The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 26, 1866, Image 1

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Ir. B. PIN!..tIIAN r
Ittntirt.L G<.'t:T •
CUSTAIIAtiIk 111.1.1N1519
No. Se Yzl - 711 TrrtZeT. Fitubtargr6.
Ylowenta LIMTION. c. mall, rear. ...
tislwro Eurrson.,
Serveeal by enrilerc MOIXN,G or firl,l,o). i;ot
w .
Vittiburolt Oiaette
Ilonaeoputlale lleellethe•
At , . Drug 9 , re, Nos. ,7 and 9 Fifth .1
Death from Lrattglalng Gn•
I trust my friends urn believe the fe:f-f ,
report given in all ire Saturday papers In rf I
create to the preluatute alll3olll3oolllOlta nt
demise It Is true of sue taking large
Of the Nitrous 0x,.1, oi Laughing Oar, eve.
day, and my general good health to one of
bent evidence of the purity of this gas, made
and administered by me. I shall be glad tr,
mislay friends iiftet having passed through
nub a grave or4lenl. C. Sill, Pie Penn street
iliari.Too Boob the Coal Ulna.
FOSO LLe Opera Rome to-night
The President
WM% Shatalued Sy the people, will
ligibisberl Soap.
SeSteal Sulphite of time,
preSsraing eider. For sale by Ovules
e9pti4DrattltLit, corner of Penn end Bt. Clab
t tees Plttsburgb.
The Greatest Sale
Of Dress Goods, that erer took Mace in our
oily, WW come off Oda weak at Barker At Cosa.
ad Market Stmt. •
Lore's Dry Goods Store
/intim at the oortkpeaet.cormer of Fourth az..l
Markin streets. C. H•xsox Lore e. Eno
Take n Good Flex
01 Pittsburgh by moonlight, at the Oyeza
Nauss toolght.
New Dry Goods
Opsaing almost daily at the north-east corker
of Fourth and Market amts.
C. Bar yon Lova d Ben
All pricer. Aom qIU cents, to one dollar and
twenty-five cents per yard, at the north-east
ottrncr Fourth and Market streets.
C. Hiesos Lo vn & 800
Th.II St. alai, Street Bridge
Cali be seen at the Opera House to.ight
Country BIiCVWIII/11111
Whiled this a good time to buy, as Barker g
CO., are offering extra inducements this week
I&Dress Goods, and all kinds of Staple Goods.
We hare the only saran BTOCE of Dry Got.' a
now open In the city. Remember, we are now
on the north-cant corner of Fourth and 141-
ket . atreets. C. flareou Lore 3 Bee.
A Splendid Tien
Of the lalegbezky Shore to be had at the Opera
owe . to-night.
And Diseased Nails instantaneously cu red
withwat pain or bleeding. Dr. Bendall has re
visited this city, and can be COlll tilted, as hero
tofore, at No. 40 Fifth street. Office hours,
FrOm 19 to S p. m. i fealitt
Last Five Night's
4..)f the greatest actress of the age, Miss Laura
V- =1
For expelling worms so common with young
children will be found in Brown's ''Vermifuge
Comfits," or Worm Lozenges, whi ch are pleas
ant to the taste, and no chll4 will refuse to
take them.
The combination of ingredients used in mak
ing the "Comfits" Is Inch ite to give the best
prossible eithot with tutfety.
, .
Dili From Laughing. Gals.
We pubed an article In Saturday% paper
whioll our readers rill A! Lod explained in the
ft:9l°ring article,' taken from yesterdaVe
DZATH 'SOY ',LI:70E11110 01$
Ingtioticoln4Sattirdars Dispatch, under the
*bore startling caption, • sorlesof resolutions,
Aleph:oring the demise of Di. C. Sill, from the
akees . Of Laughing Gas. But the report is
gesdnatures and must be taken cum prone met.
:Atatat all Important respects, the statement
• ' , reOflffeOrreet and untrue. The Doctor is not
1 '&114,14 oalyaleopeth 1 that Is, falls motnen
. tartly Into a state Of uneonsciousness when
under the Influence. During this comatose
_state, the patient is unoonsolous of all pain,
And teeth may ba easily extraated, without
*fleeting the nervous system. The gas Is Per
featly harmless, especially when administered
- by Dr. C. 8111. Ile first introduced It to the
noire of our citizens, and bas a thorough
' sielantilleknowledge of ancestheticv generally.
litre the Doctor a call if you have need of a
hind, careful, skillful and expertettrod Dental
01V• Nature • Lift.
-4 , 103p1e expect too much of Nature. They
triti • with their health and their constitutions,
Gam Shen they are surprised that they fall sick.
Ttityrreedtre of conatant mental or bodily
/abOr open the animal powers is tremendous,.
tray few systems and ccmstoutions can bear
up against this pressure. unassisted. Add to
this the.unhealthy influences which lurk nn
seenin the are we breathe, the water we drink,
• the artldelal heat kith which weendearor to
-Chase away the cold and marrow-eearehing
--maliture Of winter, and It would seem to re
.qsra almost superhuman vigor to keep in
iparteat health at this Vigorous season without
reinforcing the physical allergia&
out how rcdnfoive theml CerMinly not with
asAlliterrated stimulants. There is no poison
ya the outer air, or in the atmosphere of fur
zuteeheated rooms, or workshops, or factories,
leo pernicious as those deadly-burning fluids.
phi use them. when
nostfTrpl'ls CTOMACII/
vegetable teadg without alloy, are every
ether!) obtainable. Na ... 4 . 4 413 ha* ever been °f
ared to the fee le and dee".2 l4 ate d Pc' harm
less tilts nature, so powerful In
ling effects, astl latelebrated 'l
Le the array nil tho navy, in new eetile"
Wet*, and in crowded attics, by old and
pone!, notrand poor, It !sewed al a -
iiten4IVIFT. AND Stsaroavrivx YZDIOIIIZ.
with - thfrinost gratifying results.'
tiostatlatos Bitters
' Are sold wholesale artdretail at very low rates
at Illeuslers Drug and Patent Medicine Depot.,
itro. 04 Market street, corner of the Diamond
land Dearth street.,
- lan and Whiter G• 0411.
With peat. plenentri we oat the &Um
tan of our Malaita the eubperb stock of Fell
Piltad Winter Goods just reoolved by Mr. Mal
Winer, Merchant Tailor, No. 329 Federal street,
Alicekinta. Ma Mock embracea some at the
1110,1 t beautiful Clothe, Casennerea, Overcoat.
tale and Vesting, over brought to the western
Market. His anioriatatat of rornishing bloody,
vourptistnirahliii, Drawers,CoUars Neck Tits.
.11andlowctuelif,lia, sancta be gorpeovigi
'or west. A lsrdr stook of ready bud Pants
Ooata Vetter sad Chnirtosta, will also be found
an his ostaddlahmint. Pramson In want of eau
thing In the clothing line should not fail to
give lir. Wider •(GIL
1911 to facia arogplag *Ma out of algae of
=by, • breath splay ma the. Mrs from AnOty
irm Sheaf. Who ma vadat such famlnatiome
‘l.O mums Mau, to pariattude thorn, td make
*ha mouth a matet of pearl and rubles. sad
'every sigh a gush of fragrance, all you haare
^to'do fair ladlesds tone thatmalchlass veva
%pl. *eduction, !Yaps= go:admit.
Thelma W. Parry.
Traetiosl Slate Hooters, and Dealer, In ernAd
wan Slate ot Tarim' colors. Mae at Alexan..
•dot Leaseilltft near tee Water Werke Pitt►
burgh, Pa. Itesitlewee, Ao. WI Pike itreet. Pr.
tiara promptly attended to. All work women
ad water proof Bepatrirog Bona at the sheen.
ostnotleo. Nooliargotorropous,prcnidodtaks
root ti not allowed ate. is pat on.
Meiners' IlseOita of "Dn.,
?or proserrtng cider. Jar We t 7 Marls,
per, Drugglin, corner of Non and Elt.
alma% PlUsburflL
earpeater SeaMut SWIM
Having sOttupelia astir an ammo, of throe
lean la th• szmy,l hays wroPertel WY she'
tor all sotto afjobbms In as WPM'? UR%
of the Old stand. Virgin Alia. between Szigth.
01114 streeszad Many Alloy. Orders soliat,igl
sad proaSkr swindik . l
• irsmax town, •
3101Sysi OACI 1 4 1 t• ar _ ,I 1 1•••
jar poopooscsor orb for twos .by Cl aria
Occo j torocrid, cacaos lan= sad SLOW
,_~~.~•~W_ n.,,..._...,.~,
for the Prenent Heel.
7, !tit. zi.n.laatiug
Itr S HAT, tf,
I:r 11 Ucrr —l./Ild) 01 0.0 r
44•1 tUe pta , t.l4, of 141.1,111.•
14, 14 N. lor.sEn.—Finding tu•
4 .It.were.4:4l Paner. Fx4.14-1......
4 ', A 011.•4.444 - m,d n;ler.e4l Welk
A. II Ateplzeom'Aper4rb nt letlires Ilti
Febrbary 24.- To'
the speech of Alexander !1. •tephe,
ledges - file, on the 22d Mr. , tephent , art
greatest wish was to tbk
peace and prosperit.y to tile •,
was In the ermeiti., or dm.] end n.iril,
IL leg, and the oucatloa o
al now t h. r :llob
was - broken but how It cabi to, tk , alc.l
There shoute Int perfect di .1 ne I, nit nnd
any attempt to walk too soon won in 11110, tht
Mattel—worse. Una healer 31.11,1d ,, 111,/lpi
restieekness would do no gnod Et el fee Int
enleuletert to otir the tit...ord. n; the ,nr-,
41.3.1. I be banished, tlll,lftiltlllrer.•: ,, t,I
burled.ncerning the poet t
lie emlorsea the Vrtnodent'.. 11,01,
struetlon policy, end ennui the snecese ot the
efforts the rostorotion of the States totl. , dr
former relations was the Olilf hr for l there
and elf-government.h Ile t eoutil
should accept the Issues of the 1, arid 10,1.1 t.
11y thorn in good faith, and expre-sed , -ott-
Vence that the people of th.orgi., t nail
do so. Ile considered the whole 1 - tilted
States one common country, to he cherished
and defended as.such by all. The abolition
Of slavery should be accepted as nn irrevoca •
bie tact, and we should cease to discuss the
whether a new condition u'os better
for both races than the old. lV Ise and humane
should be made for the negrnes.
Ample and full protection should be secured
to them, so that they may start equal before
the law in the possession and enjoyment of
all rights of personal liberty and property.
All obstacle'', if thole be any, should be re
moved which can possibly binder or retard
the blacks to the extent of their capacity. All
proper aidshould be given to their awn ef
forts. Channels of edUCTIAIOII should he
opened to them. Schools, WA the initial
means of moral and Intellectual training.
should be encouraged among them.
In conclusion, he mid his only hope fine the
future was the peaceful reestablishment of
good government and its peaceful maintain-
IIIICC onerwards, and the most hopeful pros
pect of talli ago now, Is the restOrntion of the
old Union, and with It, a speedy return of fra
ternal feeling throughout ft. length and
breadth. These rt,lll/1..8 dCrielld upon the peo
ple themselves--apse people of the,..2fipr t i e tll
quite as much BR the South upon thri
intelligence and patriotism.
Moss fleeting at St. Louts-Resolutions
Endorsing President Johnson.
Sr. Lome, Feb. 'M.—A large meeting, mainly
organized and addrtrised by leaders 01 the old
Clayhant party, assembled at the Curt
last nigtit,to endorse t Johnson. The
following is the substance of the rt,olut ion
which were unanimoully passed :—That tile
message of President Johnson, Vetoing the
Freedmen's Bureau bill, challenges the cord lai
and unqualified approval and gratitude at all
Americans ; that the system which the Freed
men's Bureau bill proposed to establish to the
Southern States, is radically repugnant to
thelnelpies of republican liberty ; thal It
would hopelessly pauperise the negro rare and,
burden the white racetw Rh their maintenance
and perpetuate the subordination of the chef
LO the military power; that the total disfian.
claisement of eleven Mates of the 1 1/1.-11 i.y
the combination of Monition, of Coliarri.... Is
a usurpation Unprecedented m its mann nune
and heinousness, and t calculated to fin he
public mind with alarm and apprenen , e us,
and keep alive the passions and nriliiiite,„
kindled by the war, and thus make chronic
disloyalty on one hand, and tyranny on the
other; that all legislation by the pres;•bi
Congress, solelY effecting the ; le , ;:n
States which are tieutbd n-nroseat.ll,o
Is ~nv,tLd ; that the action or the eeloval
assedibly In rontlemning the Veto
and declaring for negro suffrage, I. a gloss
misrepresentation of the public sentlnient
Missend. Thut the maintenance of the 1 . .4,-
golug.prinetples aro essential to tile preserva
tion of the government, and we pledge cot
selves to co-operate with tilt citizens or vs I.Al
ever former political party who will rat nest!y
and honestly labor fur them. That we cord:-
ally endorse the course of Our reps erentativ,
in Congress, John Began and 'I Noel!,
for their able and manly support of P•thleiit
Ilroughlng up of zee to illid,olll Riser
exuas V, February '2ls.—Tho see us the:
in front of this rlt limb In lip botYrek -a i1..3
and test o'clock this morning, end 1n u 15... ,
hours the river was elem . . The water tine
rapidly indicating that 'he lachad dammed
up below the city, and It bus since been sister
tained that It is lodged near Castle. 1 Ivo In
oxidation here Is comparatively login. The
early :train from New York this morning
passed over the rtudson river bridge direct
for Cincinnati, and the midnight train to.
nig¢ht..wlll also
ALeaaT Yob. its.—The ice In the river began
to moveabout Midnight last eight s and moved
a few miles oelow the Minaret was there stop
ped. At clock this more it styled still
opposite the eity,as far abovetss could be noes,.
At abOtlf nine o'clock It started again, and et
about half past ten o'clock the river opposite
the city and above as far as Teny W. a but.
The bridge a as subjected to as severe a test as
Is Can ever be put to. and steal it perfectly.
An immense hell of lee, a foot thick, and ex
tending front one side of the cheerio the other,
came down with a rapid current, using it,
force upon the Channel pier, the grand plot,
and eight ploys east of (nu gi.tlld pier, all At
once, without moving any of 'nem.
The held of leo was Issoken to plecos and
ground to powder against the piers. At tte
same time that the Ice was passing, two trait.
of care went Over the bridge, carrying over
safely the passengers bound to nod fromNee
York. It would hove been impossible for
OMB to cross the river la any other any.
Thatee made no earn at the bridge, his the
contrary, the piers of the bridge broke up the
ice so that It ho less likely to make a dein
in the islands below the city, and will much
Kanter go wilt° clear out of the river. The
bridge is perfectly successful anti satisfactory
In all respects.
From Teas .— Cott on Factory Companies RESIGNATION OF SECRETARY STANTON.
Wornstog—E•eape of Wligrall. ore.
Gsr.onsooa, reb.l2.—Cotton dull. Ezebaug. ans.. &v.. .t - e.
on Nevi York par to one cent dmeount. Dry
goods =proving. Eudgrutlon toVeras eon.
A wharf, cotton press and warehouse cons- N TOLE, February 2S—The Herald . , special ,
pasty, with ono million dollars capital. hal onyx Sir. Seward'a speech before the Cooper
been formed, paving four hundred Gleamed Institute meeting is Invested with additional
geld-.tor iota A cotton factory bus
bean Mitnbliabed UonstOrt I anotber is or• let crest wed by the fact of his re.
gentling. Capitalists Imre proposed to dig seining two or three dispatches from Senator
a ten foot canal from Buffalo Ra
Soh t .e -e- - Nye and others in lid, city stating that the
veston Bey.
MOGI escaped from Texas three .eel, Pre.4l.lcut bald made a terrible speech—one
since• that he could not possibly approve or endorse..
The Motbedist Church North offers to take and one that most Inevitably break ttp the
the negm churches of Texas under Its pro- ,
repuolican party. .nr. Seward was notteetion.
EX-Prealdent Burnett le preparing a reply torrid, however and on learning what the
to General Gregory, who demapded proof to President bad said telegraphed a full and cor
onet= Bartlett's charge of mal-administrit- dial approval.
tlon and corruption of the Freedmen's Be-' The wiseacres on the strectsand the lobbies
seem more than usually earnest to-night in
Captain R. P. Turner, of Ducksport, Maine, , their movements, tied aver that Secretary
commanding the eteamer Planet, hence to Stanton has sent In his resignation. Ono :
2 4 . 41.1 e, was drowned in a storm- thing tends to comerhorate this assertion, and
tiVi apothem Paelfle B•atiroad meeting com• 1 that It Is the special order, given by Stanton,
tnencea tceday. The track' is already laid t his morning, that all papers awaiting his Ma
rra. m a r!duol twenty-eight miles toward. ature Micah] be prepared and brought before
Shrfiveport. with nil possible despatch.
The President's e rns of the Freedmen's It There ten well authenticated report that
rean bill gives goner-4 /Abduction. Gen. Steetimun It. been telegraphed to come
The steamer .a.rgarettat leaves Mobile on to Washington, for cost
hat with tho Presi-
March Ist with emigrants for Paraguay and dent. It is 1i1 . 1.1 tract that a strong outside ;
Brazil. pressure Is tieing made tor the appointment
sew of General Frank P. Blair as the Secretary of
The herald says that a dispatch was recopy-' ,
ed In this city lust evening. from Knexville,
it Air. 'Branner, Preoldentof the Virginia and
Tennessee Railroad Stating that a terrible tor
nado passed over that city at eve o'clock yea.
terday morning. Ti,,, ofillee of toe depot and
the machine shop of the Virginia Railroad and
the round-house of the Georgia Railroad were ,
blown at Some thirty or more bermes were
blown down and a large amount of other pro
perty destroyed.
Mass Meeting at wan Franelseo.
8./.2 Fa, acne°, Feb. W.—A Democrat meet
ing lest night endorsed President Jhonson's
position and called. a mess ixteetlng for Too,
da l i h n e e l!l r st L ian State Central Committee to-day
adopted resolutions sayings " We do not yet
percieve the hreparable breach between the
President and Congres, and until such breach '
conclusively appears, we will continue to hope ,
that the fruits of the tritrmph of the Union
arms will not be lost.;" that, "It is the duty of
all Union men to avoid oorusecuon with Vol. •
landlghtan, Seymour and , copperhead confed
erate sympathizer „a; th at it such men endorse '
the policy of the PrOsident, they don't under
stand that policy, or aro endeavoring to eV,
duce the President from his allegiance to the
Constitution; that the abolition of slavery ;rah
the result of the rebellion, and it was wicked,
senseless and cowardly to withdraw pn.t.c.-
lion from four million" of freedmen, and per
mit them td be reduced to slavery again; that
we believe President Johnson will remain
true to the constitution mid his pledges.
Saw Yoax, Feb. 9l.—Cape Town &deices m
January lath have been received.
The Basuto war continued. The army of
the free State was melting away - by
desertion. The result or a year's hos
tile is that the gammons have learned to for
tify themselves Is Impregnable poslilons, un
aasattesta without trained troops, every lin
t mountain in their omultry bciag forth
eirr ai l. ' The Sammons have already commenced
their raids, sad there was danger of their
over-running the whole country by inczossini
raids. It was understood a lovy enmasse of
people_would be attempted as a last recourse
against the Outdoes. A skirmish however
occurred in Which six ca ttl ei latter were
ed and nine hundred and sheep cap
from Mavalar—The.Cubess I+of—De-
Ikisw Yams, Feb. 3L—The Herald'. Havana
correspondent state that scone alterations are
to lake shore in the Cobb tariff on the Ist ult.,
but 4 there fs no material reduction of duties.
The small.pos decreasing at Seen.
The Trench transport Jura, which arrived
Cu the Bth inst., with 900 Trench troops from
Havowt whose term of service had expired,
Was +=detai ed nat Havana
There is still a great demand for laborers in
arrlce sh eargOell of Coolies were expected to
steamer Oceanus Ashore.
_Tasremsercs, February td—The steamer
Opsnna, btmee for New lOrk, which went
ashore on Triday ul, on the south side of
and bilge d , remained at ten
dela* tidareoritlter ber bow well out or
water, whielt. was level With the stern. The
sea was 'smooth-end the
I wseth V umosard,
Hfir w =td
01, wil=l:7aire4.
I.\ \ 1.---\c ~. 1
01,1.7,41 vr1,4,,,,
Fir'r , A
Toe Basiota War
~~r 4 .._' 5..~.
1 \ NEW Illith. nWtll for
broke rth
' o t t ° , " t, " e
cargoes, ho
ocs n o d ( e c d a p g t nre.l
Murray, an old cittlen of Itrooklyn, was fore
£A&M tIAT IJH Of If f T hANOkU MANUSCRIPTS man of the Atlantic dock stores of Wheeler A
of Wheeler, was the chief managing man
LATE AIII II ES FRONI MEXICO. of the concern. Murray was sltltoet to
the orders of Thurber, and be compelled
, } dui to deliver goods to his order. Outlay
N r.a• 1011 i: 1 , — , }en Uritt,
111“ now made complaint to the United
state% Marshal, in which he alleges that Tiler
', .91ted Cali of the Lou. m lee and am- her anti other., at yellow. times since August,
toed the :ett handed la anuserupts 11 36 3 , into ,. 'tele. goods train prize cargoes.
rutten . tern. Being asked for 'moon ling in value to 'MAO, or thereabouts,
anti fern inhea a detached statement of the
specia.•, .ha 1,.11, rid ins, wrote t, discovery of the goods, names of the yeisels
, ont of whose cargoes the property hail been
'stolen, and, in many Instances, the names
"Yr ""°"°" Otto ' and places of business of the parties who par
or .". l"f '''''" , chased the goods. The facts contained In the
411 /1 11 hand 111/1n wrlttuti IT our t.IIN/1- complaint, were pieced In the hands of Mar.
.oioi lel 4. a Itnxe lest Ott arm. They are • hat Murray, nearly three months ago, nut
eta Inyntly ore It o to the authors,and train he matter was allowed to rest for some tune,
the rise limy. or penmanship, It would Inspire
, hen the complainant threatened to pot the
lasi, would ,orrN to accept , to decide
the acme of the ,ompet Hot.. see In the hands of the United States Dis
(Slgne,l.l Inlet Alton:toy, when the Chief Deputy, Mr.
„, Thompson, by order of the Marshal tame out
Li c t an affidavit., Which was signed by the complains
The ueo'' ,, d jug 41 e v ` o ant. The defendant, Thurber, tint in as his
e th° ,,,, ° ', , O m ei T a d L ","" "..P ecime " ` defense that Murray was a man of had char
m, of the numbers ,... ln
ii% ; “fi 11 : ; . omp u litit - en i tl i t . ry terms. The commit • a ctor, and could not be believed under oath,
: on e in
complainral terms all the allege
appointed to award prizes, amounting ID all Lions in the t. Mr. Murray prodmani
to the sum of one thousand dollar, to the; several citizens of Brooklyn, who testified that
authors of the best productions, d em d e d that they knew him (or many years, and that his
a complimentary award should be best owed character wasgood Complainant tarnished
tile writer of the manuscript thug re. g
toured to. to the Marshal the names of fifteen or twenty
The Herald' I Mexican city correspondent
persons who bought these goods, and request
states states that the ltaperialLsts, not less than the e d to have them present on Wed lay last,
llepublicarts, are closely watc bat not one appeared, and the case WWI ad
every indls Journed till to-morrow.
cat ion of the tholgns of the United States, In
regard to the sett tement of their trouble, and i •
were mnrh delighted ti) the rumor that unr XXXIXIh CONGRESS--IFIRST SESSION.
tiovern went had commuted to recognize Mail
man on condition of the w ithdratrat of the
Frenelf t room. It that Maxlmilllnn in
_ , . . .. . .... . . _
tired of haying a French rod continually , W ssuisterott, February, 24, 1.466.
held over him. He is said to manifest corn- „,, ~,,,,. ,_ ~.0 , , session t,,,,,1Ly .
piece indifference regarding the depleted ton-' • "`' • "•.• ..
dition 01 the impedes nuances. It Ls thought HOUSE.
that he hopes soon to overcome this difficult)" The House wont Into Committee of the
by establishing comparative peace, Inducing 1 w ,,,,,,,,,
foreign emigration, and thus developing the I ••`", •
natural wealth of the country. lie Is said to 1 Mr. Clark, of Ohio, submitted his views on
he anxious for American so ttl er „ ~ho will : tho subleet of reconstruotion. Flo did not eon-
Icing as well as their own skill, ingenuity and i shier it Important tri argue the question of
industry, modern inventions and machinery. ,
The Imperialists are represented as being dead or living States. but to look forward to
very lunch surprised to mach of the appru- t such measures as urn requisite to restore at
hension in Washington that Maximilian wan . the earliest practicable day these States to
re-establishing slavery, asthey art Inclined to t
regard him as eutertalaing impractically; their onginel harmonious relations, as faith
eh larged Ideas of Itherty. . Int and loyal States of the Union, with all the
• Petroleum is row no article of extensive
I rig hts and Immunities of the best favored
tise in Maximilian , . dominions, and oil has - -
recently hero straw On SleXienn well. ! States; insisting upon such as demand adMI.
' sten, that they mstahlish unquesttionable loyal
-4. :
tv In their representation and cersunituency.
FREEDDIEN'S BUREAU BUTTERS. ' ' lL l l :o ' n " esee w a fi n ti d n l.r t i c r ' an e a f ratl i y "' honr w i herge f
--- - Committee shall submit the question to the
' House, unless unexpected developements
Trouble and Excitement intielpated. should 4how these Statesunqualifled for such
• . admission. lie said that he had full faith In
___. -- the wisdom anti patriotism of Congress, with
without the aid of the President, and eon.
CIRCULAR FROM GENERAL HOWARD. cioded his speech with a peroration on the fa.
' lure of tile county's., as established on the
i broad beats of frywdom.
Ws•msni Feb. 23 —!OitJor General 0 a Mr. lienneitt, of Michigan, wan the next
speaker. Be said that in April last the emus..
II "' as " has P r " the (.11° ' ta g cin ' il.r try was electrified by the declaration of An- •
leiter, to be transmitted to each of the Assist- drew Johnsen that treason was a crime and
ant Comusissiouers of the Freedmen . s fin- must be tousle odious. and that mercy to the •
individual was treason to the State. Those
41' n P. In:yr „ Bees
An a urlyo u sentiments met the approbation of all of the
Itseentt.+ e. .... or FniZlnlinxrn LAS nu, •
f loyal north. But for expressing the same son
e •
timents now we are demounted as fanatical
lib 4" F ` bran 'g ' M r bggi • 41., A., 4,7 lon, and even as traitors. lbs would ask who were
the men thus abusing us for these apigiene,
•.! -- Anus:hint-log it!. ' and where they were when armed were
tints ss r Wel:send!, Pillow the action nf the being raised to put down the rehe.liont when
goer:l:meet with reference tot he now Freed- N.,,dandiannn, vita ngrea „,n , and „ On , 1 , 0
men', you may reel somewhat embarrase writ of
th e
sam e corpus was suspendsall They
....I in the A alit, sir volviug upon you under were tn . sann, mess who gr i nd ... nnnon etri n
the law item I,gliittl Inns already existing. That sand ISti at the .enflets of the national honor.
'" in " a ", There was nothing he so much desire la s t he
Srlii•`•-•'-a••or any admix
of those southern States, hu he !
bo.tiirty On, be part of those who have so per, was not willing to effect that end without re
sistently hackled and trookilad Ye. 0,511 Your ceiving a guarantee of the prod faith and :
ageuti. As here may be an increased restless- ally of their people this Uovernment. The '
news atuonget the treeihmen, the President Democrats who 'reran., villlng anti
has smeared toe Cure nalesloner that he regards • traducing the President. were now Ida clam
. the present us cant Inning the existence of p frni[ ft, V)
tia.l:ut eau lea,t )tear trout now. Mr. licensee then posceusied to show that
" 5.1.1 re p ort " hat bay " the un,E411.1 Southern toy - idly contained
't Li" t• rtes, it ". ° walrus. its Lusting the Government, it Ming
~<l• ::I 'tut"' isn'• Pr"." far .." rose
men, and tn abusing the freedusen.
" in ' in g r. '"itt n.s Tennesnee wan prima forte, dlsloyal. She bad
'tt.'' " "'' it" '•••`• thrown ills passed an anti Sante of accession and hue beim •
" r l ins i """ . "r .r " tar support;.„ r :„.„,""; • without representation Imre 'since MX, and
lieu, to ote every Inraatitto saki". `'..=`• the greater °onion of her
' bon n. ithma editors alio urn dap annmting , ta dthignt t at:,7elev a ,...4 .
"" 1 in "'ince! by blaala•biem b ln Y ma " °Mc ": einment was Mi . then raid evidCe to
LLtr necninula:Aurau of people in the iliffercni ahem , that thorn was ts disloyal aentimeut ex
f tree a"d utSmg the ' TheLa P ia "" i !sting In Middle and Western TennesseeNhat
Mail Moines anti Meer Union soldiers were Indicted by rebel greed
sac ceded alla y in g "'if.. or. Juries for ne.ta commtttest an long ago as when
ra "g ln if lab "' usd
n r r . in " in g in • Gen. ROsCOVILI:In was in that State. It wax the
the sal, st areas a Oulti. Cant time, with • dusty
of Congress to protect the loyal men of
your utmost aborts, to pursue the same course, Tennessee, but Congress had the higher slot;
so as to demonstrate to the people of your din- of defending the national welfare.
trot the good intention of the Government, Mr. Beaman then read an extract from the .
end the complete practicability of the eyelet , . Knog.,..pan li7J p, of the 14th stating that ,
of leer labor. (i:Vc a thorough inspection to the loyal mess of East Tennessee stood by the
es cry spent for about yen arc respon.ltile radical party In Congress, and declaring that
certtiPficmi 'n..if‘r"rqert duty the rebels of the South supported President
and PleuraC:ly are snmetituss ttimpliiiiied of Johnson.
li t minst ot9ctia and agents of rho Bureau If air. Bealinan said that this extract came from
either of These charges Im suewurest on l.•••••. • Goy. Itrownlow's organ, and he did not think
tLgal ion, the guilty parts . til-he al Once re- thnt was n very strong recommendation for
~tan"Lii be
tub d " " g ; the tells-ere:rotation of Tennessee In Congress.
slum sing you heartily for see energy Ml d
al ermine concluded his speech by saying
fidelity vets - have, aim, far illimlayeal the Lune that the question here. rose above authority
tnisi'Llii.r iepleased to xPr's's an an aav " l "g and power, and he would not consent now, to
conthlence in rust ability to cope with nay the representation, in Congress, of the sali
nes. ulitcllll.le9 t but May aril, lion of rebels now In the late insurrectionary
ant, very respectfully, States.
Vont otretilent serVatil. Mr. Bramwell, of Illinois next addressed
Mob. ifuw the House- .011 loyal men, he said, agrees' that
there should be some guarantee from the pro- ,
MR SEWARD'S SPEECH. le of those insuvectionary districts, who
gad bows overcome by the Colon arms. Ile
contended total the whole epestion of, rte.
toration, belonged In the tumid. of Congsses..
Be then proceeded to elaborate the argument
that the insurgent States had forfeited some
of their rights, by the violation of the come
pact, 'which made them members of the federal
union. The marked question before this Con-
Vele, was whether these States were living, ,
actual Stele* or whether they were ferrite- •
nes within our armstub,jelet, to the control of !
the United States. The mine was, if [become !
pact had been vielated. Could the violators of
that compact retain all their Ligbta under it.
Be contended that Alabama and Other
SonthernStates hadviolated the compact., and
thereby forfeiter/ their rights in it. If there ;
were thuty-six States in the Union, as yr.
Seward recently announced, be would ask
whether the State GeyernMenta of ISM, or
those of ISM, in the Southern States, the latter
being made bye single stsoke Of a pen, wore
recognized. flocontended.inconelunion, that
the States that bad rebelled, had not the right
to come into Congress, and participate Ork any
equality with the other States, Or any legisla
tion of the =Mon. It was true that these
States halt unit same loyal representatives
here, but they Itadbeen forted tO CIO fiethrongh
the fear of the bayonet. The constituency
which they represented worries disloyal tees ,
er. lie urged restoration on an enduring ba
sis of security and freedom for the future.
Mr. McKee, of Kentucky, then obtained the
floor, and at four o•olock r. a., the house ad
lie Endorses the President.
Thirty Lives Reported Lost,
CINCIIMATI, Feb. Yd.—The steamer Hillman
collided with the 'steamer Yemen) Dyers, a
half past two o'clock this morning, near Mad
ison, Indiana, sinking tho latter almost In
stantly. Thirtytdves were reported lost.
Georgie Legislature—Report of the Pt•
inane° Committee.
Idur•MOVVitt.s, Cia., Feb. SS.—The. Legisla
ture of this State passed a resolaticm today,
cordlaily endorsing the address of Alexander
EL Stephens, delivered on Washington's birth.
day, and ordered to address Mho placed On the
Journals of both Houses,
Tho Finance Committee appointed by the
State Convention, after a session of fifty-four
days, and after hearing the sworn tettimony
in the matter, report that they are unable to
find any evidence or fraud, corruption or im
pfoper use of the public money by any State
Motel from Gov. Brown down to the lowest
facial ascent.
The rennet ii full and complete, mad moults
the late State AdmLnistrator of every charge
made against them.
Onions of nopubnenn Benadoro and
teunnioton, Feb. 2.4.—Tbe caucus of Re
publican donators and EupresaataaVes last
night was somewhat indefinite, but will be
attended with important results. A majority
of those ;assent were decidedly opposed to
rads a quarrel with the President, I/ it can be
evaded. The construction this morning Is
that members may support the President a
little 'Without being read out of the pasty.
'Sheeny is fell of snail= about Cabinet
°lunges. .
Dispatch from Seeratary Seward.
New Tom Feb. 24.—A dispatch, fro
-1140031. to a morning paper says the follow
ing.dirpatoh has twea received In Washing
ton, from Secretary Seward:
New Tom, is all right and
safe. The Union is restored and the • country
wife. Tin PresideaVls speech Is 'Awn, 144
the eountry will he happy:*
elpted.) W;Tr- arWar.l):
Statement of Daniel Murray/.
Sri- Yontt. Ye.. morning paper has
I. -I,i the full late'', of the extensive fronds In trio
',ended a aretionse., ment toned yesterday E.
T Wheeler A, Co,, owners of the Atlantic dock
, dort, in Brooklyn, ere said to be implicated,
Ime yeti rq ago they matte a contract with the
I.loeknde runners were stored there. Daniel
Co_ and Frank Thurber, a brother-In-low
Steamer finnk—Goorrilln, to be Rotes.
ed—Meamboatn Raised.
Loctsvii.Dx, Feb. 23.—The little steamer
Kate, sunk yesterday morning six miles above
Leavenworth, Ludlam'. She will be raised. No
lives are reported hst,
Tom Henry, the guerrilla who was sentenced
to New Hampshire penitentiary, Will Do re
leased soon.
Humor prevails here, which cannot be voli.
tied, to-night, that the steauter Stephen De
catur blow up above Memphis. Tim steamers
Madison and J. It. Gilmore have been raised
and leave for . Cincinnati to-morrow for re
Mom Meetings In Baltimore
Pm, moat, Feb. 24—The friends of Presi
dent Johnson , s policy have called a meeting
for to-morrow night, and the opponents of
that policy have also called a mesa meeting
Mr Thor'May night of all weo voted for Abra
ham Lincoln' and were in favor of suppressing
the rebellion by force; who now support the
Union men of the elation and their represen
tatives in *Negress, to_previde such terms of
admission for the rebellions Stites as will se
, core the payment of the national, and the
repudiation of the rebel debt, the effectual
abolition of slavery Am, is the caul in sub
The Meese neereaueet, niseater.
Cram:mat% Feb. 21..—1 t La not yeteaeastatned
the exact number of lives lost in the °ahem
between the Mlle= and Zfannle Byers. Some
reports say twenty-llva, others say between
sixty and seventy.
The collision °courted while every one on
board was asleep, and the boat went dos n in
fear or five minutes, - TIM cabin became de
tached and floated down as far as Ittadlson,
when It was secured. ^
The Hillman picket up about. thirty persons
and bronaht them to Chtetnhatt.
The Rupture iiiiejmei . n Uruguay and
NEW You, rob. Re--Correspondence from
Buenos Ayres explains the mantes at the here!.
tame reported rupture .between Uruguay
*and 00111. The Milan Minister at Monte•
video bo4axratigtol to stind,ont priYateorlog
vessel) from that port against -the Spanish .
commeroe and alio to bring eltaniall alPtare 4
t vessels into 'Uruguayan ports far caltetalail
tlOn. The Uruguayan Minister of gtate prat.
tested %Nutt this. end the Chilian Minister
left his post to return home.
Mhz Hone .Movemoit lu elmelanail—
Joittliablo Homicide.
Cisenrram, Feb. 111. —it very large mass
meeting was held at Greenwood Hallaast eve
ning, la fem. Of the fight hour reform move.
- -
The coroner's jury, In the cue of R. 0. Ed-
Zl'lligrelhgtiugh?l;lo=Y.. returned
Farther Porticololl 'ot.this - Loss• of am
lessoeille '
Corglisesi t Tett, % .— the steamer Nsonle
Byers was valued' ate:MAO melons lasstred
for MX& - The boat - ilia canto are si Leta
loss! The bsoke. and slams of the Mat ars
loss; It is test known lioSsnatel o rrl ikrei m_ltete,
on board at the time ot Ocoee DO; Itls
st4red•%Weis *Ws W=Der ot lost
`,l9.4naote CoAllrunktion4— Al tempi IC AA
rtr.rel l/nrielertnnsteer
•oonjo treti t 177 .717p0 7717,m1...77'7 a 17, 74 e '7 ms '•' 7
or t.t ihUlll 7 7 - I \ 114 1.11, I• 1 1,..61 , 1 /.: 1•11,1 . 1, `" , '
1, F ultser, gl , /114 autenot them t. harlt, 1.1 all,
,t.„ ... g e. A. l (1.1 ar, Henry I: F. 7, 7 ,, Jame- It
r"li*ss• t' ,. . ,,, . ( Marino. 7.ersehora ?tuts.
asotslAnn Kil rt.• 6 . F m om: I'7,7w:tiler, 7J7 le
fA... Smith, and almot 777 rt v others, the tippo7m
'Monts of she 7. n.., 11111111. -taring the la.!
I: •As ,xten-A e harrat7er 77: appointments .77
bohortlinal7 7 - .7771; lii I Ilt• 5 0111111t . 1 . 1 1..1. - i• uti
illl. r•01111r1Veti, It , a,el her ,‘ It It 7 7 7 e ap7,77.71-
011701 of surveyurs a 77,1 I 0717 u -tot s, 1.1 I 0-10ILIS,
A pprahwrs. mot n lien l 11111'4 "'tilt. , 1/1.4111.1
At torsey is the soothers 5i.,,...
• L A plot to abstract nom th r gam t 7•111111,51..1 .-
1 9 014 .. , )orbitetl ellocke ur blunt.. 7.7 M• 17.1.1 in
ttbmltting money from 111.• 9'r.•:,-ury to for
rhrY• has been retnut est In the au t l .
e Quartermaster 17enera! rolls mum all of
, 0, ' 1 "•• and ag..ntw , q the tmarierso-itet De
: pbnmonl to he 1,11 their totatsl
touts I.eulitlntrire Enderste% their Iteitr,
• sentsitlyeft—elratts fleeting, nt Keoho4—
Yreßfdent Polley Ehtloreeti
WAIMINGTON, 2.1.-11citve.teotallve ,
ion and lartee Stave received it telewra.rn front
Gbvernor stone, or loon, that the rlett
litlitture ot that "intr OVel,llClllllllg
IRAIOTiiY. 113, jot It reSOllll lon 111)-
Waving the course or Ihelm Itoprosontativet.
(014 henalOrs In atottalnlng, the Fretvlrnen't,
!tuna,, 11111 und the Iteetddent'e
trrestilent Jobe Sun lin. ..retVed tiles (01101,-
4/4 telegram :
'Aul. /anua. _t.—An imlinenme 11. f.
meeting was heht here In-thiy, and there was
TTeat enthusiasm One hundred guns were
ed. Your Veto massage a3B 01V101,011 num).
ously. W. f uor,
A Uct r , Feb.l3.—The Legislate], this
Maiming adopted resolutions reposing conti
dance in the wisdom anti patriotism of the
1:411011 111.11liCr% of Congress, anti expressmg
114/let In the equality of civil and political
et his, nod approving.of the efforts mode In
' ogress to seeure the elective franchise In
atm, State, Irrespeetive of rare or color. A •
r(Teltltion declaring that tills Legislature
elpresses the opi 11/1,4 that iho loyal citizens.
OT,,Alalue will give their heatty support to
PreSident Andrew Johnson In all proper et
tolls-for n complete and perfect restoration of
tho Union, 011 the hosts of human rights arid
Crud political equality of the Amerlran
ple, irrespective of color, passed the
luso but was rejected in the Senate.
net Lett. Flee to Ilnltlmore—Nnmes - of
the Vletilmx.
4•1-2121011. E., Feb. 24.—The namer, of the un
fortunate viecims who were burnt, or rather
amothered to death by the flre Saturday morn-
Mir, are Henry ttanna senior, hior - marrled
non and wily and Infant child, stud two you n,••
girls, slaters of .11rs. Minna, aged ten and ;
eighteen yearirrespectively. The two latter
Ar or o residents of 10rk . ,, rennvivanla, au4
were on a visit to this. city. Fire of the par
ries nettled were dead when their bodies were
Ortrictited from the building. fdr. Hanna jr.,
In Still tiring but Is not expected to recover.
1111.1thrd Tournatasont Closed
gime ins, Feb. 21.—The billard match closed
last night. The first prize RDA son by Foster,
of New York, the second by Myers, of Mere.
Phis, and the third by Drown, of Nashville. In
tile game between Roberts, of I:ugland, and
Kavanagh, of New York. for one Ilion-mild
points, Ro berts IRAs hUCCOMinti by twenty one
The :Moored explosion of the steamer
tenhen Decatur is not credited.
Andrew lobolton Club* to be Entablinb
ell 10 New York.
New I one. Feb. 3.—At a meeting of the
friends of President Johnson at the Cooper
Institute lust evening. a committee was op
pointed to call public m.t•t lugs, and take men
cores for the establishment of Andrew John
lion claw I hmugh the clip and state.
Extentilre Frsucl and Merl
SCR' tong, I.h. 91.—Tho Ms( has rumors
of extensive fs and anti theft of prize goods
front the rnion storehouses at Lirooklyn. It
Is said there are I. s. officers lea plieated,and
that evidence has been accumulating for two
veers. The theft , , it is sand, Will amount t.t.
two Ito n , [red thousand dollars.
The Brooklyn nt Rio de Janeiro
Wesumerox, Fob. 2.A.—The Navy Depart
ment ha recto. oti information of the arrival
of the United t•tatea War ateamer ltroohlyn at
Rio tic Janeiro. on tho 11111 of January. Thus
trill quiet the appreh.•na lona that have exist e,l
relative to illy safety Cl the vessel.
Enrltensent Among Fenian•
New Yotta, Feb. 24.—There to macli • /•:11C•
went In this city. among the Fen Mu A, ht con ..c•
quemie of developmen to at the I'll t"harg t
gra... Five pniilic meet I lig", of . rr.•
bold MS 1 evening. "preelles were mudr,
Otiitol l ern SOO fundu received.
Departure of alteatnera.
New lone, Feh. =—The steamers City of
London, for Liverpool, Bronsen, for lireynen,
Scotland, for Liverpool, 11ama..., for New
Orleans, Nearwuun, for New Orleans, ueorge
Washington, for New Orleans, and Ban Salva
dor, for Savannah, le ft this p ort to-day
rive Person. Persons Burnt tu Death
Da.rtaonc, Feb. a are this morning
at alz o'clock, on the corner of Ann and Fay
ette streets, a family of five persons wore burn
ed to death, their eacarle being ant OTT by the
A. 11. Pilepbens* Piperch
Neu. Vona, Feb. 14.—The Times publed,e.
a apecial tlispatell from Al tiled aevi Ile, t ;
giving u full report of t. IL mepltena' speech
'before the .i 4. male Legislature, on the 'I'M
Entertainment to Secretary Seward.
Nme Yonit, £oh, I.4.—r.eirretary SCITELSI it to
be eutertatne4 by the Mon. Richard gehell tlth
evening, ut titmroonts of the Manhattan Club.
where a grand hanquet hue tree. -ensnared for
Destrectier Fire
Pazt.tDELPltlAFeb. 2.l.—The carpet yarn
factory of Joseph Ler. & Co., on Wlqsahlekon
Creek, near this rite, rralf burned to r day.
is fifteen Nhousand dollar.; Inaurcq for thlee
thousand dollars in the Royal epee.
The Freshet—Three Bonding. Swept
Faaan.L.rx, Pt. Feb. 25.—There has been no
less here by the ft . .libel of any aaeOUnt. It In
reported tltnt In 011 (Aty S. S. Christ''. dr..;
store end t !IMO buildings have gone down •
.11alue Legislature Adjourned,
.11COCSTA, Me., Feb. 2i..—The Maine Legimin
turn adjourned sine die this morning.
lieWMP.ll=-1 1 1:1 1 .101:7-E
The Robbery of %Win ouEb & budßV*
• Store.
We noticed to Saturday 'evening's edition
the robbery on Friday might of the store of
Messrs. 31seullough .t. Smith, corner of Penn
and Irsvhs streets. The robbery occurred
sometime between quarter to seven and bait ,
Nest seven o'clock in the evening, during the
absence of the book-keeper to his supper. it
is supposed that the thief secreted IMnsolf in
the store before the hone of closing, and ink
ling advantage of the absence of the clerk, he
entered the safe, and after abstracting CI"
in engt, and PAIS to seven-thirties., made Ills
escape through the back door. No ar
rests have yet been made. Its this
connection wo may add that on Fri
day night, and up to as early as three or
four o'clock the next morning, there was a
crowd on the corner of those two streets, by
the church railing, that kept the night Jude
one with their howling's. This corner has long
been noted for rowdyMm, and we do hope that
measures will be taken immediately to break
It be uls. h . a lgu n e o n
i t i ttiat t :lat it ha ti lee r p s timmer i t i llies e i
villainous whiskey and disturb the sit tuns
of others by their caterwauling! and yells. A
few examples made of the habitues of this
corner, and probably the rest would take the
hint and disperse, at all events the experi
ment Is worth trying.
Ooe of those pleasing incidents which here
and there occur along life's pathway to cheer
the trhveler on his tray, took place In the com
posing room of the fieuffe building, on Satur
day afternoon, on which occasion Mr. Josiah
Copley, Jr., night editor, was matte the recipi
ent of a, handsome writing desk. The fart be
coming known to the attachees of the ogle°
that Mr. Copley was about to sever hls eouneo-
Mon with the paper, they resolved. that' e
should take with him something which would
serve to remind him of the pleasant days and
nights the had spent together, and as an as
surance of the high appreciatical in which they
held him.
. . .
The presentation speech was made by Mr. A.
Stetirew, who enticed Air. Copley of the high
'estimation In which he washeldbythedoners
and of the deep regret they - (eh at parting
wi hint.
air. Copley replied in a brief epeeeh, thank
ing his friends far the very handsome testimo
nial he had - received; at their hands, assuring
them that they had his bear wishes Or their
peppiness. andmroweerity.
BtipY immeebes were made by ThomaaCcurts,
magna, Y. IL Coolly,T:E. Itob.wn and others.
The re-union was a pleasant one, and will long
be remembered by thee() present.
!Jeremy of tilioes.—Peter Mager- Probe ,
bly luta& sweetheart, *WHIM, sweetheart prob
ablyuted a pair of shoes. We say proba
bly, use W 4 aro in - no'nise assured that
such lie the ease. Bet iviietherlie had or not,
he w d to become the pottessor of a pair
of f Mi
ta g
ne gaiters, and either beetitedi hp did
not:have the 'wherewithal, or because be did
not wish, to pay for thein,he entered the store
of Mr. los. H. Mariana, and abstracted a pair
that stilted Mirfaney. He Wall demoted; as he
shoal& have been an Milner wag called in, and
after a duo examination. before his Honor tee
.be was provided with lodgings at
Mute's .Hotel, on Mt. Wry, whore lie will re
main 'until' the criminal: court If 1 .1 ,03 bin , fur'
Cher orders. ..
botany at a mil• ,Cars was
arroatadtmlle i ß zorkoallmes too from
flatdmat to 'to leftward Jontao. The
winsogad _ _ poessealoif matt* dont
dellarlt of malt* via
yEfpfpli_ before
SMlltwfl* Codrt, •
'177 •
The heltl.4 on hislurdlet, Night The ‘eto QUPI6(IO.I
• ... thtl: n nerenn , le 0t...•0t to suggesslon Hole
I.n.not- Trtt.o the o.tuttetn., nentbet
•ottetnet al. the +truth. of elti7em.. met al Mr. Bailey . .. erliet., t to•
r :•11 . 4 11....I.11111.1.tA41: Mayor'. eltre Wilkin4 Itnlttg entroglet..
• e t. thr.mar..l to not' Sot aids) afternoon. to take Reti.vt th
o • Hotel Aft, loird V. the President'• ,Pln.
`" , et - rtl air, heel ..att. Mayor Net tart by Oa, caned IV the Onto. amt
out 111.1 n thN 101 l mot tiazzatm n• ere ap-
:star -et , node as- .1- pointed -roretat M; tell mot ed 10
1.11 ' 111 1.1 111. 1 0 .0 The afn, 110,1 pone ...lion in the ;natter for the present
1,, Jim W Ridden, Esq., awed that the meeting
1.2111,l prollminary Due,amt convened at the
'," T '' • sugiestion of the Gorer, and as the attend
" • once s small he would suggest that the
•r• „ chair eppoin t a romniittee of thirteen, who
„It, ,/10111d call 11111111 1 111 11 el gof the citizens, say
1111111 t on Tue.,lnv erot
protect 11, 1,0 let. 111.111 , 11 N . 10.1 Iler ca-t re. 51r. Haat. said that lie had stiggested
enema Intuit ilevelimed and 0,,, e , 1 , ott ' meet ing the Ihe (Azzettr, but [ARUM'. want
here. They moat not en I /11,1111,. Th /3 Of put.l way and a definite call, together with
would elh , l it” and rcpt ibes ea , het had prevented a tat ge at tend...,
Ile then proceeded to ilevetop dais idea, ai, , t tie the mot lon , u 51r. Riddell.
show that hy keeping the ran material here o
...r finial , amended the Motion to appoint
would promote A inertitujiniltp.t; y,s ealth and a e 4 1111111111.. to meet oit Monday and ism,' a
eimuscree. won Id effort England, a.
Tle l . i
,neaAneroid - lel di-wits:don between
land could only rellellell 1 brough her ii.nna. le „soul
e ir e et the Fenian+ by /tit Mg and others, a moth,d to adJonrn was made,
then, elllltloym.nt. and it e 11-1151st them and the secretary th e d re d toreblieh
ht eart . ving out their gl'etll idea of Irish nide-a eitil for an mum - hem s ] prelim luau meeting
penitence. There tea. .a great deal o( dism dor on Monday ai
during the .peaking although the Mayor had
smeta pollee tome on the ground, who mode '
vent Chases , 50 the Weetther—likettug.
se 1111 1 , 1 4.1. Mr. Train claimed the tiro. ,
Three 4n. tow days last week the weather
teet ion of the pollee force order that the
doctrine of free speech in a free American teas so mild that it almost appeared
city might lie must-allied. At the conclusion of spring had h0r , ,, ,
his spent ; he called for three cheers for Pre - -' ' the lap of
Men! Johnron, James Istephens, Daniel winter. Up to saturday evening this warm
ii ell, and others. There was a seore of wild I weather continued, rendering overcoats
confnsion in the street below the balcony. . hes-some and uncomfertable Saturda
Ile was .exceeded 111 his remarks by F e ather ; y Wes
tethered in with variations. First, it rained;
ceriey, whhcharaeterized the proceedings of
t Ill+, unit the meeting of the proceeding even- then, although atilt warm, it snowed, but
lug as no proof of Irish nationaleenthnent. He Saturday evening It commenced to turn eord,
condemned the minion. of thellisturbunce and by midnight the mud was frozen solid. and said they were not Fenian,. He spoke o } All day ymterdaY the cold continued, end
the party to that fraternity who hits been sus- last night the largest Area were the most cenn
peetml and ',Muted out (or their radicalism I Portable. In view of these facts, we think we
11.11il red republieuitistu, which was foreign to may safeli . proillet good skating On both Parks
the Iris li
Irish earacter. t ie chametorized the p ro I to-day. he tee In there, and all It required
eeedings of the late assembly In this city as was a good solid freeze to fit It for Any crowds
bogus end denounced Canadian in VaSlOll, or that might see fit to go, and wo have had the
anything that would divert Irlehmen from ' freeze. It the Parks should be thrown open
their Imre°, of achieving their national In- to-.lay, the 11/111.61 signs will be displayed from
dependenee, lie spoke in high terms of tier- ' the street curs. Thin trill probably be the
nerd Doran Killian, and John o . slabony, nay. last opportunity this winter of Indulging ill
Mg that they were foully ealumniatell. Tina this delightful sport.
se. the gist of hie discourse, w Weise:us listen.
nit to for about half an hour without the
slight est In tempt ton.
Mr. Killian then ensue forward and delivel.
eil a short address. He 01341e111 , 01 1 011 to divert
the minds of his hearers from all subjects save
nose—that of aiding dirdetly the brotherhood
at home, in the way and In the manner which
they desire. It woe easy to enlist the sympa
thies of Irishmen for Ireland. He stomped
to dissuade them from nil thoughts of Cana
(Ilan inviodon, and to strike for Ireland. He
bald he would not (dee what Iris's dirt ho
could place under his linger nail for nil of
Catimln. The late assembly, who are out off
from the brotherhood bad endeavored to Im.
pose upon the orroblity sod patriotism of the
people by stirring there sip against Canada,
and making that province tea. Sella of war.
lie mole n. stirring appeal to them In helialf.
of Ireland, and was listened to throughout
with the greatest attentlem. lit of the speak
ers were loudly cheered at times when they
would make some happy bit or allusion.
At the eonclusion of Mr. Killian , s speech,
there were loud cries for Train, who came for
ward, and said that he had hut a short time
to address them, as he had to leave on the ears
nt tee o'clock. Elie was glad that the cherue
ter of Pittsburgh had not been compromised,
and he knew that it was Impossible to prevent
free speech In American city. He was not
a Fenian himself, and wan hero on Mho, busi
ness, but he sympathized with the Fontana,
and be knew that the Feniens were- not throe
nein... He thanked them for their polite at
tention to all the speakers, and especially to
himself, stud calling for sundry cheers (or nun
dry persons, the multitude quietly dispersed.
About. I en lan
I Inn lir •
' 1 *.ri"..7."". tl'. l . 17."47,17.17 1 4 ""
The Indies of the Browning Literary Atemel.
atlon, connected with the Pittsburgh Female
College, gale one of their charming crier.
lallorionis on Friday evOn big. For some time
pre% lons the tattles liaol beell preparing for
the OCCUtion with u View to eSCeed any thing
of the kilod ever given by theft. before At an
early hour the college llmpel, capable of
seating over four hundred, wan filled
with It select and apprecint Ire audience, such
as ore usually [directed to the entertain
ments of the Association. The ladies placed
its direction In the hands of Rev. Dr. Pershing.
President of the College, and right well aid he
perform the duty ussignml him.
After an appropriate prayer from Rev. E. It.
Snyder, "Drops of Water" was performed upon
the piano by Miss E. 11. Deify, after which
illy. Jennie S Break:don read an essay en
titled -Notes from my Diary." Miss Lizzie
Met..ov then imrfortue.l. on the piano, "The
Fairy . Wet-her," folic tted with an essay by
Miss Mollie Pumpltrey—.Defense of an in. •
Jured Woman." This part of the programme !
was concluded with a piece on the piano by
Mies Anna Woods entitled, "Military Caprice..
Interesting as the first part was, the remain
der of the evening's enfertailtment were more
Interesting and instructive, and at times
.wised a furor of excitement ht the undience.
Women in the 17th, lath, and Mat centuries
were presented singly in character. The first '
repre4cntell an elderly lady using the spinning
Wheel. and her family varimisly employed in
house duties. The present century seas beau
tifully Illustrated by a modern di a w ing
i nomscene. The twenty-vesteentury gore
11 , toneli 01( prOgreSSlveneus now elm
pl•c• In u. incipient stage of agitation
—namely the sight of the ballot box
to women. The Senor was highly ntsrinew
itig. At the close of the presentation, mi.
Lisa Scrila, fro of Prof. Rohlkok's
aseletants, sung u piece very finely. A poem,
"nevelt times Seven, - was rendered In tine
st3.le by seven persons, each representing a
period of seven years, ending with forty-nine.
Charles Cl Mellor having very kindly
volunteered his !services, exeenteal In a brit- •
Ilant manner, a "Fantashi Iron Norma," At
the close, atableau, Hope and Char-
Ity," was given singly, and then together.
The d Moult role was performed with
Ito grace. "The ,116seltoe Rough" was next
:such woe the Interest In it that It had ,
to he repenteD in order to satisfy the clamor
of the audience. the VlOning tableau, "Pan
line showing the Statue of Hertnione to Sing
Leonites,” In four scenes, was rendered with
almost faultitess tidellty. During the tableau
presentation Sim. Shill sang two pieces with
One effect-
Taking the entertainment throughout, with- . i
out making any - Invidious distinction. In the
progrotume, notwithstanding Its great length,
and the innumernJule delays, caused Ity or
ranging the diffeient. representations, it was I
a decided success, In every respect, anderedit
nine le all concerned in getting up the affair.
The ladles appropriate the proceeds to fur-,
ulslting their ilea hall, which is already very
handsomely fitted up for their use. In the Col
lege bnilding. We heard It stated that, M i
Mew of the request tel so ,army of our cal
eons for the repetition of the entertainment,
' the ladles hope to gratify their wishes at an i
early day. At the close of the exercises, Dr. -3340 r
Pershing announced that the term would close
on tilt 14th of March, and the spring .arm I,,,,„„b, rceeived the
would open ou the lath following. \eater Works. up WM. on
• •
Ainostements. DATORDAT, MAACK lOth, NNW
TllllATBA.—Anothelweek of fun and frolic at
.; fore set of Boilers, a Cylinder and Pomp, ace—.
the Theatre. Manager Hendersonflum -I
effected ing to plans and spesitlemlons in the bands of t e
a re-engagement with Mitt Julia Daly, and Mr. I "gl i n t rig"-
1 • w re. it or e entire Ire or .l. -
/ 0 f tae work T
Sam Ryan, and' to-night we are to have that ; rate bids Mr Ilse boilers.
sterling sensation Irish drama, the Colleen ; ..4 h : r 7 d igt,r,e,....T=T-7,witaymagf , t
Boom ,• or, Thoßride of Garryown, in which.! -
both Miss Daly and Mr, Ryan appear. J ionoroski.s.— Proposals will . e
Cram; Hons.—The management of the I 1 received at the *Deco( the endersigned an it
Opera Douse am fortunate in securing a re- . FRIDAY MAIN. March ph. -for the; meet-ion of a
engagement with the popular actress, Idle. ; building at Nos. 7 -Liberty street. for the inter
rill , savings Bank. Separate him are aolieltso
Laura Keene and her comical, I
, or i the branches of work requed. as well as fbr
Mr. Harry Resell. To-night they appear In i the whole M lump. Be order of me Beard. I
the now local drama of Lost in Pittsburgh, in ; ; BARR a MOSER, Archlteeto.
which a numbe.r of scenes, which will be Cully 1 fe2mtf Dispatch Baildlog.•
recognized, will be presented.
L AravaTios MAtt..—McEvoy's Ribernieon
drew a largo and delighted audience on Sat
-1 urday night, The atones consist of the land
trig of St. Patrick in Inland, New York har
bor with a Meamer just leaving, a storm at
sea:Dublin, and then a tour through Ireland,
accompanied by Barney the Guide, in which
many of the principal objects of Interest are
1 einem. The exhibition is Interspersed with
songs, by Misses Anna Goodall and - Gore
IBrown, introducing some of the finest of Tom
Mooreettnielediess. Prof. McEvoy glves - a de.
; g re rip t te v r e t:nre, as the panorama passes bo- ;
ra a
. t.d. i.e.ted
PlTinalmon Giratamorm—it to only net:masa- 1 nnsartWd_exnee.
ry to remind our readers that to-night the I ihrtil am m e.`gb o r i enamel.d OTT g
members of the Pittsburgh Gym nasium.repeat ; 11;1M:111.ns ofter!coinliT made
- "I
" I
their exhibition at Wilkins ' Dan. Those who ; ,th Designs ....,,,, • Ina highly am,
attended the performance last week were ; manner.
highly delighted, and will without doubt be House Painting done with •regard to darabillej
In attendance to-night. The Gymnasium is a I harmony of color, and nearness *MOM.
fixed insidintion; its members are Pittsburgh. ; Mt Ali work at realms -Me rates. utheily
; era; its object physical tiovolopmeq ; and WILLIAM' H. =OWN,
; nanny a young man in thin city, who, by bend-
D over his desk, or confining himself closely (Latta( tha BM of Rumex iiiMOMOW,
to boatness, had Injured Mansell' ph,ysicelly,
has reason to bless the institution for renewed MOUSE AND Mpg PAINTER,
vigor and strong limbs. It is a good thing ev- ,
ery way, and our better class of citizens who ' North East corner of Third lad Market Meseta,
menet slow to appreciate and encourage any
, thing that Is really Of Value, have given the ...ill• . PI T r aBUZ aa.
Gymnast= not onlytheir countenance but a I
I liberal patronage. The boys have been at con- . .
siderable trouble and expense in fitting up
I their new room, and we hope that the name
~,ppeenriemeat, writ be extended to them to- SKATES t
night as upon former occasions.
A Coal Flat Lareding , gins -A -wan.* I asirBw3ais
In conversation with a gentleman on satni.l
day in regard to the custom of making coal 2,500 i'AIRS
barges and flats fast to the piers of the ;
tallest& bridge, ho said that he would give M.;
teen hundred dollars, if a safe and perituteent
place could be given to owners of barges 'Whereto
they could moor their tows without endats.l
goring steamboats, and other craft along the
landing. We notice that our article n few
days since has stirred the matter titi consider
aably and them is a. great deal of talk in res.
to it. Insuranc andompanies are
rly' Interested, we think
some immediate action should be had,
and,. steps taken to prevent the accidents
thatare almost sure to occur when the spring :
oods 'come. few more losses_ like that
fl which occurrent to James Mctirew A ,Co., by
the breaking loose of Stone A Cogs
open thu eyes of those interested, sad will
tome the pante% to take measures for their
.proW.tion, _Twenty . .thousand dealers
lest by either the carelessness°rigid manage.
meat Of others,, knd no recourse, 'is rather
Left for tiseir floomee..44OL Mum' , -
a number or Inetenerstrietn biftegileg to ILa
lete Fenlen Congress assentWect:ln alb
r 101110 : Cal liaMtlftr OtOgnooll-4-01.
_a_v: is ~'.4..:$ !
/1.1[11%. F:1312068:—. 0 111 article appeared in
your paper, a day or two agi?, In reference to
the management of the West Manchester
Post Omen. I have since learned that the
strictures emanated from a very diminutive
specimen of reeent importation, who does not
appear to like the way we do things in this
country. I have only to say that if this little
"Johnny Ball" is not satisfied, he had better
better pack up his box and return home. I
mount afford to waste any ammunition on
him. If any respectable citizen prefers .an
accusation against me, i am ready to answer
Wu. B. Ross, P.M.
Assault and Etattery.—Two pugnaciois
iadivl4uais by the names of Neal Holly and
John Gordon walked into the affections of a
auxff i nitt m bz m th m e t na u. m m e e o re f
t ltyrge Green ,
manner. The
affair took place at the house of a Mrs.' Cor-
coran. The defendants being unable to pro
cure boll, ware requested to accompany an
officer to visit Mt. Airy, where they were In
troduced to Col. White, who provided them
with appartments In his spacious hotel. Being
so warlike In their dispositions, they should
be permitted to join the Flnnegans.
Reported Railroad aceldeari.—We learn
ed incidentally last night that a terrible
accident bad occurred yesterday morningon
the Steubenville railroad, near Steubenville, I
and that a number of persona more badly in- ,
Jared. We could learn no particulars in re- •
mud to the matter, neither had any tele
graphic eviierta received up to ono o'clock
this morning mentioned the e ircamstance.
We merely give the report 111. me heard it,
frith not vouching for its troth.
rday , . parer the robbery eta ntor. In Emit
Liberty, and the Rulategnent arrest of two
brother+ by the name of Gordon, who were
with having committed the crime.
On Saturday they had a hearing before Mayor
McCarthy. which resulted in their final com
mitment for trial at the March term of (be
Criminal Court, the evidence against them be
ing conclusive.
Where did He get Ms Whiglligr—We'
saw a man on Water street yesterday after
noon, belplessilydrunk and with his person.
exposed In a most shameful manner. The law,. t 11"Inodrgd,":11117111"ViillOW'goirstLILinil.17t
" the question, “Whare did The get his whis
ky!" Ire hope the offender will Tae (nmsd not,
and punished according to law.
FULLER—In thltttt _
_Tebruary :Ith, of Into.
tberta. CHARLOTTE THEODORA, intant daugh
ter of Rev. Shnon O. and Colette P. Fuller.
-Funeral at Itt. Peters - I=OK - ram CHnudtn
MONNING. February =b. at It o'clock.
and most pileturewine pls. of Nepulti7 sit
uate on the erdantla. Immediately north °Chile ten,
City, en the New Brighton Bead. Pennine shims
to aeleet Burial Lots will apply.l at the Hupertntend
en t•s °Mee, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits
andreho ell other
of boa
t ln he undersimleess will be attended to at (hatless
Wause d, corner of Yedemo
cud Lalleetk streetsf Allegheny.
eleeretars a. Treasurer,
PLULft MEETING—An adiogirn
meeting of the citizens of Pittsburgh aOA •i
-cinity. will he held at the Masor's Attlee
Fur the purplyne or, making orrangernents far
Mil SIR 31e.fetitaac.
To ere exprrfision to' ti feeling of lie people Of
this community withrogarO to the questions
at ID
ue between Congress and the Frouldent. A foil la
t.adanee to requestod. if40:11.) BY ORDRILI
110 LI TEMPERANCE LEAULTE will be ha i t
t I
lirr. U. J. ItKED•lirbureb, wreath street, PITT
(Moeda) ) EVENLNO, at 7Mo . eleek. .The friends Of
the good ells. are *earnestly Invited in otteed,
welt as tbose who ore emposed. Br order of the
Committee. A. N. MCGONIGLP., Cbalrmen.!
No. 60 8117TIITIELD
Gents and 'Cidtdri
Toys, basil
In Every Variety", for Sale Lo ' •
uy - .r. a. zaulaws
I v "-"Y 6t •
sturdlort,No. 10arket 4txtet,
w.„e ake moviriv , reG,-
So. us WOoD sTll2tr.;
GAnDINER C °F ria r t 4 gent
` r • u "°=" 4 "P ld ° 44 " ana ' Dawn" ' 14- 8 . 'c'.:l6sAv6 A 6Biliks.Drost••
sansude peaks, bontirlait cornet WUOD Ana • •
W JONIZIWAipeat for the /gavirtb . t... 41.14w A - 4 16 1ural dr a . m.icignsbizebtirgb L.
turadt a t= i trikrali m etk i t&ifigitt al
....011,1110pre. tar Tog
siiiiMMWA l a n nalgir nY " s""r
us , -" *
vis: l 4:iiiit:'teitzl
..1.0 IP% Irel..ardeo sr.sci !Pa ..tbrr Litwsirly.
edltlon !s forwanleA .dice r..teti {A..131,-
tp I . ly t, Lep a;‘, ,n. .nit
AUDI .% lan.
COVERT 1111,1 110 E STORK,
II I VI. I -.11 Es ASII
1 outho. 11 Dunn and 3.1 MI (mho s
from Itsc;l:am to superflue. Although our Sues ate
leer. an , ' rapid. Twe near a full sod oolnplete asSOrt
ol, ure, apt) (1;6111,n/01e. attlett Is beliwraplill
haled dall't nor orlon, are ba•ad upon the lovilat
err towot thou tie lowest elsewhere Au 11.141.191-
11.tloa luelted
No. 60 Fifth Street,
Directly Under the Opera NOUN%
i 20,000 TB°11 ""
:ukNurAermusas ,
CLOTHING 110 0 153 N
R. 8 edb VICA..
clb POO"
. 1136RPEIC clb CIO..
Opposite the Opera House
All Styles and Sizes
At Great fritedueed Prices,
611.411 . " B 1-0041.1,
Tates great pleasure An announcing co his ptroserona
customers and the public generally, that his puredur
set and arrangements for the tall tenon are im
EnfliAl k htll i atrirtrgnagr.'"ltlerft 2
such • clam of goods as can really.borocomMende
wilt be offered, width entbraces the newest and
approved materials and styles, the entire Klockbe
leir 're& large, carted nod select. AIL Halo boa
amen confidence invitinun early Ins
end ametkni:
no k reilr tlf itti r t r ilo . rig., h tnd sound kf l it l 4l , ll.
lislion Cloths and ether now:cos:lmm , new Mut
for entire sults.
• •
ef .. rattj mo tstly of Dna. ansalmaraa tar rains t
and a veiling yaw. mak
JOSEPH METER & SON,. ffilanu
factarors and
__Wholreale. and Retail Damian, In
Ftlittimniz FWD CRAMS, No. U 4 PENN rs
shore %tie Canalbereen hap da a Ihrgo assertiVeril
rimedahgany. qt
their own miinnscturo, and wars
equal tu qgality and am+ to Mg niedihiMitd ,
ed turbo dry. =4 laell at reasonable Priam
ItsmtraetoreCan7f Cur sale,
IMol6Bale or Retail.
x 097 a w THIRDSTEZZ T.
Oppoette E. EtpArtudeoti Apo'.'s, and
DUIMI 455,
Hafs 0. 'smut w Liftse Assortment of
eOl7/Ise OD
it.. 2$ and 30 moo RI.. Alleithen,!
Tenn of tbeliebolattle Year, commencer on tbe bit
of Rebreartytted closes on I be Mtn pf June neat.
Boy, and Young thoron& N7 prepri fp: bn-
L ' a=I 'e AUTZA P 4 DAV itwari.ii.a 2 :f
R is t :i e nny:=ll.the large eia;roientodkona
sebool_propervy.near Nett Cheater, lately oeoutd
by.the Yenntrylesula Military Academy. be des
. re-weep:lit bit nebool tbere lit • fete weeks After
remove' tbellery amen/nerd. Month at ;amid.
• eery [Reelect and Sports; ; bo abandoned.
Ref CatalogneVrir to 4 R . ingkel. _
- atailtan . .I.•
at Vast utZair. ran*.
1:4:-5:00441 , :te4
of tuoldid four Old Table *ire
CANTOS. TEA ern—wwirr.ll9, TO)11,1[8., ICS
OTCHEICEI, 10.(1.____„1 MS MIMI'S, OANat .
'Mu all be re,plated_sadlale toatI i I . X.AND , WILW
sct No. M.. Char Air
I, AHD 01L-411,0, bblitvNa. 211 r.
L now lanAln u s