The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 23, 1866, Image 1
i. • ' . .- _• _ -,5.,'.'..::... . , owiwgw rgemenumwm imommisim ........ THEMTIOMThm GAZEITE. :r . - - • 4 rAiLtr,L'W:ll P. 1 romzia• G , . . XLIDUL, Itauxias Itlymazi.. • .. THE -r-- • I' ST 1193117A1Tr111418001.1127011. Ultra= . , 7 , . • l it -, -- ,: , - . ...,..., .. i t, as 111 Pm= rrsore, Plitibant. • • • Wit fostahrti arriar: *7&l/..: Per ir r •••:•••••••••$ a ___ o. 14 lo4g1311;110111. iro/1313110 Or Sodirnr 3 4 l . - --- - - VOLITME .14.11.X.X.-NO. 46. - ' ^-' ' '' 7 ''? ~.1:- ,-;',- .2 C. r-- 1,11 r:, lt,',. rf - . PriTSBURGIL the,. ittobirg# 9Fry- ITEM, Atrwtonli Drug Store; litth ;Area. - • . Of . 15 /30_Ratiaaa, *Moth itt Shellaby & Barclay', 1s : 11 1/ 1 1 1 Uttii , ftoods a ttling Ualtbiln Mit, at Luse et Co's, ttElredertt Brevet, Atleghear - - Atut the flow quilltlist - of Sittryor's Batton , Soap appeiied to balhoitiiiitentl tows of coo. VelltiktlOn - r Cavarikisaid clostrit oat regaill lam of coat at BluellabiL-Bitoliy,s. Mir. OWL • - c gttnAtisiwkr,ls3l,4lostoft an . d , atuftluq Of r*wn and Eleseled Multi:l,44ll kinds, at lectetaaelylow Iteleeallitll 'early and get a bar. RzW at • .,.Luicia. 103 relied Striet,lAllegbour MIS -4.kagattellsidiski •Lt Vieterfinir r ., eider. V i r g sal ' es lin. by . Charles s~Dorof Penn gild Bt. . . rttaourgn 'Ptece Didataito„: Cu/imams; Colin:rim sad *NV Una* 'Barred oad Etzlied Goods, 814 4*diii4:ler• - Dimixar;LaindiA'Co , s., ilB3todend o treat; Allegheny. ArdWideiiimalieg as Cent.. Staithig'2so.: extra , AusliViszet wide d 3 cligsl:l VW' tan aollmed prints, lake., all the Tory ben ' Darkened Co., 69 2/ bait idiot. Xeuttal ealphlte or Lime, rOtpreariftii We. "raises by Charles an APC,Piarrpiet.',OCeerfp.:of Perm and S. Glair ." New and destrahloloods, stated for the sea son.- Atood assortment at lower prices thin yea iej. dna Cheri 'elsewhere, at either whole. sale or retail. On the northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets, Of Sudimer Dram Goods, left over froth taltt scum, which WC will sell without regard to cost, to close them out before getting on Other . goods. Remember, we' re now on the north , east corner of Fourth and Tdarket streets. C. Ifaxsoa.Lov& & Bno. - Great tleartnioat Male fit.tadles, ?dimes. and Children's Furs, in Se hie Titr.b, Squirrel, 21atural_tdink, dc. tht:entlre rock marked dOwnta leis than cost aF . - ova., - : 136 Fhdiu;ll,Street, Allegheny.: • Of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, and will OW, Octet:miming thts day some $50,000 worth et iires9 Goods, embracing almolt etwrYthLog :totted. for the cooling aeaaon at anetrprices as will command their immediate sale at Dar. karts, is Co.. Sfitilarket street. Slaufffiter of the ow BialLogok The show bullock recent's- raffled for at the prloo,offitOl, wlll b slangistered by the under- Edgned and the ,tneat 'iiithrid- for tiale hie stall in the Diamond, Market, No. 114, on Frt. day availing. and morning npxt tab. '.ad and Nth. Tins bullock weighs 3,000 pohnds, and is the , largest and fattest animal afrar slaughtered for tide Market: Ho usefurillablog My Boothe ~ . ...eosopletostiacit or bleached And mibleseig edAbeetings and.rillowCottcam; bleached one_ half, bleached andbroam Table Linen, Towels, Crash, Napkins, Jioney Comb Marseilles and Fancy gnats, Table cloths, Table covers, Fur niture Cheeks, Tieldrip, Batting, de., just ,opened at Shell:My it.Barcbtri, will be twee at *Annuli advance .. on eastern prices. Mews iideems a call. Berm:Giber we are Wit In the °dahlia 'Bee Itivit stand, 74 and.. 70 Market arivet. Semi Closing Out Sate A rareelance SA etrerod at the extensive and popular, Etat, Cap and Pnr House of W . Fleming , 2.(0.'190 Woes - ISt., where and can I et Ladies , Pura at a areal reduction, in order to close - out our Immenee_stock. Our not* cti 3 inista Ann .of . toil ISOM Of Hudson Bay Sable, _511,1k Sable, german Fitch, Siberian Squirrel,Waterlitbrie, Olt anditrown Sables, Ladles , Fur Hoods; Ladlee'Sitating Capa„Gents. Fine Silk Caps and HILO; 'and. theY latest styles of Men. and Boys , Prenchand*elt Hats. The atevementleMedgoods can belied at Wm. Zlernimpa, 1K Wood stmt-Sign. at the dargeOolden Hat. - \ • Glen Nature a LIM racige expect too touch of Nat bre.: They tnda l .with their health and their codstlttatilly raw liken they are surprised tbatlbeirhat sick.' The inesanra of constant mental or bodily labor nploo the animal 'powers is tremendous. —Very few systems and eonatitntlona..ean bear ahabast Ws pressure' unassisted. Add to able the unhealthy Influences ablettinrk mi llets' in theisr Wit breathe, the water drink, x. artificial beat a with which; we endeavpr to bane pricy. OM . ' and ' wirioltatiaitilling I,ollilaricir -*Baer; *pa _Waco:Ad ;menthe re. • fel:, re;a4iloat: enpertniniii 'vigor to : keep:in '..parteoilterathat thiestairotev seam! without *thehbisleit energies. " . Bat bow reinforce theta T:Certainly not with Oiattl*ed' . 10 4 1 # 111 niste. Thera 13 no Want do the outer airier In the atioosphere of for. MieiSheeted ;tams, or workehops; - lisßerosetoot as thosS deadly.burattig thennallen , • , - • EWSTSTI*a ISON.ACK EITTZte, 11 sk.iniiiiretlible =do mettaout .are *Ape Obtainable.: Nothitig .bas ever beum-of zetiktto the'fie?le 'dad debtlitatea_so traini- Wenatiare,ao p Warti4 Ilivignis 11ngidroctic4this caltibrate, . vrokacnaa Arrisualne. Yiijug' # 7,.liity2;liati. the navy, beW settle ILK crowded attics, try bid and ,titidgiiieti*AdPecii. : lt.4 used 45.: 11[0111FIIIrli . „11.1D 11/112071.. /UTZ' 1111:4111111% MO thitipaOst err et tinita.. tato'iol4 wholtsabeandrotallasoraVirwrates IrlembiraDrug andPareatihrealeittolaiaer, am Market meat; career or Ilia Inalmoad It'ad Fourth ptceet.' • fi,Fait: Wins r Geode. „It is trial. great, pleasure Wire:all. thcatten -1,26 of our, readies to the enbperb stock °flan :and Wluter Ooods Just revived by Yr. John Winer, Merchant ail r, Fo. 126 Tederal street, 411 . 1 Theal. stook Amtiraies , sonte• et- the hibst haOutfol Cloths, Cassimaree, Overcoat. angeindVoltunts ever • Orought to the western ditarge‘-lits iesortuenit of ruzidableg Goode, dote Shlits,Oranele, COUII.I9NOkI/#4 de., cannot he strinesSed test etr west. 1 goo stook of ready mad iPsinte, iOcess, nests - and Overcoats, will also be Moe,' • In his eatebllatunent. Personsln want of thing to the ctotLingiiae• should not AU' to -give Mr. W,eler a call, Thomas W. Pao* it. OM. . I.4ittual elate Hoofers, and Dealers Amarl e7an Sista of colors. Oats E. Megan. 4ar Laustatn% near thei Water - Wort taratiMe. '.ltealThlanee, Yo. iB Ma street. Or. etars Praelltrar attended ta.. Allteark Inkster& ed water proof; Sepairtug dame at tem short; Ant maim No charge torrepain,pravideel th• soot is not stalked *Oar It la pat ore. and • IhLbiaii. Whits tme tz czniming from out of . Mae of catty, a breath ingoy slot frOimamby the 'Blest. -,Who Can 'ASIA gc, reanotttbein, to Pettestnete them, to make ttettotend a Motet of petals sod, had', and story aigb s dmin of frog:once, MI pm' Dave indrOslilsdlmdstOmm - theKmitelawym *Ole Cooductlad, ilogrant docodont, 140.1!kP turpcarger atretweeet OM. Muni* " ee • Oi . .Tesolxi the 10nY.4 Imre ro•oiel00 0 slum *creel sorts of adthmit the. 4 uOilMmtAr th u4 at thecae state% virrta Alley. between exelth• tahlatfteetteitehern , LINZ_ Ordolleolletted :dindlgrotas attmaaact , wait,Utl r Otiart• MaunaAleuiplimw of anon streftrrykr; caul how. Thmegts; maw of Pena and et. Casty -2 " l "'.k J tOb l / 4 1,. • ' Ifissox Lots A Sm•u Lot ... .... ....__ ____ ~________ _ , -- zrotiiritaiSacialtiiTionl i.1474eVi1l lie pictured vividly the opening scenes of ii - uires nOW unrepresented in COnirrelS Of thil , the rebellion in Marylano, revealing the do. loyal men - who - worts - fel - ehesbed. - ello4ollier ceased as the central figure and mesterwpfrit , take. the heti:eV uturiatlota sli among the staunch opponents of secession on I eattelrules by renti etinfiZAin theAt the stamp , In the cohorms of newspapers , and I teener end MT M ler/net ,thlte , in emery other field of loyal action ; constant, ' Mee 1,0 ittlidh: he wee el ,ot •Agana' untiring and determined• almost übiquitous , Johnson, a hearty" . ednimendfition of weft toes In his activity and never ' desponding in I.l i i k i I eral doctrine* Of bletwodiessages we ft TOW, darkest hoisisieheering Ida friends and , Ines& to support blm cm ..*llecnualtsitioug seceding itieeneMibs, ieho,mbille Onntink him mesitures for nut public welfare. ...c were . yet charased by bbLatarvelitatettugne. The resolutions are to the mime effect anti lie Illustrated the tkingrestrioned career of i iti addition` riW n the ann_ ; Of Benabie the deceased, enditts emit far Unionism, and I Morgan and Mimes itessionst and. antagonism to slavery, with gems train ha i Darlbogin sag a pa Preidderda vein- -'.I • speeches, the recital of which drew tears from Mr. Savant maid, a fees nearcmot arum; t. rukop,;ge c t i r, among :,, r, vr „tr .. ... of I z o lti ,n y=4 , l steak of or *Watt Thai 1 ItitheoWee...__ atheth_,_ _ l elocti4Dof rith i o scow. portro th oor_s ooor br o r rh . r e e n nnylvanirs, moved that a vote of thanks he ant let me I.IIV =Wit mire CO to i dered to tne orator, with the request of a I toil yOuthattheatistion Isla. Peril terdaegerf, + • - • •-... Lieuri l n i n l l taarersi i lr " - ' ropy of the maim,. for printing, which was Inperii If yOdadoptithestropinionst ill pffllarl tfALto,..s, Feb. 21.-Patilament met to. day unnulthOutiv tarried. • - yen reject th e te ithrienlAfTats__lszlo_fathellt 1 mem-Governor Williams. made a speech, in , yno benediction sus then given and the as a party or real MajeritY ..... , 04 a .. - s I Perll I n "u 'ord llitt or th t lnix the"L" tha li t Um " atit' emsse b .tif Ithert y l4-Irsknr Ateetilif Di SO ' which oecommatufalsoi she members nyontho , ~.„mi to, dito o r to ,i. condition of thesPrennee. its trade and the ppoll Of the. AdMiti receipts from other sourems greatly (valved • freedom, the cense of progress orchrilizaticmi,— - any previous year. The Lieutenant Govemor LATEST PORTION INTELLIOENCE the came eanseigemegreuidieethieestmeeseee I . mown. is gratified at the condition of the militia, and; ' or Miura, materiel orcuchel,iti fdanger regrets that ;notwi th standing the efforts of being long arrested, Whether yithilltdOpt 0 the British' Werth - American , oilontes, the set ot ntuoue oreeether. t,- ~.., United States adhered to their deterndon- Deb a s e on F- n i c anisni in Parliament. The mhmttbet leAso sa.) , Mar Isithan Ilion to alestamite -rt Mt. Itemprectly : Treaty - •.-. - • - • been remerectmomealtltheeethe,.._ •=a- ' intrerthognisse of the ronfedertion of the . shlphea passed hate 'tempest into the Provinces, and of the fostering care of Bog of a sateharbor fail a is now securely land, and th at trade wilt be so directed In C,llO ' SEW ARD TIE REAL READ CENTRE. gig Into her m g, without s broken new channels, and the fisheries protected, AO , , : • spar or a team roam:rarest:one 5Z04.1. reefe yet as Cornett the emergency. Contracts for a mill — - to, blink lie; she aPProttebell th oee moor. road from Truro to Slew urunswiek, and from _ mg*. 011 e DUO Sly* that oho can safely Windsor to Annapolis, bare been made. enter directly thrugh them. Tim other says that the me et back, and krwaring sell, take time to go around mthem. That is all-the •difference. It, la merely. dihriMmee of OPULIOU between the Mina. I should not - pnictice my bebitnal charity if I did dot admit that I Wink them both eta e lm and banes& but the veined go an safely one way as the other, The wont that need l happen elti be'that by taking the wrong ins 1 stead of the tight fituezakar erten taking New Toss, Feb. 41 -The steamier Lily of , sheyjgbj sum; the wr i m gom. Baltimore, from Liverpool On the 10th , efts ar - , The tell may vagina& t ome bo n es, * rived. The Cuba arrived rap at eleven o'clock. , ealnio=oefeentlelene s i n ntafen. temi, t Or taba nomen Inny4l, In, the QOM* of Commons Watkins gave wai q ui d ove r t,m...-. - err r f ar notice th at on the 16th he should ask the Clan bat LC it Callllot beirreeen .hens Item be borne. iif I am one of the unentnerth -tot no fr iend cellor of - Exchequer whether Any-or whatret Do Eme rt o u that mocuitic , as bonen, as p remotion hod been made on behalf of Fier g o o & so ,togebie yolk Clam; .. too. Majesty's Government to the Government of , gramme en er %Wleat, Will their sts, the United States nith reference to therenian I Peatattere b ; Dater titsui ended, fe ' .. ' th elitdp astreiLandas _wisely, lie organization in America, raore ups:mall, with 1 ...that is, Itersigeke melliged theirialer regard to the employment Of American 011 - j upa n th e to tee altsciationsefeelm and cern end the issue of Wads by the los,zalled tempest that "attend petilleel.oarial* In the debate on them:Urea* in response to. Nethrthelom, L do not tunic - that the the gfieeink speech, the (PD6nohne enlarged -, „ m o th th o orc -th u m ~,,t hr, , or "ro w . upon the frith grol=o, and nlnV e d "" ate eximninatioatuaftdefreL,"2/bellub• anientintent to the nd donating 'ittO be . t o ot beard tie is es . erasion that the dtity.of the...minister._ leelximine Into the- rethalitmealfhettha etearnmetensenthottnes, eau" or th e In " iiiee l i rie '""s end remove - ideal and - Congram. The sok*. Ins Mi them. see, Is linbillelf dieldadownetiens. The him After a general debate on ifettiehlem, lathe Ivor" logg ers Am twat pt, _oostet,f. course or which it was charged that ute con- wit h di m la - baadan.. ogrytwitigeg grow. tess in as w e as atifittligrul in agi rin ne:altie g g,. ~„" in .,, " .... ie t tll4 . l 4Vr eato •loPllsfituro be ", meat was retected-Obl t orn, and Ms address `"Ti'Wel, then vent TwattergVoidaria was the thort i.,,t usaar was sethellicno diehttlithe tingsopthoe be. sus ri- mean the co and=restrolor.„*TOr bah Houses. we =Whit toga went ethe ifs% Del oat Th e Ater/sing Heraid - bellevesn,....en turregot , Video al lt 1r Orilt h e Wanly degiedde Me ththus o,w achy planned Guilt Quid • without altos the subJect ery -seemisten or eompreielse net With' The llilbEu r = liee b " dieee " red a e e cne l / fresldatett end refugeasetimulemitikondilistn ex ti tensive airyPe manufactory of Il otro• - . nedgkrik,ittlen, bed withfroMizeoweto Some soldiers thaixed with Pantheism More l g ith o rrith orotho u th o r low mo cit . b aint i cout 4 tfattfal..• ..........,... der.- The Prealdenteur that this woaM come In dianatehes from the ...see mir, riaim and. be accepts . the ettuaton. minister 1° Wallt° &" °° to kla g e " tr°° °° lll . emigres* on the *War bendesitestee, not be. respecting the Bag effear, be announces mute it Ida omegas h tsx , hudi but bee thattbe United States governeloof low time.- came: they bath net indbehtmdly had their mighty decided net to amoWltself Übe dm owe, way. hi s oo the It to that Wiper deters into • conflict with ] franca th rough 011thels m oth ., sooth r om i so „ mths flit . t ., tern or Juarez's agents . . . trom a . eaterletion that there . sever Mtn The 4=141 government • use deolded CO bal. Ohl* pro jbr the meteistion issue letters of marque against ChM , upon owe thitotrand rznosy among We Matt% _proofthat Chill has adopted that mode of ogostit thetas*, with Which the President has mufare. • araTed Mama settstled. 'Grant lt,that the The Minister of State armee/teed ftl-COTten, roman Milkweed, ended led exhausted, that Pen be probably at the present time in " 0 4, v ,, 03. men ot. Tram D -- faaaurs nem ,. pen hostility with Spain. I iterily,-that the Mates, sooner or, later, estet • o it is reixtrted that the Malian_ government 1 thr w .-- o , 1 ,,,, a otho, laimaraatie . irna has sent an misread° notate litaana,Lff cense. 1 th e rothar fundamental r ow tho r, ro , acne of the serious deelaratious concerning time lames I n¢Cof gress. Congress. lathe rebel Italy In the Spanish diplomatic beaks. 1.114 guys, , Thams,brree done Suited thing, it Is stated that Austria la /Mont, to a. and ?sands &otos the samosa ghat an, point „so note to Prussia: firmly rettisinif theMernande ow ~ ~:t. ~ . • , - - , of the latter in regard to the Duthie*. The President. is In harmony with all the The Prussian Lbamber of Deputies ). have f i tg ftg. thiltirm , 4a r a j aa moind rho rtheow . passed a rethltstlow bWaleare `majorit y , pro- thresndWodiatil 'ne mentgeredtplely re. testing against the a or the litspreme ith ,,,,,....-.,,,,,,,,, . , ~,,..... ...,,,,,,,...,,.. Conrkto restrlctilberty or irlieteett. • -, ti,M7 . 7,47;7* frnurVaii • 'at i 'iria i.seei ZrZ u •AVhg." l "• 4694 ° I ‘" 1 ST. ,7 4tog l no t smose.MlSmnreesount-tstre at , • . - ^ - been atendki swam mom safotosiotOrma so .so 010.-notiree_aan arts close thro m ro e r dth thrathithothaap. at Siff, . tatirea boo may Meanwhile con, Liverpool, PSI/.loos, Zr M.-Calton fiat; saes grim thy o n o: low g,„,,,, othom today of 7,0 1 09 tales 'de Partial dWithe of i< di , after tusien, end Went Atisir 41110 - lthett . the sales to speettlaters and importers, SAOO bales. , , " too; sioth -thi oth ... num othiro, Breadattiffs dull. Provisions arm. Consols i . ien ina .p. 00 76,,i root E re loo t iv for money eal. - na';‘, Decrease In Bullion of m . from now: , . b u ite „ ,moimer mu. the Banker' Fagituad, file9,ooo. nlinolll. CM' viii 1.43 ads rte IWO tbill, 13011V1110..-01 neat trap ' , barn 14 4 174 Vii Erie " ere ' , 11 k 052 %; When ths done th Of restoration United Simms k ve- wenties, eNdie7.4. I will be complete, fort Meal:that remains The speaker thqught, that. etetriliViel OM , ernmont kr Me iseeeded Mame *mud ke per fectly lin 1 . /Wi l l:lea Mimed by Mr. Litwin, Webs el h? retteeeth* States territoriel• nal . thdifiresst WM bed iferMleuv i i. Eeirlilll7 atop posed of 11 Mentbers, oho WS” oP the wheel of legislation fOr *ref' ildilt tien so SA • to enable them , hi summit. a. p _ different thatableh LS nOW Ou haven a happy eqnsammation and which bayethey Oren Inn One p anamendment to the Constituti n to compel the exelrided State.** equelizes Tragettpanthepenalhirotanabridg meat of UMW 'lbill wee im Plan of rectal 10n, bid' oostrnotem. The resold.- Mon *Melt passed the Home on Tuesday last, tummy' 4 0 tallrow tn l WhiffiLitatieco Shall Rot be ildlidtted GrOM lo Stettai tient Consresi Mall Me i lair or that Puts', ',mai. is w Cannot be mulcted t. Wi at Presidents approval, and which cannot be constlfutkinally given ill SLOW of the *pinkest be Is known to entertain. This.resolotion, then, la not a pleb kr reconstruction, barter a delimits postponement and delay. 'When thorebellien bilin, we determined tellumble the rebels. We have' Mmibled them, Mid brou r ght them ti beck with litimillatkm an• re.. pon . a i tr far reiteration. ift t e i poputar CoLv l er p i tmita thlytarMootil l ti= te TlteseefrorteAS' °Mantua them'ato tut , precticable as t mum they are ions, No . Math can keeP-Iteelt , oat of.the Union. or keepitself Om torrnostoommitino °oder the Union: The Mates which arein the Wit connot. be talteti or kept- out of it 110t1 , motes that are 1 11 4 WProll Plumatil i g man WM are a Atha poteinglm. Orem - 1a habil is ,. Inclined ~ to • deareXite_ .' tlt , r ee l ed &tent .. • gen sumota, reeled -end a over TeXall led Ceditortda,''and ei t ie= the nat i on Went Kansas, Tel they itl i eil in , the Melee, all. i fs,teptsy. all / ...Ta loa , 117 , 425,41`764°War,46% =ma ....s..yer desnaleat, tot n of• Elm ~1113,11 ' . "4 * . al 11 4 81141e ...,4% n °° % * 4 =Ws securing. Li'S - W.' - lairenTinia, Mr entrar Stem ken. an d aft ~, i . 4 4 °Reamer us mired abate htini ata 7l troyatieeeltongthrusteadlinr 1.1 7. 41e1 F.f 1/0 bite detereein" =l==ll YOVNG Theiketproelty.Treillp—Amerleap Fish ersuen - oantioBed—West 'lndies Com mission. • hlosynau...Teb...2l.—.The tontine of tho Executive Cannella have been brought ' ton. mon. , 4 Theauttions under consideratton were the abrogation 'Of 'the ReelprOcity Treaty, frontier defenses and Public health =mmma. A proclamation has been IYaad 'cautioning American flahermen ascidnattn•ahore &Morin, afterlthertli of March next: proclamation to prevent the importation of din ailed:Cattle win inappirl_lirthe' next le one of the ' 'Granata. ' Letten frottrthe Commisalonera to the Weat Indies, report: .e•t•ftetory.. protease. ti their ey hope to complete l a invntlintions early In , -le: • •'.. , Tlierisra~tux Wer • • New Yana, Feb. 2l..A.tdditlonal details con corning the wan bet keen Parry:47mA 11i al. lies have been received. On Mantel or December, the Brazilian land forces, nnoberlar twentrve tbOusand men, had . arrived Inaba xletal of Abe strong For -I.VATiatira.irc e ten " tt i onaan snd I°°Alrl gmthies OtLen isoon after Which It was Intended to make a oombined land and 'naval attacknnthe'. l. abagnayenz.aniCtiKtnnill for ward into the country of the latter. .Dlaelies Of vazionstrunia still* preValled an *Wining extent *along - the troops Ou both odes , The liG a inswelltimits .01110,up _ , _ Buft`dit.'rehttler, nrln the idattescinsetts Houtm( of keprciantaitives yeaterday notch a settee of revolno . nerere , rtrOdl2lll4 =4l: /4041 "1 8 P res id en t d ar meting that lila the 'duly ortke Potte&e u lift° pre the nen* that propection, far which Its - hontor " stands - "pledged. - and - to which - the taut conduct ttic, oolored soldie entitle( theta:, a , • rs . . . The reaolattoaa were referred to the COM. rarttleoh Tedetatitelathatua, , _The House reftused to receive a reseal:4We tletruttnifthe olden*, lerhha veto. menage Iry a rote of 109 hal& . _ . . Jinmered Ittietetteee Between the Pre - *. tilent 61eiltribit tetra Ittrthday. W.Sstigrow;74. 21=Thei,lraitrittoiinte/A censer feels warranted in contradicting repro sentatict which base been extensively pub lishea t sozacialittnatimf Of feelltigbetween the rxt Mental:id Lientimintfigneral 'Grant was involved &OS consequence ofsappresslon and revival of the ilchmOnQ"gzioniser. birthday . of Was Is losing duly celetwatal biere.'ltosinessisnearltaltogether saspeaded and the public Departments anti closedlirnutthe 11,31 air di in all 'l:2le lzright calm, sada/SWIM 1 - From Nashville. liseariux, Feb. 22.—COtteil flare active. but little doing. wawa. Tbeinembers et-the Leguasturip persist In absenting themselves. Yo orusrum Was had There is to be a grand amass meeting bare toenerlow. tottidorse the President and sd- Ministration. Delegates are arriving fro m all parts Of the State. - will will be stiadd• ed, sold the military will unite In The ealebrii There wW be a greed Daher& tounnment hereeguqg Len Weer. Costservatire atmfsi Wisablegtog •Nettemell Nounsiieut leoeLetg. WeSereirow. Feb- 21.—.11.• large , political meeting was.beld today : 11; Grover's Tneater, i Mas v i o b r i o o n tm e n P d e oel d y th he I p d o 'their .!' a T nn e vr say today- President Johnson presided, end !glades regremarks,alludiugtoWashington•s Farewell Address, as containing the pies by.irbtett be sought to. be gelded; sad ex pressing the lope that all the States would oontlitnetbeiroontributiOasto the structure to be etempleted at an enduring memorial to the restoration or-all the States to their prop er rolatioas to the General Government. . . , • ' .Legilstatnie.' San ,Faauessoo February 22.—The Legisla ture Gloving passed a coneurren resolution re commending the anoinntintait or Frederick Billingisto a seat In the Cabinet, the Governor basfeporoved WWI WILMA was taken, - bowever; betbre an was' known of the President's veto of the, Freedinews Bureau bill. . The santramirf ot, Wasbftagtoritabirthday . was celebrated hare by a large military pro andthepartialeuspenelon of badness. Theitleueinatt• AlTeltitbits-0111111011 ntelatitt, linw You, . Feb. 22.-The resor t of Chief FalgineereDatibr,' Flagon and a Ogit. general inapectomot the Steil= machinery the navy, appointed by the Department to the •Iyes experiments of the wineoski rad 'Aeonquin, published;' It de ' clam thabthe contractor for the maeldnery of the Alannanitt !in a felled 'ln firer,ran. - Dna and that that serCialt , Out 'for "MCP' Tfirtateir tut'oeithisr of ei rat! 10-1)42. •—Th 6 1761061 ' B e te lock A. 24. • Zdy. TAW lefoii elected temporary Club , en 541433,473 W r oisted. Alvislon, .117004 • the•Appolatuseat of on - vermanstat orirjaisatilap, and rgaigh - Zik . e." ,F an Teution'.+4loTTie4„ ttik , XT..* • • wi;.:e,W, - :kz ?~;,''.~el: Ya".~;*a K..5...~. Tic~ti~~A-..a..e~~~~u. : ~~- ... ~ * -`~+-w • .~.i::.fiasu-~.~u~'+:5.. ~ a te . `~~ r c S'l„i ..:~ n^h e,~..:' CITY ITEMS. =I bellertiti tionlarbe better for me to take the G ee ," said a Yentiirtion la be 'seated him self In the dental ehillr- at the office of Dr. C. edit DS Petal street. Everybody tells me you extraeLteetb 4 tVellis It out". ho In a moment 'skill. He is aneWered "NeViSi felt it, thought you were going to ex tract it stow,. *Soo[donee For Fole! --- In this door paper will taf tonna- an nave: , tivehmant offeiing for Wile the doable two story brick dtrelltnyeoeapyinga einiclons lot on the earner of Ohlo and Alleithen3r Arennee In Al-, legheoy atty.:: The locatien la one combining caty with that of a country . resitfeatee—:llia4 SaitYttiti at No. 57 F o urt h strain, will eve Partionlaril. • ~. itilatissersuemeiss omelets. 4 4 644.46 1 012e4<onitie'ripriti044 conker C. uaritim Lot's a lino. Wo=tiStlettlErf=l,l2Al74 1 9* * Asiiiiiii.litririVo and onndettining i Pies- Idellt/octUcy were Introdrusectin the fitelitrbli 61111,1 l And icillUttileY.;:ofelli as follow" : I prom it inie b turra b7 the groatpolltical law of America lor tn - aw-er4ry of government shall be conducted un eupervieion and authority of some ;pex istinrate:gD - pos iti ' Ta i ' 'tL -Vo Viraigh ste' the on Of veto wt, dinn ing the general right of voters, and protect in .g th em In th eeXerelso of the: elothre flan- Chlse; and . • Wezatsa, It la a great principle of the' American Government that legislation shall guide. jaolcal ehanim a • tad.. that some . where in - the 'UMW - there "Is ways permanent' organised authority which guides the thotateturcerthose who Beth - to re- store ••Gloyathmenter which Are fiennFaused andlderewitelsattnerefore- - • ••• - • • • Rewired, That Congress, gelded bythe high eat proextatittghttlittcal auttiOri7, ought, un der the fourth article of - the Cans' Mutton, • to_gnarantee to the Stateelatelyin -rebellion a gopublicsaf formarisrntastitr ;••„ " Rewired, Theta width utterly ignOres ; the rights- civi l And pa Ural, of the freemen, some of.whOM: hire cold thOle.h l M l fur the salvation of the - Rep:WM doesnotpowesa, and cannot possess, any elements of vitality or Igesaitedi..,TefiAeig.Of ieir4ersert and' in the name of um country, that we tan ner at Once oar syMpathy and respect to the bola and deterallitestMen Congrery who _have been, andaretcsday,•fatthlidlothe principle. Which made us a • party and carried us tri ca=lz„Vhlugh four years of civil war. the great elsitaseiquallty before the law `atone. oftlie fundamental Prlceinlesi strong enough to survive thee, efewill• ea okany,partAzan conflict. We will adhere te; and inamsahl the doctrine, of the Declaration of Independence. Mr Scoville, in.oll'ering,tbese resolutions Paid 'Opposition to libertyls Wheat investment wherever made.. Astetrew: Johnsen. made the worst investment of his life,. whettbe vetoed tbe freedmen ' s bureau 11111;11e "abandoned jus tice and trampledlipen principle, ; that ' ted hith in life. A lively and exciting. discus. eon occurred on theresolntions. Tne'Newark - and New York - Railroad bill has - been postponed to next Wednesday. , From Neklea—lrewspopem Warned— Capturod..ilepabgess egleers...:flan rosM In Progress. • Nzw Font, Feb. latest Mexican news by thestecuner, Moro Castle, states that the two Wodsible editors of the Nrretin newspaper, published at Orizaba, bad becalm littloiled for alleged infringement of the impe rial preSlithrwiliand the Tirdprietorn or. threk other newspapers had been testified by govern inent OfitOCIII, that their Journals would be sus pended.weless ;they changed their tone... - .ll.'nutaber of - republican offieers who surren dered at Papantls,•had arrlited at Vera Ortiz. General Pieras;-Imperialist, had been sp. pointed to the command of the State of Sino- The riilltiiad in Conine . 'hi - Cohstthetion between Puebla and lifealeckelty, will , U Is exl pouted, be "coMptsted by_liftY next. • [VERY LATERF TELEGRAMS • HONORS TO WINTER DAVIS., APDRESZTOTHEItOtteriettVeII ADDRESS BY SPFARR OOLFAx rithIPENT I SPOLICT ; I, ' -miler HO J. A. J. CRESWELL. SPeceit oe Seeii:64lo ~. . ulk ~......,.., Feb. et -1 46 r e -eleven o'clock l' COMPROIfISE OF DorFERENots-vg .. ~ this morning the ' galleries were crowded in ' .f -. -i_ anticipation of the memorial exercises in honor of the memory of the late Hotr. Henry i He rater • • f Shit otsiaciasitost. e - • Winter Davis. The illigi abort; the Speaker's desk weredraped in hltick, and other insignia' - . - 1 ' lf. otmourning were exhibited.. A fine portrait i __ _ ._ • - ...., - "l 7.' of the honored , dead, appeared through the ! VETO lllEfilitAllar' peak• - Melt Colds cribs Satlonei ittigue" ' ' --', Cr's seat. The ' Marine banner ,nd, during the ~. --, .....,er ,- -.- ' :• - hour preceding the opening of the axe:mixes, ~,,.„ ... occupied the ante-room of the reportergallery Tiff. Cr( rittlO. MllllO3 10,1 F I + ...1 arid furnished appropriate S enators entered.. . . '-' .*--.L.-. , , -',....p.' 4 The Judges of the &wane _Court, preceded' _ Feb 22,-.2 , 11 ~.,,, • ' t i e t by OhletJustlee Chimer also wary, officers:Of h ew 11: 1 : 4 t, ,,, • p ---- '-,. -, • thd army, and others;follcrwed. The President was 1.10 •Oodtight b y the • •. of ~_ was not present, bat Secretaries Stanton and - T or t: i toOga o o t o to f ipio n ' o i, .i' 'pa • : McCulhnigit entered the Hall before the open- - . .. . .. ing of the trxereises. Senor Romero,the Hex. hor h inti Mpreablia.".l ll 6 ll ' With • ;.. ' ' ',.."... •', teen Minister, Goer Fentoe, of tiett.:York, and supporter, Of We - p`rialedit. ': on . ~ JtweAdtteatiliGliberelliteltltrenutong the a cusliticaralza l le il lina.. l , . 'tit 40- ' l' ... di tittles present. bet ' '.4". iii ' " — vecazdegir .' ' ' - er &prayer by the Chaplain, the dealer- -_6 Rt , .. ~." ~ ;.„. ',..'... ' . atiOnhelnddperidence line react by Hthit'l34.." .TtritskleggiV, lthitlii/PIP Mi . ! , Tory, en •• ; witedaierheosoni Mentor the lionattor Rapt , 4 ati, i ',;. , . • "'''•;' ',"!: -.7 '' . ' ...;'; ! ....t” - !..1. , 4 reemitituyes..'; The resuling ef thelkeolitratr: ' -7 ' ' r ''''' '7 "" '-''' 7 9- '''';,' was folitilked by the playing of it dirge' bY et ' . DIM d'ltillilerPoda Prelleuteklika band. Hen. Schuyler C s. olfax, Speaker of the i the 064110*P NesiTork,andreicilunonstik House of Representativtieu rose and said: adortu,s„„to thoodoot.gtom the tin .:..::. Ladle. ono gentlemen, Therluty has' been devolved upon me of introdneteg to MI the I berate tba . : .**let,betlibiber. __. _ Ste- friend and fellow member of Henry Winter ; tiorL .: Mat. ths-cmuntr,nesniansrei ' . Davis, and I will detain you- bet a moment c „,,h f o cto n ro i n S o l, 0404 vox o b ot uati tram nls addresi, to 141104 rottwfu Osten with •• '' iiel: i4.,. -d.: ' - 4 --, id a -- . Saddened interest . The.' world' always appro. Paul= w ie. -•• vi , brow b elates and honors' cenragre.thel °mirage of so.7.(ntitherlat3COgliklieernti Chrlnlanity, which sustained martyrs srowardirtimen thirtneentOwookee,* • ainphithestre, at the , stake, or an t he unt, elenteltrordhantlittelle 'Setae; rack -the courropeß: cr,„';octocicisce which condtchfiew,,m u ra t zAm. •, 1 i Inspired millioam:,-Jte . oar.. own land agatzlig ti lialopir 6 , . to realise the historic fkble of Curtin', and till tis i err, sit. rights., , e;all' up with their own bodise-if mired be, theyawn- rheynontithawertherfrighti--et eim,, lug chasm. The wend alwaysaPPreciates and ohms of oltteseslitad It oi Person %lr n i . M, honor - courage,,whirdi ittelmessed la the pest e;.to 'gee IMMO Ulf - MOM house and hospital;ltt the 'death' bed of the; ward the 'ilawl. , Doit cith they homeless, and the Priecol eel' of the convict. I barli the - eidreigie , l3 , the , dietcithip-CLesitStel.. But there is a courage o v al besides - i There min; however; hellit Zluesliaa tbltt in:: nobly was it- imirunned , by a statesman tbommitattemtrweremmig a . whose inational services we .commemorate sh a lt ors nen,:nor enjoy t h e el ' o a th to-day. Inflexibly hostile to oppreastori, oolon gs .ogcougya t o thegogo o ttre, whether of the shave or , American sod. or of sew Torte mie nomeresisas solsy who - Republicans struggling aiming; monamtilcal or,nalblistinthnrsooong invasion, faithful , always , to .PrifietPle and to , shall esei,who ha liberty, ten 'Me* - liberty, championing always the canoe of the i Too t; 2h a ve at i ve - fritictuu - s# not' downtrodden fearless AS he was eloquent in ! tight blitttpellneattruMi,lfltishlterlat Dis lan davowas was mourned throughout a i p a n ,oo W - suvic , telairm isvaUtkir** .. continent, onn theTinapisco to the Gulf, ' tinvmaidog logtor therasowgzs ; the blessings Of those who bildvbeen ready i amongst , lis - -lesery Ibestgasettkllae- fib . to perish, followed him to his tomb. ermine d to. vete. Beettnint'ithe 'hitfidti. We' It is fitting, therefore, though - dying a private ' &nicht tor theomintyyrthat- • • • • • ! , citizen, that thePhatien should' sender hint 1 rity .. givtAbilsu.therWLXo47MriaLbe . , • marked and unroll's' honors in tide Hall, the now& In Its- malt: am:NOM Olarg*: S of so many of Ills intellectual triumphs, I wise...every - ve , boy , . sixteen. , to and I have great pleas/are in Introcinchig to torninpoois; : ..woo. fought ...n i the E r na .. you a 3 the orator of the dav, Hon. J. A. J. cre- raltiov..should ClMvis ,A :wet*. .wictieht , ., . fwell, Iftscollcagne in the thirty-eighttr Con- i int, -for , riff..tb liPittsililibitc.:- .: ldf: 'lb ' i ntierx i d :now Senator Rom the -. State Ofl govw.ment,; t 4 which „ s e A,bi l'heldsolot fought for a coatatey,,,m they, 147. Crowell then deli an .eulogy open , haven.' Th ey. teugbatlOr treedom, and:the, the life and services of e rred minentdead. We sheiald, welcOme Our emancipeatab Mr. Creswell commenced by an a ppropriate' brother Inatttirtiablea reference to the memories of the day- and the 1 sread to irtee- art -n his Thee, at: •• .. times of MID in whose honor It Is intserved,J moment' f:tuc, eittendin=l;4he rikitrile and to the recent memorial servities 01. the f - partletpate In the Clare PiWCmnst. illiti secona Father of his Country, and then pro- swer la therWerde. or. one sr Nt• number; eeeded to g i cre It brief biography of th e early mo re intentionotogn-many, num; 'law ere life of.' Mr, avis, hie .strokebis for an ethicist ' bittelr, ' , The-able bodied-onli- beau arisaNthe; Lion and a profession; with irreconlof thetstilt• abla millidedintly should Mei , : , • . -....,, sentient even to of tie, remarkable career; 1111 Theachireelthithexewide th errethleiithi retei. political opinions, and his labors, soil his tel.- end expronme thri_con_vlcti___on____ll4lXLmAtti W___ umph of freedom and patriotism. non ,rater' - --; . ...._...._ ..._ _-_-__ ______ - The Bagdad .elfftlir In Europe. - HE WAR BETWEEN SPAIN AND CHILI. STATE OF TINE FOREIGN MARKETS' }RR RUMORED CABINET DIRRIMOS-OROVIDIES, Death of au Eminent IDirisioDlM FREEDMEN AFFAIRS IN LOUISIANA 3141:14ilioicwax tc. 111143wc4acor. Nan Yeas, Feb. 21, -Thtr-Teantorsabrd,[f? ton special eaya The atatermeortolegtapbed bones that there la soon to be an Immediate and general diartiption of the tntbinet, ark en• ttrely grenadine,. . • Rev. Rana F. Buell cued In this city yester. day. lie was for many yenta an eminent Ms shmary of the Baptietdenoullnation to Greece. Maj. Gen. Baird, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Roseau for Lou!stens has publiShed a circular to the planters of Se Mar ttn's relay ttleartain resolutions aaopted by them at a meeting to regulate tontraots nith freedmonfin which he complimantit'them for their liberality and Justice, and 'literate of the ratualutions as highly creditable to -thew, but suggests a few insprovementathat would ren der the rules ma prOThled by theameba resolutions ao. !minable by ail the parties cencorned. The Ile Washing sas : lisassurek, , Minkster F ton stisulor,, bee rent 1 i r. n Wrest lanatiOti 10 thettitate •Deparipielit ready there are-four or trrenandlaatesfor the succession. all from Ohio. Ambag the ratite are , two .members of the Ohio ,Legisla ture, namely, Naar/. StantOnand Ninon. : WaibistirtoutiLiMl.hda7 - cinetiiiati ..4...api pkrawl. I p.a Ilionnisper .Q.ll Croonnurg, Feb.2l.—Wiushlagton „lanbta," le beta* quietly eolebrataa:u n .• monouttlans ofelnueananoo. •An anstuxesslta uttem_pt was mute thin uariangsottbotv Use =war the West Vlt slot* Journal, atCharlotte**, Nast Vlrglolo, Ny* toryoda, da il vit woo auto bia. iat a*Tr an* *W ow*, r•-- ..~a~'L'€.c.~,,~„~~.~"'5;,.~<~.r,5`5,~.r ~ z ~.~''~4~ ` j +~ s ~~' ~~ _~k `"`~ ° ,si ____......• .. ~ . -. . ___ . ...-.- .• - • ',..- „. .. AZ ,s- 1 .._ ...,.. -.11 , , . , ::„.., ::' . --:' ' ',4, ii- - ;_,Zar ~,,,=.::. 7.- . , T .. ..,....;;;„ c.,,,.,_„:.,. -,,:,.„ ~,:.,,....: „fi ~.„....i A. ..... II • FEBRUARY 23, '1866. 1 ittn . ~ geocrttale t th em amit not be ; Malty ordant mies,but min united nation. tA.SerliitOneunttee of Angie, in lee., inbreed. ea, ill oxeladtag California for eight months, till a Majority of the nation should utopro. e • Mlle imamate:ice forever, the debate open Nis. s . very. The compromise wile by itittrou! to be :l pe_rpetruiL The compromise Or. qL), Ja: 04 ti 1 . p l i n 'lb le fn. t e4nl e_ ' r I d nen «,,unufsirugi :2_ , V7:ll l titantottneiLtswaPPipiestteltV:bY the Mtn -1 t tilsol et sibratiot c l o of that_li i rtiAti , izt ..itte. C Mei Ceelveiztlensdintipulations that r castors 'be__pt, , on iNesr. Maxie°, Sieved tund i• - • eels:wade: 4, Yon: cannever keep States out of .-. the Union. TbeVrasent distrusts-of .filture ::' atateirs.7,l existing States, have no suhstan ', Dal gro 5 . ." They aro begotten of Miura ga -• ble fears Motions. If ever : his tbilig of , keeping., ~ S tates by Joint Eisolotioes of ,' d-have had a chance ofi Per- i . Menem, 'au as, , that time has passed gamy. .- NO. State ever been hindered to Caine gri e ;Uttliallith on. except on questions of African .w chluut now gone to the dory and' ,' `ri l sire. ed. No State +enterer hereafter, 'be de from coming Into the E n on en ~ the.' of - slavery: 1., It- is a grave error to suppose that' the teem:mot' 1 w fs .. MEW= anytidng Mg In It. Ater. .. 4 0 1 7 to become Sui t e ,because It is a Pleasant d good thing tepossess the privil eges of a tat's. •I would not . keep a State in ; eterritorialoandition any. longer than cont. i Pelted to. I. In -the beginning,,practleally, State had slavery.. We , abonsii. ‘- '07.1 in some States without disorder, and, whn slavery ribied - i dest r o yed Op. , DOelikul to the government, we. It I eltigether. We - have done, all this • In•elnety - years. Without an imperial governmentor pro. - oclasMar territorial system, btit leelidal States , OrWilided over tiv a teaerair.or resonated gow , arnment.. They Wat t thehleci : • tber African in th Indies Jen as we arm • The confUct Of-OD/Wee bet Ween". the -PAM.' ' 4UL and Congress, In reference to the Freed. • Manias Dereaptim colnialt inieolneXinelmes,r atividy nalm ant, and : ould excite little Intermit If. I stood alone: - Seth agree: that :, :tgAinreau :was created : . th e transition. between war , and. peace, and. ilhou4 '<mese eV-the end , of that:Twilit!' auriPzetak dent thlake that Mead , tau .neistirvitaisilli. cud that the Or is summent, WhileVangress 'Welts the :original provision natithl. litillarOn,g.• -_-• - illitrellswlrn uni P re sident, in . the limo° that '‘ .. eisaissindlnatY-PrOviaban Udell :the-bill rinaiteawilinothy neresparT,butthat blowhole AligniturViaity. be sliatiliffed by simple refer , care to the, exising ./aw. The law of, March ' ad; DiEk7which created the Preeolnets , a • Bb. ; "rintii. , providing that It shill force o ter/Mgthews.r Of the rebellion, and ono. full I .yearmmaimw.. When damp that year expire? in . thelEreallienVe Judgment, . th eanderatand the matter; - the war or . ' rebellion. 44 . 2 • balm -, naming, ' and, is .still' ' coming. taxi end, - but triemot yet fatly .clowld. It hi on.thlegn3tinti 'that lie maintales air limy,' • contimmitirewrisof Achep. comer,i'abd exer cises -martial. lair,' When tlie' thiegf - Were ; theao, , things mare neceasary In the rebel I 'States.- Theessistenee,of.rebellion was legal- i : I Yentionnielidde.lllll: ;The re _end. Oft balludi • 'light to , be and may be expectedto be all. cioneux34. by , conspetena - deeMrat Prink:Wilt and Congress. For all Praetioahle putirehisprebellicm' Will, in law._ come to an Li end ,if the President or Congress one or both, , :oltialally icluxounces its terminatiou. '. Now auggretirlie inineuncement to be, mailer! lavt,the Pmehlent, and by Congress, or hy eith, .erettheinalleessuera, that incase We Freed- . • en's Bureau, - lareentinued by virtne ihniterban miswrite:Al In the act et March asi, 'MY tore reuniter such'proclamatlon shall be Met- 'lima. the .Freedniews Bureau would con ne by.otiginal limitation emit the '*ad dayofFelittierir,lB67,.'mverst proper it:iv oh 1 which to tiring it• to an eml. if Congress should findit necessary, to prolong its Cala teneelit can at once take theneeeneary steps, for it will arnica date have beowin operation , nehrlythrese years. • Ought President of the gaited . Stat.Ce'to I - be , dationtleini in 'the ' house .ef, big Mendes— j minds More might he. denounCed In a bouts of hie friends for nineddg, In .thelabetmee or nny nem/Unto pommy or retalutnitto exercise .pearairSirthan thogie-wMghereagerelsed by , any - lat mosistreteEln the world. I trust this lt or ;declining- Imperial powers , I too' beatify', rendered by a too confiding Congress, may be rOriLLVOn by. tbrrOnOrOnli TOO. i ' Pie. It. wilt be a , bad hour, for the rape c bit 3 2470L e t ti h AZ 'refu tr t e. Gri lte ee . arra_ a_rirbiti_werBto7ld , a settee. e.n b en it shall ~ oe so consieVre, l l, the Alma will have arrived for setting lilt atthe Whitwitouse • an ., hamlet' throne, and cur. •rennidlntthe Exeeptive WittinneetiulltsZione. The nTheting"witsf also nektmLied by Mt* , muter Genera Dun_ ,Ison - Henry .I.'l:laymen& Famed* -.11.. Culling .Denlel S. Dickinson and Deo. Opdyket and OlilpOrTOCL Cl a late hour. FROM WASHINGTON. MIMS By PRESIDENT JOHNSIA. =I w..sureores, Feb. —There wan is mass meeting at Grover's Theatre today, in .sup port, of the rresidenths, polloy,, The edifice was crowded to its fullest eaPecitY. A. large number of persons were 'addressed fro nt the eitandi: Among the speakers. were. Mont gomery Blair:Cog__, Judge Kinne Repre sentatives Smith and Trimble- Tee princip al 'meeting wag presided over by Phillip A. Ken. Clad, the oldest member of the Washington Bar. A series orresolutions werepassed, strong. , approving the course adopted by the Prest. I ent, &Moaning upolts the. citizens of every state. of every Stuideof political opinion, to standby.thepollo . .tulotited lay . At: the cloth of then eetlng„iipreeelaiert Warformed and P to an Amen spaceininnitsat the north Dottie° of the .Rxecutive Idaninen and the, COMmittee •.deliverld to th e 'President, the resoitaLkrne adopted by the meeting. The, President sock. made his appearance ! aad_was met with .an enthuslastio recentiOn. addressed_thcasilemblagess follows: Fellow Citizens-Ihr I presume I have the righttri address yak as such—to the commit. tee who have conoted and organized this meeting's° tarvt tivii-to - utrict er . va p spleen thanks for the oompliment and approbation they hive manifested - In their personal ati draseto.thyailf, sad, fa; resolations they litVe adopted; -I am free to say tir Ala taxation that Ills eatritrutly lag. to mein know that: go urge a on o my to citizens ap. prove -43w easions;AbtxboUcli; ) -ibstataa blese adopted', and is intended. to carried out. Tt u ney.liallbeearOttinethlek.inut Intended tonit*Abrriotte Onion - of the - States, and ntalltins tOthetiaternment . ilhisseeMs tote* dayfoullarir. liPPreerl. alp for such a mantresta the drwtatit glee t he tOblell 100. An this Governments • the fin:trot Ws Coolant et him who atmd ak.thellead at , MU over Then, ail Mean States entered this Linten. Thu day ~I say, is peculiarly appropriate to indorse the Fttb reiteration of' Mae ;States, founded by the orlu, .cguntry, Goorge Waititington— Waablagtonawhape imam this oily.. betire4s embalmed. in the hearts of :Lail who love free Coratnotent — Waithingtoil, Who' Was first in Flit war, first. In the hearts of his Cann —no peoplocan claim no : nation ea*Pllrelwittte'itini.;repittation and life "stun common triheritanee of all wholove free government. ,J, L t&day,_lisA the pleasure of 'attending the, , I 'AssoclatiOn,. almeting itgalforto tocomplelethentenunumt ereetett , to his uteMOM was Out to meet them - and so lay.nti could, them my humble intluenee:, 'The Monument is - being erected wahine stone , e throstofthe nein ) aildiressi'yon, .Ir,- be completed. Let the pledgte which all the State rinocht-1 lions :and corporations lave' aced: in that monument'Of - tenahrlkith and love `for Vila' Union, : preserved, ' Jot ',lt- be . cote-' ' , sato:, and` :in ' connection ' let , Inc refer. ,e the moan: tmen".e. stone; sent front. owa swat; . Stlite- :which ' struggled for Illealresertnttiontor the Union Mul the councils of the nation. A..nselthielsiseribed on ihakstone; I stand 1 byhat stmeet and she „fit ut Stand brit. - was thesentittlent enunciated bv the immortal -AntlreW-Piiticklos, a iThe re , aerfkl MAAR /CPIPit bPDCOOrIiM kir. johnstnt thetrrafereed A _briefly to Ine.ion duct o ftleneralJacsoisavrialotenounced as traitors tot wturntleMptal - 1 4- -dtistroy-the country, and rolteratetitils 'determination' tol standby the-ountry, and .the.. timuttitutlon. -Ile tholualli - lb oTheidatth g the titiestion of re 'ecnistrltction, Wp tier. :deal." with ;all Itts.veople spirit of revenge. The:SouW decitudwiedged Ate allegiance to therGoventment, awl:he-was ready to open. the ticorsof the Unitur, and restore them to their former relations,•:-Lie• sale -there Is no one who has Inhered tuirder than have to have the principal etniselod s and intelligent trautots 'brought to jtAtice, and to hare the law vinditiated. (Al this the (Italia - tehloresks off, and we are . tit fore enable to. give the ocean. stetter'. the - Mantis rernarki.i An . terall. Vrieh,th24472l,-....allaatealuill:r7tlnti; = IL 1 , 3 ri z iato bap. ore Beading Pand‘di fallkarerilyirtg genera/ Ws l, e : nalltim% btrita3 , . l i m o? of - . .„ !. r 6 14 .C4 3 4510 1 .1r.brk. : brzw , Toor.,_lleb.:; mik—Geaoral brunt ,to atop. , Ptbg at tho ; bletroPollulaillotai, aost (waning neliflig 004.0 by tbol,VClo..Tberocep tiOn itrearinglorbtui ofoollag,"bV the'. I T O lol lj , e4lgtio 'ligranitatrafr Vox*. Fabittayi. 91 . - - Ttio'briud 6t Idti.. cation last evoutilitcArelda.l to rube thea He" of teacher") ar , enloped "abbots .16 , thef GsIUT . Ants tot toostfoittiik,lefo. LIIIIMII . OWMO.,- ebb: , 1:1....The flouring of afiahall. .Esales, sore warehouss o Mr. or or J. W. Waddell, the - t and d o Warasotuust, wore btarao4rosoraay. ►zO,aoo; insured rorsiksoo; - • , . ,• , o l oViTYll. :ll 7 2 2 l . 4l4..,Vrt g a t ie - skt aft aeon at sae. a..twenty oars. s Mlrth Aix In New reit. -:ititi ar Rif, rob; 42:fil iiii izatilm clt3r -- is _,. . bus. AM Vei II ly onstionetea, dap artuaylatutatv,92- ' tali etteetp,And pauhenuouditintigialr- 1 nO ntaKlo.' • ' ''' l . minium sea,* AVRai4ik-44,delhia. PluraWniu.44-Tieb.lll-AtosKt. for.the AN otHorans or tnairivonn . nu Inn% ertitnlalnnt In wrath- Witilirt kitAt c 0.,. .... ~.. ~: 144/kerf, . Timusoits AND vtiling' iticit. • 55.:„_.,,,,,...„t,."'Thr,......n."12,'i0.,:::r5'b—a,;;r:...M,;z tea ....... ', l About . I.4,onD rufook er*" ,ti l urda ".6 " 3 7:4 zeu elic4i -n i matted a I ft e : a :te r ,nne, tieimmmil:tenott..mor...theisbourillt ' i h...,..; BANQUET TO THE AIRMAN MI WEL . A a Pftild mi.e ting ot -the s t `"Y ctwa.l , t 4o `'e the baain, .1,,,,,,, i . , which meat : was held on Theraday evening, February ect. , ...nee in _-----, _____ for the purpose of ( ordinanceconsdering prey...a beery o t se • ne,, AAA ~,_ I °no- The atone weighed ,idteat . Complimentary /Speeches by Gen. et liar ; repeal of the frame law ' and Secretary Curtin. I e a , In &Ina p M essrs. Drum,Hail,Huck, i the fre e , po unds, and by the acUon.Ot resent, emrs. • - and see, b a d b,t entne nxanned to ana -1 —; mi extent Gine e , I encteins Mrler. Patterson, A. D. Smith, J, R. , "tart i f ,, , ~,,A A, t required not mu. A m . to • , .. i :sea Yeast, Feb. 22.-The banquet to oar , Sunth, C.. (I. Smith, Thinnas, inornan , ed., A 1,4,,,,,,. tb. ,4" the Pealsenuila and President 1 hill, deross tirsatwdliir thun gecod down the ' Mi ni'll'or in itnanls, by a corp Oration of mer 4feßrier. g , i i inies of previous nwe 4 1ng read I chant " ants ot Moscow, was a very enthesiestic of ;.and AAP= • • ' i rip stone from rho e a u ~ u, ,no,__ . evensc g the lair. it was deed/m.l as an seknoteledgMent t• Mr' Pef- wWn labinntwi "an °rdinana° ' ten.- i falifeageelni:ofe7itheeeuree:lt:e ftA);:05:711......;11".'''t,inY.,--I,tavbrers'ill. loi the -out eales mien n the Russian fleet f ui h o i l-in ch g f leee ree tt f a e t e fros er m w are e ft e tten• b e ff th fl ee fdefeirr':: 's en , and stink through J . ",,, ~ ' amino etty . Thep resident' of the Imperial , : r age the ordnance 11, all ba lawful to l cellar. i few feet to on: I - 6,5 - 1 4 ~ ,- " e eseoe' '''' '• . exchange mid that Amerlcee,a, netti ng a a td e , erect wooden bulldinga, to he whed.sta dwelling hat u gene through the Voile:- 0t.46 - -_, I all considered-loon of minor importance, and 1 houses, outtlide °Elbe followlngtltheribeallint. caused great' ilemage. ate cda o c , ‘,.., -- i5 P a Y in g n o re ar , " to the changing of Im o f Its °r- bOuX l = i Menaning Bathe allegheny arrest thee anthers of the. m am= , t es- I river, and ding up Am:lemon etroet to soeceeded in maalog. their , have over shown themselves friends to „this , and tip Churn Monne, and Cedar avenue t' reekleasneas .honlit on leveret, people, and they theretor.refruitftuottz.serdtetokit- ' North avenue; *cocoon said avenue to Ea. and we think therdare a large ninnberof Snitelre; and let us drink to the health of the 'edge th eir amitable Ws , planade ntreeiL Mien& up said street to a lute jln this City who desert e a 'Trate les son. .„. I Ineallei with Loemit street, and along mud I ,„ worthy and highly esteemed Andrew Johnson , , "treat to Federal street, down Federal street City Ilt Glendale. Pratt/lent of the wrest power on the other side to Renton alley; thence west on the line of . of Me ocean "The President of the United I `wall °U V Pastu re Lane ; thane° alon g Ba-la ' Dr. iteoranj... siet:ook,. Physician en aka_ . LowesStates of Ame ' riea.ii Protracted applause/Al. • Wa n le net street; thence weeiteloug said I Beard of ficelth, nut isea the felkiwing, mat ~. t tele tont/ tbe band J °lnin it in with . street to legheny avenue; thence along said ;of the Interments in the pity of Pittattarldi, "Hall.Colusabla.o 1 avenue to Ridge street; thence "along sald . ~,,,,..., ~, ,„,,,. , ~,„,,,_,_• ~.... „.,,,,, ~. At the request of the committee, General , ct reei to Irwin avenue; thence along said spies --- '' '° "ruarf .. ..a"' ` YIP ''' . . °l ww / M IL :, - Clay permitted the following telegreurt to be , ,P,3 1 . / WWI street; thehee atone said stheet n ulastea.-Typhold prientneeisin, I; chronic sent to tke American COtianlCle at Liverpool, 1 .. raig street and Laeockstreet- thence along dienrhea, I; gangrene of arta, Ilesnesemsanfan,,, . for transmission by mall to hissuldress : ' 212.1 fistihrstilenegiAndrite.faanseit,Prerldera ulliernr:r" fffe weef "4 4 ..„_,., _ th e thence DP the'Venit'side of mad title; II litilamatlon ,V lunge, i i al Pthirt l 4 -1 1 ' at ma onfted most pp,imergow.-The merchants ''lrrirjr n ,_ A lieghen_y riVar. ef die etnnsYlVa.. . &yell inl Z mi a sk : l77 . 3 :in ‘ l l 7, ll 2 ' , 4 :til " l be teo7n, ar l t pottier of Ifeeeow, tefilooming I,o,their ow the Ma, nane , s, aaorAn ale arme Pataage of the ordi tdrth,- • I f membranous croup; I; Malc.,bor 14 liter.of the United Statos,"trin it to the health r0v.b...,_! that the meaattre would not cOnvldidense 3 - of IburExtellenoy.o • to ' any anarellri n ,, tb° WAY Ile Woe opposed ~ , Of tile above, there were, ender Onetpaipti4i, ' (Signed by Om President of,Committee of f er r. A,„ D . Lu th , o xisti eaurdinance. , fgut 2, 1 t from 2t05, 3 I . from a t00. 1. 2_ , - ; Reception.) not be defeated then mum fie tete, 1..., Males, 14; tinsel -3 ' any shams, Malin iso . °'° cfrdi nativo In __l r te s M ug. " Ot from SOW 4 1 3 L'. frcnt - to, ,4' Mr. Clay renpendod In Limitable Manner , re- Ihe was in favor of ...... a.. turang_thanks. Sir. Curtin, American &Cats • f an , , And giving " . 4 4? . .nvIneal of the 01;1 /1; eolereel, g 2... . Total it , ' -" ' tar's of iftntion_, addressed the coMpany. In nnakee. " 3 ' • "' g en on ebnal I . it . h M a A vi be er t, was . pr il ui at ted •or ica theoonlinance, allusion to the Stallittan Telegraphs ho saldt "II may pont to the linuosAmerican Tel/COMP/I tia A common aehlervetnent of both netione, and' he rerretted to hear the gentlemen e Parevoferfa"neld" do a work Of World-wide renown end impel'. , l,- -peat, TAimee. I venture te2 say that no enter- ; 'ml Mr. PattersOn Smoke at length i oriseDularTli,rwileit= rAfeltldi leth s c i • lk sc e be th w: j' tthhiettiedionleadereejerfesultdbrfriefedwinegeMth:e?=l""&rl:4 of binding the two c ou ntries together. 1 :it but la the localities deal atm gy c OnntrYinenneatlently await the anentent i t wo a d ku,=',,, d ,,,,,,,, ~,, i nare ,,,, ~..K.l ; ..---• W Ile giving expresalon to their feelings w. , elation, benefit our mane factoring inter ests, ''I'. respect and gratitude, When the' President of ' and was An act of jesters! the ir kt T the United States will profit by tho comples mmn_,,, and men of moderato t ea eans. er e non Otthe new. Hue, and dispatch h. first nal. Mr. Timinas feared that the •loare for the utory Valentine to the Czar. You have apdken um r n, f i n m nth; To this,e end In th tu at r w e al RocuaLlabanavdeArn.oethrilea.„ Three p er ennt. ,. poor man 0 moll o lit My- To I replyln cd.ber WOds,_ that men of apital would build huts an' them to 1 to be ashamed of in the past, and nothing to poor men at anon et figure sin would s h e a tear in the future. In the pant, Russia and return of theft Investment in about three Americ, firmly relying upon God, have both yenrs • battled for their redependcmee, nlhilated foreign luMitit'd lit' their midst no had heard a man Meant that he and an ' would build houses at six h sndred dollars, in whate v e r ettegnim ,r if, f oo t aaann , A ! which he could rant for sixteen dollars a I 'Thus fee, weetzeive been sueeessful, wish formething better than that God maybe as gracious tot. and our children as he has , and ~,,A , Month' Ile was opposed to the ordinance in " Z. J. IL Smith renuirked that, the a atteJoet of repeal had note been before Councils for three I been two our ancestOrit As regurdli the nure months, and no nnnonstranee had been Made. Le two eountries will be only more intimat 2 ly connected, having learned to know each There were et in fer fav ,of 114 'repeal, , and he had a 'right to in that the eitteente other In the past. lam mint/need, gentle. i Fatal Aceldent.-The Iltomilion .1 t - were in favor of it. Men were atiSolutely _., - Mon, that, the more Intimately acquainted • says that on the _ tit nit; Mr, .iosepn 'Hod. driven out of the city In (mimeo uenee of thin -- I my emmtrymen shall become with you, the searelty of houses, rind belidvfng that the ei h k a °Men °' Pb in more they will love you. meamre would prove beneficial lie was pre. 1 county, was handlin s a pistol w kb as loaded, and his little son, a ehild'of be. After the ad,' revs Mr. Curtin wan seized and pared to veto fqr it. kissed by overt' Resslan present. I eeu four and aye years of age, Was.lll2llr at The vote was then•taken on Mr. Smith , / i 1 h .. By „Anne accidental means thee IMAM ! amendment, winch was lost. t Went 'on the contents passing th .the CITY AND SUBURBAN. , Mr. A. G. Smith then moved to amend by w e o f th e mite bov which resulted la Ma suspending the ordinance for one year, over , l en t' ' l, n , anant much" o' r,t‘renly minute' - , the whole city. , Withdrawn. Norlai CoogresMeltonal ( tethering. Mr. Thomas stated that I.osSinticil as the at- There 18 %l lllllVerlial oomplatnt In congrega. t r lTr at ' 4 ` 1,11411,1= tolut . ht.',.. P T m e a b re e ,-1 ar A c discord:lg the le T ro e p e riM P o l t ‘ ri e n r Ml Vh"leg a gas . non. everywhere, of a want at sociability or men of small means , he would f now go a pipe out on the wheeling bridge,' - 1 l u g 'order 1 !motr the !nominees. some complain that • ter further, and vote for , the ordinance if thateteamboats zany Meow, tile 3 ellnkrentalata . amended ao as to ollow no oho to erect world . of that lofty structeire on a lark' night- W their congregetion is more nneociable than : en buildings , except those Who Intend to or . ; think this is 6 good 'Men, • and Mile' which w eir, any °Ebel. But on careful examination, It Is , copy them. Me did not offer the amendment 'I hope . 111 be earned tutomiTeet. Itaettliatar , memo, generally that ther e is no t mom, 'liner . I himself but wished to teat the lIIIICerIty nf I hem s upon the bridge, theitutecon would net 1 tutee-tonong Congregations In thia Matter. In - T , some of the:friends of the measure. ... . 'Mrs met tot th the accident which happened The yeas and hays were, _then (called upon her n few nights niece, 'I ~.-• • ~--., , , -,- I every church there are little circles, mit as the final pentane of the 'Ordinance, Which ' I ----• ' -'' ' . re. , there are in society, which passer a kind of , suited-Tram Memo*. Drum, Myler, Patterson, . Larceny of a Wagort.-Mayor McCarthy "cleetito allinlty.'l .. . IL Smith, and Prestdent Meltrier-5. ' tcl before him yenterday throe men: Midned I N u B' •flail, Ithekenstein, A. D.Rulith, t Red Pearson, Alexander Morrow and Geo.-. it was our pleasure to be present last oven- n. I tr. C. Smith. and Tnomets--5. There ursine at le lfaverit, charged on oath 'of 'Jame. R. UM I ingot a SOcial watberin ln the Second 'ti. church. at . wow , RA, Lame,, pi...ties D. D, la vo te. the orelimence was declared lost. with buying +tale. front Mat a twotteree en, mutton , I elnitils resolved to take up nth. olpring waren. lite mirth, entered ball for pastor. This was one of the moat pleasant and imenble meetings that we have aver been ar ,ta • tai ac- 0 , their le poem - nem, on the Ist nay ter Mamie. - ~..........„14. r ea_en. I n c . „ ii. L e. .t elltion_froar 6 ... 1 , 6 .. rge In. Every heart seemed so overflow with kindness and good nature , and every face was '', "T"" "" ""T Fou r th .'. w '''''''.."`""l2l Stow ner and llowser.- The for radiant with delight ; anti if the members are that ...eunFee. approprome el p u.unagen. ices ...„,, . Be? lla neW trial in thin case On a writ of error teat as sociable at all times, the moat squeanfinh i ~b °, ,g,,,,n Ig: t, e g i : i n r ° ,,, i a ‘ acct,mired befora ;lie Supremo Ceurt at Ptinadel- M -1-1 " . ." lle a nee ireda) is FOur sPceelletlY wo be. cannot complain Of a UatlL of a reciprocated nn „ An ' 01 " t.T10 .".".Y. swat will. ' rime unselfishness of the meditate ' . gr.. •_ . • , _ , I eve, were delivered lij , counsel, two for and was demonstrated try the presence of a.aunt. , ~.1 t ery_ animated eiscuatnot ensueu upon „ , t o agalmt the prisoners. The decision of the ", bee of invited glteste of other churches and ' ~twa mat ter, chicly W. " ftwo ..7 referhld to '''' e Court has not a, vet Intestinal. ; denominntions, among whom we noticed Rev:, `-' o lntulttee en P.ngates and tosee. E. R. Stevenson. a Missicautrt, In, neatanta. S i lt i Xtg e tln offer b ed L e l i t resolution A i tt, t7h con. 1 Fine The alarm of Ore est igit betWein ' India, Rev, J. B. Clarke A. D., I ev. Doctor and w 1 tunable frets e el e o e m f an an e rasee er itain C o. wathe ten and eleven o'clock, was ! oe4sien t a f the j Mrs. Douglas', Charles Arbutifnot„ Esq., C. -A. - loind Fire bunting ofAlarshall'a tonndryitlear the _ ter Dickey, Rev , W. D. and Mrs. An t igens, end ' would bestriding to the pat re , Rev. F. B. and Sira'Reed. , - ; Deparn, tam.' Lost. e , depot, hi the Ninth Ward. Theeste ant The congregation and their guats assents ! A w- Patterson presented a petition from res- entirely consumed- We Were innablent i Monts of Setter Canal street, asking for an ad- that . late none to ascertain the ataionnt of lout. oled Ir. to nreh at 7/Peictek.• Rev. Dr. Pest I It. origin of the tire in 'unknown. i „, m.,,,,),,,, anal made a a b ort n d,,,, , ta , ciltymal gas lamp. Referred to the Gas Com- ' I which be explained We object of the 'fleeting. 4° wee ' d Gurnee! After singing a portion of" seeped psalmody, •On motion a 1 . Mara. IllevIte• Case--Tite writ of ,histiase Rev. W. J Reid led tile-assembly in prayer. 1 Common etabecte.-Present,• Messrs Brown, enryin In the ease of Mrs. Nevin was main te, . Mr. J. S. Ands then wended the platform, Campbell, I: lam, Falhauber, Ranee, I tumble this umreing at u o'clock. The proe mial after a neat and appreSpriate address, pre. Megraw, G. N. Miller, Win. Stiller, MeNeil, ebrlitimn ere that she will tee immediately . dia. I. seined to Major WilitaurePrew, n beautiful t Riddle, Walter and-President Renney. . el'et - M`d : Photograph Album, in behalf of 'the teacher. Themlnutre of the pres , edlng meeting were !In the Sabbatti..3nitool. The Album contained mad and approved. wr • a 'photograph of Dr. Cod 5i..,,. Prestley - , the Orstresticarof Mr....C. ~,,If...llttlter, the runes n ' •• -.-- toaeltera In the school and as many of the were suspended, when Mr. Centauri:um pre- . uatzEt.i-oa Thursday moreing, tal test., at s Id be obtained It bear .the seated a petition from el zees of the Second .7,l"'k. .5. 5.. ROBERT .T AMES non ofJamell sin 1 ni e o f w e in Th g ee ee cr e lption, n Id • lettene "P ward , asking for th " ding of Bidwell, — " paha° . a c ed w Y ''' ....4.0 .° 011, .. teemed to William Frofw, gold by Franklin antic iiitcul e attends and Ohio ave. Funeral from the .caldence of lax parents. No. al 1 the Sabbath School Teachers of the i'd If. P. nue. The' petitien wan accepted, and the , Arthura nicest, on Cart - unvr, at 3 o'clolik, P. tr. Church, Pittsburgh, as a mark of their love PraTerS of Petitioners granted. and respect, February =I, IMO." Melor Frew Mr. CuLegbain presented a petition teethe ' yte nn d, responded 11l d very trenching and eloquent erection of public ga.slamps on Pranklid, Bid. • speech, well and Manditon streets. Referred to Com- The friends of the family are respectfully Invited to cALLIOEN-On Thunder tooratal, at dm real i &nen Of her mother , Mm. Nancy steam, No. II After singing, Iter. JoloC-Douglas. D. D. mitten on Gas. , troyle • having been nailed upon made a few remarks., Mr. MeNell offered a, resolution Instructing ,of Thome/. 0. Calhoun. The congregation then adjourned to the Leos the City Solicitor to require the managers ot , The funeral will take 1 turn BOOM and partook of a au annum. re. the Pittsburgh, Port Wayne mid Chicago Rail. I trea Anegherny, se 7 weer*. JANE, wire pin, on pruner arTun soon. eV...o'clock. The friends nr the rant pant, which was prepared by the ladles and road. Company to keep• the footwalk of their j i ", are Berm' up in a style .that, would have done bridge acre", the Allegheny. river in proper • respectfully Invited to attend. credit to the most celebrated purveyors. repair, according to the agreement between • kcilits-ou Feb. fist, trio. D4A7Et Etilltin. About live !intuited persOnlifeastent to satiety, the city and sat company. Adopted. lof It liking toweship, In the Career of tila age. and left many baskets of fragments. Mr. G. N. Miller resented a resolution In-' The Noel's' will lake piano on Yeetpxy, 261 i luta After replenishing the Meer man, and enga- I strueting the Committee on City Property to ' est t o'clock. e. v., from nls residence. one MA ging in pleasant serial intercourse, the &mem. Inquire into the practizability of erecting . froU2 Bartow. !ann., on on Weitienura , bly repaired again to the teeny of the church dwelling houses upon the emends surrounds and ptoceed to Beulah eitUrelt. All Mends it's M aud enjoyed a'• feast of rename. In the form iv the Water Works,sor the accommodation • ..,, . of spirited addresses from VOL and Dr. J. B. of the engUSeer and other employees of said vet ea ea to attend. Clarke; Revs. S. B. Reid, W. J Reid, W. R. works, and to toport at the next meeting of i ___...._ . ...m_.nmew,.—• , --- Andrews, C. A. Dickey, and E. H. Stevenson, Councils. AdOptcaL which were Intersperse d's/Mb some vocal mu-' Mr. Megraw Whiled a resolution, which was Me under the, sad of Mr. Robertson. adopted, Instructing the Committee on lelAt a late heat the assembly adjourned high. • Wharves and Landings to prevent the Pitts. ly delighted with the evening's entertain. burgh, Fort Wayne and icaigo Railroad manta- Company from obstructing any of the wharves Mr. or ndings belnging to the city la. GeOrige.N.OM.Uler prenentedifilaamounts Mg to emo, for Improving the General Grant Emelt. se House. /Ir. Manna stated that under the city ordt. naneetrall contracta amounting to over twenty dollars should be given out by proposals, and moved that the bills ;be laid on the tables. Adopted. • , Mr. Pallumber offereda resolptton Instruct ing the Mayor to Meow - his proclamation, call ing a special city election, to be held on the d'lSamft,y of Starch, tor th purpose of determining whether the frame b uil d ing law shall or shall bepealed. - Adopted. S. C. concurred, providedthe election be held at the usnalyelaces of holding election, and by the regular elettioti Officers. air. Cunningham offered an ordinance, des Igen tin tin g how theeitypollee shall beappolnted, which was read and referred to Pollee Com. mittee. • The Councils then adjourned. itorrdylant in Alleghetsyt or the *Aunty /Parties. On Thursday afternoon an affray of a very cartons charnetcr occurred in the First Ward Allegheny city, under, the following circuit:- stances : it. appears that a German pnrabaseft 'a lend of grain at the Pearl Steam Mill, and while driving oft with his load, one of the sacks fell dpon the A number of ything men who chanced to be passing at the time, wit noised the occurrence, took 'Possession of the sack, and wore abott making off with It, when. they were approached by Mr. R. T. Kennedv_, ' • proprietor of the mill, who remonstrated with' them on tbelr conduct: - upon this, the roughs attacked Mr. Kennedy, and beat, him severely, though not seriously. A son of Mr. Kos, who repaleed to his rescue, ono also beaten about the face and he. together Wan his father, was cotopelleti tO draw off, upon one of the party :producing a large d irk orimtcher Imife, which he attempted to toe. Information of the affair was lodged at Alm Mayor's °Mee. and after a search of about one hour two of them were ferretted out by cere,Jos. Campbell and Scott, and proved to be John licUmtny,. and gobert Meirarahan. They were loitering on the corner of 'Federal and Laeock streets, and 'anon the °facers ap. preached they /Ted to a vacant lot, in the vt. dotty, where the latter overtook and captured them, , after considerable , of a struggle. , Scott conducted hicKarahant4 the tombs, but Me l:kat:ay snoceeded- in breaking tome from Campbell's grasp,, and started on run.. had proceeded but a shert distance; when the °Meer dretc.a revetver'and *com,pelled -his — prisoner , to stand, , lie. watt Salted, but, after walking few steps, ..cornmeneett to straggle deliberately4ltith, bid custodian; oodles some' ten Minutes. It , kas' doubtful Wilether 'taken or, not, '=acrd McKnight and lima; opportunely 'Made their I, appearance, -however, and the loan soo n ascot:sod In.tile:..tombs,',Whereite remain. etig. -,13 9 11 / I ftift when ,a hearing, will be sießintny Leon but a Men; tram theartay. .Was'identilled by, Mr:Kennelly istplOthers;as the one dourlatiedtbe knife The tllo4 . ll.r.Kerinedy was cowardly, :anktine.allett for,:and. as. be Itas preferred A charge. Of. Agar:seated', assault , nod :battery • against the parties, we prestffne they will.pith. er-have to give competent or , be commit:'tad Par Court. - - . , .''The Charlie Against ate. * - The pithtumatlon In our, paper a day or two • deuce,thitt:llp:lainem had smelted dud compelled, to Oro ,hall upon - a charge or the larcanyAt a wagon, was improper anoluu: Jullt - A 4thrqo chrs exiat between him and ... . . I other Par,Mell ".0 th e ' title to a wascm, • • - Ile &domination can only. be. urrlved: at'o n the civil aide of the coort,, , ln fact, the wagon . . watt stolen &Om the - prolate/es of Mr. Etlll, on WedneadtkrAlghf. ; Mr. 11111 Made infOrMation.l bereft tintAlayer,; obtained a search ' warrant,- found Ilia wagon; and luta , now 'la* ha paves.' alon *of taw =Me. charge. Orlatcany Las been madeberm did Mayor agalnstethe par.;, Una in *nose . pNitiesaloll It WWI- found, and they Are now tuuler:ball.tOanower.the charge. We may state, Mt Mita connection, that .the pnblicattcut maw Atada...lhadvemtentli. And -if. we: lad known' tho Amts. no they_ really. es lit, thaelarge would not hart!. Welk inade without the kitteesatury.eaplanatlon. To thoae. irtur.know.Mr. WM. IVIM,ho. 111 Illooemaerg for, on to sXy that Ids character le aberei d eproach. - He IS a genuennan'ot honoboadlAte ty. and haring fore° many, ears matntain a aga, eater for iiimot May, at thim la ` daYi • elm doe' Ida good. name 'by loingt alinat °Pen to; charge mg disreputable as to alleged again him, . Bold Bobbery—Tbree Hundred Dollars - gtoleur r,4! Anotlfet extetedve tobbityi r the tertletdats °Adds& have bein , kugt teilatkibkV 4010 600 • ourreci PI4 11 011)03 . a fort , dayipago..rt ap. piarathat.ilDeiri:Pattdiscs & Day, ebiallsolo ersins Federatistreet," bad Iplaeed some thaw lomdred della= In Abase% at the less of the store, tbedoor of *bleb iraslettitandlng open. Olt.looklng tor.the Money short time after, It wee holed tobelnlaitegg remensbia,; ad that a young man Cho keeps' a mere aotne distance rnthe any had- bem lett in themt• elnlir ti lit th e aitei•sthllst the proprietors were Wel in a. somber ID ber customers, abd• Jug usPtilegh was ysatarday arrested by oil eer Bowden, and nekr for a bearing before Mayor Idarrleork We refrain Irons siring the more tt theDarty arrested, until a Siring Is' M-8144mM be prove Innocent, It Id - be ' d U oWatios lelnstleeake defendant haexare, wars Suataitted a gr reputation forlaseerky,". PRICE THREE CENTS. . , , , Aur . wo . linn . r o t turn from the MI.:Well:: thounbt of Amnsemessta. ' . i _!!!!I 7 .. ..!_tLtu t f in tne remind our • r eery •or ten Tannerte.—/iless Julia Daly appears to be as : — "" 7 P ''' ''''' . larch or a it favorite with the theatre going . , nubile as some.of her predecessors , and she ' • Idle the hone° nightly to witness her great : • 1 character or Our Female American Cousin.. . Mr. Saln • Ityasi- , has also - incorporated himself , I S _LAUGHTEREDAT ' IntOillegOal'graees of the Flttiburgh public. D i a-,.,„,„ ...,. To-night the Mil will be varied, as It la the co- ~h . . .i, -,c 7— r t,76o „ raffrx.,,M* 4,o" , iih t " 411.. ., , cation of - ldherDaty , s benefit., and, the peeler- I briled i ConrerPtfall enor Stem alreptlY 11111er eel*.' ' meows will . consist, of :the condo Mili tary drama or the Child of the Regiment, and , - the Fool Of the Family:' Mr. Myatt 'appears as °Minima in - Dodging fora Wife. In addition' ' • • to the other 'attractions, we may mention In this cenneetlon that, Major tleneral Sweeny. 1 T. -Pohl= StOnstarY of War,together with other -w-- see 411 ::)pers, I - louse. celebrities of the Fenian brotherhood will be , present.' ' ' ••• • • ' I There own Ara nod elliOlit suy , ertAerittalltAdo (Omni. lionelt.—Thls evening the ever popu-', to my own order. warranted superior r any lac: Laura ' Retina Minis :her farewell benefit. , lb, ley: and s ehellettge of The piece seleoted for the occasion la-the newt • littlx Inama,- entitled .The wives of /rebind, I , . , .or thepthogli." Mai Keene's - Mine se Isaac- . ' . , 4..,(1 trust- le 'too well attested to need any cum.' , meat from tia.'"Sio matter in what character - $ 5OO .111,EW -•'-''' she may appearthere-willbe a desire to Bee , her, that seldom attends Ure advent of AnAte I tress. Handsome; piquant; natural and easy, , is enema to produce Itl good flood* rot ow:wont tat she pcnulossas webers:is that ;•So_irreoleneble., I* end Cl !ht. celebrated emporloM. Het . Martha Savage...ln '.11,t0 ,Workmen of 1 : • Now York,. will long be reureMbered. • Mr. Harry Hawk, Who supporta her in her differ ent eltaractera„, la a gre-at acquisition, and merits the pop ularity he has acquired. LA itATATYL RALLY-4111 amount; of the• hall having been:engaged on2hursday and Friday nights for brillsi. the great . exhibition of .110, Evoyis Ribernicon, or a tour in Ireland, - was s,nr.meserily however,e. On Sattirday - afteinoon - and night the exhibitioriwill be re ' surged, and alao mi - Monday 'and Tuesday' of net week. _This - exhibition has mot with • great success eliewhere, and although it has !Medved a liberal mitronage hern, the attend '• mice wonld dbulitleashaVe bean much greater bad Mr. BIDET have been 'able to have ob. tallied - Mason , H M aIL : s impersonation of Barnarrthe gut els wall worth the price of ad. miseiOn .40 sAY- iti:.iii.9r plc llllltileal enter- • . • The: ow Nikreleits 81111-31feenris of the 'me The clergymen Of PlttaSiirgh, Allegheny • aud`rleinlty arn' feituoste'd tit meet In 'the lee ture room of the Second PrealSrlerlall Church. a(Rey. Dr. Howard%) on Friday, the. Sal Inet„ t Weloelr, .1.:16:;to take salon - lw.gefererece to thaln coilshien= i'ateOrkawt.tuider theLe lure. 1477 :4: 1 ;: " F t.t e po Ax " : 1 :11" ., 1 8 O . Wash, -.Tonal:Lai:tow; ME Tim i tivAid the tap . 1111 eetbariTtiece:'.who remember Mr. Trien.sidirrimg lecoh lan .winter in favor of :09151 etorenlas-V= ll lnirell 0 4 M3tages - for American laborers , "Moira= rennari 7 :Wilda 'at tiM own expense amine% Anemic': akChicalko will 'beam° to turnenb: too:Light:to irear - tair chenititein•ertrish..s a : tionalliT, American industry , and uncommoi' easing enemy of teadyisinto England..-Them no Dail. in town larg encrughlte meet, xbe crowd. The Philadele tuipers eay .t h uAca „ ... any of Music was' ammed on Tuesday night . when -111 r; grainEsok ine elat the tuillr et- the' Preis Tan t The ravenixte.settelre. bum, learn t thic hr weigh, 10t.r.. Tram te Wrn: ill apeak will be deth designated bye:Lemke of pas has oppmaw ;Chatsbarlata, Sm... or Nay Brigutatt. Juilso tor th e new, andlMa dlstriat composedor Wathigigtodazuk 'Bearer: CbSZCd* LITADAVOZOXIX411110:01.VI, 011r;,111th , Deeealbgext. An e lects 11 174" 1 be 110/1/ In ,tobe;•• ~~ ~ '`: +-TEEN- INZIKELIT GAMUT& I 'rim "non , 15 114 Vavato. " 4. widr' edition 11l fianrautedlitch Rf 4 feedfeed ty Mb. ;.• ember. loolieet Se the nelf/ ettgle erplet la • a aolo or thetaja Clete of ten and Writ& 111 IThse We . • • - Xeettira-arit gribeili c lid.c.: be no fallinfroff in the Interelfterfell4lng ~ i 'Meetings, and Last night the creed in a o .. o , o th wtt as oittreat assnt ithylptroVitmilelltdd ' Leta- aireasert i .tr reef ttigt&i:pr ..,''' same grounds as those wharf sab -1 . ' tliPlno7slll*orgg:l.eoniTlntrNle' '--- Dears to be no dtalculty vrhatoter lEflaltiliabile_ 4 e intermit aid, and we shell toga Air pampa: nstderably if Pittaburgel fighteen - do tier; ntributu as ouch to the bind In imepoilifesr to her population, as any city In the Un en. ~ et the stunning toe:sight, an entrance fee; of 14 tents will be demanded. Weeilligtoses Marabile7.—YesiterdePlOS. MI off very quietly: 'A number of ntOres Irate closed daring the afternoon, and it numberelt , htuildings were handsomely decorated with Hags. The banns and Post Office were el Mill but, Independent of a tee usaluted lastimesta s the business of the day. Wats carried Mlle aslant. In the evening the bull of the iiteseert Mink and Ladder Company I V lIA the attractive filature.' - - . iLLDALLr ' I TERM...A ru. ....rat and soon o n . • e :14 ante....117:14Z grl;lMai. Pellets Min e to ae~eet Muhl Lola wur aPpl typ B .l. s thum , d 2 " 4411t 121'..7;1117.; mi t gear, fa to t tv/ t renoourof the undn i red. corner of /edam sad W ad itreeta, e z ty kzti.. Beem an amitfressurer, 800 -SHOES. :HEAT EXCITERIEN't • • tiorcay bee been the acme of many aurinoile, in mate and reorders of late, and It la moat gratiryind to know that we cannot charge any - or that terrible Owe. to COLORED MEN. From 11.0 e. a Pair Virvarii. IS 4:w(rs . _ $26S*O TUOIISAND .114111414 .1111a:x . . MAXI TBOIYAAND DOLLA* 2 0.000 .THOIMAND . 001.1.414 WORTH livrstm. M I Wit aterVeg . tTi AHD BM* Afite."7"U. CO ktAIMPAIngeg.IO Wklll3l . listtWa AT MI : i'l. THE KinTa r:4T TUZ: PO fl notraz f...Vitultotnce.: .- -- - c MO Hpyqg si , .-_, •S .gß z' .: •-' : ',•-'' JIM -1V a Tann tommr,,..: fl Firm U W T MEZT RILIGT. I'l t :01000firthe °pow *UN.- FORA.tia--FOR mmr: „.. 1341,1ErOMILLANXIt -iP.ll4Ork: 4 .-.4 . l= l : l : 4; l 4 lEl#a c: V l l2.l . Egest Oiritaai aad la goat repeat, b, bar_ no aino r.. 5 i tYpT.V44.'1.4.11:41411W location belt:ion a ottani clarotimtazilealq„,i . .ittO &coon= ta It mom &simian 04,i„,,,41.„,gmarxe".4;!r,ireearmr, . , :~:,i i' ..:<:,r:,:, 11 .