The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 14, 1866, Image 1

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    ~~ -
F. rrgarrstAN.
3zr.r. kiesvrt.
COSTAXAGNA. BuslItTAS Stiouo7,la.
reIAISIZETIII" TIM GAZETTE A 5.9001 Az . / o s
3a 41 Itfria„ Sinner, 11M5.1 , 1.
ESIMrs, Ir e per 7.1 , ••••••...43
- ZTLVI.II do.. • Oa.
Served by , tlirriers. ?forSzioc) or .r.vtx Orb, per
week .
Eh(' Pitol?ttrgit 6a,cttt.
All the Best PrfAitA. naic
Wbo Tol4, You Sot
Wk.* etery body says most be true, amt if
_Ton rt sot to keep . your skin nice, smooth and
Sere disease; nee Sawyer's Barber's Soap.
- • -•
Cetfattry Iferetusnta
Ifll3naa full stack of Prints. Muslin, &v., at
Barkef & Cots, at the lowest Eastern
Cben,,,er thkn you wl.ll4ndthom ePosohere, on
the norit.e.,4t .earner of Fourth and Mnrket
2i,!•otrOl Ralph lto of Lim*.
Eor pr.arriag [idol, For sales by Charles
thxper.D . ruggipt; ;corner of Pena and IL Clair
strret, Pitfaborgy,
Sine Shirting Mullin; at 31c, extra quality;
4 0 u tz,ltt:n, double trlitth Sheeting. at Barker
Er? 31arltet Street.
. .
- 4 Seutral Sulphite of Lime.
Ter, I,TP:torch:kg eider, For sato try Charles
hel.;FT,l)ragriyi, Corner of Petra and St. Clair
1414.aml ilttrh, the largest and best as.eetebt
lAlin theeity. 'Wholesale as well to retail
tetlocittrlll So well to coil aml see them. Re
noon For. we aco . nna oe tho northeast corner
.y.:Mrth and Market streets.
o:lLttist>lt Lcive a Ban.
Irish Liners.
' qr 0, eOlO.O opened to-day, compristnz all
rntlep. Wholesale buyers:will do well tomake
a DOD , of ltomembei we are on the north
eo coiner of Fourth and Market streets.
0. HAS.ON Love
dart grey, light grey, bold-mixed; brown,
e.,—atltss thin market prices. Remember,
we. are pc* on thoinart4463%FCol7 l er of FeEttrill
and Varlet Areote.
C:Trisrsort Lovr...t Bra
Teat b E;trislimi Without Pain
Those of enrreaders who maybe under the
neeentty of having their teeth extnieted, ;tad
who bevel', dread'oflle path - oilseed by such•
an operation: Wcttad d0.7 011 t9. eOl upon. Dr.
C. gill, of.24aPennetrOet,Titteburgb; Pa: Dr.
9 ages Nitrotut 9aydi or"Wttilinit ass." and
remote - any - number'of Teeth - without
Causing the first aeniatioa - er pain. 9or bet
tes.half had some eight di ten taken but . whtle
under the Infinent4tiof the "gas," and experi
enced no. pain, whatever. Dr. 8. aleo inserts
teeth, tit the 'beit 'quality,: it "very • • tnederate
;mitre. Givehini a Sail and =twine his work.
-4befana Meleager. "
Levis'be2[ ekes.
The ybyilial id - ructure of the strongest ti
' D avi betnittiittlnerablo everywhere. Our bod.
Yea a - ri trinrOrea ttg
mire VtM,ef,,lrblel,P l : o . .t/df/pemaiil eedrie
tent fribiwitorietioleamberfabseneesllnit this
Twotce.tioula, tlnyerfeett 44, cannot be safely
aelled - Okln.,.nahealthrzegt=s, Or under eir
. =mud aares of more thea_ordtuary, ! d,..i.uwa,
Therefore, its'istiriadenii it , -Ikflittdinice, It is
aanamou,scriset:,to provide wine*, wouttcaria
by t iring- air ireldatmor;
In other wattle* f0tt417141 the system with
secourso.rat.floatotters,..Btomaoh,lttepr the
most evinietetwprotecrtive against all thoeed.;:
-deudo and ender:do maladies that has over
been udintriltiteked In el33r,courdzy.: , As a rem..
dy for Dyspepsia there is no remedy that will
csampare with : it. Whoever suffers the nano
0 .a..4 , 9 file of - Abe
Ybore 'Theoltters Bitters can be pro
-cured, does so .wobastesil y for as truly la
Truth' invaluable Tonle wad Al
terattre would restorilda disordered stomach
T to a beaWvonditidn. - Vi: the: Zilllclis It Is
-also esitatetelli Weereimeiul, end to Ca6C3 Of
lsfliffilld-ClltaPatlesktt-tstfordwiTsedf and
:-'srorcsauenV-rilliela-caiddit; weetie.:,
- Ales and Austeldallia, the Bitters rank above
all: other viedirdttea . Of ,thb - elate, and the do.
- stand for tltem, to all foreign countrtsa
011 . arrMr.4 1 7 1 0 61,44 .
nailielitle#o Unease 4, -
Aro acid whole*. and reton at very low rated
at rienlialrfA i Tura ndroze g is l ataws-Depet,.
Xo,64,ldirket ltreet';ocitier•Orthe tlitoond !
Watt w aotruw
le With frreiv plenum w• call the littera
, eemietour teribeft bathe subside , atobic alto
and Winter 041651 e Just redetwed ,hm Mr. John
• - Ireten'Aill&P.t!ftilOT/A ° .l .l4llll t r eO t i;
gr.c ' lie . * FAITR eI :°9OO of the; .
iF WIS. P* 4 4 l , * 17 44.* 91444Taire l, -97eriast;
2 / 44 141 1: ". mw! . e ve s 0
1P P..
IYA44 3 rni
.7fisl asSortittoutdf lifuraishlntiooda,
maldlnitoldialt; ikei.,bennot..tlenepee/14.1est.
- stock fellkf , tflsiff -
C* o * Viota iftAf.rfge'-** 11 . 14 :f4 19 *Pena!
of any
sitealntheetothlng lion ehoutd . uys_fitil • to
give gr. Weise' a call. ,
V4I,I,OOithfit:OPHPO.g 0 4 ot,ciidot of
tul,y, breath apkg , As the airs from Araby
: 3 5t.V0 ,Nnols4.7.Vailsti_.ruga tasdnatiotst:
To reallae tam, to perpetuate them, to mako!
- ILbo mouth l . ,patkot Of . .poara and.. rubles, .arat
*very sigh 9.104 ix btadiiimoo, you hare
to do, fair ladies, ti to dsd that ruatutdoss vote.
table productten, rtieriet Soiodont.
'antas It:Ptier7:.*
practical Slate:Pavan, and Dealers la Amer!
Itan Slate otTaffooii Wide!. Offtod at' Maxim.
dor lootrialrei*Oar VW -Water Works Pity..
trorgb. re. putS4l4llooj No. r) streot.
frii ProliiPtlY igtended to. All work Warrant.
ad water Pte:: P.Ovddridg done at the short:
sot nottco. litinbargo forznpairs.proriaell taw
)odt , S , i nOtt4riOnantter It is pat an.
itwirperater Jobbing 'Hwy.
i 'V . m . tlag-ret4ried after an absence of throe
trerabe,the arpy,l here re•opeaesl my shop
tor att ~orta of jobbing la the ,rerponter Hee,
itisnd,Vmm Alley, between Smite:
geld street asulGhorriAlley. orders aolletted
jend . prom play attended te.
. ,
. Nei:Atria ficapble, of ..Looft
iYor. pref.errlnialder. licir eLaii by diaries so
- lper;DroggLft, ooroor of Penn ..o Si. Char
lOlyti ireslod oCpn Old flOde.
• .f.+lm-nt s.„Printtsa used to_ givean hnores..:
-Ad inch Tendon of an old.:fahlo, apropos to
-:'Tart episode fn t„he Cabinet alVrs of Andrew
...Jackson. , "Once upon a time, as the version
, siren "the-lion Matteqt: fire in bit don of
.tty bad smell intim:pi and thin becalled
e tra.34C9`of the fi eld to give an' 'opinion of
the mane." And be says to the - bear, says bei
I , .and alr;Bear„how do the ern e/ - lof
parlorteclayle And mils the honest, old
bear, says bet "it-smells bad,'? "Take that for,
'ler impatience rI ye the lying the =id'
.• hear a 'wheel: that knocked the f breath out of
.kdmlntirtayiafter Whieh be ate Welk ut) , Vana - '•
foitchlYatid celled in the :norticey; and says
"Le to leemOnken nays he,vAnd how do yo,
like the. smell. Of me palor to-day M.. .Tine
niankti f ig l s , ,VitTh nc orer honor it's the
, leograelightful smell 1 ever stnelt in gilt my,
- that for lying." says the fiery
knorklnghltu dawn and eking up,afterj
'which he called In the' fez, and - says he ohir..,
and how do ye like the smell of me par- ,
Jor tale.
.Yr, But the fox - , when he saw the gar , .
-case of the monkey that the lion hadjact ute•,
lying dead In the corner, he whisked his 'tide;
ndreerlds eyes, al - much as to say,' "D'yo see
- cknything green ,there Idnneyr and be mays,:
sala_hei , "lta ntlie.that l / 4 1'1,tet - , se= eowidi
earn 'atter at all, at all." Then the lion'
Ahtughed and told the for. he Wag q clover haste:
nti might tread his 'footsteps if be
4tiPtidic .enotr•h:l
-A/bath:lasi tr—linn Burial Alive.
A story liks heMilloatirig about town for se r
"4Srardays, which seems incredible, bat_h
come to us from on many, sources - 'that we ire
hardly permitted to dean. it, but wo halve not
yet - been able.
aUP" : Uer6 l; - ErOgXryl4%34 t l niD
idietri.tOpKe It with'what o f
Wien they III ; Thei x t o ala runs chat a returned
• ti l l: c i e n t e; w at:l Totten int,i ' r Dei n . t wter g r n e e ' Lid
tattlald - day ,s bcfere burial. after his in.
• 'torment, while some men - were engaged in dig:
Jr a grare.theybeardstmnge sounds that
frightanott them that they MIL the cemetery'
'haste, ander Impression that ghosts' and
' .40blins bad taken session at the city of toe
- sicod. r wenderfal story determined oth.l
ere -to larestilate tholnatter, and the grave of
- " 21 . ' , mid-ter was opened, when tbetturrible 014.
-.tov cry was , Mad he had bean entombed
Mire, itiV• body, yet,etaining i. 0030 • th
llic,nalt the vital spark. had net. The u noises
-. That had attracted attention
are suP.Nued bit
'have been nines by the victim In onVerwte
.. traWlee to eompen fate too awful to eon tem.
`plate,-- I ('Sempafga (M.) Chian. . .
NICE Utile tnclrwas playk by some or the
ttiM+llet - 1n- Thant' jail,oethoslier.
tiT Of that place; buttiveoPi by the eteapo of
•.i,f bre° Prisoners. Itseatns ttiev had, tn. apinp.
entsamuseuteptorollvd toarenal huge encaball
etgainPt the, wall it:arida the rap!, when one
the party got between thepllea of snow
%there - Pug a bolo through the Wall, throe rh
!sr h they all numb: their exit, Lave not
M. 3.1 EDITO4I Cs•ZrTTl":—.PrePbyt
In the article In this morning, Coinuteresof.
m.en the following language, "to my mini, it
',ems ~boat unnatural fur a roman to lec
ture an for n hen to crow,' and yet it will nut
be dented, I unppose, by any fair minded man.
that there ore many women, at present, en
gaged In lecturing that aro producing im.
thence Snanatlon—they draw as largo and in
telligent audieneces and are producing an pr:,.
found isnpronnieuts as any of our mole
"Presbyterian" adds •'lf iL et admitted
that that there iv ho Lamer between the here,
what argument le left to bar them (mm the
palls, the legislature or from arty professions
of mates." In reply to title I Must my that
by own profound cOuvletion la there should
bonneted barrier. • Women' ahOuld have past
the same equal rights of "life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness."
Imes “Presbytertah' pretend to ear that
h °Men ,harh •iih.arty happinen. - den;.
that they have, to the legal settee of tan s.•
tenor; (or no one can be happy or free wise is
dented the ballot, for it to the hallat that
male iheraona arid there Is nu fr.... Mint
without It.
In n republican government it is to ppo-ed
that euch Individual forms a port of Cie- gov
ernment. It in that form of government which
exists in the consent of the governed. I+ the
scot of women asked and obtained
' No
`site is governed without her consent. Not nail,-
.o. but she to taxed without her consent. ts
there justice or decency, Or rh in taco
lon without topresentation I indeed -o tar os
, omen and ne„groes are concerned titer arc
under a despot - lA. Our government max be.
und is a republican government, so far rill, l .
", are concerned, lie.milse they' can protczt
sirmsclv es to all their rights by their votes,
lint as for women and negroes it is generalty
supposed they have no rights u e vote,
it all bound to respect—except Such h• the
Lou will con,de to the lamb.
As to the proprlety'of sendlas women to the
Legislature , I have but little stoats we should
breath a new atnagoptiere If such we, the
fort; of one talon we might tic sure, •he would
tint Tote IL down the throat of her ti as
band, .on or brother. Doubtless the wome•t
in our State and National l'ontacits would ha,
a restraining and refuthm intluence,
The day 1, jot se farilissut as we ttmt apt to
Imagine, when husbands turd wives. Mothers
and sisters, tam inane, in. their hest riz. nun
ts• wen to the polls ot,hazty and
ettv deposit tag their hallo...sand as quietly' tv
th-ing. Lnettat tl ly rh,ttort days ell be as
valetoet as et alsbuth, bectrase Of the presence ot
Again, 'Presbyterian" says; "But if we di
terly Ignore ell distiuctioga of color toil sox.
IC. we might lose ourllbertles as did France
where tirtch extrame3 rrodare these natural
results." We have been fighting for our "tier
berties" for the last four years—the ossaLlantst
bring whites-Land wit succeeded only through
the eldof tboblack loyalists, and vet ‘!Presby
terian” *paid, t hater, placebhe ballot to the
bands of those white traitors and deny it to
the black ioyalists.' I think out liberti,safer
In the hands of thoblack Southerner then In
the hands of the white Southerner.
littaaoaDtaanCt Baer EIIECTIOS.—Four days
erter the rebels Bred on Fort Sumter, a son of
Mm. Duncan, of. /demi, Oki*, enlisted for the
war. He jaiited. a Western regiment, and after
belnt savant battles., was reported killed at
the battle of - atone LElreri arm body was
broUght home and Interred. Afterwards in.
telligenetiwas brought to. she parents by re
turned Union prisoners that their son was not
dread, but In &rebel prison in Georgia. Other
tViantlete, retarning from there last sprint.
brought the sad news orbits death Lathe sorely
dietrosted' fatally. ei - hen. the war 'closed an
opportunityiku othsd to penetrate the rebel
lineSj'/IfttOnaMitten - t, down' and bad Ids sots
brought home - egain and burled. flaring had
hint buried tWiN 101 *ag supposed, it was nat
ural that.they should be reegmelled to their
loess tad a few days mei Maracas Bob, In spite
of wounds; and' eathe, and Itinerate, tramo
"marching home, ,, ,,and le now e_efeylng the
istordiality of.the parental root' Ria.casol3 a
strong ono , but' It Is 'only one Of many of the
'awe klad•-whielt the 'htstoryer the war rit
, - reale.
' ' •
axmograu-ef.. the , Chicago - Tribune • far
' alslies to thatraner an account of a singular
interview with a 'professional seer or astral°-
f ist el. that city: , zTite,revertm: disguised
iniseltleiferbale apparel' so effectually as to
deceive the prophet into the belief that he
was really a Ventnan: The apartments were
-eroWded, and several_ hours weinsoonsumed
' weitingforiusturnbefaretherepcirtergaitied,
an interview. ,The astrologer assured him
that a malign spell was hanging over his
life and .blighllng his prospects, and, offered
far Miry dollars to remove it—told hid he was
a widow, bad not loved the deceased husband;
acclaim married What* amiddleoged gen
tleman, and would , go to Europe on a - bridal
trip. ,
Tangier frovin lamp post pipe at a sires
corner in Detroit escaped Into wrath: sewer,
tilling Wand slab Sating a private drain. The
:family In thehonse from which the drain led
having Amen serfaualy- Incommoded b the
steach,an examination Was madowith , •
ed candle.' •Therisstrit. Was an explosion both
in the private drain and meta sewer that blow
the escaped tap and contents Into the air, de
7-atalished aurnaber of windows in the vicialtr
and, frightened the -inhabitants ot several
blookacwho thought it was an earthquake.
-Tuft Oleo! trichina;- Ds:trait; proves,on
investigatism, to have hem"' 11.11 exotic. The
•vietirmwesaidermanwoman whetted-boon in
fectectbetbneabeilefthermatien cxMatry. Af
ter her death a post mortem examination was
bold, which has resulted improving, beyond a
doubt, Mightheillwase wastrichtna. A small
portbamof limall,:abent the . Mee Of pinhead,
was examined Mocha's the liatiroseope, and
founittePoetainlarge 2 remabers of, animal
oulansretuiddlatidleibeddedie tbe fibres
of the muscle, exactly similar In appearance
to the trichlnespintife„ •
—Th Cswitt isc Egiassa ,Exotetro-- sum
Yassinae as execution of the ester
' dello mei:surest optedbythe French Govern
- meat to. prevent the spread et.thonattle
teat-Ass 'notheen althaut results. From a
-rerninti ara t air import on anbject h i t t e ar;
rreat Bititairr , t•iutgalite ;a w ttacked,
and in Ro ll and 4:00 were seized, only forty,
threisbeastirineheWtesbeTteac n Empire were
victims to„itivastrusee,althongh the:disease
made iteappearancein twoseparatelocalities,
having been Imported from England.
Tea ZanesvilleCoUrfer declares there Is but
little doubt but that a valuable oil well has
been struck on the McDonald farm, in Blue
Rock townaldp,..linskingunt county. !rho first
reports that resulted -Zanesville ~ sif the-enor
mous quantities of
.01l yielded by this well,two
hundred barrels per day, prove to Aare been
greatly exaggerated. The amount pumped
from the well la at the rate of about forty bar
rels per day.
"Toe Enema Wows:Vs Era-cox" In Chicago,
now three years In operation has reeeived
forty-two women during the Past year. Of
these eight hare gone oat into famines, by
permission of tho Ward of managers, six have
been restored to their friends, two have been
resupdably married, two dismissed as impa
les., cases, six have left without permission,
and eighteen =Main in the Institution.
Tax citizens of Michigan City, Ind., at the
bead of Lake Michigan , are still "agitating"
the subject of making a good harbor at that
plum" Gino gSO,OOO that will be needed Coin
sure the meccas of the enterprise, about,-
ian has already been subscribed, and the cal
s., ere sanguine of their ability to raise the
Iv a traveler by railway wishes to know the
rate of speed at which he la going, ho has only
to take out his watch and count the telegraph
poles an he passes. The number of • poste
pit”ed in oue minute and fifty seconds will in
dicate the number of miles per hour the train
Is moving. This, of course, Is based on the
o-sumption that the posts are placed at ten
rode Interval which Ls commonly the ease.
T n meeting of the hoard of Trade of De
troit a memorial wet adopted asking Con
gress to increase the duty on copper In order
to protect, tho copper interests of the State. .
The present duty on copper from from foreign
ports 15214 cents per pounds, while the revenue
tax upon the same iv nearly five cents per
pound; consequently the copper producers of
this country sannet compete with the foreign
products. •
- Tex Sandusay Register sayll the lowest depth
of depravity wo over heard of being reached
le' that of walking four miles on the tee, after
dark, and stealinircannon balls to eel/ for old
iron. This is no fiction either.- The cannon
balls in the tort on Johnson's island were dis
appearing-so rapidly of nights that It has been
ceas?- 1 7 10 40 , them P.
Toe editer of th e Louisville Journal, allud
ing to n recentinterview with the President,
!up,: i"Wc expected to find the President •
weary and worn, and haggard, Never were
we so much =Waken. Ito was /11 the finest
and most vigorons health, his face as fresh as
In earliest .
We learn from -the Eide -.l.Nmateh that for
"Herne time past there tuts been a good dral of
scientific thieving from freight cars on the
Cleland and Erie road. On Friday a barrel
of pork 118, missed , near Fairview, end going
leek-was foundlrhero it bad been Iltrowb off.
Parsurinsi.icatssoar's reconstruction - Polley
hatnew been indorsed. by ex-President Fill
more, of rugitivechlaverl.avr fame, and ee
rie:intent Pierce, of Kansas slave:pisutiaz
fame. Jatneirlinehatran • has not expressed un
TOE kelt • Lake . Piddle. says that '..funtly,
field:soden' . - A short time since a
Mormon was &oxen between two wives. lie
was engaged in hauling wood between the re
speetire cubing- , of We firth andsceond WINOS.
Tun Linnion rimer says, at the pkesent rote
of redaction the - English National debt will be
extinguished In about 4to yearatllnder these'
circumstances, doubtful which' will be ex
tinguished first, the nationor the debt!
• Dues Ilmunown recently refused. to -pays:
drwtorbetattse the - litter - 13W not curd the pa
tient attended.. lieVras Hued rewriting''', and
a 'verdict resaderedagainst him for damages to
tho extent 4te.110.. •
Ten Catholic Archbishop of altiMoro has
recently preached - against eche= abomins-
Alves of fashionable life,. and especially the
Ge, man,o refusing absolution and the sacra
-cunt to any who should itultdao
Tan House of ' Delegates' or West 'Virginia
have voted to locate tho Penitentiary of the
State at 'Moundsville. The bill has yet to be
acted upon by the Benate.
IT le Fold by the SL Lours papers that there
tisill not ho loss thee forty steamers In tho Up
porldiaalsAlppt trade on the opening of navl•
gut I
. Ir fareported that the Winchester, Virginia,
tisay has passed into the hands of the Bal
timore and Ohio Railway Company.
From Savannah
Nrw Tonv. Feltrnary 13.—The rtonmslilp
Lco, Capt. Mt in. from snviinnah on erulay
w s t, urriN 5., .1141- r , ,• , n; an al rsy hoa:
0. 38
, Tret:o In the I . ll..borgh Gmzetze
11Ana.r.nrno, February 13, 1.,
Mr. ilichaMpresented the petition of Anna
.1 in nutlet., of Allegheny county, asking for
a I i sorra from her hu•band, who WI, an ofncer
In the Confederate army, and iv pow In Sleet
o; also, a memorial Of the citizen, of Me
cesporl. nAk Mg for authority to levy an addi
tionnl tax for bountyparposa,.
Sir. liege Presented the petition of the Mt
ren s of Franklin asking for authority to nand
a bridge over the Allegheny liver at the toner
line of aald borough.
Mr. Lmrrc, from the Committee on Federal
Relations, rejtortod as oemamitleti the joint
restitutions asking Congress to equaltre the
tooilment oftsanntlestOgersens who voluntster
tsl Ouringthelate woe.
M. Connell, from the Committee ma Ft
caner, reported a committed the net for the
rs 11;1 of the citizens of Cliambembrin.: Tido
1.111 to reported ao it pasocil the iismoo,
Mr. tlitilialoo wad In his Oswego set t o int...,
pornte the Western Ravings Rank att.t Safe
Repeat Company of rtitSt..l4Xll;.Alt.., on :WI
tital trig the collecting of touee to Allegheny
tossinty. :tool Trint.ive to tton porment of with:
tws er Wat.tri.c. of Allegheny - 1.0.11t] I•ri+ell,
Al., an not pcoctOtog for eo tertngoott•fact to.
toottgare, Mi t otAmuthOrlsing the .
Lou itte. et the
1.• t. , pry .N.*lllstrvet through a eeriolo 1;ruvt
!....".1, lt.w• • an set to atiout the rOorroig t e
traet lort.soeu t lgelltert I.rt retie, stud ht • S.:ZAII.I..Rj i1, an not aothor..tnz
t‘arcicars of the bknouZit of McKcc . -
I,,rt, ciztraltac tho pastucot of tnottattv. to
vc.t.t.ccra; ao act authOriatuz the co,tn to taarto bona. to the
.1.,.,,nut of osito hundred and fifty thon,ao.l
d011ar..., for tit! troptore.ruetal of shory,..
Itidgwa,t introduced an act authork,nc.
the Erie and Allegheny railroad, to ountlite.
the Erie and iVaterford plank road
paoaed finally as follows An act to
prevent the building 'Ol wooden tar - nett:tr., to
the borough et IPrunkilia; SIaO an act authoriz
ing the Chet:Limp, Coal. Company to construct
a railroad flip= the. Ohio State line to the
Pittsburgh and Erie canal; also an act te, en.
ennrage the ;manufacture or iron with coke
and mineral ;coal; also an sat to tneorportce
the Nnrthern Coal and Railroad Company.
Adjourned: .
Agrammoa mamma.
The Senate met at three r. te., and consider
ed the folloWlag bills'
Mr. Oratuuit called up a further supplement
to the sot truserporating the hfononguhela
Water Company. Passed finally. Also an art
to incorporate the Raterprise lasuranee Com
pany of Pittsburgh. Panted tinnily.
31r.tIloge, an act to legalise the election or
borongisolhous of Plthole. Passed finally.
Adjourned till to-morrow at ten o'clock.
Dula Passso.—An act regulating the
ternoi of Court In the :7th Judicial hui
test; tin actrelatimr to the' sale of Una Alle
gheny and New litriphten Icirtipike Company;
an act Po incorporate thelluity of McsulviliN ao
act to establish the principal Mike of the Law
rence Ealinsed Company atrittitburgh; an act
to Incorporate thcLatrobe and Salem Railroad:
a supplement to an act to ti corp Orate the Mill
Creek RitilrOadi antic% to extend the provisions
elan act entitled .relatingteithe Philadelphia
end Erie Railroad Company to the Erie and
Pittsburgh Rallroad_tan sotto Incorporate the
oity of SituSeille.
The eight hours labor bill Was Considered
and made the special order for AIM WOktIO.
day at seven o'clock.
An aeLto allow the Philadelphia and I{rlo
Railroad to build branches Inconntles through
which it passed and adjoining 00untles,
slimily passed.
Change of Foreign Iltlaisten Probable.
Land Taken triad: Homestead
Now Tose., rigx. ti—The aibune , a Weaking
special *aye: Sheaf= eflnitren hnniftred and
fifty dollara In prises, wh ich was Offered by a
number of , gentlemen' of Now York city, for
the best sptief earns of penmanship of soldiers
who loot their right arms-in battle, was
awarded bythecommitteeappohated to decide
upon the merits of the eMatrilmters, to four
teen left armed men. A book le to ho pnbliah
ed which wbd be On/posed! Of the best of the.e
contrite:Minna, end Um Row. Dr. Bellow*, peril
to out of the Haultazy CoMMisition, has written
to Major. General Ct.- O. Howard,requestirq
him to furnish an article foi the volume.
A swindletomicerted by a' partner of a New
York braces arm was yesterday exposed by
Washington detectives. Tht,MrtY called atthe
'pollee headquarters recent ly, and represent
,.ti the ithla arm had been robbed of twelve
thous a d dollars in United M d
Matra bonds, an
belfev the criminal 'parties were now In the
city. Ai er a brief eeneultation the detectivea
coaelnded that they were misled, and tele
graphed tot another member of the tires, who
duly aT ved in town, and was ormfronted with
temple nant , whom he charged with the ab
stract! nof the missing bonds. The resell
wee theoductiou by the ertful dodger of sev
en tboud dollars of stolen property.
The Pribane's Washington special says the
United .States Minister to England, Charles
Yrunctsi Adams will probably return home.
It hi supposed his plate will be illled by Mr.
Motley, now Minister at Vienna, or Mr. Marsh,
Ml:Mater to Italy. Either of these places
world probably be filled oy Gov. Curtin.
During t h e week ending 10th knit-, the dht•
bureements of tho Treasury Department
amounted to 01,407,08227. During the same pm
rlod the Department Wood we/Wooten of In
debted:sees amounting le 010,000, and redeem
ed old °nett to the amount of $3,003. The re
ceipts from Internal revenue last week
amounted to the large slim of $1,771313.01.
The total national bank currency issued trot
week was $1,708A4i. The total amount Mimed
op to date ft. SMALIO2 , O.
Recent returns to the General Land Offioa
show that at Detroit, Michigan, 5,T0 acre..
were taken up In the month of Jonnary, a por
t lon under the provisions of the homestead
law, a part consisting of cash land sales, and
the realdue babOntity land warrants. At La
Cre,se. Weieecutin,3,2B acres wore entered on
In the frame month under the hoMeatmad law
for actual Settlement. At. Marysville, Colo
rado, the cash land sales for December
amounted 64:F8310701.nd at Oregon City, Grogob,
2,531 acres were taken up for actual cattlemen {
under the homestead law in We same month
Th.... Tribunes Washington epoetal says great
indignation m felt by the porlehooors of Dr.
hunderlandia church in Washington, because
the Trainees consented to the nee of the
.3 ifkeu for the lecture of Fred. Douglas,.
weibeglst Delegation with the Prose.
aTal.—iLeeture An Red. Douglass.
Wassmorow,reb.l.l.—lAlay the delegat•ca
appointed I , y the COnference of the Beni- re
branch of the Methodist E isoepal O. elt,
South, in mission at Al la, waited ,Sion
President gehnsoix. It consisted of Bev.
d ing el! and Km 5.8. n oon, post.
ding elders, and 'Bey.
h o ed Nrval Wilson, of Win.
ehester i and Bev. Dr. oof Baltimore.
Rev. r..WilsOn addressed . the President,
saying they had-waited upon him to assure
tan of he , Itearty cooperation of their body
in all otters coming within its legitimate
sphere ( operations, in solar as that. way be
IIeCOSNI to Bemire and maintain the peace
and qui tress of the country. lie said they
repress fed One hundred - =Waters and
oliurche of Virginia and a portion of Hartr.
lend, wipe membership of twelve thousand
and dam le that number of hearers.
Thee ealdent received the delegation roar.
'leeway, - ath member being i n troduced toilful
t iz,o
pd. erstmid ian after a pleasant interview the
party al drew and returned to the Confer
ence at .A exandria. .
At Dr. underland , s church to-night, Chief
Judice C aso introduced Frederick Douglass
to a dens auditory, speaking of him in high.
iycompli enthry (Orion. TM:latter then oc
cupied tw hours in lecturing . on the assassi
nation an . its lessons. There were present
many mein rs of Congress and a number of
the: lecturer , * own race. lie was applauded
throughout., Judge Kelley, of tpo Iro uso o r
Representatives, responded to the general
call, and placed himself squarely on the plat.
form of the brotherhood of man.
. '
Dernulthigihmker—From NOW °ileac's.
Nzw Toint, Feb. L"..—The Fortress tionme
correspondence of the herald states that Mi
llard, a banker of Norfolk, has defaulted, and
departed with 100,000.
TnenteameeStar of the Union, from NUN'
OTICRDB on the 4th, has arrived.
Vental;tettistt In New York.
Ned; !mix, Ye 13.—A large Fenian meeting
was held At .Cooper histlt ate last—ores lei:.
Speeches were made by Charles Thentor,
0. Nelton.tleorgo
ers. natels trite, lion. Ferman
do Wood, and oth
Deatb oftbe Catholic Diabote or Claxton.
Buenas, Feb. 13.—Right I'ltz
patrick.4 I.4.tholie Bb.inap itr,.t,•n, tife,l 10,4
Important Toil Ow Derided
The New fork Collectorship
re, Tong, February 11.—in the Fifth Dis
trict Court, to-day. emit was brought to re
vert, the money duo to northern creditor,
from merchant% In the south. At the time the
war broke out the defendant, Malmo,' that
the money was paid into the Treroury of the
State of Georgia In accordance with the 'an
of the Confederate twvertimentlemitiseatlng
debts owed In the north. The court held that
there WaN no proof of such payment before h.
gad gare lodgment for the ,pluintilf fur the
felt amonnt.
The (tore of the steamer Meteor, seired on
suspicion of being a Chilton privateer, tram up
kt-day before the railed States District Court.
The answer to the ettorge tram tiled by W. F.
Cory, no agent for the ortolan, denying' all the
allegot.tous of illegnlity.
'the Purrs special bye The Ways and
3 cans Committee is considering the tat on
tasty And cotton add the income tat. A re.
i rt oat he made very moon on these three
p ttntm.
The Yrredlitert l N 'Wrenn WM ,ruing Irivtod
I 0 St`, to mod Iloilo, AM Ito wt. to the
•ddi, it It.uty
rt. , t., 'cods of Mr. I andyrd. 1,, re wr ~, ,r y
Certain hat he vi ill 1..igN1A , 1111041 I 011.•ot , tr 10
See 1 - It AA , t Ittn AMa ,tae s
M‘dg Of Nna Tor, pro•ontod thn ore.
d. n tat. ni Mr. 1 evt I. rarL.nns hnestor alai
1,1.1 n Alshaa.a, MI 'lnman saki (11:41 111 %IR•
hatrn nr, thn ' , tat,. that, dm Ins a tudlod
01 font yam, ha• broit in mtwthon
t nllll ht ate, Ana a• ha. n.d doln,
, r.l aln-thel isollt lost non.lll (.Im ,
State t, Lnnll n• to emit', I he•T Li.. Id rntms•
sehlatlon In the hvnatn, I do not L‘snant thrtt
Goo rembest alit ho grlltitg,i 111%111 Ito
h‘duca torrent fklla lakOS lb. , oath. AL thiL
t /me I sill ask that Ihn otAhh•ne Ists h.. no , elreS
tad laid niwa thn lal,tr to as all the alt thor tw
tion of the Sonetn,
It Was w ordered,
noverni petitions (Oran ognallsatlon holan-
Ay, end an Inoree.o at dust to•twwtrA
set' prwsents , l and rvhorrnd. hoinral
petition. for cis It and polttlnat tight. Lyhtv of.
farod tad reforight.
Mr. Wade, of 011 . 10, offered the pet. 'ton of
colored soldiers, asking for the right ut suf.
Mr. oardsbury, of Delaware, wished to ask a
question. The Senate and the tountr> were
•ery familiar with this word colored z. ap.
plied to the negro race, He would like
to know what authority there was for Ulu
me of that word. The only place he had seen
it in history so Applied, was in the history of
St. Domingo, mere it war used to denote
Mr. Fessonden, from the Committee on tins
construction, reported n Joint resolution 10
amend the Constitution with a regititutional
article as hgtOws "Congress shall hare
power to make all laws necessary and propel
to ,reins to the citizens of each State the prit
illges and rinrunnitles of citizens of theses-end
Staten, and to all persons of ttto severs! statr,i,
equal protection in the rights of life, Marty
anti property." The resolution WWI Onhari,A.l o
be_ prtnted.
Mr. Mown Offered a resolution which was
adopted, instructing the Cenamittee on Com
merce to Inquire what legislation was noo,-
sat y to protect the lire, of passengers on a-si
te/a steamboats from dangers incident to en.
plo.lont of tubular boners.
Mr. Morgan called op tho bill to extend the
tbnc for withdrawing goods from public ,
storrsand warehouses, en which Mr. hp:3433l'a
motion for rrenhaideration was pending. .
Mr. Sprague spoke scaled. the hill an'o4lo.l.
kited to laitniously effect home tuandf.l.l.4..nres
It y enabling importers to sell gee:Weirton
or than they could be manufsr.3lNVld this
Mr. Sprague said he had heard ivre•akteal
about the,prolilta of manufaCtureir,Vefif Ab
pleat day of his life Ito Said w6s‘lllAAsr,hii he
saw. the , Now England ez.efesa 'tri-laduster
;dada the system of the country. ] tc wooed
- ,llgetbersten. and }fiddle !unto'', to enjoy'
the strtniiti of the New England spawn:-
. -After I tics debate, to which Messrs. atter.
aims; Store I,' Hendrick. and Clark istrtleitu
teil,lbe farther conalderatloa of the .elb.nret
Irr i li te ilfo n n c4 Uli rtV n : Miry, Se the min.
Lary peace establishment of the United States
Mr. Merrill railed up the Joint resolution to
amend theconstatution on the Itchiest of re
Annuter OilfAred an anise-de:WM to I axri
the following words at the close of the original
prosy...Ulan: "And they shall be exeraptfrom
taxation of all klods,“ so a. to maks the
amendment provide that tboao Who e
Landed from the right of suffrar-o on wseount
of color Or rant, ens!l be ezenipt from Laza-
110178 E
Mr. Mender/Ma addressed the Senate at length
in laser of the amendment offered by him re
eently, prohibiting-any State from eithdruver
'the eleethantraachlanon &comas Of °nun,
aad said the Pretident in Ids s
Viral:de delegation hid field that h pe e ec h to the
what was known me the radical party, as the
great danger to this cotmtry. Ile had Dimes:-
yy awl rarnmtly supted the Prestdent and
his edrainistratkut alLoe hie accoaton to the
eareuthe chair. Ws object was to restore, If
possible, at the earliest possible moment the
union of these Stßiet.
Referring to the Amnesty Proclamation or
Mr. Johnson, bedertled th e right of the Prod
dont to grant amtictty to Herein oxecmt an con.
dittoes promised by the act OPaillyler..,wrdch
requires that an oath mud be taken before
amnesty _can be granted. MN - ening to the
proclamation robotitaniting , the state of :forth
Carolina, he denied the right of the Crest
di nt to prescribe the quatillcation of voters
ae ho had done to that princlamstlon.
Ito believed the State governments to the
booth most be errganiztel before there °calif
be a perfect tuilim of the Staten; bat if the .
I ato gorernannate trete turned back to the
men who had been in rebellion was it not rea
sonable to expect that they would rebel azaint
Ile would ask ask the Senate If Congress eould
nt.t pans an act depriving the lain rebelr
of their right of citizenship, not
withstanding the President's Amnesty.
If Congreaa had power to do that, it ought to
be done. Thu men who went into the rebel
lion ought to be ilLafranchiscel and prevented
l. Om Wring part In the work of reorgaalcA:
(ton. 510 read from th e addresa tram the eir
gieta delegation to the President. and remark
ed that It um signed by a man named Baldwin
among others.
Mr. Wilson asked tf that was not the Bald
win who was a member of the rebel Congree.,
Roil who nominated General Lee for Governor
of Virginia.
Air. Henderson understood It was. •
. . _
Mr. :intoner LugoLred R that was the sort of
men who gave advice to the President.
Mr. Henderson was apeakingof
Plan for 1 , -OM/1.1.0u/ton the Vevd, of our-troth
of the people of a Mate, when Mr. Wade In
d how, under as republican form of goy
orainelit, ono-tooth of a people could govern
Mr. fleralerson if the government of
S out!) Carolina WWI not rtip.tbliewn when sho
entered the Union
Mr. ll'ado Paid it was not.
Mr. 'lender&On said our (labors mos; It.cra
Mel ahout it then.
Mr. Wade: They were uthdeken, thot . 4lol.
Mr. fiondcreon continued—lle contended for
the. right of giving the control of elutew 'de
ment to loyal men, yet men who ,rl. e. 1
e ero denounced an Jacohlnv mud ltdond
• • .
Sh . .Stonnets By whom?
fiendersom The President says on t th , •
Virginia delegation. Ito retort to ouch moo cc
the Senator from Massachusetts. Ile Is the
most dangerous man I ?•now of. lie to always
making whitowaslalug speethes and doing
other dangerous things. The President allu
ded to him when he t.llOl about hammering
at one cud while the nuril was going nt the
Mr. Sumner said that did not apple to him.
It must be meant that the democracy were
barnmerleg nt this end.
Mr. iltsnderson assured Mr. Sumner tint he
was the man whom the President meant.
Referring again to the interview betvfeen
the Virginia delegation and the President,
he was Interrupted by Kr. Wilson who said:
I want to ask the Senator if ho boa any anther.
t* whatever in regard to the opinions of Mr.
Balwln or any men in the rountry who sympa
thise with them, that they will be obis to In.
Science affairs In any of the States that In lard
voted for Mr. Linooln for President. I ask if
he does not belieVe that these-States by they
cialve majority, a majority larger. then
gave m PM, aro opposed. to the ad ads
mon of any those States to representation in
this chair:diet unites they give security for the
Mr. Henderson—As 1 before stated, I am
ncon i e ts ra rtaivec a I .
am l
wgarde eS a a otnbrcva tlm
Mr. Wilson—So do we.
Mr. Henderson—But I am not so anneal
about it rote take them back In their present
Mr. Henderson then dismissed the right of
Congress to disfranchise the robots. Ire be
lieved that the right existed and ought to he
On motion of 11r. Doolittle, the Senate, at 3:15,
we .,,t, Into executive session, Mr. Henderson
not having concluded his speech, sad coos af
ter adjourned
Air. NV hale), of West Virginia, submitted the
following preamble and resolutions, namely;:
aWnritans, This [lenge, at its last session,
Interpreting the sentiment of the American
ponds!, panned u resolution endorsing the tra
ditional policy of the Government towards
the republics of this continent, and retire
bating, in unmistakable fang - nage, the crea
tion of n monarchy upon the ruins of the
neighboring republic of Mexico.
"Witmer:as, • A. flagrant infraction of this
Amerman continental policy occurred while
thin nutfOo was in a caMtilet for Ito own unity,
which conflict is now happily coiled i there
/o.olred, lot. That this House do hereby
rt./af - I/I the renol ut lon of the Mat emtion, anti
declare Oita fhe estobitnliment of a political
protectoral. by Finuini In behalf of an Aus-
Irian Prlnee over the Republic of Neale.), nod
be lilt nal uction of is scheme or policy widen
with is rlghtto Interfere in our Octl,
as ns the afro:Wet - I isllthe republics of this
emit taunt, is a measure to whirls this MsnotiS
ss nevm - ' lOl4l which should be reriS
'Led by all 'ht., to lent power. •
•1 • ' flat to t .• .1 of Making civil]
1,11,,10N. I. P.,
Ed I
not , he repol,;” ...1
use,or the 1114,1111 In their pou
. • •
1 . Sir. Mud oy .Itauaudtal the pr. , lon. ,a,,•,,,
.3.'.( the ilnuac by a cote or I:: Lo .% raoveol tc
I;:art , nd it.
in motion n 1 Mr. Bank,. of Mos...ache...Lt..
Ito rt , oluttuns were referred to in. •
toreign Relatious.
11.1 . . Stet um, of Pennsylvania, offered n rte
Itillon for the proeuring of a large rtmth''
Comes of the works con - taining facts with re
. knot to the ansassination of President Lincoln
the orations of Bancroft. Simpson,
. Pod others. and the proceedings of mnnieloal
and Congressional anthoritles on the anbiect.
The resolution wan referred to the Commit
gce on Printing.
On motion of Mr. Latham, of Wmt Virginia
the comntlasioner of public buildlop wan di
rected to roost, to be painted on square pan
els of glans In the coifing of the !totem of
Representatives the meat-boons relatively
.Of the Rtntes of West t train is an't
and that the necessary appropriation he made
Mr. Smith, of Kentucky, offered a resolution
that Mr. JUllle4 M. Johnson eltsimunt to he a
inembrr elect from the Third Congressional
Mistrlet of Arkansan, ho admitted to the oriel
/I'Se+ of the door tit thin Rouse during the
pending at his claim as it member thereof.
Mr. Stevens wanted the resolution referred
to the CommittO on Itecoustruction.
Mr. smith wod ho hoped the Moose would
Tote for the resolution and grant Col. Johnson
the tirlv Mege. This laapart from the cmden
t MI, which have rdremly been presentee to the
tolllolll toe on Reconstruction.
Mr. slovens said that the resolution proposed
to gtve the gentleman a 0.411 011 the 11001" 00 a
enthor elect from a thaw vi hiek the nonce
to admit. To admit members
roni tiny one of the defnuct ,hates, would be
tamest roes.
Mr, ,mith Inlet with nil title deference to the
gen Illation, he tilifereti (iota httn on the point
pn Ilh WIIIALVI tile State Was defunct or not. AA
Ion;; no the gentleman entortolnOtt that opin
-1 ~,, no Mug W(111111 ill, continue to differ from
him. Ile tteel.trtol at n role of the Um-on-i
-ntent. tot u prlnetplo of the Comititation and
by iirreetlente of Congret, thet up to tai.
hoot I 111, have all been reeoan trod att State,
none of (limn urn tlefunut. Heretofore gentle-
Mt It 111,0 been tat IMO to the grimiego 111 th•
goer ty it vote of the Howie, and thin was the
n.igh throw nom I.OIIINIILIM and .trkatteat
daring a Minter conarmet. while other, had
been •Itnlini lip itditlitted until their Ch, t,
Were decided.
II ,v a• proud to say, and it would be a omen' ,
111 to at Mention In the future, that he meld
rice I n /./N plot, and deelaro s fundameotal
prow, `,le that no State Ma become defunut by
the tobelllon. mot [him le the eon, /union to
a bleb Um 'tooth mon nom Penneylvania fil
11.1f nitld route if he ehoold liven fele years
/onusr. Now that the war 14 over it Is a mon
strous Idea that wherever you and si • hite
Men In the South, you find onetny,an :them
e, or you and a black man you tlnd a friend of
the imeernment. It am 'dander on loyal
melt, and he threw bark the charge In tn,iigna•
troll end contempt.
Ur. W ['son .std be intended to rote to give
the prl•llege to the gentleman from Arkansan.
He a oold mate the rouram“ th it controlled
him. A. long m they kept mteh loyal men at
arme• length, they would be unable to hoar
both 11(lt, of the question. It was neeemnry
they should confer with those gentlemen so
as to aseerteln all the far la ',remand', Then
he would be at liberty to go for or against the
ildmtrodon of members.
When a man Ilse f 01. frnlinson room here.
Whose semi were not red with lord blood, but
If red at alt with the blood of rebels, he shoold
regret their tioing turned away as unclean,
and not percaltted tO shoW their face , s hero
It would - be w ontrago on the popular sense
Of justice of the country, against which the
lit:Mae could not support itself. The question
hod been lost eight-of as to whether the power
vacated by the rebel government revert.' to
the general government or falls Into the
hands of the people in allegiance.
He held that the power of reorganirntton
Inman to citizens, oven if there in only o‘e in
Otte hundred. Others maintain th..l. U.' posse,
lapses to the general tioecrennent, but with
out precedent , to ustaln them.
Mr, ii.terens moved, and the /louse laid Mr
Smith's resolutions upon the table Teas--;s.
Mr. Bingham, from the .Mint wirat committee
Itoeonetrnettom ported a Joint revolution
enntyzat,tog the foll re ow nag tartlet.' to nuirpd.
mcnof the Constitution of the rotted Mate..
to be presented to the lest datums of the sev
eral , tatet for their ratideatiou
i iThat (congress shall have power to make all
'pay which shall be tiecesaary and proper, to
secure to the citizens of each state all t e priv
ileges and Immunities of citizens In gen
oraletatee, and to ',error's In the rat
states iffiest protection to the rights 0 ito,
liberty arklistoperty."
rtingharn naked thot the re... Motion be
minted, and motto the speeds! order of the
ant for next lion:las and from des to day un-
Mr. at the suggested of Mr ste•-
ens, Moved to recommit the resolution, and
t t. it it i rea l t n :a ed nied to know the mato( ro-om
ntittina• the resolution when the corns, !tie,
had already made up their minds.
Mr. Bingham sweated the gentleman to un•
Seriatim% that the object of the amendment
itas to extend unlmra,ll> tan guarantee at
Ti s e t . l=lro . :t - ctior ,
Stand that they did not knowwhat the Con:1-
. 011 M. on ftroonsti notion wereilslng, and that
this amendment could Cot Mr put through too
blouse under the gag law.
Mr. Bingham replied that nothing of We
kind was intsrolod. Thu motion to recommit
ti M mgr..; to.
Mr, eclienck offered a Joint resolution which
was referred to the totte on Military af
fairs, pscsrldlag licreattor every brevet ap
pointment hr commission conferred on an oni
cm of the army, shall state for what portico
lax act of gallantry or meritorious oontlect
the same was conferred and that thongs:m.on
the army register shall be similarly designs-
The Ilene proceeded to the oomilderatuut
of the much °mutated election ease of Paid
win against Tzowtarldge. The report of the
Committee on Electloec saps there to no quer
-I,otl of fact, only one of law involved in this
eonuet. Myths net of the Logi.totem, a larg
onumber of rotes were mot by • °LIM!, outside e
of Untlitalte of the State. these •otes con
be lawfully °minted, Mr. Trowbridge has a ma
toraty of the whole and Is elected to the amt.
If bet, Mr. Maltrein hoeing a melority of the
home vote. is entitled to It.,
It will i.e observed, the Committee bay that
the elector to prohibited by the conetit mien of
the State, tai,lng the interpretation of its
Supreme Cantles correct, from voting outside
of the township or ward in which ha noshlen,
hot by the act of legislature is LitiOlieti, • bon
alieunt In the military tarsi-cm of the country,
tosrote even outside the State. There Lean un
mistakable contlict of cubed dy. The co.ti
tetlun prokiblte what the Legislature es pieta
ly permits. The power to net at nil in the pre
far as concerns lisPror , ol . otittiVest In
0 , 1317.2.04 , eriT1A from itrtirisi let,- beetfon
Ira, of the Conetitetton of Thu United dtates.
They eancinde their argument by saying the
power i 0 prrlleiTO the place ebeiher;Calieli
onallecatlen Itenutation or condition, Is •Ull
vested In what the eoto.tltutiott roll, th e l eg .
isleture, and there It must rentals, It eatmot
tm stivreteti by Ctelnl it another seas , how
ever opt It may be. The Committee, there
fore, report a resolution that itowland I:
Trove ',ridge Is entitled to a beat to this 1101140
no a itepresentative In the Thirty-ninth Con
gress from the Fifth Cihigressional Olatriet of
Mr.llarr.hnii, of the minority of the COM
rititteo, says to Ills sltitiesurast thxt rut Log r.arn
frullt-ron.lilere4l the geestlon, of law Involved
in this rose, he hoe MOO. to uir cotwlunlne LOU
Mr. Baldwlu was duly elected. Hsi...hall oom
bate at some length the position, Asvillu•A by
the majority, and mmehotes by St resolution
that Augustus C. Baldwin Is cut itiel to a sent,
Mr. Beaman addren.ed the Mown, hehnl f
of Mr. Trowbridge, andwas lolloweil by Mr,
Marshall on the other side.
Mr. Baldwin, the contestant. tieing too UI to
speak obtained concoct Lo p, .ut Ili.
The Mouse adjourned.
ca . Ontaxwa, Ecb. 13.—The ‘a., ~,,_
lion organised en s!aturilay They rot,l
is to It that ail the member, no a,
support the Constitution et the United : . ..t.tLe
The preview. resolution that ;01 oh o liad not
hitherto Sono so should take the ftrunesty
oath, was reconsidered. The Conetitutleurri
oath we's administered to the convention, err
music by Judge Everett, the members stand
Rev. Hamilton was notified of the organiza
tion and sent a mecenge, reeoloutendiog
among other things, Lill, repudiation of the
rebel State debt,
The Convention appointed Committees on
the condition of the Stateom cc ut se and logi,
halve departments and jniilchirr.
Judge holier - Es, of Smith connle, formerly
President of the secession convention is Chair
man of the Committee on the general provits
ions of the constitution.
Judge Hancock le Chairman of the Cominits
tees on elections, printing, ntherlitirre, public
fends, inclines attain, etc.
Resolutions declaring that no person corn
ing within the exceptions of the President's
Amnesty Proclamation are entitled to a 'eat,
and a substitute, to refer all credentials to the
Conn:rate° on Electlemi, were referred. Rose-
Intlims to adjust debts contracted On a bawls
of Confederate money, to Inquire after the
records, library and furniture of ihe Supreme
Court, to extend relief to partly. owing debts
prior to the War, and to establish separate
criminal Court., were sill referred to appro
priate Committees.
Tim Governor of Louisiana ha, vetoed the
parochial election bill, It LI doubtful If thorn
ho enough members la town to pans it over
the veto.
The river is rising and pouring through all
the °otters plantations near Rains Rouge. The
vent levee building there under State man
agement is not finished. ilreot lot, I, wale!.
pat ed,
a great fire occurred i.e Austin, Tots', on
the ith sent., Involving a oss of twouty •n vu
tholoutal dollars.
conorencull ltepubltenu 4:ol2Tentlon.
St:Trott n, Cr., Feitruary 13.—The Eppel,' I.
con Mate Convention which tetsa, to nits
City toenorrow, promises to be our. or the
largest nud uldert Convrntions which 11.9
assembled In Connecticut for year,. The nt.
teseltume at the eattcle,, tar-night, guar large
and • good feeling prnvatls.
who co. ve.uon will endorse President Johns
son, All3rm their confidence in the patriohsta
01 Cong - ress, and re•aftirm ti n t doctrines gad
principles nutter which the party has [ought
for the lust live years. There Ina strong 411 . .tr0
to re-nominate Gov, Ituelcingham, but as he
positively declines. a now tleket trtll nu made.
The prominent earelitlutcs for (tor ernor are
General I:. howler - , LieUteuant Governor WM.
A t call and Iton..t. C. Scranton. -'
110,10 N, Feb. ship Hamlet, Willa'.
Stcpbent, from Calcutta for Roston, al tli a val
uable cargo of Xing hits tomb.. wont ...bur°
during a thick Tog
last night on Stsiset beach,
at Orleans Cape Coil, and will be a total lots.
licr back- it broken and she Is full of water.
The Draw were t .1111.11. The Iloottot wa. 757
ow, I tallier; sbc wa• hutlt In
o taking
nrd o pnt r : ou t er
n l E
t i ,wr e nao: i
the Unitot 01:
. c
: f
o Obtain
the definite triumph of the eau.e 01 national
1.1/Tendon,. Thr att.ttrm,.
tr_ G m o,. - c t r oa n t o n ra r n i t
~, , , , f r pot tie n t . i n n i t t l e ‘ • e l a r, to. ha. girrn n
Mexico. Maximilian ha, now not the .111itc,f
idea of cementing hi, .o-callr.l throne.
The Herald's Mexican corre , pondent•
that while in the vicinity of Vera Cm./ thrl.•
is an appearance of great commercial activity,
there 115 /HOC reality in it, nearly all trierrhar,
dim , arriving being for the French portion of
the Imperial anny: Immense srippliel or ord•
mince. and o f stores have recently of,
rived and boon forwarded to the capital. Alt
merchants In Vera Cruz are eXpeetlng thf
Fr. ncli to openly condemn the Imperial i.o,
Fleftufltlos Administrator —Ctslumblato
MAATIP Isisniennee Company
Isere Yons, Feb. lt.—At a meeting of the
Board of Aldermen yesterday afternoon, a
resolution snot adopted, directing the Corpo
ration ( oun.u.l to take „proceedings against
the sureties of the Late default Inc Pabii. Ad
min istenter, to reenver bonds gliren by t hem.
A it - zeniths of the creditors of the Columbian
Mari el Iu• ti ranee t ompany. ens held yoster
ttai afternoon, at which a resolution was adop
ted, I, pres4lTitt their vonthlunce In the gentle
men appointed as receivers of Its affairs, and
retineetlng there to furnish a statement at us
early a clay as practicable, of Its emullt On
noseclaily. find to Wind up Its business /14
•410,1 a. pro...noir.
s 1 sea, } oh. 13.—t'ity Inspector tool has
st nt to Slayer lielTinen, a tstnirnimienttou re
quest log the hitter to convene the Board of
Henlih, not only for the purpose of action to
als, s minus dangerous nuisances, hut also
to protest to the Leg Islet tire against the pas
sage of the hill to establish theriMeteOpOiltan
!sanitary ljtoniMirninlio,. hirr-800/0 - Contends
that this commission te . tneimly'a development
of the scheme of a party of aspirtints, to se
cure patronage and emoluments, and is e
tirely unnoitessury, as the existing laws ant
t nstit it t lons are amply sufficient to protect the
health of the city. and prevent the spread 01
Richmond Examiner Slap eeeee ed.
Rm... Yana, Feb. 13.—The - Henntri dispatch
I. om Rlehmond to-night pays titletbe oDB,c of
the P...nred err nua c10.e.1 at nine o'clock the.
ruing, by order of Gen. Terry. The order is
.aid to have emanated from Ginn Grant.
Yens, Feb 13.—1 t L teporlad In thy el ty
that several piece. of heavy cannon hn. re
eontly !peen purchased in this city for l.en.
..eyney, Sea tan Secretary of War.
The follow lagconverhatton WWI given es by
a 'anti...roan of the city ns having actually 04-
carrot' a few dayb ago. Desiring to engage
[moan:ten 011 hi.. farm for the pee,ent
_year, ha
addrectsell, among ot he'rl, a stout looking fel
low with—
"Soy, do you cant to hire nett year l"
Freedmau-"What .ort of work Is It, sir "'
t ineen-"I want bands ou my farm; earl I
get yOli for one 7 ..
Ftrearnen (WWI pompous air)-"Well. no;
I don't care 05,0111 lairingnert year-what will
von lake for your placer
Citizen (somewhat, stirprlsodi-"To enty dol
lars per ecru. -
Freedman-"Flow' much would it all come to
at that."
fitizan i umk lag a mental calculation, -"511
thonsand two hundred dollars."
YreettEllan- - Y.e.; what are your Lemur'
t un--One...third cash; the balance to one
and two years, with eight per bent. interest."
Freedman-" Wouldn't you make some do
auction It I as tope) the whole Co cash and
Citaxen- .. Certatnly, night pat cont."
Ivreforn.n-"141.1ce It ten."
Citizens decidedly astontshed)-"Wert'
Freedman- . V/ Mat if."
The gentleman was then informed that he
should havethe money the next day without
Look out, ye legislative llotspura ' the freed
me.n will have all your lands In a dozen years.
-l'aurnbi , db..) kid.,
nI I —4/13Ve ble
:11•hip I:war Me brorai ry <LL DA ValID HILL
In le.e RA of Lla ago.
ra•fu t.le plow. CU the
1.V . 4 rapt., lc (rtrzAs of the fa.tly
.r, re 4 vectll.4l7 Itait..lt6 'Lula&
utairitz. CENEITELIEffe- , A
rat ost4l ct.t. Craw Fropttl . / .. ttri
ova. the old= crone of
oo tb• - New Mos INtraanst
to ielmol Warta! Lout U.l ply _ht Iherrintead
vat's at the Y . Tied D 'Paroalle
aa,l a.l °Wee Main,. will snouted to thainvii
ta amts... of the anneeel. oOrnet Of reatetlh
an 4 Lam* streets. Atte y •
,01L Aso.
mcc.tia.vors eToliz
/lb. 87 rosirth Attreel
mosaic and
Embroidered Piano Corers,
1, And every dr,riptloa of Cororto.
CIll•-rt-I.MT , 16,
r e ept i iiator7 to toting OUT kanual lovuutory and
to salt roar rurebotec for Spring, we .hill
TW ENTY Watt. liberal rtete , itatone lu
our chat., tod cowa3lee owe: of
Carpet*, lour 011 Challis, Window Shades
Danktutt, Rep and Lace Curtains, Cur=
vices, Tasecle, Loops and Banda.
ag ou, cootorn.r• to mato if 01,111 A ray
h)•NT'S 01 pernlasivnt valor at n MOdnfllto to
71 101 'a rim eitln•e4.
a_t Mons Ho.tttM t,a• o.tara
OLISTER,,V.IiiVi Si. Co.:
•OtrOlon glvetl to the r.XECITrION Or
Tales eSsselord and Colleftl.o. mad. Penn.,l
- Ohio nod Wegt relS
fr. R. IJcirouted lokilern• (Ulm Agt•Ent
llnonitu Mr Wousided Soldiers collected lo fn" L%.oft o "r se."( d Tersitt street, Mist,
Cal ijtqbarge tud two witdosser • soitlii7
.YL nouitTlKß, BACK PAT, anditllltary OW=
rditut i r4Z7 trut . osoritrerat
etultus, sl,te. &
u othEl bi all o uter
AURTn . •7 ALLA',
pt,,utonil street, oppolllllo Mt Court Ilea
mad* tt the olalro does 12 . 04
p1....rd. Awl toitartostl•st Orem itratts, se4ay
N. mormrr. 601.7191110
Mom= & COCHIL&N,
011-10 E, NO. 60 GIIANT OTREET.
• T.. DIA.SIONP EtTRECT. orposit.
Illounc must:two. 111:Vata11
klistiLL LADIES Al l)
ENT)+, rue hate nor, In Opplit-
Amy •
rutty of hoSrrlng you , f.str. 14 t
emirele nure •nd srlrothle prorosS
swat 1 alone posse.• the secret.
-ea) prod.. • correct Wietter.l• of
...ur future husband or mita tty
retellne rue F ool ago, color ey..
war, you will medic the plclare
or your.,iu tut. minor by.resurn mall; alsollhe'dals
or vont , mirrlare s Ad4rOss, eurlotthg . Won ty-fire
, soul Ltd red etto9l , o l Vips unm IF LAYTN
-I/MINTS/Is Usual% mailman' manaminimmg
E.tiTAL CAST DEPAETHENT tit now ratt!eto
tam kroi;h1:11. Bete, t he
ttor Itark .Ittt Scab mut Extre.ltsurtak in the lowly.' 11 , rtTtion Room.
Thr .Etoloon It re.....r% et!ricctuArt.ty C. Vatleuten
reto , tting mfreoln.r.“. a the tune as
tt not other tirm-rl...ll—t.s.•ont
A Ipt ... r t. •,‘ -A tt,,
woiti PUMPS;
mrir sr
Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,
y tlrra. ul it• Itams.
lima* W.e% La ialnds- Tin Pipe tarSola
Yom sin.:moi kind. of ..yrn and leestPer kip./
Hoe. ' , .[Ataar. Gag . Ipd lad /*titian., aitali
deeteriptlaw• constade on hand s 4
Addy, Willliams Bartley's
kinds of to.polrink done poNinitly
All .nfPr o try mall siteacted ti
• -
plyrsnunGu LEAD PIPE
We keep on hand and will make to order aa,
, rae or thfok n. ke reoulreer, at the
Lowest .Market natea
• ,r.trr• by m•!I promptly ti.:.ed
P L AT TI T.MIii kt. G iVis ni A gfct 3.
c .r 4argar.ert a r . r . p .. . prbeitc.
3.1 - P.ll CLOlrr& t..A.s.r6..
Con.t.Anur on 1:6.1.n4 wad =ado CA cr4er.
"!Ot. -L , trtilli riito.,tb
pLUMBA' , x
x sr CI"
Erirl Ti
uzET L MAT za'icEAD IlrE3 infrp2lrn,
ETrEM9 a CO"
lSe eft,. 1,, Ala, • Elorml„) . _
R, 165 Wood tit 7, le7s",re PL
Portables & Cigar Ligtiters.
rlrE.lrs r co,
4.14:, a Ssens".l
113.M.•0d No. 18:11F.1 Ut.. PfTTOK•IISII. PA.
Pittusitng and Goo /Pining.
t it_ 181
a t Wood et. Pttlabar h. Pa.
1/01MTLES.--A-11 Diathanged Sol-
Orr., or the Dare of Detriuorl &Idlers. orhe
eallatr4 V tho arsa
8 -Eoa-rim telex-cricae,
And soldiers who owe draetharre4 Irmo any *ober
aerstoe trlttiont receDhall 10.4. Dort...toot Or L.-
...111,mm., are r00t...t01l to cell or read tol s mit
are, to T. WA.LTED Da lr,
Bald for for Downes, rowboat and ray,
240. 16 FIFTH STDENT. third 400 r below the Ca
thodral. jut
r Rugs
W. a. rarry.a.sow. • Notary PAWL'
W .
toyatoya (Or Capettllß .41rat4. Staa.
I) al ed (eq. trvarmasi DOuNTY,AsALI
M{ l o :0 :Mkt 3 3404
W l / 4 "xls. Wort.cacor.
Dealer in S. C. 'Lora BACON BARAEL POll.
01111".1) star, LAp,d, L V5..6 OIL, Olt..EAli
TALLOW, . would respectfully sollch a atlatet
the trade, Nce:23 sxvtaint tT4LEZT. Lltteburgb.
I THE .Caw
TION AL nracEMAClElllitt, mates. with oral
ter,horee power, .77,0 W splendid Brinks per day
with well defined edges and uniform leoxths.
the snorhine doe; not perform what we claim for It
will tats it hank awl refund the money. Ad.
dress A IlliAll ItLlol.l. t Ueueral'Agent. 1.20 Broad
woe. New Wort rndaskloodua
IN ST,OI:E:-110 bbls. Flint Hominy, 31 bbls.
Pearl Hominy; PM boll. Dried l'esthes, haves; 30 do
do, quarters; 13 do do, I , arrd; :3 do berries, pits la;
a do do, Pits Jut; 13 do do - Blackberries; 10 do do El
derberries; 10 do Yrench , Currant s;•.:', do York State
Dried Apples; 60 do 01110 do; 30 do old 401V0
caned Fresh Peaches: 5A7 doz. deeFornatoes; 11 kegs
Country Lard; 15 bids. do do; 13 do do Tallow:33D
r. Clover beed; 9 bags llye;= , do Timothy Seed;
00 boles Factory Cheese; 60 dO do _
do; en do English Dairy do: 00 Obis. ehellbarit Ma
or Nuts; 3 Obis. Fresh Roll Bo [tor; 7) half bbis do;
IS3 kern packed do: 10 bids. Cranberries; 35 do Cldei
Vlurirar; 21 boxes German Soap; bbls. fresh Egg.;
MO do Posehidew Potatoes; 60 dp Western °blow•
a) do Solemn Molasses; 3 do prime Apple Batter.
3) do W ite Ilesas;10 do Chestnuts: SO bud. Wal
0010. 000101. /Ambled Stoney. Forsale by
L. IL volule.
Priam Third Pared Peaches::
Prime lhied bairns and quasier Peaches:
Prime DIVA Apples sad (Marries:
Green Apples and Peacb Maw „Potatoes:
Eves, Butter, Lard and Tallow;
Geulben Chrome and Pickle.,
<lamed Puthes and Ten:manes, cheap.
Dorn Deal and rear' 11.11 . 10/1
00200.11' and Seeds,
All of widen la °tiered for 0011 P.r mud:t lower'
rater, by GRAFF REITEIC,
00, 10. lAbertv 'treed,
too Mixes liasben Cheesy;
tVt•• hamburg do
sacks ,leriod Peaebei..ttalves;
00 bbl.. Now York Dried Apples;
50 • • L. White Bewail
•• Eastern Cultivated Cranberries;
z • • kiln dried read Irtoladny;
55 • Mlinsunri Fire Clay;
10' Maaganlatt;
;3 • • nada dab,
Fur salo bs 1000. 1 11. cAxPIELD,
JaZ 'Gadd Ita First street.
• --
100 bbla. Extra Family Flbur;
Bn Rye db•
rA •• rearllLomtnyi ,
•• prime Whitt, flaws;
eu •• chalet Green Alardee:
if .n Peachlalow rotator , :
.centitti -11alasse.•;
•• Drkd Applcs;
10 Prueber;
5 .• Loa': Log ,
to 2 Cotner of Market and Wit slyest&
Si, CS - VRIES, for sale at 1.&) Libo
ty Street:
I lOY PP:Ann:S -7 a blals. tame halves:
DRY APPI.F.-. ',bpi.. nes. and Old:
7.111A2 , +-5 0 bbls. prime white.
110.111 Is Y lad , . Thai trembly;
I.laile-a:po tad.. It bite lame;
I. 11.3 -005 bblr. 1. at ra No. I:
Atste--na deer ts no. earn;
dtt,oll'st-IS ht 1.. reos hI It >tt ray:
hUrnill - a 01,1, and
bbls. and re,:s,
bandit .;
11E Is 6-6 Ohio. Labrador:
jam Wholesale G.raeore and Prod. , ' Deetidf d °
avicr, pct .P Otte pound tlt" mnr, • eAAAR
sod exeellenbiello. widen may tre used for p!es sa
tarte, o, dilated lilth Ovate. •Aalte• . 4 Pr
1,7 iNti. A. atPINSRAW. •
1012 Cc rner LiErtr 081 lbotlittith
Two LO/ S/0.1111 ABS TAMER,
Chti e 4 WileepriPtrov:4 tit,* •* Sisrbrasy
TN. emu., V fortmnica whlch wilt rcuh tkl "I"
~rlh erilt.l9,24 So the MAIL [MM.
of lee uz.l mud
p,:vritA z
'4,000 MEN WANTED!
Same \umber of
M. McClellan told her that ;be heard Sans Grab's
welt sal that John Harris • wire told her that Granny
Setlth heard that It was no doubt the widow Baker
that Capt. Wood's wife thought Met Colonel
l.aae's wits bettered that old Ides. Late reckensed
goaltlvele that Peter Danhactro wife bad told Neil
cuseudger that her aunt had declard to the world
that It eiss generally believed that Mother Paster
had said In plain terms that she beard Betsy Cook
ray that her slater Polly had &aid that it was area
kunarn In PITTSBURGH, that
No. 60 Fifth Street,
cheapest. Best and Most Sellable
h -la the World!
tridier the Opera noose
820,000 THoulrAmifini
mm) 11101756XD DOLLARS 111
rill fa DV?: Mf3 - 1:7 ,
DM'S A.21l MTH. .•
LT L w,„
:V•V •t• f q • 1
C/ I
u !Le
• . ••• •
11 4044-140
Opposite the OPereeHOSSee.
/Ai " 60 " 5 1 r :
Eictqa, - " - c t,"
socials irrarramicrim soar% j
ares.wzrs. , s 151eLN 'l';'•
:fftsTA.F.D. COL I 4 • : „
WINE 3 AM, 11R4pr ! :
SIMON liHNSTON I fkiabl o
„itis Goner stewed kkiiisitrik'
klAT . : 4_,:_v 4,;J:effli
COFFINS t 00FM:fig
mAu041.2.-T I :
zwroomiri '
0011.1 MT
<Mk*, 15 - o. UM PIYOBTH STRUM'
M.11:3.1,174 in 4 1 Ito branael•
ing out ana flangsttlas
1.-4 at reasoastgetll2lll. del:a
N.. l 4 reall, PitUballbr, PS. 00271N11
Of, kinds LUMracternildesciq
Inusial rnieltinig ftirnisited.
0 a=mfg&hg,. 7:4I=VELI, ,Bit.
W. damn., Tlorass Swizz Jam!.
Miller Inn.
M M a Eoous
13lnt 21Afl l o le c g e d tre
Ai erdfroAioit a Canters stTiat.
promsaly &tied 10. hsay ON naardst
if anotseturers of BLACK sad GOMA
Dr.egtsu• Wore, LiOttle Dent/Jo
norF, fie. arehoux—hio. WATTso ST
between Stnitnlicid and Grant etrotte. flitnlottet'
Tenon -
We warrant our Warta to be raping.. or to nay Mutated west of the Mountains. /dwell On
Glassware of the aboyn description. All
promptly attenmo ulds. ded to, rarticalar ettentlOni to
volants. ..
J MIES . eig - "'"' "3-3)3`llzt
C0nici.,11373/Zariset skit
VI .W. V. cOLLura - OU Imam
~.-,( ICILLLSS Si. WRlGHT,Altrittsaila
Brats and Motet Metal Workers. Ar1 a ra1..,...,_*"
tom, Carbon and Lard tril Sttrailti• m....„ .•.l ........."
erylm ot Ilettanla 'mod by allayment"
"Indort promptly tillsd. ;in. 121 7 11*9072t eposurg
Illttliburgh, Puma.
- .
• EMIMET, Pitubwrb. szraaraatarer of 13014121
111Vrazl,vi Boman IRA" , gasman mud raltrOag
of erery daccrigitasi. r
Particular rime or ortaped tag*
or mall, rustle to order at chart rtatico. *goo:tad.
aOrtalttat ronttantly bud - •
Jostrn ................. ...NrCHOWT
et faIWEAV Nt ',Treat' glea . .
'V'" Aril
2.14/aq, ttni
r rnal" inarnallelrs. and war-
nk .<l,4ani 11,11011..0.V,t0/mm= l = o . o AM
Nln as =Awl. 3,11 aa reasonania nranikuni •
SlfnnlTctrred and for age,
• Wholesale or Retail. -
NOor d i*
r ,iniunds Jr and
NO. iti 1-011
.2•s: ..
•• sox= ..... .
rss - EMLECT. Mos
• ir.suutictswe • sad truy: t r awls:loy On
grUdd . Urthetr , ti: CV,filks,
(sarials floods, Coesfucts, Pastier - woos
t sea, of alt Ltn,ls• sue svklnsted rat's:.
....I:ed. 'Mt IStaills . of 10121,4 f., Dtluda
eroliart 1111% , . , 0 1 .. 1 4 T, I.• Ord,,
.11 10
..1 1,