tiff Vitali* 6agette. MONDAY, PEE/WARY 20 . /866 = irrreal and Dep ' . rerailllllramia i!...,__ ..l '....DEPart* , • . , • .„,„„.... gni =prow! 2,11)1,m Mall I:50 a m _= m it t eennt`4 l IA : Ili Fut 1,1 ur 2:40 A . lat Walt Aceom`n MIS am 16 1 8411 Zpre O,AV ti ! 2ftN i i ' rgrA A t7 M t ~..• ;1. : : Wnito.a. 4:la li La Johnst.'n accom.luad m I =le: ' ::: m Plitt:Erie Iftsll..l2:lrip in -, Asa Wall Ale.fAint. Ems nk 13311Imore Exp , s l:20 p m :. 110,.!.., , r WM II mld Wall Aceom... nra pm 34: - ........ ._ . .• tacpen'rhills Express.. 2.A6 pm • latrAnn 60,..itta51110:30 pmNI Venn Accom.. G:111 pm pi . ',.. Mize Altoona _Acrom. i alimlgt Train...M.sop m —llm. cAumli tram , cams Wa lla , Ettatlon emery '...0 111 “7. 0 .!:( 4 • 1 . 4 : return/14G loaTes rlttabargh at - .400:10. Sib Columbus and Cinetnnatl . • , Arrters. rut 2:50 a m Plat L .23 a ea gains m „gypreng thOp mi 253 a na „litenienellle As. motion Ino An. ensileindinon p m eammalation in Vittabargb, Ft. Wayne and Chicago. • • Departs. Arrival. n licpre m rspren . ..... pipette ... p mExpreas 9:7 p m tar" E_ 2ptW IC2filt lytteding "ayes gin p m Net Brighton Accommodation leaves Allegheny depot st 9 Lin, 11:20 sad nockeiter, 2:15 D. mtp ow Castle. 302 p. ; coin may, p. Wadhreille, 3:UIP.M 1 " 1 ,_ (+buret. el.blimd and Wheeling. DepaHs.. dnquee. -*sprees 2:93 m Elven 20P 0 2 Express PEA:I mlExprese 202 p m man „ n.eto KIDIMS 2.Zi am intutimintle AccoromOdnion leaves ° Alleghen7 at :40p., tn. Pittabatirte and Couneltsvillo , • Departs. ?:15 t. Mafia sirrfred. 11 ;SP g i I . ..... plaExpe . 2:03 ear ..... at eErespen g ..11011a mist moyeeport... !•••0 a m •• ag a and • •••• ••••)P ID Allegheny Valley Ilailroad. Departs. I 4 "Sms. wail , min Xn'ai „ .,50 /express —.a 1;30, m 51321 MIO stecomasedatata. 100 pm loecresmadation ;OD sm Pittsburgh and Erie Ballroad. to On • Chi and Frantglin. n, 40 raema.. Vet p WINO Ili kP arg e af. Gan a 6 iffi.ilifabariP22 'ran Valley WaTne and 4.:Atleago, - aul n 53eaver . Brownsville lloat—Graut and Water tit*. Artiste. Depart,. 4KOplna:o3am Cao3pm llarzototly Stage, St. Chili; St. Arrives. m. I - Doarta. Ge(v m. eottee Stage.—No. 3 St. Clair Street. Arripst: Departs. eta m. Washington Stagii...Hnosell Hotel !relies. Deports. IM P. M. C:(0 a. ta. _EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS &LIVERY STABLE, I= JAMES DAWN &SON, Proprietors. oIfrfIRUKSES AND CARRI AG E 2 fa unshed fur all Alto, Carriage& for Funerals, \treading* awn rant at sham %attire and matonable rat.. STA • tILC OFEN LAY ANLI no7;tr.l CITY AND SUBURBAN Twelfth Annual Report of the 011/Cer• bf the House of Reface fur 'Western Penn sylvaitehtfor the Year Ending Detente her Slat,-Wee. We hairotefore us the t welfth annual report of the officere of the lions.t of refuge tor Wes tern Pennsylvania from which sve glean the following interesting tacos Joseph renn rie I:, ilsq., President of the ;Uteri], his the report says: From the reports Cl the Aesistent su perintendent and Principal of the boys school, ,and that of the Principal or the girls school, will be learned the Intellectual condition, and elasellication of the pupils. He says the sys tem of discipline adopted, which has now been -in operation for nearly three rears, has been found-to be - eminently practicable, and has proved highly beneficial, having already wrought a complete revolution in the feelings of the inmates. Old customs end v kritlll9 hab its which formerly prevailed, slid which ren dered the situation of teacher so disagreeable, . . re now things of the past. . The physiesmereporta six boys having died during the months of March and eendeinber. Teen boy, were all invalids when admitted, inheedpg serofnle and consumption from their pahieta. Seery effort - was made to re stem thetm to health and to proems; their lives; but - proved ormentling. For the last PIZ mont the health of the children has been re ablyk good. 4 The en - separation of the younger and le.s.s vicious of the girls from those older in , years and more hardened lu crept, having teen found to meet the hopes end expecte- Lions of the Board, In the reforra, atioa of so many of these Pik...me : s, It wag determined to provide a "home" for the younger boys also. The adjoining property, known Its the Algol. Dense, and now the property of the Refuge, has, at. considerable expense, been fitted up and prepared for t h is purpose, The buillitug is now ready to be occupied, and the Mana gers anticipate the same happy results which have been effected in the reformation of the girls. Tne Rouse of Refuge has for its great object the retort:nation of misguided anddepraved youth; by giving employment to the idle, th eir tuition to the ignorant, relief able consola tion to the wretched and miserable encour agement to the penitent, and to inculcate sonnet, moral and religious principles. Homes. for the reformed have been carefully • selected add provided, such ue it Is believed will tend to strengthen and confirm the good principle, inculcated ThelllllolCial ltitered, have been carefully watched over, and the monetary credit of We institution sustained. Da closing his report, President Pennock says: elt 6111 . deemed ab.solutely necessary for the comfort and safety of the olficers and In states, to erect a building on the bank of the rwer for an engine end boiler house for the purpose of heating the . main. building and Aigeo Howie—this has been completed at a coat of upwards of seventeen thousand dol lars. for which nia appropriation has been made. The amount appropriated by-the State for salaries, improvements and repairs has been_foundinsunlelent,owing to the continued high price of meterlais and labor. :Nearly seven tbonsand dollars will be required to complete these repairs and Improvements. "We look to our Heavenly Father for hie :bleesing upon our efforts to reclaim ~these youthful wanderers. TO Hint we colon:rat:the care and keeping of these children, trusting , that Ile will guide and direct us in the adore i Linn of smelt measures and the use of such ' meats as will make the Refuges greaterbleiro . Ing, So that many mere may be restored to , their friends and society, clothed in their • right mind, and fitted for usefulness in this • life and the enjoyment of tile holy presence In heaven!' • .from the report of Joshua Hanna, Treaso ier,'We learn that from Dec. 31st; lesl, to Dee. 30th 1865, he received and disbursed the sum of . b 7,930 .50. r. R. R. Avery, Superintendent, makes an elaborate and interesting report, from which we gather the following taste: On the 27th Dec.,ent, there were AZ inmates in the Refuge, and em the 96th of Dec., 11C.4, 234. Or these re ceived for ISM, the following were' the chargce on which they.were committed: 56 were for in eorriglbility; 'X for vicious conduct; 31 for ea. jerancy; DS for Lareeny; I for arsons. IHR em beezifog a letter , and I for assault and battery with Intent to commit rape. The average age of beisroadmitted during the year was IV/, yeura; girls 15 years. The aver - age number 1.1 the Institution during Abe year was, boys, 170; girls, 79; total, fits The largest number at any, onetime was, boys, 187; girls., 86-, t0ta1,::73. The smallest number at any Onetime was, boys, 166; girls, u 7; total S.3' The average time in the Itietitntion of these discharged, was, boys. 11, months; girls, months. • , The Superintendent says that of the number , of Wye reeelved into the Lustful Lion since Rees- 1 • tablishment. tivceth irds are known tohave be come gOod meMbers of society, onlv one see. enth . of the number doing badly. The recent ' of the glrlsls lean favorable, as only one-half • of theta heard from arc deingieell, nearly all ' ' Menet being known to be bad meMberstof society:"-Ito close, his Pee:ening report by saying: '' • - • .To the Father of the fatherless we commit - this Instltutlon and all its interests, and the Children committed to its care with the toll assure:nee that the Divine benediction, "Bless 'eel are they who sow byroll waters," will rest Open all. who labor here. and that In fond VIM*, if we ISlut not. our eyes will look upon the harvest.” The revertant Sir. Lewis J. Jones, Seelsterit Superintendent end Principal teacher; Sallie C. Stenzel., Princintil Instructor in the Writ Scheel; Augustus Henri. Clerk rind elereasurer, ,fput.l . it. Grouard;, Physician, ere RH highly SatiSfaetOry. In- fact, the whole report chows 'that the noble and bureaus institution has . been properly managed for the past year, and Is aticepplishing the wer.k for which itsvas ' dentgned. :CP:lenity alone : pan tell the =Omit of gootteirought in the world by the House of i Refugee( Western Penriellvanla. MIZil . i ntatri Italia Vocal. Entertßlsmuent.. A thrFra VI. named Jarab LltUe;.7lm. reside., rrilmierre tainntdp, rialted All% . hany, an Saturday night, mot numeral'. frierntn, drank ! ..sirtare.fbilif Ordinary amount of beer, Antl. ns , consequence, became decidedly intoxicated. ,; _ volubt Inogrenating street at a late . Med Throve' hie InJarlem-We learn from Ohio thO 'Harrisburg _2ries , nf daturday, that heht" : " 4 teltith Ora. musica l tarn of Mind-he tlls- Mr. Edward Althouee M , of Reading, Who tinted the stillness Ot the night find the a lum- , washorrlhly burned on Wednewlay last, near hers of the gcmdly people residing thereabout, Larlinees fitatiOn" on the Pennsylvania „Cam • by executing, in a way that none but a drunk- ' trek Railroad, bas since died and WWI interred "ens:pan could execute, a nurriber of airs. The in Mauling: At the time of this accident, Sir. end of each stanza was dovetailed with' a pe- i A. was Bitting, with others, In an emigrant culler howl that could be heard for squares, , front of which Vasa car ladain With oil, which attracted the attention of °Hirer Minn, - afitl'Who.ratio eeihfrdee °centred he was coy ' who; ranch!to Jacob% chagrin, interruptedbini suit with nil which took Ore from the heat of In his performance and walked him to the' , r e Ye, hetet:lit ' , him 80 , badly as to eau., rubs. It In customary for people to pay for beipriVilege Let hearing 'vocalists, but the s 7 •• • flyer reversedthe rule In this case, and the Manbattad - Life Insurinee Comiany.- nerformerimul down his two dollars nn,r de- ' The!aileautegekof Life Insurance ire leo well parted, keel...to; need Impitnent. . The. Manhattan Ufa Insurance .Company, have 'established a Bridiel-Swcpt Away.-ahe bridge' over , branch In this city,nral appointed ii. L. /firm. Red Rank Cree, at LansOnnaim was The lt,± l l6, s tiget, Who d fis .o h r l y s Aw o h M erc ee Q by:ll4. lee flood onlztat Monday. The ice Ir&L. meet, BO.= St °million ran bo ntul. Among the refee came down the creek hi heavy masses and micas we. notice the niunesof ex- Mayor Lowry. worgedJUSt below, ilhtli the bridge w eef.......Y‘ , sherlit-ktawart, Joslina trapna,. dcedih hi - 1 rifted Olga leo; sheet 4 WaY , wam o n y W. Iluchart Calvin Adams and oth H-1 tailitalew'yeara ago, 'unit Its dest,ructicrn , . / ere. interfere inateriall,y,witly,travel during the high waters of spring. ' - We Ws° learn thatthebridge where thol.lt tanning 'and Leechburg road eroosesCrooked CriMk WAS swept arm TDCWAY.7ArinttrOng ii'epuyfeen. Abrading me Iramily.—Ccinr , d Young get. ifirmic on natunlay night eta late hone, 111 the Allegheny Monona, and on going borne pre oeeded to abuse one or the 'members ot,tbe 'thrall,— The _pollee were ;appealed tefor pro teelbon. and"- ,oo nor gOt a night's'edging lb' the tombs, toe which be we a charged We um' Sam by,plo Foetal Accident—► Row of Man Traps. On Saturday night, about eleven o'clock, a women residing in one of Jacob Boobyer's houses on Canal street, in Bardscrabble, was alart*,l by hearing a noise In the area In front ether house, and upon going to the spot.she found a man apparently in a dying condition. Help ;being obtalited, Miens round to ben man by th'e name of Matz, a glass-blower by trade, wholvorked at Jno. Best's glass-honie. lie was carried to his house on Second street, but nerq spoke after the accident, and died at four !o'clock yesterday morning. Ha was a meinher of the Duquesne Engine Company, had - worked for air. nest for ten years, and was one of the most sober and • I ininstrlons men connected with the works. Re was thirty ' two years of age, and leaves I 1 wife and one child. The Cornier held an inquest yesterday afternoon and rendered a verdict that the de mutseid came to his death by accidentally tali ' lag dbwn a stairway on Canal street, said e way tieing left in a dangerous condition b - tke owner of the property. Jacob Boobyer. Ou Saturday, the deceased html attended the fir neral of one of his fellow-workmen, and had had.cted as pall-bearer. visited the . spotwhere the accident no. Curnslyestertlayeyeelng,andfound the areas in trent of the entire row in a very dangerous condition, -all being open and unprotected. The Street Is very rengb at this point, and !there beg neither pavement nor gas imp, .any one might easily fall Into the same trap. One witness before the coroners jury testified thatthreeether persons had fallen into these smellsame areas, but as the accident!' had ' not Proved fatal, nothing had been said about lt. Wehave bee infer Mrs. Matz t h e 'bringing snit against Mr. /100byer for the loss of :lus.husband. We reepeetfally . call th e is tentiora of the street '440 fastener to this ands. Let him lifer himself, lad say Wheth • eantet shOuld not be' denettothretect life aniline The'Stenben vim° railroad In moulting put tails property haverilledi t i street M such a manner as to leaVe gr eatholes adjoining the houses, into any of which s tianleit tall, he would be aerietisly injured Ifnot killed. They.have al so left great blecks estrum ih the already too narrow street,' br Whillh'lllollll3 Tehieled are crowded over towards:the houses. One Welles beennacrilleed,three other persons have been injured, will notthosemantboritytake hold of the matter immediately, and see that the evil is rentediedi MEM! arias* of Trains, tlieo:,l6mlan Congress—Delegate& *Mc . Parade. The Fenian Congress will hold their fourth anniial Session 'in this city, commencing to day t at Masonic Hall, Fifth street. The or. contention will be similar f.O that of the United States Congress. Col. tnrphy, Speak er pc the last House of Irish Hepresentatlres, 'chi a candidate for re-election. Vice President Hilations, presiding ofßcer of the Fenian Sen. ate, Sarlved here on Friday, and visited s o y. Cral Of the Fenian ClreleN of this city during the pruning, before whom he delivered ad d ressel calculated to "fire the Irish heart." Setirrday and Sunday a large number of Delegates arrived. This even ng a grand Fenian demonstrit tiorX,wlll-..take places at Masonic Hall, on ,yrfudteceasiotspresident William R. Roberts, Seetttary of War Thomas W. Sweeney, Vice Pmideut James Gibbons, and other distill &tasked leaders ()title mOvement, will make addresses. They will be escorted to the Hell .by a procession under the d meet ion of Captain Gorman ami Lieutenant Padden, of the Pitts ' burgh' Circle. The procession will form on Smithfield street at half-past six o'clock, the right resting oh Fifth street. The line - of match will be throngh Smithfield street to Fourtn street, dow n Fourth street to the ode. Wood str et ! (St. Charles Betel) when the procession will, halt. President Roberta Wiee President Gibbons, General Sweeny, sad other prominent members of the Brotherhood will then be escorted to carriages, and the mails resumed down 55 cod street to Water street, up Water street to iStnitblield street, up Smithfield street to Fifth street, and thence to Masonic Rail. The headquarters of the ,metors and Representatives will be at the St. Charles Hotel. .The Cur ves will not Lair -13 enter span the transaction of business re,. Tuesday morning. The sessions of the coaermis will be held with closed doors, hut it is anderstfxulthe proper oftleers will furnish for publication such of the proceedings us may not be deemed detrimental to the alms omit ends of the Brotherhood. There is a very large number of the Delegates now in ' - thelelty :stepping-at the St; faiarles aturlle. .kioneshetellotelikand still Others are expect , ed tri arrive to-day. It is expected the pres ent l'ougress will adopt some definite plan of sew*, anaffran earlypay forearryltit(it Into execution: Some people anticipate exciting times daring the coming epring, and summer. • We wait the march of events, when we shall ! see what we shall see. Belief far the Sufferers by the Late Tide Wommittee,ceruposeil of !t were. Wm. G. thmsetelh; John Montgomery and Wm. Dun can thir the put pose of collecting funds for the relief of the enterers by the late Ere, hare been very successful in their praisewOrthy ef forts: On Sartirday, they collected' Virio,oo. To-day they will call upon others n( our cllJ renii. Any who May he desirous nr contribut ing lerthis object, who may not he called upon pergonally by the Committee, may leave their donations at the Mere or Dunseath a Co., No. wiflfth street- That the putilie may be serail that their loony will be properly be stowest, We give the 611.12r111.0 that the Com mittee have made themselves thoroughly ac. ausinted.wlth the, circumstances and neceasi 'tte4ofthe sulroras, and their ald will be giv en In proportion to the Individual : heeds of encl.. The fantllles tO Whom It IS intended to be given are over twenty In number, all of whom are shown, by ample testimony, lebe worthy "Wets of relief. Oa Saturday, there were trout twenty-five b neared to three thousand persons on Central Park, to witness 4lie beautiful skating of the Meaglier brothers, Daniel andJohn,Jr. Evert one was delighted, and the oceavion , was one of great enjoyment. After their perfahuance, they appeared on the body of the Park, and rstated with a great many young ladies, who ' we e ambitious Of taking lessons from the . great skateio. Before leaving, the Managers effeeted a re-engagement for three days lb IS week, viz: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, on jrblebtlays they will appear If there Ls lee. At this present. writing however, matters look rather blue for skating. At 'Union Park, the carnival was also at its bight. - 'Young Master Dick from Chicago Is n perfect pr and Anton idled every one by hieleumderfal skating. At olght, the scene wise enlivened by Ore works, and altogether there wan a gay time. Should there be more skating. It will be announced by the usual hal f letipz,And'slgasurfxm thearreetears.• • Te en rem—bliss guilts Daly hAs lx-ea engaged at Om Pittsburgh Tti6bter, and lu complity wit* Ur/Eititti Ityan, Alm eminent 'ifotnetlian. wii aTipisti this availing in-the grelteatardiy ut ciur Female American Cousin. L 2 QVciatA. Iting*,—lntga intallted‘ by Hadn, are engaged, and appear this evening • at the Opera lionse,in the play of She Stoops to Conque r or the instates of a Night, Mrs. Keene Ls too well Imotim to need any comment elder hands. Lixaverre HAti.—MbEvors Hibernian is j still in full haat at Lafayette Hall. Not hay , ingmeen the exhibition We are unable [Ginty any thing In regard to Its merius or even to • tellithe nature of the exhibition, but from the advertisement It ippeara to be a series of mu. • stein illaStrations. . . V ilt•nirn.—Doti't [Omer the exhibition br thirty /I. night. i°A' -.l Pi t t l e ° r n e 2 :317 1 1i 1 e . -five performers, and our friends may loch - for great. Improvement In tills sehool for ' in °Scull, training. • Descent on a DlROrtiOril !loam golhOisint.!tr , F , again made to tho.AlieSbebY nititChriteNabtrdt:Ony Watt* pyna4..morn , inelaittinst this dleoider which finitirtfralling at 1 he houss of &Mrs. Jolinston,on West street, to W Welt we bad OCCII3IOI/ to call attention in Satyrday's Issue. Officers Bowden, Campbell, Kline and Teets accordingly tYpaired to .the spot, entered the house and there found three men named John Walker, ueorge McLane - 111ln andrJOhn Stewart, who, together with two nymi,iscdu ppm * known as "Malt' Mr!Peely and Mary Cataman, were conducted to the tombs. Theintrties Linda hearing before thelfayor in the blaming, Who administered them a severe rebuke and tined the men each two dollaraantl coati, which they paid. Mary was mulct In the vuntrtof three dollars, and Margaret, being an old offender, wait mint to Jail for twenty days, much og,at flat her will. ROteut 'ledgelop l'ender Arrested. Christian Lyon, a resbleutof thin city, 1., the suceeSsor to Dr, King, tiro original patentee of the }'Kung nt Pain." "Christ." slatted for market on bahirday evening, and through some mischance found bin way to Allegheny, where he became decidedly drunk. His gy floe, on Federal street attracted the attenticin of Officer Barber, who thought it entirely out Of place for him to act themounte-bank without havingitaken out a regular license, and :therefore conducted him to the •Ibek•up. His stock of marketing consisted Of crab apples, cranberries, and half can Of lfolt rfaltbyqr bete-bivalves. lie was discharged upmirprebalslng to do better la the future. ciipt f u. Jahn Aar uted at Tprk on ann. Idayiereog; agtal VA- Tel krell , merttka and /SidaYa perved "at Of early age With the troops who wqre tqlletl_ont , bylPresident, Waehinglon to frappre.44. the "whisky InanneetlOn to she( test. modern ftl'..?=glesd.fitir kept for Inrio, Tgaretkp: /JAY larern rtaad, on' Malp: 4- Yeeti Catha two caltrantli.-Wdre committed to the JeurforagentriaSer:eaek on-guaday, by 49Wr 140P1W11:' Cl= Skatertal Anitisemexits. - - - ROBINSON, - McOLEADA & CO., Gymnastic Association.—Thu MeMber" of thLs AssociatiOn, our roaders will bear In ..%wie z t z e v arnralexblblt4olo . 1 4, 2 ver,.uim ,tnii,ibpo.Bankers and Brokers, pose tablt.bo,.le a I ylng in connection with their gymnits- _ tle arta acrObatic 'performance, a 6 number of NO. 75 Fourth Street. PlUstnrgh, Pr ro . , Geller, In all kinds or liOrrnMetlt SeentlLes, Gold raa pur gn ed s o fl u ce . n v t. en ea l. ttx .. wh .c le . lt io h ai r trr,... e been t, ,t,,,, the Association. The gentlemen under whctse and Wirer, Utleirellt. Gant Notes, Po:reign direction they will be performed, has an PI- sad 'Domestic Exchange,. etc.. etc., etC. tensive experience In this line, and has spared ~,U , .4 7 Vg ~"..,V.7. di 1 .,../ r .,,,0 r “ .t'5 : 91,;;:x.,1 7 . LI ; neither pains nor money to . make theta n corn- in all parts of the ' Gutted Mates au most fivo ' r ' sthle piste success. , terms. -- --saw-- I Orders executed with 195105 for eterrtilsg . 1s Heald and Ladder Balf.—We hope our ~ linVitin.. at the ne.t 4 e. '. 4e . T .*. Pitt.delltala. friend. will Omar In mind that the Hook and i iajn. tahurgh brokers. nosrds strictiy oncommte- Ladder Company glXe a grand hall on Waal , 1 Dram U. cl.rWe & CO.. New York, J. MOLE ington , s birth day, the proceeds of which will , &Co. Plalls.lelpilts; Messes , C. D. &T. it. er,v,_ be appropriated towards paying off the In- ' KlNK:liesteon. debtedness of the company. Any one who witnessed their efficient service at the tire on ___ Prretpect street will certainly not withhold his , FINANCE AND TRADE. support from so prnisewmlhy an object. Let _—..__ limn have a rouser. _ _ . STOCK QUOTATIONS. The Leader la Error.—Vesterday's Leader says that tile highway robbery of Friday night cnnftEcTon sr nonia — aoa, IeCLIA C.., 74, - P. aril IsTnlftT. took place at Libut.ral Park. This is not the case. The mini was Ranched down beyond the r. Nactrairise Park, and strayed 'up to the brick htiums op- • Yar. BM. Ask a Last Sates. Peelle the Parkilonsc, where he was found, u s N. Slats., 18.31 lot oo to and taken Into LW> Park House, by Mr. Hughes, C. E. 7.00 ..... Ite in Itt who webbed and bound up his wounds. The U. o 99 SO 9973 100 W perpetrators of the deed are unknown. U. S. 1-40.. 94 50 94 M 94 W U.S. Certificate,— DS 75 99 50 W6O A very Disorderly Character.—A fellow naILaOAD. named .11111109 Powers, entered Nichol's Hotel P. F.W. &O.R. IL 400 on gam ri 60 tot at- so 50 on Federal-Street, Allegheny, Saturday night, j Cleveland 3' Pitt.-.tin co ts . M . TS SO re m and called for liquor. Being drunk this was 1,0 ) .a_f a refused hint whereupon he made an attack up- R ig4f..„ . _ on a young lady who was attending bar, and comae mite .... 10 on it 50 975 60- 975 blasphemed b. In an outrageous manner. eitlrena.... ........ The father of the girl being et has,) adm In Is . Pitts.* bleu'bea v 'le te MI 5 2.0 6co 10 tared James a well merited flogging. l'emearl 50 00 54 50 54 S 5 54 73 saws. - Larceny Case.—ltamaley and Rofetu, Bank Pittsburgh ... an m m ro . charged before Mayor Morrison with the tar- Vint National tw M tia M tio cony Of a dollar, on oath of twcrietnnen Of easy , to,o r r ls = l -•.10 0 0. ILI 0 6, 0 , so virtue, bud a bearing on Saturday before ' Maier MoreLson and were fined two dollars V . u , n m h . V. 1 t t,,,1L•1 4 r4 el — co r o tio3 of ce an costs each 'for disorderly condoct: The Ec ,.. N . (0 ,,,,i so c o („, „„,, charge of larceny could not be nustained. Sleet:make Rat BO to 70 m Iron City National. 30 to 70 ato 60 M la 6o The Philadelphia haunted house mystery t Atrtr.VaLta w ll2 g him been explained on natural principles. It Nat. rommerceire m form 110 M 101 IS another such instance of imposture no the , People.' National. Lot re Ire M Re 60 tril 00 famous Cook-Lane ease. A sevant girl of I pone,,emo is. ros i,„_loo w — 00 foftteern broke the furniture and produced German M CO HO OD other “phenomena" out of mischief. She has I Teatime... Nat. -Los m _— confessed her guilt and been Sent to the House Firm No-M-G° u° 12.4 SD of Refuge. , Second iAI eg.)Nat.loo W neat Ennag..) Nat .100 DO Manch. Savlngs•...., W te CO 20 nu' Louisa illsekburn. the Lawrence .Ante. nal rays, the girl found In the ha stack, In VOANCT. North Deaver, is improving and here is no .... ••• • climbt she will recover. Flingi9 tothlg paid ' ' ...... 6O 00 = I,t! • In by those who visit her, with the Intention a. . ....... 60 at of purchasing for her artificial feet. Eureka., ... •.. -ewe • Man. a merchants . Y. w e A tiewandicial District composed of tie ms m rat sz ea wco counties of Venango and Meteor, has been gam row a, t o created by the LegitJature. It. S. McCormick pessoter..... ts -- 1 ,0 Rom., of trunk lin has received the appoint- Western.. ... . 4.1 ment of J edge. of email . toow At Rome.—Senator (inkhorn, Is on a visit . to hie bowie In Allegheny. It le expected that Ilona . -- he will be heard from In vindication of kin Nonong.bo , •• • r• ctrt count on the liquor (04,1 lon, at the meeting !..".'•"'". •• ' OO in Excelsior ling, thin evening. stir ' _ Allegheny ........ . 21 to — kgradagham...... 21 u 0 34 m x 1 oo Toe Frersallirl Fair and Festival In en au w • open eve night, at t'ity Itnll. 014. colurnbla..... SO lo 24 'n 24 ZO 24 71 LETTER LIST. • r It. & Vulvae_ l luo - Viemeely & Blood . 440 3, Ha. Lowe. C. a. 4.0 1 INT OF UNCLAIMED LETTe.fts . 25 Le 70 a , remaining In the Ped tune, st CI, I . . . 44 40 3, 31 Its.. rIATIJIWA 17, FEI4III , ARE t : tar_ old reltialL. 'Without rim/table change, fiur• 'Co obtain at. Of-theae lrifern, Ikeapplfeani ve,••• call for • • ddre,tiort Lett. rr, • • giving the gels alb,. lusting bet weed 137 and 137%. There Is an no. 11,1 sod pa% oxr C w„)„,. eadan, (tr. . .Ist... ror tia „ n I re loyal demand for Gorerremont bonds, and t o the Dyad h e ifer they are very strong and tending upward—all Fuer Mutin leere I, t rarrirer the real . de„.. y „ y the orders cannot he tilled In this market, and 1,, ibilow Lag : brokers are obliged to boy In New York and an we Primer letter, Uellar pluly d to Lae f usel t•er, PilliaLleiphia in order to supply their CriStni ll as the ro. an elat ad 1,,m 1. Irtato letter. with the 0,11.,', pow „ four and rners The New York quotation' te.day were sato% arta andnallnber . 61,0 tilftil ptinly alth full an foil Dftrs, 1idu...61 , 31. 3 .,, F, re Twenties, nam. and menu,os that n•wei- he directed armed -- °'' midi _ , _ ~ lult,/ennu; Ten I nudes, tust6gpisli, levee ilfir i,,t,n"o"tgTuTr",r,7:,',=°;l,„'f, , ` ,,, k „ " ,',',',,,%',,, n ,„' ties, tiro series, pat sienn a , PP 0:199 -1 / 4 ,, third, thnold be marked en the loner left hotel corner. with Petlgl - k99 , -, the word • Tramteut " 4Pt err the pr.tese, •I one on the op, ..e role' Ou.l. Lh•rk". (or ItioneY le glow ing more 1t 0.... , ? , .;.: „ .17 ,.. r , a1:;1 , 1 , , , ,. , .• Afp.i..... i t t 1x , :: , ,;e7z . L . 1.' , . i. ...t n 0 , ton au .l et rtugen t, Ilararytt first eras. borrowern,a, yet, ~,„ ~,,,t , ' , „ ''' '' ..'"• """ ciperlence hot little difficulty In getting all s li -A urger , r for the lILTVILV Off% leltel 1.1 the woo r If unelohned within tillll, SA. or lee, tl,ey want 't the "'"I mt.' 8 . ank .. 1 . "1/".". . e written or primed with the .rater . • 0u0.., pod of. firm, nan a ematintred groat load demand, , end ate. 1, h., the to left-nand end of tin. •n t el. though ... a e bare but few transactions to record. ope, on the face -.ld. nut he cotrattl. A won ot the Usual yoreald rodeo( sputa,' payable wilt. Itar I,- honorable oil stock it. held pretty Bratty at 20,.., µTit delivered to the writer. bere .M. Lao of tkok • 01, with buyers at 214 . 21,.; A itnt Hattie E Pruitt. v L Aiken Erma Hugh Jenno• Portrid„or • At the Sur tort Petroleum Board to-day, Allen Florence (lan .1 Price It I 1 hennebodr Hon sold at 16',, ltd-bole, Ili Oil 401E10 tie.'Norman 1, , It i reek, tai,, 1 treisior, lent, Veiled states, 1761 .kiirman II Hannan Afore Randlett P. 2 Anderson 11 4 Henry 31 31 Roe Annie E ibi s . In Philadelphia, Ocean sold at 15%1116, Allender J IV Hart Bury Rogers Chen Meld. Petal , , Pal Ehetzeil, I 'ere l N• It Hare Wu, Beatty D 11 it, Thursday last the Government, through Barkley A I ittebey Ellen 0 1,,, 9 ,, Au „,, , ~, „, Adore 'ffi„,„ ii,,„i. , the Pennant Dulled Stat. Analstant 'f re/mot ile!! Isabella J It ...Mick .1 r era, roottneneed the payment of nearly eleven Blake F. 4 .feitkin.. A E 'Etatchlitl J ~,thous of dollars In Interest, on three lino- Blake Eliza Johnston CIl Rte.. T Braden bash ;Jackson it T Mention Al drawl tnllllo.. of Seven Thirty Treasury notes. Hermon John Jones , Ellen 'Rnhel S t know ledge of the certainty ofjp..ying . out. Brown Limit ;ones tlomo literal.. 11..1 isrge a sum hen, no doubt, contributed mate- Berolby Jas II Judy Irene Rodger- it Bnshmatt Jas J4IIIOS 1.11,1 S rlatilt to produce the ease that has chars, Blain John W Jack Jl' uStroTT3 tented the tourney merles for neveral days Byrne Thos Lone, lli . a aln I mom ~,g - Mark Martha • It Seehrist I.: F ,„,..,. ~,,,,, 'b order 4 1 2 .i.,,, eri A,,,„ 1 .,„ P.,. taw the 231 of February In Made as much Byrne. Peter hick F. IS :Su fifer 1..,,,,,, in it "legal' holiday as the 1 mirth of Jnly or C 'lemma , Eli ' Staters Ellen 4 tut - comas The set prorldws that for all puts 1 harMs A king nails. 2 soil/run II % pont, n? proteuting promissory, notes, tc.,ine Clark (.2 Karts John ...1t... Et Cooper ~,,,?•,,, king j g b e It 4g 0 ,•,,,,,R , det, shall tie regarded as hominy. It is there- Coulter John Kenney Wl' Stewart J FI, r, In the ordinary nceeptextee of the term, Cullum Mary ' I. 'Slack J s y *le ga l holida Chat Win bowileVoo J•potn. , 1 . Cooper Wm I Slane, J i -In regard to the •nindy of geld in New Crawford II Morrow Alter sent? Thie, lurk. the Joe rnu 1 of llonenerce of Tuesday P. Cunningham II Moloney A Snider I M., says Charles At to Alatrell Klemm ..1....r., I. D ;Markley Prof ~,,,,, 4,,,,.., We Imi e hero 'belayed In our eomp liation or Davis Anna ;Ito.. Henry usloop Al the epecht movement at this port In January Drynen A rriod'Alnynta L Y 'Smith 31 by the tardiness of the Custom !louse elect., rMillelk CCr Moore gaunt •stepnen u o, R hot bare now rompleted th e returns It in en "ate C Morrie Same smith Ei. 3 impossilde to glee any satisfactory statement Darla Crum Morrlson John Smith Redd of the Plebe/. on hoed. either In the banks or Dfamond Elt ' Moore Mary ;shade N 2 the SulsTressury The former reckon the Davis N H I3latson N beacon YSutsTreasory gold certificates and coin, and i Dodds K ;Murphy Owen mmlth It Al I' about eight millions of the specie they report, parts Geo P MOOre if II smith A n consists of this cis as of paper. The Sub- I Davis Hannah Middleton C story A Treasury Included At Se grid instant In its Dickson Jobn Me !Stockton A gold recount about thirteen nifillons of cancel- Davis Wm McCall Dille 'l' et, gold eertilhatea, an Mutt the exact 411111 a. I Homey 31 •SteClution A ,Thomson II illy of coin even there is not slosh Is the E 'Mellen. Iffitile'Todd 11 AI romance gft - en. We tlierefOre give only the Exacta Clara 31cLunghlin S iTlerson F movement for the month. Evans E 4,. McMullen li Trainer Ilene' slot, tenant • r sew took is JA scatty. Edwards Sam Meßrorken 'l' :Turpin Kett, k. Imports from foreign ports at 2,771 Evans .1 W McLaughlin L rratior rhos Received from California 1,437,067 T McDonald ld Townsend 31 _ Forword D McDonald 31 Taggart 31 A barren Eliza , McCann It Torrence WI- Fawcett E Mcßride It A W val Bella MeAlllien Rohl Waller Anna II Lose In January 1,143,510 Fullerton .1 C AleCroake T Wallace Nate File 31 ‘4 1 41 , 4 , 41 , 1 J 4 Wardwell E A -The New York Tribune, of Felklo, sayu . Fife 2+cy .31eAcally Jos Ward Hannah "The reply of the Treasurer or the United I A 'weltlimhA . 1-1 State , lathe meeting of bank racers excites Goay Anney Neswath Susan trilLiams S 1111 ' Una E. I) ,SBll/00 31 Weaver 6 a good deal of comment- The First National titaham Sarah Nelb Marp Wall Setae K not wishing to contend with the Department, Gillen. Saud Nevin Mary il Woods J has already re-mode Its report and mild the Geffen 'John ,North Paid Wilson JII Goble John Is w ear ., J A Mr upon the construction of tile law as deter ' Gibson KJ O'Hara P Watson j r ,„, Mined by Mr. Spinner. Its report of firma de. Goldriek r ,O'Connor C Watkine T posits 19 now g4,733,Bl2w i r i evlonely reported, Grunt' Mary . Orate March Walsh Kate Al N 1,711,310 00; InCreaso, * Ol 01. The addl.- ' Grant Jos Oesterie Id ,Walsh 'l' .1 tional duty on which Is Ift, 33 73, making the 11all iron .1 C Webster Thos total tar of the six month, 012,113 Gt. This Hartman M . A ' P ,v,, F iki riso ,, 41. bank keeps no broker's account. and Islet:lobed HoovekT 31 2 ;Platt Simon , Wiggle Mary lightly In comparison to banks haying the Mo.[ Herron ICo !Powers Narnh White It 11 rounts of large speculative battles. Out hank , Huthhintinn C ,Parks Ater Young J Harmony A Co. Pone Sarah J Y of this kind Ls to pay nuaer the pew conatrne- tlon of the law $611,000 t a t ty: I r on n al l b l: n r. co u ntrj,e nder . ' 11111 Caroline Porter David Young Jim s Mr SPlnner'm rvlinif Hopkins E/I Penrod 3 5 lion in speculative ransactiOn, from the ofe. Hutehins E iPtirily Tit v ions reason that the banks cannot afford to SAMUEI. RIDDI.E, Postmaster pep the tar upon deposits growing out out of the present system of doing brodness." _ _— ... __ _ -The last lone of the New York iron Age, i - ' MEDICAL. __ tweaking of the unusually largelitoporte at . _ DU. ' I4TIIICIELLAND'S Niellillnous that port :Once the alit of January last, COUGH BALSAM Is soy• . I ."'"A..f..1 to b. lil. nary 1..*. , - O•tj G , "The Imports shire January lit tip to Bettie. mitten Gilds, 0 t.....c e y . t. . r 1,1 day, the letli liottant, amount to the alarming Ati&i, C PRUApti f tg Cone , : II - . sum of g1i143,010, againat 1,12,3411,687, showing mutant,' Conan., commute. .., ....,-..1Y0 .....-,7 , au excess In little more then art week, of Me. tirnertille and Crone. - • nineteen millions of dollars, more than 150 per Being prepared ;rum Hooey /All 'V . cent , while the exports for the name period and Prepared lalieallug, s ett- ) VElt„em: are not two millions In trees. Thls to the ew '' I " A "P u ''' . l . "` l ~.:....__ - theOrles of Ilse Porter the Commercial ' May he part calmly sultabie r all stfeet/bas of the Throat Still Longa gar sale by reline of cOngratolation; but to those who see /Weights evellwkeftshat n contfnuance In this course will surely It. E.'KELLICUs A CO ., CD lead not only to the Industrial analovement of Itulyd YVIJOUSSAI.It AtitliT this country, butt to general bankruptCy, and Dn. STRIVILLAAR'S PILE ItEN- . therefore national repudiation; the fact eng ,BDlt,,,bleC9E,P.tfi,,cl„,." , ' -r t,.. - - • ........,,,,.....- l ' Seu tto m iS S pe " O ' p r l i e ' rlYtri ffi VPrre a mTl ' inue to I to- LW' . tiro' w r,F,i - tgiba I 0 1 i } ... port foreign luroftes, in pliyment fbr Om na , - k. PILES. Jt elves immediate : ; Donal securities now sd (amorally regarded on relief, end egret. • perm, i'• hoot cure. TIT it &many. • ' F OR .overwhelming, can result, and truth ceidPele ft la warranted to cure. , UN to say that at present we *ea little prospect For sale by all Ibregglsts, at 1, 1 LE s -. of a better slate of things, Dm orders lent out :errors per lollies i_ .... .s „.. __.• • for execution during the spring of Croat Bri• B. F 4. -,..,,,,7,,. M Fin, Germany and ranee Irelug large beyond cell Iyd Wiiotkilatit Admi . ra. precedent. What can be done to arrest this , mnalnentand tremeudous danger 1 One thing at least lis Possible, Die ' e re al 'really TITSPEIPSIA. --- Dr. Strick.parid , s ~ ToNic, • • ••••,.••- , Increaard attars, and If there in not time, ti_s rtaled preparation of Boole . vr t o .--",„. \ itiere nu not, to mature fbe legislation upon and Ilan's, with se" - • 'is , W/1144 thin aubJert for the spring trade, We/respect arida and eartotoadva uu fully suggest that a short act of tenures!. be strengthen the etounwit and ~,F. Z t i nervounaystent. It teaser- - passed, providing for the immednan tempo late remedy for Illepepta, (::-.) , K ft , rory advance of all edamwe east Lifly per ot Inngestion, Nervous. . 1.10. We euggrut-ney, we and t is, not ~,,,,. Lass of . Appetit,. • I only op account Of the manufactnrers, whose Aridity of Hie blitimach. 4 ),„ C> . trade le, rulntal by the henry tarntion Mutt Iflainieuey and debility. it . t . I has been Imposed upon Mein, and the decline' 1.. 0 / ,ochoholjet therefore, ... - .0 rli 3 . In the proulinui out gold, run which they were particularly suited far weak, -.. .rr% WM and dyspeptic per. forced to rut , ball Luso or the people them sone. For tale by all drug- - , ('niter who here madly entered norm lids gists everywhere at ili nor tattle. _ snows of extravagance, which, if unchecked, -. • . u, g. eact,cErtsta t.' - •. can issue only In their ruin: , eetblyn I -The New Commercial, f o Fns 17, says , FORTY YEARS PRACTICE Wtintiasht Allen r . 'lliac Or two nrine,conipapftively riteently established, have found themselves In trouble I through inability to make' nod their "suctrr• e ° llll7. I' My . It o k i remuild'edn%"lnittdNiilreiXtcrUluAaninetpbiSeamreltifil:sti , of patients treated annually by me, are suftet u , u . uti m n b lirsi ,... fl a te .. l , l ,, t ‘e i n a. t hO v ilt il e'f i toe fie y rte te ti t,r.,, tha ra l. ry the A lr proof of any auroras. hPffItIIATORIHHEA, or Bernal Weakoesa, and , firm In the Brasilia! trade him failed, with el? elmese otietng ttrerefrete • are eared traT i r r . con,idombte i aortic/. au ppOsed cantle, npee• abetter lime than berth:there by my NEW ~,,,, , illations In petro amp. *ULM BfililiPPlEH. lftediolnra acid to spy p ~,4 4 ~,, so, London Intelligence, reporting fears Cl tee Ileliati• All ic,,lterl 1 1,' 1. 1, , ,ct! .- ,1 , ,,11i,v. Of e panic In tliti funds, excites some unefisluess reteurratl:ll7ll4lPirEilfg.r_near 1. mood in the Markin, and eillt'd somewhat the bole AMlrris, tJ. W. fuNs'riirr. M. De i elernentfn Strwhgne in Mk PIMA//rib, r , _ pithily - patirs.pp DDIEASEA• . i Chicago line ?Moen Allarket. + OFFICE 2..31i PENN tiVU.V.VT, near 'tend. i .10 4 1 , 7 ; t 0 0 r 0 e , ,, F e 1ta7 , --T ,L ho eattlo market le ra y at the ill:riffle nothwid hum ii to i i ill oonoi o f A . 7 7y A temetere, is yesterday. Two ear loads are thnonly arrivale, , lint there were at the opening of the market about 3000 head left over from ytederday. 1.1,0 to four dept. IT au vhllo-11 new nod n t . ,: . : O tr t ' srefelro l i th A e n"s ge'n g' lta m l i o " rtinl '* an ak n invir.a r d f olonii°ll° ' hides were made at from a5,251Z0,10 fey prime Core *emoted °rummy refimelnli, o .. oo 00. A. Steers; $1,2564,00 lor emot, and at 43,731711 for tun. boars-7 to 10 O• W•, 1 „11.1io 3 . . ' 7 , 7 ,7 7 i common grades. . Address letters W.. 1535; can street.. There were no fresh arrivals of hogs at the _________ _- - -----.— ---- - 'dock yards. Meday, but there were in the pens FII/ill, nnOold at the opening of the market about 7500 ______---- ! head. At yesterday's decline there was a 111111119 I runs I Ftrits r . limited packing demand, but there Is nothing ! dologlor ahipment. Entered stales,-1111 head, • at 10100,44 for prime to choice, and at sl3,tag LADIES, MISSES AND CUILDIIIsII agn4 for common. filleMs are d3lii, and s I n co Saturday last prices hare declined fully 25a per 100 lbs, No sales i -- , Were made- tieday. •. Nvcrii.et, log, z,..r in e b . . tllro the.-. 0 U:ritelillitoogreik:ediumitd:ll:ce:::: . . , common 121112 tl Rio. at 2ssi. mts,:co do lox The Until ail ioit &Ride Wolin . Pt U T O4 :16 1. : 0 1 Ever . : -.o 4 infedi li t - ow Marl gbitneteld2ffaillatd4:l3endetliola'ClT ft t .t o c uen Tura/tug =AO per 100 ItuuSto bp ,ex Si/Ip urey Eagre. at WA , ' weld In bond; And resoles bt 1000 bags out or ea - rk - -, -, I Ailnidrodt . s cargo, at wy,c, ing s r l w% Litra :. . *awn) •dt co.'s, , trans were taken en Row tork am tint , . , Stock to srss and eecond.ban s reduced tn. lgoaVili Vtracia "fa fr cote • 12,83 °b•fi ftt'h Total receipts Esparta to forriga ports lialtimere Coen% Market. PMSBIL!RGH MARKEIN. Orrinsa os ass PurrimugoaAxgrra, fIArMIDA:r. Feb. 17, IdO. $ The general markets have bean exceedingly dell and depressed throughout the week whirls has Jest closed, and what makes mat- Wm still worse, there tsnO prospect at pre, ad of any immediate improvement. It is true, there tura been a very fair attendance on 'Change; hntomfortunately, nearly everybody wants to sell, and buyers are like Schicken teeth" remarkably scarce. It is to be hoped, however, when financial matters become more settled, and confidence pretty soil restored, that trade will begin to revive, and that the volume of bus I neas during the incoming spring will be fully up, If not in excess, of the meal standard. At present, and for weeks pact, the derisand.for nearly all of the leading commod ities has been restricted entirely to supplying the urgent wants of the retail trade, and, ens sequently, round lot Operations are of rare oc currence. GU.A.IN—The demand for Wheat continues very light, and holders finding it impossible to sell, are storing it in the elevator. Oats dull with a drooping Co tendency; sale of 1 car at 42;a150 small sales at SWAB. Co rn is dull but unchanged; saleof 300 bush shelled ate. Prime Penna. Rye is in demand at 75. No movement in FLOltr e lr:-Issteady with a fair local demand, A and prices are nn but unchanged—. 9 to 49! for Spring Wheat, and 00 to 1110% for Winter. Sala§ of OXlbbls at $B4 for the former, and #10,T4110,40 for the latter. Rye Flour to dull and entirely nominal at oxes, per barrel, and Buckwheat Flour Is scarce 'and firm at #9 per bbl. PROVISIONS—Bacon Is inlet but steady, with afar jobblng demand at 15 for Shoulders; it for Ribbed Sides, and MlifrA for Sugar Cured llama Sales of Lard : reported at 16(07 foe country, and 15 for prime kettle rendered. Men Pork quiet and unchanged. SEEDS—SaIe of 100 bush Timothy Br,ed at OM, and 15 bush Clover Seed at $7. Flaxseed is scarce, and in demand, and sells readily on Arrival at Ws. BUTTER—There Is a continued good de mand for prime 8011, and prices have still further advanced—wales of some In packages reported at as, and na do do, prime, at 40813. EGGS—Fresh packed In good demand and higher, with saleli reported today at frefFat CHEESE—Steady but unchanged -2l for Hamburg and Biter Goshen, BEANS—In fair demand, and we can re. port-regular sales at $1,7501 per bush. POTATOES—The supply is fnilyeenal to the demand, bat prices remain unchanged —sales from store at 61,1501,R1 per bosh, and #.7% per barrel. • • APPLES—Green Apples a little dull but un changed, and we continue to quote at psuen4 per bbl—the latter figure only Yorcboice IIAY—IN dull, and prices Irregular, ranging from *ll per ton for common, to SWAT° for prime Timothy. DRIED AITLF.S—Applei are selling in a regular way at 13 to 13e per Ib, and Peaches may be quoted at lai r.e. for guru teel and OILS—No. I Lard Is quoted at 0,83. ONIONS—SaIes at r.. 0 4 ,/, per bbl. HOMINY—Is dull but nucbanged at 3 cents to 1110 . trade tui113;.{6315, In a regular way, PITMREIRGII PETROLEUM MARKET. Oilier or TIM Prrimatium GAM:ITS fissOliDsT, Feb. 17, IRA • • ('ROPE—The week closes with a little better leMing In the Crane chi market; that IS, there Is more disposition to contract for future de livery, than there Was a week ago. The de. mend for immediate use, however, h very limited, both refiners and shippers buying very spat iugly, and on the spot we give 193:1, tibia returned, and ftW"..S, blils inelnded, as the nominal quotations: We have -a sale of six thousand barrels rel.krted for 'March, April and May delivery, In Philadelphia, sellers op. tlon, at at; and there was Isolate of filti - O [ibis early in the week, at IS cents, to be delivered here on the opening of navigation, the buyer making en advance Wait touch per hl.l at the time the contract was closed. lIEFINED—There Is considerable Inquiry for bonded oil for lutdre delivery on spec.. tattoo, end we expect to have qtilt , e a number of gales to report during the booming week., as buyers awl sellers are comlog closer tts getber in their slew, and feelings. For ex. ample, we bear of offers being made to sell It CANS, for March delivery In Pbßadelptils, . with 450404e1Tered, and there was a sale of Whin. yesterday at 47. Free Oil is doll and lower—sale of RiO bid, vilrilllant" at a:si, rree on board oars. It Is but proper to remark, however, that we hear of Offen to sell at reeks. NAPTIIA AND RESllitTll—There Is some little inciniry for Residuum and, In th e etn score of sales, we quote nominally at 4e; 444 per bbl. Naptria I. very doll—lost Mlle re , ported WIM et Weems In bond. PETSIOLEVIIINTOCILN IN NEW I'ORIL. itpacial Dispatch to the Westeni Preece. Naar You. February 17. Isl. Thn Petrolearn Stock Market was generally halter hasiay. The market closest at the tot owluit tales: Dochatiso Form, ; It 11011 Creek, 11,U1; United States, 11',:t7; Creek, II; Palmer, 1,03; DiPeen, 3 A 5 ; Brooklyn, 70; Cetitral.3,3s; Ham McClintock, 4,:t0; Firat Nap. 110077,0 ; Shall° Myer, 2,813. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. bPeetal Ul•Pateb to Western Press. New Yoaa, February 17, VC.II. Petroleum rules still very dull: with ♦aleo of Cry;le at :nn.=o'< and Refined to bond 4504+ 1,U.0 barrel,' Crude sold for Moral at MARKETS BY TEL RAPH Finance and Trade In New York. New lose, Feb. o.—liallway speculation wan generally steady at the Stock Exchtinge, with a fair demand lot mock.. There were considerable purchases on the part of the bears to never short contracts. After board, the New York Central was the feature, and rose to Ori and the balance of the list snm stronger. The market was Armor at the ..¢ and board, with some excitement on For- Wayne. At the last board there was an up ward movement on the North Western com mon shares; otherwise pnoes were about the same with Only mode-rate business. Tho following were the clatir4 prices at 1:30 r. sr. : lEE3 New York Central, fC![; Erie 1/134; Ronson leeil Seedier, 10120 Michigan South ern, 'ffni Cleveland and Pittsburgh, WV Rock Island, 101; Northwestern, V.; do. ;inferred, anif,i Fort Wayne, 93%. Lovernments were Antler with moderate business. The foreign news hod but little ef fect on the market. There was very little be aineudone in State Stooks, but bidding rates n lies in some cases. old was not affected oy . the foreign news, and steal at 137%01.1134 during the forenoon and until a late hour in the afternoon. it ral lied late in the day, and closed at is +t. Mom ey to In more active demand with an elmryl dant ,upply at a per cent. Now York Market. Rew Yo.im, Feb. 17.—Corrow—Ikull, a.n.l tc lower. • . Fiona—Dull and Common grades !teary and declining, at._.,50e7,99 for I.xtra State; 0,25 for Extra It U. 0. , and $a 10,75 for Trade Brands; market closing dall. Wismar —Deary and declining, attX42,2l Otani—Wheat dull with a strong ftwnward tendency. Common Milwaukee Club, at elp In store. Eye quiet; inferior Western, Cops In fair request, without decided change, at ... , 47tic for unsonwl, and 716:1 4 e for sound mixed Western In store 111141 delivered, 79e for very (Melee do, mold early In the day. Oats' dialll and heavy, and lower at 3,4349 C for un sound Western, and IldfV.i for sound do. PCTROLCUM—buII, at Yltßiana for Crude; and tratSc for relined In bond. Paovisuum—Pork Mora satire, at 8,13 for New Mess, closing at a:19,0.M, 01,00 for Old Meese, 430,G04 - 21,00 for Prime, and eld,ao=rd fur Primo Mesa Also. 3,750 barrels New Mess for /larch April andllay. sellers. c4ptlnta, at 09,37 V& Deaf Weady, at. Illa,oo 20,00 for ew P an Mess, and tal,so , e`li 3 O. 0 for how Extra Mesa. Beef Slums dull andheavy, at $41,0%/0.,:a Baron null, at lea for Cumber land cat, and laTiaileo for short ribbed. Cot Meats unchanged. Dressed Bogs hearY, at 12!461:.",:e for Western, and 1261Ece fer City. Lard firmer. at 15Y,1315c, and email tars at Mfr. Also, 3,?..:0 barrels for Penn/art , and March, at sellers , option, at lac, ;Miter ac.tive. at-22(040 for Ohio, and :20.4:4 for State, Cheese firmer, at. Cbleago Bt&l."1. Cum Ann, February 17,--Puov tenons—The pro. , vision market Is n e.xtremely dull, but Item .Pork le held with tore firmness, sales being made at east 1, !Awl soldlo a limited ex tent at t4! , ,0, tint m other articles of ling pro. .duct nothing whatever is being done. Care. fully prepared 'returns from the city packers piano I be' actual number of hogs packed this season, so far, at 410,003, with about 12,000 bead noWin the bands of parker,. Dressed lingo are quiet but firmer, with axles at from e1e,750 411,10, closing at 411,00 all round. nova—Tim better grades of Flour are dull and nominally fifSloo lower, but common grades are In nil:Went* request at previous quotations. Game—No.l Spring to in moderate specula tive demand, Put prices are lower. with sales from ellG,3ol,l9i.i—mosing at 111,17 N® 1,18. No. alluring is quiet at but2ei!se. lteiea tell Spring and Winter grades are Inset ve. Corn rules quiet and without material change. Wehote tales of No. at .111y,0340, and neje,. terVid Oats are ddii and but little more than nominal: fLmall sales were made at aly.(VSLio for No. I, and iskatew• for Nn. 1. Ave dull and colts, with sznallaales of Ho. qt lac. Farley Is neglected and nominal. %Vaisya—There is no demand for High wino, The propagation before Colima.; to reduce the tax keeps buyers morel market. Salmi—Timothy Mewl Is active awl 1t614c better, with liberal Sides 'at from •• .no 4925torcommontopriwe. Clovereeedis dull at from 47,004107,25. Fitz seed Is quiet at from O, J. $1,50 , 31 new Week Dry Geode Market. New Yeast, reb.l7.-,The Dry Goods market has been comparatively dull during the week, The foreign trade Of the port bas been attire, the receipts of dry goods and general Incr. chandlse reaching $312; MS. The market has not fairly opened for light fabrics in dress goods, and holders hare made but little effort to press sales. The demand for expensive French productions thus far is limited. teach plain coloredand rich fancy silks, are tirmly held. Woolens are dull. Linen goods are mod• erately active, and sellat fair rates. Offerings at amnion have inereand. The following are the tpxotatlons from the Dry Goods raCagage: Drown Shectings—Asnoskonn, A, Mc; Augns. th, 23 iithb,..l9c; Indian timhani, 88, 29c. Iroop sti r th,...wygra , , I ..X I, I 3 inch tapes 90 to 49 1, 000% 4p 40 730. . -Bleached Shirtinips—NOW York M i lli, &a , Bates, £OI Bbielisvouto4c. Valuable, A, WM ilario,e 19. plinth...3l cm : sago, W, Pcj raejlie,, 2 oo; Spritgne, tly,c; American, am.. UMPlLMS—Lineuster, Wei Hartford, 22 0 . Cantorics—.Wai nir t on ~,,r ; Portland,39.3. • Silleclaa—Ahusarmnaoe; In. dian Orchar d, 3 . 2350. frown Drins—repperall, SOmWiritaS: •Oorsoi Jeani...Pepperell, aact 4 l 6 ClintOn i glannels—Laeoth , p , 37 I P4i •Q. Pk' atz.4. gso., tri_sdAt-AmsskssiTM: k r ,, er i sspr l al& •-.k - ,..::,•.,...-. —.- ,- - ~. ~.1 . itinelanati Starke,. . -- - CISCINNATI. Feb. I:.—Rocs-amulet, no:10101d , 1 40 g,, :. cittiaraator ' — u litfLOn,, at, .i,.... ''or No. 1. New "Uth rfitgrat 1866. p,,,1. Corn in het ,', dent... and PriOns o . cpuß, sArEnr4Nll COMFORT thick. higher , dos a; n 1 :12firIde for No. I shell- sa ed. Oats dull 01 4.14 - 0- , for No. 2 and No. 1 Bye continues dull non pure. nominal Wt 7:k . coxiiiisT.D. for No. 1. —i— GXoentrara—Dull. PITTSBURGH, WEEELLV), EARIIITA k P 3 / 4 EXIESEFP,CI Walser—Dull end price- nominal: small sales at 25..- in bond. CoTTOrr—Dull arid price. 11., dial. Gotri.-1.47 , 4 DAILY PACKET LINE.- Puortarose—Qt but tom. There I. not toucher.dpsition no the part of either buyers Cosnpriaing the following first-cin. Passenger Or sell tO operate. New Ideas Pork, igntoa Strainer, D,OO, the latter being Thu rates linked. Intik Steror r LAyAR.D, Gem: D. Moore, Mastor, ,er. Meats doll, at 12,14016 e for shoulder., sides and ;:1,:,.7,,,, r,,, , ,N,.FAT11N51 . V . I4S- G w :gte3if te, s . Clear Sides, peeked. Baron in small Jobbing ISOW It TICIP—ST/SAAIStIi DAYABIII demand, at 14%, 1, and is‘.e for shonlelers, Erse., Pittsburgh everyalionday and Ttnirsdar, At Sides and elms . Side.. Lard is held st Ise Ow II e'elcnk, Prime City, with Intyers at 17 0 ,,,, ie.>, Wi.reiing ev rry ',deadly arn . ......1.7, at New York Klock and gooey Market. ' '•' 1' 0. - sTF A MEE wi !.; CEIEST E 17. Now Tomo, Feb. 15.—Loney quiet, at sir per , !.1.333 0 . Pittsburgh e very Tuesday and Friday; at c us e . n ,, L ,. o ci n c ea m ll . lo ,, a h n a s d . o SLe g r i l e ln r, g o i p lu en ich, w at at lf , r ,,, ,.. :, ,,. 7 ,7.. ; , ,,..... w ,, e,. ,, ,,g 0,,.ry. rue,,,,y ~„, Friday, it decilniug to 137, nod closing at 1,37%. The STltAllElt iii /REST CITY tri..l export of specie toslay was $1971,7k1 la.ares PlttahargheverSAVedsesday and ttaturdlY, ''vernment stocks without de change. at II 3. en. Stooks strong. , pons, d States Ws ',ll, Coupons, I.r > reit Wheeling every Wednesday and Satunily. 1,04%; do 5-20 Cou 'C.', 1,03%; United States Oi 9 ' o3 n- n%• Ws 1610 Coupons, 94%; Treasury Notes, 7 3-10; UP YIIIP — STF. rrtt r y SWß FOIIEST PITY qeaves Parkersburg r tionday.and Thursday Ist series, fr:o?',. do lid series, 99%4; Tennessee Vs, „1 p . .. 91 ' 4, Western a Vnion Telegrapb, 57%4New York L.'s re• Whet-11ns e'erY.Turaday and Friday, st 7 Cenral, 9%; Erin, i.tt . .• Toedo, 108• Rock .... Island, 1,04; Pittsburgh, rltti; North V% estorn, . "Atf,i do preferred. fil;t4'; Fort Wayne, SPA; Ter re Ilaute,34; Chicago and Alton, I,W; do prefer red. 12,00. STEAMER . BATARD I. Parkersburg every Tuesday and Friday, it D I. es Wheeling eve at 7. ryWeduesday and Saturday, STEAMER VriNcuEsraa • Review of the New TearY Grocery Marketl,eas Partersburgh atirt7 Wonneeney mad natal , (From the Commercial last, Feb. 17.) dve Leaveskate.cllng eieryThuredsy and Sunday, al coffee—The market for Mosinee oar last has 7a. m. shows considerable stetivity, the trade having t m_3 l :r i vv b izu r tz.,,r,,, , fltitt erh.lt.l bought freely In view of diminished reccipte n which Leaven Pittsburgh at altisp.m_ and cievelaZ and the spring demand. We hove not varied id at= . tn. Also. with trains of Pluseargh. for our notation. but pretty fell prices have bees w ar ., sa d chicage Railway, which leaves Chicago realised, dot ing drmly, Good and prime at Intl. M.; sad at Marietta with Attrletta and to be en continue scarce, and the sale, have elonatl Railroad. and with a d to all points, on been necessarily of the medium grades. The the Alusklagam River, a re at Parkersburg wit been o f Ri c , are 145 ira.e., per El ec t r i c, sow p et . early train on the llialthnere and Ohio Railroad. and with Dade Line bummers to omeroy, GaMpons, Die Ernie, IMO per Nora, 2700 par Blarney to Ironton, Prtamouth, Maysville lad Cincinnati. arrive, =OO per Edith Rose, =Xi per Eanagona, . rfr a up trip, connections are made at Yenta Woe per Valkyrie°, and GO! per P. C. Warwlek, . with Clevelandand Pittsburgh Rattroad.GrO3 a.m. all on Private terms, but within the range of rain, by which passengers arrive at Cleveland at 1230314% cents gold, In bond. We notice be- :45 p. m., and at Chicag_oat 7:60,ca.m. nextmornitig. aides MOO bags Rio per Grey Eagle, in Pahl- JAS. COLLINS do CO., Agtmte, more, at 12% cents fold, In bond; and =0 do. At Wharf-Boit, Foot of Wood S. per Restleas, In Ph i .= =34 gold, duty rirrrsaußuit., paid. In other description. the market Is Where freight will he tel tired eseh day , op to 0,3 1 firm , hot there Is little doing; 78 bag. Laguay- 9... Jana ra brought =cents gold. By auction. 3S) bag, }VI CINCINNATI, LOU W damaged Java sold at 32Q.3.13..; cents; and In IFIV LLE AND NASHVILLE. do. R 1.310319%, cosh. The epic adid puwager'lleainer Sugar—There h. continued a steady and MARIETTA-. .. -.. .......,.' .„ . . „... .. Capt. CCalla, pretty good demand for Raw for home One', Will leave as above on 11.13 AT, alth tra4l.. At since our last, hat the market has hardly re. 0R.,,. , a e k .. n• tamed its atrength on the full In gold, and r r freight or pastas:lr applY on hoard or to ' 6.:1i ILltt•li .i. COLLINGYVOOD, Agent.. doses tamely at a slight concession in prle.. We quote fair to good refining Cobs 11t,0311%, ,` OE CAIRO itICD ST. & e . gellned is still in request, prices ratlfer 1- Sr. I.ol`lB.- The dm steamer EllTnring sellers—hard, 'Pic; soft white, 1643 IMPORTER . .. ..... . ..Capt: JOUR gots. teal ; and Tell,OW, IP; 4 4_, 15 %, emit , The sales of Will leave for tn.- ..aZ, and 1 - Mennedlate porn, on raw are OW oho. Cob. at 11 01 3 5%,.e; R . / do ain- , sATURDAY, February 17th , at 4p. ni. lessee eager. 01372 Porto Rico, I iNcir.q: ion , For W r ight or passe ye apply on board or to Martiniqtre,ll; , ;l4o hints arid 96 bbls Demerara, ' kr: VLACH A - CtiLLINGWOOD, Agentai part, nix; Id lade, 3 tr.., and 3 . 1 bbls Barbadoes, .UPEGULAIL PACKET mai ar i gab II ; to , choice grocery new crop New Or. AA FOR WHEELING, MARIETTA. Iran., 14 14, the pm earl 0.1_7 vet received; 2.9 A.1:13 ZANF_SVILLE.--The an. steamer .FDILMA bhds Cuba Cistern Bottom,awB; and 1378 bx.s GRARAM, Capt. C. P. gym., em l ea , e f,,, sa a Havana, 12(9143;, 4 Moe. above end all Intermediate ports every THESDATI vs,. at -s _p. le. Relenting, leaves 2.esville every FRI- New York Iron Market. DAY. at 7 am. J. D. (ASLLINISWOOD, Agent.' -.---- Ntw Yeast, Feb. Ir..—Pig la still dull, and the BAims ma i BANKEaIs. transactions are not Important The Mien • fr0m........---.......„-;- yard have been small, and. for the most THE part, at ssoard for Olengarnook. A select 400 1 tons of Scotch, at wharf, hal been made, part ' at MS and part at slB,fo, and other sales, from FOUIIT.II NATI 011iAL BANR, ship, at $49. Al3O 01 LO to arrive, at. a price z which we are not at liberty to state. Scotch 13 held firmly, notwitlintanding t'.e /alted do- U. 3 Govan:lntent DepOsitoty, mend. The amount intoned Is much less than •S. _ ~ visual at thin seamo, bat we learn that there In , - • considerable q aunt Hy on Llie way. I 5 MARKET STREET American pig iron In In larger supply, and ... with screelv any demand, and no eaten of ire- • rgrc. 'Priem are meat and somewhat 1 .V . l•elteill:rei-Vglas • W a43 7 2 .72 4 Defr , . It may be quoted at 648:9'31419. There la very little latintrr Crow emanunera for non- I F iy A rlet,i P.."' Ili $3311.40. as tracts fo r . d7thre,7 a.rlagr the rea.„.. ..,,,,They, Pro- ; i z i l a n Ha rai r ar itrirra bi tre raw teti_ tr . wltin Mantanfl fer to wad .or the dev °perinea...is the to- . garoi v em g toresyhotin 88!conntrr ce , we offer Miasma tare, anticipating that they will be able to do ; 4: rotten tattle. doing canteens with ns. better than at present- I' . . /lie furnace, aM generally In full blaSt, and , 7 a few on the Hudson will go into operation ; aa- - 3.Cit Wa:rteisiy, when they can get coal. I . • In the bar iron market, there It no change , And all other fiovermnent securities, tarnished to of Importance to mention. The amount of `soma to snit nerd...ern. _llelmsles rimrlred sue lo business Krona store Is lair (or the time of year wrest Marred Cy epeeist agreement. Prices art 89 before.—lron Ayr. thlanerosst THOMAS DONITELLT..I it. it, ICING, I D. U. SMITH Baltimore Cattle !Market. I . 141 M 9 M. lilt te!, '1 .1 i 01 . 41 1 14 q 1 L 1t111101T,,_,. THOMAS SUIT , J i t. M. ICIRKPATEItaid llALTimena, Feb. 11—Beet Cattle.—The offer- [ THOMAS ON MILLI", Preddeut. lugs during tha limn Week were Illgthead, , BIITURII. WARD Catatler• iteI3:I9 . B9AWY against 101 held prttious week. With the -- —___ _ ___ exenpticnt of stock cattle (which were in g oal detnand and very scarce) and' scalawags, the receipts of which were light, all grades sold 'lowly. and price. were fully t‘c per lb lower. Prim, to-day ranged as follows ' Very hest on sale 111",50fe4t5) Bid quality SiCeS)- . 'n M ondsec do acsaa, and scalawaga $1 per Ito R.. verege of the market r per - 1091M, gro.s. oheep—The supply and 4101111111t1 ha, been fair this week, with nale , at )4,;(1)71ir per lb, trons. llog,n—The supply I,a. been equal to We de mand this week, patters being °mot' the mar ket; and the dealer. only [myth ,I . to meet their Immediate want.. Sale. at $I.:014 per KG Ile. met, with a few lut9 at 81141. Philadelphia Iran Market. PITTLAEMLYTIIA, 17.—There k home io gatry for pie metal. and we notice bales orm. tom, Gleason grey Forge at $l7; loos Nos. I and 2 authraelte sold at $45(048, and forge at W. Scotch pig Is tither, bat prices are steadily maintained. Blooms are glinted at $12.5 per ton for the bent charcoal. Yannftnred Iron gnict at former . IMPORTS WI RAILROAD. , PITTSBURCII3. FOZT WAYXN. a CII(0•00. It R. F.-b. G.—l car sfbral, Hum Wallace; /do do, Gilmor.., Simpson d co; I ear barley, Kerr a ry Eme; 2 cars lumber. it C Cavanaugh; r car, stave,, d d h A iya ; 43 1.41 a paper, A ri Engl6ll; Is) bbl. potatoe,,, E Heusi...ton; 4 bbL, butter, : Henry Re jr;soap, F W C Field; 100bbi ' hour, T C a l enklus,• 20 bdls steel, Aaderso - cook a oo; 2 pkga butter, Graff IL _Hewer; 0, l i m b lie s e r t i . i i. r. .l 4 =-441 .rd cs lard, 1 0 igt a c 04 9; . CLCIIIMAND a Flrtlialsaan lIATI. Do— 1., Feb. 17.—12 bra butter, 1 keg de, Butler d Wet -1 _r; 13 ale bbl; JO, kllndeu; 411 ( -bbls butter, I. ; I '6 • ol,at 3,. cool boxes butter; E Heasieton; 9 empty alo bbls, Jo, Rhoda": 13 bbls flour, T C Jeulr.lns; ral Backe Malt, WM Garrard; 14 sacks b i - vx, E u p tte Nt r ar , kje, 1 bx nadr o , i lvg . Galr e ttr , 43 . 1 41 0: , 1,26 . 1 1. 5An 0 1 u 514 Leo ° ; e erti'd a s tobacco, K Illesqadir; E II M s Sour, WO d i ti h d u l ' 3, Y S e fle V ri. a 12/ m otP i CC ;lDta:; pig iron, Klruick d co; 222 sacks potatoes, Kerr A Emery; IS tons metal, Nlnticlr d co; 127 1 emPty carbors, Jam Irwin; I car -load Labs, .1 Holduiwran d Douglawq3 empty ale barrels,2 do ball do, Spun cer.& McKay. AI.k.IOIIINY STLTIO, Fehruary 17.-1 car corn, It Knox d Sethi car barley, C Eberbart; 9 pkgs cheese, J W _Haney/ 19 pkgs chairs, Hadley d cot/ ear lath, J Manr.;21104113 paper, .1, Pitts raper Co; 3 kgs wine, Mrs RH.. h PITTSIII3ROSI, C OI . I 3I2IVSAADCIIII3IIISAT7 11.. R h F3b 13 —l2ll Obis flour, Knox d McKee. inpouTs DT RIVES. Comm:cm-22e Lr.et L7.o7l.—Drooks, Eat lautlne co, VS pkgs; W Cooper, MI pkgsi A H Chllas,Ei pkgs; Holmes, Bell co, 2 pkgs; E i McGraw, pkgs; W 21,pkoer Nlixtlek M o t ' . Mr.; Iron B T S 11 ; IL P 4' r Poindext er ; ti pkgq ; Speneerst Moo.ay, pkgs; J Tap {or, pkgs; Nell a Itllchard, 200 bags oil meal. RIVER NEWS I= , since our lan, another change has come Over the at:limo/ the,weathees dream. From Eaten,e cold it has become ratite mild, and i`eatttnlay bulniged m runs nearly all day, al. belt , a little snow and sleet was mixed there with. The river is still falling, and last night at dark ihno watt but tire and shalt feet water In the channel. Business at the wharf Is Only tolerably brisk. ' 'lbis day, the Bayard, Capt. Moore will re tome her trips to Parkersburg, leering at ii, a. m The trade may now be col:mulcted as fully ogee. .0 -morrow, the splendid Winchester, Capt. Asa Shepherd will leave for Parkersburg on hey drat trip. The patrons of the line may , Iwet tie proud of this bee accemon to their tra ening and shipping facilities. T e Marietta, Capt. Sweeny will take her departure to-morrow for Nashville. The kullOrter, Capt. John NOM, leaves to morrow afternoon for St. Louis. The following is the Bator boats now ha port: Bayard, Forest CIW, Nora, Sliver Cloud, Win chaster, Julia No. I, Importer, Marietta, Sate , Putnam, Vorktown, Kenton, sliver Lake No, ! I, Lorena., Citizen, d inancier, and kinatria No. 4. In addition to these are .the regular 81.0.413E ' Ville, and .4.l.leghony riser packets, bettifies the new boalapist. LIMP - Mug. COAL tisane Watrz.—Over twOhly empty coal barges that have been lying on the Ken tucky shore, above the InOlak of Licking river, were carried off yesteralay by the rapid rise of the river and We hear,' ice. Upou reaching the pleas of the bridge they were ' caught in the eddies, and went through u complicated dance, to the great delectation of the spectators, but, a great cost to their owners at Pittsburgh, as many Of then, were damaged. Getting out of, the eddies, they floated out of sight, the Ice preventing any at tempt at their reilque.—Oimbionlfe, 17(5. 11,1DINJ,(:.1:2•;i: QTEA M TO AND FROM urrEit- L , POOl. AND KIMENtitOWN tt ilkL.t...tin tyke • 'rash. Toe INAt MY 1.11.4 E. ENEMYSATDEDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY., CA ICRITSCI U. H. lAII I. Tlck4te sold ig kilA from Irelawl, Eoslana t Soot, 44 4 11:DW and eracser. Aonl y the COMpslly • Otllets, • JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Bro . °away', N.Y. FUENITUItE. JOBIPA 1.11[1112 i ANTHONY iLIZTXh. JOSEPH HEYEat & NOV. Mann tsctultra and 11 - heiralle and Retail Wafers to FURNITILIRIe li t ßlS'eltSlll9, bte..tle pI.NN NT. gwarrerht, Pail; rTiat and liaiozonr, et their own manufacture, and amt. t l ranted aquaria quilt, and style to Aar aninsfac ter ad la Ilteottr. anti er instil at reasonable Dries.. FERNITEHE, MCI CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Blau Groot ore d sod for sale. Wholesale or itetaiL JAMES W. WOODWELL, FO9l 699 TXII2D&TRILLT, 44)0116 E. Xatoa&494 49. C0. , 11, &&4 , . fit TOITATT. STEAII/130ATS. BASSES( HOUSE. It HOLES & SONS Metzumera. N 0.57 MARKET STREET, !Matures. P:rts7ll7 4 :: dSLa STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Said on Commission. . ac Plrtleulat attrotton tialtl to the purchase illo of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. , • • INTIM - DINO United States Sues or Ma: Do. d , Ms. • Do. Fiv o es d i t t iOs; _ Do. Seven.. ril- DD.; ' Do. Certlacases of Indelbtaft . ess. Orden and Coacher, bought or nonrated. JoOLI ? DOLLAR SAITNGS BANK, No. 0 xVWTU 13TV.Err,. • ita C rtrat "" Zy fr e C = l" = " tajrist " LO W N e ov d" eitter i Ist, from 7 to 9 o'eloct, anCfroin No?ember Let to May Ist, from 6 to 3 o'clock. Deposits received of all sauna of not leas than Otte Dollar, aud a dividend of the mogul declared twice declared. June and December. Interest tea been enal.enntially In June and December ewe s tie Bouts was orgentred . &Lae ratetd six percent. ^ f:tie . ;esz, If not draw•ut, is }dated to the areal of the depositor as prinel;al. and bears the same in terest from the arm days of Jame and Deemnbtr, coIuIPOVAIVee a pear witbout Moab/bag the de rdearrirteanonty 411711.4SMITiga itlut P ri:erlre k. pa.tra. bookseontaining the barter, Dy-Ladra, Ralesand Regulations, furnished gratis, on application aLlble oface. '• ' passmimr,Gioltaz AL13118)L Tien iiimmoLwrw • vnutin, J. Auderaon,- A. B. Padock. M.D.. John G. Rackofen ". Hobert Robb , Ben). L. Yatuar Hobert el . r, ; Join H. airsocaberger. James Hardman. - • , danumbbltile, James &Legnica.. , Alexander Sneer. Ducal. Pennock. .l CturbiLtan Yeager. ' TRUPTRLS: Henry .7. Lynch, Peter A. Madeira. ' • Jobn Marshall, Walter P. Marotta% James 13,D, JdeaLs, . Jobn ahn Orr. B. Xr.Padden, , • ttri It T E I ". 5 l eg WI V f . Alexander Tbadle, William ltankirlr. ;:. Wm. P. Weyman,l .• Lam Whittler. • " A. COLTON. ItREDS. latizildw,_ Ivln Atlanta; Jona C. Blndlay, ()roma Blach, .1.11:1 Baren. AlonzniA. Charter. Chalk/ A. Colton, rot ari John J. GlBeirple. ViltUata B. Raven. lttchard earl! linya,i . Hanker. IfrglejtitAlß.i)ada IkrazTAny—JAS. THE PEOPLES' NATIONA.L BANE, OT matttiovxurgia. CAIII . 4LI. PATO IN' Wan Vnt vtLinn or Banking house ellfißEli WiIISE AND NVMPD 811111159.11 This Rani, organlud tan National rantlit toleth, la now prepare, to Iranian =rine. nil, Rankin/ Hours, corner of Wood and Fleet etraete. Colleen°. made on all sacesslble points iPi! molt Womble terms.... itserlsl Agents Me COOKE for the sale of U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY-TREASURY NOTES. P. RA.UVEL REA. PreeLletii. It 1243RD0N Carttler. strar.l7,l ItePECEILSON.TeIIti. • EXCHANGE NATiONAL or f'it t oburrb. Chartered by Stata of Poulos.. • • tali. WA"milted loader Naftalis) Law, •118436. Capital, • • . • • . • . . 10,00004 W. 74ti It a. Aim beta dente:anted& 11:3 0 erk01 .taaGY THE lINiTED STATES TRE&HTHT. and appalnjid agent foF tt!„ Sale of tlio 7,31) 'Loan. Every l'acl I fry orlll be oirered olueestora or pull es Pluctustag for re-bale. apNaf It; IftiltitAY, Castile!. JAMES T.IOIRADYE.OO., (SUOOMORS Te S. JONES I C0..1 23saacqs.eris .13.rdas.esrai, ArOIL SOUETD .AND WOOD MS.. LA PITTSBURCIII. mi;cts;iinial:i:i J JAMB M. LINO ' MR " LAN LONG & I.ALNE.7. . • SION ARTISTS AND NOUSE PAINTERS. SP. CD SIIITHTIEHD St., PITTSBURGH. Lett !starer all Ends szeeltedi pramidir ljta sossurponed eleassiFe, • lleaut.lha /know tarns on enameled paper at .all and GIG or angina, mulls to. - rder SAM scut tt. all tmela or We Plcusrlp • Llesloa ezteuted ism blibly grunts mum fr. • Uprise rate tom daub Nellhateeleard to dorabllfti henna ror color, and qmneu or r • ! ARP!. Att wrest seasonable rates. - &Pal