Pllurgh_tmafte. t THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1S ADVERTISIPIC RATES e5:m.11446p thorns oLPlttsbergi sirannwo Diurnal, One tall NY OrTon Linos, }Ube word s se e Lao, or 1.4 ~, Tam . 11 - 1,,1 36. *IT &nit 44 i' 1 week 'Weak 1146611 One time 73 =times-- ........ Irs Poor times. .. .... ... --- 270 rive time. 2 110 rita Wawa. one week... .300 , 266 TlO ICO Bevan *Mimi • - 3'p 375 t .-.... 4 10 fire t i ll t ea " . ....... n Ten times. 4 07 Eleven times. 4 75 Twelve ilmea, 2 weeks 600 3 m 2 00 1 7 1 Three weeks 7CO - co 3 . 50 230 Onintonth...• ....... ... 960 4co 410 11 CO Two months MOS JO MP 760 - .-5011 'MAW 11301211111 15 CO nu) sco sac, Mxtriontes 3300 mai Ism 11 401 One year 6106 NCO 211CRI .111141 Frirfln . 7llliWnWl; fine month.— .Tere Months.. Thrte Menthe KT months... Oneyear.—.. /1 7 ICI 6 101 400 17 0:1 11 60 6101 623 24 CO VICO IZOI 01 OW VI 00 11 00 14W oo 42 Oc. 71W sue 11.1YER FROM WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the Pittsbergh Gazette. WASIIiNGTON Orr, February le, ISM Lotions PITTSTUROII GAZITTE-0071llerge. : Your readers are not, by this time, tmat quainted with the fact that Ron. Thomas Wit llama of Allegheny, has created agrand effect, not merely In Washington circles, but throughout the nation, by the delivery of Ids speech in the. House of Representative. on Saturday last, I have ;loam] a little befOre undertaking to express my views In regard to 'I it. per even now-with only limited time at , my diaposal-shall I attempt a review of It; 1 for to review It well, and to present its strong i points, would require an ampler preparation and more convenience than I can nqw coin. • mend. • . But my boa - Money has not arisen from any lack of admimttoe fortrenseendent, abil ity displayed by.liir. Williams' in Ids most memorable effort; far from it; it has rather prabeetted `trout a fear lest, by giving loose rein to my feelings and by Indulging my pen. I should render myself amenable to yourread ere, on a charge of exaggeration.. _.• To say thatthis brilliant, bold, and remark able oration created, and continues to excite, a profound sensation, is but poorly to.deplet its telling and thrilling effects. In beauty of diction, appropriateness of style, andischoisra ly elmddetioa; it:charmed those oF•tlimdtiest - tam., If It hese Sault at ell, It is in the opit len., onto -lama:and in the golden *saber. ante of its irt.-..., .. Th. Ft are many tisanes in it whieli remind ,- us of Burke; othera er =i which recall the best effusions of Sheridan. If, 1., raver, Mr. Williams has ever adopted.% faro. :! e or a tnodel y it is most unqueitticniablr tfn e . mar. Tbati may express my meaning more clear- I' , I shall take the liberty of Introducing a e parison. It is this: at Mr Sionnees recent great oration was In the Senate, Mr.' Williams , -though more maccessfuly-was In the House. It was"nil igiOd - tOrtl3llo to hear them both- AIM ing, in the main, at the ammo objects, agreeing, if not "tally, yettO Ifillenth meat, end glowing with the eameardor',lgira of deep•rooted conviction-they yet &wealth the gea s l.from different s stactin.pplama soidir, widely separate ors, Mr. Sumwhitathe, regular order. the stUdled nmothedithialnead argument, and the :- flowing.. , all_. ee esi:.' dunces of the great Tally. Mr. WlDnt,id disk view, seems to lack order and method...WM% arrangement Of his theme' yet Uvula dicisef.lsfo:, aminatiOn, the procession of hialbolightsisrllt be found to be lucid and„natural; in a munber °this impassioned bursts, he means- Ides, in point of daring, dash, and vehemence, • some of the driest periods of Demosthenes. As an instep w a r refer - to his defense et :the rights and pewees *LOA:terms, in whlehMs ex, claima-4/tts here . five :in Mese Hails; Mot., Amer Man Liberipecrn ham. And again, an ref- creams to PerunTivrAkil own f re et -13 taW I be utters these tru aordst-"Ahir bi d e-her . eons, whom Me hasplaced on guard at 'the tt:.' tot in Ude hour of the nation , / OW, - stand ,/ Ally, as did her heroes in Me bioody-trench, by their traria as Representativet and restat.todth' Jealous matehfutnese,„ every cat Apt froarschatem. Cr Quarter to eneroaehmwmaejostpowerr Which , she has delegated [hymn' 'Another anffe la. ter be found in his picture the ketlirn . or rebel chieftains into the halls of tialatmal .latit-- Man, winding up In the :followi n g , woreb-t-' "Op no hall of Vathatta, +Mere. the returning braces of the Rootn shalt 'quaff their foaming ate, s p tis ponfr f en . o theArrkgzi n_ tuttsl izi p r our which derivea a terrible, emphasis _from 'the, fact comumnicatedby a gentleman, formerly of Pennsylrania, now settled In Tani that In re-interring the exposed remains of: our dead heroes, they have been foundahnost in variably without their skulls I Favorably known and highly prizedas 'bats been Mr. Minuet. in:the comparati Simi. red circle in which lie has moved, this peech will prove for him a leap into the A:m.4lone in tue gallery of our most illustrious orators. Eren gentlemen maairreelng - With trimper. eons, however, of excellent culture and, taste -have been beard to 'declare It Mit, "if' he should make no other effort, this one will rea der him (amenity This contribution to Amer ican eloquence will certainly cane his name to become "a household word. WitbOtrt - puiy exaggeration, Messrs, Editors, the:praise be stowed upon it Is 'really Wm:am:Mi. In•the generations to come, the youngmen of .tbe Repnbile.will fondly recite his .cliarraingrn tences to enraptured listeners. Tim chief object, however * which there in view, is to call -attention te-the reception which the speech mot with, and thelminedlate impressions it made. Among thoae.whohearil it with whom I hare conversed.thereissifeel ing-a lost indignation against the agent- of the Associated Press who forwarded the mea gre, dbdeinted,siudiow report - Which Appeared the morning after Its delivery. It was Scarf.. O ca ld t u n r o e t ,avtihdee r- n t t h y a , n u a n r d e e p rartta.x • T At s i e ngmr S ea it l , , Point made by the speaker. .Ile had no-s -. ception of the drift, tenor, or scope of *hear rumen i ; or If he had, then he porpoSelyreade. ...tumble of it. One thing im aure, bonen: be smelly omitted to state whatWithattieldnirte., worttty, If not the moat impertant, fact' eon nected with the speech4tho, apialstme with: which It was greeted, an -applause almost um. paralleled in Congressional. Watery., „Yoe a 1..- though Mr. Williams delivered hia oration on a day set apart excluaively for speech - Making, and after the Mouse himl listened forever/Ito hours, tnother members, yet, it ..was-etinetlit and remarkable to find the. large number. In attendance,andio note thennivarailatteatioar bestowbel on him. For two hours and 1. halt he held the / 1 0aP3 and gallerles'apell-bOtnld. Twice was his time extendedWilhoutiEV - tiling whtspor , th On eaMor;AinstArin • him. wake prominent Senator, an Mai.' gashed .oilkialst of tholtonse, celebrated for their intellectual ability.4moh as Bontwell. Bingham. ShellabliV,'Sterrene, Schofield, Kelly , and 'Coniding _ Meted' On his majestic utterances With a nMightedAtt ?elation which never, for ad bUltletanglailired, And when be concluded, with • a- peroration Of rare and magical force;thejapplarnsiewas such as those-walls hadnever.befbragiven•se echo . to. It was renewed front - ffeor and galleries again-a' dozen ernes - with' lt - healthiest' end' an emphaslathatcantiot be mietakesi or for gotten. As he finished, Menthe bed file, ward tegrasp Mahan& strangeraltarriediStati, . o ti r i=l a isi t° tll i gilThr d uirigd t ggit'Mdo% l ”" . and floated airing' with • the : dispersing ereen. wherever they went. I. heartitt everywhere on the slailwalk‘nritthMthe plablloinusesttit. filled the street eais,enim , W the dinitlifereoalit and dratethprooms,was thetalkoL.thaeity; and when_Mr. Wllliainsithat evades, =Wd his room 0$ the Avenue Mouse lie entered.% wit ha. inis, /*Me,. and 'reputation aa.aa 441% , tor sad eteitestaan, more sphthdid taloa:Mit, of, any man in. Washington, and Which wilTelfen , tually th ecm'as , tholl ....LUSISa krut Dart - petnal as eauss of. loyalm;iminsdny,med, justice In this Repablic. , , " : - • • Ifiumfgessf.:, . . . Rosin--Lecturer sod Women -114piters: Eprroia b.Azrrrx:—,rtde. penning mk,p l itTetendin f roorattunilespiebt the 12th that:: ittthad ProfinernoiliaCti,44; tattoo. did not, suppose'. ehibt,Litandigrarr ftt spathe ol6hthOtwolinin, :slid wires% • *Letute l u4killiUifel'off*SPOlf .. 7 ' aide Cdthtlinlirrith*4 01014400,„:211011665' , asying et*, in:eider toilet aiwaltzlgittivilb. Your. otdreillAt . ,ololi mustdedwriiii4eitlyouitkutttiro. to 'herentitied bi the lathe Width cal edeldittazille give otaboys; with view to the sable "practical rue In fife. To this end aU ,CAllinaracs, inaluding, ' law, mektelne..and divinity, should be alike* own to the sexes_ - N. That. all avocations. in life should be alike open. to the sexes, and that women,', men, consult. their tastansipttieltrolllitUfp, life, he thilly Watt , lam in lever of aUperanta siding at the age of twenty One who are capable of reading writlagi and • owe allegiance to no other power ~,MUl.who have wirer aided or abetted in rebellion or been convicted of crime and been in thethuntry. trVenty•Otte _wend Vrom • the foregoing, your correspondents aßacbo• tor" and - ”Vroxyn will see where 1 stand. .1 am in favor botonly 'of women lecturers but women preach or. trcop else she nay see it: to IlitaildtAilit as free to the selection of her DaUlng in life as a man. If a woman thinks the can get along more honorably end prosperously with her family , .by driving a coal leant or. intiptradieK 1-1( each should happen la be her taste she a bonld have the tights. or if ber,thste inclines to the wholesale or retallhardware, Poem% /Mena. warn, dry goads,- hate acul - caps, noels and shoes, Jeoelth, &g e latin Mut aAPerterlSAlEhtt to. gratify slut nettlieluithellitnien, is notteof ',Path Der , Or “Proxy•O? business. I think indoor pursulth more , adstited. tO no. men; and outdoor to men. I think our indoor clerks ahOuld be , women more generally than. they nOW tl•reo• • 4 • . .roxy!!. isaya Itla 'id:mud to talk about ex tending suffrage to women—the women tort he d bthno tottlyntmpant so ion their, - -wonienir - I:knabbleiti "Proxy!' larigbt la a certain extent....l stunt there is a certain. claw of- women opposed to :=4and the same Blade I fear, _" so a great arelOPPOsed to anything truly etroob, ling to, -- Iney..ere 'apt tothink true condition: hi - urttet beOneaf ws and not of Theymean to think they are placed in:thia'woritknot to provide for themselves, but *that they are to be *pro 1. ded for. They are apt tothink pOld tb r air i g it bout. their mottle:mottled-their , don in the world Sato catch (a than husband, foOleyOu h Whoop them thrProxy, .9romen kr" ess." Tbepresentextravaganee of the class Proxr!.. refencto • that their-phrsical wealtnew, randerk ant; for thVeacticarallkirs Of 0 0 life. AU.I the husband can expect, ta to keep, her in reasonable health, and; of uselessness and idleness; _ 1 dear thlittheregrecld segmeboatehdtd. theta of suffrage., borne of our moat : talented ondnobleatlrenenlinvebeenaaktng and prep , , . MWMMWMMWMMtMM!!!M!!MgrMM in for themivilege of protectingthemselves lthe hil/ spout. legishatien adverse to amellae:rata. , 71crs t In rgrard to extemdlng in taint.. meta shame! In their mute. as in metes,advo eate an intelllgentquaildoetton,for I coacider none but Mich at to vote In* rernablmati gov- ernment; but all such realm and female@ at ....„ ‘ „the'ne, or Sl.atititild be enfranchised, - with vuvapirf al, are named in condition M, - Bite,.iliietielar" Objects for the reason that " Member, of a family would generally vote alike' but ISt:Must be remembered that th ere, ft a r ' itat poitti= Of the female population that are not at the. bead of - families, who are whit e d luu t e h h oe, 'appointee all thequallll, ontioue for w ain, aborr mentioned, and who would vote N ew tly. Think you not, qtachebsr , !Lifter York had such an intelligent voting population no I approve, composed of men and woman, blank andWhita, the tirOvorn• meat or mos cur indite - Morality would not be tnimeasurably ie t ee rove di HMI deny that the ..males andf ofa family Would vote always aLikein bat where great moral nuts• tions were to be decided, such for suutteple, as the liquor enestiati—st gnestitm second In lm- Ipenance to no other in this laud. y ou woo! , see the women, to a mon, vote agaMatliettor, and favor of the Marne law, with an. Jun ovelnetit ed Mnif. each litri t ute::igit of the On l ei? eneh questions involving Me a n= ration of society, they would vote Independ ently—always lkroViding.. however, that the voters are Intelligent, “Bachelor" refers to e the diabolism of South- Meo w r ea t:4 'L O? v t io ' Mt be tt i most remember that Southern society was dansemi-gbarbarcnis. Southethe rn women would be erom vors fOr mine reason the great mums of t the Southern white men are dangerous. They had not the Intelligence of the black man for. he bad would be loyal. The polls I shon establish shot out the Ignorant, and therefore the viciona, for Ignorance is the very mother of vice. H. The 'Jemmied Sale of Liquors. The subject of the legislation neceasayy to abate the evils of intemperance in Jun now receiving deservti attention. Thetopposttion . aroused by the attempt to pass a bill, the ef fect of which will be to Increase the number of the renders of Intoxicating liquors, is a hopeful sign. But it is not enough that that bill be defeated. Under the presemt laws on the station, In temperance • frig/artily. on the Increase, The system of lemming mew tO..aell liquors Is wrong In principle. Noone can deny that the sale of intoxicating- drinks is the cause of drunkennen, or in ether words, that if - no liquors could•behadlhere 'wOuld be Inrdrtitilt; j ards. lis tonsil aqidont that, so. long as the means r' asisztte obtained a large L Onion rthersonnintaltft wilkdrink to excess. 4 T.... ...„,,.0.6., , Imam Ism fit that to. utgp liken/Mettle eof that - which makes , The course to - - ,:thettriblinll 1 the license lionl - and, entire the missonghnti • selling of inhittleatikauol% kihether dirt. =or rerirsitSti, a Mikan. •In main. the more/ground that what is Hem iliinUthlw done, without any regar d to the- •Itenschuencetithat may o w., This is tiiegrapiley pmetnoegard, to ition'Ther , the health, sold , the moral, of . tho:cotom ty, eliould. be se cured try law. r Ifi.iin any. of tom :respects a. parrof theoktorm , ..ta sulegringlrythe Silo , or *LP. • Pig: -,.. • -should-be- pro. pounced • • • t .:. , r - , -*U. - .eau ::b Idiom:, that in the ' • ',,.' • -'• 'as ginner number la . bet:IMMO:I.... .. P - tt` . „ .. 4 ,0 one -*pi NmerL Th e oniy a m i. -,4 100 t...5er..,,,t4,0*.is any toilet:lris in the • g • , llers, but this Is tearftlity cotuatertalauned.'ny'the !number of oases In •willehrholniSeprOdnees PoserkY... . - .scone One- Wilheikklibagn soittietworbryik' Utica, pr Lf we .ottnid, the law - could me be untamed. Tldelsebe oldbugbatrotekotton tn the 4 i" • I. Ude lutornti - and Af it punt, ,err , ~.,4....r n 7 . 41) , untjantd r . 'Mc t • " ittt. tt Pt . ' .tato the '' a les press it, by pa -I.ltlOup ei • e.fog .. .1f at: Stet the attiosp Pr. lairme I r v:Opt:lse to, greater • • Amid erserito ,stiee - he, ••• dr saatensi -manumit orlUDbOent tintMirtim - thisatizatuilimanto• In these eines, antra those who, As geed intl.- , tens lost to the welfare of Ocielet7l Mold but to be roused to put forth's& power that will tien t-ranee the infinende 9r- liquor sellers with the *sib& id their hauls: . , ..• . . It' le IL favOrablit einemnitamei that tt sub: t • Jett bait blue brought Olfore:the public his , aform4husteanbot lair to- call oven . : Let theacti, be or. tht. hid. seLet ticui Senators and Represent on ative he % w rig hen filer return to - their letishdiye .Atities. lett' a pressure *OM itiammul anrt relighlue commu - . =Writ's/ham they . .lo, as vtill encourage then, teVrePareend urge. that . the.stAte or. ranneyi. same anal' no longer give license to commit camel but theistic, heathe welter and the will •to ley a heaVf Mad on those who are ninny Ott . ;WA, OrhOUSee ...sad hospitals with.-. bkitenod inmates, and wringing the... Marta or thogootokis_wich anguish. Amonsuzar. J. LEsst UP-NDIRSON tooth .bight of the Lsorne &etre.: ZUCCANIS • aIMiX43, Bemoaned by the oltlr7itabbrghAT6rite. embakw RYAN. 'Traits tvENING RBI be peeled OUR FEMALE AMERICAN COUSIN. Overture To conelente with the MOUNTAIN OUTLAW; On, TUE WRECK OF LIFF- In rehearsal, LOST IN LONDON OPERA HOUSE. Lrast vrp Un.I4OLaTSS Last slight trot tiro of the canoe at actress MISS - 1411.1DRA 'KEENE, Ala4of the talented TonniCoateiri,w, 3916..V4ECAXiiNIIT 23.1%.12173EC. , TLIDEVENTrum, en l LwUr top ptitikentFd lunr ltdthe .lo4oi WLTES OF IRVlViiiitikiVflie Donogb.. Nell/ Mi.. Lauri Keene . , • brrebasnal.i.Orr IN rertairgnon. irfasr sisitatoretisazAtatAzzast. W !WM HAI,L. Git Mai , EIMEHTION OF THE PIITTSBUJEreiIf :,_aracerawric 4SSOCI.I2'/QA• usteakratt,lsrazonen r .- -11fonday ,Evenbsig,26„ 1866 Thkete ti) cents. Performiact Feb. -I a ; I..•F.ILVGIII-;46. • ' " VG : I , r• ' - [CLEAR THE wAY.I • .... .EyeELNIOR H A LL,ALLEGKENYtriT . _ , • OR i ytirMEELEGS HMI, -- coanimmtso . , . T4 llllll o ' EveniliZtPl ,l ?auAry,' 2.( 1 a . . :;:Hurlers Neir slut Ilfaugthlly, , .11,1dATILITE11 - 111ill - 01 . 11111111,' istroduilnit the t4eateryju!AeoneoF Itt!alue,r,iq .i. , sflte.. - ,. , lee ^ w I W E T deUrared. UelEte - ..aVgi Cowl i st i ft_ffreisbalkEstr i = g ' 'vs Aft ...FE '.IP- ,, Pa, "c'';4°' ....:-,..- -M.r,--Nr.,.: --- . ..~ 1 30. s rk icutwiariz;viii 4iicititairiab vii -73,011 sod ad aim appear each evening. I = 1 --. Tiger - 111,1111.1U1 :,.! i ITT-Haafter, ;es) riissoL Alror -- rmiTivEn t srdaed9r.aThe era Wart Vlattyr e ; brallai of P. 44:4.0:315"Nfhltrilrynals cave/ Ely , ama deem[ , Mums, of the Cm, -wicileteettW by hett , maeadamitt thartalleste ..103A 66". " 9660 .0' tr16 !•?66rC 66 .6 6 4. A U 6 ' ~,.*. i diderattal all cattalo tba ItillialLarast. dm e mum and style of OiLmultE, _' ' t ,, : • :, :* ) 1 ' „ m i.= -- .. . ' oar amend nom :the market h ' . '. • -. . y estr a plitam ill2t le. 4. -. 6 h6 61 r 6V. 6 ,47; tm ~ degeti f uwints. Th bik e 41 ' 4 w " 1 zlicsmutmal, mins *,...•' Ex,. mar the mamma et1±1,10...../sa. 0116111 M W ed c° 447Andsbecy,:olll be sambaed by the new amt ' dated Peartary MI, la lam. • v; •,,•- i - . , •1'11f.14111P902f, . DISSOLIPTION Or , EU au 1pr...-422Leto entity tatrttonno exittlnt toetn 14 tau noan.aurokittaitniato,.. conitlik.WWWwfloSOOMlT fiOnSINnON tiaittlint i gots '-tf.o ;ratite% log wipers ir - cos no tn. ot t eau e~mnndenetniltaltttreir C • l w 7 l;:z'r: - _. • .p 1 , ff inorrere.wg...r.thityrat.tyr.= . . luonur th rveg%,l , l Mu to ay mends tlittLo c Wad a, ii(rd ELI , . . Bulgu r v ar'lMikaftitArolivatnnnr...- a ) 'NAVY DEPAirraitxr, Wilablosion, D. C. Alf EIDICAL • r BOARDS 1,0/1 :'l l .E. Io•kro72CAIONATIONVIr CAZDA'M irOlt . AD. , _ MlSSluril I N TO TUE XAVT. A AMMAN , Aun t* El i tlgorordir atd►afModlaal Arodlial Onlit , l2/4? igcaurtu-irrt'.am i rZ Avian, litt iii: I. on inlxttaitosawrittnosel ta , e' I na oir of coot writivkauantart, ft fPll,,`,..ft e t t rAr cite Wriiii - Oi4ili bee iitfit't 'Doi.. scol-u• ate -Apo' Go to t' o.' tMAW . l'rtrik4M lA°l6t er.. l"2 "4 .°P ste,t4Wittail=" 64l et...rrif pltrattourirrAlo Pro al ferPorali,• W . .' montaLl amoral etiaromor. • . ~ ' Candi/ow must Pot be Irolr MAO Irrrili7 4 l l rig!r. more tau wen spatZ lima Oats , 4 : ,, ' '' '''.. Atalpent . seit a splic , Ire Aro r 3 o b rf , rari sooresso7loza+laTo MI prorr7olWe for , lb' "P I nth'en §. V i itat * & at, &al . it - - • of orsaa. - DRAlGliltik OFFICE A b. s uar- iNktiN l ,4;-:,l4 l 4tegvni - N0 ,, 1 10 e 0 1. ciiinge vriftme...ftlim - aan• imar,..,,,,Ntiert BE IMES . . .. . - 1 tgrAIrEWS Aillarrectitisdr•atbit-- i.il2"=6 " 7 "" V i n&ir . tocil teal ileddingietir - Mao IfeodoeiL,..4 Ale; toss Peyote., (podmigtor lefietietem qf APT. ltrinortite to Ofitury arks itriaturvaelfc iii• Ca " bY 'h. N'' Yevarand Ague le not I/m.6ly Consequence *IMP miasmatic poison, Al-great variety of disordem &Macs' from lte- ItYltisl undertow distiietto among watch ere hie Itheuinatism. iGlout, - Headoee, lndnew, Too e, Eantehe, Catarrh. Asthm, Palpitation, Pain Affeetionoftlreen. Ifyliterice. Pain In the Boar Coli t iParal s, ~.....4 Derangeinent of the - Illtoltuteho nn .b 1 '""'" - Originating hi` thin cease Dirt on e intermittent 17P.. Oe.become .periodimd. This ••Ctrets. , expels the poison from the blood, and thus cures theas...all. sil t. It le hot !(hi s soh Most ffeetual reinedy-irrer I discovered for th of cemplatels, but Itisibe cheapest and moreover Ls perfectly sah. No hum I:A: L :1=g its e the ad ~.t tierld - tair, d Is . Can tact be said of any other mire for Chills and, Ye very it is true of thls, and its impoMance to i Dolor al:Meted with the complaint cannot be over estimat ed. ho Sure ls It to cure the Fever and Agee, that it Dealer truthfally said to -be a sertain reniedF. time e completes that it up oat a vat medicine to sell beams one bottle cures a whole neighborhood. Prepared by J. C. AYER. i CO., Lowell, 34.4.... sadiold by A, FAUFESTOCKMBON it C emit bT All Druggists. • jalilMmigawl grsETnoirrk.vs - TvimiuSEl .lANDOLENLAN HAIR TUNIC. THE DRES-oING AND RE4VOREROPTHICAOIII TURKISH BANDOOCNIAN. Byrom:rove itoiOnms HammLoam. .What,fflosi, be more acceptable than anything that willbeautily that will restore usture's decay by stopping the hair Dom felting ont,xestoring Its asOal color, malting It to grow in luurlanceandbeauty,ataistlnputfing It aceordluitto the-present and fashion sod keep It In placer This Botroavoleo TigAtokscrodogo. ofito Hair "bola wit dooind floe inapt Ire rentrAni rto anyrenon ef ti hr ie t la 41 Pled gILe at e ls o acknowled% ol ' Rea b toror arortbr oPthe mime. tr Turkey. In ' ` F tlirtMligsls n 1.41.7g,27;11T,Vitt r ' are 4"liel is most Baer Colon and arming.. DID the extract or mmly do wen and. herbs. bear put up, an ornament to the toilet. For sale by all Druirse. asrerforirgrtoieside. 11. 1.. FAINEEITOCred CO. Principe IDepotlstAvardstmance..4......,.... Ptitladel a. For the Pittsburgh Gazette Ea` LAKE SUPERIOR COPP j aIigf.AND . SIMELTING WORKS pirnsßußen. - PARE. MeCTIRDY* CO. .. Magoo , mren of SHICATHTNG. 1111kfarglp t i., MaiAIM MR MEM !f r y PLATENII Its Land.' Louse. HD Films and 120SZClfeD HO. tmb. Special omen of Culver cut to any "4 waken. inOligyaltwT IarrITTSBITEIGH 01A141141111.6 • HUBBARD. .BRO; & CO. ' • llallfUrMlll7ll3lllS OP n PATENT GROUND - CIRCULARS. - Warraated MaIey,STEIL GridW emerYdasort. MUI. Croas-Tut, and all other variants. All Mode of - kr and fillletni - jovieSleem fd h riigtr Mkt. &l a aell' "r a 4P - Warehouse autt ',eq.. cornet- WAViI hied moor Stassll. PSts Partleular &Statical Phi to odd etralshienlos Circular Sow; toss. Puttehlog and Drilling dope at reason/ Wei jay- mi. - amount& & co.. Boller Makers k Sheet lron Worker). • Nos. AO. 22. sicantstekrima isnot, . Etartng secured • large yard. Sad flutthboa II ern"! Agis meet. approved medbleary, we am, to faanelleture every t o t he d~p best surteler lad warranted P k a l C AI Walt 11 1 ft% AtgleflElkti %LT PAM; TAXES, -um MaI:TATO AIETTLING rAors, 11011.5 . /.110 BIUbGEBIIBI Fr4Tailadritit doBAJO L ICA I . ne on the shortest,tiatlee. .020. 1117.12214...... w, D. MILLI 7. ►. HOLLNULIN lar LA BELLE STEEL WORKS a+. a elb cnor. 111 , 21Mor_rnes OAST STEEL.• SPURR. PLIDI_W KR STEEL;SPRIMP&AELU. Caow pVAßulmrlitgle.,rto. NI WATER STREET (op stAWs), ItarROBINSONREA et CO (s e t, u . tt esors• ON BOSItoIoK - NIBIA - Jlt litiA, ea .......wAigx. RNMA ..Mant_nr_ers iN o! BOAT AN .BTATIO 11. T. na.ltit. CilOaditaiLklENUl,Nl4, htll4, A; a B YTOIO, CAST/US of r i tp r y r At it ta y_tr _ out STILL% Wilma W it li m nx tialrg rrABDI! PAT/MT IBJBOTOH, VAULT IL l sz c ifiet l uts w ol DION N . VAULTS. AND qffLITTEItS, W R biTH__ SECOND and_ ha TII , STEP= tietweeti Woad and Market, bare on hand a variety Or sew patterns, Oulu atid plata, mailable for all purpcoioa.' - 4114'Particular attention paid to aucloatug Gram I.ait.tdrur don at abort notice. ant IarMANHOOD t flow LOST HOW RESTOREust Pobliebed,_ln aealedfinrelopn. Price 'incest*. A LECTUEIM THE NATURE, TREATMENT Anil Mintiest Cure Of Spermainfrham, or Seminal .Weakneas, Involuntary knantOrta, Sexual Debility and Dopediment. lb Marflagerenerally; Nervoneneas, Comamption, nem' and FM; Meatal and rbyeical lnesiyseity, re. Whine from fielf-Abnae, Re., bylitialtaT.l.ClELYW wai.t.. M. D.. satborof tbe "Oren 800 k... te. "A Bonn TO TirtiOSANOT of Sturreanan, • • sant under IF. 1. L. • plAIn envelope, le any adJr.., peel paid. on receipt of .1a vertu., Or two postage atainps,by Dr. J. C. ICON., bowery, Near Tort, _Pert Vince ßoa. 80.. 4 . 5 A roatalsol _ • ETI:=3 farT: NERVOUS SUFFERERS, •bs been B OTH rentered to Slag% • AMA= Llandtreatng the mow routine sod levettstarexpenslve tobde'or treatment without ototess. coolstders 11. sset•ed duty_ lo enotteskslaate so Ids *filleteo felNis• ere:roves toe - means or lute. •Ifenee, on the receipt of an adavensed envelope, be null send. fres. • eon 'ilibetreerro r11.1141/11:11- ALUO:jelliverwr street. Bt. =EEC= ar SENT • FItEE.--A Pamphlet of .inmeasp Impartanc. to the OW sad =Mc. r y n ,tl d i g. 4 ,.. ll : l Legq . bOth sexes. Ibe or:tract . .ENDidak-a Lx A*lll. __ tar- THE BRIDAL . AN SUDAN WARNINEi A 211) -11. - STPATCTION 7011 YOUNG NEN Alan. new sad nails/de treatment et the Urinary alui Unsaid Addren Dr. J. SKILLED 1101101 MIN, Asswelatlaa. Philadelphia. Pa. splay i:BE% N . I ISO :4. , I AA TO THE LADIES OE AMERICA: ASH YOU • HARRISON'S' 110L111111:11111101111P And Victoria Ho GrAJSIP. THE WOULD. TOM= and WR/T.E..- gleat's Irarnialellcana =Urn:oll3i bone, al e tlervtt Idaanfaetnrea by A. W. HARZlllOk._r - auldel- Dal For sale by Dn. GEO. H. ILETIBAZ. awl an laiglits of Pittsburgh. DLO W. R. REED.. firlddrod General rot. WOODSIDE & WALLACE, WW3acilesuals - rat4 . l ,44 Lead blA Al va ltd,t ut. t., WM Imams. ,z1V 4 4 .2 c l a t Vektotittld rout Drys. la Pao 87 Mood Stria, oPPOSiTi ?Ht ST. CIWILICS iaile3l4 2. : - . 1T5152212011., Pi t_ flttstras White Lead Werke, PIME BUM MAR GIVIE L IFVRIPOJI PALMS I=l ■ ALL'S VEGETABLE t; l • • ''NrVitt It wEl l li l l it tE r tfly tesUas ' the An& talat Hatt ttv.lts' Natarti • etica L lud NE M mittswarti a iluy twer t the bar sal* a a alhaegie h efl r Dorm. arObto and !Waal streets, ElltEktuar.• PKO. A. iiQ.L . IMON JOHNSTON," taii*ivirciurze Cora* of Faith aid Saiiklekl Pn egadi l eriggntr. ; 1"-h4PI.m.artufrilL .pu“ze mrsom) solumlrotts,- I,oll l aNstoo 01., BA.T D. 01141 WELL 110. 410 0040treati1P1, Pa. Tools wateitilr f the ve!ry 4.Dl_ Will tavern Ziallii . ad '1".1*,....tfa4C•110411*0.1.14i; Mlatil .• •Phgireb article,. as are nrcessuyiQow .4114 *.P . tts: X r. tiA. I • IAT AllAt wykhillDED AND ou hue ji ju —Wittuu inNO • PET#" I 4 ,214 .9f 111 9 1 21 • , ist:mew, MOM obbillire,AU/N:, Aim", - ~ ts , t iratiftifel- S iti / Mll 4 l l rallallarlatlantiou lavitpl ;5! OLIVIA_ TrZa. :11? i.74k2 ; 0 rnt, F asl £s. !. 1 tona r ta ut i paaa lb". atroltiff"ithai- taLaaalll.44, lig i s i to g"ll l44■patT94l . ." 4 "Fat , • ~:~ tau ~~ , fw~tis~sa'a,` ' ~d.`~Y':aki`~d.:.,.~`.lr~4~ .,.a+~GS-;, ~,.?i=..~«. u _ 3 ~W " ~ a,r.,a~.v.«~az~tif~lz~.i "`-. exp. DZLIZ,Re LM FTWITI'7377r, ; a, ici:o +i kLANVFACITURZB Or 1 1866. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GRIATLY IMUMI) Otherwite Improv4 TRW =OMNI Inn " ; INKINI snot- The Merin' tabu CaP rigiSat 131- , 49. Wit NUT 1:611-331 Has bun Enlarged in Itte.gOsat 4:iNi TWELVE COLIMINg, ONIFOII3t. sTni This MORNING EDITION,' WHEN ANY IWOWag tN SIIISCIRTION 10 Morning Edition Will be Furnished le tinier!' at GREATLY REDUCED PRIORI Delivered to SwkserSem IE!I 'WREN CEPS NI Vim. L Mena 11111111"6111t1lo b.,. been wide tar SPECaanniss MOM Tat LealibigZcevvvo - ClExx4nw m?zuLm 3‘4;wB'l`4mlt news mistfaltl;. G.A Z EMT-El ILoCrti .NieWm. NEIFKYEZDA.'N - Y, =IEM COOK ` , z MONCII .7:i „._ maDirr_cS 011""thitte lizataitrilloirsuioust = NEW IND E salmi= TO* The chie,pcsfamatilike . • , NEW4O4OII4IC 1. In :I"M"r.,;ll,inni,.olols*: 44 iv' , • „ * c. ~u)...- IP& EMI • ElEl THE ALLIANCE HABI7WARD'aTORE ---- WC:OR AN.A.X.ENIL tyr D:SM e t-mi r tpr. in other blathers, we now ore. Stock, Good Will and Furtureo ALIJA 110 BUILIIAB IS ALSO OFTIRD FOR SALE o pl n twals .pleasan4y situated at f t , JUnCti d onat . Cleveland .P.d'titai.llll='°::ll:Tipidly Worming In alga and importance. . The Ilardaram businesa has yearly therthred With l ib ri:d t rinigr t "14 t :711%%11711:41,7..=1: no other klirdware !flora In the place. WRIGHT 141PENNOCK. felt:2l4y 1866. FOR . BALE ... -11 Farm of • • terse IWO WlNTsda perches, situate I n Elizabet • township, dile/Nm) County, Fenn. The improve meets ass a *notes sad hams kten butt ham and other out bolldielry; • good °rola.' • Ma" and Peach trees, or the best variety. Tb. Os..W naderlaid with coal and limestone of the bas 4WItTs a Itafratone quay of* Ito. I quality. • nay or 'Leas. to the Moncmaahel* *flor 'at til e This small enrol. I am rthortzed to alarm of about 20e . acre. situated In Wes Who eold Township, indlamacoonty, Penna. ,Th 6V:entente Sr. a good, comtortahl,), two -Ito sdtb • rotnzu. &large frame balm car flue alehouse, good corn cribiwnalt house, tre ove • twO-Mort Moue spring bane; &bon SO acre elssred and in tmtottrt and clever; a good orchard *PISI M I[A re ,r rI n Vb/rd i rrit e rFOOd T ,L i gli r rY=4l3 bee I estone. and bat e a snort mstattee tr•••. goal._ Stela property will be sold Ftry cheslE .1120, It Farm of abont 240 acres mootalu x theabov Elle Itnluswentente &realm", twostOri . 0 15 no n and a lam e frame barn; In acre. Mewed an una state of csitiNtlon: a smallmine orchard; two . stosyszoillotiollse. These tWdfarms not • dilate a twat-rata Stock Farm. or will bssol "= e tt i e . bert - lbrus In Fairnem township, West .iihnsiand county,. Pa: eoulatnlng Mazes; .bon Miles southof 1 1 16. Palmed The loom, meets are Ms large hewed log [mimes; one og Wien and best frame barn in the township; • ao; orchards. The whole hum is under aMg • of capitation. The tending is all No. I. Tn of the very best linlestenet about TO sere cleared, the balance in good tier. Possession o the ern day ot Iter. his property will • 4 11 , 14.tmutt . hag . aln. Theo ner roper 10 1160 several otherjarms ranging *um Zino •.., per •cre. ta.d f. Farm of= 'Acres, ,pttuate ItcCandl I.? /Melina/ bountr.,F., about Smiles . • the NM. The tmprovementa are a Log Roue, I , V ! " brril, s 1 0nng47421 of elitt • • " .or — PaV a L emiari Inqu i re l oi nne • er e. TOWklb, No. MI Fcrunt, str of HUNDRED DOLLARS Lot in Pitt Township. McNIASTER, GAllAhl & CO.. I JA D, mi.. ) , .1 Law, sett:wit street. p•lrn SAILE.-=A. desireable Dwell. biLliouse atig Lot tor sale In Allegheny City, rlc.vonitragem Imo t.Lf•COCk street: house built In vogern style and containing 7 rooms—hall, Par/07, dining:nom-and- kitchen on Ist door: ball ladder° Mtge sleepingstiartments to lid story hith little alvidad Into two neatly gulshed zooms, and Lan; aches Olt wash-house to basement, saphlled wltti erat e r ruebtheoeniVil:f hlie l f.Atn cozhydran Miter lath gild. „ >rfF L I,:. Vc:lll, l 7)ti. " "" "itfl'lcrAlTM"?'" Ate • • : . • . Id/Fourth street. 14`011 fl/ULE--a • FIRM of about AS acre gtt4teto taXabeth townedaValeltblla "rennin ra.c•atotnat one Mile and a _flora Vi r a a riegital L r7= 4il horgir ealo Mgt Amprocemeots are, gm, a Frame Cottage IfOnse, wish 4 room. and aitood welt or water at the door; atnond i II two story Frio. Howie. with four rooms, with' woo:wad Springs orwatert third. 0 1.0 g Holm, wlttrtito • • mama, a; frator bank barn, We Tv l 7 hdltalabling, eons crib, carriage bona sod °Margot-buildings. The tract aU under Laid with a rein °filo. 1 limestone. This &transact Itmestone la worth all that It asked for the gropertc. For fur- VarIT:oZto. I. I . LTro ""k ler et. F on BALE. VALUABLE COAL LAND. Will be sold TODAY at reduced prices. This trac Is situate In WestmOrelend eosin'', rearm, on thr North. Western Penniffirapla Railroad, about iii miles east of Apollo, Ea.,tlkd_conuins Iwo ,t/1 1nv,7.."-rgtwkanezr. PINE CLAY For torther particulars 1111411i1T at the i.n, and Chloe Older of No. Hi north 81.. Plttaborge . Ps. I'UEAPEST COAL LANDS EV AL LUMENS' be sold cheaper Wan SAW other land ofillienuallta, similar resoore underlaid equal dlstanee (min.-the city, la sores, with the bets cosi. There see two Led. of llineatcal e e. one inaltehte for a tan In the hu g/761st o ; t art: . 11,r1T, ' Ili a w n it h tract boozes, banes. .stabies, trust orchards, &r. Thu coat libbrthe verrbest qualm., end can be t o be n ace. 'lake anal ►IL be trams.- argtVellten`lttahn l rib arta blebbetirthe hhds - At,ttega;°4,l:".l4teldi. !err?, JOHN °AILEY. Stock and Kent Broiler, yes Wilkins Hall. Fourth street- inOAL AND LAME PROPEDTT n a ll t HALE .-0 haaa a the ateubeasille end. (Wrildrt/WOONICANDRED ANWEIGIII7: BIZ ACRES, Steam inbil Water /loath' sod airo Mill, nal other Sae improvements. Meg About Waghlyaleersa of COAL. without the I;twe, skit the aware. • two omi t Otswart , • Station, ow cetapa road. masoning Meer. and =acres. IfotArther particuiprs, ver: rAW Web, (Opposite the Ci dust,) Pals No. lto Omit stneeta 1?OR 11ALE....N e ksiiitn, containing -a. aboutDr se t res, p.. alfAir In tattooer township, =l:C=u T aorath irlireit a rit.trtM Inipsoesosents oria a two storr arta libelee with six moms. stems 1101314. Iwo itiollelk Witil SIX 2001:011 thin eon. vibe, xenon sheds and other oi -I llal l ii e li, 11,001 10 000 V or the Neer beat elver twi '. ll .7trbriZall " . l r tm agi rd gel". - "4 2 ,___,°=11.°17. °Wilt Beal r ' itit I b t : Arent. o,lB4..earad street. 41 .5. wear. DESERAELE DWELLING AND _ gYr.=l hit* lit. glithhe nig 6.4 4tory_prick T. i„,....,..., : ,,,„„,,,,,,„.46 :: . 4 , l4l . tar c. t . ct i t.av 1 mv. and Kitchen on erst door; 4 Chambers on and 4an third Boon, th gicedne very roan; 14 4 inaghtlet And In good eel:Wilton th t.., Lot 3236 by Id len. ' , AI will be sold with the HOU% if &aired, the Tung am winch is composite...lg new. Posses. Ides yew Awn IsAlBO6, es mike AI tweeter,. Par Mute partieulars street.' inquire it 46 end K FM 7 T. A. IIt4CLELLAND. Ana% -,.......... Alf ' ) ANT RESIDENCE FOR sri•fattr..—itttostArrn7 tlng i llaso, I. .. e. i . at- Will. ll4 l=aitter. el l OselMrstsce heating th . WWI lw:' e 'auntie* all In nosh repair f r i4ohn toren het feet art Bidwell street mune, oh the Ilne of th e hone fall wary A elf Ctty. Stabl e earl curtain holt , *use I. *motto - g. grAN, aspic • Itiagtga r elai l /WM. I .' 61110VOIEW , JETty " E`011 IllN2c-.A-Beets Figur offterroome: and Liar...ear Illestagebg strest,rnmtvs bMI grit sse l itey ers:74di flausesin or . AUG , Cineriore wets; Dwelling one mugger geres of it .u r mar Maebretera • _et easter oflirelg bowed es.. suitable • ranee; large CellaraVert street s near ferry see Sei-sta7 seams. Ottlit. With hull, lot. on one Waable on. hte I. UTEtn r SOBS, It Market et. )..luit vr roviAtt_,—opist uni•aaa copi ng otil iityle coi :11 • urewe~ ll uUabOar sale: 1 Col rill Argrino2/Crtirtg otieet. DWIPTaIII I7I 813101 , Imit call an w.M t V. a briff;r44 l l l l, l .lfLtna r tr 2 _l rilaMll l ollo.llolllUll,llllt ilk 111 0 11 1114- 4 1rldwo , - lagraiLtax=to rtry . us, - - .; lll .ofrTlVSlarrais i ts Ari 4 74: 24tary it t l t tett. °nee. cameral" Zit we. ltlmDle the stroti t e4l: 47 4.. .ArraLernier; . iit:_ctwir 1:407.0 In Sloth Real zonal* Pants AILLEGIV • ANMELLIN.. EV: molt .L a glatir .7% , 74114 ,, q4pi1ig e t sl a e / i lp t Za t t t ri. COMltand C 0111111144 pril I. limbo, -11.fftrdtle odd "I" ; prate Stookkeettßast amide Posits street. nette.sßondlti C st. - _ _ /14ALE-460aciresoffint-rate „..had,httacted IN ~g T,..ex..,u...e00ntr, Aloon, ml,tiVrnMt 13rt dTAl ,1 , Al ko =a ,rear rak u ittit tioli Contitilfitat:i WI hrei acres, of boob!, iaro.',lte It. trnllee [Ma thb lr. l% r t , j i : .114MItt8Solterelteroarth Strtet.• sit oftrePtAltruitETzum, to 16LX CO NT/14 SEAT, MN .ah,ll,l shlhothe,miltle„ftahi _ td, toting. Thh :IV Ma i l POlar,74 l =4lllS'ili igi I fint.`e' f4:ti wig nr,„l4,=l:4lllelTlitiZiMt - lonlI onl LA& IKALE.44B' sexes: ot taaly -4 °1% 4 Ar w er i aM. A bl eiterZl:fir Arga ,' V. mum!, ADM 111 lleinvm th_h_gl_q. Fop 'i,P iri l i a o r N l TZ e hir r a U. TTIATLIIII ~. i lett., on the prembiZ t ' ° . ,° , yiaher- EIESI 1 v v ' PALL-BUSH KENT when , . irjr e stai l r• niPaiiiitaggistig r t _... sot ? opus ); •Clty._ssi calif or II ' ' YAL 1 11.1.1,4 %/ TITT,‘ I , ad *s. 101ITWIXRTIS SOWS. SI X larked II I Stn—r. ' I : cata — limatif , riotirW:llfirgili sc rlatotes slo Sou US . i ~ Sea 1,.. • e au & o kvo li/u .S . .....„._ , MUM r t rt,Snitttitial and` COOLIIUI I ,3OPIPISIi "tr c*. inte.metiNASfulliti-...' (.. .tavt • • y atlipika; ;otlo,ll ACOTTII,: 96P160n7.14114 +~S# 7 Y~ _ WILL PURCHASE A ENQUIRE OF =I . . - Tan - - , . • FOURTH 'NATIONAL BANK, . - O. S. Government Depository, i 55 MARKET STREET, I - 1 2 ./Ittircrustrai., 1 3, 40=1:211%. 1 imace. CONITAL NAM IN MIMI Pnien.o2e. TO Innitzhet. T 0........... HMO' Having extensive earre.spondeßet. With ROMs and H throughout the courstrT. with U " 6 " 11 [ senates Wilma Seine Mildness with tis. • 7 13-10 Wotan., And MI other Government seenritlew, ihrislohed ill seresto suit purchaser. Deposits received end Lt• t allowed tip special asTeement. .. nsint - T0118: • 1 THOMAS DONN R. 1.1. R. - H. KING D. X. 1011711, tr. J. BIOLE, L _Y H. • , JAMES . BAILEY, JOHN P. HEmmoN, i THOMAS BIOTA .4..m._.4.l.exArnms.. Bunten W AND' Cuhler?'llE:LlaisTlNegte BANKING 110IISE. HOMES & SONS mga,rux.etreg. 0.57 MARKET STREET; Pittsburgh. i c=il=7 ° .P. °ZVI ch. 'Dated States and e Caasdas. P P STOCKS, BONDS AND OTH ER SECURITIES Bought and Soldin favuoission. j . sri a lenlat ottentloo paid to tie puretiass. and OWED • STATE- SEMIITUEL 1310L11DING Dotted States Rae. of ttlo4 Do. do 211, Do. Alves of 1 6- 044; Orden and VotirgiterinfiZto. . DAR SVINGS RANH, No. 59 FOURTH STILICZT. CHARTEREDIN ISM and p en O daily frame tog o'clock, also ott 'Wednesday Saturday wrath:gm front May Sat to Novetaber Ist, 'from 7 to 9 o'clurA, and from. November lit 10 Maylst. from 6 to ereciewt. Deposlts rambred of of promst less than Ons Dollar, aud a dividend of thededared twice a year, In June and Deeember. Interest- has beau declared semi-mutually in Jane and December more the Bank was organised, at the rate of slx per cent. o Mi n :Seat, lf not drawn olit, is leers to the credit of the depositor as principal, and beers themune terest hum the dam day. of June "ma Llecembe,r, compounding twice a year without troubling the de positor to mffl, or even topreamt his pme boot. At this rate money will double In lees than twelve years. Boots containing the Mater, By-Lawe, Rules and Begniallons, furnished gratis, on application at the once. PazaiDent—GEOßGE /WHILST. ulna AMOS-Um William J. Anderson, A. John G. Sukarno, . Robert Robb, Benj. L. fahnestock, . John. H. Shocuberger, Janie. Herdman, I Jammo James McAuley, I Alexander Speer. Isaac AL Pennock. I Christian Yeager. Henry J. Lynch, Peter A. Madeira. John Mandodl, Walter P. Manta% James H. I.lodeeds, Jam B. McFadden. Jahn On, I W ' r " Z. n ?PIC ' t' Alexan L. dindle, WBU.mVmMirt, Wm. P. Wessman,/ DISEDB. JaMolgerlP Calvin 4....1nu5. John D. Hindle?. grillrmir a tft Aloosop.. Canter., ChIAPII A. Colton., Wm. Douglas, Jam Swans, John J. , GlUtrple, Wlillarri S. Haven, Voter Hunker, r ha p ti rr, T lMe llegail l uissil 7 nAßLES tisCRZTAIIT-4Ag. D. D. TILE • EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 0i Pittsbur&h, eliartered of Penn a. • . litaa• Oman'sod under National Law, • • 111645. tAtoltal. • •• -• • .• • .1.000,000. Thti - 13.1c bay beell doslgnatrd • enco asstor y- THE UNITED STATES TREASURY. and appointed agent fur the Sale of the 7-30 Loan. Every facility will he offered to Investors or portico purchasing for ro-aale. apZi:tt 11. Y. MURRAY. Cashier, Tut PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANN, C3l' Pittasbywargela. CArrtm.. PAID IV WITH PRIVILIoi ' D or IMAOW 41,000,1:134 4 4Ltiata Donate PORNED FtWiT ANII WiniD • . This Hank. organaed under the National Banking Trat e ' h.= Collemlona niade on all ommalble points on Ina moot. favorable ten.. tiZeelat Ageula for JAY' COOYJe for the salgrof the U. S. SEYEN•THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. tiANUEL Prestdent. P. H. CT . Itr : u Teller JAIPIIES T. BAWDY &CO., 031:1CCE6Sr TO 9. JONES • 00.0 lElleazakar. .iarciaxerris, COB. FOURTH AND WOOD 15T8.. = PIANOS, ORGAN: Ste THE : BRADBURY, NEW YORK, AND Behomacker Co., PhTrdelphig, N 1 X INT 0 EL. The Eatey & CO.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. Acknowledged by the hest =steal Went to the Una.: Mates to he superior to to ell °therein pawn', WWI idol quality Of tone, ant thorough iron matteltstromente hart for lure when the trot AZIT I VA=rI.III.. p e lit Pa rr " !tfte th :rMigr s than any others . All warren-tea to Aniyesen WANCIANK BARB, Na.a2 St, Clair Street, Pittebtirgb. Pa. NOW BEING RECEIVED, TOAT'ELECIADV STOCK OW CHICKERINGPIANOS, 6.1 . .044 pezioxldtlivpikin_turylber, Mufti re. "41 17 r . 7. • SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS . "VC' "latataUtr in uWw! WARRANTED. FOR WWI , VIOLKI.: • " • • CHARLES C. MELLOR. ItMUMS GREAT ENRITAIJLED PuororoirrEs.—Theisa Inntnnnems we supe ior to n i niottLer In regard to tons, finch, workman. th lngralralaltalnlel3 elk tinuithe ne, f " Cll Ve tlr sn M/lIVRIF_ Age ' '' . I ir trajsudalso tor Manes nroa. 4 .-velebrtt:4 . Plall• P reel, Orissinod Itelodeoni. : 11 LillleiAllt -A - , llARGAlN...spiten.' . 414 aoliereeeelleetta Orton/ Plsoo, - essrveel VP pedal I m p ro v ed . froat4Onasee, overstraaj/Note a are oat thresesoothezvottry wlll to soltlar. •-Xle .sow NIX Urterre tA W named sae 1,06.4 ritirea, . 1111 AB a BLla.t. .. ...:—. So to// • -., 111 melt . , SKIETa NEW ShillErifMt /8613• BRAtlltrit DUPUIC-EIIIPTIC (ea Dotrutz) - sisimwasicritTs;, .Isittutaredtielislit4 think men of Nat, WESTS, fi7Chlialberl,a4i . i . dk al 20/6717; ± . .-. . . - .... '• • Saelvifocin _Knit "ileid 14 *Mktg . / tote i r e t e it Te l eo .Pr ed U rat a minit i hft h glltgalndeitinto:C krt - idifftwe l' Hoop,made... • They win .not. bend. r k like the mangle springs; Mit Vlin IlVet 34VMM beaklike the of when Move or-four or. ;Ili .. ikirtal will have been thrownaway senseless. ti t n e t t for tbe promenade ..or the ,honer....the church, t eater or eartiiref,==eollftlat ors. emnbininßc U re c . oe mark whlehintantlielk itidaigiti aL . grta 14r, .., ..., STANDA R D,-.81 f11icr .. . , .of the Ikahlonableltorid. - • 7 -, , :- - . .-, , ~, . earth 11 011 the 001 8 110411 o hoeqr . !lICItOf Ihn:, - -..,4,, ........, --...... • Bradle}'s ,'1410rr..E1111410.51t1rk,?.,, .., -:- k. AL! .1.0..001,9r.,xi, ilßp,tupt**lLu4oHoisrr AT twxrrxan,dnilt ..,..:,, ,-- .lE49itrzwAxx*74:o . .... . ~,,.', T' '''*irbe iw ltat k ir 44l° Wr r ~.„ I :I 4 7I3IIRANCE INSURE TOUR LIFE cv THE EIIABTER OAK LIFE nisruites co., of Hartford. Coon. THE ONLY LIYz INERIFIAXCE COXPAIIT 127 AMERICA that now mates and pay. an Annual CASH DIVIDEFD on the Orstand eath thoscroteat payment of premium. Ala CASik cumulation Of $1.501.1.00% Is Seco re . ly lortated lie await. andtoorthages of REA/. ESTATE. ft Ir. now In Its Nth year - of - busi maw and Its pall to the 10TDOWS AIfZIONNIANS. Of Its mamba.% wealth! of ONE. MILLION DOLLAZS. To this date not • ale. fie ease of litigation has oecorred; an aridenea that :11berallty and fair dealing I. especially with this" Company. • The policies of this Company . ..are vie forthited by reason of non-paymeot of premium after - the :mond year. No - payments geoldrerd after lee years, bet indieles ecoatinne throogh life. C..WAL LY. P resident... it. p. it itliWzaird Anima Cern for Western Penusylrnlirs, where Circulars and black Appiluallous will be funitsbeth MI Woo.; street, Pflitobarsti. • =T y , wanted . briet r. CHARTER. 1829 . PERPETUAL FMELIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, Assets en Jan. 1. 1864, • • 92,437M9 93 Capital $ 0;000. Accrued Premiums v 71,000. Luvnted Premiums 1,1111,283. I.luserttled Claims 8.4111: Income for lin • 1147;tUIldaltilVegrufras7 k": 2 Polleles on liberal terms.. must - rem gni. 11. BalacTker, lane Lee, Tabl e leew ard D. Dale, 5 sat e Gomm W. Richard, ivagEn. rawARD 0. DAL!, Vice PreMdent. JAL. liCAlanrka terealg; At - into Corns . wood and Third ag7t.. FIRE AND MARINE INSTRANCE CO. OF NORTH A MIMIC& PHILADELPHIA I==! FREI Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, Assets, - • - 014646•90. 4141 r Prater'lon earl be tenured to the above named and reliable Complate.. W. L. JONES. Agent. 114 Wavaritreit. stalie.,) C,710 I iV E• STERN .11118IIII.ANCE •CO Or• PITTSEITEGIL ALEXANDER NTIRICE, Preplan WAL P. HERBERT. Seetetm. CAPT. IIEORGE NEELD.OeneralAirent.. Otere, ist Water street, tlpssig *ON ' s Ware Boum" up stairs, Plt.tau•gb. • • . • Will Inure against all kinds of Iflrt z erarine Rieke. A 'halals Institution managed 'Directors who are well known to the cosounatilty,. - d'who are determined by promptimse led liberality, In main tato the character which they hare assumed, u of fering the best protection to thou Who desire to be needed. . inn:awns. Alex. Xlmlek, Aadrair Ackley, IL Miler, Jr, - Darld IL Loss, James McAuley, I ReeldtThainaa, Alexander Speer,Chas. J. slur. • , I Campbell B. Herron, -- Jobb-Re McCune, - C. W. Itteketaaa. . I James e r . Hamm. mr3o WM. .P. lIERHYBIT, Secretagr v )4'; : :VI • ' • m' N 4. OP rirTsßultapt.-oalc., - earner Mkt and Water streets, seecm door. WM SiAtiA . LEY. President. WM, A. SHEPARD, Secretary. • Insures Steelrboata and earynee. Insure. against toss and Sewage In the narlesti of the Southern And W e Rivers, Lakes, eel Sayan, any the nevisation or the Som. lalurea aOlust it.. 6 and damage by 2re. ~., . .. • ' DIRECTORR Wm.Bagaley,. , 1a D. Hier. Samuel Rea, John ShWon, Jas. Park, Jr.. James M. Cooper, W. O. Johnston, B. liarbaugh, B. P. Josses ,s Joehrta Rhodes, J. Caldwell. Jr.. John B. Dilworth,. Barclay Preston, Was. A. Rodgers. Deorge Bingham, ¢e10:1 PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD AND VIE= STS. . . Wm. Phillips, Capt. Joint L. , Rhoads. John Watts, ! lianmelP.Shriser, John B. Parke, j CltarlenAristekle, Capt. Jas. Miller, John P. Kirkpatrick, Wm. Van Risk, , Prank B. Bissell. James I). Verner, I C. Hanson Love, WM. PHILLIPS, President W. F. GARD JOHN WATT, Vise President NER, ktearetary. Jull;iy Capt. SA.lllla=3 CORDON, Gen , lAgt. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE It:O. Bank OBlocks F PITTSRUIHIII.—OInee, No. Fifth street Insures:against all kinds of Flreand Marine RlskH JOHN MWIN, Jt., President. JOHN U. IicCOND, Vice Paesldent, C. U. DONNELL, neeretarr. DIEZOTO.II4 Inse C. G. Hume, Hanoi T. 31Hoskinsau, John Irwin, Jr.. R. L. 74hueitoa Jaz D. McCord, G c :.=E i t i .Z7 4 ed, Capt. Wm. Dean. Geo. D. MECireir. nobert B. Davis. OIL W0R3:03. wumuniuDem OH stEnneve 000.11ECE.4. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. • WIO I LIR T TIN .P re &gaud Tress , r. WORSE TEMPERANCEYIELE Mei 14. 2 Duquesne Wsy, (Ron' Blintaloo !Ridge.) mANtriPaormnoza or ruins worm 13TARMINT451 4 0114. Braced—" Lucifer." aL b ?rii= t aligk e iA b ras o X4"tre, s h r a t o ter Alt) . JamalC. or ET. 10Z- C.Vl C l "" it h ltfa s airalMras. " 2l l 9: Porter ROL &Lace, D. W. C. Carroll. allb6d V. Z. WAVING.. KOMI' U. XIS NAHUM & Kuve, coauussloN MERCHANTS, AND AltinUMA 111 PETROLEUM AND 'ITS 'PRODUCTS - - And Dodders to Iliedundr dridaidal °Min , -Na it nABAIT,62. BOBDED-WASEH9USE OF PRIM" MAREHOUSINICOMPANT, teas id halm udHarrlsia Strodin Brinddynq MT.* Storage Or itettriell Petroleum, l' air Ts" Ofil l ee " , d A llarrti e.in6A ls4 VA l SMlT,llln; odnv STANDARD 0401.1422. CLARkitliiiiNEß. • Woe*. omett, Imm:a • samishOp OM= of ITTiWatlies-le WOOD M.W 2 M These varketners the WIWI eaelluete the Mal try. abkik o bein4irts u t i r i ntizer t grzn i tlat to n put In Ireirieeseil l ed barrels, preparegehpecialiT . au t_v . tax OelL tero taXT,TANlWlink lei •redaortae To SIMEMPR OIL menarips;T: constroottog, an 4 wit keep on Mod, rryi....etyk of . COX:Ca ZEINTCkIDTMLIP itre:Mlß A cam oil mum RIM m w eV w "S t lrlamerolin t stitnim sizatavvtruiLL COMIERCLU, OIL'WOHILS. PURE WHITE SURNINC cehateetlr olt band and ta.aale AT'.. TIIE LOWEST ,ALUISET SATES, 11. SALIWYRU, No. It_ROOD STRUM. JOAF11): MUMS ) ' , 4 .4,11 i f amain MuunaillSl ix - -. . wi DE AND REFINER. 1111.16 • Us nUqUein, Way. Pat taberall Atillpetal iltenUttreas untie i tir. " 7- 0. 164 =2 -ftak:Mit.,....mitr 5 . 4(4 Mid :dealer OA?. 1 2 .41V‘. Crud* retrofit= la- u eoutall Loa. an 11.4 fardirdeVoll4=.4"!ke"l44?.' •INVZs Bur i ox , : I A .11., ak:LuLrillPllleYePlxivanted,: tbe up . / • AL. .. m . uo in ir . iiVe rszetY ! .6 aftwltra o fricitcs • Ja11.111:0 MEE 1866 WINTEIV, PCNNSYL#ANIZ CZNY .r T. li. B.—TWZI. la DAILY TRAINS. • On and after MONDAY, Nov. Nab, IBAB, trans will ; leave the Onion, Ongton sad Llbe,44=seDlrt'lloweir"" Wl* DAY Y.Xyß3illn—Leaves Plttabowth at, VISA. 1. • mopping at principal stations. Anives at AltOonal. 05 7:23 A. X. • Tyrone, 3:23 A. y. (Bellellantt, mi law n = bu ,PreZer: t°0214-, - 1.1 3:43 P. M. : and New cigtIANA etttiottzga at j Lao stopphig at nearly all statlond: Altoonal.i !byte' p, al - flyleaf' n rAIL 'ltA Yaiiutxtppbp ttil-LeAve; rittabarigh an II:40.A. nl4- .4.11 3 1 atltearly all elatiOne; Al wait.; COSY. Ilurtabitra at 12= A.-sc. and Phtlxlel , WPHILALti.I4I a , ..„6 itaritrasi—Leavesrittaborgla Antees at Lat. 74 a VV Y N, ZlTtgr, a a 1 1 1 . :::V14:zitt.ttill.aitotitiTectOat s j A. 11 ilnd:Piew York, 'IA atqAki," Cars ran Omagh on Oda intim wow ...111 trot Baltimore mut P hllanelpina, a nd to AIM ota Allentown. FAST LlZlZ—Leavea Fitton:mit at ices P. . atopptog only at prlncipal stations. Ateteee-et too= at 3:00 A. i_Liarrisburt.•,6lll. A. a.. Al more,' 111 P. N.: New York,f via Alle ntown , U iP. M.: relladelphlAT I:10 r. sad New le ", 131 Fhlbulelpkta, at lOW F.. Tta Drag nit. titlnneo, Spotty al{ tailar Oulu, Stoutays JOHNSTOWN ACCOXHODATION-Dallyiernan ButidAJE at 40 4 P. It, mOgiting at re/Mlar statit: between Pittsburgh and Conemangn. and corm at /31sOssille In tersettion with trains on the ln ans Branch and West Pemoylmmix Railroad. ALTOONA ACOOmmODATioN-pidly, (mem Sundays) at 7:10A. a.. stopping stall reanlarstatiait, betwerm Pittsburgh and Altoona tudmakingelets connection with trains on the Indium orgasm Wen Pezussylvania Raltroad, Ebensburg L . :magma' Bali roadoand Hollidaysburg Manch. • Ylnt Accommodation Train fbr WalPs Station- Leaves daily (except Sundays) at CIO tt. IL. • -SeeOnd Accommodation Train nor Walls Station 4 Leave* daily (except Sunday.) at IMO a. B. Peon Accommottatirm, No. I - LCayesAMO (rxmlitt ''' , A d attilc=tdrilon Train tor Wall's Station - Leaves daily (except Sundays) at erXr. m. a Pena aecommodatlon. ho. 2-Leases daily tosturbt Sundays) at le:glr. at. ~stopping at all stations N. tween Pittabnntb and Penn a . The The Church Tra i n !wet Wall Station 614.17, gun. day MIURA. N., and arrives In Pittsburgh' at Mall A. B. Retarnialkietreallittlitoggit at 12:01 r. M. arrives at Pr ams Station at 230 P. y. Returning Trains arrive In Rittatnirgh al fblbiarsi Returning ran Line 1:60 111 r.... elation Arcommodation..... 6 : 115 A. 400314 attltatraAccommodat l ou.... 00 6 rt. Johnstown Aoeoramodatlon Raltlinore Zunreali • IV 4 -I Vyiotrndation an d Enlerantv..iconse, az 4ft V:llAccommodattos,... ard ,pieuhla.4. Ildll. .VemnAcoomaolatou No.I. . 112AleittEtg: 1 2 3 N i pus wenn esthagru'it=4l:l4"4 mr S e b o ec m k c s, nig t o .lli . er Dame to no Para idgba -- .bere onion the . moveZiar " gets and ba gg a g e win receive prompt attention! '" Rig ai r=t4P;Tl., * LiT atii; r l:g7, " Phn"el P t , Adatee.—in ease of lore, th e 'Romping will Raid themselves rerponaible hi,r.sersonarbaggagn 0011 and for ab amount hot ea. In R. gun. W. 1. BERRWITH. Agana. At renuarraalaCentralltaumadrainieuiter ata Ron, on Liberty and WAihthaton ann. .evamooo. .lIITTSBILIII6IH, FT. iiii m i i WAYNE a CIIICAGo 'RAILWAY AND CLEVELAND a YITTOBIIII(ill RAILROAI3.• z . M n Winter Arrangement. »0. Al and after November min, nuA Dates will rua. fellows, sir: Learoer, For 4 FOr • Per . Pitt bane. ! Chicago. ' Cleveland. W7mottni, Zooms 2:Be A. u. 2:30 A. M. t Erprtia ..... ....I 144.5 P. at. , 2:33 P. al. 1 2,210 r. , r. M. 8:08 S P.m Ea VA r , ' , 1:1:0 A. ig. I QM A. I A. U. /Mr. u Tor Newcastle and Eris well t1..11, Erturalus. arrive arPlusburalt. P., FL W. it C. It. W.—1:50 A. K., LIO r. a., II: r..31..14110 P. M. C.* P.R. ft:--1.1,15 A. K. LSO p. K. 11:111r ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. Lowe Allegheny:or NrW BEM/TON—OM a. W., 11::A A. K., 111 , 11. and MO P. K. osiipcniar haw.o.urn.. _ ...5t..... EORRONY-...10.40 r. r. P. M .L ia.r..svnts—igar..x. Returnlog,_Arthre at All eghehy P.. Ft. W. 11.0, R. W.-7:3D A. . A. C M . kr. r . f ile. it *nd ° . 'A. RAE PARKIN, Ticket Aren!, EiRoD U P A. Q. (INA MAT, cgt"u l B°. " no2o F. R. MYER, Orturraltrigietrt. PITTSBURGH, CO-omplile LUAIDUS AND CINCIN NATI AA nacos D. THE OftßiTsnitlit,,EßikßOUTE TO COLUMBUS, CINCINNAII, Lod all the principal Mac On and after WEST AND BAJUTNIVIENZ. MONDAY, NOVENtiIIER 20th. I Teal. will leave and arrive , at the UNION DENI followe: Put Live • Departs. 1:1* Ani P. ses Nalt ................... IoCO .. 8:14 P. ma. //..xpr,•44 ..a3 P. Y. 11.41 A. Steubenville Aceututuoil•n `` 10:10 A. S. F. SIAILL, Oen`l Tie s rehA . wi l ... t aegr A v t l y l4o. Ticket Agent. Union Depot. PltuOttriti. prirrsaunon AN H. D cos2T.J.4vii.tqc N. Winter Arrangement Ditaockalter noxpa, le oeionium UM, MIRA The trains will ave the Depot, corner of Ross Water atreeta, as fttllow. • PgiabrThk. Map: Mall to and trap Uniontown... 3 4 ,4 . if t .. se. ..R= 4 t/C'VP°.rt 6115 ta. O, F liniddoers •• 7:uu m. &PO A. as. Second •• 4ao P. Y. 11.16 P. a. SundayCau_ch Train to and from licKeespOrt. 10:03 For Tlekota &potpie A. J. SHANK, Agent. W B. TOUT. 0e27-1v i ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. aIIaININ CHANGE OW TIMM • On and after MONDAY, NOT. 9:41t. Passenger trains will be arranged to run as fotrows: MAIL TRAIN. , --leaves Pittsburgh at CD A. N., arrtving at Kittanning at 9:45 A. N. LeaveeKittan M i3d el P;l l:) , lT—Telit r = g ni h ni M lA :19 P. t arriving .111 Pittsburgh at 11991 Plitsbnorkit idto P. N., arriving at Kittanning at I MIO ACCOXHODATION TRAIN—L4Uves Soda Watts at 11:23 A. M. arriving at Pittsburgh at Me a. st. Leaves Pittabargh at I:40 P. sr...arriving at Kirin Worts& at SAS P. N. jail WRIGHT. Buparinteident, Izn i t Lie5;,Lx.1:11,3,41 SHAW - !!‘ CLARK'S SEWING -MACHINES. • 4-0 Mexcal..timega SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are minufactuied witlimittanyeamplleated Madam err nad therefore ars not doable to getout M r and re a perfectly adapted for every damn et Fatally Sewing ..00. Tailoring.' Wed° not our Machines with cheap machines so we have taiga or patentee prices. We refer to the following personl. u g etc r.r c tikltH N 0 .166 Fourth street.; St 'VAN pR NAILL/CN, Zl3 Webster atreetr . Mr i. DOLAN, No. 41 Colwell street; Div J. TlCOrtNit. No. Eldecond @Mee, Allegheny City. We have - are Mat that ;mean refer to. All of our Usehines are warranted are years. - *GMPS WANTZU. ' 11.• H. LO Agent. UV limit street. nem/fLtdi, PIITSHIIROM rA. GROVER. a. BAKER'S . . EZIE=I SEWINII manes Rare been awarded the WRIT num/vats et tb following FUNYoe the you t 80: • FMl=;;M=O=l St blot premium ror best Itsebtre work at New Tor ate Air. • Pint Premltni• for belt 7=llr - brachhie at Ob State Year. - • Fi . fa premium tot belt manufacturing Madan* ObloBtate ratr. imini - peernintit Ihr best Ilannfatturbag Macton• Viiumforbeat ltannfaeturlng 311 thine • MMlOnnalia P Mate Fair. Plrai..rgiminin for bieit Pdanufacturiug Machina Laarrencit County Fair, Pa k First Premium fur Ent Staahine for gene" , al par ee Comity Fair, Pa. P r • rati t emi r F for neat Family Ilse-Mae •at Bunk c lig/Parailatt fu ' r glano * Mcturtnit Marline • B rillt.=4 .ld fPr l i: " eirt ' -litatirtfaetniing mid Mural Ill s or r pte_lit tole p Ir. on 0. PriMa r' ln and Fast Machine at Palmyra Pak. N. Y. - lilratPremlnin Mr beat Mannracturtng and IPhirM7 Machine allinfbalk County Yalr, N. Y. . alimblite atlichny • .. yirst Premium Ihr best Namibile, an rip" Family ler Countyilia• • • First Premium for beat Machine for nil partimmii at Allegheny County Fair Pa. Meet premium for beat Manufacturlog glachise. Allegheny County Falr c •Pla. _First Pienalinia l'Or }Maine work , County Pair, Pa. I • and wherever exhibited. • at Allegben A. F. CWATONEY, 1i0..18 Fifth street, ritt.tiorgh oc2Leodmr. .S2SAIIELETT' SEWING D IA ,P,..—AOKNTH WANTED TO INTRO PHSC ga l t v Z 0..9 : W0 r N MI N A ?Wal 4 •Vil AttRD irrxrzs it.u.ea to tole Ow • i.!lt ti • ton ortniderfted. AlentsAtattaat igin 4W egit4 not mOstii. Dountyttight• qty. stlu nlitilterisßl4; no.. Atesui. T oliclo. Uhl*. MOWS w001*... ANTIIONT josEPR:', METER '&I3ON luo factorora end Wholosaler Denleri'in I y T • fIJRNIVI ITNIf (.11A1R8 6 No. 414 PMN 4 1 17/.lijT e rt 1 1 721r4 ti l ei& in M l = :and Mofwmow,. Of their own zonnutooffwe. - awd fro , ranted equal io quality and style-to say toanotninen oft In tae city. and wII bell at releannnletwlessorl , FttIINITURE, Ret • :: smuts LL, 4 4 Afroofftte 2..1.4if010i:0Va. - 00ifo(oge - ~ , , do jto. , letfialinfOlLET4 LOUISVIL INDIANAPOLIN, ST. LOW =2 I El 10161