The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 20, 1866, Image 3

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the Viitobutlit Out*
/Ribs House of Representotites, Feb-'
roar: 10t1t. C, on the Reconstruction
Puller ofitbe President.
Ent though we were even insensible to the
claims of j astlee and the ermitionsof gratitude,
• and entirely indifferent to theikeratian of the
negro race for its own Rake, we want their
.Vote for our own proteetlon. Our best seettri:
ty is to erect a breakwater against the ems
• eroachments of the disaffected white Ill= by,
enlisting the (meet - enacting itatinence, the
cheap se mews In peace, of the loyal black man
so whom ,ve haves° esweessfltily appealed In
WRY, We need his mirragenow to assist us ha
keeping that peace Which he had so large a.
share 111 mating. Take away his musket, If
you please, but de not sits:arm ham entirely.
The question with Inc Is not whether you can
tr ag t, but whether yen Ban treat, the man'
who asks you to give him the rule again over'
his rescued bondsman. There are two elweese
of smote men in the seceding Estate's. The high-.
er and morelntel I igent is ecsentlalif ant l-res
pnbilean In habit and sentiment, e the In.
tarter and ignorant in even more abject and
eervile than the stare himself. lie may be ed.
ncated, however, into a just self-respretnnd a
seise of his own Inteies - ts. The governing
classnever can. To make them republican yon
must change their whole social system and
their natures along with it. fate you do, and
they are thoroughly regenerated, they will Mil
tzusafe clepositariee of newer iu evivernment
'like Das. It you will not disfranchise thentan
who has already shown thin he I. unworthy of
teem, von roust at least render him powerless
for usinhief by phasing a sentinel over him
with the , : bloodiesl but potent weapon n 1
the bailed, to keep hint 10 order.
slo not insist that you shall disfran
ceissa the rebel who profe.sses to have
repented, herentee without hill! you will
have no white element in the case I have no
objection that you should ;melon his crime
and even restore to hire tile lands, if youth le k
that the Interests of jostle",. ieire no indem
nity, and no examples. My ob ject is not ven
geance. I do tots thirst for is blood, even
with his harlsarl ties. Give them back every
thing else. ,hut for the power which be has
shown blinsitif unworthy t• hold, and winch
he has so justly ro - rfelted, restore not that, I
edjure end /01.400C11 you, by the recollection of
tee bloody trial widths:on have passed; by the
respect you owe to the bereaved, the widowed,
the orphuned, the maimed who yet live; and
eix3ve _ail, by the meinory of ,vonr naartyresl,
ettieved, and Mutilated dead . Insult them not
by the declaration that the earth has drunk
.thelr blood in vain. Expose ant yourselves kr
the bitter reproach, that before their behes
hare been gathered by plous halide from the
nerds where they have been left to bleach nn
.buried, thelevery murderers have been hue
tied hack Into your embrace like returning
• QOM/nevem If this reunion 1.1 to be solemn- .
teed on terms Oka these, watt at least until
yo ve havepat off your monrein - g, and stripped
Doer public places or thojtalnihnents of woe.
Boy e
Bury your murdered President out of sight.
r up the-graves of Andersenville, withal/
their horrid secrete, and then— , than , celebrate
these unholy nuptials—lT you tan. Let it not
be said, at all events, to your discredit, that
slhe funeraebaktel caseate have coldly, fur.
masse forth' the marriage table." Open no
ball Of Tails:lila, where the returninubraces
et the SOutir shall quad their foaming ale, and
pledge you from the grinning stasis Of your
. stem dead min forgoLtou heroes.
•But thereis loonier consideration that gives
na the right, and makee It, en Imperative tie.
cessity for our Own proteetlon, toil:o4qt that
the ne gro shall be allowed to share the rights
01 eitizenahip In their highest sense, and that
es the fact that ctinversloa or the-chattel
- .otos freeman.will greatly enlarge the repro.
eentation of those Staten , and bring Into
congress Some thirtyvynes on the baste of this
peculiar population, while the loyal - States
most starer from the increase. If they come/
It must he in a representative, capacity of
coarse. Lest whose repiesentativee will they',
be, if the whole elate In whose names Ate
come, and for whom t bey profess to speck, ~ ./.4
%theca a v r e e p n r o e s v e o a i t c ut iv n e s th Ofa nyoth on
'ruling class would be 3 gross abuse of language.
The benefit of your Sot Of emancipation then
is to Inure to the master who has endeavored
to break up your Government, while the black
rasa still holds substantially the relation of a
slave, and is only 1150,1 to enact for the beffelit •
of his oppressors I And WllOlll Win they teen
to manage the affairs of th e Union In the name
of the Mayo I it be the - man whom he
would letert himself I 'Will It ho an advora.te
- of ble ibtereste Wit/ it be those who will pro
aside for the payment of the debt of the war,
or the vensiolia pledged to tho families 01
the brave soldiers whose very hones trill be
eel:reed meths with contumely hi - the rebel
plowman s What ta our experience thus far
nmag the first teen sent here Irons Louisiana
` was a rignor of the accession erdinance, rind
alf dires grasps ter/ at mice, as-by a natural
,:;7340 the rams, of the parry that-opposed
drs otrering from Arkansas tp
the etNe , e LI. of the capitol, was &graduate of
these...sem- a ., —pet will the /undercut our
• , Itablie debt—a 111 ueteere' agree
tothti? Not aek-thewleitiilOQ: h-CTe4hWil°
"Sympathised with-the , neitelilefl - lh _nett
. and denounced.the crarend'./IPLi/ebtillend
"lt - as elite union - fel, and though 11' . !Pfcseiug to
be Democrats, trieyanawerw th CPO yelee
" that this representatiolibyprerry la right dud ,
'proper, although they On not even admit the
negro to he a citizen, and hardly confess him
robe email.. While heremationed a slave there
was nothing unreasonable in the bgreement
that the masteralfould "peak forblm, If he was
le be heard et all, 1300411, he could have ma
Will of his own. it was at all events the bar
frialu, and we stood by it. That Mare Is now, I'ITCIIIIIII. Ile has a will of his own,
and the 1111111.,W11000,10,1 no longer repro-
sents it, hot. the - contrary. Looting to Ills
rOgCllt relations to the late slave;llleas double lion of the right to 'speak for him is a ouble
outrage on the black man. It Is not only to
deny Itim
I l ls repreeenttire, het to give that
office to his [meshy. in effect to re-ecelarc
if the white inati of tile ',South Piot the opin
mu that the neeero. to motent home, 1
he decides at the name time that hot not ,
worthy to be represented here, and In claim- I
Ism that right, n et for Inneself n power In the
Government that will make one unrepentant ,
traitor the eine', In tmuiy Instances, of two I
or three loyal northern men; Re admits the
teeistice, tee, while Ito preserees etemist
' encyeay rejecting the negro - himself in the in
metier apportionment of some of .its , own
.tortes. lint fait just to the !oval States that
ha Would es - erase I his power hi the Federal
Gpe6sente,ll Will they consent to this in
u, that thq remedy- la in their own
hander ,er t.hose people to lie rated In their ,
condition of so4lue,atton at their own esti- f
mate Isefore matting their armor on, as having
rindicatml their clahri to lie considered the
muster race, and so outweigh twice or thrice
titer number of northern mndells T e3peakieg
for myself, It do not choose to have my dele
gated powers as, the - Representetlyer of One
hundred and thirty thousand - _nOrtherti free
men, neutralized by a representative of this
sort, whetherhe came hereby the mule d'etire
of a military commander,' or is patted in this
ctireetleaby the arrogant breath of a feeble
but 'aristocratic constiteeney, If the white
men of the. South will insist that the negro
"shall have no political rights In the
to appear Isere-to ambit a- recogim
lion at oar hands only to add to the power of
ilte oligarchy In tide Government,- then I I
would insist that be - stint! appear here "
either t
P . / Dorset:, or by hiss attorney, or curator, or
new friend,,anit not by a guardian or trustee
undo: - 0 , 4 1 i appointment of his quondam mas
ter, whh. 'would be the euellmest or farces.
If they ari- Obt content With this, then I woe Id_
eay.- Lei tho rn . , .wait until by a- constitetlonal„
• o.lllollllloefit, ran - offeryort the 'fairer-basis
•of suffrage, enable, on- to swell
your numbers as seesaw you shall be prepared
to dojtestlee to-the blaiek Man. •
It to Insisted, however, and. ,most especially •
b?-thtese who pront mast br tlitPin,ws of natur
e Itation,untEthe principle - of 'universal. ear
frage, or Winch - they have therefor° , been the
_ navarylng champions, 'that, the. Deur°.
norant, and mast be educated beffire" bo Call' •
Lie allowed to enjoy the privileges aseessary
for his own protection as Is _eltazen-,Whleli ,
- 14514, in effete, - that Ignorance distinalthes
for freed o m, told engin to make . ; man a slave.
It maybe gnomon whether it wern not well
that had tient made a condition with all
. Med. -Ent wiry demand that of the mdigos
noun black man who has been reared Hader
our institutions, and has perletps shouldered
hi', musket-in their de,fenee, which is not asks I
ed of the foreigner whose rote and - syrups-
Mame have been against list Is lie Inferior In
thete respects- to the ,Ceitie Irishman who
"holds the destinies of yosir 'great metropolis
to his handsl His inatinets-at.„ all events
—saiiptasitse, -them to - be' his highest file
ulty—have taught. him LO teke • the
aside of .liberty when the ' Savage who
' horned hisn, Was exerting htmeelf - iit the In
'terest4 of the . governing classes of Europe .
from 'whine oppressions he luideoright an say-
lum here, to overthrow the vary/Myer/anent
7. which had ins generonsly- opened-rte arms to. •
receive talus, and Tufted aim from the dart into •
• the mi.:liege" of a citizen: I would take /MO.'.
/canner, ansi use It ea a.coutiterpelse againet
the crude, uninstructed--element: abet comes.
to us from abroad. Ido not Mar that it will
1111.101 the iiignence of the arestociatic
Tclaya any iooze Mae it ilia during Om-wet. .
he negrruqiw - Ilf•bU sera to loolrwithlealonity
nod 01.15P1C10.41 upon IX° tusk-muster from
arty /11.1 - -tmit been torniend whowlit
still continuo • [O.-regard him Willie rightful
property: •• That-!arlstoeracy; moreover, litudk -
' leis as tt is sorra•de-allied •to be; under another
/lade-better soeliii , nvetem; le more to be swat,'
towed ep ere long by' the uplaeavel of the ire - er
stratum, when tither, now benomerespeettable,
shall assert tielstfal supremacy, and
the ;strong sinews of toll 0411 reolaitn their
Jolt: labeell-aaeo by . seltiogi upon the. noll,
But - who are theyltbat make -this. otneettent
the Mester. himself and his- northern
friends„ if they think so,.however, 'Why' do
they object? ;Whit has= Cala - cometothe /ante
Mote the Uutitianauce Of the patriarchal
"tleiti., by info a soap 0' kinship and.
-good otdees that Wiltrical the. =ton or
- the Highland Oiler Bet theydo not Malt. se.
"%ey affirMed Willi equal ,coutidence that the
ul cleave qolits roaster: . and light
latigh% F C. -4 11 lit atoll, but. It turned
fOr biro, every manor common'
sen tu' seLacy Tory twgil it » 14 -41" or -the
or the master had Peed equal , titil - liat
northern. derluagegPea
taken intim§ against the ant -
aims , unanimity D 3 the tul.lmr t e a .._ C AUgt e .i . .
' who was led as an •oz 4116' E./ 131, .. ,10 . 1 1i ROA
made like a blind gentscrn, to • larlds Dan es
soon the pul a r* of :our C°natitathon-1a that
. dark . hour - when all - the,' poWenti , 7 1
:'and hell 'seemed - leagued trigether or tie
tiestructieui.,Theriegro hat tareadysoleed that
:41:teeth/a In ' aVey th at altanletrovetithe'poor
white than Of-the South, Who todeeidebnox.
AianstO this mputation, ethydrotel... - alloMex,
, ampleitmdght have beetplatipdernalti.
..hut for .gtterexperiettce of thie-Weir,4llat , - be ,
artetlet bare.yieitted to the autinetinatallutssa ,
'what eth=erltd , Pgil;klT92l4Vol.hrtga•
t I
Wet the black Man is more ignorant than the If he could 4o either he n' •
st eLblaek Man es ; maxim,
;por whites°,
_ f, theiSouthWhedelight in shoots ' eooferred too prieti',,, 0 . °et as wen Moe ; the% imeameetrue the eldril of the Christian sensibility . to attacks o'
-.1.2 ' I
1 g, or the lizeported Deere:door tip Norte who anybody else. gm iliCail
eie.t 1,..e0
jet 1 1 :abject. that. this . suppose tWithalteblt ren c u leti h te f6 s rg trus iten t. e l'hs i • r th tk ing "Y I tlinreeasn'teerieo*aphilortlifre pret•tirri•ginb t 'tel'° tl n i lh'4, l ll4rt f r' •2o i a l +t ig i' ''.l -
1 that has once - happened may happen agate. FLUBIRENG, Br,c.
mluA litata.tralt „ 1
Notc.liz_t,N7.oB.l. FOR 114 A T.TP,-•-.FOF. REM'
„ .
heir equally savage tastes. by burning
. __ . -_. .
-- '
CI L I I4 I. I OOk at the revelations of the censer al well as thoseeltatMe. °.
'lt is not antecient. that it ta improbable. It field, denounced as en leraelen of the'," ja
'a g ' . • •
' °four trooperifrithra6cOrgnal/Xed'
~.„,,,,,,,P , • "" WOOD PURER; -__
1866. Ic iIIYTER alu ms I nrIlE ALLIANCE
and see what they declare. I venture to Me
that, eteilideiteg the difference of condition by virtue of the rebelli r "laa
ile tho business et the btatesmeu to ewe that Mire. when 'hear even the euggesta ' f*".°
' DAILY Titmice', it. ik - rWitt.Nis
on Of the delinquent,. 1
1 It .. made IrePoseible. NO blind confidence. ' nOttettet sentiment in regard tra tire ""
azolopportitnity, the blaCk man is no way the to the etutes that
rg , n
al l
. 1 part, will 'excuse Itlin for nopropri
, On speeder 14ONDor, Noe. sigh taw, „
inferior. it Is sutilelent, hOwever that he hea strainedt • are weltbout elo. Lam con- no (tiler see,. of 'fieeurity
awaseertiou thathis-ie rityr,el.le'hneerw!thietaieh h 3
on hil 0.1 ate dOOl3l of the trultOr ta LAO+, who now
nakiarding the (WILMS ' 1111peaCheii before the worid of a ernini '4.'l
! leave the Video Passenger Depot ° ---- 'rnee' l l47%, • • 64 ' W a'
0 Sa3 that this Men a Mlle Cwl eh
been aide temomprehend. T ug / and %welfare of a nation by givin g his ' Inthe starvation °four eoldiers andth i va t 'e h '
preyed intelligent enough to be loyal, wbea 1 have not
ington and Liberty streets.. folloW c• o -- - - ---
niahlghly edneatedmasterwasnot saves/from lt, however to he t
t y r . i .„ his i Ingomery die- , astroutsly betrayed. -It has no tight to sport weyby public. OAT EXPREase-Lesves elfish g . llt tam s e
treasen by his SaperiOr Instruction. But who hare (squalls% fonow,!ll' " 'ULU:Md. It WIU•t trOst a-aecond time where It hasonce bee. me- , -cry Of our President, reprole::: l ,r l . :_ n tb::,. ' :: : - , [. i " Fa ON - 1 :3 1:31..-1P6S. • stopping at principal stollens. Al4 r lv 6 " t
-- Al -7 ,,,."' -
ahall !Myth= this loyalty inIA the fruit of ig- franchisement of tl
ha,h,n. !npioot,n,gll.o4ordAt..bei_tline generetus. st .ell A. st s _ . Tyrone ne'S s. a • ilLilan.----".
lin Ode naY with the life of a people. Ile am- the Government. and when.
Memel, in the cOnfidene "w r '
Immucei Not those, certainly, who prize the disloyal, who miglietectine r' lo w tal. ) % t ?r ne l oaf " u te r i
A.. Y.,
_. Lock Haven, 12:19 e, e.,)'ll an .d rh t - -„0ri. , t0,7
wit.h et.h.r poc,- ... , idon is Llss_Lte.s. by appeals to the E. x• 51.: ganimare,t 0.1010 P. Ma' NP. Eork. Via an. •
republta an stnte, end tblnk that knowledge is Steepen, all
essential 1 , 0 itS pomerWation• 'Mohler advan. I reference lo r d.. •- 1 f 11 - I ••; lt e ., isive, 1 the . preannt Executive of-this hation-with aCO employ that patronage w hmit the les .
. I EL - SZ - 23.1=1...9...10rEE54 ....s. tetM r. xi-. Philedeipeete 5:. e. wt. - an 4 ' a.
%is net clam:Tit to tell us that eclipse front the disloyal papers of the !Serf I,
York via Philadelphia, arnarr i at. .• • X ''' .
tare is,-perhapg, Its fslieltouS adaptation to Mut wo of the• loy ' • fl i "" : " :0!. " ° :0 1 0 " , strong feeling, en coarse, for the desetation or peorie have alone Lestowell On him te cm•r, ' ,. " Es 1
In its ez. , chintal, too. tinlirss ' we lW- 6t1L,7,,7 t ' n the ' arti n : 1
the gent.. standard of haManity
11:20.6. si.. slot/dog at newly all btation.• Ai
the E o Utit-l ettlaElltanlnwasenOttgh to forgive, .We r Represent:ails.. Into at:Mutual° , s.ri eet Le d Sheet Zinc. . 112 ° e• 21- I 121121°. ge 2 " r • ° •I - ••22 1 1
tre .,„ ~,..rakity of form, and the fact that it j conditions.
t re o g gt ir ce 'g re '! it i . jUl it e w °r o t irl e il l-e h l a raili ve te!rier f h h t!d se ln i! rll l ; 1 ! and ;micro. enough to conllde in tbe boom" hin phew., anti, failing In that, to enact ' 1 l ' .:.
Taking it i i itneav a r, only fe tho milder sense ; and i oyalty or his ohlnehibborsand e.seoclntee rote of 'due I • '- - I V 1 i • eldtadeiptda at WO s. x.
MAIL TRAlN...Leaves Pittahurgh at 11:se s. u
recent trial, if it had been left to the wisdom ! °r a a""'' lon, not uneommon 111 the South, lin eaunell.althengh they-hare 60 enmity per- thlakiapjusi ; ,;'.hria,', LT,'L'L1',:,,..1„.uhr,,,...,7,P,,,n„;',..'','„,.'.","
LEAtt' PIPE, stopping at neatly all station.: Al 1.M.4 Stec p. a.
srriving at- liarrisearg at reM h. 10., awl Phlladel. T - E
-MC Its stateseme. -/t was the uneducated coat.
men senee,ther reasoning instinct Only,Of Its that the loyal State, which now deny the mot- I eecuted him-as they will do 1 '
Nth • rtil l•Wits n• hack ulteu the .out here I dveze that • ~.
I frage to the meek tann, would be either e, / thn OPOartheltY °Mulct. The twenty millions bayonets of I lie raddier% , who :lune that .1. - phia at .:10 A. N.
pogrod_ to ~,„.,, ii„..i r oten eon...Limeys-o r . Of the loyal States Wee have seen so Wilt:
A lyet t lem tOtne earl irnin ! ..t los lovol: h .,1 to .•-• ~,
i T s U n BI BAs S i If:: . S I , II :: H TE s R CLOSETS
. . PHILADELPFkIa EXPRESSe-Learesettuberga
own people, that saved it. God defend ns free°
the slateemariaml diplomatiet whom this rev.
at 345 r. M. stottpirsa ordy at prieelted natl... The a 0,,„ ~ „, .
tbio , be
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,I b y c„ ograss to conform goodeome ant tif 'that Nazareth, to . n 1 '
to the same rate,' there 1., a word inore to he i nOtnething Pottrrir to rest Upon than iii:tobl,Vl.: ait It here. 1 ilitnk lam no ulanutst I so.
' ASTIVes at Latrebe: SAO P. 11.: Altoona, Into r. is, in. P1AA,„,,,! - `,•s•il.k.7 shamed m she juomme pf
°tonalities evolved.
a min charity. I think othertrlne, arid ao do my g ' .711. I t re ' l ' ll G e k l ' l d i t n lt i tt e o i f
n a
ri g a ' I "L' e
l ' n " i 7 1 i " a ' t ' Ifs ' 7..771.. rt . 'fr.; Ilfair"4lseCii, A litilatialtbilre ' .. ' • -5 7.011.: New clesets. so lv d ei :l l,", c l n erm T ind PM,. and the
',tad In the way of 'Assns..
York', XIS A11en704.13, 10,10 A. ...•. petiadairpi a ,.• ono Increanns In sly, Z.,,7,f.r50 Itailorasain lad Is rhpidlY
But if.the negrO 15 Ignorant, whose f riff i '
it, and what is the remedy, Ili. he not
A. /171.7 and New York. via Philadelphia, at Meer. be. rite Hanle-aro 1eni1i5 1' re,..." .. ....•. .
studioumv denied the privilege whIch!!;:: w bethor un .,,,,, brni.en 0 .,,,,, kt b e annontbd ab 1 constituents. (have greatrespeet forhis nein- . ...many blunders, uml been so often ransom •
while and lealeue DemOeratie Sited has :: ' lone but. est f . o .
I f
!strictly renublleall With Snell a 111nftntlop of 1 i - --.. . 1.1,1,1 am. too presump.tlons are ed by an Altulgiaty amp, The prraverbia: bon
; i t t b::l n ec n t i li ry -.)
o f r if i tuh r ig. l .Lf ,
a lief.ltzL e tie r st an o: ! all neninst hien, find l meet be gemmed by ore of a prophet of fell have no attractions
, them. If We are wrong, tbe error tnay be °Or- for me l'oeletV has told us of the ston 11 1 t 'is- 'TANDS, 61 " ri ' s cif' rap [brooms on this tralll.trotu Pitt*. . Ote improrement of in .. ...i,, - ;, -- ' - ars! Meresased wall
borgb to altimore and Phitadelptum and terlsew . trade I. no w 1,„, ~,,
„ti sad e0n..., ~,,,ta st,
/tort TLa Allesitoon. nti ottn, ii 0,4,,,,, 5i.,,,. ~,',,,:,:ibal,!thea. T he' e "
larTelY negicetedl el learning even to read 1• I reeled hereafter. lif he Is wrong, It Is trrem. nuettra. Illsiore hes 'le h ' ll.l - w -- z - z 1 FAST LLNE-Leaves Pittsburgh at 10:1:0 P. a.,
stopping only at prlnCipal stattens. Artie. at Al.
And is the slave owner, who ii responsible for ' 'aa" of °I" ' en " required the preetentuflatt of
tide, to Meet ne with the mate-salon tl the the question to the entenderlitloll Of COngll.7Sh, Tililble. •Trne, wisdom deitiandsthat we ahould down to us the flume and fate 01 the math a, t .1. .1 3 ,- (11•21. la li4 .. I-I rs Iva 0011 coons at MOO a. si..,Harrisberg,• tr.l3 A. N.; 211111. r., 6 . 6 , t.
- -.., ---- • snore,' 12:30 P. W A : New York, I via Alhatmeal 3:11 -:-"-'-"''
hae purposely kept OiLe maxi hi darkne la ss 1 ''
;Is more than doubtful. The ~,eity. of th„ 7,,,kt. asseranise doubly enre,atillifike a bond e bor. up and down the .1 reel hof Jen ....
--- - - ---
r. ie.:, Phllade/pitta,l MO r. a.: and Now Tort. via s ----. .
1.40 R SALE. --A Farm of 44
muse he feared that a Opal* might flt . ~,. , hinebb. „ 0n .,,,.,, r. In lb onorthern bui , , ,,,, , ol fatty' wipe there IS yet %line to do it, by tem trying "Woe I w tee l• is Idle the oriole ,
Plitindelphla, at et id 11. a. .
ids intellect that would kindle Into flti urn . where there ism, dispooltion . to oppreen the., 1 Pr° ,l, lkng against all pOselble cOntingen. Tn.. were eneamped am,. /i s mine. In,
•BrcaVerst. • Ultimo, -e- scree tind thirty-ate perches.. situsestieen .th
melt hie chains, end thee convert his m"
aml the, ontform enjoyment, with Out moles. ; olen, Wliere tne interemp invol ve d eve., vas, if I stoat alnise on tills floor, and It st ens liras. Wsirs •of all Studs teopt 11 • Dff 'Hook, f t 3 4 t3tgrw
;.j y,,,,,,min, sir ilea, or bt.,„ sat a t?.. l .r* a 1n a ., ° ., 0 ,.., 1 ° I" ,•" "' " al ' s "fIP ' ' townshlp. Atieghwy couna p_ P enea.,,,Teetp . ”4" ,,,... .._ '
evpieble wrong Int.) an ar in own ie. tat lee. ef every social and civil tight, withal t
, , and imippreeirible. If the terms seem hard,. last attornms. I , lin ati• i al ' t
et fault of those wine are peeelpitating Gm , had lys, ' ' ' ""
' ''
' '-'''
'' ' ' Pee' " 1 1 , -- r '''' o l o llas , • • 00 . , Pis , . .0;4 v. ,t/ ' , ". -- - 1 - . - * . ' tr l t " IL”
417.'31 h'r
' . ,1 1 ' azar
7..3.l'l." ''''''
we f t . ell!. nealnat his the protection of tie political privilege Mille t I" ' i• in a •ii me, • 101 41 nation lit tr. 111, d rn „ .„
~,,,, yonsgrow fs , meta:Lump Amy, -Danynage." l _ill_ blrn wl_ 01.1, ollt hall- MOO ft goo.. 0 •
o ti c education I to
n o t, m e , ni „„t e i t a gmait ,„ of oo , ene , 1 e ,, 1 I the volution. A reasonable probation' would_ and in view of the dark portmt. that el oft `' °'lla '°°. '`.l° " " a""° "" ''''''' " Sundays) at ids e. H., stepping at retrulsr stations sPI I . crin Peach trres. oi tbe - aril Vartetv, n
of tbe man Wilo.hae just allow: that he is bet. importune.. to the couutry, and led to no foe I enable Mk to make them easter. !would Entine', the horizon, end shake the sere ittmoapli oe between Pittsburgh and Coaemsega. suelconuentee . fam is a ad•riatil with .11 and limestone of me trwi ' l
ter fitted far its enjoyment than himself I . mei 00 mplalati - wlllmegh the overnhadowts fee my own MITI, trust to the inelloein Mite- around it I at Blairsville Mitt . ..ell. With trailly On the Indiana qUality, a ear stone quay or a et. 1 quality. very
g . 4, uouid nay to the peoele,
Thank HenVen ! it doe
a not require an educe- ludnence of the I • .• I 5...• 1! tomes of time If on I I
Addy, II tillianis & Bartley s - i:
, levetFlt and WeattPennsylranla Railroad: . easy - of aeee, to the. slonongaltela Over,. Tags
t ion ln lite schools tomake a man love liberty. . ia
tea . a . b n net imam las roboes. then _„, , e
... y_ies ra a retudon that - i wake tenni yoor false nes II illy, or prepare
.. , e t,rOoCIA At:CQ.II3IOPATILIN-Daily (creeps Ferry. This small thou lam with° tO at
The whole Infernal system of black laws ls tb e
. 1 of t . mutes af that privilege which 1 ri: ,.„ 0_ permanent andreal,you Meet welt till yotsraely es for nnother. hol.eated. Veto
ens% el et . :Kt A. SI., slopyangatalirmenlaratatioe eery toe eFurer.
foto:Med On the dread of human Instinct, and n e ve rthrou of elavery faill sootier or luter 1. r heartn are changed-waft until thetit- euemy still lire.. Ills impaired vitailly• Leese,. Pittsburgh and Aitdma. and making Cosa I Also. A hu. 1 stock. and grain fantrif :Omelet.,
a r a e!li r r i e e to I tient. Whether their in heYerd right , torn er.s o of defeat, Is past; end untll they aro , has been restored. Red-hionled treason cimoecoon 'soh pains on the Della. Brame. West , &Menus, situate In elin.7 Hilt Towrishila /Odin.
the feerwihat tit e! natural etrugglee of !lament
.. to i ote tall/fist he ...rem,. 0.1" an ap- i Preto.* dto confese their, errant, and ask for- rear, its head n.. prronliv end defiant I) loe,on..glr •11121,1114/11.0.1d. Ilt/Cl36llllrg S. cressoo Rale County. Pa-, near the villageof Greenville. Timbal.
ty, if aidell even byline ti Mobieltglos as 'night I peal t
• SIITIIVII'I ti `41,1 r
e d ,.. t5,w 0 r,...1 ,t ‘ - t ,,,b,,,..,. 8 r ..,,,,, b. . , , en:tremens. are h twieStery /tame house: thelargest
An the pelletal tribunate of the ao an t r‘ . i gl. eness, and reNtOratlon in the-spirit of the atol otsultingiv •o. lin .
m A 'I! a p e „,,,,,,, ). ~,, cone. Flt SIXTH A Nie S .. - .
be acemeitile tO him in his emulltion of servi- ' upon We ben In fti ..
r2°°"l° "- ' ll AL OVith s '
ta 9to COnantutlonal guar- . , It P g out repentaece for. . capital. It chili. to Monte tn your Pr st- i„ . ;.,,0„. A ny
(e.ecet!ativi Trani Mr WalPk Strata- i and best barn la die meaty: fenelng.generally
tude, wetdd result In making him a freeman. ~,,ta „ . t„
0 ,,,,,,,,,,,, „___ ,n ,ex • untlnT.) at 61.33. A. It , good s _• MO neres clrmasts the remainder vrezz ember-
They ame themselvee a pregnant confession is en ese 19 Idle and teetoration %verges Phi d .o.t It ores
a ~i t a 0 Lien! lon which lam not pre- If o , . % • • 1 -• •,, .---e Me. to nee the A ery Orgitlig of
1. ,
.. s ._ .
~!;:- . " '1, ..1 /4../al lon Train tor It allnt Station et The lone le g.,ruf, large titeadOw•ltllleb Serhinee
that the slave la gifted with power% and sus, , k„,,- - „,., i'' "'"' l '.. ; A : s er .." d e eet Care to die.... i , '
sop ty• t otb , o re n legion mite
-0 approve, the sound. yotir tear ernintait U, del...toe your nttitt dr PITTSIII111(.41, I'A. ..1...'n..4'..',L'...,4"'"'"''''` m " 4 ""'• W.
a Atm crops of hay. It Is very to chinches
tie now ato the loyal eltatca to ra. of
i ht d etrlne. lOu canned acconapltsh . a rivoltstionar% otte, end to arraign y or I m r ,„,,.,,,, ~ ~,.,,.., 11. 11. So. 1 - I..eaves daily feXeePt I W . h0011...U/s t nroreS; Ae.. de. 'nth property win
•coptitillitios that might he awakened Into deinand ri o e -
i . consideration of Congrese. There Ia
,a. nk o this sort by any forcing process. Yin servants bete as to oug h they were lit To 71-
i Third Arentrittioll ' ail be .16 very uteap and on easy tenets.
EllianhlevOua activity', and oultivnted Motile f., no
highest duties of eitizeushlp In a free mate. I L I
I, ne i pending . to their atimbision here. • wiee Gorernment would Wink units No sound lion against, the sena , 1 1. moves upon he A I.Stt ~..;„„., d .,,, ~,,,,,,,
•• •It Tram for Wall'a Marlon-. I AI.. a farm ef about en scree seamed in Wee
Whether theiguoranee ef the Inferior clans, . oet ,
~ n k l n t . ,h e erl , minale that are ,at your bar, I. (~,,f, hidlcioon statesman would advise it. if citadel where emu oefemiers ere intrench d. Penn Aerommeslat nf in,..1 . .? ft ' l ''''' 'w• Wheatfield Township, Ind Lusa counry,Peans. Tte
either Imported from abroad or thua diligent- stored to'h , xstr . oti.,,,lnit demanding tO be re.
.4.sairc.....comeoackno.b theright spirit, SOO that no warder sloops. nn port 1.4 left 1,- BEA vTat BTBEET, mAIicuEBTE ,„ 5 ,,,„,,,,,,„,,,.
„, n .,. •••••, toile rege e pt ' Improvements are a good, comfort-line s two-story
11, L .,,,,,. e ../,/,,,,,, , ,, , , tee NI,. t e n t at an slati nsn ~.. imbue Home. with 6 mous, keine' [tense barn, ea
ly eliliivated at home, ought to conetitute a aluve empl i te7 ".. 117
went nut tO foiled a '• sr. mar eotne with meth senerities as we guarded. Look to It that nn sentinel itnlt r 4
The Citneen Train-Imp-es Wall V ' a rlage Loose. good corn milts wash himsc, bale 01111
disqualification, It to perhaps too late to in- " They s II think that God and have a rigid to demand, i t were better they yens gates. steel the hearts of your I f
, e end.
g.,. a s I,oi A ., g.. an d ..,„, t , Aii•lest t'very Sun. nada two-stay ...lane spring boas* aboai 150 acres
. nature Intended the no ro on fo I 51Muldnot come at all. I would - hold them as ers against the is miltneen that 11.01 1
'pure, niece the policy of the country, di a pod . „ v ... 110 g ly r th a t coo .
thl ietrey
A. n. ~,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,n,n„, pi„,,,, t ., tedfurt h st je t o , cleared and in timothy and clover; a socaterebsol of
and fashioned by the Demoerelic party, has ' ' "
i t .It ""nts by in Into. In tno rebel tiler are-ani with black troops, toe-until !Ike treame. see ritat their:nail I. proof-te,
. and arrive. at is ailei Manua at :et p.'.11. 1 7'" r• la- apt.. peace, pear -and quince trees.',The Rueter is
settleti It es a principle that the right. of ° , l. h t: eft. ff IN a freemen nOll% Ills Maxtor is ' theta territories aro peopled by men who trill lolu t again'. no rive , not or i
p.m . °. See that rt..
isenerally geed. The I.d Pete gool quality. stuns.
.ellehly. /le 1 /1 , 1.1..dy input do no ~.,,,... recognize the value of We Union-ay, ludd Trojan horse, tio Tennessee with feir °inside get armee Teat. errive In Plttsbnrsh Sarni 'ail, of limestone. and but• • short distance hum
self-government can nOt be justly. made to
1 HMI. .
~_ loam eo.n. This properry will tie bald soy ehea
d h d the •ducat'on 1 t lii ' I
ep n. upon . . i or. n e genet: a na dd a h ~ • er o •
ens aVe him If he mot He went. pow t I them forever, If neemmary, t t s ...woo . pro. hot blg with •penillettee and wa ,/ Medi uI . • -
' I•to •. a, Aka, a Par. ofabout =scree dieles
a tue&e above.
, goat Line
•••40 •as Tire lo
of the yotet, It May he right' for the twn. ,
000 , int ndo it, The negro wants, prote, ; vine.. But it will not be necessary. They its way withM your a :Ws. When r these gre ' a7
nest Wates !Hatton rteeammodalloo. ... :. Ca's" A . . a ••••"•'''''••'.• • l ' ire ''' . l= = lA'''.
Gild reason that the love of liberty Is heaven. a,,t; it i i i .„ i:2 l i , ,i. , ,, earl , ) , .d the right CO it, if It was I will be giad to retnre le a 'nary p, y ear . ~ erilairmb• iln ret nril, if ever. let it he On I .
• Pena Aorommodason ,
A . M. led a larher frame barn: Macros d- Under
horn, and the eight to vote the best educator iif .'
. re. 11.• want pellee and secnrity, , just, entail conditlesm its yon may impose, unit threttelt the .16ot that you .diuti Ind usate, nth) : Nn A u f , s . '
1 isd . lt. , • awl s
' second Wail's Station Amontroodation... 6:60. 6 , y. ,a • I. " "Mill , •• 11031 3 5 . 11 • 11 .24601 1 •M 0 / 11 .4; •
of the freeman. If gentlemen on the other •, . not indemnity for the past, and We ars onto t Will he gruteful for the privilege. Admit, them a /to such lit fragible and Irreee rMi i 4 If Seen /1- ' A.b neitis u h ' y ia ' ll r "P''"" iir e ltn en i "p• ' Jonestown Accommodation 1 1,3, m ~ a I ,Z . M,i'wo e istorr milt-noase. These ninrihrms unitea
side have come now to tided, dur e ,„ nny, I . let they can he only seemed by making these , nowt awl withdraw your artdies, wady -oil leave ins. as 3on only Mere the right co demand- ' ' lel feedmS• .ett: , en ifaaa '''''
- . a ed
Datum/see Express t ,,, .....•
, e ,
e..e m e • ant-rate bunt. Faam. or will h4soie
have ne objection to go haek ami trust the Ft?verntrients, republican. They have pittead ! your few whlte rriends and ymir multltudin. Thls Is toylrsitlon. Here I MON,. ttIICSICIIOy , AlloollllAerAnunalatlon and Egaltrant.....llMA r. Is ! f 1 :1.4 ‘ 1 .
elves be I 0
l/ tr OWII act in a tondition I IlllS MAO, ones teen ostinelem . merepasoa s staild4 e lOi y the help of God I will mutate In 1 pipprigH lifiGLl LEAD PIPE Tlitr4 %Yell's:statism Accommodation I ::.0 r,R. .
__;; _. a ace of ro saes. situated
,iniesst Weems
suntraps only to theSe %Wee. read and write, . i °ma
• -
ybib ,,,,,, hbin En .„,.. ,,, .
....... .
~ ~,a „ ,,,,... ' g r .%`:,rasiiit - 0. 1.4 lanayonsiy..ra... - ,Ttie Improve
and have been long enough aalong um to un. n vr ,, ltielt, by tbe confession of the prase:f r o, the bloody proneriptlo. opOli Whlnh they eau it thc mot. tstbers may falter in the trial, bee
Penn Aecomm'ololaw,Wri a ll ......... .....,. tem r. as. barn with a ' sere Feawe nee , " with' 10 maim. lo,a
derstand our Institut - toils-to ehetke them. I blue elf, it beeomes onr duly to omelet., tee " iOngeT venotre with sefety. They tell you t h rough mr. no right shall be !atria / fen an , . Afl n '
Pittsburgh A Erlet'ilell ..,,,,, A . ~. , ~,,,, ten e eof. sued All lineilld. nose:row arum:
sMres loose from all forelg.n denoultuation-to ' g i varanties r : the Conlitltut lon. When we . ° 0 thi 4 . 0 f 1 . 10 . , While the Presldent fummt s privilege enrrendered, m• sumo.. teat pluched .
. An Agent of the yx.celsio thnnlbun eorupsny son 1 coact/Jen h'
44 . 1 t7 h1 . 1 ,, 1° ,,E,.i. , P,. 4 „:,!"*.h..di " 27
nnlearn the Old World Mean in which they s 101 l hove den, thi s e•ore it ale h e ti me . yon that these Mateo. Or nOine Of theta, are . lel ,leirel iorn f rent ihe eroWn of Ihe represeo
pus tkrough each . train be r fere reaching the um., : Usti of Me t "..
- -.---- °'"'"-• ".' - -
have been reareti--and let appreciate the rpm. , enough to Miter tipon :mother that will he 00, nlY to return, in the fat: of the adnlltted wore body. SHEET LEAD WOR.KS. ' !steep check*. sae deliver baggage to any pan. rated i e . ih t , t r e !, , ,.se ss•ssy ent be taken us wear:-
enjoy. 1 ,..... t,
cobAeot. how. pturely voluntary , and if the reconstro,•tell . ie. that Gull' People/ 1 . 51 Inost nYen; • In
the city. Valee, No. no Penn street-septa day mad ; At... Farm fal yer •in 1111.••••••• • -•
n tte,. shall Waled w m ,
h i tle y tore Ito a condi. 1 stance, hare refused tonally even the aiwan- , - - '
. --- ' W• or. .... Aza ,-•, , eupp, , 1 0 outfit-what MI enters for Ihr endleeinenter passili . l O'itheoy eon ' 1 . ' •.' -..---••• ......"4 1,
ever t _that one mile shall be applied to the im- ti ' .
port ed Celt eed 'another to tho home•bred Af. on cede so, 1 hat we slialy deel e - Ith the negro I Inge.. hargalu made with him by the/eh/mi. , AMUSEMENT& '' 4 , .4 , -se % . ilo srtiv - ° a5,....4 bssesee wut reosi v.. r,bomnt nentio .' a ' 0,0 7 Prre "" 1 . rli-
" "The ' h. " "'""--'
!Lattimore Ezpre. will . arefve with . l'hilad a elphia 1 This rano 1•11)",7. " L r d " ".. h 't• Vs'U'l , .l . Ira. ,
Timm. The right to free dare Is not a question ' nut -eels en, .we have eoPepelled them to cleat . ere, bY eetel leg Myra men to represent then/ --- - - ----- ---- ..... -------..............
ss ith him, i doubt not that the {Mal. of the ; here, every breeze frOM the eolith I, ladmi IIITTSBURGII TiII:ATI/E. LEAD PIPE AID SHEET LEAD. "P" ' ° ' a'''' '''' ' ' 'g ' ' ' • ''" "ad"' i
....., b ,, , ,, ,
ow al al a it!, reduced mice. roa
st fin , ' of Abell. nas.
Of cheer race or color, but the common Miter- •
NOTToIc.-41:1 Case of loss, Ine CompanY will 114111 Auto, toe tn.. e
Ranee of bemanity. There are are no fulastoe- , i • ; , tsrtli, %roil Ifs MAMA reneged liy the rim' fig with the earliest renlOnotranseh ef the loyal . .1.1...N1S ASP MSS mak wit HE?: riEll,o , o
theinselve• reshot:4.le far personli eaggege only . moreland . eOl 11l i ' . in
F.l'''' tOwnship, West
elle. of sonisereal liberty, will antlelps te. any ' People of those 'States, telling Fou that the --
~on, b , , Ji b, wi., containing AMarresi about
Pstelea in tiefre providence bur that of ander
les keep on issita and will male to ...1., ..ty ace for an amount Brat exeeedlng Imo --
etandleig, which Is not transminsible by de. r tier. itet i - l o c, hy meining . red nothing but a , Withdrawal of your power vile b. the signal 1 '.. 1 t-tdrlit •/f the eons/errant of ,h. ~ , ,, • 141 V met - midis site nr !Meknes. rvintred. at the • W. H. IikAIEIVITH ! A gen t. menu are' inn lar hh.
Railroad, The .rmarove
sto the periehed feudalism of the 1 fOr their flight OJtai egile trona their homea ' lean Ael re .•
. 41 the PenesylvenisCeentrei Railroad Paesenger MA j largeek and best i " r'n..l
'•• b••••• : •... r U " .
rune hams in th truenatom two
tiCent, anti which la the appanage of no par. , s, a ,7, e nj a- e r a,
op. on Muerte and Washtfertea streets,.
Id ever have aeconiplisheil. , and altars, Irma the' gratee of their kindle - el
____.____,_ I :ppleefehaols. The whom its= '' p a sod h x
tteular raCe or class 'of men. -I do not mean • ' '
MISS JULIA DALY. Lowest .711arket nate..
tat f enitivatlon. The Cm in I 11 ' 'r ' o la 4
and their household gods, and beseeching roe,
to say-for lam no fanittle-that the near, Rot wny liners. the retern of these Suomi .
prrirsoundin, ric.atigsgui land is of the eery hen up ' en ! `: 7, ,0,,, , ,, n - 1 .• T e
, ti'hy undertak . 1
I I .1 . in piteous accents or tiespalt anti
race Ls, upon the whole, the equal of the white ei le lope es, nu prompter°. 1 agemr. itet Far-1 6pp Ire et the rr a nrte f •tner11•11,
..W. WAYNE i. OiIiCAGO cleared. the balaup le goo 4 miter. - oi - aar'"
°nein thisriarticular, anymore Watt I would , Mak of restoring net Only to temptation, hot Ito abandon them to their remorseless cue- ilat wt. is ,
. 41... rvx rt. iir...11..,„.,.. Ordcre by man promptly Otle3.
session on
! RAILWAY, AND ELEVEL.LNLY A PITTOEVRoe i the ant day of April. viriek' :This. pro -P me e ar m 5,..
efarm that tine one white race is equal to , etnnivalsion, for the purpose of bringing about -mks '
''''''' •
' is A ILROA.D. .
sold at • great bargain. TM' own
,$)o W l -..- -
any Other, or that all the white raCes ere a re.union which can Only subsitst. sr bcru It. is But beeere they do come in, whether by the
~,,„, Who urfil eo nowt ato.. 1,1 1
HAILF,V., FARRELL & CO., 1466 z. Wintir_A...4ing.m.nt. , ism. I'' " h " h"1".." erwl es °engage
&Rielly fitted for the task of self-government. spontaneous, and can rest securely on no tube ! gloor or whitlow, there are duel., to he pm- rt. .. DAY F.V FNlNit.llet, nun. OIP Iss presented ....d
trate, *in
re_ Also. several other Farlll3 ranging frOta OM toe.
o 'wrier,
That to a proposition which no man can ler found:1111M than mutual respect and good formed to other., dangers against which lee 01111 FEMALE AMEHICAN I'OUSIN
, . ~..4 • follows, plat
ls: thulthtleht Street. Pittsburgh, Pa • , Lewees, , ::For T., . .
~._ Also, a larninf MO acres. situate In Met'
cOrilidently einem, in vlew of the past Ids- ' will! It Oro grent. probl em, ~,,,1 a ~,me , ,i, L ,,,,,. I must provide, I:dieing out of tho obligattone
ylpfx6urg6. Macao°. Olevasiond. _....vp,y_ , township, Allegheny county, Pa.. ohoutHatles ream
tory and prenent condition of the world, but I in, there ,oIV I,,,,aottata 0„ r „,,,,,,,, a i ng ., he , lof the War that these men , have tonne upon To ',astute u lin the trio, Drainel. enlltiril
1 3 LESIDING, GAS AND STEAM ; Express .„.,.,
_. l'Y• 11 •161 the city. The improvements ere a. Log Rouse, a
yet it Involves no question as to the natural 1 ear for their reappearaure herel le there any , ua. We have Incurred au enormous debt that The Pair al Nifllleillglle. k FiTTINO. ill am. iTs hos mellks, . ;aprr”
.........., 1.,a4 ;%. 1 ..1 , , - V. , rt . :. ea ,
r. ; sood born, a young orchard of apple, peach .4
is reainlyowing to our own people. Wa must ,
__ _ .
wopirationn, ~,.b in, are only a d pi ra td an ,„ . of , miequate inducement to Indemnify us for the
• Express IMS r. 34. 6:05 r. ig I pear. 1.111 .11 this veluaqie preperty very elicati
men tor freedom or his right to It 3 enjnyment. admitted risks we intuit. Irreur from intrnatnre • provide for the pa i yment of Its Mistrest, as
.. OPERA 'IOUS*: -
-- , ,
. w e ‘Ar e A r A lf „ t i v , ottlel4.l o za . r.f .ar iz o 7 . :ll.:r r ieuerd and prattles Mali 7.03 As 11.. . 17710 h. lc 4 cow... I " d o" e"y Itfals ' ,
II lam treehOOse, however, between these two ' and illsronsldered alio. What would be 1 *l ' lloo the redem l t '''' ef
kii•• tine Ple4 r - e L. ,, t '''
24 . .
hare matte to the t isabled eolfiler, ant to the ' - ' '' ' ''' - ' •° ' .°L '''• ...... I! °' ° .° "Lc,' For Newcastle and Erie
ItetOentne • arrive at Plusher's,: e 440
e, , For furtherpart teeters lintlire of
b. 11. TOIVENteaI Estate Agefst,
etementa, I would cake the black man, ern I tint. get of the sanity of the man In• private 1
: P.. Ft. a.aC. le W.-1":4 a. aw, Tie r. si.. le ' "' -n _O. 164 Fourth atreet.ell
We evidenee Of We last few years, and re era ,
I itfe who writilei Inhlsl. on hurrying back to his , widows and orphan% Of those who have per- ~,,,,,„,,,,.., , b ,
n , , - o
ths emote., GAS FIXTIIRES, SINKS, BATH:TUBS, p... 41:00..... . . __ _ . ~.__________.
tweet ie the field. le It pen...led that Wee° .„„„. 'II " I t'''' , '' .
tho equally ignorant w hi t°, w h o b, no d e . embrace and (mull/fence the unfaithful partner t men will assist on In redeeming the.e oblige- ' , ,00 C. .i. F. u. it.-11 035. a. 2:31 1 0 _, se., s•l3 r t'OR NALE-A Faint of about aS
Mulched as to even love edavery-who allows who bail violated H eworn engagement of [Mei
"'floe- eit PATHS, At'eOAISIODAVIine TiteiNb. P ocre•,..ltitat e In Ellmbeth township, Atlegheur
Ms very Instincts to be samtherad_o n d ~,hr i ; ity, purloined ills c.a., nred 1 • 10 dwelling. and , Oen., that sOrrie petßous are unzioun to /1880.. ! ' /V/ISI§I 1.. A II ICA IiIEENI E, WATER cuptcrs, Learn Allegheny for: ~,t ,uty. la, about one mile awl a half front the
etibinlis Ms eons:Hence and Ins understanding ; murdered a pail of otedafand a ,,,, „.h a i n. ,,,,,,,, ' ehtte them with ue In the performanee of this ! AI . " th,
HYDRANTS, New IllustilrOct-CO3 a. W., 11:10 a. W., ado r I lle2ee r t ‘ or .e hle•'enstot hslt . otileeif the 11.0110 n •
work of Pestlee and mercy IDo von propose talente.l etallle 1.0113..113n, Cana•nlly on I.2nd sod made tourer, . and ape r. st ' eel. r rer .4 , the suds from the YoughloghelP
Id a.diroction whole dominion rests ow n th e rif yielding had only been surrendered lty h.
same profonnd and 'fiagacieus policy that has ; "love". on n vortezen end disnrMest by the oft. to suinmon /Mem great erilnlnale here and near. .lEir..A.3fltruir ME.AsL'ill.
,MT1T,14.7,'-2--rstr.m;,. • I The improvements tire. tint. a Peame 1.1 tts'ilei
lion•e, with G rooms. had ago. al of waterlu Me
loCked up tho treasures oflknowiedge from the . eers of entice, ond bed never even adraittod , tranelate them fmm the dock to the bench, . T P - Pein AY ! F VF.NIN G. Ism a prewo ted the eiest TATE & SEVILA, ...:04......4-1.0:80 P. gy. . door: second a t
, wu dory y'raufe ' llome, with four
joint ...neon. with yourselves, and Waite who eetuctiv or
tOrele man. EvervlxelY musthave been struck ' iti''' mime, or given one token of repentance! '
WELtsvitit -eat r. J. 1 rooms. weft teo good springs of water: then/. aLog
hove ponred out their money or their blood In
ih tin , T u rno t ono nowitn a t4, with which ! Is there not denser enough . already In the riti)- '
' "'I I:I F :V-4 . 1 .. ..1 ' 4117i t' , l4l:Pir . E'"ls'l,i,-I"`tr/th'g"'"? , House, whit two rooms a frame Mak
both these elements arranged themselree, lid process of disbandment and surrender that f ''''' .4° IV., In bringing them tO pistice, in
, Plushness P., t. .d C. 11..W.-itios. le.. ' • the rery nest slaw ng..e . orn crib, ea ° lair ba Tte's I f'
Wough on Obliosite sides In the late contest. I has heen going on under nor Awn ryas, to the . T:t rev V talent. of toe nation, ,, !n perfecting l'lon•nee Trenenora Miss I. am, liera atialie.'• we i y A. sr., t:3O P. Is., 4:31145. 16. 4 .0 6 1 mass,. . Other our-bundlers. The tract I.lo7andestriallwleb
WhOls Mina begin to rewn for themselves they 7 terror of one on ly loyal friends, both width and - ' 1 h°°°rlll ' h, hnd le reiall lng 11 ore igai lefts •ro movie& nAn the great c. dP. L. R-10:01,1,.. u. . a vein 0(310. I Innestolle. This ntratnutoritenestene
aro almost sure to differ: • qnstinete says Id r. i black, .in the i.oute, withou I referents', to . you have lueurred to the puullr creditor, ansl T..r. Elf• WY 03011WS . tWOßtie PARKIN, Target trip 0, worth all that la asked for the property. For fl.-
Alth6 II striilitaii•Y
u.,.. in....,,,,,,,,, w0,,, r ift . b , ,, ,
.. !her particulars, tonal. of 0. H. TOWER, Real
le the faudee. of Wpm heave 111101 Who have , PLUSIIIING, GAS AND
Elflike, "when raider the godurice of rt'asen Is ' the a eds., et OptniOns Of the people or thislr
A. itle CAEaILBERItI, Ticket Again, estate Agott. Nu. !fit Fourth street. et at
al way. right.. 'lf it was Anstinct, however, I, i`a•frE•••tnilves her- tand In del:lnner, of Olti- i f"W i : .. , ,r . ‘ , 7 l l ^ , :'.. 1 110 , :onon 4 0: Demur ...ether. ' ;, e ,:. 2 ,7,. 1 , 1 2 , T1C ow ' , sal 1,00 0••••••••, 0.; - Nir , srsse er A
- -- - -- --- --_
__ 2
that led the black Maisie We one direction, it . 1
ele information ee •eted be the Government ,'-° - . h j you Insist that they khan : - ____:____ __ _ _____
noM F. R. Siiitit. General Ticket Arent.
A d l nSeetif elaf I.`oll MALE.
was eomethibg other than reason that herded ' Iteei; that the eel% - uldch inaugurated and ' eoele Imo meowil with Yoe oe fleet+ a fine , . Viiiliisiiii INS !RAUL. '----
- sEtw.m..a..nes .v - .3r..•rwrivc3r. ---_, - _ , -
hie jealous rivals - , Into one solid mass In the I directed W. liellid. revolt mut as rife as ever ' rine . this t Tbe ordeal vrould he Wei
, 1-) 0 /1"r8BVRGII, CO-asume i
other. 7 111 the land, that w e .deftill.l Moist on strewing sr ,„ s . . re. They has e denounced the vette a., •
only tturightent., lett unlawfol; 1
'Hat It MSS been i.objeeted lu 10111711 , quarter. i paha trranclica in their way, and inviting thole , '*
0 TV
Mitt If the negro Is endowed with the power ,t 0 the Interim of et triumph a: the Caere:al The ' faer are ent alone in thi. part feeler. •II • ESDAV EVENING, FEB, 20111, 1566, • iii..r rI. r: .0, ri, .
orthe ballet Ate will,..uuder- the guidance of po,ni ng s g a m )! s th b , hb, I ,e, llny oh , ..i tt ,..,,, Is lot Ihe rebels mildent only, the me. I
theyeame, anallnet, cotrifilner with bbl fellows to °dh ''` l me ri ' d ''. ° b "I " te e'vs it b lv the a ugkea• i w 110, 5•• cluerfilly etaked their lit'es nu their I n..usor. t o s . o n . ... . LEAD PlytEe
Seize thegeVernment9 Of the rebel States tato , tie. that - it Is a Hal: that mlisn be takett.e . opinionewhot link eo. Their as:eclairs le the 1 'snag:Gun at iHE PITTSBURun ‘lllll/8,
ht!, own b an de ., , Thi s ar„„m an t t a t h a „ ay This, I humbly thluk, is a eine minitetr. It sm, I North, who went them back on the tertasof the ;
esident hay, meant the '
It vollowerrs here , 0 lIAL-ra WATEIt CLOSETS AND WASHS'EANDS. 4.
0t ,, 00 . m .,,,,,
. w hi n - s --- i - i nyve „ int ez _ bw. 1 uut nec•canary that he should' have a polley,
, 1 ,..,' ~, ~ ' ' .
Nr/C witN 8 0(4•47403. ; .
tiled, and while the °Leer has Only beon In. 1 and a {menet:tonne, or that we shoold take the
, - ,, ,- ;.,','„ - '°„,",=';,.,,,",.7„t'nni.:„,That ',l,'" r ifi lue "L . , .
vented as aa air l ogy f e t. t ,f oe l„, th e h el l ot . risks that are adrutttml to tie incidental to It ';',:y''';'„ - ', - s,"' - „,,, - ,, , .., - ,:1a, --- , 5 ,...,; - • w „,mbs 1 , 0 , ralunii- ' Tillery Fri r i srl .
ED' a' CO.,
by those who had mo fears of the aiastere. In• ; Ilow eee"' It o'er he . Olt the SO/dier, It is 001 4 1 -° . ' '7 '-- ''" • - ''' ° 4 ° W 0.4.110 . ~. i nie4 - e.frpn - ri 1i . ; 77 ,,; ' ,...1' " ' " r77 , ll ' ' ' ';'''''',,O' hi , n ,,, lo , I .'''' t .
flurnee, has not, perhaps, been without Its mit of "the nettie derrtgere ihst the statement , t tis Itasisl I vent era to predict. that the next ,of the elate. ' ' .'
I 'I
- .'.'
- -
I Snenirssair In gado 3.• Eteene,l
-weight upon:Milli the northern and the south- : w wild , ‘plitek We flower Palely. , He will tate phaett of the reunited Democrat's' of the North '1 legets :Ai rent... ran 1.• 17,1 st ihe Bonk store,
;ertinalrid. Nobody can doubt that in this lag- ono risks If lie ran help It, and with only . rn _ tied Scud h, (Go I t will he a reunion of the ma. foito the e+. , e , . ,, , ...I al the door. Performaae No. In.: wcead st., Pittsburgh, Pa
tionn! treatment ef this quoit lon, IDI lnk they t r. " Ii not o f ' l. ' Id o te ati win he °PPM-Mien lot , I° • " .2-22Iwe ' we 2 I " '''''."'• . Jae:rued
made. at least. there Le a morbid apprehension 1
of what Ls called negro equality, but really j ere unnecessary here. The nerviest( the lawn! loi . Paymmit of tide debt.
.1 t may net awes,. . Thetific iT %I eeTti! Nti i 0.; n sill 1„. ; a 0 ,,,,,,,, , ,
ee . e,
• allet, . ..
natlne negrO nnperforlty ; and 11. 15, perhaps, ! States, who fought Ibis battle, 41.• how tri the , "T i t ., " a t o " .° 10 - Ltae°ll4 P ° 0 t eleml e l e t e l l "' o,ls: ri
, ( '' di ti t'IIPPING.
dintkm In the North, hut 11110 best alliance ' - --- ----- --- --
no .unnatuml that now that the negro I Posaaa 4loo Ca" leo 1 .0 veronica r, llsey may
has shown that he will tight, the men who and it they are rise they will-lake their owl. n. 1111 0 ,1 other means, riot less effect ire, to an- 1 PIAIVOS ORGANS Ike '
flinched from that ordeal •in the hour ot oer I time 1 0 detoroli 0, how they's - in reedited its • cooneh lin hOrkr Tile South, with an it s ;
..datiger, or even. thone who have been firive” I maeniam7, and heat nye,. the. %monde that tho , Mein tees and lerkle. would rather con... to TIM 1111ADOEft V, NED' Viailli,
144 .,.. e11e lobo the ette i e „, the e li e ..,., hy. war has made. It Is In their power now to ex. ' 110fre0 4111Trage than to anow itself tO he taxed ! a
illiquid dread the comparison, und feel Illel ti" everY Posilble soeurit v fot the (worm For such a purpose, and yon cannot compel It
~,, 1, 4
there Wen nothing now but the denial of the 1,,,y, , hen. th, ,„,.,1„1,,,,,,g,r,,,,, i„ W 1,11 0.11 the AO of We Mark - mem The hoot, , ~
ballot to prevent the black roan from assorting . 'it rrender ail the Jolt rnlstne or nor vietor: 0 111 110 , 11 "/ 50 " a " WI " lin t° Y flel "` ! " 2.ln e e Aft hi, A . •ef If !
gar es .0., Ph ildedelph 44,
hat !natural e i lFerlerlLY uve " -.llH e w- l y0 s• 71:14 011100.77 1 nn• •enn r/t 7at C.II 1 141. y Ifißeft. ti.:k I il t r? - 11 ~ .1' actual Won s.y rainy in the worleCo, '
~,,,..,,,, s, „ bc4 , 0 , 0 ,. ~, pa ,.„ ,;,( ; th . r, ornrtitt , o, . these rebels In Stir bloody '
. rt. et of the paper that was investedia !ta ut. •„,,,,,,... „.,,,,,
e o o P e P,a e n. e • il tte ' .7 . 1 - L hee l„ w i th d„, „,.., the •at Intremeot to whir. thm• bare appeoln,) , , 11 si ill damage your credit hytmerndilnworlth . %L.' . .11. „ZS,. DIX II:DI ~S 1 .
. ythunins , of cppa ,,,,,, tor , on 1,1,, „ or; te hi e h „ to he only Gm .Ign n/ for Omit Teeter:dine t,. / 0 . 1 e e lscene - -• of reeves... /snowing that tax.
! anYtbing but ermelltent with the ideasoctudi. : their former estutot It is necessary that so , /Ilion is always imptspulari hml Phrite ' Ll ' rl Y ' The& t & 0 'C tt 0
onslyinenleatedofh is Incorrigible inferiority, ' should eonetraln the relue tent condeseension among a people so omitted et it as ourseivee, • , ey o. a o age rgan I
. , tSucr.sur In .1.1.10 • Ernent, I
'all4 - 6 1 4EMM026 . 21.11 that has teen attirmed b y . of these beuglity mestere, whom lately spurn- ,it will at leant nutter and delude the multi. a ,.. -0- - „ ,... ee
philosophers and dlviaeala regard to tds nor- led as fla Staenh,. TO the renewal of the donaten. • t il llr '•'',i tli ,, innwn-3. ruir.t re , . "I ' d with ' m il" la 'AM ERIOAN ORCAN.
seek couttitirm, adfulta that eye5...y.1104 Doe - Willett thee liett eof tie to Int:We tron, s . t.e al a et. unite, I.out 1, Sri 1,, sr, the nest •
highercultureoltheWldie man rentilld-giVOgita 0 Yer.thiseling roe ron.forri 51 leas thd intim:apt On, turn Of Ihe Cards, WM its way back to pOsvar,
,Arktoortedged by the id-st tn. do t / talent I n t s,
no advantage. In .the contest, lint in tho few proved or mbilined Dunn 1 'General schurs is end enter once more upon the p0....,1,,,, „f Lei tele.tes io is. tope our Lot.. sst 011.• it, n. , wer,
piolly •5.1 'plaint of tea., nod i11...eV/1h `isn't'.
c.sces where Um:blacks are in a majority the the w e itno „ .o . 7 that the poliey of hot Only par. Ite “° " rIII " m •
011tereace In - numbers M small. It - It =aunt r ee l g,
_I I
ro, inv t it o lug_ the rraltore themselves ilut the mischief will not end here, There These Instrument s ha, for yea, 1,1,. h
en 1 e Ir.
h„3 overcome by the superior training of-the , 2 , _ t; 0 1 1 , 2 ,
fi .
~ b l , , , , A
r voto - s. •ta. one the worat ,LS another doht that r.nuibers cannot COitinute, premle ads, orer all MI 7.•dupetlines ht the earl...
w bi t „ o nygri, Vier{ (be ability qf the aegis and 1 ' '•
' ' lir ' t -' l , - 1 4' : ,' • them'
•Vrei It was bat • teetered in the battled attempt to oyertjt mina Stnle ond rooms Pair.. In price...they ses t r ..,
h i e onee„iiiMktltill. te eearreelid, ere este!), ,O , 2 3b atO , re lat , . aziO 11 thee or, not deeplie th Union, and diffteeel throughout tee 91 . 1, eel' ' , Wet , . on • arrauted for Ore years'
lished by the hitslicit ''"all/bie ital. BM In a , t lee °4 r '' c a ane oo . A -011 0 1 , 1 Wolfe:Wry celf. en , es South. There is beeline, a club. y'et
quarrel erynees.weile,e ge to hecoplit att . -416 mu, ; '.'. '" ;;; ;',,' - ne_ . ••‘ th•Z W ill I . C . 01 JPOSI ,prrlpate.l lo ; ‘lO aut for the value o? the slaves mede free %V ADIE.LINII di BARD,
Littol If tbehlast perceptible Infusion of ea !tel.: -• 2 . !let' ...„.113 , 111,1 AliSre necessary to us 'by tie proclamation. It may 'seem to some _
groiolood. tbt ren - falntes t aniqualett Of aired 2an wee are to them They werellol lOng OM eat vegan' to talk of these, but it is no more 21 , 0. - 12 SI, Clair Street, l'ittsburgh, Pa.
La thehair,la aufficient to authorize ns i n o e _ them,..eires, hafare t bey began to yearn for ositavassuat than many other things that we Des
to hybrid COUSIIS Of all ! the nrilon of some royal 105.0 beyond the sees. Mole witnessed, and among them the aseertfou mole' 11 ' '
price our unfortenet
participation in the Government, what asaur. , • • 0 0 ein riasou ote n that o t a
41,11 w o rar n •.1 th .. 1 t e •' of right to return to these Halls as though 11
acme /generate.. ;the Caucasian onsh wilt not are pining for the ret IWO: of one !latent' lords, ' Ott Mut not sinned, and the presumptuous
prove equally fatal ma the Other 94 1 0 Meter!: , .11011 g Willi our Democratic brethren, w Ito were er gams , that 1%. already taken our Count. THAT E.LF.CA INT %MICK GP
teethes us that this distinction Is as likeiv to , Wandering like sheep-without a eliepberd, and , tat on In charge, end undertaken to arraign
pretend es the other. ' But sorely the eh ivai ry, lament big We deeelatioribt the Capitol with 1 Ott , act self-defense against ; their treason
" ob: ba. 1144 la aet .,, totaawnt b y i ts ~,,,,,,;;;.. , more than the tenderness of tile Moor, who to 1 dolga.. of that olstroment- Admit
or Address the turbulent that submissive De- i wcpb the exile of the inst of the Abcncorragos ti t men, tguore their crimes by your rotes, CHICKERING PI A NOS
mc.,, r , of the' North, woild not shrink from , nader the deserted tOvrers of the Alhambra I he 0, give them your cOnlldence anti the .
the.eueocmterin.thesarne Cold with the des- • Vi bat reason beyond this mere repugnance to • er ntual mastery es before. and yourioublie
!Aged nedd_egrfuled Africen. 'Rai the idoa ot the /Association with the northerneiroulnils, ' erelit Will detervedly receive a shock that • .
suchia cOmbinal ton, an the result only Of the will they have to hulloed their allele in the , will tumble It into rel.. Re-114MR thein , neleete4 pere.nslly by tee subscrlb•r d 1111
battlefield. 51:0n then.' are once more rein. ' here, and every prudent man will endeavor pot vtdt to the Pant/01 ' 1: " ..
most generous treatmeat, Mine most ext raor
toted In ti eh- rial 1 - 1 ' ' f -
dimity of patedoxes, If it doesnot deserve tr. s, . , 1 . o gin 0 orninlou here I Are to get rid o your securitles. ho sharp.
etarraeterfred a . the ... t w eet at e ht me „.„ . thi se Wt. meant, by which a sintesinnn nipeets el API money-lender will trust a Govern. '
The people ef the Soup; will divide, ah before, er n , im a prove
n Wet leseoneof the wart If kindness 1 m nt so administered. It WIII bele vein for
lams tile polleyof the; floyernment, and sin s ,. , ft
a d uh n ut? ott eneld have won theie hearte, 1 y toprOfess le jolut resolutions that you do
Loa xi' rejor tbe yeessession of Its oaten, t. 3' n ve would have left us. Is anybody ,11 1 intend to pity ling of' the debt ef the dead
til' ' sities, 'of Merge, will seek to pro. weak enough now to think thut, they ere NO i fecieruoy, or of the chili= of the Ilving
Mlle to tile bbick man because Leh. become a chuntened and humbled by defeat theta mato. isl reholder. The world will not believe It.
te and that one which ration to power, [lnstead of intoxicating, 11 . 111 uay you mock It., when the inokere GI
Pewqr in . thO sta. - h i wottlii only dbeirm them, That would not be ! tit t debt, and the disloyal shareholder Id m
wilLsecnre hie conadence, and go fort est n .
_ OO C . 0
it h ,
its 3:worm:slows of regard for his interests, wilt I . n 0. 0 1 !len , OSs 11 linsan natiare or historical ;ee f, shall be exalted by your votes Into legit.
be sure tont/Mare the majority of rile VOW". If .
1 "s"nTrtP ~. 1 1,1 the catastrophe of Cherie, 1 ,La ns, to Phoperate with the party here tbat
in any improvement of the family, / h decried Time obligations, mad declared
he be a child •ag 110 perb79 - 10 efruie 5em...1,111Y F r a liCfr 1.
win. ee t eepe hy me ee . , end as . aoi l oa ,
a _ res oration was lint the prelude le an- Ithinto he worthless. The elsureption by you
ter I evoltillon that dreve them from the ' of he 0ne,%1101 the payment of the other,
marathon freedom of locomotion, protection I'l
hrr/110. , It 111 lin. same blind confidence In tltc ' wee Id be but a logimilsequenre. If thetnakers
tobli person, aniltherneans of enjoying, with- ' I
out niOlcatation, the rewards of hie o w , h t t p „,.. i eforma ion of these men that is new Mcinse. l Of hat Meld are deehled to be worthy of Kelit
log this/ Government wit', Min. I aid nor and tenet in this GoVerninent, it will
Ilakii It the intermit of Ins late manta to ctn.
Pianoyol.lrlT - e. -Th
tivate him. give htm a vote, and' the 'Moor • Hut ts there any evidence that then are 1 lie-e estoppel against the aseetelCat that there 'tor to any other it ' l ''' ' 'amu.- --
1 nese to 1 , ..15e,10001, It or hinali- ;
wb lid trash. who - despised bon beetinac he ; Changed, or that they are vet in a proper frame wee nything enquittally immoral In hning aiM and durable'
was 'agave will reapeet him because he Is r. tof rule, ti 10 come bark ami perform noi linilly alsi" ins to Mho Our lives, or Imylltillg in Tea. hrialigli itQLILIF. PIANo ail h a , 'h a or „ 1 0 , '
. , ASU DEALEite Isi
soveretgn. ' if it. la neteylary tO educate him, ' Weir duties here i Wo ni I know bet te r. The .:on p pr, en t tho plyment Of their Wrsges ot pt.. Grand Se.sle atm Agran's Treble.
!Misuse he IO Ignorant, give Lim an interest .peclal commiesioner of the Ere/noire any, thearkielqullY. It will be taken for grunted CIIAItLoTTE lII,UItE, 41 Fifth stteet, note Asst. ! White lee
In LIU) tiorcrtiment. •14 le the only eehool for not, and I, is/ tentlmoity Is sopportml br .1 tn. , that then yuu meko a legislator of the erne,- C . ?! the abort,. nod also for Hellas ems'. Geist:teed , Vial.,
ant, and Prince.* Organs .6 Melodeons. is IS I Noir
the adult s :mid perhaps .tho hew for idi loge, prehumpt lees hi Use eame. It worth be ton. ' nal, Y'11., , letend to pay his debt,' of hoecn at ' '
The ripest thinkers of the. tinny ape ragman!, a reasoneble to look for a ylltteg else. They' heed. "eie may protest that yen, 010 nett, blit --- ....... , '
that it a unrSary of instrnotiOn that develops ; are Init mon, like nitrite res.' /imitated •t o It will tet you to these acts, and eeoff, ay It -
the .flinn with 'wonderful rapidly, and it Is 1 affection by a etystematic eduention of thirty will seu ,et yolfr empty prniestatlowl, as no -_-____s ______ ~,. - _ -____
this Cornpentiatory power that las perhaps ' years, they %rent mit will the determination more thegi 'sounding brass and tinkling eyin,
served more than anything ;else to nqutrallre nee." to recent. 'Elie 6 Where heart went ' hela. '...
the eyite of the prevailing system. To insist with them. inflated with pride and vain 1 ltut befor,e I have della, allow mo to some
on a ;preguithary- education Is to begin at . gen*. they threw down the gage of battle, and , hack once more to the. great conflict of power
the 'Onsmg end, • foSayp''him for Minna.- , defietOis In the presence of a world that aym. 1 -the gigantic sod overshadowing limo which
Lion In - WV head* of Ids nee mestere (m111)197.1 will! !item. ire took It tip, and they bas been forced on us and on thecountry. by Italie
and' yen error epreiiiiiiiiT• ln t. -419.0/Ontinetince . ere at mit feet, deeply lwrdinded ire their most .I the process of restoration which !Elias pleased
UN Drina else, •
of tho'old system, Widell Rept blieilii - lenOr• ! sensni v e imln t, smarting under the hunellia. the President in the exerchee of his own J mig.
amen of Ilia rights and of Ids' power. II:iiowl• loon Cr eblefeut at the hands of their own 1 ment to "fleet Trrei are other considera
tions that demand nr
,caro beyond the mere
edge wllllmake him more forinidablethan ever. . elaias, and realizing more than the bitterness '
So hangattliels kept under the State, and feel- of deathiln the depth of their fall, and tho pa In. 1 echabi/itatlon of tia eetiqueredEitate,, leis for
ihet Leis no part of It; he 'BAUM never to mse fu I reeollcethnia [het it suggests. Bow un. i I. tO See tltitt in the, eXecntion Of 'the immix
-by' MU 'pretess. !The' Mal who central the reasonable to expect thet hatred, the eeepeet i tee the Federal Belinblle Itself shall receive
Government' still hetes the same interest ITI ' and most endyleig-doubly intensified by sech I no detriment, and undergo no.elutrige. There
iteeplrfg Min dawn es heretofore,' re-enforced ; hundlistions-patild be converted Into love by aro symptelms unquestionably of no alarming
osikellibc, hr.:phantoms cif terror that will 'I 01.1011 a procets, and the lessons of e generation I natnre, developed, arcane., by the Idgb idiot.
haunt thelr.pinowa, along with; themes; feel. • unlearned in-the twinkling: of an eye I fint Ilide ender: Which ItJhas inst. been
,workini ii ,
lingoVresentment.and yeatoutly. winch' belr 0 they do- I 'ot evell ; effect It: and /am rather in. ,that forebOde eseriOns dieturbellee of its ha '•
anseassa revolution eeptivelent Loa ohinge.l
imaipulsory enflanchisementhaserigend red. I ethical to respect the pride that, under the
Its °trade structure, If net Watebed narreWly
sgheriali - mot the delrution o that 'tsty , g 1 lac- ' greatest oftettlptations, hike prevented them
thalf_tortemida part %till eye , secure fbr him an from condescending to the Meanness Of the
before it I/too/ate. Thoth:ant Ittli nOw pante
•aamtliglon 10 the tights of 'citireashlp. -It is , hypocrite.' They confess that' they are sub. to., cheek theft tendencies W Oh a etla
new.,Spe,4ooVer...,There.Mno ease, I think, In ; deed, but only, us they tell ns, be the floweret , oltlon SO unnatural has so largely en.
hiStrieZiwbere a prtkileged elms bint ever ton- numbers-4h° more brute SuperiOritY Of the ' n' ool Mgeds With a Union. newly Nail doubly
rendered ita•preronattres Id .these that; were North. They do riot profess contrition for ' Itriperued by a policy that, ignoring the aeon
beneath' 11.1...Indulgeniat the hope thatyou win I their great crime. TlieY do not even admit meat of the loyal States, has thrust us ati Inas
firer ' make of htnia. coutent,ed Subject. It is 1 that they have sinned Nay.they glory In the mensurable distance hack from 'the positton
as lakipaSsible with's-people aft. numerous to ' act, treat deelitor to their infamone confeder. which tee occupied when the Olimpillres of our
tuahltsin tin - ititeruiedlate,,grade betwe en th e ' tie ,. a „, t h e moat i terate of v i e , „ ee, ewer ,' Do h. legions were blazing along the heights Of the
slave mid retiree; a 9 le le tO emote
,---s.labaninter- ; tic honors nnUer the very (insertion:oot that Appotnetor, by not only leaving treason 'and
mediate Variety In -nature, or au interne). 1 hew eniehed thent-and which that Gtwern. murder to go unpunished, butwarming the
diate.eo. l HiltiOn _hero between the State and 7 !Dent ratifles-in recommits. for treason former Into life and holes . and" ettrenirth by
TerritOry_. The hiaeg man known that he Pi - I .lag - atnat It and rieit the ennidll ban) if not the withdrawing our trOope, and endowing it with
free,: feellfleteSertehls tigitto meet' his fel- , bullet or tho knife, upon retch of their people the power of reorganizing Its broken conduits
lowa Meow:tell for parpirsee bleb toner, the ' as have (mild reliantly In Ite tierce.. It is for a fresh assault, antl with the great pron.
interests of bill In tido world or I bet raosonalle, 1 nay, that coming as they do, leTe of the restoration M L itt, dissevered niem
nett, thermnors of Instlrrection wiltiond the I out of the fires Of the rebellion, they Amnia hero compllcated.with another And 'pertinp . oo a
.at - MOSPheret.••• Tile White Man WlOl. reatenin ill, I feettltue, gut West they should net thus noder greater, in the tromendouti - questlem whether
0 11 bertybrblting Menthes and releutiess Cruel- Ger own cye, Is evidence either that they Ma not all those heterogeneous elements' are to be
.ty;- - ThehlaCk wan Willlebel, and the result w'loolo to return, or tent the deleetimt that rol. thing into the emleible, and Caned down under
..will. bala - PhrOnte .war, which will repel the I lowed theirieteut has gl von Mace to the tissue. the tierce Annie. of war Into an elective-tutus
oinlgralit and end in the estermittatien of the I niece tbat they u remit only tehe pardoned Weir I amity, it seems tO mo, with all due respect to
~,'•weakerreeei, T he greendiess pante that per- I otrensg; but to return as conquerors. Their , the President, that we hare reached a prima
- Naffed the 50111 1 / 1 /0 recently foreshadowe the 1 leaden. certainly do desire to get back amain, 1 In our affairs when It behoove. •the people to
- twit that is to conic. Ras tho Intuited policy . because they- are overthrown In nettle tutu look to tholr seemitirar, and their Repreaenta.
,of tbehrthiSligoverntoent toward , the. esitie I tt ts but to exchange the place of a subjec ' t for lives here to resume the governurfigt sit - this
. /ristrocati wafeeeded In Conciliating; Ills 'Ogee. t that of a realer, or at least ail 050151. To aft. nation, foul to say to the r ittraneinglid.e "thee
than - loathe Beni/847%0e or linden? 'if tfloge 1 complish tine they %mold have been glad' to far 4401 no further... '
Who •thSretre It ' here". bad kaliten the trouble to ransom their lives/nut properly tor the cheap Standing as Ido upon the trfulltlone of the
- lot& hatothe.Catisea of that (Modes that Is mi. , consideration of negro suffrage. They expee- fathers, upon the milted - bat Coneerratlve
. r ,,,,,pei ng hiaandlent, home, and, _deeding mir ', LIM probably no terms more favorable. The maxims_ofrepubllcan llberty, upon, the great
th ii tt n i q u i t .tums, they would have I lenit yof the government aas nesured them principles that hare been consecrated by the
idui.„,.4.,, th at ers ,.„ sot s. something more that treascm is no crime, and that there Is to struggles of More then two hundred 'years, 1
than a.vint of-mung. to .'extdaln-Alle undying be no atonemeet for the pant. The tone Of the caunOt bat tremble for. Iny country .wheli, 'ln.
1 ,, the Irish exile looks .upon premien:aliens and the tenor birth e diplomatic addition to all this, 1 beartheNational Repro.
the Semen Ilzi billal4and they would have negOtietione have taught them that netting sentatives trettruetedlirotherthantheir law -
, niz i n.1 .,,.. 01 ta p 0100,„ry r ,„„zo.„ it was expected or flestred ny the Pieuldent but fel masters In regard• to thelr • duties heree
is now Freposej to,tuagurime. artier to pre- the recogtiltion bf tbc freed,om of the stare. when 1 gad Myself' serilleelllatelly' advised' by,
rent a war Of raceshithetioet : 'ltiaranneass , Mid the repridlittlon.of the debt incurred In the erecutlye hand, who luitrjustbeentheftkv
nary, hOpelleer, to go solar, - The recentwood:, carrying on the War, snd thattlieretzto to be ed by - a rebel'. Legiellittlitefor the ketithat
disturbances in trit Island of Jin h udeit k r be . a nO wi Th ip e o r t SeConltyt,
o fg t.. .i c te ar f a ti en tur h l yn Tt t. o ru n n. l. sun
bpi d rnta t totsfundamental lawiptseposed
..ay,, ,, ,...„1,1eirg - --I„T, ,, ,hg x ,4p a cig n ir for - f4:l them t gat they were • Wrong ln claiming ntex t elsa e ry ! ,or!lnat e lrni f eelbi l e ! , r it t i(l ' ett . 7.O im o .
thae 4 00 0 4
..„; F e r . e - , .
.. _,. , . the rights ot belligerents.and that they have more respect thin the resolutions of a lot i e ‘ n
/Intik tsdhjOated by the B resident that -this, gen , tgigr„-m r ,: tt l i a l ir ea f i r tl a here h rlpon•, meeting, 'While billet that haver ptissod this
wit the \ Benne, and are Pew itoteally.denctellng Lathe
leAk'questltex.fOr' the - fitatnirmerder Abe Con- treenetve. They earo.nothing about you or Senntedttru Maderttla stibJect of nubile dos
r et__Thithalt glut ,tli_at , ',_,tha - 'S' oll _ ,_ e°19 ,2 ° 2 1 ,,.... ° „ r- ,,_!„,, he yourLiwri. ,- They hibk Citify to the Chief Lingle. coarse - and aMiadversiOn . ak the other etid of
eaeotiTe t taeonlae opattoll.e.ti tw .......... - _,• . _, s 'n - tt"r i i trate, while *they "defy tbe opinions of your the avenger when I .hear - - WO, 'officer of
-f i t, the Sf r atiktaltat aTe .. .ea •• •• n•••• ''''''''. cOnstltuents, and regard you only as the that departnienttshafeating ell - . 01.1 litllybigthe
- Itual men. ;sr,
_ltereYer.• - fOtind, end so ,tonst
„h„ mere executors of his will. There lie provis exercise of a dispensing pOwer et u r, a -w.,
haTe allialdiehea t i valanth ° f 'aniringe In '-- dimee In 'these manifestatlousetbut warns in the eM lOytnentoUtzaite - re d
kbe nt." Pay s '
- .Northam well as irettte goiitts; end would. have us °fear danger If we would give heed to It: meat' toltb r ented talarielwr - n ri gAm n ineadireai
. been. Mt eneaMpilettarpotter 'Which snothlo: -___
- egnotingtheto," we shall nok bare eren'the of thtito itn&M.lllforte 0 the a lejliliNeirthoglsses
Art. the - Von* tittitlee
_pr hits' Of - the' Dril attar apoleg.y Of saying that we were deceived I ate ttietnberS Of both ese tieusas- --- .-*
Matta aleph:there:terra:lied; -
„ft a case where even•the largest professions- anxious et ouch etyma e5...h.: -......ecedy and
'This itaniturent - ,natirea es, In the first place, ''f thor had vouchsafed ten:lake Item, as they ,fal gettrogsseet...2. -, -•"- - ....stedientatheirrli n h i t;
fithat the!. defauttingStateS-are th, have not-sought• not- to have beea allowedmi ......-st, • ._ - ...'eglslature, dot by' a aarm
r I°o * 2.242 e nom um - Ptalllticsof OrlMe
.:Itila ..- at nanit•ons aimed --. 1 . 0 .°1- - " - .s.orimed to a cormalttee of ,thelr own bodies;
ttr 441 ,,,,, , ,,,,,, b ,„
„„,,, , ,,,, a ,,,_____ , L „__, pa - .
~ ... . -doe tom confidence hut by championing their own disabilitY. and
ins 'th • - ey ail te .° 11,71 Y e.l:l4;r 7 lr t bln. ,iNfl generous plantiandlhat. there lirenaturei tinnily down their crOwns at the fOotsteml of
tree , ,•tt a sat . wt ... u s itin ;r4 ~,,,_ . ,_n. ilo,unsophlstleated as tO ber Shore sespletem or eeeeet Vie petwert whett.".l hear on' this floor,
„ I , nartat....ttracival .
___ u sh rtgo. distrust. There . are .men certelnly whose from men who 'emoted the wer throughout,
o ut their own no- tea' undless charity .- would." uot only forgive of. and nOW, by a logieWhich /- de not •queetion,;beesticft,•streramsts,Artith themaelvea. reuse ho
1311ShOW1thetblt W ill - beetetterally. asked' 'did na a. Ta b er? ftrouently repentedibut eyen sunport the pelloy thatgived the Victory to the,
thtrPre g iONl ZSVlstottott , a4oulttr.tho posher of th ' 17 Me •to give their faith anew to enemy. the aPpeldoot the peoplo,to 'their own
deftningthe - qtalltlcatlernslotthe voters - fi t th e , MY ohaire dealt trceeberously with them comireas.eprapared bathe howlanta dranken
W,„„,,,,,„nlearatrae ~4..troemdAatbari_irbeecald zlis et t . reSobiten hare with us-while they would populaces!, the demi netheirterOlutlonare.A.e.
ekillirhgEteV2;a2l4,l-e i'llere."en the pounselset thowlao and prudent, semblykdrilualthat th•the totem 0 / 4 thert7
. , , ~,O1 Cal Stiogroand'Abal their susDlOlans were un, tloododAttlts i fr a ndthrdocKl;_and In UM name
itt5,..1,...4W.„,,„„, SloseE ironerone...euniftima,reenlia:, apprehended , hi . fOrnoo O4AitniaonnrontiOnowOrtdi
of we Itt
. - 7 441,:". 014 . . ron imprObableb , Thaw maxi may 'BOSOM Attie talk% frigaintvinl Mardstoglet, 0. 4 ray -~ s '
. .•. , , .„, ~. - • . . , !du, "Vhslogarnioro; thermally poor etetoemeo, find tlorninOtedraoneil wnuAnyiliposelyare
.-.....,,; ~,. if '..:,- ~..L.1.t.,:•..z:.4.,,....,
RI Wood Eltrret.
ptAfforttllTE.. —ll/.40 I nattatownt• are ant...-
riot to anj other In rt nat . .* twat., touch, ur antan
`t'A'Zia'?.l4lll/11F. PIANO WI have the onn
pfored Grand Snale antt Anna.. 'frrnle.
CIIMILOTTE Itit Ulf E, 41 Fifth stßret, dale Agent
for the abort, and that for italtwa Bros'. Celebtawd
limo and Prlttrola Organs and Melodeons. Jan,
l I I I LAC , U
BOBERT sarti.minh, Undertaker,
001 u, No. 133 FOURTH' CITIENALT
Undertaking In all Its bri:rink. Mslnterring
laying nomad turriliddnig everything kevressary
'Da -al at reasonable teeth..
.401...4 NO MOST),
.110$VAIID wEurrlE,
.t . ti intinoom at XI oneeit e r Llsex7nte33liN
Mate at neeleeld end C4►rtier• ..... .
Oraer. Allegbeel City end •Icte it.
metiptly lit
to, or. rtVll,lrifTVlnit=ll%4olliriegi
D e
0 FIFTH. LITCEET, (Opponite ie Hello
ttel.l Reeling Case Watch,
C 4.116 Watch,
hettant L.ailleal Jewelry,
Cal PaWilhas, Albums,
ttllfer Ital.euel.4 Cane,
illi7. 1117NDURO OTHER. lclely AND;taTICILPH, all at the average Klee of
0/r 11
It ICAt.3I.
Coma sad tee the Pi? ejll4t: riNEDy a
NS :B,O Street, (tero-ifeaii belorExpren once.)
Avg -
j-rEpu., Waal, iCsigrWrzhipt:
ruuITRAPINIPM° I `" "Lla I 1 Ira above Canal hateOh VA I L B Ka.
I'ENN ".
0rr,214"6A1413 4.11 ""'""'"
1.54 liahaialay. Ott, Own umlaute
reigu. la QUM] abli SiVl5l,O
5.0,. 1/10 17. and WI I lee!! at nms 41 'es!
Aftonfietare4 and for sale,
Wholesale or Retail.
JAMES W.. woonwELL,
2:097.& nrIED
Oppositi L. fiatilUnantt a Co.'s, and
- DEN'j`ffi'l'B~Y
Dentis C t.
squan 4
uir - MAYON Con-
We& :n.nicartze,jilt.
, DbM .4flit 1
Anil al, the prlnelpal Citfea, •
un anal after
HONDAY, N0*121117.11201.6, U
t. Will !care and t,rrive at th e UNION La
aa fom
Portables & Cigar Lighters
4:171P.1 . PA,
.I,santo A•Thw•
Pitsizsbisrg avid Gosi
al.ntoand„o m P :".b.r9 4 . P a ,46. 5 4
F ORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. rlryt Erprers, •• •• 3:00 P. W. JO:MA.
Moßem•port ArroWrir /1:00•. y #I: , W A.
P,rood •• C:27. P. W. :OM
IRON PIPE & BRASS WORK , Ylrbt Wraddock• • 7:CO A. W. .91.37 A.
SApond • • 410 6:45 P. le.
Punthy ('hutch Traftlo and
from MoKresport...i.. ....... 1:00 r. y. 10:CO4.711
Fop Tickets apply to
A. J• OF!••7;K. Agent.
MVITXXbrej CD all:::4.•
frucetteor to 4441( 4 Euknuo
165 Wood St.. Pittsburgh, Po
ASS I. oft
And Victoria Regia,
304 WHITE. It give. a tram dellcAte tint to the
conitalr .1.1 rich tone, Itto the Partatt
Carnation Enna,. nesittlful Illnof the tn.,
Illsau For wfArtualered n
1), y A. %Et lI.KEYSER. Phl nod allad/.•l SHAW atit CLARIVS
Itrugglat.• of Elltsboritlt. •
-I*- -
1:717.11 csle, gal sale. Dritica-iiiirtait. 4o 3111C,c)32.13:Les
, Are emannfactured withqut any coppliested Inahin
White Lead, Med Lead._ Lltharge, Paint,. 011 a, ere, and therefore art %it liable to get outuf repair,
Varnlaltea. Dye ctoffs. Window Wass and ' Putty. and are perreCtly ailantlld tor every destnptioa af
lipleee. Perratlicy, Bearole. PrerlKat 011, dir. . Family Sewing and Tallarlng. We do not dissent.
Al.o, Agents for IV
Alscalite,lirown Pants, ' Mac/toe...lin eheap toehines, ate we h .,. ' L .l en .1
Hamilton Ilfhlte Lead, elmateroat White Lead one ' patentee paces. M r refer to the followlng persona
Mersey & trllion . . Celebrated Patent Dryer In one a. reDeencrl
and two food e.g. Mr. A. AIKE.. No. 109 Toorth strent Atr. VAN
DEN NAILLEN No. = Weenier street: Mr. J.
Jib. 37 Plicrod Street, GOLAN. No, C Colwell street; Mr. J. SCUIGSLIL
No. l 9 Second street. Allt.gbeny City. We haveollt.
era that that we can Ivrea to. All of our Machines
GeroPITF. THE IT. CHAItLEM HOT EL , are warranted Ch, years ~ AGENTII WANTED: 'It H. LONG, Agent,
IC Grant street. near PIM,
-- PfTratintati. PA.
, .
- ,
13111 EM
11 A1100A%r
Pittsburgh White Lead Worku,,
No. ea IPlinocni eitreot.
• ,
First Premium for best Machine wort at Penni
State Fair.
First premium for best kfactilse work at New For
S tateate.
st Fd e rs r F tr i r r. emiton for hest - Farally !Ischia° at 00
First premium for beat Manufacturing Wallin,'
Ohio State Fair.
.41/Irat premium for best Saaufartnring Machine
klieblgsa dote Fair.
First Premiumfor best ..limaufactarlag Machine
{{ First state Fair.
First Premium for
Yl re best .14anuthetarlag Machine
Lawreace County Fair, Pa.
First Premium for best &Ueda& for fe6111 . .al pur
pusea, at Lawrence County Fair. Ps.
Find Premium for beat Family Stubble at Back
Comity Fair, Pa.
First Praralam Pie bent Stanufacturing !Ischia.
Bucks County Fair, Pa.
First Premium !be best 3 / l aufacturing and Alma
liscbine at
to e le Fair, Ohio.
First Premium tor beet liannfacturing and Tamil
&Ischia& at.Paimyra Fair. Y.
First Premium for best .itauttOte , lrtng and Family
Machin° at Suffolk Count', k'air, Y.
First Premium for bestltanufactarlag and Family
alpine at Schuyler Counry_Falr, N. 1.
Preminm for beat plachlue for all purposes.
SKATES I at Allegheny County Fair.
Tint premium for belt Itsantietaring Machine,
Allegherry County Fair, Pc
Kral. Premium for best Ilachlue work at Alice hen
AtIME.A.TER3I I Eszr...a.mmos, C' •
V Y hereve
d exhibited.;w
Ladles, Gents and Clithlrens
HALLIS VE6 ------ 71 ---------- AtM3L_
NEVER It will Immediately restore the PAILS.
NEVICIt Ilalr to Its natural color, end rAILe.
NEVICX prodace a new growth where It PAILS.
1./MVP:II nal fallen Ott and It trill stop the PAII.M.
NEVER Milling out of the loth lu • few FAILS.
SKYE': !Isms If faithfully npjptled. Ir Al La.
Vor sale suite-cIiNTRAL Dltltti BTOII , corner
or Ohio and Federal btret-ta, Allegheny.
.1..7 ,
__tlk:(l. A. KELLY.
3 :MIL I ZrarGrIfEiT,
Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Sts.,
dr.,id.poried direct than Lottdoo,
rails sod Coose. fall
2,500 PAIRS OF
6312 C.42LT3E3161,
111 Every Variety, for Bale Low
cr.a.nezzus SOWN.
Warranted for Three Tears.
— NAT..., 23,..., i
girrinuncii, Jammer Zs. IW;d. P .
A UTIIIORITY • r lllO.lll THE ; SZND FOE A. enlo7L.alt TO
. •
tf i C i rm , rogr d of the Currency, the Directors or i ~,ne ri •
Out or the reeervelLreprodila ilixetigsify per cent. ,IN ga, o mmatz t go Gael Agts. , ! ,
. .. relief oe,
Uta i rkit m ninannt of 11. hundred thoutatut &diem ...........e.,,_4 --i
~ ,,,tr „ ital.'. el, pit.t =era imaneril tuna. . • ;re R . ;tu. treet, Pittsburgh.
Eliockholtters h ate credit on the hooks of the 113 ''• '
- rank with one new rime or My doi lam fur each two tAM BAIITLETT 13.1E----"----
Vswetn on this twenty-el:IA day of Jemmy, A. ,
„fir CRlNlL.AtiMirgig -g_ "1144 12 7 11.
TIM BARTLITT ICWIlit: tiAeiti n ti
hen this allotment niatee on e-tualt at . sbir r e
'll 4, PrIPCI
. portion or tbe divtdend, tlie owner luny co:pieta the tIN - tIi2 N PWRIMAY r ........_ . lume ut4_ , '
41rz o n g t arimintrii . i=3 dollar , orretlre. iiineeigg L•iguiii - 4 „ w ai r • .. - ari.ion,• to nue inn
lease iipoTigrirmPalion of I. increusEaau.lJ Aitpuitssoorav ia j0 ,.,',„ •eseiltaizAti e r..:
OA warn au remaining. Mss o_ . iffiu niad G L . i - : Ft- I,,l , i!esai:!;., . new ! # 1 ,,,...14 aatYrige,tapy..
cash.' ua.V:zwelaw2l fil, ma MUDEII4I , O4D , r ' opututaiti r r . 7 -114 Loz I "ghttat
6 ". Atta . to.Tole4o, mi r y' ':
. Departs. Asritms.
Fast Line : .....—.2: - .5u.5. is. 3. - -11 r. I
Rail—. !........ A:00 •• LISP. as
Express 2:xlP. EL 12/3.3.11.
btrubensille Aeretursokl'e...4:(o • • 10:10.A.
P. l. f_7111.01,,
Gen 'l Tli.tot Agent. Steel/seethe, O.
Ticket Agree. Union
_Depot, Plitsbarsb.
Winter Arrangement.,
- i , ..„ : On and after
KY, ... D AtErnAy, ocroprn sou., isiii;
Tye cralePlel/1 trays Ilse Depot. corner of Ross
On and •Ibrr MONDAY. Nov. Mtls, Paskingei
trains will be arranged!: run as ,
MAIL TR AlN—Leav Pittsburgh at CD A. IL.
arriving at Kittanning 9:45 A. It. Leaves KUL.
ming at saa it.: arrlvra at Pittsburgh at 0:10 P.
P arm TRAlN—l:saves Kittanning at Y:Si P.
arriving at Pittstnirgh at MOO A. 11. Lean.
Pittatntrgb at 6:10 P. it,t arriving at Kittoinlpg at
1:10 r. Y.
ACCOMMODATION rllAlN—Leaves Bala troika
al 6:50 A. at., arrivlng Pittsbargh at 9:00 A. Y.
Leaves Plllaburgis at 1:40 P. al, atvlvlnil 0 6 NIA ,
minttaa at 3:SS P. M. •
12.11 F. trIIIOUT, 3131Perintendtilt.
Dr_ G W. R. REED,
G!ucrat Agrut.
PlTTptillltCill, PA
flare Twee invented the 'FIRST PREMIIIII3 at th
(Tiering Fairs for the year taa:
oa':eo423is N.. IS Fl ' ith street, Plusbur
Are universally acknowledged at
the Cheapest. Simplest and
the Gold Medal at the
London turd 'Paris
Stock, Gocl Will and Fixtures
Will be sold TO-DAY of
reduced priers. This tract
is situate in Westmoreland emmty, Penna., or. the
North-Western l a minualranla ltallroad, abOut two
rant Of Apollo. l'a., and contains tUrd Very
large reins oft ()AL. LIStEnTONE and FIRE CLAY
and Orry coplete { PATER { PATER ATE POWER.
For furth m er
Claim Of11.:r ofp rs artico/a Inquire at the Law and
dell So . 144 Fourth St- Plttabtirgb, PL
L.F.IttIENY 4:01 - NTY.—Will ho sad eleaper
• than any oilier land of like quallt4, similar Cesonrc..
.• es. and an equal distamw from the city, IC Urea.
underlaid with the best coal. There no two beds of
Illue , tone, one suitable for a out In the blast fur
' nue. the other building 'purposes. he. The, tract
eottri,ts of MO (7.... al ;acres each, with dwelling
Lo barn, etables, (rutt orchard.. Sc. The
en,, I, of the eery best quality. and esta be tested,
lit 0,-leg open on the place. 'The coal will be trans
ported over the Plttstinrch and stenbentllletltall
road. the farm• Ott, doer to the Worn or Mantfleld ,
Frby Ito- V, a -10i1,zIo n rit, 4 miles from ,Fone-•
Ft. re,, U. BAILEY:
ott-t. 00,1 E,tate Broker,
Ilan, Fourth street..
VON SALE.-011 the :dot/benefit., NO Is
...e miles from the cite. _
I ON rn
; SI X ACI:Vi •
cream and Water Flourrng and Saw MD, and other
I; ne I taprOreznefflo.
abOnt Maus. Agee. of COAL, without the
Ourrace, abiolning the Choir.
Also, two Farms at Stewart', Station. on (onies?
Rail mad. containing ISO acres and =macs.
For:fort tier part Implant, enquire or
(OpimAte the eathedral,)
No. 110 Grant street.
I; OR SALE--A Farm, coritaiMlig
about '5O acres, situate In Jefferson
Ailesheny eounty, on. the Monongahela titer ,
from. one sztle om the Borough of West Elizabeth: ; 'The
ImprOITMC ViLd are a two more llrlek llonsolelth SIX
r4ontt, Frame_llousr, two Stories, -watt 'Ca Aetna
and a good cellar, corncribs, wagon Sleds and other
outhalldlngs; bout acres of the very best rifle
bottom. This innerly Is well located fovea:dealt,
ruirlTiciyutnd treri..."== e *
Monongahela river. /I. Towrx, t, Beal rotate
Agent- No. tat Fourth street. lallgtf
' A
_i l
Dwe l in T Dous a etana Lpri v s a t e ataetal3ot l M
street. near Penn street, with Double Parlors, Din
ing, Room sad Kitchen on lint door; 4 Clamber* on
S rrosd
and 3 on third floor, with gas In ermines.;
New Shltesie and Slate itoofts. and In good condition
tbroogbout. Los ..I . sliby 50 feet.
Also, will be sold wcomps Douse, theeslnt4. thik
Furniture. which laraltvely w. Posse.
sir, Ricca Aprli Ist, =O. or earlier andsar
For further parliculare Ingelre as 65 M Fifth
Jr TT. A. Sf4CLELLAbIkAtteVr:-
SALK.—A double two-story - Brick Bonet:with
bad: bonding, eontalntegl: remits and Itateleid at
tic, hath-room, water CIOSet, furnace heating the
whole boner, marble beauties, all In fresh repair,
occupring a lot 73 by•2lo feet feet ore Bidwell street,
bear Wcaternavenne, on the line of the horse rail
way. to Allegheny City. stable and carriage house
bre the lot. Apply to . .
WELLING 11011.7.5E5:,' ETC.; FOR
Brick tionse of four rotralsizara and
cellar, near Smithfield. atreet, otrYlrgln alley No.
(.Tatham street. two-story 'Frame Hoare, of Nall
and fire rt , olut,.cellar and yard: Dwelling Donut On
Hrner of iler.' and . Crawford streets; - Dare ll ing
ouse sod are acres of ground near ldaneneatert 3
rooms at corner of Grant and Diamond sta.. anttabin
for omens; large Cellar on Water street, near rem
Mounttwo-story Frame Douse, With large lot, On
Mount ‘Vaalaington. Amply to
felt CUTIIBERT 8 SONS. SI Harket at.
WULF:ET toil B r
-well fin
ished three story Brick Derellint•on - .Wylie street
near kith, Gashed In modern style. containing 1:
rooms. I:Behan, range. luth room, hot and told wa
ter and gas tifFoughour the building.. This ft one of
she MOIL desirable. properties for dwelling or
- yi *. rpor r :Lozgeje . d A for sate. Posesslost Jk I
jantax B. AIcLAI2: Sti4t-
Ffon SALE c ll ratr--14 - acres of
Land,..ltnate 11l Scott township, Allegheny Co.,
Pa., 00 ILI. Washington road, about fire miles from
' the city. The improvements are a Frame House
with 7 rooms and ball, frame stable aprlng house, •
gLood Oreltani of apple, peach, pear . and plum trees.
'TIII3 propene IS very d.lrstne for ••COIIMIT reel
. donee. For further Information onoillre of
G. /1 TOWER.
tent, iii Vaunt' at.
1101 VT PAY RENT, -but can and
.a_xurelase build cheap lot In the village Or Mount
Washington,yourself a /muse, become a laa4.
lord, save your money, and invest In those 14 valua
ble lota which I am authorized to sell on very MI
terms. For f urther_particoJ ars enquire et
' U. 11:TOWElt„ Real state
No Mt Fourth Street.
11WELLJNG '143 , LET—A 2-story
- I, double Brick Dwelling Hones, corner of Ridge
and Tremont streets, Allegheny. lately the property
or the Bowen Estate, recently completely repute.,
by O. present usener, oCtUpVlng spacious 1111111411-
1) olticsted grounds: contain,largd rooms.
Apply to S. S. - ZRYAIt,
Broker In Stocks and Real Eatttv
Cr 11 57 Fourth at., (Duke's Boildln.e.)
. .
rooms .d (Wished attic• ca. thrvugh.. 4
and w.t,..
~.... bALE.—A two-story aria -Dwelling /louse,
N. Zi NORTH AVENIT.E,• near Jam. street,
(North hide of tie North Common., containing six
and 1,13:, ,- in kltebrn, Lot gi oy W. ' .118pplir to
• 8. 8. DUI Ail.
nt r 7rate
• tnt,
ao. m.l Won
the • Mk • Ap.
rted4 iryhtat., • We...11111o(
r te . l u ll th e
tr er , • earth .
: 14:: ( 117"°.: :5 71.1r 1 L.731n.:7:11Drl:4•1;e551::11.}:'::C11 .7 r -
mi.. , from rani Landing.. The
1, wee and neatly finished. with in eXten
sire slew of the riser and railroad. with 14 acres or
p d glgt!:4 -1
.4451. and ;Arline bons, Apo y SoOn to
Ja= H. hieLALV a co.
00E SALE-.1b5 acres of Coal.
A. situate In Smith township Washiniton toanty
Fauna., near the line of the dtenbensille
04 Midway itation, about nmlleafrorn the ye sit . For
.4CtAld.rea7hili'Lla.:l7l.on4l.theq:upi_reftehmo64l.l4';. °T7t°°.a..JAlll:t:t7'
'%.. Tau Mt purchase a pool Derell,luipd3ourie ar*
? :b it z e ir r ln m g, i'1714:114 %tr.. '- cry rpm, "th a c a.
North alley. a porch. haft, rix 70019$ siuL tiras.'
POISVISthiI lat - • -. . '
larcUr •
W. cum:DEBT &80N.3. zi.ltait.
sw-A, 1111111 tiro itory'BrlttlDivelllnebtiltdr.
er Arroaet lot r. b)190; toots. atistige4mlth wide
boll..doobleposloro, d/dlott room end. 'Mani and
four bed rooms:yard teatly Anted end fuller ebeub
brry. Apply to itel3) B. YeLAIli CO.
ilobatant tally &bunt 'and tentvally ideated
want:Jou:ix, N 0.102 'Third street. from Antit fat.
Apply- to • 3.11. BRYAN,
teltl—.C7ll;olgligg,klezr kVattlAtt4
-von sALEiwitit immediate pos.
z te gel: i ngizec t iparr o vila t /LIAM* IA tII4
ultra etgitArsOf • 42.7
n o; iet r
X • C>l=l. SALES.
o, 4 e l e r "4:lf .n c t n ir ite In other ?witness, arc now are
"f Pi i 1, 1 , W ARE EirSLNESS rm ALLIANCE,
county. Ohio
limner In Mocks a n dßeal Itatate,
E 7 Fourth •irect,:Harte•a inalltUn
Broker Stocks uE heal Yoria -" Le.
El your' sto . L. Burke . , Et • dint