THE H GAZINTE P 1.4 rims . ELL ILRILICTT, . COSTAMAGN A. Bum xmaS DIA..NAONE. PUBLIIIIIID Br lets OASALTITABSOOLATION, No. es rrrrn maw. Pittatiargh. TEEM: bloomy° durrooS. by mall, 8.8 EVENING. &minas% do. J. . .. 0. Ba> borrod by Carrion, blOirraro or ZYllirbr:Pbr obeli ........ the fittobusit Outfte. ejklidrayiviM: IllOssieopathle Medicines Al Ynitoll.ll Drag store, Nos. C 7 and nu Fi ( th - v ...,- --- . oases:den to refer to a despatch Dublisted in n .n tit. a,, ten. S. - r aan following imPar - i the Intelligencor this morning. stating that an runt lefts, as t, renal In-aught, by Governor Immense ratification meeting hau been held The Reciprocity Treaty Ended. c.,, ~t oh., a., t t,.. representatives an Cons in Keokuk, at which the veto message anal the gre.... from t oat Stale W... auto., FclanaarY, Va. }yea;_ Present Admintstration had been endorsed. oHe sold the author of that dispatch had been On owe s, CAN ADA Wass-, Feb. - 91.-Theillianaa- , lla !o'er , il Cen l "g" -j• lr"ifdd, OdoirMon Of Os' opposed to the war all along, that his Pre.. do (Jacek contains orders In rounell, passed , ea..., , ',Una ..71norattice, aplionfros, Olio; Inc wen thrown into the river, for the otter on the StOth inst., to prevent the introdnetion 1 lalbin NJ a : On Satunlay last, I hod an once of disloyal sentiments. lie was nowill- OlcOntegiOus infections and disoniers affect- , isit...t:fiiii,7,,,r,,uLlitmli t , ll , l4:resid , c , nt z.,, witich t l regarded ~, log the dispatch above referred to should go ing cattle, sheep, horses, de., now prevailing fa, retnettalartuNT of hi e s e ista up on r.l e " n ce .i uldr . e r t l rsea.ii forth as a reflex of the sentiments of the We in Europe. It Is ordered that front the that an TO y nalianorv. I WILIVOti up him this morn- pia of town day or March next, the importation Sr int ie.- tag to make known what I heal done, to ask . Mr. Lane, of linneas, moved to take from the auction into the Province., by sea, of t:IIII In. ''' '''rkne'"°l' Of tII. tenth of MF TePOrts . 1 ° 1 film the papers iu the cue of Nowa. Baxter Itln ettlan4-111 to make the 'mato known to the I and Show Senators elect from arkansaa, and -ow- Sheep, horses, swine, asae a , soil mule, meat, country. Ito frankly gave hie consent and ats- ' refer theul to the Committee on Judiciary. efkoSicneee• ',kills, horses; hoofs, nr other parts of „,,o, „.,,_ serted to the arcane. ) cat my report.. The Mr. Clark called for a albscussion of mo lar i,ents and Boys. A full line at very tow Imals, and any straw or frabler, be prohibited, Pre:defend said that be w,. net willing to [lon, ono the question was called f or . On ;wires on the northeast corner Imooth and except such as his Excellently in connell, may ,a` earliest'l ht." l'oll . nY owl sampli .1..1 ~ I the withdrawing the papers from the flites tt was hereafter see fat to na nm Pt l'l ' m tt° Preliltn.. i Market streets C. RAMBO`, s At. 800. Pon. The refloating Is the substance of the 0 lII‘M t). No Congressional poll:ty .„ , buttoner bit.,,d .. re i b l , r .i . l l , ..l . l . ark s, :ht t.. en . moved that the credentials -awe- proclamation : been adopted. anal therefore when he entertell I be laid on the table with thereto( other lately 0 ,,,,,,, 1 ,,,_ . upon the Mattes of his °Mee he Dry Goode. Wad/MSS A certain treaty. was A full ma complete assortment of all aril- is sea bu r Majesty toe! the L rifted eol 11',..,'1. 0 ,1'%,..,.:-.. 1n,1 . .t r , w1 . ; ' , l n n Innl , In some e . ense 'Mr. Lane ogled for the . y.., and oars. It else usually wanied at this Beeson of the year, ,ineriea, on the 7th of June. 1854 Prowllin g ...,..:7 ,, 47 ;, a l; t o tta a n; r 1a ,; : ; t 1; . “ 1 ;; 11, I lia with wal ;fl icli ;; h o ;7"... decided In the negative. Tees, 17; nays, e, " far the reciprocal treaty , and the lint( 1 i which we will sell as low as the lowest, on the St at., hav e given notice for the termlnitt ion he had carried out t ongreas hail no jest , Mr. Lane moved to admit alessrs.liaxter and northeast corner of Fourth and Market . thereof .' Whereas, The treacly Wth expire 011 I 1"..?,.1 hail TOttn . raldt that he Mut don° so r a Snow to seats, oa, this deer, whirl, was laid en ~., 14., ,,,...,,, L. ,,,,,,,, j ,. 8.,. I the 11111 of March, heal, and whereas, under tr an!Y al t L oco let to declare th . el a the table. , old treaty, tussny persons, elthens of the . a w s , , Pe . ,t,,PI. any measure em IYlna what a At one oaelook the regular order was taken ceniu be DLUIDU a policy of restoration. He . up , I 011,X1 511.005, have Invested monies anal fitted wen kutisfltsl that no long continuance of . being the concurrent resolution that no Prints. Of mrhashs and litusllns mat ships for 011111 - 3 ting on tn shore delsorles ' Senator nor Representative trent any Seceded tif all grade and prices, which we will sell e s ~. it Itin the territory of Canada., and may he un- t a t i . n ta lf: a ii e t ',O,`,"l:.ra_al . ..La . a_t,..e,' , ',.. , la_l_ . _ . nn reheated ,i_,,. l ,_9lll . 1 - States shall be admitted till Such atate onen low an you eat, buy them In the eastern cities, t ,,, tt ; :0. v r , 7 , r e a any on n e I t r h r e t g i !Al b t o o f cvy on 1!916. Thorn - Mew. the rg . t . r. ri: jou a - l a i i w , :in r , ”' l a . a . ,:ia y alia G r o n , =na n r , t , boor been cr deal man= Ittl i te e il l to re . p u irtentti= 6,l anti mat to give it to vhe lately Remember we are now on the N orth-ens[ nor - fore, to prevent injury or loss to our sub jects.rebellions that the resolution could confer ne power 4,09 , 1 sow of Fourth and Market streets. or . citisams of States with which wo are , States wou hi be on tailMl"Mona or •the fat bare or . already vested In C ongress. a. similatteftos C. ~,,..4 0. „..,„.., ~„. 8 .,, amity, we do caution and warn all such per.. the ddmlnlt.tratlon and of the party which Intlon sad been adopted at the last COtirress. , sons not subject to our realm, that otter the "'MOM. through " 1 " war. to Provo them- Mt. Sherman &peke In faxes of Cho- 'real er hi 1711 a et lil arch next, no vessels owned...l sets eit etismllle th e ter the work of , dent's reeettatirtietien poi/eYt yet he was In To the Ladles. . 0o le the , e „ eti „ toot , or Atoeriee, cue 'tut, action was over and reletilding„; I sd faver Of the rreedmetrit WI, and voted for it 'e advice all wishing to purchase flats, pursue the inshore fisheries witlitnit, render- begun , Minntar" i n -M`""mm'et ulnae , n / i and gm:Limit the veto, Mat he eonsideved the tut pacify the bomb St the mil of a lon • s . i t Le i, ~,. Mg th emselves ti tle to the confiscation of , • t, is I reslatant exerted only a oonatittitionalDsht I.apti 3 Or Ladles Fars to call lumen at their vessels, anal such other penalties as arc proud M nmenn env "...Mend* .. "hmlnl be no in even:l6lnd the veto power. While hO So. 139, Wood street, ~,,,d compare 0., goods imposed b) law. nearm , end ra °limey mat so neat the end am p t there was much that . was ridiculous and Prices of this establishment u 11.11 those Go.. i.' " '"nd los' nn , mon' "ot L n° 'to 1,1 the Prealdeadis speech of theft] there was I Iv.' , "; tiara"' a- neat "a" . "" , nn • •n adolnn l ol2 a wits yet tou in II for considerntion, of others. We feel confident that !dr. Elem. CUSTOMS O 1 THE ATLANTIC, COAST. / min " n ' n hmh "" und n ' nn n' n "" n. " II tn tmn ,.... -nt ," n d Im'tn.Pltnd lip tho de,tn , re 1° etc , the Mg's stock for variety, unnlity, twenty, and Just es... so , in as tile !Ms ,lino minninl be ten, soot bent Staten tipoeo) • restereti to low price, cannot be surpassed an the city. ' ___ • atm:ht.) ' , ain't. nod nt•'-' • mininnnmas necel , mil their constitutional relations. While he a.: aI! ',MIL. ~ lush ~I I , e ''' ~, , ,,,,,. 11 ~,` 111.- Mherman) was anxious to see a mode adopted Remember the Pharr, No. MD, Wood street. WITIIDRAW4L OF THE FRENCH TROOPS FROM MEXICO -sdiffel ... i , , e , 211 N 11 , , Ile pea,. of the emit. 1!). which UM 10 .1 . 111 States might be admitted -as-- r. , 'XI., Ica "p, t, - I v. , Mu ttlettl tob should to t ongress, he never would torment Lithe ad- Brown's -I'er ntlforion Comfits," , Lae one si 1,1; tlYil io ca y n here, to sloe talAte 1111.000 n Of any man who had taken part In the iir Worm Lozenges, contain no form of Incr. the Tiollll . \ llf LI, sea a th, rat her than to fat , - rybelLion, anal never vote for the repeal of the miry to which tunny worm remedies owe their KANSAS :BRANCH PACIFIC RAILROAD. !•",';','::7'::,";.••. . Mot laws and email deans by direct test math lie also favored . voters and not population, 11.11 el bled/9 of repreauntatlen. efficacy. The ingredients are well calculated Tails aas, au the en , ... of the i • lntllllttlt'n It n- Though he should not probably veto for the _____ for the purpose they are Intended to accom- t , . .an Ile %the mai agnanst the idea of the lit- proposition uow la the Senate, recognizing LETTER CRON 41106 ERA I. t t sTA It tem; Mt he 11,b1 I.'ll II .111,1 was •1111 tl,lb, It . , ~ ,I flea as a basis, he did not believe Mr. Wish, having been-need with success by emi la natant eanatanan• Ina aa Pea had of morn : than 1a S a tiia " ane a ns proposition to declare sal rage by tent medical men 'ln Europe. gold by Je,,,,), ~,,,, l a ,. m e t nit, templated that either by an tart of Congress, nas practbmble. . Clening, FM. G-I Murk, t stsert, our net- of the p,.e. pro.uttn.ttion E‘peetott i „..... ~. I,ll , ebLllllll len of his on ii. or by ; emne !action 31r Sharman referred to the speech made by I ilatnond and Fourth street. ,ot t ma:a a -s, a t 011111,1,M 1 , 1 le Lel • . the 11,1111, the Presadent on the . ..Lid of Fehrtmr Ile ian et lll 'II ahe 1, ' , time . amid nisi de- i bought that no mata who was a friend .. of the i lan cd an 'ont , " Inca and."l t "a; rm. , . , Pa 1.41,10111' x u until be unwilling to wipe that Browning tiktueselation. ECRETIRI - tqANTI \ R 1 . :s1 :\ll 1 \ 1 ..•.• .........i.. ...'. 1, . •‘''' "- h.' '"h"....'" ,1 hy the Presa of uut amts history. It wa. , impteediale to cons It is with Pleasnre that we announce to our I how the lcu n,: nnag hi commit.. a a eat eon• of a more humiliating speelaele than __. __. Irma that i iliac si I all, ILO,. Ii LI 4 . WI! 1100 or the President of the United Mates all readers that by the urgent request of many of saa:a to tad -- nth - 11 .nal.a - nd • el.. !tau a -ea , ea: dressing such s cooed as railed noon Min on nor citizens the exhibition given by the Brown- s— c , p lied Fever near Irmo/al/nylon. ~. .„, , 1 1.. ,h. Mariam stall Is, ;Innen- tile .2.2,1 of February. to regretted especially . lug Association, on last Friday evening, will a dd. al an ...anal , : a ahai : To` I sal: Inai naa end the paragraph 111 the epeech mole be repeated at the Chapel of the Pittsburgh to it Jl,l .L, .tm.ll;,- ton. !or the v..11,1. , 1n 1.. , ( . try the PrOnnielli WI Ulna refer 'lr. a dd. , . aia. , .' , nen: .•"la a • .I au , al. - . ring by name to Messrs. Stevens and Female Coll .40., on Friday evening, Marcia 2, lit sun 3 o ak, rehrnarY 27 .-Tile T,th , , , w , -1.- tope or :ell .m. t' ! ~, the !aid. !ton `WM , nututter, hint It shotalii he remembered that with the addition of several new and aurae- Mal en 3 s Recent rcports revels eil I.) I lo• late- ttoa; 9; •,', • ; : „ ..a ; a1 ;;. , ; ; 1, ; i:: , i to , a a p i • ,;,t ,I I,- p„. t .„1„„, ~,,,,,,,„ 5 ,• : ,,,,,, very ,01,,,,,,,,,, ~,,„.,,, Live aciane,,. The tut. ~ghihttion was a deal- or Custom n' ( tool t nn'' I nn- Peen Mn"; ‘ ., " ;, ' : L' l, " ; ' ,, ' :;:a . , (t• a;1, k c! .', It ' • ' ; i t t; l' cl II: ' - I','-',.:',•thl:',ll ri'/',.;tell'LL:LirtntYu7.llt.."lunat'leWiTtmsrntlll.l"l6. li.d ~....0e.,, and we know our rv•atinrs . 11 n , nt 3M . L. '''en min rim the pot masa of lin. est lg. teas • 'lll, t.I ii 1 •,, 1. 1 . a ea aai i•ii• rum:. m, 5 e ,,,,„., h a d ' ~,.,,,,, t y , ~,,,,,,I w e , „f 111411 the announcement of its repetttion tt lib I Akin Mt. tic etl/10,t1oll t., ~...‘10,,,, 0, 1 Inc ii- is , men. lc !! . !... .• .!.., 1 t!,!!. .. ~,I !!!.1 ~ h,,,. , , ~,,,,,.. , s „! ~,,,. m ., a mr ,,,,, „,,,.. pleasure, and avail themselves of tills upper it{111“ , Vobvt 11, Ina new being sat as 1.a.•1 on ; • , ,1, ; ": , !, ,, , ' , : . ' , - ., n , ' , -; - :dtan;1; ; 1 :1 , ;1 ; ; , ;. , : ;,, t 1 ; :: ,, n 1 , 71 . 1 .. tti o t , ' , - , • 1; lca ,;; I.7l , l!! . ....t i i... ‘ l i i:::l on ati ,, og r u e nAe . a l y.a.; , =,l ; l;t o l i tit o i ci f e r :: :. Lenity to witness those splendid tableaus, he. The report t eldest-1:N into tile Cal flit it lln 1' In, 'ails .itn,, ; .: lima to Mall, the hotrodof got Inn that MI I'AvVOO9 proclaimed Andrew sides aiding a Werthy Met/tulle!, Ta, kals for forniance of the duty of the t aillei•aers , s ma- tee 1 •,•, el . 1111 t 1,, 111,, term,. ~1111• 1.110, pit. ,j,,,,,,,,, ~,, ~,,,,,„ e„0.y . .. Ir, tr,, ~,,,,,,,., lertitll:, Interfered with lay ea-rebel Mel-kale ....I Janaedin n n' l ns ":, .'n 3 ".a, - nn' t " . ' no the Tao - ; held in Baltimore, anti that he recently sai, "ale at C. C. Mellor's, Wood street. m , he ti ail iii'• I rim! , Lt I ha" °."er Haan In the dente, tut for certain language lased a , nor , amal their "YestmthMer , an" , tn"tt ''• a, ~, nes ri thau that an o I isl lain icy hon. ;the Fresitlwat,i " a 13rIttsta king A Timely Warning to the Sick. • iteekill to the I-oust or Florida the eon'. "e• s a a , te t aa ,•,.,i, s t I t .i i ,,,, ti ie. a mein ed 'I min 1,M11.1 lone lest Ids bead two hundred years it la especially imPorthet at tit" thee, when teem;t:lat ; , ; ),,, le t . l n i te d states r e v ,i,, a , lan. is et- im ta emu/ nu 1. 11 nttn 1 Inn- del, rittlnn the mat. ago o 1 nese farts must he taken Into el - nista'. v IR lit null hazardous the m ark." o f th . rttnted Staten aft . nooaed r °l? l ' l . v. rae adviees free, P. i state that with the direst poiso,m, under - the name Of ever ti.' I ailerpretatitan given to t Ile nuthe ;„„.„,,,,. ta , -i ,ma tai.. t !ma woo 1, i Masten fuss , ; a ' , ' ,?, ' , ‘ , ' , e it 'l" , a l, a 1, 0 , 1 ~, h,1 ' ,1, A nt . g e ~., i g.:;,, , , mport , d „ quo ,. .. ‘d ~,, ken ~,,,,,„,,,,,. ~,,,,a , raft); a i i ; , ;s f ;e t , lte m ti e a . tar i zls t,. ..r . e . : ; ; ;;; l: . t t ra , n n t ,; l . .*• ; " ; sa it i,,, Isr ~,, ,fit,„,.. I.:Intl. per. sly o! . Mle 111111 tar)* g rut lemma slut etlll,,plYlll4, at his 11,....Ina pounds purporting - to be medicinal, but not a :, i t ', draw , 0 , t h e p.. i . rne l, ~,,,.,, l ,.„ 0 , t i„. ; , .. i- aa , , ,, ::; a ,,, a . ;' , • ,,, * ~ , ,r , a I : 5 „..., e ,, 1w i a , ; :a ., ' , 1 ,, :lui..stat,n;:e;:a.:.- :..:,,,,,....,1,1:,1,!,..,..y.,,,,anai,1,),.rid.1,,t,1%1,5,,ha.,neat01uient1i,a3, whit him. pernlotona, are heralded to tin world , tdelliMil soil with the shortest Inab-a'n alclaa, au, :,that, -,-, a Ittn, Int-M . oon; II 1.... III•I•n•,1/ n n lin Ib, imught different!). Still, there VVIL.I . an I'noverelgt, remedies' , Iht, t the publie I., A ,; i n ille i t i : .; :s ; tl . l , l ; 9[ l riasn Inc._ le ut ; i4,- ;; 1..1! , k.: ;• perm „ ~,,,.,.... . ~, . ~. ~• , ~,,a 1i,.• ,-,•1...tia,., ma. I. .., the spars-h um-tit, of versatile rat inn. elm nisi fully itoderstised the ht., iii It ..0.,„ It ~„„! „ g , " „7, " . 7 , 71 .. ., " :7, 71:: - .,,.. r,.. r, _n ., n . - . - ;-•?.;,;;;:;; s . . ;:,.; ... a , ~ . ; , ; i ; ; ,-..ii 4 ., a ;.; : : I . ; ;• .; : ; , ;;. ,..: 4; ; :; t4- ,;. . i i ; f , t I.s, !.;r 2 ; ;; l:, ; pt . ii . t n.; It_cvn , ;... b . ) ;,;; I Ia e . F-17 .; kit.: , t Is .; a ; a r a i s ;;; l i e I ; ..).; A newt), then, that while all I lie .11iTnei've stint- 10 extend up the smoky 11111 River an .I rot t o ff ~,,. ~,,.„ ,„, , ~„,,,,..„,,.,,, n„, ,„ g ,1,..„,,,,,,,,,,, n it ,,,, um n ,.. , n t n t i tt o r a ‘ms l t r.„., , ,,..? ; ?;, s ! n q r " . ` wants Called iiqamrs are impure, and all the 1 anc e t . isa , ta 7i: i ti t che Union rni•lMo 1113111 lfrancif little ., , , _.. ~ , , ~,,,,,, lo: , ~,,, ~,,,,,,... ,u al r. ,Inn.n i n‘n nni,s In ennon_lon , i ;tare Tin/ca containing aleolsol atm maraufectured ', , a Tee li v. :"ln'ins 'Pm ml ' , CV. nit." I'n MI. I. •• ' 1 '. .., 5 , ‘ ,. '.. o . i tt h. l . a ' ; ', Z. " r a :M l lim a r " .'irt‘ileat''la.i.:aittl,'..:l i t i U a ‘ tts M l r ao Pr , " n ' o d' at a n t' ll ",. .:ti ' ilS ' lr:/ d lle t. l./ ' ) a t h l o ll s . I l r h e a •e t with a flerY article containing not yt OT flat./ . been rreelyed In West/moon arm, alai a .a.,;.; a,,.s ;s . ; lit eels "eget ti .. di naa mi. ; , heal te, "r sieteut l e Ith hi, obligations to the Gda . mmtiuf P." 01 1, llo.t - elter . . Celebrated . 1.;:e.u.,..,01,3,,,,,,,,,j,,,,,,,,,me,t..t.t,„,i.5t,5,„,,,,m.,:n0n,th1e,•tt...1t,..,.. , 4.1 t ,'t I 1 , /.;• , ,. 1. i 11... ; ••r 2 tasir:al ; ,:t ; l ; 11;:• - great I tallm patty that cried him, Don, $1.01210.0h Bitters contain none of those th ings, I " ltat hr has been oak „e se , in-i 4 anitt "Pi •-• b' ' r t , ' ;,. ‘' ,..., ' ;..,.,‘ " .: „,;.; ...:, - ,::,3',,d;0,0t co a l edrl... ;,,- 1 ';`,5.,!:;‘,::,..,...":.',,1t'",,,,tjt.tin:b . , tia‘Zo'o'r,4lT4t2',.. Lid a combination of pure essence of Rye with ! lic .ay. "1 has, ....J.' ^. r''' , " . .'4" - eb ''''' : - - ta, ( onstlt in lin . ea, imi leg slat 4, s. of I to , 1 ' num par is or I talon temple who Clu tha pure juices of the moat valuable stomach- : '.. . e y . 1:, g e ,1t e T , ,.. e i r t ' f ,, ! , . 1 0 ,:, 11 !,, 1 1 ‘,.,:t i e ' r , " ' , ' , : , ., , ‘ , 1';,, " 7 1 ,, i I litt to a t ...:t . t. t ••I -t• .. , ...:tti. i ,lon ‘ en.' ..1 t It. l're.l.lnnt %Its 1101111111{1011 by. I have anus fr o anti-billows, anal aperient herb. and plants, ' put liv s, I, II the ..L.t..,,,. aits s ae] manta ,,.-„•f, , ,. t:,.. n :r . n ,"'.',.;,.. n . " 1 „ ,. 1 , - , '..;? , ,';',,t , ... 4. ; , ,, , ,1;,.‘ , .: : , ; -, :7.. , : , ..1 , . , 1 : :, , : . :, , . ,,., 1j. ,,7 l r . t.4 r. .,; ... yrivile ust; e j i and that as, a eafe and rapid remtidy fur lay- 'Moils, whose h, nil and oinCosin non no the. ~, a, .. ~,,,,, a • a , ~.,.. ; a gi, t . A. ~i .. ,1 , ,,„,,, i. ,,, ~,,, ;.,,,,:.,,,,, ,t,,,, ~,,,, ;, ° 0 4,, ° ,,,. L. n ... pepsin. and all its kin/fried complaints, tlal, , COreinuntmen '' °°. n t- ' d '" °^" ,,, n ' n , n ; ,L 2,',,',;,‘ a”' - ' 1.- n't° ' • ''.. • ''P' nht." eon., n• yet transparnil that a. 111 preclude flow a . instthestril 11.. tit 11.11, hate, ''''' • ••'• '••• •• ' llttit .. Itnt .); )., s .I- -Illy 111. host bnigmee I ai,..,,, , ,,. e 0 _, , ,,,,,,,,,, a a t h )1,.. ~,,,.) „,,,,,,,.., _eeparation algua . de beforeitt o,l "; ,_. ~....4... hope my MI.. Illiflng the nar ss all be air. ~,,,,, ~, ~,,. ~,,,, ~ ~ ~, ~n ., ,., ~,,.,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, i „,.„ . in , I ~,,,,., party I . ~,r , n g to the ~.,,,,,z , l tto the etimUlned cabs of all the other '..t" = - Vt3 -:. ni . '84 4-1' - tia ' o7 tV4: -. M , 'nt- --. 7, - ;', l ; t ,! n r,,..„77,7, a '',„ nn it ttt i ' r us- ",!f:741: -. .-t-ddr-tirtstat woroadtor suturA . * will, in a few gays, Imo,. a peace proclamat ion. ~ , - . ~,, , . , ' , gregt ‘ifgr f WM' ‘'''' , .l. hare trant•Pmeni t d, f m ' n ' t adVerLLsed to the U. " 1.4 Stat.., " 1 There Le no doubt that, socr. - r , st...—, -- , - • , t• —.....- grad 1W 11, 4 11. ‘‘ ,ol • l ' ' immune. nave IN•1411 made tending in that the certificates which inithentlcate its userni• resignation is in the hand, 01 tilt' resident 1,.....rit.niint.,,,;.n.i,t,:d ..;ren,Ar;g:ti;y7;;.t;;ther.,,sita;;tv;;,-;51,4;;t• direction, no one will deny. The sorest o f fleune of lt ; to 1/10 Joy 9f the worst enemies of saima, ar t , ~tgued ,Oy Lnaichtupbt 01 Lk, hl beet The Herald's Washingtse, special istys thy 1 •-• could do o',,lfii; restore them tiitheir molt - lob the Comptroller of the em TI-110V, MT. ClllOO, In , • „ re ~, , , ~.. ~,,,„, bud .. ,0 , r ,„ the 001111111 UV, our ills halons. 1 fimi in 1., re- Mending In eitery :professional calling end of the opinion that the temporary - four, dye M ',. , u t, n ' tn • - „ tn . 3 ; Milk In lire. Beware or Imitations and on- i and six per cent. loan, ehonid he paid off lay sun,a .,7,';', - ;`,,',',.:,: n i,,..',,n',..,:,",',:,:„ . `,"-'1,,,.;-, - Z l . - tt e r o . r .-a,t' g l,,, I • - •lisr - rr, th. Feb. n , .- . flae . Deutoersis I tit) ton 1111. .11 . Mlltlicat lon over poste®,, ' the money In the treasury, nos to. er one Jinn- r;., ,i,, g,, , , ,, ,, , ~,,, ~,,,,, , , theo ii,„ .r..... .r t, 1 tia , f President Johnson',.. 1.00 of the . Freedmen's dead and fil lY million. ' ..d . t 4 ' ..°. n " "." omong t limo. Mid ris.temed trade and P rem I " .- t. ; Run - ' change , for new seenrltles. .. • - short Sops For Sole Dr. C. till, 246 Penn street, bto opened an es. lablialtrOont where be sleeps people for half a dollar per half minute, and If they stake up too . soon he teases them by pulling their teeth. Avery' meni for a pro le.lonal man. Come, Its .lone by taking pare gas. The Pre•&dent tee float by the people, .0 will saW vor. Itarher'x Soap. CM= I===el=l AM sold whialeinle and retail at awry low natal atonempira Droll and Patent llcattelneßepot, Ito. 64 Market street, corner of the Dlauwael and -fourth street. ESE!!EMIM Fnr preserving eider. For Baler by Chart,. super, Draggiep„ corner of Pena and SL Clair ■[rent, Pttteburgh. - -- Fall and Winter Goodie. it Is with great pleasure we call tha atton ton of our readers to the eebperb stock of Fall and Winter Goods Jest received by Mr. John Wafer, Merchant Tailor, Ito. IM Federal Street, Allegheny. Ills stock embraces some of the „most Denote/II Cloths, C.esimeres, Overvolt. rags antflrestmgs ever brought to the westeth Market. file assortmontof Furalatang Goods, romprleng ghtrta,Dratrers, Collars Neck Ties, Ilandkeretuefs, go., cannot be surpassed east Wr west. A large stuck of ready MAO Pasts oats, Vests and Overcoats, will also be found his establishment. Persons fa want of any lug In the clothing /Me should not fall to e Mr. Water a call. Pestlels amid Rubies. bite teeth cropping from out of Hines of • breath irploy as the Mrs fro* Araby lest. Who can resist such fascinations. • mate them, to perpetuate them, to make month a casket of pearls and rubles, and every sigh swish Of fragrance, all you have to do, fair ladles,ta Louse that matchless vege table production, Fragrant Sorodont. Thomas A. Parry a 00., Practical Slate Ro ofers, and Dealers in Anieri can Slate of various colors. Office at Alexan der Laughlin's near the Water Werk.s Pitte. burgh, Pa. Reattlenee, No. Tit Pike street. Or ders pionniitly attended to. All work warrant• ed water proof. Repairing done at the abort. est notice. No charge for repairs, provided the roof Ls not abused afte. is put on. Corn', Bunton. And Diseased Nails instantaneously Cu red without pain or bleeding. Dr. Rendall has re visaed this elCy, and can be here tofore, at No. '33 Fifth street. Often hours, from 12 to 5 p. m. IL b2t Country Merchant. WILL and this a good time to buy, as Barker & Co., are offering extra inducements this week in Dreae Goods, and all kinds of Staple Goods, Neutral Oolppdte of Lime, For preserving eider. For sale by Charles 841 per, Druggist, cOruer or ?elan cod Si. Clair *Create, Pittsburgh. The Greatest Sale or Dress Goods, that ever took place to oar lefty, will come off this Week at Barker & 06 , Market street. Neutral Nulphlte or Llme, Tor preserving eider. For sale by Charles toper, Druggist...orner of Pena and St. Clair 'treed* Pittsburgh. Carpenter Jobbing bop I laving returned after an abeenoe of three year+ In the army, I have re-opened my chop for all sorts of jobbing In the carpenter line at the old stand. Virgin Alley. between Smith field etreetand Cherry Alley. Orders solicited and prtreePtlY attended to. WILLIMI rosuizaT A Q.csarsop.—lt is reported that a prowl neut member of Congress asked one of the keerelaries to appoint a constituent to a cleri cal position In his department, srhereupon the loLlooing query seas propo end: "Does he sus tain the President I" The negative having been given, he leap informed that "there were "to vacancies." Tax Galllpolls (Ohio) Journal is Informed by )tr. James Preston,•one of our largest peach wowers, that the crop for Ulla year Is gouts— Trilled by the sudden cold weather of last week. IT Is said that Barman despair. of &woven. )ng the Copperhead or rebel trho does not re xard Presldent Johnson as the grandest moral ero of the eonutry. A rwloic servant, a colored man, was flogged to death in Kentucky, recently, for no other 'offence than tile devotion to the Colon. I N cw Yeas., Feb. 48.—The Eferold's brazes let. ter notices the visit of General Sheridan, who Dad an interview with General Wnght, and returned to New Orleans. General Comstock, or General Grant's staff, also ,vhdted the Eto /Grande. /Mims letter gives an abstract from &speech of (Amaral Hovey, the ADllO.ll,Can Minister, de 'leered at a banquet given by the Chillan Am tuassador,advLting the/European government* pot to 133•44.110 wltA games ask this oonlaniont, VOLUME LXXX.---NO. VERV WEST TELEGRAMS. LETTER FROM GOVERNOR COX. XXXIXth fONGRESS--FIRRTSESSIGN. - _ FRolti OTTAVI A. I..iNADA WEST, „It - count of 1/is Interriele with the President. Mr. 6rlmrs, At lowa, in presenting a petition from the eittaens of lowa, sail Ire uvula take ORDER CONCERNING CATTLE DISEASE. . -- _,- - - -", , Bureaui Bill this afternoon, tiring 1W guns. __ -..-.... rest rnt ions O'er's' , thr" ,, Kl , Chu mhheerY Mr. r allantligharn inadeas brief speech, saying 'The it isbureemen to at the Treasury Depart ment, last week, '1 ere oTer thirty million Joh ,i',....,!;, ! ', !t e i, ° ,;;‘,;,:',';,', 1! ,:', ! , : i r„y‘,.., = . ,, ,. ..., , ,, ,- „l . , , l i t t h h , :; ,, i':; Te ,,, lL•m w o;L:l.:; , i l l , ld , , nzt , . ~. 11, ,e n e , t i lll i r , i i ,im lin ii , but l a it , i , t . tarn, Lb.' lar g est 'M. any nn° " d° "'‘' lh° stales tn Ge I nion,,onl> kceping 'slough 11011111,11. nOOO. turseting, for . exultation. Al. rinse of the rebellion. 111111tIVA hem to prOt 4 , the frtoornen, and to Ili,. 00 ,, bloat, from M r v,,phy m tio.i mo v.,,, w i n . The spotted rover has lately broken out to . :11./1/4 . 1' ILI 111 tAk •,41•4tliwttlIllg / 1 / 1 11 - 1, I horo,,th , i ,„ .. w. • is one of-the asylums near Washington :n I hut dirvell"it Mr. Pollard-Permit me to ask which nag it Sox, tail i .... thing remained, in w Web the., w as , I -.MI mit i.Tereisii the full rights of States, air. Sherman-I don't know • the dispatch THE SALISBURY PRISONIBARBARITIES. anal that was t ••preseta talon in Cot:Treas. In don't ,rate. _ __. this d to is he hale 0t..1 that .01111, im hetet, or Mr. Nye-If he new las own flag Is was a st oat/intim loyalty be applied. us in other re- rebel one. PAtTICULARS OF THE TRIAL OF JAII.OR GEE,: , ••,1•11, 11”111.1, Ile 111111111 Ilthlllt 011/Y.5101 M r •ib eeb p t _s ow I an , aw are o f no ed . rclirciititiliitiyi•- u , are loyal mon, and elm !amity more dtsgraceful than for its, la our • .am go .• - -:11 I,or tory eriden, e ot Ihe has, diversion,. to surrender to men who sere see -- , Ithelit, t, A ~.tytA, „r diwtrict fent those loyal mien to their cOult try In Cline of war, nil the Interest Manifested in the ('tae. nen. properly vie, tr.]. and ytaltnetl. he, powers 01 the I..overnitiont. Ile who contrils. . ;or , utr. 0o 11 ;,1 Ili tuk 111 pm f ee t I p right lite, In ally WO) . to these resell., deserves the lo telt., item ihe "timc III [ , 1 0110 any "Gnu'est...ration of his countrvnitm. This may be, - -tate, unit he would mind; ;tint led se , l; MY.; done by thrusting upon the President nen it. Nan. YOWL, Feb. W.-The Tt-ibute ei Raleigh, men, .0 that other amen or district. might sues., in which the well known principles of ' he I tit. ad aced to .1,1 and send Mutter men. his lite do not agree with the judgment of IN. C'.) correspondent gives the part !enters of 1V licn they 1,J.1 all :lone this, their represen- his political association.. It may be done by the trial by a Military Commission , of Major lotion ivolll.l Is. toll Imo the work would lie Inviting tantLrOVersitea Of a personal character. dime. such was la. I,IILII lie dill not auk to It may be done by the President turning . Lis John IL Gee, formerly rebel commandant of age at t lie election and cifill Melanins 11l buck neon those Whet trusted him with high the Salisbury prison, which was begun in that II -1 1:1 ' ,Inher, of t tail:res., or eir loyalty uower , ' , ~.,.,i . th,,,, H o ei ng hi o wane wi th city on the list, !ma. out of ten thousand i "tigress was Its own, odge, and he heti a tint of the Moot lltSgrlteeful in American ! Prisoner. eonfleed In Salisbury, at treat fly,. dread o f int e rf e ri ng with Ito Coustitut tonal Lister,, anti that of John Tyler. 1 feel en thousand of them died from 11l treatment he ts. abiding iontitlence that Andrew Johnson will ri t M e!. le• felt like taping upon them arid upon I' et, ettnnot, do title; and, sir, who will deny Itvc months. Before stoneman's forces miter- the country, that his mode of numbing the lhat the overhearing and intolerant will of Wet k so newly eompleteil, In other reiipectw Henry Clay contributed very much to the de , eil Salisbury, Major Gee eresped with a few Of rt. the otit tensible one n litell had tteen fustian of John Tyler. But the 'divon of the prisoners left there, wont to Georgia, '"' d I ts eweitteil. and that it sees impoyultile to ig. the Whig party is an event utterly iiiattrulli- ' gore himself up at Augusta, subsequent to time the toe! deal il. 'W., st tin, , ba r cunt in eomparislon with the evil results oil General Johnson's surrender, to General Slier- her right, /1.11•', 1 . 111 11 1 - 111 g her privileu. Ii In the Union 'party. Where man. Gee then proceeded to Flori and was , in tile l'hiiih- ii cr.., 11l ,hot, restored in nil a ill be the four Millions of elitVOR, whom, there arrested jn November Inflt,o 0 charge ether reitpuct, and it 14 1.0 110,0 to question by your ptelley, you have emancipated. of treating the prisoners under h with In , - * their (11mila:tent-LI right of representation. IN hat mould be their inevitable (atoll now humanity and barbarity, and being guilty et I then remarketl to hue that I stiggested that surrendered to the custody of the rebels of legislitoon could prom-11y be me mby Con- theouth. Will you, by your demand of era conduct not in accordance. wih i the rules of war. Sinai, then he hoc been Inclose enetodr. gr e ,..s, purely t•I vii in Its character, providing vernal suffrage. destroy the power of the The prisoner appeared In noun, careworn. t or tie planet:tin. of the freedmen Ute Unlttal Union party to protect them in their dearly thin and anxious. . 'use s court,. of inferior jurnslictioe in all I purch ase r! fiberty I Will von, by new thanes, The Military commission engaged In cam- . ease, where the Slates dui not do 00. 1.1 pOn which you know 'mu have not the views posett of Colonel W. W. Wheeler, of the Sill. lie replied 11,a1 such all kite would rue ex- 111 the people, jeopardise those rights which michigan infantry-, as I,resldent; Brevet. Lien- ,fl city tutrullcl to hi, jdnu, hit he had not you can by the lad of the Union • tenant Colonel John Hamilton, C. S. .[.;Lien- thought it yet titee to giro WS own Wens of the party semi,- to these freedmen. Wo know tenant Colonel R. B. Miller, of tbe lath Indite. itreclo, 010.1 vnf neeompilshlng this, and be- that the President cannot, will no adonever I infantry,• Brevet Major John John IL Illyrlck„..„, „,. h,,,,, I , ~,,,,,,,, of ti me, ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,, n.,,, agree in unit . witn no upon t e lo re of U.S. A.; Brevet Major P. S. Connor, G. S. A•; a lt er tL e next ,CSM/1 1 // of Congress thiring universal suffrage. No such dognme wo n- Captain John Collin, of the 122 th Indiana ie- which the Fretwlmen's Bureau ...lid ten/plated. when for his laroir services m o nde tantryi captale Dwight Frea t ey, irath ladiana continue to otter/Mon.:ma If, before that time, . C.11y,, of the talon, we placed lam side by aide infantry; Major Francis E. Waleott,Judge Ad , . the southern states should recognise the 1., with Mr. Lincoln as our standard bearer. vacate; U. P. Mall t md, of Florida, former et- . tee lay of p.sleg proper laws themselves, Why dwell upon them I Why not complete terms' General of that State, and John Wilder, ; alio 1,001101. g a proper system of protectioa the work no gloriomly begun by our isoldiere,, of Miteuudiusetts, to Oct as the counsel for the for I.lic (re...linen, nothing more on our part ,by seeming Union and !Merry to all) Defence, The witnesses present fur the proms wo ,,m• is. necessary. II they do not do what MUllwithouttlistinction of color, leavingto the entice number about thirty persons, mcluding they ought there would then he Ume enough Stalest!, us befere, the right 6f starragei The L'nlon soldiers who were confined at Sails- , e , ~,,,,„„,,,, th e pion. curse of God, the malediction Of minimise(' erg, two war torreependents also coedited Ile then referred briefly to the fact that di.- our people, and the tears add Maxi of new.l here, severoineirel o rnanreortheiinilisef Ear - , Itrial men /1.4 , 0 heed' reloiel Ile over his veto made freedmen, will, In my Judgme nt , rest Awn, and n number of citizens of that town. Ine,uge, saying that If these teen in goal upon those who, for no cause, are destroying A. large number of witness. are present tot • faith adopted the rho 1. of his policy . , he bad the unity of the great party that has led us I tam defense. • himself lived and acted upon, and which lie through the wilderness of war topeace and re- The Correspondent says mach interest is felt, fah so fully elaborated In h. anntial mesnage pose. W c must now look forward to our pun t... the trial theme, by the smessicrnlats to and explained lad me, the toiletry seareely lie creep. We have MAIM to perform to the Raleigh, particularly by the feminine portion, couldhave no Mush Mr sorrow to that. If ' Imaino. intermit. of the etorinbry in-Whieli we who sympathise deeply with Gee. The friends I n0.3'1,11111:11 .111 rebels everywhere. North ' need the aaalstanee of the President. We hove of the rt.bed. jailor pleads that be is not re- , ' fill ,Ot:t ii should corilluily give their mine. ' every motive tot harmony with him, and with , _..„..n . /b„._., 16 for their treatment . Ma i er Gee I ' ram • LO . ronditions of reconstruction he each other, and tor a generoue many trust in 1 reaus in bar. that by the t e r ms o f capituin- h o d ' InforMally litshitotl Upon, 'he his patriotism. I can no longer eon de in WS lion agreed to „bsteen Generals Sheemati ' thOLlght that a ~s prookelv the kind ta' devotlam to the principles upon which he MIS and Jo nston, and the paroles wanted to ,„.1,1,.,,, ion men] aii•il eccry it; licrc would re, eleeted. I will bid farewell Ps Andrew John the °Mater s and solders surrenderefl under r'd,... Tilt . ~,-„„. I I„, wer e rommlltml to son w ith unaffected warren'. I well rem o f Johnson, the halted 81•°te'' by do nn. sell a 1 . 11111, , Ole he tha he would Ilks 11, for her when he stood on this very spot thortred agent, agreed amlNledged their fal,th , „ a they" ere not strimo-e they would at lewd ' nee years ago rettlting with nee:ambled emu , that i h°°. °Meer° and 501 he ' " hnii ''''' '' dim itaal, 11, 1 1 power :it ,Lingerotis mimed. age the UMlMltipt of trultors, lie left in their molested, no long eth they comply with the Lion in Llo. Moire. Ili,u hot.: heart wan with hands wife, children, property and home, and terms of the parole. The defence Is very the issa et a t tie item who Mel ear- ...inked his all on the result. I well remember anxious fora postponement of the teal . tied I to , cut, try thrlok/Kll ill/• u ur, and that when to eel reeling general would have • ttempled Murd by a Polleemon-Re he ear ,,,,,,J, sought to m aintin a I !aft Nashville to its late, that again wi th heron; er real on,.i perieet mid erAtend ine ' t o uriumaintained -r be mainined his post, I well TOMMil ton-General tirant. In'. of gec.egar7 14 """ i to W"'hi't" ~ . ith them. 11.1.. 110 . 11LIMVIII and purpose Ito. her the fierce conflicts and trials through regarded lu• entirely einishiteni with the Mt- which hem.' las follow compatriots In East. New Nous, February 03.-James G. Taylor, termed 0pt5...1 111111 to Litt. el,tritilon policy of 'Yount:amen. maintained our cause m the heart tate a policeman was YesteirMY srreated he n these est t t 1111,, .1,101, /I , lie intlierrd, Mould of the Confederney. I well remember the Marge of tttlerntiting to kill roundsn,an John keel, the county In elm. till absolute relit struggle he had with the mixtomisfle element ifeClullongh by s ooting him In the bead with n o g b t ~„„,„ „,„„, as of Tennessee. Never ashamed of las origin, . piploh, about ten o'clock yesterday morning. s ne n, m y 'o n , ill is Ihe stilt,lll4.oo of IL anti never ungeht from the licarta of the peo- It isalleged that the ahooting was'ilone in r...- . President on tilts iutpc.rtunt mutter, and If ple. sir, gentlemen runlet not sever the great recipe for the roundsman h a ving m a d e Maar- - you could meet Ins .4 rzugid-forWartl, honestl:nion party trout the loyal element of Ile g. of neglect of duty on the part of Taylor , look, and los t the hearty loses of hx voice as I southern states. No theorita of possible which led to .the latter, dismissal from the I 411,/, I ate u cil toomrod you 1.3/111,1 bell., V with I ' topluo emsd can ettinpensaus for the loss of pollee force, one thrd,ll.ltltou.dt 10. tous not roeclve pers.. rtich inttriolMni aid deVotion. Thee as be secretary newertl, who had not designed owl ....tun. will/ the Cu, brut - wove Mr. 1.m,0111 tell. you in his message is a great leaving the My till next Wednesday, yoster. 11,1011 141 . haw, there is n ne o tarsi Pt fear that r element of reform, and time In on your shin. dny, received a teao g raphle dispatett which Andrew Johnson is not sliwere in its wine- ' I remember ,the homely and eOUrnoing einseil hint to leave for Washington at once. . ion t., the pr, tie , Ple. ittsin sell telt lii. was ete, - words of a Weimer lit the antl-slavery cause, rrnt attended Gra. Church yes- • , ~,, levy Intl, 1,011 , , MI °moonlit' Methodist preacher from the terday. • .1 it, c o t , ..,oetil, Who told those men who were In prison, Policeman McKeown was shot, at by au un- •eWid, Blends, lill block awhile.; we meat, known man on Saturday afternOm. the hall Ira porten t Comic to be Atrlrb.d• all travel together... lie trusted , Andrew l o d ge d i n his overcoat, failing to Injure hitt, ~ . .. . . , ~ , Johunon, and thogio whit What to move 1.1.10 re I% ASIIINIPTCIN, r int a...- - 'a tne come cm [Le So ltitlly than he can to block ups while, to eon- The temallant, escaped. ease now tip argument lii tore th e Sope cute nixie ther great victory, with the eer- Beation Lynch In New l'ark-It'orrea- Court of the relied States, that 10 John Muff , tainty that i reason and the Almighty will ".d,,,,,,,,,ip 0 5 ween Henry A. Wl•e and tare against the 'oat,. or .4.3,4ltehtisetts, w , continue the work. All wlsilem will not Jae terstnndo Wood. 110 argued With ~ the highest human wisdom. is to do b Gencritl l'il,iiiiitt will open the case for the , all the good yogi mall, but not to astern:Me a New r°4K, Feb . ''''-ni.i.P Lynch ml Sum- ii, tior dealer.. Attorney 'General head will tosteible good to ittteiniii. the impractiable.' Carolina, preached in St. Patrick's . fttheri ,.. mi , ar i gue ger the State. and .Mr. Itlchardnon, of i boil knowa that / do not urge ! harmony and yesterday, apnea . IlEg il lor , fl; o a r rl:t e t..h i tt rii i.e: t . Boston, w ill elewe for the lupe. dealers. A T ."), , consolidation from peraonal motives, the native State have entreat -atienbesieValiatr I p •L ac r ilca u tion an tovraribi the South. o ::!!:,9'''..= , e ,1. n5 ,,,t n i7,`,.‘„,'",.,11 3. OT n o non 'i' o . ..• p e ople of my ' al me with a position here, extending The correspondence between Henry A. Wise 1 ,,,,, ,r,,T,:01..,ew,, th e g „.„„,, 1 , , i ,,,,,,,„ 1 „ . four years beyaind tie' termination and Fernando Wood, published by the ' of the Presitlential °Mee of thopresenttnerult cornier asking political information, tbe Int noldroadrootros ersy Decided...lß i beet.. He Mal grant mono favors. If I thought Ler replying that the present Is Lai lutor-reg imni lobe foll owe d by ~5 011 mo y b‘oeot , is will 1.011 Atom ettir A, Feb. se-Tne grout contra.l for a moment that he would seek an allegiance adopt the fundamental form of the Govern- . terns b e t w ee n th e I.en nsylvutila Itailremi with those arms, scan!!, or, even by apatliv, meet to the new order of thin gs . State soy- Company fuel the Atlantic and Great IN astern . were against the country In the recent war, orelipay mei slaverybeat, b b y tt b e en decided ea Brigid, anti the Catawlssa and Beading ! and would e turn over the high powers against. For the former we meat hereafter g,,iiromd, was decided this meriting by Justice , entrusted to him, then sir, he ix dishonest, have unity, and. for the hiller freedom. tie • need, of the Supreme Gourt, in favor of the lan would receive no ' istanee from me ina adds that thin conmikintion is n ot, ineonsis- pennsylvenla Rallread. Tim injunction pray- I I will fined him Into this attldude. me, he tent with a free government nor with repuldl- 1 ~,,i PA being granted. I shall not prove false to the declare =slam. _._ Lions made by him In .his late, veto The steamer Hecht, from Boston, luau itr• ; _ 1 message that Isla strongest desire was to se rimed. cure to freedmen, the full enjoyment of their freedom and property. Then I will not quar rel with him as to the moans used, and which as he tells us, in this same mhasage be only asks for the States to be represented whico aro in an attitude for loyalty and bat mohy, and In the persons of Repre sentatives whose loyalty tiannot : be questioned under (my constitntleinal orittaitestouredy we ought not le tratePti; rate from hinl Until at leant we presmihe Goa of their loyeity, upon which we are trill- , mg to stand. We have not done it yet- I will not try him by the new creed. 1 will not de, The Late Bond Robbery to New Tart:. , feat C:f a high embankment on the kensaeller New Year, Feb. PL—Luther IL Lawrence, a and ,Saratann Railroad, about half a mile banker, Henry C. liyou and Spencer Pettns I north -eaal. of Saratoga i was washes! away on were arraigned before,l "twice Howling t alit' nunda Y mornin g' It w ' 1 take several "3'B to TOranat tnts morning.... ~ ehat ge of 1 . ,?".1,.., ! repair it, and In tile inentil.nne train. will Meet. stolen $3,000 !Jolted States Bonds, from' and change passengers at the break. . the pocket of Mr. Sromburn, in June 1883. ... Some of the Stolen bane recently found in ! Politi cal E.r/Iteines" In Wa'bi"l"' Mr. Lawrenee's °Moe, be alleges that ho par . li .l .-The Y 0 ta: robroary .—Ttle Cbetmercings chased from Ryon, whO, upon being arrested, I Wash leg ton speelnl says:. The political az• gave information whic led to the arr....T. 01 I ettetnent bore elbows no abatement, but Jester Pettus. , end calmer vioa ri of atbarts prevail. . THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. • Embankment Washed Away. ALenev„.N. Y., Feb, 26.—Abonkone hundred PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1V AS HI NOTOS, February "al, tl EX ATE. nounest hint for list Sty words uttered lit ts.ifel• The license Law. ling elrronts. I see Mtn vet surrtion.led by the i., or ,,, '' ,„ j ,,,. j , ~,,,,; ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, o f oil flint Cabinet of Abraham Lincoln, pursuing his tiol- , .. , i . 1 • . 010 icy. No words from 111 e shall drive hi. h. " "' I -1, • . • ' , tot • l ll ne t e l th - ••, • s " r • law pelitlont fellowship with thirst. Is ho x ben I s-11.... s emest. the otlivial proceedings of rh, . , - -. ii.m... ~ t ro.ll, last .., helms one of the moral hero. of Ilie was .1.... ~,,,,,,,.. 1r .,.,, r .„, i. ,,, ~ , ~,,... ~,,,, ~., .i. 1...... ~ ,,,,,,,,t t tie neuneed ham, spat upon blus, aml despstefulle I hosr. and R. (' Mille: r... use:1 1 10m. The assoclution nsn-t he .elf- Ler no 1• ,- ,-.N , 'N. sN L111...1iz%L. crail. • tars Her Proles-or 0 ~,, „ • ' ''' ' /Aug and even then I .111 part from film 111 Mr. Itighnnt moved 11., the sennte Oroeee.l ser,rols, , MR with the alibiing hops' that the to the ,sossiderateus 0, ....,.,‘„,„ bill s e; 1,,,,, en- An adiourn-- I e . • - -tee sit' t.s.• 1. , 1 ins , santeAM. ighty power that It. gunted Ililmigh ~, i j . j , A „ ~, „.„,... at this Mayor's office. on Mentlas Aft Prllo,l. 0 ~,,,,i „ g „ . „. , „., ~, .. ~,,p,..,,,. , . 4lat ins; the gratilosz n( liquor ed meeting of Mt irens wits held ins 1,, ~„ ,„., i ~,,;; ' Moats! i .„,. „,„,,, j the relSellion will be with us still I hrontrls nil take action in reference to a call for a mass i snittees appointed . t a• last menthe dillikasitles until (every :sure Is . restored licences to eal.sis) 4.4.4 , ..., an s pent,l,s,, the , of. ~,,...,!„0,,,,g oar tj. „ s ~,, j.,,,,,,,, ~ , ~.. ~ ;;; ;,;.• tr. its Pill communion roil fit shit , tmol untlenscd -de 05 L.; isors ;„ I -j e ,, e .,,, ; . o . h _ meeting for the mows, i I • •• s; s sone egos, ~,, neitil our counts - 3 - is purified 1, our, will as- ,„; members of Congress in their nets and votes Ii mor 111% nos tend Mg In Ibe 1.,1.,...,,„.,, setae krnong the Italians ~f the eortit. She " Mr. I sotsovan -M r. s peaker. 1 that that the On Inc Frees...Ws Bureau Bill re parted progress, ital on 50011021 were sasa. grand po.itio. 1.1..1 for hr Ge.r .e ";° ' ' ' hi "gs gentle... Anti from A11,arn4.5.y 4 sit ton pre,. the tert;Blay, Webster, Lincoln and bunilrinis of I/0 11/01.100 of Mr. .1. F. Keeler, Jas. • Trst i fta J t susses. ost Is sit-drama cs, ~. minim ~... te„„, of this bill no.. It ;mom,- ~, i,,., ~, . tholisanals o r ann o.foe d ~,,,. ~,, , j w.,„ gain tip )soilagestrllgotit In it....-"I ' '" • '."'' I "'tended i, I i.)..., was tailed to the chair, an , IJ• et •it - • signatures d... , 1.,....,.,.. tkeir lives for glory. offer aline attlendniunt....,,s, 1.1„, hot prepared ' dell,aml Joseph Si. Gar..., Rs' Is., were • .Ir. 1 4,11., ~ is s. lot , notes Graham At the conclusion of Mr. Sherman's speech, f 0;,,,, , o „ „ ow . I h ope Ihe c0n„,,5„ e .,„,„„ „ the Mintites Of • was In the house, 'sal Sic thou • Int he s Mrs Trumbull said he 1.1.1 heard ft 5a.1.1 there Cii, w il l „ 0 p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i; I litmed Os seer...ries. After tfie - •• • t. lanai war/Steen tn Congress sn favor of keeping the ' kir. Bighor-The hilt is based Upon 1111. Phil- Si" prf.v sons meeting had been real and the have au optart unity of addressing the meet. sontiAern Stases out Indefinitely. Ile had ", j , r ,,,,„ „ fem. primed. I:t r.. 11. M'. Morgan moved the al"- ing. Ile thought that Mr Graham's lett.. ritereg met any man its Maier 1101,90 WllO wn, , 11,1 1 Outivan-It Is mocha u,,‘Cringout than ; point silent of a t romp Ittec of thirteen, (of ' which apist•ured in some ift the morn lug Pa notfagalous tri sec those sustes readmitted ot the 1.111..1..11.100 sysient. I ask,. a matter of ; , , • „,„ t pers, was NatisfaCtOry, and sll tlielnntly exam t the aarliest possible time consistent voth the o, " . j" ul tll Ira n ' ' a Lich '''' ''''; ' "r • ""' " McCarthy , kie ." - " I t shim from Maine, but tt ems slue to the .ortesy that It M. post pons un prt , , k V& et safety of the country ' Flare sty, ntendMents. -hull be Chturniam; to roll a mass motifs Of ; senatta, if he Ileslrls I iI, Ihut be should be Mr. Trumbull sits mirk/11H 10 500 tiled,. Mr. 1.1•41sallt-1 presittlie there Is no objection I the estsaeto of Pittsburgh and vicinity, alto I heard. Stli4es rondlnlttol Ot the earliest possible on the part of tnyerdlellgile Or in to post- : ~„;,•,,..,„ ~,. , Senator Graham then addressed the Meets thete eonsistent with the sufety of ter I'l.oll nine the 1 / 1 11 101111 next week. The bill Is ; "ere I° Ih•e'" je. """h""" W' "n" °••••••••'" - • leg at sotne length. Ile To Lor +pent a dollar Afters. perstlual explomitlon lit Mr. Wade, rtendisil to 10 meek more stringent than the ; Congress. ;in a gong shop to ol.taln votes He hail Many tile consideration of the resolution Wu, post- law now in operntson its philadelphla, and 1 James Mdfif. Esf, . sof ...I :he meeting, but ' friends ameng dealers In Ripon - sting' liquors, ponedmall one reeler:, ; s ...,...1 t °H. ' , lre the , enutor from Philadelphia walming . ,le ass Sit4o in N o .,- or , ,t-ottot t In c a 'Can - for herallSO for many years Is• wit, I 111•OWn 11.11101.1 g Ttle'bill to authorial. the estalstlslitnent of •, ~,o , r o „,. ; , them in bushaess transactions. some objected tel 1 70111111111110811/111 18 tweets New . • The bill was thin ordered in be transembed th e purpose ol getting a full meeting, lino .to intililing a workhose Out of the proceeds York Ind the 55 est Indies was token up, for a third hearing. I placing upon the record the flames. tsf those Of a grog shop. lint Or should Is.. eunststent Hr. Grimm doubted the jurisd lotion of Con- , After ties tramusetton °r oust,' other business, 111 I II F lie All the upproprlations made to charitable she are suppose. to se . t tnu or one, gross. Mr. Ingham moved that the Senate now re. end benevolent Institutions arc drawn in pan Kr. Chandler Jtes.l thot Congress had foil semi. the out - ht./teflon tl ' senate bill, No. lkii, I wtss its laver of extending a holies); support to Min, the liquor traffic. His experltmee tang. ,jturlstiletion. entitled an Act regt.l4.lltlg the granting or . our meteker, in coisgres, and he wished 10 111111 {Mal any bill a Mad he better then them. , MlnAres•e'd`'''' Cloth "'nd "'in's. °P- ' 11 ° 11 .r lieenses 1 " et , l ink' is. ..sob:mil P sn l s ul.B j know exactly where other gentlemen stand_ no. in ...erstliols Ile slid not burry tile hill postal the 1,111. the ntilicensed sale of liquors'. Allegheny I ' through i t senate Ili• never sent a copy to Ifr, 'Clark withdrew Iris :Menders:int, end ~,.. I understuml th.• Senator from rhli- whether the,' are with us or against iss ; Ale a Lem:. mats. Ile had It published In the Mired to risconan It the hill to the Comtnlttee „,,,,,,,,,, h oe l ise ~,,„.„, f„,„, pr0p,,,1. • I s'. pleae.) Pittsburgh t .trelle the very day It was read to on CLLlngleree, WlllOll woe adopted. Mr. Dont° no-1 move that Ilse senate go In- i A. Foster, Esq.. roisell the point . last her pluee at Ilarrishni . g. Ile neVer knew it, WW. UL Senate adjourned rat;-Ls, PM. Its lt.tionittre ~f the Whole for the purpose of ' there wan any sts,essiky for a meeting at this the la, dealer, 101 l lie knew nothing of „7 HOUSE. special Ill 111•11111111•111. time. The Fremtmea's 11111 w. a 1110141 men- 1110111.> having loam sassed to seenre Its inas -- .111 RE Bettina. of Mitshigan, introit need a 101 l 'rho arn.elnient t... to .rir,k‘s „„, she seemal ..ore. Our Mettlisera had done Um I . setit they sage. If Ise bas erred he had done so uninton to continuo in fuzee and to amend the Freed , '''°'° '''' th" 'l" ' 'le l j" ji"° that e"e" °Piths ' . coo. to earry It throe h; while the Executise [tonally, tool It was mit t.s. lots. to nerves° any i ,„., ' Cant two+ yitt for Is I is., to sell liquors 11 y ; exerelsing Ists eonstlttstional right, had veto- • errors that hod been 11 rile. The bill Watt HMI M r . l . lll. Ur n • br ' idge, Of Michigan, offered a resit _ any Inn or moms), with or with.. other goods, edit Th.• bill 1 beets doleated, what • Imp°, the House, and amendments Imo. lie shall file the el. kof listad ter sessions , , neeessity wits there for a meeting I 11 wt. ...le yet. • Mee 011 Military . •• =s i t ' Sl S s ( r o u g e s:lrvi n g l t n i tt : ; 1::• 7 ,7 7 na Ittyof el 1111 eta! s h all ;n eon I hoesol l o s l mil tos and et. ni ,, fis I o shouhl stort thene , rovetl ic g . 5 . t: ,,, 1 1 , 0 ,,,, p1X , ..111 , th idr r S e letrlnistgle, of A ,legisca , asked, ••I 1 Bulbs eupplicd to the solillurs and sailors, toss' pelt ts.,, I ti s t ' s r 11 ' ..r il li ' /X° I ..:1 . ' ...l ' l ' i l t. ' r 5 7 , 7 ,t ' l7. ' Il a g "a e. a ' .:i g n i-t BV . l l l.ll ` ,V :' l , ; ' l l ll ' e h e ' o l l ' l7l ' l l rv, st ' n " il 1 it t e most lois- do e es a it rrotn t e " art li t' .! i ss e ..';,....`,),, ' 17,701 1 :::,1T., ' , ' , " :, ' ~,i ril il defective, to report the needful legss- tot the 0101iirli ;hal 111 , . senate read, itself elites 008 consequences Woisid ensue. The Its Mansfield, Ilaneliests•r and 'Parent unt et '; list° a . ons met too of the Wh er special tirettent .4.5 A 11.1oNt crtt :cal I one, and we ought Mr. t Mahan/ responded that he destsusl an MK McClurg, or ait,,,oet-i, otbrott a pre iss•loossftMt ' , . • .ltatt. • ni'l • let Stand ., if to I.e very careful how we actod• Ile same to amendment to the 10. provlllll Mat In amble, instructing the Joint Committee rut ' 7. ' ,.• nas a allt l isemltim boom the Senate'at lift Ws vOis S o iigaind. hurried meeting's of this every word. Lone,. sit towrishlP l •bere u itceentstruction to Inquire whether the late Its nue. 511 on:stmt. the entire ran ufacture , cheractec lie did not wish to see the men ; majority of the Is.7.tai .oters shou'hiatleelare seceded States ore still in contumacy, atel if I use ' of s• Oen!. Hpls - i[N Itl this Cunneen- , I s elevated Andrew Johnson to his present againot It, no 11,11 I. sll 551110 gra .1 so, to Inmilre Into the expedlenev lit levying " (: ' M It h , and if -toils it bill iimilii tn . enf.ctsl Its ' 7 " Ilion, Inmlsin to denounce IBM. Wu would . Mr. Ilictlon mg.. ' Ml.l ' res ' ssil - the "' .. I dig contribUtion en Use least toy. " Inhalotnatts tei 'n• Msste el P ensils ' vmsta, 1 w isolit boil lip ' t oo l simny men in thls eommunity who Voted showmg the Supertority et ' ilt • I • • n" el. - thereof, lose ids deo/tying the cat rionaltintry. , . omit hands 111 foot si ‘ f it not , str , the evil. In is,:'; Alvin ' s.' Jets..., lutd yet were not prep/sr- lion to the one now twfore th,•'l.:9gnisl'untu'r7,''- expenNes of the 4fos ern men!. hi ,our Illi , INI, and it la for its st, wise men to en- el In rise for negro suffrage. Neither were I Mr. itlesiennigle of Illoninghotn Kuhl It .tts On motion hf Mr. sehenck, of Ohio, 1110 I'Veri• dies or tocontroi it as host we eon, • th ey in favor of the Freedmen's 11111, which ) evident that the trout .us not Its the presett hltien was referred, lot' ItiNtructimi, 1., Ilse ~„ MI. Donovan-I . mt. ask th e ~,,,sitot. from proimrsed to nos.) paupers or the entanctront- ; lose, but ill the isamie wllll wire not fa...hint IL"t•fl'U''' C'eteeilllee ' bY " vote ei LI• Allegheny 1311. Ursthittn) Shy it Is required of ' ~,5 spiv, and mppori them at Government to the temperance taus, hr Hoeing nu pr..- ye. to 27 nays. • ' ,_ omm, hoes. to g svi , bosels f I eXpellSe. If wt. fvere going to ally ourielves ~,,i,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..w. Mr. illtiglimn reportml from the commit— , Nt ,.. ~,,0 0.„ , _ r oo t o,. rt.,,,,, [hut eatin g to ~o , or two member. or tong - rte., in th to .1. ti Min . )", Esnl., IlloUght. On reconstruction, a general 11 . , 1 110100 1 0 that the simat, , , ~„ houses In 4 , 11 r , •0111110-11 .10 Mil know how It m o on,. 0,,,, womd 1... Insole to shoulder the • owl all who speak en tamt side maninenee en 'P ie " ,tii., C. ,„ '""thiithel . l / 3 ' °I4 , IIIIii „ g,t" tel is in pi, ilmiel,lll4l,- ha, l• the privilege of sell- "negro ststfroge' • s inestion, anti next , fell. se u wrong bash. name's Mot It was an Improve '• m il en'en'' '''' Ina l'ennrenn 'an "' "awe Pe °e/ 1 - /t . 1 'ln I molt Heston. stml wes re- .- ; 1 sun shoe, we would he "whipped inept on the' lung ' ' • ' • • i. • • to make all lows whirls slosh Ibe necessary met " 'e . e•" ‘ e '" • ' s , NUre as tle - ;, , present rhs pies, 111 .10 II • .11111 . 1. them therefore to el. hotels. 01st of our boots. quires lite certificate of oar respeetablP 111:111 proper to meets re to the s l o t hs of 0,11 Si ill I' r s ens good: to say, Mr. speaker, that. we ' shpt.:Berg.. Milled the • gettlemen • loonier. to t stoblsea liquor Mader to obtuse Iscense. II an the Priei4• X en .5.1 ....mils ' . n ' t eiti'' '' ' has, - for many years felt th,. inemeieney ol '1 he Chairman suggested that the speaker the Legislat 111, 0 41111.1 111 1 180111 11 `none ..1 of the several states, and to ail persons Its the 'sir Otte system in Al leglteey emody. /smilers hmiself to closely ofs Possible to the intestagutlon he ..ell.l gee the name of th.• °e""'''''' eq‘e" Preleei''''i i'' "in' r'nni 'Th been n„ rs-tra„.l mi the setting or 1 t 111 •iien s po li . cr .. s s, lord. of the laystsr League mill Ito Tr.- of life,!MOs' and ptoporty. e me tsf man. there .311 who enrlld rose the hir, Foster ~Ited what question It was Pro - surer, and the mini. of lI I. e ot the men .110 Air• Ilin gh , lu l N ohltorted the itte.tin • in . money could 101 l chase hotter, J:vi•ry street, j posml to enS:Coln anti members of (.ern Pe i., ess went around so ol ...illes•lts. the monev to At , crier speech, bum and Gill In oist .•ity mod 111 the surround-;I upott , cert. the issismne 01 ihe M .611 , 1 1 lle 1181011, of Mr. tfogets,.ff New York, sin k,' iltfuln-t it ing 1 8 111010,11. 10118 1.8101 estrsed nod marred mr..j, u. Roberts rephed • "Stlstaill them so two who were so Inctorahlc 4. so , ens.," eon. as o most dangerous 1110Voment 100 ant cent by lhosc rson Lote, 515.•; emmultsug 1, itit ' .Len out the slows of tlite Republican tribute:. PolitlV l / 1 51.- nlllOllOl/8 awns', 01 hal 11111.1.atinu. Ills t 4,10, of ~,s / f , .111"1.. 001.1 4/11r county MN- party thotelected tlions.” fAriplause.) '' t hey are Moog, Ibe 1. 11110 ramee prisple am Mr. Wentworth introit msal a bill tti pro- _. t ims II we. , "lissom .•.1 that ass ,Inpros hmenl. ` ray gentlemen objected to Mr. Foster . rotised. Ts o weeks a.•,r, %Lc you'd not have rid t tot. ths ' .4 ""'""• '1"1). t ier, " 5... " •." erml.l he Ina,. npon otst items., law. 'Else p00 . ..../llng, as he WILS stot rat to the , tot sued a meeting as Illis. We were dead. 1114.CAllit•ry. Referred to the . oustsfstlee ,',' pm... bail Isa- 'afro trollied with that Ito- ,itsosnom Now we are 01 is e. Ile belies ed Lim present Way" 00,1 Melt,. 1, il l 'iii 'I S. ' . .. • I ii'"l wore, `ir. I hid Mr Foster appealed to I.lle Meeting for the would almost ...lino to a prohibitory law, II Ain li itykandall ini natured LL 101 l torn tiovy j , P , r ,,,, ' ,. ,' „ 1 .,. „, e ,,,, ~.„,1 „ e 0„,.„ 5 ,,,,, 0 .11. ~,,p„., ~,, j i f 1,•,,,,,i,. • prov .,..i y , jef ,,,,,,,,, yard at klostud City, illitioes. itcferrisl ton.. In :J. „ • Ili. ins sego . th Is 1551, Mimes, It thews • ,Eksot a nt:si Steel, Esq., believes! that the gen- Mr. Dunks, `call. reefs, of the House, tieing Naval Committee, open Ile; sell., of la; °or to e , ery it-;t ti- thonan .as nut of tinier, but he was neverlins- present. ens coiled upon to address ill.- sneet• A resoltnion Was adopted, Instructing Ilse ~,e , ~,,„,, „p„ , „ ..,„ .., ~. lice Besitsess win, 1„,„, In I,,iii /If .11 01 1/8111g 1500 through. ing. Ile said the Nlost/1,1 be agree,: :1111011H COMMlttee on Military Adults to °squire Into ~,,,,,,,,,,.„„. ~„. „.,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,„„, „„,, j„,y 0„. 1,- Mr. Roth-lt ste are nodded here for the pen themselves. Men So.. intretent things so sm. the expediehey of ill4)1,10 to moldier. ur their ~,,,,..„. i, ~,„ , 5 ,„, ,„,,„,,,,. ~,,,, f r ,„ ir„,b.i. , 1/0•11. rat 811•11.18fili110 01.0 . Illetillsers In Cotsg,..,,s, meetings from what they .. , :ty on Ihe street Lelia, all I ,O Y 051 • 1 im ittitie. . Itltheld h k • se., 0 ism!, beton. ..eie tormerle lobtaltsed. to of the gn oestnin •NpealtN In Oppms:t1011, ix lie Long pet 1110/15 her! great ...01.. Ili. Ww• tenet of oily Mary chilli. ~ - Thal repent . e are solo. leg Ile. Philadelphia to order i willing L 0 1.11111,11 t In, ill 1/1181 lit tout •111ennee A rant was adopted Author' , ma i ite 0„,,,,, , its. 3,,tt 0, si th-erve ntsder the pro- , ?gr. tooter dontited whether the eall was for free, Pennsylvania. hot he tt obey Ilse Committee on M Its s and MetillN. to eotosnlet . i ' paned 0 0 0 , °5ll iliA ,' A '''''°' to the the purpose of sustaining our members or wit! 5,5 the people. Tne people 41.1 s 1, 451w14.- tim erpedieney 01 retie, .ng ttl, 150050•1, f rog„, smite id, perhaps. ten°. I °lies the antotint de. ~,,,,,, fe„ .„; 1 tOrs to do 0, hat they . U I not .lo themselves. the 'I"-r wi l'rel'e' tY '' '4l ''''''''' 'ea. ' ” i''' ' gs ris oil nod. she molter la.. We si Sliders. for Tile aill wAs quoted from, and Air. Robb was lice ; cc . A . 1,, ~,,,,,„, A j m j w „,,,,, „k nee ment. the ...di Isminse, a ;marl.° ha who'h Passed t ha t eorrect, It was deelded. however, wlmt her the It gislotors...ul.l obey the will 01 A resolution .as adopt, d, • Olreel ing 0 14,1,1. le: e hosts,. Ihr, f• .1,,,k, 4555 , enough 011111.• that Mr. Foster should go on, when he replieU the it.ittt n . m e n ~,. ibece,„,,,,,,„.,, ~,,.h . Th e • lag and select 1_ 0 111111111e5. 5, m „port .. sso he, , motet the °ls rollm, of Rosinw• to der. .Y h I, that lie tool said about all be e anted to soy. lion was. arotiNed, and he itetred to set blur their clerks A/1. .:0..1 41 141 horn.. , „„. tut,. or tour years the entire eoNt of 'lwtsghter I roar. I r it, °to Ws . to.' ,t,.. missies it :should of Melt Onse ts .r . .....i '., i !mit dm I ... soal „, „, , „,„ „„,, „,„,„1„,,,,,,, „ 00,19,,,.. Mt. Vela. coo , mewled that nose was the time , ~,,.„,,,,,„ ~ „,,,,,.,, 1 1, it fo „ lo b s , I, ' t 1...11 "" h l i"' "."' h ''''' .• ''''• I. J. ' '''•"• ' Tas• ..s. 11115 - man ash. Oust Ilse bill istitY be s o To apeol.. oral' Let the people Make thenOtelteN better. lei 1110 lussire . r elassw, Tune the erection of i l le t ongtess, mod; s.• L as to alio , Pat i tr ., to lake ous I - heard, I ertain parties, el/timing 10 he ite - of the ...rk-le use, 1... enint.° on the eld The A...M01t. , on" a .' 1.- i ' '''''" ••eta,. ONi least in, mg st 1.01,1 I r That I,4ntrlek- publicans, had helntyed the Republican rouse, low tie 0,,, t h. em, . it e t wet., es., 0 hi, to Implies. MI,. tlic ~4 4411tsts, yol twig shg s ~,, ~s. i 0 su iii-ms. I temt - Isla. In be half's , ' and we o.ight to let them know whist we think eoteqs,„. tor ism elms „et. ,s, a °ism that he donation to A 7.l,•gi e r ; s, port 'nom. Home-. 011, • cods . t hat •he ect a.• hsif shall ow, and '„r them. [ Applause ' De bad simile 1 1 u rule was fit -to deal mit this ss isir, • to liter Into ~ foe sooting -mess 1 .008 ill, 1110111'011 licks 4,• 1.-•. 1., to :IN. srd ...v.tetsl. I I ruNt. si t en,leas or lo au right ail parties, as well .„,,,,,i o t o is). re„rionstble Inn all the dooms, Mr. Morisse oth red si ressathlon t hat • 0..- ..„ ; ~, 'Ls., Idd 1.a... , 4441 ,•,,r4 • 1., I L orNisared ' a..155,11,15itta1, Nhosll,l et1 , 1,•,.v0r to ils , what IN Ism! Man WoUld dole, Nell ism I s.snor. gm - . has no right to fas the mostifleut no. et 0 .,,, „,,,,,.,e, , • 1. , Isle Is.dgeN and ,dhoet, of 14011, 4 sthout reg.tol to Is °sequence.. Ile is, , ii„,„.s., wo„, t0,,,;,•.1 111, elections In the states. sec, sh it s stt 1 ,5-- . I us.) al - . ' , ski' wasold tsot shrink form the discharge of Ids taken up Si, defray t tic ••xmief se. !nen rred sti )lr. It ilsou pmeesed os aelime Ism r. s on- inns ft meet- silte appro....lse, 5, S 511 re-Terta- day, . a either. or a part tiara, losemose g , r• - z vady .:t.ti•l 111.ely its os• 111.,' I's •1 1 -• ,..e,ed Lion, and it wax hod over. I ' . I " '"" ie " h• " " I '"" '"""" i I " ... ' s Om Ilemen might elsoese to predict defeat neat mc . 5,,, ,h„ ~a s .s. .55 55 5. 5,,,,,, , ~, , 55 , ;5 „ 555 „ . 4 tr eti ommicultm. (torn bo v e roor lu e rl ii.s"• 11. 411 i i.. 0 ..01i101.11 i 8.1104 l 'lli lo o 4 'ii iir tml...d i'llll, ot at some fu r time. Ile Inas In favor im. , „moo,. of,„,f : . ~, ,„, sei,„,,, t . ~, g,.,,,.. of V Irian la, retails el., three, lis that Alain,. Is, :,v 5 , 5 ,; 05 ,,,,. 5 5 ~.,,,..„0„,,,,, Cl deriding ho our members In Congress, wise „most!, e,e s• esd is i a sio, le , tollar of floe uson refcrrol to Et, ' ... to ll. , ' ,ls n', O . -,55 ' , .1 s Itss,l-olt -I'll stoke ant ti,,• part Of the we,. estrryina• out our w OM., and refleeLing es. miem . ...l to as h.,.., .• '•. 0 1 loses! 1•1 the Means. ill re., rI. me the heed 5.. he give., 0001.1 our sentiments, ond also tit expressing our ...„,tor league. is. ~. sot ,s sameme is . som The Speaker urn esoneml the appointment of „,,,,. „ ,„ , ~„.;,,,,„,, 5,,, ;„ s ;„. phis„,;,.ls,h, „;....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~5 5 5, 5 ,.... a 5„, 5., ; .,..,,,. „,„ 5,, so i rs , , , 5 „ 5 , ‘,..„,„ „.,,. ;,„.; ~..5 ., „ es „.,. my. Nibk.....h , h , . , —.— , ..- , }l.—p , ..- ..--. a ~.,,., ~. •,,,.•a. a 55.1 also os tho Rem - Ham., I 1 1 1 eg sated Is. •Is. la a tens •'I hot money Is that. la pima. ot DO tooth-es, met Mr. W a NI.- ,; a tp,-, i a 5 s i .. :tan . , J. W. MIMI,. Es., , lay/sled hi,,r. Itold,s, slim shoe 'satin:times Of -.emir.. thst passage of t han . la!! et I""" ` "" • '"' "I" '' •e"°"; '' e •°:‘ si • • 1. " . "5.. - W ''• ,. "" ''• •- " i l''''' " ;" geelloe-Sts to the h... OT s , . 1 / 11 , f". the P.. - hills, Ise till not dens.. Mit simotors andslie ClAltus•ln place fn Alt . N . Clitiod• - lidsci . , 1'4,0 Of plaetng• gentleultal fairly and Mogul,- even hatless knew not hos, olaet It. There A joint re... Salem 05LN 1 , 4-' 4, 1 ~,s 1 ls"I'I , lI I ^ m , iti.sicou-f come. soswer I hot M 5... ., malty noon the ressird, and MOved this were profession. borers, he was .errs to say, {he ycia•,,W II ti 1 ,, I ran - . s. et Lt. , sue - me imts I re., tsmal As this 101 l 5 5 /mil" one .°„ nis amendment to the original motion, .at ljarrisluirgh, who some their its Its ittir e ilk ? . , ett i. tonso f . j for the orphans of i . til , Whisrltirl dollars ion the moo s e to sell li- , Mr, itniserts objected, for the reason that, it , that They 0, et, th e 0 , 1 , 1 me„__,,,,, u and only flee t h e dollars for eti.- , wotsld tincesemrily consume time, n e ought , vampoes, mei lameotas the notaue of sajffien• A resolution .as referred to the Priming , un d o , uses, I Iletik our people .. ill 'tot ob. ; to net quirt , while the Iron Is hot." . Mtn... l'bey,. low and eontentia Isle Cetnurittee for printing thirty thousatni copies fee, to th e „„„,„„ f „( ti,, i„ sell. h While word, of encouragement for the l'res,- I h Suede! not even tprelk to one of them IlitH Of the addle...lsf tins peaker, Imet-k1 r. Cress- . Al r. 5. rahani--I , i, 01 .aV, 0 lull' this ones:h. I dent were going up (non every rebel Isel. In your, •phs. people tst Lowe n ere foollesti enouh welt's euloglnus of Henry Winter I , zIVI.I. 1.1 1111, OHO. 1 . 01110. lit' !rd. bill hav" been sent ; the south, and while Northern CorsPeritemis jahellevi• their vampires., when (bey wo oe re Committee on Aeturnere , e were lest/oh.- looms, and himilmos of ropes. Illstrlhnted i were congratultsting hint on his veto messofe, home thut a eerfam bill 1,01111 10. 1 101501051 for tiii . ts t ? . . r •O;is o tl i e ts r ,„. t.i e ti; ,i.i7A0ir,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,5„,,,, „slums - s i v , , r ti f i i , i , tt. h lf: , n;O ,o 7 ,C is. , s ,; a u r , e iv i , o a t . . , •: ,, eu u t , o , /Ll ,, Lin,t,ltri,s,imeit ; , 1 u i1i , 1 4 1 , 1 , - .ri , iltuTe ,. . r f! i th a i . .T i g e ri.s r, S i , it s . , e t.Nolnioel,,llLilh.ett ~ ,, m, ,,, , ,,, , , , , ..5 . . „ 5 ,1 , , , , a. ~ y , . .1 ., 1 , .!. ,, , , .,,., i t1it,....a.,,,,,,..1.3 dollars.w,„,„[ln In support . f . lesnint "' n fee. The t -•"° "'" I ' able lions° dealers, tm.l not st remonstr a nce ' will not he mounderstmol. (Applause.) lie and II went tin so the pt hi ;4 ' l heNe yan. Leo on itecoustruelme, lir . Bingham sold If hitshs reached Harrisburg against thin passage ' 11'11.8 01118 1 10 1 11 to the roll, only I weans.. It Inter- 'fires, but let/ Islam, stem hi not be Named for the proposed 11:18.1101011 111.1 been on the Sllls- e bill, ' feretl with a speedy meeting, and he hoped the this. m e. 11,,,,,,,,. ~.„, ~,,,,,, „,, hy errs not etc ~ arks, the rebellion would have been an • Mr ' I' '' " ' •• • "-.1 I.• '`‘' . r.''''''‘.°l' learn, (...1 aln, , lnittlent a otild In , with, suet! men exiselleds - Ile ..fuld answer OA impertbillty. TllO proposed anstmdmetit sir oetsalon, 0.. is et...MM.., rosin...sting me , NI, Riddell . Itlelrew' r the amendment, amt ,o,..1,1„11, 11 , ~,,,,,,,, 0„,,, all h„ ~,tt i a n s ~,,,,.. planed no obligation on any stole or est le. to 11111 . 1. this .840:00 .....1101..i'1l OW la the 1011. the ori6 ; •lnal motion wan plosNell 111111111.mmisly. ,5,•,,, ^ 5 5. ~..5 , ,. ~ „ 5 „,,,,.. ,;„,, -melt 0, , ,.., w, t s, net new enjoined I.y the leas t of th” Lens to mr. to sham-It Is very singular that they ' The Chair asked, "now shall the Committee permitted to he there. tation- i t F "1d... of the "...In. ' ''' its should -end I ensonst rooms to Ito Senator 1,, appointed m several eentlemon respon- i3fter Penult is front 5CV5•055.5 gentletnen; the construction, ahil for the p.m.; of giving tl. ' front Iqlshoiclimm in I egard ton mil exelto deft, .liy the 5 hair," whereupon tt was an- ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,„, of ,1„. f„,,,,,,,. ,„„,,,,,,,. the whole people the< are of the tienertslti..-- sites , : for •Allughenj county. notineed that the Ilutlit, Oh Illts cum paper,. lenorte.l it p l an for permanent organ trot ion. eminent, he would Pre` , the r eHolullius el°. sir. Donovan- .11.1 not say 11101 1 re•'eiVed would he peldished in the morning paper , . ' sl• , he following gentlemen were appoitstod a the eonsiderat Om 05 the House a temonstrance, lost et letter to that effect. s , when the meetilm usijOUrne,l. I committee to prepare r a i l ,amendmes to the Mr. Roger., in reply, thought the id-noosed AI r. lie, ham-I am aWisre that some of the The following Is the committee of arrange- • sresent law s lire. MA. Istivl.l-on r Robert atnemittient contuine.l the principles of ten- llotsor de ./ . ." ' i e .,. this Section stricken out ' meets: Hon. W. C. McCarthe, Thos. Steel, ki • ray, Professor Ire orci Mr A X. Sle tralization and ilisfronelsomment of the 1,„, 5 think 11.1.,. will ~,,,,,, it ray it is, *tomes Marshall, John W. ifeldell Jam.. ~,,,„4....„. States. The framers of the I iinstlmtion lir, i s ralsurn - 1 . 1114 18 .00' of 11 •0 fentures Rohl, A. M. Brown, S. 11. t,e, cc, J. M. Kirk... The meeting woo largo. 1111.1 resepetalslc, the never designed to grant soisli powers. 3he that I desired to insist 1111011. I want to Make putrick, It. 11, Franca. lis-ll'l. A. L. Pearsan ; „ church being comfort:alas fllled, which gale proposed /11111.1011110111 11,111.1 enahle t the bill os stongent . I .IS 51 inn be made. . .• apt. IL IV. Morgan, ' Or. Tw• s how. F.• /,' evidetme thtm tho eats,: of tempi:aunt, has tole ghl ' ate oil any 5i1' , 1 , •4•1 4^fe , th, the Si'l , 511 the 131011011 It, go into Committee of tne iris.h . I'ot'a revived. tenors of the shoes It would r, new all ill- ; who., The Committee will meet at the Mayor's of- Th e ~ , ,,,g , „; , e u,,,,,,,,,, , , 11, ~ , , ,e, th the Urn_ feeling het. s-im the Northere :sod mmthern rite yh0.... otoi ins,: were requirtal by Mr. Ore to..a. y sit 0,„ „qq,,,q, j tr. Presbyterian Cl:urels. sin It Ittleld street States, and nosh° the littler 0101 e 5 10555001005 1.0„,,,.„„ :old sir s; nom., ntot wore us (oh. on neat Monday evening : at 7 , , Welts.. on the l'ulted strums; 14.10 . 8. V, I moo, I, Nstj s, _U. Mr. lingers was intrtieularly 'severe ou the so the ;its/oaf/n was dotormiomi in the O .F . ' Amusements. ! Itee,OnstractiOn Committee. which he Ile- oily, ' Throong-The snout iful play of the "( el nonneal as a lonotiatee of despot lon, • The ..itestion Men teeurreil on the final pas leen Raw. or the Bride's of Garrowen, "wax Mr• Rogers V.' , . 0 boor and a half, hi s ',age of the Mil. The hill passed tMally. time being extunded, so d he was frequently , . prodm•ed last night at the Theatre with great 'she folio. log letters will show the reeollee. loterrupted by Messrs. holly, McKee, Wash- ' 1 1 11 . 1 1 1 it is really a beitutitul play. and one mime, of Indiana, und others non .f the parties signing them as Is) Witat -• I. that haS never foiled to draw x cll. Miss Julia The Cmodituthosal Amendment stunt to er took ploy at the comultatloll With the. udges , , „.„ sire , to come up to-morrow. , Daly perfornom tee part of El 0 I..OLIISOr 111 II and county offivers ) After 0 reading hi' the journ. the House I very creditable manner, and ws well s op to 51181.1153 Om rules to take up the I Moak or ran Corernothess , . joint resolution 'relative ti. the funs Expo. or A thertnear l'elescrv, PeNIVA.% Icd throughout by Mr. Sam Ryan, and all Clt., salon. Pfarborgh, F'eff. es, ISAL k , m ore thS of the stock company'. The same Mr. Rogers asked leave to Mtn/duce 3 pets- ' f105....1 LIS Rs 1.. Gage SNI.-Dear Str In emu- pi will be ref/cased to-night. Objection to raver ef tin eight hour labor ss stem. pita.. with your request, I beg leave to .At tile Mist... on soutrdai afternoon, the tion was made. that a change In the mode of granting Ihmer sensation ploy of • •The Workmen of the The Stniaker was authorieed to as,tlgn IL IleellHe wits, prOP , sHesi Ultdadrolattedut 010001- World'' will he produced. The magralivient seat 011 the floor of the House let' 0 reporter Ism of the Inspectors of Ille A ileghenyCounty scene of the Enguse Room at the work-shops, of the Associated Press. , Prisms• I" s,l lieh the I.. .here i l l the Leersla - is well worth seeing. all. Daly will perform Mr. Ross Mitre/limed a resolution triquiriug sure isms beets invited, . the part of "Martha Savage.' whether the Merls to the sioniung tont Elia- No definite system wits submitted or acted 1. opens 1101,0 C.-The very few moments that 1.1012 COMMItteeN are neeessary, nod what pots ou. but :to understanding tome:trot to prentis ' ; 0 1' lee able 10 spare at the //pent House Lion of their time is 1100110,1 sus the pi ivate shot the l'itiludelphist low on the subject would t. Lis t Tl ' l l glit ll... Shred UN of the Mot that the bright business, of the members of the COultnlttc , N 14. extended to this county with sush tuototi- , 1 amp of Miss Laura 1ie42114f.t popularity wait The Souse then sollourited. I 08(0018 as might be necessary. still in the ascendant. The house was well 111 x, respeetfully, filled in every part, and the audience appear ! Hero, I.A lowa, 'bpi/reties. MI blgtilv delighted. The St s .Clair street Our recollection la Ille Hanle as that . Mr. 'cal - '0 was the only _c u t e ‘e , : e . j; ~,,,, .an ~,,„, IL j gr ow , o . e. sh en. r . bridge ths only _curt 1t I .; I i . lambert. opportututy of seeing, ond lt WasiNery nne. R. B.CAtot suss, • plug was •• Lost ill l'lttabtiroll, ' and F. 4 Dtsine AtA,Aen. ' Tee will be • al.unded in Meal allusions. It se re tier ti . °lle. non fully accords with the , ' ated to-ulght, and t toss I ...he have not had 111 , 0ve. E. 11. Srows, 11 ,/,„f,,. (5,,,,,,,„” pi on ,. t s'" oppOrtUtlity, Can enshrine the O,tetISIO 11, W. WILLIAMS, ' tide, evening. Al. HA tines, 1 SICATINts.-The anticipations of the lovers of ittaflra 1 ttstrtrt Lb./. I skattng were yestenlay nipped in the bell by The also els 111 neeOrdttnee With our recol- the announcement that the Parks were being Memos of the s l entiments of the meeting ape- Mauled, and no one was allowed no the lee. . L.lllOl. Leo. II and:rim, I Tu.lay. however, we are under the impression A. P.Low, ./, , NN•11, , , ShEtc, 1 that the Ice )rill be fair condition. Look on , the street cars, unit if 1111.11 1 311111 signs ire ant, (itintlyr t - ntontosioncrr. I pick up your skates and start. Ihe tee wt. ' being pal In condition at. both parks. l'in'ens Mlll, Feb. 23, IStki. 1 s _.....„- , /km Ja.t. 1- Grafton.. Diabolical Outrage. • Ils,os lath, sln regard to the or a one of the 1110S1 VllllllllOllB outrage:. W 01011 ; Change of our In'ense s3'steni j which w. laud 1 . I ttook islace 1 iit the meeting of the PONE° Ms s ard and noun- a lms ever been :no or o r ecord, Ity °Metals with the entillty delegation, 110 tall l at lawroncevllle yesterday afternoon. The I or part lets lar system ways submitted or agreed „n.„n.The piffled/Aphis, system was highly re- 1 etrelitliNtancest are tOO reVol[l to usentson in . tor f or/Milt..led t•• Isollsy, MIL ouch one seemed to i detail, and the team facts ars as follow - , . A I "ye Isisown\ lows Os Its del°4°.-14''' "Illy , oust by the name of I'M. IshendofT, finding u ,point on w Illeh all seemed niosistmottsm as the ; 5 jo j,„‘g girl -whose „„„„ salt, ~,,,,,,,,, sc oloo„ i is...salty for a chouge if( 8 01/111 sort • I but no . • change smuldhe for the .orse The preseut I mislomproteeted In it place .here her reams Nrldens was destined whott, its.fme leitt, ei ther , end resistance wikuld felt lo resets the ears of Ito suppress intent pertince, Kellner , reventie, i „,0,,,,,.. who; might Intro gone to her ate or to pettish offenders, and wits rodeo I any I . I tiII • Ist. for license. well sistanee, setaml her and sebiertllti her to the work Injust mi i app .•a . us to the public. , most brutal abase. After' he had gone, she I th l a l s en i'''e a ' r l e hs ts 'e'ene ' ai n't'. s' , 'e r, l l e t ' „ ' ", " , ‘ , s° , 'e i, ' .; I crawled forth In scars. ot usimitunce Iler ; --- souse ' - 'en as th '''''‘ •isj ' '''' e '- '"'” ssnete first ...lie to her relief, when she related . lionse would be presents., only wills u higher'l to him all fl,, Dr. Venn Wan I tariff of rut. of license, ~,,, tailed LAI !WO Um girl, and M3lOlllBl OMeer Was MY '"d"Adnal Pr‘q.".""Ce h' t‘". "'l' a '! a nt for, wise took Shendoll • Into ettsoily. 1/r with higher rums. astringent build, and a pro. ; a. 5 ‘',,1111 ea I lediat,thelAlayttrakillit'o, anti request . 5.1ai0" ''hh.h Minkof '" r I "f"'"'' --- ed the Illavo: not to take ball Mr Shesoloff, an I"Wing 11,0 l''''''''eorloop" e'''re.--- r i, son ' 11„ .11,1 not think the i girl „ °old live. Ilei In thwe,;'hlP In 'l-1.1" fuse th"e'''''"''',"''' dopier,, '''. j juries are Mdised rightful. Shensioir Is u ' L. ' i •'''''''"" : 'd br "..'"" 'n"'-- I'''. Married Mitts and hugs U faintly living In law as a tribouto to 111180 upon the character :nil . nencevllle !le was imminltted Lilian to await 'th°lsthe°'ls°,o of the 01,05le""t i' des.'" ads lie /Iris recoemy er death. The slab. of It shottel he some lo'l tribunal per- . ‘ h ~,,ge it, not yet thirteen years of age, notsully or,. aunt of tlie fuels, stoat as the 1 this . school Itourd in the ilistriet, wllO Might Certi fy Its the Tr.ssUrer as Co the OLIIO. of the on.. New Marriage LAW-Ad Journed Meeting iddeant and the validity of Ida bond. The An adj ourned meeting of the clergymen of prs . sent :mole of In form log the Courts on Oils l the cities and vicinity will he • hold in the ;_aubject is mood to he sturelloble and• Mastitis. .se • ItLetorV 5 105 rs, rewpectftilly, r lecture Itooul of 1/, LiewardhiChnoch, ' Penn Toes. AIELLO/I' I street, this (Tuentlay) afteron .at three ce- 1 J"dfx '../ 'do,darer co v"" Pfr". clock, hear the report no of the committee I -- I appointed on Friday, in regard to the lieW 1 • tt • 0 are fOltllOrliest to soy by Senator urn- I tnarriage bill now ' before the Legislature. ham, i hat thin notort Is Menne., In nitrate- i Great Interest iS Laken in this subjct awl , ; tan g these words to hilts. IV hat he ditlsay was i most of the clergy have sinified their e mln te I that "this bill bus hems carefolly prepared at- ', lion to he goesent, g ter consolation with the trudges" Ac. .. I We understand that the committee, at their 1 meeting yesterday, agreed to recommend the trymnastle .11xhibitIon. I enactment of the Ohio marriage law, with a few slight modifications. This exhibition given lay 111 C It , We arc authorired to state that the clergy- Gyn. ant le Mo/elation lust evening in WII- , men will be glad to have the present, of all I hies Hall, If possible, exceeded-In brilliancy I the Justiees of the Peace, who Can make It I And acrobatic Mollus the ono given lust week, cenvenient to attend. Thu house Was crowded by a large and respec-.1 • John SI C.v .- rave 1 table audience, many of whom came In sever- 1 ',engem° Melenn of 3e '. , •-• • ' i lEtto.-The many friends of John b. LONgrasse, sit miles from the country. The progrumme I Firm., will be pained learn that he was go t Iwas . fellows: atilt dasice by nine perform - I expected to live Lo gthrouh last night. We saw ens s u s- mettle for rho lance," flying rings, - him on Saturday evening, at which time he dmdde toiPere, ladder pyramids, and many I was in the enjoyment of perfect health. tin 1 other athletic exercises and acrobatic feats. , Sunday morning, however, he Was attacked I The perform.)rs were all atouteurs,and a.pilt- ' with erysipelas, which spread with great 1 ted themselves to the entire satlsfacticm of a the; rapidity, and yesterday' afternoon he W [ salience. ilellrloro, and apparently sinking rapidly. 1 TOO much &also Cannot be bothered on the : Mr. Cosgrave ts one of our oldest business Board of Managers for their assiduous otter.' mess, and well-known in thin community. pta to the spectators and the excellent and I--a dueled. orderly manner in which every thing WaSeen- . Fitirety of the Peace.-laeob Shriner made . oath that Sarah Weber had Made threats or John MeCiarren, Esq., Made) an eleellent ad- violent., against b an and fluidly, and by dress, thanking the s q., for their liliseraj 1 rerinestod Alderman Taylor to brim it warrant tr. ro„mn —; , ,,.. - ,:vo,' . ,T,At'llonnit g el.„7,o g yn 1 I us a a _ a n n tn• is for A l : i t ' lle a" Sa aa m L e Z.Tle a , h Ste s wat .- t a Zi l e a plitril mode This exhibit Mu concluded .vit,ll a inagnilltient 1 oath that Rosanna Cox had whipped Islm and ta 111. .., 2 Mi f`tiPitig Wh tell wasa wonderful per- , his wife, and he requested nwarrant might he Molten % i lashed for her arrest. ':ranted , • The New Freedmen:. Bureau 818 IV atitiIILOTON, Feh. .Il.—The bill In u ss i,,,•, by Itepresen tail, 0 Beaman to day, and re ferred to the Committee on Freedmen , fairs, provides for amending the Ft's...dim:it', human Any and eentinning Its existence five years. It authorizes it supervision Over all loyal refugees and freedmen, and all mat ters relatfug to then), In enable ;hem as speed ily 49 practicable, to become self-supporting Citizens of the United Stales so that their freedom ala-v be rendered eV:dial/1e and bene ficial to the epubllc. it alithOrizes the ap pola.xnent of two additional Assistant Cont- MisSlOners, sad a division of illidriet, Into ellh-illetelets. not exeeeding the nuellie r 441 unties or pal lobes In the , ilstriet_ It /dhow, details of Military ern., rs without an erenne of pay. If agents are Laken from HMI , lite, their ',BabtriMl are confintsi 'thin the limits of Illtrotred and twelve hundred dollar, per num. if found necessary, such tortoni* loners may have three clerks each, and each 'agent one clerk each, at a salary not eximedlng One 00W:slid dollar, per ti ague,land it shall he the duty of the Censinisaioners w hell It can he done clneiletently with the piddle interest, appoint an Assmtani Commissioners, agents knit clerks, such men en litre prored their usylty by fillthrel ilerelee In the Ist:alien of the l talon it uriag the ' , hellion. All employees are placed tinder Military JiltleilletiOn. It htithorliCee the secretary of War to assign medical end other stores only to persons unithlet by proper Ind...try, to help themselves, Raid given t he 1. 1,41.111.11 t power, landdf the liointedend law, to leinign Lo loyal cartage and fel'et/11.11, 1.1111., not est...rid ing forty acres to each, and not exCeeding Listen tntllluns lir sires is till, lit the Staten of Florida, A latatina, NI is.lnnllupi, I.olldeissins, and Arkelein, an 11111•1 nodal It a 1.., 00IIIIrlitift:kit three yen, the boats assigned by General Sherman's 11. 2 1,1 order, a till p I vision for 4XVlllallge 11 It of her land, in eer tnda canes. It re/mires the co.ogerid ion of the Bureau nnhw,a wilt grit ate henevolent sle9oelist.loll, end !M AI . agents :mat tenet, lit furnishing facilities for the .1111.1“1011 01 the Freedmen, and requires the furnishing of sites and 1,0'141 ings, for school houses. It a-- cords to the freedman. the enjoyment of ail the rights and immital Ile. enjoyed by white persons, ender the common law, McMillian the right to testify, hold property, end henriltnni, and Lteenrile thorn military protection:until the State aro restored, salt the states represented In Congress. Persecutions Of Freedmen are punished by Elite. CITY AND SUBURBAN The Frame Lan Ordinance in Alic glierky. Mayor Morrison, In pursuance of a resolu tion of Councils, has issued his proclamation, tattling a special election to be held on the second Tuesday (13th,) of March, het seen the boon of nine o'clock In the forenoon and *oven o'clock in the evening of said day. The election will be held at the usual pluses and by the regular election officers. The seet of d repeal of the law prohibiting the er ection of wooden dwellings has now been before Councils for two or three months, and the people of Allegheny should be andielently well posted on the matter to decide whether the change Is likely to prove bencdcial or otIP amine. The friends of the measure will Vote "for reeal," and I those opposed "against repeal." Te e subject to gancif sufficient Im portance to bring outf uMWete, and tee pre stone that every , preperty bolder, at least. will express his views by his vote. Assuan and Battery,—James Canton potability made oath before Alderman Taylor that Coorgo Cummings and another num, name unknown, had knocked Inn, down, and heat him In a most brutal manlier A warrant was Maned for their arrest. 27, .1866 It{ CE ITIR EE . C r in 4 ten an.l PHI VIE PRUIDEIT 11D DR lIDIREIN O fIINGRIS A MASS MEETING TO BE CALLED. , SHE WEEKLY GAZETTE TWO EDITIONN ARE PRINTED. On. v. Wedsseadss, sat tAd othar as B , :tarday Tbe edltlon Is which will mart, the ev► <rl Len So o .est an the mall rvv. BEM Tent peennee ret tng . ,•( frietl.l, tl[ ' - 11 11. I 1, 1 , I . 1 1,11-vll lEEE The Wefttern yeoltentlnryTbelnripee lor'r Report We are indebted to lir 11. t anipbell, Warden of the 5) esters Penitentiary, for a copy of the annual report of the lit art] of Inspectors et the Western Penittintiar) for bib:, On tire Int Of 'January, IsitA, there prisoners—TA males and 9 females—ln confinement. Re ceived during the year, Pio; discharged, leaving . 2.Nti in prisob.lantiary let, Petit Of this number 13 are females. The total fur the year a. 354. Of those discharged, 70 served their full term, 17 acre pardoned, and s died . The Inspectors say The financial and sani tary co.:1;11,n of Um institution (luting the year has liven In a !Lig], degree sattsfatitory. - A large proportion or those rect.:mi. 'luri n g the year attrfinite tliiiir imprisonment to in tem peranee. The Inspectors, In oriel . to Meet the necessary penilit tires of the pros.(fat year. ask an appropriation of 43(11.1 for the library, 41 , tstl for repairs to roofs of Blocks A :mil 1,, and ,ft3.line for hospital building . These appropriations, together with the an nual sal. les, (slli,to3o foot tip tfii,4oU. The Warden, in tits report, suggests the tnrsd 'Oration of the lat, ht tek-ard to the use of to bacco, on that It may be left discretionary with the officers of the pi Icon to administer tobacco In I imittsl ,f a rove an , In , glint] behav n ior. In regal il to pardoning con victs the Warde says- "Nothing en tio,ell hinders the proper inanimenoint and re tOrlll/l- Lion nit the iniisontir ae hi- rent le,. an 2. Ii:LV to obtain pat thin Almost vet y man enters prison a ith I he bop, et portion, tool that hope In I,nL.mi principally upon the foe] that SO many of his fellow I,rlsoners bare been re leased Ti,,' release iit the prisoner before the exph.t.lon of 111, sett tenet', bookies de teattlny the ends of Jusitict , in many cases, has an Iniurioan effect upon thoseho remain making them restless nod on. Ming se,,rt , , FromJ:lptw'ylaw:, to octotter hit, Lath, this' number of pardons wet, •of y-s , •vrini the ag gregate time of their sentences WWI SWO 111111. died and seventy-hair ve,trs, and the titan served N - 11 , 011e 111111iircci Mel fort y•ctglit yarn and seven months • The Warden reronttne.O.:, nibthlr hospl- NI, the pregent Ontbllll,4 trig ththertert and 111-eontriveil, told ,col, for block, A 'nil I , both of what'll ea:00,nOoo, Llte In6lPelllpnll refer to 1 . ...5ab1e action of the I ttel-pla• tare. The report of the Ur: k, NI titer, ex• the tlntotetal 1,/ 10Y, 010,0 the Insneetors prononore Israelore µ nigh degree, The reports of Dr. ii. \ itwnk,t . 1 , 11, , ,,,z1n, g i v , fun nilbm a t um In retto1•111, to the stud- Ittry cowl I t lon of the Dreamers. lit the eight. deal lie, Iwo Were eansest by boon flit two by typhoid pneumonia: one eontatitted 4111- hle by starrat 01101. y drops) ; one he ettl ,klotts olstruetion 111 !epode dttet, nod one he acute poritonltic Tr, rat to of deal he atl+ e. In torte-live. . . The Doctor sw. • to the number reemved Miring ti,, yea. Were :)?,item, tin had served (1 , 111 one to, 1 , 1..111.y pears in the I'. S. Army, nnol .t.% at general thing. with exconstitution , . brhisen ,low n. from the effects of expemure. anal int em permtee, when receive , ? into prison, they were both morall‘ ittni pliyWieglly in Inn wursi imaginwhie .sww.ll - • The revolt of the Moral Inntrnetor, ThOMR% COIIII4OII, iv brio!' toil potntofl anti nal- Ishtetory. The Ron r.I of Inspector. I. roni j >oyed is fill. 3.1111i,1 Q. Lyon, T. 11. Nevin . , Jame.. Afar:than, John litrukingitm. (.1.114i %% alter Lowrie. TIM Wissaninsven list% sw, for January, eon tains article. I. John stnart 51111, on the ' "Philosophy of ISir W. Ilatullton;" "Pre ensOrt, of the French Itovolutlon"—,Saint Pietro and InArgeuson; 3. "Lord Painter stow," 1. "Coleriaan's Writ Ingb1;" 5. "Phll- Onophical Experttnerlts"-.Vlerneetlon; "The Polish Insurrection of 1141.140 'qtr. vin ust one's Recent Travels." COnteutpo ralleous r ,, terature. For ,Ale by W. A, CI iblettfenny, 45 Fifth St. It o natel 's Nlosint. v 'Lk...04 for March. For sale by W. A. Glldenfonny, 44LFIftl St. ..hre Ants .11.A.Ne,” briny No. 57 of Monroe's Ten Loot Novels. For ,ale by W. A. t.lldon fenny, 45fIftn St. lin3ot t sb. Itats Soso Boon, No. 17. finished. For .ale by W. A. Glidenlenny, Filth St. His Nwme.—The name of the man who was injured yesterday wornint by the exkl.6 lo . of lite Robert Fulton, bristophurnenafT. Ile Is a residunt or the Fourth ward • Athlghe mot nap. employed as n tirents.n On hOn.ed thehautt. II IN injuries are of a vrry n4.nre, but It not thoughtanti .mi , V4 , 1 11 , pfalai. ro, -Yews Mr /burlA Pug/
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers