*itiobutgli - I.IIIPAY, 1,1:1111.12A ADVERTISING. RATES C.NlabliAed by the Press of Pittibarqh siAs - miNG m forme. CM tkietake of Ten Linea. Eight Wont• to the Eine. or'3-1 Itteh Spreve. ME EE . . t : - cc,. .4,..•- .... ........ i -, ', , I , . },,, ~,1,.t.• re., '..1.1tt n:..-... ...... . . 11- , ,,111 .. 'l,l lit he Ire., .tr..ka i : I I :, rt. i .. '7.1 i 7 ... 1 . Zrre ".... , 4 „ :.,... .. ...... I 7 ,. .-:;., 1 i; , C .:: , 1 3 4 ~.,.. 1 5 t . ' IT:: f.tlll . .entl. :a ... ' 7 - : et 1 1. ~ I II I C, Ihu liar 2, r.. , . C; C)1 ,: w I I,w ---7-- — 1:1111 . ..Gr..% !ILL (IN, 1 , Wl./.11. moll Us.. 1 ,3 1 '.-; ' t;`i'; '.`,'. l !4. '' -• 1 4 1 5 - ' ; 4 i 4 , : t . 4 .., , a, a, , 14 A OCIZ LUTTER • .4.. I qt 1..t , 171.1,C0 f/: lianmenr no, Ye:weary I. IN-,. rue ',:ate has just come into possession • e An old nod important doe . ..neat. Mr. IV. NI 112gheartn, of Philadelphia, has address-1 a letter to tier Secretary of the Commonwealth. in widen he rays that on the 24th of April be found among the papers of the late Chief J-o -ttte Tlighltsan, and which Inelesed these of Lis .father, Jitines Tilghman. t-e , retary or the toad Office, and Attorney of the Propriet,iw, -before the Pevolution, the or lelnal agreement. dated Jely liL, 1260, beta re:, Baltia.or, and Thomas and Richard Fenn, for the dna, settlement of the-boundary to tweet rell.Wly ..tada and Ilaryland. It ~,ts then depoe,ted for safe I; cepirrg with the H terimd j rhiladelplits,, but as the Attorney G , ner.d eteteti that it was neeessa ry occasionally to i4fer tolt r in legal proceedings, he (Mr. Man ) ttonght.prOper to send it to Harrisburg 'ectibe placed emou.the. archives. Upon its rc •Ceptionehere licCrotarr w - rote that it, importande could not be clyorratcal, and hu -.toped OW all•persone who had documents be longing Mille State would restore them, The eerecmentisiengtliv and In a ritton oa parch ment, thetniband fouls 'wing almost as per fect as they were whoa the document kra, *i rbe d etct vacating Rtna street betweery Ms. atheidesand Columbia streets, willah.patied the Senate some time ago. Went through the • House tc-dayi but.. with an amendment at • tachod-by Colonel Class, re,miring the content OiCcmnatis. it cannot clintin pass the Senate Unless its ft lends 031:1901.4 to this amendment . • 4,julte a sp!rited diheltEtsloll took place to-day - -men bill - giving the .Sheauu go Conl.Company the right:to build a railroad kbenit three miles •-10111; itibm the Ohio State into to the Wheat land Ensnares in Mercer county. Mr. Lowry dbeiredthat bilLabenald be postponed as tome r - ssits interested were expected here. Mr iglu= end 31r- gentleman Graham took the teak for his Illiberality In this matter, when -Our all Other rail matters he advocated a libei- C4Mtailley". It was, however, decided to post pone its consideration fora week. Its prindi • palopponeitt, it eaderstood, is the Rrie and - t t el lt Railroad Company. One or more letters have been received here eaklngllifOrrtration relative to the bill now be ' (ore the .Logralature, allowing the First Ger- Evangellcal Lutheran St. Johns Congre taffeta to 'tell their burylag ground. For the litfOrilatiot,l of your readers, 1 would state tititbinizet that congregation to cause to be .diF,lnten - ed and remove the bodies buriel in their trav43 - Mrd on Troy HUL Reserve town ship, and properly bury them in the First Ger man Lutheran Cemetery. a provided in hill that, the monuments and grave Eton, ar to be carefully_ reset m the now grainy/. !hat 'settee of the removal shall he given la nue German and one English pacer in I ilt.,lesralf., for at least thirty do) e. The hill t usi.ed te Mouse this morning. =I 7.irl,egiSlature of Tennessoe are tl2 )I.t.illr *CT. form of their election laws. It is Pro- posed to establish In that State the v me pt in , eiple vinicit prevails to Missouri, ace-brains to ; anion no one who has borne arms for the re bellion or has otherwise aided it, can vote ‘ s s•Tiso ObjeCti 3 On ItHELICIAIO on Friday, by one or - the rebel sympathisers in the Mace:, that such - a,-law couhlonly boanforcea by the bayonet Mr. Ihaneton, of Aiarlon, replied that if this ' t were true, it cmly proved that the rebels a - ore i ot-yot Subratind, that their-submission to Lao -; )4 . laws was 'a 1 ntgned and hypocritical, and that ll ? "e I ' ueArullt?irt'4"i -ri Mi : power. :( a truth ascebearap t:nibamnch beyond theboondsrics of Tena. , ' a AZ s „- ; S' '"4 We o ;hstertos''op Max.. The WashLueton ~,- cotrespotleirtofttlePhiladelphia Ledoer Bays il ietit Zwnlar. 4lclle'l'and tact will. bu r no m. r s e Y - I 't ~ ...fltaion In thorax_ upon that article. as Bog ' • - "'„ &dad ki the report of the tax commission. : , :tl h o2 *11.” " IS nuWas committeeosi rcr3?l:Ps°,l3l , r ,;tbeateaatnepe of the market, In the face cif the - t- - 3 = o 4 . pgrAinls . = gattaii,au - oind; A c.,„,..1.0.g.n r i10a1n that popular article.. i Tan' arriOin . .karierof the magnideent jew. • 1 eisbelon at g t e. I,Xttipresnehaelotto, under ' 1,..i ..Pletergie n *nand' repairs, has given ; , 1 ;' : 4 S g o r t C , 1' 6.1 1 4? '4 1 Vs u a r ''''' ,7 "; t n been People n p e d e e t o s sY l oad that e i ~ ,_„3,.... Volt 11413epotied of. the Whole of the wed: ' ' : :hig diem ads of the Winces - 3 loalse nod I which *del nit the dower X Leopold' ever 1 - w_ pl l3s wife. a daughter King Lords ..:-1 ' ..Laggozmas marriage le t h e subject of goa -1 /fp In hew Tor M. am. -, boarding at the j- IfeetzWponten•Hotel, and pose - easing a round • hundred theasand dollars in her own name, . [ - , reolsatl- y became enamored with a good-look -4 r ingbarber Of prepossessing appearance. As a , result theytwore on Thursday, Joined in the . Undo of wedlock...l . " , • .A. new railroad is to bo 'built in Wisconsin, -;) . next irdtotaer, from Darlington, en the Racine 4' and XlseiVrippi road, to lifilwaukee. • I ~'. TnicriClOir ot Om E. F. W. Allston, wirer .l le3 a boarding and day school in the trolumas $ c f l:tie Chalice= Daily :Leer}. ' 1 , i - ria 4a ttr u a lli g tfarte L :Z 4 74l2:a ' r= ' ,# 'l' 4 ` .,,,....., ~,, to rolut Lookout. '3 ' s - ' L ' Tau Newrricans Crescent Bays the South di- n't want , peeches, but money and mules. .. Tind.ferdatiwith eloquence. - Thelilanntiseluven of Pennsylvania. •.;* ' _The lietitt,se Interest of Permsykvanla In '7 i ' '2l:lluniiittir,egilii . shown by the censits report 1 ' ;.o.fllriVreeentlynablithed In eitenso, Inc stn. '.. r• t.lsties beim ias follows: 1 ~. 'Nu:o6ra estaidtthmenta ' 2"..,1,71.' 3 . Capital ll:Orestes:l 5119,0.4„t ..‘ . • Costr e4ts material 114477,667 1 litanhfse hands employed, male 1et,523 r., ..4 Anntutt t et' lab; i'"l'. VV.= ,1 " - ;-- " - vane of protracts stue,r2hlai , 1 ' -11,1ifict thq at annfactnre of iron, for which : .. our State Lei inetly famed, constitute a con ' 1 cidetrablepnriton of these tin:innate, they form 1 , 7esattim an -eighth of the whole. Tho lint t."....habionel establishments devoted to almost t . :l every imagfnable pursuit, proving the exist , -Imo° of a Tat capheity among our citizens that only r ',linth prnper encouragement to 'render our able Commonwealth, with lie vest 1 ,J;sonrces, *sr thoroughly ohlt-*astaluing es 1 coy mitt hl the globs. Loa=4B by the Cotton Famine. . After a careful in re.. Volition, it has boo es. titonted tali= dozing the four yearn that the cotton (aminc,yed in England, the lots of Mantitiettrrere , milts and of the totemic, on 4,4,1 e, amounted to about forty sat nit, (or atwel two hundred mil liontOtilollars). and that Lim Loss of wages to ( .tbarreat.WY Of operatives amounted in the liamatime to thirty. millions ; ate , ling (or one —,..hundred and fifty, =Ultima . of dollars)„ more. more. The latter, especially warts dead low; nor can ,1; : th e OM ethr.be aorotudily retrieved. And „tholessorpittiamedfrout thesc.facis and figures is sad -otheri,in Cenineetion thetewlth, le, that .f.:.Eitypaniretedindton Without Southern cotton. • ~"- I notier =Oils . thatcotton' not king. If .tlapoe tiunionOte Certain, than another. " twit BoldfferntOttotcwill never again fain thoetfatultascendandynbrOad that It main ; talned for eon:duly yearn. It must hereafter take.ittplace =Mons the Other competitors aht haleant Ant Open over UM - worl d, . . _ Alt eccentric character named Moody Kent 77 dlettlArt ConbOrd.H., few das ago. A Write irithe'Biletelownal nays h o was a na ;4lXlofllassiatosed was educated at Ham 1 Tarot College, studie law; and practiced his - prCiteSsion Until. UCH, when ,he. retired. His , of money_was hie prevailing characteria- Mc L eod he died worth half a minion dollars i • 'let the eget Of tigherßelren. Ue never married; tt" anA leaver neither parents, brothers or stet ter,. .TWO or three nieces, however, and a , nephew survive him Though nominally a resident ef - Coneordatot, for reasons monaura -Ihog taxation; he tor many years kept his sar i Zenship in the intHolning town of Pembroke. • • ititittitt Ft ; CANE' AND WOOD alums, it.unKtured had for sale, Wholesale or Retail. i JADES W. WOODWELL, . 7":;09 P 7 6 P; Tat= BIISICIPT. •Oprottlo F. 4thavridsort k C 0.% UM 143. 131 rourrrit Marirr. Toin . crit 88 J- - , _ . ... SEPIV.INEYJEJI , lc SON, Mani'. Adorer: iod lirbolopolo and WWI Dealers Lot . EtrittiriTjtro 111.t i e!ttittrd,, No. 434 PENN ST. t trighlf A. 3 b sti r • 1111Atrtili. ir°,V= , ...mu.. et tntir awn to alattfoOtoso, sod w., vlt.ed equal in void Ity and style to any Mao Ufactot , r d 111 titO eq.' Otot .11 Wit ot. reasonable orttout, _TOSEIPIR -ADADIS,- rt OentiAt fi r Co i z gA r i p:;. DIAXOND and P01.1.1 - iii..7thccriore notion•)%t 1 AM IE4E - KENT& I 1P1:11A 111,1:At. LI. • ' ft of they—At , rs Tic MISS JEAN ROSMER, =ll gv.l: .1 • I" (11 ,4 ;0.14: It 0 %INT ill' k F 111' I )11:;ESUA.126t11., =la RUM tf H. J. C. .11r ►► ►►. . 1 41IgER •., !) 1,1.011 ARC a NA. WFI , DINf;. at ,e r,m.w or W..4,11J4 , it .. 9 , nntlfut ;I.cy LI. 111:11..NE.TT .41.1'. 111.71114ETT 111 . 11 NETT IS COMING IS COMING rI • IS COMING MASONIC HALL MASONIC HALL MASONIC HALL iiVORITES AI RE COMING! SKIFF & GAYLORD'S AT MASONIC HALL, TURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATEIIDAY, February tth, Tin and 10th. The iltfanagrarat point with no small gra:flirtation to their tLt of Unrivalled Performers and Eat ram.- dinar - 7 :Coy - rides and artractions, and Tag to aisorr the public thatthey have not rtogig&ed as musty pram would en able them to DEFY CORFU:I' I TIOV. rad outvir every other . traveling estatoti•hmetut !tit toe coo atry. Among th e many .e ¢nd auraeu re Ito:ayes aas Mammoth Troupe la the GEF. A T I'A.SititIASTA. OF : , .51 - EXIN'S MARCH TO THE Si 1:6,49 34 - ., teats, Reserved scan lid astats. iiKII`P A GAYLORD, AtaSrsiarsts. 11. M. W. Saireder.Agest. tratitad • puorEsson COWPER'S GRAND PANCY DRESS SOIREE—WILKVS6 HALL. Friday Beet:deg, February ellt. lu eausequenco Or the large altelleaLee expected,a diagram Cr the Hell Sage:meek prepared and nap be seen at Heitor•s, Wood Street, soberer.... for tbeareal,. g nay he sr etirrd by shear batting to attend. fehittt PLUMBING, BZO. IDTTSBURGH LEAD PIPE rMMMI'IM;rM ==! LEO PIPE 131) SHEET LEAD. R. 1,,d ! AEU cat.. t • ori, ! tLe Lowest Markt, Bak,. ! . .ym.lt, prompt 3. BAILEY, FiRRELL & IC7 FL-tr WOOD PUMPS; IRON PUMPS Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WAN STAND, .IE-Iydilaul le Itami4 Braes Wolf all kinds; fthaekTfin Pl foeso4a Faaptains; kinds of final sad Leathe pe. r 13 . 4 Rosa Pipe, Lima, piing,: (ins Pipe. apd plaparee, deRCTIPWata i coastal:alp an Pakad.ak • - Addy, Williams t Bartley's ccontrr. Ers - m'ini'sarrxn-revo Sr PITTSBURGH, PA. l*AViavavOAP4Adimkilvw of repsten• 17- 7 eadaebeol2'z''"'3""a6ld GAS AND STEAM -AL FITTING. LS ALL LTS MUNCHES, t t 7a2re k ta . attzzge r d to r bLgitr r leaard nod proriles OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS, SHOWER BA.ll% xrEn .115 1DRAN/ ronitan:ly oo band and made to ordar. TATE & SEITLLE, FEDERAL STREET Allerhe, enn Lumirrt f2ITRELV. Pitt.t , orgb mlailaawdly ' HYDRANTS, IRON PUMPS, I.F AIL I'll F I.T 71'5 , I . lTri 1.1.`.1 WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANS. E ll' ET MS 8 co, Plantar] T. T, MY. GAs rrrriso, Y. LO PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. &WOKE BELLS, Portables & Cigar Lighters. AL" rrEals a co, (Steceetar to stagy et.glosnt) *3:llLecKl No. la Woo Pn - Anpftrat. PA, W.& LOhI(hDLII T8;1174 FITTING, e, Plumbing and , Gas Pilling, FORCE PUFAPS, FOR ENOINEERS. ttlelN EVE & lEEtAIIR'WORS, 3411;1711:1:07El elb ClO., tiuterassor to „Addy elk Svocoo.) - 105 W ood Ett.. Pittsburgh. Pa. PAINTERS. JAMI.S X. .. . .......... Larva. LONG & LANE* SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS. No. im mum FIELD htt., PrITtiIItTRUEL. Lett...ingot all almla execntedi promptly and In anattrpaasexl elegance. o, ll l =lLnl , tpar_ltrole oo enamel.] paper_ of r u. .511 V on f t lass, made to orille an 4 sent to Designs .remg • highly art Mel• Planner. House P l alntfria donO with a regard to dot - witty hammy of color, and neatness of Onlab. •TAU work at reasonable rates. nitsbly ICIMOWN, Mato of tho arin of Ilsiairrf a 1110anOW.) ELUI2n=II 110IIBE AND SIGN PAINTER, North Etut corner of ThlrdAncl ?darter threeta Z 32 RICH !MACHIN - TICE 111.4 • TIONAL BUICK MN:IIINX ro4tos. with ouly tßO•tor. POtet, 30,1 XX) splepallet•UtiCka per day *MC Well defined edges nnikuAtiorrh tengthi. the main* does not perform tehAt'vre thins for it ere drill tale It haek 'and-refund the mount. A 4. dreesAISBAM RfAiIJA„ timer:Li Agent, Li , ad Wel t New TM. ocm I= EMI = ME= NEXT WEEIk. NEXT IFEEK. NEXT II EEK. OM I=l NEXT TO rOFI OTTIOS. 07 ALL acsCaI7TIONS. =I - SPECIAL NOTICES. COMMISS'ION MERCHANTS AVER'S AGUE ( - vac, for Ile s rune of Ynt , -onitt.nt /• 1 .4 4 f- 4o ' I ' lien ' 111 protl, 7: ,1- I' g rottatln g in Mt ?wog Jean.,t, /aria o micm4te Cpwrltraro. Perri an.l Anne Iv not tbe •••t" ,- ' • • tatanssr.Alc polFon. A great vnii..{) ol •:•,. (torn 114 ltrl,LltAl. In nt ••- oos/ Hon Ntut.,•nla Fn. nnt.t, Iltntlarbe 4 To.otbaoh, I riny•r.,,nt ••' .ti 4.; In 11... , to-r ?n Eliti ME= ..urr c 1,5.1 ' A. I f 1111 )11d.:TAnIAI,A t it '/lETIKOE V *ACM TURKISII IA 4114/1,Y.41 q 1 / 4 14 roBll% = BE I ITT URFN-Ilst , ABU . f1:10(12.111, 1,11.1C2i LAN. . . ft ka.tett keite.:L.,t 4., Whet ,tn De won ,coptah.ttn.en.ityth/ng that ert:i beantlfr". resthry naturt.', aces by stopplag the Itaa fallizi set. re...to:leg Its tiaturn,...lot, nateLmi t t tre varlen.... anti te...ttat , leaatel to putting p It..cor•tor tear ur , eent ntyle and re,hlon and It ts. d•-e,t!, J•S .....la • /i.m. To-n an I'. ptoa rofcr pen tn on, • IrivO li. It le ncl:.oxleAHW I..enutlat r Qt . t 00, Obi out] Mel+ d r.0 . 1. 1 10. tn.. u..rne. In tUrt.e) In + run,. n e=ertc.l --tereryeehetee wllere Ito • eltaniolvnl , n • e:t.,ern--it Is pronoutwed the It,' latm Ftettl... 14 +row ell metntlr poa th at ar e tt.tu untt,r tnine.l I , wIbI al+ It I. Oa+ vatta, I — , [ l ,lthtt herb.. ttc•rtlflilly put up. 11 on v. •,1 nt t+ thr IC F.. h. 1.. ,'d lISKSTA.h. ft ' A O. rs, othl Cadad ./ a I I'd LAME. d hu. 4 . .. 11 ,rlLet rt... C i•ITTSL Mal SAW Won HUBBARD. BRO, & CO. Cr acTC - Lrls PiTUNT GROUND CIRCULARS, •rrattrd C\ %WA. of very clr.-rlp ,,. 6t, t.aag, and all •: tent thd, V 1 ,4 ur 1 SP RINGS. 9514 e hom It a 4 itt.‘.rEit. D 1, 1. ti54lV.P.%„t . . . Cie Ai a 1 , ..1tt oo• troiWort, c.,-taer W tad attention iuld to reJeum.loie ctralghtrolux repalr. of rar.chic. l and re.uotstOtt rated. ap,:ty BAJONUILL & CO.. Boiler Makers A. Sheet Iron Workers. 140. t. =. 21 and 20 Penn .trout. 11:tetnyr /enured s tar,' yarn, and.lttcnlelsoLl It with tr, aoa( tlrprneel Ton , - wore, .o.tr.ntertere of P.IILEP.A, mnn,. •c , l , Y•rranto..l to any ma.le Ic ln' enuntry. NG, FIRE / PIPES I.o , uliteTlVl3 HULLERS, CUM UENSF.RM, bA LT I . A 'IA NILO, 011, STILLY, 11,1 TA YETTI.I , 7O Orb. 1101LIIIL I geN, 11111 l>, 5C , •.1,12. %NISI ~ n ,l tmatatleacturrre nt HA LIILL 'fl PATEN HUILELta lignalriaq .w. On the .613. If r` LAKE 101 1 191:R1011 COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS I= PA:11.11, MoCIIIIDY & CO. 311DratweLeern of CUEATitLIV AILIZIE.EIS• AND HO-1 r.oPy4R...rl:l>ktrD COPPKII 13 , YrroDi P.AISED Utrrrow. Iset.:I•TIZR SOLDER: Aleo. Inapettere . k gq dexlers META 21 , 1 PL A.TE, WILT C0n.,t1a;.., M VAIN VA snd TOOL 4. ttousr.Z...l.lPinbr and 2:4 - rAIG burgh. Spec Isl. Orders Of Copp, to ILLIT aefitred Natter"- rarri:tyd.l.r GEO. D,:1t..13 W. D. Y. r z - 4 ,127" LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. .rtxxrr-zxra. .42 csor. Muz--rArtunr. of C PAT Krn I V , : PI vlft 471.1:1 , 71t1gt) , 3, A \L}',. ClI W. s.. ♦b` • :ler•. WIMERT /Y. itOII2IISSOIN,RCA h. CO, ( %tic to Snc!rr:.v. & WAlHiliflDlff WORKS taludec. au• nts. P IllsbargtL. 1114L-tuturersct EVAT AND ST kTI , P , It KT s 1 t t. 1.4 t:11 , tl.Aer E.N•ii MIL!. It E RlN_c., Fa /WTI 2:41 .s.ff I - 44., Oil ? TA liW3 ar.4 3TILLi,DOLL.P.I4 AND w.,RL; tv. IV, rATIIN T 11,1ticTOE for ire,Urs r.4 . ?-i - .IIOILN COCIIR. J(& BRO.. 31Anufacturers of !LAOS V A ULTia AND VAtIT DOORS., IRON RAILING, WINDOW ABUTTERS. viL.Naxicc GU ADIOS, Alt., Irmv STAIOND lad id TBIHD STREET. between Woad and Market have on Land • variety of new patterns, (sou and plain. suitable for all porpotr•. rtrtic - d4ar done paid to entio,tivg Grays Lo. Jobbing done at ehort nods, szi Mr3l.l. l ‘llooD ! HOW LosT— HOW =IT(JILED:—Jars Zublte.terd, to eird envelope. Pmer *1: routs. A I.E.C7TV RE UN THE NATra.E. TREATICENT end Itedlcel Curt of Nrrroae3rrtre, er Pwr..tual Wrercelese, Inrolenter, Lusserions, eeiwel Debtlitr and trapedlturetr ferrtayegrqcrelly: N.rl - ranll•6l..s,Coneateptton. IP:e rr.y VI": NAlued Playdest Incapacity, rw. tint:lng Se.lf...loure, de., Or /10essr C yr...Li, M. 1.).. rethor of th.e. •• crern trJek." tr. • . A Or,ON TO TietrirSeaor of earrsucese." sem leader ore I,plaln eurelope. eey addree.„ Put Paid, ea receipt of HO certtn, or two -17.0eenge Dr. Harsr.o.2l Bowery, Now Yea, rad • o . Ilex. A.:10. • ,• 5w7:414.11, I w.. t . fr i• NE8.1701111 MVEFEALEI6IB, having betti ß rtar l ZEß,Jalt n gfNalip.v., tactitergotog tCc tottlatroottar:and torozularoxpomloo utoo9 tropt.oattolthoat llostot, co WO. *wed Itatylo'tootworttitd to ttt4 aCteted folitne. .creattues , Lb* ineuts d VW, Zeocat.oallitureotkipt, o f red r = rio rzaoye, , t4ll atisilt4LoO. OPT :°l7glogi Attt2( IFtilton rtrifL , op.t..l.ltlyd.tlet SENT F : Pazaphiet or immense Inpelessee LO the old and tVeet lutd atagle, et troth 4...ga, b• A 12-ust o rrt ._te ez. - OVIZirk h 0 ; / oX 72, ' nts lb. t. 'W"::311111E" 1111/11ALL CEILILMIHE ,csi -vi E T, p 3 I tti r . DI A IsAll.t god '4:6"tgTlPLitag a ta&% d ittor. 24rA Asthattalltm.inalo4l.loW6 re. spi:l7 DEKReir TAILORS. BOYS' OTEILCOATS. BOYS' SUITS. All Styles and Sizes A LARGE ASSORTMENTS Al Great', Reduced Prices, TO CLOSE OUT WINTER STOCK tilled ir s LOChILArp =I No 47 FT. Cr errivr.T. HENRY s. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, %Of:171111S1 COMER Of PM I. ST. CLAM ETIZA Ftrruenou, ex. ?AL.. itreat :Measure In an annettillif tp his httnirroll• ne tome re and the palate generally, that his pareks. see and arrangements for the NI eason ars now turnplartml. hating have persernally stitched from lb. 11..t-elass cloth bons.. In lba Eastern titles. Maly vealZS else, of goods no en, really be rtooninumtlea, veal Derr :breed. which =bra°. the neseent and mos approyttl materials and styles, the entire sloci be log eery large, varied •nd eeleet. 3Le. lisle has much confidence In Instant an early Inspection. n. I ', l l . 2,';°'°ftrirot!`;`,.:4°.°oo°,lll`4%,.. Melton Clothshnd other new misting., nee style for entire ,alts, - • • A great variety of 000 ea.-triter. tor P.ls Pests,(o , morning nod ore ping wear. ealte CARFETs on, CL OTHS Bto. MeCALLVIIPS CARPET STORE .Mo. 97 rourib Sired. • Mosaic and Allanluster Rugs VELVET RUGS, EMbrOidered Piano CoVers, SHEEPSKIN MATS. la - nr...v - mnrmr.areicircircs And r,ery d.icrtptlon of Carpt•tt. REDUCTION IN PRICE OP - 40.AM , INT/EI. erepara.tory tolattojr,FcC notooal.,lomlorlcuotn t t o lco rtug :tiona In ak;to, oor choice sad extenitvo 'tack of Carpets, tour till Cloths, Window Shades Damask, Rep and Lace Curtains, Car- Dims. Tassels, Loops and Bands. tmobtloit oat eastostorti to mate HOLIDAY PRP BEN" of P"a"TcYartilVDThltiltitr ttonso f 3 Plait woof. dd. /el Houma th• root (Woo BOOK_ S. . • Elf TO LOVE ; on, DR. S. if LANDINGCELEBRATED INFALLIBLY LECTURE an PIIEBIULDDICAIs FASCIN ATIMN. Ph Edition. Just OuL. 11 teat.. yon to charm tbo-.. yoo 10701 boor to redeem straying companion.. It contains intim peelpts worth it roPiog. Mee, It eenta. *MCAT PRIVATE 88 , )K for 31 AP WED or DROWN PERSIINS. Every Lady et. barrens. Primtl.(l). Bondr i 000 r ei th er or boa: to T. A. ETU :4 IL 4 44s b. Charm. aro.. taiadeltaia, a rti t oe ' ive . by!= t r toalL to pasta lope. • li/3 ' ttargsbostsjo• sy:" atop aoso DADA WWI J. a AI.TICIS I & N.11.1t. 0:41111S410 A,. •I \ I• , Pl•teaters It. OHM": rr••1,1., - ‘Youri an•J rt,‘ A. I:ol"T'f'R. t fly d. S111:1'.11t1) '11.1.1t1.1:% H 1.41,111 e. Prodttee 'I • 11, I I. I. W1,1,,,g. r.• , . r • ... tattor•. Hon, •. 0t50.... Flour. •• • • : lo sc . l .1, EMI 'l.Ol. t.. 11 .IN. CO., itttee•o‘org to C. . 1 r• . . 1 1 1 . 1..01N Icr If iii .0..1 I 1 . .1 I rttooc• t . . o r ,•• r!toITV. 4. mt. or r - r. 1 1 ,1, ot.e. 4,1/111 KNOX & SON. Conomisiion • 1.1F.1:i llAST , inlflioxiier-Itirtor I . OR 4 1S, )4111.1, sod rnor,T.TE 5 ,,. ) eppri•lte City Hull. ,3 :tre“. 41' , t, W ILKINS LIN/!IART., Itsiciteit: sr, .1 0 t ' . tit-rub,iits to. 1.1 LIBERTY olRl:r.'l.l•lte,r, 4. . _ E . H. J.I( K, I= _ I ITTI.E, [LAIRD h P A Tiros • , Wit... 14,41. 4: rot.. r.. on,nt'•101! 4.1,11.11t1:1, and drd'er, Proddre. /lour. 7.1% , ,n, LI end I.Krd 1111, G L „.. vi.ol l'itt-t.rgh manniadtur. k-endrally II: ...ad 111 4 and -I rt rl, It. ( 'ULP & SUEPARD, Commission nod rro. 1 Motet bra ti.f. •.f 1 lot: r for 1,0.1,4 an .1 1%401, - ocn.tantly on foto, Pra21 , 31•1• - 11..1.141; artier .for g,eryliy Y. P. lifY.K 11: M. P. BECK &. CO No. IS ntrert. Pletobnrcsh, 1 a.. brwen. 4 olanll.lon hlernhantsnaddes.ltra In u P un tr, rvdva., Pro', talon, Bacon, Lan.. sto tcr. Egg, thee., etc.. Pralucc. I , lour. Oran, and Drkd tia, Salt Rod Lline, Jyl3 01111 N CoOluruisgion .41 Fo - vrardba,g tds-rnbant sad wtmleaele Icahn In Wrnlern Iteeerve Chen., I.nrd s 144 , 4. U . llour, }lab, I%n nod rear) pracratw and Lard 011 a Dried Avlt, wad 14-,:1:4 g,ormlly. Non- 144 and no Front Plttabursz D. narraa J. A. DuArr. • :11AVE h nerrcit, rnoDucE, .• VorDmtsso, and For...a - Mid{ St , rUtitu!.. a ! ' . 'l l 4 ka T. 1 tt l ß a Pl :t e r ' e h e " Jl"ltta ' r r i ' rt! DALZELL SON, Mann ., !actor - era of Lard oil. and t'orunaLOton Merubanta fur the pa rettaae aud al, of Crude. aura fleharat Po. troterma, Nov ua arid 10 Water street. ritjaDdrigh. .Advaaros made on C01:L.16=3(.12U. (11O.11ARER & LANG,. llTholesalo L anion In Orocrrleo, Floor, firain, Produce, Pro 'Jolene. Plo.b, tTb. rte. Fait. Carbon Olt. Nos. and Pi 11... ad Street. tour Litre"sy Street, Pittsburgh. Ps. et13:17 GLONGL A, 11140 BEAD . 1. Mere Z ta lGli nto A a n n3 d G ret.role r :ll ( l!l n nit d . of Country Prt.dure and Pintsbnrgh Msnutocture, So _lO Liberty eitt"-te, votroeit" treed acKl•trrel, Plttaborgh. 5P2,17 I;JETZIEII &. AILNIMTRONG, Fear -I 44,41:4 sod Ctitocavelott Ilerchsots, for the sole Flout, (sralrl, limn, Lord, Rutter, Heves, lerted Fruits, and Free/tare M le arket Street, rnrorr of Irina., Pittsburgh, Po- fr2ely kiiLACE, COMMiteSiOn Ater -A-f• 01.40 sod VI holrftode Dealer In Flow •nVintio. \u. 000 Lib•Kly otmer. oproatta Prote) I•eals R. Pittobcfgh. Pe. Storage Warehouse. cornet. •• ztr! Penn onr",-, 001,11 RIDDLE, No. 1%31.i Army' St, • r‘t14,0,t , . lit ‘, , Leon. Lod ee:e Case,' P r 1". mod o. ed...0c•4 "Li, A. 71 1., 7,• rail , . su:l %. LIGGETT /h. 1 0-, Lily Flour .• • .. r aai,. •o. It, I ~rty r. ito ••• • Irv,' .1.: 1.! ap.l tg.,57 [OHM 41101 %F. / 4 : CO, Viholegale tr , , :,ra, • rug - 4,4 r poirr. DALZELI. & CO., Whole lon an 4 Mrr attll dealt-, In Yntauee arAPltt•burgb Mau uLacturra. LlC,rty sirovq. Pitc..rgb. VI ARLES L. CALIIWELL, (Sue. e. r /Le e..., to Jat-Irro Hoimm ( Pon Parkes end earner of r.% end roes nrrn• I•lnero:Sr. 1,11 Vi r Agri ' & WILSON, Wholesale Uraee lewirnea 31,re - se:, .4 dealer. 14 rre4rtre ead kl:ennaree Alenutntern, 2,1 - 4. 19 Lae erre street. rittAbttrs C. et I-AMULET JOHN AEIHTOE AL. C. WALLACE lANDEKT, & CO., .4.eWboLrene (erocere .4 Pr... Dealers 5: 4 1 Fietb &trete. Pletebureb. I RAJAH DICKEY & CO., SIF hotewi le Grocerm, CensFllealan anai 4..“..n t0 Product. No. F 3 W.F. litte•S and Froct Pittsburgh. - - leyksll.L sorra> - - -- - L 'WWII' H. VOIGEFT & to., (So .- • J. to G. Graf . I Prxtue• Ind Conaml".100 nee chant, IC Lib,. k f 4.... Plttobtarg b. , 11Q.E11111[Ell & (Soccetsors to -la- tomer 4 indertom,) Wholesale Drolertin rrelte. Ns:M.44d &Net" Conitetlatitry, Areitcrrts. le" Not-12.amA 11r0,4 lit2eatt. &Nora rlttaboret. Jr2sly TWSID D. EDGERTON L iat. Cirot.• and Coessalall. lleret.mb . Wood .t.rtxt. Ptlatprib P. MEDICAL. HCMJPIMIEVII HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFIC'S. Bee. yroeed, freed the most saapteetytellatee an en tire access, eltapte, - 111Sclent sad ratable. They are the only mediaeca perfectly adapted to popular rat tstaple that alstakes cannot be made to ustaa hem; to Carole. as to be tree from denser, .4 M ea:lamas to be always I surm TrEERS. CongsblQC.,72l rim Hon I "7:ono 41 , er, Colic .. tar (MLR, or Taattilog of (ant. 4 " DIARRHEA of 04 1 4 re. or &tha 7 • • DERENTEILY. Unp t. lug wad .21 iv ; cb -"3 111,1 4- • ' NEURAL:DIA, Talobbaolio, rare rache . , ... EIE.SUCH.R., 111cli Ilawdasho RDA A, Swum.. , II ' PPRYWIED. omit) and painful 2 LKl l ftll2 IKEA, or White 5........, Id CROUP boar, rough . . M 14 ` BALT RHEUM, Ery.ipelas, 2.• up. Mil all sr...marls pajn; 11 • FEVRE 42.1.4 AIsUE. 4.12111. and 11 • PILEn, Internal or ex ieroao 41 it • • WM HALM Y, nom, loOnmod rice CO •. C &cote or obroskl, 11164- tn. 50 1(!x)1'114 .gami Afiwg, . I 4111,1 , ( it Irupaira hew 1 rt.CI cn,nrrra :4 41. N 41 1 ,11 'WI 411 0%, . DI. , 1 lir I ...a, rorcrecloor. 3 01' 1 MICK or sli from KID% 1 litoi rerer GC u • 4!_R% ~i rr 1 , 11111 IrY seml44l r rr i rr l r, uitcn tan dlsehorts. AC I WiRF Hist 11 or C iouer. 5,it1.551:Y E. br 1 \ 111 I , 141 , L0i with Kt.l r l ERINI.i t isii,ge off.lfr na F.1"11 2.1 , 1 .p.n.gr.a 01 liu.• Dan -31 Dirt 1,1 rto Oro", 1 tare throat fat I,ISSILT I: JAL. ( !wan( M•tala morocco...wood Imo. Com -910 00 1,..c or 42 larpe in moron. and Imo. 0 in Nat of 111 large nil, 41.,1, anJ Look 1a (Nat of 10 boxes (No. I lu 15 and book 1 tio A. TORRE'. l'E, Wholeirale Agentorltiaourgh, Pa. For tale try E WI% E 14.24 gtultbdeld .rtrr CO. A. 11.1 , 1111 ik 51 ari.oi etre. i corn.. of the Lilamood . I ',Al T •mNc ET•l V ,Vr "l o "r 7 ‘ .l Diamond and ' 41 orioil id roil rittstrre , grh 1/f brlk.Vlll4ll.-...- Dr. at rackLusd'a Ttil9ll . a carocco- . - mated ipropandjop of Mom and 'lotto , Withanti. ttrl selde ri CArroloatfve —l4\ „2 „ sln ogthen Um stomach and nervous system. It IS am , - 01"17.5AP4 'igra::! 9 'l O Wry Lon. OE Appetite, Aeldity Of the titumae, c ) Elatulsocy And Gobili7. /I, ib"*(. .0 PIN/ particularly Matti/ for weak, hereon. and dy.peptlc pet srm.. For Nato by'll drag gtt ei r ib . oat t ,,,,. 0013.tyd STRICKLAND'6 Dlelllttnoda BALdA/11 lo , . warranted to be the only are 1. - 11U oarotlne known to dare V i g ' 4l, l 4 ^ 7 F oTitl, F! (meanie Cough.. to m, Uronehlttoand Croup. 1".... Sethi prepared from iloney sad Herbs. U Is healing. son- ORE' ening and repeetoratlog, and • • pert leularly imitable ear oil affections of the Throat and Lung. For sale et Drugglots everywhere. .1 Cu., 13:17d WitUl.o•l.lt AUILPT STILICKLANDII •itlEti• EDY b CURED thou. F t , BLINDof the worst case. .1 BLIND AND DLECDIARI I CTRL . P 11.1". It pI•e• Imroodlato .; roller and Rt. • ',rms. neat roller. and Try It dlroctly. II Is warranted to corr. For node by all DrOdAtats. at ,PI,LES. 50 coot. per bottle. A O ort2:lyd R'ttultnals t.UKTY It EAlttf I'KACTRE ' NEXUAL lIINICANEA Ultra at • knowledge orklum ammireil by Pima. clatu. My Mug MOlL:nee In thln city, and the mum n of patients treAted moually by nu, are match-at proof of my one... NPERNIATOILItIICEA. or &must Wraknraa,•au ill Ala.. n. , orlo tHereErutu. are eared in a much ohoher time than beretolorr.byitn NEW VEAMiI , A BLE nr.mEuce.s. Muilleinen nt a t to any part l the /IMOD. All letter• taunt contain • stomp to pal 11 , : n- d • t ri ar, "n rIFI I IVITEIFIrgVt17.17_ ' ,1kr n' irt . J. W. ARAN:NT/IUP. ii t . n f)." ' ist3lT lioa I:o.•Plttaburirt.. Pa. DISEASES. • OITICA.7AN Prs2l nTitAZT. ne ar luljdtowtolGor • priv.ta ;rota two to four tra y.. Dy an entirely owe ape : ay e treatment, - Ahethlicteinal Weaknena, an , l another &stases of MD Fenian! urge*. apd their prevention Cure warranted or Money refoOdid. 015ee hoary—T to le A. It. 1M to i antrian lira v, dttlxv.2 lettua W., ISIN rum. irtrech Dort FOR SALE--FOR RENT. ' BANKS AND BANKERS. Von g Far= or 44 i r r i,E I.,rche.s.. altna. ' r•: .• to. .In d I :r.g.T.r ...owe ing, and Ira,. n Penns. Th• . 111CRTII \ ITIONAL n ly, b• 1.1 gr,ther DU( • • and trvo.... of tn. farm .Aderlald ,I t and /Wu-none wt U. S. Govorilinent Depository • „ •"„. or , No. 1 04 , 1 :4a It, 1.1,,n.,nx., Lola snta:; rtr. I So 2 sohorl, ! 46 MARKET kiTREET, • d r ; rr-mar td . • barn la the , onaty: • • g• . t acre, clean I: rvmainder e '}Teo v•—, • ed. e land vv meadow • cl.rh L crops of ha). It i. •e ,, re '" •,orea. to. V. • eh. •c, -,n ter:n... a a.•er. u tte ! NV• .t " . '"""li , Town.h.p. WI arta rounty. The lathroverneuta err n totntortable. tv,-st.ory ri ..fln e. floor, a ith rt)..m., ah. , re (^I h gr.od ,to. rrivt v)aso 1. , v0 re. ha, ~,, • • L+ , ]nerd • tt a-, In I .11 pv.tr , 1,13,....tret•. • I ilia property will per 5, ) , P• Ina, a }um f . snou :Watt,. ayawn, the shore. Th• ImProvvistent are ,arre t - vo '1 Lolt and a large frame 'nu, 175 acre., tivar, and under a g - ,,d .t•te cuitivatlon, .” , tar , .:: a oia' t , -.tort r•••,, • it4' 4 l,) ovtle lint-rate Stock I. arm, or ), nes.-...d separtely, Ate, Pam of 1:0 arm, •Itnaled It-v.t Wheat-. ' l. ' 4 M'h , P. ra. The Imp," a- Manta are a IsVae Yam* llonve lth r Ith a goad a2)....d all around: 10 atty. Clint,f. teoentent log .1 elllnr, Apo., arvhardt vvry ~,I tvenletil to chair vehool, nor th, of the yurtha4e choney w 1•1 De taken to well lo t,at• :and loa At. o, ?arm nt ,V) serer In Y . :q.t.. 01 town , tlp, shahs, %)notty. /hv land in of the beot tilty ! i , tv ' n ' f. tll o )n:g r _t t l h l7l7 '- ,:3.,!:Vp . 1. - orAvion given on the 1., ela• of IN,. NI,. it,, Dr ni farnt la Vol rant^ , • n-Alo, oat vottnty. containing 2Tscr,v, attoul 6 LIUlt. Louth of the Railroad. TheLIDUIVI e tDru:s lart,t hewed log blase.: one of the larger) an.) bet, frame t•yrnt the to wn•alp; two apple. °reliant.. She whole farm wader togi. ilLate of cultivation. The fencing la all No. I. Tn* lat. , : 1. of the very p, •t linteltonet shout VP !serer et-areal, the h l'ualo..-ton lbw first day of April. 1•...4. 'This peopertT v ill be dat a great barttalet. The owner w lane* euga.ge tL.rbovines.. A 4. • run:a or IV: acres, •I tulle In .11ersalleaa town-hip. All,ght ny .WantfromTL, sre a Log Um a '04,4 barn, et rooms nr-nord art, and Paz?. I wit: .ell ink valuable cry and on ...ay arms. t., iu, tlao t particular.. Inquire Jr tg. tl. /uIS Eit, fical Le , nt. - _ o. 161 Vourth tr- el. I'IIC (PEST COAL LANUS IN AL -1.Y4.11KN1. COUNTY.- -WM creapr , ttrs 'us Otherland of 14ke geallt•, isr re.onro re. an.l rynalell.nne. from the rtt.,. un.ltrl elth the:oo,: coal. Thor. &roil, • 01 Itir• n, tole, eee shltaole fur • flo. ia I. 1,. the other building .purp,te. I tr of two fame. el Isere, • .W 0 vtab:e.. frttt 00,0.01. ee • er•e.a . • • ou. i. hi the ere • t .,w` an L. tested. n •. tug opeu TI r pinee. "rhe :an! trill ne ti leo•ted over IL< r.tt.buzgia aul 'teuneo. we ` e.n. roa. , t`e ferule I•tng ei . •_". the to.n of Sian an n the VI PI:, 4 tulle. J in... fr. • y. ..14. , 114. L. un MEN. Sloe! eel !teal 4..tste Broker 11k.111. Hun, fourth street. FOR HALE- , -A Farm of about :IS ....fr., ' , ltal+ In Y.l Le•torth toretAhlp. rghtwvy outl, ,ty. Pa- lOW.. W. tir 401 Na_( Cram hbr rth of lr bolt ..1:• of the sforwnes h.l, elver and Lb.. &Sate from the If...ogrilogq , ny. Tt, Itaprovrfurate arr. hr.:, ott•gr withe roans,. and la go.tl , r ell of rrlf.rr st the ••,nrnl. 1.0 -tory Honor. ve 110 mr tor, •pt tg, .•31rf, thlr, r , lth two a !flue osok 4r.rta. , r , th Nert 1.1•00114,..54.4 eras, carriage hour. •..1 other out butl‘Gogs- for tract le all 0.1,1.1,1 with worthl, of No. I 11... 'tone. Tbta ctrtfkrrn of Iltnr•tor, Is .orth alTtlagt In :asked for na• pkyperty. For for r particular*. inqulrn of 0. TUVVEK, II , OI Ego. Agent. Nu. 1. Four th otrert. lef..lf cOR SALE-.A Farm, contabafim &tont SO s, altos. In Jollerson towtahlp, Allegbm) coun ty, Pt.. on the Mtn...lngot - eta dyer. one milt fro.. the Rortntati of Weal Elfcabeth. Unprv•etoenta Are a vac story Mick 800. with sit noon.. Frame Ilona, t•eo stork, with eta flons and 1[1: , ), XI cot, ribs, angon sheds and other b:V.t%is " . '" A a t ' sV, °' pe i Zfrw.elit bast .111 be wort., at e . ea reduced vi '' . •. d recur. coe ell M.., Got Aran on oh. og.net• rlver. 11. TWlFiat., Re.: E... S. at. No. 1.1 Your! I•Ir tf 1. OH BALE. _ _ I=l T.l-4 , 4.1 at To.l- .r sat n. a. t lLcc .1 t o Yclln~ , a.lrsnoct:p. .• • Pl. StA { ••rm " ,f • q.,1 I mad k rI ),,is . ,Agt.eat the L.. ail.l W .1 • H ILL I' ILI ro FOR 111211 T, TWO LA nox Roolo.47lFitt FLOOR. .1%., V Fourth fantod.. rotobarigh., onstorste for IL/2 Oe.e. dant. RoorlAg Moatll,. R0t...4 or F,Sreolonal A:LAMAR MOM. Corner of Third and Ikfartrt Ntroes4;%llmo,mentt of . .rd 'Third 'trent, Sec,. J Ilooroa- tn. No. ',taro .t-.et. Expatra of ). IfalanTrft, im a CO FOR RENT, I=ll l!E=I I= rJ , -.sea kl YASIT.FI k . Z . fg . . 1),/ 14. Grkk, rtree, ONI4 $124q00 1..1r06 SALE.— doe+iltkit &hoot. Is 50 feet wide t" ,IL feet l '"" acte.. VOl S AL "l i ' L ` ;% l ,tp a .l74.7r,:t ' ,V ' AtL 'b 7 J rtre... It took. • 'r Xes ' I =lllftl j ratlitra;:r:a '" 1 ""tr , boLltlltt W._ Mate • tower/ good dwallag-turaves. tor 'Warrgtto olart, apply to S. CUT LIEXPLT tio.N p ., LL Beret. (*.O LW Limy mopkir/1 FOR E. the Otomboavato 1.1.:411Mo4. "ova talre from tbi city. LONTAINI2:69I4/111UNDRKD AND EDII/.711 MIA ACRES, [item a0..1 W•trr flooring ..1 Ovo uta otbe fOr further toforoottion 4 to 'saLualt tbe CALtudroa,) Gram "[Meg . Po. I)WELLIJIG El/I'lE} T YOB sAl.g.—That lorry had troll 1.1- 1 -t.i.dttsreo story Itrlat Dwelling' Ma Wylie abort t 16141 rum. ftolshed 1p ;modem style. rootainlog 12 rooms, Islichodt, rands, bath room. hot and cold wrik tertatd ft/ =clog/sow the bolldlog. Mob op* or 'he most dmlrablo voperllra foit doclll.4K or boat. prom's. nolo carved for tole. Portals. April 01. Terms ma...table. Apply to ja.l9;tt ii. kIcLAIN A CO., KC TO4tltl itrt,t• 4.7 4zotrriri — cowslips yircorEtiTv r9E.l;ii-e.-Ildsty reef front by :40 drip le in with large Dwelling Don... wetlannt 6 g l `a 116, d In toed order, wide halt, two lam. parlors, dining room. kitchen and II or II chamber.; gas usd wan, (Turfs, Person• w tatting to parchaeebeant ttul e•ldencr. In of locallota ate tn•lt•d to ir! , .. ,- tctr tbis desanbir property. let L EONS. 61 elsrket von SAILE - 160acresoltirot-rate L laud, .Ittaa4d lu Texu county, tr.rt N... located In Mtn, mod ..lwrted with great earl , roe a blend. WEIL toll the whole far 417. A p. A Let, that neat ( 4 00ntr,v Sas , . three Urrs. fall of coa Ice troll. fl . wwl bons, naval. ; 3 ;ulna from the. 011. 1. 11101.4,1 N Jr.3l I cal 17.nd.. 8r0.., Itt2 ourth otrwrt. 1011 SAI-1;-The Conieota, .2 , lure.. gaol Good WIII or . Grocery !flare so. do , leg a good bocinewe and socol location. Thc abate eau Ite pa et:ha,ett upon II•cral terms If Bp. pled rat yoau, a.owncr t• anout tra•trat the plat, a ppl) at tar Real !..late and Inauraucc an• nee Or (t. V. 1.1. k I t:tt, lamA.tfer nr.e. lawrrnocrltle - - _ I. Ull NALE--144 act•e4 of Coal, • .[taste In smith tow ushlp, Wa•hlngton county, trn near the In, of the Sts r.lw orlllr Itallrovi. s' Mule ay Stollen. shoat 11 talle• horn th• oil c Fur rt her particular. n , roolre of G. U. it Rum P-1•t• Agent, No. lot Fourth rtreet. lo Wll- .1 AM . A stPli uu thr rit 0 STOOI SHUCK u swELLIING • iloChE Ti tit 14.t1...E, of hall, two parlors, ditting Ille.bea..two good relit.... portit, Farr roost. .tond duo?. bath room Ned !Satoh...tattle: oiler aut.. In atria Tann., X feet front In deep. iting on two • treats. Term, one-Mb d cash, re.. o.einder 10 one, two. th.rue and boor years. Fur Ir. sad lucst NMPIVII. * ,40141.. ma,u., .1. jolt . _ _ . 84,600 `WILL PCI/CHASE THAT VESIIItAtiI.Z COUNTRY MEAT, alto oted 15 winele.. from Ferry Landing. The boore is large Ind neatly finished. with an cob:m -.1.e •leu of the riser and railroad. tub I sores of ground, arranged with garden fro; fruit in _great obit Wisner. will watered-m.lllu neighborhood: startle sad carriage buss.. •pp . _ri t, ort to Jain 31•1.A1N A . crt. FOB . 4117 E — i_ntilp...l.4 acre s of Land, sito•to to Reutt tOwnaillp, Allegheny Co., pa., on lite Washington road, about flee wilco horn the Oily. Tbe. improtentents no a Frac.. Hor t ., ith !roost/. and hall, haute liable, spring basso.. good Orchard or applr . mesh, pear and pi UM Lto.o. Tht. property la very desirable for country reol drnee. Yor trirther Infornancloo enquire of 0. H. TCHTEI,I., JORlllial Real Create Ageot, let FonyThsg. ---- SEAT FOlll SALE- About three screw or rich Cerontad. la • choice lo st 0 nkland. with uthortitthgVhf.4.3:Seleict- Trra%c l }ll,7:o/1. rooms, Stahin U itid •Phsioti: hal ti poll SO the properly. Apply to N. 1112 TAN, Wolter In Stoets end Reel ta le, )anth7.roarth whet. Ittaldltif. DON'TPAY RENT, but call and puft••••••e*T eheep lot to the vlllageot Wheat avhloatoe, bond yourvelf • boobs, become d land lord. •••eyour money, •t/ larval In those Iv Velma ble lots which am aUtlvoigaed to sell on very esay le,roes. Tut harther_pal Uvular. etty_ohe of 0. E. nllllElt, Heal Estate Agent, Ja4l;lf No. 141 Yount] veet. give STORY DWELLING FOR BA I.E.—A toadory Frame Bowe, *Mt back 11 BA contng Ore tome and front basement, ••t• ltooerts strict, booth of Centre Arena. Lot foto , PAL Apply to li• tl. BRYAN, Broker In dtoeks and Beal Ertate, la•A 41 Fourth street. lliarka•• • COAL LAND FOR SALE, on thr Monongahela Inter, In the third pool. near the loon of Webster. In Weatroorelarol tottantr, a Bonet ematatulng shoat C acre*. Ear partleutars. apply to FL It. BRYAN, Broker In Meeks and Heal Eau., Al li foorth street. •rkr•• ___ • . _ F,tui WILE PURCHASE a On , P, on • Bonk nod Allenp opert ntreeyt. altnot e For term. the •pply unme at t. It Urn! Latato and insurnote °Moe of 3. BATES, "Otter •trog, Lew, noertlie S3,onnIIVILL PLIIG/lASEajood Brick Dwelling. elluare on Alain al- La Wrettre • We. For tern., apply at the Real Eats[. and I tlnarlare UM. of O. d. LIATEd, Isla Butler street , Latertneettlle. _ • „ .• • 1:08 SALE, with immediate iict - • two tr.ory Frame HousO, altnate;in the Dian on Mount Wastanouu. Fur forthrr quirr.i te, H. TOWED, Ho. Hi! Fourth htirret. STOCK MIOKERS, s s. Di oker in Stocks •aiuxue AND REAL EI:MA:T., Fol (liorlte.s bey. and .eU. o . co .. o t o , Bank. Vailw•t . , , Ifu . i:ze i r.. ;ll l4 a troi n n : tltaaa,'lllonagby taleirrapn ' alln{W h lgt noG ARK Meth 110aniii. i , •ittFri, - ,,x-r.;.1.2., ME 7 0-10 Notes, •••' rr . .... pur• ,c.t/red I, ",„.: n.ll. KING I. SI. iii. TI/, IN. J. Nmr, II 511 ET„JuiIN F. , Ittikaiv!y t .1. )1. HIIII4PATRIOR. iIIOV T.ONNE.LI.Y, UT! F:l2 C aValer• B ANKING novas. N, HOMES & SONS 13.1%rL35-01`S, 10.57 31.11IKET STREET, Pittsburg, D. pot h= r,,,113,41 In Par Pt arl•and Ctirr•aeY. intade on Nil the principal point.. ut the 1;n11,1 cit..tba ut,t Canltla, STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. al ,00.13 paid co the purtit..e an/ .aw. UNTIED STITES SECURITIES, INCLUDING I n tie d Do. ‘l ,- ) fr-DX. to. ND. n( 10-0, Do. Elnvcri-Thlrtles; Do. Cort.lllcAtr• of In Iclonnotarn, (Miens led Vaunter* only-ht 1:.11:17 )OLIAD. SATnitis 11.&N9., No. 59 TIAGITG STRERT. citAircuirm IA torss. . open daily Ikon, vorfl o; clock. also on Wednesday and Satorday eleenletits. from May tat to November In. t 0... 7 .te f o'clock, and fro. ltioyelator LS to in. from •to S o'clock. Dp./all. en...teed of all on. of not len than One Itodat. sad a .bidet d of Clle prod. declared twice It June and 1./neon:run Iriterest tea beeo declared semi-senuatty In Jute and December nom the Bank ono orgatalood, at Ma rude of az per cud. 717terect. 1.1 ant drum out. la paced ko.that credit of ti• depositor as princtpal, not bears the BA,. Ins [ere., from the trot days of Jtate• add December, compounding' Onto a yells eltbOnt troubling' the de posal, to cell. or 14Ten (*lore/Ann kis peas book. At thli fate nano-, wilt double Lair.; than twelve yea.-t. llooka coat/dole" the Charter, By- L If a. Rule. sad fteroation, feralseed rkatis, on applleatkoo at the liggilMEliS=l -...-- .. 51,.1i.,21 J. A544r....., A.M. re.loele L. .he O. Eleakattet, 1 Robert Robb. ft. , el. L. Febriertock, Jobe H. Sberenbarier Jame, Heranesca, Junes ebldle, Jame. HcA ale., I elexasater Ipeer, 1.... X. termact. i ChriAtlaz najt C. ~ C.11•1A Adam, John C. Btrutary. ic`tl7.l:4•Allr';,, G....rxe Black. (it X P. ahAli* Magdgt. 3111 B7lk. Atonro . r.eri•• James R. Lk, M. Chad A. Coao, Johnli. litoraddea., Wm. Deafen., Jahn Or. John Evans. John J. 6 , lllerple. VrT 7 r. C . h Atri re . Wtillam N. Ilavon.. Ales ande , g . T1.e.41e. Town 11. Hunthr, William nakirk. Illehardltlrne Isaac Whltr: T j l7 * rhot i? na . ' MI AISLES A. COLTON. lis.. ILL - Tl.lll JIB. B. D. SITELI6. la.Ttni.t..! 1 HE PEOPLES' NATIONAL TUNIC, Of X2.l.ttailbouLx-Nlx.. tr I•+1, IV • rt; Pr.. I IL,. I or .. .. . 1. )A L LAJIL\ 1: It i3ICZ 21...51) I . 01) wyt7Errs. • "Itlv u.ne, orgaal red nei., valor. . [: flar.:!vz an. lr uoar prvroaraJ to lranaart boaloro- t , It. Ila-klag nom., comer of Wood and aim .tree:.[ lr•teraleive caJe on at obarevlble polo" oo reb t favorable laroay. *pedal for JAY ta.v.,/ii: for Me mac of the U. S. SEVEN•THIRTY TREASURY NOTES 19A31IILIL 1121, In. Went ♦. M. BOIMON Cashier. MS=I rre. THE EXCIUNGE NATIONAL Bin Of .T.lttelortargla.. C1u 0... t .... 11 .4 red by: e t:tuf t Penua's..... • UM. C.P 41 . 41 . ..... • • • • 111.046,0**. Ibis Eroal /sae bee• dtekweAted • rIeI,COSIACbr3r Or THE 63iIMU sTATE3. THEM - VET. and e,pr , l Wel agelat Cot att . Sale of the 7-30 Loan. erEll be oterrell is teessters or partle• peLechsalia, fee re-nale. D. M. biL'ICSAY. Caches. JAMES T. EiIIATIT & CO.; (erttzsrone To e..roN . Re a oo..) 73 ors di iEbritali.oris, tor- TOVILTII AND WCPOD eTe., lEt nrrastracort. PA. Bo Cr4'fflerrs qapga„ EN TS •~ CALF BOOTS. A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S WEAR OF EVERY DEACITIFTION LADIES' POLISH BOOTS. .A. 12 depot msoortment of Baknorals, Gaiters, Over-Shoes, MISSES ' BAIMOR.ALS, I= Calf, Grain, Morocco, and Kid BOOTS & SHOES Boys Boots and Ba!morals. Calf, hip and Grain Leather Sari. td, Nllard and l'eggcd, 131101:8, (1 or G 0.14 at 1. M'CLELLANDI AUCTION EMPORIUM 5 and 57 Fifth Street 1=1:13 A;LTEII TAKE% G Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorais, POLISH BOOTS AND DIMS. Marked Down in Price To thslco tx . r t nj u oL I.= . o . oettl i No; tho Utah a . - 33. 1341001=1.3E2MarEl, I= J A. ROBINSON & 1LF6:19 UREAT CLEARANCE SALE or BOOTS & SHOES, WILL °UN:KENOS. ON reEtaacweLow3r. tholdettala. AND CONTINUA TWO WEEKO. Their entire .cock SA been matted derre.ralre •111 be eold at grettly minced prioel, to sitalc ems their Odes hh.h. Remember the Number, 61 Market Street, . . ar . t ib. D to Dter'. Dry Cloall Store , BO 4 AND SHOES AT COST! AT COST!! at on woct.orna mu-430t. lam mow oltmlug out my entire nook of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmoral % Poftsh Boots, AT 00 a , T. twat room tot Spring Stork, Groat OcTlttabo cloy be expected. W. K. IdeCLIWIIICy R redeoll atrwnt. Allerb.my 1 lOLEDIAV GIFTS. THE HUET ENEIML. HOST DIITtAFR.F.. Pore nettled than aortlllng Heep your Yet rd'd "d ' l ,Llr.""°.han s BHDT AND OunE sToRr- CO, Mar Let Et. and the Hiautoud. PULAhargt, fon LADIES',- GENTS', mums , AND OHILDWEItiti Boots, Shoea and At ODYLK . A. corner Fifth sad Wytta itztAta. terrrlces I, ...a ererrbody. INSURANCE! -- - r: • . -•- • , • , ~-.4. - ORY: 11. --3,4 4, 0 4.....„ , .. ......i i. .. I TNAII'ILE YOUII LIFE IN TILE ' 1565 • ' 1 " 4 7, 11 ''' . ,• A Tril.i.-N )41.i . 411.1 HURTER 011 i, LIFE INSCRANCE CO., ',;',`,,`,-`; ,'",.."'. cr-.1 • • 2 ". 27 ,7 Tifirj" 1,1 n::;LY,( • : ', \MAT, "4"....XIII:1373:11111MI .12 •• n. rt: I', fr., 1.-a.w,,,1. 6.201, carter -4 W. 1.4 1, • f ..il ../ i - 1i ' 1 7 :44 - ' 1=:-; VliTi; ,7 4 ; fie al 1%1. A. 1 4. '.. ..“.“. .1 .L. st.: 7 18,ietbule. 10:211 •,. :... .. I. 1$ • liArritnurg.• 1A) IN ; ....t • .::,er York'. vls ADM . :". Mr. of Hartford. Conn ZUF-UNLY C,11!• INII. I III , th.,. •• , .n •••••• 1 , 11 11., VI. , . • :1f..., • .••.. ;11. ood 1.1 1 111.. ' l, UNT..IIII lu r q I •.:• 1.., r•••• ~•••41 r Dot 11brn• it• wad • • thl• Cornprtm, I be poljelee of 11.1• ..• ...ca..° Of con-p0y.a...., • . to . ,e,r. No payr.u.rn• .1 • ".• CO.St.I/11.1e g0,.1:hr.• 17,X! 1' .Pr.. -, N. w. 11. 111, rneb 0010 titr Wrolgor.. • ..11r 34 2. _ Wood street, ittlautigh- AF.L. ranted throuth.“; V: E. ern C. MEM .. . . offer 1.11.1n ell AnTiat PERPETUAII FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. P.IIII.ADELPI(I A..el• on Jan. I, • • 52.1157,519 9. r,ed lz•ret , drrez.lume. ' .... 9.7 ‘• ' Cz.kttled ' Li/Pvt.:M. Incotar Loa., Pald •Invo:V3. reryluKl sea It ruporv-y tnr-L1.T011,. f 1,., ti. Ratrtrr. • t..v 1.. Wnirner, I Edw.,'d. I•ardtsel timer.. r Ja.cd.i. IL. flirt IN, AUrra I..varge W. Richard., j CHARLES N. B.lti , tiElt .P. EDWARD C. DALE, VI, a t. J,15.. w 31CALLLITY.R.,!, , tc'y prn ••=. • - .1.1111/NE INSCRANCE CO. OF NORTH Eit= IT= Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, E=l2 • SW - Proter:4.ain 4C,T t :a the 1.4 re.1.1..r ....tAL,/.114 7111 GI Water -tree[. Sup sstalr, .)- MB I RGF I: RANCE OF ALIA t/er. NP.. r. 11C14", Prerldra r. /TERM: - Hers-e CAPT. GP.ORGY. HE} LD s General Ant, ()Mr., IC Water street, tipang 'a Ware Fin,* my 'Salta, Plttancrgh. aria Mellen agalrat all kind,. of Etre and atartne 81.9998. A boom Inetiiiittna mattered by Dtrace, .Ito are a - ell known to the oommudity. and lend are determined by promptneen and Linerstier. to main • tats the character whieh they have aseanad. at cr. tering the but protection td tho-e arm, de...L.-a lec neared. LILLS Alex. Nine-rt. , Andrew .Leatei. P.. 1111 tor, Jr. David M. Lang. leant. MeAntrx, Rea, J Th.ancts, Aleaander tr.prer, a4a.e. J. Cart,C . VW , UJrro.s , Jr E. ~lrC van, C. . Alcketeun. Jazwee P. 11itt lx) - J7 NC M. P. at h naw.tri. awcret,rr, ITLZIF—NS , 111911.31_ _ Ck. COMP.(. T OF PITISIti'I2I../I.—Vdtcr, !Lariat and ater events, Nwrond .10 BAIiA Lk: V. r:,...1.•n6. V. RISEP ARP, t4cre . re. Sa...nst.u.L. and Ca--nro,A. In .r.rt. agalnnt 1. , : • n.• , .,11.1.,•. Dr t'.at 4outnena and Wcotern I Say.,n.. -.n4 th., U. tfation of 1.1, +ea,. 4ga/Pot lo.,• and Cam.. nor. Wan. Baga:ey. SNlncel J.. Prk, Jr.. W. 0, Joh.ton. a. Jones.,l aa ftivadon. klaretay Presto:, ika,rice Bingham Proper t+ INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. X. E. COAXER WOOD .% D Ftyrri .. , . IFra. rhally, , laps. Jr‘k.k L Monde. John Watt.. 1 9a=u.l V. eitrlver, JO.l, K. Parke, , kkart, Arbuckle, ( .p u. Jel. Ittll:pr, ' Jnlra F Illrkparri , A N , ns. V. Kirk. ' ' , mar .... BLesral. J.`+ W ca D. Fernx , ,, C. Hall.= Lae, M. FITILLLPS, Plyaldrrit J 4 ,11,4 WATT. ' lea ent....14,5t W. T. GA.P.13NT.11.. Se ,. :.cetarT. , lalltl7 Capt. 6.. TH I,OIIDON, Gen . ' AC. A - A LLEGIIENrPCSURANCE CO. or nrrisrfau.-vase , 1; , ..r. lrtrth stictt Da.,..clllagalr..t ki of ift• mud Marine Mae: ISAAC /ONE& Prs 1011.141 D. McCORD, Vice? 8.140111- M..1304)11. Secrearr. intr.CZONdi liste.. Jones., Els4e u . " tlfd, , , C' 0 Jolatlrwth., B. L. Itatmentof....t. BOEING TOOLS AMES =I IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, For. EIA,a MUSH ALII No. 130 {food street, Pitt...buret, Pa. T.oc4( ws.-ranted mule e( tr.every Der. 51.11.10 IV MOOR IRON. `fell borer. tarnished at • Mac:el:west ilDesetlx W . t. cud , artifice 4te afo atcV ,,,, T :4) N:1'4:) , P? nag 1 . ' , me ,' HAmcasn - rS Mtkrp..-4 1 SAWS,____ 5 . 9..1.11 .41,1 , 12, IM ks ES,. HAMM-M Mfri...C.Ttlpm, . SIIOVELS, PLANIN, ' AI ' L% , LEGVELS, NAILS. !" I rr....LiilllEß _ .._... - 11 GUY ISRiLTINtt,. All of whlch LOANe const.ta.t.. nor. ocz :ant pETROLIA MACHME WOIIRS R. S. X..IO4ZrECIr, SP.Ohlo Street, Allegheny IMPROVED BONIN° TOOLS, AND ITSITIGE tTSED LIS SIN OIL AND SALT WELLS. I assithalar att.:4ll4n Invited to tds Patantetthit pro. cmcnta In Jan and Johns, made or Jpatatta, L. n., and. Low Moor Iron, In standard ',slam ant m tocrstf, so that parts can be ordered by mall so telacray,b, and foood a perfect It at all times. • %% e afro furnish ropes. bciting, antail tools. t. who may wish Engine. and ma,hlne orl toads to orders. th‘lcrs by matt promtly atteadattio I ow pt . ...nand to grant Ilennota to other =mutant. tut,. tor theft. Imunst=cats mu liberal tarmac Elea Alleshcny P.v. dett,ftn,t. It. 11. LPClii. ;HATES! /313-BTEES I 2,600 PLEBS OF Ladles, Gents and Childrells 133iC.8T331119, In Every Variety, for Sale Low . r•atoutwernii*K7s : 1 : NICK, PARLOR AU HEATING STOYEig a nad ZIMP. sato ..I.lrsfitz.l4„rt ..-.§.,,, th ,„ ... VSITS, CRATE FRONTS, Oc. .' knob vael Wariboare. corner or &Toad sari Wola - ttninia, Flitabarili. "%area na *nand arrr, fr. L 2.1 a. e. irtrr.wevAeorrr airnTorsreak 1 COOILINGI fiTOYES Xs. Int Matter street, near Mal. "' - Wnaloasie wad Keratt- rrisi:ozmi 33€5az-ra.' eeknand f..1:11 wool) aTE . r.r. THE CHEAPEST PEACE TO B O Matti mid ateighs, STEEKL WORSE; PITTBBIJRGH STEEL~WOUI{p Ammesoar, coon d, CO., OrOCEMEGOES TO JONES, 110 TD d CO..> Mancifteterterlief the beet relined Cast Sten, Square lint epel Ottakoe. prm.ll elsell,e‘avr Matti, Hoe. Fie and Blest Vast Ilteel, Cut Steel Or HEWING AND NOWISG SIT= PLOW WINGS SPRINGS, ALLEN CIIICULSIS. Se. Cart wad Centeno Plough and Spring Steel oars—CX•rner of rirn and gas. streets, t.o bieet• ober. dre kfmmouralutalue. "V.:Ay BLACK DIAMOND EVIIMECL*I7CIXLIMEA, PITTEIDITEGII. Pa PARK, BROTHER zo Co., kaattrltottirtri or .11tIrr 1 213 . 4.127 rEPTSID CAST !Int izift n•• • 7r..±. Warnuit et ttiVIS to say baportc.tiu, 01161/1.41 trigriltioe X tie IXsAll 04.11114111.1,U44.4 MBEE FRINKLIII MEI= W. T.. .70N1::. Si. tiler Jthr.....nr.. Jotheo \I. G 007,... • 1 O. llorb•o,lo. J. C•l4well. Jr., Joto.S. Dilwoth. W. A. llto.iir*ro. d. 1011 .I.;ia D. McCord, Capt. 111=1 Jacob:, Bi 11..Steri.1.n_g, WR. °opal, LL.McGremr, Dort SKATES TiitiPtEI i BCTLI.W.II AND itACHINPri LUKO-P. kr,. attended to I ! I.r =I , , . I==ZM • • 1 • 1- A. M.l fle , Imas4 • • - Nos zst:.; tr4tte MIAs Z'r; rita- - r.. PANT t.I.s.R-Loa. I'lett.4areg „ae. ..rx.y at r,ucti..a.: rartt J~a•,4 :lags e. Hatti rture,r 1tg.13 r. 11.: So - 4 t guarme.o. SHIA trot Near Turk., eta, al rl ' •Ntlogitot.. g.. 9 \ -- pgro, ../..tto tr. , lag-tazo orroorea. , - 1 - 01VN A Cl_ 9NL , 10 OAT Itrul (tattem , ls)el st i:1.5 - r. regular flatlet! Lope,. Um 144,0 t awl t'mietaaelog. arid coudott4 . iiialr7UlV:torsoc col , 1 1 11ytnat?nclas/witaask unr.aer, II7:10 sa.....tplgtaigptatlnetutlarataltala, - • 10 • Pltt.Nurgb sad and lasting UN* n, Lon with tras ointhe , lmilanaliranuti. Weft \ nit It-atuad. .kibcaaburg..t CLesson AIWA. Ilollltayaltrarg -- bragel. t .r. V tot, Aroonrc,4o.atiotiVeaLa.fat , XV.2.lL'a .att7 13u.r.lara) at a. as. 4-contl Train .or Wairs tatl.ll • (cscrpt Suudaysyst 10115 a. re-an A cconr..odatica. Na. (,—Leavea daily A. C. a F. /A. Ft—M-14 . Groniz PARKIN, TVA, t Usltt IFttatlox, Pltiburgt, A. Q. Cial..s.LLY,:rlckat Y. 4.tleghtay COW 13.141t8E. GerloruLTlctet. &cst. I)ITTBRVRIU, A L kt nUS AND CINGIN -1 Ail It.AILIIUdD. . • THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE C To CO 1. U31131G14, ( I NCINNA'k I, Lour." vrr.- INDLIN.4JrOLIS, % Err. wul A " .1 r 4 k - T MONDAY, NOVENZEII 20th. Trelns will Lease awl aniva al goo lIN/Oliprx. •• I.Lc. ...... " 1 ". Mw .3roo r. r ovaviiie ienrt0.......t . C...0010 • " WV, • Gent 71q..ebv& Ticket Asciti. lon 1.• TAP. • •• Foill lVlLG rg itA rZ -" LLs ju rcROIONIt WintereArrangamdA" ' Oa rad attArr ' ' • • • •-. IffoairtAir, tkrionszt .30th..'013 1 65. ?rta trataa leala the Drpos,gosia!,es,c'Efusi :Watcr etrecta. r ft.l/ aWa: unit/ g ; .'xixenorvg Pten, 24-.4 [rep 7:ll twar: COI 1 . .6 S:rprraat. - 21 . 10 ar. girt litentrfrell. iloeflea.«..l3:o:o, xi.- -Ytrrt lencoad Gab r, 14 liraddock.• •' Z,,,5:110 ' Servo 6:41 r. rtrrch Tratu to and - SCAM LOU rFfi, IM=I . PALLET tt.A.5=0.1.11.. CILILSOS • Or now ant titer - IituNDAT, - . =b."' Plinettget ; ir.t..kwalsc"rs - ..".,. - ed to ran tualltnotatt • !DILL nta.Ul-I,tittres Pittsburgh! &slim L. L. ! arrtrltt,p li.ltt••• , .”g st 0:13 Jr..aa.:: Leaver 11.11taa-F ttt 1:10 P. as..4..a.Pricps at Plt•attraatt al P, arriptur at Plittattattb at. 1.1:00 11. • Pltteaturitt at 4:10 P. 0.. anlyttrat bllt4sir . U 7 .• . - tae A CCX/11310DATION re..A.ll4—Leavca Sada. Wook4 . at i:9•. anialtap at Plttsbargh Paw i t ia t . Pittiburch at 1:40 P. at.,,Privinti at - mirwta• P.O. . , fl W.U.lGHT,..Serperititeodeat. FOUNDRIES,. A FORT PTPT FOinmw t. • • • • CHARLES LAP NEPAIWC .. • mazZrlf , rt -- ax. ',a to. • HEAVTORDNANCE, • • . AND ALL MEW 01 lIEAVY EASTINEIL aurottorkireld ROLLING .241L.L'IrVOE8 131.A! , f MACHIN ~ .EIV! sad RETOETE. . ELPAIES attetafted.Zo in'oropg As — bcrt.tofort, h• beat mat al. It 4 uscd at :his Fnoodry. Atteottou 01 culled toour NEW PLY WEE= 'PATTI:fat and torroa.sed faclitt leA for Ittlat ups: nom. Oyft2r x. Ifacitrso,f.. pI7TSBERG.II JrOIENDILL A. GARRISON & CO, Bwee,escrs tta 3.!:amr% Foram AND .11ACHUIST81 Manufsetarers of ChlUed Boners of in,fare!. tb_l: reme t"l n of Z n - ,..tlnera of WI cleserfptlona, tiatt 11.1.1* o n •u in Double Grinder. with • TATItCy oro th erpator ,t.twil.h.,pio bat: hot fitted to order iron hotles sasdlavorabl tern w 11.9 dale rittotro.retc. " A. BRAD= Parlor and Heating Nome. Crate!, FrOZO, Fenders, &e „,,, of ir-u0uvrW123101.711312", co. 201 Libre.7 Street. ra.binv. tcA eon: INSIi Machine Works and Foundry ~„ XX. Vliri62ataxi.aam4 OEM D. 112=201‘..-. lELN 11.1EIRDON CO., tLAi. JO STOVE MANUFACTURERS AND • 'SON X •M0117 14 4173:122 ELS, • • tm WEN r.00=3. taltattr ' . CrAllt p4oox's. N • El ~-trth • Irrivtas. man sn CLIIL