, which will President! aqd Renard Denounced. ,in• of Ininninse value to our government to Haw TeltE, Feb. n.—Wm. Lloyd Gerd., de. • case of a'aorelgn war. livered an address in Brooklyn last evening. I -as. He denounced the President's policy 10 severe . 1 The Fire in Rt. Louis. tonna. , Ue thought that amatory Seward ; might better nave Yellen under the hand of . Sr. Louts, Feb. , ,Dl—The loss by the burning the Wanda Payne than to have participated . of Obermeyer's mill yesterday morning, was . in IlateFhttraday evening's meeting at Cooper' VS,OOO, instead of $,4 000, as Previously re , Diattle• ported. It was insured for $2i.500. • THE of the Nevada Legislature, asking for the • N ,111, OT On, ro , . orwg from speedy trial of Jefferson Davis. Both were ordered to be printed. A 00.1.i1111, toe Iron .01.1 steel kastielation It as took! itsrlsi, and a• attended hy a num le.l of taetnis Irno t different p a st s 01 thry count ra The assoelat ton tottnher two hundresl end st -Si 4. toenthers. s representing tut-ne e..., o.:11- e. in nearl) all the northern slates. fh. 14,441400 d or the association r 44041 t: r to ask Inures. to WILTII off the danger Which appeltrs I, threaten the martin fact to 1111.1 . . 1111,0:1111 01 the tntry. A delegate front Pennsylvania sold the asso coition 11,414,1 in orot,c•tSve t&rlI of Rev lilfteen inc twerp}' donors a tor. 011 iron, at one-fifth of the market I. 5i11,!.! led 143 - our greatest enemy, The non:its, of nailer. at the President's noose to-lay uras unusually !age. Lteutenant to•rt. 4001. }toward told Croxton, also Governor Sharkey, Senator elect Iron, .511salss an mil, and mane 01her members elect front the recoustructed Claire. loot Interviews with the The Marine Fire Insurance Company— Monterey Deserted by French Troops and Chattanooga Railroad. iv 1 iraz, Fel , IS —lt is stated in the Err,- ing "0 that the Zusreess of the Marine Fire and inland Insumnee Company will not pro bably Ire resealed, but the Minim of the am ran) will ill' w 1 / 1 ,1,1 op by the payment of out ug losses, the wincellation of radicles, awl the , 11%1M1,11 0/ the surplus among the stockholder,. The report irf Mr. Horn. states the aggregate nutria non at te W 44,640,76, and the luahll hies, Illel rellug outstanding, are said to leaving a margin of about oh,oou. After the I:afore:it of all claims, the Company think the losses will ire found to be mailer than they Imagined, and the assets greater. The eaust• of the Polo re is admitted to tie till' large and hazardous business the Company has 110111., a hick involved serious tosses. The Insured n 111 probably receive the amount of the premiums paid. Thu dook.hOklars may receive thin y to forty per rent. of the :mortal of subscription, after the regular losses arc fetid. Tlitire le likely to be a oondlat , regard ing the itcceli rr. Julio E. Hackett was ye. 1...-rday named for that office by Judge Bruin m-il, and this rnertilug Mr. Hackett filed his 1•11111,1 111 the sum of any thousand dollars. Mr. sum:berry has been appointed on the ap p 11.11., of the Company and of the Assistant Attorney tieneral. The lan I. ramie correspondent states that 111.mtery hum no Frenebi troops, and only 500 imperial Mt:nil:1111 troop, The city to nearly deserted by I.ent inhabitants, who had gene saltell, abo there wan a French force. 1 he al,aedeement of the place by the -French troop, owing be Jealounctes on th e part of Atex.lenn commanders. The people desired t.t.eir return. 'the Macon, trot.) Jwirnal says: The tirtah v I Ile and Chultu ~,, okra Railroad have brought a salt again.t their late Prceldent for permit t Ing the axe of the road by the late rebel tiov rn en t llhr¢ager. Its the amount of one mil lionm dollran arc claimed, Withdrawal of Weak Deposits—Gain or currency—Goal Mold. New Tone, Fob. u.--some (ante banks have withdrawn their deposits from the Sub-Treas ury, while there is a Steady gain of currency through the levelers from the west. The street is well supplied with money at call. at 667 per cent, with rather a preponderancy of transactions at the lower rate. Discount rah or more active; paper has a freer ourrenoy but at Jinn rates, prime Wile being at 70)13 per cent, and goal at nkt9 per cent. It fa impossi ble toeoneea) the fact, at present, that the street Is loud and unanimous in MS complaint against the manner In which the Treasury gold sale, are conducted. The transactions are made entirely through one broker,a relit- Li,' of the hand or the department.. Daring I the last two weeks, 513,003,000 of gold has been sold In this *ay nt the ordinary commission of per cent. Each of the operations have a filunisome brokerage, which it is very natural-I I T felt should not be °unlined to any ono Stocks are tumnlet, except two or three roads, which aro under clique management. Governments are quiet. Gold romaine steady at about yesterday's quotations. The demand for i customs arc moderate. The Pert nays Wall street is more animated to-day in consequence of the report which Is extensively believed, that all loan bills will be made conductive to inflation, and that the temper of Congress is hostile to on measures looking towards the contraction of greenbaok entrenay. This IC interpreted to Le favorable to rogher p?iem, and is already Nadi:icing its effects in stimulating speculation. It is rumored that the tightness of money, and the consequent loss of orinllt In London by some of the leading railway contractors, may deter for a time the realization of the scheme of the pins propased by Sir Morton Pato when in thin country, but nothing is cer tainly known , Harbor for Our Veeeefe oil the (eland of Thump, N cw Yong, February 2S.—Tbe liertilcOs Wash ington correspondent writes: -It is under amid that during the late exeprsion or Secre tary rd to the Wert Indies, he selected a harbor on the Island to fOrni a PITTSBURGH GAMETTE. PITTSBURGH, T The annual report of the Commissioner On .ergot..... the tinkling of Mr. Se w bell, and should he ashamed to CI, dorso him or his speech, and let it go before his constituents. Mr. stevens--"Ile did not eudorse Mr. sew f. lie endorsed me and Mr. Raymond." Laughter. ] At the conclusion of Mr. Davis' remarks, Mr. Woodbridge obtained the floor. Mr. Motions sent up to the desk and had read a dispatch about a caucus of the Pennsylvania Leglsiatere, and asked their consent to have It referyeti to the Joint Committee on Recon. et ruetibm Mr. Chandler objected, and llr. Stevens with drew the document, Mr. Woodbridge addressed the House In sup port Of the Constitutional Amendment, tol ls wen by Mr. Bingham, on the same side. Mr. Bingham said he epProached the dm lassion of the question fully aware that It was Impossible for him to do justice to it in the time allowed. Rethought the gentleman from Vermont, Mr. Wootbridge, had uttered words that ought to he considered and accepted by the gentleman. When he said that the action of congress, on the nature prosperity of the country, would be felt byg. ...aerations to Come, he believed that the people had entrusted to the present Congress the mire of the Republic, not only for the present, bet for all the [lmo, The Committee on Reconstruction would not have recommended title proposition but for their confidence that its adoption and ratifi cation were essential to the safety of an the people of every `State, present and to-come. He repelled the suggestion made In the heat of the debate that the Committee, or any of its members, sought in any form to mar the Constitution, or to take from any State the rights that belonged Lott and the Constitution. This Ivan simply a proposition to arm the Congress of the L sited States by the consent of the people, with power to enforce the bill of rights. As It stood in the Constitution It had that effeet no more. The speaker was trainee tly Interrupted by points of Order being made, but only one point was sustained. Mr. Conkling obtained the Seer as one of the Committee, Re agreed to the amendment being reported, Ina he did nut concur in the reppoort ilotelakLas said he should vote for the postponement of the proposition. Mr. Contains moved that the whole subject be postponed till the second Tuesday In April next. Mr. Eldridge moved to lay the whole subject on the table. Lost, 41 to 110. Mr. Conkling's motion was then adopted by a vote of 119 to M. The Ronne then went Into Committee of the W hole on miseellaneons appropriation bills. Mr. Ashley in the Chair, and made some pro gress. After the ComMittee rose the Speaker pre sented a communication from the COMMlE stoner of patents, transmitting the annual re port of IMS. Mr. etrinnell moved to print ten thousand extra copies. Referred to the Committee on Printing. Sir. Loftin presented a resolution of the NOW York Legislature, relative to the ship canal Rom Portage Lake to Lake Superior. The House then adiourned. New Y oak, Feb. 2S.—The flank Committee have returned from Washington, haying na corn pi Ished the result of the mission to the Sec retary of the Treasury and Treasurer. The average deposits of banks are to. be taxed. After the amount of checks drawn against so counts each day is deducted, the gross de posits will be returned and %separate account of uncollected cheeks be kept placed to the credit of the banks. Democratic Meeting In Ran Francisco. SAN Fesacisco, February 2&—The Demo crats hold a very Large and enthusiastic meet ing here, tan evening, to endorse the Free dentAsactlon; also stSacrumente. The steamer Sierra Neyeda arrived tree Portland bringing •014,640 ih treate rs. The Nevada Senate has endorsed Congress. Beeves, Feb. 'M.—The Executive Council at a meeting this afternoon, appointed Wed noeday, the 13th day of April next, for the ex ecution of Edward W.'Groen, for the mnrdnr of young Converse, =damn enabler of tho Mal den Bank, come two years ago. The vote of the Council was nmaninums. Rion MOND, February tit—The Senate passed the House bill providing that all testimony given by colored persona shall be oral. It also passed the House bill itiving..validlty to'vari ous acts, contracts anciprOceedings during the late War not incomdstent vitt:aim Constitre thin Os laws of the United States. I.outent.t.a, February 27.—The Tautens had nnimYwaln larcldhithr turuOreldon tcrrdaht and iaAtIO Weedily .ske the tkmat Mouse. Seale four thOuaand people were present. JudireJohnsonpnesided. Speeches ware made by nay, Mermaid and Brennan. Mole Deposit Taxes. Murderer Sentenced Virginia terinlatare. Fenian Torchlight Iftocesston. :DAY, MARCH I, 1866 _ _ __ Trial ffvr Subornation of Perjury. SUNDRIES. inWTOIR. PA.rnapy - la.-There u a. a large fr teildanee In the 34111wrt.', Conri, t e-dav,l. /WWI REA M Alllll4 AL GROCERIES. Smith on lan appeal to have the vt•rdiet eon-. di , f ,„..... , 5,, , „,,, ~ ~ . . Tinting him at kuhornat ton In piny:toy •••1 40,, ~. ~.., .'"'„ , r, •`. 1 . ;••• • r••• • aatde, and a new trial trrante.l. tie °crop nut 1••••aar h, ~, ~. nearly the whole day. and among the chief ill- .. ` . .1 , ,L . d • . de 0 , lAwal lupe In Its argument WO, that Li , eon- . ,:, , ,• . , I.• de . rMtion was effected hr a foul eonspiraey. teiWIR Nu. 3 far t , do Aided t.y perjured witnesses and reward ire I, ~.;,,,,,,, ~,. • ~.. t of pe rjured on the pat tof the jury. ' .'non. .t. ffieftlum p en he ~fl,lll j i;i: ;_ e n d , , ,. .ll , li i l e a c e o l: „ ll i f . TiaAll ,l 2 , 7 ; l‘ ‘in ti , l , e , l , i 3 ; - ; 1,. WEI; r•• 1,.. 1 i,,,k,. ii,„.,,,, 20 du .10 \Viet, k•t s r, ft hag- ; rifle I'l . I of , • . p imbly he idiven In 11 fell 'WV, 'in" r•• - ' w. ' l„l.. , ''' 1 „ do fair h. rem. . aha nave. Mains at lartre, under bail of ,r 25, , ,, ics. Md... Pen ne•l Sager.. of fur, d, fo du S. t,, Ilan daft,. Niels.-- • 7, do Corte lie.. e. .h. . atm ~„ s erlo Arc .l laaportant Derision. :s P o ddoeeeii ;f Cor a ,n Pr a- u f thrt,rui ',and-, of , bale. NO. t Will. .i decision Was rendered yesterday in the , iu . ~ 4... ., ~.,,,,,,,,,,,,, of On , „the, gn...,., .n 0.,. COurt of Qttarter Se-nion. int olVlng. an Ili-, linv• for ' , an' leVii, . 1; H „ t . sE ~,, , T a t„, . portant rule of criminal practlee 82... , Corner Water and Smithfield ft, - Westley !: oil- j_ Some month. sno.''" '"n"'"'""" ". "'ad' DRODCCE CONSIGNMENTS NOW before Mayor Lowry vital gang • IN STORE,-101 Obis. Flint Hominy. 33 10•14. ter with having obtained money 1•:.• meati- of • Pearl Hominy; too OM., Dried Peaches, halves; 30do fate pretense, .I.• o.laFter, t 5 do dn, pared; 2do !terries, pits In, 12 do do. pas 01,1: 31 do do Blackberries; 10 Eta do Et- About the 0•011e.latc five separate alt forma- derherris, 10 11.1 Fr.:licit •Clll - 1•1111.1, an do York State do; 1 pried fippies; O. do Ohio do; 30 Jo old IXI doe. titkin were male before l ine Rirille niagi•drate • rased Frutal Peachea: WO dot. do Tomatoes; il. w keg auftlnnt nal - natal 44 Natant, eltarging Into. with , Comary 1 i ,.a.r.1; I. tads. dodo; 1e d, 10 .. d0 ratio ; ; Ilak•lng defrauded nu .• pernons hy means of : a.‘, 1,•„..,',`,':',:',7,.:4, 2 ?-ttc ; :j!Y:i T o we ' r r er t h a= falba pretenses. I de; 40 40 }...ttiftllsh Dairy Ao• Nibble. fibellbark for,Wat cry \,t.;; bids. Fresh }toll Butter; k 3 half bbls. do: I.ll4lMtnieuts were prepared hy coonsel ;20 keg, packed do; 4... Mils. Cranberries; Aldo Cid. the prosecution and presented to the ( , :rap e d ; .Vlargart a a .boaes!.ferman Soap 33 , 1 ,:_bp: fr o.k._Eigi n gi iak in t i „ "g t,p ' ,.. '"'l a ti r n ' , ' , "l e„ ' n ' e r s ' , l lleti s hiii 4 oi I as d ,n," : . ! , e7lcut '' .l7oi.34lVr! ' ; " l . d .a) o p ' r e lme . 471 e IT., 1 ~„4 , „„,„„ ~,„,,,,, awn ,,,,,,,ntar tine nr.,..,. i fn do ',Valle !hums; to do Chestnuts; SO bus. Wal eallat bring for false pretenses and the sec- ! nuts: L Soo 11.4. strained Honey. For sa H. by Ma for etinspirney to defraud. _ L. . V01..k.. , It. M. Brown, Attorney for the defendants , UNDßlES, for sale at 185 Liber- I enlarad a motion 1.11 qli(Mh tile ilidietMelltS he- i 1 , .. ty Street: • mate, i ItHY PEAPTIFS-20 Oleic. large halves; First, There was but. one information or , 11115' APPLES-Menlo. new and old; complaint against Wortley Coulter and flee WHITE IlEfiNs - 40 Obi , prime white: of Mild Indictments against him were without i i ;,''',.!, 5 ..,. - ,';, l 'ol,A,:,F,ilifißantlar; ant. responsible prosecutor, and without any ; . AT:i.-= : ;;;;;t. .= ~:,, Li me: prottous Information or complaint before a ' j,,,,, • ,,m,_,,,, d„„,;, ~‘„„ eo ''. magistrate; and, 4ccondly, the sixindirt menial . Wlif T ER -5 hi l l s . Sorghum r im cantata counts charging both defendants With • Iti'l . TEß-5 DOI, and boxes prime roll: conspiracies to defraud, which offenses were l••• • • ,*•••• , ,, ,, bis• and . 2 boats Eggs: not eitibrneed in the complaint, originally , ~ ,e l, f t!- W hunalcat • II P.1:1; i N...--ni,WA. Labrador; made before the tnaglnt rate. After mature deliberation the Court in boa, ISO it I.IY -100 sack k Spring. Wmeerier, F.fK i co., sustained the motion of the defendants collo- Whelesate fiance rs odfice Bealers. gel and quanhed oil the imftwfirlefax. This decision la exceeding - IF Important in j i ERMETICALLY SEALED TEG- CriMinal practice and fentiblishos the right or -a-a p:TARLEs AND FRUITS: defendants in criminal eases to meet their art- Rio ,for , !n Fresh Tr ranee. 2WI pound.; cutters "face to Mee" beforova rainristrate. '," o „ ,; P „.whe.. 2 , n ml , Po.ccd , ' ProseetitOra 11111113 t shot lace the reifponslbillty ,::: - I;',:tPP.c, _and .'t Pound , : lenerrlet . of their acts and cannot shield theneferces he- WO • • • • Blackberries; hind the elased doors and secret Inqui+ition or so • • •• Plums; the Grand Jury. Iteretofore afi let„ en t prat.- fie • ' • • therria,, (Jae has prevailed in title illstr Thin .1..- Of - Lima Bean.; eiston of our Court will ho artily approved .... 0 '• Green Peas: by tine legal n1 . 01..81.11 tide/ the people. . lip • • - Corn Stefan a nwartzweldt.r, Hampton and Childs „ A t , , , ,,,. , o rr i fu.d . e . l r e,i , T i lccit i t,:t , l . lY.„ 0 . ..._ 4 . iff. otr_er a tar for the Commonwealth and \. bi. 8,,,,, n for 5,,„,.,... p,,,,,,,,. „.,..", ~.. da',:ei...l' . l ,W l ' s h .. .P , the defendants. laffi No.. 131 and 12.4 Wood street. - - - • CITY AND SUBURBAN • /RODUCE. i.romersilfsLissfa. 1 -a. Son boxes Doetirn Dln•ese, Laid. evening nil elemitit waleli, ~111th lily iii- . •• Ilatena rg 41., . Lark. Drled Penchi,. halves, flarlhed, wan presented In M r tine Alin. ,by in tan... New York I irlral Apple,: the employee , of the Orin id Fleming A , • • •• %VIII, Bean, TOYronee. '1• • rliistrrn r•nit I rated I 'ran herrn. , on Slarlsol .t 1 erl. Sir. 31 dint' lon 27. •• SIM tilted Prart ilonitny, been In the emplot" of th.• Ilimi lor Die im.4 ".s. •• • Stlerneirl MD.( lay; In • • Nianganis.. sixteen year, :mil Int., for 11,..1) yea, s, beim , So •• S.rla Ash. fOrS3l.llan of the estaliliNlino•ii 11. Having 4 - ,n. ' ~,',' "•. I .•• l •Y eluded to enter into busln.....s for linti,elf, lie I )1101)1 1:E. resigned bin prnsilion ii iris , liiyi. lino, :tint 111. I loL: , !.1•. VNI in Fanlily riour; fellOw.employ re, being .I...irous of "...Illy log their regard for 111(1., ion cli.ored a beautiful r• • Prarl Domini watch ts.rid , •haln, u 1.,. 1.1... t utyld rel,,ied ii, ..R. L , prliut• Whilell”Du, his residtmee. in Alleglimiv, and in esented il .. • 0.0., fir.... 11 A L., tOll.llll I lirongli Mr. 1.1.:..1 IS hon.-led vo• i,..k es- . • • Pr, liblow P0t•t0...; Man, and doliyered a nent nub highiy voini.l.- ~. - •sorg toil° Molas.n.S, .1.. • • lirled An tneadary .peea.h. Th.- i v! ••••••11, V. ior re,eire.l l• • • • pearlier: by the recipient in it few spin . ..pin. ir i rions 1... S •• frerlt EgEt. Alb. it fen r. 11,•,, by the Earl,. on iltiartelt, , For ....,• In FF.TZE:It A Al(SL•Tifiis. rosin, of Market iind First sire., anti partaking of tonic eel: t s.:.iiirlits. I In• . im. It, pfUly,LlLipersi,L. i 4) ., II ,,, LiII:ALiiENTLII. -sm.— s se hose , , Sles..rna Orasiger . Iltkok Nulls, '.:l .I do Leint.e.. . • ?“'l Ilt, cal., Pre•li Pear in, - F.t 11 .Irr., ~ DE" cs N.. Guy; of . Eng- ;„, ~„ ~„ 5,,,, .y,„,„,,,,,.„ land, Sc., by t.enrge Mal:emote.. Tonle N., 71 ~,,, ~,,,i 1.,.,.1. 5 .,_h,, 5 ,. 5 , Park: D. .1 pplylfni .5 ro . I.S. • 7 1 1.1.i5. 1..., s i ( Moil, The Appletom. "have repro,Mvoil tins excel- So .1 . ern., ifrera A mil,: lent aorl( In no ail ni i raid, a man iir r' ns to .1... " 4'4 I .Ti Visiting Pon,. . "light every 14.,. r el purr I vp.,,,,vh , • T., so Dr ai..l sr• sal , st sni Libr•rry sl iirt. frt., 1, sr"1"1.1i. S 11( ES; .5 SiIk:PAHL/. For sult• by Dams, ( I:LI 1,,' A L.,. ~„,;'l'l,l)RlEsi 1!) b! , 1.. Sera') (roil, , p•••••••. •,... i 7 bags :not I hales Rags. 1 Utile, 1.14 11., . - I , 3 li i•S., : 1.. , • IS ....I. s i, i ~, k.les ((Id .. - Im Pi 1.I,• 1 . '3. "h...., A nrsi. In. for oak- by ISAI SD 1.1.•Kk y 3, co. 1 ) 0111)11% - S (lINDENSIED APPLE ),11. IF. inn no In one pored tin cans, a cheap 011.1 r, rrlbut 'lt-by. whisli may ts• uyeal fur Ins sail ...,:,. , '10.4.1 slgh sA:r r, mak., sweet eider, ay .1 7:D. A. IiFINSIIAN, corner of Morris- &MI 1111.12,1 streets.. OIL WORKS. w OOLDRIDGE OIL REFININ 00112PAI~TY, OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA RIZIMI =MMINE=II WORKS 1\ T I' Ell .1 N CrrrtAl .F. Office, No. 2 Btoloestie ay, I= LIANI 1, 1 11 111. I'l If t. 1111110 I3ILT 1 t INCI NC.4 <)11 Bran d—" Luc i for." Tile cattn, prnp.rtiv, DERN , I'l / I. D1111171.,—J.,1.0 %V + ,. 111.rroo, 1.. Iy. it. II 01tu,../. W jal2:ttni , l te. KING, COMMISSMN =I PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS And Denl.r• in 11.11.alaw .Ilnter tN MI At BODED AL ILE 0 EOF PHENIR WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Fool or Bann. and Barrlson Ntreet• Brooklyn. Y. Y., Storage for Refined Petroleum, .„ 0c3.1y ,T3.\ - 11,111.0 I=. o two/emu= R. e.1:11.1. on. 1-yr . • CLARK & SUMNER. Work■ end °Mee, (olllo• Townothip Unsex IN rirrsnrikort —SI NV , 01, tr:r tr T y."?l%,'"t r ar k e s ,=,;l2'2:l,i7roVlT, and In Europe, for quallt) and dre te,./...1 the on Is put In )Vc[l sesaened barrels, prep:n.4l esn'eclaW for export. Manufacturers of BOILS:1K nr I I.LS, TASh4s Improved Boring Toole. for (11 Weil, deb:!) SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We wee conktrueting. and wll keep on ham! perlor style of OIL M''INSC2IMCSIEIISI WITH lIITIRE A COVION OR TUBULAR ROHR We Itla Ile Par neptUnien o llnea for thin i l ert.", NI call and tee them. comer I'll( t 1 and (A Rd PTDEETS, pea Ott Water 11 ne Atl t., CKINTOSII P.NIP/111.1, fa . _ C01 1 1111F:11CIAl. OI L WOltt PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Curlotautly on haw, 0114 114 sale AT THE LOW EST 111 A LOIL ET RATES, NAWYEK. • No. 47 wool) STIOACT. JAMEY WILKENS, Cl= CRUDE AND REFINEEP: DIES, 11111's Block, Duquesne Way, 11,110.1baryb Wgpettal attention given to the vale end moot of Petroleum nod Its produete. i'onslgnineni impertnilly unlicll.l. Poologive ;too to/. eik1,1:11. J . BENN, Nu. I ST. CLAIR ST., Pittsburgh, Forwarding and Connulnolon Merchant And dealer In Oils. Illuminating. Lubricating , • - - REAL ESTATE. ------ Grade Petroleum 01 1 a, dc .; er 5a3 ,..“14 ) . oz , ~,,,, and for lisle at the lowest market wires. Consignments \ 'A LU A RLE COAL LAND FOR mi d °fliers solicited, apl lain SALE AT A BA RGAI ki—TlS acre, with surface • e feet rein' of e a cellent coal, situate '2O rods hum Steuben, Illy Railroad, With right of way to the road: rood dwelling home of newest rooms, two barns, double irame .table, good soli. etc. Apply _to S. CUTHBERT tr. SONS, r.,.:7 61 Hatket street. • . . .. FOCI SALE-160 acres of first-rate Land. situated In Texas county, Missouri. This i tract 11,3, located In IWO. and selected with Imes care fur a friend. Will soli the whole for 8100. Ay,. ply . ALSO that that oral Coast rt Seat, three scree, Mil of realer fru lt,i . oml house, urn. de.; a Mlles hoed the city. Price 1,006. IL McLAIN & CO., Judi in Estate Broker, Ile Fourth street. SOAPS EXTRACTS -&c IMPORTED GOOD.I. Teta II BRUSHES, NA 11. BRUSH ES, II A 111 BRUSHES, 1.0 N EXTRACTS COUDRAY% EXTRACTS 1•IN AIM EXTRACT,. LOW% Donn, I= SOCIETE EMI lEN IgIIF.S SOAPS. LUBIN'S SA CB ras, BROWN'S CIII.OISODYN RBECILNELL'S SKIN Sod p, MUSTAItD, COLMANIt, FEEDING BOTTLES, CffEILICALS YllO3l triwirmurr..49Eram i , For aalp hy 1 a k ell d Loga r ataet 4 lattabutgh, d ka. COFlrlids of Funeral PurnTerhtur Mi l faglWel i t e M i g NINON J OHNSTON, Druggist, I a initragan, u . Mrdra ti , nt A , nad . I W••faeobus, 11. U., Thomas Awing Ern:. Jamb% far COrnar Ssalthaeld and Fourth ntreeta. Dllller,taq. • WINES AND SIIANDY JN 4 `. H. , ANFIEI.II. 1.11.tf0l 143 Piret.,,t El tl.O EIZFUNG--Just rec'd • • t 1.1 o, • v nt..l Han •t rrrrr 11.41'1'1:111i.-- Nevi .. L. T.a , lion-: article for .N , A. nr.N•HA, t nro , l.lln•rty and Hand .tree INURIES. , S roi. T Ai .. R.. No lisn Third Street . . 1,1.11- • \I hit. PIO, 1,, n I ak• J A NVIELD. \‘'.ll.L PAPEItS---NEW GOODS r r A V.ItIN - 1.An , 11..r.1• AILA ifoo.ekefLwrs .111, .Il.lr 11' All. PAPERY before '"' ~od t CREAM—Borden's pourld van, al.. Gon d. ,1 1114 k. ANA. d , uffe. 17 LI. dozen An. 1.2.. .lNlt. A. RENSHAW, 4 ..rt.Lr I Lt,t rty au , l Hand streets. :01 EivimENT JAVA ('OFFEE.— ~..) ...g, )1,1 a, ( offee loaf received and .0 01 r .. 4'1 11: b .Z. RENSHAW. 4 'Arm, I.lin-rty Hand streets. 1:A.T114. GOOD ARTICLE OF hi.., 01. S, gaat , A Liberty str..el. COTTON .42%1) APPLES. Pry ~A; v 1,,. ISAIAH DICKEY &CO. vArrs -700 bushels prime Oats • • IN Nor. end rot ' , al.. tot FEUER & A ItMSTRONti, oroer Market and First streets. I OLL - BUTTER —4 barrels Fresh .• ic•.,l Rutter , c hal I' barrel, J net lved and FETZER A lIMST ryee MONti. vomit, Market and First streets. . _ PEVA NS.--J0 bbls. Pecans just revelyvd and for sale by Ira Nos. }MOO,. .MI and l Wood street. • , 1L CLOTHS , of all kinds. styles rod ~ lams, for nale, wholenalc tad retail, at the 111 Cloth Depot, Nos. ni and zh nt. Clair street by 1.9 J. SIP. PIIILLfPg, ('NTTON-117 bales now landing fr.. •le.user Auo•rica for by ISAIAH IPICKF, h CO, VISH! FISH!!—No. 1 Mackerel ..1,1 Lit or tontrol at JNO. H. ScOTT•S, n•m m Liberty street. VEATIIERS-12 sacks now land . log from strainer Hobs. Moore fur sale tor IS_ lAH bICKEY 500. ) LD COPPER AND BRASS—A lot In bt0y.,..1 for Ktb• by rev; otAllal DICKEY a Cu. BORING TOOLS, AIVIES DOWN, =I IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, FUR KENO Oh, SAL, AND OTHER WELL No. 136 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Pa T.sils warranted:nude of Lbe Sri" best SIMS° AN I,OWIIIoOR IRON. Wi.ll borers furnished at X.ac:Dim7c.sit actesli Prio,oelf With uuch article, is ire necessary to conduct op rations, Tit. ANVILS HATCHETS BELLOWS, j SA WS VIC KS Vile L.S,' 17"3„ II AM !..1 Kith, , WILENOIODS. . I' I tkilr KS, n V ELH, PLANES, AXL ES 1 LEVELS. i NAILS, It. ll' FL . LEAnien. A:a) HUMnELTI NO, All of WiliGh I have constantly In .tore. oral I:ma XEDIC.AL. p ; IUVATE DISEASES. OFFICE 2SIS FENN STREET. near Eland. i Nor the'eure of all dlseaaca of &private natnre, Proxa two io four days, I,y an entirely new and safe treatment. Alay, Seminal Weaknons, and all other al = "f rgn e tfro `, lc.lffr ' anredelf l Ts'venlb° Office boure-7 Wide.u. y to 3, ancidtoS.l. Addreas letters W.. 2 33 num aireet • nel7 k~1~~~~~~"~r:.~,ce~ ALEX. AIKEN, PRICE THREE CENTs lIIMUMiaell INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE t CHARTER OAKUM INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. COlllll j THE ONLY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that now makes and pava an Annual ('ASR DIVIDEFD on the iirst,and each subsertnent payment of premium. Its CARD CAIITAL, a a lumination of $1.360.f0D, Is securely Invested lu pub le stocks and mortgages of REAL ESTATE. It Is slow In its lath year of business, and has paid to the tkineteriW.ND onritauf. Of Its members the sum of rh E LION DOLLARS. To this date not a ain- Kn. case of litigation has occurred. an evidence that liberality wad fair dealing Is a al:irefully with this Comp., The polled., of this Company are not forfeited try arou Of non-payment of premlnm after tile second Polaclei cont year. go payments required lifer ten years, but inue good through life. orrt .t (. WA I.A LY. P res ident. We1t...,.17_""L Branch lines tor NCestern Pennsyleania. when l'lrrui sr. wil4 blank Applications win ftirlainhed, SA wood %treat . P ittobarga.• o, A!rent , wanted tlirnnghont the State. Apply 10 ly tiotitlELL, State Agent. CHARTER 18 2 9 PERPEICUAL • FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Assets on Jan. 1,1864. . . 82,457,84 s 91 capital $ MOM Accrued Premiums lO1,00). Invested Premiums I, ta , A23l. Unsettled Claims AIM. Income for 1884 3:0,13t0. Losses Paid a inee IS21) 8.000.000. Perptual and Temporary Pond., on liberal 'trine. DI USCSOFIR. Chita. N. dancker, i Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, :Samuel Grant, George Sales, Jacob IL Smith. Altr Fiti L er, George W. Richards. Fre' ed . W . ewis. 31.1 J Cil ARLES, N. BA NUN ER. President. vuwAnt) (.. DALE, 'ire President. JAS. W. kicALLISTER, See, - To tem. J. G. OFIN Ag et mhZ Corner Wood C and Thirdtreets. Tint AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A lIIERICA. PHILADELPHIA I= Uartford Fire Insurance. Company, 01,585,04X4 Assets, 413/ - Protection can be tern red In the above named and reliable Companies. W. L. JUNES. Agent, fe27:17 W Water street. tan stairs .) WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF PITTSBUIVGII, AI:EX:A&DEIt Proffitt. W.ll. P. HERBERT, Secretary. AT. GEORtiE 6eneral Agent. Inn,. Y 2 Wetter atreetiSpang .Co.'s Ware House up stairs. Pittsburgh. ilkke. Will I Anen. Innue morain lnetitutione( all ofed Fire by and Direct° Marine matteyt. who are well known to the ro mmunity, and who are lleter.Mined hr promptnese and liberality, to main tain the character which they has, atemmed, as ot -I,ln, the beat protection to thole who dealre to kw neured. Intik.' Topa. Alex. Slnllck, Andrew Ackley. R. Miller. Jr, David 41, Long. Jame, McAuley, Reel. J. Thomas, Alexander Speer. Chaa. .1. (lark, Campbell P. Herron, John It. McCune, C. P. Iticketnon. Janrca P. Hanna. tutito (I'M. P. HEY:BEET. Secretary. - - - CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPA v DI OP 1'ITTSB1:121.: H.—l/dice, corner Market and Water strecta, aocond floor. I. Preeldent. WM. A. SHEPARD. Secretary. Insures Steatutroata and Cargoes. luxuroo against and olamage In the navigation 01 the Southern and We.tern River, and ©atom.. and the navigation or the Sear. Ist mrto againt t and damage by tire. o• NS in. Itagol..y, oil, i mto,t .I. Kier. san r i B John htltloom. to r* . t Jamr• %I. .torr, , S. Ilarttangh. B. F. .1011 • b., I J. Caldwell, Jr., .I,mittsa Rhode.. Jttim h. Dilworth, Ilarellty Proaton, I Wm. A. Rodger.. tivonge Bingham, delOty . _ I)EOPLUS INSUICANCE CO. OFFICE, N. E. CoRN Eff. WWI) AND FIFTH NTS. QM= Wro. Phillips, l'apt. John L. l liboads. John Watt., brnue! P. bbrlver, John E. Parke, Charles Arbuckle. Capt. Jas. Miller, • John F. Kirkpatrick, Wm. Van Kirk, Prank K. Hinson. James IL Verner, C. Hanson Love, W.U. prill.Lll.B, President • JOHN WATT, Vice President W .p ‘„ Y. S GARII. it, eeret ry Il E it. SAMF.S 4 .I',, 0011-DON, Genii Agt. _ A LLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF PITTriBURIi 11. —lidice, No. 37 run street Hank Block. ineu;c;taintrist all kinds of Fire and Marine Mak MI JOHN IRW LS, Jn. President. JOHN D. McCORD. , Vice Paesident G. DONNELL. Secretary. Isaac Jones, 11l ItECTORS U. McCord, C. Li. Hussey, George R. Head. hi Harvey Childs. Charles Hays. T.. 14 Hoskinson, Capt. Wm. Dean, John Irwin. Jr., Geo. I). McGrew, R. L. PannellLock. Robert IL Davis. ID):44LeisIO ik'is pnicEs MARKED DOWN We re now closing out our WINTER Goons At Very Low Prices, PREPARATORY TO TAUB STOCK BARGAINS CAN BE HAD IN Negligee Shirts for Men and Boy Vests and Drawers of Shakes Flannel, Wool and Merino; Warm Gloves and Woolen Elm lery; • Woolen Scarfs, Mufflers and Nu - bias; Baudmade Zephyr Articles; Woolen Gaiters and Mittens; ' Balmoral Skirts for Ladies and Misses. Manufacturers of BLACK. and tfItEZN ULAN!. WANE, Druggists , Ware, Boulez Car. twlys., de. IS arcbouse—o. 1H NI AT.P.II ter=l'r between Stillthdeld and Grant streeta, - Pittsburita I Patina. We warrant our Wares to he superior to any man. unaetured, - Nest of the afountalna. Always on hand, Glasawant of theabove description. All orders promptly attended to, Particular attention paid to private-moulds, misty _ No. 17 FII , PH fLCET. Wll. ItOtatza..— Ju¢BB JAMES mwJr & Co., F. H. EATON.. (Seuvmors to RA TON. M4UR UN & 00.0 RITE, ORR & CO., No. 2E3 1 7 .1.1t1a. Jelitacoe.t, Invite the at telatirai of buyers to their sswcsamr. GAF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS; fe.2B AditICULTURAL. - STATE AGRICULTURAL SOME TT.—At a meeting of the , Panitsylvanla State Agricultural /Moiety, held at limrlaborg oh the UM of - January, 11W. It was resolved to hold an Antolini Exhibition this your,on the Mtn. 2trrl 'arm AND Win Ulf SEPTM.IBIC NEXT, ander/jointed •ooth mittesio receiveproposals from towns or munches atilt State, offering Inducements for holding It at the different pinta whiabethotr propmittions will dealsnate.. bald oommithel axle Mews, Axon E. Carr Northumberland, UN. thoon... Pittsburgh: Johtell i Essount, Herrotourg; Dunn. BACA eaah lisven; JoEur ItCriiittrOnX, Hyr rt . /atm"; A. B. LON9/1.10;12 . _ Viecretiry, brorthrtOwit, LOOrat e aZ:ol Wr ' llrt r gati g. A-11'9 % "" :. before the te stirs Committee, on the 20th day of Hardt next, mall which time oompetition for Ime Invited. elltiteed A. pop) TOW. 3 FTILLDALE tCED 111.. val sad most plenreaque place et Sepulture, aft, ril.7,7utenar EV:IraIiM"PB ".9:411; to meet Burial Lora 11l apply es the a:pert g te etit's 0 010 e, at the CeZetery Title Deeds; Peneful sad all ocher business will bet art ded lost the Urea Warehouse of the onderelpped,eorrier of Pedeno and Loma sired., Allerlwer• 41Wir. A. KAMA.. Secretaresed Treasurer, • 11:19i)411:g1"hElkiejed:1 BUY TOM NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, - cr. , ft.i.Lxzrrxmhs, Aor J. G. LAVIEWS Voile ty arid Stare, No. 101 Market street. rola DENTISTRY, ADAIR% Dentist, " Con news Balms & earn er , 'of IDAMDND Bad GLUM strong, Plamburrh. FIXZILINCLO, Dr. A li citimik• Dr.DDD•I4.4 ftwaera tiebblmhaDmal I#o:e::altvjz) :4FrAter 4:illangi TWO EDITIONS ARE FRUITED. Owe y ew Wedwacer and the other ow thrhereli , TlEr edition Is torwreded which will rehab the rah reeihrs goon..t la the mail ran. tllnßle caltleo.... itrinh. of (Ivo ll t Ultiba of top and .1,.".rd. Boots AND SHOES: GitiunNtart4 CONCERT HILL SHOE STOW la VILLE' , At II AL I. KIND,. , TYLF.I.% AND • Els OF BOOTS & SHOES, Men,tltort, Toutiw. Women nod ell gradel. from medium to so pent,. Although our slit* are largenntl repo!, two 0,, t. (nil antt completec meson moot,. neo nu.l rr,hl.nahlr. which reple nknodldeny, prlct, aro toaa,all 01.0 the lowest Merkel ". "VIII s U.: A_ So: Are lower Ilion the lowe;1. clsewhere. An 'own' CONCERT BILL SHOE STORE, No. 60 Fifth Street Directly tinder the (Sporn House rat CLOTHING. $20,000 THOESAND• DOLLARS Xlool/ THE lUSA 1 , 01.1 A lit =MIEM 81,760,000 MEN AND DOYIP eIAYPHING 6.1,FN AND BOYN• CLOTHINO sIEN AND BOYS CLOTHIN G MAN UFACTOREILS . COST Mi:NTI , ACT 1 1 10CILS• CUST. 11ANU1" ACT CIL4:II.S. COST. AT THE POPULAR AT THE POPULAR ciArTITING 110113IC CLoTIIING 11011§1C CLoTITINU ItOustr. 3E1.. ENII2IW3L" Oki 00.. 13. 19 1 111L1 r 1 . 31EIC cil ci ce . , IE3. /3311.22rV1E1C do C3C3,.. r. FIFTH SIREET, rs, FIFTH STREET. r.l FIFTH STREET Opposite.the Opera House. PIANOS, ORGANS, - &c. THE . lIRADDIUR V, NEW YORK, Schumacher Philadelphia, E ll .ta. INT ACO . The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. ‘,... ~• inient to tlaa 1`,1,•16tat,• , .11u .• there In power s end Ity If •, and thorougn work etwntilltp. Inutronwnts halo for yew. alten the drat t r lLa e r:,. fi ll ey th l e n. ragr e s , thwu any of Lora. ,kll werran EA for live years. WAMEJANIC A BARR, No. 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh. Ps firm NOW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STUCK UP CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected personelle lir the subscriber, during • ceut visit to the Factors.. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS sr ` ";:gri,° . ..°2'it=7 , I,°Llll°.',l th "'S,';6!" I" WARILMITED FOR FIVE YEAH" CHARLES C. MELLOR, KNABEN GREAT UNRIVALLED 1-23.1 NT C:, Erb ' Spletedid Nitoek: MANUFACIVRERS. INDIISVRIAL WORKS: :Iron N. BOLL: HOCH M. BOLE•ik CO., FOUNDERS, 'ENGINE IIItILDEILS AND MA'. CH/NISTS; Manufacturersof Land stud Marine k ENGINE LOt 'OMOTI V ES. for Coal Work., (111. WELL ENGINES, and even klud hlste t hinri, made to order. All work unrranted. CAnTlNtilt or every destall. too Made to order. Itepalrlng Machineryronmtl 4 attended to. COHNEII OF POINT ALLEY AND HANK OF ALLEGHENY RIVER, near the Point, Clttaborah, P.. n'tcr-•:thodst ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. • MODES, RYRIE & 1= OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. coreboe, WU/orll‘..ot 11105. F. 001.1.108 aorta WnielirT IOLLINIS 4 WRIGIIT, Brittaula Brans an d Sheet Metal , Cm tore, Carbon and Lard Oil BWorkereurnam and ßritannia all diffaren aLyles of Brlttants used by Wain , naniliaelflre. Orders promp tly ailed. No. UN SECOND STREET ltteburgh. 1 enna. • R, SEVERANCE, No. As WATEB STREET_ , PltisSargh,manufncturer of MILER RIVETS,WHOUGET SPIKES, samanon and naval Yattieoksveri u Sescrlptlon. arge or small, uiade to order ai snort boiire. A Rood aF untment constasuy on hood, DISSOLUTIONS. ISSOLVTION OP II'ARTNER D eo-partheeshlp heistotore existing between the undersigned, uudemtho name and style of F. A. bIIUTY B lu the Frttming was dissolved by mutual consent on the drat of Jan nary, 180 e. The accounts of the old trio will be set tled by F. A. SIITJTY. at the old stand, corner of Tunnel street and Penna. avenue. 0.3= DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER. 611:1P.—The partnership heretofore ex Gating be two. D. OiLMORE And W . J. kteIIASTED, under the name of D. 4.7ILIIQHF. & CO., rta this day Ms -solved by mutual consent, The bustods of the Arm will be solidi-41 by theiranecessors, et their Melee In the Ulll, on South Canal street, near Chesnut, Ails :petty.. The madersterted will continue .the ktlllinyc bust, imetomder the name and style of 0111101 tr. • & CD., when, with their Inereaeed lleLL- Itles,theyy are determined to cc:nil:Mc to prod ece an article of Flour second to none to th market. the? thereforemost respectfully request .t leant trial fro all, and particularly those hardest to please/51 that article of prime necessity. roar. D. GlLmOltir. .7. ',W,SLSIPSON. FEBRIIAILY eth; 1/P. J p - MoIIEASTEM • The ended'stied would res ed dethigiberuir fllll2;.=l4.7 i ftledlANTElt, under the name and style of CALIfORIS, 'ammo?' Asf2.. i tr u tz.2% formerly mnded by t ,l n d o o e ia by the lelleralstred,•AlleighenT. c new firre.'dated Penman' lab. , rontf D - - ISSOLvgrioN OF . :PARTNER sira......ati.gstrtnerstily heretofore exintingbe mean the tindernigned•lnis bit•tilitelved bn mete. al rion_sent.; to lake eine*. dntingry 2140„. J tithi/OeNtiON retiring from the ann. The remain reitmere vlLL.rnntliie the brininess of the lab" geginoider the name end litre of ZYNRSO_ N EON CUL . •W. El, hitiga.S. HAI/CLAY PRF.STON, TOS. 41;110d O. L. tilitg.r.F.lNlN SON. • ' prardrrvar.4l.°l'l%=:,..B.r.g.- 4 , L ndo. 1.. Graff I theernily mon:anew] the flew dratry Mewls and th!ryrtan = -. 1 a _.is ==Ml WORTH ORTH WORTH AT LESS THAN AT LESS THAN AT LESS THAN I= 1211A111..c)TTE BI.1:31f. 43 Fifth tarret, Bole Agent PJ TT2111178 OH. PA Y. A. sriury. lIMMEY YOLK