The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 24, 1866, Image 1

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10;41 1.. /larditri4 Esurons.
"firrwejukulOki: Bintrassi Korman.
FWAV1D117271X•011311727148130014,1 OD,
So. as roma 'num Pittabturb.
Moans Bornort.l.7 D er ear..........$ op
sumo ZDITION, do.
a s ". l by Carrion, Y d or gpriiiV,l4;
r...... 4
r 4 •
QTY maxi
altmeaigmatlale IRedlalne■
, a Drug Store,lioa. 67 and di Fifth •
The President
will be sustained by the people, so will Ss*.
yers Barber's Soap.
Call littatedlately
At 139 Wood street, If yon with to purchase
tura at a bargain.
pltyiek hoe received Petersou for Starch
All the Linage Hoek*,
?apnea and Magazines at Pit-toe-Ws.
Aare your Greenback.
By carrying one of Plttock , a new pocket booka
Prince * Co.'a Automatic Omuta
and Melodeons. "Over forty thousand now
In Me." Cnarlottee Biome, N 0.43 Fifth street,
sole Agent. Send for an 'Unstinted Catalogue.
All the March Nags=lnes,
At PlttoelcA.
Prints, Gingbanas ate. •
Naar and handsome styles on the northeast
corner of Fourth and Market streets.
C. nARROIf Lovz & BRO.
MI the Irina
Paper, and NOW books at Pittock,s
Heavy Cotton Zu*
POT Steal:about decks, on toe northeast earner
of 7oj and tazdket etreeta.
C. If • M16:4 Core d BRO.
French Merino - a
Mower Than any other house In the city,
an natal:mat darner of Fourth and Market
streets. C. ithorsox Lorca Rao.
New Dry deeds.
Butted to the 11[4.011, km the northeast corner
of siourth and Market streets.
Popular New
"Come Slug to me Again,ik..."The Noontide
Dream," “Sunlight within my Heart!' For
sale by Charlotte Blume, No. 43 Fifth street.
Julia Daly, Laura Keene,
Ada .11ohic, Sophie Huhn, EoielleErnie,
Jean Hossati, Carrie Moore, and others pno•
topaphs 'at Piteocies.
A Four Left.
Wm. Fleming, No. 129 Wood street, still has a
few seat of Ladies Furs, which he offers at a
reduced price, in order to close oat.
lballier's Celebrated Play
Of the Lady of Lyons, this afternoon, And
Min Lanni Keene and the splendid athacesa
the Wives of lrel autl, [carded.
A Person
Found asleep to-dap oriPenn street. On arons
the gentleman It was found that ell of his
teeth had been taken from his upper jaw. Dr.
Sill Is supposed to be the perpetrator. From
all we esUa /earn, the person had experienced
no pain. Svg Penn street.
Yard Vilde ;Sheeting . 23 Cents,
Fine phlrtlng ; extra 'quality and wide
do, SIXe. ; good teat colored prints, 15%e., all
the rery best makes ^3c at Barkerld Co., 59
marker street.
Neutral Sulphite of Lime,
For preaervbig cider. For sale by Chaska 5n
par,Drligiiiit, earner of Penn and Clair
meets, Fittatairgb.
(Arent Male
Of Spring and Summer Dress Goals, end will
offer, 15Mrumeneing thaday some,sofiworth
of Dress (}pods, embracing almoit everything
roqulrrtt for the emutug season at such pries,
as will command their fmthedfate . sitie at liar.
& Co., 50 Market street.
The ittaarte of Hoecews " '~
Galvanizes rebels Into patriots, speculation
Into enterprise, and Impudence Into genius,
and colder its magical influence, vice Is mls
.taken for virtue, and ignorance sometimes
'panes for knowledge, offered as a stock text,
from which we would- like to hear sermons
from all the pulpits In the country, thus—"Go
not drink, do not smoke, do net - "larder, do
not Ile, do not cheat, do not steal, dolma gam
ble, be just, be getter/ma fear not, love your
fellow men as well as God, love truth, love vir
tue, use Roback's Bitters and be happy.
Coming .on from Montreal to Portland,• had
• 'nought a love of a silk etches former place, and
otter entering the cars, a ctuitoni-house officer
naked her If she had anything that required
exgreination t Very Innocently she produced
bar valise the mid slik lying In her lapalltite.
while dime up in COSMO brown paper, and
asked the omeer to hold . that parcel while she
exhibited the contents of the valise. The in
nocent victim, not snspeeting that common
looking pastel of being, an offender, allowed:
her to go on her way rejoicing.. The lady al
zerwards determined to patronise. l i rrrocio
Whose goods she knew were the beet and
hUapest In the City.
Give Nature a Lift.
People expect too tench of Nature. They
ride with their health and their constitutions,
no then they are surprised that theyfail sick.
The pressure of constant mental or bodily
abor upon the animal tiowers is tremendous.
Very few systems and constitutions can bear
up against Itils'preesure unassisted. Add to.
ehts.the unhealthy influences which lurk 10 . 11.-
*MID thentrwe breathe, the Water we drink,
the artificial beat With which' we endeavor to
alums away the cold and marrow,seatehltig
molirture or Winter, and It would Bakal° re.
quite aluicat• superhuman vigor, to keep In
,perteenhaqta at this rigorous season without
reltlfOrettig the physical energies.
But bOw reinforce them t Certainly not with
adulterated :stimulants There- is no poison
in the .outer' Air, or In the atmospherenf
Dane heated rooms, or workshops, orfactories,
so pernielous as those deadly-burning fluids.
Wny use them, when
a vegetable tonic without alloy, are every
whwre obtainable. Nothing has eVer:beell of the fee le and debilitated so barrel
tees to its nature, ao Cr al In Us Inihmra
ttagalSeeta, cuff Iseelebrated
. ' MOUS( 10 Lap .11.1.TZ74.114142. .
in the army nd the-navy, In new settle
manta; and in crowded cities, by old and
young, TIM and poor, it is used as a
Pllo7llo=lol AID4I.IIOTORATSYN ingrocuk
with the most gratifying results.
Heetetter.• Bitters •
Art sold khoiaaale and ratall at very lewratea
at rastalare Dreg and Patent Medletualiepot,
No.& Market street„ corner of the Dterecuid
&ad mirth stmt.
stirisiali innate tioods.
-It is with great pleasure ire can the often•
JYtt ofdar reader' to the subpart) stocitoilfait
mud Wtotar Goods lost received by Mr. John
Wider, Marabout Tailor, Wo. ltelfullaridstrest.
.nthapasar. stfr.k =Mania some of the
, socet. bumtlful Cloths, Caunnems, Overflow
wags sad Vellums" aver brcmstbt to the wintain
ildwitet. • Els assortment of Prundaptug 439045.
itOolyrbrlnir ehtrta, Drowfon, Mahan IfilekTfol.
to.; cannot De surpnoox mum
or ;rat. A pry* stock of ready mad Penis
Coats, Vests mad Ova/coats, wlll also be Zooid
ble eabitaberMilint; Pomo= in want of any -
Mug Lb the clothing. itaa , abduld not fail to
eau Mr. Wafer a call.
Portals amd itorthea. - •
thoning from ont of Was of
b th Oka as he Jun from Araby
fbeßbat Whoa= realm such bucthattona
So red o,. thaw, to pepeorat• them, to
ttm month aboard , of Daub mth rubtOw. Asull
avarY Egli A ipinM Of butane., MI you bane
to do, fair ladtha,thbansa thatammthi j i as we e.
tibia Produrgcth, aoroarnit.
Tamosial w Parry la (:!ii„;,
sqvgiao bias soden. and DealetitiAtuar.
eta ittetioPraelatis Palm- =co lit Alma.
d•r Lagghlik , a =near this - Water. Works Pitts
burgh, Pa. itaahlgare, X 0.78 Pike street.' Or,
Om valuta, attealidto. "AU vicaliwarrant.
ed Vatic groat. Itetialrini Ogle at the thart.
est notbse. charge OirruPloricPrords4..,_
resets not abused atter.- bind
earpenten jelthiseg inhop
Mining returned after 'an abettnea. falthrite
Years In the an my. I Dave, reopened tershop
far W win of pekoe .ht tae; ause t ter us* .
at the old stand. Pit= nitantwitantfit,apath=
Cold attest and IlhartrAlflY,"
.......,,,—' -T ula —,
~,_ ' i VERY LIT/NT TELEMUNN 3-I .....z=rawArriehr,= Yr.' Hum' "6 " 1 231" 41R5T SDI "' , Et..4l::tifileViejElautlicoacenj-inguragreerobrirrie In
, MAIER MINSTER IMOD II FIEF. Disorderly Bose.-There Ise baidt..eidilt
• 1 ehttm, tins preattlen ttMehetraetrauet int j tebe ' .
, ing mimeo certain boys 'whin fredherte Fifth
Death _ ___, Loog os no. soros.
, ‘ , : . ,, ,,,, ii._. . tt %1'ar i P, t the bale Hallway poll ii, and . NE - , -trom, to pink - on : some one of their Wearer
Da. C. MILL vim ViOrtata.TUS gentleien of i or
; strOng [Zimmer. w en, I gay tbaeLlievello fal o o h , 'Os t' e ti ry -....,--On Thursday night ,
• eaten Mato( she way loiriare .use or e,very .4.. IV Ana s tar E lro AT N, E, Feliritary Ft, lsra ' M. 1 7,1 1 _7t0... 0 re rt •
, companios. and Impose upon mulatdialtabing
ate so renowned for his skillin the•ose of this ' meeting at IVashhigton City. I•4"btthe Inientinn "8-1° 'thiii Fa
. Hanle '
well for robbing the
ituw., ,oo l l i v • of Brithlo, arrested acetic. t 1111
..,_,„_, -
, ,
popular agent, fear i.amiCLequently I ' inns o°ooAltegooOtOlfthielagrag ebinbiletaag
'''''v 'Dia Alexander Po
I carried on to no extent that scareely a
MONS EGST - SEVERAL OTHERS MISSING. . unme rcifully Slue petty tyranny tam beets
de e ye.. 1 hat there I. nOt • a row among the
himself to exhibit the..;.tespe harm. ,
jusiumthia. ' , pe lf ion
of e Th Y, r. O F f ,a lif n iznes of ot c a o ,
i p arli res d e o nte r,, , t , 1 , 1 , e .
, 11. Peer cet.Theleaeoloillatillaimelntble Gov- m ding etrlet quarantine as a preventive 'en towed for ewe
and Powell have been
• lads 1 estuoms ' , oil plaint was entered be
lessiagent an been
• • *henget to the cause ; ADDRESS By PRESIDENT MOBIL i-..Aumbitaf'.„.„......___4obteuidecu'Adwobi to dearertbdr of frpregul ot the cholera In this country . IT: Tr
.EltrilresenTruintte Irnett"alOnn,g f i t tl i al ' This (Friday) morning, at a quarter before ' f ore th e ma, lint - or, rose , Aiog theeththet.oithoth.
1..,.....,,,,, , ami11nd ehainge the character 9r the
o• t. ono hundred thousand dollars four o'clock, the new steamer Wincheter, of these M11e.., ag] the result la that two of
he est/stated. Large stollee Of the gas hare I
. i k npiptiftmilion, Am *gro a t r uby*, r a th t h e 11 , 11 b raa referred to the Conunittee oti Coin- e .41, n o r „ o „, ~.
• rt o i en e . 00 a.7 . .....
tte,,age quantil of th e Captain Asa hepherd, while on her upward
elects or
b i o thin the elsaacnifire.
been taken by the doctor eye de*, for the ' . --
rinoos *tat,
.. It has beem shedt Dees tuft daft nece°,
purpose of seem Whatleffeet• it iceuldliace ' IV simirii"r' Feb. 'l9. -There was a maim i i, _ -der, ... °l _ - " ... ,,, ooo _ 4l _,LiOnealse'llte valbecenfle And Mr.Femetatlen of Mane, presented a nett- ' r0,./i l fr vl y Nu robbers ' ' OrP ero n ent'er t i re 'e'er:, irlp from Parkersburg, cau g ht lire at a point brought out this morning for e.raistniLtlOn.
on hie a c ylitelin but he little dremllea in his meeting at G rovers. Theatre tOglyy. la rmo,,, .: A q:l i r i gr i eraszit . 73,0 thitelo cementit
&MEM f.Dcathew7tiOrwisn't thileihr 4 regitietfign . thetas on agrieultural 1 t'‘'rain luMimefrlV throw - ant freteht, after ormosite Babh`e islanth near Eact Liverpool, soMe of the.ehthrr•r• ‘leserv a a severe lesson,
tee„appg,lo,,, thor e fi roth , to, ( Ala and eas totally deordyed. Let t i e W r e ire h r Dir e l ly ,reserrills.ertmit,to mesh an extent.
111 puranits, of any fatal termination. Port of the President ‘ ot policy, Tim edifice , more bloom' Hero-Q.T. t o v i t ."h ooor an d i nalnlemento *lace e ee referred to the Com- '
If their ex II pre.
At a meeting heldlny Pittelitirgh Denial o Werth, ded to lis indent capacity. A large :-.,,,nnoeintitnryonnitnht,nnirooortiirhoelit'thr,ossrectsso,°thilr",„ i 101 _,Ifee 0 V: parties are old offenderZt%.ei The arreceel Mr. Daniel Mehra, the first Clerk, arrived in ~,,,fit,
term In the Stare Prleon For burat *•ntye'l
' the etty this nmrnmg, at ten o' c lo c k, by rail- -.."- ----- -
Associat (of which Spotty m r. sin wan , number of pert,olut were addreasel from the o - y o r e 0 - '' --- --- oorootthe - -- ---- ota te kt - l e .' ''
ALS Bre% n V en s •
n asking that
n p e entail a mania ;
road, and from him we learn the following
D Ymtmetle and Acrobatic Est.
President at the time of the saa u nee , l ' " t enth'. Ama cg the tPenhers Were Mont. '4O let eillna°fitire/tearT - Inn
,rea V a ISO eene, roan mead at- :an $ m to the Cons - Hog ion be alp tell ; Dl7/100
aro•a speech. particulars • r teeyoloothot._owilig to the unbounded sue.
ems of the annual nth/ hltion of the Titus
the Members adopted, the following resole- Bowery Moir. S. S. Cox. Judge EllintlY, Reece- titeit .o oe tot inti ther. t o°l7 ' hintwhen he: ''''
.... he dhehthe _ hie
mew t 0,,, any State from making distine. 1 Cum ELAND, 0., Feb. 4.-Tige sp eeth „ euit 1 The the wevlirst discovered on the deck. am- burgh Gy - tunalitie we/salon, the managers
• aeritauvee Smith and Trimble. The pelnelpal i fei---' _
~............ tion In vent the rights of naturalized citizens, in last night'a report to Mr. Werth was 1 '''
t la
G gir m ad,
al of the furnace, am' Is supposed have been r selicated to V e t u *wand on e tot
R ew i red. T hat this omeehttion has it meeting was preelded over by Phillip A. Fen- ethtenr,tot i' llie t t; ;; l et n y it t li o ,`A.`" - ""' - which Wall referred to the Judiciary Com- Sesrant.
valueless and At
membe r m the I' dad, the oldest member of the a selungton ere willinig Pawientidi btrhey are alkali% they na.Heeta
r. Wilson introduced a bill to continue 1n CO have caught [comas park or cinder from inTrditil, wiltlechnYetri emir). 26th '
change of programme s
, ohih ,„ ., r whose.) i , m hdeedie thaw ,
ciny AND s vDtraa
~ ~_ the gual-chnte communicating with stnall par- rompruting new and wonderful feats, iota
Dr. ant, and that we deerily regret thathe ever i Bar.
beettruielslmMeate tce Ilion and erva...... , r'er4r e Freedmen Bureau for two years
ion. times of haled bay, wash had been strewn gymnastic and acrobatic The manfters
came td the city of Pitteburgh to practice den- ; A serie-e of resolutions were liMised, e tron.T. ' UM/ orsamoOvernlie it t : ht I" "lani `‘.7' Irian which was * referred to the Military
over the deck alongsigle of the holler. dye' have been prey ailed upou and will produces
Petry. '
las approving the comae adopted by the Pres,. 1 end chaatity, let it be stied. Le an altar tO sr.
oss n M e goroy, of , introdu a bit Hpagiary sagest Liberty. 5 1 0 1 MoWed the partcles, as iv supposed, un- I for the lino tante to this eity, a very clever
Resolved, Tlutt we deeply eyr o pethi re with I dent, and calling upon the citizen. of erery ..,,, thette i l :A be „, er t ir n .,, rent than. lf,itls ergo toirenzburse the State of Kansas, for a aspen- Per several dm, past the pollee have been tu Writt i ll the bh"r dins, 'Bveral fe4ndih-'
"eeedingiP PI of g a tf'nunne WM.
' It proved :' fled th ii
efforts to extinguish
e Promenade Celestially.- by
as family and friends, who were Mb (but .St ith ate . , of every 'emcee( political of
to ' hilia ntht now ' wermeTer:doehh°lle t t :1214 *Minimised Ina quipping Mid caning ont the a Meth' making up a case, and yesterday hay- T he
thin gymnasts, and nonce! ot h er-noy.
aby the policy adopted by him. Al the i as,, e ..... a...
w ,., c ,.. algltaTT tO repel th e inVinglon Of the State of -
respectable) that they were ever 140 1:004,Cly 0100 e of the meeting, A procession
ti e - t - f ''..o7 t r intrea Melia°. I f t libel— .R.l.warl which was referred to the Commit- Ins eueceeged in their endeavors , they made tired persons,
niters and crew numbereel one hull- elites in their line. '
am time was to be lost and
I mo:estate& And aa Dr . Sill has introdu ce d the rolaroceeded - t0 an epen !encore tren pi n =y ' But i l , e:t i l l s: 4, otopen e sigody"Negrh' IP Government nPinhid re '. . ) .
.4k...lit.,Affair.l the mattee public. It appears that on last Sun- when the fire was td
the boat ' im- woo.. - --..---
Latighlngtiass In thie eommunit3', tung the s ki n i=l itt g,', i t i le t, so ,,,Deottre. s. illatugZ eo; and
.h i tott h er . h , it hammed
hut, heweed
..4 'Dixon. irOM the Committee on !Post Of- der night. the store of Rev. Mr. McGowan of en inr o di r t te e dr ran ashore to the Virginia tide, I ----e" " the Chnrgn'-'We Tentenni•T
hea of the people wtid, that we (th wiffi , , Oteedinticme atioepteaFta.l7,4%, • ent. , th , ro ,e 5., ..„ .' " loTheltile 'seed' Of the egging'''. ho i rl i i Ih nlan nnn ' rePe e r : e . a n e renni t e ntt e e r n ' Knee Liberty was entered and goc;ds to the I the boa ar m o Unfortunately the stern 0' publishea te en a rille e r ta a tlng ttutt a man ny the
linbody(Mill let no other person Loi n e the I 'The POesident soon Made Ide appiairacess I "'" .. ..., th o o e sso ° - • m i . - tr 00,,,,,, „,,,,, ire ..., h . ,,,,, ' f beibre be Sehate - all - the inforgtron in ' his I amount of nearly two the * d dollars ware r
fire being in frgorianttcria the shore, and the , Raving ni StOlet gig n fl -n tn eTtio n g ns ixo=li i
lead w met with an entlx reeeptioba • ---
• - 4 - , --- o - r .ttio,o,--- - -it, - 7',. sa,h - on - a - or, - 'wee '', in regard to the feasibility anti ,
and Lion with t e gran
nee 11 Off all conimu
,._ tavern of Thomas Morgan Penn street "FM: '
'He lid theamemb olloWes, . ' . te roa , ----- , e , '-
~,,,,,„,--„,...._,,- 'os se - rAY an of *establishing teleceaphie lines I taken therefrom. laformation of the burg- and thew who had not alren-hyteLe nannen e g e ,, , e ''' I War . A subs quenh exar . anation repred the
Refereed, That we mention the ruination ies, oto zeue-for I prarente I .I=l,g, -Aii,-4,ifiliMeetittsrie",,,,„-,-zr....w.,r.„,.. Mignectien with the mail rotitee for the Ila having been laid before Mayor McCarthy, Jump into the river and save th
erase•Pen s . os h-- , -. _ feet dthat afr. e llutehinglOn MP a man Wen
ban broright. upon our craft. Before he fn 'ea
you rmottich-.ter the
--ws" Puri Ihrdstdon 0/ GOvertiment and private mei_ , heimmedlately set the Chiefof Police, Robert swimming ashore. There were a i, -- -"O • limown Inc honesty and prObity, and that Itte
tee who have conducted and organiced ' bawl 4,;-2.ifitride-titatik yoularthehottorrn , , 1
Hague, to work with some of hla mostardetent r women and children] on board and, m r
onitr i L,,,... I took the money from hia friend in Order tts
armed the Gas, our patrone would net down '
and have a tooth extracted without taking 1 tjilei=nronnr.t.titri I Babe Olt tender my• sincere u t too thy r ote oth er w oo l i n, re f.,,,,,,,r0, , i r'• BrOWn SpOthkttatrzgangth on this sub
pinnent and approbation t t
men. e. bl i r e v .
iLlgyt. came t to d erp r ect
, t e h r f t,b ipe• , kl . t ei
/Ta ilit i gngit i r e rne who were tool s ea ):' I keep him (rem spending or teeing IL - while on
t g, and it la feared that ' a ceree, and thetas soon At he got sober' ins
anything, it did not matter how moo t p a t o 1 they have manifested in Mete Perstma ad. I ylte t itill s Ttaltnesat to the mbrumtga
•thon, of the, a nt= t h ~, , ,, e ts on thir g e r n o t ufill g tre e t it rheY did, and uponnSnatt trod ,
arr e emsei ' ;.hey hare also perished. intended to return it,'whloh we think was M
aas given ; and though there is not m ore th en '
to myy . jf end le the resolutions thee .rroos ten. eleil h absio sm ed-'lCsni allgaratoil t ifr o ,4, .., d establisb a uniform rate of telegraph. two blethers by the name of Gordon, who The beekeeper, George Y o oung, a resident et inen t'Y P r oper. Of course beano iligenhlallas
nineteen out of twenty ger whom it can be a t t elolgt, e, , c , ~.,.,„,,, a r i a on that - I. Yrettideon of-the Un iteNlMOtelY I. had ita ace- i llrt= xis Tig th the
Pnatnnlre' and that It pr o v r er t i , to
i t , h e eLlgt n al men - F t r o ank Gordon, the R
with gion eh of t %iii , nd arniet7tr ee
b irZein. John Gor.
---- ----
said have no pain under the bewitching Gas, It is eatramely eratifying total US know that I r o o ,
verses= wi tti m MLl t niMillsjs We Weretalestill 11T tentroir toe ' ideZe=lloer
poly w e li e l y e h . ° 0
one daughter an was Hein I n , ;ha n sh The elu h ambentaid, a colored woman , acme ,
‘ hl g a ° "8% resid nee nn Own lost ' ' - the '`
...,,Tltireargee Sermon.-ProfeSsor Wthgefi r
xth Presbyterian Church, bY Partin'.
still they lease us sad go the', yh e e t o e a , 8 0 tam e a portion ' o f ow fellow citizens; ap- ,to matters in rn&trl4l> Witeli d d l igire hao h the public press, and that it would i The
f vonngerro er had married _is wo- and a kli , . , lar request of the members Of his Cheri% arid
~,, ~,,,w agent win b . scen py I.lpc'ffoiths o f ' gra:l,2rue 111: 1 1aley that has been I . ca ii ed i„.0,,,,ww, Mien had ' memo . ooe,--0:0. Weft batter report of the non man a daughter . , his brother's step daughter, Jan um Alga° and Wife, Of Note MatallaOas, , fellow citizens m ere ly, w ey preach. * oars,
thlsaitonst body, who expelled Ds Sill from I 1 h o ar police hafbienetnenonee w it i t e r t at has
itituthOlOys. abgallabing elaVery,in the S
~„. t • ettnllli tha e illgew gee] abroad, to be sent In re dz i l e bri eo rgl
ea r.r a arghe te ar t la h re T i works. Oblo,tenerelresiblifeathias
ir4 Shseettit,roole
I t i b l e e : r erne . lon on Sunda! evening an the elibieet Of
t . is known to all that Dr. WU.
theacelety without. rag rig him a hearin to Ito restore the clarions Union of ttie Stan Jiininann`rninnihnilirldn'Priielinggi ' '' li ' •
nal The resolution man °Ann. , Sharpuburg, vibe% abo e n ' t $:4 worts of and theirothetareth,,,,„..,„ th ea 0,„,... .,
,thutmetto fkri, , . n.% htwee: enerts , the eeneld,ition of the bill the goods, were also found. He had a regular re- hoard, mined. Van Meter
P There was a family of deck paesengers on se e n - IPa enoWtid
, (Germans,/ censist. I Vacate of tomp4,7„‘ tr and irg.ephacaflarac,
defend himself.
of the their States .
.thet,actrh itipoitth *Meta rhing hour caviled/anti theamendment to !trailers License and MIN la probably the way ing of father
, mother and Ave children. Of 'to the propmed new license lan; SAtn-tita
Reso/ved, That In case these deltherittleks do ' This seems to he ad y peenliarly epp ri- m ore "' On, R e il ythaettle e eonstitittlen on the s iti t f
11 ee 0 reee ee e e . 1 he took to rep:lonia) his stoek. The yondger ' these, the father and fora ,
children Were lost, well known power and eloquence how speak
not efreettudly do away With latighing_gas nto r such a itianifenrattont the day Mottoes'° -drin the
et- ! nirtt n to Mtn who nded tide Gov re t; tto e Constltn . adopted bY on. talc ee
hie thre-flan or he Statesoret tibial heve MI ''
hen n t en -.- Gordon ,e - ns al , so arrested at his brother'. • while the mother and one ehihimere saved- or elveheer, ran , blfe m ay exreet an able in ha
ter having expelled the only 'one in 'our no- the Father of his founds
of hirn Who stood I or pretty nearly all. into la fisvor
, r ,,,,4410, A....".1-41:4"4 r en z g i lment on Yep_ I
, Il ,. ote , , po en i tr I 1 green lmolai were found up- Or. T
.. 111=iGooeunty; wae l A. r"B l4 en wi t ui a All are in'-rtt37o fitte emPen.nce * ee free.
clety who' advertmes It. that we win ad- ,at the head of tat Government. Then an ," I ,Jr*l s i _it C P.. 8 . tlitti°°4l,... . rat ~ , ..... floor, but yirkij..d fi ,.. 'jj e ge w a:::,l " ,!,!: , The parties ere arrested by °Ricers Hague, dem puesen_ger.
minister the gas in order t4sre Mar busineeo, { theca State. entered tea,- [mo o Tht,A. o • s wam i
a thetvagr. i g e tiar. deo - - ..."-asi to take up the resolution fo e _ Wrigley and 131217 Them Three colle, In Leonard waiter, (or Walther,) Wife and two Burglar - icemeteo ---oMeee oes Ad
ssion to Southern niember,it il I com p a ny with Malcom Scott and Moon, foruid children, are missing. They were moving and ler yesterday ermined a, men by 3,
though it is our honest gebreietlen that we ' Bay fa
Li'et9irtg*ll.) ind°ra
1 e ' I bane indent:MP 7nainne,......P'-
, minded brthe to ee l
a entitled to rePresentetlon• I a small portion of the goods at the boarding had all their nisei on board. Residence not Dan ➢ Burgin, charged vrith bet '"f n i
vein a pro eon n
shored never be put to that trouble, believing, ; Father of his Country, 'fiLeelrge Washington- ' t r i g iz e i h r e r t : . ..--...-.,
an opposed the motiou on the I house or the younger Gordon. The boarding knOwn.
al burgar. 1 Upon his t
itairerio.l.lll4 thiSagent IS hike One step '
le 1 e W m=ft'l is th h e ° l6 " an'
'. f
t eTW e l l i tlr / beahl
la of these Stn tinder th e : it could not be fairly and calmly wore brought into the city, and nn at present Three...fourth; of the pessengere and crew bunch of nottriges, tag re p T e ' r e ',:,' 1'7.::.V f rd R ek . RRR :
science beyond chloroform and ether, though I g overn ment - Wean:grog, wage t° ' ''74 3 ,1" - :: 1 lathes' eferethefore. lititautid 4 - the present thneethe proposition In tbe watch house.
were seen Winona Into the river, in ardor to of key., Oloi to at ordinal' I les, - ilia
nor intended to operate as lan I About nfteen hundred dollar, worth °rootlet. escape trona the flames, which spread with bunc h phie sleeve was Mind u heavy "e
,•mace,. MUM.
we have never used it nor seen It se. , pence, Mat ih war, Aria in the beelike( his whnhnnienrinienh dn-ar the:
tuned the declaration of point- ; are yet to be recovered. Among the good. great apditr.
ded to be use(' with murderous
, }Lothian/Mt there-oho begets)
Resaltett,:Ttlat Ire regard ourselves at bar- c " nt u r Y o m r , lrirPleNr. can claim , " 1 " 1 " del to t ifiConetitution, N t h 't lased in the other Reese in the I found, are ona dozen fine French calf egins, When the are broke math° passengers more clue examination, the proofs rain effec t, tci A W ltar ep,
lug been veer stupid orshcet Matted in allow- is am - common f- Inheritance of p ft t u v i ;;lr: ure I se l 14108Pa:4M toethorithebrilenat• mite:twists.' Th e senate ought • several pars of helots, Nome
otter'Jewelr knives ail asleep and there being no time to dress found to be sal
abil4ant S te n -- - t
tette the thednese or Congre w i and forks, plated-spoons, find artzeles they went ashore for into the o at in their, his entineltratao the. c ounbliell foe- Mier
fug Dr. Sill to get so tar in advance with this government. , , ntativee tO theCanmm of the
yes. eramperth Theadea pose or getting into a politleal 110 T etahlbkl byar.r.e.tleGOWell. The Gardena night teethes-, ,sr .- . day& o After he gete out he there'll owl * ‘ l,.
Has, but Ponce he has, we will threw all the ,
.1, toolar,lied the pleteure of attending the ' Twilit_ ossegmtor the doctrine reen the President andsCong - resa will - probably he e.ratnined toolay. ; Mr. - . 0- C.' Btntinff, IbesecOna'Slerit, acted low erninetatanntraltd leave town. •
I National a hen ton ..Association, which is v ...
V Committee the laet seitlßM '''''ll " . I .1.-ta-a5......; sso -,-. i MoshbankallYi anti-was-DOI dealt themettris
available stones`we calf fininellint And if , afrecting its efforts tocompiete the monument 0.,,,,,,-*-- innntinoiir`o,sa=alt"roo,ornirtent"„e„,l' sienna ennui o strelltie rftbfla ,s I. M eiremt=a..renggi c :sr.;2, 1., ofewringmarylives. Regardless:to km own
by publisbing the namealaf the personas who erected to his memory. 1 wmi glad to meet zr---,..,.,_---en,,---.„....--.,,-------,--,
WeitiOn ItOdharadwhas " •-• " assea -. . g owf - " 1- . ' - pafety, he retuned to leave the boat whoa the
have experienced pain, White midge the Intim- theM, and So far us / could, give them my ' e iiiiialraue„, ---- ,,,,,„iiw ee - -•- , ,, ~. I the ne there fig teethe- Ir . .re. „, Ippon folhband, was ' nee broke out. went Mak, waked • up all the
• bumble in tinenee. The monument Is Wing , -.,. tb , „ tn. -- ' - 77.' :-).". r ito , earaido et th e g .., to terse Francis . Train at the St. passeneers be could rind, and Whdn the means
once of the gas, does not, tuna their heads in
, ' mooted within a stone's throw of theset f roln ' If er nOW MOM th ' t ' tdoptiotEerireigolutlitkivisidd Caries Hotel lest evening at eight o'clock of safe retreat were cut off, he came near
the right direction, we will flo eomething which I address you. Let it beeps pleted. ICo n omen 0t 0 th00 t 00 ,.. 104 ter eta"
10 nothing, each hortSerWbt f
the losing his own life in swimming ashore from
A 0430000Wd AAA rostenbled in f r e *
, Let the pledgee which all the Spite aceseho o ry t , whoa, yo.,:oloie-oWirlt to of the election returns Mull
ra n- °. the In
of the boat.
Reaolred, That the -publishing committee m t. io . n e s e
edten oT c ifiti l r ° ;rith ae n e r tned in
Mg ~., taatit
ore for tble seat { mg a.. Of Ida members, and would es
te do as It seer AC hotel, and tond retell for r Train brought the In fifteen minutes after the tire broke out
I irrept a nd
orator to the barony, WllO eaked ' the boat wee completely enveloped In nature.
shall take a copy of these proceedings to the Union, be preserved Let. t it be cons- I fag -•
• •-.. ii. .re'
, ! There were upwatda of two humped harreki of
a said be called up the toOttPO I for whom the serenutle Cu, In tended 1
family of Dr. Sill to show that our sympathies Pleted; and en this connection let -the ' grseicsuaost id"roldti mitiered it of the greatest On- 1
tries • oft on deck, and a large lot Of empty. berate
refer to the motto upon a stone sent from , ......,-a-..... aa-,,lalrer' a... tented that Motown, any desire ansuered the honor was intended for hint 'ln the bold. These. together with snail nflate
are with them in their suddenly blighted and ray eon S tott ,. G oo were a State 'whim, boa I
~..esseasegenore....,s Moooeot.tig,ghz
'reel between the president ono I m e Tram commenctel to declaring that he I Inabidebaracterof the
o n itself, the toren.
disappointed hopes, in the loss Of position as fruggled for the primervetion of the Union . =,=„„, 0 , -- O,' See t5 '.....' -
amid he thought now woe the
ler the deetruction rapid and complete. Tho
President, and standing in the dente/ proles . the field and the conneils of the natters. • "ja - """' b rown 'so a ....k . ll ..,
imps Um queetion. Ile thought ' ew,ffriAleotheF,nnneirnenh',„-tVotn (P flu g Pitteburgh to I scene was appalling, and the eery:MTh Of the
• motto Is or
on that stone. 1 stand •ii e are to_
t oppressed with tame
Rid he no more Impogent oard of Trade.
• uot gm. t o o l,' do - i i ,,,,,,,„ t h women and children, on roe/Ping their fear.
by thst sentitnent and she Is willing to stand ; 'their o f f ere" Pn"lPate at
o beat t e tlfs.
for the seraate and I use 1 „ ei h s , br e y • MI potation, were heart-rendering In the ex-
Resotted,'Thm all railroad cars dro e n by by it. It Was Ole sentiment enunciated by the tio .. li . fif the country they tire met - 1
cation to to whether they have , on ig i risli friends he triune.
steam +mar etase to earr3 - hutnan passengers tatioortal Andrew Jackson, "'The Feaeral , = ii nn
t l bgalr n t n littrunTert t alltsy tn l yin relation In the cantina() non
. tadly do •to Ile then denounced Brig- Mr, R. Gardner a reagent On the Virginia
e be preserved ••
ht.etee. ii . ceeereee
I. . eteer a lab
... e . Tre o de, %e.t.a declared for Irish na- there, saved many percents by picking. them
lest some person might be hurt and no, one to air . " e t t n u:in t then referred briefly. to the coo ; l itnig tadre7tie s. SPAM In Um h
0. of reconstruction, by ° "' " ii ied to
he mace on up from the water with Doe skiff, which he
blame,- And much more -the people shall duct of General Jackoon un l&P denoun ce d as , ir-ethnir'n't,"l4,hdetztoaftbrot.
~.„ from th e „hither. eththo oya hint o the Pin:burgh con greso or conven- kept In constant use. v
support us who remain in th e society becau se traitors all aho attempted to
r desner le , I Ice vinnryttlat 1
an imp Inir, o * ..... kl/ A4OlO it before
lie the etie- Lion: Thls tops this algnal for an outburat it Mr. Hugh Newell, anothar reslglent, woe nn
we are worthy of support, whether we gh c ;count
eer r b y ; and i gun:fa teadblitlst.atecornoliitnittltoutl•ono. gummed by me Wader his n agloantstratida I ib o .s e
tit:Zonal a
m endment. II 111,1
Mors were too t ' n
be wan 'evident the leaders o f the Congress were
not ,celleve me - eel - 11/ force, and resolved that be eltoutil rensing in his efforts to contribute to the
laughina gas or not.
. He th ought, Meowring the question our e- , Mina ' bi g . arbv,, , rit.„-by„....., 1 a, n .tieilLo ,be tistiou calmly. R e e "' te ° t° .I°. '" °. ' ' not ige heard Mr . Train endeavored to pro.
nre, grit, the
thing them w ith eliftliT tars et. ins
Resolved, Aa this is thearat meeting for ..p . construetim, we enould not Oes.l wall Mai - Menet alkw taipei to re re. Ma tige, -lir, bemoan, in reply, thought the events t ‘ ceed, mid dev r tlop l rie litre., b ut the tannin The aecenamotlations beinginsurnetent on the
months at which we have had enough to do ? ri l e Pa r ini ••,•1
arligrier,aelezirtltiLdaggvie:r% t hhi tr .. y trstet. a g ator woad. itt.11,..111, 0 ti l t y e German,
a . e . re too fresh in the meteor) , Of, t ir 44„'',,- 4 /""
;RV vi:le nc ' e e° w H e d re '" ula b d e e l l e ar n /t r u c : Tire - milt !More, t r he sufferers were **oh ferried
business, that we be nnanimona, and when we to the Government and he was ready to epee I hlshlece. and there is not a ormotele of hemp • the t on,Tiggifta.nron:r to 1 ,:11 1 ,1%1P;r 19flillan 1,3 ha/ f lerore of emoted Individuate, wen ove tte-I.l',l.lstrr(.rilmio,rolan4ektigigirl welteedre,erhey
Aare turned the achln from the•camp that we I the doors or the Union, and reetore theta to „ vp toil li , restoration or the oar rem.
... se hi „.,. -- -7,,,,,, I Mums to piss. He would prefer that till'
but I.° '''''''''''' I , he perfeotly at. las ease. Messrs. J. P Thompson & racipion a Mien,
their former relattons. He Bala there is ne nnir have ' eiinntint Thr -- ' --'-' Sell Id dli
Ste Wen e ern ate minds u ill .„. Threats a ere also madt• liguinet Mr. MeDer- std another firm of
Liverpool. (name un
will adjourn in peace, nem some other dfs- • , the oho her tenor., harder than I boy . to ply upon me, but . it 11-ogin 10 r . i nt ithge/AIOI ,I filament of the t few it-spate: 'ne
mem lion all this In blood was engendered
.) rendered moat valuable assiatanen
ab. PP" : " -- -we not linos - not bei In th •
tuning cause.
I r a i , v i t e t r i e ie h PrinZi t p t l e i e.r,5C1Z..84.1 Dave .
I bare tried [ado my dot . 000 ~,„„„ th a , vi . Elite measure was boat:min forearo no- other of ihe 'h o . te „,, !t o this ]
e e or e gli e eee or being very prompt in furnishing shoee, cloth.
law vindic`at'd Whilletemisairms,ointgletiteli4 I some are enrione and Jea l ous, and speak or 1 'cr„ripcar0c.;,,,ftm.,72,,,,ti,,,,....
onao7.` l 4lo!' he
c„ the distort - ranee of tee warmth, 0 W.1:101, tint 9, Ce et li ' llotahl. M. Abrams and Gerd an.
, 1
traitors are to Si- punished, shoeld , w Me ati5L„., ,,, ,mt.,........r.,.......a.r!.....,,,,„ ........... influn by• too. Veto Menage After Orr! titled by anything apparent to the public, and the drat engineer ale Welill. Deritgar rere on
states and eommunaps be made to submit to - -' -, -. 1 . .- ........ ILA er debut e Mr Dooli tt le arose' to aas as greet a brearh of theorem as-1, e have watch at the time, and excaped by swimml
of bite Homes harem tittle Minenee oft Matellient. diot the President eeemetrl'o'7henny! w" '"'"' ibrm " 3 a dRY. h '' ''
- . ng
and bear the penalty of death t Let Mao bo.
no ore.
come loyal and wilting supporters gond deface- Mies aeon any Individual in this estuary, ,
oh ., , taltarngretes the eight to hider or the c nein- -
The Wincheeter Was a splendid new tilde
our glorious stars and stripes, and the ninilnitnn it " 4 ' M ' ine than n i nm tin " --- s •ea ons of me I f
Gymnastic A nonsciaSion. , The
packet, bunt expressly. for the Pitt*
=13111.11T1011 or our country. Let their lead. arltlitlkilig about It. The difference between ft in ma t ' ant the right of repre.
ration from the outhern State, He did The exhibition or the t., mewl° itanome.. ba=gh and Parkereburg trade, and this was
Judge Illeiirs.
os the Es:omelet:vs intelligent traitors, starer the 'little that audieee form e otomactx anti v .
Infor . hti I ••.
her first trip. She left our *hart on Tuesday
secretary or averican Ice., New York, say, .
' the' pennity or the 'hos. Btu tor the mem, ,1:414„.„,,,k,„"4„,1"rre,„...„,,,,th,..412_,,"u1th„n",_0f1e,,,,b4FM.2 Whit "Al
Rn fma ' it' . i ~.,,,h , h h , ~,,,,. 'ti In Wilkins Hail, on Tneadayenin er
IS as last, and wan ou her return when the terrible
Teem is empturneaur but one Sewing Ms- , who have been !creed into this reliant and , ..,..'''',,,7„."-,;,.,-"`,.„„,e'"",.„.,,,,'"":„,""`,..„,,,"'""'"„„'`X,L'ae,.,",,7,.;„„''`."-„„7,...`'. ,7411 ed to P ,Zer by ab - 7Tr h or i t l ib ' itil, on :g ' -- I
' a brilliant success. Thu house wee aencely cal
n nft•itultP ~Moat her. she had about two
chine, and that Ls Wheeler & 'rilsou. lam ' w h o by their inflaters, / say show therlen I-; il", -, Wlir" - """ - -,' --"-' '"" "'" count Wit I eat a Senator opposed to taking
red tona of frellit on board. The boat
pat Led from floor 10 Ceiling by our moat re- h
, ies", trust an. oOnfidertee, The r
~,,_ten and .to the unlezinals• &IO;
owned i • And A 1:1 G
theroughly satisfied of the ram, and hare ie - I
; ite '' Firottis put down by the strong arm of th 7,
sots-table entre.. 'l'l I
le ex itbltions of agtlit3 , ga14c,c,„e.,,..,„ 2. , , , h. , 77,,,L,7-.l , ,,dizurr:, 1
, nailing Liquor without weee.--Chris
ants pureflased one tor my Own enmity. oovernm o , t , hot we ere bearer./ Out of one ii .„ - ,,, - • - "" . ...,„...aa„, le .r,t e t." B I ". t hin set m l e tnwell -, e questionormg;w " Lt h i T,; e y ne . by the perfewmers ware really i '
41114714 g, ato Moore, (clerk i or//0 AA. 04,n0d Ot .VWX!,.M , tOP/30 Muetr 3 extort/al made oath b
~....- -
t rebelling, l.fore we are almost 111 rho midst of c i c r c Z w iT c 7 c ,7,44," :1
. 1.4.5 1 sr o, of It lamed Luz
apaladeratiOn of theceemirre n t re... 1 0 1 W. 14 urnne r;a9e. . zolieli . nal e .1. 4141 4:14. i .04 teemed r r 4.50,11(Ki la the following Mitts- ' fOre Able ll
,Chu nu . Frank
aitistorai lisalgattte'of Ltini auntie.: Th. re Is 114 summit to con State ... " wi th rm. Catied • Yeas Si. Nays 19. ' .." Intrith corn 1-a Weste nte LW Mono - r g l ---
i fc, Coe immcoc,of stand annual the constitution oroas,oooo . '
91 heti° nerve* , oald well 1/eat It really h 1 pan ...
e/. .1 1 RE. Laroche, with selling liquor wlt out licence.
wayfa r es var t ..For sales by Charter ta t e 1 "„:111 e !. t , 1 :7 44%,,,=
„.,,, ~,,,c, /tin nonleade. She people ere "ris g . Fey:odour: the 1100 r on the 'MIOIO-
, t , ' ,,,„
~ , , ,
_0 a. 4 0 ,0 ; Citirengy KUM, sarcasms and . A a arrant was Petted for Bruchers arrest.
--or'sverwerkb' Mftreati aa+pnatt itcroternag . ' 4,1*-4,64 norigarterit444°.Vm"Attful "n:
.. 1. ,.. , o o formers were not , Man tito. ,, Caoaeli,ooo; Alleghenyi .
feytivitario. Many of 11000 f escelce.Vooo, ace oi ttabrogbAn,ooo. if
maintainlis provisions.
! with seplauon. sometimes revolutionetulert
ern onembeto till they had peace,' a law f ee th e The feats 'sere eqnniything we have ever scan= orisna-esormiego oe A earogeoza. ,
Let oast/Hui bg the amatitatiou of our nail
' :,I,l= Tiotb.,Tivi."=ll4"*.`,`Vitzt.
era Hump the imams tat; thOugh Mellon t in hekni ei th e °°:_titiliistats°
' • Tide Pea t y 4, e h ea P er " o red D Y ' l ° m°3' nitro nernhabt Among the mute mow board the Win- . siMITH-STANFOIDD-on Thursday, F twenty
I erument Or, taken away, leaving only the form :L i t i l i Xiollite„,44nit„ gh lime eo t i r e ot i th i t ail , o le.ep o i a T t y ; , tailliiiPt==, a n d ro= t ni hr e henigtoi donehl n t riso:g e rTot:To l oT i e nto e h r oo .n e g o le Z e ni ' nester, ems 14. E. n eStee I of the arm Or Iv.
.e'd itristl'girkel: NlAPfiiiiilEtii olli.:"11.1.4
1 lance exercise, tnmeling, balancing. &c. '' 'J• Steil it Brothers. NO. IM Third street, who lomenshle, Allegheny comas.NO esed,'"'"'
1 and sintglow. We end th at, in Met, by an trre- toeftei eot.-A, jr,,,,0em0 e kk, a nr,.....-, e f me 1 general instances.
has kindly feruishce us with the following ,
eponable central directory, nearly an thew, I . theed
eteede, i,....the c outhothol _ He referrce at NOMe length to the action to ' Too math praise Cannel. be begarawed upon
ers of the Government are assumed, Without
w• the eaae or Louisiana an isastieniard, annii. , the Committee of nowagerueut for the 1
else consulting the Legislative or Executive ( T r o iti t urkot oar lialty--as the palladium I o w e. , s op
port of the presen
Which in lent and orderly manner in which everythin: t w Waken s "en the' are broke out, and ) DIED.
Departments or the Government. By a rests. and our rails/mut Marty.
ea, let us cling to It as the mariner elle.. defence of the committee, of he Wee a , ras c onduct...EL ^ wee ed by bearing a noise and bustle DLZEIth-n Thonday morning, 2td inn.. at
1 on the boat I 80013 after heard The BeeOtid "el -- AI..A. NI., ROBERT tAtilLa. sortertanna sad
inuon reported by a committee upon whom to the lent ohm , oh,„ the „ vitt erathe moo: meber. be quoted begat the speech of the So greot W. the aleee Of Ltie
I J r
all the legislative power of t Government • _,.. „,
~,,,„, Peen
m reference to the amumption of the Committee have been Induced to re teat ii, Clerk rousing the passengers and crying en Urea, aged ID yeartand 1 toontll9.
has been conferred, that principle in thecon- 1 G ..... . ..."°°°.,....."°°•*° hi "' 2WS re. .... gea.n, v.. i- s - - poirer by the irresponsible central directors'. on mormoy evening next, - when an eo i thoth • "are." !Jumped out of my berth with math I; Funerel Meg the .eshience of Ms earehte. No. et
stitutionlwhichauthorizes And re mo each I'' Pa" , ...or, Woking ft. the re•••11 4Te 30 . ,0 so' without censultino the legislative or exemi- new programme will be preeented. It Is 'log on ba ng tmy shirt and drawees, and seizing o Armen street 04 BATT • lIDAT. at I . .geeksk, r. a.
endeavor to restore Government 10 Ile live branch of the NlPlative detrartment to be ithrit m o w n . to e ns R oho le w oo hot oho tire branches of the Government. doubttul whether the hall Will be capacious my yeattpocket book and WetOlh Went back to limo friends of the furies are respectful) i I
the receet I could and no door open, and I, ci.c ., • r or te4 to
judges of the clopion and qualifications of , z„,,,,,,,g i t„
_,, h .... , 5 „,„,,,,- t. „,.. ,„,..,. I,_ ~,. He thought tile r miaow. could lordly have enough to accommodate the
that had nothi with which to force a door, being • ° ".
one combats , been virtually taken away from j c a l m ,' ;C I , A ere th is; ; t'lai; conaiderea with eare the nature of the resol will eo sathie.
' In my ba et. A young man Cam me .___..... w wt5e5egmem5eme..., 00r00 e 0e ......................
those dePartmentsoand conferred upon • cum- -
u ,,, natio . of :tae , tion now under dimensshm. The resolution it s
We have ouly to my that we hope the tom
, peace not only with all
1 with m o w n oo and kicked my door tgh.
misted, who meet report 'before they ear/ act
Pane it originally came from the House provided ➢ mittee of ei onaitelnelg. will enforce, in eve 1
under th e Constitution and anew members I !Fitt; hot Petetiara i y°° 4 will " na g °ll ° - - 1 fora rows Committee or fifteen to Inquire case, the rale laid down in the Progra m m e I climbed do on the top of some oil burrels,
...t . people of the tilted:Oates.
, on the guard, and there found several women
duly elected to to take their sesta By this - -
, ~,, In the condition of the late rebellious Suites that every one keep ht seat and not obstruct
, jaitirv t?,, E • czt:vircint., A . ru
red le they assume that, there must be taws a ararr nti =l..A tr i pv 4 ,--i ia • , and report by bitter Otherwhse, whether any the view by standing "rap in front.. There • and children eereamin§ for mastance. The
In tr oth . w ayy - , - ,iir i ii I te olugaddelnaividuai who cetritands before 1 : r o e
peeled, and...there.mta he A reeeweith ' n in
Of them were entitled torepreaentatiour ere some stupid pergions P who do not know ' s l e fii ro ni t n O n o n
t I I :o t tld reti f ee " the i c itre w t s ur
I 'eta on ttelultenr,=titsaangtreinql4
pregient%teehttiMe ` mewed, hoie h the , thee. you, weeping over its final dissolution.
shan nliziztiamrt wen ..a,..d., ea memb er , thut this is the km, of all such sasemblles. ---e
_____._______ Bee but a little distance throw ' direction. 1 4,ZSeetVigrtaTelltsrViri lilt itute rt Mu t
• 'several of the passengers throw over esupty anther/km at the Ceinetery. P Tltle D
tire Houses of - Congreas, under the Constlth. '
Fat „._ . . ~.,...... .• „ Mr. •Feetiendea read from the Presideeo '
-- 8 New Marriage M ILL - Meetisig of the • oil berme and then jumped in, hoping to and all othunnen will be [ter:delta 4etheurre
Pon, ghat Judge or
aeon= and ellaidca-
GT 'alt PIUMIU3r2 Alliben. ttegitt ta a r r agraph r ttiu g that the mates had i
Imm% save theinseives by clingingto the balsas. I Eli:chine of Mut a taltald. corner ot Federal
Pon of ite own inenthant. You have been I
out of the Union; I
Lad loseael streets, Aloe•
struggling for fintryearlit down rebal-
_...., 1.-- - that e still maintained tgat theory, and that Pursuant to public cell, quite a number of ; throw over a couple of barrel." myself, 7
but I could uot tell in what mom. , 11 .....-__-"“'""'"•
lion. Yon denied in the Mg that any • _ when Stains glee evidence of loyalty and I the clergymen of these es aza viciray met
-.ay es , and Treasurer
'don the shore was, and therefore I did I t. -______—
Sato had the right to ito em and it hes been I 01.4 ,-. lr , tirtillsti. - id e littio i j ati 'i loah. , obedience, they should be restored to their iin the Lecture Repine,' Dr. I
Howard'sehnrch, -not Broth le. I
deelded that to State nee 0 },oaring tight or - -
1 former relations.
the power to go out Oat° nicetralLi wben I
, Mr. Fessenden argued the rigta of Congress I o° Tenn Street, on F
we have settled that by the tire and
' to 'Mantra .- ne• -
military power of the eiovernment, and by the
public Judgment
C. FLtreon Loved-Rao.
Neutral Sulphite of Lime,
for preserrag . eider. Par elite by Cluirles.
Super, Druggist; conief of Penn end St. Clair
treats Pittsburgh.
street, flttetiargh.
Dliziets. Almanacs', SerpeUle.
At Pittoekii t opposite the Post Mlles.
Indiana Vision State Convention.
h. Un State
Convention met at to o'clock A. if. n
'io Maj. Gen,
Lew Wa'Mee was elected temporam. Chair
man. ills address deprecated a division. and
urged harmony. Alter the appointment of
committees on permanent organization and
resolutions, the Convention adjourned till
'o'clock P. ht. •
The Convention reassembled at two Welock
P. M. The Committee on permanent organ
ration reported Governor. Baker, Pesident.
The Convention then nominated the following
State ticket : D. R. Williamson, Attorney Gen
eral; C. Fronster, Secretary of State; 1.. )11, Mc-
Carty_, Audliortrblajor_tienetal /Mathias Kim
tell.klbintrer; P. on tir : PSIAP, Superintendent
The reetildtions adopted declare full faitn
President Jamison and his' Cabinet,- and the
Rehm members of both Rouse. of Congrese.
In the einem desire of all of them tonondnet
the.alfaira of Abe Gomm:Pent In such a man
ner as to secure the beitinteresta of the whole
people, and we truly declare that we will sere
tein them in-alt consiftutional efforts to re-
Vpeat*, order lino permanent union.
e second resolution declares that m An
drew Johnson we reoolinize a patriot true and
tried, and - will tnutist'han in all constitutional
efforts to restore the authority, law and order
among the people of the States iatoly in rebel
lion on a beats of equal justice to all men, and
that we the Acninuttration, execu
tive and legislative, our milted and hearty Co
operation Mall wise and prudent measures
deviseff fat; the. security of the ;Government
against rebelliOn' and Insurrection in time to
come, and while endorsing the President, ex
presses entire confidence in the Union major
ity in Congre,,.
Resolved, That it. la theprovince of the Leg
islative branch of .oouernment to determine
the question of reomistructiOn; end in the ex.
excise. of thatlpower,. Congress should have
insnow the loyalty.-of. the , people of these
States and their devotion to.the Constitution
and obedience to the hive, and'.untll the peo
ple of these States prove themselves loysi
to the Ottnrernment Iffiertholdd, not. be r 0...
t i red to the rights enjoyed before the AP-
Reaolved,; That no Man whff - irollintarlly par.
Urinated In the rebeffien onghttto be admitted
to aneetta , CongreraL .and ander:Min ,Oonsti.
Lunen of the United States the power to de
termine the qualifiestionw-requleite of elec
tors rests with the States respectively.
Reiveltied,Thatthe Munn otihetwateten hoe
not and' cannot be dissolved; except by enc.
cessful revolution_: .<.,. .7
Rearivert;Tbst.platteennd duty demand the
equalization alt.:mattes. to our national de-
After the ittoptiOn Of the resolutions 'the
COIIVC I 4IO4 - AlllClAMedit,
_,SLeertstature ante the Veto
St Lome, Veb: Both bansis iq the min
anionsoma.Legalature pineal the. tollowlecreso.
s tinder ensperadon or the rides: -
Besolnef,. ?that the Conflict which has existed
for the last ems years between loyalty and di&
. 10 7latr Inin - vendinc - ann Om the safety of
the , nation demands- that "the •
etralltie retained In loyal bands. Government
areetaerfelthat:ln'the thirty Senators who
- voted to sneaks the Freedmen's, Boman Mil, the Presiden,atolln the , Detail ma
jorlty of GM Souse of t Representtlves , who
the Lame and kindred inaasuree. we
0 - anemeer and-- Mostly represent&
tivq. of prinotplesWldab aped the country in
' the late rebellicat;and'
Sen ? SUwPeP O ten der such lem&
ofo sti
Tee reaOluldamt Reseed. tlio Gomm by vote;
rfl tweet Senate, m .to - • • •
Boca Houses adjourned 131 commemoration
of •• steltabisigt birthday, ; after which
•eleeedles were by t4euntenant Governor
Smith and save -members of the LeAlsin
ture,tiuting insnnjr Fords - sAwnsf" the rust
Prom: Saii'.3llsaeler•- • -Pirasidowil
sou's Gime Condemaked--.4t14 Irs to
iforthinikAre , •
, , .. .. F eb.' , . . .
. SAN Slisrmsco, b =.—Colonel Hawkins
udgrotsed One - Or , thellargen, meetings ever
held here, last night. • Thu sentiment, that if
Prissidettt - Johtuana's , lneent action had been
corractlyzorted• by terpb, he was unfit'
for the 1 puistrury - Oa United Suites,
weaves by - twig And' mitinued 'apgituse.
Governor Lair.ia ktrookucille•Co. 4Sel , he
ihs, in the comae oi Jun address, said • the
President% ~ mite r that .. im tett It to be a
source oY anxiety and When be ear pv
exy traitor In d isinghig praise • to' An.
drew Johnson Th is sentiment was also greet- -
m=4slg Mid continudd applause.
lieges to. the pith sae received.
That Ma *Ss -onmM iinporial . decree;
Advidee - Magi% "'Meg Wes , prospects
atiltd2 o nsaintiiie. -- Tilb Pat:Orf 146 l ' Pkilein
here receive!) v fusirer
A I M Paso to the 20th ofAmi ," smiting
telt es verylpromiting. The' mpe sets are
fortirging iambi:Mims. but !hero is' no :prob.
ability ortheir going to El P a 10 ..,,. ' . -
# l O l , read -Areld,
thegralibr Washingtm;stain, on tb6 Yew Jersey
'tan into ral/roscl ` being Cletsiwest bytog ibbi'morwing,
-wand train 'lrhich snug switching
'soros. th Inn*, PM, ()Clime; at East Newark.: TholOconuitives Weirs high de1124/18:11edtAg
tstrftra of thWWlshington train Worn'
stowend... Thmss brasera:no - w aro iswitittair
Injured. one Using both - legs shockingly
11=ii Inm
nil moan.. itis (eared. As liklure 4 ' l4 !
IT; ThO - Washington node otbnc pains,
- imallat• '
andl tosuittuy • 13:41orrAv—
!MO. ..The saitm. 'Wight - Li-II: M*14.04
t•; - :;;C
.. ._
... ._ _
.:..i.:,_:. pi ::. .r., .. ,
~.., ~ 2„.
' . ..... 1% T•0• ' 1 - . 4 . . . .
......,. __ (,
end tiiinTtioilalialiluirte
that they are not and shall not mime fn. rkm ,
free to say to .you mar your lihrecutpre. that I; i
am not prepared to take any such, position. I
cannot turn round and give the alrect lie to
all I profess, and have done in - tbil„; laid dr.
Cons. When these States - comply with the
Constitution, when they yield obednce to
tbe law, I say extend to them tise, IV% hand.
of fellowship.`l say that when these Statei cum with
the Constitution; when they have given° ply
Meat evidence of their loyalty, and Way
can be trusted; when; they - yield tibedi '4O
the law, I say extend to them the right; band
of fellowship, and let peliceend • thfon balhe
result But then, gentlemen,.. a a.m. . idt
round their ;;;role , . have fought traltora •
treason in , .the. Smith. • L opposed the. Dav .
and Toombses, the Slidell's, and a long Hated.
others, whose names I need not repeat,
now when I turn around at the other end • •
the line, I find men. I care not by what! . •
yen (Anthem,
(a voice, call them tralUrir4 Wilt
still stead opposed to the restomtiOn Of, t;
Union - of:these States, and .1 am freelnearttf
you, that I ate still for the preservationottlds
comoset 1 amnia! for the restoration of thelltei ,
. kn. lain stillin fsvorof this greet government:
of ours going on and following out Its destiny'.
la voice, "Give us the names."l , .A gentleriten
calls for their names. Well, Inipposmkahould
g,lve them. la voice, "We. , .1.M0w them, „ ) . /
100 k upon them, I repeat t o A@ President
- or citizen; asmtich opposod , to the tinidluzien i
tal pnnetplel of, this tiovernmeutiand
they are - as 'meth laboring. topreveut ordei
stroy themes were the men, who Mughtsgakett
ns. fa voice, "What are the pewee ~; Lear .
Tlutdens Stove of Petinsylvinkti;
; d , ..,
ons applause . ) say CharlesB i-Ptireat
applause-1 - - /eay.WeridedhPidlthssand other&
of the same- stripe, are. amouppw..theM.":l4;
voice, Glee tr. to..Forfiefr.l - Sante jientle.
man. in the crowd.:saya give it ;;._koraey.
1 have.oalkjest . to alsYtbat I do not Wat ; te.hiy.
; aMmunition_npou dead ' ducks , ILitnithteresull.
.applausii.r.4 stand.toenew examter.. .I:.litatill
for the censtantlea, wherert;placed;nry;lbee,
1 from My entrance into public life. They , :no
traduce me L they may slander .l , _
...ther mar. !Me;
Ir 3rate,bet let missiTtnyo l i.thavit nas neet
ilitioll u refli n arl e afi c rititiend t t i7l . liniee_sraftliond ad.
enemies. .[APPlente and. a NT! "the PeOPle.
will stistainyou."l • I Itnow,-my countrymen;
that It has been insinuated, and natal:Urinate
uatgd but said directly, the
that if 'peen given to high _ laces, that If such a turtir.
potion of power had been exercised
hundred years ; ago in a"partiontar • reigo„
I, It would have mist a oerteba.. individual
bead. What usuppetiop halt .AM,resr.•
I , Johnson-.boar. f 2 -
' The usurpation I have been guilty of 'has al
ways been standinit'hetween the people add
~1 the encroaelmientirOf PoWer; and because I
lured - - to sayln a eaultersation with a fellOW%•.
citizen, and a Senator 4, that / Monett the'
amendment,, to the co tutiorrought net ,to
be, so ,frequent ; tbaf t eir elibet..wogld be
that ;It Weald Mae all _ Its :dignity t.,: that
.I the old Instrumegi would : be lost eighti Of
in _a small . time ; amp 1 hammed: fo say;
that if it was anion ed, and •atio/r endvsteti
1 amendments should be adopted, it wee 'an
usurpation of power that would have cost a
King his head ata certain
time (tLaughter and arlauseh. and In connection with the subject.,
I was explained by the same gentleman that
we were In the midst of an earthquake,
that, ,b 9 -.trembled and.. could . not- yield.
ILanghter.] 'Yes there Is an earthquake
begnmr. ' There is iv grand swell , coming
of popular polithlpnt , foul
.; huNgssagen ,
erbe.,4. true.) The- -4 Meellbtri rdkillie . Well.
speak nythelrtnieroSta. end Indy will know.
who are their Mende and who MOM en s mice
What position have 1 held under this govern..
monis ;Elegiz:dui/with as Alderinati and .7110.
mg through all the branches of the ;Legisla
tureila Volet . "Bom tiros up.”) Some gen.
tiemap Wirt Sttt a . .' INNOrZl.PreMen•
• dons applause.) Now at usd not , 'ulaeomnt
me in the least, ter. when/NSW tO be a tailor
• I bad the reputatlettof helm; a anatomy and
meting - closents; (great Leeman 'Alivays
punctual with MyousteMerS,and alwaye - did
!eed. work... (eyelet,. ono mum werk.nt ifo, I
omit want any patch work. I want a ;whole
nit; but I will pairs;bythitlittlefittietiolltheas:
MyttlarkeUtßilay 61 72,9it.' we .I , ntdprt
yclo intranbt talk - wont stick trungl.
.; en'
vinalplegrare involved ' giyix!iinttillieni hen
existence of My. country- rcluiperilled.4
pet, gjii ilitipt , tra1re, , .17.1 4 .
I betevNekte m
y y.
,etsestlomitr9. ; d9r...
moolbrotwir th • ank 999 eir 91-vm,„o
that which a- now -Wlnt ilet
that will say that PutMetrJonnsen aver IMMO'
a plellgo that he did not redeem, Ora- remise
'.he dlil notlti W ho • ,, wiU - say- - .• ..b9biot
— ^•*44l4fit 0 9ilsot:tbluv.ti.l2 :woe,
i mat.==.,rit„ e ; ROOM.? ;•They .
:about beheading natirpatten rbilt..Whml
am beheaded, 1 wort t ut AlßarklattkrP/0 to:
- witnesi, '2 do '33ot intat by1er402120392.4
NEW You, Feb. 23.—The Poses special says:
There Is much excitement In Washington over
the President's speech . A Republican caucus
was beta to-alght. Moderation eras counselled
by the leaders.
Gen. Grant Ls passing the day In a reserved
manner at the house of A. T. Stewart, Esq. He
will leave for WashingtOn to-morrow.
John S. Pearson, who murdered Walter
Gregory, In the town of Wallldli, Orange
county, on the 241.11 of last September,
vented at Goshen today The jury the
'ease of John Cahill. for the murder of-pollee
manDurtea&returned itwerdiet of murder In.
the so:tad pee. Judge Russell - sentenced
thteprisoaer at once to imprbionlnent at Slug
:Sing Hir.ttfe.
Th II .;.4.tlaniia„ the Wander of the
North Anted -Lloyd- Stestrubtp - Co-, called
yeirterdofornrerntm. The.staanters of this'
tide. t perform reraihr...trtnightly service I
Islatebes ls stated , that Ways
-4 Keehn committee.. are "11.verstdy etmsal
gliisdeptediloa Us Mc amilistame
&Lacy "m a n tee utaued
44414.-' r 1411 ' MU 40119.rfsetare
vill•f prevail teeny jrd
miAtnioes.ttirecmefttw- eloakt.. Mr.k m
vessels. the
9 . 9 L. " tb il e i tt rth al t e i g i s AL. W e i rtr
4 g ee loolo l4 ,l 3 l oA . o . ErYfirr wowed
-4010 0; los , test
sing- the wane isibletudoo *filth.
avmm adstateref lettletet lee!
IPUtt ,for itutticalvisSouk
sato .onr4ata-art:eapectatiote
of seek a.". dear ad the semi, adding:
that the UM r ecital*, her. noist-41m.,
plYend eteluslre mgrs. the prodentlidemi-:
'alderathmthak-the ncredmeti into .bur
stenos, she our aotair m czart .7 lrom Brit,
lea tratersin sybostite
&Maar!' by tmeorthe Crew Oahe Shen-'1
andosb, showing - how the British - panto° of
the pirate's crew; were .penulttedto escape.
1 1 111 4 14 0- e atur Claren don tat:=l.o4ll fe
ry'obstireed thatlseie Weresome matters con-' 1
Wardle thls smaelt upott3 . whtett the goy
ernmentulight- possibly , fotuut otmecutlons,
' if evidence were furnished
Me; adelas rtjelnedthat wlati taeletteelees
aspartame of anglish proseautleal6-' e could'
not presume ssy Anat. the United States,
Government watild be Willbsg to' take this
course. Thermtireeorrespondentoebisunamed,
upby the London presseas bang of an irri
talng cluargeter,,plaetrigthe enutionin a less
satlafactgry penman than ever.
tiCA. VW
Fourteen P 11130119 Probably Drowned,
exaspiime, Fob. i3.—The steamer Wineffea•
- toNifinitinet) tuts aiming alma fahre!OßF l 4
one mite above Ltreipool, at the foot of Babb
• Island: . Übe was run ashore. Immediately, as
s a ottesettateoitelievit - gifier she - Stench
a bar as sho.inkf-e• Virginia 'Wore, emu
coMenntlfet unttre), 0.34 Aare- - boat
410eiehOitit:44tr4.0qi8ligter '
chiding hay sea oUF fa kmary!:low is
liner 144 _AM *lan drat' lacovertst, Uket boat
was mtuel> flatbeaillle oil ' tufting . tut' tor.
mrbrb2ii efiine together /lb a"
tbePerriOn, apioT. laatr. - .Captain
sheprt aunwtterre !ere'. Re Tamil tjfricgsr!
disused(' thif Ura_ls unknofin,,
,tOt tt:
.CroUtfu thinks an maddezitiol- abaft =mo
contact with the hay. She had about one.lfun'
ti red 'alka itkoeptimpActen. .
obr- .6<50,,1104 04 ,
1•114 mioastactiv - ti • • 0
,= l ,,b •
• * •
witiau—riliieWitial&iurnatnett .ti
the Pteildent had been complied. with, „ and,
midn special Comtnlttee Was organized for
that impose.. Nelt,her, title Countittee nor
any other wait anything more than the
serestnt ot n ga a i l n u s a
end. could' not Set up
anyAnthority agt the body which made IL
lOa ithe anbi d ect of the bill vetoed . by the Pres
-I=7the - 11171, bgtngtiirded cll7.- warm
because be thought the powers conferred by
it were Constitutional, and their exercise was
here: natty. /re :Voted to sustain the bill.when
returned, - becapsehe objected to the chastng
perilous of the veto message, expressing the
opinion that Congress could nut make a law
to tat any Siete that -was unrepresented.
which wakin erect, stating that Congress heel
no right it, pater a bni. affecting. the sonithent
DOolltle ram to say he understood the
President to discuss the toontlety and not
the right to legudate without Southern mem. i
Mr. Feiwindon thSught t
should not ben:lade the basis of the veto. Me
otdection to It inui the argument used by the
Preshienno sustain it., He contended for the
right of , Congrms to deshie the unfitness of
tho Southern States for nepresentatlon.
Loom:paten,- ha gave his .views on recoil
' struettat,' holding that br.the laws Of war,
tkergreethatt the right to - seenritrior the Is.
in favor ot-the idinuylon.or gh s
PiNaitinallettibeis;iiiiattenators atthe earliest
=mat eem,ci er.. with the safety of the
!'entoltrir;"" • •
- "Or'E ecattve
. - ROUSE.
, .
Mr; Wardi.of Mew Vork. presented the joint
*11111)Tati011110f`tbe Vgre. of
-Maw ,1411>I4rIltltingt atlon , ealatei r to
_ nik t .tlr t mns..and.fsoiMla o the - navigation- of'
lakseiseid reautrinentitafra grant tithe.
Rowe lands tO ehl . to Ate constructiowerthii
Isortage Lake ant Luke Superior' Ship Canal: ,
Referred to the Committeeon Conimence.
Mr. Cebb,-of WlSetaudir,- On leave Introduced
.a otat....reselatiow Roof , ttie , Legtelarare- of '
i rotating Ark,. tbesimprosemeur of
the navignUterof theraptdatk the-Aitssissip
pi river. ;Referred to the same-C.:intim ttee.,...
The Montest.ed *election case; Of Was bann.
Vs: Voorhees.of the Sev entkindlenft.Dietriet '
Ur! tir*A - ne,
l ot Illinois, sustained ' tie
1" 1 "1 . lashburne weTa rt itwed to address tilt'
Rouse In tavor of his claims to trseat'dnrinit
his remarks he clerk the lette r ' s newspaper,
from which theread ll 7, J.
W. wan, and - addressed to Daniel . Voor
beee,releting,to the Sold of dm ants lekr.
Mr- t oorbees Interrupting tiro contestant'
aUd whoeveratated that he was engaged' in
• purchasing fire arms either for - loyal or dis
loyal purposes. or that he belonged to any an%
. met political organization, stated what lie.
knew to be false, and what the gentleman
`who made ; the charge knew to he untnielle
had answered that calumny to the people of
Ur. Pavfe role to a pidntoecuder,Whleh the
Speekarsmitelned, that neither the-contestant
nor the sitting member were sp eaking,cm the
merits of the case. ,
Mr. Voorhees then addressed the House tor ,
beesor, la support of his claims.. Ur. Veen
sent to the Clerk's desk an.eatruct :rote
the Washington conespendencer of Mu Cin
cinnati Cbrnmerciot, purporting' la give the
nation of the Committee oil tlectronm, Wilk ,
- mays that lho Coin entice deckled, with but ouo
disimititiati -Voice that ,Mr.- Voorhees- Was eta.
Mr. Vtiortmeskniceeded with-tsaignment,•
and iniptedgail I' nci fraud had helm proved
In theirote men Ito, and Um& the tesUMony
taken hy the innUestont,seas swern to before
-s person IncelistetertA. In- - administer atone
outside - or Abe el poll Terre.lhailesid; ..,-..- •
In conclusion, herald that!. he-v(4lOAm de-,
prlved of the seek here bocaueol,ho:Vrrtr.
bed the newest° de it:..Th a Corpmittflt . thou
teiolOttinir grit acvon;.gtvtimninrinaViktior.
giro the 4'ention inythinr annual batik' in 4e.
lI Mr: ails to:tanned Mit' arrininenit ' , ln biiiniii
of the ronlority: zoport.:nna , dontendeg , Ma'
the :trttudulenv votes- lnldr.'Voctrbetui'behar
Nero Igireliqt ile r i ti ai A_Oit4eplivairlapiu Or
logg - ZolJorlty. ' ,btont4o , l4‘n;voted by 03.
Yowl lifolott...4)C Arat',Unit. Ittr , reorbees.was
en told seatjand by 87 yeas ligainn
:a n o nays wet lifr.Washbdru e Was entitled Lott.
n ays
PVtleer willint.l
- Omens iptminctettrik:ll4. to tes;u b ri 3 . -th e ;
Inr gZ i git= l--the T s " lille gi' 174'
. anti azsgra . /4*,
4V"f 9. 53!, 'IT! P`TRltteg , ' ?Kr P 44 6 ,"
!= au . "''''' . eitiiilso-int4__liikii4iiiditzie , I
:won; ytho - tonurew'ol '0111o011:
whieb."wai- orro4 , ta: the .ro11117 . : 9E314.;
=tuft; , : re •-• rup.: ...:
Th•1K . ,11,0 iikAtoyiry . eo 601 to-snoirnir:: - -
• .4
. ,
._ .._—,. remained i c f:d -II I -
,„ un ,
_.. Friday afternoon, to lake Pe ar eb ,n,M.the,„,___hist once
,ti_ft , .2f the neeilni_ie , ....
Into consideration the prevalent' of the new I Vok`olrion`nont,r,t c o nria ni o ,;,'"" rh Z, o h m .. IVO' the ......"--,.
, _
marriage bill that is now before the State Leg. I Nras spreading rapidly, and although / could i 11111° •
!nature. The meeting was organised by call. f hotthought I ban better Jump In and 1 oar city has been the merle of man Ten men . ti
ling th e goy, w, D. yyrommi, D. D.. to m e I drown than stay aboard and barn to. I knits and murder. ones., and it is most grati&lng
yo Lit my.srateh and pocketboor Into m onth
yvest, to knew that we cannot charge any of these terrible
Chair, and appoir.ting Rev. John G . Brown, D. D. Secretary. Dr. Sproull was called upon to 1 and =ulna it up tried to throw it ashore. It, crimes to
lead in prayer. d_ not reach, however, and fell into the wait- .
drrthenitimped into the river, sinking', as 1
On a free .hiterchange of views, the bill re
ferred ro was declared to be oblectionable In , thon g/ 4 . ful ly two lengths o f m Ymir be f°r°
many of Its features. Most of - the Reverend ! began toxiee. On antm, Whitt/ea to keel ,
gentlemen thought that, the marriage law of I afloat by inserting my banes and arms, and In
Ohio or Masaachusetts was far prefemble. I thls way ,: I floated down aroma come n&
On motion , a Comm ittee; was appointed to ; teen or twenty yards. Then I came In
prepare a memorial to theLegislatur ,c, renion. eeenti=gilthlifihniurf wmyharevaliiVdrag dro"Tage,
st e r t atlng moduat the pasaiLe i of the th et. and to
1 ,f,, ' amide? twice before I could —t rhl of him I
F 6111 =we in em yieg e *Prey Was considerably exhaustZ after the str;ig
.ons suggested in P t b e disonsatan. Tile Com-1
m and ann' are Rev.firs.liowaril,Sproull,Prestliry, I We. a n d enn a men ' ,M erl bnd ahn nk him °fr.
Dunghill. and will meet In thesame
...,n coming to the surface again I saw a willow
p l ot .. on M on d ay mor n i ng, or 1 0 w o w*, , la. co five or eight yards distant, which I strove
It was agreed that another meetingeball b e . to reach, and to my 'Mara to do se my feet
hold In the mine mace, ou Tueed ay efternOon 4 touched the bottom of the river. This was a
the 27th
last. at .1 o'clock, to bear there& , great retie! to me, and In a moment or two
orate Committee. All the Ministersof i after Iwas able to Walk with my hero above
cities and vinixdty, are respectfully fellUeSted water* and I "Wreathed the willow. There
was so much lee along the Shore that I could
to be present., us the matter Is of great int. i
porlance to thent.3 , not get up. was very.
; and while . resting' on the Ice the beat
Rent •to Jolt t from 'the burning ooat warmed me so that
, I
Our readers will remember that during the 1 theshor e. On reaching the banki saw Mrs.
cold spell when Ceptral Park was open,to th e I, Yen kteter, with a thud tither arms, In coin.
~,, pony with an older daughter. She said 'she
skating eimuniuliffentalin was t 4 llen In to ...- F. themetherof seven , children. Reg hus.
Bath House on night, _Weeding, Profusely. dried four of them around his body,
wile stated that lie had 'been knocked down udJumped over with the hope that ha Would
. pe a ast° rescue them, but olliyilbDerakwitit
cod robbed. lie was carefully cared for, his fl ioni. A m. mit of the statement direr,
wounds dressed,' and ha wars taketirio a hotel , from theta)/ the clerk; Mr.Moorst, whelk nri..
in the Ninth Ward troth he,teCoVactsi. It Was I der the Impression that 'the family 'consisted the time that an extensive drunk rot nut •fire 'ehildreu.) I found meat of the
was hurting him more time anything else E ltt grew en shore, and several passengers, who
charity Pir a inhering fellows restaute for had been rescued. They tvere in
such ea expreation of epinion. Sulamitient tate condition, 'and angering from 0014.
°fent. aUrre proved that , . the fellow Ku Capftia' Shepherd " found a. yawl which ,
net 'all right on . the gOose„ .t!... Mla . bad been carried off ar. the outbreak of
name ' a James - sasinies,. aim ha real the fire by some of theerew and went down
bearding house Is with Dombmc Qallagher, to Liverpool, a nilleand a liall or two miles.
ail 110 Wateratreet Me recovered sufficient- below, and 'll:e.ttliedrOanciltiotorketiltie
iy to torero to his quarterti, when his Anti.* tens who_mnt up Mend sapplles of blanketa,
was to ransack. the /SOW lorwhateTer enhia- tothlngr„ etc. a man connected with the of ctiuM lay hisltands au, He ,pook .clo. • came back with they :sir/ and took downs
thingto the value otatigi is slikuullt worthatalt i another of the audertire to Lltartmel. Mrs.
a silk_ waist worth $7, and then broke opep • the 1 Iran Meter ryas in the yawl, and on the Way
trunk Of Ellen Mot adders; and Wok her poet- down she Sew the bOdy_of one of her children
et book, containing $25 In Ipreenbacksi beaMen i lying on the Milne. The body was secured,
taking other articles. °inter Seth, Wilmot and afterwards: taken to the wharf boat .at
orethaeledthe gentleman In the midst Of 'ids LiverpOoL It was estituated stat
ed ti= 3:11: -
mad Career,and , took him before Alderman 1 sons' were lost. I beard It stat .
S ofasoo bail ..-. train, who committed him to Jaillin deiltult Sheets Limbo. life preServer around hla wife,
scut told herto falitnt him 'when he Jumped
over. While he was brattiest a window. So
er Out,he, reached 1110 gnar and Jumped
efore WM; She wan seen to rlseto the
airtime, . but . her , night gown had , got
ewer her head In some way. and It is
supposed .that she suffocated. A young
man naked Martin from Slaterasille, a
MI/Mooed to have perlithed In the Iltunes. - as he
-Wite eqt aeon after the ere. Two colored men
einill9Yed on the boat, are alga reported lost.
The eitinetui olvereatea the gaffer.
ors very kit . A gave UM a pair of
pants and A sailor" t way down I had
git a.oeat Sh ut t o 'the rerry men, 1
tOWltitglintil4 VgeiniatrAg: 9 l 4 .
being aoXiiills to let. tar 'family know tlrit h l
vas alive.. The teet.wae dill bttrolng when
I I) Y assea %l3liel=lThibr "ate
that he
erbook, an it contain t e, i 7 ) a ma r, " 6% 47" hale
alibi° papers. If the Teat la found, threo4,LA
p t k
and Poidult. halt Witi-illtely be found in it.
Should It berecavered, he t fouler -will please
address eR. T. Steel, No. 128 Third street,
Pltalitalth • •
THIATRE.—TOII4O4 Mite Julia Dal, will
.appear 1n Luso admirable, clutracttera, "Mae!,
,thn Markel Girl* Parte," anueAlliAy.
Casey," fin "trtsh tart la, Amartcg, ,, .. la
will tang a I. 4Yar/to eons. The wp,
forßi .
will conclude with the "Spatirt),".
Mr. Ban). Ryan pereenatlng `llhorleut.”
ettAllottsr.—Thitracternoors, the Ave act
aLads•vot I,y(ms,a -be presented,
Tutu ereallng.lWes Laura Keene concludes her.
I engagement, . She :wilt appear ais
the nevi trislearuma et the . Wrivca of Lrelandi
/Weaver% Hatantccet.-leinember to6hight
theransical pictorial entertainment otarem-..
tbroaggh 11 184nd, )x111'1)e favpra., at La PaYotte•
hall t o which' krec aehrtty apneura. La. hit
great originaregarroter of Barney, Mega/11e,
e )rill travel aril& you as 'Yea ; PASS through
themild reintottle scenery ,of that land -wAleli
.le at' present ',creating to puw.ll, o;illtemcnt.,
13° Mfg . ,
ool hy_ ihoi Liquor ow nonoor,-,..lri sior at e ,
eart omoitnd has on o sympathy for. the - i - dry, Was mat,
Smiday,ln orqer," ipet Bather
t i te
thin toetiol.thelr heated eo_pper ,‘ lie hi elh-,
- 'ph eallirdositi onl iu n dayasquorsetpac "4
•0, ripAnd_tbativebakbe prokeir up.' Teta.
V belling t a nntaal-linee °Vies . act:Online,
to Aio ma,c
,approved.,_sityle."•Tthl 'larvae'
enericrit, Itho k•Ails - zon Inert* ay',
inear.the--*s*,4lintunit,lltAstaalin ..409,,
,p3loanttafts.-aR k 444FPrili'rOrt-4.nlA.
1114111 setlutity,..-, , -,-_, .-,..
._.. , ,
, ,PairditMoßenierhokeeimVceinettritti:: '
„net Street was 'brought .tiatit I'd , on. t. 141110
IttUrlCO.,...e .....t.,o„whynJtp*p"llli
"Attlgi?",', uh7.41:11,e`gitc...4.,-.-ffir-ife'
DlRmogtu/ .InIE aim ;- Sy rritgiu24l gm , the
-Charge; and i'Aipotr. theF:payajenkler insi -p,nd'
eon' -Sritsit4WelliM, "Ileir_Art,'.
baorot4l,l4." l ot l -?ar - niiner' pe a '
o i nk t ia for lStnt , Y. 09 terdy /dd r --
PenutirueueM,lr :gg i lz rs; er - IxtuZg°
aitboodk . eft r n W e a' N ni. tribuje
w i ck "%IWO being- ti r tr i .,...?l7
tor th Imes, he dlciernmuz :honed -
Prat cute o r wiet . . !ik,mirpH,sts
r •-•-.'"-- teiall'll4,llonaleeting•
00 -
I,l .En et li hind Olse G w iaiii ad,rebeu r t-4, ani " tt i oalee tNt
in t e ol u ar n a 1...„
1;0 elideree the X'seibtent.--and -lan' yolley,Ond ;.. '
' 1 404 1 4 1 Inclea and .taboltbai uttered .at Wee* ' ;--r--,.- ..-• - • ,,-, 77 „ - i. -
1 4 e ett!kgaT 1 qhkrflaatti-e ctiPealite, it :llamas :,• - x 6 ' 'w taiawai.v e."-s'
''' • BORFar O r i lTDlCl 4 rAtDELlathinr." - I' i
'l."°3°AtjrPrCiPef thlit' the 1 " 1 . 1*90e I P° .. - ArEDICAL _ isoAnns . Fon Tann
!.:4,le§t cd .1110 . -ci q i. Trwadeut.-.-urror Piesiiient-: =ion traanox or •IANDLITATI9M_RAr
I , 4010 alsObiiVaiirpd to aay 'oa the oat* t,,. ~ tirgi2.4Vdnitltittncdtritrrylggtltmla
1 : at - Alictiii : aitaice'riV - itiatt',fattiifor .fteilie. , ..-ta a Natal Murat; caella r ttiotent i ttnW . -..:
'' ui V in `' °*s " 4 "'''''''"''';' 4'''
' '
1 wou . thenmbrev.uggest-thik_t 4-,,prouw-iltia:o, liyadMaieis ' fo!"atnItolon 1 : 11.0 .t,1 1 0/41!0•••: •
M l / 1 , meeting °Ullman oppaseat_ ta , •':ranairing t 0„,p...x.,1.- -.......- m - - -, „: .:, ~,,,,,„.6 4,1 ... .", "
1,140 rebellion-13r talliing UM uoveromissit • Orar . Utwaemeil.~ool,....arrrgnaTi... a ''''
tO.Harthern Ccipparbea.4l3 anti 8011 U1013111 . 0be14 I lickard;llunelaAte• AP/ 4 " aw it
derminii‘ •1 4'
be bebt at-Yrind 11611 ;tble - (Saturday) Aft t{d0ng5:74,11.46.7,,urig P i a c,y8, 4 „ win ._ ~ •
tot each one that renae th fa - nOtiCo itaeuta• l ' h .h B",4."l"4"kifir° tC
PI by ~ .frocmaltile 40
r, rlllllllo tdeetittatte• it ble , thaliaitctti 56 .Ploloriror"
~_ : ,
4ateprompuy. .- ... mar*, Tax Psotts...,- . atitidnies tit eat . ', ..i , - 9r ,... r . '!'.,77 .: '
t.i - ... , ,..L.„ 1n1iti0ni „ 6 .,„ i, Kitti i,,,,, iai ,„ _No expeneeliallo • „ -:. r :
Wart, 'died' SUatten4 - Yelitary. _COMM' AwaidtitMa"UoVialtVill .
CUB= held an , inoneet. and Lie AM , r '''-. tor s Pi ga loint I t• -% iNibie. )14m"."'''''''
turned *erdict ot4entb trona lawn/came& -,- , 0 . ,
411 o) aceeseedleaTill ilt ' 1 5407-"Vt A0.04 1 411110b. Om:Iowa - - ::- ....,_,.-.-. :-., •-, .. - .
;: 4 ;14
Two amnions sittirviD.
0.. woleffrai. ;114 r ,44rgor•
Tiiedtiton widdivtifliaidithisalt•
wows smell is the mall •
Single coy*
En Gutbcor Ave.— ....... 1-2111
GI gabs of too and upwardis
. . •
Dangerous Itellel..—Therw datigerene
, hole In the pavement In front 'oftn. gallants
tavern, corner of Second and Drantstreets.
that, Is going to cost somebody something yet,
The property belongs to Mr. Jalabnatin. Last
night, a man walking along pe st the house
fell In the hole; and wan banly Mart. 'He had
to be butced away. We conld pot learrtnia
name, therefrom might arise a big Snit
for damages. The owner of the property
should see to it ammediataly. The hole leads
into the coal vault, and at would hot he a Cif -
cult matter to break a limn thereat any time
The Leader.—The Leader for ;Eatenlay ls
ant, and lo filled with very interesting matter
local, commercial nevHf, and literary. T
Leader does not appear 10 be very faveriabl h y e
itopressed with renlanism, and It Is not Very
sparing of rhetoric hi trying to convince Its
readers of the futility of the mement Well
there mast always be two Sider tone l:matfett,
and if every one agreed, this would be A tame
World indeed.
The Case pf Mfrs. Nevis:R.—Mrs. Nevin
owas yesterday brought out of Jail on a writ
f habeos rorpos, and after a hearing of toe
case she was discharged upon her own recOg-•
nisace to appear at the March tern of the
Criminal Court. There was no evidence
against her, the chemical analysis' falling to
ilnd traces of poison In her husband's Motu
aen, and rile prolmbilftl. are that the cane
wilt he Ignored by the tintml Jury.
Judi%lam and Clarlodlanilly.—On the last.
two Sundays past Rev. Dr. Jacobus tans dell,
crest addresses on the above subject. which
have been listened to - with Interest by large
audiences. To-morrow he will deliver elbla*
third lecture o thetutsue subject at the Cen-
Ind fivanyterlan Chords. The seats will be
free and all , isuorutnations are Invited to at
titt „w iwv=t'er , na r,vl. l lf
Fua.7 Poor crea tares
ilterem. European cities to make material for the
g and treitti s 1 3 1 h Oboe lt e o r g i= 'AZ'
Th e . Cl o perm.laoup4e.
thThem! Roodears of the Inbataupertor quality, made
emy own and and watzaated supartor Wan/
oily; and a challenge of
km:44 at trto ebria etTiporluomi!" theeraa
From 10e. a Pair Upward.
$20,000 ruor.iN,AND Do r...T.4141
ay= THOUSAND pow...isa
RTH' '''••
WORTH •=., •
-P, ; •
N AND pure'. 4.:LOTHIS , :' 't t' l
NON A AI N 'III Zi p Trri: 9 C flaq . '
. .
Ri1u5.,:044%. hys !c 74 .
.; .
. .
91.4111 P riga! 9 ' ' ' ' ' :
• • ' aiLOTt me ra9LTEIX. , .
..guaR,T,2B4O „J. : ,
' 41 b 4 : 70 411 ,01- 'x'":
.. ' .i..• 43 Xililliff XXXT' ' ' ::'":'-;4''''''"'
;, r, gra.g.iftni, . ~.Wt-
' . litipiiatte the : 0peirg,#.0,P*:',6i,,,,..:::.
' IrOMMW-El.