The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 24, 1866, Image 2
IP' • • gitt'Vtf t° c` gr ffi 6Auftr• SAtuRDAY, FF:I,IIICARY 21. 1 NOTICE Tiat oLDTEETIMERRii Netball. hereby elven Ltet hereafter all max szarr ltdVerthainemtt rteelved tittle omee mutt be paid rot eelbea . bmided In, except to the case of yairly molverraters, whoee bale wall be rendered easeteSll. u awl. Advertisers will please make a note Of all. Ikl the rule of cash D►Tmente for ml saMmisemite of the ammeter stated, will he• Mo. lbly enforced not prla or our Morning not *yelling edlttobete Tarixaurra at the counter or from newel/ore. Barrio 01 canter, at frrrma. - CIINTS per week. Wz Lucile special attention to the card of . "o:srE OF TIM PEOPLE," for a preliminary meeting to concert meastuve for a demon stestion to support of Ina loyal majority in COugreas MR. SEWARD'S SPEECH This eratorial effort has two claims for special consideration—the character and position of the evoker, and the magnitude and gravity of the matter discussed. Mr. Brwattp has been In public life for the long period of thirty years : Ile has not retained his hold upon the pops isr con .fidartoe through accidental .or factitthwi causes Possessing rare natural endow ments, graced with more than ordinary cultivation, having enough of philosophi cal analysis to be the most apt political teacher of his generation, and enjoying the advantages of am:Lave, Insinuating address, he has achieved distinction by achnowl edged superiority. One of the most conspicions characters of his oonntry and age, he stood before a vast concourse of his fellow citizens in the com mercial metropolis of the Union, and used the influence of his great name, the subtle des of ingenious intellect, and the persuas ions of accomplished sophistry, to Induce be people to side with the President against their representatives. Asa whole the speech was) below the average ,f his performances, and in particular passages is sadly blemished. After some introduelory reworks, Mr. Sswattb made this etatenient of the ease in band: "The ['.resident, a% we all aect, is a man of decided eonvietkon. 'rho legialative lead ere ore trying not to coincide with him In opinion, and they have apiwaled to us out eaters, HS are, to pronounce between them." Is M r. MEW AIM superannuated? or did he design to affront the conitiont sense of his auditors? Ile an ''outsider." The Prime Minister, and chief prompter of the Presi dent—he selected hr Congress, as a disin terested person, to try the issue between it and the Executive! We think it would Nuzzle him to produee Then ounsider how naively lie si,mrs his lean ing, and his inionirililleney to do,instice be tween these high contestants. "The legis lative leaders are trying nni to ioincidr with the President to opinion." A num who thus derides the cuss. beforehand, is guilty of an impertinence, to say the least, when he squeezes into the Jury box. But what is the President trying to do? Is he trying to eoim ide iun p inlo u witheoli gre..?—or is he endeavoring to red lie,- the members of the two Rouses to the unwor thy attitude of facile automata of his Mille le.ll4 The elements of this controversy are na ad as RI/RUM go is elll l / 1 41.4. The naked question is whether the witl of one man :Atoll sand for law, or the will of the peo ple, as Os reared through their represents ! ivss. NO argument has been educed; no argument will be educed; to sustain the President against congre... that Inas not Meets exhausted. over and over again, to un hold king. against Perliaments, and Ent -I.i.inrs against Diets. I cddle.. the President is a uta r, of duel. convictions. Nu— one admires that quality In him more rhea we do. But for that attribute in his character he would test lin vil Rinflii up in Tennessee a. lie did, and breasted the u - avcs of the rebellion. beeision in the right Is always commends. Lie; perverseness in the wrong never. The President knows how to !noddy his opin eannoind to adapt his conduct to altera tions in his plants Last spring he knew LOW to enaet• the part of LLD inexorable Judge towards the rebels. What 'a grandeur there was in his mein!—eduit stotrupcsa in the Judgments he pronounced! He experienced no difficulty in laying that severity aside; In wiping the thundercloud from his brow; in modulating his voice to the sweet accents ofinvltatlon; and In light ing up his countenance with the smiles to friendship, towanis the very men he heti execrated. Now his severities are towards Congress, and towards the loyal masses whop, representatives, true to their duty, refuse to imitate his facility of change. Mr. SEWARD RIISCRICUIMG.SI if be think.. ANDREW JORNXON Is the billy man et "decided vonvictions.• in the republic. The loyal men who stood by the government through all the storm and tempest of the war; who never faltered ur blanched when the national cause, through imbecility or treachery. In the esninet or the: field, seemed most hopeless; who poured. out their treasure like water, and laid them selves, their brothers end sons on the al tar of battle; 'are men whose convictions ere not to be ,shaken eve by presidential ve toes. Fllio attempts to resist and lure back the strongest moral and religious sentiments of the loyal masses, no mutter how high his station or how strong s hls will, must (Ind himset as impotent as a handful' of dux In an oeettis of flame Mr. SEWARD says further "The President saw that Ibis .could enure out right, and he ueeepted the altuntiou. CollgrPla i on the other hand, hesitates, not became - It has eagle out right at laSt, lint because they ,have nut individually hart their own wily In bringing it to that happy dut erm Mat ion: In nnordinary.truin this would be simple rudenesii. In the Prime Nflnister . of the i'nion, it in !Inexcusable innolenee. The secretary understands perfeetlywell that thin is not the solution of the matter ; for, furthercon he declares : "The ronfliet of opinion hetween the President and f'on grcns; 111 1,401,111.1. to the FrVPIIIIIOII . . liu reati, In, In ratively unimportant, and would excite little in terest if If atom! Exactly mo. Here is the point where one road divides !Maximo. One leads to the restoration of the Union by the exclusion from authority of the rebel chiefs; the other leads to the restoration of the Union with the rebel leaders back In their former plac es in all- the Departments of the Govern ment. It is this that makes Congress in flexible; and which causes loyal men, Just as fast es they perceive this breve, In its full bearings, to rally to the support of the Iwo Houses. TEE waiihingtou City meeting to endorse the President, and which adjourned to the Preslden4al Mansion to hear the undight tied speech of its Incumbent, was engineer ed by J. B. FLoar.rict: and eitata.ns Ma% Chatrtnen of the two Democratic Na tional Committees at the Capital. The ("MI * was signed by the Banker, CORCORAN, who went to Europe in 1861, to avoid taking part in the war against the rebels, and was par ticipated in by, all the returned rebel sol• diets Inthat Iniitiwick, a large number of that clatei haying been sent into Lrm's army front at...1/Istria mad the adjoining pan of Virginia. It was to a crowd com posed °Tench men the President :made his speech, and the speaker was vorthyof the audience. TEL Republican memberi of .the•Afaine Legislature have adopted reaohitlotutoordh. ally endorsing and aPprOring the - actionof the Senators from that State; dn voting' to pass the freedmen's bureau hill over , the . , . Fa ecutive*M.) e2g*rim . _ TUE V ASI I V ILLE EETIX C , The meeting held at lia.OSVlll.wmt:Thilnt-1 day, to anstalti the president, *its hot it&l -ed or participated in by the union meniof that State. It sea calltsity the retained Rebels and their politiral sympathisers. A 11Npatell In the Cineinnali ' , l.:elle says : dozen letters stare shows me to-day from Union men, in everyart orthe Alto, who have been appointed delegates, saying they were appointed without their consent; . that they look upon the convention as a • plot. W turn the :il.ate aver to the rebels; and that they utterly repudiate the whole con cern. The Committee on Invitation sent their circulars to various persons, and, among others, to Ron. 'Horace Maynard. ma reply wilt not be veld In the .Conven tion to-morrow, but It will be published In full in the loyal Press and Tones or this city, and will thrill the country. It Is the , moat terrible blow the malignants have yet received. Every word cut,' to the quick'. the managers of this Copperhead Conven tion." - The resolutions adopted by this Con yen tion are sueh its are the staple of all the rebels in the South, at this moment. They aceept the situation, they say; they admit the'abolitlon of slavery; but they ehtine the right to do with the freedmen whatever they please, alleging that Congress hag no Jurisdiction in the ease mut that the Smith ern people must be trusted implieltitto do patlce to the blacks. With rare Impu dence they deny being disloyakand de mand pardon and restoration to civil Tights ibr every one who took part in the rebel lion. In the letter of Mr. MAYNAItn to the Con vention which was so distasteful to its rebel managers that they refused to let it be read, he says that the President's: policy is "that loyal must rule and traitors submit." Wherever that policy has been adopted it has worked well, Le says, andadds • "Where it has been abandoned or even released, and traitors retmnehised as In Virginia, Kentucky and Louisiana, , there trouble and disorder prevail: The condi tion of the loyal Union men is little better than under the despotism of the Southern Confederacy.. What that was, go ask our friends in East Tennessee—PastTenneasee, illastrious in tow sorrows cud the blood of her martyrs; go to the prison cells where hundreds pined in wretniumlnwat rather than pollute their souls by swearing allegiance to 0 power they condemned; go to gibbets where patriots hung, and Harmon, father and son, add Hensle and Fry passed up ward along the shining pathway to glory— there see What treason did in the_plenltude of ate power, and what It wants but oppor tunity to do again. Yes, by all means, let us heartily and Without question indorse the President's policy, and repent his fun damental axiom that the exercise of polit ical powershoahl be confined to loyal men, until the sounding words shall be echoed from every Unit] man's hearthstone and roof tree lb Outland. Let the preservers of the nation belts rulers." If this ix the President's policy, we are glad to hear it, but must confess our scepti cism. The policy, however, is thetrue one, and we are glad to see Mr. MAYNARD urge it. Mr. MAvYrAan denounces almost the entire southern press as disloyal: "Under a thin dbiguise of flattering the President, they assail his friend.who have stood by him all through the dark years of the contitet, and sa'llify those 'chose they entt Rodicat; ',teasing all r7llon men oho opposed their infanious course, and who are now un willing that they should again be restored to power over loyal men. Their venom af fords the stronsmt of arguments. against their admimiom to the seats of your Con gressional representation. This remark applies, with few exceptions, to the entire Southern press: , .The ideas and principles of the rebellion are constantly instilled by it into the popular mind. Fortunately for Tennessee, she has manhood enough left in her Legislature, her press and her citizen; of native and foreign birth, to controvert and denounce them, her strength and grace commending her to the loyal and patriotic of the whole nation, They who for four pelts conspired to destroy the Govemmeut, if they are now sineere, will cheerfully ac cept the measure of liberality accorded to their North airolina ancestors. They will voluntarily, in the language of the 'Presi dent, 'take a back seat.' Let them have the benefit of equal laws, but take from them at once both the power and, tempta tion to renew their assault upon the lite of the country." In closing, he exhorts the Union men of Tennessee to stand shoulder to shoulder, and put no trust in traitors. THE PRESIDENT'S SPEECH We _give up umeh of our spare this morn ing to the President's speech, not because it desercds it, but because we want the pece pie to see the puerile talk with which au , President draws applause from Rebels and Copperhead~. The Npoech is not worthy of any man 11l to oreupy the Presldent'n caner, It La the language of a demagogue, note statesman. It•tnay endear him to the enemies of his emmtry; never to its friends. The rant about STEVENS and SUMNER I being enemies to the Government, and wanting-lo assassinate him, is disgraceful. It is devoictOf ell warrant in fact and ail decency inthe utterance. As to the conversation he reports with President Liscotar, which he states took place about the time of his inaugnration as - Vice President, if We remember the facts rightly there is some doubt onto his 'to remember correctly anything that trans• plied about that, time. The President should be the last man to recall to the public mind the disgraceful scene that occurred when .he was inaugurated, as Vice Plata. deut, tie to bid us remember the condition he was In for dayi before and alter that event. THE Brie DiaperteA lately pitched into the railroad swindle to which weinirereferredi giving tbe.philadelphla and Erie toad the' right to occupy all the nnappnapriatadrall, road routes in Penusylvan* but the neat day it backs down In this VW "We regard the Philadelphia and Erie rill' road as the most important In the Stalk running as It does - diagonally tbroughlts entireesuntry tromital lake to lie seapo rt, and lithe Legislature will aloe , . haw to vote undue privileges to any railroad alma ration we say vote. thaso privileges to the Philadelphia and. Brie This is akin to .the 'ethic.° given by a Catholic priest, many Years since, to his dock in this city. Re urged them, warm. ly, not to throw away• their money for, liquor; bat, it they would do It, in spite 91 all that ha cottliPeay, they might as well leave their abrpencea - with Barney Coyle all a ith any one else. Iv the adogoler nod disreputable speech of the President which we-pnblis • • • "=" he charges STEVENS and Ammon _with a design to nmassinate him t Eitieb 'therm' are easily made. We re member that when Mr. Luresita WAS mur .iered the Copperhead parasites who pre now faatening upon the President hinted that, as the then Vitte-Presldent was the only party interested hi : the death of the President, the fact thatahe assaiudit 'Boars had, on the die L y Of the murder, sent card to the Vice President's rotten was, very. suspiclows circumstance. The was a dastardly and-mean one, and could . have been uttered only by thetbasewretehea who are now his beet friends; but the fect that it was made might have taught 'the' President how unworthy it Ls of any man to indulge in such charges. THE President &emits that he Dee been vigorous and active In bringing traiton to punishment. What traitor has.he brought to puniatunini: - Oen Lit vridka Orel , of Wasbiughlinairee fr om moiestatiamse if he were ttioeentram. DAVIS hvelittil• dent Se will never be: Mulished; srmsirmrs fa eleetixi 4ithe - 'llnited Stateri Senate, and 13mmtir; earn ',11111.1re; and the President, ays*Oi. oo r nise ! * an enemy to th e eantrir;c6o r i G 4.4l vor of their admission' •Ottli:r4l44lll Qtta tatting trees:tut . , Antrrocrv.--To Cinoirutag , caaatiffi gives an abstract ' of the . Jaw*ignmedji the presenx.>Lasisli*Are icelittickii:a4,l says at . theiaWs just pawed: • ' •b reT,3s ‘peitdi :•.uv. ;4 , , dyy re l" Ira:WaTaitulike iaptot. i l w i t :. Gov« e =mane r expmadwPidit. h 8, 4 : To ommeNdoW4llooo444 - 4 S. L0.r6J4,-;...1. . , • EMI A.' E.?. DMENT'a.—W., MM.: that several ' MatiG/OUS. . Senators and Ttepreserdativm have grmsty , neideel the lb* d uty of a t member of the FIRST CiptlifililiiN Clatikiell.. 1 W 7,h .1 ...,., n n g,,. .A least,4l nur. . .W ,e, A r inaKintl tvis. gNeXisteettrus,, ww PO A ' -141; Wahr ielt4 l : * the w . otottle ' l tweitnv Or th eta /111V4 as yet fOed to into? ? Ent Ipf i ti `Z.,,,lnd "tot . . .0 '}!".,.,„. rati r•son-..47:. one seW ta in °rose Atteetet': dues an antentirttent. to the Constitution t an tees tins ailfr - tn - ggetn.ettiikßi3(9. P. TV :. —l la . em it r a[ pee eanfrodressari' iibi.areeamici itrlted to ~i. i.,,,,,,, ; T mi , etaneetille. ste Gti ttni the Urgail rer W a . . h .! - ---- ---- 1. 7 . 1 .4409 Itittei reference .' _ leZlAttr: Among those who have thus neglected duty is Mr. RAYMOND, of the Tones, lie - Can make up for lost time, however, i by Introducing the nine amendments to the Constitotion offered by ANDRWW jOgFt soNT, at one session of Congress, when he was a member of that body. WELERsnrohielly we cannot approve of the policy of President Johnson is a re ganl to his course'and the tenacity pur pose he has shown, haadharingto policy touching the Southern States,. However prudent that polioy was at -one time, it has been shown to be unwise, in view of the growthlar disloyalty all through the South. —Commercial. • "The growth of dlsloyaky all through the South" WAS the 1 ,,, ‘ drnl and necessary pro_ due: of the President's Polley It could have no other result; and that is why we opposed it from the start. GEo..k•a4Nop . 3. Taattr.—This gentleman to now In the city , and we underatand that he will address the• metolutlita of the city, attbe Board of Trade Rooms, to-day, at 12 o'clock, ficon, upon tlioatibject of the Pa cific Railroad. This le a rare opportunity for our buslneas men to hear a gentleman who never falls to intereathls auditors, and there will be a hill turn-out on 'Change to day, If there never was bet re. • MIL ^ DAVID DUDLEY FIELD was a con spicuous actor in the Cooper Institute meeting, on Thursday evening. He aban doned the Republican party.before the last presidential election ; and is one of the officers of the Free Trade League. He knows to what use, for hts European clients, he conld puf seventy rebel voters in Congress, VALLANDIGHAM SUSTAINS TH;:VETO. — As NOM an the news of the yeto arrived in Dayton, V ALLA N D lOU ANI ran out the American ling from the windows of liLs house! During all the long weary war he never displayed that flag In rejoicing over a Union victory; bUI when treason triumphs V A LLA NDUIRA NI rejoice% Tar President, in hie Veto Message, nev er once refers to the new amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery, which gives Congress full power to enforce that abolition by"approprinte legislation." Ile Ignores that amendment, and we presume the next thing will be an official announce ment that it has never been adopted. Tun. Louisville Courier, the editor of which ran away from Kentucky to take an actiVe partin the rebellion, and who bowfin that he still thinks be was right in doing so, now warmly sustains the Veto. We have no doubt JEFF Darts warmly ap proves of it, too. _ . NEW YORE ELECTIONS.—The town . elee- Lions in New York have been progressing for a week or two, and, so far, the Republi- cans have held their own, anti more too. The defection of the President, and of their Senator, :dorm/is, has not affected them In the least. A TRUE UNTON MEETING iqr NEW YORK. —Arrangements are made:for a great Union demonstration In New York to follow the eonghimerata meeting of Thursday night. Mr. Shellabarger has agreed to speak, and Judge Trumbull and col. Deming have been invited. • -INDlA:ie.—The Republicans of the State of Indiana could not be cajoled into endors ing the President's reactionary policy. Their resolutions fully sustain the Repuli- Seim phalanx in Congress, In spite of all the efforts of the truculent oftics-holders to the contrary. , ARMSTRONG COUNTT.—The Republican of Armstrong county have appointed F. M.FXFILING, Delegate to the State Con van- Son, without instructions, and concurred In the appointment of Hon. R. A. BROWNE., or Lawrence•, an Senatorial Delegate. THE lowa Senate has passed a rmatution instructing the .Senators and requesting the Representatives from that S Ma to an, Wu the Freedmen's Burenti bill, notwith standing the President' r . objections,. ORIG.—The Oh(o Slate Journal says that no far as hoard from, not one Union paper in that. State endorsee the veto, PUBLIC OPINION OS THE VETO (From the BLorristown (Pa.) Free Prem.) In adopting this policy It is needless to say that the President has not only joined issue with Congress, but with the whole Vulon party of the country. he has deserted the men who weds him what he Is, and whose pried 4 plat he has pretended to support, he must not =gtrue and loyal men to MIMS him. He ar. the fate of Tyler and Fillmore, and sleep In that dishonored company of area tusta d ets . whose names to all future thee ar bp:words of scorn and-repro:web. (From the New York Tribune.) The guns that echoed over the country yes terday In, celebration of tire PresidenPe yelp were tired hymen who, a veer ego, wore the bitterest enemies of Andrew Johnson and of the polity' he then represented. Have they changed, or has het (Front the Chicago Tribune.! When we see snob a document coming from a President who lately _bOaated of the earn - nee he Made • In not. Water the rebellionore tear weir gird' up our loins for the struggle that is tOconsa, Yet shilesafidened by this long expected Manifeetation, there need be, should he, and we think . iWi +e, no trembling or hesitation onthe mrt of Congress. as there Surer will 'be none au the part of the pele. The Lord has not made bare his arm forth& deliverance of his pwole, that we should now link under the Inattation and caprice or one man. We have already seen what can be done with a President true I. the Goren:menu_ and mit. lions arrayed against It. We have Ode - , it may be, to submit to a different test -- (Prom the Detroit Tribune.] The purport - of thls message is plate. It Is dellance of Con Agra's. It Is • the &BUM* of the popular will ernreased through thatbody. It seeks an • , Oftleoll for quarrel and trinket the potato of distrait err trvad Drat, 'OM/ blaental A po to t brkketrtiverthecimr. The; Treindtnt ',toms •111.- ume upon the mekt who toadish_ ,IM and - th rows , histmeltitito the tams or the north Indira he estnerfronktio no or thollatithent arnitherat has knitted: 00 _NI , Ink of his violent '4ol3onrietre.. There Is no VOatra • that Mr means worse Oka he Waste ; sold oat, dir 'c, Mut MIDI or cannaous gowroriettste j or d et i w or s er i It doe* not seem' ' that, bony stand firm I ''lt le now the tar y rellaitee dt the eonatrjl , and It rarryet become Its solemn datyto Impeach. the Rkevidedt. • - - Lrrainaka'Unionfoan3 (Pa.) standard.] The President on Mondayreturbedtbe above named bill - totheetheate trithrits °Wootton', Theretretsballe4 with delight bytherebels end- cortperbeedirgenereth".•,Frm.tble-raet, wignfertheg wthe "a"adte be bter be rreedeiivne:ltecutt General Geary. MW... EDITOII.IOA earrespoodent in your 'morning issue of Wednesday, the list Inst., .does nor appear to be satisfied that the para . graph you quoted hour (lepers! Gearre letter s of August lOW, ISSS, endorsing, entire, the Un tOn Eepriplyntd platform adopted by the State Conreati a day or tiro pre. vionsijrisswbelenat evidence of the iteneraPs ,Colllle4loll With - our party. lie asks for Sante. thing morn-when be voted with the ltepublt. mud vto. To gratify your darrespOndinst.and' all otberswho have any anslety on that peter, I will - say thin had bad the benne to have bare followed that gallant pincer, at ma than •sandentbravehoye, on that 'memorabilia:welt .ot Ctedientr Sherman. thmuStr. Atinntiwm nmb_ omd . atthrequea Anto and tbrouan the eraulinaryir ise had been*, eiruunistan., cad as to bare been prevent when - tbr Palls were opened on tbelth dayof Hove= ber 11101, throughtertlbabeastannyor Miami innaders,':- that RD Attars ts be could "' hawser* qenerai.Qearyr ' ticket for 'Alas. sAat .1.0001111 lie could seeerens , wOre that] rraiShavir-a wholt otimtd le the Ossu • notrenountz -atlachen whim , NIA j se It tonowtog Mralltiatilhekilnid?Oretie pat i Aluan Aitarsecen.ratc.., stgict,focotolith. ;A and not one,rer,fienmai....W.CASlnert: I coo are year. odrreirpoadentst wre:lore' facterUdtr eenstakettie , propsselamigr ,e4,3obr thorn matters orifuncte histarnwhieh Moe and Drava .lien.lingnrinu, stag ,. 114414,. ,4 1 71OVIAbt ;bat apt bid- alie2lo, maw insmszoe.;aenehmod, w ins lathe erin*,"whins, With* WOW tomWeltund: attoresertthAkee•prolixnara had:, 'art Pr . I=46l M ,l ntanalotOt*n nbleh , lreraAririttend, tolflOnry, rge r m a u tit „ unrg,;3., *rely tbar , the mums Mr rime. Anorlsb, ling b. 'll‘ll4 :11/711.00 A so7lll o l4ll6 kirrestir regrilit• St:7OIMM .of seas: tivNine, orx intoWWS; .V ri ;onb, mann rent ore TALaill tazabect , vtavest."o SI sok SOX' the. MM. NOTICES WANTEnr-A 46100" GlltLy lode NOTICE TO RIUPPEUS.-:,Frelthi , otfit ;elicballßM-weave. toneewOrkatirt squall A. , sclil be lecelred se the PITTSBURGH AND ; well reion etnende g d 7ll 4plytatagit ' r ' th =er. tan Ross RA LLROAD - DEPOT. awn.. of : MERU Whit and Ross streets, Plttatougl , for au m. 0.. ------------,-, ------- the on and after FRIDAY, Februeryl24. WAINTE te=aul H. C. SHALLENBEItiIEH. Agent. y l. pj,oo il liv i rstiN' :1 ;. 1171" ,,,... ~,1".2%6 L. NO'EICE.—TOTIIE STOCILHOCD- " 1"'-'`. SLIDEs4A. E, -PLANR and DRILL. ERB OF THE BLLEGHENY VALLEY LtAIL ' tarioN:tb ut e ltr. des'l .. Pil4ds ilA) Pefigtf ' ROAD COMPAI.By . act of Assmbly. Allegheny proved the Itth of Penman., Ma, the Allegheny , • ti,,,,,,, y .,l compsny la . maks:mixed ftb I. sue ten per of Preferred ntock to Um &Inaba of Otte Million of Dollars, srhlchsald m o c k be to-Reof fered to the present titootholdero.;' Bobseription Books to said stock are opened at .the OfAce of the I . 3or i tzny .l and w:l,l=lLopen=ifitoacklioldeir letsaLt Y ' VII.LIASI PITIV.LIPS, Pro.hient. NOTICE TO osinizas OF tits. TIACHH, &C.—Notice Is hereby evert to al TIC! Cgriione-'reallru'e r:Tes.64'nk rlitabernb, to pay their Liftoffrs at the Trmumner's Mike of ihe City or Pittsburgh, FORTIMITIL In accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved Starch ati, IMO, and an Ordinance of the Councils of the City of .Plttaboryt;Anaud April le, latti, and all persons who neglect or refine to takeout Licenses rh t e l l kilejetr:Z=oloo be reeorcred:hefore The o ld metal plates of previous Trees rout be re turnedar the time Licenses are taken out, or pay Mamas therefor. LISTA OP LiCTNEIP: Each One Horse Vehicle $ 7 50 Each Two Horse Vehicle 00 Each Pour Horse Vehicle. Ls 00 Each Two Horse Hack 55 00 • Omnibuses and 'Mahar Wheela drawn by two In CO each. Yor each additional horse used In any or the above vehicles, 100. W. 10101A1TH,CIty Teuare- YlTlnilinnlit Parra , IROANOL—IPOop. d 6~'~~ar~~~,~[o~~ Orrice or ylnt_AtaytamtNTifeLLlcl H. B. CO • mytilerBoll,-Yebrhaty MOWS. A NISIL/Al. BIEETING.-Hln sector*. -so- core with the provhdone"of the Charter And ~aut=e=,othlehzeigetienvaihfanAdoUh,e,., paay, will be hekl at the 011 a of the Colnttanyin filtArr, o i t t l JTUESDAY , h Y . etornart Vtb, INN at dent and M armara, rec eive elgt t a Board of ni; tbaensuing year, and transact each other bualness gamey be presented. fielltd JOHN BA ILLANTITCE. Secretary. NOTICE.—The Stockholders of 1 the 'UNION 0117.1111 Y HUN BASINIOIL AND WINING CO. are rueate,t to meet at the Anton of VM: iteCUTCHTON, 155 h Liberty s O treet, Pltta tuitaibetift,naloliliT4k Pr rh t . h , I: o .,, f rx t Br order ortheorreeideeen e e rle J. It OTCRSON. , - itYthOerr U . °riles ERIS °ANAL CO , IPATIT, ERIE • AL C PA la CANAL lona, itennt orm ary 1110 110{. Election COMPANY Seven Director of t Other IM CA NALCOMPANY will tot held at their inihrle, OR MONDAY, the 0(0 of Match vest. thiamin A. 11. CAIDDIET, Secretary.- FEECTION NOTICE—An Election ••-• fOr President, Manatees and Onieers i or ' , The Mr" fer gtgllE:roi r , l irtig e fotti . 1 :1 6 1117 h r itriSd Nile,' the Toll at a; ainta:en newt, at 2 o'clock r. re6aastdiss WM. itthaLBURA. Treasurer. 090114N(00: A NORDINANCE of the llorottgle or t.mper..ce,in....bisam g to We Opeallhgbd Elliott Street In said Borough. Xxxxiox 1. Re Ordained by bie Bkspeas and ,be •Hi If fat Botonta II:obions wart! As in Ono -14": "' qr . '„p 1 " 1 ..,"' Eliati Y i."ll. ° Y.J. th liel warden '" a Aaexander• plan of pa . rt Cr mild Sof mash. from on moot to line of /and of . Robert Boob, Fno. be sod the same is hereby declared opened as a . public highway of a uniform width of forty feet, as designated Ins said Man. Bac. X That Elliott street be as opened Mak extended as a public Wichita,' as afore-mid. ea t ik mencins Mora Ws last terminus aforesaid - 1n a direction or maxis as moo to hereafter riled to Recording Regulator of said Borough, until It later , sects • otreet contiguous thereto, and extending In the amine direction from saki Alexander's line to Wood stzeet , Bo ron down Id ben ltobb.s plan et a part of said rough, OW extension to be fatty feet in width at Ito commencement and gradually reduced to thirty feet In width at Its Inteneethin last aforesaid;) owner alone said street to-Wood Mreet of ths uniform width of shirty feel a* detift 'lO:C.lll.' Tha itl'ordinaoces or part. o f incondstentperewith, be and themle are beteg repealed. Ordained mad enacted,lnto a law to Council mum. bled this lith day of Febreary, A. D. pita. 4/JdEti W. BALLANTISS, Burgess. Attest.: Bair LB. Pastien, Clerk of Council'. fee/:ltd PROPOSALS + ` _______ _.........- TO CONTRACTORS , -ILSILWAY A 7 LETTING.— T i he 4 A llegh ny Valley RailroadjWMlT:.fir4nlt 41, t i r l it 'ATVr i ki fifteen sections of their road, extendtrig from Oil ~ City soottierard, and on fifteen section., extending Inc. Idahonlog Creek northward to the annuity Of 1 1 Brady , * Bend - Iron Work. leech section will .Ise about one mile In length. 14`011 SALE—Degirnble Dwelling. Napo. ;motile*, plans, and apeciacatione of the 1 —A.I am about moving to the conatry,,l oger work wilt be needy for examination et the Engl. for Me the Warb le Dwelling to which' reolde, In ecer•Bodice, on Pike street. In Ike My of rum. the Fourth Afterlife). OILY, lina the tiemnild burgh, on the let oligarch next, and proposals will, Bank, - larEelirick Donee, with ta rooms: Mall feet t; flit IrttitT i l s ; "' lli g nAri t CT; ii'lAlltil?..ll'44 P. M.. ritt.,Dzwitz_m.i'6ll,„azurtheiltgirt4',',...d,imvin The Ing sr 11... e r n out and staked ea %ast l a Vidall . N the moneroliftprtirements. 4arbtawsetbe, riethelZesteenlionitert, inhi c tstrrarallite tar. .I c o7na re .7rit`teUTi g e b tid e ofigira=ir h li° i '.4. matt. the bid for the wor understandingly. y. :A feet front, thine gh to Liberty moat, and VI Peet 'ZllAtayillirtlier information doeired ran be had try deep. On _the lot 1. Iltalll choice fruit, Peachee, I: titilir to i.e F " , latlar to ALT ; r n ebe . .' at 11 4 ''..alitti.'"g.,:illim i'Vst're" b ` 4 1 4 1 °": Calkirnol.ll,3l, ureic a, 4. / ; pl._ y ity, and eloyot scene, ii bete, „,t, . Ctrl Or ALlallaillexT, lrebraary le, IWO. 1 v i ....,,,, 1 ?Nom tile oudoess part ofthe two QEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed i i...74;;;;,....,===inerg,t2f,ti:Vtr a. , Prposele for Painting Market Ilonse.” will be - in A few rods of the door, received at this omen untIi.iIIATITIMAT, !Rh P.O. Also, a ilite;ltoty lirjelt Store, No. =ll Ltheety ruary, for Painting the 'Waal and Iron I% oekof the atreet.rel head Of Wood street, atul -- new ec. Jana c s Rouse. Bidders ere reenceted to mabs bids envied yT. G. leakin g , end that large three-siovr for TWO COATS OY PAINT INIMDE_ Alill 111 Iltlek alehouseon stinittreet, pow emsepi ed is* Itatt ia t i l4o n tni . ON£ CtIAT INSIDE AND Anil the Ardescooll Co.L*Abrr. Bids will oleo be received at the same time for, fel7dwd WHITEWASHING TIIE MARKET HOUSE. on the promises. (ennui - -- - -- c0.T.0.....„ ~....,.. r : Crrr or Maxon:Corr, Feb. lub.lw. SEALED PHOPOAAL9 Vadanee "Proposals tor Plan er yrlgh t t,,, will be; received at this oalee unfit NA AY, 24tb Feb rury...., . Inelesi7;„ Avails( a Plan of the Water - V.EXE b. riu t anits. endorsee "Proposals for/Creel Lamps," w in be received until WEDRIMDAY. Vst i tr i f rig, a ,r,or t ow iernlsbing SIA iseN Tin I AL l s?, rnfelessili, radoraed 4 "Pioposaia fin Olisbt. tar Cliy . Lampa. '7 - will be received until IVEDAL.A. s U liffl ; = trAgliii,'lgleir, Xd t gellyt t 74ll ! for oneyfar. 1 1 2:111"""Irr V1.111%!°(, 7 11TWAIlli. i AUCTION SALEt?., Ng lIPERIOR ABLE aota at irasould 110.11 Ann. g4l: 9 12ifek.T. 1.117:`,; "j i g fiODAdY e :, arable and eAtibi maaldienee, 2112.mm4j1e.i" nla tenons, u niers silent with, Heal Prgo e PPAT Ma, ojiligite. l ing d tto m r i t h rje . hen. go- Ertitelef, mat i gn i , 2uNre fti t e n . minions bac at4 kl . 716 (net Inlrtti r AS 1M Mot riarredr 'Mien le k Brick at.t.d.o mid Caplaga -7bia WAs Pe religinlVSe t rinr.a e ,*aa and spatula layman. iiky access and short In a di., ame, Ihmilize bandana centre. Trams—One-tatra cash: Ind An. In one and two` ren, with Intere st. secured try bona ana mortgage., (ea 7" A. Meirt,ILLAND. E 1 ~ -4; i . 43 CO .1 i A di V. .g :CO f , - , :al ii,,.. is , la,• .g g ,A,Y . .„,f,Pgigv- , ..,..,,,,sc:PTATmtaigivizintiii PEßT ' -0 ' 7l- IL: fi 041111 . 1 . 17 :gp I t'.4114% 4 DVISitaf f =r41 , ..mek- 0 - ,12, :j i i '.; ~." .143tA trku nt IVPZ.I'011,74=itteptl ' ''' 4,1 'Q' `` 4 :1:1' '.. V 0 N - iNT.14,,,,,,,,i7, 4 ......,,,,,,- tits..,.- % II f ..., 1 „ i .„A. riptiloey can beam's', twitithercho :: 'it„,„;,-'' '.3 4 .7"„1 ..... 7 11 2 4 lig 4g3l,lt gat•Afint:ittler.,l o l4 l o'%,ll,7*` 4 — - -' o :, eira' ~.,„, 1 In fr ,,, tit..., ,i.. 0,. ..1, ,,,, 41 , 9„d..d.„„,,,,,, Nu , ai ti_....._,.,x.,....„.„,..„., - ~. ~,,,, , ~....„ 4.1., 43._ ~..: , ~._....,...0 „pm. aro , * t ......1. , • lIR o al i •, , r 44 ,4 , 2,„ taial ': l 2 4 1 / . ' 0. al $ il I ' la 0 4 , 01 ' 41 1 THEOLOGICAL MD MISCELL4". EyE r aglas i ta. litimwaloo t Va owl =43%,6o4artgemegiz ih n... •Coulta . tvg ii r art .14.0.14 lii refq of ages Ilocousjohitart ift . - ary yat.: sa"ble rii=d°LlMZlTiteM.D'hattnr, .44t.j 1 ;„ embwitig mop foretsujliquipg lc work,: whats vs txmillyely *Wet g of the be Wenn*? intboVl Ditaltit II cif trit is. i•grlgral a t eneri l t .A:4.: Lfortit=l:: ortllle oyes to 'clew on mut May. ~ - • ••-, • A A. iliettAvAvyak Anat. c, fi dDIAI:6III4-81. 4 17 1' .'- ‘ 7 l .l ,l l.. Tirtl ai NEn t l ii 0 I Het toenuddp. ender '• te l l% •et riavi : ee, . 91 .31ELLII•bt. wee dlrd e zd etet zimb..4.1,:e9 Y. i n lnla C u enifiere $0 he le : thive<l by Metal , John reee, - ,F edll gees to eery el.thskualdemi fe9___2l , .k w _ ........ 144 .....„ 1 ai0, ~ nisoo , or - :PAIITAWIFC!! .r BLith'ebertee atevertuedshto.beeetatardtzlitlec Wavrceete:frrg:reZZAZ74 ; A ry" dt t Sr IghWet.°ll7 %la iline l 'aZ p ;sea uriN A. 9. ~' it, the old Moe,: Corp., q 1 , Tunnel street al eded. !lie/p .. le R .. , HATIAT- VOLE. -1 ' teddltd ~ • ' „ DlSElouu n All. N 11 . 1 ., ativile t viarptailbjp baTioare xtatipghli.l tweep D. 0 ultr, htiti w, J., IarMAST/C/i, hilaeil t ottell i n e nint . ,,,a 4l ,l l P i _ phi= Sh t e l ths l it /A l t itti 11% , )rill grill La ihittlea " uy weir , asetessarir," at ' LIMP office in; the Bill, on nort h Chas! street, nen (ninapinMlA'', gb igaild,p_r_sioits4 vim cousittbitigibigiti• ti,lfiVirToi4 :Mir rag .tilhealiclelablia_.; gitelltrat"ngt rogrirra to llatUi iLisrai,ar _.. rir egiv i rar e gx: l 4, 4 o:.:TAO, 1110% *Mal* acpniee aeochilty, L l itar, • •• • -•-.. Plaatuareth, lffor ti.iitiltaMWPlPl4:4l,l4lJ.....4s-:i ::-. .••• -• I P r o 'li tha a tis ira irittowe' wu ngua 4 res r e ltua ti lry 11 - t . ' : ..., .AGRICIMITDI36,_ IstruAl l atiil, It_l4op4nie.. "muttony cm14101,100044000*;', nifee ri bewtiuAsta. _..k , '". -.--. r.', 1.- ma ....--11, litiW II , , hash i ~ . : , ~ . .1 ,., .....xik, ,, q.i.10--,-ISTPc . • ,;_.,. . .: . ~ .:kitlit, , - • :i. 34, ; 41 XP11C1N. . ~ I vornit,,,,Tre'*;:qOpe„Atines,,. 7. 1 Thmai—T------------------------_LvnoN-:,OF ,t, PAIIITNEW , -.. Titia **Bulky notnsi'-'',-": ;04.11E04 " I tt a, ==4"t" l l, ll °'..- ' --'--- -' - '--- 11011Mko`r* . Zra.'".l,, LZ -' Pirgrt0 1 16:.:041441it.4408 ). : , -- .. . zfritni r magg o Art , 4, .r.:&, ~ odowiprikte.i.Tia*l4l44..:r:,., wzi - P9 , :' . : .- '- ''.' .. . x... , , ,w...„;li ft e 4 ' 04 fe!!! - .. ti4i t i'iht Lhithehi to Ft?' • p . • 111110 4,, ' 0;13 e,;lil,,,tiitta. •._ 4 1 , 4 1,,k :5i1y. p .. , ,a,8 7 .,. 04 , 5.,, , ~ .. ,.. -„: 7 i.en,:,....,,:t4.111, 4 1, 1,,,_ , !;111:1 7: 7 .,:,,,.., L . D 4 . !1: 1, : i & .,:s CID I o y a Fi f i . . , and th•ii. Art; i L!_kiwyty.g....avgpfi ! , .. - --iv' ..•' .--' - .'.. ..'f...;,;:, ''rilavnv'!''.-T - Ra i citaits:46.:-. ,, , ifitu.okl.vokov.• k >, , ~,,.- .- . 7„,. -----' '''` r ll.:::: '-‘7, .::--,:'-:.;14,;,:.:;41;,.1::1.1. - lt 'l. ';'. ,s 7 li. t' 1 - , 1 !I#l recei* r 1 *. 4 4 1 1746 1,2 tk4N '-' - 117 awl 1 oiXt t 1 , • 4111 111 . 13 • WANTED—cmuitilllP-111, '" ti n ' aged m t ° ' 61MiebnV4 o Ed ;ri m 4.1=0 !Lidres...vtArr,ovutiami WAFTED - 7EMPLOTIMIrr—By a Iv Toon/inn,' In - Mom WAretubase or Wm- Cletor7. •HA was brought-np4m w - ntruithas Mr ndnon, nn4 trf toinskeltheselinserel. Ad- B.,••At Marrri Onion. JAMir v r. SOU Al.!. OTHICRIL-KifesiMinwe_ sW4r‘sr ThelfamlitorifeCOYs ISREAT (1114 ThIBUMON. 'Our nEnklosare making from Floe to Thirty Doliare_perday; and we need stlllmore. Late In from Nerope bayerwelle4 oar stet* to over Of. Minim- Donne. el- splendid saurnent of Watches, Illninhjadlas , .end Gentlemen s Jewelry Si' all hinds, of the most huhlonahle materna, sell ing et Siena- 15end.Meents foe nertmeme, and yo. will see what yonare ?RI lb; or send SLIM. floe eettlneates, ov ' ; lend Mreenent stamp Co. our tense to Igen which are of the most liberal ki nd . Sow yourtlme. Write glojely your n itre e lfa i eVng rel=lr street. Ow York. honhem FOB • BALE. VOIR S=E—A two-stOrilek HOUSE, situated on Lciettat street; near Market, Manchester, hoeing nine rooms. thatehettattle and wash-Muse; hydrants on the prenittee. Enquire on the premises. teht-Ivrec . • • .f. .111 St .m obo N Imo or Extm,DRAITOM AND DRP7ING HORSES. Those to want ot good stock would do well jo call ent_eimtne Memel. JOHN WILSON &B/S/0.41.-No. SO Diamond, Allegh Than eiALE--nowa usariu—st,soli .H gtc am le B PLISW I SRITA R E. A ?v i lliny fardr , r ik usrAe.= th uA sin ; not.LARB, math. Address "OWNER,' OAZETTE PURL BALE-Three: goed,second, hand H0LLER9...40 inches ehonetett,.e lb twit le Inch 0 uesi , t i gs Vilest We esrynt t. Int a:l re 311. N. WWl' co.: at. the the. NTAltse. corner or Sohn alley andlhigninartHey s Rl' tsbnrib,,Pa. Jewlswest lair.E74ll/6.1 cd , Nine :Acres A: of LAND llTHownstaft, on Etttetetet4. St. li Warne and CA 11 aHrend.stear,Itlatmont Ste. tlott Von .thikr . Donee Wont buildlnSs. and Sesortmen of, owtirees..slarnlobetT, on thelscie. MVOs ot I IL GILL D. neer the properts . 4 or bt IL . • renteiteod EMMA HOOD. setricetcri,l VOIKSAILE -- 1 11 01111EANDIAIT-.on l'eslaylvenla aveaueo the tere-starr cob, ul deft 4 tomb!, 114tbed at Lteeinti bletatest. "I•Ot V P by 110 feet; Tree beet, v. elelklteirtetet- I be, soul ir entittlLed, pLe,ghs t n.. roster tr= l 2:"• , E 7, l'lre Ln!.. VOW SALE-..C.Vialuible Omit,. itutitimeridirempor Staany .i . easaryltania Eillecuid,. ono soma( mike, Rom Wilktinburr. item, *eras Ur pehes orLaation. *ft umpire], s- - containing • a 700111% Old cellar linderneflbt = e rr& o j rzes o v c r i m . It 4 5he ic lreael hu r e er PlUatl i rl, OP 011 lb. prosaliegi -' ' - ••• , 4 IR IiALVIKIJILLIID'II9IIOP . rirrrqsk 00k.A.n Lliden • Grove+, i OOl7 Prune Uinta: Cantalalag aaW4 tit tell k:bV irt. a = lat'a . troa rmu zat knt aaj etr ohlag rimr.i. C i fte edghli aza dv t . ..milaaj-tra . [raw 'Miles Shrubbery. .- 4 ; a a j i t it ta ga Str ii rrgiiegi 10 7 41.4reirrable as a pakea,qt teal atAtocnAm. mtrAtt a *treP a '"" °'"`" TOR - 11, CLE—TALIVABLE PR0P ...., SILTY AT HAYSTILLE STATION, on the Ilne Praiathe P. F. W. A C. K. B. A large sabolanilal Pram DirolUng.. of widen% Atria. abotidnini 13' violas, both-ro and iroatehrottut i t i 2 cold we , imp ring fie- Itterlihatlegg i tbretz. - t i mixr,. ... Ur. Olin Oration. lefts's: Ac. `The aboretoper. to fronts the Ohio' river, z and - woolen of a ut 70 *rota, whirl Idisedirlded.ltdolate to sultlen , choeorA . Aux. Remotion anima can be obtained then Coot. Jri . 'LAY.. on the orembei, ar to T. WALTESDA , /rim *tree'. reeamme POR L CHEAP. A HANDSOME PROPERTY, 9.11 ervz mazes to 11eClure township, adJoluM u tta s gratiaaa t ad Jr Ban. de.: a tilneyard &sue VWD.h &re. teti l gags 014 f ull of &Wind Med MW choice Pratt Tim., 1 full bearing. A delightful building stti oh the place it uaAlta=l4! to hp the /SW& road or Woods' AtitglaodAhLth'F.'SAMPLV. No. &Federal St, l i zfle x =ragk ii z i t i k : CAANARAN, No. hal • &Nutt itttit FOR RENT—N . TIME. trr 4l4 nye t t f t,e/XCIIA24uI7 I .4 ICK,Error, ortal, B at En- —a fore ated ea the aerate:4Bg Clideimatiltura., as present • tepea pled by -T. li mey f awes, 10 V .traet Peti l iat 7 ar _CT . A4IO3; Bre Fl Tt:‘ , ; r , •“;ti MIS EDI;r O 4VONAI. :. 77-.:.:-.:,,;9..- -;,:, .; 7 .. , , 1.77 _,/...,".e, t I ' ~...."1: .. if (..,,..../... , .... ' / /,. • ~, , \ I ,/ , 5..... , FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, GMIEUME .11 , 073 1 1V3ZrEls) xxv ia-ahco. Incorporated by Legislative Charter, THE BUSINESS MAN'S F"Ets-cori t College Volt THE LAST TWIENTT..SIX YEARS. The Only Institution. Of the kind, IN THE UNION, t•ondurted by, pnte- Beal BUSINESS ]IAN. our highect commercial authorities, Past and west, pronounce Lls beatcle of Spa-KeepingOntaplane.l: comprehending every department of Minim', and vet akillfully con druaed that the an en tire SttelPtit tassier the whole In ale or eight 'week, which consists or Stock Books, Closed once three ' different twice with • gain, ex hibiting, by of obit° new books. • • Partnership Books, Conducted by three differentlnethodi, htbitlng the transfer of °ld to new books. with the Introduc tion of a new partner; •Iso nractleally tlnt.tratiny the Private Ledger, By means of eihteh the f o rteresf the . busineee are trary t .ltlre g t=rul k :i Pe g t e lt r eVoTe ' Lr " Single Entry, With six practical Illustrations • exhibiting the Books reopened by Donhle Entry• 04r coune of original lectures upon tne details of Actual llnsines Are,to one going Into tuitions* on and Own account, worth more than his fee, and may sane him thousands of dollen in es pertthentsll knowledge, that may take years to scontrein bustneen In these lectures we have no competitor, as nal, but an e rented sareclunt cou impart. the ore led Infos utiOn which they contain. it wilt a be seen by examination or other systems of sciounts, that DORY is the only one In use contenting connirehen dna exercises In • Business With Foreign Countries. NO other modern treatise cOntalus a tinkle r.ed" else In ILtiltbuslneas. Pupils instructed from thus are, therefore lett totally deficient in derail ment of American Commerce. Our qat Unisex resided Warfel& of !nuttier& wholly Oita fd by all others, enables us to present our atndents with a conthrehethire and tamable collection tit Business Forms Wr e alatifot:Pt.eghilllge`ll= 6 : f boot - Counterfeit Rank Notes, By comparleonof an extensive collection of coun• r te ol t i l arl i fi e r=l:rifirtgregjiltZti d ortliffr%T linens education. Our. Railroad Book-Keeping tin Manuscript, ) e.abibits the construction and rerzagrevra".9.7l2l=l4,7.'4'l2l73: Books are advertised by others,. tint not tau g ht else where to the city. Our new system of Private Bank Books, _ "" " " raw. Steamboat Book-Keeping. In this depatlrdent students are tistructed fedfo grin . e6v A atu r . 0 8 1 tot 4 4 2arild ni eri , t h o . f it cfm! plete trestlisaupon thiamin of the satenes bod. Our fall emirs. ea business practice Includes about rirrrlldUSl BOOKS, ruled to aboutahirry different farms,_ vizi 11 Ledgers, 7 Day-Woks, 6 Journals, 0 0111 Books, 4 Cash Books, 4 BalesßoOka, 2 Involetrrooks, 1 Discount Book, 1 Check BRlster, I Ilan D.P relle i 2.Lft_g tej ," l 2 F C relg i rt t rio l l '* , M74* -Jag; 1 Vaal Book.- :rue. boors practically record about sig honored business transactions, comprehending Duni Original plan of business education Introduc ed twenty-die years ago. How Car others bare sec onded In imitating p ap wilt be t seen by com paring the business papers and i s of thee pupils with those of the graduates of this Institution. DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING. Pnoe slas. Postage Ze cents. bold by Booksel lers general/3'. AWABDAD FOUR SEINER 1111EVALS4 • Thetolibsrtag teal/contain Indicate tits character' * " 1 . 4 .1 1 =work upon &ma-Keeping explalna the subject with so much clean/emend simplleitv." ("ashler Merhardca• Ha F. W. re Wall ut, Wall street, N. Y. i "If gl ce eana clear Inaighl Into all Iler.rtMent• 0 1 faien•• Cashier of Seventh WA. S. FISASER, aru Bank, N. Y. ••lt contains much matter Important to the mer chant.. '• C. U. liiiiL.STF.AD, President ILlnhattan Bank, N. 'V. • • "The most complete work of the kind I have ever seen.” JAB. B. NIUEEAT, President Exchange But, Pittsburgh. "I graduated In Dun's College to halt th nothi n g expected. Ma admirable eystent includes maperdoons, nor Irapes out anything easential," .1. PTO, Cashier Megan Bank,L o ckport, N. 14'., most clear and comprehensive that I hare met with." JOHN HARPED, Cubler Dank of Pittsburgh. "Fool have pot your own long emperlence as a merchant to good rise ht this work." RICHARD II VIN , Merchant, No. NI Front street, N. Y. "As an extensive Ship Owner, r American and Eri 471rP'In me ltri ßa lli i r e frra'"F to .1" 'Ur Ir . tit o the io tini ra d ar D u si n us . a°lll,W 7- 0. 8 soeintr:B7. tr. ..11e. Deft la • man bf rue qualifications far best : neat." JOHN M.D. TAYLOR, Merchant., 'Union street. New Orleans. Dultlai merchant of the nest resyreetatil.. My." J. LANDIS..MerChant, New Orleans. "The favorable opinion. already impressed by : gentlemen of competent authority are wet). dimera ed, and very properly bestowed." CHARLES 31. L EQp p p , tEr i z ie r DitirftWlLNTH, !!Decal orig cttuateuemce. • N. ralsur IM.Yetary. "Four OomMittee unanimously...termer In the °oink? ofthealllity IN the improitilynethod ofhlr. ul NeXtring Seel , of the American Insulate, N. T. The New and Enlarged Edition of Duffs Steamboat look-Keeplng, alitingblish*l by. the author. Trier /MX MA by • Boolisellort getterslty. • •"The only Work published of any yens to the Steamer's keternobaric . F. J. ALLISON. ro.rwlrly Clerk or the cleanser Fortune. Out pertket,ayileto of Stskocer's Accounts I In ate. C: " • C.: S.FICESBE.E. Fortnerly,Captain of Steamer NeshoLlie. • "A pertkot !warm tor"keeplataneb Ike and lie counts.'• F, GAB° HERS, Formerly Cootr - r or Merebnuti• pant or ttaborgh. Tams Table elute. to worth abe_m_ice, of tbs. book." • _ • - .Di lc. aIEAR.OIC. • Leta clerk of Steamer Mount Vernon. "1 col:raider" tisteaul.foran'Of the .kuakmera Year. 'Copy o➢booed." teat sokalizable: or I never leire"ro t leartt o. • copteltfOr C itelt e tter Arboet. St . coptter or oar Ilereantile -or. Steartitoot Book seetWill ant moiled," polb.paldi.oo receipt of titlXi• ON W. IL DUFF'S 'UNARM]) Tweive Far' et PreiTkituns.._ Ti,,For best nuableta sett. Ornameettol . P'enmettabtp, WittlittiL h °- • 1163. enemytyantsiftate.Yelet ...... Mal t , Western. V i n u al:mr: ll ;a t lroLT i tttibterib .. • rtratTalo il ftteto Yet; st C 1 s reafttt • 1 12. 1 , A41,6 *byte see eil;tlblted Over mike. . • pentai, VA. oitbe petunws aut.'''—.Pitteberg4 pailerptibeett caw-onl anther . "— ru m um/. .Gamitte. y . be excelled Ly. - . *All Ithiernstment&dettiat are eat inivimi,k -sttgrefrTvllUd.f4rZyttr iiite 'AI 11'4 ;1 5 —UTZ °urea /.. ° th° :purairown /wall b ebt7 i f e 4 ME . . . . . Per thiVrettestlng Coente:lnetieltitilfinhaisis Pentsununtp, tune enntetted.i,.. ... Blank Itototer,„ ... ... .. ............ / . I* QtenlVr.atiafted • / tPline 0 . 1 Ontr;: ohe 4 . _41 bare eltbar aen a g e eQ tby` .."1"or pe C sk • nup?and fronton to Wit tbr btatlVs. neat tennottt'' INr,blettiltrate..Lnutsteor Ine , extfar slew Dope r: Temn map sp. Nun full sate erenxiltattes. - • We theretern present the.tresluest etudoot Will, inetOltenteg,:. itupor.ptnt.: Airfaniage& tri . 74 , 1411t141imq,:" Id: Thal arts orgy et Pertenteninerettent.''. ' att. A.. ttroteeren or ' eight-weeks . Insole' 661,A swrlng'ior Sneezes' numberof weeket noun, 11 rtI4I4.V.V,MILTA:IP4:II:I..IIIIi4- . in:Wet Int • kteitiii• I - • ouigneid oureotlf It'll" ' 9 ' " 4 °6ntltnin j ta glals•c!,,yrse titudyy ktk Ipit ,Faf+Vale ~Sr welttoff.' a . a TWENTY. VAIL E.O ?eibutt. • „_. • . Mil 76i+~~.v'.tiwii-~.`S.E:~~L3fv.:e~'i~ti%':.'.`~_'.y`~~.':tE ' z:~~~.' ,D - DS, TRDIMINGS. ' 84:4143404TE**34i 131 A & CARLISLE. titvonT.EDGoons::. 1 _ 19 Fifth Street, ert %lug NENt AND DESIRAJFILE 400D9 S.presedauv from New Yoh N sTYLES eiF FI AWN - NTS: II AIR ROLLS AND TIVLITs: Br K sroTTED SILK NETS: , PUTTED LAU KNKII-S: I. A I E!, rNAILEDEDTAFIEN CULL ANS LA DIE. , Ks A3IFLF.t) PAPER CUFFS: FAN.. I) 11 FA' STYLE:. I.E7i A N'lncE•B RRI OECruES: • ENT :NH COLI.A RS, TitS, SRBDLFIY''S Duplex Elliptic Skirts Drairr, at liamtraritarr.' Prier 1.1.1. ALL KINDS OF PAPER COLLARS At N.nnhrtun..4• ALL WINTER GOODS AT REDIICP4, plficEs nercliarals and Dealers supplie,d at loweerprices. MACRVM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street GM IST" DO 1J 'rlCs. PRINTS, C;IrINGIE3C,II3MEIS DELAINES 19.2k7M 313c)sess NATeray. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. & BELL. JOS. HORNE & CO. -- Having trashed taking stock, Are Offering their Entire Line of Goods' AT VERY LOW PRICES. SSILIC2i-NCTXXIC 6101.1421.13 HALIIDHIEItCHOOEFS, Sets, Collars, SleeveS, HOOP /33EILIMILM . AT DECIDED BARCAINS. POINTE LACE GOODS 4DIFFIRIAJP'. Cm.7l aaci inac.a.saalste AT .JOSEPH MORXE S cows, 77 and 79 Alarktt Street. tea plums SLUSHED DOWN. We re now closing out our siriravEß. GOODS At Very Low Prices, PREPARATORY TO TARIM * STOOK BARGAINS CAN BE RAD iN Negligee 'Shirts far Men an d BoY Yens and :Drawers of 'Mahn - Flannel, Wool Sind Merino; Warm Gloves and Woolen Hos fiery; Woolen genre, Burners and Nu bias; Handmade Zephyr Articles; . Woolen Gaiters and illtiCits; Balnahral shirts bar Ladlea and Mises. F. H. EATON. isuecus. to EATON. 11401DIFS No. 17 PITTB STRZST. DRESS SILKS. • 'Prices Reduced. Wkir.l.o, ORR & CO., No. las s9llkrel.ol4 Will .11 their stock el FANCY DRESS, SILKS tell At greatly reduced price. W. W. MOORIEBADI; 81Zffietwiset lit. Yon will Ind great Darpina la amitßonj LACE HANialtr%pai : J"llm.. t C( nV.4 l3 . IHOOODIk WORKIIIONIiBTAHWHATTC 7V F IC HOOP ISKICR76.IIXBBMI, tG, *a; as • N 0.81.3 'lmAxet.gireet.. ta N' 'O.6.—FURNISHING Goons; FOE 17- AFErle 'cri*lFFAzoi ',ft the: • Tristswitsil iiore of Jay MCCOWN, OLYDE-O, CO. 0. o—w,irries=m7EVir .a...znoricitragrv-zins sELLietta' rEarenZZIP.4O. (Hyde & CO% ram iii.aftie:fliaikee,lsi.t- , BREittist SHAWLS 7 1 . 33 333.115VW ucais . At 111Aalux4; 61,y4e & Wet NOV/ SO Plarktt st. . IP JMripißroMTs. Doltiffinilli Wimp AT " Now VS 11114 80 Bgarke;qtreel• 1.17 -MA.CRI/11,„ tiL I , Diesf cue Mr. 2.--MOHAM HEAD AMTS. NEW.STTLIN JIM RE:I4I/T -arAcii u.iti„ axinnur Coas., lune vs aim so - market st• O. 8 4 -11ECIIIICD AfillAti4PlS EMBROIDERIES "= ; At NOS' 1 ' 5 ' 4 1 4 4 801 40", :itmmtniKinirmr CAR R, & co.,- • • • (x..-Ot.igix..c.matit, coo •-' alto rtwasno Bil rlIvu1 " 4-- MN'" 4 1-"-"e" 4 thlrlb!"iimabo o rt Dad Orr nch - ._ _ 'Nr 412DiCAI TY PV Ar r j, A n Zarll l aol .` .........Str z ip.ta. v . k k Aur 44,, the 'AM, Ter r il ha h l na l * Da lafa l lY47l, Ir on Wdllirlf ei° "tit tit:lll'lg X2 . 2:lrbikk ra Or 916 . The l l ard m ko i , In th e "Ortgiaot Ostagfot And tho ttenticuo ortba trpda Is tainted ovion , 04 1 4, ,L _,..hich VI MIMK T"' e s?liciTt°B. Pli.clMagtlF'..* IglidLu;S"lher."-rt i t., 161 " ntit MT FrarimMigtaf..l4l6, AU a ~ si t •e l 'uertjuiwtbi 4 .'l?"x% a slaerVlMPaga ,AAmi , 4.„. , . .illmixlieb=Hr ,2101ba.;.D.Vp. ~ ...0a4a1140101.1.t.0.f.-Cati ' r„,,,, ~,,F . .,4 , ,,, Ju ni , Mate' POO*P 4 ' ?, h roo er ho r tn- f i grwegliArta. dam , ilodine 0t,...._P.• 1`25. leteditiTai l l i irpboot ltifoora. gi. UK, ussllnn, 94,114114},R01MUN nrittobWrgr.SAlN " g t gtv.g"."‘" Ag". 194. I " W et 1 4 41 I=l . 11.0= Matltig2grloolttir•Vl.4o* 6,11,5L,kr,-,i -segnicevA.--,,retk4.1.7;-.,, rwrazt k e r . .i . „. 1111=N'gite'rat=6-4-1 ' ~nr, t.4", rgartrijorin: l :4 2 ,: on, ons sa ‘ 'Loma eonts= b rnillg, e i tt iv wilt tun: wbICA is eh rrU ""'g orb it. - 1,- .3"CrocVia-Walilf-1_66,T,,„6"1,,,a,,'",a46.‘ ''..:4:., stOoltatol,lteallropataloAer.:, IfloadaTo in" ....—^—aorSIITIAAIDIO, r:24, ,-." - ' r - lollkittOßolLr ourth ulnae. -; i n g thew poopory. u A. A. igt ,„ o „ -----'"-------'-'----''"'"'-.-------...` r ' _ , , ''?'.., -;.,e,ZWlldiVi.r.;- ~ ZTOLIC OF 011:111NIT PROP OJ Eli Tr.''' . - '" x' ' ' 2. l, , 4' #lVAtiglge"-Fitlretait;=l v at,,,,,DttliNglioreltrjy4b A A 0. LTA Yier taLERAite. M9 a,` alisbacfre .ftwir _.„....,--, __ ._ provomon ~,,,, =rw, 4 ....ow. kimia5e,..*......,....v;........5a1uvis mar` ; An PUltatypro data o o t. r... 1.1 oa Moth atrcatr_ tably l ' wi lUte-41111 • ' C4 ' 2.6be T* E, cal? ' l '4 Vallarl oleggitairi ria: O h itrra34ll I (462 ' ' TM% 99k 614619`.1*1"1"44 soma , , „,,_ .....,.,,,-,,,t,p-,4,,,r44-,:r.,N" *,., •0- • ''''' • ~.-4612,cr 1 '.f..6: - 4 7- -•:: «Au. '-',......44-,,-,,,1.,-,,,-21.,..-.7,—,,....... -,,,,. 4.,,,,-.A-A.L.Z.:-...... AO' Due 7, >w-.ll62.;Aterciu:ol,,,lttgeF L. onesven cou.Liadi=lbAr ti ttg l, ;,, ...,.....- T.....7-,V4ll"Zra..""cim.ia..3la4rhear citr;i.....,.., tAi:urea- t TeT i t : 4',i- .! ' -•...- ''' ' - i :::: ihrenhlggi2.b° _, t- .- 11. ' .tuift.r.',tisliatiltlr'; ` --- re /4 _Aloft lEur. .. -.....--, .t&s:o44kialtrith ro mevt• • ' ''.i.- ' , .. i f :,..Lit:7, , x:'•-• ___ , Z , ..:;P:-;. A .. -... ,t7,-.. , ~-..,-. TOOTH EHLISHICH, NA IL BRUSHES, HAIR ERUSEIRS. LrBIN'S EXTILA.CTS CO UD ktf. '3 X.STELACTS, PTWitrD.S FMTIIACTS, LOW'S SOAPS, rou I , Itklini SOAPS socirTElll-01EN1Qtrts 5,)4P5. LOOMS &ACHED!! RROFR•S ettLoWinswt BBECENELL•B NKr!: SOAP, MUSTARD, cOLNI AN' FEE DI NO BOTTLES, rEtrAtlcA LS Fsosl sumais =II For rale by SIMON ,JOIINSTON. - D taggist Corneriingtblkd anoCStintets aoTn COL" Its. 100000IrS CLOTH LINED ' M • PA PER COLLARS. The Cloth timed Callan made by the LOcKWOOD Mro. Co.. 235 tiouraTilnin PIMA., have been In general one clone 182, - and - notwithatantUnt the fut that numerous ItallationeOkthelb4MMlNKS made they still rank enpnrler to Italy Cobarlir the market. They are the - only-collars lined .tlito d lnint. with ti cloth,. wi th Inyee or, paws on es= ....iodate =aped upon cornier', or mOiltda , sets ti% Therm= =dation. a apace tor the etarsC,TU,l.daltarbste ems need Inibelr ..rmasttaeture, mate. them rens biellnen very Closely: when finished the dbres of the dote give the appearance of linen to the paper. They, are veveryetrnag, and'donottar et the butt= hone. and are the only Cellars so e. O canat. be turned and erortron - both - sbleir 4 w ant trmbitttan holes givtur waYhndlite papet tear Partles purchasing , aolhtrs will ,be eareihl =gee that rant Collar Is maned npan the insideLook wood a. Co., faked ; walk fe4o2gatle..llfark of the Co. a Stu =Candler) mist =ten/ Founts- De not be enedved brthe 'boars or false representa tions, but see for yogratlf. .1( the genie Itallt/il Ufa stamped upon the Inside ea elsava, Ala iiletgesline. A New tine of Diseinuei °feted to 1611114 n. • LOCKWOOD-3111 CO 26614.246Siiiiinitbliti11e Or Heade ,StreetlitiV ,oir,lo' 19 Fifth fitteet,Tltt . fluorin' & , Wholesale Agents torLO'cliWnthPs Cloth Lined anilitirrante - C/1•. Jars. • _ BOOTS, , sHOE,';, o: , 00T8, OMB!, New Cloifang, BLANKETS, FLANNELS; HOSIERY, Woolen Goods, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, !JACKETS, Fancy and White • Shirts, BUCK GLOVES AND GAUNIPLE'iI, Cassimeres, Over-004rigs, Cloths, Domestic Dry GooDii, At. Plante Sale. Day and El-11E114- GIREI2I BARG4II:IIiSt T. A. McClelland's AUTION EV01011; Jro, 55 and 57 GS BANK. REMOVAL. THE MME SAVINGS INSTITtION HAS REMOVEW.TO No. 67 30obiarth1101.)%reert. PITTSBUIeGI-1 Bank - for Sayings, FORMERLY TEL DIME SAVINGS - No. 67 Fourth St., . (Nearly Opposite She Bank orglittaiittrakt.) CHARTERED 1N1862:' - OPENI/ATLY from 9 tO-11-I).9lootOlndhaVililli- NESDAY and gATUBDA:Y. F.V104 - I.llfilirrosay lot to No bee Ist, 7to 9 o'clock. shd &W ut to MaLst. sto a o'clock. • • , Books of By-Laws, Ms ‘ Osinel Thts lestltotteit especlallY offer& to. those echoes earning are limited, Maciportalmitylameasar by lgoalitlehosits..eastly sad , ti ima,which be a resource when sad beFlufAsurrt steatlafremalatagmtprodoctlve, . , BOARD prumusacuismb , paEsmarr, 41' - - CA•MIC3'riCiI4R .4;•.**1n*...1f; Nue razsrimrts. •' • ."-=f"! H. 11 4 11 TM* . 4 404 'SECRETARY explierrisum;;',sss ' Xl ' 11 4 311 1 402 = 2, 4140Aniti,', - - DIAIICTORS r t rie_ A T''.- • I 'nu to.t. s ia . tßig e gatis, -J 9 '3 • CHBt9TO HEE zxren,t;.--. - - r d 1 " , S: ''''COVERNMENr;r. ' Wei 1 . . QALIE ,- -rNIEW-e. .7 , IROMPINiti e e , CLUrrArimlitEDDLIPQ,Ani7 , 4 , l'.3. .e4l r _ • marearvistokii thisloa„ , 4,r, exalf=TOT Jah r ZEWZ A U l tl i i, entitetr neer; an Ist the- otbrankilentaana bales. will' be .beld'A ebnk'Clein ,f altik 4.easme Square Wareboulltd alreptg,.b.e.k. • ecet,ufClty Har,vp:9lfigitODA,X,...t_beAkba n y or : .4:4!1°-"°7"41 T 4 C4-": 1"11. beocered for agile, ... .... .... .............. ....... . • VO i r r is ned•ssett.., H *VS tat attention °rule trane an. inn rite a: s la aris ea to thiamin; na /win mill baanta Uio to ta. figitiraTotra:l n etlltl i oellirene4 SO- Totrebasees- erttnin, ova - yt . prom termination or- sale. • -,- Trania:Cub, In Goverztmeirrtida, - tinreeOn aria Vitmrt.ror. It, H s . • - itst•lf.;Aecuoswer.',llllaximars, %ALE Tax =taco: •DEN TIRADE ~:_;_: ~ FIFIF.