C a II WEgl'igqbAY,' 7 l;i:l3 . l - ikti I" 2S, 1866. -AtiVeirtieitiO RA:rgs eztibibiled bribe Pros ofPittsburgh • trwrimro.,MArnar, Ono Mourn °MOO ht 'Words to un ora.l Inch pace. Ono Lwo time& ..... nave they. Soar limo a Knollonm.elle week... netit mm em T e ienttAW . .. ... ..... • Twelve Mara: .. Titres weeks etki Ono month Tan month. Three months Blicloontha • Ode year CHANGEABLE ONCE Otme =mak-- Tim numntb... Three montp, Ms manilla.— Ope.year. ..... . GEIIIEJLAL NEWS. "We suppcol. the President," say the Cop perheads- "God bless Andrew Johnson," about, the Cincinnati Enquirer; while Yellen.. digham mita forth his flag, which has been . furled Mr more than for= years In amlet:Mut tion of the "unconstitutional" attempt to coerce the southern rebelUOn. "Stand by the ?nutmeat," chime ail the extreme 'rebel pa lmier or the south. What - dote this declare! Support bit t er President, It is true, but oleo, the old and. Durbin hostility to the Governnient, whieri Still ea every rated and Copperhead breast. This kind of mappert en o ugh to. settle the inflictions of every truly loyal man against Andrew Johnson and tits potley.—ti, Ar the recent Opening of Parliament, Queen Victoria waSdressed in black velvet, instead of the royal robe usually worn on such one- IIiOMIZEIIe-Val "preceded to the throne by a trernaliOutish a frto. On her way, the Prince Alexandria, and r k the arm of her eon, the Prince ttit - W whom she was escorted out of 'nth . Of course, she did not rend the OjPeedreerself. That service was performed fortiet b? the Lard Chancellor.. Theloudon now describes the conduct of the members of the Commons, when elbowing for positions in the Hall, as boisterous la the extreme. Tile late heavy 'mow , term In 'Ragland was the most deatrUCUre of any for the last forty 1 • years amongst firs and other evergreen trees _ is out that the Weight Of sneer on the tress was an average of three pounds to the elaare feet. Hundreds of One trees hate been either totally wrecked or Really' rnmigled; and in the gardens of Fulham Palace, the beautiful evergreen Oak, planted •by Bishop Comptbnisearly two centuries ago, the pride otlll=s, has been ...more than half de. stro and Bishop Portext , s Cedar of Labe. r!ualy damaged. Taw' clear:alone now making at komPell have brought to light several vestigft or the ancient Christians, In the palace Of the Edit° Panes, In the Via Fortuna, aid unfinished sculptured cross has been farad. on one of the walla, as well as abusive Inscrip tions and caricatures ridiculing enicalled Qe.d. Pompeii Sas buried by an eruption of ldt. Valeria*: A. D. In. The discovery there 'tore important,.as Illustratiug the opinions held .by chime adversaries of the Christian faith at a very early date. to another ~olunui we give copious (=tracts front /eaduir, Republican papers of this and other grate:Nall showing a uniform opposition to President Johnson , . votes The feeling antiOaff hel the people s ts, we are maisfle..., equally coverwmht in the stanw,alrectlool. Repub licans everywhere, wi , nacfbeely to; exception, raft/sego Mat:dad the Veto, and eel that Presi dent John/tont= not come up to the reasona ble expectations, kr this. matter, of those to whom he owes, hie electicca—filinois Mote lia.Goanrar.layli, In letter ttt the ;hunt IbAlt, - from London,-that YIM Aniella B.- Ed wards-htdi - .Mini* a. iltereXE _Whet/non illiiirn baFriStkr Deferential thlii2l4 , al ttateeVatif Ortgf-Dety 110 Tels . . - It =ne n Of kfailey-e The- wriDl4lltOrF. . NC her lk tranya Ong Into pasteatlon of "it !Ong keen inulatlng sum- of. money, conditional s , be queetheele any male heir of theteartatOr who might be living.after one hundred years. Eltieh a thing Barns out La be impossible under the lltngliali law. . . . . Frrsaarva discoveries of gold bare recently been made near the Missouri river, Ii the neighborhood of Fort Benton. as we learn from late Montana papers. This information has something about It of more Interest In the mining way, than that genctullyrecelvedi as It tsabontrthe first where the gulches Are So located that they can be reached by steam boats. IT Is a noteworthy circumstance that al though the Bank of England has never before failed to cause aniturn current of gold to Its vaults by the easy expedient of raising its rate of discount, yet now It has been trying for ten weeks 14 get gold by this MethOd with out the slightest appreciable success. 2 . IIACKEILAT tells of an Irish woman begging alms of him, who, when she saw him put his liandln his pocket, cried Otit, "May the bless ings of God rollow you all your Ilfen—but when he only pulled out his snuff box, immediately added--"amt never overtake ye.e Fnis Chicago ;Tourrial editorially Minimal:a apologizes tor the -statement 01 Its London correspondent that lir. Sprirgeon appeared In the ipit on eluiatmas Dear, with a Brown on his head and a palm in his hand. A IdAn.—One3laseA last heard from was at a meeting -if colored people in Nash. villa, Tennessee. ills friends fear be has de stroyed himself in a Ilt of political aberration. —Oberlin News. A. WIDOW in England with two children has r k e e e r o l ligc=33,ooo - grom a railroad, for Remarkable Well In Indiana. Tb - c Terre Haute (lnd.) /4 - press mays :We havemencioned several times the progress in boring an oil well at Lodi, on the Wabash, some forty miles north of this city, A few days since the auger broke through the roof of a cavity, The auger was taken out, when gas began to mine op m centdderable'quaull tles, putting the salt water before It, and causing It to flowerer the top of the condtle tor. After the Mit Water 'Wu driven oat, sulphur water continued to now In a em ail stream. The well was sunk four feet deeper, which opened new cavities, and increased the amount of water to ten gallons a minute, and it now flowing fire hundred barrels a day of white sulphur.. The ,water AB It flows from the condnetor white; after atm:atria Amiga; It deposits a black sediment and - becomes elear. On being agitated it boils and emits gas. Ia mineral ingredbmta, disagreeabl e smell and apeelfie gravity, it is said to earned the Lafay ette Artesian—eneelaily thesulphurons odor; and It is claimed that it will rank with the most famous mineral waters of the world. The company, we understand, will cease boring until the water is analysed a,nd tested. - - prrreentlitarr Tuntirnt: LIMHZ.II AltIV BLARACtia..-Wif. RETULFLION Gouttoued.egesuol the. gupustuLACress iiCraajgs ta - Crkatalir a Who. by request, win sdpesr se OUR FEMALE ~ /aMitir..A.N Z 4401124. MR. eiciusa wnt stipeeL A rtißMT.R y P 0 t44.1 . 114t1 JULIA TLIES E , V*NINO will be pressured OFR FEMALE AMERICAN COUSIN. Overture • Orchestra. To condo& Ukth • IRELAND AS IT WAS. MATINEE SATURDNY At - TV:INOUE, at 2 o•cloat.:as.Alch rtfrTM Lll. 1 110;114 eeota to all parts."( the bOuise. drIPEILI HOUSE. AND MANAGIZRESS. ANNA ElMum No.emgagement tor alfmfted noMiler at:dens or the ditillMmalshod tc4lw • MISS LAURA KEENE. Pup ATE=O ; ',AND AVM , liVEkalio, Wilite put coo new sow beantlfal drams, af ter week& of preparation, ontOMS • 2 ZotThr LA' Privtauitoir. Now awl tmmarinn Saltier, br A HIM r - ner; I terior or Jaw mitelativo Conoco ; Tbo Coal Mine : The AwacoriamEry reedits° on the Alloghonl Short; Vie* bifTlilibutgh by Moonlight . I. Clot, Street Bridge. dIi. A . NL I MATEMZESATIIRDAY d7TENISMON, vibes will be tent.eil the gnat seimatlon drama of LOST IN rs J71113E111 EL w nEopm ISOMIC 114 LL, FOR Thursday Essubsr;lharCh itst, KILO EVOY'SIiIaLZMICARL AND Intl .1.131:3111 nAOLln„uzLiripiaCCT, 41 7 dT Arly:Lg t n icr:: ;1 1 1 . Witarat:rlig4 o 1111• S ANNIE GOODALL awl Min Way NJETiht.tqfetralkt ttotnts 201282. addloloo a GRAND YANTABLA ea arloh Airy on 1" " 5 321.191.1,12411hi.0 431.111Ctie. J. 41.4 N. LOllll. . .JOll3 L LoNG &LANE. SiatAMISYS . AND NOUSE PAINTERS. • eBburarmat 111., rrt-rutritutt. of Lettertnirot.sll iukdoexecmtpd PromDU7•3o:ll -i4aaumt Show. pazda. ea ezmueik p.m at *lt ago% and UM Sri oar" pod? .5 , order awl Het* ett"1.114:41. exemta In talrklY .41sUi mlre= rird. NiktAblilt7l luw =Wish. mbe:ty WILLIAMg. Baosra, • mate or tewiria iratolutow HOU= ANDIRON YAINTER, Aleth Mast corner of 711 rd awl NaOtgAltroirts, Sr sag:4l4" CZa Uiiii — pc th e WAFER'S AGUE C ?FOR S ---------"------- . __- speedy mire of fufersafttesa. Peorroaor Peter SP,TI7. and ghire,..y. .t.b.snUns,orllrttigabe44 ' 744r w Resattbrat rime. ChM Pryer, Dv/random, i townsta Au s n --:. ----- ------ -- -lb l Ileadaa. in Eltimur 1t.d..1.. ..d BM ' throat. debit an L'orY Tbi n el4 .e"4- Inad Mun n' : LSs k. 347: • ' into lime., indeed/or eke 104.14, class of on or- bank barn don - , r ,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. mt=7 "..u. .... aow eh. ...._ , . 11, _ . 000 an other out build nip, a good orchard Mkeiefothareamine '3 its underliMbwltVOaranittititoroMe hirtbi -,• "-C--PlrferlMl VA! , MI tbe snip Col thequeoth or the quality: a flag stone quay of • N. I ore 'thy ;',..,,,,..,. froeh, i r k t . A t ir.„ . ~,,'. ' 1 1r.. ..i . 1i 0t f. , dl 414, 3,...1 DI Co ac. bottle dionregahola river C at o } al among ~,,,d eb 5 ,, L , Neerjeie, Rheum...ie. Goo Z. , 41 . 4. This lonlal thrm AM an to ./ Headache, Blindness, Toorhacho, Earache. eatar -Ai "11"TeL t HAsthmo,p.tmim,Palppollotatotiott.P.ltioriontlinn, ce:ltit..onpom...ifthe',plee'oh; ...__ll beanne/ r r Town " s ' h n ip. b -I n 7 llasea '''''' etunTi7l ": e a nnte.. o W T .U he b Derangement of the Stomach, ea of *w e t 4 ' . r" . . h r.... •,,... • roost, eoutform,Me, two-stOry e _ol' l ll lo ,..,iitilt,g ill thtb . .....eltt on, the inthirrolTtet t' t l'atb'h ti"". " 3b*""eg' Pen e'eP ifirth3O- poems PlcTortgri - r e:"( e X lCZ7 h ente Is 111,74.„,,,q1=.714 '7,11,;,,mr„-,„lb.avx.. Fe . e .;4 1, 13 b gtVYl 4 l4 moat effeettial rethed'ymerv% iti;ple,d Irch tl =rl:37onete t 14., Te 'aent: / .41./AL e ttlikit Is the orencral; good. The land Is of • g0.43:11ty, tn. Oltenia& end ntorerwertl tel b 4e.e 'P mi n ge p i ,,, fr om ft. .. 0 , , . e ,d e peahr t d t.t,..o . l . .y . , ~,,:. ye o limestone, .d Data short istance than V:74 left as healthy . .. v• he had rierer bad the dike... f Aleo. T a h k l =lout Yetib=s Mole g_te above. Virg:AM. o.t o lar t &lar m . for Chills anddires- ; Eelto Imovements amp bstiPt twallterg Log Home *Meted with th e coMplaint cannonretanee to Mo. , and a large Mime bare; Macron tanned sari rawer ed. n.., sure ~...e ..._ „„ ....., over estimat- , • good stale of cultivation: a Jima& urge orchard: mop De - truthfully ic,”*„.43`,7e`oa ..I, in a r gz, tit, 1i ; rnit....i..., milk-bore. Ttose tithillittallthiltetil Dealer eorinplailialhat JCL not .4. ood utedrari ga ud , OC * pr ' toe' t"re a " V." 44 i '''''''' ee. 'lll be. Peed 1eg..........firt11p i. i re , .......01d, , Also. beat fame In Yairnoon tossu.nt,, bleat . nn g iddd b y . , fda.N. Toolpociiltiall,,o)f.,ass- toorobtor. contay.bla.: contain!. 1110 Seres; about by all Draggled. e r e ' "'P ia . ?heei 'r i• li Rl'lr.r Th e Iretirov ,-------------4sj 6--e-- ! 3 ' 17 --- I larg ' est ' a;il best Rion ' e ;74. P c hm"'" one "rgr RETROLITY.VS TURILISH i apple orrhards. The The tUt he is tQ uotier 9: hygg --. J tLAIR TONIC. ' state of cultlvatlon. Tblkeing la All Na l! ' The THE DRtbrryougH 8dP . 41111,,°Y THE AGE let.% b'd.'lltobtslt"lebTgoodi tone : b Plie tt' slir e' n on ......___ r ~,,,•..... the first -eye f Apr% Med. Tbts property will be thr.e.4,•,;..7.:ZA.: . thogasytT,LlM,,mit=rtai , sold at • greabargain. The owner withes to engage -.4,4111311V'r at oWnsteear ii stopping the heir ' " 'V ber e e' .l ".* pm so. Chen- other Patine ranging from gin to CM ~ _ l l ., .r. Me t r e - ft Its oa t Mal clor. aki:tin i1 4 7 - eme . i t og to h. la.te..=t4L , i t t ltoilijr_ntl tt S , t A 'm i . Farm of ISO acres, trittps al t, fwg Eprice4 Y i l i t i la do et . m :m . Zeit,. li. r 3 4 °L. , trieTttil.ith'nl'ihar;r7oZrZtePaa4 bo o t _ 4 l ' I' l sty &e. e r nob: zili , ot r u* tiled Itf t l i rls leltraeplil I g oo d bar . 1 ;o th I•er,.:2f suable or *Ogle, P hene!/"P u and the worths' oPthe r nato:i. ° l2 . Turkey, in . end ee eat, ler... P''l4"l7 very cheap yr...co, to England , lo America-everywhere where Fer ftuli.r eg loular ai„loq7 l 7 , ' Of Irdthe ** Randolenian' • Is known-It Is pronounced the . TIIIVaLt, teal Estate Ageot, ee ttlthirt t r than PraoratiOaa Remember. it ! _'''' No. 161 Fourth street. ~...,.._._strtetallic n Rink are _cntained . ow. ...is tiOlors and lo It is tho extract I-JNE HUNDRED DOLLARS Of Minty nos.. and herbs. beavtlfully put up, no ornament to the tolleL 11 . 7 . the hallDrug,gistnad Pert... wbol.ale K. E. SELLERS 1 CO. . ?HOOP. Depot for trrill.'dPfi t i g=attas t ,. th I JAJtilfrAL3fEit & CO. . _ py..42, gyyyta g l.,,, i : Lot in Pitt rirovvnship, alioiameod&wt ~ .. - Thiudwp a. I igirLAKEM ------- -------------uPpßion. COPPER MILL r 'AND'SMELTING WORKS 1 PiTTTSBIJIIOII, IncIIIISTER, GAZZA-Itl & CO5. PARS, !GORDY & CO. feW Attorneys at Law, RI Cir.{ street. tiaviptzra I.vaii,NB.),P,WiEMILI? i A _IFIANDSOBIE COUNTRY 110 ME RAISED STILL Irlyit SALE, sithato 21a mlleS frmn the city and husbortme anie97/1241L1114,1211.114 :47.titoittlno!:,n,mitaitoso• walk of the Pittsburgh...l head.t - N W, el,finhep. O V". v t!l on • vlew . o . f he"7ltyk., Iltre."libiTuTqrtuditi."ifg c.;ri.bll-4"n7. ~.;-. , romprlses aboitt a apses or gr0..1 ausinty"catsira bh.on.h..Nsop.w.w.llolrt,,,wigirrew,ariodrlNlCotiiberi.,..w_hr...4o.ultiri___o,_._, ~,, „ L 1 ,4 1 ,,,, u . I . ~,, ~,,,,, . 1 „,,,,,, e , ~,,,,, or „.d. Igr-Pplater, i--. `*......,;Zip'reuiy. orAltdoscareotra.rAnr. i t I& skidded with shrub- ITTSBUR4,III SAW WORKS vines In full bearing. " 'l l are Is' Verg'lntl;e:e"tsl falling spring of ater. mot about one sere In wood; HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. Tho lo onies couslat In part of a neat Dries Cottage with 7 room ud W . 1 1410111., Ism and , handsomog built Stabile. an out room ror ' inati,% • • wartor•Crtittnne or ' fen fine large el•tern aud splended all w th In " ; . PATEN7' GROUND CIRCULARS. • feet of the kitchen door. and - all Is under'ereel - vuL,:,.,liqkAlrr srweLlsaiam 0r.,...., ilescrly, ; leubi'r!S"i'f". For I,'''''.4"'.. 9.11 .%1C ‘ LT,114 arb P "- • felitn & .o. DM*. ' oul-Llgthey, Cfreas-Cat, Gang, and all other q ' varietia, i S UBURBAN !RESIDENCE • FOR A.II kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made fro.. SALE -The tw t d ory of Brick ..10HVELt tthore4ifiiaeat-K1i1e44144.ra Relined REAPER AND ! ftiftGl../INtiill:a.rit,4.,7iireer of 01110 AN AEU : E. ear the Hut of the hianchee ...tr;Nt.oollso...:ltila WOLS, corner Wartte .7.1 , ter Horst thalweg. In Allegheny C occupyi g .darws m.". mt., Pittsburgh. _ t t_ , spacious lot 11l feet h e lot containing PI - roo n tyin . , l. hww.erittitgliti tz:e.. ~..:,2..,hltgriwirur.toornlA , with out bullellugs. The lot Is planted with good kinds.. a1f...1,4 ..., Deans& ' , tune 'at res•onable I it al. 17,;*;:::gi1."Ttr.,71; 1, . ) 7 ° 44.1 5 1 d I " . Pr'''bi by atlY i AdJolnlng this property,b6llll frame on A nestle lar WM. BARNEiILL & CO,,'' ny &emote , are seven Building Lots NI by He feet. for sale on faverrahloterum A pl to . PLYS BRYAN, Boiler M & Sheet Iron Workers. , 2. , Broker In Stew. and Real Estate, 67 Fourth street . Burke.• Building' Bios. makers A and 26 Penn street- . e . _ : ..I!•rstig •thu_nn•latorgerd. and . furnished it with VOR SALE—A Farm of aboin-SS ::. 0 :1,z1.1.v.; „ .L.,7 d 4.,...1x7 . . 7, 2 +a p re p r:l4 , -. .res l „altenete in Kll.beth township, Allegheny 15,1beitsma.uopeuerwend wawirtailtodineetArrth tNot.nutigteeffeitElatioste I.t.DqrtioYite othicreXpo ' r b t, '. h ' ul ' I r k :role ' o'f bth'lPM'onomeath! river and the same front the Youghiogheny. ofitifrivm BOILERS, ctrii 'bola men. ore. Orst, a Frame Cottage DENSE/LS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS. ' i H T L or noe7 ,, il rs t!llf , ..... s . .d a ~, , I w.ell or water at the AGITATORS SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON; VlPAM&A.RE.P.l4,l&4,eitraateere.tritre ;om e t;e. trlIA wo=.ll p 7,o F:r.gfz . ibrA th , .P.4 '. 2t...../ 0.. ! .e, with two room.. • tame bank barn, wltn doted onthe thertestnotho. • .... wwrww • . an J. r. nottsun other oat - haildings. The tract la all underlaid with fag - LA BELLE STEEL ♦ WORKS a Tell or Na I Itniestone. This stratum orlimeatona Yls worth r oll o that Is .k. for the peOperty VW tar. it'air Ag;u&'"iii.o.trigiututftc"L T" -F.l 1 1 totreeL att FOR SALE. !paw- Week ' I lite: U3NCI 335 500 OW 10 00 1.1001 00. 3003 350 • 173 360 .30 460 300 %SO - G iii rir'' • 9 03 880 1850 21 27 00 18 OD A WEEK II 10 7 00 IS 00 ion 17 00 11 30 860 I 878 24 00 18 10 12 00 4O 000 VI 00 21 02 14 00 72 CO 4940 alo raa ltatturact- " 1' CAST EITTEE db ; 1t1.7 * ' rt 1.“24811L,14 Limy_ Pittsag. - to, o. sO WATER STREET (up stairs), burgh. PafarlittidiNSON;REA & CO. (SUE cessors to BORMAN. Erma & Stua.r.us, iii&diliffincottgAL rwa. T rEllptiNetreastst43TT tainor&T‘AsT:hz. all tesrldiTtuAli. Wit sup LlThlArgralt: 4411Xrpr."1,31.INJZCT°/1. • VALABE COAL LAND. Win be sold TO-D UatAT a reduced pricee. This trite le situate It Westintrreland cinntry, Penna.. ott ills North-Western Ranitaylv.la Railroad, about two miles east ofriaoln.. _Pg.. and_ contains two reu large Term of LIM.- LIMMT.i. NE and FIRE CLAY; audasreryrethat:plete tVILIVERPOR•Mt. u p (Taie,, o l' i .ParlMitaina Inquire at the Law and = W. J. A RA.u. r ATTEZI2I,, den ; No. 1441roarth St.- Pittsh o rgh Pa. 14`011.SALE.--A desireable Dwell t!far'rll.447:l,lll? g.,. ` "X` Lt•LAZ:ttf,7,.gsi. bold in modern {Wu and containing 7 rootna-hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on hit floor; hall a _iiiitictilMitlitilfilti7: uvrgo'flie'-aafly;_citirlgel' Sth.ry tn` wi th moll; cellar noel wash-hue. In basement, snap . ' lied owiii:ll77=ll::tie'rnliinetiti."'igti.e" ilriliohifsifvTliMit I le an Mc' sloe . sad fried. swell led Ire l' - 1 ICC Pourp street. OriltANllooll ! HOW LOST— , - - - . ragraHOW RESTOREDI-..hut Published, In • ! REA tiTiruL EAIENCE AT SE• s,e, m tir t z e givp... A LEC'TUALE ON I 71:yularatl,I,I,LtICIV.ITSALE:-Porty mloutese :.rteOrßenillutt we.k4,,, 14 1 1 .g 1 egi1.1 I acres of choice ; litid fr ' outin i tir oi ° - tL :tfros.:ll74 ti,..xtud.: Debility and imnedi s e e ni. i' n ; visor: modern MAW dwellbig house. well arranged 5i0,04...,,00p0u., zfoo,osooscoo.no.o, g o , - . and In good order; hall, 17 rooms and eellar, out Repay surf Pits; Ment.al and Phye cal Incapacity. re. houses, etc.: garden, good deep soil, young (lull Initing from Self-Abnae, to,, by 010.1. J. CuLven- ' nue. nod ehrabbeel I situate between Sewickley- seam., M. 1). ...prof the "Green Book.. Ac- -A : tille and Osborn Stations, In a very destrable lona. Boox .ro Twi r o„..... b . of 0". e.....,,,,• ..., under 1 Bon and excellent neigh's:whoa/I. Dosseaslon first i seal, in a plata envelope. to any address, pose send, . Aprit. S. CUT/111EICT SNS. - •on .receifitof six twitf.s:or twt! Polta.e. tint.tip!-,_ba . ''= _______ . No. 61 Markel street. Ur. J. it '''''''' '" ' ..,,71',,, e W° ' i 10.111. AND LUXE PROPERTT A- , FOIL SALE. —O n the Steubenville jar TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, 1 noven Tulin from the city. U."1%4 .. OT BUM =CM i-A reverend gentleman GONTAININ(i ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY. hiving: beep resored, to holitt. /marbly days, mass SLY ACRES, andergoing tdenanalrenUnd and Irregular sr/x.ll3lva Steam and Water Plottrilag and Saw Still, and other mode of treument without success, considers 1.111, Sue Improvements. sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow- Kho, about Eighty Acres of C OAL, without the creature, the means of cure. Hen., on the reeelpi Surface. aidoiblos the above. ' of an addreseed etivelope,,lie will-send, f ree, a copy Also, two Farms at StewartM Station, an Central a tiiiii4ll,lsonderti. %vv. M. . 1 ,Itallrlssl, containlng IM MUMS and l.„, acres. 11 /MIN ALL• ii zr . v. i Poraurther particulan, enquire of atreet, N. Y. WILLIAM WARD, 14, - 7 THip,iIIIDAL CIIAItIRE.II ,' f e ls (Opposite the Cathedral.) No. 1101irant street. ~_,_, , • .441 j I=AX or .wAnbruce AND Lo y I —,„,,----..... ------------- ' errittlCTiON 'YON YOUNG MEN. A/se, new and I }wig SALE—A Farm, containing Valt:SnTtlitilrftlMitir, 1"1:,": I , _. a twat ?I0 acres,ltuate Ili Jefferson townalilp, Ammelation. PhiladelphlA Fe. , vi e y ; :VelllT/4,7:,';•110.07,Z es'lvtTi.iata.rT; tar- sr,irr rur.E.—.4. Paul - phii , 1,.=,"1,=", 117,t„,"7,,°,„17,„"Zjff,r;n4,11 e of Immeuse Importance to the old and and • good cellar. corh cribs. wagon sheds and river 1 rwili't• 'iwtri:lidawdsirg=f iwth i'''''''. will Piw outho m lldlvs: about 60 acre. of the very best river, scot i s w. A.!.KEIZEI6k a. t ''' CO.,fi e° ` 4 "lo*.to: . Nnto .; h o'; riA P IT Y i fd " l " ''''.`"". for'g 4.,,,1,',A,... ~.. : . ........... ' kionciagehela river. O. H. o f ten Beal nshste,' - Agent. Na. 16.1 Fourth meet. lalartf - flEsiitsnLE DWELLING ANII' -•-• LOT. -I have at private sale • 3 story_,BrlCk Dwelling Eton. and Lot, situate at No. ao Wa_ yne I street, near Penn street, with Double Parlor., Lila. lug, Room and Kitchen on drat floor; 4 Chamber, on • I Second, and ion third floor, with gas literary room: THE DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION ..lro.fighblo.gLe nEgttsAvporttran, food con Also, will he cold with the Hones, if desired, the ' Furniture.which Is .roparatively new. Posies ; sine given April let, MS, or earlier II neceseary. . For further particulars Imzultu at a and 17 rlnh street. D 7 T. A. MCCLELLAND. Attere. AL - - lE, LEGAIT,!! PITTSBURGH bark' bnIAITI-4! etitairsi W rig rams and n ilsb'ed at - ie, bath-room, water closet, furnace heating the whole how., marble l Mantles, all In fresh repair, 13Et nlk for Sa,V i Li g-s, `,7,!. . " r i Vf0° , 1, " 24,g,F,".. n'ea`liV.:7( IL1,12;r4:11: • way. In Allegheny city. &able and carriage house oar the let. Apply to YORIBEREY THE Renter In Stock, 2inf ictiattlie DIME SAVINGS INSTITETION -4-9' fat north atreet. litake's ltulldiriy, l -s-,I )WELLING HOUSES, ETC.,FOII • RENT. -A Brick lions° of four room., yard and No. 67 Fourth gt .l , cellar. near Sinithileld street.. Virgin CRT; No, 79 Chatham street, two-story Warne ll.se, of hall .d lave rooms, cellar and yard; Dwelling House oar n of Reed and Crawford stet. t • Dwellior (Pearl yOppoalte the Bank of Plittabarirb.) s ee r n, ~,.,,, of ground ~.,..„,...1 , rooms at corner of (leant and Diamond ate., suitable CIIAIITERED IN 1862, car offices: Large Dollar . Water street, near ifert7 street: two-story Y.° limise, with largo let, on Monist LA'mhlngton, Apply to OPEN DAILY from ti to *o'clock and on WED- fel l IS. CUTHBERT & SONS, hi Market et. NMDAT am/ SATURDAY EVENINGS from May __ - cat to November Ist, 7 to 9 o'clock, slid from Nor. ! pou 4 ALE--Ammeariate posses -I.l=uarrlgi.,4loPo'cloak. • ; a- /dna. -That desirable property known nu the B Law., &e., fornlshed at the odlce, j ... Avery Monsion,•• on Washington street, Fourth ' Ward, Micah.): CID. The lot is about WO feet This 1 . 4 M. 9 ,_.C00 ....raid)); offers to those ''hoer deep. and tbe purchaser can haveTS, so or 100 feet earning'rot, 6 l biaileb. Lue cPliortboltY to acrou.• ' rout. RI may b.,. desired. Also adjoining the abore m. deposits. easily asved, a sum whloh will la. , ber or beautiful Build:log Lots, on one of • esource when needed, and hearing Internet In- : whi i is a ic mune Cottage of. rooms. stead of remaining unproductive. IL JOHN D. BAEE, Stock and Real Estate Broker, 1124 Wilkins Hall. Fourth street. Is'Oß SALE.—I 62. acres of the A cheapest C•fli Land in Allerkeny county: A very desirable property on Peurth street; I:wro.eleg,att.lte,si,dpi4T;,in Veybeny City; IL welllugs 10 both OD.. JOHN 1). BAILEY, Ifiel3l: HARTSIAN, J ock win! Real Estate Broker, AVIER PARR, Jr..t rani Wllklns Ilan, Fourth street. •. 11WELLING HOUSE ON WYLIE I sEcRYTA RV AND TREASURER, • .a. , STREET FOIL SALE.-That large and well lin t ished three story Brick Dwel/log on Wylie street 33. .m. miaammbarmailnir. I newr Fifth, finished In modern style, containing lit roms, kit.ii=• range, bath rom, hot and lter aad gas I.llFilughoui Me building. Tido I t sone of ! SU. mast decimally Drop/lee ro a r drlllig o o . r 105 t... I.is7.' iP i rout ° l ` e=iii . blr ed . Ap/ le to °...' Pril ! lanai' li. Me-LAIN &. P C4/.. lid Yourtb street, i DON'T VAlf HEIST, bill call and I- , tarhase a very cheat. lot In the viliage of Mould W.hlngton. build mon ey and a house, becdme e aglelord, ease year money, and Invest In those 14s. Ole lots which 1 MCI atilliorked to sell on very e.-7 ''ltem,., For rd . r tile. t7p.a#l,oll%.llllknArnei: Agent. JaBl:tf -. No 104 Eotirth Street. 1 ---.--- _____. ----"" ; ' Fain WILL PIURCHASE THAT 1 1' 3,',-4.LrIiESRAI3LE COUNTRY SEAT, alto - so ALL'S reinit ated il t rulnutesi . walk train ; Perry Landing, The ~,,iri 4. swirsti..... .......--.1-9111,111,,'""zk' ! :IV: viewi iiii,th'ew;4:.7V4 dallied. , 7tlri=ti jOSEPII imame.lN et. Run, M ann - r ground. arranged with garden and fruit latxreat rußNgfactutwm and Whol4sale .d Retail Dealerej a , nbundatio, well watered Rodin good ne-IgbboThod: uRE viD Ir o du ban liu, di bro. eat PENN 81 ,i, i ?L i sle and carriage house. Apltylirl A t i o N .; ...... OrAtNey e rril Dr. PUILNIWZ, t o Walnut / 4 - Iss":4. --- Z s s _ '. u " . .___. and lfahogan i y et their own manfacture, and war. area atia.a..zi.../L 5 5 acres - of Coal, ~ ..• ~, and style to.) manutectur, situate:ln Smith township W.hlngtoli county, Meted ed.- ialgilion n: "mamma prima. omen., near the line of the Steubenville Railroad. Nod 0 1 6. 11 A ----- at Midway Station, about 21 canes from the nig .; Pea , , . -4gripirnlllEi , :. • f u .rthe r lia rtlaupzearZ e ilo r tlLE H. TO Real IC E . CrailfrPlE. int this_preinVer.t' onto psan i ill ! WIL.L rtlidliellSkirllAT pA dre ,000.,..........,, Brick Divelllng on Me- l e nue: lot =by HO; _house arranged with wide hot, double parlors, dining room sad kitchen e n d four bedroom.; yard neatly fenced and fell or ehrot. ! Wry. Apply . JA lfelai B, HeLAlf7 & Cu. 1 ANT , iviEtiotikk Tip Leit—That i T T substantially (built and ceilgarly boated WRLIEBOUISE, No. ICC Third st2et. dal Uri at. AVOW . DI,BRY liroPerin itiocita and Real Notate, rpm Id yourthatreet.. ( Burke'. Bullet:I.) __---,.. c arJOHN OCIMAx & 1i130., ktanutaaturers of /RON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUTTERS, WINDOW (WARDS, A., No. II SECOND and /31 ~IrD STREET, between Wood and Market, 'late on hand a variety of new neuritis, tancy and plain, suitable for all purpose, • eft- Particular attention paid to enclosing (Rare Lot. Jobbing 4ctse ittabonsioniee. _ _B_AV_II GS BANK. kEIIIOiAL. HALO 01111110VED TO No,. 87 P`ouy-tli iStreot. BOARD OP MANAGERS: -tXtci VICE PRIC'STDENTN., A. BRADLEY. DTSI B S.I.TORTH. H. H. GRAIIA/11, ti. POLANSBAA4 " CiIRISTO D. V. CANE OD WOOD CRAM, Mannfattm*Calg for 0111 * Wholesale or BetaiL JAMES WV: ` WOODWELL, 11 , 419 TIIXRD !MU= Opposite E. ItAmotobion and - .-Nu t .l)l 70.110,T#TREIIT.V FAVilf Fii*J7M7M=ll a". " hand a ■large Miser Meant of KOWINEI kLAIDIMirD, 80 " 034 RAIIIM, Ovum cuiTl.2s. sa watt 4Matifo lot t i +pigpen PIiESIDENT Prucroas, WM. M. F. HARM , JOSHUA RHuDES. I g...TbVIIIiitT 7.. liElt ZVG. 'ao. A. II LL MEI client 01. or the of Deceased Soldiers, who 8 MOAT/ 80rvio30. Arid soldiers who 'fere discharged from uly anon Hr, Ice without receiving itr Soy. risecut or Lo ci] liOnSlides, ore reiteited . co p il or send their All. tO wt.... lus %Ir • 40. En inn kiili.xx-zthiAt door Dhow the. dr ghedral. W. J. rArrza501f....:;............—...v0tary Po)* war. rArTIMOIt Atlornew at wail rraJ. & MILL .IPATTERSON J 44 • YOUICTA STREET,' Prrummiga. 4..A . 1.. m lLec for eotluir Claim! AM:IW the to will tur aA un * thtro ornroortUrt af ,earTf TIP/SIL .:'°llWriWgit ZOTTEI4I Alf P OAT 1.A1C326 POE 5ALE...1.011. Wll.l. I'UFICLIAAE. A ENQUIRE OF COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES ionorra which are the celebnited_F.UßßlL4 TROPICand TALII:I7d Ali (Coal litoreet) POMASIA. VET. otanantoftre ERAN and MONSIDEII (Wood Cook. stoves.) Al.. GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, &C. Onion And weals. PittsWburgho. usEe tcroanee oo S Se n c co on d d sne W.OO copknvo STOVES Parlor and Heating Stoves. Grates, Fronts, Fenders, at. • Alm, •ll kinds W 110LJAJW WAIIZ oeszrsas. Roam r iflachine Works and .Foundrit 13171 4glatzta.aam a , . F lll:l 9 J ap . 4 l ,4 ,llLACTlMpra.s g r arkAtitiksigekadvit,44l, heozio, ottoodtt, to , relay JOHN B, mraitoN At co., .uwx ae STOVE MANUFACTURERS ra. co .2v mr.crtomm t wo mss. LIBICUTT BTAZZT.SEAR.ST. mane. Mc/WASTER, GAZZAIII AITORN Ell AND CO UNSELLORi AT LAW 3Enttaikruarraa. Won.. EDt arare au t i ee SSICOUTION OY v tl;tesor i .ed, lt ateoOettiofi'imtf a In Yen a - H. C. KAORLIAMI r y • ATTORNEY n uw. V. R. Upenied lllo4lors , Clop' Assn*. tn.l3qtplqe. jar 3voaued 15, 041ers maimed In tn. 21 to e a[twotO% 9.- e n tiaT" l r" 4 " ( b• . yr tuestvt.•_anlp 9 cr n .A.un, Ints Erft ttfeelllTtiel An a, DACR PAY od AllitterYCL B d Woe, amected 1 7 the iehTiltr trt Zatwled MU% PreViratt, chum., 63.614 4*" Fl N. Dimond it/freer.=ni.r. 11-41,4,Zn= WA 132 X. fro t el deeerot I•7lfartsLelq _ :- -- ' - ` --- orsWv"7arCied- ec"Rixaso,a. cod . L . ArroolEy, AT LAW, "irritut. u. inaiginentirsairr, oontil m iki Cowl aim* ritlaintrati, Pa. 71: . 4 .2cibl , 3r BANES and Ygg ausucu m &e n 4 i l t l u 4t eleeatwn N§ GRUsterebetjan.ONl eod ,Thrha.-.4oErsr AIILIOT 'l3, A...oll3;iiiia- AniLEAr 84 SHEPARD Cemtahslou 'Heidi - anti, aikl 'dealers fn Foreign ' sad !Sammie Pealts, nest hotter, Cheose,Args, Potatoes and rhiste, geneliehp,N. Iso LIIII. STREET-k oprehtera.longm pot, Plttibmh. ClitAtitlEirt:Ratiiiiiii =a CommlshOd 11.1erritaut. Warehoose o. MI LIBERTY STEIZET, Plttakithris. P. - Wh N olesale awes th.Butter,OhOest, LexcljEggg Pork, IINIon• Bean. Tallow, Feathers, Proems. rot•tom .0.." Lily. Drltst .Frotts. ticeesi Prults, Onions, Stour. Cstui Qlotor Seeds. on Seals, I,llh. Seeds. Ouse and' ' Toothy. -Partlootat laitinioo even to Preduce Canslgamests. sun ROM KNOX .., , *.. .. .. . .... .... ...,ANDRILW Ellin. R. KIWI Sr- .80*, PaintllisSitoll M. FIEJAVPEIIRWRIV. ePerally.GNADl/2 jlDiamon opposite City Ball, Allegheny tilfY. o r . ' 117:p., WitiaTt—i•lNl-4.--, t — ---------- ~, ' firaCtelnet tOMAttetelgll et Unhurt) - tholes- to Floor Sod Grain_ , Produce sold Commission nercluutts No. Sal 1 .1111h1171C STILE/LT. Plusburgili. Pc - rel"Y H. JACK, Non. I and I DIAMOND, reZ2 c luLp6, sioinn ; on. •• OTIIISHIMAD Menehnnh iiiigsbtarn6 "djUt"l tt m r tr rd : d 7: et ,purr:de Pi 1 8 S R:Br! Qirr j. to de.mThrstle4,rmComm/sedou llnrchantr Carta. tad Lard e oll, nalt, lialth.C(Pleul"-C Yarns and all Pittsburgh than inns ' 1 2.1 and 114 klemnd aim% Pittsb .. 7, = .-fl------.------„ rffai7is,-.--ii„.. 'win. P. BECK. & CO . , No. 1S Ps v Litoitßy Strney'lttsbatrak.ani NlVe,:alwe ri-1=...,"&"1.2..,=." i1:T.. e .,:t7..., LT Ettr - A 21 1 24 A, 6.l" Z l iZ'snienall ie. i sBjre atTLIL IC nit Merchant :ad stliolessle eio dealer tila Western Reverse Meese. Netters Lard Pere. t e x s ia ßlonr LrgibbEzt.and e T i eirgtaz i ßu ttx. ge.r.ur. Nos. 144 sad /46 Front .term., .. Pittsburg.* D' o l 4 -I r ariran r& "n7BEL . Pa_ JOHN I. JOHN i.novsm & MON succes sons ro Jonsr 1. nouns & Co., wholesalo are erns and Commission Merobants, cortex of Smith field and Water streets, Pittsburgh. • gem TAM} DALZ LL & SON, Mann futurent of Lard Mt, and CoUltulaston Merchants t ar th m e purchase end mile of Crude and Relined Pe leu, Nos. ea and 71P Water street; Plttsbnrea. Advances made art Consignments. SCHOMAILIER &LAiliWbuttlesale dealers In Urocerles . , Floor, G n, Taco, Pro al•lorm, Fish, Chetoxe, halt, Carbon 011, on. in and n 4 wood titroet, near Liberty titatet, ttltas!Ah. r.: : 1 t °nog e, uttatj --"---- Zlonolit - li'iltan . : 14 EAD & METZGAIL Grocers and -a-a Connalsalon . 3ferebants and dealers In all kinds !tioe. ;111.gerWtrret,%prngr he ad o r Pittsburgh. spa:ly 4 FETZER & AnnBTRONG, For mrdillg and Comneisslcku Merchanta, for the We For fm Flour, Drain, llacon..Lard, Butter &•eds.,_Drie.l o r gg.'o ' ,l ,l l } rr, d gtetsY=Pie ' ! . " jiL"klarg'' D. WALLACE, Commandant ?Mei- - ' -•-•• chant and Wholesale Dealerla Plourand 13 raln No. 333 Llheity street. oppsosite relarmslyaula S. /I Depot. Plttabargh, Pa. Btorage 'Warehouse, come Wayne and Pennatreet.s. 0W:1 7 f-1 RIDDLE, No. 18 3 1 / b erty St, iliti,l7,t ' itriixtllggli'Vq.,l=L:ll Pittaburk roan utaetnee Cas auvuneed on Con algartion and paid for Produce generally. auTI !MLR? DA.L.Zir.LL • A. Lwali2.l- nOUT. DALEE44 1.: & CO., Whale- We Grocer., Commission and Forwirdlairlll43- ehn.ta and dealers In Produce nod Pittsburgh Man ufactures, No. rd Liberty Weer, Plitalmigh. innAltixs 1. CALDWELL. (Sue s./ °mar **Junes Holman Co,) Pork Packer And dealerin rroylaionsreorner of manta and Front meets, Plttalmnirn• WATT & IVELSOIII, Wholesale (Amours, Golasobtstonaterghants, anAdeslers In Produce and Pittsburgh Munditelgres, No, Lib It= LAmilearr.../Ortli 5111R 11, 01f...a. C. WALLA= .AMBER GroT, smer Produoor & Apo., cers ant/ceDealers NO. I. Sixth street. Mlttsintrati. AMU eSafe Grocers, Commission Merchants. and dealers In Produce. SO Water street and SS Front street. , Pittsburgh. psalm L. H. VOLUM' & Co., (Successors to O. GrairoProduce and Commission !der chants. EA Liberty street, ['Manuel. iris= J. A ugystan - liti. D. naIMER. EYSCER & MOS., (Successors to Vtkrmer & Anderson. ) Wholesale Dealers in For "settr,.ll,UNoos4Mii:al rr.74 MC.% Pittsberja. o jpElay_ rotikbßita HE FORT pm FOUNDRY. CHARLES HEAP NEPHEWS bLILIGIMACTIIRAMS o, . HEAVY ORDNANCE I AND ALL KINDIt e ly riaAyy CASTINGS. Spectarattentlon dto HOLLEY° MILD WORK BLAST MACKIN .RY and RETOILTt3. REPAIRS &iterated to prom . used A. at beretoto oundrre,:the , beet will awn& a this Yy Attention le.called . toour NEW FLY WHERI PATTERN &ad lout/ wed facilities for Siting u 0 nott:i p rd lIITTIMURGH FOUNDRY. CT= Joint Y. RICIIZTFOX A. GARRISON & CO. (8......,. Bailsman. Oarrinnt 6 C 0..) FOUNDERS' AND MACHINISTS Monufsetarera of Cbl/led Boller! of ap o r!sc_., Iron,S dt 14)),BerttiPtiellFe reel: ar tPgj wqr X1411:144724011=.04* of band; r aed fitted to order on . D ort notice arta favorable terms, ufilee and Warehouse, ILO litnithfield street, Pllttburgh. 8EADLZT.........R. VA1C1U811.."...J. B. Dual/Lit AMA . STOVE WORALS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Maanheture every variety or do. 301 Meru, at met ,' ALLEN. KM= &CU LEM ATTORNNYEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CE No. - ekrestaiarr sparxr. _____,..:.: 1:41 ' i'l lii rell '. sALEs „, ALE --- --_ : _- . , • _BANKS AND BANKKKS. ~,,,,,,,„T, ~.ED.N,E.,,silf, e nobrrirer. ' THE f r • . a ritsp a 1 NV A ant so Ts a L p ' • L l” Vert-a .' u ' ' ' a t FOURfill'' ifiTIONAL BANK An :xtertatre sate Zmosplial Cloth " l7 13 n". ' ' 671s:a. ' ts% r il e n T,Zia ' '''l k th“rig•haigiZr4ltrti IP til t y ettamittin t bl t %V i Tk .: ~.7 . ag tel.., iS. Government Depoeitoiy, b ets at 10z , r elo? A. 34 . 1 . ) . e (1) fi.Slythi:gll,l"l6l. ~3":,,i, 54 MEARHET WITUMET t :Ram, ''''''''. .. 20,04 • l'itt6o/buz-Z33. 1"433112:14:4" 4n..0 , Mraseee s t3S i "es pairs ta , atta , I Xes pal rs 30,0d0 tarerst. PAM ter PIA= F....) , vi, 47, , , , t,:a1Trt.r.0a To Iccasaasi To. 1000Xl. ::::::::,..na,r . ~.. .. TT.4,.:E p.„,,,,,,K ;i% c.. 4 ,,,,, ifv; e.p..d..„,..11.1t Banks and Pillow-tteks As a to those doLag th=r!srYlilwt,tteetVr.'"""e4 The , ; , lAti i—a —Mau , ~ ~ . , on of the trade arid the pledi e at tar t , 1 1-i:ati . e.t t , Ct le sale, as the goods "11l hasold Ist lots 7 113.14=0 14,,TcYteis , - 41,7., , : n T ,, g r n:l sw i ll c reltastres tatwi t t, s , delivered to prtres " eg l Ithi sold' 6 . 0. 4 will 01' , A d termination of „le ' '' "•- (4 d ''' rro. ..7..1 . 4 1 .n" 6 "'m e , at p u „,.„,,,,rn f . ,...c.rtti0., n..iii t ed ID T hoan-Cash. to 4ihrera meet Panda. , t.,,,,, allow by . ..., cooslts reactant a d 111- C.. CUT/MR/AN I I P"' hanarment C. se.:‘,...m.E.S.aptlet=tx,,,,. U. s. . k. THOMAS tioNNEcc4,l..t.. aT. (chi:Man PtihsBTriitlA„ N. .1 KIND i . is ---, - " ' SALE OF "MEDICINES BELONG- TH(I.IIA9 EIifITII -E'. L°ll.l.\ a lt n"'" r ..I....;iiat3AITOunT.RE MEDICAL DEPART/LEAT Op TtiOhlAti j.1.17 / 1 1.L REPATRie . 1 BUTLER symlat Caslbler- .le(hrbri,tdelderii /ligancrea, F unrayou , s Orrmn, d o tSILLINOTON. D. C. February 0, tads j 7 An sue sale of Valuable Medicines no longer ;171'1,`.% 'A tilr.`filtrl':lll'l3fAhikui,s.ltTigi day of March next, and succeeding days. if neeesad- Rertitilrjr°".tioe'reux;',. 'PL/Ztr, hack of the t' l flTtleg a f.”M,2.l. l which will embraCe'ule following principal articlec, PITTABIJIIeiI, PA _Sulphuric Ether, 500 101.•. Alrobol, 500 bottles. G o _tnpo . tand , Sp o irlt s of Ether, 600 lbs.; Simple Curate. ...70.ttf_ t . t..h! roform. , SW lb., ; Plaid RZtraCtor Hu- FtddiZitbraa NMeitLr=l:'lUVZ.Vlnut;/ Mrti %TM " , L'. Fifi ji l t , Ll M rrvY r lgl7 g . ..g l !? b' t ii,l fi b ; u l . ,..: t"'" pbor, Pills, 1,1,1;(1011: Cl/ r I.IIUti:VI ~:,,L,,,, ri r - 2,000 dozen; Opium I'm,, 1.000 /toren: lodine of Pc.. 6. tasalusn, =Lbs.; Rhubarb, WO lbs.; Powdered Ph ll tpAlbarb, 250 Ito,: Syrup of lionCle, 500 1b..; Compound ttg!•,l,.,fany;l:tyle:;,,Mlitoni.the bolds ether tide,. lots sluallar to tbe above, will be ollbrod'foreate".• In C-atalutruca rontalninw a romplete llot. svith full particulars, will be ready by the 17th lust Tertus—(•.ll, lu Government funds. .' Five days will lir allowed to porchasers In rem".. log their property. C. SUTILF.RLAy; It burg. la E. A.. Medina/ Purveyor. '. W. BOT.E.LER, Y R., United Stole, 911:!1-73.1"titif° fel2t.lt= t Auctioneer. Ito. tto 6.2 th, NALE OF GOVERNMENT PROP- 1 / o. Fives of 1010 0 ; Do. Syes-Thirties; a. , ERTY. I Jo. Certificates of indebtolisiets. Vollcl 2018L,TANT qtrAItiERMAPTLICS OPFIC6, 1 i (!rkr ..2.1±..!!!'"t."".r.°11..".1• J.". 17. ____ _________ rrrttlianti. Pa.. Feb "Aith• Pol .1)OLLAII SAVINGS BANK, No. tie) Will be sold at Public A ;teflon, totlie hi - Ites . l. I I FOURTH STREET% Ider. at the PAIR ORMINDS, Plusburph '. . Pa ' t • ltt 1 th.e, AT.rt'T7,OF, 1411 t 16 ` 1, T , ii . 7.1.,t,''..i . ' .. -'' , 0. °P en do " rh i l l 4711 t° ,74 N ! , .. ' " 5 ? ? ?..* We e r ,.,l proyetnents located on Lire above natned ' gr o v h u ' ll r d ' s ' . '. i '''',' ~'" evnin g ; ' -dj ' .. "`', s ' s- '''".= wifttligutreentitAm;grot, b.. „ 7.riniveil from the grounds : 1 ,7zir , ' , 7 . 7 _7 t n o . D o'eloch, and from Novembe hit to try t tot o o'clock- It hoc or +ale. • ,Geposits reeetVrll of all sums of not leas than One (.1.":4‘::::'Lui;:. '',.: 1 7 . ": , .Y A . .E..F.:..t'A1.i.11'. A. i yi!'",.l7l.lLlTylud r, ?Yeocef tmheberttleded'rgd ce _.......,..................., Q m u ~., A /24.,,nliy...edknemi-arnnually In June and DeceMbe.:tung; was o ganistal, at the rate of all . per cent. DRUGS AND CHEDIICALS, 1 ' . 7fit, ir not. nr.74,ort.,lirca to the credit I of the depositor. TO TIIE LADIES OF A 11 1E111CA: : tercet from the Irst dale Of done sadth=rb'e.i; , I epoot:irurodloy.talee year without trutifing the de catl or even to preaont his patts book. At ASK FOR , I th lar i tit . e , m o otoey,w . lll douhle In leas ".ban twelve years. HARRISON'S GOLDEN DEWDROP 'I u.,,a1.,,,,a ' AV - 12 ll'aTaraTp l irZuttle.Ing oillee And Victoria Regla, ...._ Pussinerrr-tiEi PICK poi '-' - ' 'William J. Anderson, THE ILIF.II . ta' THE WOULD. Toll.Kl, PAID A'4 ' john ii. ".'"n'n• and 'WHIT E . It e lves la war n delicate tint lo the ..en). 1.. Fahnestoc k , notnnlea lon and rich tones lIIe the I'arlan Marble .1',T.';',"7,,1.44,.: c '. 4 "::fl'i` , ;`,....?';,',:.`Ab'. IV ir ri t ittgike, r ill:711- : ".. M. P.....k• p4,, , , iia 1 .; ' ,7,:i1r, , t a Jz i ,: : 11,;(1. H. IC EYSKII, and all , ~ , ,,,i n., ,, , ,, , ,,m , , Dn. ll W. IL RK.F.D. L h,.. . le BL:VY• fel2Acnd lieueral A r"‘: . 1 11111 ho K wr In: WOODSIDE & WALLACE, A luttsopk. encrlldr, , Clots:a A. Colton. Vcria.cianninao D ruarigiastin, I rol;.),7f'' , John J. Gill AND DEALEIts IN , William S. Haven. Peter IL Hnker, Re Lead, Red Lead,_Litharge, Paints, 011 e, I Rlchanl Hoyao• Palmists. Dye Muds, Window Ciltua nd Putty. James D. Kelly, I clpleca Perfumer. Kenzote. Carbon Oil, Or. i , T unAmonett - CHARL KS i ty.ettj h opr i. ttl i ttef i s Metallic 'Drown Padlntsj SZCarranv-JA.S. Et. 13. literary A Wham 'a I.:ilttgrt.gPatelvth2,`;!"Vt. and 1 THE and two pound cans. PEOPLES' NATIONAL RANI, ..413. al Wood Street, i UPII.I6ITIE THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL. ! Car N.1TE11ia:11.12V.12.. mr2Dtlyd PITTSBURGH. PA. i CariZAL Patn IA stxmoao. -- , wrrn Pu4VizMar. or 2.0X1.000. _i• SCH OONHAHICH & SON, 1 „p i r E ttitg bonze 51ORNER FIRST AND WOOD V . Title Baal, organized under the National Banking Pittsburgh White Lead Works, I 7,1`0411=1,74:f•e0dr ;;,,VATilgll'ir.g.o 1 Collections made on all imeesalble points on the PURE WHITE LEAD, ... favorable terms. Special Agents for JAY I C(K)ICE for the sale of th e BLUE LEAD G RGAINI/11211 4, FOR PAINTIN IU. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. Iwo. 438 liHrocicl. S trout . 1 F. I. i . ; iteev ci...BirrUEL BLI.1"1"DL Iwo. 68 - ~ C:iltrir.inalf, Teller HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN , - -----............. NEVER. It syllltli a l' ettny W r E et t core the 1 TAILS. ; BOOT; SHOES, &o. ',....1:r.t1 Halt tss Its uHural color. A nd I IrAllsl, , TAiiiiiii; -iiii-oti-oiiiiiii-s-------, ilfirl g ,71-11 : , ;' , 1 1 ,:ngdITAiltif1' 1 ;! %ILI. 1 - 1 ) 1 L : a lt 2.4.t.,,,, r t j y 1,1 1t . 0 halt In a few VAILs. ; ' Icor ule at the (iVrIT'ItRIFVIIIM STOKE. Y e A ol l itt i Ne.W. C-I°lthizig., of ado and Federal strectso AlLefliony, : . .. I t 3. A KKI L.l' i BL A h KETS, FL ANNEL S, HOSIERY, SIMON JOHNSTON, 714.1E1 LIZCirarilIST, Wtic,leti GOOds, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Sts., ; SHIFTS, DEAVTVRS, !JACKETS, umiir,,tamitAtlßrniani MFR T. ! Fancy and White shirts, , Ac..hoporte direct front Lnd'on l ' ,'aria and Cosean. . 1117 ; BUCK GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, NEW SKIRT FOR ILSeti BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ' Private Sal, Day and Evening. (OR DOUBLE) GREAT BARGAINS! SPRING SKIRTS, .T. A. McClelland's lanittattind exclosirely by the sole omen of Peal, WESTS, BRADLEY & CART AUCTION EMPORIUM, 97 Cbamberst, and 79 aBl Reads 849., 5 ; r. -9 :::i ('' 3-5 and 47 Pin" Street. I+TEMOLT YO RE. J. • 41 4 th Hoop Is composed of TWO finely tempered tidai'Nee aprlnga, braided tightly and firmly together ' ert •W , • .... . w u raearr p olgtf:w S T TNOND EST and moat . , t_s , rda.KiatiliCE SALE break like the entitle spring& b'n't 4 7 117 . e ' v u te:.1 ' ,744 3 :: 1 . OP their gratwrolbeea of shape , ‘"her. throe." roar o r -dinal . skate will have been thrown away winsel • is. cht:rnhelabjirUoTerrrileTLA Tr p t e h rl ' !Trall Boors a SHOES, . era. eentrlntng COM rt, i fter, , Duna nttd Tr and at:Ono- ! WILL COILIIHNON ON i at t , I I U ri ! lial ird;iltiwit ,t l y n o i, t IA es womb i 11,1 tcmicits.-ir, taxa 11:51t la 112 mt. STANDARD SKIRT ! AND OONTLNCIE TWO WEEILIs • orate taahlonable world. Ti,.,), entire abaci. a been marked down land 1117111=slitibflei7eTIV oil above and by /las- I will he sold at greatly reduced paces, to rake room stores In this city. In „uln• ford the ar"'''" r''''' ' their SPrThg '''"l. , Remember the Number, Bradley's Duplex E ll iptic Skirt. 1 falateeodir OF THE ALL 61 IVlark-et Street, ITTTLI*3 en.rdotATED 1 DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT Next Door to Barker's Dry bloods More. - Al LON{ EaT RETAIL PRICE& N -I," OW IS THE TIRE TO SECIIIIIE Ft-IRTAL3m. 3a3uLu-ta7sclB DARCAINSI tleppllekbv the desert at lowest rates. macaw' $ c6,4RLisLA Great Closing Ont Sale atealmass MO Mnirtia tErtroot. [2Bl BOREN° TOOLS. pETROLIA MACHINE WORKS, re. . mt. xamos-sr, I NEL W LINt4 ITTIOITT REGARD TO COST, No. Obto Mira% To Maim Room for Spring Goods. IMPROVED 110111;Mril of U¢ED IN /11.41) 2:741*±/a7ao'? 41tthltittdItabr in 'SA ge "P o iA7 f .F . °ll 2 t ia ta Gumbo[ o al d , so that IT.LItn% LVAItiV utvirjuto,,,:mrsuAa a forfltpx:lo Uwe. s Dr su or w ( igir b l i r alnee and tools, o'_, am.preparell to mot Dicanows olt Pfo°gll2;°"'Vota°. r pr A cia for toe Imo °moments on Liberal 'tAtis.'Ll'o.l ilediaVair U. JAMES MOWN, M ANIMACITUIIE.4 Or IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, FUR SINILLNU Ul4 , SALT ANII trru Ett WILLL No. 136 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Ps. Tools warranted made or the yen. beet 211.1130 AN LOW MOOR INON. Nell borers furbished at. Sacrvtrogst CletaaxX.z-looisi, With eieb articles as are secesam7 to cotehict op Tattoos, 0101 fleatth, HAW/MTh SAWR R C & E... QUAREs. cIUSELK HASlAllelw, WRENCH/Z. . tilitlVELl3, PLANER, riCK E I 11 Arllt 9. ROPE, LEATHER. AND HUM .s.ELTI Nis. AU ef which I have waste/MY hi store. - oat :hoe ............................_ NAVY SURGEONS, --- - - --- tonucto or mrotoxlrArpsl,7n4; IeNAVY DEriarrldlOrr. WaahlogtottlEHYiiir, inCAL BOARDS roll eass nAlg. r r N o tt yr pAHDiDAT,HP NOR A 1). Xoa. 7-larda bi LY. ', X , )treC t r B . s,l r b iT ' c L q s c r " or f n . .. tnaifevAlHospital. Chelsea Hass.; Neultill4ltall: v . an l aa b li v iksyl pro, M4.3;141111. t rb o t i f a gallldetes for tubnisetlio7,srocoortl::llledigl. _Gentqleracit , de:lran ' of (111Deorthe before eitber Board. snug mato Application to the Honorable !Secretary of the Nosy, or to the undersigned, stet. l asgs i naezi ‘ e i e? b. d4tvv , d e p t i o rtne re rl lelr Dt t t , l ;ti and before M e a e .ir&h i aearin.d&l by reepoaelblo teed. Candidate. mai not, be le • • .srenty-our nor Joey. t No han twralx pearb of ago. , oHered the Herrerunietrito 1.1,1=0,1X7D In 64, 411018 of the Bonn!. to as a for appoinmugt the v . Is/PH Prerequisite for P. 3. 11 - 01A+7,, Chief of Bureau. rETMI D z-1T l Aar oan , s , DeastAsy.' Cop t, new. Sanding, corner of pLAMOND MairiMj.=.littlai afresh ~NAl11il: 11.0119 E. a , ..1333.0 No, 57 NUM STREET, Pittsburgh MlTrtelra P N uNada and enrrency.luliganitrlZ. Pri"l"4"'ln" of STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Bunton Commission. ' joarot;culal attention paid to Um Pantaec and UNITED STATES suomins. Cassimeres, Over-Coatings, Cloths, Domestic Dry Goods, A. ROBLYSOIV & CO.'S fl ItEAT SEMI-ANNUAL I Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balinorals,Pol- Mb Boots and Gums, 'all early at the old stalld of J. 11. BORLAND, P2l NO. OM Market et., 24 door Dom 6th I . BOOTS AND -- AT COST! AT COST!! ALA 92 M.c.c1.0.r.a..1. Elltremot. 1 am now closing out my entire Stook of R. II I IitIRT Boots, Shoes, Goiters,.llalnsorals Polish Boots, &c., "X• o_o El T., To make room fo;411311.1:o4i. (heat /fugal fe7 SOILED BOOTS. tSe have 00 iVoNitZ 'sSUMBALI. gulled which we will close oat REGARDLESS Or COST J. Ir. Carnaha n 4' Co., relo No. 83 Market atreet. LADIES', ITENTEP, hILSSILY , ANL!, CHILDELEN•3 Roots, Shoes and Gaffers, A BPrlces to . 70:44 1 , It tZ! nd Wylie strestas.un LADIES, MISSES MiD 011.1.1111 Es W171:145 , he Largest ail torts Ever Offered hi this Idarket XICCORID zwa. Lyn _ BRIM. WC", a MBI (woleitt" BRIOX iLACIIINx73 wtw A+ : 11 ,r 7 7. -A or not P it r kP tl h d" " " th lt:r p ri . Nur T WLQI4f.A. General A lb° !'".3'. ALO. w a r Broad: moivaa h. ROLES & SONS 'Rum A.I.IIItEE. SIONNTi, A. X. PaJock IL D Robert Robb, " John H. Alerander e e l 7 r ,: g r GM • Heneter), ry J. M Lroeh P adeira.' John Marshall, Waller P. Marshall, Jxmca B. D. Heeds, John B. Ht Jahn (Jr,r add'4 t iTV ' Z Alexander Thuile William Vanktrk B. P.Mleyman' Isaac Whither A. COLTON. • mzEps. Jamwawl, man 047toforottret - • Baer QUALiTY HErna) AT Rpm_ ilvoire. Flat I'l4 :of mem. warnulted ..;.+1 to any Imported or sotwatut4mett lis W s cola. 'IN-01ft 111/01111.. and t2ifl ettentil•thmsta. ro a. a". GIENERAL DRAUGHTING OFFICE salt .asemycar Ea: at. Clair EL. near Sorponslo. Brldn H. P. GIENULUIJAZ C 1•11 ra(1.1.1 8 1 1 1111111011 Met Ulla, ones. im.ng virn-riiii-- ' -- --... AIERANOMBENT gELMV.R.yAJAL CENTEL'. E. R.--TWELVY On and after MONDAY, Noe. Ineit L.WIA t' leave.thelzron Passaname... , Depot, ..,...j.e441,1.1. `Yr4tileritlV=r3 IA fdllg:i at di .. r i alvtinvmurtuAn , s ,. .. .Art=l3 2 A, !tea. t A. gi..., .. 7 .0r.k/faven, P E):4 P. St. il Aarriabgrr"7l.43f Y.• =Mare.; 4.)34,P, i 15.: New York. •14 A. 11... ttlkt.:l4:l.ena.4ll4ealaa•jpat,.s.ll4P. M. mad Her CINCLYNATT: -Leaves Pittsbal at LW A. AL, stopping* neatly all stations; AI rm.' at 1:30- p. a.: Atarrmborg, Sal r. a.; arrtv rig f =e t iatrliretvri; Pittsburgh at 11:40 i a.. 12.: ="ll47".l =sirg ."" ar/2*.rif., m stid7ltut! this at 7' , 10.1.,'Ar. - ".. - PHILADELPHIA EXPIESSI-Leavesiets4„, .US P. 4,, netting- tzar at krinvilial . o as. Arrilelt at &AXON. 100 P. w.; aitooria, 9:10 . m.: Harrisburg, .2.:26.a. X.: Hattimorli, P 7:90 ita Nets ork, Xiaaileatarwn , 111:90 A, 11/4 tilladel ' , O A. Ir.• and Mewl - Mt, via Philadelphia, at P. ig. tlleelng cAnkitill through on thiamin min Mts. Y; ft al via " T=At " rbil4ao 11'1"4. sod "e. PART LINE:-Leirves rittourga a mai . ...... tttinf VA P .;_ r ir m b..r, "'" Xt.i A rl. 7. IAI LI; pormt.l4lo p. x.; New York.tvia Allentovr 3:01 ribt,iirm,„ a rli , tt r. /1) . P. 11.1 and New York, via 1 4 .11 ant: • tlifensi. .. j z giatjr. Wally altoCAvr trains. Bandrips _ .. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATHIN--DailyjAeept =::; ) A1:1 3 0. ,.. r ' ...., .'0 and ,1 1 1 4 h, at rairalar Mus at Blairsville LottloirWithtr en i t in ' it i Min u" - 8711,440vVeatPfinkirraals Railroad:, be87.,,...0aY5) ilitt7aoAirty,?l.g,tiortz, aWtarregulDlllYaraC' MI: :::711,:::::::¢y.::::Btn.he.chtb.dla. ti:1 1 eb n , n ....... " . ' venosylvania Ranoul. lebensblareg, L ' as ‘ on . watr 'll maklax Leaven ‘ ts. W.Mrc4= l ,l:l7. N L D W: ll ...'5 Strri4ai. 1 t ?is Llealltreorntruniation Train t otr Wa il's !Rat - ' Penn Accgt=i7r4"" " 10'15 A . i 'n Vas) ,!. t 3 : 00 r .... •- o. i- Lc daily (except 1.4..v.4.10=Nim.T.ra10 for Watts Station - Penn Accommodation, 1,07.'? I.,2.e:.driir teaMent roadax?) at 10:30P. ,topping at A u .„..,11 0 . o ,‘ „.,..- - tween Pittsltonsh and reran A X - - - The Church "Vellll leaves Wall N.% 14k es. a day at 9:03 A. st.., and arrives In Pittsinareh" "°- "Vil irvißgia3itg:xdov:N.-In - =-At.-rv . Returning Trains anise la Plusbar.h Mail. ................... -. aa folioliel Yast.L..ine. ...... .. .......... : ......... ' .... Y' CI 't N . rim Wall'skltiVtlora ICeoroMUllatiWit: ..... 43 4 , 1 :: ITrt•OUVVlLl'sl3=iieCOniindiaile:a........ i. 1 517 4 .• B,fonnotown Accommodation.. .. m-os A. M 'ss. altimore Express. . . .............. ' F - Altoona AccommodatVin aiidEirfirant... . 1010 1 ' MI . Third Wall's Station Accommodation ... ... me ';:. 4 ia Philadelphia Express 2:05 2., x. Peon Accommodation, No. 2 e:2O p; U. Pittsburgh A. Erie Mall An Agent of eac h Excelsior Oninilma ComUgatPw'lli an ti l=ka , and tr ttriv t rr fi rs "W "Pi tg a , th. h. °glee, No. 410 £OOO a r rest.-open dap night-where an orders far the movement of dv d gyamEge will receiveprosut attention. 1 E.Prnra• Z2:03P;74..w011iern.r1"3:7, 7 th Phjild'ji" NoTtex , -In muss of loss, the, corn . y willold themselves responsible f:i...rersonal Waage o nl y nod for an manta, not or i W. H. Railat WITH A mai At the Peons/ivaniaCentral road Passenstr r tloa, oz ____Arm,,, v am! W4slalostan amts. R p AI i L T ' W W T AB A AU DicarfoA FT .4 6 LULROALL LEVELAND A PE ISO& Winter. arraivemeng. On C and after NOretobtr 19th, IPPA, trains alhavra, ta: Leaves /be , jr, , 114PE'lthas ::77 h. ...... 1 : 45 P. N. 1 C iri .. .. ga.prea. ......... !!45 P. N. . P . . i rr 24:ire.iaile.alaltte.!. . ~.i . ...,". M. I r.= , !..4 . ,,,Ltr ve at P.ltLia.r.. ......... M.C. c. it. W. -1:[o A.m., 1:10 P. - at. IP P. 'CM' .a "ZA.C160.-31170trialf c'itagit r ' • Leave All for • • nalilartagni : . RPON-9033 A. at., LI:30 A. m., 4:20 p Rriiirdsarat.7:llTrm. Eeop oarr - lD:3OP.a[. j'r- Wra.r.Srtr.LA-a:aO P. IL R' V '''' ... Bt. W. it IMIPA. . • 'L C '' '. .} lini.V4ittl: N. 12 ''' umon u tttaall i tg . T . lf k Win A. Q. CA EftlfV„ Three A rg gen' I. '4 ' &limbed) City ,Lrs F. D. MYER., General Tleket Alma. ' -,--L -irrssuliGn, CO.'NATI RAairimi ..a. Luiti ILRn:re OAD.AND CL.fiCIN - _--- THE GIRTBMTIVeroUTE — TO COLUMBUS, t, LOUISVTL , INDIANAPOLIS, And all the pilnelpal Mies. ST. LOU( WEST AND SUEITIIWEST. • On and after MOIIiDA Ir, NOVEMBER tOtti, 1868, Trains 1 •1111ese and arrive at the UNION DETY , as follows: Deports. Arrives. -2,50 ts. r.`al 8:16 r. 2 . 301,r. Irood.n —4:03 • • 10:10 1 1. SCULL,- eket Agent. hteohenvlils,Ck AL. D. iIIYTILEWSPAtIIig, nu, Union Depot. Pittsburgh. Fut..... Mali .... . ...... ..::::: gita ben rille Avei,n-; I= BE= PITTSRUJIGUANDam mi cußVELLeyx,r,ts R. R. Winter Arrangement On and After The4lltralneoNDAY. OvronEn De souk, . lain, .111 iel{VP tbe W.l ntreets, folio.. pot," R"" L. Arrives Platt to and from Ewpresa Uniontown. - • a. ' M " .. P g 4 e 4 r ' a Pint ~E .e.Dort A &CO P. at. 10:00 A. Sernndec.T ll• n.-..11:00 A. M. IPSO A. First Braddocre Second •• Tan a. a. 8 . 01 A. M: Sunday (lhoren Train to ''''' 1:101'. M. 8: 6 P. K. from aleKeeaport. ....... 1.00 P For Tickets apply .• -• P . K. 10:43 AAA/- A. J. gent. TOUT' CSEI ALLEGHENY VALLEY ILULROAD. CHANGE or TEM On ns and after MONDAY . Nov. 33th, Passersget traiwill be arrauged run as !Whom MAIL TEALN—Leares burgh 11.45 A. arrivitur at tilttanalua at 't thieris.a. Illaaves.Kittab an - Wk.% ITLTIZ"4. ;tit , L , "Lr.i l ;:ri Y. arriring at Pittsburgh at /UV A. W. Leas. PliWburitb at 5:10 P. M., arriving at Eiturtuiug si a: a) P. M. ACCOMMODATION VAlN—Leaven Soda Work. at BA) A. M., arritiug at Pittsburgh at Sag A. In, Leaves Pittsburgh at 1:I0 P. In., Attl•IZS at. mlaetaa at LG. P. M. Hlskl CARPET( s , irt?;•*, CARPETS, Lace and Damask Curtains We are tow recelVinte our !WRING STOCK, In cluding choice lines of ENISLOSH CARPETS of our on Importation, and comprising the most es ten live and complete ikallOrerneut or every description of goods In our line that we have ever had the Dieu. ore of offering tenor-customers. Ourrirettnses having been made with UOLD at '`Mtatlf.‘lll.l.7l& n gArcitkVAl t? rain_ reMil OF FROM VAN TO T CENT 3 PER YARD from prices of last season. We warrant all goods we sell to be as represented. In any ease Mat wennDili to satisfy our matt:r epots timelier-it IS the me the goods erivl be taken balk, :De money refundedand al Imlmjual paid. McFAILLAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth St., 2d door, Next building to 11. SI. Custom House:ad Post-offlei, &Xi b cCA Li~U~t~B CA RPET STpljE .b. 87 . ..Fourth Street. Mosaic and Aixminster Rugs VELVET HUGS, Embroidered Piano Coven, SHEEPSKIN MATS. 331 !LB 4 CPCMENS. ______ 3T EL WORKS. ieß • tritGiiThiTEEITWOBHj ANDERSON, COOK As CO., CSUCCENBO.IIII TO JONES, BOYD 8 C 0.,) Bann(Wanton of thpvtaltairoVl Cootutlpopoor:t inbithtlVeatraatlaellZP4 REAPING AND MO ‘" iwrzirr eLow snare exma • Cut sad COulion Magi/ yd Spring Steel, Oldce-;Corner of Mat and Irdstatreetid " e n , the MOUOntlitiela 11011.49. 1 W I°C ler:dy LACK • DL~DiOPD PirrlSCElzi'larClPM.Mtin, 11711311111W14, ra PARS, nitantE4t & DRAIJ - GEMNG. psynE FOUR LIFE iiii UIARTEK OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. Catuit. . . THE ONLY LLVE, IheIIHAMA!: cOmpmir IN AMERICA . thus now manna anti litit,)!•l Annual CASH DIN lOhrts on the Aral ntistelts_mlbseuent. Parosent of premium. Its CASH ./,t.AI no h ate lie of ILL.MILOte, Ls secant) I pate lie xtoeks and mortaves of 1t54.1., it It no: In Itr IMIs year or ban f inent, nud e o the gserS'ilLrl'ol,llV3lTATLb 1 1. e,' 11°"'' ' " gle ease oi int-A.l4m has 04 ¢V . 4 1 ," " eri t ' eeee ' tha I liberality nod fair death's/ lait4tlaftydattb 11118 Company. The policies of this fktinpany arelitt4 foriblted by 1.,...,,,, of no. - piyyMellt of yrratintrrllar the second year. No payments rerintrerl after (en r ars ant Wilkins =Mane good thtongh Ere.' 1 ' - ' --. - -- . .T. C. WA L N.9l3:"Pet ' rALIIMIC Vint Pgtleint. B..ii. WHITE, Secretary. , ~ Brunet, °Mee for Western reinifY ' ' ir, rrb he r! L'lrcritarl and blank Applications. ilfAlrnt b ' - SS Wtnill atreet t . Plittab ' 7 . '''' Aarfibt wanted throughout Use Mateo Apply to OVN'tY Y. E. litti2DELL; titata Agent, CHALIITER 1829 . PERPETUAL FRANKLIN EIRE INSURANCE COiIIPANY PEITLADELPHIA. Assets on Jan. I, 1564, , . 82. 1 957,849 95 ;4 . I 9 4C0.0:a. 2:je=/ Premiums m• 3 rt.ooo. Invested Prowl.. . ... , 1,838,M3. 17nsettled. Claims • 3,118. Loi"""mes P r zi 6 nrel3l3 ... . . ..„. . ~.. .. .... 8.1130.101. Perplantland Tempuras, Pullet. on libral terms. (1838. N. :11313 elter, l'inr.c" 13% Le, !'i Tobtas Wagner, aatnpel Want-, Edward (t Dale. Jacob R. Nnilth. '3l.ririce:;,t, George W. Itielmrds, P,'. W. Lewis. 11.1) CHARLES N. ILENCKER..PreaIdent• ,As. N. irAtE L A,Ri z AI: .. E. y .Vleegrealdant.. J. A. Of;1 1 1/ , 1;•4sent. ___mhz Corner2foda alill . ...I . .tlyi t _rials,ts. F"E AND Mirldiit ' I INSURANCE CO. O F NORTH A MERICA. P IIILADIQ . .I.PSIA: I=2! Hartford Fire Insurance. Company. w■.ee., JarPenteell o . on can k.pa.be ""red .. In the &troll named and reliable (: W. L. JONES. Agent, fe.Vily 94 Water street, lop eiklee . ) WESTEIiiiiiNSILTRANtE ro, or PITTB M.I-DER Tlttl(3l, Prea)den IVIE C P APT . HE. GHBE(E)HRGT'Eheig7M. °eller lee 4..)l7l.jeer,,HuiWinuteb.rrestreh.et, Spnnie'ge wlt.re A note t tint t owW /6413. nm Par Ined/Pli Ems! 6:06 P. X 0:07 A. X .6: 0.11. X Rllre :re,,agri;,,,alb)porwu to the cot/m.12114; i 044 who Dtree are tells the charactperosTlfriLy ha keel lirfsesittkaidltTr: tering the best protection to those who desire to be mired. Alex. Nlmlck, Dina=One.Andrew Ackley, P. Miller, Jr David Al. Lou, Ames McAnfey, Alexander,dpeer, Citi.j.}.TLlM pkittregeLtlezon, Joht.Ri..iiglani,, mske WM. P. ARRRRT, SeC4tary. (ITI OZPE NS' EVU..Ai e eConri.' iCs and Water streTßecßGT/cOnee. comer dark I o • ,,i ‘V tl ift . .. r .L ..m. ..Ei e lLEP h.. /LIED . W , ) Ne l. criiitaiyA.. Weatero ;:11.. Y— ...71 :7; " , ; ; . d luSu4sT;S h l u lt ' e l s i tt i f da m ageuf b y ho Dna: 5 kl. Wier. John Shlpto James M. Coo n. per, ' S. Harbin/Ith, J. Caldwell, Jr., Joins h. IMlwort, Wtn. A. Rodgers:. danLy Wm. Bsgaloy, wits rmei ltea 3 Nir,e...ltluoliOn. h.r.6 , ftte.4. I Barclay Preston tleortic Blngbara, PEOPLE'S IIIsunANCE CO. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD AND PIFTN STN 13111.3eTOttli. John Watts, Wm. Phillips, , Capt. .John L.•lChnaA r. ' Samuel P. Stiriser, John E. Parke, : ( - Mules Arbuckle, Capt. J. Miller,j John V. Kirkpatrick, Wm. Van Kirk. I Frank S. Bissell. James . Y'ru'r NV M. PFIELINN"PrLee'I.Ie„ JOHN WATT, vice President W. P. GARDNELt, Secretary. )o11:Ty Capt. SAM psDon't Ago. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE Dp piTTSBUILUII.--oMee, No. 37 plilb ntrevi. itureaintost ail • tin of Fire not Manske 6:lsk JOHN IHA JOHN 0. C. G. DONN Preettlent. 01113, Vice Pacaldetn, L, S.ccretary, Oxs JohU. lite Cold, George 8. Head Churls. Hays, Capt. Wm. Dews, Geo. 0. kletirew, Hobert 11. Davis. Laae Jones, 9.arvefl Childs, k.be. OIL WORKS. WOOLDRIDGE On. REFINING c 3 curisaLx..ALw--I'. OF PITTSBURCFLIPENNA, WORKS IN TEINrEBANCEVILLE Office, No, 2 Duquesne Way, (Near Suet:reunion Bridge.) IiANITSACTUHRIIS US PULLS 131ETEINIENGr Brand—" Lucifer." This 011eannot be excelled for barbing properties, role or 117.tesfi, antidjantgEl„norweaßrial.e.dltei: riV.INTOrICITED. DfluCTons—Joho Watt. Hobbil Lba, Of's. Hl.rt, C. H. Herron, C. L. Caldwell, H. 11. Collins, J. W. Porter, Robt. Wallace, D.. W. C. Carroll. Jal2aiind COMMISSION ' AND BROKERS IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS And Dealers In Replant' Elniertal ' No..I:IBIJUMET,LIT. Pittsburgh. iffrAnKtifOUSE Or PHENM WAREROUSINITCOMPANY, Fool of Zaino and Harrison Streets, Brooklyn, A. Ir., Storage for Refined Petroleum, 10 TIM. and Barret.. A Sce gratatT. York, a y tZee, N0..93 DE VE STANDARD .I.'crtrcacrea.m XilLottaaerx-y. CLARK A SUMNER. Works and . ornce CoWoo Township 01114 zx rirrsucaan-21 *001) STRE . ST Those worts have the Wires% capacity ir. the coon: try. The brand stands the highest In this meads, and In gurope, for quality and One test. and the oft toe ln e xpor t sessoued barrels, prepared especlan7 Manufacturers or Bonix-us, tIT 4.14 TA KK y B . end, liaproretto Is for (SRlVeils. dC9I SUPERIOR OIL Eiffi Ntgs _, We are construttlng. and all tee, en band, perlor style of CUM ZEIST4GI.3aVIEta nil stress I cona os faums Ann, t W. Invite parties ucedthinuvril e orr d ivar A . 11 1417 111)L r S"k• Co. ComiriEirilit oil, wont. PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Conrtazdli on hand and for sale AT THE LOWEST MARKET HATES, a J. 11. SAWlrgiti M3=l!!!fi &mug Timaki-s, IMOEND. AND DIAVALB is . . CRUDE me REFINED 0101 SLlPs E lael l , Duquesstella.lNPlttlbarglti .• ...-Ppeelul:otteution Mums to Itio cde ead shlu Meat or Petroleum% Mal IM product/. Consignment respectfully sulfated , . Padolice Box NM • mhtdr- MaA - 110.1 ST.CLAIR ST., Pittsburgh, F orward ll 4au*COMElllslllloll Meretutus And dealer fir Otis. Ltibricating, Crude Petroleum Vila, de., cOuttuniir On baud =4 for sale at the lowest zo.rkeireer. COslgroorsta exrd order. sollelted. , ap7gtou PNelifafor R O D tte 7 MERSA 1 RCDOl Th"th nitjvi ag tght to buy , tn=slP.PV F IVIT v ..,„Ga0l ! , L. 14 , 11 ~,,,,i,;,i7eitaory..l tialst charge CROFT .t CO • roe C"". p( ti. .4=u. °".° tk,. 1 "47. - issuretale 81.750,000. 614L95,900 ISM=