1, c, IMI Coss, of b a t et torse,,,,. 6.3:1-t e This .ease,' which a been on trial 'IIP the WittobUtlk saw.' • , Court of Com mon Pleat, eaS i tor :11:11Mays,past. : the jury bro u guiling a l l vrdlet for the defendant. • The partiesl are weknown coal, merchants. and the anis Wes broughtto teeolter In a large amount, sustained by the r i b= In the loss of three barges loaded .with coal, through the alleged carelessness of the agents of the defendant. Themae will probably go to the Supreme Court. F.KBRUARY xt, IN4 TRAVELERS' GVt13•••••---- E arrival and Departure of Trains. Pernicriviinla Central Railroad. • •I draftee.- . . Val Motet& • 240 a m titan 1:50 a to g 4mou ss Azoom , o van a avynat Lia 0......... :Alta 0 lizi.`• Ball aim rat \Yell ACCOllen 6= • m ... 11:93 •m; I at Penn Accost,. 7:54 • m I.24llexpreas.. 43:55 p m 1.4 Well ..teeom..: WM • m johnstown Ao'n. 4;15 y m!Johnern Accem.lo:o6 a la FataLlue /00.0 p ini rittnErle )da14.12515 pm 1 in Wall Accost .. 64ns m Baltimore Biles 112) pin 2d- " - 10545 a m *Man Aneom... I:30 p m Di • • * • eon pm Philva .lExprean. 2055 p m tat.PennAncora .151040 pm 24 Penn ACCOM. 644 pm 54 " •• IniiipmiAttoons a smtat =tuna= •a - The church train ' caeca Walls , illation every %nay at inn • in.; repining, Impel rittsbergh at a In in. .. ../.199144111128, 00ittlatillti and Cluelnitati . . Dirparts. . /at Ltsie.. 2:50 am nut L1ne....... :M a m Kai .. ...i :00s a r dtPa: Xi - press —. 1:20 pm xpress..... !Steubenville Ala- : teutietrel.lle AC. . eignmOdstitin .. io to commodation —lO3lO •In . - Plitabourgb, rt. Warne and Chicago. Amor/a. • i. Atrium. Iniprem ..... ..... azaim purees .......... 244 am lexpreas :18 gam press - 9;13 pln lize. 92156 pan :peen ........, 2;.” oin at 7:llcM tia..........-- 833 P m eling Expe , • 6:15 iint New Brighton Accommodation ;meta Allegheny isePi4 at 9 a.m., 11.550 &g 44 to op. ~184 SAO p. 20., Rpeleater, tat p. m. • Nearin.. Cult., rid p. m,; }coon . 0 .. r. 50,20 P. m.; Weilrellle. 3155 p. m. rittaburgh. Cleveland and Wheeling. • Depart,. Arrivr.r. direst ........... IM • m l Expreas .... ...... 2:01Ip IP /Ex reps 2.40 p miExpreas Yin p m M It OM • m ZXpreaa ... ..... TOP ala Btimbesmille Accommodation learet — AtlmiletY ti I:10p. ta. Palaburgh and ConnellsvUle. Doortg. AM N , i g .. ........ ..... 7:15 • mllall 5; 0 5 P la rem 2:IA p mispresa ...... ....10153 a m in c1iam1. 77 ..•1 1 : 07 • mist YeKonsport.. C5O a m Id .. ... 6:18 a m7.d •• ... 7:ospm Rliolibeny Valley Railroad. Arrives, /.llimports. GAD mi Erpresa 111.% ixpreaa 410 p trk Kau hvonotacalstiou. 1:3 p m Aecontmadattoli to li M IPlttabarin and Erie Railroad. to Oil t i . City and Franklin. • 7Arrivai. DaPiirts No. 40 Erma., 7:9 p mgo. 3 Exprela., 633 am . vb.. pi warm , BBarer kz ey. attatlatenra, and Ormansville Host--Grant and Weiler Sta. Arrtem. iMPOrtS. m............ 410 p m iStOi• m 'M. 11:00p co illarinony Stagy, Ni. Clair Tit. Ar ess rl *. IN P. a. • 1 /MG:To ' .. antler Stage... No. 3 St. ClnirStreau • • ArrAvo. De Its. ki P.... . 1 IN fa:,m. Walking - tan Stalge••• l / 1 11.6 . 11n0tel AMINO, 2)16 D. Zu I EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS& LIVERT STABLE; I= JAMES DAIN & lON, Proprietors UMNIEDISE3 AND CADMAN= furntabed for au srAtAm. Also,.CAVAjto tbf i futtaras i yeddlngs avid rlti tt akti th DrY AND ri4t7 CITY AND SUBURBAN FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAZETTE. The Osikland Pnueenzer Railway. A public meeting wan held recently, at Oak land, for the purpose of remonstrating against the present managemtnt of the Oakland and East Liberty Passenger Railway. Mr. Semple was Milled to the chair, and Mr. W. M. Murray acted atrSecretarj•. Au animated expression of sentiment followed, In which the present management of the road was strongly criti ciSee.. The system ot. discriniination in the matter of tare was condemned as unjust, and a uniform rate of fare for all the patrons of. the road was demanded. Mr. Dunlap read a communication from the President of the rood, to which he accounted for the irregumrity at the cars. Thomason for the cars not being run more frequently, was from the fact that the Wylie Street Com pany refused to run thdr cars more then once every -twenty minutes. This necessitates the Oakland Company to keep the same schedule time, else the cars would meet on the Fourth street part of the toad, on the same track. After the hit proximo the schedule will be amended so that the ears will leave every IV . teen minutes. The President of the toad stated, also, that the tare would be reduced, and - the following new rates be adopted: From ; Plttstnirgh to Soho, six cents; to Oakland, eleven trip tickets for m sixty trip tickets for IS one hundred and twenty-five for $lO. The new rates were not satisfactory to the meeting; instead of a reduction It was an in crease, us the fare tickets to Oakland are now sold twelve for el. Another matter of cont. plaint was the snail piece at which the ears run, the 'time schedule between Pittsburgh and Oakland being forty minutes. The mat ter of the passage by the Legislature of the bill granting the Company the authority to Increase the rates of fare, warn also discussed. The bill was "shoved," they said throughns an amendment or proviso to the Union Turn. pike act. It was further charged at the meeting, that the tars were kept In a bad condition, the win dows of some of them having been broken and left unrepalred during the winter. A commit tee, consisting of Hon. Geo. 1f14311, Moorhead, Esq., and Dr. Hostetter, was ap pointed to wait upon the officera of the road, to notify them of tho action of the meeting. The committee was instructed to report at en adjourned meeting, to be held on Patn Esq. rday evening. ln the meantime A. W. ni , was authorized to draw up a memorial ter t o the Legislature, asking for a repeal of the :late amendment to the charterer the' companv, so as to secure the old rates of fare. If the actian • of the road °Metals will prove satisfactory the memorial will not be presented. The Fenian Congress-TLo O•Mabat Party Attempt a Baronelllation. movement Is now on foot for a red:swills tion of the stifferencei between the ITSfationy and the Roberts factions of the Fenian Broth erhood. A Committee was recently appoint ed In Washington, under the auspices of the Irrepressible George Francis Train, to consult with the Foulest Congress. In session In this city, and endeavor to effeet a reconciliation. Toe following paper has been drawn tip bythe Committee, and will probably be presented to the Congress to-day: To Tee Feu:aria or lenzalr#: Coaritterit PrivestreOrt.--/reffoto-Co est with Fresh from the nation's capital and thrilling news from Ireland still ringing in our. ears, we ap-. peal for the second and last Utne; to your.pabl. tiothon, and call upon you to unite your fat. tunes with your brothers in Canada, your rep resentatives in Frnece, your compatriots thirteen Ireland, and the eight hundred and thirteen circles of the Fenian Brotherhood in the Uni ted States. This Is no time for personal feel ing and we declare ourselves free of it. This is no time for divided councils, and we declare ourselves willing to sacrifice all personal re. pugnancies, so that not even one sincere malt may stand between us and complete unity. We ask a single prellminarr , t o reticc of sincerity and pledige of Braille? ;that you signify your unabated confidence In the an. thority of James Stevens, and promise by sol emn resolution to apply whatever resources may be granted to your guardianship, In such manner as the constituted authoriti es of the Irish Republie shall determine... To• this..the Fenian Brotherhood has been always pledged, so we ask no new test. To this no one, mani festly, can object, and go before the prinks, Irish or Amerlcan, as a Fenian.: Shot:l4,oa accede to our proffer,-we ' , shall eauslder further details easily rranged. Should -11th refuse toeve this unequivocal teetunony your policy, we shall consider our muskier:S. en end, and all further efforts at conelliatioe: useless Leaving Use wisdom of your decision to Vie. arbitrament of conscience and- posit/LUZ, • we ere, gentlemen, Tour obedient serven'ts. 10 °n CURL , EY, . • Catholic blest: B. DownKCLIJA/k. • We are not posi'„A in regard :to the differ-' tamer between 'le two parties,••but the feel lag to so bitter that th ere Is he like , ,o ueeo..• it".tdial reconciliation. • ThisPAAgtow. pirMullay—school Cele. C The schools of Pitt township celebrated the natal day of the Immortal Waldo's. ton In very admirable style this forenoon. The subject wag brought before the Board of Directors; some time since, by MUM= M.' Gamely, Esq., and as the suggestion met with • Unanimous approval, the necessary print?. shone were made fora fitttng celebration-wt. the day.. There are two schools lento toWn ahip...one located in".oaldand and the otherin hilnersville. The schools assembled attire, in both bounce, and in the former the Farewell Addrenewas read by la. Gortaly, and In the latter by Mr. J. W.:' 10gen.......11 number Of appropriate Donee were then sung, WM the exercises were not only of a pleasing but In structive character, and calculated to inspire the minds of the young witivveneration tor Cm memory of itellingten• - This manner of W celebrating jba car meats with our cordial approval, end we. hope that, in the future, all our schoolS will adept' It.. gincethe day has been made a national... Mall." day, and th., schools ate generally dismissed • from their ordinary sittdiesoiOtilleg could be more appropriate then to spend an hour •or two in 'Limning to short addresses, sim ian national songs, and engaging in other exgg see Of a patrio tic chaActer. By this - means, the mina of the young cut be made familiar with the character of Washington, and the principal event, of la .lifet and In future eearly the return of the ltd of February. ver be ageoclated with tea mostideasant oollectiOns. .1111 as s. doom. CoUeettsnalir. zoa n eon, •of.the the;: Of Watt Wilson, sends as theibilowing note: "l desire to acknowledge cthcde - reeeds b t r o f { lee from alxr. Hugh Y. "Bore Pit e b e r d gh; a m nd , p uun U in h n h i P b r orhood d, . ' It urns-hosprolled to alleristo the distress of . the inagerers by the late are on . Prospeot istreet.7 l o;he 'sum :et:ideated by Mr. Bole Is / oats idly eredltable;and his entrts in behalf Of-,the suffersraby thislate cattludty are most praiseworthy. . We Learn fron thelieaver Argue thas the v•Greenbson Oil Company." situated _orLthe Little heaver Creek; a .abort distaacif Moir -she mouth of . eland Rau,. struotes good 'van of al/ last )veek. Saturdar 'they bad it titbed,and'iC Is novraoralia• - ' 4 % e . are Informed that it tows Arisen Or IlvinitT.barturs par - The Calhoun Ou Company,at the month of land Ban,alseOuid a good shoe of tallest Week* and are p reparing .o tube It. ' . . • • - • =ES The dwelling-house Of Mrs-Loadla, a widow lady, realdhig In Moon township, In Beaver county, was entirely consumed by tire on Wed nesday evening of last week. The Are caught from a candle which had been left in the gar ret by an insane member of the family. We understand that very little of the contents were saved, and that It was with some diffi culty that all of the members of the family escaped. Dyer. the book-keeper of the National Bank, of Crawford eounty,woo was tonvleted Of rob bing the bank a year agO, and sent to the pen. ttentiary, was pardoned reoently.by Governor Curtin, at Um' reqUest, of the Governor of Illerdian, and other , prominent citizens of that State, who had personal knowledge of Ms previous goodeberacter. . Held for Court. —The three Hebrews, Schultz, Levy and La, Qrsnge,: charged with obtaining two hundred' and ten dohars by false reprasentatlansr_from _Sir, Sanders, Su perintendent of X.OniKale'sCeMeteryi io B e _ servo township, have been admitted to ball by Mayor Morrison, Tor their appearance at Court. Adnitery.—Archibild Cillbrattli, charged mitt atop e i r l y t . o n r t b h y A of l h d i o s e . m w t if s e, thwrtln CO fMor, a further hearing on Saturday. Thy defen dant resides at Ireland station. N, amines township. Forcible Entry.—Robert Robb, ,of Robin son township, was before Alder Man Strain to day on charge of foreible entry,' preferred by John R. Large, Rat. He gave ball for a bearing. Solater* , ..Leaerste;—We understand that the soldiers who served in the late wheaten, residing orrthejlortil side of the rivers, are •Teldng arrangements to organize .a .hranoh Iftgne, Await and Battery Thomas Donnelly Iran committed to jail to-day, IT Alderman lu Taylor, to answer a airaeofsafianit and bat tery, preferred by Wm. Woodward. _ .. . , , • , . pnill ren .—There tram no basin . . h i to day.nietcrator_aae_ l a nd at the . ..ilayor e", a o o f tiffe-itico ity tr 7; n r er t h g e resa . nt enjoying apparent human • . Goderi Lody'l. Book tor March, can be ' obtained of W. A. Glldenfenny,So. 4 Fifth streeh.nesr Wtvd. • . The Courts were not in session to-day, having adjourned over In honor of the natrao ry of Wanhington. ..11eadle , s Monthly" for blareb,enn be bed of John P. Hunt tE Co., Masonic Hall, Ha street. PLUNEBING. Sm. • ROOD PIIIIIPS; •LL HINDS ON IRON' piminps, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SUMS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, Hpdranlie lEta.ms. Brass Work cat . all klads Merck 101_50.24 Ardl.o&ito at% tW uxpi liaserlarns• Brat V i ornitaatti oltkaad at Addy, Williams & Bartle.y's CORNER 512 Th AND Blinn/ ILLD STP PITTSEPRGH, 3:l:llN:til43:lW,Ull4ll:isksiivx: NILIT TO POST OPPTOT. Jal.odmts:eowfta lomtranuarst, GAS AND Prrrum. iat ALL 118 BRANCH-MS. C... r aterertenaed and pranam workmen. OAS FIXTURES, 'MKS, BATHTUBS, WATER C Conn anti y /Mad and mittii=frDEANTS. • • •••• TATE & MILLE, No. ''' '9.9 1 21711W} AtaWßßUCargk ZWIMR tharG, GAS AND S ag"" pLua arrimaster' 31•Xliwitrilace. HYDRANTSIRO PUMPS • - ' grin' r i thr iT rare LEAD PIPIO M 6 INS - WITCH'CLOWS AND WASHSTAND& EMMEN& & CO., ttlumessor GO Addy &fflorno,) No. IS& Wood St„ PStaborgh, pa. pa:Mood "ral. 01.NONO IWT.lke i h nici, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING, bvItfOKE BELLS, Popteloles• figarlJghters. • • . s7a7lur4 No. 11WW60.1 Pfsisiuman. .. T .. STEAM 14`44123w Piumhl4 4-iste FORCE PUMPS., Fplt 1001kilit: radii PIPE ; di , wont, =I OS di CO.. mKarm to asap • zwum.) , .IBb iYood a.. Pittsburgh. Pa. pITTSSIMZU LEAD PIPE Siren LEAD WORKS. Vont* ma - int.'. or Lft ` YIPS AND SHEET' w.. too on basket indmill • mins to orpg t 417 inse,or. mound, .t the • •• :•• 101604/ ArarkoB • /Wise , Ordet , bY,lttsti promptly gum. Antal nt ten einnbilanitltreat, Vltttbantn Pa. •4i UNDIULTAXING. COFFINS -1 COFFINS lIXTALLIOt IIikIIOGANYO MARCKIANI'I - iI#BO6IANT UNDERTAXIXOI ! 141DZ8T48INgt_ , •-• , - wiDaßgralMsre 110113=1 . 1W/LIIAIM tradartaker. AMIN!, ?N. FOURTS Mina, . . Erliallrillitnlt &A=E loybag out Ma d= ln& ytharo7ttnaa *vim, augunnowAyy.. "ism ROWAIRD - 116 Murry . "' " • • • • . : , Vsearrea-Bilailkidt sad CliiirWasjignetar:; - .. Uraen irons Ausibair oar auur Timm , .rompuy attended .• 11/1314111, ALE,1 , ...,4 1 1.-:- :. 1.:-- .. crzrxrArzi..r iliztqwsti.' , . - --,:q; .. „ .. . . .- .. or a,..„. all ktodai CRAY aad, • .iruneese . .. ~... I* - :.. s t , :te , . pen:Ogres kW._ , , ~ , i 1 - , , •,, ~ , 'Slither, fog. ROBINSON, IdoCIMUS & CO., Bakers and Broker; No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Dale=s to el llAside err...eminent ISecarlitu. Bold LatgSli=nz . ntLlank Depositareatived In nu. Fut% and bungler. Ine wrest allowed on ttme deposits. Collection.. made En all parts of the Unit. 51..tes on moat 17aTotnble tterm.:. Orden eseented with ispatebtbr ac mthing In the business et the Bosunn. New 1 orkelpltin, and Pittsburgh Uroten• nouns strietty on eatonris stem . . Draw on H. CLEWS & CO.. New York. J. COORS & co„ Philadelphia: Messrs. C. D. ♦ T. R. PER. KU.. Dosteon. rratiNcE AND MADE. • TUORIMAY, Feb. S 4, 1884 There are no new features of a financial character worthy of special notice. Business was pretty generally , suspended, It being Washington's birtiliday, and the hanks, post office, and quite a number ol business houses were closed throughcfattheffnY. —Theliew., York ',bank statement for last week siii*iinfbidiiese of , specie, which in diestditharthS.Seiketary of the Treasury has been seillng ,e .gold freely. It is also seml-ofil daily annottil ream Waahlnirtcm, that he will be, a . farther Relict of coin, and the neat Medal-Gm days will put on the market about a Million of dollars. This announce ment of the Secretary's purpose is wise, and carries with it a dignity of purpose that re flects much crdit upon the Secretary, and will wamuch to UM gold from - .the vortex of slee elation. It Is not improbable that we +Mall see gold at lower figures within the next fort night.. —lt la net generally known that the first W ane of United States demand notes are redeem able In gold by the department. Arguing that aaXbese notes are receivable for customs, and consequently as valuable In such transactions as gold, the United States Treasurer has been accepting them on deposit and redeeming them as gold. There are 1323,215,73 in this cur rency In circulation, of .whlch =omit $25,246,75 are in the possession of aasistant treasurers.. —The heavy Imports of foreign mantiflies, turns are Justly attracting serious attention. At New York, last week, the import entries and customs moments were extrsiordinarilo large, the figures having in mem a market. caution for "all whom it may concern." Of the former, however, about one-third the dry' goods went into bond. The customs duties paid In gold were nearly threemillions, making thus far in February, 05 business days ) , 0,483,657. lithe entries at the outporte have been in the anus! proportion the Government has already realised ten millions in gold revenue 'this month, a portion of which was turned Into currency /item New York oftice last week, at the rates 1394013734 per cent. The export clear. areas of cotton and other domestic produce were kept back by unfavorable shipping weather, and tall short in value of the pre.- VIOUJI week. The sales of foreign and !domes tic merchandise were on a fair scale of Impor ted dry goods. The holders of domestic cot ton goods appear reluctant to make farther concessions In Trice, bat some descriptions, we understand, wereagain marked down near the clam of the week. —The to/lowing shows the exports (exclu stye of specie) from New York to foreign ports for the week ending Februarj , Wand since January 1 : 1906 11181 i . 1886. For the ee— gia63,863 $3,161,466 $4,939,801 Prey. epte w ee k. ..:2482 98,206,157 87;069,613 811nceJan. 1 108,173,1548 $37,367,855 8.120651,920 Price of gold 1.58 199 137 =DI Oen= or Min Prznamlatna clazwil. TSMAIDaT. Fab. as, ISM CATTLE—The arrivals of cattle at these yards were again light this week, so also, was the demand, and the market consequently ruled dull and heavy, and Priees ate e7th drooping. The attendance of buyers was very 511 m, mid the few that were here bought very gingerly and only at very low figures, which Is owing to the dullness, and general stagna tion which has prevailed hi the *astern Mar ' kets for some time, and id9lppers allege that they bare been losing heavily for weeks past. The very best grades of fat cattle, imitable for retailing in the eastern markets, cold at from 6 to gross, and but one or two droves changed hands above Scents. It is but proper to remark, howeter, that there were soma ex tra wattle on sale which could not have been bought below 7 to. but no one could be found willing to wo above our quotations, and holders, refusing to take less, shipped further east, where they,hope to Gad a better market and realizs higher prices. Common and me dium cattle were very dull, willlnglet from 5 to 514,while scalawags were almost inuelitoble. It does seem strange that farmers and drovers will persist in shipping this class of mock to market, km:eclair tat lemon they ought to know) that they tan scarcely realize enough to pay for tnumportation and feed bills. HOGS—Market has been less active this week than last, though' prices have undergone no material change. The reports from the east yesterday and to-day were regarded as rely unfavorable, and buyers aro now asking far concessions, which holders, as yet, are unwil ling to grant, and we continue to quote at 10 to 1014, gross, for bringing aveumges—aome few branches of extra 10,53 up to 103{. It is said that the reports of the Hog disease has restricted very much the retail demand in the East; and ifthere litany thundation far the ru mor, there is no doubt but chat the consum tion of theHogproluot will he very materially reduced, and the results dewing from this willte very disastrous to some of those enga ged Intbe trade. SHEEP—The supply of dhoep this weak, al though not unusually large, was 'nevertheless condiderablyittecreeas of thadelnand, and the market 'Continue* dun, and prices, as com pared with last week lave declined from 3 to 55 cent per pound. We now quote at ato etc stroma.for °mama to prime fit mutton sheep, and there was but one drove Wild at the out side quotation.. ListJ..u.Laaat4;a4:ls.w.lsra.u.:Li IIiaIIIIAZT 40.1808. Cattle. flows Sbeep ..... 425 MO New ...... • • 993 / 41° Baltimore 35 Way Point. 1322 EiE2 Hu"to On LEBEiI . . . Slngard•to Orr • 109 95 663 Shot:poker to Downing._ .1.65 109 CP Atklnsitotto Gallagher .... 165 160110 Southward to Downing.... 179 90 4 00 Lafferty to Loyd 254 P 6 5 50 Mitch to On • • 75 160 6 =11:3 Seller. ' Buyer. No. Awe. Price. 191Loa to Mager 140 320 10 65 Orr to Matter 92 326 10 611% Popejoy to 51ager.......... 00 300 10 BO Hobiitson to Lamb & C 0.... 259 300 10 37 Cassel berry to Hein es &Co. 85 275 •10 90 Timmons to Holmes & Co.. 997 WO 10 40 Bradtm to Holmes it Co 00 100 10 10 Bash to Holmes &Co 34 110 10 10 1.441 1 =t0 Holmes& C 0.... 54 300 10 115 to Holmes & Co.. 136 250 10 37 Pletcher to Orr 129 "200 10 19 HaholaortoOrr - . 109 225 II 30 Moore tO Orr • 111 325 10 50 Christy to. Orr 87 825 10 25 Mixte , to Ueda M 220 10 00 kit Co. to 0rr...... 136 110 10 25 Shaffertatier - -51115 1.43 10 40 In Addition to the above, at Johnston sold *to Gllehtelst Co. 4 230 head, dellvenedin.Phli "ergiliniligithiMlSS WWI, game daufem sazitOr cartut. Magee*. CO to Bela it g0.:64 head common cattle at 5; JO head from Berry faltialfeteareat O,16; Hoff to Ulnas MINA , : cows Mal Ina% &V S. rape g 1166 at 6;16 head oxen to Cash alms& lag IMO, at 5. Mugu; &tenor SO heed of b h cattle, oven 224.7ra11t wary evlttrazia . • headof good cattle, welgn&O,3ls, at qgi to Solider Id, welshing t 5; Buff to Mooney 15 head, weigamg al p • Buff to: .IS head of scalawags, wee a t Hoff to Haas Crouse SO head pre good cattle, welching 511,136, Dude= to Cog 18 !tend, w hhig i na g t 6 ; Smith to Mayne, 9hed4, g 8 -; Southward to Main:Up 84 ow:m=10 ta ttle, weighing 821,8348 g & ' • Norton to MaArdle 18 he ad, &winging o9 _ B l_ o 4 i 4 Smith Co. to Smith 18 boo, averapg 083,itt , • Holt 'Old Yor k Tegaiden d Co. to Mem% Greenwald d' Ulm 74 good -Minas trtatort, avetlgingar.eS at ON. • We And lathe report of the /Donut Mast of Millenatant, for the month of January, the folloailig statement of the ,export of - Petfts /et= Ceditt:thipulted Btate:4l9T the years INS . and 1883 PrOto • '' • Mt hell s. Wls Mil, i 73 /1 12.,= aff2., •709,148 N We* inxa 'won a • •I nos-, was ewillediOrd - Clevelad• 9 ,173 A01:0 ,80301 31,g4g._ tuMtU 37 to barrels i 15,1,33 • •ive,s 7 a Total value calculated OY the errers price for Refined 1ab0n4.1117„a13438.14 ISOitlegstrt ge From the saate.report We - give , the avenge prices of Petroleum in New Toth for each month in the year ISM, as follows, In even teats 31015 r b.' Create,. Rag= 111361 ' 6 ' • • liedlned. Naptb*. January a Ir. Cents. p. February.... 47 69 66 31.41r.17 36 7 t az 53 AP1t 11 ,1.4 . 36 . - 61 /MY /St) 7 0 116: . .111110. ... ... $6 70 6 1 ♦ -IT _62 1148. Sep " - Oceober: e '6l a Novembr " , 15 as) -8$ December... 41 15 66 07 ~ t~i',a~-..c~~,.~ ~_,.~:?5. v.4r. ~~ t~ { =a~^~y ~ ~ ~ ~ --. ~r t~n: a ~i 1;` vt_'i - t _c- j '~~f` ur . ~ , K.,.i~.eE: .-.... ~ cC".e`tr" w ~,.'..!~'..~?,:«e~" ~o~.~.+~~.v`tT;xa.... ~<5..a.wi.~~:.r...r ,S,.a "r:5., ri'~3.«.s. ~. IMMItMS. OnioApiyeaa'rtrratrisszestelk.l • • • TironeDAT. Feb: JENA, I Thin being the 'Rd of Februarp-Waildn tona birthday-wee observed Ilan 'Underbid., 0 4.9. Alle , banks and post office bast elbSid; and business, consequently, *as very Bab; t and we lima but few round lot operatioos to report There is no imprommeut to note lb the tone or the general markets, eltiterns 111 gards prices or demand, and there is next to nothing doing, except inn retail way. GRAIN-Sale of i car prime Ohio Red at sl,9h and 1 car Chicago Spring, and 1 oar Michigan White, both on private terms. Oats doll but unchanged-may be quoted at 4412, , on track any INNS In 'Mal lots. Sale of 600 bush prime Enr Corn, to arrive, aft gye Iddemand at 75c. No demand for Barley. FLOUR-Demand light but the market is ateady sad prices are unchanged. Small Sales from store at C..%@Sle, for Sprint $1 Wheat, and 05:0110% for Whiter Am. brands. Sale of WO tibia at AIWA. Rye Flour IS quoted dull at 0514053.ider bbl, and Buck wheat Flour le quotedsteady at- PROVISIONS-Bacon le stead, with a fair io caolr demands! l A ana 14 2 142 for Shoulders. 17515 . Lard f firth= and prime br i lt u eftl r e r o o r gered quoted at 11841 PAL Small sales of Mess Pork at , W4g3o. No movement in Belk Meats. POTATOF.S-The supply is almost entirely exhausted, and with a very good local demand, the market is firm, with an upward tendency. We continue to quote at 61,1501,20 per bushel, and $3403% per bbl. APPLES—Demand fair and market steady with regular sales In a small way at liati tos7 per bbl. BUTTEE—Is coming in prettY freelY but, as yet the demand seems to keep pace with the supply. Sale of 10 pigs at 101 and 15 do choice at SO. - EGGS—Sales of 10 bblaat 38. CELEESE—Is quiet but unchanged at Yl cts for Hamburg and and into for Goshen. SEAN y with a fair demand and re gular sales at per bush—Sale of SS Dols at Ellgiratall sales from store at CONLor Clover, mid $35‘111 , for Timothy, Flaxseed la In demand and tells readily.,at HOMINY Id dull but unclutrimsd...eal• es at Id to the trade, and MAIMS in a small way. HAY—Sale of I car tried lair quality, at PI per Pim. sONIONS—Quiet an unchanged at 00303 per bbl. %TA" Lard eir hrl u rg iu" small sales repo rted at 1,140611,16. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. Omen or vas PITTILILTAOII T111111$11.4.1", Feb. gek a l CRUDE—There Is no new characteristic In the Crude market (worthy of swelal notice. The demand, on the spot, continues very light both for home use as, well as shipment,, and the market Is dull and prices arcentirtSy , ,nom• anal at 12.20, bide returned,-and 24.25, Uhl in. eluded. Sale of 125 bbls Green Co. oil MN, bbls Included. For future delivery, there is but Uttle doing, though we continue to hear of crab being made to se/1 a 1 12, to be dellycdul on'the Openifig - of narligatiott. IVollave one heavy transaction to record, 111 which T. E. Tack is the seller and 0. S. liellwatne, the buyer—one barrel, to be delivered In July, sill-. lees option,lo days notioe, at 15, Picket° re turned. This may seem to be a very low' fig ure, but we (can vouch for Its correctness, as we saw the contract. BEFINED—Bonded oil is dull for present; but there Ls considerable inquiry for future de r g i v a n and as buyers and selUra. are ap. g closer together in - their.views and Feelings, there will doubtless be coniddetable secretly manifested within the mist thirty or sixty dare. Sabi of DM bbl ' , Lucifer , . brand, for hninedlate delivery At '37 cents, free on board care here . Free Oil Udall and nominal goo standard brands. " N .lB XT'a r ...ND d RESID - Urld—Sale of 100 bbla Residuum at µKJ end lOD do do at Ws. There is no demand whatever ter Naptba, and there is not enough doing in the wade to establish quotations. K MARKET. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New Turk Fluewee and Trade. New Yost, Feb 211.—lit the Stock Elebanite to-day scion holiday was observed, in honor of the birthday of Washinzton. The Sub- Treasury Banks and other financial institu tions closed, and the street was almost de serted. Very few brokers are to .be round In their offices. In compliance wi th an act of the Legislature of this State, no contracts are fuldlled to-day, and those Whith were tiOnittended to yester day, go orer till to-morrow. The nominal prices quoted this morning are as follows : United States Sixes of 11, cou pons, 4011 . fo= sui lw ita intrum,ru ; ror '3 lC atral, Bud;coinigt, t43 Air=r 3 t u t pre era la ; red,c4A; sot o ; ,1174 Rack Win' d, 4 1 91do . Certificates, SIPA. Cluetunail Markel. CINCIWATI, Feb. M.—FLOUS—DMI, without change in _prices. Gasts—t, dull, at alas Mr No, 1 New and. Corn, steady, at 3So for No. 1 Shelled. Oats, doll, at s3lll3ee for Na, t . No. 9.. Rye, dun, and prices nominal. • PROVIILLOWB—QnIat. i y i esaPork, agete i t . Milk Meat., at 1 (61-14 , 4 0, and 16 Annuli:len, Side*, and • ear 81des. Damn, Is in good demand, at 134010/o, and i1 1 ,6c -ter Shoulders, Sides and Clear sides. Lard.,l6 In : good demand, at lie for Prime City, but hold ers ask Igo higher. G aoceants--DtilL Corr°li—Okalet, at tic for !diddling. iltniacr —Finn, at Mc, In Goad. Frac, dull, t tiotn—Closed at 137 X. ST. Lolll76.—Pall Nevent.--9 eke broken glen, Modes, Byrle & co; 45 tonsplg Iroo, Maria: & co; 5 do do, Olnilausen & Crirwtbrd; 100 do blooms, Hlmlck d cos I tce sugar cured bains, Holmes, Bell A oo; HOD empty oil bbls, J Bon ney; I ba stove patterns, A Bradley :A cot 5$ pkiis liquor, Clarke A co• 13 do do, AVR.B. Agentlso tons pig iron, C Knelt& co; 5 barrels dour. tv 13.13rickellt 49 dot- brocauo, lir Long halrbbb; beer, 13 Hobftter. - • • Cloth:nail peed Market, CITICIMIATI, Feb. 2L—d amitotic& dull mg+ ket for olorenteed, and the tendency Is eta downward_ , though no farther decline lumbago estobilatedoind we oontinue to qkotelt ova. Timothy remantaquiet at ft,isoes^ the latter an extreme price and obtained only foreman lota from st ore .. Flax Is In demand p .1 a '4 prrsup&iin, FONT WATTS & C1110•00.11.1t. Feb. .12-4 bble botterAdo eggs ,4 do elowerseed 3 ten beef, It B Townsendlit butte tObecoo, - ,1 Dilworth; I bales cotton, I Dickey & co. BA bas barley, rr II Garrard & Son; 1 car brie&Aos Thompson; 41 sacks rags, Grodfrer ;5 can pig metal, Nlmielt Seta 15M _green baits, E Myers 4 cola empty 01l bbls,J IS DLlWorth; 2 cars pig metal, J uno MOOrliettelt 1001,131, dour, D WalMw; 44 bags clover seed, 1 barrel egg*, Kirkpatrick &Merrell': I car corn, 2 bbla but tar, Keil & altehart; 140 bilis brooms, J Glirest; 103 sks wheat, Liggett a co; 9 bale butter, Ida eggs, do sorghum, 4 4 0 . 4 4 1 4 1 1v,fiairpatalai, Bto & cpl 2 bbls ecrup Iran, ging, Bennett oo; bbls dour, T C.leurri; / butter; Ida IS lags boons . E t?d% t t rgolk I (} s ° 4ll ' ' & Better, E:=ZZI No. Atve. Price no 107 SOO 99 440 69 OD 441 ft head Ciaria.ssrn & Prrrserson RAIL Roe Feb. 92.-99 bra cheese, C C BaMen 1 tee lard, Markle & co; 32 plots seed, Edo , stmdries,ll Riddle; 2 kgs lard 5 pkgs batter, VOlgt-A co; -13 olds bean' 20 do cloverseed, It Robison*. coo bbls beans, W P Beck co; 55 boft, McCrelght, Cashman & do; /do do.. WV Wu , ner; 9 do do, lumbera i ttas cheese, 5 Ewart & co; 1 car usitinzr& , Deniglas; 8 cars metal, Mizalck & co; car mill feed, Jas Glenn; I ear torn,M.Kricotll , gons9l law pro. &me, Head & Metzger; sbblabeituts,llP n acka Fetzer & Armstrong; 59 bbls od, Bie tobacco, Ido cigars, A C Whltehetal - tobacco, M /WA; 10 Dickey; bbla oU, L E Ileareltonllo hales cotto, I 20e bgs oatmeal, Kell Illtchard; l i cc heet,WmPrancelLilbales cot ton, Wog & Pennock, 4 do do, 11b0malter & Lang; 10 Ms lard, Unbent &Thome; 14 lames soap, D figwort/4100 bbl. dour, __T C JealMs; 105 do do,•0 IS Leech; 100 do do, Will 'lLlrtto. rick; 5 tea beef, J Lippincott. pri.rumum, Car Ann Clamsoler l Feb. 22.-109 aka barley,' Eleanor I Harper; & A C Duncan; 2 cars corn, J ` . W rawer. RIVER. NEWS. Winchester. Idiepherd:;..Pirirersimig. • . Nevada Evans St. Louis. • rioaysy..zAmwo !GMAT. ••• LOTIMIL Shumaii ' touts. Kenton..... Drirdap . ... Winehester.Shepberd.....yarkerseargh. • arose, wiarnaa, ITO. The river Is again ralibig, with ShOht seven feet water In thechannel. The weather Liven , ' warm, and appearances Andleatezrattt Bath nest at the lading yesterday was rather dati on account of it being WarhpgrOtre, birth day. The following boats are now in port : Robt. Moore, Nevada, Winchent e r,Argienia, Came lia, Nan, America, Julia No. 3, Lorena, Nate Putnam, Emma No. 3, Yorktown, Kenton, Sil ver Lake No. 4, Len! Leoti, Citizen, Leonidas and Savanna. The Lorena, Capt. Shuman; is loading for St. Louls,and will most probably get away this evening. The }Lenten, Capt. Dunlap, has nearly cmit! plated her Wad for LOulavillo, and Vnlerq° this evening for that - port. The Wineheater,Capt Siielaretitli r‘lar packet leaving te..tiay.,:for Parker*. b . T Nevada, Capt. Evans, arrived veaterday, having discharged moot of her ,freightint points below. Her manifest will be found elsewhere. TheGolumbla left at. /Audi; ..focrittehargh-, OE Monday evening. , • . The Armen* ,Captaln McCallum, Is fast:fill lug up with freight for New .Orleans, and will leave if possible, on Saturday. Shippers will do well to burr y their freight before the river fails, so that ebb cannot get out. . The pia. Grove, Captain Alli011it; was; to have left Clnolunatt for-plttaburgh on Toes. •Tae In Of the Golden .Era rasialtly - sunk' at pewham. Tipples has' been' torn 'from the I boat anti totally MAI:Med by tim.npatioulte.- lier cabln'tarnlturo which lea ..aWed., - fn' the team, was /OIL L _• Tau CAM' OT TNT La ic' Erlasunis. , Taho. saavaphis Appall IPT FTMOT.bilt. &IVO 44 obi um a to the Weld OloMitbo lore f leant , boat beller , exploalons.' th e . pith or - korofd of which fully. explained In ..folloWittypidea. graph. What bare our lOW idepsofora so-say nowt TA*.wholo reined copper or„o4o=o4 'boil VP:4aopre:e ~ or facti Lin 1 fir 64.7 • IMPORTS DI RIVER. we fl etanite`thilrereatuste cattle of Meant boaaexplosiona,3 Atis 'atom tbaSidieu ed, Aux sett ttameginig, nem= 4ra/t narardep pe tAo dditf,Attteri,tlhodeMpeer pert eroobterldeprOtoPtrid%pry .totelphewsnleaulphtmtainagnetleirenc pyrftee;:terdtaphrowf.,' dtphtlephttret;' I:Arbo reta, Pet Phftkaret. 'WAD Ellte.ellit eteef, protocytmureti , prate : milphoeyanurl„ Sea mile sulphocyanuret; sad "all other roars idons-of Mont decompose. water when com ing In masa with' vhcan at red heat; its oxygen readily combines with the-iron, pro. ducing the:miens:oxides above mentioned, many or which, in themselves - so readily com bine with orygen, oven t at round temperature as Lobe often used in eudimetry.”—Churter. :NYA4 4:11A 1866. SPRING AIIR&NGENFS'r. MONONGAHELA AIVEN ; Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, UNION LINE, ..I= O .A.CrECNIT CO r Yr will rvn three daily side-wheel steamers between Pittsburgh Monongahela City, Broweirllle, Mee'. 1 . 2 hd 11 41. tireenebero, re 13tmeve and the Drinkard 011 Region,. era Tble line to eopoked of the following stesta PAYETTE ....CAPT. C. SPEERS. TELEGRAPH , CAPT. U. BIIGUEIL PRANELTN CAPT. Z. W. C A ILEAC GALLATIN CA.PT. A. B. CAELI LE. These packets will leave Pittabargh daily at . Sas aßil a P. le.'.'exeept Sunday. whelk the departure will be at o'clock. a m. The thrOnghpaGket ter the Oh Regions will leave Pittsburgh daily at ft.p. m. I Brownsville daily at 6 a. m. Bortrnacso—Leaves Brownsville for Pittsburgh daily at 7 a. m. and Bp. m. .Leaven Orsanabore,and Geneva at 12 o'clock; Rica'. Lartilibigattpeto.--- • - Leave. Monongahela! City alt o'clock. The line a, cottrpwed. of drat-alas side-wheal ot oo oienr•Onlitesprouly: Arrthe trade. They will be oominandedioylectvo of long , an experlenue r w w ho will gaY kortionlavattention to the wt. and com- AVMs hour adirertfort egpassengeta. hed . The boats will leave promptly Freights Received stall Bouts. For fOrtler put intim voantro of • multi zazzatot_,- Agen t At the Whart-ssoat, , root of Orman., rnaintniti. L. COLVIN, Agen Brownsville, Pa. fel:imd -'• 'bigrak '1866. . SPUD . SAFETY' AND COMM' counnitn. PIETSBMISIL 91111101, ILUNItt d PANIPBEN I DAILY PACKET LINE. comprialug the. tollOwlne Stslw.Rini Peasauger Stunners steamer RAW; Ono. IL bloom liustar. • Steamer tel "OSTER; Ai nu,„shsismird, Kamm. "reamer TO T CITY: itt (Ro egos., Easter . DOWN c italteltDs Lira," TittsbuesttretTSlondaTazilThursibryott en r i t mat*" ani t ...aitOkliir s at miss.U. " AIMS WLTRR Lima Pltts M bargh* retry TaIIadit JVCRICEI y and /May, at Menu tn. Lesvas Wheeling every •Triesday rind Friday: at EDO p. m. STEAMER TO_RFAIT. Y Leaves Plttsbuegb sway wedneaday C/T andSamediy, at MN Lerma Weal's" &Very WednesdayWednesdayand Saturday, , , • UP TRIP—SIoRtURII TORTISTT CITY I quires Parkersburg every Idandayand Thunds7 ut p. tn. Leavrineelth" every Tuesday and Pstday, at m. anuacraxtvrAnD , Lamm Parkersburg mml7 Tnesdsty and Veldsy, at 1 p.. 1 IsiniVen Rquiattair *MT Wrdrieullay and Saturday, at 7 a. to. 8TX1.111131 vrarcznrraa. Leaves PatteesbargkevaryliTeittitedsy and Sour da_y, all iEnt. Lams bee'lng every Thursday and sundae, at 7a.m. mi=leneetitrnniqv'etimMabil an Utsmth"Wb="in, Din leaves Mutt ti &Map. to_., an/Cleveland .1 DS za, _M Ot ao. inla ciao y of ruti rot i i wttb th e ..his and =" and with steamers Uttt points vo the tdusklugm River: and at Parkersburg wit early train a n tnhe BOIL:sore and Ottio Ralltoad, and Llgitiridgrelitvia=adepa, 90:Ab. wilrgragrl c kn e rit="irdi. n "ar Zie lk s. n r. rain, by ribt.ts_ • ze at Olerelano at and as...ahem at ma U. nail toormait. JAR. _ccoLLINI4 &;co.,_Agents. whair-arii, root Bt. h thie A. re freight wlltbs received 4st . 1111 PtoCAO m. 340 pOR NASHVILLE,Theadat ...•at t e passenger steamer TORSTOWN Col. Era: -Leaves as a base SATURDAY, Mb tam, mt 4p. m. p g r.fralphi r r i w t f cu tt l t a be . te x, ,o v e me_ • t FOR CAW -41,1 V Wfl i ggrit . " i LOINS—The splezand attune. '• " LORENA Oast. 8111TALLIC. Win tome a. abere on SAT7RDAY. 211. , b ,; a. 4 TAT n's' lllkrrirell Eat WOOD. • .FOR MEliplllB-&111EIPIAMb ORLEANS-•The splendid Would ARMENIA It. C. acemaxit. Master. Mill leave for thoobare and all Intermediate pone on B.!..TVILDAY, MIN at a k i - . Po/freight orpamat y reso colArx6viottirk 14** R r fir*UM& . I . lrje WSAIN : 4II:Afte4 .r t • ye and all intermisitata porti ivamTtIESDAT Etit:rit.7 .M.VettivalareArygar QTEARIC- TO 'AND -PRO3V-ILIVER :Lvoi lig!? aisz:AND) Mkt a LUIZ. Wile[ EVERYIitATMID' AY EVERY WEDNESDAY , CAR1C02 . 46 RAI. hums., Traketm;i4 ti; sid ritiue: Si4';l: laad, Germany , aad /Parma. Apra the Comllaars Maw JOU G .DALE,-Agent, • 15,11 roadway; N. T. SirNDRIEB: , . .. 11 16 8METICAMLICSEALED*F41- /TABLES MO) 711171T211 - ' - ^ I t r o dotty T . .realAt e te , ll:l PostlS: ' 1 : I O W s A W e irs; SNpoluids; . • ~, ••• .e , - , Iseriserrliks; . •'. ~..-• r , -"' SI ** ,-. • . Plums • , . 1 SO ... Llosaßessoo • . , - eo •• tlreea Peat Alisrarrsoteffebolos glossily. - Pis also offer a Woe stork or , sssortoo-.Asuois, ...ersigtrars, Ketehtlps, aSII6OII, Pleffurs,4o., is. • - ffirrw.A BEM. JfftS,. . , . ,-,•. 1 : ,,, wol. , rm,es4 rAWAs4 littelt., StnnolLEkto=24464fitistAti.o;. 84.1 -th-t- i4piit i ttir - ; : .. - : --. ~. --. W 4 11004111. Irb&; • HO tkiNahh,st un opt 111; . :t lL .Wilro ls°l lrl24' Itsa Na m: li B ItteMikaT i i, " ,fic - .4 w to , : ii... ''-'' T. 111 bblig. And I bozat :An '''' ' Faiffelqi3 bl tn rersitts4 in• ,; _ BARi.E —KB mein ~, , .'i, Bum , -;-, J ts, ..WBoluits iltecerosateßroduts , .i , . 7. ,_._...... . PRODVCIE: . . ', , , , . -i- ' ,1001 1xestiodiecith4itif , , .. .• • - ICC': , Allambute do ID mks Dd.& Peadheo; Wares: - ' I. ° bbl.• t i gw , YarkErud Vet: i:d •• •• 20 ~...,.. , StrattEL, riiksfrif I; - -- ZS ' •• liozo . lpy;• -': % : , :. , . z For mdos by . .. .1240: 33; deo=. ...11? ' mand la i stmt., • to:tsopo Memo= Ogiatiu; 23 do do LeDlOlll3O 200 bor. coils 'testi /tubes; 60 delo do • do loixtotall: tfral:d 600 ,4 ° c d.° To arrive and sor Wait** LibertY stroot porrisa, PLOIFIR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. IpPYtk,stri the e t c a , t . . o g i A b t i i ire&eat; , ' " ••-• -•' s • • / 2c r ie"! l • l7 irtanicialnintiaen CONDENSED- Cliraitt,-_Borden , *. ...Mint, tot up in ape pound Ms: also, Con tr le jej'Y .72ll.s ° , ff . ti.7Bl 2 l h At or pia ,Cunar.Libuttiatitaaastrae.... 0 F i , v : : , . 0 , I. ° •Aa►hao ly of gre ' rt, ' lrm k rout ree "re mi . x !.. sz l :,Liftiox es for ryilfie',4,4l"/Ar Hatrizio, at "Flair eroorry tia,r:roffbrialafi, fies ' . 7 . 0,4.44 ,..., /WO. A. ItprISELLW • , ...UM , ald /1.0441421te14; .: WM& BUCKWHEAT movit-- VglTrggkerL i vor of use, and for tale eat. q a aeaby Gehl eabrete! rem P 'V& dtunut - ,.. , f!pif_fpcl ,„. -aratkerikkEvet, w. _ALrpAJPERS--,NElly GOOD: , Awr,-unduide-taw Mosekeeper withius I.renew their IVA.LL pAPBISS befor ABaIYI"4I,IVgi.VMULVItInoiI el/et ECANSOI? - .11114, „Vint. .415 4 . 1904 4 _Webr. ,Waii:atiiia-Notastnt;L:i U ' on 7, _ - . • ,BQOTA Gt CALF soars. • ' A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S WEAR pr ETABX Dr4crct.r4oA., T,AI/TtSrIXEMII An elogamt oisorttnont Ba(morals, Gaiters, Oier-Shoes. &c. • :MMUS' BM/MEALS, 1:0=1 1866. Calf, Grain, Morocco, and Kid BOOTS ,S 6 SHOES Boys Boots-and Bahnorals. Call, Kip and Grain Leather Sewed, N4iSki end-Pegged CHILDREX S S SHOES, • And a Thlt and entnplete stock . of °ands at LOW MOCKS, at - M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM. 55 and 57 Fifth Street. MEMO j • A. ROBINSON & CO.'S ••• • • " tlasAT AN NU AI CLEARANCE MALE BOOTS & SHOES, WILL cosourxer tho 16th lzamat. I= Their entire stork se been marked down,. and will be-sold at greatly eaelneed prizes, to make room r their gyring Stork. Remember the Number, 61 Market Street, Nest Marto Barker•• Dry ()oafs Store. 612 BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST! AT COST!! At 00 31P,04:1e..rea teltrcat. Lam now xlostug out my euttre Otork of galeire, Dalmorals, Polish Boots, &c., cs , To make room for Spring Stock. Oreat Bargain, may be expected. W. K..IIdeOLINTOCK. feY. • Federal areet. /We ''TILL CLOSING OUT AT LO "..., PRICES FOR TWO WEELS LONGER, Boots, Shoes, Qatters, Bahnorals, , ! 1 DISPEPSIA..--Dr. 1 Strickland , a ak...raa civolsizes. ., rozac, • • canteen. _ --.-„....\ ' All thatare In need of good" Boot. and Sboes, call ; and ergs, ' 141.% ."- anti- . ' "/ "---- 4 . RS tit A . and examine our etock, and be conrideed Out we 1 adds and eartninatkre to ,CA '" • 0cf ...0. are selling cheaper than any other house In the city. 1 arena:: pea th e ~to mi y. l .,,d ~ , ,- , j \ a.,,,c e system. /Lb atter- ( • C:2 \ .T. S. 3341:11PLEEL.2ADTTI, ' tent remedy roe Llepcpia, . w ., . or Ind4.et anon. Nervous.. f.. 17 PI Market Strict, td door trcim , Fifth, . nese, Lova of Appetite, \\,............_} 1 t=c;fanTl e deMt e lt s a CO OILED DOG ' S. It. not macaws.; therorm Opi ‘ • particularly melted for weak, . I nerrone and dyspeptic per. . - ! isms. Par sale try all dp. rata ererewbere at $l. r bottle. E. SELLERS A 00. WHOLESAIS Aged i I m 1 1 11: , ! zwird i t i t , l4l MEN'S, BOYS' OM'S, somewhat solletwthsb wasn't - cgs. oot REGARDLESS OP COST J. fr. Carnahan It Co., . LADIES', GENTS', 1118.5E.5 , AND CHILDRKN , 3 Boots, Shams and Gaiters, ya S, eorngr ntk aml WPM nr.N... At iriggeta ' to(olt evantotly. . ..111 IP;141 hip) McMASTER, GAZZANI & CO., ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW JPlttembraxxigla, agg6=UVAllaatuFn?7'" ZedelitgiVrara""aaehl H . C. micKnEcL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. C. S. Lieensed Soldiers• Claim Aliens hnitntiss tor Wounded Isoldirm, cope4 l4 to as tea to twenty days; .11111 No. Graatitreet, Phial:area. with Dlualarg. and two witnesses. ash ay .miuurreutv CLAIMS, PENSIONS, HOLINTLEI3, BACK PAY nna Milltnry Minn or every description, collected trhe sober-Mr, at tho a =rag rues, Tin Pes e ntdra r gil lb° Attorney art LW, . Edmond street,:oppaate theCoort Hams 11:vIdto cl tire made If Mei etatordoee ma' suederd,4ndsll ams Internintion then gratis.. setar ' iffcrinwrr. Gm a. cOcinww. MOFFETT & COCIIIL&N, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, oFrigk• aro. '0 6IWI'T STAMM. L . P. STONE, • ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ep=" li3 , : l c;fiXeMoll4l BOMMIEC.;-.10 Mecharred 861- .1,5,1, 1 1 1 . 4 °U,,the 4 °l n!°! - Pre , ael. 8 "Iro/11.21 8 4 031 . 17100, "And soldiers wbo were discharged frov i lmrgt: service without receiving their Rover o cal Bounties, are reviewed tg call or send Weir ad drug to T. WALTER DAY, Solicitor for Bounties, Pensions and ran tos VIETH STREET, third door below the Or thedrel. All W. a. Publl* .nasa.zartmoir • •• • .AuccraewatLawi W J. & HALL PATTEXASONI44 v • romm BITE= Prerszmunt, PA., Ai toraps tor Colleenoz Cledos . tin7 .l.loln,menta, to 6l7Y ri dr . ACZ AN 14.101 Y 0 ie. 8, OM ACOO eirrnAM_u IiIIO I •INDZIITZUwaIA SOO 11 THE PENNISILWANSA SALT MANUFACTIMING COMPANY MEM MN vrw - rt.xixemeis, OR, iqiulphuret of Iron Poutsi!nada Man llanutaelaulag CV. °Mee, - Corner.fitt Streetand Duquesne Way. aug;ftear. Fir1111•1•FIUBS WILTIIII 1 •- • ••• • • LADIES ) MISSES AND CHILDREN?) tie C o. i'! * ; 77, V wl! sad emplete iambi Ever Offered in this Market AT AECCORIIf 4 1 C. C W-Si 71,7c0. 3.28 4, oll7cmciek imitrocit. kla:igf :LW ( 0 ) allie):V10 dj GARDEILIf i6 - 011FiVI I Af9/t fur . the reenteme, rhelelphla 33161“IDOTO • Oompautes, orth•geet. corhearWOOD IMO Third meets. W E. JONES, Agent for the North a_fg a rr a i s caeit , ..g..reviat e ney ilc "'" " IN? a t. . . tarrn ri a r • coerof *FM I:(0:4, (stlii6itiv*:%l AND OAKLAND GREENHOUSES. JOHN X. A A. NIYNDOCIA. //acewors to Asa. Nardaa, NIIIISYNTIDIN AND mann% Plgsbugb, Pa.. acreW alsOaD9l3 MAI: Seualve owes atrunt, sa , ssitatol i rsaarrargrokaa;grape sluehatia wee.. MAU Wand Passenger Cara nu a to the chaaabaaa... +Masa salaataa. '34DRIVUGHTI32II:" OENERAL 'OFFECE" Bad wbsizepaat .a.geazazr I sr. 12 Si M. MUM., near Etuspesulfili Brag. r: isaiiialqatifii li *Maim 2 1 1 6, aural. . • . zteer IMMFM tJ EPB •~ MEI -,c'.. fukva:w. R,.nti' , :rats. h '~~i -.v "`9' ^ ,a~ ~,'.~' ,~;, ! . 11uarPHREiri ' ' HOSICEPATHIC SPECIFICS: Hare y1ii444.. dour aft' MilatajaldeJaiii ti „ tire success, simple, el:Relent and reliante. They are the only medleinealPerfeMlF eddlmed Wpapal. toe —so simple that mistakes cannot be made In using them: so harmless as to be, free from danger, amis. eMclent as to be always cmens. N Co. / earesTRYERSJ Dena. LtiliMass. , . Hon I •• WORMS Worm Ferer, C0i15....... • • CRYING COLIC, or Teething of In. Lents 25 1 • DIARRHEA of children or adults.. m 5 DYSENTERY. 25 Griping - MC=loos ' a " cegiik &MMUS, Nausea. ?..1 • COD ILS, Colds, Bronchitis. ...... 25 S • • SEDRAI.OIA, Toothaehe, Fare ..... 9 " DYSPEPSIA. Billions Stomach • L It " SUPPRESSED, scanty and painfld •••• •••• .... ....... cs R • 25 la CROUP, hoarse cough WhitesW hites - it SALT HEUM, Faysipelas, Erne. RTIV.fIIATISM. allrbeamatte pains FEVER AND AGUE.. Chills and Fever' 25 PILES, Internal or external ' So is •• oPTIIALAIY, sure, Inflamed eyes.. SO 14 • • C ATARRIL !tents or chronic, lone on co 20 •• NV 11001'1 u CIAO; 11, spasmodic so 21 ABTlf3I n A.ppppre or , 27 • EAR D l2 O/11AIK:Vlannaired bear. in 524 criEll")biVicii.L.-tifrai.Acir...p'h'ia«i 60 •yeakuess : • D HOMY and Scanty Secretion' 10 M " SEA SICKNIMs, or sickness from riding 2 27 KIDNEY DISEASE, Gravel 50 NERVOUS DEBILITY, eeminat SURE involuntary discharges IS b trit i lLt i g T l i t t eC o oN C Tl m S It .•• PAINFUL PERIODS. even with M. • • SU B iflTrt NOS at Change of Lite.— 101. ao EPILEPSY,Spairins, Vitus' Dan. eta ICO As •• DIPTHERIA, ulcerated sore throat 100 raralLY CARLA. CYO. of al vials, sn moroccocase and book com pete 00 Case of 201arge 1110 In morocco and book 02 Case of SJ large rade, plain use end book 5 CO Case of 10 boors (No. Ito MI and book . . co A. rosiiiiibk, Corner of Fourth and Market streets. Whoiessie Agent, Yillaburgb, Pa. For sale by E. ALINEILMSmIIIineId etreete JOS. PLEADS.% 51 Marketstreet, corner of the Diamond Pittsburgh, and J. .1. EAST, No. ISt Federal street, Allegheny: McCLARAS AfeKENNAN, corner of Diamond and Market street, Pittsburgh. DR. STRICKIABIPS Mellifluous COMA' BALSAM lo . . . warranted to he the only Me. 0 U paratton known to , cora -. rs t it.= Sihtpl i tia l Tot e gt. rlfro e lfi b is 4 ifilretgr 1 ) TO Below nre7o7tred from Honey ad Para, it is he:Wagon:tit- Li r=llf,fletTbVf,t-111 affections of the Throat and Lungs Yor sea b 7 unhands everywhere. D' R. STRICRWDIS PILE BEN.. ✓ EDT bee CURED e • STD"PLlEtthrti C.IETItE FILE. it fir e. and Tiy el ft careoll: F 0 R t l jl . l.rti.ted to eon. _ or ule by al at I PILES 60 cents per bottle. gen:llYa R. E. b./. • 41..e..11 . 4 , J., WHor.ZeIL.I Atax.rre. I= prarnr YEARS • PBACT/C,F._, ElirrITAL D ISEASES Gives me a knowledge eel out acquired by Phial clans. My long reiblence to Oda city. andttisantoant of. pat o tente 'treated annaally by me, are istgetent p li,PiaSte iar rgastAkt,' or Sexual Weakness,:nnd all disease. align( therettom, are cored In • much shatter time then Tteretotore by my NEW VILGEIT AZLE ItEYLEDIES. Medielnea sent to any Dart al the Muni. All letter. moat 0001510 a stamp - tow rotten P ala If ' C ETI r Waft% h ti t e r d " grit and Adores*, J.W. BRILIISTRITP, u. 3a13:17 Box me. Pittsburgh, Pa; a!=s!=t! pRIATE DISEASES. OPE CE RON PENN STREET, near Hand. For the cure of all disease. of a Attests nature, nom two Also, days, by eny newilod sale treatment. Seminal Weakness, anti all other diseases of the genital organs and their prevention Cure warranted or money rehinded. ogles tionrs-7 to 10 A. st.,Ald to a. andno 8 P. R. Address letters W., Penn street. noir I RE FORT PrII FOUNDRY. 'CHARLES HNAP NEPHEWS • uklotrri.cromilla Of • HEAVY. ORDNANCE; I AND ALL NLBDB 07 EZAVY CASTINGS.' stilmaztecottit NIALMILIIWONN REPAINS att eNSSY ended to promptly. As heretofore, the best material. will anise e owed St nits roandg. pf.1411/Vl2lll 47LAIPMtortirp t wli wi u , , , mum, PITTSBURGH • 'FOUNDRY. • k i.soi . t. l ., aping A. GARRISON .co. . - (Bweesiteri to , Bannon, Ocirriam; ,Cdt,) FOUNDERS . •AND. AMMO • • meanilithetairers f Mined Bolters Ont . alas, far e n Nrees,Ziericopher. nold.atraer :4..logram! Indloatabber Worksialso„Ncia lox nl t til Canoe of ell descriptions, gar* auW, rt r i t zt=gl2,2 l- 6 1 2=allakU s tr g r i C4- . notate nod faorah le term. Off fet and WArehou.., Mi Smithfield. =met: Minaret. • - feidY . _ _ unalmur Vadurrax,:.,_ DHADIST /ETNA STOVE WOVSS. , A. BRADLEY ..ek CO.' Manufacture erezttritley COOK I PARLOR AND-HEADNAJTAVES• • Aluonit wntch we the celebrated .IMIXILL. TROilp i e and TALISMiIf stoveaa lC PUMANA, SRAM and Lltubtatwicli Mood Cook altwea.) Also : RATES, GRATE FR Am. - Wince And Warehowe r earnwof Second indtWolt „ : Mute, Iltubursti. - !Sattraneu• int dreamt COOSIDJO STOVES Parini. and. iny- Stoves., Grates, Frosts, . Peados, 44 • , _ au Moot Ro; 201 14bers719tritet,." ,/ =2, P te ? , -:, Jffaclitne ;Works and Ranndiv, mcri.isiarm air4 ;- fnna?r,.. z innzlian xtviaiqriarta., : e : e t 7~l Ir th aihnit'VrTenta attended C; rain' JOSIN ,UXltaint.. GUAM POWX:111 Jowl,, B. upluton & STOVE . NIANUFACTURERA . • Aim •' 4 , 7,2 xxi.c•ur 31P crcrnsxma As. Lunn= STREET. REAR sr.:cani- GRoMmli;raQvoim auf. WE OEMI "EOEI-1,410- Mir .Entire St4k, Art Groceries and WO tnrita the Attention if/teeters to our large cud warted meet which. we ate 4!tmla! or F.l?rng Vif e tuvrostrhai l igt4Mireliirp ` tied and DC% tipll4l) Z r WW ~ h irna t :ltfi l t r l e tt - t i ° 3 5 r . , 47. 21 = 4 htt t H tl CA"MidPVIMX°O2. Tr lrowt;• When'. tutportew IrtetWhiehy; mut titowisebt Blttiout rePPormthri*Lo ulrr . rev. t =r4i ,.... 4 , the IlemorfttabeeeNi=olrua Carew, linar,-13/twarXrd este twills and " %Tin "V e ia,4 Z . fe n : ktMg. • wirpinior 44:010.4 1 44 oppiulter the Maikett. Att 1 4, 4 14 ='..fittetaisitmftivir. •E, * . A lit:Viy__:}l:44l tl'ir.!ruthfainsi• macktiva4o l 4 .4 ' 41/6- it,11414 Mini* *BE% ?4, - '-ff2'4z;,,-a.s?f=viv,,--iouki'e:;f?g;:*-,1-4::i-&=i=4a;*:.:W•,:V,S"-- 0 risini ti): 4 • :4:1 .a.er 7 :-:1 -1 '.:.Q •-;-, _ , z't.,,:j,, , ..:'" !g'.....r':.,. ..;:.-. , : - 4 . .:::!; , ;.:4!t-3,I7RU:.;<JUX:e*-;. 111101 -‘ , pi :~n:~..; Y ~. 4:4 ME I a. KEWSERI- CURES CONSUMPTION 13ronehilltig, CURES COLD O, C)larest.if!lostlaixu% CURES All Diseases of the Lungs. • dloary Sir/ Invite b atteutloa to *hum of the molt tottilkOf carve ymy Pectoral Syrup. ctn lnyvlMofbun., he ytt w icu, bavlpemC*~'gg¢¢M .m Attend to Your Colds. atealrelM964l4' Qisa " psi* 1' itrstrghtaion, nua It, Plen. Do. •Ettlrafful—sill with • has bea Ja u afflicte ry d with a bad cough and t of breathing for ilreer sly gtie n es ' 2 l l7ll it:l en ce. • Thr-gid b p o lltt h it a s Vni u tte U r! ' eatery and she had been treated try several phyla. clans without any relief. .1u this state of her cam; premised soMedryourrEOTORALCOIIGiIIiTRUP. I bought, the first timo• filly cent bottle, which me tiered - her very mush; I then called /midget a dollar cedtle, which cured berentirelY. Nadine - Mane* a" trace et the ferrourt disease, medicine am would also state that / used the medicine myeelf to a . ocnedon !u exp r ess em medtenecnirfd ctmionw teeing medicine, and you are at , illterti,ke mildish this yoedesire to do ao. . W/LSON, 'Alderman, Fifth Ward rftyryntolurit, April 24. READ TRCITH.--D. Kleirulat:—l bare dadighter who hail taken seryeral medicines for a bet cough without gal., amour them Ayer'. Cherie Pectoral. I purchased Rom you a bottle of you Pectoral Syrup, and before. she had used hail • Ot.• tie she wu relieved. The -second bottle cured Err en ttrely of her cough. ; JOHN DALU/if itobipson street, Allenheily. Piresunnon, December h. that. A GREAT CURE BY DIL, KEY SER'S PECTORAL BYRUP.—I live to Peebles township, county. I. had cough and aplttme, which menced about th e 4th of Irebruaty last, and tenths. Inod elibt months. I employed the best phyalcuna n the country,. and my covet continues tumbatild until early to October. Atthat time I- mu whist) to try your Pectoral Cough Syrup which I did. en I after bad taken one bottle I was entirely free Doi the coughing and spitting. I had dearialred of ert getting we/ r and I think it should be anoint tlta tide valuable remedy wilt do for others what It ha chime In my exam JOllli C. LITTLE Wltness: R. RI. Kann. Feeble* townsh ip.. • • Darrois TriwNsine. April 11, MEL A WONDERFUL CUlig.--Emee time Ingo an o/ 4V - itabAr e o4 . 4 11i , ine vra. es. s t , ,,Lw no ith ► bed aaaia r. telatires told M ' s. ' ilia g r.t.; ha •I Intro ever . Uney he of without ImaUfit; bin brother came Jr aeakim die, and all were cm:dinned in the belief thet he could not live. I had about the third era battle calmer Pectoral syrup, width / gore him, ►ad it en tirely cured him, to We astonishment of nil. What mates the case more remartinbLe, In tne es/creme age of the Ma/3, he being about eighty years ola. hrm Ito doubt the Pectonal eared Ma life. JUAN DR. KETHEIIos PECTORAL. sruur DI ELAM- Vik.s.B.—Preaso Rood meshothersupply of ;unreal. liable Pectoral orrop. Almost everybody around ea has the cold, and are engoirina for Dr. Keyser's Pectoral klyrup. 99 WO have slxter.et bottles the Nut week, Ma h er , now entirely out. Mr. A ter and - kfr. P. Loth of Blairsville, Pa., tote of they 74 , 1 .:1 : 1 1 1 1t nt l o ra the i l . r . timbres. ris • Yours, sospectfuli J. 8. ATTERSON S SONS. Jauclary3o. D. PlTTlmolutli, November 11, lIIZA. thn EsTelige—Althoneh not art advocate of Paten . ) Mean:fines, In gehiral, It agordstne plesowe inde scribable to recommend your PECTORAL SYRUP. As a medicine. It /a welt worthy the attention or an) Menem lobe ma) In shy Manner be• attlicteo wit la °coughs, colds and h.:loneness ofiney kinef,audibr Ina peculiar qualifications for 'rumoring all that dila greet tdo sensation •Ittendiag a screen cold. I bare been, more orlon •In lay life,tageetgg ott.h the severest of colds and , boarsetlesa. At times my throat Winnd neeelne so closed as to prevent MP speaktng above a whisper i Sad try takingA few dom. er the above Syrup it wou relieve ute entirely. In recommending this medicine, 1 roustnnhasug. tingly say that It la the best MMedri fbnnd, purporting to cure the abl i mor 'tumid guy Madly be without this remedy foe Messes so prosaism_ • Tours, most respeoLfr.•- most reeTloiAtt r llz kr, J. Caahler Clatems , Deposit ... ea. WO, Itratcictl, UI& hae [tad 8 ,11. Keiser,' Clef Orttp e pr • had coat an.vena years Winding, and ert. , li t eertiv *aril Is Om bat mediate . f . of tbelsr W. ra tt? ics i, em taken. COL. PRATT AND Dit. NzYBEWS.PECTORAL, 151(1tIIP.-13A. ESTerat—.l.)gas Ereaselha delay army acknowledging th Renal:me of yeasPeelatat Coach h,nzp t e great Pleasure In any. Inoulattay tthnl eough, 7 ou antt the t one I iiiteg e a n ntre ad with. I have not used more onohajor the bottle; and can and do.with that all who sin Mot? - ed would Alva It, as fair • tr ial as I. have done. age the/ . 1 11 ha Proud to win. qt la no queen ntiliclue. would noe.soPer .ati9thar, such A.+ attack for Amy onelderation,or anynoat. . confident. I nit teethe more Raab , than:. ever did. chill Owns ethzewledite a debt. of- gratitude rot insulting .4 excellent a remedy. Yoh tie at 1 Stwel7 to 'haw tar hart° to Alfa regard as yoltplak Comma Council, ltttaboegh , N. —.I ant °strew:es to tuy tettow-eit alt whO • entartaiii don= can actin/It ntepe — mac ANOTHER: RIM. CERTMCATL.—DA lEZTai• BEE% , PECTORAL 'IWRIIPO.4. , hail hewn eaohnion with a'coogithail cold toe ainfincal Ineke-eo nod t that I could no t t r %ap. I lived he the advice add, Dna-, crtr, th a s % m old 31 10 11c1" 1..2.. - at r ' pr00:44 7 ,1 :Atte a or e.- potgret " 4 ` 44.lg4 etaettio.e*.ultrelY. - - , - . ittyriteoL - 2auto. ,;;t e r .13ritONTOX Plttabuirsk "STOP THATColl6llllo4.' , "inow emadothtis 419 fp Neyeers. On:Wood' *thee an d set get a bottle of his .gti Ventaral. and d i e d t ears par6 a, thr, rase must be desperate A ,, L fit pi Se mite the colthiprone hams evezy asy in told•catodwit Derhisie of. the leer. - Andlreinim-Dmii saga" sotpira rftninth tummy boOralPill.t.be advirevaidedonba non as abates. for -we hare tried the ••peeeettoortid,” in a most,stabborn. ease, 1014kisiorire entems, -Near twolreeke stows, intent -19,eittatairch,.mun . a9a0g tim mint dish'essing, &Wary. mellik,ansabdiusidl" roughs WSW'S? experienced'since _our - advent upper; thiamin:Wane sphere. C , <thinned h Steadily snit lie bar/load! for one whole weer, in opes ola thing la oat, but t woe no go: 4n -thet, it - seemed rather ao haw improved by practice,. and - to Mi res acquttet, strength, potency sod ithisressdnintY- OGopera tlea.- this. ctege o r the stem nn mmithrd our INF Keisers,,:h9. 11, ood street, proostrad cent bdttle of the -...fiestoral," took seeprdin g . directions, and lu amht hours we wetsiamter Grua sem, ten- saner bulbs toads but z ithrel congletrth 4 : weiia,,A0.747/4 7 0'NpAr,' 5 1'hsl, trggi QM", KWl3'fitt'ie mana PrePar 4z6d143/4 DR, GEORGE. IL ,KEYOPA, 'N0.".140" WOOD EMMET, M% 0 03:i32,044,. =BM Tone 1E , may. I:red Licd'.a6lo. 6T .. ~,., • r.. “.; . 144174 ! . . 4 1 1 II * tee* • a in al" .4;1061114 ;
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