EITTSBMIGH GAZ._rTTE. • F. B. PEWNIII4S IctIsSELL ElntArt, n ' T° ". TU. COSTAXAtiSA, Bosom-BB HATA/M. r UHL fSHE.O.2 r THE (74.1137171 A550C714710.7, No. 88 ftrut B rnass,-eltisbargh., TEEMS: gdairr4n norms', ti7lasll, Ptr e r.' ...OS Oa emxtruorg E.DiTtoS. do. Ekrrest Dl •• Card .... ers, Mounz.vo or Zildigd. per Irzet +•• • • • •••• ghe Nittsburgit 6nettt. CITY ITEMS IlLinenCOods of Au K .t , tinclard prands, Ed It ATER at Br 41 1 aligkjlotst. Prints. 245.1., ...M.-10u Ler &to. , a, 50 Market street. . Bias/rata and Flannel.. •Cloangent regarilless of- es4t, es elleiLlny Bazaars. Boys' Wear. 'Citts:itteS'eS, Cloth., Tweeds, Jean., tc. . ' - BATES & i'eaeral Nkatlak Park. 2dragtor Brothers, COLs afternoon, at 3 o'clock. • Those ex - parts rank next to Jacks° , nava., the Fang of Skater.. Woarren Pry Good* -Clot g one very low or, the northest corner trt luta Market streets. 1 CM.sasons. Lova /t Bao. • French Wool Carreto, .3rat maker. with wh4otio,O, BAT., &Ezra.. New Dry Glopds. "Init . opened. Tito only fr4sli stook In the city isorttho northeast cor enof Fourth and liar lintltreete. C. Alcsov Love & Ego. . Itenenantli Flannels, DTUS COod&and Cob itn. Baits & Becn: -••- . 130TillarY lratiinjt 10211 stock r. taiLmr & Co*,at the, t • .' • Altlll,lrie; ell abides. on-the northeast e • igtrot:rotirtliand Market streets. Lois & Rao r i a. Neutral anlptitte UM% Tee4ttitetriait cider. 'Far sales by Charter -aaper,Vrtigtptet w earaer of Pena sad tittle& etztetatttsberat.• - ' rriattterojk* rr.okeii or lEl6ol2mi:eft - - )LATE] & BELL. • • lintotesaie or orrooodo will aod oar stocks the most de. itiiiilliaadonritraci UM iiicokt4iopular in the OUT, nee:temper We ire new on the northeagt corner or rciurth - niftritatle4 - etaTeee. • • _ - 0, - 121313 - Isr Love & Bao. Eli U . nep Start Front.. 310.40 Of With:test =ld best Line* ivholeallo EMI= Vette Ip Eiayfrigl thrit ElAiriges , Bansens' SOAP Irthe best in use [pr Shaving and the Tellet. The ilouseikad-Lot. 370.43 Sampsoti street, Allegheny, will be sold X•egeate. Auctioneer, on Tuesday, Feb. gatti - atilo , olock. Size of tot, 4,0260 feet. ■ 'Park. Tlio hreajiher Brothers, this attirfloon, at 3% Thesaariairtainilk t aext to Jackson Ira l7eas Pie 4 1 ,4 g °I. Vale Pidrtteg !dualist ; atiuc, artier cinautsT 4.1 :do at E 7 34e, Ciatt4lo-tridtti Pheeting, at parker *. coos. 60 Market ~, eitbride , s king OFF , ntn, • etay good when you get tbe genuine article, and that Sato be bad at lower rate& than can be ha; ,elseartere In the . , -city at Fleming , " Drug Store, lio.biliarlreVatreet. Ruin tor Ladles. Furs_ Winter not Oyer, now la the Limo to buy your e - aadleF'Furs ..nt • the extenstro And popular house Wro• Fietolog. IS9 Wood street. 4.11 the new 'Styles at a great re it:talon- order to Close out our Immenso. itx)o.l‘„; apio alarge stook at Ladies' Fur Hoods and . Sint - hit Caps, Gents' - Fur Coils, Collars . • plores.- II Central !Infants; Park.' - The Meagher Brothers, this afternoon, at 3 , 1„ . 1,4:4F - Voltak. Thenteapert.s rank ne.tt'lp '.laelcson the go f . Bk atv-r 6 - . :;... ' - She adreiiee ta-nu o„.„ 0 ,1„, , 6i ., 417 . 1t Baiciay Pilate, linguae, Cheeks and ..." Gloghame at ertees of two weeks ago. Before linking your purthases give them a call at . NOS - . - tt and 4111tarket•street: - A New At7ie • Ofemmement ring ii mentioned among the niany r nireelties in tm lengllish wiper. ieiscom. , pow?, of throe pieces, whlch'ean be separated, i f- 'hitt niyeedlsunited, and which the wearer - alone, being in the secret, is 'able to readjuit the centre • knot. Many - now styles of 3 ,Peeket.:b • • he, Gold Pens, Albums, W. en., era Odored raw ttoekos, ojoposite the Postofdoe. - ' Mei* • edribeetlearitaad ISM lemma, • The d-.. and ffeso g.:013 says the New -• • • Juts - been quite animated, Pilceis ate deeldedly dein. Jobbers have •• advanced shirtlegs from tr. to 9oeats par yard above last Weeks prices. .hlats have also au• ~' ; Taaced.froes9 to 3 cents a yard In the last few days.. Bat ere wet:Wien:dad our readers that the drza cf Shellaby di,Barehty have JaSt open -63 6lait trateelt of the above geode, which they*ltl'se/3 at reduced petoes notwlthstazul- • leg the advance lathe - seater markets. Call at N 05.44 andt&3Lsrket street before making • yottr perabsaes.. seep in view-the Bee Hive - Let its be Itleieltal to Ourselves. The phiskal stenoture of the "transit us nias:t43itifs rulrfersbleSserywkisre. Our bal. les are endowed by nature with a certain neg. - to notne tinetiona gateholemize ingneneei j but this ”teat lol2, 11 . 10 P erlat; end 'islOst be safely ...loped on in unhealthy-regions; or undo: dr. ; --etinUtattees of *aro ,Than. onlnint7 "danger. J''. - .Thernitlee, it is :sr*lots, it yrndense, 1$ Is ---'6,l = o ± l-1 1 1,0 ; tb traide against each ion. by' taking in; antidote ; FP!4'. :•: 0 . 1212 . 11 bi!.:a: 1 41: 1 01 1 . 0 :Osumi wan '' a ream Of saiteuses Wunsch /Inlets, the merit 'complete proteVthre lign*st ,all the eV ' detnio.:and endetnia- nuattatel -that has oral luestaintnistereg*auynountrY.' Ai a rem . •-h tor,pmepiistilea* is zip remcdy.that will - :„ gumputrititk Moe . Ter_ intern the nestles •tlad!( nation, 1 1 97y4ets on the face orthe Efinitetterie - Altnens can be pro. “ , etteed.. oloei - sO:volunitully; for as truly as -Ten* ttalits, thin invaltiable Tonle and Ai - - -.intintivennntidrentorehisettsoniered stomach ita - illeiloyeongtittoiL To - the Baia= u to -' - s . lidkiiity reeerntnendcl, and In canes of .: ~. - -tosalkinzfl Clonalgation it . alfOrdzippeady AU4 \'.... '.,,,. parinanent relief. In Canada, the - Crest In. )S, :" elks and knatialaaa, ilia Bitters rank above all Other itedlsf*is of tho class, e. and the d \ kin'sd for then in all foreign tountries In. ereueseririaesaon. , „ .... \ . - .flaateltera Meters At i;, re saalabigssali and retail atTel7 X•w-rate, ea Drug. and Patent Ifedialneirapot, -X .013 / a fiek street, issiser Of the Diamond' Cod fOgiastec44 , ---.-.. - `' • • -- :---, . Neutral iltiliMite of Lame, ,-- : Tor pr Mies . dela. Tor tale by Charles . 'yaalyeripmasuni'eonter , of Pean and Bt. Chits 1 ''' -tz " t , ?Itt4°lll.'' ' • . r • - ,- LeniClPltntor.GooLls. 4 ,r, it Is with t pleagmre--wdo Gall the anew.' ~ ::,;',.:..tiadotOM ttithe'lltdvert, stock cfrail "A i-- and Winter Goods just remind by XL John - Wein, idercasantVatior, No. 190Feelend street, ' 1 "ciatilin 'Ms stook embraces some of the ",:IM temithial Clem, Casermente, Oretoost. 1 tikiennl,Veettnteerhe brought to the western 1 ' 311841 * ,, ignneWtITOt onrunnehhag Elan% toso_prisintomsta,Dropo: h paws Weak Tim ; 4 , ,lnanazesepuite, "nem be anyasseti cut i 1 -'. Or nut: A *ft* stook: of kesdy mad rants, 1 •• ' ' Veda; Wade sad Ontreotte*l aim be found ~.., : tit Me matatathment., Persona in want of any 1 "1 1 ' 1 4 14 /4. the at4 ttalte lino abilmut not fan to , ...., Arrellir, Wales emil." :- ' " \ 1 , Permits aultirableo., Whita Spats cappist . frosAit riSgea of aldrira lmattforloy as the fro.," Arat7 Ale Bleaf.. Whir fan - satin ouch faariturrlons - Tirr l lllee - thera. to persuonate theta. to 'sake DOM:Kith ietaakel of pearls and ruble*. and aireah . at !roar-Azov, all you have co 4a, Wittig/n(2,u tone that eratableos rlO3O- Pfraluotioa. slava= sosodant. lekoasas .Ir. part Co., \ rrutung fume sioreir,ima ,Ilfaffitate Omit:vas oolong. Omce at Alexia. der Ise/Alta% view - the *ate? Works :PM,. Cratsti. P,.Eteadfaiei.ito:: Pike street. Or. Maul . gfr - alliaaded to. .111 work warrant. _.€ o . l 3torigHt. Entairiag - ono at the short. est =Up.' X* charge fof repairs, provlDfd the calf td cat shored AIWA is pat on. . . f t VOLUME LXXX.---Na 41 Nervous Suit Sick Headache Arc induced by Indigestion, Conti verse. . Fool Stomach, and a torpid state of the Liver, per sons:suffering from thece complaints should avoid as much as possible the two tree aye of hpirltous and malt liquors, coffee and tobacco, and keep the bOwels open, by small but fre quent doses of Roback's Biecgir PUla, and p aria ing a regular course of hahlts, when they will find they never fail to remove the ditlionit • . c. Sill, Dullest, 216 Penn Street. Nyaa the drat to ice laughing gas in Pitta. burg, fie was adnahustering Chia agent with perfect 1111CCR-U for more than two years be fore any other person gave it here. flo also ineerta the best and most beautiful gum teeth ever given for the price. Sear to Lfflnd That if you wish to procure Liquor of any kind, Tor medicinal purposes, there is Ju. One establishment In the city where reliable, guaranteed articles eon always be bad. That place is Fleming's Drug Store, No. ^I Alarket street. Remember the phtce. Carpenter JobblugShop. ll.ving returned after an absence of three yens in tho army, I have re-opened my shop far all aorta of Jobbing in the carpenter lino, at the old stand, Virgin Alley, between Smith. field street and Cherry Alley. Orders eolicited and promptly attended to. Neutral Sulphite of Llino, For preserving older. Yet - Sale by ()barlos So µif, Druggist, cornor of Penn and St. Clair Areas, Pittsburgh; . eiv.titints eats. Muslim', &.a., at ' , it Eastern prioes. Tut vault recently constructed at Oak Ridge Cemetery, near Springfield, Illinois, under rho direction of the National Monument Asadea , Don, and to which the rem-sine of the late Pres , !dent was removed a then time since, was visited a few dive ago by a committee of the Aasociation, consisting of Governor Oglesby, Hon. Newton Bateman, end ex-Secretary of State Hatch, when the casket containing the sacred fishes Was opened, and for the last time were the features of the lamented Lincoln viewed by mortal eyes. The visit of the com mittee Wan resolution official one, and made in pur suance of a resolution of the Board of Diree tore of the Association, the object being to enable - them to certify to Thetual presence of the body In the casket. ace was exam ined through theglass covering which under lies the outer strata of the case, by the several gentlemen abuse named, and identified by each of th em as that of tho martyred Prost dent. The sad ceremony ended the ltd was again nailed down, and sealed with the signet of the Aseoedation. The great stone or slab was subsequently; rolled to the deer of the sepulchre, and fitted into Ma place, the finish ing stroke given, and' tbe solid masenry was tri like manner as the . duet' g impressed with the great seal of the corration. The remains will now rest undisturb e d till the National Monument shall be oompleted, when they will be deposited in their Sinai resting place. The features of the deceased were scarcely dis cernible, the embalmment seeming to have offered bat little, if Key, resistant to the en croachment of corruntion- VONTIZABAND ON KENTUCKY lINIONTS3L—A traveler dining at a hotel, to the interior of Kentucky, net long since, seeing "Union tfa ringnee" en the bill of fare, called for some; when brought, he found them Striped with seetals colors, red and white. Calling th e 'celled poison," waiting on the table, ho in quired 'Do roe call those bluer' white things Union Where Is the "rah ! Yell save Sambo "dem's good 'nor Union forthiapface. bawlrant didedcome in here with any 9f the licks to put In the bine ,• , day ony get scratch a little, make do red and wbite come ; da--at's so; dam .g thud' Union .for this yerr place."—thecinnaff One merricrl. SitS.Tows Lswirmecn la NMI three native Semite, dlegtitaed ,as nimakkaatts, to explore Central Asia by different pantos. Each one is ihdependent of the others, and kept In ignor ance of their appointment, so that on their re turei three independent narratives may be looked for. They are, instructed to take note distil that they see, to observe the temper of the different peoples among whom they travel, -whether movements are taking plllO3O le favor of Itnesia,And to visit Bokharm Khokand and- Sauthreand before they, yore; back. . Gin: Draft, at-tiiii(thited States armory at Springfield; has - ordered the remodeling of SAW of the Springileld rifle, with Aibinee brefieb - leadinglnthrovement. The alteration iloesnotniaterlally.chasige tbe appearance or affect the yange,butproMilefefor theedischarge of - eighteen"cartrldgea in a minute. This isee ems !leaflet been examined by a Govern. "m,:.4 commission. but It Is generally believed that it all/ be adopted by the department. A BTOII.Y 13 told oft two New York aldermen, who were _Maim= each other and had tided. on eeexithineMion telingithret other down. At one meeting, meet them made a motion, when sinned;opponent insisted that It elmald Do re, to writing; and unable to resist the temptatleos to :exult at his advantage, cried out with a triumphant chuckle "Hiss !Teddy, gor, it a r,yot-ellu.etaill. nose far (leen a sthroke can you " Taiscorreripondent of tho Boston Team:fee writing from Conemel, N. H.., nays the Demo cratic managers of that State invited Hs-Pres ident Pierce to address them in the parlor of a hopin e l th athtld an th igh ot . a b a e l f o o r f e t h t e h President n n t ie in tgive them favor at Washington, but that they o d f id t h o S f t th at r e o ohavn th g em c s t p uepki the ep Copne vention. NCWSPAYSII SC 7 P/MISION.—The order ema nating front Gen: Grant (or the suppression of the ElchmemipLeredricr, it is saidwill not be the only only one of a similar etuirneter if the present course of. Rebel journals is not changed. It is notorious that many journals In the South are as bold and ddllant In treas onable utterances as before or during the war. Gen. Grant is determined tepid a stop to this tiring ox the Southern heart, , - - 1 4 A8TISILLZ Ale OIL 1111nr.—The dbeeveries of petroleum at Burkina le, Kentucky, are be ginningro have their effect upon the ems merco of leankrille. . Several consignments of the commodity have: nude their appearance in that !market, and an enterprising Pitts burgh Inn is making arrangements to put a bo a t nitt s regalar :be ly newly-diaeoyered oil regions. lairwarearsou to our Shores appears to be largely on the inere.l4o-4110 arrivala of last month. Icing more than twice the number landed at this port eeriest January of last year. The prospect la that during the ensuing year our Population will receive unprecedent ed accetudems of hard-working, industrious people from the crammed and over -crowded districts of Europe.—New York 2`riburie. Tin Rochester Union says "The rapids in the Niagara river, directly opposite the Cate, raerHosuie, arehardly covered by water at the present time, in consequence of en loojam having formed above, cauaing the water to rim close to the Canada shore. The like was never known, it is said, in that locality." Tex Kentucky reovgas new contains In Its daily issue more than two (solemn, of guber natorial proclamations, fifteen In all, offering rewards that &mown in the aggregate to over five thousand dollars. for the arrest of mac. derers who are yet at " large. DIZASSZATIG act Of Suttee was perpetrated recently near Jubbuipere, Indus, the subject of it being the wife of a decease d barber. She sat on the pile of wood with her dead husband acres* her knees, until suffocated with the smoke and Carnes. Tan Dayton (Ohio) Journal's story about twenty-fteren children !laxly* boon drownod PY through the ice at Colima, Ohio, le -broom:mead a. hoax. i,../11711rizianrrOlfalang. A St. Louis paper describes a curious case of imaginary poisoning that recently occurred In that city at the "Westena !louse," on Broad way. Four mischievous young men, boarders at the bonne, took' into their heads to make a clandestine examination of the contents of a pack belonging to a peddler of laraelitisb pro. oilvities, for the purpose Sr ascertaining wlait sort of goods be dealt In. In the peek they found a paper containing a white powder, and they were =alma to ascertain what It was. One of them ;gok a pinch of the powder, and alter tasting of it pronounced it' asieratus. Anotker swallowed a small quantity and de. dared tbat it was alum. The third tried it, and thought it was soda. The fourth gulped down a spoonful, and said it wan starch. Being unable to agree,' they made a close examina tion of the pr, and Paid written rupon it the fearful word' , poison:P. They all now felt a terrible griping in the stomach, and started, Ott a lull run for the nearest drug store. The store was closed, and it as agony of despair, the four young men rolled over. on the' pave meat; and concluded to. give up the ghost. The palson,however,wasalow in its °proration, anti neither ottliem died. They found a drug 'Elkt, and, getting him to examine the powder, disooymed that it was starch I They insmecil. ately recovered, and declared that they would - not attempt any more practical jokes upon the peddler. IL Murder In 31antmomer7 County From Mr. Charles 0. Franclsous,of the Penn olvanta EaWoad, wale= of a shookmg mar. der that took place in Lower Merlon township, Montgomery county. It is understood that there are peenliar-eirctimstanees connected with the physiMan case that will be developed if an ar. rest and trial over ensue: Dr. Joseph fL Lev- ering, a of the townshi was the victim. li e had bean out driving In p, the after noon, making professional calls, and reached his home Dist after dark. Me alighted from bin carriage, and, without waiting to take tea, unbitchedida horse and _was leading him to the st.ble, only a few rods distant. It was about Devon o'clock at the time, Ile: had pro ceeded but, part way when the assaasin, who was concealed close by, fixed at him, and ho fell lifeless to the ground. The report of the firearm rowed theDectoes family, who rushed . 6 out and discovered *strata and lifeless . 1 body. Ito bad been a through the breast with no lees than live toi, any one of which would have proved fa . No ;moo of the assassin was discovered and justice Safer the time at fault. It was evident that pie - Mier was net the object of the mur derer. Dr. Levering was highly esteemed in the circles in wid th be moved. A large re. wend is offered for the arrest of the murderer. — Pitricdelpm. Werth American. 1 •• ,Verdict Against a Railroad Company. Thew Yorter,Feb. le—Yesterda_y the jury in the case of - McDonald vs. the !Judson River Railroad Company, rendered a verdict of lan for the plaintia. Owing to the negligence of the defendant's agents in running a detached amine down 'their road in October last the .piaintifflost two hor es and a wagon, MEM THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. CITY ITEMS VrILLLLY Pon MINT GENEII/LL NEWS how rune, Feb. le—The Tribune's special Lys: Treasurer Spinner, yesterday, co t e. moored paying, in cash, ell war and navy warrants amounting to 4.10,000, and Under, and ail Quartermasters and ober disbursing offi cers cheek. under 65,000. All autos amounting to mere than the sums Mentioned, will be ai one half in Cash and one ball In certificate p s o f Indebtedness, to accordance with a recent one-third as on of the manyeertifleate Treasury.sare being As only about is as formerly, the Tie/soarer 14.1ndooed tosued here that those now In the market will soon come up to par value. Meier General Terry ti expected in Wash- Ingtrei today in answer to a summons from the Reconstruction Committee. Judge Barrett, Commissioner of the Pension Bureau, yesterday decided relative to the claim clan ea-rebel -soldier for land bounty, on the ground that be had rendered military service to the government in the war of ISIS, that by his participation in the war against the Union ho had forfeited his title to any awards for who prior to the rebellion. Jolti Ross, whoee claims to theetdeftelimhip of the Chetiikeee were Ignored by the Com mission recently sent out to form trestles with the hostile Indian tribm, yesterday held along interview 'th President Johnson. Rosa la Mgr.-emoted by the members ofthe Commission as p 0 using great wealth, and living a style of elegance nnsurpaseed by vis it re enlight ened custom brethren. His in Mmhb4.- tOn is believed to lie fur the punaoseorsocuring hip recognition try.the government as ChM( of se , Cherokees. The lihrid'a sq 7 l thy*: The flonset.Cona no:tee Co Ban swill report in favor of aialaunwill'l%,° gfpaiedV er 4l,, th tfio N p atwa N symtem of 61101 ring-bald banks to told interest bearing legal tender num. for the redempticua of their liabilities. Thin comae will oompel b th ea r N in a g o engaall Beandker onOsurrender sube tlnuteeret gal tender. This will be the first move to wardss contraction of the currency. The trend's special says the Ways and Meats Committee have divided up the vari ous matters connected with the Tax Commit moneys` report to sub-committees, who IWO holding daily sessions and examining into the matter referred to the respective Committees. It will be some time Delors the salecommittees will he ready to report to the Committee. Tho Tribunes s pecialsaysaprientedispatch en Washington from a prominent member of the Connecticut Union /Hato convention state, that a resolution recOunnending thei early Ad mission of Tennessee was votna down in the Committee on 'gasolene:is. The Tribune this Morning pnbliehes whim from the report of the COTOMilliOnerOf inter nal Revenue, which show that the receipts of Internal revenue for the year ending Pone M, 1555, were gi111,119,6M,17, of which the amount collected by the Col lectors and Aasesaors was j1M,11,1,504/.41. The. expense of ciollectlng this sere w as special - $4,762,61 The roues' says there Is much dissat is/Action expressed &mug army ofneera, who have served with distinction In the war, that the military bill, aa Last reported to the makes no provision for tho promotion of any of the officers who sprang from or served with volunteers. Vigorous istforts - will be made to . secure this %ature in the roorgenthationottlio army. lion. L. D. Campbell, recently appointed Minister to Mexico, Interv ie w Washing ton yesterday, and had an with the-Pre sident. lie emits Wininhigion upon private bumbles*, and will return toOhio in a few days, there to rerun, a until the Senate shall have acted upon his nirmlnation as Minister to the Mexican Reunbile. A delegation of leading photographers in the United States, are In Washington, asking tribe relieved - from the payment of any duties on their products, In stamps, and to be per. te pay per centage,o¢ monthly sales each month. The Committee on Ways and Means gairethem &bearing yesterday. Ag the delegation are M . B. tirade, B. Gurney and tn C. D. Fredrick*, of New York, end /then Gard nor of Washington. TAX ON DANK DEPOSITS Compromise on the Freedmen's Liu New Yeas, Feb. 16.—At the meeting of the banks of New York to-pay, at the American Exchange Bank, a committee was appointed to go to Washington to remonstrate with Hr. Spinner in relation to lila oroposed method of. computing their revenue tax on the gross deposits instead of net deposits as heretofore. The committee consists of the folios-Mg gen tlemen: J. D. Vermilye, lilerchants , Exchange Bank, George S. American Exchange Bank, and Edmund."( lett, of the Bank of 0.. CommOnwealth, mike propose, it is said, to test the question. Thejury today in the - case of Matilda A. Moody vs. Geo. A. ilood, rendered a verdict tor the plaintiff for GM - Osgood bad driven over the plaintiff wlt a sleigh. A Washington special says influential tiolame are endeavoring to effect • compromise on the freedmen s bureau bill. The basis is that if the President slims the bill the Ten nessee delegation will be at Cabinetmited. The Poe; special says the was con sidering the freedmen's bureau bill to-day. The Nouse Committee on Clain:spas reject ed the Utah claim. At the Fenian headquarters the attaches of the O'Maboeey branch aro still engaged in Making preparations for tha sale of bonds, and offices for their negotiations aro to be opened in all parts of the country. The day for the great demonstration in Union Square has not yet been fixed. The numerate:meter the Pitts burg Congress, which will commence on Mon day, bare been completed. Tha on:Menlo( Gen. Sweeny'a stair have transmitted to Pittaburgh all the plane and animates of the great cam paign, which will be explained by of Swee ny to the Congress. A meeting of Fenhtns was bold Oa Fridny Diem et Newark, when five hundred dollars was eubseribed towards the Senatorial Treasury of the Brotherhood. The Madrid correspondent Or the Loudon Tones, says:' Pareja , s successor whoever he be is charged with the duty mayerly anni hilating every habitation that be within reach of his guns, ail along those thousands of leagues of the l'actile, coast. Likewise, ho is recommended to lose no time in regaining posseesien' Of the Chinch& !Maude, thereby opening hostilities with Perry without the idle formality of a previous deolaration of war. NEW Tony, lob. 16.—Tbe Silk Manufactory Nog. 411, /1.19 and 421 West Thirty-fifth stroe t, of Illmenianv & Silverman, was entered an robbed of pa rty rt bur glars, goo on Wednesday night, by a of Who before com mencing operations, boat the watchman so severely that his recovery is doubtful, and left him lying Insensible on the oldowalk. Ciarresixe; 0., Yee. IC—Theratometer at II o'clock wka Coven degrees below zero; clear =I WO. , i-..1 - .:: - .•.:.:,:; , i;•1 , :':,: , ,:Z . :- VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. THE PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. faille Disease In Montgomery and (tester Counties. SENATE ATIJOIINII UNTIL FUREART SITU Special disratbh to the Plttaburgh Gazotte. RARIITSIII76O, Feb. IG. IR SENATE. . . Mr. Worthington had read a letter from Dr. Hiram Corson, of Montgomery county, rela pre tomb° prevalence of the cattle diseate in Montgomery and Cheater counties, and de scribing the character of the disenso, and on motion of Mr. 131,71 tam the subject was referred toe special Oman:mitt en consisting of Meurs. Worthington, Graham, Connell, Gluts and Jam es. fakir. Lowry called up an art to anthozlze the Erie and Allegheny Railroad Company to puts chaee the Erie and Waterford Plank Road, and also to repeal the act connecting the Erie and Allegheny road Rill] the Atlantic and Great tYcstern Rail way, and to extend their road to the Allegheny river. Mr. Blgharn moved to amend by striking out 'Allegheny river" and Inserting "line of Ye lango county." Agreed to. The bill passed a third reading, and WWI laid ,ver. Adjourned until Tuesday, February 211 b, at ;0 p'ulock, A. U. FROM WASHINGTON CASH PAYMENTS COMMENCED REBEL CLAIM FOR LAND BOUNTY INTERVIEW WITH JOHN ROSS Contraction of the Currency Hove YEARLY INTERNAL REVENUE RECEIPTS ARMY OFFICERS DISSATISFIED THE NEE' IfINISTE,R TO MEXICO 'BGTHRAPAfRS DELEGATICIN IN WASIPIGT(IN, ream Bill 'ASITIOSB TOE PITTSIVEGII FERN COSGEESI fibo., eta.. dbc... 91111 X/Rniztlwetoi7 gobbet". Wi . !stber at Cleveland PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY, FEBRtARY 17, 1866. DEFENSE OF TUE PRESIDENT. Lincoln Memorial Flag REPORT ON LOYAL STATE DEBTS W. 61,01.011, Feb. 16.-3lr. Newell, of liteW Jersey, in the speech which he delivered to part last night, defended the political charac ter of the President, and maintain." that the Maniere of the Constitution designed all man to be I: l ee end equal. This, ho said, could Mat be carried out at that early period, becauso of the existence of slavery. The EmanelmitiOn Proclamation, be continued, makes eltinelas of those who have been set free, which Involve* the right of suffrage. States have no power to peeled; and therefore none are out of the Crittm, and we call on the Reconetruotion Committee to report in favor of admitting the Tennessee Representatives, lend the canoe States sending loyal Representatives. The following of have been detailed members of the Joint Board of army and navy oMeers to consider and report upon tan 157 et of harbor defenses. torpedo. "ie.! Br! ether Generals J. L. Barnard, B. S. 'Alex; an er and Q. A. Gilmore on the part of the army. and Admirals Charles IL Davie and John A. Dahlgren, and Capt. James Alden on the part of the navy. The "Marti will ISSCI3I. the Nary Department on the Ist Of Marsh next. The Department of State this morning re. relved a tb,g from tile people of Lyons, Prance, dedicated to the people of the United Mutes, In memory *II //resident Lincoln. The flee is of the Sm. Wail; three and a hulf metres in length and tiro and iliftcen-hen. dredtha metres to width, and is Inscribed, "Popular Subscription to the Republic of the United States, In Memory of Abraham Linoqp, Lyons, IRA." The report made to-da-r, by • Repreeentathict Blaine, of Maine, from the Select Committee on the Debts of the loyal States, includes data upon the subject from all the Statca except Califon - ill, Oregon end Nevada. The ennt to. tal of ench debts, as far at ascertained, tte SI67A-1,3,14. The reports of the Governors of the State. were not exact or in full. but approximate, end it is believed the toted amount Is not lens than e 475,000,030. The debta of the States are reported as follows: Pennsylvania, $.11,5:7,11.1r, Mtn 564/C7.SM Indiana g.,,:ttt„061• iihnott, rX4 OO ; Michigan, 5111,000,0011; th3C011:4111, 1x,i240,11K,; Minnesota, td,.5"8,.%1; lowa, 54230030; IsNonri, 19,146,373; Kentucky, Ip,ISDAT:; Kan sas, eSlit,6oo. This does not include amounts raised by State taxation or by individuals. The Committee recommend the reimburse ment of States, in part upon a basin of the pro portion of men furnished by each State. It was deemed too burdensome to require more than* fractional reimbursement, which could not impair the national credit, twenty-dve per center average expenditure throughota the loWilintes or fifty-eve dolls or cacti met, furmahed according to the three years standtird. As recommended, this would produce the following amounts: Ohio, 2_47.978 man-$79,e39,- Bee. ledLna. 152,M trlen-.433ye5. Mlckiktna. iEl.fed mrn-4_4,447AM %flacons n, 78,983 men-. g1,t41.,175. Mance:oft, 19,075 tneri-.1,05u . " m. llti lowa, G. 4.619 men-43,75010. Missouri, men-44,140X0. Kentucky. IUII.B men-.03,j, ' 140. Kansas, INCA men-LICS,WO Pannsylvo. 4I %WM a, men-{14,716,Gie, The amount to be unbursed shall ho in regis tered bonds of not teen than one thousand slot. lam each, bearing in west at the rate of five per Cl at. per annum, payable semi-annually ie Metal money and redeemable after twenty years from the date of mid bonds which shall be dated July lat, bati, and interest payableon the diet of January and July. The bowls tauthorised by this act shall not be delivered ! o any State untir the Legislature thereof has 1 torma4y ocrotootos2 to accept them on the i tenns net forth. Upon sash befog _properly certified to to elm Secretary of the Treasury by the Governor of any State, the Secretary shall Woe the proper amount of bonds. The following nominations, among others, werenfirmed in Executive Session of the Senate co to-dav : To be Consuls, Geo. Pomatuse,ef lowa, at Si. Petersb n rg; Timothy S. Dirkenson, of indtarta, at Lair c; William E. Little, of Nevada, at PRIM ;Change S. Page, of lowa, at Zurich. Adel gallon of photograph artists, mire- I seating eral of the large cities& the Vatted ! States, re still in Was hington, Decking sash chang in the existing revenue laws ii will sup ie the necessity of wigging stamps to their p otogroptis end other productions of their art. They 'reprmout that the use of /damps ! has resulted In /serious damage to Pleturei a in defacing and discoloring them. Gene Proiscrt E. Lee, arrived hero to.day, and !se tha Metropolitan natal. The Lasing: ton, C rem) Gawk, nays he has been summoned . to appear ea a witness before the lincounran- Gob Coterulttoe. sad In re nee to an opolicottoo rreelred to. day, sec slaty McCulloch decided that nosm. ern] Pc it can be granted_ to.insoreet.. Wes, d that before a caws:an be removed trona is rosseL indubitable -critience must be produce} that the hides Dave not been taken .fr attle scourge. om animals that died from the effects of the c , James p. huller, Eamtuterlorter of the State of eitssoUrt to the Paris Exposition, has nit ten a letter to Secretary Seward, attunancing that Ilitsouri will be well reprosente..,^ an d hoping the other States will not be ntoilsicted, - bee:eta:l Sewer/ hes replied with his *norm'- s] of the course of Mr. Mater, and referring bin,and I others to .1.-.." C. Derby, Igo. 40 Part Hew, Neer York, for information conearniog the plans of representation. lIIIIIP CONGRESS-FMAT SESSION Wesirreoros, Feb - m.4li 16, 1.544, =I Mr. Trumbull introduced ayelnt rasolatiOn of thinks to the rescuers of the, soldiers and *dicers from the wreck of the steamship San ancisoci, w bleb was referred to the Comma• tee on Military Affairs. Mr. ilettard presented the petition of tae citizens of Alexandria" Va., asking for a Ter.. ritorial (Om of government for the State of Virginia. The petition' was referred , to the Coluzeitteo on Reconstruction. Mr. Lane, or Indiana, called up the Senate bill to extend the benefits of the Pension Laws toartiOcers of the army. Patted. Mr. Trumbull called up the Mil,in relit:ton to the Court of Claims, which watt assed. The bill allows an appeal to the Supreme Court from the Court of (Nelms, and provides that the regale} session of titer Court of Claims 'ball compel/co on the And Monday of Da cember atone o'clock. . . Mr. Dixon introduced a tom to prevent per version of the mails to fraudulent purposes, authorizing tho Post-master General to pro- - vont the delivery of letter* to I:Mittens ad dresses, and imposing a fine for matting band bills and circulars, to inane people. to invest money In and imposes a fine and imprisons:lent, for r I.e ly denying the receipt of the same. A memorial, from the eittzeris of Jefferson county, VlyVnta, pmteatzrag against the an nexation of that comity to West Virginia was presented., Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Cam meree, reported a bill to pay Mr. Wilson, Con sul to nada, for the damages by a mob after the capture of the Flom. Laid over for the Lir The Contstfrutlnaol Atneadinent era% called o and Mr. Hendrick! took the floor against t. Mr. Bentineks, to the course of ids remarks, alluded to the somewhat celebrated blood letting letters,written by Mr. Chan ,dlerto tom, and after be concluded, Mr. Chandler replied. Be stood by the letters now. It simply said to the Governor of Michigan unless you are prepared to shed blood for the' preservetien of this greaytioverroment, the . Government is orerthroula. Mr. Chandler now spoke of President Bu chanan and Cabinet and others In office in Waahington at that time as democratic trai tors, and concluded: Now lamto be ar raigned an to be - remembered in history as blood.thity. lam proud of tbe name. May it mend se long as the Government, when the Sem. tor, and the men who have cog:opera. ted wilt shall have gone down to eternal infamy.' In the remarks on th e Con stitutional Amend. menu Mr. Bendtioks referred to the early hie tory of the country, allowing that the Canal- MO= wea :famed when the best feeling_ ox. toted betwe n the different sections. Ile clop ticaied the ispoaltion to amend it when lee. ttonal feeling was stroegi he would vote eves ter lo ci rendment proposed or hero- WLUe attii es, :te”rieke was disatutaing the right otCon to.reolate menus le the States, Mr. ,ates atketi It he should move -tram to Indiana, couldthe Legialatnro disfran cline him forever. Mr.Bendlicks declined to answer, en the" ground that the question involved • a jaditilil •Ineatlen, which tte would leave to the Suprente Court. _ • A dhicusalen between. Messrs. Hendricks and liciward followed regarding the right of the President to order elections in the South. ern States add the status of the pimple niter the overthrow of the rebellion. Mr. Hendricks next referred to the action of Congress clurhig the war, and claimed that the Southern States were repeatedly recog nized. Mr. Howard asked Mr. Hendricks if beware an officer of the governmeet, if he would try Jeff Davis for complicity In the assassination of President Lincoln. Mr. Hendricks said If ho were the • proper omoer he would order Davis tried by a com petent court and would execute him if con victed. Mr. Yates next occupied •` - 'n floor. The Senate then went in executive eesslon and adjourned till Monday. I.IOIISE Mr. Blaine, of the Select Committee on the subject, reported a bill to reidusburee the loyal States for disbursements made tot raising troops to put down the rebellion. Mr. Washburn° made &report from the Joint Committee on the memorial servloes of the ' late' President Lincoln. In compliance with the request of Comma, Mr. Barmen has furnished a oopy of Ids ora tion, ancltho Rouse ordorod twenty thousand comes to tie printed. • The Bonze proceeded to the consideration of the van la contested election case of Koontz d Cot:froth. The ni orlty of the Committee on Elections Messrs Dawson, Baxter, Marshall and Rad ford, in their report, say that neither of the clalmante has any prima facie right to the seat under the Governors proclamation. Messrs Lehellabarger and nehotteld combat the vielOadraneed by the majority, and say the two certificates of election, purporting to have been addressed each by . a disuict board. to the, clatinatita reepo:.:vc —. 1 ME both regular in form, Ant neither can support a proms fucia claim to the contested seat. For the reason, et tt by them the Coirroth return 411,1 OD it, faro worthless as a return neon which to base the Governor's Proclamation. The law by no mss permits him to base his proclamation in putt on the return and le part on oehlenee obtained alined,. For the same reasons, they Must, if they do not go behind the return to inquire who were the loyal district Judos, Fire the scat to 31r. lioOntr, on his return Mr. Upson addressed the Route in support of the majority report, mei Mr. Paint In be half of the views of the minority. TIM sub- I feet wan postponed until Monday. Mr. Ortb, of Indiana, aubmi learn to offer a resolution that the Committee on limsonstruc- Von report on the amendment to the Consti tution that no person who hold a civil or milt tory °thee ender the late so-called Coated eritrY, shall ever be eligible to bold aD °Mao of honor or emolument under the Govern ment of the United States, but objection was made. Mr. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania, presented a petition unanimmody signed by citizens of Pennsylvania, praying that the specific tax et one dollar levied on erotic petroleum, may be changed to a moderato tax, to be raised by a per reninge upon males at the wells as being less onpressive anti more easily assessed and collected, which tram referrod to the Commit tee on Ways and Means. The House loos tip the Senate bill providing for the exhibition of mineral specimens of the United States In ti,. Patent Odice building, the Secretary of the Interior being authorized to prepare suitable cases for the name, and referred it to the Committee On Mining. After further proceedings the House ad journed. Weather Report. • BtzsrirAll.o, N. Y.. Fed , . l6 .3lereury are degrees balow zero at 7 o'clock, S. 12., aud ono at,,ve at noon to...day. CT.LVEL fg D, 0., Fob. degree, low zero at G o'clock, A. IC Weather el¢ar a Nrw Tour, Feb. IC—.9 A. n.—Tbermotnete three degrees above zero, and gee w i ll,‘ mll fast. In New Orleans, yesterday, It stop, twenty-four degrees above. •. 8....1.1111103111. Md., rub. la—Thermornetor one degree below zero, last eight, and moderating last. <9 .13oirrow, M6‘ll„ Feb. 16.—Mercury throe, do green above zero, to-day. • Pan.norcruis, Pa.. FO,. 16.—Thermomete Ave degree* above zero. hlti , e4exrc, Wla., Feb. Id.—Tim weather la moderating, and the feat trains commenced runnmg regularly on the western 10/41.1.1 to day. DETROIT, Fab. 16.—M,revry t weirs. dngrOni below zero ate o'clock, A. 01., and four above at noon. PORT ROLLOS, Feb. 15.—Mercury eighteen de grees below zero at do'clock, a. bt., rid tea degree" below at 8 o'clock, a. C. From . 11 ashallle.—Peo - f - ao Meeting.— It weeny and Hobert. to Leave for Yttaabar b. Nsetivitmi, Feb. 15.—River seven feet on the shoals, and at a stand. The weather has Moderated considerabi T. Oscar Derby, charged with altering postal carrancy from eve to Lilly cents, was put fin der two thousand dollar, bonds to answer the oilers., This morning he absconded and his ball was declared forfeited. The Fenian Chief., ilweooy and Roberta, addreetsed •througeil house at the Old Theater last night. They were received with great enthusiasm by the audience. They propose to Told a grand meeting of the Brotherhood at Pittsburg, on the 19th inst., when the plans Of the campaign would he finally determined. The occupation of Canada was hinted at, nod after Its pomeasion was gained it ould be offered to the rniterL States. ' Rob erts and eliveeny leave to-of ht for Pittsburgh. An employee of the L,ordsoille Railroad named Geo. Waters, was acmdentaily adde d tO-dev, In Edgelleld, by falling from a train while in motion. Ile was endeavoring to J map from one car to another. Louisiana Paraeblal Elevates' Bill Pate ' ed-4lharp Datil. to Deeleo—Llberalt ; Deflated. Ness Bataan a, Feb, PL—The Legislature has paaata the Parish Eleetien bill over the Gov error's veto by an almost ausulnions rote. The Brownsville Courier, of the Ith Inst., re. ports that Gen. /sledge, with two thousand Men, had taken pomesslon of the road, lead , leg from Tampico. The Preach garrison, one btladred strong, reinforced by a few hundred men, was ordered to attack the Liberals. The latter formed an ambuscade and cat off and ma acme sialyof the French advance guards. TM/ remainder ef the French troops, rive bun• dred strong, renewed the attack, using their blaTonete rigorously era forced the Liberals to retreat. closely pursued for leveret hoar: *Ode* mid almost all of his stag agleam are reported to have. bean klllest. The Liberal lose Is reported at Ito, and the French lal. at Flea* Neileo—Defeat of the /earl at Cholera hamar. rs-se Sons, Feb. o.—The steamer Corsica, ~froosttspana.ors the tothottet Nassau OA- the r l2th, basarrlved. The Means correspondence of tho Associa ted Press, has Vera Crux detes to the let Inst.. and the city of Mexico to the hot ult. Pectic eters of the detest of the Joarteta at Porontla are riven. A force has been sent to Monterey to yirOteet the city from guerillas • A troop at Jurists capita ad the malls from Monterey for Mexico, together with en layer allst collector, whom they hong. Coast Blain bad arrived at Havens, en mate for Belgium. lie la laid to have bean *ant by the Empress Carlotta on family mat ters. The A.Ulan Consul General and Pm*. Man Wishner were on their way from Vera Cruz to the Cloy of Mexico. The cholera is reported at CMf e u:go, bx R re ,g Ttle doubtful. emelt po xatm Disabled Seddier• and Sitars—Wesla legion's Ilirtbday. Now roam, Feb. Ift—The Committee on the relief of Incanted soldiers and sailors. held • sleeting yesterday and determined, that Col. /I.,llcrtnan, the Manager of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Employ:neat and Roller Agency, be requested as ooninteure • distribution of relief ~a ntong the most needy soldiers and sailors, on the TM instant, the oroaadon of Washington , " Birthday. Railroad Antidotal—Man ballad. Nrw Your, Feb. 18.—The Cincinnati train on the Erie Railroad, due at Jersey City at four 1).. tn., yesterday, atrock a wagon loaded with timber, which was crossing the tr.* near * Port Janda, Instantly killing the driver of the loam. Tios engine was cenaiderably damaged, imd nor end of the baggage ear was store to, but no one on the train was injured. lltiLard Inananeneat to ligemphle, Minims, Feb. 10.—Tho billiard tournament polatsopened tomight by • game Of fire hundred between Mr. Ikumett, of Memphis, and Mr. Choate, o C i nc i nnat i , In which Choate was successful by elfghty-seven points. In IrMISO of five bundred point. between Melvin Foster, of New York, and Mr. Guthrie, of Item plus, Tooter did smite wary brtilLurit play beatitig Gutbrio by three Unwired and forty-eight points. Ifnneirol of Bishop ifftspistrlek. Boirow, Feb. I.l.—The funeral of Bishop Fltv tsttrick took place this forenoon and wss very solemn and lustrostng. A great proeevslou followed the remains to St. Augustine , . Ceme tery 10 South Roston, including numerous charitable and other societies. Mulder, to llistadlaw. rerisrmaralkFeb.lo.—The sato of the corm. ty TretliitliVr of Berke county, In itesclteg, WWI blown open last night, With gun powder. it contained ten thousand dollars. The bur glary were disturbed before the bad seeurtal the money- r and nod, leaving all thin: tools and implements behind. Netlohal Afseac!silos% of Vl:mere-1M Tray elers. CIaVLLAIND. Feb. 113.—A Convention of Com. t Derglal traveler', wan held hero to.laF. They organized a National Association of Commer cial Travelers. with G. Adams, of Now York, RS President; IL E. BRIM% of Sandusky, Vico President,. and A. L. Parka, of Now York, Sno ts:limy. The Conventionthen adjourned. lira wt nestoraallitt Loan saLlle. DOSTOZ. Jan.l6.—A block of wooden houses on Second street, Boston, occupukl by about forty amines, arm destroyed by pre early Ildsmeaulnk. A widow woman named Brig. got Downs, was suffocated to death. - ' Liquor ittauTffilng., The Commissioner ef Customs has received information ors/Hera new artful dodges M the contraband liquor Oulu.. A. lot of barrels wereeelred at Moore , s Junction on the Cana da frontier, marked, ',Cognac" ' brandy, SW/ ptirportinglohaveteen Imported from Truce. 'The barrels were so skillfully made to imituss *tenth barrels that it was almost Impossible to detect the fraud. They were Fully mann factored In Canada, as testified by the cooper wilts made them, In the cue as tried at Alba ny, Wore Judge Smalley; wilier's, if OM impor ted from Trance to wrap around the hoops, and the brand of the. custom-house at Now York was affixed. The liquor ...astound to be whis key, °Mond with logwood and liaVored .with Trobol, under tho guise of "tinctures," by m with it myrrh and oth er tinctures, which are easily precipitated. opium Is sometimes hued to make alcohol pass for tinctures of ophim, which does not The tile sptrits for manutacturinsupsirpases. The object to their deceptions is to .import al- Cobol, On which the duty Is hvy, muc h lig ht- log it as a tincture, which beam a much light er duty. MARRIED. M C MEENEY—ALLENEr; 7.71670111r,,,:itgth D. Vi , o it t P e a l!ilt`g ck 4, r_r E n Y, i i;f Allogat ny Cltv. and Mos MOLLIE A. ALLE.... of Beal!. rile. WahlAngton omouff. rt. DIED. • tuusrr—rebraa r y lath, at IZa o'clock, a. le., DAVID D. ItAIISEY, W the Met year or pis ate. Tho funeral wllltakt place ell ISAlCsualar. the 17th HIM/ " 10 o'clock. A. it., from the reeldenco of /arc Ileltee, Deaver street, Maachater. Illi Mende art respectfully Welted to attend. CEISEETERiB3 ... mid 41111telutarrEtomOr nog of A .rt the z'er.ofel.ll6l.ll,Pl t. t "P ° p " Zriiff nuALDALE CENl..qfp T.ttll4l:lll.lo°°",,Wg, LVA the -- 1 "o:re°. bailment corn or 01 'edam rl l ittosso at the ro •11. 127111:—"-TItinArto sad Massa "IV"' Kr"T irrea rc', e0•11M17 an Ilanyurn ezo. ; - ALL HINDS 07 IRON PUMPS, zzrle7aru!Lww ts . Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WISH BASINS, WASH STANDS, Hydraulic` Itams Brass Wort -of all kinds; Block Tlo Plpo, Ibraodr rooor.jo.; or: kloda of Gun and LeaAker Hose; Ho. I . Clonyllnyin tn. Pipe and Picture.. Oirsa dracrlytbno. kept courtantly on hood ai Addy, Williams do Bartle 's Cvniti LH MISTH AUD b.MITIIFIELD 8111 PITTSBURGH, PA. lEZI BEAVER STREET, MANa-C)Fn2t KKXT 7 V.. , POIT orrrez. B. 1-11 gb k yVie ' ll ' i=13%1%= 7. Jalmodmgeneownse pITTSDVBGII LEAD PIPE ANn SHEET LEAD WORKS. We are now instntfactoiln; a BIIPETLIOR article or LEAD PIPE AND MEET LEAD. • lire kee or p and WU II make to ardor any lend, els. or thleknee• regalrad, at the Lowest .711aikel Rates. Order. by mail promptly 11:11e4.. BAILEY, FAIIRELL a CO., Yea ter SonettaSeld Iteroet. Plttateui. Pa. .1.72111:1ING GAS AND STEAM ITTTLtiti, D i ALL ire saascaus. Cannat n. y Mimi Mao asaartaten.] to b 7 ad t ofitottodood .oAotko workma • GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH:TUBS, • MAT= HATISOLATER cLoarrzypi:LA.3m,k Coa.tantly on band and made otder. TATE 8 fEIILLI3, N. 3 PEDZILAL BTR T. Allagb?n allatebawdl y, And 1:7 Llitaufir Plttsbarlb 7 pLuatniNG, GAS AND r ""12T HYDRANTS, MAN PUMPS, I;EIEkT uao LCAD Z . Z.Fll% nitur„ WATER CLOSETS AND WASIIRSTAND& Ilr 'Sveresoos to Ada, aa. ir—rs I CO., No. 163 Wood .1 asv . 146stpurgh _Jol:Maaa T.:. ICIVE.NS ......... GAS SITTEVG. PLUMBMO AND STEAM FITIVECt 6JfitiACE BELLS, Portables 8 Cigar Lighters. E IFP • EJrI9 e co., atuticlevr le 4:141/ • •Cons.) Lianood N. N. Wept Rt., rrITIIIISCATI. Pa, .T. &Slum.- - STE.A.I2I FITTING, Plumbing and Gas rating. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORK DI ALL nsaCtszemons. S to C 0.,, Stwiemor to 440 • M 005...) 165 Woad St.. Pfttibucro. Pa. DIANITFACTUREgs. ARSENALS. GLASS wonas. MODES, RYRIE & CO., Itanaftetcrors of BLACK and (MEIN OLAF& WARY., thornlats. Warn Both Vendionan Oar ooyn no. P. arehaner—No. 144 WATEJI NITIMET Demean Bolltanold and Want street., Fttrabornk Penna. We warrant ono Wares to be raperlor to any nun. atom:ad yea at Oka Monntatan &low. au bann,, titandrana ot lb* above dateriptlan. A.ll onlero tworataly attendedso, Particular attention paid to priaate mould. solay,4 Wx. ROLF= lawn =WIN JAMES LURES & CO, IL.I.2tIJ7ACTUBZEO OF OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 3ST.AwAcet P.71 • 73117710H. pst. =SO. F. COLLIoni 011321 WatoH2 I !OLLINB & 11111161111., Drlttanla N. , Brass sad Ituret distal Warden, Brlttanta Coo taro. Carbon tad Lard WI Hartiers,'crai all =mad atylert of Slittaula ostd yfill. Idanalaeturors Orders promptly filled. Mo. IMIUMOUND tITHEZT eltisbargb. Yeana. oa7ray. SkJ. EVERANCE, No. 4SS WATER errlt3 KT. PI ileeareh_Qajognescrurvy of BUILEI FrIVEIII,WFVOUMIT 0019/1:1011 and nalroad of every description. Particular steed or shaped goikee sAd tern or mall. made so order at abort toile*. A good eee sereuese coavtardly Os head. L"M 4 : , , • ONT • • k : : ~t • 'A: :0 Cullman lad Wbei=cad Ratan Nano Dation 1011TUILIL 1.; Xs. 431 PENN BT. Er• • w 4 DW 11.• Imo ° t e a •• t rv= bt o, awl war. t.,1 equal twalltraoll solo to as • • ORNITUBE, CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, sail fn alo, Wholesale or Retail. JAMES w. wows -TELL, NM! a p TEMD OTZIEST, Oppoof to I. Zeinuadsika 1 C..•% Eat DEVI 19: 7 4 11 9RPU0 --- GENERAL DEAUGUTING OFFICE Sad zst.texi.t 846-exaciry do. 13 Mat. Mar near ftesmiasua Bads* B seam* 'se. HMi P. ClE ilts Wlr% IMMICI Ohl* Zailaiier • lIPECiU3niiRY. - - SIICIIAID W. ....... . .......:.....T. 2o3orycji poIIRTH STREET ITPUOLSTEItY =No. E ra s rota= many Naas Wo01).-alm tielbe zw"litac hVotille nlal l4 o r ." usaseasi l / 2 uirtalaComituta,,, restli el a .444.° twolia.Mozwavir lam. ?Mini &MEW. Is Aimto anus. on deting,44/allas doss Dirseataalimba PORK PACIEEM. JAMES ISPPLticarE, , Pork xDaroir !p er, lloslota. 1■ 8. 0:11A384. BAOO p.tultr.r,rona I , laBD BEEF , LADD, Z./MD.I)V., UP.BA.SY., t i LTVO c. . + .7l altitifti l7lll lVil.ll . 4Vie:' "mu PRICE THREE .CENTS. ..- 130 9T5.A 1 9: 0 _, 1 3 .4 §4O EIV . - GT , til CALF BOOTS. A LARGE STOCK OF MEWS WEAR tl!MI T DESCRIPTION. ' LAINIV POUR BOOM eLegaze av , ortnent of Balmorals, Gaiter, Over-Shoes, &c, MISSES' BALMORAL& Calf, Grain, Morocco, and KW BOOTS & SHOES Boys Boots and Baltuoials. - Cult, Hip and Grain Leather CLI ZEDRE.I"B SHOES, /1.21 , 1 a full Lo! efour,tioice of Goof. LM; M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM 55 and 57 Fifth StreeL fei:det.rT CLEARANCE SALE BOOTS fre SHOES, nacx.ra.cliwy., taxa lath 1.32. et Their entire neck u Doe. marked &rent,. ate mill be sold at greatly menaced peter, to =ate In , s their tinting Stock. Remember the Number, 61 Market Street. Noll Door to Barker•. Dry Goody Score. ,jal3 OOTS AND SHOES AT COST! AT COST!! .ELt DDl"c?cicarinil l 3 root. 1 am now eloalg oat my entire aloof of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals Polish Boots, &de., AT dCOES e - To make room for Berlax• Meek. Groat flarialof may beexpected. W. It. IIIeCLIVIVC' Et Federal ntreet. Alleetee lC j. SOLED BOOTS. .. 4 we have new , an hands a let of WP 'S, 80213' 701;Tlih•awl CIIILLIREN•S 1100 Th. somewhat soiled Walsh we will elate eta nrcaannx.r.ss Or COST. J. W. Carnahan S Co., LADIES', GENTS,, HL96EB• AIM CUULDRENT Boots, Shoes and Goiters, At OOTLEIA eorasr TIES sad Pry (Ls masts; AT Prices total* sterrbotr. Ml . n=goN B. AJWin 'BANE & ANIEB, COMMISSION AAA AIRRCUANTS and denlera FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE., Second Areet, between Wood and Itindadeld, Pltubusgh. ar11:17. this. PUTT/M...40NX ator—v.....a. rS2ICrIAZZI POTTER; AIKE.i & SHEPARD Conualsslon Merchants, mad dealer, la Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Flow, Butter. Chen... Ejrffl, Potatoes and produce generally. No."5:I LIBERTr SITHEET, am:Kielce Pasmager Depot. Pittsburgh: VI - EMI-ES C. U.ULSILEY, Produce I.d Commlarion Merchant, Warehouse No. nil LIME an RTT bIELY.7, Pitteinergb, Pa. Whdlegglg latri•Pu`T`T•ikllM,Wo2,g . A 2 =,fr o .l: lay, D ried Alta Oxen Proits, Oalnos, crate, Clover Seeds, TLaothy Seeda, Plaz-Beada,:f came and Poultry. Partloatar attention even toy Produce Conslzraments. mai - - Z. LaNGDO *oar. It XEOX. ASDILLA 10(0.r. KNOX Sr. SON, Commission TL ZFir",7, 6 II /1 4 Diamond. opposite Ciiy Ha/4 Allezheny tair. Jal7:l7k WILL/Mil LLNILLIIT, (aaococaor to Itaanowrs & Llultari) Dealer to Flo. a.nd 6rala, Prodnen and Oota=laelos M./cf./n4 No. IN LIHrziYLTaOY XAZIOG AST 1 MASOGANTt • ALLBOO/1217) m - Dmrrmmi•o :ll3DixtrAusett • - trxDairreaure . . . ....... _ coax= nuimass.tradertakar, ! • e6, - .04 xs. us roman lECEIEZZ. Llutert.ttlag to VI Ita brancites. Dl.ditirttW 71alts nota resolattog ercrythizzu tisteSurr: Ma 12e totenneati prow pttrattenAct to. , Wm:Mt /limn* owl' Carriages at of-.1.s rcaaositplo ten.. dolal ,-- ra=iiiMll . 11.431.13=ra. • - Prestli street, rittottnnth. TY. V i g . ds..4.IWwLQZWIE - di Taa.Dden. 0 alplesartagw fg"a :ralii.C.Cre—iter • id X.rr, 11.21,,mig 111.1 7 ", Jassla vikETZES'AND TOYS.- CY Tdure NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, - aixf MM .7. C. 4.2 1=E11=1!!I MEMO IMIE=;;1 ~.~ WXlTii -