, , straint Ithrownarattnd rt , He ...., ~,. believed the Vhe Vittobitrgit qbautte ..{ bill no , .pending in the •:Ifslature i if it • should becOmea lair,' wo u ld - increase' Intent. ~ infante, 'and it shoed e earneetly,temon. ____ ....____ grated ''tgainst. ire dld not think that it was rumv, y". FEBRUARY 20, ISG6. tso much a .. 11q„nor men's bill" all It was ---------- ____. ___ = 1 a "politician's bill," anti on this account he _ felt nmnihated. Redid netlike to be sold by .•._TRAVELLIELS' RETIRE. I politician., with whom he had stood In the dark days of the nation's trial. In all probe- Arrival and Departure et Trains batty our Senators had been imposed upon, 11 and now.that they know the will of their con. resungyleards Central Railroad atltnents, he hoped they would cease to sop -- - ' f..._.. Arrives. . i pert a measure so obnoxious. De was morally __ . certain that money had been collected to Sc. day Bars ~,,. ::tau nt ~,,, e.e.,,, Itfa„ a.. i care the passage of thwhill, but he would be e in T4sti cc Op a i if:ls: :11,10'. , * 1 2, 1 1,,,,,„„ tali:, , far from acctunng either Senator Bigharn or I Sr ;l i ter Graham ral.ll.'”A„,.''';',44•ll:lltinl,st I enn Accem.. 7:55 a m 2 F . . li e ase very much nalLaken. e I t Meat Unte pm IPlttetitrie etali-ra3s pm A gentleman from Philadelphia staid that as I .t. Wan Arcata.. 6,0) la,bsitheeee kap'. ItX) pm • _the law of that city had been referred to, he m id ,:: :: ' I 'M p a I I t ra4 K, W im all k xp AW l' e r g;:: 2 1 ,V 1) ,,,m : could not retrain from saying that that law ist'rennacestabne=nMitd Penn Accom mr, p m • was abhorrent to every friend of the temper. tit .. •• swap= gin 3c ,,,,, Ace „,,, : ,',; anon cause in the city of °Brotherly Love." it'Emigt2rain—intm pm • Short speeches were then made by Dr. 11,se ane cb ,itch; cave. Van.' Statton every !.bad Dr. Robert Wray, in opposition to the ealidaya9 ; returning, leave. Pituburgh st bill. ildo p.m. • • One hundred remonstrances were ordered Rittalltantt. Cain at --113-116 and , Cincinnati • if to be printed an circulated Immediately, to emarte." • ' ' Arrtees. ' , receive the signatures of those who are oppos. last Une.... 260 am t Lbw th) am ' t•si to the bill under consideration. - Mail. ............. eteea m it .. . - .... ...... :alp m The following gentlemen were appointed a 'Hawses 1..... :einem ems. . t2ms a m committee to draft a constitution for the riteneenird4 rig . neebeeviite'l:Z. League: A. X. alefionnigle. Dr. Hebert Wray, •,veateriatattell ... pm coma:iodation-name m D. Robinson, Wm. Douglas and Dr. Clark, - Vittslbiugh, Ft. Wayne anti Chicago. , The Committee will meet in Alderman Steele's Arrtms. t Mace on Thursday next. ____ Mani ........... a =Exams MO am , • The meeting wasquiterespeMable and man. antra= ..-...... dap m grprea5........... lataPla I ifested great interest in the matter. After a Walrus ~.. .... .eade em .arliress..........rezta benediction by Rev. W. McClelland, the d.s. M ..... TM a ra ...A.......-. ..... vta 1 sembly adlonrned to meet next MOM:My. asides'. linep m ka. ate Drightett aoarateiodation p. wave. Allegheny ° t at li a.m., IBM a, Wee.., and glocameter,2:ter.. la.; Oa", Castle, =Op. m,; Laos- CIMY. Sheep. m.; 'Wellsville. Stalp. m. Pittsbinsb, Cleveland and Wheeling. Deport/. __ 1 Amex:. elm... ..... r-=a in Express .... ...... WI; JP a. CI Sata pi:lran-res. .a.pm Ise inns m Express VA. TA ataubenigle ACCOMModaLIcm learn. - Allegbeaf at It Op. Pittsburgh and Conn eurvtilo. Delairta in m it.g.. ...... dnf .. ......... ala illikilVTh......: " IVI ft VI.E.XpreV 912 a M tit C r. inartelieuimi- a ase te .71 7.- ... Ode iMal '. ...145ptri jalleggeny Valley Railroad. I" .... ... .. sire m Egfirces A"lD". .. &mom 31a 111 1 1 a ill ' =ad.,. 1,40 p ta daccraszasaltaan aa, a m i pirs i bures and Erie- Balboad, to Oil city and Franklin. Depart, ' Vie M1a , 410 4 7 r i o S rA l ti l LI Vali if 3 .. Tad ' a BeaTer Stuc7. 4 smnrilivinegoat.-Grant anti Water Ste. Arrives. I - Departs. la-- .. ......4110pin 151:01M &Capra . • illirezairny Stage, Si. Clair St. Anicts.par. or r 4 re. . D I awe ts. s. 111 ' i antler Stage... No. 8 St. Clair Street. I Departs. es a. . Wllallllnglan Stage-,-Hare's Hotel Si P. le• I Departs. Crta a . ta - • Pabllo Meeting in Allegheny tity--The -New Liquor Law Passed Vpon—Sensa tore Graham and Ingham Piece Them. selves 'Upon the Becorda-Oppoeition 'resolutions Passed—lnteresting pro. ceedings. In obedience to a call issued by lile Honor, Mayor Morrison, of Allegheny City, a large meeting assembled in Excelsior Hall last even ing to take action upon the liquor bill which recently passed the Senate of Pennsylvania. BefOre the Meeting was called to order, an an invitation wan given by Mr. Smith to all who felt dispose d to, sign the remonstrance _ . against the presa ge of - the proposed license law. Quite s number complied with the Mtn tatiOn. . hir..COehran read the reMOnstrtujee against the passage Of the law which is t h eollows The undersigned, citizens of County of Allegheny, would restoectfal_ly remonstrate against the passage of the "License Law for Allegheny County," which is nowending be fere your honerable bOdy. We believe that ita passage will tend to increase drtmkenneas, crime, pauperism, and injuriously affect the Metre-Ls cof the community in general. We, therefore, respectfully ass each member of the House Of Representatives to use his influence against the anal passage of the bill. On motion, his Honor, Mayor Morrison was called to the chair, and IVilliam Bell add Rob ert Smith appointed Secretaries. The Chair read the call under which the meeting assembled, and stated that the meet ing was ready for business. R. It. Kerr called for the reading of the liquor bill recently passed. by the Senate, SO that those present might net unhesitatingly. A:copy of the bill was handed to the President who read tho same. ` On the conclusion of the reading of the bill, Mr. Kerr wished some one to state Ilia *Wer ra:mato It. He was opposed to the last sections t i n . : t i mils u n r i e ca t t and i a i lt, was magis tra te . and a eo e uld not act under , the proposedlaw. `Mr. Graham, la reply, said that the letter - ' read by Mr. O'Neill from Judge Sterrett was correct. He read from the Legislative Record ' wallow that he was In favor of this very pro. visions hinted at by Judge Sterrett, and he Teliagierturee Sleeting in the neat tr. P. Marcia. • was yet willing to incorporate more stringent .. provisios on the bill Pursuant to public notice a temperance - Rev. Dr. Howard said . the meeting had mix . hseetingarna held last evening in the First Liked the object for which It was, Called. ben- Halted Presbyterian Chard:, on Seventh St ator a Graham and Bigham were not on trial, but theliquor law_ 'Dr. A. G. Met:at:di ess wash pp plated ehalretaa, ret aa, air. ca me was what I unilerstoott and R. O. Miller, Esq.,`eneretary-, The chair- when I came here. min Called on Per. IV, J. Reid to open the Dr. (toward argued at some length and with great force against the law which he thought meettagivltb prayer. Mr. A. N. AfeGonntgle, decidedly More objectionable than the present ~.. - chairmart of the committee of the Sabbath one. Rev.Dr.P.ell followed in a similar strain. School Teachers' Union; by whom the meet- ! The-chairman stated that the meeting had been Called by the people of Allegheny city, lag was organized, stated that the easiness of % mid hinted that. outalders -should not partici. the meeting would have to assume a different tulle in Its deliberations. ,aspeeton account of .an obnoxious bill that ' Mr. Graham defended. his course:it length. l'Aluilavnepsis of al it has Meal:raper - Ind ,Reett` introduced in the Le g islature . ' e,I but Crowded oat. It will appear Did:turn-ow, 'Short '' Of - an absolute, prohibitory. law itspace will permit. he would prefer the present law to any other :Rev., Dr. Zell, in reply, said that the people that could be enacted. Our work must be of Allegheny county..did not know' the eon. practical. All we have to 110 14 remonstrate tehts ot the bill; and argued against the meas. ..a lust the bill now before the IRgislat are. ' ore. , -He then read a paper for the consid erat inn of Sir . Graham replied that he had seat the bill the meeting. Omitting the preamble, it is a , . ' home for pabllcatien... It appeared, in the Go ' follows : :Ole, and otter city papers long before its pas. Retotr-tyr,`That we proCeed at once to form a sage by-the Senate, and the people had there permanent temperance organization to he fore, h ad time -to reracinstmte against it, II known as the. ttPlusburgh Temperance ; they had any objections on its_iosasage. League, 'ynd that a committee of live by ap: . aenator Blghnin asked Mr. Bailey what &a nointed by the chair to draft a constitution moon he had for saying the bill was pre ` end by-laws. The great object of this league paw in June last by the Minor dealers, are I 'shaft be to operate againgt, and oppose hy all that thlo,ooo had been :abed by them to secure • • honorable means the mannractere, sale and ' ita'passage. : pane of intoxicating liquors. ' , sacra desultory. debate, Mr-Haber said he • Resolved, That in order to meet the liquor , - Lail not mhde a personal charge against the 'bill now - before ollr Legialatore, we proceed at Senators. Ile pledged his honor that t 2 0 ,600 , '.nee to eimafate potations paracattug against ~ hatt been raised to secure Its passage. It was Ste paatagm and endeavor to procure" all the , norfOrhitntosapw-horeeelyedyniamettey. Ingnatures that we =A In as short e. time as : - Senator Bighare by unanimous consent, oh possible; and that this League appoint a suit- , tattled tliiiii.oor. Ile dented t hat this bill was eb r ersart to present oar petition to-the ' prepared,by- th e` I quor dealers in June last, I , Le gisla ture, still also Da urge:its .elaitns aud :nod avowed that. lnc prepared It In January bring every influence to bear in its favor: ', last In Ilarrlsbarg. D. WAR the design of the Berclayd, That I: ecanmitten of two ha rip, t bill to_plate the liquor traffic on a business be. pointed aloha each .congregation in the city I Ms, He Indignantly denied that any Honor anti boronahs, which- committee shall consist 1 dealer had spoken to him on the subject. lie of atm- persons who represent the congregn ! had been written to by a Hey, gentleman for tions In the Young Mena Bible Society, and it ; cop tea of the bill, but having none at hand had shall be their duty to prepare remonstrances , cat it Mit of the Ganate and sent it to the against the bill, and have them signed in their ' chairman of the county committee. reapective churcs on, Wednesday evening. i prof. wined (interrupting the speakerd and report-to a meet ing of phis League o n stated that he had stated in 8 temperance next Monday evening. I tot:atlas-, that he understood 550,600 had been ' viDtattm the discussion, DraWrav stated that I paid forr the passage of the bill. • belied been told since he entered the Church tie. Blatant proceeded, and waned that In a that bill , would ho. better: than the ono , financial Iselin Of view, the county would be now Invary operation. ExaLuyor Lowry eras . the largely the ga th er by the passage of the bill. -gent/mum to whom he referred, and he would I. He again repeated, that the accusation wan fine to hear es explanation from him.. - false that lie had corresponded-wan a single 4z.g.aloyortnwry said he wished it tobe on- liquor dealer on the subject, and he knew that • derStOod that this was not the Winer men's I hiabrother , Senator, Graham, had not, The - lailli• The Maltlev men had a bill which wan I„Y• ; maln -sod leading feature of the bill, was to leg-Billanniannng, awaiting tha fate of the ! „ squelch out the malicenaed liquor trattlea one: now before the. Legislature. It was' Mr. -Graham spate in vindication of his Lis conviction that any: law would be better course. He never pledged himself to support thadtbe Imo now in force. Under the present. tbel present - or ::any otber.liquor,.aUl, but,was law the vilest and most notorious characters' under the Impression that it met the viewauf Gan get license. 'Many tapplicationacae rates, the temperance men. Ho had met with the ed, but not half Romany as slaraid be. There Judges of the coon s . aootry Commis: la more rum socking in Plitthargh th an in stonstones ,,one Sheriff, Mayors, dc. when the Wicksburg, /domains or any other city in the prop, w o r k bo os . woo aemonoo, and Union. . r ano -Philadelphia bill had worked she merits of the new bill alludedte and am. , well, and it*waa thought that a, similar one moved. IN referred ID an apparent bOutra. • would work here. The bill now. before the fiction between lain speed Conte passage of e was a modification of the 'Plain- the bill andtlierecently exp ressed opinions of " • kett l ia l a r w.: - Ho thought the_ bill should not Judge Ste rr ett . tt. His !L ag una on that occasion -•-•. be condemned until it was fairly understood; hadheen misinterpreted. In *lndication he . : whether atenfeybaa b' ea collected from the rend a note received by him from the court of liquor men tO secure the passage of the bill. gelato, approving the bill as the best th at (Ur. Lowry Mitt be could not answer the clues- could be procured, 7 - •"--On ter he dkl not know.) Alderman Steele lir. D. O ' Neal read a 'note he had received received notitloned; Helatew, for he gait from aligner fromdndge Sterrett, which was loth° same • ••; dealer.Alowa3 east liberty to state pribUc- purport of drat read by Mr. Orabard. As we '2y from whom ho derived the information,but understand the Judge be is in favor of an :, be CinadeatiafratlY gentle:rain who wen:damn - amendment to the bill be si- standard or . - for with Min: He was a partisan of the strait- qoallecationi raising the price of license, up ....:, est sectabat he would give no man his politic- matting a Board of Control,- and appropria. , al support that would vote for the bill m gees- ,tinge portion of the proceeds from license for Hon. .. the erection of a workhouse. • .-- A.COMMIttee conslsidng.of Messrs. Dr. Rows Gee. IL Riddle, Esq., spoke In favor of the ard, :Josiah King, Col. S. B. Clark, Dr. Dale bUtand opposed the resolutions,' giving Ms . ' and John A.lialer was appointed to prepare reasons at some length. It was either right ' - 'business for the meeting. . or wrong to sell liquor—if right, then give alt • '.:.'sensor James L. Graham was called on for an equal chance; it wrong, prohibit it alto. a speech but declined. Ho bald he bad come gather. The present law was an utter failure. • ' to the meeting to be enlightened, and desired - During the last term of the court one hundred - to hear others before he gave his views. .andtwenty-elght bills bad been found against Sir. Ballentine, of Temperanceville, rose to personal for Illegally selling liquor, only forty make a Biotech. of whom bad been punished, and moat of them Mr. B. R. Herr thoughtthat tritons township SO lightly as not to be felt. -The present bill could not be heard Temperanceville should would remedy this matter. remain toilet. Rev. Bell wished to know upon what hypo- Mr. BaUantlne was ruled in order and pro- -- thep i ls It was assumed that the new lima/Dahl M ceeded tO emos tee merits of the bill. He t be con etrictly enforced than the old one, with op posed to it in tote. ,Wilson,made an able. and eloquent . - Mr. larahato, In explanation mild that the speero fn opposition to the bill;darlng which "liquor bill was reported early in Jannary. He Prof , ho paid a merited tribute to the honor, boa iMmediatelyhad it copied emit home for csty; and integrity of Senator Graham, who publicatiOn, and I t eople did metread lt, Wn3 lila neighbor and brother Ltt the Ministry. It wee not las fault' itiril3 pa illshedat /mina He did not, would - not. could. not, for a single month in advance of its : passage, girths- them moment believe that- - either he' or - Mr. Big full lime to act.. baM were actuated Us unworthy motives In Mr. Bellew wished to. know vale copies of the advocacy of the b 1. But they were ma - the bill had been sent to all the liquor dealers, takes, and ho hoped eywonalseetheir error and not to su ch temperance men an Her:Bell In time to arrest the - tide Of intemperance and others.' , ' now aboitt lobe let losoetbrettglunit the State. . . Mi. Grattan replied that he never sent a Get , . R. Riddle asserted that all goad tem .- copy of the bill to a liquor dealer, but bad perukes men ..who had taken the trouble to sent them to-his temperance friends. tee , investigate the matter_ were In favor of the knew of no fend raised to secure its paanan. ; new license few. . After the bill had been.read In the aenate, fort-Dra Howard, Mr. Smith, Rein John E. Me.' weeks and weeks Mr. G. bad longed for an ex- rte. and Alexander Hanna, spoke in appall - Incision from hill tenets-citizens, and yet no ' - 1071 Co the expression reached him, and he, with his Col- J. ,t. Robinson, Esq., spoke briefly la favor leaguer, was left to:do the beet they could tin- of UM bill, - during which Inc drew , a comport der the circumstances and they had done so. son between atilladelplaa, whereto, law alma! The Committee cm iltesolntions, tbrongh its , lar to that proposed, was In Operation, and Chittnitnn . , Rey. Dr. Howard, reported the fol. •aaowed that hettercater was maintained th ere lowing, which were passed: • than In this city. I First. That' said bill ahoula not be enacted The question entire passage of - the . Maeda ' ;.into law, because. no each change In the 1 tions:waa called, or, and atter their passage, liqtior 'Manse law of Allegheny county has ! without amentlinear, the meeting' adjourned. been -asked for by the people, nor to any ex. 1 ... - -- ' tent have they.been apprised of theintentlon • on the !prat of our representatives to intro ' duce ouch a bill; nor even yet is the project known to the mass of the people et the coun . Sevilla. That said b e cau se t bme .: the law oat e Mauna t h at -wh a l e It professes to protect - us more fully front Gm evils of intemperance, bY ftdelng the vice of . licenses, : and requirin g Daillna sum or Money, " we feel fully assured itivill, by throw mg man _ optia the doorlor all. to engage in the retail 1 algoDrkooloot,. greatly increase the evil it ' weald restrain: The retailer bas but to eclat.) _.•:-, the price Of hi /liquor, to make good his therms -.',, . ed expense for license, and' the bail required ..':• he will, as a general rule. have tO secure from 811 fellow retailera;or the wholesale dealer of whom he purchases or of jwhom lie promises , to Database This liquors, 'thereby virtually -. . making the retailer batther agents of the wholesale dealers, and who will open a bonze where aliateraers can be, found, without any , reference to : whether, it. Aortae of entertain ment Is or ihnotneetied In that locality. Third-Mat the said Gill-should not pass, 4 because the wants of-the eernmazdtV LI the . premises require not new laws or alterations of old oneabut the rigid 'enforcement of our lawn as they exist' 11,•)rightly enforced, they." tail to defer as all we can expect from ant' laws based on the.pnneinles of our liquor 11- ~, cease system, th en, and not Inl*.thon, . should they be altered or act abide. Therefore, Resolved, By the people of Allegheny I can In town meeting faeatabled, that we ask of the "'- :members of the Moose of Representatives from a:Allegheny' county, that they use their haw. 'cnee and beat efarta to prevent the farther ain't/Vet3.of eaid bill, and that we hereby. pro test against all such hasty -legislation in tho . . local "affairs of the county as has marked the introdectionund passage of this bill through: ap oo ld oolo ,;,. astriaao — la—Next Thure , - .Hotared, That tre nal; at the handier our enr4 l , - .., l l.l;M i r o tt e f o r n i o .W o an t Ilia,. Blo w n', Courts and municipal authorities of our city, m o m l aajo oy An the banki --- 111 --a - 1.10 - ard fellaew*/ theintreatang OVUM' speratice On a ro o don . ac h hat notes fauth will ehryareek, to . the ftalest ells . nt of thf; dry Will have to Depot/ ma Wegnestla r y ' . E m ; mtsyrevirit,ternhn th nil i tr i, - to neleftli t Zieri_e V: , have expressed ti•delana that tit° atones "}le ea. I closed oaThuraday in Order to arlard eleras lag we Pledge Will= our ~/teaff Y . CG< V 6f.a- an OpPOrtualty_of celebrating the birth-0a of 11 0 11' - -.•- • '. -'. a-- • the- "ratan' of his•eciur.try - Jt .I, .t ithoold be ... InDtaglaialid notilfetit . aai earthing celebrated arab greater enthusiaamlialtds when be mitered the house, and 0 Waa Tat _than It hrsle La an a • ' . gaps Co denouncer e raimufactirers, retail- : -- - q u . YPF .Y4?na 7ear. • r -, . era, nor even the drinker:. of IntoxiCatlar ax les ! il io,, Rionthiy,,. for Match, iis os i , .Ugu>rs. Me did not __believe with some, that ' - alma would be.etentanentwined j,: m. a t t o kt o nil ma:Wanes to grow io merit, it it tatenelY r tt li ti a:sof liquor, Herr( . not. think.' t : was na _ °DlegvlalLni4Airt.4,,,eziitmber,:arnths pp on - 4=B as t!..,T 3 P 32l63 r.Prrisatt geld. Lint he ' . ~ e ,- " &dilastrated. it e n siti n fer ber as - did . 'lntro , that :: intemmrauce bromebt On . hall ''. - ---, eat 5 pages, POrettY: tleqattatte_ll Mbery. and. rap t p 3 4 Vildi e .... elied at .6 cents. Yet saleg John Aztergol - p 'nay= - Akre jevery peasibie re. F. In , 1 .4".1°1 111""" gall ' -1114t1 511. ' tssii , . EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS& LIVERY STABLE, 42.9'PEN. 5 7 111EET. /AIM DAMP t EON, PrOpirlatorm. AIM Q ABRIAGEs fctrulahed for .11 Cs.trivespr For_lera4i, WeildluglATyl WM VIVA-% RIGHT. Pdn" rates. trajhl 4:1 11 J :Ili :71 A trotter of lotOrttt to AIL -- These whose has esscallSthem to the river most; have hotter for yearn .babk a Practice I which exists of ma g coal boats feet to tluY piers the nfohon Bala bridge, in the =M . dlo of the stre.ato. A large numberof barges are also tied up under the bridge, so that a person can easily walk at any time from the - Abore to, the pier. Wo haVe often 'looked at this arrangeanent, and wondered if a more suitable place Could not he foUnd for thti class . of heats, one that would be lees datigereus to themselves, and to the steamboats-below. They are habib atany time to break loose, and it would be impossible. for them to go afloat wittrya. _doin g . . more ... or,.less ase, age. it 13 a matter that we think the coal, boat .- owners themselves, as well as eteamboatmen, and merchants who are Lahipping on steamboats, and also Mauna& rompani es are li:deested in largely. - We no I have a case before: ' mar courts Artstognist of I. an ace !dent which .occurred some time last spring by tepoal boat breaking loose, or being cat loose from'the pier, which floated down .gnOrIS the towsboats, and, soak-four-loaded bargm, beshltek.dolng - .ethos, damage., The amount of damage claimed in mi. ",,, 0 I . rho neighbot.hood of twenty thousand dollars, : addle; isl proVlden flat that the loss 31.10 . not Much Wester: ;This matter should be looked to_ eV once, , anti those - .baring , 1 he..greatest .intcrents at stake. are the arm ..to move first in the - Matter: We do not. know but that the Insurance cobapanles are as largely Intereeted I as any one, and :they !Mould gee to It before the spring freshets come On.. Menial:ollWe Fenian Vengiess-Orgao-. Izallon-kppolutniefts or Cbaimiftees -41peakimiu wt Meeanir • Halt. After Nitta. The meeting of the Fenian Congress ie at present the greet topic of the day. The Delo- Kates hare been fur severtil days arriving In ohr citk, and at present about onotielthare arrived, and every train brings more., The Congress was to have organized yesterday, but the delays incident upon so important an occasion were not wanting upon this, and , nothing more WWI- effected yesterday, than ' merely to organize. art we've o'clock•, M., the Finute not called to order by tot Merphy, Speaker of the ileum of Representatives, and two Commmtttes were appointed—a Commit tee on Credentials, and a Committee on Seats for Members. The remainder of the day test spent by them Committees In the labors te.i signed them. The meetings of the Congress are held at , Masonic !Tall, whlth has been appropriately fitted np for the occasion. The stage Is hand.. I Comely draped with three United States flags, and two Irish battle flags, onrof the latter of I which was presented to the brotherhood a few days since by the ladles of Pittsburgh, and the other by the ladles of Cincinnati. Directly .Over the ceastrl:of the stage is the motto : "Tears will reside not the men that we love. Nor tor sigh, will their keener, exchange them: Then swear, bother, swear, by the great God above,. CM the red battle aeld.to avenge them,' • On the left of this motto is one that reads - "Liberty 03 Death," and on the richt the mot to "Never give in, is the lesson we teach." On the right of the halt are themottoes pies, not men," and "Virtue, Liberty and lode ! pendence." On the left are the mottoes "Deeds, not words," and "Let action be the motto of the hour." In the front of the hall —or probably It would more appropriately be called the rear of the hall, are four scrolls with the name of tho four provinces in gilt letters, .shaded with blue on !white ground, meter, Monster, Lobster and Connaught. Thirty-two shields are hung around the room, each eon. tabling the name of a county. Thirty-two Small green flags, alternating with thirty-six small American flags. The stage was filled with seats for the accommodatiOn of the mem. bars of the Congress, and a number of seats in front wore also reserved for the same pur pose, and for ladles, of whom there were a number present. A short time after the doors were opened, the Roberts Guard .the first Irish military or- Admiration of Pittsburgh, dressed in thelr green uniform, marched in, and took their. po anion on the rear of the stage. Among .the distinguished personages present were Sena tors Sullivan and Carey. lir. Brentian, Captain Welsh, Colonel Murphy, General Sweeney, Senators Gibbons, of .Philadelphla, and Flu gernid, of Cincinnati, Mr. Delany, of Dartford, Colonel Coveay, Senator Brannon, and Mr. Jas. Donnelly, of Boston. The last named gentleman is well known to the literary world under the- nom de phase of Darby McKeon, as a poet of considerable distinction. The civic procession can under the Chief blarshalshlp of John A. Ilbler, of the Pitts burgh Circle. The Marshal for Pittsburgh was Arthur Gildernow, and for Allegheny Steph en Todusey. Mr. ileaphy was Marshal for Bir mingham. Thr names of the Marshals for Temperano.evlile and other preclur I we ere unable to learn. an acieWi as tile crowd in attendance had ob tained seats, and coder was restored, Senator I James Gibbons, a venerable old gentleman, was Introduced, Ile remarked that It was 1111 pleasant at all times to be required to apolo -1 glee for a friend, but It was a palate! duty re quired of him to apologize for the absence of Col. Roberts, who was too unwell to be pres ent, haring over exerted himself during the nest three weers I take It for granted that yon have, crane here to hear the troth ,We have had too much of gilded blarney. You are now standing face to face with men who have a duty to perform, and as sure as Goa is ,in Heaven that duty will be done. Do not air Pet• donut clap now, but when you do clap, let It be to clap pour hand upon a rifle, and , - bear it to the Geld. In Ireland we belong to the hewers of wood and drawers of water, and It Is thought that nothing can succeed tulles. It is under the leadership of some of the no. ' Milli The London Timer is no more thecae , my of Irishmen t ban those Irishmen who bare 1 joined "F. to s ag Ire y eln a m i n e ' a t t theiri s guard in London, because you are going to try to liberate Ireland. We arc a. dangerous •set of men, bat it Is to England and not to our selves Ireland asks you the question,wilt you let your brothers pine In Rrltlah dun geons? Yon mast look the question fairly in the face. You must swear to liberate your brothers or perish in the attempt. Col. Sweetly was then Introduced as he rose to his feet three cheers were given for him. He remarked that he was opposed to making epeethea.We have bean - talking for years, and what hare we accomplished I Talk is sometimes necessary to explain and arouse, but we have arrived lit the time when we must i drop the orator and takenp the soldier. We ( moat light., or our names will go down to pos terity. as braggarts, empty braggarts We must redeem our boasts by deeds. We have a herculean task to fusels with the British Em pire. We have had the struggle before, and hare failed,l but we will try it again, and if we fail, we will fall with dignity, and with the sword In oar hands. It Is the came cause for ( which Washington fought and conquered, and Ifor which Hoachisko, Hobert Emmet and Mb. eni, died. Wo will be a warning to our cue. toles ;lotto despise the wareingan of the Irish- From boyhood, the dream and passion of my ; life has been to liberate my country from the worse than 'Egyptian bondage by which it was enthralled, or to die in the attempt We. must succeed. If we fall bow, the stain of eternal infamy will attach Itself to us. With all the advantges which we possels, our chances of success are almost certain. Large purchasea of arms and win material have been made, and we are pre paring for the contest in the only way in which it can be made euccessfull. aridly/edge you my word as a soldier that by the time the summer min gives the hill tops of old Ireland ; that banner (pointing to the 'righting) will be waving crrer her soli Will you do lii (Tel.) I I have been for three Weeks past talking In. Cessantly to dur countrymen, preparing them for the struggle which wo are on the eye of, and lam rely much fatigued. I thank you for trio attentivemoaner In which you have listened to my reArks 1 Mr. liinesbeing introduced, remarked that while he was pleased to meet no many, be was not •pleased at being intruded upon them, while there were no many speakers present But,he continued, I wall say a tow words Aug ! gmted by remarks that had been made con cerning our Will tary leaders. There la wit use to contradict the calumny to the effect that Gen. Swerhy ham his eyes on Canada. I am not going to eay where We are going that would be contraband, but if we do go there, it will be fertile outpost, of getting a foothold to kick British tyranny out .of Ireland. He I referred to rumors that were afloat to the et. fectthat an e xp edition would own rail from New York, and said, to show you the iniprac tieribtlity of sending an expedition from New York, I have only to refer yon:to the recent seizure of a vessel without even a pop-gun on I board to warrauthordeteritiod, because It was aripposed she was bent upon a Chilean expert!. I lion. The chances are all against an expedl. I don from Nest York . To ask the Irish people , to rise until they are areermed and equipped, Is to be an agent to their slaughter, and no hottest man would be willing to jeopardize Metopes of Ireland in such &manner. Nature ties pointed out a road to reach the heart of our enemy. Ido not eaysfe are going to Ca. nada. It would require an army of 200,00emen to guard the frontier and they have 7,503 reg. Wars, and ea,eo 3 militia in Canada. You know bow well they Light. They are very well on paper,but poor on muscle. We have notb. g againat the Canadians, but le ,anltithman sae the red Slag of St. Oebrge. dyed in the blood of his countrymen, end Ise cannot help fighting. Let there be in the Geld a well drilled force who have learned war ande roar of eannen and the ttle of rifles, hen put your Irlab bandit on tho market. Let the bonds of the Irish Government rest for security upon the British possessions, and they would than have an intrinsic value among. Americans as well as Irish. Let oar flag float over British soil and. our bellgeran. ecpp will hare to be acknowledged. Let there be fifty privateers on the ocean to• prey upon British commerce, and you will soon raise any blockade that may be placed upon the coast of Ireland. Let the Gres of revolntlOn shoot OW trout every hUI top in Ireland until the whale country Is in a blaze. I be lieve that sea can force England to come down upon • her knees, and ask as our term., without polluting the soil of Ireland with the blood of a single British hireling , . The speaker oeunnented at name I length upon the damaging effect thermion , movement would have upon British commerce, while on_ the contrary Sts effect Ural Ameri can commerce, trade and manufactures would he, of a favendile nature, Ile melte of the dal - caging elfect that an Minted paper our. rency would here upon:England, with her already large national debt.,• If the English deny us our rights, it will entail their Mood upon their own heads. Ido net extra to make war upon the Canadians, but I wilt take ad. en of holds / rhTit ts t& o P r ig 7 3 , 7wii th lgf liligires of MY coun , try. I would take any spottliat, England calls her fight OWD,n and make it my battle Geld. Igo In I for! g Derr, three thousand miles away 1 from lien bane of sapplies. Dm for Dublin Cattle, there to plant that green hag, and I dines care if I go-there by the way of New I York or Halifax. t Mr. Hine.s was followed by Mr. Fitzgerald, of 1 eillzialleti, era Sir . Sullivan, of Auburn. We (.had taken Dottie of their remarks, which we ; wouldhavebems.pleased to helm told before , our readers, beta presis of other matter ren ders it imposable. Stallealt to say, that then their aneethea breathed the Bailie spirit as PredeoessOrs, and like theta they intimated Martha time for action's at hand, and that ere long the world will be startled by the de. ellaYb Within of the realms. To-day the Congress will be in teal= with Mined dotes, but to-night there will be aneth. In er a p y u s b n l bs i 6 or ° l e b e e ttn tot ar al d w o b tli te e h m 4l oV l ll b e e hr desire Home Id salon AMsniveraney.—Tho first Anniversary of the Home Bfig. lo,l SOCIet, or thearabOdiStiEpUICOPSVICI Rill be held at Christ IL E. (Murat, this even !ng. at half past seven o'clock. Amides addresses from Rev. E. B. Snyder and. Rev. Dr. Holmes, inter esting repents. wlllrba . read of the operations of the Society and the work accomplished or the city missionaries, Rte. J ifolimushead and W. Long, Store thalt usual interest aliOnid be felt by all In regard tO4llO incotingtrinn the fact this systematic effort to evangelite the lIILLSAeIi has hood :Attended with is very en. couraging degree of success. . The Ptetabaratr dYnatinsinut."4" wish to remind our readers of the fact that the an nual exhibition of the Pittsburgh Gym.rtsium comes oft to-night at 15111:113a J.ialL These ex hibitions have always been looked forward tO with a great dent of Interest, and we hope that this, thefirat since the reorganisation, will be well patronized. where be 'upward., of 'thirty - performers, all of whom ate connected with the institution. . • • . • • lin,witrxta,ihKeraf _ 'GARDINER , COVEIs, Age.nf tor f-tuer-fritikun,lndiatolphls BlattinOni 20. nines Gompsolel, 2iotiti•ea k e3 carper WWI) wag, "ter L. JDNES I Agent fOrthe liOrth f 01.71 tri=n r ) l 3e s 6 gniglitgrfliNgts SAiaIIUEL HEAL, ticeretaX7 tbe anniViltrallfo3.FP ROBINSON p . ricCLEAN & CO., Itankerh• and Rrokere,. lio. 75 Fourth' Street. Pittsburgh, Dealers In all kinds; of Government !Seen Hiles Gold and Sliver, I:nearer/It flank Notes, Foreenit and Dooaettlo Exettabge., ete,, re i grno ' re e dli7fige e ffako in st,,tr " di l sPegt_n ne a 7. n;.ld lo' In all parts of the United mate a on most * ss.voraut . e 1.419.6. • Orders executed with isaatch for rrerythinir In the betslneas at the Boston. New York,rhllldelphla, and Plttahurgh Brokers' !Scorns strictly onconsial.,. slon. Dr 9. aw on H. CLEWS d New York, .T.'rnorr, a CO., Philad..iptil.s; Messrs. C. D. & H. Haft. liosteon. FINANCE AND TRADE sirocn 4voTATIoNs CORRECTED IrT ELOELESON, WCLEAH & CO., 73, FOCRTO STREET. S . S. sires. MI.. U. 8. C. S. Certificate. p. F.W. &C. R. R-100 00 5900 1400 59 CO- 91 53 Clevaland CPU - MAO) W 75 61 7900 7yoo Allegheny Valley— 50 00 —• ID 03 373 - 3Beghany & Manch LA 051 Birmingham Connellsolllc 63 00 933 97575 5 60. 975 Citizens.— . Pitts./ liteubenT'le 59 131 500 600 500 503 Penn3yl4ania ••• • 55 09 54 50 54 75 54 75 Book Plll.3otitall ..• 50 03 60 CO MOO 03 50 Al GO Pint Nittotoll 100 00 160 00 LWOO Second Nat10n91....160 OD 193 03 I^y CO 191 GO Third Natioital.....lCO 03 124 to Younh Nat10mi1....160 GO 113 00 112 00 M. & 31. National... 60 CO GO 00 61 03 di 00 ELVA •V i t ".l t ° 3 0 . 0 ) oi?M° fa 0p " 00 Lron City National. 90 03 79 OD CO 00 79 ro Citizens Natlooll.. 60 00 90 00 91 CO 60 75 Allegy 'National CO l,O 50 67 00 97 0, Nat IlkCommerceloo 0) 106 GO -110 00 168 CO Peoples' NatiMal..lo3 CO 10103 103 10 103 03 Parlaere Depo4ll.-100 00 1:000 Gernuat 104410001-100 00 140 00 140 GO Tnidesmaxis , Nat...No 00 MO 00 123 0017 A tm) Zing (A4cs.) Nat. aim 00 125 03 —l2lO Becon , l(enca-LNat.loo 00 • I , lrst Birtng.) Nat. 100 W Manch. 09c1u65 , .... Co 0002 tom r:321799-993. gtra 1= Man. d Merchants.. z.oa - Monongahela :17 dal Penney 'rants 5000 4500 .1500 6003 ?Mahar(' h ez 03 Western .. 4i tal German ..... —lOO 01 15111130 Y. 26 (.0 0 W :CO 23 73 (.0 GAS. 2.3 Co 2501 .10 GO 00 01/. Birmingham... lImA Htrett.... Monongahela.. t. Ilarr Streer. Allegheny.. Birmingham Pit •bargh. C01umbia...........00 00 24 22 24 20 24 lrell. .10 GO 124 2GO 1 GO C 1 w taloa ... 140 2.5 2204b42, Feb. 49, 4229. Gold opened this morning at a further de cline. Foreign exchange has tided Wirer der• in the past week, than at any time since lad. A large proportion of the late importations having been placed In bond, there is less de- mand for gold to pay caste= duties, while the large balance in the United States Treasury• enables the Government to assist the down- ward movement from time to time. Repeated reports of large treasury sales, and the In,. mediate passage of the funding bill together with the ritreordlnary fall In exchange have combine to bring gold down to present quo. tatlons. Th'e policy of the Government would seem to be to prevent any further decline In gold, since no authority will be given to in. crease the Indebtedness of the conetry by issuing any bonds below par; and, with a fur. they fall in gold. and the present rate for Five Twenties abroad, they would be at once sent borne, and so depress the market here as to render impossible the fending of the currency In long bonds at par. bold-bearing bonds lost to-day retreat the rt.e made during the week, and shanll gold continue to fall they will probably sympa thize to some extent. Sbcen Thirties itre firm and scarce at the following quotations: Au gust, tin aeries) 993,“ J one, 9311; July, %%fp ti Compound Interest notes are constantly Improving—wet quote June, lgat, VA, premium July, Angust, P4l Octobet,lH; December, 4 31 gay. 18D VI; August, September and 00- tober, IBai, lk a s the • current buying rates In . this rattrket Our local -Mods market exhibits britilt4e I aeiIVDY. andtbat, mair.lytaward hank:mares. Private telegrams' from New Torii. vcieort strong stockmiarket. The. oil board. las been unusually active tar some days past, and the aggregateof salts very large. Oura.trick bid , hers are now doing more In some favdritoleew York stocks than any nearer home. Cold mining etocke are coming largely into notice again. ammo new improvinnente Quartz 'dining hid fair to work a involution, and greatly enhanee the value of investMents in Colorado andldatto. t correspondent *ffics ns, "the now Lyons disemegratingproceesi has mat been tasted on a large scalo in Denver City, and proved a triumphant 'access. The yield of quartz gold 13 now increased from 10 to BO per coot.' Mining has hitherto' beamto a grate:dent carried on by brute force, the 7applloaktion Of the lowest powers of • ntittne. • Thoroughly acienthie nalning,the application of mechanies as now_underal,ood, will some day not far Ms. taut wonderfully cheapen the cost of getting out the precious metals, and largely Increase the product over the present annual returns —January SI, IDS 6, the undoubted proflte of the Mullis Of the city of New York, ammonted to slf,,isSati. Tuts is about eighteen (le) per cent of their capital, No wonder that the Treasury Department Is very desirous of plat.: tog this large amount of money In a taxable posltion. In magnitude it nearly equals the Item of circulation 'returned by these bank's, tithi betas at the time above mentiOned only eD,517,730. —Tho two oldest and perhaps most famous farms In the Venango oil regions, Tarr and Egbert, are now producing a total ofnbont 1900 barrels per day.: The former is eddlinated at 4009, the latter at M. Tarr Farm once re joiced In a 3:00 barrel—tho"Bhllllpa d: Egbert". was honored by the •Tontiette"—a fa barrel well. But these wells aro now producing, the former '2OG and the latter 75 barrels daily. . . Beetlota of Utica; at Pittabttrigh, per , Penneyllvatdo Msettroad troto June - Int f to September lat, ISC3. .. (From the Quarterly Trade Circular.) Motel. Moths , i Asblmad,July, tone . :4 ...._ - A...„„., ton. ...... ... . • .__ 1 Bell'e Mills, June, tons 41, " ••• - August, tons 11% Conemaugb, " " 33(4 —I Columbia, June, tone 6.42 X July, 0 .. .. ...... . .... &I ~ 4.ng. .. ..... .2,41.'3'.1 , Dutteaunqu. June, tons 10% -- 1 Dttneaneyllle, June 0 G2' 6.1 H July, " rut lore' v e. Aug. " lloward,-Juue 0 5. I Einitlogdon Jtme ' ' July.' " 1 . - 11' ••. •;•,- , • Aug. 0 ... - 1 , ,:1 , c ...- Harrisburg, June " " d i 1 Joy, .....,..,.:, 4. 2l ug. .............. 1 aoutapbtirg, , j u ar .: : -., ... ••• l i r-- . :l 2Lt i.. Anr,"... ili s , -•-.. us, ~. Lancaster Aug. ,x, 12:. • , 11.uldletotert, June, ".- lr o ii •, '''--..- Einryrille,Tuly Lf i 4 ' - ' - ' Ilft,Urtlon, 0 .... - .in 2 -• - .4.- " Aug. " -- Peterttns, " • ' 4-- Ali Spruce - Creek, June, " *-- 100 1 ;4 July, 0 ~. ...... 104 i Tyrone, June,Aug. 94 12 July. - •.- , •i.....• . rt-- " Au g' ..-. 4 Boitolll Nieprrutt EOSTOW, Feb. 17.—The demand ter pig !sauna moderate, telt stipples of forelgtitgime forward slowly, and are mostly taken previous to ar rival. The baroness of the market continues to imitate very full prices for Search, winch is mostly wanted. being relatively cheaper than the domestic article, though prices aresioir tending to an 'equilibrium. -Stanufactnred iron is-selling in small lots at about previous - m . t.' smell We note sales of Sootohillg No.l at Pt fS7 per ton for tbe best brands, the 'lnside fig nre for lots to arrive, - Attnerlean is selling in small tote at COW per ton, for the different numbers, tint the market Ls weak at these figures. Charcoal Ingle selling et itldati per ton, cash. Bar Irma liMited demand and but/Irma store are /telling at 41150:420 for *nit- Ilab common,• Unite per' ton for do refined. American relined bar is fishing at Ilidf*Atl.Per ton from uunsufactuiers*, bands - and: emanaltS from fame. Railroad iron is soiling_t SYCaMi gold, per. too, for 'English, adp.SeS7,l4, cur rency,-tor American. Holler plates are In:fair demand at so for flanges, 7.0 for C No:1, sell a3S per lb for common and tank. ;luta...aim a abode easter et teetso "E_pgitsh ois steady at P.iii/OXe. Nolm are talMli - - N c. pet lb for assorted SiZe9.—Zullign. 80064 . Berton; Feb: IT—The market 11 a Mania easier for codfish, and the enneesslon In rates has stimulated Mt Ineznaltog depbsnd, espe• elally tor good shipping lots - tor the West In. fait trade. eaten ot meditate and largeat !Mt tnettuung English and Treuetimmalleyaticy qtl, Hake are senintt dt nt00,3,7,4 Pollock fd e 5,75 per qtt. - -21aekerel are dm but quiet. e . quote No. allay at gt7gt17,50, tuut there g2l 0 , 22 i sat 04 per MA: dtepayate la moderate detaandatre. per _., Pickled , herrintr Are 4011 at VP, pe r . td.! Box herrlngans Belling et cOo Per . 1 09,k tOk 2(o, and sealed,. , MMI • wpwiwzr nial". 7 l, • . $1446,-4,6 ~ 6. Ikesers it 4;12 bales tical t v aerstt .co; Plass" 1 z133 3 , P.AtFa4B4l:l, l N , i 51Xkles benp; CliNce IMIEEZITZI Par. Alia.aUi d Last Salet 104 00 104 101 00 —101. s 25102 25 04 :a 59 75100 05 - -91 00 94 25 91 00 25 03 ca =Own. --- - - MOD ..-- 30 00 2.9 03 "--- 03 00 -- mm- - - 211 1 "9 'I -- '4 00 E 0 CO - Special Diepatels topic Pittsburgh Board of Trade. CaleAtio, February 19, Ica, Ft.o l / 2 —Quiet and unchanged at $1t,46734. GRAlN—Wheat, quiet, at 9 1 .,r791 for No. I Spring. Corn boilable at 99. Oats steady at 19 for No. 2, and 51.4 for tio. L .‘ P0ry,172 . 113 at E):04. Balk Shoulder, 10):. Sldia eina at lati. Pickelad Hams 10417. pzlrsultr.vm iIITOCES IA NEW 1801313. Special Dist,Stet tO the Western Press. Nem YORE, February 19, There was les3 liCtivity in Petroleum Shares to-day, but the market wen generally steady-. Palmer was in demand et 4,a5, and Bllyen at 3 ,83, Haw SleClintock was acure et 4,68 and Pltholeat /1,00. Other stocks were as follows : Brooklyn, SS; Benton, 1,45; OCCatIIC, 59; Oil Creek, 5,13; First National, 48; Bradley, 45; Em Pies City, Si; Shade River, %CO; rotted States, KM; Webster, 95. NEW YORE PETROLEUM MARIMT Special Dispatch to Western Pres.. NTW TORII, February la, Itae. Petroleum cull and heavy, with 5=4 sal es - of. Crude at 30, and Relined in baud at tsG,t7c. MARKETSBY TELEGRAPH Raw Yong, Feb.l9.—There was increased ac tivity and buoyancy in railway speculation at early open board, at the Stock Exchange. The market was weaker and fell oiT as call ! progreased. After session the entire Improve , meat was 'lost, and before one o'clock cell market. was Mfil per cent. lower than yester. day. At the Last board the rket was lowor oil Pittsburgh but steady. On balance of list the market was generally quiet, however, and transactions were on a very moderate scale. The following were the closing prices at, 4:,0 P. x : Now -York Central, • Erie, • RN; Hudson Elver,. likliT; Evading, 101 . 31; Michigan Central 193550C1 Michigan Southern, 70%; Cleve. land It Pittaburgh, Cleveland and Toledo, Rock Island; /65vt.Northwestern, ; do. preferred, S' 2 l.s;Fort . Wayne,tllli• The goy. ernment list was quite steady but business was Only to a moderate extent In fair demand for money on call, with no new business tinder, 6 per cent. State bonds quiet but Inn, with small sales. Gold market heavy and lower, and.closed at 13N. New Nark Market. New Yale, Feb. 19.--Corroe—Rather more steady, but not very active at 41c for middling: Pcoon—Dull, hoary and common grades lee Welower at 1,,410(A9i for extra common to rood shipping brands of Extra Round Hoop Ohio. Weiser—Heavy and declining. Clasrs.—Wheat dull; common grades Howl. rally 2 , 011 e lower. Corn without decided' change. Oats dull at Skiii2Ofor unsound west ern, and 6.10110 for sound do. Onoceirms-Coffee dull. Sugar rimer; Cuba Efuscotrulo, Iay.ONLNc; Molasses enter. , Paraotemi—Quiet• at Sac for Crode, add Li (ill7c for Refined in Bond, Psovistoss—Pork without decided change at s23,fdgriS,B74; New Mess. closing at irM,e4f, cash; . 12/1 for Old, do.A. SNl,fof32l for Prime, and rtme , w for ptv a : It t z e d4r. liaf .s e it tr i fie o r t i . tt l ig2 Cut Mess. Beef hams heavy at 111141,50.. 1 eats arm at for shoulders, and /4.4618Y,0 for Hams. - , Bacon qmet, • Dressed Hogs quiet at Whelglie for. Western; and lluo for City. - Lard miner at. 16918%c; also do kec Prime Nettie,' rendered,March, at la Bauer gran at 721g11e for Ohio, and SIO rStatc. Cheeseateady Pt 16623 e. Cincinnati Market. .:•Ourcieaer, Feb. 11 —FLoon—Remains on changed, both asregards prices and demand. (ALAlN—Wheat la dull at $l,BO for• No. 1 New Red. Corn 15 'steedy and in fair demand, at b3c for No.lahelled., Oata are dull at 35c No. 9. Rye is dull and_priect nominal at 77e for No. 1. PROVISIONS—FIrmar hot quiet, as neither buyers or sellers are disposed to operate free ly Mess Pork higher, closing 'at *29, 00. Balk meats firm -at 141401561 Ce. for Shoul. ders, sides, clear Mir and clear shies. Bacon firmer, and in good Jobbing demand, at 1440 1830 for shoulders, sides and clear sides. Lard firmer and prices higher, closing at 100 for prime City. Orsoceruss—Dull. Corms—Dull ist 41a for Middling. Wuraire—.Dull and prices nominal. • 001.0-137. • • Chitago Market. Oasis—Wheat opened at a deeltne of 94 of a cent. tinder Mood speculative - demand And rallied, closing ctit/bgaitbn4. Oata , . Moir Wises—its title more active. Bglea _ . .-Eaortatona-Tleaa Pork - advanced 25 per tent. -Sales at t80,214353,50,'-closlng at the out. , side., Bulk Ideate .gulet ; Clear Side% loose, 1T'(; rough , 13;(. Lard 11rmer, at it9agl,e. Xel transacUons rln Other articles. /Ave liogs %wave, and advanced; Dressed Hogs. Inner, at 1 1e1 1 14. - ' - ' Austere-2,025 •barrels Flour; .1,900 bushels Wheat; 1.100 bushels :Giro $ 1,100 Raga ; 900 Dressed Hogs; 1,900 barrels. Fleur ; Mad Wheat New-York Mock sod' Money !Market. New Toes, Feb. 19.-31,51:Ley- market quiet and steady at 6_ per cent. '(;Old Is a shade low er, opeelne at 15eil and closin at 127% . a 07- Arnsuent 13 backs. gated and S g auer Stocks heavy:. Ss, notes, 74.1 s 2d Series, m i : United Orates , One -Tear . New LSS4O, ; wontem Union Telegraph, STU; New rcir - Central, 92%1 Erie, 8156; !Leading, lalqi Inch- I igen Central, 50156; Fort Wayne, oi, ; Ilichl, gun Southern, 7 '; Northwestern, ....ay. l do preferred, 6534 $ e, 1.9 . .7,4 ; Chicago and Al. ton preferew4 ' - ?few York W eiarissakstelteinent. NEI" Toni; Feb: 19. - La u ,. _. . Lt" e09„.41 increase et S S,S I, 2 Specie, 1 ,7(.:5 Increase ,. ; '- 42,800 Legal Tenders; 01,802,9E0 Decrease, 2,,M3,033 'Deposits, - /29,177.29 g ...Sin:reale, , 1,075,C7 York Nowk Seed rturkrt. • ?trap York. rob:/7. , •••••Cf L orirr continues d is li r as 4 t wines still favor hums] miles Sk`icki bag" at nke ir rents. •Vitoothr is 'without move, meat; ye quotO n 015 34 ingl i r, at t itia. flax tr. in verr moderate =um ammai awes at .valantta Lfzuseed 13 offered to route - cutout ImBo3tOZI; lit.4F . Di 'ci,Pr 71:470 betkil ottOosirl. ' - • - prrrssultmillfOßEn• Onicre OTTSlPrersarsal Gamma,: almost% Feb.- 18, UM S i ' The general markets have been exceedingly dull and depressed to-day, owing partially to the -inclement conditioned the we ather. There is bet n limited demand for any of the lelidlng commodities of produce, and' hit bat very few roun.Llot operations, prices are en tirely nominal, though the tendency is down ward. Cold.dropped to IWy; in S'esr York to. day, which is the lowest it has touched for some • considerable time, and It Is thought by litany It will go still lower. GRAlN—There is no demand whatever for Wheat, and, in the absence of sales, we Omit quotations. Earley la dull, but without quota ble aliangaianles to-day of 1 ear Fall at 901 and —ost the 10th-2000 bash Spring nt 75,—C0 days. t u, Oa dull bat nominally unehanged—maybe qu ted at oto ac, on track , and' he usual ol eo for small iota front store. Bye is In fair de d; and. sells readily at :OW.S. Shelled Corn Is =land nominalat (Z 1465. FLODII-rThere Is - no itoprovement to note in demand, and the market isnitlet,and prices are nOminally unchanged—tie continue to' cinote.‘-fot small lots front store—at .9 to AM« R' L "PgifiT,Leilf•an an ti dld to $10,46 for Winter. 4.:,. per barrel. linckwtr i gi Flour Is l a ti.tir S'- deniand:and held firmly-at Wiper bbl. PEOVIguIarSIONB--Bacon is quiet hot steady, with :re sales t 15c for ShOulderst 18 for Ribbed Sides, B and M. 5.224 for Sager Ctrred Hates. ,Lard la dull but unchanged et Marl for etrantry, and 18 for prinie kettle ren dered. .I.teas Pork quiet and unchanged. BUTTER—Ia in very good demand, and prime Roll ECUS readily' at tO to 4dcents—arri vals light and supply limited. • EGlCi.—There is a good. demand for fresh packed, and we can report sales at 10. CHEESE—Steady - with afair demand at 21 for liambarg and 27.10 r Goshen.' SEEDS--Binall sales from store at 117 to la*Z. , for Clover, I and kb i% for Timothy. Flax seed is in demand a 112,7 a. FOTATOES — Unchanged—rogularaales iron; store nt $1,15g10) per hush, and f1ih:63:4 , ,, per barrel._ APPLES—Demand light bat prices ave . un cbanged—a6% per bbl—the latter figure only for choice., • PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET Orem: or Telt PITTB#OZI3I2 OitprTit itiOnDaT, Fels 19, 1401. CRUDE—There was not a - single transaction In Crnde today that we could bear of, and while the market may be termed quiet, the general tone of the trade den - snot denote weakness. For &Dire delivery there Clams to be conalderrable inquiry, and Wipers world doubtless contract pretty freely were It not for the unsettled condition of affairs at pre, ant, and the uncertainty In regard to the (a. tore. As it Is, we hear of offers to hay at 18, to be deliveiext an the opening of navlratlon, and offers to sell at 19. The recent rains - will pro bably open the Allegheny River again, and with navigation fairly resumed, we may rea sonably look for large arrivals of oil, as there Is said. to be &largo accitilat ion at the well, REFINED—There Is I considerable In quiry for bonded Oil for f tiler delivery, while for present delivery the demand Is very slight and the market excessively dull. On the spot we hear of offers to:sell nt 40 cents, without coding buyers. Sale of 1500 bbls, "Nonpareil" brand, to be delivered between theist and 15th of April, sellers option In Ph Iladelpb la, at 47. Free oil is doll and drooping—may be quoted at in JO N. NAPTHA AND RESlDlTUld—lliere is an Improved demand for Residuum, and while there is more disposition to bur, prices are not quotably higher; sale of SCIO },his at fit 't. Naptlia Is very dull but nominally unchanged. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE PIALliir,T Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Pansorzrins, Pelt Pi, 'eGi. CATTLE—The cattle market is rerN dull this Week and prices are unsettled and rather lower. About 2000 head arrived sad sold at prices ranging from ISQIC eon islc.r =lra; IV Utc for fair to good, and ireiVii rent• per id tar common, as to QUl:atty. SIIEEP—Are unchanged; about EOOO bead Sr. rived and sold at from ito cents per lb grow, as to condition. COWS—Are rather dell; le.o head sold at 630 .630 for springers; and S4A§ICO p e r head for mulch noire. ROOS—Are scarce; IWO head artlyed and ■old at the different yards at from al3ls(Piai the 100ihs, nett. enicAco MARKET Limn, Wool. and Prtitanznm anabangad New York Finance and Trade . _ Boatota Wool. Market __ ..., ll. L o) , ros, Feb. i:.—S.ale. of domr , tie for tbe -- --------- -- r — ----- - •- -- -.- •- - — 7 - week foot up ...ante a:4,00u It, - at about the pre- leigg 10, I, 1-51. Er BANE ..... JH. ANSI= i vlOns range of. 1 - 70 far st aright Int., of nerve, ..10111/. ; 1 90 n. , 1'11.4.NE & ANJED., CO.ILVILSSION and 63(375c for super awl ca=re pnlle.l. 111tere .- ,- -.- lIIERCIIIINIES stades/era In FLOM OXUS - has been considerable ricers worn. however,aria PeoDUCE..* Secant/ street, between Woogl.nr.d mid outside the4e fla - nre ,, , eonsit log of very SPRING, 4.11. It ANGErifENT: ~t ralthrk.lrt, PlEtabarith. aptlrly CllOlO3 and select tots nf r dill blood West Vi- , • . rue.. SOTTVII ..... Jolrrg ATRIn; 5. 4 Snaker_tzeo --- rata, Penrusdrlinln and 01110, a hie!, Ire m arl , y : . =canted anti readily Anna pricer ranging Irmo ? porTER, -ALEEN &. SHEPARD 3to 95e. Indeed, we ha Nelau• lv ...en a to , . of -.. C. , e,n_isant Mernitano. land dealeraln Forelgtt gossamer-like flnene-m an I -min,s of staple, MONONGAHELA RIVER • and Loon.-sl.l, Fru Os. Flow. limo, Chcea.. , ErEN. . . Koala and pol Anne rot:emir, No. ma/LIRE/UV which cannot he mooed Alton( of Ey, In- . STRX,IIT, uppr , ltv Par,rnger DepaZ. rict...bnrlrb. elude good loth of Wester. fleece at ti:c., . — -- We; New York at Co7Vlfx• 2, ~n. llnot nthire not , ' 1 " Pittsburgh. Bri)trnscille and Geheva C IiAItLES C..-13ALS1LET. Produce setae at W.G7Oce rotatuon nod medium Onto at 9 awe Couvut,,,K4. Werchaut, Warltutve "So. = 8508 e: fine and chafe., no :2 , -.4.7e, t,,,,,,,0, lb, . , LIBEETY SrktE.l 7 .T. .Pitt.aare , , • I'.. Wholesale 5 Harrison Co. no, ; Gild :41(e :139 Wanbingtent .. , .dealer la Butter, Ch,,,e, Lard, E..,., , - , , Port , are ~ C0.,1M., ISM. In Canada, 100,0A0 In; ~..else corn- kif , tictisi LANE; .. Sean, Ta=lon, Itathers. firaaa+,', Potatoes. , Oa. binggold at 8.5 c, wit.,ll one more In[ of the some . , hay. Drted From, IN•rcen Frans, voter, rkar. ottallty left upon tits market . In foroltm the • Grata, Clcor tidal, Ttoant4- ~e ^, l -. Flax Paean. , dame nal rnultry Pa,- •lir - sO nO. a given ' tO sides embrace elan lob: or Cape at :::;q4 - sc, . 3Fs.a.cope-T,,Tia (o,ci f rn i s.sr,, .7 . pr,_,•“. C0,,,,,i,, • •••' - ------- .... 15 'destine at 35 , 34,0 c, and ALlLralta II at ifs.—Pal- fain, Wiil run Hare &silt ...side-wheel steamers-tietwoon l'll/s l •'-rel Menong4,,, inv. Brosru6 vtlic. - F.lce'a TH ISIPOR BY RAILROAD. ~. .,alto “T.Cpsbory, E,. ,, ,,V r 0 and theDunfard vll 1 PliTsurfitall,lOnT Warn& ,t fiftnAGo. R. A .th Ethtl'. 1.,5 lthc ' l, ^othlessed of the f 0 110. 1.3 I Feb. 19.-11 DUB oil. S M Kier It co; 6 cks pearls reamer, ` • J B Canfield; 17 pkga grease, F Seller. A co; 1 Itbl lard, S S Martin{ 1W bbls door, tsbomaher . ..-.T.-`...1 I"A Mogi 6 cars m eta I, b iZ e lnd , cl; tr. fri c f „ l ,,, ,bl l s cl , ry CAVE - 1 - 1T .. ~. t APT, S. C SPEY Rs. no ' 7 irroo ke r g la w s l fp d n ' t s t i o e h bi 0 n: ' . ' t:bi , i T s - 7. ,, ,, 5 . ,, ,i f i5. ,,, t,t 0d ie? , .. T urTA E .. 1 ,.. j . ,, , ,..:,':: } '" .. 7 , ,... • c,...,-,5,CF,TAT.P21.5.'..1v.:...L8.cAnCAR,C41.131;,::...• cornbusks, I fray it Clark; 10 bbls flour, W Bingham; '34 sal • • • rage, Markle g to, Ibe tobacco, Atwell, Lee A Throe patwets wilf [care Pittsburgh daily at •o. co; 3 bbla butter, li Riddle; IS Obis dry apples, '4 1. , 1 ..1 . ,'.1..,; .+!..i.escept .nriday. sober me deatuyire Cook, Bro A co; I'. hes son p, A rbockics at co; 15 ' ' l"` --* °_ ' .- f . ! Pltgti ' r ' r r .ti. "‘ '-1 dally D' aroli r . m L h .. Aleo l P I - Vii °,-' 6;17 ' a l it ' l ' ral do do, 11 A Fahncsrech i 'lei. , & en; 1 ear stares, J J Ralya. Prilliltra&a, COLLWAX". AND CP;OINIVATI a. R.ltertireitloC.—Leawis Brownsville for Pittsbarra Fob. 15.-41 bolls p•tper, Prltsbargh Paper Cu; 15 i Sally at 7 a. Int and &.p. or. ban candles, Kiri:p.m - Ica s. Herron; Paper Ibis :3 , _Leaves Greensboro and Goners al Is aw•in../ ; aka eloveree.eil, %V P heck ten ; 10 half bbln bn Is ' .r . ,,,% " ' ee l ,',,,ll d eh th e , , _ at 2, p. th minim Our at , o ',act ter, L H rolgt 6 CO; 5 Ice bams, 3 H Parker; 1 ' The b ee ~, 1. 0h , p .,,,,,, ei . nr , t ,." „,,,. i ear nest J Durrlnatian: 10 nij lihiS. LtIMPICO ile...Mtr... built r< H_,. for Me tr•de ' They ull OR Co; 100 bbls flour, P. Knox SS on ; .3. , S logo , b e ~,ded bs. nalccr, of lor, ertwri..n[o. 0 1,.1 wheat, D Wallace; •100 bids dour, Graham A CM pay portleurar aye:atoll to :Le want • oriii....n.. Thomas; 99..3 port bulb moat, .l Llppinentti:' , 7l fort of P. , tenfterr• l'he soat , e 11l les, orfnript • bash oats. Campbell A Brown , at the hear adverd..l ClrlingLAlrD it PlT,Arrtfill RAIL ROAD ' Feb. 11-1 curs pig iron, Mattel: It en; 1 ntave Freights Reieived at all Rout's. machine, F Dibble:a ill bile tobacco, Prete- fold it Bro; 23 bids dry apples, Volgt .t et); ih< .roe fort lier part lelilars, enquire of • glass, Baketvetl, Pear. It en; 1 ear load lathe, 11 - 1/.1-1.A..11 ItIeELFWV. se:mt. n eewan g on; U. bale: brryou, enn t, . it 11 :‘ ,,,, ; At the Wharf-Boat, foot orGrant Si. , Pitt,inirii I. L. CoLVIN, Arent. 14 bait Whifity, lattlo & 3lceltllng; 17 barrel, , „ am t 6 Brownsville. 1., .ta.co-, al liletmllongli; IS do lime, Ring a ern -.-. ' --.. —... 3 bbls OnitrY, J Huthem ; 1 Corn libeller, 1 otrt t bag bx, White Lim I en: 3 able hatter. N boars 1866. Wirfat 1866. Doper, 11 Rlddle; 1 uses Inbtioen, D Wee, 1 bbl oil P D May; I nth 1.111 tPr. T l' lenlrin , , If . SrEED, SAI -, ETY AR 0011111111 T eropt.7 . lle bid., It .....m..1 A Piro, / an: bi riours. i I Durdevy. ALLCOHENT ST ATI.IN. Fr.Laii,ry 19,-2 ear,. CtI3IBIIVED. : • wheat, Kennedy I. '' r "' ''' '"'"''''' ' M6 "'j Pitfall:CH, NIEELI;(1, IdAklEiti & PtiIaYSIMPAI .v. MC., ......1..r01a-.1, N. 1: ,113 dart.; I Cur eteria, r. Knox & Son; 10 roll, tenth.,, Kellerman it co; i seeks re, J McConnell: 91 10,1, flour, Shalr, Son a co, 12z, h,ll. paper, P 1 10,1 Paper CO; DAILY PACIfEI LINE. 14 hides, Lapp., a. Weise. S hales I wipe, II Ger- . .. Wig ,t 00;10 pirg, palls, J Moon A. Arm - .; . .11/111i I. 111.11,11 . • • C.DITAIIII BOUM .8./.. H. HllOOl. Comprising the following Geeselass Passe flofer JOHN I. I/OUSE & RHOS., Slicers. steamer, 1 51.11141, HA Y ARD:.Gro. SI. Moore, Master: • if toss ro .got'' I. floc sr A to., \i tole. ale tD.;,. steamer W/NtlirriTglis As as. Shepherd, Master, eers and Consul teelet lietchants, maser ut Smiths Steamer FOREST. CprYs de t tioni6n, Master. betel and Water streets, Pittsburgh. pea DOWN TILIP,STEAMER RAYS'S:C/1 Lear., Pittburgi, every Moullay a' I 'Mart ‘' tiay' .at J AM E S DAL.ZELL & SO2. Mann. It o•eork, S. m. • -; Ir tre'tnrera Of Lard Oil. and I onaul4sion Meretted• Lev, WM:. lint *very Monday and • oursday, at for the perbee and sale of crude and fiellurUP, 9fMp. In. Indent., Nos. 68 and 70 Water Street, Pittsburgh. STF.ASIER WINCHESTER, . Advances made on ennsignmeats. . Leaves Pittsburgh every Tneeday and Friday. st• Park [rah nes t Ltso3 a. us. ' SCIIOMAILER &LALNG,Wholesale Leaves Wheeling curry Tuesday 1001 Fridiy, at dealers in Groceries, Floor, Oren, Produee,,Pro BOATS Tr-INTIM TO-DPf. 1:30 p. tn. visions. Fish, Cheese, Silt. Chrbou et ,u Non Mend Importer . ....Non.. Si. Lends sTY. &With FORF.ST CITY 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Stre, Pate/arta, Start et ta ,Curtis..:. Nashville.. L Pittsburgh ever Wednesday and s t,,,,,, , p g , gelttly r. Wlnchest et .. Shepherd . . Parkershorg. at D ....• • ~ rOIIGE 8., tics. 00011"0 so:trust-it Lures Whelan rfery Wednesday sad *tatordr. Silver Cloud. Conway. ... . New Orleans p ,• " ! [-TEAD & IMETZGAR, Groceritand dis 9,311 p. m. RIVER, IBBATIIBB., [TO. CI TRIP-STF,A.MER FOREST CITY - . AA Commission Ilereltants, toll dealers In eh kinds ravea Parkersburg every Stonday.aud Thundlay of Cont.e - Prodttee and Pittsburgh Maitutattures. The river ta again swelling, wit b. a boot seven .1 p ~. No. Sec Liberty Street, opposite head of Wood street, feet water In the channel. The * l ttieather was Lein., Whrettog [Very Tneaday and Trial', ta 7 Pittsburgh. , astfly quite warm yesterday until inwards evening, A .• STEAif ER BAYARD . , FETZEII & ARMSTRONG, For w at which time It began to snow, but ,simnel Leave Parkersburg - every Tuesday and Friday, at. .... warding and Commission Merchants, for tbe kalif p. 2. , Floor, Grins, Hamm Lard, Butter, seeds: Dried somewhat cooler. Nearly all the Ice has dia. 2 Leave Wheeling terry Wednesday and Saturday,:. Frolic,and Product generally, No. la Market Stern., appeared from toe street., and the aver leak at 7v m. : ! , corneof First. Pittsburgh, 1.1. fe..nly NCIIESTFIR • I most entirely free STF, ASIER nosiness at the wharf is e Lure, Parterstairg trlh every ITennesday and stor- 1 D . WALLACE, Commission itlera rather Ilvely. ,dap ea n e r eW;U n t:e lin g eel . v Th o ruts v and Sunday. at! Ne *,• L b t r ittg4ir , 7l4 2 , 22 4 l , : o,,ile r it:grs- " Tylitil 2 it. -4 , ' it . The Winehester, Capt. Asa Shepherd, turns 7.. . - '' !! , r! Debut, Pittsufgh, Pa. ' Storage {Vat - Liman,. torn, her limit westward for the first time to lay, : . d 44.: 3 aua r efAi t tnit t ido c tgArr t oe d itle . tt ge t v :7! Wayne and Penn street.. not7fly She will leave at the regular hour fm Pur- ! which leaves Pitteborgh st Sfeff p. in snitherela l itd , .H . RIDDLE, NC. 1W..1 Liberty St., kersburg, and will MO regularly :henceforth • at . = I. nt. also. with tress of Pittsburgh, Sur ~ . • Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission iderelrant. Wayne and Chicago Hallway, which leaves Chicago • m bole s ee Denier in trygsatry prodoe4tie e se, e rfes and whenever there is water. ' at 10 p. m.; and st and with *tarletta and CIS- ; Pittsburgh menu Demirel. C.IL adrange I on Cot, The Armenia, Capt. McCallum, tame up to ; .. I chiliad Railroad. and Stith steamers to all point.. signalers ts, .d peel for Produce generarly, twat. Iles iandltig yesterday, with but a 8111111 the 111.01111,1110 IIIVCB: 0110 11/ Parkercharg. wit .1 . . mgere• JOU" 1-1,11115.'1Y I fa t of frOight. She had to tight her say ! early tren BO iho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and r• - -.— „ I through the Ice from Enfibigton. She is up yin: Daily Line theatacrs to Pomeroy, lialllpoils, .1 . S. I.IGGEFT & CO.. Cid y Flour.. for New prlean., end will commence loading Ironton, portmmailigdayertile and Cincinnati.,. n• • lug Mill. rotors I.lBorty nod 0.151111 streets, lintuedlately. ar•On up trip, connection. are made at lieltalr , Pittsburgh, l i st. with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Ralirond. C.:0• It. m. I .46P - Capacity, 4130 barrel, per thy. aged. The Leal Leon, Capt. Campbell, came up to at i arrlve at Claret rain, by which palwagent ...1 the landing yestethay. She is the drat boat to ; at D. r.0....pd .leb,,, -,,h . ~,,,,,,,,, , onager natestt. s. r. nes - CLL. - secede to oar request, and thnt her manifest J As. COIJEANS dt. O lents, ! 1110pORT. DALZELL & CO., Whole.. CO..s ahead by mall, for which her clerk has Out A 1 Wharf-Host, Foot a ood sr. , ... sale Grocers, Commission and Vorwedlng Mer• Hanka. pyrygnisgeAs 1 , Chants and .10014,3 In Produce 1101 I'IttAIbUIVI lUD. 2- The Importer, Co t. John Noss, takes her , Where freight out be: rreelved each day, up to Slid , armlet - Lot, No. OSt Liberty street, Pittsburgh. departure for St. Louis this evening. Our , p. m. . - Hs. ) , ciRAILLES L. CALDWELL, (Sue. ' friends lo Duni:tart of the counrry may look I a.-..' swine to Jame• Holmes . A. Co., f r..7,-‘ raeruand for something a. little extra when she gets . pou MEMPHIS & NEWr i3 OF% : dealer in Provisions, earner of Mae ot , and Front around there. a. ORLEANS-The splendid steamer The Marietta , Capt.. Sweeney, will leave this ARMENIA ; R. C. licesttust, Shuster, ,,,,,,,.. ~,,,,,, JOlll% W1L,10.. I eve ns Mr Ntmlaville without fall. As Cum- Will Have for tar ainqe and elf tntrnuedlase poll. ; • WATT &. WILSON, Wholesale beriand river Is rising, she will have no MOT on SATURDAY. alth„at 3p. tn. salty In getting through. For freight or tisAtrAt . p A lz; an board or to • . Grocers, comfule•lmillerehdllte. and dealer, in i ~,,,,,,,.. . Pradnee and Pittsburgh Mann farm,. No. Hs Lib. The Reindeer,-tow-bout-passed Evansville ~,,a , .i. D. ;co I.l.lNt ' lliVOOD. 5 '`.v.” . erty street, Pittsburgh. 1u . 5 On Saturday last on her way up here. 1. Tile Memphis A twiunche, of the lulu, [ova; OR CINCINNATI, LOU- t . We chronicle the arrest of CapL E. A. Levy, FDITIELE AND NaSIIVILLE ••• --'24 late of the Miami. United States Marshall M. The aptendid passengir - steemer T. Hider arrested Capt.. Levi toe yesterday on ; :MARIETTA • , Capt. Cra•rts, charges preferred at. Little kas regards WM leave as above in TUESDAY, Wilk fee ,at the explosion of the ill-fated Miami lie was .II o•clock S. M. relmtlife on 11133.403 bond to tipper at the United For frotahr or parvsge apply on board or to - • StateakLOXidittPli omco on Saturday and then fell FLACK CCOLLINGWO()D. agents. the Marshall will carry him to Little Rock .. ._s7_ll4 for trial. There 19 also an order Issued for the FOR CAIRO ( AND ST . '•e-"w of the aryl and second engineers, pl. ! ST. L 0 1719.-The She steamer ~ y et - -" t-+'.7- 1 -••••4= -lots and mates. . i IMPORTER . .. .. ~ 4 . ... .... Capt. JOR - S - NOsS, qtf.o.-Tlle Timer e nf Thursday , Saga:. I Witt lea, fed - the a and Intermediate party, on four monitors lying in front oar ettyare TH/S DAY, FelovtaryMtli step. - al. '•, Intended for harbor defense, and itIS reported' For froicihjtATT,ll:_mmat...4,l„Zriegi.nis. that two., will be stationed In same harbors ; - . upon the Golf, while the other twit will be , R EGULAR PACKET gam& matte the Atlantic COaSt. They are all of the 1 iv F u n wur E m-,0 „ !,,,,,,, ETT , Same model, and- nearly the same 91 / 21 / - the ! ANSI .TANk:SYILLE.v.The Oneteamer EMMA Tippecanoe, who Last finished, being les tuns ,• GRAHAM, Copt. G. PL. STULL, w ill leave for the capacity, and drawing thirteenfeet water. ! store and an intermedkne ports every TUESDAY , Thep will soon be joined. by Seven Other light- at 11s. m. heturning, Hares Zanesville every FRS draught monitors, for river defense. Two of I DAY, a: 7111. J:TiI•COLLINGWOOD, agent. throe, called the Shiloh and Etla, are being I ... Tr._ .... _ST.__ built by McCord LI Bro . 's., of St. Louis; two- I the Tumah and Marrintb-at Chaellmsti, by ; Hamilton ..t Co.; two-the Marietta and Sam HUMPHREYS dcisky-at Pittabtirgh, by Hartpoe It Co., and another, wheats . name we could not learn,at i Pittsburgh, by Snowden d. CS. rive Of tlie3e : HOMDEPATIIIO BPELIFICS. . vessels draw,nine foci of water, end two Ivo I - feet; all are to be .5,15 . tuns measurement, I Have yrtsved, train the Mostampleexperteneolin cm- ! tire saves.. shopleelent and reliable. They.. I ' and cocarry 11-Inch gnns. The large monitors carry IS-Inch,emootlidiore, Dahlgren guns. I Lite . :3l , agneglr i es ectly adapted to popular me I • The name of the other monitor whose name I tr i d e nt 'a o l' haraesiiis ro.ife! doubt be' . 4tn artfl 'g ' ' the r u n,, could not barn is the VotalNlna. 1 efficient as to be alwaye,-rellable. glom danger, !” • Her armament convists of two eleven Inch tMers. guns. No 1 ewes FEVERS, k`ongestiOna, flndamma- - CIIAIRES 5.... G. • 7. .• WORMS Worm Fever, I Colic_ ..... :4 ; • • • CRYLNG COLIC , orToething hl Ins • • • 1 " %Il i 4 HAL _A of children or adults.. Cr, 1 6 - DYSENTERY, Grigdng and Britons I • • 711 . 1 " Flill iti6tA .6°3f. 88ini'1T:7.'......” - 2 1 HEAVY ORDNANCE. . " :NEURALGIA, T.thache, laces he.... . ...S. ... . • 1 1l :: l i agg i g .1 111;1 ' &: . IsS i t 's I ' .....". I ~ .. symp l is,,b , ..,, ty ~,......k . l p. aV ''.. AND ALL KINDS or HEAVY CASTINGS. , iteriods.;:. 2... ..! M ; 8 2. 2 1T 1 P 11 11V11N... V. 1, 84 a ' nrl ,'" h r iN l2 L" " '2B2C 3 ug.gp.ivicra.or -ph.. ,r. , RE:rnius a r e . 10 rOB/PLIS• - 11,1 Straus LAs berriothre. the best materials will alway s s IL " SALT 1111,FHTM, arnt Trfelpehts, Erups- t tht.onttre. ' ~.., „ „Ateir m .x4 l .. ii . f .. iiiii;;;, . ... ii; .. iria , EY: nttan la called to our NISW FLY WILERI I , „ p ri .... Eit .. Al.4D Autly. ; tr, m ,P ..d ..., . PATTSRN au.l Increased facilities for Mang upth . thine, ' • nottlya I 7 .•• PIL ES, - EP, int al or external 03 pITTSHEIRGII FOUNDRY. , le - OFTLlAlLidraore, Mihuned rye., to 19 •• CATAnnikacute ur chronic, influ• , Let A RRIF,ON... ...... ..... ..... acein it. It - env.... LO •. TO " ! WHOOPING COUGH, SpahmOdle I . 1 „ wh : A. GARRMON & CO. .1 " EAR DlSClTS.Ma d impairrd hear: 2u 1 ; • ' . ! Muserrsars 1./ 20./60211, Garrison A CO., 2 : 2 .• D SN'SY, eI _ et; A vend •,,e • GENE . RII. ° E -4 . . D. C LA/TY. • s I 1 • welkneasY • D'" ''''' SO ' FOUNDERS XND. 111ACIIINISTS\ , 2 " DROPSY ga d Remaly Seenothia. .... ,go ; ' ia " SEA SICRNE.SIi, or Sickness feral Mansfact tea of Chilled Rollers of all aixes Mt riding • 1 Iron, ntre, " Brass, Eine, Copper, Sliver ' Gld, given 27 • . ictp.N.Ev DISEASE, firsvel... ..... . SII 13os rda. - A•apet and Ineilaele•dtber Weerk . - lam Rolls If, •1 NERVOUS ; DEIDLITY,• enteral lug Mill castings uf all des I s, 'L ' - e ndsaloafitiovolumarr disc/Mr - gra 99 ' Patent DoUbleGender, with ' a -i t l a i rrly o n f 'r otte 3 r i pta iji i: hi •• SORE 910 Ur or Canter CO terns; alle.ay s on hand, and geed to ed.. MI 101011 LB " URINARY NCONTINENCE.. • .9. nOticr and f • 91 •• PAIN rim ERI01)9, even wiii . I. sthittea;,:r "le '''' ths " ' "4 Wr'"'":"'" ' reer, Pittsburgh. Ditty Spthas i 11 '. MIFFS:MIN 9at Change of L1fe....10a in -• IHMLEPSV, palm., ESL Vitus' Dau• ad •• DIPTHERIA cos cera, ulted e 103tre thrO.VIW T.ll.3fllif CASZB, - Cases ate of Metals. in LITZ::, , I,Icage aid book toms II _pl.. 0 02 rifle La ce y large vials, to morocco and hn o ook 5 CO C'uts of 20 large ells, pleb case and book IS 03 . Cl.4e of IQ boxei (No. I loth and book 910 A. TOBSENCE. - Corner of Fottirth and Market streets. Wbotesafe Agent,Plitsburgh, Prs.• FrgallstibZ fdigt.LilgtLASlMlthlldid streetr,./09. Pittsburgh, and J. J. EAST. IsTelfl49l4iherri.listre:l2 Allegheny; McCLAIVAS, a McILENN.A.N. corner Of Diamond and Market Strekt, Pittsburgh.' . 'l' RIVER NEWS •RP.IVALS. illy St. Lou DEPARTURES Moore Len, Lent Armenia ELME ''TEAM TO AND FROM Emu- POOL AND MDEENSTOWN (Ihn-aath) Deice a weak. The INMAN LINX, eatlleq EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESD,AY, CARRYING 11, S. MAILS.\ Tickets .old to and from Ireland, Eat land, Scot land, Germany and France. An n , the Comnany•.Omxe, • JOHN 8, DALE, Ageut, lo Broadway, N.Y. PAINTERS •SION ARTISTS AND NOUSE PAINTERS. No. 60 AItITLIVIELO dt., PITTIiBT.IRO LI Lettering or all kinds azeented: promptly and In nnsarpassed elegance. tleautinal Ilnote Casale on enameled paper of ail cores, and Masa, made to order and " Paggl r le t algria ezcmited In • highly artlstle manner. tt . i:t i tog done meltla a ri li a i rtl i t t ? aaral,ffity LitHobe, wofk o a r iAL:Altirg::.. ° mks ty WILLIAM H. 1311 OWN, (Late n/ the inn of Elitowit & blonnOw HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, North East corner of Third and Marker Streets, PI TTOBUR GB STEEL WO/UM. - P TTABURGII STEEL woitas ANDERSON, CQoK a CD., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD .1. C 0.,) i llacutattntera of the but refined' Cast 9011, Squats, Plat antl Octagou, of shalt.% Bur Platte, hot, Fora aul Sheet Cut httel, Cut Steal thr • HEAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, STEET PLOW WIN_ ,1519 SPRINGS, AXLES GIRCULAIALS, 4e. Cast and Common Plough and Spring Steel, 012,ce—Corner of Fl_r_e I n / . 1 3 La e f f ri c. /1 . tll :47 atm* Ole 11. BILACEL DIAMOND EIWIELIOX; TATCMLEIMEI, • PITTSBURGH, PA PARK, BROTHER & Co., kleaufacturera a REST QUALITY @MUM CAST SUM . ,•PaAnaillarNEVlaellottail talfalliTh""4"4 itIACOOD. ani4;lll7t;grelggigWeit°ZaMn 1iT11,13. 11 t FMB FURS ! L ZES, MISSES AND CIIILDRIM • W1:7X1.193i' The !nest $I last (kap /swim 'we(' OB•crsd. tis this Market AT MCCORD It CO.'S, Nck...l-138 Weseell lstreaot. BROOMS ItorrlVE , B VIIIVER LILL BROO3II •V* tba mot Derfsei hurt mmtacl U2ll ODIT wll/ stead S Cab smug the ' Vresenbnopparb mails for =Oiler taro yto be met with. .bbi lien to NW: terrttorr floa t et= Goad ulna ggentelraated-In btcrieestarthl Poona *Mends. &Suitor Clrextar..,Atithfas.7.*ll:a4W VII.OFT4 tap at ,L4i.L. trams co, c az m , zat M. 0 - MEDIC,9L. =MEI ji ar lt. StRICiEtO l3 : laellinuotis. ....... micron - - BAULILIC It ..,,,.. . • .: warranted to be the etagere- 7 . • 0 tarat4n c px.ru iro g . T i :) , . r 4.2 ma, Wllooping 0644, lo f ,' • ' ..• ....! 1 1 chronic Cougtm, • Consutop- •' " _.,.. Ar ri ..:.... rgHon, Bronarttlits= &V a p,..,_ . 7.... - : , T' 7 ' tairtirti. to healing. nil.- ORE .: ening cad elpectoattim , ~,, , . ~.. l ilatltnftit'rbroat An d Longs . goi.ssle :P/ Druggists everyvbers. - )4-E.rIELLERS g C 0.,. WitioranaggAnitng EOM CILLASI Bapdi Btuts 8 tuts CURED Dm Lak .4°Dwo r LLE Z s. It Ov gi en tiontedatu Mitt. 41:14 • CCU -& Plerlal• neat cum Trr 1; earnegr waenated to owe.' ; alle:trisiebrrnaoltfler:gg""s = - 1 WSPEPSIA. ---Or. • StricklandN ...., 202710. a • concert} , • c rtatedpreparatlattof Bowe gal ~ l it, and Alerts, with awl" a . W _ .../., add.. and arminative t# C., strengthen the stomach/met ,r••• , ' nervous system. It ts seers • - rain reined) for DA...pnag czi 4,-P or tnengestlun. ssarsuctat .... ...,, , am. Loss of '. AppatlaN .',; ••• i Acldttg, of 'the latonshtri , ... .... , Flatulency and debtlit.7_. it -,0......,___.,,,,,,,,i v is i n nu at .r aleh i alsn y ... lbs . : ths,..erawstseatrev, ~4lfilhi..yn norru - su Arai clgsnaPtlePe" ' spa. Som ata Dr all nutg , - ti. 0 guts aserrahere ai El e 2 00. ,, ~ c • ..". - .." • , 7'1101434Z Agfaeolli Foirry TEARS tonacricie /14 117311A.L. Olres me tnowledze seldom. sevaixed by-1 - 1411. clans. rest of asto Vas city. end t z ho aroma ts reitZ! '"4l ...? 7 -by S P Inti&2°Alr Cured trr ; nib t shorter Mae thin oeretotost =711E17 VICI.L• ABLE ItIIekLDLES. Ilehlehles sent to saa7 part .14 the Union. All lettere mon coats= stamp to w. IV% '‘ .4 t l n ATTlZ e tir M 1 21 1 7 76 1 111 ill! ". h ad' namciilior, Slab I . lo = ll Xtalttatotrgb. Pa: - 1 ) 1 1... .U/8.F4et98. - (it - rm.-4o Prra. StriET ttearlitad:" •-; Tor the care at fU dlseesio oft . trate triter*, re tram two to four dayt , tot enoutl7 row sa d ant* ireaMe" 3.l • Z inif Weallee_mh and .1.1 other. pseAsee of the mutal emu And weir prerentlott: Can warrazited or Zaue7,rethuds4. • . Othee b0t0n...7 to 10 A. 1t.,t5( . AtulVo so; et. • Addrest letter{ W.:11113‘ min stmt. - 0 0, 7 : -I TrALL P • • „A‘ ip - grve v wigu.9P4 IL : PAP —a% CUL ttot'm XTO ice of new ups. Tr; R 1 " OX UtoitunisAiOU • „urric MANI S aicjOkealei,ll4 FLOC?. Gt,./LIM I" MILL Er- 11=0_PUCL .70. . li Duraorl. npp C:tv MEL All. City, LLATI.A.III, . (W;CC. , 5 5, tJ 11.7.dh.00,s 1," 3 „, De*lcr In ITC Her:h.:cc; N 0.1351 [ABLE fY 5 r.}.E C, Fn. feilv 11 . 11. JACK, I=ll • •• ••• • •• •-• • • CI - 4p & SHEPARD, Commission l.V.e . o . banr , and dealernon, Grsin and Pro. d.co. sit Lik.M.f street. Pirt , norgli. cs.ur for Bator; .3,1 Fa p 117; Ewingon hand. l'artJ , nlar attention p La ening or er :tor lierohando, genarally. ocCly I ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, •s_A i” ea-era l'ounnt, tan Mot - ohm:tut : and ....Iron In Lon, :Mari and Lard "IL Iron. N.itla, 421553. Cotton Yarn, ano aiulsrtsr., genetulr Ila and 114 Swood atroot. P NV tt la re r. I ('1 I[!'"t t‘r i f t :11 41 1 ; 1., : tIlo!!! . Urreh.int , t Corns -11.11, , , irhlrt. See , Greet, !fried ,tt Lime. ”lit jOIIN D. t'AiNTlELD,Vonarni§miOn rat utmNt mut t e J Nlt ~, Von., ties,. 14.1, Put ni.4 mart AiM e, steerrus. :mut , lirimf I: telt, and Yralure,,,t st,eL rittsJUlL.l D. IMITKA . I •. GILAFF. GRAFF 4. ItEITEII, PROOCCg t Comlut2.l.). Fomardlup Ntercha.llll., purcliaatug .Arnie for all l'ltlApitgh Mumtfa.eturr, AVarettomie. Nu..A I.ii.erty •.i rye.% Plt,mirgh. TIESISTA3IDEILT ..J0111: till S. 1 .AMBERT, SnirxoN 6; CO., Wbole•sle Grocer.; and Froatuce 1)e Alen `:0.3 Arra. PitteLornt. ISAIAH DICKEY 6: CO., 'Wholesale o r ", n , . - desists LA Produce., ju. .ter street sus h.: front attest, 116.117Z1., EE ..E L. , 414'11T. T H. VOIGIII' 6-. Co '- , (Successor r 2-4. to G. Grafi, 7 Prodacc• and Corwalsal chants, 47 Lalcrry etrect, Pit7.sburgb. T. , SPErlifEll 4 1 / 4 . LAZOS., (Success...7;ra to Reyrcer Anderson,' Irr. , ie..e.D.ll,gti in For eign Frulta, Soo freworkz, Nos. L.; and qtrkt ,c6 o v e Flfr4, Pitts Largl4. 13ZeIT DA.VID M. E•Dt'iiitToN. Whole- Grt aztzot; 'Commleslon licretukt i p t r c a,4zo i nt r FORT PITT FOITHD . RY . . .44. VA5H151C.......J. 8: SHADES'S ETNA STOVE Irpattoi. • • A. BRADLEY & C 0 . . ;. - its.tittraetnrc ortry rat rwr COOK, PARLOR AND REMO STOVES. Moon, which are the ctleltirlted ZURfflit TILLOr/C matt TAILLSAIAN' (Coal t;torran POUSNA; VET ERAN Sod (WOO4l Csuk aulyeg. ) Alta somufutttre GRATEF., - GRATE FRONTS., , Omce ml‘.7archouse, corner of Seeinrd and Woo strliktz; Pit ti.l4l.rgh. ..Eatrauce on :•lculttl meet. 54:14-1, COOIIiECO STOVES Parlor anti Healing Stoves . Grates, Fronts, Fenders, &c: Alen, all kinds of HOLLOWWAY.E Wart/448, UM Jrfaehine Works tend Foundry spr..larrigutaxua a2 ,_ E.1401 - 14E BiILLISEIL JUI.O ItACIEGNIST. Lunell gy"Yrlgtnltiejttrrelr t711d4/t/d4=',1133N1 POnTABLI: OSCILLATING nrta 11 Eli Gimp 10AltIn& rollers, se.. ItepalGas of all Ltnda attended to felly UERRON & STOVE MANUFACTURERS?. : xp.colv.s. crtrznomst..e;., LIBRE'S r STIVEEIVNEAR sf. CLAIP.:' P:rW.IITnM ARSENAL GLASS . WORIKS. — : • .. . - • . i, MODES, -RYRIE - ar- CO - -. lfahufactstrcra of BLACK awl titt=ll - OT.AZ3- trdtill.', - Drontate Ware,' gortti.ooi .ivelatjohbryar troll...be.- It .rehour,r-tin. Ili It ,I.T.EIt MELT betwoca Ea' oalthtleld acht:Gront sreeta, .Plrabarirk Penna. - . . oP=a -at oar Warta to be eaocrtor to oar num -o,..rest of the Itour.titaa- Always a'a.b.a.a• tillt . .t . aware of the above desciptlon. AU "ortora Promptly attended ro, 'Particular attcattott -• ta t o, vdrate-taoulda.. 0 . ..,- ' • - ' ... e. lr - ylimE:outcs.o:waw co OIL OFNITMOI:AND AQUA AIIMONTA . . or - keEtoo, marez.tatot qty I s7 77118M7111: r. VIAL. 7.4 , 0-L1.130 VOLUM -6r. WRl6iltryilrittania .Brass and ;Sheet Metal Workers, Brlttanta Cat: tar di Carbon and Lard 011 Burners, and all 4:Serest, arts at Brlttaala used by -Edda. I . lasul4ntra , ordata ptonarty-fdlett.. No..3B3EXCUND aTitatZEZ. f 0,2 W EI:CANE/a,' . No. - OS IVATEII Pa. mabufetcarercfßVlLEa' BvILES' Id.VNT:I.Wasu -coamau +o4=l=4' Oracular flied ar S7Plkea taid Eli*: UM* cr rml3..tadao °Mast &twi ntllzs,' glcO.P.- sortatztOre-liaalliclallazd. 1 . 4 1:411 WWI miiii:Cll44l I=l 1= =I ilasioLsvovistii4 INAP AYPHEITS I=l No. 301 .I.Thrkty Street.: ALLX.N. MCXY.Z.S.Co MCI :4:41:13 LEM=