The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 12, 1866, Image 1
N lITSBVEGIit G p;9 ,7, , ... ~,....._,.. AZEITE L. •"s r•. , •11.3° ..."'srmAN 1 E vzzo fi g. EtIMISEit. 4' Isilisir_i_t TH. co sT,fIALAGNs, Bustxxis itairAorit. • • • rbBLIMODOT4 . "IIB GAZETTE itiSOCldrios, N 114 o. k 211Sillfier, Pi usoOrnh., TE-R3Vo, .. . , .71LORNWO , En[TTON.,` , b - mall, per rear ..... —,..;48 on IMyb2rll.7 EtbiTurs, ',, do. 6i,, „ , . •.,„ 3, g3rbed by parrlbbb, 3fOII3:ING or EVENING:par , , • week . •., • Li 6a,t4ette. 'abort', Cotler,e, 37 riftli.Nt., r ebruarY 10011, use.. _ Stranger,. tiesirb.4l9.lllll,,h their tn.nnwerelal ftlucatinti will I t n i s ,jtthe stlacriority °is:the training (or basinks9 sn autamsoftll-13' lhls in...tifution for twenty-41z yttara by re.. 'erring to any of flit, following gentlemen. , t'rho el. 511enk of It aft,/ naany year. exp..- ene.:.sll busitm&i. P: n Y. .l niterson, Banker, 0.1 r t 11.1tattna, Banker, :slereer. .1. Brady. Bankcr, J I . W• Ir t ty It 1, of ll'lnruor d 11. th tn. M. Ilunnit.g... of I:,raincr ..t Plusher h. ' • J Stark, of W. li. tPllliamc.F 1 , Ft. tr.bnrah. %V. C. C ',trio, Banker, Erie. I'a. )' )l."ltankln , lutzthni . , hiruknk. IC„ .a M.t. Tr/Mb/C. Banker, 'Mount 11 ...O.rwin, flanker, .71clieesport. .Ti.l. R. Compton, Criollier Niagara Bank, Lock rrt ...N. Y. S. 1,. Herron. Caiillior Fourth National Bank. pi:tabur g .,ll. E. 11. .lone, .1: xrhange Bank. St. Mo. , .1, M. Wnti , on. f'ashie, 1 in.. Naltorßil Bank, 01.10. R, I..strnl/4 Peopl.., flank. 111.11efon -201ne,":01i1o,.. • W. fr. l i allechon, of ,Pritterson S. Ammon. .3.liZrchantsrl'lttsburgls. ,1.1"m7-51cC:retry, Merchant, I.ittsi.ttrttil. J. 11.1tIceretry, Merchant, Pittsburgh. .I:,...itnofraohristen. bru.crint. l'ittaburgb 11.1. A nave, of All,rce,zonS,u.., ritt,butgh: T 1T1e.41.1g, t a. Pittsburgh Norelty M irk Nferclutnl, Pltt,hurga th,tose Otr#3.ll, Alumbaat t,Pitt,... WilsOn', .Merehtint, C. 11. Wolff, bterellant. Pitt ...argil. C. IVells Of Ili -toy' ,t. Co, ...tot,: Work*. J. Wiley, 1,, Merchantm 2 .l ttslmrah. W. Will,, of C. Yeager A co 3liirehl.4 R. 0!. Mftrahant. • R. 'treed; M erchant, Pitts!..urgh. .1. It. 111/lerman, Merchant. Pitt,hargh T. B. 1 1 .tekr,on, Ik•ok.keeper Bank j•ittsbureh C'. E. Balotrock, !mate Bank, lowa. . C. Se%tot, •Book-keeper nint, _National. 71stuk, .Pittalturct. T. JR: ItabeOch, Bookkeeper , Wood , Morrel itt Co., Johnstown, Pa. J. Inektne; Book-keeper to Ititch Steve-a -t ntt & Pittatat*ll. J. F. J. /I.lliSon, Book-keeper, Seitneklet, ;Jttn Ilttsburgla. —,_- MC .C.V.Wella:Tiook.koopettin BAT,, Fahnestoek Dierehunt, Pittsburg T..K110,1.t00k-kee.per ItcCullecir k Co. rhacionati, Ohio. W. noose, Book-eepei k to I:nata*.t. 1 - forzoa., vhlengo, Moon.. J. R. limit]; Bookkeeper to T. W.* C. W. 12. Co. I J ,7 g.ilatthlin.Book--kaeper to A. lloaglasa, ifferebant, Italtimore, Md. 0 J, , ftbodenj; Bookol - ecivr,,, Adams Eirtrcss - Oratapany,Cfnatartati; Ohio. 'W. T. WatlY, Doak-keeper. W. T. Coub ratp.lterchant, Ptifkt. , 6ose Liat-in oar pamplairt airtaae con. Salm aver .bundrect_ttarags, ftran nearly • c•very state la the 'Union. littpixtrans. oc' 6tge - tuicibrtiittnt .Bari"intittbig on the ttortb-etiitoorttorofrourthttnd.Olartet streets. ':C:lLsataf Locslt Bno. -Liktiti4l4lo4k4:7llo_o6? ~.4 1 . :;4r5P4Legt I :+"ll99oXtc44loCk In the I.wo-eltiesisosskiiieatiergairtigoist ear st Fourth andidasket streets. • C. a5...150 Lore .t Bus. . •N EMI A Jar& eitettYtOr DOme.atio And Staple Good. now °Oriel, on the 'Doitli-easTcorour r0,,-kb . i r. ct Mitrlet • • irlestitcd and laablbached--241 the different as low is . tisprceszttropiarehasod us the pastern clues , uri the - tartittiast corner Fourth *rid 15.0.1.... - ej stream. • C. ll.v..eso:v LoSit t Bud. lin A Point - on Vbilea all IntyVe4ll4• Agree. Ont Of tpathourand nsgplar Phrslelan.You eninot fsd one'who will , not 'say:that mutat, flOnttusnutinrigOrnatenze absolutely necessary inediral make. • Altiaiit in bygone years •iinticoatie practitioners have hesitated to ad- Inlnisterthetn,heettnee thnfLendlsh ingenuity 11, who l mitidsnierehanlle of human Intlinatien had , PDpolintnd and detartornted them that the Was denthed • al danger- App411.3 I,he, disealio. This perplexity is hap , ; , .'3llrdene away :wit& Physicians Lvov, ..4 4 oaaviefh 11 J/ 14 CW_ ellelniete of the age rideteonstniten the - met, that Ilostetter , s eatbratai 04=404 Illtfers. ate_ ,almelutoly sad 915r01y..c-n., from all peraiotouti ebb ; Mente:..3l*ca lairei',,been introduced .; ~, I tatothe,VPitellatateaAnny, aid are accept. .whernverth . n.Whlreentof the wise, the 3 , e l .l l diit - hturtliphiltulthropla Is isted at Its InSt calucrins the . best protective against and aura for all dii‘eatil an - from impurity In the Mi.& 40:cir ulthVdthr hate influences, that bps ever been tesied by experience. IA oisesof'DysfrepsliVenCLiver reenplabst, we 4 • without lerti. llo ^ation or. resenratlon, Clio Ritter,' vnearly intaiume ite any , . tt'Prelutry4 V 7 Pit5 134 4: 81 4u Snubs. irestnitiValtlttern rAeld wholesale and reteiratvirylow - rates • 21 . 41 it3njr 4 Draiand2stentlicalletne Depot, An. El Market street, corner - C.f th:o Damoact 'mud t'oarth street. - - MEI : gia"tat,",-•t"..t...e, • • . D .rvix-r-cpo':zer: of roan and Fa.. Clair .. • 4 • - Ya 73 and' Mallet Goods. s with greet; pietuiniW tie - call the atten. l oSnieoultiesditnift6lllo - enhperdiatoeb erred nd Wintenatlodeltun, ,reeelTed.. by Mr. John vreti,i,Merombit Taller, No. 193 'Federal street, 411.1egiCty: 'ate itte . ole entinacaus some of the Ismael beautiful Cliathe, • t4sanneins, Overcoat. !Aga and Viet:num, ewer brought to the western erket. Hie assortment Of rtirtdah log Goods, , .cannprialng Bhirta,prawora, Collars Nock Tics, 4 .11landtereltzefe, ttrr„ cannot bo surpassed east 4IY nest- A large stock of ready mad Pants, tectats„,VOsta and Oen:tont*, will aLso be found Catnidlifluneet Persons in want of any Catuc In the clothing line shonid not fall to al re !Ir. Water a cal/. Peoria . and Babies. White teeth oroptil4g from out of ridges of rubs, a breath splay as the airs from Araby the Itlest, Who Can racist finch fascinations To realize them, tciperpetnato them, to make the mouth a caakotaf pearls and rubles, and :Oren , Wall a gush of fragrance, aiL on hare O do,cialy larlid3, L. tome that matchless rage iobio roductfoo, Frn,ant Sozottont. Thomas W. Parry dt Co., rraettcal &late Rapiers, and ',caters in Amon glattiof various colors. Ogloe at Alexag. • ear Laughlin's near the Watir Works Pitts. f ResitteckFe, co. 78 Ppcostreet. Or. tors promptly attatded to. All work warrant. *4 waterproof. Repotting dorm at tho short. pet notice. No charge for repairs, provide:o the S"? 1 12-4°t ab 1 "4 1 4 1 1 r It pat °I" . . .. ... . i- '' .- . -leCuitral gulpaate isz - Zinie",; - ron preeerving cider. For aale by Cberles puper, Drugglid,oorr,er of - Fdzue and St. Clair AteettyPltGistintrit. ~. - - - .-'- -4"dir P eli At r4 P b4W g 4i t o p. retir.rruld dttelaxi:ale,e at three pears In the army, I 4re rt.oPenett nay Abell sone orlobbtne tn . theanyponter ,llne, Lt the eta shad, Virgin tilte7. between Bmlth a Iltetaetreetrteatt Merry-Alley. Orders aolintted .„.D Pr'S.FOR titl9l • ‘• - WrtirAtt Foe seer. . 'lse4l fialarie• Arc to he ft;creased. This Is'rhfcht, el all the zeeeeenries of life bach oat oneefl with the ex , eoptlan of 3no-yere Ilarhces Soap; which con still Ld hail for thirty eentn d fake"; • Realm* Ma*die, of :Um' ' , or preferring cider.' ror halo by Charles Su Der, Druggist, Dolma renu and St. Glair Emote, SOL-MXR3Gcsa nsts ,— BrigadierGene ra l acph ',Mangan, "the hero or Giustes,s is a na tive of Ireland, but has been a resident or Fer nandina, Florida; for amp y ears , and owns a plantation near that place. 'lle has not meets , - . ed a pardon, neither have his house and lands been_turned merle him, '.but.hisse been con certed into a freedmen's asylum. He is Bring •friend at Fernapdina. , .. Before the war , aleneral Finnegan eras engaged in the railroad business faith. D. L. ]'nice. Major General llowell lacomfortably Mind on a plantation 'stmt Macon. General W. 1.. Brandon is ut his 3iorne La Irllkituton CoruatY Elltisiselpppi Gen. French la on his plantation In washing ton county.. General d. J. Gliolson Is pract.Th.- ingqaw in Aberdeen, and General E. C. Whit her's° Grenada,MLasissipm. Brigadier Goner . air N.V. Evans John is. Jackson, and Henry Jaelmn, are practicing law 'in Atiguain, .thorgi. ,Uenerct 2,101110. practicing Law hohtx, G e e r t galrigre r rherstone, In ' • km, Ger lE tgr 4.r Harris, in vielAT Y u .': 73 ZT: her/sirs', CITY ITEMS. I Till,l v. - t , o,:. destruct],l•l , J.../.1011, 11 1 ~ till` cllgh lof it, tan ,r,st. I l e strum mill mum ed by 0 te. 'Nelso n , with th e houses itu ' , ening. and Sore•thl thirclliCip , on the opposlte ..4,1,. of the aunt , were. entirely masnuted. Ti,., :Gots to the, Va. l loll, , Ulr,r ei . , about tn,uc t ass of tin It mond chivalry, Iloberi t '[ - handler by name, beat his little daughter. ~ the other day, in a must terrible manner. The .. ettild was but ten ).eas o age, ano her a t v as, black and swonett, che f hav in g honn boateh - until the bceatem insensible Justice only bound the Inborn:in father ores to keep the Peace. " ON the evccilLt of ::: e i.el :not., Mai Warl,"l. Wh0C0 , 1271111./.l3llCei eio..llCrai I?o,ltiv'n rrbe/ wont,. got lateen alteration is lib .ift. Z.-I/lure, at u Millard .iloon in Tit--el:mire, AIW.., when ile Clore /drool: Warren vt ith a cue. •Atnior War ren responded with a pistol shot. which took erect on Dr. Jame- Inirt, who we. instantly _killed: Tun peddler who s ecidentalls-shot Miss 31,- Corin Mk it Steubenv the a few 'days sine, was on Priday tilschargatihy "Mayor -tehl t -s hs , th e the beatiniumy showing clearly that too sad occurrence was the result of accident. A GEITTI.TniAZ paid three hundred and Oily dollars lb, a sp ecial ruin to :Mk* him from Boston to and la Saturday, to catch the English stearnor. Me arrived in time, for the steamer did not sail till next morning, and be might have stared Ws money by uniting fort he regulartmin. A erwrosernys to/case Fanueil Hall for n la ger beer saloon, and add the prooeeris to th e city treas he truinds favor among some meta here of tOD Gammon loaned. so says the Boston 7renterript. IT is reported from Viellllll. that Omar pasha bas in . prepetratiem a life of Atexandur the Great, the. retigh soldier of the Danube d isfant le g from the en-Treat enthusiasm about Julius ((Wear whom he rooks on as not tut to antic the sonatas of the great Macedonian. . Ata. the distilleries In.Fittron County, Ohio, tweepiencs harp been ell:ma by -the goimra xnent for alleged vfolatiOns of site re - Venue law. The inspector had pret - leallk 1 2. 4 ca Placed tinder arrest, under the charge of sanctioning the vfelation. P. Ilrrr ,t soN, rxinulpal C.,l4ANsos . Lovil .t BRO . . Tad greiblic bonoiriee io Chattan well aia lloso an Lookout ... I foanthin , have bee. sold s good prices. . It above company in Connecilent has dc eleiresi a dividend of three hundred per cent. It would be pleasant to have ei hand in that. Tux Prince of Wales' has sent a handwime bridal present to Mrs. Henry Johnson, nv testes Harriet Lstie, in n bins a onaowlett Ybe Whitelyment of the n, e tendered that lady presided Uteri. House eo whil Tux Southern editors, are to hold a conven tion on the 11th Lust,: at Sicreitgameity, Ala. ney - triumto Wens spriest e.o. m.:Nile° af their n, being dissatisfied with width news Ls sent tiall:ioM. She manner in Tax Troy Thsesssiniii colnred'medi. ral student, who scrvetTisa,Asetstant Surgeon tn trrolored'vegiment,Tinstriosiistuestoed mac, taco in GliarlesCon, etiooese exceeds his most sanguine expootations. FORNEELT. when any One ustrod his friends up to , ho inquired "What will you Voter' Thuatest style now is, "Boys, noini nsto yens pOison!, J•e Coax" has given pa 000 :.,tto and cash for a Ott - tufty acliool the Protestant Episco pal Church in Philadelphia. Tux milli] pox is having it. 0 tra way i n B ut . tutu. It Is estltaated that there are at pt cont front ?,000 to ;au ca-ses In that city, with a rapid Increase. Tar. ease Of the Oil City and Pahole Railroad Company vs. the Wurree and Franklin Rail road Company was decided by the Cons t of Common Fleas, in sesalon at Franklin, in favor of the plaintiffs, on Wednesday last. The era was TWotight by the Mimic and cill City Ile it readcOMparry-l'or the perpose of obtaining injitiactran restraining the Warren /t Franklin Railroad Company fronthindering the build ing of-the Oil City and Mimic railroad The subject of charter right!, and privileges was thorangtdy examined mad the case ably argued on both Filled, The testimony and pleading occepied an entire day. On Wednesday mo leg his honor Judge Campbell fendered his decisioa, granting to the Oil City and Plthole Railroad Company a preliminary intunotioa. -thus restraining the Warren end Franklin Railroad Company from ieterferlug to any wey with the Madding of la Oil City and Pit hole Itailroad.—Oti Virg Register. Another big well was struck on lease No 34, Menrots farm laut Weduesday, and com• manced pumping about :: o'clock r. it., and at noon bad purerked dirty barrels ad the hen rient quality of oil ; there is no rigs of a failure. Thh, may . look absurd to it. but in a fact. It hi probably be a fifty barrel well; a la 125 feet dup. A crevice of eighteen in e Lem was struck at the depth of hot tilt feet. It 14 doubted by many about oil being Panel at Reel, u studio,. depth. TISK Pithole .R..ra sari =The, sucker rods of No. lai, Morey farm, were drawn on Mon day night, and the yield ham increased to about we barrels pert - Lay— gain its Its _yield set nver thilatrrela The lower valve bfaill in,and .nt-n that Is drawn we are of the oplalon tat ti: Is well will be one of the lergat, if not , 'he largest, ever struck on the creels. 'l h. car ornters are now putting up two additional Icel ve hundred barrel twills, giving Its Rio- rt.,71. enpanity of =beet VAR/ barrel,. LA nee Wel.l. AT PL.r.A,AN.rell, e—Wes !CarTl in, - si gentleman who came froth Pleas:lett ihe ve•terday that the Nettleton welt Is pr.:inning Jelly two hundred; barrels per day. Our cor reapondent at Pleasantville stated it at a much larger figure the day preelons, but over-est,- milted It. if the above re po , istorrect,it will create a decided Reaatiou, and lead to very extensive development, es that ,/ runt,. —Er, fhaparth. A mei broke out in Flthole City, Thursday morning, destroying the Tremont Roar, where it originated, end the Syracuse Reuse. Loss about 4117,0D0. No insurnaee. Water from two wells on th, hillside was thrown Upon the flames, widen ,grow fiercer thereby. It Neel illsooverial that what Wax supposed lobe water was pure 011. Real estatOThaS increased accordingly he value, ST e learn that the le thole Re,,tl that the 011 City and Plibele Railroad Company oxpeot to Lave their load completed and tra/rin run ning between that place and 011City,on Wamit- Werra's birthday, VA inst. The read is tow (traded through the T.ifolinden farm to the Sat terlee we/lon the Morey farm. Care were run down as far as the Sumner a Plait pure/m.l3e, WrdnesdayrifterinoOn. Between twenty-ave and fifty petroleum companies, "on the hoof and in the sheltie are before tho Legislature of Alabama, asking for oharters. elloil 'Capitolfoyer' ov epr. alenalc. An oil w rank on Efili at Montgomery, is In partial Operation. • .No. it, Booker farm, be gaining rapidly; the oil 13 pumping freely, and She is now wilily barrel well with a promise of dotag better. . She LI supposed to tetra tapped No. ls, It is stated that no less than twenty patent*/ bearing on oil prcurartion, relining or trans portation. were granted during the Month of Jan ita--y. illouthern People. 7. - Sere is no better evidence of the shirr',_ tier of the great masses of the Eouthern pers. etc to disolsey the laws of the not len than the exhibition of the utter contempt for the loy alists o that merlon, and their general treat ment of the freed race. The history of the slave population has not heonforgotten. The eichea accumulated by alaseo labor hove boon sacrificed by mad ambition, lur the attempt to arrive our republican form of government a failure, and for the purpose of este Allah nag a confederacy baying in its constitution the re reoachable Word n slarr." Raffled and defeat e I in their unholy schemes, with the wrecks of fortunes alone remaining, it is nature I,.alter leaving been stenraished by foremen who knew no clefeat,that ahould revenge themselves r u p o ntbefreedMen,and inflict Untold cruelties, u nparalleled even by the recollections of the pairnieet days of slavery. Reports received at the freedmen's bureau unite in the state ment that the freedmen conduct themselves with propriety, and toll incessantly where fair the are paid. Notwithstanding these facts the late *lave holders aro not eatisted, and but for the presence of the military and the prompt enforcement of the laws, the lives of the freedmen would be imperiled.' NFreeiimen fienteneed for Theft. SEW Foltz, Feb, 10.—The Richmond TVA'? says Two freedmen ranted Ueor Fe Whet and John Whet, were sentenced by CoL Nel;ntee lust Wedneatlay to ten Lind nye year ttnprts.- Ournent, respectively, for theft. VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 36 I= Tar. Commiraioner Of F ter-tit...W. 011.1, butt rerun, en a report from a:4l. 0,0. e.. Aatthal_ ant Coreml,tioner of the Itort-a,, in llotudu. In arttlen he state.., that on rie , cutant of the re atrlctlona Impnael upon the Intlurtry of the freedmen an the other ban( Stater, large nun nery, of them are coming into Flariala. At. an instance of the character oi three olettucler planed In the nay of the freedmen In their efforts to obtain a livelihood, It i, vtattnl that in Mobile, Alabania, an ordinance wa, pae.,•l In Drccniitn, requiring colored men who o wn Isar„ to enter Into lmadt ot one thouattutl dol -1 lars before they can :oltln to 0 then., to Colton l' . .their rOectinn. The 7'iuter f hobo of line ICI II Dectonlter uty,S. 'Dr. lArlngatton intently noon to pro ceed to Zanzibar by the steamer Thule. cleat, we believe, It to pre-voted to the sob a tan by, a. e c croon - ult. Tn O )0111.b.i, ( . 01 I'n• AIEDVII tripe. from the intertor of Atrial, I wttam lf . pla - crol in 1 te• tree tatactubiy't Mal e tutlon nnont 0!g1f1,,,, mown, ~...n,l l 1 were 0 Slirldl* /U.O 0111/t i 41A , by Dr Wiliam Titer En. torn to lin., outive , cutr will. Dr Li, I Pig— f r.... v.I", at L. Gommp . lL,etl I, one or t ,‘.. I Airiran y.r.l”, i. 1 :111,1• , r Mt.. , 1.0 :.' Naalk. , .A. rot Na ::.1) .111. - rrri a .01. 1i..1 1...e1i gri.l - benoul nig tn4unn, h,,,-13 , deatreyed /If r utuhrot)le, and ktc,r, •,, he r b, her elotteng tit at wardrobe. and dre..m g het . ..oi an teat" a oath,. Cabe:. r and broadeieth cloak c•I tre to Itertelt and I..rallg Int. Li•-ai .Ite ." i ll. , Puma en veleperi an !lute,. ate,, clurierl 'latnt clot tram tug "ttn Ito! II,: glori.),l, i MI I a Ina Myr r. ~ M oog,: nee'.l.hir. a... 1 (h• lour, p cat a;, Itertartt o o“' ' ..1'"'l ''''"' '''' did 1101 npltr, I. •r , d'r , r ., . Tlikltr hare al,:uly !wen t OW l',1•-, .1 ..., teal 510N0 . .1 1, non I . nion nl :(0 0110, /obi )Cat's crop: which. nra•ragoll, WO frt, it• MO bnic Pt tn eentr 'Cr i pond. atm/cuts annt to tile nice Mitten a tIIII , •I .41. , , ,, ,,x, a n d thort.j. )Pt 1 00 small ~ ..mlit ...r ...fifth .. rrie e 0.11 1 ,. - liter,: aro tr .1,1.- In 111,• , aa1.1i, . 1 01• I .11 - a r. ere kept (thu e hr•. 2 .. , .1J .1.2. .3 11• I 1i ,,,. e 1 11,11, Is. !.: r some . fodoo Itta 113,1•14.11 L haViti;: arrud ,I, C4revilnly ti ff ., f. , tisk, -Tela front the , tattoton farm, a fro Iti!lt'a Out ol tarn, with (rank. nvto forotcrly orltoututa to Mr. Nathanirl -Ifni, of WI, roUtd.y. a• Itt , truck, o rot to tho 1101.1, , ,,,:d Mr. k th,vl... 0111.01, CyCe.l.7, n . ,1,1 ''Lily :tit, 'opt log to tattcr o prcuotttro., thr limeTrer an fourth. dto male, to/Ingrid. tool ootol o d ' LATE OIL isitima.tuErwr. THE PITTS 1 uliGn GAZETTE. Ma WEST TRUNK FROM WASHINGTON THE I MAI DELEGITIOI. THEIR ADDRESS TO THE PRESIDENT Ile EudorNeN their S kits and Prom_ i.e. Co-operation, ~p rii:, l lll,% To COli , l:l>.‘i 1:1i X11?U altx, totnin, the •.10 to i Lire (rent the vedate ail 1 Ifielsi• .4 ie.,. eiretee of the State of Virginia ',Med upte Pre- Went Johortm, for the parpo.. of pre ',tiling hie/ with the roe/Muttons adopter by 7 I Lenora! ..tssentely or Virginia The follow ing named gentlemen eolietitoted the ( th 713,1 (rik the senate. Moor. E. I iir•e t. le ) nos Dale Carter. From the Mon. , or Iti legal es, Meetrs. John it IL,lde In. titter. 11 a1t1hi.11, -1.11 Gratten. A. Pendleton, and. m T. Jayne,. They are 0501 hnt , . of ac iii 1.1,4,1 Moldy nod It 1. et:m..l lolly rep ttiteid the State geourapb wall) and pot. teal . telt from th, liitt-I tool West cram la, nue of every akaad e of post and pres eul d1i2111,1 Murilludi, ~ velar, able I. st, melt-man, n nephew or the eche heated C 11 lei .ineedee killoiro mel I. rattan, ono .1.1. -la, le • are n.dett the ablest la noon of the vto re Mr 11,1.1,, in, speak to of t re or 1.. t• , - u:71••• nv I luth - nten of ll ie., nil tin tented the retioliition. iL/1.1. :el. reed thi hil_ liteving athirst. In behalf of the I °meld toe Pri.itlent-We nre a I oho:tit Ire tins and delegate. sent pi meet to yoil In Herron, certain 17(8010iintin hivh ha, iris •en rd then nite:moss moscot the General .tvarntily or Virginia. We come us represen tatives tole t by one of the States of this lin ion to router a ith our Constitutional President le reglird to Matters atTeet mg the munition tien t, newer nnd tberefore co Ottered io all the Mr. Iters eta:Mo u id nd ent, fo all thrthe ; e people hat you come trecog- o you, nize our common Interest in the Gov era me nt under whic en h densed oc n live, and bauselhu il far. i ari, we have be 177utt nl enmuntritentinn by vrblett other State. Kull her poOpla Make known their %Gnome per. t...el arld feedlllo to tile. elialned/771 Or MO /11- 71013. In declaring that the people of Virginia nod then reprosentatieee accept and abide by tau tV3llli5 of the late content, and that they In tend thereby ,111 in good faith, to meet nll the obleent lone curred, the General Aeoltably ex prenses a eentiment and n purpose which have imen uniformly recognized by our people indl eidually and in mass, sod In regard to which there Is no hesitation or division it, ail Chief among the reaulte thee ne eepited. Is!the -unieersal conviction that the Chien Of the litotes Is an estableibei mad an enduring face r and that the whole future of our people, hellamlubly bound Op Me4l or woe, with the enema, or Meier,. of the Gor en:Recut 01 - the Vetted deites. We reakdriire the Government nem= Government, [McGinn stitution ie oar Constitution. The dial.* . which 1151130.08 laro 'one rtghta. Another great result, alike acceptesi by one people, In the deal. overtheniv of. the Institution of slavery. This has been completed by a eon %citaticaud amen t :Fent,ethe Nadine force of whichis tethered' adnutted;for,althongl, we are not reprtson to the Congress by which, it wee preposed,thefalinre to be so represented was ou,r Olen ehoiee. The amid/lien Of tb efreedenetieinOngtia, and timpolleytobe adopted With regard to them, eel be recognized lay you as calling for tile exereiee of the highiest ftenltiee Of the states. man, and the best !feelings of the ehrintLan phiLantbropiet. The General Assembly. of 'Vir ginia/3 engaged in ebotoyesider result,em stddieta, end Illehlettpateon of the of theiflabors, we Otelionirma that whatever volley may be natigted, will y- be /Warmed In good faith and w kind feeling, to the movemerrt of tee. beveled, intellectual and morel condition aline freedmen, - Ton can on eteretand rind will readily believe that thereat- Ingo of our people' towards these freedmen, ere those of kindness, sympathy and good will :tad that to treat them with h¢, - abacus or M imetic*, le opposed as much to our feelings, he .t IA to our In tenert and our sense of right /he poduv. parsited by you, Mr. Pre/Odom, towards Virgiia s tr ong otter Etattert In like con dition, nes i tsfoundation in broad and ,or eprollenetve view. of matt/lotto:tat Ilene eul ne of net letiarpolleyosed , otnet teak for Its tlntale anercee to tbe.eitmeersative, inetice ar_aba_nandeor att 'am &sue,. ti eue, however, to you eua to ode Veep'," to akaldre you that an our IdinerlLlAdSelnbly do:bores tho l i u sp4crovel et-that polity by the & people Virglnla, they extreme what each one of this mum ttee here present !voce to be a tenth: :It heppens teat your.pos ition yoree yeez.betteen 24411 threatened dan ger, and the General Assembly have but given spit* to the reel feeling, of one people when they:tender ttee - 01:1 the Wan:Meat thanks of the penpleeoflYikeinla for the arm tread you have taken apdrust the facility with which It is pro , posed toe songs thefundamentel Law. Win would not,'hlllreVer,el&llllllS the only or even the chief merit Of the eouree yOu aro telt , ie r gethee it atronde to eteproteetion is s time rouble. 11. is y ou tlet 01.010 lirelloll.l tonetiention, that doorrre and commarld the confidence end iroppert of the people of ten United Etates, anti it will be hereafter re int:lnhered as your highest Gate to the hae octet- of a Republican state:mann, that under sit the trying elreemstazeen by wince you are atlrreandell, you have not only proclaimed thn Unest!traltm of tho United States to be the so . preme law of this land, but hare defended It ;alike From elolatieti and from Inneeatton. The Yeasident said 1 In reply, gentlemen, to The rocelutions you have i tietpreeented to me, ell the elear and fore le and candle re ul k 5 Vi bleb you have made in explanntion of the ',coition of Virginia. I shall not at-tem:lt to make a formal speech, but limply enter in to a plaln.converaltion in regard to the odd_ lion of things in which we stand. .ts a premise to what I may eay, penult me first to tender ynu my thanks for this ruts, and next to ex pire, the gratification I feel in meeting eo meld- Intelligent, responsible and reepeetable men of VirgMis, bearing tome the lien timente which have been expressed to the MAOIIIIIOI3I 01 your Legislature end in thelemarke accent. pan, log them. They are, so far as they refer to the earlakitUtildla of the country, the senti ment. and the principles embraced la that chance of the Government. The preaerve , teen of the Union has been, from my entrance Into public life, one - iny (ordinal tenets. At the very Incipiency of this rebellion I set my Mee against (ho dic ' n!ution of the Union of the elates. Ido not Imckt, thin allusion for the purpose of bringing e p anything whielahaa transpired which may 1* regarded of as an unkind or an unpleasant character, but 1 belieeed then, tie I believe now, and an you have most mindatukably in dicated, that the security and protection of the lights of ail people were to be found in the I 'soon. That we were out of It—upon thin non e let !on I based my opposition In the efforts ele !eh were made to destroy the Union. I nave continued those efforts, not witlmtunding the perlis tho Ugh Which I have paesol, end you are not nnaware that the trial hos been a ['Vie, one. When opposition to the govern ment crone from one section of the country, and that the section in which my life had been pttei-ert, and with which my interests wore Men t ifleil, 1 steed, na 1 stand now, contending for the Union and aseevorating the beat and sweat way to obtain our rights, and to protect our interests, was to remain In the Unlon, order the protection of the Conetitutlon. The ordeal through which we linen passed, during the hot four or five years, demon strutes meet oonoltutively that that position eas right, and to-day, after the experiment ha,. been tried and has failed, after the dente Ontdratloll aw boos must oinelWilvely afford ed tied this Union meet difeloPra, that It 01 not designed to bedlssolvoci, it Is extreme. ivgrutify leg to Me to meet gentlemen ae In. renitent sad reeponaltile m - o o > and obedience to laws made In pursuance thereof. We Snore at one period Deplirated, keparaidadi was to too painful In tho ex treme, Rut new, after having gone through a streggle, wheoh the pow ers of the Govern ment have been tiled, when wo have swung around to a • point at H e - IMM we meet to -„ s e grim, and. a reng !m to !mite one efforts/Floe the' preservation of the Government, which, 1 behove, is the beat In • the .. .world, it to exelleillegly gratifying to me to meet you today, standing upon common ground, rallying around the Conetitn (heti and the .Unien of these Mettle - the peen:Mention or which, tee 1 oOnsolerielenaly and boneatly be lieve, will remelt 1n the peel:gotten and the ad vancement of this people. I repent it, lam gratified to meet you tinday, expnessing the pnneiples and pencruneing too sentiments to which you hand given lateral:tee, and I trust that this oetnaloh will tong bo remembered. 1 amen no doubt that your in te nd er la to carry out and comply with every single principle laid down in the reanlutions which you have submitted. 1 know that some of you are distrustful, but I am of those who hate confidence in the judeznent, in the Integrity, thu Intelligence and in the virtue of We great masa of the American people, ,ad having such oonfielonno, I am willing to trust them, and I teen': God Gaut see have not reached that point whore wo have lost all confidence In cacti other. Thu spirit of the Government can only Ito prover,. Od—we can only beeOme prosperous an,t great door,, a people by mutual forbearance and upon that faith and confidence alone can the Government bo successfully carried On the cardinal principle of representation to which you refer, I will make a single re mark. That principle Is Interest. It consti tutes one of the fundamental elements of this Government. The representatives of the States and of the people, should have the dual- Mcatlens prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, end those otualflcattone must uutoestsonably Imply loyalty. Ile who comes as a itemnsentatlvc,Pavlog the qualifi cations prescribed by the Constitution to flt him to tako a seat In either of the dellbenb the bodies which constitute the national log islaturst neeesSartly, according tO the in tent of the Constitution, be a loyal Man, will ing to abide by and be devoted to the Union and the Constitution of the United States. lie cannot be fOr the Constitution—ho caret be for the Union—he cannot acknowledge ebo %llene., to all the laws, unless he is loyal. When the people send snob mad In good faith, they arc entitled to repunieutatlon thrOugh Thom. PITTSBURGH. MONDAY,TF, - _ lu ;;MTIO 'Clothe Meant rebellion, Or tri,_-tirree ellion aga.,..ust Ile CM, erumeut of the United ates` Yen erred, arid in returntrtg and restaning tour reLations- with the Federal Governme itM free to Pay that all the re lif,t,CeitAsild,cipimiltiOzus and places Ought be cote ictly and clearly to Mon who nre loyal. 11' th Were only live thousand mom In a State ,h ere less number, but sufficient to. take charge ol the political nu:whiners" loner Stem, their fire thousand men, or the . numb`', are untitled to it —lt all thc rest othorsi In, lie excluded. 1 look upon It is being fundamental, that the exercise of ins , lifleal lather sliontil be confined to loyal men, and I regard it a_s implied In the doctrines laid down in there resolution., and In the elo quent addrens which they haste been ac companied. I may say, furthermore, that after having liaised through the great struggle In which we have been engaged, great nlwtttd be placol upon ninth more necuptahle gronnds In rosumint/ our relations to the General GOvcrimaent, if unmistakably mid unquestionnblc loyal men `veil' presented to fill the place, of power. T ltautit • tieing dime, I teed that the flay In not Ws speed/ ton thiently, in reference to the great tenon of the Ameriemi manthen they will determine that this Union shall be torte whole, and the right of representation in the councils of the nation he acknowledged, Ni,eratlymen 11.1 s in a in principle. La sack.) aII lapel reprecentation was one of the privelpleo wh len c i ti neat us through the , olntion Thli. great principle will hold good vet, and if e but perform our duty, If lie hal tomPir with the spirit of the resolu tion,. preseati4.l nte to,lay,fthe American pro ple will maintain and sarptitln thy great doc trines Upon wltleb thenovcrutuent wan In augurated. It yen hr door, and it will Ledo,', atm I think that If the effort by fairly and fully rmole, 1113 (brie, run ee and s ~.m et', and thecretion and a Isa v an, clic and is Col very for dislat,.. seems ni.. apparent Ilia: !rem every ...aohieraliran. the 1,4,1 I.onnl tolepted at pre aril- x nu id by a restoration , of throe Slates an•l of thy Government rip°h coo. reel nrinetplo-. r have tolile foreign ruble- but 10. inotnent it be turnortneod I het ho Mon of tile states in again Com pire e, that lre linos ream our tarry' of pi ~ - 1.,•ril and Zreattiess. at that very M. inlaid a:most nil 0.1 iMnign in, Vein lie s i ettied, for there in no unary upon iiartgi I.lei: s ill clue to have a thisront r•cr or a rupture w Ith the Government or rho t'nited slates. finder such etrenut•tenee.., It the,, t.O full, reidoreol, the arra for tLr rdreulation of the N.ntlental cm - retie) a Weil I. thought hl -000, to he Inflated to n ter/ crtent °tient, will be enlarged; the Internet of pel through let to pas. • w lid he increased. tic. q uallty of Ile. cemnieree it a bleb It Is to br employed an u medium of ctellangt• xlll he enl.irgoil and then It sill xi begin to appromate to What wir All desire, specie standard. If all the Slate. were re- Itored, if peace earl miler reigned thrOUghollt lie Mud, and all the Iminstrial purthlto and as ocallous of penes , Vern again resuniod, the clay would not lie far distant when we could put tato the commerce of the World two hucti Bred and llttymvhin dollars or thruelmndred million dollars worth of cotton and tobaeeo and s HMIS product, of the southern State, which would eonstitutc In part a basis of the curreuex. Then Instead of the cone being In ,„ shield reverse the positien and put the base at tar hottoen. as It ought to he. Ii here Is an tv ident ono/atom here of seine thing necessary to giro the full meaning of the following paragraph.l This was n capitulatton tau., thr fact te a 'chief of the rebellion, dictated by t en Prot.!. den t as a conqueror according to lift own fume rial will. Ile wan not only pardoned but re stored thrower. It whit further known that Gen. Wade Ilampton retired from the guber natorial field in South Carolina, became ht. accession to the chair might ernbarrmer the President In h,, benevolent ilerigiro The Er ecutlve had no anthority to thus not as President but as conqueror. When n man like Ltampten talk, afoot the radicals of the North. it was known be allude, to the Count Marty. Whieb all Stained the war and elected the President himself. It had been urged that the President's polled wen a measure of ne cessity to maitre tranquility to the southern States, but he could net consent to any shah arran,.%-timent by whieb tranquility can Int re stored hy the withdrawal of troops. Tills might have been secured nt any time by a waiver Mom tights. list [hi...however, la not the peace CO ha', been endeavoring to secure, bet defeat. Ile would have real peace, en a basis of reconstruction. During the tail Congress he took paino to show that the seceded States were ant of the Union. ay their rebellion they lapsed into condition where everything was loot except the terrl -, rime It scold not go out, andthat it never toe been. out, I cannot be forced from that position. Flow , when the states and their poOple shall have gennplled with tbe rot , aliments of the Govern ment, I shall tie in n•or of thir restunirkg their former relations to this rovernments ill 111 44 .,, rrr ' e t i,Illont cone/ laded his remarks by say ' ' ffentlemen —I itha,,l continue to panne the Ninth lac of policy which I have punned from thy commencement of the rehehion rho pras. cut time hlyegorte lave harm to preserve th e union of the etudes. I nervm for a moment en tertained the rinalniOn that a state could woo itrasyttiontliee made Ito owtewill. TIL:a. at. tempt was Made and It fatted. I stmll email:i ns to pursue the same line of policy that has been my °eminent guide. I cannot take the po sition that a Slate which attempts,' tooneede, is out of the Union, whoa I coatended edl the time that It could not go out and that It never has been out. I cannot he forted into that po sition. Renee, when the Eutaw and their pen. pie ithall have complied will:the requirements of the GOvernment, 1 ehall Debt favor of their resuming their former rulatleal. I do not intend to gay anythirldocreocial, but at the beginning of the recant gentle *trite , lie between the different afar Ona north and ' south there were extreme Mien north and ex treme men tooth. This great Government secs kept upon the anviland hammered during the rebellion, end It has been hantrottred since the rebellion, end there Petrol to be a disponi t ,on to continue himunarHng until the (lover, meet is destroyed. / hove opposed that sys tem aware. acrd 1 oppOrte it note. The Goren, went, In the assertion of ita powers, and In the maintenance Of the principles of the eon sti talon, has taken hold of one °stratum, and ebb the strong arm ofphysical Power has put down the rebellion. Now, ' as we eat trig around the citrate . g the Union with fixed and unalterable dcterntination to stand by It, we and the coun terpart or duplleato of the same Spirit that played to this fooling and these persona In the , hearth. This other extreme which stands In the way MUast get out of it. The government retort stead cin..•kor.r and unmoved upon its haslet. The ilaynarroit m;tst hi be preserved. goodl bope hatfaaand I. ° ,l74l;nrosatofsther' try llezZrlT, wilt upon principles which you have noun elated here to-dny of the Maintenance of thn Union, Icy aside every other feeling for the good of our common country, and with no tified fame to Heaven, swear that one gods and our altars and nll shall sink in dust its griller rather thus hat this glorious Onion am shall not be preserved. [Gre-at alet:so I gratified to find Om loyal nonti rm ment of the country mannestlng itself in thews etpren cirtrin and no* that the attempt to destroy the ['Won hoe tailed at one taut of the line, I trust we shall go on Orterintned to preserve the Cnion Its Original purity against all retop - After some further eon rentat ton between the member s of the comic tctec. hlr JOhnime nald If now Imu only arrive at that 1.011,1 at hie!: tini,o states are all n.ntoretl such having its repre.entaLlVO In the rational eoaedia,wan it,. l'elor, restored, no that we can pro..nalm ;benne and good will aMOLig the people or tb, , 1 rap t States, I went he to me a very happy day care riot may he Mid in taunt or J. I Mire not what May In, insinuated, but I tell yen that whenever that point Is reached, Ihe meaonre of Illy ambition will hove been tied more theta tilled, 1 have no object ?Leveed It. Ith ! how proud and gratifying it mild be that ratite from thin plums, feeling and I. tooting' I hail born inatrumentril In con. `I nutf leg this great end. 'tweet applause l 'the delegation then shook the Preolden, heartily by the hand, thanked biro for th, hied expressions of his opinions, acid retire., Virginia Compiling In iTaNblng,loy HORSES FROM IRELAND Freedmen's Relief from Englan, TTIEANER T N °TER 1% THE NOIVII Reciprocity Treaty awl the Tiebeeteit. INew Toga, Feb. 10.—The Tribune's VI - nailing to n special says: The Cotrinottee from the Virginia Leglalature in Waskirigten, orga nized yesterday, selecting Speaker Baldwin :as chatrman. The President was informed early In the morning of their presencej bat the meeting of the Cabinet being oontiricual until tour o'clock yesterday nfiernoon, by ap poll:dram:it the Committee will be received at the White House at ten cocleek to-day. A telegram was yesterday received by the Secretary of the Treasury from the Collector of i atoms at Portland, Maine, relative to the ttemouilOn of several Dorsal pint arrive.] In port from Ireland. The Secretary gave tils permbodon for their landing. Tho Birmingham, England, A.tomciation for the relief of the destitute freedmen of the United S to Just centributed another cargo of goods to General Howard far distri Millen, and the Secretary of the Treasury has ordered lhou admiyelOn into port free of duty. T - he Times' W.hington special says . Celleo iery throughout the houtheru States have tern roceli log for the payment of duties 740 Treasury notes, from which the coupons have been detaahed. Those notes aro le those Slates received as currency. In answer to a letter from the Collector In tho. First distrint In Texas, fuldrossed to the Secretary of the l'reasuu on tho subject, Mr, McCulloch says : "Congress alone harlag the power to regulate the lawful money of the United States, and haring decided what Shall- constitute it, and that nothing but lawful 'Money shall he &r -evived in payment of dues, tho secretary of the Treasury has no power to &video 11ai TreasurrNotca In payment,of dean, because they and not lawful money." Now Yens, February 10.—The World'', Wasb ington special sacs: Tho Canalibui °Metals, befero they loft, threw out some hints that if the reciprocity was aßONtgl to ex pire without none action upon the (MOO" Mon of-the fisheries, it might lead to seri ous diftealtien. Under thetreatystilitdattoori If the reciproclLT treaty enders, we are limi ted to a very small margin In the waters, and If our fishermen go beyond that limit, they o 111 ! k forced back. RETARY 12, 1866 AUFICEs FROM sPAIN TUE W'•ait 1117T11 liadrld Paper, Greatly Enraged. FRANCE, ENGLAND AND AMERICA WARNED Peru and Chili Against Spain N'''''' lo n., l' . .h In — Late ail r wt . - .t.,e ,h , I. ` fmilVrho m. • on!, rapt are or the 'span i n otto unorCOVodongu by the Chili:tit, has, onus, the InG4 VJOlent tern - dust .1 warlike itslilre-• hits both Unshed and lt , troctlons have been despatched to the Span ioti Admiral to avenge the naliOnal honor and tho Mastoid pallor, issi ,ollititf! faint .it b rage One of the nit:Lout of !Liu C Journal, o , at•rt% 1.11 tt Span, pii t • ttt Rail 1119tIlth 11 - 0111 not , , , s tot: i- ow ty•lttot t•• *how Sitiallnahlovist lou ftot tiny] count, o in tbs. worlds A Mora Violent Ctoiliattitorttri demon '. that labenorer-ti pahior. or a }hula.- os a It is t Inhasu !tett hpit.ito, Itahtar,l children sit 00 0.1. 1.110,,, PaIllill(11,11111 . 1' 1, 1 .0,n. Uteri. at it•l I Ito 'loll - dull %het/ fullo - Whilot it provtitotal tr.per r,riteelv W.... 4 grfitkee, England and to I n i led ct,tti . si to .. .Mt , . said.., rife a h., or roux, bet Wt.., 'nos in said her (nes, its Snails T s- oh . h. CiLllvids nouditiolaloly itt . lll tit \..,. I'..rk LtAlmlit h e r ti c !mll I n : ~ , . ..ei I 1 , 11‘eoas g 1 , ,,,, 1 :4 . i5,/, , 41 , 11 „i, 1V ,,,, t i , i , ts , Ilad CtekiLl ctil I futons, i not ausut is) iha :pm') I - once. 011 , 1111. , 1 1 , 1/11irli esno.t, .4 two ”„,,,,,I r ilinte/ , ./tiialtiuttol to he [llO rat-, rues - idly . -gis t pile , ' ts . .r r-stirsl to the, Thu 'Abut ell vorrettjtonclont ut the Loss Lt , m mt. , . Aaft-t. fl, ft ur I, not only' %tit h ono ot Anis of !lie Ando,. It La not merely ti,..,iino• a lemitedoras y of all booth and Cent rot t :is.: ..•,.. It may Storm hal to lm mooed u :tit - tittlttt t. tt !tubieeto tat the _twills., and out li Hos, y tilt kympat Insert., the.. 100 , 4. WI . ~ .,11,41C nttrent 'troll. of till. North :viol - south, Who atitlt: ;OOtiktrt:ike to wi l l Ilt.tti et'. Go soi, pis. me. t i anti nho, cl en If 1.11,1 carat t ;111.,. t lloltr collutry tr. a oar In um -poi t oi t iii 4s, , roe slocZrlne, a Illphsee moo HMI nonsionsisnitu it lat the Ilitpos-al of • paitt'• intent is , ts • tit , l. .: then: t :ore I hal/ :I 01Ut..1, Itr It, , Art II 1.1 p 011.1131 :111111. t o ng . 11“, ironldut. in , paniuti Water, •ony be y 34 curios:, -.t 41131 I “15:, AILIOrI 4-1111.9. y do In I Ite O .1y of miargo. ais.• it. and tul,trprfso. NrY , ". - otik. Vet, hl - Pullout:1 .on 1`.....r.1- 41,:nt r,:the Ronda uni,u 7th,, cousin... l'ei , si in a and eir..'l lan !loot ls spinet nr.ts o-s iss 001611111111, i Mnitl.ol.te hon.:tint-ha gigot:Jut , i , tut. Call.", 6el rarvii i , fort Wed ill,rettv v at.... in,ltttl -1. it ~ 1:,..t hat - airy tin or Irmo roil iumniler.. The monitor Victoria dud ram I us are also in I pot t. Non a of the 1.,,t arm. ar.• ~r lircn.,l ..em II At.u', 11,110 hall ex portet"... ta [lie 1,, IC scat ThePerTa, Lon ale 1,,,. e , I tkli.t, to,- at l'artamn "Toil .vg, nit! 10011 /,,,,,4 to 1,,,, ht - t,poreoorte The Mrre,o.othihht oh, ...ay! , •he font iron , 1.41,1 ilea 0 111 10, , 1 e Loglah ' , v.', :lo , t,h.- torn:Jo:A Of war rvaclitts !LIP,: to. 11l r , Litt, IL:- tack Vi... 4 Or Carry nor to the rut. of 'pas, 11/11 tal.yrittt the tit - dr - nut ton co the naval ar 'o,nal n X Yen al. Gttn.lfelpatriok left Callao tot Voilsurnso, lii l''.ri rho g bah mall puclret. I:altos - I utatou tttett o/- or W : 14 6 3 1/.J111111.1.11., at Halloo A tililliNer of thy cont eltrttP ulllceLa have hoonl,g.g r j for the Chllllan navy, and ten had left ruAdutti for Chill In a Chilton war flamer. The Tribune'. Panama oorrrupondent NO 4 oe• and the infernal maohnao • for the ttle=l4oll of the Spanish flout, arrived at I „ Ilan. IT WP-Nritirehluttod in NG!, look by oti agent of the (.11.11tan I ..morlttotql L. I_ Jour , ,late of tbo rebel nary, was in rf - Lttf.v... V. 'moo to Chill, where ho WOO to hair o 11,11•.1: eohartihnshin. CONGIUSS-FIRST SESSIOI ,4,lllncrron, Yel.ruary 10. la:. 1101:41k. Dl r. Wal. of New tort:, 000,1 Ae •AOll id no! now tntei- :nto the dineusslon of ,tlic question a., to 1 , IteLLer the Southern States, by the tree woo of Melt people mid °Mends, had destroyed their realest with the other States. Re ttAlitllClel that the legal relation nI those States to the nion was not destroyed, and would sLadd upon the declaration of the not rnic.• dent Lincoln ,t at they were of their pr., Real relations with the Union, and deal with the qutatlon pro, ik-ally They have borome traitors and outlaws, and should not he *i lea:Oral:01 their own state goverrinients, or to came ilitepOwer In the Union unless they gore eccukity for the luture. That se , ority illandilhl that we should hand the government of thos e Sates over to tan loyal mon residing tbertNeattint their protection uld [ tie should establish In the ftdolamantal ea that Li would ha oryon•t the capitoes ooUthern legislate:tn. the Lalt-lole Lb: •qa•Illy ell races end classes, end Irma thrall .1 1 / 1 ell the franenaes en•l I , o.ers nassalus,7 to defend and 'protect that esnai Its die *avid puzil a h .wortain haul:ars 0.1 the te. bonnie tteaSou, o n th at ton - ible elites< shanid be 0,110,,,, to ell time to come. Fie would, before allowing nes< men to come back to helpmake lows for the widow whose husbamil they hoot alma end for the orphan whose ththers they ha.,l inertlerod. require all this, And Wlscu the hcpublle reconstructed on • sounil ithd just 1,1.1. and the Southern Staten snow a sense of rsturtung patriotism, then he would take them by the bawl and lift them up to a higher national life, and united, we wOrile rOnduct the nation to Ste hinperlal destiny as the greatest and the beet of an Govartionents of the earth. Alf. Rogers, of N.. 1., p. r entire of 1,,, too. tontlan to hatrodnee 1111 to ropeal all acts of I,linigremir exempetwei Government sem/rt. tics Rom rederal and Mote taxation, and to provide facial/en them by the Yaierai element, and Authorizing the States to tax them he exam ea they -toll Other proper 43 • Ito WM/ gave no:Mu of hie In Leaden to intro. :Ince a bill x/e/na hanntifts to the soldiers of 1,61 and INel, equal to the men{ bounty ellen at any time during the war, end also ton maize bee:nth., Sir. Delano, Of Ohio examined the present pol ttlesal relations of the Staten lately ha rebel- LlOrhandaehl 114111012 their eolution depends the present be/mhos. of the nation They might, he said to consider the question with • proper appreciation of thole tionost orb .difference hetber amtmg members ot Congress twee, Mein and other departments of the Government, his purpose had beets, In all his eXtualnatlOns, to be forbeering towards those from whom be asked a Itheezerelse of obority. Ile sincerely believed that If they were all an by this spirit, the threatening clouds would pans away and they would dmi them sa ses adjuag these nthaeuros In harmony would he sustaind With th tio e lippedrmidobatl p e r n of all, and Rin bs e ty', width/as believed, tne.nkte rwed by that pauod, wa. raised up to do a groat work In tads lam/ of liberty, There was e elan. of parsons who insist that th e Int o rebellions etates are States to itertro of the word, In the Union and are Intl fled to the right to demand litTresen rat lon On this floor. 111, did not know whether they u ere willing to al Repremmtati,,,, Moose hands wmoyet retliwtth thoblood of onr treed countrymen fie did not belong to that muss. Ile beileved that ttiose ntatori are `Anten with tbr right of loval and <101111;fitle 'matte tlon. Yet he AM not belborr thee [ion erre In coudlttml to demand the adtral,sion of their members. Another clans manitatnot that those States aro dead and are eonnuerod provinces and soilijoet to be ruled b 1 the law of Congro..4 as env other territory. lie hail more frtith in Lida theory than ho bud in the othe,, for he denied that those /Mat,a hoer berm •IrKtroyml, and Lac dem]. and shut lonArcint busygoeent them. Ho did not brlfe.TO and w thus on id not fullOW this theory of the gentleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. Nteverna fhb, odnur men t startled hurl mien it an. heat 'unite, for be enc the consorolnnve that if carried met It would lead to—the ilontrortien of the Union. lie wan sorry that the gent leen.. Mr elr, m e , wnot stare time cserrtion of that co oplulno. Mr. Delano pointed out what he nsidered tho eons., notices of that theory, argu ing that the conemolon of belligerent rights, and the rulings In the prise cases, did not con vert thorn Into foreign enemies. Ile ',owe months ago heard the key note of the ~iontlw man from Penneylvanin, Mr. Steven., that the p nmet - ty o f ten indlinm. of people should be subject to confiscation, anti disposed of in part, for tilt, payment of the public debt, for the location of homesteads for the ornanelpue led race., and to Increase the pension, of time wheat:leered In the lat. war. Re was shocked with the enunciation of that Whom, of uni t crsal plunder, and he telt as If Amerloa woo ld lose Dor reputation before the natiOn'e of the earth, shOuld we adopt It. But It was based on Lb° theory of dead States and connlaered provincen. The man who sent forth this theory had Intellect sufficiently clear to run out the proposltiOn In all its logl. eal consequences. • The Duke or Alba axonal...l the decrees of ' , bigoted monster white in the Netherland,. but , Tile egirdlo nehome of plunder would make the Duke of Alba blush and admit.thyd he Tun not n robber or tour. derer. fit tO e respecte in therton. Rfer to Cromwell b, * nrraston d of Ir A eland to dee e ms tate that country, and witness there the In. lemons scholia of plunder. Linn all this faded into Insignificance before that scheme of limo u. der proposed by a metuber of the .Interlcan Congress. „.__ _ hir. Stevens said he was absent from the Hall when the gentleman made the allusion to him, and he wished now to observe that he never held the doctrine that the Southern Mateo were dead, bat had argued that It made no dig. farrow., In or out of the 1:Inlan, as to the quer.- Hon of reconstruction. Ile held that those Ptates were organized under another govern ment besides our own, bet the gen demon ruble took his position as to confiscation. Ho did no t advocate a general Sweep, but that the hands of a largo numberof the rebels ought to Inctien in order to me rebellionlptinses rred by putting down the , and to increase the pensions of soldiers. Mr. Wilburn., at Pennsylvania, nor?. spoke. In the mune of his remarks which were pro longed about twohoare, ho Said that the word restoration was usco on the return of the st sures, and he expressed the hope that it ,ray not QM loot. so to the future. The House ut eve o'clock adjourned. am State Convention Ng, Pons, Fob. 10.—A special despsteh to the Tribune, dated Austin, Texas, /Itraday, February eth, says the Convention was or ganized te-aluy, and will incorporate into the new Constitution the total abolition of elev. err, and give the negrees the right to testify In nil courts, hold property', sue and be sued, Ate. The Convention is divided between original secessionists and straight out Union men; some members are in favor 01 11CgrO suffrage. The President Of the Convention voted agaluat secession in tbelest Coravendon, but wall sub. sequcnUf att,OnMer In the coufedcrate atm:. nelitintatton et Oen. Fullerton. New ironic, Feb. 10.—lye lierakra specFlG naye Gen. Joe. S. llerton, oblef of statr to Oyu. I . l Vivant, relin Fu ed ti deror two !WPC. NAPOLEON'S PROMISES PROMISES DISCREDITED. I CHRISTI UT MI I FOR PROT6GION OF THE Anew "11.••••• New. from Nev. 1 ark N-e 10, a. l• 0. ton lido ler, roper,owl that o. t pog... ircle, Napolcor,. c arprop—PoPn 4 hp (, cs.fteaattall, are thadaht ~ ..1, r• .0.1 eliKi Z..0110E14, and 'that pl to ii., .pot en.,11,. 1”,, n.t I t , n droll - au 111, 1-001, ‘ 1 131.•, ....! (...t. will recrigorze 31a Tint ilia. or cot, ,•, a men „ ...,„. other ronattrornt., la the nowt, 5t..,,,. ,„..„ to ry turn entertain the opinion INni ...,. ~... 011 the. Rio Grande will he ta.,...yea, ,:I 11 T ~ ~ . 111.1 our affair. there Iltitnndlitteiy tdc acd ... , war fooling. A Wnwhlngdon verde! tar - The .1,1., ... t ortimittee of the Brame, on inforotteiii, I cp ~ Pp, of it hill intr.lut,l by Mr 31oltett, ..t h,.,,. to/ k referred to one of theft nutniie• Ron. It C. I onk. of 1 11lhole, the otiordlott 'it Ti unAing a moire for the prott, - lion of the iPi , al iwathic or I:,ntoekv an , / other state- iii.llo nit al.a In tett perweiwtih.l for help ig to et., ate the Stet during tit , Pf r efre•—• of the nor Mr rook executed hht duty. and Ile toll drawn by hue WMt yeatertlay morale:. adopted I, the t aternlttee. and will ho roe, t tal In oho non, at the earliest opportitalty. The .11.•,s , I aulon won special •pays 'Lowrie, a , , orri ot, wail not genentll:. credited. that the Pretottent l kOna lt-tie ft proclamation i ..i.p. in, 11.1- a eft of outioarp eorpog to all toe `Pi.. 0•... and rin. 'a r 'fig that Ileart. hi rrstorod roloi M. 114:1. renirling on Marra-on •tr. lli II lc , / .itilo.ilt \ ...,ii- ttal ay •:.....tillt; iilo p.ei I ihoo cl. Inc head lio ioa, ....1 .. a it.. "ad rl, • . ht i hi e•a a , (14 , 1, , 00h n ••• , 1.• 1 st. ,', -I re,t. Loh,” A , Is. 1.. A • NIIII,I. 1111.1 01.,, a, A 111, 1,n,-, is.. entire 4 1. 4 0ek of 01l ..n.i as rlrl, un. Jul m...JT1,, , lu.y of Cob.s 1k .:11t3 thOlts,/li 1/,k:i/Ar•l Thy Co.. 31r.,snrs. I•out , llng lkoh.e, 14 outln.ate•l "t hohdr.•,l trs.:.nics,' , . ht 'H O ,OE:Wu.' In Vo, et lAtte nr t4' I,J ~ t,, ul rise .3../. ndlon rued I.• i hr. 141 h fro, .101 liendere.o. e eft, t 1”-I .glat trrette.l upon toe room), or of 1.. r. offorfl hell,. of linfirfati. count ff t here,' him trail boring abetrairted an I gifted reclines mind, fool Tivartlre Mite, on ft atfoof thr lath of Tnermltter lett 111 , ,1111, 4 ty.041 found on hla perrum arts 4'olll 11141 tlrbi morolog oft a hearing, The fomrt ho. 111,4111/..,1 lerlfrinti In toe rote of Mart to, the alleged reboil imatritlrat t, NolurfiL rs Tho• if...pee etateff Hint last Trinrfulfir rec. mug delegation of .1.4.00 e FCll.ltllll, from all effelet of the trteiltethoLod In :lift city. pro eerded to the broom or Mr Patrick 1 f toeturer of the Acuatoritil brunch of the 1 , :.4111.'cuti..11, for the purport. dernatedln, Ithaca theman nil hieh they allege lir h bsent ay 1 (4 415 poeseetioo. dlr. Ultmarke being aore pertoil. Llo [hoot, rye doputatioa dot (of. Its. it llrer deliviffed an aLldrcee before the Untied tier. ire pit lent evening, ern lo foo" log the result, of hit recent observations Lim booth. limeolutionm were adopted. nod a committee appotuted to report a boots 117 the reorgrtalrot lon of the Society upon core eervrftive principle., and to make arrange larlata for a public demonetrallort. The Traver , ' Part" letter Ray, The gold Modal for ilea Llocoin, (or fa Tratm, Le to he proem:net/ to bee by Si Alletrt neretfer, of the ?rote-talons./ Government of infs. orb," nee In-en eoleeted by thecOmmixoloo Or, L.o to Lae Totted Stoles for te porpoto The ft.7 , M1f,113P1 !motion l h etter nays- Coo cr ruing the bank rate of lotereat, there of no general indleation of to early permanent low• ering of the Oftletal charge; seven per cent. may poombly he rulapterl Ina week or two. Out title Is the utmost relaxation looked for NEW FM% IILARREL Cl4fil% oi ((Li; (DOPIIII (II 11 PLU4.i,•II The . 143 ka - inig - ga.n.zrcaank. 1:717 tar hkw lama. I. eb. 11 —gat_ciek ollourkr ..ire of tau Relni tu /outdo. of the Fe nian Brotherhood, received a ',int La t n .411 t train uorac hand, ed pod - soon, rho prodlanined Ilierieuily en of the O'Mahony and. mobile,/ thu rand, %al/ to la. In hi.. poshea,on. Ur. O'Rourke xo•ered Into a parte?. itelth the *ant ontent• at the eel,. e I , lllc tar, tcti:rtr. ht. to r .1 u u h.. tp malpe-id.g lie tioexpectcal v tu G k . / Berlin corretgoniterd of a morning pa :'at Gifu that ne.goliationa are null - • anoed. betwetn .crst o. stutli-treTt'emistadatt. auv-rmirent which are oamidatitry e - rpooted rsi•olo In rellsvmg Outman ern Ameri can eiturn• from all danger at arrest for mil :Airy din!, on minim to their native land horernot Wright, United Staten Minister at Iter.:a, had been Illereels attacked In the Ber. Pr le i, t rums for an alletred appllention to Me lan Got - eminent Ocha/f of the l mired sietbollirt congregation for a cte on torlo to band //chapel in that city, hat he had o cvo coandetalf art right in the:public eat/. Intqlan liy • protest signed by tuoat of Ult raglnte American reeldents. letSer from Iltiou , ai Ayr. uarn that Lopez ha* again invaded the ?mein., of Cori lon tea ,l'eent• irUY e' tr i t e i d s at le=r, '" len i g ta r n . '; ordered the iniensball, with Omni poasible Lind of retaliation. A large number of Argentines have been sowed,imp their property eontLicatial and one been shot. The main body of the lirartlian army Is ten leagues below Gersten te.t, and it hoped. but It lt not certain, that they may save Corrlontes Irons being sacked oa • second Invasion. Gen. Flores has twenty thomand near Fral2.l tier Deloroto, ready to Invade Paragoay. ..The allies are concentrating at Paso de la Pa toga. The Paraguayan...lre/making strong for tifleatlons there. and hake/ been concentrating troops to impute the g•tintire of Para.a at that place. ThelHaeOn, Georgia, Journal publishes en Appeal of Gov. Jenkins to the ladies In Geor gia requesting them to contribute to tae fond for Milt Jet[ Davis and family. Ho prope.ind that each one pay one dollar to the County Thcanorer, and that all sums coutributal shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer FROM THE RIO GRANDE, MONTEREY OCCUPIED BY ESCABEDO Thr Bagdad ' Affair fate,iiszated Pi It Eli In c‘N Na , ttet El ri, Februsry lug ...100 of : N M hales oiludnag at he Itroonst jibe !burls., 01 the 110E111,4, that I:Acalwdo I, reported to h. V.! Ilk L., and ocetspled Monterey ("coeval Negrete had arrived ut Brownsvt:l, and Ono reported to Lae o forsalcou Juarez The Commlash3u investigating tie headed ~irair hod reported, and throw the blame on rawford and party, the Culled States h•hilers ei.gaged In the affair. They wore acting tinder contrary ordors to those sent over by neo no , t of the authorities of the Republic of Mexico to preserve. order. GeoCanby to-day issued an order proh lug the City Guard, created by mid acting un .lt.r military anthoritics, from alienating or In any manner dtsposing of real estate or of o, Mlloporty belonging to Gm city, Or granting any fraud:tine or right to corporations or Indi viduals for a term extending beyond such no- ' Hod as the civil government of tho city may he reorganised and re-established tinder and in conformity with the constitution and laws of that Slate I and RIICUM.IOII disposition or augrant will be sobJectl Govern to any rights anti to of ol the Generaent Avhloh may belinvolved, and shall not extend beyond the time when the question in rotation to rigida and Interest may be demanded by com plete authority. Gao, Waltzed arrived from the Rio Grande to-day, and leaves to-morrow for Cincinnati. lie expresses the opinion that tho country atcrod by the Ulu Grande Was..wertit going to war .boatgays it Le very dlttleult to preserve strict nouttaltty en the Rio Grande. Outrages su Vidtatt Men to Tetusessew Naw You, Feb. 10.—The Nashville Prusand 71eles of the oth lust. says: Intelligent persons from Robertson Minty give a deplorable ac count of alllurs there , booms two months or more shoe, Then:oat Payne,itti old and respect on Union man living a few miles from Kriel:- oil:m[11e, on the Kentucky line, was Itunted up in ono of bin folds by a rebel named Fos ter, and shot down In cold blood and again shot when he Was dying. The murderor then committed further Outrages upon the female members of Payne% fatally. The Sheriff of that oounty to ono of Norgan's men, and Justices of the ()Canty cannot ho endured to take any notion of the cunt: though the mur derer is still there, apparently tanconeorned. It is supposed thaFt boy venture to arrest the offender their own lives will be in thuiger on February tact an old and inoflbludre Union man, a Mr. Smith, scat found dead In one of Lis out houses shot twice, once through the head. Me only offence wee loyalty to 1114 country. Our Informant had beard of two other clown of tram:: men being found dead from violence, but could not giro tho particu lars. A weak ago, the notorious Elerper was at llittcheilville and attempted to kut the post master, for the Infamous ogeusc of taking the test oath and hohttug Wilco under the Govern ment. Ire was with-difilculty presented from o . 4 :ruling his„ purpose. - A number of the Gulonlate_o t hat _ County aro preparing to g * North. Dlr. ttariow, whose wife tied the mis fortune tit SOO Otto murder or Mr. Payne, has taken his faintly to Illinois, fearing his wife ing i wenl:ln the be mcase.urdered to keep her from testify ' Proposed Canadian Lines of Ilea= era. Toncrro, C. W. - Feb. 10.—A company is bet ng formed of aterehante of Identreal, gueboe, St . Job .ne N. IL r and Haltlaa, to establish steam era loot/roan Cantuld sad the tower ere, - !neon, intended it:lo3=9oLp with the routes through the BMWS tO Qantas, Fla John• and the be Y of Cholour. 1::bo Unto tiOtwoon Quebec and St Johan expootot to to three and e hell day.. connecting vith Atuerloan sod .1, T.-, I.; owners /Ma roll vrny, I,loutpup h, • PRICE THREE ('ENTs The Llsteolp 'Feb II Irr. ❑ , • .r.n ftn 'o r- "' dr". 'r ITSentdOhy- FOURTH AND LAST ANNIVERSARY. ! e thr Ze. prepared under „,.,,alerhas Satatardatro and ,‘ '• I :‘ , ,t) 1,0 ' •,, 4;wo , :1, 4 0 ill • ryTln 'C ” Coromlatrou nod r'• ,,, oe• thein-l.:?:::ZO hors of n- " - t Sloane Of neldewenUl ler "'" not he Lollar took the ehalr. k •rd m'oir. elrProPriale mdle.rer , ‘ urr /5.) dr on rho rn.: " d ‘ r.,;l. ' ; ' , ' S ' ,,,"'' 4. r.ra ut Lap/a/It ..f ti, 41 rro, op , ll. • """ '' r in"'ne.`Ota -1 h, //,,,, •1., eg Al a 2 •(1..n . Art ". ti... that .2,-11X1,0./0 Ar..l V.,K 1 0,0 0 0.l n rh '• qiktrltruterl: al-n • f1,r1 , 11,101 w I of tortill•,Hrtionrr, •AtU,l,ll 1..1/)•••• Or 111! v• out h• I '••' y • nr.,gl[l. t ut im.l . r. It/ 1, 4.1 :I. • ttirr.. II ••ri•(.>, n, • •••at , ' A. 1$ tr.., i•J 111.1 1 1,71 .) ..(1.... I nl. I .. u Itar E t. • 0 •1. V. I :LI • , „ r. u•. ~• • 7 I .if•lory u ill. 1,1114 . I hrill-cz • 11. W 1 ;11.'410 Th.. rtudtener . fire cum irlou or 1.1g1..y. w 1../ :1a... ..y yr:di:vet 5.. ptru 7., ihr ...dale,: a 1. .11 , , I,js ~11./ IL, I ,14:111, “.1 ,un Nii nit:ll :..t n t , I hr. l 04/IIII!..ii.11 A inS.) !II,: Vt./it:Oa In 1•1•/, ••onr-144 , ell NI • I OU., • ,64,1 ot. :'p scut hr. f0,t,.w.1,._ 1• , r.1.t11111/01• 11/llkii a/ ..14 • .tyu P.:lk ilo. IDon":v t: F.. Fl - M• I '..1'...••t/.......-an.•, l , in, nl• r. o•rr•.1 et ‘ lyn. ll , irre 11dr.-sne„ hallls .4d ow elid le Ktra 1 •11 A, -- nen.itni Don)IllP;rf Wi,r,rn„ii, A .., , told Ith in r. 'nerly Ch Ain ie •, i flinnupS/rajeneadelthareilthe purr Ina -,.•... li. . . ~,,,,,,g. rriftne work of . he r'niir in i•e10.1 v. rbialnltintleethisne, Secret:. y Weilen, Dee; 0 ii. nes - al Griint. Arlin irel l'at rage.: and rn.oly ,ii otlo r .100 in,, i.lied rergnns were peen..., -.....- _. i A C. 1. 1 ,11,7,11 COOrt Starl:l*. lat. ine.n. nrininiel " 'in/ in r.. pi •Ielo.• ilainrirsealillsgeafi 1.. N./pet - le In tLo ell; oe ale etirti.. i i -\ L. . rt, I. t. . ... -..,., 11,,,,i,.,,,,, Pt: h. fro the trial of auctrlsersons I. may 00 el I' . ..•'....1101..z Is...vt.arr OFctt•l ott t o h o du._ brought torero it The follow in 4 °dicers br ~. ..,r) , .a WO 1.1, rn 1.0 N••st. Jersey, tkistrkt t•tatled to form i tie court Ilrevet ... I: a. :t ' •....: 1.. .0 ... o.ner ilico,'llii•trlet, of t/enet al Nr 13 Erneer. Ftriptilier General I - Ili,- e t ..-, "... N• 'a' Ilairiosiiirn Rust Venn alo e. Dent, I S. 1 , • Lrevat 1., tor. Frau', ' le-it I .ns Sin ine. Isistr.teol l'iortilierti A ° l , l Itern Is. Brev r I Tl„lnr.l. %V NilavOD, t'apt Y ‘t . r• - , •,, r.. \• ri 5 or'e I °Pet, 41.11 b. S. 5 rilllery, Capt I 3 II tire a. e. P -•- . . -... • ....---, -_— 7th b e Cavalry, Xlajor •I Game- J mix.. 5,1 IlAilltlitall; - -- .' .• soeste To..traep pare with the demand to cat rren , r.ii , CI I sees . Inn LT LT Thergextr.JM tett.. at the . expected that this a eel. ilea: .i 4100,10ne 0.. , ~ t l.• •.• ••Inti:e anoints. The •rten i Air.. will be printed. Last week the issinearnnuni.- ! . ; ' ) „ r „:' . ,,' . ..,',, - ; . ,. 17 , wrt....,,v .Yof 31socaruter. MI to 4.104,030. Of tlaid amount titab,atio were ..,,,.,,,$ . , „,,, 7. • ,' U .. 1 31, 'Cantlle-.• to.limrdP. traeurittosa to ..t.s \ brtant Treasurers, ant ,re. far., ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., ... o. ~, E., noun the nea irignaled Depoeltoriet, nod the remainder , t•• National Hanka, and sliodends. '(Cr reactor,- °1..., '". - "k- ". " " V.'. t e a , i Pbrat Pair roll \s iron die Islon last week essereelled t, a,- : ~ , ,,,i .• h 5...• .1 to the!, kart ni at the brea d that nu ma. y to the amount of teN.,eos. ... rt, n 1,, el notrlmoubd hater reps, dad at Id , -- ,,,,, 1,1, a the liainsa of %invite! repose: •nallier Priaaldenllal Con( • He Prole., den So be In .terns with In. • Union Party • 11/ED. ' rt ktt ...., 4 .-1 ',roe, eventn77 al • • lOlit n . i .,,, • Nure Yoga, Feb II -The critirryondelat or . uIIIia Si 1 .. ,r 340 non nr,lnrne.audrthanna Inter the button .Aarmiterer. turn blot- a hat purports .9. 07..17 ninnth• „nd oda), , to he 0 erinverna [lnn ?net wren the Prcsitirnt . The I..i.ernl n Ili take pls.,' Tin, A1rft117. , ..." •5 and ilererwl i11 , t141,1f,1611e.1 Rep` gt , tlit,l•^7 , -,.. ~ :`,.1. , f ,, 111 the ....skittle. ef hi The Premidemt e STU e•sed hi.n.e.f I, ' l.. n,i nn a . . s parent., wills , lie bed al. aye heels. the friend of th. i e,O-. ~.,•.:,. 1,. :ri, nd, nf itie fatally are re- Innot And the 10s ly. Ile hall nee. r broken ' ,-' '```"'“ ,• al l'ail, ... faith n Ith en) boat, . a i.. 1 If RIP Pa ""n roll, der, I C T " ' i n •• •• , • , lal m•irelnx. :Nu Inst- hie former lanareaie weronot a sureleacut guar. m i l , . : J : lf) 31,-, :e Frl V aged ;I \ curb. centre that he meant well toward., toe eni..reol i 1 annrin Inn, lair pin., trout Ns late. ready/30D la ,„,,,,,i, and woalti toles or to Re..larr to thew / t "te ll ton n -nip. an liotrox-x, I.= lost., et LI -, ~ „ ~ li, Iri. it d. rit thillirell'y are barite! a fair chance, notntng he mould soy th 110110 R. would ,nis e:any such guarantee lie thought, however. that It was best to ' - '''' .4. - •twal; Tilnthle, and be did not belles, that the , :- . ,r.,,...._ __ _ ..____-__'-- - 7 — ___7__.' ~- r ____ _ effort new mak' tng by wane who rail them- , 1.i./6aIMET ailliXES . '" aelvet the negroes,trpecial Siren rant- fl versal sulTrattre upon the States ITS* rise or 1 I I!..I.IJ)A.LPLCHtIIC-r-'-'—_ - - .11. nia Judjr.lous. Ile thong/It It tended to embitter tenting., while oar effort should be to char.:: „.:;74:.„'ta'V;;„,sity==, ..4PittAta4- snatsteralruneas and confidence. He be/levee/ It Illy { en Ansi 'enr delgtoms hoe/. pe.ettiss e "W would maul!. In great Injury (.0 the pronperstli /So eek„ i t 'Mew Lot. OW apply I{4 the' ten urthe colored people. I clic'. 0.Z,./.. Itt Ole CeMetery. TILli • . peemf•• 111 regafxl tOrilfferences with the party that I t.trl , " !a...L... alit bet to o thethaia eleetesl bon be said be agxr t d:ltter ' , vitt. I ndl- • •••.‘ ri\ tet et the nosleesslAa comer or F ederal i and Ustmaels seem e, daleMietry. \ldeals of allot am. oil/ the Union party a• +"a A. ILLLY, to the moat. tope used, hut he cousidered 1 ~. himself in grueral amatini ith that py, Ito , "."."....""".."'" 'tn """ " 7 a whole. 134 the ends to be reached. lie Win not a party num, and hr to sink the par t Iran In :he oatrlnt litqi so fan ni tie tin ler sod the et...U.:cleat.. of .., 1,1011 parts. he wiltl gelaorei ti , rst V. ends It. Ile inlithi 411- fro. ll scree orbits ftit ends, and he stroubi rd../ d h 4 4,3 at /Abort) tO so dlrer, nto) tO state the glotand of his contrary belief or opin Ma, lot he contildered hlraself identlilled with the great :Illenstparetly„ laktrkbatt 'lnd.:titre or ttrtenttoraor toeing !band otttaldd. • Profeel Of MaLeitoorne fleeehounin *amino, Infrnetioos of Neofenlll3. St re' Yet., February I:.—The T.-. eon [alai the penteat of a nurraher of pervon• alleging theiroe/yea merehneite of . 11 ainunoran, to NV illeb ~114, they ha, been ;wneer eigh months prod neutral epect •tot , nf the disgrao fel oceurrenoewon the frontier, sun consid e er it heir duty pi:LI:WY to denoun , e the nets Of eenon Tnited States They state teat the profeweed he enalty of the United slate+ 11 coutradleted by the en:ouragernont and aid 1 - 1 N en the Sdnrican partilao• in the, al mini Inv...tor. tact ra Wn !MO] the territory of the United State. Into Mantra, and de•. nonnee the rapt are of Bagdad by United eta to• negeo soh/acre, the uarry in; off ni kulit lett , Teta•, and that anlear the p rttltelunder,d hint. Inowernmeint tnetre inamedinte mene• Check tho arbitrary uaterfereace of ito to llenleen affain . . u! , r , rain will be brought the whole population Of the out She p is tent eerti . ,/ .1 10 and endorsed by the t lee a smut.; of Spa •,, France, Bagla•el en •I Pru• • la. Wren. Sew girlNonial LO tn,,x•ne, Eel, 5,-- Lottou dram 'tire 'nice InCe h,, es trodttitng at I , e. ••••gb[ tot tuir prhoe. Othellng Excheinget:s.i. Neu I or: cheek.% tpn lo . The 'team, Norwirlt loaded With abort 400 ne. of cotton burnt the, Wes tvlng 31vvit at the cotton wXI thrown o•cflkotril and The yodel u. Insured. The steamer %I trtcheuter and LA Liyman ett !Min `few i nn t 7 . — Tbr•teuthur I Ity of t• uh-l'ttuoe taxi/ten ut tine Isaroft the LA It, troth Nem York. Cotton, inkhtlln g%tileent. (vol.l—Prelght Neu lark one chitt by .11. 11, by ute_aaant. to I.‘vcrpool Ti to There I. u large quantity of emptied tonnage m port. The Inotonu have. not been very Iron:no...on:le or Into on the Tame northern ,routdor Tee Trans State Convent ton Meets on the Stir -• The Coneord Rank Robbery —Arrettl of the Robbers and Recovery of part of the Roney. !t ones, 1 . oh 16 • The i-ry• 5,r...341111a the ',Whir ) co Ihe Notional hunt; or Concord. h 0,.., no Iho filth day of •-"epteintier .4,1.; /V vet rated thrviugh the hattri .g mintl • of the . dete,lees a few do-i-a T td robbers weir raptured ...other stair, $/:1:4116 of the money re,. ertal. hid ad salon, of the mould itenotint •• money teeovered has bet•.., pool over to L.. Ire, rut of the honk. It i• three per.on. a ere C o lleelllt-*/ in the rotilier.i, in.l t :1 pet win .• tot de, but ..« Iv iinu T 1 Alia Ott/ prolini•ly arre•toil. for pi :Oit' nth:o rOA.Ott. the en einn•iittaee. id ••na rig the capture of the two robbers at for the pre-ent withheld front pot:l:eat Ur,,l ho fora - nit-o.d that the "tole,, money belonged rut nettintly to the MllidieSi's emits I itotitto i 100, and to rhaidenta in the tone of Concord -- • - Official News from Jlesleea—loaves lie neettn• Ecurnolested nt El Faso. IV amnia wren Cirr, Yet, 11 —olllebil new. , to the It, of January-has Leen received from El rh-10, the resident, of the Melaean um mit merit. from which It appears that the French lied not attempted to oim-lo morel! from Chi huahua to El FL., llOr Fa, It likelj, they a maid. Pre-daunt Juarez Lizely commend, Prell dent Jolanaon', annual meeehae, had ewer-1- %11y the portion of it whicli WM.O to the Monroe doetnne. The Governor of the State 01 Coahuila has eapreated hiv unqualified np. proval of the decree extending- Prmddont Juni-or.* term of callee until another elvetlup ahah Le held. Coliforniss Newa..—Slobbary of 11 / 2 00.000 Trensdare hildipmesta. use rnsitciseo. Feb. /I —The steamer Golden Cfty, ulth poscengors from New York on Jun uaryAdahas arrived/ Mr. m., Co ll ector of Customs fqr the Oregon District. was rotavil of two hundred thonetoul dollars on the eh:tuner Oregoo, on Lls way here from Astoria. The Nevada Legdalatore bare passed reion.t. Dona endorsing the Monroe/Lai:trine. Rev. Inane Owen, the pioneer roinigker, ding aultionly yeatarday. Tto , stoamer Golden Age anllr , A for Donal:ha to-oar, Inking $1,f..."0;502 trvusnre, of whigh 0.10 . ,•1.t goes to New Tort. The Winooski and Algonquin Roe.. T'\lreb STaten STlttltsuir Witroosil, Ore rue N ArT ilitooki.rn, Feb. IL 1956. none, arriN c 4 here et fire O'clock thl3! atter nnel end that tha Alzonguto hes not yet matte the prat move towards meeting oe at htuhle Point, ta.etert °tithe Every eon Of Mr. Dickinson's piirtylert the'veasel on Fri day and Yuma nottlppettp4 ether. In view of tam facts. Air. A-stet - stood hag nottflet; the New Department by Mall owl. telegraph, and. It In probable that Orders wilt be fore anted tO nuke the :see with the Algonenin'e ent+7 os controlled by natal engineers. If thu be 0 , it util Ire Wedneeder of Thursday betore they nlll start. Attempted Pottery 1 ,1 13 rata..reb. 0.--A forged cbe,l nrcilltch -1 ar.,t,ong for ha,rsp W prommted for feller at the People's hank to-day. The feller Lacing doubts as to Its geoutneuess,sent A messenger to ascertain Its character. Lar iat; hla absence the forger decamped, leaving the cheek at the bank. Ito chic has yet been °blamed n 9 to the lamer. French Minlitres Ban. • Tonic, Pet). aryl) vrns given to ..hiragton kat nlgl_kt, by the Marquis,Yon• Ma French Waister. which " - co ..•N n•T•7ll,r (•' • • -. 0,...,1 ,•1:1 1 THE li 1 1712arLY: -GAZETTE_ TWO ED1116309.. AltetdWNW.. 0.... Tra..dmi and ri... - 440; wer saterdwi. 11 KIIIIon I. Am - warded vatlell +III 1 - ill4O Om ••1r 04. Mc rs aotniest se the MAIL rub. TERMS: " rout write. • ration 411 Prope•rt y beep:l444ra led by lb, Go•ernnivt.t. =OEM - I ht. , 4..14 4 . 4 , 0 474 Of tbr Chrktinn Com rol4.4.ion .1••• iiiii lor &Ls Cordon of lobo 4'. 11. - 4.4^1. In rielzr. W• :•.”• S• • •.v I Jr , hrth a - ric! annit et, r, Co, 1 n,retl DCatChelittwt • wn• 1.11.1 in the Ittall •• I:ehe,rnta:lvv• hch Cl - t t 4,1; the .hurr. and Tad! an .... Olo 'Orin• , then: far preen. •t.. I h.. vi, tat•ltt. 3 , !Stitt; (Or Lilt, partlo. t t , t , turhl,• It stgo,l hy • " •r-. 1,77 0/ V, 1'1,1( zi-4't sold is•r•' Phil:Hl:ill:We. • • -•• • • h 10.— V large ma- , :nee , - ••1 ~••• • .•osusell murinfs, Is: favor • • . • n •.t houaty en, held to .•. !.•pos leave flail. 1%. rose s:• s. 11,11• ol ( 111! t upon the members r.• obseet, and upon fal -1 s • • L• 1 •I• o Ines of the roun --: mot, so mass sloe:inn. , and urgl, tbe ,u. “,,, 111 C.,rnner'• nvJ t'llolprsh.te ..1 a IL-tits -oat, 11..umpast}. •1 • , 41) , ener, L, e!•.e. I: knw .. Wed • • -.We Nee,e,n. :hd• el • „ oe Ilt "\1 sl"rnu. T S, by nonel nand rrred BOOTS A_Nii sHOEs :vrn t! 5,000 . NEB WANTED! Sante lumber of Cattiest FOWN I PIT'IVOt's 11111 SATS M. - -Clellen 3.4 her that abe earl orab.. crlte cry that Joao Range' w itetillebter drat Grady bnllt E beard that It eraa tto doh.- the widow /Ulcer cahl that Capt. W00:P.14.M thocytht that Coieote I...nleelfe Ix/levee the/ 'old Ifia.-Lane reetesed poaltlrely that Peter botthettriviPe bee tote Neel Coavedger that her acct had @Ward to•the motif that It %-1,1 generally believed then blather Pector had //old Ir. pi ain t. rrn- that the heard fretrf -Nok •cr that her Pour had •eld that lt ohti len. 31 la I I ITTSBU1P• 11, that ONCERT II LIB NOE STAN, No, 60 Fifth Street theapem, BeNl and Most Reliable BOOT iID SHOE STORE lii the, "%Arc:o2'lcl! n d Cr' Ihr Opcz a House TIFIOINAND DO a , .%;C r .1:::AND DOLLARS :v. 7110C7!..kti1l voLLans kr!, •I) BoTS• Ctonny r. Id , CL O T AT2 N1A144 AT LE6 'MAN ALV MPACTUIdrII3 , (VW: AT TIM POrn '.T TIAN Pola_LAte AT TUE ,:411R3 MITT CLOTHE% liUOIR Bangs a Qua (pi r c rm . o: r rfii ., „rr blUlif. oppoeite the Opert&Seuee. FIV, I sr. ii2i,112.4 ZI s~o[o ins:: SLZ'- 811 IWO RFUL BC AN) F.lE4ll(oloanDlet Rill give two en tel . LW-Ur= ata ea r.emtny laid Wednesda*, feb.l3 Ott tie AT MASONIC HALL' asl,tedin. tie ...col:A evening bl 71184 CIEs PIeIRRO fr, Who will read aelectioga &vat ELLELLV. la CULw arca with Mr. AlCiit:kr.- berlansili 8ide..... =' Diale itslirse4 He>R Yeirki • mt ry .• • aka., "Reserved seats ra — eat!, Salo or I:esr•-. • rl *tau eons:ord., ea 1 - oaaderhoora at C. V. Motor, itaaJo mete. No. Ceti l ow s KAT/Mier PARTE I —Thet Ler -7 LitANTDETI,ErPrtr.. 40' a v „r ~..1..44t,7 s , • 1.11 /....10•4- r, • .1 4 1 .4 ••• 4 7 44 04 1 r;:•11:.+f4. stititostea 4111190 t. itinPaL2 . $ Laarant - A $I n I. moping. 'lnbs of G I ,ssh• of 11, and :4 ) 1 3 rt, e i :, f Nigiav =III I n orator that ornor oe,tt toto or t o 1.00 rv 4 10 , 1,41 t o the o t, r•pr...ohlative.. ,-,„ DEEM MEM WOUTIV W tIIITAI WORTH 01