MI=UM _ . tiff . ~1 axette. FRIDAY.,FEBRUABY Z 3, 1866. ADVERTISPIC RATES SEASEMEEtNeknifileitt . _ . " - STABDING 11&ITER, 000 Sooaro orlryis Lines,tizat wo.dia toe Liao, or 11.4 Loeb Spore. Dati„l3 ,i 4.4 Timi '.4:'i 7... V. tine ...... Nve um* Three tines Your times rive times Eight times tome. Nine time. Ten time.. Eleven Unmet • . ...... ..• TWIT times, 2 weeks Thr.vveekt• . . Two monuor.; .... i•• Titres litxmonths" Me Eta" IoIikNOFSEL Opt ......... Tire Three months... .G... : . Ms months One year PUBLIC OPINION ON THE VETO. (From the Chieinnatl Gazette.)sfore examining the President's . specific Mo I. notone to the bill, we shall notice his a. scooption that be Is the embodiment of the whole pr.pie, while Congress only represents stogie (Ilene rte. Tills is contrary to the whole letter and a pttlt Of OUT ConStltutlOM . The. preterodeir 'ls the more remarkable in one whom the people did not elect to the Mike of Preside*. Nor can he claim to be the representative of the late rebel States, over Congress, for they did not help to elect him anymore than they did Congress. And when he disables the power of Congrese because those States are not tepee-Minted, ho disables his own °Mee, for they are not represented In It by their own rofee.' The legislature which had eonsti tMicomi power,to put down the rebellion. has. the same power to settle the torms of peace. To disable one disables the other. (From the Ohio State Journal.) Set we have n° death to go IntOtll the Ob. portions which might be urged to the Message of the Preddent, in detail: It tuay Well cause dasibts in the mind of the Executive art* the correctness of his position 'when bells are rung and caps thrown up by the party which has, all throughthowar, given a cowardly sort of. alit. and. Oifort..to .the Eraltacw4gtraiouttheztritata:o4lZ.raellna, that the Oaaatifoetthltli have - lmtiled with such expanattola of blood and treasure, against open armed foss In front, and secret, insidious traitors In the rear, Is In peril from one of itecherished and. trusted de fenderS.' . Mom the Chicago Republican.] The teaser - President are those of a zaan'who, finding himself thwarted in his own policy, isfiletermined that, if he cannot have his ir.ty. no other branch of the Government shalrdo 50..-The billichich. halt beam met od. ptovi•leli only such remedbildsentharitfirifb: made ueoestazyby the fattener refusal of the States to a4ord the means of justice and the means of protection to the vast population now living as social and ptoilUnt outcasts. The Southern States refuse U. recognize prac tically, Os freedom of. the.blacksi Congress has provided tribunalSandauthOrityth_neOg. nice "and' =ton* , that - Frilealausiithee,wholti Souti4elingingninst.tentielously , ttcslasreoznr. are oppd to MEW. tribunals, and the 717 End. ,, dentsays the. blacks shall het have thbr-bil, Menai shieldfrimithe oPPretedo ll :o ,fthetrloril suer owners , overseen, anti pppretsono The Country will learnWilhamatemesitthat the President has vetoed an -act,wbase, might justly have been see actto et:dousether WI of rights: , [Prom the New Pork TrlbUne.] i There in not one rebel, from Canada to`Brii4 ell inclusive,. who Is not enraptured by thlir veto—notn resident of the north who rejoiced over the.. Union defeats at, hull Run, Gainews Mill; Groveton,,Fredericksburg, Chancellors. villa or theChteltammn, who does net bless • President Johnson' for uttering it. Perlinper,- therein , continue thus fervent and perharts not. Leans patiently observe and remember, [Prom the Lancaster (pa.) Inpresel The true friends of Andrew Johnson—those who stood by him when rebel's and copper heads allhe sought his ruin and defeat—Mill deeply regret that .he should. Deno radittilly , IV=d to a measure which visaed 'Alb of Congress by attrodhirds subs, and necedvedtheupprobation pr loyal peripla north . and south, In some of his objections Ibe Punt lent is certainly in error, and the ton ference between him and Congress. Isti so stoical, on some important points that bin veto cannot be Rurtninell by the rthareseeta t Ives or the people. (from the Philadelphia North American,' On carefully considering the c LOWS express ed by President Johnson in ids yeto m we see no reason to depart from the =a we assumed in favor of the Freedmen's 'tri reme bill. at the time of its pasrutgo through Congress. Our great respect: Art the-Presi dent, and approval of thogimendpaliey gotq. coning hie administration, Impresses us With extreme reluctanee to differ frOto..hlutott measures of 160 muchiruportance as that which has called forth Ids veto.' If -we could, con sistently with a-sense of duty, agree with Mtn in thin care, it would afford no as much pleas npa to do co as It now gives us pain to ,lo the ref [WOO. , - . (From the Philadelphia Press.] , We can best understand oar Duties in this isbiemn emergency by fearlessly stating the. Dangers of the Republic. Among these latter may be classed the postponement or .defeat of every essential. amendment of the National t C e n g st re it e u d t m io e n n — otfb A e be m Sc i a ss tt i h o — n ttho e u E m e b utroe of op• position to ev ery bill for the Onpßoverneo of the„ District of Columbia, including the po cal' and civil elevation of the scald - ant colored moe—the morgue imiticrn• in every, inthrigenk section :of the remit rebels—the expulsion or dinnorAgOlnOnt - or free emigration to ..the Sotith‘-n system of wide and Merciless pro ' setiptlim Of independent and esmunit men the pardon, grip; the bonombie restoratioirto their rights, ofJefferstat Davis,iitnekf Widget and the leading traitors; and thare . snscitatian, by Federal patronage, of theme. tire Copperboad•harty; These Are the Dangers. of the situation ; Dangersihowever, that •may be anticipated. andprevented,lf Me only WA And fearlekairi the linowledge And lathe; discharge of our imperative Duties. Andel:Mt, are these! In the /toil plate to sustain those faith- Jut and obedient Representatives to COnstrett, the organs, as tbetpLare, 'eau , loyal mititotts of the Repubitc,in their semi: almost .Irnafil matt, van javor 'Ontotriat . suffortgo,_anct in favor of Me b Winn 'voiced by IX: tProadatt, 11 171 cm the lioston Advertiser.' .. Toe grave character of - the lame tlins and. dears , joined betireen the- loilltlintiVe and ktli. entire breaches et our araveranitut , arill..not esespe:the attention of- trar 'reatlerai , -It is en. juice 'Which It was worth mach setionirnifirft to avoid?, ntator the la WM-deaf oartilirkintr, ITS and mootadderable,lmt fOr,the itakeof rational interests,mbich are nitariep•-:. tons and eternal: .11ir ti t r ipas Unload rcticer4- we - knew not how' Con can - - decline - to Meet lkOoenly and r; rage' irtmlirllter certain atlpport. of tbe great s gilgaghet. antartgail-Pedige.ildiVitelarat a —Jar Out Conran marked out alike ....ell: aa d ritgTr demands i Clr rvert " i t a i rfig e gniiilli . . ' art , Whilifit timatbodoneed r edthaf tliFiviin naTtli.-14;.einne::artbe:Itialitientbl „ , Now tle'yertheless "regret nrecedta he 14 0 should have deemed lt duty to Ye with held weapon:mid from& eittrare 'l, .not- WWI Irtitlaftkl'itlP - ?bj nablo Yr eitat-s,. *tad _cil",' milt t o le , ,be *Merritt sta., PlieFigli. eialair':‘:'.',:.:;•,f c l,, 7 o , 44,loiiiliCOilliniSdadlLL4 -LeILLiII:,LO: fonovukg,cs=terix the Ipresenr OpL!thina of - per Grautli opinion or 14 idinission either Sou th ern members as expressed iti a tisk an is, th at tithlta - wfiblthe 3004 aroll oithe';SleCtintbneralleastla n g : • Mir liMrrokl ant; a4 l ol s 7 '.- Vrnilth "ltt V... . .= 4 4 l ; ' r ..u... ..Lola thera ware elSOLironEtrine, so m =ta= ntie re ge e tvai th erig, Of the Freelltherow - BuresubLlti L. SaloSto'thitrolattliat OnlYillnLY =l_l .Migalf:/MutrnAg'm'neT"!:l.lll! at Vat avingoi:it..Svoniinee JIOr 1 - tritia#W,;4s9. is Irinc i lksie oppoltioaXo the aLLlkdrairlil:Lif, failiss4e/ser SaVannah thunOn. nwnkttm, departure TolWresreiaey.e: TbezeiftMentltheineit peetalsoweaLtheyottlareheadowahlley.mtreer; - beedlidloy-thelf Ovine eerrol4 . tbevnatWUsdeoli . . ors flosttrit e etheernat , Strullpit." , iThuti • day by day the last veatlire of roll tary power . In being -wlthrlnten from nor- State, but It will no Oman Lc n tdig Clair t.eforo we shall witnessehetotal withdrawal of the military from our bOrdera. Onethtno it certain, tt woad not tee promottot of the safety and todfare of Untantits to do en. B°'B' OVENcOATS. BOYS' sums. Ailatyla and_Shm. A WOE _MORDENT At Greatly liteduceh Prices, • ' TO OI,OS E OUT WINTER STOOK, 6841 It L0614X, u.:ls:===i HMIIT G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, 01 nrit - ant nut,', . - ITTISBUROIL Pa. Taloa* ma *mord In annoancl n g . to his nataorms outman and thorgaldlo m and ;OM his poroM tae and arrangements lot the mem aro sow completed. Win g nom personally oolooteo from the arstAelsso cloth boom In the Nast= elt/mijd suds a elan of goods can malty Ds ',mimosas te v flo enalmsoatno n*Lan appreilitddogyi.og. too Ini=6 .man : 4 P a "1*". ' ' ln %luso buck. wigrorth.'" u l t ri ect o .= . st4 m onosmated MS In colors, gag - amid mum% g o f tfog e s=l ,sylmnst•secepv, Ve L orrainorgULd • yoca,liiliar ,rasa' = - .4.1441/ it'St ...., • .: .t i.:r_ .:.:~ 5 ~r ..... ~.. ~, .S ~- F :+-<-_ 1 a ~ y;`.a , ..- ~t~r,_,a-k.1'.':y~.~~~r~?u...:5.&,.b. a4'F .Ss., .y~~..:i«.'l~.ra:--4 `Y - ~ i ,>s"+-J~ ~ ~.S§.:raw~t,~'-«z.s's.. ~...1~...Y_" A.,+.0..7+e i ~_ v~ -xa .._ +,~1.,..,.:r..T:,.~.-/.~,...,w',a r Ci4~i Ens..., OPERA Laser AND MAICACKIizSe.:-..,...AWN/ Effatek. Farewell:l .. 3o , l*ft . . • 1111 0WilAVRA KEENE. yreisated the as. Irteh Mama, enttuk the WifiIgORIRELANI); Or, The Dosogh. Ndt~Jaul.i.n l Leette. 111 rebeariil. LOST IS 'PITTSBURGH. m EITn:EA p Loma Alorlligiaacza....Wil HEN DllilliON Benefit oythe POlialar Aeirag.a. MISA JULIA DALY, Who will twill* Jelephlna and Sally. 71001 appearance or the ligrarlie Comedian. aer . Tuis EvuNixo. will iar presented the C'omle 3111 S Maim esti - Mediae -•- MILD OF THE REGIMENT. In 2 Ea 101 as 810 1112 1101 1113 6m MVO tee) 22 IS OD 260 360 7150 • 7150 f CO IS U. V CO JooephlnA Tone followed .by the POOL OP TRE FABEILT. Salir s with sons Mai Jolla Dalr, To conelodivlth ' DOllOll7O POE A WIFE. • ' ... Ity., SS. 6 50 160 um n 66 mm OollypOp s iTl4;llllii , •efi BliAlk GRIM MAC, gvoimg, HIBEENICON; Tour is Xi-alma:id. The ~,Nee. 01rn1lrEMbit7013 In rittabllrjh hu ludefeed the Maokeer tO_entertain mentsthree more entertain ments Attar 71,1 TE BAL L, , on eaturdayi4liondaY• and Tuesday, February eltb, bttb and 'Mb CHANG/COY PEILFORMANCE, A new epleoti al entertninment, yr rarest exPresely fer_lbe Tither nicon, entitled THE RAUNTEU GUIDE. On. BARIsICY IN TROUBLE. WUI be performed, Intro laf the e., F.01 . 1 . 7 0 1AM Idol tong "On r_Co n the Dal y," ` `Oh! Doo t Yon Re member," "The Watchman, •"`Our Veer Rowe;" introdoeing alio • (Molt 5C15116, or Splslintel .Idani festatione. Characters by Xr. Chao. Mae troy, Rim Annie tiombill, Cora Brown and not. Mac EvOT., . . Athrlititalt‘titntil ellndlYZ4 11 cents. Doom open at Terelock; perform:Lane to begin at quarter to ec'eloek. • GRAND MATINEE .ATURDAT AFTERNOON at lo•tiock. &La W mins HALL. • THE GRANii • EXHIBITION OP THL , 1:DN.44 4 410.XLii00 : •, .„ .'• . 4:iii1114,41.4, 74tv.. -. .••••• • ,-- '-.7Pi.-'!'-'"... 4584*.*•251.0dr _ WEL LBE Asitt,i.TkilisiliE9l3 - 12m, Monday „EtOilizt ReSZNEri-'isso: Tickets to emits. Perternieneett I o`eloet. '', "NANG/1.4.• MUM. .... ...., .... .: ' - TOLLA . TFMI!.II.T4 -'' EXCELSIOR HAL L , uts4ISEN t CU'! row.iikw EVENIHG9O3t.T. - • ..;:-;.-; 1: , .-_6lol:iateme.r..` •' • I namititat -.ail* February 2s, ... . burley' s New and Beastlfidly - ' ILLUSTRATED- TOORIJFARELAnt m " ,04 . 4 a 4 1b 1 e" - 4.941'4 - .140Fiii4 , 44 , It digital. 74egeriVettire will.lie 41in-red :et . ' iniry Mr.. XIS, p . .. .i V i4I W IE ne UV 1 r 10=M* .11 ga'4ll2ilues;:-....k.r0 ,tia g astb.g. A the sonic Ar . 1114 Wes r 1 tag °giber, nen: ....Pei Mein. . le,: Alts K &Tit ttiNlitENC4iiiii . ,igigigg Men Vo calist and rinnist i nill also appear Oen evening. Admission Vtrir tt e t i u - fei.luLnie. _..,... TH OMASHLEI , Maumee. SPEC ' NOTICEa" IarAIVEIR , *•A6II3IE LITRE; En-the - Speedy cure -mr hatterstittence!, 'or tee Bersdfiehe llMT4 4 :llmixteßt i r r A tiMirli! ;aI V 4 - 4,fistiettfer Oa Whole of Oldfsfoem dr. tin nSiaili&grati. Ornlntany Inn 30- laria of orfaseMitta • Neter *MI Ague lama:Um Gulp or the miasmatic loolson.' A ;Met- variety . of 4/sOrstere arises from Malmitatilin, in .malarions districts, *Moor whith - atst`Neuralgta;„ Rheumatism, Gout, .lie dacha Blindness; Tootnaene„Rarache. C atarrh, . I As hma, Palnitatton,PiMinal Adreettonterthe - Sulfien, I Hysterics, Vain In the Bowels, Colic. Paralysfs, and • Derangement of the-Stomach. allot which, ashen originating - In' this muse nut on the tinermittent [roe. or becomeperiodical. Thls • !Ctrlti" expels thapalson from the Mood and thou CURS than all te. , It ts tat Only the ost effectual remedy iii t 0 dieoreced ihr elites of ,ditmplalsita; hot It is flue• cheapest and - moreover la perfectly safe:: NO bin. can wise from Rause, end the patter:Marital eared la .left_ as healthy ts if he had never.hal theillacese. Can this be said oral:Taber core for Cbtlit anti Pe , rev?-late tree of this, and' tabrnee to - those' afelclnd with the eomplaint man hea ter estlinat fed. eo sure Is It to cure Me rimer d:A cue, that It may L. truthfully said to he a oertain remedy. One Dealer romphdus that It Is not a good medletnir to • sell because one bottle cures • whole neighborhood. Prepared I. J. C. AYER d CO., Lowell, Mims., and sold by B. A. FAILS ESTOClillit SON A. CO.. by all D Isis. . ! ailintmalawr tgrEtETROUVic-IVEI TUHHISH JANVOLENIAN sIAIR TUNIC— THE Dur.s. 4 INETE AND kisnmniEDor TURKISH BANDULENLA.N. B**nouTer's lmtazsu BArreol.tinfaer. Whet min be more aeocptable than enythlote r that will besutyg/ tldit wiltreatore nature's dotal etopplug hewn' from Tallier eat, restoring ha es oral color, making It to grow In %aortae= and beauty, assist inputting keepaccording_to the preunt style and fashion and It In plate? Thia.nstroiserjes Turkish Rondo te• Mon Dar Tonic wttl do and - for proof we refer you to any person who has tried It. It is ackwledged to be the beauttilet of the age, the only Ha lo Tonic "Wirt 1.4 the “DandOluniatA wie•lt Is probilleitendAe N free from all metallic poison& that axe contained In most Dale Colors and dressing*. the extract of. many flawert and bmits,heartiMily pot- DN . = ornament Kt the toilet. - • - • - For sale by all Detigghtean=holMode. 16:111ILLIDIS•lb , . • ••• - • • • CO. Princlpa Depot 17,1e:raked States Vanadluk. • rALMIER a CO., • • " • efo.4:9lfarket ehreet, deloL7meOditirT tar ILAHE •SEPEMOR - COP.PER,MILLANO SMELTING WORKS FAUX. stecintbrst co. mr:rereorittriatilita r l 01. T COP It .ZM.II„. Alma,_ raarr,laram, ... n PLATE, 11 IRON, WW2, AC. Cans Oval .. TlatitZAS , JILAINICA Ma TOOLS, Affair* , .tia.lo Warr and IinsOOTD an % ts.. tra sw.m a ordempatarsawt gut 4 " larinTiranThWlL SAW WO It RUBBARD:AuiIL2 a, _co. ..x...entmlo-dinii. - PATEN'? 01101 IND Ctit-- .... -: ', Warranted CAST STT.F.t., SAWS, or MI7 &MOP. tlon. .row-Cat,afill...Waley.C Cisag, and all other All kinds of BNlvra and SPRlNa p roada from I grltgiVidNkr . e.... 342"4 JUI. AN 11 . • Rrin : LTi MABIZMINTRA agri .N r , 2. :,__.,,,,,...!, „ootnAr , op re •WLzaannA Partteul%WentoOthitt r i&A and atralOtealngelrenlar Am; also, et WA*. rampaftig 11, Minas done at he lair 'MIL BARBIIIILI. £ Coo` llotlerMakers a eitetirollWaits. X. 20. wk. Ms :am se plans strais. ma um li fi rrer u ZEM'oille tts ar UP A Z -sla T li r El I taanntaetaro *my dam:Optical *MOIL to bad manner and yarns anal an sit of s u ittr ° DAVSEPA ito ALT PA d e - Otr r ATIL... " 3I,. JusITA . 24,? ,ieklltOthißlZON, flionettrekelitlit•AMlSAl°4"'W Iiarg.AREAwsTEEL wawa,. , zuarprzEn. ob cicri ISMNITIVIVBRAWRAM7' .8 1rtm.- t em-Armmatemetimrsiam m :Tmm.ml4.p. •i £., CO r 411144 a4Vee ‘ cari % ls T.lOlO 1 1.414.,*2 MlTAl44idr,woß APAt k.ft.=`""AIgIF;TaFTWAPI"a• Ora° Tr' k Eannthaturera of N VAULTS AND 1000IITICIVErr AlLylEdg gal I Li li tentin SECOI . J ... truLat THIRD 2lTAn.wr.... recta Wood- ' and woOniutsd tortorloty or ter! opt.. _ ' M S Iw ITI II I4NHIOR 5h.4 1" 4=114 Ono Loto. bOTL nntIA °Warnings Om tontga OLJSO QS farattNlloo o I HOW LOST.. CLMAE PEE= HUW.-10ETOR6111-inst Ad, rested envelop?. Vrlee Oneonta. A LECTURE ON THE NAT÷HE, TREATMENT and /WSW Core of WITH !Versant° *tot bomb* WoOrnsoo, involnatAry JOnnislotuL Waal+ MOUE, nod • sniprOltnents to liaffilge ntl a Wurri g i r oUWX ingirAnit, MP* Skl. l et vitt, E. Th? Boon TO THOUSANDS of ISITIT tent under in plain aoral i l'run• Dut y. Paid. on receipt of r two pith.. 1 1wIlIT Dr. J. C. Off wert., 2ol W NOUS,. a l e 9 jt 4 . llll + C'!" Wain." /MT' TMWM t igir TO OOS ;417.Matgati; orrorrionmes:- , AFretomaggesasoia , .beelveditared - bedalti 1 Dew andel:Loft tateiumestroutate :=L1V=1.!%.217.1 4111 a.... II btu emtures sae weans rape. On 4aCINCIIIPt ,of fel ..soltresard .111V 10 .1 . 111.01 i f.ft 444 SCO7O , sitte i taftl , l6i)ATZicaulaiiiiilan. 'Watt, ;.,, • • . SENT os to lbe old and . 465 . younik . and- of P. lay- THE .11EUERALLKAZIAMECWI, Fresteni Ar4f11111401011 , 411111a. orstr&ti AN titZto4. otrila,Mt,r l3 lg i 1= 4 "74.-4 TEAVXM•Arm , • - • - tuimmuistotwronaneuatz.:ph t ,:. -.A.dvertiseing, Lautolnim+; ll Enl AU; WITH Tilt Airt*,rokfwPltim44.- th iri .3 " . ll lMEgti r r i t ntro r aieng jrn a ,e ,and null. Pf toi. 4 n on. 1.4 Wll.l t reffitiad ies tte A • dress ; 8 0 r 01,1 .Q 4 a. <':'. iii].:. ,stn 1866: ----- 7 - tA8664 ___ L um,.....a. -Vans 'lir: , . 7 toireslalg, W eW ,.. " *. . ). meats am a TIM.. apple nal yes* tassi.:o. 41•14- ~... . Oust Is undo.. wtthoom ~,, 1.. o f . gestfat_ttaj to sto i na I%= theta . dv ltalittom 111 47 .!... mall M7g.:lirgt:llatherto Sir t ry o a Dam ardente IM 1111.1. nitrated ln West. Whestgeld Toraustdg, Matilea ooa rmarts. . The. traproMMllAfe. WI 4..rwdl. . frt t e monde* : i grants se.. wittaltrocragolt UM, Car:; . . L rlsge bothilt,'geradOolltsa bon Am. oven . aluairste.stionZir nodpt~ gromettboat-lIKI hell: GAz ETTE .1apD1a.., ;r ,.. v .1.,i tti ,„ 1. 4...16 flea = • c:211... --- 4 4- , - ..V •,T&-:,': r • Also.n3farut brae. improvements are a large too mem ~ . . ands Wye Crown ban': ITS acres visaged an Alper ; a grad smte elf cialtivationt &Jona, ups. orchard: a i tne ,3 i getato=o2l.l._Tn . en tttotarans wilt. ' . —L"'""irs., 41-1111,-beJold , Atso, the beat farm In ratite. township. Win. moreland county, Pa._, containing 1110 acres; about ! Smiles south or the ga. 'RaMma. The mom. , menu ere two large hewed log houses: one of Use 1 largest aretbastleaaragureggliribelannnWzmio ! apple Orchard:a ..The who. Mara- la trader. . lame of cultivation. The fencing is all No. I. • land Med the very beat limestone: about MI acres cjlarird . rie thlare p s i t W.,,Nr i l i mi 6 Pcatillat t i t ' sold at a groat bargain. Tha owner lel=fal engage other braille.. Otherwise Improved. ` 'n . I . , ...nuottk!F-airf94 4 °;:trPiu wow* i per sr.. Aliso, a Warm of to iiiMi, Situafe . feiceandiess 1 towimip, All bony county, I.!.,Al_raitilma. from the eitet good mum, a .raf-seetteTtiut * per t,wlllal i tbls voillAble ,prrgre4y very spew , a For ttirthertagsahlrtt i v e zt•- b i tt - iie;r:, , : • • - • No. iti Tourthutlle' athmik,MaDmy V PITWIEFTECia. w,,BEUOKU- =='j PI.TTSI3IIReII GREATLY ENLARM 11.N7a TWELVE COLUMNS 1 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS I -- NO INCREASE IN PAU The Afternoon Edition fOaPI3.ZII Gtr 13. Ws NIT ir 3E3 Has been Enlarged to the Extent- CZYJIP TWELVE COLUMNS, UNIFORM WITH TIIR MORNING EDITION, WITHOUT ANY INCREASE IN NEISCRIPTION PRIM TlinD nWrising Edition Will be Varnished lo Carriers at GREATLY REDUCED PRIOE3 Delivered to Subseribers IMI FIFTEEN CHM'S " Liberal samIIIIITIMISIume been suds 037 iSPERiII, - ififfilTO;i:. i IRON Tllll LetuliNZ News Clelitt'Ex* PIIO6III 1 FIINLIIIIIIIII. Local News, MISCELLANY;_ Wink Forams and .Doonorstfe , CORRESPOISEICE, J 3.35177::/ NLINIL !MINT TYPk THE .G=EMTE NOW CLAWS TO Ble The' Cheapest and Beet NEWSP APEW • I= Lot in Pitt Towzughip. 11:21QUIRE or MeMASTEM, 1410 • ; /avnanits datlnit imnailaidwinktaik figegirn=2 " i r trflalait =tor, Mains room and kltebta on lot ,m 411.3011 attlalratl PIM ball; cellar and waali.l2VEtnas =l. 11 , an • • • • minisSter.• • • n. B. MaLellwatt.l-405.11011dIonfapall3 nt. tU 102 Fonrtta Anita' a: - 1 ~. A , • 4 , Ir a' ' ' '' .." ' a4lif t , hate In , . SoliPha„ coup about On - ea • hit- • . . _P Bo bars . %Mae ,•-% • ' 1 .'• •tr Dom prwremanta ate, an •• Fnu_ be ..UIW: oast, with • rooms, weft . or .1 . :;sztat yr od7 etrga ii ail i vk i U II very belt stabling eoniuri cavil house and e a th vel e.r a . o .. i ... 4 t_lEg e I' LV t 'p ' art, Inputee of EL .TO 211,. Baal .N e. s. N. lailtouith,ctreet. -- Ina , FOB • -7414 1 ax * O 0 A 1, liots - inn i 4 doisAtiow . A North-Nestor:a :54 1 alloolAiitOtA TW6' OIsIID T Outs vela:: of AVM C yR UL Ana vez or • tAq • • .WI-J. l'Atring:Otr.:' Oen No: 144 - hoANI • i j , ___l • EST COLL S. 3.-: LEGlmir x COVNIPIr-Alt/' ete field • ' Than say latter link Tf . 1114:1! es, and smelling!. . rs:.llhrlizreh gadertatdorithitee ed . • There'll* tshibethl Ot . lusioston: .:n we r elgtble lb‘Sl but top ; D.O b le t 'lnte% =ligt of two rums. 11 dtn ..isan T r 4nl. de. ' dwelling Maws, barns, stables, • lelllt ',AC. . Vie . coals Mike very Deat - qualttiand eau berated:lt: nat Wait open tat the taws., e coal arilltra :rule-, posted over the -17t111115untbeirrille 11.11. road. the firms Sylnisekose tollus orltunteld. and by the We • • Jonee . • ' 01 - 111 - V ferry, . red St irl i ttl l 3ll , lNtlet nigh, COAL AAD. URIE , :!-IWElnit FOR BALL—On th e (iteeee , , litsUllesse. ' &1171 7 1 1 1WISTITINIZISSO ARP muds: SIX AMOS, - __ _ ewes saidliTeteritioareos and Pier Mil. sad other ih rs h eir=teeres ot COAL: without the Sartsee ebjetelesi esbore. Mao, Fro tarps steiewasTa Station. eoVentsal Maimed. emituoing IL lieoZi r Wes. -, Tonna:her particulars, ui WARO, , • (Opposite thecisheam) too No. 110 want street. OR -Fartgoxialbilning about= seressitztate Jolrttson township. =Wo ' UTDo r taci i r titricVdtli. th lt * O laspeanwistaitsits IWO star, Brisk liana with six soonnotrome Valise, tiro with six toms ttil b tlicat . twflif m a r loLlMLingigt o ds ma nna ot v g hottzt Wif r ose t zty tr d weirloceted inrita ' sosti sonar ist Lt ot tll e iles74to * TwaiTZ illamononhaio. TOWY.II. Baal .ltsitaito Asont. - No. illtlissarthothosto - • ULM, TRI• " DWELLING AND OT.—/ botto:sB Rely*** We( Story_Brlelt Ireelkinienotheljoid L04'61044 at Wo. .10 Wmos stre,Witearreres street, with - Deuble Parlont,Dia. hap Zom Sod Meshes we Mt flow; 4 , olteaebt.re with te la sr= tj a. V. 1.4.4 ' .4.0. 4 cwi Oboe, with, w =H I "' . if desired, the fats wh As. ston -Mal or ,tr. Yee tar at Se tutdO7Mit of • . >7 w: fecetIIZI.A.WD. mievr. A , . t ! • Aron sAme,.—A ea:memo-atom , tiCk .10 INKY 61111=0091111LbOrtor a t snare Utoulft444M A rrtelalgarl wen Anna elan lOU'S tstnec near_ ATMs e, as lbo 4L , 'env a .1111 oS taw. • Wahl* and ineeetagn boson on the lot . • 110 to BteUs Stocks ins • , rner et d calla aztd Iv - •• • d,aast, • r• •am as came tr'T . • ~.. =IMO it . 'told S. . 1 IL . ea Yare%&__ a a A IF ' :. 17 A , i 1* " STREIETititt . . , N il t I • e i du• • . ... At ~13 a i r lira. r , ell . ' ' AO •' N t w. ei .14 " . ...,2 •.• astrauttraid... 1 : 41 '1 4 _l6-callaiiiid 1 7 rams . 4 . ..- ri '' ~ , • ravani Ma lOU smut terism Setlarti. • , i et ,i , . • oir,, ,i. 4 513311g,1,:t ,1 7 1,....: ..... '.sh reurtfirtrett Lan ' iI d, SAILE-' sltaated In ik iTitsa : • NMI " l ofOnt~ri Y. ....lcated In 11160.soAse=cl aa wIW SID care for • [dead. Will sell - •••'..1 • • - 171 .a.v iti "2 6that c , k it4 e imtp.. CouT/14thi•il tsga ' n seres. 1._coo # 1 ; "11 2A_.M44II.III3OILLZT' 743141=10 5 gVi u gg t arrv i liw i truir • Attu 4a • ibandaape. Me : • t ale pad tißtste •bAnCirect;-' FOR BALE 166 3Yclrbs "` lof L~(wt,'. eltaete la itnlias*Peflebilleslll4oo44V. Penns., nentne [IMO a. if Vers*su itlyt h. dere7 urn, *lulu sa r , t i t ter. No. hi& toiseo ,tK s • ;$ h you can purchase TODwe of t Grouse Ars. pa ,tl i eg On User stree Alleellea of crib alter a r crelk - sou $ ss. oasesslon Idt • • —wit mot as s9oLinse • rN grrgwA47l4 ,, -11agic, °ao. LAM it CO.- WAsol bELslotOtaVS• E ti l vo klav nnVAREHOIME. Vim ICV I TF st 6. roker Inl3lositattl 51 B k oarAllIr4.0:141511 tell BOBING- 4 TWAS:4 JA 3 IU WANUFAMIMPitT IMPROMi 0011 !JINXING Oh, Baur AN D. lift*llltri.L N0.L1e..*40.40441t rittliatitgt!..ra. Tooliiirtaldaiki . ; effete OrlleGi6o Ali r : . • •• - •'; Wistragnitaniets'u ire rreemies?r u tt, oadsCt i 9" •. . I : 1 74 Alt oS, .9,12Wi !AL te,Onsf4' pET AMUMia - AICIXICAr t . • 4 v., " lin . . 1 4 ( 10 1 . 1 0)00/40010. • r. p irat i r` 111 , i o ' .- """ •• ' '°""urstausal.. . • , , 1 . 4 41 - Ys. . . • „ 4 , 1 • • . ttr., ' Rata . 4 51TBANE k ASSEII,COMMISSION ssadeuersra nowt . exam d D OZ. Becoltd - Ireel;betio.sk WOW and flalstalounpk,'. . , 7..84 4 141'7 iIItiPPAILD ' AIKEN and animdsataaakmhant., and Was In „Tondo and Domestic Pruits;Plour, Satin ...Ctiemal ? , Kr ucr atas . . 1 4Vate gettenall. str itab.rro. attsetager wpo -114LBLEIr, Produce A-1 and - Onalintralon Merchant. Waxen:am NO. ix .LIBERTY STREET. Pittsbbtus4 rg i t 'a. Wholesale dr:alex Cheese. Lard, Port. Sawa, ia Batter, ,Itearth m Tallo w . Feather., Brooms, otatoes, Ram -141- .crofts, fleeces Fruits, Salons, Floor, vegan, (Sayer Seeds. Ttersothr Seeds. Flax Seed.. Sawa and. Realtry. Particular attention Oxen to Prodtee masuments. auM Asaumw Vt • lidirok Ir. BON, Com Minion JVIIMAIKri NABADeaI en In nous. altr a giamwm 4 oPtg:g argis c ,fufgro l U SatrarM s utvaurr -- 19EnErian . . • ... tiSuceersor to Tdoetedora & Llobirt) fe c t i t . 1,4 r tutd Gram. Produce and COMMIUIOII lio.'ad LIBERTyfiTREET, Pittsbur&O. ' felny Elf t SACK, N0..1 and 2 DIAMOND, aitt#y trIMMILLOSAMS d.e tiS=l2did dealers la Flow. Grain and Pre. steludee brands t' Arotir e t t 'erSlftre b a b a Tunny e tonlit o / 11 / hand: Yertleular" attention psld on ur :filling:mar efor Merehandlse generally. eekly LITTLE, RUUD PATTON .I.llgli ft Waal ntrocem Chnunlssio4 nLerchantss dexhiti rrOduCe. nour. lizoon Cheese. Fie C.rbOn'iThl Liaa Iro n, 'Nola, Gnus, CottOn •.ililllll and W Pittsburgh manufactures generally gig =lll4 Second street, Pittsburgh. MPK.Pa BECK & CO. No. ISO - " 3 "" -4 Y . WO, rftWhareh. Pa l Wholesale liese A ere s On= on Iterchents one dna era An Conn larje.SitgaVo knA i , ugript.e7, ran ee, aced Le.:Sall:34l Lime: MIA dealer BatW pert„ " 111:s 6° iont. bt', 4 111, - Inle e Yn - WN MOIL Mind U Front street r rttlunnt 4. .y aßa ''' t v ----- '''''''' hfeelailryt .14 311' tract • quingg ~tuslat,..ge.°2,sl-thertr atr !OWN . IC--131wAILII Ilosrar..wurn. over: J01121.1,11011SE.& . Succes eery reuvnoaH,maermab 11 u o ,.Ac o W n b te o o s r a le mit o Waterottne..Pittbprgt, ifelo , I 3;.; r I >I A . . • s ,; itte. tuenvereoflowAMM.Aed Ced.Veeielliderdefdas' the 'eureesse eed ealea Crude and Keened PA • Wes. , and le , Wstersrreet, Pittaburght SatilliALMEß&LANG,Wholeasile rts.r24 9 ol=Vilrealitria i rrg e d 4. •litroet,'iltar , Llberty Hlnset, Pltt.bumb, “usf ....... ar.:RECTZGAII, Grocersalid - intent Idettbanta, add dealete In all kindd o lerddd adu('Pittsburg h Atti opEgalte. head of, W.codd .dee atreed.,, .17 IaCTZEIft" & AIRAISTRONG. 'For- A. , Atwurita Comuilsalon IterchantestheN2 Tr= " AufW "."4 p .1 0 rirlilluketil l aet, cottisratnestAtsalgh, ', ' re2nly ri ALLACE, • OA. Threr• •-Lii•LUDlSlll%Kboleasia U erla nostratid Drain Navin -Libutriftsbet, oilman* Painsliriala IL it MOot rtiubartti. aware Vitlease, come Wm" *ad Am* 'Meta. 120 3 1 4 14 r l -Pittabrig suanuDesirrn. yeah utrattevi cat Con .ll2llMl/1.11411 • for-Produce scaenlly, sun WSW 1)/.1.1LL . ' r. ViAI.3XLL Bor. CO, r eseell, - Ceibutissionsuid Portrardiag ehisttilidtd dealer* In Produce and PlitabtirgEliau. -urststuselb 'Kw 151• Liberty street, Pittsburgh. - VILIDLES L. CALDWJELL, d ‘j estel a r Piftral=f - gtillir . tit P atti fgail streets, Pittsburgh. tuna WATT. .4OIV WILSON. WATX & WILSON, Wholesale . r ra ft ad :CMMmmisas b inN u muho t d re ad Nlo2Ll b ertloNM , tcritubargt. MOW! 14.11nent..awirg c. WALLACZ I,IIIIIIERT, SHIPTON .8 CO" Wholesale Chr veers and Produce Dealers. No. a, Bls Plutbursh, tsJBl lIICKEIE CO&" llirholeside Grocers, Coteuelsalett Merchants. and dealers In Predate. Ito. to Water street arid 65 Front street. - PIMA. • DAMZI. ..... . ........ 3.. L, VOIGIIT & Co., (Successors -14.i0 0. firad4rioduce End Oommlailou Met ctuiAts, 247 Liberty strett,Pltt•bargb. P. =CALM ..7. REIEDIFSIL a o votFrif grAtd ... tArnt VL 4railfg•tt.tn .nalrur EDGERTOII#I , IIO 7°.= 2- 41 -'4616. 'owes 14.r4bagt DikUGS AND CELEIMEICALS. TO THE LADIES OE AIIIERIEA HARRISON'S BOLDEN DRUM And Victoria Ileeat THE OEM OT THE WORLD. TOILET, PARIAH mid WHITE. It itMea.a. imsn delicate. tint to the complexion and.zMA tone, Ma Slia. Partin Marble Carnation (Honse)otbeantleul tint or Owe tote. Mtl aattetetutoo A. W. HARRIPOR, phis. For sale ity DR. Ulto. KETilitit. • modal OrEiltolmrati. • DE. 0 V. R. REED. lelitlbtdGeneral Arent. WOODUIDE & WALLACE, ViErlicolosisaleo rrruggiortio, AND DEALXEts IN la tg arlsbia7 .l l4 . tfta l ge'W l arinfaratl a tt 14a raw Fartainer,Lttensale,.(hat azil3ll, be. * . atrAmiZater a = o llaitmMu i t , Warifil taaACelabisted Palatal Dna/ la Qs* Jr 0.3 1. Troo4 Street, OP POSIT! WIZ ST: CHIRLEI1110111:L. m~fe• rinsatmulif, PA j ..., 1111011,00N8L1KE11-84 Scar Piltsbarglk White Lead Werke, 1 , 131it*J1111.: MAD, elate Limp o.l3alirn IN CM TOIL PAINTIN • . : . .O 11:19700r1 Elitreet. .11,4.3 i vir , VIECIETAIEILE n. SIC ." :. I NEVER ', 4V* I tanned 2 , tottorn-tbe ?And' NEVER Hair to Ita natural - color, and tAII.E. ERE tr i lds n z a avorj d trogt i t u rttla ma lit% glarailhApbw:Pf-- nu ,• ItOt ago Ober CgotTßalwa, M. Mk ,comet :rt0h..1,t4. ri t,e r 4 r ets .' . 11 1iin: ICELLE: in N ilosr TOA r Cionerdftedik and Bloitheeltiltss, Mk . ROO ITRAWMPY,, • '22l=4lezpfrom LTd-,,, Hs u sTtEe-olvonun ANDgagolt, COOK ac NCO., taircensons TO JONEB, BOYD & C 0.,) Or'irtn)7"■ f TrlrtartatSrit s li 5"‘1 1 7". slul7l,Lt Coll steel for "" RAIIINRANIMIIOWING MACHINES, ISTLET PLOW WWWW•iNPIWOOO.OXLPO -t 1 " 1171 " 1 4. 8 t-ac• • a .ii, SR tt eta .sal 1 . a Cad 1124 OKIUIMI Plough' iuld43oring Oftt-c°a:f.`d!;ZtfradritAiTtl.twobl"" 41 , ns92lEl BLACK DIAMOND •T2iMM iltrcawaxcia, PITTBITROH, PA. eAIW.BROTMIR Ai Co., BEST IaW , LITT REVIEWS. GATT STEEL. .spaste, nit IsidOttilimi,orall slam Warranted - equl to any imported or manntacturrd to %Manama tqt taiworadrkwita. IM aodW • OMIT Itlantond attaata ! y • lttalraraln- , .01rullare. ' • I'MNTEIM ti tr.'poso. ~,,, .10}10 ties ONG* /R,r • SiONARTISTS ANNIIOUSE PAINTERS. 1. No;l?2sxiiirrticra au, iritikatqii. utterlos or t .an MIAS !XllfPte.d., 4claideltl4 ain ,- of Alt won, : t rat e llsr m mlasy sua4la to o r der ai.„ . ..p.„....5zec04 ik-ktlitlit S f u n ..Ott:II tilt jltlaini=dvillallt,r, 4 ,21 Mt . work Iliressonablitrates.' lEEE —.mot n. intossw„ - ,- -"'oaliartba aim of whriti*comort, =Vat 4 01 Ime1fig3nirk Itc . -kr!SIO 01* ° 7 7 16 , 1 :1 24 9 ,4 4k0, 4 math "Plinio& THE'zz., 7.7::::: . ...-..'.....:::.. , ,-...: .„, -:: . - .;:i .;... .•.':. - towiliAtrteskt-ph.4l; V. a ~ Go v ernment Depasitorj, Pittsburg. PoayTaa I=f=sM iiicziasii Tor: WO& Having extensive correspondence with Banks and Bankers througholat the country, Ins Gear unnsiral facilities to those doing business with no. 7 13-10 Notes, And all other Government sem:Mlle*, Garnished In 'sums to suit purchasers. Deposits received and In terest allowed by special altreerimla• • . THOMAS N Flf "9".T°": D. M. SMITH, • " • I R " B KIN ek, JAMSB BAILS', 1.704 N. K ii.IH RKI E . Rif.... -- T O EI N ,,A.K. THEtrrCIML9trwiITARDTWOMAS BANBANG, HOUSE. N. BOLES & SONS PITTBIWZGII, .01131 SIMAED $13,0 , 1333..01113. No. b 7 MARKET STREET, Pitisburga, Deposits recetted In Par Panda End Currency. Collections made on all the principal points or Pr. United States and Canada+. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHERIOURITIES Bought and Hold on Commission. raftleolal attention paid to the purchase and sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. ' INCLITDIN9 • United dunes ISlzes of 16112: Do. do Irodes. Do. Tire/ or 10-Ing • Do. Serez-Ttltrtlei• Do. Cortltlestes of Indoblodiatts. Orders and Voucher, bought or collected. jue:ll OLLAR s li ntz GibHAM, TV° , - cmtieragEn IN *SS& Open dally Cromi) togoMlocn, alma onWedttesdlif and- Saturday evenings. from May lat to November lit; from 7 the oielock, and from November Ist ttr' kLapp from 0 follolclock., De to received of all gams of not leas th an One Doll r. and a dividend of the profits declared twice •year, - In June and December. • Interest Ms - been' derlareilsemPannuallgin dune and December Enloe the Bank aro ormunced, at the rate Ofaix per cot". • uill:;eit,.ll' not drawn out. Is elated to the credit of the depOsltor as principal, and bean the unifejli. terest from th e' dot days of . June and , Drom e r. FiVri4Z, P oTe e vtit r p=i t til=blot. aAt la magicians) , will double In leaatbautwehrepeara. Books dientalning the Charter, lig•LorsilessoM Er_Otedionl, thrilllabed gratis , int' applitation at th e o=o.. Pnigthlarr—OlSollaig ALIIBXE. • 'MCP rimanflirre: • .T. Anderson, ..• A. M. PO.lOck, John O. Backofen, Iltierf Babb, igetd. L;Fanneatnek, :I I n a f ih rt y rnerger. J.nixies erilman, Jute. hAuleY. Abegatiderkiece, Isaac H. Pennock. Christian - Yeager. mar rite; itir7kmmiju l llM. eb , John MAu.4 Waiter rl P, Marshall, Peri inthifcildti, Jahn Orr, Henry L. illuoralt, Schruldi.. Alexander T nk ln ir d i le , m.P. Va yma t. D W oe Whitt e 1 ' .ll - " & r Calvin Adams, Jenne. Blsoncl. ? i tfirr u ßlalk, Alonsor Ctslat. clusilea A:Colton. W. Duglas, Joint Haan., ic:Ou J. Met. Junket D . Junket D. K e IIy, TRIM—vHARI.F. tier.arranr—JAS. R. D. TILE • EXCRANGE NATIONAL BANK icor Pittaillirtarg.l2.. Chartered by State or Penna. • ISOM Organised ander NOMOIUbi Law, • • ISIS& Caviled, • • • • • • • • • 01,01311,000. TM, Hank bag been Jegignated Depository THE UNITED WfATES TREASURY. and .17Pututed agent tut the • Sale of the 7-30 Loan Eves) facility will be offered to Invasion. paddle. pare/tailing for re-sale. • aplaittf it. M. MURRAY. canefei. rum PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANE, • tart 1 2 11.1t1hirkr42-TgIIAA WP D MPD AY I L D T AIIR 81,0000. Merton boom CORN Mt If IlInT AND WOOD IiTHEETN. Vatairaat..drnantsed ander the Natlmml Bantion. Aratem le now prepared to transact bIIIIIIIIMAIDU• llankl4 Douse. corner of Wood and Furst Streets. CODDIIIIOIIB made on all accessible points on the most favorable terms. bpacial Agents fir JAY COOKE for the tele of the OM= U. S. SEYEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. oAmwst. REA. Prestflent. T. let. GORDON CaAlger. apa;l7.l J. C. MentERSON. Teller JAMES T. BEADY & CO.,