The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 24, 1866, Image 4
the Vittobtlygh ignettc. ickasitUAßY 24, 1888. THAVELERIV GVID)E,. arrival and Departure of Trains. pannairivanta Central KaMin& • Arrfees. a.* tipren 2491 mildill 11.50 am Altoona AIX , OIII'S 7:10 am Past Line. MO am Chtelnstail MEO • mils% Well AessonOs 11:26 am ' *** ** •,:ill'Artvem°— 2 7 2 ;m u% 'chemical: 441 pm JohnstVe Aotstlorgi • m rut Line %OM pm Pittaliiie 12.141-12:23y tit Well aorlns.. tarn • m Balthnore liars 100 p m ad • • 10:42 • m Wall Amom... IMO p m 041 •• •• Mapes Pttlirs kg:press- 246 p m tut Penn lLecom'eleAlpas 24 Penn Ace0m...1142 p m Id .• 11201 pm Altoona ACCOIO. &Emig% Tralm..m4o p m The ehurEll UMW pave Walls' Button every panda, at ititt• at.; returning. lesres Pittsburgh at 424 p . m. Pittablirgh,Ceittuabsts and Cincinnati • DiPifts. Arricat. ran !Arc- MAO a ht Put Line :M a ns Mall s ..... MO. ..... srS p CMpreaa ..........::m p m Crpreu that a us tenbeovltle Ae crass:as:dation p m eommodstlon ..10:10 aan rithibraehrta, rt. Wayne and Chlemiro. expeem a Mirpetaa inn am game , - st2a^ lo%"' " • .!1!. R? ...sprees ... .. p ispree. IllWtfll ... 7 ' 1 4 9 Wheeling Rape' a bad p m New Brighton Accomniodation warts Allegheuy depot at 9 a.m.. 11:60 4:20 p..•, • ,, . 1 4: 40 k•rn • • Backdoter, 1:15 p.. 11.; New Came, p. Leon cony, 10:90 p. m.; Wellsville. 3:30 p. m. /Plltaburg4, Cleveland and Wheellsnr. Depart,. Arr.". lisFa 2.M• m E•prets 3:59P . 11. s. a• ...... 2:60 p ru.N sprrna 9:13p to Ida , 11:13 • m' S.:poem In r:N•tn Steubenville Accommodation mare. Alleltbe^Y 11:a0p. n. Pittablamati and Connallordle. Departs. Arrirrr. tea5..........3:00 p nar.Spres• ..... ut cileeisport..ll:o3 • cztlisl lir dreep..ri 6::A. m .4 " isas • veld " ••• 2ce, ym - /.114011"7 van., Railroad. 1L Vero*. „ dr,lwo. Hall Orti IA xioream ..... m fjetPotmloodirn. I 11, ,,J 4 • to m fittipbiusia sod E.rlo Railroad, to 011 Cit 7 Ana Trauldlin. • Arriess. Depart. Ifftligii:Pet4 N y ' ee 4 a l e/ t r 4=B . caller. Sraletetettle Boat—grant and Water Ste. Arricat. Departs. SS, 09 6. •co .... (IWprr. jarniony Stage, Nt. Clair Nt. Arrtnee. P- Batley Sellire•-alo. 8 St. Clair IS 04/4Arrioae..• Deport,. .) I ey, tu. WAlthltigtoes State..-11eLre•ft Hotel Anion. P. , o• 6:116 a. at EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS& LIVERY STABLE, I= JAM DAIN Q SON, Proprietors 01ININDE31:9 AND CA.RIIIAOI3.B furnished for all Alao, Carriages for Funerals, Weddings and Parttes . . at abort notice and reasonable rates. STA • SLR OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. onT:led CITY AND SUBURBAN FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAIETTE. West Manchester Post Ontee-- Honor to Whom Honor is Dor " Entrotts GAZE - Mt—The t'drem of the Ilith Inst., speaking of New York, say- ••‘ki- env, the worm toed office in the, Ilred wads . t to nne In which most letter, are toot. shit I t , which the ,rust attention to paid to potpie a tionvenlence;" and emelt, weak - Mir generolly of the postoMces of the eastern cit leo that "the .olMees are - mostly presided over by Mem without the manliest knowledge ot, or ill; ing for, their duties, and wlio pa little or no at tention to them." reading the above I condo not help think ing how much better we ore served In that de partment than our eastern neighbors, having itt a nub-office, like this of West Manchester, ouch on efficient and eonseieneloos postmas ter no would be to them an invaluattle ace tit 'MOM the need of which they so earnestly de plore. Now, when any poulic ery sant di-- ehargea the duties of ht . Mt,. with Snell .111di elOus assiduity as our postmaster I think It no more thatf right to remind the nubile of their happiness in the pollsetisino tif such servant. so that they may fully appreciate his value; and he may lone no chant, of that preferment which ho so richly merits. Any one who coll. at our Mitre. moot be Im pressed with Ito excel lent nrratitteMent, and with the Postmaster's soli:nate arm itain Lance With bin transient otoek; for only go there and mention your name, and though t here may he thousands or letters lit the togeon-bolos. lie will not neetlicEtidy detain you widie r he over hauls the M's or Nia,.or whatnot yetar initial oay be, but he knou.n the name ot the eon slgnee of every letter and paper In the ogee. and nine times In ten, protnptly Informs you. by a stunt/leant shaken( the head thus you art not In the favored list. And if lie should (which I believe is a rare oecurrence, somt t/Mes nialta a In Waite, and keen your letters fora week or no, math they inicuntulate In hp hands, the advantage Is that you get them ut together; unit when ect- cote:tiler the swoon! or unpleasantneas which le often mn repel It) means of letters, we .110111‘1, perhaps.regard Mtn as a benefactor. who keeps tio ham, Ignorance of it. Finance and Trade to New Turk. New loon, Felemat v . 23.-Rall wayapecula lion opene.L.nruily tfiln 'morning and there Was a the mall of .46. per cent., but the bursineet, was on a very sm .6 all seals ex cept on a fee leading shame,. After the regu lar NeievlOll the market became weak, and tr y advance was not 4lertalnelL steel:A are ver plenty on the street, nod brokers are offering to lend them freely. The market was, dull at the ...motel and hint Guards, and there was but little change In limitation., The following were the closing enema at aSO P. a New York I mural, 91. Erie, teei, Mud ern River, tug t 5; Iteeding,ffeq, Mlchlirali south n, 610„, Het elunil A Patsburgh, oti. Gold °petted with ti str ~ ong upward tendency but Government brokers Hold two Ines, Is bleb muted re -melon, and closed at LS - et,. The Mono% i.mrk et elesed at ; per cent. for call leans, and In fair demand. State bonds were quiet, but the market was ern,. Gov rnmmite ate dull, but generally slesey, 5-33 a were ertniewnat Weaker New York Market. Slew I Wile, Feb. ...Cl.- , L owroa -Dull and drooping nt 456X4er fiq Middling Igtoe a-More active. Medium and gond anodes steady, whit'. emninon and Inferior are Its, towel at 87,154770 for I' Sten State ItS,lfe T 5 ,/ 1., Latin a it 11. fr . .rid ta,.1f410,75 for rede Brenda-Mal - kat r 1.••Ing Anil. Wite•W‘•-Mme net:,,- ~.I neuter at 42,230 2,25 t tr.l ~.en utt et len. It. Lxlr,l, a. , 01, ef Ms se. I, as la-{t' 11 I'M dull and .Trooping; New NO. + ,of 1-abel is La I. a der 'd. f 41. d Jai. c L 577,aaaaaa; N';; Common h 4 ,e f i nnan; inee. re . bilelabout, 01,7 u flys. in moderate request at Aeroflot .•r Ur"' Lippe Athals “ inar “ s' - .6 82 . 5 ' for Ireete mutiny quiet Corn ....rad Lippert- dee - .1. led "• jan. a. iNIA. 1.1 acemint at /teeny Hamilton. Administrator heavy and drooping st 21473 for unsound and ..1 Marearet 7y lord. deed. l' lied Jan. n, mot. 754'ffs for •ound bitted W eaten Its store aml Partial smote. or Hon. Witham Hoeg.. Admin. delivered Oats In moderate _eor nest at Mie , ... I.lof 0( Maria Foster, deed. Flied Ja. 11, UM. 43c for unsound Western, end klaSt fOr ramed• Amon. of Abraham I ulkman. Executor of bran' Gam:mum-Coffee firm with a fair demand. 11. Hood, deed. Filed J.. It, ISM. separate and analofJ. M. Carpenter. one i ' s g s Rio at 15 . 4 at Sa g a ' . g als ' Sad ana at , m 2 at tr.. Ese.tors of James Kirk, der'd Clod Jan 13 ;V: far Pa". Ritto MaisStite• quiet end 12, 1 , 66. changed. A.-coatis of Jam , . C.C. Adinteistmter. and Mary Pei...sox-Dull at tic for Crude, and 46e ]lei armlet. Adolnistratrix, of Dr. Jos bleCor- fur Refined in Sorel. mick.Mece. Flied Jan. IS. laGt. Pum,mOtte.-Pork quiet and lower at k. 8,00 i lasi wreaut of Inold Hill, loiardian of Richard • 6 . 26 ,, 57 , 4 f or s„,, 11,,,,,, ~,,,,, th. , n , ~,,,m 2, 4 e ..,, MeCtere. minor belt of John sleClure. deed Flied 1623, - 4 fisr Old Menu, i1dr,50 . 93,','S for prime, and Jan. la. Mi. Fir, and Final amount of Ehenerer Robb and WA,23 Mr Prime. Mese; al., 3.509 bbl , New Mean, Flee Wil.n, Adminloratora of Robert Wa11a..., March and April en t ers and Nayarit' Option., des .1. Feed Jan. 11. ISM. m.4214'2442:8 2714. Beef steady at tie,oos 20,00 ' Supplement and yinal account of t'ampbell E. for New Plafe bless and gki,frag2.l 00 for New ' Herron. Executor and Trustee of NeUltana sichrler, Erte,01,,,,, b o ar u 7,,,,,, a 5 7 .0 , ‘ ,.. 7 5, a; Wan,. I dry .1. Filed Jan.:,, IBM. ern at 441,t0,241,50. BRCOII ern. at my. (or Cum- A ceount of David twig._ guardiae of mm or i,,,,, ar .I.l_ Phillips deed. Filed Juts 73. me. berland Cut, and 1E4.401(7% for Sheet Ribbed. Amount of 13. Campbell, Atheiniatrator.if memo,. Cut Meats firm and more active at 11,612%. Gen. kw 's Military accord. Campbell.deed. Piled Jan 24, 185%. Shoulders latleplitee.. Dressed Hogs firmer at Fir-t and Final aceonal or Peter Bate, Mary Cur I:y(03. Western lard excited anl higher at The Fenian Secretary of War, Gen Sweeney. ter aad James Carter. Exeeutors or Jame. ca rt er Hte's"; else, 1500 Mils, for March and April, It is Said, came to this country when quite a 4.-r. d V i kd '' .. • ' Z '' " SS roller` option, at 176.1ett Butter firmer at Lrenanl of John M. Lytle. Administrator of Mar 7 , 76 . 7 for e nd . , and " n 4 (or hint,. Cheese steady at Itilikt. e he r, and afterwards worked as a printer ton tie Lytle. deed. Flied .1. s, ues, several New York papers, among which Wan , y e liAti e. a . cfp;r i pt r o .. r d ta , a. , ei t r A. deed. Executor • 0 Iled J. 35. New York Work mud Money Market. the Refold. He went to Metieoasbecotid lieu- r i'„, o7 : ---- - tenant, and lost an arm at Cherubuseo. Fie gird and Float amount of Ell. J Megmuy. Fs New Tonx, Feb. '.O -Money active and firm served with COnnlderable distinetien througb• mumix of John Metiratty, decd. Filed Jan. p . at 7 per rent. Sterling quiet at IWlfSigplieni. out the Mexican campaign, and at the break- ista Gold Irr eget. , uneettled 61141 lower, Opel/111g Mg Out Of the rebellion wan captain in the 9.1 Aerosol Of W. J. Huffman. Executor or Jame, at 137 N, sishaneing to 137%, and closing at Infantry . and had charge of the United State. Hindman. dee'.l. riled Jan. IL ISM. 1.1691. Government Stocks dull and wlltwat Arsenal at s t. Loot ,. Hi . rninno and com a '4 Fins/ arecneux t d.l . T a hoTz d i , in. o . l , l4 ; % l 2 attettellan &elided change E relgist to Liverpool quiet mended three regnnente in the three 7ti0!.i,,,`,,,, Shat ~,,,,,a i et jet,. Lsig. adminl... and oneltsnectl months , eervice, and in conjunction with irate, et Wm. S. Lastly decd. 111., Jan. 91. Mee , __ _ye,- -- General Harney, was Instrumental in captor- Final acrodnl of Rathatilei seeplim, GguaenAlagn.obt thalthaore Grocery Market. tag the greater portion of Sterling Price , s minor. Mid of catber[ne Fe., r dee•d. command atCamp Jackson, In laui, lie then 2 Ms , M. 1. 1 .11101., Feb. Ys.- Coffee-The market has aceoffmanied General Lyon's expedition and the and kreemit 014 li...M.cE.ra .rid J 5 aturpeon, Ad- been quiet, but i m-y arm for prime and choler after the death of that General, covered matrators of Robert r t stint et ret tee .1. Slice Rio, stock of which In tench reduced. We re retreat Of Me army. He was made Colonel of port sales of 145 e bar Rio, balance of ship Grey , Partial .imettat of J K Frances. Adadidatrater E. l e , , 0 „,,..,„„ , a , , .i.., ~..„,„ e en i„,,,,...„,,,,,,,, no I ll inois regiment, and commanded n dirle- of william Nicol. deed. Filed yeb, e ma. a ll ; ; ;Tia W .- ' ~•,, '''''"'" --- afgr lia - ,-"‘" ion Di the sOuthweet, taking part lit all the Ilceinint of William Y. Lea. Executor of An. P • s • ..asfs '.. resa l e, 1 a ..i great battles !might in that regio. At the NlrKewn. deed Filed Feb. CASA, Kele Streit In Lim and second han e, le mi d battle of Shiloh he received nix wounds while Amount of S.ii. Cry , . Piing •duilni..traldr car RIO, and bark Cricket pi trelOw with a gallantly leading his men, and although be Vaat„, e''...s2= woes. ] of "salt fair , . dr' ri i N iv, quantity ten. known 1313de 11 tee was bleeding profusely, be refused to leave '...ra Fen . a e ine or ?Lary Royal. Adailnietratrix er fie, 2 bbl,, Cabo , n e ete r Tro r e l f, 'U cerrg c4 o '94 of .ttr. ' Jent. the field. At the close of the sear be was made fi„;l ° . deed. Flied Feb. 4, 1966. Smith, taken for relining, on private pe r a Major General by brevet. , e t. t . d eo n : a n i t .. , , f d, J d a b eo g b o K an ctpp de s t n .d .lCh y r i i i a t t d ia k e t. H e r t:c I n. . Ex . puncheons Raiglish island at 51(053 cents ___.-__ Aeeoant of ltdwara &Sullivan. Administrator or /Craton; at clime, stook here very lights cos Heavy Damages. Thomas teSUlllean. deed. Filed Feb. & ,std. d quotations nominal as follows: Perk" RINK • At the ISMS. term of the Court of Common 0 - ,.ta r a . .V i gf i r ri z r . 7 . 47.., s l,7 i . r . ,,N,littlanzzri. ,117 C .; 40 C .. e ab n t . /Zleavit d i ., Liefalel Cohn ClaYcd, 5670 a. Pleas, of Chester county, Pa., the ease ryf me ;LIZ account of Thomas D Gladd Guardian ' gone IIlir•U English , Segitettere, soirlyin the week, set. widow of Jas. A. Bailey. againet the Penney'. ar Mart Ass. J. aha.lasskarat aff slts' min or Ss" af ling a fraction armee last week's prices, brit at Joseph d id: r e e l ., °f ill y . m a i l. la m a.S hen, Quer; the close had fallen back to the Mime tlijirea, ' , SDI& Railroad Company, wax se-tried. Tart Flred and Fl which were peal. For extra flue powderW ease was tried at the previous term and 310,- 'llan of Anna Shaw ) Filed Feb. le, itan. i amount of awes I. Kuhn. rrustee to sell ilti ermthea, powdered and granulated /751 OM awarded to plaiiititr. On mot Irtn 4'4 emu, rim ` tr. of same. !Vargo, deed. Filed Feb. 7. , ae , crushed A white loWn ureic AdO 163fe; set the Verdict Wlei Pet amide, and a new trial i n a,e,V "' 16c; C extra 18. Xe., C yellow 1114 e; and Circle ,C granted. Thee vidence In, that Bailey Lott G! Account eras.. Espy. one of the Administrators itpie, for lots et 101.1 or more berrele % Cent a tiektt In Lancaster till for Fermin e, or Thompson YU, deed. Flied Feb. r 2, 1866, le.m. u 3 Septernber. 1564. The train wus dm. at the Amount or James Espy, one of the Ad:ululates /atter elation at 15:40 p. tn., lint dirt not arrive lers or Thoin.E.y, deed. Filed Feb. 12, UM. - --ww--- till about II p. m. An the pessengera were Arco., of Cat y, Kerr, Administratrlx of Petroleum Circular. • crossing the track, is „from the ears to . wlleam Kerr, deed. Filed Feb. 16. ibtil. _ it lar Arthur Hobson. Administrator f Imattes, Jan. fft - iterined-During the past • the hotel, an emigrant traler, Moulins about. of '. o4 a irlilrk a a•• , ,,sse.i. Flied Feb. lb, tote. 1 week busin.s was very dull, and prices, If twenty-flee filthier. hour, pae-sed tip the north Aeenotti of J rect I, lel-ling and Filed Id h r r,. anything, are a shrub, Wirer; the value of good track. James/. Batley w. struck by the er, F.seenter•ot Mart sterii/lr, deed. Flied Feb 14. Amer*. on the spot In about . 10d, but this gine, and tire d¢ from the track A few hour. tan. price Is diffleult to obtain for large lota. Jan. , afterwards he died from his ',nine's, De. " , acc•elni or Henrietta II !Mien and Wet ,eery °entracte have ,mostly been closed at to ' fendants off to admit negligence on their ... S ..' ' ',.. h , " ",%',. 1. , - ",,‘,'" . ?!,. ' ,... l ' lro M' ar . l' '' i.:l ' ll:r , I'4' shim, E d r ' s" . .. d fit.V; St4fl. Forward delivery I. eqnally dull,• Feb.part, and ti er e d aley WWI not at fault. Conn. i7.ri s r ,rtr i .•,,' . i.i' . . o ; e. ' . rear) , to April or JUne nominally 2p ed. A eel (or plaintiff aSked for exemplary damages Accent. of Chtries liars. Trust, of Daniel Me- parcel to imive sold at to 7d, delivered in as a punishment for the negligence of the Henry. decd. Wiled Fb. Goleta United Kingdom. Stock this day, 0831. bbl,, rallreend agents; but the Court decided that Accoute col finis Truatee to wit I and 42 oases ; same time last year, 21,067 bbl,, the defendnt was only liable to puy for p e at met., imai Estate of II m.i Moreau. deed. Flled and iia a .... enniary los s .s r ekdlet.-$7, 9 29.00 dwatallad. Feb, ts, Mee. a reandaad anaiih . noaai or same Cr Crude-None duer.l Ina[on e year,hr e 3 243 stack bbuL this day, 210 bbla, --ep-_____ Exemior or 'Mary AI. Hood. dm 'd. Flied Yob. 19. The notttitelltlll Strikes. lam. Spirit-Quiet, and pant el Is Gael.. M. Stock The Iron manufacturers held a meeting yea. a r i it i ltrhe ; cmt of Rev. Israel Dallas. Executor or' this day, Wed bbln, and 191 ea.see. Y. ediFeb. 19, ISM. Teedav'm market has been ctlet, With Out al teiday and resolved not to reatllne work moll /no and Pe l al r S4- 6 .L:1 ' 4 or " Jonathan Neely. - Ad. rat i on % - ... Anrutra oltoWN A Co. their employees would accept the redneed I I s a i Z i ' a ` r aar "f tistae , Henry. dec'd. Vileil-I , b• = t* _._.„-. _... schedule or lows The workmen resew equally First IciN , Plll.ll or John Kirke!. Administrator team hew Work Irma Market. determined, many of them having. elrearly i ir 5 . ;,..'.7 . 1::,... , 50 , of Job. wihnn• fired. " ad , NEW Teat, Feb. 7.1.-The Market for &KM. gone to Work ut anvil einploynient at [bey can „,:..... ...... . , .., . ni,,,, is yen- quiet, and We only notice small find, while other, are muting about for some- „ ' '"' , r 0 .,j, r .',`,,,j,',.*:,?,,t 5 ,," . .La 9? a spaT ,ST I SS It'aps' esu ' r . sales so. f brand at 91194900, et-Ship-4510P thing to do There Is a probability that the r,„,,, .„,.„„„, ~,1 s ; ' t i e :, et , ,,,41 ,-,•• .• 1 , ,,,, i -re: mr .... , (rem yar d ; an d n o n son . ell oaaaraoa a * a ; ea l worktnen will lie 1.11.. for Recent! months, nod he ..I 1/avel A. I: uwlaref. ' "ele!'.f. ' llirof Yeti 21. sh. In American, there Is inoreacilvity_ for even If they aveered in getting the ill, ' rate, ma.. forird delivery, with Sales of 2097 lOUS O. 1 at the end of that thee it will ',eels.. years 4••••emo of J. t.. McDowell Adroluistratm of em u s at mew, no d do N n , 2 e x t ra 447 ; perhaps to maks gotta I\ te los'. 11 .'3 are "ow ' ' " "s ''"'". d'' ' ' '' "" Fen . lax ' are aall- kinergeua at om, c I %Wrench fa ...taming. The feeling „ iiii . iiiii.e . „ , by i heea ~1 , 1 1.1 ACC-4 . : 11)1 of ur . .11. F '. Coney , Administrator Roils Unfortunate 'di -Ik.. I. shin t hat a"." would r i" j i:tll 7 3l-7111111tV11 11 Fend, . ''''' i ''. 1". !. 'works; " fare d E ou ng r i lt h i, ls6 at ' ar7G ld el ' - eikih. -saleall W te e ni blfy id e ,u Tar almost any privatine rather than Y it"- William Forsyth. deed. Filed l'et .. T. n l l eiga. "'r "1 ' sold, ad of no further sales of bar by f invoices- One Or the• Other Party gismo give In 1 , 01110.1- Fle.t nemesse of John Smut. ttuiecilaii of Jobe lLt aides Engliab and Belgian re Ilea, 972,00, ly, and the SoOner the matter In arranged I Ile F. ". - .41.. a minor. I i Yet,. 21, Mut cold• From store, there Is a fair demand at better it will be for the Intermits of . all ems- A emuni of Margaret Heed Adreinist ratr 11or r - ' '' our_queliitiona. Russia sheet may be notedq corned. Cannot o compromise be effw"ted i ll. k i , leed nu; i t o ' i . A . 'llih i sr fSevil'i.katiitor Au,an ' 33402 eente-the recent arrivals were sold pro d.', ireve.. decd . Filed Feb. ti, mes. of - eionaly. Wn quote English and Alpert can The Cottle Plaine. , eirst ased Final areirunt of J. Donaldami Adm.- cOltnlnOu sheet 7ef.-;',.• he •lutile'S, doubles and The Montgomery County Press ways that the I "aft. of Joseph E. Janes' , deed. F i led Feb. firbles • t. arts 1 disesseliffivident Among the rattle In Mont- .. Partial amount of Ell. Diller, Admintstratria f„.irthe 11111ar. deed. Filed Feb. 17. Mal. gap:lMT county during the last two or three J. - . and noel amount of Thomas Snap.. and 'oats has been Called PleithiPnuemonie. Dr. Jobe, Garrison. Executors o(1/ugh Harrison. deed. that Ltd, Yard v.... a. ,aa. Corson - has expressed the o p inion . _ ..._„, n ..,,,,,,,_ Pies) account of Wis. I. Fonsyth, Administrator. and the fOreign disease had not ,sts fin 4 ; f „ Sr Mar, J. 1.....TM1. ete'd, Filed Feb. =Jean. c ome, and were similar, if .. e.0 hi1 ..... ~ Ayeaani ..r Jam. Lewis. Administrat o r or H. H. haracter. if t . lit,,, he ssl, the Cattle r ac ." Lem 1., der d., also was Administrator of George not confined to )tontoruery counts. P cur. - Lewis, deed. Flied Pett.l2. lade PnellMOllia prevailed throughout the No: , to y r i. „ 7i ~ ., , , , fz. s i o . f . Andrew Jackman, Administra• England States a few years'ago,thd cuss f, . r • suttees', dee'd. J , lled Feb. 23. It hag° Occurred all over the countrY it. la I 1 ...,. , .... ono ._ _ ~,,, wil 0 rdir liere•and there, bowever,that It i tas d ln i t- , ,ir:,....,„'„,,,r,.,, or ,i - bn ail m., ~,,,eh.., ,, r04...,,, ,, , , . .t erur0j ° vaned as an Epideinie. In. New Eng, ri ... sri ,. int ,„ r o g re99 cheek.] and stepped IV ta . „,fth. - VILLI4II J. RICTIARDsoN, Register. Lliition Of infected cattle, and the deStriles ...._ MCKIM ALND'LEBIONS. , tion Of theta , decuici Wearable. . 1 0 1 lin boxes 3lesains Lemons; do d Orwr. rid Logan nod the r enlans.-Gen 1 75 .. .4raPhe d bar s to - dar thin „Oat received and an sot GI Jain A. foOgan - ,' Noss 4211 44144 8 e-ires, b p never d athori te s i e c a tile cuie of hie namml hY 1 fel t r i o go it ums, fl ow sosentbled In this cit-yi I never heard of the Ins. Cl a n y valuable let tere at this office, which i• a great thing In its favor; and if mat ter. of voCh small Popo, hence*. newspapers, pamphlets, .te., are some times Missing, I rather think we are under home Obligation to our friend 'who saves u• the necessity of wading through mch lin- Int. - treating matter am 19 generally c s us' •l thereto. (Of retiree, the `:.,serf. dot —not p0,,- through this oilier.) lilt admirable sy•tent of renting the hex., so worthy,Ottllc droning praise, an he give.. no receipt -lar,the money, nor guarantee lot the use ofihrix for the lean of rental; there is so much Stationery and clerical Inlet, Wry VNI, which lo a very ectoslderuble Item to post of flee expenditarre On the whole, I cannot see 11005 any Improve- Meat can be made its the management of this office, which may be cited as a tootle!, for the Imitation of Eastern and much larger office... and I would urge our worthy postmaster to continue In bit exemplary course, and in the end be may rely on being promoted, at least to the rank of Ex-Postmaster ' with a mime and fame of which none ran rot, him. and still fewer will envy him . Pardon the length of my communication, but I could not say Irns , in my ~o p e i nn i e f or the interest,, of my friend, whose name I with hold (as well as me own), out of respect tothe delicacy of his feeling, Sloping you will find space for this briefno tice of his qUalifications for his office, I re main As Omar area. u0 u b.V.A.0. 4 , 11 -`117 0 . 40 , 4 " 94 "..- i meitn„);:n ted a ROBINSON IdeCLEAN & Co., assault and I.l.ll&tatey as oath of Mr. N. lien tled4N9f-theretfXl44ollo,llltd a bearing , Bankero and Brokerty .boomoottorw.M.OrritiOn thin :morning.:. The .evidroce o r was conclusive, and. it No. 75, Fourth Street, Blisburgh, being clear that 3leßrotny ltaltthe party who nourished - Aho knife, he was Teallteb&Aollve Dealers to all kinds of Government Seeurttles, Gold ball, trivegyestate eeem i ty, a and Mire, Uncorrent Bank Notes, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, etc.. etc., etc. ono thousant7dollars for Iris appearance at Deporltrrecalred fn Parra - ads and Currency. Beitiglinable to do this, be was snowed o n time depoot a . mended to the tombs, wg.e & a, gave la all parts of the Waited Mates on moat favorable in the. sum of lire hundred dollen to ?Answer, term. , hie ...father going security. This morrilnK, at amen ~ ....,2 11 1 = lak .a . t et4 tLo r angwthni , la tin early hour, a young Merl - n a med IrtWitlannth Broken' lioards stAy orr d 1 4. Gormlywas arrested as being a participant . 0 .. coma, r -1 in the =ray, but it appearing from the et Dray on H. ('LEWIS & Co.. New York .1. COOKE dente that he was urging Lan d guilty parties to & co„ Philadelphia; !deter, C. D. &T. ?ER_ desis Mt was dischurged an held in bands : KINN, Wastrel, to appear as a witness in 'the ease. The tildeat Initabillant...—The oldest man probably in this State resides In ttalfmoon dold Is reported a shade stronger to-day, Fetus..., Feb. M, 186 s. j .T t: u yw n alb e V , a l n 7 i Sl P°°l'. . Ce ari Lil d trel l i n e co cwo ns aaun eq tbc n r e n n li t o r I n ti tti 'ee e l o ' n lC e dha h ry u b" n oi. - - dred - and twelfth year Of his age. He retains . tautie faculties In a rematkatde degree, and though, without ohange,belng quoted barveSt worked In the field, sometimes at 1.1136. Gove rnment bonds are firth, with a naing the cradle, and cutting ten to fifteen in is market, especially for i dozen achy. good demand rttl i ed 'hi , rti tZu . gh lbW tbe w fl a n y ct S u h a a" tion s m ar a e re th e l l l lg a l n li d . There Is also &colored woman, named Jaten . Sev , T r ay w lo h ir r; rbfkolndelnhg.lndMreldlee.thdrge,xlyn.Cen %re f a eo ge ltn- Therein but little doing in any of our local atocke, and Rank shares still seem to be the Rev. e" ;let. ° S r t e r" wart, " lrte "l ei r iali l l it' ain hk or ti th n ii .- 11.72n h d e ; main attraction. Columbia oil stock ls in re renn.smuynlolvimnh or th e voluntee rs,Reformed Is abou Presbyter t ian he tto leave ti ther better demand, with sales reported at Church and m eonnect Maisel( with the New 240214, and holders generally are asking 25. School General Assembly of the Presbyterian We understand that a telegram wan received Ctnrch. Sitr.eitewart. has accepted a call front here, from Oil City, on Thursday, reporting the geoseville and E. Whlteltuad churches in that the old • "Phillips Well," which at one thin State, and it Is expected he will take c harge of them about Mein of !Sarah. time flowed from lOW to IWO barrels per day, - and teen stopped, has again commenced flow ing, und It Is said that she Is now yielding about five hundred barrels per day. Thls well Is owned by Messrs. Lockart It Frew, of thin city, anal the Woodford Oil Company—the former owning live-eighths, and the latter tliree.eighths. —The New York Tribune, of Feb. 2.2. , says : -The pressure for money growing out of the sale in gold by the Government, has demon strated the fact that the banks of this city are not overloaded with plain legal tenders, and are not prepared for any drain in that quarter. The last oilletal report showed In round num bers, 868,000,080 of legal tender, including de posits at the Sub-Treasury and compound in terest notes. It Is estimated that this IVUOtter IS divided substantially as follows : bob-Treasury Ddpartment 12.5010,000 Compound 1% otes MAO Plain Legal Tenders 13,000,,, , G! oy. ySpui 11 P to Diselitamed.—The individual who was ar rested by officer Bowden, of Allegheny, barged with the larceny Of three hundred d ollars from the sum of Patterson & Hay, of Allegheny. bad a healing before Mayor Morel 'on, last night, end , was discharged there being no evidence to connect him with the theft. We heard it intimated that the matter was satisfactorily arranged outside the May ors office A pat:We/lull. Place,--It Ls dangerous for persons—pafticularly females—to s pas h rough the tunnel leading from the foot of Vrebster street to the head of Craig street, First ward, Allegheny, after nightfall. For several nights in succession the lamp In the tunnel has been put out by "roughs," and an unsuccessful at tempt has been made by the police to arrest them. Demand an Inereme.—The Journeymen brick layer. of trim city have held a meeting, and agreed to demand an increase of twenty. Ave per cent. on and after April the dim They are at present receiving $4,50 per day On a Pitrike.—tho coal diggers are on a strike at Youngstown, 0., demanding five to ten rents advance per ton, and the proprietors Insisting upon a decline often to fifteen cents. The result Is that the collieries are all Idle. Arrested an Suspiclon.—A. man named David Bergin was arrested last night by officer Thomas Adley, on suspicion of being a burg lar. He had on his person a mantle; of watch es, a bunch of keys, a mace, and three wire lock picks. He was locked up for a hearing. Lisreessy.—WllliaM Hutchinson was arrested last. night by officer Charles Harem on a charge of Stealing fourteen dollars from a fellow lodger in the tavern of Thomas Morgan, Penn street, in the Fifth ward. Held for a bearing Alleged Larceny of al Coat.—A man named James Thompson, Was arrested by 011icer Seth Wilmot, and taken before Mayor McCarthy on suspicion of haying Rtolen a coat. Held for a hearing. REGISTER'SICE n . rii 1, thrisurlinil, February 4th. \ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN - Ihat the follo.s. lug ae,ountr or E.sectitor... tor.. hare been rinly ..31.1 r • "(he, •nci will I, row:nen lo the 0r1.h.1t,. n Cur confirmal ion soil allowance in Mi OS lin \ Mnrch MG: Final aiwnii lit of .loons. McKnight. Knainilan of minor girl, der •d. No,. Account of , Julia A. IL Ifelinr. Executrix 01 -ino, H. Mellor, deed. Flied Nor, 21, MN, Final nreount of Andrew Fletntox. .Ir.. tort - Ditty Administrator tenon te,smento anuexo, of An drew Fleming. der,. Flied Dec. I. 1e64. Final account of Wu. 11. Aexife, Executor of Ephnam Frisbert.der'd. Flied Dee. I. ISro. ilnalaerouat of John C. Richer. Admlui-xrntor of John I'. t•erher. der •d. 1.. Aecouut of Henry and 4otto loci:, Executor- of titixm F. 11,112, decd. riled Dee: Z.. MS. A,..nont Nlatthetc Kerr. .nartilan of minor .•itti.trett !note , Iry in. drie•ii. Filed Dec.:. I ,, nunt of ling!. inrlnto.b. Guardian of 'oho nA Fnr,tihni rmliL. )11,1 2. F.11:11 iterount of .1. 11. Irxin. Duard tau , •1 111 i nor , htldr.n Elmira ll . .1,•41. Flied Der. Final ro•oo1 $1 of U 1,411311 Admlnt.fra ,or of lion, 11 . . Siowart• ile•r•d I , llen Dor. a. let, Arwoots: Acimmi.drator •. C 01,1.1f,uninFfharn. dr, .1 Vlicol Dor. V, 1.4. Final aooount tioor, F' Sill le•no. 4 :ll3r4flau ul moo, .I,lmo oar., /flol. dr. .1. F11«1 Doc. ar , ottul of Mar% IT A4ulloi.tra r, .4,1.1 I , Nt Aeroursi orltti. GOrnlnn. T4...lamrntsry (.elar dlan Knima It .• . minor of Brred 11.-4•1/...-. a. INS. Final aer..1.0 of Yeler mi).l Allown Iti l..lrlttor. or Ellt..ellt swop', 1 , 11.1 Dee 11. . . ol warna..l N.lonliw I NI. 11.. Admit. I-1 rml c.,.f 1•.,,,,5e.1iri.111,..1a,•41. 111..11 11re. 12 =W=E .4.4.,11111 Or 1.. Guardlan of ./.1111e.. I'. Dec. 16, Film/ acconne...r John Conning - Imm. Admlnl,lrs. wr of John McFadden. rll,-0 Der. An. In.. Samuel Boyd. Adoti allt ra tor of Fll,l Dee. ?a. !Arr.. r•••.un I harh• ollmon. A.Lm lutst rms.ur WIT:10111 iiiltehlp.oe, tier •.1. Yllr.l Ilrr. N. • • . • . i final ..rount 11.1moven. 4ie.3ntlan . Finn/ ',grunt of Jan.. L. Holland, Aohnina,ra 11,f of A% lhlam Holland. .4.1,1. Flh.d Ith le,. A erount f Hugh .11n:da.d•r. A drnlohdrator of Andrew Ah.3l‘,ler. anal arrow. of John War. it.. Adminharacor .h.nohna drr'.l 14..1 Jan. 4. inr.d. of Holteri if ..trttut:oetl:i.errdian of suing.? .1 Nan 24112,1111,011 tie , VII , .I,t3h ttut ••( Slnrlitt Itleltar•1•. I.l”rtitatt a.f mils., ••I t rts. I to• 11. a .l.e'tl Flieli .last FINANCE AND TRADE. Total Legal Tenders 468,000,000 —The Chicago Tribune, of Feb. nd, says Daring the past six months several hundred thousand dollars have been in vested In thisclty in oil eompanten—some bogus anditonte gen uine. To-day on 'Change an Innocent stock holder of a well-known company asked one of the directors when a report would be made. The director replied that "he did not know," Whereupon the bystanders commenced to banter thestockholder, and one Individual asked him how much he invested. lie re plied, "one thousand dollars," whereupon an other bystander offered him .10 for his stock, op= which Mr. stockholder waxed indignant and offered $5OO for the same. Whe director, before alluded to, who had been quietly look tog on, as soriti as the offer of OM per share was made, promptly clapped the stockholder on the shoulder and said, "sold." Whether it Is thestock or the stockholder that was sold, remains to be seen. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has Issued regulations concerning the return of bonded goods by assessors and collectors. Al lowance is made for leakage In spirits and coal • oil withdrawn for the purpose of being redis tilled or canned for export. The amount al lowed for leakage is In proportion to the dis tance exported, not to exceed one per cantons for not more than one hundred miles, and three and a half per ref trim {for any distance over five hundred miles. Spirits or oil which has been withdrawn for the purpose of being redistilled or canned for export and returned to the' warehouse, cannot be subsequently withdrawn for the purpose of being exported, and In no case ran such articles be witluirawn for consumption on the payment of duties. No loss will be allowed for shrinkage on weight of tobaceo during transit, or which is stored ilk bond, If withdrawn for consumption, the lax must be paid on the quantity as originally bonded. As collector§ have, In many instan ces, held bonds uncancelled long after matu rity, they are reminded last such practice to at variance with the rules of the internal Rev- - enue Bureau, and that in future they are ex pected to require parties to comply with the rend Rims of the bond, and produce the eel defer tar Ila cancellation within the time al lowed, and that no extension of time ran be granted, except upon the approval of the Com te 1 x+iourr. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH I torah Movement at Pilliliatiime Receipts of non: and Gran from tie three Into crone, commencing with theAstotßeptem• ber, compare as follows: Flour, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Barley, itte, ' . bbla. be bu be 16,854 854,785 8,115,849 446,571 119 fas 118k3 10.14.10 1E44.5 100,688 2,931,797 503,151 118 1 M9 147,210 59414 • mra.4 018.979 7,915,877 584,4411 172,720 168,094 1074641 —Semtinet. "Clevelaud Market c" viLLAND , Feb. 2.l.—Hbeat—Quict and steady. Sale 2 tare NO. 2 Saeiby at (2,05. Corn •74k= 6'l: l '4' 4 ' l oZ% —Dull and Irregular. Reid at taleno from .01 R ye—D ana inactive. He /d atAgle eta from note. Harled , —Salell 22 GAWP?, F - 9 al 65e. PITTL4BU LIALIPLEIN Orrice or Till Pirriintritialt G xrtTa , t ' FRIDAY, Feb, SVIRed - There is no Improvement to note in the gen eral tone of the produce markets, either as regards demand or prices, though, there Is a moderate business doing in a Jobbing way. The appearance of Geo. Francis Train on 'Change ereated ronalderible commo tion among the members who were rather sur prised to meet their distinguished visitor, as' it was not generally known that he was In the city. We understand that Mr. T. Intends mak ing some remarks rit the Board of Trade Rooms to-morrow,lgaturday.i GRAIN—No movement In Wheat. to-day—not . a ,Ingle sale reported. Oats dell butoeitimiged at 40 t 042 on track, and 444810 r itintlPOts from store. Side 'Of l ear Shelled Gliten, atilt; and I car Ear Corn at CO. Rye, is ftletriand, and sells readily at 75. Barley in very dull, and there is not enough doing to establish Quotations. GROCERIES—Cuba Sugar la firm, kith sale. at 13141 t, and Porto Rico at 15Q15 , ,5. Crushed Is quoted at lErl9; "B" Coffee, @Mc and "A" ditto at 17 , aIS. Molasses dull hut un changed wiles Porto -Rico at ti. 500. Coffee in firm with sales at WOW for atria good ,and 91 for c , hoice. s Rios is quiet., filth Sal. at 10% Rll for Rangoon, and 12%449 for North Car olina. llAil:lt—Demand light but the market is steady and prices are unchanged. Small sales from store at p.:4OBS_ for Spring Wheat, and $10y.($101, for Winter Wheat brands. Sale 01 101) bbls, to the trade, on pri vate terms, and 75 bbls at slo,lo. Rye Flour dull and unchanged ..Sales of Buckwheat at $9 per PROVISIONS—Bacon la rinettanuell-14140116 for Shoulders. 171015 for Sides; and' for Sugar Cured Hams. Prime kettle ren dered Lard is a shade firmer at 180164. Small sales of Mean Pork at $Z113.,93. SEEDS—SaIe of 450 bushels Timothy Seed at alli; also, small sales at $93 , :44. Cloverneed la quoted at $7674. Flaxseed Is in good demand " IrtfTEß—ls lean active but unebaniretlOales of prime Edit at 88640—supply fully up tette demand. EGOS—A shade easier; salateor 10 blds at generally held at W. SORGHUM—SaIes of 42 bhis Illinois Sorghum at GO to 79 per gallon—the inside tlgu re for in ferior. Prime Ohio is held 70 to 71. CHEESE-1s quiet but unchanged at 21 col for Hamburg. and 2a. for Goshen. A PPLES—Green Apples are selling at from • 1644 to s7_l4 per ',La. POTATOES—SaIes at 1415 to up per bosh, and 113 1 413911 per bbl—supply eery light. BEAMS—Steady with a fair demand and re gular sales at 1.13;02 per bosh. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET Os/ye:mow esta Prethannou Otzerra FRIDAY, Feb. 23, itißti. CRUDE—The Crude market continues de pressed, with very lityo inquiry either for home consumption- brablpment„ and prices are entirely nominal at 196th, bbis returned, and 24023, bbla included—sale of 100 bbls at 23. The supply, at present, is very light, altbOugh it is tally equal to the demand: and as the indica [ions of an earlyiesumptton of na4liration are very encouraging, holders are anxious to rea lire For future delivery, there is little or nothing doing, though 'we still hear of offers haying been at /8, to be delivered here, on the opening of navigation. REFINED—On the spot, bonded oil conthr- WM very dull, while There is considerable In. quiry forint:are delltery. For immediate de livery, we now quote at 37038 free on board ears here, and 430 , 40,delivered in Philadelphia —no rates reported._ Free Oil continues ex cessively dull, rile demand being restridted almost entirely to supplying the wants of the retail trade, and prices are steadily declining. Prime standard Mande cannot be quoted above 57e68. NAPTHA AND RESlDUrli—There la a mod erate shipping demand for Residuum, and we can report miles at 114%645.5 bet bbl. Naptha Is very dull and we have uothad a single sale reported this week. PETROLEUM NTOCRN IN NEW TORII: Spoctal Dispatch to the Western Press. 51rW.Toatt, February 23, PCS. Petroleum Shares were more In demand, and generally firmer. Excelsior, quiet, and rallied to 1,5). 011 Creek was In large demand, and rose to 5,00. Palmer; teas In request, at 4,15; McClintock, was heavy, and fell to 54,00, ander pressure to sell. Other sales were made at the following rates: : Bennehog Ann, 15,65 auven, 5,70; Ceiitral,'3oo; Piaci/4 CTeki4 9 ,COl O Mon. 9,50, United Stitee, 111,161 Clinton, 1,76. CHICAGO MARKET apeetal Litapatab to ale Plueburgb Boud a Trade. Can:mho, February 7t, ISM lia•ll.l.—Wheat unaettled at 11,21 for No. 1 Spring. Corn firm at St for • releeted. Oats rery arm at 23 for No. 2. Rye, to. Paortssorts—Mesa Pork arm at VW.. Pickled Sides, Ilk; Shoulders held at IL Lard buoyant —held at la. tr wear—Held at r.,12. NEW TORN PETROLEUM MARKET Speciel Illepatab to Western Perms. New roar, February 23, Ilea: Petroleum le dull, at 29!ie for Crude, and 4 Cc for Relined In bond. Toe Cattle Magee In Pennsylvania From the nrocceallarrs of the Pennsylvania Legielature Ire eatrlket the following A letter leas road from Plymouth, htontgom• ery county, calling attention to the existence and apread of the cattle plague in that comity. It seems that We disease gout made itaappear. lance In the spring of leaS,.and since then has been steadily on the Increase. A large meat her of cattle have dled, and most of the meat bee been sold. A considerable quantity of It, too, Naar been brought to this etta sad sold la our markets. A special committee was sp.: . pointed sad the 'abject referred.,, .T Weer York New Alattiket New York, reb.22.—Cloierigeed 1.11 dull; and prices have further declined. 250@3 bags have been takeh at LI 4ac).l.2ifio, latter price for choke. Timothy la neglected; $.1,7504,23 la the nom ROW!. Flax la yc quiet, the Duel nese being confined to ry parCela Ws. uotat Linseed Is dull, and rather 11011 at our qlona. INIPOR22 DT RAILROAD. Frirrsairaoll. Foliar Waraa 4. - Catormo. B. Feb. U.-2 Oars lusablig, Phelps Parkg &CO - 11 car staves, J Sears pr.ital, Films Ick-a. coil do do, .1 Moorhea ; 23 bbbi flour, Idellone AnJeri.lo bbls scrap Iron, idollins italoney;3B empty oil bbl. , Brower, Burke & co; 123 do do, J Wilkins; 40 Mrs caita, ft do spool do egg Meek la do d ArmstrOn o llii OMB sorghturi rantUelherklo lard' J.,krbUOklealik , 50 sorghurn.LiH-Voligt .darker J Rhodes & co; car bulk cornliell d 111Mhard 100 bbla flour, 1025 should era, J Gardiner - it:IOMA; dour, Watt a Wiliam; 100 do do, D Wallace. RR do do, Culp & Bhagat - di DO do clo . „30 Jenkhrin H 0 do do, atlinnitkar 4144,114.34 .v. Engliahl 5 tea hauls, R • • • ownsend; ob 011, Pennock, Bill ,k co; 3 bail organs, Wamellnk .1t Darr. ALL UUUUUU STATIOL SiblllAl7 a—t car on bids, J 31 Gallagher; 1 pkgs butter and egg. Willey d Weaver: l 5 bgs flaxseed, .1 Craig; 10 pkg. 010 Tel-seal, Owens Kennedy; I car shin.!hies, Williams tiro; 1 cariath, Smith & Hann. plige hard; W 11 /doors; tO bale broom handles melanoma d co; 4 cars wheat, Kennedy* tiro; 111 bbls crude petroleum, Job - martin coa lagber; 1i bgs flaxseed, Ewer & Hamilton; 10 lise candles, Been field d co; 18 tales cotton, P T Dc tr co; tlZl,4efti ILCVetage,.diP Parnatatiffle'ltatC: Feb. 23.-3 big; bdtter, Campbell & Brow to 3 bxs butter, H Riddle; 7 eke rags, Godfrey & tlark; 1 car lumber, Kelley & 1 db de, rdcQuewan d Douglas., / 20 pInas 11011 LJobt1 Hamm,* JD Sarniard, R TOwlallintu; 1 hdd blecking, J D ;11 cask* pearls; ;da d Dears & 001 73 DIM Marcie, do was broo l ps. a c dles,Sbomaker 14ingill tibia - Mater,- it co;141 hh/s dour, Zl3 mita:lmq 1121 she cord, tenon & Ammon{ boxes butter, /1 Riddle} t cases tobacco, J ohn Grazier; 100 bbla dour, Gnaw= Thomas; 35 do do, Campbell Brown e. ] was, Helkine 4 Aoki"; now COLVIIITHISAZDCIWOMPATi B.R. Feb. 21.-100 bid. flouriGregga , Clendenlng; 100 to do, W Linhart; 40 pkgs nob, d CoMn; 60 do do, M WH0 21121 44/31 - 0045144 a KillalMo bbl. dour, Watt - fa Isett; d pre *heat, an Wallace; 45 bdis paper, Ylttebtllgh raper CO; lot 11h4 ;plods, Itellunek.SBl banal* Otrilry, Spencer S McKay; 4d aka dour, .1 acott; 41 tads doer, I sack Meal, . 7 08 1101,"*"6 gIItrAWIN, ..11/31114vER, P•R XXXXX OROLPRI nAraity.-114 ebb oil, Clarke & co; 11 bb , sorgbuto__, Potter, Aiken & liheeard; Ibz medlolnes, W Keyser; Pt bbla bomlnyol,do buptter,B don orglunpsifSdoeggs, Parker at; W Steger, N Mick eel SO oil bbls, &Item Oil Lo; SO do o steamer Bayard; le pkga marketing, Kline & Beaver; SO ekgs suudrles, Steele & Brq, RIVER NEWS. ak7tIVALS. Bayard Moore DriPAZTPARS' Lent Leotl....liamllttm. The river is again awelling, With about seven feet water in theiihannel by the pier marks of the Mordzugeticht resteplay ,VaH weather la very warm and spring like, and there is every indication of rain. A gentle man from OH City Informs us that the raver at that point Is atlit frozen over, but that the weather is warm, and that there Is area able pro of of an toitthedititolireikUW news et the lindte ngliCit - iterseliveff. if The loss of the Winchester, and the break. leg of the Bayard's shaft, has been a terrible blow tothe Parkedeberm trade. Mitt fell par. Miners of the lose of the Winchester will be tonna Au another column. The aecidell to the Bayard beopened.abOut 30 '0100kt:in tb e tnewn. tug of the . .*h UTtufainnitscats OlteleltY and Arab, were lashed thgether, and were towing about a dozen imattlats. They had no lights out, and it was Impossible tor the pilot ofthe Bayard to toll their exaet _Whereabotita. They were else taking up the entire enamel of the river. By a most fortunate-el-ream. ' stance, they struck the Bayard% wheel-WW, 'came tbeettart at the nthildle flange.' The; came mar rneuttug Aieer hers bow widow caaeldit bonerwilavewee knocked down, and the amen:Min damage which would have De. curved cannot be esUmated. The Leal Leta went nticlasievitt place ortha.W rAg, 3 • int Jack mmitM i nt e , •mu ek day, and will borealis: , run on two Buyardie day. It will take die latter boat two weeks to repatrthe iesiMetgAttf*alon. ire neglected to slate that the amiderli to : the ATTORNEYS. Bayard - ooeurredbetweetfLOckwasi eadGeore ,Creek. AIcifILISTER UAZZAM CO TheToreshCityi Calif.. Go4onileisveskikhiy for Parkeraburg, this being her regular da p ; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW The line will beYept p, so that there shall" b e . no Interruption inbtislness , Nettellillbs‘l23;l24 The Nora, Cat. IL B. Derinney, will com Isar - mwine. enceloading y for Cincinnati and Lou- Parties vieitin the Dunkard Creek 011 re gions, are [nal to look at the adyerthlemont -otitis spring arrangement of the Pittsburgh. Brownsville and Genera Caton line tuicket s C. MACKRELL, company. They, bare four steamers in the line, leaving Pit t sburgh daily at 8, a. m., and 6 , • ATTORNEY AT LAW. it. in., Sundays - excepted. The steamers are Bret class aide wheeler., and are built ex- AND presaly for the trade. The beautiful scenery of the lionongabela river itself in sufecient to C. B. Licensed leolitlers• Claim Agent. induce one to Make a trip on one of them. The liemehlarCapt. MCCallilll3, now loading, Bounties for Wounded Soldier" collected lo tro for New Orleans, will not get off this evening as intended. She will leave as early In the Sii-Othse, No. cd Grantlireer, Pittsburgh. - week however as possible. Cull sub Dtscbarge sad ;worwltneares. The Lorena, Capt. Shuman will leave for St. i - Conic early during the coming week. The Yorktown, Capt. Wash. Ebbert, is load ing for Nashville, and will leave as anon a. loaded, The Fmma Graham, Capt. Stull, will be in port to-morrow• , night, and will resume her regular trips In the Zanesville trade. The Pine Grove, Capt. John Aniwalt, it due at the landing • • . y from clueinoatt, Vii li rriEl CI $ : lON OA 1866. 1866. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. • MONONGAILE.Lik 'RIVER ; Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, UNION LINE, 1..A.C1.13.311%a willthree daily ilde.wheel . teeters bet weep Pittsburgh. Monongahela City, Browneville, Rice.. Landing. Greensboro, Celina and the Dunks.] oil Region.. This:line ts,compneed of the following steamer. , • AEA lard 4EffrE , ......cArr. S. C. P E i f E ß i t. CAPT. D. BUG HER. 2, W, CA.RMAC OALLATIN CAPT. A. 9. CARLILE. These packets will leave Pitt/burgh daily at Ba. in.. and 6 p. my except Sunday, when the departure will beat o'clock, a. m. The through p acket for th e 011 Region. will leave r - liteborith d ally at a p. Brownsville daily et 6 a. M. ReTLIININO—Leages Itrownivillie for Pittsburgh at?. . Arida, p. m. daily Leaves Greensboro ,and fierier. at 12 o'clock: Rice's Landing at Ip. tn. ililLeavea Monongahela, City et 4 o'clock. The line to composed of grst-cLus eldt-wheel steamers. built expressly for the trade. They cRi be commanded by °Moen of long experience, who will pay particular attention to the wants and cont. r it o . fmsemrs. The Imam vrl rtised Bleeve .promptly FrelglA Received at all Hours.., , Tor farther put leularij, enquire of WILLIAM IffoRLROY Agent, At the Whut , Boat. toot of Grant atattsbargh. L. COL Agent, feta:Bad - Brown:Mile. a. 1866. bane 1866. SPEED, SAFETY . AND Comilla! COMBISIM • PIIIPAUL WHO'LLIA, PAPBROMIC DAILY PACKET LINE. MMlQ;=l== ••. Steamer BAYARD- Geo. D. !toots, .Master. Steamer WINCH It; Aso& Shepherd_ , Shiner. Steamer FOREST CITY Jr Gordon, Neater. DOWN TRIP—STEAMER BAYARD' Leaves Pittsburgh every Monday and Thursday, at tl o'clock a. m. Leave. Wheoling every Monday ane ...bander, it STFAIDIIt WINCHESTER Leaves Pittsburgh every Tuesday Cud. PrldaY, at n atfietWbeellag every Tuesday and Edda:, at CYO v. M. STEAMER FOREST CITY Leaps Pittsburgh every Wednesday andSaturdl7. at 11 nt Levee Wheel/tag every Wednesday aid Saturday, at 910 D. m. UP TELP—STLASLER FOREST CITY s Parkersburg every Idunday.and Thoesdag ap. m. • Litres Wlteetlng e'er, 'Tuesday and irlday, it t ' STEAMER BAYARD Leaves Parkersburg every Tuesday and Friday, at tp.m. Leaves Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday, at 71. 01. STEAM 1.11 wiscaxerzn Leaves Pariteraturitt every Wednesday and San, dayod p. m. 7 a. Leares Wl:keeling every Shntsday wd flundati at dirCostaretions going down are made at Whet-Rug and BeMalt with the Clerelarntand Pittaburgittralu, wfilch I rittaborgh at 151,5 p, m. and Cleveland at Tab a. m. Also, with [mina of P ittsburgh. For Wayne and Chicago Raitway, which leases Chicago atm h. m. and at Marietta with Marietta and Can- Canal Railroad. and with steamers to all taints on the Marking= Meer:and a] Parkersburg wit tarty Unto on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. and With Daily Line Mamma to Pomeroy, tiallipolls, 'lronton, Portsmouth. Mayirtille and Cincinnati :41l b . e d eVigtolliga n iZlh ar iimi `' it e d,V,co u t w o4 rain, by which paasengera arrive at Clevelai.l t P. m., and Chicagort 7103 a. to. nets morning. JAS. COLLINS di CO., Agents. At Wharr-Boit. loot of {P po d lit. Mitre frelgtit be received met. day, !IA 7103 pLit CINCINICILTI Allnas i gr ia t OCTLSVIT.LIS.—Tbe apieadid sevirer steamer 2.0 ..... . ........ .Cajat. 11. DtvisrpET. Will leave Mr the above and all lixtermmilate ports on TO - VIDAL 37th Inat.. at 4 p. m. Tx, r-ighlron'enliim,Wir. to FR NASHLE.. L-Them i fil= IVE ucpasst nor steamer YORKTOWN Clio.. Enna? Leziti its seers SATURDAY. Nth lam at 4p. m. Pol 4 414::,,,tri*C8Etitt`titclb/.W.g. VOR . ,, CAIRO. AND ST./ I :Mg LOCus—The aptendtd steamer LORZNA Capt. Maracas, win Wray as above on P,ATtilt DAY; tatatt 4 p. m. trzweLiratrob. rpm,. pou MEMPlEftil & NEWarat WILIC tin—The spend* Unmoor AltlIZIll A It. C. MCCALI:nir. !fester, lento for ttu *born lon all Intermediate ports forTUNDAY P. freight or tr u ararpilijo board or to COtiMIPOOD. Agents RE . puutri WICKET a l gae g m t - 43 4-1- 4 "1" op '. anti s WM Iwo for iha above ah *alarm star every.TUKaillAY funi.7-iin.tlirayMaz eitmavyararx. STEA rums - LIVE R .c.irlilfiritiVAllT'orath.l"7" • EVERY SATURDAY EVERY ,WEDNESDAY, vmurrut Tlastimlotato ataitTim Ireland, 'thermal, Scam wad, fitrimaat and Prattea, ' mo m Ulm tamhaurmlla!h., Jo „BAIA'. Agent, .(1 - firoadmay, N. V. : e`s ei 170118, 0_? IC TOR AIAIX MEE o . ll l7 , Ptitrit . stock of Grocerlefend-Litrueirs 4164...,.ga50rr. - • We leetti the tittlijijeii to Our WWII eb4 warted steelt , ehleb wcue at Rag MOOS M. b* 4ll% i :4LViig4 k irti tit u pp APAikt.l p reatur atiobba: yoePoltajg women au e t: orrr'y Itte=a4oCititypilporittlaCroNuStl tow% loeeatvoriaui brim* aroloo ln ct gip 4 t o t r,tel tr o th Wee tau if t 7f i v i e r k ,, ,, , „ ) l. 9., 6 tigH t trtii l l474 l 4 e ili:Ed a ; AttritonOAlti at 144 144:3159i Tren.r.tor GErrr, 2W, Ob St., elitkeitte - the narkit, tilOwd AtilAtellENT MTV. Parkersburg B~TND, .Parke . eqmrs BC l ote , ' Wal mi ft i ONlNF: p'Pssrssi: -- • ,-- ~ . Pi .1: 11 saest Per ma; tu‘ " • lillohL9CEPLik lAN% Tol4 :• ••• •• Pin IWo vs Wooa meat. ' • " Him JC i t it 9TAVAligtrir AACI 100 . t:: ge piTZ44,Mpotndsi Pt es i• . . .c. —eon All WARSILICI emotes rant 7- stio CCIL ori`t.4,2=r- etalkAks, Jir 1914 1.7.11uWn0d atreet. R l UNtriuzakairkisithliti:aat? la t ftecw - lobtie.l,l4l4iiiii - &YelllAlls-41.._"b414._ .._ll2:4 l hli 0: VaarilrbirolG" , " 4 ! ! itb=bl i i Tez t a lirtionl z L I MA I VIIIIIkr cops • }MIURA 9.41 bal. /1/1 . 111.19r ,41a - • 5._ ZP. B CIL ~qan da EAT A 111/Cll, ZIT AlLopet-, Biarldri=! "1“ 9 -'1V 1 - 4 °1!st. 111 /ESC"' ' t edist *la 4 Special attention given to list F.XECUTIuN OD . LEASES, Titles examined and Collections made In rimnsyl. amnia, MI. and West Virginia. (..11 5/11LITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTLES[BACK PAY, and lifilltsey Claims of every description, collected by the sithsexlber,'at the following rates, riot PeoelOna, OA; all ot her Halms, $1.50. C. C. TAYLOR, AttOrney at Lew, Eljetriond street, oppugn, the Court House. N. B.—No charges are made if the divined°. ram • ucceed, end all information Elven main. seinle Each Hoop Is composed of TWO finely tempered steel springs, braided tightly . and._tinely together ~ , , whgrlzzfrfitdle maras:;:obtarift.r break like the singles - primp, One will ever preserve their gracefolucja h olf . sl= r h here three or Yotui or dirt:111:1, .47 1 the promenade or the rown " bn11:: e tts churct, th ter or car, they are superior to ail olb era, combining 0031 TORT. Munn= and gOCruo ler, with that szLiGiowCZ T H Ykri which haa made the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC of the &Atonable world . . Merchants wilt be to:widen al *hove and by Pitts burgh Jobloen and ladles In •all the gret-class retail litotes in this CUT. Inquire for • C(WFJNS I COFFINS t MA ROO AIM I HOUANT I IiNDLETAXINCIJ UNDERTAKIWS I Nonni? WILLIAMS; Chadertsiker. OElee, No. 131FOIIRTH SWUM. Iladertaltias in all Its branches. Lotslater:tuft !ar o stoatend turuisbluitelnall th iar7:Pien:td ira'rtrild balsams. sl;rart ts• b. -4 at rtaaortable terms. • delis niI:LUAU lIORA. ........110LAND ran". HOWARD & WHITE, Collin Rooms's& it eeeee ter Livery /table Canner ot Ptiediatd and t:Partlera streets. SIP" Orders teem Allepbelip City and vicinity promptly attended to. toPlytti ALM AucEN, trivrritil.. No 111 Fourth street. I . lo.olhergh, Pa. (.1)11rINS ail kln CH APVS, LOV Mt, end every descrlptloe of Yenerol Yurniziting (Jowls firralatiett. Room open clay and night, Hear. and Carriages rumlahed ELIMIMICLIIM—Iieu. Deere Kw, .11.. M, Nev. JO W. Jecabun: U.D.,•Tbomis twittg tnp., Ontot,D Miller, reg. , • Veiled SKATES ! inxr....eormiss faus,..noraus Ladies, Gents and Chi Wrens EEI tEnEE-801"31119, In Every Variety, for Hale Low CALDMIWIN 381017173,4'. tottfaus 4 h 0.114 AVM/ MTItU?. . • : Z 7! 1, • • $1 00 aims " EVERYTHING.- /tit LNi tetallartePAZlttrig i gi new I NTBNICT, (o•poidte Iliscrato Hall,) • NA. 1 1 Ne n s t Sims (.4111 &dd. tlytAlfi t tif i rrakk tgara MOW *ND Ink 0 L Ao vallk 111, &rage pry. of U./ Coon and is. tie Na j d ti i i! dale, itVdaf PIMb ftnst. (two ddordeaitaids °Me/ 111031. DII_VRI & ELLACII, Have ou baud a -Loot* Assortmons of PITTsIaPROILMMorr AND,. OAKLAND OREENHOUItEI. 4QH:N B. aJIII:I.4IW,Li, "..- nitiinoirit"Witi.rlia."lthiilicr o. Jr.. , • tto r gra l gtenttos . ttiltes4 t 4=alir a Mtith Cern ire, •F t atitirprzlfls and per. • rork— =IF , ! .. , pom! . rasa . mass EIMIEI vUMirtII4TPB orrtx• burhonosmersto 00. Ow • WIC Y. ■oIICMT. MO. R. COMMA!" MOFFETT be COCHIRAR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFION, NO. MI GRANT ISTRERT, L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, oFricr, 1111 DIADJOKI) STREET, opposite lb. Cour tßouge Pittsburgh, Ps. to,Ml.lltor MANUFACTURERS. INDUSTRIAL WORKS. ECOII U. SOLE II 17 NYNit ORR. HUCH M. BOLE & C 0.., FOUNDERS, ENGINE BUILDERS AND MA CIUNLSTS; Manullacturerao W f Land aud Marine ENIANES, LOCOMOTIVE.S for Coal orks, 011. WELL and erery kind of Machinery, made to order. All armor warranted. CASTINGo of every deseripilan made to order. Repairing M 4VAUP P ,lL m o r ilirn ed P l lliNT ALLEY A NI) RANK OF ALLED HEN Y RIVER, near the Point. etttaburgh. Pa. feW.:llradm ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. * MODES, RYRIE & CO., Manufacturers of BLACK and ORRICE GLASS. WARE, Orterlatli , Ware, Bottles, Demijohns, Var. ooys„ de WArehorise—No. 144 WATER STREET twtween Smithfield aud.tirant Street.% ?Imbues& Penna. We warrant our Wares to be superior to any man• u factored west of the df oontains. Always on band, tilassware of the above de.ription. All orders promptly attended to, Particular attention paid le private moulds. .3:17 Wit. 110411.11 ISAID JAMES IRWIN & CO., J/LlLltd IfANTTFACTIIRERS OF OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. CINEEIcte,II3 Tlastricot PJrrsarracm, PA. ISIUS. P. COLIAISS OltLb WRIGIIT VOLLINS & WRIGHT, Rtitianisi Firm and !Meet Metal Workers, Brlttanla Cas tors, Carbon and Lard 011 Burners, and all &farts tyles of jlrletaula used by Glass hismakottmeri Orders promptly Med. No, IM SMCOND STIgEET Pittsburgh, Penn., SEVERANCE, Na AS WATER a-re WREST_ , Pittsburghonahufacturer BOIL= RIVICTS,WAIOUOUT SPM.X.S, common and railroad or every description. Particular stud or shaped 'Spikes and Rivets; large or small, made to order at short notice. A good ss• *ailment constantly on band. MRTS. NEW SKIRT FOR 1866 BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) SPRIG SKIRTS, lathehtred achisitely by the sole oween of Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY & CRY, 07 Chambers, eutd 79 s 81 Bead• NM, YORE. STANDARD SKIRT Bradley's Duplex Elllptle Ulna fe.L.tmeodu ALL 9TYLES Or TIIE CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT AT LOWEST RET4.Ie, MOM 111.1iPP.1111e 3a ", a - SuppllecLbe the dozen at lowest rates. ertiedreig VA/ 3 CARLISILE, 1 1 1. 11111 a Etirecot. Pe:eaumm9 UNDERTALICINia QM= UND R A IIU Vacierta►lsera, SKATES. 2,1100 PAIRS OF J. R. KENNEDY & CO., 1. 11 : 7 C , e_.! , A4AA.';e244141 MOWING mAcatbiza, noßait Eaves, , • Anst4w,ctorms, norens !NA 8a.3 salts. No. 213 - and 30 ottki It., Allegbitn7 I 1.0 414114e i allyitSJ itIOLD4: THERE 181110_,SEMIN4i MA MOAB so the world that can do so gref:• etzlety of of wos t 4. the;nE:l3:s WHEELER & WILSON, Or ere such thurongli saVglittlem I= • CORDING they se. admirable FOR QUILTING they are exclusive TUCKING they ate 11131411‘11P21 BRAIDING Thep FOR HEMMING they are unapproachable FOR FELLING they are tultaryassett • BOIL STITCHING they are faultless . I 'S : I ' 0 ' ' ' ' At the house of the customer, and neither pato, nor expense spared until the Machines ary thoroughly nader.tood at .1 used successfolly. With each Machine we furnish complete printed dlrt,tlons, sod persons at • distance can soon ]earn to operate them. WM. SUMNER & CO., 27 Filth Street, Pittsburgh. retie Ina & BA 'S SEWING minus Rave been awarded the rnarr PREMIUMS et th Miming Vanier the rear Mit Fast Premium ler best Marione Work at Penne State Pair. First premium for best Machine work at New 'For State Fair. First Premium (or beet Family MActdiie at Oh State Fair. First preminat for best manntacturing Nubia. Ohio State Fair. First premium for best Manillactnring Machina Michigan Mate Fate First Premium for beet Ilamttactiring Machine Wiuoneln State Fair. First Premium for best Mantirecturing Machine Lawrence County Pair, Pa. Fit:tP i lt a uabUtt • tor . best-Machin; for gannet pitr po First Premiumwrence bitchine at Buck C rintYP l Vnlllu n m for heM klannfactoringliactilster Is. lirst cks =)::" t h e ir test Manufsetorlng and Fe end] Machine at Springeeld Pair, Ohio. First Premium Mr best lisouractaring end rerun Machine at Palmyra Pair. N. Y. First Premium for best klauttracturing and Family Machine at iturrollr-Countir N. P. First Premium for best. neutering and llama, Machine at Schuyler Conn Fair, N. Ir . First Premium for beet Achille for all purposes, at Allegheny County Fair 3 4 4 l. First premium torbest ufacturlng Machine, Allegheny County Fair, Pk. First Premium for best Machine itmk at &Beaten County Fair, Pa. t. And wberever exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY, ocZ eadollit Fifth street, Pittsburgh. SHAW & CLASH'S SEWING ALUMS. 40 AZEL42021.133.egil SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are., are ;i 7 e h tlarlf=t7i ' Ve ' rotti a tirreitle biA , and are perfectly adapted for erect 0. Finally Sewing and Tailoring. We do not antsstiar Machines with cheap mantilla., as we have titan oil Patentee prices. W e refer tO the tenoning petenne as refcrencet Mr A AIKEN. No . . ICS Fourth street; Mr. FAN. DER IN A ILLEN No. MS Webster street; lie. J. DOLAN, ho. Gr eet, l street; Mr. J. SCOFIELD, No 19 Second rt Allegheny City. Mohave oth ers that that we eon refer to. All of our brachia. are warranted tire years. AGENTS WANTED. E. H. LONG, Agent, 112 Want ktrz_Ui_near th, nolOnhaeod • 825 BARTLETT • •SEWEIG DUCK: CHINE_EM Daft la glin: ;iv c"s"ttniwAvEva-4,-.4:‘Telig Wheeler • WIl•p or ueder feed. . Asenteareclet ‘e from dad to PLR NOXTU . County :44D sir. .°Ag°°U. "3°°°°" ?ralliall • I.ll2.railditwr bleu. Amnia. rolocto. Oblo. MEDICAL • COUGH. BAL&A.SI Ls wartulted to be the only pro- u : • grtz c mtwn ii n ears r A',Ans, Whooping' Cough: , t l Chronic Conela, ConanntP. —= NO isi -1- I than, Bnehltla and Crania. dUllroePtrastninarig:AlL "MOP E . ztf."ll - 12abv.m1,1 affeatlonarottlut s Tbroat and Louis 'rot , nalil by Droubt..Tertwnen' yy. ._.turaors a 44w __ ,wnursaixAssitt 0:232130 =^2l nit•Dtvect...w. sends of the worst eases of BLIND- AND BLZSDING I CT - 3 - 11 E BILES. It give& tuustedlate • • rifler, end exacta a ;terms- t ' rtr..,:=,T,41,1,rt1i,i. F R .tv.olgibtig,regu 6 .-1 PI LES °MarlWlto is ant.s, • -a-we, nzeass Anskia." I)lrlB,oPNfriliA. Striciaandli :Laled Areter st w lotiegtoor . smith awl cartelnetive • to- /-.•\ strengthen the etainaort salt errs*. Wu remedy fbr warm. It Ls aver- - 14yeitePhIc I CD or of "fervent,. ! Lou of' , Appetite, Acidity of Abe ulatnieney l• Y bet elchonolleLtbe 4V \ ' In f•) / pertieraarty sutetifOrweit, .. a 14, ••• nervous and dyspeptic per. apn. For ule by all drug •verrgbere K Illei t etotfo. • , oolltly4 • KOLUALI4.. AGIN T • • FORTY YEARS PIRACTWE 6 , Gives ipo a knowledge sellitoleB=gd rhgel"' Owns. an lona redeem* la ttdanity, and the lament rI T of ru srents itealeg PB Pi c aSiriatTl_ Seinil Iriakue.4 ' ..ll4 sreten disease* arts fmeranom .rn .irassalturA, H i atr.v4:,..57.747 - thal t et,f t SaMbiemirs "anti contain rtzahstarz li/Pli Vr.'ll:klaniond:' Address, •. *. R t I ,taistir . ~ B oxloo, Itubsira Pa. .punewria.ipiwolps., 6irribm tux 41,11,1 Lisuei• For tot Cory siellfieistes o n prierlinautro, fr° rr .t. t oaz Alta? vi04=137 &meows of the putrid organs and OW prevention Yto narolitell or money refOoded: im.,113; to 3, , nnEC070.6 p.. sewn w ow% Toon W00t.., r. Ist4I*1(:11 tr,0:1:11 BOYS , OVERCOATS. - BOYS' SUITS. All Style's and • A LARGE ; ASSORTMENT/ At Gr eA tt YnA 4lll6 eo rtiCeis TO °LOSE WINTERIIT3OKI - IL4/0;t1t lan ',No., 47.8 T. CLAIR ZITENXT. Irma_ Ir- G. 11/.4 l tEf . , • - - ' • mv iIitiKANT , , TAILOR, - •'. . . . ._ 101111118? :nut or ini t tr. tult.iNum -- - • -.-trriliinniau...-,... ~„.„,„d pa e generapy, that Ms youchom, iz..,d .ammicemezdo for the 0,11 edistm= . completed, having been . h paccr e a timd dui-class tied& bodies tal -iidern M. V ouch 6 MO ON/odds adcan:rlda d mill be Wren* arbitiondbiseell a /MA ch .apprOted Mater,hda and Wel, 3Zilati.l * in( 1 , 107 v SM.* so old tu midly* b *kr %tu i c 2 R. 7. i -'ll l; l ddat T l=Agiamyda l lfiar .17'ilta Pecthitl•Synip ctix coNstnerioic Cures lerrouel4tio, CURES COL* ' l ll.ll.lre.9.43lsirtiatkla All Diseases of the Lungs. /Or' lowite attention to lOmilot the Moat .21.Yatir dinary cares by my Pectoral Syrup. ealblisyd:WOrhtfrne'rarjar.:l2iltr''' be cared by Attend to Your Colds. s t ß otia4M - smAtse r dlla %mid Cry Da. ilia. rtrfsgtraoll„ Janeary 11, IWO.. Do. .11XYam—irry ',WAWA been aMleted With • bAlsough and lib:acuity of breathing /or Amor Atm. Peary Which, for faTerll - yam UM,' had gradually, increased in violence.. The marina hes beelAber. edltary, Ana this . had been treat ' ratters l phylil, clanamittiout any relbrli... lir thqtats ot,tomftgog procured some Ol your 1 , 111:1T011 COMM TEP. :botlald. ttur Ant atlßycea whl 'treed her re ry much; g them called awl got A m Th ime, which cored her entire., and she nag WM tie trace, of the termer mount alto state that !used them e myself 00 • cold and ecrugh..•. The medicine 'e by one dose. I express my entire iallaraction xtrtn medlcine, anti you are at llberiyitothte you desire to do so. WM. SON, Sideman, lo Ward READ THE TRITN.WIE B it:r'!AI-- 11 1 4 'haye . daughter who has taken several medicines for • basil cough without benefit, among them Ayers Chins Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle of se Pectoral Syrup, and before she Dad used half a• tie she was relieved. The second bottle aired entirely of her cough. 4011.11 DARLIsr;'• • Roblason streets AlblEbeßE, A GREAT CllRE r liVir ra da n. PS Decembe r(,, 52111/P.—/ live to Peebles townliblios; elite= - county. I had a cough andspltung, Which cage mated about the 4th of Sebraafr and *Man* sled eight motabi. I employed Ugliest. tabymenoss in the country', and my ctragh cuntinocu - Unabated RAW early In .October. -At that time mu gebnill: to try your Pectoral Cough Synin..whieb 144, ass' after had taken one bottle 1 au inanely tre• itor the coughing and spitting. had . despalred eta getting 'yeti; and I think It shonld be suursraKihrs this valuable remedy will do for other* Chat .ha done In my ease. • JOHN . W.ltuesas it. Harm. -Feeble* tavosibly. Grti EHAL. AElli NT - Parrow'rowNelllP,'Alaral4lßlL. • A W . ONDELIPUL C1.11:1i..--horue time_ &goal neighbor of mine was re,7 411 with 1/1 , 0ad , . , which every' 0210 aupposed to be cOnstOll9l3oll, relatives told me that be had taken , teem rued' thellr d rtl . :3 , fz i lluent ceprl 'W . ; r0 be :2 4 42 ' 4 iralltl'u:ruilat he could not live. I had ablaut the- third Of • .bottill or yost Pectoral rprep, which . I irayeitimi.4nd Km• tire] curedhhn, to the satOulahrberit et .W. What make. the ease more remalle,4 le trieextreattain of the man, he being about e hty years old. JAl** no doubt the Pectosal tared b a lIM. domal MeMILLM3OI. DILKEVISER‘I 4 PECTOMALthiMP.II3 . VlLLE.r.Pleaseeend rneanotherachplycitynerwal. stable' Pectoral Syrup. AI t everybody among as he the cold, and Me enquirinalhe “r,M.*Men.le Pectoral Bylap." We have xold elatecohottbta the Nast week.-and are now enttrelyow mr. and Mr. P. Maher. both of Pa.; taking they wouldnet erlthont it IC their tisayles!: -- fact, au who welt once want lt stela.. Ynuta, aespectrolly, - WAT/1311.30.31 /Isom. Jagnary 30, 1300. PITTEIM Ran, Or ember 11,_11111. Da. liltraltn:—Altho nen ► °tan )141 smite orrataat /feaiames, In general, It anotrienie piesaurrinde. seri bable to recommend your Pgt,.M.AL SYEUP. Ann medicine, alt ts well worthy Dwane:Won of any InfSoll may In any mannat be minted plus ameba, colds and boaneuessorgitykind.tud for tite peculiar qualifications for removing all th at Minas greeableacbitatiOn auendlag a mime 1 have been, more orleis inniy•life,laillsotat - 4:mh the severest enfolds and hoarseness. Al myums throat wonld .oecotne so closed •Iss• to preicatly opeaklilg above a whisper, and by talinggifew qtiee or the above *Wrap It would-relieve susentlrely.. • in recommending this medicine. A ninat o galle. tingly say that It is the best refik..sdp - ge f T , lfttli - iti:gee ' dlitlAgarsTo u tZ i terat iv Yours, mostre sp EDWAßD JO ectfully s , J. Cashier (lititen'C'DePnalga • Bistristrening., 'have used ,Dr. Keyser,s Cough:Syron:aro MII cough orseveral years standing; end oareeneggyinii the best medicine for dune that i v aver takes,.AP9 J. W. paw COL. 'PRATT AND Dll. PECTORAL • REIII . ,—Da. Irstslta—Lleartkri she Raw crony uknowledging tile excel/ °trout Dectora, Fagnk i rlig ViTiti.selyrtilint* grreleekstintiltantsol". out ormy cough, and the wain owe Imes ever =tee ni / bare not used memo tbatrope-balf of Ape bottle, and I can and do w e, that all wee now ad would give It as fair •11 delnik theywillbe proud to say, - ..ftneguicg mutating, . ostiftnot softer auothor inteb • attack:for air \ ouslderatiOn. or at any condderit l can prattler more fireely shoal rover 'ball awn" aclawforledge a debt of gratitude >sox inseams, eg, excellent a remedy. Ton are at liberty to use my vamato thlaregned as Dan Wink ppto uer . PRATT - 'Detective Common CCIOAttUrt 4.1. B-1 fun nO strange rtirmy teljew.tit all who entertaln lloubta-ean eotufultme '*ES PKI'rORAI. Rg i tge —i ffaTiel l i Th a Llt WI Iteougli and cold lor seretlll , ltittal-1/90•4,110n tqat pcould not sheep. , bin til i = i rd pro eriplions front three' of the NSW la . OW ' city, Whoin !could pante, "Wx demo doer, lessuur procured ' a t hethe of your Pell•Syr, wade* cernlaa.lity w.initowrcnc. • • 0 .. 4 .11 , awin. rturburior.les.., a5.,4117 ”IfEOrlitATCOO43/112111. , ..—rH0w caoL at te n r e Do to Komori*, on Woe* street; 44 - get a Ilia Congb Pectoral, MIA trahatAtea earhpre e.t roj a r ease muslpspertte Thiele a of2xt r one h ears i irgur ihi r tgeltht mdta iat l Ileum ebee ° rMioneur In:hoeihrtesrs-a4 hoe as above, for we tare tiled the'' ,, Petra '' tr , a mockstubborn, ca.e, wits entire sueoses.• mu , t to Pittstmeen t - with ewe of arlia= l = e :RitrarY 10 4 a, nnbding - • coogite we erer eXperiearintnea aWrA44 o ll2ina. tide maregane !pers. coghoffste Dodo nsty for one vbehovser, u *)heDes_ out, bet It wee n c„r zalt zT i m, . ! h alt /E l:ra t ? cy - _4ll.l.AsolbUltA wi r ttuttr. Don, - In thiselagie of tne Mete. weals • Beat g l Suet ca re ea r end infortP4..,ROltra Ire wets eiZPite m i% the 'et t igra wg reudered;iafter , bat 1111 coma sir formidable art 'deanery' as Herstres halo. . Pectoral.—Brolowerlibi Olipper, Dee um. DR. MOEN PECTOI4 Hite! DB. GEORGE ,No. 140 WOOD ElUillEkT, I.Vmstakburigh, TOOTIIACRE RlEgani. : `• •-`‘ suß,-, : I mc.OIIORGE.-1E 1 4111101-:-+ • ai;;;;711.) tierirodia :414 kta11:1.1t1,4747.Mr:;E:41 1 5-. l l oll r NV MEDICAL. nu CURES crew* Eadoolli* lEEE .~~.,. MEM MIS RBI OE =M = MEM =