13 Lritt Vitt*kit Gazdtt. ---.." Ea , !aLI 6tos . 4- ca. SATVHDAY, fltilii,rAßY 10, 1.8% P.LaPpo....The . Itteated the mehr, • propertyen t, of T. , I,llolln Catholic-Church in rotund 115 eti cue of an A - Dif ElTtle lila -RATESimperial _ ukase, dated Deem's , 25. 1,65, and E%tabltsbed tos tbe Press of Pittsburgh PfOrniflgated Jan ashy 10tb, the landed estate% and 'hoti.ei , , as wen as the ready capital, _.. _ s ' STAXAUC_Ii ai_ La ?decks, claims, and all other belongings of the national cccice.,t-cal establintm_ot ‘,7 Po , vine nquariefire asnuert„ EdgDa Word. t 1,,,, d, ', as ,. teen seized and appropriated by the Line, 0r.34 Inch Hpatee. . ___--__ the t =Cr. The funds und other capital thus TIMP.DaIIy, la t, al week ;iI, a appropriated before the last rebellion artionnt- I 73 Le., may be estimated at about alt tittles VIAL 1.7 V much. To make up for this acquestion on a 175 - Krund scale, the government Who, as an in -2 nt dm:natty for former appropriations of the 7 ,GO FaMO kiln!, - . previously itOntribated about alidi aOl 2 ' ,O I '''' ' thud of the church eXpOture, now under , -.: 1 takes to provide the whole ealary of the priests, as well as sundry other items of the .^, current ecclesiastical costa. -..) - Laemsu Glass ago rirralorth Excaciar - 3 Z ''''' 5 . 5 . aor 1 - lie En g lish . girl apenda more than one-ball SOS Sea 503 her waking hours in physical amusement. ri oi. i 17, L bS 1 .. 1 , 201 0 0 rd w irp h ive n te h s.t i b e r id wixd s . to .i.pol d y etv .p e ot l hv,,, o e pe w on tes d hr,e tu d.r v ai l nd g o.e z , t , : pt and .. : . ~,,,,,._5 4, 1 1.. (t) 'WO .' slugs, jarairt the rope, throws the ball ; hurls L . thIANGEABLE ONCE A WEER. the quokka, draws the. bow, keeps up the shut -CM-Tr ,Turb - Tre 7CO 5.50 I 4 ii) tleeeek-iind all this Van:it having It pressed Threeetal. 17 00 11 50 050 I 5-75 Upon her mind that she is pasting her time. ran ta d 74 CO le 00 12 SO i aOa i ee does this every day until Itheconacs a imb. elk xe.tin..... .. . . ..* 1 CC° .057127 1if0,..1 .ism ilt Ott, wilt fellow thfOngh life, He f =ea, a aka for .0... ,r-- •,- te ,-- _ - 14 E.,..„ rartieinhuy et the Lou ee th e In better subordination; her strength more em blem:oer W. B. Carter. during; and the whole tone co her mind health.. T wo gen tlemen, passengers on (he eite,mel • . te r' L +son be low, Capital le scenic, and interest „t u na, (which left New Orleans ton Abe 31th of is 010, in every Country an the globe which January - 4 rentehpd,thill tank , ' pestortAty, ands, ' exports rack PrOducts. Turkey-, .4exico, nos gather front thim Same Palticldirs relating 'le, tattacd, Canada, sue south America aro l to the-loss of the W. 11. Castor, the wreen of solemn witpestme tO the truth of thisaw of Economy. n. is an inexorable law - , without which they passed a short time after the caters- • ariablenees or shadow of turning. lit all trophy.. , - 1 those countries. hich C 0328111210 their new pro. ducts, land and labor rise in price, capital he llo, first indications that the passengers ' comes plenty, and interest steadily' falls. upon thaLuna had of the disaster, were parts , 7 MO, achosetts and Conneoticut, Belgium, toe, is ono CS Gears anchango ible laws. of the wreck and cargo floating past, about Vass h a d ermy, joyfully x to tO Its daylight, on yriday morning, it, few Toney db en t eficence.-.N. T. nib.... abote ttellebtirli. tile TlttittfandeenCello pass tar 1005 a Dr. Garnet, livin" near Auburn, Earl , of the drifting 'wreck for about. Ono°. New York, was sent to Mate prison tor forgery. °titbit+ &IMO, and when he came one 131.1i6N Mron4 she was met by the Evening Star. ' jl', s erve d wife , Roaming him guilty, refused to re alder* had overtaken tho wreck, in 'time to em, o him. He went to Pennsylvania and mar pick Upend save somotwentyrt. ire or twenty-, led a young wife. A few weeks ago a man, rie'lllmattnee ftweeWlnr,td - ,boartbr, oottoo •on his death pert oebeer , ea to rme for tilles,t.,4l4naped atilbroadnther drifting mat- w bieh Garnet angered. !Ito Ilrst thee,wife repent ter. Among the saved, end on board theliven- / tog ixer continet, hunted to is a , her hg Star, were w eebve females, though it, was / erneltv, a rceonciliaticm was effected, and the ,*ported there er many truly passengers on second wife voluntarily gave op her claim. oars the,W,R,A7,I4-mr. arliert thedissister cc- , The first wife now lives with her husband, and e 2211, 1. • ',, ' tl . I the setond Hither-ally endowed. 1.7.° ` in C he urr ie_g_ n'e.t g iven l r tlit • fe ll . I Winer:ire foreigners w tioleave,their homes `passengers who o.oaDoet ST l .° their „..ir ee t.,. the .4.and .carne to tills: coruatry, because it odors eileartrg facts are gathered- The "i /1 “ - "` ' then% the ritlats of Irgemen-mea who love 1 t r , e , p ,fl u ,.. blican.. ,„.‘ ..instittitions,-to wait lave, years 1 e e r. t..7 1 I lq•;”''''' -alnni eht C erialeb ir L d flfe a 'a bo "n Ye . Voakshum, and in the ddle of rho river ,I '''',2i ...el cap, rote stmuld traitors, who . at the time, and running efowly. The nets* -L n instithrons, l u nT ' Wh t : have digan re g al 4 attending the explosion was very slight, not- , va n they he4s' be admitted ancient area 2 ° a w a k en th e P esect al re • The i upon shiwttir probationl If Menials wholovos tnat caught fire lunnodiattly. The t wan, , -- --- the coon must wait ilve cars for a vote, log marq had of tbo danger was thlallre in „..., • ~.„ , _ ~_g , their:statodnotne. Thehoat did hot sink for ' tr " . "4 " . ""tah"" "t'S'.e emnataT upward of one hoar and tt half after the eat -.lllinois Journat. _ eaten. 'lts pilot who escaped says he and ' , A konadelt rebellion on- Mena Sinai Is re ds brother were at the wheel at the tibiae and Ported In a letter in the Levantfi, raid It big brother exclaitacti, "What is this rf , HO;nt/Pillinftilut ASChblabola LYMI, Orme Convcia I replied. "Don't know unless she is hlowlagf of ht. Catherine, h a f r i n g-in'fOtne aly ° n eeded op!. At thnt 'the floor raised oompa.tatively hialnerlica,thas,knithtled. hut Ike y, seized alosely,.thiti thelledt-Phtell hi% disetavroletthiln. , Abe Atelaldstep end abdthim lap in the blank .rifkaaa floWAluitelig the belteMile aimed t holein the eons - eat, News of the affair was bielberennTosttbersraaluat..„..„, L 1 Sent by an , adherent of, the - Archbishop to , legi_gahatlSM,M.Xiaeritirstaa &Wakened 1 V`intirlehereupon the Viceroy' despatched a aiY. O itansWilanano-XPratilb.lift arid I pumped ,ocraparet et troche to re.leasothe pnqato and outeLhisatatorttattattnraglathe,daMeis, barn . to restore his antherity.-Pareign Pop...v. Mg bis halide tirtybtlllyl-anig fttil tattiest ex- i A Niarame iO.) correspondent of the Cleve bawled into throWater,Whattahoelitabed uponl land Herald [lays that on Saturday all the dir.- a datithattetton baleanii held Plitriearlyono tilleries'la linron county dxcept ono were heUrf'_Wherthe,ltasPle)ted,UP Id , Ate,Eventiv , closed Ilv the .Governinent for allege,' Viola tar. . „ _ , ~, --... , •.4 / tfons of the ,revenne law, ,The baspecter tad A itCiatiC 2,2 4ial o +l.o 1 ; 14 ; 0214, i ',2 4 , 1 1 111°. 11101 I preldn'etliy beemplaged untlerarrest, Under the knamicd, wasenthofated boat with Ms wife, , chierge of sanctioning the violation. it is un end'h'ea atthitenetf by Tire ha hie' atiiturocra, sleretood 'that a flusher hearing will bo had wheelie =abed forams to Ste-What was the t betere the I: ii;Commlselaucr at Cleveland taatter:and im became parated from his wife ~,,,Atrurtmoialceek. , trySlickaMcer Rhea ho ellOvaed /x i her te l u t a 1 T r.SI Lents Po When haaheen Shown a Loverheardoand.C..=winte the water rams f il- ; l ',, utes not Induce herr tofellow. He pram I private .efter, w a r Anger date of the sub ~bout the boatiop win e Li m y, t r ,l ng ~,,,in %. At., attitta, that at ± a party, at the town of ro coneince her ettialabilny ito'Saie her, I Avoca , lire/la/lel free Rti " elivill !' Alabama, "hrotio swum whose. 411 W, slMperished In the , thirteen . , petwons,,ent of a part, 0 ., f thirty, rat O , ;: ll6llifew a t:IAX;= I l c,,li gki c t 4179 N to ;trell ,' lttr<ulr,i s e e dd, b EarrlX• k rn in - dr w n:g wx err. god . . ~ I -,, ,,i A wafter teetered) forcibly drags:ed. dimly- I. A- 112.00 - o(l32ol3ll, thicialla, who had drank very iretebet stapwroemand threw her overheard' ,frcel,died „before day..' Thu other victims to save 'het-lona l burninitorlOatli, and the , lingered longer juorltidg Was difilth* Xt. - sea:M . that the Tun • New York Eronerlid ~ ays that Father , w omen; onornDol Oed, npda deck and Aseplus, the Greek Cllttrch•„priest who made resishoCAl sho•olime,a - =She:: 13, Oak the inch n sensation In New l orb a fore months water,. while tbe weet-pesiahedla the water, Onew by officiating in an Episcopal Church saltily endeasiortzig tepswerutdo therwcaducto / acre, has been ' , turned , out of his church by trust . theraSeleds• to the -titer. Vne! of the hie ecclesiastical superiors, for countenancing saved, telle,tof seeing' 110271 orMen In the Im. • church outside of tho Apostolic soncession, .7 a ,,te_st‘ flingaog Da each'ethe , raid drowhint sod the father, diegnSted, has made an appli 'n,ceetrufSte-i ithethurt s eSeeeirs, then cation to be- received Into the Prosbyttrhut tomcatt ed:, cal and fall back helplessly la the church. . ' dyer, ;fleetin g their-fete ' l ''""" e ' ~TATIONALIS GE'S tRATICR.S.--Tlio man who To add to theterror of the seoneweria.nnm. , e nvered in his mart ho badv 01 William na breof Uorsutona tifilefp whlch, -went retied I fns from the Now germs, A. tt. 1100, is tho an (,''the nd Irottrt 'bare 'boat Ati th 1, . r e tina , crater of a very numerous tribe, Of:his lin rotrtbngium;ll44.&e' w a tic .t dr t il t, crn w...e g n'alA irt i .a es l is h l A d 47, ci el a t :7e: . - .: , ii . ! , , , f . i ..., , r :: : c 0in ' den t i t ot e r, h i G t l l a l md re ,f o ": „..rtco rted ,,,, b , ut ,: h t t, b e ,.. , 7,,: i . g tnra. , 0n °t ,Ai nie " Inla4°.he ' e.eeri thltV ' hlif ih tlne d a ' uiiiiia to th, , .t,....11." .Of a teaua-;:IiZT. f b1e4116 Short. "very thing indicated I iri;r pr ~s- n l *. a mast frlghtinldrantitee Most trl the ',enema A ' "._ ," , . saved had lantbbstrebar. their night clothes, liagra4 , mutter was• matamitted on Tae's sad swcamA;nl;oo4.„.„,jo r na, c,,„ 2 , day.evening at a place called Joe Wilson." ~,,,,,, i„,.,.,,,,„1 .„„ ~, , Prok.wh, abcnit two miles out of Tales. The ~ .-, ,i ..,, , - murderedxnann name was Campbell. Ho was -,,. 1 about thirty-4re years of age, and learns a , i wife and cluldffonr years of age. The murder 4, 1...m.1 to have been.committed by aro , young men, all of whom are antler arrest in - 4 ,.-........v. vras, ,00M, Pelied, the I,tharcitill.. , Asa eae,....V._,,fti,entiCia h ue. A extrtn-onttse who, before the orders Mr. ''''`a . .ate k WOOratY• s.ow t he the imocrtation ol l'orNHgn cattle to --.. treat lassthan the United States, had sent a number- of cattle - "e -h: to Canada to belattened, asked tho feocrsiarY - - of the Treasury to allow,them to return. The SeCrehagtegateethaton siocetint of the exud ing regulations, it's request cannot be granted. -13,14jointancetIng of the probranclies of the New Jersey legistatme, on Wednesday, 'a State Treasurer, keeper of the State Prison, two State Railroad Detors, and five Loaner> tors-all litelortmoa-wore duly:elected. - Dn. Peruses 'Evening - Hymn- ' . „"inightlypitch my moving Pont A dayis march nearer Rome 3. 1 ' , MO 13 r Paned. • Am, ......... frkr ' et t igt 7 ; ...... . :bur thr.r4 thelior.. 4 , 1 z low. week 7, ~, ltl,gl,:l:tlc3 •• 375 4 • MnG7W.. " ............ ,1.10 ,r. ...rtil-11111C , ..q.. r ..a.`„,. , ~4 ail .1 • - '7C.levc , I.l.tacti: ... —.- -,,,ii 4L,, Tvfcl., lime, 4 "'Mk. 6 0) ~;1 • "Atari. w....aks • CO - „Ott 6-...111 9 CO 14TZUggits. It GOOO 13 I , 4xxottiotbs., 0 CO ,ssco3 • . _.., . l i lt u ri t t l k..4 . 4s4 4 .4otAlitatiallee• : tho Atitaiiiigteta , oornespontlent or tho -ttety . , lork.Xecatinswatt oval , =._ ,, i ,, .... , ' • .." '" - " :-.The TZ 4l "7 l t .4 . o *.P .*o ,Panea , ....012:114i, 4;','. ilgll batiV.,Xburteen bun- Ared'„ 104 0 1 %K/it-XI; .. AZ4Vey. The .. , ttettiNffitttgita .tUeori u leas thin 4 4 . 13 09,i1ni1u1t Obeculdramaci tram gooltah pee), Ole 'ln ritrionstrorathe Ardent:7. glider a ..regulatif tholvistoMaopeptert uens, when . - . ..turitiorteY o.. j rudniftay'obt,ainekt trout tees'. .D I 4,E onkh, : i atuatedice •by rogues, who Wa UatattlAhtzletters are behotlle I mio, • jxrate. ow,,yorleanttlfseuhlya having ii:to tliettlentirtraduc Ittista Inas in s _ New - Jattoyitstur Wa trt lt, ter ehtrjoautottiee ihr Sttletrahrities::k,c Wrec," lots 10 ' 4— P ler tilkire ;tiztlitilLa a ke 41 9 7%1 ,Z O6O Li 12 1%1 POIrar03:5111,10! ° tie grtri r4l4 l l74=a c t 0 tt,..0.f.. ~ ~,,,,,.e . .....te i ty. erro VI and, es d ' as a -- 4 7 ,hroittlf q4 , 04 , ,,zva•z„ tt rzl ..%)`*r,', tmoslaie,cit reatieW of the i p izarez }. 'de t!would t itiattly.tho tion attic', 1 lo tors. € e to.tvus mot; lbw sllghteot. Oahe atr ' to theiNtid.t _Y r oe, Ander the law It was eon - ' aidereu frilliatoottricronviot, The gall Pet!: I;Mr, i t g Att i VoliAgliVlUrtettl claimedto II I I ter . . urderthksaltaradln,and:arateCt.twhlch , was Ir t wethutsrhoeveritustreeed his eiroulatu With - I . eat took the risk; and thattsobedy. could *i .assortithat lie7dXd reit..intend4o,flarward tho .{ wifitrlinStalt'Oth'pdeltittlereOt intends to I cull opeu,Susgrest - fqe,'Zildillenal legislation •.1 to eaectretiellatstes otstrindling, - .., , : U 1 " . .",,trtairll4Priteiftwiii„ Tie isilidi r rinif tit= extvnct froM•is private , letteritai 0,-.74.]:faii'itiOriiirgla to a irlendUtbdiOlizr: - .The writerhits been a rm.- laeit- of Georlthi*rAnore thaa.2 wales...aye years and dilrtbq thawirar west' loyal and ' tnionloring eitiata. ',Uislettergives expreir eon toll feeling that Is too =lrma! to bo dont!. . i'tortady-,24tiai=Theititnresif this ecnstitry • e (the ilontb) it-tabard to predict. The Policy of the I.lmtidentits rtimrdcto wholesale pa r don of rehols,.wlth - rettonttiorioPell civil and politleal rights, latertatilly not prodoctlve of p a sound And healthyloyal sentiment Tho `'" more tbeyeecuro; the rnorethOY de arid d enrsethebtind_that 'vs ; IP Cnion'tacn Oro protor&las numb and more sthaneTs9l.° war, ednia n lriesr. nnofrorg 1)4 spectablo In Ilds seetton; talon men riad . het 'C'T47.4rpast:,i'ios-t'orttifon Soar: hai - o been all " , roug, oxid theY,havo snroly.tendect to bring ntotrt. the state &things existing atthe South, 71 gi -P :::!_=7:e v _ e ge e Vr e e r ;ill - hole. anesticrn"wittlii, - hts' grasp. .L 4 t he rehrrri asid in hid the. proclataa of rcconstrnatiOn broils the_ spell and re= stored the Efouth. to Stated. condition of urn,- ranee.—X. Climmercisti Advertiser: . , . .. .•....•:".,Ilildnistsplng .4*mi:we, 4 6; ertdai - lie alluded to the statement-III:14A I, s*AlitoOn correspondent that hogrocs WICIO 7beingt - bitpdlitliw tiulf .btetes under false pre. 1 teneeq and thenatappedOfEto.Caba. and so/d In,bielavarY.,...A . gantiestunt: front 4.,corgla, a A7P4 2 J i lliarii.,mt,trecnr4l. 4 .4,ll'lton,,?,l to many who, tesadsiled with the loss et their • 4 1 davtg+4 - alitit atthe , "strogfougerinte. IVO have 1 long hero acquainted wittily= Informant, and - place Implicit reliance upon' tin statemonte. Ile: enya' that for - Mawr weeks parties from - the North,_ es well se the death, 9 bac., been engaged along the collet and ?i.. intend livers in employing blacks for 'she pretended purpose of laborin at n d co I 1 Mit really: to_ be fo rtuci An to _Co . 1110 - 2110 MO.Viintb". the -OnseAtbt• sold 'Hilt Ile., recdmon are engaged the 1 /atter eltrand up the Alabama anti To few rivets, to mark at We w Orleans and else here by hue Wretehee, Who, baring secured slid Ur ten them down the lay le email 'ease for their pretended tlestleattcata, then hurry,thom .4= to MI atuithenooto Cuba. The 'attfttion 10l the government authorities bag bees Called fC, the matter;but they have thee far taken no . grt 7 =rAl i j i lft i tt a t F ,.. f a tahi ff Ili ° f i t. -titOte . - hans - re liible..=fira , - orb ....mmercird 4dvee. • . . _..ltetutuit bill Justice. i • ' 2 :*.T.liii :Litiizeitr...tianuiiii ei .tii6 Unlodarruy I*hohavoltettled - in the South, are to be allolt.,!, itedlo keep the erten 'which the Governhatuab I eold 10 there when. their term of serrient . pte .1 gf i cA In!' this regard • General fturror . , ittiltder--ntiarar4=Enteti:. t hid , 1 „nzi,,,,b ~.,e4. ' ~ • • L-• - -- , - , -g• M . bilsurreetionary violence joi , i tOnsentte..',The solemn pledge of the United : I tildes to the Tree p•cop.o, or color that; they aball be and - remain free, requlrea tat .1 , -1 . t:.• 1 lawdlizicrtiTitlriggpmntitiaenntittaiinberarlib!) ilisttietioacr 4 V.itco . .f 6cl2 ' "ltl3ut . 1 1 • Re, therefore fiends a garrison to Mutual 41 di count", where the lona ant horities had Iloilo& +soma belonging to freedmen. f l Ott l iti .l4 ,4%ggliii% 7 3 : trep.. - Agrii . Lf -' , launched that every claim against. the United I.l4tstes, cognizable by the Court of Chlitna, - i2.hall he forever barrecruniess the bill rotting Iforth adult atitetneut.of the claim Do Mod in the court, or transmitted to it, within , six -1 years once. the claim Mat acetates, provided •• 'that chines accrued six years. before the rinse. nhe of the act shall not be burred if presented 'within three yettrontter. the pulmage. of the , I Thu_ all elaimi acainst the United Stateii eogniimble by the Court of Claims, and of enure San six rare standlne, will be barred, lifter , thefd 0 1 4a.reh /f , :c.7 ,- .NOLleteff. ' -= - -- - ettsnlX.B J. rAtmstsalt, whoso rebellions cV , ,I,,,,,yents aro n - 01l known, recently. asserted' ;the richt tO pritotico BR a lnwyer In West Sir . ninla oithoat taking the test oath. , the Ne i erect.. Coen of the kste. however, decided : lo hl3 nzirs • 0 1Wilk-"Mr4; 1• T•0 itt'.1...1131.14140.GX:, RBEELL. „ . . . SATURVAT ATTZELSOON'ANDISVEMni., Arlen:lom perftirmsace to nmanteace with the xrest sheccsrof.the • ' W o r l iTEW,4l-SLISMINIPMENT. rxi chozfezazg.it.gutedoule,id niu TOSS JEAN -110= 11/ he premented the great sensation 3 at nifty or 1111 QUEEN, El IfEeIIINIC A 59 THE JO,. Tceeolieleale with the • rivr EAST NEL inactive preparation. CO STA-NUE TIIE ?Wit P I Tltn i te i g ill i.G l Vl llll ... ' I ' % III 4RD E R . E,lilvely Inst./night ADEAII NA POIIO - E, 7IcDOJ?OUGII AND MISS . NOPELE GEIIBIIE KEAN. THIS EVENING. will -he presented the great sensation, bg Dion Pon relent:Ll t and E. H. Douse, entitled - 13.1 2 1rLALIZE NA. rPcsarum'y Olt. VIE WICKLOW Argklz, rx , ...... ............. gegrna. Introducing the sons of Wurtelug of the Green. Next Week, The Seven Sisters. ALF. HUILVETT ALF. Intl NETT IS COMINC IS COMING ro IS COMING MASONIC. HALL MASONIC , HALL MASONIC HALL NEXT WEEK. NEXT WEEK'. NEXT WM, fu ,Yd • I'AtORITES Ant COMO! -• & GAYLO, ;"RD'S ~ s; • AT3,IEAS9IIIC MALL, 111EMA-YiBLIDATANDXITVEDAY, iebnuirf it ' ll and MI. • ' .711,111ann,rtrient pant "rip sitynnall grn*lflentlon rittl i. 4 2 lr 4 1 , 4111 1 ei n g7Artr1= 1 . 21 i d 1gNb.,:`'111,t1.121`,1:.1"4101fi% Pigritrir. _o4,,,,,,,h,..."...,bevt..m.r.establistiment e In ~ '4 Z lllll4tt g ilk- t ij k= ol g WO% glittl 6 „ OREAT,IMBICA.L. PANORAMA A)* ' Ellaltra 'ff.OX main tr. In SEA Tickets Xl• etnia. aptecred givitniSOpents.. - - inalrs aPAYVIID, ituu.oEss. F j 4 .4.. - sw.t.ra,ukopt. .1. • • roa..t SELJILTES Eil3rdiarEe *333,111.1T3319 '2,CIOO,LURS O ;bents and pildrens .5331,-.11,..411.11.11121, In Pilarq Variety, for Sale Low iAksvmseli uommet - " grc,. tte croon errwrzT. ,Tit elikAirTriaaf t TO sui Skates and Sleighs, 0 1:,1:101, u ra. v i1ar..=2, 4 ?71. 1. ' 1 'n3 : yruolcsale ail . _ SPECIAL NOTICES. r...7 -- ATEIrs AGUE Cep„ for the core of leberaftrelor Emir. 1 . ; c' and.lper Ater Chit/ Fercr, 150.5 „ Jit AO". • {/ 3 444CtiOr tiVr ;choir , an.. of' dutocoas or. 'ego my /n BtiG,r7t ameoftry rho NO root:ln,, Fe vet and ..igut ant the...ly cm:twosome° of the toProuXtic polecs. A, great varlsto dlaonlerw mi.,. trots Its imitation, In maLsiious district, among w Isieh me Neuralgia, Rheumatism. (lout. "'".OR't hlindeem, Toolhachc. }7orachc, Catarrh. a. Catufat.MY , ctiou be Spleen, ilyMerics, Cala 10 t t,,, Row ois, Ca , lic. ParalvAP., *lnt DPreing - antot of the btomach, ot which, when ortglnahng In this mom Dput on tho Intermittent type. or tawoms pertodleal Mrs "Crnx... expels Dotson from the blood, and that cures them all alike. It Li not only the most effactual remedy ever ihsrovered for this eta IN of complaint*, but it lo the rbrapert and moreover Is pertoetly safe. No harm eta aril, from to and the patient when cured is left as healthy if he had never had the disease. Can this ba mid of any other cure and Fe te!? It Is true of tai., and Its Importance to those Willard with the complaint cannot be over eMltest ed. ho sure to It to care the Yever and Ague, that It may he truthfully said to boa ocrtabo remed One Dealer complain* that it is not a good med icine to whole neighborhood. so p " b 7,7r, " .;71? ( .; ' 1 . . b (!t " , e 45 2 F717 Lonalll, Nate. and by 8.. A. fALINE/STOCK'SbOIi Ana by all Druggists. ".I.l6=Mi.twF WI,. "I ZETHOINkang TURKISH JANDOLENUN 'LAIR THE. DRESSING AND - RESYOR ER OF TUC AGE) ZLBKIEII BANDOLCNIAN. Rententrrrs 'raglan BANDOLgRIAN. What can be more acceptableahma ything that Will beautify 'Dal will restore patnree decay by stopping the hair from falling Mat, metering Its natOml nolo,, making It to grow Ilalnmulanceandlarelity,,asslat in iputting It op aceording to the present style and fashion and keep Din pla c e This &trout:kW, Torbert Breda/c -lon Bair-Tonic will ML sad for proof we refer you to may person who boa tried It. II is acknowledged to be the twatitiller of the sae. the only lisle Tonic Prance, Restorer. worthy of the name, to Turkey, in Franoe, In England. Lt, Arneritio—eyerpriacre whore the andoleulan.' known—it is pronounced the ne plea ultra of Bair Preparations. Remember, 3 L- ffee from all metallic twk.ons that are contained in moat Hair Colon and dreaeings. It is the extract of many flowers and lambs, boartifally put up. an ornament to the toilet. For sale byallDruggidearolPorinm - era wholesale. R. D. SELLERS .t B. L. FALINIMOCK k CO. Principal Depot tor United htatesrand Canadas, J&M i.t..tiattat a 60., =t Market etree.t, delot , kattott,km.T. . . Inttladalp , kla. IRr — IT PITTSIARGH - SAW wortvis HUBBARD:: BRO. 04 CO. • PATENTGROU C NDCIRC ULARK. XlArratdml -CAST.STI'IL SAWS, of every deaerip th.n. Crofs-Cnt. Haag. nod all Mho.' varieties. . Alt $.111:1A of..IINIPES nod 14PRINGS., made from Pheet.P..l-titeelf, Rates &eland RRAPI:ft ANIP .3tOWINC: 11122 , .at _ Si" IlaretouPo Worir,A corner WATZA and 11 14110 T Mk/3H, Pleblbargh. rlrtiettUratterAion 'Dahl to re-Soothing, runitnins kl And WlLlAlLterring eirocitartialrrt Woo, repaint of all Pwathlns•and•Delltfug• done at reasonable rate.. • . 7';- ! ' , 1 48NA44.1* &. _ • poilerMaloo4.SbOt Iron Workers. _Nos. 20. W., 201,apd,241,3Pezur stems. . I,ll kt I'Vetil"t4 albfftel And flardlshed It with the most appealed . machlnely: we are preparsd to mannfnctorn every deseetpUon neEtiJiLERS, to tbn 'best mannee,_isndwarrantad equal tonne tondo tonne moot ...CIUSINES , A:BRECOTIING, FIRE BRIM STEAM. PIPES., LOCOMOTIVE ,GoN 'DENS-EPA SALT PANS, TA:NU, ,OLL STILLS. AGITATOIM. SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON, lIRIINE/FA; SUGAR PAWS; and g,llrt Innnufnctarcra of BARNHILL'S PATENT' BOILERS. Repelling done on the s hortest notice . efesS•tf r.:2 I. COPPER MU AND, SMELTING WORKS frgrTBsVltuiL PARX,MCIIIIDT & co. ViTLIPPATAR E .,-.IVANAPIV r i IfaMk: 11.1ISET1 STILL IMITTO7rISciirLTLR SOLDS.R. Also,_lnipd_sWs: and 'dr . alera In XI:TAI.4, PLATT% 'IRON; WIELL; Connantlyon TININiERS , Ao nvn.. LN and TOOLS. Wan— Jia. 140 rum: 1.7) SECOND SMELTS, Pitts. 01,. .q . k"dter 3 of. COPPer 00 to any doelrecl pa ens. • cira:l3,l6lrT GFO. MIZZLZia J. I' ..101.1..#1,1 LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. FLEITI:Tri. ter COt. Ilnouia.Clazgartof OAST EITEBL; SPRING. mow and BLISTrat sr.rtu.:SPßlNCid, .I..X.LIZ+, CROW e. Defter,6. pl:v - , -- ..tata FITUEET (op atoll"). Plttsborah, .l7= mc - BOBENSONALEA d. , L0., (Sac , ccorors ici , l7.o3DrsOg. Men; allazass, rettd. VAHMILYSPALIairch. i ? , l4TlS a setaez 110%,(A1i CILINFACY,.GRAIthifI, eASTINGS of A t dreettptloas. 0.41. TAKS sad 2T.ILLtr, /1011.KII ANT hIIEIST IrEIRi WORK.torti=ileT.l7A,BD-br4T-k2cLl'untT°", - JOIEC,COCIBLEW t BRO., • Iliaaftetarens. of .IRON, YAItLTg AND V.A.E7A _+ IRON ...R..lll.lNti, WINDOW '.5112a11:1140,,W1ND0W GIURDS, de.. Nor. Fri , ,KF.COMP Ind, fit THUD tiTECI=, between Wood' • sad 'Muter, late Imatt averlety of now pattcyns, faneyand pleb', sellable fbeall - parposet. 411.Partleolar attention-paid- to•lnaoslag Clear. Lots. Jobbing dinterd atom notify. - ara M. 1 7 , 111A311100D.! • "ROW LOST-- 'HOW' RESTORED!—Jast fra d .4lVkit . 4,lVali l iaTittli t etVersrPtres f . flpereastorrtors or Nominal Wobtar.L Involuntary • ttetorstorre , fleinal , Dentllty-ancr , lempallearnts to itarrlsg n wer:4ll o 4: - Ntrroarnetr l roti , unorlat, Fp- POM7from Va d ., l Zi r g eT. fo M. D.. satborof the G. lip*" Co. "A !WON TO THOITMALKOS of EITTVLILIOV4." scat u n do, t.L.31, la a Pada etrfelope, to address. poi! . oe, :meek of eta; eraselNlm 'ttt.a - Posjagst Dr. .7.!C:71,44-Ma..=OrrelY. "" nonanditerT r . TO : tinentrors ourroorms,, OF BOSH IlFalals-r6rossen4 gentleman lus•ving Bern !Mr:Cored braltb-latstror.dart„ after ndergolng the usual routine and Irregular espenalve oTtoostrozo; without Tamers, oratldera It his sacred datrkleammlisteste te...htS salletrd (atom- M.:llona LW =Mina OrOure. , Ildoneo, On the iccelpt of to addressed maniere, he will send, Are, lICOpI of the presert_ptionasert_ . , DU•t,t to• DAS/X*ll..lM Felted street. N. Y. 11:t7d..tieT RS7. I intat:TTEM;gOMIL, ranaphiei' • ifL Ylr,l e ;i l l°X.r.t?,r,go„Ahaes,li t ag rg l eaV e rfinril l aierCCl., " :l4lM4 be Post Otilde. 'II3IWILIL' CILUMERI Arr o il l %WATO . l;io AND, IN , nellable treatment. of the_ 31Ai0.1.1731.4 titsilini n a. Syrt= l . Addres4.4.m..4". SKILLXN , 110tURTOY • OTISIIi dawciatton..Pb4a4ciptd...p,. splay NEER:C/JANT T.AILORS. BOYS' BOYS' SUITS Ail Styles and Sizes. . ;.a • ,~ ; -- w~,l ,r At Greatly Itedrieed Prleet, [WITH ,KINIWY ail INV 4:1F4111.11 GR.! F d 1.0G.1.1r. f 7 HT. rr.‘m sTEZET lEMIX G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, fORAFIC 0? PE374 k ST. MIK STREE/3, =I Taker peratplesenee In annallndan to Mt enterer..t etedemer, and tbnpr.blle generally. that AN porch.. ec, and arrangement, for Om fail Season are DOR drmpleted, having been per,onally scleeted lona tits A-Nara cloth bansea la the ilrotern cities. Only curb a clads of gcnicte sa can really be tornetmendett, lOU be crfiersd, which embrace, Snle newest and rare approved material, and !Oyler, the entire elect be Mg very large, varied and Select. Mr. /Isle tut much confidence In ineltlngen eartrlnePection. Priperllne black. colored ORAL,, and do suns. tweak warranted fts In color., and unnel tritare. ileltOtt Clotho ast(l other new eedilingt, new sty). for entire salt,. • of flue Ifta ' Plr , mc 'r r i gi r og and ov C f= "cl ' P?:..l'''" wear. %lan P9A1,3119.., TOOLS. A1}:371 DOWN, _aidiiIICACTItIII:ItES UT. IMPROVE! . BORING TOOL% YOEt KltiKlNti tH No. 131 wodd ctieit; Pitt burgh, Pa. .—. , . 7nola lal-ranted roach a( tbe, verztomttLlGO LUNY MOOR 11/0111., .M2===l .7-sZkolirctirt Cram Pricrcoa, IVlth ins u aro iseco•oioij to oiitotust op ration.. Till A.IMLB. * .. llAT•ell_Filli n el.torl tiAWli, VICZB, • ligrAiff.S. kIXI)(1101 , i ' CHISELS, 'UNIV. i ....NyILEN(THEn, rISON 1 LANY-.4., • 1 . .141E.5., AXIII3, i LEVXM, NAILS, It YE; LISATIrEIt ANY) Ul/21 UM:TIMM All Q f ..bid, 1 b.c.) 0011541114 In atom. . out tend _—_—_,— 4_____— '. pETIIOIIA.3I.ILCII.EVE WORK? . . . . XaricrEClT, !int!? ri tree bAnvgh on? ItatOt.tnirer -Cr.r 1.111.t0V7.°11' 13011f174.V TOOMc AND F1A717/1111 10 . 1olf-D LN SIN KINGS OIL AND bALT W 41.1.2.• Tarlton/1r attention .tutted to' Ws Patented! tf cumbered; at parts can be ordered maa-or teltffrob, an d louo4 a perreei qt, sit all times. • We Alserforalsb ropes, twttlairt o=ll toots, ke., Dim* oho rosy, wrist+East nes and maebtoe wort made to order. Mimi , y mart prom tly attended to. I am prepared to grout !Menses 10 calor lurtatflactio• i rvittro b r o. ther rrovelients turn. Dos dellitomis Exam= bwhatiuDj PAVNb=I !3==i=l I• • - •Mi • EPH DIETER & .SON 4 nn. OS I...toners and Wholesale jimi.rottaft I)ealorelD FUIMITVE.I! IND (.3141115, Ztrv.l3l.PENti *T. above the CAtutl, Were op, booth , l4.tge.awortatent or FANCY A2:11 MAIN 1111t8171.17111. In Vt'uluttt end 31tbnaany. of Mai r nvothr...eture. and war. ranl,l anailin an •lyie gorrstanuthettu• d " Orb Inn lealkdlal Iraintlaalv BOOTS AND SHOT.: 3 I'D 110151111,... hel of 111sro, Sul TOCTTIS• nn,l Ifil•f)YJ:\~ It 4A:%7[1,1,1K...s t tffiNT J. n•. Carnahan is Co., =II3=I ItEDIATION Boras, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, POLISH BOOTS AND GUMS. W aro d c tormtno.l to do.e not colt stock of W IN TSIt GOODb AT ItEMCHD nuceo to tooke room for SPRING COORS. I=l S. S. 80rtirsx•ALT,T3D•si, 28 Mutat Street, 2d door from Fifth. GENF'S CALF HOOTS. A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S WEAR • O EVERY DE*CRIPTION. LADIES' POLISH 13Wi'S. An elerant ashortmant or Balaterals, Gaiters, Over-Shoes, &e. MISSES' RATATORALS. All /litre of fail, Grain, Morocco; and hid BOOTS Sz SHOES. Boys Boots and Balton's. Calf. hip and Grain Leather, Sawed, Nailed and Pegged CIIILDRE.rJS SHOES, %eta • MG and cotoplazgl , of Goods at LOW M'CiELLANO'S AUCTION EMPORIUM. • 55 and 67 Fifth Street. tos:4llhorT J . A. ROBINSON & COM 91t2ATHE.N:DANYIDAL CLEARANCE SALE up • BOOTS di SHOES, WILL COMMENC.2I ON Backacia.p. the..1.131t12. inns. mill:fur Two glum. Their entire stock se been marked down.. sad V 1 i t.:414 at rt prin a. rechtreel prices, to Milts !Veil Remember the Number, 61 Market street, Next Doer to Barter'• Dry Deed. Otero. jel3 BOOTS .11SiD SHOES AT COST! AT COST!! at DElN•ocickveal t3trcoot. I an now elo.hqs out ray snare stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmoral..., Polish Boots, &en, T C 7 4CIO To mate room for Rprlng Sleek. Great Bargalz.. CalLy de expected. IC- MeCLINTOCI.. r. Iroderal street. illeglear LADIES", GENTS', AYD ctusintes-a Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, At COYLE'S. tonne lillb &ad WYRO girrriCes to nit cm-nod, aafl SEINaNG MACHINES. • -- •• •-• (ptovEu uAlkEirs SEWING MACHINES ect . a &vended }Le rx.P:Yr LMII.1.11:5 at Mr Dantl34 Fain for the rear 1..9g: Floit roosol :mot Soy , amts nor: Etlit ENIEGOI prettnia ter best Magetteetstring Meettlitalte ibrlbus fe.tt iLtnnibitt ..11 ttFl 4 1 r1,1i • ' l4 z i.c.etustuirir, • rine rPrerateme ler beet Minufaettulng Meeblea Le :ace CouatyTale„ F. Flea Prentimat dxr beat .11sehtne far goat. al put. weep.at LASIZCZICe 11.10.1 rote. Pa. lmt Pre.Mient fe: best 3 rt es ttlyllacitine at flacks . Count. i'air, Pa. Plret Prete= for beet.llannfacluring Meebtee Itt.n.tin County istr; Pa. Fttet Promitetifer bent Manufacturing mad 1 , 111414 Nachfne stlipringnetel rah-. Ohle. Mat Prcmiatu for bent Mann.t.etuitog ant neatly 3[l , 2th:trot Palmyra Yu!. NI Y. k't net Prunium fur bent yeah end Focally lteehlen it Begat Coen Pair N. Y. Finn Premium tbr bent ...Woe/taut and realty Machine= eichlay ber county, far, N. 1. //rat Pronto= for boat Machias feral! yurn0...... et AJlegberty Coenty letr, I , a. Ylmt premium for beet Manufacturing Maebtan, et Flat kliegtteny C.oanty Pair. Pa. Premiere for best Machine work at Allegheny I...eut) gat, Pe. I A. 1.1 'wherever ealttblied. A. F. CHATONEY, =I oeZ,, , lue No. II FU LD street. Pittiotourgh ILIKELJEItIV& ILSON'S LOGIC-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Are anlyersalliaeknowledged as the Cheapest, 'lliLinplest and Best, having been awarded the Gold Medal at the London and Paris Exhibitions, ALL Tin IN TUE %ORD COILEETETE. Warranted for Three Tears. =1 WM. SIIIIINER & CO., Qen'l Agtd., 27 ritth Street, Pltt4burglti. J 4, SHAW & 111-illifit4 Sewing 31.1tehine:4 Are manor...red w ithent nny eemolleaterl ntaMhas err. and therefore are uot liable to get out of repair, Fnd ar.. perfectly adapted for evert doPenptlo. or amily Pew log and 'I alluring. We do not Mao! our Machine, with olseap meads"-, as WI, hare taken off Patents.. price.. M e refer to the fulloalog persona ros reference: Mr. A. ALILEN. No. VA Fourth street: Mr. VAN DER NA ILLEN, No. = Wander atrot; Mr. J. DOLAN, No. 41(htlaell strati; Mr. J. SCUFIL I ). No. I E eccond st re e t . A Ileghtur Cur. liVo nave uth •ta that that we can refer to. All of our Illsontuue are antral:Etc.:lava ye.", im.e.NTs WANTED. )L IL 1.A.1NG.-Aneut, lls ()Mtn' &Salt, near Elton. rtonlanneEt4l. $2 . 5 lunTLurr. sranistot a rtITAT .WANTr.I3 , TO . DIVUO. DACE Tfl/1 DAIITI.T.TrBMW3 JIACNINX. FICIONONLY_M. THE ORLI" CEIZAPI4.I.OIIINB IN 17111 .ifie Mit Iltented- to pre the Idleeder& Sneers • or underfeed.: >Agents Ire clear /4 from On teem Norma: , ConulT'nslnd dry s . oAgente. • clueoulernp nordrese -FAN xaritents. JeUrerdnaltlfr ' Von, Atm .Telada. tAno. STEEL WORKS: pITTSBUIIGEI STEEL . A.Numsori, COOK & Co., (htietalbUltS TO 1010:9, DOT)) A C 0..) Ma no thotorern of tho boat rehned CAA Stoll. hinatt. Flat And OetAAAA, of all !Arai. lisw Yuri oud Mara CoAl2tocl, Co)) tittel for REAPING AND ?GOWEN IfIACIIINES, SWEET PLOW MFG 9, RIMING% AXLE% CtIiCULAIIS, &v. Cake and Unman Plough and Spring Steel, oince--ooreer or Firat n. 117,414. trnelg, two block, 100012 the lirruongshol. =XI BLACK DIAMOND DlTErmx, vwcort.ismi, rartuurAns. PA PAHK, HROTIIII. t & Co., I=9 BEST QUALITY REPINED CAST STEEL. S.l war, Plot and Octagon, of all atma. Warraated vinal to any Importod or manufactured in Ws coda. try. flfirOMeo and warehouse, If 9 anrllsl rim t. aa drawl 123 Cloccad streets, Pt, $.lOO DENTISTRY. TOSEPJI ADAMS, Dentist, Con ', witv3. frunding. f , foor as DIAMOND sod flfik•ATeir , ota. I'litol,f4. flrsonsx - C7.7, }):. A. Ur. '.:`l• , 4gOteis 110M..u, /7.1.11 u DIETYIC'AL pil.l 11141 ARE GOOD,! MI ROM'S MIN ARE Ban, 111 _ . iobaek's Stomach Bitters i• . ~... . .. rt t e i vic.:2 a 71tdillre atiCtrial,lssve ermeremir. oreplairaewli eittuldetirdedit"errt= 3 . They 'war t streediben the Walk. Impart' eider to then tems a Min all moats redone shattered •a 0 broke. - evt col:mite - Mee No reine4y bee beim received wills no mach favor as CLOBAGL'iI WrildUCte BM. MEL ROBACIPS ,BLOOD PILLS cnnz;uE: SICK HEiDACEE'I C/oßti-veness, 4nci 4LI Diseases of the Dowels DR. ROBACK'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, ALAND BLOOD PURIFIER ARE UNEQUALED Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Bores, Salt Rheum, DlsPePda or indigestion, Lica.ditehe Liver Complaint. RheumatisO i II St. Anthony's Fire, MTriTWIOMIV 7 7I e ;II z-0 3 :7-Xol:4_ ARE GOOD, IMEI It I. micniiten by nor ms..* teamed phyffiCian. Out Itol3.lCit 'n eambine the propertk• of gentle lizative, an efficient noes and Us. but .somatic known to the world. ROBACK'S 11 11104 should he abed by co.l3Talesoeat . to irruglheo Ulu proutrutdou WWI always tblllow. t. the 41111.... dietriete or the West •rut Booth e, has. fur A long time. twee much needed. en sr clr of stemmed littler, which, if take. la proper and M. the proper time. are • tore pre• :onre ur Hinom Fever, Fever tied ague Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, indigestion,Jaundice,Bid- noT Complaints,anilani Diseases of a sins- liar nature, and Ara 13p:t•ter • • • *preventive tar bllkata derangement, t'atillat. tin %banyan's; Intl ions fete to the edge Otte* or; gensy,t.haannti othertenten. remedy. . t iewer, N e ethet the wants over,. tkert, ba tanneries settlitkles In she South: e l Li rots who videos. his life 'Vtb r pt.lll. Inlttoistay . l7 Itte=ue..4..a , .tova4 .'" kmtt. A/lola inter, Vtorelere Wend all residents of, the rank , bottoms. orate west and south, snd the valley, l,,usetssippl audits trlbutertev, range Drorntec, tenet sellh the BITTERS. PRINCE, WILTON & CO.. Sorct.sors to Dr. C. W. Ulla, SOLE PROPRIETORs. Whom ell order. addresvird Nos. 56, 58, 60 and 62 EAST THIRD STREET, MY. 1. 04 45.1'11.0441/j• .~~~ ES II 1 N;4 , 1111) Li Alp la 11 . ( - ‘l; ., `• /. t.• :••••lz•Lay or 1 •. , .....!• 4,-1 " k- • ••,•.un,"l tiJl. u •L N•clock. •. 4nd from ,t3.y . ' , day tht•reart.r. ur,.• r,r; rr>. rrr 2l!l_, zn-1 c 0.1 . P'.l 4 ' • Jo- i s ii' :. ._. , a . ; __ . _ tb• ,01.• wing I • She•LALBEIJ FREW RI% le the ~T„, 1 ,_ , 1f ., ~0. ~,,, _ ~, ~, ~. T , , , ,...,. ~ , .. ~ ,1 •-•o e / . n• •t el, Intod o f raid r• r prior it : .. / V. . hu tndrews. Pltt?urglk Pa., pbc.:ll. • Al. ~ N 1:, ; ;, , ,,,,,?. , ,,,,, ~-;,,,, ,r,:, ;‘ ,";:.'. ~., c . 11... ._.., ~.A .: ... , h. r/4 •• ', a , la: -- - - - s.:. ~- fir -41.=-^' ~ , -, , /i Js• 1 t ••o e . .. • A-. ..b. t • etelnr. 1. •-• 8 1 'E , W CO' - Dumb.. Mirth ...Tel/. 7E. ;•. Pours thi 1•• g • J. A-,... % ~.. to. /thorgb. ser. • Ittr peter ammon, CO' - ~ 0 : ,.. , , ~,, ~.. ~,,,i , ,:, s , ~. _.,,,,, ; ~., ~,, ~..„. ;,-,, , , , ,b,„ P,tl. , i, A ftWrl”' H."- ~....rf , r ig.; dlston. d•! • •., rho)/ beg; H. Pri.c. A ' d,,,NA.,. bla k , It•borgh, pkg.: Iris A meg, T it . it,,,,,,, platsborgb, ItLiox:hog: L. C.._ Pi I tthorah, Ph r g. P. G. Aokard. Pittsburgh. btog; : ' , Put era do. pekg...; Tot. Nem!, GIB Balk Whit-. t;:t'f, . tnagbeny. ohlidls . lbuggy; L.A. .. _ad... 3, Capt. Boner; Polliwk,lLD•Mtigh, r i...; 4....... r . , p°4`b: ?1•117ET:= • I,%i:aT c °l,L, '.. } i.` , :d l'' di, r ',.!. ° 4, l ll. r kYL .. 4, 2 l ' agb.„... l)"lku pee4.l l sP,V3:r. ...,.. Co,i. .. 1 772 . bgrz11,4;g b at Alder t t . L . O. L. pltU A birgb. 1,,i... - I.l;yeantrgn, pat ; reser jugular - p i e .ret i ; l gekg: e Pi t taborgh, box; A. M.. ' A r egleoly, ' 2 Dotter • bet •W.:l ‘ n ,,,,, e ' W ' r : o llll:ll!:t,,, g , r t.,,i tt ".. d c , , 0 .-1 P(,,,,2,4, ' 'tend . Frank Arraistroug. Pittsburg*, rhea,: ILL Ant- d ; ° l ne/lie - r - ro. Otatt • John Poiber .' 47a ~jek.g.. - ili.. , ` O, l l - ritub.-0. 1 oxca; Adams Ex. Co, box ; r s - s t .,„• / `,/ • gAir .. v ,. L. 1 0 ,,,a o • gickg.k blattlda Aram, rutsburgh. "badly - Adkins Ex. Cu.: gi,., - „th,,, -- 1, 0 1 "- -.,•••_• k Ib. S. klite g' ,... W I. . 2 buttClatlL A. Andrew e Plttatiti • rata liondle• hi. ..•"- '-- k l'r' 4°.. W•liw g. - t tr . - Ad. ' s ' rit"b 'W h • "er le W. P. Adams, P itta- ~.2 .1 ,4,2 , ° • `ri,,,i b,.., 30Un n 'A L .,, ,n '' 11 %,% 2L : r A.,.. • t ret burgh. pkg. Board of Tmee, rttisburgh, x kgs.• -- - -,----, • - * . xwelt,o4,,, Th . 4,,,,,3,CD. R o h n, r . r .l ,,l b irgg " b` ru.i .. b /4"° , ' l,, h r. • P t , -,,,, 6 Ek j• H UI I tlgrf 4 t„, ~x. Mr% /A/:1. BeitifMmlL,,,t den. box . ; ../!.. g , ' s:Rtabrtilth.lfir. kirs. ‘ C ' . D b . Ditggl th: , Btleu b itutter, g bitOdla a=e;mll2..tnike 8,,8 4 Rldb•• arch. Insaartit; W. orown. O, mnk; liztraggiQr4l,l; U pr , ,,,..4. l . nrih . P i ti n sir . .: ,tt I R I PI dij I,c‘'l t'lli ttalph it Stet d . o_ i rx•t- A . ,uu.. i l . a I t tigr A lt qv. tuu, ssibtxaburf r....., 111 wilib,At i ,-,.. ..,,,,,heitZl Illsee- - i '. Boaar • ll ' L 12.18 2 ,1 1 24 bargt.lanteg =tee' T Viit 3 thl s :,, T 4l Alai:egg, blade bag , W. sJ. ' Itawies. Mr- , i .bo or ti . ' l 4 4A,./ 3 4 2 ,,b9 42 ,,,,,,,i .; r 4 .1 2 2bAT1 . L1th .. ./ .4 lx4Xi i ii .; a 8rad .„..... f i lo i4 larLes . ..lßati 4, 4 „: ,..f v3l4 eldir .trtai •Pittalro_ r ri l ite.. l Snlis ' box ; Cat. jobtsetrlL.rittsbtliVia.Aaogg., tie' cogs 4, R. , t a w..Att.blz tt a e93 4 ,... - d „.. „,.., 0 , : fil'AM , and 77;gt0•611% V Pg , tiltrethiar., IL V!'it hes..lthagrai; Pa; islrg 4 p."Rdidg,, hir.i.g -: boxes; fielk. , ilinittata, Pitt ' slightt, tern, Lost " P o " . • P.: 1 W• ,,,, ..,..J. Belf,Ei.a.e.,,L•sktp kirßi(of , Bailey. Plitabargli. b!X; J . Oreph • latundnet Pitts- = , / , ..,,1•/ •,1it5: 1 ,176 3 % . „ .1 .7 .8 ,,1etti., , ,V, 5 ; pi: • b =isrlitet E .-Piker=l • boir 2,'8ri1;;X147,1! 21 ,, g 1 : ., , a. b'4.0'...8.- / 42 g. 4, 4Ho 4 4, 1 4 IC% P. burgh, bolt alee.glilititlirindrilith NW t Goo • .Ble bs ~.. 5h b.,,,,d0 4 Pkttl . it r ittegSA - V4r. , ,0..2M ,, AL ..13. / pe e Lanou.narg, boa.; X. V, luel%_,W,_ _a7 14,8 ! Jag. Strwattp.. " p P LPJ.t'Agysisone 1 .0 .- $ 1, 4.: Inrg, bud. egatEggal j. -s. Menliagyd . o =n - 4.' lietnrleb tirtnnler oto kr . IC A-Sarre` do . : pkgoe lerg; Jll=ol BliaiMie ?‘;= ee l .% O lf i l, A .m.-80 f, J. id, E..a.d. a 5 bd. - . • ~ ili a :, er. r Shields, do, jo ,,, , ,,: i Ngrc, , ,,,tut._.„ e k r ? - ,....,...; 4 4, 4 ,,,. pkg.; Johb budtly ..to., pkg.; "MOS 41. 181BIllta . • • bergis,barnitt D. C...i.4 ' 'n - r•bargb, 2 axle 1:4'.V.• Pa l p t 81 ...""gz... i n/ V e al' . 11. O. Babcock, PittlbtirCts opt B ll l ' . Al 4 15, Na!' n E inTiluahara l e I, • ker,1,11 . - liEbliai4r , Alle der. ittsburgh,4o.4l... . 4 1 _ 4 Pitts. r .,,,,,,„.... ....„,„.....,, . 5 .„,,,. k ., ~.2 , tit rovii .w =hlti t i Lt. OM gra;! . row - mlft bort J. O. 'bringr. - Dal. .. ~ I , 3tlq4 Mita Iftttti ;Newcastle, box; N. bu .b* pkg .'. Findley.' lip name; ha•• An ' con • Baneik ritiodx, Idaft* - Th - Irgins - 11; , G e r e 'reo,FLY,ll . , / pr , blrll 'Wm. blteg•s. . Start, , , rateriburg. 12 PittsburghOsurlellgi r. tillages - Mt v n a „igl,44,,r_i±k - ilai .8. • 814 e,: I /21.0.4. Woo J. - Scott .I "" G. ' • ." 'W b2C '' üb , 9l , 4_=- 1,7. , .. Molt. - kets4M.Strenalr • Pitoeburrla bag; Aaron nut:- g="=l r rk Pr=r l4- ..g ., Kb• p„,1r.1 J 7 O: Fu.'11,..1°. g°t3t*lr'egAt.%;.' Vs"L'Z' Brown. A Wllr ei g, , ,e k g.i.fi bar,4 3: l . S. "•% -- I . = BCtolaf. do.. bos;vltoi4rgia v0.,•,:0., 4,a.r-'4.. VA. 1 i , %*t.t, 1 , 31/... b,- t ,tr,.. A ut 7. J 4 E.M . 'll ' abluo, 2 ' Fb ' n '' dP W o b*Xrie""T ' B Vi s 'i 1 -i1, 44 7 T'.--Sanders, ...box* Mho - ..r...110 , dra.. a; ... pyg.:o.o. ......-4...e'relathq tiP.II,L Bond, Shields, do.. keg; Dmid Bte_wart, ... bex: III: 11. 173.bnirMt1=X;It'_77.,tittaire.11Obt's.ggrItt•SitV g Ei m .id. ,ft •'- ir. 1 . : 4 7 0=t . t.. e i r • L' p•l rtfl• V I. PnU r r e . Pk ili B"' a ' clit ' .....lAr4Wthe r• dirdl„ ' , Doi.; C .l . ' l'. Btoeirrl ' elo G. ..kaarti.lL 5a1eg ,11.4,01. 1,7„,..- 1 ; • , ,8., ..122.,_h. tetuigh,s tnx , ...2..; ley, do., bog; Irn. E. Sinith., dodo . IrtertkL IL Z. '7,,,`• ''' 4 ' . `''''7l = niA n i n Y , r'lii , t ,• n• Baba gaafbrd. do., two barrels; John Smith, Outtema ta. 1 4"11: fat, , ,,!.4titetTr7h!. k r ?, Iftalfi: I:43tV,'; A ' 41 , 7 ",,',1 1 ' atl=ll,s. t .'"au.d v il al6 : Zetn - Pittsburgh. el- r se.. J. llgket,. , Ittsbuggh, P 14.: gehmlit. • d 0..: Dandle . Thor. hearth. d0... - biti l dlel , ' 7. s• Er " . • aut-qz , _vk ir-,..- a- asr.... Ai.- Mrs. Juanbhiapel do.. bundler Cho. be.hot, Alle, VIZT; Vi l li:t!, 3 :4t7:l . t 4". 4":o•,rtgi.itfrb% t Itrrilt&e, h i. . telig ' h i t / 11 = e' d f a! ' f g rill it if ftetikg, i l4:iirav b it[g. , ,ritae : fa, r, :i5 kr ii.b.,...... ~, tvarl,' Scott, gr...,qt-, v,,.: lord, F. Cu in , • owtbdrgla, pkg.:C. L. earenely IP kr. nnaljlesaoa.plg,.; GOVE. IMY-, 4.1 Campbell, PittsbUrgh.' pkg. LEL (MM. Pittablogb. - 1144 CI. W. Shafer, stio...pkg.s A. Ibiattle. do., pkg.; Pkg , 1. 1.• IL Curalultm, eilltaiMrtrb. liolckarge,; J. Wm. Behstelth do., 'pkg.; J. El. Strothere, do., 'pkg.!' . .. 1 ;j: 91 1 1 1 4: Co sl l i .b afi r eilytt e l ff . M . l.A ... l , l-- - Bun - Was..ptllgnal x a 4 t u p.!R;.ll : - W. , ,5eeip. 5 41 0 1. , . , P , 5 1, 8 , . is fir. Ltd-% A.I ' D./L * 81,4,2\ Obihslik.iifi;114 , 1kg.: ~kbfkinini ib 10.. g7kl.-r . stim - a- itankin, ' duZ . , Jas. es. Clow, tlttateurgll,,pkg..A.l.4w..ll. am mil., • pkg,tEmliggh • sijk, do.. pkg,i 3 Ok 11/COtt C0.x.... C 8 22 4 ' Creek Pula .pkir., t o. Elle C Vert, .pkg.• aphsh sehrody der.„ ' p .; , il. rang. , Pltts o urg4,P 4 g.l rg.‘47orlboN,Pttleburgh.pkg.; toy' stone; Josesth §etturli.' ghee!. poen . ?&P.Mll A Co.. Itr=k t .pkgib Cott'. Uotoh , 'gge; N. m.,&-rrs- - ituran k rica, • 1 p e r. t iteVou n r 4 Cetit Pittsburgh ' . i.srVit h‘ Yrry ' ri-)1- az-, pe--. , az,4'.1z,.. z,., o r . a . Cloths, ClanmararlBc, Pa, box; Norton Campbell, Templttors. Walbittgluht • PII/s i e..it n . '• v :,, I. • EPOT , ,rx 1 t iori.E 2 M 2 i I: 21 1in, Ptttsburgh. ab: 'l' enter, Pittsburgh, Elkit;s: 11. Mioisnn. e 0., Lieut. O. 4 C h., Ptttabuigh, bor,ll Ai Co ehnin. barrel!, T. 1.-, ,do. _ x, 4'o.g - rare Trbtt, ram Plitithtitgli, bolt Cox' t.• Throp. Pittabargh. bOx: erect Viliggw. boX; B.' Tack. Pittlintritt, box; , WO. Covell, Pletatatigth. bag: J. la. akinbluthana Mrs, Bop A/700mM. da.. box: Jafted lA, do.. • Itßrownwrlllg. twa . .1 , 1 - t o tlaam ... bez , C ptiz i n . Zu y wA t toz! 1 ,, , ,= , .1.=1t1ce, A 41 4 0b0 i1 1-lti, i e tu T t lyl7 4 ting D i,...r. - . 11.. ......rit,.......4. Alleggen7. 2 traminock::4oSeplAttma 0.- T-uri. baW•7 2 2- mating/4J. C. Chaplin, l'ltestdirgh. Inureete: CM.. Trumpet. Vlralerth. Pkg.l . J.- - Z;TgYlor. l Vaira.a a n S. chriarl. Pitt:burgh, j.illig.l bog altig B, BBl... pkg.; Thump on A ChapMgh., ritikbutgb. Pkg.. PittsMargia blante kr bag: smog Clowe, Pltt.nargh, Harvey Tilden, do., pkr.; Thomas podd,hollarg : 01000 ba g ILITK rittertryVatt bar; A. ggdrew pgrlor, do., hxhireock; George Le Caney, Allegheny, bundle; P. Cur , Pit d rice Lad, turywitter, do:. 1:4x: Vali v ., ' bundle. Mr, Nancy Campbell. Pitts ritti,=; 11 ° :8: l, ao.-. kg:ThebtUa- , 14 lizearang; i flo., pkr, - ; .1. L. A Clow, /larmanrllle, bundle; 111 if, Carte. op. W. Vanghtl. BirMinglaVae:...Pkit..; mum _ 2 ! ties Kltteuribt . p ., k i. LAI; c..los.Odice., B r o ., • p l e , arct il Allreeni , l i, li e bt•ii . A•. l, 2 8 , 2 W,,,..a1t•1• ill NF Z IC/ D i...t i lte, Candor. Pot.,roil; • tgorah Bro., F ii, - ,...7.7r.vi. C. w.Loas_pgi l i.., L. IF r . Wain... PlttChirgh, I pers.; Christ. Cm:num Pittsburgh. A - alo Pr e, Dkg.;..A, J. iL. ha .. ebuirt,2ltaLteX: , tr i =ll7. if,g=r•PritTbernthikEogiabit' , T - atTi i iim o ll i zt,47 3,,,, .arsrgz.,ift' Pittabors 4. pkg.; Woet. f..amp, h L'ittsberght - ambrel. pp Gear. Wells. ti0...F . 5.gat . 2.1g.t , ii1grt i .........-. Is .W. It Donnam. nj snort ?Org.,. itom g• Do, ~. pki. 0,,,,,,,,p 0 ,,,,, L ..„ p g, . 0 n o ler, Pittsburgh l - k - • i gait* ' Pi k talt i lf h. kPßttelti Co.. l• 'Vali. W. I."Maffa:°•tr. • • I:.'X.'IWITe r...z et , Ala .•114... New Vast • ig.'"„Vm, - 7P. " • ,sill . : Castle. Pkg.; Rey. D. ol . Xittilastrgb. boll Res. hayfor:Warms E. White , • •ollig Web . W. A. Daeldson, Pittsburgh, boa: 0. lissafees. Ward, d.„ leg: D. W• . ,_.,‘.P.Virtght,do. Pittsburgh, box, • J . Dongid.O.T, rim----,, hog. James Whlte,Pitt •msee, e t ,''',/..Y.N.L 152 % E. Wil -11,47..L.... D . u . k .. e....Pl!: . itia.g L, b • ,x : t: . if t. t .: 778 . 2_ ..... ....T ,t_., ...." F. Wa , 4.. ...r4hibo7 sr al t ;(l:lrWL "l e ,_ llel til :do.% Lo b 7r. z : ~ ___ - :oon. b, Pit•s ' burgli. hoz .., •,--- n i . no.: Mrs. L. a. scerts. do box; Conrad wartirion d I Pl•tabsthen ch. ... J W• 12../.lla'Prltsba - 7 7 P,'' . Ws: James Wrigbt. •• do., box: Anna Waterbt4 . , i T .,. 0. „ „. .mi g - f -, - , ategtborgla hog ; sly, , t 1, , L a4 . ! Ctba. bus: J. D. Wligua, Etttaburgh. boo: S. ti H - Plll 1. r•grl , :st • Jolla -..- P, Bibbejt. ..x ' i t"' d 'i1 b.. .. W.8. .. 1 . 2 ti0 Canonsburg. bre, R. Ito , 4 Duro - sorb, httsbug; tundle:,' .2. /led n,r,,,,,,rm,-.; F . -c• w i . "...".ri" Pit' Du.k,-. , Pit.burgb, bandbox; Wm. .Jenuldson, W el l er, do.,%tuidle; , A. 8. Yelloon. t a ' o." * b g; Clam : Irumba:gil l _box. Capt. J. H. Dougberty, Pitts- Witltaing., do. black trig; Chas. IL Wlthittp,_d '‘ "..;: r t h i . e igi , l4l-.0. 1 • t a tAF•i i l i tiVtlgih. o tigl . i i h d itm black bag J . , , E W I TIgo., butollei_lll.3 W. J. WeZt., Pittsburgh, barbl7ll:fi.'ll' day, 4 lttabarfli: 1 ‘ ,.:, . b ailhx • fle n" 4.4 l° .• • "&tari'. Whi ,k g . P i d c• Okt Ltho Mirka PlttriMlgh, swot:tit Ezr . Slott, 8. Wallace. do.. pkg'.; L eisteriant eH. ' vraitztd: L7Ne t,b4.0, , b . r . ,_?;ga,,,L.f., , i.c., rit . tab ig ir boxt Canons:burg, „pk i fi cr Lieutxtiatii 1 1 . WiLW12,4 7 1 21 4 - 7 , 1 ,, 41 . 1 . e t. r ,i. . u . ; „,,,..,. r t . 4 , :wet burgh. pkg. tJ. . Uson do., 1 , k4.1, Ai - 11. , te. nurglet. boa; A. Etilott.' iSttaboneb,. lanniel% Air 11,..v.fecirr-i 2--"w . ....-•Fit-b-itiqii , Engli•ll, Pittsburgh. pkg.; John A. Eiden. VIDA- do., trun ;Clink IitiMVSO., trtat il llctir ' r el • ,....r,„fr . burgh, pk! ,,i,. ..totrn Efintintisink Elizabeth, Pa., :In [ do., buildle;CL EirgMerrilgil. do., Dk r ., ,• - • ba% Dr. k ifr ong, Pitt•War.gb.PalS4epit- kb 3 : 21, ..Td 2 .• . gl •Frio c r ttsburgb,pkg.. Jacob ; rier , Pittsburgh, p .. Jane is. r wererekTeceneran , po. -- rille4ktbs 8., to s, ritt.tuilegla wt.,. 0. I. lal gw'Cf•NiliMh.t. rg, t i' il 11 ot i fe c X box t r itriat mu, Plltatrergh. bundle; /din rettermau, ruts :;igh/i. %%lira fre6 E rtg.. VitstiM etda';'PX I r it i g n r . s . h. k b C oVl),,, U' i nu i l % b'bP ild ' i ." ,..tt 'l3 !feet,. F°C. P h s.' box .M u w Fauna, rasoebtogo. hog; r. o e WWI . es. ' Pittabtirgi, Orkin, A. fultou'S Bml a Co., • Pi r tral htirgir. balidle: John 11 , 101erteM, Pittsburgh, lamp sack; Mrs. I. IrCIIDIDD Yttutrargb. bundle:4 Pint 4. Br o. Pittsburgb, phi,. •. ik. U. worry. Pituinrigh, POOOl and rhair; James tta;dues, Pittsburgh. pupgr J_ P.. Darcy. Pitudiurg2a t tlift,is i r. ~..... vat a:411.111,74k : ,e-Arfa.„lui: (6.,..„i„,,, a ,., v ,,,„,,,, ;. v „,, z , , ,,.., a1 i . , mk ,,, m , 1 9 2', kvii,. _l4lVativet. fr,rog,p,.. T.-,, Great ' me ropoll IV Cirettal•li: I Vim ta,!//a., .2 botearKinweg 01.11, , ,TirlIstlorgnidparti 'Nal. . Gib,. weilitalstatas rat; tams Wituatitesorsi bun dle; Alexander tiregg,A r 0• , P..% ,l i zr,bl! ammunak..armr..47,-.„Nut 4,rotaad.... Ft.',ei,ertlitfrat.t...iiliu Pz..'ber; it g 437:4 1. R tn i,c l E T V , rafp.. IfVut,g• d.. PltrOattte6r, l glig.• Jaggy' ied - a - A, i' l tiaZ,..l7.itri 4 . zad . 1114b,,L.mi r VItt i v i arrf 4:lldfadi: rift.. eg1t# 1 4 , ..515.... A tealutria.ll4l 4 4lE. CO. Miler, !t arglyjilkst. M. 8114 Nona , • r, ma. b2r r mr.ltrir---itr P-r- ,V kc - ' tetu'ors_h 1 6 0 . 4 ' le Mll ,:ae l tri: Pi= el l: k ... 4 se:ltan?: „ 4 rittraltjy Y ri. i g.,.• BensValu fistrai- , 1 4 . x:1: urtilailf.'. ''''''€'4'us' 1T:114.F.,,..41,. Ititrubm4,,.,Prt,,,,gy [et as Ilalers•PittaretergiA Tamp; , 1104.5eZek ,F.-" Mir M oue.,;,pitugurghl-pk.g.neirk,nrateiaSt=ast.Apar4lnehr* t . rt. PA,I P ii i . 9 fain , At Ma*: glen„ . _„, pkg. , Mrs. glarl air s Xltliblirgla. ban boX. AID. T. liartshoraL litaburgh, , trunk; Jentde.M. HMV, Pittsburgb, box , ' .. 4.3 ,. i . rg ., / ,10 7. - litteria - Pfttabursos, bon; 0. w. 111M. , 1N h box; Rev. 11. Helper, ,:But. int - sPa.,bpat ligiii., , -Meath. el:100n. Pg.., bag; Mrs. J. M. lboulltop, Alitgbarty, bog; E. 8. manna. Rtll/17t : i t . rrli . Z . o t !'• rl i alTrtili P brir„_,lt ' l l4 •b• Z l ire. t!Dalkeil, C Putsbitgb, bog; 0. w Mobley: Plushargb. bon; Ilra. A. Healer rittedm . rgh. boa: I l lt r grte k , e 7, :xt l G,lrrk b lll"iat i iV'Oh ; I tll d i I I 'r. 11.3.. ituritauwo, box ;IL stoners Pittsburgh boot :lira al. Ilea/auk „Plttsburgk loox, ..81. V. roita.„,jo, Boit John .1. dopklns, Pittsburgb, bundle hobbles: Manes•V. Ilgrilltogi Pittenargb, • boa: A. o.lintehltuutallttsbargl, box; J. riwin, Pitt•bargb, box; lose lioilcisurcb. Pittsburgh. aloe.; 11. Mage man, 1 ILtsbnenh. 4 barrela; *3, O. Lowy, Pitt.burgh, bundle; to Ibiney, - In.u.. burgh. bundle; Joneallamce . n. Newcastle. bundle; Jame, May, Plttabwrgb, pout; John P, Dale. burgh. part Be s! lutiltlgsbead, Pitlabgh, musket: 15 estlerlltitom. Mercer. black bag: Stra..ll. litiottar, Altegheu4. brendle; William lloasek. Plitsiturgbl.l 000110; JA.c . kra Limp. P;ltts .. burgh, li c a k lN l lt • o. ' lrk . 0 1. P....`3.7. l fr•rtr":' ' '•trj..•. rat 1.. ur,' wadi. flitodr & a, r i g ._., id: W. &MIA. Pltiatrurgh„ . pekg,; C. S. blies is, Pittsborgb, VI ' Ws . 11: 4 1 - gll. IT ' h rir%. Tg,"4";4: g : Witi,3:e'," - ,,t, boo;er Dr. A. ethim. Plttsbdigla pekg.: Ito:: pggy,t, isrpthrtrg,gshout.; IL. W. Inge , Wamegbetrir, pa., pe kg.. J.P. C Irwin. Pittsburgh, bog" a. IL Irvine, Pittsburgh. aboxes; J. Johnson, Pittsbugh, 441:34 .4. 11. Jonea Pittsburgh. Pekg• 1 W. 0. Jo', A to , Pittsburgb; Miss Limit Jebtigan. Plu.burgh, prig klattion D. Jones, Pittsburgh, pekg.; Johu 'ton A co.. Pittsburgh. pskg: J. A. M., Pittsburgh, K,1%. Vir,lt`T r P h `4 , ...r At.- b E rg ht% a nl, n ' W al la Co.., Pittsburgh, boo; allso Jong& Pittsburg's. box: It. C. June, Allegbeny; Edgar Jenkins, !driver, poky E. 11. Jun. A Co.. Colon Spring.. PA ; 1. 4 .11 ol l'ltt•hurgh, portage; S. Jones A t 0., Pm.burgle, lowt, Lam Jones, Pittsburgh, plt t tt7l Pallikk heirnsn Pittsburgh, isckasa. .ilra. Barney Koenth, Pittsburgh. psolmce John hrsto s Piit•burgb. park•ge John 1 . hr.to.er. li b gb. DN po kag., . le IL unedy It Br ... ptth,_ burgh, parksys: 10 0. hrane.„ Pltithorgh, package, merman I kaeL Pittsburgh, Lt . :range; A. Kurhe Pitt/hart, park•ge; Daniel Melo. Orrothy, 1/,, hinman Anti pps, Plit..borgh, package Jaeaeb him, tilt glom', pactago: IL J.: +lther, Pitt, Lurgh, box . t. Elinr_ Pittsburg, hog; E,INCIMV24, .111. burgh. box. 311.4 Man Brink Pittsburgh, nth, I loist Ithowir.. Plttstmrgb box; L. 18Ilemos o, Pittsburg b. box John ItcH. Plttthurgh. box• Wa lton; Bernier. Birmingham. box: Drs. btary . Werr t o .0. box. any V. Runs. Pittsburgh, borl Jobo 7.10 ng, blperon. PA. b o x. n. lagy, r at, Moth. rat., trunk; J. Knog, Pitteburgb A boa; C. 111, GT, Pittsburgh, roll; I. E. Kane, Othorg, an; Alien !Cline. n th/bo ob, :dark bag: neg. D, Bengh. PI :toes nth, plekagto 010. Anus, sarnbeely, Pittaborgh, Annals: Albert Elena, Pittsbtirgh, boo. die; B. .1. Kennedy Pittsburgh, package; Keefer Bros. Pittsburgh. pittltur . ; Lt, Jamey &hue, Pitts.. o t' g ur f h ii . ' P rr Milati K , "A„tirrgh•tbAlphaltai Mkt; ba " attretw4Pitt.burgre, park.age ~ John W. Lindner, fl o rn k te . c, ' ! o ' n ' ill . ,, L tel?it - Vrlioggs k trt;', 4 A - gegn b e ~sesage?lta.. LllVllf`,. Pittaburgh. vslega; LL-J.i '..A_ Laney, Pittsburgh, parkaas; Jos. U. Lima, , Pittsburgh, portage: t. 1. - . Lord. Pittsburgh. rekg.; 'Apo:went, I el - A Co., Sittaborgla_ pkg.; 4.a,' Lang, Camp Lope laud, /'... boat KIK. ester; Pittsugh. hor,• Joseph Lute, Pittsburh. 'lsar, ' thy Long., Narestown, PD., bort I.l4l4i:Lopland,' - ' .b rlft ' ..t r a VAVI li t pp l tllltt b r°, Pitto Lina. nrEN, {try. Jog.'lrrA moLmdsay,Prdipemg, " l.lA, bandlici.ro ti;ttne,r-APV"H' bup' . ll 9 '; It 9l T Ll PT" n aote. ' ~ lack bag. - arsob , gman. pitts• burgh. ;A 3.; Lathalit A Co., Aare:raw, pkg., wit, Mug Leo, Pitt.burgh, Filf.: Cants:lnk IL Lariat.' Fl".b"Ch. V .;lsg rs t e4.l! l e a lt ‘' O r en ' U NA l . ;l,'"'W 4 1i- • \Y. 4 l Pdr - Fitt simrg I T 21.: , 1g- , ,,, 1at.... 'lhieur, yta l :' =,i, bk , - 1 J . sinul, - PittetAalb,mt .- T. S: ll' vra, -. llttsbargh. pkg.; 11. I. awls; Pitt • p b F g g . ~1 : A Pit k rtgeAttg;4i, clan', ~gor.m r i rittspurgb kg.; . Minnetattageb Pitlahurgh, Aliso; J., ph Litowy Pt 0. trunk, i.e.:, Build b urgh Pit. box,Jostpn mercer, rat.ddna bd, J:,,.. unar, rat.burra, bd..: J. iratm, Plttslorgh, box, John Mutt 22. 2.1,212811 11 b, box; Mrs Mary 'Moore - Pittsburgh, box: David I Miller, %mi .- I%Bllller. Plttaburgh, bog; Ds L. Maple. Pittsburgh, boxtPhillp Malder,-Pittsburgb, al W. str, Ilirmingham, bon; Fr d agois ,fl ay. Pitta burgh: box; Cluot tir1 d t ,,,...% . 1 % ; ,'." ?Pr Wi:o t k . . ' .l . ...tr ' il ' at ' iliereir Jr Dobinan. do.; Dos, •'. Br, Lll:Alsille„n„,sio. undllg*Lra.htag,C.llo-oroi tilt stoy, butolte; Liam. J. , m.. vtruargii, Ilan. y 3191.-r. Itirtatagbans, km, Jam. fonvil? Pitmburgh, tilwk Mgt 8.* •1,,./ . .4r!Vi r2W Ii . : '1 Pki• • "nw t ''' 4 ,. .i , , a e ' e l : A:4 d d 0 ,.. /atige ° l 1 V•:,,.',',A:1,' -,,,,. A g ., J. Ar. k.,,r,C., aki Nt ., 0. b• Marshall, ' do.. pkg.: J., Li. litattitsras, Irish ltipideo pkg.; ,I, o. Nbitomd,_,,r l yr.ra, ~,,,,..„ ~,„% Myrrs, Pittlieurgh, pkg.; ,I..S...Mars.hall, g o '''.,F.,„15rri.,1rn7;1. 1 .N 4 ....51 1, ,M.F. el l oit ' ai Y ottle - .41 1 n: y, Marro, pkg.. A. McFarland. Crow viral, %Ilium. pkit.:FrauelaMohnighi, Attlimspurtpkr John 31. ill. in, Larts•Dere, tle, pkg.: kW. delta Me lutool, Pittelorgh. 414., Mb, Miry kft•Coy. do. 1 kg. • Wm. Ilea. Ily, tio.„ tpkg„ IL , Mello.). Br" irenolitrilotort, ri t.. pkg... uol., bamitel Be gs, , do., eta., Pam alettoniel o. pl., ,'Ol. iV s o , 31111 tattri% • el Mimi, !so 0,• tehl.lL slot. ler Pitt thurgh. yk •••.: Jane E. Mcfhalt. do.. pkg.. J. 7. aleCoateril. do.. r!... : 4 ainees isletisudir•. do. pkg., John hlclith, do , pkg.; Tarbox kiettleillind. hog; BD, John hit Le, % ernouiyern. host C. ilrinotnid. Pittabntli, host W. A. MaNalty, dn.; 1.. ,- I ,ita so -Win. do.. box; 11. 51 , 1Coak,do. box kin IL It kicrtnorrll, Pint Drove, box:" J. B. Are• I 14.11,/ la. Pruwari is. not; ;WWI Sitr)Cowo, , Aim. ctr!TlAtitt • lr It , Fl. ll . : 1,. /s U r= P. t >re=l,.VT,,!•," loth art E. air Poll: .1 I tn.,. 9C44.; lief arlallti, Cols lib, SO/ ..10.. toll: J. itchnlght, how eastlekv: 01 , 1 r, a Mtyre. Ili thurgb, rag John VeVau ley. , i ,, , i Pitt.: • 4. si. ',mass pv , g.: .1 . .. 44 Ma. 1,'..7.:,.„,.i; r.kr.L.-4.,:....T.:4-T. -:.-...,e, , ,y.t.5 z ,v„ f , : .: pd.,: X llede do.. pe kg.; A. 10- Llinteek.:l9.. J It Oh itho , .1/... pckg.• SfrOnTlMlli •At ‘,„ , . ~ e, t I Mel •us IL Jo.. prkg.: I• rs • • 1 •• t . 4 , D • kg soil , t: New. ...tier, lam, th, : Ith ' .• .1-v n. le, box, na•nun El 15=1 ITNCIAILIED GOODS. . Mro L2arerio : Ctoreal':l:l FRITH NATIONAL ati4, S. Government Depository, bb aisitarr STREET, W w tni lll3l 6l,rag:Le 4703i431416. CArrtis. rub tx...,... ...... ..,4PACCIL WISH PlMlscii To isms.. zags iia...—,. =IC= 11+ , 14j *.tebstyo *m.:Wm lal deer uit• and Dank*" Lttonghoat , sts• rountry; , r4l , agiisral laeratlei tothotetbAlar buslapki watU Its. , 7 •43 , 140:44cietes % lUd ail cdiek ttari' ' Ci, ` 4:ri •• tat,..l2lmysiUkt till rumll oult.l.stitesS. yealta Ant,llV,anil t,a -,.......,“ briPitha 3' 4 , ' ~. ,1 . L ett nri E ts rst, rs ~ z tresiy- ' .;, [ = /,;, V.394.11Vr. JOHti Mtge -4°4._ OSIU •T• ' • , thunt: IMTLIII rrAFIX.C4O.4r. boasitnes&WP .8Atm0r4.0 , 730)00.'*::, •-••i 110 us . 10.. Si *St*: 446+, Ptttsiw r i* x asvtg el . f ut.. tt ri viatv E.44,...4 : • " - .`" '10001c; BONDS AtinutEit SECURITIES • • sought and Sold on Z e stimata..Aotottea: 044 {* likeebiee , end VMTKD SUM . SECITRIMB, • - " Xalte.l RUM 517Amtof Ma; lisycirnirtitsi n -•• . -.- Ordeili:Z.lN'one=arconected. TlOCLAlt.ltiter' N0.!.(59 ••••• ,nuirr= r xisT. ; frolla cltono'ock. also cm 1,4 dnositity an77aturday evenings, term May Ist to Novanther Ise, from I Co 9 o'clock, and from November lit to May Mt, from to aoleloca. Deposits received of all throe of not elied 9ete Dollar, end • dividend of the pradte decre tele* .gear ed .lone and December. letterset be been the 800 mnntutilv ip June and December amoe the Bank was organirot,rat the toil of eig per cent. a year. Interest, it not drawn cot, le plared. tha eTedit of the depooltor arprinelpal. as bears titesame tenet from the firm day* at.lnae and December. rpWcoat r , e , twice it year wlthont trim tribute:6 , de. I . l, l, rartrntonely=edeouttle=l l LUIS tarelveyearT, limes contalning . the Charter, ily4,..we, Balms:ld Regulations, famished gratle. on application at tba Pnrstomir—GEOßGE w t"ti i ira VICC 111rOlnialrnl • , WallaM .7. Ander.on, t A. M. ro.lock, John 0: Racal: en , Robert 8011,, • Deo). gaimestook. • John H.lneeenboricer: Jame. lieedrath. Jammu Biddle. •• JantesafeAuley, Alexander Spoor , • Lone AL Pennock. Clitristialalreagel. Hew+ 11 Lyikeb.f• • ~1412. nh l .1 " Walter P. Dianiono, Junes 8, Pihirc4s, ; John 13.•Norra4don. John Om • • ; ••• • • Wh.S 1" /I l Vt, ‘l - E u r: • • KEIGLiti. 1131;Otwil: Cahist Adams; kali 0. 13111d1m. • AtaasoXertnier. Cluule• Co WO. • Wm toottess, John .If•arm, I, 9 tai:l4Mgra... Paten, ••••+, 'MOW IN • " ' Jarica'D: • F Euxairturr. AS. it. It • pax :; • : Vzonzir • MArfr.tt. Pt V.lllll - 2.1i , 1 0 . "111e0i.e0r. nikaktat sugam utuzair,rx- , t yuR - . ° lett. pak;!.6iiiiitiid tirnsltounkti r Wei At- t Z =FT. g c vouectszar MAY 36 Oil SU 4ocasibla pointe 'mast favorable terms. , Irleset,el Agent* fer. - JAZ ...P3IIEVEN•THPITY:TREASURY 'CITES:* El' ldr t. ooaDoxi-ca..bur., 7_ auZittre. • • •. • O,IterEDEUSON .'retterl Emma MUM 818 arkntiancruxaix- . abau•swred by State of P•Cms•w, • • Orsranixed waderNaLt•nwil Law. • or '• SI.OOOACKK 1 Tog ra4 ts , btun dilsiCustod. 3D43l:)CieltiC)ri7 IsfATE'i _Tai uni. .aa . appointe4 sgeni tirth o -Stile of the, 7-30 Loan. Fa rq ryttl I r will be °Cert.-4 tor:wrote re or pirtb; . inaehesiet . for apZgal II. St. • 31MWAY. JANES zciszs 336t11s.01bea c 331rcar02.4; ktnttlil .1:s:,) » 0,4.) Pir?c , =2.9l M=IMCI ... ~:~~ _~;:x.d.. - I 865 '' WINTER- S. )* I • Ti NST .I . 4 M I et " .. CF &L i. . 1 4. 1/ Ar.V l'iti.L.lsl. • "' - ''' ......* •••• th..il iare BIONDA.T. NM - , ..a. 4, .... tralw,„_rgli 1.,, ua m.o. re...ger Deretoenrunr ca . •••••-• arr.r. and 1.-Irrety greet!, At fAlloirr : DA I I..ltrit•Tra Vitt tletellb - 84 =A ia, ,t,0ti,,,........itAtim5. dates. at AMA A. iL• 5 L„,.,,0'-9- LIM A. lt,• illellatbitUh I, k. • 11,,, 147 ,11... 3 1• V . E ..31. ; "1 la.a r elebne r ., 1 .,-(l.o_ r . i - 7; ' ' / ' 0 I N i• ' r uealiaaarelTta " l4; 44 . 4. ridudahits. It:lost:I.. At. . . . alto ..%':1 - , 47 '._1 ••• •••••l Liziere PlltAAterh at ataai, ~••eWrlittrisTirllc*Attes; AD00,411 l'Alladva .. 4 ~ ~x , A .. .C. 4 e.... a., Azeirms 4ftli,"=-,-,L:tees. pitt!bure; el 11:4.3 A. 11-.4 urreest se wi.,A,7, e __ . eseesui,„,Al sA.I COS T. to.. • TAM .at A. wt. --. ~,,,k .A.),•* lad muleite.' Itl.l'lllA'reiltoE.: it &AAP. 'lt, norm. v LiarsePlasbarrli . • Crves it Layo bit cio n.. , 3,.. ysizalpal !fa:l.)a ? bcgr. 2.M , x.x. Batt ' ''''"un• "rL. Toet, j vtaAlleato . irala A. 31.1 . " 3) 4. ' 4 ' N ''"' -- , t , AA: •iarll New Xteet, Irt. - fluicataa, • Tall Sleeping Can ran Tbronth or. at tL•ts r. it tad ...- . . i Lem PM. r 54 , 1 4-4 Al= ' " ' 4 t es, sad es New • ITAker , LINE-I.tiiree Platburieb' it' lomo , „,_ •ere.orpti* cally at prfacapalliafitaf. Antral:a Z= • tootAst S• 00 A •II A. y.. Arristrraf. taS te. z 11.ay. • ~,,,,,,,,, neap P. ~,,;. Neer Tort. eta Allentaw n . 1411 I 1 , 11, .. ....1111latlelphli.1.10.0s: x.: and If aw Teal, ip, rauscriphlA. at-A1 C. e. At. ~ • - ..ltetakeatt. - . t.Dinne..._ , r 5.,,,,.. • • I..lDafta aid after ffaiaa.• sandapppweir" . • JOHNSTOWN 'ACOONAIODATIOTII4.-DIZ (Si:e" • Fuladoyeli* CIS r. 14.1kletnetAR nellkinthe ttitlisi betwita rlttaartuTall.laa tmetaallit. Ina tonziontai •41illiter4illr DAttAlitl...n.=tri Dittans " A3.4.117 d Pr cticat.l.D.sozuzr,aily 23nre us4sreD se Tab A., *4 et, ,, vy; ,, Nr stall molar 7. - Crarssaa Eiciabafrafiagy.starmw aska rsklar74l nenteetion With teslar on..the DAGltini Datar.b. Need. - PearTayersafit itilleastVEbenibsul 6,, cetsital Bak. losct, 11;4,161aUbmpFbare Smatla. - ..L. , • -Da* Akommouaciarr Tracer far "trait A SWIM- LeAlTell,theattearlPT Swat_ TV sr= A: W. 4 Dlttend ktroatramlatitAg Train or.nl a Malan* f. Lavas dilly (eert.% laarl Am a lara '. ar. : - . ,, lscsaLtscaM•m-Ord.autSa.4-*LtaTca daily (tzeept 1 'l3tlingasasUtfotrtri6i - for WaXl'm Statlini • Erlefik Hilly (except saattar)lit e:Sra 4... K. • „,. rka,4 twearr=o4tlcair 30.3 -.l4aTeti faxaffil 'ranatuprat .talf. 7. afigtittig i t a s (au Si. t ..n. ymesa c r h l wa tastu Thim ratii at tar . „--a ,day.st i teAS A. Y. fart aritres..LA Pittsires? a LW er itrStallan Artry t it*. ?.' i t,..n.etpraitts,l i a n a Pate ..II• aa . r. Tu. ',.. 'f.el , .iti Wil4 tifi,,litla it -....1/017. ';Attie?'Stk r.,:.:1 ii . rillistieultlei*:ist! se f . euwee rirr...•.;.0....41..e.... Alett Wail's Alatioa AcemitArditton...... la A. Ist.._ . Wu Xie4 . ;Wi r ifritaltall *Pr Art' ..-.. olliti - idi ..... 1G. 7 .:4 . 2, 11 4? ~ ..A. J OZOKUMMiltrpti lulswert:tica,:lassaiiat:::lo P. It ir . iwzg , '.=ACCT": l ,l, 4 :°, 2 irti P. re einu.ant.t4t7tlO' r: - . ... ..-.... e... r. ws Pitta, &Erse _ :O. ele - nal P. Jele Arent of the Its Um Chitur s.---4.1-th,d o p i , u, 9 ., ei3:l7 trct: or tr. •-apete_ ... VIA grs - ab—..vire i rettift.LP'!""- us i Itillaetreli Zr 111 , 4•4 . PanwitNtd • E' •• c.e: •N t Ccr.... 42 -ii Gale Of tummies 4741aapany irM ibtalf tbasa.sima remorulbleganantoronal mcgsage ,afi9f, . arwaroa,..psaaaamakf.rwatiaairiatartm l. ... s.. iffitlierta=tlS Agt....za.... pIITTSIWRGIVFT. I ,t,VAW,,,AACJIZzgh. - NcluliiraL" TiSir"if trier 1i074111i - ',1x,•?33 willraze: , IN,Urric'll+!:„ .... ,1,." , p 4: 4" 4- .Ftri • ' /be "-!.. 7.2lCillnftrit4ss=!..CLAYJCl.S2,' Wiitoriii, .1 4 . Itte!N.t. Y. " j:;:i•rn .. .i. - it „n4f; kr_ " y . .P.S= 5:45 M...67:_. --....Sztoa. K. I girt... ' 1 6 rot, For 1, erts.stle and All, ....., ,..., ,i SO i.. 7. Revaralpil lu'rirr- - ..;....... ..... .AML le P,,,. rt. w:8 C, 2 r,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,5k, . , ... V.I.- ''',-Cke,...„--<.,.: (l -c .a ; , . - ' i:O= 4 . t- - % 1, -& , -, lA* r '..:.1. V..*Zatil4:9)233FlN'. rriVra L iar%iiiJai, , Viz; i. - , •.ti il. s andatfOr4 mu •,:otet 101 v.,,,- ,-, ~.- - P" ' ~I.W.Urrernefl.Alrej .7.1.., ..........monlrrlirtiMall WAN itcr t - ,.: ... WziLISTIZLZ-1.10,,: Zetarntanfirrris ht"arirt.rOrr. P.. 7-t. w.• 41 C.. IL lipeesteat-14/ r- , it : A_ lE., .1.:Mo r. Y. Atalm.A swain ...a 1 o. a r t. .:t. l. S et ri roz om izt a. - s. vntia.aci .r. t arms , vrrrsirommulaspini tukcaus atnygaptcx* . ESE THE 6fRIT,4l!O%fflM To cctunwaßs, i :. • ariciirtait,, • zotir3Vie ' Avali /MONDAY > NONENIVEZ leavr.444.Srstrei 44 •lI kun Vagtll44 •r l'B.llVrakPuis Kz,pres4 AVlVimen - ' ttg;** l l, 4 9tiL.i Int 14111.41,11.1111004 laigt !bet it:,i4i5i,.,Lm1.i,t.7.4141 1701: triikaw4c- «oh grimexe. „ n,..travr,,v - 3110e., 04 . 41 , r I ) , titl I .otbOrMltir IR* ALLE4? a )I,_, • trntaA oi , ar i too- r • ASV ,' 4 1 4 'a 111' 14itute.gr • Tr: , atkW, , kor.sursranow 11/01.4_11... - rim at Stlnta .rzta act. • as • rnetuts *l jua, , FOMZEnMa' _ EIiRT 'PITT MiNDRY awiLhs .ozeinws 7ilLkaiiiotTn,;*o) ar:,•;r HWY WPM i% AIM ALI" IitISDECOr Rpects6l-atteraltm_Will WOBIL! BLAMT MA.citiNEWI sad IPXTOETthr r 33,X,PAIRS attepdad So .1.11 hezetorom tea : - GMT, use • • 1)=1144'64 rf Attention la to. inr . HElt' FLAP wow, PAITSDN'and thanisied Ziaftes• for ist.txturir pirrsnroon: k9IINDEIG GARIUSO . N & GO. " • >iicmh 47.4 , 740 , !: f - . Fortam. :utc,niumuma :.• rt,' ,t 1 / _ dera a. ale %114‘: 444k irt , Via mt dre isz al i ,ter tern . s, ahrsms A:A-tytlorZaWic"..., DAIRIVI. dad 129 daddilaid r jakfir", 7* *Atursz.. 411Inri A IE7 IWO% - • CD Aim MK& • , XlSl•ticiad Wagnaitem: woos of Seeindraf. nreoliN riarqsalle-.ll:4ollaelkottlean4 9***/ :Geitrs t Prina,TenderSi lx. aka tzes I.lol2.oWllMalkti43llM, We. poi Übtriti titre**. At..K.N. mgr.= &CO. 1 %).:m. Machine IFlbrks and Poundryl Imc.'Wsigisittiansz, • rigown ru.lr3s • AND etrett,Lbt - tweeth raleral sadeF bn huck 14,Trrti .4 bbs6ln 3' .eMzsgerbil= -aj" 'ONX tirttxx... 71.111 . 7 . ,...7M2177.2,,,j,...,..5,1_t5. 7 1 1114 7' 38 "7 4 eu , . 'STOVE MANUFACTURERS Ea Xii:›17Z 673 : 22211 Etsr end j '..")y. - • 110EECT W2V, e • . • . iusrmas.t.t.:7-notyt, Tia 4 r ' L . 7;31 , enzrititilinft • l a!lane =CM" 1101 - 1 v t fur* - 11 . .17/ _a 1 ::.11.16