The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 19, 1866, Image 1

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    F - 31
streaELL =wart EgaT°23 *
Tg. Etcrarentes
2VEZMIIBD32' Gtassrsa tagootarzoN,
• IS IIPtH Blum ?mouth.
mamma rietTiOs, man. Per4ear 00
Mower Ern? lOrre 00.
Seri d err Carders, IdOnsresC or eirzinizr, •,:; 8 88
week .......... ......
Wittollutgit fine*.
, .
Flaktuela wadi Blanket■ •
ClOsing out at great bargains on the northeast
'earner of Fourth and Market streets.
- . C-RARSON Lora &Rao.
Neutral Sulphite of Lima
Fur-POteribag odor. For sales by Cbarles
etiper, Draggle., corner of Penn and St. Clair
atreut, Pittsburgh.
rune In saying that Saw's'Ens' BARIUM ,
SOAP lo the belt in eta for Shaving aini the
Fine Shirting Milalin ; at 310, extra quality; 44
" #5O. (bauble wldtlt Sheeting, at Barker
as r:O9. 59 Market Street.
Wholesale as Well as Retail
fitiyers ofDrY Grinds nlll - find it to their Inter
fneekt and enensbnit our fresh stock of Dry
`Goo,Ts,tb of lk fresh stock Is the city. We
are now ontho northeast corner of st,ti and
Ifiriketstreets. •
' • Neutral gallphDo or Lime..
Lim preserving cider. For sale by &Zeiss
Super, Druggist, sorbet of Penn end St. Clair .
streets, Pitssburgis • • ••
Newts* eitigplitte of I.tins,
for pram:Sing cider. For title b Otsubo 912
per, Drriggtet, corner or Penn and St. Clair
streets, Pittsburgh.
A-new and Complete stock of Dry Goods, of
eknry- va , liety,at.Wh,er wholesale or recall, at
Idwek>tlees tilatiott will llnd' elsesittfire;
Remember, they are on the northeast corner
at Fouilit and Market streets.
Fall and Winter Goads.
it te kr arltb greet Pleasure we call the 'then
- nano our readers to the subnerb'stoek °tilde
Cud .Winter (;rods Mat received by Mr. John
. ..larider,literettant !retro, No. 151 - Fedora street,
AUeahany: itieetoclrernbreees some of the
moat beautiful Cloths, Casemate*, Overcoat.
mire and VeitMeesaret bronaht to tha Western
Aruba t. ma assortment of Furnishing floods,
nelnimlidag finerte,Araare,Collaregfock Ties,
traMtkoreillarN eztinc sizpitasect Awn
or wad. Atari° stock of ready mad Pants,
Coats, Veit) anttovereoats, will nese he tband.
hie establishment. Persona le want of any
tha.aloUttug.iina should hot. fall
mi,'Wepar Can; - • -
' ,-,l t 3 etttowitterettlal to Oarae!vet.
•",rl4 he-P/ 1 3 7 . 1 f1iq arGlGtrirn of the strongest hn
tniatimbigis i'tilnerable everywhere. Onr bod
'lesiarireluirrwedtly nature with a pertain neg
ative power, which pr0t&1..4 them to some ex
tent froni.miwtiolasatue ; but this
Protection Ls linperfeet, and (=not be safely
'yelled ori In'-unhealthy regions, or under eir
cunsstancei at more than ordinary danger.
,Wladno it 1s prudence, tt iv
common !Cuss.; to provide against such eons
tingenele.s, by taking-sin Antidote in adionce ;
DI other words by fortifying the system with
. a coarse 'of HoStetter's Stomach Bitters, the
most complete protective against all the mil
detnlC and endemic maladies that has ever
been‘altmlasteredin any Country. As a rem.
dy for Dyspepsia there Is no remedy that will
compare with It. Whoever Seders the tongs
df Indigestion, anywhere on the taco of the
earth where Hostetter's Bitters can be pro.
cored, does so volnntarily a for as truly as
Triatti exists, this Invaluable Tonle and Al
torattve is °hid restore his disoidered stomach
to a healthy condition. To the Billions It la
also especially "recommended, audit] cases of
condnxied Constipation it agoras speedy and
• permanent relief. In Canada, the West in
dies arid 'Australasia, the Bitters rank above
all other, - medicines of the class, and the do. manna for them In all fprefgn countries in.
crenseti every-season.
41 1
Hostetter's hitters
Irre atthrlrholeaale and retail at very I ovi rat el.
at Ftesnino Drag and Patent hledielne item,
N0.,04 Market street, corner of the [Mamma
7 mut Fourth Street.
; Thomas W. Parzy st
rrentleat Slate Hoofers, and Dealers in Atnert.
- =cis Slate Otvarlous colors. OlTlee -at
der Laughlin's near the Water Works Pitts.
,Itrahait. Resldefiee,-370. 78 Pike street. Or.
dent promptly attended. to. All work warrant.
• e , d iratir proof. Itenstrlzig done at no short.
oet notice. No ettargeforrepsars,prartded the
root ja not abused after if is pat on.
•'-.=Part. and !tubing.
' attjanDPPllig front of ridges of
- -iinhyin - brttitirOpley% as .tho sirs from Araby
~.:'fabe- p lerZ, * * ban resist such fiselnattons
reallaa there, erkpergetuate tboxa, to make
'theanClutta basket of pearls and rnblos, and
ry sigh a gush of fragrance, Cl! you hare
• to o,lailladlee tome flratZinatcbless rage
! table prodficticru, Flagrant Sozodent•
carpenter Jobbcui. Shop.
flaying returned after an absence of three
years In the insty,l bare reopened. my shop
tor all Borth ofJobbrag s.n the carpenter !the,
at the old stand, Virgm Alley, between smith
geld street AO Cherry Alloy. Orders eoltelted
and cianrbtlY atteaaed to.
Annteizankst , Errour.—Tliereport for Jan
uary, of the Commissioner of Agriculture, has
several statistical Mbleir relative to the Im
ports, et - ports and value of leading articles
produced ; r,consttrhati ,in, the United States.
The report represents that "the erectly de
creased- impintatien of foreign 'wool. in Ord,
being^464l,Mtponilde, is stratifying decrease,
!Grit shOws the progress th at is making in sup
..- plying the doMestie. dm:newts of the country
in a commodity so essential to ltswan is and
cornfOrt: Ent the increased import of woolen
goods being in value allows that there
le still n tlettuMo upon both the grower
Manufacturer of wool which thysitouhl meet,
,- and whieh'they ou ght; under the present high
_ tari : Cf dntlw,t,
-Tenniedge cos?. Lirnio.—A cotroulttee
. .
-.BOston recently visited Albany, New
Yoricand , Philadelphia, with - the view of en
- Oaring-into the 'coniazative cost of living In
- Haase cities, the condition of the markets, de.
The commi ttee found that the increased cost
".ot Irving In:Boston was one hundred and twee
y-slr per vent. greater than the con.oflivine
tin 113:44 fruit , the Increase In PhlLadelphla -Was
- one hundred andgfry per cent. greater than
„In - PPO, and in New York and Albany a still
gritat,er intrease. :
TamintelLigenCe from China is rather Un
portant.: ..The Empress Dowager, anticipating
the/M.lra of. Sir otherford .A.lcock,,the Eng,
did not think it any longer sale
to hasp tberelns of government in her own
bands..:,lshe. must have found that she was
dragging and being dragged into a diingeron
course; whichralght ruin both herself and her
dynasty. Like a - j udlcions person, she yielded
in time;'and whether we rejoice or not , Prince
Rang i s again at the bead oPt h affairs of Me
- , , State.. •
• L/T.TI-2 Plecrotowom, the Queen of Song, le
stattg. She . Was seized with a spinal com
p et,: the result of rheumatism, about a year
niao, - and hes become reduced to a mere skele
ton. lier features, which were once so charm
havaintown weird and painful to look up
nirZst Account ot her - greatandbrings.
Pelstiaterted that - Prim, the Spanish Inner
- gent 0 eneftd, " bad 43,030,t00 i his traveling
carriage' when ho started on, h i,, wild enter
. priest and that
_,t %Shen on his own lands at VII
' 3arublit and ilfolbilno; Ito ordered a' general
slaughter of his. ortenatro herds and Cock,,,
- slum supplying hili men Wail. rood at tdril
Avonettlltuttarc went ult iii a hal ooo train
San Yranetsco. The balloon collapsed, but he
was fortunately ouser the bay," Into which he
~ fellounittrinintlng lustily, wait rescued—not
re as 0'
' wa treat tip, 'ln a Burlaze of glory.„ , --
Burton dOrerniv. •
- Taw Nev. John . 13 . - Fitzp s triek, who died to
Boston: - on' Tdeaday.: wag the that dative of
the United States who became a Rbmaa tMth
.olle'Bishop,ttud he died lit Shop of the city
lehereMbe.iras berm.
Dir..MieltorirT;of Cincinnati, was ran over
bt i n ollfrittge..rtioaY evening -lon Fourtblitreet,
• /aa e/Phia, and fatally lalured.., John dfc
13weeni a- colored - man, - who Wax arming the
ocarruige, waentTeateil:
.1w tlic Ohio Semite, the Athene'Diatriet con
, tested election case was, on Friday last, deed
,sledidifarneatlir golden the sitting. claim
1177staltd101711 flag of wholly American
• zonn.....enore r that ever dented over the Na
vas-rated Capitol, Watt ratmd on Thursday over
-, :thed.T. B. Senate chamber.
Mini colored women and children are mak.'
\ •
Mkt Ingaltedollar-a day bf , digging out bullets in
ho SOU about Peteraber wand 'minus. them for
tn . e
.flaicANOM Tamoa.—Rooks are cheaper
" a
Y nd liiiiresP is higher in London than in :taw
AlninthOree-hreaker has appeared In
' .171114-811 inipMreinent.tmon Esrey,
Chou LeO , lll- Wilaturpoons.
iirnaux3warou,"trob.` It..E, bee
, was for Oahe bourn emined- MU laming
2 ?7 o , L e,a,°*t cV ni zative 04140tvitntrgctibli.
I SUPPRESSION OF SEDITIOUS PAPERS , r..„...„ m,.....,,., Robbed of 40,000. Viol, otiPtiente Ordlnan Mayor
st Loma I,b a-s.c.envrot the CIO, , .... Ilt oCinrillT'. a oacraot to-daY open
m 4 . i• robbed of fourtv t housand dollars.
10,1 , tatrie. F epee.. t massy , while deliver. .emrs. hiehon & 'CO, who are eherg.l with
•,/,.. •
env ha, been the area! orlaany tangtolls. tan
. Depot
..._,,,.. e Information was made by
~,,,,. 0, ~ r ti c karre In the Upper part of r bnfidin g ' tke erection of a frame bonding on the bank ' n
• • st reet,al.out oue n • eleelr this morn- of the Liver , near the Counelleville Railroad -
en fly n 1 i the eentents nt h. earchel From .11...".°`re.t. Cc..21-"1...rt
1.... tit, i the 1 II . -
Neu I Ong, Feb IL -The litro/tre tpectai ~,' , ,
~,,,,, n .
, t 1 I. telage trine!, the messes- I
i I no% left
robbers and
saps -The Milne Mg circular letter to con, . obtained cenotetlest money. and other A
Manlier" of military departments wits Issued I"'Mus eft- most„,,,, ~ , ..
~,,. , ~, , Mrill Bleet.-The Jury in the ailegedpobion. I .
I.- Ing case of Mr. Nevin by hie wile, will meet on I too sea rnurdee. of late and It is snost_gra
Ito rhea that ire cannot ch ' eryn env of dices te ti rd
tome. n.
I"-° ,0 •• nr „, a , i t"ent If I. , Tnesdarevening next at the meet
• i a 3 pl inned
today, by General ~r ant
, at which time Prof.Gilson will have Cetddetded
Reke QL ARTgAs. , hie analytein of the AtOrnaeb of deoeased. LipOn I Catialtandi iniMe.
6 -, erase enther al Istoterllle iris evidence [he Jury most blase their verdict.
AMSIIOB Or I . ol' I VIT., ',ATKA,
I,nuton, February 17, INO )
0 !,,",,, ,. ' L i " ll ', i l . ..' f , , ,, li r i n j ., In.- Mercury at seven ,
a, sr: degrees .
„ • fist we must tern from the shad& ne•hosatt• o.
Expelled Veto of the Freedmen'. Elio I • •
lou trill plea.. Rend to these Head Quarters, te n 0 r tech the es ea):, . be/on and at Eastern pa -" Street tool Smite'. I internee, home, en the
- g- e ''''" - c - -
our reAderS of the
,„0„ ,g,. ighteell aegreeti ' Nett' Tarn {V
um,""Pence Gazette," ut The mane poor erelltarea e re
re LE.till. I
INDIG \ 111 T 01 ER D Im,ROFT's 011k1I0 \ SEIZURE OF FENIAN ARM& f`L'r'..ll`",:'`Zetreao ° , l 7:.:".`lf c'e"",aper, ~.. . -e “,,le,. Funniest of Sum," fOr Marc h, and '.l.larper's
I 2 fished In year department, us c o n tain rent}- Weekly," have just been received by John
Snow Sterns in 1 ermone
P 8010 A Co , Ma.SOnic Ralf, Fifth street.
' menu of disloyalty and hostility to the got-
?lire -Yong, Feb. 17.-ln the United states The Mexican Minister Offended. chiri an p r i za t t . n . In Euro _ e. e w rnment In any of its branche ,
bethersn . and state lit Tr AND, Ir , Feb 18. 10 r. It -ix ~,,,,,,,,,,I
eh paper la Dahlteal in its latera I snowing [hie evening eliont four reelect. The 1 , Fined ,-One commo n caw was fined t 1 ws
, Genet. today the case of Robert Mar- 1 i
P .
, Ces Of such aontdm e nt r , n o . persi t tent pneti. annu rs nbout elz Inches deep mud it Is Lrol odder" and the coital this morning by te/LIZ? S
tin, gee rebel incendiary, was called , -- rte.. dee. fie. • i heation of article. calenlated to keep up a hos- tree,* mg bard. or of Allegheny The offense was getting LAUGHTERED AT
II Pi ~
~,,LlJity of feeling between the people of the dlf-
"Pi ii
-IXL S I P aWe lltedeeisiol• that the TAXES FRONI SeIiTIVER V STATI.O. • •
- , •fereat section. of the (man try, cannot be lob r-
CITY AND SUBURBAN. Different European clues to makemsteriel la the
e v i dendetaltewbefOre the Commissioner 0 09 I
listed. This information is called for with a
DIED. elegant Boers and Sheen offered for taie at Me mle
not Stifaelerit te hold the prisoner Mr trial cilltiO3., alba, ~i,,,,. Ilsenrsx,Peluinaryl9.-Thestetuner Europa, 'view to their .1 llt will I
topresslon, w• ic irl be Bono
toOt s. - nes t ed Coneert Hall Shor inane dlnwtly Antler
HUI On Soften
Martin Wee necOrdingly discharged• _____ from I lye • .I.
rnOol On tee 3d, eta QueraMOSitoo ;from the+e Head quarter" Only igi CCM. stei, - ..,...
Utli l l SATURDAY EVENING ' S GAZETTE. ',"2" - ...t . O ., I.,k. T HTAV-frik t o fraitr
AdViceti from China. say that the arrival or I
I the stir, arrived here with tbece daps latet ' P m ' s" ' el --- 1 - YM
i,,,0, P ,, P ,', • ,!,`,11 , •• . . willbos and M. A. I ought'', In lb sir Rutherford Aleock, British Minister, In a Es•l ass n sen 1:.-The Trarrorc I apeelel
v , - I'. S. G r over, I feat. GI nor dl . P , had Calmed the Chinatareguiperor to bays 'llt Henn R ive" Poilard of the Rieh- new s.
Ibigned) TS. Dower., AA G Pined , for Liquor Selling. Loner. I o siii"
ab don tire, throne and yield control of tile mend R d. „, , ; A Lisbon telegram of•the tat reyortis the sir, The Pll•eiden I and the 'secretory of the lit T. co of the
miner, hdvMe; tuvoicett In i In tl
slit.e.l Ai TaA'CLIO, gets Inst., .
E ire tO'Prlnce %nag, who has heretofore 1
parties vet urn ed for selling II- Peon , ..... .en Ter "' "‘
t°.lth. " .. '''..' 1° 1
..,.* th e , ill Al of two American war t I the
•• gaolers „ti terlor hale ~calved coins , of the reset Miens uo: on "tint/43 , flail iii licarng, before Mayor to " . rt. '' , . , to oneussi a o •
ahm. , , , emam i , Interfeasenee of tire Pre.drlent, in order to re. I Tagus ,
the Allegheny cetnetpre
resoled the poiley of opening
s alippiled by the hflesro.husetts untie Board of „ ,
, Tne friee I ..t the (anti)
EMpirn to foreign Intercourse. It la InOllght cure the reecinding of Gen ern I T en I + recent An:lei:inure wherein the 1 sPf 111 I, 0 ill ROC PO ''
e arthi tills too - moon:and enter wne mere,
amend. 3 no, r e ipertlelly incited to
T. English Parliament was opencd.bythe•
ee/ efforts will be made to Open the Lhloe.e order stippresQng hi. perm, for the oath 1, to appoint ii ' competent man 70, lee the 111 trio pen ills )4 VA! The name. of the parties ra
MS Leol -00 ,etnt.), erns,
' p or ts
tO the world .
e. " royal Commission on thislV.. The Logd Eltirei,•3?cpartment et Agtieulture it SF-I•hlngton Ilne•I tire. Jost nli McKee and Dominic), Gana. i. el.). pnt SAUDI. i 1,,,,nr rib, et ten
tilt 1
The latest Engliah Journals announce lion of disloyal-sentiments, yesterday visited I cellar Gated to the at seinbled triclllbers of Isti...lLar re edennienantdOna are no. on Ale
met•ana Ind th, lat. Martha nun i - ''' ' ' M Y .... f
Strjohn Laterencehaaseutthreenatireagenta Gesieral Grant, before w h om he laid Ids griev..
Iran ,en of the it 'Ming up Imilt nrui slat, rof ,her Tin, c ult. charge" pending against ye. ,,.., .„,,,~e„ mon
digraged as MeeChAntu to explore- Centre' anode end of 0 bow he aitked bete
he"es t that tr " Shea
the Sin •h .
set era of her ,as min keeper " for the +awe of- I Ti,, funeral will leer. it e i 1
permiarlen to 0
Atria by different rOutes. Each is independent '
,no sivOrn, ety would emearnfingiegge A Map; tch from M its Mouton to the sun. frn se, and their .arcs will be investigated In ~,, ..,- I ' rr ' ''' -.. e. 0, hi. (alb.
Or the Mbar% and all are kept In ignorance of I resume the publication of Ms paper. General i the
"sail , . W.... to da or
for -...c...g - .......41-ent togethat.• b y u r e
o n s ) ag paperv i !I n tl e f i „,,, .... , b , zi or i , o , r i ! e lo r ris o to
~. 111. I Itno I I,e tavern keeper. will perhaps 0 .... !.,taint strt et, F ff.) Went• itli.fllcipi,Ay
their appointment , re that, on their return Grant, nltt r listening pallenti3 to Pollard's
- s eem ne tt - 111 lit Illid el 'demi that the Mayor is In Polwiso. et ten raclOol The friends of the fume
three independent narratives may be looked , representalloms cnietit info him
I fillet! [hat be In the Manse of Cominona„Mr. Denison Oar seruetion t Z ee' ilr f ee . it i 4, lee Wins 71111 lett nest In this Matter, MI. that the watch ore Invited to attend
• COT. Pley a re Instructed to take hole of all • •
re-elected Speaker without Opponitititt, ht reticent, anti hd net a o Inn Leer lota remark upon their this
entente will not be relinquished - - --- --
___ ____ --____==== . 7 .1_7, -- .
that IttiOreee. to observe the temper of the IA (Mitt retehe .I.ll‘ tfrIIIMI Ca tlataill 'Cation ad
r beyond the pi .per ul.O en to the up:settler. a (Lei Mile or furl Sabbaths hatie passed, Mill
conduct in the chair !ming warmly eulogized,
dlfferant peoples among whom they travel; i dressed to ram from 'nehmen,' but that he '
tit to him. Ile raid that so Mr as he had op. sour ten foe in.. 'V. n Illiptioted Tile 3layot
Whether movements are taking place 3n favOr ' could not, at present glee hb de bran n be the leadera on both aides of the riOutio
--, riOrtunit le" tor ....eine the term]. of Ifr n l•be , It ' tl or; Inr tie ' underadnod that rlO- -- - --- - - -
Russia, and to visit Bokhara, Ehokand and I ' tiro ' Tributes to the memory of Palmerston were Rink itud u'eeptV.' the result of the war inf I.ti lons of th e Stinda v boned last .111 be Fir ILLDAILIe CEMETERY...A rki.
Sarriarcand before they returli matter. The anppresslon of the ml ewes
th and wea r ruinous for e revtored pun r.bed per, ifif 15 AS all other intractionn aa-tal and meet picturesque plaee el Serraltura. alt-
Liter night the heavy ice AtTrlch . the Bremen an. , n in
.ini,nanne of p,sitivo rder, from paid 7 speak: Glarattatteatid Dleraell. Thed l a r m „ .° 't
t ‘ :N i tr ' r thr t to Th. us
1. a, much of the List . blob he has been called upon ant' en Milatalstelf north of Allegirenv
MAO. EhergiC, lying flu this Mot of Decd.. bsuerel Chant, who anneunces h s inteolou . •TmP 1.. ' " leg "eld be e49;°l;"ed by the,
.• t neer lost toter the close et tit. NA r'than 1 10 arltilinlsler. His obleet is not to make a City, ea the Sew Brighten Med. Permiss ! niece
street, staring In lier huh at the water ~,„ or .mporo,m og all nmetipaperil In tlie Saul it, nth, in time for the tiellVery Oa toe Queen ' s; : P 7 y c
and to tenet burial Lots will apply at the Superlntabe
bite Speedily sunk holOWlter deck. tier carg o which lute e Ilse tilldtleity [0 Mille out in Gal- ( s peech ., , no or to re apirea , tell Itt Ipui
b to he toe gerrondie I rin t . , ,lnerli t, for mere effect,
, eat a onice, ad the Cemetery. title Deeds, Permit e
consisted t2f ItMatco cotton and staves. The tai bold denunciation of the Gm erument Liternuni, fib. 41.-The Dublin Glaalte pub-:P a p o a b il. t ..“' --I , r , , o. P;°S ': '' 'he
, ' re Pe t r i e' . itn ''. l l. lit' i. rola' , Om' '''',gi - and all other Moines. will he attends-die ai the /Hug
jog, pi, n ba „,. ; mem I , ithee on the 1 A gentleman just re. Ict rned from Richmond itsh i.7 l a proCiamatlrta, plaelni , theelnlelly ri
~ ~.„.% i rtouth, a ehonV b ' Tf:i d e e n a teil frorn ' re o p a rr. r te in nt ell" 0 1 ,,0 n
i i ,, L , lo „. e i tgorc , t , h ,,, e
I p n en w a o s i t i e , le . l , lr=ef the , enders:hen...l. corner of ge-dern7
veseel,ln v to the aniOnnt Of 35,100. re.pOrtS that, thn minters Order prohibiting the -
oohlti nrc e iiiititles e nn h drit t tO e une g miQtieneeen of -,,.,„ the Slates !nee re," lle declarrd LI at then g n; entire reform In this reeiNeet, ' lly causing stree a, ildiAlle A t!y irt
The petite of navigation were never greater searing of confederate grey adornee with red, •
-"- - -°° was a clinposition to treat the well Ir . Omen ever 3 in, ern and saloon In the cittmain Weenier r ind I freasuret,
In Estat and liorth rivers than talkie present, fel but tons, Is being strictly carried out in that i' Paec preservation Pet'
ougotine , of tut ,,._ lLy. One of the weapons carded by tiro pa- i A deputetion from Galway has waited On the, " for that 01 the Hosed far, nntol ty 1 liu lirrr. .1 number of
al well for Melt - Interest. as - . .
[ Ice. ''' . ''' • 6 [ml In a formidable pair of shears, which nre Lord Lientenant to petition for a military, ' LP _ peo ple . Ile ewPnc.sesi . dehttled off ,seers
force et Gide ay to guard. against, a pannpu a L ope t h at t he Government
Thi n e oCijrning a fire occurred in the term. brought into roqulvit ion 0 lioneVer any tints ,
landolg at that port, Lord trudehooge e t . all Ono". Anti regarded the conrge of p r e, .1) ni rem her, m•I either est:lying pont shment al
'OD SALE-Desirable Dlirellinr
meat bOnse
fig 109 Male atreet and owned by construct.' rebel In gilt bottens, meow Ills
pressed a Male/Met of any Inch la n di ng, h at , Johnson and General Grant, to iirai il lip ...nit .1 Moe, hen or ;tett Ing orr hy paying one or two I.
Charles Spelght. Lam about twenty thou. ee lP ePran ' e c ' e ' he P"*" '
Asl am shoot morin,T to the reef' . 1 afire
AS liberal und humane gne..llittng the veer, lett. /erred the Mod- -
le ill I h l eY
sand, dollars. It was ttrlored. be reported estrangement of Mr. Delano Promised to represeht the matter .to the goy.
•• A letter froM Richmond, sari...ere Hit largt mu... .., v tte Ind pv14110)1, that they aredeter. far sale We desirable wc ng
I n IN kb reel-e, In
A. siletial dispatch tO the Express says The and Judge Spaulding, eir misers of Gan grene' -7:p'ely .
1 number of beggr.rg In that Mt $ . end riiiitirins,• in Med not In givi 11 111, u :timid n struggle t
I te Foarth Ward .
!louse, Its
r tr. on the Seeped
freedmen's hill end certainly be vetoed by th e I h d r 1,T,,?,,e.T,',, e ',.' ace's."' o f the Speech re('""F raz malls reached England to.lay. hes
T 1 I I •e i t Th •yrA I I reld • I with I boat ' L 7 e Ih'ick e'''''' ' 'el ' le e ' en"; e" fleet
President. firmer gentleman . Is /strenuously ..led army uuder President ?dirt. waanexisec- Ammar, to mon tras acre,. i inn cent tit ei " , nb, • OrtiPaer" l the a ide ha , feet long. double parks.. dining-roma.
Tile ' CY:or/men:MN teptelal gays Twenty- I . 4°tned b F Mr. //elan°, , ltd to enter Paraguay. The Braziliann were• l3 -r en • of ilinbiamni. are now Ica. Inv; In Ili. • of profit.. It is n pan t 4,ittei t sy ~ 0 org that kitchen and wswlsstiouse on the first floor; nualalma
The si,roap., nia• t i n i onta, that dhadi p l aix ,,,,,, , daily antadtbg recruit. 10 ' the gi eee pi,,,,. •-rsertli t isolleititig atm., and doom 0,0, 0$ rm. do.. not I) ing d net gran of Oran twenty to with ell the irodern improyements, marblementleal.
thl i ee: Set:lateen Ilfiente that they ell! tot, I
ready linen 1it4 , 01v.1 front Nee lurk flostim thirty . dollar., and a Mlle it larger 411[11 whem ri. and water thiOUgn Is! house, with rms e rite
agellist the CoustEtntional amendlnenl. rorps are Very Indignant et or Mr . liaracrefDe The army in tiorientes numbers 40,00/ The
other cities the bednios t+ prOperix tuattaged II Is easy furnace, belch stable and double carriage house, lee
I , •irution, espnclally the Austrian and "British , P , PrP E PP FPP arm,' I..a.cre.fl atfq PI " F. PF . LP ' eml
Illninters. The latter Jet - meted oh,, aeceptu- .Vt rr. n wall ing cue approach of the enemy. A Wea . !.. o ltart i nia ! , e h tte i r le riLt , ' 0 . 11 2 , 1 1 5 ., . , ) r ,, v)
i ll 0 , ; . . , t he
, I: Er s
n i; fl , 4:4:: ffft : •1 „ 111 o ri b n l , I n t
1 1 , f ils i!i v at oo t i lre Men eau L e ';...„7; i,‘,1..b,.h.r7„14„`hf 'l'ol.l4).l;:.^.,"J'gri.ar24,llg:
Al - I'M - RS AT VERA CRUZ.' t.,.,,,,,„..ri-,...,..,41!:::,..,...1..1,,aL1tn, 11 . 1 . ?t i t ,n aL e t.h . 41 tr i o , n ,
. 11: ,, I r l :g. , Ir e a.: IT,nyticla..redb
v i e rti ry inc a tt e t tr, Tpgi t egalLpo .
a ,,,, X a B oa rout , io r rl're:•••:; ‘" ' ' '''''..
011 i A I t ' i.r, iimi yet prolle idrg a e r it ' Irthr ' slr 'if: l .7,X, .`,',7 c ;p: p x
~I.;,l * Tl e b , ch„on k a ' t 1," n i 0 ,, ). !„%;: r eb i t i ll
I wuu 6 given In hoax or Mr. tlaucreft The ~lo- the P;... .g001.. trod end attt i i lni vn nr.t.V. l a - a; 'f he Imme letter 4 ors I r lair is the %Lai...Mr 11 I I lII.SILI ir iMr $l, or MeCarthy reruns deter. eI II .111 mike ont of the mod pleasant Toes
eh. s py ~c,i pu t t pi t tote, Ira then • oil I int nett 10 virile I li. eriFl snd •te ‘ll ill are halt lion, In tbr rift and eaSy agar. die, It being only it
r 3 that SI komero, the atexlean illlntster, It us ... I.r olcuui tit" Ain" w ill lii sl .h " no props-'that
I refused udutlestoe to the ilarieroft eulogy' and enlo for pence, the fundamental baste oft an a " 1 hf-NiPlmillP " Th ' • '" r ''' ' I ' Ii " '. "" '''
err" ' amente•• wAlls genie the inotneo pad of the two
Itte, and It Iv teer. fed that the Spring Garden
French Troops Marching Toward the refused away Indlnaot. I. explain e d . t o me- I whic h i. not the ex uillon OF Lone. from Per ; °"ehy' , "" P- , h"" m " • "--
i.a”en g trf ars will be running In a few mouths with.
i 0 presented himself at the lath, entranee to agneir A nipture b ad occurt ed between the 1 t
Hl° Grande.n
' 'h•ritlial It tire en, eof Ilea and Fe. ce ] , errors lgeettpe from Drowning,
fee rod. of the door
4 th e hall shortly before the averelees con.. Government of SiOntevideo and the chains; I wa• l iOrneil ' m il •; •••••• "IF ""'"*". " 4 ' ' fi) Th e tt ieltlY as en Mg an arta. occ ureter In " A ', .., e three-star. Br ,a. bone, No, ....s Liberty
, inenced, nitro kin discovered that he luel no- ' Na. n The latter's eigentlllinr Vs. carmen-I .tan} M . . , od hie len"' "" ""i"iiii"l ' t "" ''''" s 0 •. -
is -•••• . ft • I i• p mat i aust I cry near resulting ^ire' , '•P oi ll . heed 01 Wand mesa. eon now .....
i N ieett,l to ming lip, letter of levitation. The The Lending Tolle. announces 111 the moan
ouploo by 1 Jenk:Mt. And that brg. three-siory
in Ihe• . • o h o Ift flier and two of his .litid- linct Vi a•ehonse on /;. - wln t street, now occupied by
in obeying pOsiltive dlreetlens atileglittle tent., that Mr, Peebely Mis In
• 1 threctainmittee could not admit him with. creased hi. pros irms tantilllcent rlemation for I ' m ; EMPIRE OF MEXICO. rt i i 1• • en. that In the an ernOOD 'Ur "l° A rdeii. " n " ' " " *-,,r17.,.,..Ad11G.,, T ...
ant the Grhet Minter° appealed to eenator the iseneet of the London poor, by another,
Thormiset Mc I Abe w. iit on ItOritehnek tri flo fel: I wil on the premises.
I. mite, tillairitinit of Me votrtifttee, who pm, hundred thormand nude, Mating a total , ___ .
.. herd hona, for the purpose of I n ltng his ia o _ _ _
[ then approached the door watt the President gm of a quer-ter of u milliert pound. vterLine.
_ __ ___
knportant Train Captured. .1,:::,11,61r:.
,L izra p t , t , r ,,,, l i cii::: , . (tit
gi o lt m. n ro tit , i l ).l
. '1 he r 7lTer . is enable to end adequate term,
~ , zp ee ar tnowleagment of thle - nobleuet ot
tot Dt,p Prole
- - - - - - ----,-
.ph tolloun ' t the genator, 0 lio wmglit him after eimrlty, and aaY. the ....nut of the gift, 1 ""' '"'''' '" i'''''''' * 3 ' h""'l "'''''' - th ere N .
I the Pre.odent ens sente•l, i mild not and hint th.N. tt"i. i nt ritePa,. lin most admirable chat- ' r•nehr d, • tle re- he. herr. ki I pp,' Anil f o il
Tho ebaliumn of the . onittllt tee dee I • re. Arttelistit LI 11.0 ell , 11111elent . to yonder
ii ny ' PltOn II Ems 01' TIIE 411 u u in.
_ , , , 2 , 2 :-, Z I : 2 ' „7, ,, , - ,., ,- ;Pi 0 ,7 , 1 : , 1 , , , , ,•;•,..i t .„ 1 -,..111 , ,1b,, , ,,
THE' BAGDAD 11A ITER I\ V ESTIGATED , r ,,,. ~,, .„„.,„„ .I..oettrleA) I. tite P r ) ept e thee...toil or gratitude imaguiti
I iientittel eof the Itepuldi , of !Hoard i e leobatilv the moat splendid net of MittallineteL.: - --. i.ii that ill vi or. • nd, uat r Anil ils , - ere great
Tine ii order. special sa s A Calillin on leAtion MI r. , .. , 1
•I ‘ .•,•er rn dr , we I e.• NI , M• I aim succeeded
will 1,41.4,1 in I 01,z,,.. c. Monday Ity the The Deiblin prilire.iidrediu a Winding former. .''' , ••.• F' Prom'y I" ''" r m ll ''' ' ° i '' •••'' ` '''' h " 1" ' "" "e ' "r"g r d m iris Now Yor.r, February ll' - T he Herald' x tern
'I rodent:l, Isepsra moot , rhowin" t bat front lv itsed a. 0 stable nit oiled In Loa
Ile 1..14 a firm to .! of the eh Id that he
Crux de •petches, to the Aral Ind , dude that
.teal 11, ten::,, (0 1 ~,...r y wi. 5 . , „
De., , ,i 5 .
j.... grvd Lane, letter of Me al, and 0 \ ein Im. h. .1. *at I,n f r et .:l n hr. 0 r MA. i. erre , in e that If lie let It (none SPRING SKIRTS
!hero vrto, greet activity in French military e•uht utilliont ef dollars of eit kind , of taxes handless small someone orregn . ) : ) , e r agr 2 ,:a . .. Icy it to the /Penh/ costa In• I. ems of intro ov ,„ )i,. 0 1) , I , ri . l . I, i...,„,,..,,i),. perish .
' ''
Mellen at Vera Cruz , hut not of a character to knee been it•eels .1 ream 410, Southern tint r ••.. led lit imitate bounce. An influential tricefing 1 The g real mire is if it hal pi gismo stands the 1 li. •d h e r bad.tit neigh fll I lie desperate ar AYER'S AGEE CllttE, Gfr the
Tiro Meow i. neat I omnlittse MG, last es en - was held In Dublin cm thein. e
Th hiarlipibied '. most threatening an Ms presenre •• nut Im I i'e."-:••" ,rid "", ‘ r ` '' i ' "' h. .' neck .it 4 tatfiritui ttrlssitely 19 Ilit tale viten of Pent , r ,,ed, cure or 10.fortpllte.11 Palen or •nap
inallehte, en curly evacuation of th e canonry i ng f or fthae o r 1 r . ir hi
.e Mlle, for the pug turrte er e it g , ,,,,p- t • X 0f... re
thef t lignghetl, Jleggilatlppas, p i3, tit lie, hr rime It, In. ,i 1 1.,,i, t he y net 0 Alt la.
and Ague Rerodleat errerfi CAW I Freer, Denied/us.
by the Europeans. French troops le large 1 ming League Miami, Ai. a elle for AAn ed. deMaring the Feeble !sin's - piracy had lie "' I. "'" . "W *3 ' ree.' " • ell '' ' h ' "'''' ' .ml•or Ind all mils Too 111 lis 1 00.11110 rim- .
-ma/idled/ Iteadaebe or Who,. ifeudarhe end At/-
numbers were arriveig at Vernet - or, from the. l e nt, lu aceerdanee with the recOlumends prodneed a. feeling of well f e e ntriedalarta,and t' l
obestlOnts lug now our of life .1 dealt lir Ile i lrelt .. to • i e i .le.l in s i t i g i•hore, and Ills ii - Esps BRINEir & Lilly 'eat
if nf f "' .. P Ma ry
1 ' "4" ' " "'" g ra4.a t ...
Ilan Of the nem eLary of the Navy It war the deity of the gOvereinent to tem the lot perlat ...tali} ethnic .t, , scent it. Importance " " r `'' '''''• " I '" "'Fi ell .l' ' P• ie " eri Ld s eri 'I 1 gif a Mary derangement, canted by th e'
, hairks eettiveneutfovrountriee.
Inter/or, awed enslimitlng on traitspeitit It nes
In redtpoure ton. pall he
reeriveti i et.- Wool etreeth itileasorea la crosh It 00.1 &fiord n e t, i f , . , r „,e, , „.. ~„ , it., rraw P.. 1, I rote iIX,II. cid I* ft was they
I , ere,' and A ite Is Dot the only consequent-eland,
understood they were bound for the defense torthsi , ...cob., iry Methitherh deettled that no full protection tot oal and well chap... ti• .-- - m e *--
„, e ' '.
- -01
-04 , 0 '''' ' ere-
...ift,,,..1 ,0 h t t ie tom. I It, t ffe .4' I hie, ItAll i 97 Chnnibers, end 79 & Si lteside Sic, 1 miasmatic
poises. A great vadat,. of disorder/
of Tiun o, which wax seriously threatened general penult run he Granted to braperters of fen* Another resointiOn calls ou the go i r. ',l in. am ''' an I.. "P P '' .'" .mP' ...I ..• I .••• m i ''• " r '' 'is em
' m l m road .
1 mites from its letter:eye. In matarto. abtricts,
by the noblicans; and it wan even MMus- otilFs, Pod that helm , a rarra mu b. removed merit to Increase the military forms in het i 1 i I Iwhence.l
,s 1 Mast ex itite.te. iltt to rep i _,.. 2,0-Evo• "E'CINILIC. 1 moon[ which are Neuralgia. Itheranatiant • igont,
tett tha t qores,
were intended fur frontier Re, feote a , ..-- , ....1. indubitable eeidene e roost Barth were passed unanimously.
Ministerial Donation Hadach,e fined.. Toothache. Rerfh a Catarrh.
la .1 tn.... 0 Well . Illiffllls • I toe att... loci.
hal c not berm race. On the evening of the illst' ult., dotin g In, $ i 4. g i
. ig
g„. i ern H.Op Is composed of'TVITO finely tempered ; L t..P... . o.l nitetion. ' PsinnitAlfectio rape.,
rare on thls side or the line or the Taroks) P ro m-ud. Gm? thv hid , "
a n t," or th e .1... d springs 1,31 , 1..4 tightly and era dy to ether t Mat-cries, Pala in the Howell, Colic, Aral stad
titer, in order to be there in resat Mess to i lone emit/tell . hat hal . died from the mice. lord Lietnentuatle dmyrin.thm re, , ,,,, td the Empire, but which eerie of them est) A
...le o to ri.ler s. forams the sTROINGF.ST and most Derangement or the Stomach. all of win When
Meet and eltrial: the advance of the allies- of the tact 1.• • lorge eeveral troopsof cavalry. Were Plated in sari . aulmi The ministers are ,„ig t o i n ,,,, , ~,. TI tr.! I nit, d presbyteri nn tl ) n. h, of tins Plac i i:l6l.F. Hoop made. They will 1101 bend or orientating in this cense put on Me inter'esittaut
Liberal Met gad the United utates i ens parlour the elty, the military parade‘l the • te„.„..,.,t that a
WS Were doubled. The ' ' ''' ` m " . " Ph d e e P oo. ' n'• en'' , ii- croon.
, tHi staltr•l On Me, Castor, lics Jelin U. break tile the sing. spring,. but will ever preserve , type, or became perk/eal. Thle • •Crer'' eepeia
their shape Ithere three or four e. ' hie poison the mood. and dad curet them all
There was a rumor that, the imperialists
..P''' 4... 4. . , ... 1.,,0 the
po „ to r to ig io . , loan , noon I; Li., ut hi.. residence in lon retire Musty Harm wtil herr been threarnaway itansele.. I l'ikei ii i. "‘"•°"4 the .." o-ffe.. saili r ot."lf e*Ot.
bad already been Compelled to eutTender i - • Fenians, however. dui um assatahle as was ea,
In tart, fsw the promenade or the &sow Mr i disrovered for tide class or camplalm, but !Bettis
Tampico, though an nem:u:it of a getiere delve[ -- PhrtM3. and the crOwd - et the Castle uati silo- i otos bnaired raillora, or a oti 'a* .bi,i, ...- `" 1 " "" r' "'"' ' '"11 '''' d P e '''''`' Mtu M Int.
of the ltepitbllcans In the emit:tit} of that city li A Fri1....-ttl, Fehr , er , 1:, IVA r ien. m e" %l4 4 l ° 4 l;4 l =l ,l 2 l . o ie r lot tens nrc belt, p " tem in Oar, P. )"" "4 """` e ,'" iii in 'lP' e " b " . k.• ' U . 7 el.", e'onili'lltst"etr;;:or.arterTe lar7L e r W ed "b- N
I g';' A . :,, L 4. V.,tn ' rt r e 7 it:i7 ri' d 17 P r Z r „ . _ „ a ti_a N SlV Mt i r a . P '
cogneS Co the United states by trey of New ,
„ a. ..
..„ te,
airs ~,,, Lee
r. ., , , Y 1 ~,
~,,, 1 . xAr t 411.11 , 111 t 41.1 fII fell itrP 4.00 flat learn . yy ~,,,, ,1,,,4r,,,,,,,,*(), ~,,,,,,bi,b ass m id" 'l eft m 0 Itoy as it ue had ' reeirt r,T1.7 tile anomie. '
1101 - I adjoiarOlattreeMberT4 until tb. lian to so t'. • . 3. " . . ...` MP. lint! an ~renew e. J• 11 , rditi, Iso ( t )re mred Prest/term .i, the DIPLgi. gitarrit. Tilf: I Can tbls exhl orally salter curl For Chills and Pe-
.la quantities Or military tore, were To-oey u a..b.voted I. -pee, lenniking weather batislkapf Wee lautultaisl teitheri, :Vers.,' '&4l . hi ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
r..,n, . , . nic. he presout Imo address, and refernist
eeri ,„ It / i tele , or r his. , end ibt Impszunee to` thinks
still urng et Vera Cruz from France and Mr. I ,„,,a . a 1 I ,11„ ‘ „,. „ r ,,„ I a 1,,,, a,,, I „, imseed throtturt Werpood ou the al tor IMP. Iltina loaned tallow, lc - Marsha; rare, no, wt or re'''. testis P'Y m ' '' l ` . '" . .. Pf. lire "...on. STANDARD SKIRT :1 1 ' . " 1- ' ''' ""' Li"'
r" - °- r "u'im
.. •4relt It to r i.e. Xt. ever Anel Ague: tan tt
we r ~,.
being Mint into the interor.,
tie` l i•rraich unds on • ondi ❑ Hun el ia t.pritidl ',',"";•.''' ..iI "110 ....In. ndent no •
Ala important train, vahical at frityme wan ref rece,infrmg the seceded Stairs as to-Ing • The rattle plegue`rctorns for the Kee ti- steriyment. The ann nal roe nom. of the Go. • '''''''' ""' ''''' F. 1 "" " L. " e i 'i .lar n I . Me '. ...- ~ ~ ,-. ci•Zi ‘ e: '•!'r'.ol',rlll,:l!lnt h t - ..'„:Tr.7o°„g! so _
.. ' a r• th t,
re ...le. iti all Mms. , 4 , 1011111 either es. ~,`"- ~.."'"'", ‘ i ' ''
. rrorl.l
Pitt a • net • ate-e one hsatle cures a whose nelTa=o r
recently captured by thraTieporalcene. in the l'ilion i • st••d Oho...their , 111, t bur g ... ,Mg Januar) 17311,4110 w the number attacked somment. from eh betimes., I. utconi gm ceta,Olo, 11, "
The report of the i omonssionees apprgef t . i i yet ,, 0 ,,,„ , ~, , . _
Vilely , _ to be liesrl• Lard , 0 thousand, against ten $ whoa tn. egpciplitint. tiorti tr the po.. )-ear ''"`"...' o , ' ..ePtile, Ma .117, . 1 . 4 . 1107 '`• M lar - • .- sZ a. '" ' ''''
'. 1=1 . : :ft itl 'n e Ir ' r. ' r-e t ta7,. T.
I. 'i`Pi.r+ 4 be .1 C AYI:It S CO. Lonell, !Lass.,
Peep. and
Meer. tip. rail lit to profile are. .M.ite t i ta ".- most' ino by B . a. fAllist..weisitiValiONLCO d
by General Weitzel to inNeatlgate the tinseled "` "' ' ' , I• ' s e soh- thousand themes tel. week.
liere 11•2411 one, tame) of it gum), tin Mate... ..„„ 11 11 ,, ~
~ th.
tad I,f,
~ , ff. rr, in this elty. Inset. for 0
affair shone et:lndust,. els that 00 Coned L"'"" -- " , fl"' "'"''' " 1 ."" "..I. 1.-" , 'e,""Y ", , SIT Edlifin„Yoldr harlus. Iteclsamt she Preale Itopertal A 10.4 rod rwremesiale,selsveh .„, ~ Rradlej's Ingnes Eillpttc eun. ' lL '=- 12 - 11 ` 2 ""`" - i....,=".... 1. „ 2 ,
_,, ,
Steteenernyerilleers-srere esmornerieriserth then. tne rniep LL( theft Awn O.'OH - , end net ay nonry Of rite ROVal Academy, .11r Francis I latter tart does not excepts tit" not iLe of the ' '''' '''''' ' 'Y'"" sh '
Dr. Brow. If 4. Ipor.d. din a , hart speech in ic3 ' , Medd) ,
raid, and General Crawford is (Merged with rar„.. anal s i n • r „ lon nn , r , „„ d 1,„,,,,,,„ j„ Greet wan elected 'President_ I pe•ldt. lt ii hinted that If the Pal to neg..
iANDoLE‘Ltsi HAIR Itrgit".
„stet,l n I ill tussled ihe members of -
being til instigator sad dirret-sr. The testi.
FeAren-Tlte F a r t s jOurnalaaetterlyclis s isms i thinner fall. a general lamest loan will I. re. ,
t le 4 ongrecut hin fis r i the libel s 1 espresso:in 0
.... Tt ft" KISH B •
.m taken 1,), the c omoth . thom ~,,,„ s , , er . not 2 . .. infer a intlicii y forte to pro; • : them Me Mexican tilt eAglOin The Chnoirozarief sorted to, owl thls, ais npr...bcoded, .1 id
their igorsl oil lot u hi, I, I. hat/ heeri made the DUPLtX
tensive. the rlt II imvornuaent 0101114 60 rocogn• rt.) defend* the peeillOil of thr Preach cetera. lewd to rat
ag o )-icing el i. • inii.L- GP.".
Bni no military pow er should net aside the ' lent, nod I .r. identlY in • Oirel by torelsa op sr. lengtel. - •
a,,..,__. • ... ... ---
ctip.ssoit LovE S Bit°
C. lien ewe Love 6 800.
EX ELLIPTIC . , ...._,a—BriistYrEialti.
t hat or rarer atale than anyttdrig that will beautt4r ,
Baracrover's Trarisu BawnOngsries. Snit ban
no.. 5 . p. ,,,, , ,..
~, ,.e ee h „ .
~,,. teetrii;nt. aft• r mit. tolloa a - Go4 . Imarm In rm. - - -A LoW _„ I: IL p„rjeAKIHRT
• •-• ile,;;.st rt. io ailailu - li* - 11+;',11 -;rei: - to I ad -- timitostithit of r +emu, sliel/o-r i ""'" `.""'" "" n "'" U "' I '"? s'th"`" to th ' t will restore nature's decay by stopptng the hair
n vine:- t Ili re. ,log m. 1.14 Inner for naeltai ,, era of i'll-E . V4LTX,4II m r.,a2That flan slut oat, re•toring Its eaters/ color. Snaking
LATE EUROPEAN A DVICES. Z`y t m."t,tl - ':".`,'„`:,`"`'',..l. - ..t,1;.° - „,`'`:::;-: -th° PUb"Ut lVlT o2. 4 l t i trle th l U ttitVl 'l f - tal l era u us
u ' lre t s , U lmt S •mt. ' ;, S riertst cat rroet„ ". r '''" ' n •"" I ‘ r '" M ' P"'"" the aloren at lowest Mee. It to grow to ht riancesoattelotr, assistlnallul
nt li , c I , Pe- ~,,, lehe,. I . e.t.a th man I• of tlo I loom. AGICR UM & CAI LISLE lop arsordinsto the present stylemftli ,ett n S
keep It mei Tear Retro:tory', 1 ) =dol.-
It Conraros.nowt rams: The .nertal 00v I r•lr, la set down at tO : men
els a no
ne “' ...7 4 th*. '''''''''''' ‘tal ‘" . "'" '.l "" t t " . erlant will never ylidd to int. .ittat.on, and II
, MO Medidleint. EillignMegeg. Mos Noir Tome will d., . a for prnare reter,yen
iltraillan. In a r•‘-ettr moetmert I, .al I to
. feertgillred
,no exeltement, whether It exists at house or ha", daell o n ti,i, protommt v o f the m ,,,, , ~, Alleaed Larceny sted Dla westerly rms. ..-. eod,olu to any persoo aho bas tried 11. I,4lllernOtekekte4
ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF LONDON. Mr Lawrence , onertml the following
:,road, Will Maki, the Bmperor relax to hi. al the Irreisrh irmope, ovin, , to t i,, . "pun. I m duel.
tt. be the be.tutl of Mean. the only Trete Tonle
.. .ftesofted, That it to the deliberate aense , ut , habitual eolleitOde fee the Morel eon Material of the (Idled ~ tat.., t., t, ~ , .1. Itot4 , r, 4, %t, .1 her I, met, tmam 0 I.le 1.1 the t llezlo Lit CARERTS, Tr
----- ...,,anJ rnr r‘ irria.a,,O ---- . Ofetti"-- sad
w elt a Lai ' dve- ererlwflere w ei
Erawe., in ;DM a i " ''" """- ' r'tke t,l4 “
, t 11144 Itnnme th at the rand WWI of Ito next !memo. or es, the eonetce The troops from the Knott,-
, —•- - ----44.---- -----.41! the - 11andoleulan , Is Isoann-it. tespniananneed the
AN 'PRI ALg PROGRESSING. • , :lt i t , !r.. „ :, fe , ity Ju.trfle.. the rreshlont in testi,- AIeXWO Will rra omelet/7 0 :116e rouillittoas I , nether particular, are re, 11 1 1 4, I I" . .'Y Pte •., ' Sr. L ..
. ...
" ' "”
ICC .%
g L " ' ..,l• p e n.i.” , ii the wra "l '4 -". Mentioned In the litteeeh front the throne, cent imported Imperma oureesses at len ao- ,i a ...em s A l new ,a. Mi. Job mo• ,n, locate,' 1,1 &LI !' M'S vAIIPET STOMP: r,',4 , ..d.0- or lhh• Pia riallente' Ileinemb u ya
e tram all Inetallt sops „Met are con
• carpus au tlibse.ietes
nantel), without entlawyerlng Ihe French It,. t• pre, and In eta crown- of Peidont's s , ..t n., ti ,-..t ~, ret In ito • Third ward 1( unlace, . In mostililr Colors nag atl,.ums. It is the extract
"Remit Al, That It is the deliberet• sen.e of ;sr... i ri , nave gone to defeed In those de.. th e p“, na of Um Itetinbllesus li, ti , • to. , a ' o . Of maul flowers and herbs bearttfulby , put nth au
this House, that the condition of the rebel tun , eountriee. t
..tates It the itid nautedatielf the tanerlcan tido ,w., rto it le, the 11.4tn0 of saata3g) Ind
Wllarnrat. to the toner.
...IC.LTY. States fully justifies the President 4 0 matt. - The 0 4014ultand mrpressee the belief thee t onwii was anointed. stud at Tel, li a etelorT thr It 'fr'eT ' ."'" 8 etc h ' - ' . ' e . • t ' w. t l esae anninn
inhume' inditarY Othoweiloe and ientral nwers' the Americans will can:4cm to the lath! hon.. Republican General 1 , ",-, rco i• , to. ••.1 • , thereof and were hay lug runners pretty much .413. fit rourth Wert Ferrule by atillragetstsimaPerfantersorinilesale.
at. E. beLLLeS a CO.
Principal Depot tor attLeo.linAlitatesiNladTUCCl4trak"?..
—. of, and that the President Is canted to the , Intervention , and concludes a. follows "21, hare tens lolled.
thanks of the natio,' for rat toying the war nine, none. o * f the dark forebodings t. whtm The °Meer. of the eche! colonist. Gm, th• .t . ow nse , V l, whets lite Smiler titicrfered -- JAMXB PALMER a CO..
NEW AVSTRIAN CORPS FOR ,lIETICO power for th e protmulon of Union eit Irma,
and thefeeedliaten In those Stales... public Opinion IS sought to he Oatmeal ail' be tads country arc retorsented to be in n.e r; e ''' e"d ' to ' i t "n
bntt .,.. h '` w h : ee , the,
realized The peace of Me world will not be droing condition am Otte nt ahem wo" Go tow are au - admit a heafin: •WOof h e Itt- ow • - ,
ArtailtineodairT N0.4:21 Markenseret
limit, 1,1 , ..11 s, •Mag s id - Neely and Mary DI io and Aiirmlnstar Rugs ------------ - "' 4ld ` **
Mr Lawrence th en maintained that the ordl- disturbed. and wd Kenn bold that Trench itttsettle thee ago to to . lib r,n hits ,
-,, Cat man, ineee 03..tb charting the defendants -
nein. of acres:elan cerement, that no elate tet e/ 4,0 6 m si e v e° w ilt i onop no n,,,,,,,r4.,. ii,,,.ant I.l.shrt..l[ll , To arhat them ton,
Forckilazi. maski - licorts.,. cepa. was 0. , Of Om i olon, ism Ilnet a" l awful % tate fe Lomb arty* that TS . Isetraeeensy, 0 Red ,n,• with stealth.; ap d
Ismir, contenting n one I
i ,Itar tail, from Mara - met The pocket hoe'. ' VELVET RUGS,
gOV r rum ell t ara, de.trayttl In the relw.l States, left fort United Statee,ta the bearer of des
.et round, thlan the money The lou 4e4 teat
patches Of a very Arm ehnramer, demanding
that when the rebel governments seem over- '
categorically Of the Sma rt est: government • t the, woman Johnston, la us 11.11(te Minn not
New Thaw, Feb. A.-Tae ateamehlp City of thrown, the people were left without State
whether Rumens to regnol ii"nrotreeteil ow , FENIAN MEETING IN WASHINGTON. ,••••• . b., ~ ow 11,431 onion., lo the nelehnor4
rovernuients • thet tt is tne duty Of Congrete
London =bred at one o'clock, with &deices r „ ..„ ~...e . e 4 repubuciu, State ip),,,,,,,,.„,.
ration Of Relies se a come f. „ ~,,,, ~,_ p•..„ shore th e .neat of the rte Embroidered Piano Covers,
Lathe ISt. Her advice! are mainly antkqpated and ;at Instil tide la done there min he no ' an •ei to ak,,,y,.,,,,j,,,,,, t0 the oo p n , pamo
most an r.h , ,gate.. allill4,llT,'S a (10.3 pa,- 1
by the BreMen. " law( state government. Traitcus will at of the debates of the Senate and the Corps Interference In Behalf of renian•
ea that th.• palt, s. r re not called no h, olleti
tusto thaw e-, t her, • 3 lic haunt show I 1,, :
once control them, and the nation could let- ugiti ., ir us .. if the 1 ,,,... 0h .„ au i 1..
. _ _
Sir. Chereller i dnowintercoarse resolution In pose no tern.. nor even lodge, when IL would the, ereeew ."
. s Watch forinerlyalnie4 at the etur- Prlioneri thked. I ~.,,, IT
the Senate had no effect In England, Its Beet- ; be safe to admit itepresentattves If the Pres- salty Otpubliepowersand the reapect due thre, 1
Mire reJeetkin being deemed evidence of the Ident &Moo may eel tie . State govern., eat roll alloinittnitien would exerehe the rigid ___ A i tempted ittarglory -The Thieves Sur
w i Wont any control by Langres., It wool
h t
conferred on It to law
prised by at Watchmen
Senate's desire to remain at peace.
a fearful power In hendelesa treat worthy than The weekly re - term of the Rank of Panne° MiliNlftir VLSI! LT NATIONAL CUSRIPXY. It I. a ern litittc t' , ” 0 alght Peitccmae to
The Fent= trials are atilt progressing.
hose of our respected Chief Ntagistnde Show a decreese In rash
t fMeo trines The
, 11.,•.”.•t s horgi•r in the set of attOraining to
It h. "Mart/ th at Phalanieut will be meted I lie declared In the name of the stonatitutlon Bourse Was firm. Renter tf he% ---
to anSpellant the habeas corpus to give govern. and the people that f ungews as the agent of Seets.-The tulniStry Mid relented la MI/ loser an enl rune,. Into a store or dwelling, tat Is , And ererT d rscritulowel Cert , ;ba ,
meat the golfer to dee/ with forelgu conspire- the Mated, had a tigh tlO guarantee them cos- to the Cortes oubjectiag the pr P ess end ixdttlesi le eels toe, rehroan li - I dar t ,. a n leo such n 4 km,: occurred last night near the Mr REnu t rioN pi puler or
tors- 1
erninenta. The w - a r power bad e right to, end associatio ns , to eteing ent ytwoution s , , I huslastie Tertian meet tor nal 1101.1 /est n ~: 1,1 If cr .1 . -Ixth soil Smithfield ~ trcets It seems
Additional rewards are offered for Inform. dad eel aside the rebel State gOVernmenta if bieneral Prim eery Mrrived at Aldan The . . .• "
...,, , - mmatioreased by ...ratans ranet• r, AILI. 11 tier ra s . s , mut,- J Ain wenn a n.. mating hi, ,
Loa leiding to the Capture of S Cophene.
'any other State governments elist ie the, Catalan riyatear Indents denela
C 2 - 121 .....VLE n Ear1B,
Another, regiment emtarked at Liverpool
Luther - it States, It most tie hieanaleell.ll f Oral • i n • n - ....V." 'on Tool). ,IL Doran Killian ittni nob Sit sari lire r,,,, .i.nol it , I hest. I e iltart.rerrll Inn Itieu .
C •I he Seim dt on the 2nd. 2ThSpardalsittettnier
for Dublin.
4,lpar:one attitude It 1114 et, airy store or
„. ~,,,_ . M tic on the let , for liarane, Nan tailed arcs, or Nem Jerown , ..nd Mogen , rt, mots. tt I I .t; . . ,_., . , .
It is officially annotineed..from Yienria, that that the original governments continued, or p ro (..,,
remand, that they were a ogramarm. or tot , ' , under ttn• escort Of a frigate Letters were read from Illethic 1 110, ir and w e '''''` '''oemtse i :x 't; i u ~., : t , b.)" , q.' I Pre to utia g e a r an e ost i n m ee m er ene
negotiation! for the formation of a new corm
.i ' thatnew •ov erntneets hat been Iswfull. ' - •
of Austrian VOlnateers for Megleo,wlll short y L The Lofldan Zane , "Minks thee Or: elm , ' 1 untain McCafferty d.. tea at tn. al: in at b the t .. 1
r- "I. ' i
to inaStag oar_pyrrhases for *rime, ww I n OffeW for
set tip
timid) , refused to incept the bee Idol of , , ; hu e . hem) Mire e mt. t perm. Theydodg. I 1 it bt,Tl VATS, mural Tourist.. In prize.
be brought to a conclusion.
Ile proved that the original gnats goner.- the Congress Of Paris In tarot Of abollehins ;hp. wre confined on 0 t0 5., • . ~,,, 0 ,, 11, , i fel into 4tr Itn omit the lame new bdatitrog lteln g I Oaf - choler end es ten ome meek o
Them Pmled ennearance of Chillan W s. ' me t• weer ishindoned on the authoritv of the orienteering, and now that weapon is turne 2. ,... ~,,,,..ottpv„,. Wont
,Lich i ,
~..,...„, [ ei-emed tor the tow tat the Third Presbrtermn I
--, t - , n o , m en d d issi ',area, the police bOltag Un- I
teen off theSpeneth coast., excites great at- ' ( „„ o n m not h ., ' i do i m 1 ,„
,of the la m+ ^ lta o s, 0 Mail, . against her. A yery *hart time Will
tentiOn. NO Moines are reported .
enaldn Met th Pniteditate. f onsol i ti•iin nit and a ig, To a n d . bin e or h s ie • o f thrtgartrra.grd carpets loot Oil Clothe • Window
The stemat ram, detained lu the Themes,-was son, of the anprom. ['tnt, of Lincola, and of 1 t„,,Gl,llj ea , Govern men t to enninaionno.nuoh, a
* . Shads
Posident lohnSoo.
u ile quoted glen y atitbor- a gest of primmer, that Spantab phamer o s Minister Adams declined to Interfere 111 I sTgr , n 4 oNatninlne the store, ii was found that they , Damask, Rep arid Lace t'urtains, .Cor
y found to bate been built for the Perrier.,
Was to StlllpOrt t , lll , pot 1 , 1 ; ! ,; of . Th e 0 4 rIgim . 1
le handle of the door (onside
will be thoposslble, and et•en rowels
of war behalf. reptant Met a Iferty Lad serced In Ito i : t "",,,,""t ti o ,4, ne mid
it wee., These's, Loops and Sands.
tievertiment, and win allowed to part on
the nth Another stem ram, bunt dea l: atoi, e g n ° ,7 e n T e eh o l f ",,% ° n °k e l „'Z' t foe n - 0 . ,?,. 1 „, / , , ,,,,'.%„„ . sill lie InWinger or boost/captured Singly._ rebel army and eubsequent II !al. It the *in. , Inver, cr 1 ,7,,,1i .,' L ' t l ' he ' w 7 in .. .l l o b w O edi n ult l e oB It the ' y a l4:l
recently left Liverpool and Wa3 at rent, Lion -
r ici ' ild 't a god of do ing so . The nutlet t r i . n ii i l' - " . ' I"' another 1 ,",.. •
„,,b l ,, n nr : ~r , 1 11„ ",r : uest y malt
where the Patric says She will bo detalaed till
The niectinf ita•444,1 remol 4mm* lit clartmt 5 n" , ' ,, h 7,7,..1:". ' t n t ' 1 1 ,', 0 -h d r , o tt l74,7'" l ' l ""l'h” I "' ' I r hst 4 telt our ce•tomers to male LIBLIPAY plie•
t, •e P right i e. o live a nd thellmidental fOree le •I°ln'tlookmath. effort " In id • - ---- o• oi•- -
the Spaniels dielenity with Peru la adjusted ap S, op new ~,,ele lave, w h en c i,,,o roy . [ 1 -
~,,, 4 , 12, 2 Th , II . ke . I* , the repliml t. east fur Melon.;
____ _ _.,,, n - _ , 4.1% . ! a " " nila Ve l a s' At a lWDTZ`Ottr ia az.
Rumor connects these tw o vessels wit Isfinalge•
ed, Is a Mea. of continuing the sint/01/01 ta rnirtellte ;ale - of e e t ° -"n
rtt ••-. • to the orpones, mid Ignoring nit claims the, •
TI &infra Fifth/tsar-4
against Spain
nitre:Abe wefl -10 Da had to be entitled to pcote, ties, as .ii ire', ,ti 113 " 10* n wir ' Dese " er in T " thble • dm Next House to tits Veldt/Sea
It la reportedthat
an d Sa ar a dozen ships pile i ,,,, a , piaa ,
aamaina. , 1h ,..
via. 1.3„
eau. 37,00 a lee, InelediniLlONerto speenlitore and
„„. the Coiled Mitten and request mg th, pre., slum., tittle since a rertaipst heistlan Greene -
building In ,Englnud, and In hrying up their • •
log a eonvention In the rebel Staten Lo set i i i, U,l)°° t° en P n rtirsi , ihe nlflikel Opened he., ap h t So ensure, a proper 1V11T , 11 , 114114011 oi qtr ahafillOhed his wife and child, and refused I l ---.".------- -------------------
, amt declined 11.1 fOr AMericla, Cooing stead. ........,,,,,......... o. •
new Mate fprvernmente, by prescribing the
ter. The authorized iiitinationestre • air tir• "2"` . ."'"'. ' , " 4 " n nn " I n4 " thin ' a' tan Ca nn ~ e(rutribote to her support. see entered STEEL WORSS.
or Litoof_. Feb. Ira-Cotton enter for two days ri ,,,,,Ain , n , o f e i er i ot , an d , I,y ,quirlog Ism s mr , mi,,,,„,„ ~. i, o; ~,,,l e i i . h , ,co ht. wattle*, SIMI Ibe don rent consulates
•.. ____ __ ,_
r i:POO halati, Madding ,000 bales to Speellla
terms, anti he could not do this If the original , L
ShL• ' eildt ling do rerd , 1 u i , . 0 ,. ltiMughOut the Lined°. of ..11 eat Britain and son against him for desertion, under the late
.4 . • r pens, „ i • ipal . o ,.
PlTTsisUnall STEEL wortlig
to ands xporters. Market dell sod dentin.
itiadihig dO i,ItY. , 0 0 -1 ,.," oh "' M SS ., WACO A tommlit or a i.appoint 0.1 to emu municate .t of ASsemidy, and 00 a hearing of the rase a
yeig but clotted .steady, with Middling Uplands Fiats e emcee ors contioned. Messrs. flay. I
II hi a ll Iti el speeelle ceded
he was required to give bond In the sum of ANDERSON, - COtifi di CO.,
at about Inc , Breadatutra quiet and atp.eandre- ' t m b o lib ud Tl an i d e Pr h esl ' d ' ent a de ' ria r rist tits r ' ejeTistrue. ,' o b a n ite lea k i g a r a t i l , a "ih n e g ' a r'"r o i t "; :n tn ed s P",, inn e o lfl p in aart reensl ie. i i throe resolutions to • the pi °Admit ewe!
a t advancing, With a tenoency tea
tom policy an experiment, and Would a motion I idarly Arrieripti. Sick in part * estl are ma , ted v a r t . 1
I,,, ,,t l .. o . .n :i s. i .w . .,.. e e n. 7. ; a t...l l . 6 ..o:: iti ss:; o n t rtn il e , c o l l ug ult t , l ide a s e t : t t n e " : - !
~1 :.•"30, ..
_ ft , , , r ,. th ..... c ,, payment r.. of
, t 11: :urn , of three dol.
.th frmds,
41.1.1, - Wd bate", of whit% lAnya i t 3 • I n --- -..-. -°' enu."'" I. , enaealalhir to Mrs and fifty emus per week for the support of
IL Ir necessar.
•,... Political newa to-day nolinportant
Sfadeld, Jun. 30- Everano.- Two pea. *tr. Lawrenee Wald, In he course of his re. t oo ,
1 marks, that it would depend on thtipetiple of
i who sent , inept private business to Europe, 1-- """ "`"' '""" "-"" ' e"r.". bacnn'e his
bireadatnfretand downward report gy'
Valet " inn " been 'leen off the Mast o r b Pa in • I there!' !Steles when reconstruction would he 1 lannPbenterinarkeb"°3-nni e nna Priennernd- and Who hail crane:MUNl no overt eet egaian. 1 surety and nothing more was heard of thecae°
The frigate Isabel hest received orders to Par
any ' , wintry The resolutions formed lu part his morning, when Mr. Setirrlst appear d
eibur the Wahl of anitnated end . , , . ntll t
sue them. 1 complete. It would be cOmplete a hen loyalty d ower . Ici eheawm, snenee ac ....
est ePeecties n the Coact ofCommon Pleas . olentarlle :Id
hear,' and tower . Wheat TOT,' dal and 24 in the cows° oi the ..s ening, a risk:Outten w ' be
z on a on 14,a in_gnaud sg i nn n mo no , p op 1 retnrns; when tliegOVOMMent is sopetetleayle
the Mom oe dom.:int. a alleging that Greene/le bad eon away. The
as , eslred to pay the amount of t o ball ntl,
red wittier Pis NIGRO! 51, Cortt dull,
i • adopted declaring
for the future assured, then min restoreti i tuisco Mando29“. ProeistOyol firm. Iliglaw , „u n t o p ia ~,,,,,ptc „ „ opitu ni ch,
money United States 5 , 20• Ge.3s,4aggy, rifi no b, as I o secure obed fence to the law, whit Seetirt ; l ower,
Central 7ltiraLi; Erie romet4%. Great depreS-
Alhaya & CO., und tlordon, Urine It CO., report 1 e h , - • ot had declined to accept the preposition,
elm (matinees in the Swaney mar ket. ,be complete. Ile would welcome the liouLlt.
sem when Only can carat, hewn h•....r mtem,t.4...4.., a— , ring laid. Week, $300,000 in frae I lona' .n 1 - n form Mg air. brim-Ist that he could coati
butter dim
au( ' ta,MO to Assistant Tresaurets and et ter, ,„,a ~,,,,,„( 1 Luf,,.dm de,izu.t..l in tite bend,
Dublin, Fib. J.-A notte we. Issued sy the ern b'en , rn i t o n l n , id 1 ila In -,---- -----. i m""•" 1 'anon still adt enainfll rency was Issued to the National Rani) and o not
the - weekly &atonal remilred,
he tl n h ue e
ileare, ...cue ti an l 'artY , /aril tends tiorrard and p id higher -
Pollee , Comritissionera last night, prohloitlng 1 n uar ' n 'T, - i'
i the wor 0
_suippresetti the reh r e t. ll ‘. inn, and Hale" at CY* 741 for choice
e im at Eaf lon ri n t . gli a t tii hn
here is ' , till an urgent demand fotrthere, ens , after n Mel. the question as to his rig ha be
the bedding of the fancy fele and bazaar In
easier. cheese firmer . The Brokers , (leveler
old of thafaantlies,`Of State prisoners, which I n ' a , v n thfl the ' ninn Linn 1 11 " :12. Er "nn t° ' 1 o wl.' ee dell and Si ItOtattOna barely ain. ri ei tt i l l ire Y Tu tr i h s ' in " str n t th ict e e7 tocttiagi'd c2 h l e itii i i . t r i l r n c t il 1 r rai ntstr a T f ir m us Mr i . ar it t . h .ll " ndVii i
was announced foe tang ht.
. ra no . Was prom; to follow tile fur( ndrew , tn'husi--1, cotes
nulet. and steady. &Mt, En. . -
do tare Mien of all denominations, until fur. too when man hecornesuretles forothers they ,
The concert announced for toorturrow ulelit
soled .e r introleu en quiet and easier,
for the same purpose, Is also prohibited. ii 1.,0,1:11:0y
1 1, , e e0 1,
n e: S h nd De t p h a e r t t r u i t u e m nt o, po .
.f r i m ,cae tt e s ,
L o nnon.....,th ip i nr . c o re a., , p n p opt „, *ham 1 During in t at ....eeL several littereeting reports
thee netted*,
hall, to take therm little risk,
functions now, anti follow the policy marbyd - at 29 Co., lei Or redeed. •
• Were nice red from agents of the rreednuoth.
IlußtinU_llL.‘ll.retferrlti; iar . ts . !if the South, r,_
will be us signal MY victories of war. - The pew • tending deltnislirdS. , Pet vo rO n tsil m itl ,
ja h . lll or et o :t rr s i s . ,
erof Congress todeelde when Representativoe ~d(r.....9t45e fbr refined.
should he admitted , could never be surrenders nay at iv; firo
for Money. Unit e d Mates i tern. I.`, ,thwmr and thin= ed. It le the right of Cores, to submit to 1 &Vs GT ' 4%; Minolta centre!, :4 4073; Erie, u-ittietetimie tanformer mate
thing the y state that, not
the people Constitution I einendraenbi for Saiii,ffln,.. Wilma 10 the Rani. of England in. 1,1 i g reat Innimnlann to the
ill , a 1 le indilt.
system of pa Aber, the wtolltlOn Of anon,
their approval or reject I , for thus cam terms ereased iti,ro pounds.
. 0 ,... Iv very encouraging,
Of reeomstruction and peace be rondo entitle- .
m.alcle VIA. QIInENITOWN.-Lftr.poo l , 4.7.1 iti, - v.rthp, e d G o , a „„ tm ,„ , ~, .„ ~.
a l
epithet Ted with the',..,ttea;
flurry a - Erenin.ry-Cotton-aniee today of 11,00C1
11r. Cullom, or Minnie, spoke at great lenfth bales including aOOO bales to speculators tour that the Into military order ..uppreesing th i
upon the history and position of the Urt on ~,po ; .t ni. n . t„
Toe market Is quint but steady. lienritpl. has been revoked mid th t I a
party, showing thin to It wait due all the be. , ilrliedstult. aro dull. Prot. talens Nide:, end t i p h
,eaOn o t o paper w on hunsetligte v re
elleent changes which bail occurred in Lhasa". I
ii t,,,n y.
uatlon of the country during the Pont four Intlon, 1 4 1.brigrry IL -, training--ConsilLif for 1 .n nnwa '
years, while the deutherntic party was a mere money Bolan ; Arnim( States a•me,GS:r.{ 1111.
viols Centraineres, 7430:215; Erie, 634 Ex.
negatlte party, rather than one of affirmative ,
principle.. In addition to their oppoottlen to 1 Diehl 01341. FUnds are Inner to day, bet el oiled
other benefleltd manures, they may &ore ia no natter. ingeount Market nnehanged.
power under the constltitutlon to pass the • Lhehe. at
(h Mourrr-Tlnere wan abet.
l , reedmen's MIL lie took It for.grame,l that 1
ter feellhent the SigteirExebange cm the gad,
the President Would elan It. e Movertst about - 31 per tant., an"
Mind o th er securities parodpated itt the int-
Ito epokr, in relation to the question of re
conatntetion, alleging that the eltl.ella 01 the The diseoluit Market Waif en.
change. Th e rate remains at 8 per cent.
united States lied full power to reorganize 1
rebellious Slates, and to admit ;hem to repro. •
sentation when, In the Judy:teem of the Nis-
tiOnal Goverweent, through its Congre.g. It 1
shall be safe to do so.
- Upon the concinsion of Mr tthllottes re ,
mark A, the Ronan adjouined.
Wax4.ut Postazta.
Gen. Lee Before the Reconeh•uc-
WASHINGTON, lebrilarYl7.—The 15SU0 Or 1111-
tional currency, for the weer ending to-day,
amounts to $178,400. The total amount issued
ups o thin datolser. s s, ooo .M.
An order has Just been issued by the secre
tarY of War • as follows: 'Department com
manders whiptall regimental staff officers or
officers anise ted and appointed to act as such
40 relieve officers of the Subsistence Depart
ment in the volunteer service at all points or
stations occupied by the regular troops or by
garrisons composed of regulars and volun
teers, leas in total strength than a brigade, ex
cepting regularly, established. Subsistence De-
partments. The officers so relieved will be
ordered to their respectiveplaces of residence.
General Robert N. Lee was to-day. before the
Reconstruction Committee fortwo hours and a
half, andleftfor the Metropolitan hotel, about
half-pastlwo o'clock. Seine few persons be
ingawarethat he was before the Committee,
lingered around the door of the Committee
P 4 . o flia, t 9 g_et a ohmmeter him and followed
him to the rieromuit-at.Annte doom. Inn sew
moments ho left the Capitol on foot, and
walked .dowirthe Avenue, a curious crowd
gatherin behind as he walked. which in
-creased to quite an assemblage by tho time he
.reached Lis quarters.
A ilre occurred in. Georgetown, D.C., at the
Motor high street, 'about, seven O'clock this
HraHing. ebieh consumed several wooden
buildinos. Among those destrbyed withits
COXltenta, was one used as a warehouse by the
New York and Baltimore wa s , Lme.
The steamship Baltimore was lying at the
-dock when. the Ere took place, and received
Bowe damage, hut was removed out into the
streamand- saved: .Thb ,_ ' she is lam to have
.beett canseA 'from the, or sOtne hay
amanita the'sbetla Z i eftrelorrwill
. .
INCENDIARY MARTIN DISCII:4IIGED. Suppression of the Richmond "Ex
- ambler."
Abdication of the Chinese Emperor.
Reported Estrangement Denied.
lion Committee.
From the Rio Graeae
New Oatearts, Feb. 17.—A1l persona now
cross from liatninorns to Brownsville without
P Sergeant Nathaniel :Winslow, of the Fourth
Untied Matra Cavalry, was - Murdered. below
Brownsville, while carrying dispatehee about
the Bagdad affair; from lien. Wright to Clarks.
Mr. Harman J. F. Bargtester, of Hamburg,
hook keeper tor the Important arm of Droege,
Attelln Co., of Matamoros, wag murdered
below Brownsville, while:on his way to Clarks.
vllle, to testify In the Bagdad Inveattgetlon.
Ho was lassoed end beaten to death.
. .
Gen. Eacobedo bed not takenlilonterey. He
hovers around it, capturing and robbing all
travelers. There Are no: French troops in
Monterey. Tbey left beenuse of the jealousy
of the. Mexican imperial troops.
• General Negroid, was Still at Brownsville.
Manuel. Peuze, of J uarezts Ministers,. ins
given to his adhesion to llasbnillim, and db
liouncetlJnarez as an wgirper,
• Apropostlonhas been ma4e - to Marimlllin
to build et:vainest:l,on the istb.Mus'of Tebuan•
P.4J2.1GU.414.i•. Mtn;
Fight la the S'OwlitetrLegfaissure..-ign
• " row , i pillrivbr,
NesivitAr, Feb-M-4 .nassilife at arras oe.
eurred the lionseto•day het wean the Speak,
er, Mr. Masked, ' And Sit: Reprimen
tattve. A discussion arose' as tote power: or
the Speaker to compel members to vote, when
Mr. Mantra!! called Mr. Million' a' damnod old
liar and a lying scoundrel, acconumny Mg the
words with hismallet, width 'minified At the
Mr. Mal tens drew a plstoi, hnt the members
rallied in, and quiet was
rho steamer &tins, with tour thousand bar.
rots (doll, from CrOWS Creek welts Burks.
vine, arrived *day.. It will he skipped to St.
Louis to be relined. • • ' • •
'ffpanLab T at Now York.
New Yong, Feb. ll—The Spanish naval steam
ers, Carmin and Isabella De Coto which
have arrived to our lumbar, sircan amm,
within the oust two • days, are now 'lying off
the battery. They came hero with sealed - or.
dery which are not to be °Muted
'vesicle have received a thorough overhauling
in this port, when it suppoaed their.ottleern
will Iled themselves directed, either to Pro.
reed toreinforce the Spanish squadron off the
Chlllan coast or to enusei in thus vicinity tor
tile_ protection
p eets. or Spanish commerce against
- -
Entigrottiort to Tettaa.,
New OILLSAINs, Feb. 16 . — Indloatloni continue
'that there will ho it heavy emigration to Texan
from the Northam States. especially In the
spring. Below the town. of Taloi-on, the Bra
ao9, 10 central' Texas - , a largo' portir. of ;he
plantattonaare already. oCetillied hY hese new
confers. The 'owners of land nave 'tided It
Into amalflota dad rented theta to Poor people
who are going intoctittou planting. -Thero are
four hundred thousand .sterea:Of thu nicimet
cotton inntl an the Braroa BlTer alone,at un
touched ikr
flon Alberti [. Latimor, Comptroller of Tex
as. hai boon - aprOlfetl hy,the. President Tax
Comml9nloner for Tone.
The MatOn - Itentrtt Advocate *MI t 'Not one
tlur.i of the cultivatable land In that section
and along the Duet In that Itantedlato neigh- '
borhood t mlll berm In cotton thisyear. Thom
will not be IM many scree planted - 4:Mo dia.
trict Of Baton Bongo ranehes thl4 yearain lam
year, for want oflabor.
From C/001130.1tUE*Oltbsg Scene to the
Tennessee - Legislature..
Clam:n.3l, relmary 17—The . atm Council
yesterday passed resolutions asklng the Leg
islature for authority le- issue bends for the
purchsse.Of !gas *Oat, amount not, specified;
and bonds , to the amount of e:Axi 3 Oai for the
.construstion of a hew hospital, end !to levy a
- taxer one mill oh collar or sewerage per.
Navigation at thts point was partially sus:
bat relpthir Due ttoste
resume triple tositty.. - .
Considerable eentlatien -004"exeitement.00.
etuTed at the Tennessee ;louse of Represents,.
sesderdsy,•over thellts:asslOU -of- the
frauctuse'bill. - - Bail words liaised ;between
the Speaker and Mr. Mullfts.. The former
threw hts stt he Incera head,.
19. 1866
skafing.—The ou the Central
Skattng Parka ls Rplentii4l cond Mon, and
this afternoon and evening they will be both
taxed to their utmost capacity% Nose is the
time to take advantage of awl enjoy the ex
tolerating health-giving exercise of skating.
The days are growing longer, and., the sun
gaining daily more and - more In strength, and
noon the smooth Ice must melt beneath Its
goulal royal. no skate, while there Is good
ire, for when 't bore is none you can't.
Desirable Property for Rale..—We 'nett°
attention to the adverUsetnent of Waiter /try.
ant le to.lay's paper, offering for sale the very
desirable property on which he reside,. in
Allegheny City, together with two.warebens e .
In the city. • 'rho residence in Aliegheny Is
000 of the -finest in that,elty. and is well
worth the attention of purchasers. The city
rarehouse - property b - also deserving of at.
ntion. The warehouses ore In the hush:mail
h tOf the city, end can always Gad good
t t
Wiled.—lir. Jackson Etuvd, of nutter corm
t ~ wan kilic4 luStaritiV, oefharsday evening,
fa Rh met„ near Elliott% mill,-on th e read
l Jading from Ilarlansbnrg to Centze*ille.
, se engaged in hauling a load of titarhle from
my Casiln to tintlerconaty—there Was keen
t a road where the accident occurred, .eatusioz
the won to swing armtild, ca :lag it and:
causing A slab of marble felt - on Mr. Vod,'
his death. ila was an industriotts.
honest man,and leaves:a family.te'mourn Ms
'4tldttct deat.k.
Stage Capiliell—AoettleUxt.—On Monday
last the Butlerstare capsized and was smashed
up a short distance West of Prospect, le con.
sequence of leo being formed Over the road.
Obedlah GrattY, thO mall carrier, waft se.
verely,lojered, sad It Is feared relli not re
cover. An old lady who was in tho
the time was also hurt but not seriously. The
mall wog brought, on l O:.New . Castle by some
parson. - - •
. _
the °peter hustimill.=-41. Pa/lather, a
lad aged fourteen year*, via arrested rester.
dny evening eit -a chuge o.purloaing n can
or order* from °rater dealer, In the Sao.
Cud ward, Allegheny:
boonss looked up m
the tombs for several and discharged
bp the Mayor , with a warning not to be guilty
of a like aiTema again.
"icrimx.eiTE.r mr.ausoclsis
llntinfacturersgt the ben relined Oast Steil, Sqvg"
Eti'szValt.:ir.t 4 l:lTirporu-• ""-* I
Cast and Common Plough and Spring steel.
"te-c°""rg ragn=rall. ""t"ell
Or1"103EIZA V17C114.3:03,
Stannracturers of
Nom, rlat *MI Masson, of all Mrs. Warranted
equal to &07 imported or manufactured In Ltd* noun
%riiiPOtnee and M
mud =Second rtilf2eP°.l4.l44lll7lXX
kZ/LII!I:L . AIA . ,- •
. _
Etitluthatit;th=4l4lBigtig 7
J. R. lENNEplrik co. ; ,
o r'nn Erratt I (opposite Ita.splue. His%) w.
at I& told Hunif %Orem Watelj,
"r tT:&ifr a ttagr . .Tr4a .
rimprattzt. - ... ,
ami2l , 4lilaiMismottgeprtte otEn
DO Lite - - . I
Cove a " He tae plan o f %tog or a C 0.,.
cab Bout, fur* taars . tieloir
_riffults . .o42l . c!.) •
17 .A.:133C2*,331153"
. •
° Vanity and ptore, Na 101 Mi4et strnat.
•ow ea Warazatzp Out as carp es dans/4ft .
She outitlim tr fbrwardii wtlett will reach do sob
scribers soonest as the Mali Mb.
!Ingle eagles
In Clubs of e.e
Itidubs of tar./ letrorardi
4 C)pet•al-liitinsae.
• m,lt Nulu-riaripablitPliaad.
owin or de, ..u,l war ra.131,1 ggper/0rt.,,P7
4.,11r• nt
nffere.l In prtnltice a. Kootl Goc“./, rut ate motley a,
%ow •I Ibis ~lebrale.l
From ioc. a Pair Upward.
20,000 T llO- 111.4ND D0L141116
in.our 17101ISAND DOLL/Lim
Jird AND coy's. c .... t , ,
Jd N AND BOYS , Sar... -1 ,, t.
11 .N AND BOYS' C • iffp,:i
AT Tim popin4.ll
EL13111.48.1100 1 31
4 Opposite the Opei-a . House.
ik Nig iv ag:l
PARR, NcelnalY &
11(n° fart - Inert( or BRAZIEMS, ALVD
11.4.1:4:11 bT11.4 .11017113P1, bP.ELTER
Ina parte pad
.dPay•ril irk META.L.
Mil:lM ,F3ll"Aji. n
M. ai f
hottae, No. 110 rratai and I:33).CoSia SaltriTti,Tatro.-
pattern. Special pnlera of COP% r Oat to way tlestrett
t' mritlydlParT
PrriglitrliGH SAW
r.g. &AD.
' taascrac - rni.4 op' , - • -
• .. .
Wirratud ("7/LFIT STEEL SAW% at erety gesarti.
ti... 1141•41.14,01-.1:..-ens, Gang, and an oiler
All khans of IKNIVES and SPRINGS;nrade franc
, sal-nterly,. Extra Pal.. REAPER. AND
uriVVING 10:11‘ IDEI, de.
Silt.•..- •'
akil- Warrbouso and W corner ork.% \TAT= and
? Prarrt Pburgh.
Particular atten a,
tion itts
pald to re-toothiug, CUMWOI*
.4 straighteningo,Vircular Saws; also, rrpairs of .
kinds. Puttching,.. Drilling done at reasoutgo
garWM - B+I.R.iBII.L .
Bdiler Nakers & Sheet troa•Werkers,
_ Roe- M). 20. 24. and 26 Perm street .
Raving pet - deed a Large yard, and turidahea It wlO3
the moat 'approved ellieblUel7, Ire are blitzed to
=zeta - Mare every Overipttea orBOLL Irt the
beat moaner, and
_yeke,222_44p3221 any.. In the
PIPES L EtVaLlatkT list 'di M l _
DMNSIILS, HALT LvA1.:.3,,f.1003,:qt1, v.wl4,
illifarrtaPPLßt', l A •P::4' °LLF eictuve4
ot,ILIAP.NHILL's PATENT arpairlef
dent. Op the
110. 1.121,11 VP. D. I P. HOLLIteI
a a Ctr .4 ::;C:ki • •
Rion tartwArs of CAST STEEL; PLOW.
K „ tc.
”WATERSI. I - E". (up "11").
osion T. :70,R.Rix.
244914m1Pr"N".4A5t :77:9'1.71psuagur.
Zruio MINg Boxr'sAt vigh ...r.
ND b a t Aly t a. Tit NKVATINO.•dAtrrif lA-•
WA' boilers. ARD ' S rENTLITECTos.
ligrJOllat COCHRAN &liCk, •
• anufacture,. of All AlnTB AND
Ilt rei r EltrV3l)lPlP G LIVER Clia.7llV°..
BEgpiii) and SO TIMM_ dTR U
f t.etarecti Wood
7no marc 4 eUnve on band
I;l•Par&nlnalligenbtieg°4ldPtort.thiatlig Grave
Lots: Jobbint done at abort notice. ' '''' a.-
n!.197 um..
THU Tlrargi e lg'ult
LEc t -runou
vg&lN:zp Mu i fi Valnal Weakness, /4% C : re or
Idaniagegmbrally; ligPZt:",Cl'""nj'Ur
tippiy and lelts • Mental- drli li
sicie Un
1 0 1 1101than9eff-Atgtr
WWI, ii...lll.o[otA4.l•VOL"Titali7,44l2••:.
floc 7o /1110CiLetns of iiVirur i llOi g t b ' I — a t ,
. w rt.
iii.7; , ? . 1 1: 4 0 ,17E . viearoige''',2ll34":„
T E R v 0
or BO= ISEYS.I.—A-revarend entlesson •
b.-en restored to. health in a (ow li sh; s, &net
udder/Wog the drool routlne and
snodefpl trestment without sucer.474.eWdl4 s
awed dutyloconunonlemo his esucted fellow
creatures the means of roie. Hence. Do the mein
o addrested envelope; he wlll send; Are, stw;
DirertM l .7o7frf
street, Y - othusieddwh • -
ar NEAT FREE...-h Pamphlet:
• or femme latrortanto Urthii
t "4. a lifPool. r e. so*
r unt/eke, liTxAgent*, Z!.6 riigicarfr:A=r
METHA )4,1701.1",42VZ-612:;i-Y-.
AdAlwTtri.VAtir ii g g W ri&.
AssoCtaMmi • "117:'
m o t i-21n:.larnicIO:NE:: , .:211.v.; lir
e 4 I biwklnclegair.witx
-rwp4r,„=--tto.4sioiluttaltor ;
ooltti,,Lthe 0,,,0rwc perform ortat.wo. =Jam Lath
it b&CC
Mid tea •
ai r - gEA.III it!QUA, fluent Ageut 1.10
c(,, Omni -toy LlUaCkfligd •
---I C