si VitiolmrghiSitztfte. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 186 e. KI uctionutinoN. Eii 2 33:0033 OF 1104118 MANS, O, F; PENNSYLVANIA, In the House of Representatives, Feb ruary 10th, IStIC, on the Itecoustruetlou loolley , Of theeresittent, tVONTINCtD , rItOM FATTMDA T. It has been said, however, by way of nuiet. the pathlie feats,,, that, -these - plans , were inereiTexpertmerital; and thaants harm could eome Of them, because, under the Constitution Congress must be the judge at ISSI. of the q nal ' Mentions and eligintlity of those who might present themselves for admission 1.0 seats Lt thatitiodY. aottanipllsheil, We are 'how awakened to the fart that the power re ferred to here, innulY that of each House arl logseparately upon the qualification, of Its own members. Whllothe Exec assumes the right himself of founding hew govern monis by a new law declaring who shall vote, and settling by telegraph the terms of their rionstltutions, he Is pleased 10 claim in his re cent tue.ssage for these creatures 0( Ilia own— ether but still the name—with their vitalities - repairediat Clint fodniorn only—the - right to reSume, Of course, and. without inquiry Into his work or thelrn, the places which by un in genious fiction they are tempos,' to have he. fore held In both branches of the national Leg hilature, making, as he says; '4.111, work of res toration thereby complete;' while we are in structed in tort.s of unusual emphasis that then IL will be for us,"each of ns for ourselves" p roceed to : lodge of 111 Y smallerm at ters of the low in regard to "the elections, returns, and qualifications of our own members." These instructions are, perhaps, somewhat unusual, sad possibly nut that kind of information pro eieely to which the Constitution refer., but I do not quarrel with them on ground, of eti quette, even though the advice may seem gratultiOns, andthe jealousy of a British Par t-lamentiutßhtha