SC EN E+ AT THE WASHINGTON HR. C RAH ANI AND THE LIQUOR I. tH . wArrrs. MEETING. _ . -- . N % a p u bikh 41 , 1 ow A 14 •"" rr° "‘ "'l'm"' 'I a,. hid . lle, De mire.: o ...i . I . Nola ithstanding the narnes of Senotora I t4gAIIAM, eXllll.'" l ''''''' l'''' t 0 iIIIICet ir 01 wlt It clergymen ni the' ' ltlltell .l It'r.t-r•l''efth''r,'' W A M., •ll :Tt p a - 3, 4 A L , N I" I ull ,; 11° , la a , ' r . Sa .‘ lle ! ' : 1,, K , 1•11"11.1.: tt/RI trixr,N, and 00“.. r . p, l3 u hi,. tnejj.,,,,r I,aw. .7 I . lintel is deserving o h1 .... ,, V,': .. ' , 1 ., i i irinii lit Nos , atii to r a il Ile. in Ci,tea- ~..;,..detie- ' la - , ,,,..',.:" ~,.,,,,;, _,.,....7 ‘ ,,',,',,,, h ,, 0 ',1, los iii ristit nein I. in, e II ti, §ewark wa-i'l'utlibentrT,‘l-'l.!:&g,ke-0.7..f."1.2,.;,',",,t,iniF, ottlny Whtt Wet, tillpfmAsita to fLIVOr the Vet., atlflli..n, and _ 1•s-Stn -• r ' ' ' ''' ' '' '• "": • • ''''••••‘;'''-,1-71k.'',.,":',"'"' ' ' ''''''''" 4 " -- (..RANT IN l'E t( 'E. were anuounfied as ai,e a k c , 1,, ti, eai I for Lim Its wee,7ll fait bin ;:y the I•rtel • nod on,. tirapat;1titn.6t,,;;;Lt.n.,,:t...1,,.,0.1.v,•11,11,:.h.0:1.:,n, W ANTED - A No. I taas, Ilott.c `-," • the Winshloglon tneed nig on the .:.21. to , II , • lii i iiirinl l 'h' h " I"."'`'hi'' 55 .•know that like mat real a ill take 1., tt..ei t h ~,...;,‘ , .11 1 „ . : " PiiT , IOREIt • to shale tho. Pet. re, to., ndoi• i. ,ta This Splendid Enizrai 1112 • lain Ihe Prenideni, not 01 lino. nttun- benuto; ~It\ ,1 N , 1,1, lone hoiliiiiir lit thie '4, r ie ,:, s . l :l' ,i:`,'''''' i ''" "P r. '" ln iniiiiiii • i. ,tn. f or ~,,,,,„ , ~,,, , ,,4,- , ,,,,;,, , ,:',1, ,„; '''',,, Hit - - , , , ' 5 " ~,,,, .• viol hen and nem-, 10,, R. , 1,1,1. • iiiniE, II l•trt, at Rlt•-;IIL A • ii' ' t, A rk. It I feel, Ti e speaking •• Au hll •1..1, by the mitt'', 11-0. 11, .lulu ..1 Think a ro. Jrt.t.ii r .,l 4nd ~i, w ,„.,„,,,„,,,,,, ,In 11, ranee. Ille. •tatln a . t 1,. 'meant et - ,L ~,r••. • ..- msi 4oror-cr mINT Cir 3FL _AFL , x , E , .., n, s , ~.t ,,, , „,.,,, ~ iu. ,,,,, _.,., . ~, ~,-..tedr a 1... els In, ref, ,en,.... fez: .0 • ( 01 , 1.0rboarls. Si N,LT l•.,0 u,t.., tit*, e lee hy the ••1.0.1-1,..t . 10.- •• .11 . ..tiltielIL.s. F.a..ft Tenn....ay, • '1 o n I • lo.ltr,NrE and AI A .., -- a,N, riot - t• N ,f . Nl,-,,„,_ • t .-r-ti it 1•110,1 ‘,1.t.', 1t •-ei,o, a •,. TAR 1 tußoit vo., ~,,,,, ,1..,, ;,.•rjuj- ..1n11,,,1111, itti. HO WANTED-4 GOOD (4111 L. to do LAW I ./.Icl/11/ :,it p.m rLI Roo...wart: ler •.• tam., , „,„. l'ennegat.... Ir err 111, liv, IV 111..!• 1•1:1- 'TII,- ri, I: iie S EY. .0 Nettrx.ll, 1 , L, ii t 1.• F. the P '''''' 'l""'• I ••''' , llRrY X. I'ler/l le. inn old, und0n 1 .14 , 11.0,..1, • 11 1 e, st iii •...• ',. 'I '''''..,'• ',''"" l "",,,•-• Ph I'`...ti..•'r • • per. Ile. tati 1..H.1.11A El ICOR 11, ER .1,4). 39 eidin n e, o , Wirtz, Mi. i, die ~ e., ii,,,,,,.. i,..,..„„. j„,„,,,,., _...2.0 .mion bra . tr,l.tul t aftrr ihunt 1-. t. en real fniliile. RI .11,117... "' r ' •f'. ' l ' l ""' '''''''' '. "''' '" 4 1... "" . " . •'''' Unell . .- 1117,1• RI. 1.-, 0111, , lialltn, P.o.•ett-. •I :0., col to ce, .•,- . .1 I e . rttele: In lb,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,, , r , -.411..% here. ~ 01 . trol. 1,111,, n t ....,, ~,,, a ~, i NT _ _ I, , El .--4 I LERKSIIIP- 4 Did rt )1 .1....,..1 11,. '.I •0.1. .' . • . •• • ... s" ''"'''''''• '''''. ' •••• A . L . Je y lle il Lk. aiel "iiiliii.,k, of 1.'t•Ills . Vrt- e r ',, r ,..1 „ . ~' ••• ,' , .., T , 1.. ., .. ...`!„ ,i , „;! , 1 , • •,.:11:1, 1 , ,,,, ‘ ,•• „. 1 ,, ~ 1t4 T ,1;1 v 4‘1 , , , D. ,,,, — .,,, , , ,,, , .”_.,, ,, , ,, , , ,, ; ,, ,, , , ,,.. L . ~ 1,111 111. vi . Im.nivar.• llili.. Doi_ ii IL, to the gone, Of 011010 1,,e :II kn.., LI,. pt iii•-11.,, I .el- 1t.., ~,',,,,c , .. ' ~,,,, „ • 4.;," . !. ~--"ll-. 1' % ~ .- .1 . ii, , , ,, , •• • , i....n., I, ••I 1 ,i!.ll.rlini. trot X• r Es. 01 11,1•0101 , 1 , 1 ,,:', 1 ," 1 ' ,, !' , . , : ,, , , ;' ,, , , : , 1• ,, , , 1 . : , 1.1t'..t. - Ily alleged, tilit I n nl.he , ,i Piii'i"iiillY ,10 11 . 1, ~ ..1101 t 1.1- or ~. t . • been empltiveil to -0.- ,j,"‘l'l,' ~,,,,',.,','.',:,';',1,,",...;;;.,.',?,,,.',.5.h,-,i71,i.',.,,,,r' lli:' ANTE ID-- ENIPLOi:IIEN flit 4 a ,st .1)1 ,, ,,..., , opperheiol.- th ...... , • , 1• .I!! Cll,ll. paiectire. end that the tna•oirr oil -.. JOHN P. H I ""'"'' " Ith • ." ".'. lothg urged through 'T O' r" . "'"' ""'' '''' l '"''' ''' M.."... o rich ttoo. " Yeiiivi N1..8, In a , i,,r•-. W.r. , ,,.,u.r.,,r 'II, - e '••.' .., •• tir•zzie /1.-rtairoo r, thi• " d•ddArdealerw.” c(lll,i,ler It; 401.1.1,1u.•!.111; In 111.• 11,1 th.. • r‘ ,,,, Y• h. ~ t . ~,,,, oft, hp ,n f.ns• •;. . t 1.., Th. , nideting ale. lehi al I , lciid . e Ti•ia I hue, Only to 9111 - , 11.11 1 ;1,0, ~.- ~ •.,,,, .1. .... re:en 110'.:•-tn ,n. h tl•• n, ~. :•,•.fin../1y ill '...1?-:'.'""""..'" ' ;,l .' :7;, ‘ "t"L“ n tr'r h ,'',"'"'"' . .-• ". :59 Fifth 5i...) 1.1., •Ci•l , In, ,i OILS ihrt,llz,h, / 0,,,,, r , I ( T: , lf r eri nr t? „r by any n Itqli.l,- /tender, ' cif bet in the 1.1,.1., .0 Ili 1.11,-.. lia,, „ , i, ~..:,,,,„,,,i., ~ • - .. 1 . '-•:' ._ _'-----•••• ••• -• 1 4 .' - ' ' '-, n 0pp 0 ,,,,,,,, L,. ~ ~,,. . ~,,, „ .„,,,,,x,,,,.„ ,:,,,,„„,„..„.,.. ~,,,,„„v , .., „, , N v A AT ED -.. . 4,4 1:1E1i1'5...-, ENI Pl.Ol - %.,' LATE: S: 51..4"1'L. , !! SLATES!!! 1,..;(,.. W I.', 11,,,,, ~hen :he Prieoilent an) improper linerliei ha•t ht:nem ,I, v I I u•TI di•l't let • - " MFN - I FOR Itt.Tt lINRIr .ert Mail- tat: it.' 111 heel} uneollt, tut, rt . • to. fur• I ''' ' . . W11...1. R. .1 ~ 1, :, Irri it 0. I tr,i,le {IR..- 1•44,11 I llnt:rendi-i ei mii,ltitke Llie , 'T h r : ,ff1 eg0. ,,,,„ ~,,,..• ,-,- ~:, ~,, ~„ ..,., Toe tteol - Kl•t'A ht ', ••=t'•l•tt •.l , •. 0 .•I al•.• ot ;r1.,1A.:-'.141.1:1,1-LAII...-"H'Irt't,4., , Z - ::. , .5 ' ; . . " 11 . 1!: r .\ I 1.11- , . . ~,,,,.,1 ~,ii.,,:.,r, ~, 1,. ,nu p., ~, ,c, ,, ,,. I ihro.o, with tttt t„t„,‘ ~, , , t t ^ rt,.. • 1 1; t : . -. , 1 , t 1 1 1 , ; , 1 , ..„:.J . , , 1 t /r 4 1 . 1 .. t;: . 1 . 11: , - i: :•v.: , 1: .... , :.1 .Llll.l 1h 1 rig 1•0111 , 1"rh.N. Ou r a, ni• at, mak 11, tr",,, Fl.e . '••• ....r ' I Rt.,' . 1 zr,,,„, D„, ~.. Thlrt, 11011,..r., ~,,, 1: the ...eta , all! I: • • illrieil when t h., l'z,,, t . I f l iT r i. " ,..'"t o . u t ir t. ! , l i t , 7" , -1 'b.'', ... 0 . 1 - . 8 . '.•,..!".“!: •" _ .. _.„.„........_ , ~,, ore,. (rum k-ur.,,,L. ha, , L.t. 0,..1 -.1., -0,1. te ~ . r '. • •••,, Nllll,Oll tr,,..a•-. 1 st •• • I'• - •, • ' "..........."....."'••••-• '"-...... - 1.. t•t alii3Onrtol th, Wa,biair,,lrlrl (...Zo•Oni t 4- I.IOO IMuiet •ititunler, at tut' rL r. Lori, a ith trY 1 •' ' PII . -.loi Ii . -TI , ' It , ittio .1, ".r,,t, iti.l., W.,t/1,..... 11,,,,.. 1„,,,,,• ~„,1,:,,,.;,„;,.,,„"•;',',',.. . colleague. t d ,d, t .iut m p,,11. :1111r ti , ,,, -1,11, of :iii knelt,. rr toe a...'',..Ler..,.....'‘. GOVERNMENT SALES. unl t• ' , At . meeting 0I .r., Ir. le :tot •of IL, ...W.,- 'ill. ~ „ t ,. „, , i . i ~ , , , 1:0- l' , •00/..ftt Mi.' 1./1 - appeared, preceded ' IN' Pr/Son. cot.-111.1nR Of 11, Jo.lizt.. of u.l L,, 1 , 2 , .'„ : ', L ,j ',, ;',. ''.'. ,"" '''"'".''.'"" ""' ','''."". ‘...!.., ent.l. , i ou 0r.., tri .1.1 fur En, SALE OE NED 110SPITAL ',•• Messrit. Aiken end Clam 111, (~...1, CO "' C '• lh ' ( -`' l ;i'l' . L " .., • • ".”.• d.' L'- ,, .. of ‘ ,.ith.•:. ,:.'„ r:.:,,:::.,.--;:i,•"::: '-i',`L.:X::;,"!•l, c:t..,",: : ',' ' ... • ;:: : ,, r•t ', • ' ". •. 1, :; -' ; ', .: "r •I ' ; d • - .. ' .' . '-. ' L''' i"" 1.1 I'l.'o' ' (.0- or, Stlrrint and the c onaldratiorS,) th e ! tY,C,llir,itroill,,.,r. ~,,,,,, y., ~,,, u.,,,,.i,,i,,, nn . .I 11.0 • and ltin , 1••1•CA il ii h Li, , g,N ~, „ 1,, ~:„ : 11., ; L.11..1 . N., , ei., too I 1111.• . i St rtt ' 1 ' ... ' ..,.1 •‘....: 1.-„11, of Whom oteppett hirl.Skly LI/ On the . 'I'ILYtt I,T r . tt ea co ' lt l rt " t '' , ' ; ' 4 ' -hf•tr-e ' Ili, f : r. i i , ' t.e ' l r • '. ..., - r '' '' U " . Wl." ' ""'''' :. ''' '" ''' "( I"' '''''' ' ''' '' ' ' ' '' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ''''' '• "l Y '".. ‘" "I ":"" 4 l ".. " -1 1 ' , Panning the portico from the ear- • the Lealshitii;ii ler on. 1.. , ,,u'1y ~., pre.ent ''''''''''‘"' ' l ' Tr", fr. " I h i - , ''!"..... "' in , late ~,,,,. N'ea , fork. " " d `• ''''."`"'"' a ' nu i „i;:,,) ail of apo-teas. rn, tu 0 0,... In,: teL, lati or ,.. 0 , ,„ ~. s ,„, fi . 1„ VI• wa:e outadde, errid propimed ei d , , by di, itatieo. the Nlrii 1,,,1,1, CA-, relatit,. troik a :o,h tir,,1.,• • - -- r...•,...• It ~ . i. - I, • .. , IIIL•lt Wore el-Rterfullygiven. Among AR ' . ' h " " ''` A """" '''" h" b ' " "”'""" rtg''' and hl. .r .,0, . , • ~,o • '•..F. , u. ,,, • Nor , ludo FOR SALE. , ~, ..,,.. . h.,. ~ in , [Mended Ur. . I„ hosnil „v be c/i me `,‘',,'"i;"'.,';''''':`,;'' ''' I' '.'" d "r th ''"l""l' l ,7 - '' """. ''' • "" " r ' P "'" . "'''''''"'" -- '— - - - - -. . . . „ s. „. ,ut rarer m ~.r.. T. ii 1. .. 1,,r,.,..y. 1. .. ( .. ,„. ,h,,,!, , t , ,, , ,R . e , 0 . 1 . , ,, , , 1 t iv,. . , ,, , - , " , t 3 t . ` , 7 f o ll i ` r ,, . „, n o n• ;. :`-`,,,,,,'". ted to In-,•.r. a lot'„ A mrru.,,,, ii,iii.h a lilt volt SA LE-Stt pPrti 9 h ree -.tor ) ' ''''''' Hittl en. Mayor berrett, who kept oldie. 1.. e.. , tri,,, to detail, all, ti a I 1110t1Rht. Hit 10(01 that Ai"" '"'' .. .. IrWttI.I.IN., Itol ••tr. N.• 11 ..1.,,h 1•10 Al L.- Ni a. Allerli,nr I ilt- let ft.eo • 10 t•, f ... It, - in. "" . • r. • hind him. anmioun to reader anv little tR.,-. 0 . , ...W 0 `‘tt'' at , i.aiiiii• I Iva ., ' ,, 11' .It-- " , ''' , . , .rk v.r, in their power, In aesisting him to " P ""'" alh g '''''''') ''""ht ' lh '''''' Y ' ). ' i ' -il: ' ,i ' t " l ' ? ,‘ l.:• " it • I L' i "'' : '-' i ",.' . ' --.1 . "' '"" ' "h.' l'..::.;:'''''''''''''..";'''''''":l:',":":i ' ' ‘' ' '''' "h;": ' r"..: ' '''''''''. P'" O. ant on the wall above met/tad/K.l; fr,,,, : n o n ? , e„ •11 i u s 1 . 11,L. , • . ..1 , .. , t t 1 . : ?1 , 3:: ,, , 1/ , 1 ; „ . 1 y t , t, o tl: , t. , v . -4 ; r , t• Tt . .1 , ... 1 0 ,, ~... ~.,,.,,,,,,:: ~ , ,. , , , ,. ,, ..7.1 ,, :,, ...1 . t I I, ..._ . .1...., , , , , ! , 4k ,, [ ,. ~: ~,„, ~.,, , ~... ~ ~, , ~, ~.,,, ~ , . ...1 , .: . , Will be MpOktt. As the Pre.ll,lt.tri. ••11.- ttettlialute•Ll wltil Ulu ~ E king OI L the ilit .- e;,n r t L ' l 'u',..'''''' I , '-'""• n ''''N" t • l''• ''' ," debrold l liir:::::roeu'til'ii i i‘ li +r i ' i L; fli .L n .-!' ic ':'' . ' 7 '" ‘ "-' , i '''' r Inat abont to continence epeakin g , quite , t low, and outdated to gle e a l , Latthigo i .o. oph, ~ ,. +K A' , I.t.hatv.l t10 , 01.... , 1 , I ..Ih..- 1., the t••i t i ..,. ttalt10•1 1,. , • peto.l., a,..t :“t; 1r.a...,,c1 al., ~ -0,11 - t r t ,,,, 1,,, • I ,l lt , t 0,,,,, „,,.. ....,,,, 114.11,c Mantle,: lieu ~,, . n ,'. ~.. ••••Innw.t.lnn ri.enrred In 111,01, tif pAi.-IIII• . ton. I, • • µmi .,. ~,,,e r „r ei r , g h, ,,, ~,,,,,,d3 , The tarot or . second week In January ;it e ,,, 1;1014..1. Ihe croera et 0 eome, hat rapid pace. ‘N'ittele i , TaTCoTo7 ' ,7,„ "l b ' i r li . ,' ''.',3re°l4.A.''• e ( L„ I' I h" - - -- - -' - - -- - - , an.! 0.. , ...,..n. t. . no 141, tout.lo.- Inllo , oo 1..• ..i. •le , 0 , irturd me that he a.-- NOTICES. ing We eddy an It ti•nt.t.e.t tOung toWard the j going RD .- read IL In che,e, the °eat womb .g ._ w eali - ti extreind V of the olt...toulttwr. or ."'' .t , t , . . , •ttrEllatt, trot or:: Pi'llpit . ./.01C1 , I ..% 1 .):! ... . 1, ... i :.., . I . t ; 11 i 1. ,.' 5 ., 1 .4 ) ,_ h. , - l i o Li ; : .." 1 . ':.: r " . , t Li , .1 , ,, - . 1. , :i , ~, 0. ...;; I ' '1 7 .'I ,6 ;, ; , .7 r t ) i ~, ,„• : . 1 • .fi 1,...,,t ‘,1,,,,,,,d ,i ~e gr„ w h 0„,,,,,,,,d , . nun H i nd d i llQua,,, n )t, unit I had t i t ei , iplei, that Ittvu been elected in a ts., , newhitt NUM mart „ ' ,,.Y' hg j " ;,. ` , :e l r 'h,'''''''' -h° "`"'"`' - ` ton ',‘ ' ilii.‘u f ' t!St l i j i i .‘ ' s i '' Y'i " .. l .. '- i, ‘ . e‘;'‘AL...;Vt.i,li"ll,.. 174,:0:i4;ii.',•:iCii,',,"1.,•!•';',',-'2.,:t.....,..'1,C;.'. i nnin'tni but for what reeeon we did not i noLue ."' . and 1 thl,, r 6, t ,n cl d ei l e l taT, n' t;tl ". L l „ lo vo t- , ' , ” t.r..:..1 ‘''' . ••' :' • --- ~,- ~i • 0- 1. ''''''''''""'"' ''— '"""'—'-'".--:•- -..,,,,,,. 4. 1, i.,,,, It tt LLB 1 rueIII In rlat 1'13,, a•,, • t.,,r2.. ' 0.,.i .. -,..,,,:•-• 0.1... • , ~ ,, ,..,...ol.t .0 . 8, -I ',-"' i r '-'''•`" •• • .'"•I 0 .- -.1. le IL. '' T: . ~., , ,,,,.,, ,f, a .„ , d,, ,, ,u, 5u..1,.,. leer 1 , 1 ,,, ,,. 1 ef t , r.. 1 to i .- cututolltur or ttfu.c , I ~”.• ~',s : •I. ..• • ..,. L. .., • :tu...... a. •., li. •t; it , c•i ,,,, I•er. iiilain,•l•• lir...lrina:l an 1 1 11 ~, 0 It a.11,.• , i.., f •.- r. •• •• i•• • 0 , ..• •.- - ' •.. • - .. o,i t - `lr: .':`` ". "" 0 ' ..,• 01 , 1 ) ‘ r ' ~. ”1.1 Li aIM., lent w' it Li, Rolltig . ty It I i •'.. . •• ' 11 i• -. • a '.. ~ - ------ ___ . ".VllllO Ibc oro a a ..., ~,,; , t,..7 . L „,„ ! ,1 -,,, ..,,.. •,,,, 7.. 1 -0' • ~'• , • 01 ", 1 . ... , 11 , C•“. , :: '';'•••, ',,. ••,,.; , ". , I , r , .'"'•:,' -•••''' L'OR s.l L1:-- 4 Ctte,(l3U! n ::•••lit \/I 1110 . .V LI . 0 I h- , 164., , AIL, II.: :,, L ',"l-I' :; '''' jV, " , ' , '" , ''' t, ' , " '''''''',,. '"' ,','"'"''._'.‘".., ' I ,• •". , ~ 1. 4 .•1 ii' I 1,1 1••••• 5 ,•' . .,. , ,,, ..- Il`.l P1...!th.1.... !'` 1.!••01, 1;.!1 John Cl'e,, - ' oui eei . ' 'OtT.•,, " " Dot: ' iff ' ,11n " ., ....,' \ OTI(C •111 OD A 1:IS 01 . DILA 1"!;.. (` • v, ' . . '''' `.. ' ~. ho 0,0, In 0.-i 1, 11101 IrCit Lt., lor lutporlaut tol , uf 1....• U., A:tl- 11, n 110 -, •. .t ---• i .• -- .. ~,.. ••. • t .. • • • ,..1tt..1 - go .1111 uae pusbod Lack Idther hi, :'"- ' ii , I .ii. - i l I . dit 'int et i-il, '.' "'. '' • • • ' ' • ',,' •, ! I ~ ../.1.10, 1 :11. haiy LS lit .5./1,1•01. H o it/111.• . ,'„:;•',"'.,"••', ''', i f -• ,..' .. • -"• .. , ,"',l''' . ;' , l• ..••, , ‘ . l . , ..• ••• i, .. .. -. , ,', '.' •111‘10- 91.11cI•y, V. 11,1. ap. I, Itln't ..•un.o i. i ...,,,,i ', '•',.,",'„.,',„' ~a . , ...,• , ~,:,'.,a s ' , ; " , r • I• 0 . • • - ,rlO 0010 /tU , 0t31,1 urn., 11,1, 11 hi. , lici I. t ...0 , ,• •I Hat .•-,-...,,• ......L I. •,',11..-I. MI - . Wei.: t,..11 1 , .., ~,A h,, L.,,, 11. - . It, 0.1.1..0 f• O. .11,1. r ~ ,,,,1./R, ad, And dual LI, t.. iri - . ",,,;", ~'"-, ', ,", n , Chi. 0dd..., (Iv , rllnl If tie tlia lIIJI kee, '"'-, ',''' .."11, ' '' .', ''' -:." ~1.,,1. Mt. I\ ~..11,-urth Z01,11....1 11,01 1,:- toe ti. ' ..0 • 01 ' ; ' ..• ..., ' l ' l L, ' ". .: ' v • o 1.3 nut keop rim.% nod Le dart, i not u, • Unit-tin. .;,...tll De a ro.• 1..5' 1A111•, V; It:, 1•./ . .. I ; ..,.• t l 1....j,,J, ••, ~. I,:e , 11;•,,,,,,i'..... ....; 11..,:v •-n.I I_ 11 , 41.. •;:,,,1 1.•••••• ; ..1,n1..: '' ' ll ' 0• '"“ -- ' L • u, el- ull,/ sl' • • 4•. i .., N th,.11, 2..1.,., 1 '.., J ,: :Lc:, ,Le . ; Alr- , Jon •.;: , ii. onie or , t ....... g •,: 1... Rit,.: tr.. ttall,to ,': lat. 6,,,1, 0.. 1 ' I , away, a nen h i LoOre ~ . I•L.,•er.i•ii I- ,n ''''''.... '''”,/ ..' ',”i • . dud .list. U. r., e .ft.i. , ,tr, : • ,t-,,,,.. -.A:1,, 1......,i •-• o at„atp.c..c.tutrn ILa Bn,m;~ 1'...;; lL =INI =MI =EI ; 1.•• •,! =I 1111,1 tip • 1:;In ! r!,.• • t:ic,v •I.•ti , rt. " MIME =II M=lMil . • Nlr IE ‘ rll.l : I Lraiii,ll, \ ~111 • I/. h••n. ME =EMI =I STATE u% EN riov. =MI ME MEM 1121E3 =MET t u.. 11 I. IS 1111., =ME , , =TIM IMEIIIIM=I =IEEE ' 1 0, r 4:g ; C , [lll2l/1,0 =EI \1 r, .1. • 111, I, Etlens, .%1 ~ ,1 1 / I f . a =Er ,U. ; =E=l2tEl I jI.L: u.n y:n;, c., r vnu uo .! . .0 1, t u lit 13 Lilt NATOHIA L. I i 1 m. T • i or /1 it. 1. 1, r.. 1 i'• ME Eli 11111 =I =I MEM I n„t „ • . s t, 11 •Ji ;iv ciwcuL.L • krtc a cct LLatt or are .bow: to;t, have Q.. 1.11,19 , 1.4 —lv. 1 ” . / 4-46 E :10 ‘t-n•6 Sliat OEM IMIIM =I OM ME IMIII NE EMI OE MEN EIE u. =MfM E. II • II Llt .'" "I' ..p pro. :11e,gt El BM • MEETINGS. I )11 , 7411 , ,14,17 NI I. AI II 1:1)11 , I. 1: /04$ .4 I. ND * . 1.,fi00 _ _ • .. 41.1: 1)1' 1:1154.:11N.11F.N.1' PROP- P. . 5 I MI =EI .1 I. AI. EETIN lit 4( (Old- • k J, 11 Zl,l, `:on V 111.1 K- I:tlnable Country ELECTION NOTICES. Fon s IA: 0 tit tAllo PROP— FIM: I tl 12 . 1.E1 I . lo'. N , Olll i. In Vie a tlon AUCTION SALES U.l i 131.1. 1,111/.1( 1 . 1 %URI- ET =IEEE IMEI go • , 17 . %BILL I • : 11 , 4'.1112...WY . 1 11 4 , ~ ' • DicuGs ANL) (2:IE-rllcu,, U 1 1111. 1.4 DIEN 01 .4. 1 1E/0( _1 =I s liARRISON'S GOLDEN DEWDROP RLuoiA V I NUB BP,NIC tud i t,•101 negia. ECM trt.S.l •l• I . • ‘‘ 0,011)11)1.: 4 1.1. 41( I 1017 ./aolofflatklc s .1b.37 'ood Al rril MENNE J. N.lllll/11NliAlt1:11 t ‘,4IN 1111114. Lead Rork PURE WHV E LEAD Ba 1017 ci 19troot 1 L I.•N 1 , f! Nll 11.1 4 El JOIUN ',TON 71::1 izr x)sirr I , rner of Fourth and Smitherld st. AGRICULTURAL ,„Lvi 11 hi LI 1,11 I reos, Unpi Vine: •TICIWIWIIHi I\T+. grueliE, Slit a io:.ery °RNA:tit:VIA 1. Slt IF: IVA...e.t EMI DRAIGIITING (*Tim BRICK. I;! i c i ii , , , i n .. L. ~i 7 . 1, 4 h ( 3 !! , I.N n " , 1F .:, .. ,..7. .. NAL • r u • : ~,,,,, n i ~u u . .. , . , ~, _ , - ~, AL sa. cl ..IP4El6to;at AiLsolacy ~,-.„.r... ~,..r ~..; ,',-.,!."',..4',. ' Ir,:::,', • :, •,,, .1.,a, , vt...,, nq.l ..“.,rw I. u , th , .3. 0 ? ..1. 1,, ~ Nk I, , n No. It 34 el. Clair U., ilea/ eurit,..ttetc. 2,14, e to ~....,.., ,N... ,i,.. perivrit Nl.tti .gt: claim. tor It T. L. sHIELDB &CO - - , -kei , ~- 41, - , d r-A-d. Ad: 3.... 1... E.. C. rri.Titz va;3ll, p .. i4 , . . 0. 1 4, L op . r i, Aii tt li X.. 1 I .b . kt E 01 , 17 lelattlfte.r , i...l.l...;.ttirßidWttUA., Ueneut.l . 1. 9 1 4 a U . 9 4 4 . 411.• . rK s ..t. -,- :.i3 , 1,1.6.r - SE et. u JIIi. e , ••• r tV4OL 1.4 GENERAL NEWS lIMEUSSIZEI rOlt Olt t ";* " " 111 , 1 . 1:1: pnSIS, ,1 dl EMZSEI 4 OM P ME FOR NALL (HEAP 1:61t %%Lk- D,-,111,1" _ FULL INSTRUCTION GIVEN a 11 .... ~ . ~. i Mil _ 1 . 0 LC. I ill' It I' lI,L DFIE m1.11.\(.. IAsTiTUTIto, Nom. Fourth 15 t UM I t i r g)l* : . 41/1 i ~~►no,d lASTITI flO. cI?JCJI - tC. ID A. 1.3111/ 11. II 4,/t I \ .1 I ••• k. Jr . =ME 1-) . )311 c , l-I._ Z IV 1..]-7 ' ', ' i,... j 'ENERAL UWE= \ll 120 Ft .4 .k i( I. Olt S .11.1 r - ri ~ti .N L.ix= tall A rc I:0 It SI Three good second- on %41.1.: I:lght or ifilt• it it ‘" " ~ ~~~,' II 1:01{ ♦ii is 1101 AND LOT 1111 lEEE 'OIL ♦ ILE I Al.l 1111.4: PIMP- =EI l; ANL , . MIME MEI 11' •:; . f f v. l• • 1 tr • kli r • . ja . _iii. ME OMEN I , OR I{ENT HAS FtEttIOVLU PIT No. G 7 Fulirth St IH I HTEREIII\ 11.1110 IP), 'll\ 11.1.11+ , I! 1 7L DKBDGHTING BOORS. STATIONERY, .Ste. DRY GOODS, TRTMMINGS \lllßl II A ( JOHN P. HUNT & CO., :59 Fifth at., .IPla,ouic Halo A I I~I'I:~II.\1 ~1~ .. "l lip :.. EIE I Y 1 4,a , i t .1 li NM 13,LL£ 5.11.1.. E OF 1.11-:1011iNES BELONG.. INt, 1. , 1111 LLVAIII:}IEN I UF iIE .ARMY. % I 1 ‘1 L'. OFT', ..• 112.E.S BELL. • - • thc C.. 1 • ' s •—• ^ " "3' I OS. Hi:ult.:VC CO. .. urchut..e.:l,,:a...: ! -truct, ur.ll, 6 %artTi MEE NE =LEM . • '."'. " ' l'.L- *ix.' c3-3sx•rx_sr Jscri..icizaD Whole Na le .4 gt: tti 4 tor Lockwood h- .If , t,e, 1 ifc,,, ./. HANDKERCHIEFS, (loth Lined and all Paper ~. , -,: .., 1.,. 4 1 1 , -.k fwr a., ClC , s,x_....a....istts. ...... , • - 4., tll • I:rt., Sets, CcAlars, Sleeves, ''''.' 1 OCItIVOOD'S NEVI . , .[-laeltriNa. 1 r I L I , A„, I( .„,...., AT DECIDED BARGAINS. 7 . ,e ........ , ...-..-_—.......„3. 0 ,- _ ; (J. •/.1/..1"1.-11, • 'lrv:, I': z -Fll /I. J• r. F . I t I'L.P.I I , lit SEWING MACHINES. THERE IN NO p,EVVING iiAl LUKE 1 %4.E• `G'I(EI X./ Lot: I 1 d 6 oon 4a FG. :1.19 soli; h / ti d WHEELER & WILSON, PREPARATORY TO TAKING STOCK or 93 Reath , Street. Neo York. 19 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh. =ME ( (1111.1111 MOM iii 11.1111 t 1 itIN4. tsu.4luJ.~(. Ii F. ~i rlfY~. ..... .~ .. _,. ~~c.o r' c FE! i r4_ I= .ic Sl'llllll\l. Mil AIME st3hElt & (0 Ft rp s,toet . Pttlatairgh FEE ttui SI:3ING MACHINES -4 , .;-.. =MIMI INIM =II , i . . I :. ', i ~ ~. =SE , . , A. P. CHATONEY, Sil s}:6ll.lG 11ACHIAES. 'mo o Aix a, ell ija u I ) IN TWO DAYS. .L 1 .111 1 .101 it VI HEAT . 1 . 1.0111 It tILTI.I '/"/' \ 11.4, ~ I I`rAllt llk k r 11 ertltunI,and al losi,est price, • oN. ~ .4Jk or 31.JJ.1J EN t i it tiC 14 C).N11::.:'•41:1CS4. 4 0,-271‘1" •.• .IE3E 13?-11ZE Sl' `i . . ME TIILFZLAN,I I,,ryor. lacyy - 'e -ViTect-r• MEM w_r DI,VII - Preninent • t•:tAT Tr. , surer. Are Offering their Entire Line of Goods Offices-110 itruado Nevr York. 96 VI a,hington St„ Boston. ME ME • 1 ,, u1d Lltrtll~ . a,la‘r,c I . ;; • POINTE LACE GOODS C) .2 5 1. "Pt . MEM all auci Ear. a nia 12.10 A. L 9 i 2l IA `I.. 11111C.rE r CO.'S pill( ES : 1 1.4ilh1:1) DOIVA VVINTER GOODS At Very Low Prices, Negligee Shirts, liar Men and Bo) hole.ale Ageufa 101" Lock TrOOd's Ve.l. and Dra‘tlrs of Shane; 4 lolls Li,ar,t litlti all Paper Col" Flannel. 13 00l and Merino: lai it:trill 1.10, es, and Vloolen line r„0.1+604 ler); omen . 1 1uMer: and Nu Ilamlmade Zepli) r ill el twirl' f.aiter. aml ll i en.; Balmoral for Ladle. and 311Isses. 6.f is t•. MTE, ORR & CO, IA F• let la lES t_c t , =EI CE Cr 12 Pa W. W. MOORHEAD'S, BM flit d p• • •at I.ft• 'la rket RfrFet M=Mlt FOR L iDiEs NP GENTLEMEN V3DFiY .2! flar Trimming Ntorir of MACRUM, CLYDE &. CO \-6] INTER ti0..11- y 3:p. GZ+O•v- L ►`L'fl 1111...1P .41 '''tA". Macrum, Glycie & Co's, MI Not. 7 and SO Markel Street Si ET ND ECM fiREIKEIq' SIMI Ls IEIELIA C:112%7 G 7 Ot9IT• At Macrum, Glydo & Co's, =IEEE Yw • TS and SO Market Sr. /'R \l II «lIISU'fs. IN DOZE \ JUsT OPENED Nor.. 'Os anti ..,43 Market Strew( REAL ESTATE. 1, (IllS !111 I . gi tilt/. PO,ll, '9Olll till Nt:Ts. RS \ LE. JI ST 11E111 111.1( 111 .71, G I'DIE .5' (li%, \ 74 and 40 Xl:trite: si . . _ No. $. DE(R)1:11 EMBROIDERIES At .♦ ❑ud ♦O Markel %tiveir '4ltlt, ( NI)1.1•;%% h. I 0 lk IN 1 . ( 'OTTO% I'2l iii .lure and )11.ut OPI . F:t I.\u lilt Is% t .01 )14 614.6:.4 4\t6LIKIION, "% f.:iN.il43-111A IL L I IND PROD( (1. 19 Fifth STri.,•i- ...• 1‘,.1 'r .1% N.. 1 , I 1 I II \III , ET• " I • %NI/ TIT I T NF.• `I ‘ , ll- I N sSr! I I I , I . A1•1,1: • F \LI, • I 1 I F !!: 13 Ft.& 11)iipleN, Elliptic %Lirt, IMMEMI ILI. ItINDs of PIPER ti )LL ALL INTER Golips Elca!erl pithed Nititlll & t IRLINLL I 9 Firth 5„. ( ," . To ) landiactiae.r. of and Dealers In PRINTS, DELAINES In)LESUE ANU , VERY LOW PRICES. Cl3l~_~~~ 77 and "i 9 Market StrPet HAP., 11S4 IIK /IAI, IS F. H. EATON. WWI= IMMO CLAIM AGENTS. • - • 1 flit •(.t! 11)1.t Ital get! hol- SUNDRIES =MEM A I AA" ~a• I If •n .it -ciD:wvaNl,Lit 41 130 V. WALL PAPERS. &o Tlllo,l.ts PALMER. VilluLbtll AND RETAIL REAM IN TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES, a" ..9.... X.. AO C CD , N 7 3E7 FL OS areltouse, 91 II 0141 Street. W ALF 1. R . Li orcw t),,,i,n,„ I= Nock IU "larkef ntt eel, avar PAPER C9l_,LAFts. &j: \ 011(12 LIE 01111111513 UNION PAPER iTiLL in comoNy , ‘Ca t plial •;.tocli V i c ) • a1../rthw m am a Un.,•3 thm mama ro. t'as C tip, r':•,/a• mad that , • Li: •dem for mac: IMEIZEI enu,v S canLIsLE, I 9 Fifth spree[ MOLDED TO FIT THE NECK AND WITH A SPACE FOR THE CRAVAT 1.1 Jain l • l• r tit• I halt tt sit P.p.- =EI n.O ( ORDINANCES N . , )!? I I' of the idGrottgh . • . , g • u • , r,goto g of BEM Pl - tOPOSALS .1 . 4.) 4 ; ',. I ( Ha 11.N.fY • 11, ,V.A.I.,LATIvN, I I, re.;.lt,:d • e :.thag !••u. v a • ' .1 . ..n41nm • . MB SE It.t: I) ; • SIG r ll a4l rsed Izst: sj Lavob..l% =EI • ,• MI l'It()PO• 4 UN, e•ndorstql , . i,~~ F . lEEE I:ilit 111 / 1 f;:.! ;It t, of the. 1 - 5?" . • 1 t v , I , ;t•ON, 1.14 - CC,- I'A it I l' 0 0, t kit I f_itsllll' DBNi'iSii: i lo•C!'tli &If% vt , , attriC;4l.prsk. EMI =MI hi .. r in. 1r t:'Nf F 0.. 1 C OXT, Lat 1. 'IS $ 3 . 0 a 0 1 0 00. hay. • •1 collnrs r kmcs, Mol•led of •••rar's • • le 11 . 3,1 e .1(1 Irler i l rr~ ull i uii .. /nr i:rt•tvrw i M==l \V• rult ...Art .01 0. wawa , ckr Syr ln 4 1 ; '" I " xt ' r r r; t kith td ' • • ' , P^ned and at' lraail In sued .•. It nth'. •Itt A•tt.t• t'a Una to ' t• piatt of t . (et la• 1 111ffl JAZ LI , j k 1,, • .r&C ME `. I y I or " , l. . .
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