W , ' , 5, , ,1 •-•-- . .._ -- ' ----% '-''' . ; l - 1 , ; s' . the tittobittlk taztitt „Larceny as Bailee. . John McKeon, livery Stable propriettori al Peered before Alderman Strain and prefarre - / .-----..-- a charge of lartitmt as bailee agabitt Hama THURSDAY, k Neill U ARY 22, 186 6 . Brannon It is alleged that Brannon hired, TRAVELERS' GUlDE..horse and buggy from the prosecutor on Mon . day, but refused to return the hone, which b valued at two hundred dollars. He was corn iirrfrAl aid Departure of Trains. mined for alma In desalt of ball. James B. Hill was before the same =Ws. ;1• yypenigylvanla Central Railroad• irate on a similar charge, preferred by N. C. Stewart. M. is alleged abet Hill converted to I Arrives. sa , . a his own wets wagon valued at eleity doll, ,fa Trici . iFti !'1 1 1: I V:s i t Line mesa m the r i g= Of the prosecutor . The accused tl Ilep•• Ma'am Ist ilf all Area Ode ate Was and gave bail for trial at 1 ffikaTilWilit . .. l l l sl: ig ‘4.4,11 ' A A' 1T . ... 1r.:: .... Fire at Warren Pa.-Quite a destructive Awn. 4:Ill pm Johnst , n Aorion.10:131 a m adapts ?looms,. gam fire occurred at Herrin, Pe-, On Friday night Mahn.. 6010• at Baltimore, jp ia i i , u m pin 1 of last week. It commenced Ina billiard . al &salad Wall Acann,„ lop pm loon on the third story of the James block on * 46a l a , 'a l . 14:1 2 ., 1 4tl It rAn ". .: 2 4 6 5= ri,actfr"re 13.8erwc.nae„,vgiowave. gig ii i 1 2 . -, -- '— 0 mr i rtoo 4 _Ace.. I North th Weatent " Bank betiding a distance of vim naiad' In thl ~,,,,,. -- -a, r ......d... ~... -elde P el over half a square. Most or ' the building. I . Il annta, 49115 42 ' 4 rninnling; leivea — rit - "ubnix " h9 I burned were old and not of great value The fellip.la.. - a James block was a modern three story wood- Ittabillrgh. Calemeltps and Di a . ta ..,,, i en building, on which we understand there ;WHO* it, A., ... -•iv. es ecmtlderable instiranoe. The Carver Noose was saved with much difficulty by the ~ ~.,... it51.5:t . ...... ,.. s A: I: , Tut . L tee_ .. .2 • : efficiency of the lire companies. 1 Alt”ill m Expiiss. ..- ''' P a m ces attuabscrellie eeimModetto .. pm coaunodattan -lois am , Helper's Magazine hasjWlt been received by A Pitts .Ft. Wayne and Chicago.office• J. W. ?Mock, Fifth street, oppoatte the Post- The emdents are: "In and Around /Mom I x.p. ..... ......: a m Express ...... .... Mut •nt Blchtdoridi" "Sane thtrtlee r "The Barrow- ass •••••• • ••••-trAP 1m Exprese ....,,,.... eta pla i ere at Hornet' , "Aunt Eathera Story; Arm: ses • ..... ••• Sast Is in F.rprets ..... .... littlp m ilale;•• ..The Second Life of Waahington; it 7,1 1 s m pall .... , sin oln "Too Lau, ; ' "The Cumberlande"eiummer i 1 Wheeling W gritty sti Loncipits,•• " The seven Days , Battles on the New PUIV I Zt Aocomturdation. leaves Allegheny p„„i m yi.," "What Hope Mil Found In her depot ate LM., 11110 apt., 4:20 p. m., and 440 pm., R .,.„, k .,..., cA ohruarsuis Voyage Acroso•the aochester, LIZ P. is.,• mew Oulu, SW p. m ,; semi- 9 "Battle Memories; "The dray say. lam p. as.; Welltulla, 3:M p. m. pietsbana.ca„,,,Daaa and wp po u pp .. i J A or Uan tey ti f . ' Editor's Chair, Current Events. ete. arDePans. Arrant. ~ „,, I Vielationta of the Sunday lianorlnor s ........ 2d3 a mliEspress PIA *" - Thomas Thornton and Daniel MoCafferiw ex rasa ...... -.. am p sol , E3Pou • gulp m I - ---, el CM a m aspress 5.n.., i vale before Mayor McCarthy tiisday, land were •:: Staubeavnle Accommodellon leaves Allegheny at adjudged guilty Of gelling liquer on Stmtlay s sap. ra. , week. They were each fined fifty dollars and Pittsburgh and Connellerille. , costa. Frank Wegant and John Algeo were .... p. 1 g o er: litlionor on a itallareharge, and were 1 1 Arrows. di ged guilty, but they gave ball for 1 i. ....... ..... rill a mast' es ...... .... SOO p maxim. . 1 . 0 1: ~,,, 'I en spinal to court. at Import-ilia a mist melt enscer.... elis; to •• ... eat a turd 1 ili p m ' I:1 Sugar Raltlisg.-The haves delight -4., Allegheny Valley itaisreed. ful, and the farmers who trees are ~.,V a a Mr rem uv. istall 1:44"'". 6:65 I.E ado pto iffiret. WC*/ 132 kW a preparing for the manefagnme of maple sugar -a product wiudh has become of great impor- VAlnanzunadation. 1:40 pse Aceonamadation ma a m Wino ill tills State. i' Millilitr' and sale Balltroad, to 011 and F city ranklin. ale Not the Illata.-John - W. Beck, charged with il the Weeny of a chair from Mr. Selma, a few Iwetele• ;a 0 a 4 ( 7,, es k r : De ' 1 „,..,,,,1 BD ~ „„ days ago, a not John Beek, jr . , of the Sixth . " liti f ep l W ee miit, P pail. ayMi met - Id - caii;,..pi - e - Ward, ea some persons have falsely stated, to Beaver alley, areernstineßeet...orant and Water ate. his injur7 Arrant. Deport. saw Universalist Falr.-Clty Hall was crowd. m... 4133 pln l ade a m e °ppm ,ed last night and everything bide fair for full llaratenty Stage, St. Clair Ht. , houses during the week. The fair will be 1 Arrica. , r.en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, It being Of P• m• I 6.41 M. Wasbington's birth day, at which Unica China Tea set will be given away to the audience. Innider 011 halew4 110 . Is 111. igialriltreet. Open every night this week il Aortas. I Irrts. 6 a. al. ow. • On the ffid of this month (Thursday) the IX P. a. Wasktmilsou atage•-•llards Hotel Postonlee will be open from Iy4 to Sly a. m., Arrant. and from 5 to 6 p. to l' I iftr i st COMMISSION NEEIRCHANTS. ~, EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS &LIVERY STABLE, OA PENN STREET. Aux. WHAM! J B. Ana= , myIIANE & A . IIIER, COMMISSION ....... MERCHANTS and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN g Ja m ul Dag, a sa a, p ro p r i etor .. and PeDUCE, &wand street , between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. apllrly torenicaars AND CARRIAGES ftiratehed for all 74. I. 0 .i. r7i t .. . . gotoratexa.....s. A. anZETAnD ffitt .t at; Nat C ih arTyr c e. Mr Yumerals, Wedding's mid 1 s AMEN & SHEPARD LE OPEN a Ext . At , t i ntl o rvonable odes. SA• _ ~,,r,o t...ommi TT sate Merchants, mid dealers In Foreign ''''' .".* I riDomeitle.rain, Flour, Butter, Cheiweldo CITY AND SUBURBAN. 1 otatoe. and prod n , generally, No. laii Bin STREET, opputte Plaseuger Wpm. Pittsburgh. ~.t 2 --..-- 1 CHARLES ce C. BALSEET, Produce FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAZETTE. LittYwrr m 'srizarAligr'' riri b .mllitror 'I L . --..-- dealer in Butter, Cheese, LMC,aigrork, e= e The Burning Weal. Beans, Tallow Feathers. Brooms, tatoes s lcan Iny, Dried Piens, theta Prutts, Onions, Pante. N Grata, Clover Betide, Timothy Seeds, Plea Seeds, Gone and Poultry. Particular attention given to Produce Canagnments. tall OMIT Enron. - ........ _ . ARDIS!, lAITOX. The Meadville Republican says A friend informs usthat from a point on College 8111 he has for several nightenotleed a bright light in a south-easterly direction. It appears to be at a great distance, and tom the direction, it Is undoubtedly the light from the great burning Well below Franklin. Its distance from Mistultille In a direct line is probably thirty4le miles, and College HI/I we believe, is higher thaidany of the hills intervening be tween thin point and th e locality of the well. At last accounts - the, well was burning as fiercely as ever and shows no signs of ex haustion. It mai yet become a great Veenwhis belchnig forth fire, and lava, and smoke, 'and doing great damage. to the sur rounding country. Whether any deter mined effort has yet been made to extin guish it we have not been advised, but it is probable that this could be accomplished if undertaken in the right way. in the ewly history of the oil development on Oil Creek, in inure than one Instance, - famous flowing wells caught fire and for some days sent forth fire and. flame: They were extinguished by min ing and cutting off communication between the ottani' gas DHl2:lltil, and the flre at the our face. It is thought, however, by many who bare visited thh burning well below Franklin, that the fire extends below the surface several feet. If this is the case, it will be more dim cult to effect-ita extinguishment; but at any rate a trial ought to be made . The ground, we are told, Is favorable for making the experi ment anal Aintlees. ..nnoir-lioirsn. A Winter idyll. By Jn Whittier. Boston: Ticknor d VielA.', A beantifel tittle volume. with n splendid portrait of the author, soda few spirited Illus trations. The poem Ls dosrnptivc of a scene around the hearth of a New England home In mid-winter, when the family was snow-hound, the roads blocked up and ell travel impossible until, the' roads ware cleared. It Is what it professes to be—a winter Idyll; and Whittier needs no word from as to assure our readers that it is written.. In the true poetical vein throughout. Whittier, from his enlarged hu manity and his lreen, poetical sympathy with the down-trodden and oppressed, has come to unregerded as the poet of the people; and he has written nothing In this poem to forfeit t hat regard. it Is s book which every malUva ted reader will _prize. t FOr sale . t7:.Tola P. num s co., Masonic Hail, Fifth street. "Coceos liosoe. By S. T. Trowbridge, Bos ton, Ticknor t Vieille." This m a story which appeared A the • Atlan tM Monthly a few months since, and attracted much notice, It is now repoldishetion a neat hale pamphlet of forty-eight itagee, and wip well repay perusal. Mr. Trowbridge lea writer whose reputation is eteadily growing, and his eueceess in these short tales will doubtless stimulate him to attempt larger works. Those toad of such readingenn spend an hour or two very pleasantly over "Coupon Bolide." For Bale by John Pt. Bunt d Co. Aft:derma= son 14lb:rt.—The Atlnutielifonth ly, for March, is ouL Passages from new iborns's Note Books areeontinued [mare also The Freedman's, Story; Doctor Johns, The Chimney Cornerand GrUllth Gaunt. The other articles are about the usual average. Harper, for Mareh, is also out. It opens with. an illustrated paper on ' , ln and Around Bich- ' mcnale , followed by .Tbe Burrowers at flohle," Illusßated; and depleting the life of animals that Latvia In the earth. A rmadale is don tinned, and the other articles hare the variety generally foandin this magazine. Fifth Dear stre e t, We are ledebted to the publMhere, Messrs. lichnor & Fields, for the March number of the atlantic norithly, by =fill. Habeas Corpus. Before Judge Starrett MB morning, an in. Meiling case of habeas corpus was beard. The relator, Mrs. genii J. Shafer, had this writie suet against Herman Shafer, to produce the bodies of two of her little daughter,,aged re. 117)0Glitely seven and: fee years,l3lrespond ent, Herman Shafer, answered that the chil dren bad been deserted by their' fatheri - that he teem charge of them and cared for them,. and that he did not , wish to claim them. The reSiclmit anderd brbis counsel, Bayne and the relator byHeasne. Bayne and er. The Court, ordered the Children above named to be glyeit to the mother, Inas , much as there appeared to be no other proper or legal custodian Of. them. The mother was, of course, much pleased to hare her own chil dren restored to her, and the children were Om bomb delighted to see their mother, and to be perszdtted to remain with her. There no immediate prospect- of the se t tle- of the proceedings against the fath for adultery, Memttoned ourcolumns days ago, he havin cares the country,' the y ew ft). bgbllll7 Istbat the end education or the children will be confided eattrely to the moth er, who is well qualified for the discharge of the duties thus devolved upon bar. The Case of Nis. Nevin. The Coroner's jury in thecase of Dim Nevin, haring had ample testimony to convince them that her husband death was not calmed by --- pawn, and having recommended her tm. mediate Alismissal from Jail, her counsel, Messrs. Cochran and idolfet bare applied to the Court ter a writ ot habeas corpus. peep., tory to her heel discharge. The applicati on has been grouted, and the writ has been made reio tros ot o on priday morning, at ten o'clock. Thecae. will then be heard In open Court,and the amused will no doubt be discharged from custody. She has been restrained of her lib. erty fora period of about two months and the moult of this case-proves the necessity of making some prorisitin for a morn prompt in vestigation in cases otitis character. Ta• Crimp's' Coorts — Msilstralle's Re- The March term of the Oyer and Terminer. . and Quarter - evasions begun on thefiret Men* day, Instead. ot the fourth, as fornierlyTand =lll L e t irraiini " h°ut d ni t er b:rot t ib Court meets. Thus it will be Been that they hawe only four or live days la which to attend to the matter. The . Deputy District Attorney, John W. Riddell, Esq., ' (Intros that ttlagU, trates will ere tbe matter th eir prompt at; tentlon. The indictments cannot be tire:pared until the in are received; at L d t h e public business is seriously retarded he ne. glect to make these: retprns in proper thne. i AU Informations .thould. returned Wi th in the time preileribed by law. The proton CO Ingress. Owning , Sessiois.L,Tlin Congress as. enabled ntOrnlallt APPloted:reider• day's busirxis. TheConitnifteetio*Crodenthil*netiorted the FL RM 1 Irtnit B R EX IIIIB , %t arrt ie Executive vicinage , riliVitini iindOlion-- , uoaalyanetoberb !ARIES. MUSES AO MILDRED Imonaly received, • • • - -1 EnvdOmt Robertaresigned en 4 Veeotninend. nlaey.eneral Sircengy.ii • election to tle.PreSi. de The 'reta i ned snsvc—itla a signilitsint tact - •t• , _______ ___. 1 ••••._ _ _ n• of prominent DamOrtatl iti of ~, . .. •, .... . thta - enty.apiut ocunnderable time on TnLI 35 -7 1E'rer -Offered- .ift:this. Natekti - in hunthtlpfor a cannon with' which' to tiros ..• .. :. --. __, • ... ..• . . •',,i indult* In gloriffoatton'at the Teeeptinn of the I-, , ~,•••.,,:•.,•,.‘,,._/..7••_,:•4T.::4.;-.::::::::'i...1 message °I. the secures C :, * men's stu.es. i n lreldg i t e )logg i the Freed; ~ mrtfintu.A.-410044,;„„i cannon; nand had ea Content themselves an ; indulging. in glaathrtga and eockgalli, and Chuckling quietly trier the veto, DiTcp,l3.Bi; ViiriDett Sitrepoti. 1 •^, 4. • K 1 OI & SON, Commiaeion • MERCHAN79landas9lms PL01717, (OWN, MILL FILED luta PRODUCE geiserMlT N. 79 DLamond, apposite City HAIL Allegbem7 Jal7:lym t, :fi! , 18t:creaser to Mackeawn LlnharD Dealer in Flour rail • Prodder and Catordselon R . K. JACK, ---.• . V 1. PIMP & SHEPARD, Commission -Merchants and dealers In Flo., Grain and pro. duce, No. Sa Liberby street, Pittsburgb. Clank* brands of Flow for Bakers and Partd4 use Aistrand y on band. Particular attention paid to ling order afar kterebandlse generally. octnly LITTLE, sAinD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocera Commission Zderckantamul dealers In Produce, Flour, name, Cheese. Ptah Carbon and Lard ull, Iron,. Pulls Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh manufactures generally 119 and 114 Second street. Pittsburgb. tua Tlioa. amcatit.i. WM. P. HECK & CO" No. 183 a Liberty stmt., Plitabansh, a., Wholesale Gram, Commlaalon Marohantaand dealers la Coun try Prucluam, Provialona, ItacorLtec. r:--Ftriiar.,;Wsz—iaL,lf,.7ait ORN B. CAIVIFIIELID, Collllllllllliolll and Forwardlna klerebant and wholesale deal. In Western Reserve One., Butter, Lard, Park, Bacon, Flour, PI b, Pot and Pearl Ash., Belem.. Linseed aad Lan; Ms, Dried Fruit, and Product generally, Noe. 144 and 1411 Pined arena Plataborms D. IcSITZR a. a. OICALT7. (4_RAFT Es REITER, MODEM •-•• CoMmleslog Ana Forwarding Merchant; and purchasing manta for all ritssbargh Manufactures. Warehouse, ari. =Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. roux I nom,- =Wear ttourn...era. m novas. JOHN—HOUSE 411.-131108, Succes ‘•• sons nand Commission lioesr. Co. Wholesale Gro cers and Mercesats.lornerof Smith geld and Water streets. Pittsburgh. Vele - - JAMES DALNELL & SON, Mann. tacturcra of Lan, 011,and Comndsatan Merchants for the purchase old aaJeof Crude and Halsted Pe- Lroleutn, Nos. 49 and A Water street. rituomrit , • • QCHOMAKE.III & LANG,Wholessit le deslers lo rocertn, FIDOP, Grain, Produce, Pro rislous, Fish. Cheese, Knit. Conan OIL rofa. 172 and 074 Wood Street, wear Liberty, Wool, Pittsburgh, Pa. • sel.klr Lr,kGLHEAL UkoB4lll MLTZGAIL HFAL & BEETZGAR,Grocers and Com*,futon Merchants, and dealers in all Moth f llovotry Produce and .Pittoborzh lianafgetoreg, No. Zig Lltrrt7Btrett, opponl Lo bead or Wood arty!, PLUM:rare!. gpfay —-- - - pEirziest & ARMSTRONG, .. Jr.o InstatnimadCosamlitAfocaftdcbsatd, ttitarde of Flour, Grain Bayou LaM.; Bottom Beeds, Dried Fruits, and Pro d uce [ /kraal. No.fit Market Street, corner of First, rlttOargb.r*. 146:1v. D. WALLACE, Commission )ICer thalatSlUt Wholesale De:Merin Flour sod Unto, No. K. 4 Liberty street, opposite Penns Innis R. It afrtrt r r/ s"r.°lV""ce is grli a 2. IT RIDDLE, No. ISS Liberty St, AX,Plitsbuntt. Comm tastOn Merchant, and %Vito!elate Dcaler In Country Produce, linceerlea and Pittaborgh thattulactuTe_a _Cash advanced on Con signments, and paid I grodnee generally. mall MM=3 CO• • ••• POBT. DALZELJL 0., Whole. sale Grocers, Cdmmissioie and Forwarding Hen r_HABLEO L. (Sac. et,stai to James Helatee dteo..,t Pork Paekekled dealer le Pecerlelona, corner : of •Market 004 Freak streets, Plttaburst; • , JOHN WIT • JOHN window. T WATT & IWIMAOq,' -Wholesale r Orocere, Commtasionllants, and d Product and Pltubisrnle Mannasetnres, La ' erty street, PlttsbuenN, Inn L.LitaiXt..loll.ll C. INKALLACI LAMBERT, SHIPTON & - CO, s tgrirleiri l lMarld Produce Deal." Ntik TIMM DICKEY & CO" Wholegal rocery, Cduaidatott Ifentudde. and deal e- Produce. No. SO Water street and GS D'ritut larreal Dian= MM. t .. VOIGEIT.' Le s. Cao_Oppcessars A./. to G. GralL)PrOlit N and' 4..'orr Mu. chants, SC Liberty street. Pltubsrgti. 14 . EYRIES/. &BROS., (Successors -LI , Berner NAndlinson,rinolalethislets In 7cm. Iva Fruits; No and • leet Conntettonney, 8 , BAWD IL. °EDGERTON, Whole- Me Graces and Contaduton Mendisat, In Wood street, Plleanwith rag, • nem, pITTSLIVROII' STEEL "WOll/48 nltattetettexers of the buellrna.i.airttLtettliatime, tli t tTe d etVl ° Bleel l Alast. natal for SEWING An -*WIN G MACHINES trersT PLOW WIWOMPRISCUL &Inas =MUM . 1 1.. Alke• • Cast gual Common ,Plough ax 4 Spring eted, Owe—tarasr at 'lnt &Act Soft stnutil,4o Wet* se27rdy Wth e ktonontabeta Hons.. ' =I! BLACK DLiBIOND HIM QUALITY REFINIp CAM' yTtjj .. . . .. . slum rigt MO Oriagon;or all Kum^ Wanisteer /VOW to soy imported ollostotthatuttltto thy eosin' % r i l itirt;llllA74WPJWgrt i t, "l" 2lll*.* . "'ten" ' Ball" ' r ' -.IOBItirSON, MCLEAN & CO., John McKeon, livery Stable propriettiti ap- I peered before Aldernisan Strain and mattered Bankers and Brokers, a charge of lateens a* bailee agabiat Rennin Brannon. It is alleged that Marmon hired a N o. 75 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh, horse and buggy frarathe possecutor on Mon- Dealers in all kind. of Government Secortries, 01)1d day, but refused to retorts the horbe. which Is and Sliver, Cncurr% Bank :ft. , , i: c o , re . lg valued at two hundred do ll ars. He was corn- netiot i te n ree ' aVa ni t T,LrA 4 t . rds end currincy. In mined for trial bidets-tilt of ball. - 1 ""'" all'" " rn ' ted i Ttit . on " m " grligo rn trn : James B. Hill was before the game magi*. , t:rm.'" p art" " lb ` i trate on 4..ain1111._ a ll eged fiat ureferred by E . C. 1 Orders executed with Is etch for everything In Stewart. at II astelpsot at HUI converted to , the huainen• at toe 90.205. New York, Philadelphia, his own uses wagon valued nt eighty dollar, , ' and Pittsburgh Brokers' Boards strictly on commie- R~r=. of the prosecutor. The accused , Won. Lad gave bail for trial at Court. Draw on B. CLEWS & CO., New York J. COOKE _,__ ! a co., Uosteon . Philadephia; steam. C. D. &T. H. rEII- co. GROCER, Noe. i and 2 DIAMOND MEI PITTSBURGH, PA hi 4 v Fl4,de): :41 431DERSON, , CoOE 4 , CO., ISUCCE.9.9OIIB TO JONES, UOTU a C0..1 sirrzraria P1T 1 7331311011. PARK, BRoll'llliat ;a co., itarniiirerai; or 411 §J- • TRADE. WEDAMISDAT, Feb. LI, WA The belief that the finance bill now pend ing In Congress will not be brought up for dia., cession (or some time,is not without Influence In giving present quietness and ease in finan cial operations. It is said that both the com mittee of Ways and Mean§ and the Secretary of the Treasury express some confidence that Congress will - ado* .the finance' bill in Ile amended form aslant presented to the House, and the Secretary is reported to be disposed to negotiate loans for the Government where ever he can get the beat terms, whether at home or abroad. The tendency to a decline in gala has been Checked for a period by the Treasury retain ing the large amounts of specie received from. pasterns, but during the last week It has Bold Moderate amounts, which have sensibly re lieved the market. The fact that the seasons importations will soon now be over, and the anticipated payment of interest on 10-Ids by the Government prt the Ist of next mouth, may yet nerve to lower the premium on gold, The enpply of capital for temporary employ. moot Is large, but it cannot be raid even pow that capital is over confident, as there is still Borne feeling that the times call for caution, The disposition to invest In Government Is very good, but at the same time currency is now flowing towards the West for investment lathe pork crop, and bnsinesit iseasier in that section. Towards the South capital mending In considerable amounts, secured bymorticage on estates and crops, to relieve the present necessities of the planters [and to stimulate production. But the delay of dongreas in bringing about practical restoration is of course a stumbling block to that full develop ment In the South which toe country needs. following comparative statement allows the avaraze condition of the leading Items of the Philadelphia Banks for thwpast and previous week: Last Week. This week. Capital. —814,612450 814,649,150 Loans 47,269,363 48,911 M? Dec. 52613,046 Specie 904812 963,h77 Dec. 13,105 Lega]-tend•a 16,817,737 16,777,175 Deo. 75,1969 Deposits ..... 34,464.079 39,926,544 Doc. 6 57e 72 8 Circulation.. 7,619,599 7,643,042 Inc. =,409 The average of every Item except that of thowe a decrease—the loan. and deposlta falling off largely. Business Is very dull srltb banks, as It Is also In all the depart meats of trade. —The New York Tribune, of Feb. 20th, says A gentleman sends us an essay designed to j prove that our paper currency must trpeedlly and inevitably appreciate till It is at par with epochs, because our national promises to pay are' good as gold," and must soon be so re- J warded. We do not print his letter, because he talks offensively of what the Secretary of the Treasury meana,es though imbed some moult, Minster purpose, other than that be avows. It is our rule that every man should be pre sumed to mean what he says, to the absence of adverse proof; and we know no reason for denying to Mr. McCulloch the benefit of tills sale. Our correspondent sums up his vlews as follbws . Pinar. No man In his senses, in this coun try or any other, can fora moment dotibt btit that the Currency of she United Btates,knorn as the legal-tender, will be paid In gold and s leer, at its r e valent, at an early day, be cause the pe ople are able and willing, nay, determined, at It shall be so paid. Ssoono. The trade of the country, both do mestic and foreign, was carried on daring the war under the inflence of a contrary belief. The diminution of every kind of traZr.., now so sensibly apparent alt over the country, proves the growing anxiety to liquidate at the least possible loss, and to accept as a fixed and irrevocable fact the re-establstiment of a normal state of things through a speedy re turn to a gold and silver basis, TIMM No hopes, no prayers, no combina tions, no legislation, indeed no human devices can now do anything more than temporarily retard the revival of the credit of the Govern ment, and such revival necessarily overthrows the whole structure of prices now existing, based as they are upon Its appreciated paper. —The Cincinnati Garen. says : There is no longer room for compliant on the score ol railroad freight Eastward. The Pentisylrania Central knocked the rates to day on the Oh class from 75 Ceuta down to 45 cents per 101 In to New York. Even at this rt. duced aware there Is vproduce ery [Little in to e had. The tact Is, the surplus th is mar ket is held to supply the Southern demand, which Is proving much heavier than was an ticipated, and hence prices are nearly as high here as In New York. This la .peels o lly true as u l t regards r 11:A r p a rg Eillri r glit h to t r 17 fom ad al anylirice, fair business the rail anies are having a fair business in Westward freights, they prefer to carry Eastward at low prices to hauling empty ears. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET Orrice or THE PirIEIBCD.CH GAZETTE, 'f v.it•r, February kri, 1160. CATTLE—The supply of cattle was unusually light this week, not exceeding five hundred head, and as the number on sale Wan searcely adequate to meet the usual requirements of the retail trade, the market was decidedly firmer, and, ascompated with last week, prices ruled a shade higher. There would have been the ninal number of cattle on sale had It not bean for the fact that some of the Western roads are blocked, and we are cognizant of , several droves having been shipped at Chi : mg° for this market and delayed on the road. It is well to note, therefore, tlost the slight ark avneeestablished this week, was not owing to any increased demand, but entirely to the un usually light supply, for we arc imitated that If there had been one thousand head on side, there would bare been quite a number left over unsold. ;Prime ter extra cattle sold at froth 7 to 8 cents—one gplall bunch of extra Ohio steers, averaging over 1700 lbs, bringing 63 , 4 —tair to medium may be quoted att to a, and "scalawags" at 44941c r glilEEP—Market continues quiet and dull, but prices are nominally unchangepood to fat mutton sheep selling at. from Sy per lb • p.m', and Inferior tofsdr at 4}‘,06. ming wild it Doff 170 head of fairish sheep, aver , aging 97 lbs, at 6,4 and Dewald Duff re tooled 228 at 534 to 6;4; A, Stauffer retailed 100 head very common, averaging 118 Ms, at 4 1 4 6 titGS—Quiet and dull beg unchanged. The demand at these yards see= to he restricted entirely to supplying the retell trade, and we give 10011 cents, grub, as the retail rates for fair to good averages. One small bunch of light Llogschanged hands at 9X. SALMI OF OAST= Bele a Co. retailed se head of mixed western cattle at flValy,. Wilson, Swell & Co. sold IS head Of prime, Ohio cattle, averaging 1262, to.pz.trhey 9417,i n il etined e4had f cataiWt Tskdiallat r w i r a b o e t titzt "7. • Kerwin it tillum retailed 19- head of mixed Ohio cattle for Sharp at 54,754; head on their own aCCOMit at tyr Iderrkk MOO 25, and Myers t Bra. 27 at,54275i. Rau it Crouse sold to geUr Simile (butcher) 11 extra Oldo steers, tor 1710 lbs. at *4' also, Is mixed - stock at 5 Chas. godson sold 111 h of prime fat Ohlo cattle to Ileum Evans and Elmtkrrlin (butch ers) at pi. Par..ll. also, realized 430 for S 4ead, '"Mteenwald. & Kahn 74 head of fair to prime .cattle at 4.,6 to 7%, sod Jas. McAllister sold StO has on courmisMon et 6,A(V. ==l22=ll Cterstenn, keb. 20.—Wtteat--Qtast; belter grades In fair request ln car lots and llrm. liskis 2ow amber Michigan at OA 2 ears do do at tear No. I 'Milwaukee Spring at MA I • ear No. red 0,60; / car No. 1 Shelby red at 112,05; 1 car 72. 2dodo at CM. Corn—Steady and unchanged. Sales 6 cars No. 1 new shelled at 600. Oate—irregular, dull and drol ie ng. Sales 1806 Du from store at 26m1 car do at 2 oats do at No. Ers--Dnit. and in re. • ris/0 at meoro from store. Bormy.-Moro iltne=glected. Sales MO test lm No. 1 CmiCanada free d at MAO:, .vonamoh grades dull and elan, ane OHIO ..to 'care The followingshowi theamonni M nail and iffilinan store in Chicago, on.gaturday, Feb. 17, as compared with the =OWL In store at the corresponding time /art.:year, as reported by Secretary of the Board of TriKle : .. ...' ; - 19110. Ilea ilour . ' de,832 &BO ast ' ' :. ~.. 1 fird I MO . 697:929: 11' Oats!: ars— Barley Agmtek,ge (Wigs aterittla , le;-We bave repotted Wes PcKFay of 1005 hags Rio at 20Xa, gold. part of Wh CI were Made after we left the market yes 'TPollblailebere =nab redlicedodid. the market Inver, Arm In tone, especially for rlma ides slo . We quote to!day as follows: oat gold, for common fair:2oW toleood to lodine, 24(11911340enta. I:gold, Laguavra ;Et aliga34o, sofa, 4.0 a Java at taijba3o. gold. • If/Iminsiost - Nitrite*. Wasdawros, Feb.l3.—Turp(mtine—One small kit sold at ai,oo for jellowdlp per 23 Ms. /So sales In spirits terpentine. Bmin—J 00111 man We poto sales oral bible al 43 Pm straiesdi n 3111107 do au, Wes 80, .as -to_sigepf, 01)1440 bbls low ieradeV l Psold at 41113 ,4 7 barrel: Tar-183 Obis changed bands at... 13 , per bbl. Ltrttaa..--Salei of 9 - bales stiller -per h for talddliag. Cr.irvszAarci 'Prmitizintilti RAIL: .:B O4D,-, Feb:lll.-2 cars_pig iroti, Nitalak & c!),. 524340 ma nmiTn : r ist4 L C!°rltini2cewb.4 l :Wri : kag all'ird-kEer :T wa u ty . r uitd e l `l4l4 3: a xi b xik bl7 l : B 4 :p c cf °l l3 ; . : Wha : * O wii t jt ili r , -Iliteen_t a., dortubs,ll3 .5.0ta.... & n ,.. r , : ,tsF t heese, Orsa7a, Reiter ; 4 caritlombti: Et • tilt - akilsesarls; J. at Caolleldt tom ? ). ar Ittesh it ohniheribat.l2 a XeYtra keen.% tbia:qiCA - J 0 11 J 2 9 1 1 2 141 , 4- s uSee,—Potteri, - a She it oor etekek t4-.Scapa At.: 'Nettle 4 co; tale Natter ; Mier A-Etnery; 2 bar lia ltase leather, It W liar IS lapis tallow, Keeler a tt. PIITSBURGB XARKE7IS. °mos or vita Prrreatraoa klaswers, Wviresnay. Feb. 21, lfeft. There Is no improvement to note in the tone of the general markets, and there is Scarcely enough doing to establish quotations. The demand for Grain, Flour, Provisions, Groce ries, and, 1n fact, produce generally, is very light being restricted entirely to supplying the immediate wants of consumer. arul -retail ers, there being an entire absence of anything like a Speculative feeling, and, consequently, we have but very few ronnd lot operations to record. GRAlN—Wheat Is dull and prime Red la quo tednonunally at 51,9011r2.u0. oats dull but un changed at 411442, on track, and 4U648 from store. Rye Is in demand; sales of 500 bushels at 7S, to arrive; and DV do do, on the spot, at SP. Barley nominal. FLOUR—Demand light but the market' is steady and prices are pretty well maintained. Small sales from store at ilOy i Cßi4 for qpting Wheat, and aloNetOly for Winter Wheat brands. Rye Flour is quoted dull . at 475 4e5x Per Md. and Buckwheat la drm at PROVISIONS—Bacon Is selling at 1 01 for Shoulders; MOW for for Sides; and for Soy - art .- um! Hams, Lard is firm an 4, me kettle rendered Is now quoted at 13618%. eem Pork is dull. and nominal at 029030. Sale of atICOMs Bulk Shoulders at 13i4. SEEDS--aoverseed Is quiet but erteady, with small ',alas from store at $7 'lnc Sale of 25 bush Timothy. Seed at $.3%, which wastub sequently resold at Si, Flaxseed la In active demand at 0,76, with an occasional sale at C BO . s ALT—la very dull but nominally unchanged —holders ore asking 0101502,70 by the car load, and the usual advance for small lots from store. SORGHUM—This artiole seems Lobe steadily taking the place of Molasses m this market, and we can report 'regular sides at 70 to fo— at 75. BUTTER-1s Gaming in pretty freely, but, as yet, prices remain anchanged--aales of prime S to , choice reported a B 3O O. 3S. CHEESE.—Is dull but unchanged at 21 cents for Hamburg. POTATOES—Steadily f wi t G a he fa n i r demand at $1,1501,20 per bush, and XIX par bbi. APPLES—More active but unchanged& sales of good to prime at 811407,4 per barrel, accord ing to quality. ASHES—Stock of Common and Relined Soda Ash about exhausted aside from what is in the hands of .conanitiers. Pearls quoted 111 rm at 12 cents. HEARS—In very s2od local demand, and we can rep sales at *1, 71 toper bush. • DRIED ort FRUlT—here Is a fair local demand for Apples, with tales at 13 to 15e per pound. Peaches quoted dull, with small sales of halVes at ono. 1 Lard Is selling at .1,85. OIL MEAL—Sales of 8 toes atlnt per ton. ONlONS—Selling at 82403 per bbl. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. Orrice of @Eta Pirreaultaa GaretTl IVinstsansv, Feb. 21, 1802. CRUDE—The market for Crude continues Quiet and a little weak, though price* are nominally unchanged at 19f:52, bbls returned, ' I sad 24g25, bbl. included. Sale of 120 bbls OS@ 86 gravity) at 4 a, bbls returned: For futtu - e de livery, we have no operations to report, though we hear of otters to sell at IS, to be de livered on the opening of navigation—one lot of Eato hhls, it said, being offered at that figure. On the other nand, it is alleged, tbatthere are parties here willing to corttractlmgely at is, but we cannot vouch tor the truth of either ol these reports, to buy or sellat 12, and, after all, the best ads - ices to those who are Inclined to speculate Is to act on their own judgment. REFINED—There was not a single opera tion in bonded oil -day that we could bear of, and the market to dull for present, while for March, April and IdAy deliveries therd Is conliderable inquiry.. We are cognizant of kd cents basing been offered and rufused for Wit connection spot, and we may remark In this that ourrefiners seem determined to hold their oil, under the tznpression that the market will become more active within the next Bizty days, and better prices will en. sue. Free Oil is doll and nominal at Oil for prime city brands. NAETHA AND RESlDUUM—Residuum may be Quoted steady at $4 per bbl, while 'Nap. tba a utterly neglected. Some of our refiners are thinking seriously of letting the latter ar ticle run off to the waste pipes. CHICAGO MARKET Special MlN:tett to Itte Plttsteargh Howl of Trsde. CtlleAttO, February 21, MIL FLOOR—Firm at 1116,5007,50 for Spring extras.. GRAlN—Wheat lifloyant at 411,22 for No. I Spring. Corn dm at 34. Oats steady at 14if for No. 2, and 224; for No. I. Rye—SO, Peovisions-31eint Pork Born at 09,754,31.7.00. Bulk Shoulders, 1‘.9;411; Sides, 1314.. Lard Orin at tams. IV tinier —52,1502,113. =:== PETROLEUM 111TOCIECM IN NEW TORR. Special Dispatch to the Western Press. New Torte, February 21, ING. Toe Petroleum stook market was active to- Jay In Plthole, 11am McClintock and Sheale Hirer, bat generally quiet on the balance of the list. sales were at the following raise, Bennebotf, 14,75; 'Hiroo; 3,75; Excelsior, I,ott Allegheny, 3,M; Oil Creek, 4,t0; Palmer, trat; Union, 9,00; Pit Hole Creek, 5,10; Shade Hirer, 2,90; I' oiled State., 16,1!5: tilucllutock,S,eo; Rind Parra, 65 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH New York Flunnee and 'read.. • New Yosa, Feb, N.—Early dealings In rail way shares were at lower prices generally, and the market was very hoary. The market gained strength aftcr the' regular board pall, and prices were up from i4ifpl per cent, with more demand for stocks. At the last board Theinparket was tairieland lover, prices were mkoeliTterea The following e closing prices at 4:S/ P. kt. New York Central, ' • ' le, euX, Ilud son River, ION; Reading, 1 i; : • • nth. ern, eiS.g; Cleveland it Plasiburgh, itleA ; i•• • island, leSii; North Western, TN; ditto pro. ferret, Sflei Fort warne,. Government Secur ties (hared 4 In the gen eral depression, and wore lower. The last issue of Five-Twenties *ere o lower, and Seven-nib - ties declined State Bond* were quiet and without any marked change. Gold I. In good demand for importer., but without any speculative movement. Closed at 1.375{. Money market quite Active early in the day, but became cadet towards the close. To-morrow will ho kept lu business circles as a close holiday. New York Ilirket. Ncw Yuan, Pet, 21 .--Corros—Less active but prices dull at teasec. FLOUR—lnferior grades dull and &ow lower, while middling and good grades are without deckled change at 117,25197,75 for Brum State; Itl is teS o so for Extra Round Boon Ohio, and S S,- 1a,76 for Trade brands. aria—Wheat doll and drooping. Barley . Malt dull, earn without-decided change at D eno for unsound - and 76Q78e for sound In store. Oats rather quiet;- unsound Western, DOW., Waiazy—Wlthout change. Partiotinisi—Dull at SWIM forCrude,anilabo for Relined In bond. Patdristops--.Pork hasty and lower, at stsmi ven.l o. , rs New Mess, closing at o % 2 llirtrular; for Old Mess, and itS for Mr7r2res; &bid DO barrels Ibr b, tfrll and Mayl_saUers , and buyintirsi at B 1 UMW. Neal steady, yams el CutN ew Plain Mess. Beet . 401 a Means Ann. Bacon dull, at IMMO for Cumberland, l_eXalailc for Shari Ribbed Dressed flictil.• Lard steady, at leadale ; also, lOC barrels for March, bk. Butter quiet and ateittlY, BMW& for Ohlo, and Dadle ror State. New York - " Work and Medley Market. New Tone, Feb. 21.—lioney steady, at 7 per cent. Sterling Exchange steady at nualot. Gold, without decided change, open ing at 1363‘, and closingat 1.1730.1.173 . Wverument Stocks a shade easier. O. Stocks strong: 11. H. ot 'Arionporizaalli s. ws, one year certificates,- alfssonri trs, inaii Ohio a Micalutp o p Cart catee,3f; New Yore Central el, I Western' Union Telegraph, MI New Tort antral, Mir Erie, talc MIAOW Central, IWgi ligitsnargit,.746l - Western, preferred;sa 'aroma am 51 , Ally1&MAUD. Perrestiaaa. Pow WAY** A Ciao:49o. IL R. "Feb. 2L-100 tcs lard, Y dO batten, ..11 R,,Town send; 1500 green shoulders, J Lippincott; 11 to grease, 100 bbls donr, has led WO do do,'T CJenicinel 70 do do, 27 has' feed, btels clover seed, W Bingham; /2 aka *craps, A lioeveler; cars pig metal, hlhnick &, Coil do, Jelin Moor. head 71 - bage clover seed, , Y Back citu kegs bolter, Little, Baird it Pattersen;22 do do, rdo lard, Miller Rieketiony /10 Mlle pa per,lo cks pearls, McKee d lire; 55 ao brooms, Lambert &blown; la dodo, Arbuckl e . coy 10 bbls flour, Culp, itytlbepardr %hit bble but ter, S bbls do, Volgt r eCo boxeS hardware,' Olnenhanstifd Crawfority telleses, a do. shaft", MOW/tinned' A Rare. grata drill,. Beckham A Long; 22 bra soigne, Jones Niro. bids highwlnes, Lambert, littipton &co 41 bbls sorghum, 25,bra maple angst, # Reiter; 1 bbd tobacco , Behaub; 450 bids tour, Daniel Wallace. .. -9y PITTSIIIIIOII, Comnalbs AID 01111dditATT:B. ft;- Teb..,2/..-1 car mill feell,'S Floyd 100. bble flour, T C Jenkins; 21101t1pi farrdttirerß R But. ger; do do, Baldeuger Cline; aikido, ROMP. d Leorrer; 1 car wheat; 44 „..Wallecei 1 oar nali deed; Kati & Kitchen:l; BA bale flour, deshruper & Voskamp; 17 bbds mamma, W kl."Rlnehart; 10 bales tow, Packinerk e tie; 10 baleilterOota corn, dhoti:taker & Lan taltlfted, Welty art A -Langehelm; 4b b iter 1 titd. sgmh CJenklealloo bbls flour, J 11, Wallace & Cavltt; 85 Ike - .ollla, Win Mdlifilidki. 150 bill! paper, Pit ts Paper Co, AL{AGITIEUT STATION, .dobidErd:.,lll;-'4l.:car shwas, John Aleyersil car sulll feed, B. Kneits A Sou; SO bdbi paper, Plittsburgh Paper Cella bola epokusiD A Mlamiltony - 14 fakes tesmes, - , J Longhteridgerg ears wheild,Renttedyit }troy : 1{ bills chairs, /ladle) , & Rockerabausen; Sean' lumber, John Rana. 21 , !1; 981,1111 1,90,900 110,516 94,100 417,1959 194,900 =roans IIT nova 'Moodia . -12ealaidt;, 1:12,114s d 00, 40 bales cotton; 'iMore r , Wolf &Infra 00,2 calk luralware, Springer d Ear. baagb, Vs. dry nidealle groan (loot bar furs, 2 bags feather"; John Ear d co, ploairtrof.l9. Taylor - Ands -tobaccoi4B illirearb” a aka sindii, a eons Haas, 2 , 02111 1 aloadrOY, lidds sbouldensidoo ; Via Balms Is 04 I Arl bit* • UlltaL 23 , 1111 raoolders, 14 tasks harp, 1 iris do; ;IMO E102.1,r• . co, 12 - taira , feautpra,lbbl suattrioaida balm *ono% 11) bids lard oil; a c Ebberkp Obis nauor;slAuttetulcirr,; 40 boxes odes', A Aebsoarri ; a-Lamm dams, do,-11,7 - bean Elndald , AsalMo32 gar midi E' -Solana 12 Wes; 012 Anderson; BE • Mb- Ndesy G 8 I atoClurg, 2 oases.toba'eao;C Ealltardier,l222ls Tith• E Wormer /SUNS hatts callidnilE2c. mkt .Ising, nailt / 11 1 011 aUTS; aOa fnMUnaL I,Ealuseattiy 00.irimaalVde,=1Mnata;', Oast a co u it e dark! W i faZ i lardano,glisit box . ea wine. RIVER NEWS. AZETVALS. Robert Moore.Maratta....Cineinnati. ameries...,...Gobling....St. Louts. Leonidas C0x.........5t. Lords. Dxr.airrintaa. Forest City....'.l3kriddir ' Pazienbuit imparter Noss . St. Louts RIVER. WEATHER, ETC. The river is at a 'tend, with eight feet eight !ache! to the channel by the markt' of the Monongahela ..lnidge, The,weather all day yesterlay . Was delightful. lie waa fanning in; email tittatitithntout orbOth rivers. ; nuathese at the landing:yea (Julie llv6ly. • - - . The Eobt. Moore, CaPL Dan. W. Marotta, I nto besidesylay with a splendid load onboard, Which she discharged 157 tons below. She will await her turn, and then load for Cincinnati and Louisville. We learn front Capt., Dan. Marotta that the Bayard was just ltbeeolStm With' her. shaft broken.% 4 186 . -- -.that - tbere was: sit Ow.; boat at the Clusters, with her barges stuck, and the syphon pumps are at work. freight The Am for Neeri ca,w Orleans Capt. McCalrap lum idly is r and eceiv the ing . probabilities are that she will be able to leave far that port about Saturday. The Loren.., Ca t. Shuman, is receiving freight for Si. Louis, and will moat probably leave for that port On Kati:man eveng next. The Importer, Capt. John Noss, left pester. day morning for St. Louis. The Financier, ('apt. Darrah, left last eve ning far Cincinnati and Louisville. The Winchester, Capt. Asa .Shopherd, will be in today from Parkersburg, and will leave on her return trip W.-morrow. The Emma Graham will be up tram Banes• rule on Sunday night, and will resume her re gular trips littlie trade art , Tuesday: - The Enbloott , is "'LIU „lying at Wheeling re. pairing. eens Herr eller house' was smashed d to smither . , IV 41 all i'l $ :141:10 JO 1866. SPRiNI:3 IdONONGARELA SLYER ; Pittsburgh, Browns' Me and Geneva, UNION LINE, ri.a.ctirattp. csez•zurrm-sr, WUI rah three daily slde-wheel steamers between Pittsburgh. SlononitabelaCity, Brownsville, Rice's Landittg, Greensboro, Geneva and the Duakard Oil Regions, This Ilse Is composed of the following Ara steathera s Asa , PAYETTE CAPT. 9. C. SPEERS. TELEGRAPH ..,.CAPT. BOGNER. ERARELIN ..... . .. C A PT. CAR MA C GALLATIN/ . ..I:ICAFT. A.S. These packets will -Gave Pittsburgh deny at 8. us, sod p. m., except Sunday, when the departure will be at 8 o'clock... in. Pittsburgh i l hr eartVkanne. thet t ll g l ogi l lr i t i altr n e t 5 .ni. lttTl Brownsville for Pittsburgh d L e ave s G re en s m nd 6 p. m. boro and Rice's Landing at 2 Genera at hi o'elorit; p,. Tn. Lea , " aleaaaliat City at 6 o'clock.. • Tha line Is coin tied of erst-class slide-wheel steamers, built ex easly for the trade. They trill be commanded by rs or long experience, who will pay particular attention to the wants 1410 corn loir,tti.thpgroteer,iii.i.Lhe boats wittiest!! prompt.y Freights Received at all Boars. For farther partleillors, el:111111re of WILLIAM ddeELROY, Agent, At the Wherr.Boat, toot orGrant at. PlttaboTh. L. COLVIN. A` Browner:the, a '&9i:lnd 1866. mod.` 1866. SPEED, SAFETY AND effiNPORT COMBINED. MIRK WHIM EMMA d PIRBIBSIMI DAILY PACKET LINE. Comprising the following. Orst-ciasa Passenger Steamers : Steamer MAYAMICif Geo. A. MOori,'.2ifsater. Steamer WINO ER: At 0. - Shepherd, Master, Steamer PUREST CITY: Jr t Oerden. Master. DOWN TRIP—STEAMEIt BA TAMA Leave. Pittsburgh every Monday and Thursday, at 11 o'clock,m. Leaves W heeling every Monday anA ..hursday, as tr.lop. m. STEAMER WINCHMSTEIt Leaves Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Vriday, at m. ,4 er Wheeling every Tde May and Friday, at • • - AMER Leu , •• FR 27 btrER usr;Vl ß e F ircuilTiLd Saturday, at II A m. Leaves Wfieekb!seyery Wedimidayandllatarday, UP TRIP—STEAMER FOREST CITY Parkersburs every Mon ilay,and Thursday at p. Leave W4e.llng every Tuesday and Frtday, at 7 !WEAKER BAYARD Lei.. Parkersburg every Tuesday .4 Friday, al Z in maim Wheeling every Wednesday and natnnlay, STF.A.IIIEIL WINCH ESTEft Centres Paraerattargb every Wedneada7 and flaw , "Zen' ac 2 ciltelltdrevery Iberada7 and Ronday, 7 a. at. eaaeetiona going down tee male tt Wheeling which leaves leitubtargh p. to,,•aceiciereland at 2:21 , a to. Also, wit h a rsine ot Prtrelinrirti, For Wayne and Chicago Hallway. 'Mitch teem Chtmgo at top. to . : and at Marietta with Marietta autl Cin cinnati Railroad. and with steamers to all twinge ou the bamboo= }item Mut at Pukersbarp wit, early Main "on tawßaltlmontanit ChloB4lltmd , sad with Dol l t Line' leteimesra to Pomeroy, Gaillpolle, linuton, ortamoutb, Ida i ymilla and Cinelunati ;i war t ele:Ll:Air Are t i or+Vti a r= d ad.. 11 ' ..90 8 m. rai, by which pamengers mrliteatt Clev e land at :45 p.m., and •ICbleago at 7:% a. lll,ll62lmorning. iAtt. COLLINS Ai Co., Agents, al Wb ., !rt-liegr..lll;:et r e i litlr oed uit e u t... • Where !Mita vrlti De received cub rizt,•oo re Mop p.m. FORR NASHVILLE.--The. passenger steamer Y0111E:TOWN CLIA. REVERY Levee& as above SATURDAY, Mb luaL, u I p. m. Forfr`wurrAPA'lleclNEWlLVOL74.... pouCAIIIO-. LOIJIS—Tha apiand!dritennak lannammismin WM isn't as anoyenn SATURDAY, SUS. g 4 p. co. _Cl"r*, reltrclLlMlLVdo -d i3,' Ageate. POE MEMPHIS & NEWkizse ORGRANS—the rr, lendld steamer ARMENIA IL O. MCCALLUM, Master, Will love for Ma snore and all Intermediate ourta on SATURDAYS.. 3410 * or. 39. m.Yortralild.9FMMEMM°ll4.-a.) ; • tuft 4. D. OOLLLNIIWOOD, REGULAR PACKET qmnz Itgszcirro, memzrrArligait AND LAN EnYlLL*e—The 'Abe Yammer 11::KKA. synAythili, Capt. , 43: M—hroya•-litU blurts the above and all Intermediate parts every TIDSBDAAI p s ss. Mputpittp. leaves Zseesvllle evely rm. tikyoat 7 ant. 4.1). tli/LLINOWCW3D, Arent. STEAM TO AND FROM LIVER. POW. AND NUELNEITOWN arttANDJ twice • TbiclN#AN EVERY WEDRESDAY, - cmuntri U. B.4tAns. 1.1111!=,INIL72,1!!'". 14 . 4 !'.g!',"‘ scot Ap o , the Com pitay's Omers, JOHN 8, DUE, Agent, - , -- inotnLTadwpz.N.T. , I.kayss);ss:3l . . for . SVNIIIRIES; saleat 185Lalier- Is N • it . PEA : CUES-20 bbd. law haves; AIAYLEt3-4E bble,uew awl 11 TE BEA' - w lig, . u Y-15 b t • 041101:,- , 7,-- , : tf-; ''' t'' , ' •• A Viefalt. ii , e vr 0 2g 1 - wratfitt-16 as. FiraginuA Top, LITI-t.W.yliirtra'2ll.r.l', .ricIAIIINI-4 biti d . i tibradar; ..BARLICY-100 sada Sprtul. „ - - _Wii. P. BEM &Co., • .0 - 18 - - Whanaqle BacKwrivand Produesthadeng: LIONSIGNMENTIL 'Tr" &TAM 20111 boo. cans Prosla Pew-boo; 60 do do. do Tomatoes;- Ti boob: Doled reacbco—tuktben . 1,314' Dr7gelt=lppies; - 000 y'sbe Ftsbaes, arotro 'Ad ea at SOO Libertmom .frui • E, AIKEN £ 15112PARD, laintal4RAlN AND PRODUCE. or : h: e w 1:1 .sv, 4 IOD I ° 6 c a n s a bust ft aticat Fps Ala. Ear aril, glad by 19 Dbanon l4l 9 ° , Itterben t OENS l N D 4 l 3lll 4UNTrliotdellear den segle a csir 1411 0 1141Wr i r tr iltd. 482 74.17 9 n ut 1 - y Corner Llbertitedannd streerm" UItOATEJS REIEUILING..just rood -, cetgbapiwrwc..*Bioage., maize. • 'Ate.d:Res. et 64 suins-6.4120tit914 4. -I.i. law 4' Cons er gaglariM.' NXTRA BlgOrairirEAT's, Catmint F . 'ouVlltl"Pit attcl for isa at the slimily groom Store of • Conet,LelitiitH.tralWas.... dflh E' 114 4 ,t. vaiind for sale; Choke -- . Yoe. 1211 anti itil l ti r to i rstro' et, WAIL PAPERS-NEW" GoWD 4 . aa n m , trtiltes""=l Narp"4 l .l l l,lViseiWria Wood ~7telt.. nu, cumuieriur ' stjles forva•_, wholesale sad roan, meths 4 , f_R I PITSCRIVI* 41.011-117 'bales sow ianding "from steamer Awn** Onside irr ,a4tuut Dumsx • co. • BOOTS AND SHOES. GM'S CALF HOOTS. A URGE STOCK OF MEN'S WEAR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LAMM' POLISH BOOTS. An elegant assortment of Balmorals, Gaiters, Over-Shoes, ac. htingESl BALMORAL& styles of Calf, Grain, Morocco, and Kid BOOTS & SHOES. Boys Boots and Balmorals. and Grain Leather dewed, Nailed and ?egged. CIULDRE.VPS SHOES, And • lOU and entop i rit o k , of Goods at LOW M'CLELLAND'iI AUCTION EMPORIUM. 55 and 67 Fifth Street, fes.d&arT J A. ROBINSON as CO.'S °BEAT fiBMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE uv 800T5.61 SHOES, - WILL POWWENOB. ON Illtnexaciep r the lath Azaart.. Awn 6ol7mottrz TWO WitKIM Mel, orator stock Is been marked down,: end snAtcgisMfittgLlOdnisedidices, to make ton • Remember the Number, 61 Market Street, Jan Nast Door to B Dry Goods Shorn. 1866. BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST! AT COST!! At DS li•eclarial lattreet. A .110 Ur