The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 21, 1866, Image 3
wllo9ll7o;axttle. WEDNIMAY, 'Frain:U.lM 24 lift,: ADVERTIBINC RATES 4 444 M ge , d b y theheks pt Pitf~4liliir sztraniirktrrick, "' 6 1 " iv""" , ... p. so tlime. 0 60649 2 25 eX:mt 175 220 1111 Ulnas ' 250 X. Ones : one week... 301 200 160 1 E ...,. 540 . ......... : ... ...:'.... 315 ' : ', 1170e4 . 410 ' Mall llama . 450 75 Eelse [lmes, 2 weeks 4 5 00 221 260 171 l r xree weeks 700 500 369 290 a tuottla. 000 .4 0) 460 SCO . TW0:b 10 111t101..::......... .13 Of/ 'l5/10 "7 60 500 21.70.369111151 a, . . ... .... 1500 ' 1200 9OD II 00 elsisanths • - • 33 00 12 CO it 60 ii co 000 fella 54 50 34 CO ZI 01 .11110 LIZUI3MXIMI Une wroth Tito =mine • Ttrzwe istroths....4 Nl2•nsontlic.. ..... One rear GENESAL NSWII Paean a prond record for our braVe volunteers that of the two hundred and sixteen State nags given to them as the • marched to meet the rebels, but four were and they were lost in battle. One man sti living carried one of these Sags. over three thousand miles aft. f00t..-Aa isociti as all the regiments shall have returned, the Zags will he returned to the State by their brave irefend ere with appropriate ceremonies. Moat- of them are tattered to ribbons, and-some of them have but a few fragments left. They 'have been riddled In battle and worn Lathe service until Many of them could not he z*, cognized as flags; but they will be treasured as sacred montupents of the unrivalled hero-, him of the defenders of the Republic. TIM OLD FLaO AT SHE Sonia. -Col. Dam Rice, the "great showman,. who bart Astra. turned to his home, in Erie ikmnty, from a pro fessional tour In the Gulf States, represents that there is net much affection felt for the old flag in that latitude. fie says that except. at Government institutions, as soldiers' bar racks or °Mears , headquarters; the 'United States flag.was rarelyseen.. Y4..eamer below the month of the Ohio flies the Sag; no hotel in the Southern cities spreads it to the breeze; and no menagerie or circus even, which usual: ly display the flags of all nations, rabies The Menagerie with which he was-connected was-made atteXceptioni at his own request. Tux, Southern cortndent of The Nation has made the acquaintance or o young Ala bama merchant, with thin result'. 'l. ecraitratp. Mated him on the Drobabilltsrothts canr n torten.) from Ms stare antithe saleof- cotton, if he knew ateg , about another ',peculation—the ship ping negro; to Cuba ; and selling them to panislt plan, rat Yea, he said, be had been told about that, , he lied good luck he antendedGe get for it was the biggest thing yew , Attain( Doritleii r.madiyeart for ej tongt.liate: ' I a faithful servant of h Onry'Clay,`dted'at Ash. land on the 6th Inittr. - Ige was born in llamas= connty, Va ., eminent, to Kentucky about.the - . ' close of the last tentnryon the family of the ' mother or Mr. Clay. Aaron was well known - to all Intimate friends' Of Mr. Clay._ Re win • .b. 14 body servant lap,to. the time of Ms :deathe-. • aocampluded him th - Zuropo matioatart to thitteciuntryi and was constatita: ly iniattethiticrion - bdta ittlYasklngtan, AV liiiiiiitutiril tad dblietleati svprominent citizen WI ws.,,Kalkillelkdli accompanied:by somata oempaalwas; nrent - In a home of tfl;liarattild thar - cdtw. thwi -session of , plalling Wa.etenalatital owned - Landrafe,..Out of bed:,; Thery.eartieditherealti . alga MO; eXettathan ;:htit, as. - .:tke_Aloota - Was dark, - landram did not recognize bili• &leads. and;seising.a. Weed into ter crowd; Shear almost (altar- log onhatde mid Dining out On the' other... _ I'zi'Lonill:Cititen ears that on Wedeesdaly dye blatant eaten !MO opened ow the lomat latereof 4 the - Stigialk.•Malailig.Coshrany,. metwere fetril:Yd-hatttan 'nine hundred and: aghtyaeliitmykiandeter - aladkuilloh;:at forty :arrest On.Ulardarell,WOrddeostlMlSS,Weather a highlarimt , fue:AhaS,MatitteMtltyi„ The amid; 'tics mutt bare beengsarittarhan theOlatton , was baled on Zile zelantatlon, was inclosed in • Vaithe' litbliekriernor „Patton OY-Alai listaa;tuider atreallatoritirefterlickt-toble: graded Were 'ecutrictedadiblis :tide precis... .anatherrgiarding amnesty and 'verdant offenses - contracted daring , the war, - except rape Iliad Minder. • This Is to .ttevarticularn , intendetto reconcile xitscordantallimentaln North Alabtmut. ' • errata, ; eleetion. o at held Mika Marietta (OklOyDistriet on Saturday,. to•lin Mittliteatiey, In the Oldnßouse of Representatives ; mideby , the `death of _ Grew • the RepublLcaa candidate' was - elected by • majority of about MO, a kaki of flirty-eight Z.r: r. the maparlty for Governor Cox. • , , , A Tenon-re deapach, dated. the • Zkla earn Staltb,an. ex•Calfeilitrate OM - cer, and now rwoorletar of a beta akethadeori. was arrested here todayant. a Mange of steal- - KOCO4n-bouds belonging. tfa.alady ha:wadi' ing to hfa houne. Ile., atteptptid - to negotiate* the Donde la this city; and. wasi•Ort. "his wayrto Montreetwhen appoliendedu •, - • Wu. Bear, a• teamster, at Petroleum Centre, mat with a severe accident on &lead CL aMber, desoanding aileCilateek 11111, struck . JIM teats . oyertaral og lipcia hitnAndfatalg Waring him. • Ifh.belangelln. Critter county, New York,,andleayes afa m.;' !.. Cotes - ins of dsivy. uadiqZttronage-of the tioecrament. of the - are settling In Northern: P agents.. :16e soil • , be excellent;.ands the. region well adapted to rai nin g ra ttl e. . El , ILAArT " cOlbrad." sicrmen - and children are .rnaklngona , dallar a day by digging ontbni .aetalo theAsoll - about Pete_rsbnrg, and selling them !braid -lead:: • The. Tell*l + e 1 0 °, 41111. Less - y - Grimes. °demi a -memorial - Into4tie Senate,eigned liy, Horace Maynard' and idtilik , Union mothers of „Ten nessee., setting Carib that's& 'Tennessee had re rd _.- , organized,ln siteainiCtiwiththe'RGiubliaan , forms, her, Sfrefent , -*llo ,7 :oVirnlln6 ll2 , and , elected-members to bothiTatece,Shat they be 'admitted - as a State, with alt the retetleges Of other States: ::Yesterday . , the 4BuirCornmittee . of thispitittikimmitteecition tank up rise moratainl end agreed ,GSrilisint a bill in ricaordanois wait the lisidulemarildtd the full committee..: The Committee voted to redact • the report, • Yeauk , -Xessrc Wastilmrhe,„ Blow, Bingham, ?menden, Harris , more and 'Grimes. - WayS--Mesgroir Williams, Gourd,. • SontWell, liagers,'Conlding, !Merits!, JahnsFos and ,:. It was then moved hirefer the res•t. the, tee of three (Messrs.' - . ' ,- ..nliftrier t Ki Bentweltrwith SZLIFtria . W7IIII tO - ' tamed Kilo aetteallusiatiffrage, the re .ll.llottlflearin,lV.Alis to tin = rider '' ' Ica x agesdof ilveyearsi on wiz Otethe yeas Messrs: Williams, Me_ - .BontweU, Cackling,. Stevens, dritnes,.-19 e. Pe a r senden and Bingham. --4.2ie wars lam,* Beim, 'Johnson, ,Blow - rider stud, Slorrill. The. aumnistre:thea - *maned 'to tali .012. ..,Motuliky mOrninifer , ira_ nOlprre .41 riersirar fronr• a , number of anima Of ife rapids, Tenn., asking that the 4,000 colored troopsthat 'Lpisce` ba , disbandedi was re. ferred.tultajor.tieneril.TherasSorlioreferred . It to Major General - Sfodeinall,'toMmendiag Department-of- Tennessee. at ilfermidde, Ten nessee,• • ‘401.0- atre • •Ple.yor- of -the ' city of 3feraphis, and othersindril authority at that placeianti st ia ies d i= otitis petition, that' if they. end 'Abe - alb prepared to . ...wiaraates en d ilnitiee to all men within , titeirLtoierannity,..:lV-111.11•..bil time to , consider the prOpriety or troops • altogether, or of conceding to their request • • thireonlP white:Snaps- be- employed among them.-Until, are prepaid .10 gle•Amch goansitew„.ltimnot,capshisreilLibat - Malta's Might to extent Shattliairlietlikin should believers:ids causidered f.bnkahat while their own , - Conduct :'.randers niUsi , iswi to keep trove among them, weII:RUA use such ea we %avec bilker white Or Waal:alibi:mit regard trithelt feelings ar_wiliblis'On the eabiect.” • keteiseilieniilepattitlifieni ; Lexlniton en ;ati evil ones, tep=or eboleell, se sported: oe of tderita . critota is. sr liound need 'thelterostereetl , - to. 41: u;settlitubit eonetla Prririlt=o2' 0 111 4,0 bOAler - veriteble - rumor- : etraulatine ;,:i",11111S, jemerteice, , liont.:tidl.heteet boor* ,Ml*l2l.orthigielenTslitsat. n • • •• CUMULDIVILIMEI.IIO.I6OItfert of the bigiblktiCalKlte t the devil, hallbeen-esem , sur.ty. for lame tom. lam n.l."no (VERA . 110V6E. LISISLA7O Maxarasarts.. Alma finsui.' , arra-rmat.atarce.m.of the .41111. g afar ir rs • -• mss texita. idEENIE, Mia of.tbdtilenteri groang4ernidiss, ser.amcaxrimr amc.".vii•sk. TKIKATTLKIKfiliriatil De gresentad tne (Teat Comedy of . OURfAMERICAN OFBIN. Keene. "To conetirrie wittntlronzi;io ANISE. mu Wu:HATE. isarodaeltit the great fentan song of ..Iffeating at •-; I' IMAF F OW I FA. fIEbiDERANNa. ThttA Waist craw favorite actress - . 2WlCirse4is a - CYZAZ.A. riAater, 4 PeimoniattALTortic T 818 XVINIIrets ill be arecerstret - OUR FEMALE AMERICAN CORM . 1M Ore:tare ~Orehestta. TO =elude With the MOUNTAIN OUTLAW: Oa, THE WILTON.* A F - . Mi r r•- P EIFIVIXVO I M -- "SAL+llllll4ol(2lFfir NNW i OR, of i ra ii pialisytv;u4lolol . - - ==l erz,= -- - - -SPECIAL NOTICES. , 112int i M MAUI Cilitt&tte the or ridersatanir - Awe aga t e a aapotaut Thar, 1400 /OW Irmsame, cad Ett; ist , eidll qf ab=INI i Wanda /Warr deraseerriesst, caused by the an ' of utisesatte easurtes • • , maiiimatle - • rear an4Amur the Nl n nt i inti r el . 2 l = latiteit Itoutrita bid :taalartnal aortal', _M i ssfyy ti sre,N4l . o don teen I*, • Mieillijittelfrarek tr eolirrithaes. emcee or tha2Stamacb. of 1r when - this esatjwit on I.!ie -Intordtrent ifir=rVereire Wood, idati t trai=tbratt wut not mama man affastaattanudy aver (WOO elms of caultdatnts. bat tt la the toad: saareoor is _perfectly. safir No harm eau tulle froinlts use, and the patientwieu eared is Settee 'fiesiLesi it he had never had tbe &maze: ! Csu auras soda any other cure far Oblits snit l's igatg.tithrozolltgariatigisghTneer those ed.. So mare ts fr said the New and .digur. it Zli may he trutbfenyo - be sertsdn remedy., One Ungar.a a to e ntsr•oltrotro t jgocaOff J. ABM, rd t, abe le aelrhiaehood. t rirry/S. A. fAtINEZSTOOK•S DONA cO., and by all Druggists. hibagrilatirt larlf.MllollllKirAlS TURKISH JAW_POVISNIANI ;UM TONIC: TICK DRICSFINO AND PAMIR OF MIR ROE TURIMISH BANDOL.WNLtN. ilwrirouvrVe Itriurtaw Remmigirterr. What can be more etable Mao anything lhet wM twantlty that will .ore neture'sdecay by stopping the Reir trtna ORME oat, restoring its natural color. manna ft to grow in luxurtance and beauty, sestet in putting It op accoatlng_to the preen etr & e and tashron And keep it b s pare 9 r .- t lay per so n who has toted d eV ' to eck - nowle e r dled to be me beamlger of ths age, the only Hair Tonic sod -Real. tioctim of the name. Tueblin to Trance. la RmilasO, lu Maarten—everywhere where the • Mandolentan” la known—it is pronounced -the _p/us uttroof Hair PFetloas. Remember. It Is free Min ilk metallic ns that an. contained In rhost.Plalr Celora gad galas.. 1, " the . '" r "" of may herbs, -Rowels end her, beautifully put up. au " Torbr t a b jl e D~ta ß taltts and Perfumers, wholesale. SITAKRB Cl).a CO.B. L. Principe Mewl Tlini n tetl i tedrr eo, No. Xarget Arert, dclatimeodtwT . Phlladelphla. 14: 4 . 1 V) :' a tat 24 OD NM 12410 I 400 COO 0 21 09 00 NCO 7: 00 49 00 MI 00 04m far LAKE lIIIPERIOR - COPPER MILL ANO SMELTING WORKS . Nam WORDY & CO. m. 0.,. oZaDEATRING .BRAZIERII , AND D(U.T CorkTs;:.rll ,Oorrtra .110TrollS, AAISELII :UTILL DUTTON& tWELTtIi ISOLDYR. A rusq I 4N HTn" NENCI EI 7 4 _ - .llA.Clf lie llt nir "ll'oo llZ Ml TAla 44_ 4. 6 lll tibuse;Na.i.ollrran4 ilellaccarritinzm'cltts- IV. Special:wan of Copper cot to Any desired NAW WORKS PA U , rtilictruths. Warranted isnovsalonc. ot2eveir mos, =wawa; armailona franigil: and all other ggy~• ,411..kInni L and thada. frons 0. tna Itellseol - P,WMI •&?SLI , antNirristinbi *ilia and thrlf• ISO 1•_.• raynap Istint als os o r gisirs :1 " 2. lannaZ.. - lad aktillnig Acne oP seasonable igrwalr; - Ir t uunimr. erlllakera& Sheetiraniforkers, i... ritelm paw shotet. aurtf=4 l l ll uTe • 'antitualabeil It wit i tt . • • •t. 4 1 .00toelptio • Viallcir the n a l4 T - r 4,lAti fiut.min_. ! , • . 1 1 )P • V*.t . 1•• _ . +Fr ( . • to e 81EL151L1.....4 T./m=l4ex IVEUW-OTIREII, WOwas Bled IJLaaTfk ST t...• Sir flue, No. it WATTS. STRIP.= (up uto1.1). 11,711. , ..1011INSOffeltrt tr;VO p on Two 7tuse a.iatitc , uti • muionicuruga ,, N ßOUlT , t A L ITA t A) T STEAM TEMI • BLAST - ___ AggiTlit oil MESSY, G G • smarruire; ei atannz ia w i r r 4.0131144; BOLTS initiiiircirrirmurOPl,raliTJTJT.CTOß, Ell :I•tv, vArris si ria NU, WI OW . SWUM _ DOW 4 .WITAIUMS,, ste., /Sop Yl SNOWSID and 111121P , STRIEM, between Wood wd llattet hare olanandsPariety of new patterns, tY lattarstill:&enatalea Grave Jannitettnneatibset "tar iILiNTIOOD'I ' t IQ W , L i OST-- -: 110W-RESTOREN,Jnat.PantI:b 3 • i vMy:el yr: mc ciamnArCT , 0 , 5 , nun or alga_ NA.I.Virm.IF lavolaw_tayy utuattl- g e=ll l,; 44g e m p e nr,,'"'e; l' marris f e rlpzliatrigip P ..ti4 z.- armi&-nntim ~1 " .4L, , ,b, ...way a. ers. aa': • • W11.1., , 1ik .4 UMW CIE Übe 4. 01116.8001,0 as. ..A • Sons . TO . anniawns.of Narrinaana, ~ sant annex seal, o a n astainpe. Cu sal uldregw. , Poe Pad. on reedy. of ala cent., or two- pattaaa lumps ,by Ur. J. U., New lanit..roet OM. - 21.....4.i5ft... , .. - ... -....,... • • .: •. ,•• .. -. . aalconla-wT Irgir T0....../MillrOWS, ;81r , • ,Ctvrorn ' Ilenien llfht4 '7 4:7 7 eirliesitii -In life ye, atter undergo that rotithie nodtrre s. I. oalmall* modlitiC WlttUratituoreee, 14ere 11-kri mere duty to communicate to We, 4 - creatures the ZOO= Or arm liesoroutt the receipt of arl endowed envelope, he will send,lres, © of the prenerlptlon used, ollanect.l9_ tar. rfritizgr...DAf**44.4, Ile Fallon street 4 al. , x-- - - .. , A ~ +- 4. , .. .anticlitydgeff . Or SENT FREE.--A Pamphlet Of tonnense importance to the ad and roans, otarrlert and single, of both sesta 0111 Ise rent ltle by or o.4lresslagtth 0100 p enclosed, the Agents, A., IBBAIDEIIIO7, a CO., Box 73, Roston 377M l 37YAw neitIDOM : 't • arTHE . -- i: AkiumBEILI AN WAY _GI! WARNING AND 'IN 102143:.•.N. Abe. new Iwo eellatietteallesn /LAIN wad Sexual ftrtim Andress Gr. J. BY LIOUGHTUN. Nova As•oehitl • lohnsokl • Pa. •• Li ISO INEWS WEAR OW VrEr DESPUrriOR. lOW MB/ liana Giliers; fiver-gboes, Am. =ET 13ALMORALS. BOOTS dt SHOES. 11 °P/! 8 ° 13 and , 1 4 1 , 9 rals. Au,p, anin Leather sewed. Nailed astrezied• Clirrzzonmph smozs,_ Aid iiinAtAiaTo6o/11 of Goods at LOW . - • 111,1TWIANDI MORIN(UPORMIIIs. 16 aid St - RM Street. feS:dairT : • . eirAima-Airmum. CLEARANCE *ALE .1 1 ,91.M4_ 2 _, sc_4olls, ii,itaii.4; 10th jek"ii e r:: doz Vast r *tar rifaMit ' W.gsflf !ter thltN*ber. 1 431-,4lllUtrket: Street, ;., 21W Awtollsriterktirr Oriaisators. Boom AND Wawa , Alreo.BTC, AT COSTi t stsuogsalireert. Imo now cloaca oat sor *ciao dock of Boats, Shoes,litilters, Balnsora/s, 'Polish Boots, &c., BIVP ' 41441 syspin. • PLO ow *. pates.. tatoserivelolt_ AT LOW N , ?NICE& TOS TWO WKILII ilshierals, '"...4114.52,6`.17.7451.1401• . 111 MO' : Agtot roof a asi IthAc ii„c all ands . .1. . ilia bit-eopitillent um Tto siej o Wald sUrfAblq:SoCre SO tbetity. .. .. . ..teNPAAMS:LiAaeri. IPA Chi =H OMND:I7 14411: 12171( Tr. - . "V• 11. • COrngitsi a ce., WELL BUY MMIWNMEMM! BZW S *Al),—,„ LAfrAi g ig er . ' - 1 i """saill t, • - a= t 4: ti Snoffi T All styles of • Calf, Gra% Marog,o, and RN 771 ===l 2.•Ag.121 1866. -- PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GREATLY ENLARGED Otherwise. Improved. TWELVE COLUMNS MTN Ed NO INCREASE IT-PRICE The Afternoon Edition graikm - c Has been Enlarged to the Extent CI IP TWELVE COLUMNS, UNIFORM WITH TIM MORNING EDITION' WOE' ANY IMBUE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRIN. "1"3EUII Mcglthig Edition Will be Punished to Carriers at OBany =NED PRIM .A.M117:1 Delivered to Sokseribers MEI MN ORS AM WM. Ltberal arm/meat* have-11 . '4m ads Cu SPECIAL -DISPATO :1' =FM Leading News Centres PT TABLE MARKET REPORT% wan owl tot to ,CE&I , ZET - T , EI Local Newts, bEISOELLA.NY, 111 Mir Foreign as 4 Ik•uses!id ~: pONDENCE, .11670313 1 miDrrioirtiA_LO t!ts IV/Mao/as MIT-Strtatad es 1315 M NR l ANDAIMINT; Tat TEE GAZETTE NOW C.C.ALMII TO SS The ;Cheapest and Best NEWSPAPER liPedens Peassevivan4e. Advertising. wrnil fits £DY.BT•Ot OP 1./. ttunalgoll Plum alaidar THE ALLIANCE HARDWARE STORE . . almilttgitge other business, we now Gee- Stook, Good Will and Fixtures .0f the HA RDWAILEt .A.LLi ANTE. eount7. Ohio. _REIM IS AIM OMNI FOR SALL . - t akgrardner i nar i rted matte JuaZtla Cleve...Wel and iltiabomh Ratiroans.= rapidly VlitalgrAratacl4kiii yetlY t~tW Increased tth t i t i laraztra i N of th a toTitim: no other Hardwalleggewitittlen Tiate le ee utm scat WUlowr & PENNOCK. t 1866. FOR 5ALE.......A , Farm of 41 seree and thirty-0M perches, sites:els Iltmbeth townehtp Allephtmy ernattkrt. The MP , '" ments ar e a hewed log dwel ant , frame latch= UM tem mi ansbatt ugs; &Sped orelmwd AWP/q•na..ile Mrs, Ai' Ms -toes Variety. The rule ihiehherl witkoost saiiNmeetoue or las beet quallta. a taw a one quay of f a• No. I - oualtir Serf b`rnf t S ITV the ra i gu n r rt o T IP "Alrij i gn't snout 0 sem eltetated In West Wheateeld T ' ow'nship . ladles& csiauty,,yenne: The Improvements en • shoe, COMfenralai _Ww,-*thry framellouse. thoom,elariefrefee rine hook, gol4 cern OelbEwesb Mame," haat/ oven in° "" 10 .7tonbsPreirlbehte: ' shoat 1.10 acre. cleared anll temente , attiWaver: a mood orchard of apple, c jilmuld -Mom tem. "The fascias Is .1 The Is Wee msedt once of% moue. and bet e saort.Astance from coal.. Alsm = lt 7 / , t 07, .tea o ir "bp„ z . s . stood order llonse _on rum oteulthisM;-asniamoo *reliant I :aralut=s - ter341:1,%. , _pr a typ=,,d 4e Mitteetternt M Wnl utoreland county, Pa. • , contents/ laerec ebeta miles math of the Pa. Itattrolul. T he Monove- MOMS ate tere , large hewed log IKM one Of the largest and beet frame Una In ths townsaffn two fa s cd ItairArdabrtlilerier;itaf linle'itcrl'aereah4l" clearye,,the balance In imOd. tirnt e mf. raises:don en the em daT of WM, This property 'will he sold Si &great bargain. The Chellertnaell to engage twather business. • . • glavv‘serreriti other Farms ravaging tromp) to $ perbere. „ Alto, a Farm or 1W acres, situate In Mel:Radii." township, _A llegheny eimuty, Fa., about Blanes from the city. The IMprovementir Mn a Log Noun, a :good herb, ir - drehard• of apple, .paisch sad pear. I will ell.lp. valuable property very cheap .and oritfttlrei!_tart.l latv:tomitie of U. 11.10WEH, - Real Estate Agent, MO • No. Mt Fourth olnE BIINDRED DOLL-ABS = Lot in Pitt Township ENQUIRE Ur MCMASTER, GAZZAM at CO.. " t A Ito m • ►LC Law, al Oran Vilna L: -,.. ' ... . - :Th1:12i441,,E.--A dealitimuloDWellt- , Name ma bat .talaroWa_ vaeguy laras._!tar ;c! , .. a , bola , lad= ing s a _ ti t . l ~ ..„1 .tatiar . „ , el,waitim wi l l i zufwatr„ -. tor e w i th lw - lo t lgiiir thill-tvt vigatir tintsbeet.toosnii and• au; anal= wauanse:Witatatalta„, ..... e .d . Itt=4=7 — trie ~.irtnigiiiie; ~..,....Erspe vita a s t.rays. INuAtsatujLajoill 1 1a 0 r.""..."'• L- 4. fi C ) l 2 . . t yaw...4. . • POIr , SALE—A Fansiol•obout lib •••• ilerrara_6ltuste isitilsabittirsoiruaidp, ALlNdthedY county. Fa,._ _stand owe satteundsdult47 Ho i roupd; of 11cItettpOrt. hair mor o f roe o° 4 41 ' • ,' 111 " e n t:' , -zr the F T°' 7 ' rltittiro:66,.sdurugood well of water Me d00 00 r; 6 . rad i l , traory Frage. Ilgae im v d th . fieur - floosee wIll; two rooakZrl%rrbasflk.hart4-'. ' a the rery brat stability._ooro , - earriage houses/ad othereiat.bulldlogs.- T oth is 6/Werth/Id with • Tea Of ho. 1 /Juutstoor. Th/e strattrutarltatestraze Is worth all that Is asked Sbr the, property. For fur ther pratteulats, Itmalre of G.H. ' I Estatodureat, No.. 186 Fourth attest _T°Wi ßial tß e•t r& • FOR SALE. • I= Will Ix sold TO-DAT at reduced prices. This trac V situate ID WeStillorltland county, Penna., on Mt North-Western Psunalrattla itallnoad. alsSuS Wier cast of Jlq_ollo, Pa., and contains Oro vary lan scintor s =l i api r r i eltand FIRE CLAY ForFirthor ;simnel:liars inquFro the Law anti Clanir See of W. J. t HALL PATITREION, dell No. 144 Yoarth St.. EltUtnalifti, VS. CIECAPEST COAL LANDS IN AL ,LEOHENY COUN'tY.--wut mad cheaper thou oaf other /and at Ittegoalitt“Mthir ea. lad on eqUal disease., from the elm toy arum, wadsrleld with the best There at. two beds of limestone, oar satiable fora lax. Lit the Slut fut. awe, the other hollding rporpasea /te: The tratt ...I•c• /sores sae', wUh dwelling houses, barn, stables, .fratt orchards. Le. The root is of the very beet 40.1117, 004400 be rested. a pit being open. oft the plate. 'The coal 0111 be trans parte/tow the Yllteborgh aqd Steobourthe . 4 road: She:films lylatt elOseltt OtterwallEllaa and by the Wanbloglon Pike 4 miles from Joh , Ferry. OURN D. BAILEY, btork add Best Estate Wahl , . Hal:' Foiallastreet. CO A L i rEabt ' . 9. 1113 T111. r EI arta (ARM , 0217CUIRMRIVANDMOUTt • SLR AC . RES; ana wafer Ploartbst sod Saw ISM sad oilier laßßOWoasswal 4 . iifil i wts4rttadlrzr COAL, without .sbe so, two Yuma oStftswart's&tatton, as Cktral osaol. sootalalus DO acres sod= acres. ortruel her pullentari..o4 , ll_ 0 WSW. WARD. (Opposite the No. 11 net Oxen. WS SALE.-A :Farah cozikta gn ining o .. abcrosto.ins.%•ltasteatelamis i t , ilt .11,0 ea. Al lge ( "M= orVisWesliboth. it 4 bap ins art a ' l to stisagnk wimp with @li ana' tell. Celrhnii, rataahlititi t other - Wine 4thistreixeut -"Chem ewe werr heat elect Imishat.',,==trtya lt w . e t nieteteWangit 1 71:171 : 41:hoiel it li z get far a Amt. Si leuttb BMW , i? v. , ` r %ISM . t'Z ' i "' IA ":- . AAA ;77 — 7 - 7 i,,,,Arlir,r;Watr u re , 1 .! I .... 74 1n.... . LLL it,..w i r m ise r r i,•. L.., . ali iinib iloPiTeCtisaabus 111 41411" 4 14.11:4" • • , i'ei4 .._ It Eis r et,j,„„ -.,.. . ~ '''''''' '''".' 10 TriAlresiCTintAnTayigi""f' 11 f r r .. 1 1 1 / 4 . writadi it ;we • strew . , ~P.M.P...skAIL 41M ss F 7 : % , ,7----- . - 4,-A.;lieitaiii AN — ' • • D. Anetn,. A X:I t LYAF ti l W lLlM i lr'll7" ati,.llAL ..411nuen - ,Elk la ex .... T i t, At .... gyk sa ,Tnitcfr i naipet!ft s irtee lientinin neon sin In t briteildittenctt " t: as wen mane, gin_thintlekei She or) b tsn wsi. in Antineas eity, , Bastui mi.. 1 . 1 44 2, - • O,III._JOITAN, . ~,. tenslh /linen gin Ann issi an. - ' 'lit - moils streetvwqmes Human& .; I WELEVOTIVESOCAPC•iSOB - 'RME Itousiztanraxime, ystlt ospe . mfi t ssit ~3 wii gmtqtnju l sjgva it trz" 711 1 MI citirixtdystizsetlittg. dimaiwou torzio Trete lam Crisrfora st iiolll6llll Ote -1 4 02 . 11 . 0 V 01 . 114 eakn: 10016114 t comesofers =OD; 0414.11711gb ay ' matt ft4 llV Ul ilf Usq .a lg:ll l : 2, mrt4rlol4 ' joust wastit=4,,Ap_pb , to rel 4 B. CEIIII.S3mT isoM, lisilott t r IWELUMB , HOlllllll3l - ON - • $ Rte sear Mb. itililiiii in tains' hire, mon LA tr in iltfiLlZ aillitrit: i t . aloe Antra t Ml.Vie4,Car teANg2l:. II • MIS elp,l•l4oW • roe! .404.. , -.,... . , !ft:Iv!! „ I , Tievi: • .. witaisklsiai, „ ALT= 6 'll 7 10 10 411 1 ,41 44 T014=014 442AI,bgth 4 . unworn" . •f„ yu:u 3!ALLET--A4-u•jilDrr iii;alSitt ; lisiiiii4 , llol l a.rigio". Auras arrittailWaOpy. 4, i t gitit it. A . le_.sinst i v=a 4 74l, rf...; Irigrirso4.oo4o , tm At t • A;Y" ' Eft000966 aa a 0.1., ht . - '4llesmitt alite4 alldiniN s Artzusiver;lintriLLlNG - EOM 0 tr--zitm9-ener ;cal. xi . lune. lir it . IF . o,4 l 4l . l7t t ENl,llir i lak . 31 1 :4 413 .n.ttue .....lcbe. t --- 1. 46.4 . ~.. . - L'67Pol4ll4*.trinws alt o ' Fon ihwa—satiatteiotiret-re Lurailerituttir In T u r ,,, s eir i lr L yairt4 .. via l , La u t=triLit.' 4411 NOMA .444740, .. AP qtr: 4 r ilitt tht Dt o natr i figf 1 J piliAlig 'r ig*bri...;:iinzitt Et n.,,,E,t..., / E 4 to WILL' 1 14 , IC IN" " it iptuaryieo i s .„ ,ii k it e e 7t. ...... sio nutty _ __ , 1 siou of 'ems 11,. l A. Drib. 117:411/711244,16,Pree oliiirs earl tare an Is goods' E al all 4 l " . " 411 17-01 1 04 - X 11Allefi lice. ', i•- r l i' " li lt. . I rrit i l i li IS: T 1 , r t , INLVEitt Ve g il,ll/111/: t 4 f , 4 I / f. A 1 . t raighl4 . 4l .4l 11 2 .1 ' ' ..i.l. .1.4 .11511...1r. 'ON lilieu Mr t '1 ° T * o 2prigriPr ~ 24,preu i lit e ..,p rt 4 , 4 , ,„,Irsfiri• . • to. oftt. it+ 4 P A l "' ' ' I . ,r . B• 1 0 110164 ill= ' 1 I 1 a . 1 '11441 nrle i lF mrionfli l t w --- Ig e l . u r,116; i l la y li s da :,t IE I 111 . 41 en ° . oikr' lia f... g . ,• ' it e , 0 k. 4 1 44, , • i i za amota,uw.:l - t - A - .., t,."-. fi11r0r.,4,....1 Or • uthnv-22,4 1011111 isa VNASI' *mg erpousim , s ' usir. x ,;; , - :.;"-< ,, 1? , ;'; Ell2l WOOD M 0199; FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, CHARTER OAK LIFE martetcE U. S. Government Depository, IRON PUMPS. ' 1=I! AMERICA that now mates &lad CASH DIVIDEFI) ou flu. first d P " . " 4" " M 1 3 E ' llreilibmill'ait• X . 03 2 .3 1 .1 1.• ' par of premium. ha CAC ,sy.h fub•eqUeutt cumulation of $1,500.0 0 0. I. secu-rely ilie j eTi k eti L l 4 1:P: CAIThAt. ParD us EXO,IOO. . lic stocks and mortgages of URAL Fn s - il s Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, , .„,„, . WITH EillYihros To INCBMASS TO ' Cy 170,000. now in its lelh year of - business and has paint ( "NE MILLION D • . extensive correlpondence with Bank. and WIDOW" AND ORPHANS of It. members the su n '", OLI AUS To chit. date tun 5.1.7. - . Bankers throughout the counter. we MDT minimal - feellities to thunie doing Waimea with m. el. etc. or M/WI , . has occured,•mi evidence tuat liberality and fair dealing Is • speciaity with • this co.p..y. .7 13 . 14:3 , Tq co t els, ~.T he. p ou,,.. of thle Campsite see not forfeited tru ea r. of non-payment orpremlum after the ....eorol Tear. Sop symems required after tea year, Mat Tar. all other Government securities, Mentioned In ! policies continue guod through. Mb. sums f u salt purchasers. Deposita refttli,ul Mill JO. I uPricileS. trrest allowed by special agreement. J. C. W ALMA% Pesident. intitheeOn: • N. S. PALMER Vice Ere:aide.. THOMAS DONNELLY. IL 11. KING , . Is. H. WHITE. Secretary. D. M. SMITH, N.. 1. ititi___LE_,.T Branch Ottless for Western Ehunsvintols, where JAMES M. BAILEY, JOHN F. ttatusON, : Circular , and blank Applications will be furnished. THOMAS spirru, •1.1. M. KIRK:PATRICK. . ss Wood ru s set. Plttsburwh. T HOMAS ONNELLY. Presid ent. . Agents wanted ilk... shout the State. Apply to BUTLER . WARD Cnshler seI2:IhUgSWE . 0 e , ,M,1T E. E. GooDzw., State Agent. 8-srx)EitBiwrais, LEAD PIPE, BATR `TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS ' WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, I Ilydranlie Ram BAILS Work fl of 111 kind Block Tin Pipe, fOO4l iio;klndf of % O o uDllnHf : 8u gm sad lAstiser R ote deMlPt oae tiol . " 4 "' i • Addy, Williams & Bartley 's CORNItH SIXTH AND SNCITHFIRLD STS PITTSBURGH, - PA EZZI BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER, I=3l N. 8..d11 kinds of reP*lOl(U7 All arOrn by mall Immediate'? attatilba". jai malmatemowlba prirstkunGH LEAD !PIPE A N SHEET LEAD WORKS. W.. [tow Maucitatharlog a SU PICRIOR article of LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. • ..7410 1 , 6 at:nn h iNg;:g.,Vrer,Vth t : " ° "" 1 . Lowest Market Rates. Order* by mall promptly Ailed. BAILEY, FARRELL & bs IS7 eltalt - hael4 Street. Pittsburgh, Pa • PLUMBING Btaig.ll,7"" b &mtf leoced and onetime GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATHTUBS, 14HOWYR BATHS WATER CLUSETL DRAN Cabal=rly on band and made to order. ' TATE & SEVILLE, No. ' 8 riu,a2RA4 STREET sattilasmdly 4.t. ZWENS ObtODZII 61.4.4 AND .E N•T'lwi'Z'Al Gk. HYDRANTS, IRON PUMPS, DIDLT LEAD opal . ziNt: LEAD PIPE 9 ‘II2IIDI,_ 8A311 , 14 WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, .1E I (0., (Soeesasor to Addy A SternA) *0.1115 Wood Pittsburgh, Ps. Ja.17171804 T. •10,11. 1,0.01/ (I PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING hJfICIAKIP. BELL Ai, fortablei a Cigar Lighters. E CO.. 14 , 40metkr to aid, O Botal.l =! MZ= Plumbing and dap Pitting. - FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORE, Or ALL DTICRIIPTIONO El ett C 70., &mouser to &Mil 106 Wool SG. Pittsburgh. Pa •I: t t I : 'HE HRADRERY,..NEW YORK, . _ TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA kali TOR sAwasors EMDEN DEWDROP And Victoria Regia, THE For MI.: WORLD . TUTIXT, PARIAti ..Ki .d IN Z.. ItArlree 6.. warm del rests Ufa to the . count on and etch tone. like the Parris Itexble Ceraidton= 4.),'s brvilfal trot or the rose. dti ihi ll iflre ealsinit irie - . ll }l B . k ti ldl C ALlt l NO ' d of DramitetentrtUsburgb. 0 W lit. W. a: R (Eddied General Agent. - WOODSIDE & WALLACE. • Wiaoieswle I:l3ruggistiss, , DE tras White Lead.. Bed belia l Lltharge. Paton, 0110, TrultAg r atlat , =Ow .41.3 e 1d Puny. iralva_Aolor 'Witter , * .11.1.otalitirogri. Tatum 9 _v.1 , 49.11954, CixanciOnt Ono Lead oat is amel po otau d irg . Crlebtated Patent Drtor in one Wood Street, OPPOSITIC THI ST. Cl/ARIAS IBuTF.L. - WWI/ ITITSBUISOtt, PA. j' . 1101100NALUILER & SON, Plililaandl White Lead Works, raBEINALTS LEAD, BLUE LEAD ORM INOIL7OE ?AIME VG". 4 12170 . C1CE. inErcilEtp 1 1 ALL VEGETABLE , SICILIAN ri i i 1 i ii i iitril l e i firt i e r ky reqtors no, PAIL% ' il 4 1t1 1 4 4 1 2 % t ig u tritiritderni ;N i le • sqv r ;nateen v ou p luullfziotopltre IR* ...SigiiiritliFie, :To; reVrat 44.. 0 rder,al somas. ' .t !MU V. , . ii EU. A, KIMIGY. PION 011114118 TOR, 3:43E F . l 7oll34 'marz i e 01111,01' of rotErth and tiakilbileld Stsil 9 1 32h I nantOtrigBNA OM 4 , 04406,' lin vogq6.o. •• AtORWO TOOLai JAMES' MOWN, manorr motto or UNPROVED ROBING TOOL% ion nionvio 11.4'cri ant) irnfin 11 . 0 f, 130'Wouil *set, Pillsbut WI, Vs. atilv o ns' tr u itsdrirr "1111 bett .41.111 t 1 A 14 I9riettrorfissisaiii et • tii*Wirt too rog i tiv ie“*.i ! jspliosty Id nits Mir, Si • VI, : 4 ,11%1n% tit ' I ,ll` It at" itqliifAr ke' 114 P:1 Ai\ ' MOLL& IllN WON . M Iklitentrella Allot heath iiittngi k , J., lA A Nthtarl' tr. tt to to=lstrk ii 3 l l V l43° r' 113 - 01 4 1 Fi r tiirli II iit WTlllls,ll6ii aX„ . • t i 6 I 1 0 f aii3 mac fat , irtat t njrtit.eudt4i U. roe a qWX, *Wt. *SZ=IrAtIAT) • /11 atii LRCMs .. lem..r4' ti iw s ' ... _.. AND B Ka 55 MARKET STREET, BANKIN4i HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS Metzi3:m.eres, N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Deposita reeeleed In Far Funds and Currenc, Colleettons made on all the principal points of the United States and Caastias. STOCKS, BONDSAND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. rartlenlat etterillou paid to the purchase and sate of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. 1 NCLUDISIi Dolled States 61.9 of 1981; Do. do 6•, Do. Men of 10.40 m; . . Do. Seren-Tltls•, • 0.. Certtdectes or todebtocches, Orders and Vouchers bought °recollected. jotttbly DOLLAR SAYINGS BANK, No. 49 FOURTH STREET. , Open daily Rome tot o'citmk_., also on Wes/needs, and Saturday crentags, tram May lot to November IM. from 7 to I orient, sod (VOW November Ist to May lot, from 11 Pia Welock. Deposits receivedof all some of-not lee. than One Dollar, sad a dlvidnld of toe pronto declared twice • year, in June and December. Interest nu been declared mini-annually in Jane and December cure the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. year. treat, if not drawn out, le placed to the credit of the depositor as prlncip-41, and bears the same in terest from the cent days of Jean and Detembe r r, compounding :voice • year without troubling the de positor toga or doub l e renatal. Menus book. AI Vibrate money wi In least/11M twelve year.. BOoks containing the Charter, Ru tee and Regniattons, ihrulched gratis, on application at the OMee. PRESIDINT—GERGE AL FIRER. V O II Prtb.rbANTO: William .1. Andersou. A. M. Po.lock, John O. Backofeth Robert Robb, Benj. L. Vahnestock, .lobo 11. liboenberger, James Flerdman, James Biddle, JuncobleAuley, Alexander Speer, Isaac 91. Pennock. ' Christian 17enger, TachiThs: Calvin Adonis, 1,1,7,17.11:11r1;In," Johq C. Studley, George Bloch, .1000 Marshal, 11111 Sarasota Walter I'. Marshall, AlonrolA. Cartier, James B. U. 'bleeds. (MAO. A. Colton, John B. Moraddeo, Wm. Donator, ! Jahn Orr, John Kern., I Henry Is. Rtztaw John J. 0 Steeple, Mon. Schmidt, Witthint X. Harem, I Alexan der Tiudle, Peter H. Hunker, Vanklrk, , I RIGTORO. Richard Ilays,• 1 Wm. P. Wemen..l ! Ale,. Ntmick, Andrew Ackley, James D. lie d I imao Whittler . R. Miller, Jr, David M. I.oug. Tftgastrodiet 11A R LB'S A. COLTUN. 1 James McAuley, _ Bees J Thomas, BZeßl.r. " —. AS. B. M "DS. 1 .7 1:d& Alexander Speer, , Chas. i. Clark, TuE - , eam_pbell B. Ti gran, I John 11. McCune, C. W. Slcketsou, . James P. Hanna. mVI) W3l. P. LIBIBBERT. Secretary, EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK X.l.ttaalearima-513.. Chartered by State of Pent Va. • • ISM Organized finder National Lan, • • MOW Capital, • • • - • . , ei,000,000. 'fbla Bank has been dell(nalek • 31:2)erocoeilLtore? TuE UNITED NTATES TREASURY. ml appointed agent rut the Sale of the 7-30 Loan Kerry fort:ltt o 111 twutfvr,l to lorostors or partle• porclu,,lug for r....ssir. 0te.9:41' H. M. .111.AIRAY, l'askler. THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, 4:01' Plitt "al, var =la hank... bons.. l ol:N Elt VlltbT AND NVOttlz brItEETS. Till. Bane, organized nwler the National Rutting Sl•tell33 ' I. LOW prepared to Datowet Wiriness.: its ! Rankin. Iforodt,eorner of Wood and First ...eta. Collections untie oil all itoresrlltir pointa 6 . 5" the I most favorable tenor. tiprelal Age.. for JAY COOKE for the sale of the 1 U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES MMTffMNiIJIMiI Mer . IIKESON. Triter JAMES I'. BRADY dr. CO., =UP =1 13sialzorms db 33x-olr_cor.s. I= = NNE= PIANOS. ORGANS, tke Schou' acker $ Co., Philadelphia, PIANOS. The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. Acknowledged by the best musical talent to the Vatted. States to he auperlorto to anothen to power, purity and quality of tone, aud thorough work =nubbin. Theselnstrument* have for yearn akeu the first premiums, over all all compeUtora, at the 'AMU/ state and County Fairs. In pile. they are lower thou any others. All Warranted for Ave ;ours. 1111AMELINK A, BARR, Na. 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa NOW BEING RECEIVED, ' THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CH ICKERING PIANOS, Eleleete4 p.r.o c Vgg I lle itt ut z e 4 rA v: Mulct s a rt• SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS are ""T'orrnlggitP . ::. i=Tet =6," "" puto WASIBANXED FOE FIVE YEARS. OHARLES.C. MELLOR, al Woad Street. KNAIMEW GREAT UNRIVALLED PIANO PAIWIT.B.--Tlitike labtratafa to aro,aap•- tlar * I. rag aril lA/ tone, touch, ...Altman ibatd, 6 1' 41KARIM PIANO all bars the at ar 4t 4rVaarrltOtei, 4 l4 . Ag r i a bl' ? tor tOs a110y.% and alny alpt .N.t.b " anet, Tiaao Mika Xrlareoa Untaataad MCW,ttwna. Daft' NEW AKIRT FOR isso. • ; BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOVIIII.10) SPRINGSKIRTS, oultlierlt it Ike late auto, at Melt. 11111%, & CIRV, 70 47 1 1111.0094 11. ( ~Yp1 plll .10pla 1. 01, 1 1 . 001 , t110,1011,..4 el shape Vete 1414t,0r -11," 0 1 1 4 0 glt i ll,r1 4 ani'' rhhro ',owlet OP eat. Shay sr* stisvorter to ail otts. "" ' l o "li a "M"" tl'o "" :lXt i lihnitraLlit N1'1741 1 0. Y• l itA 4 1 : 1`11 ) 4itt STANDARD SKIRT 1,11 1 ,1 1 :»14 1 `7.4,'1.11„,,,. awl 0 L. sea ladles lit all the dr t-cl 7 " II) 'Wes tit tints oily. I teaulre fur ret Rridley's Duplex Elliptic Skirt. 011ierodu Al.I. IITYI. ob. TUX tiltt.XllttATZlS,_ DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT AT LOW Mtn 1L1KTA9,441 - 112 KM. itzrztax.m. Ifaui try abaloten at lowest rates. 11. C.OIRLISLE, 7P111.13. iStrtmet DEN I I7I3 ___ JOSEPH . ADAMS, Ktuud oar a lst DA . OND tVg i g' m j r i r C crTPiatielbodort tctta .titi I= ___ INMIRANC 1 iNsitnicit of Hartford, Conn. i THE ONLY LITF. INL7I2ANC:It. CONCANY CHARTER 1829 . PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. A oa Jan. 1, 1944, • • $8,467.949 95 Capital Aerrued Premium. lareiscd Pre;Liam§ liascitled Income for -1864. Loamy Paid iducelK9 l'erytnal and TeMPorary Policies on HirerAl terms. D1RE.,701[2 , . Chu. N. Baneker. , lease L.D. Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Groat, Cleorge Pales, Jacob R. Steith, Alfred Fitter, Girorge W. Richards, Fra's W. Lewis. ILI) CIiA.NJ.ES N. BENCKER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vire President. JAB. W. AIcALLISTER.. I 3e . al yc tr;_tent . N, •gent. Corner Wood and Third .tree is. F IRE AND MARINE INSFRANCE CO. OF NORTH A MEHICA. PHILADELPHIA MITE! Hartford Fire Inourante. Company, 41 , nu tl7 . r i t n o 3 t i e v ego m rk c i a . t A r ... m.eureel tbe above named I= It Water *treat, (op rtalre .) MEI WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF PITTSBURGH, ALEXANDER NIMICH, ?midday WM. r. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, Chentaul Agent. Office, fiS Water street, Slung siCa.•• Ware House' up stairs, Pittsburgh. w ho Insure against all kinds of Eire and Moline Kinks. w e llme institution managed bandirectors who areknown to the condmitakT, ^hog" determined byrompmest end liberality, to nuilo taln the charte rer which they have assumed, as 'of fering the best protection to thaw who desire to Pe toured. I . ITIZENS` INSURANCE COMPAQ ,•-• NY OP PITINBUROH. --(Mee, corner Market and Water atreeta, oeeond door. _ . FIAtiALEY, President. WM. ur , SHEPARD, Secretary. Insures Steamboate and Caggoes. lima mad damage In the navtgatlon f the Southern and Western Ravers, Lakes, and ßayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Insures against I U. and damage by tire. W. Baygaley, Samuel Ilea, Ju. rack, Jr., O. Jain:Bwl, R. r. Jortes,l J eahns Rhodes, Barclay PrE.O., Cieorge Bingham PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. =I John Watt.Km Phillips, , Capt. John L. lt Iheads. Samuel John E. Parke, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. Jas. Miller, John F. Kirkpatrick, Wu, Vast IC irk, . Frank S. Bissell. James LL Verner, C. Itanoon Love, WM. PHILLIP'S, President .1011 N WATT, Vice President W. F. U lIILKF.II, srrretari Jell;iv ('apt. BAH 00111)0%, licno ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. uV Pi ?TSB LI Ht. IL—utter, No. 37 PHU. street Dank Block. Insuregagalnai all kind. Of Fire and Marine Risksi DEZZI JOHN IRIVIN, JR., President. JOHN D. AC CORD. Vice Psesidetit C. D DON NEL L, Secretars. DDLCCTOT.II ' • • lace Jones, , John D. McCord, C. G. Dosser , George S. Head, Darner Child's, T. J.1101[101.0, Charles Liars, (init. Wm. Dens John Irwin. Jr.. Geo. D. McGrew. B. lo Fabnestoeli, : Robert H. Darts. OIL WORKS WOOLDIUDGE OIL BEN'INING CICiOMICIPM, OF PITTSBURCH. PENNA. t O r H N N ni f il . .76l:ZW;*.d WORKS IN TEMPERANCETILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, guspenniork Bridge.) 111NUFACTETRZES OY PURE 131LTII.MEMT4:31- Brand—" Lucifer." Tills till cannot be excelled for burning propertleX. color or Are tat. sad laikka. op la well *escorted bar rels, *unable for HOME ÜBE, sr EXPOUT. DEMI bOl.lerrimp. C. D ig7.74l °"- ",_ j e- h i: l gi t AnirPi rt . Porter, Itobt! waltate, D.W ..C. UX:ad WARIRP T.J.............. WAIRING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, =I PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS Audi Dealers ha 'Reaming Nai•rial ocllitly • X. ILI hiaatlfB7,llT. Plttelmno. BONDED WAREHOUSE OF PHENIX WAREHOUSIMI COMPANY, root of Halite and itarrlsoi Ittreets, aro,liam, Storage for Befitted Petro Duals, h `A I I I .Cefir:VINA V aIr. CI O2IIT. Yaw Tort. •41.7 S TANDARD lENstrcolerwas PLotllaxerry. CIARK S SUMNER. Works and . Paco, inillas Township Ormlt Di rirmt - Roft-1.1 WOOD 9111e3ST. 'nde 'rune Sara toe lamest raparit7 s,* C.M. try. The brawl staade the taldbest tu tide country aud Inurupe, qual and are tett. anti limo° te put Is well orsaaued barn* prepared eepectallP leaapart.. IttartrnUtzll2:Lor,./f&SiTyllit.9, SUPERIGIt OIL ENGINES. w• .1 , 1.U.cti..4. 1.4 lir Imp *a baud, iwriol Oro (max. asizackuviums pu mu A (sal Ol 1131111141111 tporrt, 4. 1 v lea t 6; %sat S *A/ATI/1 . 4k. 4/1 11/41111144. a CO. CilaitlikelAL OIL WORKS. PURE WHITE BURNINC OIL Consuntly on band and Ito. Ws AT TUE LOWEST SIARICET B. C. & 3. H. IIiAINTItE, AMEN WILMS% llinlitea AND DIALLIAR YM CRUDE AND REFINED ODA BUra Llpcli. J9iiqueetle ai i wq r;i itiburgh rM g o iU.nt tge nfir s = ittt alty*Lnw .rr vl9:lv relPctri imt aw. ST..OIIAIII I SP•• Pittsburgh. • rorwiiidingiusa voiarksvidat x archon' And detlei nuumminue, Litruitmr Cruld• relastena OM, at:, colutillitly as Lund ani for We st Oa lemma uttrke . t %mkt*. ..Comisuonits the erdiers ; • t agatto kni : f: ) ,, I N :441 21011•11A-N:sounra ' - ' ' ' ' ' r hoar oil VOURICII STRECIFVPuelesTritt .. 1 : Na. siv7.9 !MTH lititpt.T xs4a sulnaibet:Veturt litle kekt. 'conarAy Olt. tallda ere ..,Ixpis , Ittlns, via: 06n,looitr• '. t . Or s tril e z i foL a ur lids ' Spdai, , '4,4 . _s h ot i 4,4141;• Bltratard l . gt 1er ,, ,f,,..,,,i' . ' reactrACerlyar I,r A- -a;;;_i''' • '-' .'' ll '' • * ' irakfai::. ' a s 2 , cgo :xt-7; -7.77.-71-777 1866. A Rl W lr rn filari_ -PIN., (M.NT.SAf, V/ On and after MONDAY, NOW. Bitholleta__tnin, 4 , Z2 k i! leave the Unfotl Passes Iv toe an.l Llherty Ezt Dee i tt . ffitar os assolb woo.. os, ;l A: icaarts Clirei ttn ielrnite" rg. A ! lUK. itOi ' . town,Saltimora t r at.; New Tort, via Allan.. - o r 0 ,13 P. •, Philadelphia! &AS r. It.: and NOW ril WAri l Alt e llYWren ' 4l . PittsbnOth It •••• "'VOW Llamas.)). all stations; Altoona! at irSe r. sa.,• r. at.; arrietng Philadelphia as tLOLA.:I4: AWL TRAIN-Lettroa Pittsburgh A. P , 2Pltilt at twirl). ttationc Altoona! SAS r• W•• DAu liarrishurs at w., arid Philadel. P tltt 4htlin ' t RIPSBSSI-LeavesPitt•bargls , Arita etatlts dWif4ol! 'T s! .eit t4 l l.". s•VOl•r: 4:l,l‘„ttra.,, ItaitintOro! ; 'Nei; iteozprz, r htladelphia• ?till vla h rittiatierphla at lanatAt : titykostmusisislaTat s °l l. ` s:Ps `r s;s " : :sTs m to Melt FAST Lin-Le - ayes at , tititita only OrMtdattrugabt."Agrvo•Pitt I nt ' rt 12,in .Ni.e,t"ll.ol;t7.lB_ IC; 11.113tlelplila,t 1:10 n i ew i a ' ora, eta Ph at St .Cr. • /Yr...pi/oat rrtinnao. isMyprr ty 0/ abler trnisze, S.ldape ayq JOHNSTOWN ACCOIIIIODATION-Dan ( newt Sundays) at 4:13 P. stopping at reardar'stlona between Pittsburg t Couelllltighi the Lath a m •1 Blairsville Intersection with trataron the Indium I Branch and West Pennsylvania Railroad . ALTOONA ACCoaIIiODATIONi-Bally (ripen Stltidaye) at 7:10 a. X., topping atodlregularstalls between Pittsburgh and Altoona. and malting clout connection with trains on the Indiana Branch. Wealt I•ennsylvaula 'Latin:Md. Ebensburg4 K th . road, trod liollidaramt First Annum= tValPs Station . Loaves daily (except Sundays) at 1110 A. le. Second Accommodation Tra inlor Wall's Statists - Leaves daily (except Sundays) at 10:ii A, U. .Penn Acconisnalatlon. No. I-Leaves daily (exemit, Sundays) at 3:0)r. Y. Third Accommodation Train for ;Pall's Station , Leaves daily (except Sundays) at 6:03 7. Y. ' Pettel Accommodation. No. 2 -Leaves daily (einem SundaV)L at 100 X, P. littastopping at all.stations be.. tween Pittsburgh and Penn 21[111.10,1, , The Church Train buses Wan Station nvery Sao. day at 1/121 A. st.,,and arrives In Plttatourah at Wag A. itr. Returning, leaves. Plttsbygli at =SO r. and arrives ai Wall's /Batten alt2:01/r. Esnm ~~ &C 00.070. Returning Trains arrive lo Mandrel as follows; stall A. 14 Yaut. Line • 'AO A. N. First WalPoßtation Accommodation.— 6,25 A. N. Penn AceommodatiOn', 7:55 A. Y. Second Wall's Station Accommodation—. litso A. N. Johnstown Accommodation, Wan A. X. Baltimore Express Altoona Accommodatlon and ..Eatilgrant....lo:so las Third WWI.. Station Accommodatiow .4 , 60 P.N. Phlladelpbla Egprest • 2101 Pt N. Penn Accommodation; t eas P. Y. Plttalnergh & Erie Ma 11..... .( ....t PlaIS P. N. An Agent of thet..Exceislor o((((« Company will pass through eaob 'train before ratting the Depot.. take op c hocks, and dollyor baggage to any pert. the city. °ince, No. 410 Penn area—open deg .4 night—where all orders for the movement of prison gets and baggage will receive Timmins attention. Baltimore - ExpreD will _Arrive with Philadelphia Express, at 2aO r. In., on Afondapi. NOT/CL.—ln Caseof lota, the Company will boll themtelvo. responsible for possonel baggage only nod for an amount not exceedingMOO. W. H. lIRCHWITH, Agent. At the Pennsylvania Centratßal trout Passenger Ste Sloe, on Liberty. and WastilugtOn streets. pITTIODURGH, Fir l agam WAYNE CHICAGO RAILWAY AND CLEVELAND A PITIIIBUBDIL BAILEU.AI3. .61.730,000 51.686.000 WM. Winter Arranigstent. 1804 fln and after November trains will run follows, Tit: tomes Pittsburgh. Express •• • • Expreas ..... 1:45 P. L. 2:3e r. . r. Express 2:45 P. M. 5:03 P. 24 Stall ..... 7:0134.. N. • MOO A. Y. • 6:034.. For Newcastle and Elie 6010 A. as Itegarnlng, urive at Pittsburgh: r., Ft. V.. & C. N. W at., 3:10 P. 11.. at P. W. 9:00 P. Y. C. &P. E. E.-11:15A. w. 3:23 P. L. 9:10 P Lease Alleghe ACCO ny MMODATION TRALNS. for • NEW Betoirro2-9:21 A. Y., 1114 4. Y., 414 e and 5:40r. ia. • MEMM P.. Pt. w. .s. C. K. w. L. 2:70 P. 11., 4:alP. 11. and, 12:M C. P. E. 11-10:0Da. x.. . • pITTSBV RGH, I.LIIII3Ub AN (INCAS- S AT! HA fI.ROA). I:5. it. Kier. John Manton, Jamu M. Cooper, S. Darbaugh, J. Caldwell, Jr., John S. Dilworth, I Win. A. Rodgers. arlOiy TO COLUMBUS, And all {he l p,lap A 01 V KS/ . P A 14 In e ttlTil WU. 12ZEGM211 MONDAY, NOYERMER 110th, 1860, Tratne teaTe and arrive at the UNION DM'S WI follows: EMI M.[preaa Stg•t, nrnrllle A r.,011111.o.l • n ...4:00 • • 1 . 0:10 A. 0. T. Gen.' Agent, Steubenville, 111. M. D. )101'HEILlirA113(3111. Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Pitfall:mein. pITTSBUTIGHANDMILINE CONI1"RI.L81,11.1.1C R. 11. Winter Arrangement l) aft er CrOBRIII .311111 . ,1 The trains will learn the Depot, corner of Ross Water streets, as follows: Lenges Arrtoos Plttertirph. Pit.oo'o4 Mall to anal Prop U0t0nt0nt....7:13.11. 11. MOO P.N. l•Lcpresx. • `• 11:03 P. Y. 10:CO Y. Ilret 51efleesport Acrourn.....ll:l:o A. Y, 8:69 A. W. '!s:c°Pg .:• .• 0:15 P. U. !:05 P. ii:ftiraddoek's `. ..... 7;01) :C. ii: 8 . :3 - i: N . rood •••ek`r •• 4;10 P. M. MS P. N. • [ay Church Train to arid from AlcKeesport 1 A P. M. 10.00 1..f11. For Tlckrtt mr . ly j t.o4 nAt; . X* P p l3 l , t. TOUT I= ALLEGHENY VALLEY E.AILIIOAD: SIMAINEI CHARGE Op- -TIME. . . On end after MONDAY,' NOV. Paasenger train. will be arranged to run &slangy.... MAIL TRAIN — Leaser Pittsburgh at Sit A. 11., arriving at Kittanning at in 43 •.111. Leave. Kirtan niktittM a r sr ythig_rimarit i strg&atnr ii 1 3 1 . N. anteing at Pittsburgh at 11:00 A. Lear. Pittsburgh at SOO r. st.. arriving at-Kittanning .g s:10 r. AccommoifATioN Soda Winks at 6:20 A. arriving aPitt s burghat 0:00 A. ay Leaves Pittsburgh. at 1:40 r. Y.. arriving at Kisici 1111110411 at 3:SS P. Intl F. WitlGllT.lniperintendent. SHAW & CLARK'S SEWING. MACIIIIVES. 31/LELO3:LIXLesit SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are manufactured without anyelfintalcated =chin cre, and therefore are net liable to getout of repel!, sag are perfectly adapted for elvery demnption 4,1 Family Seale/rand Tallorlue. We de not class oar Machines with cheep mathluee, as we have taken of Patentee. prices. We cell,r to the following persons C. A. u .t e rkBN,. No ISS Webst er we . et; btr.C. DER NAII.LEN No. 2= etreet; . J. DOLAN, N 6. C amt.: Mr. J. BCO/1 No. la gecoud street, Alleghenrelty. 'Waltman,. ere that that woeful refer to. All-of Our 1401111.1011 are warranted See years. kIaZATn WANTZD. Jt. I.olll3..stgent. lIS Oran% street, az. ftrWt noltelumusl • . - Ptrriusumns. Ira. SZE= (3,ROVER SEWING 111011 INES Rave been nwsWill bite 71IIIITTRI-1411101 at lb following tab...forth* year MO: Ttrat . Preoloar for beat llathlua wort at Pieria nate lair. ewer pretathat for beat Marldro work at New Tor etas Yak.. • Etna Premium far belt ramify latidgee at Ott Yirst premium for ►cat mainfactnring Marlins Ohio Mate Yalr. . . nest peel:briar Pit best Itabutartneltip Miebhut lillettlpsu :tette Pale. territprebattmloir best llitaufsetoeinellsebbls Wisconsin Stale Pair, .. First Premium tbrbeit itib r irsetarlop Mai:bins LstereneetfoluitT File; Pi. Ittrat Trentham toe beat ilnablae tor genst^al ptir pases.`it „Lawrence Coutity•Tilr. Pa. Flm Minium eamlly Ababa at Ilia Coubts.Vile, • . First Pesualemlbr beet lilsourseturlng LaOalaa B jer:„; ( =r m z i gio ;,- rti , Marsartebbing asikirmall — lnFergeritgeg l eittilTis a iterlig and heal Muth* at Palmyra !Y. • . _ Plitt Pvemtrno. Corbett Iliberserortig aria itsebltte sibuffolt County Fair N. If; First Premium roe best msmebeteter.'-- ff Itsettlue Itibebipler CoUtlttrair•- ,, • TIM Premium' Mr best ebbbs for at AlletberT 1,0"d/1"D' f. attiring Macblie, Tlety•prembue lb best Sl,e cArirtlegirsrt,:tresu;r7r;ribr"iribesbillY.ll.7sebtne wort at Allepben • • A; ji; CHATONEY, '67NERM. AI:11MT. orZmafur. ; ' No. 26 Vittb street. Pllttaburib S2BARTLETT SERINO MA; .5. OH —AOWNS I) TO ItTRO. fi f a CASII-1; tarM A I C I R! Woes! or at, WlLlnon, or totojerfeed. Agents Ire Olt t. Rom ssa 14 gsio ria IMONTD. • °minty rights Oh n Enelonn asu and Mare.'rtrain S rmartdi(titie Zi aleal No. 47 WbOD ISTNS.ST solaria maxi • " ' 4,7rnto:er owns. JJOSEPH"MEYI3I Ss. SON. Th a om. Witmer* and olgutle and 'Retail Dellteii "MINIMUM : "NU Wb MIAMI, No. 434 XXNN ST. kbove the hand* • tame ampottmillot of.X.ANOritNO VAIN VUNNITIIM, 7n W•IlkWI "d'AUILORIU/T , i ami nutzuhatura. and WIZ r ran ltd atuat H. qunilsy sud nt, le to Kay isoknoftetals ed la thedltroadd Iv II Menu nmws able deleoMrli • W . 097 * NT I 4 13 . 1 0,trattt. Opyouu tb Edtllllltah I) 1240. 113. FOUStritiaii For Fbr FLr Chicago. etetstand. Matting/I 2:30 A. H. 2:60 A. U. . • GEORGE. PARKIN, Tlact Agent, Union Paseeng: 'Station. Pittsburgh Pa. A. Q. UAS.TELHICItRY, Ticket •goint, Attest:may CM V. R. ILLYEIt, General Ticket Aza/at. THE IligiTsffilit,M.ROUTE CiNCINNAIt, Lowriuvrx, , INDIANAPOLIS, AT., LIIIII Departs. drrisar. Y. 19:Z1, 1.1 .• 3:10 P. Id .2;30 P. M. 12:M A. :yaw sdea‘, Cu :1 10 54:11 ' AND DANE AND WOOD OHMS, It ism Ilthlturtql anti hit sph Wholesale or Retail. SAFES W. Woopiftl4l6,