The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 09, 1866, Image 4

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    111)1urgli 45autte,
_lmportant Reeolutions .4dopted
. 1 1 1 R . d./Cglital to the Wool Growers' COnVen
-1)on nasembled in the Goer: House, at eleven
o'clock this morning. and were called to order
by Dr..l. F. LeMoyne, Chairman of the Com
mittee elip4inted at aconvention of Washing
taxi COeuthy • Wool Growers. held on the 4th of
January last, for Macaroon of oallitir a State
'COO 4 organise a Pen asylvanta State
Wool Gra Association. The call of the
Cotatruittee eXtetadesl lo delegates and reams
(tentative men from every county in the State,
fY cat intheeity Pittsborgh,, for the pm ,
poso specified. The Mill also aintemplared,
should Limo permit,- a discussion - on the com
parative merits of different breeds of sheep,
aid other thrice appropriate to the occasion.
Dr. LeMoyne remarked that It was his duty,
as Chairman of the Committee, to effect a tern
porary organisation, and for that purpose ho
nominated Wm. lionoway, Esq., of Fayette
(+Minty, as temporary Preabient.
Alex. McFarland, Rsq , of Allegheny county,
was ehotho temporary Secretary. , •
20(r. Ewing, of Washington comet, state d
that there were gentlemen present from the
State of Ohio, and he move,/ that all persons
InWrestedoi in the busiatrlnaviartogr7a
in tlineindegeralloas of the convention.
4"ltl=C-11211115fatr-aerMl of the convention,
ono p er .. cam mush county was draignated
to obtain tho names of UM members frnm their
dceriets, and report them to the
n motion of Dr. Le Moyne, it was agreed
that eac h decegattou should designate a mem
ber of the COMMlttee an Permanent Organi
zation, and also a member to nerve on the
thsweenittae On Itbselocsa.
The gentlemen designated to receive the
neletee of delegates I/Paten from the several
count:tea, reported the fallowing
Aramorator COffirrr—Jaana IfeAnall, Geo. V.
MeKee, Maj. John SlattherWas J. G. Kelso, W.
- W. Patrick, Capt. John Yormg, Alex. McFar
land, J. MoD. Mann itober , • :Laren, Wm.
Herron, John Gllfilan, John Thntoptha, John
Ilirmnum, A. McMurray, Win. Adana, Andrew
Mears, Geo- Burns, Wm. M. Roiliest, J. P.
T, A. Patterson, Jonathan Byers, S. A. Mc
•Clelland, John McCloskey, W. K. Aemstrong,
W. A. Harriett. A. A. Coon, Itobt. Hopper, Jos .
Davidson, B. W. Elliott, A. Mesinnifin, M
- - BrEatermJ. Patterson, Alex. Creighton, J. Efb.
Ithrusien. Alex. AIUSan Col. 8. Cooper S. P
',dor -liurrf Pf acmi nt rlhf°t Johnston, l F'lleJneri
fan ,J.T. P. Wright.
/81112MIIM Celf3TT.—W. L. Archer, Alex
id anishester, o. II Bela , J
'4, S e el plies, John Ewing, J. K
Marl , per, M. Barry, John Hamil
ton, Wm. Lee. F. Patterson, J. 21, Stevenson,
J. T. Frederick, M. IL. Allen, John P. Woods.
s. Matt, Ed. CampbelJr. P.M-Finley, James
McConnell, W. R. Cm 14(2.
Fkurro-Coosn..— J. Muskat, S. M. Baird,
lease Coulter, J. hi. Gallagher, Wat Elliott,
Jasper Thompson, Judge John Dawson, Vin
centParshall, Thos. Lyon, Jasper Mans, W.
T. Coe, Levi Calvin, Henry C. Dawson. Robert
E lakToxzlogJesatT Wm Ipso-. winr JgA .. kZ j,
, B. Por
ter, Lease Johnston, Wgsrft--Pitterson, Jame s
Slocum, lion. Anthem Stewart, Henry B. Goe,
..Staildrogs.x..aso Coorrr.-15. Tinhanan, 0 P .
Griffin, C. Tin tsman, Ilan. (filbert, Jos. Rob
b:no, J. F. Tintetnati, It. Eakin, B. R. New len,
, cep, ithey, Wm. it Head, Jesse Chambers,Geo.
Staith, John Cairode,llrtall V.odearaff.
7.AWLEXCSCOVSTV.-12. M.Kirkpatrick, A.P.
Moorc,Sirm. McClelland, (s. D. Koester, Josiah
C. Wlnte,'S. 11 - Paden, J. H. Allen, John Da
vidson DC. Eaton, J. A.Seatior,Thea Dab:sit,
David hold,, J. A. Vfilliamson, McC. Haney.
• if warm Coutivoi—ll.ll. Urea.
Brmoce.COVVrt —% an. 8, Boyd, R. isal'..raith,
John T. Baird, Robert Stevenson, Joseph
- AnItraMONO Corrarr —P. Graff, D. A. EMI (tan,
B. Broaer, James A. Thompson, John Lit rd
krze Corr -1,--11 M. Marq Jahn W ll
son, P. Hopewell , John Cain, G. IV McCart
larassra COUNTY—Thom. White, biasc Y .
Itor.cra Germs, —.l. D. Kilpatrick, Samuel
Rancour Cormv, W. Vs.—James Gardner,
David Pugh, James Stevensoa, G. W. Chapman,
Somuelarcher. •
Jurroirsow Cousrrr,o o.—Jonatlaan Berry,
lotus. thdp Joshua Moore, Jacob Hoffman,
Thonnas WOod.
. The following named gentlemen were &pea
noted as members( of the Committee on or
ganisation, and the Business Committee:
, Cot:midterm Orpcnisrmon—Favette, Vincent
Pars° ,11* Allegheny, S. 21.Brinton; Pottier. Jon.
T. Zairelt.liereer, J. II Kirkpatrick; Beaver, M
If. Marquis; In dluna,Draao Id. Hodge; Was ti
‘'9l:4 J. A. fi ° rri ArniffrOalt. John Laira•
'L a wrence, J. . bertudr; Greene, IL IL tree;
Westmoreland, D. Tintainan.
ReffriessCarmniffer—Fayette, Jobe M. Galla
gher; Alleg May, fft+lL Hebi la I; Butler, W. s
'Boy di Aftastrong, P. Graff; Greene, H. It. Cree,
Mercer, Samuel North; Beaver, Dr. 11.0btri.,0,,
Inahosti, T. White; Wftshington, J. ILEwinr,
Lawrence, J. C. White; Weetaiessiand, John
, OOMOtion, the Committee on Permanent
•satrganiratimi was instracted to report the
a emu of a President, ono Vice President for
each county represented, erlorrespondlng Sec
retary, a Recording Secretary, and a Pm:-
sorer. .
On motion, the Coaventlon took a recess an.
tll too (Peleck.
rho COninention reaseembled at two o'clock,
o;nd srtatalied to Order by the Chairman, uhni
called fer the report of the Committee on Per-
-wade . Gamer, on
Lossin bithsitg. sttport the Comm lttee t
Presidentt—Dr.JUlllm P. Le Moyne, of Wash-
In =
PresarstW—James Stouts rn, Fayette;
J. C. Whitt.; L/Ovrtmee• J. T. Biddle, Greene;
J. T, listed, Butler Stoner, Weetmore
to.ntiOiatunel Iforth . , Marne_ ,r• John Cain, 131 . ...
trer;Mern. Vannes White, Indiana; Joseph .
Thompson, Armstrong; Asa Munches ,
Washingtou . ;',.gpr.: Win. F. Johnston, Alle.
Secretarlre—.9l. , /: .firCriel., Fayette • G. D.
ueStW'r:Lasrrende ; Cape. Job....ver.;.r. Auk..
gherky L o: A. ITalitoli, Armstr 'mg
Head Westinerciand4J,X.,,LZirlripatriel:, Mer
Treasurer—J. tileD. Glenn.
Dr. in M t.yste, on taking the chair, .tutor.
ledged the honor conferred. lie ought to itsotd
Use itosltiot., preferring rather to remain on
the floor, Let hie fremede.lefd overruled In.,
wlshem, ilOl. aceount ofhissfritisor Iltmre4.
but become.: of their persona Mums `to
vrerds him. Be t.tated that the husinem which
the convention hod been called upon to per
form was of the moat important character.
Personal influence had ceased to be as
041rective as formerly, and It was now neccs.
ary twform associations, delegate their pow
ers, mad bring their mdlicacst,to bear upon
Legislators, Congressmen, sod -- alien whose
.attrwaaveq visite to , ltirthar the Interests Me
• Sired: This was the reason whythe wool grow.
eta,hadtmght - toferm an association, by means
of which they could Join in nutted and etc,
tine ogort. lie asked the assistance or the
members pteyent, that the largest amount of
business might by transacted in the shortpst
space of Una..
The ilunle Committoo not being ready to
report, on sit Inn of J. FL Ewing, Col. Harfl s,-
editor of the Oils Arrow", was refine ,red to
address the Convention. Lie spoge at - souse
length in reference to the wool growing inter
eata generally, awl especially in r e gard to the
growth and development of the business la
his own State.
At tile Conclusion of Colonel Efarrie' re-
, marks, Judge White, Chairman of the hest
., RCM Committee, enbmittell the following re ,
1,0 Al••-•••
I. Constitution (or the State Wool Growers'
. .. ... .. . .
anocustlon, IF -riflery to the National Assoc*.
ufilecra-Ogie President, one Plea PreSideln
from caela affinity now represented and beep
-after to be represented, one Correspondi ng
Secretary, one Bacording Secretary? one
Treasurer, and en Executive Committee or'
alit members.
7... The officers tO be elected at each annual
mcetiny oby held on shoe— nay of--.,
in each e.. - .. .
& any person may become a member of this
-.Assbcia me. on the payment of -- dollars
e rn:many and for tite metabmshipten dollart
4., Tltuathe object:of this 'Association is to
... advance the wool gnawing Interests of the
United Stati , S; and to harmonize all interests
of the model:mg and utunufactifffilltaterests
of the United Stateetoto as 10 advance the pros,
verity of our commoapountry, . .
- - TRittfolloa leg ettbjectator discussion were
albepiettent.l i , •
• 2, The protection of wOOl and all -maniac
. tares front wool, and all leading interests of
the country.
• , t it 'Tlr Feriprocits , Treaty with Carbde.
`,. Tile chracter 01 wool beat adapted t. the
pro tof tie: grower and mann feet urer.
4. The motto disilirephring wool tor in Inst.
I. Sheep treedlitgand management.
6. The neuesaltit OCAsqtaellqn foes the de
ill of Orel:paw Slogs, by an adequate tax
Mill deal , by shollefikttState6.-
7. The -ri rionsOf ostabilibing a newspaper
t P
• devoted 0 tneinterests of agi ul tare.
Orrelottea, the reopen was acdepted.
- . /Ir. Eelca led th at the blank in th e sec
ond settler of he form of the constitution
befilled by inn° tn. "co the •2d Wednesday af
ter the drat ruetalny In January, of eaCb year,
h : „...the.-e t ty of Pittsburgh."
Judge Wi to me veo to amend by striking
On "derma• y" and inserting "March." Lent.
Mr. Buy moved to amend by fixing the elec
t-1011On the secon I Thursday of February (to
day). Lost. 1
The original motion, fixing the election on
t h e gems,' after, the ern Tuesday
of January, at glttsburgh, was agreed to.
;.The black in the third assts" of the cons'tl-
111tiOn was filled by inserting "one dollar" sa
the membet,bl fee.
,On mono], of Ir. Ewing. the present officers
'' of the COnveuth n were chosen to servo until
the nextanial meting.
ii ,
... The remain ug sections of the Constitution
-.The ere i gt m pft l i Om discussion, namely; "Pro
tectioti for this wool usurpldier Interests," way
then taken ni,
.13cm.Jnint .I.OcOde Wl* the floor, and after
ks entered quite
afew mt.r".l"'"*Y r""li. " ii b t? rm
; warm s . !, .Y. pet ‘.
' '''
. °u3l i r i t u b t rs t question esujec
o ° l p t
i i.
nig c ri 4 es n t. IM Et p e or re ta s serde, riled
heartily commended
even. odor Lie g to an Increase of the
tartly on qd woolen fabrics. Ile al
luded to the efforts now being made by Eng
lish Manufeettmkrs to. further the free trade
MOVelmont In this country, and tothe fact that
the teebustrupt ton of the Southern States was -
b other aide of the
eamte,stly a melesf on I_o u
.01s sties The PritLsh froo-trade ailoocat
' and wOtdd recovre the ccroperation
of the Southern representatives a 9 So= R 9
they were adinlttett to tonr,re9,
'pry' Southern Men would notooly oppose the
poznoent of the National 41014, the reteoe9, t
of pertfOon9 to our ,ol,ller. and 9-,f. nee '
widows, but If tbey enolt ototuin the aid of it
ofnelvnt ntun'er of nv r h,,le mcn front I !I ,
North, they would tut. rly ruin th.•
well at the prosp,rity of the montry • ••• , o•
Was the tittle f .1, , i
not Owe the Brit a , S r
eat con9lde jou. t ; ; and Corp
her course ‘11:• 1-tte war—fiu
olothlng 11%111 , to nor enelti lilting 0111 pi
rotten! ship 9 top,. 11 l • .
• W ILO (0,1, ' ,I•
ut we dealred to la own
tanks our onoe oil:. mol ti:.
11 iN r.,01
abut we worn irro in..; and we
rears ago England pro lure I :et: tif: , "
pounds of nook. but her or,' ta,:•
reached two hundred and twenty -.,
large proportion of m Melt nun eomom r I in
thel7nite,isetes.and for whieli wesont
inilliona of tioZlat - s Now Ow 11,11
Come for us gt :lir non •
make our out goods. If our:
andagrieultural in tere,ts were not prop., ly
protected, the ry of the Troa y .
,rou4l Fuson he unable 1 , 0
the fettipn. %Atli ipst soil (Mr protee:iou,
however, the weulj.l, 'met Welfare pr obe
the peke.
pie mould be :erect. - miginuoted, sad the
country would , ejoy A Pro:1:: , ILY
rein or:, t bat
he wo w,' eeppy to :11 sr 110 i•..rtl 1 , 1 to
furthwr tii lnrerept , i of the nuns gr4mnr3
In•lmat, L.. WS , 1:11. tho
no in his se a etion of west
mirefa eranitv. until the "dogs run bins
basine::s. 1111' gentleman's re
were at teat listened tom.] warm
114r;i'd.rerna rk that the 7,
I F - 4,1 o ' roper iri n fornsut to ° ti v' t . i. r n n d hey .
t r i tt•lit. ,;rt t e t k, u7v .,, , , l sou 1
required pretegtion, it would be granted. So
lit regard to the i„rym and other Interest,. Oar
represinstattasss oin...disposed to do right, and
it was our dab,: Asewinlighten them as to our
wants Mad wet-eassritingae The present wit., a cri Lt.
rat period in the hittgry of the country, owing
to our fliseAstissimeitlOese.„ IT one leading la
ter-est was pernaitted to stiffer, others woold
be affected, ant , a firwressial erl,ts might follow
which would prostrate tile business of tho
whole country. tet tlia,,,„neoplo stand by the
Government, and the lANielltment standby the
people. Let there tie full protection to every
interest, and w n would soon become the most
TrOsperOus couttry on the face of the globe.
Mr. Eueeter alLtided tektite efforts Made la
England to encourage the fliss , trails move
ments in New York, and argued that as the
opponente.of..yroteetion are active and vigi
lant, the advoentErTlY that-Vseaminashould
equally watchful and energetic. Ile urged
vigorous and unitwal_erfoa. until those in
power were made to rrttltztt the insfartance of
affording :Idealist. , protection to [Avery inter
Mr. Mee:ell:lnd, nreprecentative from our
own connty, tuide 3pue.lx, using
Rome df tbe lending ertonnent., in favor of
that doctrine.
On motion, tbelipeeelyi were limited to ton
minutes ihetrme.-,., •
Thomas Howard, submitted the draft
of an not of .tssenMv, which he thought
wouliligAf benerit to the wool interests. It
prollre"?That the ass Or of each nod every
distrlet In the State shall keep a registry of
the nwimilne.p.and..c.y4or or sheep killed or In
jured by dogs, and return the aarue to the
Sedreptry of the CommonseCnltli under oith.
ThFpapef was received and will be intim
up for discussion under the proper head.
Stewart, familiarly known as
"Taff Maly," wan now called awn, and re
sporignytjaa, brief speech. Ile was happy to
meet the - convention, and do what he could to
aid them In their important work. Protection
faaimperatiselv demanded, and It area
theTi4 of tlll , rthtMlilon to prepare a me
morial to Congress, netting forth their views
and wishes. It u-ac not n time for speech
making, but rather for action. The man
ufacturers of thl• country were oppressed
by much heavier burdens than those
duties a r u e r'' sse .
higher on the eloineetic than they were on the
foreign manufacturer. Iron, fee instance,
was tive per erne. higher on the domestic
than on the foreign man cfacturcr. The duty
should either be reduced on the domestic, or
increased on the foreign manufacturer. As to
wool, he was in favor of a prohibitory duty. It
was as much an article of production
as wheat, and we might ar well im
port breed as cloth. He was in favor of pass
mg a resolution asktreg tonere,. to exclude
wool woolen fabrics altogether. We im
port 1,40,0130,600 " nth of woolen falcies, and
send our money abroad to pay for it, white
our own growers w a rn
without a market for
their prodwus. Buz ar.vention show,: gl 0
something, Let tarm r cornuelttce to
prepare u me o ar
I, auel .1., the-a e.:tcul
fore Congress.
her. Ewing a51..e.1 ;cae , ”tratr I e
Restgr,f, That a ‘sar,,,,'ti ,, e Of three lie ap
pointed by LW, n mcmcrllize.
Congers, On the protection of wool, eulopteng
the home valoatn.n. anti such specific and ad
valorum dutiree as will fairly protect the
mine! °pp.:eel to n prohibitory
tariff, as it w 011111 defeat the object., which the
convention had in view Whitt he desired wits
that the wool gr.tirer should have a fair 'bare
of protection with the man ufactnror.
Judge White was not lo favor of prohibition
betanse the amount of wool grown In the
United States fell far short of the amount
ecrnionned. What he desired at tho hood, of
Congress west, adequate protection. not only
tor noel,- but for all the interests of the
After some remarks by 3lessrs. McFarland,
Ray, and others, Mr. Ewing called up the res
olution which he offered at the close of Mr
Stewurt'll remarks, and proposed to amend It
by adding,. after the word Congress, "through
the tient:Mal Com.mitteo of Wool Growers' .
The amendment was agreed to, and the reur.
lotion adopted.
ellitage White then offered the Itillowinir
Bemired, That a committee of thee,: be op
pplnted to prepare a memorial to Congress,
meernillar a specific duty of fiftoen offal. per
pound on fine wool, and ten per cent. adroit..
rum; and a specific duty of ems cents on coarse
wool, mind ten per cent. advalorum---ereopt on
Dauer= wool,which may be admitted at three
Aeolis per pOund apecific duty.
Mr. Ewing opposed the resolution, inasmuch
am the National Committee bad TO doubt al
ready agreed as to the amount of duty which
should be Imposed. Should this be ~o, we
I.lttt male. La conflict, and thereby weaken
.. -- ..Wree of our application—Congress con
cluding that 1110902tICSI as one section de
pended one duty, andland another section m
ealier, neither understood the subject.
• :Judge White replied,and stated that he was
almost certain that the National Committee
had rot agreed, and ware not likely to agree
on this point. Suet, was the tenor of his ad
vices, and he bad late Information on the nub
att.' Ills object In offering the resolution was
to back np the National Committee, and as
sist them incoming to a conclusion.
Cot. liarrLs thought that Judge White a-aa
• correct, and advocated the passage of the res
It wna snggerted that the resolution be
amended by etriking ontpCongress" and Inser
ting .I:even:to Commlesion," width wai
agreed to, too toe moohaion was eulopted es
7follmalea. , •
The second imh.jel - Yortlistautabaca..—Ahe "Re
ciprocity Treaty"—was then taken up, and or
tioverrior Johnston gr. recleaned to term
itic Convention with views. Ile remarked
that it wilt singular that we should he
called, at this day, to ask protection
for that hnpertant interest which clothed
cur people. Hr favored protection alike to the
grower end the manufactarer, together with
all the Interests associated theme Ten
years ago, When we gave to Canada pririlego
to import some of the prodneta of her forests
and mines, in reciprocity for some of oar pro..
ducts, that country was not what it now is. It
did not enter into competition with us then,as
nowt and in view of this fact, together with
the recollection of what Canada had Anne
'against us during the rebellion,. was opposed
to o renewal of the -runty.
hiojor McFarland then offered the follow
ing, h ich us ctn. hemp.) y adopted
if trrd, That U.:, }tectonic - icy Treaty ought
DO 10 be tor ved.
.1 being now Int:f-rgo.l five o'clock. the run•
no' , :lun colJouxne.l uut.l StVC.I, o , clc6cl; In tn.,
cc Ling,
The third proposit ion w taken up and dia
ensacd at length. Maj. kering, of Waehington
county, wan the first speaker of the eseiiiiig.
he contended that the Saxony breed of sheep
pioduoeil the best variety of wool. lie in
stanced a flock in Wime logien count}, that
bud been bred "in and out" for fifty years, and
to-day the wool vas finer and commanded a
Metier price than tiny other In market,
Maj..2tieFarland, of W.ltlngton county, fol
lowed in InVor of the Spanish variety of heavy
common wool cheep. The object in raining
need was to make money. and the sheep that
&wowed the heaviest fleece,all things consid
ered, wait the kind that should be cultivated.
Mr. Slocum; of Fayette county, followed in a
ajtellaretrain as Mr. McFarland. In reply to a
elttestiOif from Major Ewing as to why the
bpaulph cheep changed his color, Mr. filoctros
replied that it was exulted by housing after
shearing, bet that a heavy shower of rain
• ould make all right.
'James Idahall, of North Star, Pa., contended
that the Spanish steep was destined to take
-sheltiesc of all inhere. If they were properly
hred the wool produced would equal that of
thefinest Saxony. There was a difference be
tween raising a sheep for sale and for wool.
In reply DO question as to how many she*
could be sustained non an acre, Mr. Sloe
stated that two arid a half per cent. on t u
it eight of the =alma' would artifice.
Judge White, of Indiana, was in favor of the
Spanieb breed of sheep as was Mr. Marne.
They asked, wee it sensible In a atom Kroger
to - raise sheep that only yield a fleece of frac
pounds In of those yielding ten pounds,
bleb alit sell at nearly the same price.
Major Ewing has been in the wool growl
beelneas for thirty years, and "wished W kilo
• la, the man was, owning nue thousand or fif
teen hundred bead of sheep, that would shear
three pounde of wool on the average.
Smiley A. Johnston, of Jefferson county,
Ohio, replied that ho balm bin farm n in e teenhundred head of sheep, of the apanink broom?,
• Lich yielded lumen an average four pound.
and a quarter, which be had sold to Mr. Ca
letbere at seventy-five cents per pound.
Colonel Barris, of the Ohl, Ftwaisr mails
Tea practical remarks on the character of the
wool beet adapted teethe totereste of the grow
er, manufaeturerond consumer. The Coloteof
closed the diacusslpn, on the third point
discussion when the Consecution proceeded
fourth the foAh point: "The mode of peep itt
woo] for the mai ket-" The violet!! Of the lent
hers w as SOlneWlint diverse.
n. Cree,Octirecitecountyiend Dr. Zanier ne,
of Weallington county, addreawal the coil von-
Mon. The latter With In favor of "hearing
without wasb In g, a:ideating In that erindition,
ma t would produce entrant-My tote bum
etas. Ile was In t o ofing stumble the
winter, „,,g opposed to Washing them from
pithelpies 01 humanity. -
Col. Burris asserted that It was not th e
clearer who objected topes - clutin g
ed wool, hilt the go-betwettis or - alateulaters.
lie argued that It WAS better 10 [cep the wool
in ittenatund state, do away with dhe oil kit
Men. and Sell the WOO/ AIM as legumes from
the.beck of tiiefibeep. Thu shrinkage of en
s nshed wool Iti: 4 11 -- trifle over fifty par cent.
Major Exit) itorteht, that those who raised
Spiatialtscreep lak shear them In all timer
dirt and 111th, turttmse who raised the SWJee..
mutt sod would wash them heron: clip
ring. Nn system of tanlfermity noon!
hoed--'very mad Would be goVerithil by his
_ .
Dr. Leu oyne treated to arrive at the troth.
Ras a ukmait Cheep Judieloge r latt mane, kw nal.
voJated to enhance tho Inthreete or the a opt
produce-xi it Mae karintazit tlant thorn should
It: ottaritt ton nt otti
11..1 lintoot offe. .....0111•1•rn !
ul Intl t t tt tttt „
t Lt. rittnlttttort. 'Cr. YileN.4:l :.Pt
Kao,trr.L,l t
Forvo J.tirbct, re. 1.1 ati aLt oLLn hurl
N „p ar ed for tratuttuttui•mt In Urn t•tttll4 i./
It In t.herp-Icillkita
j u ,io late, 01111441.1 K, otr,, .
Int.trttrth“,, the C.ollllll4Rinner
rert•tuttst Olt. Int t t t itttventt , t:t .11•
n I: In ‘ - ‘1••', •n••• '.I•• • ••
- i•nn• rt. 4 •1•1•4 1•••••p0,11,1••• I •t• andn • •• .•
1.14/1.: 111 , 1 n•• 11•.1 'no !irl; L.,,1..r.•••
r. •
crag 1.14 c
Col IT: I:ott
flirtir,l to .0 nor.V.or o; 1..
t,oual Wool l 0r... A ..orlation, .
11,1,.1 t00t...1w0( cortol%
The Chan announeed the fo`;owela , P
vecutive Unuentlthee or the
Julan H. Irlwing,' rota e I
Joxllnn. Wright
John X. Gallagher, Fayette
James H. ale Calf, Allegheny •
M. DI. Marques, Hearer
La-Governor Johnston offered t.'w• r
resolution which was Itelonto.l:
Rcrotred, That the Vier Pr/
resideis of s,-14
coulety eball have nowor to call meeting- .L . l
take the names of pot•soos ,testrott- .11 on m
ing sOcletleth and to solicit momtiers tn.
State Society.
A retiolution offered in fay, of t ci
lifitethre of Wool in renneylriknia. A ;ter
Liteetwo.itin lb rlt-kr4 nl.lOll 1) . 1 4 ,1i I.
Mr. T r. of the Nafoovrt
,, offered the folloivieg wit lett
That this Convention telly endorse
the action of the New lork and rtitto State Ag
ricultural balletice in inaugurating All/1113.1
cheep Shearing's. and determining the ',tot
vreught of cleansed and fleece Wool, and f,r•
neatly reeotrirnonci the adoption of the sante by
our State anti counts , wool grower,' r.pciellt el as
early as practicable.
A vote of thanks wee passed to the reportet s
of the oft) press for tittle anecrate reperts,and
also to the county °Cheers for the use of the
ourt room.
Adjourned to meet at the call of 'tie I:.ceen
e Committee.
31IeelInglar Allegheny Connell..
The reznhar stat••,l monthly "tenting .;t t h..
Allegheny Councils was held Inst. o•no tog. to
the City Building.
Coumos Corscem.—Present Messrs Brass,
Campbell. Cunutoghara, Fanltanubet,
Heckn4orn, McGreo, G. N Miller. tint Miller
)lel , onald. Heed, Riddle, li•Itor land
President Bermes.
Mr. Reed presented a report from the l'em
rnittee on 6tenm Fire Euglne•. wn:en
and laid on the table.
The following resolution was read n - Sir
~Resolied, That the place of holding elect no.
111 the second precinct of thu Fourth war.l IK
restored to Its former location, corner of
Chestnut and Main streets, at the hon. , of
M. Gordon, formerly of Mrs Fn. k
Tito ream° I lou was adopted. NUII- , 11.1 ,- 1. - red
In by Select Council. .
lir. Manna, from the ifar'ket Committed,
dulimitted the follow t..g report
Geirigissa—liav lug ernmined the .com
patlyirig bills, the reports of the weighimistei
and clerk of Markets, would recommend
they be tiled to the office of the Co..
and also Offer the follow lug resoluttrid
Rnsoired . That the Controller toe mit tlerlfntl
to draw his warrant on the Treasurer to Is • or
of John S. Edgar fo: the sum of rai sa f.. 1;
for coal, de.. furnished the weigh-lion.. in tn.,
John S. Edgar, I.arnond Scale, rPrsort, as
6EI Loads of [lay, Straw, V. 7.3 Ai
42 Loads of Straw toollorteds . I.s uo
3KS Loads of Corn, Oats, Feed, So.
Loads of Iron, Medal, Duxes, Le y 5t
114 Loads of C0a1.... .. It 11...
4 Head of Cattle . . trz
lj Inns ling and Sintsrp
nrnall Sn.nnss
Fr. , ., 3 , 1
C o t.; tr.:
ice report at Co-Comm. it.. ms momlel
to. !• Mut to. of h.. Molt kmII o.e, and •1
terret the fpnovrtng remillllo%
Rro4r...J. That the Market km:me:lien
he; are beret.; Lu. , l rueted to reerivri 1, •
tke pointing of tSe market . . , 111.‘ nx
Th , e • rprorntnenel to I '•etnml
aulds et of paylug, Welghmastcraa ii tel savory
11. inning that the ash-try' of the Ltarkvl wee,
crvas Inadequate (or the labor performed,
tbcy effe,wl a resolution axing the a1120,11/1 of
Ids salary at altiOper annum
It al.Pcrwmg that the Mar Set Committee
who yr,. empuwer , 4l so to do by Counclis,
have neglected to erect • fence aroand the
Dtamond Square, the committee would recom
mend that. some action he taken In the Tone:
by outieila, toward.; hosing it effected It o
believed that it cmilft be made • source of
retinae to the city by eharght: twenty-dee
cent, :or every wagon left etandlng thereon
nd vvopttl also protect these who may have
Lay wagons etandtog to the Diamond. from
being annoyed with stray cattle. Tim com
mittee believe that the winter would he Im
proved by such a fence, auft therefore' rrtnm
menu come action. Inferred to the Commit
tee on City Property. The report sria- ac
cepted and the resolutions adopted.
On motion of Mr Reed It was reed that
gas lamps be placed at the hall entrance , if this
• COLD, ❑ Chamber..
The Committee on Gas reported as folio*,
The manner in which the city hay bean light
ed for some time bask has been th• •utdoct of
frequent complaints from the citizens The
Committee havesignally failed In their ef
forts to have the city well lighted, and they
believe that so long as the lighting and clean
ing of the lamps In entrusted to the police It
will be a matter of Impossibility to discover
who Is at fault—the pollee or Gras Com
pany. Each now assert that the (salt is with
the other: The committee submitted a rose
lotion that a imitable person be selected, who
shall take charge of the lamps, and keep them
In proper order and light them. The resolu
tion provides for the payment of the .41.1 - 1, of
the lamplighter by deducting from earl, of the
night a abdomen's pay doh dollars per month
The (Ms Company is alms notified that a regis
try of the number of lamps not burning will
be kept, and abatement will be mode in their
account if they do not bertmtter give proper
-vattsfamion. The Controller was ahtborieed
to purchase twenty four new gall lamp. The
reportas accepted, and the resolutions were
On mouton n( Mr. Me 91,11., the City I:emula
tor too i 12511,1014,1 to furnish to the teltor,
the name, of all persons who have (111,Juni/to
Allegheny Civet on the Pittsburgh Ada bth
yond the establiabed lines of low and high
uter Inarks; and the Policitor ln+tr , ,cte.l
to notify parties so offending.
dlr. Miller offered the following ordinance,
which was read three times and passed.
Soc. 1. Be if ordained and snarled by llke Moly.
Mdermen and Citizens of Allegheny, 1,4 SetC,C4
asomiCionannow•tXonmle ossembied, and it hereby
ardent/€/1 end enacted by MI authority of th• ra rnt;
That the Market COtorrilttec belnstrueted and
tramw erect to hive scaloa of failtable Orr pet
up immedlately on Chartiers .trans for the
purpose of weighing alt coal seining 1111.0 the
city ht that poinL
bac. 1 And for oath and even- load of coal
so is sighed, the Roller shall pay to the Weigb
mast or as follow.
For every load of 40 htutbele, or less.. to rent•
For every loud of W In 70 bushels 1. , cent,
For every load over 70 bushels.... cent.
Any ordinance conflicting with tbi., In the
illy Code, he and they arc hereby repealed.
Action nun-corterirreil In by S. C. I. r . re-
Ceded and motion rrcil.
A report a mad Mid accepted te,t the
Directory of the PCK , r, and ie.. er i ter e d h e
The action Of the %elect Connell, referring
the erini ii ,nee no A 1.8 , .1 , is :0111.1 al. 11. , 14-
On mot... of Alt NI. Nell, Ow n .T ., 1 , / 5 S%
then rui ren Pollr - L'lte.•, , -. , ”•11-
g s., 11, Manna coni .• 31111er.
Ai r. I:. N. hillier ottoroAl n rt,4lil/t1. , 1 u llhn,-
ln;; the Mayo , In r I igilt /111 I•101 . h
:or the Inc or the Mayor'e nine. rr
ferztA 10 the Pollee CO nrnltten.
or 1 . , N. !Miler 1.17, r 41 an arrffleaace ra.4o
Ini nu the per el•IltAKI , or the,
Irieb Mr. rear' terve timer a al p..e.rl.
In all whieb action, iIiAL
Sele• ennenrred.
(in motion Itienlllo/1 Connell wlpmrn, A.
F1.1,,C7 Coricen..—Presenl: Meant - a Drum,
Hall, II nekenoleln, Irwin, Millar, Patterson, A
D. P.M1111,./ B. smith, C. C. gutth, Wun smith,
Thorn.. and Prealclent Mattel,.
Tile en Mulles of last meeting were read and
Mr. A. U. Smith presented a petition from
the residents of Midge street relative to tiu
grading of said Street. Referred to Commit
tee on el mats.
11111 r. Lb urn presented a petition for the arm.-
tmn of a pointy temp at the corner of Marshall
street and the ral,l mot truck of the Pitts
burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rallmnd Com
pany Ihrferren to Committee on Gas.
Mr. A. L. Smith presented the monthly
statement of the City Controller, which was
accepted, and the Controller ordered to certify
swan ants for the POVOLai hill. as reported.
Mr. Orem presenteo the report of the Water
Committee N bleb watt read and accepted.
Mr... 1. B. Smith from the Committee on Fl.
n•ner, presented an ordinance making the ap
propriations for the current year. Tlut ordi
nance provides there shalt ho IWlSealen, levied
and collected _from .the persons, professions.
rode, and id °petty. in lax of fourteen mills on
the dollar; ale three mills on the dollar for the
-uppori of poor; f.,r per-eat year a tai of two
mllia on the dollar upon the amount of sales
14101 goods, ware.. and merchstidise,*and upon
urltcn act tram. and commerce, sold in the
city, whether mold ny auction or otherwise,
providing no as-e4sment shall be for a lee,
I 11l than two 111/liars. The /10110111 i section
tiers the rate of vehicle licenses. The Wirt
.., et :m, flaw a ill , . salaries of the oily °dicers for
he em olio.; year us follows
Mayor 0 Mn 00
Tn ono., 4.0' 00
en ttet Ct,to n. ...N. •r I If)
630 0.
my hf..frit,';,' . •
Atoovt or of . 4 44.. 0 R 0,..... 800 04
3.81 01
...........r (1.40100t' 100 OU
...,... over of 1..1
.1. I.- BUO (FJ
-ulill 0. City lift. 310 01
ueket 1-01,.........• 41010$
- Wg;IpIllg crack. to, air 400 (3)
I otetloll. I 1.00100
suit of 11 ow. 440. k. 1,000 00
1 . 1,41:1eer ..3 %Inlet 0..... k, 1,800 1.81
. It rk4 .0 ( ........ 11, 2.10 00
i .. rk of B.a. k, I. 40. 11l
Ink ler ltamil
F 1 I
LII) 11 a
ii• li
• •11•1•1, ••1 N Vlltt• h por night
I iru vvnm n, , mh 2
i.t I , .ui t I. to.. ~ .ppiuprlLte the covellue
f ih. city
........".—.1,...1..e1,1 13,600 03
~.. x-1141
..4,-1..4 nvinr.' 44l - •-1.0 , 0 4,
No. 1-1 . limn,: .. 1.0011) I ,
No. 6-1 4 1,x3,1t. ..‘141,1.41wPa. ..... .... 1.1, , ,,0 —,
No. . hr 00 . , 541,11 1.0.41.,;., 500 00
\n.o. 47 .41 1,400'
-No. .{..:..4 111.1' # Pi ... .. 440 01 '
No. 9-...t.e.1.t.).,rt.1 t Fund 55,306 M.' • eet.r e ..,,,, 1,00 00
Sio.l.l—Wetter Wort'. ............ .... .. 30,000 CO
N. , I= - . - 001-nuals.ling Warrunte Lint{
Unpaid Clit4lll3 . ...... 8,1.05
11 —NI.JI.Ing FUnrl fur I J., on.
41.272 5)
‘% •..111 , 41 Lan.ll , ,
10) me
1 • I :I,o', 111
• . 400 ro
500 00
•i • • . .• tl4
• 01S
ll' •.I W
41. f,./.. Eng "lerl cil V., Work 41416, ,ep.
Th,rl,,t, 'MO; rtoirCat' HAIL
The ordinenee WMIIII,I ren.l three
. .. , !opt , l ac atttenolt•tt
Nr TI pr,enle•l t,• report nf
/ . (•11,. Thr unaniinonfly
c•.trou.-nfin iho citiff/ of the valor , th.
I a rta:n of the Watch, with one 11 , 1.1M/whil
atilinan. The report wnn accepted.
Mr. Drum prl nentel nn reponlinfl
ith orilinnnerifiroventing the ornotion of Crowd.
within 7.111 , city limits. The ot
iliantirf. wit 4 11.0. f and roft•rrinl to the l'onowit
tov oe Witoilen
Mr. ItTyler row, the nninion of dulg. , tet . -
ruin, in the case of The Western v :luta
Ru ilenud ye. the city of Alh•nhcny, rcl!,
lug the city from Interlering in the constr.. ,
tivn oftaint [trail through thc city
Mr. )it prencuted n renot alum f.•r the
potmcni .1 cloctiun officer., which in,
Mt. A. D. Strtlth preqe-ID•d n renolut 1. - tn P‘r
the I.:tailing nub puvtlt4 of I.2.ttarni .trect
A.lopt 6,1
Mr. A D. Smith pre,tenttel n r esointion art
ihe Street eerritnittee to confer wilb
the nteinleds of the Pittnburgh, Fort Warne
and Chicago Railroad Compane for the ore,
lion el a stone wall, went of track on lan!
rniirond crossing at Ridge street and Wnsterli
v.., ts•. The rent - 4 talon tram talopt ed.
Mr A it Swab prenented a rennlntion
rro ,, ting for the ennktruction 01 nocee%nry
-wer , on Rl' 41, dtr-el. Referred to Commit
tee nrl
Mr ratter,n aulqullted the Aran of an act
ItIT the action of It. I.ego.laturc, authorlrlatt
Die city to matte to the amount of COO,-
DO, for repair and Improroment of the wharf
Reed amt adopted, atom ordered to be 41,111. to
tl.e Legislature,
Air Thom/. uttered a reaolution that the
City Solicitor lo• lro.tructed to et, a legal
opinion on the Itabillty of property hot lora nt.
Mw lot, at rout., for the oat paring or
the env,
Ott t
♦ Strange inthlusflon
11. e A ruPd rong Frr Pre.• rays that
y eats part a family named Ittinuilre, rna,yl
- of the father and three daughters. hare
esidwi in %rare on the bane of the Kluklicil
tnitas river, near the town of Apollo, in a wort
of .em!-harlwrie life. They would non labor .
1,11. do enrewlraga, anti wallowing in 111th.
they managed n to 'ern, n YulYsist.nce Ina T.,
Het!, of to wire, •ttltattle to their I 1etm.,..1
heal ctt I. -e4l taut,.. At ohs time coma De the
lolmencly clistineed people of the locality of
their &lentil,. taking rompasaiou upon the
abandons it TT fe [nay wore leading, prerailal
butupon the girls to go among them as ttholy,"
{lOl , OOlll, did a far orahle opportunity pro
ern t let( titan they Teel to their pro. No in
t:111,111,a •ould pre•ail to cause them to
abandon their Mode of life A short time ago
the lather illed in the cc", and the fact hr.
coming known. Ma people l• the neighnor
hood hunt la 1,11
The 'Orb were arrest.wl
and lodged in the jail t,r Arnottntag coont, ,
ni on a cl..irge ragran. here thee r•t
Tr tualn,
n.anlrlde In i•re•ne Connty
TLe. lb ••• L ee , u,y, runt 11
t !.. 1),11.
• f.., • !me (wt fu,:e•P
nil we.: 7%. i!!•-1 • few•II!! 6 , 1 e.
413 4••• err, tr, “fe Itn , !!!! . 1 , r'
town It I Mr 1/,,, :rt.!!! 46 , 171,
form ••! l!ten mu:l . le•tl!,,f •)nryter, of I^.•
-mrtt •!L s'arir•o• • ay. 1.., tl,e glAy
he lets killer! n. !•u,l• , it!"
mnre ef' •
Ile • ',ld set,. fr.rwon. at,
Ih!uvr them r
O. at, I t rad so forth
Al tie grewer y Le, Le met LI. death Le
• , ,te.l s Mr Mo./ fer, DAV" !being a lane
am! powerful man, and 'di,: t•• only 140
ry one be threw about pretty rnnerly.
lir Moiler ow: re‘t a chair In defend kllnoelf
1,11 t• attempt...l to wrench cSalr from
Nly. It An!! wa• •! , to cur., , enl.
uhr,, brinier Alr. Mr-zier. wLu w 41.0
rut, oef.leil thy crat .1 a chair and struck Da!!
la •
o. ll.rtg h.• un•l 111111 the
Il ov
t Mr D.l. so.. art , . •Iled !rocs 1.0 et
lects ../
tete: ea —Tb• beautiful Irish drama of Al ,
• I' •gon le ties tug an immense run at the
Ihi • ire li•nt eight, not. ittortanuinsi tit.,
n tanner or nett-1.0140., In the ratty, tno theatre
as • ery handsomely lined. Ti,. pi...LI erell
pot upon the singe anti .ell played. Tentilifht
I.•• Oren set apart for the benefit, and leaf aco
1-wares - we hut One of Klan lalleber, and
..f lii
ba•eki ea Poirue will be repeated. at she
a full Douse have no doubt.
_ .
Or aa• Horan—Wm Ifbamer•a personation
of the character of rarthini a In the play of
ingornar hut night was a beautiful piece of
acting. The character is a One one, and on.
that en. well maculated. to bring out the la
dle, acting. The hook.* was we'll:Meg with a
highly appreciative audience, who teettend
their appreciation of NUM Itotmer•s acting by
ite.ieteut ppiauw. Totkight she appears sul
1. era retie Loggia or the Female Poisoner.
The lovers of music could not have helped
wring pleased with the rich treat provided for
their entertainment 6,z the Cathedral I.t
night. At an early hour crowds were to he
aer.n wending their way to the Church, and by
he time the concert commenced, the house
us. Oiled. We fent that we should only be
,eilty of Injustice to the performers if we
• ere to attemptanything like a criticism.
Thu earl'-known musical ability of the ladloa
end gentlemen who wore engages] In the af
fair, and the able direction that lent and guided
the entire concert la • seffielent guarantee
that It would necessarily he a seeress. The
pieces selected for the occasion were gem.
and the manner in which they were executed
only added brighter lustre than before—lf that
wer.• possible—to the high musical reputation
of the performers.
The %Vile...ling lllg , nrer states that tier,
T. M. lint - fin, recently drilvcratt n %pooch at
rethany in behalf of hi. school at Frodoctcka
burp. After ho had pot throngh. acenckwonty
of toe students of It% thany l'olloge went to
the Itotete the %knot - ILI Mil. stopping
uunel manife.ted their indignation, 00111.8111 pl,
et,cl a) month y and 1.1“0610.1-1.lx1treat
log the terneral to a mock serenade of tin pan
tousle and grease Noma of them were Identl
thal U134111,-« m Iv) Core not afterward,. gave
in limit tlxlxien, and the y tile t Mingo
al once pr metdot - 1 ith a primed of purgation.
hue of the offt.ft , ",:r., t olgteader.,am!
meal teemur I ,11,13i.1.,1 and
vent raw ny om the poll, en. To , offenders
tics....tot I , Iron, Illy Kakulii A Ica of them,
\r,.a ere nerti.ort, Mile%
A New Idea to Yllo•tre/•y
,1. Gaviorti hues the Credit of Intro
'prong n nee featdre in minstrelsy. The tri
darkened, and on toe rear of tbo stage a
benoilfal panorama passel before the air
Meats, while the singers sat In front nail un
der It singing an appropriate song as each
view passed before the vision. Thu panorama
iseomposed of patriotic ainus connected
ait b Mitertamisi rimed March to the Sea, and
itre really beautiful. The Innate I. el •riperl
ot each member of the troupe living
un exeellent performer. Thu bouve lust night
nag 14%011) entoinied, and we suppose will
be Justillpfuletomight.
Clay MortAllti
Dr Cleo 1. McCook, Physician to the Board
of Health, makes tho lot/owing report Of the
interments In the City of Pittsburgh, from
January :7th, to Fobruary
Ihne•scs.—tild age, 2; pneumonia I; general
debility I oteellis I; eon,eation of tongs I croup
I; 000geat lon of the brain I, hntia fever I; gas
tro enteritis 1; Scalded I; rnarostous I.
Of the above there wore, under I year 1;
from I to 2,2; from 0 to 5,1; from 10 to 15, I; frota
13 to M ,I; from I:0 to 10,1; from Into 511, 2; from 7u
to FO, I; from 90 to MO; 2. Males, 0; fumaler, 3;
white, II; colored, I. Total, 12..
WINO)Ism Basnpunt...—Testerday after
noon a man by the name of [lays, who resides
in the Ninth Ward was knocked down, near
the Unlon station, by some putties with attain
be had is difficulty, and Me head was very bad
y cut lie wets Mimed on a Street ear by Ilia
friend", and sent home.
Just alter dark lust night, a man by the
tame 01 G.,bhurt. a returned soldier, who was
lialuerly a resident of this thy, but who now
in es In Ligonier, was assaulted and brutally
, waten, on Third •ireet, by somo Ami or unknown. fle was taken to tine er Stay.
or's office, w here his wounds were dressed.
1/sreeny.—Altlet nits. Taylor Ilad before
Int yesim Mit a man,trlm contained all the
element, of a ,dothlngLamm Ms
razz,.. la I/enrich Llaymeyer, and he mt. , 11r.
I cried by </neer Bell, on complaint of Lon
hardt Sehnelcier, hr. charged blur with steal
mg ninety dollars from him. When arrested
I:e bad 00 Ills per Lam II rev voat, t ~ VtAtlf,
lilt to, three pall, of limner., and there
hair,. of Imola. lie attempted lo gal rid of the
mime) . by t brOWIIIII Lla Pllekltt.l/011k ON :IN, brim
It no. found, and the money: Identified to the
amount of eILLIII} 110 la inv., lodged
In Lo trial.
Fire In n foal Mlne.—lntelligenee wits re
eolr,dint6iscitysesterday evening that the
t:orks of the allitifing Coal &lining Cm P pan3
tre on lire. The mina Is located On the emu
s• It Ito lu railroad, twenty-three miles mine the
• and are OM 11.1 by a company In Ph bade'.
I la. whit have, dill log the pa.d season. pit up
s l am. ten thousand dollars' worth of ci titian
al Mueldnet . W e were unable to learn any
putt Molars, or the 111.110litit of loss.
Costrninliftlinu Park.—Nnt willi+laudin ih
the miserable weather yasterdat , 'her. ntaArt
Ivry fair attendance upon the Part. to a !toe,
the graceful evolutions of Mts. Uai tie 31.1. m.
We would ElliVl3lllllotlieir ill/Lave siaPsior k hot
•4,4 CIA, brace the- to wont cold her
pup Merit Won, “n Monday. Silo gott. firma
th.a city to Philadelphia.
2 0
itre.—A fire broke 0 it last evening P. MI,
after dark In a eitelot einiineeted with the rest
dune.. of Mr. Harry iverin gton, Treasurer of
the Pittsburgh Menu, It I, supposed that
it originated from the door haring boon
cloi.ed ea u match. It it., i.stingtoitied
ost the aid of the tire ilvii.iunient. The Inns
a Monty amount to one nuildred .101-
I 1 , 11 Al
.07) VO
I 500 ti
Cannot Arancrer.—o.rot - mend. •tc a It. tet
note Inquiring achetiter M u ettc Metter:fly It ,
tends carrying not the tt' N't• ill ordinances , 111-11
prohltut, hie Rum atleutllt; rho as,
concerts el for .ny • In cply Ice ot nut
slut., that rte I. not et , nz of 1te••
l'arthynt Intent lout, nut iu et••ttne lie ..!•
force Lb , lan et he Lo tlntlt [neut,
tot , Lr tren.l. evon
flllern .. Pn•s4rnirrr nnll•rno. - .• • I
-I:trlpling 11.. r. t•nl.•••••, ppl
1 . I:: p •,1
0rt14.1 - 11.4,1:17. plr
ru,p••., rn:Lx•rt, r•
1.1 1,, tpip• lii
Contrnl Park.-- c.,0 1 to. tov
tool 10-la), at (IA; Var . .
...1..,111 14. 4:4:.1ara.0.11, I I;
1, , a vrn., n
•t r ..t 11.1, LC , r tll . l -tore OU
ppol to I rd. -I. I , -tan',l ••2 ♦..
\ hu4 K--.!
klaloy j...Ett t•ltt
"rttV . tr. I t;.1 1 %try
Is, • 10,1.1 It. r v 11.
t.t.ine, A 'Anti, . .A.s•
11/*.,.11.•,1, 0 ; I oty T', '
• '; ,A.
:11 , 1Inkry
uppoolt. d I
1 , 0•11 t• f. Hex, ruuti
A Wery Disorderly Esese.—Colonel Gn•orge
Lrewer, of the Thunl w lr,,eny,
int.. Inloflnal non helore Ma) or Morrlaon, ven
t( 1,1:5. charging "cal:eh Mye with Al.nolderly
ennO't. The , lefentteut entered lierar.
ho lo the 11:trd er-I. and eharg,l l hat
gentl,mati v/11.11Ime•,nal .11.:tritJutIon of the
tnoneva eollecte.l for the .utfer era if the
w bleb oveue red :n that locallt tune
nler 01. Gent .lenled the allegation In atrong
leruts, when My, et:en:Wel to rat.e. row
ong the by-nternte: ( ie-n Lcar tCa I•einre
the Mayor, My e: wan fineil ten dollar. and
eflats, there !wdee foundatlnn whaler I n
0.. charge made sgalnnt thr lot , grity of its,
Meek Hall Game *.4
thought that t.b.h..' Karen
hat been thoroughly matt...Led I.l.l.nteh the
pt.... 4, al! nrer tho moon try. that It 11,...t
•attnot, but 1:11,1 tmeh the .•a.e. A
;min, whoa., name an fantail It , loam,
fa loin.' out of tv. o hund , r,
eouplo of altar - per+, inn the (.1e•olland Cr - m. 12,
ahtch urelred bee*. last After •••I•Ung . '
the liar - man out of tin ftmount, they trlud
thefr hands , upon Sir Stuart, 1 r
soling .:r the
Third wanl, Allegheny, loft the latter
their lrluk, and tine Caln approarhlug way
elatfou at the time, the ruatuila Junwo.folT
Cowbiteled.—Conelderable •rettennent W.ll
einesalorieft at one , . our Skating Parks • ilAy
Sr re. .40, by n laity vrielonlng nowniii. an!
in) ing it et - got - oust) on the blek of n rams h..
by the sea) took the matter lery
o rusistitnee ut got ont of the way 0, 1•00,1
/13 The eifiibluet of the mom,. hi lie
riokutefl for frorn the tart that ah, .s/ (MCC
t • ire of the parts whom she hot
t, ha.laufieeeOeil itettiii i ; yore.. fr im
lir: Win:l man 11/ •t want s fr fin
Arresi of n Ilapponecl Irceadiery. -1
at. 1.1n,..1f I ttf, d
~-•t• ;tiro , “11, Uo , •rio.
cfon of tt..• I.! .4. t t..
t tat Ile • a. t... ttn, u
plO V t 9/ 1/. VRA •15....,uarg.t.1
tn 0...“ lbs.,he ft.r. n 111 tole
ek feu tnutnents yl'
ttr Arc
.. ;:-.4 •
.1 saul ntt. d. , t1 . 1^41 hniip
t.r f urtket 11..rtn6.
To Picookero sod lehoworo.—JOty of .tu
trinnOt ho' )ntlulgn In the wend, Ita to b.
lorttttnetl a.• to.tuna tboy nab pr.te.tre U,.
h.e.l•t ‘l.l can entn•olentlOully I,,alM
rnel.,l .not to .1.11 our frtand Dan Ita4nrty.
to .'IWO. tarry.. Ha 116] the very brat ur
tivtr• and tohnten at all ttmeta. .intleprodout
of Om ettutt,an.l utottant,. 1t,..
I.a an rate follow trtrattett, au..l att. Leval tit.
itatruns taint.
ileeklaisatasig.—This morning at an
early hour, officers ❑nlstcn and Urieen arrested
three men. M. Shuster. C King, and J
a bile riding at a rapid gait on bnesetinek np
SederalatreeL The aalmalabalcuaged to MU
ler'a Livery Stable, where they were handoil
over. The parties arrested wet , . bold in suf
ficient security for their appearance this eve
ilued.—Mayor Mordant" bud two common
elll.l, before. him this morning, who pont the
usual Linn of one dollar and oasts Line of the
patties WWI the notorious Itedgato, and, .1
uimal, he had to be conveyed to the , dtioc in
Admitted I. the 6a>'.-On Taos,'ler tv
Peebles 11111er, R.Q., was, on motion of Thos.
H. Marahall, Coq., admliteul to practine la the
respective courts of Allegheny county: Mr
Miller Ie a responsible young gentleman, and
we have no hesitation In saying that anything
tai rusted to hint in his profeasional capacity
will be bandied with the utmost carcoiktil and
• WilgtaL—Tvo men named Rittengard eon
Colgan, undertook I pugilistic .100011:Or at a
private boarding bonne on Ohio street., Aare
gbeny, yesterday evening, and were pummel
ng each other in true artistic style, when tn.
terfered with by officers Scott and CompbelL
They were taken before the Mayor, and tined
leodol.arn and a bail each.
liall.—A ball will take place nt City Ball,
Illreanshsto,on the inb lost., the neuronal. at
.bleb will be donated to the benefit ,of
Hearn, oho lost a limb to the army Ilse-doe's
celebrated band will furnish the mutate for the
1866. agrat 1566
comprt.ina w< tolluw Ing Ora I r ,
/grantor BAYARD; lieo. D. Mau+, 317,t, r.
,tatu,tr WINI'IIFSTKR, A. A',
.`,trar+rr CITY; J.
ItOVI 1 TitIr—NTEAnIXII 11 41 - %BD
•••% Patt.burAl, c•try Monday and Inut• Isy. at
11.. • to.
rver, nur at
9 .3,p. tn.
• •
,g • rty ! 1.. tas . at
L. are. P 41,1,,,.., .rt, 11 rilLe -I, At. I
svca Whrela, nr e. 1”..•!, -atc lay
at 9:alp. so.
TIIi vT Y.AIIER nairsT r I l
Pax te ',burg r.orry 11. m Jai Acul I 414r.1ay
Wticeling cicry Tuesday maJ Fil.ty. at
tTF..IMF.R 1'161,11
I rn‘ra rarter‘l;:r, rv. ry uisday Awl Fr, , ,.., at
rtlng rye, ,throola, acol !satunlA7,
Learn.. r .1..
e...m ti ednr-d . ay Ntui Sato,
day o
1... ,
..e•N ha chug et rry rhumba) and Sunday, at
onn. rtion• aol g down aro made at Wheeling
awl Relish- with lb, I L-eland and Pittahurnh train,
a Well Ploviontals at .03 p. In., and Cleerland
n. m. Aloe. with [mina of Pittohorali, Fu r
Way ne and Chicago it.lway. which t Chti - atro
p nn al Marietta will, Marietta and Cin
cinnati ifititruad, and with yeamora to all pointy on
the Munkinaun. Myer: all. at Para.-share with
retro' train on the ilmitimorr and Ohio itairroatt. and
t. b Daily Lint' Meunier. to Pomeroy, Uallipolls.
Ironton, Portmoullt, Mayt, II ir and Cinc.nnati.
tra On Up 633 p. connection. aro "nada at Ovilair
lih Glevelehd and Pittiburgh Railroad, Mtn a.
train, by which pamwmotra arrive at Cleveland at
1:0 p. and at Chicago at 7:00 n. In. 4:m.134434,4,1u.
JAS. COLLINS 436 UO., Ageut43 4
At IV hart-hoot. Foot or NVood
I' mrs it it Ito 11.
Where trelpht will no nre.ired each day, up to FAXI
PnedIVIIIE.—Tno splendid pa
R "l
ev TR IN . s snort 4 , N TIIE
Or hclahl or ❑{,l7 up D• Ill or
V g e e „.
u and Lifirit
fry ( t.°tl7l." Su"ir„;rus.". l- 4711".,:n:tat ones,
1“111 In turuttuliate porta, Cu Tuts 1)Al, at 4 p. ut
V" VF ' e ' en
/a9So. a W.., t.
it E lt i lt j t4PELlN P U A illl i trYTAtriggle
AND EANENV —The doe 'Arai:per t.,131 A
1.11(AllA24, Capt. C. It.tiTULL, 1r 1)1 Irate Mr the
144.1 all Inter - tut dial.: ports at try TUE4.IIpAiI!
- -
OflLE4Nl3.—'l6t. nett ulde-ortacol -
RUBICON Capt. It Art.ltrr
Will lento for the above nod all Intermediate port
DAY, slip. nt
Fur :night orii.mirtitp A pli ( ou board or to
./..1). I'OL i LIN wool,. I Agv^"'
wed.. The INIHAN LINE, railing
CARRYING U. S. 31.M1...1.
'rickets gold to and from Ireland, Engl.4l, Scot
and, Germany and Inner.•
Apply at the Company's (Mem
JOUN G. DALE, Agent,
wont 16 Broadway, N. Y.
rrrrsat• tu.a :+1 kith VT.
Banker'. and Brokerm.
No. 75 Fourth Street, PlttsburTh
U, , ,r. 1:... ktn.l• 0..
111 PITT , Itt 1t4.11 *TM h N Alth I. I
K.•l I...ttu e".
ort.t•rs, 4 1. u. 7.i. risesrlls
t.,,.,1 the
• .•• v,
11,,n1k. l'.1: .1 c.,.11 , •,
Flr-t c
, - 0. 1
.t.ctl• .. 1 • • 11 , vc./
N.•11•••IILI . 1 . •• VI .50
t• 11
I r.. •••
I • ,0111 S 11 lvtial 01! -•-•
7 - 7:
M 11. E.
•• It 11.
• , a •I
I .
I u,
i•••••• Io lay below 04.1414, 1,117 R
h";": 7.
-ends.; very ,
acver..l 'aryls contrnot.
hare teen • :Oar,: 14 :';',T3r , I ,
••••• a •Lade Strr , 4 4, to - daY -0 1 In the j•s4t Iwo meek, rt.efin.,l, la hon.!, :4
•N• 1... kat Leo,. aL 114.- tog at .10 It ' c ;I an d aeri4,sed, an.: •e have no sal, to
.01 1I• r,. for r•ol.rt or the Treasury DePart - I report Yreo Oil 14 ...hint in .marl lett id
••••••,•••• ", It. P• 4" I -I' at .h." Navas is latterly tiegle_ted. al:we hole
n• a.. • ar , ‘ ;rt . - , rest 0 h•I r'on 10 I 0 I — I • aor 1,4 a single tale reported for treelcs Fl
- relative raise, lahleti worrid fw ,11 t.47.74/..5,0tj por ••I•1.
4.,101 of the (tiiver•iou 4.1 the former lat. the oc,w:ttoLubricating
a t oh the put• •-,,, ..,r, qui4t andnothlitally tin •hango I
r:or rervoires. It iv perhari4 probable
on{ ar tho pr•ohiurn dot..not rang „
or It'. the un , • ruthont • id ant risk p.llllJtg
r, 1 , , h rot. ' rig euy arhonnt on the to
he Ir4s 1°0: ~traor•nui. or Koilnes-
uf the gOl,l market, apart r: ,, nl
t.,•of ;he r•arrent eußtnms •terus,l
• t wart •e, , rt. 14 vitt let, ‘•I r 5,10,
c... 1 , 5 •• • ..nzt'unta the urt,l. ,
. it S•
, • • t , •urre,nt ‘ar, tar a ..,,••••
t g up II .e prt•tu!una.-
i.: pc, .0 1.6,111102 m.rtt•: mast erritnent lesols arc but w..t the
exception of live ]'wends, then Is no •1 , -
.led change The New York , pletsiions yr
follow 1404 4 ; /Pre Twee
t vs 1023-„, Ten iotti s
cs, 94! sever. Thirties, that
ss sistion.!, 1551.,,third.71,,, (; tritdatre,
Vet ital 'road stssdits are reported as having
opened dull but closed better—Pittsburgh,
j art Wayne k Chicago 92 , ,, Cleveland A Pitts
burgh, 119.
in our market there was nothing done to
day of any Importance. lloak sitares still
seem to be to request at full rates, and the
tome remarks is !II apply to government bends
I oleo:dila Ott could he sold at about lit' ,a
Mat holders are asking 2.1t4(12:5.
At the Now York Petroleum Board toda),
Ilenueboff Run sold al UP4; Pit-bole Creek, S.,
001 Creek, 2%. and United States, 17'S..
—The bankrupt art will be called op to: d
cession in Congress In a few days, as Mr. Jen,
Ices who drew op the bill, has already got.on
nutlet of his intention to press It upon the at
tention of chir representatives. There Is Ilt
tle or no opposition anticipated to the meas
ure, so that it wilt, doubtless pass with very
little debate. The tante feature of this Law an
compared w lib all others oo the same sub
ject, Is the compulsory part of It. Under the
(brace bankrupt act, no creditor could com
pel his debtor to become bankrupt. and there
were, as there are now, a great number of
persons doing apparently ■ large business on
no eapital—mere bubbles, that suddenly, on
being pricked, were nothing but air—bogns
corporation!, inSuranee companies, self-styled
bankers, Imposing themtolves upon the com
munity as torn and Institutions of large cap-
Itul, hot whose persons are too magnet to be
touched, which might, under the benizn In.
fluency of this law. be examined into with
benefit to the community, and particularly
those who, by advertisements, gaudy trap
pings and immense exhibits of dividends, ere
being lured to their ruin. We have had nu
niereus Instances of this latter class in our
oo n city and State, which have left an un
forced ling remembrance to the minds of
many. Mme objection may be made that the
effect of the law would be to rulteve front
tneir debts all those In disloyal states who
have brought bankruptcy On themselves by
11e...04. :3E1( . 11 Mrn would, by all means, oi
-1 I utle.and a section mlght properly be mu
sited it, te aid t ha t no cilia who has been
d I sio) a. to the te, ern min .toting her boors
at trial, or w has has given alt! or comfort to the
. nervy, sl.:1 receive any front the art.
_Th e :s e w York bank ststutlient for last
s eel!. pie, bile 011,, is very nerdy",
able, and reflects iti a fruit meant, ft.. largo
Ti asers fn. t Itit•llt Sof Ihe past tel.. TM
to,. to 90.1111, wl. the legal
Will the .1t-
1.4 14 • 64,1 0 ...`2111. Phone fig Urea rei.,..11 I
Int ' .1. ',and for dioutittilo, unit the ini
Out of tounet Into titrittiat-trettuury oil tempo
riirt Tiii• nvura;Ct• I.n.luw it
toe, In rot~ ,yin, rbt heave pa. m.,, t. kir
minion, The tonal ',inky Corii Into - io
tbett nlatloo and 111.• WTI or
currency 'untied to thy. city batik. during the
rek w I.
—The hollow log la n cow parat lye ,O al creent
of the export, , exeluelve of *peel e), frron the
port of New 1 (Irk to foreign porta for the
week etoting February 6, and *lobe January 1'
1%1. 1466' .
F o r t br t , reit .....y.1,473,M80 111,668,11 t 0,917,607
l'revioual) report 17,161,02 81,317,161 21,01,11tai
stneot ./ att I. . W.J.125.444
toi . . 1.Y.l 210 LIU
Them 1. ronsidernble anxiety manifested In
gimme end 01, lea with regard to the future
~ ectpts of huge at this point. For two .lays
past the reeeipts have been unusually light,
and ~timatev for this week range from 31,000
In 50,u0u. Under this state of opinion, holders
hog prod net are mon, hopeful, and the niar.
Nett. nil Over the roUntry are firmer In cons.
•,Inetles. It Is thought that receipts will now
dwindle down to three or four thousand daily.
The achieve, Irma lowa would moult, to
Indicate that the "run" was over for the sea
-um but there an, numerous places to the
Nei !hues( where It la reported that . ..l4 yet a
.Hlr .apply. One thing Is tertian, line 114. gs
Web have arrived here within the past week
I ave been much lighter than the averaee of
I , SA•1,0111, IMO this Is sold to Inc an tiliall-d.ak
.,1,1e nlgn la line end of the erop.
Grain In Illore at
/1 moo.. t of grnto In store lien• on tlo• 1 , 4
Inst.. In reportetl by olovettont and wart Itottoom
to the Sorrot,try of the Chazottet of t
1. t, Collette:
Fr., I, I.', l
hii,:. 1 , ;S:
Wbro t, !1n..... ..... . 1 214.091 .7,13,077,
turn, I u 114. , Z1'• 117,61 n
t h§ht, bu sdtio; I 2,100
ha. ley, hu 1.,432 21.4 q.
Rye, hu 13,0,01 Jon°
y..i, 7.—A fair demand prevailed
• .a sem rh pig, and previous full priers we
ell maintained. Amerleanjaa,buwei, ~r, hat
been tram aml some holders were "Reline
. •
I,t r, Abimt ton. o f the latter
y PIP pool yt VA for !lurch delivery; lytii
-ten beet. nlined for zutotber lot of Can ion,
Iu "caul, the tnansnetionA romprlsnt no tons
non, .1111 Or prement delivery at 0 , , 0111! in
ir•to Enwholon lu urrive On privnte term-, lie
lots at litevintlii price 4, stone +d
-1,.g us high .040.1 for the (railing brandy_
Fee. 7.—The otr , rlag , . or Clover
,xre, of the demand, and the market
dull,tbough prim* are nennlualle unchanged,
Some ludo* were made at 117,150, but conceaslonor
would he neeet.ealy Job:ulnae buyers to lake
hold r ely. Timothy reed um to morlernte
at 44,15(in,” tor prlule sample% Flax
Kan' nzd thausad at 403,45.
- 1. -..4.
P ;' - V;e
li t t t‘ t S.
7i, 1: I•- .
- 1 , 6.1
(P C%; -fi
40 Ir.
or., .sayn that . 4 Lt r.
TO the ~tur. SOMO surpr, -
(Ft on) !ho Chicago l'ribune, 7th.)
Now York Iron Market
Lisciouatt Need /Market.
mot! , • , V, •
TLe un.l ~,•0 0.
Jr.' i _ mcteri7 J. tLr Iller .1
1.1.1 St •11.3
mt• 4114.1.• 1111; ,, ,t111 , 11t B
n.i/1111', art htry.n, •—•
.0 •
4`.•rn matt.",
..• ••°
1,4,1 i!
nr , leArprcr. r•tr,ro
ttr, r Irri
f.t. r
t I -I -
The, tr
fl r•• Lt, wln• *lO ;
.tu 11 • I
n rl 1 . 1:1
' att. ,
\ 1 , 110 \
II: I b./ n
140 ro' t !Live II.•;; ,
t V 11.• I: 1, In
/.•-:i 71 . ..". - T .3
:. I ry .
• •‘,l
,I!ttle 1•0 .0
On! Of r
..: 1,41 . 20 for • trartr :.t.
♦Cho. erheetl to Ittl•
prr act.r.r•ratir to road!!
I im ir..0.1 demand .1 No
Plth rnns - utttr *le. ft,
k•. , rtt nt $1,1:51, ta,:o In, 1,311,1. and
• I Ltarrt.l—otOstly ut 14 1 —
ItYANq—Sult. 'I hung, 411
not 1.., butt .
ttll. La:4 it, : al
Orrl , r. Or TOO rtrr.,3014
TOrlirrlAr, Fe!/.
11, mall:ot bon, Crule and lit an,...!
uu, dull and ne;derded, and the Inda•att.rts
at pr.:scut, It rhuat lro runtr.elect, are.not eon
..rt./ I 1,1 6.,!e fur any 'Darned aara improve.
went. Tho 4upp:, of (rude• 1,1 thlt mu rk, t
Loa vr, 14 although fully up to the .1e
: tr and. nr.J quotatllm4 may I. foirly given pt
Ul and tml In ell/dell. Metiers
an;! 1 , t114, a!! at 'loeents, Phis return
: eo Sur future dui ter:, there seems te,
-• .or reline, generally Heron
n. .l to 141.1.1 off an.lrun 'Le chance, of
t` • Lr,:iert nn epen`ng nuv:g.LV. , n,
i.altte .ng bop-, teat by 4n ,teirut . t.l. +l.ll
1,14 o, 1 . 4 I-4.
114 , ,731417,774 for 51,,r1n. - ;
-So I ost - a ..orlaw4 wilcat iwtter,
at 11.16 it No t Nprlng tlit .44 77q4!?.e. Corr
lc 100 or, loot for No. I. ao:
rort 4.4, 4 4 at' for No. I :4-4 It
for No ston
No. I, A..nd 47c for N. I!.
Will,. N•10(11 If • I all-:-t
Ittittriettr,ts—t,tutet but nn n. %. I
is O,W tor
5.1.,0rt 1111 , isn.l
al; Ruh, 0
" at 0,7 , (PPM •:.1..,:.•er• 04,
:3:ly •ur ed 1 . 11:1,.,1 Hum- •• - .1 , 1 34 W, , j•Cr:l;r••en
Dres44,l .; 1111.73
atl.l I,le r, 'a:es
+ v (4174
1,3,),34Er. •0•1•1-;
410,7,411,Z. Itectlrts, .1 41 P ,13, q , is. 1 0 9 S.
1,11 bogs•l. 3,141, , Rtilp.4.l, 343; market
let told 1313•31•11,3,•etl, •al4, 4.4,,,)t•f. 10,
•r:.6—Active u.rid 13e, 4rtlrr , tt 444,341447„14).
rrecht. Dtspfkt,l3 t., the Vt"....itertt.rma.
filo , 1 mut, lobrnary
relro:enm .tork2 firm. ItennettolT nut, 10,5.:
12,3 , 1.anan Farm. '55; Lace 9rt i .. orre2t
ounty, 5; UII L. 5,03; Pit 11010 Cr.a. 2,13;
}'artn, 00; 130nzle!tcdt an.l Piths:le, 1,3, - ;
Now ter and Allegheny, 5.75; New Tork ant
N• 3211, sae,tol Natoaut!. 301 Pittner, 10:
I 2,21:at, ttl.o, 2.5; ,culnard. 05; 111-2S:lley, 251;
Grosonst, c,7r.; r.olivar, 3,70; West s .'i:;;lnte.
oat and ill, 10; Shade 2,24; 1:n1tc01
,eto2, 17,W; I%ebotcr, Ftrat National, 41;
Near York, Philadelphia and nallano2e, 20;
Oceanic, (A.
rilllll2C4e and Trade to Now Tot*
New TORE, Feb, 11.—The Exprems says: The
dealings In railway shares at the early Opon
board showed a tame market, and prices gen
erally r traction lower. Al the Stock E =hangs
there was more lane and firmness, with a lit
tle rails- from the lowest point. Governments
were firm, with fair Inc airy. State bends firm
but business light. Bliscellancousi Rat gener
ally clearly. Coal stocks gale; and lirm. The
stock market at second regular and last open
hoards ass streaker, aim there wee' a sharp
rally on all leading shares at the close.
The following wore the closing prices at
CAI r M.:
Nen York Central 'l7s:„'.?tr Erie 19jri4;9y,;
Madsen River lintowi, Reading ICO4MLOR,;;
lcYciano and Pittsburgh 5a?,,040,!i.; Rocs
The 'imply of money. both at the bank and
In open market, continues In xce.Ys or the
wants of stock broker', and the Market is
cry, tlifty. Gold closed firmly aktllo%. Steel
log Exchange quiet and steady, at 101N,k , 1074-:
fox bankers' bills. The supply' of neaten Ida"
large, stud rates irregular.
The Ckenntertuol says the stone market ex
hibits rather more spirit and a slight mew,
rt . ) of tone. , The imnrovement, however, ap
mars to be purely spasmodic, arising nut of
nn etrort of ball operators to produce a reae
tmn from exlsLing depression. Moro fayora,
1,10 returns from n few of the roads give a cer
tain degree Of countenance to the movement.
Now York Markel.
NUT{ 'lons, Feb. S.—CorroN—Dull, and fully
cont lee tr, trt 141; for to bldltog, obief -
13 td.
rxot a—Actlve; high grade,. xdranced Vic
1 , 4 ; utroolm firmer; white nneound,
.11 and dye] 117,40a,,0u for Extra Ernie;
e3OQ - s;0 for Extra It. It. U.,V...010..1) for
Trade lt,n4lK. Tim market clo,ed stgadY.
11.6.6T—Du1l and nominal.
bent is lea" Joe er, at 1...441.77 for
Amber Milo. auke In store anti dultversal,
nod 1,7 n for choice No. I Chicago Spring.
',l'll aid about ono Cent lower; at 77 , @79
for unsound, and 01404 (or sound !IL'aini
nln moue and delivered. The at ter are the
pro 're (or sti idly' Oat" area shade
ai Me r, nt 4taa-la for unsound western, and V. 4
57 for .mmo.
I • cneo~er,l —DIIII, at 31 for eknd 14 . ;1.3
for refined lo 1.n.1.
Prot mtost—Pork heavy. at 01t1,7itaM,...r. , 4 for
New MI,N, clo.lun, l (C. 4,15 regular:W4osi for
ditto; 5rAf.5p2t."1,30 for Prime Mess, and
8'1,50+311,;5 tor Prime; also, 5,753 harivls ?fuer
Meaa, for February, March and April, sellers
and buyers' option, at 4 - .V,C.P-44 , 30,11' , 4. Meet
stead% , al sl6,4arahee for New Plant 41335. and
$ . 21,t042t,te for New Eatra Meas. B4Mt Mims
unchanged, at (1.11,00g12,50. Cut Meath steady,
at 114ely for Shouhders, and 16 , -‘4ISe (Or [tams.
!Mom lireemed HMO (Ica], at 1i! , ..@12, , ..4,1;
for %Ventura, and 13140Suie for City. Lard
.1! Ito firni, at 15 , 041e...c, and small lots IL
hotter firmer, at Uldo, and `.:Sit3de
r Mate. CNuese active and demur, at
the latter prin., for 1101 Ce.
New York Enoch and Blaney 9tOrket.
14.,10C, reh. P.—Money, easy and steady
Pi foikt per tem. lot e.di loans. tiold,
r - pentngjd 139?...y,advu.netng tosl4o', and closing
Sterling, dull and lower, at 10711@le7U.
Government Stocks Wert without ,any de
cided change.
icalght. to Liverpool were quiet and grin.
Stock., strong. V. S • tre,s-11ixitlperre, of
do do, %.5, 10_!..,; Treasury Motet,
series, 09!-.4 tilde and. Mississippi.Cerilflcates,
:MM.,' tactile Mall, scrip, 170; Central, ta1 ,, 4; Erie,
7a; do preferred, eni; nucleon, llt:%; Michigan
Central, 181; Michigan Southern,MX; !leading,
Pittsburgh, eititi;; North %I esterix ; 2 , 4;. do
pidel red, Stx; Fort Wayne, 01%; ;. Toledo,
N'tclno,h and IV eatern, 91; talent° an Alton,
preferred, 117.
( - tar ta,Art, Feb. B.—ltorn—Remala.4
and steady. to—Wbent bo fair demand, at $1,90@
t,eo ior to. New lied; Corn dull, as CZIe for No.
I -I,ellra. oa.• are dull, X. for NO.:. Rye
....wry, at 7,5 e for No. L
II steady and In demand, at
1,414., 6.rdre5,....1; receipts, 50 1 lic4l.
I•anvlsinn,..---cidet hut Wm at - formet quot a
t _Mese, Pork, IW,cO. 1 9c r time
• lty. Bulk ilmsta Arai Lawn unchanged.
Green Shoulders mold at 0443.•
t.14,.ct. RI K. —l' lichangett and quiet.
Wri a" rind pricey, nominal.
SA a aqi - V— DUI I Lail prices nominal; Small
t free. and VOL; in bOnd.
dlueci hi aarr--G01d,159%•
Sea York Dry GorkDiDerkelt.
ri Kw Yoga, Pebruary YOrk Dry
.il ,l / 9 Exchange:
.I.hbers pnces—Brown Elhectinp,..Atlatttlo
A. ;ill, e. At Inn t IclJ,Sie; A Mantic, t •Ald; Angus
-301 Anglista, 30 inch, 21c.; Hoop
-h rte—Al ti cral A L, in fair clemandZo Bleach
to th irtings—Hate 40c; Bates, me; Hay
!t Wt ire;lhnrkstone, 3641 Columbia. la, oc, Ca
nor, In. irrlrds—Slernmeck, W,2lc; Merrimack
I tie; bpragne, Mc; Paelde, Mc; Dunned. 21'4%
ts. Glnghttni.—Laitcalter, Hurt
lord, tie. Brown Drtils—Stark, H, "Je,
-1 Cornet Jeans—Pepperelj, akt;
nottlyil e. Canton Flannel , —Pemberton, A
Mc; Pemberton , C, Tlcks—Pendartrton, A; Peraberion, E, Mc. Stri pes—Athitten
don, A 4 0. It kk;
Warren Brown, Mt; Arkwrlght brown. 400.
Meanie of - British Dress Goods by.,P, Baler
ding's it Dionnt, the importation of ,Lindamy,
Chlttork d Co., took plane yoaterday, Mho at
tendance aaa large. and t h. sold at pd.
cm* cattttatlery to the Otrants.
I , f ',cr. or TAN PITT.ItrIIOII r"
Teti T . Evb. 4. 1. , .
t .%TTlF.—Tbe arrivraltt of rat lie %rot t
parative/y 11411 t this week, although z , sup
' nlv was fully up to the demand, and the Ins/
ket still rules dull and heavy a all a itt. ,,, p o, X
, cllehey. The atterolanee Ot s•
4.111e41111t largl, than LW week, butt th•
not t tying very nv..Pr, a- the rrvw
~-turn very alseoaragaig.and ta ,
..•: y ~, ngIIZMI in •thipping t , . tl,
I,ri an, Piulasielph.d utul Lets, it Is :.:, , ..1::
lost It. my .17 dusa,,r ths ps.d I ,
. .
tab e sr rs.-
In the Eastern markets, ,aassm goo
• i e ssA 01,1, gnus , e fen small
s•suls•ise. ••1' extra .t tel higher.
c,•sa nog to regiluns cattle tsulst ni
.1 •••calawags" at tiff!,
ll•oli!..—Tnn, has Items ant endy demand
11. all a et, , and the us twice, close, arta.,
• ss.sutot tvo, and to-sley a Clam advance
.tal•lishml for - gsss.l averages. We
e n
•;1:, tat 10t,ff, , 10 , -, groan, fur grant to prime
•s a•erage.--oise or two Mulches selling at
I ad Ito demand Is fully up to no.
• ~,•• • The attendance of Lot) -es cosine nes
tos strOug cumetition anteing theta
. Irelent.), rllO, Ulan any [Mug else, tee
-111.1.1 . -11 w arrival. of •Alseep hare fallen
, • :7 •- , •sses , leralsly as compared n lth last week,
!" I , l jd'e'pc to e.: l Z
' prices have undergone on quotable
et.e ape.' We quote at 0..' to Ell:, Moss, et. the
• :cue , . of the nhhrket fur Latrint to prime
•.` I.:I -heep, although One drove , t(extra
cheep, everoglog lb., changed
u.Lnr 6. leo3.
1.. y 1,31,
Total 104 101100
Toll,: hunt .eck t 1,19 • 11.7%. 11000
slim ia , SALSa
Se: . Ruin,
,inft-r to Orr.. ...
oro pboU Loilettoor
- - - -
urn ew to Heewer....
Br,w , k • to Anderson
Cherry to Shaffer...
Phelke to Jonee
Heti 4• Moore...
fluff to Marire..
SM., Buyer.
tlulme+to Singer..
Italhi teSinger...
Potter to Singer..
Litirert) to Singer
Pope Joy to Singer
Holmes to 0rr....
llayson to Orr
Ilantill to Orr..
latforty to Holrot,. .... . 213 10 25
Reeves to ........ 311 10 50
-hulto - to Tabor 112 215 10 46
1.2:131.11 to tillebrolut , 1 10 DS
I ..1,11 to G Dottrel:4l, . 5u 2.9 D 10 95
11o:men totlllehretut . 102 /IS 10 40
3lnrkn to 12.141chrobt IU3 0 75
A. Wll4ott to . 339 10 Vi
llouolurFon to Gllchretst... 122 317 10 95
l'rnblu , to Gtichrotst........ UV 272 10 1.7.
.1 Brown to l/tlcbretut 96 290 ID 50
W Brown to Gllchrtlst..... t7l ..774 10 50
M 11 le r to I/ Bohn/int. HO *l4 10 00
W Ilsou 95 210 10 33
Huff to I.ehrnan 26 head of fairish StOely,
, eraging 1100, at 6; IG cows to Rieman, aver
aging 100.1, at 6t.i.
&leAllister to rhiffy & Co. IS good llteera,
a at 7.
jfasin ng gg:&e , tat 7. Reis .1 Co. to .11layae.s it!
Adams to &Milli 46 good cattle, weighing
67,01 e, at 6.1.. Adams to Mayne% 'a; pretty fatr
onttle, weighing at ta... Rector to Hall
t 4 swiltwags at 4.
.1. Lovering to McArdlo 10 head, weighing
1t.,72L, at a Cochran to Braden 5.), weighing
:10n, at S,x. Dolan to FulluF 4 head, weighing
ilex, la io Fuller 15 hew], teetuind 11,400, at
S. u,nr t” Fuld,' 15, A.igbiDg V. 135 0, at 73i; Ruff
t,, u'or 17, weighing a,....141, et 7.
oeo run to Kleruen 19 head, weighingZ),ool,
Huff to Fuller 45 head, we i,glilng .29,251,
Me'Allintor to Keelingl head. 9reighlng 3,000,
ut 54,; 31cAllister to .tglatrer 3 htrad, welr,latng
3;40 Ni 4‘4.
• •
'rubb to Braden. 19 head. weighing 19,900, at
5; Graham to Klornon, ..$) head, weighlnglElALs
at 6-3..3; SleElroy to }Leman, IS head. weighing
ISIko, at
,I,alTer to Scully, 1: head, weighing 17, 4 273, at
Coulter to M. Lafferty, is head, weighing
19.7.50 at Conner to Cullen, ahead, weighing
V. 75, at a.
Shoplord to Maynes, 17 head, we ighLag 14,2 V,
nt SS Sleaze to Braden, 16 head, tweightag
it,ttoll666,l, at 5,50.
Crawford to Maya® 5 head, treighlog 5,75,.
t S;J Crawford to Mayne., 17, weighing 0,550,
New York Grocery Market.
New Tons. Feb. V.—Sugar—The demand wa.
tab - and prices again ruled a shade In sett er'.
fa: or, and the market closed firm at the Ito.
pl OT ement. The sales were WO his Havana an
li ?,.,c; 50 hhda Demerara on private terms; GA:
hbds Cuba at from 10%413c,and about NO Us=
Porto R,co at Pe. The stock consists of ;nor:
q hh u d otie.ta b f i barlor to c. O S •IRe bags and o " n retain °. loll;
Isler; fair to gOod, te.346.11V.c; fair to , foot gee':
care, 11 17c; prime to choice, 1354 1.13,-. ears'
trifugal fhh, ds and boxes) MO I.Setmeado, 6il
114 e; and Porto Rico refining grafts, loyoi lc ..,
grocery, 114a01.1c.
Coffee—The demand - for primeval, con in-.
ued moderate and prices were nem, white h.,
under, grades were „entirely neglected,. nd
prices had a drooping tendency. Last even ur -,
go l ,
a cargo of Santos, comprising .. .,1= bags, T or ;
was sold on private terms. The sales 5
embraced WO baglsjava at 27 - se, gold, d td,
aid. Wequote:—ltto prime, at tie, do a.7i
,cc, do fair at 15.21555c,d0 ordlaarynt 17@17'4=
do fair to good cargoes at ISQ=e; Java, matt
at Weirle, native Ceylon at . r.d=s6e, EfaradkUe.
at r=s-41.51a, Laguayra at itleZe, St. !luring.?
at 171/VlSe,g. old net cash, detypatd. The to ,
tat stock of Rio in the 'country comprises 75,i
= bugs in iota as followw—New 1 ork 51,17;
bags, New Orleans 11414 bags, Ranh:nem 8,14,
bags and Media 5,070 bags. i
Molasses—A fair trade demand existed I;
full rates. The sale were 33 idols Porto Etic.
at 65075 c, Itebbis New Orleansat from =OVA
nod el Wide Cuba muscavado on private tame
by auction, 103 bbl! New Orleans at 41,c4
H 1,06, sit hilds
m on th Rico T h el4c. and 5a
do at 75c, four n. stock embrace
3,640 tt Lids Cuba, WOO do Porto Rico, and 500 bbl;
New Orleans.- We quote—Cuba metscovada, 3i
Siisc; do alayed, 2.53=c; do centrifugal, 30t= 5 e 1
Porto Rico, 4/3itt=e; New Orleans, Me SI,IO.
Spices—The demand was only moderate fe,
all descriptions, but prices:rare very fivtaAa.
and, If anything, en advinclog tendency wis
notieeable. A fair jobblogelemand prevailed
We quota, Popper, Wg.=.ic; pimento. titie
Wt.:nutmegs, 57 .4e mace. RV 40,=0; ce
ea, cases, 50etyWc; do mats, 55c; and clove
M., efyine, gold; African ginger, Sic; and Cii
C,Lit do Win, currency.
0.-2 cars eons, J W Simpson; 12, kgs ban:
Camp, May ben.; 1 car hay, El Bea; 2 cat
./aves, J J kalya; 3 b.:a . gbuts, Et E Sellers; 11
.I.t. corn, McElroy g Harrison; 16 bags
J Renshaw. 14 empty oil bids, J Dalzoll.
Cull; '2 tibla tle'ari Campbell & Brown-0 bdi
'rather, Popp, Baker a co; 10 bates hops,;
11' bur; s 5 his starch, Miller Et Eticketson; 1 es
states, Conrad Lutzi doz brooms, B Dal*
& co; f.OO bbls dour, 11 /41yors & co; MS do dt
Bhoutaker & Lung; I car wheat, Liggett &es
7 ears pig metal, J Wood & Sons; 4 do do, Joi
Moorhead; 1 do do, Kimick & co; 5 Inds butte
J Loillens; 10 hales corn husks, 117 Noble-.
bids ;antis. McKee & Em; 8 large rmmi, 12 bb , ,
rye dour, Meek & Armstrong; 1 hhds
School'; 3 cars oILA Wallarr; 4 do do, Flabe
lire; •B bbls sorghona, Arbuckle & co; /
bakebroecn corn, E B Mathews; 2 cars appiel
Wm Darla & Son; :r0 slot rues, Godfrey &Clar;
10 has soap, Arbuckle & Bro; 7 dressed hog
St urgeon& two.
CCErimatua & Ftrrartonort Ram ROAM;
Feb. 5.-7 sks rags, Markle & co; 4 kgs lard, ;
Kaiser 10 sks rags, /do hops, t il t eo.
Smith & co; 9 doz brooms, 11 Gerwits;.V dr;
chairs, /raiser A Liatnock; bills paper, W ;
Ilaren,• 25 brat corn, Shomator & Lang; lot GM;
dries, 11 11 Collins; ear lumbar, G Ruff; 9ML
dry apples,T C Jenkins; 6 bbls peas,DElawor.
5 Mrs coffee, 15 do mustard, 11 A Hall; 10 0e,..
diy apples, do hominy, liltcheock, McCreelt
& co; 10 bills dry apples, Sturgeon a • Bro`-
bdls chairs, RammerDealer; 5 bblit buttzt
L 11 Volgt Co.&
Feh. bbl butter, 4 kgs lard,3 bbis seed,L:
W nankin; 50 Mrs barley, Spencer & McKay?:
has batter, 2 kgs lard, Shrirer & Lazear;
1419 rap, Markle b ecr, bdls paper. PIC
Paper Go; 56 aka oats, W Bingham; Ed ska
SlanufaeterMiOf MACK and ORgt6( GLA:i
W AltE, Druggists` Ware, Bottles, Dean ohms,
ooa, he. arebotom—Na WATER trfftEl
hamper' Multhleld and Grant e ta .. 1 3 1ttabor,Canon
We warrant our
to be auportor to any 10.11'
ofacturrd greet of the Mountains. Always on ha -4.
Weston:o of the above description: All era
promptly attended to. Partlenlax attention pata3
private moulds.
J AMES novviriaii,
01113.124,, 1431 maracas Eilt.;%;
11116. T. tm1.1.4N 8 Ottita
tortsOLLIMS & WRIGUT, BrittacC;'
ass and Sbeet Metal Worker ttania
arbon and Lard Oil fbarnors. and s all Miro , *
styles -11rlitanla used by till. • Manufsetnr. , C
Orders promptly No. LID SECOND STICO:f>
Pittaborgh. Pen..
• STItY.M. Pittsburgh. manufacturer or BOIL,'"
niirry.m.WßOUti 8111C.ICS. tenzn oon and rall.n.l
of every description.
Particular sired or shaped Spikes tad RI
A. ...75
or small. made to order at short notice, A. [ 00 .::: :- ;
sorb...natant'''. band.
ASTROLOGY: - . F' . .
~. ... '.l
s-.610.:Tti. you Ears nog. an OPPor- •
l it
tunny oCW:towing your Into. Hy 0 11 - -r. .
entirely new aria scientific process, Vo
or obleb I alone possess the secret.. I
mu produce a correct Likeness et N
your Wore husband or nitt. or t -
Ir d gro o. yoe . dr u i n ie 4 , d , color mtteze re s
of youraturn panzer by rettir: , rtinpl; alp the ( - ..›'i
or rat OSSITIIO, /Wry, 0 .1111 irM5
Diggra=nani; tabi......7,,,4
r" tat , ' thrOi••,.sl-
I l'•,her 1,11".% tlwre. •
igr slleep
-Vo. A rge. Price
a e ICti 695
1.10 .3 25
175 1X 6 ti
IM 117 7 IXI
"Jra 95 5 CO
IGO 100 5 GO
.140 I , X) 5 L 2
FL 111 5 JU
Nn. A rgr. PrLet
0 40
10:1 TOO 10 19
. .:30 065
300 ID 97
PI 300 ID a
1023bti 'SO
9O MO ions
101 200 10 25