The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 22, 1866, Image 1

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* Lit _
soimuss pas.
' Veg a*
No, 10 nrrs Brian Pittsburgh. 00.
pattitocowox. bit a brh; istrZar 11/2
sana wournmarcrixtr itviOn!l!oiW'''''
Vie gittobutOlogaggitt
Liinteepattue Modal*"
At Fu#Onil prig stoie;nith Street.H
A. Gnarl:Matlag.'
t C. SW, 2t6Penti iitreet, gives the most beau
tiful gtimth L eth for ten: dollen. He adinints
text the phreit auil'exilacres teeth with
r— the least pain of any kiirsou in Pittsburgh.
Muskets, Manta°le et Cevarlate.
( Mooing cult alt'ar); 04 the northeast Corner
Cf Market etreet. C. HASSON, Lure & Ban.
And the goon qualities of Sawyer's Barbers ,
Soap appeared to, be the general topics of con
,. versatlonJesterday:
'dieting., Cheeks nud
A good assortment. wide), W 6 Sail selling at
1 less than Olaf/ref rates. 'On the northeast coo-,
nor of gonna an4Afar*el, streets..
, • Vll
:,.asson Lora & Rao.
• Sieritreit Stalphilte of
rot pritimirdng eider. For sales -by Charles
super;Drugglkt, earrier - of Penn and St. Mir
street" Pittsburgh. .
Kailins, Prtnb and 16111Elik m. ,
A tarsi' and flesh stoek, whthb
- w lleeil
lowcr than you can buy, them. elsewhere.
Wholesale as well as retell buyeri will' pleats
recollect this fact. We are now on the north
east cornet; of anent' and Market streets. -
Yard Wilde Sheeting '23- Cent..
fine Shirting 26c.; extra quality arid wide
do, 31Xe.; good fast colored prints, Mac, all
the von- belt:lastest 26e., at Bazkere & Co., 69
Market sUvet.
• •
Tlda great play wYU be acted at tae Opera
Hon, , The splendkl actress and
aceca pllabed Tidy, MN, Keene, will person
ate her fay o, Ito character of "Nally." The
piece will be pioduced under the Immeutate
dire-1 lon of Miss Keene.
Neutral BoSpline or Larne,
I, Forpreservlnireltler. Per sale by Charles In
per, Drvaglat,• corner of Penn and au Clair
■ treat*, Pirtabargh.
. . .
CM Spring and 'Sumliner Dress Goods, and will
otter, commencing this day soma sscyxo worth
of Diets Goods, tramming almost everything
-required for the coming season at suattpriees
as will command their Mimed late sale at Bar.
d Co„ ti Market street.
This Is the result of r•arelessneas or neglect.
It need not occur, as a proper remedy can al
wiya be had by the timely application or a
Iran or kitice. Ile careful yon do not lobe
take setae other protrusion for hernia, and
dd . raischief. Properly fitting trusts,
for thlblietrand grown persons can always
he obtained focervery kind nt hernia or rap,
t ore, at,prairj•ser'si HD Wood street, or at
his private office, itt Penh-Street."
Milauxhaer 'of the Slum BulLselt.
The show bullock recently mailed forst the
price of VW, w slaughtered by the under
ilgued and
.the meat - offered ler sale at his
'stall ln the Dhimond !darker, No. 111, on Fri
day evening and Saturday. morning next,
Feb. t&i -and tith. This bullw„k weighs 3,000
pounds, and Is the .largest and fattest animal
ewer slaughtered for th Is nuirket.
a rare chance is offered at the extensive and
popular Rat, Cap and Ladlea , Fur House of
Wni.Fleming, No. IS9 Wood St., where's-on can
get Ladies , Furs at a greet reduction; in Order
to 'lose -oat our trammel stock. thir stock
eenelsts in' port of fall sets of Reason Bay
gable, Mink German Fiteb, Siberian
_ilquiterel,Wata slink, Black and Brown Sables,
Capa,Genta ,
Pine silt Calit and Hate, and all the latest
Stria Of Hen andßoys'Frenab ind Felt Hats.
I:heiLboyeln,htton edgo,od) MD be had at Wm.
14estelngre, 2io. 1.99 'Weed atreet—alga of the
large.Geddeb Bat.
~ Thread.
- ,- .2e the El,llO/..1 of Vie Epeeist/ Pod
- the Ilatttbrti Times boasts that. the Thread
• • Worketiit Willimentte, owned chiefly by 'dart,
ford capitalists. are the timet.extenetve In the
' coon try, and says that their new mill, four
hundred feet long; live stories - high, =dingle
of granite., costly es it is, ooi bath of (he tom.
posies profits of lire, three hum:6.W per end.
1... Wiest Meturtioo,their capital, Nrhili, Is new a
shillion 4:Kai:diet*
it further admits that .thresd that used to
. Coati the needle woman four cents* spool, now
'costs ten—the same as the I=l)4mb:A English
thread of .1. & I'. coatis.. One, refusal:v.:, why
Coars thread. works more - smoothly on the
iniehine, and is better. liked ' thin ours, : le 111.
the faet , that the gees teedioriptiess of •.the En.
gltsit i1f.... 19 more fllVOrablolllll9il 0111.;1117
air to siiiining cotton. apini the highly .
1 *feeble condition of Me atmosphere of the
• western world issProbably unfavorable to the
ter: in
- the fabricat i on of 'tb.., artiele, the
strands land litres :beteg More inclined to
. ' . sough up iiiid!ny, off.'
. • ' - -Here isamminfacture aide)), from physical
CallB9l9,§miriot be bernight to perfection in this
eat:nary , - Mit 'eh lob, by enonuoise Proteethaii
: Has-been made topay three hundred per cent.
' profit. 'Brocade and ad rotoresti duties have
been piled upon each other to keep oat the
better goathi made in climates adapted to this
delicabiWork, Thetartitron importedthreilds
has been raised. until , it Is' equal to seventy
per oenti...onthe ecah lle taxon domestict is
six cent., and allthls diffenince Is for. he
josteritg of !inch 'enterprisei as this,Wherehy
' a single 'company haa within the . past . three
, years accumulated h millio n ' of dollars, he.
aides boil - ding a very costly "factory. , who -
pays . tcti lit The poor needlewennen of the
Celled Metes, the millions who have to noted
' and davit& Make.their old' clothes holden
ahrongh these times of high-prices. flatter,
the tartg,the hest , of threads would new
while geld Is litt,bisoldat six cents a epool:
:',. ~ ThIS doe, not allow.the wirne extent of the
6 . .:..protecflOn. 4n England the theee:cmd glared
, ..,thrtivisi such tic py: this company, post
it , saubb liar, and are sold..atilowerprices, than
, !?. , 71 hi . beit i 4 cord goods;, hit - It:Pie, ea:tilelitei..
.'.... -, , ,.. atiteinatritiaioproloctedi the- seselogsroman
- ;''quit DIY aininehter the one astor,the Other;
'.The revenue of the. Conntry'haiiidio intifered
kepilinn2tids three lituadied irex ciet. amt.
. its.. StßiWtotion'tised to , pay an inning reit
, sane ofliagiCMillion ist gpid 'Auto the treelmrf l
Sew pinch Ions.::
_- - . - • ; . ' ..-
gach`p otectio`if as tiils'robs the revmaize and
robs 'thew:lei - but it pays : Abe lucky: . few three
hundred per cent,- : , •-.:-..' -=
Teople'a><peet trio mush; of Ifaiiire. :They
Mile with their health and thelrconetitutlone,
and then they are SorpriSed that gal' fellgok•
Theptessuri:iir omit - Ant mental or bodily
:labor Coati the animal , pOwerent :tremendous.
Yery few, tystemi and coostatuttour can bear
sip against this presihre unassisted. Add to
etas the unhealthy influent - es which lurk no.
sewn in the air we breathe. the water we drink,
the artificial beat with which - we endeavor to
whim : away the cola and marrotraearching
Moisture of winter. and it wotiltl seem tore-.
quite-almost superhoznau vigor to keep in
perfect hgli h - as this rigorous sessonwithout
reinforcing the . physicalenergles.
Slut bow reinforce thonit Certainly not with
sidoltirreleestiolnltuits. There is no notion
Pi the °literati; or to the **cohere of fur
none tiestarxoOHolliatworiatiops, or Isictorles,
A° peto3lcips thosvideadly-ttpmfair guide.
: Igotrikr , “! l ! 01011".),
. .
41, iage *LON ;oak :without alloy, are every-
Oldaiaselei tfaddn 1 ajar ,b6SII
de udf,o - „the feeble sad debilledod so 51112.;
,1 00 4 w it s "*see so,powerta In tus laelgoes.
4 11 . t1Y Oreela, celebrated
In the .army swa tn,* nary, In new irettle
.7zootiP;Auid.- in Crowded:, cittdry by aid and
yotmit,qion,nnefponrOlt.l3 ledd, an ,
AitD 31134012AT1T1M aurovnns,
with thei wther gratifying ulnas.
illastatteaft inttere
Are .old w'hollole and:retail att'at/ Wirral.'
tit Irldlatisil Drug and Pateit MedicitteDepot+
m0.611)00* strat,eorner of the, Disastaa4.
ittedasr. Roc ,2020
Steet isi
A 1 0 1 1 10 041(10 11 4 90' * 1 : .X 5 1 .0112,
targia.f., ; . •
{ AZSTr. .
The Veto Er•SSINPO
d..ktattsoa Lova & Bio.
Wives of Ireland
Aptia.nirnlateil Hernia
JOIIN H. Yotrso.
Great Claming out liale
sTp3l4aw:',>.swavouswz . rrs-
VOtIJME LXXX.---NO. - 45.
orry ITEMS.
11Wowreurri S co..
,Prietical 81Ate,Rairtri and Delaen fn Alnat
PlUkfilla• 11.1101111 COlOrs. Otitea at Mann
cUttlangliliWs near the Water Works Pitts.
eon*, Pa. iteedened, Ito. TB Pike street; 'Or.
den pratingly attended to. All work 'Warrant
ed water iota. Repairing done at tin short.
est notice. No ebarge forrepane,prondodibe
roof Is not abased after tt is VA on.
Pearls and abides
White teeth cropping from out of ridges , cif.
'coy, a breath splay. ID the aim from Arialy
ihs Blest. Who can resist such fasoinatitras.
to realise them, toparßettiate than, to make
the Month a casket of - pewit and rabies, and
every nigh a with of fragrance, ail You have
to do, fair ladleys louse that:matchless Vege
table production, rrmgraittliozodedit;
carpenter Sobbing Idltdp . „
Itiinnir :lammed atter - in abaseee.ntAtise
mut In:thee:my, I haVe' todpatuni;n4"ahoto
Cal an 'Cali of Jobbing in the *VIM* 1111 , 0 v
at the old stand, Virgui Ailey. be Vona* Entd_t•
Lel a street and Cherry Ailey. Oidireadinitad
and protaptly attended to.
wtsciaa Vosswr.
indi sad looter GOods
kt *tut grog - pleasure we call the Men.
tais at du* rewasrs to the enhperb stock of Pall
sudiVtoter Goods Just received - by Mr, John
Wafer, libithant Pallor, No. 12a Federal street,
_All Ibel~y . HL stock embraces some of the'
cost beentifnl Clothe, Cassimeros. Overcoat.
tnelkella Velit34lll ever brought to the western
* ltirket. Etatssortment of Flu:nlablng Hoods,
xunprising Shirta,orewers, Conine Neck Ties,
Frandkeoshunis, 'kn., cannot be sinnassed easti
,rrsrest. A iazirectock reidy mad Fan's;
Coats, Verde and Overcoats, will also be found
to his establishment. Persons In went of any
thing in, the clothing line should not fall to
give Mr. Wider emit,
.Gastritst, Lin ar AULtstartm.—A gentleman
of thiacity, halting mention to pass through
Arlingtonat - dnak on Saturday, saw a lonely
gime standing with folded arms at the foot of
a tree: Struck with the sorrowtrd attitude of
the person. he Walked paat'hire;.iedsaW that
it was Robert E. Lee, standing In the street
that payees through the middle Of his old
estate. Mrs. Lee Lime npplial to the preat.
dent for restoration of Meek ate, whieh lies
virtually become a National Union soldiers'
cemetery. Thdexpectation is general that the
President will ordvalta restoration.— trashing
son dispatch to the 2% , . r. Tribune,
• Pooa Witirse Alialsaws,—An agent of the
Freedmen's Bunten, In &report.
_to the haslet;
ant eotembaloner for Alabama, 'Melee that in
his visits among the poor whites and freed
men of Bibb, Shelby, Jeffersbn and - Calhoun
mantle} of Alabama, he found great destl.ll
- among tnewhites. Their scanty supplies
have been exhausted, and they now look to
the Gorenunent alone for support. hinny are
without homes to shelterthem. On one road
leading to Talladega he saw four families who
Were Irving in the - woods; with no better shel
ter from the inclemency of mid winter than
buts of Tins boughs. Quite a number,
states, are living in this manner, on the roads
leading to the towns, most of whom are
widows with famtliaa of children. The agent
thinks that camps of widows and orphans will
have to be established, Where, by bringing
them together, they can be more readily sup
plied with the necessaries of life.
Ban LainosTioss snow Taximssm.—This is
the testimony of the Memphis Mooning Port:
.In acarcely any portion of the South, away
from tbe_garrlsoned -towns, Is the property or
life of eiorthem man who Is, known to have
espoused the cause ot the.cloveruntentle the
latewer, now safe:- Even• here lir TenneSsee,
within two hours , ride of the headquarters of
the De Inter, the lives of men who have
periledevery,thlng to pre-terve .the Union—
aMeere of theodovermhent eterv , -are threat
ened openlyy.and bodly on the pahlicatreeta by.
armed ruusl, who, If the palls Sentiment
Were not wholly corrupted, would be branded
as outlaws, Ind driven from the coratoanity
which now sustains them la their innittious
outrages.. • ' • • • -` ••• •
Finnan Mmes. The Canadian Penianabara.
Issued it prot:e.vt to their brethren "thia able
of UM line, aghast "the traitorous cry of 04
to CaDMISL, ,, WOJIMA Ireland.. The
Pembina in the provinces manifestly fall to op
prtViate the joke. There is jolt eo little p=ort-
pest of an Inmaion of Canada as .of Ireland
Itself by oar Wentans.. shot:ad-they go
across the water to establish the Irish repub
lic? raiz, and Isn't It already comfortably ev.
tablishrd ' lna aloe in-New York,
O•litabony and his attendants live like princes,
with salnexlianstible tre•Sary to draw upon
for the pun:anise of roil= beef and whisky and
other munitions of war.
X UIGBLT interesting correspondence has
taken place between Gen. Paliner and a-Com
mittee of tbe„Sentucky Legislature, who were
designated to confer with hint in relation to
alleged ontreiges by negroes, and the failure
of the military authorities to punish them.
The rethintions of the Legialatureappolnung
the - committee, and stating the charges into
which they were to inquire, were, drawn up in
very insulting terms, and the General there
fore declined to have anything to do with the
committee: '
A =WM' d&tlolati of tho Suprame Court of
lowa subjects the earnings at married women
bathe judgments otthe ered ittu-s of' their hue
bands. The Legislature don't 'Melilla, bud a
bill to repeal thetaw Saderwhlah the decision
was made, hp bees passed by the Arouse elms
imutudy. • • .
CSICA.OO, rotated Annie
Sullivan was frozen to death In this city on
Frida - y last._,Shs .wes. on. her way. to school,
and fell dosnrituthe -streets bentnnbed. Be
fore she was discovered she warho badly fre
emen to masher death.
portedt. Lords Teacheri , :aseoclation has re.
in favor of establishing !schools for the
colored children of the city. The plan will be
.carried intadffectsa soon aitaultablebtilidings
can be provided..: .• • -
Tire Wastaogton corresooddeat the CLn
alanatl Ciasetis says of he cote on the
Mews Burefill 11111:
It can be stated on the highest authority.
that Senator Morgan )mild his vote for Prm
dentist patronage. lireepr that, the vote has.
demonstrated that. there Is not a tsrmthirds
majority in the Senate on.thts question, the
President has pained nothing, and his comma.
.thoonsidered by ari as abort sighted in Meat
'theme. The majority of thirty is against him
and is stronger than ever: ••
From . Rbeginsetto-41en..WoodIs Emigre.
slots Explorations.
New Yolot,Bett.2l.;e-Trilllervidts Rio Jane
fro correspondent of the .2d, Mates that Gen.
Wood, the spent of a mitilber or Southern As.
sociathms of Emigrants, In his exploriug trip 1
arrived at BM Janellof andrweereceivedwith
courtesy and attenttenXtythe oilkilsis and the
ample generally._-ife had - an interview with
thet:ltm rand aiLbts snialstars, and re- I
celr Ue of all the land he required'
at a min Mom GOverument price, Immedi
ate claret:whip...fee ell ',colonists, freedom of
religion and the , f control .of their own
municipal one.and edncational instl
'Gaines, and fee Importation for fire years of.'
all the neeessary. articles. • - -
From 810 Janeiro, Gen. Wood and party_
passed Into' the Interior Of - the country, to
mate an iturpeetien of It; transportation being
funlished • them gratuitously, and in all the
townethey were - received .111 M. ovations, en
tertalned at balls and dinners, and enthrdas
tiadly welcomed. 'The General will report
I:trembly on the project ofernlgration thither.
Atreus, vte gewOrtians,--The
as State -COtivention In still-engaged in mak
ing mit business, but is deltic very litUe. Mr.
Jones of Baxter minty, offered a proposition
to divide Texas Intothree Shaer, for the pus.
peas Of effecting a bahutee of power In the Un
ion,' The Committee on ; Monies= repotted
that four of the delegates had not been par
damn). Armajorit-this House. Colotoltt
on the imbieet - otegging the State: COMM tn.
lion, reported favorably, while the minority
reported that they ireTerin favor of changing
the Constitution only so far as tt would tend
to reestablish the relation Of the State to the
General Government. /TM' majority report
waslaid on the table, by a vote of SI to U..
' Mow woe is, Feb. 'lL—The 'bill' &Mending the
usury laws was again rejected to the Haulm to.
dep h . .
• Th e Senate passed the Valley Railroad bill.
with a proviso that the road shall not connect
with the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad on.
tit theTOVingtOti liallord is completed.. •
The Senate also passe the House bill, au
thorising the constructirm.of a Railroad, to
• Lchburir and Danville. •
The above railroad schemes were protested
commby 13ov.Plerpoint Ina lengthynxeseago
unicated to the Legislature some ten
days ago.
/Catalan, Tab. - 41.-MreHouseof
rooms todey bused to theeecond mulles of
the but relating fc, Indurne and neurOee. with
amendment. The eleventh 'emotion of the bill
Providing that- negro*. shall testify' In eh
cues where they are concerned In - hereon or
ployertyorni expended. us. folloeVe vTbet ib i s
Mellon aludl not go Into erect untllthe June ,
.dlttlost of the , Tresdnietee Breit etudl be
fully (mouldered by the' Deurbrof the fltete.
Thus m e, a; t h e
. 1 p e 4 by &Tow or
, • Indiana Thelell 11 1 1411 ,4 11CowrOPtiOn.,
lADIAXALPOLTB, Feb— el.—The" Malan. .Btato
Convention. tocuarrow; trill be largely :Maui.
ad. CatlOUSlall Were held, Iten•
ersi interchange of opinion and discussion of
thi - itheation of indorsing: the President or
Congress. The Conaerfatire.elententthems
Et_bp,tis the ascendency. Both wings are dig.
- tumnonite.-- •. • , •
445ra"..31Z14 igi11=.;44X11.1111%,1177.6-n/
inke or troßtuNolnlng s t ores were - Minion on
/ Insured for
. .
11L—Tta• stoma Kann
New Freedmen's Bureau Bill
The Disruption of the Louisiana Freed
- men's Bureau.
Grant's firdek to Gen. Terry.
New Yoatc,"Teb. 23.—The Tribunes special
says: General Terry has testified before the
Beanstreetton Committee and left for glob-
13 elated that Mr. Doolittle Will intriidueo
a new Treedmen'a Bureau tiill to•day,Coriall•
rifling the Presidential featurew
HNgadier General Gregory, Asslstemt Costa
-1 misidpner of the Fremimenss tweets for the
r Stittehf Texas, under date of Jannary atst, re
i Porte - to General Howard a very satisfactory
I state of affairs; throughout the State..
The Second Comptroller yesterday decided
thittslisbnising officers, when paying fees
witnesses, are not required to deduct there.
from toe Ave pet cent revenue tax, as inch
Iles are not of the nature of salary to err",
vain:aunt officer.
• • ••
• The same officer, in reply to an inquiry ad
dressed him by aperson temporarily reediting
In &gra, is to whether he has tbrfetted his
claim to the bounty provided - Wiser in the
Case of a deceased eon who died lathem ilitary
service of the United Slates, leaving neither
Ville nor child, has decided _OW no citizen,
temporarily a resident of any foreign coun
try, forfeits his right to the dim his
son killed in the military service df the
United States; and that ft will be paid ow
proper, application.
In the reply of. Secretary Seward tokir, Bige
low's dispatch, enclosing the speech of the
Enriperor Napoleon, in reference to Mexican
affairs, has been - printed and which will be for
warded to Eur Ope to-day, Mr. Seward alludes
with considerable Severity to, and denies the
assertion of the Emperor that our Govern
ment had been Invited to3oln France istheir
Mexican convention, before the introdnetion
of French forces into the army of Maximilian.
Tne lHAunes special says it bas now - come
t f o re l term t ei
freedmen's t
I n u s i im n Louisiana suTd Z r a which was a the
nletely d [erupted inNovember, its throe hun
dred schools brought to a close soon after
ward, tne 'freedmen and discharged colored,
soldiers Were arrested asvagrantstuthestreets
of New Orleans,- without triaTitir process of
law, and the cirpliins of feeirdnienDretultuid to
former slaveholdora a s- apprentleel;: wore
Imparted bytte 'President hintseir, lout - that
General Fullerton acted in. accordance with
Executive instructions.
The following IR the official order of General
Grant permitting the pnbileation of the Rich
mond ..exontiner:
li*AopuARTEIS ARIMth tit• UNIT= 8TA17.1;
Wasarsorop, Febtstary,p,lM ,
Ma). Om. A. H. Terry, Commanding Dporhneot
of Virgrate:
• tiannoat.--Tonr order of date the LUZ inst.,
taking, military tuisseselen of the Richmond
Brendan% a nevrapaper published in- Rich
mond, Virginia, and prohibiting itAi publics--
Sion, made ku pursuance of the directions of
'J le Lieutenant Choler.' OOMmandiffg, is here
by teinporartty suspended, andlhaßtehmond
P. =nether wllll* permitted to resume, its pub.
-Oration, upon the express cOnd It lon that -in
to fut Ors - It will not plume a course
almical to the government, or to thet growth
or expression, in othor wort of Union semi
mewls among the people of the States lately.
in. rebellion, or to the enitivutstro of friendly
relations between the people of these States,
or any of them, and the other States of the
Talon, and that it win not Ali anyW.tse fail In
its editorials, correspondence, or transfer of
articles from other newspapers, to give sup
port, Countenance and friendship, to acts and
ettprelkslons of loyalty tor4l7nlOn and its
suppartees,n By emninatni
U. S. Ci , Lieut. Gen.
((Signed ) T. S. Bows - as, A. A. G.
. The Tribsmes special says: The enormous
amounts paid by the Government during the
war and Row, being audited here ate shown by
the fact that the accounts of Colonel Cross
man, orehiladelphia, now at the Third Audi
tor's °due, Involve disbursements to the
amount of aa;',ooo. or over 1. 'ma OW per month
for clothing and army suppl es.
Interesting from South America,
New roan, Feb. M.—The Cbsterercird , s Wash
ington special says rumors of Cabinet Omegas
prevail. It appears well founded that Secre
tary Stanton's friend. say be will not resign,
and the Fretudent's friends say there must be
a new Secretary of War.
Assistant Setretary Chandler's acoOnnt of
the result of his official investigations In the
South, will startle the country. The trends
are most comprebenilve, end involveronits
ry as well omelets. Within the last
year the Government has been swindled out
of more than a hundred million dollars. A
Special Committee ot investigation will-be
Instituted that will unravel the system of
Tbe &press states than B. F. Butler has paid
to Smith Brothers, of New Orleans, eighty
thousand dollars In gold, which they alleged
he abstracted froM theirvanits,togeMer_with
Interest, all coats: gad Nherlireeraste, - maklng
en aggregate of over 1150.000. •
Afetter from a member of emigres, an
nounces that Secretary Seward will speak, et
the Cooper testi, uteineetingto-morrOw erear•
S lim Bt. James Betel wan sold today for
g 30,030.
Reports from Colonel Bullrly's explOritig
parties chow that the Obstacles are of far less
magnitude than predicted. Thb .connentiOw
between Bussiaattd America Intl los completed'
before twelve months.
. . . .
Files of Valparaiso and Santlagopapers have
been receive' up to the 16th of January.,- The
news of the ram mediation of Prince rind
Englandin 8 eh *galls Mut not'
boen regard with much favor in -ChM.' IL in
n „ c:t. =sid.
will volontarily re.
fi T i liere is a Jiplomatle quarrel between Chill
and Uragnay, andl, the interchange of notes
was continued until the ode-tided .Uragnayan
Government revoked the executer otitis
!titian Minister, and Issued a..dettreervirolllb4
w i th trival and,saleof prtiedissedUrreat;
ening severepenatiuss allrwho stetwild
fringe upon the neutrallawm• • -
The approaching retiretnent aw Nelsen.
United States alfnister to Chili, le regretted.
Ifo was Senior member of the Diplomatic
Corps, and bin remonstrance with Admiral
Perrin Is believed to have eared the city
of Vidparalsofrom txnebardment.
An engagement bad taken place at Cornelia
between pert of the blockading foree and the
Chilien garrison there. . • .
W ASNINGTON, Feb. 21.—The two houses bait.
Ing passed the bill to encourage and facilitate
telegraphic couireunicatlon between the East
ern and Wentern - coutitients, it how only rei,
quire. the President , . signature to become a
law. This bill direct.= the Secretary of the
Navy to piece a Meitner at the wrote& ef
the Coition company,:to make surveys, lay a
cable, de.
Gov. Smith, of Vermont,. President of the
Northern Pacific Railroad Company. with sev
eral Directors of the Company, have been m.
Una city for the had ireek, tor the purposeof
conference with prominent gentlemen here,
in.referenee to means which will secure the
immediate commencement an thatlige.
Among other sublects which .hare bad darer
ful consideration, la a system of en i =tion,
mOreelaborate and completoperle has
has ever been developed - In thelln tad States,
for the purprem of settling the near borders
of the northwest with, ii hardy. and todultd
ons foreign population.
The agent, Dr. De Webb, aecompanled by
ten of the leading - chiefs' and bradmisitur the
Simi, and of the Chlppewes, late of Superior,
were at the Indian Bureau today, and ha d
short Interview with Commissioner. Cooler.
It ie probablothat a treaty will be entered Into
with them In the course of it few awe.
The nuromer of 'esileref at the EXecutlve
ldensiOn to-day was very iarge, Including
Many ladles. A among of CongViss
wore present,. and them fianatorsCow.
en. OM= and Efoollttle.
=iti following statement shows the number
rationstinned 10 refue" and tread mon in the
biripinsfter niehtlo gel
month of December hmtr
North Carolin krefugees, 28; freedmen, 1D,528.
freedmen. 6,70. - Orstrals,4ratuffees,
Ile ir =i men, 1p,i07. South Carmine, refugee.,
I,_1130; freedmen ~.:1,227 mosock
sob freedmen, su. Kentucky and Tennessee
freedmen, 1,1.51. Arkaniuil and MISSOUri,
goeS, Bee; freedmen I.eulalana, retugeeS.
_B7B. refugwee,` flee&
men, ie. Dlstriet Of Columbia, Dined - mem; SAW.
gotal gumbos of refOgeta, fre ed men
gose. Total number oi•rattruia IMMO, re,966
to refugees; 434,168 to freo4l4lo:-.
mrofflpii atr Caugoitif a;
"W rOILlt."0. Sa...43lll4ll.4lNpri r litt.
A'M Mi1111017.402-*ln ..11tiadit•
INA 9111 MMq Wie k=aed trOCILt
PITTSBIJR.GiC.iiiiiit,SDAT7. FEBRUARY 22, 1866:
littaulatious to New /*raw Worlai
Ea detridiss.the Prastenot ed. •
Nam roar, Feb. 9h—The:Eh/Pi epee's.' ehyh
The committee on the DGttlet<of 'Coitimbf s
tuna decided to report the eons tut' ygohllk
and ask Ha inonedlata ythage by the Slaketea,
The chairman of the, aquae Committee
the Free/dreg:Villa tosageorisigik.riitir bill foi
A ridcoll3ll,o2l . inumlamisly adopted ty•
Mei 'Board- tef Id . ennin,to•dny, indorsing.
President Johneon , areta.
en anemia :defaulter .Isout-Jacksanyflle;
Morgan , ecrunty, nasnadEd:Danson,'
witaarrestsidin New Torli.l , Tlealthanneir was
SupersUaer andeollestor In Jsolosoavllle,stud I
it is aliened be deeszupeoViurthes 11thIWIDt,
10,000 of the public monies.,warg,
found In Ids possession. Ide Is baste to await
the =Wen of the Il li nois sgittiorities.
The unes special .from Trenton, Neer
Jersey, Feb: Het, says Senator Wstilletd, Deus ,
omit, offered a .roudutiort!toidap, Indorsing ; '
President doluMianV rata Of the Frsedtbsups -
Bureau WI.
On motion of Mr. Sevin, President% the gee- ,
ate resolutions were tale on AU table - by
trietly_party vote.
The .ffernids - Toronte, — Oeetal of the iltb;
says : The Orange Woritta In convention at
Montreal,OwestBormdaMl Ottawa. Their On=
ierstOod of ts to tilionsethet means tO
meet the es.yactad Fenian InvitaleM- Plc:tares
of Os:iambi and the 011ahany bonds
aregOing Off rapidly.
The Taipei* Globe today,ie oat wit h a scath
ing article against the' ReciprOolty Commis.
Mon, declaiing that theyprOpolled to glve the
mantafainnrera Of America, cOnelsealotui for
which the English manuraeturets afloat In
WusavraunF,ltebruarg el-, 1888:
After the, presentsdada 01 Mr. Hstulersou , s
petition for suffrage to be extended to women,
Mr. Yates asked tf the Senator twos glaeOtirt
would aocept the amentialent of the tionstitu
'Con, that there abteild Wadi:U:llm 'on '
lu:count of sex. •
The latter, mated, be thotiglit It *its not In
order to Leone' the ;Meal= on the mere pre.
sentatlon of the peUtlen. . •
A brief discussion followed between Itaititte.
Selmer and Tates on the name subject. After
Mr. s'essenden , s motion had been discussed,
and the resolution was read the drat time.
Mr. Dixon objected to the second reading.
1 The chair sustained theoldectiOn, and derided
that the,resolution =Mlle over. .
' Me' to .gave, notice that he 'would
call it up on FrMay nectt.
Mr. Ulla, of Manses, tare notice on Friday
that he would introduce .a bill to continue in
Race the °Zeller' Freedmen's .Iturain„ which
by the term of the
.Mtablistung it.„ es
pires-ther-year tier late'terraltutticiu of the
rebellion. .
Mr. Wilson, of Miumehusetts, - introduce"
feedlowing -joint resolution, which was re.
to the Militery Committer_
Resolved, That it
M ls the duty andiprivilege of
Congress to expegan:annoy( the na
tion to the o.Meers,soldiery and seamen of the
United State*, Me Wnolle 'rider and entlinstme
on the land and an these*, thkrebelliertiuut
berm crushed, end Merits. andposearanitte ,
bled; bV whose ddellty to thecanee of free
dom, the Government of the people has been
preserved and maintained, and •by . hale Or.
daily return tram the field and to the pesos;
fel pursuits of private life, the malting and
ennobling influences of free institutions
a nation, have been 'soapy, 'ttlaalfasted to
Abe - _
Mr, Hunter, from the Cement i te an Vanden
liehttions, reported thellotisejo ntrceeintion
to encourage and facilitate telegraphic corn
murication between the 'eastern saff western
continents, which was - pained with some
slight sorbet amendments.
Mr. Yessendeu moved that the regular or
der, which .was the Constitutional Amend
ment In relatioa to representation, be post
poned, and the Senate proeeed to the c sid
eration of the concurr e nt resolution l otthe .
Rouse, providing that until Centrals Mail so
decide, Senators or Representatives from the
lately rebellions States shall he edit:tined to.
cue halls of Congress.
This gave rise to some discussion, whith.
ended In the conmurentresolution bedng read_
the first time. The second reading was °b
leated to by Mr. Dixon. • f.
The Coast Motional amendment was then
taken up. •
Mr. Backelew took the floor la opposition:to,
LOG memoir*.
In higinimarksorithe Constitutional ameed;.
Went, Sir. Buolta OW Spoke on the general sub.
Iffrof in —The 1 1 1: d 1 go " :
'notation of Vaatdolit" A nswer.- —Seeatta=-4 ' k:*
adiralsaluo of Senators and Represenualree
from the South. Third--The proposed amend
ment to the Constitution represents.
Mon in the House for the future.
lie referred try the unequal proportinnof
representation in the Senate ••• between New
England sa d th e Middle end Western Stares,
and note of, the various Way* •whieb the
power and Intinenee of the ant in over-Myra
*mission eras • shown. They-hut. the•ohair
=Lushly of nearly MO third of the commit
tees, and last-session bad one-half the chair
m .
Buckalew Bald the Lincoln governments
set up . during the war were legitimate and
grs=untonly fo w r
er toes . 4 . Lorcz t and i =l . ll .
ing seats under these governments were very
properly rejected by the gestate, Mastef the
Southern States have bad-their gOvernmente
reorganized. and - their new constitutions are
valid and ellectual. Tb a seore in fact been
made by the people, and senators and rep
resentatives from SW= d be stimlued4
Mr. Sackslee then ,apolos at length on the •
subject of amending . the- COurtltutton, ,and
particularly upon the Maine amendment,
pending before the Senate. Atter an ebbe.
raw &tower to the arguments lidroanoe4l. la
favor of. the,. amendment, be stated the ;
general objections' to Whittling the Con- ,
- Britton:mat amewinients adopted by con
gress to the States at this time, which
are at follows: Mem, The eleven States are
unrepttreented be Congress; Second, That the
anteruithents nOlf adopted Will be partisan
'ones l Third , That 'Ws was a tehegress the
members or width. wens not about with refer
ence to the 'subjeet - af the ' Cotuttitational
ameadmentr -Fourth, • The aatendinents. are
submitted to the Lowlslatnras now in seasion
atidnottothe'peoN•and popular eamvientlow.
Nether to stiliWtting them nor snorting
them,arelitnepleople tout dlreatly. They're
not even to Wose Members of their
uses, with.retimine• -to She•aulthehlint of
ementimute; ~,,11116,' That ' lat , .subinititeg
eltl==olteheit,4 white dispute apott-the
amount ot aummlneceuitryto thole
'admit:lon, I f , rattled by lam than frinvb
fourth, of ittl•the States validity will be
Mews. An anti4lllion mile& Wisely
to it. Mieltalawhtrietetnekle - upon "Seer beg-
Isad_prOmillance. Di the Senate, after whtth
Mr. Wye Twills leer *Tithe freedmen etrett7
lion, but ve-Way.itialtiotline for an linen
tive semi Wtripttrillie Whieli the Senate ad
/o=lrd Dlikvitifir litrlk;',J. '•
: Din
'- ' ' • - -'; OtrliEt
; ... rlnGartilid,WlD lpilied..,
_be- read a
item Coins • thle, gi=ro
t o r it=ittuaneits - 'Hutu. mashers 'or
the itrgialature of thafhtate.'"Tbe reitchitlen
roodninitty in the netitititi&-the • Union , Havre
r mutative& in COnirrnell.reelenresitine of their
The lfoutc, by a vote otlo93Litt 37, laid on
the tale e the motion tobico the Vote by
which the Hoes., P
to the elect that no 8 rot Regimen.
l a
Diall beaulnutted into elthi*.branati et
Congress from serer the WO roWiltateis
until Congress shell have Arit 4=4014 anch.
State* entitled to melt reptutrelta -,- . ~.- i ' - '
Mr. Davis called .- up -th&coutentild'elatiUon,
owls from Incitana,copelltding witti:k reetalw
time that Daniel w; yoorh la , not entitled
to thesest nap' h in,- ba&Absit-khrtry ,
L. itrashb alit to the seat. ' iv: -, r-
Mr_ ; of Masuchnsatts, asked' belie
the Committee on. Wayaitsh
Means. The rosointion wan tuumbnonsly
r ee eed; l7a t t ' ll7l: - % e rrgd i l l i a t=
change to the internal duty on distilled altar
Mr. Eldeldge,let....Wbooluitn,objecitep to the
introduction - albs emobiatom... ..,
Mr. Weihtmrne, of Illinois, was declared to
have the floor for a moment, to call the &two-
tion of the Housetor fko Wet. orule. resin. I
then of Mr. Hanks pulled - by the -House on •
Monday, intara to giving tiewouie of a man- ,
ottnts to the Atilechhill,..
,T - tilettraliat
..Coughoy,, . .
Mr. Stelens, - o i -- spottively
said they had better not sel upon. the cable d
gairtgrZattraiXr.=nare'la' Y ; '
Tao Loan nill truth= tokens,. _ • ,
—Mr: Morrill, of Vermaat; bald that it was
not in order_ o allude to; what had nhently
taken plinevist .theteenate, buthaprowshat,
may. When moor wilt not they have a
country to cave. Time measure under eiltistV
°rattan Map be Qelledthe filiMa lif the=
the FOIL, credlt, ,it. wee .ploposed to
it ax
. not; cealy Oar Min • • nee niettant and ritr
kiitt:.ilitoilwa 0144,0 f
thirtysia. nitimints-iit e; him earti. More
annually than soy - - Ot. illiktintt.
non, on the globs; in 'order tweetera loau on
-favorable terms.
The prenent bill utrontri Warm avoid
gartnent.mendingUtraattr" lbarobad,ilnik to
sit to authorize thetieor=kof thitTrusnen
at. his dlihretke, Ao. anr - .Tetregar*
note& or other. obligati/nal ; ned anden. any
act of Littagoese, twhetber•bmiHng -intermit or
not, in whinge; tar any deicelpUbb ot bond&
authority:l*y the act to .which. this is a sap- .
Moment,' Itilthill, kt Dame; beinterred large
re g irdirtinil OUP , , InCe in ifen i nali w b2 e ln i •
creased single dollar.
It was known _ - that the Seareiaryht -the
• Treseney contemplated a return to simile Par
meat et theessilset day . This bi l l gave to Min
e . er as was hells on. ids pew ;
1 *UV" • I C trer ,
_ ~ ...? ~....gong
tn. Mat .
PH - thieleel. t:f perm of big ' rates of
interestand • lox covuzietad rottuttegi'aiiit
L• overtake us tut au our trlalto-eutr-manageol
eith contaminate skill, '.. •.••• ; . -...-
. ' The Secretory' hopes to get along witnout
louts for Ma mithesir - ,VeifiCiif it knOulirlie
coneidered neeessioy hereafter to relied. to
abet expedient, it will tat . time 'enough; to net
oc g . rie a at
_the - close
Et oho= and i t a i rtimerte& ou , Ow to'
. • kt 1017 , Of klan au lit
• lailtiela,
...te0 ...... 71ria ear
It ellOigrinkg; •,,,atield
Iftgad the figures in ISM to $112,000,000. In
to more than twice this amount, st4,sok.
II WIWI toed:l3,ooo,oM, while the actual
Id t a ed re ree ,m e tin. ipta ted of in t wi he per jOreocu eurr. t year
ey. are
• ete .M exrci ;" ld d be o" ni:rme.l .s°Ae lficatl PM °n ot o t f he th re4 ; re il v ' e-• '''.
Ilwa to ?ethic% the receipts of the Tress
.& Mr? extent, until our debt is- penal',
fun ed, and never below the poinCtO •
- • rem ordinary expenses , and,te pay the,
In • eft on'the. public debt. Perluipi dieter.;
AU' . Mons whisky will be set aside and ap
pi • to the tedneilontif the principle of the
• brdebt e This could be understood by all,
. . • t which there could be no embarrass
t, but the securities are the Safest and
in the world, and it was best that our
- . ie should hold them. Ile hoped the time
w r . d never come when foreigners would
-• . one bonds higher than we-ourselves.
• i• ill contained authority to make a for
ellalv, butthts was optional, and might not
be reeled. Ile further expressed his dews
On; • alit/UMW question, ..
Stevens, of Penneylvania, sand that this
bill • *4 one thousand six hundred end for
t • or itilllions in the absolute control of the
: • . ten' of the Treasury, and he proposed to
AM 4 the bill by striking ont. various por
tiolatat It; so that it might simply provide
Oa Ile act of March 3d, ISM, shall be extend-
, ed edatinned to authorize the issue of any I
•de I titin'of bond') authorized by said act,
stl• to at amount and In each manner and
r g Aelelatthlin
_par, as the Secretary may
1 'MI advisible,,for lawful money of the
• 41. th States, or fo r any Treasury notes, eer- '
11 Se a }Of Of Indebedness, nr certificates of I
k i,
4] t 'or. other • representatives of value
w It have been or which may be passed un
d - y act of Congress, and the proceeds
-thereat .hall be used only for redeeming
inaary-notes or other obligations bearing ,
est •Isaned under the authority of Con
; provided thathothing hernia Contained
De Construed to authorize any 'thereat°
OfAe tntille. debt. -
=A essential changes proposed by Mr s -Stet ,
ensevem etflking out the discretionarypower
.Secretary of the Treasury, and also the
a b l ir Inetiabrfeo.rinneasinatesuabd:kubtoe Bald,
•or rea l MIL
th• ' o r tut °w e e , ll ea'yr af rg aa in lac con hn :l et us ta eou th i en lt a li d ar a beim ed
eel rated Slates, notes ' and fractional cur.
re took-the, plami kflka.tioln whifik.hml
~,,,,....,,,,.._.__ ___ __-
lAeg did nr
-th ha , vterlo,
prievioutly circulated. It la veryteertain
they did not displatie -the bank notes, for
~ haverinereased In - ammint inatead of de-
Weir eince - -thisiissti
m e- ell:bitted States
—.2While the supply of oiley`tras reg..
%lyt the state banes, there never was a'
suadetent amount of money for the Dreyer
condleited imainess.
. Itditietnetome, that the Treasury should re
ify=speele payment With - plat regard to
and that United States notes ooujd be
eougilusedle circulation, as the equivalent of
N r
• otter specie payments have." been re.
), qnd until there was a auffletent amount
01 nif i be country to supply. their places.
Th. a States notes would be more con
venient. or Godernment use within the 17;11-
U:4l:Oates, and so long as foreign exchanaes
wi-qA, in favor of this country, there will Ise no
10M• Mate demand upon the Treasury tore.
deems the notes in cols.
• XgehW °Woollens to withdrawing theitotes
trot* eitoulattan,.by converting them into
bondit.ato that expenses would be Incurred
the illteteSt_on the bonds.. Idy belief is that a
lidgerambunt than tormerly, is now required
-forlthtrdnss of the country, aqd my fear
it that Come other paper not a g o ld may bo
$/lOWix o --' -
tallaWiffic - TialitiffejaCC,l;Viligli the cone- I means by which Ttliaf can_ rendered el
lrfietreld he further then ever fronta enrren: , fceilva, and then see' lithe fed - erosa of Saint
Cy eoUVerttblelntocoln. I George, or the greeniffeir of Erin shall float,
The twinll,,teissed by the last Congress,' over the MID and vedlifys of Old Ireland. Take
appeared Starch ad, ISGS, :empowered the Sec- ! Ireland from the giant's:causeway to the cove
retartof the Treasury, to Irene bonds for any , of Cork; abibfrom Dublin bay to the bay: of
treasury notes or other obligations bearing Galway,tinditliethe -most beautifel.eountlT.
Interest/ laseed under any act, of Congress. that ever GOcegglorious sun shone upon.- The
Tide thepOwer whirl, the Secretary of the vaunted:beatities'of the scenery of ..ltaly and
Treeeturkhas now.: lie Is authorized to Ileum of- Switzerland are not to be compared to It.
Welt ler any period notlereihatt eve, or not Then she is rich In boundless mineral and ag
nierrethen thirty years from their date, the ; rlcultural resources. There is not afoot of IL
tall4:ollnterest not to exceed, six per genL, ; but what teacart° every Iriehman a heart, and
bet ..;11 0 111lethe purpose of conivrting or and- ; there Is no true I riahm an but would spend the
1 1th interest Interest bearing Obligations. • ! lust drop of his heart's:blood In its defeuce.
Mimi Dill Under consideration proposes to I As l aimed upon itabeautire Dom the decks
imaged that act: was toetiltiege. his power lof the Liverpool steamer,' Ifeould not help
=allow the Secretary of the Tregeury, asking myself the question, "and this Ire-
Weems it espedient,to convert , land, my native lande , but es hen-I stepped
HOPI IlOtobearluff Interest,and also delouse of ; ashore from the gangway, and saw myself stir
thle country And In Europe for the ; ronuiled bye lot of barefooted beggars, who
parpoinecatty of returning the obligations, but ' asked in most piteous tones for a ha'penny ,
riot flartlayJnereasreor the public debt. ; while on either 81.1 e rose the lordly mansions
' The arse ndruent authorises any of the bonds , of the pampered nobility, for whose aggran
to be *moiled of lu aseeign countries, and • diseinent these poor wretches were trodden
the , priferiple- and Intereet ;mid in Currency linto the dmst, 1 finked myself with far differ
id the e9entry; heelball* the rate of Interest eat emotions ••anti is this my native country,
Ontbecminit to exceed fire per cent. I under- met are these my ennotryinen I" My eon'
stiendantSireretary of the Treasury does not : groaned within um as I eontemplated the plc-
eepeet Ia have this power. Ile deems it tore, and my heart 111.1 as 1 thought of the !
portant that-It should be given to him to be liberties of Ireland trodden underfoot by
exereteed, lu ease circumstances may arise, i the pioneered scions of the nobility. ads
where, in 116 oplidim, ittnity bitiolvantageous , torrets I ant an aristocrat, and can lay
and expedient. The ! good Maim to_ the title. • lily grandfather
under His act of last year, is eermuMed, end I fought for the liberty of lrelandt and my aria- ,
Dieramendment of the act, proposed by tide.: toeraey deseencLe An a direct line from him.;
bill, daps not authorize any new loan. Its 1; In every man's heart there 1.8 a craving for
only object is to factlltme the funding of the t liberty, and when we think of tht hated: fee,
exlettag obllgatione.we think u l that earning shame at we do not do •
We. Kelley. of Pennsylviune, took exception I H
something to liberate our country. It 18 the
,totheiretuarks of the members of the Com- duty of every Irish man who cannel. go him
lelaifieeOf Waye and Means who bad jun. pre- , self to aid to th.he tent of bla power with his :
him. They- had offered oo argument ! means. Englaalkh not a single friend in the !
it=ey what had been wrung from the past. ! werid, not evei , therSe will/U.lBlle allied by
• .payment and the retie - I flee of elmai. ..11(Valia+ to hen eret elites
alivam the national debt was the must power, bin In ale. kw. It coast-,t ; A large
1 , 11/.1114a1 is speed Oliva dJangOrn I portion of her arm posed of Irishmen
are on the way. - wee will fight dapilnst their native land,
He argued that to redeem non-Interest . Anil as to her siruis,kShe low not an Iron-clad
bearingeotes would lead to baukruptcy, for it ; vessel that could it fay at sea two mouths.
arty Innlions of greenback s were called in With an enemy on shore, aud.privateers upon
every national bank would be compelled to the ocean, preying epee her eolliMeree i her
sell the national securities In their possession ! condition would be indeed pitiable. What we
to meet the , eenttractiou. They should act want now Is mean; and to. you we appeal.
With tatatiou. Although he hod confidence In Help us, and remember that in giving to your
the &Wester, of the Treasury, the latter was I country's cause you are making a loan that
only a thunder, and the present crisie de- will be paid back in Idesslngs.
mandrel the wisest statesmanship. Senator Daily, of Indiana, was Introduced,
Be warned the gentlemen not to glve any I and epoke at tome length, We are twee...sari
one power to contract or threaten to control I ly compelled to make one synopsis of all the
the currency while Were should be nolnerease I speeches brie!, but shall endeavor to :retain
ofennettey and public debt We should foster ! the spirit of each, while abbreviating.
our . home . Industry and keep our mineral ! He said, you cannot expert much of us to- , 1
wealth., Labor should be relieved of many of eight. Our labonehave been severe and we_
the burdens whleh now oppremalt, wed with want action rather, than words. If Irishmen
one Increasing field of agrleulttile and me- do their duty at HID time, the dug of Ireland
elmalcid arts eve or ten years Would quietly Will be respected by every nation and every
'and mi s ty bring us to specie payments. , country upon the face of God's green earth.
Further consideration of the Joan bill was ; You base tome here to-night, and upon other
Destitemed until Wednesday. nights, to hear the principles of our organize
iartnaltiou of Mr. JL. Thomas, a resolution Hon and to judge whether or not they are
was adopted, requesting the . Secretary of the feasible. If ever there . an a people who had
eafrenbili Information to the House, at a vengeance to satisfy, it la Die Irish people,
Whateost to goverment a suitable site tar , You have been driven from your homes, and
a coal and naval store,. can be located at or ! exillel Pow your native land. Did you leave
near Canton, in the city of Baltimore. Ireland, and your aged father and mother be
'The Rouse adjourned until Friday.. cause you hated : your countryt No. It was
the damnable laws of England that drove you
,• out. Yon hare seen - the old and infirm - thrust
' forth from their homes by the Weetinineter
Government of Queen Victoria, and now the
day has arrived when you can let your yen
=ta' fed to the collect extent: Little did
Id think when In rags and squalled pov
erty you left on board the emigrant shops for
these, hospitable Shorts,' whose open arms
'weloome the oapressed of all nations, that
some day you would return to repay her with
powder and bail. I am a Roman Catholic io
ligion, and I adore the faith, but in the tines
elm of nay oceititry i s natiorality. am a free
man, and the ballet that: I shall-deposit in England shall be sent by the forces of gun
powder. I have heard that au objection has
been urged that we are uniting one another,
that men of different crowds and different
sections are meeting as one common brother
hood: Feuds have been the curse of oar cone
try; i rw, the o , llll d iti . d:ittit.i i rri un iotk gto lsa c rigi .
ace yonr life upon the &Lae :of !your coati
try,s liberty .If need- bet - We are-devolu
tionists, and we'. mean to revolutionize the
shanties of Ireland, and give our poor, down
trodden, deardsedeountrymen an opportmalty
of building up
_eomfortable Bows for thank
selves. The Irish hare upheld the fl a n of their.;
adopted country, and the - American people
will not forget .Who was it that first un-
furled the etarry banner over the deeds of the I
Amariegg;ftsrl 4ack'Berry, dinericats first
Commodore, en. Irtthnian., in the dark
days of the Revolution, when the little band
of patriots were tattering for means to carry
oaths war„andOven ! the heart Of the great
washing - ton was rale& with melaneholly fore:
boding., stepped. : 10rwited -*id oat Of 1111100111
means relieved
.their necessities . ' Robert
Morris, the ion - . of an • Irlelistein. Who
the : hero of New !
wait:Andrew , Yaelatill.,
! Orleans 1 The ;• sea -: of •na Irishman, !
sad more might be . added to the ihrt.
Hop% cheer, we dent want cheering, but
come right trait up' with , yopr money for
fighting Colonel Sweeny. Ton know that e
111Ig the dark'. days or the rebellion, when t h e
GOVerninatlt wanted mane); all they had to do
irea to ask for it, end the people -Immediately,
placed a fund at its stieposi t. That le what
we want •yon to db.: If yon • are pereevering
yeti will be•succestiful, ait
You will nee year
lag. respected mho:ever it way dam, YOrlr
people free, and sou will have the sat. i
!erection , ofdleilegltntler laws Molds by your
Own people, and aumnd.ered by then.
cot, igurOywaseallielepon, and he stepped
forward and and sald:that Its Muhl .nol , :multe a
speech, that speed/ making was. not his forte,
and that should be attempt it, bewould . braelt
down; but he-begged .tti 'he allowed intro:. ;
i - duce Mr. MOtyteon.mliptv ,retley,
the' flair Mr-Morrison oh,
ilea executed 4
flank. MoVerileat upon hint Wet time,
tits voice wet very husky from his exertions
a the past (milder', audits said: "You can
by my voleelliat "ant not able to speak to
night, I ate Swamis& ate lima what to say fie
thoughi I hill lieverlonn o eila i o[ the
Engl 3 l:f o i" it a trtti l. a :htire I: go,! It - seems ' as r
though there WS3 pr
lit the
minds ef-; all: that Iran are about- to. eon- !
quer the • enemy , et last- - IT? , etth
er no . this: or IN'. 4q Nll t a grave
covered with s , 'Paille • Om home
41 4 vengeings, . bat we keaught the vett- ;
, g ce Meth') Shamrock, the m ere
weer* traild epee, the Muth we fructify ,
and/. row, tf act have - we to fear in Meeting !
the Scam/ OA tbelnittlrellehil • Did they ever
gain an advantage Over ns there t "The speak.
er refereed tit the bettle l thblit'nfjantenois as
an example worthy of imitatitrii - gly leg the
hhitorleal: aoceent of that faro e detail.
.1 thin* the men of the' presen - day,ere as
able to tetra Fcrnteriede aathey "Wert Maths;
tiMein Plunder s. , greet /Oiler Idf
eriper.ritimettlf IrMatithusitiA will. rattail
eilialkat hat ermlenee among UM - Peasants
cif - the pressat•ilay , Lis.. Said that
the - - banal' of the great Ilugh Oigiell re- • by etastetitecaveriftnnishowen, wherevarroun
blityarriOraiteltaits the day. or ..tbe
Mention, Of Ireland A - ', petulant - 1111.neir
strayed: into -the 60 1 ,1 0,
thing which, upon eXaltililiteeatlprterea , tot I
a epur.:. 'etoted "herainiiite
t o t e ep, mut geld 'Jletattle s da ti rlDriveilllt Thal
reejor strieltede peasant! made -his , eiscape
'tweed ell over tne whit ratreatitat
satbaufav the hundred seam:b aterolled
away ale ea Llnet the e las - Of
his memory stlllellati,atuttinf tor .
-re trig:martian! atjegiontr. : l4s3Miked: for:ere:l
long, • Tbel:h/lit catereabattiette;bilt. - as - lOng I
as soul of .118/oVes',. - miaCtiadyiattiiiist rot I
„yea geancii*ittliva in sons—
. • have ;often' tbiattht , our Country
should eVerelearatiaftliispolltical death; and I
there be any
thing eltettativrinthirttvii. - -uit'so alien. - On to
Mirth of.theiglotlfecias,thitlngrßl4l4l
bioliketrilAitighY the
:Arlitgit.4. l tattA is Athn• 1)0 .4%
_studs Delegation Detuasidiugai
Reduction, of Rawson Tax.
WAJWIRCATOS, Feb. V. —A buts delegation Of
merchants from Pennsylvania and alaryland,
Joined by some of the trade in Washington,
atipared before the Committee on Ways and
Means, with a clew of attaining an amend
ment to the Internal Regattas law, They say
they ire nowreqtaired to pay sixty dollars out
Of every thousand dollars gross reeeipts,which
they think altogfther tot. moth. They are
willing to pay what is reasonable.
Penney Lyman Railroad Company.
-The .annual meeting of this company war
held m Phliadeldelphia on Tuesday. From
the annual report we glean the following
• 13.270,X,8 !
Hatt profit $4183,111
The expenses for ordinary prirrentes were
114,1111,890tf0r second truck, sidings, new loco.
motPrea, ac., $2,4101,1V1.
'The gross revenue , exceeds that of ISM, V.,
' The' whole number of passengers carried I
Over the road during the year was 2,36 - 1,336,and
timer Mae distance traveled by 'rash passen
ger miles. -
The nhmber of tensor freight moved Uncle
-ding 24,3,10et0ns of fuel and other materials
• Tor the company.) was /,798 CIO,
embracing 1, 0 74,737 tons of coal.
The decrease in the heal. treble Is t.--W tone,
and the Whole tonnage of the road exceedi
that oflast, year. 13,331 tons. .
-The I,ft.ipte groin the Canals owned by the
Cameo* Reef $118,01.6: and the expenses 1479,-
841, - shOwing a lose of
.. 724 Since the corn.
psn4 a botet the canals n se; they hare yield
• t e aggregate. The company proposes
to Mil the main line to a company to lie ormin.
pregfor.that purpose; which It Is supposed will
deepen the canal as far westastbrntitoplea,
rain. tite purpose of accommodating the, coa l
Grose teem ps In Is 3.
;The and Erie R. D., which
bas been Mood by the Pa. R. E., earned du
rinikthe year UMIAK) and its expenses were
ROB, !thawing a loss Of irro,ol9.
laretthelders passad the following reso.
Resolled,,That the stockholders, approve. of
the policy of the• Company disposing of its
eiosals,..or any part of them eithe O r f be a sale
gittl ea treg Zit IlltritnhaV thereto, r 6 w
them obsdrdeem expodieot.
gesoteeri, That the Directors axe hereby au
thOrized La take such meaattresaa may seem
to these beet: to meet. the obligations of the
COMPannelther by borrowing money or oth
"dreamy under the limitation of the charter.
, "volved; That. the stockholders approve of
thenStablitthment by the Company of a lino
of stesonsbnis between Philadelphia and Lir
.erpool In cam:motion with the Pennsylvania
'Railroad, and refer the subject to the Board of
Ibroctorsto carry out the details in Sub man"
owls! rbrltoilort trill brat promote tte
Interests of the Poeuetey.
' Irow.'ataste.
Poirtivr,cne, no LON7II:kI2AN being a selection
of fimaitii FotpotarLs of celebrated opera;
arranged for tiff) performers, by J. w. Getze.
pas saie by
Taw tag*,p litcbactM
goriptionoti ftgular Melodies or theFisotr.
lot mob vrauleurr. o Hat t so. le, at, Flit I!
st 2nOinspe Brining. RtsbanTs tram.
scriptlon of Popular' ' 'Melodies for: the - Fiano..
For 'ale by Wsniellnka Parr,lo.-iVit.Slatr ;
street. •
Amos bielumaastos. Transcription tor' the
.Plano.' For sale by Warmth*. d Barr, No. 12,
sr. Chile street. •
Vs K t tist. *sacral. • Ferfcgraen bithela.
8. EAU Tor rproy , Bacy,
_st. strgqc.
• Kamm , .ETIM ' 'Scholliog. For
sale by W.vuelqtl; :130...1 . 44t... Pair,
Gen... 4: - / i 6 orig
states ell Mrs. Ellsabeth..storslaan; sw..ftge
lady of. uppar -1 1 liddletitiinh- Sure .ofir l1 .7..
was ssosaverift bunstui hts , a !..b7
12: 1000 4 73 =1 1 46374aba. or itl i f t ag%
yuul SmOdpi l eitszLV ' flarljadf,
C trAM.AskUs. Ust
-.2WV 11 0.4ut Won: AssiminsCossld.
bet lir/ Ct r
11 111 1110 4 4 . "Zt,
Thk, E en i a . wi e , i ti n i La. ' s Hight. 1 llown_lits life upon hie country's altar, and
At an early hour lagt -
evening. crowds were ill" they ll e r e.lP/ I 'l ° 9 1. .. rd .hi t' '‘'.'"etnrn
anll h ome , and pernaps [p at same sh i p wou l d have
wending tt,et way toward,. Masome Hah, .thegreen flag flying at the fore. And as the
by hair past seven o'clock, the building' *IM: shame Of Amenea were fading from her sight,
crowded to Its utmost capacity. , Without an! she-titinld Itiess , Americe as the asylum of the,
, pressed. We can bring this to a realiration
' e cs'o're dtdaY, Mr. McWilitamet of Fenn - I if we will. Irishmen are slaves, and whyl Be
."van,a, rt.young mart; was introduced. He 1 cause you will It to be so. You ate exiles be
cause you will It to 10 , so, They tell its that it
apologitied.for appearing before the audience I
before OtheiretWakers, older In years anti In
Is wrong [ to go to war, or toe la, Mr some one
will be nlad. But do youremember , C and
experience than he, but stated that he was • .45, when the demon of pestilence swept over
only the advance guard, and that the heavy , i Ireland, and when Montrone' Mao and young
wools come atter. lie said, we have met ' girl laid down and died of famine; when the
young child was ever uckles . tbe dead
daring the the pa s t
few days in yonr city, I er's breast, Didwar show snob a scene
to deliberate upon the hest practical las this? They told no to be pattent-to bear
method by which Our native country- I we did
with t and to our eternal diswitgraceh
bear t; bet we will lt no longer.
Ireland-could he disentbralled. We are Therewith
will i never be anOtlierfa famine in Ireland.
here from ajl parts or the country, We have learned in thin country to aPPr o c 4 de
and have met with a warm greeting from , liberty, and we huvesworn to be free Or lie it ti
htith Inshmen_amtglitaltwotnert The meet, . nihilated
IngtilitiVe ifeerrver3f.largely attended, and the
P have Wanton!, the most enthnui- old widow lady
What do . you mean by cheering. Items me
in mind of the. story about the Qua or. n ,
natio eheraeer.• Irishrnert,hare Shown their
I nli oe il r b neighbors
o. gathered
y. around her to express
faith In the cause, arid prOfedtaliet t.”.ythazin,had lost her cow, and her
sincere In their protestations of love fe
forward and snePlYlne amproWns 'z'rr i' n i tall u ilt r 7an 3 7 " s ak oo °lr t i:r"h the wT ei r • l i e d e o x : "
c wi on th nt a ry abb b r y si e han omi d o
was reimbursed for the lass of her cow. Sow
g that which constituteathe
sinews of wr-dollars.- That is what . call you cheer, which Mini says you il thllar:
showing a practical nettenality. It shows 1 with Ireland. How P Y . fl'Pa ht
that the heart and the antiment • are in nil - , The sleeker he re . "L'"l‘
T nna •
son, Eow Is the time to 'strike. •
theeTh Woik: elicite no smd,mo Pou n d ' hut
" ''
"Well, Men," he
ingmen, the bone and sinew of eoplai• nor:tinned, en. yrn, 5 „: „ .. ,V . Y .
have put their shoulders to the wheeltritirthe y en „mil redeem
l i upett, let . OA see how
determination to do or dle,• and • althOlightlre
nispeakenewingg,oitlnrsgtrotirunet a P rnr c;,' another cum.
have been defeated once, there is a OM de.
to to the stage. Five 501=
termination new to go forward Written% .If 1 lure from one, ten from another, t wen y
you allow the present golden opportunity to i another, one hundred from u lady t h
pass, It will never come again. & pee theorem - giving according to Ills ability . A - ' SAC Otte
ortible .daye Of '913 there tees never such a o
through' ladies were app.. n t ,7 " ' at L e
chance. . Th en they knew nrr diffbienee - Of 1 the densely packed ' ' twi t° -
creeds, but were bound togel.her . infthe bonds their . return , e il e t iad mach
applause., and
of one common brotherhood. and ow Mete. Thomas McQuaide, a blind man. gone t 1 I
nian organization has brought.aboetplesatne Ateliers, and a sabre and rifle to any one who 'I
happy. result. We will lay asides!' sectienal , would carry them. The scene was very en
fant, extilight for the libertyol'our common thuslastic. After the donations had ceased,
eortny.' There gre Mir infibleMfdato lead us Col. Murphy appointed Messrs. Feely and
to the red field of battle,:but .I:Tawny: arms Quinn as Treasurers of the fund collected. It.
and willing hearts are ready toliftthernseives wont hen announced that faun
and that among,
up, and swear to the great 'God of - Nations , w ou ld b e h e ld w e evening,
to achieve our country's nationalley.e If Fe• I other speakers. Mr. Everett, of the meeting
nianism, up to this present time, has dose l siot, would deliver an address. The meeting , Ii
nothing else, it has brought Irishmen tOgeth- then adjourned.
er, irrespective of creed. We Isaow no rang- .
ton ibllAlte - ri73illB with our
Some fourteen months 'milted Irblanth
and there met many of xny old school-tnates,
and I tell you that they grow sick at heart as
they s e e , the opportunity - Id' strike;
away. When Read Centrehtevens vzhosellb-
erty bolts and bars Could not restrain, sent ontl
word to the, farmers' nOt.- ' to'"paySli_thisir
rent, . or sell their crops;" - as he .would. - do !
It for them, be fully relied upon assistance
ere this, but In thin be has been Alsisp- I
pointed. Revery Irishman does his elutvi.we:
are more than a snatch for the boasted gigan
tic strength of the 'British Empire. While the l
men at home are giving them a box on One I
ear, we can give them a box on the,other. The
representatives - or the Fenian brotherhood . '
are atnongyou, and it rests . witli 'you, as well
as Irishmen everywhere, to give us the means
by which we can equip our armies, man our '
navies and strike the blow. No matter where
the Irish are to be found, whether-upon the
Atlantic's broad slopes, or the Pacific's golden '
shores, whetherlamong the Rocky mountains
or the plains orlliinbis wherever they may
be, :there Is •one — bdad of sympathy that
unites them, and •that .is the bond of
Irhsb natienalßy z"d! ,will give them the.
Recursion In One "Silver Palace.
Yesterday afternoon, we bad the pleasure or
making an excursion to Rochester, In compa
ny with a number of prominent railroad of
ficials, representatives' of the city press and
others, in the magnifleent new sleeping car
which has just been built for the "Central
Transportation Company." This car, which
has been very appropriately named "The Sil
ver Palace," was bola by Mr. W. 11. Dunham,
under the superintendence of Jonah Wood.
.rnff, Esq., in the shops of the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne a Chicago Railway Company, and tea
perfect model of beauty and perfection. In
external appearance, It does not differ from
the 'ordinary cars of the present style , of,
build. But the interior surpasses, In de
sign, arrangement and elegance any:
thing of the kind that we have ever seen.
The car is entered at either end through eves.
Libule, in the Inner door of which there Is a
large :pane of French glass, in which is cut a
belaitifla "swinging" flora l vase. The linter
door of the vestibule prevents a current of
cold air from flowing in in the winter, and
keeps out the dust in summer. After passing
through the,vestibules'the first thing h
tat an . DIED
reefs the attention is a gorgeous state-room on
the left, the appointments of which are all WLA s: It—At Mansfield on Tuesday ma ling,
Fel22lth the Id of her heaband7lira.
that comfort and convenience could require.
ELIZA LAN ?rtfe John V Moorland,
Attached to it there is a wash-maul, dreasing- In the Ceth year of her age.
room and water closet, which can be entered
byThe funeral will take place eitt THVIISDAT, at is
th ere are two—one at each eml—makesplendid a private door. The state-rooms, of will:3h
o eiork, 0, it., from the rekldenee or
her husband,
dormitories for the night and commodious In klanslield. Carriages will Marn the rooms of
drawing rooms or parlors for the day. The Alex. Aiken, Undertaker, No. lea Fourth street, at
windows and doors of the staterooms have s o'clock.
large pan. of eta glen., the curtains of erlitch 31cDON A I,D—Yehroa ry 2011 i, 11l AIWA HET, wife
nre pink satin. ee. rooms, which ore pale- or St a t i on , nd, at hor late rennet., near Lo
cos in themselves, are snrtuounted by twO gates P. yi. w . I'. R. R., of typhoid
"dancing cupids" In bronze, and we suppose , fever.
are specially deigned for bridal parties, Af- Funeral Tar sun aV, Feb. 7.2.1, al In n • eloet,
ter surveying the stateroom, the nett object , The Mewl. of tl. r. futoll'r are turned to attend
of attraction la the seats; the wood of which
is solid walnut, and the covering green m. "
tiA s m 'Ai Z.
quet with a small yellow figure. The motion
of the ear is so easy anittbe seats no comfort-
The funeral will 1 alr plate from the rrnldente bf
able that we fanciedourseivea to be In the pa
latial residence of some Fifth Avenue million. w N". , z 1 Fenn rt tee'. Pill.borgh, /TWO,-
sire, bateau of n railroad - ear whirling along DAV. Feb. at 2 o•ntoelc, The frtends Of
ut the rate of twenty-five miles all hour. Ito family are renpretfully Invited to attend.
There le a large mirror at each end of ; tiltillA3l—Ur- Tneuday, the WM Institut, at 2
the ear, and one between each window on theelock, r. a.. Mrs ELIZA wire of John lira
skies, which adds tench to the brilliancy of ; ham, Rnq., daughter:of the late Hon. Williams
the whole scene. Looking down upon the McClay,Franklin moiety. .In the Inlh year
door we found it covered from side to side and I of her age•
end to end with rich and costly Brussels car. The funeral will tate place from the residence of
pet. Casting our.eyes upward uy the ceiling ; I
her hatband, ill Liberty street, on Tlicasokr, at
we beheld a most beautifully o'clork, r. friends ..f the family are re
lining," the paintiog of which—executed by a , ju ,
New York artist—cost; four hundred and flay ,
dollars. The cur lo lighted lip three lame '
TT— UM. I °nit u satardiv morning.
A . ll erril .'r r,
globe lamps of rat-ghoul, massively mounted •
sith ve " ,r . of her MO.
In hits
with German silver, the cost of which was • • '
'Mont One hundred and filly dollars. The cur- Funeral ft"'" we Pn".•al ant xru,odlet chorea
talus, which are enspended In front of the Fifth ntr..el, ahoy , t+toill.nen. Crhorn.bY,
berthchare of the richeet bagatelle, or bright of iu ..•1•1,..1.
yelipar, - With a valance of the name tuatorlal In stAltTl -4 111 Wed 11.- .11% Fee. .t to
blue era trimmed as I thril Iverlace. The heaLlug, . i Oat e:, 01 Jesse
arrangement, aro excellent. The 'dove:, %Laud Marttn. ayes] year. and 3 month,
to tate ve
ettems ntllntle In V9.4 . /1 end. to which are at
a Latc tistien hed lint
and plt. x
pei re) . ihns which
heal pass un otelltder the
the rom f the re.,lnletwe of leer. parent, N 1.
o. 2
a .
car. The partitionsitiatwenittitotichtsOrbefi.he 'twee. et the tor^ rare
are portable and can be removed at pleasure. Invited to attend.
They are el ways removed during the day, and , KlitrNa—On Sob. 11,1, 11.1. DAN:in. KUHNS,
a row oorlierman silver columns represents of wilt)na Wrest:fr. In the old rear of lila age.
Inerrant rail of the partitions in the ordinary , Thei fnitirattelll take place on FRIDAY. MI last.,
['leaping car. These columns are highly our- ;at I o'co q 11,,1141ti kis residence, one mile
nlshed end present a very beautiful rtpnear- ~i: • . s •
m otl. • station; on t I Mt ro ,
mace.' Between each seat there Is a table
are , and ptecriti to Itenlch °horn. al l friends &rapt
solid walnut which, like the partitions,
Portable and can he re:More:l at pleasure. sited tO attend.
But no pencil or ours can give any adequate .:
Idea of this "rolling palace." It has eon about
sixteen thousand dollars, and we question if
any crowned head in the Old World has a
"Slate carriage" that willcomm. with it in
point of comfort, convenience and elegance,
Jonah Woodruff, Esq., has spent many months
of intense anxiety OVOX the construction of
the oar, and It must he to him a matter of un
bouudeol Joy, that his labors have been crown
ed with abundant success, that he has tri
umphed over every difficulty, In the orbiter
ancoof his spirits yesterday, tt was easy toned
that his triumph lint relieved Ills mind of a
great deal of Anxiety, and ale delight was
greatly intensified by the high and unqmilided ;
encomiums which the distinguished railroad
officials, prominent among whom were Robert
Pitcairn, :Esq., Superintendent of the Pa. R. It.,
arid F. R.lllyers, Es General Ticket Agent of
the C. & P. and P. FL q.,
W. & C. R. It., bestowed
upon 'he'll:tale:se." At one of the stages of the
excursion, Mr. Woodruff recelattl a telegram
from J. N.hroCullough, Esq„ President of the
C. & P. wholiad carefully examined I
the ear, but was unable to go Con 011 the trial ;
trip, In the following words : "Yodr ear Is the
neatest and most comfortable that has yet
been built. 1 am well pleased with w the
siff`altduladrrgongne'ameZtOrinorpeZe pto
to ouru la
ht this model of beauty and cOnves
tenseManc was built in Pittsburgh:, bythemeehan.
ice In the employ Of the Pfttaburgh, Fort
Wayne and Chicago Railway Company. Why
should we not have an extensive car factory
here I We can turn out as grad—this expe
riment demonatratee—better wOrk than
anAtt: m tab r l i i=e i n g t n . e tl2 the an ry.
d especially t for bridal or
excursion parties, and can be run through
from Chicago to New York or Washington,
being provided with compromise trucks.
I The excuralcmists returned to,Pitteburgh at
oteloek. r, m., highly delighted with their
trip, ind unbounded in their praise of Mr.
)Vood.ruff and the success of his erperlment
in the "Silver Palace."
We find in the Sew York Times List of
brevets sent in to the Senate for confirmation,
in. which the following Pennsylvanians are
Brig. Gen. John F. Hurtranft, B. S. V. con
spicuous gallantry In repulsing and driving
hank the enemy from the lodgment made on
onr lines at Fort Setlgarlek, Va, Ilareh y MA
Brevet. Brig. Gm. A. L. Pearson, V. V.,
for.meritarlons services during the war, May
I, 1865.
Brew, Brig. Gen. J. B. KUlOoo, V. S. V., and
Colonel of te Twenty - second Iteghneatt U.
S. C. T., for (gallant and merltotiona aerviree
during the war, Sept, 4, IBM.
Col. Marcus B. Reno, 12tb Pennsylvania Cav
alry, for merited/3u% services during the war,
March 13,1985.
Col. John Frazer, 14011, Penn. Vols., (organ
lout services. March 13, 1365.
Col. S. D. Oliphant, Vet.. lies. Corpinfor tnerl
toripus services, lone 27, 1333.
101. Thomas E. nose, of the' 77th Fauna.
Vols., for gallant and meritorlons services, '
July at, leek
lire. 4. Col. Samuel E. Sohn/auk, U. S. V., gad
Malorof tho sth Penile. Vols., for meritorious
services during the ;vat, July 21,1833 ,
COL Henry A. liambLight, 79th Penna. V 01..,
for meritorious sees/tees, June 1,11365. • •
Col. Charles Barnes,loth Penna. VOls.for
meritorious service. ' during the war, Sept.e 1865
01. Albert B. •IdeCalmont, ittth Penna.
Vol.. fr u ctlant serviceduring the war,
Col. Henry A. Print:, 01the' 18/1111 Penna.
V 01.. , for gallant and meritorious services
daring the SSC, OCc. 4, ISet.
Cot. It. H. Collier, or the .119th Penn. V 01.,,
far gallant and meritorious services during
the war. March 13. MM.
• • . .. . . ,
Col:Joseph W. Fisher, 195th Penn. Vols., for
fitithful and mentorkm9 services during the
war, Nov. 4,1865.
Col. Chas. L. Leiper, %I Penn. Cay., for meri
torious services daring the war, Starch la,
CUL E. L. Dana, 1424 Penn. Vols., for merito
rious iarvicee, July 26, 1855.•
Col. J. B. g1dd00,224 Rege. U. S. C. T.,
gallant and meritorious senteen during the
War, June 15, 15 5 5.
051:Joseph Roberts, 54 Pennsylvania H. A.,
far meritorious and distinguished nerrieen,
Aprilil,lBs3. •
Col, P. Rune, Bth Pennsylvania CaV., Inc
laut and meritorious services; during. the ust,
March 13; 1565.
Col. William R. ilartstiorne,Laßti Pennon-
Can= Vols„ fur conspicuous gallantry and
Meritorious seryleeir throughout - the war,
Match 5ata;1365. . s
Cit. raVLA. Liculd . .lllth Pennsylvania Pole.,
for gallant and meritorious serylena in the ae
'adult upon.the.onemns marg., in front of Fort
Sedgw Va.:April 2, 2862.
ilia Auroral Ill i y.—Xlirtlrheibre last a ' ' .
Ineet beniant Id yor the Aureola Borealis , 2 • •
visible in the . orthernheeireils. We fleet : . 4114 Tra IITBEBT, (West , . k1" 4 " 4 il ' n ''''
noticed it abOnt elect* o 'clock, and' by tan . 5r... ,
'4'n- vole Haan.. ease Watc ,a
VOTOCk the ' whole " north was, illtuntnatect with: - , '7, mi,,,, How., case Haien.
a g pre4 iliht. Ten' match ,el litablleit 4 li ' - ~, .- • Mika at Gaeta.. Jeztla
light, indeed t •WaR .110 nature thathe COO he .-• , , pp , Nonistt e . i . ta,..
crowed tor merning...Thealglittrf szabeau, • . Hover ic
tlial. Sometimes, the light., aro up ,
gr . eit in ta p h p e tt er m u c t , i rv til It
t r t ente ar tied .brfl th nin bani t
Ted th_ we , end
~ tl Ai l :: ,.. „ ,:,, ,, , 11 H ot u eF NID 1. :p ia OTH tb . rak... l 2 ilnr. prl A-r a ill o s s iri
ifigor U. Weaellorethai
v e ry slum* . co ;,' ~,..s us tb• PI? " ... 1.. -••
" ' •
way la the preenreor.of very coi4 weather, , . , ,_... 8. , LOMB. __EBY 4___ , Co., ,
sad If sash Is the eaSe, , - look ottlor , some 0 not , eillos“ t "'"`' n '''' cn ''''F re sg..''' , '.
0114 11 4 Irewthe 4 t.' - ' . : . •-. , 1.,.:„ 3. , .
_..;t;ua ~' rr.._..?u M15 , ~„z..a.54...:L'...~,Fwv~"-rnn~~.+~'~. , rr~ ~?~~.'i~%~fr'iY~<:.
pv • 7; ;v p ai FraLey.vis 1/400
dm Warm *Am awl M dice ow Ossehrasty
rim. edition h forwarded which will resell the sub
Serthen tooneet as the mall run.
Slagle copies
la Clubs of five
la Clubs of sea mud upwards
The Mock and Ladder WI.
To -night the! grand ball of the Stewart Hook
and Ladder Company Come. Oft, and when our
citizens take into consideration toe object (Or
which the hell is given, we do not think the,
jrlll hi reinter inaxtending It their patronage.
eadhuying t leket,. - whether they attend or
t ... 1
he stewart but short a* Ina as
ok and ladder are a new
cern been their term of
service, tiny hare been very efficient. In or
der to get their apparatna, they were obliged
to Incur aX, and they... Ina the .People
Of Pittsbu •to come forward mud eaglet la
paying - tha bt. It Is not for their brood'.
bet for the benefit of property hold er .. Thee
are willing to,do the work without pay, willyou assist !flint:log for their npmrpt u ., tf
buy a ticket to Cite
Washington's ,, Birth Day.—Thn, day
ushers iii the .mle hundred and thirty-fourdi
anniversary of tile birth of the imam',
tai Washington. 1r lir at all tunes and nutlet
all circumstances It it eminentl,y„proper that
the day should tie ol...rVed ft% a 'national holi
day. The advent of peeve overgour hind.
after four years I , l' devastating ,ivar, r would
add largely to the Interest of the 0 0eX111011.
We hope that Interesting ceremonies of some
kind or other will take place during the day,
and that our citizens may give some evidence
that the noted day of the Filt he: of his Coun
try 13 not (ergot ten.
Robbery In All bbbbbb .—Scone time night
before last, the teed store of Mr. David Evans
on Deaver street, above North Commons, was
entered by thieves who carried off everything
they could lay their hands on. The premises
were entered by forcing open the door In the
rear of the establishment. Among other arti
cles curried Off are quite a number of sacks of
oats. The thieves are unknown.
Foanah.o—litallaugh.—linriey's now said
beautiful panorama of a tour through 'lreland,
an lash musical and pictorial entertainment,
will be exhibited at Fanclelor
next week, commencing this *exhibitiongdg
ing trom the programme. the *ill
be well worth attending.
oil Oil Excitement in Westmoreland:l.—The
excitement to again upon the Lapis along
the Lovalhanna. They are abbuteommenelng
to bore on the farm of Colonel Johnston, near
Tounprotownt nil
having located
a well there, and thee are to find nil In abun
dance ate certain depth
Mouthßea for March.—Masers. John P.
Flout & Co. Maehole Hall, Fifth %treat, have
nsceiveti :CAM supply of the magazines for
March, rlz : . l Oar 110tulg rohe . ' the' Atlan
tic Monthly:" "Go.ley'B Book:" and
"Harper's Monthly.•'
The Widows of deceased Noldierga.l wives
of disabled soldiers, of the Stith ward, are
request.] to meet at the Public School [louse,
In the said ward, on Saturday afternoon, at
By Reference to an ailvertieement In and
other column, It will be seen that tlic Journey-
men hricklayera will demand an' Increase of
twenty-Ave per cent., on and' after the lint of
April next. -
The "Atlantic Monthly" for March, and
Godere Lady's Book for Karel), can be had at
Plt.tork's, corner Firth and andthfield street*,
n-Aral and most pletureaptie place of depultnrpall-
Cite on the nplancht.lntinetilately north of Lite eny
ty. on the New Brighton goad. Persona w shins,
select alarlal Losa will applyat the Superintend
tot's Glare, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds; rernato
and all other business will beattended to it the Urtig
Warehouse of the undersigned, earner of Federal
tad irAlialek streets, Allegheny.
UEtt. d. KELLY,
• • BliorstagyandTreasurer,
liar clay ban been the scene of many.ltirinoils. In
mate and murders o f l a ce , and It le most gratifyleg.
Cri know that wit cannot charge any of these terrible
Bin suntan tuna hum the shaideiluirthought of
villainy home, ant. remind our reader,of the
many poor ereittomi
Differetri Naropean elll. to makerenal &rib.
eleasat noon Shoee offered for a Al the eele
healed Contort lien Shoe More, dlreelly render
Tile Opera, Tiousie.
These good. are of the most enperlOr quality, made
to my own Order. •hd vrarrantvd ennertor to any
the "ItY: and a challenge of
I• offered to prodocerct and 1710(.1.• for the mood, td ,
61 Cold at Itll• relebrated emporium.
Prom Ioe. a Pair Upward
tag ticHNI on: oCritin
R r
dAtilTlTAol9.llfititlV , 151
11.42.1TRAUTIlliZELS , CO/tr.
1110110FACTU1*I.115 , COST
cLOTH I NU ffOll5E
eLtatuxo UOU9II
SR ...
ilidgetikVE "CO Cln::
o in stocie:r,
Opposite Use Opera House.
nuvs Eratirrume,
$l.OO 0010 W tebestO Mama .2113avidlin
for ON R DULLA. I It I kiliguittana math's.
pry •
4. R. KENNEDY .& CO.,
. ..-,,tr
. ~