tfmgette. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18c 1866. NOTICE TO'AMMMSERR Notice La tiereby Rtven , abet horearler all mow• ellvertliamenta received at this office mast be paid rot , 'dim -, ,, anitea:incexcelirt.,” .. ii? rase of /Mir atirei'derrit, Aar e Lille lbe - rendered gsmr t el ly, aartaaal.. Isbrertlatol wllLbilitaiallake a ,ante of th4a.rui the rule or cub pay - meats for ad :l*ol!iimeataer the rharacter stated, be Index lbfj The plea of cur ldornl (and Fveutug edition it THBEB CENTS at the counter or from newcnorm, Serfadhigarrters ahJZIpT&EN CLNTt kor weo. CONS RVATISIII VS RADICAL-15 1 / 1 . It seetasto be accepted as a truism that all things found In the world exist for bens - &dal purposes. Hence, we are not .an ad- Vent,looll.9 as to deny that Conservatives andtkinsircratiara lan7e places in the econ okatlon, wild - are, In 'tome Way or -ethar,..preduCtive of good results/ Precisely iiliddat*ltiey do we have endiaVored to ascertain, by hunting up and down through ecclesiastical and secular history, and by sint_y.hing the stream of contemporaneous eventaLlirdatif research and paoenco turn -ttetittio;:a/tied'iond discOYerlee. It is ob. St= enotogh ..wMat hindrances. they have been to every good word and \York., on all lines of thought and action. Everywhere they are to be encountered, putting clown the breaks, and thrusting billets of wood tAiiriktitspekes of th e wheels, ti unfree iiiitinse - that the cars of Mogreas are ha danger of running so fast as tube thrown off the track. What egregious folly ! The danger ties altogether the other:way. What friend of education ever found :too greet a egaLtu,..establ . 1 . ng _Es:hot:lL laonees, . =ode mien and "alleges? What apostle of re form ever found that too many ',men were Ceittlitien drink Thin 1' Whatinituleter of Gitspel Over found too tuanf: people se riously) disposed to become Christians " Whnt i atatt:nmatt or jnrisconsult ever found favoksi classes too forward in relinquish ing firescriptive privileges by which the masses of the population were injured ? Surely, no ineonveuleuces leave been expe rienced in this direction. The great diffi culty hers been to get up safficient steam to make any progress whatever. Vet as us the fires are kindled, hundreds and thou sand. of conservatives start 1.4) and rush forward, proclaiming that a forttanl move ment is the most pert tons thing in tin ‘, arid, s nil that Ihe highest safety consists, not CV"u in standing still, butch running backwards, Why will people be deemed Ity these impositions? Turn over the page. of ec clesiastical history, emit see what mimes siand - b"idtvithinitOrzatlioniai. i Not a tunserrintivegniiii.e ., K.Nox 4 CIiANMER, CALVIN, LE nate, ' JEntets, Hiss, ATKA PAUL, JESKS, EZEKIEL, Moss4--malie the list as yott Faint - hot a‘eouSeivatfee lean dim:lin-ph:re.- The . -names otthet conserva tives hogo Quiz perished, stantli on pedestal), otinfainy for perpetfital exebra- Mitt. • ' " Nor are tho facts different in secular ck..his tory. The great. men that stand as ns along the generations are thee. who - rest 1 under Om imputation of radicalism. v tt whom can the world ho led ex.A.lopt by t IV , l' • who are in the advance in The march 0 opinion and experiment' Trne,!l he world Las at times an ungracious way of requit • tug its benefactors. It often happens that, "the path to apotheosis runs hard by the scatfold.” "Which of the prophets did not your father kill ?" was asked b' the great liadiCal eighteen. hundred years are, of the Consierrati of his-day. But conservatism has a peculleritT that alwaynobtrudes itself upon attention. Ti delights to clothe itself in the east-off nr o.,nte of. radicaham. When the radicals harelMttleiffor an idea or a measure, and carded It through, the eouservatives eager ' ly take it up. The history of the controver sy about slavery in this country is fruitful Of in-ILI-DM illustrating this point. Every step in adciatco that the radicals Made, the conseritativessetnp a characteristic howl; but as soon asrhe radicals pressed on a stop fritther, the conservatives hoWledenew to' be sum brit they followed along and sllpt into the vacated position. When, at length the radicals urged the organization of magna regiments, and the Emancipation Prociantation,a.s a necessary corollary there to, howemazed and indignant the conser vatives were! They are rid of those tore- Iffeeensatirmsztew. One of theicnumber, who may be taken ashii 'extra aticelmentar ihet'lAblihexlicida; : 'iv:minty . .-pronciniiei3d in the nail of :the House of Rep resentatives, an, , culoKv.on ..President Lincolit,AtirWhieli that Prealamatfon 'watt eitedat; the chie".f glorrhf his Ille,! A year or two hence not a conservative will be tonna inn will • lay claim to the'llionor of hating apinlordA tho great Act, of IA bent , tinpfreirt its'lnceptlon; and will be fore. m9gt . .*Kreq.p l in g LINCOLNI3 statue with deathless laurel. The ronservatry,es always build mantiments 'to thii Mettiery of the mentheirfathent killed. They throw out Indications, even now, of a willingness to take the ease of - W7f.LTABI I. LOTT/ CI A rati - soN Into speedy consideration, and to erect ti'splentild'eenotaph foi him years before he gets ready 'to occupy It. Ton or twenty years wilkhave to elapse before they rear a inhnumental pile IP honor of Joits BROWS. lint In process of time, they will be sure to bestoW flier efforts rt that tifictilion. It tztil.T.ll.r.Rioviden co tolerates their existent* for thisvireeptiointi'ltarfulncss. THE FrtniaunNrs POLICY What was it?. What is it? Innis message to dOngraclit tile, open ing o d es preAsent session, President Joan stry 4tu3isted On five prerequisites to the restonnion of the revolted States to their oktivldtratio iretruarnion. These vieret 1. Th orunnudjnontor.thei.r.: Bll llo r a " i ' - totiont Fniorlion aprovision abol ishing slavery. roptuliation by their State Convert. tions of the ordinance of socesitioni and 'of thO lane and decree: : of the Confedoraoy, it,Tho ratlticatton :by the . State Leg'sla' Hi res of.tho am:noir:tent of tho Federal Con: et sitivory. 4....Ropudiatietn of The rebel debt.' • • ' 6. .Boottrity ()retail rights, by ineversi hie gnat:mates alike to whites :mid blanks. To the enteivement of those coticlitionm .4hero wan universal congeht on tho dart of loyal tipple., Tr:woken:l 1 31F3 dig e. xtiity of optotimiii wliat wessignified' by - "ir re . yeitibld.kuprooteos,” and oti-to tho fortn in they fib ould hp given. Th 4 Prat de:4 orris understood to bo lit favor of . at Inuit dni6ndment to the Federal. Om. otitotioli i 'onftliitoieni4ontß.to.t4e,com t i. of the rebel States. .tfttivell 'Ave" points been oompltod with?'_ The fad kfundentablo Eliot not one 4attrha sseedfng-Stats3 hal compiled . with these 'pre.requisiles. Noi eiren a pretense fa ;set, ip that thefbavo. anY 1111411t1C43 Of enforcing cm plpalre, ape think not. The mud now nyktritatneollatbet noth.aio Lea tonn out of Volciii:thai the rebel Statoo, baying SP liodltaipfeehieniial absolution, are as inllfrAmtitlfd to ropreoontotlon In Congtew nrt tbaotkm Stelae; and that Cqngreal DI not olittfaOtione but treasonable In peraisllnft that :tlirlavelsible guaranteea" shall fie THE grant of 8500,090, by the Leghlotore, Charabiosbluty, ht. likely' to br#4ltotyptthot Noy ct-rounletr of other 'iteeting, 411114 40 W flt:fiieftsTbilit: fo net ; forth voopts of Adam,' for.akd or Tit!. tioatmeretat Mak _a Ain 42U.. IVALtartt . 41143ech 186-1. Mary loadleg poetic)n of thatapeech was alrtratlail to the Platfortia ofthe IJl*n-partyof 'Pampa': ztjEL ThoCamtarreiet professed to- nn ii•ort; bo t h the - patty' and he platform. %I e sincere or hypseritlesl GEORGIA. , 8 1We la et Senator Graham on the Rill NOTICES. The Georgia papers are all furionslydo_ I ?ranting. so the Peepts of • , KTOTIEE—TOTILA76•TEIRPAINTERS. flouncing Iron. J. A. HlL,lbr a sPee' cli Nur.' 'sr tm. v. r s ' e b e " - rg i.v,b to 5 ,, a trout in my' Ls -A, a .tateomestineor tar Jo ir masa Pals, made by him in the .Georgia Legialitare moo rs,, Iny waaa ahr I shall vote for this hill In •I`r. As'oe' ot tan, held at their 'loll: so n rnce a rgiidin. I •to preseht farm. After eonetiting ult h toy 464 ' “"1 I ntlf fate. is , If ows nuatihnosi) e... vindicating his record cis a Union man. The POIVI - d, [tut on aud offer !larch et, iso, w. demand nrot her Senalolo, I and that any preposition lila,da her dor for oar }stew . I speech was made Laren) the late elem.lott reducing tie lirnottnt ripprtpil , ltril cannot „„„ ~ Nf NI LIE si S O S; President. I Feta-tot I for Senatons in that body, and, as , he was, a i ens-that any utoendmeat rod art air It to flokfa, " " AkY rrl- . . ', • i``' , r/ 1 r rgr o no , ,Oon .lo w r i , l , l not the ~ r ants. ili r app roba amdMito fat '. o• NOTICE TO SIIIP t PEBS.-There —nator, and presented him self as a friend of the Union, acceptable to rhos, it is reit tar we to vote egaind the AAP C I I .I \ '' ?jIq.I6VInV " It a IIIIOATBEPOP, the North and Idols to take the tesboatit, he l ak e d r ajTa t tes '''Olgernakuffatcar°4 fI o NT hIIIIII r i tl i. l . lo;tl9. : War s: }lest k at i llog ri o t rts i for ° points shuts brides tit • r Jerold., Creek, t:1117t 'tis74ll• l s t e:43 urged his own election as the wisest thing ' itn i tV fr :l n Pl L tib °th i e 3 r Pan of the 8"I the Legislature rould do to secure the early 1 vim., t bete 1 3 n eh a tneA tr o g itb I in i gs h t t il l i;!i r e ha a l trd ^ ' 7 ,,,i. " " hr ''' '' ''' ''' " :i ' i I:i'4 " ' lrflighh ' t ; '7.1% ;:•. \: 1 7 . ''' it c . ' , HAL -E is ItFl.-EZ ". imunimio ,. of the „ ate. Tn . „ Teeth, b ow _ , forgetfulness, vote againot the hill. Bat Me, I i " re; ter I I remember that When, a few years sin lb -, I __ t rek tit_ fiver, was raainlyliefenalve. He fouralhim- ! dark ranged angel of destruction swept over NOTICE.—THE NEBRICRIPTION I,alf compelled to explain why he kept his p! , clty r‘ and consigned to rains thelore's-Ins the Capital lit I, t e 2,1‘..3 -). ND To seat in Congress after therest of the Georpa , c,",„,reo people t r : l ',f ri l . r o . lertYspat the 'ten o e y . 1 4( . 91 ) ,, N c t',',,„„ ~,,c , I . ?he 17, N ,,, ‘ ,1Ht " ,.E ir . of ne Stockholders so• nos open at the oinceol the delegation had withdrawn ; then he told , and desolation and withering matte wen all lartiu Why it. was that he made a speech on the rash li - eV nupiremrol twhhoegogelewsslend it nt ' : : - ' i t .F. ' , P F Y ‘ ' llt ''', X 7 ? " . " :l-77,1 '''' r n' t r li b ir, '°` ; i tr 141 " ":k'tl:t d d ` - -- -..e e•. 0,. r . - 1 . 3 t :Int.:Y.l 1, In., ' 'r in'l ....) " t ' occasion of raining a national flag at the t og, and was born noon the i.,.... ~ be land, a generous respon,se came . back , ~. 11. IcEl LLB, • , - . I WA NTED-AGF.NTS-For some- People headquarters in Augusta, after from the north and from the south, ot t ii ' : ( " 2 2'd L he. lIINtlEfl, i , -,. minute., I - viati c a:: o frOrp. the west ; the heart. of the NOTICE.-I . OTHE STOCHHO •`A NOVEL Sr Wleo !IA - department, Gen. STntraterrhad taken commend of the EP-9 Id 11M ALLE`AIPtiI" ALLEY ItAIL AttlAPP•lte ' 7„ no, subotan 00.50 LOLITAN't —By . net of As tub isP I Suitable for sll'4lt.ttLlrs'arfAl'vrOfll.l''A'P"'te'rl.l,th.glin't• department, and finally, in reply to a guns- as. ow .l wari f u rs sere liter were •ny'ned to sari oympattir came to to rrom e e, err Ina,. , y ~,,, „,„, ~., p (iso n ved tha t i th of i • bruarg. ISM the " Alle ir c then; I hasped on rci clpt ors'. Aiehy. eye c lion from One of his auditors, be defended and froth no quarter ril e we sy ols to to Is month cash). Address! 3 IWO Ego, 11.1 r 2tr, ' it r his coons in objecting to the State Conyen. scatty, than trom Men PeOPiTre"lir'Criflotr'beUrh- su:e , ten per cent. Prete ' : re% •• tit t tt amount .r ocean, mac c c ., ~. t„e.eylve,:de, oar own 'rend ~l td iv , w o rp j = 4 .B 7o lAn n i s d l d stock Is to be of- yr , ion, as a Convention, memorializing - ills L t ur e• Th d a h Sta t,, t. , 01. up r on whom the ush f President for the pardon of JETT'. DAVIS ricii - moti - Li - r o ,"" er n c o7Lfrn n f w or e ' l, e t t:. 1 our troaste' Books to sold Work are opened ;Pih , • B 4;tiL"'',llllT. I Vl' A bIENI 4I I,! - R -A R GENTS * -- ER/PLOW and A, H. STEPHENS. Mr. HILL aid not tdoir ' had fallen, lind ' e`,l";Wit'.l,f;',&:lllll,..!Tati4P:Phi,?l,.l, rilc. '"" i kli:„. o fuß, "s — . ° *--t r i r -V ,tl- '?"" 6 :A D Ari4:' , -" told the 1 e bufwwal o o n talr a ,: i Tt i r e , ,,,,,.10 v 1 1 , ; hLs tau WILLAAM I'IsILLII-s, Pn olden[ . 1., HI, uTio l g; fit,Trll.torgi.C.,o, em.43,ll4AtoolleFt.,op,t; apologize for these acts; he simply pArtiq lINI*EIIB.4I. EXHIBITION. 7 . 2: l :ll l .l,TL " igt:',i,lV '' .4:Bl, "' "'" ? L ' '' '`; members of the Legislature why he pur- I tweell rnr Own • •utforing people, nod Ihe de nted the course that he did on theoccasions DlV:igf.-ettsir% Cr Att e g t rg ‘ V r l o ' n ' , ' ;t a ti t e •,3 To , The awl, calmed tats — o ild„nethed or lerorwtor ( ii 9 icre ll , " ;,er b , °" "ni A wa l" '" '°: " "noat ''''''''." give genre 1114 I. the It. fortsnnlO. 11 , T 411,1Z:,.,1,4",11.,tite p . ohly,, ~,,nerolly that he wilt on- of !sit 1.1145, al ‘ tt• L e 'L rtioTt Csattl ''' n "1.1' ,7 .° h""q" referred to. •c,,,,,,,.. tul a ttli the-Interest of Ina at 01 each . Send =cents for "4..•1 — 0'd7." - .} .:1:1'Irelln'il: L.: ' rilllttlli Was crippled but not paroles, .1 on r ,itir/ us before NI oilLOS t,o h t Still, Hr. Him. was not .. :acted to the lnaustrr, commerce , und brines vitality at farts If‘ 1 . 7 "‘" l ' '.9fl ter' I 1 "i.)1‘,4e,:h " . .Z fr i l m ti l d' p 'c ro lf .. : ::::, :lr ,sl:fo7r o Th ` gir 1: ' : : : " : " i " : 1 1 71 1-1. 1. ::2: ' , 141,F, Ilk, end N . tilt. year , „ 0 , „,,,,„„, Spay, n... 1 h e (nude Br. ant TOO /, Or nil. Btu ryl Una, M os , To ig4,:;,.‘"l' r ,l,r - ,,1. i f '1^,..,... , ,7 Semite. He got only thi rt y out of one hun- 1 7,17,,,Tn, r t o'n'on*,r7,:;,. „." Z."' ' 4'l' an.' a o tii ‘ e z ji4t i , %neck end ante,tun A.1111.1^. " .i. 0.1 I ...,, N y , k • s cwt. Palecrootta ..11 ,...,4 Libe 1 1ty Bred and fifty votes , and it is no w pl a i n 1 Insurances afforded partial sellel, although """111" " ` ''' r '"' :_ .• ::::h r. - :,:::,.... - ei 0 5 . .. ,, , ,Fnan,,.ti,,, I t t ly , r e ne e s oat , panies were bankrupted, I.ef einne that he was rejected because he was a con. ollon wan within the lowa whirl, hI" Ifrd is o, lit at . i Islr stre t 1 . 1 h- 1 ' " .". . Ritiffellt thiliolllffall. triage; thejn Feeprrusible, and with temporary - , - —2, - ,- ' ' ' ll2ll , l t__ I _ _ _ . • • OTIt'E TO Ow' - --- The fleorgia papers, to which we have referred, object to the publication of this speech /IS untimely, because It may preju dice the prospects of the State at Washing ton: Very likely it will. But that is their cult, not hin. They' rejected him on a,.- count of his Unionism, and must take the consequences. ;TEE gentlemen elected to represent Ton i Theme° have applied for the passage of an i art by Congress to re-admit that State again iuln Lli. Union. The President consented the-applieation. Vials is a, proper oe knowledgmnent of the power-of Congress over the whole subject—i t ' Fars are expressed that this is hut an "entering-wedge," and that, if the prece dent should be established, ad the states will be rushed in. In these fears we do not participate. If Congress thinks Ten nessee ripe for admission, let the hill he passed. If not, not. So of every other State. We shall heartily-rejoice to see the family circle of the Union once more re established. But we do not want the res. torntion to pressed Mater than will con duce to harmony anti seettrity. TELE FENIAN CONIARES-N.—The / d in lIIMEEM "The Congre.,:s of representatives from tlio Various Cireles"or the 'Fenian Itrother lussi, which will eoruliadnee 110 , e9:1011.4 at Pittsburgh on the itith inst.,promises to tie the moat important wrgeniblagoof that body that has yet i,een convened. As an roue oils impression prevails in souse quarters, that this iv to 'he a par:Ay - military conven tion, it is proper we ehthild state that such is not the fact. The Congress. as will be seert - ftom tke "ca 11. " ..: of President Roberts wilt Va - iepresentation of I.e entireorgani ion; hut us the proeeedings of the Broth erhood, to ha of tiny value to the ratios of Ireland's liberation, must, speedily .tat:.' tlictshane of edit°. military operations, It ktinsfrable that as many aklllod officers av possible should give the leaders anti rspre. stmtntivi , a - orthe movement the nil of their traitilugatoi.experiene,e.l' Tn c Commercial ovidergl,Y Wrote He crlti eism of ]Tr. WILT-lA:WS speech without reading it. He did not waste his strength over the question whether the rebel Stoics wore In or but of the Union; but took the rase only op tho hypothesis of the Presi• dent that their governments wore ciesnoy e(l,:their connections ruptured; and the help ing bend Orthe government required to ri - otC.Xe theta. rqu . ? al the . naost untelfoth, teptibitcatte to Dennsyl raffia-I-never in public of f ice, and not ring to.b4-ipj private 11010 to u, on the ptoaent l &alma of tuitional affairs at Wssninn. fias9: "In caze\pf a contest, I stand with Par linden; and. not itith the IZlng.. Thu for mer rep=te thapeoplet the letter the of fice-hal Internal , *venue from Soli IliB9 to inkrISCS Two llnn4r4a and .Tterell "Itlluona . ome Taaea--Aeaount Can ' trlbuteo .r . Each latate-The nooreea of Revenue. The foll Owing tables, prepared for the re port of the Cemmissioner of Internal Revenue, and which will be published to a day or two, show that the receipts of internal revenue for the year ending June 30,190, • Pre 6211,12 .52017, of which the amount collent4 through the collectors and assorsors won $133,11,7,aa 09. The expenSe Of collecting this sum wag 111,798,0 X 21, fild the several Slates contribn ted the fo,llmrlnf amounts: Main 0..... • • r • 1111,400,22.7 II New flampshlre 2,421017 1 Vsnoont 773,658 2; Elaamehnsetta ' 24,270,860917 Rhoda Island -•,' ....., ' • 1,944040 CS Connectient 4,009,00.2 t 4 New York 48,910,556 CZ New Jersey ' ~,,.,„, .7,757,01:. 2 Permailnaniff • .1,811,07 C 3 Delaware 70,201 12 Marslami 4,90,41,CeZ 30 Virginia ' - ‘3l9r-1..... 55.,V7Z 51 West Virginia . .. Keutnclry 4,591,318 32 Tennessee 1.5169? 73 Loolslamt e • • 20168 54 Ohio - ' • . 15„123 41 Indiana 4,571,511 19 Illinois 9,174,270 91 Allehigan ......... .-.... ..... .......- 2,044,0a5 01 Wiscon,ln 1,7711;.'03 19 Mlnne.4ota ..... 215,422 73 I lowa 1,00,111 51 AI Issonri 0,913,510 25 Kansas 24,573 63 California . . 3,840,67(1 05 Oregon 1.51,191 14 Nevada - 5 '2711 27 Colorado 241_,M2 01 Nebra5ka.,........... ~,,, , . 50„04 50 New Merlon 40,012 90 Utah 41,52.5 03 Washington.. ............... . ... 76,740 63 hens MACS 93 The sources of One amounts have been a. 9 follows: MallitifillCLUrea and productions...9lo4373,M 66 Slaughtered arIIII7ALS 1,261,457 05 Cross matey,. 7,871,6;4 13 Sales ' '4,062,243 51 Licenses - . 12,613,416 or - Income- , - =4710 /31 113 , .. Legal:des ' 60 70 17 Scbeduleja. , 784 53 Pass rte . V Spec I income 29,9W,312. (c 1 Penal les 017,027 41 Dividends 14,985,600 63 Salaries 214 Stamps 11,162,1312 Culled Staten Maralialt 2,735 25 , =Tatar • Al ovAra, 17 ' The' large anm of slol,coo,coo cierlrea from manufactures and .productlons, is principally obtalnall from tbevfollOrbfff BUMP* : Boots and shoes - $11180,62.7 29 Cigars • .071,476 at Moiling 6,021/007e C 5 blanufactures of cotton flaw cotton ; , 1 1 4-73 :: Distilled spirits 13:905,701 C 6 Fermented lidnorm 3,00,181 a Vurniture , 2 3, f,21 2 Ilea .1: Leather Petroleum 9,051 ~ =7.285 913 77 117 ta pp er gi r eecl . t ..4,03 I To C Woolen fabrles I .' '''' :* '''''''' 7.617.78 07 7,017,051 021 watts the Copperheads agent eXehltdre de- VOtiOU to President Johnson, they do not ex tend their magnanimity to any of• the other earnest friends, either of himself or of the omission overuMent. .Thrs is a somewhat sign:Seim I yet bow truly le - tells the whole story I How caustically It describes Utak °tab sten .Itltterty as - they betel Stanton, Holt, agSumner, Wade, Stevena, ..ata the,Pauticala t+2,lirgfolVart tob t olOnyere not Pres- Cretilnare"--81. Zot% 7)l' ett l e7e, ' .. °Ul4. bate • rd.t.Ll7s Ream—A letter from New Toth eThe landlords appear to hare over reached themselves, mad rents ha co began t(7,. tumble, The =orbital:lZ prices charged bad the eitectotAtxrlng rattfiletto thn _rural dis tricts, and the demand being lessened, the supply was suddenly fonnki to be too great. trUC J I OWOVerOf Plaeei of business and the most absurd contracts are bein g mad e ' i n wine eases it 19 to tinkered 'Merchants will thetnselvet nnablelo- pay the rent have promised." Gunserri. , roatet.—Harrisbura., je r k now definitely tinderstmli front ibformattoti received through sources or the greatest re, liability, that Jobe V. GearY has slatytonr delegates to tbe. State Convention In oTucted to suppoll - bird, as a candidate tor. Governor. - lt only remfuires stztyquiven votes t o „nOlnioftr.s it.ta l'ait-to -believe-that amity's risantnqtton mill be atade tto nrst. bralo.t.2. : • - . . A Mn. Lawrxa,'ltt ClaeultiatiOrllo hateheeri siSteen years connected with the gsa works of that City, has reeentlylnherited 000000froto Ireland. Betimes terttedatir from the Anw ar, on account of the trouble in regard to the .Reflialla thin hiullaY hot- he 'prevented: from gettleg into theilreeilAlsle to claim hlft rich Inheritance. N. PAOg, resident or goodieeton, WO9 zooH. a over bre. train on the Erie Railroad yea.. terday morning' near 'Coeheeton, and almost nstantly killed. Page was driving el team , cross the track et the time. , ----- relle.f,TvhTett wits sr. generously ex en, e ll, .., ---- - - - dill NERS OF BRATS, 1 ' 0 ma , •Ks, dt.-Notipc la ho ram given to all FOR SALE. wound was healed, endear people as a role re ---- - ne rr or Drat . cart,.Carriage., Buggies, .Ic.„ --- covored. Chambershorg has been the child of ' reeelent or at-maiden In the City of . 1., -, on SALE-The Three Ntors affliction In our eeturnon famt/N during 11. . 1 . 1....0rgh, to pay their 1.1. en,/ 3at ...Treasurer', LtUICE DIYELLINO DOUSE, lie. nal I. bertr War, her people were faithful alike In liras- , oalr. of the I Icy of Pittatotroh FORTHWITH, 11. , tarn., Containing ten roams. large hall, hue and peril" and In desolation, In peace and In war, arc...lance with an 0.1 of Awsembly„ appro.,/ I cold water. on, 4. PnwoalPO Oren aptb Et nog or this they were especially haled by thy Man 't a' lat. nod on thdionatr of the , bnac/i. of , ro, ternlll. lio., enquire of HAL CRAWFuLH, J a barbarous foe. They were raided and plan. the • I . t) of o l . l . ttsiTryti. pa•r s t Art I . a , 11CO. a e n , d ., a , 1 . 1 on t o e ppe t ni as ... PIO 1 w d dered every year from the beginning or the 1 // : e „ . ,'7 / ,', / u „.. /./ ‘ ', ,, t /. ". , !- , . / 7,,0, ,/, i n , , M r, ,,. , , ,.. . /„ 1a1 b,,,0r, War Until it! close, •ate Wart In In6'2, lee In Pon ~,, Herr, ~,/, a': .://,..,,,,,/ onto ~/ c...„/ and kleCaustand In Illa4,),llatle thtesatne TeerOrtl, Th,. o ld „,,,„, ~,,,.„, /„., ./,/„. rear, /....., ~,/, n , / , and Ole Imat Mit completed the circle of rebel tamed at th, in.. LI., o. • 4. a taken ont, or pay atrocities; the Freebooter came with eaCh your , ....5 rents the mt..; While that gallant sons of phamberaborg a etc ' .., ,/,/,.././. n0,.. . , w,.. i nj , le r‘ , l , defending our common cense on d Intent fields, I . g 7 in _ i . _;___ 11-11/111°HWU NALHILEADNADJ.SI'6°° end he rioted iu the ehtludultee of Our broth- ri , -a::; c 1/ . ITFForliii„..r....,/iti,..71,,,,/,../._./, i : /...„/„. 1 ! 0 .7.k. a s 00 1 1 41. T. L ?, L . ern, and when the avenging hand or him wall VD THII/7 IS ever halite] to Justice, had strleken the inunit...... mid Titale tII beets drown t i two il‘nnoxfiron I.,,:gl'o'in:il'roin'tbfltar'‘lbtit",-,"1/: &steles of erltr.e. With despoil - , IRCIr dy. lug bate horn., OH CO each Forman additional borne Ito d Railroad Ila offer;sl for ;alp for starElS a Patton was ylsiled upon thanthershOrg Wheat entirely In •o I or , . •hore lebirle. 111 tn, nut t A Xs, rash . A ddre, • •ou s. Ell. , b•ZaTri JANI If .li-founder.", !him. tlinnennd xel.els °pent .1 ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘, „ 1 ',„ 1 „,%_,, 1 ",‘,1 , 1 1 . 1 „L',.' , L . ,....rf , P .‘ ! „,,, 1t1er Ly, y,. a. their batteries upon the Ina n a Ithout an. ell __ a. Heableum at Edgewood Mallon. Pennselyinha VOlt SALE-A Valuable Coon ry i the formal demand far u ..ts rret Hier and beta,, - noontide of the same day, s hose morn Litz MEETINGS. Railroad. one and • half nalin fnau Wilt...X. light broke upon a hoop) and „in rmpt.rate. pan, - - El, en nett, INI herein, of Loud, a Bur near Dwell ple, there was naught hut one a I , lo.epread ot. Al I [Got , • • lIT t not-nary MI, IS. !no containing ten room. and cellar modem/nth. IJOPUtAII SONG BOOKS. ter waste. Tie aged, the Wilma, the hopelLea- TIIE 110 N. JOlll MORRISON, yrull .1 other con•enie urea nu tbs. premises. Eor ly 114 and eN en the dead, anu to. Lawler to 11° forth.- Information, .11 at Nu. lee Fifth. street, THE (A•TY 1 • hl/NGIiTY.II 11 tycal ftE ALLEGHENY i ITI -IVltray..• THE slittUDl . do Pit o t;!,:zio, or On the prataltrE the fiendish hale of the The thane. , I Mil to tea peoalag 1.. nor State Legialoture . J S 01Ntl. THE FEN( E r do Nn 1 rixol . kissed the winding sheet of th e den., win pithy On whole Lieenn Low as connected with ' -.,,- ___-___.- To si It PA , Eracs , reV4l BOOlta. , and bliatered 'Um Pule form"' of I i,t. Orb , Cl toter., Ines sell eating 111-oloe , to Al.nheur eon.- pill SALE-WRITE OAK LUM- THE DEM/ also 1.14,1 KS I they were handed from th e cart., al ol ter- t, ,la .o chans.4 sa to r. tune the power to grata or BEM-PACO: feet of I Inch plank. to to Is feet A Kt t Al L tali i'll soNu BOOK. , 1 ror and .le.d.tbellett. Cbaml,erslttirg any hint- I efu •• la neater hum tlz. ....Mr, where it I. yob ludo- loos, 110.0 AI reel hawed /Lather. Bills cot to order NEW BOOKS. , Hid train OXlSLettee, not a store, hotel, or Ito. eti , to theftrea.urer of thr rowdy, stuthoriang him and delivered . Pittaburgh or Alleobeny Cy-ws to giant license to one and all tasking app.. thou. 7 lea, Plow Beams and Pit Foots. Mills at West r. FN. •HERM aV•W INDIAN SPY.:: c. nu: port:till place of toteditess remained. Oyer it. the Para , ti "" adival.t4 sou,, "'tr.. , throw Middlesex on Hu* of Fft. and Pittaborph Railroad I lir ISI 0110E11, Op, Tut FEY, ••CII ltaeOn two mile" of Pr.D' 4 . 4 .> . '" d ''''''' , '"' ." toe toe hnsioes • °Pen i" an w ith.r.lralOt, U.' emet co;mtv. Pa. Addretto ff. H. No r ECK e co.. Tan. Mesa". three llionnand People V ero house.. wo and ~,, nnare.tra e d tbseetore mon.. yon . as mayor of We., 111.1.11esco. aferen CO.. Pa., TIP. N THE GULIS if l • TEILS OE AL •TIIA LI I 2W..... many of them Imne pest , live In•nr•llt es cii , to call . In•Ttlor ut the wire.. for titre- ma.I.ELt, iloy 1702, or No. Uhl. Claie at-. Pitts. • EIV DIME t.oVEE , .. amoonte.l to nearly one Million of dollars. it AI EVEN Is,. ,'ga te nor/ loth, at 1 RI-I:ESI./11 bursa. jala.ttad • rw so% FLETTEe hot the destruction wax the work of azt en, II Al. Laz-- • , f o rt.l ...toad, and Nett... In . 1 .,,, suer. 111 LOI il • \MI •.0 VEL -• ORLY tn) and the policies were worthies.. Inc peo. i le/ {• X. , RALIN - DIFFELLING 110cSE. It. Dr • vFY r °B - - I I IFE. pie ol the Mate renmtuled • a- 4 . , ,„, I r ~;,,,, I -A twa.atory lirlek Hun.. Na. 13 Weann A.c Tll} wI • SIDLE LETTER WRITER ills., 111 A \ TLI it, nue, olleghen y. wain and gas throe gh the inyual i DOl.. A MLitt. IN Dr Alti llLtos, rlt our people ever sr ahead the Legislature on e j „,,, LIE ~,,, '' ' tri II )11 -i HI st. / 7 rooms and both-room; lab V.1..a by= oath upearl. rt It LILIAS, he Pierre Egan. one Itandred thousand dollars, all of which 111... it /pia ; . 1 , . { Al l tII Int kw, tree, groper,. An. Passeasion Siren on 1.1 Apr.. 7 Ili l IEI ANL. CoNrreslOS OF MARTI' 0 u ont to the indigent, loth it tl bl not meet of en J 111 L. , 11 . 1 ItsJiat 1. 1 I. .. it aRR t • IW. Aiso,l4l admng- the above aixt ter lTa ..111 be- , GUI •la Fll, THE. POlsi/N FIE sleet:Oat ' temporary necessities bear In wind that Ito Atof at.. dile balers. *old 'GU. the shore or separate. Also, a large lot TIII 71111.1. OF MARTHA 1./UNDER-, .7Z. end.. i wan was able to help Ale neighbor, no capital - Steady-mad* Clothing Inc sale cheap • as the proprt. Ater. %I I Arlie PAPS P• Malt 4.11•1". ASD WWI left, credit and only credit Was the has. " t "'"l'''''''''''' ~''''' n't t'ldatal al'h GI bawd. a eto.o I. r eine weal. Apply immediately of 110111.111 •.1. IN f. PLICAEIO‘.. of talon hope for Clustriberaburg, and them,- Irc / rr i 't // ;, t , b l, ,yl" . '''.', / ,'' NP;li:',Tyy ri p,' - , , , , ...g:v . lig v g....L. IS, Fed. col street. Aileen., tlt y in litenneas .11, 11, VI Ira UntO death An e pm lust tr, sonader ao d ~.,,,a. a ,,,,,,„ „„ th r (OW are not otterly bankrupt, but they are rose ;noted .1.111 ..1 , 1111...i• Warts. 1:011 SALE - VALUABLE 1•BOR like ettong Men termed dam! tool foot, 111. I ft, tlf Act roller,. Inc., r,I, is. 1.1: :Id 1 RETY.-A Farta, our -half mile Rata Freeport, twit .... 19 ripril •TREFL tllcoodr H• 11 / , Bannon shorn of Ibis luck, , and the poor sent .., rz.atr I - ttl_ 1 t ttbitx •Y••tIow /L it . a . AllUatrellg NM II t) , Pa., containing 117 a. ira, and . labOr 111 vain, llt (SU... ellllllo7, erS are t rosined pir,,,,,„ /$ , / I g ,,,,,,„,-, },i. wt.:. i underlaid With Coal, •hleh I. only a few rods ifrom , In the d,Dat l'o rte u` 4 " s " ll. ' people n th ' iNNUAL MEETLIG.-In accord- the railroad. Tbe coal will tu sold with or without toutly. NW I not tail old ghat blt,unts see.. , a . ne - Iva an pro, We of the (loe and ta h rilt u gweillin= . /.lB . o ' lrltl d di of " lt ' e b.."a cry . FOUI4 TEARS that would gist lac loots, • n tut deopair to-mot - •oppieme at. tile ott Ilona Weans! al.rting of the rtuateeal Intit a g ny I arai . or ham trees, together Tit. row, hilt th at old Odell ad' enable them, will nowitholdr roof the Allegheny Valley Railroad Com- a Nuestry of Fruit . Tren and ling. Vines. Tut. f In the Old - ‘ l 7orld: euct i a and patient toll, 10 restore their borer.* esay • 111 te held at lii. niece of the ( utapany In property afford. a rare opportunity for a pro/Haar 1111./ business, and gainer t,,i r 1,,,,,i 0n,,,, pittantroh. on TUESDAY, February Ella. pet at investment. Ter terms and parthrlara smuttier of . about atom again, around their own hearth- 1,",1",, a -j- ,‘-. ... t,ttl!!,. , :at Itt_E,l o7 ,.irj the Freal• SallEltionn, 25 riga atreet, Pittsburgh, Fa Dr AIDS 1 . 11(EllP PALMER. glance. The bill means this and is It not de ',7::,,,,,,%",r1, 4 / .177;,,; / ',. / 4 ,;'.7:..t . :7,7,°,:.t....,,0verZfr ,/ / falrdtdikarTl =ruled by the golden rule, which In public ....,/,,, ,„. t,,,,, ~,d/ I'OU RALE - VALUABLE PROP- i and private honed weide our netlon. llt it ft, ~I Jowl ner.t.A.NTntr SPerriery ERTY AT OAIiSTILLE STATION, on the line fell well guarded, speculation or 110C1l181100. can. - ant MY sdnensfal under Iva prortiloti•, end IC Thu NtoicKholdert of ; f rit ViatiuYg: A ar ....:4 AT1:,,r. , ....,=,.-."ti. 1 _-_._-,_-_ adored Ity all miles of bantam!) and Justice It the rKION t IlitarT SICN BASIN Mil. AND eems, bath-room and wash. ouseot and cold ..,- , nt - EcEukisrp TAILogs. I. r i ot. I , lo on precedent lot- On) thir,, new PLVP-L. Cal see yyrna,rated . Meet at the Odic. of trr; a rpleadtd never-falling Spite*. supplytor our- / __4____-- - _____-- .. I "a' ralcCUlClitAtt., 1113 Liberty stoat. Fitts- racie-1 water furbousc and atableaturposes. an Or- 1 0 In existeacc It has on Perillei es Tee k n ..- nor ( h t : p Heart ra of the sr.‹ . o.a. 11%1 01 " r B OYS' OVERCOATS. of th e uer . V., other tont, Was destroyed at asgi r di ,e,.. for si,,. parp e , ~, ,4,,,, n ; w,,,, , Lard l - ,,„..1.7:: 0 ,3: i nt . ..,... iv. . b . v. i't.ealt rer, ano 11(1111:Iti of a rya, To et, r, partially death) ed. Other , hart ouEered b oa . o t Dir.eter a f or iy, ‘ ~,,,..„, )„, nava, which ran be enabled lota Intl to salt par• I • .1 Is Ithe 7 hey Itat'e been robhad. They have by ' , der of t i e yr, shfe n y . h er.. any informal/oil desired nu he obtained bereared 110 Mei and Mourn their ittortl red fel:l4o4ln J. bla.l27lrllitla., Fear, ' 40, L..nt. JNII. HAY, on the premises, or to 1 son. bat Sorb Ina war the fate of Chambers. _ WALTER' DAY N ad Itt It f '** --I_-"' . ..!" r,i l tt l"_ I BOY'S' SUITS. burg. ira Aar tit sole/lost nearly every fm..ily at shadowed with sorra, for ,he It nut imely ELECTION NOTICES. , von TALE - FAII3I-4 valuable dead, and they were compelled Lieslan to how I ------ --- --- , . Tarn, contalning_about "'TT Acres, al Pi t In their head VI the terrible attoke, that was 'I:11E AANUAL ELECTION OF DI- 1 ~,w ., ,,, ,, ..1 1 ,74.:t y ki 6 a,,,2 0 es Kest from Pitt. I armed by McCausland at a loyal hortb Need raft torte Atli , (Writ t.he .4 THE LOVit . 0 -t - ---- ' ,. .11t W t 'n'tt ta h t t .b.” -- I Bay air, that ralth such factsfts before tro , w hen I/0N OIL CO. will to held at the thy,ea oft., city i jrl i l.lei.o i ll a tal: h 7 l :„f .. tir tj th . lt b i e; h f G i... 2,... E.../L T: L-1,1..; All Styles and Sizes. ChaMbenint re - knocks door of the ben- on iHaSD tr Fbroa: StAh at , 0• ,, i,1, pa. 9A-1 t. t stlyfrop t, t on ., o Thera, on W • .s etecl lb Cinals.,,,yeas ho g ate far romlatance,it crones wi11. had grace from oi l+ V .Jab, ;raddiga. Tea A any Senator laves Fttaburgo, to say - 1 cm orrica LEM LA , •I t 01thast, whole ,11 1 / 4 4.7 a gme ateet oittratlort haring o- A LARGE ASSORTMENT shall not have mild ." I would prefer tea that Felt, I